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Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 19Q1 to ®ach hnnk in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. *County Seats. In No. 11F. R. D. E £1 Paso H Houston •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State t Priv tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %DU. ©Bar. Dept President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Vice-President. Abbott.................303 First State Bank______ }|'lj T. J. Files................. 1120 88-1568 Hill G19 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loana Bondi Cam* ft KxPaid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel <mA«flBs,Dn and and and Liabili Capital Profits its Diaoounta SieuritiiB laneous rmoM Sam ties $ J. E. Young______ 20,000 $ $ 6,600 $ 135,000 67,710 $ 28,000 S (Formerly Guaranty State Ba nk) Abernathy____ 310 First State Bank Hale BIO ♦ *8-908 _'00 S. R. Merrill______ L. A. Harral______ N. C. Hix_________ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK •• 88-iis ®<’02 GEO. L. PAXTON........ j. W.J. M. BEHRENS-_ RADFORD _ OWEN SHELTON,V.P w.(Tswengon,p.p. Agua Duice.__ 100 First State Bank H Nueces P17 *100 88-1865 150.000 190,000 kfcJpHu Ova. Fpley S. J. Nunnally 100,000 40.000 1,500,000 1,000,000 R. Peters Vernon Carr 100,000 12,870 1,038,360 635,800 200.000 159,200 2.144.730 $ 200,000 58,680 4,121,490 © W. R. Keeble____ B. L. Ellis 25,890 Drov. N., Kan. C„- 1st N„ Lubbock. 650,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas; City N„ Galv. 263,430 151,300 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. N., Dallas. 48,720 M05.660 280.380 $ 115.550 751,070 Hmn. N., N. fwUii/iiy ill Dallas. 109,470 12,158,730 494,690 (Closed January 3. 1927) §’19 Phillip Wellhausen Will Phillips_____ B. S. Stockard____ 25,000 2,000 75.350 Olive T. Stites___ 25,000 16,000 300t000 E. B. Hedrick____ Jennie Sherrod___ M. M. Hedrick, Sec. 15,000 500 40,000 30,290 25,000 1,070 Ollle E. Clarke.... J. A. Clarke 80,000 29,600 W. L. Hatcher____ Miss Gertrude Medford Alamo_________ 500 First State Bank_____ etS'20 Jos. G. Cox.............. F. E. Knapp______ A. H. Cox............... H Hidalgo Q4 *176-6% 88-1918 G. L. Jones, 38,760 130 25,290 Guaranty State Bank..<§’06 0. M. McCullough. *125 88-905 Alba_____ ____ 1352 Alba National Bank_____ t’08 F. N. Hopkins____ L. B. Cranford ___ D. S. Armstrong... R. D. Patterson... Wood D21 88-410 “ 44 First State Bank T. F. Jones_______ *160-10% 88-411 a Albany.............1469 Shackelford E14 “ _____ “ Albany National Bank ®<'01 Jno. F. Sedwick... C. B. Snyder. 88-620 S. Webb, Ch. of Bd. W. H. Green G. E. Waters, V.P. ____ W (1. Wehh G. C. King, A. C. First National Bank___ <’83 J. B. Matthews___ A.W. Reynolds-__ *150-12% 88-619 Aledo. 517 Citizens Bank________ <f06 J. J. Sears ____ Parker E18 88-906 Alexander 5iq Alexander State Bank Erath F16 38,940 Alamo N., San Antonio; Corpus Christi N.. Corpus Christi. 111,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Gty. Bd. State, San An tonio: Merch. N., Brownsville. 9,500 42,000 200 119,080 20,000 145,870 21,500 7,000 109,580 23,500 98,850 1,700 20,550 653,910 20,500 469,510 147.680 19,450 147,370 N. He. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Ex. N., Tulsa. 75,000 60,270 1,245,550 69,950 767,630 244.340 21,980 416,820 Chem. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Oem., St L.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; City N.. Dallas. 5,000 20,000 100,000 113,560 1,403,870 12.000 30,000 Guaranty State, Amarillo: Dallas. Alma.....................250 Alma State Bank_______ t*’10 B. B, Munsey_____ P. D. Williams ___ .T_ Tl_ T.pp Ellis F19 88-909 .. . a Alpine —.........93i First National Bank..®<’04 H.L. Kokernot___ G. W. Baines_____ E Brewster J6 *175-10% 88-467 State National Bank ....<’23 B. F. Berkeley____ Geo. C. Miller____ H. W. Ferguson... G. B. Crawford.__ 88-468 35,010 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 38,050 2d N., Hou.; No. Tex. N., Dallas. 6,680 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 4,900 1,042,650 7.400 33,030 539.250 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Alamo N.. San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N. and N. Bk. Com.,Hou. 202.550 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; San Antonio N., San Antonio. 50,000 16,510 417,200 1,550 206.050 33,370 43,280 25,000 18.410 114,730 4,930 135.330 7.000 5,840 14,900 Rep. N., Dallas. 10,000 3,070 58.130 9.200 14,540 Rep. N., Dallas; State N., Corsicana; 1st N., Ennis. 75,000 65,130 275.500 73,380 347,740 78,870 10,190 52.210 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Frost N., San Antonio; State N., El Paso. 30,000 41,560 236,230 15,000 224,020 17.100 3,250 78,410 Chase N.. N. Y.; City N., San Antonio Union N., Hou. 47.450 ...................................................... . AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. Tex. N., (Closed November 15, 1926) ‘Alice_________1880 Alice State Bk. & Tr. Co. P. A. Presnall____ Wm. Adams____ H Jim Wells P17 *200-10% 38-391 T<§’15 H. H. Presnall, Felix Hobbs V P •• Security State Baak...»tf’24 Philip Welhausen.’ *100 88-392 M. C. Driscoll Allen.....................360 First National Bank___ <’06 S. P. Bush................ J. N. Bush. Collin D19 *125-10% 88-908 M. Whisenant —----- Ft. Worth If., Ft. oa* L«i Am* jbXi ii»i 94,700 1,741,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Dal.; Lib. Cent. Tr., St. L.; Ft. W. N.. Ft. Worth. Ch. of Bd. Alanreed Gray D5 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st State. Hillsboro: Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Hou. N., Hou. J. A. LITTLETON —- 1 W TIIRNFR HOMER SCOTT Collectic Q UICK RETURNS. TRY US. Pleate tend 15e wit A each tight draft far presentation and We for Credit Reperte. Far.andMerch. Nat. Bank Henry James.__ «70-io% 88-112 <’89 E. S. Hughes, Ch. Addison nn Addison State Bank Dallas D19 10.500 A. B. Reid AAbliene.__ 10,456 Abilene State Bank._©»t§'22 A. E. Pool................ I. L. Guffey............... G. W. McCarty.... Taylor E14 15% 88-116 J.G. Higginbotham, B. Miller Eugene Curry,A.C. V. P “ _ " Central State Bank-_®<|'24 C. T. Hutchison ... J. V. Howerton ... W. H. Free *100 88-115 *176-10% 25,000 Principal Correspondents. hanoled^by THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , TEXa's 1292 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and county. ^County Seats. No. 11F. Red. Dist. E ElPaso H Houston Alto 1(181 H Cherokee G23 •< Altotra Collin D19 o.Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. © Sav. Dept. President, Vice-Prebident. Asb’t Cashier, Cashier, H. H. Berryman... W. H. Martin_____ Continental State Bank»+§'09 G. Rounsaville..__ 88-703 (Closed November 3. 1926) 200 28,000 $ 1,500 $ 6,000 $ 93.000 Rep. N.i Dallas; Hou. N„ Hou. 25,000 $ 16,000 262.000 % 8.050 116.000 Union N., Hon.: Cont. Bk. A Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; Rep. N„ Dallas. 167,000 8,050 70,000 25.000 24.000 53.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; City N„ Dallas. 140,000 29,500 62,250 175,000 Han, N„ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 45,000 200,000 Christine Leech .. 40.000 28.500 529,510 425.580 49,350 25,230 M. M. Dodson____ C. A. Jensen_____ 25,000 3.520 66.500 74,000 1.060 1.140 50,000 50.000 200,000 200,000 60,000 First National Bank ..©$’20 L. E. Piliers------- W. G. Barksdale .. W. G. Barksdale.. Cleo Barksdale.... lioo 88-1989 25.000 1,500 75.000 60,000 CHAS. A. FISH* C. M. HUMPHRYS JOHN WHEATLEYActive AVERY TURHER . get service on Col lections by send! Si. CE: Plain eight d raft*. /5c; TRY 100.000 55.620 3.120,750 1,381.810 173,580 1,720.970 1st N., N.Y. and Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St.. ; Mtle. N.. Dallas. 100,000 196.160 10239930 5,549,270 1.360,400 209.240 3,418,190 N. City, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 1.593,000 136,000 110,000 1,313.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mtle. N., Dallas. 50.920 1,964,240 Han. N., N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.: Inter State N., Kan. C.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. Amarillo National Bank 88-95 •• $ 104.690 75,000 •* •• _____ $ 25,000 145.000 W, R. Steele 18,720 City N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou. 40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. Dallas. 18.000 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. & AMARILLO ITEMS AND COLLECTIONS. »t'92 ’NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE PROMPT ATTENTION AND REMITTANCES. C. H. Keeney___ C. P. Longan____ R. C. Long ®»t’05 T C. W. Carson, Jr., V. P. E DURHAM........... J. E. DENHAM, Act.. J. T. GLOVER........... H. V. KNUPP______ C. B. REEDER Send us youir collections 125,000 27.000 3.000,000 300.000 57,390 4,319,340 615,970 2,802,170 475,360 150,000 15.000 2.500.000 250.000 1,400,000 250.000 Prompt Service—Quick Returns. COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. - 300,000 900,000 Ham. N., N. Y.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St L.; Ex. N., Tulsa; 1st N., Ft. Worth. \ 1 ___ Rsy Whflitl0yt !ZV, Chas. Ware, Sec... Amarillo Clearing House___ W. H. Foqua_____ B T Ware H. E. Fuqua, Mgr. J. L. Smith (Member* indicated by a ♦) \ m hers t 1900 First National Bank...»t’24 James Duffy............ Rogers Willett.— O. A. Duffy _______ 10% 88-2092 Lamb B9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 97,860 Hou. N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. W. M. Flanery SEND US YOUR ♦First National Bank.©<’89 W. H. Fuqua_____ Ford Brandenburg J.S.Chestnutt.V.-P. C. J. E. Lowndes 88-94 88-96 18.250 B.T. WARE-----------C.T. HARE------------- -S. 1. VAUGHAN------ A. N. WARE----------N. j. FARWELL R. 6. WARE E. G. LACY B.T.BAKER American State Bank©»t§’16 J. H. Paul.............. F. M. Butler___ 88-100 S110 ..... Wm. Covington.__ Wm. Covington___ * Amarillo... 17,780 *AMARILL0 BANK & TRUST (RAY WHEATLEY Potter D3 COMPANY 88-97 ®T*«’06 ] Save time and (.FEE IN ADVAN «• $ Principal Correspondents. 2.500 Alvord...____ 1376 Alvord National Bank_.-J’09 io% 88-643 Wise C17 •« Loans Bonds Cabs k ExMiscel CXABTQM, and and 1)111 Discounts Securities laneous non Baku 25,000 Alvin 1K1Q Alvin fltatn Bank il'08 W. L. Browning... 88-572 H Brazoria L22 « <• First National Bank in Alvin 88-2083 '24 •• Resources. Liabilities. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital Profits its ties J. C. Erwin 88-704 (Formerly Guaranty Stale Bk.) Alvarado. 1284 Citizens State Bank__ »H'2o Brooks Thompson- VV. B. Norman____ G. W. Bingham.__ C. Y. Shultz J. S. Hallman 88-664 Johnson E18 .. .. Firit National Bank____ *'87 B. M. Sansom ___ B. G. Prestridge .. E. L. Shelton_____ J. N. Mallicote.... H. E. Shultz 88-663 M Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued ■■■■ 25,000 10.900 136.000 97,620 wM ■■ 24,500 ■■ 49,770 1st N.. Amarillo and Lubbock; Am. Ex. 1293 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority ol The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. No. 11F. Res. Dist. EElPaso H Houston ‘Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bea. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Bale %D1t. ® Bar. Dept. President. Geo. Herder, Jr.— Ammannsville 217 Ammannsville State Bank 88-1682tl’14 (Lagrange, P. O.) 5165-6% H Fayette K19 lAnahuac____513 Security State Bank.._»t§’25 B. G. Riviere......... 88-912 H Chambers L24 lioo a Anderson___ 613 First National Bank.__*104 J. H. Kennard-----$140-8% 88-913 H Grimes J21 ‘Andrews____ 315 Andrews State Bank—.‘tllO J. 8. Means______ $200 88-914 E Andrews F8 V ICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Cam * XxSurplus Other Miscel cmAMoU'Dtn Dbpooand and Liabili Discounts AND ITfl Securities laneous r&OM B ajtu ties | Profits 15,000 $ 5,860 $ 33,020 $ $ 15,000; $ 52,730 11.810 S 4,340 Principal Correspondents. State, Weimar. 17.500 2,810 103,580 7.100 40,860 13.880 22,590 50,000 17,460 123,980 10.000 157,320 9,900 12,300 53,6601 Ian. N., N. Y.; City N., Beaumont N., Hou. 22,000 J. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., 10,000 570 42,840 1.520 33,580 — 8,830 12.510 Tex. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Midland. 25,000 11.000 433.250 10,590 223,440 56,180 17,460 182.750 1st N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. D. B. Jamison____ J. G. Jackson____ J. B. Jackson — ;>5,oon 29,360 389,540 233.150 78,380 12,040 J. C. Barger........... H. C. Giles ............ C. B. Barger........ Dow Rattan 35,000 13,900 130,000 35,360 87.920 82,950 37,890 120,320 Han. N.. N. Y.; 2d N. and 1st N., Hon.; City N., Galv. 6,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Collin Co. N.. McKinney; Dallas N., Dallas; Com’l N., Sherman. J. W. Mann______ M. W. Giddens.__ 30,000 9,350 63,650 5.500 69,820 1,050 25 100 8ft 25ft 740 89,050 21,760 405,520 15,000 346,950 2.400 28,070 624.950 36.020 375.850 20.000 34.700 390 J. M. Johnson------ F. C. Mull.... E. W. Hooker....... 1043 Angleton State Bank—•JS'lO T. L. Smith............ E. L. Boston........... E. L. Boston.. 88-644 H Brazoria M22 Mrs. T. J. Bennett aAngle ton. W. C. Hackler___ C. B. Brown-------- B. L. Jones---------- A. A. Dunmody, Jr. C.G. Rowell J. H. Warren------- K. H. Anderson__ J. H. Fry_____ R.C. White______ G. L. Davidson — 50,000 50,000 110,000 10 000 2 800 70,420 63,920 6 34ft 74,790 69,290 4,270 101,230 R. R. Robb______ W. L. Hutson------- Mae Curry........ P. F. Rayford....... V. F. Dupree. Jr.. Mrs. Y. F. Dupree L. J. Usher_____ L. T. Ayres_____ O.H. Johnson----- W. C. Sparks......... H. H. Johnston___ Elma S. Johnston. C. R. Coner............ P. J. Hays____ 20 000 25,000 25.000 John Hays............. C. E. Graham------- Jno. P. Fleming__ Leona Shelton___ Terrell Abercromb ie 10 000 M. D. Fnllingim__ H. O. Wheeler— A. J. Beavers------- C. B. Berry______ J. M. Houston___ F. A. Capps ........... Thos. Spruance.. 6,060 7,840 32,750 65,070 160 19,000 8,500 6,500 4,420 112,650 8.960 98.490 6,930 15.030 1,000 160,000 140,000 05n nnn 400,000 35 000 sis non 225,000 10,000 85,000 2,500 10,000 City N., Wichita Falls. 126,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Wichita Falls; Mtle. N., Dallas. 15,000 40.000 15,000 226,000 475,000 26,770 City N.. Dallas; Red River N., Clarksville; Texarkana N., Texarkana. 28,650 Texarkana N.. TexarKana; Am. N., Paris; Red River N.. Clarksville. 114,870 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Abilene and Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas. 390,910 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft.Worth: N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 12,840 1st N„ Hou.; Com’l Guaranty State. Na cogdoches; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Austin. 16,510 Union N., Hou.; 1st N„ Groveton.; U.S.N., Galv. __ 27.520 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San An tonio; State N., Hou. 30.560 Alamo N., San Antonio; City N., Corpus Christi. . . „ „ 25,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Secur. N.. Wichita Falls. 36,300 55,700|Rep. N., Dallas; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 55,700 395,000 60,000 85,000 57,900 38,230 7.220 19,740 12.290 200.000 1,500 Mech. N.. Ft. Worth. 28,870 Tex. N., Ft. Worth; Hou. N., Hou.; Citiz. N., Tyler; Dallas N., Dallas. 14.670 Chase N., N. Y.; Groos N.. N. Bk. of Com. and Guaranty Bond State, San Antonio. 20,000 12,480 91.690 8,050 17.500 5.140 86.950 20,230 83.120 25.000 40.000 200,000 15.000 180,000 20,000 50,000 30,690 312,000 6,250 190,000 60,550 38,000 100,000 40.000 653.230 50.000 490,160 86,360 44,800 50,000 111.710 522.910 278,110 227,530 3,400 175.580 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and Dallas N„ Dallas; 1st N„ Hou. 50,000 84,680 651,320 298.500 232,800 9,300 25,onn 12,470 183.100 V. A. Clements — 50,000 87.050 423,940 D. K. Lyles------- 50,000 7,000 150,000 274,900 Com’l N. and 1st N., Shreveport; City N., Dallas: Texarkana N., Texarkana. 125,630 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; State N., Texarkana, Ark.: Texarkana N., Texarkana. 76,490 Rep.N., Dallas: Texarkana N.andState N., Texarkana Com’l N., Shreveport. 56,000 L. M. Knisley — W. A. Springer.— J. C. La Rue-------- remittance, or credit reports. T. J. Swint______ H. A. King______ R. C. Hardy.. — H. F. O’Neal T. A. Howe—........ R. E. Florence___ W. D. Manning— E. W. King.______ R. P. Dunklin— J. R. Phillips_____ J. E. Bonar-----T. L. Phillips 10,850 13,390 133,000 15,000 Ella V. Day....... L. S. Sartain____ J. R. Smith_____ J. T. Franklin....... C. H. Risley____ 50.000 % 160,000 ____ H. A. Power_____ G. B. Purcell____ S. B. Pierson___ Roy Riddel......... . ‘Aspermon t... 436 First National Bank. -•t'01 D. R. Couch.. 88-923 Stonewall D13 20% I. P. La Rue-----B. Sigler____ Athens National Bank_*t'01 J. T. La Rue-------‘Athens_____ 3176 I. P. La Rue 88-386 Henderson F21 $225-10% fT.F. MURCHISON W.A. HAWN......... A. S. FORD-------M.R0YALL FIRST NATIONA^ BARK *t 90 ) Collections rece J. Ive special attent ion and prompt $150-10% (.Please send 15c in advance for sig ht drafts and 25c f Guaranty Bond State Bank T. B. Wofford----- T. P. Faulk--------- John W. McDavid 88-387 *t§’10 S. M. Cain, V. P. V. 1. Stir man Atlanta_____ 1469 Atlanta National Bank___‘05 L. F. Allday. $235-10% 88-519 Cass D24 Farmers State Bank___,tf’13 C. W.McClung.— $115-10% 88-1554 First National Bank_____’93 T. R. Richey--------$200-10% 88-518 Aubrey______ 819 Security State Bank ....t§’13 W. P. Ratchford.. $ioo 88-924 Denton C19 Paid-op Capital $ John Lidiak_____ A. P. Parma....... T. P. Buffington— Gary Thomas. G. B. Kennard R. M. Means......... H. O. Barnes— Brazoria County State Bank B. M. Jamison-----•tFos 10% 68-446 »tl'08 Anna. _____538 First National Bank ....©'13 R. C. Moore........... $145-10% 88-1632 Collin C19 Annona_____ 775 First National Bank........t’04 J. M. Stiles---------88-916 Red River C23 Russell Exchange Bank»tt'16 E. K. Russell------88-1740 ‘Anson_____ 1425 Anson State Bank —•t§'87 E. W. Harrell....... ♦ 88-461 Jones E13 First National Bank—**’02 J. J. Steele........... $300-25% 88-460 Appleby_____ 350 Appleby State Bank___t§’19 Thos. E. Baker.— 88-1838 H Nacogdoches G23 $110-10% Apple Springs.312 First State Bank----------t§’17 L. P. Atmar---------88-1789 H Trinity H23 $150-5% Aquilla State Bank___»t5’05 C. S. Morgan------An nil la______ & $ioo 88-917 Hill G18 Aransas Pass.1569 First National Bank___ »t’12 W. H. Young------$145-8% 88-1482 H San Patricio P19 First State Bank_____ •tl’l* W. E. Tedford .— $75 88-918 ‘Archer City ..689 Peoples Exchange Banktt'20 W. L. Andrews.... 88-2065 Archer C16 Power Banking Co____ tt’05 F. M. Power--------$250 88-2075 Power State Bank....... •tl’09 W. M. Coleman— $200-10% 88-919 Argyle_______ 268 Argyle State Bank_____gl'N W. J. Hamilton 88-920 Denton D18 Arlington .... 3031 Farmers National Bank»t'21 H. S. McNatt------$100 88-2018 Tarrant E18 First State Bank____ •{|’15 Frank McKnight— 1120-8% 88-1708 Arp__________369 Arp 8tate Bank.............. till W. H. Fredericks. $160-10% 88-921 Smith F22 Asherton____ 1550 Asherton State Bank---- till R. W. Taylor......... $105 88-922 DimmitE23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued 29,500 22.159 72,800 51,950 "" 366.260 156,850 13,350 150.000 1.000 ____„ 1 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth. 110,390 Han. N.. N. Y.; 2d N., Hou.; Dallas N. and City N., Dallas. 221,900 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and Dallas N., Dallas. LULU AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , Vedas’ 19Q4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eacil bank ln U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AMD COUNTY •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State f Priv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. EElPaso.HHonston. $ Last Bale % D1t. ©8»t. Dept. ‘Austin____ 37,717 THE Travis J17 ‘AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 11% 83-18 ®T*r9o Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital Ass’t Cashier. its Profits ties Resources. Bonds M IBCEL- °‘“ * ■*and and Discounts Securities LANBOUS Loans R.C. ROBERDEAB- l.hM,der- l. d. WILLIAMS- h. jpf D. H. HART. Jr. H. A. WROE. Hon. V.P. Ch. of Bd. E.R. L. WROE _ $ 300,MQ S 537.260 $5436620 $ 318.500 $3 668520 $ 996.360 $ 199.660 „$1727 840 Collections and Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention to all Inquiries. T. H. DAVIS C. M. BARTHOLOMEW ORBITT United States Depository. Strongest Directory of any Bank here. Personal attention given Collections and all matters entrusted te ue. Speoial Collection Rates te Banks and Merchants. 754.660 6.997.930 320.020 3.969.930 1.696.400 125.000 30.000 2.500,000 1 000.000 200,000 268.770 2,194,200 119,590 980,490 1,370.430 L. W. Carroll.......... 200,000 55.430 1.650.650 660,710 567,680 ♦University Bank______tt’22 M. C. Parrish_____ W. A. Dyer. 88-2059 W. A. Dyer_____ E. D. Junkin, Jr... 15,000 110,000 47,000 Austin Clearing House______ W. H. Folts______ Guy Collett. (Member* indicated by a*) D. H. Hart, Jr. Sec. and Mgr. ©T*t’90 ‘CITIZENS STATE BANK 88-19 126.440 2.579.840 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’IN., Chi.; 1st N.,St. L.; So. Tex. Cem’l N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. TRY US. rA. W. WILKERSON. ELDRED McKINNON- ELDRED McKINNOH- LE8 KORN- - - - - - - - - I A State Bank o 0. T. 16 . peratlng under S tate Banking Law i Collections and Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied b I FEE IN ADVAN CEi Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit B eports, 50c, •IS'06 .Special attentlo a given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Security Trust Co. .__l*t§’20 F. W. Sternenberg D. C. Reed_______ E. P. Cravens, Clarence McCul $275-16% 88-22 T. J. Butler V.P. and Cash. lough State National Bank_______ (Closed November 15 , 1926) ♦Texas Bank & Trust Co. S. Sparks________ Albert Taylor____ H. A. Turner____ 88-21 ®T*I5’22 A. C. Bull $125-8% 500,000 1,000.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.; Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 93.850 337,790 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Am. N. and Austin N., Austin. 762.950 734,680 501.470 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Hou. N. Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas. 28,000 5,000 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Austwell............ 213 H Refugio 019 Avalon_______ 300 (Italy P.O.) Ellis F19 Avery................1540 Red River C23 Chase N., Gty. Tr. Co., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 111. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L : Marine Bk. & Trust Co. and Canai Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. Lwr 300.000 88-17 Principal Correspondents. SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMERT. WM.I.F.LTS - ^^RW*|irF^.BAITMLOMEW. ‘AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK 1388-1#% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EX AS—Continued H.C.BURT&CO. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 815 Congress Ave. SPECIALIZING IN TEXAS MUNICIPALS ACTIVE MARKET MAINTAINED FOB ALL TEXAS ISSUES 25,000 Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Branch Offices: Dallas Houston Chicago New York Austwell State Bank_______ (Closed November 2 9. 1926) First State'18 O. W. Bingham.__ J. D. Martin______ P. A. Keplinger... $275-25% 88-1539 4 15,000 $ 29.460 $ 85,710 $ 106,620 $ Avery State Bank____•tj’14 W. F. Burden____ P. J. Medford____ W. S. Lawson____ O. C. Lawson.......... ♦ 88-925 25,000 15,000 75,000 140,000 First National Bank._.«t'12 Joe M. McCarver.. B. H. Williams.... W. G. Brvan_____ W. H. Murphy .... 40,000 10,500 125.000 130.000 ■■■■ $ ■ 5,000 $ 2,750 $ 15,800 Rep. N., Dallas; Citiz.N., Waxahachie. 25,000 Texarkana N., Texarkana; 1st N., Paris. 21,500 24.000 14,970 Texarkana N., Texarkana; Red River N., Clarksville. HI AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. Austin, Texas S^evsr Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1295 Town and County. *Oounty Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso fi Houst. •Mem.A.B.A.WNew § State fPri?. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %D1y. ®Sav. Dept Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loana Bonds Miscel Cash & Ex Other Paid-up Surplus D epos Liabili and and changes,Dui and Capital Profits its Discount! Securities laneous from Banks ties 12,060 S 156,350 $ First State Bank______ »J§’09 A. V. Simpson____ D. R. Coulter_____ R. Y. Salmon_____ R. F. Salmon_____ $ E. C. Henderson *175-10% 88-926 15,000 S First National Bank------ 1'14 T. D. Wilson 88-869 C. H. Moore______ V. D. Jones______ 27,500 5.900 52,510 L. B. Tefteller___ C. W. Fanning.__ 25,000 3,000 100,000 iBalrd . _1f)02 First National Bank__ »t’84 Tom Windham___ Henry James_____ W. S. Hinds_____ Ace Hickman Callahan F14 *165-10% 88-491 50.000 37,080 913,210 E. B. Driskill_____ 50,000 6,220 460,820 A. R. Murchison .. 40,000 17,230 321,323 100,000 47,500 100,000 Cass D23 Red River C22 Fannin C20 9,850 $ 76,490 S 10,910 1 12,300 1 9,700 67,980 11,000 10,520 81,000 10,000 Principal correspondents. 93.570 N. Park, N.Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N.. Shreveport. 6,101 1st N., Paris. 40,500 Cont, N„ Ft. Worth. 88-929 545,010 60,330 14,300 404.890 Han. N., N. Y.; City N„ Dallas. 356,080 11,130 21,340 127,990 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 30,970 261,880 1,990 82,800 553.000 1.800 452.500 21,000 51.500 162,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; 2d N., Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas. 61,730 587,470 32,400 437,730 34.000 26.000 283,870 N. City, N.Y.; City N„ Dallas; So. Tex Com'l N., Hou. 20,000 11,030 81,130 7,500 80,640 25,000 600 85,200 5,000 92,500 800 8,500 20,000 12,810 154,260 30,000 176,470 3,210 10,760 26,620 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Citiz. State Austin. JJ’flfi W. P. Eads.—____ E. D. Sheffield........ L. G. Porter............ J. M. Boler............. 25.000 20,300 221,310 1,230 120,770 48,030 99,040 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; City N., Dallas; Citiz. N.and 1st N., Brownwood. Bardweli_____400 First National Bank.__ •t’14 J. W. Tolleson.__ N. W. Worthy____ D. W. Ramsay........ Mrs. Pauline Fat*100-10% 88-932 ureau Ellis E19 i 40,000 5,000 170,000 20,000 139,720 20,000 5.710 63,530 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Citiz N.,Waxahachie and Ennis. Barnhart..........400 First. State Bank Irion Hll 88-1945 25.000 7.630 237.450 122,970 8,370 5.020 103,710 N. Park, N.Y.: San Angelo N., San Angelo; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 7,250 119,000 115.000 5,300 46,900 Han. N.. N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N„ Hou.; State N., Corsicana. .. C. E. Nichols_____ O. P. Jenson______ 40,000 6,610 129,030 103,090 8,010 4,480 60,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L. P. M. Cox................ 100,000 39,900 290.570 70.000 273.740 73,600 15,680 137,450 N.Park. N.Y.; 1st N., Hou.; North Texas N., Dallas. W. W. Walton____ E. T. Jones............. E. E. Lawhon____ First National Bank.._*£1900 C. C. Bailey *225-10% 88-464 W. R. Janke, V. P. R. B. Ramsey 100,000 62,880 403,640 83.950 326,810 80.660 34.900 208,090 Chase N., N. Y.: City N., Dallas; 1st N.. Waco; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. First State Bank___®»t5'22 E. L. Finley______ P. 6. Hatchett .... H. W. Ross. V. P. T. E. Powell *150-10% 88-492 ^Ballinger ....2767 Ballinger State Bank.. »tl'05 E. D. Walker_____ C. P. Shepherd.__ S. Baker Runnels 613 ♦ 88-259 .4 4. FARMERS & MERCH. STATE G.G. ODOM............... J. J. CURRIE_______ J. L. CHASTAIN_____ E. SOMMER............... FRED KIECHLE, BANK-—88-260..........•»’09 Active •• “ FIRST RATIONAL BARK-»t 86 rj. Y. *185-12% 88-2a8 } PEARCE . D. M. BARER R.L ERWIN . Balmorhea__..250 Toyah Valley State BanktS’ll C. M. Honauer ___ A. W. Wigley____ C. C. Boyd S. Mayer *150-10% 88-1378 E Reeves H6 ^Bandera 423 *ioo Bandera L15 “ ------- “ F. M. Montague ... E. Buck t§'20 W. M. Noelke____ 6. W. Newberry.. E. B. Baggett, Jr... Rehekah Baggett.. .... t§’0fl P. D. Williams.__ W. T. Woodruff... J. E. Varnell.......... L. Cl. Heaton S. B. Hodkin *Barstow_____490 Citizens State Bank.__ t§’07 Edward Miller.__ John Miller F. I. Dyer E Ward 67 88-934 Bartlett __ 1731 Bartlett National Bank..t’04 T. B. Benson. *150-10% 88-465 Bell 118 r L_ A. Meadows______ First State Bank............•t§’10 J. W. Short_______ H. E. R&mbie____ I. E. Adamietz____ Miss M. Dugos ___ $165 88-930 Barry________ 500 First State Bank *150-10% 88-871 Navarro F19 44 T,. T,. Wilson 88-1830 Bangs 70!) First State Bank *175-10% 88-931 Brown 615 44 WMF"- NK ‘ 1^ BALLING ER.” “LARGEST BA 1 Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. (.SEND US YOU R BUSINESS. ... W. E. Cox J. M. Allen AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 27,240 14,910 62.820 Mtle.N., Dallas; Hou. N., Hou. 24,100 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ft. Worth, N„ Ft. Worth. 14.000 Lockwood N., San Antonio. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN TEXAS 1296 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.llFed.Res.Dist. M. Fed. Be*. T-Trust Powers. E El Paso H Houston $ Last Sale %D1t. ®Sav. Dept a Bastrop.____1828 Citizens State Bank.__ •tl’09 88-496 H Bastrop K18 1225-10% PRESIDENT. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Paul D. Page____ J. L. Wilbarger.__ H. J. Kesselus___ C. W. Eskew. H. B. Combs Liabilities. Paid-up JUBPLU8 DbposAND Capital Profits $ First National Bank___•t'89 W. A. McCord____ W. B. Ransome___ Chester Erhard__ H. G. Griesenbeck * Bay City____ 3454 H Matagorde M21 88-495 BAY CITY BANK & TR. CO. 88-292 •tl'07 HY.RUGELEY-— A. J. HARTY.......... P. R. HAIIILL........ L. B. LUDER 88-1750 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Other Liabili ties Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel and and Discounts Securities laneous Principal Correspondents. Cash it ExWANOBI'DdK raoM Bakes 20,440 3 128.840 Ban. N„ N.T.; 2d N„ Hou.; Am. N„ Austin; 30,000 40,940 249.790 160,350 3 11,100 50,000 42,000 250.000 185,000 6,000 65,000 10,210 560,410 357,300 4,060 44,690 50,000 8.000 450,000 258.710 56,120 90,810 89.470 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 2d N., Hou.; U. S. 100,000 77,030 864,390 24,700 693,420 138,280 32.140 202,290 Sean. N., N. Y.; Union N. and 1st N. 4,430 131.310 8.000 113,190 20,000 14,590 Mtle N., Dallas. 151,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. S. J. Styles______ Geo. R. Burke........ Charles Whaley... G. E. Serrill George Herder.... E. L. McDonald.__ F. A. Bates.......... James Castle ton J. C.Lewis, Active Hugh Echols, Jr... R. E. Pitts____ STROECK---- A B. R. NORVELL---- S. W. PIPKIN .... C. E. STEDMAN „ C. H. STR0ECK ‘CITY NATIONAL l ! “ W. L. PONDROM, inal attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Tim BANK remitted for on day of payment. Active SEND US YOUB BEAUMONT ITEMS DIRECT, First and Oldest Established Bank. 506.950 5.143.570 15,050 3.277,410 524.250 172,240 1.941.670 Chase N. and N. Bk. Com.,N.Y.; Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 250.000 116.830 2.441.290 9.550 1,822,090 363.080 102.200 400.000 451.900 8.600.890 W. Elray Howard. ♦Texas National Bank®T*t'07 Frank Alvey.......... C. E. Walden .......... S. J. Jamison_____ H. Neel........... R. S. McClamroch. Morriss Mills, A.C. L. J. Heiman 88-27 H. W. Gardner. A. V. P. Act. V. P. H. A. Dodd. Mgr... Beaumont Clearing House .. Frank Alvey------- (Members indicated by a*) Beckvilie......... 415 Continental State Bank*t§’09 $ 250-30% 88-936 Panola F24 Bedlas_______ 536 Citizens Bank------------ tt’14 88-1672 H Grimes 121 First State Bank_____ t§1900 1130-10% ♦ *8-987 iBecvllle____ 3063 Beeville Bank & Trust Co. io% ♦ 88-279 Tt§’05 H Bee 018 COMMERCIAL NAT. BANK 141,730 1.903.840 N. City and Seab. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L/and Hou. 100,000 20.500 250,000 95.661 3.620.270 878,000 598,000 2,200 35,300 27.300 2,492,560 531.310 154,400 2,510 15,380 2,000 365,001 N. Park, N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.; Rep. N., Dallas. 814.960 Han. N., N.Y.; 2d N„ Hon. 134,570 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas; 1st H. H. Wilkinson—. P. R. Nisbett,Active U.C. Nisbett------J.G. Wilkinson, CL. J. T. Simes_______ W. R. Hall B. Harrison--------- J. T. Simes____ 30.00C 39.08C 278,820 195,441 15,001 45C 17.01C 14,331 _ Mrs. R. E. L. Up W. W. Williamson. R. A. Parten_____ church J. F. Burke.. Thos. Welder-------- L. Borroum_______ O. J. Bocquet .. Mary E. Wofford 25,001 8.86C 85.50C 72,821 1,001 15,231 30,321 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galves- 50,00( 32,87( 364.19C 5,000 232.851 73,011 58,741 87.46 N. City. N. Y.r Hou. N.,Hou.: Guaranty 100,001 132,20( 505.191 49,200 449,411 62,911 37,581 236,681 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; City N„ Dallas; Frost N., San Antonio. 100,00( 125,00 450,00 385.00 155,00 35,00 100,00 Han. N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. | Ex. N„ Dallas. R. J. Cook____ ®l*i’93 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •* 90 G. A. Ray___ the 100.000 4.633.520 2.873,700 Prompt Attention to All Banking Matters Entrusted to Us. $112.50-8% 88-277 530.290 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co.of Ill., Chi.;Phll.-GirardN., Phil.; 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Union N., Hou. Unequaled Facilities for Making Collections. ®T»t'89 ♦Security State Bank & Trust T. H. Nees............. J. E. Withers____ O. E. Fullen Company. 88-29... .®»t$’19 O. B. Sawyer, V.P. O. J. Todd $225-10% Galv.; Mtle. N„ Dallas. P. B. DOTY_ _ _ _ _ _ L. PAUL TULLOS- - - - - - L. PAUL TULL0S— J. C. PETKOVSEKT. ANDRUS KYLE WARD EUGENE E. BIHN H. A. DODD ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 88-278 15.960 Seab. N„ N. Y.: State N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ 250,000 88-28 $200-10% Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv. Hou. N„ Hou. 25,000 20,000 J. W. Weeks_____ W. H. Penkert. A. Robinowitz N.,Galv. •t-01 88-25 88-24 229,580 N. Bk. Com., N. T.; Cont. & Com’l N., Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items Pleate tend 15c tei th each tight draftfo r presentation, and 25cfor Credit Repor tt. Citizens State Bank... F. 8. Robbins------I ioo S9—208 First National Bank----*J’01 V. L. Le Tulle___ Sino-10% 88-291 Baytown....... 3000 nBaytown State Bank—.§’26 A. E. Kerr............. 88-2112 H Harris K23 Beasley______ 500 Beasley State Bank —•t§’07 C. J. Borchert........ H Fort Bend L21 tno-5% iBeaumont .50,615 H Jefferson K25 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued — I. J. Miller ... John R. Scott R. E. Miller-------- Helen Ransom___ N., Longview. 14,361 Drov.N., Kan. C.; Union N. and So. Tex. _________ ton. Bond State, San Antonio; U. S. N.. Galv. Clarence Miller M. W. Bates.........., J. B. Barry.............. B. W. Adams.... Com’l N.. Hou.; Citiz. N., Navasota. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business 1297 Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codntt. •Mem.A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Power*. E El Paso H Houston. $ Last Sale % Dir ®Sav.Dept. Bellevue ____ ..782 First Guaranty State Bank 88-1754 $$’17 Clay C17 First National Bank------- $'07 20% 88-S38 BeUs_________ .32 First National Bank------ $’01 Grayson C20 *180-10% 88-039 .Bellville___ 1217 Austin County State Bk.»$5’09 H Austin K20 1175-10% 88-369 First National Bank—©*$’90 *140 88-368 ‘Belton_____ 5098 Belton National Bank.®»$’84 *250-20% 88-227 Bell 118 First State Bank_________ _____ President. B. T. Gault____ VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. W. I. Boyd — Ass't Cashier. Max Bader—----- L. A.Machemehl, H. F. Granau------W. W. James......... ('Closed January 8,1 30,000 $ N. T. Gaines.. C. R. Badgett—- Principal Correspondents. Bonds Miscel C‘1B A IsLoans Other Subplus Depos Liabili Paid-up and and ouuraH.Dsa and its Capital Profits Discounts Sscuritiss laneous rmoa B‘ ties 7.500 170.000 115.830 $ $ $ 60,000 $ 125,000 Geo. F. Simons___ $ 30,000 W. T. McNeill....... L. S. Spivey G. D. F. Whiting.. Jos. Hughes_____ P. H. Wilson A. W. Melton— “ Ben Franklin..519 Delta C21 ‘Benjamin____413 Enox C13 Resources. Liabilities. 83.280 111,000 I 30,000 115.830 15.000 105.360 90,000 Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 87.900 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 12.910 Chase N., N. Y.; No. Tex. N., Dallas; Com’l N. and Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. 85,530 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Union N., Hou, ___ 25.000 25,000 E. T. Vogelpohl... Herbert Vogelpohl L. F. Weige A. E. Mewis-------- H. F. Granau. Jr... F. L. Tesch_____ H. 0. Fischer G. W. Tyler_____ Ghent Carpenter.. C. F. Proctor—__ A. D. Potts 927) J. H. Bloomer___ Slade Yarreil------- Henry Carden....... 100.000 37,140 633,260 59,650 598,720 125.240 20,560’ 50.000 25.330 274,630 50.700 205.610 87.400 18,190 89,460 City N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.f Hou. 50,000 32.130 482,190 74,300 433.610 32.100 25,420 147,480 Han. N„ N. Y.; So. Tex. Oorn'l N.. Hou. 50,000 14,040 263,820 47.800 126,060 150,500 13,000 10.000 9,500 40,000 11.000 55.000 100 11,900 Active Peoples National Bank__ $’07 Thomas Yarreil.__ *120-6% 88-228 Benarnoid ___ 215 Ben Arnold State Bank .$S'09 A. N. Green-------- S. W. Cheeves-----Milam 119 *200 88-040 Benavides....... 819 Merchants ExchaneeJBank F. Vaello Puig.— *166 88-1846 ®»tt’17 Duval Q16 “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued F. Vaello Lopez... First State Bank---------•Si'll W. E. Weldon___ A. E. Sweeney___ H. W. Miller *115-12% 88-941 Wade TTonso First National Bank------ »$'05 C. H. Burnett___ C. H. Beavers____ A. C. McGlothlin— *215-20% 88-042 First State Bank----------- I’ll J. D. Stringer___ *125-10% 88-944 Berclair State Bank.....$113 C. B. Lucas.______ R. P. Lucas— R. L. Webb______ H. M. Guthrie------D. R. McDuff *100-8% 88-1530 Jno. H. Griffith— G. G. White........... Farmers State Bank....$118 Bertram_____ 516 88-1814 Burnet 117 F. E. Kirk.............. Walker Barton ___ J. A. Fry____ __ First National Bank........ '19 88-1007 Ben Wheeler ..362 Van Zandt E21 Bercialr______ 361 H Goliad N18 5.940 22.850 94.700 16,680 {Individ ual Resp onsibility Over $15 0.000) 10,000 60.000 15.000 10.000 50,000 50.000 1,000 285.080 20.000 8,000 80,000 20.000 980 49.810 1.760 28.500 9.710 30,000 3.280 92.190 420 66,420 20,170 7,500 50,000 25,000 232.900 20.020 21.000 34.150 86.110 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; City N., Dallas. 3,500 1st N., Waco and Cameron; U. S. N., Galv. 91.130 Alice State Bk. & Tr., Alice: Corpus Christi N„ Corpus Christi. 5.000 N. City, St. L.; 1st N„ Paris. 68.050 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 51.000 Dallas N.and No. Tex. N.,Dallas. 58,000 34.330 Union N., Hou.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co,, Victoria. 39,300 N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Austin N.« Austin. 30.010 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou. 40,000 Potts & Ater Brothers Bkrs... {Closed,) {Individ ual Reap ontibiliiy $2,000,00 0)„ D. C. Reed & Co---------*$f88 D. C. Reed______ T. J. Taylor___ ... 88-945 325,000 40.000 450.000 Fulton Emerson .. 30,000 Big Lake_____1000 First State Bank..........^I’lB J. M. Shannon___ C. C. Sanders._ Taylor Emerson... D. S. Hitt. Jr. W. Schneemann *235-20% 88-1555 Reagan H10 Big Sandy___ 658 CONTINENTAL STATE BANK H. H. Wilkinson.. *200-20% 88-946 •$l'09 Upshur E22 Farmers State Bank.—$113 T. J. Kelly............. io% 88-1556 ‘Big Spring...4273 First National Bank___*$’90 L. S. McDowell.... R. C. Sanderson, 88-235 Howard F10 V.P. State National Bank.. -•$’09 W. B. Currie____ *240-10% 88-237 G. 0. Ferrell_____ W. L. Perdue____ J. W. Beavers___ 20,000 22,320 161.530 19.860 135.630 25.000 35.150 11.010 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Austin; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 170,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Cent. N., San Angelo. 41.930 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N.. Dallas. W. C. Mings-------- •T, G Howell 17,500 6,500 125.000 19,500 700 2.500 J. W. Ward______ R. L. Price______ H. H. Hurt______ E. O. Price Nat Shick. A. C. R. L. Price Ben G. Carpenter. Ira Driver______ T. S. Currie, Active Edith Hatchett A. C. Walker 50,000 137.580 723.280 50,000 706,720 85.000 27.000 115,000 Mtle. N.. Dallas; 1st N.. Gilmer; Dallas N., Dallas. 142.140 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 69.230 800.150 56.800 667,320 53.000 26.000 229,860 N. City, N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Ft. W. N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. Bk. & Tr., Dal. rB. REAGAN. . . . . . . . . W.P. EDWARDS— B. T. PINED—------ R. V. MIDDLETON — 50,000 65,600 544.440 95.870 418,710 50.000 153.750 133.460 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth. WEST TEXAS N r’LBK.«$03 I SEND US YOU B BIG SPRINGS ITEMS DIRECT, 88-2 .Prompt attend on given Bill of L adlnf Drafts, Cas b and lime Items and re mltted for on d ay of pa yment. 22.000 N. City. N. Y. and St. L.; City N., San Antonio. Blgwells ...»__.715 First State Bank-------- *$§’14 Mrs. R. B. White.. A. Blalack_______ D. E. Bachelor___ S. N. Bachelor-----W. H. Zimmerman 88-1687 Dimmit N14 20,000 7.000 85.000 70.000 25,100 J. L. Butts............. 25,000 15,800 105.000 80,000 18,950 6,790 34,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Texas State Bk. & Tr« San Antonio; City N., Corpus Christi. Pierce Harlan ___ Wm. A. Harlan.— Ralph Doherty.— 25,000 26.000 200.000 140.000 1.500 32.000 77.500 So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Alamo N.. San Antonio; Corpus Christi *N„ Corpus Christi. Bishop______ 1325 First National Bank —•$’24 L. A. Kerr. 88-2071 H Nueces Q18 *145 First State Bank_____ $|’12!Elmer McCoy.. ♦ 88-1447 W. E. Whitten ___ 1 *200 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS 1298 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A."New SStatefPriv. ‘County Seats. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E El Paso H Houston $ Last Sale %D1t. ®Sav. Dept. PRESIDENT. Non>Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. • Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other AND Capital Profits TIES Blackwell_____ 417 First National Bank.—<’07 L. T. Youngblood.. J. T. Harmon_____ J. T. Harmon... . Esther Corley........ $ Nolan F12 1175-20% 88-947 25,000 $ 20,990 % 149.560 Blanco ____ 719 Blanco National Bank.._<’06 G. W. Wall . ... P. T. Brigham........ Chas. E. Crist____ Blanco K18 R. C. Crist, Jr. *200-10% 88-948 25,000 30.710 113,730 $ Blanket_____ 472 Blanket State Bank........ tS’18 W. J. Richmond— Luke Reeves.......... S. E. Lacy__ .. _. Brown G15 *120-15% 88-1597 25,000 10,000 71.000 Blessing ............265 Blessing State Bank...*t§’07 H Matagorda N21 88-950 C. E. Harter______ Vogt Powell______ J. E. Dawdy, Jr... 25,000 3.480 116.850 Bioomburg___ 436 Bioomburg State Bank.<§'16 V. D. Glass .......... Cass D24 *125-8% 88-951 Blooming Grove Blooming Grove State Bank .. (Merged with Citize Navarro F19.898 Citizens National Bank <’03 R. L. Harris *160-10% 88-753 J. W. Glass______ A. L. Knowles____ C. R. Simmons.... 25,000 8,360 50,000 20.000 Bloomington 600 First State Rank 88-1550 H Victoria N19 *110-8% Blossom_____ 969 Lamar C22 .. Bogata_______ 518 Red River C22 Bomarton........ 617 Baylor C14 *Bonham,____6008 Fannin C20 .. .. $ 104.040 % 4,160 * 6,320 $ S. A. Roberts_____ J. li. Griffin_____ F. H. Simpson tf’13 W. J. Manning.... N. M. Bartley____ N. M. Bartley____ Farmers National Bank, i’19 W. J. Chester........ Wayne Williams.. G. H. Montgomery D. C. Chambers.... 88-1856 Principal Correspondents. • 81.020 1st N., Sweetwater; 1st N. and Tex. N„ Ft. Worth. 111,590 25,250 19,030 42,050 Chase N„ N. Y.: Alamo N„ San Antonio; Dallas N„ Dallas; 2d N„ Hou, 66.000 700 17,300 22,000 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Brownwood. 3,280 79.290 7,400 7,520 54,400 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; 2d N„ Hou.; 1st N„ Bay City. 221,830 14,250 86,390 1.000 70,370 111,680 State N„ Texarkana, Ark,; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. 19,570 280,830 25,000 252,630 23,000 43,080 52,700 City N„ Dallas; Corsicana N„ Corsicana; Citiz. N. Hillsboro. 1,470 41,800 42,980 4,590 14,690 Victoria N.. Victoria; So. Tex. Com. N., Hou,; U. S. N„ Galv. 160 000 55,000 28,470 ns National Bank) 30,000 102,000 1st N. and 1st State. Paris. (Closed) Blue Ridge ___ 429 Security State Bank.„<|'15 J. A. Barnett_____ A. H. Eubanks___ Jesse Harben____ .T. C. Stewart Collin C20 *100 88-952 Bium ................496 Hill F18 ‘Boerne______1153 Kendall L16 _ Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Gash k Exand Discounts Securities LAjNEOUs raoic Banks Beatrice Wheat... Farmers State Bank....ti'09 W. H. Taylor_____ J. H. Brock, Active E. A. Taylor *200-30% 88-816 Boerne State Bank ___ <§’06 J. W. Lawhon____ R. Spencer___ R. Spencer______ W. E. Janensch... *160-15% 88-954 Citizens State Bank___<§’20 L. Fabra________ D. F. Knibbe_____ Bodo Ilolekamp... H. G. Adam______ *120-8% 88-1964 First National Bank___<T4 Morgan Rozell____ 88-1665 First State Bank.......... .. t§’07 E. W. McGlothlin . ♦ 88-956 Fannin County State Bank A. B. Kennedy ___ *100-10% 88-209 <§'74 *100 25,000 5,680 173,830 12,750 19,380 13,500 125,130 100,000 10,500 30,000 21,270 114.250 93,150 44,020 95,540 32,000 5,150 110,000 30,000 43,000 60,740 Mtle. N., Dallas; 1st N. and Cen. State. McKinney. 15,000 15,000 300,000 35,000 22,980 246,080 25,000 5,870 140,380 E. G. Hutchings . H. C. Dodd__ .. A. L. Dunn_____ H. C. Dodd, J. T. McKenzie ... W. E. McKenzie .. 50,000 12,000 300,000 32,000 8,600 184.910 4,200 100,740 17,980 12,770 H. A. Bridge _ . 60,000 9,000 325,000 106.850 254,740 106,850 88,269 200,000 91.310 739,120 123,760 757,360 148.890 200,000 57.910 783.780 259,450 660,530 340,050 139,760 M. M. Gilbert____ J. L. Janeway____ 25,000 20,000 106.000 78.000 1,350 3,000 B. Roberts, Jr.___ V. L. Pyle 17,500 4,450 282.910 23.280 115,480 17.930 15.680 49,740 3.000 14,790 14,250 14.000 7,720 11.270 6.300 564,000 F. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Amarillo N., Amarillo; Secur. N„ Tulsa. 328,530 58,200 66,540 194.910 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Ft. Worth. 150.000 12,260 138,230 3,100 25,150 42.000 64.800 L. K. Hargrove, Active L. K. Crawford ....... First National Bank _.’D<,83 A. B. Scarborough. Zac. Smith *150-10% 88-210 Chas. Halsell.F.P. Dick Saunders Dick Saunders.__ Rot Gash O. W. Gross State National Bank ..©t’09 T. B. Williams .... I. W. Evans, Active Neil Williams_____ $150-10-12% 88-211 R. L. Nunnelee M. C. Spivy. 30,000 150,000 Far. N„ Hillsboro; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 73,910 Chase N.. N. Y.; Alamo N.. San Antonio; Union N„ Hou.; Austin N., Austin. 48,970 Seab. N„ N. Y,; City N.. Gty. State, and Com’l Bk. & Tr„ San Ant.; 1st N„ Hou. 225,000 1st N„ Paris: Rep. N„ Dallas; Red River N„ Clarksville. 98,210 1st N.. Ft. Worth aDd Wichita Falls, Tex,; Drov. N., Kau, C. 51,000 N. Bk, Com.. N. Y.: Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Merch. & Plan., Sherman. 118,840 ChaseN„ N.Y.; N. Bk. Com.,St.L.: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 170,800 Han. N., N. Y.; City N.. Dallas. Ch. of Bd. Bonita................218 First National Bank___ t’12 J. C. Howard____ C. McCall............... Montague B17 *198-12% 88-957 Booker...............823 Lipscomb A6 Booth____ ____ 319 H Fort Bend L22 First State Bank___ -t§'20 J. W. Bell...... ......... E. H. Wheat............ $114.37-10% 88-1883 Bank of Booth _____ <t’08 F. I. Booth_______ 15% 88-959 10,000 Borger______ 3000 nFirst National Bank..<’26 D. E. Lydick_____ C. F. Spencer.......... Hutchinson B 4 88-2115 Jas. E. Dunn Bowie................3179 CITY NATIONAL BANKdX’92 C. C. Hutchison... Montague C17 M. F. Allen 88-330 “ •• '• •• H. S. Walker F. E. Moore First National Bank.. ©<’90 J. A. Coker_______ S. W. neard............ *250-35% 88-32# First State Rank W. P. Blanton____ Alto Kilcrease.... H. Overstreet, 88-1938 David Warren ___ ■ 50.000 5,000 534,290 50,000 65,640 507.550 25,000 50,000 59,000 208,000 25,000 8,530 162,450 100,000 25,800 400,000 330,000 10,000 6,900 43,840 38,620 18,100 68.650 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman; Secur. N., Wich. Falls. 179.040 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita: 1st N., Amarillo; City N., Dallas. 9,670 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and Rich.: Hutchins, Seeley & Co., Galveston. 184,070 N. City, N.Y.; Ft.Worth N„ and Cont. N„ Ft.Worth; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 47,600 Texas N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth. Active Security National Bank _t’20 88-331 $150 Boyce________ 300 Ellis E19 $150-10% 88-1372 J. T. Lawson_____ C. C. Dobkins____ R. C. Thomas P: E. Boedeker L. S. Patten_____ Cary Wilson______ W. J. Patten ___ T. W. Garth 3,100 89,000 8eab. N„ N. Y.: Rep. N„ Dallas; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 19,020 Am. Ex, N,, Dallas. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Business 1299 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. ‘County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso H Houston •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sar.Dept Boyd..................... 410 Continental State Bank__t§’09 $155-10% 88-961 First State Bank_____ •t5'06 $300-20% 88-962 Bank of Bradshaw____ •tt’00 88-1421 Brady National Bank-------05 88-349 Commercial National Bank $175-10% 88-348 *i'07 ** Farmers & Merchants State Bk. ♦ 88-2086______ t§’24 ‘Brackettville 1630 KinneyM12 Bradshaw 200 Taylor F13 ‘Brady ___ 2197 McCulloch H14 “ _ .. " ' : * •' President. . Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. W. M. Koonce____ W. R. Boyd -......... Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DefosCapital ITS Profits $ N. P. Petersen___ John H. Stadler... J. A. Rogers-------- I). R.Stallknecht.. Henry James_____ 25,000 $ 10.850 S 30,000 77.000 Act. V. P. and Cash. W. R. Davidson E. C. Sayles.............. Other 93,320 $ ties PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash A ExMiscbl- CBANOU'DUY and □iicounts Securities LANEOlJb non Runu 26,500 i 48,770 $ 300.000 400,000 17.500 ion non 75,000 100,000 55.000 300,000 300,000 130.000 109,910 663.900 50,000 4,390 125,760 C. M. Hunt_______ F. M. Richards.... J. E. Bell................... Clarence Snider__ E. L. Ogden G. R. White______ Lewis Brook___ _ W. D. Crothers, H. J. Huffman____ S. W. Hughes____ B. F. Gray. Active Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this T EX A S—Continued ------------------------- 33,920 45,000 $ 35.000 $ 26,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. N. and Tex. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. N., Dallas. 30.000 170.000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San An tonio. „ 50,000 Far. & Kerch. N., Abilene; N. Bk. Com., 100,000 55.000 Han. N.’. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Am. N„ Austin. 163.700 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas. 27.770 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Dallas N., Dallas.; Cont. j)al 652,720 32,820 54,570 121,940 52,130 12.230 N., Ft. Worth. • Brandon............307 Hill FI9 Brashear______ 300 Hopkins D21 Brazoria______ 816 H Brazoria M22 Brazos........... ...300 Palo Pinto E16 Farmers State Bank—-•tri8 88-1604 $180 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 10% 88-964 •tl’ll First State Bank______ •iS’09 $160-10% 88-965 Brazos State Bank_____ t8’20 $105-7% 88-1557 ‘Breckenrldgel846 Stephens E15 FIRST NATIONAL RANK 88-966 $160-10% " _____ 4 ** »i'04 20,000 16,000 81.000 112,000 13.000 20,000 5,970 96,300 50,370 10,750 12.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st State. Hillsboro; Dallas N.. Dallas. 61.150 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., J. D. Lindley J. C. McNeill, Sr... J. F. Harris______ J. S. Montgomery. L. O. Stanger......... 20.000 24.200 335.800 265,000 7,000 84,000 N. Park. N.Y.; U.S. N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou R. A. Wheeler____ J. H. Wharton ___ S. C. Wheeler 25.000 3,040 56.990 57,180 7,130 20.720 1st N., Weatherford: Ft. Worth State, Ft. Worth. 348,140 857,020 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; Ana. Ex. N., Dallas; R. M. Gaulding___ R. E. L. Gunter.... C. M. Patton........... Milus Robinson ... B.S. WALKER______ I.E.TH0MPS0N............. C. E. MARTIN............. 0. A. 6ILLM0RE — 3. E. MARTIN 1. CARLTON WALKER i-orgesi oana m nest lexas. facilities for handling your Brcmond.........1025 First State Bank______ •i|’05 C. W. Brown_____ T. A. Averyt........... S. M. Peters_____ _ Robertson H20 ♦ 88-967 E. D. Brazier FARMERS NATIONAL BANK $200-12% 88-1719 88 216 $225-12% ■'Vlllll .. Giddings & Giddings___ tt'66 88-215 Washington Oonnty State Bk. 88-217 «'05 Bridgeport___ 1872 Bridgeport National Bank Wise D17 io% 88-1787 *t’23 *' M First National Bank____ *t'07 $280-20% 88-412 Briggs...................520 Briggs State Bank_____ tf’10 Burnet 117 88-968 •• Britton Ellis E18 M son Britton State Bank $191.26-10% 88-969 653.450 492.830 50.000 18.510 195,810 102,890 T. A. LOW_ _ _ _ _ _ _ H.F. KOLWES Active ALMOT SCHLENKER- H. 6. BROESCHE_ _ J. R. WILLIAMSON A. F. MENKE ni n nonu/iun m ■ 2.866.680 17.180 C. L. WILKINS_ _ _ _ aq vcsds 63.050 75.000 G. A. KUNKEL....... 0. E. BADM8ART — W. 100,000 80,000 600,000 j. SLOAN 1 “YOUNGEST BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY.” Note our progress since o rganlza tion. “We wantyour collections.” We get results by prompt, personal, persls tent att entlon. Progressive Banking Methods in all Departments. “Try us for quick a ctlon.” •t‘16 FIRST NATIONAL Bank t^m ____ _ 140.790 3.822.000 24.000 154.000 tup ■ ■■ ruur H H IVInB Greenville. 1st N„ Ft. Worth. excellent business. Texas State Bank.........»t§’23 L. R. Whiteley.__ J. W. Mingus_____ Wm. Pardue, Jr... io% 88-2062 ‘Brenbam ___ 5066 H WashingtonK20 200.000 20.000 31.240 221,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Mtle. N„ Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 91.280 Seab. N.. N.Y.: Hou. N.. Hou.; 1st N., Waco. 225,000 815,000 112,500 2,500 75.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; State N. and So. Tex. 160.090 843.550 565.150 172.270 417.910 N. City, N. Y.; So. Texas Com’l N., 40.000 417.550 15,070 39.000 8.650 Com’l N., Hou.; City N., Dallas. ’ 150,000 174.150 1.514.640 Hou.; Am. Ex. N.( Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Send US Your Brenham Business for Service. N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.; Hutchings, D. C. Giddings .... D. C. Giddings, Jr. J. L. Chappell......... B. Bassett............... Sealy & Co., Galv. F. H. Bosse.............. J.S. Giddings, Active H. A. Kelling_____ O. H. Winkelmann 50.000 L. D. Kirkpatrick. J. A. Simmons .... E. N. Street............. H. G. Leonard------- P. C. Funk_______ Frank Turner____ H. J. McGuire------- J. M. Smith-------- J. C. Wright........... Mrs. J. C. Wright. tf’10 W. W. Seeton____ O. O. Davenport.. G. O. Bartle.. Mrs. L. S. Bartle.. 25.240 401.450 25.000 6,300 106 QO0 89,640 35.000 45,000 200,000 165,000 15.000 100 62JM30 42,000 15.000 13,830 54,120 65,880 25.000 1.500 100,000 25,000 14.430 162.410 45.080 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N.. Hou. 32,890 Seab. N„ N.Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 75,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 49.190 Austin N„ Austin; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou. 2,780 2,100 12,190 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. N.. Dal. (Bank in Tarrant Co.) Bronson 1W>5 Sabine H25 J. H. Jordan______ W. W. Meadow___ 88-1828 Ah 5.000 31.000 60,000 ' w <n*p- Bronte.............. 529 First National Bk. in Bronte L. T. Youngblood.. J. B. McCutchen .. Carrie Williams... Coke G13 $150 88-2034 »t’21 C. R. Gollihar. Act. AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 68.830 2.750 10,000 40,000 1st N.. Hou. 12J.270 1st N., Sweetwater: Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. N„ Dallas; Cent. N., San Angelo. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN, TEXAS 1300 Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers Brookeland State Bank.tS’10 §8-972 Farmers State Bank....tS'16 ti40-io% 88-973 Brookston State Bank ..2113 $140-10% 88-1579 Brownfield State Bank.*t8’07 {300-20% ♦ 88-974 First National Bank—»t’19 $125 88-1870 Brownsboro ...400 First State Bank----------- +§’17 88-1759 Henderson F21 Brookeland___ $18 Sabine H25 Brookshire ...1050 H Waller K21 Brookston.........375 Lamar C21 aBrownfleld.__.821 (Terry D9(j .Brownsville 12,512 H Cameron R5 .. .. FIRST NATIONAL 58-64 BANK IN BROWNSVILLE President. Vice-President. CASHIER. $ 30,000 $ 147,120 $ 25,000 4,130 25.000 13,000 102,000 Morgan L.Copeland Leo Holmes__ _— N. B. Hilyard, A. C. Lela Duke W. R. McDuffie— W. A. Bell 25.000 31,030 528,210 L. N. Fulgham____ J. S. Canthran .— iR. B. CREA6ER ... C. P. BARREDA......... 6-c-mw JW. B. SELLERS, p \ OLDEST BANK IN LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLE Y. $ 2,000 % 125,000 C. R. McClure____ H. H. Russell___ _ M. B. Hogue______ W • Ut ill 1119- •*•••*> J. H. Jones ....... 50,000 18,630 25,000 5.000 29,500 $ 6,250 7,800 21,200 201,330 5,400 44,510 333,000 1,800 20,160 34,740 91,040 % 8,520 230,210 170,000 ________ 40,000 209,760 200,000 100,810 2,237,070 250,000 196,510 2,846.250 100,000 135,000 1,900,000 ,______ 88-68 n. B. SCOTT---------- 88,260 1,894,380 369,350 67,000 1,192,660 1,050,000 100,000 AafnTtTm J. L. Wortman.... Louis Cobolini 88-66 .Brownwood. .8675 Brownwood State Bank $130-8% 88-169 t§’21 Brown G15 -------- A. H. FERNANDEZ... C. M. WATSON-------- GOGGIN NAT! BK. 10% 88-157 Sec. A. L. Anderson.__ O. C. Walker........... O. L. Plyler. Brucevilie McLennan H Brazos ... ru!h^lmorex C. L. MCCARTNEY.— E. B. GILLIAM-......... GEORGE KIDD---------- WM. TALBOT.............. (UNO. T. YANTIS... J. C. WEAKLEY......... MILLARD HOMINES-J. A. WALKER , ymu & OLDEST BAN J LARGEST INV ©«t’92 LSend us your co llections. Prom pt service; quick ----- — City National Bank._...«t'89 $200-10% 88-231 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 88-230 — *t’73 FIRST STATE BK. &TRUST COMPANY ♦ 88-232 •2S’09 E. W. Crenshaw... W. H. Cole............... Fred L. Cavitt......... J. H. Beard Jno. M. Lawrence 2.910 379,760 50,000 10,000 256,000 100,000 100,000 306,100 „ , ... 144,510 So. Tex. Com'l N„ Hou. 70,000 9,000 229,000 Worth N., Ft. Worth. 128,510 1,100,910 97,900 753,180 241,700 41,920 390,550 f .Bk. Com.. N. Y.:Rep. N.. Dallas; So.-Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 907,880 25.000 760,020 31,250 48,250 338.280 339,980 1.480.820 100,000 913,420 409,350 111,000 38,760 84,920 2.100 19,620 12,860 150.000 155,000 915,000 5,000 171,000 800,000 1 MHNNIQ R.H. SEALE------------ W S HIRRS l.'M.nUI ANEY C E JONES Houston: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. . 587,030 IdU. J3J. *•» XOb XI •« Ob. Com’l N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N.. Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 9,930 5,900 689,000 ________- 153,270 382,720 600,000 140,000 300,000 ovr. Dallas; • 131,500 /uaac; • « an* a •, ion an • « vui Com’l N„ Hou.; City N„ Dal. PAT NEWTON----------- Banks. Cornorations. Wholesale Houses. Manufacturers! Jobbers and Individuals will find our Service Prompt and Satisfactory1. |------------ ----------------- 100,000 124,870 1.045,710 42,050 702,610 106,960 34.200 r____ 81,530 6,100 5,440 468.860 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. 10,00( AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,430 20,000 100,000 TRAVIS B. BRYAN — 1, H.TOOD.................. R. S. WEBB. Jr. 1 OLDEST BANK BETWEEN DAI LAS AND HOUSITON. ESTD. 18 73. (send us you B ITEMS DIBEC T FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. |H. 0. BOATWRIGHT 1 Bryson________ 263 First State Bank---------- Ttl’07 H. C. Shanafelt ... IE. Hughes------------- T. T. Stuart G. L. Jones 88-976 Jack D16 $165-25% the 75.000 100.000 DEAN RIPPETOE NORMAN A. LOCKS ROY C. BURKS KIN BROWN CO UNTY returns. fii? Bruceville State Bank—21’07 G. E. Kincannon.. 88-975 H18 120 8,500 So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. ®4’10 FIRST NAT’L BANK 88-155 985,000 Daniel Ytnrria, CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK F. S. ABNEY............... J. A. ABNEY............... CHESTER HARRISON. R. M. LOW $220-16% 88-158 ©T»t’06 CHESTER HARRISON, Active “ _ lst N.’, Hou. and St. L. ®T»t’14 Daniel Yturria.... “ N„ Hou. j Cash and time Items, collections , bill of lading d rafts and all ban king ^matters given p ersonal attention . SEND YOUR B USINESS DIBEC T. Texas Bk. &Tr. Co....T»§’25 88-69 — 687,250 134,050 230,640 Worth. st N., Ft. Worth: Mtle. N., Dallas: Liberty N., Okla. C. 100,000 98,000 1,726,320 Ch. of Bd. 10% 63,000 1 |. DRi UUUlit UVUi, auit a Jasper State, Jasper. 53,650 Inion N. Hou.: Am. Ex. 5 S. N.,Galv.;istN.,St.L. 81,000 113,000 4,200 33,000 J 85,000 J&HtWx .Merchants National Bank John Gregg........... M. Fernandez........ E. J. Tucker-------- R. E. Wagner........ io% 88-65 ©M’03 J. G. Fernandez, STATE NATIONAL BANK correspondents. Lords Bond* Cash ft IxSurplus Depos Other Miscel aBAsrsBSyDva Rnd Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up and Liabili AND its Capital Propits Discounts Securities laneous nos Bmi ties W. P. Smith______ L. L. Bradshaw— W. H. Dallas---------- A. A. Copeland__ _ J. S. Powell R. M. Kendrick.... E. T. Powell........... W. A. Bell J. T. LaRue---------I. T. Fulgham Principal Resou ROES. Liabil ITIES. Town and County. »Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. .County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. *M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. | Last Sale % Div. ©Sar. Dept. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued to each bank in U. S. 11,290 120,810 , I Austin, Texas Seab. N., N. Y., Jacksboro N., Jacksboro; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; No. Tex. N.. Dallas. Solicits Your Business 1 qm AJUI Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State f Priv. *County Seats. JMem. State B.. Ass’n. [Estab In No. 11 F, R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. EE1 Paso H Houston $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sav.Dept. Liabilities. President. Buckholts____ 900 Milam 118 Buda__________490 Hays K 17 Buenavista ___ 210 E Pecos H8 Buffalo________510 Leon H21 Bullard_______ 413 Smith F22 Buckholts State Bank...fl’07 1150 88-977 Farmers National Bank.t’10 88-978 Farmers State Bank„.»}|'14 88-1680 CitizensState Bank___ t§’25 to% 88-896 Security State Bank. ...Jl’07 $125 88-2045 Buna_________ 519 H Jasper J25 Burkburnett .5800 Wichita B16 Buna State Bank______t§’15 J. I. Hixson______ $100 88-1709 Farmers State Bank13 A. A. Kuehn....__ 10% 18-1498 FIRST NATIONAL BANK io% 88-778 ®»*’07 25.000 I 10,000 $ 150.000 13,000 80,000 J. M. Simmons___ I. T. Pryor, Jr____ F. A. Stubblefield— 10,000 3.940 45,000 O. Wiley, Jr._____ R. E. Burroughs... V. E. Jowers.......... J. A. Springfield H. J. McCarroll... Frank McCarroll.. J. R. McCarroll... Mrs. J.R.McCarroll 20.000 10.330 10,000 3,000 46,350 20,000 7,680 67,860 75,000 39,490 642,460 100.000 30.000 650.000 S. P. McNairn___ F. C. Branson____ N. L. Clark______ 10,000 5,090 87.160 C. C. Taylor______ G. E. Bransom.... C.T. Seets.......... — G. W. Bransom T. J. O’Neill___ J. P. O’Neill______ R. S. Laird______ 17.500 9,510 237.610 30,000 6.420 136,000 Hardy Richardson D. E. Gunter_____ L. V. Withers W. R. Hill, Active W. D. Utts_______ Rex D. Smith____ G. D. Rigsby tmw.vnrnwr Investment correspondence invited. . JNQ. E. HAYNES, Active “ .......... “ BANK *889 Texas State Bk.&Tr.Co.T§’25 88-2082 Campbell_____800 First State Bank_______§’11 Hunt D20 88-1381 Camp Wood...750 First State Bank..............§’08 Real L13 isioo 88-933 V. P. and Cash, $ 121,000 $ 1,400 $ 23.100 $ 85.IXK . 31,000 440 Principal Correspondents. 39.500 N. Park. N. Y.; Mtle. N.,Dallas; Union N., Hou.: Cameron State, Cameron. 15.00C 27,940 46.780 ________ 7,870 39.450 61.180 Hou. N., Hou.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth, 10.640 N.. Dallas. L. C. Chamberlain- J. H. Chamberlain W. L. Chamberlain J. S. Guthrie 30,000 37.960 23,480 15.680 21,220 N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Jasper State. Jasper. 477.460 23,850 87,710 167,910 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita Falls: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 165.000 550.000 200.000 75.000 120.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur. N. »uu v/Ilj' tv IlIU ta foils) vUlll* Iv«i Ft. Worth. 2.200 38,710 2,200 9,590 53.960 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. 133,580 7,450 5,620 64,410 3,730 11,400 42,010 113,690 31,500 8.290 125,830 Tex. N. and Ft, Worth N., Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas. 92,930 N. Park. N. YUnion N.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.: Cameron State. Cameron. 29,740 Chase N.. N. Y.: No. Tex. N., Dal.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.: Am. N.. Austin. 25.700 81.080 42.520 10,830 25,500 69.000 2,800 H. F. Yoe______ 9.170 102.040 7,850 W. C. Galloway... Chas. Schnabel__ 20,000 5.150 104.060 Wm. Dallmeyer... G. W. Weeren____ J. F. Holchak.__ Ed. Schatz R. L. Ligon____ Leo J. Curtis_____ W. S. Cummings.. Olan Ridings J. M. White______ R. D. White______ E. L. McCommas. 20,000 16,160 112.210 25,000 19.500 275,000 180,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 125.000 Peter Swenson___ H. G. Wilkinson... 25,000 840 104.280 64,870 2,780 14.000 G. L. Rutherford .. James R. Bus____ Roy Johnson_____ 30,000 5.250 128,220 1.250 108,690 1.000 28.810 26.230 Han. N., N. Y.: Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N., Greenville. 100,000 67,080 335.400 100.000 234.330 116,800 85,180 100.000 44,520 328,430 101.380 414,830 40,270 31,700 216.180 N. City, N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 87,520 Chase N.. N.Y.: Union N., Hou.: U. S. N.. Gaiv.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. Scott Field. Jr____ Geo. B. Gibson........ 50,000 33.940 250.760 119.840 12.560 14,440 187.860 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. L. E. Weber____ 50,000 28,910 150.470 52,540 244.460 12.980 15.490 60,000 46.730 420.760 100,000 496.290 19.930 48,330 100,000 142.490 959.580 151.600 773.610 241.430 57,130 24,000 Han. N..N. Y.; City N.,Dallas; 1stN.,Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. 62.930 N. Park, N. Y.: Union N„ Hou.; Am. Ex.N.. Dallas; U. S. N.. Galv. 281,490 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; City N.. Dallas:So.Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Citiz. N., Austin. 75,000 77.740 553,770 75,000 488,100 86,000 92.180 50,000 4.490 254.910 195.440 2.190 6.050 78.150 27.640 72.230 8,320 . ... 48,660 Chase N., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Austin N. and Am. N.. Austin. 39.640 Han. N.. N. Y.; State N.. Hou.; Mtle. N., Dallas. 45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; City N.. Wichita Falls: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 25,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: City N..Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Citiz. N., Hillsboro. 48.460 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N.. Breckenridgo. (.Closed February 7. 1927) C. C. Nelms.__ ... W. O. Carroll_____ C. E. Cromartie.__ E. S. Dushek, A. C. A. F. Grabow, V.P. R. J. Alexander H. H, Womble..™ W. M. Stone___ — H. D. Cherry__ __ W. L. Durovik. A.C. A. N. Green. _____ J. C. Reese........ . S. W. Cheeves G. T. Graves____ L. T. Lewis.......... F. B. Cable.......... B. F. Bonds H. M. Hefley.......... J. S. Owens............ J. L. Clinton .... W. S. Lamkin ,V.P. J. P. Werner J. W. Rondel_____ H. T. Johnsen____ H. J. Weatherly. W. Puett.......... . J. J. Erenek _ J. W. Ripple F. St. Urba.... Jos. Dusek, Jr. B. J. Matocha___ E. P. Lester Vernon Roberts. H. A. Blackburn .. 17.500 30,000J J. T. Stewart__ ... L. S. Johnson. AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85.070 $ Resources. Loan* Bondi Miscel Cam k Exand and diMM,Dn Discounts Securities laneous r&om Iaiu A. R. HILL- - - - - - - - Prompt attention given items entrusted to us. Largest bank in the city. Calvert............2099 Calvert State Bank....»86’06 S.M. Gibson............ Wm. McIntosh.... gg_£55 Robertson 120 10% Citizens State Bank...<§'72 Scott Field, Jr. ... H. M. Sneed______ 88-354 (Reorganization of Union Sta te Bank) J. C. Tucker______ ‘Cameron ___ 4298 CAMERON STATE BANIKS 06 T. F. Hardy.......... ... G. T. Graves Milam 119 W. O. Newton..... 10% 88-282 Citizens National Bank. T‘8’01 Oxsheer Smith ___ L. T. Lewis 12H% 88-281 FIRST ther Pu*-ot Surplus Dwoa- LOiabili AJTO Capital Paornra rra TIES 30,000 ro7 ! $225-10% Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. W. D. Carrington. W. S. Birdwell.... F. A. Jamison........ First State Bank____ ..•:»'08 H. B. Duncan_____ 88-738 Burton State Bank__ —tl'06 Thomas Watson__ $200-10% 88-983 First National Bank.. .... G. W. Byers______ 20% 88-984 First National Bank. —.*'04 L. C. McCommas .. 20% 88-985 First National Bank. ...•8*20 S. T. Swenson..... 88-1941 State National Bank __ 806 H. F. Royee______ 10% ♦88-986 Cain City..........100 Cain City State Bank , Gillespie J15 ‘Caldwell. «..1689 Caldwell National Bank.«t’03 H Burleson J20 $165-10% 88-565 First State Bank______8I’07 $165-10% 88-566 Vice-President. T. F. Hardy ______ G. T. Graves______ T, F. Criswell____ E. Kolba_________ I Burleson_____ .600 Continental State Bank H. H, Wilkinson... Johnson E18 $150 88-981 811900 “ -------- “ Farmers ft Merch. State Bk. R. N. Warren........ „ „ . $145-12% 88-1637 till Burlington 413 Burlington State Bank..3l’07 T. F. Hardy ______ Milam 119 88-982 ‘Burnet— 966 Burnet National Bank ..•J’03 A. Howell________ Burnet I lb 12% 88-787 Burton________425 H Washington K20 Byers.............. ...621 Olay B16 Bynum_______ 500 Hill F19 Caddo________ 319 Stephens E16 Caddo Mills...614 Hunt 1)20 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in Dack of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued I handleoVy 1,000 65.000 10.000 92.000 15,750 1.850 1 1 6.150 119.230 N. City. N.Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; City N.. Dallas. 105,710 N. City. N. Y.; Mtle. N., Dallas. 52.250 Dallas N., Dallas; Citiz. State, Greenville. 6,000 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Uvalde. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS Com’l N., 1 J.OU4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TffYAP * PnntinurH V/UIHlilUCU Town and County. *.\lem.A.B.A.riNew § Stale tPriv. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.UFed.Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E ElPaso H Houston. $ Last Sale % Di». ®8av. Dipt. ‘Canadian.__2187 Hemphill B6 CANADIAN STATE BANK 88-512 _____ " „ Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 88-511 Liabilities. Resources. 1 Loan a Bonds MI8CEL- Cash k ExOther Paid-up Surplus D epos and and chanom.Dci and LiabiliCapital Profits Discounts Securities LANEOUB pbom Bajbm TIES fW. C. ISAACS-- JNO. C. ISAACS...... G. L. ADDIS0I-------- E. A VANCE—...... $ 52,000 $ 8.630 * 308,320 $ f 0. J. YOUNGC. W. ALLEN. . . . . . . . . . . K M YOUNG . . . . . . . . J Send Us Your C ollections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time 1 Items for Pro nipt Attention. (.Plain Sight Dra fts ISc. Credit Reports 25c. Mi nimum Charge. <’92 Principal Correspondents. 12.470 $ 177,180 i 10,480 $ 60,980 $ 132,770 Han. N.,N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. G.; 1st N., Amarillo; Am. N., Austin. < Excellent faciltt ies for handling your Canadian b uslness, prompt 1 attention give n all Items entr us ted to us. TK Y US. •t5’06 (.Plain sight dra fts ISc. Credit reports 25c. Mi nimum charge. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1175-10% II President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. _____________ _____________ 100,000 28.930 392.580 30,000 322,810 28,600 26,470 173.630 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Kan. C.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: 1st N., Amarillo. SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BK. J. F. Johnson____ W. A. Johnson *125 88-1957 ®<’20 T. S. Jones, Ch. A. V. McQuiddy H. 8. Wilbur_____ 7. M. Chambers... W. I.Whitsel,V.P. 100,000 33.770 334.240 570 257.510 8.510 63,270 139.290 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Com. Tr.. Kan. 0.; 4th N„ Wichita; 1st N„ Amarillo. ‘Canton........ 683 First National Bank—.<’07 M.L. Cox________ W. L. Steed Van Zandt E21 88-705 •• Texas State Bank ___ (Taken over by First National Bank) Irby Christopher— Lamar L. Sides___ 40,000 45,980 237,320 10,000 167.990 11,800 32,040 121,470 Rep. N„ Dallas. 50,000 8,500 385,040 51,500 238,740 51,500 112,070 72.730 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; N. Bk. of Com.. Amarillo. 40.000 13,860 346,220 197,460 72,970 8,890 120,770 Seab. N„ N. Y.: Stock Yds. N.. Kan. C.: 1st N., Amarillo; Dallas N„ Dallas. 26.000 10,000 321,180 135,700 15,720 30,000 2,000 130,000 90,000 169,810 Stk. Yds. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Waco; Dallas N„ Dallas. 70,000 Liberty N., Waco; N. City, Clev. 25.000 28.750 270,160 25,000 18.550 356.900 30,000 8,500 125,000 54,720 Seab. N., N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.; Mtle. N„ Dallas. 115,730 Chase N.. N. Y.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. 38,000 Mtle. N. and N. Bk. Com.. Dallas. 50,000 27,600 412,120 42,190 374.280 ‘Canyon..........1618 FIRST NATIONAL BANK <00 G. E. Nance............ O. W. H. Cook -__ Randall D3 $150 88-584 Oscar Hunt .. FIRST STATE BANK—<§10 J. M. Black.............. R. H. Wright . Grady Oldham—— *145-10% ♦ 88-586 Carbon ...... 7di Eastland F15 Carlton 7«n Hamilton G16 Carmine______400 H Fayette K19 ‘CarrizoSprlngs Dimmit N13 954 Carrollton 573 Dallas D19 ‘Carthage___1366 Panola F23 “ i-( " First State Bank______<§10 88-889 Farmers &Merch. State Bank W. P. Barnes.......... 88-988 ±§’07 Carmine State Bank____±§’07 W. H. Stuermer... *250 88-989 Citizens State Bank ... ±§’24 A. F. Childress ... 88-2090 J. C. Davis.............. 1125-10% 88-991 First National Bank........ <’94 J. W. Cooke 88-414 First State Bank_____ <§10 R. P. Ash............ . $200-10% 88-415 Cason............. 515 State Bank of Cason___ ±§’06 L. Y. Turner.......... Morris D23 88-992 Cat Spring.. 316 Cat Spring State Bank..J§'12 Charles Dittert... *187.50-10% 88-1480 H Austin K21 Cedar Hill____600 First Guaranty State Bank C. B. Pool________ Dallas E19 io% 88-993 <§’02 E. R. Trimble. W. A. Plueckhahu. D. C. Richey_____ A. E. Eardley_____ Stella Brady______ V. W. Adams E. W. Broadhurst.. F. H. McMurray... Mrs. R. O. Connell J. G. Woolworth.. A. L. Ross. ____ Hartley C2 88-997 H Washington K20 *200-10% the 88-998 39,950 24,200 253,240 26,790 7,470 182,790 115.040 39,740 292,741) 27.430 23,170 34.000 1,750 100,000 13,050 Mrs. 1.1. Reeves.. 10,000 7,000 30,700 20,000 18,500 275.000 212,500 A. J. Anderson___ R.G. Brandenburg 25,000 3.250 100,000 77,000 Frank Barnard.... 50,000 17,370 182,880 L. B. Newsom____ Eldon Earthman.. 25,000 5.500 170.000 125,000 25,000 5,000 153.000 108,000 1,750 35,000 37,470 718,000 355,620 114,250 25,000 35,000 500,000 20,000 250,000 7,200 20.000 550 65,690 4,150 45,930 5,650 10,000 14,190 125.580 45.800 9,630 1,100 25,000 15,410 104.580 36,870 11.500 9,110 63.220 41.320 15,320 149,070 R.S. Sanders, Active R. C. Adams______ T. W. Smith.......... P. D. Jones______ J. W. Parker Ed. Holloman_____ 85,240 25,000 D. W. Woolley i Henry Schaer 1,750 165,200 Chase N„ N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’I N„ Hou.; Rep. N„ Dallas. 98,120 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Tex. N. Ft. Worth; Un. N„ Hou.; 1st N., Shreveport. 13.300 Rep. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville; Com’I N., Shreveport. 75,000 Chase N.. N.Y.; U. S. N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com’I N„ Hou. 45,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mtle. N. and City N„ Dallas.' a (Formerly Citizens Guaranty State Bank) ‘('banning ....531 First National Bank.__•±’17 E. E. Masterman.. Chapel Hill___675 Farmers State Bank___±§’07 205,040 J. W. Patterson... J. W. Wardlow___ J. C. Tidwell M. H. Dittmar___ C. Theuman______ O. C. Theuman—— R. L. Clayton........ C. M. Moore, Active Lee B. Newson___ J. B. Stallcup........ R. J. D. Ellington. 2,780 850 25,000 Celeste i on Celeste State Bank (Closed December 16 . 1926) Hunt C20 FIRST NATIONAL BANK<1900 S. R. Granberry... M. B. Harrell........ E. T. Fry *120-10% 88-771 Cellna.... H26 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. m Collin 019^ *130 88-810 <’09 First State Bank ^§’n« *115-10% ♦ 88-809 ‘Center........ ..1838 Farmers State Bank —<§’04 ^Shelby G24. *200-10% 88-507 State Guaranty Bond Bank *275-30% 88-508 <§’10 Center Point 613 Guadalupe Valley Bank<§’08 Kerr K15 88-994 ‘Centerville 760 Centerville State Bank-fill Leon H21 10% 88-995 Chandler___ 630 Citizens Guaranty BondBank Henderson F22 20% 88-1510 <§13 Devoe Dover_____ W. B. Raysor_____ A. E. Mueller_____ 12,500 30,000 16,340 166,400 65,260 40.670 23,900 49,280 Rep. N„ Dallas; Greenville N. Ex. and Citiz. State, Greenville. 85.000 Rep. N„ and No. Tex. N„ Dallas. 48,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Mtle. N„ Dallas. 23,840 296,770 Tex. N„ Ft. Worth: 2d N„ Hou.; Com’I N„ Shreveport. 350,000 U. S. N„ Galv.;Mtle. N„ Dallas; 1st N„ Hou. 13.960 24,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; Comw. Bk & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 93.230 Chase N„ N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; U. S. N., Galv. 87,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N„ Dallas: Hou. N.. Hou.jGty. Bond State, Athens. 6,440 12,220 14.160 1st N., Amarillo and Wichita. 99,420 Han. N., N.Y.; So. Tex. Com. N„ Hou., Far. N. and 1st N„ Brenham. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i-ino to each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1DUD Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. --------- ,-------------- r Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Vice-President. President. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E ElPaso H Houston $ Last Sale % Dir. ®Sav. Depk Atascosa N16 10% R. C. Roos 88-1513 Chico_______ 1020 Chico State Bank-------- 1§’09 T. S.McCurdy----- J. J. Blanton......... H39-io% 88-647 Wise D17 §) First Bank of Chico.__tt’95 88-646 tCbildress___ 5003 City Nat’l Bank in Childress W. P. Jones, Active. $160 88-252 ‘fOl Childress A13 C. C. Badgett, Active. .. Farmers & Mechanics Tr. Co. J. H. Cristler......... C. E. Crews______ 88-2048 TJS’21 J. M. Crews, V. P. R. A. Bowers __ " .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK J $250-20% 88-254 ®*t 09 __ Falls H19 •• m Eastland F15 •• « .. First National Bank___*t’18 $220-20% 88-1826 Chilton Citizens’17 88-1798 First State Bank_____ Jl’10 88-1000 Ohlreno State Bank------till $200-12% 88-1412 First State Bank______ tl’14 $125-10% 88-1662 Cibolo Bank, Uninc....... tt’13 $155-10% 88-1612 Cisco Banking Co......... *tt'05 $125-10% 88-379 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 10% t Cashier. 88-1748 »t’17 ‘Clarendon .. 2456 Donley D5 DONLEY COUNTY STATE BANK 16% 88-434 T»tS'06 30,000 $ 13,500 $ 175,000 10,000 5,000 V. E. Baldridge__ J. P. Lynch_____ 25,000 10,930 Eunice Terrell .... 25,000 T. L. Hardin____ C. E. Baley _____ H. L. Couch 100,000 25,600 J. H. Ward. Tr,... U. S.Weddington, Sec. R. I). Wiley, A. Sec. 100,000 9,410 50,000 81,720 772,390 23,000 20,730 393,040 Miss Della Jeffries L. H. Rigby O. H. Dodson W. R. Ferguson... H. Paid-up Capital $ L. Moffett____ L. G. Hawkins....... M. R. Allensworth 85,000 93,490 $ $ $ 114,000 $ 50,000 5,920 67,929 $ 25,170 177,130 89,030 542,010 329,830 11,070 2,000 111,870 166,940 34,620 229.070 (Without banking or diecou nt privile 100 1 8,000 82.860 ges) 3,070 J. Tabor_____ L. J. Nuckles___ W. B. Sisk............ 25,000 34,640 267,660 Roy l>vy ... J. B. Landrum E. H. Blount_____ T. J. Curl .......... E. M. Sowell____ I. W. Sowell........... John Boedeker.— W. D. Boyd______ M. M. Eanes. E. Wiederstein.... A. G. Janszen____ Elmer Schlather .. Guy Dabney-------- W. L. Stephen__ J. D. Lauderdale P. C. O Lough]in (Closed October 30, 1926) C. H. Fee________ Geo. P. Fee____ E. J. Poe A. J. Olson G. B. Golightly.— fWESLEY KHORPP- F. E. CHAMBERLAIN- HOLMAN KENNEDY.. R L CLAYTON____ ANNIE L. BOURLAND, ) Excellent faclllt les for handling y our business, LPrompt attentl on given items en trusted to us. Farmers State Bank ...*t|’12 W. P. Cagle............. J. B. McClelland.. J. D. Swift $110-8% ♦ 88-1450 (W. H. PATRICK 20,000 12,000 15,000 17,340 10,000 3,900 38,000 127,560 121,980 2,060 187,160 Chase N..N.Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. N. Park, N. Y.;Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; Waggoner N., Vernon. 40,220 30,000 Provident N., Waco. 30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco. 2,700 30,530 25,450 4,499 6,460 17,500 5,290 42,750 So. Tex. Corn'] N., Hou.; Alamo N-, San Antonio. 341,660 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N,, Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 275,100 19,140 175,550 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft Worth. 8,000 7,500 Liberty N., Waco; Hico N., Hico; N. City, Clev. 165,220 76,990 617,680 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. N..Dallas; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 55,890 N. City. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am. State, Amarillo. 61,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Kan. C. 25,000 16,770 146,490 122.730 75,000 932,980 571.000 50,000 13.350 756,680 350.230 10,000 5,500 . 27,500 29,500 410,860 75,000 32,970 1,163,070 50,000 10,100 195,040 165,860 1.800 31,590 50,000 39,240 284,000 52.000 275,000 55,600 33,540 50,000 103.2JO 621.880 50.700 546.580 59.850 85,270 60,000 1,512,700 113,140 57,500 Sec. Van Kennedy____ 0. CARAWAY-...... W. W. TAYLOR — FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6% 88-433 <1 Security and se rvlce. *31900 t Special attentlo n to bill of ladln g and commercial collections. ( We get the mon ey or give reasons. ‘Clarksville__ 3386 First National Bank ...T*t’89 C. D. Lennox____ H. H. Lennox____ E. W. Bowers___ Red River C22 $330-20% 88-403 S. T. Bowers Red River National Bk..*t’74 B. A. Dinwiddie... J. M. Butcher____ A. M. Graves____ $160-10% 88-402 C. F„ Williams T. E. Williams AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 400,000 113,270 1,277,550 81,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 69,190 100,000 2.000 9,600 1st N„ Childress. 150,260 Chem.N., N.Y.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N„ Wichita and Ft. Worth. 100,000 500 25,250 Han. N„ N. Y.: Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 51,100 N. Park. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 152,050 N. Bk. Com., N.Y., 1st N„ St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am. N., Austin. 23,640 175,299 100,000 31,000 Am. N., Beaumont; 1st N„ Hou. 3,790 25,000 25,000 (Individ ual Rcttp onaibilit V. $1,000, 000) W. W. Bragg 86,620 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 726,520 (1 ndivid ual Resp onsibility $300,000) Clalrette_____ 219 Farmers State Bank—tl'10 $150-10% 88-1002 Erath F17 .. Ass First State Bank.........*tl’08 A. J. Fires........... $200-10% 88-253 Cblreno______ 262 H Nacogdoches G24 Chriesman__ 400 H Burleson J18 Clbolo...............262 Guadalupe L17 .. | Cashier. rJ. H. CRISTLER- J.M. CREWS......... J. H. WARB______ R.D. WILEY_____ j C.E.CREWS,v.P. R. A. BOWERS ) Send us all yo or collections on Child reM. LWe need the money to pay for this Adv. Rates guaranteed. Chillicothe. __ 1351 Bank of Chillicothe.—*$t’03 F. 88-640 Hardeman A14 .. L/UlUniUcU Chester State Bank____tS'20 10% 88-1972 H Tyler I 24 *• A J-'A-tVO W. S. Sasser. ____ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tins ___________volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Principal correspondents. Loans Surplus Depos Other Bonds Miscel Cash & Ex and and changes,Dui and Liabili laneous its Discounts Securities ntOM Barks Profits ties npc'YAC___ f'/'n-ift■.*»/-? 91,570 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas: U. S. N., Galv.; Com’l State. Nacogdoches. 16.680 Union N„ Hon.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 134,080 Seab. N.. N. Y.;City N., Dallas; Texarkana N.. Texarkana. 167,480 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac N., 8t. L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 10 eactl hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. •County Seats. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. E El Paso H Houston •Mem.A.B.A.»New SState+Prir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sav.Dcpt. •Claude______ 770 First National Bank Armstrong D4 88-827 *’ _ 41 PRESIDENT. Cashier. V ICE-pRBSIDENT. _«t'04 B. C. Wooldridge.. Abs’t Cashier. •Cleburne. ..14,102 Clebnrne State Bank -•t§’23 M. O. Parrish .... J. E. Standley, Act. Johnson F18 $125-10% 88-86 Heber Henry H.L. Williams, A.C. D. C. Carpenter •« FARMERS & MERGH. NAT’L BK. H $100 88-83 atto ** __ T. C. Parks. First National Bank___ »t’95 R. R. Waldrop. Act. H. A. Nelson $150 88-669 Ole Hoff. V. P. E. E. Prescher .. - . $150-10% 88-312 244,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas.; Hou. N., Hou. 90,410 25,000 16,000 303,150 A. C. Braudes..... H. R. Dahl 30,000 62,000 276.570 232,000 44,380 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.; Cltiz. N., Waco. J. Wise______ 40,000 11,000 185,000 144,000 92,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N., Waco. 25,000 5,000 77,090 300 73,290 900 4,590 28,610 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., El Paso. 25,000 12,010 281,780 5,300 173,900 8,000 2,790 89,390 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 26,000 5,200 260.000 25.000 11,090 103,490 .. C. C. Heath............ A. Bowman....... Mae Bowman......... 153,450 Seab. N.. N. Y.: City N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. L. 164,800 7,500 201,150 18,250 56,500 12,240 12,4590 Hou. N., Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas. 81,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Public N. and 1st N., Hou. 152,320 8,650 139,230 Ft. Worth N. and 1st N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Baird; Far. &. Merch. N., Abilene. 6,680 90,280 9,640 46,340 West Tex. N., Big Spring; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 75,000 5,000 45,000 10,000 15.000 49,900 389,560 3,360 103,840 181,970 Chase N.. N. Y.;Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Liberty N., Kan. C. 947.050 40,130 98.800 224,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; DallasN„ Dallas; 2d ___ J. W. Thompson... 15,000 J. 6. SMITH............ A. W. BURKETT....... ] Send us your C oleman items dir ect for prompt at tentlon. (.Fee in advance plain sight drafts 15c, Credit report s 50c. TRY US. 75,000 1.830 552,000 TO. A. PAODLEFORD. H.R. STARKWEATHER S. H. 6RAY............... J. T. SAUNDERS...... leo'nTSelo 200,000 71,510 1.038,910 O. D. Cruse. 25.000 State N., Hou.; Am. N., Beaumont. N„ Hou.; Stk. Yds. N., Ft. Worth. j Largest Bank In Coleman County. Special attention given Bill of Ladi ng draf ts, Cash and Ti me Ite ms. send 15c wit h each sight draft for Presentation and 50c for Credit Reports, »t’02 First National Bank...«t’86 J. C. Dibrell_____ W. N. McCulloch, E. C. Edens______ C. G. Pitts . $117.50-10% 88-311 Act. A. J. Durham J. S. Rogers Collinsville.__837 Security National Bank.fl8 J. B. Farr_______ P. T. Shores_____ J. B. Oobler._ _ _ Vera McWhorter.. Grayson C19 $180-10% 88-1839 the 23,000 206,220 .. Colmesneii.__719 First State Bank H Tyler I 24 $175-10% 88-1033 163,000 Inter-State N.. Kan. O.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Amarillo. 1,940 CENTRAL STATE (C. W. HEMPHILL-. J.A I0RHE COLEMAN NATIONAL BANK 398,000 $ 480,500 40,000 25,000 H.M A. W. Rowe .. ... CTand Wolf ___ Addie Buchanan... ♦Coldspring... 619 Cold Springs State BanktS’07 H. H. Thompson .. O. D. Cruse.. H San Jacinto J23 $100 88-1005 88-1716 15,000 $ 40,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 467,020 W. P. Miller........... T. E. Powell....... C. E. G. Hampton Coahoma__..619 First State Bang.__....{|’08 J. B. Wheat....__ Howard Fll $200-i5%^ 88-1004 bank $ 95.000 245,000 14,000 1,041,000 $ 78,000 649.120 First State Bank....... . •i§’16 M. H. Perkins------ Henry James...... W. H. Shanks___ R. C. Clemer $125-15% 88-884 J. H. Baxter. V. P. W. S. Hinds ♦Coleman _ ?j?rs Coleman G14 75,000 3,000 $ 4,350 F. M. DOUGLAS—- Clint________ 319 First National Bank ... #t’25 Roy Thompson.__ J. A. Fields ........... W. D. Hawes E El Paso G1 F. L. Byrd $120 88-2095 Clyde________ 610 Clyde National Bank___07 $100-8% 18-885 Callahan F14 50,000 25.000 % 95,000 Collections a S peetalty. U. 8. Depositor y for Postal Savi ngs. Remittances m ade on day of pay ment, at lowest rates. Clifton___ 1327 Farmers State Bank... »tr06 J. M. Jenson Bosque 618 $255-16% ♦ 88-670 - „ , ,t 25,000 $ 100,000 F. P. WEST____ M. L. KENNARD — W. E. ABBAS BROWN D0BBLAS E. E. CROW Cleveland___ 1020 Farmers State Bank....§’26 G.R. Christie____ J. A. Guinn______ O. L. Witherspoon H Liberty J23 88-2111 ** ____ « First National Rank;..... *t'12 Noble Garvey____ A. H. Duncan.__ _ R. C. Adams_____ R. Welch $125 88-1492 H. A. Weeren “ Paid-up Capital 1 Clifford Walker... W. A. Carroll- .. L. C. Edwards....... C. H. Holland......... First State Bank........®ll’07 C. O. Eight_ tioo-io% 88-828 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) n back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Liabilities. 11 Resources. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Depos Other { Lords Bondi Miscel Cash k Kxand AND Liabili nnd chawom.Dui its laneous Discount Securities from Barrs Profits ties TEXAS—Continued t§’ll II. H. Thompson__ L. M. Feagin------- J. E. Riley ______ G. B. Gibson_____ 100,000 37,800 522,920 382.830 4,200 73,740 199.950 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth.; Public N., Hou., Citiz. N„ Brownwood, 25.000 22,500 150,000 127,000 2,250 20,750 47,500 City N.. Dallas; Merch. A Plan. N., Sher man. 15,000 12,500 140,000 93,000 11,000 13,500 50,000 Am. N„ Beaumont: 1st N„ Hou.; Rep.N., Dallas.; City N., Galv. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ i iOUJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Di?. ®Sai. Dept E ElPaso H Houston ^Colorado ___ 1766 Mitchell Fll President. Vice-President. CITY NAT’L BANK *225-20% 88-463 fC. H. LASKY_____ D. N. ARNETT______ T.W. STONEnOADi JR. *{1900 1 SEND US YOU B COLORADO B (.Prompt attenti on given BiU of L Cashier. Ass't Cashier. J Ch. of Bd. Resources. Loan* Bonds Miscel Gash ft Bx* Other Paid-up Surplus D epos and and OBAKOM,l>{7S AND Liabili its Capital Profits DUcounta Securities laneous noi Banks ties J. C. PRITCHETT— T. A. RICHARDSON — % 60.000 $ Active C. E. PRITCHETT USINESS DIBEC T. adlng Drafts and aU matters sent us. J. M. THOMAS,Aci. J. H. SMOOT---------- COLORADO NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume_For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 'T'r'Y A C____ _ j * L1AA1J L>UIU1I1UCU ============ ~r— — LIABILITIES. S-IVMIt tfcunr- 100.000 TRY 52,340 $ 880,860 S 154,010 1.002,040 14,700 $ 607,320 $ 24.600 US F OR R ESUL \ Prompt return Be Buuenor iw tiw ou uiNnu ng matters. j Save time and get service on Col lections and Cre dit Reports by se nding Ueb in adva NCEi Plain tight drafts, 15c; Crm dit Raparts, 50c. $220-16% 88-462 T»t*2 Columbia_____ 500 (See West Columbia) H Brazoria L21 a Columbus ...1720 Columbns State Bank..*t5’19 E. B. Mayes----------W. H. Miekow........ 88-1863 H Colorado L 20 *150-8% S. Hamburger First State Bank----------•tl’13 G. H. Miller______ E. G. Miller, Active O.G. Hoegemeyer. W. H. Kollmanu .. *150 88-1523 Miss Maud McDow John Hasted t 734,070 Principal Correspondents. 34,540 $ 22,010 % 344.020 Han. N., N.Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 55,680 64,000 51,590 72.230 Its. 420,000 N. Park, N. Am. lx. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 41,430 Saab. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom’l N., Hou.; City N., Dallas; Austin N., Austin. 55.470 N.City, N.Y.; 1st N. and Hou. N-. Hou. 50,000 4,040 278,000 265.540 50,000 16,270 435.430 322,410 J. B. Chilton_______ J. D. Waring_____ W. C. Chilton........... Robert Eaton........... 100,000 26,310 205,120 50,000 214,160 56,330 22,100 F. E. Adams. T. R. Holmsley.... K. T,. Macon’ A. .T. Gray, V. P. J. W. Moore K. F. Tate............... E. E. Anthony____ W. L. Randals 100,000 24.250 429.980 155,990 332.990 207,950 22,480 65,000 36,440 392,890 600 260,180 57.410 14.780 125,040 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; City N, Dallas; FLWorth N.. Ft. Worth. 162,560 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.;Ft.Worth N.,Ft. Worth; Hou. N., Hou.; Mtle. N., Dallas. 25,000 64,000 372.000 31.000 140,000 Seab.N^N.Y.;Alamo N..8an Antonio; Mtle, Tr. Co., St, L-: So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 50,000 20.000 343,000 27,890 282.720 46,000 18,200 J. D. 'Mitchell....... W. H. Hale Bert Jones______ W. H. McCorkle 50,000 16,000 264.610 34.790 239.530 1,850 55.610 25.000 30,930 114.180 92,300 4,670 9,350 .Conroe_____ 1858 Farmers & Merchants State T. S. Faivey_____ A. A. Hadeley___ J. M. Griffith____ Miss E.M. Morrison H Montgomery J22 *no Bank..88-1825__ 'iS’^ H. M. Crighton 65.000 10,380 202,010 10,000 218,480 450; 192,690 »Comancho...3524 Comanche National Bank 10% 88-340 »t’89 Comanche G16 First National Bank--®»{’86 88-339 First State Bank.10 *175-8% 88-342 Comfort___ 713 Comfort State Bank.®»{§ ’07 A. S. Faltin Kendall K15 16% 88-1008 Commerce__ 3842 . Hunt D21.. mm ** " ____ 275.000 (Closed January 17, 1927) First National Bank____ t'89 W. B. DeJemett.. *110-10% 88-335 Planters & Merck. Nat. Bk... (Taken over by Firs t National Bank) .. State Bk. of'06 E. E. Maloney____ *140-10% ♦ 88-337 Como ___ ......827 Como National Bank___ t’10 L. Carroll____ *200-10% 88-648 Hopkins D22 » V. J. McAteer......... W. Wiedenfeld.... Albert Faltin. 88,830 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. D. N. Hargrave.__ F. F. Fa ires _ W. T. Binion J. O. Wheeler____ C. C. Apperson....... VV. H. Chadwick Alfred Morris____ B. B. Cain.__ _____ C. H. McClure 93.970 CityN., Dallas. 68.420 Han. N.. N. Y.; No. Tex. N.. Dallas. 53.790 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 33,680 35,230 Seab. N„ N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Hou. N., Hou. 21,380 9,440 57,640 Chase N.. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco. 112,970 79.580 18.940 37,260 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; •• First National Bank.....{'14 J. Wahrenberger _ R. D. Simonton ... A. R. Woodson___ P. T. Woodson___ 15% 88-1684 50,000 13,820 216,880 “ FIRST STATE fS.K. HAILEY ..... A. W. MORRIS. JR... A. IT. MORRIS, JR... LEO. W. BUDDE---BANK.-lill J SEND YOUR IT EMS DIRECT. ) BUI of Lading D rafts, Cash and Time Items given prompt 88-608 25,000 18,770 204.910 75,000 68,890 208.000 75,000 270.000 78,600 100 51.000 Seab. N., N.T.; City N., Dallas; (J. S. N„ Galv. 75,000 19.180 210,430 1.240 154.510 55,000 24,430 71,900 Seab. N.. N. T.; No. Tex. N., Dallas; Hou. N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco. 50,000 16,840 197.100 174.960 38.400 10,000 7,500 60,000 40,000 35,000 8.500 105.000 91.000 20% Union N„ Hon. L attention an d remitted for on day of paym ent. Cooledge.__ ...880 First National Bank.. *{'04 J. R. Wallace......... B. T. Bell.............. T. J. Johnson......... S. C. Rose 88-866 Limestone GIB *165-10% .. First State Bank.............{f'09 R. L. Wallace____ W. j. Sellers, Jr... *135 *Cooper_____ 2563 Delta C21 “ “ M 88-867 F. B. Hancock (Closed January 1,1 927) Delta National Bank.. {1000 J. L. Darwin *120-7% 88-53S J. F. Henslee J. M. Hagood *ioo ......... 88-1010 *165-10% Copperas Cove.509 First State Bank . Coryell H17 72.190 1st N.. Paris: Am. Ex. N., and Dallas N„ Dallas. (Closed January 20. 1927) CopeviUe____ .350 Citizens State Bank___ tl’07 John W. Nowlin... W. G. Rike Collin D20 __ ♦ 88-1012 ...{|’00 J, S. Clements____ C. A. Boyer ' C. R. Clements.__ B. P. Gilmore.......... AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "E’bv 25,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Farmersville.1.300 33.200 23.000 1st N.. St. L. and Temple; No. Tex. N„ Dallas; City N„ Galv. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AtUeSxas Number under Name of Hank is the New Transit Number given i orjf; to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Rankers’ iOUU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. F El Paso H Houston $ Last Sale % Dir. © Say. Dept. ‘Corpus Chrlstl „ H Nueces P18 11,825 CITY NATIONAL BANK 10% 88-125 ©‘t’05 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 88-124 STATE NATIONAL $175-10% 88-126 ‘t'90 $ 100,000 $ L Collections give n personal attent Ion of an officer o f this bank. Fro mpt ret urns. ROBERT DRISCOLL R. KING................ BURTON IBNR- - - - - - N. G. COLLINS- - - - - R. M. BOERUM O. BGTfcLLO. JR. _ , ®‘t’07 TEXAS STATE BK. & TRUST CO. 88-127 T»t|’25 Corrigan...........718 Citizens State Bank ....t§’19 *140-10% 88-1834 Hi( Polk I 23 Corrigan National Bank..'07 88-1013 ‘Corsicana..12,364 ♦Central State Bank_®«t5’20 *125 88-2005 Navarro F20 45,130 $1 912 950 $ 100,000 $1378 810 $ 122,600 $ 348,750 $ 307.920 N. Park, N.Y.; 2d N„ Hou.; Rep. N„ Dallas; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. OF CORSICANA ®»t8’ 4,430 2.486,020 144,270 548.370 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Tex. Com’l N., Hon. 1.472,360 1.018.250 200,000 149,600 2.689.260 (GEO. R. CLARK.... E. R. KLEBERG- - - - - - 0. J. HERNIIAN-— lbnW R0YALL GIVENS 1SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T. (Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlne Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s and re mltted for on d ay of pa yment. 1.220 J. E. GARRETT-— W. T. HARRIS......... ms 'direcf for pro H.M. AMSLER- - - - - - 100,000 34.120 434.310 30.000 509.090 Send us your C orpus Christ! ite mpt personal attention. Plain sight dra fts ISc; credit re ports 25c. TRY US. 70,890 513.160 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Hou.; Alamo N„ San Antonio. 31,180 56,940 N. Bk.Com., N.Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; Guaranty Bond State, San Antonio. 80,000 7,550 6.450 200,000 163,750 2.835.280 Save time and get service on Co llecttons and Cre dit Reports hy Se ndlng FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain Sight drafts, ISc; Cra dit Reports, 25c. TRY U 8. H. H. Thompson.. L. M. Feagin_____ Chas. C. Pool_____ N. C. Edens______ 15,000 3,000 122,000 J. W. Cobb_______ Leo Bergman.......... E. T. Sparks______ Essie M. Sparks... 25,000 3,500 100,000 25.000 7,400 C. L. Knox_______ C. J. Knox, Active. Wm. J. Rochelle— Roy J. Leeds ......... W.H.Fendley. V.P. W. T. Shell 200.000 25,000 816.000 506,000 95,000 80,000 1.957.290 362,720 151.720 200.000 353.370 2.307.910 GEO. E. JESTER-—J. E. BUTLER, Active R.P. BATES-............ F. L. SEALE........ — J. 0. BURKE. C. B. SUTHERLAND W. L. HOLMAN, Jr. Act.v.P. E. A. JOHNSON Our Collection facilities are second to none. A persistent effort made on all items to get results. ,000 204.500 200,000 71.250 1,267.360 300.000 1,905.480 W. M. Davidson... J. C. Sweatmon H. C. Griffin N. T. Champion, N. S. Roberts, Sec. Tr. and Mgr. J. H. Gallman____ 85,000 So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.; City N., Galv. 360,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Rep. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Hou. 594.060 Seab. N.. N.Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Hou.; No. 21.050 939.530 853,970 58,230 759,110 N. City, N.Y.ilst N., Chi.; Dallas N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. 226.340 65.420 328.370 Chase N., N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; ^11U AN • y UUUi 9 A III# JCjAi INI ij 1/illlilHi Please send 15 c with each sight draft for presentation and 25e for Credit Reporie. ♦State National Bank .®»t’17 I. N. Cerf................. P. D. Williams .... $200-10% 88-111 N. S. Roberts Corsicana Clearing House.. Geo. E. Jester____ Isaac Levy_______ (Members indicated by a*) ‘Cotulla_____ 1058 Farmers & Stockmans Bank J.H. Zachry_____ LaSalle 015 88-447 tt’16 Stockmens National Bk,..’04 L. A. Kerr_______ T. R. Keck________ $250-15% 88-446 C. F. Binkley, Act. Coupland...........535 Coupland State Bank.__ tS'll C. W, Pfluger_____ A. M. Pfluger_____ 88-1014 Williamson J18 *175-10% 52,000 1st N., Hou.; Am. N„ Beaumont. 16X. IN i| Dell let Si *300-25% 88-107 ®*t’87 Lfee in advance, plain sight draft s 15c, credit rep orts 25c, insures prompt attenti on. ♦First National Bank__ ’86 J. N. Edens.............. A. M. Milligan........ R. L. Hamilton___ J. N. Garitty_____ 500,000 473.990 2.302.860 *225-18% 88-106 C. H. Mills. V. P. Kate H.Whiteselle Isaac Levy, A. C. F. T. Lindsey *150-10%i ♦ 88-109 Principal Correspondents. 24.800 (A.G. ELLIOTT — J. T. F0RTS0N- - - - - - C. R. TERRY, N.T. CHAMPION---*CORSICANA V. P.and Cash. H. D. WILLIAMS 1 J. B. FORTSON.C/i. H.G. JOHNSTON S.H. SLAY. A. c. J.H. BROWN NATIONAL BANK )FORTY YEARS IN BUSINESS. S END US YOUR I TEMS DIRECT. *FIRSf"STATE BANK Resources. Loans Bondi ! Depos Other Cash A ExPaid-up Surplus Miscel cha and md .noib,Duk AND Liabili Capital Profits its Discount! Securities laneous from Barrs ties [CLARK PEASE_ _ _ W. R. HORTON......... MYRON A. PEASE— P. A. KERBY — E. J. MILLER CORPUS CHRISTI NAT’L BK. R. J. KLEBERG. Ch.ofBd. PHILIP HOWERTON, *175-10% Non-Rank Towns with Nearest Ranking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued . 300,000 103.660 1.567,040 201.720 911,331 347.540 590,100 323,410 Han. N., N. Y.; Rep. N.. Dallas; 1st N„ Hou.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L. Merch. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Laredo; Com’l N„ San Antonio. 142.980 N. Park, N. Y.; Frost N., San Antonio. H. H. Wildenthal.. 75,000 89,890 423,120 320.300 174.820 13,960 E. F. Marbnrger__ 25,000 16,580 102,700 109,100 1,240 3,530 37.780 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; City N., Taylor. Covington____ 500 First State Bank..............t§'20 M. T. Davis---------- J. W. Harper_____ R. C. Smith______ 15% 88-1015 J. W. Wiseman Hill P18 20,000 22.310 97,130 8,400 93.620 12,940 7,500 33,770 City N., Dallas; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. J. W. Godfrey____ 25,000 97,950 164,360 24.500 149,570 27,280 T. O. Henderson... H. Grubbs W. B. Bertelson... 50.000 22,050 191,080 139,020 26.710 15.000 10,960 76,140 76,550 20,000 1,180 100,710 50,000 61,460 100,000 242.940 Crandall______ 616 Citizens National Bank..»t'01 W. A. Brooks_____ Geo. N. Gibbs........ F. B. Fowler--------*400-20% 88-853 F. B. Fowler Kaufman E20 First National Bank___ »t’01 M. Spellman______ W. B. Murphy____ J. E. Murphy-------10% 88-854 Cranfllls Gap..400 First Security State Bk..t5'10 W. T. Tergerson „ W. P. Barnes_____ C. L. Rohne______ *170-10% 88-1016 Oscar Rohne Bosque G17 Crawford_____ 573 Farmers State Bank....t$’13 A. O. McCollum__ S. J. Thomason . 88-1525 McLennan G18 C. M. McCollum... ‘Crockett____ 3061 Crockett State Bank...*{§'07 D. O. Kiessling.__ G. W. Crook-----88-245 H Houston H22 *250-20% First National Bank___«t’92 Arch. Baker............ J. S. Shivers........ 88-244 D. G. Moore, Act. J.M. Ellis_____ W. II. Denny, Jr. _. H. F. Moore, Jr— J. L. Burton . T. E. Walden 134,960 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 14,030 108,360 City N„ Dallas. £0,210 22,340 Hico N., Hlco; N. City, Clev.; 1st N., Ft. W orth. 89,660 6.850 4,960 21,170 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Waco. Temple, and Hou. 447,910 268.380 29,750 92.340 993.940 11.580 1,098*080 25.480 31.160 168,900 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; 1st N„ St. L.; Mtle. N., Dallas. 283,750 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Hou. 750 1 Ids AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and Cocntt. ‘County Seats. N o.llFed.Res.Dist. E El Paso H Houston H •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. (LastSale % Dir. ®Sar.Dept President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Crosby State Bank____•tl’13 T T TTarP 88-1542 Harris K23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued — $ . W. H. Punchard... ‘Crosby ton___809 Citizens National Bank.<’05 N. Y. Bicknell____ J. J. Spikes............ Wade Cooper. ^Crosby Cll ( 1120-10% 88-1363 First National Bank___<’11 E. M. Perkins........ J. A. Parks.............. J150 88-101# Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Miscel Cash k Ex Other D epos Paid-up Surplus changee,Doe and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Diacounta Securities laneous from Banks ties 40,000 $ 14,000 $ 300,000 50,000 15,980 363,970 $ $ 209,000 $ $ 125,000 City N„ Galv.; Hon. N., Hou. 1,200 9,700 128,920 14,800 $ 25,180 36,870 148,340 12.550 75.500 270,740 Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Ama rillo. 14,500 Stock Yds. N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 50.000 25,000 139,030 25,000 19.000 575.000 240,000 6,800 39,360 300,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Dallas; Stock Yds. N„ and Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. G. B. Scott............. J. D. Coulee______ A. R. Clark 30,000 4,410 653,480 136.600 229.940 13,920 285,940 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N„ Ft. Worth and Waco; City N„ Dallas. S. S. Bell........ ......... Lawrence Kimsey. Floy Cheek Haney 100.000 10,000 372,000 300,000 21,000 161,000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Inter-State N., Ean.C, M. L. Hughston___ T. L. Johnston___ 30.000 39.600 330.310 190,910 34.480 160,630 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita. Continental State Bank-JI’09 H. H. Wilkinson— 0. F. Dickeson___ W. S. Horn Tarrant E18 J. G. Wilkinson, Ch. 88-1021 B. H. Holsomback. A. O. Williams___ Crystal City.. 137 Zavalla County Bank-----tl'09 Oi O* X UK tics - — — — — — — Zavalla N13 $170-20% 88-1022 10,000 5,500 75,000 58,000 25,000 27,500 250,000 250.000 CJOSEPH SHERIDAN- W. H. GRAHAM............ T. 0. BUCHEL-.......... 0. E. MOELLER____ T. 0. BUCHEL 100.000 104.760 571.950 75,000 21,600 320,480 Cross Plains...700 Farmers National Bank.<’07 Chris Parsons........ S. F. Bond, Act.... Taylor Bond--------- N. C. Mitchell — Pauline Bond R. B. McGowen. R. P. Odom Callahan F15 *175-10% 88-1020 V.P. •• •• M. E. Wakefield — $100 ♦ 88-1387 T N Rell Foard B14 88-609 .. First State Bank.......... <11900 S. S. Re,11 $235 ♦ 88-608 ‘Cuero........... 3671 H DeWitt M18 BUCHELNAT.BANK $300-16 % . 88-308 8,000 16,000 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth, 45,000 Frost N.,San Antonio. 503,680 53.880 6,280 240,980 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’I N., Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. 232.430 2,300 71,480 119,880 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou.; Mtle. N„ Dallas: City N„ San Antonio.; N. Bk. of Com., St.L. attention to all business se nt us. ©<’73 j Intelligent and prompt (.Moderate charg es. Remittance same day collecte d. TRY US. FARMERS STATE .. * 28.100 13,880 /'Louis Schorre... W. K. Breeden — F. A. Schorre, Jr... F. A. Schorre, Sec. S. C. Lackey BANK & TRUST CO. \ Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by send tag FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight draff, 15c; Cr« dit Reportt, 25c. TRY U S. 88-307 T<«’07 (.This rule does not apply to Draf ts with Bills of La ding attached. $100 H. RUN6E & GO. 88-306 <t’45 Cumby State Bank------ <l’07 $200-20% 88-538 Hopkins D21 •• •• H Nacogdoches G23 1 Special attenti on given Bill of Lading drafts, C asb and Time Ite ms. 54,630 14,460 35.970 City N. and Mtle. N., Dallas; 1st Greenville. 32,000 220.170 2.500 25,400 28,960 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St.L.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. 550 54,730 14.920 15,400 108,000 1.500 16,000 70,140 1st N., Hon.; Rep. N„ Dallas: Com’I State, Nacogdoches. 62,000 So. Tex Com’I N.. Hou.; 1st State, Jack sonville; Stone Fort N,. Nacogdoches. 7,000 75,000 65,000 17,000 65.000 Rep. N.. Dallas; Com’l N. and Ex. N.. Shreveport. 41,530 f 164,590 50,000 87,780 141,500 8,700 68,130 Han. N„ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; 1st N„ Shreveport. 14,560 477,340 2,850 426,750 2,850 18.720 121,430 Drov. N. Kan. C.: 1st N.» Wichita, Ft. Worth and Amarillo. 75,000 42,070 468,340 96,500 375,230 86,430 26,920 60,000 21,220 363,500 8,500 323,800 8,400 61,020 193,329 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; InterState N., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Amarillo. 60,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. CoKan. C.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 30,000 34,660 148,130 First National Bk. in Cumby $175-20% 88-537 <’01 W. E. Connor........ C. M. Patton______ C. D. Ward______ E. B. Patton W. E. Brewer 50,000 53,400 141,630 Cushing State Bank___ tl’09 88-1023 F. G. Cariker____ 20,000 12.790 121.850 W. V. Watt............ E. O. Wallace----- 15.000 7,500 165,000 S. C. Williams....... 30,000 25.000 160,000 W. O Irvin............ J. Y. Bradfleld....... W. D. Russell....... 50,000 L. C.McCrory___ O. H. Finch........... S. E. Brown_____ G. O. Lathem....... L. B. Steel 75,000 88-352 FIRST NATIONAL BIL-®< 03 George Ely--------- J. A. Childers___ C. G. Baker______ Nell Wiggins......... $150-10% R. P. Johnson___ 88-1764 ‘Dainserfleld.,843 Citizens National Bank .<’04 W. T. Connor, Jr.. J. L. Williams $166.66-10% 88-651 Morris D23 4* 107,740 T. C. Mars ... ... J. F. Weaver......... C. J. Taylor______ $130-10% M Bk. of America and N.City, N.Y.; 1st N., St. L.; So. Tex. Com’I N., Hou. Pllll nORNRI NTH National Bank of Dainger field J. Bradfleld88-650 t’92 J. W. Pate _ . $165 N„ Dalby Springs 226 DalbySprings ExchangeBank (J. D.Lumpkin)__ 88-1715 tt’14 Bowie C23 ‘Dalbart_____2676 Dallam B2 44 44 CITIZENS STATE BK.-<§ 20 $165-10% E. B. Gregg Midway Bk. & Tr. Co..T<l’07 C. C. Woods......... J. E. Moore_____ W. E. Farwell____ R. U. Counts. Sec. $165-15% .. 88-351 88-353 ■■■■■■■ ■saaiai AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY ■■■■■■Ilaaaaaai■■■■■■■ THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , TEXAS Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' x Juo Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. DALLAS—Reserve City 1 •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPri?. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Power*. $ Last Sale %D1t. ©Sat. Dept., 32-1 Vice President. Ass’t Cashier. Profits ties (Dallas County £ 19) County Seat—Pop. 194,450 Loans and Resources. MiscklBonds LANgOXJS and RasOtTBCBft Discounts Securities Principal Correspondents. Ca» k ExCPLAXGIBjDuE from Banks NATHAN ADAMS ....E. J. GAMMON-......... E. S. MCLAUGHLIN -H. H. SMITH........... HENRY C. COKE, LOUIS LIPSITZ R. V. SANDERS B. B. JOHNSTON, Ck.ofBd. a. V. LANE SAM TURNER F. C. PONDROM, b mckinney ‘ . aL.; Me J. J. O'CONNELL $ 5,000,000 $4,050,000 $42128 400 $ 2,645,380 $35436610 $4,091,390 |$ 2,592.390 $11703 390 PAUL DANNA, .4. Vice Presidents e/kettl ER £. F. M Auditor 'AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK *400-12^9 President. (Federal Reserve City No. 11) Liabilities. Other Total Cashier. Paid-up Surplus AND Deposits Liabili Capital mm ©T<’75 Park, N. Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Phil.Girard N. and Corn Ex. N., Phil. Send us your Texas Collections; we have good facilities, ha vine correspondents In all the principal towns and cities and remit promptly on day of payment. ! Central National Bank in Dallas (Consolidated with North Texas Nation al Bank) Central Trust &■ Savings Bank (Consolidated with North Texas Nation al Bank) ! ■ J. A.PONDROM_ _ _ _ G. W. BRIGGS_ _ _ _ _ C. J. SAVAGE-------- C. J. OLDHAM........... R. H. STEWART. E. J. GANNON, JR. LEE NEWBURY, j C. B. PARROTT Ch. Of Bd. RAY NESBITT Auditor RALPH BANKS LANG WHARTON, T. L. ENGLAND, ‘Gin NATIONAL $300-14% BANK V. P. ®t.*73 32-2 Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank H. W. Ferguson—. $154-10% 32-68 ri9 Dallas Morris Plan Co............ • J. B. Adoue, Jr.... U45-io% 32-71 (1003 Main) DALLAS NATIONAL BANK ®T*f20 32-64 'DALLAS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 150-10% 32-10 E.E. BROWN. T T*t§’25 ( Dallas banks continued on next page) the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sec. and Gen. Mgr. 722,130 8,686.450 2,500,000 700,980 100,000 43,000 500.000 100,360 38,174.340 38.928.950 1.177,300 1,132,070 1,550 13.660 828.200 68,920 1.528,380 4.676.110 690.870 37.910 1,390.520 68.920 130,130 12,410 2.330 137,000 (Territory Texas an d Oklaho ma) 126,580 111.470 365,840 4,147,140 27.090 2*439*100 (Inv. Cert ificates) T.H.Obenchain — T.H.Obenchain,Tr. W. B. Head mplete informatio n) F. M. GORDON___ J. F. HAGEY 0. K. DICKINSON J. O. Jones........... R. D. Suddarth Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi. ... J.C. JESTEt_ _ _ _ _ L. B. GLI0DEN GRIFFITHS CARNES Accounts of Banks and Bankers Invited on favorable terms. Collections given special attention. Correspondence invited. +Jefferson Bank & Trust Co. 32-74 H. O. Pool, See..... J. A. Mounts, A. Se W. F. Wright, C. C. WEICHSEL —. E. R. TENNANT------ E. R. TENNANT------ J. 0. HUMPHREYS L. C. MCBRIDE J. W, SHULL. Aud, ' o’, a’, mangrum... e.ghamman LAND BANK OF DALLAS t’22 L. K. B0YSEN, *]o°„ 3.068,000 1,659.970 28,598,390 1,115.660 | 15,538,680 9.423.760 Stop sending Tracers after your Collections. Send us B.-L. drafts, notes, etc., and watch results. Dallas Union Trust Co.__Tt§’20 < $130-8% 32-65 ^Federal Reserve* 32-3 FIRST-TRUST joint stock M.A.TRAYL0R- 32-69 J. B. Adoue, Jr.... T. A. Ferris. V. P. and Tr. W. L. Roots T. P. Junkin_____ F. E. Austin, Tr... E. L. Flippen J. K. Hexter J. E. COCKRELL...... J. D. GILLESPIE....... J. C. TENISON 0. C. BRUCE ®W*'05 (llOTPraetorian Bldg.) A. Tr. Cg. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN NORTH TEXAS Unexcelled Collection Facilities C. W. DOUGLAS...... 1 J.P.0LES0N, Tr. i B. G. HAROENBROOK, Sec. Robert O. Barnes.| A. Sec. 1,000,000 387.020 5.408.380 125.000 38.430 50.200 900,000 75.000 100.000 3.960 320 Loans on Tex as and Oklah oma F arm L ands. Affilia ted wi th Fir st Tru st and Savin gs Ba nk and the FI rst Na tional Bank of Chi cago. 292.840 1,170 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, 219.240 100.000 12,530 Co., St- L.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 1st N„ St. L. lerdell Bros., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Ex. X. and No. Tex. Nat’l. Dallas. 1st N. and 1st Tr. k Sav„ Chi. 66.230 Seab N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N..and N. Bk. Com., Dallas. Austin, Texas Solicits Your Business City National Bank 32-2> of Dallas 32-2 SINCE 1873 Capital .... $3,000,000 Surplus & Undivided Profits $1,500,000 NATIONAL BANK DALLAS, TEXAS OFFICERS R. H. STEWART. Chairman J. A. PONDROM.................................. President LANG WHARTON - - Vice-President GEO. WAVERLEY BRIGGS - Vice-President E. J. GANNON, Jr. Vice-President RAY NESBITT.................Vice-President SOULA J. SMYTH..................................... Cashier C. J. SAVAGE Assistant Cashier C. J. OLDHAM Assistant Cashier C. B. PARROTT Assistant Cashier RALPH BANKS Assistant Cashier T. L. ENGLAND -Assistant Trust Officer LEE NEWBURY...................................... Auditor / Send us all your Texas Collections —B/L Items for Prompt Attention —Quick Action and Reports —Best Facilities in Southwest. Try us. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STOP SENDING TRACERS AFTER YOUR COLLECTIONS SEND US B. L. DRAFTS, NOTES, ETC., AND WATCH RESULTS OFFICERS JOS. E. COCKRELL J. D. GILLESPIE O. C. BRUCE J. C. TENISON . JNO. C. JESTER L. B. GLIDDEN . G. CARNES , . ■ President ■ Vice Pres. . Vice Pres. ■ Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst, Cashier Asst. Cashier CAPITAL, SURPLUS, AND PROFITS $700,000.00 For Your Collections [E NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK DALLAS, TEXAS ORGANIZED 1875 DALLAS, TEXAS Capital BILL OF LADING DRAFTS $150,000.00 Surplus BILL OF AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $350,000 00 LADING DRAFTS Superior Expert T ransit Collection Service Facilities WE REMIT PROMPTLY ON DAY OF PAYMENT ALL BUSINESS WILL RECEIVE THE PERSONAL ATTENTION OF AN OFFICER Capital, Surplus and Profits Try Us for QUICK ACTION and Efficient Service Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $9,000,000 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given & each bank in u- s exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.H’New § Slate tPriv. :T'J* tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. J Last Sale % Dir. ® Sar, Dept. President. Vice-President. (Federal Reserve City No. 11) 1 Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties ♦Liberty State Bank ...®»f§’2 J. E. Lawtber___ S. Dysterbach....... F. E. Hendricks... W. M. Thompson.. $ *125-8% 32-63 Gr. T. Reynolds. Ch. T. F. Hart C. L. Dowlen ‘MERCANTILE NATIONAL BANK *117-8% IN DALLAS R. L. THORNTON-— JL W. FRED H00PES-- MILTON F. BROWN— HARRY SUSMAN...... D. 0. ROGERS, V. P. W. M H10LLAND h.A. WIDDECKE, C. W. BELEW r fc L. 0. DANIEL „ 32-61 Auditor leota branum All matters given personal attention by an officer. T*tT MERCANTILE TR. & SAV. BK K. T. Thornton.... W. M. Holland .... Milton F. Brown.. Harry Susman....... *110-8% 32-73 ®T»+§’2i J.W.F.Hoopes.F.P.jC. L. Sanger D. D. Rogers. T;. P.iL. O. Daniel ‘NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE *275-12% 32-4 J.ID0UE, JR. - 32-11 100,000 $ 750.000 17.660 $ 973,660 Resources. MlSCBL- j Qj^j, £ £X. Bonds LAHIOUS ; GHAXGU'Dub and Discounts ; Sncnlimns KBSOUBCS9 FBOM Banks AND $ 826.050 S 175.930 9.757.820 $ 751.920 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Loans 6.316.640 ! 400 $ 043.840 83,970 $ 180.900 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Ex. N. and Mtle. N., Dallas. 100.950 4.074.240 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi, and St. L.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. YOUR ACCO UNT A ND CO RRES POND ENCE INVI TED. 250,000 68.520 2.290.880 53.850 1.757.440 398.370 64.000 443.430 j Auditor ...... SEORGE MILLER... rr.^ILFt_ 150.000 386.100 4.856.960 59.750 2.680.020 1.034.790 144.460 1.592.030 All collections vyill receive an officer’s personal attention, And will be remitted for on day of payment. Try us for quick service. ledeN., St.L.; Fid.Nat’lBk.&Tr.Co., Kan.C. E. S. OWENS----------S. A. L0NGM00R— D. W. FORBES-------- J. W- MASSIE.......... Vice Presidents: J'f’pARKS 1 L CROSTHWAIT, E. L. PREWITT C. S. MITCHELL C‘. F'. THOMAS Auditor B. F. JOYNER J. W. ROYALL B. C. BALL,A.V.P. E. H. CAREY W. B. HEAD ‘NORTH TEXAS NATIONAL BANK *150 H. A. Widdecke. n n uAnnnv ®T»1:’89 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DALLAS—Continued 1 30Q ®T»r25 A Conservative Bank that gives efficient service in every department of Commercial Banking. 1.000.000 478.000 10.350.890 1.130,500 320.610 1,317.490 2.610.130 Chase N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Foreman N., 8*711.160 Chi.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St.L.; Com. Tr. Co. Kansas City. Reserve Accounts and Collections of Banks and Bankers respectfully solicited. +0AK CLIFF STATE BANK & TRUST CO. (RAYMOND THOMAS L. U. UUHflLU......... miitrJttllj , 1. P. RAINBOLT...... 50,000 7.610 776.690 50.570 508,760 93.000 181,970 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: No. Tex. N., Dallas. F. P. and Cash.< E. W. JONES F. H. LOWRANCE *200 32-53 ®T*i§’ll LFor Prompt Atten tion Send Us Your Items Direct Remit ted for on Day of Pa yment. Realty Trust Co.________ §’19 R. A. Ritchie........ W. F. Knox____ R. Townsend. F. E. Blount, Seab. N., N.Y.: Am. Ex. N. and City N., Dallas. 200.000 76.270 *125-10% u. u. v. r. ana sec. a. Sec. W. 0. CONNOR------- J. R. HAVEN, Active. RUPERT ELDRIDGE- H. V. SMITH............. F.F.FLORENCE. V. P. JNO.E. OWENS,Active j. M. CUMBY, ROBIN WILLIAMS WM. Z. HAYES, FRANK E. AUSTIN . _ j. ERVIN SHILG and N. Bk. Com., N. T.; Cont. & Com’l N. Active V. P. EUGENE DE BOGORY R. F. NICHOLSON, H. M. RUSSELL, Jr 2.500,000 1.750.000 22.560.850 3.887.470 10.858.280 3.007.500 1.634.950 6.197.590 and Ill. Mereh. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. J.M.HADRA,4.F.Kr J RAp^^J. B. GRIFFITH and Los A.; 1st N., Bos.; Bk. of Italy, San F.; ‘REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK ®T*no 32-66 (Members indicated by a *) Atl. & Lowry, N„ All. ALL MATTERS SENT US GIVEN PERSONAL ATTENTION BY AN OFFICER OF THIS BANK 32-62 1 ! ! Wirt Davis______ Leslie Waggener... R. J. McBean, See.. Geo. M. Bailey, Jr., W. O. Connor. Ch. Percy Davis A. Sec. 500,000 127.070 2,892,160 J. W. Hooser........ E. O. Snead ........... Gr. C. Dunn............ VI. J. Rachofsky.. G. C. Dunn J. 0. McKenzie D. L. Donohue J. B. Adoue........... R. L. Thornton.... B. F. Joyner. 0. C. Bruce, Sec__ (Associate memb ers by +) Tr. and Mgr. ioo,ooo; 2,800 889,300 1.439.820 2.214,180 1,474.390 54.500 688.370 100.840 43.590 161.290 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Mtle. N.. Dallas; Hou. Nat'l, Hou. 1 1 1 1.215.990 Rep. N.. Dallas. Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS »•'••1MMETT-F- ■p- Corr: Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Mtle. N., Dallas; Am. N., Austin. Member Texas Bankers Assn. (417 Magnolia Bldg.) ] Texas Municipal Securities. Investment ( Bonds, Beal Estate Mortgages. HIBERNIA SECURITIES CO.* Inc........ •j(nnHHigh See head office at New Orleans. i HICKS. MnrGradeRrInvestment Securities (806 Am. Ex. Nat’l Bldg.) 1 ( Commercial Paper Bankers Acceptances. fE: 5: AIM ft: F. M. DRAKE & (208 Magnolia Bldg.) CO. ’20 (Listed aud Unlisted Securities bought, No. Tex. N. aud Rep. N., Dallas, | sold and quoted. (Dallas continued on next page) AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GARRETT & COMPANY................... 124 < PROMPTLY HANDLED BY THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK AUSTIN, TEXAS 1310 Selected List-—un v tlo i mrLiN i DEALERS Name •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JMem. State Bks. Assn. lIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab ntTCVACt »< OF TEXAS (1407 Main St.) Federal Reserve City No. 11 Correspondents and Bank Depositories Officers lished T P JUNKIN. Pres. E. R. BROWN. V. P. ^ J1 INVESTMENT SECURITIES „ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (I.idexed Acces.), Lawyers^ Laws Jindexed) in back of this VI volume. Jhor interest IVillPK* IlUlliliIJ'My CLL., bCt) DALLAS—Continued—Reserve City T-p■ ** INVESTMENT BANKERS, FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE, Capital,Surplus and UnINDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. divided Profits $731,280 MUNICIPAL BONDS LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES. Year Estab «Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. ifMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. 1 WM. H. COKE. Sec. Hum Name | Correspondents and Bank Depositories Officers lished M. H. THOMAS & GO. MIKE H. THOMAS- - - - - - D. S. THOMAS........... F. D. THOMAS............. S. F. CADE INVESTMENT BANKERS Dealers In Stocks, Bonds, Listed and Unlisted Securities. 1887 SEE FRONT OF TEXAS MAP TEXAS—Continued Town and County. ^County Seats. No. 11F. Res. Dist. EE1 Paso H Houston Damon______363 H Brazoria M21 •Mem.A.B.A. MNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % D1t. ® Sar. Dept President. Vice-President. Cashier. Damon City State Bank t§’25 J. E. Hooper____ J. B. Hooten----- J. B. Hooten------*ioo 88-2102 Darrouzett___200 First National Bank____*’25 W. H. Beck........... A. H. Montgomery Guy Winningham . *ioo 88-1799 Lipscomb A6 Dawson............950 First National Bank____ t’15 C. M. Newton___ J. M. Lee_______ J. F. Smith______ 88-777 Navarro G20 *250 Liberty National Bank.»t‘07 B. L. Sanders......... M. L. Berry_____ E. B. Dawson------C. O. Weaver *230-25% 88-776 Dayton_____ 2527 Dayton State Bank~-.