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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAM ES J. D A V IS, S ecreta ry BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS E T H E L B E R T S T E W A R T , C o m m is s io n e r BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STA TE S) fcT BUREAU OF L AB O R S T A T IS T IC S f ................... llOe P R O D U C T I V I T Y OF LABOR PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING MARCH, 1929 U N ITE D STA TE S G O V E R N M E N T P R IN T IN G OFF IC E W A S H IN G T O N : 1929 ^71- Htl D ACKNOWLEDGMENT This bulletin was prepared by S. Kjaer, of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics CONTENTS C hapter 1.— Summary: Page Trend in labor productivity and labor cost, 1896 to 1926______ _____ 2 -8 Composition, stereotyping, and presswork com bined____________ 2-4 Com position_____________________________________________________ 4-6 Stereotyping_____________________________________________________ 6, 7 Presswork________________________________________________________ 7, 8 8-10 Variations in productivity and labor cost between establishments___ Com position___________________________________________________ _ 8, 9 Stereotyping________________________________________ ,_____________ 9, 10 Presswork________________________________________________________ 10 Trend of employm ent________________________________________________ 10-12 Development of processes____________________________________________ 12, 13 Development of the industry_________________________________________ 13, 14 C hapter 2.— Productivity and labor cost in 1916 and 1926: Importance of clock-time production_________________________________ 15 Comparison of productivity in a representative newspaper establish ment in 1916 and 1926_____________________________________________ 15-21 Com position_____________________________________________________ 16, 17 Stereotyping_____________________________________________________ 17, 18 Presswork________________________________________________________ 18, 19 Combined processes_____________________________________________ 19 Relation of processes to total output____________________________ 19-21 M odern average production__________________________________________ 21, 22 Union wage rates in the United States_______________________________ 22 Comparison of labor cost in a representative newspaper establish ment in 1916 and 1926_____________________________________________ 22-25 Actual labor costs and union wage rates_________________________ 22 Com position_____________________________________________________ 22, 23 Stereotyping_____________________________________________________ 23 Presswork________________________________________________________ 24 Combined processes_____________________________________________ 24, 25 M odern average labor costs__________________________________________ 25, 26 C hapter 3.— Productivity and labor cost in 1926 as compared with 1896: Productivity and labor cost in composing room s_____________________ 27-30 Average production of machine operators in a representative composing room during 1926__________________________________ 27 Comparison of man-hours and labor cost for machine operators in representative composing rooms in 1896, 1916, and 1926_____ 27-30 Productivity and labor cost in pressrooms_____________ ______________ 30-32 Comparison of man-hours and labor cost for presswork in a repre sentative pressroom in 1896 and 1926_________________________ 30-32 C hapter 4.— D evelopm ent of com position: Hand com position____________________________________________________ 33-38 Type setting before 1850________________________________ ________ 33 Size and measurement of com position___________________________ 33, 34 Type arrangement of newspapers________________________________ 34, 35 Records of production ___________________________________________ 35, 36 Labor cost and working conditions_________________ _____________36-38 Type founding___________________ ____________________________________ 38, 39 Typesetting machines________________________________________________ 39-42 Early inventions_________________________________________________ 39, 40 Empire composing machine______________________________________ 40 Thorne composing machine______________________________________ 40 M cM illan composing m achine___________________________________ 41 Paige composing m achine________________________________________ 41 Other composing machines______________________________________ 41, 42 The Linotype_________________________________________________________ 42-44 The Intertype________________________________________________________ 44 hi IV CONTENTS C hapter 4— Continued. Page. Line-casting machine operation______________________________________ 44, 45 Operators________________________________________________________ 44, 45 M achinists----------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 Production on line-casting m achines_________________________________ 45-54 Minimum standard of com petency______________________________ 46-50 Average production records______________________________________ 50-52 Effect of improvements in machines and in shop conditions_____52, 53 Speed production records________________________________________ 54 Nondistribution_______________________________________________________ 54, 55 The M onotype________________________________________________________55, 56 M onotype operation__________________________________________________ 56, 57 Production on M onotype machines___________________________________ 57, 58 The keyboard____________________________________________________ 57, 58 The casting machine_____________________________________________ 58 The Ludlow Typograph______________________________________________ 58, 59 Other machines_______________________________________________________59, 60 The Linograph___________________________________________________ 59 Thompson type, lead, and rule caster___________________________ 59 Elrod slug caster_________________________________________________ 59, 60 Rogers T ypograph _______________________________________________ 60 Machine accessories__________________________________________________ 60-62 Automatic metal feeders_________________________________________60, 61 Electric metal p ots______________________________________________ 61 Trimming attachm ents__________________________________________ 62 Remelting of used m etal_____________________________________________ 62, 63 Division of com posing-room workers_________________________________ 63-65 Hand composition in modern plants_____________________________ 63, 64 Proofs and proof reading________________________________________ 64, 65 C hapter 5.— Detailed study of productivity and labor cost for com posi tion in 1896: Hand method of production__________________________________________ 66-68 Composing room No. 1__________________________________________ 66 Composing room No. 2 __________________________________________ 67 Composing room No. 3 __________________________________________ 67 Composing room No. 4 __________________________________________ 67, 68 Composing room No. 5 __________________________________________ 68 Machine method of production_______________________________________69-72 Composing room No. 6 __________________________________________ 69 Composing room No. 7 __________________________________________ 69, 70 Composing room No. 8 __________________________________________ 70 Composing room No. 9 __________________________________________ 70, 71 Composing room No. 10_________________________________________ 71, 72 Average man-hour production and labor cost by hand and by ma chine methods in 1896_____________________________________________ 72, 73 C h apter 6.— Detailed study of productivity and labor cost for com po sition in 1916 and 1926: Hand method of production__________________________________________ 74, 75 Composing room No. 11_________________________________________74, 75 Machine method of production_______________________________________75-88 Composing room No. 12_________________________________________ 75-77 Composing room No. 8 in 1916__________________________________77-80 Composing room No. 8 in 1926__________________________________80-82 Trend of machine output in composing room No. 8 from 1896 to 1926___________________________________________________________ 82,83 Average production on line-casting machines in composing room No. 8, in 1926_____________________________________________ _ 83 Composing room No. 13______________________________________ _ 83-85 Composing room No. 14_________________________________________ 85, 86 Composing room No. 10 in 1926___________________ ____________ 86-88 Average man-hour production and labor cost by hand and by machine methods in 1916 and 1926__________________________________________ 88, 89 C h apter 7.— Development of stereotyping: Flong preparation____________________________________________________ 90-92 Wet flong______________________________________________________90 Autom atic machines_____________________________________________ 91 Dry flong________________________________________________________ 91, 92 CONTENTS V C h apter 7— Continued. Page. Matrix m olding_______________________________________________________92-95 Brush m eth od___________________________________________________ 92 Rolling-machine m ethod_________________________________________ 92, 93 Direct-pressure m ethod__________________________________________93, 94 Drying tables____________________________________________________ 94 Drying ovens____________________________________________________ 95 Transmission of matrices____________________________ ___________ 95 Casting of plates____________________________________________________ 95-102 Hand casting____________________________________________________ 96 Metal furnaces___________________________________________________ 97 Finishing machines______________________________________________ 97, 98 Automatic casting and finishing_________________________________ 98 Junior Autoplate_________________________________________________ 98, 99 Pony Autoplate_________________________________________________99, 100 Related operations_______________________________________________ 100 Job w ork______________________________________________________ 100-102 C hapter 8.— Detailed study of productivity and labor cost for stereo typing in 1916 and 1926: Stereotyping room No. 1 in 1916___________________________________ 104-108 Productivity and labor cost for process__________________________ 104 Productivity and labor cost for molding of matrices__________ 104, 105 Productivity and labor cost for casting of plates______________105, 106 Output per productive man-hour______________________________ 106, 107 108 Tim e records for plate casting___________________________________ Nonproductive labor_________________________________________ _ 108 Stereotyping room No. 1 in 1926_________________________________ _ 108-113 Productivity and labor cost for process_______________________ 108, 109 Productivity and labor cost for molding of matrices__________ 109, 110 P roductivity and labor cost for casting of plates______________ 110, 111 Output per productive man-hour______________________________ 111, 112 Tim e records for plate casting in 1916 and 1926______________ 112, 113 N onproductive labor_____________________________________________ 113 Stereotyping room No. 2 in 1926___________________________________ 114-118 Productivity and labor cost for process__________________________ 114 Productivity and labor cost for molding of m atrices__________ 114, 115 Productivity and labor cost for casting of plates______________ 115, 116 Output per productive man-hour______________________________ 116-118 Nonproductive labor____________________________________________ 118 Stereotyping room No. 3 in 1926___________________________________ 118, 119 Stereotyping room No. 4 in 1926___________________________________ 120-125 Productivity and labor cost for process__________________________ 120 Productivity and labor cost for molding of matrices__________ 120, 121 Productivity and labor cost for casting of plates______________ 121, 122 Output per productive man-hour______________________________ 122-124 Time records for plate casting___________________________________ 124 Nonproductive labor_____________________________________________ 125 Stereotyping room No. 5 in 1926___________________________________ 125-131 Productivity and labor cost for process_______________________ 125, 126 Productivity and labor cost for molding of m atrices__________ 126, 127 Productivity and labor cost for casting of plates________________ 127 Output per productive man-hour______________________________ 128-130 Time records for plate casting___________________________________ 130 Nonproductive labor_____________________________________________ 131 Comparison of productivity and labor cost in stereotyping, 1916 and 1926_________________________________________________________ 131-133 Molding divisions and foundry divisions______________________ 131, 132 Average man-hour production and labor cost in stereotyping._ 132, 133 C hapter 9.— Development of presswork: Press work before 1870_____________________________________________ 134, 135 Hand and cylinder presses_______________________________________ 134 R otary type presses_____________________________________________ 134 Rotary stereotype presses_____________________________________ 134, 135 R. Hoe & C o _______________________________________________________ 135-142 Early experiments_____________________________________________ 135, 136 H oe double-supplement press____________ - ____________________ 136, 137 Operation of double-supplement press_________________________ 137, 138 Preliminary w ork______________________________________________ 138, 139 VI CONTENTS C hapter 9— Continued. R. H oe & C o.— Continued. Pa*e Quadruple presses_____________________________________________ 139, 140 Sextuple presses__________________________________________________ 140 Larger presses___________________________________________________ 141 Other designs____________________________________________________ 141 Increase in production capacity_________________________________ 142 Superspeed presses_______________________________________________ 142 Duplex Printing Press C o __________________________________________ 143, 144 Tubular plate web presses_____________________________________ 143, 144 Goss Printing Press C o _______________________________________________ 144 Walter Scott & C o _________________________________________________ 144, 145 W ood Newspaper Machinery Corporation_________________________ 145, 146 Other rotary newspaper presses______________________________________ 146 Campbell presses________________________________________________ 146 Potter presses____________________________________________________ 146 Seymour & Brewer presses______________________________________ 146 Color presses_______________________________________________________ 147, 148 First newspaper color press______________________________________ 147 Other styles of color presses_____________________________________ 147 148 Hoe Universal Unit press___________________ ____________________ Effect of color printing__________________________________________ 148 Type printing newspaper web presses_____________________________ 149, 150 Hoe rotary type perfecting press________________________________ 149 Cox Duplex perfecting press__________________________________ 149, 150 Goss Comet press________________________________________________ 150 Other styles_____________________________________________________ 150 Auxiliary printing__________________________________________________ 150, 151 Changes in operation of presses____________________________________ 151, 158 Increase in circulation___________________________________________ 151 Capacity of pressroom equipm ent_____________________________ 151, 152 Capacity and actual production of presses_______________________ 152 Electrical press control________________________________________ 152, 153 Autom atic tension control_______________________________________ 153 Changing paper rolls____________________________________________ 154 Magazine paper reels__________________________________________ 154, 155 155 Limit of speed___________________________________________________ Ink distribution_______________________________________________ 155, 156 Dampening of paper_____________________________________________ 156 Automatic delivery of papers_________________________________ 156, 157 Autom atic oiling devices_________________________________________ 157 Fudge devices_________________________________________________ 157, 158 Changes in preliminary w ork______________________________________ 158-160 Plating of presses_____________________________________________ 158, 159 Blankets_________________________________________________________ 159 Ink supply_______________________________________________________ 159 Other changes_________________________________________________ 159, 160 160 Vocational division of pressroom workers____________________________ Union wage rates for pressroom w orkers_____________________________ 161 Manning of presses_________________________________________________ 161-163 C hapter 10.— Detailed study of productivity and labor cost for presswork in 1896: Hand method of production _______________________________________ 164-167 Pressroom No. 1 in 1852______________________________________ 164, 165 Pressroom No. 2 in 1895______________________________________ 165, 166 Pressroom No. 3 in 1896______________________________________ 166, 167 Machine m ethod of production____________________________________ 167-172 Pressroom No. 4 in 1896______________________________________ 167-169 Pressroom No. 5 in 1895______________________________________ 169-171 Pressroom No. 6 in 1896______________________________________ 171, 172 Average man-hour production and labor cost by hand and by machine m ethods__________________________________________________________ 172-174 C hapter 11.— Detailed study of productivity and labor cost for presswork in 1916 and 1926: Pressroom No. 7 in 1916___________________________________________ 175-180 Productivity and labor cost for presswork____________________ 175-177 Man-hour production on sextuple presses, operated at quadruple capacity_____________________________________________________ 177, 178 CONTENTS VII C hapter 11— Continued. Pressroom No. 7 in 1916— Continued. Page. M an-hour production on linear press, operated at quadruple capa city. ______________________________________________________ 178 Man-hour production on sextuple presses, operated at sextuple capacity---------------------------------------------------------------------------------178, 179 Man-hour production on linear press, operated at sextuple capacity_____________________________________________________ 179, 180 Pressroom No. 7 in 1926___________________________________________ 180-188 Productivity and labor cost for presswork____________________ 180-182 M an-hour production on sextuple presses, Group A ___________ 182, 183 183 M an-hour production on sextuple presses, Group B _____________ M an-hour production on sextuple presses, Group C _____________ 184 Man-hour production on sextuple presses, Group D __________ 184, 185 Man-hour production on octuple presses, Group A ____________ 185, 186 Man-hour production on octuple presses, Group B ______________ 186 M an-hour production on octuple presses, Group C ____________ 186, 187 M an-hour production on octuple presses, Group D ___________ 187, 188 Pressroom No. 8 in 1926___________________________________________ 188-190 Productivity and labor cost for presswork____________________ 188, 189 M an-hour production on presses______________________________ 189, 190 Pressroom No. 6 in 1926------------------------------------------------------------------ 190-203 Productivity and labor cost for presswork____________________ 190-192 M an-hour production on quadruple presses, Group 1_________ 192, 193 M an-hour production on quadruple presses, Group 2 ____________ 193 Man-hour production on quadruple presses, Group 3 ____________ 194 M an-hour production on quadruple presses, Group 4_________ 194, 195 M an-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 1___________ 195, 196 Man-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 3___________ 196, 197 197 Man-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 4______________ Man-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 5______________ 198 Man-hour production on octuple presses, Group 3 ______________ 199 200 M an-hour production on octuple presses, Group 4 ______________ M an-hour production on octuple presses, Group 5 ______________ 201 M an-hour production on decuple presses, Group 3 ____________ 201, 202 M an-hour production on decuple presses, Group 4 ____________ 202, 203 Pressroom No. 9 in 1926___________________________________________ 203-206 Productivity and labor cost for presswork____________________ 203, 204 M an-hour production on presses______________________________ 204, 205 Production of 32-page newspapers on octuple presses_________ 205, 206 Pressroom No. 10 in 1926__________________________________________ 206-217 Productivity and labor cost for presswork____________________ 206-208 Man-hour production on quadruple presses, Group 1_________ 208, 209 M an-hour production on quadruple presses, Group 2____________ 209 Man-hour production on quadruple presses, Group 3 ____________ 210 M an-hour production on quadruple presses. Group 5_________ 210, 211 Man-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 1___________ 211, 212 M an-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 2________T____ 212 Man-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 3______________ 213 M an-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 4___________ 213, 214 M an-hour production on sextuple presses, Group 5______________ 214 M an-hour production on octuple presses, Group 3_______________ 215 M an-hour production on octuple presses, Group 4 ____________ 215, 216 M an-hour production on octuple presses, G roup 5 ______________ 216 Man-hour production on decuple presses, Group 4 ____________216, 217 Comparison of productivity and labor cost in presswork in 1916 and 1926_____________________________________________________________ 217-220 Relative man-hour production___________________________________ 218 Relative labor cost______ _____________________________________ 218,219 Output per productive man-hour______________________________219, 220 C hapter 12.— Introduction and development of printing: Invention of m ovable ty p e ___________________________________________ 221 Mechanical production from 1800 to 1850___________________________ 221 Hand presses_______________________________________________________ 221-223 Improvements in early styles____________________________________ 222 Hand presses in the United States____________________________ 222, 223 Washington hand press____ . . . __________________________________ 223 VIII CONTENTS C hapter 12— Continued. Page. Productivity on hand presses______________________________________ 233-225 Labor cost in early pressrooms_______________________________________ 225 Application of mechanical pow er____________________ ______________ 225, 226 Treadwell press__________________________________________________ 226 226 Adams press_____________________________________________________ Cylinder presses____________________________________________________ 226-231 Koenig cylinder presses_______________________________________ 227-229 Cowper and Applegath cylinder presses--------------------------------------229 Napier cylinder presses_______________________________________ 229, 230 Hoe cylinder presses___________________________________________ 230, 231 Productivity on cylinder presses and labor cost in 1870___________ 231, 232 Inking rollers_______________________________________________________ 232, 233 Paper manufacture_________________________________________________ 233, 234 Rotary presses_____________________________________________________ 234-239 Hoe type revolving presses______________________________________ 235 Cowper and Applegath type revolving press__________________ 235, 236 Stereotype plates on type revolving presses_____________________ 236 Bullock rotary web presses____________________________________ 236, 237 Paper for web presses____________________________________________ 237 Walter rotary web press_________________________________________ 238 Marinoni rotary press____________________________________________ 238 Handicaps to production on rotary presses___________________ 238, 239 Stereotyping_______________________________________________________ 239-241 Invention of process___________________________________________ 239, 240 Introduction into the United States_____________________________ 240 Plaster m ethod________________________________________________ 240, 241 Papier-mach6 m ethod____________________________________________ 241 C hapter 13.— D evelopm ent of the newspaper industry: Early newspapers__________________________________________________ 242, 243 Ancient news bulletins___________________________________________ 242 Printed newspapers______________________________________________ 242 Early American newspapers___________________________________ 242, 243 M odern newspaper publishing_____________________________________ 243-246 Changes in production m ethods_______________________________ 243, 244 Photo-engraving______________________________________________ 244-246 Electrotyping____________________________________________________ 246 246 Distribution_____________________________________________________ Number of newspapers published and copies printed______________ 246-249 All classes, from 1720 to 1925_________________________________ 246-249 Daily newspapers, 1889 to 1925_________________________________ 249 249 Weekly newspapers, 1889 to 1925_______________________________ Effect of im proved methods on em ploym ent_______________________ 249, 250 Expansion of industry_________________________________________ 249, 250 Suspensions and consolidations__________________________________ 250 Increases in circulation and bulk________________________________ 250 Em ployment in newspaper and periodical publishing, 1889 to l9 2 5 _ 250-253 Number of workers and their earnings________________________ 250, 251 Production and workers in 1889_________________________________ 251 Production and workers in 1914_______________________________ 251, 252 Production and workers in 1919_________________________________ 252 Production and workers in 1923_________________________________ 252 Production and workers in 1925_______________________________ 252, 253 Relative value of products for newspapers and for periodicals, 1889 to 1926..................................................................................................................... 253 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS WASHINGTON n o . 475 m a r c h , 1929 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING CHAPTER 1.— SUMMARY HE present study of productivity in newspaper printing deals with composition, stereotyping, and presswork, the three primary mechanical processes in modern newspaper printing. The relative importance of these processes varies considerably. In a newspaper of small circulation composition is by far the largest item in both time cost and labor cost and may represent more than 90 per cent of the total cost of the three processes. As the circula tion increases, however, the composition cost, which does not vary with the number of copies printed, declines in comparison to presswork cost, which does vary directly with the number of impressions. Stereotyping usually represents less than 10 per cent of the total cost when the circulation is small and decreases relatively as the circula tion increases. Newspaper printing has for many years been dominated by the daily newspapers. These have only a limited time for the production of a single issue. In addition, competition in the speed with which the buying public is reached is keen, especially in the large cities. Clock-time production thus becomes the important factor, to which both time cost and labor cost are constantly sacrificed. The data presented in the present study are based on a recent survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, supplemented by certain valuable, though limited, information contained in an earlier report by the bureau, then called the Department of Labor, on productivity for the year 1896.1 During the recent survey detailed production and cost data were obtained for the years 1916 and 1926. Therefore, a summary view of productivity and labor costs in the industry' may be had for a period of 30 years— the data being for 1896, 1916, and 1926. It must be emphasized that such a summary can not produce entirely satisfactory results. In the first place, the basic data for the years prior to 1926 are extremely limited in scope. In the second place, the output of the newspaper industry is not measurable in a simple invariable unit. N ot only do newspapers vary among them selves in size and style, but the same paper may undergo great changes in these respects over a period of time. Also, the number of impres sions seriously influences both time costs and money costs. It was necessary, therefore, in the present study to adopt a rather arbitrary unit of measurement in order to make comparisons for the combined processes, and the unit selected is an issue of 10,000 copies of a 4-page paper, containing 59,200 ems of 5 ^ -p o in t type or their equivalent in larger sizes. T 1 U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Washington, 1899. Thirteenth Annual Report, 1898. Hand and Machine Labor. 2 vols. 2 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING TREND IN LABOR PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST, 1896 TO 1926 \ N U M B E R of inventions have speeded up the mechanical production of newspapers since 1896. While the majority of these were intended mainly to reduce the clock time for the operations, so as to shorten the interval between receipt of the news and the dis tribution of the printed papers to the public, the improvements have also affected labor productivity. Naturally, the adoption of even the most important inventions was gradual, depending on the indi vidual requirements of each establishment and on the existing com petition. In consequence, all sorts of conditions existed at the same time throughout the country, and even at the present time some of the older methods are still being used. C O M P O S IT IO N , S T E R E O T Y P IN G , AND P R E S S W O R K C O M B IN E D Productivity.— As no data for stereotyping in 1896 are available, the trend over the 30-year period for unit production by machine methods in the three processes combined can not be determined. A comparison can, however, be made of the unit production in 1896 by the hand method, which included composition and presswork only, and in 1926 by the machine method, which required all three proc esses. In 1896 composition by the hand method, presswork on hand presses, and folding the printed papers by hand of 10,000 copies of a 4-page newspaper involved an average of 635 man-hours. In 1926 the same number of copies of a printed and folded 4-page newspaper, requiring the combined processes of composition, stereotyping, and presswork, was produced on an average in 174.4 man-hours, an increase in man-hour output of 264 per cent. This meant that where 71 employees were required for 9 hours by the hand method in 1896, only 25 employees for 7 hours were necessary by the machine method in 1926. The trend for the three processes combined, from 1916 to 1926, is indicated fairly well by the experience of a representative newspaper establishment for which all the necessary data were available. In this establishment it required in 1916, 215 man-hours to turn out 10,000 copies of a 4-page newspaper, while in 1926 the same pro duction required only 158 man-hours, an increase for the 10-year period of 36.5 per cent in man-hour output. Consequently, 27 employees working 8 hours were required in 1916, while 23 employees working 7 hours were necessary in 1926. The above figures, however, apply only if no more than 10,000 copies are produced from the same four pages. The number of man-hours per unit of production does not expand in the same ratio as the number of units. The time cost for composition remains stationary, regardless of how many copies of the paper are printed. This is im portant, as composition is by far the largest factor in total time cost. The time cost for stereotyping also remains practically the same, being affected only in a minor degree by the number of presses operated. The time cost for presswork, however, advances in the same ratio as the number of units. Under the hand method of 1896 each additional unit involved 250 additional man-hours, or about two-fifths of the total man-hours for one unit. B y the machine method the time cost for presswork is only 1 per cent of the total time cost for the unit, so that duplications of units can be made at comparatively slight increase in time costs. A PRINTING OFFICE OF THE 16TH CENTURY, WHERE IT WOULD HAVE REQUIRED OVER 6,000 MAN-HOURS TO TURN OUT 10,000 MODERN 4-PAGE NEWSPAPERS, NOW EXECUTED IN THREE SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS, SUCH AS SHOWN IN THE THREE FOLLOWING ILLUSTRATIONS. IN 175 MAN-HOURS a modern c o m po sin g r o o m , w her e Composition N ecessary for 10,000 fo u r -page N ewspapers requires 163 m a n -hours 3 SUMMARY In 1916 each additional unit from the same four pages was produced in the representative establishment at a time cost of 1.8 man-hours, and in 1926 of 1.7 man-hours. Man-hour output was consequently determined by the multiples of units produced, as follows: T a b le 1 . — Man-hour output of specified numbers of copies of a 4-page section in a representative establishment, 1916 and 1926 Number of man-hours worked i n - Number of copies produced per man-hour in— Number of copies of a 4-page section printed 1916 10,000. ....................................................................... 50,000..................... .................... .......... ................... 100,000. __............................................................... 500,000........ .................................... .................... . 1,000,000.............. ....................................................... 215.1 222. 3 231.2 303.0 392.6 1926 157.5 164.1 172. 5 239.0 322.2 1916 46. 5 225.0 432. 5 1, 650. 3 2, 546. 8 1926 63.5 304.6 579.9 2,092. 0 3,103.9 The actual trend of time cost was affected by the production of a larger number of 4-page sections in 1926 than in 1916, caused by in creases in the circulation and also in the page contents of the issues. In this establishment the circulation had advanced 25 per cent and the bulk of the issues approximately 108 per cent, resulting in an in crease of 150 per cent in the number of units turned out, as against an increase of 93 per cent in the number of man-hours. This was equal to an actual increase of nearly 30 per cent in man-hour output of 4-page sections for the combined processes in the establishment. Labor cost.— Actual man-hour labor costs are partially regulated by the wage rates; but they are also affected by the amount of overtime involved in the work, as the hourly rate for overtime in newspaper printing is customarily 50 per cent higher than the regular rate. In addition the labor costs per unit are influenced by increases or reduc tions in man-hour output, so that the trend of labor costs per unit may differ widely from the trend in man-hour labor cost or in basic wage rates. The absence of data in the 1896 survey for the entire personnel in composing rooms using the machine method, and the omission of the stereotyping process for that period, restricted the use of labor costs for unit production in 1896. Only for composing rooms using the hand method solely, for hand compositors, for line-casting machine operators, and for presswork, were data available for comparison with later years. Under the hand methods used in 1896 composition and presswork were the only processes required for unit production. The labor cost amounted to $82.74 for composition and $33.33 for presswork, a total of $116.07 for the first unit of 10,000 copies of a 4-page section. Each additional unit was produced at a total cost of $33.33, so that the average cost per unit declined with the increase in unit output. In 1926 the stereotyping process was included. The labor cost for unit production was $215.04 for composition, $11.36 for stereotyping, and $2.76 for presswork, a total of $229.16. The cost for each suc ceeding unit was $2.76, the cost of the presswork. So, while the labor cost for the first unit was 98 per cent higher in 1926 by the machine method than in 1896 by the hand method, the production of five units in 1896 cost almost $1 more than the production of eight units in 1926. 4 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING Like the trend in production, the trend in labor cost for the three methods combined can be determined only for the last 10-year period and through labor costs for 1916 and 1926 in a representative news paper establishment. The labor cost for the first unit of production in 1916 was $135.77. B y 1926 it had advanced to $200, an increase of 47 per cent. Additional units from the same four pages carried labor costs of $1.19 in 1916 and $2.06 in 1926. Actual labor cost per unit was, therefore, like man-hour output, regulated by the number of units produced, as follows: T a b le 2 .— Labor cost of specified numbers of copies of a J^-page section in a rep resentative establishment, 1916 and 1926 Total labor cost in— Labor cost per 10,000 copies of a 4-page section i n - Number of copies of a 4-page section printed 1916 10,000........................................................................... 50,000 ......................................................................... 100,000 ...................... ............................................... 500,000 ........... ........ ..................................... - .......... 1,000,000...................... ........................... ................. $135.77 140. 55 146. 52 194. 25 253. 92 1926 $200.00 208.23 218. 52 300.85 403. 76 1916 $135. 77 28.11 14.65 3.89 2.54 1926 $200.00 41.65 21.85 6.02 4.04 The actual trend in labor cost in this establishment was regulated by the proportionate increase in the number of units turned out in 1926, as compared with the output in 1916. The increase was almost 150 per cent, due both to growth of circulation and to increase in the number of pages printed per issue. The actual labor cost per unit for the establishment was $4.81 in 1916, in 1926 it was $7.27, an increase of 51.1 per cent. C O M P O SIT IO N Productivity.— B y 1896 the evolution from hand composition to machine composition had made some progress, but a number of establishments still existed in which all of the type was set by hand. In 1916 the bulk of the news composition was on machines, and by 1926 a relatively larger portion of it was by that method. Part of the type, however, was still set by hand, so that in a modern compos ing room both machine and hand methods are in use. In 1896 the actual type setting by the hand method for the 4-page unit required an average of 350 man-hours in five composing rooms; by the machine method in five other composing rooms an average of about 57 man-hours was necessary, an increase of more than 500 per cent in man-hour output by the machine method over the hand method. Some increase in output of line-casting machine operators has taken place since then, as shown by the trend for this labor group in a typical composing room. In 1896 the specified unit production in this establishment required about 66 man-hours; in 1916 it required 71 man-hours, through the employment of a proportionately larger number of operators to meet the demands of clock-time production speed created by competition. In 1926 the unit was produced in a little over 64 man-hours, an increase in man-hour production of more than 10 per cent over 1916 and of about 3 per cent over 1896. In another representative establishment there was a wider variation. In 1896 the type setting on a unit of production on line-casting: A MODERN STEREOTYPING FOUNDRY. WHERE STEREOTYPING NECESSARY FOR 10,000 FOUR-PAGE NEWSPAPERS, TOGETHER WITH THE M o ld in g O pe ra tio n , re q u ire s Less Than 10 m an-hours A MODERN PRESSROOM. WHERE 10,000 FOUR-PAGE NEWSPAPERS ARE PRINTED EVERY MAN-HOURS SUMMARY 5 machines took a little over 52 man-hours; in 1926 it took less than 44 man-hours, an increase in man-hour output of 19 per cent. Other operations were also necessary in composing rooms, such as assembling the type, proof reading, and machine adjustments. These did not add to the output. Consequently man-hour production for the entire composing room depended partly on the proportion of nonproductive labor employed therein, and the trend for the entire personnel might vary considerably from the trend for compositors alone. According to data of the 1896 survey an average of 385 man-hours were required for the composing rooms employing the hand method to turn out four pages of an average modern newspaper. Figures secured during the survey for this study show that in 1916 the same result was attained in a representative composing room in 204 hours by combined machine and hand methods, an increase in man-hour output of nearly 90 per cent. In 1926 only 145 man-hours were neces sary in the same establishment for the total composing-room work on four pages, an increase of over 40 per cent in man-hour output during the 10-year interval 1916 to 1926. In other words, it required 40 employees 10 hours by the hand method in 1896 for production equal to four presentrday newspaper pages. Using both machine and hand methods the same output was reached in 1916 by 26 employees in 8 hours, and in 1926 by 21 employees in 7 hours. Labor cost.— According to wage studies by the Bureau of Labor Statistics the average hourly basic wage rates for hand compositors advanced approximately 200 per cent from 1896 to 1926. The increase for machine operators during the same period was about 180 per cent. Hand compositors and machine operators* constituted the principal labor groups in composing rooms, but other groups existed with lower or higher hourly rates. These, together with the varying proportion of overtime in the different establishments, affected the actual hourly cost for composition as a whole, resulting in an increase of approxi mately 350 per cent in the man-hour labor cost between 1896 and 1926. Labor cost per unit of production is determined by the actual man-hour labor cost and man-hour output. In 1896 the weighted average labor cost for the composing-room work per unit, in the establishments using the hand method, was $82.74. In 1916 it was $126.75,, or 53 per cent more, in a representative establishment, using both machine and hand methods, and in 1926 it had>risen to $182.71, equal to 44 per cent above the 1916 unit cost; but the weighted average labor cost for several establishments in 1926 was higher than for the single establishment, reaching $215.04. Figured on the average basis, the advance in the labor cost per unit for the 30 years was only 160 per cent, in spite of the 190 per cent increase in basic hourly rates and the 350 per cent increase in actual man-hour labor cost. The weighted average labor cost in 1896 for setting sufficient type by hand for four pages was $72.16; by the machine method in the same period it was $33.64. As the average labor cost for news operators in 1926 could not be separated from that for hand compositors, the trend of labor cost for unit production by machine operators can be deter mined only for two individual establishments. In one of them the average labor cost for four pages of news composition was $44.05 in 1896; in 1926 it had advanced to $92.57, an increase of 110 per cent. 6 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING In the other establishment the labor cost rose from $33.15 in 1896 to $47.04 in 1926, an increase of only 42 per cent. These extreme dif ferences were caused by the variation in wage rates because of the different geographical location of the establishments, and by the variation in the relative increases in man-hour output. S T E R E O T Y P IN G Productivity.— The survey of 1896 did not cover stereotyping, in which comparatively old style methods were then used. In the survey for this study, however, data were obtained for 1916 and 1926 in a representative establishment using modern methods during both periods. In this establishment 8.9 man-hours were sufficient in 1916 for the stereotyping of four average pages of the newspaper, whereas in 1926 it required 10.6 man-hours, a decrease in page output per man-hour for all employees of nearly 16 per cent. Stereotyping consists of two separate operations, the molding of matrices and the casting of plates. One matrix is ordinarily molded from each type form, so that four pages require four matrices, but the number of plates cast from each matrix varies according to the number of presses operated for printing the required number of newspapers in the time allotted for that purpose. In the establishment for which the above data on productivity in stereotyping were obtained changes in molding methods, to facilitate clock-time production of matrices, had been made between 1916 and 1926. Increases in page contents and in circulation had raised the number of pages molded daily 115 per cent and the number of plates cast daily 140 per cent, but it was necessary to turn out the increased quantities in practically the same number of clock hours each day as for the previous, smaller produc tion. The change in molding methods had reduced the clock time for the molding operation more than 50 per cent, but it had also re duced the man-hour production of matrices over 29 per cent for the portion of labor actually engaged in that operation. In 1926 an average of 56.7 plates was necessary for each four pages molded, while an average of 50.8 plates per four pages was sufficient in 1916, as the circulation was smaller and fewer presses were used. M an-hour output of plates for the portion of labor actually engaged in that operation had increased over 10 per cent, but the additional man-hours for the molding operation and for other labor were reflected in a decrease of 6 per cent in man-hour output of all employees. The main object of the changes had, however, been achieved, though at the expense of man-hour production. In 1916 it took eight minutes to deliver the first plate to the pressroom after the form had been received from the composing room ; by 1926 the clock time had been reduced to four minutes. Labor cost.— The hourly wage rates for stereo typers between 1896 and 1926 advanced about 140 per cent, according to wage studies by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The increase between 1916 and 1926 was around 84 per cent. While the majority of the workers received the basic rates, some were paid more or less per hour. In a representa tive establishment such differences in hourly rates, together with variations in relative overtime, were reflected in the actual man-hour labor cost, which advanced only 64 per cent in the 10-year period 1916 to 1926. In this case, however, the labor cost for the unit was further increased through the decrease in man-hour production during SUMMARY 7 the interval. In 1916 the labor cost per unit was $7.83. B y 1926 it had risen to $15.23, an advance of nearly 95 per cent, though the increase for the man-hour labor cost was only 64 per cent. The decrease in man-hour output was caused by the change in working methods for the purpose of speeding up clock-time production. PRESSW ORK Productivity.— In 1896 the rotary press had displaced other presses in the larger newspaper establishments, but in some of the smaller plants the hand press was still used and the newspapers were folded by hand after printing. According to figures for the 1896 survey an average of 250 man-hours were necessary for printing and folding 10,000 copies of a 4-page newspaper in pressrooms using the hand method. The rotary presses of that period advanced man-hour output greatly, reducing the time cost of unit production. The weighted average time cost in 1896 for the unit production in the pressrooms surveyed, in which the machine method was used, was about three man-hours, on the basis of all employees, an increase over the man-hour output by the hand method of more than 8,000 per cent. This meant that while it required 25 employees for 10 hours to produce the unit by the hand method, 3 employees for 1 hour were sufficient by the machine method. The trend of labor productivity in modern newspaper pressw-ork between 1896 and 1926 is shown by a comparison for a typical press room, on the basis of operating time for the machines. In 1896 it required 1.53 man-hours to produce 10,000 copies of a 4-page section of the newspaper, while in 1926 the same number was turned out in 1.32 man-hours, an increase in man-hour output of more than 70 per cent. The large rotary presses are ordinarily operated intermittently, depending on the time allotment for printing the required number of newspapers. Time is necessary for preparing the presses for opera tion, and the proportion of actual productive man-hours on a machine to total man-hours worked vary considerably. Figures for the 1926 survey give a range of 16.3 to 70.3 per cent. In this pressroom the productive time for the workers presumably maintained nearly the same relation to the total working time during both periods, so it is reasonable to assume that the 13 per cent decrease in man-hours between 1896 and 1926 also applied to the total hours. The trend between 1916 and 1926 can be more definitely determined through data for another representative establishment, surveyed for this study. In this establishment it required 1.79 man-hours in 1916 to produce 10,000 copies of a 4-page section, while in 1926 the same result was accomplished in 1.66 man-hours. This represented an increase of nearly 8 per cent in output per man-hour. Labor cost.— The hourly wage rate for pressmen increased about 190 per cent between 1896 and 1926, according to wage studies by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and approximately 90 per cent between 1916 and 1926. The average labor cost per man-hour during 1896 was 266 per cent more in pressrooms using the machine method than those where the hand method was used. The average man-hour labor cost in machine-method pressrooms rose 136 per cent during the 30 years from 1896 to 1926, a smaller advance than that for the basic wage rate, caused by a relative increase in lower priced labor and variations in relative amount of overtime. 8 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING The average labor cost for unit production in hand-method press rooms during 1896 was $33.33; in machine-method pressrooms during the same period it was only about $1.33, or, due to the tremendous increase in output, 4 per cent of the cost for the hand method. The average unit cost in 1926 by the machine method was $2.76, an increase of 108 per cent over the cost for the machine method in 1896, as compared with an increase in wage rates for pressmen of 190 per cent and an increase in man-hour labor cost of 136 per cent. The labor cost per unit between 1896 and 1926 in modern news paper presswork, based on actual operative time for the machines in one representative pressroom, was nearly twice as high as the average labor cost. The unit cost in 1896 was 51.7 cents; by 1926 it had reached $1,615, an advance of more than 210 per cent. The labor cost for the idle-machine time was not included in either case. It would probably have made the complete labor cost from 33 to 50 per cent higher for both periods, but would not have changed the percentage of increase greatly. A more definite trend of complete unit labor cost for presswork can be determined for the 10 years from 1916 to 1926 from data for another representative pressroom. In 1916 the labor cost per unit in this establishment was $1.19; by 1926 it had advanced to $2.06, an increase of over 72 per cent. The rise in man-hour labor cost for this pressroom during the 10-year interval was about 86 per cent, but the unit cost was modified through an 8 per cent increase in man-hour output. VARIATIONS IN PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST BETWEEN ESTABLISHMENTS 'T 'H E figures cited previously to indicate trend of production are for A individual establishments, and while probably quite accurate for that purpose are not representative of average conditions in dif ferent plants. A wide variation is created through differences in fac tory and sales conditions. Labor costs per unit of production also vary greatly in the different establishments, so figures quoted for the trend of a process in a single establishment can not be regarded as representative for the entire process. The number of man-hours required for the production differs, and even where these correspond the prevailing wage rates may be twice as high in one locality as in another. C O M P O SIT IO N Productivity.— In 1896 hand composition was used exclusively in some newspaper establishments. Unit production (10,000 copies of a 4-page paper) in those surveyed at that time required from 250 to 500 man-hours, giving a weighted average of 385 man-hours. In other establishments machines were used for most of the typesetting, but the data did not cover the total employees in the process. In 1926 the average time for unit production, by combined machine and hand methods and for the entire personnel of each composing room, ranged from 144 to 205 man-hours, with a weighted average of 163 man-hours. Production on line-casting machines depends considerably on per sonal ability of the operators, but varies also according to the class of the product, whether news or advertising composition. In 1896 practically only news composition was produced on machines, and the SUMMARY 9 time required for turning out enough to fill 4 pages ranged from 52 to 66 man-hours, with a weighted average of 57 man-hours. A tabulation of weekly production records for operators on news composition during 1926 in one establishment showed a range of 46.6 to 50.3 man-hours per unit. The lowest average by one operator for the full five weeks in the tabulation was 40.3 man-hours, but a weekly average as low as 38.5 man-hours was reached by the same individual. The highest average for one operator was 61.6 manhours. In another establishment, where unit production in 1896 required an average of 52.3 man-hours, this had been lowered to 43.9 manhours in 1926, an increase of 19 per cent in man-hour production during the 30 years. These averages for 1896 and 1926 were con siderably lower than the general average for 1896, or that shown in the above-mentioned establishment for 1926, respectively. The variations were caused partly by driving the machines in this com posing room at a higher speed, but also were probably influenced by the operators there being paid on a production basis. In 1926 the average time requirements for production of the unit for the indi vidual news operators in this establishment for a 2-week period ranged from 39 to 59 man-hours, but some exceptional records existed, such as 18 man-hours, the minimum, and 106 man-hours, the maximum. In a third establishment the production of a 4-page unit by machine operators in 1926 required an average of 62.1 man-hours. This was nearly 30 per cent more than in the first composing room and 40 per cent more than in the second composing room. One of the important factors in the extended time was the inclusion of advertising composi tion, from which the news composition could not be separated, and which ordinarily requires more time. Labor cost.— The labor cost for unit production by the hand method in 1896 ranged from $60.19 to $113.24, making a weighted average of $82.74. The cost in 1926, by combined hand and machine methods, ranged from $182.71 to $270.99, with a weighted average of $215.04, or about 160 per cent more than by the hand method in 1896The labor cost per unit for the entire composing room personnel by the machine method in 1896 can not be determined from the data, only the labor cost per unit for machine operators on news composition being separable. This ranged from $23.55 to $44.04, with a weighted average cost of $33.64, a reduction of 53 per cent from the cost for the hand compositors in the same period, which ranged from $52.10 to $105.24 with a weighted average of $72.16. ST E R E O T Y P IN G Productivity.— The time cost for production of the unit varied greatly in the five selected stereotyping rooms of the 1926 survey, depending on the number of presses operated in each establishment. This was principally regulated by the circulation of the respective newspaper, as it required more presses to turn out a large number of copies than a small number in the same clock time. M ore presses meant more plates per page. The time cost ranged from 3.9 to 13.7 man-hours, with a weighted average of 9.1 man-hours. Labor cost.— Decided differences existed in the number of manhours required in the various establishments of 1926 for unit produc9819°— 29------ 2 10 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING tion. These resulted in a proportionately wider range of labor costs for stereotyping than for the other two processes— from $4.34 to $16.42, with a weighted average labor cost of $11.36. PRESSW ORK Productivity.— Printing on hand presses and folding the newspapers by hand, in establishments surveyed in 1896, required from 240 to 270 man-hours per unit of 10,000 copies of a 4-page paper, giving a weighted average of 250 man-hours. Unit production by the ma chine method in the same period required approximately from 2.3 to 3.2 man-hours, with a weighted average of about 3 man-hours. In 1926 the necessary man-hours ranged from 1.66 to 3.68, with a weighted average of 2.55 man-hours for each unit turned out. As previously pointed out, presswork differs from composition and stereotyping in that it expands with increased output. Labor cost.— The labor cost per unit for printing on hand presses and folding the printed papers by hand in 1896 ranged from $25.77 to $50.33, giving a weighted average cost of $33.33. By the machine method in the same period it was reduced to an approximate range of from 69 cents to $2.76, with a weighted average of about $1.33, or 4 per cent of the cost for the hand method. In 1926 the labor cost for the machine method ranged from $1.96 to $4.16, resulting in a weighted average of $2.76, or 108 per cent above the average i$ 1896 for the machine method. TREND OF EMPLOYMENT A N E W SPA PE R has only a certain amount of time for the mechanical production of each issue, regardless of whether it contains 4 or 60 pages, so the production of a larger number of pages naturally requires more workers. Census figures for the United States do not segregate wage earners employed on newspapers from those employed on periodicals, and accurate comparison for the trend of employment for 1896 can be made only for the total number employed on newspapers and periodicals combined. Between 1889 and 1919 the wage earners employed in manufacturing newspapers and periodicals increased 40 per cent. Between 1919 and 1923 a 4 per cent reduction took place, but the number employed in 1925 exceeded that for 1923 by 1.2 per cent. Composition.— From an employment standpoint composition is the most important process in the mechanical production of newspapers. Approximately 60 to 70 per cent of the total man-hours for the three processes are taken by it under normal conditions, though in the production of only 10,000 copies of a 4-page newspaper the relation is 95 per cent. Before the introduction of the linotype it required 16 compositors for approximately seven hours to set sufficient type for four pages of a representative newspaper at that time. Distribution of the type required about one-half that number for the same length of time, while other hands necessary in composing-room work would probably bring the personnel on a 4-page daily newspaper to about 40. A decided change was created by the evolution from hand composi tion to machine composition. One machine operator could set approximately four times as much type as one hand compositor. The time previously devoted to distribution of type, about one-fifth of the total time, was reduced to a very small fraction. Three or SUMMARY 11 four hands were eliminated, out of every five formerly engaged in setting and distributing type. Consequently the adoption of the machine method displaced a great number of typesetters. Others, engaged in assembling the products, in proof reading, or other duties, were still necessary and were not affected materially, while some new vocations were created. The application of machine methods to composition, however, stimulated the growth of the industry, which soon expanded suffi ciently to absorb the displaced workers. In a comparatively short time more compositors were employed than formerly, and the num ber continued to increase until after the World War. Suspensions and mergers of publications since that time have reduced the number of newspapers and created more or less unemployment, though part of this has in turn been eliminated through further growth in the industry. The principal reasons for the larger number of composing-room employees, in spite of the increased man-hour output, were the establishment of new publications and, especially, the constantly increasing number of pages in the daily issues. In one typical estab lishment, for example, the average daily issues consisted of 12 pages in 1896, 24 pages in 1916, and 36 pages in 1926. The Sunday issues contained an average of 48 pages in 1896, of 54 pages in 1916, and of 60 pages in 1926. The number of different editions published daily had also increased through the years. Consequently, 115 per cent more pages were turned out in 1926 than in 1916, and these contained approximately 122 per cent more new type than the 1916 pages. But as the clock time alloted for the composing-room work was no longer in 1926 than in 1916, the demand for larger production was met by the installation of more machines and by the employment of more operators, as well as of other labor, resulting in an increase of 73.5 per cent in total man-hours. Stereotyping.— From an employment standpoint stereotyping is relatively the least important of the three processes. The ordinary proportion of the man-hours for the three processes devoted to stereotyping does not exceed 10 per cent, and for the production of 10,000 copies of a 4-page newspaper it is only 4 per cent. The invention in 1900 of the Autoplate equipment, which was rapidly adopted by the larger daily newspapers, revolutionized the casting of stereotype plates. Only 4 employees were required to turn out the same number of plates as 12 formerly produced by the hand method. It served, however, especially to reduce the clock time for plate production, and the facilities afforded through it increased employment of stereo typers. The two main factors in employment of additional stereotypers, in face of increased man-hour production, were the same as those for composing-room employees, but to these was added the constant growth in circulation. Data for 1896 are not available, but the trend between 1916 and 1926 in a representative establishment reveals the employment of additional men to speed up the clock time production. The average number of pages per issue advanced approximately 45 per cent during the interval. Together with the additional number of editions published daily in 1926, it resulted in 115 per cent more pages being stereotyped than in 1916. A 15 per cent rise in circulation necessitated the use of more presses to produce sufficient newspapers in the allotted time. Consequently 12 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING 140 per cent more plates were needed in 1926 than in 1916, and to accomplish this in the required clock time, more equipment had been installed and the working force increased 155 per cent. Pressworlc.— In modern newspaper production the proportion for presswork of the total man-hours for the three processes ranges from 20 to 30 per cent. While it represents only 1 per cent in the production of a single unit (10,000 copies of a 4-page paper), the man-hours for the process expand directly with multiple production from the same four pages, while the man-hours for the other two processes remain stationary. The transition from the hand press to the rotary press permitted 3 hands to accomplish what it had required 250 hands to do. The subsequent expansion of the industry, however, provided a steady growth in pressroom employment, as in the other two processes, though a drop has been experienced in recent years. Presswork was mainly affected by the same issues as stereotyping— new publications, more pages per issue, and increase in circulation. Comparison of similar periods in 1916 and 1926 for a representative establishment shows that the increase in circulation and in bulk of the newspaper had raised the output of pages 150 per cent, which had been accom plished through an increase in employment of 131 per cent. DEVELOPMENT OF PROCESSES first newspaper which continued publication for an extended period in this country was established in 1704, with an equip ment of a few fonts of type and a slow, cumbersome hand press. The large modern newspapers of 1926 were turned out in plants equipped with numerous machines for casting and setting of type, for produc tion of stereotype plates, for printing and folding of the papers, and for other auxiliary processes. A hundred years after the establishment of the first newspaper the publications were still produced mechanically in the same manner as the first one. Printing was done directly from hand-set type on hand presses, and the printed papers were folded by hand. All of the radical changes which have assisted in creating the modern news paper have taken place since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The possibilities of steam for motive power influenced the inventions of automatic or semiautomatic machines for direct use in the printing industry, or to produce material for its development, such as the paper-making machine which permitted manufacture of an unlimited supply of cheap paper. The development of the printing press, in the beginning a cylinder press and later a rotary press, with gradually increased speed and the addition of folding and assembling mechan isms, permitted printing of larger and more newspapers per hour. The perfecting of curved stereotype plates as a substitute for type permitted faster production and, through duplication of pages, the installation of sufficient presses to insure printing the required number of copies of the paper in the allotted time. Semiautomatic production for the composing room was effected through line-casting machines, which permitted printing a greater number of pages in the newspaper and reduced the distribution of type. Distribution was later entirely eliminated through the introduction of other composingroom machines. While many of the inventions or improvements have reduced the operating cost for the publishers, another feature has become even SUMMARY 13 more prominent. Speed, and more speed, is demanded first of all. The vast importance of modern events, their sudden and frequent occurrence, and the desire of the public for immediate knowledge of such transactions, together with competition and the aim of each newspaper to publish the events in advance of its contemporaries, have resulted in making speed the paramount issue. The shortest possible time between receipt of the news and its publication is an important sales factor. It is often not only a question of minutes, but of seconds. Newspaper publishers naturally try to keep their mechanical production at the lowest possible cost, but on the larger newspapers often sacrifice all for speed. Consequenty development of the various processes has been principally along the line of reduc tion in clock time, rather than in man time or in money cost. B y 1896, line-casting machines had been installed in the composing rooms and rotary presses in the pressrooms of the larger daily news papers. The closing year of the century saw the introduction of automatic machines for the stereotyping process, completing mechan ization of the three processes. B y 1916, improvements had taken place in the machines used and other machines had been added, notably type-casting machines, which practically eliminated distribu tion in the composing room. Between 1916 and 1926 the machines were further improved through time-saving and labor-saving devices, though no startling innovation was brought out. The most notable improvement was the adoption in recent years of dry molding in the stereotyping process, which reduced clock time greatly. Attention was directed strongly toward layout of establishments, cooperation between depart ments, factory management, and building facilities, subjects which were not included in the surveys but which exert immense influence on production. As a result many newspaper publishers have recently established up-to-date and model plants for their products, and applied efficiency methods to the printing processes. DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDUSTRY a few newspapers were published in the early days, and they were mostly weekly issues. They rendered no practical assist ance to business, as the inadequacy of transportation confined the influence of each newspaper to a very limited area. There were not many stirring events in any individual community. News from other places arrived infrequently, and interested the people only in a general way. The majority of the settlers had lived long without news papers, and continued to do so after they were obtainable. B y 1850, the number of newspapers in the United States had risen to 2,302, with an average aggregate circulation for that year of 3,832,306 copies per issue. The population of the country had passed the 23,000,000 mark, but towns were widely separated and travel to and fro was difficult. Less than 10,000 miles of railway existed. While about 11,000 miles of telegraph lines had been erected, the capacity of the wires was limited and the bulk of the news was received by mail. At least 10 days were required for news to reach New York from Europe and three times as long from San Francisco. Newspapers increased in value as advertising mediums with the growth of the towns, their importance as commercial centers, and their accessibility. Before 1810 the circulation of the most widely read daily did not exceed 900 copies, and only a few of the weekly 14 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING or semiweekly newspapers had a circulation of over 600 copies per issue. In 1871 there existed 548 newspapers with a circulation of more than 5,000 copies per issue and 11 newspapers with a circulation of over 10,000 copies per issue. Expansion of railway and telegraph systems, laying of the transAtlantic cable, and the invention of the telephone rendered com munication with both surrounding territory and distant parts easy and created an abundant supply of news. The desire of the people for information, the continual growth in population, and the everincreasing demand for advertising space made it difficult for pub lishers to print sufficient copies and sufficient pages in each copy to satisfy the public. The difficulties were solved through the intro duction and use of machinery in the various departments during the latter part of the nineteenth century, which transformed newspaper publication into an industry requiring elaborate factory processes and was instrumental in creating the great publications of the present day. It was assisted by further developments in facilities for news gathering and for distribution of the printed papers, such as the wire less, the automobile, and finally the airplane. Number of publications.— B y 1896 newspaper publishing had made considerable progress. Figures from the United States census show that 12,658 newspapers were being published in 1889, of which over 10,000 were weekly issuss and only about 1,600 were issued daily. The total number of newspaper publications increased 26 per cent during the following 10 years, and around 12 per cent between 1899 and 1909, reaching nearly 18,000, of which 2,600 were daily, 520 were Sunday, and almost 14,000 were weekly issues. A drop of over 11 per cent took place between 1909 and 1919 and another reduction of about 37 per cent between 1919 and 1925. Returns for 1925 show only 9,869 publications, including 2,116 dailies, 597 Sunday editions, and 6,435 weeklies. The number of daily newspapers thus increased about 31 per cent between 1889 and 1925, while the number of weekly newspapers decreased 40 per cent. Growth in circulation.— In 1889 the aggregate circulation per issue was nearly 38,000,000 copies, more than 8,000,000 of which were for the daily newspapers. Ten years later it had risen to over 58,000,000 copies, with more than 15,000,000 of these for the daily publications. B y 1909 it was above 61,000,000 copies, over 24,000,000 of which were for the dailies. B y 1919 it had grown to over 75,000,000, with more than 33,000,000 of these for the daily publications. In 1925 it had reached nearly 81,000,000, over 37,000,000 of which were for the daily newspapers. The aggregate circulation per issue of the daily papers had thus increased 346 per cent between 1889 and 1925, though the increase for the total publications was only 113 per cent. Increase in bulk of issue.— The increases in bulk affected mainly the daily and Sunday newspapers. In 1896 the daily issues contained on an average 12 pages while the average Sunday issues consisted of 48 pages. B y 1916 the average size of the daily issues had risen to 24 pages and of the Sunday issues to 54 pages. In 1926 increases had been made to 36 pages for the daily issues and to 60 pages for the Sun day issues, equal to an increase of 200 per cent over the 1896 size for the daily newspapers and of 25 per cent for the Sunday newspapers. The majority of the newspapers had also changed the width of the pages during the interval, adding one extra column of type, thus increasing the type content per page about 10 per cent. CHAPTER 2.— PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST IN 1916 AND 1926 IMPORTANCE OF CLOCK-TIME PRODUCTION H E mechanical production of newspapers has developed into as much of a factory operation as the manufacture of automobiles or of textiles, and consequently the industry has to cope with typical factory problems, such as improvements of processes and materials and reduction of waste, while in addition it is affected by the limited time for production. In the larger cities, where competi tion is keen, time has become the most important factor, all othe«r considerations being dominated by it. During the past 10 years there has been no revolution in processes in newspaper manufacturing, but the processes existing in 1916 have been constantly improved. While to a certain extent the aim of the large daily newspapers has been to increase man-hour output or to reduce man power, their main objective has been the reduction of clock time in the interval between receipt of the news and publication thereof, and the majority of improvements have been made with that end in view. A daily newspaper has a 24-hour limit for production, but where both a morning and an evening edition are prepared in the same establishment, the limit for each is only 12 hours. As this time limit includes the preparation of copy, both news and advertising, the actual clock time for mechanical production is greatly curtailed, and this shortening of the time allotment ordinarily necessitates a com paratively larger working force. In the processes where actual pro ductive work is intermittent this would involve additional man-hours and would lessen the man-hour output. As a weekly publication has seven times 24 hours for the production of each issue, it can ordinarily perform the work with a relatively small personnel, though often requiring comparatively more man-hours than are required for the same amount of work on a daily newspaper. T COMPARISON OF PRODUCTIVITY IN A REPRESENTATIVE NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT IN 1916 AND 1926 In the present study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics records were obtained from one modern newspaper establishment for selected period in 1916 and in 1926, permitting a comprehensive comparison for the different operations during the two periods and showing the progress for a decade in a printing office where a large morning news paper was published every day of the week. While the development in this establishment represents, of course, only the changes on one specific newspaper, it may be considered typical of the development in the industry during the past 10 years, since the equipment and the working methods in the plant were up to date for the periods studied. As the number of pages published daily had practically doubled during the decade, rendering a complete daily paper useless as a measure of comparison, a 4-page section was selected as the basic unit. Data for both 1916 and 1926 were converted to this unit, and the results 15 16 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING were tabulated separately for each of the three common processes on all modern newspapers— composition, stereotyping, and presswork— and also for the three processes combined. Other processes, such as photo-engraving and electro typing, were not considered as they existed on some but not on all newspapers. Manufacture of color or rotogravure supplements were also excluded for the same reason, and distribution of the printed papers was not taken into consideration. C O M P O S IT IO N A comparison for the composing room of the production of four average pages during a selected period in 1916 and in 1926 is presented in Table 3 : T a b le 3 . — Man-hours worked in 'production of four pages of composition on a rep resentative newspaper, 1916 and 1926, and per cent of increase in output per man-hour Occupation Man-hours worked to pro duce 4 pages of compo sition in— 1916 Increase in output per man-hour 1926 Productive labor: Machine operators................................................................... Hand com positors.................................................................... 53.5 37.7 43.7 28.7 Total....................................... ................. ................................ 91.2 72.4 Nonproductive labor: Machinists__________ _____ ______ ___________ __________ Machinists' helpers.._______ ____________________________ P roofreaders.______________ ________________ ____ _____ M ake-ups..................... ............ ................................................. Laborers___________ _______ ____________________________ Supervisory employees______________________ ____ ______ 7.2 4.2 23.6 20.7 45.5 11.9 4.0 2.6 19.8 14.4 27.2 4.8 Total......................................................................................... 113. 2 72.8 All employees............................................. ........................... 204.3 145.2 Per cent 25.9 40.7 The output of the composing room was nearly 115 per cent more pages in the 1926 period than in the 1916 period. In neither period did all of the pages consist entirely of newly set type, as the number of pages printed in the main edition each day was only 50 per cent of the total number of pages in all the editions for the day, but the actual increase in type set was 122.7 per cent. The number of line-casting machines had been increased 50 per cent, and other labor-saving devices had been added, while the number of workers had been increased, as shown by a 73.5 per cent increase in man-hours. The increase in type production per man-hour for all composing-room employees was 40.7 per cent. The output per man-hour for machine operators on news com po sition alone had risen 10.6 per cent, partly through substitution of new and improved machines for the older styles used in 1916, while the man-hour output was also boosted greatly through setting a relatively larger proportion of advertising matter on machines during the 1926 period, so that the increase for total productive labor was nearly 26 per cent. In 1916 nonproductive labor constituted 55.4 per cent of all employees in the composing room, but by 1926 it had PRODUCTIVITY IN 1916 AND 17 1926 been reduced to 50.1 per cent. This reduction and the decrease in man-hours for the unit production, resulted in an increase of 40.7 per cent in man-hour output for the composing room. S T E R E O T Y P IN G A comparison for the stereotyping of the production of four average pages during a selected period in 1916 and in 1926 is shown in Table 4: T a b le 4 . — Man-hours worked in production of a J^-page section in stereotyping on a representative newspaper, 1916 and 1926, and per cent of decrease in output per man-hour Occupation Man-hours worked to stereotype a 4-page section in— 1926 1916 Productive labor: Molders _ _ _ ____ ___________ ____ ____ Packers _ ___ _________________________ ____ Autoplate operators__________ _______ ________________ Cylinder tenders . ________________ __________ _______ Metal-pot tenders..____ ______ _____ ___ ______ ______ Shaver tenders_____ ______ ___ ______ ________________ 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.3 1.7 1.7 .9 .9 Total______________ _____ __________________________ 8.0 9.2 Nonproductive labor: Jobmen __ _________ _________________________ Supervisory ___employees ____ _____ ____ ___ _____ __ .6 .4 1.3 .2 T o t a l.................................................................. ......... ....... 1.0 All employees........... .......................................................... 8.9 | Decrease in output per man-hour Pages Plates Per cent Per cent 13.0 2.9 15.8 6.0 1.5 10.6 The 4-page section used as the unit of production involved the molding of one matrix for each page and the casting therefrom of the number of plates required for the number of presses operated, the number of presses operated fluctuating according to the page contents of the issues and the circulation demands. During the interval between the two periods the dry-flong method had been substituted for the wet-flong method in molding. New machinery in large quantities had been installed because of the new method and the 115 per cent increase in pages, which also necessitated an increase of 187.7 per cent in man-hours in the molding operation. The principal reason for the change to dry flong was the saving effected in clock time for the molding operation— more than 50 per cent— but it also reduced the man-hour output of matrices by the labor actually engaged in the work 29.3 per cent. Autoplate equipment was used during both periods for the casting of the plates. The capacity of the equipment had been doubled during the decade, though in neither period was the total capacity in use all of the time. More presses were operated in 1926 than in 1916, necessitating casting of 56.7 plates for each four pages instead of 50.8 plates as formerly, an increase of 11.6 per cent in plate casting per unit, or 139.9 per cent in plate output for the establishment. Man-hour output of plates by the actual foundry workers had ad vanced 10.3 per cent, but the increase in proportionate man-hours for packers and job men effected a decrease of 6 per cent in man-hour output of plates for the entire stereotyping room. 18 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING The increase of 115 per cent in pages, and of 155.3 per cent in man-Lours in stereotyping in order to obtain the desired clock-hour speed for the process, that having become the .most important factor, resulted in a decrease of 15.8 per cent in man-hour production of the 4-page unit. In 1916 eight minutes were required to deliver the first plate to the pressroom after receipt of the form from the composing room ; by 1926 the time had been reduced to four minutes. PRESSW ORK As only an insignificant portion of time was required to turn out one 4-page section, the unit of production used here for presswork is the printing of 10,000 copies of an average 4-page section. A com parison of the output for the pressroom during a selected period in 1916 and in 1926, on such basis, is presented in Table 5: T a b le 5 . — Man-hours worked in the 'pressroom on 10,000 copies of a 4-page section of a representative newspaper, 1916 and 1926, and per cent of increase in output per man-hour Occupation Man-hours worked to print 4-page section (10,000 copies) i n 1916 Increase in output per man-hour 1926 Productive labor: Pressmen in charge,........... ...................................................... Journeymen__ ____ ________________ ____________________ F lyboys__________ _____ ________________________________ 0.18 1.04 .38 0.15 .93 .35 Total.................... .................................................................... 1.61 1. 43 Nonproductive labor: Laborers.............................. ........................................................ Supervisory employees........ ..................................................... . 10 .09 .17 .05 Per cent Total. ........................................................................................ .19 .23 All employees.......... .............................................................. 1.79 1.66 12. 2 7.8 Practically all of the 1916 equipment was still in use during 1926, but as the number of pages in the daily issues had grown from a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 24 to a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 52— an increase of nearly 115 per cent— and the circu lation had risen 40.8 per cent, new, larger, and faster presses had been added so that the increased output could be handled in the same clock time. The page capacity had been increased 128 per cent and the speed capacity nearly 7 per cent. The maximum page capacity, however, was not used continuously during either period. The operation of more presses necessitated additional press crews, while the operation of larger presses called for larger crews, and con sequently the number of man-hours had increased 131.4 per cent in the decade. As the number of 4-page sections printed had risen 149.6 per cent in the same time, the result was an increase of 7.8 per cent in the man-hour output of 4-page sections, approximately 1 per cent higher than the increase in speed capacity for the equipment. Actual operation of the presses was intermittent, and the productive man-hours of the press crews in 1916 constituted only 55 per cent of their total man-hours; by 1926 the proportion was still less, averaging 50 per cent. PRODUCTIVITY IN 1916 AND 19 1926 The use of larger presses and the printing of larger newspapers affected also the clock-time production of 4-page sections. As the man-hours for the pressmen in charge equaled the clock time for presses, the increase in clock-time production of 4-page sections was 25.5 per cent. C O M B IN E D PR O C E SSE S The number of man-hours actually required during the selected periods in 1916 and 1926 for composition and stereotyping on an average 4-page section of the newspaper, and for presswork on 10,000 copies, is given in Table 6: T 6 . — Man-hours worked in the composition, stereotyping, and presswork on 10,000 copies of a 4-page section of a representative newspaper, 1916 and 1926, and per cent of change in output per man-hour able Man-hours worked in— Process 1916 1926 Increase in output per man-hour Composition_______ __ ____________________________________ Stereotyping___________ ................................. .......... .......... .......... Presswork__________________________________________________ 204.3 8.9 1.8 145.2 10.6 1.7 Per cent 40.7 1 15.8 7.8 Total........................................................................... .............. 215.1 157.5 36.5 1 Decrease. The production of 10,000 copies of an average 4-page section in this establishment during the 1916 period required 204.3 man-hours for the composition, 8.9 man-hours for the stereotyping, and 1.8 manhours for the presswork. During the 1926 period only 145.2 manhours were necessary for the same amount of composition, a decrease of 29 per cent, but the man-hours for stereotyping had risen to 10.6, an increase of 19.1 per cent. The man-hours required for the press work had been reduced to 1.7 hours, or 5.5 per cent. The total manhours involved in all three processes had been lowered to 157.5, or 26.8 per cent. R E LA TIO N OF PR O C E S S E S T O TO T A L O U T P U T Composition, stereotyping, and presswork are but steps in the preparation of the final product of the newspaper plant. Conse quently the total man-hours devoted to the production of a specific unit, such as 10,000 copies of a 4-page section, actually constitute the time equivalent for the output of such a unit, if that quantity only is published. A vast difference is created in duplications of that unit. Composition remains stationary, regardless of how many units are printed, as each page is complete in itself. Stereotyping on a large daily newspaper also remains practically stationary (subject to the number of presses operated) whether 100,000 or 5,000,000 copies are printed, though it would require proportionately fewer man-hours if such a small number of copies as 10,000 of a 4-page section were desired. In that case only 2 plates for each page would be necessary, or 8 plates for the 4 pages, instead of the 51 or 57 plates required in the selected establishment to turn out within the time limit the number of copies required for its large circulation. 20 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING Consequently, production of subsequent units means only the additional man-hours for the presswork thereon. These man-hours increase proportionally to the number of units printed, and the total man-hour production of an establishment is therefore regulated by the total number of copies printed and the number of pages contained therein. In the selected establishment, for instance, the man-hour production for the three processes was 1,346.5 copies of 4-page sections during the 1916 period. The total-man hours for the three processes had increased 92.7 per cent by the 1926 period. The total output had increased 149.6 per cent in the same time, so that the man-hour production had changed to 1,743.8 copies, an increase of 29.5 per cent. In spite of the higher man-hour production there had been no reduc tion of employees. The growth in circulation and page contents, together with clock-time requirements, had necessitated additional workers, as shown by the increases in man-hours for the various pro cesses— 73.5 per cent for the composing room, 155.3 for the stereo typing room, and 131.4 for the pressroom. The man-hours for presswork on 10,000 copies of a 4-page section were only approximately 1 per cent of the total man-hours for the three processes. Consequently the increase in the total man-hours through printing additional units was small, and the man-hour output increased rapidly as the number of units advanced. A tabulation, showing the relative changes of total man-hours and of man-hour output through duplications of units, is given in Table 7: T a b le 7 . — Man-hour 'production of composition, stereotyping, and presswork on specified numbers of copies of a \-page section of a representative newspaper in 1916 and 1926 Number of manhours worked i n Number of copies of a 4-page section printed 1916 10,000.............. .................. ........................................... 20,000 30,000.................................. .......................................... 40,000............. .......... ..................................................... 50,000.............................. ............................................. 100,000........................................................................... 150,000........................................................................... 200,000............................................................................ 500,000............................................................................ 1,000,000.......................... ............................................ 215.1 216.9 218.7 220.5 222.3 231.2 240.2 249.2 303.0 392.6 1926 157.5 159.2 160.8 162.5 164.1 172.5 180.8 189.1 239.0 322.2 Number of copies pro duced per man-hour in— 1916 1926 46.5 92.2 137.2 181.4 225.0 432.5 624.5 802.7 1, 650. 3 2,546. 8 63.5 125.7 186.6 246.2 304.6 579.9 829.8 1,057.7 2,092.0 3,103. 9 Increase in output per manhour Per cent 36.6 36.3 36.0 35.7 35.4 34.1 32.9 31.8 26.8 21.9 In this establishment the man-hours for presswork on 10,000 copies in 1916 were 1.8, so that each additional 10,000 copies required only 1.9 man-hours more than the total number of hours for all three processes. While 10,000 copies required 215 man-hours, 500,000 copies involved only 303 man-hours, and an additional 500,000 copies only 90 man-hours more. In 1926 the presswork was per formed with 0.1 man-hour less, making only a minor difference in proportionate increase, but the one-fourth reduction in total manhours for the three processes accentuated the differences, making considerable variation in man-hour output. Another factor made still more of an actual change. The growth of circulation and the PRODUCTIVITY IN 1916 AND 21 1926 more voluminous newspapers printed in 1926 were responsible for the production of a greater number of sections in that period than in 1926. Consequently, the actual increase would not be based on the same number of total copies produced, as listed in the table, but would be raised proportionately. MODERN AVERAGE PRODUCTION /COMPOSITION.— The preceding data refers only to the trend of ^ man-hour output, and can not be taken as representative of production for the industry as a whole. Considerable fluctuation exists in the number of man-hours required for each process, as shown by a comparison of data for several newspaper plants. Four of the establishments included in the survey for this study furnished records which afforded a comparison of the man-hours required for the composition on an average 4-page section of the respective news papers. As the pages of the four newspapers differed in dimensions, and consequently contained varying amounts of type, the data for three of them were converted so as to correspond with that of the fourth one, thus placing all of them on a uniform basis. The com parison given in Table 8 shows an average of 162.69 man-hours for composition in the production of the 4-page section taken as the base. T able 8 . — Number of man-hours worked in specified processes in the production of four pages in several modern newspaper establishments in 1926 Number of man-hours worked on a 4-page section Per cent of average Establishment1 Composi tion Stereotyp ing Presswork (10,000 copies) Composi tion Stereotyp ing Presswork No. 1_______ ___________ No. 2................................. No. 3.................................. No. 4.... .............................. No. 5 ____ ___________ 145.19 144.12 156.14 205. 30 10. 63 3.88 5.69 13. 65 11. 82 1. 66 2. 37 2.69 2. 35 3. 68 89.2 88.6 96.0 126.2 116.4 42.5 62.3 149.4 129.4 65.1 92.9 105.5 92.2 144.3 Average__________ 162. 69 9.13 2. 55 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 The figures for the three processes are not for identical establishments. Stereotyping.— Records from five establishments permitted a similar comparison for stereotyping. The man-hours required for stereotyping a 4-page section of each newspaper varied greatly, principally because of the different number of presses operated, which regulated the number of plates cast for each page. The number cast was 14.2 for establishment No. 1, 2.8 for No. 2, 6.2 for No. 3, 12.8 for No. 4, and 13.7 for No. 5, giving an average of 10.7 plates per page. As shown in Table 8 an average of 9.13 man-hours was required for the stereotyping of the 4-page section chosen as the unit. Presswork.— Records obtained in five newspaper plants afforded a similar comparison of the man-hours required in each establishment for the presswork on each 10,000 copies of the basic 4-page section. Differ ences, created by the number of papers printed, the number of hours per issue, and the number of hands per press, are shown in the com parison presented in Table 8. An average of 2.55 man-hours is given for presswork on 10,000 copies of the 4-page section used as the base. 22 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING No attempt has been made to present combined man-hour output for any establishment except the one selected to show the trend between 1916 and 1926. Different types of establishments were selected so as to obtain a fair average for comparison within the pro cesses and not for the entire output of each establishment; therefore the figures for the three processes can not be combined, since the data are not for identical establishments. UNION WAGE RATES IN THE UNITED STATES T y A G E rates advanced generally in all industries during the period between 1916 and 1926, and newspaper publishing was no exception. According to data published in the union wage studies by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, increases in the average union hourly wage rate for the principal workers ranged from 83.2 to 96.4 per cent, as shown in Table 9: T able 9 . — Average basic union wage rates in newspaper publishing, 1916 and 1926, by occupation Rate per hour Occupation 1916 Hand compositors, d a y ... $0. 582 .657 Hand compositors, night. .578 Machine operators, d a y .. .657 Machine operators, night. 1926 $1.120 1. 249 1.135 1.260 Per cent of in crease 92.4 90.1 96.4 91.8 Rate per hour Occupation 1916 Stereotypers, day________ $0. 540 .618 Stereotypers, night.......... Pressmen, d a y _____ ____ .553 Pressmen, night................. .591 1926 $0.992 1.138 1. 013 1.155 Per cent of in crease 83.7 84.1 83.2 95.4 COMPARISON OF LABOR COST IN A REPRESENTATIVE NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT IN 1916 AND 1926 ACTUAL LA BO R COSTS AND UNION W A G E R ATE S Union wage rates were not the same in all localities, and increases therein were also different. The hourly rate for 1916 in the estab lishment selected as representative of the trend of production ex ceeded the average hourly rate, and the percentage increases varied somewhat from the average increases for the country. But basic hourly wage rates for the principal occupation in each process and average actual man-hour cost for the entire process were very different. While the principal occupation constituted the largest group of work ers in a process, and while these workers were paid a certain rate dur ing the regular shift, each process required a number of other workers, some of whom were paid a higher and others a lower rate, so that the average actual man-hour rate was dependent on the proportion of such workers. In addition, a higher hourly rate was paid, ordinarily 50 per cent, for overtime; therefore the proportion of overtime in the total man-hours had considerable influence on the actual labor cost for the unit. C O M P O S IT IO N For comparison of actual labor costs in the representative estab lishment studied the same units were taken as in the comparison of production. The actual labor cost during the selected periods in 1916 and 1926 for composing-room work on four average pages is presented in Table 10: PRODUCTIVITY IN 1916 AND 23 1926 T a b le 1 0 . — Labor cost for composition on four pages of a representative newspaper, 1916 and 1926, by occupation Composition on 4 pages— Occupation 1916 1926 Per cent of in crease Productive labor: $37.99 Machine operators. Hand compositors ___ 29.17 $62.91 41.16 65.6 41.1 T otal......................... 67.16 104.07 55.0 Nonproductive labor: Machinists............. . Machinists' helpers... Proof readers............... 6.68 1.26 15.95 5.70 1.29 28. 60 .4 2.4 79.3 Composition on 4 pages— Occupation Per cent of in crease 1916 1926 Nonproductive labor— Continued Make-ups___________ Laborers Supervisory employ- $15.50 9.92 $20. 43 13. 60 31.8 37.1 11.27 9.02 » 20.0 T otal__.................... 59. 59 78. 64 32.0 All employees_____ 126. 75 182. 71 44.1 1 Decrease. While the hourly wage rate for both machine operators and hand compositors in this establishment had advanced 100 per cent during the interval, the increase in actual hourly earnings for the two occupa tions was only 95 per cent, because of reduction in overtime. The actual man-hour earnings for all employees had risen 102.9 per cent, but as 30 per cent fewer man-hours were required in 1926 than in 1916 for composing-room work on the unit, the increase in the labor cost of unit production was only 44 per cent. S T E R E O T Y P IN G A comparison of labor costs in the same establishment for stereo typing four average pages during the selected periods in 1916 and 1926 is presented in Table 11: T a b le 1 1 . — Labor cost for stereotyping four pages of a representative newspaper, 1916 and 1926, by occupation Occupation Stereotyping on a 4-page sec tio n - Per cent of in crease 1916 1926 Productive labor: Molders....................... Packers........................ Autoplate operators.. Cylinder ten d ers___ Metal-pot tenders___ Shaver tenders______ $1.38 .96 1.31 1.28 .80 .80 $2.15 3.19 2. 36 2. 36 1.30 1. 21 56.2 232.0 80.4 84.7 61.8 51.1 Total......................... 6. 53 12. 51 91.4 Occupation Stereotyping on a 4-page sec tion— Per cent of in crease 1916 1926 $0.47 $1.89 .83 .76 1 8.1 T otal........................ 1.30 2. 65 103. 9 All employees_____ 7.83 15.23 94.4 Nonproductive labor; Jobm en______ ______ Supervisory em ploy ees............................. 300.7 1 Decrease. The hourly wage rate for stereo typers in this establishment increased only 70 per cent between 1916 and 1926. The rise in the actual hourly rate for productive labor was a little less— 67.5 per cent— and the advance in actual man-hour earnings for all employees was still less— only 63.7 per cent. As it required over 19 per cent more man-hours in 1926 than in 1916 for the stereotyping on the unit, the increase in labor cost of unit production mounted to 94.4 per cent. 24 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING PRESSW ORK A comparison of the labor costs in the same establishment, during the selected periods in 1916 and 1926, for printing 10,000 copies of a 4-page section, is presented in Table 12: T a b l e 1 2 .— Labor cost for presswork on 10,000 copies of a 4~Va Qe section of representative newspaper, 1916 and 1926, by occupation Occupation Productive labor: Pressmen in charge... Journeymen................ Flvhnvs Printing 4-page sections (10,000 copies) Per cent of in crease 1916 1926 $0.16 .76 .13 $0. 22 1. 25 .29 36.5 64.0 120.1 1. 06 1. 76 66.9 Printing 4-page sections (10,000 copies) Occupation Nonproductive labor: Laborers...................... Supervisory................. Per cent of in crease 1916 1926 $0.03 .11 $0.16 .14 407.1 27.3 .14 .30 115.0 1.19 2.06 72.5 Total Total a All employees.......... The hourly wage rate for journeyman pressmen in this establish ment rose 90 per cent between 1916 and 1926. The increase in their actual hourly earnings was only 83.3 per cent, but that in the actual man-hour earnings for all employees was closer— 85.6 per cent. As the number of man-hours required in 1926 for the presswork on the unit was 7.3 per cent smaller than in 1916, the increase in labor cost for printing 10,000 copies of a 4-page section was 72.5 per cent. C O M B IN E D PR O C E SSE S The actual labor costs during the selected periods in 1916 and 1926 for composition and stereotyping on an average 4-page section of the newspaper, and for the presswork on 10,000 copies, is presented in Table 13: T 1 3 .— Labor cost for composition, stereotyping, and presswork on 10,000 copies &f a 4-page section of a representative newspaper, 1916 and 1926 able Labor cost i n Process C omposition______________________________________________________ _____ Stereotyping____________ _____________________ _________________________ Presswork_______ __ ____________________________ _______________________ Total........................................................ ....................................... ................ Per cent of in crease 1916 1926 $126.75 7.83 1.19 $182. 71 15. 23 2.06 44.1 94.4 72.5 135.77 200.00 47.3 Labor costs for the combined processes in the production of 10,000 copies of a 4-page section increased 47.3 per cent between 1916 and 1926, but the output of additional sections increased the labor costs only ‘ by the comparatively small amounts for presswork thereon. Consequently, the labor cost for each additional 10,000 copies was only $1.19 more in 1916, or $2.06 more in 1926. A tabulation of the labor costs for various multiples of the unit during the two periods is presented in Table 14: PRODUCTIVITY IN 1916 AND 25 1926 T a b le 1 4 .— Labor cost for composition, stereotyping, and presswork on each specified number of copies of a J^-page section of a representative newspaper in 1916 and 1926 Labor cost i n Number of copies of a 4-page section printed 1916 1926 47.3 47.5 47.7 47.9 48.2 Labor cost i n Number of copies of a 4-page section printed 1916 1926 100,000.............................. . $146. 52 $218. 52 150,000................................. 152. 48 228.81 200,000.......... ...................... 158. 45 239.11 500.000_____ ____ ___ 194. 25 300. 85 253. 92 403. 76 o oo 10,000................................... $135. 78 $200.00 20,000................................... 136.97 202. 06 30,000................................... 138.16 204.12 40,000_................................. 139. 36 206.17 50,000................................... 140. 55 208.23 Per cent of in crease Per cent of in crease 49.2 50.1 50.9 54.9 59.0 The actual increase in labor cost for the selected establishment was regulated by the number of 4-page sections produced therein at each specific period, the increase in such sections during the interval making the increase in labor cost per unit smaller than if there had been no change in the total number of pages produced. The total labor cost for each 10,000 copies of a 4-page section dur ing the 1916 period was $4.81. During the following 10 years the total man-hours increased over 92 per cent. The total labor cost for the composing room advanced over 250 per cent, that for the stereo typing room over 315 per cent, and that for the pressroom over 330 per cent, making an increase in weighted labor costs for the three processes combined of 277.1 per cent. But the total output of 4page sections had increased 149.6 per cent during the period, making the actual labor cost for the three processes combined for each 10,000 copies $7.27, an increase of only 51.1 per cent. MODERN AVERAGE LABOR COSTS TUST as the trend of production in a single establishment can ** not be taken as representative of production of the industry as a whole, so the trend of labor costs, shown in the foregoing data for a single establishment, does not indicate representative labor costs for the processes. In addition to variations in the number of man-hours required in the different establishments for the production of a speci fied unit, there is a difference in the prevailing wage rates in the localities in which the establishments are situated. 9819°— 29-------3 26 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING Composition.— A comparison of labor costs in four modern news paper plants for composing-room work on an average 4-page section of the respective newspaper, converted to a uniform page size, is pre sented in Table 15: T able 1 5 .— Labor cost in specified processes in the production of four pages in several modern newspaper establishments in 1926 Labor cost on a 4-page section Establishm ent1 Com po sition N o. No. No. No. No. Stereo typing Per cent of average Presswork (10,000 copies) Compo sition Stereo typing Presswork 1.................................. 2.................................. 3 ................................ 4................................. 5 ...................... ....... $182.71 195. 56 211.00 270.99 $15. 23 4. 34 4.99 16. 42 15.80 $2.06 2.34 3.28 1.96 4.16 85.0 91.0 98.1 126.0 134.1 38. 2 43.9 144.5 139.1 74.6 84.8 118.8 71.0 150.7 General average. __ 215.04 11.36 2.76 100.0 100.0 100.0 1The figures for the three processes are not for identical establishments. The respective labor cost for composition on an average 4-page section ranged from $182.71 to $270.99 in the four establishments, giving an average of $215.04 for the unit. Stereotyping.— A similar comparison of labor costs for stereotyping on an average 4-page section in five modern newspaper plants is also presented in Table 15. The variations created through differences in the number of manhours required in each establishment are decidedly noticeable, and together with differences in hourly wage rates for the workers create a range of $4.34 to $16.42 in the labor cost of stereotyping a 4-page section, with an average cost of $11.36. Presswork.— The labor costs in five modern newspaper plants for presswork on each 10,000 copies of an average 4-page section of the respective.publications, are also shown in Table 15. The differences created through considerable variation in the hourly wage rates, together with the diverse number of man-hours for the unit production, are very marked in this process also. The cost of presswork on each 10,000 copies of a 4-page section ranges from $1.96 to $4.16, giving an average labor cost of $2.76. As the data were secured for comparison within the processes, and not for comparison of the entire output of each establishment, the labor costs for the three processes can not be combined, as the figures are not for identical establishments. CHAPTER 3.— PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST IN 1926 AS COMPARED WITH 1896 PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST IN COMPOSING ROOMS R O M the standpoint of time cost, composition is the most important process in the mechanical production of a modern newspaper, since approximately 60 to 70 per cent of the total man-hours for the three processes are for it. The bulk of the com position is produced on line-casting machines, and consequently the operators on these machines constitute the most important labor group, not only in the composing room, but also in the entire estab lishment. The relative production of machine operators is therefore of vital interest, and the labor cost of their work is an important factor. F A VE R AG E PR O D U C T IO N OF M A C H IN E O P E R A T O R S IN A R EP R E SE N T A T IV E C O M P O S IN G R O O M D U R IN G 1926 A GOOD comparison of actual accomplishments is afforded by a ^ tabulation of individual production of line-casting machine operators on news composition in the establishment selected as a representative modern newspaper plant. Figures, showing the number of man-hours required to produce sufficient news type to fill four pages of the newspaper, are presented in Table 16: T able 1 6 .— Man-hours required for production of four pages of news composition on line-casting machines in specified periods, 1926 Average man-hours required b y Period Night force D ay force Regulars Substitutes First week........................................................................... ......... ................ Second week________ __________________________ ________________ Third week__________________________ ______ _____________________ Fourth week................... ........ .......... .......................... ................. .............. Fifth week_________________________________ ________ _____________ 48.8 47.2 47.4 50.2 46.9 48. 8 48.3 48.6 46.6 48.6 49.4 50.3 48.5 47.9 47.7 All 5 weeks__________________________ ____ __________________ 48.1 48.2 48.8 Considerable variation existed in the average production for the individual news operators, due partly to personal ability and partly to differences in idle time because of shop conditions or machine trouble. The lowest average for the full five weeks for the produc tion of the unit by one operator was 40.3 man-hours, but weekly averages for the same individual ranged as low as 38.5 man-hours. The highest average for one operator was 61.6 man-hours. C O M P A R IS O N OF M A N -H O U R S AND LA B O R C O ST F O R M A C H IN E O P E R A T O R S IN R E P R E SE N TA TIV E C O M P O S IN G R O O M S IN 1896, 1916, AND 1926 Records for 1916 and 1926 of the representative establishment which were obtained during the survey for this study afforded a comparison of output over a 30-year period, as data for 1896 for 27 28 PRODUCTIVITY OP LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING machine composition for the same establishment had been secured during a former survey.1 The data for all three years were converted to a unit composed of machine composition sufficient to fill four pages of the newspaper as published in 1916 or 1926, and the result is presented in Table 17: T able 1 7 .— Man-hours worked and labor cost for machine operators in composi tion of four pages of a newspaper, 1896, 1916, and 1926 Man-hours worked Year Occupation N um ber Per cent of change, com pared with— 1896 Linotype operators Linotype and Intertype operators _______ Linotype, Intertype, and M onotype key board operators............................ ................. 1896 1916 66.1 71.0 + 7 .4 1926 64.3 -2 .7 Labor cost Amount 1916 -9 .5 Per cent of change, com pared with— 1896 $44. 045 50. 297 +14.2 92. 573 +110.1 1916 +80.1 In 1896 the machine operators consisted entirely of linotype opera tors. In 1916 part of them operated linotypes and part of them intertypes, there being no difference as far as either production or labor cost was concerned. In 1926 monotype keyboard operators were included, and as the average production for these operators is ordinarily higher than that for operators on line-casting machines, the man-hours per unit may be reduced slightly; but as the manhours for monotype operators amounted to less than 5 per cent of the total man-hours for the group, the variation could not have been great. It required 66.1 man-hours for the linotype operators in 1896 to produce sufficient type to fill four pages of the newspaper. The production was presumably, as in the two succeeding periods, cor rected matter and probably consisted entirely of news composition, as very little advertising composition was set on machines at that time. In 1916 the same amount of news composition required 71 man-hours, an increase of 7.4 per cent, as competition and the con sequent necessity for speed in publishing necessitated a larger force of operators than would otherwise have been required. In 1926 a similar output was produced in 64.3 hours, nearly 10 per cent less than in 1916 and 3 per cent less than in 1896. The labor cost for the unit, which was $44,045 in 1896, had in 1916 increased to $50,297, or 14.2 per cent. B y 1926 the labor cost had advanced to $92,573, or 110 per cent above the 1896 labor cost, which was less than the actual increase in man-hour labor cost, as the unit was turned out in shorter time. Data for linotype news operators during 1926 were also obtained for another morning newspaper establishment which had been included in the 1896 survey, but which differed essentially from the first estab lishment in that the operators were paid a piece rate instead of a time rate. This permitted a second comparison for an individual establishment, of production and labor cost for linotype composition during the two periods, which is presented in the statement following: i U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Washington, 1899. Thirteenth annual report, 1898. Hand and Machine Labor. 2 vols. PRODUCTIVITY: 1926 AS COMPARED W ITH 29 1896 Man-hours worked and labor cost for linotype operators in compositio7i of four pages of a newspaper, at piece rate, 1896 and 1926 Number of man-hours worked: 1896__________________________________________________ 1926__________________________________________________ 52. 3 43. 9 Per cent of decrease_______________________________ 16. 1 Labor cost: 1896__________________________________________________ $33. 152 1926_________________________________________________ ' 47.037 Per cent of increase_______________________________ 41. 9 As the page on this newspaper varied in size from that published in the previous establishment, the data for production and labor cost have been converted to that o f four pages containing the same amount of type as for the first establishment. Details could not be obtained for working methods during the 1896 period, but they were presum ably much the same as in the later period. About one year previously the composing room had been installed in a new building, w^hich was considered up to date then, and the equipment was probably modern at that time (though it would not be considered so now), consisting of linotypes of the early single-magazine style. The 1926 survey was made about one year after the establishment had again been located in a new plant— a splendid example of present-day factory style— where new, modern equipment had been installed. The machines were equipped with multiple magazines, electrically heated metal pots, and automatic metal feeders. They were driven at a higher speed than ordinarily provided by the manufacturers, produc ing an average of 6 to 7 lines per minute of operating time, with a maximum of 73^ lines. Each operator went to the copy cutter’s desk for copy, took his own product to the bank, set and inserted his own corrections, and inserted all heads in his takes. A decrease of 16.1 per cent in man-hours in production of the 4-page unit had been effected between the two periods. Two of the operators were em ployed on the day shift, but the man-hours for these aggregated only 3 per cent of the total man-hours. The rest of the operators were employed on the night shift. In the 1926 period great varia tion existed in the individual records for the operators. According to data secured for daily production for two weeks, one operator required an average of 18 man-hours to turn out the unit chosen, the minimum record, and another required 105.8 man-hours, the maximum record; but the average time required by the majority of the operators ranged from 39 to 59 man-hours. The labor cost for the unit had increased 41.9 per cent by the 1926 period. It was regulated in this establishment by the amount of com position produced, as the operators were paid on a piecework basis. During the 1896 period the rate was 14 cents per 1,000 ems, presum ably for either 5 ^ , 6, or 7 point type. In 1926 varying amounts were paid, according to the size of type. The rate for 5 or 6 point type was 17 cents per 1,000 ems for night work and 16 cents for day 30 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING work. The rate for 7-point type was 21 cents for night work and 19 cents for daywork. The rate for 8-point type was 1 cent per 1,000 ems higher than for 7-point, and that for 10-point 2 cents per 1,000 ems more than for 8-point. Additional line-age was allowed for diffi cult matter, such as mixed faces, tabulations, etc., so that all pro duction and pay was based on straight news composition. Data for still another establishment permitted a general analysis of machine production for the selected period in 1926. This was also a morning newspaper, where the operators were paid on a time basis, as in the first establishment. Approximately 80 per cent of the manhours were on night work and the remainder on daywork. M ost of the type consisted of 53^, 6, and 8 point type, but some heads and display type were produced on the linotype and intertype machines. All the other sizes were converted to 6-point ems for computation. The pages of this newspaper contained a different number of ems than the pages in the other two publications, so the man-hours and labor costs were computed for the amount required for four pages of the newspaper issued in the first establishment (the original unit). It required 62.1 man-hours to produce such a quantity in this composing room, nearly 3 per cent less than in the first composing room, or 40 per cent more than in the second one. The difference was partly caused by the location of this newspaper plant in an old building, which did not allow such an efficient arrangement of the work as in the other two modern establishments. The increase in man-hours was also reflected in the labor cost for the unit, which amounted to $89.94, or 3 per cent less than in the first composing room, but 90 per cent more than in the second one. PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST IN PRESSROOMS C O M P A R IS O N OF M A N -H O U R S AND LA BO R C O ST FO R P R E S S W O R K IN A R E P R E S E N T A TIVE P R E S S R O O M IN 1896 AND 1926 A S ONE of the pressrooms included in the present study had also ^ been included in the 1896 investigation,1 it is possible to compare machine production therein during the two periods. The data for the 1896 period covered only the number of man-hours required in the actual operation of the presses by the press crews, or productive labor in the process, to print a certain quantity of newspapers, together with man-hours for the nonproductive labor during the same clock time, and the respective labor costs for both groups. No account was taken of the preparatory time involved, which would have approxi mately doubled both man-hours and labor costs. The data were converted to the unit previously used for presswork, 10,000 copies of an average 4-page section of a newspaper, and corresponding data were prepared from the 1926 records. The results are presented in Table 18: 1 U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Washington, 1899. Thirteenth annual report, 1898. Hand and Machine Labor. 2 vols. PRODUCTIVITY: 1926 AS COMPARED W ITH T able 31 1896 1 8 . — Man-minutes worked and labor cost for presswork (operating time only) on 10,000 copies of a 4-page section of a n&wspaper, 1896 and 1926 Man-minutes worked Occupation 1896 1926 Per cent of decrease Labor cost 1896 1926 33.0 22.7 25.3 $0.087 .309 .056 $0.164 .816 .186 Per cent of increase Pressmen in charge......................................... Journeymen................................... ................. F lyb oys............................................ ............ . 9.9 47.3 16.8 6.6 36.6 12.5 89.3 164.4 234.0 Total productive la b o r .-.................... 73.9 55.9 24.6 .451 1.166 158.5 Laborers............. .......... .................................. Supervisory employees............. .................... 15.8 2.0 18.5 5.2 i 17.3 *164. 5 .035 .030 .289 .159 717.5 431.3 Total nonproductive labor............... 17.7 23.7 i 33.8 .066 .449 585.2 All employees........................................ 91.6 79.4 13.3 .517 1.615 212.6 i Increase. In 1896 the equipment consisted of 1 sextuple press, capable of printing* twelve 4-page sections per cylinder revolution; 6 quadruple presses, each capable of printing eight 4-page sections per cylinder revolution; 1 triple press, capable of printing six 4-page sections per cylinder revolution; and 2 double presses, each capable of printing four 4-page sections per cylinder revolution. This would give a total production of seventy-four 4-page sections per cylinder revolu tion if each press was used at full plating capacity. Such was, however, not always the case, but the portions used were regulated by the number of pages in the daily issue. If, for instance, the issue contained 12 pages, the full plating capacity of the triple press could be utilized, but only one-half of the capacity of the sextuple press and three-fourths of the capacity of each quadruple press. If the issue contained 16 pages, the full plating capacity of the entire equip ment could be used, except one-third of the triple press. If it con tained 20 pages, on the sextuple press and the triple press only fivesixths of such capacity could be utilized, and on each quadruple press only five-eighths, while the double presses could not be used at all, thus reducing the possible production to forty-five 4-page sections per cylinder revolution. The data secured were for the production of a 48-page issue, which permitted of the use of the entire plating capacity of the presses to give the maximum production. The sextuple press was at that time the largest style manufactured and quadruple presses were the sizes most commonly found in large newspaper pressrooms. The sextuple press was operated by a crew of 11, each quadruple press by a crew of 8, the triple press by a crew of 6, and each double press by a crew of 5. No information however, was given as to the total man-hours for each press crew. All preparatory time was omitted in the data, only the time when the presses were actually operated being considered. The presses were presumably run at a maximum speed of 12,000 cylinder revolu tions per hour, judging from the production attained, but some time was, of course, lost in changing of rolls and through the usual operating delays, and this was not specified nor deducted. Steam was used for motive power, and proportionate man-time for both an engineer and firemen were included in the original data, but has been eliminated from this compilation. 32 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING By 1926 the equipment had been greatly enlarged, consisting of sextuple, octuple, and decuple presses, which had a total productive capacity of two hundred and fort}^ 4-page sections per cylinder revolution, and which could be operated in many different combinations according to requirements. Except for the Sunday morning issue, only part of the equipment was used at one time, and the entire plating capacity was seldom used, but the necessary equipment was operated as quadruple units, sextuple units, octuple units, or decuple units. The number of hands in each press crew was regu lated by the size of the unit, regardless of whether the entire plating capacity for this or only a portion of it was used. For a quadruple press the crew consisted of 7 or 8 hands, for a sextuple press, of 8 or 9 hands, for an octuple press, of 11 or 12 hands, and for a decuple press, of at least 14 hands. The presses contained numerous improvements, which were not invented when the early styles of 1896 were built. Some of them were provided with magazine reels for the paper rolls, with newspaper conveyors on the deliveries, with automatic tension control, or with other labor-saving devices. Electric roll hoists were used and the ink fountains were supplied by the use of air pressure. Electricity had supplanted steam as the motive power, permitting a push-button system of press control and more flexibility in arrange ment. The presses were operated at various maximum speeds according to type of machine, so that on one part of the equipment one hundred and twelve 4-page sections could be produced at the rate of 12,000 per hour, on another part 32 sections at the rate of 13,200 per hour, and on the remainder, 96 sections at the rate of 18,000 per hour, clock time. For the purpose of comparison with the 1896 period, similar data, consisting of the man-time required for the press crews, or productive labor, in the actual operation of the presses, were prepared from the 1926 records. This operative time consisted of the combined time from the starting to the stopping of the presses on the various editions each day, including the time consumed in changing paper rolls or in other operating delays. As the number of these productive manhours for the productive labor constituted 49.3 per cent of the total man-hours for the group, a similar proportion of the total man-hours for the nonproductive labor was added, making a total of 1 hour and 19.4 minutes in 1926 for the production of ten thousand 4-page sections, as against 1 hour and 31.6 minutes in 1896, or a decrease of 13.3 per cent in man-hours. For productive labor alone the de crease was nearly 25 per cent, but a decided increase in proportionate man-hours for nonproductive labor was responsible for the smaller decrease in total man-hours. The labor cost involved in production of the unit (ten thousand 4-page sections) was 51.7 cents in 1896, based on productive time for all employees. In 1926 it had risen to $1,615, an advance of 212.6 per cent, caused especially by the general increase in wages through out the country between the two periods, but augmented by the increase in man-hours for the nonproductive labor. It must, how ever, be remembered that this cost, as well as the man-time in the table, covers only the productive time, and that the actual labor cost for the unit in this pressroom was practically double the amount in 1926 and presumably also in 1896. The same condition also applies to the man-hours. CHAPTER 4.— DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION HAND COMPOSITION TY P E SE T T IN G BEFO RE 1850 H E use of movable types had its start in Europe about the middle of the fifteenth century. At the beginning of the six teenth century, composition, the process of setting type for printing, had passed the experimental stage and was in practical use. Its progress remained stationary from then until the middle of the nineteenth century, when typesetting machines began to appear. Hand composition is a manual operation. The single types are picked up, one by one, from their compartments in the type case and as sembled side by side into lines. Spaces, pieces of metal similar to type but less than type-high, are placed between the words, and sometimes between the letters, to fill out each line to the desired length, an opera tion called justifying. When the small tray in which the types are assembled, called a composing stick, is filled, the contents are trans ferred to another and larger tray, called a galley, where the job is gradually built up. A stick will hold about 13 lines of 12-point type, while a galley will hold approximately a column. A proof of the type set is taken and compared with the original copy for errors, and any errors are corrected in the galley. The type is made up into pages, extra leads, rules, or blank slugs being inserted where needed. Each page is inclosed in a metal frame, known as a chase, locked firmly in it by wedges, and delivered to the pressroom for printing. Such as sembling of the types requires both an extensive special knowledge of practically all educational subjects and considerable dexterity of the hands. After printing, the type is distributed by hand, and the spacing materials are replaced in the respective compartments of a case or other container. It can be readily seen that hand composition is naturally slow. In A Collation of Facts Relative to Fast Typesetting, compiled by William C. Barnes and others, and published in 1887, it was stated that 40 years previous “ the printer who could set 1,200 ems per hour was deemed a fairly quick hand; at 1,400 he was fast; 1,700 was won derful, and 2,000 ems an hour was considered among the physical impossibilities.” T SIZE AND M E A S U R E M E N T OF C O M P O S IT IO N Size of type is determined by the height of the face of capital letters, including the slight projection, or shoulder, at the foot of each letter, which provides a small separation between the lines. In former days each size of type was known by a specific name, but the modern dis tinction is based on the point system, in which 72 points practically equal one inch, or 996 points 35 centimeters. Correctly figured, a point is 0.0138 inch, slightly less than one seventy-second inch. The body of 12-point type is twelve seventy-second inch high, while the width from right to left varies according to the width of the letter or character. A number of older compositors still use the names of the former system and, as these are often found in references to the industry, a table of equivalents is presented as Table 19. 33 34 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T Point size able Former name 3H Brilliant. Diamond. Pearl. 5 Agate. 5H Nonpareil. 6 Minion. 7 Brevier. 8 Bourgeois. 9 Long primer. 10 11 Small pica. 12 Pica. English, or 2-line minion. 14 2-line brevier. 16 Great primer. 18 1 9 . — Type size equivalents Point size 20 22 24 28 30 32 36 40 42 44 48 54 60 72 Former name Paragon, or 2-line long primer. 2-line small pica. 2-line pica. 2-line English. 5-line nonpareil. 4-line brevier. 2-line great primer. Double paragon. 7-line nonpareil. Canon, or 4-line small piea. 4-line pica. 9-line nonpareil. 5-line pica. 6-line pica. An em is the unit by which composition is measured. It is not a fixed uniform measure, but varies according to the size of the type. In each case it is the quantity of type which occupies a space in a line equal to the height of the type body, or slightly more than the height of the capital letters. A 12-point em is, consequently, 12 points in height and 12 points in width. This size, previously called pica, is frequently, though not always, meant when the word “ e m ” is used without a designated size. Alphabets of the same point size, and even of the same class, do not always contain the same number of ems, as the letters may be pro portionately wide or narrow, called fat or lean, respectively. If the differences are very pronounced, the styles are called extended or condensed. Wide letters required fewer pick-ups from the case for a certain number of ems, while narrow letters called for more. Some difference was also created by variations in the length of the line, the shorter lines requiring more transfers from the stick to the galley. An ordinary newspaper line of 6-point type, 25 ems wide, contains an average of 40 types. In continuous setting it would require setting and spacing each line inside of 60 seconds to attain a rate of 1,500 ems an hour. This would mean approximately 40 pick-ups from the case and the justifying of a line every 60 seconds. T Y P E A R R A N G E M E N T OF N E W S P A P E R S Until 1760 newspapers in the Colonies were printed on half sheets of varying sizes and shapes, the earlier size being ordinarily 7 by 9 or 10 inches, but about that time most of the Boston journals began printing a whole sheet, 15 by 19 inches, regularly. Half sheets contained from 3,000 to 7,000 ems, according to the size of type used, and whole sheets double that amount, which is equal to the contents of one and two columns in the ordinary newspaper of the present day. Long primer (10-point type) was commonly used. A page ordinarily contained 2 columns, each 3 inches in width, though at times it was set in a single wide column. In 1827 and for some time afterward leading New York daily newspapers were about 24 by 35 inches, but later changed to 35 by 59 inches. The New York Herald, when established in 1835, was a 4-page paper 30 by 24 inches, containing 4 columns per page, closely set in minion (7-point type). The penny papers, first introduced in 1833, came out in reduced sizes, but many of the important papers retained the large sizes, 35 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION called blanket sheets, for a number of years. In 1853 the Journal of Commerce in New York published a sheet containing 2,057 square inches. Daily composition on these blanket sheets often exceeded 700,000 ems. In 1880 minion (7-point type) was commonly used on newspapers for reading matter, and nonpareil (6-point) or agate (5 ^2-point) for advertisements. The 1880 Census of the United States gives the average and aggregate ems of type set per issue on newspapers in this country during that year: Average: Daily, 74,147 ems; weekly,1 57,197 ems; aggregate: Daily 66,140,266 ems; weekly,1 490,753,756 ems. M odern newspaper pages are divided into columns varying from 2 to or 2 % inches in width. The latter size wxas for a number of years the standard on newspapers, with seven columns per page, but conservation of paper and standardization have resulted in almost general adoption of 8 columns, each 12, 12 or 13 ems pica in width. The common basis of measuring space in a newspaper column is the agate, or 53^-point, line. As there are 14 agate lines in one inch, each inch of space is figured as 14 agate lines, regardless of how many actual lines of reading matter it contains. Type may be set solid or leaded. When solid, the lines of type are set close against each other. When leaded, thin strips of metal, usually 2 points or one-thirtysixth of an inch in thickness, are placed between the lines. All leads more than 2 points in thickness are called slugs. R E C O R D S OF P R O D U C TIO N M any compositors became very efficient. A table published in Barnes’s Collation of Facts Relative to Fast Typesetting gives the best records for the period ending 1886. This table is reproduced here, with additional columns showing net production of corrected output, as Table 20: T able 2 0 .— Best records for hand setting of type Gross amount Name Place Type Date Corrected type Size® Meas Hours ure 6 Per Per Total hour Total hour Philadelphia Mar. 27,1886 Nonpareil. _ ____ do______ ____ do_______ ' ____ do_____ m 28 28 New Y o r k .. Sept. 10,1885 ____ do_____ do_____ Philadelphia Mar. 18,1886 , New Y o r k .. June 4,1885 M inion___ 16 17| 15| 29 28 25 « l ____ do......... Nonpareil-. j M inion___ 1____ do......... j Brevier___ ! M inion___ 16 17! 17 151 22\ « 1 2,093 2,093 2, m i H 3,119 2,079f « l 2,064 2,064 c 3 6,075 2,025 5, 787^ 1,929$ « 1 2,025 2,025 1, 959 1, 959 4 8,062| 2, 015| 7, 762^ 1,9401 29, 1885 27,1886 19, 1870 4,1885 1,1886 15, 1885 i 151 28 23| 25 25 25 3,416 2, 277| 3, 316 2,2101 3,347 2,231 3,197 2 ,131| 2,160 2,160 1| 3,220 2 ,146| 3 ,157£ 2,165 *3 6,350 2,116! 6, 037* 2,012^ CN Dec. Mar. Feb. June Mar. Dec. H H O C incinnati.. Philadelphia New Y o r k .. ____ do______ Rochester__ New Y ork— 171 CO Alex, D u guid.. Jos. W. M c Cann. W m. C. Barnes. Do . . Jos. W . M c Cann. Alex. Duguid._ Thos. C. L ev y . Geo. Arensberg. Ira Som m ers... Jos. Farquahar. Jos. W. M c Cann. Wm. C. Barnes. W .H . Van Bib ber. I ____ do______ -------do----------- ____ do......... M e m p h is ... Feb. 19,1886 ! Brevier___ 15 1 12| 25 i • The number of ems contained in the lower case alphabet (26 letters). h The number of ems contained in each line of type set. « Sticks were emptied by assistant. Includes weekly periodicals. 4 7, 951 1, 987f 7, 376 1,844 3 4,935 1,645 36 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING These records can not be considered as average production, even of experts, as they were made in tournaments, ordinarily conducted for short periods daily and under specific rules, or as a result of wagers, also involving few hours. The average speed in setting type did not exceed 1,500 letters, or i,000 ems per hour. There were, however, many who did not participate in contests, but produced excellent averages in lengthy periods of regular work. Data for a couple of such instances, are given by Barnes as follows: Robert Bonner, employed on the American Republican of New Brunswick, N. J., in 1846, set in 24 consecutive hours 32,997 ems solid minion (7-point), 25 ems wide, from reprint copy, or an average of 1,374% ems per hour. The following extract is from the Daily Press of Troy, N. Y., for December 13, 1873: Fred W. Schneider, a compositor em ployed on this paper, in the year ending to-day set and distributed in 312 days, 10 hours per day, 3,234,203 ems, an average of 10,366 ems per day; highest day’s work 17,485; in 38 consecutive days he set an average of 12,000 ems per day, and for 5 weeks he averaged 70,000 ems per week. He had no departm ent2 and his work was straight matter from the hook. As compositors were paid according to the number of ems set, more attention was directed to speed in setting of type than in distributing the used material. Distribution was considerably faster than setting. The following records are cited by Barnes: F. S. More, of Cleveland, Ohio, distributed, in 1868, 5,040 ems solid nonpareil (6-point) without a break-line,3 in 52 minutes, later 4,060 ems minion (7-point) in 40 minutes— a rate of 6,000 ems an hour. This was remarkably fast as the average compositor will throw in but little over 4,000 ems an hour, and very few reach 5,000. William Beatty, of the Toledo Evening Bee, could set about 1,800 ems an hour and could distribute nearly 6,000 ems an hour, with average speed of 5,000. R in gw alt4 also gives some examples of fast hand setting. In 1845 John J. Hand, compositor on the American Republican, New York, lacked only 32 ems of setting 32,000 ems solid minion (7-point) in 24 hours. In 1852 Thomas T. Sutliffe, compositor on New York Courier and Enquirer, set in one hour 2,487 ems solid nonpareil, all para graphs run in. In 1853 Charles M cDonnell, compositor on Ports mouth Tribune, set 8,240 ems in 4 hours, or 2,060 per hour. In 1858 William Mink, compositor on Pittsfield (Mass.) Eagle, set 10,046 ems solid minion in 4 hours and 45 minutes. In 1870 Andrew W. M c Cartney, compositor on Chicago Evening Post, set and corrected 95,600 ems in 4 days of 6}^ hours each and 2 days of 7 hours each, a total of 40 hours. LA BO R C O ST AND W O R K IN G C O N D ITIO N S During the first stages of the printing business the method of pay ing the workers therein was probably similar to the method employed in any other business during its infancy— that of established daily wages. It is not known just what wages were paid to compositors, but they were probably about the same as for other skilled help, quoted by Timperley 5 at 6d. per day in London about 1512. Hand compositors were later paid by the page, until about 1775, when 2 The material measured did not include any pick-ups of standing matter. aA break line is a short line at the end of a paragraph. 4 Ringwalt, J. Luther: American Encyclopedia of Printing, Philadelphia, 1871. * Tim perley, C, H .: Dictionary of Printers and Printing. London, 1839. DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 37 payment by ems or by letters was adopted. After piecework was established, the prices paid in London were regulated by the size of the type set, interruption for make-up, imposing, and correcting being more frequent with large type than with small type. In 1785 before a proposal was made by the workers in London to establish a fixed price, the prevailing rate per 1,000 letters appears to have been 4d. for English (14-point), 3 ^ d . for long primer (10-point), and 33^d. for brevier (8-point). In Scotland during the same period 4d. was paid for long primer, but only 23^d. for brevier. Type was measured by ascertaining the number of ems of a specific type con tained in a space of given size, if set solid, and multiplying the result by two, as the average width of the letters were judged one-half that of the letter M . M ethods of measurement and rates of pay in this country were probably very similar. In 1810 the master printers agreed to a scale for London of 6d. per 1,000 for ordinary letters, including English and brevier, but 6j^d. for minion (7-point) and 7d. for nonpareil (6-point), all solid type, with J^d. additional per 1,000 for leaded type. Foreign language and other special items ranged from J^d. additional to double rate. This scale was amended in 1816 to % d. less per 1,000 for all material copied from print. While this scale was specifically for job work, the same rates pre sumably prevailed also for newspaper work, for which nothing special was given until a committee report in 1820 (published by Timperley in his Dictionary of Printers and Printing) gave the following scale: Abstract of the scale for news compositors Morning papers: £2 8s. Od. per week, 3s. lOd. per galley, 11 H d. per hour. Evening papers: £2 8s. 6d. per week, 3s. 7d. per galley, 10% d. per hour. Sunday papers, having galleys of various lengths: 8 K d . per 1,000, or lOd. per hour. The galley on morning papers consisted of 120 lines long primer and 40 after lines, or 88 lines minion and 30 after lines. Twelve hours on, including lunch time, and 12 hours off, was the original agreement, but 10 hours were specified for evening papers. From the time of the Revolution, to about 1850, compositors on newspapers in this country were paid for the amount of work per formed and not for the time spent in the composing rooms. This time was especially irregular for compositors on morning newspapers. While the majority of the type for the issue was set up by midnight, there was always a possibility in seaboard cities that some ship might arrive late in the evening, carrying important news from abroad. Consequently the compositors either had to hang around the office or had to go home subject to being called, so that such late news could be included in the forthcoming edition of the paper. There was no uniformity in the prices paid, though the rates on morning papers were on the average higher than those on the evening papers, on account of night work. The ordinary piece rate paid in New York in 1800 was 25 cents per 1,000 ems, but the majority of the compositors were paid at the rate of $7 per week. Apprentices worked 11 or 12 hours daily until 1830, when the State legislature fixed the maximum daily working time at 10 hours for mechanics without special agreements. The earnings of New York compositors in 1803 were around $8 or $9 per week. An interesting tabulation of hours and wages ranging back to 1833 can be found in a publica 38 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING tion by this bureau (then called the Department of Labor) on Wages in Commercial Countries.6 A later publication on Wages and Hours of Labor,7 covered the period of 1890 to 1903, and the bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Union Scale of Wages and Hours of Labor, brings the information up to date. These sources show the variation in wages and hours, according to localities. Where piece work was performed, considerable variation existed according to individual ability. Kingw^alt states that in 1864 the office of the Sacramento Union contained, in proportion to the number of men employed, more rapid compositors than any other office in the coun try. The paper was set in solid type, and the average earnings of each compositor amounted to $1 for each working hour. The men received 75 cents per 1,000 ems. According to De Vinne,8 compositors in New York during 1862 received 35 cents per 1,000 ems on morning newspapers and 31 cents on evening papers. The scale of 1867 called for 50 cents per 1,000 ems on morning newspapers for common or straight matter, with one and one-half price for difficult work. It guaranteed 2 hours’ continuous composition between 1 and 5 p. m., and 5 hours' continuous composi tion between 6 and 12 p. m. Compositors working after 3 a. m. were to be paid 40 cents per hour, in addition to pay for all matter set, and compositors working at night only, to be paid 55 cents per 1,000 ems. Weekly wages were fixed at $24 for 6 days, and daily hours at 10, with 2 of them between 1 and 5 p. m., except for compositors working all night, who were to be paid $22 for 6 nights of 8 hours each. The rate for evening newspapers was 45 cents per 1,000 ems, with a guaranty of 3 hours’ continuous composition between 3 a. m. and 12 m., and 4 hours between 12 m. and 5 p. m. The rate for overtime work was 35 cents additional per hour. Weekly wages were fixed at $20 for 6 days. De Vinne estimates that for New York evening newspapers the actual labor cost in 1871 per 1,000 ems would be: Compositors, for matter delivered on galleys, 45 or 46 cents; make-up and stone work, 3 to 6 cents; proof reading and superintendence, 15 cents or more; total, 63 to 80 cents. At the time the linotype was introduced, wages were practically everywhere on a piece basis, with the price per thousand ems set regulated by the union scales. The publishers were required to give employment at typesetting for a fixed minimum number of hours each working-day, generally 6 or 7, but varying according to locality. Distribution ordinarily brought the working-day up to 10 hours. Employers often stipulated a fixed amount of production as a condi tion of employment, as in one city in 1888 hand compositors were required to set a minimum of 40,000 ems per week of 59 hours, or 678 ems per hour. TYPE FOUNDING Y y 'H IL E each printer designed and cast his own type during the ** early days, type founding soon developed into a separate industry and the type used in this country during the colonial period was practically all imported from Europe. The first type cast here appears to have been by a printer in Germantown, now a part of Philadelphia, Pa., about 1735, but the operation was not of any importance. A later attempt was made in Connecticut in 1769, 6 U. S. Commissioner of Labor, Fifteenth annual report, 1900. 2 vols. Washington, 1900. 7 U. S. Commissioner of Labor, Nineteenth annual report, 1904. 