«iS’#7 Joe Entzminger__ W. T. Jamison....... J. F. Matthews.— C. A. Brown 88-1024 H Liberty K32 $100 G. R. Kocurek... Deauville_____207 First State Bank---------1§’19 C. C. Nelms_____ A. F. Grabow------- John Gerdes. V. P. J. C. Seibert. V. P. J. L. Kocurek H Burleson J19 *170-10% 88-1837 J. W. Lillard------W. P. Thurmond.. S. A. Lillard ____ ^Decatur_____2205 City National Bank------- *’01 S. A. Lillard. Jr. *200-10% 88-510 Wise D18 FIRST NATIONAL *110-10% BANK »t'g3 Resources, Liabilities. rW. T. WAGGONER. j. A. SIMMONS— SAM BELLAti E. P. GIBSON- - - - - - - - ) Oldest and Larg est Bank. (.Prompt and car eful attention glv en outside buslne Ass't Cashier. 1,050 S 39,510!i 3,490 !S 73,780 1.123 9,250:$ 17.500 i~ 1.2)61S 103,980:i Beatrice Winningham A. L. Edwards___ 25,000 1,470 151,640 25.000 38,500 193,680 25,000 161,800 25,000 10,750 50.000 75,540 186,700 100,330 309,380 53,000 10,600 C. D. Berry 13,690 . 50.000 2.440 447,610 17,900 299,150 19,500 49,320 S. W. Seibert------ 10,000 7.540 74,410 450 44,290 6,450 6,900 J.M. Gibbon___ 50,000 65,170 557,460 54,500 411,240 103,760 35,130 100,000 16,130 499,259 60,880 509,630 59,260 52.670 50,000 350,000 36,700 tfcflHr . 88-509 N. K. Furey__ 88-707 E. E. Bearden....... G. W. Brown____ A. G. Cramp___ First National Bank------*’07 C. C. Cramp— *125-10% 88-708 DeLeon_____ 3302 Farmers & Merch. Nat 1 Bk. R.W.Higginbotham W. A. Nunnelley.. Z. C. Steakley___ J. Tate_________ R.R. Harvey. Act. 88-702 »t’05 Comanche F16 *175-20% Security State Bank...«t§'21 B. J. Pittman___ J. D. Miller. Sr.... Evan Barker ------- Thelma Daniels... C. W. Cogburn *ioo 88-1924 (Formerly Guaranty State Ba nk) C. B. Freeman.. C. P.Scales. .Del Rio....... 10.589 Del Rio Bank & Trust Co. 88-137 ®T»tS’10 Val Verde Mil $160 ♦ J. A. Walker......... B. F. Peirce__ Ross Stafford, Act. B. E. Wilson_____ Del Rio National Bank Roy Hudspeth *120-10% 88-136 ®»t’04 M. D. McNutt.— R. T. Hunnicntt... H. B. Ross______ E. E. Sawyer------FIRST NATIONAL BANK L. Stanley A. Zambrano, Jr. *275-24% 88-135 ©•J1900 M. A. Regensburge r Henry Etter-------D. E. Blackburn... Denison....... 19,008 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK W. B. Munson. Jr., R. Geisenhoner E. Regensbnrger Grayson B19 *150-8% 88-37 ®»t’2a THE J. G. Railey_____ Lewis Wertz___ . Margaret I. Kelly.. W. S. Hibbard___ NATIONAL BANK OF DENISON W. J. Leeper *150-6% 88-36 ®»t’90 E. L. Hopkins, J. W. Madden....... Leo Murphy, North Texas Loan & Tr. Co. W. L. Peterson___ W. Sec. and Tr. G. Meginnis 10% 88-40 T§’88 A. F. Platter, Ch. T. F. Foley Security State Bank------------ (Closed November 1 . 1926) Bowie C23 T. F. FOLEY... ties LEO MURPHY— E. L. HOPKINS S. M. WADDLE *250-8% 88-3a t'83 (. Collections on D enlson and vicinl ty given personal C. E. Miller............ R. M. Barns_____ .Denton____ 7626 Denton County Nat. Bk.»t’fl2 J. W. Degan. Frank Keel F. C. Davis * 200 20 % 88-214 Denton D18 100,000 50,000 50,000 38,000 494,000 48,000 20,000 320,000 100,000 38,850 343.980 150.000 29,000 840,000 100,000 151,180 1,334,620 100.000 30,270 1.068,220 100,000 59,550 50,000 100,000i 947,060 4,600 89,520 1st N„ Wichita and Oklahoma Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 84,630 1st N„ Hou. and Waco; Rep. N„ Dal.; State N„ Corsicana. 39,600 N. Bk Com., N. Y.; City N„ Dallas. 149,980 Han. N„ N. Y.; 2d N. and 1st N„ Hou. 34,760 Han. N„ N. Y.; Hou. N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv.; Gty. Bd. State, San Ant. 177,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth; Rep. N.. Dallas. 54,710 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; City N„ Dallas. 150,000 Texarkana N„ Texarkana; Rep. N„ Dallas. 323,000 83,000 180,000 50,000 345,010 25,000 188,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Waco; City N„ Dallas; Mellon N„ Pitt. 58.000 1st N„ Waco; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. 37,900 99.920 Han. N„ N. Y.: Com’lN.. San Ant.; Drov. N., Kan C. 248,800 Chase N.. N. Y.; Stock Yds. N„ Chi.; Lockwood N., San Antonio; Rep. N., Dallas. 333.840 N, Park. N. Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L.; Frost N„ San Antonio. 271.710 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mtle. N„ Dallas. 60.2)0 707.000 103,000 73,000 1,173,810 117,070 34,080 771,410 117.420 127,990 98,600 473.620 438,600 91,950 114.100 151.090 8.090 8.760 1.241,910 310,540 1,350 100,000 90,050 168,290 1,611,930 o filcer of tbe ba nk. 55.000i 700,0001 50,000I 70,580 1st N„ Hou.; U.S. N„ Galv. Texarkana N„ Texarkana. 300,000 300,000 Principal Correspondents. Bonds Loans Oash A ExMiscel aaAXK>a*,Dtrs and and Discounts Securities laneous 1 non Baiu Alma Stulting....... $ DeKalb______910 DeKalb Exchange Bk,’87 W. D. Sanders. fW. L. PETERSON - J. W. MADDEN— THE STATE NATIONAL BANK J A. F. PLATTER,Ch. W. G. MEGINNIS Other Liabili Subplus Paid-up 1 Depos AND its Capital Profits 201.050 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr., Kan C.: Am. Ex. N„ Dal. 760 State N.. Denison. 286.420 Seab. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Cont.N., Ft. Worth; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 100.000 650,000 50.000 50.000i 155,000i Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. . 100,0001 30,400i 457,4101 66,910 384,390 101.300i 96.550i W. F. Woodward.... W. C. Kimbrough. L. H. Schweer.. First National Bank—•J,82 H. F. Schweer. io% 88-213 R. W. Bass-----M. L. Martin_____ W. C. Orr_______ First State Bank------- »tl'12 W. E. Smoot____ Jno. W. Crain O. M. Curtis *125-8% ♦ 88-1474 50.00C1 50.00C1 350.00C1 75.000 335,700 43.323i 17,800i 72,320i Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Kan. C.; City N„ Dallas. 128.18Ci Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 50.00C 1 409,81C) 37,100 327,810' 52.60C1 59,130 J. F. Wilkins----- C. Coit:......... . EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK J. Send Us your Co llections *150-10% 88-212 <’81 E. D. Curtis_____ S. H. Wisdom. for spe cial attention an d results. I N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N„ Dallas; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Business 1 O-i 1 loll Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Dkrcctorv. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. ‘County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. EElPaso HHouston. LIABILITIES. •Mem. A. B. A. ^New §State tPriv. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dlv. ® gar. Dept. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued President. Vice-President. AS3’T Cashier. Cashier. r. „ _ Surplus Depos Other Liabili its Capital profits Emma Kinsey....... i 50,000 Deport_______ 821 First National Bank....... t'02 J. H. Moore-------- J. G. Wright ......... J. B. Griffin. J. T. Woodard $180 88-780 Lamar C22 ties Resources. CUSH ft ExLoan a Bonds Miscel cu,*(;««,I>::i and and Discounts Securities laneous raoH Basies 140,000 S 40,000 $ 280,000 60,000 $ Principal correspondents. 30,000 $ 140,000 Seab. N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. First State Bank_____________ (Closed) 70,750 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Paris. 170,530 $ 10,000 120,630 2,010 15,480 34,030 304,330 98,660 367.550 28,900 34,660 105,910 Seab. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 50,000 17,090 163,190 50,000 144,010 54,910 15,750 56,520 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Frost N„ San Antonio: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou, 13,000 3,250 29,000 2,050 34,500 10,000 10,230 88,260 25,000 4,080 128,510 20,000 33,150 152,050 156,530 Joe Spacek, Jr....... 15,000 10,370 117,820 64,230 Ester Noble.... J. J. Hastings 25,000 21,000 175,000 171,000 R. H. Mills........... 30,000 8,760 66,370 First State Bank—........ t§’10 J. F.Lee_________ R. E. McClary___ DeWItt Neal------- Ray Neal-------$120-10% 88-901 Dodsonville.__ 513 First State Bank---------<§’10 G. W. Deahl_____ T. R. Whisenant.. Gladys R. Nisbett. E. J. Smith___ J. G. Nisbett 88-1030 Collingsworth E6 Donle________ 218 Guaranty State Bank..<§’19 A. B. Crider........... A. G. Easterling... J. D. Hudson____ O. Wiley. V. P. Roy Worthy 88-1884 Freestone H21 $100 Pearl Botts .. Donna......... 1579 Citizens State Bank .-.<§’26 R. S. Chambers... Philip Welhansen. E. J. Davenport... Miss L. T. Phillips E. J. Jameson 88-1031 H Hidalgo Q4 20,000 2,930 46,340 33,920 12,590 22,760 Dallas N„ Dallas; 1st N., Paris: State N., Bonham. 25,000 20,070 196,440 171,770 35.040 34,700 Han. N..N.Y.: 1st N.. Ft. W. and Wichita F.; U. S. N., Galv. 15,000 4,120 24,510 29,350 10,650 3,710 Hou. N.. Hou.: Tex. N., Ft. Worth; Jewett State, Jewett. 50,000 10,000 608.000 490,000 T. Mackey____ 16,000 4,670 109,000 49,800 W. Skinner______ J. W. Hall------- 50,000 6,830 91,440 54,000 90,470 52,500 Detroit_____ 1530 Citizens State Bank.........§'24 T. D. Wilson____ W. T. Crittenden.. F. D.Inzer______ W. M. Metcalfe ... 88-540 Red River B22 First National Bank ---<’92 J. L. Van Dyke—— H. C. Bailey-------- W. E. Holloway... Ralph Pearce------T. P. Guest, Active $125 88-539 Devine............... 995 Adams National Bank—<’04 W. M. Williamson. Mrs. L. C.Adams.. F. R. Briscoe------- C. R. Thompson... W. S. Lilly $135-10% 88-1025 Medina M15 F. O. Collums____ C. L. Culver_____ W. C. Cunningham Dexter________ 317 First Guaranty State Bank $125 88-1694•i§’15 Cooke B19 D’Hanis_____ 2513 D'Hanis State Bank .—1§'16 E. Zander----------- Jacob Reily........... J. P. Ephraim-----$135-10% 88-1726 Medina M15 Dickinson____ 224 First National Bank........t’ll Paul Lobit_______ Chas. J. Blume ___ J. H. Jones______ 88-1414 H Galveston L23 $120-8% DUley.......... .513 Dilley State Bank---------1§’07 S. M. Crutchfield.. W. T. McLean ___ F. J. Avant_____ 15% 88-1028 Frio N15 Dime Box____ 219 First State Bank-------- 1§’17 J. L. Kocurek___ C. C. Nelms-------- L. J. Kocurek....... $150-10% 88-1744 H Lee J19 ‘Dimmitt____162 First State Bank----------tS’07 R. McLean______ Bruce McLean___ Bruce McLean .... 88-1029 Castro E2 Dodd City........600 First National Bank........t’01 S. D. McGee_____ J. W. Van Noy — W. C. McGee____ siio-io% 88-900 Fannin C20 Dorchester____250 First State Bank.............ti'10 E. Mackey______ $125-8% 80-1032 Grayson 019 Dublin..............3229 Citizens National Bank.*t'01 $100-10% 88-360 Erath F16 Dublin National Bank.. <’92 $225 88-359 Farmers National Bank. <’10 $100-5% 88-361 ‘Dumas....... ...113 First State Bank----------1§'10 $ 145 10 % 88-1034 Moore B3 Dundee______ 409 First State Bank------- ®t§’09 $125 88-1036 Archer B15 Eagle Lake ....2017 Eagle Lake State Bank<§’06 88-489 H Colorado L20 $120-8% FIRST NATIONAL BANK< 04 $150-8% 88-488 R. A. Chapman, Jr. J. H. Graham__ W. M. Wright........ Walter Hamilton.. W. R. Young John G. Harris___ R. W. Gray............ B. W. Lafferty D. L. Harris_____ B. W. Lafferty___ Walter Hamilton T. H. Campbell... Noel McDade____ 3.340 100,000 9,700 10,500 3,500 33,830 2d N„ Hou.; Gtv Bond State, Tex. State Bk.& Tr. and Alamo N.,San Antonio. 33,850 102,570 7,910 39,310 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N. and City N„ Galv.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 16,040 32,630 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Alamo N. and Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 8,560 59,250 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N„ Hou.; Caldwell N.. Caldwell. 33,680 11,150 35,000 1st N„ Amarillo. 47,150 5,100 22,400 57,470 State N., Denison; Merch. & Plan. N.. Sherman; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 31,900 27,400 1st N„ Waco; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex.N.. Dallas. 165.050 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Ft. WorthN. andStk.Yds. N., Ft.Worth. 75,130 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Cont. N.. and Tex. N.. Ft. Worth.; 2d N.. Hou. 24,590 Inter-State N. and Stk. Yds. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo. „ , 25,860 Han. N., N. Y.;lst N.andSecur. N., Wich ita Falls; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 200,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; U. S. N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com’l N. and 1st N„ Hou. 87,760 460,750 27.070 356,680 103.800 10,000 24,740 246,000 440 211,600 3,200 31,240 Mrs.T.H. Campbell 15,000 7.330 122,420 99,380 15,000 25,000 14,220 98,670 E. R. Roberts___ Ophelia Johnson 100,000 25,000 650,000 W. E. LENHART - S. 0. BOOTHE_ _ _ _ 75,000 25,000 500,000 5,790 42,630 70,360 450,000 10,000 115,000 300,000 179,520 15,430 155,030 1,122,010 872,020 369,700 10,030 21,000 28,900 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. 228,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.: Groos N„ San Antonio; 1st N., Brownsville. 4,000 60,000 960 5,000 1st N., Gainesville. 60,660 50,000 Alex. Albright........ S. G. Helm_____ J. W. Ross___ W. L. Richeson William Green.... W. E. McRee____ F. B. Rnwwe — H. Lee Johnson RIGKLAND HT, V.-P. _. L. VIHEYA 26.050 7,780 J. S. Little______ J. L. White----- C. E. Leatherwood E. W. Harris___ 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union N„ Hou. "auk In the County. your B Ill of Lading Draf ts and Time Ite ms. ‘Eagle Pass... 5765 First National Bank ....<’90 Geo. C. Hollis____ Wm. Hollis.......... J. T. Glass______ W. A. Hewatt-----J. L. Barrera, Act. 88-261 Maverick N12 $335-20% J. D. Beck.............. C. F. Carson-------- M. J. Boehmer.... A. Rivera, Jr......... State Bank & Trust Co. F. F. Niggli 88-263 T<§’06 Viguera Banking Co...<t’20 Isidro Viguera ___ Cipriano Viguera . F. N. Garcia, Mgr. E. M. Salinas, Asst. Mgr. 88-2037 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 PROMPTLY HANDLEO BY 150,000 371,700 2,682,060 46,000 492,000 75,000_______ 200,000 100,000 7,870 125,000 53,890 1,312,860 N. City. N. Y.; Frost N. and Alamo N„ San Antonio; 1st N.. Hou. 140,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. 50,000 100,000 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 125.640 THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK AUSTIN. TEXAS Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bapkers Ass’n. — Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State t Priv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. President. In No. 11R. F. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trast Powers. E ElPaso H Houston $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Bar. Dept 1019 East Bernard.. 500 Union State Bank_____ t|'07 R. B. Boettcher H Wharton L20 $150-10% ♦ 88-1037 , ^Eastland ...12,435 Exchange National Bank Eastland F15 88-2070 <’23 10% TEXAS STATE BANK 88-788 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- TTTT*Y A Q___ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this L Cashier. k/UllUIlUCU_________________________________________ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bondi Miscel Cash A £xther Depos LOiabili Asst cashier. Paid-up Surplus and oua nqm,Dtti and AND Capital Propits its Discount! Securities laneous from Banks ties 12,860 $ 37,640 Seab. N.. N.Y.; 1st N.,Hou.; City N.,Dallas. 50,000 306,380 8,670 246,860 11,600 130 106,470 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Republic N., Dallas. 75,000 33.470 1,281.670 5.340 786,810 285,050 123,080 200,540 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N,, Ft. Worth: Cent.N., Dallas. $ 50,000 $ Clem Boettcher... Henry Novosad... W. C. Buis Jack Williamson.. T. L. OVERBEY— W. A MARTI R........... H. BRELSFORD, JR... FRANK LOVETT......... GEO. 0. HARRELL H. P. BRELSFORD, Ch. of Bd. 15,700 $ 163,370 $ 26,160 $ 177,330 * 27,400 1 ’ SAFE—PR OMPT—ACC OMMODATI NO. Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding *t§'24 FEE IN ADVAN CEt Plain sight drafts. /Ac; Crs Jit Ramorts. 2Sc. TRY US. Retor. ____ 454 First State Bank_____ <l’05 W. R. Laton-------- W. H. Harper....... W. H. Harper....... O. G. Weatherby.. $115-10% 88-1088 Fannin C20 15,000 3.460 58.870 1,250 54.390 3,750 8,530 11.920 1st N.. Bonham: Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. Eddy ............ S60 First National Bank..©»t’08 J . R. Knight_____ D. W. Harwell____ 88-765 McLennan H18 $200-12% 50,000 48,290 127.830 340 151.970 10.900 9.150 54,440 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Waco; 2d N.. Hon.; U. S. N., Galv. Eden. _ . _ 593 Eden State Bank-------- •tl*07 H. G. Maclean___ R. G. Armor........... W. T. Molloy____ J. L. Daniel_____ $85 88-1039 Concho H13 50,000 6.710 221,900 25,000 207,430 300 49,750 46,130 Han. N.. N. Y.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N„ Dallas. Edge wood___ 820 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Lee Jovner______ J. H. Jones............. J. A. Lucas______ W. H. Pickens. $i’00 Van Zandt E21 $125-10% ♦ 88-788 35,000 5,000 102,000 17,830 120,790 1.590 27,170 10,270 1st N„ Terrell; No. Tex. N„ Dallas. 25.000 28,360 108.140 25,000 115.150 25.000 6,750 39,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 25,000 10,000 450.000 122,500 60,000 77,500 225.000 2d N-, Hou.; Guaranty Bond State, San An tonio; City N., Corpus Christi. 598.230 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Hon.; City N., San Ant.; Austin N., Austin. 394,790 2d and So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hon.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co. and Victoria N., Victoria M .... " First National Bank__ *$'00 R. M. Millsaps____ J. P. Downs, Active G. M. Youngblood. Vurbra Lee Hooks, $200-20% 88-782 Sec. N. L. Cheatham * Edinburg.__1406 Capitol State Bank.__<§’26 M. L. Paden........... W. L. Pearson___ G. W. Walton___ 88-2096 H Hidalgo Q4 .. Edinbnrg State Bk. &Tr. Co. A, Y. Baker_ 88-1040 T<l’09 W. R. Montgomery E. A. Peffley_____ E. S. Hearne____ 100,000 89,930 1.869,830 3.600 846.050 540,070 78,600 A. E. Westhoff..— S. D. Scott______ D. H. Allen............ E. T. Rose 110,000 35,450 515,000 3,740 208,480 98,150 63,570 E. H. Kneh______ R. B. Wallace___ R.E. Kirk............... E. A. Knebel____ El Campo....2500 Commercial State Bank 88-480 <§’21 H Wharton M 21 $145-10% Jesse Appling Geo. P. Willis 50,000 21,850 575.720 351,980 59.240 13.350 100,000 110,000 600.000 622.000 75,000 51.730 264,350 27,480 286,560 23.150 6,150 Electra... 4744 FIRST NATIONAL BANK +ito Edward Schlaffka . R. R. R. Cook....... C. R. Miller_____ G. D. Ezell............. Wichita B15 $125-10% 88-1376 ©<I2 C. R. Miller 100,000 23,890 962,720 25,000 686,630 70,480 30.000 324,500 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N. and Secur. N„ Wichita Falls; 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. T.T. WEATHER ALL EM'- 75,000 45.000 950,000 740.000 50.000 80,000 200,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N„ Ft. Worth; City N„ Wich. Falls. 50,000 125.000 622,000 404.000 29,500 53.500 335.000 N. City. N. Y.; So, Tex. Corn ! N„ Hou. Eliasville......... 700 Eliasville State Bank..<§’23 W. T. Donnell....... H. C. Brock_____ W. O. Cnnningham $120-20% 88-1968 Young D15 25,000 800 250,000 112.000 125,000 Elkhart_____ 1018 Elkhart Guaranty State Bk. A. Hanks____ 88-1428 i§’ll H Anderson G22 $125 W. A. Weatherford R. E. L. Parks___ J. B. Parker.__ ... Elbert Kyle D. S. Lively 20,000 13,040 285,630 2,770 183,290 ■■■I 12,500 3,830 83.830 ■1 72.110 ♦ Edna . 1735 JWH4K M*TE"» H Jackson M20 .. .. First National Bank...’02 G. A. Rives-. 18-478 ‘Eldorado. .. 320 First National Bank----- <’07 $150-10% *8-784 Schleicher 112 J. F. Kubela ...... H. F. Klfin ... G. F. Stovall .T. E. Hill R. P. Hinyard C. W. COFFEY... “ -........ “ FIRST STATE BANK— <1*11 ••—1041 W. O. Alexander — 1 158,000 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou. 102,710 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N.. Dallas. Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, cash and time Items. .Please send 15c v>i th each right draft fo r pmentation and 25e/or Credit Repor Elgin .. . . 1630 Elgin National Bank — <’06 W. H. Rivers. Jr... W. P. Culp............. W. P. Culp, Jr. 88-487 H Bastrop J18 20% .. E. J. Soderman... 220.990 Seab. N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. R. H. Arbuckle.__ 25,000 • Merchants & Farmers State B ank (Closed Decern her 3, 1926) ■■■ Ellintrer 362 First State Bank.--------t|T2 Leo Frede____ __ C. W. Ehlinger.__ E. C. .Teomenek__ 88-1475 H Fayette K20 $125-10% AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6.040 45,000 Tex. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle N., Dallas; 1st N„ Graham. 54,340 83,800 So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou.; Royall N. and East Tex. N„ Palestine. 5.780 16,230 1st N., Hou.; John Schumacher State, La Grange; Mtle. N„ Dallas. Austin, Texas s,K:Jr Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DIG into the Blue Book whenever you want a report on any one anywhere. Find the town, select one of the Banks advertising, write your letter, enclose the fee 25c or 50c, mail the letter and your part is done—the Bank will do the rest. These Banks advertising in the Rand McNally Directory specialize in this service. Th ey are prompt, intelligent and efficient. ALWAYS ENCLOSE THE FEE IN ADVANCE! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK EL PASO, TEXAS Capital and Surplus OFFICERS JOSHUA S. RAYNOLDS...President .... $1,200,000.00 OUR WIDE ACQUAINTANCE AND EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS F. M. MURCHISON, First Vice-President E. W. KAYSER............Vice-President IN OLD MEXICO J. E. BENTON, Vice-President and Cashier H. F. RAYNOLDS ., . .Vice-President B. L. MEYERS...... Assistant Cashier F. E. GILLETT...... Assistant Cashier J. M. MANDEVILLE, Assistant Cashier WM. GRAVES......................... Auditor Enable us to give efficient and prompt attention to collections and payments throughout the Republic of Mexico DIRECTORS JOSHUA S. RAYNOLDS S. I. BERG J, B. DALE E. C. HEID C. L. HILL P. H. LUCKETT J. L. MARR F. M. MURCHISON C. M. NEWMAN H. F. RAYNOLDS G. B. RYAN H. SEGGERMANN J. B. SPEARS H. B. STEVENS W. W. TURNEY Z. T. WHITE We Specialize in the prompt handling of Bill of Lading Drafts on any point in the Great Southwest Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 01 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given o to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 •Mem. A.B. A. ”New §State fPrir. 1 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. Ass’t 1 I (El Paso, F-l) County Seat.—Pop. 104,929 Resources. Principal Correspondents. Miscel- Cash ft Ex* chawgm.Du* L Discounts SscUBITIBe Rbsoubcbb Loans BONDS AND and from arks C.M. HARVEY......... S. 0. YOUNG, Active H. A. JACOBS......... H.L. MOORE_____ A. H. GOLDSTEIN ♦Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas__ 88-1_________ 125.710 1.008.790 111.780 1.366.320 12.010 743.220 N. City, N. IV, Rep. N., Dallas; Cltlz. N., Los A. 251.240 10.441.400 1.094.100 7.051.980 1.486.350 1.057.570 N. Park, Han. N., N. City, and N. Bk. Com., N. ¥.; 1st N. and Cont. and Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C.; Republic 3.190.840 N., Dallas; Whltney-Cent. N., N. O.; Bk. of Italy and Wells Faigo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 353.590 10,010,470 5.007.080 1.955.380 324.730 Send us your items on Southwestern points including Old Mexico. (El Paso Branch, Federal Reserve Ba nk of Dallas, Tex,). First National Bank 300.000 EL PASO’S NEWEST BANK CONFIRMS ITS APPRECIATION OF BUSINESS BY RENDERING EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTION SERVICE. *120 (See Pa ge 30 for complet e inform ation) JOSHUA S. RAYNOLDS F. M. MURCHISON ... J.E. BENTON......... F. E. GILLETT-----H. W. MOORE. B. L. MEYERS j: e. A. Tr. Officer J. M. MANOEVILLE WM.GR A YES. Auditor H. F. RAYNOLOS . 1.000.000 SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR HANDLING COLLEC TIONS IN ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, WEST TEXAS, AND OLD MEXICO. 88-4 ‘STATE NATIONAL BANK *275-12% Cashier. (Branch of Reserve Bank, District No. 11) Liabilities. Other Cashier. Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Savings Bank (Closed January 27. 1927) EL PASO NATIONAL BANK 88-15 ®T»+’25 10% 1 1 Vice-President. President. JL&stSale f0 Dir. ® 8ar. Dept. American Trust ~~ EL PASO—Reserve City C. N. BASSETT.— G. D. FL0RT____ R. W. McAFEE.— W W.SCOTT R. W. McAFEE G. MATKIN 300,000 PROMPT ivn f' .1RFIFTH, ATTFVTIOTM TO COLLECTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. 22.650 408.000 3.256.240 Han. N., N. ¥.; Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Merch.< Lac. N., St. L.; Wells Fargo Bk. & I n, Tr. San F.; Citiz. Nat’l and Cal., Los A. ®T*t'81 88-6 ' fJ. S. CURTISS-— W. F. HOUSER_________ C, E. LEONARD, Tr,. J. W. Sparks & Co., N. Y.; N. City Co., Chi. and Den.; State N„ El Paso; J. W, Sparks & Co., Phi) /Oldest Bro kerage Firm in Southwes t. ) Specialist s in Mexican Issues and P ublic Utilitie s, (. All South western Min ingSecuritie s. J. S. CURTISS & CO .......... d II (Established 1910) (First National Bldg.) FIRST MORTGAGE COMPANY (1st N.Bk. Bldg.) 50,000 - (L. H. ORNDORFF — J. E. BENTON............... C. C. HESSEY. Cash._ W.E. WARD, Sec.... F. M. MURCHISON. T.B, NEWMAN J. E. BENTON. Tr. S. M. MURCHISON* • Ch. J.W.GIBB. A. Tr. A. Sec. ) SPECIALIZING IN FIRST (.MORTGAGE R EAL ESTATE PA PER. : 750,000 175,220 1,384,850 1.063,530 1.246,550 < ! ’ll ; (JAMES L MARR ... | F. M. MURCHISON —| GEO. W, SMITH, Sec. M. E. OeBORD, MORTGAGE investment 1 C. H. JONES. r.P. W. E. ROBERTSON COMPANY, Inc....... ........ 16 1 FARM AND Cl TV LOANS, BO NDS (Mills and Stanton) El Paso Clearing House------ (Members indicated by a *) A. Sec. 500,000 50,000| | 315.000 692,000 i j 6.3001 29,000; 139.500 L.; 1st X. El Paso- AND SECU RITIES. Geo. D. Flory___ F. M. Murchison... J. A. Borders, ........................................................... . AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sandled'bv THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN, TEXAS Number under Name «r Bank is tlie New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ UJ-T- Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrh. ‘County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E El Paso H Hou. $ Last Sale % Dir. ®8av. Dept. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued iqia Resources. Bonds Miscel and and Discounts Securities laneous Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Elyslan Fields 321 Security State Bank ...$S'13 J. M. Furrh........... J. D. Furrh___ E. S. Fry 1180-20% 88-1576 Harrison E24 Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Capital Profits J. B. Furrh........— Y. L. Rountree.... $ Loans Surplus Depos Other Liabili AND its 15,000 $ 16,830 $ 218,810 ties 470 $ 90.330 44,120 Principal Correspondents. 3ash A Ex- hangbs,Doe ROM Banks 11,100 $ 105,560 S 7,300 L.; Com’l N., Shreveport, La. 107,230 S Emhouse_____347 First National Bank—1’09 C. H. Delafosse ... Q. G. Owen............ S. M. Garrett........ W. E. Harrington . M. Montgomery 88-1044 Navarro F19 30,000 13,900 159.030 83,590 4,810 E. M. Mason........... S. Braziel.............. 25,000 48,550 296,310 168.160 28,320 M. F. Young-------- 25,000 11,000 185,000 130,000 26,000 35,000 H. R. Thomas___ W. F. Verner___ E. F. Nesuda J. J. Hodo, Jr., A. C 100.000 61,890 615.930 472,050 286,280 14,000 108,800 1. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and Da N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. E. C. HAWKINS — C.S.COOK- - - - - - - - 50,000 17,750 460,000 349,230 10,060 17,740 150.720 Jquitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mtle. N., Da Guaranty N., Hou. M. B. Moseley— T. H. Skrabanek 200,000 3.950 646,700 142,1500 544,180 149,020 162,770 136.830 lhase N., N. Y.; Rep. N„ Dallas; Citj Galv.; Un. N., Hou. L.E. Vardy.......... W. M. Tucker. 20,000 17,580 221,390 _ 108,630 20,000 16,800 C. Simmons______ F. B. Cornelius.— 25,000 18,390 81,890 0 94,920 19,520 20,760 Evant________ 319 First National Bank ....t’25 W. C. Brooks____ J. W. Burney____ E. T. Brooks_____ W. A. Wilhite----$200-12% 88-1487 Coryell H17 25,000 4.000 80,000 Fabens_____ 1200 First National Bank.—t’20 H. L. Birney____ W. J. Stahmann.. J. N. Hendricks... R. H. Johnson----A. H. Kelley, V. P. C. W. Bickley E El Paso G1 $no-io% 88-1952 50,000 32,240 240,800 - 222,820 2,100 44,910 53,320 Han. N„ N. Y.; State N..E1 Paso; So. TexCom’l N.. Hou. E. Childs_____ ‘Fairfield_____ 629 Fairfield State Bank...»t5’12 T. J. Hall________ C. H. Watson____ F. E. Hill, Jr_____ C. E. F. Glazener 88-1452 . Freestone G20 Vincent Carr — Fair lie_______ 250 CitizensBank------------- -tt’12 G. C. Waggoner ... 10% 88-1583 Hunt 02* Geo. M. Ludwig -- J. D. Dorough----*Falfurrias... 1825 First National Bank.@*t’20 J. R. Scott, Jr----- T. R. Bennett, Active $100-10% 88-1967 H Brooks Q17 Falls City_____500 Falls City National Bank.+’07 J. W. Moczygemba F. P. Moczygemba. A. D. Opiela_____ John I. Richardson H Karnes M17 $140-10% 88-1052 40.000 35.190 328.500 50 106,760 65,45( 17,890 217,430 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou.; City N , Dallas. 10,000 2,000 65,000 50.00C 50.000 12,000 827.210 341,00( 50.00C ... 25.000 18,140 152,790 30 81.88 35,40(] 12.800 Farmersvllle. 2167 Farmers & Merch. Nat’J Bk. W. R. Carver------- W. F. Hayes-------- Levi Wilson------- J. R. Holloway, Jr. $100-10% 88-455 ®»t’1900 Collin D20 First National Bank--- *J’87 J. E. Pendleton. R. W. Rike, Jr. ... W. A. Canon-------- R. A. Rike--------C. L. Rike K. M. Moore, Ch. of Bd. 88-454 75,000 2,180 153,350 80 222,01 I 67,63( 42.45C 50,000 101,830 860.820 00 767,43 0 18.00 61,49( ‘Farwell_____ 509 Security State Bank.. •+§’25 Henry Wilkinson. F. U. McCutchen.. A. L. Hood— D. F. Ashbrook $100 88-2088 Parmer A 7 (Formerly Guaranty State Ban k) J.N. Miller---------- W. B. Waller____ Miss Ollie Grisham J. D. Miller_____ First State Bank----------1§’07 Fate_________ 299 88-1054 Rockwall D20 20,000 236,970 00 156,77 ) 22,53 12,02 ‘Emory______ 721 First National Bank___•t'08 J. B. Clayton------- S. H. Hood------O. H. Rodes. V. P J. N. Braziel 1245 88-710 Rains D21 Enloe............... 398 Enloe State Bank-. Delta C21 88-1504 -«’12 J. M. Hagood_. A. R. Byrns, Active C. E. Cregg___ h Ennis..............7224 ♦Citizens National Bank F. A. Newton$155-10% 88-176 ®*t’04 Ellis F19 ♦FARMERS STATE BANK $120-10% 88-2031 J. L. Clarke. Clair White |J. W- WEATHER- „ W. F. TEMPIETON- 103,300 117,580 S FORD •!§ 22 I Special Spec attentl on given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ♦First National Bank.®*4’22 Edmond Raphael.. R. A. McCall____ F. P. McElwrath I. Jolesch, V. P. $100-5% 88-174 Ennis Clearing House-------- P. A. Newton. (Members indicated by a *) J. W. Weatherford R. T. Blakey, Sec.. Tr.. and, Mgr, Estelline____ .394 Estelline State Bank.... tl'05 S. H. Moore........... P. L. Vardy $200-25% 88-1048 Hall A12 Eustace___ ...513 First State Bank______ tS’10 J. M. Melton .... 88-1049 Henderson F21 R. T. Blakey----- 30,000 Cent. ( N., Dallas; 1st N., Paris. G. J. Cook____ 15,000 4,000 60,000 113.520 18,090 No. Tex. N., Dallas. 40.000 Tex. N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Waco. fin. 00(1 __ 50,000___________ 7,000 20,000 Mtle. N., Dallas. 492,800 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; City N„ San Ant.; U. S. N„ Galv.; Corpus Christi N„ Cor pus Christi. 89,680 Han. N„ N. Y.: Alamo N., San Antonio: So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 59,950 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 184.220 Chase N., N. Y.; Dallas N„ Dallas. 80.990 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; N Bk. Com., Amarillo; Drov. N., Kan. C. 15,000 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Royse City. IHE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C.. Mo. Solicits Your Business . 1315 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. EElPasoH Houston {LastSale %Div. ©Sar.Dept. President. Fayetteville... 390 Farmers National Bank—1’17 c. g. Vptfpr H Fayette K20 *140-10% 88-1741 Non-Bank Towns wilh Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. O. A. Vetter......... T. G. Fordtran KESOU RCES. Liabi LITIES. Loans Bond* Surplus Oa«h k Exther Miscel CHA56BB,D Paid-up Depos LOiabili and ui and AND Capital Profits its Discount! Securities laneous from Banks ties $ 25,000 $ 111,990 $ 121,390 $ 25.000 $ 15,670 $ 212,450 $ 30.000 19,450 204.440 158,120 25.890 5.370 $ Principal Correspondents. 39,360 N. City, N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. 54,900 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Gulf State, Hou.: Mtle. N., Dallas; J. Schumacher State, La grange. 64,130 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., San Marcos. Fayetteville State Bank.t§’16 Lee Heinsohn____ $140-10% 88-1055 J. R, Kubena Fentress State Bank—{§’16 C. E. Tolhurst____ R. P. Harris *125-10% 88-1710 J. W. Lipscomb... 10 GOA 8,330 119,290 68,170 600 4,720 H. Weatherford... L. W. Moyers____ 50,000 31,020 378,930 212,740 2,100 16,010 65,000 29.190 347,200 317,420 34,750 16,350 50,000 21,710 527,740 351,980 75,350 10,450 T. M. Williams___ S. W. Gardner .... 32,000 1,500 105,000 98,000 P. A. Wales............ 30,000 35.000 150,000 150,000 50.000 jW. R. WISEMAN— R. A. WISEMAN.......... W. W. HERRINGTON. L. H. MITCHELL-----S. W. TEAS Ing Drafts, Cash 1 given Bill of Lad and Time Items. ) Special attentio * FI ores vllle... 2000 CITY NATIONAL BANK ~{ 07 ' Please send 15c tin th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Revor ts. $165-15% 88-587 Wilson M17 27,060 275.170 49.300 214,420 70.650 4.780 121.690 Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. 8an Antonio: Austin N., Austin; 1st N., Hou. 50,000 53.660 356,400 50,000 202.560 50,000 18.700 238.810 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. Alamo N., San Antonio. 50,000 DANIEL........ 0. M. WATSON — F. L. MOORE ®*{’03 E. L. NORMAN Mrs. J. N. FARRIS ) Oldest and larg est bank in Floy d County. (.PROMPT ATTE NTION GIVEN A LL MATTERS E N TRUSTED TO US. 60.140 509,900 25,920 326.040 25.350 41,200 253.360 Drov. N.. Kan. G., Mo.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Amarillo. 50,000 12.000 458.720 330.610 14.950 19,000 156,160 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Plainview; Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 12,500 2,640 100.000 Katie Graves . 10,000 9.080 83.730 43,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Sny der; Far. & Merch. N.. Abilene. 58,200 Public N., Hou.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. F. B. Sumpter____ 25.000 22,470 376,000 15,000 3.380 46,430 Fentress_____269 H Caldwell L18 W. TV Duff Ferris_______ 1586 Farmers & Merch. State Bank Ellis E19 *200-15% ♦ 88-633 Jos. R. Kubena A. E. Cox tS’06 Ferris National Bank—$'02 J. R. Dunn............. J. M. Batchler .... Lloyd Wilson------*150-15% 88-632 M. Fernau________ F. A. Nesrsta.......... W. Kubala_______ R. F. Meyer Fla ton la______ 995 Fl&tonia State Bank-.»t§’82 H Fayette L19 *150-10% 88-761 Florence_____ 763 Farmers State Bank..._$S’17 W. C. Love............. J. P. Story____ 88-1797 Williamson 117 Florence State Bank___ {§’06 J. A. Brewster .... $200-20% 88-1056 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 88-588 r s. V. HOUSTON— J.T. HOUSTON — W.0. MURRAY 02 <( FIFTEEN CENT Ssent with each 1 Insures prompt , personal attent L This does not ap ply to Bills of Lad E. FRANKLIN— - 16,250 20,000 Hunt D20 V. $250-35% 88-835 A. R. Clubb. A.C. J. Clements_____ M. M. Garrett Fluvanna_____ 517 First State Bank-------- *$§’07 $100 88-1058 Scarry Dll Flynn .................419 Flynn State Bank____ {§’17 $igo 88-1776 Leon H21 E Pecos 18 20,500 Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin; Peo. State, Hou.; Rep. N.. Dallas. sight draft for pr esentation, Ion. Ing drafts or note s. fE. C. NELSON— TH0S. M0NTG0M- J. Floyd County National Bank $160-10% 88-836 *$’09 Jas. K. Green, V.P. S. A. Greer Forres ton____ 400 Ellis F19 •Ft. Davis..........525 E Jeff Davis 16 aFI. Stockton 1297 161,670 1st N., Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv. 35,000 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Austin N„ Austin. *Floydada___1384 FIRST RATIONAL BANK , Follett.................600 Lipscomb N6 Forest_________123 H Cherokee G22 Forestburg___ 264 Montague C17 Forney_______ 1345 Kaufman E20 89,120 Republic N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou. (Closed October 20. 1926) Floyd________ 300 Floyd Bll 229,100 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N. and Mtle. N., Dallas. B. F. Payne, Jr— A. E. Gormley A. W. Kincade___ Follett National Bank—*$13 $210-15% 88-1806 Farmers & Merchants State W. T. Norman____ $100 Bank-88-1914_____ $S’20 J. F. Freeman........ $180-20% 88-1775 City National Bank____•{’01 C. C. Jordan--------- O. J. Ledbetter.__ $225-12% 88-681 J. M. Davis. Jr.... Farmers National Bank«t’89 W. A. Brooks_____ $175-10% 88-682 O. W. Reagin_____ O. W. Reagin_____ Forney State Bank——*$§’15 $400-10% ♦ 88-1704 Porreston State Bank—.{§'06 $160-10% 88-1060 W. S. Miller Fort Davis State Bank —{I'll 88-1406 First National Bank___«tT0 J. M. Rooney_____ $150 88-787 G. H. Bell J. H. Clark AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. H. Layden_____ C. C. Senter George Anderson . W. D. Bloys______ SSSSrEDYBV _____ 27,000 64,500 500 7.140 34,070 4,210 6,330 157.500 85.000 17.970 14.340 15.000 9,260 33,830 1,870 10,000 9,820 44,280 50,000 35,000 133.720 97,870 224.860 1,800 50,750 190,000 Inter-State N. and Com. Tr.. Kan. C.; 4th N.. Wichita; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 26,210 Far. & Merch. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Rusk; Union N., Hou. 26,600 No. Tex. N., Dallas; City N., Bowie; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N.,St. Jo. 40,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.; Am. N., Terrell. 38.660 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 100,000 72,550 167,780 150,000 328,130 103,580 19,950 25,000 58.000 137.000 40.000 215.000 3.000 7,000 35,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; No. Tex. N., Dallas; Union N.. Hou. 20,000 6.060 73,830 75,970 8,830 143,610 14,920 15.090 Citiz. N., Waxahachie:’State N., Corsi cana; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 18,210 Han. N., N. Y.; State N„ El Paso. 35,000 24,660 117,970 50,000 17.050 453*160 34,040 333,660 30.13) 23,350 167.110 Chase N., N. Y.: Ft.Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., El Paso. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, ‘texas’ 1316 Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Trauslt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mera.A.B.A.riNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. 3 Last Sale % Dir. © Sar. Dept. Cattlemen’s Trust Co.. Vice-President. President. 'CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK Farmers d' ©T»t’77 'FORT WORTH NATIONAL BANK 37-5 Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. ther Paid-op Surplus Total LOiabili and Capital Profits Deposits ties Miscbl- j CMS* ExLLNIOVB CBANG*»,Dui Discounts Sbcubitiss RbsoubcBS from Bank* $ 750.000 $ $4,871,500 $ 2.040.550 Loafs and Principal Correspondents. Bonds AND E. H. WINTON......... H. C. WALLENBERG J. E. WILLIS, Tr. Off. J.H.ERIKSEN H. C BURKE JR OSCAR VOGEL oSSJkuie JOHOCAYCE 275.160 *10316340 540.1201 $3,883,320 Chase N., Seaboard N., and Chemical N., N., Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mellon N., Pitt. ALL BUSINESS SENT US RECEIVES PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION BT AN OFFICER OF THIS BANK. {Consolidated with Fort Worth National Bank) W.E. CONNELL—. T.B. YARBROUGH- R. C. MARTIN____ F. W. POWELL — J.N. SPARKS, V.P. W. H. WALLERICH. R. M. BOWER A. Cash. CHAMP CLARK E.N.RATLIFF, F. A. ROGERS 1.000.000 900.000 20.975.420 010.820 10.903.410 3.538.610 1.034,770 We have superior facilities for handling your Texas items and collections. *300-12% ass’t Cashier. Relations ©•*’21 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. L THOMAS_ _ H. H. WILKINSON Mechanics National Bank 1310-14% 17-1 (Tarrant, E18) County Seat Pop. 154,847 —Reserve City {Liquidated) J.G.WILKINSON ...... 17-22 FORT WORTH (Federal Reserve District No. 11) We eollect direct. Prompt. Your business invited. Reasonable. K. M. VAN ZANDT— R. E. HARDING........ ELMER RENFRO........ D. G. WEILER. E. E. REWLEY k. V. JENNINGS, w- E- WELCH A. V. P. C. W. BRASELT0N W. M. MASSIE B. H. MARTIN E. P. VAN ZAN0T, W. B. CAYCE A. v. p. s. 0, HARTMAN R. C. HEARNE R. W. FENDER GUY PRICE ®T»t’73 2,000.000 1 040.450 32.209.320 2.038.730 19.733.830 We cordially Invite correspondence of Benke 8.009,450 N. City, Gty. Tr. Co., aud N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Con*. A Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Bk. of Italy, San F.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt.; Den. N.. Den.; 2nd N., Bos ;; Ex. N., Tulsa. N. Y. Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., N. City, and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Cont. & Com’l N., and 1st N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com. 1st N.. and Boatmens N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. 0.040.950 1.949.200 10.130.520 C.; Phil.-Girard N. and 1st N., Phil.; Un. Tr. Co., Ciev.; W. F. Bk. & Uu. Tr., San F.; 1st N., Los A.; Whitney Cent. N., Marine Bk. & Tr.. and Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Mellon N. and Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. and Bankers desiring efficient and eatiefactory service in thle territory. •Tort Worth State Bk....»tJ’09 Ben O. Smith........... L. E. Reynolds.... C. E. Giliham.......... Lanford Coffman. *uo-io% 17-17 J. C. Frizzele Fraternal Bank & Trust Co. W. M. McDonald.. J. W. Hightower .. Harry Mauack____ Win. Coleman. *100-5% 37-57 §12 100,000 15.000; 860,000 2,400 40,420 18.860 452.480 _____ .... 389.580 39,230 267,140 155,910 3.090 164.820 Seab. N., N. Y,: Cont. & Com’] N., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.; City N„ Dallas. 469.390 Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. North Texas Trust Company ... {Closed) Itif AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Austin, Texas Solicits Your Business TEXAS AND SOUTHWEST SERVICE OCATED in Fort Worth — the Hub s of the Southwest — serving more than three hundred of the Southwest and Texas Banks, as Correspondent and Depository — we are enabled to serve advantageously Banks, Corporations, Individuals and Business Men needing banking service in this section, t y^IRECTED by officers of long experience, our highly specialized and effi cient Collection and Transit Departments, thru personalized confidential service assure prompt attention to all items, and quick returns, on bill of lading drafts and other Southwest business sent thru the The Fort Worth National Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FORT WORTH, TEXAS Fort Worth Oil — is the Livestock Rail Grain Cotton and Industrial Center of the Southwest — — — — Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FARM MORTGAGES AND FARM MORTGAGE BONDS TAEALERS of recognized relia bility in practically every section are represented by adver tisements in this Directory. Their announcements here are earnest of their readiness and ability to answer your inquiry or supply your need. 1 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given UHOT 1 qi 1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -LOi./ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNewiState fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Div. ©Sav. Dept. STOCKYARDS NATIONAL BANK " \A/TiDTU Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. r'Antinna^ J. VV wax J. fl V^OniinilcU (Federal Reserve District No. 11) RESOURCES. Liabilities. President. rROY C. VANCE Cashier. Vice-President. —- Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Ass't Cashier. E. W. HIGHTOWER— CLYDE BELEW. . . . . . . . . L.W. MARSHALL-— uaviu $ BONDS AND Loans and Discounts Secubitikb CORRESPONDENTS AND BANK DEPOSITORIES Miscel- LANBOU8 Rbaoubcbs 200.000 $ 130.000 $3,179,680 $ 117.950 $ 2.625.160 $ 251.420 $ Cash k Ex- CHANOB8,DlT> FROM Banks 610.160 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Bos.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Interstate Nat’l, Kan. C. 140,890 $ umocnnuun [Special att ention given all business entrusted o ur car e. 37-12 ®M'03 *Texas National Bank..®»t’09 W. L. Smallwood.. B. B. Samuels-........ C. C. Johnson........ H. L. Rudmose -__ 12% 17-1* A.L. Baker, V. P. G. T. Stillman L. B. Ward, A. C. W. G. Hazen G. F. Rozelle D. E. McBride R. H. Martin___ R. C. Martin, Sec.. R. C. Smith, Mgr.. Fort Worth Clearing House.__ (Members indicated by a *) j 500,000 250,570 5,520,220 497,710 827.290 3.723,810 620,000 1,592,390 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.Co., N. Y,; 1st N., Chi.; Coro. TrCo., Kan. C. T EX AS—Continued — Town and county. ‘County Seats. No.llFed.Res.Dist. E El Paso H Houston H Jackson N20 •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §SftatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % D1y. ® Sav. Dept. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. First State Bank______•t§’ll Wm. F. Schwind .. A. P. Ward______ 88-1364 ‘Franklin ___ 1131 First National Bank.__*t’05 R. M. Duffey_____ 10% 88-521 J, H. Lomax Robertson 1 20 Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonds MlSCELr- Cam k ExD epos Other Paid-up Surplus changm,Duk and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities LANEOU8 from Banks ties J D. J. Mauk.. .. First 8tate Bank_____ etS’lS J. J. Carter ______ W. T. Maris.. __ W. C. Crane______ A. D. Rhodes..___ B. E. Finch H50-io%^ 88-1551 J. F. Austin—____ B. 0. Oely.............. Ray Perry____ ~ Franks ton____818 88-1061 H Anderson F22 $150-10% Adolph Gold....__ Albert Koennecke. ‘Fredericksburg Bank of Fredericksburg Mrs. T. D. Smith 88-370 *tt’87 Gillespie J15 3050 * .. >. Wm. Bierschwale. M. J. Bierschwale. 88-871 W. F. Bierschwale 10,000 $ 1,000 $ 29,950 $ 50,000 60,000 225,000 30.000 20,000 301,000 40,000 20,000 170,000 10,000 R. D. Collins.____ R. L. Meek........... 50,000 23,010 Friona aia Friona State Bank........ «t§'08 A. W. Henachel... H. J. Farwell........ G. D. Anderson.— Jesse M. Osborn .. 88-1661 Parmer El 20,000 9,510 E. M. Rasor______ M. L. Mallow.......... C. L. Wallace_____ E. H. Robertson... 25,000 830 Frisco State Bank____etl’10 C. L. Savage_____ C. L. Bishop............ C. A. Covington... J. H. Gerrish.......... $150-10% 88-818 35,000 R. F. Shaw. G. L. Haley.....__ J. B. Strain............ A. H. Strain J. C. Young.............. S. S. Hooser______ J. C. Beck. V. P. and Cash. Ola Hooser R. J. Sanders Freeport National Bank.*t’13 C. A. Jones______ P. Geo. Maercky $145 88-1548 Frisco.. 733 $85-10% Collin D19 “ .......... “ Frost.... ............ 913 Navarro F19 Cooke Cl8 Citizens State Bank........ tJ’08 J. M. Scott ...... $%0-20% ♦ 88-814 First National Bank ....efOS J. W. Matlock........ $no 88-813 »* FIRST NATIONAL BANK $165-12% it 185,000 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 120,000 Am. Ex. N„ Dallas.; So. Texas Com’l N„ Hou. 148,000 29.000 30,000 150,000 Tex. N., Ft. Worth: Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas 110,000 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Royal! N„ Palestine. 120.000 Chatham Plienix N., N. Y.; Frost N„ San Antonio; So. Texas Com’l N„ Hou. ________ 11,870 188,290 84,670 19.000 165,130 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Hou. N., Hou. 224,580 — 189,480 8,040 12,000 44,570 Drov. N., Stock Yds. N., and 1st N., Kan. C.; Amarillo N., Amarillo. 97,770 26,440! 48,460 25,800 53,150 22,620 Collin Co. N., McKinney. 30,230 318,430 83,400 327,560 48,500 53,210 37,790 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth; No. Tex. N., Dallas. 25,000 52,990 142,160 16.860 75.000 34,180 119.430 101,090 130,800 1,030,380 54,900 372,220 88-144 ®«t i ' 188.680 249.410 22.910 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 2,290 23,120 29,410 4,980 45,890 1st N., Hou.: Corsicana N., Corsicana Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. 174,100 74,750 130,800 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. (Closed December 28, 1926) D. T. Lacy 82 W. O. Davis. .. J. M. Potter J. W. Gladney____ J, W. Schad______ B. R. Thomason Claude Jones ___ First State Bank_____ vlSTa J. W. Downard.__ F. Morris, Jr„ Act. 88-14* B. O. Vaeth 250,000 65,000 50.600 900,000 60,000 | 1.086,440 517,000 $180-12% H Cherokee G22 4.000 Union N. and Peo. State, Hon, 88-817 Kill bright____330 Guarantee State Bank........ . Red River C22 ‘Gainesville .9016 6,000 $ 30,510 Bk. of Am., N. Y.: Hutchings Sealey & Co., Galv.; City N., San Antonio. 30.000 H Brazoria M22 9,160 S Principal correspondents. 258,000 N. City. N.Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N. and Mtle. N.,Dallas. 300,000 ■ Lindsay National Bankd?*t’02 S. M. King______ Roy T. Potter........ O. E. Powers $200-12% 88-145 200.000 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. W. T. Norman — W. H. Gamer........ 88-1881 t§’19 10.000 209.190 1.214.680 3.360 29.560 732.820 187.100 21.000 10.000 70,020 633,930 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and St. L.j City N., Dallas. 8.000 Far. & Merch. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Rusk. $105-10% rtm«SIIIUUUIlUi»»UIH»HSH»UUgU*iyjig AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK AUSTIN. TEXAS 1318 GALVESTON Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve District No, 11 H) •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State t Pnv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ©Sav.Dept. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. JOHN SEALY Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up Subplus and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties SEALY HUTCHINGS Non-Itank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Galveston, M23) County Seat Pop. 48,375—Reserve City * Resources. Loans and Discounts Principal Correspondents. Miscel Garb Exlaneous changib.Do* Secubitibb Resources vrom Barks Bonds k and H. O. STEIN j GEO. SEALY HUTCHINGS, SEALY & CO. GALVESTON TEXAS (Unincorporated) ESTABLISHED 1854 BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1854 We Offer Efficient Service for Your Texas Business. W. L. MOODY, JR... W. L. MOODY, T. C. MATHER. —. A. A. HORNE- IRA BERRY, JR. A. A. HORNE ‘CITY NATIONAL $ direct connections and wide facilities throughout the BANK ©•t’07 With State of Texas, we can give you quickest action at a $200-8% 46-9 minimum cost on all Texas business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'R.WAVERLEY SMITH CHAS. FOWLER........ F. W. CATTERALL. F. ANDLER......... Cash, and l r. Off. E. KELLNER H. A. EIBAND 46-2 ®T»t'65 Galveston Trust & Safe Deposit Co... 46-55 .......T§ 97 T. J. Holbook....... John D. Hodson... Henry Schroeder, ‘HUTCHINGS JOHNSEALY SEALY HUTCHINGS H. 0. STEIN GEORGE SEALY SEALY AND COMPANY »tt'54 (Closed) Ed. McCarthy & Co------------ (W. L. Moody, Jr.. *W. L. Moody & Company 46-3 ®»$t’66 Peoples Bank_______________ (Closed September 3 SECURITY TRUST COMPANY John W. Hopkins.. $105-6% 46-53 TS’12 * South Texas National Bank C. G. Sweet______ 46-7 ®T*i’74 ‘UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK 46-4 261.050 3.786,580 207.030 (Without Banking 100,000 Sec. $105-6% $125-6% 200,000 2.264.670 1.046.130 109,810 WE SOLICIT Y OUR TEXAS HUS INESS AND OFFE R COMPLETE SE RVICE. THE OLDEST N ATIONAL BANK IN TEXAS. -ESTABLISHED 1865. $225-16 % 46-1 200,000 $ 252.490 $ 7.644.730 $ 187.070 $5,036,700 $ 511.380 $ 221.790 $ 2.514.420 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 1,034.040 N. Park. 1st N., Bk. of the Manhattan Co., and Am. Ex. Irv.Tr.Co-. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.. Kan.C..andSt. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.: Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Phil. Privileges 1854. EST ABLISHED We offer efficient ban king service for ban ks, corporati ons and Individuals. N. City, N. Bk. Com., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., ChL; Phil.-GIrard N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. N. City and N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.; 111. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi. Shearn Moody).... J. B. Mills............ Frank Smith. 0,1926) W.HenryReybaud, J. P. McDonough.. T. J. Holbrook, A. Sec. Sec. and Tr. William Gammon E. R. Cheesborongh A. T. Schwarzbach H. W. T. Rabe....... G. D. Haden E. O. Cone, Active A. W. Moore I. H. KENPNER_ _ J. W. BUTLER.......... A. J. PETERSON....... EDW. T. MCBRIDE_ _ E. J. DEBARBIERiS R. L. KEMPNER, Si A.°WALKER, JR. V. P. R.J. KELLER 300,000 750,000 1,000,000 78,080 City N., Galv. 70,190 2.371.680 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L. 240,940 890.790 946,880 70.510 2.653.980 2.049.760 164.020 11.183,350 1.105.680 7,927,230 2.488.750 75.120 282.150 6.043.300 707.850 2.329.210 N. Bk. Com., Chem. N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’lN., Chi.; N. Bk.Com., St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Marine Bk. & Tr.Co., N.O.; Union Tr. Co.. Pitt.; 1st N.,iLos A. ®T»t’74 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS C.P.MANN&CO. J’19 (200-203 Am. Nat’I Ins. Bldg.) C. P. MANN, Pres.... Inves tment Secur ities Governmen t, Railroad, Industrial, Sto cks a nd Bo nds. Municipal, P ublic Utility and Foreign Bonds. Mortgage Loans. Correspondents Mem bers Gal Excb Mem bers Tex Assoc veston C otton ange as Bank ers* latlon and Bank Depositories. E. A. Pierce & Co., N. Y.; City N., Galveston. Galveston Clearing House.......R. Waverley Smith Sealy Hutchings... R. E. Robinson, (Members indicated by a*) ' Mgr. the AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business Number uuder Name of Bank s the New Transit Number given •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. [Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Div. ©Sav.Dept Town and County. ^County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso H Houston STATE NATIONAL BANK ,l 88-774 $160-10% Liabilities. ther Depos LOiabili Paid-dp Surplus and its Capital Pbofits TIES 12,860 1 ItMKP- 6,400 263,000 91,100 ; 11,810 341,350 50,000 900.000 Resources. Garwood Statfl Rank _ iS’10 $125 88-1067 Gary State Bank............t§’22 25% 88-1365 First National Bank__ t'89 $250 88-441 Gatesrille National Bank<’02 88-442 J. W. Stalling....... D. M. McDuffie.— L. L. Williams__ B. Latimer Geo. Herder, Sr.... W. M. Griffitts___ W. M. Byrn.......... J. J. L. Chapman .— H. W. Huvar____ $ 141,000 2)o 79,180 50,000 221,260 38,800 33.000 3,950 52,890 23,920 * 10,510 154,130 1st N„ St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 104,850 510 14,980 4.360 41,020 1st N., Hou.: Eagle Lake State. Eagle Lake; D. S. N„ Galv. 87,930 City N., Dallas: Tex. N., Ft. Worth. Com’l N., Shreveport. 160,000 N. Park, N. Y.; U. S. N., Galv.; 1st N„ Waco. 223.450 N. City, N. Y.; City N„ Dallas; 1st N„ 16,400 228,050 5.650 102,480 35,000 5,480 116,980 3.910 12,500 10,660 122,130 50,990 Eiland Lovejoy___ 100,000 120,000 500,000 140,000 500,000 200,000 314.400 84,750 2,150 352.960 11.470 73,800 Oxsheer Smith-__ W. O. Newton. Myrtle Thomas__ 155,100 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. 7,990 25,000 S. DuBose____ Miss Claire Dry... D. E. Graves---------- A. B. Bennett. Active J. P. Kendrick___ J. H. McClellan... Byron Leaird, V.P. M. Blankenship, Active C. C. Sadler_____ Irvin McCreary... T._ S. Holmes Guaranty Bond Bank & Trust B. K. Cooper Company_____ _____ .<§’14 $175-10% ♦ 88-1628 113.060 So. Tex. Com’l N. and 1st N., Hou.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co., V ictoria. 34.570 State N. and 2d N.. Hou. 450,000 Chem. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 600.000 2,010 Leake Ayres..____ B. B. Garrett......... Principal Correspondents. Loana Bonds Cass * ExMiscel ’HAHGIB.DUI and and Discount! Securities laneous j Send us your It ems direct. <’06 (.Prompt, person al attention give n Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and T Im e Ite ms. Garrison fins First State Bank______ tl'10 88-1066 H Nacogdoches G24 $200-15% „ Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. 5% Dallas D19 Garwood. H Colorado L20 Gary 511 Panola F24 ‘Gatesrllle ..2499 ^Coryell H17 TEX A S—Continued T. N. Mauritz....... Fred M&aritz ___ C. F. Combs ______ P. J. Sulak ............ S 50,000 88-1064 J. V. Petrash......... 20,000 J, M. Yoas_______ Guaranty Bond State Bank 88-1798 §’25 (Formerly Guaranty State Ban k) 50,000 First National Bank—<’95 L. L. Caldwell------ J. W. Rabb........... W. C. Jamison---- Lettie B. Spillers.. 88-773 r f r.niuiFR 100.000 FORD SEALE* j A. n. UAYlo-----------V. P. and Cash. G.P.PEAVY Jackson M20 H PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 100,000 86.170 402.130 36,450 50,000 30.02) 391,010 40,000 20,000 2,000 50,000 50,000 1,370 2)6.280 27.500 176.830 2,210 25,860 80.250 Chem. N„ N. Y.:lst N.. Hou.: Citiz. State, Austin; Rep. N., Dallas. 50,000 71,230 555.870 47,950 417,950 123,230 42,330 141,540 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 100,000 13.160 323.370 64,220 275,490 55.750 61,080 108,440 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; City N., Dallas; Austin N., Austin. 253,630 161,840 5,58( 65,480 72,800 Han. N„ N. Y.: Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N., Waco; 2d N., Hou. 13,000 Citiz. N., Cameron; U. S. N., Galv. 25,000 88-1382 Formerly Guaranty State Ban Milam 119 k) ( ‘Georgetown .2871 1.0. WILLIAMS...... W. SHERRILL — UUNLkbi TOWN GUY NATIONAL f0. Williamson J18 BUSINES S. US WITH <1 TRY Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts. on Collections. Send 15c postage for 1 Prompt Service $i4o-io% BANK *t’2o ts. Credit Repor ts 35c. presenting (.plain sight draf M || 88-1971 Farmers State Bank...»tS’05 $200-10% 88-310 •• M r j. f. r.nnPFR 1.4. KELLER —-- E. H. EANES__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*; 90 j First and oldest established Bank ♦ $125-8% 88-309 F. G Oillett _ . W. L. Price............ W. L. Price______ ) Save time and g et servfee on Coll ecttons and Credi t Reports by send Ing (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight d raftt, ISe; Credi t Keportt, 25c. T RY US. E. E. Bartlett____ C. J. Ska loud____ Grace Armantrout ‘George West..267 First National Bank__ <17 H Live Oak 017 $120-8% 88-1790 Geronimo____300 Geronimo State Bank—1§’13 Guadalupe L17 $175-12% 88-1653 ‘Glddlngs ___ 1650 Citizens State Bank.__<S’06 $115-8% 88-472 H < Lee K19 First National Bank......... t’90 88-471 ‘Gilmer.. 2268 Farmers & Merck. Nat. Bank $120-10% 88-561 *'01 JJpshur E23 . First National Bank.. <1900 88-560 l, „ Gilmer State Bank____ tS’lO 1$110 88-562 Gladewater___550 Everett Banking Co., UninGregg E23 corporated.88-1379.. <t’ll Glazier_____ 313 Glazier State Bank Hemphill B6 116,370 Han. N„ N. Y.; City N. and Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. L. C. Thnesa.. 20,000 5.330 122,990 E. R. Frosch......... 50,000 15.700 307,240 53.120 227,640 51,900 43.530 60,000 62.850 219.500 35,000 177,610 124,900 11,200 50,000 16.410 530,260 50.000 198.770 105,410 39.260 72,630 Chase N.. N. Y.; Gty. State, San Ant.; Marine Bk. & Tr., Hou.; Citiz. State, Austin. 103.000 Han, N., N.Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Dal. Tr. & Sav., Dal.; U. S. N„ Galv. 63,640 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; City N„ Dallas 303,220 1st N„ St. L.; City N., Dallas. 100,000 52,180 441.330 24,600 381.84!] 110.89C 18,880 106,510 Am. Ex. N. and Rep. N„ Dallas. 50.000 12.00C 250.000 160.00( 52.00C 100.000 Am. Ex. N., Rep. N., and Mtle. N.. Dallas. 15,000 7,280 125.000 _____ _____ 10,220 E. H. Herrmann E. R. Sinks______ A. J. Nishfit J. S. Hillsman H. J. Childress-__ Jeff. Ray, Active... C. T. Crosby_____ M. R. Smith........... T. S. Ragland___ J. W. Croley-------- H. P. McGaughy... W. A. Marshall__ L. C. Martin, A. C. L. C. Blount W. R. Stephens___ W. H. McNair....... J. H. Mathis Loyce Phillips. .. C. B. Everett- (Closed) AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50.000 _____ 71.25C 1 PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 76,030 Seab. N„ N. Y.: Rep. N., Dallas. - THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , ^TELX AS * Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 rkr)fl t0 eaok baak in *- S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State TPriv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’a [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M.Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E El Paso H Houston ? Last Sale % Div. ®Sav. Dept President. Vice-President. Nou-Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Tolnt (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TKXA S—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Loans Other Paid-up Dspob- Liabili ! and AND Capital Pbopits ITfl Discounts ties Glendora_____ 419 Glen Flora 8tate Bank>tl’07 P. G. Brooks_____ W. A. Dayvault... W. W. Armstrong.. .$ H Wharton L21 *130-12% 88-1071 •Glen Rose ...1036 First National Bank___»t'01 C. A. Milam______ Geo. P. Snyder.... C. A. Milam. Jr........ Wayne Hart_____ Somervell F17 88-788 25.000 S 25,000 51,540 Godley....____613 Citiiens National Bank..i‘18 I. T. Vickers____ H. F. Long............ Johnson E18 *no-io% 88-1072 25,000 1 3,250 215,000 Golden________750 Guaranty State Bank..*§’22 A. P. Buchan nan .. Geo. W. Jones .... E. G. Patton........... Miss Allie Wise... Wood E21 *100-5% 88-1073 10.000 ! 2,180 36,990 3.360 1.000 •Goldthwaite.1214 First National Bank in Gold- W. B. Summy------ jJ. E. Brooking.... Mills H16 _ ,*120 thwaite-88-673............t'24 Trent State Bank_____»ii’08 W. C. Dew------------ IB. M. Thompson 88-674 •Goliad--------- 2025 Commercial Bank (Uninc.) J. C. Burns_______J. E. Pettus_____ _ J. M. Burns______M. L. Burns______ H Goliad N18 s% 88-1843 Jt’19 A. Seidel FIRST BANK»t91 < All Items given careful attention, J Save time and get service on Col (.FEE IN ADVAN CE; Plain tight 1265-24% DILWORTH BANK .... 88—294 ( Unin corporated) 5,000 85.000 51,450 616,150 28,000 4,000 80,000 50,000 74,360 489,600 43.600 360.800 R. A. Burke 1 Farmers National Bank.»t'06 J. S. Douglass.... C. T. Rather____ 88-296 R. C. Botts Jonzales State Bk. ATr.Go. F. M. Fly..................j c Bright J. C. Bright---------- H. W. Robertson *i75-io%^ 88-295 •tf'08'E.V. Kopecky.F.P.'O. B. Robertson ' Goodlett... ...200 First State Bank_______ $’20 G. A. Vestal______ j. y. Lane T. J. George______ 1_________________ Hardeman A13 *135 88-1973 72.700 Chase N., N. V.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 2.420 9.580 14,560 Mtle. N., Dallas. 900 11.500 25,220 44,500 1,000 93,500 6,000 1,000 49.500 353,120 84,250 33,750 192,340 Han. N., N. ¥.; Union N<, Hon.; N. Bk, Com., San Antonio 50,000 279.900 21,700 3,000 149,800 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; Alamo N.. San Ant.; Am. Ex. N. Dallas. j 57,600 1st N., Hou. and Temple. 277,110 Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 12,500 N. City. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. _____N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 100,000 151,070 716,690 100,010 766,680 111,170 44,120 145,800 Chase N., N. Y.; 2d N., Hou.; Alamo N. San Ant. 2.500 421.960 3.470 65.210 82,500 870 148,050 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 41.390 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: 1st N. Quanah; Secur., N„ Wichita Falls. 51.710 8.620 11.670 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Amarillo 480,000 18,230 507.100 5.830 112.500 20.000 6.300 42,600 - J. W. Fincher____ H. Echols, Jr.______________________ 50.000 15,000 606.000 W. L. Thompson.. J. W. Riggs---------J. D. Cochran_____W. E. Dnplantls... 25,000 950 85,000 25,000 1.900 165.310 34,430 50,000 11,480 93,690 2,260 Mary Miller______!_________________ , 1 54.110 3,110 i 88-1988 t§'2u Security State Bank...»tS'17 W. F. Miller_____ G. A. Lillie............ | J. C. Fails_______ W. F. Green.... *ioo 88-1770 jW. J, Busch. V.P. J. P. Weickushimer E. B. Christian ---------------------------Edith Swank______ J. W. Conway____' _____________ 263,420 Guaranty Tr* Co., N. Y.; 2d N.» Hou, 1st N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. i Gordon Bkg. & Mtle. Oo.tlOOO (J. W. Conway) .. 88-849 35,000 So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.: 1st N., St. L. 36,490 Han. N.. N.T.ilstN.. Ft. Worth; Mtle.Tr. Co., St. L.; Citiz. N., YVaco. 46.000 75,000; Gordon______ 675 First National Bank..._«$’01 A. P. Wilbar______ L. P. Strawn. 88-850 Palo Pinto E16 $ioo J. M. Oden 25.970 1 17,800i $ 10.280' 420,760 10,000: Goose Creek..1025 Citizens Sta*e Bank.0*+5’2O A. E. Kerr.. H Harris L23 *uo 88-1992 $ 35.760 119,000 In Texa 8. *300-10% Goodnight___ 218 Goodnight State Bank.-tS'lO J. M. Crain.............C. Goodnight Armstrong D4 5140 88-1074 253.300 S ing One of the olde it | Do a general Ba nklng and Excha nge business, 'Collections sen t us will receive p rompt attention. Goose Creek State Bank 25.000 100,000 65,000 1 57.260 ! Principal Correspondents. TRY C S. EVERETT LAWLEY —_ _ W 85,000 202,040 $ nt. Goliad Bank & Tr. Co............ R. L. Pettus-------- jLevi Baker........... *227-10% 88-653 T»4§’10 •Gonzales____8128 H Gonzales L18 ' 7,800 1 Resources. Bonds Miscel Oar* ft lxand cnLLx*s»,I>vi Securities laneous non Bxints 1 126.650 25.000 31.290 43.700 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and State N.« Hon. 85,070 8,360 10,550 53.440 Ft. Worth N„ Ft.Worth; DallasN.. Dallas; 1st N., Weatherford, J 1st N.. Ft. Worth. Guaranty Slate Bank___ (Consolidated with First National Ban *0 Gordonville___300 Gordonville State Bank Si'll H. McAdams____ S. D. Wolfe........... W. J. Gardiner___ Ethel Sanderson.. *no 88-1383 Grayson Cl# 12,500 4,710 70,850 10,250 37.050 17,490 4,700 Goree________ 614 First National Bank___ *t’06 Ed. McCoy______ Tom Isbell_______ W. E. Braly_____ 88-1075 Enox C14 H. H. Pendleton 25.000 4.530 200,070 6.240 132,380 7,380 42,970 Gorman__ .3200 Continental State Bank*tl’09 O. P. Newberry... J. L. Lary-----------E. D. David______ G. Mayo_______ Eastland F15 *300-20% 88-742 30,000 35.300 530.190 163.520 280,450 30,000 27.600 248.900 194.970 71.300 14,950 56.680 N. Park. N. Y.; Dalla? N., Dallas. 50,000 15.540 149,850 139,560 16.200 14.340 45,300 1st N., Ft. Worth and Mineral Wells. " --------- “ FIRST NATIONAL BANK«tl#00 B. F. Read _______ H. T. Lindley____ M. B. Robertson... [Mrs. H. W. Kute- C.E. Herrington : man. V.P.\ Graford............ 313 First National Bank ..._»t’07 R. P. Lee________ W. H. Green......... A. F. Jones______ Palo Pinto D16 *135-10% 88-1076 Tom Holt *150-10% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88-741 31,400 39,070 Com’l N.t Sherman. 53.120 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita Falls and Ft. Worth. 154,520 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N.i Waco. Solicits Your Business 1321 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew §StatetPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E El Paso H Houston $ Last Sale %Div. ®8av.Dept, ‘Graham....... 2544 Young D16 FIRST NATIONAL BARK IN GRAHAM *155-10% 88-522 President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. •Granbury__ 1364 City National Bank ..t’01 Hood E17 *150-10% 88-617 .. •• First National Bank____t'67 88-616 Grand Prairie 1263 City National Bank......... t’07 Dallas E19 88-730 .. Farmers State’18 *ioo ♦ 88-1808 i Formerly Guaranty*State Ba Grand Saline.1528 National Bk. of Grand Saline Van Zandt E21 *145-10% 88-691 •J’01 Slate National Bank... j’07 88-692 .. First National Bank_____ •’BO *250 88-699 1944 First National Bank. 118 Granger National Bank.»t’20 88-1928 Grapeland___ 936 Farmers & Kerch. State Bk. H Houston G22 *215-10% 88-1078 tl'07 .4 , .. Am. Ex. N., Dallas. Oldest Bank in Young County /Thirty-seven Y ears Continuous Service—Same Lo cation. V Accounts, Colie ctions and Corre spondence Solid ted. f W. A. CORIETT— H. L. TIDWELI_ _ _ _ _ MRS. H.D. CRISWELL. S. Powell________ A. A. Ualoney. M. M. Robinett 59.230 971.830 17,500 473,650 342.400 D. C. Cogdell_____ J. N. Nutt ... . W. F. Juliff............. G. A. Jones.. 50,000 25,000 215JXI0 175,000 50,000 112.180 100,000 100.690 368.050 »nau C. B. Pool_______ J. F. Waggoner, J. T. Yeager_____ P. Waggoner_____ W. G. Liggett, V.P. Acting 40,000 11,770 234,090 207,840 W. C. Cleme_____ A. Horton.............. A. Horton.______ 25,000 80.280 61.790 nk) W. A. Reid.— .. H. P. Beaird J.E. Andrews____ J. C. Alsnp______ J. C. Alsup ___ ___ F. C. Griffin_____ L. H. Harrell —__ _ C. P. Lane_______ J. Nelson________ C. R. Howard____ 44,650 237.860 55.000 Ft. Worth N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 11.670 66,350 ChathamPhenix, N. Y.j Dallas N.. Dallas: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 13.410 Rep. N., Dallas. 10.030 321.700 £dlW /U 71.330 22.710 40,000 20,000 172,000 169,000 100 14,000 40,000 33,000 300,000 260,000 40,000 67.290 170,440 35,000 13,630 250,000 15,000 17.170 138.560 20,000 15.250 100,000 31,150 79,400 Han. N.,N.Y.; Ft. WorthN.. Ft. Worth. 52,720 50,000 52.600 N„ Dallas. 108«t)20 Seab. N„ N. T.; Dallas N. and Rep. N., D<il ltis 47,000 Am. Ex. N. and Dallas N„ Dallas. 40,000 N.Otty.N. T.; Am. Ex. N.. DaUas. 284,410 42,400 6,600 23,720 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas. 211,260 17,500 37,400 32,470 N. Park, N. Y.; Dallas N.. DaUas: Citis. N.. Waco. 3.200 74.090 4,000 15.820 79.910 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 8o.Tex.Gom,lN„Hou.; No. Tex. N., Dallas. 139.970 19,650 72.220 27,450 13.160 82.030 1st N. and Un. N„ Hon.; City N., Dallas.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 143,140 21,130 228,020 4,100 47,520 15,780 Chase N.. N.Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Han. N.. N. Y.: OityN. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Ft. Worth. N., Ft. Worth. 35.000 No. Tex. N. and Mtle. N., Dallas: Tex. N.. Ft. Worth. (Closed December 8, 1926) John Baca......__ A.A. Spacek_____ I. C. Parma.............. Win. Bartosh V. V. Elick G. E. Darsey______ T. S. Kent____ ‘Greenville..14,386 Citizens State Bank...*i5’20 J.C. Thompson Hunt D21 *120-8% ♦ 88-122 First National Bank__ •<’!* W. H. Bush.. ... 88-118 WIWM MRz <J. W. BIRDSONG. _ W. D. Granberry.. 88-1392 Grapevine....... 821 Farmers National Bank 4’06 J. E. M. Yates___ Tarrant D18 *125-10% 88-832 ___ Grapevine Home Bank.itlQOO R. E. Morrow.____ *200-15% 88-831 ....... Tarrant County National Bk. D. E. Box. *105-8% 88-1917 t’18 .. 50,000 < Over twenty ye ars same name a nd location. 1 Every Officer a nd Director resld ent citizens this County for over o ne-qua rter cen tury. (.All items given prompt, personal attention remltt ed for on day of payme nt. Grapeland State Bank.-it’ll C. W. Kennedy___ J. R. Pennington.. *185-10% PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. /GRAHAM STEWART P: 8: IStF* Actixe C. C. BL00DW0RTH.. T. 0. BEATS............ $ 100,000 $ 82.700 1 850.000 1 24,300 f 509,000 t 157.500 $ 108,500 $ 282,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: G rand view.... 1084 Farmers & Kerch. Nat’l Bank O. L. Wilkirson... C. P. Talbert_____ J. A. Ingle....____ T. S. Wilkinson.__ Johnson F18 88-700 •t'04 .. Resources. ther Loan* Bonds Mibcel- Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos- LOiabili and and and Capital Profits Discount* Securities LA-NHiOUB ruOM Bank* TIES »t’90 ■*» GRAHAM NAllUNAL hank Granger Williamson Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Miss Melba K. Broc k J. B. Wood............ J. 8. Estill .. .... M. A. Buchanan... H. D. Lipscomb__ H. C. Yancey...... O. L. Williams___ (Individ ual respo risibility over a M illion Do liars)__ S. A. Wall J. D. Thweatt. .. W. R. Buckner Oris L. Williams.. 50,000 J. W. Ward ______ B. R. Brown..——. C. O. Ford .... Paul Dodd J. M. Boles........ S. B. Brooks_____ D. C.Mead J. U. Spurlock,A.C. 100,000 C.B. JONES— - J. A.NORTON —---- B.S. CLARK ........ H, E.NORTON W. A. BUTLER T. R. EAST 150,000 8.500 80.000 28.370 85,000 1,650 541,659 354,020 121.550 26,350 164.960 1.437,710 360,250 1.606.090 151,500 167,250 309,350 2,313,140 195,700 1,901,470 512,650 113,460 540.600 ' 250,000 168.100 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Rep. N., DaUas. 188.090 N. Park, N. T.; N. Bk. Com., it. L.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas- ■ N.. Dallas: 1st N„ St. L. / Special attentlo n given collectio ns, BUls of Ladln g, cash and time (.items. Prompt returns. “ Hunt County State. Bonk____ (Closed November 1 8.1928) ............... unmn AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS 1322 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. — ... . .. ... -j ....................... TEXAS . TOWH AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State fPrlT. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. EElPaso HHouston. JLastSale % Dl?. ©Sav.Dept. President. Vice President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Gregory______ 517 First National Bank___•J'12 J. F. Green............... May M. Green____ A. H. Barnett_____ E. N. Tutt. V. P. August Floerke 88-1079 H San Patricio P19 $247-6% L. B. Cobb, Jr.......... tGroesbeck ...1522 Citizens National Bank .*{’02 J. E. Bradley 88-570 Limestone G20 Continental State Bank .$l’09 H. H. Wilkinson... J. D. Whitcomb... A. M. Beeman____ 88-571 Farmers State Bank.. •J§’13 J. Cull Sanders___ J. P. Morris_______ G. N. Groves_____ $140-10% 88-1503 Groom______ 319 State National Bank... 4’08 J. W. Knorpp____ John Fraser______ $ioo 88-1080 Carson D4 Hayne Nelms........... tGrovetou 1103 First National Bank__®»t’02 R. R. Robb. V. P. B. A. Platt $200-10% 88-1081 H Trinity H23 Guaranty Bond State Bank Wm. H. Hensley — C. H. Kenley------- F. L. Vickrey____ io% 88-1588 t§’18 (Formerly Guaranty State Ba nk) Gunter............ 600 Continental State’09 J. G. Wilkinson— C B Polk $no 88-1082 Grayson C19 (Closed December 14. 1926.) Guaranty State Bank__ J. M. Livingston.. H. L. Willingham. H. G. Livingston.. Gustlne.......... 312 First State Bank...........*§’22 88-2051 Comanche G16 $105-10% ( Closed ) Hagerman.......300 Hagerman State Bank.. Grayson B19 Hale Center ...325 First National Bank....... t’10 R. F. Alley............ N. Alley------------- Nelson Perdue___ $260-10% 88-1084 Hale B10 . Hallettsv Me .1444 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t'90 S. H. Simpson----- A. Klatt..................... J. H. Simpson___ 88-697 ; Lavaca L19 R. A. Baessler........ L. P. Davis ____ FIRST STATE BANK ©ti l6 Philip Welhausen $115 88-1732 E. T. Long, Active G. F. Molhusen__ J. M. Lloyd______ ' allsvllle..........542 Farmers State Bank ...•+!T9 J. B. Cullen, Sr.... $100-10% ♦88-1882 Harrison E23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.j, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued ResSErces. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Other Cash £ ExMiscel ohangib Paid-up Surplus D epos and and .Ddi AND Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties 25.000 $ 36.86) S 172.180 $ 50,000 30,000 390,000 160,000 Maye Bridges......... 25,000 5,000 120,000 60.000 C. L. Harrison------ 25,000 19,610 223,860 Shirley Taylor___ i 6,050 $ 960 74.640 $ 6,250 l 3.500 $ 155,700 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Com'l N„ Hou.; Corp. Chris. N., Corpus Christi. 160,000 leab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou. 150.000 N.. Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv. 45.000 83,910 34,570 13,730 137,210 No. Tex. N. and City N., Dallas; So. Tex. 166,560 750 35,990 160.000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N.. Amarillo; No. 255,300 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 8o. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 25,000 3,300 335,000 100,000 100.080 675,770 71.000 587,580 83.830 20.150 25,000 6,820 117,900 23.150 107.110 29,600 13.890 22,250 Chase N., N. Y.; 2dN.. Hou. 25,000 6.000 170.000 37.000 50,000 Oont. N., Ft. Worth; Com’l N., Sherman. C. Willingham — 25.000 2,360 73.090 5,590 9,300 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. Fort Worth; Leona M. Perdue.. 25,000 6.000 230.000 Bruno Cohn........... 60.000 36,070 414,880 85,860 420,650 F. F. Jurek____ - 50,000 3,890 517,423 73.450 Joel B. Cullen, Jr.. 25,000 740 118.730 25.000 8.090 123,540 rJ.M. LIVINGSTON- J. J. CLEVELAND— J. E. MOORE_ _ _ _ _ C. M. RUSH- - - - - - - - - 50.000 41.210 212.220 jj. T. JAMES......... A. H. WILLIAMS...... C. B. JAMES_ _ _ _ _ J. V. JAMES.......... W.G.BARKLEY 100,000 100.500 344.160 G. M. Carlton............ J. Cleveland, Jr____ J. T. Chesley_______ 100,000 9,510 221.910 Guy McNeal________ J. W. Ezell............ — Tate May. _____ Hamlin_____ 1638 Farmers & Merchants W. C. Russell. A.C. Fred Carpenter National Bank----------<’0 Jones D1S $150-10% 88-430 Lennie Greenway. First National Bank... •t’O H. H. Wilkerson... Martin McCain — 0. H. Rerry John. T. Day $200-15% 88-428 40.000 39.000 Ray E. McCleskey. Gordon Reily____ First State Bank-------- »tl'09 J. W. Holloway__T. P. Black, Ch. 88-1085 114,000 83,340 25,100 27.320 Tex. N., Dallas. Com’l N., Hou. Dallas N., Dallas. 15.000 71.000 1st N.. Plainview; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Am. 93,760 32,110 50.290 Han. N..N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. 365.970 102,080 70.580 106,130 Han. N.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Ala 12.280 49,370 13.650 12.780 80.940 Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N., Longview; Marshall 35.270 80.350 39.900 8,480 60,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Dal. Tr. & Sav., Dal.; 1st 146.410 10.000 56.590 90.410 N. City. N. Y.: Rep. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 23.100 215.000 82.590 57.030 213.160 4,010 194,200 10.000 27,030 104,190 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: City N.. Dallas; Stock 387,000 215,000 24.000 40,000 23,870 415.000 119.540 97,690 94,720 204,250 City N., Sweetwater; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 25,000 8.000 180,000 91,000 47,500 7.500 67.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Tex.. N., Ft. 123,000 2.700 20,000 150,000 State, Amarillo. mo N.. San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. N., Marshall. N., Marshall; U. S. N.. Galv.; Com’l N.. Shreveport, La.; Rembert N., Longview. $125-10% Hamilton. ..2018 Hamilton G17 J. M. WILLIAMS, JR. J. A. McDURMAN HAMILTON { SEND US YOU R BUSINESS DI p prvr / Prompt persona 1 attention given Bill of Lading Dr afts, BANK & TRUST GO. (.Cash and Time Items and remltt ed for on day of payment. ♦ 88-529 T»t»’0 HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK $200 88-528 ^Oldest, largest a nd strongest ban k In County, I Prompt, person al attention give n all banking ma tters. Ft. Worth; 2d N.. Hou. •t’90 Perry National Bank .—t'2 $125-10% 88-1980 Handley_____ 905 First National Bank........t'2 J. M. Beaty.................... A. S. McGee------------- Ben T. Merritt Wm. D. Weiler $125-12% 88-1526 Tarrant E18 T. H. Campbell____ 1 Swisher E3 j$i35-io% 88-1087 ____ 1 25,000 6,000 IHE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___________ 175,000 Yds. N„ Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 227.000 1st N., Waco. 58,240 1 Worth: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 27,000 Austin, Texas N., Ft. Worth; Amarillo N., Amarillo. Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1323 Town and county. ‘County Seats. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. EElPaso H Houston. •\Iem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % D1t. ©Sar. Dept. .V President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued T - t Vice-President. ' Liabilities. Harleton sis First State Bank_____ •il’ll W. L. Barry............ F,. L. Peteet Harrison E23 1150-10% 88-1088 W. N. Peal, V. P. E. S. Fry Miss Hallie Peal... $ T. E. Little 20.000 $ Elmo Gallagher... Dallas Ingle 50,000 22,010 525,597 618,860 35,000 17,500 Harper............... 300 First State Bank_______tS’15 J. S. Whitewood__ H. P. Gartrell..... $150-10% 88-1707 Gillespie J15 20,000 Harrisburg ...1461 Harrisburg National Bank H Harris L22 $105 88-2097 ®»t’25 Harlingen ....1784 First National Bank___ *t’21 L. H. Thompson... $200-20% 88-20S9 H Cameron Q5 J. R. Roberts .. .. R. T. Stuart & Company R. T. Stuart______ 88-2080 TI§1900 Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loana Bonds MISCEL- Cabs St Exther Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- LOiabili and and and Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securities raoM Baku TIES Ass’T Cashier, Cashier. 9,860 $ 99,740 $ 4,870 $ 3,750 $ 7,520 $ 49,110 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N„ Dallas; 1st N„ Marshall; Com’l N., Shreveport, La. 595,980 33,800 386,780 8.200 1,133,750 700.000 470,000 30,000 252,500 1st N., Hon.; Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Austin. 17,190 64,570 77,390 6,320 18,040 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio: Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Hou. N.. Hou. 50,000 4,570 193,520 143,160 15,910 16,320 72,700 N. City, N. Y.; State N. and 1st N., Hou.; City N., Galv. 15.000 5,110 211,970 53,050 1,590 13,910 170,340 N.City,N.Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; City N., Wichita Falls. 12,500 14,770 106,280 32,060 12,900 J. S. Rike................ 50,000 10,000 450,000 10,000 260,000 10,000 110,000 140,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; Dallas N., Dallas. Haskell National Bank—»t’9o Mrs. M. S. Pierson. HardyGrissom........ A. C. Pierson_____ Miss Nettie $200-20% 88-374 McCollum O.E.Patterson, Act. 60,000 57,920 485,820 36,830 500,120 28,000 35,560 76,890 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ft. W. N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas. Haslet _ 175 Tarrant D18 Hawkins............500 Wood E22 Hawley 200 Jones E13 Hearue . 2741 Robertson 120 ‘Hebbronvflle ,510 Jim Hogg Q16 Haslet State Bank_____tS’17 $100 88-1683 First National Bank___ »t'15 $100-10% 88-1093 First State Bank..............§’07 $110-30% 88-1094 Planters&Merch. State Bk. 88-381 «tS’07 First National Bank___ *i'13 $157-10% 88-1601 1,100 11,110 Hebron 2nn DentonD19 Hedley____ 594 Donley E5 44 44 Hebron State Bank........ J§’12 W. C. Furneaux.— R. M. Everett_____ 88-1459 First State Bank______ tS’10 T. R. Moreman— P. T. Boston______ F. E. Anderson.__ $130-10% 88-1095 Security State Bank___t§’13 J. G. McDougal.__ W. B. Quigley____ J. W. Noel______ C. L. Johnson.. .. tuo-10%^ 88-1616 44 Valley State Bank 15% 88-1390 _____ 14 E. O. Anglin T. H. Brown tj’14 Otis Lnttrell. W. G. Bouldin, Jr.. ‘Haskell ssnn Farmers State Bank...*t§ 04 R. C. Montgomery. $110-10% 88-375 Haskell D13 R.C. Conch, A ct. " Sec. and Tr. *1:S’24 J. T. Lomax______ Harrold. sr? First State Bank..........-•t§’14 S. H. Fields 88-1090 Wilbarger B15 Harwood ?nn First State Bank H Gonzales L18 $200-10% 88-1673 D. D. Norton J. B. Post____ 798,310 74,090 $ 33.280 (Trust Funds) 353,630 6,820 35,290 20.000 400 58,170 E. M. Slaughter... C. B. Smith -____ 30,000 11,820 67,990 R. J. Camp_______ W. R. Hedrick.... W. R. Hedrick .... W. C. McDaniel___ 12,500 H. W. Cummings.. J. G. Philen, Active R. O. Ely Thos. M. Hefley... W. H. Ely H. C. Yaeger_____ Henry Edds_____ Payne Briscoe........ Fernando Ximenez W. T. Acklen 50,000 11,300 402,260 75,000 44,410 614,160 230 10,000 David Maloney.... G. E. Francisco... L. A. Bryan______ 9,100 82,010 1,400 225,410 89,500 90,140 572.020 8,780 22,310 35,040 2,390 (Formerly Hebbronville State Bank) fj ' V : 10,000 2,440 24,610 25,000 9,370 186,450 25,000 11,000 124,000 136,740 2,590 26,950 27,100 45.000 129,660 57,370 5,450 6,500 94,000 208.000 87,000 40,000 26,820 29,230 12,500 9,300 129,560 25,000 16,000 300,000 30,000 10,020 239,140 153.080 52,780 ‘Hempstead..2515 H Waller K21 ‘Henderson ..2273 Rusk F23 25,000 23,000 330,000 205,000 35,000 100,000 52.650 924,260 100,000 564.350 142,370 67,710 50,000 60.830 548,910 49,040 315,090 46,040 63,000 Citizens State Bank ..«t§’06 L. B. Sanders____ $160-10% 88-417 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank W. E. Norvell____ $155-12% 89-315 »t'03 First National Bank ....•i’02 W. P. White____ 88-314 Guaranty State Rank II. D. Schwarz E. B. Alford E. C. Oberthier... E. F. Crim............... S. L. Oliver______ J. W. McDavid W. W. Griffin (Closed December 22 . 1926) ' • W. L. Mount 100,000 450,000 450,000 W. B. WORSHAM & CO. Bankers.88-396____*tt’98 jC. M. WORSHAM- 50.000 43,950 1,690,670 50,000 1,532,260 W.S.CULWELL------:J-5|pf ........... A15 CENTS sent to us with each s Igbt draft for pre sentation, and (25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentio n. AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7,020 City N., Dallas. 57,130 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Donley Co. State. Clarendon. 19,000 1st N„ Ft. Worth; Citiz. State, Memp. 82,050 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Galv. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 2d N., Hou.; San Jacinto Tr. Co.. Hou. 46,500 Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; City N., Beaumont. 138,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. 402,470 Chem. N., N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou. 284,650 City N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. "SK’by 100.000 (Individ ual resp onsibilit V $1,000, 000) • 44 16,570 Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N., Mineola. 15,680 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Am, Ex. N„ Dallas. 58.510 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. 130,690 Seab. N., N. Y.; Laredo N., Laredo; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Alamo N.. San Antonio. ' ‘Henrietta.__2563 Dale Bros. & Co., Bankers t'16 J. L. Huggins_____ A. H. Bevering — W. H. Myers 88-1733 Clyde King, A. C. Clay B16 “ 41,870 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. . »V Heidenbelmer 249 Heidenhelmer State Bank T. H. Heard.......... V. C. Marshall — Bell 118 $150 88-1096 tl’10 ‘Hemphill.... 419 First National Bank___ •i*07 W. F. Goodrich.__ A. M. Jones_______ Sabine H25•• $200-10% 88-1097 •« Hemphill State Bank..4§’17 J. W. Minton_____ H. B. Arnold W. C. Bell 88-1746 .. 2.650 1st N.. Okla.; 1st N.. Harlingen. 88,580 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 43,500 61,640 240,540 Han. N., N.Y.; 2d N., Hou.; Merch. N„ Brownsville. 1,170 134,450 Am. Ex. N., Dallas: 1st N., Wichita Falls: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 166,740 Han. N., N. Y.; Boatmens N., St.L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 1 THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS 1 Number under Name uf Bank is the New Transit Number given "304 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E ElPaso H Houston •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrii. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale fo D1t. ©Bar. Dept. President. a Hereford. 1696 FIRST NATIONAL ffiMr Vm Deaf Smith E2 < Collections Bill BANK j Prompt Attenti 88-482 »r06 Lfee in Advance FIRST STATE Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) jin back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. K HE^L^ORD 'i ^'EM1 °DIItECT. ' F J OWEN of Lading Draff s Cash and Time Items Given on. Plain sight drat ts, 15c; Credit H eports 50c. BK. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Drpos- OTHER ITS Capital Profits TIES $ 50,000 S Resources. Loans Bonds Cam 6 ExMiscel CBAJTOMyDm and and Discount* Securities laneous prom Barr* 10,270 t 264,490 $ 60.500 $ 234.030 t 55,500 S Principal correspondents. 37,340 1 58,390 Han. N.. N.Y.; 1st N.. Wichita and Ama rillo; Stock Yds. N„ Kan. C. 27,170 475,940 32.600 439.930 3.000 60.020 N.. N. Y.j Drov. N., Kan. C.( 82.770 Han. CA)|f lit iPf UlnaAI| • 4 r.4 AT A nin|i|||A v/ont/e rvii.iti ttOevo, Ainsriiio* 50,000 28.570 227.040 50.000 222.570 53,750 19.500 59.990 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Hermlelgh___ 618 First State Bank___—*tl’08 R. D. Kinney, Jr... B. Y. Rea________ Wm. C. Rea....... . *100-10% 88-1098 Scarry E12 25,000 1.000 98,000 26.000 85.000 40.000 25.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Snyder Hieo_________1635 First National Bank____ ’90 G. M. Carlton____ R. A. Dorsey_____ E. H. Randals____ C. L. Woodward... *200-10% 88-578 Hamilton F17 Hico National Bank W. P. Barnes—..— W. M. Cheney____ G. B. Golightly.__ J. W. Clark______ tiso-io% 88-679 Mrs.H.W. Ammons Higgins______ 688 Citizens National Bank..*’06 T. H. Black__ ..... Mrs. C.H. Hyde... O. H. Hyde . Bessie Landers.—. *160-10% 88-713 Lipscomb B6 First National Bank------ *t’06 A. Bissau tz J. M. Hellings____ A. L. Wood_______ *225-10% 88-712 A. L. Wood Leila Landers 50,000 75.000 287.000 — 78.000 87.000 60,000 46.000 285,000 30.000 200,000 41,000 47.000 114,000 Fidelity Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 25.000 16,150 345.190 16,250 144,870 100,440 26.690 130.580 4th N„ Wich„ Kan.; Amar. N., Amarillo; 25,000 4.000 200.000 80.300 125.200 200,000 43,000 900.000 750.000 270.850 60,000 219.150 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., 100 000 85,540 800,000 650,000 106,000 79,000 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; N. fHENRY WILKINSON J Youngest and L &TRUSTCOMPANY 1 Collections and Requests for Cre (.FEE IN AD VAN CE* Plain sight d *200-10% ♦ 88-484 *3107 .. 50,000 J. A. PITMAN........... pur1"-;e County. dlt Reports MLS T be accompanle d by rafts, 15c: Credit R eports. 50c. WESTERN NATIONAL BANK G. A. V. Parker___ J. L. Smith__ ____ O. O. Acker........... J. G. Hastings....... *235 88-481 *t’03 E. C. Eubanks ‘Hillsboro ___ 6952 Citizens National Bank R. C. West_______ Hill Fl9 *130-10% 88-169 ®»J'9S C. S. Morgan, V. P. Curtis Patterson .< E. B. Tinker__ ... C. M. Duncan Colonial Trust Company Ed. Woodall______ W. W. Siddons.__ Jno. Wynne. H. G. Denman, *150-10% 88-172 Tl’12 See. and Tr. A. See. and A. Tr. G. L. White „ „ W. M. WILLIAMSFARMERS NATIONAL BANK 88-167 ®«4 87 *175-10% uar*- 0LIEY DAVIS .... BI00KS ROBB — Oldest National Battle in Hill County. Collections Solicited and Promptly Remitted for at FIRST STATE BANK—«tM5 Thos. J. Files_____ H, H. Simmons ♦ 88-170 R. F. Siddons — R. F. Siddons........... J. L. Beavers...... P. L. Lowrey *125-10% Hitchcock . 667 Citizens State Rank .. $§’11 C. J. Henck—__ ... (Ten. Henekel___ 88-910 H Galveston M23 M. Brooking._____ Worth; Inter-State N., Kan. O.; Am. State. Amarillo. N.. Snyder: City N., Sweetwater. 216,000 N. City, N. Y.; City N.. Dallas; N. Bk- Com., St. L. Liberty N., Waco. Drov. N.. Kan. C. 23.500 Inter-State N.. Kan. O.. Mo.; 1st N., Wich ita and Amarillo. 157.000 Hou. and Waco. Bk. Com., St. L.; City N., Dallas. 109.000 27.130 Mod erate 549.970 166.000 556.380 104.150 60,880 Rate S. 150,000 20.000 700.000 550.000 10.000 10,000 1,250 60,000 35.000 10.250 300,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; City N„ Dallas; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 7,500 18.500 City N., Galv.; Public N. aud So. Texas 28,000 N. City, N. Y.; Hutchings. Sealy & Co., Galv. 130.500 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; City N.. Dallas. .. H. L. Roberts & Co........... t’ll (H. L. Roberts)... 88-1099 Holland____ _ 690 First National Bank... .„t’05 L. B. Mewhinney.. J. V. Cavitt______ Logan Mewhinney *150-10% 88-794 Bell 118 .< i. ‘Hondo........... 2540 First National Bank^„«t'01 J. M. Finger______ 88-317 Medina M15 .< .. 50,000 76.500 275.000 225.000 W. D. Reed............... 25,000 2.500 125.000 iUUiVW Horace Bradley___ Charles Finger___ 50.000 34,070 407,890 30,000 17.700 308,330 First State Bank—«,...*tJ’98 W. S. Reed_______ W. W. Dees..____ *ioo 88-795 Hondo State Bank____ tf'Ofl H. F. King *200-10% 88-318 j. Ney............... — .T. R. Chanrey___ Honey Grove..2642 American National Bk._*t'09 J. H. Floyd__..... C. A. Loftis.__... R.M. McCleary.... Fannin C21 88-384 H. L. Allen. V. P. D. E. Taylor “ ___ 14 “ ------- “ 100,000 Hooks.... ............ 421 Security State Bank__•tl’12 Bowie C24 *125-15% 18-1474 W. L. Gibson. O. R Akin J. S. Smith........... 18,000 mn ooh 242,750 57,230 Com’l N.. Hou. 3ft Oftft uu,vVw 63,800 22,690 219.960 Han. N.. N. Y.; Alamo N„ San Antonio; 17 1# »DDU loO'lJLU 1Q9 win Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Guaranty Bond State and City N., San Antonio. 273.040 155,960 372,680 3.600 10,950 141,770 Seab. N., N.Y.; City N. and No. Tex.. N.. 99.100 350.360 73,500 34.760 83.500 N. Park and Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. 125,000 97.540 220.480 Dallas. 15,000 11,060 98,760 | 32.000 800 mm St. L.t Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 65.000 Rep. N., Dallas: Texarkana N. and State mi AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chase N., N. Y.; Dallas N., Dallas; Hou. N.. Hou. So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou. IKK ©fin luDidOU {Formerly State National Bk. First National Bank___«J'83 J. A. Pierce........... R. H. Galbraith.... J. B. Hembree___ C. R. Fiauet____ 88-382 O. H. McCleary Planters National Bank____ (Closed December 3, 1926) 121.690 N.Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. N., Texarkana. Business 1 5 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given !?, eacb bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. IE ♦M. Fed. Bee. T-Tru Po Channel State Bank......... .n 88-2064 (Formerly listed at Magnoh CITIZENS STATE BANK HOUSTON—Reserve City Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. - W. F. Humphrey.. J. B. York................ G. G. Galloway .... Other Paid-up Surplus Total Capital Profits Deposits TIES 100 1 221.440 $ 25.00C % W. H. IRVIN........ .. D. D. ORR______ — A. V. PACE, Active V P. and Cash J. W. WOODS, J. M. MCINTOSH THOMPSON — 100,006 6,970 5.000.006 140, (XH ®»L§'19» 85-77 Federal Reserve Bank 85-4 •! 35-82 85-61 (Houston Branch, 1 5 C. H. Bryan............ R. S. Sterling, Ch. f W. W. Moore.__ 4 -jE.G.Floeter.F.P. (Not doing a com THE Auditor. 391.250 117.920 39.140 6.700,000 | 8,330.000 250.000 3,000,000 202.600 Hou. N. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou. 260.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N. and2ndN.. Hou. 400,000 102.850 677.030 16.800 870.890 100,00( 209.630 518.860 (Trust funds) f 207.430 157.500 450.516 3.812.590 22.640.980 3,708.960 62.310 263.480 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou. 20.440 407,470 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 2d N., Hou. H. B. BRINGHURST W. A. KIRKLAND H.T. McCLONQ D. B. LACY C. C. HALL W 2.500.000 943.330 35.882.460 4.794.320 11.994.130 Chase N., N. City, Equit. Tr. Co., N. Bk. Com., and Seaboard N.,N. I.; Cont.& Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Barclays Bk., Ltd., and N. Province Bk., Ltd., London. 9 SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON TEXAS MAP ®*i'66 First Texas Joint Stock Land O. S. E. Holland... H. P. Ellis................ T. M. Gullette, Bank____ 85-76________ t’H G. M. Bryan, Ch. Jesse Andrews See. and Tr. GUARANTY NATIONAL 1175-8% 85-56 $130-10% . 4,570 !:y.W~ 6. G. TIMMINS........ OF HOUSTON 639.38C $ (See page 30 for co mplste inf or motion) A. E. Kerr _ ..... Floyd Ikard O. F. Cuilinan____ J. Y. Powell. T. J. Arnold. Sec... Tr.and Tr. Off. |R. E. Powell. L. B. Coppinger mercial banking business. A, Sec. and A. Tr. J.*. ««•»«, p NATIONAL BANK L. 1. Federal Reserve Ban k o/ Dallas, Texas) J.T. SCOTT............. F. M. LAW------------W. S. COCHRAN First 85-1 & Tr. and Public N.. Hou. a rk, Tex.) Ch. of Bd Federal Intermediate Credit M. H. Gossett____ R. D. Johnson........ Geo. E. O’Neill— J. V. Van DeMark Bank__ 85-75______ Rowan Mills Sec, R. D. Johnson, Tr. Federal Land Bank....] 0 (Set page 32 /or com plots information) 85-68 (Harris County, K 22) County Seat, Pop. 164,954. RES0UKCE8. Houston Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by* MlflCBL- Cabb k ExAffiliated Banks by + BONDB Loans LANBOXTB AND Principal cobrespondents. Discounts Shocbitibs Rbsoubob VBOa liim $ 101.490 % 47.390 * 67,970 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Marine Bk. 29.680 $ 35-78 Guardian Trust Company $425-9% 35-67 ©1 R. S. Sterling Jno. D. Dyer .. .. E. 0. Roberts_____ W. L. Dyer. V. P. Sam Rouse J. A. Elkins. Act... E. P. Greenwood.. J. W. Keeland, Wharton Weems Act. V. P. W.C. Jones, Jr., Ac E. Cargill Jas. A. Baker E. B. Parker. V. P. F. A. Heitmann C. M. Malone. V.P J. P. Priddie. Jr. W. B. Baker C. A. Barrett------- E. L. Meyer______ H. H. Pool H. L. Sadler............ !. Norman Sterling. R. Neilson. A. Sec.. Tr. L. M. Duggan. A. Sec. L. B. Duquette, V. P. and Mgr. Bo nd Dept. S. CAGE........ . J. R. KUBENA....... F. E. HOOD ...—... L.J. KUBENA_ _ _ _ _ M. SCHWARZ, V.P. TOM TELLEPSEN F. D. LANDRUM ELI MARKS. Active (.Young, progres ro. GULF STATE BANK........ ®*»’1B ) 35-89 500.000 118.500 977,680 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 2d N., Hou. 6.375.000 6,654,330 175,000 (Terri tory Texas and Oklah oma) 240,350 229,510 200,000 152.420 100.000 51.820 322.860 600.000 900.000 3.711.900 201,280 3.336,520 372.380 100.000 19,700 1.347.260 3.070 1.058.690 17.200 25.590 1.000.000 498.010 4.586,680 111.640 4,013.390 1,014.300 340.260 507.310 12.864,390 47.100 7.075.360 2.019.410 1,419.260 444.610 atuifift 9.520 518.800 N. City and Chem. N..N. Y.; Can. Bk.&Tr.Co.,N.O. 153,600 st N., Hou. N.. and State N., Hou. 1.017.930 Jkrs. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 368.550 Lm. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L.; Rep. N„ Dallas; Hou. N., Hou. slve bankers. Ite ms given prompt attention. +H0UST0N LAND & TR. CO. P. B. Timpson____ W. M. Rice_______ A. R. Cline. A. J. Heinze.A.Sec. $150-6% 85-61 ®T»4§’89 R. E. Paine, V. P. 0. R. Weyrich.Acit ce Sec. and Tr. 0. L. Bybee. A. Sec. ‘HOUSTON NATIONAL BANK $225 35-3 C. S. E. HOLLAND.. R. S. STERLING. ®»t'76 3. A. Swain, Active. 3. L. Weyrich, J. H. Schnell, Jr., A. Sec. Aud. R. E. GOREE...... . I:MK*“- .. V. HAHN ......... . A. KYLE L. H. KOEHLER .'Mm •. P. STERLING Ch. of Bd. 1 ). 1 KELVIN ROUFF.Mcl ' OS. F. MEYER Jr.^ . W. FINCHER, Act., iRYAN SPARKS Charles Murphy... Labor Bank & Trust Co. H. Beard_____ C. L.Killingsworth, B. C. Bukowski. 3. L. Edwards 1 Active V. P. 35-83 ©T§’26 B. C. Bukowski, Tr. Off. and Cash. V. P. Mrs. M. M. Wise 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chi.: 1st N., Hou N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. We s olicit your T exas Collec tions. Baste rn ite ms giv en pre ferent ial rat es and promp t serv ice. Co rrespo ndenc e Invi ted. Vice-Presidents AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS 828.380 N. City and U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep., 100.000 19,840 PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 338.070 2.200 215.890 101.990 20.180 122.050 Federation Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Rep. N.. Dallas. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, atueSxas Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 rXr)f\ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ i.Ou\J Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew § State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Tr ust Pow«8.‘ $ Last Sale %Dir. (ji) Sa». Dept. PRESIDENT, Vice-President. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 11) CASHIER. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Ass’t Cashier. Marine Bank & Tru st Co. D. W. Cooley.......... H. H. Gieseke........ ---------------------— P. C. Rehrauer___ £ $125 35-70 ©T*l§’24 S. A. Giraud I. H. Blume F. A. Sommers 'NATIONAL RANIf unim OF COMM rnpr LliUC $300-10% 35-60 JESSE H. JONES-- N. E. MEADOR....... A. F. FISHER......... A. M. McDADE—~ A. D. SIMPSON j.K. FLEMING 0.0. WILLIAMS r.p. doherty 'Aud h. r. viebig S.TAUB T. CRAWFORD W. W. F0NDREN ®T.+ 12 106,300 * 2,074.160 500.000 855,460 10.609.420 $ 559.520 300,000 60.600 284,710 69,150 (No Banking Privilege) Seaport National Beink _®»t’24 W. S. Myers.......... P. Stillman_______ Wm. A. Smith___ $175 35-79 L. D. Harmes 250,000 18,680 1,050.220 * COM’LIMSES. BANK 'UNION $275-20% 1,000.000 ttflHfe- EPS"ll,MS WHIEftn ®T.J 35-64 55-5 50,630 2.965,810 249.360 811,490 8.450 1,283.590 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.; N. Tex. N.. Dallas; City N., Galv. 701,930 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; City N., Dallas; Md.Tr. Co., Balt. 44,860 454.100 Am.Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.;Rep. N.,Dallas; Hib. Bk. &Tr. Co., N. O. ' > 9.864.310 2.036.430 2,019,550 5.526.820 N. Bk. Com. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 915,240 16.421.410 1.110.700 Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Whitney Cent. N., N. O. | UHRK 1.500.000 1,000.000 25.993.560 244.730 15,709.350 3.267.150 469.310 9.292,480 Tr. Officer JOHN DREAPER, Dir ect Co r resp onden tsatal 1 princ ipal p oints. A. Tr. Officer We re mit fo r the S tate o f Texa s.Writ e for t erms. tlMIH J. A. WILKINS------- H. M. WILKINS......... ALLAN H. KING........ H. W. GORDON-.......... j. M. JACKSON M. S. KERBY.A.c. F. H. MATTHEWS MARCH CULMORE J.M.JACKSON.Tr.ojf. A. G ANDLER DAN JAPHET 500,000 127.130 5.865.230 353.980 3,947,110 1.159.260 “Complete financial service” given out of town banks. Unexcelled _T . facilities for handling collections, sight drafts and general (S)I*T la correspondence. Send us your Houston Items direct. NA1"in&IAI IUrAL lunniBANK Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; 1st N., St. L. S. F. CARTER--------- H. P. ELLIS, Active... H. J.BERNARD......... H. F. GUNTER......... G.M. BRYAN, H. M. GARWOOD J. A. FITE. A. V.P. H. M. SEYDLER AetiveV.P. W. D. CLEVELAND, Jr. L. R. BRYAN. JR.. K. S. HAMBLEN 35-2 $175 Edwin Rees......... 187.150 ®T.i'07 SEND YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL MATTERS SENT US. STATI ' L NATIONAL QIAII/ DAIm Seab. N. and Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Rep. N., Dallas. 2.032,260 3,197,320 $275-10% 730,120 3.290.580 232,600 NATIONAL 163,680 £ Principal Correspondents. 793,510 3.062.200 Seab. N. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 300,000 *S0. TEXAS 362.330 $ Houston Clearing House Ass’n. Members indicated by* Affiliated Bks. by + 6.144,960 2.523.710 San Jacinto Trust C 0. ®T*t§ '20 G. F. Howard____ B. F. Bonner______ E. C. Barkley, J. H. Hargon......... $200-8% 35-71 H. P. Radcliffe V. P. and Cash. It. V. Moise U. Nazro, V. P. R. W. Wier H. L. Walker. A. C. C. V. Mangum 35-6 and 10,000 Sam Houston Trus Co. ,-«§’24 March Culmore C. H. Kuhlmann-.. A. C. Bering. V. P. H. H. Fnrd Tr. 35-80 L. R. Bryan, V. P. F. S. Schwinn J. M. Cary, V. P. $240-10% and $ 1,224,330 $ 300,000 $ Resources. MischlBonds Uabh Sc Ex LANBOUB change, Du i Discounts Sbcubitibs Rjdsoubcbs from Banks Loans J. H. GARRETT Public National Baiik..®*r21 J.H. Tallichet____ Carter Stewart Carter Stewart___ P. J. Studdert____ $101 35-73 Jacob Embry, V. P. O.M. Longnecker W. S. Keenan, Aud. H. H. Galloway J. W. Carter Public Trust Co___ A. H. White, 35-74 Sec. and Tr SEGON n U man/ NATIONAL BANK Non-liank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. HOUSTON—Continued—Reserve City R. M. FARRAR------- H. B. FINCH- ........ . C. A. DWYER_ _ _ _ _ HUGH WOOD_ _ _ _ _ _ J- S. RICE, ChofBd. A. L. CARTER E. H. ANDREWS, J. F. FOWLER GE0RGE HAMMAN, B. B. GILMER a. v. p. ]. g. qrmerod T• P- C. G. PILLOT H. M. WERTHEIMER T. J. CALDWELL 1.000.000 1,013.430 16.577.470 1.164.430 Seab. N., N. Bk. Com., Chase N., and N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Cont. & Com’l N., and 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and Boatmens N., St. L.; Canal Bk. and Tr., N. O.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 345.000 1.414.970 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Phil.Girard N., Phil.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 7.970.050 6.023.980 1.088.240 4.673.050 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; N. Shaw., Bos. ®T»t’10 If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send US your items and collections for Texas—particularly for HOUSTON. [ Houston Clearing E ouse______Geo. Hamman.......... C. S. E. Holland... O. A. Dwyer, Mgr. and Sec. (Members indiea ted by a* Affiliated Bank s by+ ) 1 ' THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ll.K 000.00 A Nation-Wide Service JESSE H. JONES....... President N. E. MEADOR......... Vice-Pres. A. D. SIMPSON....... Vice-Pres. SAM TAUB................. Vice-Pres. W. W. FONDREN.. . Vice-Pres. R. P. DOHERTY, Asst. Vice-Pres. and Trust Officer A. F. FISHER..................Cashier C. O. WILLIAMS. .Asst. Cashier A. M. McDADE... Asst. Cashier T. CRAWFORD . .Asst. Cashier H. R. VIEBIG.......Asst. Cashier J. K. FLEMING Auditor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For many years this Bank has constantly widened its facilities, and extended its banking connections. Beyond the mere question of growth, however, has been the tradition of an individual attention to the requirements of its correspondents. Collections intrusted to us will receive efficient and careful attention. RESOURCES OVER $12,000,000.00 J. H. CHEW G. H. CLIFFORD E. H. COOMBS R. S. COON R. P. DOHERTY C. K. DUNLAP J. A. ELKINS H S FILSON W. W. FONDREN D J. HARRISON F. J. HEYNE J. C. HILL W. O. HUGGINS JESSE H. JONES JOHN T. JONES W. W. JONES C. L. KERR V. LUCIA F. T. MANLEY N. E. MEADOR A. MERCHANT WILL F. MILLER J. F. B. RAWCLIFFE JAS. W. ROCKWELL A. D. SIMPSON J. H. SMITH SAM TAUB J. WOLFENSTEIN / j A REPRESENTATIVE LIST ■ Here are the bond and investment houses of OKLA. CITY, OKLA. Everest Investment Co. Godfrey Investment Co. Gum Brothers Co. Interstate Mortgage Trust Co. „ att a Q 'TT7 Y A C DALLAS, 1 HAAS F. M. Drake & Co. Co., Inc. Investment Securities Co. of Tex. M. H. Thomas & Co. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS E. B. Chandler & Co J. E. Jarratt Co. Thomas G. Leighton HOUSTON, TEXAS Bankers Mortgage Co. Dunn & Carr Gray & Wilmerding Link-Ford Co., Inc. Neuhaus & Co. Sherwood & Lamb Taylor, Ewart & Co., Inc. RICHMOND, VA. Eugene R. Jones & Co. Frederick E. Nesting & Co. Southern Bond & Mortgage Co. £££?£ oTmaunond, Inc. John L. Williams & Sons Wheat, Galleher & Co., Inc. who announce their readiness to serve bankers in this issue of the Bankers Directory. Let the names speak for themselves as a representative list. L- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1327 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Name of Banker. •Mem.Am.Bks.A’n. Year JMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabIMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. Paid-up Capital Officers. • Name of Banker. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. BANKERS J. H. JONES, Pres._.w. W. MOORE. Tr.___ $ 2,000,000 N. T. Tr. Co. and Bk. of America, N. N. E. MEADOR, F. P. Surplus and Profits $ 954.640 N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. J. M. ROCKWELL, v.P MORTGAGE E.’j/heYNE? f.p. ' sec. &'A. Tr. Loans on Real Estate First Mortgage Sell COMPANY **'“ W. W. MOORE. v. p. L.H.WILLIAMS.4.Sec. First Mortgage Real Estate Notes. (708 Main St.) Corporation Bonds, Municipal Bonds, J. S. Bache & Co., N. Y.: W. R. Compton Stocks and Foreign Exchange. Co.. St. L.: Union N. and Public N.. Hon, (Cotton Exchange Bldg.) Members: Hous ton Cotton Exchange, Texas Bankers Ass’n, Inve stment Bankers Ass’n of Texas. •Mem.Am.Bks.A'n. Year tMem.StateBks.A’n. EstabHMem.Inv.Bks.A’n. lished. and Bonds. C. I. McLean, Mgr. Gray & Wilmerding, Main Office, 5 Nassau GRAY & WILMERDING-........ Stocks Members: New York Stock Exchange. St.. N. Y. (301-3 State Bk. Bldg.) J. W. LINK. Pres. J. W. LINK. Jr., F. P. & Tr. R. W. FORD. F. P. & Sec. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES. Capital Stock $100,000.00 207-8-9 Bankers Mortgage Building Members: New Orleans Cotton Ex., American Bkrs. Association and Texas Bkrs. Association. (State Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) Town and Coonty. •Mem. A.B. A.MNew § State fPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E ElPaso H Houston $ Last Sale % Div. © Sav. Dept. : • President. Vice-President. Members: Texas Bkrs. Ass’n., Houston Cotton Ex. and New York Curb Ass’n. Correspondents: Spencer Trask & Co., Clark, Dodge & Co., Post & Flagg, and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union N. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. W. 0. SHERWOOD and SETH S. LAMB. Partners 1 Goodbody&Co.,N.Y.;Harriss.Irby &Vose, Stock and Bond Dealers. Specialists in N. Y. and N. O.; So. Tex. Com’l N. and Texas Securities. State N., Hou. Members: New Orleans Cotton Ex., New YorkCurb\ Market Ass’n. American Bkrs. Ass’n; Texas Bkrs. Ass’n. W. S. MACKEY, Res. Mgr. TAYLOR, EWART & COMPANY, Inc. Investment Securities H. N. Whitney & Sons. N. Y.; J. F. Clarke Co. and C. P. Ellis & Co., N. O.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com.. Hou. Bankers Mtg. Bldg. (Established 1923) Correspondents and Bank Depositories. HUGO V. NEUHAUS-—GEO. V. ROTAN. Partners. INVESTMENT SECURITIES (Second Floor) HJ'07 (Union Nat’l Bank Bldg.) SHERWOOD & LAMB-•11875 Paid-up Capital Officers. NEUHAUS & CO. DUNN & CARR------------ tTT’10 LINK-FORD COMPANY, INC.. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. HOUSTON—Continued—Reserve City Taylor. Ewart & Co.. Inc.. Chi., N.Y.. Kan. C.. St. L., Minpls., Mil., N. O., Phil., and San F. (Post Dispatch Bldg.) Telephone: Preston 1436 T EX AS—Continued ... Cashier. Liabilities. Depos Other Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital Profits TIES Ass’t Cashier. Howe _ 583 Farmers National Bank.-t'Ol J. P. Davis............. W. M. Harrell___ A. F. Thompson... C. C. Massie . .. $ W. W. Ferguson 88-1101 Grayson C19 .. Home Guaranty State Bank J.M.Howdeshell.. G. W. Holloway... W. A. Calloway... H. B. HowdeshelL. 88-1703 tS’15 30,000 S 11,860 $ 197.530 Resources. I 0&D8 Bonds Miscel Cash & Ex changes, Due and and Discounts Securities laneous from Banks PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. $ 57,580 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. $ 147,500 J 32,500 15,000 2,280 10,000 16,300 Hubbard___ 2072 First National Bank___ *$'95 W. E. McDaniel-- J. H. Weatherby, A. B. Keitt............. H. Weatherby .... W. B. Barnes, V.P. Act. 50% 88-456 A. M. Huddleston Hill G19 W. A. Putman “ *• First State Bank____ • t§’08 J. M. Johnson. Jr. R. S. Stovall_____ J. G. Scott....... ...... C. M. Wilkes ......... $300-25% 88-457 J. F. Huddleston 50,000 274.240 334,690 520,000 50,000 115,000 210.000 255,000 Hughes Springs First National Bank____ t’03 W. B. Duncan....... C. H. Morris_____ R. M. Kasling....... A. G. Daniel_____ 88-1103 Cass D24 831 $250-10% T. J. Cook Barney McDaniel 40.000 84.000 550,000 25,000 12.500 346,880 Humble 3527 Humble State Bank__ «tS’07 J. W. Fincher....... H. F. Bozarth........ K. Stone________ W. Griffith........... J. W. Hall H Harris K23 $250 88-1104 50,000 35,910 612,100 Huntington...515 Huntington Guaranty State J. J. Collins.. — R. S. Byrd.... ........ R. C. Arnett_____ H Angelina H24 R. P. McKewen Bank—88-1105_____ tl’ll 16,000 ^Huntsville 4689 First National Bank-..»t’90 J. P. Gibbs ____ Gabe Smither......... Gibbs A. Wynne.. J. E. Allen, V.P. G. A. Wynne. Act. H Walker I 22 25% 88-400 .. .. J. G. Ashford___ S. S. Felder______ W. C. Jones Huntsville State Bank $175-10% 88-401 »tS’07 C. B. Oliphint 50,000 33.760 430.960 48.900 238.240 211,130 22,360 50,000 42.420 444.410 118,500 329,960 176.950 40.800 107,610 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; City N., Galv. 10,000 1.200 84,090 340 59,890 16,710 6,400 12,630 Mtle. N., Dallas; Liberty Cent.Tr. Co.,St. L. 30.000 19,000 275,090 25,000 22,670 121.120 Howland . 415 Howland State Bank.__Jl'10 T. F. Justiss_____ M. S. Bledsoe. $200-12% 88-1102 Lamar C21 Hull________300 H Liberty K24 Hutchins Dallas E19 W. R. Justiss____ Hull State Bank........... •t§’19 Tom F. Cruse....... M. E. Pivoto_____ A. J. Hartel, Jr.... O, P. Baillio__ 88-1832 . 114,770 39,940 * 39,290 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sherman; Rep. N , Dallas. 92,750 20,010 85.000 62.770 9.500 * 6,160 7.820 City N., Dallas: Am. N., Paris. 55,480 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; Cent. N., Dallas. 30,000 150.000 195.000 114.000 264,130 28,470 16.710 278,740 56,990 11,000 90.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hon. N., Hou.; Mtle. N„ Dallas; Citiz. N., Waco. 300.000 Rep. N., Dal.; 1st N., Shreveport. 75.070 Hon. N.. Hou.; 1st N., Beaumont. $125-10% ;; 08 Hutchins State Bank...J§’19 D. D. Rogers____ Frank Ayres 88-1915 571 Farmers &Merch. State Bank August Swenson... Paul N. Nelson__ A. W. Swenson Jennie Mauritz Williamson J18 8% 88-714 t§’07 .. W. H. Farley_____ R. B. Hutto......... . E. E. Brown_____ J. P. Johnson___ $185-10% 88-715 Hutto.... AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 7,650 33,000 Union N., Hou.; City N., Galv. 85,000 125,000 126,630 25.140 114.580 358,930 Han. N. and Gty. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N.. So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. N., and 2d N., Hou. 91.900 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Hou. 97,460 26.390 2,720 Austin; Union N.. Hou.; U. S. N.,Galv. 50.230 Austin N., Austin; So.Tex.Com’l N., Hou- THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS 1328 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. MNew §State fPriv. *County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E ElPaso H Houston Idalou______ 1400 Lubbock CIO tMern. State B. Ass’n. [Estib. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trast Power*. $ Last Sale % Ply. ® Bar. Dept President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Liabilities. Other Depos- 1Li Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up 1Subplus A DILIAND ITS Capital Profits FIRST STATE BANK-. 20 J. W. Turner......... B. F. Hutson------- J. L. Brabham ___ H. B. Stewart..__ $ L. M. Brunson $150-10% ♦ 88-1876 J. L. Brabham, Active Indian Gap.__800 Ger.-Am. State B&nk....$l'10 S. H. Brown-------- W. J. Harris-------- W. W. Martin___ Olga Grelle______ 88-1106 Hamilton G16 $110-10% H. H. Boelsche.— Industry____ 518 Industry State Bank..till B. E. Knolle_____ E. Lindemann.. Aug. Brechan $159-10% 88-1107 H Austin E20 J. C. Bianchi____ E. Slotnick........ Inez____ _____ 210 Inez State Bank_______ tl'13 H. W. Dodd.. H. O. Koonts 88-1640 H Victoria N19 lioo E. E. Nation.. W. A. Boney... W. J. Quinn.... R. E. Cleveland... lola__________318 lola State Bank________ tl'07 88-1108 H Grimes 121 $uo ♦ 25,000 <l J. 5\ Boyd. Active . Carroll Duke™— C. Birk......... . Iowa Park.__2041 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Miss Dosia Smith $200-10% 88-1109 ®»tl900 JohnHirschi, V. P. Tom Corridon. Act Wichita B15 F. E. Hill.............. . A. C. Golden, Act.. Warren Clark-----First State Bank..-®T*t§’19 L. N. Lochridge.— L. C. Denny 88-1847 CR. Conley......... Herman Jacobs.__ Iredell...............780 Continental State Bank •tl'Q9 H. H. Wilkinson... H. B. Strong------- $175-10% 88-1110 Bosque F17 O. Z. Wilson____ C. L. Johnson.... Ireland _____...251 First National Bank....»t’12 G. W. Bradley. $160-10% 88-1448 Coryell G17 Irene_________264 First National Bank------*t’15 R. C. West —.— Y. H. Greer_____ J. A. Christie------ Vivian Reed—— $140-12)4% 88-1111 Hill G19 Irving________ 357 Irving State Bank------- •♦I'lO D. W. Gilbert....... A. P. Mauk______ A. P. Mauk______ C. Howard Lucas. $150-10% 88-1112 Dallas D19 R. G. Dohoney___ Italy________ 1350 Farmers National Bank.»t’07 Whit George------- P. E. Wood— $ 140 10 % 88-686 Ellis F19 . H. S. Paisley------First National Bank.—T»{’02 K. G. Stroud-------- L. E. Eagan. $225-20% 88-665 . Itasea....... .. .1599 First National Bank .—*t’90 P. E. Hooks........... W. I. Hooks......... H. J. Barton------J. R. Griffin 20% 88-602 Hill 519 W, B. Rees-------- Joe J. ince. H. E. Chiles___... N. 8. ReesITASCA NATIONAL BANK W. B. Blair E. Machen $250-20% 83-608 »r01 100,000 B. R. Worthington. C. A. Worthington E. M. Davidson. . O. A. Worthington J. S. Erwin, A. C. H. A. Wills J. W. Kinder------- Kirk Stewart------ S. V. Stark____ . Frank Devereux .. Frank Devereux. B. W. Cocke. T. Smith, A. Cash. H. L. Earle •Jacksboro ...1373 First National Bank___«t’90 James W. Knox... 88-568 Jack D16 Ed. Sewell___ Jacksboro National Bank $150-10% 88-664 »t’05 Jacksonville ..3723 First State Bank-------- •tl’ll A. G. Adams— H Cherokee F22 $176-15% ♦ 88-821 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued ties d 8,0001\ 163.000 \> 15.500 SI 154.000 20,000 3,000 60,000 . 20,000 11.980 149.700 . 25,000 1,500 52.250 15.580 25.000 Resources. Bond* Cash • SiMISCEL- charou .Dui and LANEOU8 non Baku Securities 81.080 $ 20,000 12,000 25,000 6,000 25,000 20,000 25.000 275,000 150,000 ___ ____ correspondents. 36,5001st N., Ft. Worth; Am. State. Amarillo; Drove N.. Kan. C. 42,000 Dallas Tr. & Sav.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 36.530 Han. N., N. Y.: .Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. 48.390 26.680 94.850 . 12,500 21.000 $ 60.000 51.130 1.194,980 25.000 $ Principal 34,030 2d N., Hou.; Victoria N. and Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria. 48,760 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 68.100 4.120 14.450 900.210 59.500 28.840 382,560 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 174.810 107,980 1st N.. Wichita Falls; Cont. N., Ft. Worth, 50,000 32.000 100.000 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co., Waco; Dallas N., Dallas. 15,000 Oitiz. N„ Waco; City N„ Galv.; So. Tex. Gomi N., Hon. 83,500 Han. N„ N. Y.; City N„ Dallas: 1st N.. Waco; Citiz. N., Hillsboro. 32,480 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: No. Tex. N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 30,000 City N.,Dallas; 1st N„ Hou. 60,000 72,000 8,000 250,500 200,000 6.280 123.290 78,470 27.580 11.040 40,000 20.000 175.000 175.000 14.000 10.000 50,000 73.520 155.660 83.580 238.630 82.500 15,000 50,000 114.470 330.210 50.720 356.510 56.520 24.230 60,000 29.000 225,000 115.000 235.000 61,290 92.710 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Un. N.. Hou. 150,000 51.990 577.770 150.000 541.190 208,020 94.300 196,660 38,350 17.300 86.230 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. 8t. L.; Dror. N.. Kan. C.: Ft. W. N.. Ft Worth. 95.050 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; City N.. Dallas. 336.180 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Rep. N.. Dallas; 1st N., St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 930 50,000 23.810 255,290 18,270 62,500 48,380 1,045.050 176.440 750.140 182.550 63,480 26.630 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Ex.N.. Dallas.; 1st N.. Hou. 108,140 Seab. N., N.Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: Am. Ex.N..Dallas; Ft. Worth N..Ft. Worth. 404.370 Seab. N.. N. Y.;Rep. N.. Dallas: 1st N., St. L. 147.590 840,050 85.080 598.040 10.490 134.810 25.000 9,970 175.400 — 148,540 14,840 4.000 42,990 2d. N.. Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Austin. 20,000i First State Bank--------- till E. M. Wilson------- J. A. Comer-------- J. A. Comer____ $225-10% 88-1404 25.000i W. P. Cook_____ J. H. Seale, Jr....... B. G. Graham ___ J. H. Seale----Citizens National Bank A, N. Stone $180-20% 88-1655 ®»t’14 l .. 100,000 Jasper State Bank------•tl’ll W. P. Smith-------- H. W. Hardy----- L. J. Fortenberry. R. M. Curtis $150-10% 88-808 .. 40.0001 W. M. Hunter____ M. S. Sandell____ Thos. Fowler.__ Jay ton______ 1000 First National Bank------- '07 W. L. Mathews.... Ellis Scogin 10% 88-1118 15,0001 Kent C12 J. F. Sims---------- J. G. Staples------G. M. Roden-------Jean ...... 300 Jean State Bank____—t§’20 $115-10% 88-1966 _ 30,000) Young C 15 W. T. Neilon, Active R. B. Gregg-------•Jefferson____2549 Commercial Nat’l Bank*t’07 T. D. Rowell, Sr... 88-868 25,000 ) Marion D24 L. G. Braden-------- E. R. Greer_____ T. O. Schellinger... M. J. Whelan-----First State Bank— -...ti ll $126-10% 88-364 _ 25.000 ) Rogers National Bank.. »t’04 H. A. Spellings— G. T. Haggard........ J. W. Badget------88-362 _ 50,000) G.E. Meisenheimer Rogers State Bank & Tr. Co. B. F. Rogers....— L. G. Braden......... M 88-2002 T«t§’20 T. J. Rogers, V. P. Oliver Loving, Jr.. John H. Tucker... Jermyn______ 213 Oliver Loving & Co., Bankers Oliver Loving------ J. W. Loving------88-1114 •it’ll Jack D16 21.1901 142.410 ---------— 133.860 8, 9.140 25.750i 277.960 2,840 198.710 3,910 31,630 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou. and Bartlett: Citiz. State, Austin. 112.440 1st N., Beaumont; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 16.3001 609.200 5.050 26.0001 250.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $250-15% 88-827 rauss.iuira- F. D. NEWTON— C. F.BQLES- LE ITEMS DIRE •tl900 ) SEND US YOU (.Prompt .Prompt attenti on given BUI cf L •ding Drafts and Guaranty Bond State Bank io% 88-1520 tl'21 W. J. Weatherby-- N. H. Scogin......... B. C. Shattuck — LA TOCIj IX TUCK _ 75,000 t OS. s Jarrell ......... 215 Williamson 118 •Jasper..........2019 H Jasper 125 a m. . 397.440 103.780 175,000 100.000 16.490 229,320 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N-. Hou.; Am. N.. Beaumont: Com’l N.. Shreveport. La. 50.000 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N.. Abi lene. 30.000 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 5.000I 70,000 50.000 12.600) 196,000 189.500 6.150 38.980 15,470 ) 104.98(1l 24.580 82,290 59.710 9.320 30.650 ) 330.58C) 58.480 263.340 104.110 5,500 28,750: 476,770 19.860 ) 570.60C1 J lOO.OOi • a m a IB a 75.000 32,000 15.920 137.000 N. Park. N. Y.; Rep.N.. Dallas; 18.700 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Mtle. N., Dallas; Com’l N., Shreveport. La. 71.750 Seab. N..N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L. 144.520 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Shreveport; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 25.000 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. THE AMFRirAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Soiiciis Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E ElPaso H Houston •Mem. A.B. A. "New § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dii. ©Sav. Dept. Jewett ___ 460 Leon H21 Joaquin ...........800 Shelby G25 ‘Johnson City.350 Blanco J16 Josephine___ 519 Collin D20 Jewett State Bank 88-1115 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (I n dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Loans Bonds MISCEL- Cam St Ex ther Depos- LOxabili AND change*,Due Principal Correspondents. and and from Banks Discounts Securities Profits TIES TEXAS—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital {}’ 10 O. Wiley, Jr_____ R. L. Wiley_____ R. B. Adams--------- J. T. Adkisson____ $ Luke Motley_____ G.F. Middlebrook. J. W. Motley Laura Motley____ J. H. Holliday 88-2113 Johnson City StateBank»J8’06 Ernst Klappem- A. K. Urnte Albert Moursund— $150-16% 88-1117 bach First National Bank_.*J’25 G. B. Yeatts. L. Coffman.. Miss J. Newman .. $132 88-1118 50,000 $ 15.000 $ 357,210 25.000 950 40,980 $ 25,000 10.500 96,000 30.000 11,000 75.000 $ 308,000 $ 350 $ 16.450 $ 1.110 30,920 30,420 111,860 12,700 19,910 80,000 1,100 8,000 7.310 Joshua______ 810 Citizens Banking Co..__if’04 Angus McMillan... F. P. West .. -__ Johnson E18 88-1119 ‘Jourdanton ..682 Atascosa N16 ‘Junction ___1269 Kimble J14 .. •• 1st N.. St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Atascosa County State Bank .T, A. Waltnm Jourdan Campbell$H5 88-1120 •iS’OO First National Rank...©$16 O.R. Stevenson... E. A. Loeffler____ W. G. Loeffler....... Jas. A. Miller___ 88-1720 ,i Junction State Bank.®*ii’08 W. P. Riley_____ E. E. Bolt________ C. T. Holekamp... $240-5% ♦ 88-1121 J. R. Martin. Sec. Justin________ 517 Justin State Bank______21’07 W. N. Shofner___ Ponton D18 88-1122 ‘Karnes City ..787 Karnes County Nat. Bk. •t’Ol T. D. Ruckman___ $225-12% 88-1123 H Karnes N17t< State National Bank.__•2*21 C. W. Rzeppa___ $123 88-2013 J. H. Allen______ J. W. Collins J. D. Ruckman Ernst Hofmann... H. W. Isensee....... Katy_________228 Katy State Bank_____ $§’20 W. C. Stockdick... J. M. Stewart____ W R Oilpin $100-8% 88-1663 H’Harris K21 (Merged with First National Bank, No vember 20, 1926) Kaufman E20 sa Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk. Wood Nash . Nestor Morrow.__ J. R. Trantham ... ------$155-10% 88-1698 ’15 M ...... “ FIRST NATIONAL BANK -$M $215-10% Keller 259 $125-10% Tarrant D18 88-431 ,j. A. NASH_ _ _ _ C. B. HARTON......... 62,500 27,740 421,240 370,600 11,910 24,760 40,000 16,020 173,080 162,610 1.600 11.290 104,240 N. Park. N. Y.: Alamo N. and Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 53,600 Lib. N„ Kan. C.; City N„ San Ant.