2 vols. Washington, 1905, 8 D e Vinne, Theodore L., The Printers Price List: New York, 1871. DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 39 followed by several other attempts. The first successful type foundry was started in Germantown in 1783. The metal was poured into hand molds by spoons, a slow and cumbersome process, and it required considerable skill for a workman to produce 400 letters per hour. The first type-casting machine invented in the United States was patented by William Wing, of Hartford, Conn., in 1805. It cast 20 or 30 types at a time, all projecting from a shank like the teeth of a comb. In 1834 Daniel Bruce, jr., of New York, invented a force pump for filling hand molds with molten metal, which doubled the output and made it possible to cast larger type. This encouraged him to renew his efforts to manufacture a type-casting machine, and four years later a machine was patented by him which employed the force-pump principle and would cast an average of 40 letters of 14-point type or smaller per minute. Further improvements were developed, and in 1843 a better machine was patented by him which would turn out 100 letters per minute. The product of the Bruce machine, however, required finishing by hand. Another style, which cast the type by direct steam pressure without the pump, and also finished the type automatically, was invented by Henry Barth, of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1885. Both of these machines are used by the type foundries of the present day, but the product is no longer employed in newspaper printing except by a few small country weeklies. Henry Barth also devised the kerning machine for cutting down type bodies to special sizes, as well as a power shaving machine for leads. The introduction of the linotype in 1886 brought type founding back into the printing plant, though only partially and in a different style from that used by the early printers. TYPESETTING MACHINES EARLY IN VE N TIO N S TO U R IN G the early part of the nineteenth century typesetting was a ^ slow process. While the adoption of stereotyping permitted duplication of each page and, consequently, the printing of several copies of the same page«at one time, the number of pages in each issue was limited by hand composition and was not sufficient to meet the demand. Attempts were made to overcome this condition by invent ing a mechanical substitute for the compositor. The first typesetting machine was patented in 1822 in England, by William Church, of Boston, Mass., in connection with a type-casting machine which would produce an entire font of type at one time. The types were arranged in inclined channels, ejected on a horizontal plane by the operator of the keyboard, and pushed to a collecting tube by rocking arms, which were m oved by a clock mechanism released by depres sion of the keys, forming a continuous line. The line was divided and justified by hand. The first American patent for a typesetting machine was issued in 1842 to J. H. Young and A. Delcambre for the Pianotj^pe, which had been brought out in England two years previously and was used in a small way in that country and in France. The type was released by the keyboard operator from the tubes into converging inclined grooves, sliding to a stand, where a second operator justified them into lines. An English type-distributing machine was patented in 40 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING the United States in 1843 by its inventor, F. Rosenborg. It was practically a reversed composing machine, operated by means of a keyboard. A number of different ideas were projected, both in England and the United States, but type-composing machines did not come into practical commercial use until 1853, when patents were issued both here and in England to W . H. Mitchel, of Brooklyn, N. Y ., for a type setting machine, followed a year later by patents for a distributor. The composing machine was provided with vertical tubes for the types which, on striking the keys, were ejected by plungers, conveyed on belts or tapes to a traveling band, and by it to the receiving point, where a second operator divided them and justified the lines. M ore than 100 different machines were invented before 1885. Nearly all of these set type, but not with sufficient economy over hand setting, and the majority disappeared as quickly as they were brought out. Prominent among these were the Alden typesetter and distributor of 1857, the Empire, and the Thorne, all using type supplied by the foundries. The two last named were the only practical typesetting machines in the United States in 1885. E M P IR E C O M P O S IN G M A C H IN E The Empire, brought out under that name in 1880, was previously known as the Houston, the Greene, and the Burr. The types were arranged in vertical tubes, from which they were ejected by a pusher, actuated by a finger key. They were passed down the channels of a guide plate to a common point, and pushed forward from there to the end of the line previously composed. Two men and one boy were required for the operation, the boy taking care of the distributor which was a separate machine. The output ranged from 4,000 to 6.000 ems per hour, but the machine did not become very popular and less than 200 had been placed in use when manufacture ended in 1904. TH O R N E C O M P O SIN G M A C H IN E The Thorne was the first combined setting and distributing ma chine. The type was contained in vertical tubes around a rotating disk, upon which they were dropped when released by the keys. They were carried, in the order of their release, by a traveling band to the assembling point, where they were formed into a continuous line. This was divided by the second operator into lines of the desired length, and justified by hand. An automatic device enabled the machine to take a whole galley of used type, line by line, and distrib ute the characters correctly in the various tubes. It was usually operated by two men, as one operator alone could compose only 3.000 to 4,000 ems per hour, but with an assistant to justify, the production could be increased to about 9,000 ems per hour. The first patent was issued to Joseph Thorne, of Hartford, Conn., in 1869. Four different styles were developed later— the Thom e, the Simplex for newspaper single column, the Simplex for bookwork, and the Unitype, for general purposes. When manufacture was discontinued, about 1914, around 2,000 machines had been installed. DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 41 M cM ILLAN C O M P O SIN G M A C H IN E John E. M cM illan, of Ilion, N. Y ., introduced a typesetting machine in 1884, which was used in combination with a separate justifying machine. A later model, brought out in 1890, contained a series of type channels in four rows, and a double machine was provided with two such reservoirs, either of which could be swrung into position, permitting the use of different sizes of type. The types were pulled from the channels by striking the keys, and dropped by gravity to the assembling point in front of the keyboard. After a line was completed, it was transferred to a carrier in the justifier where the thin spaces were automatically exchanged for thicker ones. If the line was not then sufficiently filled out, it was carried to other places, where the process was repeated until it was spread to proper size. In 1894 the justifier was combined with the typesetting part in a newspaper machine, three of which were used on the New York Sun for several years, and other offices also installed them. Auto matic distribution was accomplished at the rate of 10,000 ems per hour by means of a separate machine on the rotary disk principle. Three operators were required to handle the full equipment. PAIGE C O M P O S IN G M A C H IN E A complete setting, justifying, and distributing machine, tke Paige compositor, was started by J. W. Paige, of Rochester, N. Y ., in 1872, but not completed until 1887. Manipulation of a keyboard formed the types into words, which were automatically advanced, spaced, and deposited on galleys, with leads if desired. £)ead matter was distributed automatically. A machine was installed in the Chicago Herald in 1894. It worked well, but proved too complicated, as it contained about 18,000 separate parts, and the patent, which* was granted in 1895, was assigned to Mergenthaler, who in the meantime had perfected assembling of type matrices for casting type in lines. O T H E R C O M P O S IN G M A C H IN E S In 1896 a 1-man typesetting and justifying machine was invented by Alexander Dow, of New York, which was capable of composing from 5 to 12 point type. The types were released from the channels by touching keys, pushed into a central channel, and from there into the assembler. Touch on a special key removed the line to the justifier, where the temporary spaces were replaced automatically by the proper spaces. A separate rotating disk distributor was used. Another machine, patented in 1902 by Frank B. Converse, jr., of Louisville, K y., was provided with two vertical type reservoirs, for roman and italic or roman and head letters, which could be shifted into position by a hand lever. Automatic justification was accom plished by pressure of a line key. Other type-composing machines which were brought out in England were successful for a time, but did not affect the industry materially. Among these were M ackie's Pickpocket, patented in 1867, which was controlled by a paper ribbon, perforated on a keyboard, but which necessitated justification by hand. It was used by the Manchester (England) Guardian. The most popular one was the Kastenbein composer, patented in 1869, which was operated by a treadle. It 9819°—29------ i 42 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING was used by the London Times, together with the W ick’s rotary type caster, which provided new type for it and eliminated distribution, and produced 60,000 types per hour, being operated by one man and a boy. Where the Kastenbein composing machine was used with foundry type, as was the case in this country, separate hand distribu tion of type into hoppers was necessary. Other notable British machines were the Hattersly, which was operated without power, used by the South Wales News, and the Fraser, used in Edinburgh, Scotland. Both of these machines, which were patented in 1872, required justification by hand. Attempts were also made to produce impression machines, such as the first Mergenthaler machine, the St. John Typobar, and the Rogers Impression Typograph, as well as type-casting and composing machines. THE LINOTYPE T^HE typesetting and distributing machines increased production A and would, no doubt, have been developed further, but methods were completely revolutionized by the application of another principle in a machine introduced by Ottmar Mergenthaler, of Baltimore, M d., in 1885. Instead of assembling the types, this machine composed single type matrices, released from their respective reservoirs by the manipulation of finger keys on a keyboard. The brass matrices, with intervening spaces between words, were assembled side by side, the indented characters on the edge of each forming a line. As soon as a complete line was set up, a touch on a handle by the operator started the automatic performance of the succeeding operations. The matrices were justified and transported to a casting mechanism, where they formed one side of a mold, in which was cast a composed and justified line of new type on one bar, or slug. The slug, which was type-high, was delivered on a galley, accurately trimmed and ready to be placed in the form. The matrices which had been used for casting the line were carried to the top of the machine and distributed to their proper reservoirs, to be used over again. The self-adjusting spaces were also returned to their starting point. While these auto matic operations were taking place, the operator was assembling another line of matrices. The machine, which was called the “ Lin-o-type,” because the type was cast in a solid line, required only one operator. As his duties were limited to the operation of the keyboard, except lifting one hand for an instant to send the completed line to be cast, the speed of the machine was limited only by the speed of his fingers. After the line had been used it was remelted for future recasting, distribution of type being made unnecessary. The slugs were also easier to handle than composed single type, and rendered make-up more simple, as 25 lines could easily be picked up at one time without danger of pieing. A crude machine was finished in 1885, in which the matrices were assisted to the assembling point by gusts of air from an air pump. A second model, improved but also of the blower style, was the first commercially operated linotype. It was installed in the New York Tribune, where the first linotype slug to be used in a newspaper office was produced on July 3, 1886. Further improvements were made, such as substitution of an assembler belt for the air blast, and the intertype L ine -casting M achine Equipped W ith 3 Main 42— 2 m ag azin es and 3 Side Magazines L inotype L ine -casting m a c h in e 42— 1 Equipped w it h 2 M ain m ag azines and 2 Side Magazines DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 43 fifth model, finished in 1890, was practically the same as the machine of to-day. With this model the linotype became a commercial success and rapidly eliminated typesetting by hand. For a number of years it was considered the only machine adapted to newspaper composition. M any different models have been constructed by the Mergenthaler Linotype Co., of New York City, though the principal development has been on lines of productive variety or for special features, rather than for increase of speed. There has been very little change in the productive capacity after the standard speed of 6J^ lines per minute had been definitely established, though some individual establish ments operate the machines at a higher rate of speed. Competition by other composing machines during recent years has tended to standardize the linotype, and at present the manufacture is confined to only a few models. Adaptability has been greatly increased by improvements in con nection with the magazine, which contains a number of vertical channels in which the matrices are stored, and occupies the upper part of the machine, together with the distributing device. In the early styles only a single fixed magazine was provided. Later another magazine was added, which was also built in but with a swinging device that permitted either magazine to be placed in position for the delivery of matrices. Model 5, of which a number are still in use throughout the country although not manufactured since 1917, was provided with a single removable magazine that allowed substitution of another magazine with matrices for different faces or sizes of type. Removable magazines were provided in all later models, and split magazines were subsequently introduced, divided so that the upper part remains in the machine and only the lower half is changed, rendering the operation simpler and quicker. In the beginning the linotype was thought to be adapted only to small type, such as that used for text and for classified advertising. Each newspaper usually adopted certain sizes and styles for these and installed machines to produce the same. Other styles and sizes of type, when needed, such as for headings or display advertising, were set by hand or produced on other kinds of machines. Later, special models which would produce larger type were manufactured. Although only about 15 seconds were required for changing a magazine, other methods were sought for supplying different styles of type. The result was the multiple-magazine machine, in which were added a third and a fourth main magazine, as well as one or two auxiliary magazines, all responsive to a single regular keyboard. The operator on one of these machines can assemble matrices from two magazines in the same line without shifting his hands from the keyboard. As most matrices, up to and including 14-point size, have two letters or characters on their edges, the range at one time would be four different faces or sizes. A touch on a lever swings any of the other magazines into operative position whenever desired, giving a range of up to eight different styles with double-mold matrices. This versatility has extended the use of the linotype to the setting of all kinds of heads and display advertisements, both with the models carrying single regular keyboards and with a special model. The latter is equipped with a regular keyboard for its four main magazines and a separate keyboard, conveniently located, for 44 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING its two auxiliary magazines. Consequently, there are 12 different styles, or 850 characters, instantly available direct from the key boards, and ranging from 5 to 36 point, which can be mixed at will. In some of the other models the range includes 60-point. B y adjusting the mold, slugs can be produced of varying thickness to accommodate the size of the type, and of different lengths to suit the width of the text. For newspaper use the latter varies ordinarily from 123^2 to 42 ems of 12-point type, or from 2%2 to 7 inches. THE INTERTYPE TN 1893 W. S. Scudder, of Brooklyn, N. Y ., introduced the monoline composing machine, which utilized matrix bands, or strips, in place of single matrices. Manufacture in the United States was prevented through infringement on some of the linotype patents, and a factory was established the following year in Canada. About 1,200 machines were sold before the interests were acquired by the manufacturers of the linotype in 1905. The inventor later introduced another machine, the intertype, based on the general design worked out by Ottmar Mergenthaler and resembling the linotype strongly, which is manu factured by the Intertype Corporation, of New York, N. Y. It per forms the same functions in practically similar manner, but some differ ences exist in small mechanical details. Profiting by the experience of the other manufacturers, a basic unit, consisting of the main part of the machine, without magazines, was adopted for the production of ordinary sizes of slugs. This can be supplied, according to requirements, with standard interchangeable equipment of one, two, or three main magazines, and one, two or three side magazines. The side magazines, which carry matrices up to and including 60-point, are controlled by a separate keyboard, so located that it can be fingered simultaneously with the main keyboard. The maximum equipment gives a possibility of 12 different faces with 2letter matrices. A different basic unit is used for slugs ranging from 30 to 42 ems, or 5 to 7 inches in length, though constructed to use the same standard equipment as the ordinary unit. A recent feature, the intertype mixer, sorts and distributes mixed type matrices automati cally after use. A single distributor box moves back and forth from one magazine distributor bar to the other and places each matrix on the right bar for its respective magazine. The first intertype, a single-magazine model, was installed by the New York Journal of Commerce in 1913. Competition with this newer, similar machine is no doubt responsible for the later developments in the linotype— standardization and reduction of the many different styles previously manufactured. LINE-CASTING MACHINE OPERATION OPERATORS V y H I L E each manufacturer considers his product superior to that * * of the other, the linotype and intertype are so nearly alike that they can well be considered as one, especially so far as the influence on labor productivity is concerned. One operator is required for each machine, and his work would be exactly the same regardless of which of the two machines he used, being regulated specifically by the shop practices of the establishment. In a large or medium-sized plant his DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 45 copy is either delivered to him or obtained by himself from the copy cutter, who allots the “ takes ” or sections. A “ take ” is the part of an article or of an advertisement, given to a compositor to set up. Large jobs are often divided, for the purpose of getting them done more quickly. While setting the take he keeps the metal pot supplied with metal equal to the amount of slugs produced, unless the machine is equipped with an automatic feeding device. A machine used con stantly will require two small ingots, or pigs, weighing around 3 pounds each, about every half hour. The ingots are customarily distributed to the machines by machinists' helpers, who in some cases also feed them into the metal pots. After the take is finished or the receiving galley is full, the slugs are taken to the bank, as the depositing stand is called, either by the operator or by seme one assigned to that task. The bankman either turns the galley over to the operator of a proof press, or proves it himself. After the proof readers have compared the proof with the original copy and marked the errors, the proof is usually returned to the same operator so that he can recast the lines to be corrected. Any change, even as small as the addition of a comma, requires re setting and recasting of a whole line. If several words are added or taken out the compositor may have to recast a number of the following lines, sometimes clear to the end of the paragraph. In a few compos ing rooms all of the corrections are made by special operators. M A C H IN ISTS The operator is not concerned with the mechanical functions of the machine. These are taken care of by one or more linotype machinists, the number being determined by the number of machines in a plant. Machinists repair and adjust the machines, see that they are running properly, change matrix magazines, and often supervise the remelting of the metal. Helpers ordinarily clean the machines, tend the remelt ing furnaces, and assist the machinists generally. Conditions in small establishments differ somewhat. A composing room containing less than four machines is usually considered a small plant. In such a plant the functions of a machinist are ordinarily performed by one of the operators who has sufficient knowledge of the mechanism to act as a machinist-operator. Overlapping of functions usually increases in the same proportion as the size of the establishment decreases. The duties of an operator in a small plant may vary considerably and embrace several of the functions per formed by specialists in a large plant. PRODUCTION ON LINE-CASTING MACHINES T IN O TY PE S were first introduced in newspaper plants. Both ^ linotypes and intertypes are essentially fitted for newspaper com position, which demands speed first of all, especially as the time draws near for publication, even at the sacrifice of workmanship. While they are also used in periodical and in book and job printing plants, the great m ajority of the machines have been installed in newspaper establishments. After 1890 hand composition was rapidly supplanted by machine composition. Before that time the average rate of setting type by hand was only about 750 ems per hour, and few compositors averaged 46 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING as high as 1,000 ems per hour. Hand compositors were ordinarily paid at piece rates, in fixed amounts per 1,000 ems. With the adop tion of the linotype the payment on piece basis was in most places gradually changed to a time basis. The requirement of a minimum number of hours disappeared and the maximum number of hours per working-day became the important factor. This was, in most cases, fixed at eight hours. While a number of labor-saving inventions changed the vocations of the skilled workers to mere machine tenders, the action of the linotype was different, as the amount produced by this machine was directly proportional to the skill of the operator. Some time was naturally required to accustom the former hand com positors to manipulation of the linotype, and production was compara tively slow in the beginning, even though three times faster than hand setting. M IN IM U M STA N D A R D OF C O M P E T E N C Y Minimum competency requirements for linotype or monotype oper ators have often been stipulated in agreements between employers and employees. This so-called “ dead line” varies somewhat in different localities, and has been changed from time to time in some of them. For New York it was fixed in 1894 at 18,000 ems of 6-point per 8-hour day. This minimum standard was, inside of two years, so far below the actual minimum production that it did not mean anything, as shown in a report by M r. Ethelbert Stewart on printing and publishing.9 In 1904 this standard was raised to 24,000 ems per 8-hour day and increased again later. The agreement in effect during July, 1926, specified: No man shall be deemed a com petent machine operator unless he sets a mini mum of 4,500 ems of solid nonpareil (6-point), corrected matter, per hour, from straight narrative copy free from intricacies and impediments, either as to short takes, long waits, or long walks. In offices where the body type of the newspaper is other than nonpareil, 4,200 ems of minion (7-point), or 4,000 ems of brevier (8-Doint') shall be the test under the same conditions as stipulated above. Similar stipulations, in varying forms and with different competency requirements, are in effect in many cities, sometimes covering all of the newspapers therein and sometimes only a portion of them. A tabulation prepared from data furnished by the American Newspaper Publishers Association, showing various dead lines, or standards of competency, in 110 specified cities of the United States at the present time, is presented in Table 21. T o facilitate comparison the number of hours constituting a regular day’s or night’s work in each city is shown in the table. In six of the cities the shift hours for day work and night work differed, creating a variation in production on a shift basis, and so they were listed sepa rately. In the m ajority of cases dead lines are stipulated as a specified number of ems of a certain size of type per hour, or per shift, though' in recent years the line count has been substituted in quite a few places and stipulation made for a specific number of lines per shift and occasionally per hour. In the latter cases the figures were con verted to number of lines per shift. In 23 of the cities a specific amount was stipulated for two or more different sizes of type, and these are all shown in the table. Where a specific type size was not 9 U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Eleventh special report, 1904. Regulation and Restriction of Output in the United States, Washington, 1905. 47 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION stipulated, it was assumed to be for 6-point and listed as such. The length of the line was stipulated in less than one-third of the cases, and the column widths for the remainder were obtained from other rec ords. A column is given showing the average number of lines required per hour in each case. In comparing these figures it must be remem bered that the number of lines produced per hour increases propor tionately as the size of the type is increased, but that the number of ems produced per hour decreases proportionately. T able 2 1 . — Dead lines for linotype and intertype operators on newspapers in specified cities of the United States Stipulated dead line C ity Allentown, Pa.............. Anaconda, M on t.......... Anniston, Ala., night._ Anniston, Ala., d a y __ Auburn, N. Y ., night.. Auburn, N. Y ., d a y ... Augusta, Ga.................. D o ............................ Beaver Falls, P a ...___ D o ............................ Boston, Mass..... .......... Bridgeport, C onn......... Buffalo, N . Y ............... Burlington, V t ............. Butte, M on t................. Charleston, S. C ______ Charleston, W . V a____ Chattanooga, T enn___ D o ........................... Chicago, 111___________ Cincinnati, O hio_____ Clarksburg, W. V a___ Columbus, Ohio........... Concord, N. H ............. Danville, 111................. Dayton, Ohio________ Decatur, 111.................... Denton, T ex.................. Elmira, N. Y ................ Evansville, In d ............ D o ............................ D o ............................ D o ............................ D o ............................ D o ........................... D o . ......................... Fall River, Mass.......... D o ........................... D o . . . ................ Fargo, N. D a k ............. Flint, M ich ................... Fort Wayne, Ind _____ Grand Forks, N. D a k . Great Falls, M on t....... Greensboro, N. C ......... D o . ......................... Harrisburg, P a ............ Haverhill, Mass______ Hoboken, N . J., night. Hoboken, N . J., day— Hudson, N . Y ............... Hutchinson, Kans____ D o ............................ Jackson, M ic h ............. Jersey City, N . J .......... Knoxville, T enn........... La Crosse, W is............. . Lancaster, P a__............ D o ............................ Lawrence, Mass........... Leavenworth, K a n s„„, Hours per shift Ems per hour Ems per shift 4,000 7K 4,500 7 8 Lines per shift 1,600 1,800 1.300 1.300 7M 36.000 36.000 1, 600 1,600 4, 500 4,000 32, 500 35, 000 4, 500 5.300 7,000 7H 4,700 m 4.300 7 4,500 8 4,500 30,000 35,000 4,500 1, 600 • 72 A 4,000 1,600 5.000 4~406~ 4,300 4, 200 4.000 3,800 3,500 3,200 30,000 36,000 34, 500 32, 500 5,000 1, 600 4, 500 4,000 7M 4,500 8 8 7M 5,000 8 7H 4, 000 4.000 5.000 32.000 32.000 1,600 41.000 34.000 1,540 7Vs 4.000 5.000 1,700 5.000 5.000 1,500 3,500 Col umn width (in 12point ems) Aver- 48 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T able 2 1 . — Dead lines for linotype and intertype operators on newspapers in specified cities of the United States— Continued Stipulated dead line City Lexington, K y ............. Lima, Ohio______ ____ Los Angeles, Calif____ D o ........ .................. D o ........................... D o ........ ................. . Louisville, K y .............. Lowell, Mass__........... . Lynchburg, V a ............ Madison, W is............. . Memphis, Tenn______ Meridian, M iss............ D o ........................... Miami, Fla................... M iddletown, N. Y ___ Milwaukee, W is........... Missoula, M on t........... Muncie, I n d ............... . D o . . . . .................... Muscatine, Iow a.......... Muskogee, Okla........... Newark, Ohio________ New Bedford, M a s s... Newburgh, N. Y ......... New Castle, P a .......... . New Orleans, L a _____ D o . . . .................... New York, N. Y ......... D o .......................... . D o ________ _____ _ Norfolk, N e b r.......... Norristown, Pa______ Oakland, Calif_______ Oklahoma City, Okla. D o ...................... . D o ............... ........... D o ____ __________ Oneonta, N . Y ., night. Oneonta, N. Y ., day_. Owosso, M i c h ............ Paterson, N. J.............. Pensacola, Fla.............. Peoria, 111........ ........... . D o ........ ................. Perth A m boy, N. J.._. Philadelphia, Pa_____ D o ........ ........... Pittsburgh, P a _______ Port Huron, M ich___ Poughkeepsie, N. Y . . . Reading, Pa., night— Reading, Pa., day____ Reno, N ev ................... . Rochester, N. Y ........... Saginaw, M ich ............. Salem, Oreg.................. Salt Lake City, Utah. San Antonio, Tex....... . San Diego, Calif_____ San Bernardino, Calif. San Francisco, C alif-. Savannah, Ga., night. Savannah, Ga., d a y ... Schenectady, N . Y ___ Scranton, P a ............... . Seattle, W ash............... D o .......................... D o .......................... Spokane, W ash............ Springfield, 111.............. Stockton, Calif............. Syracuse, N . Y ........... . Tacoma, W ash............. Do....................... Do....................... Hours per shift Ems per hour Ems per shift Lines per shift 1, 540 1,400 8 7H 5,200 734 5.000 5.000 4,800 4,500 1,600 7H 5.000 4.000 60,000 28,000 32.000 32.000 30.000 4, 000 7K 4,200 1,500 3, 500 4.000 4.000 1,400 1,600 34,000 1,800 7,500 7, 500 4, 7V2 500 7Yt 4, 200 7H 4,000 7 7 1, 600 4.000 7H 5.000 7M 3, 300 41.000 38, 000 35.000 32.000 3, 300 m 1,600 1, 300 5.000 4, 500 4.000 1,400 7h 5, 000 5,000 4, 500 7H 7H *24,”666’ 32.000 32.000 30.000 8 4,000 1,600 1,800 6,000 5, 500 7M 4, 800 7 7H 7 7 7 7^2 8 m 8 7 7 7 7 8 6 6 7 7 6 6 6M 7 6 6 8 6 8 7 8 6 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5M 6 6 7 8 8 8 6 5Yl 6 7 8 6 6 8 8 6 7 8 7 VA 1,500 8 8 ize of rpe in nts) 1,600 5.000 5.000 5.000 30.000 32.000 4,600 4,100 3, 520 5,000 30,000 5,000 35,000 1, 300 1, 300 1.300 7 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 7 8 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 Col Aver age umn width num ber of (in 12point lines per ems) hour 12H 13 12 H 12 12 H 12 12 12M 12'A 13 12J* 12 12 13 13 12 13 12 12 12 13 13 12H 12 12 H 12 12 12X 12X 12H 12 12 H 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 12 13 12 12M 12^ 12H 12H 123^ 12^ 12 1214 12X 12M 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1234 12H 12 12 12 13 12H 12 12 12 M 123^ 12H 192 175 208 209 233 233 187 200 225 179 320 146 222 153 192 194 204 175 194 222 205 175 200 177 225 286 312 180 196 213 200 213 208 183 198 212 222 127 127 200 169 208 210 213 182 171 233 180 187 160 170 160 166 166 200 225 250 229 233 213 208 208 208 150 160 191 198 195 192 150 208 182 186 186 186 49 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION T able 2 1 . — Dead lines for linotype and intertype operators on newspapers in specified cities of the United States— Continued Stipulated dead line Hours per shift City 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Tarrytown, N . Y__ _______ ___ _______ ______ Terre Haute, Ind. .... ................. _ _ .................... . D o . ...................................................................... Do ...... ................................................................... Do ............................................................... .......... Toledo, Ohio........................................... ............ .......... . D o ............................................................................... Do ...................... .................................................. . Trenton, N. J ______ ______ _____ ____ ____ _______ Union City, N . J__________ _ ________ __________ W aco, Tex__________________ ____________________ ............................. ........................................ Do D o ........... .................................. .......... ................. Washington, P a............... ................. ............ .......... ....... Do ____ ___________________ _____ __________ Wheeling, W . V a. _ _ .. __ D o .......................................................................... . D o .............................................................................. Wilkes-Barre, P a........................................................... Worcester, Mass______________ __________________ Zanesville, Ohio...... .......................... ............................. Ems per hour Ems per shift Size of type Lines (in per points) shift 24, 000 6 30, 000 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 6 7 8 7 8 6 7 8 7 6 8 4.200 4.200 3,600 3,200 4,000 3, 600 3, 200 4.000 4.000 6.000 5.500 5.000 3.500 3.500 4.000 4.000 4.000 1,440 5, 500 Col Aver age umn num width (in 12- ber of point lines per ems) hour 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12H 12** 12 12 12 12 12 12H 12H 12H 12H 12M 12 1 1 125 138 161 161 164 154 161 164 160 187 250 266 277 170 194 160 187 213 180 250 208 A great variation exists in the dead lines for the different cities, as shown in a tabulation of the highest and lowest amounts stipulated for each of the different sizes of type and column widths, expressed both in lines and in ems, given in Table 22: T 2 2 . — Lowest and highest average number of lines and ems per hour required in deadlines for linotype and intertype operators in 110 cities of the United States able Column width in 12-point 12 ems......... .......................................................... D o .......................... ..................................... . D o . . ............... ............................................... D o . . ........ ........... ........................... .............. D o ____ _____________ ____ _______ _____ D o . . . _____ __________ ________ _______ D o _________________ _________ _________ D o _____________________________________ 12.5 ems............. ............................ .................. . D o ............. .................................................. D o ____ _________________ ______________ D o ____ _________________ _____________ _ D o ........ ........................................................ D o ...... ................... ................................ . 13 ems........... ............. ............ ........................... . Do__................... ........................................... D o ................. .................................... ............ D o ........ .................................... ................... . Size of type (in points) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 ey2 6% 7 8 5V2 6 7 8 Lines per hour Lowest 171 125 170 194 250 264 267 266 171 140 217 225 180 160 138 127 161 164 Ems per hour Highest 286 312 266 277 250 264 267 266 171 320 217 225 233 233 138 200 224 218 Lowest • 4,500 3.000 3, 500 3,500 4.000 3,800 3, 500 3, 200 5, 000 3, 500 5, 000 5.000 3,850 3.000 4.200 3, 300 3,600 3.200 Highest 7,500 7, 500 5, 500 5.000 4.000 3,800 3, 500 3.200 5.000 8.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 4, 200 5,200 5,000 4,250 In some of the cities additional provisions covered other sizes of type. In Augusta, Ga., all type above 7-point is measured as 7point. In Cincinnati, Ohio, a reduction of 2,400 ems per day is allowed for each increase of one point in size. In Dayton, Ohio, where the regular dead line was fixed at 4,000 ems per hour, an aver age of 3,000 ems is considered a fair hour's work in all offices where the size of type and the width of measure fluctuate, or where intricate work is performed. In Meridian, Miss., a reduction of 2,000 ems 50 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING per day is allowed for each increase of one point in size above the customary 8-point. In Miami, Fla., a reduction of 2,000 ems per day is allowed for each increase of one point in size above the cus tomary 6-point, and all type matter set less than 13 ems in width is measured as 13 ems. All intricate and tabulated matter is meas ured as double. It was often stipulated that due allowance be made for time lost through no fault of the operator. Shop conditions in the various localities influence production materially. In nearly all of the cities tabulated each operator goes to the desk of the copy cutter for his alloted takes and, after the type is set, carries the slugs to the bank. Consequently the distance from the machine to the copy cutter or the bank is an important factor. It is ordinarily as short as possible for the layout of the plant, but varies from 2 or 3 steps up to as much as 40 feet. In some places the copy is delivered to the operators, and in a few composing rooms the slugs are removed from the machines by other labor. In practically all of the places named each operator, after receiving the first proof, also resets and recasts all lines containing errors, and in many offices he also inserts the corrected lines in the galleys and takes out those with the errors. The condition of the copy is likewise important, and the dead-line provisions for several cities, such as Bridgeport, Conn., Elmira, N. Y .; Fort Wayne, Ind., Peoria, 111., Rochester, N. Y ., and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., prescribe that it must be legible. In Savannah, Ga., however, it is required that an operator must handle in a workmanlike manner any and all copy placed on the hook. A VE R AG E PR O D U C T IO N R E C O R D S The actual production was often considerably more than that stipu lated. A committee from Indianapolis, which investigated the con ditions in New York during February, 1891, reported the average production per linotype operator at 3,000 ems per hour, and that it believed a speed of 4,000 ems was possible. In a report from the New York Typographical Union to the Bureau of Statistics of Labor of the State of New York in 1895, the average production of linotypes was given for several establishments, as shown in Table 23. T able 2 3 . — Machine composition in New York in 1895 Establishment No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 6 No 7 N o. 9 ............................... ............. ............... ................. ............................... N um ber of lino types in use 50 48 28 20 18 12 Average pro duction per machine Establishment Ems per 8hour day 28,000 28,000 25.000 35.000 28.000 24,000 Ems per hour 3,500 3,500 3,125 4,375 3,500 3,000 No. No. No. No. 10................................... 11.................................. 12.................................. 13.................................. Average, all machines N um ber of lino types in use 12 12 12 10 Average pro duction per machine Ems per 8hour day Ems per hour 22,000 32,000 24,000 24, 000 2,750 4,000 3,000 3,000 27, 532 3,441 The report does not state whether the establishments were all news paper plants or whether some magazine or book publishing houses were included. The year and the number of machines would, how ever, indicate that all of them belonged in the former class. Neither DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 51 is there any information regarding what sizes of type were set on the machines. The size of the type makes considerable difference, as it takes approximately two minutes longer per 1,000 ems for each increase of one point. Consequently, if it takes 15 minutes to pro duce 1,000 ems of 7-point type it will take about 30 minutes to turn out 1,000 ems of 14-point type. In a previous investigation by the Department of Labor, covering production on linotypes in 27 newspaper composing rooms,10 the average output of all compositors in each establishment for a 1-week period ranged from 3,267 to 6,200 ems per man-hour. Records of individual operators, in five selected representative establishments among the 27, varied from 2,847 to 8,219 ems per man-hour. In 4 of these establishments, containing 148 operators, only 19 of them pro duced less than 4,500 ems per man-hour. In the fifth establishment the output per man-hour for individual operators ranged from 2,847 to 5,326 ems, with only 4 out of the 23 operators passing the 4,500 mark. Tables 32 to 49, inclusive (pp. 69 to 89), contain additional figures on linotype and intertype production, gathered by the Department of Labor in a previous investigation of hand and machine methods, as well as figures secured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in various establishments during the survey for this study. Additional information on actual production of linotype operators in 1926, furnished by six newspaper establishments, show a wide range of output. This may be partly due to different methods of computing the production, though presumably the same general systems are in vogue all over the country. A tabulation of the data is presented in Table 24. The original data contained the number of hours per shift, the hourly production, the size of the type, and the width of the column. The production was furnished in ems per hour but expressed in various ways by the different establishments. For establishments Nos. 1, 2, and 3 it was stated that the general average was, respectively, 4,000 ems 7-point, 4,500 ems 6-point, and 4,880 ems 7-point type per hour, but no statement was made of the number of operators employed or of individual records. For establishment No. 4 the production figures evidently covered only the output of the most competent operators, as the amounts were all considerably above customary averages and the list included only 18 operators— just a part of those employed there. The individual production for 4 of these was given at 7,500 ems 6j^-point, for 6 at 8,000 ems 6 3^ point, for 3 at 8,500 to 9,000 ems 6j^-point, for 2 at 9,000 ems 5-point, and for 3 at 9,500 ems 5-point type per hour up to 10,500 ems. Details of shop conditions or methods of measurements were not included. For establishment No. 5 the average individual production of seven operators was furnished, three of whom produced 3,763 ems 7-point type per hour each, while the others produced varying amounts. For establish ment No. 6 the average individual production was furnished for 11 operators, 3 of whom produced only 7-point type, while the other 8 turned out both 5J^ and 7 point type and were listed for each size. The number of ems per shift was computed on the basis of shift hours and the number of ems per hour. The production was also expressed in number of lines per shift, as well as lines per hour, in similar manner as for the dead-line tabulation. “ U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Washington, 1905. Eleventh special report, 1904. Regulation and restriction of output, 52 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING T able 2 4 . — Production of linotype operators in six newspaper establishments Production Establishment Hours per shift No. N o. No. No. 1 .............................. .................. 2____________________________ 3 ................... ........... ................. 4 ................................ ................. D o ______ ______________ ____ D o .____ ______ _____________ D o _______________ ____ _____ D o .............................. ............... D o ...................................... . D o __________________________ No. 5........... ........ ............................. D o ...................................... ........ D o ................. ........................ D o ......................................... . D o __________________________ No. 6__________ __________ ______ D o __________________ _______ D o ........ ......... ........................... D o . .................... ........................ D o . ____ ______________ _____ D o ____ ____________ ____ _ D o ........ ......... ........................... D o __________________________ D o __________________________ D o . . _______ ________ ____ _ D o __________________________ D o __________________________ D o . ______ _____________ _____ D o __________ _______________ D o __________________________ D o __________________________ D o . _____ ____ ____ _________ D o ____ _____________________ D o __________________________ Ems per hour 1 7K 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ems per Lines per shift shift 29, 333 36, 000 39,045 52, 500 56.000 59, 500 63.000 63,000 66, 500 73, 500 35,472 27,952 32, 784 26, 752 30,104 51,056 48,352 60,064 67,176 49,840 53,088 44, 536 59,200 51,840 46,696 44, 240 51,056 48,352 60, 064 67,176 49,847 53, 088 44, 536 59, 200 4,000 4, 500 4, 880 7, 500 8,000 8, 500 9.000 9.000 9,500 10,500 4,434 3,494 4,098 3, 344 3,763 6, 382 6,044 7,508 8,397 6,230 6,636 5,567 7, 400 6,480 5,837 5, 530 6,382 6, 044 7, 508 8,397 6, 230 6, 636 5, 567 7,400 Column Average width (in number of lines 12-point ems) per hour Size of ty p e ;n points 1,251 1,440 1,900 2,373 2,534 2, 695 2,849 2,625 2,737 3,059 1,656 1,304 1,528 920 1,408 1,816 1, 728 2,144 2, 392 1, 776 1,896 1, 584 2,112 2.520 2,272 2,152 2.520 2,352 2,920 3, 264 2, 424 2, 584 2,160 2, 880 7 6 7 VA 6y2 &A qv2 5 5 5 7 7 7 5H 7 5H 172 180 237 339 362 385 407 375 391 437 207 163 191 115 176 227 216 268 299 222 237 198 264 315 284 269 315 294 365 408 303 323 270 360 13H 12}4 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 12^ 123^ 12H 12V2 12V2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 &A &A 5A y2 5A VA 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 *■ See text following. A tabulation was also made of the lowest and highest hourly aver age production for each of the different sizes of type and column widths, expressed both in lines and in ems, which is presented in Table 25. T a b l e 2 5 .— Lowest and highest averages of hourly production for linotype operators in six newspaper establishments Column width in 12-point 10 e m s............. ............. .......... .......................... 12 e m s............................................. ............. ....... D o ____ __________ ________________ ____ D o ........ - ........................................... ........... 12.5 em s............................. .................................... D o ................................................................... D o ........................ ..................... .......... .......... 13.5 ems______________________ _______ _____ Size of type (in points) 5 5M ey2 7 6 7 7 Lines per hour Lowest 375 198 339 237 115 180 163 172 Ems per hour Highest 437 299 407 408 115 180 207 172 Lowest Highest 9,000 5, 567 7, 500 4,880 3,344 4,500 3,494 4,000 10,500 8,397 9.000 8,397 3, 344 4,500 4,434 4.000 EFFECT OF IM P R O V E M E N T S IN M A C H IN E S AND IN S H O P C O N D ITIO N S Average actual hourly production has increased since the survey in 1895, partly through improvements in the machines, such as multiple magazines, partly through labor-saving accessories, such as auto matic metal feeders, and partly through application of efficiency methods to shop management. Multiple magazines permit the oper DEVELOPM ENT OF COMPOSITION 53 ator to use different faces or sizes by touching keys or levers, instead of getting up from his seat to remove the magazine and insert another, or of waiting while the machinist is making the change. Automatic metal feeders eliminate the periodical feeding of ingots into the metal pot, and insure more continuous production. Among the methods of efficiency introduced is that of providing typewritten copy, which prevents waste of time in deciphering illegible handwriting and results in greater speed by the operator. In most plants the operators go to the copy cutter's desk for their “ takes,” and also deliver the finished galley of slugs to the bank. While this breaks the m onotony of manipulating the keyboard, considerable productive time might be lost if the distance from the machine to either place is long and the takes are short. In some plants both of these functions are performed by other help, insuring practically continuous machine production. Though linotype machines are ordinarily adjusted in the factory for a maximum production of lines per minute and intertype ma chines for a maximum production of 6 lines per minute, quite a number of plants have found it expedient to change the drive pinions so as to secure higher speed. The manufacturers of the linotype advise that the speed should not exceed 8 lines per minute and that it is preferable to increase only to 7 or 7 lines per minute. The manufacturers of the intertype claim that the speed of that machine can be increased without damage to 9 lines per minute. A machine operating continuously at the rate of 6 lines per minute on 6-point type, 12J^ ems pica column width, would produce 9,000 ems per hour. A t the rate of 6 ^ lines per minute, the production would be 9,500 ems per hour, at 7 lines per minute 10,500 ems per hour, at 7J^ lines per minute 11,250 ems per hour, at 8 lines per minute 12,000 ems per hour, and at 9 lines per minute 13,500 ems per hour. Continuous production is, of course, out of the question and the actual production is in all cases reduced in proportion to the percent age of idle machine time. This might fluctuate from 25 to 50 per cent of the total working time for an operator, according to shop conditions, such as length of takes and distance to the desk of the copy cutter or to the bank. During the last few hours of a shift, the takes are often very small, an article being divided among a number of operators, to insure quick clock-time production, which naturally retards production for the individual operators. Occasionally some productive time is lost through machine trouble. Whenever this occurs in a large shop, the operator stops the machine and signals the machinist, w^ho makes the necessary adjustments. In a small plant, equipped with more than one machine and using a machinist-operator, it might result in stopping not only the machine where the trouble developed, but also that used by the machinistoperator. No data covering this subject could be discovered or se cured, and consequently all figures for production have been treated as if the work of the operators was continuous. There is another feature in connection with stops for the operators, the significance of which is often lost sight of. The work requires a great deal of con centration, especially when setting difficult copy such as tabulations. For that reason it often takes quite a while for the operator, after a stoppage or even after just an interruption through temporary dis traction, to get back into the same productive state as before the disturbance. If many interruptions occur, the average production is decreased in proportion. 54 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING S PE E D PR O D U C T IO N R E C O R D S Records of possible production furnished by the manufacturers of the machines show figures which greatly exceed the averages obtained in the newspaper plants. They were, of course, results obtained under very favorable conditions and by a few expert operators, working under pressure and sometimes on machines speeded higher than ordi narily. In most cases the tests were for approximately one day’s duration. For such a period a maximum speed might be reached, which could not be maintained during a protracted length of time, even under similar working conditions. A number of the tests, some of them covering extended periods, resulted in records of con siderably over 10,000 ems per hour, as shown in Table 26: T able 2 6 . — Linotype and intertype speed records, furnished by machine manu facturers Operator No. 1— D o. N o. 2 ... N o. 3 „ . No. 4 ... N o. 5___ No. 6 ... N o. 7— N o. 8— N o. 9 ... N o. 10__ N o. 11.. No. 12, _ No. 13.. No. 14.. N o. 15__ N o. 16.. N o. 17.. No. 18.. No. 19. . D o. D o. D o. N o. 20.. D o. D o. D o. Length of test period 7.50 hours.. 6 months... 7 hours___ 6 hours___ 6.75 hours.. 6.58 hours.. 8 hours___ 5 hours___ 6 hours___ 10 hours... 12 hours__ 7 hours___ 1 hour....... 8 hours___ 7.25 hours . 7 hours___ 1 week___ ____ d o____ 38 hours.. . 30 minutes. ____d o ......... d o _____ d o ......... .d o,. .d o.. .d o.. .d o.. Average number of ems per hour Remarks 14, 560 11, 000 10, 760 13,167 12, 700 12,540 13,287. 5 i 12,000 11, 548 1 10,000 13,066. 7 Corrected 6-point, 26 ems per line. Worked in regular manner, unaware of being measured. Corrected 6-point. 5>6-point, 28 ems per line. i 11,000 14.000 12,131 14,620. 7 12,858 10.000 19,000 12, 797. 4 Per half hour 4,752 4,664 6,030 6,720 5, 616 5,500 6, 720 7,488 5K-Point, 28 ems per line. Corrected 5 and 5% point. Two operators alternating, by periods. 10-point, 22 ems per line. Do. 6-point, 30 ems per line. Do. 8-point, 24 ems per line. Do. 5-point, 32 ems per line. Do. i Over. NONDISTRIBUTION THHE change from hand composition to machine composition affected A another important item, the distribution of used material. After using foundry type it was necessary to pick out the rules and leads and distribute them in their proper racks, sorted according to thickness and length. Cuts, either electrotypes or photo-engravings, and borders also had to be separated and stored. The type remain ing was distributed into the respective compartments of the type cases. Linotypes and intertypes partially eliminated distribution, as all slugs produced on them could be thrown together for remelting. Only type which was larger than the capacity of the machines required distribution. In the beginning this capacity was limited, but it was increased from time to time. In 1916 any letters larger than 36point, or half an inch high, were either foundry type or cast on other Used t y p e . O ne L etter at a T im e , Fo r m e r ly req u ir ed O ne-fourth to O ne -th ir d OF THE COMPOSITOR’S TIME h a n d d is t r ib u t io n o f w h ic h No n d is tr ib u tio n s o r tin g and of Used h a n d lin g in to t h e h e l lb o x for p r in t in g by M a t e r ia l , e lim in a t in g Entire page d u m p in g th e R em elting DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 55 styles of machines, but during recent years the capacity has been increased to 60-point, or' five-sixth of an inch in height. Installation of other styles of machines, which make rules, leads, borders, or display letters, has expanded the nondistribution feature so that in a modern plant it is necessary only to pick out the electro types and photo-engravings from the forms. All that remains can be dumped together and sent to the remelting furnace. THE MONOTYPE A T T H E time the linotype was being introduced, Tolbert Lanston, of Washington, D. C., was experimenting with a device for producing types or spaces individually and assembling them in suc cessive lines of desired width. A patent for his invention, the mono type, was applied for in 1885 and granted in 1887. It consisted of two independent mechanisms, a keyboard machine and a type-casting machine. The keyboard was used for perforating a paper ribbon with holes representing characters. The ribbon was transferred by the operator, when desired, to the casting machine, which functioned automatically, but was controlled by the positions of the perforations in the paper. The separate types and the spaces were automatically cast, trimmed, and ejected upon a galley in proper position, forming lines and columns, in reverse order to that in which the strip was punched. In one respect the product w~as identical with that of the linotype— no distribution was required for either and all of it could be remelted to make new material. In the beginning the machine was not of much value to newspaper publishers and seemed especially adaptable to magazine or book printing plants. The first keyboard w^as controlled mechanically, by electricity. In the next model a change was made to pneumatic control— the method still used. The first casting machine, which made type by compression, was a failure. Pneumatic action was adopted for the second model, but other changes were required, and the fourth model, brought out in 1894, was the first machine put to practical use. It was installed in a commercial printing plant in Washington, D . C. Although it produced 3,600 ems per hour, it was considered too expensive for general use. After additional improve ments, the sixth model was turned out in 1897. This was intended especially for newspaper work and formed the basis of the present-day machines. It was of reduced size, containing only 132 characters, which were increased two years later, in the seventh model, to 225 characters, the present standard. The ordinary monotype keyboard is provided with the universal typewriter arrangement of keys, but with a greater number of alpha bets, and is operated similarly to the keyboard of a typewriter. Each depression of a key produces a perforation in a paper ribbon on the top of the machine, the ribbon being advanced automatically and rewound on a spool. When the end of a line of the desired size is reached, a pointer on the justifying scale indicates the proper keys to strike for automatic spacing between words for correct length. A duplex keyboard, which carries two ribbons, is also used. On this the same copy can be set in two different type sizes or measures at one operation, or each of the two sections of the keyboard can be used independently. 56 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING The casting machine is controlled by the perforations in the paper ribbon prepared on the keyboard, all the functions being performed automatically after the ribbon has been transferred to it and the machine started. As the paper feeds through, the matrix case moves so as to place the matrix for each selected character in its proper position over the mold, the mold is adjusted to the correct width for the body of the character or space, and molten metal is forced into the mold. The cast is cooled, trimmed, and ejected. When the last letter of a line has been cast, the finished line is automatically placed on a galley, and when the last line has been delivered the machine stops. B y substituting different matrices and molds, various sizes or faces of type can be produced, within certain limitations. According to the manufacturers, the Lanston M onotype Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., more than 500 daily newspapers are equipped with monotypes for part of the work. The ordinary composing machine, as manufactured at present, casts and sets 5-point to 12-point type in justified lines. It can also be used to produce type for hand setting. By adding special attachments, type as large as 36-point, can be cast, or leads, slugs, and rules can be produced in continuous strips or cut to measure. The introduction of this machine enabled newspaper plants to eliminate hand composition in headings up to one-fourth inch in height, and in complicated matter to which the line-casting machines were not then adapted, as well as to cast larger display type and strip material. The matrix case contains 225 different matrices of 12-point size, or smaller, but only 135 of 14 or 18 point sizes. A different model, the type-&-rule caster, produces type for hand setting, from 5 to 36 point, or with proper attachments, manufactures leads, slugs, and rules. The operation of a third style, the lead-slug&-rule caster, is confined to casting of leads, slugs, and rules only, either in continuous strips up to 25 inches or cut to measure. A fourth model, the material-making machine, produces not only the ordinary strip material— leads, slugs, and rules— but also design borders in long or short pieces, as well as one-column cast strips. A new model, the giant caster, was brought out in 1926. It produces large type (42 to 72 point), borders, decorative material, and spacing material of same sizes from 4-point, or one-eighteenth inch, to 30 inches in length. Some newspapers use composition equipment, consisting of key boards and composing machines, as well as strip or material-making machines. Others use the latter only. MONOTYPE OPERATION 'T 'H E handling of monotype composition equipment differs con■L siderably from the handling of line-casting machines, as the former consists of two separate machines. The keyboards function only when manipulated by the operators; hence, they require constant attendance of one person for each keyboard, ordinarily one who is capable also of taking care of it and attending to minor repairs. While the casting machines operate automatically, they are compli cated and their mechanism is delicate, making it necessary to have someone watch them. In a plant where the equipment consists of only one keyboard and one composing machine, both are cus tomarily handled by one man, who operates the keyboard while the casting machine is running. Whenever any trouble develops on the 56—1 Monotype K eyboard an d Monotype Composing M ach in e Monotype T ype 50— 2 an d r u le Ca s tin g m a c h in e DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 57 latter machine, it stops automatically. In such case the operator, after finishing the line on which he is working, adjusts the difficulty, starts the caster again, and then returns to his work on the keyboard. He also changes the ribbons, matrices, and molds, when required, and supervises the mechanical operation of the machine. It is esti mated that he works two-thirds of the time on the keyboard, during which time he will also be running the caster, and that he will be busy on the latter exclusively during the other third, really dividing his time equally between the two mechanisms. On a large newspaper using several machines, each keyboard is handled by one operator and there is ordinarily one attendant to every two casting machines, with a monotype machinist supervising the operations, making the adjustments, and tending to repairs. Where the type is not composed but merely cast on the machines and stored in the type cases, a hand compositor is, of course, required for assembling, just as with foundry type. Practically the same methods are followed for the finished product as for that from line-casting machines. As the product consists of single types, it is not necessary to recast entire lines in case of minor corrections, as is the case with slug composition, such corrections being made by the substitution of the needed characters from a type case. PRODUCTION ON MONOTYPE MACHINES TV/TOST of the general explanation for production on line-casting machines applies also to production on monotype keyboards, taking into consideration the later introduction of the latter machines. In most of the larger cities operators on both are classed as machine operators, with similar rates of wages. While type is produced in assembled form, ready for printing, from both line-casting machines and monotype equipment, figures for production for the two groups are not comparable. Each machine occupied until recently a special field of its own. The line-casting machine was intended for rapid production, especially of straight matter for newspapers, where editions must be prepared promptly and typographical accuracy is often sacrificed for speed. The mono type was primarily better adapted to book and job composition, or for production of larger type than could be turned out on slugs. The subsequent developments of lead, rule, and material-casting machines increased the scope of monotype equipment. In recent years there has been considerable overlapping of products from the two sources. THE KEYBOARD The production of the monotype keyboard depends entirely on the ability of the operator. According to the manufacturers a record of 18,000 ems an hour has been made, but the generally accepted high record is 14,300 ems per hour, produced by a demonstrator on the machine. M onotype characters have fixed relations in width to the em for each size, based on the proportion of 53 average roman charac ters equaling 25 ems. For purposes of computation an em is divided into 18 units. The characters vary greatly in width, according to whether the alphabet is extended or condensed. Some types are very thin, the same letter may vary from 3 to 18 units in width, maldng a radical difference in the number of keys to be struck in the 9819°— 29------- a 58 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING production of a specified number of ems. The high record naturally differs considerably from the practical working average, which holds closely around the dead lines in Table 21. (See p. 47.) A school conducted by the manufacturers requires a minimum of 4,000 ems per hour for finished operators. A keyboard operator can easily keep ahead of one composing machine. In a plant where several of the latter are used, there are ordinarily two keyboards for every three composing machines. TH E C ASTIN G M A C H IN E The capacity of the composing machine varies according to the type sizes and the individual operating speed. For 4 to 12 point it is usually adjusted at 140 revolutions per minute, which will give a maximum production of 3,962 ems per hour. For 14-point it is ordinarily fixed at 128 revolutions per minute, and for 18-point at 110 revolutions per minute, giving maximum output of 3,622 and 3,113 ems per hour, respective^. For small sizes it is sometimes regulated at 150 revolutions per minute or more. The manufac turers claim that one firm (in Pittsburgh, Pa.) operates successfully at 160 revolutions per minute, and that one newspaper (in New York, N. Y .) produces 53^-point type at 180 revolutions per minute. The material-making machine has a capacity of 4,848 single-column leads, or 2,820 single-column 6-point slugs, or 1,920 12-point borders per hour. When operated on continuous strips its capacity is 780 linear feet of 2-point leads, or 672 feet of 6-point slugs, or 276 feet of 12-point borders per hour. The new giant caster will produce approximately 650 square inches of metal spacing and cut-mounting furniture per hour. Casting of type, strips, or furniture is, of course, a mechanical process and depends greatly on the running condition of the*machines, as well as the number of stops necessary for changes or adjustments. The manufacturers claim that the average production on newspapers reaches 70 per cent of capacity. Additional figures on monotype production are included in data on pages 77 to 89. An important time saving has been effected through the resulting expansion of nondistribution by the use of monotype equipment. Approximately one-half of the total contents of a form is strip mate rial. When this is produced on the monotype, there is no need to pull the form apart and spend time in distributing the strip material. The whole page can be dumped into a receptacle and taken to the remelting furnace, saving practically the entire time of distribution. THE LUDLOW TYPOGRAPH A different style of machine, the Ludlow typography is used in some ^ newspaper composing rooms for producing large display type, cast in single lines. It was invented by Washington I. Ludlow, of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1905, and is manufactured by the Ludlow T ypograph Co., of Chicago, 111. It is usually operated by hand compositors several sometimes working intermittently on one machine. Brass matrices, which are kept in cases, are assembled by hand in a special composing stick, in a similar manner to the hand setting of type. The line is justified with brass spaces and locked in the stick by tightening a thumb screw. The stick is clamped into casting position in the machine and hot metal forced into the mold, forming the type- L udlow T ypograph 58— 1 Elrod L ead , 58—2 r u le , and Slu g Caster DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 59 face line on a slug having either a 6-point or a 12-point body. Types over 12 points high are cast with an equal overhang on each side of the slug. When used in a form the overhangs are supported by low blank slugs, cast automatically in the same machine. Types smaller than 12-point are cast on 6-point bodies, if required to print solid, and the overhangs treated similarly in the form. After casting, the matrices are distributed by hand into the cases, where they are kept for future use. The machine is seldom utilized for small sizes of type; but it will cast letters from 6 to 60 points in height in a line any length up to 2 6 ^ ems, or 4%2 inches. It will also cast slug spacing material and borders. OTHER MACHINES VX^HILE the linotype, intertype, monotype, and typograph are the * * representative machines in present-day newspaper composing rooms for production of printing material, other successful machines are also found. TH E LIN O G R A PH A slug-casting machine, the linograph, which is used in some plants, was invented in 1912 by Hans Pedersen, of Davenport, Iowa, and is manufactured by the Linograph Co. of that city, resembles the lino type or the intertype, and embodies the same principles but with slight variations in details, such as vertical matrix magazines. It will cast lines of any length from 4 up to 30 ems pica, or three-fourths of an inch to 5 inches. With special matrices it will produce borders or ornaments up to 24-point, and with special block and slides will cast rule borders up to 30 ems pica, or 5 inches in length. A late model, brought out in 1923, is equipped with 12 magazines in one frame, and provided with a power lift to bring the proper one into position. As in the other two styles, one operator is required for each machine. T H O M P S O N TY PE , LEAD, AND RULE CASTER Individual type is produced in several composing rooms on the Thompson type, lead, and rule caster. The type-casting machine #was invented by John S. Thompson, of Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1905, and was later adapted to include leads and rules. It casts single types, 5 to 48 point, spacing material, borders, and slugs, leads, or rules, cut automatically to desired lengths. Different sizes of type are obtained by changing the mold body pieces to the size required, placing matrices of desired character in the matrix holder, and attaching holder to machine. H ot metal, which is forced into the mold by each revolution of the machine, is hardened instantly by a water cooling device. The type is pushed out automatically, being trimmed on the way. The manufacturers, the Thompson Type Machine Co., of Chicago, 111., claim a type production of 8 to 150 casts per minute, the smaller sizes being turned out more rapidly than the larger ones. Leads, slugs, and rules also can be cast, though these are not made in the mold itself but in a body piece inserted in the moldELRO D LEAD , RULE, AND SLUG C ASTER Up to a few years ago the most productive strip-casting machine in use was the Elrod lead, rule, and slug caster, manufactured by the Ludlow Typograph Co., of Chicago, 111. It casts strip material from 2 to 12 points in thickness, according to the mold used. The metal is forced into the mold by a plunger in the metal pot and the 60 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING continuous strip is pulled from the mold by a special mechanism, in strokes of from Yi inch to inches according to the thickness of the strip. A special cutting arrangement severs the strip into the desired lengths. Approximately 15 pounds of 1-point strips in 40-em lengths are produced per hour. M any of these machines are used throughout the country, though they have been gradually replaced in the larger plants by the monotype material-making machines, which have a wider range of products, the Elrod caster being confined to plain strip material. R OGE R S T Y P O G R A P H Another matrix-composing and slug-casting machine, the Rogers Typograph, was invented in 1888 by John Raphael Rogers, of Lorain, Ohio. Because it infringed on Mergenthaler patents the factory was moved from Cleveland, Ohio, to Canada, where it remained until the expiration of the patents, when the American Typograph Co. was established in Detroit, Mich., in 1907. The firm later went out of existence. The matrices were suspended by eyes on wires, placed at an angle of 45°, spread in fan shape at the rear and converging into a common vertical plane in front. The matrices, which were released by touching keys on a regular keyboard, slid down the wires through gravity and were assembled at the front of the machine. The line was spaced between the words automatically with disks. The mold was brought against the matrices, and closed by the spout of the metal pot. ^ force pump ejected the molten metal from the metal pot into the mold to form a slug, w^hich was pushed into a galley by a mechanical finger. The wire frame was tilted back, returning the matrices by gravity to their original positions. The machine, which required only one operator, cast any size of book type and produced about 3,000 ems per hour. In 1891, before the linotype was fully perfected, a contest of de vices for machine composition was held in Chicago, 111. The judges reported that, while the linotype showed bursts of superior speed, the Rogers typograph produced the best and most economical result, as it was set up ready for running in 90 minutes, required no attention except from the operator, and ran smoothly. The M cM illan machine was judged to give the highest typographical excellence, but it was too expensive, as it required three operators. MACHINE ACCESSORIES A U TO M A TIC M E TA L FE ED ERS Modern attachments to the various composing and casting ma chines have also affected production. Automatic feeding of ingots to the metal pots was first attempted by supplying either slugs or the ordinary small ingots at fixed intervals, as proposed in a patent issued to Joseph N. Chamberlain, of Springfield, Mass., in 1899. Other styles of automatic metal feeders were subsequently developed, in which larger ingots were used, saving time for the operators by keep ing the metal pots filled automatically. In the Margach feeder, invented in 1914 by Andrew L. Margach, of Utica, N. Y ., the ingot is suspended from a hook on a chain, in direct contact with the molten metal, and is lowered automatically as required to keep the metal at uniform level. The ingot weighs about 25 to 30 pounds, or the equivalent of 8 to 10 ordinary small ingots. The Simplex feeder DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 61 consists of a clasp frame, holding a long, trapeziform ingot, weighing about 24 pounds, also in direct contact with the molten metal and lowered gradually as adjusted. The Knoop feeder, invented in 1919 by J. H. W. Knoop, of Highland Park, Pa., is somewhat similar, using a long cylindrical bar of approximately the same weight. The Newton feeder and the Reliable feeder also consist of holders, through which the long ingots are kept in contact with the metal, but the Lee feeder, invented in 1913 by George E. Lee, of Cleveland, Ohio, is based on a different principle. The cylindrical ingot, which is about 3 inches in diameter, rests in a melting cup suspended above the metal pot. The cup, which in the earlier model is heated by gas and in the later one by electricity, melts the metal, which drips down into the pot. The Monomelt system, which was invented by George L. Curee, of Minneapolis, Minn., in 1921, was based on the early idea of direct melting of slugs or other dead material, eliminating ingot casting. It consists of an additional metal pot, placed on top of the regular metal pot on the machine. It is provided with agitation to force dirt and ink to the surface for skimming off, and with thermostat control to maintain a uniform height of metal in the regular pot, so that every time a slug is cast the same amount of metal is fed into the main pot from the auxiliary pot. Where the filling of the metal pots is performed by the machinists instead of by the operators, the time saving naturally affects the machinists’ helpers directly. The manu facturers of automatic metal feeders, however, claim an additional time saving for the machinists in either case, as automatic feeding keeps the metal at a constant level in the pot, eliminating connected machine trouble. E LECTRIC M E TA L P O T S The method of heating the metal pots also has some bearing on hourly production. The fuel can be either gas, electricity, gasoline, or kerosene. In a hygienic survey conducted by the bureau during 1923 and 1924, 3,575 type-casting machines were noted, of which 64.7 per cent were equipped with gas-fuel metal pots.11 Analysis of the data disclosed that this ratio could not be accepted for news paper production, as only 2,066 machines were located in the 64 newspaper printing plants then surveyed. Gas was used for fuel on 1,073 of these, or approximately 52 per cent, and electricity on the remainder. Since the period of that survey there have been a number of changes from gas to electricity, due to better electrical heating, especially for linotypes and intertypes. Electric metal pots are also used on the other machines, except the Elrod slug caster. The automatic control of heating in electric pots requires no attention from the operator and, as the temperature is easily regulated, machine troubles are reduced. The electric heaters can, in addition, be started automatically, through a time-clock attachment, so that the metal will be ready for casting when the operator arrives. With gas-heated pots it is necessary to have someone come in early to light the burners, so that the 38 pounds of metal in the pot will be melted before the metal is needed by the operator. Gasoline and kerosene are seldom used for fuel except in small communities where gas is not available, and are hardly important enough for consideration in connection with production. u U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bull. No. 392: Survey of Hygienic conditions in the Printing Trades. Washington, 1925. 62 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T R IM M IN G A T T A C H M E N T S In some newspaper plants part of the line-casting machines have been provided with attachments for automatically sawing off portions of the slugs, this being sometimes required to make them of correct length to fit around cuts or in special spaces. For several years the M ohr lino-saw, patented in 1912, was the only device for that purpose but recently the Miller slugotype saw has also been introduced. The simple adjustment on these attachments to various desired odd lengths often saves the time of the operator by making changes of molds unnecessary, but it especially saves time later for the hand compositors, who usually trim the slugs to required lengths. REMELTING OF USED METAL A N O TH E R operation has been added to the composing room through the use of casting machines— the remelting of slugs or type. This is ordinarily under the supervision of the chief machinist on a large newspaper, or of the foreman of the composing room on small newspapers, but is occasionally apportioned to the stereotyping department. The material to be melted is either dumped on the floor and shoveled into the kettle of the metal furnace, or dropped into the kettle from a trap above. The molten metal is stirred occasionally, the dross is skimmed off, and the metal is poured into ingot molds. In some places ordinary stereotype metal furnaces have been adapted by attaching an ingot casting device, by which the metal is pumped into the ingot molds by means of a long lever, and the ingots are discharged by pulling another lever. In other plants small furnaces of various manufacture are used, which also require stirring of the metal by hand. Some of them are provided with outlet valves and spouts, wiiile others require the use of a ladle to dip out the metal and pour it into the molds. One style frequently seen is the DoubleQuick automatic metal furnace, in which the metal is stirred by rocking a handle that operates a mixer. It is provided with a circle of molds, which revolve around the outside of the furnace under the outlet valve. The manufactures claim that a full kettle of metal, or 1,000 pounds, can be poured and cast in about 20 minutes. The majority of furnaces are equipped for gas fuel, though some are still found which are heated by coal, involving additional work in supply ing fuel. A newer style consists of the Supreme metal furnace and the M onarch Monometer. These are provided with automatic mixers, automatic temperature control, and movable spouts for pouring the molten and refined metal into water-cooled molds. They render the work easier and more pleasant, but apparently retard man-hour production of actual ingot casting when large molds are used, as shown by a comparison with hand pouring in a large establishment. It required hours of actual pouring by 2 men to produce 400 ingots, emptying 10,000 pounds of metal from one of the special furnaces through the spout into 12 water-cooled Margach molds, one man pouring and the other emptying the molds. The same result was accomplished in three hours by the two men dipping from an ordinary metal furnace by hand, each man using a 25-pound ladle and 6 watercooled Margach molds. In a few plants the usable metal is also extracted from the dross, which is collected by skimming the metal, involving the tending of DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 63 special furnaces for that purpose, but the majority find it more con venient to ship the dross to the metal supply houses for that operation. In the early days of machine composition a number of the plants mixed their own metal, but this sometimes resulted in a poor grade which did not work well in the machines and retarded production. At present practically all plants obtain the metal already mixed from the supply houses, many of which have conducted extensive research in suitable mixtures for the various machines and in the developing of a combination to fuse at the lowest temperature possible. In some of the large plants one or even two special workers, com monly helpers, are occupied in ingot casting and connected work during the entire day shift. This is especially the case where a large number of machines are operated on both day and night shifts. On small newspapers the work is often performed by one of the apprentices during part of the shift. DIVISION OF COMPOSING-ROOM WORKERS V y HEN newspapers were first established in the United States there ™ was only one class of craftsmen, who performed any and all of the necessary operations. With the increase in production divi sions occurred, such as the separation of the composing room from the pressroom. The compositors later began to specialize, separat ing into straight-matter compositors, ad compositors, proof readers, and make-up men. Adoption of machines changed the divisions somewhat, practically eliminating the straight-matter hand men and substituting linotype or monotype operators for them and adding machinists. The introduction of nondistribution reduced the num ber of hand men still further, especially among the less skilled, who had been kept mostly at simple tasks. In the small plants of the early days the foreman was an active worker, but as the composing rooms grew larger his duties became gradually more executive, and supervisory assistants were placed in charge of the various divisions. These changes did not take place at the same time in all of the plants, and consequently all sorts of divisions of work might exist at any given time even among composing rooms in the same city. At the present time each special operation in a large modern com posing room is almost a trade in itself, while in the small ones there may be unlimited overlapping. H A N D C O M P O SIT IO N IN M O D E R N PLAN TS Straight-matter, or news, compositors have been supplanted by operators on the various machines, mostly specialists on a certain style. During recent years the ad compositors have also felt the influence of the machines, which have been developed to assemble type that formerly could be set only by hand. As a rule these newer machines have been installed in the larger composing rooms alone, and there is proportionately more hand setting of ads and of headings for news material in the smaller plants. The product of the machines must, however, be put together, rules and leads inserted, and corrections made. Slugs, leads, and rules require cutting to certain lengths, an operation usually performed by hand compositors, unless produced in correct sizes on the machines. 64 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING The old-fashioned hand cutters are still used in some places, but since 1910 power machines have gradually supplanted the hand implements on most newspapers. The Miller saw trimmer, either stationary or portable, is commonly found in composing rooms. Some use other styles of trimming machines, such as the Trimosaw, the C. & G. Trimmiter, the Superior, or the Laclede saw trimmer, also the Rouse rotary mitering machine. A quantity of slugs, leads, or rules can be cut in a single operation on one of these machines, while on a hand cutter it is necessary to cut them one at a time. Several of the power machines are, like the Miller saw trimmer, equipped with miterers, jig saws, drills, and routers, increasing the scope of the machines. These attachments are often used for the trimming of oversize cuts, or for making corrections on the cuts. On some large newspapers the cuts are placed in charge of a compositor, who proves them, stores them, and attends to trimming them when required. In other places they may be stored in the counting room or advertising office, so that only occasional trimming is required of compositors, and in still other places the trimming is performed by the stereot}^pers. Aside from the time actually consumed in cutting slugs, leads, and rules, considerable time was wasted by the compositors in walking to and from the central rack where the material to be cut was usually stored and from which it had to be obtained, the cutting being done by the compositor as each piece was required. Adoption of improved type cases, equipped with worktable tops and individual slug and lead racks, also disposed of many waste steps and helped to increase pro duction. An individual test was made by one compositor on a New York morning newspaper in 1916 after some of the improved cases had been installed. Under the old system each compositor cut his own material, secured from a central rack, though using a power saw. This was timed for one night and a comparison made with the following night, when quantity-cut leads and slugs were used from the individual rack on the worktable. The result was a saving of 30 minutes for the night by the latter method, or 6.7 per cent. P R O O FS AND P R O O F R EA DIN G Proofs are taken of all material to be printed. In some plants special helpers are employed to operate the proof presses, while in others the operation is performed by compositors. The type is inked and covered with a sheet of paper, large enough to leave sufficient space for corrections, and pressure is applied to deposit the ink on the paper. The proofs are turned over to the proof readers, who com pare them with the original copy and mark the mistakes. Proof readers are commonly former compositors and are often considerably older than the average worker. They are usually assisted by copy holders, who read the original text to the proof readers. The speed of this work is entirely dependent on the individual and is not subject to any general change. After the proofs have been read the errors are corrected by substi tuting new material. This is customarily done by the hand com positors. The corrected printing material is made up in pages by the make-up men, and locked up in the chases with grooved wedges, for stereotyping. Make-up men, who are either hand men or opera tors but specialized, constitute another group in which results depend on personal ability. DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITION 65 The early method of taking* proof was by aid of a planer, a solid block of hardwood with a felt-covered surface, which was placed on the paper £nd tapped lightly with a mallet. M oving the planer over a large surface took considerable time, and quicker work was obtained after the proof press had been introduced. The galley with the type was placed on the bed of the press. The type was inked by hand and after it had been covered with the paper, a metal roller covered with felt was rolled over it, giving the proof. In another style the pressure was supplied by a curved segment, covered with felt or with paper, which turned while the bed with the galley was moved under it by the turning of a crank. The crank movement and the traveling bed were also combined with a cylinder, on which the proof paper was held by grippers. There are still a number of the older styles in use throughout the country, but faster methods were found necessary because of the demands of the large department stores and other heavy advertisers, who often required from 50 to 200 proofs of their advertisements in advance of publication. Coupled with this was the constantly increasing number of pages issued, especially the huge Sunday editions. These were produced during practically the same number of working hours and consequently in a large composing room, required several proof presses and operators. The develop ment of the Wesel electric proof press solved the problem. Different styles of these are used. In one style the inking rollers and the rubbercovered impression cylinder are carried over the form by endless chains, returning under the bed, where the rollers are supplied with ink. The operator places the paper on the type after the inking rollers have passed over it, and removes it after the passage of the impression cylinder. The balance of the operation is performed automatically. One model, for heavy work, is claimed by the manu facturers to be capable of producing 40 proofs per minute from the same galley. Another style is provided with an inking mechanism, a rubber-covered impression cylinder, and a roll of proving paper, all mounted on a carriage which travels over the top of the bed. Going in one direction the rollers ink the form. On the return the impression is secured, while sufficient paper is drawn from the roll and cut to suitable length. Proof presses are made in various sizes, some large enough for proving full pages. CHAPTER 5.— DETAILED STUDY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST FOR COMPOSITION IN 1896 N 1894 an investigation was started by this bureau (then called the United States Department of Labor) to determine the rela tions of hand and machine methods in a number of industries. The report thereof 1 contained several tables showing production of composition on newspapers. Other tables, prepared from these, are presented in this chapter for comparison with similar tables containing data from the survey for the present productivity study. For con venience of comparison at that time, the data presented in each table in the early report was for 10,000 ems of tpye, and these figures have been converted to show productivity per man-hour for the productive labor and for all employees, time cost for each of the various labor groups engaged in the man-hour output for all employees, and the corresponding labor costs for such portions of the man-hour. Addi tional information, taken from the previous report, is also presented. I HAND METHOD OF PRODUCTION C O M P O SIN G R O O M N O . 1 HPABLE 27 contains data for setting type by hand on a newspaper x in 1895. T able 2 7 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in hand setting of type in news- paper co?nposing room No. 1, 1895 Cost of man-hour production Manminutes worked in producing 10,000 ems Average production per manhour Labor cost per man-hour Productive labor: Compositors_________ 943.2 Ems 636.1 $0.140 Minutes 45.0 $0.105 Nonproductive labor: Provers__________________ _________ Proof readers____ _________ _________ _ C opyholders......................... ................... Supervisory employees................. .......... 10.5 104.8 104.8 94.3 . 167 . 167 . 100 . 167 .5 5.0 5.0 4.5 .001 .014 .008 .012 Occupation Total nonproductive la b o r ................ All employees_____________________ 314.4 1, 257. 6 477.1 Tim e cost Labor cost .144 15.0 .036 .141 60.0 .141 The working-day consisted of 10 hours, and the total time con sumed by 8 workers in setting 171,750 ems of leaded type had ap parently been considered. Compositors, who set the type and in serted the leads, were paid on a piece basis— 22 cents per 1,000 ems. No information was given regarding the size of the type, nor if the work included making up into pages. It is presumed that the duties consisted only of actual setting, correcting, and leading out the type, together with proof reading. All of the nonproductive help were paid on time basis. The prover operated a small hand-power proof press. 1 U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Washington, 1899. 66 Thirteenth Annual Report, 1898. Hand and Machine Labor. 2 vols. 67 PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1896 C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O. 2 Table 28 contains data for setting of agate (53^-point) and non pareil (6 point) type by hand on a newspaper in 1896. The workingday consisted of 9 hours, and the total time consumed by the 43 workers in producing 369,000 ems of type had seemingly been con sidered. All were paid on a time basis. As no other explanations were given, the work presumably consisted of just setting and cor recting the type. T able 2 8 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in hand setting of agate and non pareil type in newspaper composing room No. 2, 1896 ManAverage minutes production worked in per manproducing hour 10,000 ems Occupation Productive labor: Compositors___ _______ N onproductive labor: Supervisory em ployees____________ ____________________ 600.0 All employees________________ _____ 629.2 Ems 1,000. 0 Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost $0.444 Minutes 57.2 .694 2.8 .032 .456 60.0 .456 29.2 953.6 $0.424 C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O . 3 Table 29 contains data for the setting of brevier (8-point) type by hand on a newspaper in 1896. T able 2 9 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in hand setting brevier type in news paper composing room No. 8, 1896 ManAverage minutes worked in production per manproducing hour 10,000 ems Occupation Productive labor: Compositors___________ 916.7 Ems 654.5 Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost $0.166 Minutes 60.0 Labor cost $0.166 The working-day consisted of 10 hours, but only a single worker and presumably just the work of setting and correcting 36,000 ems of type had been considered. He was paid on a time basis. C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O. 4 Table 30 contains data for the setting of brevier (8-point) type by hand on a newspaper in 1896. The working-day consisted of 10 hours, and the total time consumed by the five workers in producing 18,000 ems of type had apparently been considered. All were paid on a time basis. The tabulation evidently covers just the setting and correcting of type. 68 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T able 3 0 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in hand setting of brevier type in newspaper composing room No. ManAverage minutes production worked in per manproducing hour 10,000 ems Occupation Productive labor: Compositors. Nonproductive labor: Supervisory em ployees___ _ _ ___ ______________ _ ___ All employees_______ _ _ 1,066. 7 Ems 562. 5 33.3 1,100. 0 ; 545. 5 1896 Labor cost per man-hoar Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $0. 200 Minutes 58. 2 . 250 1.8 .008 .202 60.0 .202 $0.194 C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O. 5 Table 31 contains data for the setting of minion (7-point) type by hand on a newspaper in 1895. T able 3 1 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in hand setting of minion type in newspaper composing room No. 5, 1895 Occupation ManAverage minutes production worked in per manproducing hour 10,000 ems Ems 666.7 Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour production Time cost Productive labor: Compositors___________ Nonproductive labor: Supervisory em ployees________________________________ 900.0 10.0 .250 All employees______________________ 910.0 .168 1.167 Minutes 59.3 Labor cost 1.165 .003 60.0 The working-day consisted of 10 hours, and the total time consumed by the 4 workers in producing 60,000 ems of type had seemingly been considered. Compositors were paid on a piece basis— 25 cents per 1,000 ems. The supervisor was paid on a time basis. The work presumably was just the setting and correcting of the type. These tables for hand composition show considerable variation in man-hour production for compositors, ranging from 562.5 to 1,000 ems. This variation may be due to differences in the type sizes, in the shop practices, or in the ability of the workmen. Table 26, which shows an exceptionally high production, was for a large news paper in a large city, while the others were for comparatively small establishments. The work was probably more specialized in the former. Table 27 is for leaded type, w^hich means the additional work of inserting the leads. This table also includes proving and proof reading for the process, while the others include supervisory help only. The latter does not appear in Table 29, probably because the solitary worker acted also in that capacity. The difference in man-hour labor costs is due mostly to locality, which ordinarily ac counts for variations in wages. In the previous report the informa tion was not presented for a comparison of these various tables with each other, but for the comparison of each table with another that covered a plant where similar work was performed by the machine method. (See Tables 32 to 36.) PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 69 1896 MACHINE METHOD OF PRODUCTION C O M P O SIN G R O O M N O . 6 T^ABLE 32 contains data for the setting of type with linotypes on A a newspaper in 1895. The working day for linotype operators consisted of eight hours and for those of the other employees of nine hours. The total time consumed by the seven workers of each division in producing 246,400 ems of type had apparently been considered. All were paid on a time basis. No information was given regarding the size of the type. Linotype operators were substituted for hand com positors, except one man, the bankman, who leaded out the matter on the galleys. The tabulation included proving, proof reading, and supervisory help, similar to items for hand setting in Table 27, with which it is comparable. It also contained the vocation of machinistengineer, for keeping the machines in running order and furnishing operating power. This was not necessary under hand setting, but was required for machine production. The provers operated small hand-power proof presses. T able 3 2 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting of type in newspaper composing room No. 6, 1895 Occupation ManAverage minutes production worked in per manproducing hour 10,000 ems Machine operators____________ Bankmen____________________ 136.4 21.9 Total, productive labor___ 158.3 Provers_____________________ _ Proof readers_________________ Supervisory employees----------Machinist-engineers__________ 26.8 43.8 21. 9 Total, nonproductive labor 114.4 Ems 4, 398. Cost of man-hour production Time cost $0.438 .358 Labor cost Minutes 30.0 4.8 I. 219 .025 3, 790. 3 .111 .222 .370 .556 21. 9 All employees_____________ Labor cost per man-hour .011 5.9 9.6 4.8 4.8 .036 .045 .030 2, 200. 2 C O M P O SIN G R O O M NO. 7 Table 33 contains data for the setting of agate (53^-point), non pareil (6-point), and minion (7-point) type on a newspaper in 1896, with linotypes. T able 3 3 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting of agate, non pareil, and minion type in newspaper composing room No. 7, 1896 Occupation Productive labor: Operators------Nonproductive labor: Machinists-------- -----------------Machinists’ helpers_________ Supervisory employees______ Labor cost per man-hour Ems 4,319.6 $0. 615 Minutes 49.7 $0. 509 . 677 .313 .951 2.9 3.0 4.4 .033 .015 .070 138.9 8.2 8.3 12.3 Time cost Labor cost 10.3 Total, nonproductive labor All employees........... ........... Cost of man-hour production ManAverage minutes production worked in per manproducing hour 10,000 ems 3,577.8 .627 .627 70 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING The working-day consisted of 8 hours, and the total time consumed by the 42 linotype operators and the 7 other workers who were em ployed at nonproductive labor in producing 6,260,750 ems of type had evidently been considered. All were paid on a time basis, but the operators received different rates, varying from $27 to $33 per week. Amounts paid them have been adjusted according to the time worked at each rate, and the man-hour labor cost shown for operators is average rate on such basis. The same procedure has been followed with others, where varying rates existed in any group. An additional item of 5 cents appeared in the original table for rented steam power, the actual cost for production of the 10,000 ems. This item has not been included in Table 33, as it does not involve workers in the establishment. Table 33 is comparable with Table 28. C O M P O SIN G R O O M N O. 8 Table 34 contains data for setting agate (5j^-point), nonpareil (6-point), and minion (7-point) type on a newspaper, in 1896, with linotypes. The working-day consisted of 8 hours, and the total time consumed by the 26 linotype operators and the 6 other workers in producing 5,016,816 ems of type had seemingly been considered. All were paid on a time basis. The actual cost of 0.75 cent for rented power has not been included in the table, which is comparable with Table 29. T able 3 4 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting of agate, non pareil, and minion type in newspaper composing room No. 8, 1896 Occupation Labor cost per man-hour Ems 3, 584. 2 $0. 667 Minutes 49.8 $0. 553 .677 .313 .938 3. 4 3.4 3.4 .038 .018 .053 Productive labor: Operators............ .......... 167.4 Nonproductive labor: M achinists.... .............................. ......... . Machinists’ helpers_____ ____ ________ Supervisory em ployees.................. ........ 11. 4 11.5 11.4 Total, nonproductive la b o r .,........... . All em ployees.................................. Cost of man-hour production ManAverage minutes worked in production per manproducing hour 10,000 ems 34.3 201.7 2, 974. 7 Time cost Labor cost .642 10.2 | . 109 .662 60.0 .662 C O M P O SIN G R O O M N O. 9 Table 35 contains data for setting of agate (53^-point), nonpareil (6-point), and minion (7-point) type on a newspaper in 1896? with linotypes. 71 PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1896 T able 3 5 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting o f agate, non pareil, and minion type in newspaper composing room No. 9, 1896 ManAverage minutes worked in production per manproducing hour 10,000 ems Occupation Productive labor: Operators_______ ____ Nonproductive labor: Machinists___________________________ Machinists’ helpers___________________ Supervisory employees_______________ 136.9 Ems 4, 382. 8 15.8 7.9 15.8 Total, nonproductive labor_________ 39.5 All employees______________________ 176.4 3,401. 4 Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost $0.625 Minutes 46.6 $0. 485 .729 .313 .990 5.4 2.7 5.4 .065 .014 .089 .750 13.4 .168 .653 60.0 .653 The working-day consisted of eight hours, and the total time con sumed by the 17 linotype operators and the 5 nonproductive laborers in producing 3,651,300 ems of type had evidently been considered. All were paid on a time basis. Actual cost of 10 cents for rented power has not been included in Table 35. The table is comparable with Table 30. C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O. 10 Table 36 contains data for setting of agate (53^-point), nonpareil (6-point), and minion (7-point) type on a newspaper, in 1895, with lino types. The working-day consisted of eight hours, and the total time consumed by the 11 linotype operators and the 2 other employees in producing 548,200 ems of type had apparently been considered. Oper ators were paid on a piece basis— 14 cents per 1,000 ems. The others were paid on a time basis. In the table in the previous report from which Table 36 was compiled there was included in the time worked in the setting of 10,000 ems 4.4 hours each for 1 engineer, at $3 per 10-hour day, and 1 fireman, at $2 per 10-hour day, but these items have not been included in Table 36, in order to keep the tables uniform. The table is especially comparable with Table 31, but as the type sizes are similar and the personnel proportionally the same as those in Tables 33, 34, and 35, it is also comparable with them and their analogous tables for hand composition. T a b l e 3 6 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting of agate, non pareil, and minion type in neswpaper composing room No. 10, 1895 Occupation Productive labor: Operators..................... Nonproductive labor: Machinists___________________________ Supervisory employees________ ______ Average production per manhour Labor cost per man-hour 132.4 Ems 4, 531. 7 $0. 634 Minutes 53.0 $0. 560 .515 .770 3.5 3.5 .030 .045 8.8 8.8 Total, nonproductive labor_________ 17.6 A11 employees______________________ 150.0 Cost of man-hour production Manminutes worked in producing 10,000 ems 4,000.0 Tim e cost Labor cost .642 7.0 .075 .635 60.0 .635 72 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING The man-hour production by the machine method also shows a variation for the productive workers— the operators— though propor tionally less than was apparent for the hand compositors, ranging from 3,584.2 to 4,531.7 ems. The variations are probably due more to differences in shop practices or conditions than to differences in the skill of the operators. AVERAGE M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION AND LABOR COST BY HAND AND BY MACHINE METHODS IN 1896 \ D E C ID E D increase in production is, however, noticeable for the machine method when the five tables for it are compared with the five tables for the hand method, as shown in Table 37. Allow ance must be made in such comparison for the difference in size of type (which is shown in Tables 28 to 36). Man-hour production, in each establishment, is shown for the productive labor alone, and also for all employees, which includes time for the nonproductive labor that was necessary in the process. Labor cost per man-hour both for productive labor and for all employees, is also shown. The averages are based on total man-hours, total production, and total labor cost for the five establishments in each group. T able 3 7 . — Comparison of man-hour production and labor cost for 10 newspaper composing rooms, 1895 and 1896 Man-hour production for— Man-hour labor cost for— Method of production and establishment Productive labor All Productive All employees labor employees Hand method: No. 1________ ____ _______________ _______ _______ No. 2_______________________________ _____ _______ N o. 3 ________ _______ ________ _______ __________ N o. 4________ ______ _____________________________ No. 5_______________ _____________________________ Ems 636.1 1, 000. 0 654. 5 562. 5 666.7 Ems 477.1 953.6 Average.______ _____ _________ ______ __________ Machine method: No. 6__________ _______ _____ ___________ ____ _ No. 7.......... ............................................. ......................... N o. 8__________________ _____ ______ _____________ N o. 9........................ ......... ........... ................. ............. . N o. 10.............. ................... ........... ................................. Average_________ __________ _____________ _____ _ Increase for machine method over hand m ethod............ $0.141 .456 545.5 659.3 $0.140 .444 .166 .200 .167 677.8 615.9 .207 .215 3, 790.3 4,319.6 3, 584. 2 4,382.8 4, 531. 7 2, 200. 2 3, 577.8 2,974. 7 3,401.4 4,000.0 .420 .615 .667 .625 .634 .366 .627 .662 .653 .635 4,161. 9 Per cent 511.1 3,097.9 Per cent 403.0 .590 Per cent 185.2 .567 Per cent 163.7 .202 .168 The weighted averages reveal that over six times as much type was turned out per man-hour by the productive labor in the five establish ments using the machine method as in the five establishments using the hand method. It must, however, be considered that a certain amount of supervision was required in both methods and that the machine method necessitated additional help, so that a comparison between the man-hour production for all employees would be more indicative than that for the productive labor only. The averages for all employees reduces the increase, but still shows more than five times the amount of type per man-hour produced by the machine method than by the hand method. PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1896 73 The labor cost per man-hour varies considerably for the two methods, although the periods involved were all within two years, 1895 and 1896. This is partly due to the data for the machine method covering establishments in larger cities, where higher wages and shorter working shifts prevailed. The averages show that where the machine method was employed, the labor cost per man-hour for productive labor was 185 per cent more than the cost in establish ments using the hand method, and for all employees was nearly 164 per cent more. These data for hand composition and early machine composition assume new importance for comparison with present day composition, as revealed by the survey just finished, data for which are presented in chapter 6. 9819°— 29--- 6 CHAPTER 6.— DETAILED STUDY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST FOR COMPOSITION IN 1916 AND 1926 U R IN G the latter part of 1926 an investigation was com menced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to ascertain if any changes had taken place in labor productivity of news paper composing rooms, as well as of other departments. Establish ments were visited and data were secured from production records and pay rolls of the firms. Personal inspections were made of the different operations and the conditions under which they were performed. In addition, explanations were obtained from super visory forces of special conditions, peculiar to each establishment, which might affect production. M any of these conditions which would prove very interesting, unfortunately can not be described without disclosing the identity of the establishment. The survey was directed toward securing data on actual accomplish ments in regular daily work, not on what could be done under the most favorable circumstances. Figures were obtained for periods of one m onth’s duration in each establishment, day by day, to insure a fair and impartial average. As each place used a special system of its own for records, much detail work was necessary in securing the information, so that the facts could be presented in a uniform manner for all of the establishments. Considerable tabulation and compila tion were required later to reduce the data to a man-hour basis. The resulting data for the composing rooms are presented in Tables 38 to 48. The composing rooms investigated in this survey have been given numbers following those given the composing rooms included in the previous survey, with the exception of two which were also investigated in the early survey and so are given the same numbers, thus facilitating comparisons for the same establishments during different periods. Information relating to other departments is shown in the chapters relating to such departments. D HAND METHOD OF PRODUCTION C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O . 11 Hand composition, with the use of foundry type, is almost a thing of the past on newspapers in cities of any size; but one establishment was found where it was still used. Table 38 contains data for this establishment, which issues a weekly publication: T 3 8 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in hand setting of 10-point type (with make-up and subsequent distribution) in newspaper composing room No. 11, 1926 able Occupation Man-hours Average Labor cost worked in production per manproducing per manhour hour 292,260 ems Productive labor: Compositors___________ N onproductive labor: Supervisory em ployees _ _________________ 1,129. 5 All employees............................... ........ 1, 345. 5 74 Ems 258.8 216.0 217.2 Cost of man-hour pro duction Tim e cost Labor cost $0.270 Minutes 50.4 $0.227 .602 9.6 .096 .323 60.0 .323 PRODUCTIVITY 0$ COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 1926 *75 Table 88 CpVerS the eritire typographical work on the publication. The workers have beeu divided into productive labOr-—the hand eOnipOiitOr§j who set the type aild corrected the errors* and also distributed the used material after the printing was finished— and nonproductive labor j those who read the proofs, made up the pages, and supervised the other work. Accurate figures could not be obtained for the setting of type alone, for no record was kept of the time devoted to any single operation. As the publication was issued weekly, it con sisted of one edition only. Consequently, the number of pages made up corresponded with the number of pages in the issues, requiring less work on make-up than is customary on ordinary daily newspapers. Both production and labor costs have been computed on the same basis as in the previous chapter, to show productivity per man-hour for productive labor alone and for all employees, and the time cost and labor cost for each of the different groups engaged in the man-hour output for all employees. The few employees, who all worked 9 hours per day, daywork, were paid on a time basis, and did not have any overtime. Wages for compositors ranged from $14 to $17 per week, an unusually low rate compared with the ordinary wages of the period for the trade— $30 to $65 per week. MACHINE METHOD OF PRODUCTION The tabulations for the next four composing rooms also cover the entire typographical work on each publication, but differ from the preceding one, as part of the type was set by machine and part of it by hand. Machine operators have, therefore, been grouped with hand compositors as productive labor and, while man-hour production is shown for the operators alone where possible, and also for total productive labor, the computations have been made on the basis of man-hours for all employees. C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O . 12 Table 39 contains data for setting 25,116,360 ems of type with line-casting machines and 2,925,676 ems by hand, on a newspaper in 1926, including proof reading and make-up. T 39.-— Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting of 5}/2, 6, and 8 point type, and hand setting of larger type reduced to 6-point measure, in news paper composing room No. 12, 1926 able Occupation Man-hours Average worked in Labor cost producing production per manpGr iiieii* hour 28,042,036 hour ems Machine operators_______________________ Hand compositors________________________ 6, 586. 8 5,846.0 Ems 3,813.2 500.5 Total productive labor______________ 12,432. 8 2, 255. 5 Machinists............... ........................................ Proof readers____________ ______________ Laborers.__ _____ ____ __________________ Supervisory employees__________________ 1, 304. 8 2,193.0 415.0 721.0 Total, nonproductive labor_________ 4, 633. 8 All employees_________ ________ ___ 17,066. 5 1, 43.1 Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost $1.448 1. 255 Minutes 23.2 20.5 $0.559 .430 1. 358 43.7 .989 1.298 1.454 .449 1. 846 4. 6 7.7 1.5 2.5 .099 . 18.7 .011 .078 1.381 16.3 .375 1.364 60.0 1.364 76 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING The newspaper w^as published mornings, Sundays included, but while most of the work in the composing room was performed at night, part of it was handled by a day shift, whose aggregate hours were approximately one-fifth of the whole. Seven hours constituted a net working shift, day or night, except for one day laborer in the machine department who tended the remelting of the metal and worked an 8-hour shift. The group classed as machine operators consisted of linotype and intertype operators. The type produced on the machines was principally of three sizes, 8-point for the majority of the news text, 53^-point for some news and for the classified advertising, and 6-point for stock and market quotations. Other sizes, required for display advertisements or for headings, were also produced within the limitations of the machines. To simplify compilation the em quantities of the various kinds have been added, as if all were of the same size. Each operator secured his copy from the copy cutter’s desk and carried his completed takes to the bank, and also set his own corrections. There was no record of actual operating time on the machines, nor of delays due to machine trouble, so the production figures are based on full working time for the operators. The group classed as hand compositors included make-up men and apprentices, as well as the regular hand compositors who set type and operated the Ludlow typographs, since intermingling of duties did not permit separation. The production listed for this group is not the actual number of ems set of the different sizes, but has been computed by a method commonly used. The space occupied by the varied-size, large type in display ads and in heads of articles is measured and computation made of the number of ems of 6-point type required to fill it. The result is used to indicate the number of ems set. Practically all daily newspapers of* the present period publish several editions of each daily issue, to supply important news as early as possible and to meet competition, or to furnish the surrounding sections or communities with the latest news possible according to train service or other transportation facilities. The number of these editions naturally affects the work of the compositors, especially the make-up men, in proportion to the number of pages changed. In this case three separate editions were turned out daily, and the total number of pages made up during the period was double the number of pages contained in the final editions of the daily issues. The group classed as machinists consisted of linotype machinists, who also supervised the operation of the monotypes as well as slug or rule casters in the establishment. The group classed as laborers included the linotype laborers, mentioned previously, and provers, who used both automatic and hand proof presses. The other two groups covered only the vocations listed in their titles, proof readers and supervisors. The total man-hours for nonproductive labor were considerably less than those for productive labor, being only 27.2 per cent as against 72.8 per cent of the total for all employees. In this table, as well as in other tables for this survey, the labor cost per man-hour and the actual labor cost for producing a specified number of ems naturally show a decided increase when compared with figures in the previous survey, due to the constant increase in daily or weekly rates of wages and the shortening of daily or weekly working hours during the PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 1926 77 interim. This is a general feature affecting practically all places, though the changes have not been uniform in all localities, and differences consequently exist according to location of the plant. There are, however, also special circumstances which influence conditions in individual plants, such as the proportionate amount of overtime and the proportionate amount of day work or night work. The overtime rate is usually time and one-half, while the rate for night work is ordinarily 50 cents to $1 more per shift than for day work. In this composing room 2.8 per cent of the total man-hours worked were overtime, all belonging to the night shift, 75.7 per cent were night work inside of regular hours, and 21.5 per cent were day work. Daily wages for ordinary machine operators, hand compositors, machinists, and proof readers were the same, but the actual labor cost per man-hour differed for the groups. It was comparatively low for hand compositors, due to a proportionately large number of day work ers and the inclusion of several apprentices, who received lower rates of pay. Machinists also show a low average on account of a large percentage of day workers, while the comparatively high rate for proof readers was caused by relatively fewer day workers. The total number of employees in each group, the actual daily rates of wages for the different positions, and a list of the equipment, can not be pub lished without practically revealing the indentity of the establishment. C O M P O SIN G R O O M N O. 8 IN 1916 Tables 40 and 41 contain data for setting partly on linotypes, intertypes, and monotypes, and partly by hand 46,702,017 ems of 53^5, 6, and 7 point type on a newspaper in 1916. The establishment is the one previously listed as No. 8, data for which are given in Table 34. For that reason two tables have been compiled for this establishment, one conforming to the classification in Table 34, and including only part of the personnel, while the other relates to full production and all employees in the composing room. T 4 0 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting of 5}/%, 6, and 7 point type for news composition, in newspaper composing room No. 8, 1916 able Occupation Man-hours Average worked in production Labor cost producing per manper infill" hour 29,016,017 hour ems Productive labor: Operators______ ______ _ 8,712.3 Nonproductive labor: Machinists ______ _ Machinists’ helpers._ ________ ______ _ Supervisory employees ______________ 869.6 730.0 612.5 Total, nonproductive labor_________ 2, 212.0 All employees_________ ___________ 10,924.3 ! Ems 3, 330. 5 2, 656.1 Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $0. 698 Minutes 47.9 $0.557 .818 .297 .950 4.8 4.0 3.4 .065 .020 .053 .682 12.1 . 138 .695 60.0 .695 The newspaper was published mornings, Sundays included. M ost of the composing-room work was performed at night but approxi mately 4.5 per cent of the total time worked was outside night-shift hours, not including the overtime of night-shift workers. Seven and one-half hours, exclusive of the lunch period, constituted a regular shift for night work. 78 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING Only news bperaiors hare beeii considered for productive labor in Table 40, which reveals a considerably smaller output pel* man-hour than liable 34 shows for the same establishment during the earlier period, both for these and for all employees. As the only information available for the 1896 period consisted of the figures given in the tables, the reason for the decrease can not be determined absolutely. It was claimed that in 1916 the bulk of the copy for the operators was furnished during the last few hours before publication, necessitating a proportionately large number of machines to set it up, while during the early part of each shift a smaller number of machines could have handled the copy supplied then. The average production was consequently smaller than if the supply of copy had been distributed evenly. For the different groups of nonproductive labor the pro portionate amounts of the time and labor cost of man-hour production for each have been computed in the same manner as in Table 34. The group of machinists shows an increase in time cost of over 41 per cent in 1916, indicating that a proportionately larger force of these were employed, which is also reflected in an 18 per cent increase for their helpers. The man-hour labor cost for the machinists also advanced more than that for the other groups, showing an increase of 21 per cent, while the increase for all groups was only 5 per cent. T able 4 1 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting on linotypesy intertypes, and monotypes of 5 ^ , 6, and 7 point type, and hand setting of larger type reduced to 6-point basis, in newspaper composing room No. 8, 1916 Occupation Linotype operators................................ ......... M onotype keyboard operators____________ Hand compositors__ ____ ________________ Total productive labor_____________ Linotype machinists....... ........ .......... ........... M onotype machinists.......... .......................... Machinists’ helpers..... ........ ............... .......... Proof readers..................................................... Make-ups............................................ ............. Laborers_________ __________ ____________ Supervisory employees............... .................. Man-hours Average w orked in production producing per man46,702,017 hour ems 9, 959. 3 583.0 7,434. 5 17, 976. 8 Ems i 3,330. 5 2, 597. 9 993.8 431.0 834.0 4, 650. 8 4,091.3 8, 981. 5 2, 341. 8 Total, nonproductive labor...... .......... 22, 324. 0 All employees........................................ 40, 300.8 1,158.8 Labor cost per manhour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost $0. 707 .766 .774 Minutes 14.8 .9 11.1 $0.175 .011 .143 .737 26.8 .329 .818 .715 .297 .676 .747 .218 .950 1.5 .6 1.2 6.9 6.1 13.4 3.5 .020 .008 .005 .078 .076 .049 .055 .526 33.2 .291 .620 60.0 .620 1 News composition only. In Table 41 the entire production of type and all of the employees in the composing room have been considered. The figures are of especial interest for comparison with those in Table 42, which covers the same establishment 10 years later. The group classed as linotype operators consisted of linotype and intertype operators. The line-casting machines were what are now considered early models, mostly with single fixed magazines (though some of the news machines were provided with three and some of the ad machines with four magazines each), and did not present a wide range of type varieties. Twelve per cent of the machines were PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 1926 79 equipped with M ohr lino-saws. The metal pots were heated by gas and the ingots wrere fed into them by hand. Eight or 10 point type was measured on a 6-point basis, while smaller type was meas ured on its own basis. Tabular matter was calculated. Each operator secured his copy from the copy cutter and delivered his galleys to the bank, and also set his own corrections. Claims had been made that the average production on line-casting machines during this earlier period had been 4,000 to 4,300 ems per man-hour, ranging from 3,400 to 5,600 ems according to the individual skill of the operator. This was probably based on productive time alone, as measured by clocks on machines, which gave line production and eliminated time lost through machine difficulties. Figures furnished for this tabulation reveal, however, that the average output per man-hour for news composition was only 3,330.5 ems, based on the total hours for all of the operators, as there was no record of lost time or other delays. Hours and wages were obtained for the monotype keyboard opera tors, but the actual production for them could not be separated from the amount of type set by the hand compositors, so the total output of the two groups was treated as a whole. The group of hand com positors consisted only of the regular ad compositors, who set type for advertisements, headings, etc. The material used had been pro duced on the monotype casting machines. The combined hours for the three groups mentioned reduced the average output per manhour to 2,597.9 ems. The groups listed under nonproductive labor were practically similar to those mentioned for previous establishments. Linotype machinists repaired the machines and kept them running properly, each man taking care of 12 or more machines. M onotype machinists supervised the mechanical operation of the keyboards and the running of the casting machines, one man handling 3 keyboards, 4 composi tion casters, and 2 lead and rule casters on each shift. M ost of the display type and headings were cast on these, which were tended directly by laborers, one for each composition caster and one for two lead and rule casters. Machinists’ helpers and proof readers pursued the usual duties of their vocations. Three or four editions were ordinarily published daily, requiring considerable extra work by the make-up men, as the number of pages published in the final daily issues constituted only 52.8 per cent of the total number of pages made up during the period. The group of laborers, also included provers, who operated automatic proof presses, and one man who worked six days a week, daywork, tending the metal furnace and casting the ingots. The total man-hours for nonproductive labor exceeded the total for productive labor, being 55.4 per cent as against 44.6 per cent of the total for all employees. As the publication was a morning paper, the majority of the work was performed in the regular night shift, and practically all of the overtime was for workers on the night shift. A little over 7 per cent of the total hours was overtime, 71 per cent was night work inside of regular hours, and almost 22 per cent was in other regular shifts. Regular wages were paid to linotype operators, monotype operators, hand compositors, proof readers, and make-up men, but the actual labor costs per man-hour for these groups varied according to the PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING 80 relative amount of nightwork, daywork, and overtime for each group. Linotype and monotype machinists received a slightly higher rate, but the actual man-hour costs for these were also affected by the relative amounts of night shifts, day shifts, and overtime worked. Machinists’ helpers and laborers received comparatively low wxages, which were naturally reflected in the man-hour labor costs, though the latter worked relatively more overtime than any other group. C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O . 8 IN 1926 Table 42 contains data for setting 57,615,783 ems of news composi tion and 56,408,967 ems of advertising composition, on machines or by hand, on a newspaper in 1926, including proof reading and make up. The establishment is the one for which data are given for earlier periods in Tables 34, 40, and 41. T 4 2 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting on linotypes, intertypes, and monotypes of 5 % , 6, and 7 point type, and hand setting of larger type reduced to 6-point basis, in newspaper composing room No. 8, 1926 able Occupation Man-hours Average Labor cost worked in production per manproducing per manhour 114,024,750 hour ems Machine operators............... ...................... . Hand compositors........................................ . 21, 039. 5 13, 831. 8 Total productive labor ____________ 34, 871. 3 Machinists__ ____ ________ _____ Machinists’ helpers______ _____ ____ ____ _ Proof readers_____________________________ M ake-ups........ ............ ................................. Laborers________________________ _____ Porters.................................... .......................... Supervisory employees. _______ _____ ___ 1, 906. 0 1, 267. 5 9, 529. 0 6, 921. 0 11, 082. 5 2, 010. 0 2, 327. 0 Total, nonproductive labor_________ 35, 043. 0 All employees........ ............................. . 69, 914. 3 Ems i 3, 684. 8 3, 269. 9 1, 630. 9 Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $1.440 1.433 Minutes 18.1 11.9 $0.433 .285 1.437 29.9 .717 1.447 1.491 1.445 1.421 . 543 .263 1.867 1. 6 1.1 8. 2 5.9 9. 5 1. 7 2.0 . 039 . 009 .197 . 141 . 086 .008 .062 1.081 30. L ,. 542 1. 258 60.0 1.258 1 News composition only. In 1926 conditions in this establishment were changed somewhat from those existing during the 1916 period, mainly due to the greater number of pages published in the daily issue, which had increased nearly 115 per cent. This had necessitated the installation of more equipment and the employment of additional labor. The group divi sion of the workers differed slightly from that of the earlier period, so that in this table separation could not be made of linotype oper ators and monotype operators, w^ho were classed together as machine operators, nor of linotype machinists and monotype machinists, who were classed together as machinists. A new group, porters, had been added, as these constituted a direct part of the composing-room force during 1926, while in 1916 cleaning of the floors and around the machines was performed by the regular building porters. The battery of line-casting machines— linotypes and intertypes— had been enlarged 50 per cent. The majority of the machines in use during the earlier period had been replaced by more modern styles, which permitted a wider range of type sizes without loss of PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 1926 81 time through changing of magazines. While gas fuel was still used for heating the metal pots, automatic metal feeders had been installed, eliminating the frequent dropping of small ingots into the metal pots. The proportion of machines equipped with M ohr lino-saws had been increased to 18 per cent. There had also been a 33 per cent increase in the number of monotype keyboards. Ludlow typographs had been installed for the production of complete lines of larger type. These were operated by hand compositors, three operators for two machines on the regular night shift, and one operator for each machine, as required, during the remainder of the shift. Type was measured in the same manner during both periods and the shojf practices were similar. Based on the total man-hours for machine operators, the machine production of news composition was 3,684.8 ems per man-hour, an increase of 10.6 per cent over the man-hour production in 1916. The fact that in the 1926 period monotype keyboard operators could not be separated from line-casting machine operators may have had a slight effect on this increase, as the former may have had a somewhat higher production. Separation could not be made in either period of advertising composition set on machines from that set by hand. Improvements in machines permitted a much larger proportion of advertising matter to be set on machines during the 1926 period, resulting in an increas of 52.9 per cent in the man-hour production of total advertising composition. While the output of news composi tion had advanced only 10.6 per cent, this larger increase for adver tising composition brought the total man-hour production for the combined productive labor down to 3,269.9 ems, or an increase of 25.9 per cent over the 1916 man-hour production for the group. Proportionally fewer hours appear for the nonproductive labor, raising the average man-hour production for all employees to 1,630.9 ems as against 1,158.8 ems in the 1916 period, or an increase of 40.7 per cent. While the productive labor showed an increase of 94 per cent in man-hours in the same length of time, the percentage increase was only 33.8 for machinists, 52 for machinists’ helpers, 69.2 for make ups, and 23.4 for laborers, though inclusion of the porters in the latter group would raise the percentage to 45.8. The proof readers alone showed as high an increase in man-hours as that for the group— 105 per cent— while the supervisory force remained practically the same as during 1916. Consequently, the number of man-hours for nonpro ductive labor was only slightly larger than that for productive labor. Installation of additional monotype casting machines had increased the number of these 83.3 per cent, but without enlargement of personnel, as the handling of the extra equipment was added to the previous duties of the regular machinists and laborers in that division. Application of automatic metal feeders to some of the machines had reduced the individual work somewhat. A new, improved style of ingot metal furnace also permitted the casting of sufficient large ingots to supply the additional line-casting and monotype casting machines by one man working 6 days a week, the same length of time having formerly been required to supply the machines of that period. Improved automatic proof presses had been provided, increasing the number of proofs taken in a given time, and additional trimming machines facilitated the work of the hand compositors. 82 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING The number of editions had been increased to four or five, sometimes ranging as high as seven. The proportion of additional pages made up had increased to 51.8 per cent of the total, while the pages published in the final editions of the daily issues represented only 48.2 per cent. The proportion of overtime had been lowered to 4.2 per cent of the total hours, and night work inside of regular hours to 64.2 per cent, but hours in other regular shifts had increased to 31.8 per cent of the total. Like the 1916 period, variations existed in the actual labor cost per man-hour for the groups receiving similar daily wages for reg ular work, according to the proportion of night work or daywork and the relative amount of overtime for each group. The man-hour labor costs shown for the different groups were practically double the amounts for the 1916 period, due to the general rise in daily wages for the district in which the establishment was located, though the reductions in proportionate night work and in overtime had lowered the average rates slightly. TR E N D OF M A C H IN E O U TPU T IN C O M P O SIN G R O O M N O. 8, F R O M 1896 T O 1926 The man-hour output of news operators, as stated previously, was based on their total working time. This included more or less wait ing time and time lost through machine trouble. As machine opera tors on news composition constitute the most important group of workers in the newspaper plant, Table 43 has been prepared to facilitate comparison of the average man-hour production (on basis of total working time) and average actual labor cost per man-hour for machine operators on news composition in this establishment during selected periods in 1896, 1916, and 1926. T 4 3 . — Man-hour production and labor costs for machine operators 1 on neivs composition in newspaper composing room No. 8, 1896, 1916, and 1926 able Average man-hour production Year Number of ems Per cent of increase, compared with— 3, 584. 2 3, 330. 5 3,684. 8 Per cent of increase, compared with— Amount 1896 1896............................... ................................. 1916............................................... ............... 1926_............................................................... Man-hour labor cost *7.1 2.8 1896 1916 10.6 $0. 667 .698 1.440 4.8 115.9 1916 106.1 1 Included linotype operators in 1896, linotype and intertype operators in 1916, and linotype, intertype, and monotype keyboard operators in 1926. 2 Decrease. The man-hour output for news operators in 1916 was 7.1 per cent smaller than in 1896, due mostly to the necessity of having a large force on hand to be ready for emergencies and to handle late, im portant news promptly, permitting the forms to be held open later than would otherwise be possible. B y 1926 improved machines had been installed, and the man-hour production had passed the 1896 output and was 10.6 per cent over the 1916 amount. The man-hour labor cost for 1916 shown in this table varies slightly from that in Table 41, as that table included ad operators, whose PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 83 1926 hourly earnings were somewiiat higher. The labor cost per manhour for new^s operators increased only 4.8 per cent between 1896 and 1916, but advanced 106 per cent during the following 10 years, making a total increase between 1896 and 1926 of 116 per cent. A VE R AG E PR O D U C T IO N ON LIN E-C A STIN G M A C H IN E S IN C O M P O SIN G R O O M N O . 8, IN 1926 Quite a difference existed in 1926 in the man-hour output for the total time worked, or the hours for which the operators were paid, and the actual man-hour production registered on the machines by clocks, based on the operating, or productive, time for the operators. Figures were obtained of individual average production during a 5-week period in 1926, from special weekly records of machine pro duction, and weekly averages for the different groups of news opera tors based on these records are presented in Table 44: T able 4 4 .— Average man-hour 'production for news operators on line-casting ma chines in newspaper composing room No. 8 during five weeks in 1926 Average production per man-hour Nighlt force Period D ay force Regulars First week _____________________________________________________ Second week __ ___ _ __________________________________________ Third w e e k _________ __________ _________ ___________ ____________ Fourth w e e k ____ ____ ______ ________________ _______ ___________ Fifth week____________________________ _ _______ ________________ Total 5 weeks__________________________________ ____ _______ Substitutes Ems 4,850 5, 012 4, 998 4, 713 5,054 Ems 4,852 4,905 4, 877 5,077 4, 874 Ems 4, 792 4,706 4, 878 4, 944 4, 963 4, 925 4, 917 4, 856 The comparison is between day workers and night workers, the latter being composed of “ regulars/’ who held steady positions, and “ substitutes,” who worked when the regular hands laid off or as extra help when more hands were needed. No attempt has been made to compute the total average for each week nor a grand average for the entire period, as all figures for the different groups could not be weighted, and consequently the result would not be accurate. Each operator set his own corrections, which were not included in the averages, so the figures shown represent the corrected composition only. On one Saturday night during the period 25 out of 61 operators averaged over 5,000 ems per hour, 30 averaged over 4,500 ems, and the others less than 4,500 but more than 4,000 ems per hour. The highest average production of straight news matter for an individual operator during one week was 6,956 ems per hour. C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O . 13 Table 45 contains data for setting 61,449,945 ems of 5J^, 6, 7, and 8 point type, partly on linotypes, intertypes, and monotypes and partly by hand (including proof reading and make-up), on a news paper in 1926. 84 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T able 4 5 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting on linotypes, intertypes, and monotypes of 5}/%, 6, 7, and 8 point type, and hand setting of larger type reduced to 6-point basis, in newspaper composing room No. 13, 1926 Man-hours Average worked in Labor cost producing production per manper manhour 61,449,945 hour ems Occupation Ems 26, 062. 8 Total, productive labor______ L in o tvn e machinists ! Linotype machinists’ helpers........................ M onotype m ach in ists___ ______________ M onotype machinists’ h elp ers ___________ Proof readers.Make-ups__________ _____ ___________ ___ Laborers ' Supervisory employees__ __ _____ Total, nonproductive labor All employees...... ..................... $1.438 1. 377 1.417 15, 844. 7 1, 089. 0 9,129. 2 Linotype operators____ _______ M onotype keyboard operators _________ Hand nnrrmnsitnrs ! 2, 357. 7 1,107. 5 210.0 210.5 699.5 4,953. 5 2,106. 3 3,190. 0 1,978.3 14, 455. 7 40, 518. 5 1, 5id. (j Cost of man-hour production Time cost Minutes 23.5 1.6 13.5 Labor cost $0. 562 .037 .319 1.428 38.6 .919 1.483 . 444 1.446 .604 1.437 1. 520 . 503 1.590 1. 6 .041 .3 .3 1.0 7. 3 3.1 4. 7 2.9 .002 .008 .010 . 176 .079 .040 .078 1. 213 21.4 .433 1.351 60. Q 1.351 This publication differed from the preceding ones in that, while it also was published mornings, including Sundays, the work was per formed in an establishment where an evening newspaper was also prepared. For that reason practically all composing-room work connected with it was done during the regular night-shift hours, only an insignificant number of men being employed for it during the day. The regular working shift consisted of seven and one-half hours net. The body of the publication was 7-point type set on 8-point slugs, while 53^-point type was used for the classified advertising and, to gether with 6-point type, scattered through the text. Eight-point type was also used. Market quotations and most of the advertising were produced on monot 3rpes. Some of the larger type used for headings or display advertising was set on display styles of line-cast ing machines, but type larger than the capacity of these was produced by hand compositors on Ludlow typographs. All of the casting machines were equipped with electrically heated metal pots. All of the line-casting machines and part of the monotype casting machines were provided with automatic metal feeders. Nineteen per cent of the line-casting machines were equipped with M ohr lino-saws, eliminating considerable slug trimming by hand compositors on the individual power trimmers. Type production was measured in the same way as that heretofore described for other newspapers. Each operator secured his copy from the desk of the copy cutter, dumped his completed takes at the bank, and set his own corrections. The group classed as linotype operators worked on both linotypes and intertypes. Hours and earnings were secured separately for this group, for monotype keyboard operators, and for hand com positors, but the production could not be divided correctly for the three groups, making it necessary to consider it as a whole for the combined productive labor. Each linotype machinist, with the assistance of helpers, tended 12 or more machines. One monotype machinist, assisted by 4 helpers, tended 6 keyboards and 11 casters. Hours and earnings were obtained separately for these helpers, who PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 85 1926 in computations for previous composing rooms were included among laborers. The group classed as proof readers performed the ordi nary functions of that vocation. While there were ordinarily five separate editions published daily, there were proportionally fewer actual changes of pages than on the other morning papers covered. The number of pages carried in the final daily editions was 55.6 per cent of the total number of pages made up during the period, leaving only 44.4 per cent additional make-ups. The group classed as labor ers included one of the two men, working day shifts, tending the metal remelting furnace and casting ingots for the casting machines. These were producing the ingots for both morning and evening publications, and their time and earnings have been apportioned on an even basis, though more metal was consumed during the night shifts than during the day shifts, as one man would be required for each publication if they were conducted separately. Provers, using automatic and hand-power proof presses, were also included. The supervisory group contained comparatively fewer hours than would have been necessary for a single publication, as some of the members also supervised the work on the evening paper, which was prepared in the same composing room. Both working hours and earnings for these individuals have been apportioned between the two publica tions on the basis of total man-hours for each. The total man-hours for nonproductive labor was considerably less than for productive labor— only 35.7 per cent as against 64.3 per cent of the man-hours for all employees. Only 3.78 per cent of the total man-hours for the period were overtime. A slight difference in labor costs per man-hour was again shown, due in this case to small variations within each group of the rates for regular hours, coupled with some overtime. C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O . 14 Table 46 contains data for setting 45,365,075 ems of 5j^, 6, 7, and 8 point type, partly on linotypes, intertypes, and monotypes, and partly by hand (including proof reading and make-up), on a news paper in 1926. T able 4 6 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in machine setting of 5 6 , 7, and 8 point type, and hand setting of larger type reduced to 6-point basis, in newspaper composirig room No. 14, 1926 Man-hours Average worked in production Labor cost producing per manper manhour 45,365,075 hour ems Occupation Ems Linotype operators__ _ ____________ M onotype keyboard operators _ _________ Hand compositors _ ________ 13,698.6 1, 777. 8 8, 908. 4 Total productive la b o r _____________ •24, 384. 8 Linotype machinists._ __ ____________ Linotype machinists’ helpers___ _________ M onotype machinists....... ...... ................ M onotype machinists’ helpers____________ Proof readers____ ____ ______ ______ _____ M ake-ups_____ _____________ _________ Laborers____ ______ _________ _________ Supervisory employees__ ______________ Total, nonproductive labor. _______ 1,210. 5 864. 0 348.0 1,474.5 3, 340. 3 2, 234. 6 3,167. 2 2, 306. 2 14, 945. 3 All employees. __ _ __ ____ 39,330.0 ; 1, 860. 4 1,153. 5 Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost $1.407 1.413 1.471 Minutes 20.9 2.7 13.6 $0.490 .064 .333 1.431 37.2 .887 1.434 .495 1.443 .511 1.482 1.494 .535 1. 534 1.394 1.8 22.8 .433 1.320 60.0 1.320 1.3 .5 2.3 5.1 3.4 4.8 3.5 . 044 .011 . 013 .021 . 126 . 085 .043 .090 86 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING While the composing room covered in this table was the same as that in the preceding survey, and the identical equipment was emplo 37ed, it has been designated in this instance as composing room No. 14, because the product was for an evening paper, published six days a week, and the work was performed by different individuals, partly in the regular 73^-hour day shifts and partly in 7-hour night shifts. As only six issues were prepared weekly, there being no Sun day issue, which ordinarily contains a proportionately larger number of pages, the amount of type required for a given period was far less. The grouping of the workers and the shop conditions were practi cally the same as those described for composing room No. 13, but the number of daily editions was nine instead of five, involving more changes of pages. The number of pages in the final editions for the period was only 30.9 per cent of the total number of pages made up. The production per man-hour was considerably lower than that shown for the morning issue in Table 45, both for productive labor alone and for all employees, partly on account of the many changes of pages involved. The total amount of type produced during the period for the morning paper w^as 35.5 per cent more than that for the evening paper, and with equal conditions the man-hours should presumably show similar relativity. Comparison of the total man-hours in the two tables, however, reveals that those for the productive labor on the morning paper exceeded those on the evening paper by 6.9 per cent, and that the total number of man-hours for all employees was only 3 per cent more on the morning paper than on the evening paper. The man-hours for linotype operators, hand compositors, proof readers, and laborers were from 0.7 to 48.3 per cent more for the morning paper than for the evening paper, but the opposite condition existed for the other groups, with a decrease ranging from 5.7 to 75.7 per cent, and for the total nonproductive labor, for which the decrease came to 3.3 per cent. Contributory causes, aside from the numerous changes in pages, can not be published without disclosing the identity o f the establishment. On the evening paper the proportion that the man-hours for pro ductive labor and for nonproductive labor formed of the total manhours for all employees did not vary greatly from that on the morning paper, being 62 per cent for productive labor and 38 per cent for nonproductive labor. Only 1.5 per cent of the total man-hours were overtime, 62.8 per cent were regular day-shift hours, and 35.7 per cent were regular night-shift hours. The labor costs were, like previous ones, subject to small fluctuations in the rates for similar occupations. C O M P O S IN G R O O M N O. 10 IN 1926 Table 47 contains data for setting 20,024,600 ems of 5, 5J^, 6, 7, and 8 point type by news operators on linotypes on a newspaper in 1926. The composing room was the same as that in Table 36. Man-hour 'production and labor cost in machine setting of 5 , 5 7, and 8 point type by news operators in newspaper composing room No. 10, 1926 T a b l e 4 t l.— Item Total man-hours worked in producing 20,024,600 ems. Average production per man-hour (ems)____________ Labor cost per man-hour_____ _____ _____ _____ ___ 6y Amount 3,713.2 5,392.9 $1.071 PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 87 1926 The newspaper was published mornings, Sundays included, making the work of practically all the news operators fall inside of the regular night shifts, which consisted of 7 hours and 40 minutes each, actual working time. No account was kept of idle time on the machines, so it was necessary to make computations on full time for all operators. As the information permitted further analysis, Table 48 is presented giving additional details for the operators: T 4 8 . — Average 'production and labor cost per man-hour for news operators on linotypes in newspaper composing room No. 10 during two weeks in 1926 able Number of ems produced Total manhours Period 5-point1 7-point First week............... . I. 878. 7 4, 667, 600 4, 557, 900 Second week_________ 1, 834. 5 5,079, 400 4, 553, 600 8-p o in t2 Total, all sizes 688, 500 477, 600 10,110, 600 9, 914, 000 Total __............... 3, 713. 2 9, 747,000 9, 111, 500 1,166,100 20, 024, 600 1Includes 5 and 6 point. Labor cost Average per manhour Total 5, 227.1 $1, 960. 47 5, 511. 4 2,017.16 5, 392. 9 3, 977. 63 Average per manhour $1. 044 1.100 1.071 2 Includes 10-point. The overtime hours aggregated 7.4 per cent of the total man-hours, and the regular day shift hours 3.1 per cent, the remaining 89.5 per cent being for the regular night-shift hours. Record was kept of the different sizes set by each operator, because the rates of pay per thousand ems varied according to size of type— from 17 cents for 5point (including 5Y2 and 6 point), to 22 cents for 8-point and 24 cents for 10-point, the latter being included under 8-point in the table. These rates were for straight news matter alone, and in measuring production the line-age was increased to cover extra rates, such as figures, tabulated matter, mixed faces, etc., so that all production listed was on the basis of straight news composition. For example, the operators who set stock quotations were allowed double the number of actual ems con tained therein. Additional pay was given to operators who worked more than 48 hours per week (including the time allowance of 20 minutes for lunch each shift), to compensate them for idle time dur ing working hours. The hourly rates for such time adjustment varied according to individual production. A special assistant was em ployed to measure the strings for the night operators. He pasted the galley proofs together, measured each size of type, and marked the measure, with earnings for same, on the strings. Proportionate deductions were made from the earnings of the operators for the pay of this assistant. The time adjustments have been added to the com puted earnings for output of the operators and deductions made for the compensation of the assistant, so that the figures listed under labor cost represent actual net earnings of the operators for the specified amounts of production. Each operator obtained his copy from the desk of the copy cutter, carried his product to the bank, set and made his own corrections, and inserted all title lines in his “ takes” regardless of whether the titles were set on his own machine or that of another operator. He also trimmed the slugs when required, so that the material was completed and ready for insertion in the form without further labor. The body 88 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING of the news text was 7-point type. Stock quotations were set in 5 ^ point type on 6-point slugs. Editorials were set in 8-point type on 9-point slugs for the daily issues and on 10-point slugs for the Sunday issues. Five-point type was set on 5^2-point slugs. The machines were of comparatively modern styles, with multiple magazines, and were equipped with electrically heated metal pots and automatic metal feeders. They were operated at a slightly higher speed than customary in composing room No. 14, with an average of 6.5 to 7 lines and a maximum of 7.5 lines per minute. The individual records for the 52 operators showed considerable difference in man-hour production during the period. One of them attained an average of 13,189 ems on straight news matter, and 3 others were credited with over 11,500 ems per hour each, but the latter set stock quotations which, as previously mentioned, were allowed double the actual line-age. Two averaged more than 8,000 ems per man-hour, 1 more than 7,000 ems, 5 more than 6,000 ems, 11 more than 5,000 ems, 10 more than 4,500 ems, and 6 more than 4,000 ems each. Six operators averaged between 3,000 and 4,000 ems each, and 4 others between 2,000 and 3,000 ems each. The last 3, who were learners, fell below the 2,000-em mark. Comparison of the figures in Table 46 with the figures presented in Table 36 shows an increase of 19 per cent in man-hour production from 1895 to 1926. The 1895 survey took place about one year after the publication had moved into a new building, which was con sidered a model for that period. The equipment was presumably new, though accurate data are lacking, but in any event would consist of the earlier styles. The survey in 1926 was made about one year after the plant had again moved into a new, up-to-date building and installed modern, improved equipment. Information as to shop conditions during the earlier survey is not available, but they were presumably about the same as during the later period. The increase in production may be partly due to individual ability of the operators, but is undoubtedly also due to the improved 'housing facilities and equipment. The labor cost per man-hour for linotype operators advanced 68.8 per cent during the same time, attributable to the general increase in wages for the country and especially for that particular locality. AVERAGE M A N -H O U R PR O D U C TIO N AND LABOR COST BY H AN D AND BY M ACH IN E M E T H O D S IN 1916 AND 1926 The man-hour production and labor cost for all of the establish ments included in the 1926 survey are presented in Table 49 in a similar manner as those for the earlier survey are presented in Table 37. As a period in 1916 for one establishment was included, the results for this are also presented. The individual tables for the various establishments should be studied in connection with the table, as the conditions were not similar in any two establishments and even the grouping might vary sufficiently to prevent accurate comparison. Averages for both production and labor costs have been computed from the total man-hours, total production, and total labor costs for all establishments where the data permitted segregation of the figures. PRODUCTIVITY OF COMPOSITION: 1916 AND 1926 89 T able 4 9 . — Man-hour production and labor cost for one newspaper composing room in 1916 and six newspaper composing rooms in 1926 Man-hour production for— Man-hour labor for— cost Establishment, and method of production Productive All All Productive labor employees labor employees 1916 No. 8: Hand ____________________________________________ Machine__ ________________ _____________________ Hand and machine com bin ed ..................................... 1926 No. 11: H and________________ _____ _____ ________ ___ No. 12: H and____________________________________________ Machine ______________ _____________ _____ - __ Hand and machine com bined...... ........................ ...... No. 8: H a n d -- ___________ ________________________ ___ Machine______ _____ ____________________________ Hand and machine com bin ed ..................... ............... No. 13: H and_________________ ____ __ __ _____ ______ . Machine _______________ _____ __________ Hand and machine com bined........................ .............. No. 14: H and. ______________________________ Machine_______________________________________ Hand and machine combined............. ........................ No. 10: Machine _ __ _____ _______________ Average, all establishments in 1926: H and__ ___ _____ ________________________ _______ M achine.- ________ ____ _____ ___ _________ ____ Hand and machine com bined_____________________ 1News Ems Ems $0. 774 .707 .766 .737 $0. 620 217.2 .270 .323 1,643.1 1. 255 1.448 1.358 1.364 1,630. 9 1.433 1.440 1.437 1.258 f \ 1, 516. 6 1,417 1.438 1.377 1.428 1.351 f { 1.471 1.407 1.413 1.431 1.071 / i 3,330.5 2, 597. 9 1,158. 8 258.8 500.5 3, 813. 2 2, 255. 5 i 3, 684. 8 3, 269. 9 2, 357. 8 1, 860.4 1,153. 5 461.3 3, 961.9 2, 623. 9 I, 566.1 i 5, 392. 9 1 1. 480 1.404 1.398 1.320 1. 294 composition only. The weighted averages for the productive labor in 1926 show an output of 461.3 ems per man-hour by the hand compositors, but 3,961.9 ems per man-hour by the machine operators, nearly 760 per cent more. The average man-hour production for all employees was 1,566.1 ems, or a little over 35 ,per cent more than the 1916 production. The average man-hour labor cost for the hand compositors exceeded that for the machine operators in 1926 mostly on account of relatively more overtime work. The average labor cost per man-hour for all employees was $1,294, or more than twice the amount for 1916. 9819°— 29------- 7 CHAPTER 7.—DEVELOPMENT OF STEREOTYPING A STIN G of metal plates in molds made from pages of type, or stereotyping, was invented in England in 1727, but was after wards abandoned until the beginning of the nineteenth century, when it was revived there. About 1812 it was introduced into the United States, where it was gradually adopted for bookwork. It did not prove practical for newspaper use until after the invention in France in 1829 of the papier-mache mold, which provided a flexible mold that permitted casting of curved printing plates. The new method was introduced in this country in 1850, and the first curved plate for newspaper use was produced in 1854. After further experi ments papier-mache molding was adopted in 1861 by several large newspapers, revolutionizing their mechanical production. The solid, semicylindrical plates cast in the flexible molds, when clamped on the presses instead of type forms, permitted printing at higher speed, and the production of several casts from a single mold made possible the operation of several presses simultaneosly on the same publication. The use of stereotype plates grew rapidly, resulting in the addition of stereotyping departments to the newspaper plants. For the limited number of pages per issue published at the time only a few hands were required for the work, but as the size of the publication grewx, there developed two distinct divisions of such workers on the larger news papers— the molding division, which prepared the flong and molded the matrices, and the foundry division, which cast the plates. Flong preparation was later dispensed with in a number of modern establish ments, but as it is still carried on in many stereotyping rooms its development is here described, as well as the development of matrix molding and of plate casting. C FLONG PREPARATIO N W ET FLON G jT'OR many years each stereotyping department prepared its own matrix material, ordinarily called flong. It was necessary first to manufacture the special paste required, principally from starch, flour, and dextrin, but with varying proportions and additions according to the individual secret formula of each head stereotyper, who ordinarily mixed and cooked it himself. A sheet of heavy, un sized paper, similar to blotting paper, about 20 by 24 inches in size, was covered with a thin layer of the paste. A sheet of rice tissue paper was placed over it and smoothed down with a roller, this opera tion being repeated with two or three more sheets of tissue paper. Sometimes one or two sheets of thin blotting paper were added before the tissue paper was applied. Ordinarily two men worked together in preparing the flong. A sufficient quantity was made for the next day's requirements at least, and it was left to season in a moist place. It could not be prepared too far in advance, because of a tendency to sour and spoil. About five hours were required to make 100 flong, though this time was not always taken into consideration, as the work was ordinarily performed during waiting hours before the daily rush period commenced. Tissue-holding stands were later devised, which allowed one man to perform the operation with the ready cut sheets. 90 DEVELOPMENT OF STEREOTYPING 91 A U T O M A T IC M A C H IN E S About 1910 an automatic flong-making machine was invented, which carried each kind of paper in roll form, distributed paste on the papers as they were drawn through the machine, pressed them together between rollers, and cut the flong to proper lengths. Several makes of flong machines, such as the Autoflong, the Handley, and the Norton, were placed on the market and installed in many of the larger newspaper plants, resulting in considerable time saving. These machines were seemingly of about equal capacity, as all of them were advertised as being capable of producing about 2,000 flong per day. One newspaper, which had used one of them for three years, declared that previous thereto it had required three men working eight hours per day to manufacture the flong for the plant, but with the aid of the machine only two hours work per day was required to get the paste ready and to make 400 flong. A more elaborate invention, the Rivett flong machine, was designed by J. G. Rivett, of Chicago, about 1915. It consisted of a combination of units, one for each sheet assembled in the flong, fed from a similar number of rolls. Flongs in any desired width or length and composed of any number of sheets were produced automatically at the rate of between 300 and 400 an hour. This machine was especially adapted to auxiliary newspaper or syndicate service, as well as to the commercial manufacture of flong. D R Y FLONG A so-called dry flong, which could be molded without heating the type form, was invented in 1893 in England by George Eastwood, of Kingston, who had introduced some of its features in a previous patent in 1887. It consisted of a single sheet of thick, 'soft paper, coated with a special composition, which by a slight moistening would be rendered sufficiently plastic to receive an impression. The following year, 1894, a similar article was patented in Germany by Herman Schimansky, of Berlin. While the English invention seems to have remained dormant, the German flong was improved upon and adopted by some of the newspapers of that country. Manufacture of dry flong was started in several of the paper mills, and for many years Germany was the sole source of supply for this commodity. Samples of various kinds of dry flong were tested during 1899 in several foundries in the United States— among others the New York Tribune— but they were not found satisfactory. Friedrich Schreiner, manufacturer, of Plainfield, N. J., introduced his cold method flong in 1900. It consisted of two pieces, a coated face sheet and a gummed back sheet, necessitating pasting together and giving a second impression. In 1901 a German dry mat, which had been used success fully in England, was imported into the United States by F. Wesel Manufacturing Co., of New York, and a few years later several other firms began to import other varieties. In 1910 Alfred Birdsall, a stereotyper of Pittsburgh, Pa., invented another coating for dry flong and started the D ry M at Service Co. (Ltd.), in Pittsburgh, which claimed to supply a number of the smaller newspapers that wanted to avoid using heated matrix-drying tables. This product was soon displaced by the imported German flongs, but even these were not generally adopted. M any of the larger newspapers used them in a limited way— for stereotyping the last forms on the several editions— on account of the saving in time for molding. 