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Am. N.. Austin. 100,000 100.000 367.190 10,950 379.640 117.540 29.800 54.860 N. Bk. Com.. San Antonio; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Stock Yds. N., Ft Worth. 35,000 19,000 125,000 ’ ft 100,000 38,100 50,000 93*090 523.550 25,000 272*510 .37,580 21,540 25,000 4,340 66,000 48.160 900 24.120 360.000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Texas Com’l N., Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. 22.170 Hou. N., Hou.; Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio; U. S. N., Galv. 25,000 6.750 82.323 61,880 75,000 56,810 221,430 J. B. NASH. Jr......... MISS DOVIE GRAY 98.560 210,030 37,000 Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; City N„ Dallas. 7.850 59.980 129.970 T. B. White ... J. E. Jarvies____ J. Ray White 8,660 77,780 50,000 31.300 225.600 10,000 209 10,000 E. P. Ruhmann ... Clem Rea-oner___ W. E. Ruckman___ P. R. Goff. Jr____ J. B. Cannon, V. P. Fred Schroeder Frank Bucek, Jr. 100,000 35,290 380,700 rj. W. NICHOLS — A.F.KAUFFMANN, SR. H. W. MeGOLDRICK.. E, D. HOLCHAK...... E. I. LEWALLEN \ SEND US YOU 100,000 59,950 696,270 10,000 1,610 39,990 3,680 34,480 1,360 10,930 10,000 18,090 64,250 15,130 65,460 30,880 2,300 W. T. Stockton__ W. S. Price 50,000 99,490 184.910 259.100 25.000 S. Jennings E. M. Westbrook.. Luther Westbrook A. L. Bain_______ 50,000 35,000 217,000 210,000 W. E. Smith, V.P. B. B. Coates 44 44 E. E. Nettles____ R. P. Coates______ 80,000 270,460 31.500 255.650 10,000 Sam Rowe $192-20% 88-1864 F. L. Hulan •Kerrvilie . .2356 CHARLES SCHREINER BANK L. A. Schreiner..— E. H. Prescott____ (Individ ual lies ponsibil ity $1.00 0.000). (Uninc.) 88-458 ‘t+'69 Kerr K15 O. B. Schwethelm E. Galbraith______ A. B. Burton A. B. Williamson .. 30,000 28,660 370.760 21.550 296,730 88-459 A. J. Lochte 39.130 15.340 <4 44 First National Bank •t’Ol 10% 88-543 Kempner State Bank—.2S'17 $108 88-1767 First National Bank—»$06 88-667 NICHOLS NATIONAL BANK 20% Kennard_____ 610 H Houston H22 Kenney...........202 H Austin K20 Kerens______ 1343 Navarro F20 “ ...... “ 88-668 71,430 2,400 12,350 20,250 Tex. N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth. 17.750 246,590 23,450 18,500 37,100 Chem. N„ N. Y.; No. Tex. N., Dallas. 1,000 12,000 50,000 328,450 (Closed) Kemp_______ 1213 Farmers State Bank. . Kaufman E20 H Karnes N17 ®»t'06 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. 88-1611 iS’lS Kenney State Bank .2112 $260-20% 88-1467 First N ational Bank . *2 ’05 $300-10% 88-745 First State Bank___ .*21'09 $165-16% ♦ 88-746 L. J. McDougaid .. C. R. Pannill____ C. R. Pannill Miss Ruby Creecy. E. L. Trussell-------- W.S. Whiteley.__ R. E. Webb.......... R ITEMS DIR EC T. 8,000 57,340 26,660 1,200 City N., Temple and Dallas. 153,540 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 253.880 Han. N.,N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 603,050 ROY YOUNG ) Prompt, personal attention given Coll ections, Bill of Ladi ng Drafts. LCash and Time Ite ms and remitted for on day of payment. R. L. Barclay____ J. C. Merriweather Erma P. English... $107.50-5% Philip Freitag___ Chas. Ebert_____ E. H. Sonsel. AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 51.810 Chase N., N. Y.; City N„ Dallas. Hou. 20,000 Lampasas H17 44,340 Public N„ Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv. 100,000 (First and Oldes t Established Ban k. Collections a Specialty. Gener al Bank ing. 'Please send 15c FEE IN ADVANC E with sight draf ts; Credit Report s, 25c. 88-1124 97.410 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Hon. N-, Hon.; Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; Rep. N„ Dallas. 29,820 Com’l N.. Shrevesport; Tex. N.. Ft. Worth. 17,440 Han. N., N. Y.; Oitiz. State, Austin; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 30,900 No. Tex. N. and Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. SSSSSfeV 8,510 Crockett State, Crockett; N. Bk. Com., Hou. 8,830 So. Tex. Com’l N. Hon.: 1st N., Galy. and Brenham. 54,820 Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 66.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; City N„ Dallas. 12,400 3,000 21.650 52,320 Corsicana N., Corsicana; No. Tex. N., Dallas. 48,540 47,030 and Lockwood N..SanAntonio:lstN..St.L. 58,660 N. City. N. Y.: City N.. San Antonio; Hou. N., Hou.; Rep. N„ Dallas. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, TEXAS' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 to eacb bank in U- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ i JJU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.llFod.Res.Dlst. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. EElPaso;H Houston. I Last Sale % Dlv. ® Sar. Dept. Kilgore_____ 863 Guaranty Bond State Bank Gregg E23 *165 88-1997 tS'20 (Formerly Guaranty State Ba •• «• Kilgore National Bank _«t’06 *155.60 88-1126 Killeen ____ 1298 First National Bank...®»’01 1100-10% 88-627 Ben H17 •• •« First State Bank........_.*tr07 $150-20% ♦ 88-628 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ___ $ nk) ^ M I Other Drpos- Liabili- 15,000 $ TIES 7.800 $ 135.000 25.000 3,000 50.000 13.180 75.220 $ 35,000 24.500 278.000 25.000 10,000 200,000 50,000 5,000 100.000 35.000 25,000 425.000 H. C. Smith. 88-1268 88-265 Robert J. Kleberg & Co. 88-264 ®»tt’04 Klrbyvllle....... 1165 Kirbyville State Bank.-•{§’06 S. R. flnnn Ht Jasper I 25( $165-12 88-372 Peoples State Bank___ tl’07 io% 88-373 Kirkland 531 First State Bank.......... »tl 07 C. W. Fnrp Childress A13 $105-10% ♦ 88-1127 ** AND F. D. Oberthier... G. T. Hollabaugh T. H. Minor . R T, Pace 88-1483 *110 Surplus Claude McBryde.. ‘Kingsville ...4770 First National Bank ...•t’26 Carl C. Henny .... Sam Fimble, Jr.... Sam Fimble, Jr.... Estella M. Fimble. H Kleberg Q18 Paid-up Profits L. N. Crim Kingsbury___ 350 Guadalupe L17 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued $125-10% H. Allison H. Andrews, Act. F,. W. Hon se . V. E. Lanfear___ W. C. King K. A. Hodges T, <"!, Conn .T. A. Conn W. F. McCreight.. 50,000 $ 235,000 66.290 30.390 436.000 20.000 15,000 160.000 48.000 $ 5.000 1,150 47.470 57.600 % 39.170 6,900 110,000 8,000 50.000 5.000 365,000 30.000 800.000 200.000 340,500 57.730 130.000 700 104.100 51.960 5.000 6.520 174,060 15.090 1,600 50.000 45.000 25.000 6.000 150.000 110.000 V- H. Pyalt 25.000 32.000 260.000 40.000 196.000 C. P.Geisselbrecht 10,000 2.810 61.880 290 38.890 R. H. Robertson.. 50,000 15,000 362.000 L. B. Rich_______ 25,000 3.140 181.340 1.440 Kress________ 325 Farmers State Bank___tl'U9 J. W. Hamilton.... W. T. Bagley......... L. R. Thompson... O. R. .ToseDh $100 88-1131 Swisher A10 R. B. Rncker------Farmers* Merch. State Bank J.G. Wilkinson.__ R. F. Wilson. .. $150-10% 88-1132 $§’10 Denton D18 »tf'11 F. W. Miller____ R. H. Kretzmeier. Kyle 744 Kyla StAtp Hant $100-10% 88-1133 Hays K17 La Coste National Bank..$12 Edmund Keller.__ W. H. Hawkes........ $250-20% 88-1451 Medina M15 A. E. Sweeney ___ C. H. Weldon___ D. W. Sweeney, Jr. J. D. Richardson.. Ladonia 1713 $100-15% 88-623 Fannin C21 17,500 290 55,260 18,430 30,000 20.000 250.000 30.000 3.500 112.130 4.190 25.000 36.420 238.860 125.000 6,000 350.000 50,000 11,130 632,450 Kleberg............300 Dallas E19 I. Walton. S. P. Keny............ H. T,. While Knox City______ 698 Knox C13 . •» _ . C. T. Stark 88-1449 $122-10% 88-2000 $230-25% 88-621 •• T. E. Robbins____ E. O. Jamison___ J. H. Davis---------C. A. Benedict, Ch. of Bd. Kopperl State Bank___ ti'12 J. T. Davis______ P. H. Whitworth.. Rasil Rryant $100-10% 84-1436 Bosque F18 (Formerly Guaranty State Ba nk) W. L. ffnrhes Limestone H20 B. C. Cooner W. M. Welch 10% 88-802 First State Bank....... -«t§T8 A. J. Jennings.__ J. W. Jennings.__ ♦ 88-1823 {Formerly Guaranty State Ban k) 57.400 Mtle. 3 N., Dallas; Citiz. N., Tyler. 32.670 24.070 ( ity N.. Dallas; Austin N., Austin; 1st N.. Temple. 134.530 1 I. Park, N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas. 5,000 100,000 1 Ian. N., N. Y.; Oity N., 8an Antonio; Hou. N.. Hou. 100.000 ( hase N.i N. Y.; 2d N.. Hou. 75.550 90,000 N. ] Bk. Rep., Chi.: 2d N., Hou. 8.240 150,000 ( iase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; So. Tex. Oom’l N.. Hou. 139.100 ] . Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou. 45,000 1st ] N.. Hou. and Beaumont. 52.070 29.360 1 an. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Childress; Mtle. N.. Dallas. 16.600 N.Bk.Com.and ] Mtle. N.. Dallas. 15,000 ] N. and Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 46,000 1st 22.000 69.000 70,000 : Ian. N„ N.Y.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: City N„ Wichita Falls; Dallas N., Dallas. 5,000 6,660 24.430 1 ’ex. N.,Ft. Worth; Dallas Tr. & Sav. and Mtle. N.. Dallas. 80.900 25,860 87.110 175,000 I Ihase N., N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; 2d N, Hou. 17.050 N. City, N. Y.; Mtle. N., Dallas; Hou. N.. Hou. 66,500 7.850 9,500 7.630 No. Tex. N., Dallas; Drov. N., Kan. C. 143,000 32.000 25,000 100,000 Cont. i N., Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas. 91,030 160 33.540 25.770 106.130 94.750 23.970 60,000 390,000 75,000 26,000 25.090 Han. N.. N.Y.: Un. N., Hou.: Groos N., San Antonio; Austin N., Austin. 101.19) Han. N., N. \ .. Alamo N., San Antonio: 1st N.. Hou.; II. S. N.. Galv. 50,000 320,480 135.540 8,200 180.000 (Closed January 12. 1927) .. First National Bank..®«t’13 $120-10% 88-1516 H Cameron Q4 ‘Lagrange_____ 1669 First National Bank.— t’88 $200-16% 88-453 HFayette K19 J ohn Schuhmacher State BE. 88-452 *§’09 Lakevlew_____311 First National Bank---------- t'16 $125-10% 88-1134 Hall E5 W. H. Bardwell... H. B. Noblett............. B. H. Dunlap________ D. W. Sigler__________ J. L. Hargrove Geo. E. Lenert_____ A. Warnken__________ A. F. Speckels_____ Ed. Mattingly W. Ehlers C. J.von Rosenberg C. G. Franz...................... G. H. Osthoff------------Leo Frede H. Am berg W. W. Williamson. Myrtle Duren............. D. H. Davenport.. j, q. a flam* Dawson E9 75,000 92.690 779.250 59.400 638.480 119.580 20.780 42.840 610.890 1.490 478.140 31.310 80.010 25,000 5,650 175,000 58,000 61.000 450,210 25,580 65.570 350.030 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas; Am. N., Austin. 150.000 Chase N.. N.Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth: Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 5,630 5,110 43,460 Hou. N., Hou.; Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. 50.000 37,120 790,520 60,000 50.000 600,000 Earl Britain--------------- 12.500 2,730 68,080 Lamkln 97 First Stftto mnk 88-1742 Comanche F16 $117 the $ §’16 D. L. Truett________ W. T. Hayes__________ IT. Shockley . ■■■■■ 229.360 N.Y. Tr. Co., N.Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Brownsville and Hou• 227.490 . City. N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; City N.. Dallas. 165.770 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. N.. Dallas; 1st N.. Hou.; City N.. Galv. 100.000 1st N„ Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls. 100,000 _. .. W. K. Crawley .— W. K. Crawley.... M. E. Boren................... J. E.Barren B. Gray, A. Cash. M. E. Smart $171-10% 88-872 State National Bank.®»t’06 W. V. P. Baker.____ R. R. Townsend... 0. F. Priest__________ J. L. Teal____________ $150-10% 88-873 1138 First National Bank______ ej’05 .T. F. Barren ‘Lamesa ^ Principal Correspondents. 215.000 N. 1 Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mtle. N., Dallas. 30,000 50,000 W. C. Harp______ J 24.500 170.330 200.000 1.000,000 40,000 Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k Exand CHAKONS,DW* and Discounts Sseuritiss laneous from Banks 13.750 480,000 29,110 ■■1 ■■1■■1 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business 1 qqi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Town and County. ‘County Seats. No.UFed.Res.Dist. E ElPaso H Houston eMem.A.B.A. "New §State tPriv. IMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Tnist Powers. 3 Last Sale % Dir. ©Sit. Dept President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. X EXAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. LIABILITIES. Paid-up Subplus Dbpo»and Capital Profits ITS l Other | W. B. McGEE — H.N.KEY-................. ED, hockfr FRED WOLF $ 50.000 $ 48.730 S 435.620 $ ‘Lampasas ...2107 FIRST NATIONAL BANK «t'84 J R. KEY i Save time and get 12% 88-393 service on Co llections and Cre dit Reports by se ndlng Lampasas 117 ( FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain Bight drafts, 15c: Crm dit Reports, 25c. TRY US. jj. F. WHITE-------PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK *175-12% 88-395 »t’05 )Save time and ! FEE IN AD VAN *• < __ 11 Stokes Brothers______ ttlOOO 88-394 Lancaster 1190 First National Bank ..119 J. H. Darby ._ __ 88-1874 Dallas E19 .. ____ '• __ “ R. P. Henry & Sons, Bankers 88-679 •tt’89 White A Co., Bankers ..eit'98 88-680 La Porte__________ 889 First National Bank .®*t’23 H Harris L23 88-1135 La Pryor_________ 415 La Pryor State Bank....ti'14 Zavalla N13 88-1647 M r____ " ‘Laredo______ 27,159 FIRST NATIONAL BANK FIRST STATE *100 •• «• 88-80 ®»t’80 C. C. ABNEY----------- C. A. NORTHINGTON 46.930 50,000 W. H. BROWNING get service on Co llections and Cre dit Reports by se ndlng CE: Plain Bight drafts, 15c; Cre dit Rmports, 25c. TRY US. 373.180 TIES Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Oass A Exand Discount* Sscuritiss LANEOUft raoai Birai 3.000 $ 280.030 $ 30,000 301.370 — 50.000 ual Res pomibil ity, S200, 000)____ J. E. Gist B. F. Lyon W. G. Lyon, Jr.___ 20.980 50.000 108.320 23.900 109.580 Mrs. N. D. Henry. R. P. Henry, Jr.__ P. W. Henry___ ___ J. K. Henry _ . L. L. Henry L.F. White.............. K. L. White _______ J. O. McShan____ O. L. Lavender___ (Individ ual Res ponxibil Up. 81,00 0,000) B. E. White. V.P. H. E. White C. K. Clarke_________ E. E. Wa‘ts _ 168.490 25,000 6.030 91.530 A. N. McKay.Active J. A. Hope...................... B. D. Williams.____ T. W. Alexander.. B. D. Williams_____ 60.000 15,000 2.000 34.000 (A. C. RICHTER 3,000 $ A.M. BRUNI—.............. G.P. FARIAS------------- ALBERT MARTIN— W.B HAMILTON H. S. CLUCK L E. BRUNI 250.000 19.920 1.480.870 118.250 28.540 i Principal Correspondents. 61.460 $ 192.860 N. Park, N. T.; So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou.; City N.. Dallas; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 11.320 137.420 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; City N„ Dal las; Un. N., Hou. ......... Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N„ Hou. and Temple. 60,310 Han. N., N. Y.: Dallas N. and Rep. N., Dallas. 4.770 35.830 6.000 10,000 6.000 894.070 148.560 140.500 839,530 181,330 40,060 Seab. N..N. Y.;N. Bk. Com., St. L.: City N.. Dallas. Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 66.160 Public N. and Union N., Hou. 27.000 Liberty N., Kan. C.: Alamo N. and Gty. Bond State. San Antonio; Com’l N., Uvalde. 691.900 N. Park, N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; City N., San Antonio. ] First and oldest Established Bank . Unequaled facil Itles for making c ollectlo ns. (.Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entruste d to U8. fR. K. MIMS_________ J. T. HALSELL.................... L. A. LAFON R M MARTINEZ i. VELA, JR. 100.000 31.880 1,525,880 596,830 Chase N..N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; Frost N. San Antonio: Corn Ex. N., Phil. 1 Prompt and car eful attention glv BANK & TRUST CO. (.Send us your it ems on Laredo an en all Items entru sted to us. d vicinity. *145-10% 88-32 T»tl’07 B.M. ALEXANDER... GEO. F. STURGIS-- M. W. BRENNAN, A.L.VIDAURRI— " ** t LAREDO NATIONAL BANK *275-10% M M 88-31 V ,F. and Cash 200,000 apeoiai Attention given to Collectlone Prompt, Personal, Persistent Efforts, United States Govsrnment Dsposltorv 100,000 Mexican-American Com'l & Domingo Gonzalez Domingo Gonzalez, Banking Co. (Uninc.)»tt’21 Tr. 88-34 Larne .......... ................. 500 Citizens State Bank______ t|’12 Tucker Glenn______ O. Dunklin.. 88-1411 Henderson F21 *140-10% Lavernia ............ 480 La Vernia State Bank____tf'09 Hnpn Kntl W. R. Wiseman... J. V. Wiseman — H. W. Wiseman... *135-10% 88-1136 Wilson M17 10.000 mmm m-m 220.000 2.487.520 245.750 74.660 1.233.850 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Cam. and Alamo N., San Antonio. 256.350 124.100 49,060 307.960 Han. N., N. Y.; Groos N.and Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; Corn Ex. N.. Phil. 10.140 10.790 Alamo N., San Ant.: Laredo N. and 1st N., ©•t’95 Merchants State Bank & F. R. Canseco_______ J. H. Zachry, Active Trust Co............ 88-33...•{817 L. F. Martinez_____ " 350.540 3.271.240 " 32.620 fini Rfin 19.360 10.480 18.910 Laredo; Banco Nacional de Mexico, Mexico. 15.000 7.740 108.500 20.000 10.860 98.020 3,200| Lawn_________ 400 Security State Bank___ t§’19 Henry James.......... W. J. Taylor, Active AnnaLeeThompson H. L. Whittle......... io% 88-1723 Tayloi F14 12,500 5.000 188,730 460 League City ...525 Citizens State Bank____ t|'06 Sealy Hntchinrs__ G.W. Butler______ E. D. Singeltary... C. F. Smithson.__ 88-1158 H Galveston L23 ‘Leakey ..............326 First State Bank_______ t§’20 E. Bell — S. F. Cooper............. Otto Tamnte *107-5% ♦ 88-1911 Real L14 Bob. Davis 15.000 4,600 87.850 75,000 25,000 3.800 77v000 60.000 3.000 5,000 Leander_______ 283 Williamson J17 Leary__________ 32 Bowie C 24 Leesburg_____ 325 Camp D22 112 710 — ------ ----- First State Bank______ •tS’Ui C. R. Mayfield____ io% 88-1815 Guaranty State Bank...i§'19 T. W. Morgan......... 88-1867 First State Bk.................... JS'll W. L.Morris_____ 88-1410 (Formerly First Guaranty Stat e Bank) Leggett_____ —220 Farmers State Bank—t§’13 H. H. Thompson... 1*200-10% 88-1577 PolkI 23 J. Branch_________ J. C. Wallace. _. 16.000 2.120 176,136 8.170 .. 10.000 2.210 28.220 2.060 Lester O. Florence A. C. Richardson.. 12.500 8.470 40.360 F. D. Crook______ W. McLendon. J. W. Cruse______ J. A. Riley Pn MJ.• f], yj• a airlfpf kci ...... 16,000 !■■■■■■ AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 384500 6,000 125.000 ■■■■««! 3,700 99,020 Han.N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 102.780 8,980 15,310 Chase N., N.Y.; Comw. Bk. A Tr. Co., San Antonio: City N., Floresville. 124,450 11,480 70.860 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 10.190 25,390 10.000 5,010 102,000 23.640 So. Tex. State, Hutchings, Sealy & Co., and City N., Qalv.: Peo. State, Hou. 40.000 1 ex. State Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio; Sabinal State. Sabinal. 108,330 1 Austin. 11.710 itate N. Texarkana: No. Texas N., 12.600 6.760 16,570 :Rep. N., Dallas; Un. N., Hou. 20.000 5,000 30,000 Am. N., Beaumont; State N., Hou. Lilian iii mi THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AtUeSxTa's' 1332 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. •County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. M. Fed. Rea. T-Tnist Powers. Leonard____ 1383 First National Bank____*t'98 D. J. Attebery __ Fannin C20 *130 88-732 Leonard National Bank.»t'12 J. J. Pendergrass.. 1116-8% 88-1460 Leroy________ 250 Leroy Bank............... ®»tt’07 R. C. West---------McLennan G19 88-1139 •Levelland.____i First National Bank___t’25 Jno. H. Doyle___ Hockley C9 *150 88-2104 Lewisville____815 First National Bank____»t’04 B. L. Spencer____ Denton D19 *150-16% 88-716 Lewisville State Bank..«t§’10 J. W. Degan_____ F. C. Davis, V. P. *120-10% 88-717 Lexington.__ 600 Lee County State Bank..tS’05 D. F. Wade______ 88-1140 H Lee J19 •Liberty____ 1117 First-Liberty Nat’IBk. .•t’13 C. A. Brown____ 88-1605 H Liberty K23 *125 Liberty Hill.__528 Williamson 117 Lillian____-...300 Johnson E18 Lindale______ 701 Smith E22 •Linden_____ 702 Cass D24 Llpan_______300 Hood E17 Littlefield 1500 Lamb BS Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. W. G. Frazier___ S. C. Roach........... R. R. House_____ E.L. Berry______ M. H. Milliken__ E. R. Wolters. J. E. Graham R. L. Donald_____ A. Hayes_______ R. F. Oakley.. D. Boyd C. W. Raschke ___ J. S. Hillsman.__ W. V. Dungan----D. J. Harrison____ Valry Brown____ Wendell Smith.... B. G. Riviere, Act, 20.000 88-321 »t’88 *140-9% 88-322 •11900 LOCKHART STATE BANK *145-8% 88-323 •tS’10 19,000 100,000 (Respo nsibility over $500, 000) .... Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; Citiz. N., 200,000 130.000 25.000 17.410 180,000 32,000 204.000 26.500 8,000 21,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N.. Dallas 50.000 24,260 198,080 20,000 208.260 14,040 34,600 25.000 34,270 253,700 64,230 215,420 81.580 23,840 35,440 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and No. Tex. N., Dallas. 56,350 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; U. S. N„ Galv. 75.000 4,660 641,760 — 373,750 112,770 2,890 11,570 299,660 3,240 155,660 67,070 27,900 83,860 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou. 51,090 Chem. N..N.Y.; 1st N., Hon. Hillsboro. 59,500 1st N., Lubbock; Rep. N., Dallas. 40.000 So. Tex. Com’lN.,Hou.; Austin N., Austin. (Capital and Sur plus) 120,710 73,330 19,300 39,000 2,500 38,000 6,500 T. J. Morris_____ R. G. Marchman _ W. R. Ward------- M. T. Boyd______ Mary Lee Morris Wesley Morse... I. N. Marett......... I. E. Lanier_____ A. C. Nelson.... 32,000 12,350 178,370 10.000 173,600 540 98,700 5,000 L. L. Harper___ J. P. Fant______ 35.000 5,410 240,170 82,760 900 W. S. Fant_____ G. F. Followell.... C. Hatchett_____ 25.000 5,000 85,000 90,000 25.000 25,000 2,500 422,340 20.000 276,550 GUARANTY STATE BANK D. B. Corley____ W. W. Tippen... t$’13 W. C. Dowell___ 102,000 4.420 35,100 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 20,360 8,500 Com'l N., Shreveport; State N., Texar kana. 180,980 Rep. N., Dallas;State N.. Texarkana, Ark. 41,330 151,960 Citiz. N., Lubbuck; Rep. N., Dallas. 11.000 1st N., Weatherford and Granbury. 236,420 Chase N..N.Y.; 1st N.. Hon. 50.000 76,450 489,560 12,100 345,770 25,590 25,000 33,030 297,290 — 235,240 5.440 8,790 A. S. Johnson.. 75,000 3,790 146,870 — 107.970 27,820 25,450 50,000 24,000 390,000 5.000 325,000 4,000 10,000 200,000 63,910 645.810 24.800 632,830 47,130 33,430 221.130 N. Park. N. Y.; 2d N., Hou.; Frost N.. San Antonio; City N., Dallas. 500,000 10.000 75,000 350,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 592.220 20,610 79,680 43,920 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou.; City N„ San Antonio; Austin N., Austin. 285,000 10.000 31,530 35,200 Han. N.. N. Y.; New England N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Plainview. 90,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Lubbock; 1st N., Amarillo. 20.740 Han. N., N. Y.; City N„ Dallas. Grady Faubion__ W. B. Haynie J. F. Buttery___ W. J. Moore____ P. L. Barker T. J. Moore—. A. A. WIEDE_ _ _ _ _ BEATRICE F0RKE-NEWTON PARR 20,330 105,940 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Texas Com’l N., Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv. 64,430 Han. N., N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; City N.. Dallas: 1st N., Houston. 130,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Republic N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. n given collection s, bills of lading, sight drafts, cash and items will receive prompt and care ful attention. ckhart business. John T. Storey ___ J. J. Jolly_____ F. Alves H. D. Bradley... 20,000 23,490 8,000 Republic N., Dallas.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. A. L. Carter — A. W. Peebles___ G. G. Nettles— M. S. Tew H. B. Davis. Jr. R. B. Love_______ J. L. Muller____ Elma Manning.. Special attentio time items. All G. W. Walton____ W. B. Kelly.... Send us your Lo Carl McAdams... 232,010 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union N. Hou. 60,000 1,000 A. R. Hendricks... Ralph Dunbar ___ Ralph Dunbar.__ J. P. Butler___ R. W. Stein. Jr. (Merged with First National Bank Dec ember 27. 1926) 332,700 Seab. N., N. Y.; Dallas N.. Dallas; Green ville N. Ex., Greenville. 85,000 Seab. N., N. T.; City N., Dallas. 4,500 3,010 Roy Simmons. $ 15,500 20,000 A. B. Brown____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 35,620 10,000 15.000 10,000 Security State Bank ...•§’25 88-2103 Lohn State Bank______t§’20 88-1985 First National Bank ___ «t’13 *150-10% 88-1531 Citizens National Bank..t’05 88-804 88-803 $ 25.000 140.000 200,000 F. A. Rogers-------- Otis Withers------ Lockney_____1118 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*! 08 B. J. Bellamy___ *300-10% 88-1145 Floyd Bll *100 63,700 9,000 M. C. Cahill___ FIRST NATIONAL {E!COO<fR?l BANK *165-8% 22,370 $ 544,180 $ 49,500 $ 259.020 $ 50,000 C. R. Mayfield___ D. D. Munro_____ J. M. Shows—— H. N. Munro____ W. B. SWEARINGEN j. P. CARDWELL.. LOCKHART NATIONAL BANK Lohn_________500 McCulloch H14 Lometa______ 955 Lampasas H16 Lone Oak____1017 Hunt D21 75.000 $ A. J. Nelson____ Principal Correspondents. Loam Surplus Bonds Other Cash k ExMiscel <kax Paid-dp Dapoa- Liabili and and «ss,Dvx AND Capital Profits ITS Discounts Securities laneous nom Bamu ties R. H. Crabb_____ A. P. Grider_____ R. A. Nesbitt____ $ Paul Albright A. P. Grider 0.8. Ferguson____ Homer Collins.... C. T. Ferguson .... Chas. Blann D. T, Janes--------- C. N. Mitchell___ J. F. Richardson. Robert Richardson Wirt Davis H. Newberry (J. W. Connell an d C. F. Hickman, O wners)__________ •Livingston ...928 First National Bank____*t'03 A. P. Duggan------88-545 H Polk 123 First State Bank........... •tl’10 L. F. Gerlach____ *225-16% 88-546 •Llano_____ ..1645 Citizens National Bank .<’23 G. M. Watkins___ 88-504 Llano 116 Moore State Bank____»t§'23 Miss Edna J. Moore tioo-14% 88-2052 •Lockhart___3731 H Caldwell K18 Resources. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. E El Paso HHouston $Last Sale % Dir. ®8av. Dept First State Bank...........<5’06 88-740 Connell & Hickman____$t’07 88-1141 First State Bank............. t§’12 *120-10% 88-1496 First State Bank----------$|'05 *100-10% 88-1142 Citizens Guaranty State Bank 88-837 t§’12 Cass County State Bank.t§’25 *140-10% 88-1143 First National Bank___*t’14 *100-10% 88-1658 First National Bank------ 1’07 *140-10% 88-875 First National Bank----- 1’25 88-2106 Littlefield State Bank____ Non-Bauk*Towns with Nearest’Banking Point (In dexed Acces.) JLawyers, Law's (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued C. R. Veigel____ R. T. Clark— M. W. Mueck 250,000 85,000 600,000 H. W. Hoffman. S. H. McMillan . Monroe Mueck 125,000 46,790 439,600 David Bates___ M. R. Snyder. V. Smalley 25,000 35,000 301,730 G. Hudson. G. T. Meriwether. J. C. Broyles__ Mrs. W. D. Long J. H. Smith______ W. F. Roberts, Jr. 125.040 25,000 5.000 200,000 30,000 14,290 118,560 25.000 149,940 125,000 15,000 12,170 5,000 83,540 Mtle. N., Dallas; 1st N., Temple. C. E. Mayben____ A. E. McLean _ M. Kirby......... 25,000 8,000 190,000 20.000 193.000 J. C. Harris______ R. D. Trimble.. J. N. Dodd, Jr. M. V. Corley 25,000 760 116,980 40.000 101,540 30,000 22,700 28,510 J. D. Edge_______ J. E. Rabb------- C. B. Irwin___ J. D. Dowell 50,000 10,000 176,520 20,500 127,520 — 87,970 41,520 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Republic N„ Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville. .Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Green ville N. Ex.. Greenville. 1333 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The Amer can Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. «New §StatetPriv. *County Seats. jMetn. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E El Paso H Houston $ Last Sale %D1t. ® Sar. Dept Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EX AS—Continued PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loads Bonds ther Cash k ExPaid-up Surplus Miscel chai Depos LOiabili and »om,Dux and AND Capital Profits its Discount! Securities laneous FROM BaNXI ties Ass’t Cashier. ‘Longview___ 5713 Com’l Guaranty State Bank .. (iClosed September 29 . 1926) m Gregg «• E23 ^ " First National Bank .®T»t'89 Smith Price______ Mrs. J. W. Yates.. J, C, Barton... R. M. Kelley, Ch. $150-10% 88-188 E. H. Bussey_____ J. C. Turner, Jr... J. S. Rea . Rembert National Bank $150-15% 88-191 ®*t’24 •• Loraine_______610 First State Bank.. *225-20% ♦ 88-842 Mitchell E12 _. $ R,. M. Rea •JI'O7 T. J. Coffee............. J. T. Coffee.............. C. C. Coffee............ E. D. Richardson.. H. J. Hudson_____ A. F. Lockhart.__ O. C. Stanford.__ McLennan H18 $150-15% 88-719 Emzy Pieratt __ R. B. Hannah____ First State Bank------- »1:§’17 W. P. Fullingim... Fred Wiese _ John A. Hughes *200-10% * 88-1688 H. A. Patton.......... R. E. Cross_______ Fred Sliya Lott . 10113 First National Bank...®*t’02 A. L. Patton. ____ C. L. Trice # Falls H19 m $275-20% 88-697 Henry Lott.. ___ $205-20% 88-698 Crosby CIO Louise state Bank------- •Tl’08 C. A. Ward.............. E. N. Peterson.... J. W. Good_______ Emmaline Chromcak L.S. Stockton_____ .T. Chrnmcftk ....... R. Russell 88-876 J. A. Harrelson ... I. J. Young. Elsie Barron. First National Bank------ *{’07 W. H. Collins 88-791 H < Houston H22 $165-6% Mrs. Bessie Waller A. B. Milliken........ State National Bank— t’17 K. D. Lawrence 88-790 Paul Mullican____ D.F. Ford88-1148 Young C16 fS. C. ARNETT........ WM. D. GREEN.......... F. A. NORMAN-------- PAUL HARDWICK___ J FRANCE BAKER, W. L. ELLWOOD G. L. TROW ‘Lubbock.... 4051 CITIZENS F. A. NORMAN Lubbock CIO FIRST AND OL DEST EsTABLIS HED BANK. NATIONAL BANK 1 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. *160-10% 88-436 *t’06 K. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 cfor Credit Reports. 88-877 Hm Wharton M20 *uo-8% Peoples Bank........ ........... tt'03 H, P, RtnnMnn —---- * ------- FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN LUBBOCK 0*4 08 “ *112-10% •« •« 88-437 LUBBOCK NATIONAL BANK 30.000 47.410 277.470 30,000 15.000 95,000 205,250 42.180 270,240 31,840 30.000 140.000 238,600 2,800 2)9.030 8.880 31,500 67,580 215.320 95,500 57,470 25,000 17,930 104,600 166.000 20.000 10.000 94,660 74.660 1.100 ________ 25.000 66.410 110.490 650 189,030 3.730 25,000 16,740 167.110 6.250 124.400 8.060 13.780 68.850 City N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou. 25.000 3.660 132,180 730 25.500 15,150 1.040 119.880 Union N., Hou.; 1st N., St. L. 10.000 75.000 102,800 875.120 44,350 89.020 351.19) Chase N.. N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 1,243.230 130 168.660 408,860 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N„ Kan. G.;lst N.. Ft. Worth; Amarillo Bk. & Tr. Co., Amarillo. 12,780 479,500 137.870 46.500 177.330 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; New. Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth.; Rep. N.. Dallas. 40.800 3,180 6,590 75.000 651,500 50,230 44,290 42,010 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; 1st State. Stamford; Republic N.. Dallas. 101.070 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union N., Hou. 72,100 1,199,820 146,100 127,700 16.000 17,910 710.520 etions and Credit Reports by sendi ng rafts, ISc; Credit Reports,25c. TR Y US. W. W. Cox............. 20,000 2,000 70.580 33,660 663,430 75.000 Jas. A, Abney 100,000 105,080 1,537,080 100,000 25,000 14,000 425,000 8.000 M. G. White H. M. Ainsworth.. D. B. Cochran. Ida Walker 75.000 81,810 723.580 25.440 16,000 5.000 240.000 O. A. Schatz_____ 30,000 15.150 143.730 Mrs. O. A. Schatz . A. J. Gidley............ 15,000 11,330 89,560 O. A. Phillips........ 25,000 12,930 216,370 E. T. Fitzgerald... 237,000 10.000 651.850 4.850 45.670 137.000 16.000 18,000 4.550 93.179 41,320 28,200 73,020 5,700 10,550 11.030 142,070 9,380 19,010 187,640 51.000 50.000 64,630 215.170 25,000 25,590 253,100 36.900 269,890 16,840 8.510 J. O. Thompson... R. V. Ford............. 50,000 12.970 214.940 12.500 164.470 16.500 25.080 PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 94.500 Drov. N., Kan. C.: Amarillo N.. Amarillo; 1st. N.. Lubbock; Cont. N., Ft.Worth224,090 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: So.Tex. Com’l N..Hou.; 1st N., Waco; U. S. N., Galv. 12,490 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou.; Liberty N„ Waco. 48.900 2d N., Hou.; Victoria Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria. 9.800 City N„ Galv.; 1st N„ Hou. 22,000 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth E. Woolverton J.P. McAdams---- AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS 46.930 Mtle. N., Dallas: Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Colorado; 1st N.. Sweetwater. 15.000 1st N., Waco. 413,760 100,000 K. Clnningpr ...... 47.950 15.000 61,040 rC.E. MAEDGEN-— L. C. ELLIS________ J.R. PENDLETON— C. R. GAMMILL, Jr... A. V. WEAVER L. A. Ridout______ 91.600 $ 309,500 Seab. N.. N, Y.; Am. Ex. N. and City N„ Dallas; Com’l N.. Shreveport. 237.170 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.: Com'l N., Shreveport, La. 155,230 27.500 49.190 1,571,700 C. B. Richardson 369,540 25.000 200,000 N. R, Miller dive 60.000 $ 331.000 $ 118.500 $ 130.550 50,000 1 M flFNMAN FRAZIER STEVENS ~ ?: I: BuSk NER RALPH BEDFORD, , A. Cash. al attention given Collections and Entrusted to us. f 0. L. SLATON —- W. S. POSEY-.......... F. R. FRIEND „ W.K. DICKINSON.SR. J Largest Bank in the City. Spec! l AH Matters Lytle State Bank____®*jri0 R. B. Touchstone.. E. M. Wells............ W. H. Gray *180-12% 88-1151 John Carter, Jr.... Farmers & Merchants State n. F. Olson __ io% Bank.88-1380__ ..‘tS'll •• «• Walter Tynes. Jr., Active 20% 88-1152 ‘Madisonville 1079 Farmers State Bank... •tl'07 ■pap Connell J. E. Viser, Active H Madison 121 ♦ 88-548 First National Bank___ «t’02 H. A. Turner______ W. W. Underwood, 88-547 Active Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 701.530 29.290 1.127.600 88-1772 Lytle. 7nn Atascosa M16 Mabank _ Ini2 Kaufman F20 50.000 $ 680.600 $ 35.100 100.000 ©•t'17 ) Save time and g et service on Colie Lfee in advan CE: Plain sight d Lueders_______328 Farmers State Bank___tl’23 Chas. Stifflemire.. Jones E14 88-1149 ‘Lufkin............4878 First State Bank & Trust Co. R. J. Behannon__ A. E. Sweatland... H Angelina H23 88-346 ®r*ti'10 W. R. McMullen, A .. Lufkin National Bank..*t’01 E. J. Man tooth.... 88-343 G. A. Kelley Luling.... .........1502 Citizens State Bank.__ *tf'14 H Caldwell L18 $150-10% 88-1648 Lipscomb Bk. & Tr. Co.Ttl'09 S. J. Francis______ Albert Taylor_____ *2oo-20%^ 88-681 G. C. Walker. Sr. Lyford 421 M. C. Driscoll........ *110 88-1477 'H Willacy Q4 Lyons_______ 359 First State Bank______*tl’10 J. F. Lyon_______ O. F. Lyon.............. J. M. Woods H Burleson J20 *150-10% 88-1150 *120 60,000 $ 100,000 340.640 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.,St. L.; Union N.. Hon. 225,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv.; Gty. Bond State, San Ant. 203.46) N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N. Hou.; N. Bk. Com.. San Ant.; U. S. N., Galv. 90.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: City N„ San Antonio; 1st N., Brownsville. 35,740 Seab. N., N. Y.; State N. Hou. 26.610 Chase N., N.Y.: Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas: Comw. Bk. &Tr. Co., San Antonio. 94,870 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Athens; Far. State, Kemp. 93.140 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and No. Tex. N.. Dallas. 45,350 Hou. N. and UnionN., Hou. 84,370 Seab. N.. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Austin N., Austin. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , ^TEX AS ’ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1334 Town and county. -County Seats. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. E El Paso H Houston ►Mem. A. B. A. nNew §Sute fPriv. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust rowers, i Last Sale %Div. ® Bar. Dept. President. Non-Bank Towns with NearestlBanking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws . Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Cara k ExSurplus Depos Other 0HAjreia,]>T7i and and AND Liabili laneous its Discounts Securities from Bajtu Profits ties TEXA S—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital magnolia Park.. (See Houston) Malabo IT _ sin Henderson F2l 1200-10% 88-1587 First State Bank______ tl’09 5275 88-1153 Malone 488 Malone State Bank____t§’04 Hill G19 5no 88-1154 Manor 8S7 Travis J18 Mansfield....... 1000 First National Bank___ $'04 Tarrant E18 1185-10% 88-846 State Bank of'06 5160-10% 88-845 Marathon........826 Marathon State Bank.. *$$'09 1150-8% 88-1156 E Brewster J7 Marble Falls...639 Ebeling Banking Co....... tt’14 88-1371 Burnet J16 <( .. _ •• 21,000 i 140,000 10,000 21,720 73.100 54,850 M. M. Traylor. Act. M. M. Traylor....... Star ley Erskine... T. J. White ,Closed November 1 9,1926) 40.000 21,360 237,580 122,670 E. R. Holland____ G. A. Henderson.. R. E. McMillan ___ J. M. Sheerer....... 25,000 24,600 134,600 132,000 S 27,500 T. H. Wright _ . 35,000 26,630 155.040 112,710 27.850 9.480 22,500 10.900 102,950 80.230 1.000 25.110 25,000 3,500 103,600 97,300 3.000 6,000 70.000 82.770 345.200 96.000 9,600 100,000 4.000 266.740 9.880 23.120 244.330 1. City. N. Y.; 2dN., Hou.; IstN., El Paso; Am. N., Austin. 20,000 90,240 Han. N.. N. Y.: Alamo N., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 153.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N,; Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas: 1st N.. Waco. 114.500 Chase N., N.Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco; City N., Dallas. 154,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Union N.. Hou.; Am. N., Austin: 1st N., Galv. 418.670 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N.. Ddlliis 53,000 So. Tex. Com. N.. Hou.; City N., Galv. W. S. Poe T. G. Davis_______ A. E. Davis______ L. L. Hess_______ W. K. Bates. J. J. Roberts Rudolph Ebeling .. Fred Clark.. Earl Clark____ State National Bank—©»t’25 D. C. Driskell____ $120-10% 88-49 Mart _3in5 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank T. M. Wilson____ 88-325 •t'04 McLennan GlU 10% .. .. First National Bank... •t'01 E. B. Smyth_____ $300-30% 88-324 •* •• First State Bank_____ *tS'09 W. W. Woodson ... $150-15% 88-326 Martindale___517 Merchants & Planters Bank J. B. Martindale__ 88-1160 *ttT8 H Caldjvell K17 20% % 74.000 $ 16,300 12,250 33,680 ^id. Tr. Co., N. Y.: State Bk. and Dallas N.. Dallas. 164,020 Ian. N.. N. Y.; Union N., Hon.; Dallas. 79,630 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 66,630 •th; Am. Ex. N., Dal.; Citiz. N., Waxahachie. 30.010 hase hi., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N.. Austin. H. C. Parish_____ Jno. F. Faubion... R. L. Stevenson... Kathleen Pilkerton. Sec. E. C. Schulz_____ H. L. Chilton____ R. Donohoo_____ W.F. McKinley.__ O, A. Mc.Cny R. P. Carrington.. P. W. Barkley___ 361,400 S 70,000 440.070 20.000 5,000 90,000 100.000 20.000 30,000 39.330 310.290 197.930 70.110 21.320 100,000 38,000 355.000 340,000 100,000 216.500 410.000 523.530 170,000 18.500 100.000 106.000 380,000 375,000 205,630 100,000 69.740 871.490 505.480 107.400 30.000 8.250 129,000 90.000 2,000 48,970 470,900 100,000 100,000 109.670 25.800 Seab. N., N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou; Republic N., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. 133.370 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: State N., El Paso; Alamo N., San Antonio. J. I. Carter______ W. A. Murphey ... 25,000 321.760 125,240 8.430 T. T. Womack___ 0. H. Clark 200,000 205.560 2,753.240 100,000 1.567.670 889.200 89,500 106,430 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N.. Hou.; Com’l N., Shreveport. 712.440 Seab. N..N. Y.; Am, Ex. N..Dallas: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O. W. D- RAINS H.D.AECHTERNACHT T be accompanied Reports, 25c. 100,000 175.000 1.500.000 200.000 850.000 500,000 215.000 410,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Merch.-Lae. N., St. L.; City N., Dallas. P. P. Taylor______ R. J. Miller........... W. M. Thomas ___ 100,000 18,330 608,810 10,000 523,270 44.040 6,030 A. T. Stansell, L. G. Stewart___ W.P. Shelton, V.P. Act. V. P. J. H. Punchard.F.F 50,00C 66.00C 410,000 40,000 323,030 43,500 22,000 163.790 Chase N.. N. Y.: Mtle. N.. Dai.; State N., St. L.: Cont. Bk. &Tr., Shreveport. 105,110 N. Park, N. Y.; IstN., Hou.: Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Citiz. N., Waco. J. R. Gillam 50.000 100,000 375,000 375,000 25,000 30,00( 15.000 268,500 173,250 75,000 25.000 13,620 134,100 150,160 4,620 B. H. Bell, A. C. p. L. MARTIN----- M.M. RAINS--------- tf. C. PIERCE, JR. MARSHALL NATIONAL BANK $225-10% 88-46 ®T»t’89 ) Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MIJS (.by FEE IN ADV ANCEs Plain sigh t drafts, 15c; Credit .. 85,000 Rep. N„ Dallas; 1st N., Athens. 25,000 8% 88-2093 -Marfa . _ 3553 Marfa National Bank.®«t’07 M. D. Bownds___ T. C. Crosson_____ $200-16% 88-473 L. C. Bnte E Presidio J5 •• •• Marfa State Bank____ •tl’lO T.C. Mitchell------$210-8% 88-474 Marietta SIS Marietta State Bank___t§’19 R. J. Womack___ E .W. Albright Cass D23 $110 88-1857 Marion . 540 C. E. Tips_______ C. A. Krueger-----88-1157 Guadalupe L17 *215-15% Citizens Nat l Bank..®*t'20 $140-8% 88-1923 Falls H19 *• “ First National Bank........•t’92 B. J. Linthicom.__ J. J. Gallaher........ 88-249 «• •« J. A. Dunkum----First State Bank______ t§'09 88-251 J. A. Reed_______ G. W. Glass_____ Marlin National Bank A. W. Flinn $210-10% 88-250 ®*tl900 Marquez____ _ 964 First State Bank......... ®:5'06 D. W. Carrington— R. D. Barkley-----Leon H21 $110 88-1159 -Marshall...15,867 Citizens State Bank.—®tl’10 J. I. Carter______ E. Key. Jr. ............ Harrison E24 $250-10% 88-48 E. S. Fry________ First National Bank—®T«t’84 W. L. Barry E. J. Fry, V. P. $225-10% 88-45 •• $ i 3. J. Riddlesperger R. E. S. Riles____ H.C. Riddlesperger T. F. Murchison Martin Eastwold — O. A. Truelove..— R. W. Bass.. ___ Chas. E. Smith R. N. Martindale... fCHAS. L. MARTIN- MAX MARTIN -Mason_____ 115(1 COMMERCIAL BANK-..*tt’01 < Oldest and mos t progressive ban ) 15 CENTS sen to us with each Mason 115 88-549 U25 CENTS for each credit repo •• .. E. O. Kothmann__ First State Bank . . t}’lS 88-1892 «• H Erv. Hamilton ___ Mason National Bank——$’04 88-550 C.S. Vedder $125 Lee Brady_______ V. W. Robertson.. F. W. Slaughter... 4,550 267.880 WALTER M. MARTIN MRS. W. M. MARTIN. 100,000 0. A. HENSCH k In Mason. Sight Draft for 1 resentatlon, and rt Insures promt t, personal atten tlon. W. E. Jordan____ K. M. Eckert------C. P. Kothmann D. F. Lehmberg .. E. A. Loeffler____ A. E. Grosse 16.993 25,000 17.02C 169.020 50,000 48,21C 215.050 253.780 24.92) 100,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; 1st N.. Waco; U. S. N.. Galv. 65,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Waco and Hou. 22.480 Austin N.. Austin; Alamo. N.. San Antonio 1st N., Hou. 109.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Austin N.. Austin; Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. 5,100 164.490 5.770 23,230 151.23 39,590 41.78C 47,550 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; U. S. N.. Galv.; Citiz. State. Austin. 105.58C Am. N.. Austin; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; St. Antonio. N.. San Antonio. ItH AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Vice-President. PRESIDENT. No. 11 F. lies. Dist ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Power*. E El Paso H Houston $ Last Sale %Dlv. ©Sar.DepL 1335 ‘Matador_____ 692 FIRST NATIONAL BANK** 17 W. W. Moore-------J. K. Crews 88-1773 Motley B12 C. D. Bird.. FIRST STATE BANK—<»’04 $160-10% ♦88-1162 ©*t’03 Matagorda... 1019 Bank of Matagorda 88-1163 H Matagorda. N21 Mathis_______ 915 H San Patricio 018 D. B Miller 88-1717 First State Bank —’ll $i80-io%^ 88-1164 Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Loans Other Paid-up D epos and OKAiraBi,Dtni and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Diacounta Securities laneous num Bawks ties J. K. Crews______ M. S. Patton.......... $ E. M. Rice 30,000 Elmer Stearns .... W. N. Pipkin_____ J. R. Whitworth 37.500 % $ 145,000 10,000 $ 160,000 23,000 310.000 $ J. R. Nelson_____ 25,000 10.180 80.380 30,000 34.370 127.850 S 50,000 s 275.000 $ 1,500 $ 72.000 I 32,000 75,000 6.510 ( 68,980 93.27!) 1,700 13,990 39.160 City ( N., Corpus Christi; 2d N., Hou. 13,790 83,450 6,198 1,340 6,980 10,810 _____ 440 3,260 25.000 3,100 40,020 8,280 47.940 1,500 14.150 12.810 25,000 24,420 140,500 24,400 76,640 32,210 12,250 10,000 1,300 37,930 150 Irene Copeland.— 25,000 17.680 McAllen_____ 5331 First National Bank___ <’18 J. A. Frisby--------- F.W. Lemburg____ E. E. Cannon.......... H. L. Lemburg.... A. M. Rich S. A. .Morris $120 88-1809 H Hidalgo Q3 J.R. Glasscock— R. J. Bentley-----State Bank & Trust Co. F. E. Osborn-------F. G. Crow 88-1168 ®T*«’10 50,000 8.000 850.000 425.000 5.000 100,000 50,000 23.300 923,623 5.250 411.070 31.070 107.770 25,000 McCaulley ____715 First Guaranty State Bank D. W. Maberry___ 88-1169 <§'18 Fisher E13 15,700 J. F. Metcalfe........ W. McDade State Bank...-•*§ 13 H, Harvey____ McDade..............462 88-1478 H Bastrop J19 $160-10% 50,000 rS 4MSIFR J. E. BROWN, Act... G. W. ENGLAND------ R. D. McENTIRE........ G.W.LEE McGregor ___ 2081 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’89 j Prompt Persona 1 attention given Bill of Lading Dra fts, Cash and Tim e 88-448 (.Items and reml tted for on day of payment. McLennan H18 $200-10% 4,780 159,930 600 113,450 6,300 86,000 80.293 244.950 50,000 10,000 75.000 25.100 Mauriceville... .68 Boys Saving Bank------©§’15 T P Hilliard W. T. Dunn 88-2035 H Orange J25 Maxwell______ 421 Maxwell State Bank.__ t§’21 L. A. Laas_______ Otto Pfetferkorn.. L. L. Pfefferkorn.. $125-8% 88-2004 H Caldwell K17 G. W. Plummer ... E. A. Robason____ M. W. Robason.— A. M. Bowden May__________ 413 First National Bank____ <’06 $200-10% 88-1167 Brown F15 Maydelle__ ... 150 H Cherokee G22 Maypeari_____ 417 Ellis F19 J. S. Sherman........ Farmers and Merchants State $110-10% Bank 88-1533___ 8|13 Citizens State Bank----- *§’I0 C. H. Wilemon ___ $125-10% ♦88-878 Farmers & Merch. State Bank (Consolidated, with Citizens State Bank) First State Bank.......... <§'17 Elmer C. Kunz___ H. T. Grantham... J. H. Smith $133-10% ♦ 88-449 W. C. Wilson.......... A. H. Eubanks — W. S. Cameron.__ ‘McKinney.. 6677 SfflP/lHflJfcni A. G. Wilson............ A. W. B. Quesenbury H. Eubanks, Collin D19 Active COLLIN COUNTY NATIONAL BANK $120-8% 88-219 378.000 L Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. San Antonio; City N.. Corpus Christi. 446.260 ’hatham Phemx, N.Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; City N.. San Ant.; 1st N., Brownsville. _____ ___ 76.860 Kan. C.; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 26,000 1st N., Hou.; Austin N., Austin.;U. S. N., Galv. 82.590 f. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N.. Waco. 68.000 7,000 7.000 37,000 225.530 63,500 40.620 234.310 3.530 182.790 1.080 70.220 519.110 112.500 329.440 3,650 231.520 167.100 leab.N..N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and Mtle. N., Dallas; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 43.710 i . DA. VJUUl.i A •. vjuu u . ii •• *■ k. m vui U. S. N., Galv.; Liberty N.. Waco. 48,000 1,750,000 90.000 725.000 420.000 518.000 425.000 Seab. N.,N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’I N., Hou. N. J. Burkett_____ M. E. Crump 100,000 114,370 1,350,190 49,000 878.470 307.920 51,290 375.890 N. Bk. Com., N. Y., Forman N.,Chi. 1st N., Rt. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 110,000 N.Park.N.Y.: IstN., Amarillo. 30,600 20.930 39,150 Han.N., N. Y.:N. Bk. of Com., Amarillo; City N.. Dallas. ©<’83 Meadow__ Terry C9 First National Bank._.»+’26 A. L. Walker......... 15% 88-2085 R. L. Howard S. B. Morse_______ 8,900 280,000 25.000 6,300 148.410 13.080 102,100 20,460 3,430 68.680 20,000 78,030 16,000 1,720 38,000 26,000 16,786 384,700 E. T. Cadenhead... R. L. McCoy______ J.E. Branson------- C. L. Creighton___ 88-1172 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS 170.000 25,000 First State Bank_____ <§’20 D. M. Boyd______ J. L. Tidemore ___ $100-10% 88-1956 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18,400 1st N., Jacksonville: Dallas N., Dallas, 107,000 i't. Worth N., Ft. Worth.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 1,500 200.000 McLean______ Gray D5 Archer C15 140.000 Lockhart N., Lockhart; Alamo N..San Ant. 93,220 st N., St. L.; Ft. Worth 1st N.. Brownwood. 30,970 135,000 lamo N., San Antonio: Union N.. 1 Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi. L. A- SCOTT............ J.S. HEARD............- TH0S. JOHNSON— E. L. KISSINGER TH0S. JOHNSON, H. W. WARDEN. Act V. P. o. P. CROUCH Special attention given to oiu oi lauing anu commercial uuuwuuub. Remittance made promptly. Will make credit reports for 25c each. First National Bank ©T<’69 Howell E. Smith.. C. G. Comegys........ C. G. Comegys........ $215-10% 88-218 F. H. Bourland___ American National Bank‘4'09 $100 88-844 C. C. Bogan............ Citizens State Bank... <§’06 $110-12% 88-843 Megargei------- Principal Correspondents. Ft. Worth. 10.000 125,000 C. F. Miller______ J. W. Nelson_____ I. N. Thompson... .T. F. Reall Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued HANDLED BY _____ 6,580 1st N., Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Lubbock. 27,960 26,230 14,440 153,790 17,530 14,040 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Childress and Wichita Falls. 12,080 1 243,080 1st N.. Wiehita Falls: Rep. N.. Dallas; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, tex.1"’ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 t0 eacl1 bank in s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1JJU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TEXAS—Continued Town and Cocnty. ‘County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. £ El Paso H Houston Melissa..350 Collin C19 Melvin....____262 McCulloch H14 ‘Memphis___2839 Hall E6 tMem. State B. Ass’n. [I ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Pi ? Last Sale %Dlr. ® Sav. Dept President. J. E. Gibson 88-117J First National Bank___«t’l W. L. Cain ... *160-12% 88-1713 *225 Vice-President. Cashier. J. M. Graves____ H. 8. Wysong. Oscar Sellers W J. Sutton Liabilities. Loans ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and Capital Pbopits its Discount* ties F. C. Ogilvie_____ % 25.000 $ 27,130 j inn,240 $ 98,090 Ass't Cashier. E. A. Baze__ B. QUIGLEY_ _ A. BALDWIN_______ R. L. MADDEN........ V R RflRFRS CITIZENS STATE fW. ) Send Us Your C ollect ions, Bill of Lading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Item 0% ♦ 25,000 18.860 174,870 113.260 75,(100 60,450 549,840 $ 40.000 478,430 S Remitted For 0 n Day of Paymen t. Minimum Char gre Plain Sight Dr afts 15c., Credit Reports 25c. J. WILSON........ T. E. NOEL_ _ _ _ 8.750 718,900 W. C. MILAM______ 100,000 FIRST NATIONAL rS. S. MONTGOMERY W. D. L. C. KINARD < Oldest and Larg est Bank in Hall County. BANK $1 60-10% ■roi 1 Send Us Your Memphis Items D Irect for Prompt. Personal Attentio n. (Minimum Char ge Plain Sight Dr afts 15c., Credit Reports 25c. 88-438 Hall County Nat’l Bank....... W. C. Dickey------- J.H. Read. ____ J. H.Read_____ . 38.890 452.400 50.000 88 439 •*’05 G. M. Duren »Menard_____1154 William Bevans__ W. P. Bevans......... Geo- C. Stengel.... J. M. Glasscock... 100.000 136.840 316,900 tionai Bank. Menard 114 88-1174 Menard National Bank, •t’19 J. R. Smart........... O. A. Martin_____ R. M. Heyman__ B. A. Wyatt.__ . 13.930 2I5J190 25,000 88-1861 Mercedes___.3414 f H. B. SEAY- - - - - - - - JOHN C. JONES_ _ _ _ JACK TROLINGER— 0. W. DUBE_ _ _ _ _ _ 16,710 550,750 100.000 S. H. COLLIER! Active H Hidalgo R4 < SEND US YOU K MERCEDES IT EMS DIRECT. Prompt, eareful attention given Collections, Bill of Lading drafts, Cash an d Time Items. *125 88-2012 ®-t’20 J(.PROMPT It KM I TTANCE. TRY OUR SER VICE. (W. A. McNEIL_ _ _ N.P. BARTON. Act... JAMES HOWZE-...... 65,000 69,000 900,000 ) » S. P. SILVER < A modern Pros ressive Bank rend ering 100% Servlc e. 1 Cash letters re mltted for same day received. STATE BANK (.Personal presen tatlon of all othe r collections. *200-20% 88-1178 ®»J|’07 Mercury______518 Bank of Mercury______ if’04 S. E. Cox________ J. R. Beasley_____ 22,880 10,000 780 McCulloch H15 ‘Meridian___1024 Farmers State Bank_____ G. P. Robertson... W. E. Sheppard... R. V. Ferguson.... M. C. McCorkle ... 7,320 166,270 25,000 *100 88-812 •*|11 Bosque G18 Miss Belle Stockard (Formerly Farmers Guaranty State Bank) Merit_________350 First National Bank____i’04 K. M. Moore_____ S. P. Gibson_____ J. D. Leatherwood. W. A. Andrews.... 84.470 25,000 16,490 Hunt C20 88-1178 Merkel______ 1810 Farmers 8k Merch. Nat. Bank J. T. Warren____ G. L. Paxton____ Booth Warren 50.000 32.860 617,740 88-409 ®«t’04 " Taylor E13 ^ 1180-12% G. F. West F. Y. Gaither Farmers State Bank__•tS’12 J. S. Swann........... J. C. Mason ............ W. L. Diltz, Jr....... Herbert Patterson 50,000 25.000 725,000 *135-10% 88-808 R.O. Anderson, Act. Mertens..____.342 First State Bank____ W. E. Buie _____ 25.000 13,460 98,090 Hill F19 1160 ♦ 88-1177 Mertzon_____ .667 First National Bank___ «'10 Fayette Tankersley D. E. Hughes_____ 25,000 67.520 418.280 Irion Hll 88-1178 Mesquite____.674 FIRST RATI BARK-*i’02 C. A.Tosch __ Bedford Galloway. N. E. Shands. Jr... 50,000 20,000 200.000 $125-12% 88-829 Dallas E19 J.C.Rugel,Cft.o/B d. First State Bank___ J. S. Lawrence___ 25.000 27.010 185.580 *200 88-830 I. N. Range. Ch. Mexia_______ 3482 City National Bank___#t’21 Blake Smith____ David Murphy....... David Murphy__ C. E. Carter_____ 100,000 75,820 2,519.090 Limestone G20 *175-10% 88-2023 J. Desenberg.F. P. Emile Nussbaum J. F. Smith, A. C. W. L. Roberts bank 88-440 •tj’07 [ FIRST NAT’L BANK HIDAL60 COUNTY FARMERS STATE BANK (J. \t H. SWEATT...... J. NUSSBAUM...- - - - - J. L. HEARN- - - - - - - - - C.G. WHITE............ S. A. CONLY j!'L%EARTff' Sr‘ 100.000 1 Largest and mo st progressive ba nk in Limestone County. «T4 (.Send us your It ems for prompt a ttentlon. Reason able fee for collec tlons. ST-SMITH Jack Womack___ J. Sandord Smith. N. Hollingsworth.. 100.000 $160-10% 88-348 Mrs.J.L.Smith.F.P B. S. Smith, Act. ‘Miami_______ 935 First State Bank_____ »tf’07 B. F. Talley........ W. L. Matners___ H. E. Baird______ H. A. Talley 25,000 Roberts C5 88-758 W. I. Whitsel C. C. Shields 100.000 rO.B.HOLTE. R. BRYAN M. C. ULMER.......... ALLEN TOLBERT-— ‘Midland.........1795 uLAntnuti our*n\ E Midland F9 j Oldest and larg Bank In MIdia nd County. $240-20% 88-388 *$’90 (.Prompt and car est eful attention gi ven all business entrusted to us. 88-1660 P FIRST NAT’L BANK THE MIDLAND Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Bondi Miscel Cash A *xand aui«,Dn laneous pbom Bam Securities $ 49.360 N. Bk. Corn.. N.Y.: City N.and Dallas N.. $ 85,420 Dal.; Collin Co. N. and 1st N., McKinney. 1,200 $ 8,700 95,5R0 N. City. N. Y.: Tex. N., Ft. Worth: Com’l N.. Brady: U. S. N.. Galv. 85.320 157.810 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth: 3,720 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Rep. N., Dallas. rHENRY JAMES— J. B. WILKINS0N-- R. M. BARRON —- C.E. NEELY......... J. V. STOKES < OUR RAPID. S UBSTANT1AL G ROWTH IS EVID ENCE OF THE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTE NTION GIVEN NATIONAL BANK () to all busi NESS SENT US. $135-10% 88-389 «t’03 75.000 66.790 381.030 53.130 139.740 320.540 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Ft. Worth N., Ft Worth; Dallas N.. Dallas; Fid.N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. 81.180 380.080 71.540 74.020 50.500 502.560 3.750 32.110 96.830 N. City, N.Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 65.830 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill.; Inter-State N., Kan. O. 65,000 Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 97,800 217.640 8,280 28,400 445,180 100.000 56,010 535,000 39,000 420.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Liberty Cent. Tr.. St. L.; 1st N..Kan. C.; Hou. N.. Hou.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Brownsville. 23,860 12,020 103,940 8,290 78.930 22.300 6.590 6.250 395.010 139.740 7.810 28,160 400,000 1,200 27.000 100,000 98,040 8,400 4,280 188.390 8.500 15.280 180.000 25.000 29,000 165.730 31.120 100.000 1,045.430 624.170 17,750 1,065.900 527.910 200.000 50,000 2.000.000 1,200.000 350,000 346,000 128.000 164.060 1st N.,Chi. and St .L.; City N., San Antonio; Republic N., Dallas. 9,810 1st N., Ft. Worth; Brooke Smith & Co. Brownwood. 78.470 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle.N., Dallas. 26,430 Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 164.300 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 300.000 Fid. Tr. C.. N. Y.; 1st N.,Ft.Worth; Mtle. N., Dallas. 27,030 Citiz. N., Hillsboro. 305.280 N. Park. N. Y.; Stk. Yds., N., Ft. Worth; Cent. N.. San Angelo. 63.000 City N., No. Tex. N. and Mtle. N., Dallas. 40.740 Mtle.N., Dallas. 56,380 1,068.920 Chase N., N. Y.: C. & C. N., Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com.. Hou. 125.000 28.400 533,000 113.950 680.020 14.300 577.650 21.000 23,750 45.910 382.490 50.000 325.120 53.000 10.380 330.730 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; U. S. N., Galv. 600,000 Seab. N. and Chase N„ N. Y.; 2d N., Hon.: City N.. Dallas. 112,400 Inter-State N.. Kan. C.; 1st N.. Amarillo andWichita, Kan. ;Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 285.870 N. City, N. Y.s Ft. Worth N. and 1st N„ Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 164.890 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Drov. N., Kan. C. IjjE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SB£t*neVZur 1337 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. £ El Paso H Houston •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. jMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sat. Dept. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS-Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other AND Profits TIES Midlothian.. .1298 First National Bank___<’05 J. P Anderson___ De Witt Rice_____ Ralph Crabtree... f J. G. Oliver. 8. J. Martin Ellis E19 <125 88-765 Act. V. P. J. H. Darby Midway______ 530 Midway State Bank____J§'19 J. H. Young-------- R. F. Wakefield... Julian Wakefield.. 88-1875 H Madison I 21 J. O. Newton____ M.E. Ashley W. O. Newton___ Mrs.N. Bodiford .. J. H. Elam Milam I 19 10% 88-1455 Miles 1000 Guaranty Bond State Bank T. E. Davis______ W. R. Hunton___ V.S. Marett....... . R. L. Holland .... <100-10% 88-1180 »§’24 F. G. Lewin Runnels G13 60,000 S Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash * Ezand and Discounts Securities from Banks 31,090 $ 377,960 l 42,150 $ 317,150 $ Principal Correspondents. 25,000 $ 75,700 $ 93,340 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Bx. N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 10.470 10.160 10.270 2d N„ Hou.; Citiz. N., Cameron. 57,840 47.420 Han.N.,N.Y.; San Angelo N., San Ang elo; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 15.000 2,680 51,520 10,000 6.350 30.740 10.020 47,630 26.200 50,000 13.120 259.160 20.000 236.980 10,000 J. W. ROSSON....... G L DE PUT Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T beaccompanle d by CE; Plain sight dr a ft*. 15c; Credit Revo rts, 25e. 8.130 130,260 1,210 133.590 500 5,110 10,390 City N., Dallas: Waxahachie N„ Waxahachie; Far. N., Hillsboro. R. G. Morrell------- J. G. Cheatham... R. E. Morrel____ J. G. Cheatham 25,000 5,900 124,990 93,130 8,350 4.500 49,610 Am. Ex. N., Dallas. .t’07 G. A. Holland......... J.M. Littlefield ... M. D. Plumlee___ W. L. Caraway.... Lee Byrd 25,000 4,500 90,000 80,000 15.000 5,000 19,500 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N.,Ft.Worth; Citiz. N., Weatherford. Mineola . 3399 First National Bank___<’98 M. H. Landers___ L. N. Bromberg... J. D. Harris........... C. C. Sims.............. 88-499 Wood E22 .. •• Mineola State Bank___<|’07 J. G. Chappell A. P. Buchanan___ H. W. Meredith__ H. O. Rogers <120-10% 88-500 75,000 18.910 341,740 238.920 57.610 50,240 153,090 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 50,000 35,000 385,000 240,000 60,500 38.500 131.000 N. City. N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 100.000 7,250 495.420 48,600 316.480 117,940 216.850 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. N.. Dallas. 60,000 54,324 622.440 60.000 523,490 3.100 117.810 192.350 Han. N.. N. T.: 1st N., Ft. Worth.; Re public N., Dallas. .. Lawrence Davis .. 100,000 5,000 600,000 100,000 400,000 200,000 100.000 105.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. M. A. Edwards ___ 30,000 6,570 182.750 134,200 30,340 15.380 50,000 14,000 436.000 301,000 11,000 71.720 39.400 N. Park. N. Y.; Dallas N.. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 154,000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; 1st N.. Brownsville. 357,710 41.550 21,570 Union N., Hou.; 1st N.. Madisonville. (Formerly Guaranty State Ba nk) -f &of/ectlo!A and Milford 910 CITIZENS BANK- — <t’07 (FEE IN AD VAN Ellis F19 88-791 .. First National Bank____t’95 J. K. McDaniel.__ 88-797 First National Bank .. <150-10% 88-1181 Parker E17 Mineral Wells 7890 City National Bank___ <’20 L. E. Seaman____ W. J. Wood______ T. R. Prpstnn . 88-1943 Sidney Webb Palo Pinto E17 *• r__ __ •* FIRST NATIONAL BANK <175-10% .. .. 88-242 ®<1900 STATE NATIONAL BANK <110-10% 88-243 ®<’06 Lora Corrigan rJ. P. WILLIAMS — ALF. BROWN, Act... N. A. JENKINS —J. W. SMITH 0. W. CUNNINGHAM ) Special attentl on given Bill of L a ding drafts,Cash and Time Items. {.Please send 15c roi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. W. H. Roach____ B. A. Yeager. Act. J.L. Miller. _ R. S. Dalton Minims 1032 Mingus State Bank____+§’23 L. P. Strawn____ 88-1182 Palo Pinto E16 fW. W. JONES____ Mission_____ 3847 FIRST NATIONAL BANK t <60 88-1393 ®<T1 ] Our Collection H Hidalgo Q3 (.Personal presen •< .. FIRST STATE BANK—-<§10 J. H. Shary______ <105-10% 88-1183 Mobeetie 667 G. O. McCrohan... <100 88-1184 WneelerC6 ‘Montague ___ 317 Citizens State Bank___ t§’06 P. E. Boedeker.__ $100-25% 88-1185 Montague C17 Mont Belvieu .100 Mont Belvieu State Bk..t§’20 J. W. Fowler....... H Chambers K23 88-1993 Montgomery ..428 W. B. Wood_____ H Montgomery J22 3% 88-1186 Farmers State Bank -..t§’07 S. J. McFarland... 88-736 McLennanH18 <125-10% R. M. Loflin___ R. E. Colvard 0.F QANNON H. E. SMITH WM. 0. BROWN____ F 1 STFWART 64.200 37.720 Department Is a special feature 0 f this Bank. tation made on a 11 Collections. A fee of 15c must a cco m pa ny all d rafts. J. J. Cavazos ___ Rafael Guerra....... H. H Rankin A. Finsterwald.... H. L. Flanagan ___ Edith M. Flanagan 50.000 14,390 20,000 507,010 125,000 13,000 75,000 68.750 300 45.340 55,000 126,800 N. Park. N. Y.;N. Bk. Com.. Hou.; Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi. 30,000 Han.N., N.Y.; Am. State and Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Com. Tr., Kan. C. 28.400 Han. N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth 40.000 12,000 4.200 82,120 46,000 220 10,620 42,780 Hou. N., Citiz. State, and State N., Hou. 20,000 100,000 50,000 20,000 30,000 32,500 So. Tex. Com’l N. and N. Bk. of Com., Hou, 30,000 9,970 110,520 89,520 8,920 52.040 N. Tex. N., Dallas; Lib. N., Waco; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Austin N.. Austin. J. C. Reynolds ___ T. J. Buckner___ J. W. Donaldson . Z. 8. Teague_____ <210-12% 88-734 C. H. Howard E. M. Matthews Moore.............. 575 Moore National Bank ...^07 R. L. Connelly ___ Aug. O bets__ Frio M15 <120-8% 88-1187 50.000 65.000 320.000 280.000 23.000 7,800 40,000 66.000 Moran______ 1055 Moran National Bank ..<’25 B. S. Walker____ G. E. Waters _____ W. H. Green, F. P. J. Cottle 88-1188 Shackleford E15 10% C. B. Snyder. V. P. Moody Burnett 25,000 10.000 310.000 5.000 190,000 50,000 60.000 Morgan Mill 225 Erath E16 <220-20% 10,000 12,310 65,320 4,850 53.040 16,960 3,130 88-1588 W. H. Frey______ J. D. Jameson___ R. D. Rugeley, Jr. 10,000 S. R. Williams___ R. D. Craig. .. 17,500 Ewing Norwood... 12,500 E. R. Kline______ R. V. Mitchell__ R. V. Mitchell, Jr.. J. E. Stigler Hester Brown___ 5,500 50,000 135.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 12.000 City N., San Antonio. 100.000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 19.350 1st N., Weatherford; Far.-1st N., Stephenville. uisumuiuui AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , Texas’ 1338 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. TOWS AHD OOUBTT. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew §StatetPriv. ^County Seats. 1 {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 11 F. B. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E Ei Paso H Honston $ Last Bale %D1t. ®Sav. Dept. President. Vice-President. Moulton_____ 762 Fanners & Merchants State F. T. Fehrenkamp F. D. Rnfthm H Lavaca L19 *100-10% Bank 88-1998 .<§•20 J.G. Guenther, F.P. J. T. Jaeggli First StateBank.. 88-1190 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued .<§’05 William Green .__ Cashier. Ass't Cashier. _ . $ 50,000 $ Geo. Von Lienen.. T, A Migl J. M. Meiners B. Hillyer ___ R P. Pool Kesou roes. Loans Bonds Miscel ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties | 15.000 8 300.000 $ 260.000 $ Principal Correspondents. * Gash Lx <tmak«s»,I>cr rmoM Baku 6.000 $ 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 50,000 42.290 468,340 1 30.300 418,870 50.000 30,230 150,780 168,130 40.000 400 100,000 99,500 12.500 4,490 160.210 27,270 32,120 7.300 110.500 1st N., Hou.; Stone Fort N„ Nacogdoches; Dallas N., Dallas. E. L. Garrison___ C. E. Lee 75,000 25,000 412.000 100.000 401,000 8,500 60,000 123,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; Texarkana N„ Texarkana. Guaranty Bond State Bank $120-8% ♦ 88-1532 <*13 Mt. Selman.,.168 Farmers & Merchants State H Cherokee F22 Bank ...88-1780............ §'17 *Mt. Vernon 1212 First National Bank—.<1900 Franklin D22 $125-10% 88-419 Merchants* Plan. Nat. Bank $133-10% 88-420 <’06 E. S. Lilienstern.. S. P. Pounders ___ R. F. Lindsay___ Clyde Shannon__ M. Branch W. T. Norman.__ M. C. Dublin.......... J, O- Stringer J. M. Fleming___ D. H. Dawson,P.P. M. L. Edwards H. Hightower,A.C. J. A. Banister O. R. Hill_______ J. M. Moore. __J. T. Grooms, A.C. W. B. Petty N. E. Dupree 60,000 32.710 428.310 9.350 277,490 69.590 58.700 10,000 850 14,140 3,500 23,790 100.000 21.050 203.690 12,500 209,510 16,750 34,230 100.000 34,050 264,490 29,660 254,480 40,840 19,930 114.580 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.: City N.. Dallas; Texarkana N., Texarkana. 4,700 Far. & Merch. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Rusk: Union N.. Hou. 76.750 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L. and Ft. Worth; Rep. N.. Dallas. 112,970 N. Pk.. N.Y.: Lib. Cent. Tr.. St.L.; City N.. Dal.; Texarkana N., Texarkana. Muenster........ 450 Cooke C18 ‘Muieshoe____ 45 Bailey A8 Mnllin ............ 558 „ Mills G16 Munday .......... 998 m Knox C14 (< J. W. Meurer........ *2o&-io% O. Buescher Mt. Calm____ 626 First National Bank ..<’12 J. F. Wright. __ C. E. Clark. Hill G19 88-720 First State Bank___ —1§’07 R. J. Moore_____ C. A. Zachary....... J. F. Drozd___ — *ioo-s% 88-721 Mt. Enterprise 764 Merchants & Planters State D. Langston . D. Langston . Rusk F23 Bank.__88-1191___ . i§’08 *Mt. Pleasant 4099 First National Bank__ •+’82 I. N. Williams....... O. W> Caudle____ T. R, Fapt Titus D22 $150-10% 88-297 Muenster State Bank..t§’23 $125-15% 88-2068 Blackwater Valley StateBank $150 88-1679 <§’14 First State Bank______ j|’06 $100 88-1193 First National Bank___ <’04 $225-25% 88-743 First State Bank_____ <§’17 $125-20% ♦ 88-1774 Murchison .. 517 First State Bank______ t§’12 Henderson F21 $150-10% ♦ 88-1490 Murphy...........139 Liberty State Bank___ t§’22 1140 88-2058 __ Collin D19 Myra________ 417 First State Bank______t§'10 $150-10% 88-1194 — Cooke C18 ‘Nacogdoches 8546 Commercial State Bank ♦ 88-271 ©<§’05 H Nacogdoches G23 J.M. Weinzapfel.. 17.500 7.160 170.850 E. R. Hart______ J. E. Aldridge....... J. E. Aldridge___ 25,000 1.000 180,000 24.000 J. H. Randolph-__ 15.000 300 85,220 14,450 C. A. Eiland.. H. A. Pendleton... Edwin Heald . __ Ira Bowden_____ Fred Broach Fred Warren____ P. G. Barton____ E. Duval S. A. Bowden J. T. LaRue____ M. A. Asher_____ 40,000 60.000 500.000 D. Miller_______ L. B. Miller.......... Chas. Graham. E. H. Blount T. E. Baker_____ F. H. Tucker Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. (Closed April 13, 19 26) Stone Fort National Ban! I. L. Sturdevant... $25(-20% 88-269 ®<’0i W. U. Perkins, V.P. Naples ............887 Farmers State Bank..®t§'2l G. B. Martin . _ $100 88-1964 Morris C23 (Formerly First State Bank) C. A. Hodges____ L. B. Mast.............. G.H. Meisenheimer E.W.Monk.A.Cas/t. Wm. Smith . S. Heath, Act. Morris Countv Nat. Bank A. B. Gallaway__ M. N. Heard____ 88-661 <’0! Navasota.......5060 Citizens National Bank .<’9i H Grimes J2! 88-276 ( T. M. OWEN_____ EH. TERRELL-......... EWING NORWOOD.Act. Capital {£;£• nally paid in $50,0 Earning a $50,0 $300-10% 88-275 Surplus and un divided Profits Ea (Collections ma de promptly and Neches---------- 325 First State Bank . (Taken over by East Texas National Ban H Anderson G22 53,220 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Liberty N., Waco. 12,780 1st N., Waco. 113.110 22.910 5.710 132,000 25.500 27.500 52,340 17,630 44,990 53.760 No. Tex. N.. Dal.: Tex. N., Ft. Worth; 1st State, Gainesville; City N., Wichita F. 35.000 Liberty N.. Kan. C.; Am. State, Amarillo 17,650 City N.,Galv.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 500,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 42,000 5.000 5,000 27.000 N.Bk.Com., Dallas; Cent. State.McKinney. 4,500 85,000 16.100 17.400 970.700 166,400 951,500 56,030 108.350 31,000 Franklin, St. L.: 1st N.. Galnsvllle; Citix N.. Denison; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 186,700 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. 113.190 1.135.220 8.500 846.170 162.260 41.730 281.740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Rep. N.. Dallas. City N. and No. Tex. N., Dallas; Texarkana N.. Texarkana. 65.000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. and Rep. N« Dallas; Texarkana N., Texarkana. 55,510 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. 100.000 15,000 6.500 57.000 700 25.000 15,000 105,000 A. B. Cox__ ____ 100,000 65,480 G. H. Davidson — B. H. Wilson T.enn Coker C. Dy Cees 75,000 17,060 247,280 100.000 40,980 1stN.. Ft. Worth; Secur. N.. WichitaFalls. 30.000 City N., Dallas; Athens N.. Athens. 30.000 50.000 20.500 160.000 64.000 176,000 41,100 2.000 100.000 38,130 257,470 48,250 267,470 47,630 73.240 100.000 226.150 940,460 59,000 605,210 98,550 63,550 558,300 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.; Citiz. State, Austin; Am. Ex. N. and City N., Dallas. 50.000 6.620 244.120 187.910 37.600 15,490 59.750 Seab. N.. N. Y.; U. S.N.. Galv.; State N., and So.. Tex., Com! N., Hou. J. M. Gay.__-___ Geo. H. Jones___ Geo. H. Jones___ G. B. Stinebaugh .. 40.000 12.000 99,000 110,000 35.000 8.000 R. A. Hudson........ G. W. Duke______ 10.000 5,230 53,800 27,870 27,830 28.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Green ville N. Ex,. Greenville. 9,000 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Mtle. N., Dallas, $130- I0to20% Needvilie____ 215 First National Bank...<’25 H. Hackstedt H Fort Bend L21 $125-8% 88-1801 Nevada______ 578 Collin D20 $120-10% 88-1195 Newark--------- 359 First State Bank ... Wise D18 $230-20% 88-1534 142,260 N. City. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N,. Hou.; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 12.040 249,660 5.000 A. B. Childs.......... C. F. Floyd 29.500 8,680 7,260 25,000 J. M. Jones ____ LeRoy Porter____ 300 200,000 35,000 Y. M. Stewart___ $ J, W Weeks C. E. HENRY.............. To.™}'100’000-00 rued, $226,150 remitted for on day of payment. k, Palestine, Tex., December 31. 1923) F. J. Horak 30,000 IHE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business 1339 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. ™New §State t P.-iv *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. President. Cashier. No.llFed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Ue3. T-Trnst Powers. E EiPaso H Houston $ Last Sale %Db. ©Bar. Dept New Baden__ 300 Paul Schultz Bank---- #tt’ 94 Paul Schultz_____ H. P. Schultz____ J. P. Balton-------- Gretchen Schultz.. 88-2098 Robertson H20 New Boston ...869 Farmers State Bank—S’17 S. J. Morris_____ C. R. Speer--------- L. C. Baker-------1-1794 Bowie C23 J. P. Looney........ W. H. Eubank___ (fSTN*TIM BANK•J1900 Jas. Hubbard......... T. P. Trimble___ New Boston Nat. Bank __t’07 Jas. H. Simms----- C. P. Helms-------- W. A. Lowery----- Loyd Wilson____ M. A. Hart 88-422 ‘New Braunfels First National Bank----- •t’OO Walter Faust____ H. G. Heune____ B. W. Nuhn-------- M. W. Dietz_____ H. Dittlinger $ 235 12 % 88-289 Comal L17 3590 Guaranty Bond State Bk,t§’21 Emil Heinen____ R. B. Richter....... G. O. Reinarz----- Fred Tausch.. Gus Reinarz R. P. Heinen $140-10% 88-2028 New Him____ 344 New Ulm State Bank —tS’06 88-1199 H Austin K20 $180-10% New Waverly .411 New Waverly State Bk.*tS’07 88-1200 H Walker J22 Nixon..............1124 Nixon National Bank—•t’15 88-1691 Gonzales M18 Nixon State Bank........‘tl’Oe $140-10% ections on New B TS sent to us wl CENTS for each J. W. Daws______ J. F. Larimore T. R. Cottield........ C. B. Daniels Ohas. Drake------- 170.000 2,940 88.890 30.000 30.180 249,260 7,500 173.940 $ 33,000 206,000 100,000 100.000 599.390 50 000 an.noo 480,000 100.000 21.600 485.700 63.400 nlty direct to us. ft for presentatio n, and ures prompt, per sonal a ttentio n. 111,880 50.000 1.990 T. C. Tunnell........ 6.810 15.000 B. E. Rushing....... Audrey Jarrell....... 15.000 O. M. Shipp-------- J. R. Younger....... M. W. Younger.— 10.000 62,000 51.640 20,820 25.050 222,000 19.000 364.060 264,870 330.000 78.000 341,820 109,860 93.040 8.050 __ 61.410 41,590 Principal correspondents. Public N., Hou.; Am. N., Austin; 1st N.. Franklin. 84,000 Rep. N., Dallas; Texarkana N.. Texarkana. 97,080 N. Park, N. Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: City N., Dallas; Texarkana N., Tex arkana. 28,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; Texarkana N.,Texarkana: City N.. Dallas: 1st N.. Paris. 232,470 N. City. N. Y.; Austin N., Austin. 150.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.: Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Ant.; Rep. N. Dallas. 157,610 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Mtle. N., Dal.: Am. N.. Austin, Gty. Bd. State, San Antonio. 27.990 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: 1st N.. Wichita Falls. 129,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Cont. N.. Ft. Wor'h. 21,440 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: IstN., Memphis: Cent. N„ Dallas; Drov. N., Kan. C. 26.130 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Bowie. 245.000 167.000 8,120 79,650 56.480 3,550 59.850 43,220 30.000 17.280 292,170 30,470 108,820 145,833 G. R. Voigt--------- M. C. Koch____ 30.000 3.553 233.640 _____________ 125.380 39.930 4.930 96,940 Han. N„ N. Y. Union N„ Hou. Elliott Campbell.. Richard Traylor 40,000 5.010 230,400 4.000 201,720 11.590 9.090 Ellen Weber____ 25,000 2.410 71.530 46,470 750 27,210 57,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: U. S. N., Galv.; Huntsville State. Huntsville. 24.510 Frost N., San Antonio: 1st N., Hou. C. D. Campbell — J. F. Wood. Jr... 50.000 25,000 300,000 175.000 25.000 50,000 A. D. Limn....... J. A. Fooshee Gould Whaley.. Hugh Carson____ W. F. Leonard .. 125.000 35.000 700,000 499,430 4.950 65.870 B. E. Anderson.__ 50.000 4.993 530.160 277.010 2.230 19.860 A. L. Teiwes__ J H. Menn Wm. Osterloh .. F. O. A. Ladner... F. Menn.......... .. 25.000 9.900 180,000 72.000 27.000 23,000 M. H. Neutzler__ Edw. December. 30.000 O. Youngblood, B. C. Coley....... — 25.000 25,140 234,200 97,890 51,600 9,680 25,000 25,000 170,000 80,000 100,000 Public N.. Hou.; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 17,500 650 53.000 38,000 12,000 Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 25,000 19,490 265.570 20,000 6.130 72,260 State 14.000 4,220 20,630 4.070 Bank, Pitts burg, Texas) J.RoyLawson, Act. H. L. Swearingen.. A. L. Lipscomb, Jr. Walter Shannon.. 18.170 9,360 Active 105.900 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.: No. Tex. N.. Dallas. 125,000 N. City, N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Guaranty Bond State, San Antonio. 307.920 Merch. & Plan. N.. Sherman: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 284.900 Chem. N., N.Y.: Ft.W. N.. Ft. Worth, Mtle. No. Tex. N.. Dallas; 1st N.. St. L. 92.900 1st N„ Chi. and Hou.; Frost N., San Ant. Alamo N., San Antonio; Union N., Hou. 100.000 Active G. R. Donaho____ G. H. Heath.......... N. P. Taylor. B.F.Payne, Jr., Act L. V. Fuller.......... W. S. Smith-------- North Zulch ..413 Guaranty Bond State Bank A. Krohn.. A. H. Keefer......... tS’ll A. L. Lipscomb.Sr., H Madison 121 $180-20% ♦ 88-1203 ( Voluntary liquidati on effective December Norton______ 150 First National Bank__ Runnells G13 C. A. Parker___ Novice..............200 Novice State Bank__ •♦I’lO R. L. Bates— 88-1204 $ioo Coleman F14 Oakland___ 264 Oakland State Bank.__t§’21 O. C. Strunk.. M. Rhodes........... 88-2019 H Colorado L 20 $125-7% •akwoo Guaranty State Bank~»tl’22 J. W. Barton W. S. Maddux __ $120-14% 88-2040 Leon G21 Oakwood State Bank..»tl’10 R. L. Wiley— R. R. Wiley____ O. Wiley. Jr. 88-749 L. G. Hawkins__ Odell_______ 317 Bank of Odell_______ •tt’09 W. T. Collins Wilbarger A14 $225-25% 88-1207 R. T. Dooley____ First National Bank___ t’14 J. M. White.. $150-20% 88-1686 C. C. Smith_____ Odem .........362 Odem State Bank____ »t8’14 H. E. Odem H San Patricio P18 $175-10% 88-1667 — IR. N. Henderson. .Odessa..........1050 Citizens National Bank..»t 06 W. F. Bates $150-14% 88-1208 E Ector G9 24,400 2.660 115.990 49.990 12,570 59,630 900 16,280 149,570 City N., Dallas; 1st N.. Hou. 134.170 Public N., Hou.: 1st N., Waco.; Tex. N.. Ft. Worth. 21,1926) J. B. Lewis... Ruth Laird______ H. B. Mayes.. 10,000 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; T. A. Hill State, Weimar. 28.000 U. S. N.. Galv. 102.000 2d N., Hou.; Tex. N.. Ft. Worth: City N„ Galv. 43.000IN. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; WaggonerN., Vernon. 25,000 8,750 25,000 1,000 170.000 79.000 15.000 6,000 12.000 135.000 88.000 22.000 25.000 13,900 165,000 — Miss Ida Smith.. 25,000 2.800 124.000 25,010 133,980 ______ Henry Pegues___ R. J. Bates......... 50,000 12.500 210,000 35,000 133,000 Dewey Marsh___ Levi Beach____ W. P. Starr__ __ H. A. Ross____ J. S. McGloin__ 5,000 47.000 36,000 148.000 J. W. Brantley ___ 20,000 140.000 (Individ ual Resp onsibility SI 000 000 ) 85,000 8,500 2,300 35,000 12,670 i 21+580 Cent. State and Coleman N., Coleman. 7.000 3.000 Jack Walston. AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64.000 50,000 88-1201 (Formerly Guaranty State Ba nk) 30.000 $ E. J. Vanvetterman E. H. Remington.. Robert Voigt____ J. J. Frnka_____ R. E. Pophanken J. W. Keeland___ R.W. Miller____ R. M. Traylor, V.P. K. S. Keeland S. A. Brown___ F. M. Caraway.— J. M. Hinton D. N. Campbell .. W. H. Patton----- Nocona_____ 1422 Farmers & Merch. Natl. Bk. C. McCall______ 88-614 «t’05 Montague B17 Peoples National Bank.*i’21 G. M. Utt_______ $110-10% 88-613 Nordfaeim___ 443 First National Bank...»t’10 H. A. Stnermer— 88-899 H DeWitt N18 $130-8% Osterloh & Neutzler —tt’06 L. C. Neutzler....... 88-898 Norman gee. 662 First National Bank .—*{12 T. W. Brown ___ 88-1488 Leon 1 21 J. A. Heath____ First State Bank......... »tl J. L. Nash, V. P. $170 ♦ 88-1202 North Pleasanton Guaranty Bond State Bank F. N. Potter___ 88-1681 tS’14 Atascosa M16 364 $100 raunfels and vlcl th each sight dra credit report Ins Edgar MacDonald IVESUUKLES. .LIABILITIES. Loans Bonds Other Miscel Paid-op Surplus D epos and and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous ties $ 145,150 — $ 20,110 $ 81,300 $ 43,950 — $ 187,730 30,000 HERMANN ZIPP — J. R. FUCHS- - - - - - - - R. E. KLOEPPER — H.W. ADAMSV.7.LTER ZIPP Send your Coll $125-6% 88-290 TtS’08 FIFTEEN CEN TWENTY-FIVE Newcastle ___1452 First National Bank ___»tT4 R.J.Johnson------$100-10% 88-1651 Young D15 First State Bank-------»tl’09 J. J. Perkins____ 88-1196 Farmers State Bank------+5’12 G. W. Helm--------Newltn______I 88-1197 Hall E6 First State Bank--------- +§’13 C. C. Hutcheson.— Newport_____ 88-1527 Clay C17 Newsome____ 600 First National Bank,________ (Purchased by First Camp D 22 ‘Newton____ 1236 First National Bank —1’14 C. S. Mitchell.. 88-1198 H Newton I 25 $125-10% NEW BRAUNFELS STATE BK. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEX A S—Continued 108.100 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls. 15,480 State N., Corpus Christi: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Guar. Bond State. San Antonio. 140,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft.Worth; City N., Dallas; IstN., Midland. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, TEXAS’ 1340 Number under'Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ...... . ” ""r Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. No.llFed.Kes.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. E El PasoH Houston. $ Last Sale % Div. ®Sav.Dept O'Donnell.____2000 First National Bank ____*’25 Lynn F2 88-2105 First Stale Bank _ ........... President. Vice-President. _____ <’22 88-086 ‘Orange............. 10.539 H Orange E25 ®K’89 $350-10% M H „ -4 88-179 from Baku 5,000 $ 140,000 i W. Guy Draper— Mrs. Madie Cavett 25,000 5,320 130,000 10,000 10,350 75,000 60,000 35,000 600,000 312,700 113,000 49.500 50,000 61,320 1,073,920 50,000 426,990 458,580 44.000 175.000 2.950 137,770 18,500 7,120 200.920 3,544.820 46.690 1,655.290 399,370 256,730 8,350 45.000 159,810 Han. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.1 1st N., Hon.; Rep. N., Dallas. 142.730 2,878.390 219,850 194.180 461,960 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch-Laclede N., St. L. 2,300 83.900 2,300 21,487 38,620 Alamo N„ San Antonio; 1st N.. Shiner; Secur. State, Alice. 41.550 City N.. Dallas, 1st N., Longview. rE. W. HUNT.................... WRIGHT McCLATCHY- WRIGHT HcCLATGHY. Jt k. THOMAS H. L. LEBERMAN ) Send us your collections. Bills of Lading, Cash x <’07 j 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for l25 CENTS fore ach credit report insures prompt FIRST NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondent*. Cash ft Ex change*,Dm 25,000 $ M. D. Wolverton.. G. B. Hamilton.... R. J. Graham DeWITT McCLATCHYOLIN CALVIN $ 80.000 $ 180,000 45.000 $ 45.000 1st N., Ft. Worth. J. 0. SIMS. Active... H. J. L. STARK F. H. FARWELL L. F. BENCKENSTEIN Prompt Service given all (justness, Bill of Lading D rafts our Speclalt /‘SEND YOLK ORANGE ITEMS W H STARK 60,000 1 900 18.910 65,510 N. Park, N. Y.; City N.. Dallas; 1st N« Waco. 20,000 1st N. and Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N., Wichita Falls. 50,000 202,810 Han.N.,N.Y.; Ft.W. N.. Ft.Worth; IstN. and Secur. N., Wich. Falls: 1st N.,Waco. 295,660 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Dallas N.. Dallas; 1st N„ Wichita Falls; Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth. and Time Items, presentation, and , personal attent Ion. A. J. Copellar_______ W. O. Davis__________ David S. Giles______ Larena Curry State Bank of Omaha _<|’07 88-1212 Morris C28 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and L iabili AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties L. Dennis.................. 0. E. Kelly................. $ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $225-15% Ass’T Cashier. Roscoe Rainwater. O. M. Luton, Active Miles Rainwater.. Clarence Rain water 88-1210 OIney____________ 1164 City National Bank $150-10% 88-688 Young C15 Cashier. Taken over by First National Bank) Oglesby___________ 316 First National Bank___ t’25 $120 88-1209 Coryell H18 Oklaunion_____ 210 $175-10% Wilbarger B15 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued E. E. MCFARLAND ... W. A. SIMS......................... A. M. WILSON L. WALL, A. Cash. L.J. LEWIS M. W. PEARCE Special attention given local Items. ^DIRECT.” 25.000 100,000 50,000 H. L. Cohenour... Jas.N. Parker, Act. Guaranty Bond Bank & Trust Co--------------------- ®T<1’19 C. W. McFhrlane, Ch. of Bd. 88-181 29.500 3,560 416,340 139,820 3,271,820 178.870 Texarkana N., Texarkana; Mtle. N., Dallas; W. L. Moody & Co., Galv. 101.040 1,736.730 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Hon.; Hibernia Bk.& Tr.t N. O. W. A. Campbell.... R.C. .Marsh___________ R. Bateman. A. C. C. D. Wilson 200.000 Orange Grove. 375 H Jim Wells 017 Ore City.. ____265 Upshur D 23 State Bank of Orange Grove Philip Welhausen.. Emil Osterloh______ Joe December______ Max Osterloh---------io% 88-1564 t§’16 Miss Mable Wil Security State Bank-..<i'l2 J. H. Hudspeth_____ J. W. Williamson. liamson $ioo 88-1430 20,000 3,670 120.340 15,000 8,050 53.190 Osceola___________ 300 Hill F18 Otto p Palls H19 Ovalo 612 Taylor F13 Guaranty State'05 H. H. Simmons.___ R. F. Siddons $100-6% 88-1214 F. H. Miller__________ E. F. Melburn______ W. E. Bowers______ First state Bank ____ -t§’10 $165-10% 88-1215 First State Bank_______ <§’09 Henry James________ J. E. Hurt_____________ I. N. Wilkinson... D. D. Williams_____ $200-18% 88-1216 25,000 7,000 50,000 20,000 7.070 146,860 35,000 145,120 14,350 12,860 12.500 13,880 100,970 100 38,850 12,810 6,800 20,000 21,000 101,000 79,000 853 Mrs. Scott Peters.. 100,000 111,260 527,760 75.000 594,640 78,750 5,000 B. H. Marrs.............. Edgar Pace O. A. Pressley.... B. C. Bass 50,000 60,000 605.190 42,200 393.300 68,760 31.000 50,000 54,240 337.070 81,900 402,790 3,000 41,760 25,000 20,000l 80.000 80,000 7.000 25,000 36.610i 188,700 183,000 1,750 10,520 49,480 Chase N., N. Y.: Stock Yds. N. and 1st N.. Ft. Worth; City N., Galv. 50,000 2.580i 361,900 179,160 112.2101 68.400 73,000 Han.N.. N.Y.; UnionN., Hou.; 1st N..St.L. Orange National Bank $200-12% 88-180 ®T<’01 F. W. Hustmyre, R. A. Moore V. P. Overton________528 First State Bank-----------<§’12 R. A. Motley--------- E. B. S. Florey ____ Maxie Wilson $165-10% 88-1434 Busk P22 •Ozona______ 440 Crockett 111 ‘Paducah____ 1357 (i Cottle B12 " Ozona National B&nk...<'05 P. L. Childress___ $225-20% 88-1218 First National Bank ....<’09 T. C. Phillips______ $250 88-605 J. W. Woodley.__ Security National Bank $250-30% 88-604 <10 Scott Peters_______ S. E. Couch C. A. Phillips, Act. O. L. Thomas Earl Mayo________ G. M. Yowell H. G. Lehman____ Paige__________ 475 GuarantyBond State Bk.t§’12 Ch<is Kuhn H Bastrop K19 88-1440 ‘Paint Bock _ 536 T^ircf SfatP "Rant" $250-10% 88-1220 Concho H13 f&'IO R. T. Trail________ W. O. Shultz--------- .T. M. Pnttnn 7.400 70,000 18,290 12,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st State, Hillsboro. 36,600 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Waco; 2d N.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. 69,980 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. N. and Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Stk. Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. 36,530 Tex. N.,Ft. Worth; Hou. N., Hon.; Com'l N., Shreveport. 135,630 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Stk. Yds. N.. Ft. Worth; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Rep. N., Dal. 264,330 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and Rep. N.. Dallas; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 75.650 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N-. Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas; 1st N.. Wichita Falls. 30,000 Am. N., Austin. W, M. Houston Palacios 1335 Palacios State Bk. & Trust Co. M. H. Elder_______ J.F.Barnett, Active1 C. B. Hansen______ L.S. Appleton......... H Matagorda.\21 $110-10% 88-692 <f’2o H. B. Farwell. Ch. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27,290 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1041 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ■LOT-L Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n.__________ Town and Countt. *County Seats. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. E El Paso H Houston •M em. A. B. A. nNew §State t Pri?. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %D1t. ®Sav. Dept. President. ‘Palestine.. .11,403 ♦East Texas National Bank J. E. Angly______ H Anderson G21 *8-74 el'll D. M. Hodges, V.P. •• •• Lucius Gooch__ G. E. Diliey, V. P. $225 88-71 •• •• ♦Robinson State Bk. & Tr. Oo. Z. L. Robinson___ 15% 88-70 T»tl'«l •« *• ♦Royall National Bank.T»t’04 Tucker Royall....... C. W. Hanks, V. P. 88-73 •• •• Palestine Clearing House__ Tucker Royall. (Members indicated by a* ) Palmer______ 800 Citizens Bank----------©tt'01 Y. Barron_______ $250-25% *8-851 Ellis Eli) •• <* First State Bank_____.«$|’10 D. R. Reddell____ $130-10% ♦ 88-852 *FIRST NAT’L BK. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. TT7Y AQ___ ^ j ____ LliAAO V^UIlUIlueu Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- Other and Profits TIES n. E. Williams, Act. D. S. Worn mack... N. C. Woolverton-. $ 150,000 1 59,000 $ 781.400 W. B. Flanagan J. R. Cook. V. P. O. B. Rogers, V. P. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash k Exand and chamois,Dot Discounts Securities LANILOUb from Banks I 399.890 1 335.660 t 63.000 $ 182.850 Han. N., N. Y.;*Mtle.. Dallas; Union N.. Hou.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L. F. Hnfsmith. Porter Cooper___ H. Pearlstone C. L. Hufsmith. A G. T. Robinson.__ Wm. B. Robinson. C. O. Miner, Jr.... 75,000 35,000 250,000 $ 90,000 237,000 80.000 50.000 41.380 434.440 139.000 174.200 Eugene Fish.____ 100,000 998,450 122.400 18,000 J. W. Wright Hampson Gary 275,330 1.145,930 100.000 C. O. Miller, Jr., Mgr. L. B. Griffith,....... H. H. Coplen____ W. L. Leatherman. 34,000 64.000 250,000 270.000 J. W. Stacks____ H. F. Huffaker 25,000 23,000 118,000 75.000 40,000 1.670.000 6,260 1,200.000 95.000 Jack L. Moore....... 38.000 107,440 25,000 DeLea Vicars------ E. S. Vicars 50,000 Gray County State Bank C. L. Thomas____ $120 ♦ 8*-826 »iST0 C. E. Deahl_____ 88-861 Panhandle Bank____®»8t’88 F. A. Paul............... 88-860 Paradise 520 First National Bank——•t'14 J. A. Simmons___ Wise D17 $120-10% 88-1581 11 .r . '* Peoples State Bank----- §16 T. B. Peek.. ____ 20% 88-1737 W. H. Doyle_____ 25.000 12.500 700.000 220.000 175.000 14,800 25.000 19.940 677.950 9,600 264.560 112.750 56,540 20.450 ‘Paris 17,274 Lamar C21 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK $220-10% 88-55 «t’07 FIRST NAT’L BANK $185-10% 88-51 First State Bank .......... “ .. 50.000 25,000 6,000 80,000 5,000 80,000 1,550 L. W. Clark_____ H. D. Read______ M. H. Peek.. .. 20,000 3.140 102.230 850 74.000 21,050 rS.L. BEDFORD -- E. S. CROWLEY — B. L. BILLINGSLEY R. G. COOK______ J \ / L 72.000 Rep. N.. Dallas. 1st N., Ft. Worth. W. A. Green____ O. L. Hartsell 150,000 207.540 1.606,240 200.000 1.390.520 380.310 300.000 145.000 2,000,000 100.000 1.500,000 02.". non 475.000 Han. N..N. Y.; New Eng. N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Kan. 0.: 1st N., Wichita. Amarillo, and Fort Worth: Austin N.. Austin. 450.000 Chase N., N. Y. Y.; Amarillo N., Amarillo. 298.650 N. Park. N. Y.; Stock Yds. N.. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Amarillo; City N.. Dallas. Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Guar. State, Amarillo. 15.000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Decatur. 30,970 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 87.100 Special Collectl on facilities. 305,840 Chase N., N. T.: IstN., Chi. and St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. Prompt, person al presentation brings results, We remit on day of payment and give reasons f or non-payment. Try us with y our Parts Items for g trick service. (R. F. SCOTT______ F.D.MALLORY. Aetu>e J. A. SMITH---------- R. M. HUTT-----------J. E. CASTLEBERRY S. H. HANCOCK Send ns your C ollections direct. 1 First and oldest established bank. 450.000 Scab. N., N. Y.: City N.. Dallas; 1st N., St. L. (They will receir e prompt and pe rsonal attention. (Closed) 150.000 44.150 926,880 243.440 835.890 282.590 77.450 168.540 Gty. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Rep. N., Dal. Merch.Lac. N., St. L.; 1st N., Ft. W. Liberty National Bank ..•t’25 E. H. McCuistion. $100 88-57 150.000 20.000 569,629 89.380 451.460 69.510 157.140 150.890 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .Dallas; 1st N., St. L. Red River Valley Trust Co. R. S. Bywaters .— S. H. Hancock___ J. A. Smith, C. H. Nash, Mgr... Sec. and Tr. $95-8% 88-66 T§’20 Wm. Milling. V.P. R. F. Scott. Jr. 500,000 52.660 35,600 19.750 ( Tr. Fund *.) 503.000 5.680 16,450 Lamar State Bk. & Tr. Oo. H. L. Baker_____ $100-8% ♦ 88-58 ®»t|’13 R. H. Young. V.P. D. C. Humphries u Vern Wisdom____ 392,970 N. Bk, Com.. N. Y.; C. & C. N. Ohi.; So. Tex.Com’IN., Hou.; City N.. Dallas. 60.000 N. Park. N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas. 12.800 D. W. Cunningham .Tessip. Dalton . . Geo. L. Simms .... J. Rorex____ R. L. Grimes E. E. Carhart___ J. H. Paul. 95.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Hou. N.. Hon. 201,580 Chase N., N. T.: Dallas N. and City N.. Dallas; Merch.-Lac. N..St.L.; 1st N..Hou. ‘Palo Pinto___482 Banking House of denning- Mrs. H. E. CunningPalo Pinto E16 ham ham Bros. .88-1221 '83 Pampa.... ..........987 First National Bank *t’08 B. E. Finley___ J. R. Henry. Gray C5 88-819 ‘Panhandle___638 ^Carson C4 f Principal Correspondents. Morris Fleming.__ Roscoe Floyd_____ J. M. Caviness Artie Brown, . . Park Springs 31 q First State Bank___ ..§’13 J. M. James... $170-15% 88-1517 W'ise C17 Pasadena_____ 75 Pasadena State Bank...1119 R. E. Parks______ J. W. Keeland___ J. C. Thomas ___ J. G. Donovan 88-1873 H Harris L22 (Voluntary liquidati on) Pattonville ..350 Lamar C22 Peacock_____ 263 Peacock Bank________tt’15 H. H. McKinzie.__ D. R. Couch_____ H. T. Fillingim.__ Stonewall D12 $200-10% 88-1689 Pearland______230 W. E. Long______ 88-1880 H Brazoria L23 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 5.000 54,150 48.320 890 3,490 10,000 1,800 89,000 50.000 10,000 10.000 15,000 15.000 116.290 89.000 10.000 2,290 82,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Paris. 18,740 Secor. State. Bowie; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 30.800 1st N., Gty. Tr. Co. and State N., Hou. 51.000 Ft.Worth N., Ft.Worth; Far. & Merch. N„ Abilene. 2d N., Hou. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, rinm ■■■■■■ ■■■»■■■! AUSTIN. TEXAS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to ea°b bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. ^County Seats. No. 11F. Res. Dist. E ElPaso H Houston tPearsall President. _21fi1 Pearsall National Bank.*t'03 G. H. Beever......... tuo-8% Frio N15 .. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Dir, ©Sat. Dept. <• 88-475 Vice-President. G. R. Sanders TEXAS—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. O. L. Smith______ C. J. Harrington Mrs. Etta Thomas Id ABILITIES. Surplus Loans Other Paid-up Depos- Liabiliand AND Capital Pbopits llB Discounts TIES % 75,000 $ 28.000 $ 320,000 $ 77,930 J 260.000 % 114,000 $ 58,000 10,000 37.000 24,500 12,500 171,670 144,000 Security State Bank —1§’25 W. Trickey._____ P. H. Stanford .... P. H. Stanford.__ Frank Carter___ *no 88-477 25.000 Farmers Bank_________t’06 C. W. McCarty.__ *150-10% 88-1223 Pecan Gap State Bank’ll W. E. Weldon___ 88-1224 First National Bank__ »t’07 J. T. McElroy____ $325-20% 88-451 10,000 5.500 O. E. Sweeney___ D. D. Dunn______ J. H. Lefimnn D. D. Dunn R. S. Johnson___ T. H. Beauchamp. G. C. Parker_____ Chas. A. Young 50.000 15.440 50,000 53,270 188,690 Security State Bank...»t§’24 Sol Mayer.__ ___ W. D. Johnson .... Clarence Bell____ D. K. Tudor_____ *135-15% 88-2078 A. G. Taggart 30,000 26,060 16.000 Penelope State Bank...t§’21 *160-10% 88-2020 First National Bank.__*t’13 J. P. Williams____ C. F. Lee *160-10% 88-1639 800 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of to is volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Bonds Cash k ExMiscel chahob and S'D ub Securities laneous from Basks 15,500 69.300 Texas State Bk. & Tr., San Ant.; 1st N., Wad); D. S. N., Galv. 30,730 6,000 191,260 54,200 11,400 6.200 Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Citiz. N., Weather ford. 56,380 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Ladoniaand Paris; Rep. N.. Dal.; N. City. St. L. 85,100 Am. Ex. N., Dal.: Austin N„ Austin; Far. Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth and Abilene. 379,300 284,270 2,900 11,000 5.860 111,690 56,460 13,180 5,250 25.000 10,060 70,820 75,300 25,000 14.500 155,000 105,000 C. F. Mitschell.... 15.000 5.510 106,910 120 Jno. N. Stump. J. T. Carlson_____ C. B. Rogers B. S. Ellis Le Roy Hartman W. B. LaMaster... Leon Roembach... R. H. Holland___ 30,000 36.000 581,140 30.750 285.990 25.000 7.470 381,660 142,140 A. B. Crider_____ A. G. Easterling... R. L. Stephens .... 10.000 4,690 20,480 9,610 Petersburg.__250 First State'21 E. B. Shankle___ M. J. Gregory___ R. A. Jefferies.... T. Schuler............. R. A. Jefferies *150-20% 88-2021 Hale BIO 15,000 3,500 65,000 40,000 31,000 12,500 Am. State. Amarillo: Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 3rd N., Plainview;Lubbock N..Lubbock. Petrolia ____ 914 Continental State Bank*$S'10 H. W. Perkins___ J. A. Burrus____ W. O. Beall............ 10% 88-864 Clay B16 Petty ...............315 Citizens National Bank____ (Closed) Lamar C21 30.000 12,000 173,000 161 1)00 9,000 45,000 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; City N., Wichita Falls. Pfiugerville.__250 Farmers State Bank...*tl'06 Peter Pfluger____ C. C. Kuempel....... W. E. Pfluger___ 20,000 24,000 100,000 35,000 129 non 3.000 47.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; South Tex. Com’l N.. Hon. G. E. Langford___ A. J. Flowers....... A. H. Schliska........ 50.000 12,850 558.120 25.000 373,140 29.630 46,880 196,310 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Hou. N., Hou,; 1st N„ Brownsville. Plckton______ 213 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. F. Payne_____ T. S. Gibson_____ 88-1810 t’18 Hopkins D22 First National Bank....t'26 G. A. Brown_____ G. W. Miller____ D. F. Jackson....... Datus Sharp_____ *200-10% 88-1229 J. H. Pogue 10,000 22,680 18 580 25.000 6,000 90,000 50.000 1,000 20.000 50,000 Am. Ex. N. and Dallas N.. Dallas:Greenville N. Ex..Greenville; City N.. Sulphur Sprgs. Pilot Point... 1499 Farmers & Merchants Bank G. E. Light______ D. W. Light-------- J. B. Burks...____ Gordon Elmore.__ 88-601 'tt’Se Denton C19 50,000 28,570 423.990 191,410 60,000 36,120 154.880 10,000 5.000 49.720 100,000 42,000 75,000 100.000 Parker D17 Pecan Gap.__600 Delta C21 iPecos______ 1445 E Reeves H6 •• .< Pendleton____260 *130-10% Bell H18 Hill G19 Jack bii 88-1225 S. F. Stevens____ J. A. Wiggins B. J. Carpenter___ Edna Cantrell___ Perry________ 214 Farmers State Bank___t|’12 *105-7% 88-1473 Falls H19 First National Bank.__•t’07 F. P. Rogers.. *180-7% 88-806 Perryton National Bank<’20 Geo. M. Perry ___ *130 88-1858 Personviile.... 103 Personviile State Bank t§’12 M. L. Marks_____ 88-1524 Limestone H20 Ochiltree A5 Mrs. J. A. Wiggins 127,000 16,930 I 110,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Frost N.. Alamo N.,and City N.,San Antonie; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 50,000 10,480 137,180 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. Tr. & Sav., El Paso: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 58,660 IstN.. Waco, Temple, and Hou. 20,100 Han. N.. N. Y.; Tex. N„ Ft. Worth; 1st N. Waco. 75,000 1st N., Ft. Worth. 22.560 51,280 1st N., Waco; Mtle. N., Dallas; Marlin N., Marlin. 7.500 208,750 196,400 3,760 175,640 Drov. N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr„ Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo. 71.830 1st N„ Amarillo and Wichita, Kan. 58.680 20,360 $220-10% Travis J18 H Jas. Frich 88-1228 Pharr.............. 1565 First National Bank............. B. F. Johnson... H Hidalgo Q4 88-1438 »ri2 John A. Cook. Ch. of Bd. M “ Pilot Point National Bk._*t’92 A. H. Gee____ J. A. L. McFarland $100-10% 88-600 Pinehill______ 218 First State Bank............ tS'10 Frank Rettig....... . O. A. Cassity____ W. C. Crim............ Rusk F23 88-1230 -T.’W. PflPl APittsburg.__.2540 First National Bank.___ j’93 W. C. Hargrove... G. O. Hopkins. .. Camp D23 *160-10% 88-444 F. E. Prince R. B. Lovell ....... .4 » 4. ______ » First State Bank______ tS'll 88-1368 Pittsburg National Bank «t'04 J. H. Mitchell____ A. A. Hall.............. $125-10% 88-445 $120—8% 7,940 No.Tex. N.,Dallas; 1st N., Sulphur Springs. 311,150 N.Park,N.Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.;lst.N., Ft.Worth; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 15,500 170.250 47,750 14,440 564,000 94,000 391,000 187,000 13,300 304.400 135,350 182.240 168.400 88.870 32,250 192,610 133,000 195.180 130.940 62.570 34.070 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N. and Am. Ex N., Dallas. Merch. N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Henderson; 1st State, Jacksonville. 157,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: City N., Dallas. 90.540 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 69.170 Chase N., N. Y.; Rep. N„ Dallas. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis wllj IN •» Udllda, i lcIUlcigdSlf oLUllil & vUi( Mexia. (Succeeds Guaranty State Ban k) Solicits Your Business 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given o/i o to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Banker Ass’ll. Town and County. ^County Seats. No.llFed.Res.Dist. EE1 PasoHHouston. .Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ®8ar. Dept. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued ---------- ------------Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Principal Resources. Liabilities Loans Bonds Miscel Cass k ExOther Paid-up Subplus D epos cham«bs,Dttb and and L iabili and its Capital Profits Discounts Securitise laneous tbom Baku ties correspondents. s S $ 25,000 1,446.260 $ 37.610 l 182.730 $ 437,910 1 *PIainview.__3989 First National Bank..»tl900 C. C. Gidney_____ R. A. Underwood.. J. C. Anderson. Jr. J. G. Dougherty... $ 100.000 $ 104.793 1,874.730 Kan. C.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. W. E. Kisser Hale A10 1300 88-332 Security State Bank ...<§’19 J. C. Terry......... A. E. Boyd. V. P. 88-1893 THIRD NATIONAL BANK•no *125-10% 88-140 894 504,460 100.000 34.410 771.292 27.553 402.160 21.560 92.590 729.610 8.000 21.580 202.760 84.150 15.950 88-141 66.600 Ian. N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Wichita Falls and Amarillo; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 146.510 Bep. N., Dallas. Excellent facllit iesfor handling B ill of Lading draft s, collections and all out of town items. .Send us your “P LAINVIEW” item s for prompt servi ce. A. Weatherford... 60,000 38,400 266,210 F. Harrington........ D. S. Coleman____ ftfLOon 37,000 251.000 65.000 233,000 90,000 C. A. Stone______ 10,000 1,040 55.120 1,600 40.170 14.100 5.250 50.000 5,440 161.220 13,420 125.060 14,610 33.350 103,100 15,020 4,710 F. B. Ricks______ H. E. Walker C. N. Skaggs-------- E. C. McElroy_ _ _ J. L. Bailey_____ T. W. White- - - - - - W. D. Wall "TRAVIS HOLLAND Act. 191,960 25.000 F. O. Montgomery. 7,500 171,300 1,200 159,000 12,500 10,350 51,700 2,350 53.130 12,500 2,730 65,710 15,000 3,240 53,880 D. S. Peoples------ G. W. Hawkins___ Mi P • Easton —————— ®T*tlfl00 .Special attentio MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK *300-12% 50,000 88-334 FIRST NAT’L BANK 24% Lester Jones____ L. S. KINDER........ A.G. HINN............. DAVE COLLIER......... T. A. MIERTSCHIN— J. D. STEAKLEY, Ac<. Plano_______ 1715 Farmers National Bank.«t’01 R. A. Davis---------*200-10% 83-630 Collin D1A Plano National Bank —*t’87 J. H.Gulledge-----*175-10% 88-629 Plantersvllle.__3C0 First State Bank----------- 8’18 C. E. Williams____ 88-1807 H Grimes J22 Pleasanton... 1036 First National Bank___*t’05 H. F. Smith............. *90 88-1232 Atascosa M16 Point_________300 First State Bank----------- §'10 S. S. Bowers-------88-1233 Rains D21 Polytechnic Station.........4338 First State Bank...........®§'19 S. S. Dillow............. 88-1895 (Ft. Worth P.O.) *150-10% Tarrant E18 Ponder.... .......... 150 Ponder State Bank------- Jl’10 H. F. Wakefield ... *175-10% 88-1234 Denton D18 Ponta________ 200 Guaranty State Bank.—tJ'13 W. T. Norman----88-1528 H Cherokee F22 *110-10% Poolville______ 515 First State Bank--------- tl’09 C. W. McCarty— 88-1235 Parker D17 Port Arthur.31,513 H Jefferson K25 A. B. Martin C. G. Goodman.Act. E. H. Bawden A. C. REICHLE - _ W. L. WEATHERALLE. L. CANADA 95.000 L City. N. Y.; City N. and Dallas N., Dal las; Ft. Worth. N.. Ft. Worth, £240 st N.. Hou.: Citz. N.. Navasota. 57.060 Alamo N.. San Antonio. 109,780 id. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Greenville N. Ex. and 1st N., Greenville; Dallas N., Dallas. 46.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Tex. State. Ft. Worth. 1,400 7,340 7.190 38.130 2,810 61,740 r. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N.. St. L.; No. Tex. N.. Dallas. 37,130 15,340 9,210 15.040 J. Park. N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am.Ex.N..Dallas; Denton Co.N..Denton, 35,620 far. & Merch. State Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kusk; Hou. N.. Hou.; 1st N., Jacksonville, 13,250 st N. and Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Weatherford. 100,000 592,000 3,788.320 125.670 2,677.040 891.640 50,890 986.430 f. City and Chase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N. Pitt.; 1st N.. Hou.; and 1st N.. Phil. 100,000 205,493 2.012,480 11,990 1.300,050 237.660 47.390 744,860 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 2nd N., Hou. ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. I'G. M. CRAIG- - - - - E. P. TUCKER- - - - - - - W. H. SMITH.......... 1. H. WHELESS I Special attenth [.Pleats tend 15« wi ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. r presentation and 25 e for Credit Reports. ®»t’09 100.000 17.610 779.580 300 491.800 104.330 106.460 W. R. Selby- - - - - - Chas. T. Boyd Eunice Bourg- - - - - S. C. Montgomery 50,000 32,740 482,480 _____ 249,930 50,910 41,000 25.000 17.670 273.610 25,250 187.540 46.750 13.660 .1436 First National Bank ___‘fOO H. B. Herd______ S. B. Bardwell ___ J. T. Herd_______ H. J. Dietrich....... iPost____ C. D. Morrel, A. C. O. L. Weakley 88-1236 Garza Dll Citizens National Bank *t’18 W. O. Stevens........ M. L. Mason____ I. L. Duckworth... P. S. Bouchier....... *125-10% 88-1706 50,000 37,000 525.000 40.000 460.000 50.000 57.000 85.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 25,000 7.020 190.700 2,500 101,970 5,040 32,370 85.840 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth. W. S. Sasser_____ R. L. Cook_____ 20.000 12.000 101.000 500 90,000 Richard Voges ___ A. H. Poth............. 30,000 10,500 Wm. Eckel______ E. L. Whitsett.__ R. J. Woellert....... W. H. Woellert.__ J. B. Dickey_____ S. J. Brown_____ A. S. Allen______ 25,000 20.000 173,000 6.000 1.250 13.850 37.350 E. B. Baltzegar.__ 30,000 16,550 95,680 Seaboard Bank & Trust Co. H. E. Brinkmann.. F. P. Wood, A J. L. Bangard $105 88-142 ®T»t§'25 .Port Lavaca .1213 H Calhoun N20 Port Neches ..2450 H Jefferson K25 B. D. Logan- - - - - - - T. E. Gregory_ _ _ T. E. Halsell, A. C. W. A. Weathers First State Bank_____ t§’09 W. R. Sells............. A. D. Gibson . *120-10% 88-502 First National Bank .©»t’20 Travis Holland— F. S. Dengler____ A. L. Brooks- - - - - A. L. Brooks. Act. *165-12% 88-1963 Poteet______1024 First State Bank-------- •tl'll 88-1425 Atascosa M16 io% Poth________ 263 Farm. & Merch.St.BondBk 88-2110 §’26 Wilson M17 *135 First National Bank .—«tT3 *150-8% 88-1535 Pottsboro____ 454 Farmers State Bank........§18 *100-8% 88-1821 Grayson B19 Powell________300 Powell State Bank----- •tl’10 *160-10% 88-1238 Navarro F20 J. O. Burke______ W. W. Carter------- AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 10,000 . __ _ 5.200 194.910 Guardian Tr. Co., Hon.; Rep. N„ Dallas. 223,380 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Hou. and St. L.; Austin N., Austin. . „ „ A 93.580 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou.; 1st N.. Port Arthur; Am. N., Beaumont. 38.300 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 88,000 12.000 16,000 20.093 12.570 13,170 70,370 27.290 18,750 108.000 N. City. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Groos N.. San Antonio. 16.620 Com’l N.. 8herman; City N.. Dallas; State N.. Denison. 25,810 Cent. N., Dallas: 1st N., Hou. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , TEXAS 1344 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codntt. ^County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E El Paso H Houston •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fl’riv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Est.ab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dl?. ®Sa». Dept President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Prairie Hill ___ 400 First State Rank........... t§’10 W. P. Alexander.. W. A. Rivers------- L. M. Alexander. Limestone G19 tno-io% 88-1239 Premont_____1024 Premont State Bank ....JIT3|t. L. Alden______ C. M. Laughlin ___ C. M. Alden____ 88-1589 H Jim Wells Q17 *195 Priddy...............170 Farmers & Merchants Bank D. A. Jeske______ 10% 88-1804 t’17 Mills G16 Princeton_____500 Citizens State’07 J. S. Heard______ Collin D20 U2a-io% 88-1240 Pritchett_____213 First State Bank_______ 112 Dan White______ *122-11% 88-1460 Upshur E23 Proctor______ 325 State Bank of Proctor —tl'07 R. W. Gray---------Comanche F16 88-1241 Prosper...____500 Continental State Bank •tl’09 H- H. Wilkinson... Collin D19 88-1242 Purdon______ 500 First National Bank____*16 E. L. Dupuy_____ Navarro F19 *150-10% 88-1701 Putnam_____ 516 Farmers State Bank__ a2S’05 C. T. Hntchison... Callahan F15 *200-20% 88-1245 iQuanah_____3691 First National Bank....•$‘07 E, B. Caskey____ Hardeman A14 *200-18% 88-800 Security National Bank.»t'17 A. P. Pierce____ *250-18% 88-301 Queen City ___ 398 Guaranty State Bank---- $1'11 W. W. Sherwin ... 88-1246 *155-10% Cass D24 Quinlan_____ 580 Quinlan National Bank ..t’25 J. C.Barrow_____ Hunt D20 *ioo 88-1615 Qultaque_____500 First National Bank------1’20 Amos Persons____ Briscoe All *200 88-1953 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws TEXAS—Continued Liabilities. ResouriRs. Loans Surplus Bond* Other Gill A ExMiscel OHAXaH.DtJB Paid-up D epos and And and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties 10,000 7,000 $ $ 30,000 28,000 3.190 32,640 8o. Tex. Com l N.. Hou.; Dallas Tr. &Sav„ Dallas:Alice State Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alice. 18.370 Coggin N. and Brooke Smith & Co., Brownwood: 1st N.. Comanche 20.020 Seab. N„ N. Y.: City N. and No. Tex. N.. Dallas. 36.150 Hou. N., Hou.: Am. Ex. N. and Mtle. N„ Dallas. 36.750 lit N., Ft. Worth: City N.. Dallas. Mrs. Ella Jeske... C. F. Jeske______ Miss Linnie Schlee 5.000 4.500 31.660 530 17,990 100 5,210 Alma Wilson------- J. W. Neal______ W. T. Hooten, Jr.. 16,000 9.750 113.560 25,950 110.580 23.950 8.710 R. S. Maberry....... J. K. Mitchell___ 22.000 9,470 50.000 38.250 1,050 C. F. Luker.—____ R. R. Evans_____ 22.500 2,730 62.230 43.080 4.300 3.350 W. R. Mathers__ U. N. Clary______ W. E. Bntton____ R. L. Horn B. Woodard-------- H. F. Chesnut....... D. C. Stanley......... 20,000 5.500 108,000 97,000 25,000 141,000 100,550 25,000 70.000 25.000 1st N., Waco; Cent. N., Dallas. 320,000 275,000 3,000 36,000 65.000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N., Galv. 96,000 1,439,000 525,300 737,400 60.120 43,550 R. L. Clinton_____ C. C. Rnssell____ W. C. Howard___ E. P. Alexander... 100.000 C. J. Meek......... .... J. S. Dearen — I. R. Hollingsworth J. H. Yeager_____ R. H. Clements — 50.000 63,300 800,000 15,000 5,760 55,940 J. M. Allen—. Claude Wilson. 25,000 1,600 90,000 20,000 75.000 Madeline Stark ... H. G. Gardiner 25,000 27,100 284,150 10,170 First National Bank.—•t’14 W. M. Lloyd-------- J. H. Ingram____ G. A. McCreight__ J. W. Dendy-------*150-10% 88-1249 Wood D22 Balls............... 1042 First National Bank....»t’16 John Haney---A. L. Winfrey....... A. L. Winfrey___ W. L. Betts______ Crosby C10 $150-10% 88-1747 E. L. Haney 50,000 27,870 286,960 440 25,000 10.000 170.770 Security State Bank & W. E. McLaughlin. J. Edd McLaughlin M. A. McLaughlin. Carl D. Lewis___ P. B. Ralls Alma Acker Trust Co.♦88-1457..T*tS' 12 60,000 20.000 330.000 223.000 20,000 2,150 60,010 75,000 19.480 100,000 Ravenna_____ 412 Ravenna State Bank — t$'08 D. W. Sweeney__ J. T. Keene-------- J. W. Palmore----- J. E. West $12% 88-1251 Fannin C 20 iRaymondvilie First National Bank -..-•'25 H. A. Bull.............. Ed. C. Raymond... R. W. Huff............. 88-2100 H Willacy Q4 415 Raymondville Bute Bk.»tl’07 C. B. Tomme____ A. A. Lindahl___ H. E. Tomme____ F. B. Wilson____ *200-8% 88-1254 Raymondville Trust Co. Tl’16 S. L. Gill_________ R. E. Harding........ S. K. Gill................ Sec. and Tr *118.75 88-1738 Reagan_____ .428 First National Bank.__*t’08 J. G. Barganier__ A. W. Flinn_____ H. Kirkpatrick__ A. P. Burke. *200-10% 88-1255 Falls H20 50,000 8,670 25,000 31,030 J. A. Clements.__ Y. A. Orr D. T. Iladen_____ J. D. Hughes C. T. Watkins___ T. C. Phillips C. M. Powell-----J. E. Ellington J. W. Whitworth. J. B. Rnssell____ Orlln Stark__ a Quitman.___1027 Randolph....... 400 Continental State BankTt§’09 H. H. Wilkinson... J. C. Queener.. *115-10% 88-1250 Fannin 020 G. E. Carpenter... Florabel Massey .. rO. D. DILLINGHAM W. W. HOUSEWRIGHT HALL WALKER- - - - - - C. B. PRUET F. G. YONKER „ , 34.000 25.000 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 18,000 300,000 7,900 First State Bank_____ tl’06 T. A. Ferris *150-10% 88-1256 First State Bank____ •t$‘07 W. J. Smith___ 88-1257 E. T. Page------Guaranty Bond State Bank tno 88-1470 iS’16 16,380 141,570 900 38,720 216,400 63,890 31,680 108,950 1,200 7.92) 87.690 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N„ Lubbock; Stk. Yds. N.. Kan. C. 80,000 125,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Amarillo; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 6,720 807.570 485,930 93.260 18.250 304,610 N. City, N. Y.;Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Mtle. N., Dallas. 12,200 827.540 349,240 50,710 539,790 Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. •’ 15.000 10,750 135,080 50.000 7,240 121,300 20,000 28,350 384,710 126,010 64,430 5,550 94.660 1,650 5,980 202,770 3,600 24,720 15,500 55,020 2.470 71,590 88,860 170 37.970 6,690 18,990 150 Han. N.. N. Y. 82,470 1st N.. Waco; Hou. N„ Hou,; U.S. N.. Galv.; Marlin N„ Marlin. 19,100 4,740 18.450 6.600 13,650 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Citiz. N.. Waxahachie. 52.42) N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am. N.. Austin. 38,800 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Texarkana N., Texar kana; City N., Dallas. E. B. Furlong. 25,000 12,430 88,920 10.000 17,640 87.440 17,000 13,660 93,380 53.560 25,000 100,000 7,500 300,000 270.000 80,000 C. Baumgartner... 85,250 Dallas Tr. & Sav. and State Tr. & Sav., Dallas: 1st N.. Bonham. 84,790 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 2d N.. Hon.: 1st N., Brownsville; City N., Corpus Christi. 200,980 Guaranty Bond State. San Antonio, 1st N„ Hou. and Brownsville. 16.060 14,390 V. O. Smith.. iRefugio______933 First National Bank......... ‘23 J. M. O’Brien....... F. B. Rooke............. B. A. Johnson. 88-1258 H Refugio 019 10,440 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 13,450 C. C. Watterson__ W. F. Mobley. R. W. Hanks . 53,280 Rep. N. and Mtle. N., Dallas. 59.290 7,750 W. S. Hazard_____ B. McGee____ F. L. Spencer .. 372,300 Han. N.. N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 453,590 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Un. N.. Hou.; Liberty N., Okla.; Am. Ex.. N„ Dallas. 13,510 Dal. N.. Dallas; State NTexarkana; 1st N., Atl. 40,000 Greenville N. Ex., Greenville; Cent. N„ Dallas. 165,230 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Amarillo and Plainview; Drov. N.. Kan. C. 5,070 49,630 < Modern Equip ment. Excellent Facilities, Efilcle nt Service. TRY US. »t§ 25 ) Special attentio n given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. L.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor is. BANK Range State Bank.__»t§’22 M. A. Hagaman._ S. A. Lillard, Jr... Edwin George, Jr.. B. T. Neilson. T. V. Terrell *120-10% 88-2046 Red Oak.__ ..500 Ellis E19 Red Rock_____315 H Bastrop K18 Red water____319 Bowie C24 10,000 Citiz. N„ Waco.: 1st N.. Cooledge. 11,160 11,000 45,440 4,000 $ 10,000 25.000 Banger____ 16,205 CITIZENS STATE 88-2107 Eastland E16 io% $ 57,500 Han. N., N. Y.: So. Tex. Gom'l N., and Victoria N. Hou. ™e AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Solicits Your Business 1345 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. * County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. EElPaso HHouston •Mem. A.B. A. n-New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sat. Dept. Reinhardt_____ 200 Reinhardt State Bank tl’lB Dallas D19 *120 88-1468 Reklaw. . 25 Citizens State Bank ....iS'21 fl Cherokee F22 88-1800 (Formerly Citizens Guaranty Renner________ 200 Renner State Bank tl'13 Collin DIO 88-1544 (Formerly Guaranty State Ba Rhome dir. First National Ranlr Wise D18 *137-10% 88-1250 Rice. ___ fin First National Bank____ t’20 Navarro F20 *126 88-1040 *• | M Hirst State Rank'02 10% ♦ 88-1260 Richards______ 500 Richards State rank__ •tf’ll *200-10% 88-1427 H Grimes J 21 Richardson.__750 Citizens State Bank ..•tl'04 Dallas D19 *150-10% ♦ 88-1261 Navarro G20 Richland Sp’gs200 San Saba HI5 ^Richmond 1273 H Ft.Bend L22 Ridgeway_ _ _ 250 Hopkins D21 Riesel 5fi7 Montague B17 *Riogranae___3035 H Starr Q2 “ ------- “ 88-2076 First 8tate Bank_.......... •tJ’00 *225-25% ♦ 88-1262 First State Bank_______ •t§*09 88-1548 First National Bank____<13 $200-8% 88-1552 Fort Bend National Bank 88-2094 <24 Ridgeway State Bank—1§’20 *160-10% 88-1889 First State Bank_______ tl’OC 88-804 Ringgold State Bank_ _ il’05 *120-10% 88-1265 First National Bank —<20 tioo 88-1922 President. Vice-President. State Bank) $ 3.600 1 56.000 2.200 35.390 12,500 3.000 27,000 $ 25.000 28,000 1 14,000 5 24.760 15.040 6.000 34,000 16,000 9,600 $ 7.000 Rep. N., Dallas: Far. N., Plano. 10,880 1st N., Ft. Worth and Decatur. 114.280 145.750 1,000 5.450 W. A. Stockard___ 3,380 59,700 56.430 850 14,800 J. B. Bradley............ A. C. Hervey______ J. B. Fortson M. A. Hamilton___ T P Witt J. D. Bookman ____ 50,000 4.500 131.000 130.000 300 23.930 12,500 17.500 135.000 45.000 9.280 20.720 173,160 1,200 25.660 121,920 25,840 12.510 153,340 55,850 24,890 148,080 10,000 20,200 304.120 310,550 ___ J. R. Chambers.__ 35,000 7,550 30,000 35.160 263.220 25.000 25.000 268,400 30.000 6,560 183,160 Hettie O. Nordhausen Clyde Johnson___ Robt. H. Schulze .. 50,000 69.620 697.630 25,000 490 105.000 fj «J Prim W. Gerald Prim... 15,000 11.620 185.560 O. A. Barton______ 40.000 10.440 283.190 S. J. McFarland___ C. B. Chick................ Barton Lawson.__ Miss Odell Christie B. B. Mnnsey. W. H. Gibbons___ J. R. Farmer______ D. R. Peareson.__ W. C. McDaniel... W.C. Pearce P. D. Williams.... T, R Mlllor E. B. Prather, Act. A. E. Myers, Act. L. fi. Davis............... F. H. Miller.............. ■1. C. Mayes E. W. Punchard... L. C. Holze_ _ _ _ Cland L. Gass_ _ _ R. D. Hamilton_ _ A. M. K. Bass_ ___ F W E. Tyler D. E. JONES_ _ _ _ _ c. f. Falls F | nilFFtRA p IHJFRRA J. A. GARZA ___ 194,490 20.000 5.000 90.000 25.000 1,100 99.550 50,000 30.220 550.670 1,750 5,350 37,900 4.000 10,000 6.030 4.890 84.800 23.000 D. S. N„ Galv. 7.500 7.800 L. R. Douglas Principal Correspondents. 12.780 Citiz. State, Rusk; Rep. N., Dallas; 2d N.. Hou. 25,000 Rising Star___906 Continental State Bank H. H. Wilkinson.. Eastland F15 *150-20% 88-840 <§’09 j H.W. KUTEMAN, Jr. « .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK <05 ( Special attenti Save time and 10% 88-889 ( FEE IN ADVAN 9.440 State N.. Corsicana; Far. State, Ennis. 31,260 Union N.. Hon.; Rep. N., Dallas. 90.000 2d N., Hon.; U. S. N., Galv. 38.760 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L.; Mtle. N. and N. Bk- Com., Dallas. 168,110 1st N., Corsicana; City N., Dallas. 94,540 Han. N.. N. Y.: Rep. N.. Dallas; State N.. Corsicana; 1st N.. Hou. 41,440 Liberty N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 234,450 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Hon. and 8t L.; U. S. N.. Galv. 40,800 U. S. N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 136.500 Greenville N. Ex., Greenville; Republic N.. Dallas. 100,750 Seab. N., N. Y.: U. S. N., Galv.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Citiz. N., Waco. 63,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 54.910 16.870 3,910 195,340 21,590 25.950 52.000 20.000 72,310 12,180 7,200 43,870 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Browns ville; City N., San Antonio. 309.490 5.570 103.390 212.430 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Hou.: 1st N., Brownsville; City N.. San Antonio. 66.000 5.000 44.000 Tex. State Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 33.220 11,920 ______ ding drafts and c ash items. ileciions and ere dlt reports by sen ding drafts, 15c; Credl t reports, 25c. Tr y us. .... F. V. Tnnnell____ C. R. Tyler______ C, F. PALIS RAY LANDRETH_ _ _ 20,000 2.900 90.000 25,000 9.449 72.500 28,000 4.880 690.390 278.900 184.560 33.580 226.230 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 12.540 469.930 175.840 85.090 28.020 218.520 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 8.300 51.900 25,000 3.000 61.800 Tex. N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas. on given BUI of Lading Drafts an d Cash Items. get service on Co Uections and Cred It Reports by send Ing CEs Plain tight draftt. ISc; Crm d it Raportt. SOc. TRY U S. Mrs. H. B. Yelver- T. A. Kelly, Jr. ... John Yelverton ... ton H. H. Wdkinson.-. W. H. Seagraves... B. T. Hambright.. Kathryn HamJ. G.Wilkinson, Ch. bright Ira Womack_____ P. Chandler Fred Roe ___ _. D. R. Campbell____ Paul J. Brown___ John S ml F. M. Stubbs_______ W. A. Cannon____ A. C. Rylander W. C. Sparks Waller Eschberger Morris Gouger ____ Talmage Williams. W. H. Daimwood .. Wm. Baner, Jr. ... A. E. Russ___________ A. P. VanHorn ____ First State Bank_________ »tS’16 W. W. Barron______ H. J. Hadderton... 150-10% ♦ 88-1714 F. H. Parker AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Miscel Oabm h Exther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and auim,Dn and Capital Profits its Diacounta 8eeuritia8 laneous from Bim ties W. P. Yarbrough _ nk) W. T. Waggoner___ Rio Hondo .... 510 Arroyo State Bank___ *t§’25 B. M. Holland___ J. W. Porter H Cameron Q5 8 8 20 99 Riovista . 513 First State Bank.............§’20 C. H. Coffman___ Ed. Ball Johnson 118 *uo-io% 88-2009 Fisher E12 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. E. C. Hart........... . R. W. Ueckert ___ C. N. Riggs______ D. Riggs_________ $ 15,000 $ Era Hale 15.000 B. B. Perkins------- J. C. Shankles___ r H. P. GUERRA -... M. GUERRA. JR. . . . . . . JUAN HINOJOSA Fm?aTYE,“'‘« < Special attenti on given ulll of la ) Save time and get service on co *100-8% 88-1266 L“Fee in Advanc e”. Plain slgbt Riverside_____"20C Riverside State’13 H Walker I 22 *150-10% 88-1589 Continental State Bank _t§’09 Denton D18 *250-50% 88-1269 Roaring Sp’gs 300 First State Bank...........»t§’14 Motley Bll ♦ 88-1674 ^Robert Lee . 815 *150-10% 88-1270 Coke G12 First National Bank ____ <24 H Nueces P18 *uo 88—2n81 Gouger National Bank _<!0 *125-10% 88-1271 II «4 State National Bank —.<13 *220 88-1590 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued J. Y. Gray___________ C. A. Parker PROMPTLY HANDLEO BY 20,000 10.000 2.000 48,000 25.000 7.930 115,890 30,000 22,770 730 26,940 2,440 29,000 12.000 19.000 Cont N.. Ft- Worth. 33,350 33.240 1st N„ Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas. 89.970 1,200 300,880 105,960 11,650 3,300 12,820 ___ 50.000 8,940 100.000 16.550 200.000 189,690 50,000 3,000 300,000 200,000 50.000 38,000 500.000 40.000 12,300 275.000 20,000 68,000 215.000 261.870 4,970 24.610 51,560 City N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou. 230,790 Han.N..N.Y.;2d N., Hou.: San AngeloN., San Angelo. 109,050 City N., Galv. and Corpus Christi; State N-. Hou. Alamo N.. San Antonio. 