92 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING The World War stopped importation from Germany, and manu facturing was taken up in this country, resulting in the introduction of the W ood dry mat in 1916 by Benjamin W ood, of New York. Other American manufacturers' experimented, resulting in several flongs being produced, notable among which were Certified dry mats, introduced in 1924 by George A. Kubler, of Akron, Ohio. Until a couple of years ago, the wet-flong method prevailed in the larger news paper stereotyping rooms of the United States, but since then the use of dry flong has made rapid strides. D ry flong is not, as the name implies, used absolutely dry. It is a specially prepared thick and plastic single sheet, which requires a certain amount of moisture, necessitating proper conditioning in a humidifier and subsequent seasoning, for good results. The dry-fiong method did away with the preparation of paste and the assembling of the wet flong, a consid erable item as to man-hours on a large newspaper, especially if it is not provided with a flong-making machine. M ATRIX M O LD IN G BRUSH M E T H O D T^HE early method of molding stereotype matrices was essentially manual. When a form was received from the composing room it was transferred to an elevating table. A wet flong was placed, face down, upon the type and beaten in with a flat brush, about 3 ^ inches wide and nearly 1 foot long, provided with a handle of similar length. After the flong had been driven down around the type, the depressions were filled with backing powder, usually a mixture of flour and lime, to prevent the mat from giving way under the pressure of the metal in casting and causing smudges in the subsequent printing. A thin sheet of paper was placed on top. The beating table was rolled up to a steam-heated iron table, and the form pushed off on this. It was covered with several layers of dry, soft blanketing, and placed under an iron plate or platen, which was screwed down upon it. The heat from the table, applied to the form, drove the moisture from the matrix into the blankets in from four to seven minutes. The platen was raised and the matrix lifted. It was taken to the casting division, while the form was transferred to a form truck and returned to the composing room. Two men usually worked together in molding a matrix. Heavier flong was later brought into use, and the backing powder eliminated. It was necessary, however, to back up these matrices in some of the larger open spaces with strips of thick felt paper, for similar effect. This provided an additional operation connected with molding, known as packing, and also necessitated preparation of the strips by coating one side of the felt paper with dextrin paste, after wards cutting the sheets into strips. The preparation was usually done in so-called idle time during the shift. Mechanically operated beating brushes, such as a machine patented in 1889 by C. S. Par tridge, of Chicago, were installed on some of the larger newspapers, but all brush molding was eventually abandoned for the speedier mangle method. R O LLIN G -M A C H IN E M E T H O D A matrix-rolling machine was invented in 1861 by James Dellagana, a Swiss printer who had established a sterotype foundry in London, England, and introduced the papier-mache method in that country. DEVELOPMENT OE STEREOTYPING 93 The molding was performed by a heavy iron cylinder. The early machines were provided with impression cylinders at a fixed distance above the bed, but about 1890 improved machines were introduced, which were arranged with adjustable impression cylinders. The form was transferred from the form truck to the table of the rolling machine. A moist flong was laid upon it and covered with a heavy felt blanket. Pulling a lever caused the table to move automatically under a heavy iron cylinder, which turned in unison with the bed movement and squeezed the flong down over the type, molding the impression. The table returned automatically to its former position, giving the matrix a second squeeze. The travel of the table, or bed, in one direction under the roller consumed approximately five to seven and one-half seconds. The form, with the matrix still clinging to it, was transferred to the heated drying table, where it was covered with drying blankets and dried in the manner previously described. Machine molding rapidly supplanted brush molding in newspaper plants of any size, as it reduced the time for molding a form. While with each machine two men w^ere required to handle the work effi ciently, just as with each unit in brush molding, these men could produce more matrices in a given time, an important consideration with the constant increase in the number of pages per issue. Other manufacturers of stereotype machinery also introduced matrix-rolling machines, resulting in varying styles, though all are constructed on the mangle principle and differ only in details. Dur ing the survey machines were found made by the Duplex Printing Press Co., the Goss Printing Press Co., R. Hoe & Co., Walter Scott & Co., F. Wesel Manufacturing Co., and W ood Newspaper M a chinery Corporation. Adoption of the diy-flong method necessitated slower speed for matrix rolling to obtain the proper result. The dry flong could be rolled one way only, as a reverse rolling caused a double impression; and the ideal speed was found to be with a bed travel of 20 to 2 2 seconds. This condition was responsible for the construction of two-speed rolling machines, adapted for both wet and dry flong, as well as machines with slow bed travel for dry flong alone. D IR E C T -P R E SS U R E M E T H O D In 1926 another method— direct pressure molding— was introduced in the United States. In this method the impression is obtained by means of a flat, horizontal platen instead of a cylinder. Two styles of machines were found in operation during the survey, the American Birotadruck hydraulic press and the Hoe direct-pressure hydraulic matrix molding press. The former machine, which was first installed on the New York Tribune, was based on German patent rights for this country on a machine originally invented to produce better molding of half tones with dry flong. Direct pressure had been used for a number of years in Europe, especially in Germany, where it was obtained first by the use of toggle presses, but since 1911 by employment of hydraulic presses. The machine had been re designed to meet the American requirements of higher speed and more pressure. One of the machines observed in operation was provided with two stanchions, one at each side, a table with a molding area 24 by 30 inches and projecting aprons at the front and the back, and a platen, directly above the molding part of the table, at the bottom of the head. The form was transferred from the form truck to the front 94 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING apron, covered with a flong and a molding blanket, and pushed onto the molding area. Pressure on a push button started a motor, which was located at the top of the press and directly connected with a hydraulic pump mounted on the side of the frame and using oil as a medium. Raising of the ram forced the table with the form against the platen until the desired pressure was reached, when it stopped automatically, holding the pressure or releasing it as manipulated. The machine was adjusted to a maximum pressure of 5,000 pounds, which was attained in 13 seconds. Solid forms, such as those con taining classified advertisements, required about 15 seconds contact pressure, while open forms, those with approximately 40 per cent of white space, were released as soon as the maximum pressure was reached. Another form was placed on the front apron, and as it slid into place for molding it pushed the molded form out on the back apron for removal to a form truck. Two men were employed on the unit during the time, one operating the machine, while the other brought the forms to the machine, took them away, and assisted gen erally. With a constant supply of forms, the average time consumed in molding was about 30 seconds per matrix. The general descrip tion of this machine and its manipulation also practically covers the Hoe hydraulic matrix molding press, which was first installed on the World, in New York, and was adapted from the hydraulic wax or lead molding presses used in electrotyping manufactured by the firm for over 65 years. It differed in some of the details, especially in having four stanchions, one at each corner, in location of the motor and the pump on the base under the aprons, and in construc tion of the pump. Successful demonstrations of the direct-pressure method has prompted other manufacturers to experiment and will, no doubt, bring out other different makes. D R Y IN G TABLES The real time saving through the dry-flong method occurred, how ever, not in the actual molding of the matrix, but through the elimi nation of the slow-drying process, necessary for wet flong, on the matrix-drying table or press. The original drying table, commonly called a “ steam ta b le /’ used in 1861 was a comparatively crude appliance, capable of drying only one matrix at a time. Improve ments were continually being brought out. Several units were combined, so that eventually it was not unusual on large newspapers to find six platens placed side by side over one unbroken table surface. In the beginning only steam was used for heating the table, and it was ordinarily produced by a large boiler, using coal or gas fuel. Independent gas-heated generators, single unit or double unit or larger, were gradually applied in the majority of the plants. In several places electrical heating, based on the electric matrix drier invented by W. S. Hadaway, of New York, in 1905, was substituted for steam. The platens on the early drying tables were screwed down over the forms by means of a handwheel and tightened with the aid of a bar. Pneumatic operation was applied to lower and raise the platen, thus reducing the manual labor. A motor drive was also devised for that purpose, and compression springs utilized with it to increase the pressure. Operation of drying tables made it necessary for the stereotypers to wash the drying blankets at intervals, so as to preserve their elasticity, and some of the larger newspapers installed special equipment for such work. DEVELOPMENT OF STEREOTYPING 95 D R YIN G OVENS A matrix roaster, or scorcher, was invented in England in 1885, which permitted removal of the matrix from the form as soon as the impression had been set, but before being entirely dry, and the placing of it in the scorcher for final baking by dry heat. Since less time was consumed, that procedure was gradually adopted for the last form, called the “ starter,” or during rush periods. In the dryflong method the matrix was separated from the form as soon as the impression had been given, whether by roller or by direct pressure. It was backed in like manner to that of the twet matrix. The dry flong contained a certain amount of moisture to render it plastic for molding; but this would create steam during casting and cause im perfect printing plates, therefore, the matrix was placed in the scorcher until thoroughly dry, usually for 30 to 60 seconds, after which it was ready for the casting. No steam table was required, and elimination of this not only reduced the time necessary for producing a finished matrix, commonly called a “ m at,” but also created better working conditions in the molding operation by doing away with the excessive heat radiating from the table. It also permitted im mediate handling in the composing roofm of the forms returned there after molding, instead of waiting for them to cool. The importance of the scorcher had grown continually, but with the use of the dry flong it became a necessity. Different styles were brought out, mostly consisting of small gas-heated ovens provided with a curved metal shelf on which the matrix was rested, face down, during scorching. The casting operations were not affected by the introduction of dry flong, but it was found that the amount of shrinkage during drying could be controlled and kept uniform with dry flong by proper humidity, a condition which had not been possible with wet flong. The normal shrinkage for dry flong proved to be about one-fourth inch in width for an ordinary 8-column page and about two lines of 53^-point type in length. While this did not make any difference in stereotyping, it affected the pressroom work somewhat, as it per mitted the use of narrower paper. TR A N S M ISS IO N OF M A TR IC E S In most of the larger newspapers molding was performed close to, or in a section of, the composing room, to facilitate transportation of forms, while the foundry section, where the casting was done, was placed close to the pressroom, to permit speedy delivery of plates. As the composing room was often located on the top floor of a tall building, while the pressroom was situated at or near the bottom of the structure, considerable distance existed in such cases between the two sections. This was overcome by the installation of chutes or air lifts for delivering the matrices from the molding section to the casting section, and both packing and scorching operations were usually performed in or adjoining the casting section. CASTING OF PLATES Y\THEN the flexible paper matrix was introduced in France, a * * crude flat casting box was formed by pasting a cardboard frame on the molded and dried matrix, and placing this between two iron 96 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING plates. Through a large opening the molten metal was poured with a ladle on to the face of the matrix. This appliance was developed into regular casting boxes, with the plates hinged together at one side or end, and separated on three sides by steel strips, called gauges, which regulated the thickness of the cast. After the matrix had been inserted and its edges covered with the gauges, the box was clamped together and molten metal poured through the open end with a ladle. Until about 1855 all plates were cast about one-sixth of an inch in thickness. At that time James Dellagana, of London, England, obtained a patent for casting plates type-high. This had, however, been accomplished shortly before by Charles Craske, in New York, while experimenting with curved plates for rotary presses. Semicylindrical boxes were devised for the curved plates, with a concave lower plate and a convex grooved cover, supported in an iron frame near the center of greatest weight. Considerable physical exertion was re quired to operate these boxes, as the appliances were heavy and a finished plate of ordinary size contained nearly 50 pounds of metal, though improvements were continually reducing the manual work. HAND CASTING In the earlier styles of casting boxes, some of which are still in use, the matrix was placed, face up, on the lower plate while this was in a horizontal position. Detachable side gauges were inserted to hold the matrix in place, and an end gauge with a beveled recess was adjusted at the bottom. The cover, which was hinged at the end, was pulled down and clamped to the lower plate, after which the box was tipped to a perpendicular position. A counterbalance weight on a chain, attached to the cover and operating in a grooved wheel at the top of the frame, assisted the workers in raising the cover or swinging the box. The molding space was considerably longer than the plate, to provide room for impurities and air bubbles which rose to the top as the metal was poured. With a double-handled ladle, capable of holding from 65 to 120 pounds according to size, the metal was dipped from a furnace close by and poured quickly into the open top of the box. The cover was provided with a water-cooling arrangement— a substitute for the earlier method of pouring water by hand into fixed recesses of the top. After the plate had cooled sufficiently, the mold was swung back into a horizontal position and opened. The cast was turned face up and the matrix was removed, to be again placed in the casting box for another plate. Two men were required to insert the matrix, put the mold together, pour the metal, take the mold apart, and remove the cast, but as speed was essential two casting boxes were often installed in places where a large number of plates were required, so that one plate could be poured while the other solidified. Boxes were also constructed with the two halves opening sideways. In a later style of casting box the cover was stationary in the upright position, while the bottom plate was supported on rollers, permitting it to be moved from the top plate and tipped to a horizontal position for insertion of the matrix or removal of the plate, and back again, for locking the box, with comparatively slight effort. Side gauges were placed on hinges. DEVELOPMENT OP STEREOTYPING 97 M E TA L FU RN ACES Stereotype metal consisted in the beginning mostly of lead, but, like type metal, contained various alloys. Iron, steel, brass, copper, tin, and antimony had been used from time to time. B y 1870 the commonly accepted alloys were tin and antimony, in varying propor tions according to the hardness desired. The early stereotypers mixed their own metal and kept it in proper working condition. The plates returned from the pressroom were remelted for use in casting new plates, and the consistency of the metal was changed through the constant remelting. Establishment of metal supply houses gradually relieved the stereotypers from metal mixing, and also from much of the refining. The metal was melted in large furnaces, with pots ordinarily having a capacity of 700 to 14,000 pounds of metal. Pouring molten metal with a ladle into the casting box was practically supplanted by the use of force-pump equipment for the metal furnaces, requiring only a downward pull on a lever to send a sufficient quantity of metal through a spout ending just above the opening in the casting box. Pump furnaces were manufactured with either 1, 2, or 3 pumps, and provided with a casting box for each pump. At first furnaces were heated by coal, which required a certain amount of attention to maintain the correct temperature. This was reduced later by the substitution of gas, commonly used at present, or oil. Electric heating has recently been adopted in a few places, and is claimed to assure easy temperature control of the metal. The minimum of two men required for the casting operation was not reduced by these improvements, but they could produce more plates in a given time than formerly, and with less manual effort. FIN ISH IN G M A C H IN E S The cast, as turned out in the casting boxes, contained considerable surplus metal, especially the part above the height of the matrix, commonly called the “ tail,” where the extra amount was poured in. After the matrix had been stripped from the cast, the latter was laid on the cylinder of a trimming machine, usually called a “ tail cutter.” The cast was secured by one or two broad straps to the cylinder. This was revolved slowly by means of a crank, passing the cast against a rotating cutter, which severed the tail and left the curved edge of the plate beveled, to insure satisfactory clamping surface on the press. The plate was turned by hand, and its other end was trimmed in similar manner. Power was later applied to the machine, automatic clamping provided, and a second cutter added so that both ends of the plate could be trimmed at the same time— all reducing both exer tion and the time involved. After trimming, the plate was taken to another machine, commonly termed a “ shaver,” where it was slipped, face down, into a semi circular trough, and the inner surface was planed down by a rotating straight-edged knife to insure proper thickness, or height, of the plate. As the top part, or core, of the casting box was provided with narrow grooves about 1 inch apart, the inner surface of the plate was pro vided with ribs, reducing the surface to be shaved. Old-style shaving machines were, like tail cutters, operated by cranks, requiring the efforts of two men. With the application o f power drives one man was dispensed with. Combination shaving and trimming machines also were devised. After shaving, the plate was laid face up on a 98 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING finishing cylinder, where two men removed all superfluous metal from the edges and deepened recesses where necessary, to prevent them from smudging the sheet in printing. Hand planes and chisels were used. The plate was next carried to a water trough and cooled, and then delivered to the pressroom. A U TO M A TIC C ASTIN G AND FIN ISH IN G A complete change in stereotype casting was created by the inven tion of the Autoplate machine by Henry A. Wise W ood, of New York. This machine, which was first installed on the New York Herald in 1900, required only the placing of the matrix and the moving of a lever, which started the automatic operation and pro duced finished plates, ready for the press, at the rate of four per minute. Change o f matrices could be effected with the loss of only one cast. The casting mechanism consisted of a horizontal, watercooled cylinder, around the lower half of which the plate was cast, and which turned halfway intermittently, and a concave back below, with a corresponding up and down movement, provided with a sliding matrix clamp. The upward rise of the back, with the matrix, formed the mold, into which the metal was forced by a pump in an attached furnace. After the cast had cooled for 10 seconds, the dropping of the back stripped the matrix from the plate, which was brought to the top by the revolving core and pushed to the finishing mechanism while the back closed against the other bottom half of the cylinder for another cast. The plate passed between two saws, which trimmed the straight edges close to the type, into a shaving chamber, where it was shaved and the beveled edges smoothed, then over a wetting appliance for cooling, and was ejected. Several of the larger newspapers installed the machine. In 1908, according to a lecture delivered in that year by the inventor, the New York Herald had three of the machines, the World four, the New York Times two, the Chicago Daily News four, and the Chicago Tribune three, while others were in use on the Boston Post, the Boston Globe, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, the Kansas City Star, and on other papers in America and in Europe. The World, of New York, after the first Autoplate machine had been installed, stated that the equipment for 10 sextuple presses, 4 starters to the press, had been prepared in about 15 minutes, all delays considered, while previously it used to take 50 minutes and often an hour. By the old-fashioned hand method a large plant required 2 men at the casting box, 1 at the tail cutter, 1 at the shaver, 2 at the finishing block, and 1 to dip the plate for cooling. Such a crew would ordinarily produce plates at the rate of two in three minutes. The Autoplate machine was oper ated by four men, who adjusted the matrices, manipulated the control lever, supplied metal to the furnace and removed the ejected plates, producing about seven plates in two minutes. JU NIOR A U TO PLA TE The W ood Newspaper Machinery Corporation subsequently built another machine on similar principles, which was called the “ Junior Autoplate” to distinguish it from the former one, designated as the Senior, or Standard. The new machine was installed in a number of plants where the old method was still used, and also gradually replaced the older machines, the last of which was discarded in 1926. In the DEVELOPMENT OF STEREOTYPING * 99 operation of the new machine several of the entirely automatic func tions of the older one were performed by the workers. The casting mechanism resembled in some respects the individual casting boxes. The mold was vertical instead of horizontal, and of extra length to insure the necessary pressure of the metal for perfect casting of the plate. The molten metal was supplied, as in the old model, by means of a hand-worked force pump through an overhanging spout. The matrix was inserted by the operator in the back, which was moved to and from the core by a hand-worked lever. A downward pull on the pump lever filled the mold. After the cast had cooled, in about 14 to 20 seconds, and the back drawn away, stripping the matrix from the cast, power was applied by operating another hand lever starting the automatic function of the machine. The core was given a half turn, carrying the cast with it and passing it against two rotating saws to sever the tail from the plate and trim the lower beveled edge. The straight sides of the plate had been so cast that no trimming was needed. The back with the matrix was again moved into casting position by the operator and a new plate poured, which was left to cool while the cylinder tender removed the tail piece, still hanging to the cylinder by a couple of pins, and the plate which had been projected from the core by the closing of the back on the other half. The plate was laid on an inclined runway of an auxiliary finishing machine, called the “ Autoshaver,” where it was automatically passed successively through gates into a shaving chamber, over a water saddle, and over a brush to a delivery stand, from which it was sent to the press room by the shaver tender. In some of the larger newspaper plants automatic devices were provided for transportation of the plates. A fourth worker, the metal tender, kept the metal pot in the furnace filled with metal, usually consisting of plates returned from the press room for remelting. Plates were produced at the rate of three per minute. The need for several casting units resulted in the construction of the double Junior Autoplate, consisting of an elliptical metal furnace, with about 16,000 pounds capacity, to which were attached two cast ing mechanisms, each of which was operated independently by two men and would produce three plates per minute. An Autoshaver, which was capable of finishing six plates per minute, completed the unit. Only one metal tender was required for the replenishing of the metal, so the complete unit could be operated efficiently by six men and produce six finished plates per minute. This arrangement is commonly found on modern newspapers, some of which are provided with four or five units. PO N Y A U TO PLA TE Another variety of the Autoplate was originated by Henry A. Wise W ood, in combination with patents of Charles E. Hopkins of New York, and called the “ Semi-Autoplate.” This consisted of a vertical casting box, with a stationary concave back next to the metal furnace and a- swinging convex core, combined with the features of a tail cutter and the Autoshaver. It could be operated by one man, and had a capacity of three plates in two minutes. It was eventually developed into the Pony Autoplate, which recently has become very popular for smaller city newspapers. Among the records received by the manufacturers from users, one newspaper gave the average 100 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING production as 58 plates in 45 minutes, all work done by one man. Another newspaper stated that on the day the machine was first operated, the last 18 plates were made from 9 matrices in 18 minutes, or 1 plate per minute, while the same crew with the individual machines previously used would have consumed 45 minutes, or 2 ^ minutes per plate. In 1926 a combination machine was introduced, the Twin Pony Autoplate, consisting of two of the casting boxes, served by a single finishing and cooling mechanism, which swings automatically into position in front of either box to receive the plates. R ELATED O PE R A TIO N S A plate finishing, cooling, and drying machine, was introduced by R. Hoe & Co. In some places this was utilized for the Autoshaver, and in others it was substituted for the individual finishing machines, for use w^ith the regular casting boxes. At the present time some of the small plants use only the individual machines, old styles or new styles, which naturally has a bearing on productivity. Some of the larger modern newspapers also use auxiliary sets or individual machines in the production of plates for color printing, and several are equipped with auxiliary double length sets for the production of double pages in a single plate. Plates for color printing on rotary newspaper presses, which were first introduced on the Chicago Inter-Ocean in 1892, required considerable routing, as a rule, to remove part of the design. The plate was fastened on a cylinder, wiiere its surface was brought in contact with a rapidly revolving cutter. Both cylinder and cutter were so manipulated by the operator as to remove all undesirable parts. About 1900 some attempts were made to produce printing plates to cover the width of two pages. When two plates were used this was a very laborious and slow process, as most of the work had to be done by hand. The common failure to secure accurate adjustment of the lines, induced some of the manufacturers to turn out double length machinery for such purpose, and this was installed on some of the large newspapers. For several years after the introduction of half tones attempts to stereotype them did not meet with success, and preparation of stereotype plates containing half tones involved considerable extra work. The half tones were first curved to the same degree as the plate. By one method they were tacked or soldered in depressions prepared for them on the surface of the plate. B y another method strips of metal were soldered to the backs of the curved half tones, and after the matrix had been placed in the casting box, the half tones were fitted into their respective positions on the matrix, where the strips held them in place after the box was closed. In pouring the cast the metal surrounded the anchors, imbedding the half tones in the plate. Stereotyping of half tones was successfully accomplished in 1897 on the New York Tribune, and is now a daily occurrence on practically all modern newspapers. JOB W O R K On daily newspapers stereotyping also involves casting and finishing of small work in plate form, commonly termed “ job work,” such as headings, advertisements, and illustrations, from matrices furnished by advertisers or by syndicates for supplying special features, as well DEVELOPMENT OF STEREOTYPING 101 as metal bases for use with photo-engravings or electrotypes in the page forms. On large newspapers special men.are employed con tinuously on such work, while on small ones the regular workers perform it when time can be spared from other duties. Molding, when necessary, is carried out in the same way as for curved plates. Flat casting boxes of various sizes and styles, soma of them large enough to produce full-page casts, are employed. They are usually provided with adjustable gauges to permit casting a plate of any required size within the limits of the box. The metal is ordinarily poured with a ladle, though some boxes are adapted for use with force pumps. The tail is removed by pushing the cast against a circular saw, protruding through a slot above a small metal table, and superfluous metal is removed from the other edges in similar manner. As the saw cut is more or less ragged, the sides are squared and smoothed on a trimming machine, where the plate rests on a small sliding table, which, being pushed forward, carries the edge against rapidly revolving cutters, a development of the old-fashioned hand-operated shoot board and plane. Combination saws and trim mers, mounted on single pedestals, are commonly found in modern plants. The plate is next laid, face down, on the bed of a flat shaving ma chine, in which a straight knife planes the back to the correct thickness. The early shaving machines, in which the knife head was propelled forward and backward by means of a handoperated spoke wheel, has been displaced on most newspapers by power-operated‘ shavers. In some of these the knife head is driven over the bed, and in others the bed travels while the knife head remains stationary. Adjustment for desired thickness is made by raising or lowering either the knife or the bed, according to style. Rotary type-high planers, fitted with revolving disks containing cutters, are used in some places. When illustrations, or other open matter, is stereotyped, it is often necessary to remove considerable metal from the surface of the cast in order to prevent smudging in printing. A routing machine is usually employed for that purpose, eliminating the slow hand chisel ing. It consists of a flat table, supported by a pedestal, on which the plate is clamped, and a router bit, revolved at high speed, situated above the plate. In one style the tool can be moved freely by two radial arms in any direction over the surface of the plate, while in another it is moved by means of a handwheel straight across the table, and the latter is moved to or from the operator by means of another handwheel. The cutter is brought into contact with the plate by means of a foot lever until the superfluous metal has been removed. Mortices are sometimes required in advertising plates, for which purpose a combination jig saw and drill is commonly used in large modern plants. All of these machines have been developed to a high degree of efficiency by the various manufacturers heretofore named, as well as by Ostrander-Seymour, John Hoyle & Sons, and others. Finishing machines, however, are merely tools, and each one requires constant manipulation by an operator during execution of the work on it. A special branch of stereotyping, which consists of job work on a larger scale, is commonly termed “ syndicate or auxiliary newspaper service.” In 1858 Isaac HeyBs, of Sheffield, England, originated the 102 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING plan of supplying small newspapers with ready-set matter for pub lication, in single column, type-high stereotype plates. Thin surface plates and special bases for them were introduced by B. B. Blackwell, of New York, in 1871. These soon supplanted the single piece, type-high strips, but were in turn superseded, on newspapers equipped for stereotyping, by matrices containing the syndicate matter. Several of the large newspapers maintain or are connected with syndicates for furnishing such service. CHAPTER 8.— DETAILED STUDY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST FOR STEREOTYPING IN 1916 AND 1926 T E R E O T Y P IN G was not included among the industrial occu pations considered in the 1894 investigation by this bureau, then called the Department of Labor, so the only figures for production available are those obtained during the survey for this study. The tabulations of hours and wages in the publications by the bureau 1 give some interesting sidelights on those items from the early days up to the present time. Wages were stated to have been 89 cents per day for stereo typers in Scotland during 1840, with a 60-hour working week, and in 1850 wages had risen to 97 cents per day. The earliest record for the United States was for New York in 1857, when wages ranged from $1.67 to $2 per day, also with a 60-hour working week, which prevailed up to 1870, wages during that time ranging from $1 to $2.33 per day. In 1872 wages in New York had increased to $3 per day, and the weekly hours had been reduced to 59. Increases in wages and reductions in hours continued periodically from then on. The information for this study was secured in a manner similar to that for composition and, as with the data for that occupation, was reduced to a manhour basis. ^The resulting data for stereotyping rooms are presented in the detailed tables. Such data cover only recent periods and modern methods, except for one establishment, in which production, hours, and wages were also obtained for a period 10 years earlier. While those figures can not be considered illustrative of old-style stereotyping, as they are for a large establishment and the equip ment would still be considered thoroughly up to date for wet-flong stereotyping, they present an interesting comparison for the same plant during two periods and of the dry-flong method with the wetflong method. S i U. S. Commissioner of Labor, Fifteenth Annual Report, 1900, Wages in Commercial Countries; Nine teenth Annual Report, 1904, Wages and Hours of Labor; bulletins of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on union scales of wages and hours of labor. 103 104 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING STEREOTYPING ROOM NO. 1 IN 1916 PR O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R C O ST FO R PR O C E S S T^ABLE 50 contains data for production of stereotype plates in 1916, based on total man-hours for all employees: T a b le 5 0 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in newspaper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1916 (based on total man-hours) Occupation M olding division: M olders___ __ Man-hours Average worked in cost production Labor per manproducing per man21,149 hour hour plates Plates _ __ ___________ _____ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ Packers. Foundry division: Autoplate operators _____ _________ Cylinder tenders____________ _ _ _ _ _ Metal-pot t e n d e r s ____ _______ __ . Shaver tenders. .................... ......... _ Total, productive labor_____________ Job men____________ _________ ___________ Supervisory employees________ ________ Total, nonproductive labor ................. All employees............................. .......... 643 492 _. _ 683 609 415 415 i ........................ 3, 317 | 6.38 240 170 Tim e cost Labor cost $0. 893 .841 Minutes 10.4 7.9 $0.154 . 107 . 799 .797 .806 .806 11.0 10.8 6.7 6.7 . 146 .143 .090 .090 .821 53.4 .730 .818 2. 030 " 3.9 2.7 .053 .093 ___ __ 1. 325 6.6 . 145 5.67 .876 60.0 .876 410 | 3, 727 Cost of man-hour pro duction The table covers the total man-hours for all operations in the stereo typing room of the newspaper, which was published mornings, Sundays included. The total man-hours represent all hours the workers were on duty in the establishment, regular as well as over time, and for which they were paid, including both actual productive time and waiting time. Time devoted to lunch periods has not been considered, even though paid for by the employers. All work was performed at night, six hours constituting a regular working shift, except on Saturday night when it included one and one-half addi tional working hours. The workers consisted of productive labor and nonproductive labor. The former included both the molding division, which pre pared, molded, and backed up the matrices, and the foundry division, which cast the plates, and the latter contained the job men, who made and finished flat casts for use in the type form, and supervisory employ ees, who directed the work. Only the finished product of the room, stereotype printing plates, has been considered, and their production, on the basis of total man-hours, is shown for the total productive labor, and for all employees. The actual time and labor cost for each group of labor involved in the man-hour production of plates for all employees is also presented. PR O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA B O R C O ST F O R M O L D IN G OF M A T R IC E S As the operations performed in the molding division and the foundry division were distinctly different and resulted in finished products of varying nature, separate tables have been prepared for each of the two divisions, covering the individual product and omit ting the nonproductive labor. Table 51 contains data for molding and backing up 1,666 matrices by the stereotype molding division in 1916. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND T 1926 105 a b l e 5 1 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in molding of matrices in newspaper stereotyping room No. l .in 1916 {based on total man-hours) Occupation Average Man-hours number of worked in forms molding molded per 1,666 forms man-hour Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour pro duction Tim e cost Labor cost M olders............. ............ .......... ........................ Packers___________________ ________ _____ 643 492 2. 59 $0.893 .841 Minutes 34.0 26.0 $0.506 .353 Total__.................... ............. ................. 1,135 1.47 .859 60.0 .859 The wet-flong method was used, and the flong was prepared with the aid of tissue-holding stands, the work being done mostly before molding commenced for the day but partly on overtime. The molding on two matrix-rolling machines and pneumatic steam tables was done by three men. A flat gas-heated matrix scorcher was used occasionally for the final drying. The working hours for the molders amounted to 56.7 per cent of the total hours for the division, while those for the packers constituted only 43.3 per cent. The average number of forms molded was 2.59 per man-hour, based on total man-hours for molders, and 1.47, based on total man-hours for the division. No record was kept of imperfect matrices molded, necessi tating remolding, but these were claimed not to have exceeded 20 for the period studied. The daily wage rate was the same for all, except that one of the molders received a higher rate, which, together with a slightly larger proportion of overtime, accounts for the addi tional labor cost per man-hour in this group. The overtime for the two groups aggregated 9.6 per cent of the total time involved. P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R C OST FO R CASTIN G OF PLATES Table 52 contains data for casting 31,149 plates by the stereotype • casting division of the same newspaper in 1916. T 5 2 .— Man-hour production and labor cost by productive labor in casting of plates in newspaper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1916 (based on total man-hours) able Occupation Man-hours Average worked in number of Labor cost plates cast per mancasting per manhour 21,149 hour plates Cost of man-hour pro duction Time cost Labor cost Autoplate operators _____________________ Cylinder tenders _________ Metal-pot tenders - __ - ____________ Shaver tenders ________________________ 683 669 415 4,15 30.96 $0. 799 .797 .806 .806 Minutes 18.8 18.4 11.4 11.4 $0.250 .244 .153 .153 Total_______________________________ 2,182 9.69 .801 60.0 .801 The plates were cast by two double Junior Autoplate-Autoshaver equipments, providing four casting mechanisms, each of which was handled by one operator, assisted by one cylinder tender, but on five nights of the week only three of the mechanisms were operated. One metal-pot tender and one shaver tender were required for each 9819°— 29------- 8 106 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING double equipment, whether one or both of its casting mechanisms were utilized. As one operator handled one mechanism, the pro duction per man-hour for operators— 31 plates— represents the number' of plates cast per clock hour on one casting mechanism. This does not, however, indicate the capacity of the machine, as it was not operated continuously and the basic hours include all of its idle time. The output per man-hour for the combined groups is also based on total time worked, and determines only the hourly production by the labor deemed necessary for such an establishment under the special shop arrangements prevailing at that time. The number of plates produced in this establishment, as well as in the other plants, consisted only of perfect plates delivered to the press room, as no record was kept of casts spoiled during the process. Some variation existed in the man-hour labor cost for the different groups, due to the different amounts of overtime worked by them, as the regular rate of daily pay was the same. The overtime for the combined groups totaled only 6 per cent of the entire time worked, considerably less than that for the molding division, and is reflected in the respective labor costs per man-hour. O U TPU T PE R PR O D U C TIV E M A N -H O U R As records were not kept of the actual productive time worked by the productive labor, figures were obtained of the exact time when molding and casting operations commenced and stopped for each edition during each day of the period studied, the time between being considered as productive man-hours. Table 53 gives the number of productive man-hours for each group in both divisions, with the percentage of the total man-hours, and also for each division as a whole. Man-hour production, based on productive man-hours, is also presented for each of the groups and for each division. T able 5 3 .— Man-hour production for productive labor in newspaper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1016 (based on productive man-hours) Number of man-hours Production Productive Occupation Total Total Number Per cent of total Per pro ductive man-hour M olding division: M olders................................. .................... Packers....................... .............................. 643 492 274.3 216.0 42.6 43.9 Total............................. ........ ................. 1,135 490.3 43.2 1, 666 3.40 Plates 68.71 68. 71 115. 44 115. 44 21.54 Foundry divison: Autoplate operators ............................. Cylinder tenders ___________________ Metal-pot tenders __________________ Shaver tenders .................................... . T o ta l.,............................................... . Matrices 1,666 1,666 683 669 415 415 307.8 307.8 183.2 183.2 45.1 46.0 44.1 44.1 Plates 21,149 21,149 21,149 21,149 2,182 981.8 45.0 21,149 Matrices 6.07 7.72 The actual operation inside of these hours was, of course, inter mittent and provided occasional slight periods of rest while waiting in the molding division for forms from the composing room, or in the casting division for matrices from the molding division, except toward the closing of each edition, when the rush work commenced. The PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 107 productive man-hours shown for the molders include only the time engaged in molding of matrices, omitting the time used in preparing the flong. They amounted to 42.6 per cent of the total working time for the group, with an output of 6.07 matrices per productive man-hour, indicating considerable waiting time. Three or four daily editions were customary, involving molding of nearly double the number of pages published in the complete daily issue. It was essential most of the time to mold the matrices as fast as the forms arrived from the composing room, to keep the way clear for the starter 1 when it arrived. Records were obtained of the time each starter was received from the composing room and the time the matrix therefrom was sent to the packers. The total number of starters during the period studied was 132. With six exceptions only 6 minutes were consumed in molding eac h of them, five requiring 7 minutes apiece and one being turned out in 5 minutes, making an average of 6.03 minutes, clock time. The matrices were transported in a small electric lift from the molding section, which was located in the composing room, to the packing section adjoining the foundry division. The productive manhours for the packers shown include only the time for backing up of matrices and do not take the preparation of packing into account. The percentage of the total hours for these packers was slightly higher than for those of the molders— almost 44— but as there were fewer man-hours for the group the hourly production was increased to 7.72 matrices. The time records for the starters show that there was considerable waiting time in this section also, as the backing up of nearly 14 per cent of the starters was accomplished in one minute per matrix, and over 35 per cent required only two minutes each. The average clock time for the 132 was 3.25 minutes per matrix, with a maximum of 13 minutes. On the basis of total productive man-hours for molders and packers, the output of the division was 3.4 matrices per man-hour. The productive man-hours for the foundry division, given in the table, consist only of the time occupied in casting the plates, and do not include previous melting of the metal nor care of the machinery. For the operators they amounted to a little more than 45 per cent of the total hours worked by the group, and for the cylinder tenders 46 per cent, while for metal-pot tenders and shaver tenders they con stituted slightly over 44 per cent each, making a general average of 45 per cent. As the productive man hours for operators and cylinder tenders were the same, the hourly production on that basis was like wise the same for each group, amounting to 68.71 plates. This figure also represents the actual hourly production for one casting mechanism, based on productive man-hours for the establishment, or 1.15 plates per minute. Figured on the basis of productive manhours for metal-pot tenders or shaver tenders, which were alike, the average production for each double equipment was 115.44 plates per hour. The output for the entire division, on the basis of its total productive man-hours was 21.54 plates. The productive hours for the foundry division constituted 66.7 per cent of the total productive man-hours for the two divisions, while those for the molding division were only 33.3 per cent, practically the same relation as existed for the total working hours— 65.8 and 34.2 per cent, respectively. i Tiie last page of each ed ition 108 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING T IM E R E C O R D S FO R PLA TE CASTIN G One of the important items was the time consumed from the receipt of the starter form from the composing room to the delivery of the first plate to the pressroom, which involved both divisions. The average during the period was 10.23 minutes, with a minimum of 8 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes. Twelve perfect casts were ordinarily required from each matrix. The rush, of course, was especially for the last page, or starter, of each edition. The time records show an average, from delivery of this matrix by the molding division until the twelfth plate was turned over to the pressroom, of 7.38 minutes, or 1.6 plates per minute. A minimum time of 6 minutes for production of the 12 plates was attained in 66 out of the 111 times, while the maximum was 17 minutes, occurring only once. Part of the time— especially for the Sunday morning issues— 18 casts were required from each matrix. The average time involved for the production of that number was 11.53 minutes per set, or 1.6 plates per minute; a few sets took as long as 23 minutes, but in the majority of cases the set of 18 was turned out in 9 minutes. The average for the total starting pages during the period was 1.6 plates per minute, clock time N O N PR O D U C TIV E LA BO R Job men have not been considered in any of the tables except Table 50, as no records were kept of work accomplished by them. The majority of the job work was performed by special labor engaged exclusively in that operation, though when required, some individuals from other groups also worked intermittently at it during their spare time before or after plate casting. As the work was continuous, the total hours for the group shown in Table 50 also represent the pro ductive man-hours for the work. The equipment consisted of the ordinary machines used for the purpose, in duplicate, but included some styles not strictly up to date. Supervisory labor also has not been considered except in Table 50. STEREOTYPING ROOM NO. 1 IN 1926 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R COST F O R PR O C E S S The constant expansion of the publication during the decade following 1916 was responsible for considerable change. By the end of that period the number of pages in the daily issues had more than doubled, the dry-flong method had supplanted the wet-flong method, additional equipment had been provided, and the personnel had been increased to meet conditions. Tables similar to those for 1916 have been prepared for the selected period in 1926, providing easy comparison of the two periods. Table 54 contains data for production of plates in 1926, based on the total man-hours for all employees, similar to that for the 1916 period in Table 50. The explanation of specific details given for Table 50 applies also to Table 54. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND T able 1926 109 5 4 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in newspaper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Occupation Man-hours Average worked in production Labor cost per manproducing per manhour 50,733 plates hour Plates Molding division: M olders.................. ............................... Packers. ______________________ . _ Foundry division: Autoplate operators _______________ Cylinder tenders __________________ Metal-pot tenders_______ ___________ Shaver tenders ____________________ Minutes 8.6 13.2 $0. 202 .300 1,552 1, 552 845 796 1.363 1. 363 1.375 1.364 9.8 9.8 5.3 5.0 .222 .222 .122 .114 1. 374 51.7 1.183 1.462 4.154 7.3 1.0 .178 .072 8,193 1,157 164 6.19 1, 321 »•’ Labor cost $1.414 1.369 Total, productive labor____________ Total, nonproductive labor________ Tim e cost 1,360 2,088 Job men _ _ _ _____________________ Supervisory employees__________________ All employees_____________________ Cost of man-hour pro duction 9,514 5. 33 1.797 8.3 .249 1.433 60.0 1.433 Comparison of the two tables shows that the man-hours had prac tically doubled for each group except supervisory labor, and that the total number of plates cast had advanced in about the same ratio. The man-hour production of plates had decreased 3 per cent for all productive labor and 6 per cent for all employees. This is partly explained by a statement that it wras necessary to employ sufficient labor to meet the demands of rush conditions during certain periods of each shift. A general increase of 63.7 per cent had taken place in the average labor cost per man-hour, in accord with the general ad vance in wages for the entire country. The time cost for the different groups in man-hour production is relatively different than that for 1916, due to the adoption of the dry-flong method. The man-hour production for all employees was 5.33 plates in 1926 against 5.67 in 1916, a reduction of 6 per cent, while the labor cost for the one hour’s work was $1,433 in 1926 against 87.6 cents in 1916. PR O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA B O R COST FO R M O L D IN G OF M A T R IC E S The various changes in the decade are more evident in the next two tables, where the two divisions have been treated separately, each with reference to its individual product, as was done for 1916. Table 55 contains data for molding and backing up 3,580 matrices by the stereotype molding division in 1926, being comparable with Table 51. T 5 5 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in molding of matrices in newspaper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) able Occupation Man-hours Average worked in number of Labor cost molding forms m old per 3, 580 ed per man-hour forms man-hour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost M olders______________ ______ ____________ Packers . _______________________________ 1,360 2,088 2. 63 $1. 414 1.369 Minutes 23. 7 36.3 $0. 558 .828 Total_______________________________ 3, 448 1.04 1.387 60.0 1.387 110 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING Because the dry-flong method had been adopted, the actual prepar ing of the flong had been eliminated and the only operations necessary were humidifying and seasoning. Molding was done by six men on three direct-pressure hydraulic molding presses, with one additional man for Sunday morning issues. Modern curved gas-heated matrix scorchers were used by the packers for drying. The relation of working hours for the two groups differed greatly from that prevailing in 1916, caused principally through the additional backing up re quired for the dry flong. The working hours for the molders con stituted 39.4 per cent of the total hours for the division, while those for the packers aggregated 60.6 per cent. An average of 2.63 forms were molded hourly, based on man-hours for molders alone, a very slight increase over the 1916 production. Based on man-hours for the division, only 1.04 forms were molded hourly, a decrease of nearly 30 per cent from the 1916 output. No account was kept of imperfect matrices molded. It was stated that in some instances they had gone as high as five in one day, but no spoilage was evident while the molding was observed, and the statement probably refers to the time when the dry-flong method was taken up. The labor cost per man-hour for the molders had increased 58.4 per cent and for the packers 62.8 per cent. The same basic wage was paid to all, except to two of the molders who received higher rates. As the proportion of overtime for molders was larger than that for packers, and the average wage rate was a little higher, the labor cost for the molders was naturally more than for the packers. The overtime for the two groups aggregated 10.2 per cent of the total time worked by the division, slightly more than the 1916 proportion. PR O D U C T IV IT Y AND LABO R C O ST FO R CASTIN G OF PLA TES Table 56 contains data for casting 50,733 plates by the sterotype foundry division in 1926, and is comparable with Table 52. T 5 6 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in casting of plates in newspaper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) able Occupation Autoplate operators....................................... Cylinder tenders _____________ _________ Metal-pot tenders.......................................... Shaver tenders........................................... Total............................................... Man-hours worked in casting 50,733 plates Average number of plates cast per man-hour 1, 552 1,552 845 796 32.69 $1. 363 1.363 1.375 1. 364 Minutes 19.6 19.6 10.7 10.1 $0.446 .446 .245 .229 4, 745 10. 69 1. 365 60.0 1.365 Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost Casting methods were the same as in the former period (described on p. 105), except that both the total output of plates and the total hours worked by the division had more than doubled. Two addi tional double Junior Autoplate-Autoshaver equipments had been installed, making 4 in all and providing 8 casting mechanisms. All 8 were used on 5 nights of each week, but 7 were sufficient the other 2 nights and even fewer were occasionally adequate, as records show that only 6 and 5 mechanisms were each used 3 per cent of the total PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 111 1926 nights. The number of plates cast, based on the total hours worked by the operators, was 32.69 per man-hour, an increase of 5.6 per cent over 1916; based on the total hours for the entire division, the gain was 10.3 per cent. As in the table for 1916, these hours included all idle machine hours, so that the output merely represents average production by necessary labor for the period under the conditions existing. Similar to the previous period, the labor cost per man-hour varied slightly according to the relative overtime. This was highest for metal-pot tenders, as some from this group were required to come to work early each night in order to have the metal in proper condition for casting. A general average increase in man-hour labor cost of 70 per cent had become effective since 1916. The overtime for the four groups combined totaled 7.2 per cent of the total time worked, as against 6 per cent in 1916. O U TPU T P E R PR O D U C TIV E M A N -H O U R The actual time devoted to matrix-molding and plate-casting operations have been computed in the same way as for the previous period, and the results, snowing the productive man-hours for the productive labor in 1926, are presented in Table 57, which is com parable with Table 53. The explanations accompanying Table 53 (see p. 106) apply equally to Table 57. T able 5 7 . — Man-hour production for productive labor in newspaper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours) Man-hours Production Productive Occupation Total Total Number Per cent of total Matrices 3,580 3, 580 Per pro ductive man-hour Matrices 4. 79 2.83 M olding division: M olders.. ______ _____ ___ ____ _____ Packers___________ __________________ 1,360 2,088 747.6 1, 263. 6 55.0 60.5 T o t a l.............. ........................... .......... 3, 448 2,010. 2 58.3 3, 580 1.81 Plates 73.86 73. 86 105.18 105.18 21. 70 Foundry division: Autoplate operators__________________ Cylinder tenders_________ ______ ____ Metal-pot tenders____________________ Shaver tenders____ ____________ _____ 1,552 1, 552 845 796 686.9 686. 9 482.3 482.3 44.3 44.3 57.1 60.6 Plates 50, 733 50, 733 50, 733 50, 733 Total....................................................... 4,745 2, 338. 4 49.3 50, 733 The aggregate productive hours for the molders were 55 per cent of the total time worked by the group, with an output of 4.79 matrices per productive man-hour, a reduction of 21 per cent since 1916. The apparent growth in productive time and drop in hourly produc tion were caused by the increased number of pages in the daily issues, as the length of the regular working-day remained the same and the proportion of overtime was only slightly greater than in 1916. Four or five editions were published daily, resulting in molding more than twice the number of pages published in the complete daily issue. The man-minutes for molding of each matrix had increased, but the records for time consumed in molding the matrices for the starters show that the actual clock time involved for each matrix had been reduced greatly. The total number of starters during the period 112 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING was 152. M olding the matrices for three of these required three minutes apiece, while the rest took only two minutes each, making an average per matrix of 2.02 minutes, clock time, a reduction of 66.5 per cent from the clock time in 1916. The change in the proportionate relation of total hours for molders and packers was reflected in both productive hours for the packers and in their output. The percentage of productive hours for them was also higher than that for the molders, being 60.5 per cent of the total time for the group. The production was only 2.83 matrices per productive man-hour, a decrease of 63.3 per cent from the former period, making a total reduction of 46.8 per cent in the output per productive man-hour for the division. Analysis of the time records for the starters revealed that an average of 6.55 minutes, clock time, was consumed in backing up the matrices for them, with a minimum of two minutes and a maximum of 19 minutes. Three, five, and six minutes were most in evidence, each being recorded for about 16 per cent of the total starters. The average clock time for both operations in production of the completed matrix was 8.57 minutes, while in 1916 the average amounted to 9.28 minutes, a reduction of 7.7 per cent. The productive man-hours for the Autoplate operators, and also for the cylinder tenders, constituted only a little over 44 per cent of the total hours for each group. For the metal-pot tenders they aggregated over 57 per cent, and for the shaver tenders 60.6 per cent. The smaller proportion for the first two groups was due to operation during part of the period of only one casting mechanism on one of the double equipments. The man-hour production for operators was 73.86 plates, which also represents the actual hourly production for one casting mechanism, based on productive machine hours, equal to 1.2 plates per minute, oi 7 per cent increase over 1916. On the basis of productive man-hours for metal-pot tenders or shaver tenders, the average production of each double equipment was 105.18 plates per hour, a decrease of 8.9 per cent. This average production, however, indicates only the output in this particular establishment and is not strictly comparable with output per double equipment in other stereotyping rooms, for all of the casting mechanisms were not in use all of the time. The production per productive man-hour for the entire casting division, was 21.7 plates, or a trifle more than the production in the 1916 period. The productive man-hours for the foundry division constituted 53.8 per cent of the total hours for the two divisions, while those for the molding division were 46.2 per cent, a more equal relation than that existing during the earlier period, and also than that for the total working hours in the 1926 period, which was 57.2 and 42.8 per cent, respectively. TIM E R E C O R D S FO R PLA TE CASTIN G IN 1916 AND 1926 The number of perfect casts required from one matrix varied considerably, according to the number of pages in the issue and the consequent number of presses necessary to print the papers inside of the specific time limit. Fourteen casts from each matrix followed closely by 12, predominated for the week-day issues, and 24 were necessary for part of the Sunday issues. Table 58, covers the details of time recorded for the casting of starters during the selected period in 1926, as compared with that for the selected period in 1916. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 113 T able 5 8 . — Clock time consumed in casting of plates from starter forms in news paper stereotyping room No. 1 in 1926, and per cent of increase or decrease compared with 1916 Number of minutes required to cast 1 set of plates Number of plates per matrix 1926 1916 average I................................. i L ............................... ;____________ >.................... _ 7.38 7.0 13.0 11.53 M ini mum 5.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 9.0 14.0 Maxi mum 5.0 13.0 7.0 9.0 9.0 31.0 Per cent of de crease in 1926 com pared Average with 1916 5.0 6.09 7.0 8.0 9.0 21.17 General average for all plates 18.8 38.5 21.9 Average number of plates cast per minute 1916 1926 1.63 2.00 1.23 1.56 2.00 1.97 2. 00 2. 00 2.00 1.13 1.60 1.99 Per cent of in crease in 1926 com pared with 1916 20.9 62.6 28.2 24.4 A decided reduction in casting time, ranging from 18.8 to 38.5 per cent, had taken place for three of the specific sets used in both periods. In 1926 the production of starter plates was practically at the rate of 2 per minute, clock time, an increase of almost 25 per cent since 1916. This and the reduction in time for the molding operation created a shorter interval between the closing of the forms in the composing room and the beginning of printing in the pressroom. The average time between receipt of the starter form and delivery of the first starter plate was 9.36 minutes, a reduction of 0.87 minute from the time during the 1916 period. The minimum time had, however, been lowered from 8 to 4 minutes, a very decided accomplishment. The comparatively high average was due to a few instances, which mounted as high as 22 minutes. N O N PR O D U C TIV E LA BO R As no production records were kept for the job men, this group has not been considered in any table except the general one for all em ployees— Table 54. There had been a substantial advance in this operation between the two periods, as indicated by the total manhours for the group, which had increased to five times the amount for 1916. The man-hour labor cost for the group had risen 78.6 per cent, more than that for any of the productive labor groups, as a great deal of overtime had become necessary. During the 1916 period the over time amounted only to 19.2 per cent of the total hours worked, but by the 1926 period it had risen to 53.3 per cent. The working arrange ment had changed little, but the old-fashioned part of the equipment had been replaced by modern styles. The supervisory labor group also has been considered only in Table 54. The man-hour labor cost for it more than doubled, but this affected the general results for all employees alone. Taking it all in all, man-hour production, decreased during the time between the two periods studied, due to speeding up of clock time production of each unit— matrices or plates— to insure the mostessential feature in the publication of a large newspaper— the speedy dissemination of news. 114 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING STEREOTYPING ROOM NO. 2 IN 1926 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R C O ST FO R PR O C ESS Different working conditions existed in stereotyping room No. 2, which was a comparatively small establishment. The groups were not sharply defined, for some of the labor worked during the shift in several different occupations, according to the needs of the moment. The data are, however, presented in the same manner as for estab lishment No. 1, as the division of hours for the various occupations were similarly secured and computed. Table 59 contains data for the production of plates in this establishment during the 1926 period, based on total man-hours for all employees. The table is comparable with Table 54 for stereotyping room No. 1. T a b le 5 9 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in newspaper stereotyping room No. 2 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Occupation Molding division: Molders_______ ______ _________________________ Packers __________ _______ _ _______________ Foundry division: Autoplate operators_____ ____ _____ ___________ Cylinder tenders__________________ ____ __ ____ Metal-pot tenders_________________ ____ _______ Shaver tenders _ ______ Cost of man-hour production Manhours Average Labor worked in produc cost per producing tion per man-hour 5,030 man-hour plates Plates Time cost Labor cost 360.6 174.3 $0. 927 1.120 Minutes 12.5 6.0 $0.193 . 113 190.4 195.1 173.1 169.4 1.305 1.108 1.132 1.123 6.6 6.8 6.0 5.9 . 144 .125 .113 . 110 1.093 43.8 .799 1.211 ! 1.053 1. 554 | 2.4 10.3 3. 5 .048 . 181 .090 Total, productive l a b o r ...................................... 1, 262. 8 Flong makers____________ _______ __________ _ _ Job m en.. _ __________ ________ ______ ____ _ Supervisory employees__ __________ _______ _______ 68. 8 296.8 100.0 Total, nonproductive labor_____ ____________ 465. 5 All employees__________________ ____ _______ 1, 728. 3 3. 98 2. 91 1.184 | 16. 2 .319 1.117 60.0 1.117 As with stereotyping room No. 1, this newspaper was published mornings, including Sundays. All work was performed at night, the regular working shift consisting of seven hours, except on Satur day nights, when one additional hour was included. With this exception, and also that in the molding division three groups— flong makers, molders and packers— instead of the last two are included, the explanations covering Table 50 apply also to this table. The man-hour production of plates, for productive labor and also for all employees, was considerably below that shown in Table 54 for the same period in stereotyping room No. 1. This was due partly to the longer working shifts, and partly to the special conditions of the plant. The labor cost per man-hour was also less, on account of a lower wage rate. P R O D U C TIV ITY AND LA BO R COST FO R M O LD IN G OF M A T R IC E S The individual differences are shown more in detail in Tables 60 and 61, giving figures for the molding division and the foundry division separately. Table 60 contains data for molding and backing up 1,782 matrices by the productive labor in the molding division. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 115 60 . — Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in molding of matrices in newspaper stereotyping room No. 2 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) T a b le ManAverage hours number Labor worked of forms cost per in m old molded man-hour ing 1,782 per manhour forms _ Occupation M olders___________________________________________ ........ .......... . ___ ___ Packers ______________ ____ _ Total_________ _________ ___ _________ ______ Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost 360.6 174.3 4.94 $0.927 1.120 Minutes 40.5 19.5 $0. 625 .365 534.8 3. 33 .990 60.0 .990 The wet-flong method was used, which required flong preparation. Two hands worked intermittently at this, utilizing tissue-holding stands, but were occupied in other operations during the rest of the time. The man-hours required for the preparation of flong amounted to 11.4 per cent of the total man-hours for the division, while those for molding were 59.8 per cent and those for packing 28.9 per cent. As the records contained the specific time for flong preparation, the flong makers were omitted from Table 60, but are included in Table 59, as a separate group of nonproductive labor. The output was 25.9 flong per man-hour, including paste making and other work connected therewith. The labor cost per man-hour was $1,211, considerably higher than the average for the productive labor groups in the division, because one of the flong makers received a higher wage rate, while in the group of molders was an apprentice, whose lower daily wage rate reduced the hour cost. Molding of the forms was performed by 2 hands on 5 nights of the week, and by 3 hands on the other 2 nights on account of the extra work for the large Sunday issues. One matrix rolling machine was employed, with pneumatic steam tables, and one curved, gasheated, matrix scorcher. Packing was ordinarily done by one man. It was claimed that imperfect matrices, requiring remolding of forms, were exceedingly rare, and that no record was kept of them. As the wet-flong method was used, the production for this molding division is more comparable with the production of the molding division in stereotyping room No. 1 during the 1916 period (see Table 51) than during the 1926 period. The average number of forms molded per man-hour was nearly double the amount molded in stereotype room No. 1, because only the actual time devoted to molding was recorded for it, the workers being shifted to other operations during their spare time. The output per man-hour for the entire division was also relatively larger. The man-hour costs were not affected greatly by overtime, as the entire amount for the division was only 1.8 per cent of the total man-hours. PR O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R COST FOR CASTIN G OF PLA TES Table 61 contains data for casting 5,030 plates by the productive labor in the foundry division, comparable with Table 56 for sterotyp ing room No. 1: 116 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T able 6 1 . — Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in casting of plates in newspaper stereotyping room No. 2 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Average Man-hours worked in number of plates cast casting per 5,030 plates man-hour Occupation Labor cost. per man-hour Cost of man-hour pro duction Time cost Labor cost Autoplate operators................... ............. ....... Cylinder tenders. ________________ _____ Metal-pot tenders ________ ______________ Shaver tenders. _ _______ ____ __________ 190.4 195.1 173.1 169.4 26.42 $1. 305 1.108 1.132 1.123 Minutes 15.7 16.1 14.3 14.0 $0.341 .297 .269 .261 Total.................... ............. ..................... 728.0 6.91 1.169 60.0 1.169 Casting was performed on one double Junior Autoplate, supple mented with a Hoe plate-finishing machine. Only one of the casting mechanisms was used, requiring four hands for operation of the equip ment, except for the Sunday issue, when both casting mechanisms were utilized, necessitating a crew of six. The number of plates pro duced, on the basis of total hours worked by the operators, was 26.42 per man-hour, or a little over 80 per cent of the production on the same basis for stereotyping room No. 1. This was partly because fewer plates were cast from each matrix, and partly on account of comparatively more idle machine time between the casts. On the basis of total man-hours for the entire division, the production per man-hour was relatively even smaller, amounting to only 6.91 plates, or about 65 per cent of the production for stereotyping room No. 1. The low rate was caused by the use of a single casting mechanism for the majority of the time, four hands being required for the production of each plate, instead of three hands when two casting mechanisms were used. The man-hour labor cost was a great deal higher for the operators than for the other groups, because of a higher daily rate paid to one of the operators. The slight variation for the other groups was due to a small amount of overtime, mostly for metal-pot tenders, who came to work earlier to get the metal ready for casting. The over time for all four groups did not, however, aggregate 1 per cent of the total man-hours involved. O U TPU T PE R P R O D U C TIV E M A N -H O U R As the workers were shifted from one operation to another when ever necessary and the idle machine time in the productive operations permitted it, the actual production time for the productive labor did not vary much from the total time for it. Table 62, which is com parable with Tables 53 and 57, gives the actual total and the produc tive man-hours and the productive man-hour output for stereotyping room No. 2, the flong making for the molding division and all recorded idle machine time for the foundry division not being included. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND T able 117 1926 6 2 . — Man-hour production for productive labor in newspaper stereotyping room No. 2 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours) Man-hours Occupation Production Productive Total Total Number Per cent of total Per pro ductive manhour M olding division: M olders___________________________ Packers.____ _____ ___________________ i 406.8 1 196.8 360.6 174.3 88. 6 88.6 Total__________ _____ ______________ i 603. 6 534.8 88.6 1, 782 3. 33 Plates 26. 42 26. 42 29.70 29.70 6.99 Matrices 1, 782 1, 782 Foundry division: Autoplate operators __________ ____ _ Cylinder tenders ___________________ Metal-pot tenders___ _____ __________ Shaver tenders ........... .................... ....... 190.4 195.1 173.1 169.4 190.4 190.4 169.4 169.4 100.0 97.6 97.8 100.0 Plates 5.030 5.030 5.030 5.030 Total........... ............ ............................... 728.0 719.6 98.8 5,030 Matrices 4.94 10. 