103,000 Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi; 1st N.. Hou. 325.000 Chem. N.. N. Y., 2d N.. Hou.: State N., Corpus Christi; Alamo N., San Antonio. 52,870 Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N.. Fort Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK , ^Texas' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -LJDirectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.rtNew § State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. *County Seats. In No.ll F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E ElPaso H Houston $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sar. Dept. Liabilities. President. Rochelle_____ 515 Rochelle National Bank .t’10 S. H. Gainer. McCulloch H14 *150-10% 88-822 Vice-President. CASH1£R. Ass’t Cashier. R. Moseley........... O. E. Rice_______ Loans Bonds Miscel Other Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and and iabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 150,000 $ Rochester____ 410 First State Bank...........*tS'07 R. C. Couch_____ G. R. Couch......... Haskell D13 *175-15% ♦ 88-1273 L. M. Kay I. B. Loe_________ R. E. Reising____ J. L. Cooper 25,000 8,960 207.330 Rockdale........2323 CITIZENS STATE BANK*iS’12 H. C. Meyer. Milam J19 *135-10% 88-1484 W. T. Ramsel____ P. H. McCawley... 30,000 10,890 143,020 75,000 22.570 242.380 .. 50.000 23,800 245.380 iRockport ___1545 First National Bank _._.»t'90 Cyrus B. Lucas .... F. W. Heldenfels. A. C. Glass______ H Aransas P19 *125 88-594 Fred A. Bracht Travis Johnson tRocksprings _ 1000 First National Bank ....•t’19 T. B. Phillips____ A. B. Carson____ L. R. Smart_____ Edwards K13 88-1930 Walker Ragsdale First State Bank........... •J|’07 W. J. Greer_____ J. L. Greer_____ M. O. Grooms____ W. B. Singleton... *115-10% 88-1275 25,000 20,600 148.000 35,000 4,680 120,200 50,000 15,000 230,000 50,000 Ira Perry. First National Bank... »t’90 J. W. Garner____ J. F. Coffield, Jr.._ C. R.Isaacs . *125 88-398 W. C. Marrs_____ Rockdale State Bank..»t§’07 H. H. Camp______ Gust. Backhaus, Sr. L. W. Sledge____ J. T. Hale___ *110-10% 88-399 T. B. Ryan ^Rockwall ....1388 Farmers National Bank.»t’06 Rockwall D20 88-672 Security State Bank...»tS’13 *150-10% ♦ 88-1570 Rogers______ 1256 First National Bank____•t'Ol Bell 118 88-625 Rogers State Bank........»t8’07 88-626 Ropesville__ 500 First State Bank______ §’24 Hockley C9 88-2088 Roscoe______ 1075 First National Bank_.._t’20 Nolan E12 88-1979 Roscoe State Bank.__ *t§’06 *175-20% 88-748 Rosebud_____1516 First National Bank.. .«:t 1900 *215-10% 88-567 Falls 119 Planters National Bank..t’06 *100-20% 88-568 Rosebud State Bank...»t§’10 5% 88-669 Rosenberg___1275 First National Bank___*t’25 88-2072 H Fort Bend L21 *H4 Rosenberg State Bank.»t§’09 88-658 Rotan_______ 1000 First National Bank........»t’07 Fisher D12 *150 88-675 Farmers State Bank...*t§'20 88-1978 RoundTop State Bank..t§’12 *130-6% 88-1489 First National Bank____J'08 *175-12% 88-1277 First National Bank_____'09 88-1852 First National Bank........«t’01 *195 88-792 15,000 $ 90,000 $ 7.000 $ 67,700 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. 145.180 — 44.130 149.260 7,680 6.850 20,110 Seab. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.: Hou. N„ Hou.; Mtle. N„ Dallas. 246.700 25,950 24,340 61,720 Chase N., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou,; Austin N., Austin; Dallas N., Dallas. 238.890 9,030 4.540 66,720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou. N., Hou.: Citiz. State, Austin. 25,000 127.000 35.700 18.800 37.100 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; Alamo N.. San Antonio; City N., Corpus Christi. 32,620 148.620 3,750 18.810 200,000 10,000 21,320 City N., San Antonio; Am. N., Austin; Chas. Schreener, Kerrville. 45.000 Chase N..N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Am. N., Austin. 40,220 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N. and No. Tex. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 44.770 Seab. N., N. Y.; Dallas N., Dallas. 15.720 18,750 16,670 205.890 132,700 187.680 135,210 42,140 21,940 204,350 34,020 202,280 46,160 17,110 50.000 37,280 431,990 493.950 M. V. Baugh_____ W. P. Baugh_____ R. E. Guess.. 50,000 9.500 220.000 203.000 25,000 4,710 142,820 93.000 980 5,680 25,000 4,630 74,340 47,710 26,810 17,410 S. B. Pierson_____ R. T. Dopson____ S. R. LaRue______ W. L. Ellwood P. E. Harkins—__ E. A. Costephens.. R. E. Gracey____ FROM BANK8 40,000 1st N„ Ft. Worth. 50,000 Loraine Hendrick. Cash A Ex change,Due 63,000 $ H. A. Peck............. M. H. McKoy____ J. O. Wallace____ J. L. Briggs L. H. Chisholm Chas. J. Walker__ A. L. Atkins____ H, B. Lolland____ J. A. Underwood-. J. R. Dumas W. B. Thomas___ J. W. Bigham___ R. B. McElroy___ 129,310 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; CityN., Dallas; 1st N., Hou. 40.000 N. City. N. Y.; Mtle. N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com 1 N., Hou. 72.870 1st N., Ft. Worth; Haskell N., Haskell; Citiz. N. and 1st N., Lubbock. 12,030 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N., Sweetwater. T. M. Dobbins___ W. D. Haney____ J. W. Young A. M. Ocker........... Ozier Eisley____ N. E. Stockton___ V. D. Nicholson... Sol. Cruvand, V.P, N. E. Stockton J. A. Tarver_____ S. G. Henslee____ E. A. Donaldson... 30.000 30,000 500,740 2,650 269,170 2,650 10,720 50.000 50.000 253,270 40,000 171.210 50.400 41.000 50,000 69.240 263,470 12,200 270.610 12.500 6.620 A. N. Green. P. H. Reichert.... G. E. Wiley______ 50.000 17,560 179,510 35.880 203.680 2,450 21,400 A. W. Miller____ J. W. Weeks____ J. E. Junker. ___ E. H. Walenta___ A.Robinowitz. V.P. F. A. Schawe D. W. Schuech ___ F. L. Tiller______ R. J. Stenan . . F. W. Schawe___ 25,000 3,000 230.000 63.000 140.000 40,000 30,000 465,110 38,550 398,900 8,460 55,500 50.000 15,000 250.000 200,000 20,000 20,000 Guy Patterson....... H. T. Fillingim ___ 25,000 14,580 350.950 9.020 251.030 5.840 46.310 96.370 Ft. Worth. N., Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas. 1st N.. Stamford. S. W. Cheeves E. E. Green W. W. Barron___ O. B. Norman, Act. J. H. Kennedy.__ Chas. G. Hogsett.. R. C. Couch, Ch. J. V. Heliums Rotan State Bank____ »J§'15 J. E. Kennedy. 88-1697 Round Rock...900 Williamson J18 Round Top ___ 150 H Fayette R19 Rowena______ 345 Runnels G13 Rowlett______ 100 Dallas D19 Roxton_____ ..641 Lamar C21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. TEX A S—Continued T. E. Nelson ___ Roy Riddel. 270,850 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N.. Dallas. 130,660 Seab. N.. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas. 105.170 Chem. N., N. Y.: Union N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 55,420 N.City, N. Y.. Liberty N., Waco; 2d N., Hou.: Rep. N., Dallas. 55.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; City N., Dallas: Un. N.. Hou. 106,810 So. Tex. Com’l N. and 1st N., Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv.; Am. N., Dallas; 1st N.. St. L. 75.000 1st N.t Ft. Worth; Republic N., Dallas. W. G. Weber____ G. R. LuDdelius... A. W. Klattenhoff. J. L. Nelson E. L. Fricke_____ 25.000 12.990 252,420 18.450 119.560 54,360 8.520 Fred Fricke___ H. A. Dippel. 16,000 6,270 48.690 7,350 26,730 24,400 8,100 126.430 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Am. N. and Austin N., Austin. 16.280 So. Tex. Com’l N. and 1st N., Hou. H. B. Halfmann. C. R. Roesler____ E. J. Cervenka ___ 35,000 22,500 350,000 300,000 1.400 W. A. Maupin.__ J. W. Kirby_____ L. R. Guthrie____ 23,000 8,520 269,170 6,900 64,790 7,400 14,280 104.600 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Galv.; Rep. N., Dallas. 213,120 N.Bk. Com., Mtle. N. and Cent. N., Dallas. C. R. Caldwell... R. S. Bywaters.__ Gibbons Poteet.... C. L. Cunningham. T. W. Watson W. M. Bludworth 30,000 34.570 273,640 63.430 243.310 28,080 34,450 Royse City___1289 First National Bank__ ©t’0? J. D. Miller____ Rockwall D20 *120-12% 88-638 First StateBank-------- «tS’09 W. H. Adams.__ *150-12% ♦ 88-639 J. C. White, Active Mack Sorrells____ F. I. Webb............. 50.0CO 17,650 292.890 12,500 170.320 12,500 27,890 167,430 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Waco. A. A. Reese_____ J. H. Parker_____ C. B. Terrell 50,000 36,250 360,250 133,990 70.920 58,180 183,410 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L. *130-10% 95.730 N. Park. N. Y.; Dallas N.. Dallas. Ihe AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Q4.7 t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County *County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E ElPaso H Houston •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sar. DepL President Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and AND and Capital Profits its Discount! Securities laneous ties Ass’t Cashier. G. H. Hall . ---- — $100-10% ♦ 88-527 25,240 160.970 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 300,000 170 101,820 105.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Alamo N., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com'l N.. Hou. 310.000 180.000 52,000 39.500 96.000 Hou. N.. Hon.; Rep N., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. 408.980 193.120 8,500 43.000 227.050 Union N., Hou.; Dallas N. and Rep. N.. Dallas. 243,840 61,550 34,740 56,160 Frost N.,San Antonio. 41,000 49,750 60.950 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 9,400 245.800 $ La Rue Lyons___ E. G. Gerhardt 50,000 6.500 450,000 T. H. Cobble_____ E. R. Gregg______ A. R. Odom. Jr.... E. R. Gregg 50,000 7.500 12.700 50,000 rW. T. NORMAN___ A. FORD—.............. E. B.MUSICK.... ........ J. L. SUMMERS T»t§'07 ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, SOc. TRY U s. ‘Busk...............2348 Citizens State Bank...»t§’20 88-1939 H Cherokee G22 $112-10% E. L. Gregg, Ch. Sabinal 1458 Sabinal National Bank..*t’05 H. P. Stone . Uvalde M14 88-516 Geo. A. Kennedy.. Hubert G. Peters ~ A. R. Racer______ Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Cent. State, Dallas. 101.430 $ 31,140 30,000 Bunge.............1070 Runge State Bank —.•tl'25 W. R. Lokoy......... M. A. Ryan............ 88-1416 H Karnes N18 *105-10% tO First National Bank___ •J’06 R. W. Cole______ F,. .T. Cloud $ns 88-1280 G. W. May $ 56,900 Dui O O v AU.AyU Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes, from Banks W Rule 890 Farmers State Bank.__t§’17 Haskell D13 $100 88-1752 •• _____ •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXA S—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 33,600 112,280 100.000 2,180 181,830 40,000 1.650 254.720 144,670 Sacul_________700 Sacul Guaranty State Bk. Arkan Crawford... R. O. Treadway... R. M. Pace.............. 88-1536 ti’18 H Nacogdoches G22 10.000 1,500 36.000 24.970 Sadler. d?n First State Bank. Grayson B19 $100 88-1281 15.000 2,620 67,070 6,600 52,120 110 27,210 11.850 Citiz. State, Denison; Com’l N., Sherman. 12.500 6,270 150,520 2.940 84,650 1,200 24,580 61.800 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 25,000 9.600 176,650 13.210 113.600 9.660 7.000 94,200 1st N., Wichita Falls and Ft. Worth; Lind say N. and 1st N., Gainesville. 30,000 40,000 300.000 30,000 140,000 50.000 25.000 600 40,000 30,000 500,000 338.650 2.666.700 525.000 2.248.220 527.500 145.450 1.109.190 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: 1st N. and Merch. N., Bos. 250.000 198,340 1,419.890 160.220 1.094,400 319,360 100.830 513.850 Han. N..N.Y.; Cont. & Com’lN.. Chi.; Atl. N., Bos.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 642.000 22.550 146,450 102.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Rep. N.. Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 36.000 2,270,840 36,200 164,380 1,348,380 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Dallas N., Dallas. Sabinal State Bank__ »tl’25 Ed Bell—............... C. P. Wood___ sioo 88-617 W. O. Woodley. Jr. K. K. Woodley V. P. B. W. Hillis. tl’ll Dexter Spalding... C. D. Terry......... . C. L. Spalding___ C. W. Atkins_____ R. E. Dennard Sagerton_____ 425 Continental State Bank‘tl’07 G. R. Couch_____ F. W.Stegemoeller $150-20% 88-1282 Haskell D13 Saint Jo_ QX5 Citizens National Bank..«t’06 Jas. R. Wiley $125 88-770 Montague C18 S. H. Camp * Geo. D. Pedigo___ First National Bank ..._«t’92 H. D. Field______ S. M. King______ Joe BoweTS______ G. A. Wright____ 88-769 Saltillo 400 First State Bank______ tl'll George Moyer___ P. 1). Henry . _ *100 88-1416 Hopkins D22 J. H. Whitten ‘San Angelo.10,050 Tom Green H12 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK W.C. BLANKS --— L.L. FARR, Act....... O.C. CARTWRIGHT CLAUDE GIBBS, Jr. L. L. FARR, J.M. SHANNON Ch. of Bd. W.C. JOHNSON FIRST NATIONAL BANK fGEORGE E. WEBB- R.P. AMACKER........ C. R. HALLHARK_ _ C. A. BROOME } Correspondenc e invited, (.Prompt attenti on given outside business. $180-10% ***““““ Whitley Reed___ 88-90 88-87 ©T»t’82 .. .. 88-92 ®»t§’20 j h JORDAN C.T. Westmoreland SI. L. Mertz_____ C. W. Hobbs_____ 9. O'Bannon____ L. T). Thorn San Angelo National Bank R. A. Hall A. B. deMontmoI88-88 ©T‘t’84 lin ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 ■ ■ ■ n 1 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50.000 100.000 31.500 795.770 399.590 3.284.210 ■■■■■■■ asssssi 35.000 210.000 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas: 1st N., Hou.: Lindsay N.. Gainesville; Sec. N.. Wichita Falls. 10.000 1st N., Sulphur Spgs.; No. Tex. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N.. Mt. Vernon. Solleotlena a specialty. Prompt attention to all banking matters. ©T<’07 We want your business. Correspondenoe invited. GUARANTY BOND STATE BK. T. N. Robbins____ Wm. Schneemann. Karl H. Word....... $175-10% 31,570 Stone Ft. N.. Nacogdoches; 1st State, Jack sonville. ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, Texas’ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 QAQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers’ Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew fState+Prlr. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Alamo National Bank 1170-10% 30-2 Ass’t Cashier. $ 1.000,000 $ COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Chas. Gildemeisteri 1 'CITY NATIONAL BANK 30-1 'COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 30-13 Carl Gildemeister. 30-16 Bank_____ 30-69_______ G. B. Taliaferro— L. J. Hart |M. H. Wier, V.P. J. B. Herff Snmarms laneous Rssouboes 237.500 $ Principal correspondents. Cash k Ex- cba*qm,Dttb from Baku 459.320 13.334,770 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.$ 1st N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N. and 1st N., St. L. 8.470 24,960 51.590 3.498.050 252,240 2.243.310 1.000.000 299.290 0.977.620 1,126.200 100,000 67,660 1,316.040 14,620 36.990 3,349,350 585.000 (.Savings and Trust Business only) 160 577.640 784.170 6,070 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 396,770! 3ab. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Ch San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hon. 6.546.740 2.237.500 1.299.370 2.319.490 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Los A* 64.850 Com’l N., San Antonio. 21,080 106.840 1.550.120 1,877.170 242.140 501.010 Seab. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Cbl.; 42.000 2,274,820 138.650 241.740 813,570 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.; Mtle.N. 648.900 11,762.240 345,480 8,084,110 1.652.540 1.177,440 2.842,530 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 250,000 162,800 1,909.700 160,100 1,438.900 227,500 107.500 708.700 Han. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Ohi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; S. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 200.000 199.310 5.095.290 6.000 4.141.930 279.590 306.510 772.580 Seab. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. 1.305.560 G. B. TALIAFERRO--CHAS.BAUHBERGEB,Sr. E.A.BAETZ........... A. B. CROWTHER—Z. D. BONNER, Active 200.000 WE OFFER EVERY MODERN FACILITY FOR CARING FOR YOUR BUSINESS W. R. Wiseman T. N. Smith Hugo Kott (See South Antonio) T. H, Jarrell T. N. Smith, Sec. and Tr. T. H. Dennis Luz C. Rohalin- 300,000 142.530 2.984.250 Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; City N., Dallas. Dallas. (Branch of Dallas, Texas) G. 0. CAMPBELL.........d. R. WEBB---------- A. P. VILLARET........... J. N. ASTIN------------R. L. TAYLOR, W. T. SMITH J. M. GILL Ch. of Bd. w. A. WILLIAMS 1.0.1 McCASKILL F. G. 1SILVEY 30-15 22,230 200.000 (Trust) 'GUARANTY BOND STATE BANK ®T»t S SEEDI SPLAY A DVERTIS EMENT Try Us. L. C. Deardorff. Tr. Thos. J. Hart, Sec. f *190-10% Discounts and CORRESPONDENCE INVITED ON ANY MATTER. EFFICIENT ORGANIZATION—PROMPT ATTENTION. 80-8 SO-fl and 37.000 $ 6.344.690 1 W. R. KING.............. W. W. COLLIER---------- A. G. ENGELKE---------- D. A. SAFFARRANS FREDERICK TERRELL, J. H. HAILE R. 6. BARBECK. MARYlN CARLE Ch. of Bd. A. H. PIPER Aee’t to Pres. W. M. YATER, H. M. HART Auditor J. H. Frost —........... N. Mcllhenny____ Frank V. Pancoast R. C. Smith______ L. L. Lentz T. C. Frost. Ch. John Frost. V. P. G. J. Pancoast A. W.GUENTHER— CHAS. DEUSSEN____ A, GR00S Ekc’ePlen t'Vaciilt ies for handling y our San Antonio items. ) Prompt service on collections, (.Correspondence given attention b y an officer. *F ROST NATIONAL BANK *220-10% 391.860 $ 8,947.430 $ 5,000 H. H. Rogers_____ D. Ansley....... ......... J. E. Young. Sec.... B. A. Bond, A. Sec. R.L.Dalton.A.y.P. R. E. Porter, A. F. Barnes ®»t’ ‘mnuuLWr *185-4% Loans Our superior facilities Satisfaction Guaranteed. Commercial Loan & Tr. Co. *1*8-8% 0T519 *140-8% Resources. Miscel Bonds i ERNEST STEVES— J. B. MARTINDALE TH0S. R. LENTZ - W. C.HERPEL------6. A. C. HALFF L. A. ELMEND0RF OTTO MEERSCHEIDT, Active H. A. SMITH ERNEST L. BROWN, Active A. Sec. *142-8% Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties guarantee satisfactory service. TEST THERA. 30-63 30-64 Cashier. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ®T«t’91 Central Trust Company 1130-8% President. SAN ANTONIO (Bexar, L 16) County Seat (Federal Reserve District No. 11) Pop. 198,069—Reserve City 1,000,000 : SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS BY AN <OFFICER OF THIS BANK. REMITTANCES MADE PROMPTI,Y. 1 on next page) Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. and ForemanN., Chi.; IstN., Hou.and St.L.; Mtle. N., Dallas; U. S. N., Galv. ! Ijjg AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Solicits Your Business bTTTfl if) lv Syj C| irtiwi KVTTy f National Bank of Commerce SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS JOHN KING BERETTA R. L. BALL, Chairman PRESIDENT CHARLES SCHREINER R. D. BARCLAY JOHN M. BENNETT VICE-PRESIDENT J. P. BARCLAY SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT UsSm” ii* md 1 Uphill t * ■> * * j A. V. CAMPBELL CASHIER S. R. KNIGHT ASSISTANT CASHIER Total Resources over $6,500,000.00 This institution is ever ready to co-operate with you in your Texas Banking especially well equipped to give you prompt service on your Southwest Ti Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Established i8gi Capital and Surplus ALAMO NATIONAL BANK $1,250,000.00 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Prompt and careful attention given all business entrusted to us. Our collection facilities are unexcelled. Officers Directors ERNEST STEVES, President J. B. MARTINDALE, Vice-President G. A. C. HALFF, Vice-President OTTO MEERSCHEIDT, Active Vice-President ERNEST L. BROWN, Active Vice-President THOS. R. LENTZ, Cashier LOUIS A. ELMENDORF, Asst. Cashier W. C. HERPEL, Asst. Cashier H. A. SMITH, Asst. Cashier ERNEST STEVES J. B. MARTINDALE G. A. C. HALFF JOSEPH COURAND GEORGE C. VAUGHAN C. C. GIBBS OTTO MEERSCHEIDT WM. GREEN, Shiner,Texas ERNEST L. BROWN Designated General Depository United States Government Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Q4Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. oMem.A.B.A.tiNew SStatefPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %D1t, ® Sat, Dept. ‘LOCKWOOD NATIONAL BANK 1315-15% 80-7 W65 President. VlCE-PRESlhENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SAN ANTONIO—Continued (Federal Reserve District No. 11) Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Propits Deposits Liabili ties Ass’t Cashier. • RESOURCES. Loans BONDS AND and Discounts Securities Principal Correspondents. MISCEL Cajh k Ex LANEOUS change, Dux Resources from Banks JOSEPH MUIR______N. FREEBORN----------T. V. MULLER- A. H. MUIR________ % 200.000 $ 390.650 % 2.558.380 $ 105.550 S1.607.01q $ 593.650 $ 189.030 $ 864.890 Chem. N., Am. Lx. Irv. Tr. Co., and Bankers Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’] N„ Chi.; 1st N., L. A. SCHREINER. E. W. RICHARDSON A. H. MUIRSt. L.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., V. P. J. M. GADDIS Tr. Officer SPEC IAL A TTEN TION PAID TO TH E Pitt. Tourists' and visitors' accounts solicited. COLL ECTIO N OF COM MERC IAL D RAFT s. CONVENIENT TO HOTELS. Merchants ft Mechanics Bank L. B. Randall____ J. W. Spencer___ E. R. Cavenangh .. 1310-15% 30-56 "NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 8% 10-11 ©M’OS Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. J. K. BERETTA------ R. D. BARCLAY.—A. V. CAMPBELL— S. R. KNIGHT-------J. P. BARCLAY 600.000 YOUR BANKING BUSINESS INV ITED. 333.790 5.670.650 613.730 4.688.870 640.050 334.150 1.555.100 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.( Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.; Chi. 1st N., St. L. and Kan. C. S EE DISP LAY AD VERTIS EM ENT. REFER YO UR COLLECTION ITEMS 1 0 US FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. *D. ft A. Oppenheimer„.»tt’58 (Henry. Jesse D. and Adelaide Opne nheimer, Partners) 80-10 (226 W. Commerce) Sam Houston State Bank & W. S. Scott______ J.E. Brinkmeyer J. E. Brinkmeyer — C. G. Colesworthy. 1125-8% Trust Co..30-65 T«t§’20 100,000 25,000 San Antonio Joint stock Land Wm. B. Lupe____ T. C. Frost______ J. Locke, Tr............ J. M. Reed, Sec.... Bank 8%.__30-68.................’ll 1.200.000 128.530 Geo. R. List, San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. W. L. Herff_______ Wm. Eifler_______ R. S. Springall, Auditor Sec. and Tr. 30-62 ©T<*’8; L. G. Denman, Ch. 260.000 301.300 San Antonio Morris Plan Co__ G. C. Vaughan------ Edwin Chamberlain Rex Logan. Sec. and Tr. E. A. Holmgrebn 30-71 ®«t’18 H. Partee, V. P. W. S. Hendrick. (227 W. Commerce St.) 100,000 50.000 500.000 182.590 $140-7% 360,000 400,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N.. Ohi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 95,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; City N. and Frost N., San Antonio. 70,000 15.376.060 (Territory .Texas an d Oklaho ma) 5.752.000 Tr. Fds. 370.700 5.590.000 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; Frost N., San Ant. 350.000 390.000 354,000 N. City, N. Y.; San Antonio N.. San Antonio. ( Without banking or discount privileges) Alamo N., San Antonio. Act. 'SAN ANTONIO WM. NATIONAL BANK•*'66 ao-51 L. HERFF............. T. 0. ANDERSON-— T. D. ANDERSON-— WAIT A. RAMSEY____ WM. EIFLER B. E. SCHOLL 2.076.420 393.600 1.469.510 564.190 153.860 965.290 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N.Bk. Com., St. L.; 75.920 34.460 7,740 29.100 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom.. San Antonio, Standard Trust Co....... -®Tt’12 J. M. Bennett------- E. B. Carruth____ James Anderson. O. T. Hallidar.A.S. 50,000 35.080 62.150 Sec. and Tr. 80-65 (Farm Mortgage Bankin 0) *D. Sullivan ft Co.____ ..•tuts D. J. Sullivan.. „ 30-6 George Armhrust. N. City and Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; C. &C. N..Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co. and Boatmens N., St. L.; Hibernian Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. THE KFRR W. D. HOODW. J. WALTHALL C. H. F0LBRE H. M. COMPTON MISS ANNE HARRIS ‘TEXAS STATE BANK L.H.H.A. ROGERS, JNO. L. CLEM, Jr. We have correspondents and special facilities throughout the Republic of Mexico for promptly handling business of every character. & TRUST CO. .................... — ........... .. Ch. of Bd. $125-8% 30-62 ©T*t5’20 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. IMMEDIATE PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN EVERY BANKING TRANSACTION SENT US. 300.000 44.660 2.859.480 5.850 1,989.730 263.520 81.050 875.680 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Mtle. N., Dallas. TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS A SPECIALTY. 8an Antonio Clearing House.. Otto Meerscheidt. F. C. Groos_________ T. G.Leighton, Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a*) ...................................minmnimii AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ™°“££Vby THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN, VAVa 1350 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Name of Banker. Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, Year Established. E.B. CHANDLER & GO. Established 1883 (106 E. Crockett) J. E. JARRATT CO. (Frost Nat. Bk. Bldg.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SAN ANTONIO—Continued *tT12 nTO,™pa CORRESPONDENTS AND uiritEKs. Bank Depositories. E. C. Tarrant Guy S. McFarland ) „ S. L. Stumberg j Partners MORTGAGE LOANS. Members Mortgage Bankers Association of America Loans on farms and ranches and San Antonio business property. Sell first mortgages and real estate notes. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. ilMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Established. Gus. J. Groos THOMAS G. LEIGHTON Est. 1910. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. oppipers officers. Handles New York Stock Exchancre ana and an all local local bxcnange J*and B. Colgate Co., Antonio. N. Y.: Alamo N. Groos N&> San securities. Not Inc. The oldest investment house in San Antonio. Investment Bankers. Guaranty Trust Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Municipal, Corporation and AntonfoX N^an/fi. Public Utility Bonds. N . Dallas. CITY, FARM AND RANCH LOANS. <£“ e£ - Members of A. B. A., Texas Bankers Ass’n, Investment Bankers Ass’n of America. TEXAS—Continued Town and County. *County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. EElPasoH Houston. .San Augustine San Aug. G24 1268 .. «• San Benito__5uVu H Cameron R5 •4 . . . Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Bonds Loans President. Vice-President. MiscelCASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Subplus Depos- Other ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. and and AND Capital Pbofitb ITS Discounts Securities $ Last Sale %Dlv. ® Bar. Dept. TIES COMMERCIAL STATE BANK E. H. Blount............ N. G. Roberts........ T. I. Mathews........ Miss Argin Baber.. l 50.000 $ 1.220 $ 154.240 $ 44.260 $ 17,880 1,490 $ 280,260 $ $125-10% 88-1458 »+ST2 W. G. Sharp FIRST NATIONAL BANK *t’02 R. C. Downs.......... D. A. McDonald... J. A. Biohm______ A. T. Low, V. P. J. W. Williams $100-10% 88-1283 FARMERS STATE BANK $150 88-320 •tl’ll 10 24.600 472,000 32,000 323,600 53,300 49,100 167,000 2d N„ Hon. 60.000 23.200 923.480 16.950 670.150 41,490 91.880 220,110 Bk.Chi.; of America, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., 2d N„ Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. Louis. H. DOWNS------- M.F.BENSON______ A. M. BOWIE.......... E. C. BREEDLOVE— 90,000 \ LARGEST BAN K IN SAN BENIT O. Let us handle your Hanklug Bu stness. Joe Kerr. ____ Charles Downie... H. R. Lanrence— 50.000 4.420 802.540 6,000 431,680 98,000 123,950 23.510 468,190 277,560 61,060 14.730 (J. T. LOMAX------<1 SEND US YOUR j Prompt persona L. Time Items an SAN DIEGO STATE BANK Denton C18# E. E. OGDEN_______ A, HERRST C MORRIS G. W. RALSTON. Act. ITEMS DIRECT. 1 attention Given Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and d remitted for on day of payment. W. T. Mumme____ Mrs. W. T. Mumme W. T. Mumme........ Vernon Porter.__ H. P. Brown______ K. E. Schlabach... 10,000 3.800 43,260 TN. A. HOFFMAN.— 35,000 29.120 588.990 9.500 89,120 92,880 29,810 30,000 63.300 120.760 24,600 158,240 31,660 6,250 76,480 550 4,910 88-268 •JS’07 ) The only Incur (.Special attentt First National Bank____ t’05 J. T. Chambers___ 88-558 H. T. Bridges_____ $90 88-1959 $180-10% Duval P17 HOFFMAN......... N. A. HOFFMAN_ _ _ _ R. E. G> OVER -...... G. G. PALACIOS porated bank In Duval County. ANNE HOFFMAN W. K. given eollectt ons at moderate rates. E. L. Berry______ K. R. Rrnwn J. H. Hughes Miss Pansy Stone John Speer_______ J. W. McCraken... B. D. Jones •• A. L. Blair. 88-233 State Bank & Trust Co. W. G. Barber_____ $200-8% 88-234 T«»’06 C.Rudorf. Act. V .P iWciir.fcii .San Saba___ 2011 CITY NATIONAL BANK-*i 83 $100-6% 88-423 ( Please send 15c tc San Saba H15 First National Bank—.»t’05 J. F. Campbell___ $125-10% 88-424 fj. W. GIBBONS-— « a SAN SABA NATIONAL BANK < Collections and liso" 88-425 •t’10 l Plain sight drafts, .San Marcos. .4527 ( Hays K17 m 30,110 7,250 249.330 Seab., N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hon. 188,350 Han. N..N.Y.; Lockwood N., San Antonio; Un. N.. Hou. Comw. Bk.&Tr., San Ant.; Un.N„ Hou.Alice State Bk. & Tr.. Alice. 19,690 Alice State Bk. & Tr., Alice; Comw. Bk. & Tr„ San Ant. 450.790 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N. Hou.; Alice State Bk. & Tr., Alice; Corpus Christ! N., Corpus Chrlstl. mi Sanger National Bank—1’07 J. H. Hughes.......... G. O. Hughes_____ D. R. Sullivan____ John H. Hnghes, $170-10% 88-554 Jr. J. L. Stone_______ San Juan____1203 Security State Bank...t§’20 M. A. Green--------88-1981 L.M. Green. Act. H Hidalgo Q4 io% 44 $ 116,580 Hou. N., Hon.; U.S. N„ Galv.; Com’IState, Nacogdoches; Com’l N., Shreveport. 65.000 SAN BENITO BANK &TR.C0. )E. $ioo 88-319 ©»tS 09 .Sanderson.. .1254 Sanderson State Bank .•tS’07 % 88-1284 E Terrell K8 Sandla________150 W. T. Mumme, Banker Unincorporated'U H Jim Wells 018 Sandia State Bank_____ tl’12 $100-5% 88-1472 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Exchanois.Dui from Banks E. Kasch________ H. J. Williamson.. W. E. Kellerman.. 30,000 85,280 30,000 25.310 81.970 67.800 148,800 29,420 25,000 18.110 448,780 84,900 182,300 84,900 68.000 28,060 60,000 55.000 448.000 277,000 119,000 77,000 50,000 55.720 631.370 451,520 I960 61,470 100,000 15,750 283,120 266,710 4,160 42,870 34.580 2)5.350 31.400 164,230 18,390 36,400 25,000 26.290 Credit Reports M UST be accompa nled by FEE IN A DVANC E. 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. 209,150 3,400 210.970 1,350 13,470 J.M.Cape___ E. L. Thomas ... fl. f!. Wade _ J. T. MCCONNELL-— R.W. BURLESON___ H. 0. CHADWICK— on given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item 9* ith each sight draft ] rr presentation and 25c for Credit Repor t». J. M. Kuykendall.. Clay Kuykendall.. J. E. Hagan . 60,000 W.H.HINYARD-.......... W. C. DOFFLEMYER- MISS LUCY WALKER 42,510 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 33,320 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 26,860 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 281,530 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch. N., Brownsville; Yoakum State. Yoakum. 158,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Hou. N„ Hou.: Frost N.. San Antonio. 221.130 Han.N..N.Y.; 1st N.. Hon. ;AustinN.. Austin; City N., Dallas.: Alamo N..San Antonio. 85,120 N. City. N. Y.: Stock Yds N., Chi.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft.Worth; 1st N., Hou. 112,310 N. Bk. of Com.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Inter-state N.. Kan. C. 38.050 N. Bk. Coir.. N. Y.: Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas ^S“.Y,r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * -| or 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *Coanty Seats. In No. 11F. R. D. E El Paso H Hou. •Mem.A.B.A. nNew§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % D1t. ©8ar. Dept PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Dkpos- Other Paid-up ITS Capital Profits TIES Santa Anna ..1407 FIRST NATIONAL BANK <’06 V. L. Grady______ 88-574 Coleman G14 $225-10% _ _ ** Stare National Bank__•t'07 Leman Brown___ $150-10% 88-676 Santo ..... . 524 First National Bank $’06 J. T. Cantrill....... Palo Pinto E 16 $130-10% 88-1285 Burgess Weaver .. C. W. Woodruff... O. L. Cheaney....... $ 50,000 $ 55.550 $ 453.320 $ E. M. Easley Miles Wofford....... 18.030 410.47C 50.000 C. B. Verner T. P. Perkins___ L. D. .VlcClish___ 9.670 110,700 25,000 L. E. Beaty W.C. Holt Saratoga____ 1525 H Hardin J24 Savoy________ 378 Fannin C20 Schertz 315 Guadalupe L16 Schuienburg 1246 Hit Fayette L19 E. C. Pone Saratoga State Bank...’08 C. G. Hooks-------$154-10% 88-1286 First State Bank______ tf’10 J. B. May............ ♦ 88-1287 Schertz State Bank___ t}’13 E. Zander $200-10% 88-1610 Farmers State Bank.__tl'23 W. O. Luedemann. $175 88-2074 A.Hahnke, Act. V.P. First National Bank.__<’06 K. A. Wolters— 88-690 Ignaz Russek State Bank___ (Closed) Schwertner___300 Williamson 118 Seadriit.......... 321 H Calhoun 020 Seagoville___ 615 Dallas E20 Seaeraves sn Gaines D8 First National Bank___f 12 $135-10% 88-1481 Seadnft State Bank___tS’13 $100-6% 88-1602 First State Bank___ _<8’05 $no 88-1288 First State Bank <sl*i5’17 $200-10% 88-1786 Sealv ifi/jn H Austin K20 CITIZENS STATE BANK 5,000 27,450 Resources. Loans Bonds MiacELand and Discounts Securities LANjeOUb 235.150 7.120 116,310 26,350 11,450 18,710 1st N„ Ft. Worthand Weatherford; Rep. N.. Dallas. 13,480 63.350 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Am. N., Beau mont; 2d N., Hou. 19,130 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N„ Sherman: 1st N.. Bonham. 24,690 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. 25,000 4.680 184,360 100,560 36.660 25,000 15.440 123,580 95,990 42,330 Henry Pfeil_____ 25,000 25,990 164,260 164,880 21,130 4,550 25.000 17.030 233.510 4,090 216,500 2,900 4.250 25 000 63,470 746,960 25,000 523,830 A. Schwertner__ T. B. Bensou____ E. M. Grimes, Jr.. •• «« .. ‘Seminole....... 329 Gaines E8 ‘Seymour ....2121 Baylor C14 “ •« M Shamrock. 1227 Wheeler D6 65.000 50,000 12,500 1,100 78,000 20.600 16.000 M. P. Hawthorne.. R. L. Ard................ 16,000 9.643 105.540 92.890 18,140 10,000 12,860 83,860 77,030 50.000 20.093 455.870 322.830 82,870 38.240 82,020 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N.,Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv. 25,000 29.700 234.270 166.520 290 38.200 86,460 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; Public N., Hou.; CityN.. Galv.; Austin Co. State. Bellville. C. M. Armstrong.. E. C. Slaton fR. A. ENGELKIH6 E. W. JOSEY -........... G R BORGEL HUGO HESS----------i Send us your S ealy Items direct for Prompt Atte ntion. {.Plain Sight Dr afts, ISc; Credit Reports, 25c. fH. H. F¥MJrERC"‘!& E. H. 88-656 5,000 11.000 A. G. PREIBISCH__ W.H.KLUEVER getsertice on co CE: Plain eight Wm. Steinmeyer— A. J. LAAS-............... ALOIS KIRCIN____ 2,500 36,000 No. Tex. N., Dallas. 55,000 Marine Bk. & Tr., Hou.; No. Tex. N.. Dallas. 20.650 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Rep. N. and Mtle- N., Dallas. 21,000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Lubbock; Am. State, Amarillo. 1 lections and Cre dlt Reports by sending drafts. 15c: Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY l S. H. E. Draeger Eugene Koepp.... 9,540 50.000 399,260 317.260 36,600 M. Klenke_______ 25,000 5,690 215,890 128,480 6,730 104,940 N. Park. N.Y.; Hou. N., Hou.; Com’l N.. San Antonio: Dallas N.. Dallas. 111,370 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.Co..N.Y.:So.Tex.Com’l N.. Hou.; CityN. andGty.Bd.State, San Ant. WALTER FEY ......... ROBT. H. WILLMANN 50.000 40.000 522.420 38,610 ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ns. A. A. Vordenbaum 219,170 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: N. Bk. Com.. San Antonio; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 100.000 25,000 550,000 100.000 108.600 911,210 Max Starcke____ Ferd Bading WEINERT—. HENRY KOEHLER — H. J. BLUMBERG------ 0. ROSENBUSH____ 0. E. WEIGANG (.Immediate pers onal attention gi $225-12% 88-305 T<§’06 First State Bank—........•|'07 S. R. Simpson....... Jno. C. Hart____ *100 ♦ 88-883 B. B. Curry Farmers National Bank.<’04 W. T. Britton___ W. H. Port wood... *220-20% 88 406 FIRST NATIONAL BANK< 80 G. S. PLANTS........... C. L. CALDWELL — *200-20% 88-405 First State Bank____ <S’10 J. T. Lively_____ B. F. Rupe______ ♦ 88-407 F. H. Bunkley, Act. $250-30% 10.000 25.000 EUGENE C. TIPS....... FIRST NATIONAL rc. E. TIPS______ CHAS. R.riPS $210-12% p*N w j Special attentlo 11 given Bill of La 88-304 DMIYrV ©*t’97 LImmediate Attenti on given all collectio E. Noite & Sons______ •tt’7U Edgar Noite_____ Eugene Noite....... 88-303 SEGUIN STATE BK. & TRUST GO. 55.990 N. Park, N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou. 338,610 Han. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and So. Texas Com’l N., Hou. E. H. Roemer____ F. V. Stiernberg__ ** f 26.000 $ 268.370 Han. N., N.Y.; Dallas N„ Dallas; Hou. N., Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. 30.850 205.380 Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; 2d N., Hou. F. L. Heinrich___ F. A. Schmidt E. R. Vogt .. Gus Russek______ Julius Schwartz 88-427 t|’07 (LEO. TILLOTSOH.. SEALY STATE BANK—<§ 25 Jr.A.ENGELKING.CA (save time and *100-8% 88-426 < FEE IN ADVAN ‘Sesuin . afiai CITIZENS STATE BANK Jeo. Haen . ..... *130-8% 88-1755 ®t§’17 Guadalupe L17 Farmers State Bank....t§’17 raeo. H«pn *125-8% 88-1771 " Principal Correspondents. 26.500 J *125-10% '* k ExBanks $ 243.000 $ H. H. Arterberry.. J. D. Wickline .... Cash from 12,500 349,610 17,530 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; Alamo N„ San Antonio; 1st N„ Hou. 41,290 847.120 55.720 46.120 212,130 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Anto nio; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Union N., Hou. ven every bankin g transaction sen t us. B. B. Curry______ 40,000 5.000 189.710 7.010 140.410 2.100 39.890 R. E. Baskin____ D. A. Holman____ 50,000 63,490 556,960 37,760 453,000 17,070 50,880 GEORGE PLANTS —- D. J. BAILES............. H. E. NICHOLS 75.000 83,160 460,810 25,000 412,270 32,790 37,740 35,000 10,000 200,000 187,260 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; No. Texas N., Dallas. 161,180 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worm N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Wichita Falls. 40,000 Han. N., N .Y.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Rep. N., Dallas; City N., Wichita Falls. 50.000 30,000 425,000 70,000 325,000 100.000 150,000 1st N., Amarillo; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. 25,000 88.520 566.120 7,630 490.623 10,600 30.120 20.000 2.500 138,610 87.483 11.420 6,280 155,890 Interstate N., Kan. O.; Ft. Worth N. Ft. Worth. 55.930 State N. and 1st N.. Hou.; Am. N., Beau mont. L. D. Jones______ Small______ O. T. Nicholson__ O. T. Nicholson. C. L. Clement .. W. S. Pendleton__ E. K. Oaperton___ FIRST NATIONAL BANK< 04 88-655 SheDherd. .513 Peoples State Bank...4§’25 O. D. Cruse_____ H. H. Thompson... G. W. Davis_____ 88-2029 1 H San Jacinto J23 $150-8% 200,000 59.330 1st N„ Ft. Worth. I I III 1 TT 1 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROMPTLY HANDLED BY THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E El PasoHHouston. •Mem.A.B.A.»New JStatetPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dl». ® Sav. Dept President. Vice-President. TEXA S—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Pah>-of Surplus Dbpos- Other 1MD ITS Paorixa TIES Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Oasb* lx and <aAB«SS,I>VB and Discounts Sseuritios laneous raoM Ian •Sherman... 16.528 ♦Central State Bank_»t§’18 Barlow Roberts... Palo A. Roberts... A. E. Jamison___ G. L. Webb______ $ 100,000 $ 18,000 $ 425,000 $ 325,000 % 40,000 $ 88,000 $ 90,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas: New Grayson C19 Eng. N.Bk. & Tr.,Kan.C.; Cont. N., Ft .W. ♦ 88-44 *• •* B. B. Wilbanks.— F. Z. Edwards....... C. F. Douglass___ 250,000 310,520 2.210,880 $ 533.930 1.770.460 714,220 205.250 615,390 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; So. ♦COMMERCIAL NAT’L BARA $200-10% 88-42 ®T»i‘01 Silas Hare Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., 8t. L. •• ____ •• ‘MERCHANTS & PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK 88-41 ©T»$'72 Sherman Clearing Honse___ (Member» indicated by a*) Shiner______1300 Farmera State Bank___tl’07 $150 88-685 H Lavaca L19 First National Bank___$1900 88-681 •* •« _ __ _____ " •• Shiro 513 H Grimes J21 •Sierra Blanca.723 E Hudspeth H3 Silsbee .. 200 H Hardin J25 •Silver ton....... 416 Briscoe All H San Patricio P18 WoltersBros. Bankers ttl900 88-684 Farmers State Bank____tl’ll $225-10% ♦ 88-1388 Sierra Blanca State Bank 88-1765 •*§T7 Silsbee State Bank___ •$S'06 88-1293 First National Bank. .*$'07 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK $175-10% ♦ 88-556 »t§’09 P. R. MARKHAM, L. 0. GARDNER C.B.D0RCHESTERR.A.‘ CHAPMAN,'Jr V. P. and Cash. C. L. R0LIS0N T. D. JOINER, V. P. and Cti.of Bd. L.S. 0M0HUNDR0 , M 372.570 3.464.510 652.160 229.240 712,880 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont.&,Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., 8k L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 8,640 0. B. Dorchester.. W. R. Brents____ Barlow Roberts, Tr. C. J. Garbade____ D. Garbade. E. Runk__ _____ A, A. Bozka______ O. B. Welhausen. E. F. Wolters ___ Peck Welhausen... Wm. Green, V. P. Philip Welhausen M. E. Wolters____ 30,000 50,000 106.350 12.760 75.240 116,520 1,116,050 40,000 607,140 25.070 134,030 16.770 90.250 1st N. and 2d N.. Hou.: Gomw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio; Am. N.. Austin. 564.620 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Hon.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 122,000 — 12.600 72,000 So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. Edwin Wolters___ Han. N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. W. S. Davis_____ C. F. Rea________ G. D. Hoke_______ P. B. Barten. Act. T. D. Love .... Neal D. White----- 25,000 18.600 163.000 30.000 16,040 152.100 J. N. Collier. 40.000 29,640 486,060 30.000 137.590 119.860 50.000 60.100 427,170 J. F. ODEM, Active.. FRED JOHNSON------- EDGAR F. BONORDEN ITEMS DIRECT, al attention given BUI of Lading Dr afts. Items and remitl ed for on day of p ayment. A. W. Galloway... E. R. Rennert___ 62,500 60,220 628.040 25.000 W. M. McHarre... T. \T. Brewer 40.000 W. E. Olive........... Carl W. George ... J. S. Tekell_____ W. E. Smart E. B. Brown____ S. B. Powell_____ 25.000 10.000 O. R. Culpepper... E. Weekley L. B. Brown_____ J. M. Scott____ E. H. Eagleston—. A. T. Wilkes_____ 25,000 R. L. Weathersby. N. A. Cravens___ W. C. Britton . John Burson_____ J. A. Bain____ Bland Benson . Frank P. Bain.__ Tony Rnrsnn Mae’ Bomar 24.000 105.190 24.000 23.380 324.350 48,940 17,670 69.580 N.City. N.Y.; 1st N., Kan. 0.; Am .Tr. & Sav ■ .El Paso; City N., Dallas. 164.740 Seab. N.. N. Y.: IstN., Hou. and Beaumont. 220.870 73,300 4,090 26,690 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 293.170 59.500 — 184.600 Alamo N., San Antonio;CityN., Galv.; Rep. N.. Dallas. 15,730 323.890 29,790 412,820 2d N.. Hou.; Gnarantj Bond State, San Antonio; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; State N., Corpus Christi. 9,000 103.760 111,230 12,250 1.500 225,000 — 200.000 14.290 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Alamo N„ San Antonio; Beeville Bk. & Tr. Co., Beeville. 150.000 Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 22,500 400,000 265.000 4.000 25.000 RO.OflQ 30.000 10.360 69,670 400 56,120 15.000 2,840 29,370 3.500 37,700 2,060 4,000 57,030 461,690 59.500 298.850 161.990 21,230 37,500 ROY JACKSON........- W. C. SPARKS-------- J. E. HOLBROOK— J. 0. BOOTHE......... Excellent facilities tor handling out of town items. Modem, progressive methods. Snecial attention given collections, B/L drafts, cash and time items. F. J. Kuratko J. J. Stalmach....... L. A. Buescher W. D. Sims______ R. H. Curnutte__ J. W. Leftwich.... R. H. Curnutte Harvey Shuler H. P. Wellborn— S. Hamlett............. 10.000 28,000 45.000 15.880 75.000 New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Lubbock. 5.870 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Deca tur; Ex. N., Denton. 35,630 Alamo N.. San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. 6,940 No. Tex. N„ Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 121,140 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou. n„ ^ Han. N., N. Y.; IstN., Hou.; Am. Ex. N.. Tlo Hoc 123,880 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 47,060 291.750 60.000 50,340 402,610 37,600 337.240 76.020 13,400 50.000 19.420 304.680 52.500 273,510 - 67.610 85.490 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 100,000 40.000 610.000 40.000 513.000 66,000 47,500 Chas. A. Fischer .. Garland Owens ... Mrs.Harry Hoffman 25.000 760 112.910 76,780 310 13,220 T, Kiipi'b , . 25,000 6,610 131.280 61,810 37,000 36,590 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth. 48.360 Frost N. and Texas State Bk. & Tr Co., San Antonio. 39,150 Han. N.. N. Y.; Hou. N.. Hou.; U. S. N., Galv. th£AIVIERICAN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 441.940 3.444.280 Our facilities for handling collections are unsurpassed. Our returns are quick a nd rate s low. We reach all north Texas and south Oklahoma points. TH.E. ODEM-------SINT0N STATyiANK-‘troo i SEND US YOUR j Prompt person (.Cash and Time, Skidmore........1217 First State Bank______ $|’06 V. E. Kessler____ $100-8% 88-1296 H Bee 018 Slaton .1525 First State Bank....... ®»$|’10 J. H. Brewer____ io% ♦ 88-1870 Lubbock C10( Slaton State Bank____ •t§*16 R. J. Murray____ $250-10% ♦ 88-1433 Slidell_____ ..321 First State Bank-------- T$l’10 E. L. Berry_____ 88-1297 Wise C18 Smiley_______ 515 Smiley 8tate Bank___ *$|T2 A. S. Billings 88-1499 H Gonzales M18 $115-8% Smithfield. ..240 SmithBeld State Bank t§'19 J. T. Overbey____ $105-5% 88-1894 Tarrant D18 Smlthville.. 3204 First National Bank __»t'03 Roger Byrne-------88-288 H Bastrop K19 FIRST STATE BANK---»t§'07 Emil Buescher. $200-10% 88-287 •Snyder_____ 2179 First National Bank.®*$1900 W. A. Johnson....... Scurry Ell $190-10% 88-365 •« •« First State Bk. & Trust Co. Ernest Taylor----$135-10% ♦ 88-367 T«$|’07 M •• Snyder National Bank..«$’04 M. A. Fuller_____ $145-10% 88-366 Somerset___ 600 First State Bank-------- i§’20 C. Kurz... Bexar M16 $105 88-2008 Somerville. 1879 Citizens State Bank....$|’05 J. F. Lyon______ H Burleson J20 Sioo 88-1299 “ 800.000 r, n. Woods 279,690 11.670 NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Solicits Your Business loco Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AND COUNTT. *Couuty Seats. In No. 11 F. R. D. E ElPasoH Houston. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed Res. T-Trust Power*. $ Last Sale % D1t. © Sat. DepL PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. »Sonora_____ 1009 First National Bank .@<1900 W. L. Aid well_____ E. F. Vander G. H. Neill______ Stucken *240-15% 88-1800 Sutton J12 Souriake_____3032 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK H Hardin J24 *100 88-1778 ©<’17 rW. H. E. LEE - V.P. - M F. YOUNT U. ROWE, N. M. MORRISON ) Only National b L Bills of Ladl Sour Lake State Bank..<l'09 F. H. Carpenter___ *150-10% 88-1301 Southland____175 Southland Bank ____ t'16 J. T. Herd Garza DIO 88-1781 Southmayd___400 Security State Bank——1§’22 M. Halliday............ Grayson C19 *130-8% 88-2044 “ _ " So. San Antonio.. First State Bank______t§’17 30-64 Bexar L16 2000 *165-10% (Formerly listed under San An Spearman____319 Fidelity Bank of Commerce Hansford A4 ♦ 88-1784 <$’17 (Formerly Guaranty State Ba " _____. “ First National Bank....<’07 88-1086 Spring------------175 Spring State Bank t|'10 H Harris K22 *100-5% 88-1303 Springtown .1000 Springtown State Bank.t§'12 Parker D17 io% *8-1444 Spur...............1100 City National Bank.. .<'10 .Dickens C12 *150-10% 88-559 Spur National Bank...®<’09 *140-10% 88-657 Stamford____3704 First National Bank ..<1900 Jones D13 *165-15% 88-246 “ _ __ M ______ “ FIRST STATE BANK -<i'08 *ioo ♦ 88-248 Stamford State Bank—<§'20 *125 88-247 ‘Stanton_____ 1421 First National Bank.. T< 06 E Martin F10 *400-20% 88-722 *' ...... “ Home National Bank. .<’08 88-723 Star__________ 214 Star State Bank____ tl'10 *150-10% 88-1304 Mills H16 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Deposand Capital Profits ITS Other $ 100.000 $ 121,650 $ 707,780 $ R. G. PROCTOR.......... 6E0. P. EDMUNDSON ties Resources. Loans Bonds Misceland and Disoounts Securities lankOub 78,600 $ 530.330 $ 104,000 $ 6 Ex- from Banks 49.000 183.600 71,500 88.090 103.420 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Hon. ank In Hardin Co unty. Special att entlon given colie ctions. ng, cash and tim e Items. Prompt remittance. M. E. Pivoto. W. Z. Trotti______ F.H. Carpenter. Jr. 25,000 29.480 590.110 T. F. Cruse Roy Stevens (Branc h of 1st N. BK, Post, Te 381.540 1.760 83,310 177.980 Mellon N., Pitt.; Hon. N„ Hou.; 1st N. and Am. N.. Beaumont. 6,400 12,000 Com’l N. and Merch. & Plan. N„ Sherman. 6.960 47.600 N. Bk. Com. and Frost N„ San A. J. R. Rodgers.......... W. B. Russell____ O. T. Russell E. E. Hammond.__ G. E. Fluth_______ 50,000 2.670 344.940 10,000 2,900 41,000 35,500 15.000 11,500 175.030 145,140 1.850 F. J. Hoskins 25.000 11,400 190,000 63,000 nk) F. L. Carson. C. A. Gihnor . 25,000 31,390 749.580 145,380 210.500 4,000 25,000 3.500 89,000 48.000 26,050 9.500 25,000 5,250 145,000 81,500 48.600 6,700 ___ A. R. Woodson.__ A. H. Keefer. H. E Townsend J. M. Gibson_____ W. S. Pant............. A. W. Johnson.__ J. D. Hutcheson... A. B. Gilliland E. C. Edmonds ___ P. H. Miller______ C. A. Jones Principal Correspondents. Cash 9.540 $ 364.150 Han, N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth; Drov. N„ Ran. C. tonio) 1. E. Cameron........ W. B. Lee_______ W. T. Andrews, Jr. Kittie Powell R. V. Colbert_____ J. D. Shackelford, E. G. Keese .. — Chas. F. Markham. Active A. J. Swenson ,V.P. J. C. Bryant,V. P. R. R. Robertson, Active 0. P. HARLAN______ C. B. GRAY. Act... J. R. PRATT, Jr_____ BERT FLEMINS DALLAS SOUTHARD F. E. Morrow_____ E. P. Bunkley........ Clay Markham___ A. L. Houston. J. E. Millhollon... J. R. Vance S. D. McWhorter.. Frank Soules_____ J.E. Peck. ‘Stepbenville.3891 Farmers-First National Bk. W. H. Frey............. tuo-7% 88-356 <’06 Erath F16 *' *• First State Bank...........+S19 J. J. Mulloy............ 88-1901 " 11 .T. W. Moss _ . Stephenville State Bank 88-357 tl’Ol .T. R. Lewis Hattie Rarr ___ .T. Tedfllie J. J. Bennett_____ .T. W. Frey H. H. Hardin E. L. Frey, A. C. I. P. Forsyth F. H. Chandler.... B. B. McCollum... K,. M. Holcomb___ O. L. Hindman R. N. Carlton____ L. W. Phillips____ Hugh McCIesky ‘Sterling City .867 First National Bank 88-726 Sterling Gil .T. S. Cnle .flO W. L. Foster_____ J. T. Davis S. A. Mahaffey ___ Brown F. Lee N. L. Donglas Stockdale___1031 First State Bank______ J|'08 J. H. Bain. G. B. Gouger Lucius Wheeler... A. C. Rain 88-1306 Wilson M17 L. R. Wheeler ‘Stratford____472 First State Bank.. . <t'06 L.M. Price_______ 88-868 Sherman A3 Ethel Rnwen . Sherman County Nat’l Bank W. T. Martin_____ W. A. Ross ___ 88-1813 <'18 Strawn 2457 First National Bank..©<12 T. B. Stuart.__ W. L. Stephen 88-1456 Palo Pinto E16 E. S. BnttoD *• •• Strawn National Bank..<'04 R. O. Hinkson____ Louis P. Strawn... J. T. Eneke *120 88-1306 Geo. J. Watson Streetman___478 First National Bank.__ <’07 J. R. Cooper______ J. A. Hawthorn ... R. C. Cole Freestone G20 *210-15% 88-1307 Sudan............... 600 First National Bank____«’23 V, C. Nelson_____ P. E. Boesen_____ Lamb B9 88-2067 Sugar Land...2ni9 Imperial Bk. A Tr. Co..<t’09 W. T. Eldridge, Jr. G. D. TTlrich . H Ft. Bend L22 88-1308 Gas. Herder J. L. Bonner. ___ 190,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan, C.; City N., Gnymon, Okla. 40,000 32,480 533,620 10,000 321,600 32,330 26,760 100,000 40,410 949.840 24.500 285,390 31.100 49,030 100,000 80,000 709.740 70,000 426.440 9,750 143.950 100,000 14.200 301.610 45.520 80,030 248.820 26.070 31,070 180,630 28,000 8,800 50,000 21.230 339.940 25.000 82,230 229,550 24,750 34,000 Public N. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 38,450 Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth: 1st N. andCitiz. N.. Weatherford. 235,410 N. Bk. Com..N.V.;lst N„ Ft. Worth; Drov. N., Kan. C. 749,220 N.City, N.Y.: Ft.Worth N..Ft.Worth: Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Am. N., Austin. 379.590 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. 8t. L.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 232.680 Seab. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth: Rep. N.. Dallas; 2d N.. Hou. 105.200 Han. N., N.Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 144,090 N. Park, N.Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 25,000 15,000 130,000 75.000 15.000 10,000 50.000 41.000 2.000 11,000 21.000 Fort Worth N. and Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; Trent State.Goldthwaite: U. S. N., Galv. 100.000 38.620 513.350 428,700 265.350 546.880 320,000 100,000 50,000 64.710 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth; No. Tex. N., Dallas. 150,000 Tex. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 125.000 653.670 513,000 70,000 50,000 8,670 231,280 29,400 221,670 9,960 39,750 60,000 83,320 315.670 14,500 309,670 18,600 16,000 47,970 Am. lx. N.. Dallas: Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth; Provident N., Waco; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 129,230 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hon. 40,000 25,000 115,000 150,000 30,000 25.000 32,540 304.880 16.540 70,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. San Antonio; 2d N.. Hou. 87.470 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo. 16.400 274,820 _______ 25,000 5.290 189,900 200 69,360 850 4.670 50.000 5,610 235.030 12.500 184,330 22,900 21.090 50,000 1.280 234.160 154.560 35,530 46.660 25,000 24.840 122,510 50.500 _ 25,000 5,240 193,640 122,030 10,290 850 13,140 145.500 1st N., Wichita; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1st N-, Amarillo; Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth. 74.820 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N.. Dallas. 48,690 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Stk. Yds. N.. Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas. 111,550 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Corsi cana N., Corsicana. 87,860 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Amarillo N., Amarillo; 1st N., Lubbock. Guaranty Tr. CO..N.Y.; U. S. N.,Galv.; 1st N.. Hou.; N. Shawmut, Bos. iuiiiii AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS 446,080 1st N„ Amarillo and Wichita; Drov. N.. 1,150 Gus Herder______ H. W. Helmcamp . 1UUAU Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EXAS—Continued ................. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AtUeSxTa's 1 0C4 ‘ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codntt. *Gounty Seats. No. 11 F. Res. Dist. E El Paso H Houston •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatefPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Batab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ® Sar. Dept Sulphur Bluff.300 Hopkins D21 $125 President. $ 707,290 24,700 594,680 56,500 55,610 204,310 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N. and Rep. N„ Dallas; Boatmens N., St. L. 100,000 35,000 935,000 450,000 150,000 225,000 10,000 5,040 193,940 9,550 35 280 27,690 Helen Herrmann.. 10,000 2,200 29,250 5,750 33 160 7,130 6,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Alamo N„ San Antonio. ...t§’19 J. R. Smith_____ R. E. Bradshaw... D. H. Chenault.__ 10,000 3,500 90,000 53,000 10,000 6,500 34,000 1st N., Hou.; Bay City Bk. & Tr. Co., Bay City; U. S. N., Galv. 100,000 10,210 762,790 556,990 9,000 23,750 100,000 52,300 1,236.120 588,320 4,200 36,550 100.000 101,790 1,084,590 540,120 268,840 114,000 301,060 100.000 nd Surplus of any Bank In the City, ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. for presentation. R. C. Cain W. R. Garrison E.A. Kistenmacher M. F. Dorsey-____ l.R. Hollingsworth A. E. Thomas. ... I. E. Valenta J. M. Valenta....... J. G. Wilkinson__ E. C. Brand............ Oscar Pate—......... D. G. Shields Mose Newman P. R. Hamilton R. K. McAdams... W. L. Boothe------- Clyde Payne------E. E. Shaw G. E. Bradford.... T. L. Hughes____ J. N. Dulaney____ It K. Hull R. A. Ragland Swenson National Bank <’22 R. S. Ward______ J. D. Patterson. Sr. J. L. Shoemaker.J r. c. G. Thompson... $190-10% 88-1572 T H. Ward First National Bank —<’20 C. M. Webb ____ W. A. Cross_____ V. B. Carothers... H.C. Dnff „. . $115-12% 88-1314 •• 20,250 95,000 135,000 2,100 35,000 6,390 152,660 125,000 2,480 E. N. Tutt............... Geo. B. Wither---- Raymond Mullen.. L. C. Ivey 62,500 13,890 133,090 J. B. CAGE. Act....... HOMER EASTERWOOD W.C. SPARKS. JR.— TAFT ITEMS DI BELT. BEN M. BRIGHAM 4 50,000 14.000 155,000 E. N. Tutt_______ A. C. Tutt.............. Laura T. Brown... John LaCue. A.C. R. E. Ferguson W. D. Nevels____ W. B. Slaton____ R. P. Weathers__ 50,000 10,090 298,680 50,000 62,500 500,000 395,000 R. H. King. Active. 25,000 1,160 171,020 61,460 9,760 78,660 142,000 13,860 7,680 1,750 19,250 nipt, careful att entlon to all bus! ness entrusted to us. E. S. Lilienstern.. A. A. Smith....... . FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 83 Prompt and ca (.Oldest National G. M. Booth-------C.H. Booth, Jr., V.P. John Riley--------- the 110 25,000 Talco State Bank-------- tl’12 88-1479 First State Bank______ tS’06 $250-15% 88-1316 First State Bank______ t§’07 $200 88-1317 City National Bank___<1900 $185-8% 88-185 88-183 Taylor National Bank—<’88 88-184 First National Bank___ t’06 $276 88-272 100,000 241,980 5,750 13,850 20,000 6,450 64,770 48,580 270 7.000 20,000 38,510 156,450 130,230 12,940 17,920 J. T. Copeland.... T. G. Hem by____ Morton Paxton J. H. Griffith_____ James Shaw. reful attention gl Bank In the Coun S.G. Yakev______ T. E. Burns W. M. Peck............ 155,560 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Bowie. Union N„ Hou,; Yoakum State, Yoakum; U. S. N„ Galv. 283,270 Seab. N.. N. Y., Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 759,340 Han. N„ N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Republic N.. Dallas. 363,530 Gty. Tr. and N. City. N. Y.: 1st N.: Ft. Worth: Dal. Tr. & Sav., Dal.; Com’l Tr., Kan. C 29,140 Ft. Worth N.,Ft. Worth; 1st N.. 8tamford; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 85,230 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N„ Abilene; City N„ Sweet water. 133,010 1st N„ Chi.: So. Tex. Com’] N., Hou.: City N., San Antonio. 56,600 Republic N., Dallas; Alamo N.. San An tonio; State N., Hou.; City N., Galv. 127,440 1st N„ Wichita Falls. 36,380 Republic N„ Dallas; Texark. N„ Tex arkana. 53,870 Am. N., Austin; 1st N.. Ballinger; Dallas N., Dallas; Coleman N., Coleman. 117,000 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St.L.; No. Tex. N„ Dallas. 80,000 Seab. N.,N. Y.: 1st N., Hou. 10,000 10,900 151,000 44,000 600 H. A. Lettermann. J. M. Griffith S. G. GERNERT___ A. WEIDENBAUMven to collections, B. F. H0LUB ty. A. E. Ake. 100,000 96,000 465,000 510,000 60,000 150,000 102,39C 860,550 148,580 934,950 106,960 73,250 176,350 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 150,000 146,560 626,740 196,310 787.940 47.270 70,000 214.410 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. p. W. Curry........... 50.000 161,270 634,880 59,490 454.210 177,830 42,310 231,290 Dallas N.. Dallas; 2d N„ Hou. 24,000 457,460 6,900 313,360 69,960 51,500 13,000 103,00C 33,000 50C 113,550 City N. and Rep. N„ Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N-. Hou. 90,000 No. Tex. N.. Dallas; Far. State. Mexia. ___ James Shaw. (F. H. WELCH — S.B. GERNERT—- 245,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; City N„ Dallas, 80,510 1st N.. Chi.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Heu.; Frost N., San Antonio. 150,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 517,190 Felix Jones ._ __ Mrs. E. V. Broadstreet H. E. Evans_____ Wayne Bennett... Wayne Bennett... H. E. Evans, Sec... V. P. and Cash. R. F. Riley H. B. Middleton McNeill Drumwrig ht 60,000 T. B. Poindexter.. W. P. Harrison.—. |E R. Simmons $1*7 ♦ 88-2101 W.M.Moody_____ 1 Alice Brigham___ John H. Sweatt—.. O. D. Hallum____ 25,000 Tehuacana___614 First State Bank—......... t§’l7 88-1753 J. T. Reese Limestone G20 $uo-to% Freestone G20 $ 25,010 No. Tex. N., Dallas. 79,110 Taft_______ 313 First National Bank....... «'23 J. F. Green______ 88-2057 H San Patricio P18 .. (W. 0. SPARKS....... FIRST STATE BANK—<§’23 ■< SEND US YOUR iWe will give pro ♦ 88-2061 .. ___ Taft Bank......... ........®<t’10 J. F. Green 88-1315 ‘Tahoka ___ 785 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -J 07 A. L. Lockwood-__ m Lynn DIO ( Security State Bank...<§’16 G. E. Lockhart.__ $120 ♦ 88-1711 •• 5.000 224.550 N. Bk. Com., N.Y. and St. L.: No. Tex. N„ Dallas. Sweet Home__ 414 Valenta Bros., Bankers©l’13 H Lavaca M19 88-1592 ‘Sweetwater. .4307 City National Bank___<’19 Nolan E12 $110 88-1644 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $180-10% 88-224 ®< 01 •« •• Texas Bank & Trust < 0. ♦ 88-1668 T»t8’13 $160-8% 8,870 $ 28,200 c. McDonald ... It. B. CAROTHERS. ve MINTER SMITH Sutherland Spgs. First State Bank— ...<§’09 Albert Herrmann.. M. G. Chaney Wilson M17 219 88-1311 Talco d?] Titus C22 Talpa _ _ 125 ColemanG13 Tatum_______ 425 Rusk E23 Taylor . _ _ 5965 Williamson J18 $ 61,540 1 66,550 118,800 Sunset.............. 665 Sunset State Bank.’08 T. O. PhillipsMontague C17 $225-25% 88-1310 Swenson..........80 Stonewall D12 Sylvester. . 315 Fisher E13 20,000 $ 14,360 i AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. 757,920 j. First State Bank______ t$’09 J. C. Bindley......... C. F. Ashcroft ___ B. A. King.............. 88-195 C. A. Bridges Sweeny. _ __ 510 First State Bank . H Brazoria M22 $100 88-1853 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Oam ft lx ther Paid-up Surplus Depos- LOiabili and and caAMas,I>vs ▲ mtd Capital Pbopits Discounts Securities laneous pbom Buuncs TIES 99.100 W. W. JONES.Active R.M.WOMACK,Ac/f W. A. BUFORD’ mblned Capital a n given Rill of La ith each eight draft ‘Sulphur Springs CITY NATIONAL BANK~<’89 ) The Largest co Hopkins D21 5558 $36.50-20% 88-194 1 Special attentlo V Please send 15c tv .. .. First National Bank In Sul- E. L. Ashcroft___ B. C. Cain_______ E. R. Brinker $150-10% ' 88-193 <’86 J. E. Buford •• Ass’T Cashier. 629,410 $ rw. 0. WOMACK- M Cashier. Vice-President. J. M. Fleming. -__ O. E. Mahaffey ___ 88-1809 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXA S—Continued Business 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'U'New § State tPriv. ^County Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. | President. Vice-President. In No. 11 F. K.D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust ] Cashier. E El Paso H Houston Tell....................300 S. B. Crain______ J. A. Stinnett R. C. Wiley Childress A12 $140-20% 88-1782 Temple____11,055 Bell H18 Chas. M. Campbell Harper Stephens, J. H. Davis. Jr. ... Active A. E. Woodward. V. C. Northington A.C. T. H. Campbell A. L. Flint______ T. A. Cheeves___ C. D. Seybold____ A. L. Flint, Jr. F. F. Downs____ P. L. Downs_____ J. G. Childers James Patou. A. C. P. L. Downs, Jr. E. W. Moore____ - A. J. Jarrell_____ Wm. Maresh,Active J. J. Otto 88-59 88-61 First National Bank. $250 88-58 $135-5% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Subplus Depos Other Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k Ex Ass’t Cashier. Paid-dp AND and L iabili and changes , Dus Capital Profits its Diacounts Securities laneous from Banks ties $ 10,000 $ 6.470 S 89.130 i 6.000 $ 67.000 $ 6,000 $ 38.600 1st N., Childress and Wichita Falls. TEXAS—Continued 88-60 Tenaha_____ 577 Shelby F24 4215-10% 88-1318 Terrell......... 8816 American National Bank Kaufman E20 88-151 ©• $275-16% First National Bank..®* $275-12% 88-150 D. DuBose.............. Luke Motley____ W. B. Rider_____ J.M. Parker W. P. Allen..____ B. Allen_________ J. R. Hamilton.... B.L. Gill. Jr. M. C. Roberts____ E. F. Morrow ......... M. H. Pace H. M. Hellams B. L. Gill, Sr., Ch. A. H. Boyd 200,000 75,000 100,000 75.000 40,000 49.630 1.080.830 8% 81-75 A LIVE PROGRESSIVE BANK. Unexcelled facilities are offered for the prompt and efficient handling of accounts of individuals, firms and banks in Southwest Arkansas and Northwest ®T$’96 Texas. / TEXARKANA NATIONAL BANK $250-12% 88-101 IHT-Tr.Officer H. T. WIEGEL H. E. McCURRY, A. V.P. 222.650 262.300 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Lib. N.. Waco. 85.430 N. Park. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Dallas N-, Dallas. 389.060 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 91.910 N. Park, N.Y.; Rep. N.and Amer. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou. N., Hou. 468.130 25,000 448.730 200 35.830 51.230 884.610 6,000 189.270 30,500 441.090 40.160 349.100 3.970 141,760 46,500 2.050 275.000 206.000 20,000 200.000 287.190 1,596.930 1.521.100 38.420 65,000 200.000 270.410 1.140,680 267.400 1.367.410 225.000 112,820 741.380 18,290 49.640 7,540 3,699.770 584.710 636.910 400,000 201.560 5.513.560 500,000 587.590 12 482430 88.770 140.000 2nd N., Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas; Com’l N., Shreveport 459.600 Seab. N.. N..Y.; City N.. Dallas; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 173.260 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: City N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 182.240 N. Park, N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas. 324.280 1.513.920 See Texarkana, Arkansas. A. J. C. DUNN AM a.r.cooneayVp 305.490 6.997.260 3.245.550 443.290 3.189.400 Established in 1887. ®T»t’87 OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN TEXARKANA. ARK.-TEXAS. Prompt service and reasonable charges. ^Throckmorton First National Bank.__•t'01 D. B. Thomas___ A. C. Daws 88-1320 Thr’m’n D14 686 $162-12% Chester Griffin .... Seab.N.,N. Y.;Cont. A Com’lN., ChL; 1st N., Merch.-Lac. N., and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Whitney Cent. N. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N.O.: City N. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Am Sou. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 25.000 3.500 165.000 101,000 28,500 65,000 N. City, N. Y.; City N..Galv.; 1stN., Hou. J. S. Mozola_____ 50,000 31,250 310,000 250,000 55,000 W. W. Rixey____ 16.000 3,600 101,570 90,730 6,310 145,000 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 19.200 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Amarillo; Gate City J. M. Britain____ 15,000 3,110 90,020 47,890 Chas. A. Davis___ 50,000 20.540 247.460 S. Clement............. Norman Clement 30,000 4.600 200.000 110.000 W. A. Jones_____ 25,000 2,870 107.070 J. E. Barnett____ R. R. Black............. J. E. Barron Craig O. Black___ Alurrah Nolte. 50.000 115.000 350.000 20,000 15.000 125.000 93.000 M. T. Bnckaloo__ Josephine Lewis.. 25,000 7,200 138.000 120.000 Gra.vdon Eubank.. Byrd F. Thorp 75,000 53.530 316.080 60,000 4,930 ___ 24.550 25,000 51.605 154.460 25,000 23.010 82.730 1.110 ......... 5,660 143.000 113,500 8,500 25.000 1,630 213.570 Isf K an 48,250 N.Park.N.Y.: 1st N..Temple; U.S.N.,Galv.; Guaranty State Bk. & Tr. Co., Gatesville. Pittsburg, Tex., Dec ember 31. 1926) AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57.520 QUICK SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS. REASONABLE RATES. J. W. WHEELER — BEN. COLLINS-___ G. B. ELLIS_______ (*Members of Texarkana, A rkansas. Clearing House) For Banks at Texa rka/na, Arkansas, see Arkans as Bank list) Texas City.__2509 First National Bank____•$'11 A. B. Phillips....... P. D. Harlow____ H Galveston L23 6% 88-205 Texas City National Bank Carl Nessler____ W. B. Tarpv_ $100 88-204 ®»t’ll E.N.Danforth, V.P. F. L. Noble TexHne_______ 762 First State Bank.........•$§'15 T. H. Rixey_____ H. F. Rixey__ — 88-1695 Dallam A1 The Grove____400 Planters State Bank____$8’17 W. J. Dube______ H. A. Winkler___ 88-1785 Coryell H18 (Taken over by Pitts burg National Bank. Thomas______ 300 First State Bank____ Upshur K23 Thorndale.__ 1224 First National Bank___*$’01 C. A. Nelson_____ W. H. Rivers io% 88-728 Milam J19 Thorndale State Bank_ tf’07 J. B. Wills_______ C. Sailer------------$160-10% 88-729 J. W. Garner Thornton......... 733 Farmers National Bank*t'20 T. M. Wilson____ A. P. Ellis Limestone H20 88-1935 First National Bank____ $'07 B. B. Barron_____ J. P. Morris_____ $250-20% 88-833 Thrall________272 Farmers State Bank__*$513 C. D. Johnson___ Fritz Fuchs_____ 88-1565 Williamson J18 $160-8% Three Rivers ..516 First State Bank.......... $§’14 J. J. Dabbs............ E. G. Majors........... H Live Oak oi7 $125 88-1670 I 987.180 i 103.640 1,214.070 rL.E. GRIFFITH, JR. 0. F. WALTON______ 0. E. NICHOLSON... P. M HELMS.............. 200,000 65.870 ED. R- BUMPASS, W. H. NEELY STATE NATIONAL BANK 1. G. MORRIS Act. V. P. J. S. GRINNAN, JR. $200-10% 88-152 ®»$’0I < (Formerly First State Bank) 1 Save time and g et service en Coll ecttons and Cred It Reports by sen ding (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISe: Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY US. STUART WILSON... Texarkana.. 12,437 F. E. PHARR______ W. B. OGLESBY_____ 6 E WTO S HARDY Bowie C24 E. A. FROST......... — C. R. JOHNSON Ch. of Bd. s. H. VANCE, Act. W. W. BRUEGGEMAN ‘STATE NATIONAL BANK 199.200 140.080 Han. N., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou,; Austin N., Austin. 26,620 ean. N., N. Y.; Union N„ Hou.; Am. N., Austin. 45.420 (alias N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Cltiz. N., Waco. 275.000 T. City, N.Y.: So.Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 46,000 eab. N.,N. Y.,lstN.,Hou.: State N.. Den ison; Austin N., Austin. 26.670 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth and Wichita F.; Mtle. N.. Dallas. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 OCA to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ lOJU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. *County Seats. In No. 11F. R. D. E El PasoH Houston •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPri». {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ®8»t. Dept. President. Tlmpson.,___ 1526 Cotton Belt State Bank *tS’95 $200-15% 88-530 • • Shelby F24 it Guaranty Bond State Bank. 1200-15% 88-531 »tS’02 Tioga. _______ 777 First Guaranty State Bank E. E. Ledbetter___ Grayson C19 $140 ♦ 88-1321 etfOS Tivoli__________300 Guaranty State Bank—•i§’20 H Refugio N19 *no 88-1630 Tolar__________416 Continental State Bank. tS’00 H. H. Wilkinson... Hood F17 *185-10% 88-1322 Tomball______ 500 Guaranty Bond State Bank.. A. R. Woodson.... H Harris K22 *200-20% 88-2015 Jl’21 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TEXAS—Continued Caseiek. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Surplus Bonds Cash A ExMiscel obairh Paid-up D epos Othbr and and .Dui and Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous fkom Bmi ties $ T.F.Whiteside____ F. T. Cooke______ J. E. Blankenship. G. E. Hairston___ R. T. Blair C. S. Cannaday.— W. D. Price______ A. H. Leftwich J. K. Barber______ Nolen Hayden......... Myrtle Gilbert. — . 60.000 $ 6,000 S 350,000 J 50,000 $ ■ 275,000 $ 415.560 98.560 11.770 83,250 105.000 2,550 125,980 81.190 40.000 20,000 30,000 17.500 9.754 City N., Dal.; Hou. N. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Com’l N.. Shreveport, La. 1st N.. St. L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Onion N . Hou.: City N., Galv. N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 11,490 53.340 Han. N., N. Y.; Victoria N., Victoria; Mtle. $ 150.000 41,000 355,450 1.050 $ Principal Correspondents. N Dell 1b.s R. W. Simmans__ O C Curl 20,000 13.500 119,300 100.990 850 15.390 35.600 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Com'l. N., Sherman G. W. Brautigam.. Della Metzler------- 10,000 14.000 200,000 130,000 17,500 12,000 65.000 South Texas Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N., Waco. First National Bank____ «i’06 J. H. Dickson____ E. O. Thomas_____ C. H. Lackey_____ *210-20% 88-1324 Chas. Weinacht. Citizens State Bank.__ •J|’09 *125-10% 88-696 25.000 18.860 156.950 112,400 36.750 4.870 71.800 Merch. & Plan. N. and Com’l N.. Sherman. 61,800 4.900 24,000 40.800 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am. Tr.&Sav., El Paso. Trent ________312 Home State Bank...........»J§'23 T. L. Stevens_____ T,. F.. Adrian Taylor E13 *175-20% 88-2030 Trenton______ 616 First National Bank.__ .J'01 J. B. Robinson____ Y. B. Reed________ John Donaghey___ 88-858 «• Fannin C20 •< *300 First ‘Hate Bunk_____ *ilT3 I. F. Barrett S. W. Brown_____ tioo ♦ 88-1578 Tom Bean.........367 Grayson C20 Toyah________ 1218 E Reeves H6 (Closed November 2) Trinidad 250 Henderson F20 Trinity . 1363 Trinity National Bank—»t'll J. B. Peyton______ H Trinity I 22. *150-10-12% 88-1386 L. P. Atmar............... *ioo 88-1326 Troup________ 1258 First National Bank —«t’02 J. H. Sharp______ *200 88-677 Smith F22 M •• io% 88-2063 Troy___________ 509 Citizens Exchange Bk,.»tt'04 C. E. Maedgen .... 88-1327 Bell H18 Farmers State Bank.—1§’19 *110-7% 88-1850 Ellis E19 First Bank of Truscott.»tt’07 88-1329 tTulla 1139 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t’02 S. F. Flores *235-15% 88-636 Swisher A10 •• ____ " Turkey________ 500 Hall All Turnersvllle ..250 Coryell G17 Tuscola .. 418 Taylor F18 TULIA BANK & TRUST GO. it miitr NATIONAL BANK J 88-78 ♦ 88-77 18,000 340.000 170,000 300 200.000 City N., Dallas. 40,000 68,560 411,680 10,000 194,540 170.550 2,000 163.150 25,000 1.100 29,460 19,460 55,210 6,620 9.550 3,380 Dallas N„ Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N.. Greenville; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. City N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Green ville. 7,100 179.750 14,720 19.260 139.02) 15.570 104,130 18.870 99,010 Han. N.. N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas. 1st N.,Groveton; 1st N. and State N.. Hou.; Rep. N., Dallas. Rep. N., Dallas. 50,000 18,980 276.670 12.980 231.450 Edna Marwilsky... N. F. White Kay T. Edwards... 25,000 29.670 204.860 25.000 8.500 212,490 Wm. L. Maedgen.. D. C. Keetch_____ B. D. Carter 15,000 27.890 200.040 25,000 6.160 39.693 25,000 5,000 151,680 65,000 189,740 50,000 67.630 437.870 49.200 50.000 37.000 359.480 — F. M. Goodrum.__ P. D. Williams.__ Evelyn Clark_____ J. L. Cantrell____ J. R. Noland J. C. Cowan J. D. Cleveland... Ewell Grigg CLAY HIGHT, Active G. O. Coker______ 25,000 10,000 120.000 Mrs. Dan Stokes.. 15,000 9.880 36.610 A. J. Burleson......... 16,000 14,000 W. A. POUNDS--......... 250,000 H«JB- 154.740 25.650 2,120 107.520 59.770 115.300 40.250 81.050 Rep. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Jacksonville. 152.310 450 4,040 88,230 59.350 590 3,500 7,410 19,720 37,220 386.040 53,300 19,620 145.750 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: City N.. Dallas: Union N., Hou.; 1st N.. Waco. State N.. Corsicana; Rep. N.. Dallas; 1st N., Hou. 1st. N., Ft. Worth and Benjamin; Drov. N., Kan. C. Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Amarillo; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 229.890 4.220 50.130 162.230 110.000 3.500 38.760 6.580 (Formerly Tyler Guaranty St ate Bank) 18,000 Citiz. State. Memp., Tex.; 1st N.. St. L. 16.153 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Gatesvilie; U. S.N., Gal^. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N.. Abi lene; Cont. N„ Ft. Worth. N. City, N. Y.: City N, and Am. Ex. N., Dallas: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Mtle.Tr. Co.. St. L. 189,320 1.100 100.840 1,100 30.990 87,890 532,950 2.233,000 223.700 1.598.930 371.200 385.810 858,700 310 666.530 406,870 110.570 300.770 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 210.640 81.090 6,360 159.130 Chase N..N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; Tex. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Austin. W. J. STEPHENS.A.C. MRS. F. R. COKER J. H. Herndon S. J. Mings, Jr.._ J. T. Oden_ _ _ _ C. B. Sullivan, Adi ve V. P. 50.000 3.060 404.160 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Seab. N..N. Y.; 1st N., Amarillo; InterState N., Kan. C.; Cont. N.,Ft. Worth. j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. (.Prompt reports made on paid and unpaid Items. Tyler State Bank & Trust Co. S. L. Watts. *no 88-81 ®t§'24 R W. Fair. V.P. the 25,000 30,000 J. B. Gibson______ P. H. Oauthan____ G. R. Barnes F. F. Simpson. Act. H. H. Thompson J. W. Pace_______ M. A. Jarvis. A. C. W. S. Fite. _____ WM WARn__ _ R G PORTER. 1 MflRLE__________ Send Us Your “Tulia Collections.” Prompt Service — Quick Returns. Ch.ofBd. 102,000 F. SLEDGE ©T«+1900 ) Collections sent A. us will receive pro mpt attention. I Personal presen tation. We obtal n reasons for non •payment and re (tilt pro mptly. (.Save time and s end your Items di rect. Try us for g eod service. 48.830 1.335.600 R. HARRELL___ 100,000 J. M. STEPHENS...... J. F OSCAR McFARLA.iO E H VAUGHN UUncn H. M. EAGLE, a C. oo. mm. rniipii H.J. BROGAN. V.P. S. A. LINDSEY PEOPLES STATE BANK*i§'13 *160-12% ...... f 4.500 25,000 . 1926) *225-15% 88-637 •t§'07 A. R. Crump. Bertha Sharp. __ *100-10% 88-1800 First State Bank______ t}'07 G. F. Boone — .. Fred Foote. Sr..,. Dan Stokes_______ *150-10% 88-1331 Walter J. Taylor — Elmon A. Kerby . First State Bank_______ J5’12 *160-15% 88-1501 fG-F. TAYLOR-......... J. W. FITZGERALD.. H.M.BELL............ Active 1 R. BERGFELD, »Tyier......... 13.037 CITIZENS *325-20% Smith F22 •« r* 25,000 Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 or 7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. aMem.A.B.A. ”New §State tPriv {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. ♦M. Fed. Ees. T-Trust Powers. $ E £1 Paso H Houston. Last Sale % Div. ®Sav. Dept, PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Tynan 27 Bank of Tynan_______ +F20 J. E. Montgomery. A. H. Steinmeyer . E. C. Steinmeyer.. 7% 88-1982 H Bee" 018 Utopia 2fiO First State Bank............ t§’20 C. W. Harper....... V. H. Smith........... $100-10% 88-1901 Uvalde L14 ‘Uvalde........... 4500 Uvalde L14 •• u .. ‘Van Horn.__614 E Culberson H4 ‘Vega________ 513 Oldham D2 Velasco______ 621 H Brazoria M22 Venus 842 Johnson £18 Vera 500 Knox C14 Wilbarger B14 " -------- » HERRING NATIONAL BANK “ ------- " 88-284 ____ •• 300.000 T .H. Griffis, Jr. .. B. F. Mitchell ___ 10,000 10,000 150,000 Roy S. Pool. ___ L. M. Osborne. .. ve L. E. Walker C. E. Peery______ Della Walker____ 50,000 15,000 300,000 66,310 300,000 66,000 40,430 25,000 17,500 168,000 6,500 100,000 33,500 15,500 E. Williams. ____ R. C. Odneal_____ C. H. McCuistion H. H. Wilkinson.. L. A. Cartwright... L. A. Cartwright.. Bessie Kinard____ O. S. Yoder 25,000 2,260 63,030 72,290 850 9,560 25,000 10.750 152.840 18,150 106,970 33,400 43,050 50,000 65,740 320,830 18,750 180,080 156,680 10,000 181,340 - 9.830 115,170 50,390 29.590 61.950 9.140 5.470 Spencer Taylor “ ___ " W. E. Neill___ . R. J. Smith J. M. Roberson.... J. C. Hunter Ford Brandenburg. O. E. Winder. J. N.Ivy Chas. Gidden____ W. R. Reed_____ G. E. Walker L. E. Eskridge .... 0. L. Barker........... Chas. Barker, Jr. . W. M. Ford Emory Rhoads J. H. Pendleton ___ (Z. T. HERRING-— tf.D.BERBY_ L.K. JOHNSON,Act. J W 0. BERRY. Ch.ofBd. j.'c.'suffi W. AT. Fnrd R. B. Gibson_____ A, A. Hingst A. E. Harroun___ C. V. King J. B. Ross G. C. MORRIS----- R. W. ABBOTT......... M. K. BERRY JESSIE MILNER 30,000 21.690 224.460 50,000 16.000 183,540 12,500 8.190 94.880 20,210 23.820 66.950 71.020 50,000 4,500 11,920 94,530 800 89.230 800 6,270 21.660 81,900 20,800 140,440 2,620 10.460 25,000 1,450 44,000 7.500 50,000 100,000 73.770 911,760 50,000 63,220 942,570 152.390 1,671,690 125,000 correspondents. 1 44,24) 1st N„ Hou.; Com’l N.. Beeville; City N. Galv. , 11.000 Tex, State Bk. & Tr.Co.. San Antonio. 135,590 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 100,000 Frost N., San Antonio: New Eng.N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Union N„ Hou. 300,000 10,000 50.000 VICTORIA BANK 8 TRUST CO. J. V. Vandenberge. Thos. O’Connor... P. A. Murray____ G. B. Davidson___ f L. G. HAWKINS~ L. E. PIPER------ S. C. H0GSETT W.0.ANDERSON LON BYARS 90,000 Dallas N.. Dallas; Cent. State and Coleman N., Coleman; Cont. N., Ft. Worthy 24,880 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Waco; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Hou. N.. Hou. 68,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Dallas N.. Dallas 7,590 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Dallas N., Dallas. 23.310 Cont. N., Ft. Worth; City N.. Dallas. 108,560 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. 84.980 State N., El Paso: Citiz. State. Austin; City N.. Dal.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. W. 58,890 Inter-State N., Kan. C.: 1st N.. Amarillo. 39.110 N.Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Hou. N„ 2d N., and Union N., Hou. 20,940 City N., Dallas. 20,830 1st N., Ft. Worth. 15.000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls. 600.560 100,000 90,060 4,600 568,400 82,430 47,180 294,910 Seab. N.. N. Y.; City N.. Dallas: 1st N., Wichita Falls: Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 362,380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. G.; 1st N. and Cont. N„ Ft. W. 75.000 952,200 234,820 58,120 778.930 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L. and Wichita Falls; Am. Ex. N. and Rep. N., Dallas. 121,180 1.093,770 50,000 577.840 308,020 51.850 427.240 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N.. Dallas and Wichita F. s- SEND US Y OUR VERNO N BUSINES S DIRECT, Prompt att ention given Bill of Ladi ng «t’99 .Drafts and all matters sent us. •tt’10 452,990 334,040 40.120 4,090 142.380 Han. N., N. Y.; 2d N„ Hou.; Frost N- San Antonio. 200.000 287.210 2,548,630 179,720 2,198.170 442,050 118,590 456.740 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Corn ! N.. Hou.; 1st N.. St. L.; City N.. Dallas. 500,000 270.12) 2.423,210 482,900 1,928.750 959,160 J. M. Rosborough V. E. Goldman L. L. Schuchert Victoria National Bank_<’13 Jay Welder________ Jos. O’Connor....... F. S. Buhler. C. C. Zir jacks____ 10% 88-255 Act. V. P. and Cash. E. Sitterle AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 736,570 s 50.000 Herman Fischer... Wm. F. Hofmann . 88-257 153,740 57.000 Principal »t'03 j Unequaled facO Ities for making c ollectlons. / Special attentio n given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time items. V Please send flf te en cents with each sight draft for pre sentation and twe nty-flve cents fo r credit WAGGONER NATIONAL BANK $250-12% 3.200 40,000 H. H. Mitchell___ Geo. Pauley W. T. McNeill....... C. E. Dansby_____ J. S. Pool, Sr., V. P. W. S. Turner, Acti S. E. Humphries... M. W. Keel______ 70,000 $ 10,000 1 60,000 ‘Victoria „ .5957 Peoples National Bank t’19 J. M. Pickering.... J. H. Clegg 88-1825 H Victoria N19 $128 » $ 12,000 T. C. Garner......... J. H. Ashby, Jr.... H. W. Little 100,000 88-283 44,000 609.090 H. 0. COLLEY —~ D.‘ B-MAY^ W. H. HUGGINS $235-30% Discount* 147.290 J. Umphress R. M. Cannon, V.P. 88-576 Van Horn State Bank..*$S’09 R. Durrill $100-10% 88-1334 P. H. Landergin. 15% 88-1335 Velasco State Bank.__»tl’07 $125 88-1336 W. M. Barnes___ $150-10% 88-2087 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank Brooks Thompson. $100-8% 88-887 t’05 First State Bank______ tl’13 J. D. Jefcoah........ 88-1594 Farmers State Bank...»tJ'10 A.M.Bourland, V.P. $105 88-285 First State Bank____ •tl'll $210-10% 88-286 $250-30% 440 $ TIES Resources. Bond* Mibceh- Cash ft ExCHANOIB.Dui and Securities LANJLOUb from Bank* 100,000 O. A. Mills 88-240 First State Bank______ t§’15 $175-20% 88-1700 First National Bank___‘t’08 $185-10% 88-1332 First National Bank___ •t’10 $165-10% 88-1333 Valley View National Bank $110 88-1675 J’14 Van Alstyne.,1800 Continental State Bank •J|’07 Grayson C19 10% 88-577 15,000 $ Loan* and W. F. Morgan____ •t'03 Valera 350 Coleman 014 Valley Mills...855 Bosque G18 Valley View....762 Cooke C18fi $ Other 2,030 FIRST STATE BANK—•» 07 T. H. McNelly....... $170-10% Surplus Dtp osPaid-up ANT) ITS Capital Profits 20.000 COMMERCIAL NAT’L BANK N. B. Pulliam___ F. J. Horner____ J. W. Vauham. 88-239 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T EXAS—Continued PROMPTLY HANDLED BY 17.640 25.000 . 663.320 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. TEXAS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ eMem.A.B.A.nNew 5 State fPrii. {Mem. State B. Ass'n. TBstab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Truet Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sat. Dept. President. 48-3 ASS’T CASHIER. H. tf. HARMON E.W. MARSHALL ®»t’84 1215-12% 48-1 BERT PERRY. J'. T. WILLIS W. W. WOODSON._ _ R R nilPRFP Active k H SHERMAN . E. ROTAN, Ch. of Bd, R.F.GRIBBLE,Acrtt>* W. B. BRAZELTON W. J. NEALE C. L. JOHNSON Discounts Principal correspondents. MiscblCam t ExLANBOU8 CHANGES, DtJI AND Sicnimu Rbsourcbs from Baum 276,230 $ 2.537.870 $ 466.680 $ 97.870 $ 917.980 Seab. N..N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 28,250 1st N., Liberty N., and Cent. N., Waco. 14,240 1,010 109,150 4,580 64,910 13,750 22,070 l.OOO.OM 339.750 7.647.920 986,750 5.817.630 1,769.150 154.660 2,232.980 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Com. 200.000 81,470 1.293.600 866.840 28,450 238.230 385,020 N. City. N. Y.; Mtle. N.. Dallas: So. Tex. Com’l N.: Hon.; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth. 300.000 172.940 3,008.670 330.000 2.428.000 310.800 371.210 701.600 N. Park. N. Y.; Republic N., Dallas; N. Bk. vUlAlty L§y 4U Ivsj llOUt) U* tjkcilVa 100,000 38.200 595,860 104.010 210.970 203.900 112.510 310,690 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Mtle. N., Dallas. 300.000 166.680 1.800.590 49.770 1.587.840 63.940 263.940 491.320 Chase N., N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N., Ft. Worth; 1st Tr. Co., Kan. C. Send your Central Texas Items to Waco—the leading city—and to the ®T»t'74 First National Bank—the leading bank. We give satisfactory service. J. ‘LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK 48-9 217,770 $ 3.276.400 $ and BONDS __ •FIJST STATE BK. *@|f«ST J. M. Nash............... W. L. Edmond. Act. Theodore Ray......... £( B. PdllBrSOU.... W. C. Kolb, A. C. J. B. Duncan. Act.. Frank Stevens A. P. McLendon 48-6 1200-10% 250,000 $ Resources. Loans (Collections GIv en Prompt Atten tlon, and Remit ted for on Day of Paymen t. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. “THE BANK OF SERVICE.” Fanners Improvement Bank R. L. Smith_______ J. F. McGowan ___ T. P. Anderson.__ 15-6% 48-54 t’ll 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK Liabilities. i ther Total LOiabili Paid-up Surplus AND D eposits CAPITA!. Profits ties G. K. McLENDON— C. B. SCHULER — E. G. LILLY_____ $ /W fi LACY ♦CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 12% Vice-President. Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (McLaonan, G 19) County Seat WACO B. EARLE- - - - - - - - C. F. DUMAS............. J. S. DUMAS- - - - - - - - P. A. MRMMT.------ Official attention Niven bill of lading drafts, CASH AND TIME ITEMS. A modern commercial bank built for service. ® »t'18 National City Bank............... *'03 J. D. Mayfield____ E. L. Humphreys.. I. J. Mayfield. __ Dan Morris__ F. P. Mayfield J. D. Mayfield. Jr.. •% 48-62 . V.P. ‘PROVIDENT NATIONAL BANK $180*15% 48 4 J. K. ROSE................. E. A. FLOWERS........... 1.0. KENDALL H. 1. WAITE----------- T. A. CRAVEN............. N., St. L., So. Tex. Com. N., Hou. 90 Waco Savinas Bank_____ ®1'9C C. M. Seley----------- Mrs. James B.Baker J. C. Dillard, Sec. and Tr. 48-51 25.000 10.020 184.270 400 171.500 11.650 36.540 Waco Stats, Waco. 1% ♦Waco State Bank_______ tt'77' C. M. Seley............. H. M. Richey........... M. A. Sullivan .... I. W. Seley............... 48-2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 300,000 200,000 30.000 20.000 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; St. L. E. D. Winkler, Waco Clearing House--------------- , J. K. Rose—____ (Membersindicated bv a*) the 100,000 Sec. 1 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Solicits Your Business State N., Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State t Priv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. Cashier. President. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % DIv. ©Sav. Dept. Farmers State Bank...«t§’07 G. C. E. Vaughan.. 88-1337 H Gonzales L18 1136-8% Walbure State Bank...<§'13 Julius Leschber ... W. C. Wedemeyer. Theo. Walther ___ 1172.50-15% 88-1623 Williamson 118 Town and County. *County Seats. In No. 11F. R. D. E ElPaso H Houston Wallpr SIS H Waller K21 Wallis 885 H Austin L21 Guaranty Bond State Bank $225-10% 88-1690 ‘tS'L) Guaranty Bond State Bank $no-5% 88-1817 t§’18 Wallis State Bank___ »:t§’06 $150-8% 88-1339 Walnut Springs First State Bank....... ®t§’26 Bosque F17 1449 $135-10% 88-611 Harrison E24 ‘Waxahacble .7958 Ellis F19 $150-12% 88-162 T»t’84 •• ♦ 88-105 15,000 10,000 117.180 26,420 12,710 178.000 100 122,480 10,000 12,090 203.200 2.000 183,550 9,100 12,580 145,870 1,810 70,670 19,000 165.000 4.300 248.470 R. A. Trvin .......... Frank Pazderny... J. C. Matejka........ Theodore ViaclovF. D. Brandt J. P. Head L. R. Whiteley—— T. N. Me Carty ___ B. Wilkes_______ 30.000 22,990 35,000 910 20.000 5,710 T. A. FERRIS---------- R. W. GETZENDANER— E. D. MILLER. Tr.Off. W. C. HUCKABEE-— J. R. ONGSFORD U&Sm 65,000 Han. N., N. V.; 1st N.. Hou. 129.600 Seab. N.. N. Y.; City N., Galv.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N.> Hou. 86,580 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N., St. L. 35,680 Fed. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Waco and Ft. Worth. 4.900 97,820 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Shreveport La* and Marshall; City N., Dallas. 162.950 121.740 774.110 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’IN., Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 200.000 75.520 2.172.370 200.000 44.850 963.180 30.000 814.170 12.340 124.550 287.060 Seab. N., N. Y.; Mtle. N. and Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 2d N., Hon.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 100.000 30.000 400.000 100.000 400.000 150.000 30.000 50.000 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. ExN.. Dallas. 100.000 159,100 797.600 80,000 813,000 129.900 12,900 180.900 N.Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 78,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas; Tex. N., Ft. Worth. 100.570 1.499.640 nnm uciATS sent to us Wltu eacn sign* anui lor presentation* ana TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt attention. J.E. BATCHLER... C. M. HALL - T«t*13 Please sendlhc with each sight draft for presentation and25cfor Credit Reports. Wiixahachie National Bank, .. (Consolidated with C itizens National Ba nk) .. ‘Weatherford 6203 CITIZENS NATIONAL Parker E17 $150-10% 88-199 II 120,000 3.150 25.000 30,000 Active J. H. McQUATTERS FIRST STATE F. C. ROGERS ERUNG HELLAND Prompt service assured. youngest bank In Waxahachle. BANK&TRUSTGO. The Beady and willing to serve yon* as a modern up-to-date bank should. 8% Resources. Liabilities. Principal correspondents. Loan* Bondi Miscel Casb k Ex Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and and change*,Due L iabili laneous its Capital Profits Discounts Securities non Banks ties $ 27,260 $ 76,720 Chase N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom'l N.. Hou.; $ 50.000 S 9,410 J 268,540 $ 3,250 S 227,230 Guaranty Bond State. San Antonio. 5.080 65.500 $ 1,020 36.620 9.760 105.430 32,120 Hou. N.. Gulf State. So. Tex. Corn’l N., 15.000 and Marine Bk. & Tr., Hou.; Am, N., Aus- A. W. Umland___ W. P. Castle_____ R. C. Mathews J. F. Esterak......... E. V. Esterak....... Chas. Kaechele.__ W. K. WARD................... J. E. COLEMAN. M Ass’t Cashier. First State Bank...........t§’19 $125-10% 88-1830 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this TEXAS—Continued «• BANK G. A. HOLLAND................. W. C. MOSELEY —- COUTS HOLLAND —- J. B. WITHERSPOON•t’68 C.C. BARTHOLD,u.P. W. H. REYNOLDS CLARENCE HOPKINS J. A. KEBELMAN....... rW. S. FANT ....................... R.W. DAVIS----------- GEORGE FANT_ _ _ _ f FIRST NATIONAL BANK*i'80 $250-25% 88-198 J-E-WKITSEJT'C„». \ Excellent faclllt ies for handling collections. 1 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts. LSend us your “ WEATHEBFOB D” business. m II M Merchants & Far. State Bank $160-10% 88-200 tl‘89 Neal Butler______ E. Braselton 75.000 29.800 444,310 131,850 400,000 139,150 41,000 •• .. Parker County Nat’l Bank Mrs. H. W. Kute- D. S. Wright------- W. V. Shadle......... Fred Measures.... io% 88-201 J’06 O.R. Pickard. A. C. W. T. Hand man J. S. Campbell 100,000 19.210 484.160 59,560 392,030 101,580 41.790 127.530 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 100.000 54.840 525,740 30.000 596.780 800 64.930 100,000 47.000 650.000 50.000 540,000 8.000 159.000 48.070 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.. So. Tex. Com’l N. and Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 140,000 Equit. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; 1st N„ Hou.; U. S. N., Galv.; Frost N., San Antonio. 15.000 9,270 113,230 69,920 2,070 15,000 4.500 90,000 50.500 20,000 4.890 56.850 41.520 Weimar 1171 Firit State Bank ____ t§’08 Ed. Rabel----------88-762 H Colorado L19 $260-15% B. B. Holt, V. P. •« •• T. A. Hill State Bank...*tl'12 $240-15% 88-761 F. F. Anders. Act. V. P. Welnert............ 214 Weinert State Bank—•tl'00 88-1341 Haskell D14 Weir..................300 Weir State Bank______ H’06 88-1342 Williamson 117 H. L. Brevard____ Fred Smith E. H. Martin Frank Verunac W. P. Ammann___ E. C. Vacek J. C. Hubbard-__ Chas. Herder C. T. Jones. A. R. Couch. Wilbur Seydler.... J. Hajovsky G. R. Couch, Jr. . Fred Reid ____ C. R. Mayfield.__ Buford Mayfield... Welcome 242 First State Bank----------tl’14 I. Reichle _______ W. C. Thielemann. W. E. Krueger___ Wm. Winkelmann. 88-1064 H Austin K20 F. W. Garlin 42,060 1st N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 Citiz.State. Austin: 1st N.. Hou.; Guaranty State. Georgetown. 10,000 17.370 12.850 So. Tex..Com’l N..and State N.. Hou.; 1st N., Far. N., and Wash. County State, Brenham. Weldon______ 518 First Guaranty State Bank ... (Closed) H Houston 122 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SSSSEJIbv THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, AUSTIN. Texas i OAfj Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ^County Seats. In No. 11F. R. D. E ElPaso H Houston ■Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. (Men. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. f Last Sale % Dir. @ Bar. Dept. * HiAAO Cashier. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. TT7Y A C______j Liabilities. 1 Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other and CaJ*I fAL Profits TIES ASS’T CASHIER. ‘Wellington ..1968 J. C. Doneghy____ W. H. Lynn......... . F,. L. Koper _ _ ... C. B. Anderson— $ 100.000 S 137,480 l 661,490 0. W. Roberts ington. 88-857........ <’09 Collingsworth £6 10% .. T. P. alenn 25,000 45,000 275000 First National Bank___ <’06 C. J. Glenn______ Paul Teaque, A. C. E. M. Hunter 1250 88-856 M .. 50,000 7,570 325,000 J Wellington State Bank..*§’06 A. W. Blain--------8% ♦ 88-855 A. Y. Bell $ 694,520 $ 15,640 T. R. Warner_____ F. C. Rodgers___ 20,000 5,700 48,550 Weslaco ... 500 First National Bank---®*’24 1120 88- 2091 H Hidalgo Q4 T. F. Rives______ W. S. Ray............. D. R. Cnate. 25,000 5,000 176,390 26,310 25,000 23,300 669,160 10,670 50.000 30,000 400,000 C. L. Skaggs-------- R. W. Warren.__ Mary M. Heller H. V. Smajstrla... H F Fill* S. H. Anderson H. C, Edwards ___ J. W. Rendek........ 50.000 380 186,590 E. A. Deiterman... 50.000 22,860 357,260 W. D. Harris......... M. M. Galloway... 25.000 5.070 175.530 35,000 6,000 342,500 Westminster ..631 First State Bank_________ tl’09 J. T. Hartness.__ D. R. Clark_____ J. Boyd Webb___ Collin C20 88-1345 Weston______ 300 T. B. Williams ___ Maggie Crosswhite Collin C19 *100-10% 88-1346 12.500 2,880 60,460 ‘Wharton_____ 2346 Security Bank & Trust Co. H ^Wharton M21 $135-10% ♦ 88-535 T<§'02 J. T. Murphy Wharton Bank & Trust Co. $400-24% » 88-536 T<§'98 ‘Wheeler_______ 315 Citizens State Bank______ §’08 J.M. Porter_____ D. F.. Holt $250-25% 88-1347 Wheeler C6 L. F. Worthing__ 50,000 30.310 677,130 E. G. Brooks. 50.000 150,000 667,280 20,000 24.760 226,030 M L. K. Tuttle II .. 53,830 $ 32,750 $ 117,870 N. Bk. Com., St, L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; City N„ Wichita Falls. 14,850 85,000 1,850 35,390 42,190 4,220 3.570 24,340 Onion N., Hou.: 1st N., Jacksonville; Far & Mech. Bk. & Tr., Rusk. 132,270 25,000 30,130 39,710 46,300 City N., San Antonio: Merch. N., Browns ville; Rep. N., Dallas; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 212,890 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N„ Hou.; 1st N., Brownsville. 140,000 Seab. N., N.Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Citiz. N., Waco. 77.560 Han. N„ N. Y.; City N„ Dallas; O. S. N., Galv.; Liberty N., Waco, 169,630 Chase N.. N. Y.; City N.. Dallas; 1st N., Waco; Far. N.. Hillsboro. 32.240 N. Bk. Com. and Public N., Hou.; O. S. N., Galv. 86,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., Hon. 467,570 7,980 200,000 75,000 156,650 1.650 242,490 9,250 8,750 90,760 58.140 32.160 270.900 4,480 21,110 61,110 4,390 12,090 17.460 15,000 57,860 38,000 N. Wichita Falls. 240,340 120,630 1st N., St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 13,110 Seab. N., N. Y.: Rep. N.. Dallas. 10,000 Cent. State, McKinney; Mtle. N„ Dallas. 401,840 109,500 49,060 197,030 N. Park. N. Y.; lstN„ Hou.;U.S. N„Galv. 484,420 106,210 30,500 169,940 7,350 10,240 304,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: So. Texas Com’l N., Hou.; O. S. N., Galv.; City N„ Dallas. 83,270 Ft. W. N„ Ft. W.; Ft. Scott State, Ft. Scott, Kan.; 1st N„ Wich.; Western Ex„ Kan. C. 22,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am. State, Amarillo. 66.840 Stock Yds. N., Kan. O.; Amarillo N.. Ama rillo. 154,910 Am. State, Amarillo: New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Cont. N., Ft. Worth. 26,000 N. City, N. Y.; Rep. N., Dallas. 100,000 25.000 5,000 120.000 19,970 261,890 254,430 1,600 4,000 25,000 11,200 277,200 141,000 900 16,580 15,000 6,000 65,000 1,500 70.000 50,000 14,150 174,000 89,330 221,600 51.800 21,780 32,300 Com’l N., Sherman; Cont. N., Ft. Worth; Rep. N„ Dallas. J. H. Feidt.................. Harry T. Cowell... J. H. Simpson_____ First National Bank..®»t'01 J. M. Buchanan,CA. R. J. Kennedy $150-10% 88-635 W. L. Estes C. D. Price 50,000 14,690 221,280 30,070 204,320 34,800 7,330 69,590 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Merch. & Plan. N„ Sherman. Security State Bank....t§'20 F. G. Jamison-------- .T. A. Godwin $100-10% 88-1936 F. W. Reast 25.000 3,500 90,270 69,500 14,320 100.000 136,200 583,410 98,100 369,130 396,700 10,000 100,000 46,100 200,010 125,000 274,680 136,060 7,250 50,0001 10,440 375,480i 67,500 326,520 59,8501 31,140 17,5001 5,060 34,100 Whitesboro...l810 City National Bank.___ <’26 C. D. Anderson $100-8% 88-634 Grayson C19 •• 7.700 25,000 10,000 from Banks 45.000 G. O. McCrohan... F. B. Craig---------- C. Stiles . First National Bank___•flQ W, O, Stiles A. Finsterwald $150 88-1897 White Deer ____ 500 First National Bank_____ *’20 $130 88-1934 ^Carson C4_ B. E. Finley________ J. C. Freeman_____ Nora, Morris ♦ 88-1721 Whitehouse ...367 Guaranty State Bank___ tl’13 T. N. Gilley _____ C. H. Willingham.. $125-10% 88-1635 Smith F22 ea 16.360 Principal Correspondents, Cam b ExM ISCED- CHAN8M,D u« 325,000 Wells. inn Guaranty State Bank...tS'13 88-1545 H Cherokee H22 1125-10% “ •• Security State Bank _..t§’20 E. C. Couch______ A. C. La Duke, $175-20% 88-1944 Active T.F.Langford, V.P. West 1(529 National Bank of West W. R. Glasgow-— W. T. Harris____ 88-514 ®<’06 McLennon G19 U. E. Biggs State National Bank in West C. W. Holloway___ W. R. Denton___ $112-10% 88-515 •:’()« M t* P. S. Skrabanek... J. R. Cuff $140-10% 88-513 J. A. West West Columbia First Capitol State Bk®<§'13 T. L. Smith_____ J. H. Hardcastle .. 88-1638 H Brazoria M22 8525 fioo Westhoff 518 First State Bank_____ <§'09 Philip Welhausen.. 88-1344 H De WittM18 $125-8% Wm. Green, V. P. L. A. Walker Resources. Loam j Bonds and and Discounts Securities ... E. C. Anderson.... F. D. Thomas............ J. E. Anderson A. E. Smallwood... H. L. Brewster------ White wright.. 1666 First National Bank_____ <’92 C. B. Bryant_______ Grayson C20 $250-20% 88-524 D. S. McMillin-------Planters National Bank $140-10% 88-525 <’89 W. T. Simmons W. H. King.. R. A. Gillett. F. E. Douglas T. J. Lilley Guy Hamilton, Act. H. G. Webster_____ T. H. Sears (Consolidated with Whitney. _inn Citizens National Rank Hill G18 First National Bank_____ <’05 W. L. Sanderson.. 10% 88-800 Whitt K97 Whitt State Bank . . . §’24 W. S. Fant__ Parker D17 $120-10% 88-1795 J. N. Pnllifir G. M. Mann J. R. Fondren------ J. M. Pearson . 68,000 5,000 26,630 Mtle. N.. Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman.; Citiz. N., Denison. 141,880 Seab. N., N.Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan, N., Sherman. 53,120 N.Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N„ Sherman. First National Ban. k) F. P. Pea pin . W. S. Treat................. 52,170 85,910 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., and Citiz. Waco; City N., Dallas. 7,550 1st N.. Weatherford and Ft. Worth. HHH Hi HI HI HHH ■■HI the AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ________ Business iqci Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority ol The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.«New § State fPriv ^County Seats tMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab 00 No.llFed.Res.Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers <1 E ElPaso H Houston $ Last Sale % Dir. ®Sav.Dept. ‘Wichita Falls 58,026 Wichita B16 CITY NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towus with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws. TEXAS—Continued President. P. P. LANGFORD_ _ _ J. A. KEMP, Ch. Vice-President. MRORAL JONES ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loan* Bonds Other Cabh & ExPaid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel chakom and and ,Du* iabili AND its Capital Discounts Securities laneous from Banks Profits ties nmc............ u- m- fa. Offi. J. L. RANOEL t 1.000.000 88-130 Outside items given special attention by an officer. $ s $ $ $ 454.430 11185440 $1167270 7.985.650 3,298.680 — 2.522,820 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’i N.,Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. rvice. . W.i.McGREGOR - - - C. E.McCUTCHEN..... A. M. MILLER- - - - - - -W. U. McCUTCHENR.E. HUFF,ca.o/Bd. F. M. GATES C. J. NORTON W.O.CLINE R. K. FRENCH CARTER MCGREGOR 'FIRST Oldest Bank in Wichita Falls. NATIONAL BANK We cordially invite correspondence of Banks 38-129 ®T»t'84 $225-12% 'SECURITY NATIONAL BANK $ - % 88-1899 ®»t’20 and Bankers desiring efficient and satisfactory service in this territory. J I. STALEY .... N. M. CLIFFORD.. HUGH. H.C0TNER — M. A. ELLIS— 1 C. C. CABINESS, „ JAS. W. RYAN I Active V. P. J. C. MYTINGER I If you apprecia mm te prompt and efB cient service k. send us your “WICHITA FALL S’’ items and coll ectlons. State Trust Company®Tt§’20 R. E. Huff--------- W. F. Weeks____ Wm. E. Huff, Tr... 6% 88-1931 Wm. E. Huff 475.000 5.864.470 2.032.100 1.000.000 806.500 8.351.890 200.000 197,300 213.390 4.003.900 $ 440.950 2.295.880 Han. N., and Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; So.Tex. Com’i N., Hou. 3,319.480 379,300 36,830 878,990 307,920 24,170 2.830 36,720 2.378.990 30,470 189.730 978,850 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C.; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Rep. N., Dal. 200 20 150.000 R.M. WAGGONER. W. T. WILLIS- - - - - - - LESTER JONES— P. H. SIMMONS, „ G. C. WOOD T. J. WAGGONER LESTER JONES 13.050 208,590 400,000 BROCK 'WICHITA STATE { D GET SERVICE ON COLLECTIO NS AND CREDIT REPOR END1N G BANK & TR. CO. CE: PLAIN SIGH T DRAFTS, 15c MINIMUM; CRE DIT RE PORTS, 50c. 88-132 T-4S09 E. R. BOBO, C.HARRYHERNBLOM TIME AN THE BOBO-HEFLIN SAVE FEE IN ADVAN INVESTMEN T BANKERS (JULIAN A. BOBO. onds and Inv estment Sec urities. CO. (Waggoner Bldg.) 91.590 3.086.450 — 1st N., Wichita Falls. Han. N., N. Y.; Tex. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. L.; No. Texas N., Dallas. TS BYS Active V. P. Secy. & Treas. Ass’t Secy. Wichita Falls Clearing House i Stocks, B C. C. Cabiness___ Oral James, (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Tr. G. B. Combs_____ Laura W. O’Neal— Wildorado State Bank..JI09 $125 88-1349 First 8tate Bank____ •$|,16 W. M. McGregor.. M. J. Graybill....... D. G. Sherman ___ $175-10% 88-1350 W. E. O’Neal____ First National Bank___ t’95 John E. Owens.... J. H. Human....... L. C. Cooper____ J. H. Human *200-10% 88-589 D. Childs, A. C. R. W. Curtis, Active E. H. White......... STATE NATIONAL BANK $200-10% 88-591 »t’09 W. M. Teel VanZandt County Nat. Bank J. C. Lybrand------ A. W. Meredith... Spencer Starnes.. $175-12% 88-590 »t'21 H. Gilchrist White Banking Co.___sJt’lO R. W. Garrett....... H. E. White_____ Carl Tigertt...__ 88-1351 B. E. White Wilson State Bank___ t§'20 H. T. Fry............... L. Lumsden_____ J. R. Houston___ $135 88-1900 L. Ramsey---------F. White_____ Mrs. W. A. Giles.. S. F. Drake_____ Winchester State Bank»t§'08 A. K. L. White, V. P. J. F. Mohler $200-10% 88-1352 Wm. Green--------Lee Dowlen.... Miss Jessie Floyd. Jno, I. Wheeler.. First National Bank—*t’21 W. 10% 88-2032 Winfield National Bank t’24 G. A. Lokey-------- A. P. King............ R. L. Witt_____ H. B. Stevens, 88-1657 W. G. Farrier H. L. Hunter, Mgr. I Wildorado___ 150 Oldham D3 Willis............ 1020 I! Montgomery J22 Wills Point ...1811 Van Zandt E21 Wtimer .............300 Dallas E19 Wilson______ .175 Lynn CIO Winchester___ 410 H Payette K19 Wlndom.......... 389 Fannin C21 Winfield____ 1025 Titus D22 Hornblower & Weeks. Gen l Mgr. L. R. Paddock. C. E. Dean______ E. Campbell, Jr. F. E. Lea_______ Miss Allye Smith Miss Laura Good win 20,000 5,500 35,090 39,320 20,000 7.250 188.780 88.050 15.050 10.960 8,000 Hou. N. and N. Bk. Com., Hou.; City N., Galy. 50,000 26,840 246.340 12.520 212.230 18.650 25.520 79,300 Seab. N., N. Y.: City N„ and Rep.N..Dallas. 100,000 74.660 395.220 7.100 353.420 9,840 36,180 177.530 50.000 17,420 233.360 — 214,760 3,050 21.780 61.180 jab. N., N. Y.; Dallas N., Rep. N. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas. . Park. N. Y.; City N.. Dallas. 52,500 _ _ 9,950 19.240 49,400 5.820 2.070 25,190 (Branch & Co., L ancaster, Tex.) ... Seab. N„ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. H. G. Cook______ 15.000 5,910 60,380 R. S. Drake__ __ 15,000 8,990 58,510 Carl E. Wright ... 40,000 8.050 147,180 290 107.140 3,150 16.500 68.730 F. D. Thomas____ 25,000 4,540 151.180 18.670 132.250 1.440 13.540 51.160 2.500 13.980 87.430 41,950 1.200 3,750 57.010 Winters State. Winters; City N.. Dallas. 15,000 420 26.450 2,500 24,430 — 7.730 12.210 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N., Galv.; 1st N„ Beaumont. 400 Ch. of Bd. Wingate ...........213 Security Bank, ______it’17 J. W. Dixon_____ J. D. Dunn_____ Duncan Hensley.. Runnels F13 88-1763 Winnie............. 321 Farmers & Merch.StateBank R. A. Thornton-__ R. M. White____ C. G. Mendenhall. Chambers K24 88-1356 •ti’10 AUSTIN AND TEXAS COLLECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Amarillo N., Amarillo; Drov. N., Kan. C. 51.970 SaSolIoV it N.. Tahoka; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Lubbock. hase N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’i N., Hou.; Mercantile Bk. & Tr. Co.. Dallas, eab. N„ N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan.N.. Sherman; 1st N., Paris, eab. N., N. Y.: Texarkana N., Texark ana; Rep. N., Dallas. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK, #tUeSxTas Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i ofLO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1004 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. •County Seats. N o. llFed. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. E ElPaso H Houston >rFY A6! * Wood D22 5 Last Sale %Div. ©Sav. Dept. *225-10% « .. _____ V^UllllllUCU Liabilities. Vice President. President. Winnsboro ...2184 First National Bank—.•t’90 C. H. Morris_____ G. D. Hurdle ___ » .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. rontinue^ Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bondi Miscel Cash k Bither Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and •nd CHAKO«*,I>r* AND Discounts its Capital Profits Securities laneous prom Bahxs ties A. Morris_______ J. M. Hollinshead. $ 100,000 S 180,000 $ 525,500 $ 93.820 1 366,240 $ 241,500 $ 12.600 $ 278,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N. and Am. Ex. N., Cashier. Asa’T Cashier Dallas Mrs. Pearl James 88-485 The Merck, cfc Planters State Bank. (Suspended January 19. 1927) 28,000 10,000 2.000 18.500 20,000 14.000 87.180 Lyle Deffebach—.. 40.000 14,380 300.500 135,940 17.500 18,190 Carl Henslee_____ H.W. Robinson. Jr. Faris Callan 50,000 76.000 850.000 276,000 218.000 60,000 Wolfe City....1859 First State Bank______}§'06 Guy E. Felty_____ T. M. McDonald... Wm. F. Gatteys... J. S. Turner______ *125-10% ♦ 88-1625 J. M Old Hunt C20 50,000 25,000 300 000 210,000 3,150 100,000 52.290 316.260 383.660 54.200 Woodsboro___519 First National Bang........ $‘19 W. M. Dodson........ F. B. Rooke H. Cummins. ___ H Refugio 019 *200-10% 88-1471 Woodson...........225 Woodson State Bank.__ t§’07 B. S. Walker Alex. Dickie. Jr... G. D. Dickie 25.000 25.000 ?75 noo 115.000 51.500 10.000 8.000 250.000 160.000 20,000 •WoodvlIIe___1218 Citizens State Bank___ t§’20 H. H. Thompson... L. M. Feagin------- D. P. Mann............ F. R. Lindsey........ 15.000 32.000 376.600 180,000 25.000 17,800 200,800 1st N. and State N., Hou.; Am. N.. Beau mont; Rep. N., Dallas. 27.000 Hou. N., Hou. 310.000 21.200 35.800 98.840 15.000 161,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 98.440 Seab. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; City N. and Dallas N., Dallas. Winona Smith E22 Runnels F13 •• 88-487 Winona State Bank___ t§’10 *160-10% 88-1357 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 15 *135-8% 88-1627 M. Starnes____ J. B. McClung___ J. W. Dixon____ Winters State Bank—*t§’06 Jno. Q. McAdams— *250-10% 88-606 fOLA BOSH --------- 1 M.ROHNION........ J H. BLOCKER .. W. CANTRELL WOLFE CITY NAT’L BANK *140-12% 88-582 »t’89 I First mud eldest established Bank . J. 4. 0. f . JfiNFS mmol 750 j 95,000 70.580 3,480 N. Bk. Com., Dallas and St. L.; Com’l N.. Greenville; 1st N., Winnsboro. 47.870 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: Am. Ex. N.. JDallas. 183,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ft. W. N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; City N., Dallas. 427,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Cont. N.. Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com’1 N., Hou. 150,000 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St.L.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas. 67,770 57,920 Seab. N., N.Y.; Mtle. N., Dallas. Send ns year C t They will recell e prompt and per sonal attention. Throckmorton D15 *no-io% 88-1358 *325-10% 88-1910 Guaranty State Bank—1§’22 88-2036 Wortham... lloo First National Bank___*t’03 *175-10% 88-759 Freestone G20 First State Bank.......... »tS’07 20% ♦ 88-760 J. B.Shillings.A.C. Y. E. Raney S. W. Sibley............ I. E. Beavers-------- (. F. Reavers ....... Annie L. Johnson. M. C. Strange........ N. B. Boyd________ A. J. McKinney... J. M. Wayland ___ C. K. Bounds J. L. Bays________ T. B. Poindexter. .T. P. Stnhhs B. L. Johnson____ Active U. L. Davis. A. C. G. O. Summers W. J. Bryant.V. P. 50,000 25.400 Wylie................945 First State Bank______»tS’07 88-848 Collin D19 Wylie National Bank... t’24 88-2084 Yantis_. 4nn Yantis State Bank......... till 88-1360 Wood D21 Yoakum.__ 6184 Farmers & Merchants State Bank___88-1792.... ©t§'17 H Lavaca M19 (Bank in Dewitt Co.) S. W. Sibley............ Earl Hogge.............. V. B. Gallagher... E. A. Thomas------- 75.000 Fred Emerson____ S. M. McDonald... L. O. Neal ______ G. W. Housewright J. A. Craver______ G. D. Clayton....... J. A. Wyatt______ 25,000 H Tyler 124 ^ -------- “ YOAKUM NATIONAL BANK 88-222 *225-12% •< Yorktown.__ 1723 H Dewitt M18 88-221 Active E. J. A. Merts____ J. M. GREEN............ PERRY WENDTLAND - F A KIITAP. PRICE E.VCARRUTH. Ch. O.T. T.'l.'LONG A. A. RIGGS. Retire rW T BRIAN 79.000 7.500 402.590 870 266.580 25.000 406,920 5,000 368.330 3,080 110,130 104,620 6,270 850 51.380 49.080 N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. 80,770 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., McKinney. 20.000 10,000 34,770 28.250 8,950 9,860 8,400 245,210 200,590 12,520 31,430 106.000 90.000 850.000 620,000 00,850 76,430 • 300.000 Hau, N«, N, T., So. Tex, Colo 1 N, and 1st N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. and San Antonio. 119,120 1,926,120 1.719.830 8.370 85,050 331,980 Han. N.. N. Y.; Alamo N„ San Antonio; Un.N. and 1st N., Hou.; 1st N« St. L. 341,940 35.620 42,830 304.980 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Alamo N.,San Antonio; U. S. N.. Galv. 100.000 (WM. GREEN...... R. P. K0RTH- - - - - - - E. P. ZINCKE........ 0. W. EULERS...... 50,000 70.080 3.490 35.000 34,030 21.200 No. Tex. N., Dallas; 1st N. and City N., Sulphur Springs. 59,110 N. Park, N. Y.: Hou. N., Hou.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. . 590.590 14,690 )SEND US YOU K ITEMS D1REC T. (Prompt ettentl on given Bill of Lading Drafts, Co Uectlons, Cash an d Time Items, and re mltted »t’68 *t§’07 F. Kraege............... Wm. Metz.............. iW. C. Metz.......... J. E. Strieber....... Gus Thuem 158.500 Han. N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; U. S. N.. Galv. 60.000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Bieckenridge. 50.000 Philip Welhausen. B. H. Treybig____ B. H. E. Hoppe__ M. C. Driscoll W. A. Huebner 06 Wm. Green FIRST NATIONAL BANK 10% 88-659 First State Rank 10% 88-660 M _____ John Machac, 425,000 36,000 1 Collections sent us win receive pr ompt attention and remitted on day of p ayment ®»t’90 VPrompt ettentl on given all Bank ing matters entru sted to ns. ■ - YOAKUM STATE BANK *200-10% C. J. Hath. 110,000 25.000 60,000 8,000 446,340 for on d ay of pa yment. 281.210 39,510 13,970 180,680 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Gt’y State, San An, 4,000 7,000 D. & A. Oppenheimer, San Antonio; Am. N., Austin. 3.700 12,470 Ft.Worth N.. Ft. Worth; Un. N„ Hou.; 1st N., Brownwood. | •Zapata......... 1527 Zapata PI Bank of Zapata .... 88-2073 R. San Miguel, Jr.. . .t‘19 Wilmer Threadgill Zephyr— ...750 First State Bank----------- tl’07 Wm. Skipping .... J. M. Beaird______ W. L. Johnston... D. A. Johnston.... Mde Johnston Brown G15 88-1361 j tjhe 12.500 5,000 25,000 31,500 10,000 19.000 54.170 52.470 14.520 | AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, Austin, Texas Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Business Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i^————— ■W——I ?fc hg* I ■& > * XsMHf J7v# ; ] ■n $288 ImI I Sound and Progressive si ifa iHI y£T '•€' iMi - ■ml Ini n A RECORD OF THIRTY-FOUR YEARS of banking service to industries of the inter-mountain territory indicates the dependability of this institution and the experience of its officers in financial affairs of this region, an experience which will make their service valuable to correspondent bankers. Since we are in close touch with business in this territory, we are able to handle your collections efficiently. -v. m |Tt% a m m IS t £_* Our policy is one of sound and progressive banking. Total Resources more than Thirteen Million Dollars m 11 CONTINENTAL \1& I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ii Wf[I NATIONAL BANK Officers J. Eo COSGRIFF . , E. A. CULBERTSON W. W. TRIMMER . . President Vice-President Viee»President W. F. EARLS ...................... Vice-President J. H. GRUT ...................................... Cashier ENOS HOGE..................... Assistant Cashier I <£? JJII nmmwwmhmmmhI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ww 9 S r\«$ S3 o-®; o^b bb tOOCOCn tOCO feibinb'1*) b S ►»* b W Ox *^1 tO tO CO h-* tfk. O COO o m PO r~i W COM Q KT'*-' rf*> COrf»- -Sj 00»— CO a o — ? o c z |H S O bS 00 to tn CHILD, BARCLAY & COMPANY SALT LAKE CITY MEMBERS SALT LAKE STOCK AND MINING EXCHANGE WE CONSULT US ABOUT SPECIALIZE IN ALL UTAH STOCKS DIVIDEND PAYING AND UTAH MINING STOCKS INVESTMENTS REFERS TO ANY BANK IN UTAH OLDEST BROKERAGE HOUSE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN UTAH A QUARTER OF A CENTURY UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tow* and Oocxrr. *Oounty Seats. No. 12 F. Rei. Dist. Salt Lake Branch. *Mem. A.B. a. nNew §State tPriv. {Men. Stats B. Asi’n. [E*tab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Tru*t Powers. 3 Last Salt % Dir. ® 8ai. Dept American Fork. Bank of American Fork Utah G12 2763 $280-12% #7-55 ®<§’9J Peoples State Bank_®<j’13 $126-6% 97-102 ‘Beaver____ 1827 State Bank of Beaver County Beaver M7 $150-12% 97-47 ©bti’05 Bingham Canyon Bingham State Bank®T<J’Q3 Salt Lake F10 2676 ♦ 97-36 President. Vice-President. Cashier. • Jas. Ohipman___ S. L. Ohipman....... W. S. Chipman___ W. H. Ohipman___ Clifford E. Young Jarvis Aydelotte O. P. Crookston... F. T. Gunn____ S. O. White, Jr.... John P. Barton_ Emma T. Mathew L. S. Oates____ S. Armstrong____ D. M. Todd. Jr.... V. F. Groves O. K. Adderiey Eugene Chandler.. Eugene Chandler.. B. T. Lynch............ Blandlng.........875 Scm Juan Slate Bank ___ (Merged with Monti cello State Bank, M onticello, Utah as St San Joan 023 Bountiful___ 2008 Bountiful State Baak<gK|’06 J. A. Eldredge___ Richard Stringham David Mabey_____ Davis Ell $125-8H% 97-56 Union State Bank___®<}’1S A. W. Hatch_____ I. O. Holbrook----- Ernest M. Madsen. $1R0-S% 97-106 ‘Brigham___ 5282 FIRST RATIONAL BARA John D. Peters.__ Philip Quayle....... J. Leo Nelson ___ Box Elder Cll $125-12% 97-29 €X'01 W. T. Davis STATE SECURITY $75-8% Caebe Junction.. Cache Bll 105 ‘Castle Dale...715 Emery J16 Cedar City___2462 Iron 05 97-28 Tt Asb’t. Cashier J. F. Noyes____ First National Bank....<’20 G. B. Chandler... D25 97-134 Farmers Banking Co___ J’lO J. H. Barker____ J. E. Griffin______ M. T. Beck______ Emery County Bank.®<§’06 Samuel Singleton. J. B. Crawford__ Edmund Crawford. $160-12% 97-58 Bank of Southern Utah U. T. Jones______ J. G. Pace.............. S. J. Foster ........... $20-16% ♦ 97-59 ®<|'04 M. D. Higbee Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M. A. Eliason__ E. A. Bricker... O. B. Berglnnd. J.R. Murdock.. 1 50.00C 1 95.55C » 958,86 )$ 52,950 1 839,08C $ 40.50C 17.71C 314.74C 54,006 25,840 357,070 26,000 18,100 686,630 100,000 29,840 290,920 L. H. Sessions... 80,000 40,370 516,980 25,000 27.000 157,770 Perry D. Peters.. 100,000 10,000 1.200,000 100,000 50,730 b Principal Correspondents. 3.99C $ 50,43c S 263,850 Han. N„ N.T.; Utah State N„ Salt Lake C. 263.06C 7.94C 37,10c 40,600 396,770 15.85C 20.30C 64.850 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. T.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 44,050 Deseret N., Salt Lake O. 5,180 353,040 271,87C 13,660 97,340 N. City, N. Y.: N. Copper, Salt Lake C.: Tr. Co.. San F. 116,720 99.00C 73,000 132,040 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; A. ft L. P. N„ San F.; Walker Bros,, Salt Lake O. 36.850 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.. Utah State N. and Deseret N.. Salt LakeC. 28,000 Cont. N„ Salt Lake C.; Ogden State,Ogden. . __ 6,730 38,870 205,560 3,500 18,980 51,900 1.000,000 35,000 26,900 200,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: Ogden State. Ogden: Utah State N., Salt Lake O. 889,310 52.720 27,200 160,900 Am.Ex. Irv.Tr.Oo.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.and Ogden State. Ogden; Walker Bros.. S. L. O.; W. F. Bk. & Ua. Tr.,8an F. 23,540 46,280 979,410 W. H. Griffin. Jr... 25,000 5.390 119,510 E. M. Crawford___ 25,000 16,400 218,090 11,590 168,980 66.050 5,990 E. M. Corry______ Arthur Gardner 100,000 111,310 829,140 90,900 890,510 25,200 104,930 110,700 1st N.. Chi,; Deseret N., Salt Lake C.;Citiz. N„ Los. A. 4,930 50.000 73,240 Utah State N., Salt Lake O.: 1st N., Ogden. 62,000 Han. N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Ogden State, Ogden; Oma. N., Oma. 12 Grantsville Deseret Bank $60-8% 97-67 ®<*’10 Commonwealth Bank®»il’21 97-63 $110 Gunnison Valley Bank $130 •» 97-69 ©‘Jl’09 Bank of Heber City____i|'02 97-70 Cash Ex changes, Dui from Banks P. E. Roberts___ Centerfleld___ 566 Bank of Centerfleld (Merged with Gunni son Valley Bank, G unnison, Utah, Sept ember 4, 1926) Sanpete K12 Clearfield____ 231 Clearfield State Bank ®<f 17 G. E. Holt.............. A. Z. Tanner__... W. W. Steed. Jr... Jesse D. Barlow... Davis Dll 97-117 $150 ‘Coalville_____ 771 First National Bank__®<’05 Alfred Blonquist_ Robert Young___ R. T. C&rruth____ Summit E14 % 97-60 Axcil Blonquist Delta.... ............. 939 Delta Stale Bank________ (Closed January 8. 1927.) Millard J8 Ephraim_____2287 Bank of Ephraim___®<|’05 A. N. Bjerregaard. C. Willardson........ F. H. Rasmuson__ O. L. Hansen. $250-12% ♦ 87-61 Sanpete J13 Escalante____1032 State Bank of Escalante John Spencer._ J. F. Haws............ Lester Spencer ... Garfield 018 $20-4% 97-131 ©<§’20 Eureka______ 3608 Eureka Banking Co..©<§’16 Geo. H. Dern.___ J. G. Jones______ A. J. Jex________ Thos. A. McCorJuab H10 $150 97-62 , , mick Falrvlew_____ 1423 Fairview State Bank.©<|’14 Ole Lasso n______ A. B. Anderson__ P. Sundwall, Jr.__ Eulala Tucker___ $150-8% 97-109 Sanpete 114 ‘Farmington. 1170 Davis County Bank ..®<|'92 J. 8. Clark_______ James A. Eldredge. A. L. Clark............ G. S. Clark____ $300-20% 97-68 Davis Ell Gran tsvllle... 1213 Tooele F9 Greenrlver__ 645 Emery K20 Gunnison___1H5 Sanpete E12 •Heber______ 1931 Wasatch F14 Liabilities. Rksourcrs. Loans ther Bond* Miscel Paid-ui SUHPLTJf Dnron- LOiabili and AND and Capitai PnoriTi rrs Diaeounti SeouritU laneous ties ale Bank of San J an.) J. E. Halverson ... R. L. Fishburn.... G. A. Anderson .. E. W. Dunn M. A. Browning ‘Fillmore____1490 Fillmore Com’l & Sav. Bank G. M. Whitmore .. $140-6% ♦ 97-128 ©Tt§’20 Millard K9 State Bank of Millard County Joseph T. Finlinson $225-20% 97-64 ®<|’t)7 Fountain Green Bank of Fountain Green G. M. Whitmore. Sanpete 113 1169 $175-12%* 97-114 ®<|'16 Garfield______2000 Garfield Banking Co..®*i|’07 L. 8. Catos______ Salt Lake Elo $150-20% 97-65 Garland______ 999 Bank of Garland___ ®»t§ 05 T. F. Coombs____ Box Elder BIO $100 97-68 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this UTAH 123,390 25.000 13,840 178,100 138,760 50.000 17,500 725,000 410.000 300.000 500,000 25,000 50.000 50,000 400,000 25.000 7.050 66,790 82,260 30,000 8.450 539,900 227,910 241.570 17,350 25,000 22.520 240,000 177,990 55.470 14.970 25,000 65,430 408,040 389,570 8,760 22,700 100,000 2.040 75,000 Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 2,850 A. A. Kimball___ Byron Howells.... W. J. Anderson Parker Robison.__ Parker Robison... B. G. Kenney_ Claude Robins A. J. Aagard_____ F. D. Smyth___ 50,000 14.060 225,000 215,000 40,000 54,000 600,000 530,000 25,000 27.790 346,600 2,000 208,350 48,350 2.540 J. M. Bidwell____ H. A. Culverwell.. S. Armstrong Moroni Ward____ C. R. Welling____ 30,000 15,590 2,820 291,210 99,770 14,800 25,000 6,070 400.680 * 121,690 20,030 96,470 9,540 32,710 9,300 130,560 2,070 6,620 53.520 5,460 18,530 3,920 45,890 P. E. Wrathall... P. E. Anderson___ J. A. Hunter__ H. B. Cole_______ John C. Mellor.... J. W. Jones_____ F. A. Beck___ Wm. Metcalf J. W. Clyde—,____ Emer W. Murdock. Elmer Strong 20,000 16,000 140.370 25.000 2.850 93.650 50.000 15,530 277,840 93.600 291.040 100,000 30,650 418,870 60,000 456,250 30,060 Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 2,700 57,390 13,730 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 91,510 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Crocker 1st N.. San F.; N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 51.180 Am. Ex. Irv Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 77,440 Am. Ex. Irv Tr. Co., N. Y.; Deseret N„ Salt Lake C. 36,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Nephl; N. Copper. Salt Lake O.: 1st N„ Los A. 109,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 142,150 1st N., N. Y. and Nephi, Utah; N. Conner. Salt Lake C. 43.310 >1. City. N. Y.; N. Copper. 8alt Lake C.: Am.Tr. Co., San F. 34,070 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ogden; Utah State N„ Sait L. C.: W. F. Bk.& Un. Tr., San F. 46,420 Ctah State N. and Cont. N., Salt Lake C. 43,990 Cont. ft Com'I N„ Ohi.; Cont.N., Salt Lake C.: U. S. N.. Den. 96,100 N. City, N, Y.; Columbia Tr. Co. and Walker Bros.. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 95,870 N. Oity and N. Park, N.Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C. i -*■ oca Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. No.l2Fed. Res. Dist. Salt Lake Br. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrif. tMea. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Dir. ®Sar.DepL Helper______ 1606 noiiisr Blalc OdUK. . Carbon 116 ♦ 87-71 President. Vice-President. IV J. Barboglio______ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. UTAH—Continued Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Other Cash k Ex* Miscel chamois Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and ,Dm and iabili Capital Propits its Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties $ Glen Ballinger------ 50.000 S 71,610 $ 736.950 S 5,000 $ 421,260 % 144.960 $ Principal Correspondents. 28.240 $ 269.090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Utah State N. and N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 118,840 _______ 2.180 12,510 N. Park. N. Y.; Far. & Merch,, Provo. 237.020 1.250 4.660 29.540 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N Y.; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Co., Logan.; 1st N.. Ogden. 275,000 — 230.000 22.500 12,500 370,000 30.000 500.000 15.000 50,360 344.200 38.390 360.110 44.030 7,070 46,730 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Ogden; N. Copper., Salt Lake C. 25.000 16.890 368,929 7,640 268.400 500 21,190 128,070 Han. N., N.Y.; Utah State N„ Salt Lake C. 40,000 23.000 250.000 82.000 305,000 11,000 40.000 40.000 1st N., N.Y.; 1st N., Ogden: Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 25,000 6,250 94,540 99.220 961,280 337.740 91.180 173.790 1st N.. N. Y.; Walker Bros., Bkrs.. Salt Lake C.; Ogden State, Ogden. 1.232,850 333.320 87.300 223,310 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Utah State N., Sait Lake O.; Ogden State. Ogden. 172.710 1.557.460 343.260 79.940 226.620 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Am. Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N.. Ogden. Hurricane___1021 State Bk. of Hurricane David Hirsehi____ Washington Q4 $14-6% 97-120 ®» 5 17 20.000 5.910 107,620 Hyrum______ 1858 Hyrum State Bank...®«tl’08 S. S. Eccles---------- Robert Baxter.... Clifford Warr____ Cache Bll $150-8% 97-72 25,000 11.690 231,720 4.070 Hamas................563 Kamas State Bank__ ®»tl'09 T. A. D&nnenberg. J. B. Hoyt________ Moses C. Taylor... Doris McCormick. Summit F14 10% 97-73 20.000 10,000 Barnes Banking Co__®»tl’91 Royal C. Barnes .. J. G. M. Barnes... J. R. Gailey............ $400-20% ♦ 97-74 4 Layton__ __ 1175 First National Bank _®»t'05 Rufus Adams.......... L. E. Ellison -------- Vird Cook_______ Davis Dll $210-12% 97-75 J. M. Smith 50,000 105.000 25,000 Lehl________ 3078 State Bank of Lehi ..©•tj’14 James Chipman... J. H. Gardner____ W. S. Chipman.... E. L. Chipman.... G. R. Adamson Utah G12 $160-8% 97-35 Lewiston....... 1645 Lewiston State Bank.®*tl'05 Martin Pond.......... Hyrum Hayball... S. R. Rogers_____ Langton Barber... Cache A12 $175-12% 97-76 40,000 Cont. N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden. 40.000 Deseret N.. Salt Lake C. Davis Ell Wayne M12 State Bank of Wayned>t§’20 W. 8. McClellan... $126 97-133 »Logan--------10,129 Cache Valley Bkg. Co. A. H. Thompson .. W. O. Darley_____ Cache B12 12% ♦ 97-23 ®»t|'03 Hyrum Hayball •• First National Bank...«t'92 J. H. Anderson.... W. S. Hansen........ A.Sonne_________ 97-22 L. S. Smart .. Thatcher Bros. Banking Co. S. S. Eccles ............ H. J. Hatch........... $300-20% ♦ 97-21 ®T»t5’83 D. C. Budge N. W. Haws........... L. W. Hovey 100,000 74,460 1.389.540 L. Westerholm.... 100.000 41.140 1.600.690 C. B. Squires......... 100,000 100.010 1.834,560 134,950 ..... 47.050 N. Copper, Salt Lake C.; Richfield Com’l & Sav., Richfield. Magna______ 1515 Magna Banking Co..©T«tr07 L. S. Cates............ Sherman J. A. Donaldson... Salt Lake F10 $130 97-113 Armstrong 25,000 7.110 270,650 940 228.190 31.070 9,140 35.310 Bkrs.Tr. Co.,N. Y.; N. Copper, Salt Lake C.; Am. Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N„ Los A. ‘Mantl ,9412 Manti City Savings Bank Lewis Anderson... .1 f! Mellnr Sanpete J13 87-77 ®»«'90 R. P. Dyreng......... J. J. Jensen.. __ 50.000 86,680 518,590 30.510 516.070 59,350 44,930 Midvale_____ 2209 Midvale State Bank..®*ti'09 W. S. Chipman.... W. A. Marshall___ Leon L. Olson------ A. L. Anderson... $160-8% 97-49 Salt Lake Fll . 35.000 25,390 487.460 20.490 437.650 35.000 23.340 69,090 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: W. F. Bk. &Un.Tr., SanF.; Deseret N. S. L. C. 72,330 N. Park. N.Y.; Utah State N. and Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake C. J. C. Smith. ------ 25.000 27,240 294.850 9,560 291.830 300 26.260 38.250 Cout.N.. Salt Lake C. First National Bank-..®»t'16 D. L. Goudelock... C. A. Robertson... H. G. Green______ W. R. McConkle.. $100-6% 97-116 V. P. Martin Monroe State Bank...®l|'10 Alma F. Bohman.. Alma Magleby........ H. R. Tietjen........ $125-4% 97-79 State Bank of San Juan L. B. Redd______ F. B. Hammond... $90 97-123 ®»t§’18 W. H. Redd 50.000 10.530 276.370 56.380 127.080 107.950 39.970 110.380 N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 177.910 11.710 Beaver M5 iMoab_______ 856 Grand L2S Monroe______1719 Sevier L10 ‘Moutlcello... 768 San Juan 024 Milford State Bank „®»tl*12 R. H. Pitchforth .. 97-78 F. R. Levi______ $105-10% First National Bank___«t'03 H. B. Crouch.......... J. Williams, Jr.... B. W. Heiner_____ 97-80 Bank of Moroni_____®»+§’05 O. Bradley............... E. D. Anderson ... $175-8% 97-81 E. W. Wall _____ Mt. Pleasant Com'l&Sav.Bk. N. S. Neilson_____ S TT Gil! $300-16% 97-45 ®T»«’92 C. W. Sorensen... A. L. Peterson ___ $240-10% 97-46 Murray______4584 First National Bank____ »f03 Richard Howe____ JohnC. Cutler........ D. A. McMillan ... 97-26 Salt Lake FU Murray State Bank .-®«t|’02 J. E. Cosgriff____ 97-27 W. C. Andrews,— $250-20% 97-38 <4 Juab 112 4 Ralph Brough. Nephi National Bank _®«t,07 97-39 Oasis_________ 415 State Bank of Oasis ..®»tS'08 Henry Huff............ J. C. Hawley.......... Herman Pedersen. Millard J8 $140-8% 97-83 Morgan D12 Moroni lass Sanpete 113 Mt. Pleasant.2415 Sanpete 113^ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A M Craft 25,000 19.670 187.360 50.000 10.000 142,570 25.000 17,780 231.630 25,000 148.200 200,000 143,880 20.000 3,490 640 41.760 Deseret N., Salt LakeC. 5.470 73.900 Deseret N., Salt Lake C. _____ 89.220 Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ 7.830 Ogden; Oma. N., Oma. 16,880 N. Park, N.Y.; Utah State N.. SaltLakeC. 31.620 86,000 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Copper and Walker E. A. Draper.......... 25.000 13.610 111.750 H. F. Wall................ 50.000 88.530 410.730 431.650 Calvin Christensen 50,000 74.700 301.900 303.070 31.850 19.590 Ethel M. TingleyH. A. Robbins 100,000 23,100 692,510 15.000 15.000 180.000 Frank Brough........ Paul E. Booth C. W. Glazier.......... 50.000 74.810 940,490 50.000 16.000 182.000 48.000 G. L. Huff............... 27,250 13.870 443.100 20.080 21.730 100,140 Bros. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 72.130 N. Park. N.Y.; Utah State N.. SaltLakeC. 148.330 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 41,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. N., Salt Lake C. 464,770 191,450 111,200 156,000 6,000 1.200 713,490 185,230 6,570 234.000 52.000 4.000 159.010 1st N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.; N.Copper,S. L.C.; Am. Tr., SanF. 47,000 Deseret N„ Salt Lake C. 314.110 14.860 18.530 156.790 Utah State N„ Salt LakeC.; 1st N., Mphi, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number gi\en to each bank in» U.11_ S.___exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers ___rvf rrim 4 mnrloun RiinlfhPC Acs’n. Uireulufj; unaer i'ii •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $T.sctR*l» I>iv. fit Say. DeDt. COMMERCIAL SECURITY BANK 055-8% 97-4 President. Vice-President. Cashier. OGDEN 1 1 Ass’t Cashier. Reserve City (Weber D 11) Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties F. J. STEVENS.......... FRED M. NYE---- — S. G. DYE.................... H. W. HINLEY............ P.HEALY, Ch. of Bd. A. S. PATTERSON ’ W. H.SHEARMAN t 200.000 $ 143.600 S 2.364.710 Loans and Discounts ■ County Seat Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see La ws. Resources. Miscel BONDS laneous Cash & ExCHAHG*8,DuH AND S*cuErrr»s Resources from Eanks Principal Correspondents. S2.062.480 $ 221.450 $ 143.620 $ 280.760 N. City, N. ¥.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; Oma. N., Oma.: Den. N., Den.; Cont. N. and Walker Bros. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. Prompt and efficient service in handling Collections. Credit inquiries invited. ©T*t§’25 — 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK *150-8% 97-2 M S ECCLES........ G. S. ECCLES......... A. V. MclNTOSH... LAWRENCE CLAYM.a.tbbLc* M. A. BROWNING TON W. L. WATT1S R.B.PORTER 500.000 183.000 5.800.000 $ 650.000 3.400.000 1,380.000 410.000 1.943.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 250,000 170,110 51.240 2.400.490 1.301.090 48,090 429.100 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ogden; Deseret N.. S. L. C.;Crocker 1st N.,San F.; Calif. N., Sac. 199.700 186.230 734.760 N. Park.,N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells Fargo Bk. 5.214.870 1.106.390 137.990 1.765.670 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Crocker 1st N., San F. We make a specialty of Collection business. We present promptly and Insist npon payment or definite reason for non-payment. Prompt returns at lowest rates. <DT»t’81 S. T. JepDesen---- W. H. Loos............ First Savings Bank .©T«I5’89 M. S. Eccles........... G. S. Eccles-------- W. H. Loos. Tr. Off. W. L. Wilson M. A. Browning. R. B. Porter 1250-15% 97-6 T. M. Irvine. V. P. W. L. Wattis 3.707.120 A. Tr. Off. 'NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE ar* C. H. BARTON------------ J. H. RILEY__________ H. B. BARTON...................J. R. HJNCHCLIFF P. A. DIX AAimrnnr 97-1 - 250.000 66.800 2.739.980 100.000 314.430 7.810.490 171.300 2.107.390 Send us your Utah Collections._ ®T«t’04 We have unsurpassed facilities for handling them. ‘OGDEN STATE BANK 1600-30% t t AW iMSoSON (S)T#j§’89 97-5 Ogden Clearing House.................... (Members indicated by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A P BIGELOW ' E. L. VAN METER 6* L BECKER & Union Tr. Co., San F.; Oma. N., Oma.; Walker Bros. Bkrs.. Salt Lake C.; U. S. N., Port.; Den. N., Den. D. E. DAVIS------------- W. N. FARR--------------- and Southern Idaho. Moderate charge. Try us. H. B. Barton, E. A. James, Ex. „ N. Hansen, Mgr. Sec. and Tr. J. Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co.. San F.: Colo. N. and Den. N., Den.; Pac. S. W. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Walker Bros. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. nNew {State tPrir. ‘County 8eats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. In No. 12 P. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Tn»t Powers. $ Last Sale %Dlr. ® Bar. Dept. President. Panguitch State Bank W. J. Henderson.. 97-138 ®*Tt§’24 Garfield 08 Vice-President. Ira W. Cashier. Hatch . ... Parley Ipson Ass't Cashier. *Parowan___1040 Bank of Iron County _«t§‘Q8 Iron 06 ♦ 97-86 L. N. State Bank of Fayson__af’17 G. Utah H12 ♦ ‘Price. 97-88 ®e«’05 CARBON COUNTY BANK $105 ♦ 97-127 Marsden....... Wm. Adams. .... 437,820 6.500 85.600 Am. Ex.-lrv. Tr.Co., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.. San F.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 960 | 44,910 J. C. Mitchell___ 35.000 21.000 270,000 j 200,000 100,000 66.000 Utah State N.. Salt Lake C. 252,000 413,000 47,510 65,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Nephi; N. Copper. Salt Lake C. 380,790 331,260 24,890 84,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N.. 8alt Lake C. 32,300 85,000 ■ 17.570 344,110 24,500 347.710 21.170 Lake C. ®T*t8’19 Ul.00 for Credit Reports. Price Commercial & Sav. Bk. ♦ 97-52 ©WS’lO CarlR. Marcusen— Oscar Hanson... G. 50.000 89.650 891,530 67,580 619.250 258,290 34,510 186,700 L City, N. Y.; N. Copper and Cont. N., Sait Lake C. 50,000 70.000 827*080 41.950 581,630 194,070 14.170 199,160 Jhase N.. N. Y.; Walker Bros., Bkrs.. Salt Lake C. 100,000 29,590 831,190 21,050 650,440 97,580 60,080 173.720 L Park, N. T.: Utah State N., Salt Lake C. F. G. Warnick___ W. W. Allen 300,000 78,900 1.055,070 26,870 923,460 311,310 62,090 163,980 Ian. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.; N. Copper and Utah State N., S. Lake C. .T. A. Buttle. F. G. Richmond 100.000 140,690 940,270 734,870 145,060 32,420 199,190 25.000 29,840 309,120 218,540 46,900 7,190 91,330 37,500 10.000 110,860 96,850 16,050 Lm. Ex.-lrv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Cont. N.. Walker Bros., and Deseret N., S. Lake 0. L City, N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake 0.; N. Bk. Com., Ogden. lm. Ex.-lrv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 50.000 62,000 590,000 550,000 4.200 50,500 70,000 Ian. N.. N. Y.; Walker Bros., Bkrs., 8alt Lake C. 50.000 127,850 871,860 830.550 31,150 79,830 108.180 I. City, N. Y.; Is* N.. Chi.; Deseret N. and Cont. N., Salt lake C. State Bank of Sevier®»t§’06 John Christensen. Robert D. Young.. D. P. Jensen____ Alfred J. Bird....... 97-44 45,000 22,770 367.620 60,000 369,300 64,160 2.570 59,360 N. Park. N. Y.;Utah State N„ Salt Lake C. State Bank of Richmond J. W. Funk $150-8% 97-90 ®«tl'08 20,000 11,360 133,610 28.450 146,390 10,000 16,780 23.260 it N„ Ogden; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Co., Logan. 25,000 15.220 158.200 17.523 177.240 18,620 19,230 O. Orser............ 40.000 13,350 379,620 322,340 7.000 82,100 E. V. Johnson....... E. Peterson 25.000 85,000 250,000 325.000 N. 8. Farmers & Merchants Bank T. $i#o-6% ♦ 97-18 ®T»iS’06 97-17 N. Nellson. _®t§’02 W. N. Nelson C. R. Ray Walters ___ Marcusen ___ W. E. Anderson ... Taylor_____ Jno. F. Bennett ... H. A. Dixon C. E. Loose____ _ H.^Brereton__ R. E. Allen______ J. T. Farrer_____ Alva Nelson_____ .T. F. Hreer Bank of Randolph... ®»t§’06 John Kennedy. .. Joseph Weston ___ Chas. W. Walton .. $100 97-89 ‘Richfield. 3262 James M. Peterson Bank James M. Peterson Sevier LJO $200-16% ♦ 97-42 ®«J§’83 Richfield Oom'I & Sav. Bank Hans Tn ft $325-1*% 97-43 ®T»tl'99 .. Geo. H. Ogden.... Arthur Whittaker. $100-8% C. S. Hall............... S. 8. Bedes-------- Jordan Valley Bank..®*tl'K A. T. Butterfield- I. E. Freeman----$15.00-10% 97-91 Roosevelt State Bank©»tS'20 Elroy Wilkins....... C. F. Schrader 97-107 Wm. Weiser $165-8% Salina. Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; N. Conper. Salt Lake C.; Am. Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N„ Los. A. • 521.950 ( J. W. HAMMOND— A. W. MCKINNON .... 0. P. M. BIERSACH - C. J. EMPEY_______ F. C. HILL ) Send 15c with S ight Drafts for Pr esentatlon, N. City. N. Y.; N. Copper, Salt Lake C.; 1st State, Salina. 114,160 26,920 40,120 50.703 5.570 25.000 20,000 11,750 $ 137.910 Egan............ Halliday....... W. S. Chipman..— S. L. Swenson.. . J. A. West 1,050 l Principal Correspondents. 665,470 Fred J. R. C. State Bank of Provo Cache B12 35,320 $ 156.870 $ H. James Chipman... Provo Commercial & Sav. Bk. Reed Smoot.......... 97-16 ®»t|'90 ssr 852,030 50.000 Knight Trust & Savings Bank J. Wm. Knight.... ♦ 97-19 ®T«M’13 ‘Randolph Rich B15 21,080 Tolhurst....... W. A. Robinson..— Chas. H. Dixon..— First National Bank..®*t’01 Joseph Barboglio.. 97-51 20% -------11.184 5.530 $ 154,520 $ 50,000 T. F. M. $250 Utah G12 Lam bourne . 25.000 $ Whitmore... 97-119 Bank of Pleasant Grove $200-10% G. W. Liabilities. Resources. Otheb Loaoa Bondi 0am k Kz> Paid-up Subplus Ddpo»- L Miscel c*AseaB,Dui AND and iabili and Capital Profits IT8 Diacounta Securities laneous rujom Baku ties S _____ Park City....... 3393 First National Bank-®*i'91 James Farrell....... W.W, Armstrong.. Jerome Paxton__ Summit P13 97-85 State Bank of Park City John C. Cutler__ »iu-8% 97-115 ®«t§T7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. UT AH—Continued First State Bank — -®«t|’07 James Farrell .... $200 ♦ 97-92 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. S. Jordan..___ J, C. 21,540 42,870 35,000 Deseret N., Salt Lake C. an. N., N. Y.; Deseret N.. Salt Lake C.: Grand Valley N.. Grand Jet., Colo. N. Copper. Salt Lake C. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1<3A7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lOO/ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’11. SALT LAKE CITY—Reserve City tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. (LastSale % Div. ®8av.Pept President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. ther Paid-up Surplus Total LOiabili and Capital Propits Deposits ties S 100.000 I Geo. T. Petersen, Bankers Trust CompanyT»:tl'13W. W. Armstrong. J. K. Hardy_____ P.W. Dayer, Eugene Giles Tr. and A, See.] See. 31-59 250,000 92,360 $ F. B. Cook_______ R. W. Burton......... H. E. Keller_____ S. E. Williams....... I 200,000 49,120 Chas. L. Smith.. 31-63 ®T»t§'15i 31-4 . ............. ......... E. A. CULBERTSON^” W'! F/EARLSIER V. P. E. S. Hills... Deseret Savings Bank®T»tS’89 E. S. Hills..........— J. C. Cutler__ $210-12% ♦ 31-52 and Discounts (No Ban king) BONDS AND Principal Correspondents. Miscbl- Q*ra A Elsunn,Dtn SscuBrras Rasouacas naa Ian 65,000 I UNion 87,000 8,400’ $ 12.000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Copper, Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ Los A. 90.190 Kidder, Peabody & Co.. N. Y. and Bos. 119.890 8.053.080 3,150.5201 186,210 1,149,560 56,530 858,780 54,040 172,420 369,960 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Crocker 1st N.. San F.; U. S. N., Den. NO,NO 227.410 13,452.220 550,ON 7.683,300 2.822.100 126.230 4.198.000 N. Bk. Com., N. City, and ChaseN., N.Y.;Cont. E. S. Hills_______ L. G. Young. R. C. Barnes, A. C. A. J. Sperry 600,000 682,290 6,055,820 491,000 3,078,610 2,120,850 134.420 2,032,630 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.City. and Kountze Bros., N. Y.ilstN., Chi.; Wells Fargo Bk. & UnionTr. Co., San F. Elias A. Smith___ R. Q. Cannon____ 600,000 252.730 6,505,350 3.143.250 2,709,330 723.570 681.930 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.;Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr.Co.,San F. 4.993.900 397.500 510.280 112.280 Chase N., N. Y. 4.659.120 643,690 95.990 4,175,100 4,113.700 200.000 160.900 J' H' GRUT STE°WAHR0TGfosGBfFF We make a specialty of collection business. We present promptly, insist upon payment or definite reason for ®T»$’09 non-payment. Prompt returns at lowest rates._____ ‘Deseret National Bank—*t’69 J. C. Cutler .... $275-15% *1-1 Loans I 175.000 I 148.700 $ 31,000 James L. Wilson.. John T. Brunn, Sec. W.R.Granville.TV. Central Trust Co........®T*i§’22 Fred E. Smith. ‘CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. ”New §State fPriv. ‘COLUMBIA 180 ♦ 31 (Salt Lake, E 11) County Seat, Pop. 130,948 Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12, & Com’l N., Ch!.; 1st N. and Den. N.. Den.; Anglo & lain. Paris N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. •Federal Reserve Bank of San (Salt Lake City B ranch. Federal Re serve Bank of San Francisco, Cal.).. (For com plete inf ormation see page 31)-------31-31 Francisco.* Hal loran-Judge Trust Company R. G. Falloran.... Wm. J. Halloran.. W. J. Halloran, Tr. W E. Coulam, See. F. G. Breinmg.A.S.; 31-62 ®T»t§,87 W. E. King, V. P. W. T. Wilcox 300,000 161.970 500,000 129.150 $1*5-6% ‘NATIONAL COPPER BANK 31-56 ®»t’09 W. W. ARMSTRONG-LAFAYETTE HANCHETT J.A. MALI A— Sherman*,Armstrong • R. C. WILSON...... HOWARD LATHR0P 118,550 5.433,500 6.723.280 Affiliated with the Bankers Trust Company. The only bank in the city giving complete banking service. 250.000 65.500 Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land H. J. Grant______ W. W. Armstrong. J. C. Cutler, Tr,.. W. McCarthy, See. (Territory Utah an d Idaho) J. K. Hardy Bank—31-64________'22 1.953,640 1st N., N. City, and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; III. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., Los A.; Am. Tr. Co., San F. 16.000 Deseret N. and N. Copper, Salt Lake C. $110 28.660 522,140 31,390 443,720 42.080 9,730 A. B. Davis______ N.C. Ellis. Sec___ H. L. Selley, Tr. 249,500 237.690 747.080 7,388,240 8,209,930 128.450 140.070 A. W. Ivins______ Geo. A. Smith.__ F. M. Michelsen.. D. E. Judd,._____ F. N. Cameron 300,000 194.610 1,831,660 129,810 1,269,960 722,660 64,310 399.150 Equit. Tr., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.; Merch. N. Tr. & Sav.. Los A.; W.F. Bk.& Un. Tr. San F.; N Shawmut. Bos.; State Bk. of Oma., Oma. 5,744,930 1.220.310 353,440 2,387.090 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Tracy Loan & Trust Company R. L. Tracy______ J. W. Collins. $800-54% ♦ 31-61 ®T*t§’84 •Utah Savings & Trust Co. $155-8% ♦ 31-7 ®T •tl’89 ‘UTAH STATE NATIONAL BANK 31-5 H. J. GRANT-........ - A. W. IVINS- - - - - - - - - H.T. McEWAN- - - - - - - - A. C. STRONG— c. W. NIBLEY V.P.andCaeh. JOHN W. JAMES 200.000 500.000 442.530 8.563,330 J. F. BENNETT 0. W. ADAMS „ R. W. MADSEN ®.+ 90 DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS AND BUSINESS TO THIS BANK FOR SERVI CE. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 136,670 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. N,, Salt Lake C.; Pacific N.. San F. 60,000 N. J. Hansen____ Hyrum Neilson.— George A. Goff .__ P. S. Acheson___ | Sugar Banking Company $140-8% 31-55 ®«t5’09 144.000 N. Park, N. Y. Chi.: Wells Fargo Bk. & Union San F.; Oma. N., Oma. Tr. Co., l oco Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.fiNew § State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Dlv. ®Sav. Dept. $190-8% SALT LAKE CITY—Cont’d—Reserve City Liabilities. Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Paid-up Capital 1 Surplus and Profits 'WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS » 31-2 E. 0. HOWARD....... J H. WALKER------- H. M. CHAMBER- E. A. BERING........... L.H.FARHSWORTH, F. A. FISHER LAIN A. C. SULLIVAN Ch. of Bd. H. M. CHAMBER- J. M. WALLACE, J. J. KELLY $ 1.000.000 % LAIN Tr. Officer M. H. SOWLES REED HOLT, A. Tr. Officer Th* oldest Bank In this Inter-mountain Region. ®T*J|*59 Sand us your Utah Business. Zion's Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. H. J. Grant.... ......... $275-12% 31-51 ®T»JI’73 Salt Lake CHty (Hearing House H. M. Chamberlain (Members indicated by a *) E. A. James. Bxami A. W. Ivins.____ G. 8. Spencer--------- W. R. Smith_____ William McEwan J. F. Bennett E. S. Hills............ . E. A. James. R. S. Hayes, ner Sec.-Tr. A. Examiner Selected Name op Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks, Assn. JMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. 1 ,000,000 ties 621.440 $23612180 $ Loans Bonds and and Principal Correspondents. Miscel- LANBOU8 Discounts Securities Resources 75.320 $13 283 460 $ 5.023.010 $ 733.810 11,078.500 ............... 7.507,740 Cash A Exchaxgm,Dub from Banks N. Y. Tr. Co., Equitable Tr. Co.. N.Clty.Harrlman N., Chase N., N. Bk. Com., and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st 785.000 $ 6.217.460 N.. Chi.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; N. Bk. Com., St. E.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Den. N., Den. 569.700 3,175,760 1.559.110 N. Bk. Com., N. Park, and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cont. & Com 1 N.. Chi.: Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr.Co., San F.; 1st N., Den. and Los A. 1 List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Correspondents and Bank Depositories Officers. Resources. Otheb Total Deposits Liabili Name Year Established. (Salt Lake, E 11) County Scat, Pop. 118,110 (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12) I Oldest Brokerage Concern in Salt Lake City. J Utah Stocks and Investments our spec laity. 1 Refer to any bank In Utah. (Not Incorporated) '98 L (Branch Office» at Provo and Eureka, Utah) (4 Stock Exchange Bldg.) JAS. A. HOGLE, Salt Lake C. N. Bk. Com., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and 11. C. HOGLE, SaZt Lafce C. Logan & Bryan, N. Y.; Harris S. M. SG0TT, JR., Ogden. Tr. & Sav. and Logan & Bryan, Members, Salt Lake Stock <k Mining Ex. Chi.; Walker Bros. Bkrs. and sioo (Partnership) (Successors Salt Lake City Branch,Logcm <fc Cont. N., Salt Lake C.; Com’l Bryan.) Direct private wires. Secur., Ogden. (132-4 Main St.. Salt Lake City) (Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah) Utah Municipal, Industrial, Mining and High Grade Investment Securities. 1. CHILD, BARCLAY & CO. J. A. HOGLE & CO.™15 of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Established. Correspondents and Bank Depositories „ Officers. E. A. CULBERTSON, Pres. S. F. RIGBY, Tr. S' ;• Sil' A ,#UE"’ s“- WESTERN LIVESTOCK LOAN Ncfe.TKi, n.: M cnwiii oiiMCV v p EDWIN BLANEY, V.P. Capital and Surplus $373,000 COMPANY 17 (1020 Kearns Bldg.) Tr. Co' and Blvd- Bridee- 01li’: Walker Bros.,Salt LakeC.;Northw. N., Port. Loans on Sheep and Cattle eligible for rediscount with Federal Reserve Banks. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON UTAH MAP. UTAH—Continued Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New SStatetPriv. ‘County Seats. JMem. StaU B. Ass’n. rEstab. In No. 12 F. R. D. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Salt Lake Branch. 8 Last Sal* % Dir. ®8ai. Dept. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Sandy.............. 1208 Sandy City Bank... ...•§*07 W. W. Wilson. Salt Lake Ell 97-93 V Ice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. A. R. Gardner. S Smith field. 2421 OommercialNaflBank®»J’12 Thos. H. Woolford- H. E. Hatch______ Thos. B. Farr____ G. E. Miles Cache B12 1200-12% 97-94 Job Pingree Spanish Fork.4036 Commercial Bank «t§’n5 Henry Gardner.__ Jos. Hanson_______ P. P. Thomas_____ Utah H12 ♦ #7-31 “ 44 First National Bank..®»J’91 L. J. Durrant_____ Lars Nielson_____ H. A. Gardner____ $125 Paid-up Surplus DsposCapital Profits ITS 97-30 Other 20,000 S 17.490 S 231,040 $ 25,000 19,000 50.000 27.740 251.110 25.000 8.580 331.910 ties Resources. Loans Bonds Miscbl- 0«ra ft Exand and CHANOM'DTJX Discounts Securities LANEOUb noM Banxi 4,000 $ 231,040 $ 36.110 $ 13,600 $ 60.350 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Obi.; Deseret N.. 8. L. C.; W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.. 35.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., Ogden; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Co.. Logan. 39.050 N. City. N. Y.; Utah State N., 8alt Lake C. Sd Q J? 322.000 61.000 290,000 88.000 14.000 261.110 16,950 11.750 61.660 316.100 27.750 16.450 121,000 8,000 12,500 406.000 119,000 25,000 113.300 4,540 Spring vllle.__ 8010 Mendenhall Banking Co. T. L. Mendenhall . S. L. Mendenhall . G. W. Mendenhall. (Utah G18 97-33 ®»J|’08 Sprtngville Banking Co. H. T. Reynolds___ M. O. Packard........ G. R. Maycock .... C. G. Salisbury___ 35,000 8,000 120,000 75.000 53,000 510,000 ‘St. George...2215 Bank of St, George.. ®«t§’06 38,000 23.340 309,470 183,490 107,170 487.470 99,460 28,120 138,000 33.000 41,500 24,000 $135-8% 97-32 2,000 ®«J| 91 Chas. F. Foster ... Arthur F. Miles__ W. W. McArthur.. $175-15% 97-95 Dixie Stockgrowers Bank A. L. Woodhonse.. J. W. Prince........... $60 97-135 ®»i§'20 ‘Tooele............ 3602 Tooele County State Bank A. Beven................... E. M. Orme_______ Tooele F9 $125-8% 97-40 ®*JI’08 P. V. Clegg 50.000 5,000 81,090 30.000 56,530 678,100 Tremonton. 25,000 12,500 200,000 Washington Q2 ,937 Tremonton Banking Co. Box Elder B10 $125 ‘Yernal. _ 97-139 M. C. Taylor______ J. P. Holmgren-__ Herman Griffin___ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,000 ®«J§’25 .1309 Bank of Vernal...........®»J§’03 J. H. Reader W. H. Coltharp... ♦ 97-53 JJintah F23( Uintah State Bank...®»t|'lo Wm. H. Siddoway. J. A. Cheney_____ $150-8% 97-64 WeUsville........ 1298 WeUsville State Bank H. K. Merrill . . R. A. Leishman ... Cache Bll *ioo-4% 97-97 ®T»t§’08 George Perkins Woods Cross 1025 Farmers 8tate Bank...»JF09 Philander Hatch .. Davis Ell 97-98 Principal Correspondents. W. N. Preas______ 60.000 28,000 314.000 271,000 H. W. Woolley___ 50.000 18.300 630.120 451.030 60.100 119.100 11,290 L. M. Allan______ 20.000 7,550 112.650 L. Hatch........... 50.000 33,000 380.000 10.640 380,000 68.240 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. N. and Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Copper N. and Walker Bros., Bkrs.. Salt Lake C. 90.000 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr.Co.,N. Y.:C.&C.N.,Chi.; Walker Bros, and Cont. N., Salt Lake 0. 69,560 N. Park.N.Y.; Utah State N..Salt Lake C. 37,860 1st N.. N. Y. and Nephi; N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 149,590 Utah State N., Col. Tr. Co., and Cont. N.t Salt Lake C. 30.000 N. Copper. Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden. 49,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N.Y.; Colo. N., Den.; Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 187.290 N. Park, N. Y.: Utah State N. and Cont. N.. Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Den. 20.440 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ogden; Coche Valley Bkg. Co.. Logan. 96.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Deseret N. and Far. A Stock Growers, Salt Lake C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HOW BIG IS ANY BANK? HTHIS Directory shows the money size of every bank in the United States. Certain banks are big in serv ice and readiness to serve, in addition to their size in money. One good test of this kind of bigness is “Do they advertise in the Bankers Directory?” CO 5'5'S p-dcr o ret : : c pp Q- jtp p P 1? o p p p- 1? m p 1 s CD CD- b b oc D“ p__ cd* ST og o Hi.P 5* CtT P . p Qh BANKER and MERCHANT for Three Generations Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CH P I 2. b b to w CD P B. S' <3o p b Making a Profit from Collections ini Credit Reports Thousands of banks decline to render free service on Collections and for Credit Reports. They have adopted the “Fee-in-Advance” system. We are daily in receipt of letters like that below endorsing the system. Get Your Fee-In-Advance The Rand M9Nally Bankers Directory furnishes, without cost to advertisers, a supply of cards mentioned above. These cards are sent by the banks to those forwarders who send in collections or requests for credit reports without a fee, and generally the fee for the service is forthcoming. These fees generally more than pay for the cost of the Directory and the advertising lines. This System is in General Use and Universally Approved Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in lT S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 VERMONT t0 Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.lFed. Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State tPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Div. ® Sav. Dept, President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Barre_______10.008 Barre Trust Company®U§’22 Frank E. Langley. Edward W. Bisbee Merl B. Clark, Tr. Washington G13 165-6% 58-27 Granite Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. John Trow_______ W. A. Whitcomb.. Chas. H. Wishart, 6% 58-26 ®T»t§’85 Tr. .. .. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 075-8% 58-28 ®T»t’04 Quarry Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. 58-25 ®T»J§’13 Barton______1187 Barton Sav. Bank & Trust Co. Orleans C16 18% 58-96 ®T»t§’09 Bellows Falls.4860 Bellows Falls Sav. Institution Windham 014 58-61 ®*tS'47 “ ____ Bellows Falls TrustCo. io% 58-62 ®T»i8’02 ? _ 4 NATIONAL BK. OF BELLOWS FALLS—-58-60 __._®T»t'32 *50—10% «BennIngtonlO,444 Bennington County Sav. Bk. Bennington Q6 58-32 ®»§’78 .. “ “ *• __ __ 14 Nat’l White River Bank 58-97 ©»t’65 Bradford National Bank *125-10% 58-98 ®.f04 Brandon National Bank *105-8% 58-76 ®»t'64 First National Bank. ®|»j’64 8% 58-77 Brattleboro.. .8616 Brattleboro Savings Bank 58-50 ®S'70 Windham Q12 Brattleboro Trust Co. *150-10% 58-52 ®T«t5’06 .. VERM0NT-PE0PLES NAT’L BANK —.58-48...®T»Tl821 *125-18% Vermont Savings Bank 4M% 58-49 ®»t§’46 Bristol _ _ _ _ 1251 FirstNational Bank _.®»t’02 *150-10% 58-99 Addison H7 ‘Burlington .24,089 Burlington Savings Bank 58-1 ®»t§’47 Chittenden E6 Burlington Trust Co.®T*t5’82 “ -----“ 4% 58-4 M “ .. ** CHITTENDEN 00. TRUST CO. __ _ _ 44 .. *200-10% " 58-3 B. A. Eastman........ H. J.M. Jones.__ C. M. Willey, Tr... H. R. Cutler............ E. W. Barron_____ C. S. Webster, Tr.. A. G. Owen, A. Tr. F. M. Sears G. R. Wales............ A. I. Bolles_______ A. P, Williams, Tr. E. L. Walker.......... Carroll A. Moore .. A. H. Chandler, Sec. and Tr. Walter B. Glynn.. E. S. Leonard.......... E. C. Bolles............. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58-2 TIES Resources. Loan* Bondi MiscelDiscounts Sieuritiia LANEOTJS 84,710 $1035 620 $ 134.000 $1092 390 $ 125.840 $ 75,000 88,440 2,755,530 100,000 247.700 4.160,120 137,250 2,273.180 30,550 $ 55.550 Atlantic N„ Bos.; 1st N., Concord, N. II. 144,720 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos. 638,320 204,780 1,689.470 2,528.850 Principal Correspondents. 8c Cash Ex changes,Dui from Banks j 117.120 377,160 Am. Ex. Irv. .Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. W S TEMPLE 100,000 54,000 1,726,070 45,000 1.384,770 264,690 123,810 50,000 205.000 1,958,000 36,700 1,670,100 440,880 29,170 151,800 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. 109.540 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Bos. 275,000 3,190.000 2,451,610 962,690 100.000 73.000 1,723,830 9,760 1,386,080 316,500 55.720 148,280 N. City and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y ; 100,000 44.980 430.070 141,410 39.770 125,730 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 125.870 592.000 50.700 1st N.. Bos. 537.000 5.165,000 5.466.400 100.000 104.820 1,429.230 139,670 1.114,850 305.790 110,000 193.630 1,719.070 128,000 1.086.430 889,910 12,900 MS. and Time Items. 5c for Credit Report a. 111,400 1st N. and Co. N., Bennington; 1st N.. No. 227.210 Chase N..N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. . 161.450 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. W. B. C. Stickney. E. A. Davis_______ O. N. Arnold _____ 50,000 97.610 958.190 418,940 26,500 R. O. Carr.......... ..... W. L. Crafts----- . L. A. Neal_____ . 50,000 62,660 944,950 25,110 516,700 481,750 10,000 74.270 Atlantic N. and N. Shawmut, Bos. . . J. R. Leonard_____ 100.000 39,000 320,000 127,000 176,570 340.260 37,000 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 62,270 329.670 73.810 29,610 N. Shawmut, Bos, W. F. Scott--------- D. D. Burditt G. H. Young.......... Irene D.C. Smith.. 75,000 M. A. Brown_____ O. A. Rnvden f J. C. A. Boyden, Tr... W.A.Shumway.Sec. C.E.Merrill. A. Tr. G. ESTEY---- E. R. PRATT........ C. G. STAPLES— 340.870 134,790 35,470 10,000 2,164,800 907,050 111.800 98.240 Seaboard N., N. Y.: Merch. N. and N. 200,000 234,310 3.697.590 40.000 3.595.920 62,930 400,000 916.580 3,452.900 1,013.980 (.First and oldest established bank . Prompt attent Ion to all banldn g matte rs entru sted to us. H. P. Webster____ F. L. Hunt___ F. C. Adams, Tr... 617,220 5,701,930 F. R. Dickerman.. W. H. Partch........ R. S. Brown_ _ _ _ C. P. Smith........... L. P. Smith... F. W. Ward H.N. Jackson- - - - - Geo. E. Whitney A. E. Farr............ 34.740 25.000 E. S. Isham, Tr...... B.E. Bristol, A.Tr. .. C. E. Carver, Tr... Frank R.Wells,Sec. C. L. Smith, A. Sec. H. V. Hall, Tr_ _ _ E. H. Thornton, A. R. St. Pierre. A. Tr. F. W. Whitcomb.. B. B. Baldwin I. E. BRIGHAM-__ R. H. HOLDSTOCK «t’49 j Special attentlo! n given B-L draft s, sight and time Items. 359.060 2,520.390 23 725570 613.210 5.848,800 250.000 J. J. Flynn ..._ _ _ E. D. Worthen —©tS’95 C. W. Brownell.... C. P. Cowles........ C. S. Brownell, Tr. W. B. Howe_ _ _ _ H. T. Rutter_ _ _ _ H. S. Weed . ®T»'f70 (L. E. WOODHOUSE. ^.o! ABERNETHY*” :. M. BRADLEY........ A. W. HIU, V. P. 84.060 N. Shawmut, Bos. 318.710 2,953,190 F. K. Barrows____ A. F. Schwenk.... C. A. Harris, Tr._ J. C. DeWitt, A.Tr. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK < Oldest Commer ctal Bank In Burl ngton. !65-io% Other ) 15 CENTS sent to ns with each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. HOWARD NATIONAL BANK ------ $ 50,000 $ io% 58-6 ®T»t§’06 H. A. Cooke. Tr. Off. A. Tr. City Trust Co_ _ _ _ _ _ _ TtS’ll W. B. Howe......... H. T. Rutter, Tr... H. 8. Weed. A. Tr. *150-8% 58-7 Farmers Trust Co......... T§’70 L. E. Woodhouse.. F. D. Abernethy.. A. W. Hill. C. E. Brigham. 58-8 W. C. Isham Tr. and Tr. Officer A. Tr. Home Savings Bank 58-5 .. Liabilities Paid-up Surplus DeposCapital Profits ITS rf. D. LADD............ W. M. HOLDEN— W. C. JOHNSON,JR. R. L. WOODWORTH I. E. Gibson______ E. D. Welling____ C. H. Dewey, Sec. and Tr. (A. J. HOLDEN____ A. J. COOPER............ HOMER H. WEBSTER. ) SEND US Y COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OUR BENNI NGTON ITE *120-12% 58-33 ®M’78 ) Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash ( Pleate tend 16c te» th each light draft fo r preientation and 2 First National Bank..®T»t’63 George F. Graves . L. A. Graves_____ A. J. Colgan______ *200-15% 58-31 Bethel..............1782 Windsor J12 Bradford_____739 Orange 117 Brandon........ 1631 Rutland J7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back 01' this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, (Savings Banka do not handle codec thing) 25.000 843,700 248.580 256.160 Chase N.. N, Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. 611.780 N. City N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N , Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 3,182,800 2,805,190 104.330 226,810 Vt.-Peo. N., Brattleboro; 2d N., Boston. 4,079,400 171,560 209,530 25.900 754,990 1.210.360 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Park,and Chase N..N.Y.; 93,270 227,860 174.190 1st N„ N.Y.; Atlantic N.. Bos.; Royal Bk. of Canada, Montreal. 16.600 Colony Tr. Co., Bos.;N. Y. State N., Alb. 5.680 Howard N., Burlington. 219,640 tl t AfifUU 100.000 138.630 158.460 25,000 30,950 24,560 27,000 258,000 1,689.250 4.713,980 327.180 47,640 47,910 6.900 32,590 Merch. N., Burlington. 276,000 15,000 Howard N., Burlington. 500,000 375,810 4,192.240 544,990 3,379,940 1.516.820 120,270 150,000 217,410 169,690 716.070 43,750 (.Prompt service,' reasonable charg as. Send us your Burlington bus! ness. 1 620,580 36,820 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 80,000 12739 880 11620730 270,710 596,010 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Royal Bk. of Can., Montreal. 127,140 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 37f) each bank *n U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* 1U/V Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. VERMONT—Continued Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A. ?lNew§StatetPri».| ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No.lFed. Res. Dist. $ Last Sale % Div. ® Sav. Dept. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ‘Chelsea.......... 1087 National Bank of Orange Co. Hugh Lyman . H. N. Mattison____H. N. Mattison.___ E. B. Hatch. Chester______ 657 Chester Savings Bank..®§’92 H. M. Guild........ E. J. Davis ............. C. O. Fullam, Tr... National Bank of Chesteri'90 Sam Adams-----58-90 P. E. Heald.............. Orange 114 $125-10% 58-100 Windsor N12 58-91 Derby Line Orleans A17 $125-10% 58-101 Alpha E. Tolman... Asa Wesson............ L. B. Wesson. 640 National Bank of Derby Line D. W. Davis______ J. G. Foster_______ A. C. Cowles________________________ $125-10% 58-102 ®»f51 EnosburgFalIsl2S6 Enosburg Falls Savings Bank O. Merrill................. W. B. Ladd.............. E. J. Tyler, Tr.___ L. L. Marsh. Sec... Franklin BIO Paid-up Capital S 50,000 Surplus Depos AND its Profits S ^Resources. Other Liabili 101,390 $ 954,800 $ ties Loans Bonds Okra A Ex* Miscel CHAWflBS.Du* and and Diecounts Securities laneous non Baivki 95,240 $ 717,090 188.270 1.550,530 $ 405,780 f 1,646.130 22,620 48.160 $ 55,940 N. Shawmut, Bos. 74,410 Atlantic N.. Bos. Danville____ 1494 Caledonia National Bank.. 18 B. G. Rogers. Caledonia F17 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Jlolidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) & Trust Co..58-88..®»t§'99 25,000 29.000 100,000 119.710 1,116.570 100.000 128.460 50,000 27.000 N. V. 147,000 120,000 120,270 991,780 330,690 44,640 754,830 69,830 426,540 538,380 9,000 115.760 1,180.270 3.610 879,280 362.000 25.340 $150-10% First National Bank.. ®Tt’05 E. F. Greenwood.. H. C. Comings........ A. J. O’Heare........ A. J. O'Heare, Sec. $100-10% 58-89 State N A)h 89.440 N, Shawmut, Bos. 79,180 Bk. of Montreal, Montreal, Can.; Bk. of Com.. Rock Isl„ Que.; 1st N.. Bos.: Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 83,030 Chase N., N. Y.; Boston SafeDep.&Tr, Oo. and 1st N.. Bos. 25,000 44.290 651.480 61,110 436.310 297.560 13.300 34.720 1st N., Bos. 50,000 43.650 919,200 69.480 713.670 321.010 21.190 26.460 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Howard N., Burlington. G. H. V. Allen........ A. V. Allen............. 0. 8. Cole________ ®*t’79 C. S. Cole 50,000 57.610 1.959,010 127.010 993,950 960,130 27.470 212,080 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com’! Bk. &Tr. Co.. Alb. First National Bank...®»t’64 H. Stannard............ G. E. Adams............ R. R. Ellis............... 58-74 100,000 59.600 141,190 31,200 275.930 Hardwick........ 1550 Granite Trust Co—®T»tS’ll H. R. Kimball.......... F. T. Taylor______iVesta V. Knapp. 50,000 17.000 511.460 16,750 488,630 19,700 6,800 Hardwick Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G. A. Morse______ C. F. Davis_______ L B. Tims. C. F. Davis, A. Sec. 12% 58-103 ®T*J§’93 Sec. and Tr. I M. B.Gill. A. Tr. I *Hyde Park ....368 Lamoille Co. Sav.Bk.&Tr.Co. Russel S. Page........ H. A. Noyes______L. M. Drew, Tr....___________________ Lamoille D12 58-95 ©T»t§’89 R. W. Hulburd Island Pond ..1837 Island Pond Nat.Bank.®t’90 P. H. Dale.. . L. A. Cobb................D. A. Elliott_______ G. M. Ladd............... io% 58-104 „ Essex C20 Jamaica............. 66a Jamaica Savings Bank .©g'73 J. A. Muzzy______ Geo. W. Briggs.__ J. 8. Robinson, 58-105 Windham 010 Sec. and Tr. \ Johnson......... .681 Sterling Trust Co....®Tt§’16 c. N. Farrington .. H. C. Parker_____ IB. A. Thomas, Tr. . 58-129 . Lamoille Dll Ludlow_____ 1732 Ludlow Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Homer L. Skeels .. Windsor Mil $80-12% 58-106 ©T‘tS'98 Tr.i Lyndonvllie ..1878 Lyndonville Savings Bank & H. E. Folsom.......... Caledonia E18 Trust Co.. 58—86__ ®T*t§’22 $175-14% Manchester Factory Point Nat. Bank E. L. Wyman .......... W. H. Roberts........ W. H. Roberts..........A. J. Hicks.............. Center....765 $130-10% 58-107 T»J’83 Bent n 07 »MIddlebury..l993 Addison County Trust Co. John E. Weeks___ F. W. Tattle_____ p. 8. Ufford. Tr.... W. A. Brileya, Addison H6 $125-8% 58-130 Inc.®T«tS’19 A. R. Sturtevant j A. Tr.| 50,000 101.210 1.262.110 2,000 1,252,640 32.670 47.330 82.680 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Y. State N„ Alb. 50,000 200,000 2,886,840 8,550 2,334.930 724,650 6,100 75.200 907.330 112,140 669,700 423.520 14,650 79.710 Eauitable Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Bos. 61.800 Com’l Secur. N., Bos. 87.750 703,923 35.880 519.280 EssexJunctionl4lO Essex Trust Co............. ©TS'13 S. A. Brownell........ David Marvin_____ Earl W. Reed. Chittenden E7 Fair Haven ...2182 Rutland L5 Caledonia E14 $125-8% 58-128 Sec. and Tr. ALLEN NATIONAL BANK $100-6% $110-7% 58-75 58-126 .4. Tr. 75,000 56,060 80.080 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 584.700 194.160 1,500 11,480 402.230 148,040 17,350 54.660 825.120 397,050 112,540 229.680 1,452.040 797,790 268.700 324,000 113.000 3,750 941,160 210,630 53.390 73,020 Chem. N.. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. Nat’l Bk. of Middlebury C. E. Pinney______ J. A. Fletcher........ P. J. Hincks._________________________ 100,000 564,460 104,750 666.890 106,360 $125-10% 58-108 ®»J’63i C. C. Manley, Agt..--------------------------- (Branch oj St, A lbans,Vt. ) Chittenden D7 & Trust Co-58-132 _.®§‘22 ‘Montpelier ..7125 Capital Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G. L. Blanchard ... 100,000 155.160 2.811.450 181.000 2.279.320 Washington G12 $175-12% 58-45 ®Tt§'90 H. J. Volholm 310,270 26,790 76,470 N. Park and Chem. N„ N. Y.: N. Com'IBk. ATr. Co., Alb.: 1st N.. Bos. 25,000 50,000 53.020 1.234.840 75,000 188,400 2.174,480 75,000 60.000 50,000 52.720 1.175.490 386,170 75,000 Milton.............. 633 Franklin County Savings Bk.__________________ _________ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $125-8% 58-43 ®T»t'65 F. M. Corry........ . F. A. Dwinell.......... A. G. Eaton............... R. R. Edson_______ rk fJAMES M.BOUTWELL L. H. BiXBY.—...... H. L. FARWELL........ MONTPELIER NATIONAL.P,?: •< Send us your M ontpeller collectl ons. Prompt ser 58-42 ©' + M (Equipped to ha ndle all matters eIntrusted to us. p'Low*" $350-20% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58-44 ©T»t*’71 W. W. Brock_____Wm. S. Smith, Tr,. H. G. Woodruff, Sec. and Tr. Off. Dean K. Lillie J.T. AveriH, A .Tr. boro. 23.950 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos. 67.800 N„ Shawmut, Bos. 149,020 N. City, N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 155.420 N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 189,700 Chase N.. N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Bos.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. 111.050 1.272,340 1.289.430 38,490 571,310 1.564.100 181.960 120.240 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 630.710: 3.411,750 1,386.400 503.030 308,330 Han. N.. N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Bos.: N. Y. State N.. Alb.; Quarry Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Barrc. 150,000 74.690 2.672,380 150,000 202.230 1.910.380 175.000 100,000 294,430 4,614,380 charges • 778.590 11.310 407,880 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos. 1 Q71 10/1 Number under Name of Bank in the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. UB'PMnMT___ /"'/-kt-ifit-ii V ■CiXvIVAV-JlN X k/UlllillUCU ________ (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No.lFed.Kes.Dist. $ Last Sale %Div. ® Sav. Dept President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. C. H. Stearns ____ H. A. Slayton........ W. M. Sargent, Tr. 58-110 Lamoille D12 •Newfane Windham S 51.000 $ 212,470 12224.020 $ 122 Windham Countv Sav. Rank J. H. Ware.............. G. B. Williams____ F. A. DeWitt, Tr... §’54 58-111 P12 B16 .. 58-67 E. L. Brown. 24.720 . . C. A. Brown....__ A. J. Seguin. Tr... J. H. Bonneau. Sec. Orleans Trust Company $210-10% 58-68 ®T«J*’91 $120-12% 15,000 :$2013,450 $ 356,820 $ 393,430 120.000 2.150,500 125,890 1,014.460 1,193.450 150,460 138,030 N. Shawmut. Bos.: N. Y. State N„ Alb.; Canadian Bk.Com., Rocklsl., Que. 50,000 115,500 1,847,570 268,820 1,793,040 36,200 362,330 90,320 N. City. N.Y.; Atlantic N„ Bos.; Royal Bk. of Canada. Rock Isl„ Que. 150,000 151,430 1,203,020 148,200 668,660 791,210 5.000 187,780 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 434.230 28,200 321,880 178,380 1,516.880 557,620 5,500 34,810 706,510 387.520 100,380 35.150 25,840 1st N.. Bos.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Mansonville, Qne. 18.440 1,029.870 124,680 65,280 49,420 Atlantic N. and N. Shawmut. Bos. 49,100 143.410 138,440 5,000 560,000 350,000 50.000 221.530 1,910.860 Northfield Trust Oo.®T«tl’0# W. B. Mayo............ F. J. Davis_______ W. C. Middlebrook. A. R. Giffln, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr, $95-6% 58-78 Orleans A14 $125-10% 58-127 47.860 60,040 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; lat N„ Boa. ®»«'69 .. M. J. Blair ®T*tlT3 J. G. Allen, Sec. and Tr. 50.000 28,560 743,010 25,000 22,910 483,420 17,560 Orleans. 1358 Central Sav.Bk.ATr.Go. J. G. Turnbull ___ C. D. French-------- R. A. Bean, Tr........ W. J. Hughes. A. Tr. W. C. Twombly 20% 58-118 ®T«tt'05 Orleans C16 25,000 Orural 1 017 PSrrt N*tinn*l Rant 58-114 Addison J5 50,000 23.180 185.270 A. E. Horton. __ 50,000 35,000 900,000 H. A. Matot______ J. E. Holmes_____ Adeline L. L. R. Runkle Williams 50.000 31,710 837,090 85,620 667.150 196,870 53.720 Proctor 2692 Proctor Trout Domnanv Red field Proctor.. G. H. Boyce______ E. A. Boyce, Tr... B. Williams. Sec... M. Fischer, A. Tr. H. V. Smith, Rutland K8 58-115 ®T»tl’91 100,000 156,540 2.727,080 10,250 1,891,250 721,470 92,940 58-70 Rutland L6 .. 4. W. B. French_____ E. E. Young______ D. L. Wells ®T«2T0 First National Bank..®«2’81 Henry Spallhols. 58-69 $100-8% Proctorsvllle 664 Nat. Black River Rank(s)*t’ln $100-8% 58-114 Windsor M12 K. R. Norton.. Geo. H. Ripley F. D. Pollard G. H. Norton. Banks 100,000 H. C. Cady.............. W. W. Holden____ R. H. Gaylord, Tr. 58-71 from 23,170 Vt. N„ Brattleboro. Vt. 394,980 58-112 1916 Northfield National Rank C. A. Edgerton .... C. A, Plumley____ K. MacMinn A. B. Edgerton Hll 10% 58-72 ®*’M Principal Correspondents. & Cabh Ex change,Dux 7,600 $ 124.610 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’) Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. ®T»t’75 H. P. McCullough. Bennington Q5 Northfield Washington .. Liabilities. l Resources. Lords Other Bond* Miscel Paid-up Surplus D epos and end Liabili AND Capital Profits its Discounts Securitiis laneous ties . ®T»}§’91 J. E. McCarten___ Orleans .. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Undexed Accesj, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. _____ 114,790 1,111.020 52,380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Boa.: Northfield N., Northfield. 80,240 lat N., Boa.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 20,700 Chem. N.. N.Y. 40,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Oom'i Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 86,690 Han. N..N. Y.; Mnfrs. N„ Troy. N. Y. 288,210 Cent. Un.Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Merch. N.. Bos. 50,000 30.000 240,000 30.000 90,000 230,000 10,000 Randolph....... 1819 Randolph National Bank«t’75 M. M. Wilson........ O. B. Copeland ___ O. B. Copeland.... F. O. Copeland.... 58-117 Orange 111 / 75.000 46,000 806,000 40,000 690,000 126,000 36,000 Richford 50,000 12,600 349,030 92,320 254,620 178,220 17,200 6,000 2.170,310 25,070 113,240 445.000 40.000 128,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmnt, Bos. 50,000 1,150,000 1,965,000 30.000 336,000 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Bos.; Bk. of Toronto, Montreal. Qne. 117.810 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. G. H. Parker____ ___1805 Richford National Bank A. N. Clapp_______ R. W. Adams_____ A. W. Moulton........ $130 68-181 ®*t'20 Franklin All 4. Richford Sav. Bk. & Tr. Oo. H. 0. Comings------ H. A. Pond $300-2% 58-118 ®T*t|‘75 S. Carl Carpenter, Tr. •Rutland ___ 15,752 Baxter National Bank C. B. Hinsman . . C. H. Landon—.... F. C. Spencer_____ 6% 58-17 ®W70 Rutland L8 44 Clement National Bank H. G. Smith______ M. S. Sawyer_____ C. H. Harrison E. P. Shaw______ 12% 58-20 ®T*t’83 «• .4 «* KillingtonNational Bank*t’8S E. P. Gilson............ S. M. Willson........ A. C. Hughes 4. Marble Savings Bank®*tf '82 0. M. Smith............ M. E. Wheeler .... L. H. Baldwin, Tr. E. S. Wright, 58-22 .4 Rutland County Nat’l Bank Henry F. Field.... E. McIntyre___ - 58-16 44 4. “ " at M ®»t’64 R. D. Smith____ Rutland Savings Bank H. O. Carpenter... F. H. Farrington.. C. A. Simpson, Sec. and Tr. 4)4% 58-15 ®»26’51 G. T. Chaffee__ W.D. Hulett. A. C. Hughes. Tr.. $125-7% 58-21 H.G. Smith____ C. H. Harrison, Tr. State Trust Oo..............Ttl'81 P. W. Clement. 58-18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 113,080 2,193,400 100.000 110.000 100,000 280,000 3,051,000 100.000 145.340 600,000 344,380 143.000 198,140 644.270 6,760,490 A. Tr. 58-19 •4 100.000 100.000 143.360 1,405,020 1.162,800 11585 530 A. Tr. 50.000 25,000 249.480 2,269,360 11,000 340,000 312,590 347,600 9J160 4,094,360 2,761,630 382,630 347.000 1,138,830 596,080 37,840 7.345,500 5,161,770 15.000 2,700 2.544,250 12,500 17,500 72,730 20.000 N. Shawmut, Bos. 140,000 1st N., Bos.. N. Coan’l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 53,910 N. Shawmut. Bos.; Royal Bk. of Canada, Rock Isl., Que. 103,870 Atlantic N., Bos. 100,140 Empire Tr. Oo.. N. Y.; Rutland Oo. N., Rutland; 1st N., Bos. 187,740 Equitable Tr. Co., N, Y.ilst N.. Bos. 278.880 N. Park, N.Y.: N. Shawmnt, Bos. 36.890 Eillineton N., Rutland. 6.000 Clement N.. Rutland, 1372 Savings Banks do not handle collections Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State fPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No. 1 Fed.Res.Dist. $ Last Sale %Div. ® Sav. Dept. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VERMONT—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonds Miscel ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and AND its Capital Profits Discounts Sseuritisa laneous ties Springfield ...5283 FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. J. Fullam------- W. D. Woolson—. G. A. Waite_______ H. V. Towsley — S 200,000 $ 101,110 $1247 060 $ 388.440 $ 958,180 $ 697.990 $ $125-10% 58-64 ®T»t'63 Windsor N13 H. A. Bush Walter M. White.. Springfield Savings Bank 4H% 58-63 ®«t8’53 JC. E.SCH0FF........ *St. Albans...7588 FRANKLIN CO. SAV.BANK& | Special attentl Franklin C7 TR. CO. -58-57____®Tt8'99 1300-20% (Please send 15c “ ** Peoples Trust Company.TS’87 E. C. Smith______ 58-56 .. ‘St. Johnsbury Caledonia E18 8928 « <• « •< 729.500 9,600 660,570 577,500 45,810 100,000 90,270 2,124,040 48,100 1,470,550 Citizens Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G. E. Woods_________ H. N. Stevens____ W. J. Farr. Tr........ Donald McGregor, A. Tr. «% 58-39 ®T«tS’87 200,000 303,380 4.360,040 817,500 3,745.560 Homer E. Smith— R. A. Pearl---------- 200,000 J. F. Puffer---------- A. N. Beattie.......... 150,000 NATIONAL BANK J. GREGORY SMITH— S. E. ROYCE-.................... 58-55 ®T«t’86 E.C.SMITH, Ch.ofBd. E. DESCHENES J. C. Clark.__ Charles H. Stevens 6% 58-37 Harry Blodgett.__ Merchants National Bank 58-38 ®»t’75 «« <• Passumpsic Savings Bank 4 58-36 ®t8'52 Swan ton 1371 Swanton Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G. F. Allen ... M. W. Barney .... 16% 58-119 ®Tt8’04 Franklin B7 Vergennes ___ 1609 Nat’l Bk. of Vergennes.»t'26 O. H. Sherman___ 58-120 Addison G5 B. H. CORLISS-.............. H. P. A. C. Noyes, A. Tr. R. C. Baker, Sec. and Tr. F. W. French, Tr,. F. W. Grayes 338.690 57,500 148.050 N. Shawmut, Bos. 85,300 192,900 N.City.N.Y.; N.Shawmut, Bos. 4,849,500 2,011,850 222,160 80.000 885,000 29.000 875.000 77.000 22.000 150,000 100,000 453,860 171.000 433,130 359.230 7.110 114.200 1,160,820 74.440 103.380 75,310 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Royal Bk. of Can., Mont. 311,000 82,090 346,660 70,920 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 100.000 115,760 1.802,940 •« „ 50,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 148,540 335,550 9.200 601,560 595,430 52,650 1st N., Bos. 1,405,100 25,000 842,060 223,820 98.000 1,163.540 571,720 30,000 81.150 77*330 1,440 454.410 75.390 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. 65.000 34,210 Rutland Co. N., Rutland; 1st N., Bos. 351.440 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N.,Bos. 49,310 1st N„ Bos. : 25,000 72.160 2.070,740 27.170 1.373.470 422.900 31,420 367,280 1st N., White River Jet. 236.650 1.699.270 1,196,430 585.000 43.620 110,860 Chase N„ N.Y.; Brattleboro Tr.Co.. Brat tleboro; N. Shawmut, Bos. 210,000 1st N., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 50,000 50,000 1,090,000 465,000 509,000 25,000 87,180 1,529,280 30,260 1,369,250 331,750 201,500 1,612,820 1,488,110 217,170 12,000 97,040 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 950.000 800.000 200.000 21.000 24.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. N., Bos,; Chitten den Co. Tr. Co., Burlington. 398.190 5,933,090 218,890 4,934,360 1.220,330 We Han die Collec tions. 233,090 162,380 N. Park,and N. City, N. Y.: Howard N., Burlington; N. Shawmut, Bos. 441,150 3,970.900 2.591.070 1.475,670 212,150 135,970 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. 40,000 H. E. Gray.............. Frank E. Bigwood. H. M. Baldwin, Tr. Winooski Savings Bank 58-65 ®»t8'69 F. E. Bigwood, Ch. Guy W. Bailey ‘Woodstock ..1252 Ottauauechee Savings Bank G. F. Chapman ___ W. S. Hewitt------- S. M. Montague, Tr. 4H% 58-78 ®»iS’47 Windsor L13 .. Helen H. Saul_____ Woodstock National Bk. .< '65 W. S. Dewev. *150-10% 58-79 65.350 1.184.390 173,630 1,342,870 Windsor SavingsBank®»J8’47 C. H. Fitch............. A. G. Taylor............ H. P. McCIary, Tr. 10% 58-83 M. F. McGettrick, M. D. McMahon, A. Tr. Tr. 162.100 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and N, Shawmut. Bos.; 1st N.. St. Johnsbury. 72,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Bos. 50.000 First National Bank.__»t'8fl L. D. Wheeler____ A. G. Whitham.__ C. L. Le Bourveau. E. J. Eaton______ 58-80 ■ ■ lie 1F I Ulatfkil flFWFV R. N. HOWARD. fF. L. DAVIS............ Jfidi Sec. and Tr. Bills of lading d rafts a specialty, _____ ** HARTFORD SAW. BANK & TR. 1 Prompt Service Charge s. COMPANY 58-82 ®T.t§ 14 1 We want your on all drafts. R easonable White River Jun ctlon business. *50 LPlease send 25c for each request for credit Report. '* •• C. L. Le Bourveau, Inter-State Trust Co,.T»tJ'12 H. J. Miller L. D. Wheeler. Sec. and Tr. 58-125 D. O. Butterfield.. P. J. Fitch.............. Wilmington ...617 Wilmington Savings Bank F. H. Fitch Windham Q9 4M% 58-123 ®»J8’54 Winooski........ 4932 Champlain Trust Co.®T»t8’07 P. E. McSweeney . 58-66 Chittenden E6 *100-6% 217,360 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos, 719.200 87,160 1.027,930 . 684,720 1.033.270 380,390 25,000 W. C. Rossiter.__ A. B. McCIary, Tr. 268,540 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N.Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi,; N. Shaw., Bos.; Royal Bk. of Can.. 766,520 300,000 Frank W. True.__ W. .T. Saxie 53,410 1st N„ Bos. 78.450 Wells River___ 606 Nat’l Bank of Newbury»t'32 R. E. Farwell.......... Nelson Bailey____ *75-6% 58-92 Orange H17 •• •• Samuel Hutchins, Wells River Savings Bank J. F. George______ Tr. 58-93 ®»tS’93 Samuel Hutchins West Rutland 3391 West Rutland Trust Co. R. L. Richmond... C. B. Ross________ F. L. Jones, Tr.___ W. A. Thrall, Sec.. A. S. Bloomer.A.S. Rutland L8 *135-13% 58-122 ®T*t§’05 Windsor sofi] State National Bank—®»t'05 Windsor M14 58-84 Windsor County Tr. Co. *200-10% 58-85 ©Tt8'07 125,000 N.Y. Tr., N.Y.; 1st N„ Bos.: N, Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co.. Alb. 289.000 895.490 6.350,120 « 120,390 N, Shawmut and Merch. N., Bos. 388,280 47,350 50,000 J 87,000 200,000 126.800 1.408.670 Waterbury ...1515 Waterbury Sav.Bk. & Tr. Co. C. C. Graves--------- H. C. Whitehill... W. B. Clark, Tr.... J. F. Somerville, Sec. E. E. Joslyn, A. Tr. 58-124 ®Ti8’54 Washington Fll *60-10% Windsor K15 2625 correspondents. 34,750 1 245.690 Old Colony Tr, Co. and Merch. N„ Bos. 2,946.710 A. 1). Baker, A. Tr. 359.360 3,524,240 Ernest C. Walker. M. E. Stearns, Sec. and Tr. 2,800,000 200,000 50,000 175,000 2,700,000 J R WILLSON AARON WESSON — S E. THORP - P. W. MORTON, Sec. K.” L BAN R ROL “HONO on given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repnr ts. 3,500 936,160 50,000 279,670 1,326,580 John Branch, Sr... John Branch, Jr., C. D. Watson, Sec.. Tr. LEDOEN__________ WELDEN 8% Principal ft Ex- Cash CHANG*8,Du* from Banks - .. ... 75.000 55.000 65,080 366,880 49,430 237,730 202,530 70,720 Am. Tr. Co., Bos.; 1st N., Concord, N. H 10,260 105,880 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Bo*. State-Punters Bank and Trust Company RICHMOND, VIRGINIA OUR DIRECT ROUTINGS No. 68-2 in North and South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia, as well as all large financial centers, enable us to give you exceptionally prompt service. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Established 1865 UR proximity to the Post Office and Federal Reserve Bank is an additional time saving factor, and our well organized and efficient personnel handles business accurately and quickly. O Julien H. Hill President and Executive Manager Executive Managers W. Meade Addison - Thos. B. McAdams Virginia INDEX TO COUNTIES. Accomac. . . L 24 Albemarle .K 12 Alleghany. . .L 7 Amelia . . . . N 14 Amherst. . ,M 10 Appomattox N 11 Arlington. .F 18 Augusta.. . .J 10 Bath................ J 8 Bedford .. . .N 8 Bland........... C 11 Botetourt ,.M7 Brunswick .Q 15 Buchanan. . . B 7 Buckingham M 12 Campbell. .Q 10 Caroline. ..K 17 Carroll..... Q 3 Charles City N 18 Charlotte . P 12 Chest.erfieldN 10 Clarke......... E 13 Craig............M 6 Culpeper . .H 14 Cumberland M 13 Dickenson.. .C 6 Dinwiddie. O 16 Elizabeth City O 21 Essex..........K 19 Fairfax . . ,. F 17 Fauquier.. . G 15 Floyd..............P 5 Fluvanna . .E 13 Fiankiin. ...P7 Frederick . .E 13 Giles................N 4 Gloucester.M 20 Goochland . L 15 Grayson. . . E 10 Greene.........I 13 GreenesvilleQ 16 Halifax. . . .Q 11 Hanover. . .L 17 Henrico. . ,M 17 Henry............Q 7 Highland.... I 8 Isle of Wight Q 19 James City N 19 King and Queen L 19 King George I 18 King William L 18 Lancaster. .1, 21 Lee................... E 3 Loudoun...F 16 Louisa......... K 14 Lunenburg. P 13 Madison... .1 13 Mathews. ,M 21 Mecklenburg Q 13 Middlesex ..1,20 Montgomeiy O 5 Nansemond Q 20 Nelson......... L 11 New Kent.M 19 Norfolk... .Q 21 Northampton N 23 N oi thumberland K 21 Nottoway. .O 14 Orange......... J 14 Page............ H 12 Patrick..........Q 5 Pittsylvania Q 9 Powhatan ,M 15 Prince Edward N 13 Prince George O 17 Princess Anne Q 22 Prince William G 16 Pulaski........... 0 3 Rappahannock G 14 Richmond .K 19 Roanoke... . N 6 Rockbridge. .L 9 Rockingham H 11 Russell........... D 7 Scott....................E5 ShenandoahG 12 Smyth . . . . .D 9 Southampton Q 18 SpotsylvaniaJ 16 Stafford. . . .1 16 Surry.......... O 19 Sussex.... P 17 Tazewell. . . C 9 \\ arren. . . C, 13 Warwick.. .O 20 Washington. E 8 Westmoreland J 19 Wise............ . . C 5 Wythe .. . ..1) 11 Y ork.......... . N 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WHO’S WHO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N banking, more than in any other business, personality is the control ling factor. Banking plants are very much alike. Banking practices are pretty well standardized. One check is very much like another. All $10.00 bills are essentially the same. The difference between banks is the difference between bankers. The more you know about the officers and directors of a bank, the more distinctive and useful information you have about the bank itself. All this information appears in the pages of this Directory. Study it before you write and before you travel. Use it to inform your associates, to develop your subordinates, to widen the horizon of your business I . fe>. exclusively by .Tie Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriT. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. No.5Fed.Res.Dist. $ Last Sale % Dlv. (jJSar. Dept. President. Vice-President. Non-Hank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ‘Abingdon.__ 2532 First National Bank„®T»t’98 J.W. Bell________ O. Boice__________ R. W. Bell............. J. S. Brown____ Washington E8 $175-10% Qg-208 R. W. Bell A. T. Buchanan Peoples National Bank.... (Absorbed by First National Bank) Liabilities. Resources. Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and and L iabili Capital its Discounts Securities laneous Profits ties $ 200,000 $ 126.960 $2107350 $ 325.000 $1551810 $ 252,820 $ 661.690 $ 292,980 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke; Lynchburg N„ Lynchburg; Citiz. Un. N., Lou. ‘Aceomac____ 750 Thos. W. Blackstone, Banker Accomac L24 68-303 *tf99 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Balt. Alberta______ 212 Bank of Alberta............ *t$’13 M. S. Barrow_____ J. L. Jones______ M. S. Barrow.......... L. J. Cheely______ Brunswick P15 68-489 Alexandria..18,473 Alexandria Nat’l Bk.®T»t’04 S. G. Brent_______ L. H. Dudley... (Independent City) 68-109 $130-6% G18 20,000 L. H. Dudley_____ J. J. Kiger_______ 100,000 174,480 1.800 149,350 37,450 1,007,750 100.000 811.810 11,680 58,620 N. Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 213.530 58.810 Burke ft Herbert____ ®»tt’52 (H. R. Burke, Tay lor Burke and A. H erbert) _________ 68-106 CITIZENS NAT’L BANK 68-108 $365-18% ®T»t’70 FIRST NATIONAL BANK [ CARROLL PIERCE— R. M. GREEN.... G.F. DOWNHAM-__ C.G. PIERCE.......... J. J. JOHNSON, C. C. BROWN, CARROLL PIERCE, Ch.ofBd, Asst, V, P: Tr.Off. Prompt and careful servic e under perso nal direction 6.L. BOOTHE-- M. B. HARLOW.. GEORGE E. WARFIELD A. K. WARFIELD___ 200.000 317.070 2.266.610 350.000 1.956.810 649.960 200000 W. S. Frazier____ J. L. East________ R. Robbins______ 510.390 2.894200 98-900 2.527,540 614.780 25,000 3.500 100,000 42.270 51.100 514.610 374,360 25,000 12,500 47,000 1,390 66,710 Union Bk.&Tr. Co._®T»t8’25 J. G. Jefferson. Jr. T. R. Hardaway... J. G. Dickerson... E. Eggleston, Jr... $65-14% 68-305 R. A. Marshall. V.P. J. G. Dickerson. A. M. Evans Act, 50,000 60.150 434,810 4,490 446,020 39,000 20.000 35,000 500,000 400,500 14,500 30,000 22,250 414,310 3,730 399,080 121.430 1.082,280 110.500 1.052,560 J. Roy Lockett Farmers Bank______®»t§’10 W. E. Sandidge—.. W. P. Massie_____ J. B. Vaughn_____ W.E. Sandidge, Jr. $20-6% 68-264 W. W. Hill $200-10% 68-245 68-246 .Largest and Str ongest Bank in Wise County. 88-308 E. B. MOORE------ J. N. DONALDSON.. 16 CENTS sent to us with eaeb Sight Draft for p resentatlon, and .25 CENTS for e ach Credit Repor ‘ insures prompt, personal attenti C. W. Smith J. C. Davidson Farmers National Bank *118 C. W. Hancock .... M. C. Smith______ A. R. Harwood .... J. E. Dinwiddie... $125-6% 68-652 a 50,000 22,670 5,470 18,120 109,210 1st N„ Lynchburg; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 13,710 Am. N. and Bk. of Com. & Trs.. Rich. 46,310 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N.. State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Bk. of Com. & Tr„ Rich. 27,340 Chatham Phenix, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Lynchburg N„ Lynchburg. 48,660 22,490 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; 1st N., Lynchburg. 115.090 101,150 145.400 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke; 1st N.,Cln.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 22,000 480,000 5,000 432,000 5,350 47,000 72,650 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bristol; City N., Knoxville; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 40,000 39.510 374,610 12,300 429,360 14,860 10,460 11,740 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Lynchburg. 50,000 20,440 413,120 152,010 443,250 134,850 13,500 43,950 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Lynchburg. l. The Seaboard National Bank of, Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 151.740 personal attenti ‘Appomattox.. 211 Bank of Appomattox..•tS’Ol Joseph Button.... L. E. Smith______ R. L. Burke______ E. M. Burke__ Appomattox Nil $105-10% 100,000 492.290 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Penn. N., Phil.; N. Met., W ash., D. C. ®»t’O0 PEOPLES BANK____ ®*« 10 $155-10% GEORGE JENKINS... W. A. JONES____ W. L. MAINOUS-----Mfc to us with each Sight Draft for p resentatlon, and 25 CENTS for e ach Credit Repor t Insures prompt, 373.520 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Cltlz. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 13,500 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Lynchburg, 50.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 68.880 105,000 ‘Amelia C. H. 400 ^Peoples Bank ................. §’26 R. D. Hardy______ A. A. Anderson .. R. D. Hardy______ G. K. Wright_____ Amelia N14 68-698 ‘Amherst.......... 559 BANK OF AMHERST-*i§’83 J. E. Bowman_____ W. K. Allen. Amherst M10 $250-10% 68-263 Bk. of America andChem. N„ N. Y.; Merch. N. and Mtle. Safe D. & T., Balt.: State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Drexel &Co„ Phil.; Riggs N„ Wash., D. C. Com’I N., Washington, D. C. Personal attention to the prompt remittance of Items c ollected. First National Bank_.®«t'08 W. O. Smith.. $150-10% 68-304 Appalachia... 2036 Wise D4 158.390 161,050 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Dist. N., Wash., D, C. Of offi cers. 68-107 ®T«t’64 & Merchants BankFrank Hammer.... A. P. Talley, Act,. C. B. McCutchen.. R. Burke Owen .. 68-543 ©»t§’17 A. J. Doss, V. P. W. G. Lane $345-20% Altavista..........1206 Farmers Campbell 09 $120 Principal Correspondents. Oam ‘ Ex changm,Dub from Banks — A Bank for Banks ■K 1 ^74 •*■•“*/ ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Eatab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. No.5 Fed. Res. Diet. 3 Last Sale % Pit. ® Bar Dept. President. Vice-Pbesidknt. Cashier. Asb’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DrposAND Capital Profits ira Ashland____ 1280 First National Bank ®»t’21 C. W. Saunders.— C. S. Luck________ Y. N. Vaughan ___ W. N. Thompson. $ Hanover L16 $135-6% 68-591 HANOVER NATIONAL BANK $30-8% 68-308 ®»r0i Axton__________100 Bank of Axton......... $26 68-653 Henry Q8 'S. J.. D0SWELI___ Send us your A Items that are .Plain sight dra tj'23 J. M. Barker. J.G. HUGHES_____ shland Items dir accompanied by Its, 15c; Credit B Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Foint (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued R. H. DUGGER.......... NEWTON. ___ ect. Prompt att ention given all “fee in advance” eports, 25c. C. S. Turner_____ E. M. Brown_____ 25,000 50,000 $ Resources. Other Li ABILI TIES 10.000 $ 331.000 19.110 602,330 J Loan* $ 322.000 S 1.210 591.980 Principal Correspondents. Mischl- Ca*b k lx oiANi^Dn laNeons ■ lira 11.100 27.120 $ $ 5.680 27,200 Am. N.. Rich. 47.870 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 1 20,000 6,160 69.780 10,640 63.460 Aylett________ 137 Sonthside Bank______ §’22 68-643 King WilliamK17 Nannie T. Overton (Branch of Tappa hannock, Va.) ... Ballston______ W. E. Robey, Mgr.. (Branch of People 3 State B ank, Che rrydale, ^Peoples State Bank....§’27 68-700 liondl and and Discount* Securitias 21.840 1st N.and Piedmont Tr., Martinsville. v Union. Rich. Va.). 400.000 213,570 485.000 161,100 27,470 Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; District N.. Wash., D. C. 85.000 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke; Peo. N., Martinsville. 5.580 183.690 7.810 180.310 5.230 14,410 14,120 Han. N., Ashland; Am. N.. Rich. 27,360 844.860 92,340 1 001.110 100.000 113,140 1.331.210 27,690 1.381.890 100.000 110.000 800.000 240.000 923,900 Belle Haven... Sll Belle Haven Bank, Inc,. t§’06 J. T. B. Hyslop___ S. Sydney Kellam. W. G. Emmett.... Lottie V. Willis... $300 68-310 W. H. Hyslop Emily L. Hum Accomac M23 17,300 43,000 320.000 ‘BerryrUle.... U38 Bank of Clarke County 68-251 ®T«t|'81 $325-18% Clarke E14 First National Bank_.©»j’04 $300-12% 68-252 Big Island____256 Bank of Big Island, Inc. Bedford M9 $80-8% 68-482 ®t|’13 Bigs toneGap.3009 First National Bank...®t'02 Wise D4 68-311 Birdsnest____ 250 Farmers Bank--------- ®1§’18 68-558 NorthamDtonM23 $25-10% Blacksburg.. .1095 Farmers & Merchants Bank Montgomery 05 68-618 ®t§’20 Lewis N. Glover... R. W. Levi______ 50,000 122,270 447.080 86,900 647,750 10.170 12,950 35,380 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; H. W. Baker_____ W. T. Lewis_____ J. T. L. Jones------- R. M. Ware______ 25,000 57.660 480.370 16,053 440.980 54.070 6,330 77.710 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Balt., and Balt. 13.400 4,350 4.930 5,200 118,330 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Oln.: 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke. 6,350 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. 33.330 37,650 1st N. Ex.. RoaDoke: Bk. of Christians- Arlington F18 Bassetts_____ S00 First National Bank____ ’07 J. D. Bassett____ C. C. Bassett_____ J. B. Dillon--------- G. F. Craig. Henry Q-6 $150 68-309 100,000 45,000 Beaverdam.__ 375 Beaverdam Bank____®»tS’19 S. J. Doswell____ E. C. Terrell____ V. Q. Clements___ Sally Jones. $130-6% 68-559 Hanover K16 17,000 185,000 ‘Bedford......... 3243 Bedford N8 BEDFORD TR. & SAV. BK. $56 68-188 J. J. SCOTT----------- F. 0. THOMAS_____ W. E. MASON----------G. W. BOND.............. R. A. GILLIAM Special attention given to Collections. ®T»tl’24 Prompt returns on remittances. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 10% 68-500 68-189 ®»t'01 NATIONAL BANK OF BLACKS BURG........ 68-312-.®*m $155-6% 30,830 117.630 Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 14.750 4,890 170,520 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N. and StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; Peo. N„ Lynchburg. 191.090 45.550 89,460 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Lynchburg; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke; Cent. N., Rich. ®»}T4 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK $250-10% bW— F. C. FORD............. W. H. DORTCH------A thoroughly o rganued Collect! on Department, .Prompt Service . Reasonable Ch argea. Send ns y oar Bedford bail rR. E. WHITE------- , L. R. GILLS------ W. A.FjTj|PATR|CK--E. D. ENGLISH— W. W. BURKS Careful and prompt attention to oolleotlona. LOWEST RATES. Send us your business. 40,000 Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. 300,000 & Trusts. Norfolk. phreys W. A. Bradford ... M. E. Marcuse......... E. L. Marshall____ F. L. Mattox____ 20,000 20,250 175.910 25.093 199.650 J. B. Wampler____ J. B. Collier_____ Earl M. Reasor___ 50,000 25,000 509.440 63,500 529,610 Jno. E. Nottingham A. J. Nottingham.. T. H. Badger_____ 10,000 2,530 20,270 13,523 29,860 F. A. Slnsser------- J. R. K. Cowan.... J. W. Bland______ E. W. Sumner. 47,040 10,460 223,000 13.793 220,310 C. W. Baker R. E. Hunt, V. P. Wm. A. Bell ALEXANDER BLACK J. K. HENDERSONW. B. ELLETT Drov.&Mech. N.,Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.. 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 23.850 Peo. N., Lynchburg; Cent. N., Rich. buxg. Christiansbur g. J. M. KESSLER........ H. A. CLINGENPEEL 75,000 27,400 392,170 19,583 450,550 3,100 14,110 46,400 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st ,N. Ex., Roanoke.; Bk. of Christiansburg, Christiansburg. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s lght draft for pr esentatlon, and 25 CEN TS for each cr edit reo ort Insures prompt . personal at.tentl on. Oldest and Lareest Rank In Blacksb urg- CITIZENS BANK, NORFOLK—Collections a Specialt Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 107c lo/D Number urnier Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codntt. *County Seats Entire State in No.5 Fed. Res.Dist. eMem.A.B.A."New 5State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Power*. $ Last Sale %D1t. ©Set. Dept. president. rj. M. HARRIS ..... Blacks tone... 1497 CITIZENS BANK & TR. CO. s An Old Bank wi $47.50-10% ♦68-223 ©T‘tJ'73 Established 187 Nottoway 014 vPrompt remitt “ _____ “ Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. A. BOOKER_ _ _ _ N. L. BEVILLE_____ C. P. JUSTIS ANNASPINDLER, M .. "--------" •• _____ “ 90.730 65.340, Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. K * « AB l W 1VJR171 K7U* AV #9 IVK'U • ; 25,000 21,160 201,150 Bank of Bland County ®»tl'03 Fulton Kegley____ W. A. Newberry .. G. W. Buchanan__ S. J. Buchanan.... $205-10% 68-313 (Branch of Park •lev. Va. Accomack Banking Oo. Inc, H A Lift let on $540-12% 68-314 ©tl’06 2,060: 189,190 4,450 5,550 50,190 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; 1st N„ Pearisburg. Peoples Bank . $100 68-658 8. L. ©T«t’08 C. 0. BARROW_ _ _ _ W. M. GRAVATT. . . . . . A. L. COBB- - - - - - - - - - T.C. CLARKE. . . . . . . . . . TUCKER, V. P. J. A.SYDNOR B. T. WHITE E.J. BLOOMFIELD ®t§’2Xi W. L. Bloxom____ L. J. Barbee_____ I. T. Mann_______ •* 82.000 3,600 94.730 4.980 94.620 C. L. Shufflebarger 60.000 21,750 439,200 5,880 409,820 2,500 25,000 89,510 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 36,840 Han. N..N.Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Is1 & Merch. N.. Rich. 12,340 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. J. W. Baldwin____ K. B. Thomas........ J. F. Anderson ___ 50,000 6,790 200,330 112,830 241,290 51.750 40.160 25.000 4.410 114,399 30,000 156,380 1,920 10.000 L. E. Martin, L. R. Dunn, V. P. and Tr. Off. Sec. and Cash. C. Van Deventer.. 100.000 52.259 1,010,370 23,210 598.580 453,910 27,840 25,320 142,099 Irby Turnbull____ C.C.Strohecker.Jr. A R Finch (Thomas F. Goode) R. C. Knight.......... BANK OF BRISTOL Bristol Savings & Loan Corp. W.H. Gibson_____ 68-647 ®§’22 City Bank................... ©TtS’22 $115-8% 87-692 Dominion National Bank C. S. Carter______ $200-12% 87-80 ®T »J’90 $12 H. T. Smith rJAMES W. LYNH — R. J. MOTTERN-------J.D. INGHAM king busines s. ons. h our servic e. R. W. KELLY.............. H. H. Galloway... H. A. Miller. Sec and Tr. W. H. Blakley 1 6,900 15,000 8.500 119,020 25,000 21,069 241.669 4.929 211,629 16.000 41.640 245,680 13.060 227.940 12,820 18,050 25,000 36,640 190,990 20,730 191.100 15,500 11,200 20,000 8,000 95,180 2,800 101,640 7,000 3,990 25,000 38,449 335,469 820 336,680 13.209 13.300 246.850 1.604.980 42.860 209.020 200.000 107.120 1.543.600 6,600 50.000 9,710 39,930 3.480 87,560 25,000 25,680 137.470 17,510 172,610 5,040 3,000 1,130 36,540 Han. N.. N. Y.: Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; 1st N., Harrisonburg; Staunton N., Staunton. 240.710 Chase N., N. Y.; N., Lou.; East Tenn. N., Knoxville; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke, Va. 5.430 Dominion N., Bristol. 25,010 N. Park, N. Y.; Dominion N. and 1st N., Bristol. 425,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 150,000 1,635,000 430,000 1.655,000 495,001 30,000 E. W. KING_ _ _ _ _ J. H. CALDWELL 250.000 270.750 2.909.690 250.000 1,860.520 802,790 181.250 835,880 N. City and Chem. N„ N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.; City N., Knoxville. 10,100 105,400 9,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; Dominion N. and 1st N„ Bristol. 79.470 100.510 159.640 Han. N„ N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.; Cin.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. C. W. WARDEN W F SMITH - — IRVIN AARON. . . . . . . . R. Y. OVERMAN S. T. Bowman____ C. P. Daniel, Sec... 465,000 122,000 250,000 218,000 (No Co mmercial Banking Business ) JONES_ _ _ _ T. McKEE. . . . . . . . . . J.A.MAHONEY WASHINGTON TR. rH.J. 0.E.MITCHELL. C. A. JONES Ir&SAV.BK.®^ J H. A. JONES. 100,000 Ch. of Bd. 74.410 1st & Merch. N., Rich.: Va. N., Petersburg. 57,560 Han. N„ N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 55,570 Vaughan & Co.. Franklin; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk; 1st N., Ports mouth. 12.060 Citiz. N„ Emporia; 1st N., Portsmouth. 300.000 ®T*t’68 ) LARGEST BAN K IN BRISTOL, 1 Thoroughly eq ulpped to handle all banking mat ters entrusted to os. LPrompt service. Reasonable eha rges. Send us yo ur items. J 111.490 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; District N. Wash., D. C. 18,850 N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. J. W. Wright_____ A. P. Moore______ H. M. Bellamy........ A. E. Andersen H. W. Spargur Union Trust Bank........Tt§’20 J. H. Faucette____ $210-8% 87-83 C. S. Carter, V. P. J. W. Lynn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14.229 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co- N. Y.; Merch. N„ Balt.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. 19,460 Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; Seaboard N„ Norfolk. 25,000 L. A. Bowman____ J. M. Emswiler.__ G. W. Bowman, Jr. M. A. Bowman .... W. .T. Onlfi rH. W. POWERS-— J. H.McCUE---------J Transacts a R. L. PENNINGTON general ban ]We solicit your collecti •tS’12 (.You will be pleased wit FIRST NATIONAL 120.000 S. W. Marshall D. _____ 93,430 Chase N„ N.Y.: 1st & Merch. N, and StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 100.000 87 76 RANIC $235-12% UHllla M 50,049 $ 116,200 $ 749,070 87-82 .. 90.200 $ 746,660 $ 149,000 $ 717,180 $ th Modern Metho ds. A. Cash. 3. Thoroughly 0 rganized collectio n department. a nee. Reasonable rates. Branch vflie.__ 219 Bank of Branchville.®*tlTO L. A. Wood _____ E. C. Davis______ A. T. Beale_______ 68-318 Southampton.RlS $33-6% W. H. Sipe_______ G. Ed. Miller . .. Bridgewater... 914 Planters Bank______ S. H. W. Byrd........ $276-12% 68-320 N. B. Wise ■ Rockingham 111 Sec. and Cash. .. $ 100,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 182.600 68-224 Bluefield........ _8000 BANK OF GRAHAM—®*i§ 90 $125-6% 68-200 Tazewell Bll .. TWIN CITY NATIONAL BANK 68—£.01 ®»I’05 Boone Mill.... 200 Farmers & Merch. Bk-.®i’12 $235-6% 68-471 Franklin 07 ^Bowling Green Union Bank & Trust Co. 68-316 ®WI'02 Caroline K17 463 $225-12% Boyce_________301 Boyce State Bank, Inc. $150-6% 68-317 ®»J|’08 Clarke E14 •.Boyd ton 457 68-648 Mecklenburg Q13 $152-6% Williams k Goode.. ®»tt’93 68-318 Boykins 837 Meherrin Valley Bank..t|’02 68-273 Southamoton R18 Bristol_______ 8370 6&5Wash’gt'n E7 Resources. Liabilities. Loan* Bonds Miscel Cash t Ex ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and changes, Du« AND Capital Profits its Oiacounti Securities laneous from Banks ties 620.540 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $180-10% > Bland_______ 315 Bland 02 Bloxom 200 Accomac K24 Vice-President. I.IW-— Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued V. P. and Cash. V. M. BAKER. . . . . . . . . - 107.750 832.190 15,000 This Bank will r ecelve tbe Accou nts and Collectio ns of Banks, Ban kers, C orporati ons, Fir ms and (.Individuals and will give prompt a ttention to any B uslness entrusted to its c are. 715.330 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 eactl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 7 u Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and county ».\lem. A.B. A. nNew §8tatetPriv ‘County Seats {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers No.5 Fed.Res.Dist $ Last Sale % Dlv. © Sav. Dept Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point {In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Resources. Loans Bonda Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Other AND and and Liabili Capital ! Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Ass’t Cashier. Broadway____412 First National Bank__©»t’03 H. H. Aldhizer.__ J. E. Beard............. J. J. Pennybacker. M. O. Miller_____ $ Rockingham Hll $255-8% 68-321 25,000 $ 30,000 S 298,8Qf Brodnax 225 Bank of Brodnax_____ 1814 J. R. Temple......... J. J. W. Dugger... F. M. Newsom, Jr. W. J. Temple....... Brunswick Q14 *350-10% 68-322 B. D. Pennington 15,000 38,290 123,160 $ 5.000 12,000 Brookneal....... 583 First National Rank Campbell Pll » ____ » Peoples National Bank®t’20 J. E. Webb............ 68-632 Buchanan National Bk,®t'09 S. L. Heck............... Geo. Alphin_____ IT. H. Hyde $200-12% 68-256 .. _ t’95 B. E. Vaughan........ W. T. Paxton 1.04,980 540,000 100,000 500,000 10.000 100.000 17,320 195,770 2,740 179,220 8,730 10,640 60,000 94,880 531,590 20,560 502,370 9,170 49,560 60,000 84,530 396,000 115,750 339,240 270,280 14,970 31,780 50,000 85,090 543,990 12,500 480,180 78,840 18.5501 63,390 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Lexington. 50,000 38,010 261,190 4,900 150.980 168,270 9,560 20,000 21,830 170,240 30,980 220.980 25.280 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Peo. N.. Lexing ton. 17,220 Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. N„ Rich. 10,000 6,070 117,740 68,140 34,070 6,200 30,000 14,000 180,000 175,000 6,000 18,000 160,000 77,490 1,170,730 323,940 1,158,930 103 non 72,400 142,000 j .. W. F. Schultz....... Rodney Stinnett V. T. Strickler.__ Odessa Johnson... Peoples Bank.............. ®t§’06 J. H. Mapp............ VV. E. Dickinson.. R.L. Whitesel___ $160-8% 68-174 Burkevllle....... 514 Farmers & Merch. Bank $50-12% 68-324 ®»t§’05 Nottoway 014 Callao.............. 421 Callao State Bank....... ©§'19 E. C. Pierson Northumberl’d K20 *12 #8-568 W. H. Sheffield.... Theresa A.Redford G. MSandy............ A. E. Hatton .. . A. E. Hatton Cambria 602 Cambria Bank.............®tS'08 C. A. Crumpacker. M. B. Linkous....... J. W. Mitchell....... Montgomery 05 6% 68-326 Cape Charles.2517 Farmers & Merch. Trust Bk. Upshur Wilson___ C. L. Hallett_____ C. P. Kine... Northampton N22 *150-10% 68-199 ®T»i8’07 W. B. Wilson. Ch. A. J. Downes J. H. Burbage....... Capevllle _ 250 Capevllle Bank. Inc..„©t§’20 R. F. Powell____ G. D. Horner____ 68-598 Northampton N23 *25-6% 15,000 3,900 Capron_______300 Bank of Capron, Inc. ®»t8’08 J. T. Barham......... E. W. Crichton ... V. S. Pittman____ J. I. Baker______ 68-327 Southampton Q17 *75 10,000 26,000 100,000 Carson_______ 200 Bank of Carson, Inc,...»t8Tl P. B. Halligan____ Timothy Rives.__ H. C. Elmore____ Dinwiddie 017 10% 68-464 N. P. Peebles 10,000 28,500 245,770 10,190 G. L. Mitchell....... (Branch , of The S ate Bank Columb Cartersville .. .150 The State Bank....... ®»t8'03 68-328 Cumberland L14 *200-10% Castlewood.___500 Merchants & Farmers Bank R. A. Fletcher____ Elizabeth D. Porter G. C. Gose.............. H. E. Gibson......... Russell D7 *160-10% 68-329 ®t8'10 ‘Charlotte Court State Bank of Charlotte House.__318 County—68-513....... . t§'08 Charlotte 012 r.lTI7FNR RANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 107.290 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 40.090 Zera Cannaday.... Buchanan 802 Bank of Buchanan .-.®»t|'99 C. B. Johnson....... J. E. McCulloch... ■T. C. Dill ____ Botetourt M8 *250-12% 68-255 Buena Vista..3911 First National Bank Rockbridge L9 68-173 37,750 $ 2.870 18,690 Ist&Merch. N., Rich.; Citiz.N., Emporia. 1 (Closed November 8, 1926) Brownsburg.__362 Bank of Brownsburg, Inc. R.L. Patterson.... J. R. Brown_____ Rockbridge K9 $230-io% 68-481 J813 .. I 206.770 % Principal Correspondents. Oabh ft ExCHANGES,Du* from Banks 4,850 29,240 Rockbridge N. and Peo. N., Lexington; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 145,920 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 25,390 N. Bk of Balt., Balt.; Far. & Merch. State. Fredricksburg. 25,000 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 173,220 1st N., Phil.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 24,000 13,500 17,000 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. • 20,000 15,000 233,070 80,000 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Portsmouth. 9,300 12,280 36,310 State.-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Am. N. and Union Bk. & Fed. Tr. Co., Rich. ?' 90,000 (Branc h of Dra ke8 Bra nch. Va. ) ------------------ 100,000 Peo. N„ Lynchburg. ------------------ 25,000 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Va. N„ Petersburg. 1 077 xo/i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. V. j- Town and County. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trus No. 5Eed.Res.Dist. ‘Charlottesville Albem'leK12 11,211 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. i. Paid-ui Surplus AND Capitai Profits Resources. Other Depos L iabili its ties Loads and Bonds and Discount Securities ft Principal Correspondents. Cash Ex changes, from Banks Du Farmers & Merck. Nat'l Bankk (Merged with Natio nal Bank of Chariot tesville) NATIONAL BANK N. T. SCHUMATE— C. T. O’NEIL.. HOLLIS RINEHART. J. Y. BROWN Ch.ofBd. w. D. HADEN OF CHARLOTTESVILLE R.T.MINOR, Jr., v.P. H. H- HAWKINS *210-10% 68-131 ®T»t’14 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 1350-16% 68-127 ©T»t'75 J/L LIVER W. A.,GIBSON. J. D. TILMAN, V. P. GE0.R.B.MICHIE - T. E.l .JRS--— H. A. DINWIDDIE _ C. W. WATTS H.M. GLEASON. W.W_ _ _ADDELL.Act.R. ___ A. WATSON. W. W.,........ .JOHNSON v. P. R. A. WATSON Tr. Officer J.B. W00B. V.P. H.R. BOSWELL burg N., Lynchburg. R. D. Patterson.__ First State Bank, Inc. 68-215 ®T*«'05 H. A. Lipscomb Peoples Bank & Trust Co. J. T. Goode —....... R. H. Goode_____ R. H. Goode_____ W. H. Berkley.... ♦ 68-529 ®T»t8’16 W. A. Roberts. 82.250 65,900 5,000 136.650 Han, N., N.Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich,; Va. N., Petersburg. 30.000 27,000 Han. N„ N.Y.: IstN. and State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 9,100 30,820 61,130 Am. N. and Union Bk. & Fed. Tr. Co., Rich.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 128,000 71.000 46,000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Am. N., Rich. Am. N., Danville. 65,600 151,200 354.790 5.526.980 100,000 142,870 586.730 43,500 34.000 288,000 100,000 38,300 421,050 11.120 469,430 100,000 155.000 903,000 189,000 1,102.000 48,600 670,640 318,000 Ch. o] Bd. ‘Chatham.__1171 Chatham Savings Bank E. S. Reid_____ Pittsylvania Q9 $35-20% 68-243 ®T»t*'72 Frank Marshall... B. M. Reid______ W. E. Allen . First National Bank ..®*t'16 W. P. Parrish E. P. Crider.......... E. J. Parrish____ $120-6% 68-511 Planters Bank & Trust Co J. H. Hargrave — J. H. Whitehead.. O. S. B. Yeatts ___ C. J. De Boe____ $35-15% 68-244 ©Ttl’78 C. G. Bishop 25,000 5.100 196,100 25.800 171,000 47.200 52.000 48,000 957,230 45,850 743,030 143,240 15,000 50,000 325,000 210,000 70,000 50,000 20,000 385,000 45.000 290.000 50,000 80.000 4,800 42.950 11,580 42,030 Han. N., N. Y,; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 23,000 Southwark N., Phil.; Merch. N., Balt. Selbyville, Selbyville, Del.; Cent.N., Rich.; Citiz. N., Balt. N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr, Co.. Rich.; Merch. N., Balt.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. Check.... Floyd P5 {See Simpsons) Cherlton____ 531 Cheriton Banking Co.®*tl'06 T.W. Jones.......... M. S. Wilson....... . T. Wallace Jones.. B. M. Rippon____ Northampton N23 $333.50 68-330 Cherrydale... 2520 Peoples State Bank.®Tt§’23 S. F. Cooper____ D. R. Luttrell.......Harmon B. Green . A. B. Honts. t Washington, D.C., $30-4% 68-664 H. B. Green. A. L. Kelley W. E. Robey P. O.) Exec. V. P, Arlington F18 Chester___ _ 250 Chesterfield County Bank P. V. Cogbill------- E. N. Perdue.........W. C. Trueheart... J. I. Ellison............ 10,000 Chesterfield N17 30% 68-331 ®t*'06 Chllhowle....... 572 National Bank of Chilhowie W. H. Copenhaver. L. M. Cole______ G. P. Cox________ S. A. Cole_______ 25,000 Smyth E9 $200 68-332 •t’07 Chlncoteague Bank of Chincoteague. Inc. C. W. Whealton ... I. H. Savage_____ Daniel Jeffries____ David Wiltbank, J r. 25,000 Island.__1418 $240-12% 68-333 ©tS’09 J. G. Townsend, Jr. Acco’c K25 Marine Bank............®»t§’18 J. T. Rowley____ W. C. Mitchell___ C. F. Matthews.__ Irene Leonard. 20,000 $50 68-555 rR. T. MOSBY- - - - - C. I. WADE- - - - - - - - - B.M. HAGAN. . . . . . . . . . . . J.G. MANNONI_ _ _ _ 115,500 ‘Chris tlansburg BANK OF C.R.CHEATHAM Montg'y 05 1641 $135-15% A OLDEST and L ARGEST BANK in Montgomery County (.Bill of Lading Drafts a speclalt y. Send us your Chris tlansburg b uslness. Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.: Norfolk N, Bk, Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. Chase N. and Gty. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Dist. N., 80.000 Wash., D.C. 306,460 233,190 41,730 234,650 37,000 52,950 329.680 1,200 256,410 100,630 28,790 5.950 193,990 1,680 87,070 95,800 19,160 19,600 217.500 1,257.140 78,020 1,186,610 291.630 30,520 209,420 300,710 88,550 500,000 144.300 670,000 100,000 Churchvllie ...265 Augusta County Bk., Inc. B. W. Jones____ R. O. Baylor_____ E. V. Stoutamyer. Augusta J10 $246-8% 68-468 ®tS’12 R. A. Skelton Claremont___572 Peoples State Bank..... tS’08 P. Fleetwood____ S. W. Sharp----------------- jF. D. Sharp............ Surry N19 $190-8% 68-334 Clarendon.__2560 Clarendon Trust Co.©T»tS’21 F. T. Stone______ C. C. Lamond_____ T. E. Sebrell, Jr., R. F. Brooks, Jr., (Br. of Wash., D.C.) $40-5% 68-635 R. N. Sutton, Ch. Peter Latterner Sec. and Tr.' A. Tr, Arlington F18 Clarksville.......726 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. C. G. Royster___ Samuel Davis------ Wm.A.Trotter, Jr. L. G. Pittard_____ Mecklenburg R12 $27.50-4% 68-644 ®T«t§’22 F. A. Burton 10.000 16.440 108.240 560 100.630 18,320 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N. and Am. N., Rich.; Citiz. N., Balt. 42,000 25,340 100,000 (.of collection. 36,350 32,000 |C. W. SURFACE—. C. R. COLHOUN- - - - - - PAUL FOSTER- - - - - - - - A. B. CORRELL fa Ma SUnUEfl | FIRST NATIONAL BK.-©t’05 ) Bill of lading dr afts a specialty.: Items remitted!for on same day $192-8% 68-222 Am. N., Rich. 52,850 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 12,190 Staunton N., Staunton. 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Bk. of Waverly. Waverly. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; Dist, N„ Wash., D. C.; Citiz. N.. Alexandria. Ian. N.. N. Y.: Cent. N.. Rich.; Va.N., Petersburg; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.Y.: Am. N. and Union Bk.& Fed.Tr .Co..Rich. Send us your bus iness. Planters Bank______ •Jf'92 C. S. Wood............ R. B. Turner------ L. B. Blanks____________________ _ 6% 68-253 4,100 15,000 13.000 111,000 111,000 5,000 6.000 17.000 100,000 49.010 383,190 48,200 402,480 42.100 51,670 83,160 50,000 9.500 200,250 890 135.660 37.270 33,540 54.180 30,000 20,500 323,310 18,240 335,950 3,750 36,350 16.000 The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 466.320 N.Park, N. Y.: Merch.N., Balt.; Franklin-lth St \ Plijl 400.000 4.497.800 1,635.390 400.000 OLDEST and LARGEST Bank In Albemarle County. Careful attention to local collections. $85-6% $133-6% $ 500,00C $ 281.840 $3338 400 $ 682.690 $3 035 870 $ 750.570 $ 532.990 $ 483.490 Bk. of America, N, Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.: Riggs N., Wash., D. C.; Lynch BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY. Chase City ...1646 FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. H. WILLIAMS. . . . . . T. E. ROBERTS. . . . . . . . ;A. H. ROBERTSON... J. D. BRYSON. Mecklenburg Q13 $205-12% 68-214 ®T»t’85 jaw Miscel laneous — A Bank for Banks Number uuder Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 1 070 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -IJ/CJ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ►Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State fPriv. ^County Seats. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No. 5 Fed Res.Dist. i Last Sale % D1t. ® S&t. Dept Town and County. President. Vice-President, I j Cashier. Non-Bank Towns withfNearest Banking Point (InVIPflTNI A___ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws}(indexed) in back of this v LxvvJAlv VAIlUlUliCU____________________________________ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. I Liabilities Resources. Principal Correspondents. Subplus Other Loans Bonds Cash k ExPaid-up D epos Asb’t Cashier. M iscel AND and and LlABILIDiscounts Securities LANEGUS rwou Bajtkb Profits TIES i 10,000 t 11.030 i 175,429 $ Cleveland___ 220 Peoples Bank______ ®»}| 07 T. L. Bundy_____ J. S. Tate 1135-15% 68-335 Russell D7 Clifton Forge 7000 Clifton Forge National Bank J. H. Drewry......... W. W. Zimmerman Jed Wilson______ W. E. Chambers-.. *150-9% 68-143 ®T»t'05 Alleghany L7 C. B. Gallagher * FIRST NATIONAL BANK *225-12% 68-142 ®T»t’02 J.C. CARPENTER, JR... J.R. PAYNE, JR.. AetiwR. 0. ARTZ_ _ _ _ _ _ R. E. SANDERS--------B. F. DONOVAN i. L. CAH00N. JR.. E. A. SNEAD Tr. Officer The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank In Clifton Forge. Collections Given Prompt Attention. Bill of Lading Drafts a Specialty. Cllnehburg._..600 Bank of Clinchburg .. t§’19 F. B. McConnell... J. D. Kelly Washington D8 68-557 W. F. Henderson. K. Cllnchco____ 1050 Dickenson County Bank. Inc. Dickensou C6 68-631 §’21 Cllncbport ....226 Farmers A Merchants Bang J. L. Q. Moore....... Scott E5 *125-8% 68-336 ®t*’07 tCllntwood.... 460 Clintwood Bank, Inc..@t§’22 W. H. McCoy____ Dickenson C 6 *135 68-642 •• _ _ _ _ M Dickenson County Bank, Inc. W. J. Flannagan, *200-10% 68-337 ®t§’05 Jr. Clover . 253 Bank of Clover, Inc....»tS’05 R. H. Fuller_____ 6% 68-338 Halifax Qll Cnohnrn _ .884 First National Bank.. •t’03 J. W. Bell .. 68-339 «• Wise D6 Miners Bk. of Commerce,Inc. Abner Lunsford... 68-470 ®«T2 Colonial Beach Bank of Westmoreland, Inc. George Mason___ Westm’d 1191093 68-340 «tj’07 Lee Stanley H. C. R. Wright... . Kidd___ Columbus Phipps.. 200,000 70,000 200.000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 1M.I00 90.000 1.600,000 130.000 1,600.000 100.000 30.000 190.000 Han. 55,000 50.000 4,500 {Branch of Clint wood, V 25.000 4,000 278,800 Farl Speer 25.000 5,000 185,000 100.000 20.000 50,900 1,290,000 12,000 80,000 1st N.Ex.,Roanoke; Unaka & City N., John son City; 1st N.. Grundy. 87,630 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 5,280 116,620 55,880 69,350 1st N. Ex., Roanoke; Citz. Un N., Lou 432,040 10,990 17.670 100,580 1st N. Ex.. Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 29,000 499,000 15.000 16.000 18.000 Am. N. and Rich. Tr. Co., Rich. 190 170,950 8,790 13,150 10,710 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk; N. Bk. of Suffolk, Suffolk; 1st N.. Portsmouth. 4,050 47,410 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Portsmouth; Cent. N.. Rich. 110.000 236.000 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.j Am. N., Rich.; Drov. & Meeh. N., Balt. 50,000 8,500 350,000 47,500 424.0(10 28.000 35.000 504,720 3,080 Columbia___ 200 The State Bank___®»t§1900 Arthur Walton__ N. P. Snead. V. P._ G. P. Hodgson___ P. W. Cowherd___ P. N. Stoneman *175-8% 68-341 Fluvanna L14 C. R. Sanderson 30,000 5,000 475.000 <H. B. McLEMORE L. W. McGRATH— C. C. HOWELL....... M.R. KITCHEN —25,000 Jl5 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatton, and ®»t§17 Y25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. ' Southampton’s most progressive Banking Instltu lion. 13,000 165.410 22,149 142,020 137,739 185.000 1,900.000 100.000 1,750.000 .Covington .. 5623 Alleghany L6 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK *318-18% “ ----- 68-161 ®T«tl900 COVINGTON NATIONAL BANK *160-8% 68-160 ®*?’91 PEOPLES BANK *150 68-162 ® •31*07 G. L. MILLER_ _ _ _ _ Ex., Roanoke. 74,880 H. W. B. Williams O. E. Thomas____ W.T. Tyler, A. C. T. T. Pleasants 25,000 N. 850 R. S. Warren____ L. B. Hagy_______ Helen R. Spencer. 26,000 1st 9,300 986,710 101,020 E. F. Reese, Jr. Bristol. 15,000 791,280 Peoples Bank, Inc____ t§’08 *160 68-289 N., 108,000 115,870 « 866,310 13,160 Broadway N., Rich. 31.000 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Oin. W. H. McGONlHAY— c C- BRINK!FV Largest resources of any Bank in Covington. Special attention given to B-L drafts. 1H.000 189.000 15c sent us with each sight draft for presentation, 25c for each credit report Insures prompt attention. jE. M. HETTLET0N- J.S, HAM............. D. E. M0UNTCASTLE P. C. DRISCOLL---J. D. MUSTOE C. B. NETTLETON 'send us your col 100.000 50,000 900,000 LA. L.N0ELL____ J. G. JETER_ _ _ _ _ _ C. R. KARNES____ H. E. COX—'.- - - - - O.J. CALLAGHAN, SR. G. C. SITES 40,000 25.560 449.210 25,000 18.690 276,950 25,000 5.000 184,000 a-i . • Iv • x •, 1ST &> Mci Cli. iNtdiiu b till 6Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 750,000 uliftsc lections direct. T hey will receive p rompt attention. \ Bills of Lading Drafts a specialty, J Prompt attenti on to all collectio ns. Iff* want youi Covington Items. 360 349,330 1,290 259.010 156,000 5,970 69.280 Chase N..N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N,, Rich.; Kanawha Valley, Char. 30C 2.500 13,000 14,000 60.020 Han. N., N.Y.; Staunton N., Staunton; N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt.; 1st & Merch. N. Rich.. 31,000 Clifton Forge N., Clifton Forge. 90.550 Reasonable chargee. Crab bottom .200 Crabbottom Valley Bank,Inc O. P.Chew_____ H. L. Simmons _. E. N. Wimer. $200-10% 68-509 ®t*’l5 Highland H8 Craigsville___ 200 Bank of Craigsville—®i§’16 T. W. Hankins....... F.H.Sibert............ W. S. Johnson....... 68-521 Augusta J9 Chas. E. Black, V.P R. L. Farror __ CITIZENS BANK, NORFOLK—LARGEST STAiTE EmIK 1!N VIRGIINIA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rich. Abingdon. Dominion 100,000 .. N., 8,560 R. G. Boatright---- 68-532 N.. Y.; 1st & Merch. 1.000 3,420 OF SOUTHAMPTON N., N. 292,240 109,620 *Courtland.... 379 BANK Southampton Q18 6% 22,000 Peo. a.)--------- 1,800 W.S.Tlndri 24.820 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke.; Dom. N., Bristol. 150.000 1,550,000 10.000 H. Hardaway ___ W. S. Dodd G. W. Tompkins... M. C. Mathews H. W. Coates____ C. G. Williams 7.580 $ 50,000 1,720,000 W. R. Stone_____ E. L. Phipps_____ W. W. Pressley... J. P. Fuller______ W. D. Tyler C. A. Gregory___ W. M. Myers......... Miss P. Gregory... 1.769 $ 100.000 12,500 Jr. 16,810 $ 179.100 $ 1379 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 Fed. Res. Dist •Mem. A.B. A. «New §Stpte tPriv (•Mem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers $ Last Sals. % Dir. ® Bar. Dept Crewe. . .2097 BANK OF CREWE— $50-12% 88-204 Nottoway 014 .. President. Vice-Prebident. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loads Bonds Miscel Gaia k Ixther Paid-ui Surplus Depos LOiabili snd and CAAASM^Din AND Cafitai Profits its Discounti Securitise laneous rmoM Baku ties Ass’T Cashier. rW. M. GRAVATT — R.S. BEVILLE_____ F. W. SHEFFIELD—. A. R. ELLETr_____ $ moot)$ A W. FARLEY P.H. FARLEY 1 This bank ende avors to give Pro mpt, faithful and Intelligent (. attention to all business recel ved. Send your Crewe collections to un. \ » 70.75C 5.570 G. W. Blackard... 10,000 29.910 186.980 3.363 172.760 Bank of Crozet. Tnc..@»tl’06 C. A. Haden______ T. S. Zirkle............. T. W. Woolen $130-8% 68-343 Culpeper National Bank J. S. Covington.__ H. G. Stephens.... H. G. Brown______ C. M. Jennings.... $125 68-206 ®»ri900 J. H. Fletcher 50,000 16.780 263.520 30.889 307,950 1,400 14,310 100,000 43.330 627.130 55,190 536.430 134,870 45.75C 37,510 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Bk. & Fed. Tr. Co., Rich.: Peo. N., Charlottesville. 108,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Com'l N., Wash., D. C. 276,000 32,000 182,000 Chatham Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., 460.006 100,000 175.000 1,500.000 78,959 ___ 100.000 1,385.000 Cumberland Bank____®JJ 06 Wm. M. Smith . 85.000 10,000 20,000 2,000 80,000 J. M. Shepherd.... $50-6% 68-344 Bank of Damascus, Inc. 35,000 7.420 266.000 16,000 S. L. Mock— 277,000 R. F. Fortune____ J. H. Meade .. $160-10% 68-345 ®»tS’05 Dickenson County Bank, Inc. J. N. Johnson, Jr.. Branch of Clint wood, Va .)______ 1200-10% 68-560 ®»t§’19 American National Bank 300,000 200,000 2.500.000 700,000 2,900,000 W. R, Fitzgerald.. W. E. Gardner........ W. R. Harrison___ $155-8% 68-102 ©T»t’09 Sallie P. Haskins ( COMMERCIAL BANK®*tl’84 J. C. Jordan____ 10% 68-99 J. 1. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 68-98 6,070 14,500 3.210 5.350 Peo. N.t Martinsville. 39,780 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Am. N., Rich.; Dist. N., Wash., D. C. ®T»t’72 PRITCHETT___ 194.160 1.831.080 17,000 1,300 10.000 Am. N., Rich. 40.000 •ynchburg N., Lynchburg; 1st N., Abing don. Lm. Ex. Irv.Tr.Co.,N.Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr .Co.,Cln.;Tenn.N., Johnson City.Tenn. 370,000 lhase N., N.Y.; Ciliz. N., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. &Tr.Co.. Rich. 350,000 80.000 25.250 94,450 321,010 4.730 10.530 8.540 34.890 13,f 20 468.740 6,463.420 1.151.150 131.130 306,940 1.991,470 C, L. Booth_______ W. S. Rendleman . 100,000 Miss Robert L. Wade Miss Helen O. McCuffin 150.000 36,510 99,210 63.690 334,150 50.000 14,040 167.440 5.010 179.340 Girard N.. Phil.; State-Planters Bk.& Tr. Co., Am. N., and 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. C. L. Booth Danville Savings Bank& Tr. Watkin Thompson Co.„.$15-8%68-104 ©T»§’19 A. L. Winslow (Succeeds Savings Bank of Danville) (500-26% 115.006 ®*t’1900 Danville Loan & Savings J. B. Anderson.... L.N. Dibrell.......... Corporation....68-105 ®§’23 A. M. Aiken $120-6% .. 60,000 lst& Merch. N..Rich.; Va. N.. Petersburg. 2,050 $312.50-20% 68-207 _____ 34,500 12,000 fJ. L FRAY---------- E.O. WILLI J-.......... J. J. ROBERTS--------- •Cumberland .130 Cumberland M13 Damascus.__ 1599 Washington E8 Dante_______ 4000 Russell D7 Danville........22,964 Pittsylvania Ii9 61,710 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. N. and StatePlanters Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Peters burg Sav. & Tr. Co., Petersburg. 101.000 SECOND I ML UP— 11: H J A thorough ly organized Collection D epartment. NATIONAL BANK (.Prompt ser vice. Reaso nable charg as. Send us your Culpe per b usine ss. M 22,746 $ 500,00( Crockett_____ 218 Bank of Crockett. Inc—tl’10 J. M. Miller............ A. J. Porter______ $500-20% 68-342 Wythe P2 •• 22.030 $ 899,630 $ 213,856 $ 46,006 T. I. Hardy______ C. M. Jones, A. C. K. H. Woody Critz_____ .fin Bank of Oritz, Inc..........•18’lfl B. H. Cooper.......... $125-6% ♦ 68-562 Patrick Q6 »• 69,65( $1006 25 $ Principal Correspondents. 50,006 FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. H. Klocke......... J. M. Kidd $110-12% 68-205 ©T»t’03 Crozet ............... 800 Albemarle J12 ‘Culpeper.__1819 Culpeper H14 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back ot this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, VIRGINIA—Continued VI. C. Martin.......... itssr. . Am. N.. Danville. Tr. Officer “OUR COLLECTION DEPARTMENT IS UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF AN OFFICER. 300.000 948,460 6.735,240 Quick and effective service guaranteed. RATES:—ho of 1% to $10,000.00 708.740 * wuu v*uuiaurj m. ■ • Co., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Merch. N., Balt.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil. i ‘jo of 1% above $10,000.00.” Savings Bank of Danville.... Now Danville Savi igs Bank & Trust 0o.) Dayton..............482 Bank of Dayton, Inc.®»t§’96 T. M. Hilbert.............J. N. Shrum______ V. R. Crist . Rockingham 111 150-6% 68-346 Del Ray______3000 Bank of Del Ray____®»15’23 I. R. Harding____ rohn Gary______ j. T. Brittle______ (Alexandria P. O.) $10 68-662 kelson T. Snyder. Arlington G18 1 Jr. 25,000 9.400 143.630 19.990 173.910 18,430 1.820 88.680 8.000 70.930 The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10.830 16.350 7.760 1st 1 N., Harrisonburg. 4.800 30.380 1 ;t & Merch. N., Rich dria. A Bank for Banks ■ 1380 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given & eaeh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. County Seats. Entire State in No.SFed. Res.Dist. Dendron......... 1795 Surry 019 •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last 8ale %PiT. ®Sav. Dept W. W. Seward___ Bank of Dendron. Inc. R. A. Savedge___ *90-10% 68-216 ®t*’07 S. B. Barham, Jr. Bank of Sussex & Surry.1’07 68-217 Dlllwyn............ 405 First National Bank_______ Buckingham M13 Merchants & Planters Nat’l *150-6% Bank. .68-469..®»t’12 ^Dinwiddle ___115 Farmers Bank.............. •JS’07 Dinwiddie 016 *H0-8% 68-325 Noil-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this VIRGINIA —Continued Liabilities. ther Ass't Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital its Profits ties $ 35.000 $ 27,300 $ 300,000 E. M. Richardson . Resources. Cabs e Exchamois,Due from Banks $ 250,000 $ $ (Branch of Wak cfield, V aT) J. L. Anderson . . R. J. Nuckols___ FAR. & MERGH. NATIONAL RANK 50,000 16,000 253,000 255,000 393,000 $ 157.000 35,000 21,240 183,850 1,110 199,270 20,350 21,590 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Petersburg Sav. & Tr. Co., Petersburg. H. H. Galusha___ B. W. Winn_____ 10,000 11,900 93,810 8,510 90,660 15,830 A. N. Cocks, Jr. . 15,000 2,290 36,060 J. E. SI Avon 15,000 2,270 61,990 15,100 2,030 100.370 1,160 93,290 5,000 7,500 44,100 46,090 383,260 56,020 327.500 7.890 71.730 10,190 129,620 300 5,280 17,730 Cent- N., Rich.: N. Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg. 11,730 Cent. N., Rich.; Union Tr. Co., Peters burg. 8,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., Rich.; Far. & Merch., Staunton. 12,870 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Han. N„ Ashland. 122,340 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N. and Bk. of Com. & Tr., Rich.; Va. N., Petersburg. 11,130 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 2,050 4,480 15.000 Cent. N., Rich.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. 9,000 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. W. H. Pettus, Jr... N. H. Fulton......... M. H. Gregory J. W. Gardner ___ R. C. Gardner....... M. E. Flanary____ Miss life? 1 W. F. C. Blackwell W. F. M. R. Morgan, V. P. and Cash. A. C. HANKLA Cecil C. Blackwell, Jr. TH0S. M. JONES....... $ 34,900 14,190 21.100 16.230 98,800 14,500 90,000 10.000 3,660 54,730 580 53,440 40,000 39,800 204,580 25.870 262,380 11,490 10,000 5.940 92,070 1,240 74,800 2,600 25,000 9,500 130,720 11,760 155,920 25.000 26.550 388,810 25,980 250,190 176.250 7,880 60.000 48,120 526,450 62,150 456.330 64.260 70,810 99,500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ©T«i’07! 6,080 gbt draft for pres entatlon, and Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. 24,000 Am. N., Rich. 36,390 1st N. Ex..Roanoke; Lynchburg N..Lynchburg; Cent. N.. Rich. 31,850 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg. Petersburg. 14,990 Chase N., N. Y.: Unaka & City N., John son City, Tenn. 31,930 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Lynchburg. 105.320 Am. Ex. Irving_TruCo., N. Y.; Am. N„ Rich-. 1st N» Ex«i Ro&uoke, Fiflli Tliiril Un. Tr. Co„ Cin. ant your Items. Peoples Bank of Giles C. W. Kirk............. *132.50 68-685 ®»t§’25 Farmers Bank________ tS’15 T. M. Calhoun....... *200-10% 68-508 Bank of Elkton...........®tl’04 C. G. Harnsberger *306-16% 68-353 W. R. CATO 13,920 10,000 Eggleston......... 115 Giles N4 Elk Creek___ 165 Grayson Q2 Elk ton...............905 Rockingham 112 » Em porta.......1869 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK f H. W. HALL....... Greensville Q16 68-194 ®T»t’22 ) Your Items and (.Send us your E 4,590 2,200 71,020 tEastvllIe____ 823 Northampton N23 Edinburg____ 568 Shenandoah G12 68-196 30,000 State-Planters Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Va. N.. Petersburg; Norfork N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. Chas. L. Knott.... First National Bank of Rad- F. Harvey_______ Francis Bell_____ Wm. Triples 100,000 70,000 800,000 650,000 *160-8% ford. 68-151.. .©f 03 ^Peoples Brnk____ ©rti'27 (East Ra dford. Br anch of R adfordy V a.)____ 68-153 Eastville Bank____ ®»t§'20 G. T. Tyson_____ H. P. James, Jr.... Winton Whitehead Nannie T. Roberts 35,250 31,600 205,340 3,540 188,420 *91.26 68-351 Farmers Bank_____ (D*t|'05 B. B. Bowman___ J. C. Hutcheson... J. C. Hutcheson.. B. S- Rau.. ____ 20,000 32,540 206,080 11,930 241,200 *250-10% 68-352 *225-10% 81,000 J {Closed for liquidati on) A. M. Orgain____ A.G.ButterworthJr K. E. Lewis. V. P. K. Butterworth, Active Planters Bank .........t|’16 J. R. Beek____ *165-8% 68-516 G. S. Fultz DIsputanta___500 Farmers Bank, Inc. ..®f5’22 J. H. Binford____ W. C. Webb_____ Prince George 017 *iio-3% 68-639 J. D. Webb Doe Hill............. 70 Farmers Bank of Highland J. A. Hiner... __ J. F. Stover_____ Highland 19 *125 68-600t§’20 R. Eagle Doswell...............55 Doswell State Bank..®*i§’21 M. B. Conine......... J. J. S. Allen............ Hanover K17 *27.50-2% 68-608 Drakes Branch 660 State Bk. of Charlotte Co., W. H. Pettus, Jr... R. W. Palme........... Charlotte P12 *100-12% Inc. 68-348 ®»t§’08 W. G. Williams Draper....... .......500 Bank of Draper. Inc,..©t§’ll S. P. Conduff____ J. H. Pratt______ Pulaski P3 *170-8% 68-461 Drewryville_...100 Bank of Drewryville...i§'17 J. A. Grizzard___ F. E. Pope South’pton Q17 68-542 Dryden .............250 Peoples Bank, Inc.___ T5’16 M. S. Orr................ James B. Cox___ Lee E4 *130-10% 68-531 Dublin.............. 395 Bank of Dublin. Inc...«t§1900 G. A. Vermilion... A. C. Spotts......... Pulaski 04 *220-10% 68-349 Dundas_______ 60 Bank of Dundas............ t|'17 G. A. Malone____ J. B. Edmonds ___ Lunenburg P14 *37.50-6% 68-537 Dungannon ...255 Bank of Dungannon, Inc. G. C. Bevins_____ E. B. Cox________ Scott D6 *136-10% 68-479 tt’13 J. M. Craft, F. P. B. T. Culbertson Eagle Rock___526 Eagle Rock Bank, Inc..«i§’05 N. P. Gatling____ H. K. Allen_____ Botetourt M7 68-350 W. W. Cash East Radford 6000 Montg’m’y 04 rj. p. McConnell.. imw.......... J 15 CENTS sent to us with each si \ 35 CENTS for e ach credit report 1 A progressive gr owing Bank, *180-8% 68-152 ©•t’05 V.Try us for prom pt service. We w FIRST NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel and and Discounts Securities laneous 107 000 34.180 2,540 4.360 8,300 G. G. Lindsey......... J. W. Bane S. H. Mitchell__ F. M. McLean___ 15,000 3,830 86,640 10,200 98,170 930 10,000 12,860 96,910 4,310 108,860 2,500 530 J. T. Heard............ W. H. McVeigh .. 25,000 54,490 300,370 40,000 349,070 38,610 6,580 1,500,000 100,000 831.000 78.250 B. W. WYCHE, Sr.. W.T. HARDING— B. W. WYCHE, JR. 6. L. VINCENT W. R. SQUIRE collections given careful attention at a moderate cos t. mporla items for prompt service. 180,000 220.000 1,600,000 260,000 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Peo. N., Lynchburg. N. City. N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Va. N.. Petersburg. 53,130 Am. N„ Rich.: Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. 22,440 N.City,N.Y.;Drov.&Mech. N.,Balt.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; ShenandoahN., Woodstock. 8,280 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 12,210 1st N. Ex., Roanoke: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 25.600 Han. N., N.Y.; Rockingham N., Harrisonburg; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 400,000 Seaboard N.,N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.,Rich.; 1st N„ Petersburg. £ W. WEBB,-....... .. LE ROY ANDERSON-.J. V. MOORE. .EANES L. H. McDEARMON All collection items have the personal attention of an officer. Prompt Service. Reasonable Charges. WE GET RESULTS. 100,000 86,470 715,490 142.570 32.220 ' 103.070 Han. N„ N. Y.j Am. N„ Rich.; Va. N., FUtCFSlfllkg 4 CiUU 1 ) 1st N., Portsmouth. 1381 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aeees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Rea. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ®Sav. Dept Esmont sis Albemarle L12 Ewing.............. 300 Lee E2 Ex more............ 500 Northampton M23 $ 25,000 % 10,500 i 135.150 % 43,550 $ 99,400 1 Esmont National Bank®*t’05 H. P. McCary....... C. C. Rothwell .— 1100-4% 68-354 10.000 15,000 180,000 120.000 W. C. Fugate____ A.E. Robertson... H. T. Ritchie____ Mrs.JessieB. Smith 1250-20% 68-580 26,940 234,850 750 187,710 50,000 Peoples Trust Bank_®T*t§’16 E. D. Broun_____ E. L. Robins_____ Maurice Notting C. A. Ennis......... ham 137.50-10% 68-355 ‘Fairfax 516 National Bk. of Fairfax Fairfax G17 68-356 Fairfield isn Rockbridge M17 Falls Church 4759 Fairfax F18 ‘Farmville____2586 Prince Edw. N13 *« President. Vice-President. 018HIER. 75,000 ’02 F. M. Brooks......... T.R. Keith............. Edgar Littleton__ R. E. Thornton Bank of Fairfield____ ®§T9 E. R. Fllppo_____ Wm. G. Houston .. 68-565 Falls Church Bank...®Tt§’06 G. B. Fadeley........ $115-6% 68-357 J. B. Gould G. E. West............ . E. W. Sanford, Jr.. N. B. Davidson.__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $225-12% 68-178 ®T»t’01 J. E. Garland W. R. Butcher .... I.C. Glenn G. M. Robeson ___ E. T. Bondurant... Peoples National Bank $190-8% 68-179 ®T»4'08 C. BONDURANT C. HART E. S. SHIELDS H. C. CRUTE T. FULCHER PLANTERS BANK One of the Oldest Banks m Virginia. & TRUST GO. Fee in Advance: Plain Sight*Drafts. 15c; — $100-16% 68-177 ®*t5’67 (Formerly Planters Bank) Ferrum............ 600 Franklin P6 Fleldale _ 202s Henry Q7 »Fincastle ___ 457 Botetourt M7 Flint Hill....... 250 Rappahan’k G14 -.......... W. --------- J. J. First National Bank...®t’17 W. B. Thompson .. $150-6% 68-526 Bank of Fleldale ___ ®*f§’21 $60 68-640 Bank of Fincaslle__ ®*t§’75 Turner McDowell. $200-10% 68-358 First National Bank..®«t’20 J. B. Williams__ 1120-4% 68-597 J. K. Hurt _____ C. L. Ross_______ 58.280 367,100 174,290 68,180 87,500 Chase N.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Federal-Am. N.. Wash.. D. C. 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.: Peo. N., Lexington. 9.440 50.000 50.000 Chase N.. N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; District N„ Wash., D. C. 127,410 Seab. N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr .Co., Rich,; Va. N., Petersburg. 12,500 3,300 100,000 99,000 100.000 25.000 350,000 375.000 100,000 110.620 771,510 236.850 946.570 114,500 30,500 75,000 52,500 756,840 69,950 687,150 85,700 101,200 50.000 133.540 861,770 12.020 751.050 180,200 35,790 84.290 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N„ Bleb.; 1st N., Lynchburg. 12,500 310.000 52.200 220,000 90,000 39,000 340 66,060 20,560 3,800 50.700 Han. N., N.Y.; Am. N., Roanoke. 20,560 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; Peo. N., Martinsville. 25,000 15,000 2,800 72,280 S. B. Smith............. R. B. Jarratt......... H. W. Person____ 18,000 18,000 300,000 265.000 J. W. Cary............ J. S. Browning.... Mamie N. Eastham J. R. Moore 25,000 6,250 131,720 11,800 86,620 10.180 456,260 H. W. Spencer .__ J. A. Sowers____ E. S. Salmons___ Lelia A. Slusher R. B. Morgan___ F. W. Cabaniss___ J. H. Duane_____ M. A.Dnane E.W. Allen 80,240 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 27,460 6,340 71,000 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 54,350 Han. N.. N. Y., 1st & Merch- N.. Rich.; Marshall N., Marshall. 57,260 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 85,000 37,090 402.370 35,000 40,000 229,000 10.000 3,140 77,150 7,730 73,730 9,000 2,980 12,310 Cent. N.. Rich.; Union Tr. Co., Petersburg. 13.010 74.200 6,500 2,150 17,690 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 21,110 18,000 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 283,000 5,000 3.850 80,490 15,000 2,000 76,000 Bank of Fox Hill___ ®tS’20 L. M. Van Shilling- H. F. Lewis_____ M. F. Elliott........... Evelyn Dixon-----1150 68-584 25.000 10,820 173,580 900 175,100 14.000 21.210 Merch. N., Hampton. r. j. Rain W. H. Norfleet___ J. F. Matthews.... 41.000 43,420 485,490 9.240 458.840 96.660 23.640 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolkjlst & Merch. N„ Rich. C. C. Vaughan,3rd 20.000 80,000 G. W. Shepherd... W. Mayo Smith___ 50,000 134.600 1,040,000 920,000 144,700 50,000 180,000 1,800.000 1,500.000 135,000 400.000 Han. N.. Y. Merch. N.. Balt. 50,000 85,060 1,407.160 50,000 689,210 616.800 286,220 N. City. N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil.: Merch. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 698.570 73,600 745,260 Fluvanna County Bank. Inc. B. A. Burgess____ E. B. Weaver------- E. P. Burgess____ Bernice E. Burgess $35-8% 68-359 ©H'07 Bank of Fort Blackmon* t'20 R. W. McConnell.. W. B. Johnson ___ 6% 68-601 J. M. Peters Fox Hill......... 750 (Hampton P. 0.) Elizabeth City O 21 Franklin.. . 2363 Southampton Q19 Merchants & Farmers Bank 6% 68-193 ®*t|’03 VAUGHAN & CO.BANKERS 68-192 ®*tt'86 Fredericksburg Commercial State Bank. Inc. Spotsylva. 117 5882 68-135 ®*t»'ll M 495.340 8,000 76,900 32.300 $ 11,500 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com 1 N.. Wash., D. C. 66,000 Union N., Knoxville; Fifth Third Un. Tr. 11.000 Co., Cin. 43,840 Com Ex. N., Phil.: Norfolk N. Bk. Com. 4.100 & Trusts, Norfolk; 1st N., Portsmouth. - Fork Union.__106 Fluvanna L13 Fort Blackmore Scott E5 197 «. 68.450 71.300 $ Credit Reports. 25c. Fee on Collected Items: One-tenth of 1%; Minimum, 25c. ‘Floyd... 390 Floyd County Bank,Inc. Floyd P5 $75-6% 68-284 *t§’04 Peoples Bank of Floyd County $203-8% 68-283 Ford....... .........210 Dinwiddie 016 133-6% 68-556 •• Principal Correspondents. Loans Surplus Bondi Miscel Cash t Exther Paid-up Depos LOiabili CHANQM,Dui and and and its Capital Profits Disoounts Securities laneous from Banks ties ASS’T CASHIER. G. W. Perry .. Farmers & Merch.State Bank, M. G. Willis........... W. S. Chesley....... J.F. Gouldman, Jr. G. C. Gouldman Inc_____ 68-134.__ ®t§’06 •« *400-28% H. L. Wallace___ """""MU imm 68-133 ®*i'65 Planters National Bank 1170-10% 68-186 ®T*t’13 A. W. Wallace........ G. A. Scott............ J. C. Chichester... Paul Karsten, Jr. . H- B- Lane Allen Smith ......... 100,000 44,810 The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16,000 Tenn. N., Johnson City; Peo. N., Gate City. 80,000 — 20,000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. &. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 140,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N„ Phil.: lst& Merch. N.. Rich.; Citiz. N., Balt. 171,710 N. City and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St.N..Phil.:RiggsN.,Wash., D. C.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. A Bank for Banks 1382 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. •County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. fcMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Div. ©Sav.Dept President, Vice-President. Cashier. Fries................2029 First National Bank....«t’02 T. C. Vaughan....... J. C. Dickenson... Grayson Q2 $200-8% 68-360 John Thorp •Front Royal .1404 Warren F14 68-241 Front Royal Nat. Bank—*t’83 A. L. Warthen ___ 8% 68-242 ,„ ” Warren-Rappahannock Tr. A. G. Weaver Corp--------_ §’25 68-683 Galax.............. 1250 First National Bank.—®»{’07 T. L. Felts.............. Grayson Q3 68-260 $200 Peoples State Bank, Inc. B. C, Vaughan....... $200-8% ♦ 68-259 ®»t*’04 • Gate City___ 684 Bank of Gate City. __ t§’21 P. H. Nickels Scott E5 $115-6% 68-633 --------— First National Bank......... t’89 N. M. Horton____ $200-8% 68-269 J.H. Johnson, V. P. .. Peoples National Bank—•3’04 D. O. Sloan______ 8% 68-270 Glade Spring..281 Bank of Glade 8pring®»t|’95 T. B. Porterfield__ $300-12% 63-361 Wash'ton E9 Gloucester Point Gloucester 02050 •Goochland... 105 Goochland L15 Gordonsrille ..594 Orange J14 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other ITS Capital Profits TIES S. M. Whitesell... $ 40,000 $ /§• "■ JACKSON- W. W.SQNNER— Sections and Cre M.B. TURNER----- 100,000 ■i Save time and get service on Co dit Reports by se nding ®»t§’72 (.FEE IN AD VAN CE; Plain sight d rafts, 1 Sc; Credit Reports, 25c. TR YUS. •• ... __ •• Glasgow_____ 376 Rockbridge M9 •Gloucester.__262 Gloucester M20 .. u Ass’t Cashier. BANK OF WARREN $70-6% H. R.. Millar .. H. O. Millar Wm. G. Wood....... R. T. Creasy, Sec. and Tr. J. P. Cxrinn.... . S. F. Landreth F. .T. Rnhert.s .T.Blair ...... _ N. R. Burroughs B. D. Beamer____ W. R. Gardner___ Collin Webb J. W. Carter. C. P. Waugh P. A. Richmond J. W. Carter J. M. Dougherty .. W. S. Pendleton__ C.C. Pendleton___ J. S. Dorton W. A. Ruth............. R. C. Williams....... H. P. Boatright.... A. R. Jennings J. R. Robinson___ S. W. Keys Fred C. Buck____ Bank of Glasgow, Inc. .®§T3 B. E. Vaughan B. 1. Baldwin.. $100-12% 68-487 Bank of Gloucester, Inc. J. M. Lewis_____ $240-8% 68-362 ®T»J|’06 J. T. Duval, Act. J. R. Newcomb Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this VIRGIN IA—Continued 50,000 21.950 $ 434,830 9,450 471.070 33,240 58,280 30.200 Chase N. and Han. N.. N. Y.; Merch. N„ & N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 535,060 160,930 649,650 93,660 15.050 48,910 Han. N„ N. 7.; Com ) N„ Wash., D. C.