23 1 Includes nonproductive time devoted to flong preparation. The data for the molding division are comparable with those in Table 53 for the wet-flong method in stereotyping room No. 1 in 1916. The productive time for molders and packers, constituted 88.6 per cent of the total hours for the group. The nonproductive time for the division was devoted to flong preparation. The output of the molders was 4.94 matrices per productive man-hour, or 18.6 per cent less than that produced in stereotyping room No. 1. The output of the packers was 10.23 matrices per man-hour, or 32.5 per cent more than in room No. 1. Three daily editions were customarily published, one shortly after the shift started and the other two practically con tinuous during the latter part of the shift. The changes for editions involved molding twice the number of pages published in the regular daily issues. Time records for starters were not available, so no comparison could be made for that item. Comparison of the data for the foundry division with that in Table 57, for stereotyping room No. 1 in 1926 indicates the difference between a large establishment and a small one. The productive hours for the Autoplate operators and shaver tenders were in this case the same as the total hours worked in their respective capacity, for they were occupied in other operations when not actually required at the machines. Cylinder tenders and metal pot tenders were like wise shifted to other operations when circumstances permitted, but show a few extra nonproductive hours in their regular occupations. As in room No. 1 the hours for operators or cylinder tenders exceeded the hours for metal-pot tenders and shaver tenders, on account of the occasional operation of two casting mechanisms, requiring two each of the former to one each of the latter. Ordinarily only two perfect casts were made from each matrix, though occasionally four were called for. The man-hour production for operators was 26.42 plates, decidedly low when compared with 73.86 plates as production for one casting mechanism in room No. 1, and emphasizing the variation contingent on the size of the plant. This is even more apparent when the production for metal-pot tenders or shaver tenders is con sidered, 29.7 plates per productive hour against 105.18 in the former 118 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IK NEWSPAPER PRINTING establishment, or the output of the entire division, 6.99 plates per productive hour against 21.7 in room No. 1. No records for starters were obtainable for this division either. The productive hours for the foundry division amounted to 57.4 per cent of the combined productive hours for the two divisions, with those for the molding division constituting 42.6 per cent, while the relation of the total hours worked by each division was respectively 54.7 and 45.3 per cent. N O N PR O D U C TIV E LABOR Job men were not considered except in the general table for all employees (Table 59). The necessary job work was performed inter mittently by labor from other operations during their spare hours in their regular occupation. The equipment consisted of a single set of the ordinary machines for the operations. As 16 per cent of the hours were for an apprentice with a relatively low daily wage rate, the man-hour labor cost was reduced considerably below that of the other groups. The man-hours for supervisory labor, which was also considered only in Table 59, were comparatively few, because part of the time was devoted to productive operations, among which it was included. STERE O TYPIN G R O O M NO. 3 IN 1926 TN stereotyping room No. 3 the labor was likewise shifted from one operation to another as circumstances required. It consisted of journeymen and apprentices, with some supervisory labor. As no detailed records were kept of the specific hours devoted to each of the different operations, division could not be made of the labor in the same manner as for the establishments heretofore studied, but available figures were tabulated according to the division existing in this stereotyping room. These have been presented as Table 63, for approximate comparison of productivity and labor cost for the process with those of the other establishments studied. T able 6 3 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in newspaper stereotyping room No. 8 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Occupation Productive labor: Journeymen...................................... Apprentices. _______________________ T o ta l.................... ................... ........ Man-hours Average worked in production Labor cost per producing per 13,202 plates man-hour man-hour Plates 1,938. 5 448.0 2, 386. 5 Nonproductive labor: Supervisory______ 240.0 All employees____ ________________ 2, 626. 5 5. 53 5. 03 Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $0. 976 .470 Minutes 44.3 10.2 $0. 720 .080 .801 .906 54. 5 1. 459 5.4 .136 .937 60.0 .937 The newspaper was published evenings for six days in the week, and on Sunday mornings. Both the regular daily working shifts for the evening issues and the night shifts for the Sunday issue consisted of eight hours each. As accurate figures for hours, production, and labor cost by groups could not be obtained, all possible information PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 119 was secured from supervisors. The wet-flong method was ordinarily used, but dry flong was employed occasionally in emergencies. The number of workers employed daily varied somewhat, being 9 during 6.7 per cent of the shifts in the selected period, 10 during 23.3 per cent, 11 during 43.3 per cent, and 12 during 26.7 per cent of the shifts. The daily work included flong making, matrix molding and packing, plate casting and finishing, and job casting and finishing. The molding equipment consisted of one matrix rolling machine, with drying presses, partly steam heated and partly electrically heated, and a steam heated packing table. It was operated by a crew of from two to four hands. The number of forms molded per shift ranged from 50 to 109, with an average of 71.2 for the selected period, estimated at about 2.5 per total man-hour for the division. The rolled matrix, with the form, was ordinarily placed under the platen of the drying press within from 1 to 3 minutes after the form was received from the composing room, and the completed matrix placed in the chute to the foundry from 7 to 9 minutes later, making the customary time consumed in molding and packing a matrix from 8 to 12 minutes, clock time. It was claimed that under customary working conditions a matrix had been molded from wet flong and four plates cast from it delivered to the pressroom in 6.5 minutes, and that such a task had been accomplished in less than 4 minutes during a test. With the use of dry flong in an emergency, it was stated, the matrix could be sent to the foundry in 2 minutes after the form was received from the composing room. Four editions were ordinarily published, but the number of extra forms molded were only one-half of the number in the regular daily issues. Casting of plates was performed on one double Junior AutoplateAutoshaver equipment, with coal fuel for the metal furnace, necessi tating refueling and constant watching on the part of the metal-pot tender. Ordinarily, only one casting mechanism was used, requiring a crew of four for its operation. When both mechanisms were util ized, as for the Sunday issues, two other men were added. Six perfect plates were usually required from each matrix for the evening issues, while eight were customary for the Sunday issue. It was claimed that three sets of 32 plates each, or 96 plates, were ordinarily pro duced in one hour, clock time, using one casting mechanism. As four hands were required for the operation, this was equal to approxi mately 24 plates per man-hour for the division. The equipment for job casting and finishing consisted of the usual machines for the oper ation, partly in duplicate. The man-hour production of plates, based on the total man-hours for all employees, was a little less than that shown in Table 54, for room No. 1 during the 1926 period. The difference was practically due to the same reasons as those for the larger variation shown for room No. 2. The average labor cost per hour was much smaller than that for room No. 1, on account of several factors, such as customary lower rate for daywork and the relatively small proportion of overtime, which in the aggregate was less than 0.4 per cent of all man-hours. In addition, it was affected by the inclusion of appren tices, who received a much lower daily rate, as their total man-hours during the period amounted to over 17 per cent of the total manhours for all employees. 120 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING STEREOTYPING ROOM NO. 4 IN 1926 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA B O R C O ST FO R P R O C E SS Working arrangements in stereotyping room No. 4 were subject to still another phase of newspaper publication, the issuing of many editions, which is practically necessary for an evening newspaper in a large city where competition is keen. Table 64 contains data for the production of plates during the selected period in 1926, based on total man-hours for all employees. T able 6 4 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in newspaper stereotyping room No. 4 in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Occupation M olding division: M old ers.. # ____ _________ _____ ___ Packers_____________________________ Foundry division: Autoplate operators________ ________ Cylinder ten d ers____________________ Metal-pot tenders__________ ____ ___ Shaver tenders________ _____________ Man-hours Average cost worked in production Labor per producing per man-hour 29,033 plates man-hour Plates Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost 1,134.0 1, 270. 5 $1. 287 1. 250 Minutes 8.8 9.9 $0.189 . 206 1,127. 0 1,127. 0 746. 5 575.5 1. 267 1. 267 1. 249 1. 273 8.8 8.8 5.8 4.5 . 185 . 185 . 121 .095 1. 266 46.5 . 980 1. 218 .684 1. 600 2.8 8.1 2.7 . 059 .092 .071 Total, productive labor____________ 5, 980. 5 Job men_________________________________ Laborers..... ............................................ ........ Supervisory employees__________ ____ __ 358. 5 1, 037. 0 345.0 Total, nonproductive labor________ 1, 740. 5 All employees___________________ 7, 721. 0 4. 85 3. 76 .988 13.5 . 223 1. 203 60.0 1.203 The newspaper was published evenings during the six week days with regular working shifts of 7}^ hours for the workers but with a daily working period for the establishment of 15 hours, to handle the many different editions. The explanations given for Table 50 (see p. 104) apply also to this table, except that in this table the nonpro ductive labor includes an additional group designated “ laborers,” as it was necessary to transport the plates between the foundry and the pressroom on small electric lifts, situated some distance from the platemaking equipments. The man-hour production of plates, on the basis of man-hours for either total productive labor or all employees, was much smaller than that shown for stereotyping room No. 1 (see Tables 50 and 54) principally on account of the longer daily working periods. P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA B O R C O ST F O R M O L D IN G OF M A T R IC E S Table 65 contains data for molding and backing up 2,263 matrices by the molding division, on the basis of total man-hours for the pro ductive labor in the division: PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 121 T able 6 5 . — Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in molding of matrices in newspaper stereotyping room No. 4, in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Occupation Average Man-hours number of Labor cost worked in forms per molding per man-hour 2,263 forms molded man-hour Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost M olders.......................... ............. ..................... ............. Packers................................... 1,134. 0 1, 270. 5 2.00 $1. 287 1. 250 Minutes 28.3 31.7 $0.606 .660 Total........................................................ 2, 404. 5 .94 1. 267 60.0 1.267 To save time in molding, dry flong was used for most of the starters, or for approximately 15 per cent of the total number of matrices molded, eliminating that portion of flong preparation. Records were not available of the time spent in preparing the wet flong for the rest, which was done between the intermittent periods of actual molding, and for which individual tissue-holding tables were employed. Molding was done on two or three matrix rolling machines, each oper ated by one man. Two assistants were employed in each case to plane down the forms, to bring the flong from the storage room, and to send the molded matrices down the chute to the packing section near the foundry. Pneumatic steam tables were employed for the wet flong, while both a flat and a curved gas-heated scorcher were used in the packing section, especially for the dry flong but also occasion ally for the final drying of the wet-flong matrices. The working hours for the molders constituted 47.2 per cent of the total hours for the division, while the working hours for the packers amounted to 52.8 per cent. An average of 2 forms were molded per man-hour, based on man-hours for molders alone, while based on total man-hours for the division the production was reduced to 0.94 matrice per manhour, both lower than those shown for room No. 1. The figures are, however, not strictly comparable, on account of the variation in conditions of publishing and shop arrangements. No account was kept of imperfect molds, the number being claimed to be practically insignificant. The basic wage rate was the same for all of the productive labor and, as the publication was an afternoon paper entailing day work, was lower than that for the morning papers, but in this case the actual man-hour labor cost was increased considerably through the proportionately large amount of overtime. This amounted to 39.2 per cent of the total time for the molders and 30.9 per cent of the total time for the packers, creating a difference of 3.7 cents in manhour labor cost between the two groups. The aggregate overtime for the combined groups was 34.8 per cent of the total man-hours for the division. P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LABO R COST FO R CASTIN G OF PLATES Table 66 contains data for casting 29,033 plates by the foundry division, on the basis of total man-hours for the productive labor in the division. 9819°— 29------- 9 122 T PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING a b l e 6 6 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in casting of plates in newspaper stereotyping room N o . 4, i n 1926 (based on total man-hours) Average Man-hours number of worked in plates cast casting per man29,033 plates hour Occupation Labor cost per manhour Cost of man-hour pro duction Tim e cost Labor cost Autoplate operators. ..................................... Cylinder tenders.................................. ........ Metal-pot tenders........ .......... - ..................... Shaver tenders__________________________ 1.127.0 1.127.0 746.5 575. 5 25.67 $1. 267 1.267 1.284 1. 273 Minutes 18.9 18.9 12.5 9.7 $0.399 .399 .261 .205 Total...................................................... 3, 576.0 8.12 1. 264 60.0 1.264 Casting was performed on double Junior Autoplate-Autoshaver equipments. Tw o of these w^ere customarily employed during the major portion of each shift, providing 4 casting mechanisms and requiring 12 workers for operation. Fewer pages were changed in the late editions than in the early ones, and during the latter part of each shift only one equipment was used, or 2 casting mechanisms, reducing the crew to 6. Once a week an additional equipment was employed during the busiest part of the day, providing 6 casting mechanisms in all, with a total of 18 workers. The number of plates cast, on the basis of all hours wrorked by operators, was 25.67 per man-hour, or 78.5 per cent of the man-hour production on the same basis in room No. 1. The production per man-hour on basis of total hours for the entire division wras 8.12 plates, or 76 per cent of that for room No. 1 in 1926. The reduction was due to the longer daily periods of work, necessary because of the many editions. The basic wage rate for all of the productive labor was the same as in the molding division, and the man-hour labor cost was in fluenced by the relatively lower rate for daywork and the com paratively large amount of overtime. The overtime amounted to 34.8 per cent for operators and cylinder tenders, 30.7 per cent for metal-pot tenders, and 36.1 per cent for shaver tenders, or an average of 34.1 per cent of the total time for all the groups. For none of the groups did the man-hour labor cost mount quite as high as that for the molders, nor as low as that for the packers, nor was it as high as those shown for room No. 1 in 1926. O U TPU T PE R P R O D U C TIV E M A N -H O U R The productive time for molding of matrices and casting of plates, computed in the same manner as for the other establishments and presented in Table 67, show only a relatively slight variation from the total time involved. This table is comparable with similar tables for the other establishments. PRODUCTIVITY OP STEREOTYPING: T able 1916 AND 1926 123 6 7 .— Man-hour production for productive labor in newspaper stereotyping room No. 4, in 1926 (based on productvie man-hours) Man-hours Production Productive Occupation Total Number Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive manhour Matrices 2,263 2, 263 Matrices 107 1.80 M olding division: M olders...... ................................. ................................ Packers__________ ________________ _______ 1,134.0 1,270. 5 1,095.1 1, 253.9 96.6 98.7 Total—......................... ................. ............... 2, 404. 5 2, 349. 0 97.7 2, 263 .96 Plates 26.48 26. 48 52.95 52.95 8.83 Foundry division: Autoplate operators ............................ ................. Cylinder tenders ............................. ............ ........ Metal-pot tenders____ ________ ___________ Shaver tenders ...................... ................... ............ 1,127. 0 1,127.0 746.5 575.5 1, 096. 6 1,096. 6 548.3 548.3 97.3 97.3 74.4 95.4 Plates 29.033 29.033 29.033 29.033 Total......................................................................... 3, 576.0 3, 289. 7 92.0 29, 033 The figures for the molding division presented somewhat different problems from those for the previous establishments. Both wet flong and dry flong were used, and separation could not be made of time devoted to each class. Nine or ten editions were published of each daily issue, with occasionally an additional one, involving molding and casting more than three times the number of pages contained in one copy. The first edition was issued early in the daily working period, and the last one late in the period, making the productive time as computed appear larger than actually correct because a great amount of idle machine time existed between editions. The productive time for the molders, as shown, constituted 96.6 per cent of the total working hours for the group, while the productive time for the packers was 98.7 per cent of the total hours worked by them. The output per productive man-hour figured only 2.07 matrices for the molders, 1.8 matrices for the packers, and 0.96 matrix for the combined groups. Comparison with Table 57, for room No. 1 during the same period, shows that this output was 43.2, 63.6, and 53.0 per cent, respectively, of the output for the same groups in the molding division of room No. 1, all indicative of much idle machine time. D ry flong was used for the starter forms, and two matrices were molded from each as a precaution against acci dent. The average clock time consumed in molding from the starter forms was 2.75 minutes, with a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 9 minutes. The average clock time consumed in packing was 6.25 minutes, with a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 17 minutes. The productive man-hours for the Autoplate operators and also for the cylinder tenders, constituted over 97 per cent of the total manhours for such groups, while those for the metal-pot tenders were almost 75 per cent and those for the shaver tenders over 95 per cent of the total man-hours for the respective group, making a general average of 92 per cent. As with the molding division, the productive time evidently included a large proportion of idle machine hours, which was reflected in the production. The average output of the operators and of the cylinder tenders was 26.48 plates per productive manhour, only 35.9 per cent of the production for the same groups in 124 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING room No. 1 in 1926. It was, however, the output of one casting mechanism in this particular establishment, under the conditions necessary for the work required. As complete double equipments were used at all times, either 2, 4, or 6 casting mechanisms, the pro ductive hours for metal-pot tenders, and for shaver tenders, equaled exactly one-half of those for the operators, but a variation in the total hours for these groups changed the percentage the productive hours were of total hours to 74.4 for metal-pot tenders and to 95.4 for shaver tenders. The production for each of these two groups, on the basis of productive man-hours, as well as for each double equip ment, was 52.95 plates, or 50.3 per cent of that for room No. 1. The productive man-hours for the division aggregated 92 per cent of the total hours, with an output of 8.83 plates per hour as against 21.7 plates for the foundry division in room No. 1. The productive hours for the molding division constituted 41.7 per cent of the total productive hours for the two divisions, while those for the foundry division aggregated 58.3 per cent, nearly the same relation as between the total working hours for the two groups, which were 40.2 and 59.8 per cent, respectively. T IM E R E C O R D S F O R PLA TE CASTIN G The number of perfect casts required from each matrix, determined by the number of presses operated for the particular edition, ranged from 2 to 14. Four, 8, and 12 plates predominated. Table 68 shows the details as to clock time for the casting of starters, and is com parable with Table 58 for room No. 1. T able 6 8 . — Clock time consumed in casting of plates from starter forms in news paper stereotyping room No. 4, in 1926 Number of minutes re quired to cast 1 set of plates Number of plates per matrix 2 .............................. 3 . . ........................ . 4________ _____ 5 .................. ............ g 8. .............................. 10.............................. M ini mum Maxi mum Aver age 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 2. 86 3.0 4.0 3. 86 3.93 5. 50 Aver age num ber of plates cast per min ute 0. 40 1.00 1.40 1.67 1.50 1.82 2. 07 1.82 Number of plates per matrix i 11 . . . i 12............................. 13___ j 14............................. i | General a v e r a g e ! for all plates____ Number of minutes re Aver quired to cast 1 set of age plates num ber of plates cast M ini M axi Aver per mum mum age m in ute 6.0 4.0 9.0 7.0 6.0 10.0 9.0 15.0 6.0 5. 62 9.0 9. 50 1.83 2.14 1. 44 1.47 1.73 i The average number of plates cast per minute ranged from 0.4 to 2.1, partly determined by the number cast from each matrix, with a general average for all plates of 1.73 per minute, or 81.9 per cent of the speed attained in room No. 1 in 1926. A smaller number of plates was, however, produced from each matrix part of the time, and the average production of plates was practically the same in both places when the same number was cast from one matrix. The average clock time between receipt of the starter form from the composing room and delivery of the first plate from it to the pressroom was 9.71 minutes, or 0.35 minute longer than for the same function in room No. 1 in 1926, with the same minimum of 4 minutes, and a maximum of 21 minutes as against 22 minutes in room No. 1. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 125 N O N PR O D U C TIV E LA BO R As for the previous establishments, job men were considered only in the general table for all employees (Table 64) because no record was kept of the work accomplished. The majority of the job work was performed by special labor, engaged exclusively in that occupa tion, but also occasionally by labor ordinarily employed in other capacity when accumulation of job work necessitated, and then usually on overtime. The overtime for the group, however, amounted only to 13.4 per cent of the total hours, or about two-fifths of the percentage for the productive groups, reflected in the lower labor cost per man-hour. The equipment consisted of a single set of the usual machines for such work. The supervisory group, which was also included only in Table 64, showed a relatively higher man-hour labor cost, due to the proportionately higher daily wages, though not subject to overtime. The nonproductive labor in this establishment differed from that in the others by the inclusion of a third group, designated as “ labor ers” because the work did not require any mechanical skill. They transferred the new, finished plates to lifts for transportation to the pressroom, removed the used plates from the lifts to trucks, and cleaned the floors. The regular daily wage rate for members of this group was only a little over half of the daily rate for productive or other skilled labor, but the cost per man-hour was increased con siderably through overtime, which constituted 33.5 per cent of the total time for the group. STEREOTYPING ROOM NO. 5 IN 1926 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R C O S T FO R P R O C ESS S T E R E O T Y P IN G room No. 5 was operated in nearly the same ^ manner as room No. 4, but differed through the newspaper being a morning issue, Sundays included, and having daily working periods in the stereotyping room of 9 hours each, as well as having a smaller number of editions. Table 69 contains data for the production of plates during the selected period in 1926, based on total man-hours for all employees. T able 6 9 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in newspaper stereotyping room No. 5, in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Occupation Man-hours worked in producing 30,303 plates Average production per man-hour Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost M olding division: M old ers.......................................... ........ Packers ___ _____ Foundry division: Autoplate operators _ ___ Cylinder tenders _ __________ ______ Metal-pot tenders ___ Shaver tenders. _ ___________________ 854 909 $1.367 1.347 Minutes 7.9 8.4 $0,179 .188 1, 051 1,051 585 585 1.362 1.362 1.365 1. 365 9.7 9.7 5.4 5.4 .219 .219 .122 .122 Total productive la b o r ...................... 5, 035 1.361 46.3 1.050 Job men........... ..... _ ___________________ Laborers___ ______ _______ _________ Supervisory employees__________ ____ __ 238 800 450 1.417 .744 2. 089 2.2 7.4 4.1 .052 .091 .141 Plates Total nonproductive labor_________ 1, 488 All employees____ ________ ______ _ 6, 523 6.02 4.65 1.258 13.7 .287 1. 337 60.0 1.337 126 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING The newspaper was published every morning, Sundays included. The regular working shift for individual workers was six hours for six nights of the week, but on Saturday nights one and one-half hours were added. The total working period for the establishment stretched over nine hours per night. In other respects the conditions described for room No. 4 existed also in room No. 5, including the additional group of nonproductive labor. The man-hour production of plates, on the basis of man-hours for either total productive labor or all employees, exceeded that for room No. 4, but did not reach that attained in room No. 1. PR O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R COST FO R M O L D IN G OF M A T R IC E S Further analysis of conditions have been presented in Tables 70 and 71. Table 70 contains data for molding and backing up 2,208 matrices by the productive labor in the molding division, on the basis of the total man-hours worked by it: T a b l e 7 0 .— Man-hour 'production and labor cost for productive labor in molding of matrices in newspaper stereotyping room No. 5, in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Occupation M olders_________ _____ _____ _______ ____ Packers ____ ______ ______________ Total _____________________________ Man-hours Average worked in number of Labor cost per molding forms mold man-hour 2,208 ed per man-hour forms Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost 854 909 2.59 $1.367 1.347 Minutes 29.1 30.9 $0. 662 .694 1,763 1.25 1.357 60.0 1.357 W et flong was used most of the time, lu t with dry flong being employed occasionally for the starters. Records for time devoted by the molders to preparation of the flong were not available, prevent ing accurate segregation of the data. Individual tissue-holding tables were employed for the operation. Molding was performed on two or three matrix-rolling machines, with one operator on each and two assistants for all. Pneumatic steam tables were also used. Two gas-heated scorchers, one flat and one curved, were employed in the packing section for final drying and particularly for the dry flong when used. The working time for the molders constituted 48.4 per cent of the total hours for the division, while those for the packers aggregated 51.6 per cent. An average of 2.59 forms were molded per man-hour, based on man-hours for the molders alone, slightly less than during the same period in room No. 1, where the dry-flong method was used exclusively, but nearly 30 per cent more than in room No. 4, where both wet and dry flong were used. Based on total man-hours for the division, an output of 1.25 completed matrices was attained, 20.2 per cent over the production in room No. 1 on similar basis, and 33 per cent more than in room No. 4. The big difference between room No. 5 and room No. 4, where the actual work was conducted in similar manner, was due principally to the difference in length of the daily working period. Imperfect molds were claimed to be practically unknown, and no account was kept of them. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 127 The basic wage rate was the same for all of the productive labor. It was higher than that for room No. 4, in spite of the comparatively lower proportion of overtime, because of the work being performed at night. This amounted to only 15.7 per cent of the total time for the molders and 7.6 per cent for the packers, or 11.5 per cent for the two groups combined. The labor cost was somewhat less than for the same occupations in room No. 1, because of the special rates paid in the latter place. P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R C O ST FO R C ASTIN G OF PL A T E S Table 71 contains data for casting 30,303 plates by the productive labor in the foundry division, on the basis of total man-hours worked by it. T a b l e 7 1 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for productive labor in casting of plates in newspaper stereotyping room No. 5, in 1926 (based on total man-hours) Man-hours worked in casting 30,303 plates Average number of plates cast per man-hour Autoplate operators ____________________ Cylinder tenders _______ ______________ Metal-pot tenders_______________________ Shaver tenders__________________ _______ 1.051 1.051 585 585 28. 83 Total _ ___________________________ 3, 272 9. 26 Occupation Labor cost per man-hour Cost of man-hour production Time cost $1.362 1. 362 1.365 1.365 1.363 [ Labor cost Minutes 19.3 19.3 10.7 10.7 $0.437 .437 .244 .244 60.0 1.363 Casting was done on double Junior Autoplate-Autoshaver equip ments. During 5 nights of the week only 5 casting mechanisms were used, requiring 2 crews of 6 workers each and 1 crew of 4 workers, but during the other 2 nights 6 casting mechanisms were operated, adding 2 workers to the third crew. The number of plates turned out per man-hour, on the basis of man-hours worked by operators was 28.83, over 12 per cent more than that produced in room No. 4 on the same basis, but only a little over 88 per cent of the production in room No. 1. On the basis of total hours for the division, the out put was 9.26 plates per man-hour, as compared with 8.12 in room No. 4 and 10.69 in room No. 1 in 1926. Only perfect plates, delivered to the pressroom, were included and no records were kept of imperfect casts. The basic daily wage rate, which was the same for all productive labor in the division, was also the same as that for the molders. Overtime amounted to 12.1 per cent of the total time both for opera tors and for cylinder tenders, and 10.8 per cent of the total time both for metal-pot tenders and for shaver tenders, making a general aver age of 11.6 per cent for the division, nearly the same as for the mold ing division, but only approximately one-third of the percentage for room No. 4. The labor cost per man-hour was almost equal for the four groups, considerably higher than in room No. 4, and practically the same as that for the same occupations in room No. 1. 128 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N E W SPA PE R PRIN TING O U TPU T P E R P R O D U C TIV E M A N -H O U R The productive time, occupied over 90 per cent of the total time and included a good deal of idle machine time between actual opera tions. Data therefor are presented in Table 72, which is comparable with other tables of similar character. T able 7 2 .— Man-hour production for productive labor in newspaper stereotyping room No. 5, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours) Man-hours Production Productive Occupation Total Total Number Per cent of total Per pro ductive manhour M olding division: M olders____ ______ ________ _________ Packers______ ___ ____________ . . . 854 909 778.3 863.2 91.1 95.0 Total____ ________ _________________ 1, 763 1, 641.4 93.1 2.208 1.35 Plates 31.09 31.09 55. 78 55.78 9.98 Matrices 2, 208 2,208 Foundry division: Autoplate operators_________ _____ Cylinder tenders_____________ ____ Metal-pot tenders____________________ Shaver tenders.^-.____________ _______ 1,051 1,051 585 585 974.5 974.5 543.3 543.3 92.7 92.7 92.9 92.9 Plates 30, 303 30, 303 30, 303 30, 303 Total____ ________ ______ __________ 3, 272 3,035.7 92.8 30, 303 Matrices 2.84 2.56 The productive hours in the molding division included some of the time devoted to preparation of the wet flong and the packing, as this could not be separated from the time for actual molding. For the molders the productive hours, as listed, amounted to 91.1 per cent of the total time for the group, whila for the packers it constituted 95 per cent of the total time, making a general average for the division of 93.1 per cent. While working equipment and conditions were practically the same as in room No. 4, several features existed which created differences that affected the productivity. The number of edi tions of each issue published was far smaller than in the former estab lishment, and fluctuated considerably. During one-third of the time only three editions were published, but during another third there were five each night, while for the remainder of the time there were either four or six editions. Fewer editions naturally meant fewer forms to mold and fewer matrices to back up. The number of pages contained in one copy of the evening newspaper for room No. 4 and in one copy of the ordinary morning newspaper for room No. 5 were nearly the same, but the number of forms molded daily for the six week-day issues in room No. 5 amounted only to 75 per cent of the number molded in room No. 4. This proportion was changed some what through the Sunday morning issue, which contained approxi mately three times as many pages as the week-day issue. Part of the plates for it were turned out during the previous night and part on Saturday night. M ost of the Sunday issue was published in one edition, and only the latest sections, containing current news, were subject to the changes of pages for several editions. Including the Sunday issue, practically the same number of forms were molded and the same number of matrices were backed up each week in the two PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 1.29 establishments, but in room No. 4 this was accomplished in six days while in room No. 5 it was performed in seven nights. Approximately 45 per cent of the forms molded were for pages not included in the final daily issues. The difference in time of actual working periods for the division increased the man-hours proportionately for room No. 4, so that the aggregate number was considerably higher than that in room No. 5, affecting the comparative production. The out put was 2.84 matrices per productive man-hour for molders in room No. 5 as against 2.07 in room No. 4, and 2.56 matrices per man-hour for packers in room No. 5 as against 1.8 in room No. 4, or 37.2 and 42.2 per cent more, respectively. The production of the entire division, based on total productive man-hours, was 1.35 matrices in room No. 5, compared with 0.96 in room No. 4, about 40 per cent higher. Compared with room No. 1, the production of room No. 5 was entirely different, the output for molders, packers, and the two groups com bined being only 59.3, 90.4 and 74.6 p3r c?nt, respectively, of the output there, due mostly to the varied amount of idle time included in the productive time and to the difference in wet and dry-flong methods. Time consumed in molding and packing of starter matrices could not be separated, but the average clock time involved in molding the starter forms and backing up the matrices, which was dry flong part of the time, was 14.73 minutes, with a minimum of 7 minutes and a maximum of 26 minutes. The productive hours for Autoplate operators, cylinder tenders, metal-pot tenders, and shaver tenders constituted nearly 93 per cent of the total time worked by the group. The prevailing condi tions of the establishments, heretofore explained, such as the number of editions published daily, the relative number of pages for the week-day issues, the inclusion of the Sunday issue, and the length of the daily working period, affected also the productivity of the foundry division. Fewer editions meant fewer plates to be cast, with other arrangements, such as number of pages in the issue and the number of presses operated, being equal. The number of plates cast daily for the six week-day issues was approximately only two-thirds’of the number cast in room No. 4. A larger number of presses were oper ated for the Sunday morning issue than for the week-day issues; consequently, more plates were required, so that the entire weekly output of plates in room No. 5 exceeded that in room No. 4, but as in the molding division, the work was performed in seven nights while in room No. 4 only six days were involved. The longer daily working period, increasing the productive as well as the total man-hours for room No. 4, was likewise responsible for the additional production in room No. 5. The average output of the operators, and also of the cylinder tenders (equal to production of one casting mechanism), was 31.09 plates per productive man-hour for room No. 5, against 26.48 plates for room No. 4, or 17.4 per cent more. The average pro duction for metal-pot tenders and for shaver tenders (equal to the production of one double equipment) was 55.78 plates per productive man-hour for room No. 5 as against 52.95 plates for room No. 4. This was only 5 per cent more, and was caused by the partial idleness of one casting mechanism in room No. 5. The average output for the division, which was also affected by the odd number of casting mechanisms, was 9.98 plates per productive man-hour for room No. 5 as against 8.83 plates for room No. 4, or 13 per cent more. Com 130 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING parison with the production of room No. 1 in 1926, on the basis of productive hours, indicates the presence in room No. 5 of much idle machine time, which could not be segregated. The production per man-hour for operators and cylinder tenders, for metal-pot tenders and shaver tenders, and for the division in room No. 5, were respec tively 42.1 per cent, 53 per cent, and 46 per cent of the output ob tained in room No. 1. The productive hours for the molding division constituted 35.1 per cent of the productive hours for the two divisions combined, while those for the foundry division aggregated 64.9 per cent, a wider varia tion than for room No. 4, but corresponding practically with the relation between the total working hours for the divisions. T IM E R E C O R D S FO R PLA TE CASTIN G The number of perfect casts required from each matrix ranged from 6 to 28 plates per matrix, according to the number of pages in each issue, which determined the amount of presses to be operated. Table 73 shows the clock time recorded for casting of the starter plates and is comparable with similar tables for other establishments: T able 7 3 . — Clock time consumed in casting of plates from starter forms in news paper stereotyping room No. 5, in 1926 M ini mum M axi mum Aver age Aver age num ber of plates cast per min ute 3 7 9 5 5 5 6 14 20 8 12 9 9 21 23 6 14 20 4. 33 9. 50 9.0 7.0 8. 68 10. 77 6 14 20 1.38 .84 1.00 1.43 1.27 1.11 2.17 1.00 .75 Number of minutes re quired to cast 1 set of plates Number of plates per matrix 6.............................. 8................................ 9............................... 10.......................... n _ _ ........: .......... 12............ ................. 13............... ............. 14_ .................... . 15.............................. . Number of plates per m atrix 16...................... ....... 17 _____ ______ 18............................. 22............................. 28 _______________ General average for all plates Number of minutes re Aver age quired to cast 1 set of num plates ber of plates cast per M ini Maxi A ver min mum mum age ute 5 5 15 24 19 12 5 15 26 19 8. 5 5 15 26 19 1.88 3.40 1. 20 .85 1. 47 1. 22 The average number of plates cast per minute ranged from 0.75 to 3.4, being regulated partly by the number of duplicates from each matrix. The general average for all plates was 1.22 per minute, as against 1.73 in room No. 4, or 1.99 in room No. 1 in 1926, con siderably lower than that in either of the last-named rooms. The average clock time between receipt o f , the starter form from the composing room and delivery of the first plate from it to the press room was 15.93 minutes, as against 9.71 minutes for room No. 4, or 9.36 minutes for room No. 1, presumably on account of using the wet-flong method in room No. 5. The minimum was 8 minutes and the maximum 27 minutes, as against 4 minutes and 21 minutes for room No. 4, or 4 minutes and 22 minutes for room No. 1. The figures for room No. 5 correspond more nearly to those for room No. 1 during the 1916 period, when wet flong was used there also, giving a minimum time for delivery of the first plate of 8 minutes, but a maximum of 20 minutes and a general average of 10.23 minutes. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 131 N O N PR O D U C TIV E LA BO R The job men were, as in establishment No. 4, considered only in the general table for all employees (Table 69). The job work was performed mostly by special laborers working only on such work. The equipment was composed of a single set of the ordinary machines used for the purpose. Overtime for the group was 26.9 per cent of the total hours worked, more than for any of the productive labor groups. As the basic rate was the same for these as for other skilled labor, the man-hour labor cost was consequently higher for this group than for the others. The supervisory group, data for which were also given only in Table 69, showed a correspondingly high man-hour cost, on account of the higher daily wage rates for the individuals, though no extra compensation was included for over time. Room No. 5 further resembled room No. 4 in including a third group of nonproductive labor, designated “ laborers,” for handling the plates and cleaning up. The regular wage rate for these laborers, also referred to in Table 69 alone, was 72 per cent of that for skilled labor, and the overtime for the group amounted to less than 10 per cent of the total hours for it, making the difference in man-hour labor cost still larger. COMPARISON OF PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST IN STEREO TYPING, 1916 AND 1926 M O L D IN G D IVISIO N S AND FO U N D R Y DIVISIO NS HTHE various stereotyping rooms from which the information was collected differed essentially in working arrangements, each being a fair example of some condition commonly encountered throughout the country. The man-hour production and labor cost for all of them for productive labor in the molding divisions and pro ductive labor in the foundry divisions are presented as Table 74 for purposes of comparison. T able 7 4 .— Man-hour production and man-hour labor cost for productive labor in the molding and foundry divisions of five newspaper stereotyping rooms Molding division Establishment Average production per— Total man-hour 1916: No. 1.................................. 1926: No. 1..................................... No. 2.................... - .............. No. 3 . _ . . _ No. 4.................. ......... . N o. 5..................................... Foundry division Matrices 1. 47 Labor cost per total Productive man-hour man-hour Matrices 3.40 $0.859 1.04 1.81 3. 33 3.33 12. 50 .94 ............. .“96" 1. 25 1.35 1. 387 .990 1.947 1. 267 1. 357 Average production per— Total man-hour Labor cost per total Productive man-hour man-hour Plates 9.69 Places 21.54 $0.801 10.69 6. 91 21.70 6. 99 124. 00 8. 83 9. 98 1.365 1.169 i . 861 1.264 1. 363 8.12 9. 26 ^Estimated. The table emphasizes the variation in production, which was influenced in the molding division by the kind of flong used, by the number of editions published daily, and by the length of the daily 132 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING working periods and the relative amount of idle time therein as well as by shop arrangements. Production in the foundry division, also, was affected by conditions of a like character, as well as by the number of plates produced from each matrix and by the amount of equipment utilized. The man-hour labor cost differed according to the prevailing wage rate for the locality in which the establishment was located, but was also affected by the proportion of overtime. A VE R AG E M A N -H O U R P R O D U C TIO N AND LABO R COST IN S T E R E O T Y P IN G For further comparison Table 75 has been compiled, covering man-hour production and labor cost for plates in all establishments, on the basis of man-hours for productive labor and for all employees. The general average was computed by dividing the total number of plates produced in all establishments and the labor cost by the total man-hours for productive labor and for all employees. 7 5 .— Average man-hour production and man-hour labor cost for production of plates in five newspaper stereotyping rooms (on basis of total productive labor and of all employees) T a b le Average production per man-hour for— Labor cost per manhour for— Establishment Productive labor 1916: No. 1_____ _________ __________________ ____ ____ 1926: No. N o. N o. N o. No. 1 __...................................... ............................. ........ 2_ _____ _______ ____ ________ _______ _______ 3______ _______________________ ____ ____ ____ 4 ______ _________________ ____ _______________ 5______________ _____ ________ __________ ____ Average for 1926 _ .......................... ................... ! 1 All em ployees Productive labor I All em ployees Plates 6. 38 Plates 5. 67 $0. 821 00. 876 6.19 3. 98 5. 53 4.85 6.02 5. 33 2.91 5. 03 3. 76 4. 65 1.374 1. 099 .906 1.266 1. 361 1.433 1.117 .937 1.203 1. 337 5.60 4. 56 1. 277 1.282 Production was regulated in each establishment by the peculiar conditions existing therein, as described in detail heretofore, determin ing in each case its relation to the general average, as computed. The operations in stereotyping room No. 1 for the selected period in 1916 were virtually the same as those found in some of the other establishments during the period in 1926, but the items therefor have been excluded from the general average, principally because of the low wage rate prevailing at that time as compared with modern wage rates for similar work. The table shows a general average of 5.6 plates produced per man-hour, based on total man-hours for produc tive labor in the stereotyping rooms of all the establishments, and of 4.56 plates produced per man-hour, based on total hours for all em ployees in all of the stereotyping rooms. Comparison of the manhour production for establishment No. 1 in the two periods shows a decrease for 1926 of nearly 3 per cent for productive labor, and of about 6 per cent for all employees. Improvements had been made in equipment, which rendered the labor easier, bettered shop conditions, and permitted faster time for actual sterotyping of one page. These arrangements, however, necessitated additional working hours, and consequently created decrease in hourly production. PRODUCTIVITY OF STEREOTYPING: 1916 AND 1926 133 The general labor cost in 1926 was $1,277 per man-hour for the pro ductive labor, and $1,282 for all employees, which included some unskilled lower priced labor and some higher priced supervisory labor. The 1926 wage rates were for several localities and varied considerably for these groups. The increase over the 1916 labor cost in establish ment No. 1 was 67.3 per cent for productive labor, and 63.6 per cent for all employees. It was due practically to the general increase in wages of all kinds throughout the country during the interval. CHAPTER 9.—DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK PRESSWORK BEFORE 1870 H A N D AND C YLIN DER PRESSES E C H A N IC A L appliances are necessary to produce an imprint from type or from stereotype plates. In the beginning the imprint was obtained by placing inked type, covered with a sheet of paper, between two flat surfaces, which were then pressed together by means of a screw, turned by hand. The method was laborious and slow, resulting in only 600 impressions per day for two hands, and from very small forms. By the early part of the nine teenth century improvements in the hand presses permitted produc tion of about 1,500 impressions per 10-hour day for one hand, approxi mately eight times the early production when the increased size of the product is also considered. Application of mechanical power increased the output to a maximum of 1,000 impressions per clock hour on 24 by 36 inch sheets, with a crew of three hands on each power-driven flat, or platen press. The invention of the cylinder press permitted faster production and the printing of larger forms, reaching 2,000 impressions per clock hour on 36 by 48 sheets. The type form was placed on a flat bed, which was passed under a cylinder that held the sheet and supplied the impression. Application of power reduced the operating force for a machine to two hands. M R O T A R Y T Y P E PR ESSES Type-revolving presses multiplied the output, according to the number of impression cylinders on the machine, giving an actual production of 1,500 impressions per clock hour per cylinder, or about 7,000 impressions per man-hour on a 10-cylinder machine. The type was placed on a central, revolving cylinder, surrounded by several impression cylinders, to which the sheets were fed. R O T A R Y S T E R E O T Y P E PRESSES The process was revolutionized by the introduction of the Bullock rotary press in 1863, which used curved stereotype plates molded from the type forms and paper manufactured in a continuous web in roll form. The substitution of stereotype plates for type forms permitted printing at a maximum speed of about 10,000 copies of a 4-page paper per hour on a single machine with a crew of four hands. The larger newspapers met their increasing circulation by replacing their cylinder or type-revolving presses with rotary stereotype presses, using single rolls, and by installing additional machines. Production was retarded for many years through the necessity of folding the papers by hand after printing, or of combining the product of two or more presses when the issue consisted of more than four pages. Considerable trouble was experienced with the paper, which lacked uniform quality and strength, and with the ink, which was not suitable. Experiments by printing-press manufacturers finally eliminated these difficulties, and laid the foundation for the multiple, 134 DEVELOPMENT OP PRESSWORK 135 newspaper presses of the present day. There is no standard pattern for these, not even for those built by one manufacturer, for conditions as to space differ widely in the various newspaper plants and the presses are usually designed to meet individual requirements. So far as operation of modern newspaper presses or production thereon goes, the various makes of the same construction period are very similar. While the newer styles of presses constantly superseded the older styles on the larger newspapers, both platen and cylinder presses of many varieties were used for the printing of newspapers in 1870 and for many years afterward. Even at the present time quite a few newspapers, especially country weeklies, are turned out on cylinder presses. R. HOE & CO. EARLY E X PE R IM E N TS The principal early improvements in newspaper rotary web presses were brought out by the firm of R. Hoe & Co., manufacturers of platen and cylinder presses. According to Ringwalt 1 a patent was obtained in 1859 by R. M . Hoe, of New York, for “ an improvement, the combination of the feeding mechanism, cutting apparatus, and printing machine, for the purpose of feeding the paper from a roll to the press, and cutting or partially cutting it into sheets as it passes along to be printed. Also in combination with the cutting cylinder, the employment of two pressure rollers for keeping the sheet distended.” A roll-fed rotary press, printing from stereotype plates, was brought out by R . Hoe & Co. after many experiments, supple mented by cooperation from paper makers and ink manufacturers in providing paper of uniform quality and thickness and a suitable ink. In this machine the web was perforated after printing and separated by means of accelerating tapes, and the sheets were delivered by a fly. A number of improvements were invented by the experts of the firm, particularly by Stephen D. Tucker, or were secured from other parties. In 1868 Hoe and Tucker had managed to direct successive sheets into alternates pathways, one long and one short, at the delivery end of the press, which would bring one sheet on top of the other, so that both could be delivered together by one operation of the fly. This was patented in 1872. Later the sheets were sent around a collecting cylinder until six had been gathered, when they were released for a single delivery by a fly, but still delivered flat. It expedited delivery and gave the press a capacity of 18,000 papers per hour, though the average actual production was 12,000 per hour. The first press equipped with such a delivery was installed in the office of L lo y d ’s Weekly Newspaper at London, England, in 1874; the first one used in the United States was in the office of the Tribune at New York. In 1875 Tucker patented a “ folding cylinder,” carrying a rotating blade which forced the sheet between a pair of folding rollers, by which it was delivered. A rotary device had been previously used by Andrew Campbell, of New York, on presses built by him for the Jersey City Evening Journal and the Cleveland Leader, but he had failed to secure a patent. Tucker combined collecting and folding on one cylinder, by which several sheets could be collected, pasted 1Ringwalt, J. Luther: American Encyclopedia of Printing, Philadelphia, 1871. 136 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING and folded. The first of these folders was placed on a machine built for the Philadelphia Times and operated at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876. Anthony, owner of an English newspaper, and Taylor secured patents in England during 1876 for rounded bars set at an angle to the travel of the web, by which, after being printed on one side, the web could be reversed to present the other side to the printing cylinder. The patents were obtained by Hoe, as were those of E. L. Ford, New York newspaper publisher, granted in 1877, for uniting the products of two or more printing mechanisms and producing a multiple number of pages at one time. Assembling in such manner had previously been accomplished by Andrew Campbell, of New York, on presses built for the Cleveland Leader, where the webs of two presses were run into one folding mechanism, assembled, and folded as a single product. This idea had also been utilized in 1875 on the English machine, the Victory press, invented by G. A. Wilson, of Liverpool. Several patents were also purchased from Luther C. Crowell, inventor, of Boston, Mass., who had devised an ingenious, high-speed paper-bag machine. Among them was a longitudinal folder, patented by Crowell in 1873, in which the web was pulled down over a Vshaped iron frame, called a “ former,” by two rollers at its lower point, giving it a fold along the center margin. The stereotype plates had previously been curved so that the columns of the print ran crosswise of the web, to accommodate the first or transverse fold of the chopping blades, but with this folder the plates were curved so that the columns ran with the web, making the center margin of the two pages the center of the web, where it received the first or longitudi nal fold. The early presses were provided with two plate cylinders, each two plates wide. As only half the circumference of a plate cylinder was occupied by one curved stereotype plate, two of these were required to complete the circle. They were ordinarily duplicates, so that two complete 4-page papers were produced by each revolution of the plate cylinders. By using plates from separate pages, instead of duplicates, and a collecting cylinder, by which two sheets could be placed together, a complete 8-page paper could be produced with out hand manipulation. This was quite a factor, as by 1870, 8-page papers had become popular and considerable hand work had been necessary to place two 4-page sheets together. Producing 8-page papers in such manner cut the output in two, as only one paper was printed per revolution, so in 1874 a 4-plate-wide press was devised for turning out an 8-page paper per revolution. It was designated a double perfecting web press. H O E D O U B LE -SU PPLE M E N T PRESS All of these improvements effectually reduced both labor and time involved in the process, and finally culminated in the first of the mod ern newspaper presses, the double-supplement press, which again revolutionized the methods of fast newspaper printing. The first one was installed in the office of the New York Herald in 1882, and consisted of a 4-plate-wide press, supplied with a double width web, which was split in the center after printing. The resulting two 2-page-wide webs were conducted over turning bars to a folder, in which they were brought evenly on top of each other. Another press, DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 137 two plates wide, was placed at right angles to the main press, geared to the same drive, and the 2-page-wide sheet from this supplement press was associated with the other two at the top of the folder. All three were pulled together down over the inclined “ form er/ ’ receiving the longitudinal fold. A folding cylinder below the point, or nose, of the former was provided with movable pins, which carried the folded webs ahead. It revolved against a knife cylinder, in which was mounted a sharp, serrated blade that cut the webs into page lengths. A revolving tucker blade in the folding cylinder forced the cut-off section between two folding rollers, giving it the second or half-page fold, and into a revolving fly with curved fingers, another of Crowell’s inventions. The papers were deposited on endless traveling belts in a continuous stream, and overlapping, each paper being dropped about three-eighths of an inch back of the previous one. A device was later incorporated, by which every tenth, twenty-fifth, or fiftieth paper was projected a couple of inches, indicating the count. If the full capacity of the press was used, with double plates of each page, a 4-page-wide roll of paper in the main press and a 2-page-wide roll in the supplement press, two complete 12-page papers were turned out for each revolution of the plate cylinders. Two 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 page papers could also be produced, according to the number of plates clamped on the cylinders and corresponding widths and number of webs used. By operating the collecting device and using one plate for each page, either 16, 20, or 24 page papers could also be produced, but only at the rate of one complete paper per revolution. After the assembled webs had passed down over the former, the first cut was carried around the knife cylinder or a separate collecting cylinder, and picked up by the pins in the folding cylinder together with the second cut, both being folded together into a single paper of two sections. These principles were retained in succeeding presses, though improved from time to time. For awhile mechanical devices were employed for pasting the sheets together, but they were later discontinued on account of the delays usually created by their use. This style of press rapidly supplanted others previously used in offices large enough to warrant production of 10 or 12 page papers at the rate of 20,000 per hour, and 16 or 24 page papers at half that rate. The maximum production was 24,000 and 12,000 papers per hour, but changing of rolls and other delays reduced the output. Some establishments installed several presses, as one was not sufficient to handle the growing circulation and the increased number of pages. This style of press became popular in England also, where eight of them were installed in 1887 to print L loyd’s Weekly Newspaper. O P E R A T IO N OF D O U B LE -SU PPLE M E N T PRESSES The minimum number of hands required to operate a double supplement press was three. One of these, the pressman in charge of the press, supervised the running of the machine, regulated the flow of ink, made adjustments to facilitate proper travel of the web, looked after the pasting device, and oiled important bearings when required. In a small pressroom, using only one press, the foreman performed these duties, but in large establishments a pressman was placed in charge of each press, and the foreman acted only in a super visory capacity. Another worker, commonly known as a brakeman or tension man, was stationed at the belt-shifting lever by which the 9819°— 29------ 10 138 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING press was started or stopped. He was required to watch the webs closely and to shut down the press at once when there was danger of a web breaking or choking in the rapidly moving machinery. He also adjusted the tension on the paper rolls, by tightening or loosening the wooden friction blocks, clamped around a small pulley on one end of the roll shaft, which controlled the passage of the web through the press. The third hand, ordinarily an apprentice, removed the papers from the delivery, and usually kept count of the spoiled copies so that these could be deducted from the total shown on the press counter, thus determining the number of perfect papers printed. When a new roll of paper had to be inserted in the press, all hands usually participated. The rolls were made large, and about 10,000 papers were obtained from the two full rolls. When more than 15,000 papers were printed on one press, an extra hand was usually added to take care of the oiling and to prepare additional paper for the press. PR ELIM IN A R Y W ORK The actual productive operation of the press was, however, only a portion of the work involved, getting it ready for operation occupying considerable of the total working time. With most newspapers, especially the dailies, a certain number of copies had to be delivered to railroad depots, post offices, news stands, and carrier routes at a certain time, to insure distribution at a seasonable hour. For that reason continuous production was necessary at maximum speed after the press had been started, and all preparations were made with that object in view. On daily newspapers the preparations also had to be completed at a certain time, so there would be no delay in starting the press after the last plate had been received from the stereotyping department. The old stereotype plates had to be removed from the cylinders and returned to the stereotyping room. The composition rollers required washing, to free them from the paper dust and grit accumulated during the previous run and also needed testing and adjusting from time to time to insure perfect contact for distribution and application of the ink. The ink fountains required filling, and at times washing out to remove sediment. In those days ink was fur nished by the manufacturers in barrels containing about 500 to 600 pounds, and from these barrels the ink was commonly drawn into coal scuttles, and then poured into the fountains. From l j^ to 3 pounds were used for every 1,000 eight-page papers of modern size. The muslin tympans on the impression cylinders required changing to prevent smutting and to keep the accumulations of ink from soaking into the blankets. The second impression cylinder was originally made three times the size of the plate cylinders, to provide additional tympan space, and was later reduced to double circumference, but equal-size cylinders were finally adopted to reduce the size of the presses. The tympans on the smaller cylinders, of course, required more frequent changing. The felt blankets on the impression cylin ders required removal of the high bolsters or ridges formed in the margins by the constant beating of the plates on the contact parts. As the blankets wore down, underlays were required to maintain the correct diameters of the cylinders, and eventually both the felt blankets and the rubber blankets under them required replacing, a task which at one time involved considerable extra work. The cuting mechanism required changing of knife blades when dull and occa sionally of cutting sticks in the folding cylinder. DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 139 The entire’ machine required inspection from time to time, to prevent bolts, nuts, screws, or keys from working loose enough to interfere with operation or to cause breakdowns. During the run con siderable oil, ink, and paper dust accumulated on the machine, which necessitated regular cleaning. The webs were usually pulled out of the press to permit thorough cleaning and in such case required leading in again. The paper rolls, which in the majority of places were stood on end in the storeroom, required removal of the wrappers, transporting to the press, insertion of spindles on which they were locked, and placing in the brackets for them in the press or in positions close by for quick changes. As 4-page-wide rolls ordinarily weighed 1,000 pounds, and sometimes as high as 1,500 pounds, considerable physical exertion was required. In small establishments the pressroom workers also often assisted in placing the paper rolls in the stock room as they were brought to the plants. In the early days considerable waste was created through damage to the paper rolls, due mostly to insufficient wrapping or to careless handling. This waste had to be taken care of, as well as the wrappers and other waste paper from the pressroom. A baling machine was commonly used for the waste paper. The belting for driving the press required occasional overhauling, and at times even the operation of the steam engine was one of the duties. Before a run of any appreciable size all working parts in the machine had to be carefully oiled to- prevent stoppage through hot bearings. The new stereotype plates required clamping on the cylinders in their respective locations, a feat which involved some exertion, because the plates weighed about 50 pounds apiece, and also some speed (especially for the last plates on the daily newspapers) so that the press could be started as soon as possible. Considerable extra work resulted at times through changes in the number of pages for the different editions, necessitating removal of paper rolls already in the press and substi tution of required sizes, as well as complete changes in adjustment of the working parts. QU ADRU PLE PR ESSES The double-supplement press in turn became too small, when papers with more than 12 pages were required for the daily issues or more than 24 pages for the Sunday issues, in order to carry the advertisments. It was soon necessary to make two runs to secure sufficient pages and then insert one of the sections in the other by hand, again slowing up production. To meet this condition, II. Hoe & Co. introduced in 1887 a larger press— known as a right-angle quadruple press, built in the same style as the double-supplement press but with the supple ment part four plates wide— which would print two 16-page papers at each revolution of the plate cylinders, twice as fast as on the other style, or one 32-page paper in two sections but folded. It also admitted of the printing of 14 or 28 page papers, which was not possible on the other press. The press was equipped with two folders, placed side by side, and both paper rolls were at floor level, making handling easy. The webs could be carried full width toward the folders, slit on top of the formers, and delivered through both folders, or slit and carried over angle bars into either folder. The first one was installed in the pressroom of the New York World. It became very popular, especially after the second impression cylinder had been reduced to the same size as the plate cylinder, condensing the equipment, Together with the double-supplement press, it 140 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING displaced almost all other presses in the larger offices of the United States, as well as in Great Britain and Australia. The name “ quad ruple” was given to this machine because it contained four single presses. As the earliest rotary presses consisted of two pairs of printing cylinders, each two pages wide and capable of producing eight pages per revolution, a single press had come to mean a machine of that size, and larger machines were ordinarily designated according to the number of such presses they contained. The capacity of the quad ruple press was 48,000 copies of an 8-page paper, 24,000 of a 16-page paper, or 12,000 papers of either 20, 24, 28, or 32 pages each, by assembling. Further improvements followed in rapid succession, by R. Hoe & Co. and by other press builders, on the same general lines of combining several presses, printing from several rolls of paper, and assembling the webs in a folding mechanism, where they were deliv ered as single papers with the desired number of pages. Ideas embodying time and labor saving devices were sometimes perfected before it was discovered that they interfered with patents held by others, resulting in considerable litigation. For a number of years practically all inventions for improvements were purchased by R. Hoe & Co., and it became difficult to build rotary stereotype presses without infringing on Hoe patents. Presses in a variety of sizes and styles were designed to meet the conditions of the different offices, as each newspaper had problems of its own which required individual treatment. Principal among these were size of page, number of pages in issue, number of copies to be produced within a certain time limit, size of space in which the press was to be erected, and shape of this space. The last two items were responsible for the placing of printing couples above each other, either irregularly or in regular tiers or decks, where the floor space was limited. A double press could be constructed in this manner with 2-plate-wide cylinders arranged parallel in two tiers, with two rolls of paper, one above the other, at one end, the webs being assembled in a folder at the other end. A quadruple could be constructed with either four decks and 2-platewide cylinders, or two decks with cylinders four plates wide, to suit available space. SEXTU PLE PRESSES Quadruple presses also proved too small, and in 1891 R. Hoe & Co. installed a sextuple press in the office of the New York Herald to supersede the two quadruples there. As implied by its name “ sextuple,” this machine consisted of six presses, combined in one frame. Four-plate-wide parallel cylinders were used, giving two printing units on the floor and a third one on a deck above, each supplied from a 4-page roll of paper. A double folder was attached at one end. The machine would produce 24-page papers at the rate of 2 per revolution, or collected 48-page papers at the rate of 1 for each revolution. In addition to the varied, smaller sizes, it would also produce 18 or 22 page papers. Its capacity per hour was 48,000 copies of a 12-page paper, 36,000 of a 16-page paper, 24,000 of a 24-page paper, or 12,000 of a 48-page paper. Machines of similar capacity were also constructed with the printing units arranged on three decks. DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 141 LARG ER PRESSES As still larger papers were demanded, the firm constructed an octuple press, brought out in 1895, which printed from 4 rolls, was provided with 4 folders, and had a maximum hourly capacity of 96.000 copies of an 8-page paper, 24,000 of a 32-page paper, or 12,000 of a 64-page paper. Again increasing the capacity, decuple presses, with a capacity of two 40-page papers per revolution, were brought out, followed with a double sextuple press, installed in the New York Journal in 1901, consisting of two 3-deck sextuple presses with the four folders arranged in the center, back to back. The following year double octuple presses, 4 decks high, were constructed, with a maximum hourly capacity of 144,000 papers up to 16 pages in size, or 72,000 of sizes from 18 to 32 pages. As the contents of the daily issues increased, newspaper publishers replaced their presses with others of larger or more suitable capacities. It was found that 14, 16, 28, or 32 pages could be produced to best advantage on quadruple presses, while sextuple presses were better adapted for papers ranging from 18 to 24 pages, and octuples for papers consisting of 2 sections of unequal size, such as 26 and 30 pages or 28 and 32 pages, folded. The presses removed from the larger establishments were usually installed in other, and smaller plants that also needed additional facilities, with the result that many of the old-style presses are still in service throughout the country and a great number of models can be found in use. In many plants increased capacity was obtained by the addition of decks on the presses used at the time, such as decks placed on double-supplement presses, changing them into quintuple or sextuple presses, or on quadruple presses, changing them into sextuple or octuple presses. O T H E R DESIG N S Other styles had also been introduced by R. Hoe So Co., such as the 3-plate-wide press introduced in 1888, which had a capacity of 24.000 copies of a 4 or 6 page paper per hour, or half that amount of collected 8 or 12 page papers. In 1897 a 5-plate-wide press was also introduced, to permit special combinations and a 20-page product from a single unit. Some styles were built with upper decks which could be adjusted to operate at half speed, when used for the produc tion of papers which were not multiples of four pages. The sheets were cut off above the former, and conducted down over it to the folding cylinder by tapes. While these models did not become popu lar, compared with the other common styles, each filled its own par ticular need. Linear construction was introduced in 1907. The printing units were arranged end to end, lengthwise of the press, which was merely a return to the arrangement of the main press in the rightangle construction of 1882, requiring a right-angle turn of the webs to enter the folder. About 1912 another design was introduced, the Simplex newspaper press, intended especially for small daily news papers with a circulation of 5,000 up to 25,000. It was of the deck type, but arranged so it could be installed as a 16-page press, con sisting of 2 decks with 1 folder, and increased by 8-page units up to 48 pages. 