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 343,000 48,510 61.290 50,000 57.550 657,120 34,300 634.410 25.000 92.860 46.690 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 50,000 37,030 342,130 100,580 444,060 3,300 27.170 55,210 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 56,830 25,000 4,000 196,000 14,930 166,300 28,500 43.410 554.090 42,660 428,180 15.650 25,000 16.740 430.480 58,530 363,430 62,430 23,240 50.000 71,460 369,040 88,560 . 432,880 47,740 11,620 670,000 4,000 47,000 134.000 137.000 102,760 1.020 12,490 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt. 12.140 Broadway N., Rich. 189,730 56,000 1,600 55,480 N. Bk. of Charlottesville, Charlottesville. 3,100 11,660 Com’l & Sav., Winchester. 10.000 10,720 91.480 1,440 L. P. Corr............... 50.000 59,000 644,000 10,000 First National Bank--©•!’14 Ohas. G. Hinkle... F. F. Davis______ J.H. Waddell, Jr.. $150-6% 68-502 35,000 16,750 280,000 Bank of Gloucester, Inc..l’06 (Branch of Glouce ster, Va. ) ___ 68-363 C. G. Coppedge—. R. L. Mills. Jr....... Bank of Goochland —-®t§’23 T. P. Deitrick___ S. D. Haden 1.210 107,160 20,000 $25 68-659 National Bank of Gordonsrille L. W. Graves B. H. Cameron....... J. L. T. Sneed___ E. R. Mason........... 26,000 25,000 13,330 238,490 $150-8% 68-473 ®»t’12 M. 0. Garvin . B. A. Glffln............. E. R. Hook.............. 5,260 $ 30,950 1st N. Ex., Roanoke; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winston-Salem. 100,000 J. M. Smylie_____ Gore________ 150 Western Frederick Bank 68-558 Frederick E13 $17-6% Principal Correspondents. 5.370 * 349.130 8 18,910 $ $ Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- ! Cash k Ex* Discount! Securities LANEOU8 ; from Banks 36,000 37,640 Bk. of Bristol, Bristol, Tenn.; 1st N. Ex., 168,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Dominion N„ Bristol. 81,650 N. Park, N. Y.: Dominion N.. Bristol; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 86,810 Chase N., N. Y.; Lynch. N., Lynchburg 1st N., Roanoke; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr Co., Rich. 4,860 1st N„ Lexington. 5.190 103.580 42.000 Drov. &Mech. N., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 10.000 Merch. N., Hampton and Balt. 16,110 11,590 127,060 21,120 161,120 Greenville____369 Bank of Riverheads, Inc. C.G. Williams___ J. E. Spitlpr ... . . James H. Fall. $102.50-10% 68-366 ©t*’09 Augusta K10 10,000 11,260 105,080 9,180 91,570 11,460 4,920 27,580 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Bk. of Raphine, Raphine. Gretna..............626 Peoples Bank _ 68-285 Pittsylvania P9 $180-10% 50,000 33,060 430,250 6,010 444,980 15,000 25.920 33,420 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N., Lynchburg. Grottoes ____492 Bank of Grottoes, Inc.®tl’08 I. L. Cosby______ C. L. Weast_____ P. R. Cosby68-366 Rockingham 111 $175-12% 10,000 8,800 102,310 24,200 6,990 Drov. & Mech.N., Balt.; N. Valley, Staun ton. •Grundy_____ 394 Bank of Grundy, Inc.-®ti’04 Geo. Belcher_____ John W. Ratliff.__ E. E. Smith______ $200-10% 68-367 Buchanan B7 Eliza Charles First National Bank ...®t’20 Green Charles....... J. H. Stinson. __ F. E. Morgan......... $175 68-590 Laura B. Stacy 75,000 44.260 489.050 36,160 460.460 50.000 25,710 585,230 82,010 324,640 Hague ...........200 Farmers Bank.............. ®tS’20 W. N. Chinn_____ Joseph Mayo . 68-599 Westmoreland J20 $20-3% Geo. E. Franklin.. 15.000 2,920 55,080 3,160 63,040 •Halifax 411 Bank of Halifax.—-®T*t§’86 B.W. Leigh............. E. S. Lacy_______ F. P. Loving_____ $125-6% 68-271 Halifax Qll 50,000 24,760 475,140 103,200 529,850 Hailwood____ 400 Accomac E24 Hamilton____ 287 Loudoun E16 25,000 52,170 327,610 34,680 223,970 125,090 25.000 12.500 130.000 140,000 2,500 1 „ ( •tS’ll O. L. Ramsey____ C. S. Bennett____ J. S. Adams....... . V. A. Motley......... E. B. Fitzgerald.Sr. Hailwood National Bank E. H. Conquest___ J. W. Broughton .. G. 0. Hatton____ H. R. Nock______ $259-10% 68-368 ®*t’05 W. H. Pruitt. Jr. Farmers k Merchants Nat. H. B. Taylor. J. P. Hatcher------ H. J. Hoge______ J. N. McDonough— 6%Bank. . 68-369....... ®*’10 89,920 CT Rut O 1 :iTIZENS BANK, NORFOLK--1LAA RGF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CTA J 1n 26.160 86.180 163,590 390 71,660 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 228,480 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 6,190 6,940 Far. & Merch. State, Freaericksbnrg. 123,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Union and StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 37.920 TC I> amiIf 52.480 Chase N., N.Y.; Merch. N„ Balt. 30,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; District N., Wash., D. C.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. It tjANIl\ IN In UIDPINIA VIKulNIA 1383 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.5Fed.Res. Dist. ‘Hampton.__ 6138 Elizabeth City 021 •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. J Last Sale % Dir. ® Sav. Dept BANK OF Pbbsident. $417.50-20% 68-146 Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Defos- Other and Capital Profits ITS ties Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash h Exand and Disoounts Securities from Baku S 150.000 $ 400.950 12550670 $ Principal Correspondents. 92.460 $1854020 $1023 830 $ 113.060 1 203.160 Chase N„ N. Y.: Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk; Va. Tr. Co., Rich.; Schmelz N.,Newport News. BEST OF SERVICE. ®*t|'81 H. H. Kimberly___ J. C. Robinson___ P. J. Drummond... 50.000 Merchants National Bank H. R. Booker_____ L. Heffelfinger ___ L. M. Von Schilling E.M. Johnson____ $175-8% 68-147 ®*t’03 100,000 75,590 20.000 5.120 68-148 .. Ass’t Cashier. WE WANT YOUR COLLECTIONS. SEND THEM DIRECT. VIRGINIA 41 Vice-President. | F.W. DARLING.......... H. H. HOLT..............- W. H. FACE................. G. B. BRADFORD — HAMPTON, 4# Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued •Hanover............ 63 Tri-County Bank___ ®«f§’20 C. C. Barksdale.... $32.50-5% 68-593 Hanover L17 fW. L. DECHERT — 1 GEO. E. SIPE, Ch.ofBd. •Harrisonburg FIRST NAT’L BANK 1 Rockin’m 1 11 5875 AOLDEST AN $230-10% 68-155 ®T*t’65 / Our faciliti V REMITTANCE “ “ Nat’l. Bk. of Harrisonburg J. E. Reherd______ $135-5% 68-157 ®|t'08 ROCKINGHAM — NATIONAL BANK $325-12% 68-156 ®»U900 Bank of Haymarket, Inc. $25 68-645 ©t§’23 Bank of Haysi______®*t§’19 $180-10% 68-624 Bank of Northumberland $250-15% 68-371 ®*il’10 National Bank of Herndon $240-10% 68-372 ®*rlO Oitizena Bank of Carroll $250-8% 68-287 J«*90 Farmers Bank. Inc._____ §’06 68-288 Holland 25a Farmers Bank_______®fl’19 68-566 NansemondQ20 $150-6% Hay market___133 Prince Will m G16 Hays!....................23 Dickenson B6 •Heathsville. 221 Northumb’d K21 Herndon______953 Fairfax F17 ‘Hillsville_____530 ( Carrol Q3it H. Bumpass............ H. W. Taylor.......... G. H. Burrough ... C. H. ROLSTON -— 1 P. UVFItt. ExPC. ■ ' Off. D LARGEST es for handli ON DAY OF PA J. O. Stickley. Thos. P. Beery 145,490 1.673.820 58,400 745.110 955,090 68.970 158.540 Chase N., N. Y.: Norfolk N. Bk. Corn. & 834.290 117,120 700.910 159,800 ‘ 68.050 198.740 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Norfolk N. 191*400 670 193.420 1.850 9,070 12,840 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Bk. & Fed. 465.990 2.482.500 252.800 113.570 211.880 N. City, N. L; Merch. N., Bait.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 214,020 529,490 156,000 185.830 106,250 Seab. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt.; 1st 08.500 1.499.750 195.380 17.000 213,980 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; WM.H.BYRO---------- L. T.FLICK. 300.000 248.220 2.040.550 IT UARRIC firm tixrl A. C. & Tr. Off. C. L. DUNDORE BANK IN TH IS SECTION. ng collection s are unsurp a s s e d. YMENT. C. D. Beard . 72,800 540,740 150.000 S. J. Prichard rC.G.HARNSBERGER T. N. HAAS_______ S. D. MYERS............ S. D. MYERS H-Ml............ 100.000 228.260 1.499.330 Trusts, Norfolk; State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N-. Phil. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk; State-Plan Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. Tr. Co., Rich. & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Phil. Franklin 4th 8t. N., Phil.; Riggs N.. Wash., D. C. ) If you appreela te prompt, carefu I service send us your Items on / Harrisonburg d trect. Bill of Lad ing drafts a spec! alty. (.Surplus and Pr oflts greater than capital. W. C. Payne............ R. A. Rust_______ W. M. Jordan........ Mrs. E. D. Terrill. C. J. Gilliss, Sec. Z. L. South_______ T. C. Sutherland.. R. S. Sutherland.. R. L. Sutherland.. C. G. Jackson E. Hugh Smith___ C. H. Walker......... T. Edward Hall™ P. H. Rowe ........ T. Edward Hall H. R. Straughan J. F. Ryan. E. L. Robey A. E. Bradshaw.... R. G. Wilkinson... E. W. Early______ J. Martin____ C. B. Nuckolls____ J. B. Marshall____ E. T. Holland........ J. P. Dalton. 20.000 4,270 79,040 25,000 14.510 365,650 8,010 84,990 10,590 369,560 — - 15.950 Peo. N., Manassas; Marshall N., Marshall; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 35.590 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Unaka & City N., 25.000 34,180 429.960 940 188,370 224.940 13,000 63.780 25.000 40.040 475.900 25.140 412,460 84,720 9,670 59.240 Clyde DeHaven—. 33,000 52.330 469.520 7.580 461,970 300 3.440 96,720 B. D. Mitchell.. 15.000 10,340 218.080 2,130 182,240 22,250 13.490 27.570 35.000 20,000 232,000 „ J. D. Rawles_____ L. C. Johnston ___ Johnson City. Tenn. Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. Chase N.. N.Y.;lst&Merch.N.,Rich.: Drov. & Mech.N.,Balt.; Fed.-Am N.,Wash..D.C. Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; 1st N. Ex., Roan oke. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke, 19.000 N. Bk. of SufTolk and Far. Bk. of Nanse- 277.000 mond. Suffolk; Va. N.. Petersburg. Honaker 755 nBauk of Russell County $85-e% 68-693 ©*t§’26 (Russell C8( First National Bank—T*t’05 W. 68-374 Honewell -1X07 Richmond Trust Co.. -T*t§’16 68-507 PrinceGeorgeN17 J. C. Stinson, Mgr. A. Howard____ J. T. Smith_________ Ira E.Thompson__ D.M. Hubbard........ R. E. Brooks______ of Leban on, Va.). 35.000 33,180 531,690 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 61,550 495,930 56.520 46,620 (Hoptwe ll Branch of Richm ond, Va. 1 62.350 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ricn. Chase N.. N. Y.; Petersburg Sav. & Tr., Petersburg. Horsey ....... . 50 Farmers Bank, Inc.. ®*tS’23 L. Y. Thornton.__ M. E. Lang_________ L. B. Bunting____ 68-496 Accomac K24 $50 Hot Springs.. 1010 Bath County Nat. Bank Wm. M. McAllister T. W. Jordon_____ H. T. Jackson . . C. C. Phillips $180-6% 68-375 ®*f07 Bath K7 15,000 1.000 80.000 4,000 60.000 14,000 5.000 21,000 1st N., Portsmouth; Far. & Merch. N., 50.000 39,260 573.380 50,000 510.350 85,200 45.270 71.810 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & •Independence 250 Grayson R Irvington_____ 735 Lancaster L21 Ivanhoe__ 650 Wythe Q3 Ivor 413 Southampton P19 35,000 23.380 201.790 36,310 153.530 36.650 44.120 Tr. Co. and 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.;Cov. N., Covington. 62.180 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 25,000 34,220 355,940 42,120 285.560 85,320 24.330 62,060 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Ports 10.000 11,000 34,440 Grayson County National Bk. $175-12% 68-376 *21900 Lancaster National Bk. 1900 $250-15% 68-377 Bank of Ivanhoe------- ®tl’01 68-378 Bank of Sussex & Surrey *§ 02 68-379 Merchants & Farmers Bank $32-4% 68-528 ®i§’16 Jarratt _ 175 BANK OF JARRATTS, INC. $184-6% 68-380 ®*t|’05 Sussex Q17 E. I. Phipps............... V. E. Cornett_____ J. P. Bryant............ H. T. Smith H. O. Roct_ . W. R. Rowe______ L. T. Rock, Jr. J. E. Huddle_____ S.G. Huddle............ M. H. Huddle____ W. H. Huddle H. S. Boone_______ P. Fleetwood.......... W. C. Rawls______ W. E. Mayton. _. T. P. Raiford J. E. Person______ J. M. Browder___ mouth. 7.320 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 51.170 (Branch of Wak efield, V a.)------- N. Park.N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 25,000 5,560 81.260 5.930 103.980 950 6,840 6.980 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk; 12,500 12.500 164.250 4.430 169.320 10.500 9.200 11.270 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Norfolk N. Bk. The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk. Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Onley. Bk. of Waverly. Waverly. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk; Va. N.. Peters burg; Citiz. N.. Emporia. A Bank for Banks 1384 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ..rr. v^..— Town and County . ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.5Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Dlv. ® Sav. Dept President. Cashier. Vick President. Bank of Jetersville .. .tl’19 S. R. Wingo______ 18-57# H. V. Merritt_____ Amelia N14 Citizens Bank of Lee B. H. Sewell............ County... 68-691 ............ §’26 Thos. M. King........ Lee E3 «< .......... ASS’T CASHIER. Resources. Liabilities. Bond* Miscel Cash A Ex Loans Other Surplus Depos L changes, Du i and and AND iabili Capital Profits its Discount* Securities laneous prom Banks ties I ** Powell Valley Nat. Bank»t'88 D. C. McClure........ J. O. Woodward... F. M. Mize_______ Browning Wynn.. 1130-12% 68-381 Keller . . 223 Eastern Shore Bkg. Co., Inc. A. T. Hickman .... S. W, Ames____ S. D. Ames______ W. T. Elliott- __ 1362-15% 68-382 ®»t§'09 W. B. Mapp, V. P. C. E. Nicolls C. A. Drummond Accomac L23 Kenbrldge___ 543 BANK OF LUNENBURG Lunenburg P14 175-16% ♦ 68-383 ®T»ti'06 KeysvUle_____ 493 Planters Bank_____ ®*ti’20 Charlotte P13 167-7% 68-384 Kilmarnock... 521 Farmers & Merch. Bank and Lancaster L21 Trust Co. 68-385 ®T‘tl'09 ‘King George ..29 Bank of King George...3l'20 68-575 King George 118 $50-10% Klnsale_______324 Citizens Bank_______®»5'14 Westmoreland K20 68-492 Lacrosse______ 320 Bank of La Crosse___T«t5’04 68-294 Mecklenb'g Q14 $165-6% Laurel Fork.... 50 6% Carroll Q4 ‘Lawrencevllle 68-549 BrunswickQ15 1439 $200-6% 68-211 ©T‘tl'90 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued fR. W. HANSON__ W.S. IRBY. Exec,... R. J. BARLOW- - - - - - MRS.J.C. HITCHCOCK W. S. MANSON Principal Correspondents. 1.790 Union Bk. & Fed- Tr. Co., Rich. 1 3,970 $ 20,270 46.770 150 13.330 10,280 203,030 9,500 186.830 $ 11,000 35,600 14,390 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 22,600 52.790 316.110 1.370 297.440 30,340 10,660 54.440 Merch. N„ Balt.; Va. N„ Norfolk; Cent. N.» Rich. 65,000 118,000 575,000 75.000 660,000 35,250 47.570 87.000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. T.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; 1st N„ Portsmouth. 19,360 21.380 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch, N„ Rich. 123,430 68.000 29,710 Bk. of America, N, Y.; Drov. & Mech. N. Bait. 15,410 Far. & Merch. State, Fredericksburg. 10,000 $ 3,330 $ 15,000 2.460 25.000 4,760 * $ 48.620 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Dominion N.. Bristol. 2,430 ) LARGEST Ban k In Lunenburg C ounty. Thoroug hly equipped to L handle all ban king matters entr usted to us. Send us your items. F. I. Hanmer____ R. T. Hailey......... H. D. Peters. J.T. Thompson.... 25,000 8,380 177,540 3.230 173,420 W. T. James... A. K. Spriggs.......... 100,000 78.950 594.790 45,440 598.030 10,000 7,500 225,230 E. D. Nash .... ___ 50,000 41,000 313,000 Walter Hylton___ J. E. Marshall........ 20.000 14.000 E. P. Buford............ W. A. Trotter____ I. E. Trotter_____ C. E. May. Tr. Off. J. A. Seward 75,000 51,420 Rosa M. Duke........ 100,000 15,000 Frances snow H. B. ABERNATHY 40,000 23,310 __ B.H.B.Hubbard, Jr. N. L. Palmer J.W. Dellostations O.F. Northington. 29,870 12,500 H. W. B. Williams. 19,080 96,480 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 66.980 74,990 4,280 50,000 359.000 38.000 16,000 80,000 38,000 131,000 429.090 12,580 407.880 620 82,390 77,200 Chase N.. N. Y.; Stste- Plan Bk. & Tr Co., Rich.; Va. N„ Petersburg; 201,000 16,000 247,000 43,000 424.970 154.860 488.190 45.900 60.320 42,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich.; Va. N.. Petersburg: of Norfolk, N. Bk. Com. & Tr. Co., Norfolk. 48,730 Am. N.,Kich.: Va. N„ Petersburg. 41.000 State-Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. H. B. Moseley L. H. Raney Brunswick County State Bk. 4% 68-61# ®t5'20 Active fj. N. OSBORN— J. E. SNOW................. E A WRIGHT____ Mils 2,000 10,000 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. FIRST NATIONAL BANK + $165-6% 68-213 ®*t 09 115 CENTS sent to us with each Sight Draft for p resen tatlon, and / 25 CENTS for e ach Credit Report Insures prompt, personal atientlo n. (.Only National Bank In Brunswi ck County. 17.000 201,980 12,000 456,000 73,740 373,530 70,200 36,260 100,000 139,370 1,248.210 189.080 968.930 390,050 142,290 175,390 Han. N.. N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C.: Am. N.. Rich. 100,000 200.000 2,250.000 150,000 1.850.000 550.000 150.000 150,000 N.City, N. I.) Merch. N.. Balt.; Riggs d. 1. Wilson _____ Wm. Combow------ J. S. Hargis--------- J. C. Stinson.......... $85-6% 68-616 ®»t§’20 E. M. Evans First NationalBank..®»i’03 T. A. Gilmer. 10% 68-387 ‘Leesburg___1545 LOUDOUN NATIONAL BANK E. E. Garrett_____ C. C. Gayer.__ E. L. McFarland .. Loudoun E16 $200-8% 68-218 ®T«t’70 Mrs. M. K. Warner .Russell D7.. “ PEOPLES /E.) B. WHITE_ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL BANK “ BRUCE MCINTOSH... JOSEPHUS CARR---ROBERT R. WALKER 1. A. LONG- 68-219 f?aau«| jlp« v*$ rliuiniiu tiu 68-180 Peoples National Bank. $200 68-182 8. Alvin Oakes ...___ L. W. Pultz............ 04 Wm.M. McElwee.. McClung Patton... B. L. Kagey_____ ROCKBRIDGE (PAUL M. PENICK-. S. M. DUNLAP------------- A. P. WADE.—...... E.G. ADAIR—............. MABEL K. WELSH J. L. liAMPBELLf 100,000 54,000 870,090 93,320 633,140 228,500 130,960 50,000 51,500 525,000 28.000 535,000 28,000 7,950 62.390 1,491.450 151,150 102.930 150,000 119.330 1,604.570 121.120 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Peo N., Lynchburg. 72,080 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N.,Rich.; Merch. N., Balt.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. 190.770 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; StatePlan." Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. Tr,Officer \ 15 CENTS sent to us with each Sight Draft for p resentation, and 1 25 CENTS for e ach Credit Report insures prompt, personal atientlo n. ®T»t'85 (.Oldest and Lar gest Bank in Roc kbridge County. NATIONAL BANK $200-8% 68-181 CITIZENS BANK, NORFOLK—LARGEST STIlTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t3i« ©T»J’81 ‘Lexington... 2870 First National Bank „®»J’95 .Rockbridge. L9 51.230 1st N. Ex„ Roanoke. 121,740 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. N., Phil. ^Collections a specialty and remitted on da y of payment, 'Prompt atten tion to ail ba nking matters entrusted to u $275-8% 60,000 bank IN VI RGINIA Selected List of Foreign Banks HE Foreign Banks listed in the RAND MCNALLY Blue Book are accurately compiled and cover the Foreign Banking field thoroughly. The Foreign Banks are indexed under a separate “Thumb Index,” and can be referred to quickly and any desired in formation readily secured. T With the RAND MCNALLY Bank Publications at his disposal a banker can obtain instantly and accurately informa tion and facts on the most perplexing subjects. Over fifty-four years of constant effort devoted to the service of banking needs has enabled us to provide the most accurate, carefully edited and up-to-date bank publications in the world. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RAND McNally Bankers Di rectory—Blue Book The Bankers Monthly Key to the Numerical System of the A. B. A. Bankers Service Guide Bankers Service Bulletin Banking and Business Ethics Maps for Bankers Rand McNally & Company Largest Publishers of Banking Publications in the World 536 S. Clark Street, Chicago Established 1856 Official Numbering Agent, American Bankers Association Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OFFICERS WILLIAM V. WILSON, Jr. President ALLEN CUCULLU Vice-President GILES H. MILLER Vice-President and Cashier B. F. COUSINS Assistant Cashier G. R. LEWIS, Jr. Assistant Cashier THOS. W. GILLIAM Assistant Cashier The Lynchburg National Bank LYNCHBURG, VA. Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $950,000 Bill of Lading Collections* Intelligently Handled Number under Name of Bank is tlie New Transit Number given 1 qoc to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ XOOU Dirpptnrv. lmrfpr tho anthoriiv of Thp Ampripan Itnnlorv i^’n Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.»New SSftatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Entire State in No. 5Fed.Res.Dist. $ Last Sale % Div. ®Sav. Dept. Chesapeake Banking Co. *12.50-6% 68-607 ®t§’20 Bank of Lonisa______ »tl’98 $62-10% 68-299 First National Bank..©»t'17 *145-6% 68-536 ‘Lovingston___ 31 First National Bk. of Nelson Nelson Lll County.. .68-388______ •t’ll Lively_________ 100 Lancaster L20 ‘Louisa...............289 Louisa K14 Pkksldznt. Y1 cx-President. CASHIER. Asst Cashier. R. O. Norris, Jr... W. T. James--------- E. M. Lewis______ T. D. Ficklin. Sec. and Tr. Liabilities, Paid-up Surplus DeposCapital Profits ITS $ j, T. Stover______ L. A. Keller, Jr. S. D. Crenshaw.... J. S. Purcell P. B. Porter______ T. S. Winston------W. W. Smith, Jr. W. B. Lea S. B. Whitehead.. R. Kent Loving.... (E. 0. NEWMAN —- W. T. MAUGK_______ J. S. PRICE________ W. E. FRANK.........— ‘Luray...............1381 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 Bills of Lading J. S. PRICE Page G13 $267.50-10% 68-238 ®.«2'01 Drafts a Special! y and remitted 0 n day of payment . fC.S. LANDRAM— W.P.HERSHBERGER- E.C. BERREY-------- THOMAS G. B00T0NPAGE VALLEY NAT’L BANK ) *200-7% 68-237 ®»t'93 ) Oldest bank In Page County. (.Collections a s peclalty. Non-Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA —Continued Lynchburg. ,30.395 Citizens Savings & Loan Cor- E. M. Wood______ Campbell N10 *18-10%..poration.68-79. ©’13 Richard Hancock 20,000 $ 7,710 $ Other 59.230 $ Resources. Loads Bonds Miscel- Cash k Exand And Discounts Securities LANliOUfl raOM Basks TIES 150 $ 53,175 94.720 1.000.910 11,900 50,000 33,070 739,710 46,300 50.000 35,000 550,000 30,000 51.430 595.410 60.740 $ 7,360 $ 9,470 * 896,000 125,790 32.310 656,610 122,390 33,640 394,020 156,830 9,200 170,410 14,380 525,500 25,000 Prom pt Servi ce on al 1 Items. 76.000 70.270 625.830 24,100 485.200 E. M. Wood, Tr.... H. D. Gregory, Sec. 150,000 50.180 250,540 52.880 488.630 5,150 W. T. Macleod. K. K. Rucker, A. C. C. G. Baber 150.000 101.090 943,610 144.130 1.204.400 55.860 Principal correspondents. 9,520 Far. & Merch. State, Fredericksburg, 106,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. 56,440 Am. N., Rich. 50,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Peo. N,, Lynchburg; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 141,780 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch. N. and N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 125,210 Chase N.. N. Y.; Balt. Tr. Co.. Balt.; 1st & Merch., N., Rich. 9,830 (Morris Plan Bank) Commercial Trust & Sav. Bk. E. F. Haley_______ *26-12% 68-80 ©T»t§’19 R. C. Blackford. W. T. Macleod V. P. Farmers Bank of Lynchburg C. H. Lumsden.... W. H. Baldock, Jr. G. W. Poston 68-621 ®t§’21 J. Terrell May. See. *60 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *285-14% 68-72 E. P. MILLEI------- ERNEST WILLIAMS.J. B. OWEN______ H.T. NICHOLAS J.D.0WEN 68-73 1.000,600 1.275.130 6.619.780 117,520 6.475.360 WM. V. WILSON, JR mmm -GILES H. MILLER- -B. F. COUSINS — G. R. LEWIS, JR. T- W-GILLIAM Bill a f Ladina Collection*—l_ow Rato*. SEE DISPLAY ®»f65 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 8-75 JOHN VICTOR. 422.070 188.870 1.926.120 V. City, Bf. Y.t 1st N., PhU.; N. Shaw- Planters Bank, Inc.„.®tl’16 10% 68-389 State Bank of Madison. Inc *180-6% 68-390 ©tS’08 National Bank of Manassas *190-10% 68-240 ®»t*96 Peoples National Bank .•j’03 *200-12% 68-239 ‘Marion_____ 3253 Bank of Marion........... ®Ltl’74 Smyth D10 *60-12% 68-184 68-185 1.000.600 870.640 3.867.710 1.110.000 4.781.840 790.720 397,900 2.946,080 172.480 1.103.300 Seat*. N.. N. Y.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. 300.000 200.000 114,000 2.909.870 433.910 114,770 244.110 662.440 281.330 113.490 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Lynchburg; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 740.330 3.351.060 1,089.800 3.528.810 934.690 420.700 796.980 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Phli.-Girard N., Phil.; Merch. N., 5.220 669.070 W.PETTYJOHN........ W. W. DICKERSON. W. W. DICKERSON 500.000 25,000 50,880 227.750 2,500 198.570 42.030 9.600 35,000 27,830 380.240 10.450 355,570 43,050 23,300 37.220 C. R. McDonald__ W. Hutchison_____ Harry P. Davis___ 50.000 57,000 600.030 36.150 454,840 139.290 G. M. Ratcliffe___ C. A. Sinclair......... .. G. R. Ratcliffe___ 30,000 29.540 527.360 30,000 456,770 53,190 22,030 W. M. Hull............... R. C. Gwyn_______ W. Lynn Copen- 61 650 105.000 427,730 23,400 156,890 28,200 93.300 88,040 1.144.620 * 144.500 65.920 haver L. LINCOLN.... H. B. STALEYT. E. KING jTry us for ... T. E. KINS- WOLFE H. F. PEERY W. A 299.420 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y. Balt. F. B. Bell_________ G, R. Mapp............. C. R. Bell................... E. S. Bradley_____ G. F. Floyd F. P. Smith... __ J. C. Crigler............. F. P. Smith, Jr.__ rW. MARION NAT.BANK Rich.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C. ADVERTISEMENT Caroful and prompt attantlon to collection Itama. Lowest Kates. Send us your buslneee. ®»t'68 Machlpongo.. .107 N’hampton M23 ‘Madison____430 Madison 113 ‘Manassas___ 1305 Prince Wm. G16 „ 135,000 171050 1.087.780 55.940 Merch. N.. Balt.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. 31,610 Han. N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 111.830 Han.N.and N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.; Ist&Merch. N., Rich.; Federal-Am. N., Wash.. D. C. 84,910 Chase N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Com'l N., Wash.. D. C. 39,380 Han. N.. N. Y.: State-Planters Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.: Lynchburg N„ Lynchburg. 126,830 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. prompt serv ice on your collections. ] Bills of Lad ing a Specia Ity. ®»t’03 (largest BANK IN S MYTH COU NTY. The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk. Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,090 1st N., Lynchburg. J. L. JONES------J. L. NICHOLAS R. T. Watts, Jr... J. R. Gilliam, Jr., W. P. Shelton, Lynchburg Tr. & Say. Bank D. A. Payne Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. *335-16% 68-76 ©T»tS’90 Mutual Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. E. H. Hancock .... F. L. Knight____ W. H. Adams. Sec. and Tr. W. H. Adams *141-7% 68-78 ®T»tl’12 *240-12% 87,000 IT you appreciate prompt and caroful service at a moderate charge, send us your items and ®#t'65 oollectfons. LYNCHBURG NATIONAL BANK *235-12% 40,000 35,000 78.570 Han. N„ N.Y.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. A Bank for Banks 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ,0 ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Liabilities. TOWM AND COUNTT. •Mem.A.B.A.«New SStatefPri?. ‘County Seats. +Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Bee. T-Trust Power*. No. 5Fed.Res.Dist. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sai. Dept. Non-Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws, (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. . Loans Bonds MISCEL Other Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and AND iabili Capital Profits it* Discounts Saeurities LANEOUS ties Principal Correspondents. Cau* lx nu>M Ba rai Marshall_____ 257 Marshall National Bank J. T. Ramey_____ J. L. Baxley_____ P. W. Anderson... H. H. Cooley____ S 100,000 $ 75.000 $ 650.000 $ 25,000 S 750,000 1 50,000 — S 50.000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Frank Fauquier F15 *175-8% 68-391 ®»i’05 lin N., Wash. D. C.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. ‘Martinsville.4075 Henry Q7 E. L. WILLIAMSON... J. G. GREER-------- J. C. 6REER- - - - - - - - - - J. C. SHOCKLEY. JR, 100,006 118,000 1.292,000 287,850 1.327.430 164,110 $ 95,650 210.660 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Merch. Largest Bank in Henry County. N., Balt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK *275-16% 68-172 ®T»t’93 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK *300-16% 68-171 Collections a specialty. Reasonable charges. C. B. KEESEE— J. A. BROWN-------- J.A.BR0WR- - - - - - - * 100.000 104,000 1.138.990 280,040 1,281,380 144.540 39.100 33.920 3,940 158,110 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and .25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention ©T»t91 Piedmont Trust Bank 8% 68-641 ®m*22 Massies Mill...181 De Priest Bank______ tS’16 Nelson L10 68-524 ‘Mathews......... 356 Bank of Mathews____ 11900 Mathews M21 68-392 Farmers & Fishermens Bk. *32.50-6% 68-611 ®Tt5’20 T. G. Burch_____ A. D.Witten____ I. M. Groves, Jr., Sec. and Tr. B. M. Townes J. P. Lea________ M. E. Massie____ M. E. Massie_____ H. E. Powell... 150,000 37,890 270.120 74.070 430.600 10,000 4,610 110,670 440 111,680 T. D. Hudgins____ J. P. Nottingham.. J. P. Nottingham - F. T. Weston— R. T. Mason F. L. Joslyn_____ J. E. Healy............ 50,000 60,290 733.880 19,590 507,630 272.440 32,180 51,510 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 50,000 16.160 425,070 3.523 441,580 7.460 29,000 J. M. Dickey_____ T. E. Simmerman. 30,000 20,280 181,240 440 174.910 A. S. Bader______ W. A. Yancey____ W. A. Yancey, Sec. and Tr. W. C. Rives_____ W. F. Bntterworth Cecil B. Sanders .. 12.000 3,580 64,800 260 57,680 3,000 11,030 16,710 Far. & Merch. State, Fredericksburg; State-Planters Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Citiz., Norfolk. 57.060 1st N. Ex., Roauoke; 1st N„ Wytheville; Cent N„ Rich. 8,920 1st N„ Harrisburg. 25,000 8,390 64,830 9,170 92,860 N. B. Sisk_______ Betty Riddle, acting 12.500 30.040 175.570 1.530 174.210 21.550 2,000 85,250 12,000 9.410 A. J. Francis____ G. H. Mustard....... Geo. T. Bird (Branch of Keysvi He. Fa.) Mrs. J. P. Parkin son, Mgr. 40,000 250.000 25,000 W. H. Hatton....... W. E. WatersC. F. Rogers_____ W. P. Rogers 27,940 10,000 250 V. C. Barker------- W. B. Vermillion.. H. H. Vermillion.. 2,680 . 85.320 150 3.720 260,000 23.000 28,020 3,000 4,940 Max Meadows .778 Bank of Max Meadows.®§’20 J. M. Graham___ *ioo 68-605 Wythe P3 McGaheysville Stonewall Bank, Inc. -®t§*20 R. T, Armentrout. Rockingham 111 423 *62.50-4% 68-583 McKenney____210 Bank of Dinwiddie, Inc. J. R. Doyle______ Dinwiddie P16 *125-6% 68-393 ®*ll'06 Meadowview ..609 County Bank. Inc.___ «ti’Q9 A. W. Aston_____ Washington E8 *348-25% 68-394 Mechanlcsburg 75 Bank of Mechanicsburg, Inc. W.Songer_______ Bland 03 *160-10% 68-506 ®*tt'14 Meherrin_____180 Planters Bank, Inc ...®i§’22 Lunenburg 013 *67-7% 68-657 Melfa.................321 Melfa Banking Co....®»t|’09 Accomoc L24 *295-10% 68-396 Mendota_____ 258 Bank of Mendota. Inc.... tS’14 C. F. Smith_____ Washington E6 *ioo 68-493 Middleburg ...283 Middleburg National Bank D. C. Sands______ Loudoun F15 *125 68-678 ®»t’24 Middletown ...354 Middletown State Bank E. O. Larrick____ *190-6% 68-397 ®‘tl'08 Fr’d’rick F13 Milford______ 160 Milford State Bank, inc. E. O. Cobb______ Caroline K17 *200-8% 68-472 ®*t|’12 Miilboro_____ 200 Bank of Miilboro........®tS’10 A. J. Revercomb .. Bath K8 *160-6% 68-488 Mineral______ 408 Bank of Louisa--------- •t§’07 Louisa K15 *8-301 Moneta______ 125 Bedford Trust & Savings Bk. Bedford 08 t§'24 Monroe______ 314 Bank of Monroe......... ®t§’23 John Bratton_____ Amherst M10 *105-6% 68-663 ‘Monterey____313 Citizens Bk. of Highland E. B. Jones______ Highland 18 *215-6% 68-296 ®t§’08 First NationalBk.of Highland H. M. Slaven-----*250-12% 68-295 «i’08 ‘Montross___ 410 Bank of Montross, Inc. G. C. Mann______ Westmoreland J19 10% 68-398 ®T»’08 Peoples Bank.............®*j|'13 J. W. Hutt______ *50-12% 68-484 Montvale_____214 Bedford County Bank@»t|’10 S. H. Price---------*150 68-399 Bedford N8 Mt. Jackson...500 Mt.Jackson National Bk. J. I. Triplett-------68-277 ®»t’84 Shenandoah G12 *185-8% Peoples Bank-------- ®»t*1900 E. D. Newman ___ *165-9% 68-278 Mount Sidney 225 Mount Sidney Bank__________ (Closed) Augusta Ill 68-688 Prompt remittance. SEND US YOUR MARTINSVILLE ITEMS. H. A. Spitler......... Sidney Thompson. E. H. Dawson....... J. B. Skinner E. M. Funk........... W. R. Campbell... W. A. Everly____ id. H. Rhodes Walter Wilson ___ H. D. McWhirt___ C. J. Williams..__ Stuart Wamsley... G. C. Luck.............. J. T. Stover____ L. A. Keller, Jr. 2.130 9,460 6,050 . 50,000 7.920 239.820 1,600 111.150 48,570 29.970 .25,000 20,450 198.020 1.123 186.150 12,030 9,850 22.500 18,000 185.300 2,900 175.300 26,400 10,000 7,470 111.880 6.253 118.560 2.000 13,900 82,840 (Branch of Bedfor d, Va.) . 1,600 71,990 P. H. Gilliland....... J. F. Thompson... R. Lee Gum______ E. W. Cox_______ 20,000 22,760 159.570 10,080 180,610 H. T. Bradshaw... A. P. Gum_______ ElsieR. Hamilton. 25,000 44.640 350.000 133.010 444.370 7.020 __ 8,480 Va. N.. Petersburg; Union Bk. & Fed. Tr. Co„ Rich. 21,880 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Abingdon; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 20.150 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; Nor folk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. 4,360 1st N„ Bristol, Tenn. 109.650 Chem. N., N. Y.; Marshall N., Marshall; Com’l N., Wash., D. C. 36.550 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 27.000 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Cent. N., Rich. 3,120 (Branch of Lou, Ua, Fa.) 15,000 63.610 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. N. and Union Bk. & Fed. Tr. Co., Rich. 4,570 Peo. N„ Lynchburg. 23,920 25,600 39,020 50,800 10,700 B. L. Battaile____ A. E. Carver_____ N. L. Robertson__ 12.500 9,340 108,940 1,480 112,270 John Goodridge... J. F. Johnson........ 15,000 15.000 261.360 5,290 195.000 J. B. Obenshain.__ R. A. Gilliam____ J. W. Caldwell, Jr. J. E. Quarles G. R. Geary______ O. L. Burkett....... 20,000 32,010 365.770 52,560 396,210 190 9,100 50,000 40,750 417,780 60,000 323,940 148,640 16,480 H. S. Wunder------- P. M. S. Bird, Jr... E. E. Rinker____ 25,000 23,000 185.000 18.000 179,000 21,000 26.000 4,220 11.910 Clifton Forge N„ Clifton Forge; 1st & Merch N.. Rich. 1st & Merch. N., Rich. Cent. N., Rich.; Bedford Tr. & Sav„ Bedford. 12,630 Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 7,880 Augusta, N„ Staunton; State-Planters Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 43.670 Han. N., N. Y.; Augusta N., Staunton. 15,760 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Citiz. N., Balt. 40.150 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Lincoln N., Wash. 64,850 Peo. N., Lynchburg; Bedford Tr. & Sav. and Citiz. N., Bedford. 79,460 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Drov. & Merch. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich 25.000 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. CITIZENS BANK, NORFOLK—Collections a Special! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1387 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back ol' this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Bondi Miscel Cam k Exther Loam Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili CXAM0U,DtTE and and AND its Capital Profits Diaoounta Sieuritiis laneous non Barka ties Principal correspondents. Town and Oountt. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 6Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % D1t. ® Bar. Dept Mount Solon..200 Augusta 110 Narrows_____ 1141 Giles N3 Nassawadex. ..475 Northampton M23 Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt. (Branch of Staunt on, Va.) *75 68-400 First National Bank..®»f'06 A. E. 8humate........ J. G. White. ___ P. H. Hale............... T. 8. Johnson____ $ 50,000 $ 65.420 S 463,940 $ 50.000 $ 460.640 $ 63,520 S 14,560 S 90,640 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. *275-12% 68-401 H. L, Phlegar 22.040 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk; 270,890 106.830 21.770 84.320 211,620 110,600 15,000 J. E. Nottingham . E. G. Tankard____ W. C. Roberts.__ M. E. Gladstone... Bank of Northampton Merch. N., Balt. J. W. Beil *400-20% 68-402 ®*tf'Q6 Natural Bridge Bank of Natural Bridge Station__ 102 3% 68-615 ®J§’21 Rockbridge MS ‘Newcastle ....702 Farmers & Merch. Bank of Craig County------- ®*t§’17 Craig M6 *200-5% 68-539 First National Bank...®t'17 6% 68-538 New Church.. 675 Farmers & Merch. Bank, Inc. *ioo-S% 68-404 ®»tl'08 Accomae E24 New Hope____150 Bank of New Hope, Inc. *250-16% 68-483 ®»tl’13 Angnsta J11 New Market . 577 Citizens National Bank 68-405 ®»tT4 Shenandoah G12 *250-12% President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. W. B. McNair........ E. P. Barger............ Thos. B. Scott____ Louise Barger........ 15,000 2,440 92,660 N. E. Spessard.__ E. M. Price______ G. T. Huffman____ W. P. Tatum, Jr... W. M. Wagener 25.000 26,590 260,650 5,510 G. W. Layman____ C. F. Simpson____ F. B. Leffel.............. F. H. Dame 61-01 ®»f|'91 — *250-10% “ 68-90 252,050 23,920 252.700 32,670 12,650 262.960 610 158.540 111.290 19,540 16,450 151,950 290 127.500 12,950 3.220 18,410 357,280 1,250 330.860 5,960 8,150 11,300 12,360 172,920 5,710 141.270 16,180 2,000 20.000 1.330.000 — 1,128.330 103.000 132,000 113.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.;Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.;StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 256,570 4,115,500 1.496.730 225.130 840,270 fj. E. WEBB............ T. C. POWELL______ J THE BANK TH AT GIVTS PERS COLLEC TRY US THE RELLA ________ J. R, FINCH_______ — 8% ONAL ATTENTI ON TO YOUR TIONS. ONCE. RLE BANK. 68 89 ®»t’90 Newsoms_____ 250 Southampton R18 Nickels vilie. 214 Scott E6 Nokesvllle____375 Prince WilliamG16 200.000 316.620 5,904.430 Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Cltl/. N., Balt. unexcelled collection Facilities. Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. R. P. HOLT- - - - - - - - F. W. BARLING — R. L. HARRIS----- tHur- U. S. Government, City, State and County Depository. Collections personally presented on day received and remitted promptly at satisfactory rates. 200,000 200,000 4,701,560 584,860 121.750 32,700 540.400 4.130.630 506,440 — 119,810 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 661.090 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Merch. N., Balt. ___ R. L. Harris.— — J. R. Finch, Mgr... Bank of Newsoms, Inc. J. B. Everett........... 6% 68-406 ®«:§’05 Farmers Exchange Bank A. R. Grigsby____ R. L. McConnell__ C. E. Meade__ R. L. McConnell .. *115-6% 68-486 ®+§’13 J. H. Darter Bank of Nokesville.__ i§’10 F. R. Rhodes V. W. Zirkle.......... *120-6% 68-407 R. J. Wilson 30,000 17.000 110,000 144,000 16,000 2,500 75,000 65,000 12,500 6,590 69,750 The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42,850 1st N., Pearisburg. 25,000 H. L. FERGUSON— J. R.SWINERT0H-- S. N. PLUMMER — W.A. SHELL- - - - - A. WILLETT, D. L. DOWNING S. W. HOLT Active V. P, B. G ROYf Auditor Newport News Clearing J. A. Willett House___________________ (Memberi indicated, by a *) IP 100,000 34,770 Merch. N., IBalt.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. 35.010 Far. ft Merch., Staunton: 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 56,970 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt. J. ®T*2'91 'SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK 31,440 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Lynch burg. 26,050 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Clifton Forge. 23,100 26,200 794,930 ♦Jefferson Bank______•tl'02 G. Franklin Lenz.. L. U. Noland_____ J. N. Pepper-------- C. R. Blassenham, 38,000 68-92 Jr. Allan D. Jones.’ (Branch of Richm ond, Va.) mond .................................. '26 Ch. of Bd. of Mgrs. xt 9,540 45.570 Crown Savings Bank ....§'08 W. P. Dickerson.. S. A. Howell______ Emmett R. Peyton 68-95 TIRST NATIONAL BANK 45,420 25,000 'CITIZENS & MARINE BANK 1 *40-6% „ 231,350 J . E. Johnson____ J. F. Nelson, Jr. .. C. L. Mason-.......... Rachelle B. Johnso n 15,000 Helen Sloconet 10,000 P. H, Cline_______ A. C. Borden_____ E. K. Eakle............. B. A. Michael____ B. A. Michael 25,000 C. N. Hoover_____ B. F. White_____ Newport____ _ .225 Sinking Creek Valley Bk.,Inc. C. L. King ............ *250-16% 68-477 ®»t§12 Giles N4 Newport News Warwick P21 47,033 7,670 1st N.. Lexington; Cent. N., Rich. 102,420 7,410 85,050 2,900 25.000 iorfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk; N. Bk. of Suffolk. Suffolk. 27,500 City. 8,310 A Bank for Banks 1 XJUU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac*1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A. ^New §State fPriv ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. $ Last Sale % Div. ® Sav. Dept. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $236-12% WM. L. WILLIAMS- J. B. HUDGINS------ M. B. LANGH0RNE D. W. JORDAN 1.000 000 Largest Capital and Surplus of any State Bank in Virginia. If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send us your items and collections. ___________ .......... 68-53 Tt§’06 Principal Correspondents. & Ex- Cash chanob8,Dvb from Banks 2,580 $ 23,520 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. NORMAN BELL PERSONS, GUARANTY TITLE (A. P. GRICE VIRGINIUS BUTT—. J.A. W.S. LEE, JR., & TRUST GORP. LI Titles Guarantee d 6% First Mortgage exa $139-8% Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Other Paid-dp Surplus Depos L I and and and iabili Capital Profits its Discounts. Securities laneous ties $ 40,000 % 10.960 $ 163.070 $ 25,700 $ 173,980 $ 39,650 Norfolk.... 164,105 Brambleton State Bk. ©£§’21 F. Q. Benham____ E. C. Tatem______ O. S. Hart— $250 68-617 Norfolk P21 F. C. Abbott ‘CITIZENS BANK ♦ 68-34 ©T»t§'67 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued Sec. & Tr. A.Tr. mined and g uaranteed. R.S. V0IGHT,'l.Sec 1,000.000 Merch. N. Balt.; Bk. of N.Y. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Bk. of No. America & Tr. Co.. Phil.; 3th 3rd Cn. Tr. Co., Cln. 745.280 5.754.610 2.133.190 6.180.910 398.670 2.573.020 480.480 12 251580 2.411,170 100,800 10936320 177.200 Chase N.and Bk. of America. N. Y.: Nor. N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk: Merch. N., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk.& Tr. Co., Rich. 373.910 B onds. -------- " ♦Merchants & Mech. Sav. John E. Wales.... Robert Johnston.. Charles Wales____ J. E. Wales, Jr._._ Bank____ 68-33___ ©«t§’51 25,000 326,400 3,009,760 31,790 ! 2,699,840 360,930 168,860 163,310 N. Park. N. Y.: Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. _____ •• Merchants & Planters Bank S. L. Slover--------- C. L. Old_________ J. J. Parkerson— H. G. Martin. $900-40% 68-40 ®»t§1900 V. L. Sykes 50,000 394,260 1,720.350 13.100 1,810,240 20,950 68,800 277.710 Chase N.. N. Y.: Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. 44 — Metropolitan Bank & Trust Com~pany_68-48 ............ §'09 A. J. Strong............ J. C. Brooks C. G. Owings. E. A. Baker Morris Plan Bank____©l§’10 W. S. Royster........ L. R. Shulman........ Emelie N. Plack, C. L. Bussells.......... $140-10% 68-674 V. P. and Cash. (241 Main St.) 150,000 52,070 740.830 100,000 64,260. 512.100 51,030 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. 1,030,550 143.540 768.460 31.250 2,920 17,280 Chem. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts and Va. N.. Norfolk. R. S. C0H00N......... A. E. WHARTON........ A E. WHARTON C. S. PHILLIPS--—- 2.500.000 2.500.000 RESOURCES 0VE R $40,000,000 ....-----------TAZEWELL TAYLOR J. H. FANSHAW* I. T. VAN PATTEN, Jr, Branches at Q, GRANDY Auditor F. I. SCHM0ELE 201 Granby St., A. B. SCHWARZKOPF H. B. REARDON, E.O.DENBY Depository of the United States and city of m?LcSSSpiSo: charleswebsterT s: Norfolk. Send your items and collections for and A. W. BROCK Trust Officer this section to us for prompt attention and at C.[.|»ST a reasonable charge. (Ocean View) Z. A. GAY SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. R.C.TAYL0R,-4.F.P. $300-15% 68-36 ®T»t’70 R. CORNELIUS TAYLOR, A- v- p> (Consolidation of National NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE & TRUSTS 5: B%^,V e N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Phll.-Glrard N., Phil.; 1st N., St. L. Bor Bank of Commerce and Norfolk National Bank) ‘SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK $205-10% 68-45 (Norfolk banks con tinned on next page) ©T»t’04 J B. MOSS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ WM.SLOANE- - - - - - - - - - R. W. DUDLEY........... T. A. BAIN................ G ABNER S. POPE R. P. WINGFIELD, E. W. BERAR0 1.000.000 W.T.OLD Auditor. S. W. McGANN R. W. DUDLEY R. W. PORTER Berkley Branch: R.W.PORTER, Mgr. 802.770 .550.520 Chase N., N. ¥.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Phll.-Glrard N., Pblla.: 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co., Cln. Unsurpassed facilities for handling Items on Virginia and North Caroli CITIZENS BANK. NORFOLK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 781.810 8.845.540 1.683.130 7.582.100 1.355,100 LARGEST STATE BANK IN VIRGINIA NORFOLK NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE m TRUSTS ORGANIZED 1870 NORFOLK, VA. f^NFFERS to a discriminating business and professional public, its facilities for every conservative form of financial service. To the banker, manufacturer, merchant and shipper it offers a thoroughly organized Col lection Department, exceptionally equipped for prompt, efficient and economic service in con nection with the collection of Drafts, Checks, or Foreign Bills of Exchange. OFFICERS R. S. COHOON -- -- -President A. E. WHARTON ... - Vice President and Cashier TAZEWELL TAYLOR.............................................. Vice President C. W. GRANDY ------Vice President A. B. SCHWARZKOPF...........................................Vice President H. M. KERR ---Vice President J. B. DEY, Jr. ------- Vice President A. W. BROCK ------- Vice President C. S. WHITEHURST......................................................Vice President A. L. EGGLESTON........................................... Vice President Z. A. GAY ---Vice President R. C. TAYLOR. Jr. ----Ass’t Vice President R. CORNELIUS TAYLOR Ass t Vice President C. S. PHILLIPS -----AssistantCashier I. T. VAN PATTEN, Jr. Assistant Cashier F. J. SCHMOELE ----AssistantCashier E. D. DENBY -----AssistantCashier R. H. MOORE -----AssistantCashier S. E. TUDOR ...... AssistantCashier J. H. FANSHAW............................................................................. Auditor H. B. REARDON ............................................................................. Auditor CHARLES WEBSTER.......................................................Trust Officer DIRECTORS UNITED STATES, STATE AND CITY DEPOSITARY Capital Paid in Surplus & Profits $2,500,000 $2,500,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources $40,000,000 Bailey, A. G. Baldwin, W. B. Barrett, F. R. Beaman , Robert P. Burroughs, C. F. Capps, C. R. Carr, C. S. Cohoon, R. S. Cooke, R. D. Davis, H. C. Davis, Hugh W. Dey, J. B., Jr. Dobie, L. T. Grandy, C. W. Gunther, E. C. Harvey, C. F. Hofheimer, Jefferson D. Houston, W. W. Hughes, R. M. Jenkins, J. S., Jr. Kerr, H. M. Knight, E. W. Loyall, G. R. Maher, W. C. Martin, James G., Jr. Martin, J. Watts McLaughlin, J. F. Pender, David Priddy, C. W. Ridgwell, James A. Roberts, L. P. Rodgers, John H. NORFOLK’S LARGEST BANK Rodman, W. B. Royster, F. S. Schwarzkopf, A. B. Shafer, G. S. Simcoe, W. T. Slover, S. L. Southgate, T. S. Stanworth, W. J. Taylor, R. C., Jr Taylor, Tazewell Tunstall, R. B. Voight, R. S. Wales, John E. White, B. D. Willcox, T. H., Jr Wright, C. L. Get Your Credit Report From The Banker. T^IG into the Blue Booh whenever you want a report on any one anywhere. Find the town, select one of the Banks advertising, write your letter, enclose the fee 25c or 50c, mail the letter and your part is done — the Bank will do the rest. Th ese Banks advertising in the Rand McNally Directory special ize in th is service. They are prompt, intelligent and efficient. ALWAYS ENCLOSE THE FEE IN ADVANCE! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 oqq A Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No.5Fed.Res.Dist. $ Last Bale % Div. ® Sav. Dept President. Vice-President. Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other ash k ExMiscel CHANG*B,Du* Paid-up and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous prom Banks ties Norfolk __ .. Trust Company of Norfolk... (Consolidated with Norfolk National B ank of Commerce & Trusts, January 17. 1927) (Continued) Virginia Bank & Tr. On., Inc. Hugh G. Whitehead J. R. Kilby........... J. R. Kilby.............. W. B. Wyatt. Jr... $ 100.000 $ 68-42 ®T»M'02 L. K. Wood Washington Reed 'VIRGINIA G. WHITEHEAD ... WASHINGTON REED W. B. WYATT, JR. NATIONAL BANK alvea on handllna oollootlons satisfactorily. Wa nrida ours ®T«tlO 1 R KIIRV H. $185-10% .. #8-47 FIRST NAT’L BK. 88-202 Oak Hail.. Accomac K23 1 R KIIRV 500.000 258.080 4,847.390 100,000 122.840 n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ®T»t’02 V.Please send 15c wi th each eight draft fo r presentation and 50c for Credit Repor te. 15.800 N. Park, N. Y. 948.650 4.638.230 643.760 421.260 850.860 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Park, and N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: Phil.-Girard N. Phil.: N. Shawmut, Bos. Ocean VlewSta. Trust Company of Norfolk (Br. of Norfolk' 881 68-637 ®§’22 Norfolk P22 J. B. Latham, Mgr. T Odd__________ 229 Citizens Bank of Poquoson $75-6% 68-646 ®»t§’24 York 021 T Hunt ............ 10.000 L. I, Burcher .... $160-8% Onancock___1074 Accomack Banking Co.®t§’24 $600-20% 68-672 Accomac L23 .. •Oran ere 1078 Citizens National Bank„»t’Q4 R. O. Halsey______ $281-12% 68-268 G. E. Waugh. V.P. Orange J14 .. M. « Field National Bank of Orange $220-10% 68-267 ®»t'92 Ore Bank. _ 42 State Bank of Arvonia, Inc. A. J. Terrell 68-307 ®*t§'06 Buckingham JV113 $100-6% Painter..............350 Eastern Shore Bkg. Co.. Inc. • $364-15% 68-412 ®»tl’09 Accomac L23 529.500 291.930 41.100 154.720 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co.. Cin., 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 32.330 348.900 98.920 370.530 56.160 35.310 68.15g Han. N.. N. Y.: Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co., Cin.: 1st N.. Bristol: 1st & Merch. N . Rich.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 10,000 97.000 2.600 98.000 1,000 5.600 15.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 25.000 8.500 108,240 3.000 107.920 25.000 18.000 350.000 31.000 175,000 165.000 11,500 25.320 Merch. N.. Hampton; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. 36.000 48.000 N. City, N. Y.; Schmelz N., Newport News. Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt. J. A. Blades______ C. F. Lewis.......... . (Branch of Parks ley, Fa.) First National Bank...®*8’93 S. F. Rogers--------$352.50-12% 68-410 G. H. Powell Onley ii? Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk. B. T. Gunter. $675-20% 68-411 ®»t’04 Accomac L24 95.800 (Branch of Norfol *. Va.) A. E. Riggins. __ First Nat’l Bk. of Poquoson E. P. White............ 68-409 ®»t’22 698.610 - (F. B. KLINE_ _ _ _ G. H. ESSER---------- G. W. MOORE......... S. H. 6QSE. . ............ 50.000 S. H. MORlSQN NATIONAL BK. OF NORTON $200-10% 68-203 ®*I’10 ■(Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. \Pleate tend 15c wi th each eight draft f or presentation and 50c for Credit Repor te. 130 (See Horsey) G. H. Powell.......... E. D. Hartmann... J. W. Rogers_____ W. C. Parsons........ 100,000 156.900 775.310 28.730 726,750 132,880 39.990 161.340 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt. 50,000 175.000 750,000 250.000 890,000 100.000 15.000 212,200 N. City, N. Y.: Citiz. N.. Balt.: Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. 218.540 1.092.770 168.540 168.380 R. C. Slaughter. . H. F. Priest______ Marshall James... W. J. Crittenden 100,000 F. B. Perry_______ T. O. Gillum 100,000 72.720 925.600 107.690 729.060 295.120 42,490 15.000 15.350 121,990 700 93,610 40.100 3.050 Perkins Glover.__ Arthur Panton.... W. T. Elliott 188.920 1.104,390 of KcUc r. Fa.).. The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis correspondents. wnnn_______ f R. S. GRAHAM —- H.G. GILMER........ G. C. McCALL......... A. D. SCOTT............ \ J. L. KEMMERER^ J. B. FLEMING R. P. CAHB ) Special attentlo B. W. Brunt............ u k Principal Sec, and Mgr. Occoquan____231 Bank of Occoquan,Inc. ®tl’10 68-408 Prince William H17 $190-6% M i 78,170 $ 145.900 $ 734.900 J 237.970 $ 148,560 $ 565.640 $ (Trust Funds) ^Church St. Office, Lewis Bress, Mgr.) Norfolk and Portsmouth Clearing House (Members indicated by a *) SORB Norton Wise D5 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued 182,170 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich. 139.350 Riggs N., Wash.. D. C. 16.280 1st & Merch. N., Rich. Merch. N., Balt.; Va. N.. Norfolk. A Bank for Banks Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 qQn l? eack bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. eMem.A.B.A.nNew SStatetPriv. *Oounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No.5Fed.Res.Dist. S Last Sale %D1t, ®Sav. Dept *Palmyra____159 Bank of Fluvanna, Inc. Fluvanna K13 1215-30% Pampltn_____ 262 Appomattox N12 68-413 ®tl’08 Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. M. W. Perkins___ M. G. Sclater____ S. P. Harland.__ Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Loans ther Bonds MISCEL Cash & £xPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and ch atom,Due Capital Profits its Discounts Securities LANEOUS from Banks ties H. W. Harris_____ S J. F. Connally........ W. B. Binford____ S. P. Loving______ W. R. Brightwell.. 68-414 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this VIRGINIA—Continued 5.000 S 25.000 8,400 $ 160.000 26.560 $ 352,970 72.000 f 64,000 $ 283.320 Principal correspondents. 37,000 Com’l N„ Wash., D. C.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 86.630 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Peo. N.. Lynch burg. Parksley_____ 601 Accomack Banking Co., Inc. J. W. Bowdoin___ S. W. Parks______ J. M. Chandler___ J. A. Causey____ Accomae L24 *600-20% 68-266 ®t*'06 A, W. Short H. A. Littleton C. D. Nelson Parksley National Bank J. W. Chandler.... A. J. Rew.......... 6% 68-265 ©»f02 S. C. White______ 38.300 209.740 60,000 61,260 355,820 191,430 678.390 $ 492,210 1.266.660 1 48.170 103.810 Merch. N. and Citiz. N.. Balt.; Cent. N., Rich.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. 117,210 195.560 44,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. 142,450 39,430 ixXfliill Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.- tPearlsburg ..537 First National Bank__®*i’06 M. L. Harrison___ C. L. King........ . Qiles N3 12% 68-415 C. L. King... Frances E. Miller. 106,000 77,673 741,630 195,370 1 OOttiJyU Pembroke----- 500 Bank of Pembroke. Inc J. T. S. Hoge_____ Giles N9 1300-12% 68-467 ©•tf’12 C. A. Lucas . ... Janey B. Reel____ 10,000 15,160 146,590 16.940 174 060 Pennington Gap Pennington Gap Bank®*!l’92 J. E. Laningham... T. C. Barlow_____ W. D. Harr............. G. F. Thompson... Lee E4 940 *153-10% 68-416 50,000 42.610 426.160 35,050 303.780 9.980 86,330 63.720 Chase N., N. Y.:Lon. N„ Lon.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Dominion N„ Bristol. 464,980 2.886,630 632.780 219.010 370.340 Chase N. and Han. N.. N. Y.; Phil.Girard N., Phil.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C.; Balt. Com’l N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 14.630 1st N„ Pearisburg. Petersburg..35.712 American Bank & Trust Com pany (Merged with Petersburg Savings & Trust Co. as Pete rsburg Savings d; A merican Trust Co .) Dinwiddle 017 Morris Plan Bank of R. Bolling Willcox, Richmond____ _____t§'23 Ch. of Bd. of Mgrs. NATIONAL BANK OF PETERSBURG <120-#% 68-82 {Branch ofRichm ond) .... Archibald Robertson rCHAS. E. PLUMMER W. 0. FRANKUR—- E. H. BEASLEY----400.000 ) Send ua your P etersburg cash It ems and eolleetlo ns for prompt att entlon. LRemittance on day of payment a t lowest rates. fitHMIir 159.680 3,134,110 ©#t’86 PETERSBURG SAVINGS & AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY • ZIMMER- - - - - - - - BERNARD C, SYME- L. A. WINGO---------- W. D. BLANKS_ _ _ _ _ P. M. POLLARD j P. M. POLLARD E. W. BUTCHER, Sec. p. E. PERDUE Ch.ofBd. PAUL E. WEBB, J.W. HUBBARD S. W. Tr. Off. Established I860. Banking in all its branches. We offer unexcelled facilities to Banks <fc Merchants. Valuable connections throughout Virginia. Your Items and collections given careful attention at a moderate cost. 750.000 304.130 4.517.000 163.400 4.054.530 890.300 321.610 468.090 N. Park. N.Y.;lst N., Phil.; Merch. N.. Balt.; Am. N., Rich. 500.000 57,720 1.765,750 465,180 1,999,880 394,670 261,370 132,730 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. N., Rich.; Balt. Com 1, Balt. 296,010 4,327.850 1,477,760 4.713.290 1,491,120 131.250 765.960 Chase N..N.Y.;Franklin 4th St. N.,PhiL; Dist, N.t Wash., D. C. 3,320 23,030 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Lynchburg. ♦ 68-81 ©T«t|’60 (Merger of American Bank & Tr. Co. and Petersb urg Savings <fc Trust Co.) Union Trust & Mortgage J.W. Long.............. J. M. Williams___ H. B. Prichard, Company..68-87 -.©T»t§’25 Cash, and Sec. W. T. Warren C. L. Guthrie *110-6% R. S. Terrie, A. Sec. VIRGINIA NATIONAL BANK *120-6% 68-85 J. H. Wyatt, Tr. Off. fG.C. WRIGHT....... PAUL ROPER.......... B.T. KINSEY........... B.B. WELLS............. \ W.E. POOLE,V.P. W. M. RUCKER W. H. PAYNE, ) BILL OF LADI (.Accounts O T«t'05 an Tr. Off. D COLLECTIONS WILL RECEIVE PROMP T ATTE NTION. f Banks and Corporation s solicited. Phenix_______30 Bank of Phenix, Ine.®«J|’12 R.S.Ohamberlayne, L. P. Bailey, Jr-.. J. B. Overton_____ Miss Bessie R. Ber68-475 Charlotte Oil *75-4% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jr. kley 15.000 8.440 139,940 1,600 138,630 iX’uiuitef uudef Same of Itank is t!m Transit Number given 1 on 1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1031 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tows AND OOtJHTT. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew SState tPrit. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Tnist Powers. No.5 Fed. Res. Dist. $ Last Sale %Dir. ® Sar. Dept — President. Vick-Presieent. Cashier. ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Loana ther PAiD-ur Surplus Drpoo- LOiabili AND and Capital Profits m Discount* ties Phoebus____ 3043 BANK OF PHOEBUS -©•»■» S. C. Rees_______ O. W. Ward______ H. D. Wilson__ __ F. J. Blake.............. $ Elizabeth City 021 $250-12% 68-417 Old Point National Bank L. M. Newcomb.__ G. K. Vanderslice. P. McK. Johnson. $110 68-654 ®t’22 Pocahontas.. .2591 Bank of Pocahontas___t|’02 Isaac T. Mann____ C. M. Galway_____ J.K.Sult________ Tazewell N1 68-190 First National Bank____ (Closed October 27,1 926) PoquosonYork 021 (See Odd) Port Royal____ 155 Port Royal Bank™........ +§’21 J. M. Holloway.__ |Richard Baylor.... R. F. Tankard____ Caroline J18 68-666 *Portsmouth59.029 Norfolk P21 E.C, ALLEN C. A_ __ 'AMERICAN H. A. V. PARKER- S: 8: PARRISH*" F. 0. LAWRENCE—- JNMF Collections a specialty. NATIONAL BANK Remittance made on day of payment. - - - - - - - R. G. LOWE........ BANK OF E. L. LASH ............ J.R.A-S.MORRISMARSHALL TIDEWATER, me. $115-8% 68-70 iVuii^Sailk Tciiiis wiill Nearest (tanking I'omi vii/dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued 43,000 $ 76,900 $ 791,000 $ 50.000 7,200 300.000 50.000 61.930 513,090 15,000 2,000 60,000 Resources. ^d* ! Miscbl- O+aa t Securities LAN1?OOT 25,780 I 584,910 $ 240,460 35,450 I 78,000 275,000 68.000 52,200 427,020 29,570 16,080 Principal Corrkspondknts. Ms atMM^Sa 75,850 Chase N„ N.Y.; Phil.-Girard N.,Phil.; 1st & Merch.N.. Rich.; Equitable Tr. Co.. Balt. 40.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y; Merch. N„ Hampton. 152,350 Fid. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. N.. Phil.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. Y.; Phll.-GIrard N„ Phil,; Merch. N„ Balt.: 1st & Mereh. N. and State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 500.000 130,250 3.332.480 765.000 2,597,630 646,820 87,300 1,395,980 N. City, N. 250,000 122.370 1,059.180 179,000 1.296.150 112,870 70.570 130.970 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. N.. Balt.: Norfolk Bk. Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. 692,010 1,464,000 500 10,550 140,770 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Portsmouth. ®»t'19 Send your Portsmo uth items direct to us for prompt atten tion. All items receive th e attention of an of ficer of this bank. Prompt remittance. 8% 68-67 ®‘tr06 Citizens Trnst Company.! T9 68-585 Community Savings Bank__ ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK $200-12% M-M ©T‘t’08 Merchants & Farmers Bank $220-10% 68-66 ©T-H'S Archibald Oce.. B. B. Ferguson.__ M. O. Lawrence, V. P. and Tr. K. O. Howell__ (Closed) V. Garland Weaver A. C. Ogburn, Jr... B. Ballance_______ Geo. L. WonycottChas. R. Welton M. B. Payne L. McK. Jack_____ E. L. Barlow_____ E. L. Barlow_____ C. W. Coleman C. W. Coleman. Ch. of Bd. W.G. Parker Morris Plan Bank .„________ C. R. Welton_____ W. K. Hodges____ A. Robertson__ __ 68-675 State Bank of Portsmouth V. G. Weaver____ O. L. Williams ___ George Larkin__ R. C. Rawles. $105-6% 68-71 ®»tS’lfl A. O. Ogburn, Jr. (Port Norfolk Bran (Members of Norfolk and Port smouth Clearing Ho ‘Powhatan ....275 Bank of Powhatan. Inc. Wm. E. Maxey .... Powhatan M15 $40-8% 68-649 ©+§'22 R. D. Tucker, Ch. ‘Prince George. 28 Prince George County Bank 3,3. Temple_____ 250,000 47,550 626,260 300,000 231,110 2,695.730 467.900 2,775.350 338.670 203,350 500,000 245.480 2.877,750 170,020 3,288.330 146.020 76,210 50,000 69,870 465,480 75,000 10.020 485,330 57,940 57,620 580,119 377.360 Chase N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Atl. & Lowry N., Atl. 282,700 Chase N., N.Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. 5,560 46.010 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Portsmouth 554,480 ch») use Association indi cated by a *) R. B. Whitlock. Sr. W. R. Parker J. E. Taylor. 20,000 5.000 233.540 9,070 231,430 2,750 14,930 15,000 5.040 106,420 3.000 92,040 10,000 3,610 15.500 Broadway N., Rich. 100,000 41,260 683,600 171,870 749,880 107.400 21.400 150,000 136,880 889.450 252.210 873,610 306,420 109.430 100,000 14.020 63.560 91.420 42.100 41,920 23,820 N. Park. N. Y.; Petersburg Sav. & Tr. Co.. Petersburg; Am. N.. Rich. 118,060 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke. 139.070 Chase N., N. Y.: Cent. N.. Rich.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 2.130 50,000 150.370 967.740 53.430 745.160 285.010 22.400 168.980 N. City, N. Y.; Com'l N„ Wash., D. 0. 25,000 13,210 263,880 4.310 117.000 93.900 27.120 68,390 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Citiz. N.. Alexandria. F. B. Sitton______ 25,000 10,220 141,490 270 67,180 Chem. N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Broadway N. and Cent. N„ Rich. C. O. Williams___ I, M. Huffman____ 12,000 14,000 201.000 7.000 142,440 4,520 380 41,550 17,170 7.250 14,530 Chatham Phenix N. Bk, & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich. 7.370 Han N„ N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 7,210 428,450 425,310 20,250 R. C. Burrow .. Thos. E. Fenner, 68-571 ®«tS’19 Prince Georee 017 $112-6% Jr. ‘Pulaski_____ 5282 Peoples National Bk. ®*t’02 J. W. Miller______ J. S. Draper______ R. S. Cecil_______ W. L. Dudley__ $200-8% 68-159 Pnlaski 03 B. Blocksidge, Ch. PULASKI NATIONAL BANK K. E. Harman____ W. B. Wyatt_____ O. P. Jordan. Jr... Curtis C. Jordan... $240-10% 58-168 ©l«rn Pulaski Trust Co...........TJ§’25 H. W. Steger.......... O. Laughon______ R. L. Beamer, $120-6% 68-689. Sec. and Tr. 1 Formerly Pulaski Finance & Trust Co.) Pnrcellrilie ___ 546 Purcellville National Bk. C. L. Robey___ J. T. McGavack... A. C. Norman____ Loudoun E15 $355-15% 68-411 ®«t'02 Not.ley Ball Qnantico____1011 First National Bank . ®»{’24 C. C. Cloe_______ A. E. Mclnteer.... H. Ewing Wall___ C. H. Brawner.. Prince William H17 $136.50 68-669 Radford............4627 Peoples Bank_____ ®Tt§'22 J. Lewis Ingles.... Wm. R. Jordan.__ Montgomery 04 S120 68-650 H. C. Tyler, V.P. R. L. Gardner Raphlne...........250 Bank ofRaphine, Inc.®+I’06 J. R. Rowan.__ W. C. McCormick.. 68-421 Rockridge KB $225-8% Rapldan______218 State Bank of Rapldan Stuart Bresee____ E. W. Armentrout. Culpeper 114 $110-4% 68-420 ®*t»’09 ReedriUe_____1025 Peoples Bank________•il’10 J. B. Hinton_____ W. Blundon______ Northumberland $150-10% 68-276 J. C. Jett K21 Remington.__ 267 State Bk. of Remington, Inc. Fauauier H15 5% 68-480 ®t*',13 Rich Creek ___750 Farmers* Merchants Bank Giles N3 ino 68-668 ®t§’24 RIehlands.__ 1171 First National Bank.__ «t'16 Tazewell 08 10% 68-422 Richlands National Bank.'16 68-522 F. P. McConnell, V. P, and Cash, B. T. McConnell 108,070 72.500 G. W. Peyton_____ 10,000 2,040 60,930 F. C. Jett________ M. L. McCullough. Ellen Haynie 75,000 37,850 842,500 R. L. Willis______ J. R. Day________ W. E. Herring........ J. W.Stone...____ C. B. Chilton W. O. Woodson.__ S. P. Mann______ P. L. Comer______ T. E. Ballard, Sec... J. S Taylor W. R. Williams ... H. W. Bane______ O. U. Terrill______ 15,500 6,760 89,400 170 94.590 3,100 14,140 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 35,000 3,420 72.870 580 79.590 2,640 40,000 15,240 284,000 40,000 G. M. Brown______ D. C. Cartwripht.. C. B. Orr________ R. G. Flanary. 25,000 5,000 390.000 29.640 1st N.,Peterstown, W. Va.;lst N.,Narrows; Am. N., Roanoke. 79,960 Han.N.,N.Y. 1st N.Ex., Roanoke.; IstN., Cin. 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich; 1st N. Ex. Roanoke; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 218.560 66,000 230,000 65.000 ____ 14,730 88.560 Citiz. N., Balt. The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk. Va. — A Bank for Banks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 OQO f Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. | •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. AM. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. (Last Sale % Dir. ®Sav. Dept. 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK $210-10% 68-8 President. RICHMOND—Reserve City Liabilities. I Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. OLIVER J. SARDS. WM. C. CAMP--------0. B. HILL--------------CHAS. C. COCKE N. W. R0URTREE, WALLER H0LLA0AY S. H. PARKER, A. W. MANH V. P. and Ch. ofBd.0. B. HILL A. Cash. C. E. TALMAN B. W. DURRETT R.C. GREGORY Collections receive prompt attention. Correspondence invited. Terms reasonable. ®T*t'99 O. J. Sands— ___ VVm. C. Camp____ G. A. Peple. Tr.... G. C. Lawton, Sec. American Trust Company H. S. Wade, A. Tr. 68-527 T«li’16 H. W. Rountree, Waller Holladay Daniel Grinnan. Ch. of Bd. and V. P. G. A. Peple, Active Tr. Officer Perry Seay, A. Tr. Officer *BK.0F COMMERCE & TRUSTS J. T. Wilson............ $245-12% ♦ 68-13 ®WI'05 C. C. Pinckney, V. P. and Tr. Off. BROADWAY NATIONAL BANK ‘CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK $130-6% $205-8% 68-30 68-25 (Henrico County, M 17) County Seat, Population 186,403 (Federal Reserve City No. S) W. N. Street C. W. Roper Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties $ 2,000,000 $ 1.520.420 $10813370 $ Loans and Discounts Resources. Richmond Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown Mibcbl- Gash k ExLANBOUS cha»gm,Do* _________ by *. Affiliated Banks by +_________ and Sbcubitibs Rbsocbcbs raou Basks Principal Correspondents. Bonds 990.610 $ 1.383.830 $ 4.282.700 ChaseN., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Frank lin 4th St. N., Phil.: Federal Am. N., Wash., D. (Offices at Floyd Ave . and Rob inson St., ith and Grace Sts. , 25th and Marshall Sts., Brooklan d Blvd.) 1,200.000 307.710 2,000 769.050 $14445690 S 682.400 1.617.800 427.030 108,480 38.790 243.500 709,980 4.457.320 216.520 500,000 549.680 4.921.530 (Munches ter Branc h: D. C. Ballard. Cash.; W. J. Fisher, A. Cash.) 300.000 80.520 (H. N. PHILLIPS- . S. P. WADDILL -......... f. l. McConnell ... F. 0. DRUMMOND— Jf.l. mcgonnell. A. M. SMITH C. L. BATES. Mgr. Sav. Dept. < Active (.In the cent er of the “W HOLESALE a nd PRODUC E” dis trict. 2.028.960 10.450 1.469.450 97.870 272.220 8.629.730 1.605.180 8.256,460 1.245.920 700.860 236,610 182.330 168,000 5.270 27.470 419.470 835.420 N. Park and Han. N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 580.400 Chatham Pbenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Am. Ex. Irvine Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N. and lst&Merch. N., Rich. ®»*’13 rw. H. SCHWARZL. W. HOFFMAN........ HOLT PAGE----------j SCHILD W. C. SCHMIDT F. B. RICHARDSON, V. P. and Tr. Off. J Unexcelled facilities for handling you (.drafts and collections o n all Southea W. H. METZGER........ W. L. WAY 1,000,000 883.270 1.914.940 N. Park, Seab. N., N. Bk. Com., and N. City. N. Y. Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Merch. N., Balt. r Bill of Ladi ng stern points. ®T»t’ll Central Trust Company..T+§’23 W. H. SchwarzW. H. Metzger L. W. Hoffman.... 68-666 F. B. Richardson, W.L.Way schild W. C. Schmidt V. P. and Tr. Off. Commercial Bank & Tr. Co. J. H. Peters. Jr., Jas. T. Carter........ J. A. Hines_______ B. T. Kenney, $30 68-623 ®»§’20 B. L. Jordan, V. P. A. W. Holmes Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. Washington ♦Federal Reserve Bank Dist. 5» (See Page 24 for co mplete informatio n) 68-3 'FIRST & MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK J. M. MILLER, JR.- A. F. HYLAND.......... S. P. RYLAND C. R. BURNETT, V. P. S. E. BATES, JR. J. C. WHITE, V. P. G. J. JONES T. W. PURCELL A. K. PARKER H. B. CULLEN J. M. BALL. JR.— H. H. HARRIS-........ T. W. PURCELL, J. E. TYLER, JR. Tr. Officer F. c. LAFFERTY J. W. ALLISON, JOHN S. HAW A. Tr. Officer J. W. BOWLES C. S. TREVVETT, 0. C. WHITE L.B. THOMAS H. P. GILLESPIE, 100,000 46.330 83.160 11,490 3,000.000 352,860 3.420.890 44.893.710 737.080 32.563.470 27.340 Cent. N., Rich. 13.850 7.829.260 41,660 Am. N.,Cent. N., and Bk. of Com. & Trusts. Rich. 552.590 11.106.350 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co., Cent. Un. Tr. Co., Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., ana Seab. N., N. Y. A. V. P. OF RICHMOND $265-12% 68-1 EXCELLENT FACILITIES FOR COLLECTIONS. ®T»i’65 BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY. (Richmond banks continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | I RICHMOND, VIRGINIA “The Gateway of the South’* The American National Bank American Trust Company AND Combined Capital, Surplus and Profits over $5,000,000.00 In touch with the leading banking houses of the South—well equipped—we offer you the advantages of our valuable connections. OFFICERS OLIVER J. SANDS, President H. W. ROUNTREE. ..Vice-Pres. and Chairman of Board STAFFORD H. PARKER.......................... Asst. Cashier WM. C. CAMP........................................................Vice-President CHAS. C. COCKE...................................................................Asst.Cashier WALLER HOLLADAY......................................Vice-President A. W. MANN........................................................................ Asst.Cashier O. BAYLOR HILL......................... Vice-Pres. and Cashier CARTER E. TALMAN................................ Asst. Cashier D. W. DURRETT..................................................Vice-President R. C. GREGORY....................................................................Asst.Cashier Protected by i yr\FxT V1..1. Xt* L- j -g IjQtlQ The Attorneys who are listed in the RAND mqnally bankers Directory (excepting those listed under heading “Foreign Attorneys”) are bonded by the American Surety Company. Send Your Legal Business to Bonded Attorneys Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * > Two A. B. A. Presidents Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N HIS ANNUAL address to the American Bankers Association in 1926, Retiring Presi dent Oscar Wells said: I “Has the local banker a sufficiently national outlook and has the metropolitan banker a suffi ciently international outlook? ” In one of his first public pronouncements after his election to the presidency of the A. B. A., President Melvin A. Traylor said: “Whether our horizon is bounded by county lines or by the seven seas, I think the same answer may be given to “What’s ahead of American Banking? ” “ First: Closer study of what is close to us. “ Second: Broader knowledge of what affects us from the outside. “Last and most important: Development ol ourselves and our employees into bigger bankers. The Bankers Directory is the first and most necessary tool of the banker who agrees with these two presidents of the A. B. A. He browses through it for the latest facts on banking personalities, banking services and banking progress in other cities. He uses it to widen the scope of his corre spondence, he refers to it for first line information on foreign banking. He keeps his Bankers Directory up to date be cause his Bankers Directory keeps him up to date. 00 (0 •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State fPriv. JMem. Stat* B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. I Last Sale % Dlv. ©Sav.Dept. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RICHMOND—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ (Federal Reserve City No. 5) Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Capital Guaranty Trust Oo-------- Tt5’22 Geo. O. Gregory... E. G. Gnnn......... 1200 68—652 E. G. Gunn, Tr----- A. J. Smith, Sec.... $ W. F. Brown, Tr.O. Industrial Bank of Richmond T. W. Ellett______ $100-8% 68-673 ®*t§ 12 A. A. Schaaf Surplus AND Profits 173,500 $ Total Deposits 70,110 $ Other Liabili ties Loans AND BONDS AND Miscbl- LANEOU8 Discounts Securities Resources 40,890 $ 2,343,180 1 316,620 $ 2,249,700 $ Oaih k ExOBAMM'DUX fmm Baku 8,690 $ 186,440 Rich. Clearing House Ass’n Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by-f Principal Correspondents. 52,170 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 396,820 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 500,000 104.840 167,730 2,770,390 2.943,810 56,325 2,530 76,270 20,490 141,360 9,010 5,240 Broadway N., State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cent. N.t Rich. ft. E. Anderson ... 100.000 12,670 97.520 38.850 217,560 29.800 1,680 State Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. (Broad St. Branch) and Bk. of Com. & Trusts. Rich. + Mechanics ft Merch. Bank A. L. Adamson____ Augustine Royall.. 18-111 ®»t§'89 J. H. Patteson 200,000 190,000 1,730,000 20,000 1,760,000 Arthur Mann-------H. L. Newbill, Jr. 15.400 (Morris Plan Bank) Liberty Bank & Trust Co. Inc 68-679 ®T&’23 $12.60 (Industrial Loan Bank) Loan & Saving Bank—®»I§’16 r„ .T. Heindl 68-699 $27.50 180,000 32,500 237,500 Seab. N., N. Y. $176-10% • T. C. Boushall........ Philip Woollcott.. Anton C. Adams... L. H. Fairbank.... D. P. Tyler O. S. Woodward. "fiMr-”" Auditor J. E. Dowd 34 6 68-677 $ - % 114,710 Chem. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Union Bk. & Federal 160.590 2,715.340 381.870 512,700 3.281.420 99,880 274,500 Tr. Co., Rich. (Branche s at 408 E ast Broad Street, 172 4 East Ma in Street, 1202 Hull Street, Ric hmond, and in Petersburg, and Newport News) (8th and Main Sts.) Mj Pollard ft Bag by Mortgage ft H. R. Pollard, Jr.. J. J. Pollard. Trust Oo...68-622—®Tt§’20 John Bag by _ A. W. Pollard, Sec. and Tr. MauriceF.Phillips, A. Sec. and A. Tr. 154,500 135,050 2.527,560 1,820 2,540,750 10,750 17,230 250,190 Cent. N., Union Bk. & Federal Tr.Co., Cent. N., Va. Tr. Co., and State-Plan. Bk. & Tr Co., Rich. 1.000,060 198.980 3.557.690 16.350 3,231.280 732,620 112.620 696.490 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. Park., N. Y.; 1st & 108,800 127,970 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. $214-10% RICHMOND TRUST COMPANY 68-21 mm W. H. SLAUGHTER— R. C. MclNTYRE, Tr. KENT C. DARLING, G. F. BRODIE, A. Tr. Sec.and Asst. Tr.Off. A. H. VINCENT. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Tr. Officer T»tS12 + Savings Bank of Richmond ♦ 68-0 ®»tl’80 L. Z. Morris. Ch. F. Sitterding_____ C. P. Word______ James M. Ball $27.60-3% Second Street Savings Bank 68-620 ©§’20 S. P. Robinson + South Richmond Bank, Inc. 68-32 ®*t$’13 $37.60-6% 68-12 200,000 439,390 1,648,260 76,380 __ 28,500 10,470 170,300 5,500 143,500 W. A. Horner_____ E.G. Bailey_____ G. W. Diggs 10,000 10.050 166.700 7,700 168.370 50,000 35.000 418.100 Quinn Shelton ___ W. S. Banks. Maggie L. Walker. S. W. Robinson, Jr. Emmett C. Burke. M. D. Walker____ ®T»|’03 J. T. Hewin, V, P. P. H. Ford St. Luke Bank & Trust Co. 6% (Richmond banks continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Merch. N., Rich. DEANE MAURY, 386,550 26.750 44,360 8,670 35,860 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 9.500 16,580 Bk. of Com. & Trusts, Manchester Branch, Rich. 5.060 67,130 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Un. Bk. & Federal Tr. Co., Rich. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 QQ4 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TDirectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew ISftatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Power*. $ Last Sale % Div. ®Sav. Dept Vice-President. President. JULIEN H. HILL ® !I KT" WILSONH. BBOWN THAMA„S,BK?'^DAMS E. f.’diggs?a£’*- JOHK H. H»»T0H ” Ch. of Lx. Comm. 'STATE-PLANTERS RICHARD H. SMITH BANK ♦& 68-2 TRUST®T«i§’12 GO. R.E. CUNNINGHAM - (Federal Reserve City No. 5) Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Oashier. WARREN M. GODDARD H. H. AUGUSTINE, „ bme mSk JOSEPH M. HURT, JR. E.E. WILSON- - - Loan* and Discount* Bond* and Securities & Miscel Cach Ex changes,Dub laneous Resources from Bank* Rich. Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by* ____________ Affiliated Banks by +_____________ Principal Correspondents. $ 2.500.000 $ 2.255.480 $35 733810 $ 1.772,850 $25 707100 $ 5.056.190 $ 1.319.330 $10 179510 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chase N., Chem. N., Han. N., Equit. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. ACom’IN. and III. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil.-Girard N. and t. B FLEET JB. Frankiin-4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N. and Lib. fbeVg»'i cTscott Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Guardian Tr. Co., Clev.; BROAD STREET BRANCH w w urli r Riggs N., Wash., D. C. JESSE F. WOOD ------ Vice President PAUL MAYO.. - - - - - - . Asst. Cashier D.'V MORTON S. Y. TYREE---...... If. eoC »i!le« W. R. SUTTON, JR. J. M. GATEWOOD - -- - -- - - _ Asst. Cashier _ Asst. Cashier CHURCH HILL BRANCH CHAS. E. TALLEY - - - - . _ Vice President E. B. MU I RE.................. . . _ Asst. Cashier -- _ Vice President , -- - Trust Officer -. . Assistant Cashier UPTOWN BRANCH - - - . _ Asst. Cashier S.W. PHILLIPS INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT FULTON BRANCH T.T. HYDE, JR. - -- . Vice President RANDOLPH C. HARRISON - _ Asst. Cashier T. RAYSOR SALLEY -- - Asst Cashier PERCY L. MOORE - -- - . . Branch Cashier NORTHSIDE BRANCH H. S. LAF00N ------- Manager “MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM’’ \C. C. BARKSDALE - L. E. JOHNSON-------- M. D. WALKER-------- R. H. LEE........ -........ E. LITCHFORD. G. W. CALL, Vice Ch. 3.635,400 64,850 4.087.820 381,800 139.030 620.070 Chase N.and N. City, N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N. and State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. H. W. JACKSON-........ T.C.WILLIAMS. JR— J. H. SOUTHALL. Tr. L. D. AYLETT, Sec... 1.000.000 1,657,910 5.211,110 LAZU|foRRSfiti2TT J.'M.'cWeR, 'it.A.s'. ?’. C.'GORDMTrOiT. J. R. WILSON. ^ E. M. LONG. m CHAS. WATKINS. 444.610 6.476.840 703,200 500.000 633.600 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State-Plan. 274.440 1.816,290 770 87,030 191,760 N. City and Han. N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Jh. \ Ia 750.000 778.470 Exec. Ch, progressi VE BANK (Prompt attenti on to all banking matters entruste d to us. $49-7% 'VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY $550-14% Resources. Other Total Paid-up Surplus Liabili and Capital Profits Deposits ties TRUST DEPARTMENT $54-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RICHMOND—Continued 68-10 ®T»ti’92 Auditor Associate Tr. Off. Bk. &Tr. Co., Rich. Mgr. Bond Dept. Oldest Trust Company in Virginia. Our chief business is acting as Executor, Trustee, Guardian, etc. Correspondence invited. ■ + West End Bank.......... ®»tl'06 J. L. Davis_______ Chas. K. Willis.__ T. K. Vertner____ R. G. Taylor_____ R. H. Davis J. G. Rennie, A, C. T. O. Heinrich $75-12% 68-14 100.000 187.250 1,534.180 (Branch at 618 N. Lombardy) Richmond Clearing House___ Chas. R Burnette H. E. Litchford ... W. S. Reyland, Sec. (Members indicated by a * A ffiliated Banks by +) Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS EUGENE R. JONES & GO. Member Richmond Stock Exchange. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Moore & Schley, N. Y.; Am. N. and State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Dealers in listed, unlisted and local Securities. Prompt attention given to ail inquiries. (Uninc.) (State-Plan. Bk. Bldg.) ..’20 CITIZENS BANK, NORFOLK—Collections a Specialt Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1395 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS— (Cont’d.) RICHMOND—Continued ^IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. •iVlem.A.B.A.W’New § State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Div. © Sav. Dept. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties (F. E. NOLTING, R. FLEET, WM. E. BUFORD, G. R. DAVENPORT AND HARRY FRAZIER,JR., FREDERICK E.N0LTIN6& CO (807 E. Main St.) >t'13 Resources. Miscel BONDS AND Loans and laneous Discounts Sbcdbities Resources Correspondents and Bank Depositories Cash & Ex changes,Dus from Banks nvejttmen t Securiti es)............ (Memb ers Rich mond St ockExch ange) (Members of Firm) SOUTHERN BOND MORTGAGE COMPANY Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Federal Reserve City No. 5 Harris Forbes & Co. and Hathaway & Co., N. V.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. E. D. SCHUMACHER- E.R.CHESTERMAN.JR. R. R. KEETER. TV... E.R.CHESTERMANJR., J. C. EASLEY,F. P. B. H. DAVIS, v.’ P. H. F. CAMMAN. , Sec. and Gen. Counsel A. Sec. and A. Tr. T. B. TREVVETT* A. Sec % H. J. MARSHALL, 125.00(1 $ 115.000 $ 1.570.000 _ N. Rk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. N. and 1st & Merch. N., Rich. A . Tr REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS / INC. (627 E. Main St.) J’21 STEIN BROS. & BOYCE ------------------- — W. MURRAY WATERS (Rranch Mgr Office of Stein B ros. & B oyce, Ba Itimore, Md.) .... Head Office: 6 So. Calvert St.. Baltimore. Md. Branch Office: Woodward Bldg., Washington, D.C. * (Rich. Trust Bldg.) THE E. D. SCHUMACHER - JOHN C,EASLEY--- H. J. MARSHALL. TV. E.R. CHESTERMAN. E. R. CHESTERMAN. B. H. DAVIS, v. P. JR JR. and Gen. Counsel T. B. TREVVETT, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF RICHMOND, INC. *120-6% (627 E. Main St.) 875.000 105.000 Cent. N. and 1st & Merch. N., Rich. A. Sec. R. K. KEETER. A.Tr. * TITLE INSURANCE ’23 L. M. WILLIAMS & SONS WHEAT, GALLEHER fJ J. c. WHEAT, & COMPANY,,, JOHN ( Members: WILLIAMS AND BERK ELEY WILLIAMS — 1 DEALERS IN RAILROAD, MU NiCIPAL L AND IN IHST RIAL SECURITI ES L. F. M. Lockwood & Co.. N. Y.; R. Lancaster Williams & Co., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. (7th & Main Sts.) 68-18 *tf 74 J. E. GALLEHER........ F. H. BUNNELL. Sec. Pres, and Tr. < Underwriters a nd Dealers Invest ment Securities, 1 Listed Bonds an d Stocks, Prefer red Stocks of Vi rginia Corporati ons, Vir ginia M unlcipal s. (.Special attentio n given to local Investment Secur ities. Correspond ence inv ted. Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Am. N. and 1st & Merch. N., Rich. (1007 E. Main St.) (Member Rich. Stock Exchange) VIRGINIA—Continued Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Entire State in No.SFed. Res. Dist. ? Last Sale %Div. ©Sav. Dept Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Ridgeway_____ 320 Bank of Ridgeway, Inc.Tt§’09 W. A. Garrett. $50-8% 68-423 Henry R7 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. M. Shumate -__ $ Riner____ . 2fi2 Bank of Riner,Inc.-—©t§'12 W. H. Altizer_____ W. O. Altizer_____ I. J. Greear______ Bessie E. Greear.. 68-476 Montgomery 05 *65-6% W. B. Palmer 10,000 $ 20,650 14,860 $ 5,980 56.470 70,630 $ The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk. Va Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Resources. Loans Bonds Gash k BxPaid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel auxaM,Ihii and and and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous nos Baku ties $ 9.240 59.710 86,610 — $ 10.640 $ 11.660 Principal Correspondents. 11.010 Peo. N., Martinsville. 8,220 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. A Bank for Banks 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker’s 1396 Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 Fed.Res.Dist. Roanoke.— 58,208 Roanoke N7 II ' Resources. i Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv Loam Bonds Subplus C*bh & Ex Other JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Miscel changes P aid up D epos A ss ’ t C ashier . and ,Dus C ashier . V ice -P resident . and President. and Liabili laneous ♦M. Fed. Ees. T-Trust Powers. its Capital Profits Discounts Securities from Bansi ties $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Bar. Dept. 3 5,530 t 460 $ 16,840 S 11.060 Peo., Vinton. S 6.860 C. B. Mattox--------- A. J. Oliver, Mgr.. $ 16,900 J. H.Pinkard_____ W W TTiVItq Acorn Banking Co. Inc. 125 68-684 ®T§’25 'AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ’COLONIAL NATIONAL BANK .•» $200-8% " -------- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued 68-62 $190-8% 88-61 G. C. HOLCOMB— D. P. HYLTON-----B. E. HIATT, Tr. Officer 300,000 % 212.310 2039910 $ 401.900 1.816,800 342.760 385.110 409.450 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 400.000 2.754.560 562.510 622,560 532,200 Seab. N„ N.Y.; Drov. & Mech. N„ BaK.; Collections have the personal attention of an officer of this bank. PROMPT RETURNS. ®T»t’12 rR. H. REASONABLE RATES. 600,000 ANGELL_ _ _ W.W. BOXLEY----- E.W. TINSLEY-----H. 0. 60Y E. W. TINSLEY 376,640 3.095,200 1st &Merch. N.. Rich. \ Strategically lo cated in the hea rt of the prosper ous mining 1 and agricultur al district of S outhwesteni Vlr glnla. ®T«t’10 - «« L. H. COCKE SPENCER ‘FIRST NATIONAL J.T. MEADOWS.__ J.P. FISHBURN , tXCHANOb BK. J. B. FISHBURN*. E. L.M. STONE TAYLOR $ - % 68-54 ®T»t’82 0. W. FLIGKWIR. E. B. «« ............... ........... uj uu ft, m. ncLoyn Ch. Exec Com. D. Ch. Fin. Com. 400 20 M H •• M H. W. PHELPS, Active V. P. Auditor ♦Liberty Trust Company 1,000.000 R. H. Angell______ J. H. Parrott_____ C. D. M. Showalter, F. B. Wilson, 8% 68-63 ®Tt§'20 W.W. Boxley, V. P. H. L. Lawson Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A.Tr. D. P. SITES R.B.GUNN.............. R. PAINE........... S.B. PACE H, G. ROBERTSON, J. J. SHELTON ‘MOUNTAIN TRUST D.P. SITES, ROANOKE'S NEW PROGRESSIVE BANK. BANK Authorized Capital $1,000,000 1. R nivis____ Ch.o/Bd. * $125-6% 68-64 II .................. n. n. rVILLIO E. 760.000 IT. ujjiwr 298,460 315.820 — 1,388.020 270,690 1,908,520 1.213,570 2.282.410 103,290 116,000 6,970 50,420 1,453.610 366,340 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.T.: 1st N. Ex., 9,000 76,000 95,000 Chem.N..N. Y.:Ist N., Lynchburg; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Colonial N„ Roanoke. 28.730 176.640 Roanoke ; 1st & Merch. N. and Cent. N., Rich. - ®T»tS'19 TR W OAKFY II J. H. MATTHEWS —- F M. KUIP 1.000.000 1,374,370 20177120 1.037.250 14486800 3.283.720 825.970 4,992.250 N.City and 1st N.. N.Y.; Cont.& Com’l T. L.ENGLEBY.A.C, F.S,EANES N., Chi.; Franklin-4th St. N., Phil.; A. F. RAWSM W. E. AIRHEART, 1st & Merch. N., Rich. C. W. BEERBOWER Careful and pro mpt att ention t o collec tion ite ms. C. H. SHIELDS, A C, P. S. STONESIFER, Tr. Officer Lowest Rates. SENDU SYOCR BUSIN ESS. H. G. NICHOLSON. ♦THE STATE AND CITY BANK J $105 68-581 ®T»J§’20 j J. C. HALEY, L. S DAVIS E. T. MORRIS Ch. of Bd. W.C. BURNS F.J. SHERERTZ........ E. L. STEVENS.......... W. P. DANFORTH, JR. 200,000 25,000 960.000 25.000 1,030.000 A Live Com mercial Inst itution. (.Your busin ess will rec eive prompt, careful atte ntion. «« •• A. P. Staples. Title Guarantee Trust & Wm. Paxton_____ R. M.Garrett, Jr,. J. B, BottS, Sec. and Tr. Gen. Counsel A. N. Pitzer $130-6% Savings Bank..Tt§’21 M •• Roanoke Clearing Honse.__ J. T. Meadows........ (Members indicated by a ♦) E. B. Spencer,V.P. R. H. Angell, V.P. Bank of Rocky Gap ..®t§'22 $127.50 68-655 Bland 02 ‘Rocky mount 1076 ^Franklin P7^ <• G. C. Holcomb — E. W. Tinsley, Sec. and Tr. R. B. Gunn C. D. M. Showalter J. J. Davidson___ J. H. Lambert-.__ Edna B. Lambert.. D. E. Conley R. A. Prillaman ... E. J. Davis, Sec.... 68-697 First National Bank i, $325-12% Rossini _ _727 Arlington Trust Co., Inc. J. E. Fowler______ 0. T. Merchant— C. T. Merchant.__ Alan B. Prosise... H. R. Thomas, Sec. M. E. Church io% 68-424 ®»IST4 Arlington F18 „ 98,730 25,000 8.930 90,020 108.600 575,360 1,030 111.520 8,470 10.630 1st N. Ex., Roanoke; 1st N., Narrows. 2.830 50,000 {Purchased by Peop les National Bank June 3, 1926) N, p, Anple. .. R. Perdue________ C. J. Davis—____ R. N. Whitlow.— Peoples National Bank $200-12% 68-250 ®»t'08 Rose Hill_____ 400 First State Bank of Boons M. 0. Combs_____ T. H. Hamilton.__ Henry Smith_____ Robert 0. Smith.. Henry Smith Path, Inc..68-315........ T§'06 Lee E2 «• 581,880 Tr. Co. of Northern Virginia T^, C Lpwi'^ $no 68-687 ©Tt§’25 E. T. Fulton--------- R. A. Lynn, Sec. and Tr. 125,000 104.330 1,531.250 10,000 100,000 25,500 185,000 57,860 592,670 83,100 15.000 42,630 268,310 1,643.550 138.000 55.010i 11.600 217,400 660i 3,100i 28,700 573.8501 39,060i 32,620i 11.110 81,320' 9,740i 46,650 ■^1 1 192.330 N.City, N. Y.; Am. N., Roanoke; Merch. N.. Balt. 11,500 1st N.. Bristol., Tenn. and Va.; City N.. Knoxville. 133,690 Chatham Phenix.N. Y. ;N. Bk. of Balt. .Balt.; Dist. N., Wash., D. O.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 14,220 Riggs N. and District N.. Wash., D. C. CITIZENS BANK, NORFOLK—LARGEST STATE BANK IN VIRGINIA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis iori'7 ljy/ Number under Name of Bank is tlie New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n> Town and Cobnty. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State fPriv. [Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State in »M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers, f No.5 Fed.Res.Dist. Last Sale % Div. ©Sar.DepL President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued RESOURCES. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Cash t ExLoans ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus chanom.Dck and and AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securitise laneous from Banks ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 22,350 $ 225,050 S 29,930 26,850 $ 42,050 120,150 5,750 63,730 Principal correspondents. 40,000 $ 11.260 { 250,280 $ Bural Betreat. 463 First National Bank.__ ©t’lli j. W. Bell_______ G. A. Lambert------ 0. C. Tate ----------- E. B. Keesling.__ *210-10% 68-462 Wythe PI _ , _ • ptlA' C. C. Brown--------•• W. O. Greever — ------ ♦ 68-572 50,000 49,810 353,580 35,000 4,000 165,000 R. A. Russell-------- W. C. Rosser-------- C. I. Anderson .— B. N. Anderson.__ ‘Bustburg........321 Campbell County Bank C. W. Woodson 68-667 ®I§’23 Campbell N10 *25 16,000 4,910 106,160 17.630 119,080 5.000 8.460 69.500 n, M. tAHLY,JR, slness. < A modern prog resslve bank doln g commercial bn ] Bills of Lading drafts and collec tlons have prom pt efficient atten tlon. ©T»tS’91 (.SEND US YOU B SALEM ITEM S. 45.440 455.050 51.540 444.110 4.500 62.520 110.400 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke. 156.520 1,287.830 118,830 958,790 415,950 87.160 201,270 N. City, N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.: 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 58,000 481,000 91,000 70.000 44.000 Chase N..N.Y.: Lynchburg N..Lynchburg. 20.000 23,000 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. $ Bound Hill___ 359 Round Hill National Bank H. C. Thompson... N. B. Hawthorne *120-2% 68-578 ©•t,19 Loudoun E15 BANK OF SALEM ‘Salem_______4159 Roanoke N6 *140-8% 68-165 f R. W. KIME--------- .. A, M. DAVIS.-.-— W. R.Whitescarver J. R. Keister......... W. L. Brown-------S. V. Goodwin G. E. Pierpont Farmers National Bank *200-10% 68-163 ®T»t’71 .. 0. D. OAKEY---------- W. H. CRAWFORD... 100.000 55,600 319,350 20.000 160,000 112,260 Lynchburg N., Lynchburg; 1st & Merch.N. Rich. (Absorbed by Bank of Salem) I Saltvllle ??I8 First National Bank..©»t’02 *235-12% 68-425 Smyth D9 Clyde Crafts_____ Clyde Crafts-------- C. M. Shannon.... 50,000 68.000 510.000 Saltville Savings Bank 68-602 ©t§’20 E. A. Holmes...... R. M. Shannon.__ J. A. Buchanan— 30,000 8.000 225,000 220.000 *125-6% Nelson L12 *120 68-681 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N.. Portsmouth. (Branch of Urba na, Va.) Bank of Middlesex.©»t§1900 8% 68-465 Middlesex M20 A. J. Belmore------ J. H. White, Jr.... 15,000 1.310 48,330 Louis Wimbish — L. D. Bailev______ Sara B. Bailey-----J. J. Stigall 10,000 7,780 104,680 J. F. Dorrier------- R. J. Nicholas____ 25,000 79,340 472.740 260 40.500 7.500 13,080 N. Bk. of Charlottesville. Charlottesville. 3.820 ®t§’24 Scottsburg___300 Bank of Scottsburg, Inc. t8’06 Halifax Qll 68-426 Scottsvllle____329 Scottsville National Bank W. S. Dorrier........ Albemarle L12 68-292 ©»}’01 12,300 Boston N., So. Boston; Am. N., Rich. 110,970 21,250 400,770 100.000 90,530 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'l N., Wash., D. C.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 7,030 Am. N„ Rich.; 1st N., Hampton. Seaford..............627 Wm.H.Hornsby &Sons Bkrs. York 021 68-466 «tt*06 Sebrell________300 Southampton Q17 (Closed) 85,010 17,670 1,000 13,920 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk. 93.090 17.510 5,310 20.420 Citiz. N., Balt.; Far. & Merch. State, Fred ericksburg. 5,000 49,480 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; 1st N. Ex., Roan oke. .. 25,000 12,550 79,430 Sharps................365 Rappahannock State Bank R.O. Norris, Jr.... B. A. Middleton... W. A. Headley.... Mrs. N. M. Allison 68-427 ®*t8T0 Richmond K20 *175-15% 10,000 12,460 113.780 Shawsville........ 300 Bank of Shawsville,Inc........... W. T. Doosing — G. W. M. Gardner.. M. S. Taylor______ J. H. Blount, Jr.... N. W. Ryan 68-428 ®»tS'07 Montgomery 05 $170-20% 12.500 35,780 279,890 5,210 278,900 Floral Sullivan.... 50,000 20,000 461,580 2,240 292,510 16,000 10,870 170,210 5.620 187,320 85,800 134,780 571,690 86,260 770,810 1,430 34.37C 44.280 65,000 400.00C 80.000 18,99( G.S. Cornwell. Sedley ________300 Bank of Sedley, Inc...®tS'12 R.L.Raiford_____ R. L. Johnson____ W. H. Drewry. Southampton Q19 *125 68-474 Shenandoah .1895 First National Bank —©t’03 G. J. Strickler........ Chas. E. Graves — *80-12% 68-429 Page H12 n w Vpct. 81,150 149,190 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 10,960 15,37( 1st N. Ex., Roanoke; Floyd Co. Bk., Inc., Floyd. 68-545 Floyd P6 Smlthfleld___1181 Bank of Smithfleld.__ •t8’91 68-233 Isle of Wight P2r *300-8% tt 620 4( Merchants & Farmers Bank 68-234 »S'0E i John I. Gofer. ... J. P. Cox. W. F. Moody------- J. R. Rowell. Jr.... 400.00C _______ The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' — 71,910 Han. N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts Norfolk. 35.00C N. City, N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. of Com. & Trusts. Norfolk; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. A Bank for Banks 1 398 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given i?. eacLh bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. ■•County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No.5 Fed.Res.Dist. ? Last Sale % Dir. ® Sav. Dent. town and President. Vice-President. South Boston 4338 BOSTON NATIONAL BANK T. A. Webb_______ Halifax Qll $130-8% 68-170 ©T«i’07 PLANTERS Liabilities. Resources. Loan* Bonds Paid-tjp Subplus Depos Other Miscel AND and and L iabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Cashier. J. T. Lacy, Jr......... J. M. East _ E. H. Lacy D- W. OWEN............ V. L. FOWLKES- - - - - - - c. H. STEBBINS, R. E. INGRAM ^ V. P. and Cash. H. F. DUNN_ _ _ W. W. SHAPARO Oldest and Largest Bank in Halifax County. SPECIAL COLLECTION DEPARTMENT 68-169 R. E. YANCEY .... S AUGUSTA NATIONAL BANK 100,000 109,950 361,500 26,950 50,000 35,000 225,000 80,000 47,270 R. G. Nuckolls ___ S. E. Cornett_____ O. M. Cornett. 10,000 H. W. B. Williams J. M. Ashby______ F. P. Moreure J. O. Morris______ R. C. Powell_____ B. D. Douglass ___ Geo. B. Parrott C. B. Foote.............. C. C. Louderback.. A. P. Kite... 15,000 A. C. OGBURN ""f H. A. C. L. Gibson._____ F. B. Townsend... M. A. Glasser MICHAEL J. L. WITZ............. CHAS. M. EAST L. B. STEPHENSON — KIVLIGHAN FITZHUGh ELDER- , Tr. Officer \ 1 Collections a spe cialty. Prompt re mittance. Reason able charges. ®T«t*’91 Caldwell.. L. W. H. Peyton__ W. M. Hilleary.__ Thos. Hogshead National Valley Bank ®T»2’65 W. A. Pratt___ Gilpin Willson ___ C. S. Hunter______ O. K, Hoge______ $350-12% 68-116 C. S. Hunter, Active W. B. Miller Peoples Dime Sav. Bk. & Tr. Samuel Lindsay... C. F. Points___ T. E. Jackson_____ $500 Ass’n.. Inc._68-120- ®5'08 PLANTERS BANK, $135-6% lnc.®t|'ll f J. B. COCHRAN — R. A. TODD......... 66-121 Shenandoah Valley Joint Stock Land Bank___ St. Charles.__400 Lee D3 Stephens City_787 Frederick E13 Stony Creek...345 Sussex P17 St. Paul............574 WiseD6 391,450 145.650 200.880 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 462,890 9,850 67,010 58.640 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Portsmouth; Am. N.. Rich. 12,000 245,000 10,000 40,000 27,000 341,040 • 12,200 377,460 — 48,580 49,820 lerch. ft Plan.. Norfolk; St & Tr. Co., Rich. 23,000 55,130 26,770 72,680 13,000 2,870 39,310 25,000 12,290 320,000 8,760 219,150 25,000 28,880 276,000 38.850 33fit7fiQ 452.240 2.080,570 Staunton National Bank .’03 68-119 Bank of St. Charles -®«t§’20 $130-8% 68-614 Peoples Bank______®»tl’05 $80-6% 68-433 Bank of Stony Creek.®*t§’05 $80-8% 68-434 St. Paul National Bank $130-6% 68-435 ®«t’06 100.000 334.100 1.419.560 100.000 108,650 200,000 579.090 2,650,670 39,490 100.000 1.241,390 65.870 2,820 9 SnO 24.540 56.500 407.630 J PEYTON COCHRAN J.D. CROWLE) JR. W. A. HAINES- - - - - - - Wm. R. DUDLEY. ederal Tr. Co., Rich.; Bk. < land, Inc., Colonial Beach. . Bk. of Charlottesville, Cl Dror. ft Mech. N.. Balt. 42.110 Ian. N., N. Y.; Franklin Phil.; Am. N., Rich. 194,940 83 150 Rich.; Merch. N., Balt. 6,560 520 64,900 75.000 41,480 455.630 Send ua your C ollectlong Direct. (Consolidated with 647,480 They win reeel re prompt attent len. “A t your Virginia Joint Stoc k Land Bank, Ch 1 rleston, W. Va., Au gust 1,19 26) 673,000 50,000 2,124,620 1,450 55.360 1.050 4,000 7.650 498.810 12.850 40,010 214,270 407,840 Ian. N., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Cin.; Citiz. N., Balt. 13,010 Staunton N., Staunton. 28,100 lm. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st & Me N.,Rich , Franklin N., Wash., D. C. ■ errice.” B.E. Vaughan------- J. N. McFarland-.. E. W. Randolph... F. M. Fifer_______ 100,000 72,370 679.930 220,250 752,490 171,380 20,130 M. D. Kelly______ C. P. Kelly.............. L. B. Ilagy________ Pauline Bailey____ 15.000 3,960 175.090 — 110.690 6.770 4.020 J. A. Hinkle______ W.H. Painter_____ R. A. Shryock. E. R. Orndorff........ C. E. Cougill W. T. Freeman___ W. B. Cocke______ B. F. Jarrait--------J. K. Jarratt.. M. L. Finney R. W. Dickenson.. M. M. Long_______ J. L. Jennings___ J. L. Kiser... 30,000 13,000 201,990 28,340 224,300 — 33.690 40,000 28,830 320,110 4,900 337,910 3,570 25,970 100,000 34.790 380,960 110.530 351.790 119.460 32,210 Strasburg____650 MASSANUTTEN NAT’L BANK E. D. Newman____ R. S. Wright_____ F. E. Zea_________F. E. Zea, Sec. 50.000 Shenandoah F13 $250-12% 68-257 ®T»t'9i) G D. F. YOST............. F. D. MAPHIS....... S. L. BURGESS. Sec. 50,000 Blll'of Lading d rafts and Collect! ons handled pro mptly and satisfa PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK $215-8% 68-258 ®»}’07 15c sent to us with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for each credit repo , rt insures prompt, j personal attention. 64.980 462,860 50,000 447,790 96,560 12,580 50,980 356,440 86.540 418,890 57.350 20,920 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26,390 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 8,340 5,700 262.520 N., Rich. SEND US Y OUR STAUN TON ITEMS. ®T»t’75 FARMERS & MERCH. BARK O. R. 68-118 Rich. Special attentio n given BUI of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, ‘The Old Relia ble.” Capital an d surplus over $2 00,000. South Norfolk 7724 Bank of South Norfolk John Cuthrell........ (Norfolk P. O.) $30-6% 68-609 ®t}’21 D. W. Raper, V. P Norfolk Q22 Speedwell______ 29 Bank of Speedwell, Inc. .§’07 S. S. Simmerman.. $300-10% 68-430 Wythe Q2 •Stafford_______ 36 Peoples Bank________®t§’22 N. N. Berry____ $25-3% 68-638 Stafford 117 •Stanardsvllle.360 Bank of Greene, Inc..®»tiT0 J. S. Chapman____ $250-12% 68-431 Greene 113 Stanley_______ 499 Farmers ft Merch. Nat’l Bk.E. T. Brnmback__ $106-8% 68-432 ®»t'0fl Page H12 68-117 60,990 SI 199 570 $ 313 630 SI 246 060 $ 273,060 $ 120,990 $ 134,070 149.540 2.091.780 Citizens Bank......... ._®»t§’09 J. A. Holmes______ J. H. Wall. Jr------Wm. Hunter_____ $80-8% 68-262 R. O. Cook $409-12% Principal Correspondents. Ex- Cash k cha*o*r,Duk from Basks ®W’85 South Hill.__ 1074 BANK OF SOUTH HILL®»iS0l Mecklenburg Qll $50-8% 68-261 •Staunton..10,633 Augusta J10 $ 200,000 $ 125,000 MERCHANTS , PROMPT SERVICE AT LOWEST RATES. FIRST NAT’L BK. (Consolidation of Planters & Merchants National and First National Banks) $200 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays. etc . see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued 128,540 Seab. N„ N. Y. 72,570 iominion N., Bristol; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Peo. Bk., Appalachia. 15,340 )rov. & Mech. N.. Balt. 26,3901 st & Merch. N., Rich.; N. Bk. of Peters burg, Petersburg. 122,820 Ian. N., N. Y.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Unaka & City N., Johnson City, Tenn. 70,920 r. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. &Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. 46.800 1 1399 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.^New § State tPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. County Seats. Entire State in ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Power*. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sav. Dept No.5Fed.Res. Dist. town and County. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Patrick County Bank®Tt§'90 W. C. Akers______ A. C. Turner_____ J. C. Shockley____ J. C. Joyce_____ 68-281 J. S. Taylor. 68-125 ®T»i|'12 FARMERS BANK OF NANSEMOND $400-12% 68-128 ®T<I'69 NATIONAL BK. OF SUFFOLK 50,000 $ 50,000 8,500 $ 262,390 $ 62,630 529,410 Principal Correspondents. Cam k £xoha*«m,Du* pro* Bants 51.340 237.440 $ 62.750 $ 38,190 33.860 Han. N„ N. Y.; Peo. N„ Martinsville. 21,720 418.890 83.770 74,080 87,030 Han. N„ N. Y.; Com’l, Danville; 1st N. Martinsville. (Consolidated with Patrick County Ban k) •Suffolk..........9704 American Bank & Trust Co. B.L.Saunders........ W. R. Frazier ... $195-6% $ Liabilities. Resources. Losdi Surplus Bonds ther Depos LOiabili and MlSCELand AND its Discounts Securities IGNEOUS Profits ties A. C. and Tr. Officer Stuarts Draft .448 Peoples Bank, Inc,—®<|’07 J. B. Patterson___ W. B. Dodge.......... O. L. Hockman___ Augusta K10 suo-6% 68-436 Nansemond Q20 Capital •Stuart...............401 First National Bank.__ <’20 T. J. George......... J. R. Clark_______ E. C. Price________ L. B. Rucker. Patrick Q5 $120-4% 68-606 Peoples Bank of Patrick __ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back, of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. VIRGINIA—Continued G. G. Coulbourn 20.000 E. E. Jones_______ G. F. Whitley. J. R. Vann E. E. HOLLAND------ G. W. TRUITT-------- H. M. HOLLAND........ A. H. HARGRAVE— 0. S. SMITH. Sr. H.S. LEWIS, „ J. T. WITHERS Tr. Officer Established 1869. oldest and largest bank In Suffolk. If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge send us your collection items. 12.750 165,300 2.320 174,020 15.480 10,870 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Valley. Staunton. 96,230 N. City, N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norf.; Balt. Tr.. Balt.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 67,100 1,072,170 80.780 1.118.990 4,030 125.800 500.000 1.059.550 3.292.270 42.050 3,838.840 317.150 158.300 579.590 219,390 1.989,170 1,663,720 85,950 552,290 406.590 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Phil.; Am. N., 29,990 11,110 Far. Bk. of Nansemond and Am. Bk. & 6,680 18,000 Bk. of Sussex & Surry, Wakefield, Va.; 125,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Franklin 1th St. N., Phil.; Merch. N., Balt.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. Arthur Woolford.. R. B. Hill.................. C. E. Hargrave. Pres, and Ch. T. H. Birdsong 500,000 PhoenixBank of Nansemond. J. W. Richardson. E. L. H. Ranee.__ J. Marshall, Jr.,Sec. Estelle Pierce.. Inc______ 68-126......... ®*§'19 G. M. Brown. V. P. Luther Colden 32.720 1,940 58,690 3,430 55,690 16,500 38.500 139.000 360 150.000 Sylvatus_____ 200 Sylvatus Bank, Inc.. .— iS’19 T. A. Jennings___ J. C. Quesenberry. I. Lee Gray______ $65 68-670 Carroll Q3 20,000 10,000 68,300 220 87,750 1,100 •Tappabannock Bank of Essex-------- —®t§’26 Robert Beverley.. R. D. Bates_______ T. G. Jones. 68 -690 Essex K19 422 $62.50 45,000 7,170 89,860 460 90,980 21,780 29,730 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; 1st N„ Ports mouth. 24,890 47.000 Far. & Merch. State. Fredericksburg. 68-124 ®»m J. L. McLemore. Rich. Tr. Co., Suffolk. $15.00 A. W. Bohannan__ A. R. Morris______ C. T. Hamlin..___ J. W. Fuqua___ Bank of Surry County, Inc. G. A. Savedge Ji'14 $75 68-494 •Surry_______ Surry 019 “___ _ * Southside Bank------- ....•no 68-438 •Tazewell____ 1261 Bank of Clinch Valley®ti’04 68-235 Tazewell CIO Farmers National Bank 68-573 ®»’20 Tazewell National Bank 20% 68-236 ®<’02 Temperanceville Temperanceville Bank._.t’05 68-430 Accomac K24 224 The Plains......... 275 Fauquier National Bank 68-440 ©<’10 $no-8% Fauquier G15 $200 (Succeeds Farmers Bank, Inc.) Timbervilie.... 27 7 Rockingham till Toano................1250 James City N19 Toms Brook...361 Shenandoah F13 Townsend____ 226 Northampton O 23 Trout Dale......... 636 Grayson Q1 Farmers ft Merch. Bank 68-441 ®tl’08 Peninsula Bank & Trust Co. 68-442 TtS’97 Toms Brook Bank —®t§’20 $130-6% 68-603 Townsend Bkg. Co., Inc. $25-i2M% 68-443 ®tS’07 First National Bank.........t’21 $120 68-629 m A. Z. Litz W. T. GiUespie___ J. W. Chapman.— G. M. Mullin______ R. B. Painter. W. L. Nock_______ BANK ©<’10 Mgr. 4.910 93,360 23.260 710,540 16.650 770,020 100,000 85,490 370,860 11,990 522,030 100.000 34,230 497,040 151,860 480,900 104,290 28,440 60,000 214,630 694,640 77,780 600,980 286,000 6,780 H. H. Hulflsh, Jr.. (The Pla ins Bran ch of Wa rrenton, A. Mgr. J. H. Hoover.......... E. M. Minnick____ B. W. Hite_______ B. I. Jenson______ J. F. Geddy.. S. B. Miley------------ W. J. Keller______ C. S. Feller_______ R. F. Powell_____ W. B. Bull................ John Parsons, Jr.. E. P. Downes. W. W. Dixon J. C. Fields______ R. S. Warren_____ W. F. Wright____ J.W. LAYMAN— C. N. HUFF- - - - - - - - - W. A. REID_ _ _ _ _ H. K. HARRIS_ _ _ _ 10,400 35,920 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 169,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 153,290 N. Park, N. Y.: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 50,000 33,420 471,800 340 Han. N.. N.Y.; Merch. N.. Balt.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr., Rich. Va.) 7,810 476,460 (Branch of Willi amsburg, Fa.).— 25,000 10.690 149,520 65,000 148,000 93,000 93,000 5,000 15,000 19,000 233,000 25.000 7,000 160,710 28,390 110,610 27,800 9,140 25,000 20,130 319.600 28.250 301,510 26,910 13.300 10,000 10,170 92,760 11,160 101,980 440 3,770 350,470 4,000 28,960 71,290 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N. Rich.; Far.& Merch. N.. Winchester. State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 27,200 Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 17,000 Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk; Cent. N., Rich. 73.550 1st N.. Abington; Am. N., Rich. 51.270 IstN. Ex., Roanoke. Remltt ances made on d ay *f payment, Collections a sp ecialty. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and 25 CENTS for ea ch credit report i nsures prompt, p ersonal attention Bank of Union Level. Tnc. C. P. Johnson------ C.P. Jones. $20-10% 68-485 ®j*T3 Peoples National Bank $250-8% 68-535 ®T»t’88 Bank of Middlesex...<51900 J. R. Saunders........ J. M. Lewis. 68-445 H. Erwin__________ J. K. Moss_______ I. A. Long, Mgr.... L. N. Weaver_____ MissO.Heath. J. W. Owen R. Woodward (Uppervi lie Branc h of Lees burg, Va. 25,000 20,710 344,770 The Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cent. N.. Rich. 9,620 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. H. L. Nock.............. P. M. Nock... L. F. Bowersett, $65-12% Troutvllie____ 517 FIRST NATIONAL $175-10% 68-279 Botetourt N7 Union Level ...300 Mecklenburg Q14 Upperville____ 270 Fauquier F15 (Jrbanna............387 Middlesex L20 James M. Lewis ... J. L. Henley______ A. A. Cralle.............. H. T. Garnett, Jr._ J. W. Faulconer R. O. Crockett------- C.H. Harman_____ G. M. St. Clair........ J. N. Johnson___ Henry Preston R. C. Chapman— H. E. Harman......... Aaron Russ_______ 13,000 36,600 17,900 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Citiz. N., Emporia. N. City, N.Y.: Riggs N.. Wash., D. C.; Merch. N.. Balt. 43,650 Am. N. and 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; 1st N., Portsmouth. A Bank for Banks Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 /inn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ At-UU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. No. 5 F. Res. Diet. $ Last Sale % Div. ©Sav.Dept. President. Vice-President. Cashier. ASS’T CASHIER. Victoria_____ 1445 Bank of Victoria.__©•t§’07 R. W. Manson....... E, L. Kendig__ W. P. Reed______ S. R. Neblett— G. J.Dearborn W. P. Reed Lunenburg P14 $155-6% ♦ 68-446 L. D. Hatch_____ E. F. Gee--------First National Bank__»1’14 A. C. Love____ __ J. W. Fowlkes.. $132-6% 68-499 C. C. Hatchett Vienna_______ 773 Vienna National Bank.©t’20 Joseph Berry____ JohnW. Rust... E. H. Piggott......... J. B. McDaniel.__ C. E. Miller Fairfax F17 *uo 68-594 Vinton______ 2779 Peoples Bank........... ©T*tl'10 J. P. Woods_____ W. H. Vinyard C. L. Atkinson ___ A. F. Ferrell.. C. N. Howell, V. P. D. L. Meador A. C. Harris $175-10% 68-447 Rpanoke N7 Vlrgillna_____ 350 Citizens Bank_____ 45*17 T. W. Chandler__ Arthur Tuck ... W. L. Gregory__ Alfred Hayes. Halifax RU 6% 68-534 Virginia Beach 846 Trust Co. of Norfolk®T*§’26 J. C. Whichard, Mgr. Norfolk P23 68-695 C. J. Curtis, Mgr.. Virginia Bk.&Tr. Co., Inc. $850-10% 68-692 ©T»§’26 Wachapreague 498 Wachapreague Banking Co., JohnW.Richardson Geo. F. Noch____ O. Fuller Hall— J. A. Turlington Aceomac L24 Inc_____ 68-582_____t§ “ Wake________ 50 Packers State Bank. ©*$§'26 C. D. Marchant... J. Moore_____ F. P. Eastman . J. M. Revere____ 68-610 Middlesex M21 *25-5% Wakefield____ 784 Bank of Sussex & Surry»tl'02 W. A. Stephenson F. P. Pulley.__ W. H. Savedge-__ W. A. Stephenson, Edw. Rogers Jr, Sussex P19 68-449 P. D. Bain J. M. Allen______ R. A. Dungon____ Fanners Bank_______©tl’ll W. A. Harris____ J. H. Presson. E. W. Brittle $115-6% 68-463 N. T. Overton.. Walkerton___ 100 Southside Bank_______ tl’10 68-450 King & Queen L17 (Closed) Walters______ 110 Bank of Walters_________ Isle of Wight Q19 a Warm Springs525 Bank of Warm Springs, Inc. G. B. Venable___ J. C. McGuffin------ W. H. Fertig_____ Brownie Cleek___ 68-451 ti’08 Bath J7 iWarrenton ..1545 FAUQUIER NATIONAL Fauquier 615 $218-12% 68-225 ©1 1C. E. TIFFANY— E. L. CHILUS----- EDWARI CARTER P.G. MARSTELI NorthernNeckState Bk.,Inc. *90-8% 68-452 ®»S’09 Rappahannock Nat. Bank 8% 68-297 ©•*’01 W. M. Stuart______ ©•tt’02 68-298 Waverly..____ 1306 Bank of Waverly. ®T»t§lB00 $265-10% 68-453 Sussex P18 First National Bank_____ Bank______ ©t§’16 Waynesboro..1594 $Citizens 200-6% 68-512 Augusta Jli FIRST NATIONAL BANK A *225-10% 68-227 $ 30,000 $ 12,500 $ 258,000 25,000 $ $ 378.000 7.620 192,180 $ 52,860 197.040 $ 42,000 $ 22.670 25,000 2.500 114,450 12,530 94.070 10,850 31.340 100.000 92,120 793,430 75,000 807.510 1,000 87.120 20,000 6,000 116,730 7,530 127,170 (Virgini a Beach Branch 0 14,750 6,430 71,590 9,300 150.200 12.880 151.160 19,210 7.980 18,990 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Cent. N., Rich. 100,000 150,000 710,710 19,780 810.030 104,210 8,420 57.820 Chase N., N. Y. 20,000 30.330 212,110 30,600 223,130 20.750 4.080 45,080 Un. Bk. & Fed. Tr. Co.. Rich.; Norfolk N. Bk Com. & Trusts. Norfolk. 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 13,450 27,960 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Cov. N., Cov. Bath County N., Hot Springs. 65,400 (Branch of Tapp ahamwc k, Va.) 25,000 150.000 11,130 248,280 203,000 2.125.000 26,000 268,990 113.370 2.036.410 113.440 160.320 281.200 Han. N.. N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. Wash.. D. C. J. W. Chinn, Jr... A. N. Wellford___ V.W.Sanders____ F. A. Shackleford. 25,000 28,970 300,220 B. J. Wood_____ G. P. Browning.__ D. D. Miller_____ C. J. Miller, Jr,._ B. F. Bruce C. R. Wood. V. P J. F. Jones L. J. Stuart_____ (W.M. Stuart)----- 50,000 27.890 388,840 105,070 1,042,910 1,360 H. Fleetwood____ W. T. Daniel_____ J. W. West. 18.230 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.: Federal-Am. N., Wash., D. C. 164,920 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 25,000 410.000 P. Fleetwood— 40,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr., Rich. 15,950 Seab. N., Norfolk; Va. N., Petersburg. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com. & Trusts, Norfolk. N. Park, N. Y.; Va. N., Norfolk.; Cent. N Rich. 9,540 Merch. N.. Balt. / Norfolk ) 21,570 J. T. Oockrill____ S. C. Brittle ______ D. Turner Day, J. L. Gorrell Principal Correspondents. 23,090 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Bos. N., So. Bos. {Branch of Norfol k)________ 50,000 68-226 ^Warsaw........... 218 Richmond E20 *Washington ..233 Rappahannock 614 Resources. Liabilities. Other Loans Bondi Miscel Cash A ExPaid-up Surplus D epos CHABOM,DctI and AND and Liabili Capital Propits its Discounts Securities laneous non Bajtu ties I Send your Items direct for prompt efficient attontlo n. O.Weeden__ PEUPLES NATIONAL BK.«t’10 A. E. M. Newton, V.P. $140-5% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this VIRGINIA—Continued 100.000 411,000 51,950 10,000 2,040 231.610 47.010 13,980 19.640 353.390 49.970 33.650 979,000 49,190 57,660 50.000 95,670 Chase N.,N.Y.;Phil.-GirardN..Phil.; Com’l N.. Wash., D. O.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st & Merch. N.,Rich.; Balt. Tr.,Balt. 63,640 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Citiz. N., Bait. 79,650 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Alexandria N., Alexandria. 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Culpeper N., Culpeper. 163,490 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Petersburg Sav.&Tr., Petersburg. (Taken over by Ban k of Waverly Janua ry 15. 1927) Boyd Stombock ... J. L. Witz_______ J. W. Wright_____ R. A. Duncon— J. N. Maxwell jTHEO. COINER —. J. F. HARPER_ _ _ _ R. G. VANCE- - - - - - - - C. J. WRIGHT —R. G. VANCE 25,000 18.700 358.680 ------- 223,830 126,630 12.200 100,000 95,000 590,000 122,200 650,900 58,750 102,700 50,000 ates. 45,000 402,000 44,190 317,780 42,700 57.430 5,030 571,110 20,000 47,420 213.010 8.520 25,670 64.600 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Am. N., Rich. 30,800 21.540 1st & Merch. N., Rich. ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entatlou, and ®T»t’99 (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p C. M.LAMBERT-— tng Drafts a Speclalt SEND US YOU R WAYNESBOR O ITEMS. West Point.. 1635 Citizens Exchange Bank, J. E. Bland______ Inc____ 68-454 ......... f'02 King Wil. M19 Farmers & Mechanics Bank J.M. Lewis........... $110 68-490 ®t§'27 (Formerly State Bank of West Point, Inc.) J. W. Carpenter ... Weyers Cave...262 Weyers Cave Bank, Iuc. $300-18% 68-455©•tf’Q6 Augusta 111 Whaleyviile.__ 430 Bank of Whaleyviile.. ©tl'06 T. O. Knight_____ 68-456 Nansemond Q20 10% White Stone...365 Peoples Bank_______©t§’20 G. W. Sanders-----$ 25 6 % 68-589 Lancaster L21 *Wlliiamsb’g 2462 First National Bank ®»t’03 L. W. Lane______ $ 50 8 % 68-187 James City N20 Peninsula Bank & Trust Co W. A. Bozarth----68-186 <«’17 R. L. Spencer, V.P. W. L. BOWMAN. ce. Reasona W. F. Bagby......... H. E. Topping___ R. C. Bradford ___ B. G. Garrett E. D. Clopton....... W. G. Waring—___ W. L. Christian... W. W. Neale J. L. Bland H. H. Quinn, J. G. Fulton, Jr.... N. I. Kagey_____ I. W. Johnson....... W. F. Knight_____ P. O. Parker.,____ (0,900 69,890 568,740 41,500 4.330 265.970 20,000 51,940 160,300 10,000 28,000 258,000 45.430 7.500 225,330 226,500 42,250 3.000 11.850 C. W. Hubbard— Chas. N. Lawson— Kate L. Garrett... 25,000 5,560 118,040 300 106,720 8,040 J. W. Jones_____ W. F. Low____ — 30.000 16.000 524.000 7,000 349,000 170,000 48.000 100.000 24,200 774,710 4,210 744,990 60,500 30,440 E. D. Spencer, H. M. Clements... F. R. Savage, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, T. H. Geddy 39,730 Union Tr. Co. of Md., Balt.; Cent. N., Rich.; Augusta N., Staunton. 94.850 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; State -Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Rich.: Com’! N., Wash.. D. O. 107,400 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co. and 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Com'l N., Wash., D. C. 46,020 Am. N., Rich. 31.750 Han. N.. N. Y.; Far. Bk. of Nansemond, Suffolk; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 22,290 Far. & Merch. State. Fredericksburg; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.- State-Plan. Bk. &Tr. CoRich. 67,200 Chase N.. N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. CITIZENS BANK, NORFOLK—Collections a Special! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Ufll to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lT'Ul Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 Fed. Res.Dist. aMem .A.B.A.”New§StatetPriv. JMem State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M.I^•d. Res. T-Trust Powers. $Last Sale %D1t. ®Sar. Dept. 1 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws* VIRGINIA—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Paid-uf Capital Resources. Liabilities Loans Bonds Miscel Cam A £xSubplus Dbpos- Other and snd oiums,Dn and Liabili- Discounts its Securities laneous from Barks Profits Principal Correspondents. $ 7,360 $ 25,660 1st N. Ex„ Roaioke. 670 $ 190,000 Jethro Martin___ PilULlUm b VV CCh.3 - - Nova C. Harman.. $ 25,000 $ 22,480 $ 174,870 $ Willis................ 300 Blue Ridge Bank, Inc...tST5 Floyd Q5 $85-87 68-503 150,000 146.600 Chase N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt. $ 38,400 965,000 25,000 940,000 150,000 135,000 E. K. Davis______ H. C. Sheetz_____ * Winchester. .6883 COMI Frederick E14 BA! $23-67 ••...... • ‘F N. D. FULLER---- W.E.COOPER....... J. H. YOST............. T. Y. KINZEL......... 50.000 355.000 Han. N., Am. Ex. Irv. Tr, Co., and N. 300,000 333.000 2,200,000 361.000 2,369,000 420,000 City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TIME ITEMS. 68-139 ®T»t'02 $245-1 2% *c W. G. NARDY. _ J F, BROWN R. 6. WILLIAMS-.-.. IV A RAKFR i Cash, and Tr. Off. C. M. SMITH 300.006 603,230 2,322,230 291.800 2,761,640 353,710 140.250 261,660 N. Clty.N.Y.; Merch. N.,Balt.; Frank lin Ittf St. N„ Phil. E.G. RUST, 4 Winchester’s oldest and largest bank. A.C. and A.Tr.Off. Prompt, personal attention to all collection Items. ARMERS & MERGH. NAT’L BK. SHENANDOAH VALLEY NATIONAL BANK $315-1 l% 68-137 ©T»t’66 J. B. RUSSELL — f R RATHER_____ C. J. SUMMERS____ G. B. BUSHNELL___ Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Credit Reports, 50c. <Dil"70 3% Interest on Savings Accounts. TRY US. JNION BANK 25,000 26,980 164,880 163,680 20,000 12,000 180,000 170,000 W. B. Hamilton ... Parkis Kennedy— Willie Banner___ 20,000 5,500 125,000 125,000 National Bank....... t’01 J. M. Beaty........... C. F. Bruce______ E. B.’McElroy....... C. F. Alderson ..„ 68-458 Wolftown .60 Farmers State Bank___t§’20 W. A. Hood_____ W. L. Early-------- W. J. Gibson____ J. B. Early, Sec.... Madison 113 $120-4 7o 68-588 rr r mngF N. M. CORMAN. _ _ W.E. BOYER.......... S F RflYFR . . ‘Woodstock.. 1580 NATH)NAL BANK OF W00D15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and Shen’doah F12 ST( CK—68-232___ ®*t’05 )(-25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention $180-6 7, 25,000 40,000 250,000 225,000 25.000 23,500 7,040 101,510 1,810 80,430 16.270 5,900 50,000 13,880 253,320 2,570 237,440 6,800 34,740 E. D. NEWMAN----- M.B. WUNDER- - - - - - M. COFFMAN- - - - - - - - A. K. ALBERT- - - - - - - 30.000 90,000 542,400 50.000 515,000 75,000 8,000 102.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Merch. N.. Balt.; Dist.N., Wash., D. C.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. M. B. Wunder____ W. H. Newman, Sli6ojindoahVal. Ln. k Tr. Co. Sec. and Tr. 68-231 ®TI’99 4% ‘Wythevllle...2947 Farm ers Bank of Southwest R. L. Peirce_____ M. L. Harrison.... Jas. M. Graham.__ E. P. Crockett ___ R. S. Ewald, Sec. Wythe P2 Vir ginia______ . ®»tl'73 $300-12 % 68-175 W.H. Simmerman. C. W. Gleaves___ W. B. Cassell S. B. Campbell ___ National Bunk.__®3'05 68-176 I240-1C % 20,000 4,950 169,030 3.620 160.280 9,950 2,690 24,690 Shenandoah N., Woodstock. 42,540 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. | $37.50- 67. 88-138 hester Clearing House IT T> TFnllPr (Men berg indicated by a *) » ____ " .. . F. T. Leathers ___ F. T. Leathers___ ers Bank, Inc.--® t§’19 W. H. Johnson___ Lorenzo Bailey.... 68-567 »Wlse.____ __ 823 Citiz< Wise D5 $120-6 Vo 68-230 ®«tl900 mTHE COUNTY M TIONAL DANK 68-682 ®»t’24 J.T. GRAHAM-------- W. M. MARTIN-------- W. B. RORRER........... 4.850 26,050 Citiz., Norfolk. 25,000 N. City. N. Y.; Norfolk N. Bk. Com.. & Trusts. Norfolk; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk. Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.: State-Plan. 25,000 Bk. & Tr Co.. Rich. _____ 65,000 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 31,270 N. Bk. of Charlottesville, Charlottesville. 40,790 Chase N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 50,000 106,060 365,140 31,980 492,670 1,700 16,210 100,000 137,000 602,610 133,450 681,300 190,080 53,590 98,080 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 50.000 5,000 142,000 19.000 151,000 2.000 35,000 28.000 1st N. Ex., Roanoke;5th3dUn.Tr. Co., Cin. 25,000 48,000 519,000 25,000 230.430 286,000 47.000 15,000 3,100 51,840 10,550 66,490 _ 3*920 53,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Schmelz N.. Newport 10,090 Far. Bk. of Nansemond, Suffolk. Modern, progressive methods. All items will receive personal attention of an Officer of this bank. Try our service. The Seaboard National Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22,500 SEND YOUR WYTHEVILLE ITEMS TO US DIRECT. ‘York town, 155 First National Bank ..®»t’19 S. R. Curtis_____ W. T. Wainwright. C. G. Fletcher___ J. S. Cornick......... York N20 $230-12 % 68-576 T. J. Clayton— S. Leon Lewis....... R. Home____ G. F. Johnson Zunl_________ 220 Bank nf 7nni W. C. Andrews 68-544 Isle of Wight P 19 $130-6'7c XX-L-,- [] 39.720 Merch. N., Rich. 68-533 SHEN AND0AH NAT. BANK $450-2 17< 495,470 W. G. Hardy____ C. J. Summers, Tr. B ► ® be of Windsor....... ®t§’96 J. W. Babb . Isle of Wight P20 $200-8 7. 68-457 86,000 29,480 1st N.,N.Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.,FhiI.; 347,580 .. 100.000 11,210 42,300 ... .. Bank of Norfolk, Va. BBE Bank for Banks 1 1 4f)9 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number veil to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New § State fPriv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. F.R.D. 12 S Seattle ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. SP Spok. P Port. $ Last Sale %Div. ®SaT. Dept. Aberdeen... 16,174 S Grays Harbor KB “ ------ " .. .. President. Vice-President. FME!L%I GRAS. ALBERTSOH - H. C. RANDOLPH_ _ 8% Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Park, N. Y.; Crocker 1st N„ San F.; H. J. BRUEN- - - - - - - - E. T. HATTRASS...... $ 100,000 $ 28.510 J1 349180 $ 48,600 $ 581,230 % 704.910 $ 10.000 $ 230,140 N.IstN., Seattle; West Coast N.,Port.; N. Bk. Tacoma, Tacoma. E. K. Bishop_____ W. E. Johnson.... W. H. Tucker____ R. M. Landberg— & Hayes____ ®»{|’90 F. B. Patterson... W. J. Patterson— T.M. W. Copeland. J. H. Fuller. A. C. W. M. Hatch 98-29 Addy................. 325 Addy State Rank .... .(SJtS’lP Hugh Waddell........ H. R. Spedden ___ Sp Stevens E22 98-417 AMERICAN NATIONAt BANK U H ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK •« «• «• 8,530 12,480 1st N.. Colville; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. 30,460 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. Spokane; Bk. of Calif. N. A., Tacoma. 23,660 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., 8pokane: Dex ter Horton N., Seattle. 110,700 Chase N.. N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle: W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr.. San F.: 1st N., St. P. 150.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; Am. Tr. Co., San F. 177,220 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Dexter Horton N., Seattle; 1st N., Everett. 216,930 14,810 16,850 86.260 15.290 9,150 F. D. Cartwright — Wm. Morrison___ 25,000 23.000 723,000 315,000 302.000 43.300 W. T. Odlin 35,000 15,000 460,000 __ t____ 230.000 120,000 10,000 25,000 9.320 395.330 14,330 184,580 31,140 51,040 30,000 12,390 505.340 253,960 180,080 20,960 37,770 19,400 C. E. Bingham___ Q. P. Reno . ____ C. H. Tracy Garnet Kernaghan Bertha Benedict G. L. Brumby____ C. W. Hill _ rrdwn rrdwn 1 A. F. NETZEL------- 1 W MrHFF ) W. T. BEHNE, Ch. n n miavan H G PHILLIPS......... F Tla THfTMAQ 1 nUIRHO-— inHN M ICC P. L. Rasmussen... 92,730 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: Seattle N„ Seattle. 44,160 1st N„ Chi.: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N.. Lewiston, Ida. 25,000 8,630 254,350 186,650 50,000 18,080 619.200 401,360 142.410 34,760 108.750 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.Co.,N. Y.: Bk. of Calif. N. A., Tacoma; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 75,000 22,170 1.062,010 604,570 359,550 42,950 152,110 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dexter Hor ton N„ Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Ta coma. 75,000 12,120 364.540 986.360 24.860 446.790 N. City, JN. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Box lor Horton Bk* of Calif. N. Am San F. 10,000 4,360 104,270 26,430 Northw. N., Port.; couver. Am. Secur., Van- U. E. W. PURDY_ _ _ _ _ J. J. DONOVAN ALEX. M. MUIR...... H. G. HEAL— 0. SELANDER, And. C. G. WHITE WE SOLICIT YOUR COLLECTIONS ON BELLINGHAM AND ALL POINTS IN NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON. PROMPT RETURNS. ®T*f 97 ♦Northwestern National Bk. H. B. Paiee C. K. McMillin 98-12 •t’08 Union Trust Co....... ®T*t§’25 Ralph P. Loomis.. 98-14 Bellingham Clearing House E. W. Purdy (Members indicated by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16,810 209.430 H. P. ifr JUKES.......... jV. A. BOEDER------ WILLIAM McCUSH — F. F. HANDSCHY — 1:1: C. F.H0LTE „ ®T»f05 )The “ Belilngha m National ” offe rs 1 SATISFACTOR T BANKING SEB VICE la this terri tory. ♦BELLINGHAM NAT’L BANK “ 56,530 102.590 ADAIR- - - - - - - - - CYRUS GATES_ _ _ _ B. T. DRAKE- - - - - - - - J. K, SATER.......... E. B. DEM 1NG G. KEA6LE “SEND US 1iwun DLLLinunHm ■ ■ e.iti S DIRECT." For Prompt Attention. ®T«t’22 " 98-9 77,860 ) “OLDEST AND LARGEST BAN K» ®*t’08 (.Send us your Auburn Items di rect for prompt personal attentio n. “ - „ 632,650 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San 9. 6,770 Ba ttie Ground. 318 State Bank of Battle Ground G. C. Scotten. __ C. F. Meyer______ 98-359 ©S’14 P Clarke P7 98-10 66,220 19,620 n w 98-11 167,790 260.130 4,049.130 25.000 rs w 25% 98-162 Ballard Station.. (See Seattle) 3,742.600 300.000 50,000 Auburn SIRS AUBURN S King J8 $215-10% FIRST NATIONAL BANK 311,760 N. City, N. Y.: Northw. N., Port.; Dexter-Horton N„ Seat.; A. & L. P. N., San F. Ray L. Johnson... E, Matthes______ ®»t’14 10,140 25.000 C. E. Elliott_____ W. C. Henning ___ F. E. Rowland___ O. E. Henning----- A. E. Clarke 98-380 374,390 19,020 1,103,620 1,500 Julius G. Johnson. R. J. Stephens-__ NATIONAL BANK 551,340 100,000 15,000 Almira______ 450 Almira State Bank—®»tl’02 Sp_ Lincoln H19 ♦ 98-209 Farmers State Bank .®»{5’14 4100 ♦ 98-379 Anacortes ___ 5248 Bank of Commerce. .®«tl’05 4200-12% 98-68 S Skagit D 7 Citizens Bank-------- ®.+§’99 98-67 Arlington__ 1418 Arlington State Bank 98-131 ©•{§1900 S Snohomish F9 .. Citizens State Bank___•t8’07 98-132 ‘Asotin 352 Bank of Asotin County. tl’04 98-176 Sp Asotin N24 7% ‘Beliingham26,229 S Whatcom C7 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. PRINCIPAL COR RESPONDENTS. Loam Bonds Miscel Cash & ExSurplus Depos Other UHAHUM, DUX and snd AND L iabili laneous its from Baku Discounts flseurities Profits ties 98-31 Grays Harbor National Bank 4200-6% 98-30 ®T»t’96 Hayes WASHINGTON P. E. Heal____ _ W. H. Lawson.... J. E. Owen. A. C. L. G. Judson R. P. Loomis, Sec. 100.000 135,850 1.580.690 200,000 362,490 2,905.200 100,000 1,153.620 1.484,590 324,510 604,980 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N„ Chi.; IstN., San F.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 500.000 186,880 3.790,920 50.000 2,531.350 1,078.170 140.000 778.280 100.000 74,770 1,897,880 100,000 14.280 433.230 6.000 6,680 Chase N., N. ¥.; III. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Crocker N. and Anglo & London Paris N., San F.; U. S. N. and 1st N., Port. 845,080 697,620 12,530 524,090 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Seattle. 331.500 67.560 26.150 122,300 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine N„ Seattle; Dominion,^Vancouver, B. C. a The authority that comes with EXPERIENCE For more than half a century—ever since 1871—Rand McNally & Company have been known as an authoritative source for banking information of all kinds. During their many years of experience in financial publishing they have ac cumulated a fund of invaluable facts and figures which are at the command of bankers and all those to whom accurate and immediate financial information means just so much time and money. The RAND M9NALLY Bankers Di rectory (Blue Book), first issued in 1871 andregularlysincethattime,isrecognized by bankers the country over as the Standard Authority in the banking field. Semi-annual revisions assure a com pleteness and accuracy that are an insur ance against costly mistakes and delays. Among the many facts at the instant disposal of its users are: 6 All banks listed by states, with statements, officers and corre spondents Foreign Banks Bank Directors Accessible banking points to non-banking towns Bonded Attorneys Commercial laws of all states— condensed for easy reference Federal Reserve System, Postal Rates, Bankers Associ ations, Numerical System Bank Transit Map, Examiners, Clearing Houses, Foreign Cur rency, Interest Rates by States, Farm Loan System, Joint Stock Land Banks V Rand McNally Bank Publications Bankers Directory (Blue Book) The Bankers Monthly Key to the Numerical System of the A. B. A. The Bankers Service Bulletin The Bankers Service Guide Banking and Business Ethics Rand McNally & Company Map Headquarters Dept. G-58 536 S. Clark Street, Chicago 270 Madison Avenue, New York Washington San Francisco Los Angeles Largest Publishers ofBanking Publications in the World, Established 1856 Official Numbering Agent, American Bankers Association Maps for Bankers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis c:53c53c^3c:53cT3cT3c:73c:?3c^3c:>3c53<?53c:J3c^3c^3c:£3c^3^f3n73c^3c^5M3 Washington INDEX TO COUNTIES. Adams........... K 20 Asotin............N 24 Benton.......... N 16 Chelan........... G13 Clallam.......... F3 Clarke............ P 7 Columbia... .N 22 Cowlitz...........N 6 Douglas......... H 16 Ferry............. D20 Franklin........M 18 Garfield.........M 23 Grant..............J 17 Grays Harbor ..13 Island............. E7 Jeflerson.........G3 King.............. H 9 Kitsap.......... H 6 Kittitas..........J 13 Klickitat........P 13 Lewis..............M 8 Lincoln..........H 20 Mason...............15 Okanogan... .D16 Pacific........... M3 Pend Oreille.D 23 Pierce............ K 8 San Juan.......D 6 Skagit............D 9 Skamania ....09 Snohomish... F 10 Spokane........H 22 Stevens.......... D22 Thurston....... K 6 Wahkiakum.. .N 4 Walla Walla N 20 Whatcom ... .C 10 Whitman.......K 23 Yakima........M13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SANFORD'S INKS Have Faithfully Served BANKER and MERCHANT for Three Generations A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PUBLIC UTILITY INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE MUNICIPAL RAILROAD NOWLEDGE and skill in handling bonds K for himself and his customer is a more important part of a banker’s equipment than ever. It becomes still more important every day. No one man can hope to collect or remember all the facts about all of today’s standard securities, but the banker, the bond man, or the business man who uses this Directory can always avail himself of this information because he always knows where to go for it. See list of Investment Houses following banks of each metropolitan city* 14/10 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers^Asstn^ Town and County •Mem.A.B.A.7INew§StatetPriv ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab F.K.D. 12: S Seat. ♦M. Fed. Be*. T-Trust Powers §p Spok., P Port. $ Last Sale % Dir. ®8a».Dept. Rickie ton 168 Bank of Rickletnn 98-212 P Klickitat 015 1*225-12% 1 President. Vice-President. Liabilities. 1 ther Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos- LOiabili AND Capital Cashier. Profits «15'03 C. E. Flower______ J. B. Hosfelt_____ S. A. Rossier____ _ T. J. Williams___ $ H. P. Johnson____ Albert Still.__ Blaine _ 2254 Home State Rank 98-09 S Whatcom B7 1 $200-20% Non-Banl Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this WASHINGTON—Continued 25,000 $ TIES 24.050 $ 242.630 44.070 $ k Ex- from Banks 5,900 $ 60,570 Han. N„ N. Y.; Northw. N., Port.; Bk. of Calif., Tacoma. 137.630 18,650 67,460 N. Park. N.Y.; Met. N., Seattle; 1st N.. Bellingham. 1,000 80.270 209.570 5,750 56.550 Seattle N. and Dexter Horton N.,Seattle. 766,470 34.560 293.470 383.750 54,780 120.390 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Seattle. 765,000 2,000 193,000 456.000 32,500 150,500 Han. N.. N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Bk. of Italy, San. F. 46,490 1.441,460 2,000 516.870 806.990 47,400 218.690 N. City, N. Y.: N. City and Dexter Horton N.,Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.,San.F. 15.950 56,580 42,490 10,320 29,600 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; 1st N., Okanogan. 25.000 8.950 454.280 Bothell............... 613 Bothell State Bank—®*tS’08 A. G. Worthington R. O. Worthington Ross E. Worley___ Vaughn Bosley_— *150-8% 98-213 Geo. Bosley S King H8 12.500 8,350 330,290 $ Bremerton ..11053 Bremerton Tr. ft Sav. Bank Geo. E. Miller____ S Kitsap H6 98-377 ®»t§’14 .. S. Mlgliavacca____ 6% 98-79 .. •• First National Bank—®»t’07 T. H. Holmes____ *150-8% 98-78 W." Buffington____ 25.000 26,360 G. R. Fetterman.. E. C. Ebert_______ S. A. McGilvray... Cora Guernsey 50,000 15,000 Ross Black_______ Leo Haskell______ Conrad Veldee___ 100,000 Marion Garland... Robt. Barlow $ 181.140 $ Principal Correspondents. Gash 264.490 Wm. P. Willison.. Vida M. Shay Katherine Magnusson It. A. Noyes Resources. Loans Bonds Misceland and Discounts Securitiss LANjcOUB Brewster_____ 384 First National Bank------ »t'08 H. J. Kerr_______ R. A. Downing___ Sp Okanogan F16 *75 98-214 25,000 240 97,800 Buckley _____ 1119 State Bank of Backley®»t§’07 C. O. Steberg ___ A. M. Bryant__ A. E. Hovey______ S Pierce J8 98-218 Buena... ____ 47 Buena State Bank—©•t§’19 A. R. Keith____ I.. L. I. Barbee______ Ungell Iverson___ G. W. Keith,Sec... ♦ 98-408 Sp Yakima M14 *110 25,000 18,670 360,430 342,830 25.000 1,500 150,150 92,470 25,700 15,790 Chris Knutzen ___ Stanley A. Starr... G. A. Youngquist.. Joy M. Swanland 50,000 12.750 547.770 238.669 248.690 26.780 Camas 1843 Citizens State Bank_©*tJ’19 H. S. Clark.............. R. Stoller................. Roy H. Dobbs____ Edna M. Car kin___ P Clarke Q8 *167 98-416 A. L. Powers-------- O. D. Genr First National Bank—®»t'08 A. Bankus, Ch. $180 98-217 30,000 5.360 248,140 173,540 52.770 6.490 50,000 21,800 656.140 269.990 383,140 12,280 112,530 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northw. N., Port.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Camp Lewis 10,000 Army National Bank .®*t’19 J. T. Greeory____ D. S. Robinson.__ .T. F,. Pinkham (Tacoma P. O.) 98-401 S Pierce J7 Carnation____500 Snoaualmie Valley Bank C. Beadon Hall ___ Isadore V. Hall.__ Ethel Bagwell____ S King H9 98-315 ®*i§'12 25,000 28.310 362,600 171,750 174.420 8.500 61,240 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Tacoma. Tacoma. 10,000 14,000 258.910 148.180 63,180 1.500 75.040 Cashmere___1114 So Chelan 113 Wm. McPherson.. 25,000 16,020 374.860 256,900 82,130 18,540 .. McKinley Ellis. D. R. Moody_____ V. P. and Mgr. 25,000 12,030 263.230 198,950 46.620 27,970 25.000 29,830 520,860 176,630 265,280 28,170 10,000 11.940 311.580 112.000 119,040 9.050 George Garner ___ J. C. Kaidera_____ 15,000 3.500 133,690 86,970 33,860 C. O. Gingrich ___ J. D. Wonderly__ J. E. Raught_____ F. L. Breen______ H. D. Gingrich 100,000 46.480 546,470 304,520 247.270 72,300 Burlington ..1360 First National Bank--®»t’’10 C. Callahan, Ch. S Skagit D 7 *145 98-137 «« P «• Cowlitz N6 Geo. Sussex, Jr.__ Grant Paton. 98-190 754P CENTRALIA STATE BANK Lewis L6 *125 ♦ 98-47 ®»t§T5 .. 98-46 .. •< •tl'll J. B. Wood. V. P. First Guaranty Bank Inc. 98-44 ®*t!'03 Charleston .3338 State Bank of Charleston W. W. Sherman... S Kitsap H6 *150-10% 98-372 ®T»t|’14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 127.630 50.710 U. S. N., Port.; Am. Secur., Vancouver. Com., Seattle. Castle Rock Bank_____*t§’04 J. A. Byerly______ M. P. Mason______ G. L. Buland_____ M. P. Mason W.C. Graham, A.C. L. R. Ruth 98-218 Centerville ....225 Farmers State Bank...»+§T5 G. A. Bead 98-220 P Klickitat P13 8% S 50.000 . .. 23.450 40% . 42,690 1st N.. Seattle and Yakima. Seattle. ®»tl’07 Farmers ft Merchants Bank E. C. Long ___ *155 98-189 ®e«’07 E. M. Orth........ ..... Sivert Olsen_____ C. E. Carlsnn ACathlamet ...422 Wahkiakum County Bank 98-219 ®et§'09 P Wahkiakum N5 *225-20% CentraHa 31.250 61,270 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; Seattle N. and N. Citz., Seattle. Agneta Larsen___ B. H. Johnston..— C. Paul Uhlmann .. C. J. Oliver W. B. Keir E. R. Fitzgerald... F. O. Field A. Poundstone 10,000 45,000 1.125.000 528.000 470.000 33,400 75,000 30,040 1,081,680 493.710 456.110 45,000 45.270 99,000 12,400 3,690 153.800 105,800 Ian. N., N.Y.; U. S. N., Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma. Tacoma. 94.130 hase N.. N.Y.; Northw. N.,Port.; 1st N„ Longview. Wash, and Seattle. 27.530 Ladd & Tilton, Port. 75,000 15,000 58,300 Ian. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Seat.; Spok. & East. Tr., Spok.; Columbia Valley, enatchee 50,180 lont. & Com IN., Chi.; Ex. N., Spokane: Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 78.860 Ihase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Bk. of Calif.. N. A.. Seattle; U. S. N..Port. 210.000 N. A.. Tacoma; A. & L. P. N.. San F.; Northw. N-. Port. 191.890 1. City, N.Y.;Dex.-Hor. N.,Seat.;W.F.Bk. & Un. Tr.. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., SanF.; U. S. N.. Port. 25.700 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 ADA t0 eactl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J.TUT Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew § State f Priv. •County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. R.F.D. 12. S, Seat M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. SP.Spok. P, Port. $ Last Bale %D1t. ©Sar.Dept. President. Vice-President. N. B. COFFMAN- T. C. RUSH.......... H. C. COFFMAN •Chehalls....... 4558 S Lewis L6 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. D. T. COFFMAN — H.S. BENNETT. Sec. 4|.Hf.DnowadnVck Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonds Miscel Cash k Exther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus OHAjrau,I>ini and and and its Capital Profits 1 Discounts Securities laneous prom Basks ties $ 150.000 I 162,450 12454870 Er. MITCHELL 2V . Off. and largest In dividual respeasl blUty* _______________S. Oldest Bank in W. Washlmgto Special attentio n given B1U of L adtng drafts. Send your Item s direct to is. Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports. ♦ 98-58 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued 50,000 60,730 1,013,180 25,000 31.790 772,260 Chelan............. 896 Chelan State Bank..©<§'19 H. R. Kingman___ H. W. Van Slyke.. H. W. Van Slyke- L. E. Radley____ Sq Chelan G16 98-403 T. J. East Miners & Merchants Bank J. A. Van Slyke___ Lloyd Ford............ H. C. Ogden........... John Van Slyke.. 1300-12% 98-221 ®<|’02 15,000 12.500 426.000 25,000 18,000 375.000 Cheney............1252 National Bk. of Cheney N. A. Rolfe............. C. D. Martin____ V. E. Rolfe. Sp Spokane 122 8% 98-150 ®<’08 25,000 8,350 277,070 E. F. Betz_____ Florence Rue Flossie M. Oman.. 25,000 35,770 520.030 15,000 8,130 205,410 A. H. Morse_____ 25,000 5,000 279,040 15,000 16,990 436.580 rC. 0. GINGRICH... C. F. ANDERSON— A. E. JAEGER. . . . . . . . L. LEE DUNLAP. . . . . . . Principal Correspondents. 843,020 $1521920 $ 793,280 $ 987,070 $ 307,110 Chase N„ N. Y.; U. S. N., Port.: N. Bk. Com. and Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N.A. and N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 502,410 376,830 31,810 197.850 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Seat. N., Seattle; Northw. N.. Port. 324,530 366,850 10.000 128.170 Scab. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ San F. and Seattle; Northw. N„ Port. 243,000 78,000 10.300 200.000 60,000 40,000 129.500 Ohem. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Seattle N„ Seattle. 118,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Fidelity N., Spokane. 25.000 148,680 87,120 26,750 24,800 299.100 145.310 33,070 156,720 12,210 9,610 204,360 73,840 15,050 248,520 95.470 15.690 35.000 C. F. ANDERSON, Sec. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1250-12% 98-61 ®<'09 ] Special attentto n given BUI of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item I Sight drafts 15c j minimum. (.Reliable Credit Reports, 50c In ad vance. Security State Bank.0»+5’O3 J. W. Alexander— J. T. Alexander ... J. A. Wright____ H. H. Holmes. 98-60 Security National Bank W. J. Sutton_____ Albert Betz______ R. H. Macartney— $165-8% 98-149 ®<’06 Chewelah___ 1288 Bank of Chewelah____ •IS'11 Thomas Bowers... Frank W. Dickey.. Fred. W. Dickey .. S£ Stevens E23 98-174 First National Bank...©<’07 F. L. Reinoehl____ A. I. Kulzer_____ C. A. La Vigne___ $165 98-173 Ciarkston ___1859 Sp Asotin M24 Clearlake....... 719 S Skagit D8 Cle Eium___ 2661 S Kittitas J12 •Colfax_____ 3027 Sp Whitman K24 Slat e Bank of Ciarkston 98-141 ®*tl’07 First State Bank........... ®§’14 $100-10% 98-371 Ole Elum State Bank©<|’04 98-223 First National Bank___ <14 98-368 $204 COLFAX NATIONAL BANK 98-80 ©<’84 A. E. Clarke_____ E. W. Eaves_____ E. N. Clark______ C. E. Bingham____ Julia R. Bingham. Q. R. Bingham____ H. V. Guernsey 10,000 5.500 112.500 Frank Carpenter.. Wm. Rees_______ Roy Burch_____ 50,000 25,270 914.500 50,000 25,800 687,990 W. E. Keehl_____ James Lane __ J. C. Beeson___ Jacob Bizyack, Jr.. 7,300 25,000 72,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Spok. & Eastern Tr., Spok.; N. Bk. Com., Seat.; U. S. N„ Port. 128.110 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Fidelity N„ Spokane; Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. 49,990 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; Bk. of Colville. Colville. 40,790 Ohem. N„ N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 43,000 10.500 8.800 318,360 448,250 15,010 223,540 376,810 19,090 108,870 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N„ Lewiston,Ida. 72.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Seattle; O. E. Bingham & Co. State, Sedro Woolley. 208,140 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Union N„ Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 151,350 N. Park, N. Y.; Seattle N„ Seattle. 211.400 1.143.770 339.890 14.380 298.680 N. City. N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San 300 7,000 ALFRED C00LI.DE Oldest and Largest Bank in Whitman County. 200,000 42.830 1,342,490 Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts,15c; Credit Reports, 50c. TRY US. Co., and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 66,730 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., and Ex. N.. Spokane; U. S. N., Port. COLFAX STATE BANK J. J. Miller_____ R. M. Hanna____ R. F. Bigelow $160-8% 98-83 ®<|’08 S. E. Perkins____ H. H. Lenhard 00,000 18,730 405,130 350.900 29,250 36,970 Farmers National Bank P. B. Stravens___ J. J. Miller........... E. W. Wagner__ $125-20% 98-82 ®<’05 Clive E. Roberts... G. H. Wyman 100,000 11.830 935,100 579,670 177,570 70,290 75,000 15.710 469,320 399,340 29.460 66.940 64,290 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Port.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A..SanF.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. First Sav. & Trust Bank of H. G. DePledge.__ R. H. Lacey_____ Ralph Jones____ Whitman County -®T<§05 $110 ♦ 98-81 177,400 Ex. N„ Spokane; U. S. N., Port. College Place. 813 Citizens Bank-----------®1S’19 S. D. Smith-------- T. A. Williams ___ W. W. Wasser.. 98-405 Sp Walla Walla 021 O. H. Martin........ 25,000 9,910 154,860 104,680 10,870 18,750 55,460 Chase N., N. Y.; 3d N. and Peo. State, Walla Walla. Colton______ 382 Security State Bank -®<|’06 M. Schultheis------- B. F. Druffel____ F. A. Smith____ 98-224 Sp Whitman M24 W. O. Druffel___ 10.000 12,230 407,680 288.850 39,090 20,630 96,420 Han. N„ N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.,; Fidelity N. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. •Colville_____1796 Bank of Colville....... ®*t§’91 G. W. Peddycord.. W. L. Sax......... 98-128 Sp Stevens D22 C. L. Baker___ L. S. Munger____ 100,000 13,330 600,210 428,050 99,480 80,210 First National Bank..®<’06 Hugh Waddell____ H. R. Spedden........ A. L. Rogers___ J. B, Rogers..____ S. E. Barnes 60,000 20.010 869,670 541,260 304,970 50,110 105,800 N.Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Ex. N., Spokane; Dexter Horton N.. Seattle: Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. N. Park, N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. 111,940 Co., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. 98-129 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58,600 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 14p»C to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. _ ‘County Seats. F. R. D. 12 S Seattle Sp Spok’ ne P Port 1 d •Mem. A.B. A. OTNew §State t Priv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ©Sav.Dept. Concrete, 924 State Bank of Concrete $165-10% 98-227 S Skagit DIO President. V ice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. G. A. Campbell__ Richard Thompson W. D. Ross. J.C.Eden.CA. ofBd. Connell __ 311 State Bank of Connell W. A. Anderson Sp Franklin L19 $150-15% 98-228 ®T»t5’07 R. L. Old* C. B. Unger. ____ Neil Cooney_____ H. F. Sprague _ . H. F. Sprague___ M. L. Sprague___ E. P. Doane Chas. Schemmel— John R. Lewis___ Eatonville___ 861 S Pierce K8 Edison_______ 218 S Skagit D7 Edmonds Q3R S Snohomish G8 Edwall - 27K SD Lincoln 121 Eiberton. __ .244 Sp Whitman K24 Elk....................515 Sp Spokane F24 ‘Eliensburg.. 3967 S Kittitas K14 II «• •• ________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 120.350 46,400 25,000 11,370 199,130 $ 25.000 113,730 104.060 25,000 22.690 265.430 69.65C 196.900 16,420 25,000 1,260 59.86C 28,960 22,380 8,400 8.000 200,00C 163.000 12,000 8,000 103.700 53,210 25,660 5,500 50,000 23.980 368,290 328,850 49,740 69.000 429.000 J.L. Dumas. C. J. Broughton... C. B. Polly............ A. L. Nilsson J. D. Ankeny____ J. W. Jessee O. F. Kelly George W.Jackson J. G. Israel_____ O. G. Follevaag.... E. E. Wood ......... R. B. Field............ Hubert Remley... D. H. Neher S. Reimann O. B.Hall___ •T. 1. Miller _ _ Peter Henning__ K. A. Knutsen ___ C. R. Amundson... L. M. Amundson... K. T. Knutson 100,000 100,000 160.000 1,150.000 25.000 6.280 282,080 20,000 1.880 96,210 15,000 6,690 135,230 15,000 50,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Old N. Bk. &Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane; N.Bk. of Tacoma. Tacoma. 30.990 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal.N. A.. Seattle. 69,890 Chase N„ N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., Seattle. 333,000 162.000 19,000 65,000 1.000,000 212,000 25,000 196,570 57,230 12.880 19.360 91,280 19,420 10,290 82,820 42,000 5.760 18.410 344,520 _______ 166.050 132,160 8.100 133.000 84.500 58,990 11,150 132.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N.. Seattle: U. S. N.. Port; Ex. N„ Spokane. 238,000 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Port.; Old N. Bk. and Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. 46,680 Chase N„ N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 16.450 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane; Leav. State, Leav.; 1st N.. Seattle. 26,350 Chase N., N, Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 71,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Everett. J. P. Weter .. __ 10,000 13.500 250,000 12,000 7.880 79,430 O. C. Sorensen___ 25,000 13.120 316,200 112,620 169.820 11,390 Ward Jesseph___ H. C. Bancroft___ W. K. Harper___ 25,000 15.340 145,290 __ 138.990 430 19,290 W. C. Seagle____ J. L. Montzheimer 10,000 3,270 89.700 45,890 21.000 6,510 W. A. Nason __ . 15,000 3,220 68.130 29,700 40,540 3.060 74,060 1,195.600 495,460 606,600 79.560 188.030 N. City and N. Park, N.Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; N. Bk.Com., Seattle: Am. Tr. Co.. San F. 55.330 223,480 142,740 30,150 42.400 Chem. N., N. Y.: Dex.-Hor. N.. Seattle: Spok. & East. Tr., 8pok.; 1st N., Port. 34,190 1,253.160 _______ 736,080 249.700 87,540 314.030 Seab. N., N.Y.; Seattle N. and Marine N., Seattle: Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F.; Ex. N„ Spokane. 208.090 358.230 17.040 128.440 86,340 2.600 308,430 6,220 14.840 70.960 35.390 4.700 146.670 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; 1st N., Port. 56,090 Seab. N..N. Y.: Capital N.. Olympia; Hayes & Hayes, Aberdeen. 58.740 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., Port.: Colfax N., Colfax. 18.740 Han. N., N.Y.; Spok. & East. Tr., Spok.: N. City,Seat.; Col. Val., Wenatchee. D. W. S. Ramsay.. S. P. Wippel j J. H. SMITHSON. 6. H. STEWART.... L. B. DAVIES I The faculties of A. this bank enable ] to offer except lonal service to b j having buslne ss In the “KITTI ©W’02 l Send 15c with ea ch sight draft and C. C. McGranahan. A. W. Crimp V. J. BOUILLON. 100,000 50,000 J. M. Snowden. .. R. L. FISCHER 100.000 16.210 317,430 2,590 Cash, and Mgr. us anks and Individ uals TAS VALLEY.” 50c for Credit Rep ortt. A. D. Devonshire.. Geo. Simpson___ R. L. France 25,000 47.810 652,230 Henry McCleary.. James Glancey— G. L. Babcock _ A. H. Fleming___ 20,000 8.350 244,630 [saac Neace_____ C. L. Wakefield... Louis Eilert... M. A. Sherman,Jr.. 60.000 12,000 316,230 W. D. Wilson___ Edythe C. Wilson. 10,000 6,300 103.000 Wm. G. Hughes__ 48.000 30.160 Met. N., Seattle; Hayes & Hayes, Aber deen. 26,380 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; N. Bk. Com.. Seattle. Seattle N., Seattle. G. B. Grace............ H. A. Moldstad___ ®»t’97 Elma................ 1253 Bank of Elma.............®»tj’06 S Grays Harbor K 4 98-126 Farmers & Lumbermens Bk. $205 98-127 ®»t5'10 Endlcott. R34 Bank of Endicott. _*tl,03 Sp Whitman .K22 98-241 Entiat ____ 214 Entiat State Bank____ »}ST2 $D Ohelan H14 98-357 220.000 1,660 NATIONAL BANK 98-63 11,280 10,000 WASHINGTON $192.50-12% 15,000 25,000 Fred W. Moe____ Principal Correspondents. 10,470 $ 49.260 Dexter Horton N. and Seattle N,, Seattle; C. E. Bingham & Co, State, Sedro Woolley. 67.580 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. 11,940 Co. andSpok. & Eastern Tr.. Spok.: N. Bk. of Tac„ Tacoma, 36,200 N. Bk. Com., Seattle; IstN., Mt. Vernon. 6,500 C. R. Behme_____ HAT’L BK. OF ELLENSBURB E. H. Snowden....... F. S.Ross.. __ 98-62 $ 75,500 S 158,130 $ F. A. Duncan____ C. E. Funkhouser.. C. E. Funkhouser.. R. M. Funkhouser. Eatonville State Bank®»tS’13 F. M. Roberts.... $250-20% 98-344 Farmers AMerch. Bank«tl’08 N. B. Hannay . 98-236 State Bank of Edmonds 98-237 ®t*'07 J.K.McCornack-— io% 98-238 Eiberton State Bank..*ti'09 J. M. Seagle_____ 10% 98-239 Elk State Bank....... ®§’21 E. E. Emery_____ $no 98-443 Farmers Bank_____ ®»t|'06 R. L. Barnes____ ♦ 98-64 $135 27.530 $ 255.820 (Branch of Ever ett, Wae h.)------- ‘Davenport.. 1112 Lincoln County State Bank J. L. Thayer_____ C. T,. Canfield Sp Lincoln H21 $150-10% ♦ 98-145 ®»t|'01 iDayton 2R9R Broughton National Bank 98-94 ®»t’09 Sj) Columbia N22 Columbia National Bank $300-10% 98-93 ®T«t’82 Deer Park ___1103 First State Bank___ ®»tl'07 98-233 So Spokane F23 $ioo Dryden 2R0 Dryden State Bank-.®»t§’19 $120 98-425 Sp Chelan H14 Duvall_______ 258 Duvall State Bank „.®»tl’12 $125-10% 98-353 S King H9 E. Stanwood327 State Bank of East Stanwood 98-194 ®»iS’10 S Snohomish E8 $210-10% Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash Ac ExOther Paid-up Surplus D epos and and AND LiabiliCapital Profits Diaoounti Securities LANLOub Fson Banks TIES S 10,000 $ Conway ___ 114 First National Bank_©*tT5 A. Garborg______ John L. Melkild—. A. W. Ga.rhnrg $120-10% 98-383 S Skagit E8 Cosmopolls.._I512 First National Bank-.®»t'24 98-452 S Grays Harbor K3 $200 Coulee .472 Security State Bank.®«t§’23 $no ♦ 98-409 Si Grant H17 f’04 ‘Coupeville.__343 Bank of flrmurfirc# 98-230 S Island E7 Creston_____ 317 Creston State Bank ..®«tj'02 SD Lincoln G20 $170-10% 98-231 Custer ...........314 Custer State Bank—.;®t5'14 S Whatcom B7 98-370 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued 490 10.500 7,780 42,000 Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Seattle N.. Se attle. 23,980 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Mt. Vernon. 60.490 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; 1st N„ Everett. 26,910 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; 8eattle N„ Seattle. 29.580 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane; Col fax N„ Colfax. 13.040 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1TUU Town and County. ^County Seats. F.R.D. 12:S.Sea.Br. SP. Spok. P Port. •Mem. A.B. A. '"New §State tPriv. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sai.Dept President. Vice President. Enumciaw.__1378 Enumciaw National Bank B. E. Kibler______ S King J8 H45-9% 98-158 ©.*’10 •• •• Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. BANK 32,760 $ 695,540 $ 200 $ 184,430 $ 391,700 $ 60,000 33,270 769,410 25.000 5,290 169,530 14,760 f E. C. OLSON.......... G.S. ALDRICH-........ E. e. searles_____ tylra 58,900 2.006,440 150.000 C. A. CRAFT .............. (Branch at Pine St.) 1 85,170 S. B. Lafromboise. «Ephrata_____638 First National Bank..®»t’18 L. C. Lauzier_____ William M. Clapp.. Sp Grant J17 *110 98-400 Louis Schneider *Everett........29.303 S Snohomish F8 Liabilities. Resources. ther Loan* Bond* Miscel- Cam k KxPaid-up Surplus Dkpos- LOiabili and AMD Capital Profits Diacountl Securities LANKOUb nofi Baku TIES $ 50,000 $ Nels M. Hansen... First National Bank _©»t'04 A. C. Johansen___ *160-10% 98-157 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued 34,990 $ 77.370 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. Tacoma. 91,890 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.: N. Bk. of Taco ma, Tacoma; SeattleN„ Seattle. 287,270 482,940 570 78,120 108,530 12,920 917,920 1,028,690 11,690 336,810 N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Seattle N., Seattle: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 245,540 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle: Wells-Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F. 184.860 Chase N„ N. Y.; Crocker 1st N.,San F.; Met. N„ Seattle. OF COMMERCE ♦ 98-2 •• .. 98-4 .. N. L. Thompson. ®T*J§T3 A. R. Metz, V. P. EVERETT TRUST &SAV. BK. W. C. 98-3 •• Butler ®T«tS'02 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 98-1 «• ) Cash and time items, collections , bill of lading dr afts and all bank lng *1*1900 (.matters given p ersonal attention . SEND YOUR B USINESS DIREC T. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO- ®T»t’92 Frank L. Cooper.. A. D. Stevenson... A. J.Madden 100,000 Robert Moody____ W. M. Jenkins.... S. T. Burnham___ L. L. Crosby E. G. Startup 50,000 F. L. Cooper W. C. Butler_____ Wm. Howarth........ L. L. Crosby Robert Moody 6,840 744,270 575,410 20,740 971,110 10,760 738,070 112,640 18,460 500,000 264,570 9 7 64 600 150,000 56,440 1,523,580 237,680 6,137.190 2,709,330 J. H. Maulsby H. F. Carleton •« W. N. Winter . Security National Bank T. H. Bowden_____ O. A. Torgerson... 1150-6% 98-5 ®T»t’20 V. W. Fell. V. P. F. C. Sheraton Everson______ 618 Nooksack Valley State Bank C.R. Farnsworth.. J. C. Richendefer. 98-242 ®»tl’06 S Whatcom B8 $230-8% Fairfield______413 Bank of Fairfield____ ®*t*’05 Henry Treede------ Lewis Lindstrom.. 98-243 Sp Spokane 124 $200-12% Grace A.Willman.. E. D. Marion Farmington ..479 Bank of Farmington.®»JS'87 M. R. Fish______ John O. Torpey___ SO Whitman J25 $150-10% ♦ 98-244 Ferndale............759 Citizens Bank______ ®*t§’20 A. V. A. Peterson. $115 98-427 S• • Whatcom C7 •• First National Bank ©*t'04 Percy Hood______ 98-245 ^Friday Harbor522 San Joan County Bank Gene C. Gould. .. 98-246 ®»t§'93 S San Juan D5 12% Garfield___ 776 Garfield National Bank_.*t’08 G. W. Nye................ 98-166 Sj) WhitmanK24 $125-10% State National Bank _©*t’02 A. P. Johnson____ $150-10% 98-165 Georgetown. 5000 (See Seattle) S King H8 *Goldendale_.1274 National Bank of Goldendale C. T. Camplan____ 98-432 *’20 P Klickitat P13 «• ^ “ Pioneer State Bank.-®*tl’26 A. C. Keefhaver.— *150 98-151 (Consolidation of State Bank o / Goldendale and Br Grandview ...1011 First National BanK_.®»t’l9 A. L. Thiele______ 98-249 Sp Yakima N16 $200-8% 27,280 1,451,840 22,160 15,000 3,000 200,000 25,000 14,000 386,750 25,000 17.080 316,760 110,460 7,070 618,570 725,250 145,000 16,000 256,120 61,440 15,360 99,900 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 285,080 14,560 15,260 43,930 Ex. N„ Spokane. 25,000 2,740 130,000 80,000 31,000 25,000 17.900 556.110 284,910 205.610 C. M. Tucker—__ _ Cecil L. Carter___ 35,000 26,370 596,510 5,290 245,200 283,050 20.860 C. A. Gwinn______ J. E. Miller .......... B. N. Miller........ 25,000 4,800 99.420 25.000 54,010 35.000 27.070 50,000 30,000 350,000 270,000 in 000 50,000 5,000 355,000 220,000 120,000 10,440 50,000 27,040 600,410 437,300 87,760 8.000 25,000 10.550 462,390 308,230 40.040 26.360 Granger............. 412 Union Bank— ------ ©»t§’06 C. R. Havighorst.. R. E. Pearce______ 98-250 So Yakima N15 io% 10,000 6,710 150,000 120,000 4,800 Granite Falls ..632 Granite Falls State Bank John H. Curtis___ Ulrich Scherrer... Geo. D. Thompson S Snohomish F9 $no-4% 98-251 ®*tl’07 15,000 7,760 156,520 91,640 49,330 9,680 Greenacres ___ 100 Fruitgrowers State Bank H. N. Fogle--------- J. A. McMillan___ H. N. Fogle . 98-438 © t§’20 So Spokane H24 Hamilton_____ 462 Hamilton State Bank ._i*’14 H. A. Moore______ F. E. Slipper............ O. E. Thompson... M. J. Smith--------98-367 S Skagit D» 15,000 2,500 104.710 41,120 32,010 3,260 10,000 2.000 110,000 75.000 Harrington___882 Harrington State Bank John E. Russell -- J. J. Cormana........ W. E. Shrader____ Geo. H. Anderson. 98-187 ®*t*’04 SD Lincoln 120 10% Hartllne 282 Hartline State Bank—»tro8 H. T. Jones______ F. A. Duncan_____ SO Grant H18 98-254 30,000 8,580 182,510 121,020 25,000 5,000 70,000 100,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. A. Harbke_____ C. E. Crooks. John R. McEwen M. W. Beck Chas. F. Kayser... ooks & Co., Bank) J. J. Fry E. Weber________ L. B. Judd............... 15,010 Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N„ Seattle. 483,890 1,436,440 Han. N., N. City, and Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Crocker-lst N. and W, F. 11k. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F.: Seattle N., N. 15k. of Com. and Dexter Horton N„ Seattle; 1st N. and Merch. N„ St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 216,920 279,750 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A„ San F. and Seattle. 22,000 30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Marine N., Seattle: Union Tr., Bellingham. J. A. Shields_____ R. M. Jenson John Slater______ E. R. Campbell___ E. C. Johnson, Jr.. J. G. Edmiston ___ Lola Sherar Principal Correspondents. 19,000 1st N„ Seattle; Bellingham N„ Bellingham. 16.290 94.590 Han. N„ N. Y.; Dexter Horton N„ Seattle; 1st N„ Bellingham, 114.060 N. City. N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. N. Bk. Com., and Seattle N„ Seattle. 38,140 Fidelity N„ Spokane. 150,000 Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Ex. N.. Spokane. 47,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; U. S. N„ Port.; Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co„ Spok. 144,400 Han. N„ N. Y.; U. S. N„ Port.; Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. 123,310 Seattle N., Seattle: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co„ Spokane: Yakima N„ Yakima; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., San F. 48,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. CoSpokane: 1st N., Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 28,620 Chase N., N. Y.; N. City. Seattle; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Everett. 45,820 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. 35,000 N.City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Seattle N., Seattle; C. E. Bingham & Co. State, Sedro 50,940 18,510 30,630 Chase N.. N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. CoSpokane; Seattle N.. Seattle. 12,000 Cont. & Oom’l N.. Chi.: 1st N., Seattle; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Am to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. F.R.D.12.S, Seattle Sp. Spokane P. Port. •Mem. A. B. A. '"New §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ©Sav. Dept Hillyard Station. (See Spokane, Wash.) Sp Hoquiam ...11,126 Bank of Hoquiam___ ©»§’25 98-41 S Grays Harbor K2 $150 First National Bank .©T«t’90 $500-12% 98-39 .. Lumbermens Bank & Tr. Co. $200-8% ♦ 98-40 ®»ti'04 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loana Bonds Miscel OaiiA lxther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and aaajreaa.Dtn and Capital Profits its Diaeount* Securities laneous nun Bim ties F. G. Foster_____ R. D. Emerson___ A. G. Rockwell— M. M. Pattison .... $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $1509 600 $ 20,690 $ 970,570 $ 344,590 $ A. G. Rockwell R. E. Johnson 300,000 129.350 3.117,450 305.680 1,532.740 1.851.880 Gaylord Adams__ F. A. Gillett_____ E. L. Scott, R. M. Through----C. G. Blagen, V. P. W. E. Lamoreaux V. P. and Cash. C. O. Gingrich____ R. W. Craig_____ R. E. Dawdy_____ T. L. Davidson__ A. J. McIntyre, Ch. J. A. Tannahill 100.000 107.380 1.520,680 21,000 Principal Correspondents. 65.100 $ 300,030 N. City, N.Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; A. & L. P. N„ San F.; Met. N., Seat.; U. S. N., Port. 407.850 N. City, N. Y.;C. & C. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Com., Seat.; A. & L. P. N., San F. 60,000 785.510 681.490 20,750 261.310 Han. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; U. S. N.. Port.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. Tacoma. 8,000 32.000 1st N.,rChi. and Colville; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; Lin. Co. State. Dav. HuntersExchangeStateBank Hugh Waddell....... Henry R. Spedden. H. C. Cardie.— $no 98-256 ®»i§’19 15,000 5,000 150,000 105.000 25.000 Sp Stevens F20 First National Bank. .©•+’22 S. C. Lochrie____ Lester B. Wood... E. D. Dungan $140-8% 98-428 25,000 5.500 335.000 185.000 120.000 P Pacific N 2 15,000 4,750 168.530 94.000 71,200 7.190 28,900 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. W. L. Peters......... 25,000 10,360 372.110 246.610 67.640 18.580 74.640 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N., Seattle. Kalama.......... 1228 Kalama State Bank_..®t§’16 G. L. Buland Jr.... Edn.Schauhle....... G. N. Campbell. O. H. Windnagle... Cash, and Mgr. Edn. Schauble J. S. Cloninger 98-389 P Cowlitz 06 30,000 17,980 317.470 26,500 137.050 140.380 55,980 58.540 U. S. N. and West Coast N., Port. AKelso .2228 COWLITZ VALLEY P Cowlitz 06 $250-22% ♦ 98-445 30,000 28,290 396.660 27.310 194.040 210.540 20.710 56.970 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.: U.S.N., Port.ilst N., Seat.; W. F. Bk. and Un. Tr., San F. 100,000 31,000 990.000 8.000 381.000 461.000 87.000 200.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Port.; Seattle N., Seattle. 50,000 10,050 476.450 24,300 290.440 112.440 44.830 113.100 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N„ Port, and Seattle: Fidelity N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 50,000 29.500 826.400 23.500 384.000 412,000 45.000 124.400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 15,000 533.740 3.440 194,520 289.410 31.190 4,080 70.060 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N. and Seattle N., Seattle. N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; Ex. N.. Spok.; Un. N., Seat.; Bk of Cal. N. A., San F. 82,190 N. Bk. Com.. Marine N.. Dexter Horton N.. Seattle N., and Met. N., Seattle, 93,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Seattle N. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 21.700 Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Met. N., Seattle; Wash. N., Ellensburg. 30,000 U. S. N„ Port.: Wash. Ex., Vancouver. Sp Pend Oreille C23 $150-15% T. S. Jayne.. 98-257 Geo. Brown______ E. Thompson......... Issaquah____ 791 Issaquah State Bank.®»tST3 $no-8% 98-259 S King H9 .< .. BANK <D*4:§'21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 98-107 Kennewick ...1684 FIRST Sp Benton 018 $150 NATIONAL 98-147 ©»t'07 Wallace Hunting- W. Vandercook.__ L. M. Cleek............. E. D. Lam Ira ton A. G. Manke G. L. Buland____ L. C. Wallace____ C. C. Bashor_____ W. E. Stone.__ H. C. Dunham CL E. JOHNSON J“SEND US YO BANK ©•t’07 ] Collections, Bll I Remitted for on LSend 15c with Sig T. M. FINE- - - - - - - - E. C. TWEET_ _ _ JAY L. BLISS......... UR KENNEWICK ITEMS DIRECT. >» 1 of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items Day of Payment. ht Drafts; 50c for Cr edit Reports. Kent . . 2282 First National Bank. ®»{'01 F. T.Jenks______ H. B. Madison___ W. A. Harn $325-25% 98-108 S King 18 .. .< Kent National Bank..®»i’06 W. H. Overlock... W.H.Overlook, Jr. W. A. Bartee____ F. K. Mullen____ $300-18% 98-109 Kettle Falls ...276 Bank of Colville __ -•ii'06 J.M. Williams, Mgr. 98-205 Sp Stevens D21 Kirkland____1354 First National Bank..®*t'21 98-440 S King H8 Kirkland State Bank.®I'll 98-343 Kittitas............ 200 Kittitas State Bank...®*il'll S Kittitas R14 98-340 La Center___ 167 La Center State'll 98-334 P Clarke P7 La Conner....... 516 La Conner State Bank .•5112 S Skagit E7 io% 98-354 Lacrosse 400 First State Bank....... ©•t§’ll Sp_ Whitman K22 $i50-io%^ 98-266 Security State Bank .©•t§’14 $100-8% ♦ 98-373 Lake Stevens..415 Bank of Lake Stevens®ti’ll S Snohomish F9 98-253 Lamont _ 166 SD Whitman J22 Langley______ 274 S island F7 Latah................ 330 Sp Spokane I 24 40.000 of Colvil Ic, Wash ) Glenn M.Johnson- Q. E. Lamberth.... O. S. Penney Clark Nettleton Glenn M. Johnson. Clark Nettleton... Q. E. Lamberth 25,000 4,440 193,440 92,540 44,070 10,000 3.500 220,000 100,000 40.000 Q. W. Snodgrass__ 254)00 5 600 <19.5(1(1 5 400 10,000 4,000 F. F. Myers______ A. A. Harrison.... C. A. Button.. P. A. Pederson.__ 62 000 ------—— 140,000 120,000 16,000 N. B. Hannay____ A. I. Dunlap........... G. A. Cornwall .... Siene E. Elrte. . 25,000 22.710 247,430 148,850 101.380 3,300 41.610 N.Park,N.Y.;lst N..Seattle and Mt. Vernon. A1 Camp-------------- G. O. Camp______ Ira M. Camp____ W. C. Garden 60,000 59,820 398.92(1 404.310 35.840 28.750 J. B. Taggart_____ J. E. Moore______ David Taggart___ Marv Neiertz 30,000 7.590 80,28(1 78,330 16.310 3.380 49.840 Ex. N.,Spokane; Northw. N„ Port.; Colfax N.. Colfax. 19,850 Colfax N., Colfax; Fidelity N.. Spokane. W. P. Bell 10,000 5,000 152,290 64.340 67.500 5.310 10,000 11,200 77.710 68,380 6.350 3.200 23.190 Ex, N., Spokane. 10,000 1,250 86.840 36,000 30.710 7,940 15,000 4.600 90,000 72,120 11,500 2,500 23,440 Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Everett; Marine N-, Seattle. 20,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Ex, N., Spokane; Bk of Cal. N. A.. Port. F. L. Cooper_____ Lamont State Bank ..©•t§’08 R. W. McCall____ W. W. Shields.__ E. A. Shields......... 98-267 Langley State Bang ..©•§’13 A. S. Ryland------- E. E. Peterson....... K. F.. Nnhle $ioo 98-362 Bank of Latah________ •| 90 Wm. A. McEachern C. P. Lang............ Helen B. Peirson.. 98-268 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13,010 45.000 Bk. of Ore. City, Ore. City; U. S. N„ Port. 2,200 31.400 1st N„ Seattle; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ever ett. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1408 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ .L-TW Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *Oo«nty Seats. F.R.D.12;S.Seat.Br. Sp. Spok. P. Port. •Mem. A.B.A. nNew §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sav. Dept, President. Vice-President. Cashier. Leavenworth. 1791 Leavenworth State Bank R. B. Field______ M.W. Starks____ R. F. Tavlnr Sp Chelan H13 $200-18% #8-123 ©•triO Lind___ 724 First National Bank—®»t'08 H. B. Gritman. Sp Adams E20 $125-10% 98-172 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Loans Bond* Miscel- Oasm a BxOther Dxpos- L iabili ITS Discounts Securities LANEOU8 nos Bam Profits ties WASHINGTON—Continued J. T. Dirstine . O. H. Greene Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Henry Woldtvedt. $ Thos. J. Day 25.000 $ 31,000 S 500,000 35,000 11,130 65,000 $ 15.000 $ 81,000 N. Park, N. Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Seat.; Spok. & East. Tr„ Spok. 160,850 41,950 23,920 82,270 N. City, N. Y.: Dexter Horton N., 8eattle: Spok. & East. Tr. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok. 531,860 314,830 81,760 314,830 93,870 50,660 325,810 N. Park, N. Y,; Northw. N„ Port.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Dex. Hor. N., Seat.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San. F. 140,920 Chase N.. N. Y.; D. S. N., Port., N. Bk. Tacoma, Tacoma. $ 395.000 $ 246,950 $ 15,910 t Longview___ 6000 First National Bank.QT^t'ZS L. L. Goodrich ___ S. M. Morris_____ M. R. Couch........... W. C. Abies_____ P Cowlitz 05 98-451 E. W. Ross " *' Lumbermans Bank & Tr. Co. H. H. Rock............ George West $150 98-450 ®T«t§'23 Lyle---------------169 State Bank of LyIs...©•till F. G. Norris _ D. S. Norris, Sec... P Klickitat Qll $120 98-841 125,000 29.800 1,091,940 7,530 60,000 11,770 528,510 12,500 4,400 79,300 7,230 58,700 9,500 13,230 22,000 Northw.N.. Port. Lyman.............. 492 Lyman State Bank___©tl'12 W. M. Kirby_____ H. A. La Plant___ F. C. Fellows.. S Skagit D9 $125-8% 98-855 15,000 5,900 164,210 1,300 67,180 63,030 13,850 42,840 Dexter Horton N„ Seattle.; C. E. Bingham & Co. State, Sedro Woolley. Lynden_____ 1242 First National Bank..©»t'05 P. M. Serrurier... T. A. Serrurier— W. B. Vander Emma Bennett__ S Whatcom B7 $300-20% 18-270 B. C. Crabtree Griend •• •• Peoples State Bank—®il*21 P. J. Van Hemert. J. W. Stearns........ J. Van Dalfsen... $126.66 98-442 50,000 33,000 667,310 49.500 473,920 228,990 10,050 86,840 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. 40,000 16,590 250,810 181,870 79,360 5,290 40,880 Han. N..N.Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. Mabton____...547 Commnnlty State Bank S. F. Ganders___ Nathan Sohn__ __ Sp Yakima N15 $110 98-414 ®»t§'19 25,000 5,000 244,320 168,600 22,610 6,940 76,160 Union N„ Seattle; Northw. N.. Port Malden 1005 Fanners * Merch. State Bk. Ole Melhus______ Charles Peterson. R. E. Gnllick____ Sp Whitman J23 8% 98-154 ®|’08 20,000 8,000 60 000 50,000 3,200 Marcos.. 551 Guaranty State Bank ®*tS’10 Hugh Waddell........ E. K. Moore_____ E. S. Moore______ Sp Stevens C21 20% 98-284 10,000 8,400 lUeJf 900 57,620 18,710 Marlin.... ..........273 Farmers Bank of Krupp»tl’06 John Erickson__ Daniel T. Cross... A. M. Amende ___ Sp Grant 119 98-264 10.000 6,000 78,980 60,000 6,920 16,950 Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. Marysville.__1244 Marysville State Bank L. C. Smith...__ _ C. E. Mnnn............. E. E. Colvin_____ S Snohomish F8 98-273 ©•J»’91 25,000 7,500 404,790 6,920 112,500 239,000 87,990 Bk. of America (Atlantic Office), N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; 1st N.t Everett. 25,000 6,460 242,900 790 162,450 60.750 3,' 550 48,390 Capital N.. Olympia; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Mellon N.. Pitt. 25,000 14,990 25,000 lUltivu 116,370 14,510 21,900 Chase N„ N. Y.; OldN. Bk.&Un.Tr.Co., Spokane. Metallne Falls 153 Metaline Falls State & S&v.Bk. J. R. Neelands__ R. A. Bailey........... A, W. Dressel. Sp Pend OreilleB23 98-275 ©ail'll 10,000 1,000 01,880 55,620 28,570 6,620 12,780 N. City, N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; lone State. lone. Millwood .50 Spokane Valley State Bank W. A. Brazeau.__ S. J. Lavender ___ R. K. Wheeler___ E. K. Carstens....... Sp Spokane H23 $120-12% 98-433 ©•tS’20 20,000 3,420 159.500 8,910 103,810 48,110 11,370 28,520 Ex. N. and Old N. Bk. & Un.Tr.Co.. Spokane. Monroe_____ 1675 First National Bank ®*f04 E. M. Stephens.— Aug. Holmquist— R. W. Jellison.... J. A. Kindle......... S Snohomish G9 8% 98-120 25,000 16,670 498,080 7,000 1,015,000 369,280 3,220 25,000 12,360 832 400 163,210 93,660 15,350 97,540 Seattle N., Seattle. 50,000 13,150 521,400 44,750 195,710 317,400 52,100 64,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 101,780 1,139,710 24,100 609.990 412,880 21,080 4,000 75,000 65,000 McCleary____1320 Bank of McCleary...®»t§'21 Henry McCleary.. Wm. McCleary ___ C. W. Bridgham—. G. R. Gilchrist___ 98-444 S Grays Harbor 14 $200 Ole Lindstrom Medical Lake.2545 First National Bank...®*t'04 B. W. Hughes......... Lester Lefevre— SP Spokane H22 98-274 "____ “ Monroe National Bank C. F. Elwell_____ Arthur Bailey....... Whit H. Clark ... O. G. Dorcas......... 98-121 ®»t’09 *Montesano_. 2158 Montenano National Bank D. T. Coleman .... W. E. Johnson.__ Roger Hughes ___ S Grays Harbor 98-00 ®»t’01 F. A. Tarr « 8,910 39,140 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane; 1st N». St. P. and Colville. 72,740 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle Everett. and «.K3 Montesano State Bank A. D. Devonshire.. 30% 99-89 ®«t|’97 Morton__ S Lewis M8 100 31,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Ex. N„ Spokane. 522 State Bank of Morton®«t|’ll L. F. Phelps. .. 98-388 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.Moorcroft R.. Tl. KemD _ H. G. Bernard 50,000 C. A. Little___ 12,000 4.000 180,000 271,640 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Seattle; 1st N.. Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma, 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Seattle: N. Bk. of Tacoma. Tacoma; Coffman-Dobson Bk. 8c Tr. Co., Chehalis. 1 40Q Number under Narne'of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusivelylby The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. © Town and Countt. O •County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. F.R.D.12;S.Seat.Br. ♦M. Fed. Res. SP. Spok. P. Port. •Mount Vernon S Skagit E7 3341 T-Trus FIRST NATIONAL BANK 99-96 ©T»f8 Mt. Vernon National Bank 98-97 ©»t’0 *140-10% SKAGIT NATIONAL BANK 20% 98-347 ®Tt»t'l Moxee City.__ 297 „ Sp Yakima M14 98-378 Naches_______ 395 ite Bank Sp Yakima L13 *149-10% 98-277 Napa vine_____ 340 Napavin State Ba $116-8% S Lewis M6 98-368 •Newport_____950 Farmers Sp Pend Oreille *100 E24 PsniDBrr. Vice-President. rN.B.HANNAY....... w ) 1 Plai H. S. Ruley. R. G. HANNAF0BD— h. of Bd. “MOUNT VEBNO PERSONAL n sight drafts 15c. J. O. Rudene......... 0A8HIDL Amt Cashed. G. B. GRACE.......... Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bond* Miscel QjJOi k Mxther Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili and and and 0HAjieae,Dvi Capital Profits its Diacounta Securities laneous fiM Buna ties Principal Correspondents. $ 100,000 $ 33,540 $1439 690 $ 51,020 $ 572,960 $ 723,550 $ 43,050 $ 284,690 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. N” ITEMS DIRE CT FOR PROMP T, ATTENTION. Credit repor ts 50c. R. L. Davis. Grover Larson .... 50.000 26.000 750.000 550.000 150.000 40,000 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Seattle N.. Seattle. E. Branchflower__ F. C. Pickering___ Frank H. Jenne... J. C. MacGinnitie. 50.000 26.000 593,000 271.000 247.000 35.000 L. H. Desmarais. 10.000 4.100 142.740 64,310 32.420 7,100 116.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N. and N. City, Seattle. 52,790 Fidelity N., Spokane: Dexter Horton N., Seattle: Yakima Valley, Yakima. 25.650 Seab. N., N. Y.; Seattle N.. Seattle. G. E. McGrath .... J. E. McGrath....... T. E. Forsyth_____ S. G. Allan............ J. R. Reynolds.... E. G. Littel . 25.00C 6,500 143,500 110.00C 34.350 J. R. Morton.____ N. C. Christenson. Guy M.Morton. Sec. 10.000 6.900 40,140 5.610 31.840 10,090 11,490 9,230 D. S. N., Port.; Coffman-Dobson Bk. & Tr., Chehalis. tate Bai 98-421 M. Fox. Sr........... C. M.Johanson.__ C. S. Peterson___ 25,000 4.850 131,700 730 80.950 52,010 uiddu 19.990 N.Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ex. N.,Spok.: Dexter Horton N., Seat.; 1st N.. St. Paul. tate Ban 98-156 G. W. Sutherland.. E. W. Anderson... A. M. Tourtellotte. E. E. Jones.... ........ G. W. Vickerman 25,000 33.440 681,760 760 347.070 213,630 19,800 D. W. Main............ A. E. Johnson....... C. L. Stone.... ........ L. T. Stone______ 15,000 1.500 100,000 70,000 17.000 160,460 Chase N.. N. Y.; Fidelity N.. Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. and Spok. & E. Tr. Co.. Spok, 23,000 Seat. N., Seat.: Northw. N., Bellingham. W. C. Weeks......... A. W. Pratt........... C. Beadon Hall.... C. J. Rud................ 10.000 10,000 200.000 110.000 55,000 Wm. A. Munroe... D. W. Williams.__ F. B. Robinson___ Garland M. Davis.. 10.000 6,100 95.560 58,780 20.050 6.040 26.940 Ex. N., Spokane; Bk. of Colville. Colville. E. H. Hanford___ A. Coolidge_____ H. W. Hanford___ P. C. Kerr... 25,000 35.880 420.040 349.250 76.750 7.070 47.850 Chase N.. N.Y.: C. & C.N., Chi.; Spok. & East.Tr.. Spok.; Bk.of Cal.N. A.. Port. 15,000 14.830 187.840 960 89,780 93.860 1.550 33.440 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Everett. 10.000 5,000 150.000 3,000 56,000 72.000 11.000 W. F. Bowman Nooksack____ 283 S Whatcom B8 North Bend... 387 State Bank* of Northbend *175-20% 98-278 @«ts „ S King 110 Northport....... 906 Miners & Smelters Bank So Stevens B22 *125 98-387 ®»tS Oakesdale___ 816 Commercial State Bk__t| Sp•• Whitman J23 98-169 _______ n National Bank of Oakesdale.. (Closed December 1 6. 1926) Oak Harbor.__337 Oak Harbor State Bank*$f’lo Robert Moody. L. L. Crosby_____ J. M. Pratt 19% S Island E6 Oakville.__...396 Oakville State Bank„®<|’00 C. N. Mills............ A. W. Jensen S Grays Harbor K6 *220-10% 98-281 Odessa............ 1050 Farmers & Merchants Bank SB Lincoln 119 ♦ 98-386 ©<§'15 First National Bk. in Odessa *300-15% 98-282 ®»t’ll •Okanogan...1015 Commercial Bank....®«t|’90 Sp^Okanogan E17 *100-10% ♦ 98-192 First National Bank_©T«t'09 *150-6% 98-191 Barney Riksen___ 160 L. G. Nnelsen. _. F. J. Guth__ 25,000 20,000 370,000 335.000 25.000 G. W. Finney 40,000 10.000 550.000 430,000 70,000 P. T). Smith. Harry J. Kerr. Hy. W. Rieke____ H. H. Rieke. E. H. Roeders H. C. Phillips , A.M.Michaelsen Jake Hopp, Jr____ W. L. Smith Wm. Baines........... J. E. Bassett____ W. B. Williams.... E. C. Copple H. Gordon Kerr__ W. R. Drewry .... J. R. Everett rc. J. LORD------- 8.YW....... W. •Olympia....... 7795 S Thurston K5 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this W A SHINGTON—Continued H. BRACKETT- 12% 98-60 55.000 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane; Dexter Horton N.. Seattle. 100.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Seattle N. and 1st N., Seattle; Old N.Bk. &Un.Tr.Co..Spokane. 29,810 Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: Seat. N.. Seattle. 85,510 Han.N.,N.Y.;01dN.Bk.&Un.Tr.Co..Spok.; N. Bk. Com., Seat.; Col.Val., Wenatchee. 50.000 12,650 268,210 28,660 234,170 61,080 34.460 14,530 510,740 49,190 320,820 134,530 83,590 154.860 3,431,170 64,700 1,474.730 440,600 60.000 1.750.000 950.000 500,000 85,000 390.000 N. City, N.Y.; Foreman N., Chi.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Crocker 1st N., San F. 177,740 95,720 8,000 77.890 Chase N.. N. Y.: Met. N.. Seattle; Northw. N., Port. 210.410 55,410 6.500 70,000 30,000 10,000 105.110 Chase N., N. Y.; Dex. Hor. N.. Seat.; Spok. & East. Tr. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. 18,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Broth. Co-op. N.. Spokane, 40,000 Chase N., N, Y.; Ex. N.. Spokane. 51,460 7,150 100.000 (.FIFTY CENTS f or each credit rep ort insures prom pt, personal ante ntlon. f 0. M. GREEN------- P. M. TROY_ _ _ _ _ E. M. McCROSKEY. 0. T. OLSEN--------125.000 V. P. and Cash. 0. n. Junto W. ft. UnAnAM 249,890 1,585,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., San F.; N.Bk. Com., Seattle: U. S. N., Port. \ SEND US YOUR “OLYMPIA” IT EMS DIRECT F OR PROMPT PERSONAL A TTENTION. ©T<1900 (.Plain Sight Dra fts 15 cents; Cre dlt Reports 50 ce nts. ★Security Bank & Trust Co. Millard Lemon___ *110 . 98-61 ®T»ti’20 Olympia Clearing House___ J. F. Liby............... (Members indicated by a ★) Omak................525 Citizens State Bank.®«t§'19 Soren Petersen... Sp Okanogan E17 $130-10% 98-410 J. Frank Liby....... J. Frank Liby....... Chas. H. Kroger... 50,000 8,380 285,970 Arthur Lund ......... E. W. Champion .. C. A. Ringheim.... W. S. Shumway 25.000 9.270 343.170 Omak State Bank ©<|’07 E. J. Severson___ Paul Stalil_______ E. W. Ostenberg.. 98-283 Opportunity ..415 Opportunity State Bank A. M. Sommer___ Sidney E. Smith.. C. A. Schureman, Lawrence E. Cooke 98-404 (sXI’lO Sp SpokaneG24 *140 Jr. Oroville____ 1013,___ Bank of Oroville.__©<§’05 Eugene Hockett... A. W. Johnston.... D. E. Leake_____ Sp Okanogan B17 1*100 98-198 15,000 3,200 100,000 25,000 5,500 220,000 15,000 3.590 117.770 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Ta coma; 1st N„ Seattle. 50,000 H. C. LUCAS ♦CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK ) Oldest, Largest and Best Eaulppe d Bank in Thant on County, 16% 98-49 ©<’90 1 FIFTEEN CENT S sent to ns with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd ‘The OLYMPIA NATIONAL BANK 40,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. 15.000 W. H. Brackett__ R. I. Gage, Sec. and Mgr. 10,000 195,000 10,000 64,940 22,820 Han. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N„ 8eattle. Number underlName of Bank is the New 'Transit Number given 1410 *°. eat'h hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and county. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. *County Seats. tMem. 8tate B. Ass’n. [Estab. F.R.D. 12: S. Seattle ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. 5p» Spok. P. Port. $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sar. Dept. Town President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Oaix ft ExOther Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus D«o»and ohamm.Dc* and AND Liabili Discounts Capital PBOFira m Securities laneous non Baku ties Orting.......... ...972 Orting State Bank...©»tl’03 W. J. Thompson .. M. E. Callendar___ C. W. Van Scoyoc— W. F. Thompson .. % 10,000 % S Pierce K8 98-285 3.640 $ 169.030 $ Outlook. 289 Outlook State Bank—®»trOBlTkos. J. Roady__ 98-287 Sp Yakima N15 $120 900 I 31.430 $ 106.060 $ 4.070 $ Principal Correspondents. 42,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Ta coma; Dexter Horton N.. Seattle. 33.960 26,460 21.500 11.510 Seab. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 180.000 135.000 30.000 18,000 30,000 Ex.N., Spokane. 22.080 629.920 449.440 77,670 17,470 157.420 Chase N.. N. Y.: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spok.; 1st N., Port. 35.000 4.500 380.000 200.000 108,000 13.500 98,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co., Spok.; N. City, Seattle; Northw. N„ Port. Pateros............412 Methow Valley Bank ®»tl’12 E. F. Johnson___ Chas. Grant_____ O. A. Johnson___ Robert Dunbar ... 98-850 Sp Okanogan F15 $uo-8% 20,000 6.000 110.000 85,000 35,000 Pe Eli................ 861 Pe Ell State Bank__ ®»tj’14 $125-12% 98-288 S Lewis M4 15,000 4.890 192.320 118.990 51,280 Florence Collins... 25,000 3.800 111.540 101.740 ‘Pomeroy___1804 Farmers National Bank R. D. Williams___ F. W. Hungate.... Roy Robinson____ C. E. Obenland__ 98-415 ©»t’19 Sp Garfield M23 $127.50 .. Knettle State Bank —•ti'OZ L. N. Knettle. Geo. Burlingame — io% 98-116 .4 <4 Pomeroy State Bank__atS'Ol R. L. Rush J. H. Brockman... ♦ 98-115 50,000 13.770 288.030 50,000 14,340 ‘Port Angeles___ First National Bank in Port S Clallam F7 5351 Angeles---------------®T»t'02 io% 98-101 4. Washington State Bank $145 98-422 ®«t§’20 • ‘Port Orchard 1393 Kitsap County Bank...*tl'08 98-290 S Kitsap 16 May Schroeder__ 10,000 4,800 74.730 Palouse...........1179 Farmers State Bank ..•t§’09 A. L. Maxwell........ C. M. Mecklem—. A. P. Murray____ Sp Whitman K25 98-125 «• Security National Bank J. K. McCornack.. R. L. Smith_____ M. D. McPherson. Allan Lamphere... 98-124 ®*t’89 25,000 8.000 50,000 ‘Pasco............3362 Bans of Commerce —©•!§’26 S. L. Stewart____ Sp Franklin N18 $120 98-453 L. L. Stringham... Paul Siefner____ W. E. Barringer... M. R. Barringer... Pine City______84 Pine City State Bank ®»tS’24 A. J. 8tone 98-289 Sp Whitman J23 $127.50 ♦ ___ W. O. Palmer------- Henry Smith A. H. Gnstin 3.900 4.000 20,000 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Columbia Valley, Wenatchee. 4,500 37.430 Seattle N., Seattle; Northw. N.. Port.; Secur. State, Chehalis. 12,090 26.520 N. City, N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Whitman Co. N., Rosalia. 232.910 69,380 20,600 48,910 Han. N„ N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co-, Spokane; U. S. N., Port. 565.590 227.310 247.500 1.210 50,000 174.000 1.200.000 906,000 280.000 16,000 Alston Fairservice B. N. Phillips____ R. S. Jensen_____ Marion Morison... D. Mclnnes E. F. Gierin, H. M. Fisher, V. P. H. S. Saari Ch. of Bd. J. C. Delabarre 75.000 32.380 1.531,660 18.180 700.700 652.240 42,690 153,900 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: D. S. N., Port.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane; 1st N., Seattle. 227,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Port., A. & L. P. N., San F.; Dex. Hor. N., Seat. 261,600 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Seattle N. and N. City. Seattle. W. J. Taylor____ S. J. Lutz................ R. W. Schumacher J. C. Hansen, V. P. D. H. Lutz G. W. Ralston P. E. Graves 75,000 20.220 1.463.470 34.360 760.770 410,520 35,760 385.990 N. City, N. Y.; Seat. N., Seat.; Anglo-Calif. Tr. Co., San F. Thomas Ross......... T. C. Baldwin___ 20,000 12,220 380,700 2.490 154.490 162,820 8,300 89,790 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N, Y.; Dexter Horton N. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle. ‘Port Townsend.. First National Bank...©»J'8S Jas.G. McCurdy... F. J. Bailey_____ C. J. Flint___ ___ A. F. Anderson.— 98-65 S Jeff’son F6 2847 $180-16% Geo. Welch, Active 75,000 47,610 1,568.920 74.700 588,270 967,760 28.060 182,150 Han. N., N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; A. &. L. P. N.. San F. Poulsbo.......... 546 First National Bank ..®‘t’09 F. E. Langer____ H. Slippern______ $185-20% 98-291 S Kitsap H7 G. I. Johnson 25,000 13.810 410.880 148.990 225,050 3.000 72,650 Seab. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N.,Seattle. W. G. Jackson___ 50,000 300 130,000 129,300 1,070 30,430 19,500 Chase N..N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un.Tr.Co., Spokane; 1st N., Walla Walla and Port. G. O. Bastien____ 40,000 21,790 499.380 299.080 139.100 31,200 91,790 Chase N.. N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N., Seattle. 75,000 76.000 1.068.000 745.600 220.500 37,500 32.750 635,990 142.670 Prescott_____ 559 First State Bank 98-292 SD Walla Walla N21 $ioo — ®»t§’04 J. D. Ankeny____ L. R. Hoagland__ M. B. Hill. ‘Prosser.......... 1697 Prosser State Bank..©«tl'02 Harry Oesterle___ E. W. R. Taylor... 98-188 Sp Benton Olb Pullman____ 2440 SD Whitman L24 FIRST NATIONAL BANK @T.{.87 98-87 •* «. J. R. Walsh | F. C. FORREST....... | “SEND US YO COLLECTIONS (ITEMS REMIT 0. L. WALLER............ . UK PULLMAN I , BILL OF LADI TED FOR ON D J. 0. PATTERSON H. B. THOMPSON—- ETHEL C. ODERLIN — ♦ 98-88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 218.100 N._ Park, N. Y.: Ex. N. and Fidelity N.t Sookd>D6, Dexter Dor ton Se&ttle. U. S. N., Port. TEMS DIRECT.” NG DRAFTS. CA SH, AND TIME AY OF PAYMEN T. fGEO. H. WATT-.- H. KIMBROUGH-- GEO. H. GANNON- G. G. OLDFIELD A. H. DAYTON ®»tS’92 4 First and Oldea t Eatabllahed Ba nk. 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafta. PULLMAN STATE BANK $150 20.000 KPleaae send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentatio n. 952.560 31,920 212,230 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. N. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. Spokane. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 a i i to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -*■ “J-i Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. F.R.D. 12 S- Seattle Sp Spok. P Portl. S •Mem.A.B.A.'H-New §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ? Last Sale % Dir. ©Sav. Dept. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Ouincv Sp Orant ?rf; Quincy Valley State Bank R. C. Wightman... H. D. Vail............. D. T. Martin___ 98-293 ®»tri3 J16 $250-20% Raymond S Pacific L4 98-426 Reardan Farmers State Bank—®»tl’08 John Malirt __ 98-196 Sp Lincoln G21 $140 ♦ - ft ¥ 4260 First National Bank—®»t’20 Frank Nixon____ L. V. Raymond — Fred Eichner____ C.L. Switzer_____ Willapa Harbor State Bank H. W. MacPhall io% 98-92 ©»t§’08 .. H9 .. 3301 King 18 r w G1LHAM FIRST NATIONAL J( SEND US YOU BANK ©«t’09 ) For Prompt Pe (.Fee in Advance 630.000 % 10,000 4,070 148,260 100,000 38,390 961,170 7.500 67.250 272.420 300.540 30,000 94.330 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi,: N. Bk. of Tac.. Tacoma; Dex. Hor. N., Seattle.; 1st N., Kan. C. 101.770 30.260 2.500 27.800 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Seattle: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. 418,460 571.120 22,390 154.830 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Seattle; Northw. N„ Portland; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. 603,980 267,650 18,070 290,690 N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. Seattle: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. E. G. Ahrens____ K. M. Jernigan .... 50,000 22,230 314.740 309.830 14,090 4,100 58.960 Chase N„ N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N„ Seattle. C. 8. Zeimantz___ D. A. Roper_____ 50,000 27.480 336.450 281.540 60,300 25,000 16,830 413,590 242.460 137,740 5.200 E. Dueber___ 98-339 98-85 9,800 92.660 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Blc. of Cal. N. A.,Ta coma; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 29,120 1,101,270 438 First National Bank. .®«i'll F. M. Roberts___ S 50,000 23,000 I 50,000 H. G. Burns_____ Reardan National Bank 98-196 ®»t'99 King $ 437,630 { 255.660 $ 19.370 $ 739.580 Principal Correspondents. R. H. Burnside .... E. E. Colkett____ C. E. Meredith .... Mildred Sandell $150 S Loads Bonds Casa ft lxther Miscel csLuteas^n Paid-up DEPOS LOiabili snd And Discounts AND ITS Capital Profits Securities laneous ties W. A. Miller ......... P. M. Snider $ 50,000 $ E. P. Truedson, .Sec. Chas. Hood Puyallup State Bank ©•tl’06 F. Alspaugh........... C.W. Schuk........... R. C. Gregory___ io% ♦ 98-68 .. Resources. Liabilities. President. fi323 CITIZENS STATE BANK . ♦ 98-67 ©»il'88 Pierce J8 •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued 70.010 Seattle N., Seattle. 18.640 1.115.550 24.670 539.330 428.180 56.880 184,470 N. City, N.Y.; Dexter Horton N. and Seat. N.. Seattle. 25,000 15,000 229.240 13,640 74.640 97.030 14.840 96.370 Han. N.,N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. CoSpokane; Seattle N- Seattle: 1st N„ Minpls. 50,000 HAROLD EVANS-— J. W. HARRIES____ J T WILKINS ____ R RENTON ITE MS DIRECT rsonal Attention. : Plain Sight Dra fts, ISc; Credit R eports, SOc. TR Y US. 781 Ferry County State Bk.»tl’05 P. H. Walsh_____ W. J. Hall ........... ‘Republic 98-160 Sp Ferry D19 $160 John Stanley 72.090 Han. N., N. Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. CoSpokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. Richland. 273 Security State Bank —.•tS’14 A. C. Amon______ F. A. Friermood... SD Benton N18 98-295 Wanda Pearce___ 20,000 5,000 100,260 76,950 13,800 11.070 23.440 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co- Spokane; Seattle N- Seattle. Ridgefield ....fi20 Ridgefield State Bank H. C. Cornell____ H. J. Potter........... H. C. Corn oil 98-296 ®»t*’10 P Clarke P7 Ward Rasmussen.. 25,000 7.040 239.930 137,000 58.450 363,860 40,150 Vancouver N. and Wash. Ex..Vancouver: Seattle N„ Seattle; Northw. N- Port. ‘Ritzvllle ... -1900 First National Bank._®»8'91 O. H. Greene____ D. J. Behringer... I. W. Thomsen .... Sp Adams J20 $175-8% 98-110 H. Rosenoff H. E. Scholer .. Ritzville State Bank _®»t§’21 W. H. Martin_____ W. H. KreaEer ___ V. A. Chargois___ Carrie B. Schragg. $150-10% ♦ 88-446 100,000 44,080 627,500 428,630 129,250 92,420 25.000 14,550 847.850 189.450 136,500 500 121,270 Dexter Horton N- Seattle; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co- Spokane; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; U. S. N„ Port. 101,940 Han. N„ N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co- Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. Walter Ferguson.. V. W. Carmack.__ 25,000 4.670 1996690 142,290 32.540 20.520 25.010 Am- Spokane. ____ Walter S. Hurd... Helen L. Smith ... 25,000 4,250 136,000 2.450 95,250 18,820 15,230 38,400 N. Bk. Com- N. Y.; Ex. N- Spokane. F. M. Campbell ... W. B. FuUenwider. O. N. Suksdorf 25,000 13,370 289.760 10.650 237.500 52,140 12,740 36.390 Ex. N- Spokane; U. S. N- Port. Florence H. Collins 50,000 22.150 541.870 59.070 457,680 81,470 35,660 98.290 N.Oity.N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N- Chi.; Seattle N- Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co- Spokane; U. S. N- Port. Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 51.990 96.570 2,230 40.810 N. Bk. Rep- Chi.; 1st N- Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. Rockford _ —435 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. J. Stoner_____ ♦ 98-186 ®»t»’Q6 Sp Spokane 124 16% <• Rockford State Bank ®»J§T9 I. N. Graham____ G. B. Hurd $ioo 98-423 Rosalia .. 714 Bank of Rosalia....... ®»il'91 A. J. Calhoun— _ Sp Whitman J23 $135-12% ♦ 98-177 F. M. Campbell .. .. WHITMAN CO. NAT. BANK F. J. Wilmer_____ W. E. Dwyer____ 98-178 ®*t’04 Roslyn -.2673 Cle Slum State Bank —•t8’07 S Kittitas J12 98-298 A. J. Stone Joseph Smith____ Roy ____ __ 287 Roy State Bank____ ®»8I’08 W. T. Perkins___ E. S. Emigh.......... IT. W. Hawk _____ $200-25% 98-299 S Pierce K7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Branch of Cle E turn, Wa 10,000 6.090 179,100 1419 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -*■ •Directory, under the authority •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Bala % Dlv. ® Sat. Dept. nf T'flO A niorioon Ito nl/nvc SEATTLE—Reserve City A coin President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. WILDE----.. W CLARK--. W. L. CLARK_ _ _ _ AMERICAN ®T* GLEAS0R. PIERRE P. FERRY G.L.FEHNEL, K. Banking business transacted. Send US your Seattle EXCHANGE BANK AWeCommercial give personal service and quick returns at low rates. TRY OUR FACILITIES. tS’Ol (King Co., H 8) County Seat—Population 315,685 Liabilities. M. C. J. P. JL I Ch. of Bd. 1_, Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Loans and Discounts Resources. MISCEL Cash 8 ExBOND8 LANEOUS cha.hqis,Du* AND SlCDHITIES Resources nu)M Bamxs M-BI— o A. Sec. BRIN $ 600.000 $ 62.270 $ 2.085.580 $ 940.740 $ 501.400 $ 889.340 $ 416.360 Bk. or Italy, Sau F. business. (Formerly Tr.Co.) (Madison at 2d Are.) Bank for Savings in Seattle Daniel Kelleher__ R. Auzias de Tur- W. H. Growther. 19-5# (Pine and Fourth) ©t}’07 enne 400.000 42.160 1.012,560 176,420 763,880 363.890 ♦THE BANK G. L. WAKEMAN, Joint Mgr. OF H. V. ALWARD, Joint Mgr. L. F. MACKLEM, «-n CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASS’N J. C. GLASS,A. Mgr. R. B. SNOWDON, W.A.HEATH.A. Afpr. L. V. HITCHMAN, A. Mgr. A. Mgr. 150,530 im. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and Brooklyn Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. t 8.500.000 9.186.360 (Branch of San F rcmci&co, Cal.) . P. Morgan & Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Phtl.-Girard N., Phil. A. Mgr. Our Pacific Coast connections enable us to offer PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY BANKING SERVICE $226-io% (815 Second) ®T*t’64 Brotherhood Bk. & Trust Co. Henry E. Cass____ W. R. Croyle____ R. E. Glover_____ G. R. Grieve $130 19-86 ©T*t§’25 H. A. Merrick, V.P. R. E. Glover (921 2d Ave.) A. C. Steven, Mgr,. ♦THE CANADIAN BANK OF _ COM MERCE —. 19-13—® • *67 250,000 41,410 905.020 20,000,000 20,000,000 (.Branch (2d and Cherry) Canal Bank-------------- ®*tl’23 J. P. Wall.............. E. C.Stone............. R. A. Plummer___ 50,000 $160-8% 19-82(5300 Ballard Ave.) Continental Mutual Sav. Bank T. J. Donohoe....... E. H. Brett______ 5% 19-80 ®*t§’22 P. B. Scholtes T. R.Bresnahan, A. rSec7~ (Fourth Ave. and Stewart St.) 585,400 392.880 29,060 189,080 impire Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Brotherhood N.,San F.; Bro. of L. E. Co.op.N..Clev. of Toron to. Ont,). anadian Bk. of Com., N. Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Oo„ Chi.; Calif.. Citiz.N.. and Far. & Merch. N„ Los. At 13% DEXTER HORTON NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. W. H.PARSONS C. H. HOWELL...... W.W. SCRUBY.... c T Cl ASS J. A. SWALWELL, A- B. STEWART 6. E.MAINE, B. C. YANCEY Ch. of Bd. M. E. REED Mgr. Bond Dept. B. W. PETTIT J. D. H0GE, C. H. DODD C. R.H0RCH. C. M. LATIMER V. Ch. of Bd. R. S. STACY Asst. Mgr. J. F. LAWSON F. E. BURNS C. L. LES0URD, C. H. GORDON, V. P. and Trust Off. V. R. GRAVES, F. W. SIMPKINS Auditor »n MflQK Mgr. For. Dept. a a no Alice' °*' H‘ S’ DEANE' A. N. BRAVES, A. See, Assoc. Mgr. For. Dept. 2.200.000 32,540 8,110 354.130 313.900 $ 1,509.930 36.531.300 218,750 129.140 16,110 72.670 r.^Bk.^Com., N. Y.; Met. N., Seattle; Am. Tr. Co., 227,660 60.910 15.540 23,550 Suitable Tr.Co., N. Y.; N. City and Marine Cent., Seattle. 2,474,330 20.934.390 10.347,500 1.442,640 9,991.030 N. Bk. Com., N.City, Seab. N., and N. Y. Tr. Co.. 5.640 ESTABLISHED 1870. OLDEST BANK IN WESTERN WASHINGTON. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’IN., Un. Tr. Co., and 1st N.. Chi.; Am. Tr. Co.. Anglo & Lon. Paris N., and Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F.; Calif., Los. A. YOUR PACIFIC-NORTHWEST, ALASKA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA BANKING BUSINESS INVITED. *Seaboard Branch (19-71)*, C. H. Howell, Mgr., L. R. McCash. A. Mgr. 19-4 ®T*t’70 Ballard Branch (98-207)*, C. W. Casler, Mgr. L. G. Stanton. A. Mgr. (2d. and Cherry) Dexter Horton State Bank W. H. Parsons----- M. G. Schmidt M. G. Schmidt B. N.Schnoor___ 22,280 60,000 734,220 319,870 282.900 19-83 ©T*t§’05 J. A. Swalwell. Ch. ♦Federal Reserve Bank of 8an (Seattle Branch, Fed eral Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Cal.) sre 31 for (See pa complete informat Francisco_____ 19-1______• 12% FIRST NATIONAL BANK 19-2 M. A. ARNOLD -........D. H. MOSS ----— A. R. TRUAX, E. B. KLUCKHOHN — P- .V tWU* r■ ani C«*». HUGH ROWLEY m . h A icke " »■“ ie««» ®T*t’82 $330-20% (2nd Ave. and Columbia St.) Green Lake State Bank®»tS'07 io% 19-61 (7118 Woodlawn) Greenwood Nat. Bk___®»t’25 $125 19-84(8500 Greenwood Ave.) Japanese Oom’l Bk. ®*JS’07 19-60 (222 Second Ave. So.) Marine Central Bank....@§’26 $125 19-87 (Times Square) (Seattle Banks continued on Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 500.000 950.190 15.317.080 343.100 8.339.110 4.365.890 821.270 213,730 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co., San F.; Dexter Hor ton N., Seattle. 3.584.100 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; 1st N., Bos. and St. L. Prompt Personal Service Given All Matters. Louis K. Lear------ W. L. Warren........ Louis K. Lear____ J. B. Hamlin____ G-W.Lear .Ch.ofBd. H. W. McDonald- H. A. Dent____... L. A. Holt_______ W. G. Potter____ M. Furuya_______ W. L. Gazzam____ S. Kawai________ S. Fukuhara_____ D. Matsumi S. Murakami Andrew Price........ G. L. Wilton------- G. L. Wilton_____ M. L. Cleaveland J. E. Price, A. W. Faragher Ch. of Bd. next page) 25,000 10,760 543,040 25,000 1,430 309.930 100,000 200,000 — 60,820 378.090 21,000 133.060 189,880 6,600 110,790 1.734.530 1,100,980 424,140 18,210 46,500 1,032.700 606,090 307.910 56,290 118.890 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and University N. Seattle. 56.820 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Seattle N., Seattle. 401,990 N.City, N.Y.; Yokohama Specie, Ltd., San F.: Seattle N., Seattle; Mitsui Bk., Ltd., Yokohama, Japan. 308,900 Seab. N., N. Y.; Anglo Cal. Tr. Co., San F.; Marine N., Seattle. 1413 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ •Mem. A.B. A. nNew§StatefPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Diy. ©Sav.Dept. 'MARINE NATIONAL BANK 19-77 ©T<’19 (1000 Second St.) $205-14% Vice-President. ANDREW PRICE...... IRA W REPIE JOHN E. PRICE. BRUCE C. SHORTS Ch. of Bd. Marine State Bank__ ®»J§’13 Blake D. Mills........ *300-12% 19-21 ©X.J’Ofl Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. C.E.McOOWELL ... C. 0. OUSDAHL R. W. SPRAGUE, E.L. TROTTER „ Tr. Off. H. A. HENDRICKS Other Paid-op Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties S 300.000 $ 144.090 $ 5.201.140 $ Miscel laneous AND Discounts Securities Resources Loans bonds AND 43.270 $ 2.818.850 1 1.570.880 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dui prom Banks 82.150 $ 1.216.620 LET US HANDLE YOUR SEATTLE BUSINESS $130-7% 19-68 (4345-47 Univ.Way) J. E. Price, Ch. 'METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SEATTLE—Continued—Reserve City J. T. McVay........... G. C. Morrill W. J. Colkett, Jr... Elmer N. Doll 100,000 F. W. Martin------- G. A. Garrett____ 22.140 803.560 7.250 500,000 432.100 9.450.130 217.560 1.000,000 1.083.690 22.639,410 500.000 5,181,000 379.360 335,560 11.230 206,800 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Marine N., Seattle. 4.919.870 2.588.660 208.510 2.882.750 Bk. of the Manhattan Co. and N. City, N. Y. 1.150,290 11.496.290 5.005.490 1.029.830 8,341.780 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Am. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. and St. P. Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi, Am. Tr. Co.. San F.; 1st N., Minpls. and Kan. C.; Midland, Ltd., Lon. Ch. of Bd. (4th Ave. and Union) ‘NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE M. F. BACKUS____ A. R MORTON_ _ _ _ C. W. CLARKE_ _ _ L. KELLOGG R. S. WALKER, V. P. E. W. BROWNELL T.F. McCREARY A. V. GODSAVE, A. 7. P. J. L. PLATT DIETRICH SCHMITZ W. ERICH LUCAS, A. V. P. R.W. SMITH C. L. PHILLIPS OVER 36 YEARS OF COMMERCIAL BANKING BUSINESS. SEND US YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. 19-8 ®W89 (Second and Spring) $350-20% ♦National City Bank—®T»t’ll J. W. Maxwell....... $175-12% 19-20 (822 2d Ave.) Oriental American Bank M. Furuya............... (600 Main) 19-56 ®.*|’05 Peoples Savings Bank„®»t§’8i Albert Brygger.__ 19-10 (Second Ave. and Pike) H. Witherspoon... J. A. Vanderpoel-. Sewell Enochson.. 0. Maxwell E. J. Satterberg W. L. Gazzam___ H. Hasegawa____ T. ffniinka W.M.Williams.Sec. C. E.Gaches_____ A. S. Goodfeliow... L. A. Goodfeliow... A. C. Fox, A. C. John Bain C. D. Thomas Queen City Bank____ ®»1§’22 L. V. Peek J. E. McMullen.__ J. L. Booth......... . S. I. Peek — $110-5% 19-81 (1701 N. 45th St.) Rainier Valley State Bank T. S. Toby................ C. M. Toby_______ G. H. Brown--------- Ruth Northern.... $12219-67(4824 Rainier)®»tl'10 Ch. of Bd. V. P. B. G. E. m. A- V- P- C. L. Hall................ I. C. Bogardus, Tr. H. H. Judson. E. C. Oggel Tr. Off. J. A. Younger Y. Onoh ____ .. S. Ashizawa, V. P. and Mgr. University Mutual Sav. Bk. Harry B. Lear-----5%19-85(4506 Univ.Way) ®l§ University National Bank *% 19-58 ®T»t'06 (4500 University Way) R. R. Frazier____ A. J. Fisken. V. P. *% (1101 Second) W. S. Darrow. V.P. A. W. Hogue____ R. P. Williams, Sec. R. P. Williams A. W. Tenney...__ (Seattle banks continued on next page) 1.283.000 42,000 40,000 12,900 S5S.560 322.310 296,920 121,220 250,000 149,780 6,362,330 1,302,810 3,492,040 700,000 50,000 fi,7in 336.860 166,680 138,880 22,920 25,000 6,340 368.580 138,810 171.010 24.800 960 1.206.000 Han. N.. N.Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Crocker 1st N., San F.; 1st N., St. P.; U.S.N.. Port. 171.000 Seattle N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Mitsui, Tokyo; Yokohama Specie, Yokohama. 1.267.260 Chase N. and N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.: Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N-. St. L.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F. 65,090 Cont. & Com’I N„ Chi.; N.Bk.Com. and Marine N., Seattle. 66.260 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 1st N. and Seat. N.. Seat. 9.172.090 10.558.300 1.535.740 7,788.810 N. City and 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. A Com’I N., Chi.; Crocker 1st N. and Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., San F.;Phll.-GirardN.,Phll.;N. Shawmut, Bos. A. V. P. Seattle Title Trust Company 19-67 ®Tt§'05 R. H. Parsons, Ch. of Bd. (2d Ave. and Columbia) Sumitomo Bank_____®»±§ N. Yatsushiro___ 8% (802 3d Ave.) 19-75 $143-8% 3,555,000 Unlimited facilities for handling collections Accounts and Items of banks, firms and Individuals Invited. DETECT CONNECTIONS WITH ALL IMPORTANT NORTHWESTERN POINTS, INCLUDING BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALASKA. H. A. V. P. (Columbia and 2d Ave.) 305.000 1,000,000 1,175.060 25.257.760 1.622.130 J. W. SPANGLER —- R. ANKENY____ H. C. MCDONALD...... J.H. McCLURE------TRUAX C. KELLEHER.7V.O/. L. LaGRAVE DANIEL KELLLHER. ‘SEATTLE J. H. NEWBERGER K.REILEY KAHLKE J. H. MINER E. G. AMES R. B. JENKINS NATIONAL BINGAMAN- JR. C. W. MOREF.H. BROWNELL. JR.. J. G. THWING 1M BANK @T.j,82 E. W. ANDREWS- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Guaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; III. Merch. Tr. Co., ChL; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. and Bk. of Italy, San F.; U. S. N., Port land; Miners & Merch., Ketchikan, Alaska. J. Morrison-------- Rollin Sanford. Tr. W. Brindley H. G. Baldwin. A.V.P. W. J.Ward. A.V.P. R.R.Knapp.A.y.P. CharltonL.Hill.Sec. 600,000 Wm. 8. Howard, A. Sec. S. I. Olson, A. Sec. T. Nishimura Harry Shelton. Se H. C. Bryant, A. Se A. E. Backstrom. A O. R. Weltzien. A. T. L. Burns. A. Sec. R. W. Pascoe, A.S 391.460 125.510 36,870 Seab. N. and U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Seattle N., and Dexter Horton N.. Seattle. 1,138,980 161.730 1.110,000 233,170 7.650 25,570 446.640 188.480 8,610 186,470 Sumitomo Bk.. Ltd.. N.Y., San F., Los A., Sacramen to, Shanghai, Haqjrow, Bombay, Honolulu, Lon., and throughout Japan. 29.810 University N. and N. Bk. Com.. Seattle. 774,030 1,660,610 36,580 8.220 639,740 200,000 120.090 2.521.530 C . Sec. Sec. • ec. 1.016.960 200.000 c. . 674,760 296,050 1.014,460 45,476.650 142.550 30.556,530 13.570,450 606,980 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Bep., Chi.; N. Bk. CornSeat. 1.037.790 1,468,900 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Seattle N., Seattle. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 14.14. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -*- ■-1- ‘ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. SEATTLE—Continued—Reserve City •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. Cashier. President. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Xrust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ® Sai. Dent. West Seattle State Bank.»ti’13 A. C. Thompson... C. B. Starks........... C. B. Starks_____ 19-65 (4556 Ca lifornia Ave.) C. M. Howe T. Sakurauchi, YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. LTD_____ 19-74............. __«'80 Mgr. (822 3rd Ave.) Seattle Clearing House______ D. II. Moss______ J. W. Maxwell....... J. W. Spangler, Sec. (Members indicated by a *) Liabilities. Resources. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties E. B. Erickson___ $ 50,000 $ 8,000 $ 710.000 Ass’t Loans AND cashier. Discounts $ Principal Correspondents. Miacuu- Garb A liLANBOUB CHAHQ10 .Dm Sscusrmis Rbsoubcbs from Banks Bonds and 365,800 $ 210,000 $ T. Onoye, Sub. Mgr. 50 000 000 44 750 000 Y. Funaki, Pro.Mgr (Branch of Yokon ama. Jap an) 13.200 $ 169,000 1st N., Dexter Horton N.. andN. City,Seattle; Wells Fargo Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. San F. Correspondents in all large cities of the world. Martin McLean. Examiner Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS A. G. BECKER & CO. •93 (1202 Hoge Bldg.) BONDS COMMERCIAL PAPER SHORT TERM NOTES R. BLYTH, Pres..... BLYTH, WITTER & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ ..’14 1GEO. LEIB, I V. P. and Tr. (808 Second Ave.) (Branch of San Francisco) \ D. T. BABCOCK, V. P. Cable Address Blywitco I C. E. DRIVER, V. P. A. G. Becker & Co., N. Y., Chi., St. L.. San F.. Spok., Mil., Minpls., and Port. LACEY SECURITIES CORPORATION Lyman Grimes, Western Representative_____ Lacey Securities Corp., Chi. Securities of Lumber, Pulp and Paper Industries (626 Henry Bldg.) ..’16 NATIONAL CITY COMPANY (Hoge Bldg.) LLOYD GIIMOUR, V.P. Blyth, Witter & Co., San F., Los A., R. L. SHURTLEFF, Chi., New York, Port., Spokane, V. P. and Sec. Tacoma, Bos., San Diego, and Lon.. M. P. GRIFFITHS, V.P. Eng. NORTHERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. and Pacific N .W .Mgr. ^MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. fN. R.TUCKER,PresC.S. HILL, V.P........ Bond & Goodwin, N. Y., Chi., and Bos.; Bond & Goodwin & Tucker, W. P. SCOTT, V. P. B.W. FORD, Sec. BOND & GOODWIN & TUCKER, Inc. Inc., Spokane, Tacoma, Port., San T. B. EASTLAND, VP. B.G.VV00D, (405 Hoge Bldg.) .11 ’21 F., and Los A. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION (Branch of San Francisco) L BONDS. COMMERCIAL PAPER. " The Oldest House in America specializing C. F. Childs & Co., N. Y., Chi., Pitt. Cin., St. L-, Det., Boston, Wash., exclusively in Government Securities. D. C.. Clev., K. C., Minn., Den. Los A., San F.. Port., Seattle. ..The National Market for Farm Loan Bonds. (Hoge Bldg.) C. F. CHILDS & CO. • noo-7% (310 Columbia St.) ’13 PEARSONS-TAFT GO. Hoge Building ItEstablished 1865 Underwriters, Wholesalers and Re tailers of Investment Securities. A. W. Wing. Mgr_________________________ N. City Co., N. Y. and correspon(Investment Bonds) dent offices. J. G. Price. Pres. A. S. Pate, Cash_____ N. City. Seattle. D. H. Palmer, V.P. Bert Funk, Sec. G. Hill, A. Cash. F. T. Hunter, V.P. { and Municipal Bonds. Paid-up Capital. $150,000 Surplus, $7,050 First Mortgages. Local Improvement 0RENE TAFT, Pres. J. L. HARGROVE, V.P. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y., Ill. (San Francisco.) Merch. Tr. Co., and Cont. & H. J. CURRY. V. P. & Tr. L. V. REGAN, V. P. Com’l N., Chi., Crockers 1st N., San F. G. P. SMITH, V. P. L. J. CULLEN. V.P. & Sec. (New York.) Offices in Chicago, New York City, J. E. DWYER, V. P. J. D. MATTHEWS. San Francisco. Mgr. Seattle Office W A SHINGTON—Continued ... Town and county. ‘County Seats. F.R.D. 12. S. Seattle Sp. Spok. P. Port. SedroWoolley 3386 S Skagit D8 •Mem. A. B. A. §State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers $ Last Sale % Dii. ® Sat. Dept Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents, Loans ther Bonds Oasm ft ■*Paii>-uf Surplus Miscel dHA.HQM.Dm Daros- LOiabili and and and Capital Profits laneous from Baku ITS Discoun ts Securities ties $ 50.000 $ 31.610 $1 139 250 (C E. BINGHAM — Q. R. BINGHAM — WM. T. WEST- - - - - - - H. LOHSE- - - - - - $ 677,860 $ 126,820 $ 3.480 $ 412,710 Han.N.,N.Y.; N. Bk. hep.. Chi.; N. Bk, C. E. BINGHAM & JOldest bank In Skagit County. Com., Seattle; Am. Tr. Co., San F.: ) Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by Northw N., Port.; Bk. of. Cal. N. A., CO. STATE BANK (FEE IN ADYA NCE: Plain sight d rafts, 16c; Credit Re ports, 50c. Tacoma. 98-102 ®»tl’90 25,980 575,090 $ 25,000 J. Goddall_______ 25,000 1. S. Howard__ 383,420 168,190 First National Bank...®»i’05 J. O. Wtxson__ 9.000 90.460 N. City, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle. 98-103 19.570 386.670 10,010 30.000 281,670 69.650 Seab. N., N.Y.;SeattleN., Seattle; Yakima Selah________ 827 Selah State Bank____®»t|’10 Elmer Dahlin____ F. P. Horschel — M. J. Freimuth ... FrancesM.Peistrup 78,470 16.160 Sp Yakima L14 $175-15%-Q 98-300 N.. Yakima. 12,340 324,000 25,000 Thad Wagner....... A. M. Devine____ Sequirn_______402 State Bank of Sequim®»tl’10 L. H. Hubbard 146.000 121,000 80,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., 14,500 *150 98-301 S Clallam F5 Seattle. 50.000 92,290 1.134,690 Thomas Bordeaux. C. I. Pritchard___ Louis Weinel. 409.420 506,590 ‘Shelton...........984 State Bank of Shelton®»tl’93 M. E. Reed____ 1.140 359.830 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N.Y.; O. A O. N.. Chi.; Dexter A. B. Govey *350-20% 98-302 S Mason J5 Horton N., Seat.; A. & L. P. N., San F. 2.890 I. O. Nysether — Aleck Haroldson .. 92.400 15,000 Silvana_______ 329 State Bank of Silvana ®t§’19 John Furness__ 46.750 23,720 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dexter 29,520 10.300 98-418 S Snohomish F8 Horton N., Seattle; Secur. N-. Everett. 6.650 152.270 Silverdale_____262 Silverdale State Bank®i§’20 C. E. Greaves____ A. J. Spute______ R. E. Gordon_____ E. W. Gordon____ 15,000 44.680 33.010 Met. N. and Marine N„ Seattle. 88,420 7,800 *120 98-431 S Kitsap H6 5,060 178,010 G. G. Wiest....... F. O. Hampson.— J. Ivan Wilson___ M. Wilson_______ Skamokawa... 367 Skamokawa State Bk. 95,430 15,000 63,610 36,660 N. Park, N.Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; N. Bk.Com.. 2,360 J. Ivan Wilson P Wahkiakum N4 *160-6% 98-436 ®«t§’20 Seat.: U.S. N.. Port. 10.400 8.180 338,810 195,300 105,090 Snohomish... 2985 COMMERCIAL BANK OF Herman Friese .... W. M. Jenkins ___ F. J. Killien_____ Norman Friese ___ 25,000 51.540 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Seattle; Everett Tr. 30,450 C. F. Moehring S Snohomish G9 & Sav., Everett. SNOHOMISH COUNTY *110 98-75 ®«ti’03 ( W. M. SNYDER.. H. M. SNYDER.... W. M. SNYDER. JR. 50,000 87.720 1.186,560 12,500 521.290 544,250 22.800 248,440 1st N„ N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; FIRST NATIONAL BANK $275-20% 98-74 ®»t'87 (THE OLDE ItWiN SNOHOMIS H COUNTY. Seattle N., Seattle. Snoqualmie... 450 State Bank of Snoqualmie J. H. Peters-------- A. J Peters_____ W. L. Peters____ C. E. Kinnune___ 2,410 218,790 154,780 15.000 36,530 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle. 47,310 15,000 12,580 S King I 9 *110 98-407 ®»t§’19 352,040 626.650 30.590 1,033,910 ‘South Bend. 1948 Pacific State Bank..®«j|’06 J. H. Drissler....... F. A. Duncan____ L. W. Homan........ B. C. Kremmel.__ 100,000 39,150 146,660 Chase N..N.Y.: Crocker 1st N.. San F.;D. ♦ 98-76 J. A. Morehead S Pacific L3 S. N., Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; South Tacoma... (See Tacoma) Seattle N.. Seattle. S Pierce J7 135,980 32,040 4,300 203.960 48,930 Cont.& Com’l N.. Chi.; Old N. Bk. & Un Spangle______ 291 State Bank of Spangle®*tl’04 Will Starkey. Paul Sievers------- T. M. Anderson .... Olga S. Benner. 15,000 6,320 Tr. Co.. Spokane. 98-804 Sp Spokane 123 *150-10% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 1415 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.ftNew § State fPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Div. ©Sav. Dept. ‘AMERICAN BANK *180-12% 28-10 President. Vice-President. SPOKANE—Reserve City Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. §’08 Clyde Johnson .... C. R. Dahn______ A. Gleason......... E. W. Freed.. J. D. Leigh J. A. Randall G. O. Barnhart.__ A. Walker......... Brotherhood’s Co-Operative National Bk. __28-62__®*t'23 H. E. Cass.Ex.V.P. W. T Fields J. J. Sheehy Alexander Walker. R. L.Seavitt_____ Brotherhood State Bank $125 28-65 ®Tt§’25 H. E. Cass, Ex.V.P. W. G. Ross ♦Exchange National Bank C. E. McBroom___ E. E. Flood______ *135-8% 28-2 ©T»t’89 Win. Huntley. Ch. S. A. Kimbrough Farmers k Mechanics Hank E. H. Knight____ E. W. Morton____ *116 28-51 ®»tl’03 Federal Intermediate Credit G. C. Jewett_____ W. S. McCormack. Bank 28-60 ’23 W.M. Buckles, V.P. H. H. Pigott Federal Land Bank....Dist. 12 (Seepage 32 for com plett information) 28-61 (Spokane Branch, F ederal Reserve Bank Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ..28-1........«’12 A. W. Lindsay___ Joseph Baily____ ♦Fidelity National Bank 28-5 ©T«t’82 Wm. Kroll. Ch. of Bd. First National Bk. of Hillyard W. S. Brant —___ J. Farrow_______ $140-8% 28-64 @-t’08 Hillyard State Bank.. ©»t§’05 W. W. Cooper----*200-20% 28-68 Lincoln Trust Co.____ ®T»S’16 E. F. O’Flynn___ 28-58 ♦Old National Bank & Union W. D. Vincent---- W- J. Kommers... Trust Co..$175-6% 28-3 ®T*t’Ul D. W. Twohy, Ch, W. J. Smithson F. C. Paine, V. P. G. H. Greenwood $132-7% Security State Bank...®»t§’15 E. W. Edgington .. G. W. Stocker____ 20% 28-57 Security Trust Co. ____ T*§’02 J. L. Cooper........... R.M.Jamieson, Sec. 28-59 ^R. L. Rutter____ Conner Malott____ ‘SPOKANE & EASTERN TR. CO. W. T. Triplett 6% ♦ 28-4 ®T»tJ’90 A. E. Nelson, Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Deposits Liabili Profits ties $ W. G. Ross........... L. M. Lageson___ F. P. Hahn. A. C. Sarah Jane Mason G. N. Brocamp__ 100,000 S 86,640 $ 2,478,270 200,000 65,920 2,823,190 * 5,870 192,640 25,000 S. A. Kimbrough.. E. A. Wied______ W. E. Kelley, A. C. F. B. Peach J. T. Nelson-------- 1,000.000 60,000 8.600 A. B. Thomson. Tr. S. A. Rice. Sec.___ E. I. Fisher. A. Sec. 2,000,000 145,710 of Son Francisco. Cal.)___________ A. R. Charles___ J. G. Rotchford... F.J. Robinson, A.C. E. K. Barnes H. B. Smead_____ A. H. Hilbush___ Fred Stevens____ C. D. Stough .... A. H. Little, Sec. and Tr. B. T,. Jenkins____ W. E. Tollenaar... E. B. Hutcheck 308.070 10,504,830 345.660 — Resources. Miscel Bonds Loans AND laneous Discounts Securities Resources and * 1.879,060 $ 204,710 284.580 253.520 $ 2.467,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash A ExCHANGIS,Dux from Banks 13.370 $ 518,960 N City, N.Y.: Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; Crocker 1st N.. San E.; Met. N.. Seattle. 131.740 910 62.500 108.800 6.530 1,000.000 8,342,000 1,486.170 573,230 — 210.850 99,890 35,400 2,200,980 4.169.610 410,490 Empire Tr., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.: Bk. of Italy. San F.: Seattle N., Seattle; Brotherhood’s Co-Op. N„ Tac., Port., and San F. 46.590 Empire Tr., N. Y.; Brotherhood’s Co-Op. N., Spok.; A. & L. P. N. and Brotherhood N., San F. 2.411.500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Phil.; DexterHorton N., Seattle. 58,120 Seab. N., N. Y.: Fidelity N., Spokane. 18,840 158,230 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Port.; Ex. N. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane. 1.107,380 Seab. N., N. Y.; Foreman N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. P. and Seattle: Pac. N.. San. F. 66.040 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane. 104.290 N. Park. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle: Crocker 1st N., San F. 28,110 Northw. N., Bellingham; Met., Seattle; Ex. N., Spokane. 4,742,590 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. (See Page 31 for co mplett inf ormotion) 500.000 122,910 4,566,710 436,880 3.366.640 860.440 292.030 25,000 11,440 584,650 24.500 247.880 302,770 28,910 25,000 29,590 649,960 1,100 440,320 144,180 16,850 382,330 26,920 Invest. Bonds. 643,010 19.252,250 1.313.460 14,028.440 108,400 126,580 100.000 E. P. Randall, (Spokane County, H 23) County Seat, Population 108,897 (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12) 1,500.000 5.010 513.500 2,515.730 1,421,950 A. C. L. C. Reed A. D. Davis______ H. D. McKelvey .. Elmer Bitter R. B. Hurd, Sec. ... 25,000 E. V. Klein, Tr.... J.L. Campbell, Sec. R..T. Raymond. A. 8. W. B. McLaren, A. Sec. B. Blown. A.Tr.Off. H. J. Dolling, A.Sec. V. P. and Tr. O. Spokane State Bank __®»tS’07 Milton Nussbaum.. J. M. Dungan------- A. H. Sawins, Jr... 8% 28-54 Onion Park Bank____ ©»tl’06 A. W. Lindsay____ L. D. Means_____ E. R. Anderson__ $170-8% 28-55 Wall Street Bank____ ©<§15 Gust. Pearson___ G H. Pearson___ A. B. Pearson____ G. H. Pearson. Sec. $200 28-53 M. E. Mack. V. P. B. H. Snowdon M. B. Connelly.__ E. H. Stanton___ F. J. Guse_______ L. M. Miner.......... ‘WASHINGTON TRUST CO. $-------165-8% - “ ®T«: 28-8©T»t§’02 F. L. Stanton, Sec. O. N. Anderson, Fred L. Stanton A. Sec. W. G. Bieri, Tr.Off. Spokane Clearing House....... Clyde Johnson___ Frank Guse_____ Arnold Gleason. E. K. Barnes, Mgr. Members indicated by a ♦) Sec. 1.000.000 77,510 1.147.010 438,920 1.970 25.000 306.540 10.256,200 . 521.320 285,680 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane. 3.600 4,120 17.240 8,730 4,840.610 Tr. Acc’ts 7.332.170 1,185,360 5.352,450 50,000 9,330 284.900 25,000 258.230 31.600 36.830 25.000 15.620 421.680 31,000 255,980 143,020 22.740 25,000 2,230 335.190 141.700 159.990 3,500 200,000 164.740 1.812.540 1,369.770 414.510 11.890 5,120 2.533.360 Chem. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co.. San F.; 1st N.. St. P. 42,560 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; Dexter Horton N., Seattle: Canadian Bk. of Com., Grand Forks, B. C. 71.550 N. City and Seab. N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane. 57.240 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.lY.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co., SanF.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 381,100 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo-Cai. Tr. Co., San F.; N. City, Seattle. WASHINGTON—Continued Town and county. *County Seats. F.R.D.12.S. Seattle Sp.Spokane. P.Port. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State fPriv. $Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sav. Dept. Sprague_____ 822 SP Lincoln 121 Springdale___184 Sp Stevens F22 Stan wood___ 704 S Snohomish E8 First NationI Bk. in Sprague R. R. Jones-------- S. B. Burdass— $175-15% 98-305 ©»t’0l Farmers A Merch. Bank J. H. Newhouse... C. L. Baker___ *150-10% 98-306 ©<§’08 Bank of Stanwood..-®»tS’04 C. W. Brokaw....... D. G. Bennie__ C. W. Palmer.__ First National Bank.—<19 8. A.Thompson ... W. B. Davis__ 98-412 A. D. Hall_____ A. L. Leknes... Starbuck____ 524 Bank of Starbuck____T<§’06 W. E. Sprout------- V. B. Whiting. Sp Columbia M21 $165-8% 98-307 H. W. Christy.. H. W. Christy. Sec. iStevenson___ 348 Bank of Stevenson.._©<l'07 G. F. Christensen. F. E. Robbins . P Skamania P9 *150-8% 98-308 J. C. Wachter.. + Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Pbbbidsnt. Vice-President. Q8-163 Cashier. Ass’t Cashieb. Blanche Mills .. Chas. O. Snapp.. O. E. Thompson. Resources Liabilities. Loans Bonds ther Cash k Ex Miscel changes Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili and and , Dot and its Capital Pbofitb Discounts Securities laneous non Banks ties $ 30,000 $ $ 409.210 $ 35,600 1 572.400 97.530 $ 41,480 Principal Correspondents. 16,850 $ 114,410 Chase N„ N. Y.: Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. 3.300 22,410 Chem. N..N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 7,100 106,190 Chem. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle: 1st N.. Everett. 45.000 91.600 38.420 32.340 640,020 344,810 239,250 12.000 409,000 173,070 225,000 5,760 73,380 21,000 12.620 36,510 OhaseN., N. Y.;Spokane* Eastern Tr.Co., Spokane; 1st N„ Port.; Col. N., Dayton. 8,000 132,560 175,940 5,620 99,030 N. Park, N. Y.; Met. N., Seattle; U. 8, N.. Port. 10,000 4.010 25,000 25,000 25,000 17,570 25,000 7,960 95.170 $ 377,190 14-1 fi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew §StatetPriT. ‘County Seats. F.R.D. 12 S. Seattle Sp.Spok.P.Portland St. John______ 597 Sp Whitman J23 $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Cashier. Vice-President. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ? Last Sale %D1t. ®Sav, Dept Farmers State Bank.©»t§’14 E. O. White............. G. F. Barber_____ H. O. Conn_______ Sultan________ 687 S Snohomish G10 Sumas________ 854 S Whatcom B8 Sumner_____ 1499 S Pierce J8 Sunnyside.__ 1809 Yakima N15 Citizens Bank----------®»$$’10 G.G.Startup_____ W. M. Jenkins___ Wm. Campbell___ B. A. Lund.. $150-15% ♦ Ass'T Cashier. Liabilities. theb Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital Profits its ties Resources, Loan* Bonds Miscel and and Discount. Securities laneous $ $ 360,700 $ 98-375 $325-30% 98-310 Bank of Sumas---------©»t§’26 F. P. Tillinghast.. G. O.Moen----------- G. I. Dunlap______ P. E. West__ 8% 98-167 40,000 $ 17.000 $ 422,120 10.000 16,600 309.000 272.800 25,000 5,900 (Formerly Garrison Brothers State Bank ) G. W. Sprouse......... R. P. Finney_____ T. H. Gunning.— R. A. Peabody 25,000 10,040 A. G. Fleming......... D. A. Linder_____ J. T. Robertson.. 50,000 R. P. Haney______ A. O. Holm_______ Ray A. Tate_____ 50,000 Farmers State Bank.©•!§’]6 C. P. Jenks............ 98-311 First National Bank..®«t'06 W. L. Steinweg... $140-12% 98-134 Sunnyside National Bank W. L. Boomer____ *150 98-133 ®»t’22 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, WASHINGTON—Continued 103,900 609,490 $ 84,790 12,910 413.100 25,000 20,150 504,180 64.650 | 168,600 7,980 $ 11,300 150.700 87.000 8,000 292.180 295,130 17,940 234.180 140.450 30,620 352,980 81,200 34,070 TACOMA sMem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. President. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sav. Dept. Army National Baak of Camp (See Camp Lewis) Lewis____ 98-401________’18 ★THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASS’N 34-3 ®T»|'«4 G.H.RALEIGH, Mgr.. E. H. ROBBINS, ‘NATIONAL BANK "iiTOF TACOMA .fl, 34-7 ®T»t’90 Tacoma Clearing House______ (Members indicated by a*) 45,800 Ex. N„ Spokane: Colfax N„ Colfax. 53,500 N. City. N. Y.; Dex. Hor. N.. Seattle; Everett Tr. &Sav., Everett. 58.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine N.. Seattle; Bk. of Montreal, Vancouver. B. C. 124.070 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: N. Bk. Tac,. Tacoma: Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. 95,750 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Yakima; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 106.070 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane; Seattle N„ Seattle. (Pierce, J 7) County Seat Population 104,455—Reserve City Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up Surplus Liabili AND Capital Profits Deposits ties Resources. Loans AND Discounts BONDS AND SSUUBITIBB Principal Correspondents. Oajb k Ex> CBAMOBa,l>Ul Rasouacas took Baku MISCEL LANEOUS A. Mgr. E.J. ENRIGHT,A. Mgr. WM. G. GUNDSTR0M, $8,500,000 $9,186,360 J. P. Morgan & Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P. A, Myr. (Branch of San F randsco, Ccd.) Our Pacific Coast connections enable us to offer PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY BANKING SERVICE I. H. Whiting_____ B. M, Snyder_____ W. W. Newschwander B. C. Pinckney F. C. Thornburg W. S. Johnson P. W. Bourgaize... Ch. 50,000 43,110 $ 2,803,380 $ 205,720 $ 581,480 $ 2,130,020 % 111,410 13.490 449.400 3,730 173.490 240,630 1,060 185,120 10,650 172,770 16.900 11,570 550 13,820 292.950 151,850 130.220 21.300 8.938.510 4.686.670 692.480 460,000 315,000 70.000 1.770.190 623,250 332,000 A. Sec. C. F. Gray________ W. K. Yost- S. M. JACKSON- -R. R. MATTISON- Eb W ARBV.1 NESS, CHESTER THORNE, V. S. GREEN, Ch. of Bd. 200,000 M. Westervelt, Trust Officer A. Cash. 50.000 ML. United States Depository. Tour account and collection items for the Paclfle Northwest solicited. North Pacific Bank ...,®«tS’06 Petar Wallerich... B. M. Wallerich... P. Wallerich 34-51 (5448 So. Union Ave.) M. M. Ogden, *Puget Sound National Bank F. P. Haskell, Jr.. C. E. Lindquist, 6% Ass’t Cashier, C. C. HUNT, it. Mgr. G.H. FISHER, A. Mgr. A. L. BABBIT, A. Mgr Brotherhood Co-Operative Henry E. Cass____ $120-10% Nat. Bank 34-54 ©#t’25 C. L. Babcock,V.P. H. F. Love, V. P. Central Bank.................®»t§’25 C. W. Bridgham—. $130-8% 34-55 First Mutual Savings Bank 34-53 ®»§’24 Maunsell Mitchell, Lincoln Bank............ .. ®§’25 C. W. Bridgham... $125 34-56 THE Cashier. Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex changes,Due from Banks G. A. Reeves C. W. Wallerich 1.006.000 419.630 15.208.840 832.610 H. C.HAR MANY, B ond Dept. Mgr. 26,000 94,000 950,000 300,000 108,030 3,106.810 2,090 V. P. and Tr. Off. V. P. and. Cash. A. R. Whitman F. P. Haskell, Jr... M. M. Ogden, Sec.. S.P. Miller, Mgr... $ 429,300 Emp. Tr., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.,San F.; B. of L. E. Co-OperativeN.,Clev.; Seat. N. Seat. 90,940 Mellon N.! Pitt.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma. Tacoma. 6,610 Chase N., N. Y.; Puget Sound N., Tacoma. 53,800 Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Puget Sound N.. Tacoma; Mellon N., Pitt. 3.143,410 & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Wells Fargo Bk. & Union Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 155,000 Am.Ex.Irv.Tr.andN.Bk.Com.,N.Y.;N.Bk.ofTac.and Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Dexter Horton N,. Seat. 791,490 N. Park, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Crocker 1st N„ San F. W A SHINGTON—Continued Town and County. *County Seats, F.R.D. 12 S Seattle Spok. P Port I’d Tekoa________1520 Spt Whitman J24 Tenino,________850 S Thurston K6 Thornton_____ 325 Sp Whitman J24 Resources. Liabilities. Principal Correspondents. •Mem.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriv. Loads Bonds Oasb A BxOther fMera. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. MlSCEI/- aiMH,Dn Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos L Cashier. P resident. V ice-President. And And and iabili ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. its Capital Profits Diecounts Securities LANEOU8 noM Bams ties {LastSale %Div. ®Sav.Dept. $ 160,000 $ 80,000 — $ 85,000 N, Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; Dexter Citizens State Bank.®»tl’04 A. B. Willard_____ J. A. Nelson-------- Mark B. McConnell E. L. Davis............. $ 25,000 $ 12.000 $ 325,000 Horton N.,Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N.A.,Port. Grace O. Clark $136-12% ♦ 98-114 90,000 N. City, N. Y.; SDOkane & Eastern Tr. Co. 260,000 145,000 — 30.000 22,000 445,000 Tekoa State Bank...©•tl’92 J. P. Burson_____ A. W. Tyler--------- O. D. McKeehen.. T. C. Massey____ and Old N. Bk & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokaae; G. F. Yaupel $200 ♦ 98-113 U. S. N., Port. Bk. of Cal. N. A.. Tacoma; Dexter Horton 50,910 88,280 72,330 $ 9.240 202,540 8.210 10,000 Citizens Bank--------- ®»tS’14 C. H. Kerbaugh—. A. L. Kerbaugh.... Maude D. Kendall. N., Seattle; Cap. N., Olympia. 20% 98-382 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., 60,540 41,440 109,680 3,510 190,080 Claude Comegys ... 10,080 15,000 Oomegys. Hanford & Miller H. W. Hanford — Ralph Comegys ... Ralph Comegys.__ Spokane; Bk-of Cal. N. A., Port. Bank___98-313---------«tt’05 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1417 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ^County Se&ts. fMem. State B. Ass’n. F. R. D. 12 S Seattle ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trus SO Spok. P Portland $ Last Sale % Dir. ® President. S Lewis M6 $220-10% Tonasket_____ 530 Sp Okanogan C17 $200-12% 88-365 $110 15,000 $ 2,350 $ 112.750 10,000 4.700 3 Hans Lund 25,000 22.000 R. A. Nixon______ M. V. Picken_____ W. R. Call................ H. B. Milier_ H. M. Gilbert........ H. B. Miller F. A. Williams ___ Roscoe Maddox__ P. H. Oie Traders Bank______ ®*t|'0 ♦ 98-118 J. D. Cornett.. __ Wm. M. McGowan. W. S. Doran______ Washington Exch. Bank $200-10% 98-87 Vashon............514 rhon State Bank...®*ij S King 18 -14% 98-319 Waitsburg.__ 1174 st National Bank...®*! Sp Walla Walla N21 98-143 *Wa!laWaIlal5.503 Sp Walla Walla ♦ 98-17 ®T*i FIRST NATIONAL BANK 98-16 ®T*t'78 PEOPLES STATE BANK 10% ♦ 98-19 ®*MT1 THIRD NATIONAL BANK $150 98-18 ®T*t’08 1.500 45,000 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Dexter Horton N« Seattle. 75.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: Seattle N.. Seattle. 93,280 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and Yakima; N. City, Seattle. 82.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Seattle N.. Seattle: Yakima N., Yakima.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok. 99.150 N.City,N.Y.iO.AO.N.,Chi.; N.Bk. Com., Seat.; Spok. & E. Tr. Co., Spok. 35,000 1st N.. Port, and Walla Walla; Old N., Bk & Un. Tr. Co-. Spokane. 32,070 Bk. of Am.,N.Y.; Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co, and Fid.N.,Spok: Bk. ofCal. N. A., Seat. 65.000 N. City, N. Y.: Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co. and Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co.. Spokane; 20,800 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; N. Bk. of Tacoma. 30,000 2,000 155,000 80.000 15,500 22,500 12,880 386,410 230,170 83,000 42,850 340,000 108,00C 300,000 164,270 14,080 165,430 125,000 35,000 10,450 183,750 ______ 151,670 23,790 21,680 25,000 6,000 225,000 175,000 15.000 1.000 J. T. Laughlin____ Frank Koontz____ A. N. Cheney.......... 10,000 2,480 117,910 38.640 73,590 5,350 Michael Kulzer.__ J. H. Lutjen______ J. A. Raftis_____ 15,000 4,500 108,000 76,500 29,000 1,250 C. P. Thomas 15,000 3,330 90,780 67,580 15,940 12,080 9.100 345,000 H. P. Bandy Geo. M. Gibson__ J. G. Busch W. T. Lambdin, Jr. W. L. Walker____ C. H. Tart................ '50,000 E. E. Rleret J. H.Coffln E. M. Blnrock___ R. D. Wiswall___ Ohas. C. Otf.n. A. HANNAH__ H. 0. WARREN____ G.F. PALMER. JOHN TRY0N-........ A. K.MUNGER “SEND US TO MvaScouveb ITEMS DIRECT. (Collections, Bil 1 of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items Remitted 262.000 80.620 24,170 604.350 953,450 129,480 98,000 1,127,870 666,870 123,540 558 980 21,680 5fin 4,000 346,950 25,750 2,295,460 1,151,660 104,360 100,000 78,000 1,782,100 97,230 100,000 35,340 1,946,510 { Lloyd Du Bois___ M. R. Sparks.. _. O. F. Zumsteg___ T. Hansen .. . . L. C. Beall______ F. A. Blekkink for on Day of Payme nt. 50,000 15,000 J. W. Morgan........ Jno. D. Ankeny... J. E. Butler.......... W. H. Wallace.... D. E. Howell 337,750 60,440 1,025,720 295,520 i.fisn 144,700 60,000 96,190 1.051.170 50.200 573.070 100,000 242,810 3,650,730 6,050 kq J. W. Langdon.__ N. A. Davis D. S. Baker GEORGE H- SNELL. HARRY alnUTHERS W. H. DORR........... R.D.GREER 200,000 J. D. Ankeny_____ Oscar Drumheller. P. M. Winans_____ L. R. Hoagland.__ E. A. Mallaghan 200,000 305,210 3,266,150 302.000 2,341,140 867,880 315,380 100,000 66.830 1,565,940 1,176,740 221.740 49,940 100,000 54,390 302,580 121.450 100,000 25,000 50,000 J HARRY LASATER1 Collections, Bill 47.420 658,880 921.620 170,460 156,070 of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems Given Promp t Person al Atten tion. Se ndUs V our Bus Iness. H. H. MARSHALL- J. W. SUMMERS... W. 1. TRARP---------- J. E. MERRIFIELDFop prompt, offlolont sarvlce sand your business to us. 20,740 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Spokane &EasternTr.Co„ Spokane; 1st. N.. Chewelah. 13,510 N. Park, N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 37.310 East River N„ N. Y.: Northw. N., Port; Bk. of Italy, Los. A. 370,040 Han.N.,N.Y.: 1st N..Chi.and San F.: Dexter Horton N.. Seattle; 1st N„ Bk. of Cal. N.A.. andU.S.N., Port. 261.570 N. Park, N. Y.; Oont. A Oom’l N., Chi. Northw. N. and U. S. N., Port.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Am.. San F. 217,810 Chase N., N. Y.; West Coast N., Bk. of Calif. N. A., and U. S. N„ Port. 79,990 Cont. & Com’l N..Chi.; Dexter HortonN., Seattle: N. Bk. of Tacoma. Tacoma. 301,790 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Port.; Dexter Morton N., Seat.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr., Snok. 442,070 N. Park, and Equit. Tr., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and W. F. Bk. & Un. Tr., San F., 1st N.. Spok. and Port. 213,640 Chem. N., N. Y., Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. S. N., Port.; Crocker 1st N., San F. 548,960 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi., and Port.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F.; Old N., Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok. 284,340 A thoroughly organized oolleotlon department. WE QET RESULTS. G. E. Kellough____ F. W. Wilson, Mark A. York____ O. L. Tempany Union Trust Co-------- T*t§’19 Geo. E. Kellough.. H. H. Marshall.... Stanley C. Moore. O.M. Beatty. Sec. and Tr. 98-20 A. Sec. Wapato.............1128 First National Bank..®*t’06 A. E. McCredy ___ D. A. McDonald... Harry Jones______ 3. K. Davis______ Sp Yakima M14 98-320 Union State Bank... ®*t§’20 W. N. Lnby.............. E. Chrisler $100 98-437 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 05,000 402,930 ®T< FARMERS & MERCH- B $130 233,000 50,000 50.00C 36 75Q 1st N„ Yakima and Seattle. 29,610 Seab.N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seat.; U.S. N., Port.; Far. &Merch.,Centralia. 150,000 W. W. Baker.. 98-15 021 6.000 $ 9,740 3,000 | E. d to’oi 6,250 13,250 80,000 $ 15.000 98-316 VANCOUVER NAT’L Bf 330,000 $ 91.370 S . _ lion Boyle_______ Z. M. Lasley______ ' Principal Correspondents. 120,000 25.000 Sp 98-817 Okanogan E15 $150-12% Union town.__ 404 Sp Whitman M24 $200-10% < 98-200 Vader_________ 600 i State 1 S Lewis M5 98-346 Valley_________128 tate Bai Sp Stevens E22 $125-8% 98-396 Valley ford____ 100 Commur 7 State E Sp Spokane H24 $120-10% 98-392 * Vancouver. 14.526 P Clarke Q7 $135 98-38 ®*f§’U United States National Bk, 98-36 ' ®*t'l( $ 182,700 15,000 Woodson Cummins O. L. Renn............... Twisp_________289 Commercial Bank_____ •tl'O Henry Peterson... W. A. Bolinger___ J.S. Allen 98-34 $ Arthur Lund. Touchet______ 263 Touchet State Bank___ •tS’O H. H. Hanson___ Sp Walla Walla 020 Liabilities. Resources. Subplus Depos Other 1 Loam Bondi Miscel Ci|B & Ex Paid-up and and and change, Dux Liabili its Capital Pkofits | Discount! Securities laneous reoar Banks ties 3 V. R. Buckmaster. E. P. Layton______ Geo. Blackstone... L. M. Hamerly.— T. H. Gray, V. P. R. O. Buckmaster 98-397 nk........ 98-119 anal Bai 98-117 Toppenlsh.__ 3120 Cent Sp Yakima N14 $160 Ass’t Cashier. B. H. Frederick... Sadie Pnngala. 9 D. V. Morthland-. 98-413 ite Bank 98-314 $120-8% Toledo________ 324 Toledo i Cashier. • Tleton________ 417 Sp Yakima L13 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers :„aws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and U. S. N., Port. ; Fidelity N. and Ex. N., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle; Am. Tr. Co., San F. 160.840 Chase N.. N. Y.:C.&C. N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. Port; Ex. N., Spok.; Dexter Hor ton N., Seat.; A. & L. P. N., San F. 20.280 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 925,950 25,000 520,460 54,660 70,000 69.080 203.340 41,910 28.190 6,940 314,850 7,000 210.000 45,200 31,640 65,440 6,170 221,640 149,440 400 62,140 65,870 Chase N., N.Y.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; Dexter Horton N., SeattleYakima N., Yakima. 1 Yakima. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1A1R to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -*• i-i-O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State fPriv. *Oounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. F.R.D.12;S Seattle M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. Sp Spok., WASHINGTON—Continued President. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Washougal___765 Clarke County Bank_®»tl’07 Ellis Laird______ M. J. Maloney___ Helen Harter-----$250 98-322 P Clarke Q8 Washtucna___359 First State Bank___ ®»J§’02 W. A. Pearce____ H. A. Dowd--------- C. B. Billings____ 98-823 Sp Adams L20 Douglas County State Bank J. H. Winstanley.. ....... .........................C. S. Valentine .— R.S. Case----------‘Watervilie... 1198 98-163 ®»t§’90 Sp Douglas H15 Waverly_____ 284 Waverly Exchange Bank Henry Trpede___ John Flaig..............P. R. Tryon---------- Claudia M. Hollis— 98-324 ® »tl'08 Sp Spokane 124 $110 DONEEN-—-— HARRY E. JONES CHAS.'E. OWENS COLUMBIA VALLEY GUY C. BROWNE...... JOHN BANK ®T*t§’92 -H.J. CHEEVER- 98-69 12% io% ♦ 98-70 ®T«t»02 First National Bank__-T»t'06 J. K. McCornack.. J. H. Miller ...........Ward Jesseph____ R. D. McCornackL. L. Mathews ! R. P. Stowers 98-71 Frank D. Case___ E. J. Widby--------- M. J. Flynn. Wenatchee Valley Bank 98-420 ®«t§’20 White Bluffs..225 First Bank of White Bluffs Geo. Kincaid------- E. B. Kincaid__ .. W. J. Kincaid___ 98-325 ‘WOS So Benton M16 Guy F. Wade------White Salmon 619 Columbia State Bank ®»tl’16 G. A. Read______ A. C. Keefhaver .. H. L. Olaterbos.__ L. Lauterbach 14 % 98-181 P Klickitat Pll White Swan...114 White Swan Bank——®}|’16 C, E. Reinig_____ A. F. Morse_____ 1_________________ 98-390 Sp Yakima N12 6% P. Short______ Claude Kunz_____ Wilbur...........870 Farmers State Bank-®*t§'19 John Kunz........... R. R. H. Bandy Sp Lincoln G19 State Bank 98-419 J. McPherson___ E. L. Farnsworth— G. Thompson------ E. H. Oswalt. of Wilbur $150-15% ♦ 98-179 ®»tl’92 ................................H. J. Davis_______ H. Robert Nelson. Wilkeson........... 803 First Bank of Wilkeson $125 98-326 ®»«’08 S Pierce J9 H. Thomsen_____ P. C. Lorentzen ... D. F. Mordhorst__ A. K. Lorentzen— Wilson Creek State Bk.«tl’04 Wrilsoncreek .. 300 98-327 Sp Grant 118 A. R. Tnrula____ H. J. Maury............ J. H. Marcotte ___F. R, Ness.. State Bank of Winlock Wlnlock............. 832 12% 98-328 ®«t*’10 S Lewis M5 Bank of Winona-------- •tl'07 $ioo 98-329 Farmers State Bank.©»tlT6 $135-12% 98-388 Woodland State Bank®»tl’07 $175-10% 98-330 First State Bank.— ®«tl'10 $100 -20% 98-381 W. C. Morrow___ J. C. Vanskike. Andrew Sinclair David Anderson... Leroy Wright.... C. H.Yand_______ L. N. Plamondon.. Geo. F. Plamondon E. C, Blue------T. E, Oliver Martin Claus------- R. C. Sugg......... ... Anna C. Clans Lydia La Rue_ — ALEX. MILLER......... F. H. SHARKEY....... P. B. ALLENI----WHARTON, C. R. DONOVAN M*MrPR0 FIRST NATIONAL W.C. I*.L. STEINWEG E. J. LEMKE OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN CENTRAL $250 BANK ®,r85 WASHINGTON. Asst, to Pres. 98-22 Guaranty Trust Co... T«t§’19 W. L. Steinweg... O. D. Gibson $135-8% 98-28 ’WEST SIDE NATIONAL BANK "YAKIMA NATIONAL BANK $120-6% $175 98-448 98-23 (Yakima banks con tinned on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ®»t’22 Alex. Miller. Tr... G. H. Bradshaw, Sec E. Carlson, A. Sec. Principal Corresponpents. Bonds Miscel Cash t ExLoans Other Paid-up Subplus Depos L oha mom, Dub and and iabili AND Capital Profits its Discounts Seeuritias laneous nos Bum ties 69.470 U. S. N., Port,: Wash. Ex., Vancouver. 15,000 9,600 $ 264,010 $ 170,100 $ 39,870 $ 9,160 25,000 5,000 156,750 144,670 3,830 13,350 23,410 Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spok. 25,000 27,770 261,210 184,910 59.210 35.240 86.390 5,770 11,590 34,630 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N„ Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Spokane. 21.800 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 1.184.800 261.800 96,500 449,900 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 216,080 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Fidelity N., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seat. 255,620 Chase N„ N.Y.: C. & C. N.. Chi.: Seat.N.. Seat.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co. Spok.; 1st N.. St. P. 125,520 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co..Chi.; Dexter Horton N..Seattle; Ex.N., Spok. 30,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Spok. & Eastern Tr. Co.,Spok. 77.500 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.Co..N.Y.; C.& C. N., Chi.; U. S. N. and Northw. N., Port.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 5,250 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Seattle N., Seattle; 1st N., Yakima. 19,880 Ex. N., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. 10,000 2,030 103,520 $ 10,000 100,000 59.000 1,834.000 100,000 53.610 1,139.620 100,000 75.750 1.711.070 “Send Us Your “WENATCHEE” Items Hirect” For Prompt Personal Attention. D. Shultz_____ C. R. Fray-------COMMERCIAL BK.&TR.C0. F. W. Shultz____ F. E. Knapp_____ W. C. D. Merchant, Tr. Officer Winona_____ 318 SO Whitman K22 Winthrop_____ 89 So Okanogan D15 Woodland____521 P Cowlitz P6 Yacolt________550 P Clarke P8 ‘Yakima__ 22.664 Sp Yakima M14 Resources. Liabilities. PPort. $ Last Sale % Dir. ®8ar. Dept ‘Wenatchee.. 6324 Sp Chelan 114 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 50.000 16,230 564,780 10,000 4.400 125,000 25,000 18,000 405,000 10,000 1,800 27,000 25,000 6,250 110,000 60,000 20,780 470.260 218,550 42,290 339,800 164,940 409.320 78.170 18,000 80,500 20,000 12,900 282,000 80,000 8.500 100,000 4.000 1,900 2,000 28,000 7.450 70,000 32.070 367.270 123,200 8,550 115.670 9,960 15,000 3,800 187,570 49.310 15,000 4,360 188.230 127.400 23,290 12.260 301.640 166,130 102,320 12,200 25,000 10,320 15.000 6,000 70.000 45,000 10,000 2,600 84,450 68,790 8,840 4,860 25,000 7,600 253.260 167.700 60.870 18.770 10,000 7,500 135,000 80.000 30,000 5.000 380.850 2.649,570 1,160.200 463,210 102,430 6,970 145,470 353,790 42.160 78.910 157,350 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Old N. Bk. & Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N., Seattle. 14.850 " 300,000 209,050 4.198.260 200,000 69,660 100,000 27.220 250.000 60,610 3.568.190 500 44,010 Han.N.,N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Fid. N., Spokane; Anglo & Lon.Par is N.,San F. 31,430 Chase N.. N. V.: N. Bk. of Tacoma, Ta coma; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seat. 44.340 Chase N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N.. Seattle. 56,810 N.City, N. Y.; N. Bk.Com.. Bk. of Cal. N. A., and Dexter Horton N., Seat.; Northw. N., Port. 35,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N„ Port.;Colfax N.,Colfax. 