142 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING IN CREASE IN PR O D U C TIV E C APACITY The next step in advancement was made through the invention, patented by R. Hoe & Co., of the rotary lightning folder in 1908. It embodied a geared folder blade in place of the cam-driven blade, which would not work satisfactorily at higher speed. In many places these folders were substituted for the older style, increasing the productive capacity of the same presses 50 per cent without additional labor or extra expense. Substitution of the new folder gave a sextuple press a maximum capacity of 72,000 papers per hour of 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 pages in one section; 54,000 papers of 16 pages, two-thirds of them in one section and the remainder in two sections; 36,000 papers of 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, or 24 pages in one or two sections; or 18,000 papers of 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, or 48 pages in two sections. SU PE R SPE E D PRESSES Further increase in capacity was created through the invention of the automatic ink-pump distribution, patented by R. Hoe & Co. in 1915, as the old method of supplying the ink from the fountain to the distribution cylinder by means of a swinging composition ductor roller would not permit of higher speed. The ink was forced by means of air pressure or gravity from the main supply tank to a small pump box for each inking mechanism, and by pumps in this box through fine slots onto the distribution cylinder in a fine film. Combined with some improvements of the folder and a new arrange ment of printing units, it resulted in the Twentieth Century Super speed press. The first of these was installed on the New York Times in 1915. It was a return to the low-type unit system, all on the floor, as previously employed in the double-supplement press, but with the units placed tandem in any desired number and inter spersed with double folding mechanisms. Each unit consisted of a double press, complete in itself, capable of printing up to 16 pages. The cylinders of all units were placed parallel, and each unit could be silenced at will or operated independently of the other units. The products of several units could be assembled in one of the double folding mechanisms. The units could also be arranged in two or more lines, and different combinations could be obtained by cross association, transferring webs from one line to folders in another. The maximum speed of a Superspeed sextuple press per hour was 80,000 papers up to 12 pages; 60,000 papers of 16 pages; 40,000 papers of 14 pages and from 18 to 24 pages; or 20,000 papers of 28 to 48 pages, an increase of 11.1 per cent over the productive maximum of the High Speed press. In the large offices the deck style was abandoned for the multiunit style, where possible, so that when page output increased, it was not necessary to substitute entire new equip ment for that previously used, but facilities could be enlarged by adding one or more units.. Some newspapers installed 12 to 36 or more units each, and increased the number as needed. For example, one afternoon paper, the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, installed 30 Superspeed units in 1921, 15 more in 1922, and ordered 48 additional in 1924. By the middle of 1926,.an installation of 11 more units brought the total up to 104 units, in decuple and octuple combinations, hoe U n i t -T y p e S u p e r s p e e d S e x t u p l e press, 4 P a g e s W id e DUPLEX METROPOLITAN SUPER-DUTY, SEM1CYL1NDRICAL PLATE, OCTUPLE PRESS, 4 PAGES WIDE DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 143 DUPLEX PRIN TIN G PRESS CO. /^ T H E R manufacturers had entered the field and competed strenu^ ously in devising time-saving and labor-saving improvements, which were embodied in their particular makes of rotary newspaper presses, usually known under the name of the firm. Among these were the present day manufacturers, Duplex Printing Press Co., Goss Printing Press Co., Walter Scott & Co., and W ood Newspaper Machinery Corporation. Notable among firms now out of existence, but whose presses can still be found in operation in various places, usually small, were the Campbell Printing Press & Manufacturing Co., C. Potter, Jr., & Co., and Seymour & Brewer Printing Press Co. The tendency to crowd the printing mechanisms together in sky scraper style, making access to some of the parts difficult, was coun tered by a new style rotary press in 1906, brought out by the Duplex Printing Press Co. of Battle Creek, M ich., which previously had manufactured the Cox Duplex flat-bed perfecting web press for use in small newspaper plants. The first of these, a quadruple press, was installed in the office of the Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin at New York. It consisted of two sections, each a double press or four plates wide, placed end to end, with the folding mecha nism at one end but turned at right angles. The webs were brought up from the cylinders and slit into 2-page-wide ribbons, each of which was given a right-angle turn, over an angle bar, and conducted into the folder. As the entire press was only 6 feet in height, it could easily be operated in a room with 8 feet to the ceiling. Each set of inking rollers was held in a swinging frame and could be swung out by turning a handwheel, permitting the rollers to be washed without removing them one at a time from the press. Its capacity was rated at 30,000 per hour for 4 to 16 page papers, or 15,000 per hour for 20 to 32 page papers A second folder, added later, increased the capac ity for 4, 6, or 8 page papers to 60,000 per hour. Five-plate-wide sections were also constructed. TUBULAR PLATE W EB PR ESSES In 1909 Henry F. Bechman, superintendent of the firm, succeeded in perfecting a press to carry tubular plates— plates extending clear around the cylinders. As early as 1863 John C. M acDonald and Joseph Calverley, stereotypers on the London Times, obtained patents in England for casting plates in tubular form, but there was no record of any press being constructed to utilize them. The first tubular-plate web press constructed, which was installed in the pressroom of the Kalamazoo Evening Press, Kalamazoo, M ich., in 1909, and eventually found its way to Honolulu, Hawaii, was a 2plate-wide machine, with a capacity of 16 pages. The tubular plates were provided with a slot along the entire length that permitted slipping them over one end of the plate cylinders, which rested in journals with special supports. The printing parts were arranged in decks, with the rolls of paper at one end, and the webs were carried straight into a folder at the other end. The single-plate-for-page system permitted printing any number of even pages up to plate capacity at a maximum speed of 30,000 papers per hour, in one section, but no products were collected. The style was intended for newspapers requiring up to 24 pages, and for any circulation. Two- 144 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING plate-wide presses were consequent^7 built up to 24-page capacity, but later the Metropolitan Tubular Plate web press was introduced, with cylinders four plates wide adaptable to any number of pages as well as to any circulation. The first of these, a quadruple press, was installed in the office of the Detroit Times in 1916. The popularity of the low-construction unit press resulted finally in the manufacture of a similar design, the Duplex M etropolitan Super D uty press, constructed for use with semicircular plates. It w^as intended for operation at the rate of 300 revolutions per minute, giving a maximum production per hour of 36,000 24-page papers on a sextuple press. G OSS PRIN TIN G PRESS CO- TOSEPH L. F IR M , foreman of the pressroom in Frank Leslie’s ^ publishing house, took out patents in 1889 for a straight-line construction, arranging the printing couples with the cylinders parallel, either tandem or in tiers above each other, so that the webs could be carried in a parallel plane from the roll to the folding and delivery mechanism at one end, regardless of the number of printing units in the frame. In 1891, Firm constructed a sextuple press on these principles for the New York World, but it was so crude and so badly built that it was condemned. Firm disposed of his patent to the Goss Printing Press Co., of Chicago, 111., with whom he became associated, and which manufac tured 2-plate-wide or 4-plate-wide presses of all sizes, very similar to the Hoe deck type presses, but included also five decks among the varieties. In the beginning the speed capacity was only 20,000 papers per hour in single sections, with 2 papers for each revolution of the cylinders, or 10,000 collected papers. This was increased to 25,000 and 12,500 papers, and high-speed presses, brought out later, raised the capacity to 36,000 and 18,000, respectively, both for the deck type and for the tandem low-construction Unit-Type, which was also adopted by the Goss Printing Press Co. Three-page-wide presses had likewise been turned out by the firm, as well as a Goss Junior Straightline press, with 1 plate-wide cylinders and type columns lengthwise of the cylinders. Only one plate was used for each page, except on 6 or 10 page papers, when there were 2 more plates than pages. The maximum capacity per hour of a 3-deck press of that type was 20,000 papers of 12 pages, and of a 5-deck press the same number of papers of 20 pages. W ALTER SC O TT & CO. first successful attempt to attach a folding mechanism to the joullock rotary web press was made by Walter Scott, foreman on the Chicago Inter-Ocean, who invented a press in 1872, and later established the firm of Walter Scott & Co., which erected a plant at Plainfield, N. J., in 1884. The firm manufactured at first some small single-roll presses, but then devoted itself to producing deck types, similar to the Hoe or Goss presses, 2 to 4 decks high and 2 plates wide or 4 plates wide. These were rated at a maximum capacity of 25,000 papers per hour in single sections, with 2 papers for each revolution of the cylinders, or 12,500 collected papers. The speed was increased to 26,000 and 13,000, later to 30,000 and 15,000, and DUPLEX TUBULAR PLATE ROTARV STEREOTYPE 16-PAGE PRESS, 2 PAGES WIDE G oss H ig h - s p e e d , L o w C o n s t r u c t i o n , S e x t u p l e p r e s s , 4 p a g e s w i d e DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 145 finally to 36,000 and 18,000 papers, respectively, for deck types. The latter speed was also claimed for the Multi-Unit low-construction presses, designed under end-to-end patents and multiple-drive patents of 1906, 1913, and 1914. The units were arranged with the cylinders lengthwise of the press, and the presses were built either in a single row or a double row of units, which could be operated inde pendently or in combinations. Such an equipment, consisting of 24 units with 12 folders, was installed in the pressroom of the Detroit News in 1917. The modern, tandem arrangement was also adopted by Walter Scott & Co. in the Straight-Unit newspaper presses, with the units arranged in a single row, and cylinders crosswise of the press, for which a running speed of 400 revolutions per minute was claimed on straight products, or 350 revolutions per minute on col lected products. This would give a maximum capacity for a sextuple press of 96,000 papers per hour of 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 pages in 1 section; 63,000 papers of 16 pages, partly in 1 and partly in 2 sections; 48,000 papers of 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, or 24 pages in one or 2 sections; or 21,000 papers of 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, or 48 pages, collected in 2 sections or associated and collected in 4 sections. Like other manufacturers, Walter Scott & Co. also turned out a 3-plate-wide press, and in the earlier da}rs manufactured a single-plate machine, the Speed King, to produce per hour 24,000 papers of up to 16 pages, using two 2-page rolls of paper. W O O D N E W SPA PER M ACH IN ERY CO R PO R A TIO N A BOUT 1896 Henry A. Wise W ood, of New York, took out patents in connection with perfecting flat-bed web presses, which were assigned to the Campbell Printing Press & Manufacturing Co. He later developed the Autoplate stereotype casting machine, and founded the firm of W ood Newspaper Machinery Corporation. In 1916 a new style of rotary web press, of extra heavy construction, was brought out by the firm, which shortly before had located in Plainfield, N. J. The first one was built for the New York Herald, but due to the death of the publisher was not installed until later, and then in the plant of the New York Daily News. The second press was placed in the pressroom of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin in 1917, and two others were installed in the plant of the Philadelphia Inquirer. These were sextuples of the straight-line type, 3 decks high with 4-plate-wide cylinders, and claimed to possess a running speed capable of producing 60,000 copies per hour each of 24-page papers, when operated as 2 independent sextuples, or a total of 180,000 copies of 16-page papers when operated in combination as 3 quadruples, requiring 500 cylinder revolutions per minute. They were provided with air brakes, to permit instant stopping. The speed of 500 cylinder revolutions per minute was not found practical, because the paper was of too poor a quality and inking rollers, made out of composition, could not stand the attendant strain. In 1925 another press, of the unit-type design, was installed in the new pressroom of the Philadelphia Inquirer. It consisted of 12 units, placed tandem, with 1 double folder in front of each 3 units and each folder provided with 3 formers. The special ink mechanism was simple and easily adjustable, free from due tor rollers, as well as pumps and pipes. Strain on the paper was claimed to have been 146 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING reduced by special control, and the press was declared to be capable of maintaining a daily working speed of not less than 50,000 copies per hour of 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, or 96 page products, or smaller ones in proportion, and that it could be operated safely in emergencies, during long periods at a time, up to 60,000 copies per hour. A small press, the W ood Bee-Line press, was also placed on the market in 1925. It was provided with a single folder, and consisted of one or two units, with the cylinders lengthwise of the press, and was principally intended for the use of small city dailies. Later an inserting mechanism was attached, which increased the flexibility by permitting the addition of pages by twos instead of fours. This insert ing mechanism could also be provided for the larger press, where it would permit increase by twos on large as well as on small products. OTHER ROTARY NEWSPAPER PRESSES C AM PBELL PRESSES r ) N E of the prominent cylinder press manufacturers, Andrew ^ Campbell, of New York, established the Campbell Printing Press & Manufacturing Co., and in 1873 constructed a perfecting press for Frank Leslie’s printing office. It was fed from a roll, was arranged for either stereotype or electrotype plates, and was said to print 60 sheets per minute, running moderately. Other machines of similar type were constructed, also flat-bed web presses for newspaper work, and later a small, so-called New M odel rotary web press was brought out, with an hourly capacity of 15,000 copies of a 4 or 8 page paper. Andrew Campbell is claimed to have been the first press builder to employ rotary folding mechanism and to assemble the product of several presses. P O T T E R PRESSES Another noted manufacturer of cylinder presses, Charles Potter, jr., of Westerly, R. I., established in 1879 the firm of C. Potter, Jr. & Co., later changed to Potter Printing Press Co., and introduced a single roll rotary web press, with a capacity of 20,000 copies of a 4-page paper per hour. As the folding mechanism was not provided with a former, the columns of type ran lengthwise on the cylinders. It beaame very popular on newspapers publishing four pages, and with a circulation of about 10,000 copies. As the circulation increased other presses were added if floor space permitted, as on the Chicago TimesHerald, where one of these presses was installed when the newspaper was established in 1881. One press was added each year for the next four years. Five additional presses were installed in 1891, and two years later decks were placed on 8 of the 10 presses, doubling their capacity. SE Y M O U R & B R E W E R PR ESSES About 1893 a rotary web press was manufactured by the Seymour & Brewer Printing Press Co., of Chicago, 111. It was of the deck type, with 2-plate-wide cylinders, and 1, 2, 3, or 4 decks. The folding mechanism contained many tapes, but the capacity rating was 25,000 papers per hour for single section products, or 12,000 per hour for collected products. S c o t t S t r a i g h t -U n i t S e x t u p l e press, 4 pages W id e 146—2 W o o d U l t r a -M o d e r n o c tu ple N e w s p a p e r P r in t in g P r e s s , 4 P a g e s w id e DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 147 COLOR PRESSES FIRST N E W S P A P E R C OLOR PRESS TTP TO 1890 no attempt had been made to produce newspapers in ^ more than one color by the rotary method in the United States. The advance made in that respect by European publishers prompted the Chicago Inter-Ocean to purchase an English rotary color press in 1891, for printing supplements in different colors. Learning that the press was an infringement on American patents, a halt was called on the installation, and a multicolor rotary web press was ordered from Walter Scott & Co., who installed it in 1892. The first printing couple was similar to those on the ordinary web presses, but the second im pression cylinder was large and provided with four-plate cylinders, grouped around it, one for each color. The web was printed on one side in the first mechanism, then carried around the large impression cylinder, where the other side received successive imprints from the yellow, red, blue, and black plate cylinlers, each provided with a separate inking mechanism, and finally to the cutting, folding, and delivery mechanisms. The first color supplement was printed in 1892. In the beginning 40,000 copies were turned out on this press in the course of a week, but productivity increased with experience, resulting before long in a weekly output of 320,000 copies. This press was used by the Inter-Ocean until 1902, and not many years ago was turning out color printing for a weekly newspaper in Chicago. A press on similar principles, but capable of printing four additional pages in a single color, was installed on the New York World. O T H E R STYLES OF OOLOR PR ESSES Other press manufacturers gradually entered the field. R. Hoe & Co., who had patented a multicolor rotary press in 1893, installed one double press the following year for the New York World and one for the New York Herald. This style was provided with angle bars and capa ble of printing a 2-page-wide web in four colors on both sides. It wras the beginning of separate impression cylinders for each color, with the web passing successively through the different printing couples to the folder, the system finally adopted for newspaper color work. In 1895 R. Hoe & Co. introduced combination color and black presses, and in 1898 presses of that style were installed by the New York World and the New York Journal. These were straight-line presses, capable of producing four pages in five colors and four pages in two colors, at the rate of two 8-page papers per cylinder revolution. The production of color supplements became very popular, resulting in the development of color presses in size and flexibility as well as in speed. In many of the smaller plants, where the expense prohibited installation of a special color press, the regular black press was modified for color work by the addition of a few rollers to guide the wreb and adjust the length of travel between the printing units. So-called color decks were introduced in 1902 by the Goss Printing Press Co., as additions to the regular presses, and consisted of one extra pair of cylinders, with inking mechanism, to print one or more lines in a different color, a very popular procedure for many years. 148 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING H O E U NIVERSAL UNIT PRESS In 1914 R. Hoe & Co. introduced a new type of color press called the Universal Unit color and black newspaper press. The cylinders were arranged in pairs of printing couples and in vertical tiers, and w^ere reversible so they could print on either side of the web. The inking mechanisms were mounted on movable carriages, and could be pushed away for easy access to the printing cylinders. Two folders, with four formers, permitted great flexibility in combination of prod ucts. The first of these was a 12-cylinder machine, on which more than 600 different combinations could be turned out. The number of cylinders was increased at various times, culminating in the 24-cylinder machine, brought out in 1923. M any of these machines are being used at present in large newspaper plants. When printing in four colors, on three rolls of paper, this machine was rated to deliver 384,000 pages of finished newspapers per hour. B y reducing the colors, the pages were increased proportionately. It would print 40 pages, with 16 of them in 4 colors and 4 in 3 colors, in 1, 2, 3, or 4 sections of varying number of pages in any desired relation to each other, folded and delivered together. EFFECT OF CO LO R PR IN TIN G With the introduction of the modern color presses considerable change took place in pressroom work. While the presses embodied the same principles as those used for the regular newspaper, several important differences existed, both in construction of the presses and in their operation, which affected labor productivity. The plates required adjustments on the cylinders to insure register of the different colors. Electrotype plates, 0.1875 inch thick, were commonly used in place of stereotype plates, which were usually 0.4375 inch thick. At times underlays were required to correct inequalities in thickness of a plate. Instead of the resilient, soft blankets on the impression cylinders, these cylinders were usually covered with so-called hard packing, consisting of one or more sheets of special cardboard and paper, which necessitated careful make-ready to produce a proper impression surface. This involved building up the surface of the packing with pieces of paper to bring up low parts of the printing surfaces and give different degrees of impression to various tones in the forms, a slow process which greatly increased the nonproductive time for the crew on a press. Oil-wiping devices to prevent offset were commonly employed, consisting in a felt roller, soaked with oil, running in contact with the impression cylinder. A slower speed, rarely exceeding 10,000 cylinder revolutions per hour, was ordinarily employed for color presses to insure a better quality of printing, which increased the productive time for a given quantity of papers as well. Production of the color and magazine sections of the larger news papers grew more similar to the production on the large rotary presses in magazine or book and job printing establishments, where these had rapidly gained favor since the construction by R. Hoe & Co. in 1886 of a rotary perfecting machine for the DeVinne Press, in New York, to print the plain and advertising forms of the Century Magazine. The rotary press, with its greater production, had in many cases supplanted the cylinder press in such plants, just as the cylinder press had previously superseded the platen press. DEVELOPMENT OP PRESSWOBK 149 TYPE-PRINTING NEWSPAPER WEB PRESSES A N U M B E R of small newspaper establishments issuing 4 or 8 page papers, and even 12 or 16 page papers, each with a circula tion of less than 10,000 copies, installed type-printing web presses to escape both cylinder presses and rotary web presses. For cylinder presses the sheets had to be cut to size and fed by hand or by an automatic sheet feeder, passed through the press a second time, and then folded by hand or by a special folding machine, w^hich was too slow and complicated. For rotary web presses, printing from one or more rolls of paper, the type required stereotyping after being set up, involving installation and maintenance of a sterotyping plant, which was too expensive for some. H O E R O T A R Y TY P E PE RFE C TIN G PRESS The earliest type-printing web press in the United States was a rotary t}^pe endless-sheet perfecting press, brought out by R. Hoe & Co. in 1881, reverting to the type-revolving principle but adapting it to a continuous web. It was intended especially for evening news papers that wanted to avoid the time or expense of stereotyping. The type forms for both sides of the paper were placed on a central, horizontal cylinder, which was surrounded by impression cylinders and inking rollers. The web was passed through one side of the press, where the first impression was received, then over turning bars and through the other side, where the reverse impression was made, to the folder at the other end. With four impression cylinders the maximum speed was about 12,000 copies per hour. A machine with eight impression cylinders was also manufactured, which was provided with a roll of paper and a folder at each end, where twice that produc tion was obtained. COX D U PLEX PE RFE C TIN G PRESS In 1879 patents were issued to Joseph P. Cox, of Battle Creek, M ich., for a flat-bed printing machine, using both forward and return movement of the bed with a single cylinder. In 1884 the Duplex Printing Press Co. was organized to develop the inventions of Cox. Perfecting presses were built for the Grand Rapids Democrat, the Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeye, and others. These printed and folded about 2,000 papers per hour. Reciprocating cylinders were later substituted for the reciprocating beds by Joseph L. and Frank Cox in a press brought out in 1890, known as the Cox Duplex perfecting press and folding machine. It made two impressions with each alternate movement, printing two complete papers with each revolu tion of the drive wheel. The first Cox Duplex press was installed on the Rutland (Vt.) Herald, where it printed that paper, an 8-column folio sheet, morn ings, and the Telegram, a 7-column folio sheet evenings, at the rate of 4,000 copies per hour. The press was provided with two beds, arranged one above the other. Crossheads, carrying impression cylinders and inking mechanisms, were reciprocated by means of a locomotive drive. Paper was supplied uniformly from a roll. During the for ward travel of the cylinders they printed two or four pages in width, according to the size of the press. During the return stroke of the crossheads sufficient paper was pulled into the press to receive the 150 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING next impression, and the slack was taken up by an equalizing device. After printing, the surplus paper was gradually distributed by another equalizing device to the folder, which delivered, the papers at regular intervals. When a 4-page-wide web was used, it was slit into 2page ribbons, that were brought over angle bars and a former to the cutting and folding mechanism. Chopping-blade folders were used. An improved style printed on both strokes, delivering two papers for each revolution of the drivewheel, or at the rate of 5,000 to 6,000 papers per hour. Ten and 12 page presses, with wider beds to accommodate the additional forms, were also manufactured. GOSS C O M E T PR ESS After the early patents on the Cox Duplex press had expired, the Cox Brothers, who in the meantime had associated with the Goss Printing Press Co., introduced in 1911 the Goss Comet press— a rollfeed single-action pres^. on similar principles. The beds were placed end to end, and reciprocated under the impression cylinders by means of a locomotive drive. Its capacity was 3,500 papers of 4, 6, 8, or 10 pages per hour. Both Cox Duplex and Goss Comet presses were installed in many offices, where they were operated until their capacity became inadequate. Such a press was usually handled by one press man and one helper. O T H E R STYLES In 1890 a flat-bed perfecting press with roll feed was manufactured by Walter Scott & Co. It was provided with a reciprocating bed, and permitted attachment of a folder, but would print only 1,600 impressions per hour on both sides. Another was introduced that year by C. Potter, Jr., & Co., utilizing the drive, etc., from the 2-revolution cylinder presses manufactured by the firm, and using grippers for handling the sheets. AUXILIARY PRINTING of the small country newspapers were supplied with sheets ui paper containing printed newspaper matter on one side, while the other was left blank to be filled with local news, editorials, ad vertisements, etc., at the local printing office. This ready-print service, also called auxiliary newspaper service, or patent inside serv ice, or syndicate service, was started in this country in 1846, when a Boston newspaper supplied a small newspaper in Vermont with sheets of paper partly filled with the text of the President’s message to Con gress. The blank spaces were filled with local news by the publisher. Similar individual service was given later by other large newspapers, followed by ready-print service of one newspaper to several others in 1861, and the regular establishment of commercial patent inside service in Chicago, in 1865, for small country newspapers. The de mand for patent insides resulted in the establishment of several syndicates. According to Ringwalt,2 there were nearly 1,000 news papers in the United States in 1871 receiving such service from New York, Chicago, and other cities. Some of the central plants also furnished stereotype products, plates, or matrices, to other news 2 Ringwalt, J. Luther: American Encyclopedia of Printing, Philadelphia, 1871. DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 151 papers, and at present more than 15,000 offices are supplied with one form or another of syndicate service. Printing of patent insides in the central plants was ordinarily performed on cylinder presses, often equipped with automatic sheet feeders, which supplied the sheets at regular intervals faster than could be done by hand, and consequently increased production. Automatic sheet feeders had also been used on cylinder presses in some offices having largv) editions of newspapers, before such presses were displaced by rotary presses. After color supplements became popular, some of the newspaper syndi cates, with papers in several cities, printed their color and magazine sections in central plants for distribution to the other papers, and some also established commercial syndicate service of color sections. CHANGES IN OPERATION OF PRESSES A S the presses grew larger more hands were, of course, required for ^ the operation of each machine. While a single or double press could be operated by 2 or 3 hands, a crew of 10 or 11 was sometimes necessary on an octuple press, with additional hands to get the paper rolls ready for use. No fixed uniform standard existed and the number employed on the same style of press varied according to the requirements of individual establishments. Increase in circulation made longer press runs, which the larger papers handled by installa tion of more presses, while in the smaller establishments employment of more help was often necessary, not especially to operate the machine but to assist in getting the press ready for operation. IN CR E ASE IN CIRCU LATION The remarkable growth in circulation of daily newspapers during the past 30 years is revealed by extracts from a statement of average daily circulation during that period of an evening newspaper, which claimed the third largest circulation in the United States, presented in Table 76: T a b le 7 6 .— Average daily circulation of one evening newspaper, in specified years, from 1895 to 1925 Year 1895 1896 1897 1898 1900 Circulation ........................... ................................. _____ ___________ _______ ________ ...................................... ...................... ............................................ —.......... . ...................... ........................ - ........ 6,317 33, 625 59, 281 113,973 124,855 Year 1905_____ __________ ____ ____________ 1910................................ ............................ 1915............................................... .............. 1920........................ ................................... 1925......................... .................................. Circulation 211,134 244, 063 356, 531 488, 687 524, 662 C APA C ITY OF P R E S S R O O M E Q U IPM E N T The magnitude of equipment necessary for such a publication can be realized from Table 77, showing the maximum capacity of the 104 separate 16-page units in this establishment in 1926. 152 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING T a b le 7 7 . — Maximum capacity per hour and per minute of total equipment in one evening newspaper Number of pages 8. . . ....................................................... 16............. ......... .......... ............ ........... 24............................. .......................... 32______________ _____ ____ _______ 36, 40, 44, or 48........................ ........ Copies per hour 2, 346, 000 1,173, 000 782, 000 586, 500 469, 200 Copies per minute 39,100 19,550 13,033 9,975 7, 820 C APA C ITY AND ACTUAL PR O D U C T IO N OF PR ESSES Capacity, or running speed, of a press differs essentially from the actual production of papers, which is on an average only 70 per cent of the capacity. In theory a speed of 300 cylinder revolutions per minute, if continued for an hour and with two papers per revolution, should produce 36,000 copies per hour, but in practice only about 24,000 copies would be turned out. Stoppage of presses for change of paper rolls, or at least slow-downs, reduces the number of operative minutes in the hour. Breakage of the web, a frequent source of stops and delays, is responsible for further reduction. A low-speed press will show a higher percentage than a high-speed press, so that presses running at 300 cylinder revolutions per minute, or 36,000 papers per hour, will actually produce about 24,000 copies per hour, or 66 per cent of capacity, while presses operated at a speed of 200 cylinder revolutions per minute, or 24,000 papers per hour, will actually produce about 18,000 copies per hour, or 75 per cent. This is partly due to the difference in the number of rolls changed during the course of an hour, as in a press running at 300 revolutions per minute a roll of paper with a diameter of 32 inches would be run off in 17 minutes, while in a press running at 200 revolutions per minute it would last about 25 minutes. A roll of paper with a diameter of 32 inches contains about 21,000 linear feet of paper, and will produce approximately 10,000 papers, depending on length of page. ELECTRICAL PR E S S C O N TRO L A number of factors have entered into the increase in production. One of these was the application of electricity, which supplanted steam or gas for motive power, just as these had slowly supplanted hand power. According to the United States census of 1880, there existed,at that time 122 daily newspapers in the country with presses worked by hand, while in 849 others, steam powder or water power’ was utilized. When electric power was first applied to printing presses, it was merely a case of substituting the motor for the steam engine. Shafting and belting were retained and, along with the motor, re quired overhauling from time to time by pressroom workers, unless the plant was large enough to employ electricians or machinists. During 1894 attempts were made to apply individual motors to printing presses, resulting in the perfecting of direct drives, in the beginning by belt connection but later by gear or chain connections. Development of the controller followed. A lever or handle was first used for the mechanical operation of the controller, requiring prac tically constant attention of one person during the operation of the press or when it required turning for threading the web, putting on the plates or taking them off, or for other functions, just as with the PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWOKK 153 previous belt system. Finally a push-button system was evolved, which changed the manual control to automatic magnetic control and permitted adjustments from any number of small stations. These were placed on various parts of the presses, in convenient locations, so each worker could revolve the press as needed. A control station consisted of a small box, provided with push buttons for the various operations required, permitting the press to be revolved slowly, brought up gradually to full speed, slowed down gradually to a stop, or stopped quickly. A safety button was also provided, which could be pushed in to render all stations inoperative until it was pushed out, and to prevent anyone from starting the press while someone was working on it. On some of the larger presses more than two dozen stations were installed. Different systems were put out, notably the Kohler, by Kohler Bros., now manufactured in improved style by the Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Co., of Milwaukee and New York, and renamed after that firm, also the Cline, manufactured by the Cline Electric Manu facturing Co., of Chicago. Among others were the Jenney, manufac tured by the Jenney Electric Manufacturing Co., of Indianapolis, later of Anderson, Ind., and the Sprague, manufactured by the Sprague Electric Works, of New York, and later manufactured by the General Electric Co., of New York, and known under that name. The automatic push-button control released the brakeman from standing by the lever during the operation of the press, because if trouble occurred the machine could be stopped by any one of the crew and at any station. An electric automatic cylinder brake was also developed and perfected by the Cutler-Hammer Co. in 1916. Breaking of a web caused a lever to drop, which shut off the power and automatically applied an individual brake on each impression cylinder. A press running at high speed could be stopped in that manner in 10 or 20 revolutions, while without the cylinder brakes it would usually take about 15 seconds from the time the stop button was pressed until the machine was still. A U T O M A T IC TE N SIO N C O N TR O L Each tension device was originally operated separately, though by a special device on presses turned out by Walter Scott & Co., after 1909, a single lever would, when starting or stopping the machine, decrease or increase all tensions simultaneously. It was later de veloped into the Jones Automatic Tension, patented by Thomas J. Jones, of Jersey City, N. J., in 1921, which automatically held the tension where desired, regardless of speed, and required no super vision when the press was started or stopped. It resulted in doing away with an extra tension man, previously necessary to adjust ten sions and side margins on the top rolls of large deck presses. On the early style right-angle presses the tension man could observe the line up of the webs himself, even where required to stand at the control lever, but on the straight-line presses it was difficult. It was often necessary for the man in charge of the press to watch the delivery end closely, and to signal the tension man or men to tighten or loosen the tension on a certain roll, or how to adjust the side margins so the webs would be in alignment. This is still the practice in many places on the older styles of presses. 9819°— 29------- 11 154 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING C H AN G IN G P A P E R ROLLS Floor-fed presses were satisfactory and efficient under certain conditions, as the rolls could be changed quickly, but limited on account of roll stands or floor space for extra rolls required. For deck presses it was necessary to hoist the rolls into positions on brackets, and, as a set of brackets would accommodate only one extra roll, other rolls had to be hoisted during the run, as required. It was at first an arduous task, during a long run, to supply the paper to a press with four or five decks, because the rolls were raised by means of a chain block. Some presses were later provided with wire cables and drums, turned by handwiieels, or with hand-power geared roll hoisting arrangements. In a number of establishments small hydraulic lifts were used to lift the rolls to the proper levels, so .that they could be rolled on to the brackets. In other places a doubleaction lift with a V-shaped platform, invented about 1905 by A. W. Cochran, mechanical engineer on the Portland Oregonian, was em ployed. It was a rapid and easily controlled lift, which could be moved to and from the press as well as up and down. The most popular method was by means of the Sprague electric hoist, which traveled on overhead I beams and was provided with a spreader bar having suspended hooks to support the roll spindles. Such electric hoists, with ceiling beams, were also utilized for transporting rolls around the pressroom, or from the storeroom to the pressroom, if on the same level. This was a better method than trucking them on the old-fashioned 2-wheeled dollies. Changing of rolls required cutting the web, lifting the spindle with the empty core out of the bearings, substituting the new roll, tearing off any damaged paper, applying a streak of paste across the web, and fastening it to the w^eb in the press. Skilled hands could ordinarily change a roll in about 40 seconds, depending on arrangement and location of the roll, though on deck types it might take two minutes. During this interval the press was standing idle, and in addition the operation involved a gradual slowing down to a stop, and afterwards starting slowly and attaining speed by degrees, which reduced pro duction. Multiplicity of rolls increased the number of stops for replacement and devices were invented to facilitate replacement of rolls. M A G A ZIN E P A P E R REELS In 1900 Irving Stone, mechanical superintendent of the Chicago News, invented a roll stand, which supported three rolls of paper, known as the Stone magazine reel and manufactured by the CutlerHammer Manufacturing Co. The stands were placed in the reel room under the pressroom, one reel for each unit and directly under it, and the web was fed up through a slot in the floor into the press. When a roll was about to run out the press was slowed down somewhat. A touch on a push button revolved the reel, swinging the full roll on the top of the reel into the position formerly occupied by the exhausted roll. The turn brought the end of the new roll, previously covered with sticky gum, in contact with the old web, to which it adhered and which carried it through the press. Dropping of a chain severed the web from the old core, completing the so-called flying paster without stopping of the press, which was again accelerated to speed. The empty core was removed from the reel, and a new roll inserted in 155 PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: place thereof. The rolls were transported to the reels on small trucks, operating on runways of steel imbedded tracks in the floor, provided with turntables. A similar reel, the Cline multiple roll stand, manufactured by the Cline Electric Manufacturing Co., was provided with an automatic tension device. Sidewise shifting of the reels from the pressroom floor, to adjust the alignment of the webs, was provided for by push button systems. An attachment has recently been announced by the W ood Newspaper Machinery Corporation, to be used in connection with their new Ultra-Modern press. The attachment is claimed to paste automatically the end of a full paper roll to that of an almost finished roll without stopping or slowing down the press, and thus convert the entire running time into productive time. Several of the manufacturers have adopted a balcony or mezzanine style of con struction for their unit-type presses, to permit the installation of regular roll stands or reels on the pressroom floor, feeding the webs up to the units on the balconies above them. LIM IT OF SPEE D The speed of the presses was to a certain extent limited by the strength of the paper, as a defect or weak spot in a web might pass through the press at slow speed but would cause a break at high speed. Breakage of the web was often responsible for considerable delay, especially on large deck presses, where it ordinarily took from 5 to 10 minutes to thread up again. On the unit type of presses only about two minutes were required. An example was given in a statement by Henry A. Wise W ood, president of the W ood Newspaper M achin ery Corporation, regarding one of the presses manufactured by that firm, four years after it had been installed. He claimed that the press was restricted to two-thirds of its natural running speed on account of the quality of paper, which had not then returned to pre war conditions. The press was intended for a maximum speed of 500 revolutions per minute, or 60,000 copies of a 32-page paper per hour. On a basis of 70 per cent actual production, 42,000 papers should have been turned out, but production reports from the establishment showed the net output to be around 30,000 per hour, as may be seen by Table 78: T a b l e 7 8 .— Production of 82-page papers on octuple press on three specified days Date Mar. 28......................... ................... ................. ................. Mar. 2 9 ......................... .................................................... Apr. 15-................................... .................. ....................... Copies printed Spoiled copies Minutes operated Number of paper breaks 50,400 55, 040 49, 300 350 490 571 92 109 102 0 2 2 Average produc tion per hour 32, 870 30, 206 29, 000 IN K D ISTRIB U TIO N Another factor, which affected the production was the liability of glue and glycerin composition rollers to melt through the friction created by fast speed, and scatter over the different surfaces of a press, causing breakage of webs and long delays because of the clean ing up necessary before the press could be started again. This has 156 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING been partly solved during recent years by the adoption of rubber com position rollers, which are not affected by friction nor by hot weather. Although a patent was issued in 1858 to Alex Schimmelfcnnig and Julius Ende, of Washington, D. C., covering the manufacture of printing rollers out of elastic gums, such as gutta percha, caoutchouc, etc., no developments followed until about 1918, when rubber rollers were introduced by the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., of Akron, Ohio. T hey were first tested in the plant of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Since that time various makes have appeared on the market and have been used on a number of different presses. Adjustment of the ink distribution was made quicker by concentrating controlling devices at the ends of the fountains, making them easily accessible. With the introduction of the automatic pump system on Hoe presses, previously referred to, it was simplified further by placing the adjustment devices for each fountain together at one end, and locating them at one side of the machine. D A M P E N IN G OF P A P E S Wetting of paper, which had been practically discontinued, was revived by the Chicago Herald about 1916. A vaporizer was em ployed to dampen the webs as they unwound from the rolls, to prevent breaks and reduce ink consumption. It was claimed to have increased hourly production from 15,000 to 20,000 papers, and considerably less ink was used. In using dry paper 58 pounds of ink had been required to print fifty-four thousand six hun dred and eighty-six 8-page copies, but by using dampened paper 62,836 copies were printed with the same quantity of ink, a gain of 8,150 copies, or 14.9 per cent. The method was, nevertheless, abandoned definitely. A U T O M A T IC D E LIVERY OF PA P E R S When newspapers were printed in small plants and had limited circulations, the papers were taken from the press deliveries by flyboys and carried to near-by tables, where they were bundled up or distributed by the mailing-room force. As the plants increased in size and editions grew larger and heavier, the mailing and delivery rooms were moved farther away, necessitating the use of trucks or horizontal belt conveyors, if on the same level, or of elevators or hoists, if on different levels. It became customary to locate mailing rooms above the pressrooms and, though elevators answered the purpose to a certain extent, in large pressrooms too much carrying distance was involved. They are still used in a number of places, though usually modified from the old, hand-operated style to elec trically controlled lifts, which rise at the touch of a button and return automatically when the papers are removed. A number of establishments installed escalators, or conveyors, to transport the papers which eliminated manual removal of the papers from the deliveries, though a flyboy was required to watch the functioning. The Dispatch Conveyor, named after the St. Paul Dispatch where it originated, consisted of a system of flat leather belts in parallel pairs, supported and driven, which carried the papers between them, as fast as printed, in a constant stream from the press delivery to the distributing point in the mailing room. It did not solve the problem altogether. The frequent slack in the belts necessitated continual PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORR 157 adjustment, and the deposits of ink on the surfaces of the belts necessitated frequent cleaning. The system was not adaptable to space conditions in many plants. The substitution of coiled steel wire springs, running over rollers at suitable intervals, removed the difficulties and the system worked well on the moderate speed presses of 1911, which printed comparatively light papers. Four years later it was acquired by the Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Co., under whose name it is now known, which improved it and adapted it to the high-speed presses in up-to-date newspaper plants, the majority of which are equipped with conveyors. The papers could be carried horizontally, vertically, or on an incline, in any direction, at a lineal speed of about 100 feet per minute, and laid down on the delivery table in practically the same relation as originally laid down by the press. When a large number of papers were to be sent by mail, a third fold was arranged for by a mail, or quarter-page, folder. It was provided with a revolving blade and folding rollers, to which the papers were led by tapes after receiving the half fold. Mail folders, which were often detachable, did not become popular, as they did not work well at high speed, especially on a large number of pages; and in large newspaper establishments special mailing machines in the mailing room did the folding as well as the wrapping of the papers. A U T O M A T IC OILING DEVICES Close-fitting bearings, coupled with the high speed of operation and the pressure created, necessitated careful lubrication of the various parts during the run, as well as before it. Instead of more work being required on the faster presses, the manual part was grad ually reduced through the introduction of ball bearings and automatic oiling devices, but especially through force feed lubricators. These supplied the proper amount of oil to the bearings during the run, starting and stopping with the machine, while oil could be applied by means of a hand crank to all connected bearings when the press was standing still. Use of several lubricator units, with a central supply tank, practically rendered all oiling of a press entirely automatic, and eliminated the manual task altogether where it was adopted. FU DGE DEVICES A special attachment, called the fudge device, was utilized in a number of places for the printing of important late news without involving changes of plates. While it did not affect productivity materially, it was important from the viewpoint of the publisher, as it eliminated the stereotyping and permitted publication in exceed ingly short time. It was invented by William Loveland and Harry Sloane, of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, and consisted of a small cylindrical box, provided to hold one or more linotype slugs. In the style developed by R. Hoe & Co., patented in 1899, the slugs were held in place by wedges, similar to the arrangements used on the former type-revolving presses. In the fudge boxes developed by the Goss Printing Press Co., the slugs were cast tapered, in special molds. A special inking mechanism was provided. If the news were intended to appear on the first page, the usual custom, the fudge device was arranged to print against the regular second im 158 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING pression cylinder, but if desired on some other page it was located correspondingly. Where the design of the press would not permit the use of the regular impression cylinders, an additional cylinder was provided. The corresponding space on the regular plate for the page was left blank, or cut below printing height. It required oidinarily about 12 minutes to get a short news item into type, inserted in the page, and a matrix molded from it. With five minutes more for casting two plates and locking them on the press, a total of 17 minutes would be consumed from the time the news was received in the composing room to be set up until the presses were beginning to print. B y the use of the fudge device the time was customarily about 12 minutes, and for special, anticipated events, such as baseball scores in the world series, papers have appeared on the street in 10 seconds after the telegraph flash for the final score had arrived in the editorial department. CHANGES IN PRELIMINARY WORK y A R I O U S improvements also reduced the time required to get * presses ready for operation. This varied greatly in the different establishments, according to the style of presses used, and even in the same plant if several different constructions existed there. The same type of press often varied considerably in accessibility, as an individual press was often designed by the draftsmen in the factory to occupy a special space, and in that case convenience of the workers was a secondar}7 consideration. Deck presses involved more or less climbing, lifting or carrying the plates up on the footboards, etc. PLA TIN G OF PRESSES The length of the page was always a fixed measure on each press, one-half the circumference of the dressed cylinders, but four different sizes were used, 2 1 ^ , 22, 23 1%, and 2 4 ^ inches. The latter was eventually dropped, leaving three different sizes in use at present. The width of the page was flexible, within certain limits. For many years 7 columns, 13 ems wide, were commonly used, but with varying margins between the pages and on the outside edges. About 1912publications began to change the width of the page to 8 columns, 12 3^ ems wide, to reduce the number of pages published, as this would give the equivalent of an 18-page paper in 16-page form. This change, which gained favor rapidly, meant proportionately fewer plates to be handled by the workers. On the older-style presses plates were clamped to the cylinder by three or four independent clips, which had to be tightened sepa rately. The newer styles were provided with rapid safety plate clamps, patented in 1908 and adopted by several of the manufac turers. Only one central screw required tightening, simplifying the work and reducing the time for locking up plates more than threefourths. On the older-style presses it was also necessary to raise the top composition form-inking rollers to place the plates on the cylinders, but the positions of the cylinders were later changed to render this unnecessary. Installations in many plants of automatic plate conveyors, which carried the plates from the stereotyping room direct to the sides of the presses, displaced the boys formerly required to carry the plates around. Some of the conveyors were DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 159 reversible, to carry the used or so-called dead plates back to the stereotyping room. Color plates, where used, required considerable extra work in adjusting them to proper printing positions. BLANKETS Attempts were made to use specially prepared tympans to elimi nate part of the changes required through the absorption of ink. Several of these proved successful for a while, but they were rendered obsolete by*the introduction of the so-called automatic felt blanket, which was provided with a nonabsorbent surface to which the ink would not adhere. Where adopted it did away with the use of tym pans and the work connected therewith. The automatic blanket was patented in 1919 by the New England Newspaper Supply Co., of Worcester, Mass. This firm also brought out an oil-proof faced rubber blanket, and the M onocork press blanket, which had been patented in 1917 by A. W . Cochran and F. M . Youngs, of the Port land Oregonian. Each of these types was intended as a substitute for the rubber or fiber blankets previously used on the impression cylinders under the felt blankets. As neither of them was affected by oil seepage, which blistered the ordinary rubber blankets, fewer changes were necessary. IN K SUPPLY The common plugs or spigots in the ink barrels were superseded in the better pressrooms by ink pumps, and filling fountains by means of a scuttle was later eliminated by the portable tank, provided with a pump and hose, which cut down the clock time for the operation but required two men, so that the difference in total working time was probably very slight. Eventually storage tanks appeared, from which the ink was forced to the fountains through fixed pipes, by gravity or air pressure. In the large modern establishments the ink is at present delivered by tank wagons, which fill the storage tanks through supply pipes, doing away with all handling of ink for the pressroom workers. The automatic fountain reduced the preparatory work for the inking mechanism still further, by elimination of the ductor roller. Ductor rollers necessitated use of sizes corresponding to the total width of the plates on the cylinder, either 1,2, 3, or 4 pages, and frequently required changing. On the automatic fountain, the supply for each page could be shut off by separate valve control when not needed. The adoption of rubber rollers, which did not require washing, saved considerable time of the press crew. Less adjustment for proper contact was also required as the rollers were not affected by heat or by humidity. Where a press used ordinarily for the daily paper was also used on an extra run once a week to produce color supplements for the Saturday evening or Sunday morning issue, it involved considerable additional work. The fountains and other ink mechanisms required careful cleaning, especially in changing from black to color. O T H E R CH AN GES A number of other minor improvements, such as self-locking roller sockets, roller washing machines, electric burning irons for removing bolsters from the blankets, etc., assisted in reducing time and labor. Compressed air came into general use for removal of the paper dust produced in large quantities by the revolving knives which slit the webs into ribbons, while on some presses suction was employed for removing this dust at the source. 160 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING In the larger plants special laborers, or paper handlers, took care of the paper rolls, stripped off the wrappers, and delivered the rolls to the pressroom ready for insertion of the spindles and placing in the presses. In small establishments the preparation of the rolls contin ued as one of the duties of the press workers, though simplified in some of them by the use of electric roll hoists, or of revolvators, for tiering the rolls, and by placing the rolls on their sides instead of on their ends. In most of the plants the amount of paper ta b e handled was reduced somewhat by adoption of narrower margins for the pages, cutting down the width of the webs. On large presses more men were, of course, required than on smaller ones, both for the preliminary work and for the actual operation, but larger presses produced proportionately more pages and, with the increases in speed, produced them a great deal faster. An instance is cited by Theodore T. Ellis, of the New England Newspaper Supply Co., in a recent issue of the American Pressman.3 Thirty years ago the writer worked on a newspaper in the pressroom where they had five presses running with 45 men employed, printing ninety thousand 32page papers on Saturday nights. Hours of labor were from 6 p. m. to 5 a. m., waste average 6 per cent. And to-day in a different office 9 men, w*orking from 9 p. m. to 5 a. m., print on one high-speed octuple press one hundred and ten thousand 32-page papers every Saturday night, average waste one and a fraction per cent. VOCATIONAL DIVISION OF PRESSROOM WORKERS T N M OST of the large establishments there was considerable shifting A of workers from one position to another. In some plants the duties of each member of the crew were sharply defined, and the differ ent functions during operation of the machine were specialized. This resulted at first in vocations designated as head pressman and first, second, third, or fourth assistant or helper. Later more specific terms were used, such as man in charge (of press), tension man, oiler and plater, and floor man or paper hustler. All of these were jour neyman pressmen, presumably capable of performing any of the duties. In very large plants additional semiskilled hands were employed as paper handlers, to prepare the paper rolls for use in the presses, and to take care of the waste. Apprentices usually acted as fly boys. Each vocation carried certain specified duties in preparing the press, but the systems varied in the different localities and often even in plants located in the same city. Another condition also developed. As long as small 8 or 16 page presses were used, or even 24-page presses, one really skilled man, with the assistance of semiskilled help, could perform the necessary adjustments and keep the machine in good order. The adoption of the modern mammoth presses created a necessity for several highly skilled hands, because one man could not handle all the complicated manipulations in the comparatively short time often allotted to print the paper. While the question of skilled or unskilled hands did not affect the hourly productivity, except that with unskilled help the time would have been prolonged and the production retarded, it affected the pay roll and the hourly labor cost materially. These items naturally also advanced through the years, as did wages and living costs in general. The hourly labor cost was still further increased by the reduction in weekly hours. 3 The American Pressman, published monthly b y the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants’ Union of North America, at Pressmen’s Home, Tenn. 161 DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK UNION WAGE RATES FOR PRESSROOM WORKERS E G U LA R weekly working hours and rates of wages for pressroom A workers in 1899 were published in the fifteenth annual report of the Commissioner of Labor.4 The nineteenth annual rep ort5 gave hours and wage rates for 1890 to 1903, and later data were published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in yearly bulletins 6 since 1912. The wage rates, however, did not indicate the actual hourly labor costs, because these would naturally be increased by the amount of overtime worked. Early scales provided additional pay for over time, as shown by the scale of Pressmen’s Association of Philadelphia, Pa., in 1857. Wages for hand pressmen were $11 per week, 10 hours per day; also 25 cents per hour for regular time and 30 cents per hour for overtime. Wages for power pressmen on Adams or cylinder presses were $12 per week, 10 hours per day, and 30 cents per hour for overtime. MANNING OF PRESSES 'T 'H E minimum number of pressmen required for the operation of newspaper presses was often stipulated in agreements between employers and workers, being ordinarily arranged to suit conditions for the specific locality. As considerable variation exists in conditions it resulted in the establishment of a wide range in the number of hands necessary, as is shown in a tabulation of prevailing minimum requirements in 1926 for different cities of the United States, presented in Table 79: T a b l e 7 9 .— Minimum number of pressmen required for operation of newspaper presses in various cities Minimum number of pressmen required on— City Akron, Ohio_______________ Atlanta, Ga_________________ Austin, Tex__________________ Baltimore, M d .1 _________ Bellingham, Wash Boston, M ass1...................... . Butte, M ont ________ Chicago, 111_____ ___________ Cincinnati, Ohio 1 Cleveland, Ohio___________ Columbus, O h i o __ ___ Dallas, T ex____________ _____ Danville, 111 Davton, Ohio 1 Denver, Colo Des Moines, Iowa_________ _ Detroit, M ich.1...................... . Dubuque, Iowa East Liverpool, Ohio Fort Worth, Tex.1 __ _____ Fresno C a lif1 Hoboken N J Indianapolis, Ind Kansas City, M o.1. Los Angeles, Calif.1 .................. Louisville K y Memphis, Tenn______________ Meriden, Conn.1........................ Double press Single press 2 3 2 Quadruple press Triple press 3 4 4 5 5 4 4-9 3 4 4 3 5 4 2 3 2 5-7 3 4-7 2 1 23K 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 Sextuple press Octuple press 5 5 7 5 6 9 8 9-11 12-14 5 5 6-7 7 5 7 8 9 7-8 4 3-5 4 4 3 5 6 5 5 8 7 7 4-5 4 6 5 4 4 5 5 4 6 5 6 5-6 6-7 6 7 6 7 7 8-10 1 Figures for this city include one apprentice pressman on each press. 2 One man works one-half of time in stereotyping room. 4 United States Commissioner of Labor. Fifteenth annual report, 1900, 2 vols. Washington, 1900. 4 United States Commissioner of Labor. Ninteeenth annual report, 1904, 2 vols. Washington, 1905. • U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics bulletins on union scales of wages and hours of labor. 9 162 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T a b le 7 9 .— M inimum number of pressmen required for operation of newspaper presses in various cities— Continued Minimum number of pressmen required on— City Single press Milwaukee, W i s . . . ................ Minneapolis, M inn_............. ... Mobile, Ala.1........................ _ Montgomery, Ala........... .......... Muncie, In d ...... ......................... Nashville, T enn........................ Newark, N. J ........................... N ew Haven, Conn.1 ................. N ew Orleans, La_____________ N ew York, N. Y ........................ Oakland, Calif_______________ Oklahoma City, O k la .._......... Pawtucket, R . I _______ _____ Philadelphia, Pa_______ ____ _ Pittsburgh, Pa........................... Portland, M e.1. . ........................ Portland, O r e g .___ _______ Providence, R . I . . .................... R ock Island, 111........... ............. St. Joseph, M o .1 .......... ........... . St. Louis, M o. .................... . St. Paul, M inn........ .................. Salt Lake City, Utah 1............. San Antonio, Tex.3___________ San Diego, Calif.1____________ San Francisco, Calif.............. . Schenectady, N. Y__................. Scranton, Pa_________ ______ Seattle, Wash.1_____________ Shreveport, La.1........................ Springfield, 111.1, . . .................. . Springfield, Mass.1 ____ Tacoma, W ash.1 ____________ Terre Haute, Ind.1. ............. . Toledo, Ohio............................ Trenton, N. J_______ ............... Tulsa, Okla________ _______ Washington, D . C .1................... Wichita Falls, Tex.1__________ Worcester, M ass..................... Zanesville, Ohio__..................... Average________________ Triple press Double press 2 Quadruple press 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 3 1 4 2 4 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 2 4 3-4 3 4 2 2 5 3 2 3 3 " 4 4 i 3 4 2 2.2 3.0 3.3 5 4 3 4 3-4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5-6 7 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 5 4-5 5 5 4 6 Sextuple press 5 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 5 5-6 7 5 5 3 Octuple press 6 9 9 10 9 7 10 7 7 6 6 5 7 5-6 6 6-7 10 5 7 9 5 5 4 4 4 6 6 5 4 6 8 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 10 10 4.4 5.7 8.3 4 8 8 1 Figures for this city include one apprentice pressman on each press. 3 Figures for this city include flyboys. Many agreements do not specify the number of pressmen but provide that the prevailing number on specified sizes of presses shall be changed only through proper adjustment. Some also contain provision for changes in the number of men in the event of adoption or removal of labor-saving devices. According to the table the average minimum requirements for the 69 cities are 2.2 for single presses, 3.0 for double, 3.3 for triple, 4.4 for quadruple, 5.7 for sextuple, and 8.3 for octuple presses. In over one-third of them each quota included one apprentice pressman, which may possibly be the case for some of the others. While the minimum requirement ordinarily constituted also the maximum employed, conditions in some cities necessitated more pressmen in a crew, such as at Atlanta and Detroit, where one additional pressman was used on quadruple crews; Dallas, where two additional pressmen were used on all crews; Des Moines, where two additional pressmen were used on quadruple and sextuple crews, or one additional press man on octuple crews; Louisville, where two additional pressmen DEVELOPMENT OF PRESSWORK 163 were used on quadruple crews, or one additional pressman on sextuple crews; and Memphis, where one additional pressman was sometimes used on all crews. Larger presses necessitated still larger press crews, which then customarily included two pressmen in charge. Minimum crews for decuple sizes were 15 to 17 in Boston and 11 in New York. The Boston requirements for these, as well as for other types of presses are considerably above the others, because the flyboys there are also pressmen, while in other places semiskilled workers are employed as fly boy s. The variations according to locality naturally affected man-hour production of complete copies, as well as of 4-page sections, while the latter item was also influenced by the number of pages contained in the issues. CHAPTER 10.— DETAILED STUDY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST FOR PRESSWORK IN 1896 HE 1895-96 survey by the Department of Labor included presswork and the report thereof 1 carried special tables for printing and folding of newspapers by both hand and machine methods. These tables have been converted to show production and labor cost per man-hour for comparison with the tables containing similar in formation for the 1926 study. T HAND METHOD OF PRODUCTION P R E S S R O O M N O. 1 IN 1852 In one of the establishments records had been obtained for produc tion and labor cost in 1852 for comparison with production and cost for similar work at the time of the survey. Table 80 contains data for printing and folding 120,000 copies of 4-page newspapers by hand power in 1852. T able 8 0 . — Man-hour production and labor cost for printing and folding in news paper pressroom No. 1, in 1852 Man-hours worked in Average producing produc per 120,000 cop tion iiianies of 4-page hour papers Occupation Productive labor: Pressmen .................................................................. Inkers....................................... .............................. Folders.............................................. ....................... 1.440 1.440 720 T otal. ................................. ............................ N onproductive labor: Supervisory employees_____ 3, 600 60 All employees_______________ ________ _______ 3,660 Copies 83.3 Labor cost per manhour Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $0.167 .083 . 100 Minutes 23. 6 23. 6 11.8 $0. 066 .033 .020 33.3 . 120 .250 59. 0 1.0 .119 .004 32.8 . 122 60.0 . 122 166.7 The personnel was divided into productive labor, which actually performed the productive work, or operated the press and folded the papers, and nonproductive labor, which in this case consisted of the foreman who supervised the operations. This method has been adhered to throughout the other tables compiled for the 1895-96 survey. The working-day consisted of 12 hours, and the data obtained in the survey covered a full day’s output for the press, or 1,000 copies of a 4-page paper, together with the time required for folding the papers and the portion of the supervision by the foreman devoted to this press. In the original table, however, the figures had been converted to cover 120,000 copies, for comparison with other tables. The printing was performed on a hand press, operated by one pressman and one inker, at the rate of 83.3 copies of 4-page papers 1 U. S. Commissioner of Labor. Washington, 1899, 164 Thirteenth annual report, 1898. Hand and Machine Labor, 2 vols. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 165 1896 per clock hour. No information was given regarding the particular land oi hand press used, nor the size of the pages, but it is presumed that two pages could be printed at one time, making 166.7 impressions per hour. Folding, which was done by hand with a bone folder, was performed in half the clock time consumed by the presswork, so that it took 43.2 seconds for the two hands to print one newspaper and 21.6 seconds additional for a third hand to fold it, or a total of 64.8 seconds, clock time, to turn out a complete 4-page newspaper. The pressman was paid $2 per day, or 16.7 cents per hour, while the inker, who presumably was a boy, received one-half that amount. The folder was paid at the rate of 10 cents per hour. Supervision by the foreman, who received S3 per day, was not constant, and the proportionate amount of his time chargeable to this press was only one-half hour per working-day, resulting in a relatively small cost for supervision. The man-hour production, on the basis of all employees, was 32.8 copies of a 4-page paper at a labor cost of 12.2 cents. P R E S S R O O M N O. 2 IN 1895 While data for 1852 had been obtained for one establishment alone and data for the 1895 and 1896 periods did not cover that identical pressroom, the figures for establishment No. 1 can well be considered typical for the early period and those for establishments Nos. 2 and 3 as typical for the later period. Conditions had changed materially during the 40-year interval, as shown by Table 81, which contains data for printing and folding 90,000 copies of 4-page newspapers by hand power in 1895. T a b le 8 1 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for printing and folding in news paper pressroom No. 2, in 1895 Occupation Productive labor: Pressmen ____________________ Inkers ___________________________ Folders _____________ _________________ ____ Total _________________________ Nonproductive labor: L a b orers_________________ All employees ____________________ Man-hours worked in Average producing produc tion per 90,000 copies of man4-page hour papers 630 630 270 : 1,530 Copies 142.9 Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost 333.3 $0. 200 .083 . 100 Minutes 17.5 17.5 7.5 58.8 .134 42.5 .095 .042 17.5 .012 .107 60.0 .107 630 2,160 Labor cost per manhour 41.7 $0. 058 .024 .013 While data had been secured only for the production of 1,000 copies of a 4 -page paper by the four workers, in the original table published the figures had been converted to cover 90,000 copies. The regular working-day had been reduced to 10 hours. The printing was performed on a hand press, operated by one pressman and one inker. It was apparently a more efficient machine than the one used in the 1852 period, but as information was lacking on both the style of the press and the size of the pages, it could not be de termined whether the higher efficiency was due to increased speed 166 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING facilities or to the ability to print four pages at one impression instead of two pages. The production had increased to 142.9 copies of 4-page papers per clock-hour, represented by the output of the pressman, or 71.5 per cent more than for the 1852 establishment. Folding, which was done by hand, wTas performed in less than half the clock time required for the printing, so that one newspaper was printed in 25.2 seconds, or produced, printed and folded, in 36 seconds, clock time, 44 per cent less time than that required in 1852. The pressman, who presumably acted also as supervisor, received $2 per day. The inker, who probably was a boy, was paid 83.3 cents per day, and the folder received 10 cents per hour. An addi tional hand was employed, termed “ pressman’s helper,” who may have assisted on the press part of the time but was probably occupied in general work, transporting the sheets, etc., and who was paid 42 cents per day. While the productive labor turned out over 76 per cent more copies than in the 1852 establishment, the addition of this fourth hand reduced the man-hour production, on the basis of all employees, to 41.7 copies, or only 27 per cent above the 1852 output. It assisted, however, in reducing the labor cost per man-hour for all employees to 10.7 cents, or over 12 per cent less than the 1852 man-hour cost. P R E S S R O O M N O . 3 IN 1896 A third table was published for the hand-press method, presented here in modified form as Table 82, which contains data for printing and folding 40,000 copies of 4-page newspapers by hand power in 1896: T ab le 8 2 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for printing and folding in news paper pressroom No. 3, in 1896 Occupation Man-hours worked in producing 40,000 copies of 4-page papers Productive labor: Pressmen. .................... ............ ................................ Inkers _______ ______ ___________ _________ Folders............. ........................................ ......... . 320 320 120 T o t a l .___________ ___ ________ ___________ _ Nonproductive labor: Laborers.............. .................. . 760 320 1, 080 All employees__________________ ___________ Average produc tion per manhour Labor cost per manhour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost $0. 200 . 167 . 167 Minutes 17.8 17.8 6.7 $0.059 .049 .019 52.6 .181 .200 42.2 17.8 . 127 .059 37.0 .186 60.0 .186 Copies 125.0 333.3 Data had been obtained only for the production of 1,000 copies of 4-page papers by the four workers, but for the original table published the figures had been converted to cover 40,000 copies. As in establishment No. 2 the regular working-day consisted of 10 hours. A hand press was employed, operated by one pressman and one inker. This press seemed more efficient than the one used in 1852, but not so fast as the style used in pressroom No. 2, which the report stated might be considered representative. Information was lacking as to the particular style of press, as well as the size of the newspaper pages, preventing deduction of the actual reasons for the difference in production. In this case the output of the machine PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 167 1896 per clock-hour, represented by the production for the pressman, was 125 copies of 4-page papers, 50 per cent more than in 1852, but 12.7 per cent less than in pressroom No. 2. Folding, which was performed by hand with the aid of a bone, was executed in less than half the clock time necessary in 1852. One newspaper was printed in 28.8 seconds, or both printed and folded in 39.6 seconds, clock time, as against 36 seconds for pressroom No. 2, and 64.8 seconds for the 1852 period. The pressman, who in this case seemingly acted also in a super visory capacity, received the same rate as in pressroom No. 2, $2 per day, but the inker was paid $1.67 per day, twice the rate paid in the former establishment. The folder also received this rate, in creasing the hourly labor cost for both of these positions, presumably on account of different wage standards for the localities in which the establishments were situated. An additional hand was employed as helper, for general work, who received the same rate of wages as the pressman, $2 per day, raising the hourly labor cost for this press room materially above the cost in the other establishments. The man-hour production, on the basis of all employees, was 37 copies of 4-page papers, 13 per cent more than that in 1852 but 11 per cent less than that in pressroom No. 2. The man-hour labor cost, on the basis of all employees, was 18.6 cents, 52.5 per cent more than that in 1852, and 73.7 per cent higher than that for pressroom No. 2. MACHINE METHOD OF PRODUCTION fT ,HE use of machines, on which both printing and folding were performed in one continuous, mechanical operation, made a decided increase in clock-time production. The number of man-hours for operation of a single machine was also increased, but in a relatively smaller degree, so that a material increase was effected in man-hour production also, as shown by Tables 83, 84, and 85. P R E S S R O O M N O . 4 IN 1896 Table 83 contains data for printing and folding 10,000 copies of 16-page newspapers by mechanical power on double and quadruple presses in 1896: T a b le 8 3 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for printing and folding in news paper pressroom No. 4-, in 1896 Cost of man-hour Man-hours production worked in Average Labor producing produc cost per 10,000 tion per copies of man-hour man-hour Labor 16-page Tim e cost cost papers Occupation Pressmen in charge_______________________________ Other journeymen. ____ _________________________ F ly boys____ _______ _____________________________ 0.65 2.89 1.12 Total, productive labor. ____ ____________ ____ 4. 66 Laborers. _______ ___ _________________________ Supervisory employees __________________________ .31 .92 Total, nonproductive labor._ ________________ 1. 22 A ll employees______ _____ ___________________ 5. 88 i Copies 15,463.9 2,146. 7 $1.302 1.066 .423 Minutes 6.6 29.5 11.4 .952 47.5 .755 .417 .963 3.1 9.3 .022 .150 .826 1, 701.2 . 926 j $0.150 .524 .081 12.4 . 172 60. 