14,570 Spot. & Eastern Tr., Spok.; Col. Valley, Wenatchee; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seat. 38.520 N. City. N. Y.: U.S. N..Port.: Dexter Hor ton N..Seattle; Vancouver N.,Vancouver. 37.500 Northw. N., Port.; Am. Secur., Vancouver. 815,170 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; A. & L. P. N., San. F. 14,790 1st N. and Yakima N., Yakima. H. STANLEY COFFIN-C. M. HOLTZ.NGER- E. M. F.SHER....... “IN THE HEART OF PRODUCE ROW" “INSTANT ATTENTION TO FRUIT ITEMS" 492.300 12.700 R. M. HARDY. . . . . . . . . . . A. E. LARSON. . . . . . . . . . J. L. CLIFT- - - - - - - - - - - L. R- jjJGH™IRE — This progressive institution will serve your needs adequately. M. V. HUBBERT Our connections enable us to offer quick and direct service throughout Central Wa shington DIRECT YOUR BUSINESS TO US. ®T<’£ 65.020 2,174.240 ;.7io Chase v 01' sv . ■* • Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Un. Tr. Co., Spokane; 11 ie‘ me saprflo . ■: , VW. ■ I, sO«a ■h .v m Hit' ft JiS THE NATIONAL BANK OF WEST VIRGINIA AT WHEELING Oldest Bank in West Virginia SEND YOUR COLLECTIONS TO US Founded 1817 PROMPT SERVICE ASSURED CHARGES REASONABLE RESOURCES, $7,000,000 C. R. HUBBARD, Vice-Pres. and Chair, of Bd. J. A. MORRISON, Trust Officer Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis w R irvinf p «. W* B* IRVINE’ President A. E. SCHMIDT, Vice-President and Cashier E> W. ZINN, Assistant Cashier COMPLETE TRUST DEPARTMENT DOLLAR SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY of WHEELING, W. VA. W. H. TRACY, and j. E. ebeling,68' C“hl" Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Sav. Dept. “Tin Bank of Better Senrite” Strong, Conservative _ Progressive Resources Over 0 1 0 01111 000 $16,000,000 Unexcelled Facilities for handling your West Virginia business Accounts, Collections and Correspondence Invited THE VIRGINIAN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK of Charleston, West Va. (Incorporated under Section 16 The Federal Farm Loan Act) Farm Loans OHIO - WEST VIRGINIA THE NATIONAL BANK OF FAIRMONT “Fairmont*s Bank of Service** Capital and Surplus $1,000,000.00 Resources over We solicit correspondence of Banks in Ohio and West Vir ginia concerning our ThirtyThree Year Amortization Farm Loans, which are made under the provision of the Federal Farm Loan Act. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $9,000,000.00 Send us Your Items and Collections on WEST VIRGINIA First Huntington National Bank HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA Accounts of Banks, Firms and Individuals Cordially Invited. Your Collections will Receive Expert Attention. B/L Drafts a Specialty. Capital & Surplus FAITHFUL SINCE 1867 T_T AVING been intimately associated with the development of the numerous industries of the Kanawha Valley for nearly 60 years, this institution has rendered from the first, and is continuing to contribute, service fully commensurate with the vast importance of the industries involved. Your items on Charleston and vicinity are solicited upon our past record for prompt and efficient service. Capital $1,000,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Surplus $1,350,000.00 —THE— MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia INDEX TO COUNTIES. U) Barbour........ F 14 Berkeley....... D 24 Boone............M 5 Braxton....... 1 10 Brooke..........0 24 ui cc Q D H O o Cabell.............. K 2 Calhoun.......... H 8 Clay......................J9 z Doddridge.... E 10 Fayette........ M 8 UJ Id -1 o CC (D Gilmer..........H 10 Grant............. F 18 Greenbrier.. .M 12 Hampshire.. .E 21 Hancock .... N 24 Hardy............G 20 Harrison........E 12 Jackson............ H 5 Jefferson........E 25 Kanawha........ L 6 Lewis........... G 11 Lincoln............. L 3 Logan................. 05 McDowell........ Q 5 Marion..........D 13 Marshall........B 11 Mason.............H 4 Mercer.............. Q9 Mineral.........D 19 Mingo...............0 3 Monongalia... C 13 Monroe..........P 11 Morgan........D 22 < H oc 5 5 ~ 3 O £ zw Nicholas........L 10 __ Q Z Ohio................ P 24 «0 Pendleton........117 Pleasants.........E 8 Pocahontas... L 14 Preston........D 16 Putnam........ . ,J 4 J 38° 30' Raleigh............ 0 8 Randolph.. . ,IL 15 Ritchie............. F ! Roane...............17 K Summers........P 10 Taylor........... E 14 Tucker........... F 16 Tyler.............. D 10 L Upshur.......... H 13 Wayne.............. LI Webster........K 12 Wetzel............C 11 Wirt.................. G7 Wood................... F6 Wyoming......... P 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LxJ > 5 1H U j N < X _i QQ < W) UJ u u X 3 rio -*I(n UJ— u ■ HO (0-1 — t/j OD Uj Z CO o UJq. UI CD z < UJ <3 *5 x o X h UJ W v 5S DC g m S S uj w*2w o CD 0 DC Z h </) > zzJ ^ e *2 § 'SJJ c ** a; v e © ,2 2 & E3 W?> 87 s3 5-££ M 5 CQ ^ qANFORDS INK<; Have Faithfully Served BANKER and MERCHANT for Three Generations A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BECKLEY, W. YA. B. E. CARTER, President G. C. HEDRICK, Cashier HE largest banking institution, along the Chesapeake and Ohio R. R., lines, between Charleston, West Virginia and Char lottesville, Virginia, a dis tance of three hundred miles. T The bank of the New River and Winding Gulf Coal Fields. Net Capital Invested over $500,000 1419 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American^Bankers Ass’u. Town and County ‘County Seats. F.R.D. 12 S. Seattle SP-SpokaneP.Port. Yakima_____ •Mem.A.B.A. nNew §8tate fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Est&b.' ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers, i $ Last Sale % Dlv. ©Sav. Dept. YAKIMA VALLEY BANK (Continued) 98-24 Resources. President. Vice-President. heath » The f»i.|IIHae (§>T<|'Q2 . BARTHOLET Cashier. Ass t Cashier. J j. BARTHOLET—.......................... J. F. CHESTERJ-EYi _ , 70.130 $2517630 $ 31.020 $1656460 $ 568.390 $ 149.560 29,370 29,640 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex0Hahsm,Dux from Baku 519.360 OLET Yakima Clearing House____ lE.M. Fisher... E. F. Sperry,. E. J. Lemke, Zillah.... ......... 647 First National Bank__®<’09J. D. Cornett. Sp Yakima M15 $200-10% 98-332 R. D. Herod. L. H. Kuhn______ Geoffrey Hilton. Chase N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F., Port, and Tacoma; 1st N., Seattle. Sec. and Mgr. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P Pitt. B Bait. 25,000 347,940 327,980 37.350 4.050 62.570 Han. N., N. Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N., Sea.; Yakima N., Yakima. WEST VIRGINIA Adrian______1219 58 Upshur H13 Albright______262 5B Preston D16 Aiderson_„___i40l 5 Monroe Oil Bank of Adrian____ ©<§’20 A. M.Gonld... .Clark Colerider.... Hill Stump.......... 6% 89-393 First National Bank _.®»t’14 E. E. Watson.. . S. D. Albright___ H. C. Fream.__ $140-4% 69-344 M. F. Walls Alderson National Bank T. H. Jarrett____ . John Hinchman... O. D. Massey____ $212-8% 69-179 <’09 First National Bank___<’90 L. E. Johnson___ J. M. Alderson ___ H. B. Rowe___ 69-178 Anawalt______ 320 First National Bank..©<’13 H. T. Graham____ A. F. Leckie_____ R. A. Wyland... 5 McDowell R7 $200-12% 69-334 Ansted______ H78 Ansted National Bank_<’07 W. L. Burruss___ W. H. Evans____ H. F. Thomasson.. 5 Fayette M8 69-249 E. J. Taylor Athens...............532 Bank of Athens_____ ®t§’05 Donzle Lilly_____ S. R. Holroyd.......... F. V. Cooper____ 5 Mercer Q9 $200-12% 69-250 O. P. Griffith Auburn______ 200 Auburn Exchange Bank.»§’01 J. T. Hall________ J. L. Rymer_____ H. J. Straley___ 51 Ritchie F10 155-6% 69-251 Barbours ville.. 974 First State Bank___ ©t§’05 U. G. Shipe______ S. G. Johnston___ P. A. Vallanding 5 Cabell K2 $200-12% 69-252 ham Bayard______ 1074 Bayard National Bank___’20 M. Tamburini___ D. B. Teter______ I. L. Neville_____ 5B Grant E17 69-396 f I. C. PRINCE........ BANK OF RALEIGH $250-20% 89-163 ®T»tl’99 rar. Oldest Ban k in Raleigh <We make a specialty of We present promptly, in or definit e reason for (.Prompt ret urns at lowe R. M. FRENCH------- BeckleyNational Bank Joe L. Smith_____ A. Stanley....... C. H. Meador____ 69-323 ®T»t’14 W.E. Griffiths,F.P. W. K. M. Jarrell W. C. Agee______ M. J. Meadows___ French Lucas____ $130 69-405 ®T*’24 National Exchange Bank RALEIGH COUNTY B. E. CARTER------W.BERT V I TOTT BANK 69-154 C. H. Hedrick____ O. C. Caldwell. FOREIGN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM BANKING —CORRESPONDENCE 12,000 25,000 138,159 78,950 3,950 40,060 Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt.; Empire N., 25.008 34,590 602.550 12.500 452.640 26.500 18.110 100.000 105,000 746.000 50,000 28.090 322,760 177.380 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 140,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 35,820 N.Oity,N.Y.;State-Plan.Bk.&Tr.Co.,Rich.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Cin.: Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 68,010 N. City, N.Y.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 31.580 750,000 60,000 75,000 280,070 82.470 34,080 189.670 24,940 393,080 87,000 267,220 25,000 26,000 228.270 34,320 257.290 Adrian Belt. 25.000 12,400 247,410 25,000 31,300 196,940 25,000 9,520 150,580 25,000 176,480 100.000 127.500 1.913,290 13,770 1.549.950 200,000 191,520 1,851,280 79.950 J. C. Meador___ Isaac McKinney E. J. Smith......... .. 100,000 Gladys Meadows, Sec. W. W. Thomas___ Benwood___ 5000 nUnion Bank_________ ©§’26 H. L. Seabright___ Charles Hartmann J. W. Johnson____ 4P Marshall Bll $100 69-427 ‘Berkeley Springs Bank of Berkeley Springs V. E. Johnson___ J. Hammond Siler. A. M. Mendenhall. Paul Mendenhall. 59-209 ®»5’89 —. „ 980 $125-6% W. G. Rymer 5B Morgan C23 Bank of Morgan County R. E. Allen______ E. L. Rice_______ V. C. Somers. *140-6% 09-210 (gXtl’03 UNSURPASSED $ 145,000 $ 197.880 35.000 Largest and strongest bank in the New River and Winding Gulf Coal Fields. Special attention given to collections. of documents covering B/L shipments are given to ®<|’09 Notice of receipt both the consignee and the local freight agent. Beilngton___1766 First National Bank.-©<’03 B. B. Rohrboueh.. J. E. Keyser_____ O. H. Gall. 5B Barbour G14 $150-6% 69-175 ____________ AND 13,000 $ 169.000 13.230 R. A. Coffey. H. L. GRAWF0RD- $ 50,000 Tra N„ Buckhannon; Citiz. N„ Balt. 25,000 $ 25.000 215.000 15,130 25.390 15.000 3.920 Clarksburg. 30,910 State-Plan, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich.: 1st N., Princeton; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 50.890 1st N., Pennsboro; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 16.950 32,550 1st Huntington N.,Huntington;Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 82,280 73,490 448,840 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 1,622,600 144,500 207.330 348,330 Chase N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. 600,000 100.000 50,000 135,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; KanawhaN., Char.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 200,000 2.433.520 28.820 197.240 43,380 357.260 252.500 53,130 203,750 33,610 Chase N.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. 35,000 750,000 Rich.; Un. Tr.and Kanawha Valley.Char. HEDR,CK-----** C‘ SBTPH,M - r s $240-20% $ County, collection bu siness. sist upon pa yment non-paymen t. st rates. $205-12% OFFERS Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and and Liabili Capital its Discounts Securitise laneous Profits ties $ 275,000 $ C^L.Jac TV. O^cerURBAN G ihe facilities of this bank enable us to render SATISFACTORY SERVICE to Banks and Individuals having business In the “FAMOUS YAKIMA VALLEY.” (Members indicated by a*) ‘Beckley____ 4149 5 Raleigh 08 j^on-tsanii Towns witn Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. ^For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WASHINGTON—Continued OF DOMESTIC SOLICITED 250,000 40,000 268.940; 2.427.510 20,125 618.530 16,730 2.150 41.970 9,870 4,780 25,000 37,920 454,860 33.000 280,470 125.580 28,910 25,000 7,200 300.000 43,800 295.000 486.870 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 59,150 N. Bk. Com.,N.Y.; Merch. N.. Balt.; Empire N., Clarksburg; N. Bk. Fairmont, Fair mont. 56.050 N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; Citiz. Mutual Tr. Co., Wheeling. 115,820 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Balt.Tr. Co. and Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co., Balt. 35,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Merch. N.. Balt.: Cent. N., Phil.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin THE FIFTH THIRD UN ION TRHIST CO., GINCINNAT1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers 1^4 U Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i/I OH Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Tnist Powers. $ Last Sale %Dlv. ©Bar. Dept. Berwind Bank______®»tS’10 B. L. Simpson.. 16% ♦ 69-254 Beverly______ 442 Beverly Bank______ tllOOO Bruce Yokum.. 69-255 5B Randolph E15 Blacksville____218 Dnnkard Yalley Bank®»tl'02 J. W. Scott____ SB Monongalia CIS $125-6% 69-256 Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. PisPitt.Br.; 8.Balt. Berwind____ ..527 5 McDowell R5 Bluefieid___ 17,529 5 Mercer R8 BLUEFIELD NATIONAL BANK "• E- f"E"C» Tick-President. CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. R. L. Page------------ B.S. Thompson... W. R. Kiser............ I 100.000 I 131.000 SI 044 920 J. B. Baker______ L. R. Fowler------- 10,000 180,280 167,060 W. I. Booth---------- W. B. Hanght____ 25.000 20.700 290.000 240,000 i.Vlf^Air- P‘“L S- ’i0'LH*Hy~"&?sfLST°gR Bluefleld Trust Co..—TtS’22 J. R. Laird________ F. R. Christie-------- O. L. Coants. Tr... L. W. Boykin, See. 200,000 51.050 J. H. Counts, A.Tr. R. Marshall, A. Sec. $117.50-6% 60-65 COMMERCIAL BANK®T*tS'17 Bernard McGlaugh- R. A. Hale________ W. 0. Given______ $200-6% 69-60 69-61 ■““-^WteRUhr T. E. PEERY........ J. A. McQUAIL----- L. C. FOWLKES-— L. M. CARPER — E. T. TYREE, Active W. B. HICKS, Ass’t to Act. V. P. Upshur G13 $170-10% . 1 000.000 , 188.340 N. City, N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N.,Blch.; 80.000 1 100.000 221,260 92,000 243,060 53,300 16,340 206,520 261,920 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. and N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 734.530 ChaseN., N. Y.: State-Flan. Bk. & Tr. 1st Huntington N., Huntington. 10,450 935.220 100.000 801,580 5.000 500.000 503,350 4.479,790 62,630 4,159.280 371.960 280.000 250.000 516.630 2.697.360 361.750 2.766.280 240.100 Phenlx N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 210.110 609.250 Chatham Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.,Cin.; N. 150,000 89.810 Co., Blch.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. Ex., Boanoke; Kanawha Valley, Char. ®T»t’10 300.000 1.020,000 5,425,000 95,000 3,445,000 1,557,000 23,000 1,815,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; Am. N , Rich.: Riggs N.. Wash., D. C. 19,860 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Empire N. 9,750 and Union N„ Clarksburg, 6.300 489.690 30.200 570.000 300,000 265.000 9.000 20,000 45.060 25,000 69,230 448.980 25,000 54.000 69-258 Myron Speelman.. R. Hinebaugb ... Brueeton Mills 150 Brueeton Bank------------«t*’03 Jeremiah Thomas. J. B. Jenkins____ 69-259 51 Preston C16 $245-6% F. J. Farnsworth.. B. H. Carpenter... Ernest Phillips.... Matthew Edmiston Buckhannon Bank—.®*tS’81 tBuckhannon 3785 5B 32.700 Collections a specialty. Items sn this point remitted day of receipt. J. B. Perry______ E. S. Baker____ Bramweil____ 1696 Bank of Bramweil------ ‘tfSO Isaac T. Mann------ Harry Bowen------24% 69-257 S Mercer R7 A. B. Teter______ F. G. W. Eneland— W. F. Dunkin___ J. R. Jones_______ Bridgeport___ 1346 Bridgeport Bank------ ®»t§’02 5B Harrison £13 $425-24% Merch. N., Rich. 40,500 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Davis Tr. Co.. Elkins. 50,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.. N.Y.; Un. Dep. & Tr., Waynesburg, Pa.; Clarks. Tr., Clarks Largest combined capital and surplus, JAMES E- MANN also deposits, of any bank In Blusflald. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS. ®T»t'91 FLAT TOP NATIONAL BANK $305-12% $ 212,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. Phil.; 1st & erty Geo.Dunglinson.Jr. 69-63 FIRST NATIONAL BANK i% Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash k ExCHAKOU.DttK teoh Banes burg. 70.000 ®»t’17 Resources. Bonda Miscel and laneous S 155,320 $ 834,610 $ 377.820 25,000 250.000 69-64 Loans and Disoounts Depos Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital Profits Only Bank in City making PERSONAL PRESENTATION of all Drafts. BILL OF LADING ITEMS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION $125 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)t Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued 100,000 76.450 906,460 70.190 50.000 69,490 825,880 56.510 847.480 18,470 42,210 93.720 N. City. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 886,680 115,720 765.460 175.460 115,190 161.740 N.Bk.Oom., N. Y.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt. 69-138 PEOPLES BANK f H.A.ZICKEF0OSE L 0. YOUNG------ A. V. RUSH------- ?S0N- 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Empire N., Clarksburg. 80.030 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt.; Empire N.. Clarksburg. 1,008,010 RAFTS, CAS H AND TIME I TBMS. < SPECIAL ATT ENCTON GIVEN BILL OF LADIN j 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and Insures prompt, personal attentio n. ach credit report (.35 CENTS for e ®»t5’03 Huntington N.. Col. OF W. VIRGINIA $240-10% 69-140 TRADERS RATIONAL BANK (WILLIAM POST — U. G. YOUNG-—— SANFORD GRAHAM- j Largest Bank 1 n Upshur County $380-20% 69-139 ®»t'»2 ) FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to ns wit (TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each Buffalo.. .300 Buffalo Bank-----------®«t§’19 Jno. L. Dickinson. J. A. Cochran____ 69-885 5 Putnam 14 io% Burnsville___ 1088 Burnsville Exchange Bank W. C. Hefner------- G. D. Marple_____ 69-260 ®*tl’08 5B Braxton Hll 10% Cabincreek___ 519 Bank of Cabin Creek_____ 5 Kanawha L7 Cairo__________662 Bank of Cairo______ ®»tl’97 5B Ritchie F8 $120-10% 69-261 Wayne K1 25,000 20.000 160,500 18.500 177,580 29.500 3,750 50,000 11,370 552,560 130 419.770 54,340 30,400 109,540 N. 50,000 63,730 657,430 310 538,390 17,320 21,210 25,000 3,500 160,000 194,550 Chatham Phenix, N.Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt.: 2d N., Parkersburg. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Char. N., Char.; Union 60,100 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. W. Va. and Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co.. Wheel.; Diamond N,;Pitt. 176,020 N. City. N. Y.; Mellon N. and Farmers Dep. N.. Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 77,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. and 1st N„ Cin.; Far. & Merch. N.. Balt. Com., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. (<Closed July 24,1926 ) D. G. McGregor ... A. M. Douglass___ G. P. Hess............. O. C. Hess. W. D. Huff ............ E. W. Gum____ ... 100.000 50.000 50.000 160,000 N., Clarksbure. 588,800 68,590 627,810 83,690 19.630 153,400 1,512,430 50,000 721.030 830,860 37.920 337,010 56,540 245.840 157.130 15.880 33,840 52.310 69-262 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13,160 Chase N.. N. Y.: Kanawha Valley, Char. L. L. Lilly_______ H. B. Marshall .... Frank Amos. Ceredo............ mo First National Bank-©*}'92 H. J. Stark______ J. H. Thornbury— Eustace Adkins... 5 165.450 h each sight draf t for presentation , auu credit report lnsu res prompt, pers onal att entlon. Camden on Gau Lanes Bottom Bank—•Jf’07 A. W. Bobbitt'.. 69-290 ley.................. ..283 SB Webster Kll Cameron____ 2404 Bank of Cameron _ ®«t§’96 G. B. Patterson.__ G. R. Watson....... . J. L, Reed______ E. W. Nowell_____ T. H. Pletcher 4P Marshall Bll $150-10% 69-168 D. H. Peoples------ Harry Elbin_____ R. A. Startzman.. First National Bank..®»i’61 Lloyd St rope__ 69-169 50.000 Over Sixty Years of Service 14.91 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Drectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist P isPitt.Br.: B Balt. ‘Charleston 49.019 ♦BANK OF COMMERCE . 5 Kanawha K6 *100-8% 69-876 President. $173-10% CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY 69-345 Vice-President. Cashier. (M. M. WILLIAMSON WM.A. MACCORKLE EDWARD HESS ASS’T CASHIER. Loam Bonds Other Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and and AND Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties R. K. WELLS-........ $ 50,000 $ correspondents. from Banks 880 $ 115.690 $ 87.520 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Citiz. N., Char. 102.010 1,506.460 390.000 1,862.210 43.360 105,010 187.890 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; lst&Merch. N., Rich. R. E.PL0TT, A. Sec. 500,000 119.150 699.270 f J. L. DICKINSON R. G. QUARRIER — R.C.TETER, Sec. and Tr. R. G. HUBBARD Trust ) Inquiries invited f rom Bankers and ot hers regarding West Virginia Loans and o ther Sec urities. Funds. LWe do not engage in commercial ba nking. No collect* ons handled. 204.660 1.058.490 293.970 3.310 167,300 Kanawha Valley, Char. Tt§’13 GEO- S. LAIPLEY----- J. S. HILL-------DANIEL MATTHEWS J. S. HILL ROBINS........... R. E. ESKINS. 'CHARLESTON /ISAAC LOEWENSTEIN C. E.K. PAYNE NATIONAL BANK 69-36 ®T«t’84 J. W. L. SMITH......... A. C.ORCUTTJ. L. HOVER 200.000 500,000 1,600.150 6.722.100 3.104.100 7.836.970 2.182.200 371,490 1,535.690 1,702.620 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Fifth Third lln. Tr. Co., Cin.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. (OLDEST A IMD LARGES T NATION A L BANK. , UNSURPA SSED COLL ECTION SE RVICE. *375-12% 'CHARLESTON TRUST COMPANY rH.B. SMITH_ _ _ _ A. J. HUMPHREYS— HOMER W. HANNA— E.C. HAMMACK. 200,000 WILBUR STUMP NOYES SMITH, HOMER W. HANNA Sec. and Tr. I All business, in eluding collectio ns, entrusted to this bank assured (160-8% 69-41 ®T •t§,03 ^prompt, careful , personal and eff icient attention. 125,000 .A. MacCORKLE - M. M. WILLIAMSON ~ W. R. MILFORD-—- W. H.TRUSLOW♦CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK very facility fo r handling your it ems carefully and promptly. 69-37 ®T»f90 If you wish effi cient service send them to us direct ♦Kanawha Bkg. & Tr. Co. I. N. Smith______ H. B. Lewis_____ EdwardCalderwood P. A. Herscher.... 500,000 *170-8% ♦ 69-39 ®T«tl’01 G. E. Price. V. P. Montague Blundon H. B. Lewis, Sec. W. R. Fletcher, A. Sec. +KANAWHA CITY BANK *110 9.490 $ 550.290 $ 25,000 $ 430,690 $ Principal & Ex- Cabh chang>8,Duk ©»t§’17 (. Send us your C harleston items f or prompt, perso nal attention. 'CAPITAL69-43CITY®T»t§’07 BK. JOHN LAIN6----- 6% Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Ees. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ©Sar.Dept. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued 69-420 ®*t§ 23 'KANAWHA NATIONAL BANK 69-38 ®T»t’91 L. A. Christy____ O. F. Payne. Geo. F. Skidmore.. O. E. Tinney ......... E. A. REID.------- WM. LOH^EYErRW- CRACRAFT-W.B.WNUUNSON- 250.000 308,340 8.500 286.070 173.240 Am. 280.630 3,242.630 141,450 1.886.010 1.044,760 209-.700 649.240 N. City, N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Merch. N.. Balt. 809,230 N. Park and Gty. Tr. Co., N, Y.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr.Co.. Cin.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Un. Tr. Co., Pitt. 42.790 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Kanawha N., Charleston. 257,490 3.286,390 1.209,540 3,038.580 165.810 28.320 173,710 420.960 3,813.260 713,000 3,588,990 12.000 701,410 704,190 64.620 497,140 396,870 Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 714.220 EUhbn Chase N. and N. City, N.Y.; Fifth Third Pitt.; Am. N., Rich. This Bank invites the accounts and collections of bank s, cor porati ons, fi rms a nd Indi vi d ual S, and will give prompt attention to any business entrust ed to its ca re. J. L. DICKINSON — „ jl C. MALONE!----—F. 0. DRUMHELLER-J. W. CRIDER------DROMHELLER The 75,000 101,280 1,560.810 'KANAWHA OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN SOUTHERN WEST VIRGINIA Unexcelled facilities for handling VALLEY BANK YOUR items and collections on Charleston and ♦ 69-35 ®»t§’67 vicinity. 1,000,000 1,438.340 10389820 101.040 7.895,590 1.785.850 185*130 3.062.650 SE E AD VERT ISEM ENT ON w EST VIRG INIA INDE X. Chem. N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st & Merch. N. and State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Franklin 1th St. N., Phil. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BILL OF LADING DRAFTS. F. C. Wells, Ohio Joint Stock Land Bank Jas. B. Madison... S. A. Pleasants Sec. and Tr. Geo. M. Win wood, of Cincinnati. Ohio.__’23 Jr. *115-5% 69-428 (Formerly located at Cincinna ti. Ohio) H. L. Wehrle......... E. M. Burdette .... P. E. Wehrle____ J. E. McDavid___ ♦Peoples Exchange Bank C. G. Dawson C. A. Young *350-20% 69-45 ®»tS’09 250.000 13,500 50,000 101,580 809.910 *200-10% ®T«t§ 20 L. C. Massey____ Geo. E. Sutherland H. M. Word. Jr.— Lacy Massie_____ State Bank & Trust Co. *125-6% 69-382 ©T»t§’18 H. H. Smallridge, J. A. Parsons Ch. of Bd. (Charleston hanks co nlinued on next page) 100,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 212,230 25.090 278.110 34,620 Gty. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Lin. N.. Cin. 350 736,760 78.720 146.360 Chase N. and Chem. N., N. Y. 186,910 869,420 97.960 108.440 Chase N.. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin., Kanawha N.. Char. 43,530 402,530 12.440 31.760 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Char. N., Char. 100.000 107.190 681.720 F. M. EXLINE , A progressive, growing bank, Personal—ofiBc ial attention to collections and r equests for credit Inform ation w ith a re asonabl e charg e for ser vice. 0. F. PAYNE------ JOHN F. KAY--------- P. E. MANN_____ A. V. GREENLEE ♦SECURITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY 69-44 1,394.470 1,411,120 OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 1 A99 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given 40 each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Hand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. oMem.A.B.A. "New §State tPriy. [Estab. •County Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. P is Pitt. Br. BBalt. $ Last Sale %Div. ©Say. Dept. •Charleston ... President. TRUST COMPANY Prompt Service. BP-46 ®T«t§’l3 THE $725-8% “ Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 69-414 Send us your Collections. 1,150,000 313,540 (Incorporated u nder Section 16 Th e Federal Farm L\oan Act) 18 617 660 19 449300 Charleston Clearing House F.D. Drnmheller.. H. B. Lewis.. FARMERS & MER- DEPOSIT (Territor yOhio an d West V irginia). (NO CO LLECTI ONS H ANDLE D) SEE ADV OPPOSITE WE ST VIRG INI A IN DEX Sec. and Mgr, R. L. Withers____ W. F. Alexander.. S. Lee Phillips___ L. G. Albin. 50,000 79,870 648.970 544,430 50,000 85,050 608,160 534,130 100,000 21.050 417.600 33,070 22,940 CO.-- .69-142______ •§ ’03 & TRUST JEFFERSON $130-4% 69-365___®T»tS'17 F. B. ROBINSON— J. H. BLACKFORD— H. N. WATSON......... D. C. DOLLY...... G.T. SHIRLEY , J. R. RUSSELL { Young, progres BUI of Lading Please send 15c w 2,090 430,930 36,030 213,680 24,150 128,380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 17,790 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N. and Atlantic Tr. Co., Balt.; N. Met., Wash., D. C.; 1st N„ Phil. 67.780 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N. and Merch. N«, Balt. ilh sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 50.000 44.000 340,000 50,000 98,510 535.970 111,970 491,510 J. C. Smith______ Z. M. Nelson_____ Chas. D. Harper.. Clrclevllle___200 Circleville Bank________ §’23 69-416 E. A. Lambert____ J. A. Harman 5B Pendleton 117 30.000 3,510 111,440 10,000 112,010 _ _ _ _ ROSS F. STOUT......... H. E. DAVISSONCLARKSBURG W.C. W.I. BOOTH_ LEGGETT, fTsfRATHER® AS ch.ofBd.]t!:fWTHER TRUST COMPANY OLANDUSWEST, p. H. WHITE EMPIRE NATIONAL BANK 400.000 60.850 2.136.490 360,000 4.000 1.958.720 2,590 168,390 248,490 We make a specialty of collections. We present promptly, and insist upon payment. Prompt returns at lowest rates. V.P. 69-8# 6.000 sive; hustling for business. Yours Invited. Satlsfact ory serv Ice assu red. and bank collecti ons given prompt personal attenti on. National Citizens Bank L. D. Getzendaner A. M. S. Morgan... C. B. Watson.......... $200-12% 69-143 ®'04 G. E. Hughes_____ Robert A. Douglass Harry S. Hobbs___ J. N. Finley. Chester_____3283 First National Bank-.-©»t’0S $270-6% 69-263 John E. Newell-__ G. E. Lewis 4P Hancock Q4 $125-8% 232,820 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Kanawha N. Kanawha Valley, and Union Tr. Co. i Char.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. J. F. Greenlee......... •CharlesTown2527 Bank of Charles Town..»l’71 D. S. Hughes_____ John Porterfield -. John Porterfield.. J. F. Turner____ W. L. Gibson 5B Jefferson E25 $300-18% 60-141 •CIarksburg.30,402 SB Harrison E12 399,080 17 (Members indicated by a *) \(Associate Members by a -f) 16% Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dus from Banks $ 500.000 $ 370.000 $3746020 $ 329,820 $3494530 $ 337,330 $ 303.790 $ 810.190 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Colonial Tr. Co., Pitt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cln. We solicit corres pondence of Banks in Ohio and West Vi rginia concerning ] Our Thirty Three year Amortization Farm Loans, which are made under t provisions of The Federal Farm Loan Act. | “ ____ " Resources. Loana Bonds Other Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and and iabili I Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Reasonable Rates. We transact a General Banking and Trust Busines (J. B. MADISON__ E. A. REID----------- J. B. MADISON, Tr. -IL. K. CRACRAFT. Sec. WM. LOHMEYER. MASON MATHEWS Ch. of Bd. JOHN LAIN6 VIRGINIAN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK “ _____ Vice-President. W. 0. ABNEY......... C.E. WARD............ MASON CRICKARD- R. M. ALLEN........ A. B. K00NTZ H.P. BRIGHTWELL (continued) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, WEST VIRGINIA—Continued ®T»tl’14 40.000 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic Ex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Balt. 67,11o!n. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt. 40,340'Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 225,740 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr., N. Y.; —— Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N., Pitt.; Huntington N., Col. V. L. HIGHLAND__ E. B. DEIS0N---------- OSCAR C. WILT— C.E. ISRAEL a. man w L WILLIAMS, C.S.0EIS0N .... A. Cash. FREDERICK WAG- J $333-20% 89-84 NER Collections and Bequests for Credit Reports MUST be accompanied by ®T»t’03 FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. FARMERS BANK A. J. FLETCHER—- WILL E. MORRIS —- E: A,mNEHART:.-=- K. A. SARBERfiAnatLjunnsun.a Excellent facilities for handling your Items and collections on Clarksburg and vicinity. Bill of Lading Drafts a Specialty. (Special credit reports and ratings, 25c each, in advance) I_________________IGeorge L. Duncan,IW.M. Elliott, A.Tr. Lowndes Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. rTt. Lowndes $170-10% 69-85 ®»«’03 69-87 ®T»tr05 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK $250-12% 69-82 T»t'65 Sec. and Tr.\ R. T. LOWNDES—GEORGEL. DUNCAN- S. H. WHITE- C. 0. S0MMERVILLE DEEM ROBEY The oldest bank In Harrison County. Established 1860; before Lincoln was President. 371.000 4,056.510 1,537.460 219.420 929,290 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co. and N. City, ■ 1 A. V.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 113.920 90.810 221.610 Han.N.,N.Y.; MellonN.,Pitt.;Merch. — N., Balt. 696,490 702,910 51,510 288,270 Bkrs. Tr. Co.,N. Y.: Fidelity Tr. Co.. Balt,; Mellon N., Pitt. 1,015.440 218.160 75.420 334,230 Am. E*. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Fid. Tr. Co., "" Balt.; Phll.-Girard N., Phil.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt. 250.000 696,760 5,424,920 100,000 69.590 1,375.260 1,118,500 250,000 64,980 1,424,200 100,000 184,540 1.270.120 Send us yo ur lt< 88.600 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. (Clarksburg banks 'continued on following page) ' THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 ABILITY WILLINGNESS COURTESY Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. P is Pitt. Br. B Balt $ Last Sale %Div. ®Sav. Dept. ^Clarksburg... (Continued,) UNION NATIONAL BANK $200-10% 69-86 69-83 Vice-President. 1 $ 500.0011 S 420,62C1 $5 157 38(1 $ 500,000 $4204210 $10444911 Clendenin.__1263 Clendenin State Bank J. W. Parris__ H. M. Lynch— 5 Kanawha J7 $106.67-6% 69 329 ®t§’ll Farmers & Citizens Bank D. H. Stephenson H. R. Stamp _ $155-15% 69-352 ®*i§’15 ®»t’04 200,0001 Prompt, careful Attention given Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts and all Items intrusted to us. Elk Valley Bank______ Tt§'17 B. B. Wheeler___ L. J. Reed—— $115-4% 69-368 69-265 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds * Depos- Other Paid-tji, Surplus Misceland and and Liabili Capitax’ Profits j ITS Discounts1 Securitiesj LANEOUS ties GEORGE L. DUNCAN- GUY D. GOFF- - - - - - - - - R. A. FARLAND......... W. K. BERRY.......... JAS. A. McANDREW ®»t§’89 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ass’t Cashier. W. B. MAXWELL- GEO. M. MOORE - E. S. ICE......... . H. H. SOMMER. HUGH JARVIS W. H. DAVISSON, VILL Tr. Officer A. P. FORMAN R. J. STURM *CIay................. .535 Clay County Bank____ »tr02 P. M. Summers.... J. G. Bradley. 5 Clay K9 69-264 $175-10% Cashier. P. W. SNYDER— Ji M. GEARY Sidney White... Irving Sutphin Davis________ 2491 National Bank of Davis C. E. Smith______ Eugene Coffman. 5 B Tucker F17 69-266 ®»t’92 Peoples Bank________©t8’17 A. L. Helmick___ John Raese.......... 69-360 Davy_________1020 Bank of Davy............ -®*t§'20 B. O. Swope_____ J. H. Anderson.. 5 McDowell Q6 $110 69-397 Del barton........ 500 5 Mingo 03 Dunbar______1536 5 Kanawah K5 Durbin_______422 5 Pocahontas J15 East Rainelie____ (Rainelle P. O.) 5 Greenbriar L10 -Elizabeth___681 5 B Wirt G7 -Elkins______6788 5B Randolph G15 Rockhouse Bank______ T§’25 69-423 Bank of Dunbar____®»tS’17 $130-6% 69-361 Bank of Durbin.... .........•Jl’Oa 69-267 First National Bank__®’24 $106 69-421 63.830>$ 129.060 380,980 54,280 98,330 1 399.930 Chase N., N. Y.; Un. Tr. Co., Chi. Mellon N., Pitt.: Fidelity Tr. Co. Balt.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 50,000 27,300 456,300 J. B. Wheeler_____ G. S. Johnson____ 25,000 5,970 129,510 310 115,180 7,900 37,700 1 H. O. Phillips... 100.000 12,910 400,810 7,010 399,900 87,350 33,480 1 R. C. Andrews____ C. T. Fleshman.. 50,000 35,000 500,000 15,000 460,000 40,000 Co., Char.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 66,000 < hase N.. N. Y.; Onion Tr. Co. and N., Char. W. B. CRAWFORD J. I. HAMILTON. 25,000 21.340 332,100 48.230 313.520 2,4 50 56,980 N., N. Y.; Char. N.. Char. 53,720 Han. 1 25,000 6.500 120,880 1,590 108,810 8,050 2,450 50,000 19,440 393,080 15,280 306,930 10,400 69,770 90,690 1 Inion Tr. Co., Char.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 58,230 < (hase N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Balt. J. T. Parris--------- H. R.Izard__ R. F. Ferrell____ C. G. Smith______ 50,000 66,520 454,720 60,450 115,980 447,480 10,000 C. G.Lashley____ A. Smith Hockman 25,000 2,700 100,450 170 81,770 15.900 5,280 R. W. Harvey.__ R. L. Wilson__ 50.000 4,290 256,010 25,400 234,530 1,440 42,680 290 34,650 1 C. S. Rengers____ 25,000 2.380 55,690 _____ 69,300 25,000 15,580 217,530 21,170 213,660 J. W. Goodsell___ J. H. Wilson ... E. L. Fenton____ K. Nottingham..., 30,000 27,000 250,000 200,000 54,880 17,000 C. H. Thompson. W. E. Deegans. L. L. Graybeal__ L. L. Graybeal, Sec. 25,000 109,420 97,730 750 23,370 Wirt County Bank —@211900 F. E. Badger___ Grant Wilson__ $120-6% 69-268 Citizens National Bank .•t’24 H. G. Kump______ C. W. Channell. $120 69-115 G. W. Roberts ... Herbert Roberts... 323,010 34,610 5,640 43,550 1 1,399,840 175,270 98,050 231,240 1 65,860 1,184,600 282,910 245,860 33,920 1 44,960 131,850 40,870 BSP'SHr, ELKINS NAT'L BK. $275-15% 69-112 W. G. Wilson_____ N. I. Hall________ N. I. Hall. Sec. and Tr, LEE CROUCH. E. A. BOWER!- A. H. Hunter, A. Sec. and A. Tr. ®«r06 J. T. Lingamfelter D. A. Earle. Wayne Jackson 50,000 30,000 300,000 100.000 16,740 278,470 250,000 100,000 THADDEUS PRITT E. M. MORRIS__ Eor prompt, eff Iclent service sen d US your busln ess. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and ®»f92 (.25 CENTS for c ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo (PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK _ '12% 69-114 Elm Grove.__2000 (See Wheeling) Q24 I H. L. Collett____ 50,000 76,370 537,330 477,680 Cin. Clarksburg. 11,790 IN. Bk. Com.. Williamson. 49,630 ( im. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Char. 17,720 1 st & Merch. N., Rich.; Davis Tr. Co., Elkins 12,570 S tate-Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Char. N., Char. 26,000 I Ian. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Citiz. N., Parkers burg N., and Wood Co.. Parkersburg. 1* THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 385,000 11,600 281,690 1,372,700 155,290 1,426,130 1,690 15,990 Co., Elkins. 25,360 I f. Bk. of Bait.. Bait.; Miners & Merch., Thomas. 37,040 5 tate-Plan. Bk. & Tr., Rich.: Merch. & Min ers, Welch; Fifth ThirdUn. Tr. Co., Cin. C. A. McCarty.__ E. S. Dudding_____ DAVIS TRUST “ 1 1,302.190 G. F. Downey. Jr. C. B. Early____ R. D. Bailey Mason Crickard— O. F. Payne ___ $190-10% " ------ 10.420 S. H. McLane__ Cowen................ 393 First National Bank—®*t’14 J. N. Berthy, Sr.. C. D. Howard........ M. E. Squires. 5B Webster Kll $100 69-347 Danville______ 327 Bank of Danville____ ®IS’14 J. M. Hopkins___ 5 Boone Mo $140-6% 69-349 68.5501 1.616.03111 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dui from Banks . $1329310 N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Union Tr. Co., Ciev. Send us your Bill of Lading Drafts. ®T*t’05 WEST VIRGINIA BANK $135-6% President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ----- 1 Rates Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued Balt. N., Balt.; N. Bk. of W. Va., Wheel ing. 58,260 K N. Park, N.Y.; Merch. N., Balt. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks -i A9A •1*4 i Number under Name of Bank is tlie New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. lEstab. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. Fig. is F. Res. DIst. ♦M. Fed. Ree. T-Trust Powers. P is Pitt.Br. B Balt. $La8t8aie %D1t. ® Sat. Dept President. »Fairmont..20,959 Fairmont State Bank C. H. Jenkins. SB Marion D13 69-80 ©•t§’17 *185-10% 69-77 Vice-President. J. Clark Miller Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Paid-up Capital NATIONAL BANK OF FAIRMONT *9-75 ®T«t’95 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK $ 764,680 $ 81,150 $ 821.170 16.960 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash ft Ex changes, from Banks Dus 80.610 $ 140,100 |B. E. Brown SMITH HOOD — J. W. BARNES...... M. A. FLETCHER,Tr..J. L. LEECH,, Sec... J. A. JAMISON W.M.DOWNS, A.Tr. F.M.JAMISON M A FLETCHER &ecSend US your items and collections on Fairmont and vicinity. ®T«»'03 Bonds Loads Surplus Depos Other Miscel And and Liabili Discounts and its Securitiss laneous ties Profits M. L. Brown------ . J. Kay Falkington $ 100,000 $ 200,000 156.670 277.120 76,350 88,560 155,320 5,000 35,000 75.000 222.140 1,477,700 S 128.220 1,561.880 32,400 868,970 1.700 719,320 750,000 140,000 950,000 915,220 6,563.110 780,160 and Far. Dep. N., Pitt. Columbia N., Pitt.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt. We have the strength and equipment to give the best of serviee. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY.____________ J. C. Hall................. F. P. Hall................ Home Savings Bank®«t§1900 C. D. Conaway___ 69-76 C. D. Robinson___ P. B. Swearingen.. Hugh F. Smith.— Carl D. Springer _ )*t8’03 *300-18% Resources. Liabilities. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. FAIRMONT TRUST COMPANY Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued JK. JfliYIta n. inumno unHo.onmi-n, 100,000 100,000 68,890 75,000 N# r>K. vjUIUm It. l.* uuiidi oav. ex 11. vju., Wheeling;lstN..Pitt.;Fidel]yTr.Co.,Balt. SrUSc * un V '“i- SIWsS t, Tr. Off. This Bank invites the accounts and collections of banks, corporations, firms and individuals, and will give prompt attention to any business entrusted to its care.________ r J. M. BROWNFIELD fl. J. HARTLEY- - - - - - C. RICHARD HALL— OSCAR L. WILSON- 400.000 SEE A DV. OP POSITE WEST 200,000 121,410 1,879.300 4.684,810 2,419.880 89.160 1,464.650 VA. IN DEX. Merch. N., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Mellon N„ Pitt.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil. 108.480 489.170 209,620 Chase N„ N.Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil. 599,930 74,890 14,090 314,780 171,090 16,580 445,000 33,000 135,890 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Columbia N. and Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 72,240 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt.. Balt.; Bk. of Pitt.N. A. and 1st N.. Pitt. 118,000 Seab.N.. N. Y.: N.Ex.. Wheeling: Mellon N.. Pitt.;N. Bk. of Fairmont. Fairmont. 297.880 1,691,320 6. E. AMOS I We have the ex perience, facilltie s, and desire to r ender satisfactor y servic [.Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts and o ther collections. *128-6% 69-74 ®»t’01 O. E. Morris---------- H. H. Storey-------Falrview. .827 Farmers & Merchants BankE. C. Tennant — J. Y. Hamilton — 8% 69-248 ®«t§1900 SB Marion C12 W. H. Toothman.. First National Bank .®T»t’12 J. W. Haught------- W. L Booth---------- W. H. Coonta-------*150-6% 69-336 L. N. Whitlatch... W. E. Mapel---------Farmington ...700 Bank of Farmmgton.©»tl’01 J. F. Campbell .— J. A. Bock.—......... 5 B Marion DIB *130-8% 69-270 Miss Ethel Grose.. ^Fayetteville ..659 Bank of Fayette----------®»|’04 J. T. Grose----------- J. 8. Phipps---------- C. C. Huffman------G. R. Bullock 69-221 5 Fayette M8 *175-12% 50,000 77,200 686,550 2,060 30,000 22,670 476.530 50,000 20,000 527,000 25,000 24,560 304,010 21,460 172,370 54,750 53,100 Fayette County Nat.Bk.«tl900 A. W. Hamilton... C. W. Dillon ...— A. B. Abbot______ 69-220 G. E. Williams .... Flemington ...330 Bank of Flemington .®*t§’13 G. O. Sinsel--------- M. L. Shields-------W. C. Currey 69-341 5B Taylor E13 *180-6% 50.000 65,210 523,880 84,100 569.170 50,870 35,500 25,000 19,470 530,600 464,450 M. T. Dunlope — Follansbee... 3135 Bank of Follansbee...®t§ 14 R. Humes------------ Geo. L. Humes .— 69-346 4P Brooke 024 *150-8% 25,000 35.000 530,000 365,000 86.000 17.000 122,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mellon N„ 25.000 55,000 650,000 550,000 70,000 50.000 60,000 N. City. N. Y.: UDion N.. Pitt.; Steuben ville Bk. & Tr. Co., Steubenville. 50,000 55,240 569.020 46,000 619,700 3,000 47,280 50,290 Drov. &Mech. N., Balt. 40,000 20,820 239,460 69,370 311,270 1,800 32,940 23,640 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 50.000 61,590 1,086,440 63,350 994,090 68.000 20.480 J. B. Fisher______ N. B. Hamric........ Gassaway.__ 1518 Bank of Gassaway ..®«t8’05 W. P. Bartlett — Norman Goad-----69-274 5B Braxton 110 *140-6% 50,000 18.220 613,300 1.230 568.170 26,080 24,040 W. V. BERRY.......... 35,000 15.000 275.000 260,000 280,000 242,000 Citizens Bank______ ®T»§’06 Charles L. Wilson. L. A. Diller............ J. V. Balch—.... H. L. Mahan $200-12% *285-8% ♦ 69-246 Pitt.; Steub. Bk. &Tr. Steubenville, O. ©ti’10 Franklin Bank---------- ®*tl'10 S. B. Johnson------- J. C. Smith_______ Raymond Boggs... H. T. Cowger *160-6% 69-247 Fulton_______ 1518 (See Wheeling) 4P Ohio 023 J. H. Barker_____ Anthony Halmagyi Gary_________ 1241 Gary National Bank...®»t’06 R. V. Shanklin .— L. E. Wtoods--------69-273 5 McDowell Q6 *300-30% V. G. BENDER- - - - - - - 0. P. FRAME— fj. W. SMITH-----< Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts and a 11 Collections sent us. *130-6% 69-399 ©«M’20 (. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports 40,000 C. E. Maham, Jr.- W. O. Crandall........ E. L. Pinney____ — Cloyd Davis______ Gauley Bridge.516 Bank of Gauley Bridge L. R. Harless 69-275 ®»t8'20 5 Fayette L8 FARMERS & MECH. BANK 8,000 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94,810 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Kanawah Bkg. & Tr., Char.; N. Bk., Thurmond. 67,650 Char. N.. Char. 110,620 Chase N., N. Y.: Col. N., Pitt.:Emp. N., Clarksburg; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. 69-271 Irving Ritchie------- J. H. Cook — .Franklin__ ...320 Farmers Bank of Pendleton James Sites............ Ernest Bowman — 5B Pendleton 117 45,500 178,810 Han. N.. N. Y.; 5th 3d Un. Tr., Cin.; StatePlan. Bk. & Tr., Rich.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 64,460 Chase N„ N.Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr., Cin.; Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co., Balt.: Union Tr. Co. and Kanawha Valley, Char.; Empire N.. Clarksburg. 45,000 Am. Ex. Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; Char. N., Char. 25,000 45,000 Char. N., Char.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; N. Bk. of Summers. Hinton. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 49 ^ t0 eactl bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Baukers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Pis Pitt. Br.;B Balt. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § S'tate tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Div. ©Sav. Dept. Gilbert _ fiOO 5 Mingo P4 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued x Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos- Other and Capital Profits ITS ties Ass’T Cashier. Resources. { Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash i Exand and Discount! Securities FROM Banks Principal correspondents. (Closed April 30, 19 26) Glen Jean........ 736 Bank of Glen Jean...®*tS’06 Wm. McKell_____ C. P. Callaway ___ Charles Wilburn.. Clara Craig 5 Fayette N8 69-276 W. R. Lubold *Glenvllle........ 327 Glenrille Bkg. & Tr. Co. E. G. Rohrbough „ I. N. Hardman.... Howard R.Brannon M. B. Morris, Sec.. 69-232 ®l’02 5B Gilmer G10 $240-10% tl •< Kanawha Union Bank ..•tf 06 S. A. Hays.......... ..... C. M. Bennett........ J. E. Arbuckle___ L. D. Zinn _ 69-233 Gormanla 516 First National Bank_._©«t’07 C. H. Vossler_____ A. F. Schwartz.__ T. 0. Winters____ M. Aronhalt, Sec... $133-8% 69-277 5B Grant E17 W. G. Drinkwater * Grafton........ 8861 First National Bank.®T»t'73 W. A. Beavers........ 69-105 5B Taylor E14 $226-10% .. Grafton Banking & Trust A. B. Corder_____ Company $150-6% ♦ 69-108 ®T»t8’03 61.200 i 645.360 $ 8,100 $ 414.000 S 252,040 $ 25,000 31.410 468.670 1.570 289,990 40,000 42.400 736.500 15,000 637,060 34,850 161,980 5.300 72.560 6,890 25,690 i $ 25,000 87,730 17.630 $ 131.000 Chem. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Kanawha Valley, Char.; 1st Huntington N., Hunt ington. 22,440 126,500 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; Emp. N., Clarksburg; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Citiz. N., Char. O. Jay Fleming___ O. Jay Fleming___ C. W. Steel.............. U. S. Morrow 200,000 238.690 2.519.840 1,632,970 657.110 197.500 505,180 N. City. N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Citiz. N., Balt. J. A. Pugh............... W. L. Thomas, Tr. C. C. Rlchman........ W. L. Thomas 100,000 52,510 1.225,430 886,430 202,660 165,000 123.850 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. Park. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Merch. N„ Balt. rG. E. BAILEY-— ^ 15 CENTS sent (.25 CENTS for e C. G. TURNER______ W. MORGAN_______ E. B. DENTON______ W. MORGAN to us with each si ght draft for pre sentatlon, and ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention. 100,000 27.170 625,000 515.000 100,000 Taylor County Bank........if 05 M. L. Shields_____ 69-109 * Gran tsvllle... 450 Bank of Grantsville.. ®»tf’03 A. G. Mathews .— 69-243 5B Calhoun G9 $200-10% .. .. Calhoun County Bank W. T. W. Dye........ $315-20% 69-242 ®il’1900 H. R. Linn_______ N. F. Kendall........ 50,000 30.530 624,980 414.550 139,500 44,800 C. A. Jarvis______ C. A. Jarvis........ . Ralph Morris........ Tell McDonald J. E. Hall 40,000 56.560 421,890 372,920 100 19.110 G. W. Hardman.__ F. F. McCoy_____ 30,000 67.560 720,mn 575,000 3,000 6,940 25,000 18,000 75,000 93,000 25,000 57.290 270,870 27.820 245,540 MERCHANTS & MECH. SAV. BANK $125-6% 69-106 ®«t5’91 .. Greenville____ 100 5 Monroe Pll Griffiths vllle .265 5 Lincoln L4 Bank of Greenville_____ii’02 I. N. Ballard_____ J. Z. Ellison........... R. S. Dunlap_____ W. M. Comer________ $300-8% 69-278 Oil Field National Bank H. W. Miller________ Frank E. Grass.___ $300-12K% 69-279 ®»t'll * Hamlin................... 516 Farmers & Merch. Bank A. F. Black...................... J. S. Pridemore... H. M. Booth_________ $130-10% 69-380 ®»t§’19 5 (Lincoln L3t< Lincoln National Bank®»t’06 J. J. Senseney_____ J. B. McGhee............. W. H. Reyburn_____ 15% 69-280 Harman................... 200 Stockmans Bank_________ ®F05 I. M. Groves.................... Arthur Cooper_____ Riley Cooper _ _ 69-281 5B Randolph G17 $210 Harper’sFerry.713 Bank of Harper’s Ferry T. J. Burleigh______ L. B. Lightner _ 180.680 20.000 181,010 28.260 23.050 6,500 265.050 34,450 17,360 25,000 34.770 272,820 201,220 7.530 5B Tucker G16 _ 215 _5 Pocahontas M13 * Hinton_________ 3912 5 Summers O10 Hillsboro .. .. *’05 C. A. Roberts------------12% 69-283 Bank of Hillsboro_____ ®»tfl4 F. W. Ruckman.... $175-6% 69-348 J. A. Graham________ Citizens National Bank $220-8% 69-124 ®«t’05 FIRST NATIONAL BANK teoo-20% l« <« 69-122 o, n. Cooper ... ®*t’87 F. P. Kidd J. K. Marshall _____ A, W. McLaughlin Samuel Sheets J. M. Roles_________ O. P. Vines_______ A. A. Riddleberger Joseph Hinton ___ W. T. Fredeking.. fJ. H. MILLER— W. L. FREDEKING C. D. BOLTON____ H.G. HUMPHRIES.. WM. H. SAWYERS F. L. BOONE NATIONAL BK. OF SUMMERS $295-12% 69-128 J ®»t’06 262,620 1.150 134,390 88,270 2,500 49,990 59.240 Char. N., Char.; 1st Huntington N., Hunt ington. 19,260 1st Huntington N., Huntington. 114,030 N. City, N. Y.: Char. N.. Char.; 1st Hunt ington N., Huntington. 66,970 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 12,600 37,930 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Peo. Tr. Co., Martinsburg. an ir»<-v Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 2d N., Parkersburg. 36.890 Han. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 16.110 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Char. N., Char. 75,810 25,000 34.500 230,020 29,660 191,350 84,350 6,600 25,000 19.200 164.680 20,260 181.720 400 30.910 50,000 64,320 550,000 22,500 417,000 167,260 50.000 105.000 Han. N., N. Y.; State.-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich 290.180 100,000 277.220 2.345,390 100,000 185,520 1,203,360 326,680 2,234,520 1 426,190 1,368,500 432.620 91,970 269.950 143,680 342,050 115,230 3,000 328,170 163,980 Char. N., Char. 132,930 'hase N., N. Y.;ls Char. N., Char. 1 Collections give n special attenti on and remitted (. for on day of payment. HollldaysCovel213 Peoples Bank_______®*t§’23 D. M. Weir_______ D. M. Peterson.... E. D. Rothrock.__ 69-418 4P Hancock N24 5% Hundred .. 710 Bank of Hundred „__®»t§'03 S. J. Talkington .. John Mapel______ 69-284 4P Wetzel C12 $150-6% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,400 346.650 36,470 Hendricks_______ 622 First National Bank 45,800 7,500 25,000 _____ 263,510 Bkg. & Tr. Co., Parkersburg. 52.750 100,000 ®»f 94 115.730 Han. N. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Diamond N. and Duquesne N.. Pitt. 126,310 Wood Co. and 1st N., Parkersburg. 49,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 25,000 J. C. Newcomer... Bessie L. Rau______ Jefferson E25 $100-6% ♦ 69-282 9.060 43,400 iHarrlsvllle.. .1036 Peoples Bank____________ ©tS’99 H. M. Rymer................ B. F. Patton________ M. R. Eastlack.... L. R. Snodgress ... 69-225 5B Ritchie F9 $175-8% J.M. Barbe 5B 50.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. J. G. Toothman... 25,000 10,670 498,300 50,000 14,970 600,360 2.900 73,680 Pitt. 152,090 Ihase N., N.Y.; Dollar Sav. Wheeling; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I 4t0 each bank ln U. s- exclusively by The Rand-McNaiiy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pitt.Br.;B Balt. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Dhr. ®8av. Dept. # President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued j.-T4iV Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. •Huntington Guy Shepherd____ ♦AMERICAN BANK & TR. CO. L. N. Frantz______ 5 Cabell K2 63.485 1125-6% 60-26 ®T»t*’02 George H. Wright “ »» ♦Cabell County Bank.®»|’16 M. Biederman___ J. O. Cunningham $135-6% 60-30 S. H. Bowman “ » Citizens State Bank. ®»t§’23 G. C. Morrison-— J. E. Stone______ A. E. McComas—— $106 60-419 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Other AND Profits TIES $ 150.000 $ Kathryn L. Robey. J. Ellington Resources. Loads Principal Correspondents. Bonds Mibcel- Cash k ExAnd and Discounts Securities LaNEOus non Baku 51,410 $ 930.300 1 151.500 $ 862,570 $ 284,000 $ 101,640 $ 25.000 12.510 493,700 50,000 480,810 100.000 7.700 205.500 27.000 270.400 8,770 35.000 Cent. Un. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Huntington N., Col.; Colonial Tr. Co.. Pitt. 29,540 62,090 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co. Cin.; 1st Huntington N., Huntington. 30,000 39.800 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st Huntington N., Huntington. C. M. GOHEN.............. FRANK ENSLOW........ C A BOONE W. T BEARD.............. L. V. GUTHRIE 0. 1. SMITH, HOMER GEBHARDT, M' b'. DAMRON V. P. and Ch. of Bd. H. B. HAGEN Trust Officer j. B. DERWACTER C. R. CARDER, V.P. J. K. ONEY W. M. DIEHL, G. P. STOLLINGS Auditor R. C. WARD 2.000.000 1.599.760 13384850 1,742.370 12248770 2,143.640 1,722.740 2.611.820 N. Bk. Com., Chem. N., Chase N.. and W.H.F.DEMENT,F.P. C. W. PHELLIS N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., J. W. ENSIGN, V.P. H. H. WEBER Chi.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., and Collection Department undei personal supervision of an 1st N., Cin.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Far. & Merch. N., Balt.; Union Tr. Co., officer. Remittances on day of payment. SEE AD V. ON W EST VA. INBEX. ®T»t’84 Clev.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Phil.Your business invited. Girard N., Phil. 'FIRST HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK • .. $300-12 % U »* •• 69-23 Guyandotte Bank___®»t§’22 Jas. Murphy______ H. C. Everett.__ H. A. McNeer __ $112-6% 69-34 TF. C. PRICHARD— O.L.STANARD_____ H. L. O’BRIEN--------- E. A. BARTELS-------W. J. HAnV1 h $215-8% “ •* 69-33 43,000 15.000 57.470 346.450 Chase N., N. Y.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co.. Oin.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Phil.-Girard N. Phil. 37,800 1,270.030 1.014.500 34,440 125.160 283,730 Han. N., N. Y.; Lin. N., Cin.; Un. Tr., \ • ) vOlUIllcll 1 T. L'Oay X lllSa 847.050 20.010 104,250 91.470 Chase N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Oin. 11.930 1.150.580 400.400 Chase N.. N. Y.: Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; State, Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 24,000 (.Bill of lading d rafts, notes and b auk items given s pecial attention. 'OHIO VALLEY BANK $125-6% 9,500 21.560 2.140.510 13,000 303,390 34,000 1st Huntington N., Huntington. 329,000 335.620 1.902.240 ) Save time and g et service on Coll ections and Credi t Reports by send 1 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain eight d rafts, J 5c i Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y W 69-31 CH. 0. HATFIELD- i-msr* U 100.000 300.000 E. McCLANE-------- L. A. KN0WLT0N - 150.000 H. C. WARTH \ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS. J Collections and all bank ing items wi II receive l prompt, p ersonal atte ntion. TEST OUR FACIL ITIES . ©T»t§'13 fC. 0. HARRISON -- m?ers........ A. C. HINERHAN-— 0. W. MYNES______ 100,000 \d. a. HALL, V.P. ♦TWENTIETH STREET BANK < 15 CENTS sent to us with each si gbt draft for pres entatlon, and $165-6% 69-27 ®»t|’06 ) 25 CENTS for e acb Credit Report Insures prompt, personal attentlo n. 38.020 907.010 17.760 (.Special attentlo n given Bill of Lad ing Drafts, Cash and Time Items. , __ ('ROBERT L. ARCHER G. S. WALLACE.......... H. G. PROCTOR_____ B. P. RINEHART—- 1.000.000 nu* w n • nAMMirif u#i in ill AulV 326.740 3.165.260 735.340 3,664.430 ♦UNION BANK & TR. CO. $140-6% 69-26 ©WJ’96 J PROMPT SERV ICE 5nMC?>LLEC TIONS. (.PIONEER SAVI NGSANDTRUST INSTITUTION O F HUNTINGTON THE 4* f A. H. MOORE........ J. 0. FRANCIS-........ LUCY HARVEY.......... W.C HABERER H. L. OUCKER, Tr. C. M. GOHEN, Sec. MIITIII1I PflMPANY IWE DEAL 1 N FIRST MO RTGAGE LO ANS. “ Huntington Clearing House. C. A. Boone............ H. L. O'Brien___ H. G. Proctor, 5.130 1st Huntington N., Huntington. 65.050 53,520 210.000 80,000 25,000 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st Huntington N., Huntington. 117.320 377,890 64,760 54,180 12,780 1st Huntington N., Huntington; Char. N., Char. 319.000 25.000 207.680 30,600 38,380 99,000 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 12.500 192.860 108,920 211,060 52,000 60,620 40.600 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 17,270 269,220 181,540 57,650 8.000 100.000 12,020 . _ 50.000 10,000 125,000 150.000 J. E. Billups_____ J. T. Garrett........ W. W. Draper__ V. S. McGhee 50.000 60.890 281,420 A. D. Cooke______ 25,000 7,050 Tug River National Bank Jno. Damron.__ __ T. A. Hurley-------- H. B. Ellis_____ $125 69-412 ®T23 Jacksonburg. 160 Bank of Jacksonburg®«t§’04 L. E. Lantz______ F. M. Willey............ G. N. Blair.............. N. M. Marlin.......... 4P Wetzel Dll $125-6% 69-286 50.000 25,000 11.680 IYIUIUAL uUIYlrAm (Members indicated by a *) Hurricane....... 666 Hurricane National Bank J. S. Burdette___ $120-6% 69-398 ©•’20 5 Putnam K4 “ Putnam County Bank©*t§’01 A. S. Alexander... $225-8% ♦ 69-285 Sec. and Mgr. W. H. Kirtley___ Ren Kiff._ . N. R. Allen laeger............... 481 First National Bank..©»t’18 Wm. J. Hatfield__ E- W. Cook.............. E. W. Cook 69-379 5t McDowell Q5 $140-8% THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 71,080 Columbia N., Pitt.; Empire N., Clarksburg. IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS 1427 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. P is Pitt.Br.: BiBalt. 5B Lewis F12 •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Sav. Dept. 1150-8% ____ •• Vice-President. Liabilities. ther AssT Cashier, Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND Capital its CASHIER. PROVIT8 12,190 122,060 40.000 22.780 403,810 $ 41.600 R. A. Morris 30,000 7.500 240.000 235,000 60,000 65,180 954,000 _ a. W. Hale Floyd Brewer . C. O. Preece Richard Gersiell— J. R. Bane ______ G. R. Davis______ C. B. Hott.............. D. W. Taylor if. M. REYNOLDS FIRST NATIONAL BANK + ^Collections and $175-10% 69-121 @*+’02 (oldest, LAB 80.000 57,000 1,420,000 J. D. GEL WICKS- H. L. ARNOLD 1 E.PATCHETT all business entr usted to us will r ecelve the person al alien tlon at an offle er. GEST AND STB ON GEST BANK. 4,480 27,040 534,350 384,790 10,000 780.000 460,000 120,000 50,000 81.100 679,360 69,130 639,330 56,500 D. J. M. Cook___ G. H. Lawhead ___ 25,000 31,210 408,640 24,300 377,890 26,470 75,000 106,740 544,360 27.520 585.460 72,070 25,000 28.52C 427.410 6.870 372,020 73,990 J. A. Lenhart Felix Klliott. F. T. Shaffer C. A. Craig______ Ivan Davis.. J. B. Brady J. M. Stratton___ A. C. Masters Ann O. Skaggs C. E. Boone, Act’g.. 25.0(K 25,000 361.490 8,450 353,70(1 14,500 100.000 178,960 628,240 156,000 713.760 490 255,290 A. C. Masters____ H. F. Hunter, 250,000 56.340 2,163.560 2.105,230 150,000 87.830 Sec. and Tr. (Territ or y of Virg inia and Weet Vir gxnia.) 398.600 3.900 312,720 50.530 20,000 _ R. S. Burton____ 100,000 25,000 455,000 50.000 497.000 5,000 65.000 FIRSTNATIONAL BANK „ Naaman Jackson.. A. R. Beisel______ A. D. Dickey____ R. V. Browning.... C. McD. England $265-16% 69-171 ©«t 06 150,000 238,720 2.385.040 100,000 1,855.730 206.170 342.300 6UYAN VALLEY BANK-*t§'99 J. Cary Alderson.. Brace McDonald. $600-30% 69-170 100.000 446,150 1.964.270 243.260 2.215.450 218.380 5,000 195.600 95,680 14.090 267,500 15,750 10,010 $125 (9-218 BK. OF LOGAN ft TRUST CO- G. W. Raike_____ L. G. Burns______ L.G. Burns___ 69-885 ©»t§ 19 (Formerly Bank of Logan) Lost Creek___ 418 Harrison County Bank 69-291 ©•tl'10 5B Harrison F12 $175-6% Lumberport— .900 Lumberport Bank...@»JS’03 69-292 SB Harrison E12 Logan County Bank _®«t§’18 $195-6% 69-372 5 Logan 05 AMadison____ 604 Boone County Bank—®»tl’06 69-241 5 Boone M5 II I* Madison National Bank $200-8% 69-240 ®T»t’02 Merchants k Miners- Bank $160-6% 69-407 ®«t§’21 5 Logan 04 EXCHANGE BANK $110 89-135 ®»ll'92 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $225-12% 69-136 L. J. Toothman.__ John Bevins— __ Jo. Townsend Charles Post_____ A. D. Bassell____ W, D. Nutter____ H. C. Clevenger... A. J. Kemper A. B. Forman____ J. H. Knight R. W. Quaintance. G. M. Jones......... . Lloyd Whitley___ Chas. D. Clark___ F. P. Chambers W.H. Tnrley------- E. T. Price______ C.R. Mitchell. V.P. Dell Hill. H. G. Shaffer......... O. C. Chambers__ E. E. White_____ L. L. Hager______ C. A. Croft, V. P. Henry Keadle Sybil J. McNeely S. E. McDonald.__ G. Pile ( G. W. B0WERS-- P. H. PITZER____ W. H. PARSONS -. 36.800 341.000 17,000 160.000 6.830 50,000 53.460 207,160 26,710 282,410 100.000 40,400 491,430 56,000 541.850 100,000 105,000 783.510 156.890 25,000 15,500 205,000 50.000 25,470 984,500 2,720 ntOM Banks 10.770 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. 75,070 N.Oity.N.Y.jlstN. and Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 40,000 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st Huntington N.. Huntington. 131,510 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 150,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.: Mellon N., Pitt. 14,270 50,640 719,240 135.360 112.270 180.000 _____ 25,500 730.420 96,440 94,530 93,640 Bk. of Am., N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 126,840 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. N. Y.: Char. N., Char.; N. Bk. of Charlottesville, Charlottesville61.420 Han. N ,N.Y.:Far. Dep.N.,Pitt.; Dol. Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. 63,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Hnntineton Bkg. & Tr. Co., Hnntington; Kanawha Valley Char. 469.570 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Oin.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.: 1st Huntington N.. Huntington. 314.850 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.: Merch.N„Balt.; Fifth ThirdUn.Tr.Co. and 1st N.. Cin. 119.260 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Union N. and Empire N., Clarksburg: Far, Dep. N., Pitt. 35,000 Union N., Clarksburg; Far.Dep. N„ Pitt. 30.650 Huntington Bkg. & Tr. Co.. Huntington, Guyan Valley and 1st N., Logan. 95.340 N. Park, N.Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; Kanawha Valley and Union Tr. CoChar. 178,510 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt.; Char. N. and Un. Tr. Co., Char. 40,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.and Guyan Valley, Logan. 141.290 JWe make a specialty of collection b usiness. ) We present promptly, in sist on paym ent or definit e rea son f or no n-pay ment. (.Pleate tend 15c with each tight d raft for pretenta tion and 25c for Cl. C. MARTIN—.. W. S. FURBEE_____ W. L.JENKS--------< Send us your it ems direct. j Collections, bill of lading drafts, casb and time it ®»t’96 (.Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presentat ). H. RYMER......... - W. V.DUTuHcn Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. Credit Report* 60.000 ems remitted for prompt ly. ion. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40,000 50.000 correspondents. k Ex- 33,400 150,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke: 1st N. and Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co., Cin. 32.000 • 52,800 Han. N.. N. Y.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin.; 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke: State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. . 24,300 71,800 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt.: Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; N. Ex.. Wheeling. 14,890 26.990 N. Park. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; N. Bk. of Fairmont. Fairmont. 34,860 16,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.;Char. N„ Char. 17.160 5 Logan N4 •• 95,230 43,750 25.000 $150-12% n 48.769 362,340 F. E. Cunnyngham H. D. Vaughan ___ D. A. Atkins......... Geo. J. Turner.. Principal Gash chanom.Due 35.160 3 91.660 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Emp, N. and Un. N.. Clarksburg. Archie Marshall. 4P Wetzel Cll Mannington .3673 5B Marion D12 3 447.780 3 14,060 3 25,000 S. L. Long_______ F. W. Daugherty.. B. A. Pyles M Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel and and Discounts Securities laneous H. D. Cox____.... C. W. Shomo G. F Row J. Miller Jackson U. G. Parsley_____ T. W. Moore A. K. Perry ... FirstNational Bank „®»t’13 R. L. Bailey— __ (9-289 5* McDowell Q8 $300-20% Kimball 1428 First National Bank—©»i’20 W. B. Stevens___ 69-389 5 McDowell Q6 $265-6% AKlngwood ...1417 Bank of Kingwood—-©•tl’86 P. J. Crogan.____ J. C. Gibson, V.P. 69-213 5B Preston D16 12% Kingwood National Bk.®*t’02 G. A. Herring........ ...... $200-10% 69-214 ALewIsburg.. .1202 Bank of Greenbrier. ®*tl'96 H. F. Hunter .... (9-212 5( Greenbrier 012 $450-24% BANK OF LEWISBURG-K 71 Mason Mathews... $250-12% (6-211 Greenbrier Joint Stock Land H. W. Comstock... $685-6% Bk. 69-415-----------'23 M ties J. G. Jackson____ S. G. Hall.............. B. M. Davisson.__ L. B. Gaston------- 3 60,000 3 38,000 $ 490.660 W. L. Hughes 69-287 Merchants & Miners Bank 69-369 •t§’17 SB Barbour G14 $115-8% First National Bank------*{’09 69-288 5 Wayne K1 Kermit______ 636 Kermit State Bank___«t§T8 1120-10% 69-375 5 Mingo N2 *Keyser_____ 6003 Farmers A Merchants Bank C9-324 Oil'll 5B Mineral D19 •• PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued 53.040 1.244.660 957.720 169.050 224.300 N. A., Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. j THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI 1AOQ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Pis Pitt. Br. B Bait. •Mem.A.B.A.»New §State fPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. ? Last Sale %DIt. ®8av. Dept. *Marllnton...ll77 BANK OF MARLINTON®*ii’eo 5 Pocahontas L14 $160-8% 69-199 << it Farmers & Merchants Bank $200 69-425 ®»§’25 «« «• Firat National Bank...®«t’03 $210-12% 89—200 *Martinsburg 5B 13,544 Berkeley D24 BANK OF MARTINSBURG CITIZENS NAIIUNAL bank $175-6% II „ 69-70 •• ll ________ •' Cashier. Vice-President. 69-68 25.000 27,650 156.540 4.000 131,370 28.360 50.000 36,020 501,770 26,030 361.570 80,170 35,000 f W. T. McQUILKIN . WM. W. DOWNEY— wm r ^PHNnnrft ) Prompt, eff icient, perso nal attentio n given all ] business of non-resid ents. Collec tions a speci alty. ICorrespon dence invite d. 20.300 352,860 61,000 376.780 103.860 866,690 196,250 1,332,500 52,460 L. M. McClintic.... F. T. McClintic.__ J. A, Syd8nstricker J. W, Hill - ♦ 89-69 - ®»t§’02 /J. W. McSHERRY— P. S. SPEROW______ EDWARD RUTLEDGE .. _ ®«t’92 167,770 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Phil.; Mellon N., Pitt. 100,000 70.000 1,311,870 100,000 198,670 2,109,110 100,000 1,404.820 676,490 105,910 320,560 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., 1st N„ and Fid. Int’l Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.: Md. Tr. Co. and Citiz. N.. Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev. th each sight draft fo fJ.O. HENSON............. R.L. SNODGRASS— J Send us yo W. A. ROUSH ur Martinsbu ) Prompt att ention, by an (. to all ite ms entruste ®T»tS’01 r 200,000 102,500 1,150,920 134,730 1,374,910 21,200 89,060 102,980 N. City, N.Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Mellon N., Pitt.: Phil.-Girard N„ Phil. 16,770 525.000 12,400 137,450 142,800 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Merch. N„ Balt.; Columbia N., Pitt. 483.440 66,450 495,240 45,460 47,700 32,030 Diamond N., Pitt.; Bk. of theMonongahela Valley, Morgantown. 52,250 7.800 127,580 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; N. Bk. Com., Williamson; Un.Tr. Co..Char. 183,210 State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 31,000 Flat Top N., Bluefield; Lynchburg N„ Lynchburg, Va. . ®»t’05 Carroll Currey___ Frank Neely........... 113,200 Chase N.. N. Y.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Far. & Merch. N., Balt.; Mellon N., Pitt. and Time Items. 5c for Credit Reports, GEORGE S. HILL_____ W. F. McANENY............. R L BENTZ ________ a; w. miles „ W. W. WESTPHAL n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. A. F. Smith.__ S. G. Pyle_____ $190-10% 69-231 ®*t’02 Bank of Mill Creek.. ®»tl’12 $340-20% 69-330 Bank of Milton____ ®»tS’04 I. J. Harshharger.. J. H. Harshharger. $150-12% 69-296 Milton National Bank.®»’25 L. C. Morrison......... Q. L. Stewart......... $120 69-424 presentation. DUDLEY HARLEY— WALTER W.TROUTrg items dire ct. officer of thi s bank, given d to us. 100,000 31,000 669,880 ■ 25,000 45,550 50,000 30,770 500,780 .50,000 443,920 25,000 50,000 554,620 1,940 353.55C 25,000 2,500 110.000 11,000 108.00C 850 5.000 60,000 38,280 663.050 4,510 564.580 85.420 29.740 86,100 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 35,000 6,010 114,800 10,000 120,810 8.500 22,200 14,300 Citiz. N., Hinton. 25,000 15,000 393,290 8.750 351,420 10.870 19,930 59.810 Seab. N.. N. Y.; N. Ex.. Wheeling; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 30,000 52,400 674,680 24,200 555,360 102,370 18,000 25,000 50,000 345,00C 275,000 85,000 3,500 O. L. Harshharger. H. E. Jackson........... 75.000 24,690 450,930 32.010 461,250 6,870 56.400 C. T. Bickers.......... W. L. Hoffman......... 50.00C 10,000 112,920 10,110 129,710 1.800 22,550 25,000 60,550 318.990 25,000 83,960 261,830 15,250 Charles R. Lowe.. N. A. Marple G. L. Morris______ O. A.Gregg . George Ward . _ U. B. Painter THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84,890 n n uyfrq W. E. GANO Matewan National Bank B. B. Chambers___ Joseph Schaeffer.. Edgar Chambers... E. H. Mashburn ... $175-8% 69-339 ©•t’13 Bank of Matoaka___ ®»IJ’06 R. T. Wright ___ W. M. Ferrell____ T. E. Hall................. $300-10% 69-294 Matoaka National Bank®t’25 J. B. Neal................. G. H. Miller, Jr. .. liio 69-373 Monongah... 2031 First National Bank 5B Marion DIB $200-10% 69-297 23.230 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt. 84,410 1,027,330 R. O. Nunley Meadow Creek 259 Sewell Valley Bank—®«I§'18 5 Summers 09 69-377 S. B. McCoy______ M. C. Burgbacher. Bank of Middlebourne®»tl'98 *Mlddlebourne929 T. C. Kingsley____ C. S. Stealey .......... $145-8% 69-230 4P Tyler DIO Mill Creek.........762 5B Randolph 114 Milton .............. 1023 5 (Cabell K3 <t 69,150 /A prompt, int elligent servic e J in handling collections ha s brought us McMechen ...3356 Bank of McMechen..®»tl’06 J. L. McMechen... W. H. Krmh 69-295 4P Marshall A10 $150-10% .. 55.390 $ 123,910 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Charleston N.. Charleston; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 18,460 34,990 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Drov. &Mech. N.,Balt.; State-Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Rich.; Un. Tr. Co., Char.; 5th3d Un. Tr.Co.,Cin. 69,190 102,900 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.: 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; 5th3dUn.Tr. Co.. Cin. 100,000 ** Matewan .851 5 Mingo P3 Mato aka. . 647 5 Mercer Q8# Principal Correspondents. & Cash Ex changes,Dtn from Banks E. C. TROUT............... F. S.TRIMBLE s"EmHcW«»B,NK L. H. Thompson .. J. M. Miller______ R. A. Harrison.... E. C. Weller______ J. R. Poland ♦ 69-71 ®T*t§’20 Mason Town ..831 Bank of Mason town-©•$!'07 W. H. Post _____ Earl Dixon___ _. P. R. Watson.____ 69-293 5B Preston D15 $225-10% ___ __ 69.040 $ 1.580, $ 731.650 $ PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY " Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Other Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and AND iabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties 61,600 % 816.810 $ |H. H.EMMERT—OLD NATIONAL BANK ®T«±’65 ) Special attentio $380-16% 69-66 {.Please send 15c wi $200-10% Ass’t Cashier. M. J. McNeel_____ F. R. Hunter_____ Hubert Echols ___ A. H. McFerrin.— % 100,000 $ M. L. Beard \ much busin ess during the past year. " VC H UVCRC C. L. STUCKEY-*--------J. T. HADENBOUSCHW. B. CLENDENING MERCHANTS & FAR. BANK < Where Convent ence, Safety and Service meet. $215-12% 69-67 •tS,92 1 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash LPlease send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 2 $266.50-12% ** PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued 22,400 105.550 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 56,500 Han. N.. N. Y.; Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Union Tr. Co.. Char. 58,090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st HuntingtonN., Huntington. 28,970 Kanawha Valley, Char.; Huntington Bkg. & Tr, Co., Huntington. 68,410 Han. N.. N. Y.; Mellon N„ Pitt.; N. Bk. of Fairmont, Fairmont. Over Sixty Years of Service 1429 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'”'New §StatetPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. P is Pitt.Br. B.Balt. $ Last Sale %Di». ©Sar. Dept. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. National Bank S. P. Campbell___H. Lane ................... W. R. Johnson $233-10% 69-165 ® <’10 Montgomery National Bank S. H. Montgomery. O. J. Henderson . % 69-164 ©»t’01 D. C. Smallridge, R. L. Matthews Fayette L7 10 Ch.o/Bd. tMoorefield__ 630 Hardy County Bank...©|’09 C. E. Vance______R. A. Wilson------- 5B Hardy F19 3,500 115,000 100,000 44,700 358,460 Robert E. Lee........ 300,000 721,740 3.082,000 279.620 3,637.010 G. B. Waggoner... H. B. Pugh 100.000 213,760 2,082.110 4,940 1,737,090 COMMERCIAL fW. H. DAVIS._ _ _ c. E. JACOBS- - - - - - - - 1 BANK J 69-97 E. D. Tumlin_____ D. G. Lazzelle--------Federal Sav. & Trust Oo. 69-95 ©T»t§’03 Second National Bank ©<’80 A. J. Garlow______W. E. Arnett--------$425-16% 89-91 L. W. Fleming........ ^E. L. Camp_______ 120,000 UNION BANK & TRUST CO. on T. J. Ireland_____ 140,300 L. E. Knapp--------J. C. Myers, Sec. 69-98 178,000 D. M. Willis______ S. S. Wade..............- G.P. Russell____ 4,150 33,950 268,680 98.010 First National Bank—©<’01 T. L. Rogerson.__ T. S. Riggs ............. 69-100 J. A. Sigafoose. MARSHALL COUNTY BANK V. A. Weaver------ Alex Purdy........ J. A. Sigafoose $200 ♦ 69-99 ©T<5'81 12.120 “ •• ...... " ........ “ 89-101 5 Wyoming P7 1,018,600 — — 300.000 175,000 55.680 905,360 142,360 904,500 41,080 201,250 100,000 27,580 438.250 40.010 458,430 21.750 75,450 H. W. Thompson.. 50,000 24.570 587.290 50,000 381,710 149,310 49,750 131,090 Bk. of Manhattan Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. F. E. Welshon........ 150,000 70,000 1,250,000 25,000 1,107,000 1 250,000 35,000 100,000 143,310 1,332,900 3,130 1,356,320 5,640 38.000 775.000 45,400 24,470 109,980 Chase N., N. Y.; Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co.. Wheeling: Mellon N., Pitt.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 179,370 Bk. of America, N. Y.: N. Bk. of W. Ya. and Wheeling Bk. & Tr. Co., Wheeling; 1st N., Pitt. 173,490 N. Park, N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 137*600 Chase N..N.Y.; Am.N..Rich.; 5th 3d Un.Tr, Cin.; Char.N. and Kanawha Valley.Char, 21,510 Char. N., Char.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 71,640 121,290 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 28,000 Sec. and Tr.\ ®T«tl’03 BANK OF MULLENS 69-299 112,400 1,800,000 MOUND CITY BANK-©<* 05 J. A. Bloyd.............O. H. Hunter-------- $200-6% 97.130 Chase N., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 97.130 75,000 $190-12% Mullens______1425 45,000 180,000 C. H. Hunter. 1 69-102 Mount Hope..1989 Bank of Mount Hope.®<§’02 P. M. Snyder------- W. R. Gray............... W. H. Boone_____ ! W. G. Potter.......... L. S. Tully 1 5 Fayette N8 $405-16% 69-298 “ .......... “ First National Bank-0T<’17 P. H. Garrett..........W. E. Deegans .— A. C. Renick-------- H. L. Erskine_____ 69-386 R RIIRRFSS (W.E. DEEGANS—- L. N. FRANTZ......... S. D. FRANTZ “ 385,730 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt.N. A„ Pitt. 385,730, 908,000 MERCANTILE BKG.&TR. CO. THOMAS SCOn— J. A. BL0YD......... ELMER RESSEGER. $250-15% 379.660, eab. N. and Gty. Tr., N. Y.; Mellon 1 Columbia N„ and 1st N., Pitt. 240,000 2,000,000 80,000 $160-9% ____ 17,400 17.400, Balt. Tr. Co., Balt.; Diamond N.. Pitt. 228,000 ©T»t§ 20 City & County Bank ..©tl’13 J. W. Garvin------- F. Harris................. iMoundsville W. E. Peabody 69-103 4P 11.660 $130-6% " Principal Correspondents. Cash A Ex changes,Dub from Banks 39,660 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 641,500 40.180 1.002.720 102.190 1.090.850 100,000 L. C. SNYDER--------C. V. BOYD J entation, and ersonal attention. lections. Efilcien t servlc e. Reas onable rates. < 15 CENTS sen t tons with each si ) 25 CENTS for e ach credit report (.Special attentio n given bank and $135-4% 113,000 50,000 __ G. G. Trumbo_____ ♦ 69-223 South Branch Valley Nat’l M. S. Henkel_____G. W. McCauley—. M. Dasher. Bank.... 69-222_____(§>'83 ^Morgantown Bank of the Monongahela J. H. McGrew____M. T. Sisler.......... .....A. H. McBei 13,811 Valley—69-92 —.©<§’88 5B Mon’galia C14 16% BANK OF MORGANTOWN Jno. M. Gregg........ H. L. Carspecken.. D. R. Richards. $275 69-96 ©<§'06 4% Marshall R23 Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and AND L iabili laneous its Capital Profits ties | Discounts Securities H. D. Judy.............. $ 50,000 $ 120.000 $ 950.000 $ 50,000 $ 760,000 $ 66.800 S 95,000 $ 250,000 . | J. H. Gentry 1 & Tr. Co., Char. R. M. Holstine ___ 100,000 133,620 1,426,790 100.000 1,309,990 325,620 132,000 262.800, f. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Char. N., Kanaw Valley, and Union Tr. Co.. Char. T. J. Edwards Montgomery .2130 Merchants 5 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bauking l’oint (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued 50,000 100.000 739,570 650,100 315,000 1,530,000 22,000 1,010,000 61.480 30,000 25,370 262.360 58,740 266,070 50,000 42,030 677.260 65,020 641,370 27,450 64,420 1 N.. Pitt. 225,000 im. Ex. Irv. Tr.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt.; Merch. N., Balt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 96,880 im. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Fid. Tr. Co.,Balt; Empire N., Clarksburg; N. Bk. Fairmont. Fairmont. 50,210 Impire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. ©•« 09 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pre sentatlon and 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio n. (.Special attentio n given Bank and B/L collections. Excellent service. Reason able rat es. I Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. W. M. Lewis____ G. C. Worrell......... . P. D. Sullivan....... | FIRST NATIONAL BANK 69-410 ©123 PEOPLES BANK........©<§ 26 A. C. Early_______J. A. Mace------------- ! M. H. Lusk. 25,000 4,000 305,000 7,330 250,550 1,800 14,900 74,080 74,080 50,000 10,610 310.730 7,000 244,810 33.030 42,860 Newburg______890 First National Bank. ©<’05 W. D. R. Annan... D. J. Gibson----------J. R. Smoot_____ E. M. Smoot............ F. W. Horchler 69-300 5B Preston E15 $165-6% . .. J. E. Brandon....... First National Bank®t<’84 J. A. Brandon.. *New Cumb’nd 25,000 30,540 432,650 25,000 307,460 146,990 16,800 50,000 53,960 523,340 141,000 432,930 247,460 24,670 57.640 Jhase N., N. Y.; Kanawha Vi 5th 3d Un.Tr. Co.. Cin. 41,940 Im. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; I Pitt.; Merch. N., Balt. 63,250 I. City, N.Y.; 1st N.,Pitt. 25.000 7,350 200,000 65,000 119.080 975,190 54,090 875.510 119,026 22,970 98,580 1,074,290 81.280 969,070 29,010 136,900 75,000 129.300 $125 69-355 A. J. Mullins 69-301 4PHancockN241816 New Haven....762 Mason County Bank.®»t§’19 Jas. C. Layne......... Geo. N. Capehart. $ 105 6 % 69-392 5 Mason G4 *New Martinsville First National Bank.©»t'02 E. L. Robinson ___ David Fisher--------$200 69-150 4P Wetzel CIO 2341 INew Martinsville Bank»t§’97 J. B. Clark..............S. R. Cox--------------- N. N. Oblinger. 69-149 West Virginia Title & Tr. Co. J. U. Dayton-------- S. E. Phillips. $100 69 -42 6 T§'25 Nitro_______ 5055 Manufacturers Bank.®»+§’20 W. O. Abney--------W. D. Payne . 5 Putnam K5 $100 69-401 “ _____ “ H. M. Phillips, Sec. and Tr. A. E. McCaskey... ,C. O. Mason G. M. Wood............ A. Tr. H. K. Miller--------- 60,000 100,000 9.110 25,000 14,060 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST C0.L CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 257,750 23,780 186,500 139,200 51,030 89,370 9,490 25.000 Ian. N„ N. Y.; Merch. N., F Char. N.. Char. 392,790 Pitt.: N. Ex., Wheeling. 179,170 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., 1st N., and Columbia N.. Pitt.; Bk. of Ohio Valley. Wheeling;EmpireN..Clarksburg; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 3.780 New Martinsville and 1st N., New Mar tinsville; Peo. Sav. & Tr. Co., Pitt. 58,740 Am. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Char. OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 1 4OH Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each kank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN and County. •Mem.A.b.A."New § State tPriv. ^County Seats iMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦M.Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. P is Pitt Br.B. Balt.; $ Last Sale % Div. ® Sav. Dept. Northfork___ 421 5 McDowell Q 7 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. - - - - - - E. H. EVANS—........ W. S CLARK- - - - - - - - - H. C. HARRISCLARK NATIONAL L. H. CLARK- -BANKING BY MAIL A SPECIALTY. Collections receive our prompt attention. BANK ®.fi2 Special attention to B-L Drafts. J.J. HUDDLESTON. THOMAS MILLER - W. A. CREAGER— D.B. HAMBRICK FIRST and Servloa ara countad aa two of our boat aaaata. Colleotiona a apeoiaity at modarata ratas. NATIONAL BANK Courtaay SEND US YOUR BUSINESS. 1260-12% $300-16% 69-302 @•*’08 Bank of Norton.. ..@§’23 N. I. Hall. Acting.. $ioo 69-411 Merchants & Miners Bank G.W. Jones_____ $250-16% 69-303 ®»t*’0o C. E. Mahan_____ Oak Hill National Bank $175 69-408 ®T»t’22 .Parkersburg Central Bank & Trust Co. W. H. Smith_____ 5 B Wood E6 21,299 $90-4% 60-54 ®T*t|1900 N. I. Hall________ D. V. Moyle_____ J. S. Lewis______ W. R. Hayes_____ J. W .Jones. A. C. E. S. Hamilton.__ L. W. Boley______ E. A. Thomas Levin Smith____ C. S. Jackson. Sec. 59,000 $ 60.090 $ 685.690 i 85.460 546.380 1 109.700 S 13.760 S 161,400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Fiat Top N., Bluefleld. 160.190 914,990 293,560 33.730 173.940 Chase N..N.Y.; Fifth Third Un.Tr.Co., Cin.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 6.850 Davis Tr. Co.. Elkins: Citiz. N., Balt. 25,000 1,580 47,410 530 39.720 7,890 20,080 100,000 100.000 824.630 62,630 902,540 18,620 42,880 50,000 30,000 500,000 132.970 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. KanawhaValley,Char.:Am.N.,Rich. 75,000 N. City, N. Y.; Char. N., Char. 150,000 63.830 856.370 25.000 450,000 50,000 620,740 271.610 88,970 113,870 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Pitt.: Merch. N„ Balt.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav., Col. 500,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt.;Far. & Merch. N„ Balt.: Citiz. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Cin. 150,980 Han. N., N. Y. 242.000 1.925,000 1.500,000 350,000 85.000 175,000 1.632.760 5,970 40.930 E.L. Davidson— W. W. Walker .... C. T. Hiteshew___ Paul L. Summers.. R. M.McKim. And. ®T»t’63 ______________ C. T. Hiteshew 350,000 660.000 4.900,000 610,000 4.500,000 1.200.000 60.000 860,000 N. City and Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Un. Tr., Clev. 150.000 482.560 2,455.090 217.510 2.160.040 576.890 246 .500 321.730 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.: Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; Ex. N„ Pitt. 156,000 143,620 2,275,130 320,840 1.870,370 450,000 449,060 2,465.350 284,300 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N„ Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 305,650 Guaranty Tr. Co„ N. Y.: Far. Dep. N.and Columbia N„ Pitt.; Fid. Tr. Co., Balt. 200.000 398,970 2,376,800 Commercial Banking&Trust Reese Blizzard___ P. D. Neal.. $135-6% C0..69-56 ...,®Ttl’03 T. G. Reitz " ----- “ FIRST NATIONAL BANK ®«i’*Z; PARKERSBURG NATIONAL BANK 69 48 132.040 1,024.000 200,780 1,309.860 Citizens National Bank 69-49 100.000 100.000 “ TH0S. L06AN- - - - - - - CHAS. A. BUKEY- CHAS. A. BUKEY — H.R. DeBUSSEY...... Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment Prompt attention to all banking matters entrusted to us. ®T»t’3B Second National Bank®T»'65 W. H. Wolfe. $170-8% 69-50 W. E. Davis_____ Union Trust & Dep. Co. $165-10% 69-55 ®T»tl'03 S. D. Camden. Ch. of Bd. Robert Wilson ___ G. E. Work______ J. D. Reich______ J. S. McKown J. N. Camden____ B. T. Neal, Jr., Tr. Geo. F. Frederick, B. T. Neal. Jr. Edward Nelly____ Joe Park. J. D. Fleming....... WOOD COUNTY BANK W.C.McConaughey $200-8% 69-52 ®T»+§'94 SECURITIES........ J. D. MERRIMAN & CO.— (INVESTMENT ( Members:-New York Stock Exch ange, Wheeling (612H Market St.) Main Office, Wheeling, W. Va. .Parsons____ 2001 First National Bank.®»t’10 69-167 5B Tucker F16 $205-0% Tucker Oouniy Bank $220-12% 69-166 ©•tSlflOO Pax---------------- 520 Bank of Paw-------------atl'lS 5 Fayette N 8 $170-10% 69-353 Pennsboro.__1654 Citizens National Bank 69-207 ®»’04 5B Ritchie E 9 $200-8% 617,420 123,500 34.020 1,195,620 1,894.500 2,650 521,420 4.560 23,500 1.620 2.124,510 Stock Exchange, New Yo rk Curb Market • John F. Repair.— C. W. Minear......... 25.000 31,030 265,260 38,500 230,760 72,300 Riley Harper____ A. D. W. Strickler. Walter T. Taylor. H. Martin_______ 25,000 25,000 380.000 24.930 369.500 4,420 A. L. Hunter__ 25,000 21,080 Ford Huff__ J. E. Williams .... J. C. Tyree______ 50,000 M. H. Broadwater. Lee Prunty______ L. D. James_____ Ethel Steele.__ Geo. H. Wilson, Edna Holdren A. Cash. Archie Barnard 50,000 Bert Bradford.— O. B. Summers___ Cliff Wilson___ First National Bank ..®«’04 A. O. Wilson. $150-8% 69-208 Okey E. Nutter R. W. Elder 50,000 .Petersburg...834 Grant County Bank__»tr0Z L. J. Forman_____ D. P. Hendrickson W. C. Moomau . 5B Grant G18 69-304 50,000 Chas. A. Smith___ J. A. Parks....... James W. Park... “ _____ “ Potomac Valley Bk.. <D»tr20 $150-4% «■ 69-400 25,000 Peterstown .—293 First National Bank.__«M0 J. E. Hansbarger— S. Y. Symns_____ J. H. Hansbarger „ Miss G. McGhee.. 5 Monroe Q10 $240-8% 69-305 50,000 R. E. TALBOTT........ { EEL P nEADVAN .Philippi........ 1543 CITIZENS NATIONAL U1 aid. 5c minimum; 25c m 5B Barbour F14 ($300-12% 69-201 ®«t’02 l Reliable Credit Reports 50c., TR YUS. G. S. White.. 50,000 H. M. Crawford ... E. W. S. Kennedy. George Waddell.. “ ------- “ First National Bank..®»J’02 $240-12% 69-202 C. O. Marsh. 40,000 J. S. Corder.. Lee J. Sandridge.. Sherman Lindsey.. “ ------- “ Peoples Bank............. ®»J|’08 B. E. Snyder I $135—6% 69-203 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ correspondents. 145,000 “ _____ $250-12% S Principal J. R. Cooper......... H. R. Wile.............. _____ “ 69-51 W. Backus........... E. N. Goode H. W. Elliott____ H. A. Calhoun G. L. Watson-------- Samuel Logan___ Frank Good-------- Forrest L. Minx .. “ $225-12% Resources. Liabilities. Lordi Bondi Cash ft ExOther Paid-up Subplus Miscel chanqm Dbpos- L and and .Duh and iabili Capital Profits IT8 Discount! Baeuritias laneous from Bank* ties 69-321 Norton.............1037 5B Randolph G14 Oak Hill_____1036 5 Fayette N8 " _____ “ $185-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued 326,900 Han. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.,Pitt.; IstN., Phil.; Huntington N., Col. Harris, Winthrop & Co., and Livingston & Co., N. Y.; Kay, Richards & Co. and 1st N., Pitt. 33,220 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 81,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N and Citiz. N.. Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A„ Pitt. 32,980 Union Tr. Co., Char. 153,160 11,300 134,310 61,590 1.038.940 81.750 830.930 146,800 130.540 124,010 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Parkersburg; 1st Tyler Bk. & Tr. Co., Sistersville. 11,950 582,380 67.090 456,740 95,000 41,740 117,940 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Drov, & Mech. N.t Balt. 40,600 411,780 1S.270 388,710 41,000 73,820 8,000 215,000 219,600 9,950 43.250 62.120 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. 34,200 Am.Ex.Irv.Tr .Co.. N. Y.; Balt.Tr .Co.. Balt. 38,280 203,690 100.000 1.100.000 25.010 120,000 218,860 815.000 37,750 400.000 6,470 50.000 55,900 1st & Merch. N„ Rich. 105.000 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; Merch. N.. Balt.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 65,070 888.210 92.260 570,370 313.440 50,210 6,0001 464,000 350,0001 76,000 161,520 Chase N.. N.Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 70,000 N. City, N. Y.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt.; N. Ex.. Wheeling; Diamond N.. Pitt. RESOURCES $90,000,000.00 WILLINGNESS COURTESY Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 AQ1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ iT-Jl Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State fPrir. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. isF. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Bes. T-Truat Powers. Pis Pitt.Br.;B»Balt. $ Last Sale % Dir. ® Bar. Dept. Cashier. Pickens_____626 5 B Randolph I IB President. Bank of Pickens____ ©*§’22 A. H. Been. 69-409 Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. J. E.SUTER------- FIRST RATIONAL BARR $300-18% 69-188 *t’87 j. D. THOMAS-— N0RNIS BRUCE- $ 114.420 $ 5.080 I 187.790 15,600 $ 5.110 { Wyoming County Bank..|'17 R. D. Bailey_____ W. R. Shumate__ F. H. Shannon.__ $115 69-367 MERCHANTS fi;. C. BOWYEH---NATIONAL BANK IS W. W. RILEY, JR.— KUKH >end us your ite ms and collection s on Point Pleasa hb We have the stre ngth and cquipm ent to give the be st of service. ill of lading dr fts a specialty. 69-189 ©<53 Pt.PIeasant National Bk.*i'01 J. O. Shinn______ Wm. H. Vaught... H. S. Johnson........ 69-160 Point Pleaaant Trust Oo.Ti'06 J. S. Spencer_____ T. Stribling_____ J. H. Norton, See. and Tr. $110-8% 69-161 8% ^Princeton ...6224 BANK OF PRINCETON 69-129 ®*t§’18 5 Mercer Q8 50,000 112.250 1.036.140 $ 75,000 112.090 993,370 75.860 587.730 455,550 80.570 75.200 373.930 708,840 32.260 Unsurpassed co lection service, Largest and str ongest bank In Mineral County. ‘Plneville____ 304 Firat National Bank___ •$'’06 E. W. Warrell.... Grover C. Warrell C. M. Wikel_____ Will P. Cook L. C. Harvey 5 Wyoming P6 $200-12% 69-284 Pullman ..........249 5B Ritchie F9 Quinwood....... 213 5 GreenbrierMlO Rainelle ...........566 5 QveenbrierNlO Ravenswood ..1284 5B Jackson G5 25,000 $ $120-4% Piedmont___ 2835 Daria National Bank___*t’69 A. L. Luke--------- R. P. Robosson___ C. W. Getty-------E. J. Noon 69-187 5B Mineral D19 »Pt. Pleasant.3050 S Mason H3 Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonda Oira k Ex ther Miscel changes,Dei Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and Capital Profits its Discount! Securities laneous rmoM Banks ties $ H.L. Collett_____ O. L. Barrickman.. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. J.H. LILLY- - - - - - - - H. E. DE JARNETTE. F. P. CLARK- - - - - - - - B. L. Johnson___ H. A. Johnson R. L. Hutchinson, A. See. and A. Tr. 40,000 12,000 156,600 103.000 119,460 847,180 8.140 150,400 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Drov. ft Mech. N.. Balt. 141,110 N. Bk. Com. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; Franklin 4th St. N.. Phil.; 1st N., Pitt. 15,000 185,000 181.470 1.015.770 103,750 30,350 16,740 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 4.000 124,590 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N., Cin.; Am. N., 11,900 56.580 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.: Mellon N.s Pitt.; 1st & Merch. N.. Rich. 9,150 Merch. N.. Pt. Pleasant; Kanawha Valley. Char.; 1st Huntington N., Huntington. 74,280 N. City, N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st N. Ex., Roanoke. 30,000 14,610 250,040 29.750 225,560 100,000 51,880 154,010 205,920 359,260 100,000 4.170 728.910 2,840 623.350 16.830 116.460 100,000 1.040,000 5.000 130,000 143,480 Collections han died intelligently and promptly, 20c service char ge on plain sight drafts. G. W. Lazenby .... W. B. McNutt___ R. N. Vermillion _ L. L. Lambert S. J. Evans_______ A. L. Bowling........ R. F.Lucus_____ 100,000 50,000 14.421 334,580 6,690 305,970 A. Hayes Elliott__ June Elliott_____ B. C. Prunty N. H. Keller____ J. B. Dobbins____ 25,000 5,960 255,120 500 200,250 6.300 16.060 50,000 11.170 345.430 8.900 210.930 17,900 38.820 O. B. Davis______ 25,000 9.240 192,940 117.730 38.700 1,000 F. W. Dickerson.. W. E. Boggess___ H. T. Palmer 35,000 30,970 442.610 343.060 32.050 10,770 Jackson County Bk...©}|’99 K. C. Hutchinson . J. A. Cole.............. D. E. Cole.............. Clara Weisheit ... $300-8% 69-198 25,000 90.000 350,000 I. E. Tusing___ Harold Watson.__ T. E. Toar, Sec. ... 25,000 16.810 243.030 167.170 J. R. H. Straley G. A. Dye, Jr......... Clyde Wright____ 25,000 21.950 118.930 138.310 3,600 9,900 H. C. Law______ A. L. Thrash_____ E. E. Lester......... . 25,000 30,000 235,000 16.500 230,000 40,000 11,500 M. P. Hanna. 540 300,090 7.930 8,770 23,400 First National Bank..®«2’06 C. R. McNutt____ $200-10% 69-180 Virginian Bank of Commerce W. S. Dangerfield. 6% 69-331©till Pullman State Bank___•i§’02 Lee Prunty............ 69-307 Bank of Quinwood.__<D*t§’21 W. S. Wood_____ $109.76 69-404 Bank of Rainelle___ ©*t|’12 John Raine_____ $130-15% 69-327 First National Bank..©*t’15 C. E. Mason_____ $200-6% 69-354 Reedsville___ 254 Farmers & Merchants Bank C. R. Zinn_______ 69-326 ©•tl’ll 5B Preston D15 $150-6% Reedy......... ....373 Bank of Reedy_______ ©§’02 J. A. McClung___ 6IF308 SB Roane H7 $185-6% First National Bank___ *212 Mark Depue_____ $215-10% 69-338 Renick....... ... 286 Bank of Renick-------®»t|’69 C. G. Rader______ 69-269 5 Greenbrier M12 $250-10% Rlchwood 4331 Citizens Bank----------®»t§T6 W. V. Jarrett____ 5B Nicholas Lll $210-10% 69-356 First National Bank-.®*t’06 H. W. Armstrong.. $200 69-128 Richwood Banking ft Tr. Co. A. L. Craig--------69-127 ©M«’02 RIdgeley____ 1709 Peoples Bank_______ ©il’16 J. T. Vandegrift__ 69-340 5B Mineral C20 $115-8% iRipley_____ 580 Bank of Ripley______ ©l’91 L. M. Parsons....... 69-227 SB Jackson H5 Citizens State Bank__tl’i C. W. Starcher.__ $135-20% 69-229 First National Bank...®*2'93 W. E. Walker___ $135 69-228 E. J. Chapman___ P. G. Zinn H. S. Nelson____ Granvill Odell C. E. Andrews, Jr.. J. M. Raine P. H. Slaven_____ 60.000 1.050.000 26.300 30,580 62,880 J. W. Baxter......... T. W. Henry....... 25,000 27.610 316,460 25,000 18.500 425.000 40,000 38,000 600,000 82.000 680,000 W. E. Echols____ J. I. Finlinson ___ E. C. Dretwyler.. 50,000 21.700 560,000 6.700 520,000 _____ H. R. Eight_____ L. P. Walker_____ 25,000 13,000 170,000 182,000 500 H. F. Pfost............ H. F. Pfost______ C. R. Kessel_____ 50,000 11,180 270,000 237.720 500 10,640 H. S. Armstrong.. G. B. Crow_______ A. W. Ferguson G. E. Straley------- H. L. Kerwood.... 30,000 16,730 300,000 235.800 2,500 9,500 35,000 10,000 335,000 300.000 35.000 25,000 G. B. Crow_____ S. B. Sayre S. G. Starcher.. 369,000 45,000 135.000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N„ Rich, and Roanoke. 69,140 Han. N., N.Y.: 1st N. Ex.. Roanoke; Bk. of Princeton, Princeton. 63.980 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Harrisville; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 147,860 Chase N., N. Y.: Kanawha Valley, Char. 69,750 1st N., New Bethlehem; Kanawha Valley, Char. 149.010 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; 5th3d Un.Tr.Co.,Cin.;lstN.,Parkersburg. 75,000 Chase N.. N.Y.: Columbia N.. Pitt.: 1st N.. Parkersburg; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 48,630 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 380.000 A. C. Herold_____ L. French Herold. Agnes M. Keltus . E. D. Dorsey H. S. Smith______ J. D. Rake.............. C. W. Seeley.__ _ THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32,740 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N.Y.; Cltiz. N. and Elkins N., Elkins; Buckhannon. Buckhannon. 70,000 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 330,000 non 25 000 Principal Correspondents. 14,060 Wood Co., Parkersburg; Roane Co., Spencer; 1st N.. Reedy. 25.000 Mellon N.. Pitt.; 1st N., Parkersburg. 52.820 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st & Merch. N„ Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt. 75.000 Han. N..N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Union N.. Clarksburg. 80,000 1st N., Phil.; Empire N.. Clarksburg. 95,000 Balt. Tr., Balt. 30,000 Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; 1st N.. Cumberland, Md. 82,400 N. City. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co..Cin.; 1st N. and Parkersburg N.. Parkersburg. 67.000 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Fifth Third Un.Tr .Co., Cin.: Wood Co., Parkersburg. 63,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.,Pitt.;lst N., Parkersbnrg. Over Sixty Years of Service To Banks Number under Name of Bank isI___the New Transit Number given• Konlr in IT CJ mt _ n a -ar ar a a aa a r* ooen •Mem.A.B.A.'HNew § State fPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’b. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. * M. Fed. Kes. T-Trust Powers. PisPitt.Br.-.B.Balt! $ Last Sale %Pir. ©Sav. Dept! TOWN AND COUNTY. President. ‘Romney .....1028 BANK OF ROMNEY—®t§ 88 J. J. Cornwell. 5B Hampshire E20 $265-12% 69-192 First National Bank.__®»’10 A. L. Pugh— $200-8% 69-193 | Ron ceverte.. .2319 FIRST NATIONAL 5 Greenbrier 012 $211-12% 69-155 BK.®<1900 Ronceverte Nat. Bank.<1900 69-156 Rowlesburg... 1225 Peoples National Bank.©t’12! 5B Preston E16 $150-6% 69-337 Rupert ___ no Bank of Rupert______<§’04I 5 Greenbrier Nil $115 69-309 Salem..____ 2920 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5B Harrison Ell $176-6% 69-151 ©<’98 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ,, MASON MATHEWS- P. A. GEORGE_____ C. E. BOONE............ C. M. WHEELWRIGHT P. M. SCOTT Prompt careful attention given a 11 items entruste d to us. .We want your b usiness. Slstersville... 3238 4P Tyler D9 ©<’09 ♦ 69-131 ©w*'21 69-183 ©<§’98 104,190 18,060 71,320 42,620 732,590 50.000 672,870 65,110 36,020 101,220 25,080 423.820 27,650 31,200 43.370 109.170 76,190 436.410 185,980 C. E. Boone_____ J. W. Bell.............. J. W. Miller____ C. W. Thompson— 25.000 3.040 147,210 7,000 [F. D. POWELL - OSCAR C. WILT— FRED DIDDLE------- EARL B. BELL— 1 Bills of Lading 60,000 49,260 709.070 73,450 50.000 12,500 575,000 120,610 562,220 184,500 6. W. HARRISON — W. ............ 497.500 41,000 iness of those who demand prompt, per sonal and efficient J. L. Meyers_____ Jos. H. Trout....... E. E. Billmeyer.__ C. J. Miller.......... Virginia White 23.460 J. S. Maloy............ C. W. Jones_____ R. 0. LUCAS............ C. A. COLE- C. M. SMELL--------- N. City, N.Y.: Drov. & Mech. N.. Balk; 2d N., Cumberland. N. City. N.Y.; Merch. N.t Balt.; 2d N., Cumberland. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich.; Char. N., Char. Han. N., N. Y.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Rich. Merch. N.. Balt.; Empire N.. Clarksburg. 26,700 34,950 Char. N„ Char. 50,170 94,880 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Empire N., Clarksburg. 75.000 Han. N., N. Y-; Mellon N., Pitt.; Un. N.. Clarksburg; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. service. 25,000 34.250 222,600 — 212,710 47,840 30,000 54,510 340,310 2.610 207,520 166,860 40,000 26,880 718,180 R01 740 72,460 00,000 65,000 1,100.000 1,170,000 90.000 200.000 189,600 2.060.040 2.077.570 73.350 193,000 1,462,000 206,000 51.000 455.000 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Columbia N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Char N. and Kanawha Valley, Char. 1,060 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Cont. Tr. Co., Wash.,D.C.; Old N.,Martinsburgr. N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.jDrov. & Mech. N„ Balt.; Franklin 4th St. N„ Phil.; N. Capital, Wash.. D. C. 81,080 N. City. N. Y.i.Columbia N., Pitt.; Empire N., Clarksburg; N. Bk. of Fairmont, Fairmont. 100.000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 20,240 53,050 29,780 KAY--------- DANA S. MARSH—SAMPSON THISTLE- PCQYtt W. B. MAXWELL Active 31.960 266.760 Seab. N. and Equit. Tr. Co., N, Y.; Columbia N., Mellon N., Keystone N., and 1st N., Pitt.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. Oldest and Best Equipped Bank In Tyler County. Special Attention given Bank and Bill of Lading Collections. Prompt Service—Reasonable Bates. TRY US. H.C. WP0DYARD— A. S. HECK.......— F M SINNFTT 175,000 126.000 1.680,000 35,000 20,120 432,290 10,000 328,330 12,600 44,400 112,090 50,000 98.360 973.230 57.930 799,480 154,510 34,100 191.420 Han. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N.. Pitt. 148,000 63,340 625,000 75.000 778.000 1 S IPWFIIFN For efficient service and quick returns send your business direct to us. The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank in Roane County. 38,910 95.330 N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Char.N., Char.;adN.,Parkers burg. Please enclose 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for each special credit report. 80,000 29.430 577.440 61.290 676.670 1 ^HE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 93.130 $ i Prompt and effl cient service with dally reml ttances for collect Ions. TRADERS TRUST & G _ O. R. Hardman__ R. W. Casto_____ R. T. Keith-....... Guy Flesher........ COMPANY-69-l84.@T <§’03 $150-8% 373,020 39.600 tSpencer____ 1765 First National Bank. ©<’12 W. M. Looney___ F. E. Vandale....... J. W. Looney____ 5B Roane H7 $270-10% 69-332 M. Boggs $140-8% 76,470 57,500 10.910 Union National Bank $150-10% 69-133 ®T»t’95 W.R. Reitz............ J. P. Flynn............ C. E. Bailey W. G. Lehner A. D. McVey D. E. Thoenen, Active So.Charleston 3560 First National Bank...<’19 Quince Jones____ K. E. Reed______ J. M. Schwender— L. R. Browning.... 5 Kanawha K5 69-383 ROANE COUNTY BANK 64,970 $ 409,730 25,000 FIRST-TYLER BANK & TRUST CO. f " “cm y P $155-8% 41.350 $ 609.680 $ 49,360 25,000 and Collections g iven personal atte ntlon. Principal Correspondents. Cabh A ExCHANGI8,Du> from Banks 85.360 $ 642,540 $ A. A. Pickering ... H. R. Hollis. , 59-152 ® <§1900 Shepherdstown.. Farmers Bank...............©§’06'N. T. Snyder 5BJeffers’nD251063 $241-10% 69-198 ! Jefferson Security Bank.t§’69 S. J. Hodges— $72-16% 69-197 Shlnnston ___1679 Farmers Bank......... ©<§'99 C. M. Bartlett___ 5B Harrison E13 $139-12% 69-180 69-181 50,000 $ C. H. Thompson... R. A. Level______ J. R. Johnson .... |(S. BROADWATER- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Liabilities. Resources. Loans Other Bonds Paid-up Surplus Miscel Depos L and and and iabili 1 Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties C. W. Haines------- G. W. Arnold------ Wm. A. Powers— $ 75,000 W. E. Beaty.......... Russell Saville....... G. F. Crawford.— 50,000 M. DAVIS 0. F. M0RRIS0H-— MERCHANTS & A COMMER CIAL BANK, PRODUCERS BANK *-WeBillinviteof theLadibus ng Collectio ns a Specialt y. $225-12% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued 23,830 47,660 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt. 2d N., Parkersburg; Char. N„ Char Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. Resources Over $90,000,000.00 -i aqq Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. TOWN and COUNTY. #.Mem. A.B. A. «New §state tl’riv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. PisPitt.Br.;B.Balt. JLastSale %Div. ®Sa?.Dept. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued President. Vice-President. St. Albans ....28251 Bank of St. Albans.,®tS1900 C. A. Zerkle____ W. E. Mohler.... 5 Kanawha K5 ,$300-12% 69-185 Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. C. H. Zerkle........... L. Resources. Surplus Lomus Bond* ther Paid-up Depos LOiabili Miscel and and and its Capital Profits Diaoounts Securities laneous ties J. White_____ $ 50,000 $ 100,000 $ 520,000 $ 470,000 $ 3,000 340,000 70,000 Principal Correspondents. Caih & Ex changes,Dub from Banks $ 180,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Kanawha Valley and I Kanawha N., Char.; 5th 3d Un. Tr. Co., I Cin. 50.000 Han. N., N. Y. First National Bank.®»t’10 W. H. Wilson------- S. D. McGee____ $200-12% 69-186 S. D. McGee_____ O. B. Melton____ 25,000 *St. Marys.__1648 First National Bank..®T»t’99 W. C. Dotson____ J. D. Dinsmoor— 5B Pleasants E8 $210-12% 69-177 D. W. Dillon____ B. A. Dotson_____ 100,000 O. C. Barkwill___ Geo. B. Phillips. Pleasants County Bank $146-6% ♦ 69-176 ®»t5’95 A. W. Locke, V. P. L. S. Varne D. B. Fleming___ E. L. Burk............. 75,000 36,000 450,000 400,000 28,000 30.000 71,000 649,000 575,000 45,600 21,000 110,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: Union Tr. Co., Char. H. W. Herold........ Jettes Mollohan... P. N. Wiseman. Nicholas County Bank $209-12% 69-244 ®*t§1900 50,000 50.390 447,190 44,600 460,950 10,000 77,890 43,340 Chase N., N. Y.; Union N., Clarksburg; Char. N.. Char. FRED L. FOX-...... C. W. MARPLE......... E. M. SMITH...... 35,000 8,550 342,170 20,000 319,640 10,000 22,200 53.890 Chase N., N. Y.; Char. N., Char. 60,000 28,180 884,720 70,610 700,000 22,300 106.860 214.340 Han. N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Terra Alta___1261 First National Bank—®*t’03 S. M. Scott. Sr....... W. F. Dailey____ C. A. Miller_____ W. H. Harriman. 5B Preston D16 .$262.50-12% 69-188 25,000 52,560 551.480 26,560 36,230 155,680 85,190 102.440 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.: 1st N., Mellon N., and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. Terra Alta Bank-------- •tl’92 W. A. Whitehair.. J. W. Whittaker.. C, E. Trembly— O. W. Ringer 69-187 F. B. Mayer.__ _ 30,000 45,980 540,000 7,000 438,000 104,000 23.980 57.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N„ Balt.: N. Ex., Wheeling. Thomas____ 2099 Miners & Mercb. Bank.»t§’02 H. F. E. Hinebaugh A. L. Helmlck___ W. W. Woods____ E. I. McVeigh— SB Tucker F17 69-310 30,000 53,540 479,060 770 289,710 188,810 22.500 62,340 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.Co., N. Y.; Citiz.N., Balt. Thurmond ___285 National Bank of Thurmond J. T. Grose............ Geo. R. Bullock ... J. R, Miller........... J. D. Stone.—__ G. J. Kraus 5 Fayette N9 $170-12% 69-237 ®»t’08 50,000 42,840 427,450 133,000 293,010 220.690 68,600 70,990 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 50,000 126,030 667,120 3,650 682,540 33.880 4,000 126,390 Chem. N., N. Y.; Kanawha Valley, Char.; 1st & Merch. N., Rich. 510,870 114,950 601,930 63,640 37,289 38,970 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov.& Mech. N„ Balt. 2,500 12,100 112.000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st & Merch. N.. Rich.; Fifth Third Un. Tr.Co.. Cin. 50,000 Han. N„ N. Y.: N. Ex., Wheeling; N. Bk. Fairmount, Fairmount. " ____ “__ __ “ “ iSummersville279 Farmers* Merch. Bank 5B Nicholas L10 $300-15% '* ____ '* .Sutton.............947 BANK OF 5B Braxton 110 $115-6% 69-245 ®»tl'10 SUTTON—-®»t§ 18 69-878 HOME NATIONAL BANK +,nn $250-17% •* ____ " 69-191 ®*t 09 A. A. Hamilton — J. F. Sebert_____ W. P. Kincaid___ R. T. Kincaid. $350-20% Tunneiton___703 5B Preston E15 .Union.............439 5 Monroe Pll Wadestown........85 5 B Monongalia C12 Tunneiton Bank------®»t8’03 69-311 Bank of Monroe_____ •Jl'04 $205-15% 69-239 Bank of Wadestown ___ t 05 69-312 400,000 109.500 1,174,860 I 150,430 1,217,300 180,560 * 16,920 120,010 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Far. Dep. N„ Pitt. 45,000 ChaseN..N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. Special attentio n given to The Sa vings Departmen t. Same attention given to collectio ns that we give to our own. .Distinctive Bus iness and Bankin g Service. "AMOS ...... BRIGHT-— G. B. FISHER........ - A. L. MORRISON.... M. 8. JAMES. Large .largest Bank in Braxton County, We Make a Spec iaity of Collectio ns. .Prompt, Person al Service—Reaso nable Rates. j'G. H. CAPERTON— J. F. PRINCE.......... H. A. BERRY.......... G.S. DANIEL- NEW RIVFR BANKING &TR. COMPANY 69-236.-®»4§’04 35,000 OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK, Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items ^Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presen tat ion and 25c for C redit Re ports J. S. Hunt_______ G. M. Bonafleld___ John J.McKone.Jr. 50,000 C. E. Lynch______ C. T. Sibold_____ H. S. Ellison____ J. R. McCoy____ O. A. Brown R. S. Clovis_____ Chas. V. Garrison— Alex White______ O. E. Henderson Wm. G. Kent.F.F. Jeff Shriver 50,000 32,000 484,000 443,000 1,400 25,000 37.500 190,000 190,000 13,000 66,000 I. A. Whited_____ Chas. A. Lynch.— O. 0. Pence_____ E. A. Lynch. 25,000 58,000 350,000 365,000 3,000 6,000 Graham Sale------- J. W. Strickler.__ O. F. Wright____ W. E, Beane. D. D. Hatfield J. V. Warden____ L. F. Sutton_____ B. F. Sine_______ Myrtle Wise. 50,000 19.390 300,000 266,000 3,200 15,870 25,000 12,070 122,600 14,170 154,800 4,270 41,720 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Cin. and Welch; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 14,770 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Com’i&Sav., Winchester, Va. F. F. Scaggs_____ Kiah Adkins____ Clyde Scaggs......... J. C. Matthews. N.Wellman, Sr.,2V. C. F. Allen, Sec. 30.000 320 141.480 45,000 116,120 84,710 15,980 Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; Cent. N.. Rich.: 1st Huntington N., Huntington. Wayne County Bank..*t5’02 B. J. Prichard___ W. H. Newhouse. C. H. Saunders.— Byron Smith _— $120-8% 69-315 50,000 10,000 165,300 13,250 21,300 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; 1st & Merch. N.,Rich Walton .............240 Poca Valley Bank...®»t8’08 $300-20% 69-314 5 B Roane 17 War____ _____ 325 Citizens Bank_____ ®»t§’19 69-380 5 McDowell R5 $150-6% Wardensviile ..745 [Capon Valley Bank .—®§’18 5 B Hardy F21 $160-5% 69-370 Warwood____5000 (See Wheeling) P23 .Wayne______ 446 Peoples State Bank-®*t§'24 $100 69-422 5 Wayne L 2 _____ 165.750 THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST CO., CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 59,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Char. N., Char. The Bankers' Bank Since 1863 1434 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seat. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Pis Pitt.Br.; B.Balt. •Mem.A.B.A."New§StatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale %Dir. ®Sa».Dept President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. RESOURCES. Liabilities. Loans Bond* Miscel Cash k ExOther Paid-up Surplus D epos and CHAHGM,Dtn and AND Liabili Discounts Capital Profits its S*euriti*B laneous from Barks ties ‘Webster Springs First National Bank...<’06 5 BWebsterJ12 518 68-316 S. P. Allen............ . J. M. Herold. Jr... W. H. McCutcheon 1 Weirton __8572 4 P Hancock N24 D. M. Peterson___ H. E. Hawkins........ 25,000 S 100.000 MCDOWELL GO. NATIONAL BANK 1325-14% 68-172 /ISAAC T. MANN------ I. J. RHODES_______ WARREN A. WILSON.. T. A. JOHNSTON-----J. F. STROTHER .. .. Bank of Weston____ ®*}|’08 Porter Arnold____ 69-147 R TT Hall 69-145 NATI0RAL EXCHARGE BANK H 680,200 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and Far. Den. N., Pitt. 112.310 263.760 330.480 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ OIn.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 399.120 2.329.960 100.000 2.336.230 137.700 57.630 547.510 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin 4th St. N., Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Cin. 100.000 136,100 1.453.760 100,000 83,250 1,177,380 W. A. Edwards___ J. G. G. Heavner— 60,000 T. A. Whelan ____ G. L. Bland............ J. E. Griffin H. HARRISON_ _ _ ding drafts, Cash USBlAac TUJ9B!oe nR. given BUI of La <’52 ) Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 50c for Credit (.PAY AND GET SERVICE. 34,720 552,290 240.010 100,000 610,000 3,500 272.000 57.750 Han. N.. N. Y.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin.; State-Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Rich. 1,293.680 161,500 141,460 93.220 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Keystone N., Pitt.; Columbia N. and N. Ex., Wheeling. 786,230 290.960 175.040 208,400 N. City. N. Y.; Mellon N..Pitt.; Wheeling Bk. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. 575,000 575,000 25,000 .__ T___ 95.000 Han. N..N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt. 50,000 200.010 3,037.350 2.444,250 24,000 819,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Balt.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 60,000 170.000 890.100 698,200 135,000 60,000 199.450 1,441.150 148,500 1,205.440 257.840 50,000 1,043,730 954,510 60.000 Ira E. Smith. 68-217 JifiiMJgiB C. WEST UNION BANK -.©•! 83 W. B. *300-10% 50,000 J. A. Maxwell.... W. S. Stiiart_____ S. W. Langfltt........ J. H. Langfltt_____ 209.230 176,590 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; Columbia N., Pitt. 50,000 111,060 174,960 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. 538.570 25.000 425.630 61,680 399,900 26.000 328,890 60.400 46,410 94.450 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co.. Cin. 7,500 190,180 N. City, N. Y.: Columbia N.. Pitt. 68-216 THE FIFTH THIRD UHION TRUST CO.. CINCINNATI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 171,890 Seab. N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. Report s. 50,000 14,600 FREEMAN____ A. BLAND _ _ _ _ n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Tlme Items. @*{'02 l Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Cre dit Repo rts. FIRST RATIONAL BANK 6% ** 51,200 1.413,360 S. T. Bane. A. Tr,. Fred B. Magee, A. Tr. P. H. Dohmen____ J. V. Hall ‘West Union .1270 Doddridge County Bank L. R. Charter, Jr.. J. D. McReynolds. 5 B Doddridge E10 68-216 *11800 H 686,000 137.270 100,000 Lewis County Bank.._®J|'0Z Andrew Edmiston. George E. White, J. S. Vandervort.. Active *250-6% 68-146 68-144 II 250,000 50.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Merch. N.» Balt, 18,160 1.748.770 *180-6% *560-60% „ 60.000 $ 195,590 1,687.050 B.W. Ellis................ P. N. Downs______ ‘Wellsburg ...4918 WELLSBURG BKG. & TR. CO. S. George.................. F. A. Chapman.... W. M. George, Tr.. 69-118 ©T:i’02 Chas. R. Windsor. 4P Brooke 024 *225-12% Ch. of Bd. .. T. C. Clark.............. H. M. Rodgers.— Wellsburg National Bank 69-117 ®t’32 II 177.870 2,870,130 $ 25,000 $ Principal Correspondents. jSave time and ge t service on Colie ctlons and Credit Reports by sendl ng FEE IN ADVANC E > Plain might dr afts, 15c; Credit Reporte, 25c. T BY US. ARGEST AND ST BONGEST BANK in McDowell COUNT Y. ®T*il800 \THE OLDEST, L Merchants & Miners Bank B. O. Swope______ *165-6% 69-388 ®*J|'19 5 B Lewis G12 •• .. 1 385.000 S 31,000 1 450,000 68-328 100.000 J.A.THORN............... R.W. BOWLES........ rD. J. F. STROTHER J. W. PRICE____ B. F. WILLIAMS BESS H.HARRAH ‘Welch............. 3232 FIRST RATIONAL BANK 69-173 ®T*t’03 ) Collections and Bequests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be accompanle d by 5 McDowell Q6 1300-12% (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr a fts, 15c; Credit Repo rte, 25c. — Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued IN THE CENTRAL CITY OF THE FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT OFFERS UNSURPASSED SERVICE TO BANKS AND BANKERS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. DisPitt.Br.;B»Balt. ^Wheeling ..56,208 4 P Ohio Q23 t JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. $ Last Sale % Dif. ®Sav. Dept. Bank of Warwood.-®T*t§’ll F. J. Kenamond--. (Formerly listed at $135- 7% 69-322 ♦Center Wheeling Sav. Bank H. J. Scheufler___ Geo. W.Bowers.CA. $201-10% *9-11 CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY $145-8% •• 69-12 69-8 ®T»tl’22 ‘DOLLAR SAVINGS & TRUST GO. .. $314-1*% .. .. •• 69-3 VICE-PRESIDjENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. S. ALEXANDER.......... J. E. MOSS................. J.F. EBELING. v p D.S. McKEE_______ uit* n uipvuuia iinunmniin ®T»t4’89 •- fALEX GLASS_____ G. W. ECKHART........ L. F. HALLER______ J. J. ROTH................. L. F. HALLER, J. F.HEIL C. W. RICE, Sec. 600.000 420.000 6.018.810 200.000 55,120 “ ____ __ ** _____ « Industrial Sav. & Loan Co. (Morris Plan Bank) 100,000 L • 7111 W.B. IRVINE_____ C. R. HUBBARD— k. E. SCHMIDT. V. P. and Cash. C. R. HUBBARD. a unDDicnM Ch. of Bd. 500,000 W. M. Evans, Cash. 272.280 797.440 175.610 N. Bk. Com. and Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., 160.830 342150 658.050 N. ¥.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 5th 3rd Un. Tr. Co., Cin. ®T»|*99 267,170 6.144.750 155.000 275,000 649,360 238,710 2,410,470 50,010 900,000 453,990 89,690 30,020 Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt.; Union Tr. Co., Ciev. 372,730 1,219.530 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and 1st N., Pitt.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Ciev.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. 40,000 90,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; N. 49,270 50,880 Han. N.. N. Y.; 2.176.170 214,330 681,780 1,620 Ex., Wheeling. Wheeling. N. Bk. of W. Va„ 159.230 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Pitt.; N. Bk. of W. Va., Wheeling. 10,330 —— 580.020 4.843,930 1.203,640 3,325,070 2.189,160 Tr. Officer Oldest Bank In Wast Virginia. Sacond Oldaat Waat of the Alleghany Mountains. ©T»tl817 SEND US YOUR BUSINESS. RATES REASONABLESERVICE PROMPT. ‘NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK 69-7 100,000 J. A. Blum______ J. E. Montgomery. W. B. Irvine. Tr... A. S. Hare, Sec. ... ®’17 C. A. Bowers, V. P. A. C. Whitaker ‘NATIONAL BANK OF WEST VA. $230-15% Otto Schenk. ®»tl’97 69-17 69-6 Bk. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. 240,860 If you appreciate prompt and oareful aarvloa at a your Items and collections. Fulton Bank & Trust Co. $175-10% 37.130 1,592,650 82,000 $ 121,000 Principal Correspondents. 127,790 ROBERT HAZLETT- H. E. LAUPP......... W. N.TRACY_____ W. J. BENEKE.... 1.165.190 2,500.960 11841690 258.780 9,895,730 4,278,540 A. S. LIST, W.H.TRACY H. E. LAUPP, Sec. H. A. 0BERMAN Ch. of Bd. J. E. EBELING J. E. EBELING, H. H. BENEKE SEE AD V. 0PP0 SITE W EST VA. INDEX. Mgr. Sav. Dept. METTA S. O’BRIEN 55,000 1,000,000 $125-8% $ 2,630 1,578,520 $ 190,500 V.P. 1 COLLECTIONS REMITTED PR OMPTLY. LSEND US YOU R BUSINESS ON THIS CITY AN D COUNTY. 100,000 69-5 TIES 64.000 $ 875,000 < .. .. 269,400 2.031.450 Loans Bonds Miscel- CUbh k Ezand and Discount! Securities from Baku Modern and progressive. Prompt careful attention given collections and all items entrusted to our care. Bill of Lading drafts a specialty. Try our service. W. A. Driehorst... R. D. Conrad____ K. A. Dimmey, $115-8% 69-272 ®T»t§’09 F. G. Stroehmann H. D. Posey. A. Sec. Sec and Tr. A. T. Walker, A.TV. ♦Half-Dollar Sav.Bank F. C. Driehorst__ J. H. Clarke........... Y. G. Gundling.... John Metzger____ .. 500.000 Resources. Other J. H. McDonald S 100,000 $ 36,000 $ 878,000 $ Warwood, W. Va.) Leonard Eskey— F. T. Dowler_____ W. W. England___ 100.00C 102,960 1,932,080 First Nat! Bk. & Trust Co. J. B. Chambers___ C. C. Woods______ G. H. Grodhaus ... $150-8% 69-163 ©T*t’08 $250-14% - " Liabilities. Surplus DbposPaid-up AND Capital Profits ®T*t§’01 ‘CITIZENS MUTUAL TR. GO. $175-8% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WEST VIRGINIA—Continued SEE Dl SPLAY ADVERT ISEMEN T. 270.130 1.343.230 N. City and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and Col. N., Pitt.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C.;Cent. N., Ciev. J0HIL. DICKEY- J. G. HOFFMANN, C. V. JEFFERS— LOUIS J.YAEGERJr. FRANKHARBRUCK UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. WE HAVE EVERY 500.000 612.750 5,232.830 768.200 3.770.180 2.085.230 300,000 462,140 3,481,330 553,820 207.900 1.050.460 FACILITY FOR HANDLING COLLECTIONS AT MODERATE RATES. Am. Bx. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Pitt.; Union Tr. Co.. Ciev.; Fifth Third Un. Tr. Co., Cin. WE REMIT PROMPTLY. LET US SERVE YOU. “ «« --------- “ ♦SECURITY TRUST CO. $250-12% ♦ 69-10 ®T*i§’02 <« 69-9 T#t§’90j (Wheeling banks c ontinued on next page) I |W. E. STONE......... t L. H. BUCHSE_____ U. J. MCFADDEH — H.S. MARTIN. oec. ana Cash. ISIDORE PERILLI. !:» OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN EVERY FORM OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKING-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,024,490 1,066,760 Mgr. Foreign Dept. (.Send us matter s requiring perso nal handling by men of broad tru st and b anking experie nee. John Becker, Sec.. Chas. A. Bowers__ 100,000 206,630 1,599.680 155,520 1,769,190 141,670 264,690 47,980 441,350 Gty. Tr. Co., N. T.; 1st N., Pitt.;Midland, Ciev.; Huntington N., Col. 102,990 Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. THE FIFTH THIRD UNION TRUST GO., CINCINNATI Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 140c to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ -1-Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. JE Fig. is F. Res. Dist, ♦M. Fed. Res. T-Trust Powers. P is Pit!.; B.. Balt. $ Last Sale % Div. ® Sav. Dept. ^Wheeling......... (Continued) 4P Ohio Q23 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aeces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this WEST VIRGINIA—Continued President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. ther Loans Bonds Miscel Cash A IxPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND and and uhaxom,Dci Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous raOM Banks ties rj. L. DICKEY........... J. T. CARTER......... J.T. CARTER............... J. F. WEISS............ $ 148,400 S 128.120 SI 778 630 E RAAB STATE BANK & TRUST CO. } SPECIAL ATTE J. GIVEN B ILL OF LADING DRAFTS, CASH AND TI ME ITE MS. si8i-nx% 09-162 ®T«t§’04 I Please send 15c NTION with each sight dr.aft for presen tat ion and 50c fo r Credi t Repor ts. S Principal Correspondents. 9.710 SI 4871100 S 103,780 S 320.380 S 153,700 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. Wheeling. N. Y. N. Ex. (^Prompt and Per sonal Attention Given to Collect! OnS. S. W. HARPER---------- S. 0. „ & TRUST GO. 1275-14% ♦ 69-4 ER MITCHELL, ■. H. 500,000 MEM BER Mgr. Women sDept. ®T*J§’70 710.500 7.399.340 825.480 177,240 5,974,290 FEDE RAL 527.590 1.459.710 RESE RVE. A Bank of Experience, Strength, Character and Ser vice. Quick Returns on Collections. Send them direct to us. Our officers will give any business sent us their careful, personal attention. Wheeline Clearing House... Chas. W. Jeffers. - 69-14 ... 1 Mgr. (Member* indicated by a *) CORRESPONDENTS AND Bank Depositories. Selected List—WHEELING—INVESTMENT DEALERS liMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. BILLINGSLEY &C0............’22 C. W. BILLINGSLEY-- Listed Stocks an d All Local Stock s & Bonds. HA7I FTT % RIIRTMembers: New York Stock Exchange, Assoc. Mem. ilHLLLI I OO UUm New York Curb Market, Wheeling Stock Exchange. Successors to «’92 Howard Hazlett & Son (Wheeling Steel Cory. Bldg.) \ LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PITTSBURGH AND OTHER LEADING MARKETS. (Main and 12th Streets) Branch Offices: Fort St euben Hotel, Steuben ville, O hio. Brooke s Bldg., East Li verpool ,Ohio. N. City, N. Y.; Post & Flagg, N. Y. and Pitt ;Hornblower& Weeks, N. Y. and Bos. SEE DI SPLAY ADVER TISEM ENT O N WES T VIRG IMA M A