0 .926 168 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING Data had been obtained for the production of 196,850 copies of 16-page papers, but in the original table published the figures had been converted to cover only 10,000 copies. The publication was a morning newspaper. The regular working shift was only six hours, on which basis the hands were paid, though additional time was often worked at overtime rate. Part of the time in each shift w^as devoted to preparing the presses for the actual printing operation, but the only time considered in the original data was the actual running time of the machines, or productive hours for the productive labor, together with the hours for the nonproductive labor during the same clock time. The equipment consisted of three quadruple presses and one double press, the steam power to run them being furnished from a separate establishment. Each quad ruple press was operated by 1 pressman in charge, with a crew of 5 other journeymen and 2 flyboys. The other journeymen consisted of 1 brakeman, 1 tension man, 1 oiler, and 2 helpers. The crew for the double press was 2 helpers and 1 flyboy less. In the original table no separation was made of the production for the double press and the quadruple presses, the entire production being treated as a whole, although a double press could not produce more than one 16-page paper for each revolution of the cylinders, whereas a quadruple press would turn out two 16-page papers each cylinder revolution. Consequently, the production for the double press, with five hands, could have been only approximately one-seventh of the total production, wdiile each quadruple press, with a crew of eight Jiands, delivered two-sevenths of the total production. On that basis, the average clock-hour production of the double press was 8,836.5 copies of collected 16-page papers, which also represents the manhour production for the pressman in charge, while the man-hour production, on the basis of time for the productive labor on it, was 1,778.7 copies of collected 16-page papers. The average clock-hour production of one of the quadruple presses was twice that of the double press, or 17,673 copies of 16-page papers, probably also in two sections folded together, as two flyboys were used, which likewise represents the man-hour production for the man in charge. As the crew consisted of only eight hands, while there were five hands on the double press with only half the production, the output per man hour on a quadruple press, based on total produc tive labor, was 2,244.6 copies of 16-page papers, or over 26 per cent more than on the double press. The production probably was not the same on all three quadruple presses, even though operated at the same speed, as delays due to changes of rolls or possible breakage of webs would create variations. The text accompanying the original tables contained a statement that one of the quadruple presses printed and folded 61,300 copies of a 16-page paper in 3.25 hours, clock time, wdiich was an average of 18,861.5 papers per clock hour, or per man hour for the man in charge, while on basis of time for total productive labor the output was 2,357.7 papers per man hour. All of these figures, like others for the 1894 investigation, did not include any time for the preparatory work, but covered only the actual running time of the machines, or productive hours. Based on the average clock time for the quadruple presses, 4.91 copies of a 16-page paper were produced each second. This was a decided contrast to the hand-press method in the same year, as shown for PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 169 1896 establishments Nos. 2 and 3, in which it would have required 11.8 or 13.0 minutes, respectively, to print and fold an equivalent number of pages in 4-page sections. As the output of the double press was only half that of a quadruple press, or 2.45 copies of a 16-page paper per second, the same production on the hand presses would have required 5.9 and 6.5 minutes, respectively. The basic wage rates varied for the different positions. One of the pressmen in charge received $4.50 per shift, while the other three were each paid $4.28 per shift. The four brakemen received $3.50 per shift each, and the other 14 journeymen $3.33 per shift each. The rate for each of the seven flyboys was $1.33 per shift. One additional laborer was employed for general work, and was paid $2.50 per shift. The supervisory force consisted of a foreman, at $9 per shift, and two assistant foremen, at $5 and $3.33 per shift, respec tively. The actual man-hour labor costs for pressmen in charge, other journeymen, and flyboys indicate, however, that these groups worked considerable overtime, because their earnings were a great deal higher than at the basic rates. The average man-hour production, on the basis of all employees, was 1,701.2 copies of a 16-page paper, equal to 6,804.6 copies of a 4-page section, over 163 times that in pressroom No. 2 or nearly 184 times that in pressroom No. 3, both of ^hich used hand presses and folded the printed papers by hand. P R E S S R O O M N O . 5 IN 1895 The 16-page papers produced in pressroom No. 5 required the full plating capacity of the double and quadruple presses used there, but sometimes issues were published, containing a different number of pages, which did not call for the full plating capacity of the equip ment. This was the case in pressroom No. 5, covered by Table 84, which contains data for printing and folding 10,000 copies of a 36-page newspaper by mechanical power on quadruple presses in 1895. T able 8 4 . — Man-hour production and labor cost for printing and folding in news paper pressroom No. 5 in 1895 Occupation Productive labor: Pressmen in charge Other journeymen Man-hours worked in Average producing produc per 10,000 copies tion manof 36-page hour papers _________________________ ________________________ 1. 44 7. 92 T o t a l - ___ ____ ___________ ____ ___________ Nonproductive labor: Supervisory employees 9. 36 .56 All employees______________________________ 9. 92 Copies 6,944.4 Labor cost per manhour Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $0. 581 .470 Minutes 8.7 47.9 $0.085 .375 1, 068. 4 .487 .929 56.6 3.4 .460 .052 1, 008.1 .512 60.0 .512 Data had been secured for the production of 125,000 copies of 36-page papers, but the figures had been converted to cover only 10,000 copies in the original table published. The publication was a morning newspaper, with a regular working shift of seven hours. Only actual running time was recorded in the 9819°— 29-------12 170 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING original table, all preparatory time being eliminated. The equip ment consisted of 3 quadruple presses, each operated by a pressman in charge, assisted by 1 brakeman, 1 tension man, and 3 helpers, a total of 6 for each press. As a quadruple press could not print more than 32 pages at one time, it was necessary to make two runs for the production of a complete 36-page paper, the sections afterwards being placed together by hand. This latter operation, termed “ stuffing,” was not considered in the original data. While information was lacking on just how these two runs were arranged, it is reasonable to suppose that the first run con sisted of one 12-page section, requiring only three-fourths of the plating capacity of each press, and producing two of the 12-page sections each cylinder revolution per press. That would leave 24 pages to be printed during the second run, in two collected sections, likewise involving three-fourths of the plating capacity on each press, one copy of which was turned out for each cylinder revolution. It took just as long to produce 36 pages in this manner as it would have taken to turn out 16 pages in the first run and 32 pages in the second run, or a total of 48 pages, as far as actual running time of the presses was concerned, and it also required just as many hands to operate each press. The average clock-hour production of 36-page papers for each quadruple press was only 6,944.4 complete copies, equal to 62,500 four-page papers, because it required one and one-half turns of the plate cylinders to produce 36 pages on a quadruple press. Conse quently only 1.93 complete papers were printed and folded per second, clock time, a number which looks relatively small when compared with the output of complete papers in the previous establishment, but each paper in this pressroom contained 36 pages, as against 16 pages for pressroom No. 4. A proper comparison in this case would be to treat the 36-page products as three 12-page issues, since it would take just as long on a quadruple press to print a 12-page section as a 16page section. On that basis the average production per clock-hour for each quadruple press was 20,833.3 copies, a considerably higher output than in pressroom No. 4. It meant turning out 5.79 copies of 12-page sections per second, clock time, or nearly one paper more than was produced on the same size press in pressroom No. 4. The basic wage rates in this pressroom varied also according to positions. Each of the three pressmen in charge received $3.50 per shift, and the same rate was paid to the three brakemen, while the other 12 journeymen received $3 per shift. The actual man-hour labor costs for the two groups were somewhat higher, due to the inclusion of some overtime in the total time worked. The supervisory force consisted of a foreman, who was paid $6.50 per shift. N o flyboys or laborers were listed, so the usual work done by these in other establishments was probably done by journeymen. In the original table there was included the proportionate time and labor cost of a machinist, at $5 per shift, to keep the machines in order, and a com bination engineer and fireman, at $3 per shift, to furnish steam power. These two items were omitted from Table 84, as at the present time machinists are seldom employed directly in the pressrooms and the motive power is ordinarily electric and generally purchased outside. The man-hour production, on the basis of total time for all employ ees, was 1,008.1 copies of complete 36-page papers, but figured on the real productive basis of 12-page sections, it was 3,024.3 copies. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 171 1896 .need to 4-page sections, it equaled 9,072.9 copies per man-hour, 33 per cent more than in pressroom No. 4. The labor cost per lan-hour, on the basis of all employees, was 51.2 cents, or only 55.3 cent.of the man-hour cost for pressroom No. 4. P R E S S R O O M NO. 6 IN 1896 In some pressrooms more pages per issue were required, especially for the Sunday issues, and larger presses had been installed to avoid printing an issue in several separate sections. A sufficient number of copies could not always be produced, however, on such larger presses and smaller ones which formed part of the equipment were used in conjunction with them. This was the case in pressroom No. 6, covered by Table 85, which contains data for printing and folding 10,000 copies of 48-page newspapers by mechanical power on sextuple, quadruple, triple, and double presses in 1896. T a b le 8 5 .— Man-hour production and labor cost for printing and folding in news paper pressroom No. 6 in IS96 Occupation Man-hours worked in producing 10,000 copies of 48-page papers Pressmen in charge........................................................ Other journeymen .......... ............................. F lyb oys,_ ______ _ 1.97 9.46 3. 35 Total productive labor_____________ _______ 14. 78 Laborers. .......... _ _ ______ ______ ___ Supervisory em p loy ees..____ ____________________ Total nonproductive la b o r ___________ ____ All employees....... ........................................... | Average ■ Labor produc cost per tion per man-hour man-hour Copies 5,076.1 676. 7 3.15 ,39 '_________ 1 3.54 18. 32 | 1 545.7 j Cost of man-hour production Time cost $0. 527 .392 .200 Minutes 6.5 31.0 11.0 .366 48.4 . 135 .916 10. 3 1.3 Labor cost $0.057 .202 .037 .295 • .023 .020 .221 11.6 .043 .338 60. 0 .338 Data had been obtained for the production of 444,000 copies of 48-page papers, but the figures had been converted to cover only 10,000 copies in the original table published. The publication was a Sunday morning newspaper, with a working shift of 8 hours, but only the actual running time of the machines for producing the 10,000 copies of 48-page papers was considered in the original table. As with the former establishments, preparatory time, which would have reduced the man-hour production considerably, was omitted. The equipment consisted of 1 sextuple press, 6 quadruple presses, 1 triple press, and 2 double presses. The capacities of these presses per cylinder revolution were: Sex tuple press, 48 pages; quadruple press, 32 pages; triple press, 24 pages; and double press, 16 pages. The sectuple press was the only one on which 48 pages could be produced at one time, and the original table did not contain any data on how the sections wTere distributed on the various presses, nor the number of pages in each of the different sec tions. Consequently it could not be determined what portions of each press was used, nor what time or labor cost belonged to each. The sextuple press was stated in the text to be the largest found in the industry at that time, and to have printed and folded 72,000 172 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING copies of 48-page papers in 8 hours and 45 minutes, clock time, was equal to 8,228.57 complete papers per clock hour, contain, 394,971.36 pages, or 2.29 complete papers per second, clock time. ■> required one and one-half times as long to turn out the same nun " of 48-page papers on one of the quadruple presses, twice as Ion produce it on the triple press, or three times as long to print and i it on one of the double presses, which could produce only 16 pages per cylinder revolution. The actual clock-hour production for the various presses can not be separated. Averaging the collective time for all of the presses, the clock-hour production of complete 48-page papers for the entire pressroom was reduced to 5,076.1 copies, the same as the man-hour production for pressmen in charge, equal to 60,913.7 copies of 4-page sections. While the number of hands required for manning the various sizes of presses were not specified, the data indicated that the respective crews consisted of 11 hands on the sextuple press, 8 hands on each quadruple press, 6 hands on the triple press, and 5 hands on each double press. Consequently the man-hour production on one of the quadruple presses or on the triple press, based on the same clock hours for each style of press, would have been less than 92 per cent of the man-hour production on the sextuple press, while the manhour production on one of the double presses, on the same basis, would have been only a little more than 73 per cent thereof. As in the other establishments the basic wage rates varied for the different positions inside of the specific groups. One of the pressmen in charge received $5 per shift, while the other nine were each paid $4.57 per shift. The rates for the other 48 journeymen were: Brakemen, $3.58; tension men and rear side men, $3.43; helpers, $3.28 per shift- The 17 fiyboys were paid $1.75 per shift each. The non productive labor consisted of 16 laborers, at $1.18 per shift, and a supervisory group containing one foreman, at $9 per shift, and one assistant foreman, at $7 per shift. The original table included an engineer, at $4 per shift, and a fireman, at $2.50 per shift, for fur nishing steam power. These two items were omitted from Table 85, as was done for pressroom No. 4. While overtime presumably existed on some days, and would naturally increase the man-hour labor cost during a longer period, none was included for the time covered by the data, and the actual labor costs per man-hour corresponded with the basic wage rates. The man-hour production, on the basis of total time for all em ployees, was only 545.7 copies of complete newspapers, about onehalf the number produced in pressroom No. 5, or one-third the output for pressroom No. 4, but each paper contained 48 pages as against 36 pages for room No. 5 and 16 pages for room No. 4. Reduced to 4-page sections the man-hour production was 6,548.4 copies, equal’ to 72.2 per cent of the number turned out in pressroom No. 5, or 96.3 per cent of the number produced in pressroom No. 4. AVERAGE M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION AND LABOR COST BY HAND AND BY MACHINE METHODS 'T 'O facilitate comparison of hand and machine methods for the six establishments, Table 86 is presented, in which the production of all of them has been reduced to the equivalent of 4-page news papers. In addition to presenting the data for each establishment, PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 173 1896 or rerages are shown for establishments Nos. 2 and 3 as representative n , >f the hand method in 1895 and 1896, and also the per cent of increase Dei', compared with establishment No. 1, representative of the hand )thod in 1852. In the same manner averages are given for the three ^ablishments using the machine method and also the per cent of increase as compared with those using the hand method in 1895 and 1896. The averages were computed by dividing the total production or labor cost, as the case may be, for each group by the total number of man-hours worked by such group. T a b le 8 6 .— Comparison of man-hour production and man-hour labor cost in six newspaper pressrooms in 1852 and 1895-96 Establishment Method of production Average number of copies of 4- Labor cost per manpage papers pro hour for— duced per manhour by— Total All em produc tive labor ployees 1852: N o. 1................................................................. . 1895-96: No. 2 No. 3 H and______ 33.3 32.8 $0.120 $0.122 .................... ................. ........ ............. . ____ do______ ........................................... ................. ____ d o ______ 58.8 52.6 41.7 37.0 . 134 .181 .107 .186 ___ d o _______ 56.8 40.1 .150 .134 __________________________ _________ Machine___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ ___ d o. _____ ______________ _________ _______ ___ ____ d o______ 8, 586.8 9, 615. 6 8,120.4 6,804.8 9, 072. 9 6, 548.4 .952 .487 .366 .926 .512 .338 Average 1895-96: No. 4. No. 5 No. 6 Total produc All em tive labor ployees _ __ __ _____ __________ 8, 680. 6 7, 324.2 .500 .490 Per cent Increase for hand method of 1895-96 over hand m<ithod of 1852._ 70.6 Increase for machine method over hand method o>f 1895-96_____ 15,181. 7 Per cent 22.3 18,164. 8 Per cent 25.0 233.3 Per cent 9.8 265.7 Average__________________________________ The man-hour production of 4-page papers in 1852, on the basis of total man-hours for all employees, was 32.8. The weighted aver age man-hour production by the hand method in 1895-96 on the same basis was 40.1, an increase of 22.3 per cent. Adoption of the machine method made a decided change, as the weighted average man-hour production of 4-page papers by this method in the 1895-96 period was 7,324.2, an increase of 18,164.8 per cent over the hand method in the same period. The figures for the machine method were, however, based on actual operating time for the machines, omitting the preparatory man-hours, which ordinarily would equal the operative man-hours. Consequently the actual man-hour production for each of the three establishments would be only approximately one-half of the amount shown in the table, while the averages would be approximately 4,340 for total productive labor and 3,660 for all employees. This would reduce the increases for the machine method over the hand method of 1895-96 to about 7,500 per cent for total productive labor and approximately 9,000 per cent for all employees. The man-hour labor cost, on the basis of all employees, was 12.2 cents in 1852. B y 1895-96 the weighted average labor cost for the hand method had advanced to 13.4 cents, an increase of 9.8 per cent 174 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING only. The man-hour labor cost for the machine method had, how ever, reached 49 cents, an increase of 265.7 per cent over the hand method in same period. Consequently, the man-hour production by the hand method advanced over twice as fast as the man-hour labor cost between 1852 and 1895, though neither one changed radically. The difference between the hand method and the machine method was more marked, as the actual increase in production was 30 times larger than the increase in labor cost. The figures covering the output for the total productive labor reveal that the advancement in methods permitted employment of more nonproductive labor, to handle the general work. This in creased the difference in man-hour production on basis of productive labor and all employees. The majority of the nonproductive labor was ordinarily less skilled and lower paid workers than the productive labor, so that employment of relatively more nonproductive labor meant lower labor cost per man-hour than it otherwise would have been. CHAPTER 11.— DETAILED STUDY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST FOR PRESSWORK IN 1916 AND 1926 A TA for actual accomplishments in regular work in pressrooms were obtained during the productivity survey of 1926 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in a similar manner to that for composing rooms and stereotyping rooms. Such information was also reduced to a man-hour basis, and the results are presented in Tables 87 to 135. The numbering of the different establishments was con tinued from those of the previous survey to facilitate comparison for one of the pressrooms, which was included in both surveys. In the general table for each pressroom, the workers were divided into productive and nonproductive labor, as each consisted of different groups. The productive labor was composed of three groups— press men in charge (of presses), other journeymen, and flyboys, while the nonproductive labor contained two groups— laborers and super visory help. As the number of pages in the daily issues varied with the different establishments, and even from day to day in each estab lishment, the production was in each case reduced to 4-page papers rendering the general tables uniform and affording easy comparison. Only part of the man-hours for the productive labor was for actual operation of the machines; and therefore additional tables were pre pared for each establishment, covering suqh productive man-hours for the productive labor, together with the number of copies produced, both in complete papers and in equivalent 4-page papers. A “ com plete” paper is a paper of the regular size, except that for a Sun day paper each of the several sections is considered a “ com plete” paper. As a quadruple press would produce only 32 pages each cylinder revolution, while a sextuple press would produce 48 pages and an octuple press 64 pages per revolution, the data for hours and production are presented in separate tables for each of these groups, according to sizes of presses and different manufactures or speeds. D PRESSROOM NO. 7 IN 1916 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R C O ST FO R P R E S S W O R K T N ONE of the establishments data were also secured on production, hours and wages for 1916, which permits comparison of press work in the same plant during iwo periods, 10 years apart, and shows the progress thereof. Table 87 contains data for printing and folding newspapers in 1916, on quadruple and sextuple presses, based on total man-hours for all employees. 175 176 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING 8 7 .— Man-hour production and labor cost in printing and folding 15,244,302 copies of 14 , 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24 page newspapers in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1916 T a b le Occupation Man-hours worked in Average Labor producing produc cost per 78,162,576 tion per per mancopies of man-hour hour 4-page papers ___________________________ __ __ _____ _____________ __ ___ _____________ 1,434.0 8, lep.o 2,977. 7 Total productive labor................ ....................... 12, 571.7 Pressmen in charge Other journeymen. Flyboys Laborers. ______________________ ___________ ______ Supervisory employees_______ ___________________ Copies 54, 506. 5 6, 217.3 777.0 670.0 Total nonproductive la b o r ____ ____________ 1,447.0 All employees__ ________ __________________ 14,018. 7 5, 575. 6 Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost Labor cost $0. 871 .731 .349 Minutes 6.1 34.9 12.7 $0.089 .425 .074 .656 53.8 .589 .321 1. 237 3.3 2.9 .018 .059 .745 6.2 .077 .665 60.0 .665 The publication was issued mornings, including Sunday morning. The complete Sunday issue contained a larger number of pages than the ordinary morning issue, but was printed in several sections as the combined number of pages exceeded the capacity of the presses. Each of these sections was treated as a separate issue of the respective size. The daily issue on week mornings and the last sections on Sunday mornings ordinarily consisted of three or four editions, requir ing a change of two or more plates for each press. Two or more presses were held each morning after the quantity ordered had been produced, awaiting the final O. K. from the mailing room. The regular working shift was 6 hours per night, except on Saturday night for the Sunday issue, when an additional 1.5 hours were included. The equipment consisted of Hoe sextuple presses, two decks high, provided with Kohler system of control, Stone magazine reels for the paper rolls, Cutler-Hammer newspaper conveyors to the mailing room above, one for each press, and air-pressure system on the ink, which was piped from a storage tank to the fountains. These presses were operated as individual quadruples on runs of 14 or 16 pages, producing two papers each cylinder revolution, but as sextuples when the issue contained 12 pages, printing four papers of that size each cylinder revolution, or when the issue contained either 18, 20, 22, or 24 pages, printing two papers each cylinder revolution. They were operated at a speed of from 13,000 to 14,000 revolutions per hour. In addition, the equipment included one Hoe linear design, double quadruple press, single deck, with two center folders, similarly pro vided, with exception of the newspaper conveyor. This press was operated occasionally as a quadruple press on special 16-page issues and as a sextuple on Sunday mornings, but at slightly less speed than the other presses. The crew for a sextuple press consisted of one pressmen in charge, six other journeymen, and two flyboys, but when operated as a quadruple press one journeyman less was used. When both folder deliveries were used, an extra flyboy was added. The linear press, which was not provided with a newspaper conveyor, required the PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK; 1916 AND 1926 177 additional flyboy at all times. The mailing-room employees removed the papers from the delivery ends of the conveyors. However, con siderable trouble was experienced as the conveyors were not perfected at that period, and during the Sunday morning run an extra flyboy was also stationed at each delivery end. Each crew stripped and handled the paper for its own press. The average clock-hour pro duction, equal to the man-hour production for pressmen in charge, was 54,506.5 copies of a 4-page paper per press. M en in charge of presses received 86.7 cents per hour for week nights and 80 cents per hour for Saturday nights. Other journey men were paid 70 cents per hour for week nights and 66.7 cents per hour for Saturday nights. The rates for flyboys were 33.3 and 36.2 cents for week nights and 26.7 and 28.9 cents for Saturday nights. The man-hour labor costs exceeded these figures, as a little more than 3 per cent of the total time was overtime. The group termed “ la borers’ * consisted of extra flyboys, who took care of the waste paper, wiped presses on nights when such presses were not operated, and performed other general work. The supervisory group was com posed of one superintendent, one foreman, and two assistant foremen, each of whom worked only six nights per week. The man-hour production, on basis of total hours for all employees, was 5,575.6 copies of a 4-page paper, with an average man-hour labor cost of 66.5 cents. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE PR ESSES, O P E R A T E D AT QU A D R U PLE C APA C ITY Since each of the presses wras operated part of the time as a quadruple press and part of the time as a sextuple press, and as the equipment consisted of two distinct types, the two-deck sextuple presses and the single-deck double quadruple press, a table has been prepared for each of these four groups, showing the productive man-hours for each group of productive labor, compared with the total hours, and production per productive hour of 4-page papers and of complete papers. The productive hours were based on the actual running time of each press. The production during this time was subject to slow ing down of the speed of the presses for stops between editions, and the slow starting afterward, which naturally retarded it. No record was kept of delays due to breakage of webs or to chokes, but these were declared to have been practically nonexistent. Table 88 con tains the data mentioned for the sextuple presses, operated as quad ruple presses. T a b le 8 8 .— Production on sextuple presses operated at quadruple capacity in news paper pressroom No. 7 in 1916 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um Per of ber cent total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge................................ Other journeymen. ...................... .......... F lyb oys.................................................... 135.4 677. 2 382. 6 95.3 476.3 262. 5 70.3 70.3 68.6 2, 283, 490 2, 283,490 2, 283, 490 23, 966.1 4, 794, 7 8, 699. 0 8, 985, 925 8, 985, 925 8, 985, 925 94, 310.7 18, 868.1 34, 232.1 Total........................... .................. 1,195. 3 834.0 69.8 2, 283, 490 2, 737.9 8,985, 925 10,774.1 178 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING The production on these presses was for the Sunday issues. As only 7 stops were made during the 11 runs, outside of the regular stops for shutting down the presses, they were operated at practi cally continuous high speed, except when partially slowing down for changes of rolls. The average number of complete papers produced per clock hour, as shown by man-hour production for pressmen in charge, was 23,966.1 copies, two papers per cylinder revolution. The actual running time was approximately 70 per cent of the total time, comparatively high because part of the runs occurred on Saturday nights, when the machines were used nearly continuously and very little time devoted to preparation. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for the total productive labor, was 2,737.9 copies of a complete paper, or 10,774.1 copies of a 4-page paper. The number of copies of 4-page papers was reduced somewhat because part of the issues contained only 14 pages instead of 16 pages, an important factor. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON LIN EAR PR ESS, O P E R A T E D AT QU A DR U PLE C APACITY Table 89 contains data for production on the linear press, when operated as a quadruple press: T able 8 9 . — Production on linear press operated at quadruple capacity in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1916 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Occupation Total Complete papers 4-page papers N um Per cent of ber total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge......... .......................... Other journeymen..................................... F lyb oys........................................................ 57.0 285.0 119.3 29.5 147.4 64.2 51.7 51.7 53.9 473, 930 473, 930 473, 930 16, 076. 3 3, 214. 8 7, 379. 8 1, 935, 700 1, 935, 700 1, 935, 700 65, 661. 5 13,130. 5 30,141. 7 Total...................... .......................... 461.3 241.1 52.3 473, 930 1,965. 5 1, 935, 700 8, 028. 0 M ost of the production on this press was likewise for the Sunday issues, and there were only two stops during the 13 runs it was operated. The average number of complete papers produced per clock-hour was 16,076.3 copies, two papers per cylinder revolution, only two-thirds of the production attained on the other presses. As part of the runs were for special small issues, the actual running time was only a little over half of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for total productive labor, was 1,965.5 copies of a complete paper, or 8,028 copies of a 4-page paper, also practically two-thirds of the number produced on the other quadruple presses as shown by Table 88. Part of the production on this press was also 14-page issues. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C TIO N ON SEXTU PLE PR ESSES, O P E R A T E D AT SEX TU PLE CAPACITY Table 90 contains data in similar form for the sextuple presses, operated as sextuples with sextuple crews, but not always at full plating capacity. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 179 9 0 *— Production on sextuple presses operated at sextuple capacity, in news paper pressroom No. 7 in 1916 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) T a b le Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per N um cent of ber total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge______ _______ Other journeymen_________ _____ F ly b o y s .................... .................. 1, 244 7,176 2,488 606.8 3, 640. 6 1, 213. 5 48.8 50.7 48.8 12, 223,962 12, 223,962 12, 223, 962 20,146. 0 3, 357. 7 10, 073.1 65, 758, 531 65, 758, 531 65, 758, 531 108, 374. 7 18, 062. 6 54,187. 8 T o t a l ............ ............. ......... 10, 908 5,460. 9 50.1 12, 223,962 2, 238. 5 65, 758, 531 12,041.7 The usual number of pages in the paper issued daily was 20, 22, or 24 pages, in a few instances dropping to 18 pages. The last sections printed for the Sunday issues were of similar sizes. Any of these could be produced on sextuple presses at the rate of two copies per cylinder revolution. On account of the several editions of each issue there were 555 stops during the 176 runs, outside of the actual shut downs of presses, involving considerable running at less than full speed. Slowing down for roll changes also took more time for sextuple presses than for quadruple presses, as three rolls were used instead of two. This reduced the clock-hour production to 20,146 copies of complete papers, as shown by the man-hour production for pressmen in charge, or about five-sixths of the production for quadruple capac ity. The actual running time was approximately 50 per cent of the total working time. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for the total productive labor, was 2,238.5 copies of a complete paper, or 12,041.7 copies of a 4-page paper, over 80 per cent as far as com plete papers were concerned of the production on the quadruple presses, but an increase of over 10 per cent in 4-page papers, because the issues contained a larger number of pages. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON LIN EAR PRESS, O P E R A T E D AT SEX TU PLE CAPA C ITY Table 91 contains data in similar form for the linear press, operated as a sextuple press: 9 1 .— Production on linear press operated at sextuple capacity, in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1916 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) T a b le Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Num Per ber cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge. .................................. Other journeym en..................................... Fly boys__________ _______ ___ ________ 34.0 204.0 76.5 18.5 111. 1 37.0 54.5 54.5 48.4 262.920 262.920 262.920 14,196.5 2, 366. 5 7,100. 2 1.482, 220 1.482, 220 1.482, 220 80,033.5 13,341. 3 40,027. 6 Total................... .......... ............ ....... 314.5 166.6 53.0 262, 920 1, 577. 7 1,482, 220 8,894. 2 180 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING The press was used only in sextuple capacity on Saturday nights for the Sunday morning issues, and there were 11 stops, outside of the regular shutdowns, during the eight runs. The clock-hour pro duction was only 14,196.5 copies of complete papers, about the same relation to quadruple production on this press as between sextuple and quadruple production on the other presses, but only a little over 70 per cent of the production reached on the other sextuple machines. The actual running time was over 50 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for productive labor, was 1,577.7 copies of a complete paper, or 8,894.2 copies of a 4-page paper, retaining the same relation to quadruple production of this press and to sextuple production on the other presses, as for pressmen in charge. PRESSROOM NO. 7 IN 1926 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R COST FOR P R E S S W O R K C E V E R A L changes took place in pressrooms between 1916 and 1926, ^ especially installation of larger and faster equipment. Table 92 contains data for printing and folding of newspapers in the same pressroom in 1926, on sextuple and octuple presses, based on total man-hours for all employees. T able 9 2 . — Man-hour production and labor cost in printing and folding 21,470,634 copies of 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, and 52 page newspapers, in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1926 Occupation Man-hours worked in Average cost producing production Labor per per 195,093,120 copies of 4- man-hour man-hour page papers Pressmen in charge..................... ................... Other jo u rn e v m e n .____ _________________ F lyb oys________________ ______ _____ 2, 851.8 18, 221. 5 6, 906. 0 Total, productive l a b o r .______ ____ 27, 979. 3 Laborers............................................ .............. Supervisory employees_______ ____ ______ 3, 301. 7 1,171.1 Total, nonproductive la b or................ 4,472.8 All employees........................ ................ 32,452.1 Copies 68,410. 5 6,972.8 6,011.7 Cost of man-hour pro duction Time cost Labor cost $1.491 1.340 .827 Minutes 5.3 33.7 12.8 $0.131 .752 .176 1. 228 51.7 1.059 .955 2. 249 6.1 2.2 .097 .081 1.293 8.3 .178 1.237 60.0 1.237 An early edition was printed, which usually contained four or eight pages less than the regular edition, and necessitated complete changes of plates and adjustments on the presses used for it. The number of editions in a single issue had increased, so that there fre quently were four or five stops for changes of plates, and as many as seven in one run. The regular working shift was 6.5 hours per night, except on Saturday night, when it was 7.5 hours, but an extra weekly working shift of 7.5 hours had been added, worked during daytime, for production of additional Sunday sections. The equipment still included the Hoe sextuple presses from the former period, designated as group A, but additions had been made of— Group B. Goss octuple presses, Unit-Type, with three units on the floor and one unit on the deck above, with Cutler-Hammer system of press control, and with magnetic brake for quick stoppage; PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 181 Group C. Hoe octuple presses, Superspeed style, also with three units on floor and one unit on the deck above, with automatic ink pump system and Cutier-Hammer system of press control; and Group D. Hoe sextuple presses, Superspeed Unit-Type, arranged in parallel duo-sextuple batteries, all units on floor, with automatic inkpump system and Cline system of press control. All presses were equipped with Stone magazine reels for paper rolls and newspaper conveyors to the mailing room on the floor above. All of the newer presses were operated at a speed of 15,000 cylinder revolutions per hour, while the older ones remained at the speed used in 1916— 13,000 to 14,000 revolutions per hour. The presses were operated as individual sextuples on runs up to and including 48 pages, and for the smaller advance sections of the Sunday issues. They .were operated as octuple presses when the run exceeded 48 pages, or consisted of 32 pages, and on Sunday mornings. Octuple combinations were made from the sextuple presses by running one of these in conjunction with a single unit from one of the other sextuples, allowing production of one paper up to 64 pages, on each press per cylinder revolution, or two 32-page papers per revolution. The crew for a sextuple press consisted of one pressman in charge, five other journeymen, and two flyboys on a single delivery. For an octuple press three journeymen were added. As only one delivery on each press was provided with a conveyor, it was necessary, when the second delivery was also used, to add one or two extra flyboys to each press, according to the distance for carrying the papers. The mailing room employees removed all papers from the delivery ends of the conveyors. Regular paper strippers were employed, who delivered the rolls to the pressroom ready for insertion in the press, relieving the press crew^s of getting the rolls ready. Paper strippers were classed as nonproductive labor. The average clock-hour pro duction per press, equal to man-hour production for pressmen in charge, was 7,528 copies of complete papers, only 70 per cent of the production in 1916. On basis of 4-page papers the figures showed an increase of 25 per cent, as the issues contained a larger number of pages during the 1926 period. The reduction in clock-hour produc tion was partly due to the requirement of a comparatively large number of presses, in order to produce a sufficient number of papers as soon as possible after receipt of the plates, as the editorial and advertising departments held the pages open for copy as long as possible. The main cause for the reduction, however, was the size of the daily issues, which prevented printing two copies at each cylinder revolution in 70 per cent of the runs, and consequently produced the papers at the rate of 1.3 copies per cylinder revolution instead of 2 copies. Wages had advanced in the 10-year period, in accord with the general advance in wages for all trades throughout the country. Pressmen in charge received $1.46 per hour and other journeymen $1,318 per hour. The rates for flyboys varied from 66 cents to $1,185 per hour, according to length of service. As during the former period, the man-hour labor costs were slightly higher than the actual wage rates, due to the overtime, but this had been reduced to less than 1 per cent of the total time. The group termed “ laborers” con sisted of extra flyboys, picking up waste paper and doing other general work, and the paper strippers. The supervisory force consisted of a 182 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING superintendent and a foreman, each working only six nights per week, and an assistant foreman. The man-hour production, on the basis of total hours for all employees, was 661.6 copies of complete papers, or 65 per cent of the 1916 production, due to reasons stated previ ously. Figured in 4-page papers, there was an increase of approxi mately 8 per cent. The actual hourly labor cost, for either total productive labor or for all employees, had practically doubled. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE PR ESSES, G R O U P A As the presses were operated both as sextuples and octuples, and as the equipment consisted of four different styles, eight tables were compiled to present the output per man-hour for productive labor on each style and size, in similar manner as for the 1916 period. Table 93 contains the compilation for Group A, operated as sextuple presses. As the same presses were covered for 1916 by Table 90, a comparison is afforded of the identical machines for both periods. T a b le 9 3 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group A, in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Number Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge............... . Other journeym en............. . F ly b oys............. ...................... 299.0 1,495. 0 812.5 137.1 685. 7 274. 3 45.9 45.9 33.8 1,722, 812 1, 722, S12 1, 722, 812 12, 563.4 2, 512.6 6, 281. 5 13,771, 740 13, 771, 740 13, 771, 740 100,428.4 20,085.1 50, 212.4 Total............................... 2, COG. 5 1, 907.1 42.1 1,722,812 1, 570. 4 13, 771, 740 12, 553. 2 The number of pages printed at one time varied from 18 to 48. Because no more than 24 pages could be produced on a sextuple press at the rate of two papers per revolution, and nearly 75 per cent of the runs consisted of a larger number of pages, only approximately 1.25 papers were produced per cylinder revolution. The productive time in this and the following tables was based on the actual running time for each press, all stops deducted, whether at the end of each edition or for delays due to other causes. There was an average of four stops for each of the 50 runs made by the presses in the group, besides 14 stops caused by delays, which naturally reduced clock-hour production, through slowing down and starting up to speed. The clock-hour production was only 12,563.4 complete papers per hour, or approximately 60 per cent of the 1916 production. Figured on the basis of 4-page papers, the output was a little over 90 per cent of the 4-page papers turned out per clock-hour on these same presses in 1916. The actual running time was approximately 45 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for total productive labor, was 1,570.4 copies of complete papers per hour, or a little over 70 per cent of the 1916 figures, while on the basis of 4-page papers the production was slightly higher than in the former period. A record was kept of delays and time consumed thereby, which showed what might delay production in even a well- PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND* 1926 183 regulated establishment. The causes were replating or chiseling out errors on plates; trouble with the newspaper conveyors, which re quired 15 to 23 minutes for adjustment each time; with the folder, where adjustments ranged from 10 to 25 minutes; with the blankets, with the rollers, with the press controls, and with cylinder adjust ments. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEX TU PLE PRESSES, G R O U P B Table 94 contains similar data for Group B, operated at sextuple capacity: T a b le 9 4 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group B, in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Copies produced Man-hours Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge.......................... Other journeym en........................... F lyb oys............................................. 114.5 572. 5 243.9 71.6 358.2 143.3 62.6 62.6 58.7 948.146 948.146 948.146 13, 236.7 2, 647. 2 6,617. 9 7.953, 733 7.953, 733 7.953, 733 111, 039.1 22,206.6 55, 515. 7 T o t a l-..................................... 930.9 573.1 61.6 948,146 1, 654. 5 7,953, 733 13,879.2 The number of pages printed in the different runs ranged from 18 to 48. Nearly 80 per cent of the runs consisted of more than 24 pages each, so the production was approximately 1.22 complete papers per cylinder revolution. There were four stops for each of the 18 runs made on the press, including a total of four caused by delays. The clock-hour production was 13,236.7 complete papers, nearly 700 papers more than for the previous group. Reduced to 4-page papers, it was 111,039.1 copies, over 10,000 copies more per hour than for Group A. The actual running time was over 60 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive manhours for productive labor, was less than 100 complete copies, but more than 1,300 four-page papers per hour over the production for Group A. The cause for one delay was a hot bearing, for another it was cylinder adjustment; for the third, roller trouble; and for the fourth, which consumed 20 minutes, conveyor trouble. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE PRESSES, G R O U P C Table 95 contains similar data for Group C, operated at sextuple capacity. 184 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING T a b le 9 5 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group C, in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per Number cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 369.5 Pressmen in charge_______ _____ Other journeymen.......................... ], 847. 5 855. 2 F ly b o y s .................. ................... 212.5 1, 062. 7 425.1 57.5 57.5 49.6 2, 663, 738 2,663, 738 2, 663, 738 12, 533. 5 2, 506. 7 6, 266. 6 24,091, 550 24, 091, 550 24, 091, 550 113, 356. 0 22, 670. 8 56, 676. 7 T otal...................................... 3, 073. 2 1,700.3 55.3 2, 663, 738 1, 566. 7 24, 091, 550 14,169. 3 The number of pages ranged from 18 to 48 for this group also. As only 12 per cent of the runs consisted of 24 pages or less, the average production per cylinder revolution was 1.12 complete papers. There was an average of nearly 4 stops for each of the 59 runs, with an additional total of 29 stops for delays. The clock-hour produc tion was 12,533.5 complete papers, slightly less than in Group A, but reduced to 4-page papers it exceeded the Group A production nearly 13 per cent. The actual running time was approximately 60 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for total productive labor, was practically the same num ber of complete papers per hour as for Group A, but reduced to 4-page papers it was also nearly 13 per cent more. Two-thirds of the delays were due to replating or chiseling on the plates. Three were caused by conveyor trouble, ranging from 10 to 14 minutes for adjustment, and three others by folder trouble, ranging from 12 to 60 minutes for correction. The rest were due to trouble with the rollers and the reels. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE PRESSES, G R O U P D Table 96 contains similar data for Group D, operated at sextuple capacity: T a b le 9 6 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group D, in newspaper pressroom No. 7 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per Number cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total 11,605. 5 2, 321.1 5, 802. 8 48, 543,166 48, 543,166 48, 543,166 121, 656.0 24, 331. 4 60,828.8 1, 450. 7 j 48, 543,166 15, 207.1 399.0 1, 995.1 798.0 53.3 53.3 49.6 4,630,807 4, 630, 807 4, 630,807 T o t a l.................................... 6,095. 5 j 3,192.1 52.4 4,630,807 Pressmen in charge........................ 748.0 Other journeymen......................... 3, 740. 0 F lyboys____________ ____ ______ 1,607. 5 Per pro ductive hour PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 185 The number of pages for this group did not go below 32, but went as high as 48, making the entire production one complete paper per cylinder revolution. There was an average of 4 stops for each of the 133 runs, besides 34 stops due to delays, which naturally reduced the clock-hour production. This was only 11,605.5 complete papers, 8 per cent less than for Group A, but constituted 21 per cent more copies of 4-page papers than was turned out by that group per hour. The actual running time was a little over 50 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for total pro ductive labor, was 1,450.7 complete papers, like the clock-hour pro duction 8 per cent less than for Group A or 21 per cent more of 4-page papers. One-fourth of the delays were due to replating or to chisel ing on the plates. Over one-third were caused by trouble on the con veyors, ranging fiom 7 to 18 minutes for adjustments. One break of the web caused a delay of 12 minutes. Others were due to trouble with the folders, blankets, rollers, inking system, cylindei register, or driving clutch. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON O C TU PLE PRESSES, G R O U P A Table 97 contains data for Group A, operated as octuple presses. As an octuple press has practically the same capacity as two quadruple presses, the table is comparable with Table 88 for 1916 quadruple pro duction on these same presses. T a b le 9 7 .— Production on octuple presses, Group A, in newspaper pressroom No. 7, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per Number cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 344.7 Pressmen in charge........... ........... Other journeymen_____ _____ 2, 757. 3 945.5 F ly b o y s ................................. ....... 183.7 1, 469. 6 367.4 53.3 53.3 38.9 2, 507,279 2, 507, 279 2, 507, 279 13, 648. 8 1, 7C6.1 6, 824. 4 21, 615, 282 21, 615, 282 21, 615, 282 117, 666. 2 14, 708. 3 58, 833.1 T o ta l........................ ......... . 4, 047. 5 2,020. 7 49.9 2, 507, 279 1, 240. 8 21, 615, 282 10, 696. 9 Presses from all four groups were used, except in two instances, when octuple runs were made, and the range for the number of pages printed at one time was the same for all groups, 20 to 52. For this group 40 runs were made of issues containing 32 or fewer pages and 25 runs of larger size issues, giving an average of 1.62 complete papers per cylinder revolution. A little over 3.5 stops were made per run, including 19 caused by delays. The clock-hour production was 13,648.8 complete copies, less than 60 per cent of the produc tion by these presses as quadruples in 1916, but at that time they were producing two papers per revolution and were subject to com paratively few stops. Reduced to 4-page papers, the clock-hour production was 117,666.2 copies, a little more than 60 per cent of the number turned out by two quadruples in 1916, due to the smaller 9819°— 29------- 13 186 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING proportion of plating capacity used during the latter period. The actual running time was a little over 50 per cent of the total time. The output, on basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 1,240.8 copies of complete papers, less than half of the 1916 figures. On the basis of 4-page papers the man-hour production was even smaller than for one quadruple press in 1916. One-fourth of the delays were due to trouble with the reels, consuming from 2 to 22 minutes each. One break of the web caused a delay of 28 minutes and an overflow of an ink fountain caused a delay of 50 minutes. Other delays were due to replating and to trouble with conveyors, blankets, rollers, folders, cylinder register, ink pumps, and a gear guard. The time of adjustments ranged from 10 to 20 minutes. M AN -HO UR PRODUCTION ON OCTUPLE PRESSES, GROUP B Table 98 contains similar data for Group B, operated at octuple capacity: T able 9 8 . — Production on octuple presses , Group B , in newspaper pressroom N o. 7, in 1926 (based on productive nan-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total 4-page papers Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge............................... Other journeymen................................. F lyboys............. . ................................... 89.8 718.6 216.5 51.4 411.3 102.8 57.3 57.2 47.5 797,670 797. 670 797. 670 15,512.8 1,939.3 7, 757. 2 7.159, 586 7.159, 586 7.159, 586 139,237.4 17,405.9 69, 625.5 T o ta l............................................ 1,024. 9 565.6 55.2 797, 670 1,410.4 7,159, 586 12, 658.1 During one-half of the runs the issues consisted of 52 pages each, one paper per revolution, while during the other half they contained 20, 22, 28, or 30 pages each, two papers per revolution, making an average production of 1.5 complete papers per cylinder revolution. There were 3.5 stops for each of the 16 runs, including 2 caused by delays. The clock-hour production was 15,512.8 complete papers, over 1,850 more than for Group A. Reduced to 4-page papers, the increase was over 21,500 copies. The actual running time was less than 60 per cent of the total time. The output, on basis of productive man-hours for total productive labor, was 1,410.4 complete papers, 170 more than for Group A, but also 1,960 copies more of 4-page papers. One delay was due to folder trouble, requiring 71 minutes for adjustment, while the other was due to the mailing room. M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION ON OCTUPLE PRESSES, GROUP C Table 99 contains similar data for Group C, operated at octuple capacity. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 187 T able 9 9 . — Production on octuple presses, Oroup C, in newspaper pressroom N o. 7, in 1 92 6 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Productive Occupation Total Per Number cent of total Pressmen in charge........... ........... 249.7 Other journeymen______________ 1,997.9 F ly b o y s -......................................... 661.7 Total.................... ......... Copies produced 2, 909.3 Complete papers 4-page papers Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 140.2 1,121.7 280.4 56.2 56.1 42.4 2, 255, 839 2, 255,839 2,255,839 16,089.0 2,011.0 8,044.2 19, 527,941 19, 527,941 19, 527, 941 139,276.4 17,408.8 69,635. 7 1,542.4 53.0 2,255,839 1,462.6 19, 527,941 12,660.9 During 25 of the runs the number of pages were 32 or less, permit ting two papers per revolution, while during the other 20 only one paper per revolution was printed, making the average production 1.56 complete papers per cylinder revolution. There was an average of 4 stops per run, including 22 caused by delays. The clock-hour production was 16,089 complete papers, 2,440 more than for Group A, or a little more than 21,600 copies of 4-page papers additional. The actual running time was a little more than 55 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for total productive labor, was 1,462.6 complete papers, 220 more than for Group A, or over 1,950 copies more of 4-page papers. The majority of delays were caused by replating or by chiseling on the plates. Four were due to folder trouble, ranging from 7 to 26 minutes, two to con veyor trouble, two to roller trouble, and one to cylinder register. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON O C TU PLE PR ESSES, G R O U P D Table 100 contains similar data for Group D , operated at octuple capacity: T able 1 0 0 . — Production on octuple presses , Group D y in newspaper pressroom N o. 7, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Pressmen in charge........................ Other journeym en.............. .......... F ly b o y s .......................................... Per Number cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 636.6 5,092.6 1,562.2 336.1 2,688.4 672.1 52.8 52.8 43.0 5.894.352 5.894.352 5.894.352 17,540.1 2,192.5 8,770.1 51,244, 472 51,244,472 51, 244,472 152,490.6 19.061.3 76.245.3 T otal..................................... 7,291.4 3,696.6 50.7 5,894,352 1, 594.6 51,244,472 13,862.8 Two papers per revolution were printed during 46 of the runs, but only one paper per revolution during the other 62 runs, giving an average of 1.43 complete papers per cylinder revolution. There was an average of a little over 4 stops per run, including 37 for delays. The clock-hour production was 17,540.1 complete papers, or 3,891 188 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING more than for Group A. Reduced to 4-page papers, the increase was 34,824.4 copies. The actual running time was a little over 50 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 1,594.6 complete papers, 350 more than for Group A, or a little over 3,150 copies more of 4-page papers. A number of the delays were due to replating or to chiseling. Trouble with the folders was responsible in 8 cases, ranging from 6 to 40 minutes. Difficulty with ink distribution accounted for 7 more, ranging from 5 to 28 minutes. Five were caused by conveyor trouble, and the rest were due to rollers and to cylinder register. P R E S S R O O M NO. 8 IN 1926 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R COST FO R P R E S S W O R K T N smaller pressrooms, where the equipment consists of only one or two presses, it is often necessary during the same shift to make runs containing different numbers of pages. An example of this kind was found in pressroom No. 8, covered by Table 101, which contains data for printing and folding of newspapers, in 1926, on presses of octuple capacity but used at times as quadruples or sextuples, based on total man-hours for all employees. T 1 0 1 .—-Man-hour production and labor cost in printing and folding 8,249,855 copies of 10, 12, 14 , 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 80, and 32 page newspapers in newspaper pressroom No. 8, in 1926 able Man-hours worked in Average producing 16,947,140 production per copies of man-hour 4-page papers Occupation Pressmen in charge....................................... ............ Other journeymen _______________ .. F lyb oys_________ . . __ _________ . . . . .. Total, productive labor _________________ Laborers _________ . ________________________ Supervisory employees. . ........... .......................... 418.3 1,817.5 707.0 | 2,942.8 | 692.0 390.0 Total, nonproductive labor......................... 1, 082. 0 All employees_____________ ___________ _ 4,024.8 Copies 40, 519. 2 5, 759. 0 i j 4, 210. 7 Labor cost per manhour Cost of man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $1. 292 1.156 .492 Minutes 6. 2 27.1 10.5 1. 016 43.9 .743 .505 1. 590 10.3 5.8 .087 .154 .896 16.1 .241 .984 60.0 .984 $0.134 . 522 .086 The newspaper was published mornings, Sundays included. The number of pages in the different press runs ranged from 10 to 32 and any issue for either week day or Sunday which contained more than 32 pages was printed in several sections, each of which has been treated as a separate issue of its respective size. The daily issue on week mornings and the last section on Sunday mornings were published in three, or occasionally four, editions, requiring changes of several plates for each one, and customarily changes in the number of pages also. One press was usually held a short time for the final O. K. from the mailing room. The regular working shift was 7 hours each night for all except 2 laborers, who worked 58 hours per week, 6 shifts of 8 hours and 1 shift of 10 hours, handling paper. The equipment consisted of Hoe octuple presses, converted deck PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 189 type sextuple presses by addition of extra unit on floor by folder. They ‘were provided with Kohler system of press control and had hydraulic elevators back of presses for hoisting paper rolls. During four nights the productive labor consisted of 2 men in charge, 8 journeymen, and 3 flyboys, for each two presses. On two other nights, when part of the Sunday sections were printed, one extra (lyboy was added, and on Saturday nights two more journe}^men were also added, making each crew for that shift 1 man in charge, 6 journey men, and 2 flyboys. The average clock-hour production per press, equal to man-hour production for men in charge, was 40,519.2 copies of 4-page papers, or approximately 60 per cent of the number produced in pressroom No. 7. Men in charge of presses received $1,262 per hour and other journey men were paid $1,119 per hour. Various rates were paid to flyboys— 42.9, 50.0, and 57.1 cents per hour. The average man-hour labor costs for men in charge and for journeymen were slightly higher than the regular hour rate, on account of overtime, which w^as 1.26 per cent of the total time for men in charge, and 1.78 per cent for journey men. The nonproductive group of laborers consisted of regular paper handlers, at 41.4 cents and 55.2 cents per hour, and extra paper handlers on the last night of each week, at 50 cents per hour. The supervisory group consisted of a foreman, who worked only six nights per week, and an assistant foreman. The man-hour production, on the basis of total hours for all employees, was 4,210.7 copies of a 4-page paper per hour, or a little over 70 per cent of the production for pressroom No. 7. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON PR ESSES On account of the varied number of pages produced on a single night, requiring perhaps both quadruple and sextuple capacity for the same issue, no separation could be made of the production on press capacity basis. Consequently only a single table (Table 102) was compiled for production based on productive hours for the pro ductive labor: T a b le 1 0 2 .— Production on all presses in newspaper pressroom No. 8, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers Four-page papers Occupation Total Per Number cent of total Total Per produc tive hour Total Per produc tive hour 418.3 Pressmen in charge......... ................ Other journeymen______ _____ 1,817. 5 F ly b o y s ........................................... 707.0 214.4 953.8 306.4 51.2 52.5 56.1 3, 249, 355 3, 249, 355 3, 249,355 15,159.1 3, 406. 9 8,196. 8 16, 947,140 16, 947,140 16,947,140 79,062.9 17, 768. 6 44,876. 0 2, 942.8 1, 564. 5 53.2 3, 249,355 2, 076. 9 16, 947, 140 10, 832. 7 T o ta l................................... . Three main editions were printed each night, with stops of con siderable duration between them. The records contained the start ing and stopping time for each of these, but failed to show the number and duration of stops inside of such running time. Consequently the productive time in this table was based on the time for printing 190 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING these three editions, including the time consumed in changing of rolls, in changing of plates for other news, or in possible delays for adjustments, all of which would have reduced the actual running time materially. The known stops totaled 147, which were de ducted from the running time and would affect it only through reduced speed in stopping and starting, but the number of roll changes necessary for the production would require approximately 1,000 stops, each of which also affected the production through reduction of speed, and additionally consumed from 30 seconds to 2 minutes actual stoppage for each. The production, on basis of productive man-hours for men in charge, was only 15,159.1 complete papers per man-hour, also representing the clock-hour production. It was decidedly low, at two papers per cylinder revolution, when compared with the production for the previous establishment, but may be accounted for by the inclusion of the stops. Reduced to 4page papers it was 79,062.9 copies, a far smaller multiple of the complete papers than in room No. 7, caused by the decidedly smaller number of pages in the issues. The actual running time was a little over 50 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive man-hours for total productive labor, was 2,076.9 complete papers per hour, relatively higher, when compared with production for men in charge, than the similar proportion in room No. 7. The corresponding number of 4-page papers was, like that for men in charge, comparatively much smaller than in the fore going establishment. PRESSROOM NO. 6 IN 1926 P R O D U C T IV IT Y AND LA BO R C OST FO R P R E S S W O R K TN another establishment both morning and evening papers were published, creating somewhat varying conditions. They were conducted as two separate newspapers, though using the same equipment, but with a different personnel. The data for the morn ing issue is presented in Table 103, which covers printing and folding of newspapers in 1926, on quadruple, sextuple, octuple, and decuple presses, based on total man-hours for all employees. T 1 0 3 .— M an-hour production and labor cost in printing and folding 1 3 ,5 8 5 ,8 9 4 copies of 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, and 36 page newspapers in newspaper pressroom N o. 6 , in 1926 able Occupation Manhours worked in producing 92,677,462 copies of 4-page papers Pressmen in charge........................................................ Other journeymen........... ........................................ . F lyb oys.......................................................................... . 1,996. 3 11, 540. 2 3, 919. 8 Total, productive labor........ .............................. 17,456. 2 Laborers.......................................................................... Supervisory employees............................................. 5, 797. 5 1, 632. 5 Total, nonproductive labor....................... ........ 7,430. 0 A ll employees______________________________ 24, 886. 2 Average produc tion permanhour Copies 46,425.8 5, 309. 2 3, 724.1 Cost of man-hour production Labor cost per manhour Time cost Labor cost $1.489 1.340 .893 M in u te s 4.8 27.8 9.5 $0.119 .621 . 141 1.256 42.1 .881 .939 1.836 14.0 3.9 .219 .119 1.136 17.9 .339 1. 220 60.0 1.220 PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 19 16 AND 1926 191 The publication was issued mornings, Sundays included. The complete Sunday issue contained a larger number of pages than the regular week-day issue, which ordinarily consisted of 28 to 36 pages, but it was printed in several sections, each of which has been treated as a separate issue. The daily issue on week mornings and the last section on Sunday mornings consisted of five editions. As neither the first nor the last edition of the regular daily issue required the operation of all the presses used during the night, part of them were started early and some of the others kept late in the morning. The total number in use was operated only during three of the editions and on the Sunday sections. The regular working shift was 6.5 hours, net, per night, except Friday and Saturday nights, each of which consisted of 7.5 net working hours. The equipment contained several different makes and styles, which were accordingly separated into five groups, consisting o f : Group 1. Hoe sextuple presses, right-angle quadruples with decks, with old-style folders and Kohler system of press control; Group 2. Hoe sextuple presses, X pattern, with old-style folders and Kohler system of press control; Group 3. Hoe double sextuple presses, straight-line, three-deck, with old-style folders and Kohler system of press control; Group 4. Duplex decuple, double sextuple, and double octuple presses, Metropolitan Super D uty type, with Cutler-Hammer news paper conveyors and General Electric system of press control; Group 5. Scott octuple presses, Straight Unit, mezzanine type, with automatic tension control, Cutler-Hammer newspaper conveyors and system of press control. One of them was provided with Stone magazine reels for paper rolls. All presses were provided with air-pressure system on the ink, which was piped from a storage tank to the fountains. Electric roll hoists on ceiling track beams were used for transporting and hoisting paper rolls. The maximum operating speed for presses in Groups 1, 2, and 3 was 12,000 cylinder revolutions per hour, for presses in Group 5 it was 13,200 revolutions, and for presses in Group 4 it was 18,000 revolutions per hour. The crew for a quadruple press consisted of one pressman in charge, four other journeymen, and two flyboys. A sextuple crew contained one additional journeyman, and an octuple crew three more, or eight men in all. A decuple crew consisted of two pressmen in charge, nine other journeymen, and three flyboys. At times, where the work required it, an additional journeyman or flyboy was added to a crew. Papers were carried by flyboys from deliveries not provided with conveyors to electric lifts, for delivery to the mailing room above. Plates were sent to and from the stereotyping room, on floor above, in electric plate elevators. New plates were removed from the ele vators and brought to the presses by extra help, classed as “ laborers” under nonproductive labor, but the used plates were returned to the plate elevators by the press crews. Regular paper strippers, not included in the press crews, were employed, and prepared the paper rolls for delivery to the presses. The average clock-hour production per press, equal to the man-hour production for pressmen in charge, was 46,425.8 copies of 4-page papers, about 68 per cent of the pro duction reached in room No. 7. The difference was presumably caused by the smaller number of pages in the daily issues for this establishment. 192 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING Men in charge of presses received $1.46 per hour, and other journey men $1.3175 cents per hour. Flyboys were paid according to length of service in trade, ranging from 66 cents to $1,185 per hour. The actual man-hour labor costs were slightly higher on account of the overtime, which was approximately 3 per cent of the total time for the productive labor. The nonproductive group, termed “ laborers,” consisted of extra flyboys, not assigned to specific presses, who worked in a general capacity, carried plates, cleaned up, etc., and the paper strippers. The data for the supervisory group consisted of part time for a superintendent, and full time for a foreman and several assistant foremen, who worked only 6 nights per week each. The man-hour production, on the basis of total working hours for all employees, was 3,724.1 copies of 4-page papers, only 88 per cent of the amount turned out in establishment No. 8, practically the rela tion between the number of pages in the daily issues for the two pressrooms. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON Q U ADRU PLE P R E SSE S, G R O U P 1 As the presses in the different groups were operated part time at quadruple, sextuple, octuple, and decuple capacities, data were com piled of the output per productive man-hour for the productive labor, for comparison with previous similar tables. The data for this press room also afford a comparison with the same pressroom in 1896 shown in Table 85, but not accompanied by any information on equip ment or working conditions. Table 104 contains data of output per man-hour on quadruple presses in Group 1 for the different groups of productive labor, based on the productive hours therefor: T able 1 0 4 . — Production on quadruple presses, Group 1, in newspaper pressroom No. 6, in 1926 (based on productive moM-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Num Per cent ber of total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 35.3 141.1 70.5 19.3 77.3 38.7 54.8 54.8 54.9 270, 528 270, 528 270, 528 13,995. 2 3,498.4 6,995. 8 1,058,822 1.058, 822 1.058, 822 54,776.1 13,692.3 27,381.0 | 246.9 135.3 54.8 270, 528 1, 999. 0 1, 058, 822 7, 824. 0 Pressmen in charge............................. Other journeym en................... ................ F ly b o y s ................................ ........... ........ Total.......................................... . Total 1 Quadruple capacity was used only for the Sunday advance sec tions, as the daily issues and the Sunday main sections contained too many pages to justify printing them on anything smaller than sex tuple presses. The number of pages printed at one time on a press in Group 1 was either 14 or 16, produced at the rate of two papers per cylinder revolution. The runs for the Sunday advance sections were practically continuous, except for changes of rolls or for delays. No stops were recorded for either, nor was any time deducted for them, so the productive time included any that might have occurred. Ap proximately 60 stops were made during the six runs for roll changes alone, which would have reduced the productive time materially, if PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 193 deducted. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 13,995.2 complete papers. The same item for the 1896 period in this pressroom, shown in Table 85, converted to two 16-page papers per cylinder revolution, was 15,228.4 papers, so the 1926 production appeared to be only 92 per cent of the former output. This was partly through the use of different sizes of presses during the former period, including one sextuple press. The output was, how ever, also less than 60 per cent of the production reached during 1916 in room No. 7 on practically similar presses but equipped with maga zine reels, as shown in Table 88. The running time was approximately 55 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for all productive labor, was 1,999 complete papers per manhour, 30 papers less than in the 1896 period for the same room, but only 73 per cent of the production on quadruple presses in room No. 7 during 1916. On the basis of 4-page papers, the production was 7,824 copies per man-hour, equal to 96 per cent of the 1896 output for the pressroom, or 73 per cent of the production during 1916 on quad ruple presses in pressroom No. 7. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N O N Q U ADRU PLE P RESSES, G R O U P 2 Table 105 contains similar data for Group 2, operated at quadruple capacity: T a b le 1 0 5 .— Production on quadruple presses, Group 2y in newspaper pressroom No. 6, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Total ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Per pro Pressmen in charge_______ _____ ____ Other journeymen____ ______ __________ F lyboys______________ ___________ _____ 26.9 107.7 53.9 13.3 53.3 26.6 49.5 49.5 49.4 145, 824 145, 824 145, 824 10, 947.8 2, 737. 5 5, 475. 9 541.416 541.416 541.416 40, 646. 9 10,163. 6 20, 331.1 T otal____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ___ 188. 5 93.2 49.5 145, 824 1, 564. 3 541,416 5,807. 9 This group was also operated for the Sunday advance sections, consisting of 14 and 16 pages, at the rate of two papers per cylinder revolution. Approximately 30 rolls were changed during the four runs but, as with the previous group, no time was deducted for these stops nor for any delays. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 10,947.8 complete papers, less than 80 per cent of the production for Group 1, or about 72 per cent of the 1896 production for this pressroom. The running time was approxi mately 50 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for the total productive labor, was 1,564.3 complete papers per man-hour, amounting to only 77 per cent of the production in the 1916 period for this room, or less than 80 per cent of the pro duction for Group 1. Reduced to 4-page papers, it was 5,807.9 copies, per man-hour, equal to 74 per cent of the production for Group 1, or 73 per cent of the 1896 output. 194 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING M AN -HO UR PRODUCTION ON QUADRUPLE PRESSES. GROUP 3 Table 106 contains similar data for Group 3, operated at quadruple capacity: T able 1 0 6 .— Production on quadruple presses, Group 8, in newspaper pressroom N o. 6 , in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge-------------------- --------Other journeymen............... .................. F lyb oys...................................................... 57.7 230.7 145.4 38.2 152.9 76.4 66.2 66.3 52.6 567.836 567.836 567.836 14,857.0 3, 714. 5 7,429. 5 2 ,170v461 2.170.461 2.170.461 56,788. 6 14,198.1 28, 398. 0 Total.................. - ............................ 433.8 267.5 61.7 567,836 2,122. 6 2,170,461 8,113. 3 All runs on presses in this group were also for 14 or 16 page ad vance sections for the Sunday issues, at the rate of two papers per revolution. About 110 rolls were changed during the 12 runs, for which no time deductions were made, and no allowance was made for delays. The output per clock-hour, or man-hour production for men in charge, was 14,857 complete papers, over 6 per cent more than production for Group 1, or almost 98 per cent of the output in this pressroom during 1896. The running time was approximately two-thirds of the total time. On the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, the output was 2,122.6 complete papers per man-hour, nearly one hundred 16-page papers more than the average for this room in 1896, and a little over 6 per cent more than the production for Group 1. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 8,113.3 copies per man-hour, 4 per cent more than for Group 1, but only 7 copies less than the 1896 production. M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION ON QUADRUPLE PRESSES, GROUP 4 Table 107 contains similar data for Group 4, operated at quadruple capacity: T able 1 0 7 .— Production on quadruple presses, Group 4, in newspaper pressroom N o. 6 , in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge............................... Other journeym en_____ ______ ____ F lyb oys................................................... 102.0 413.6 205.4 64.7 258.9 129.4 63.5 62.6 63.0 1.057.007 1.057.007 1,057, 007 16,332.0 4,083.2 8,166. 6 4, 271,699 4, 271,699 4, 271,699 66,002.8 16,501.3 32, 803.9 Total............................................. 721.0 453.0 62.8 1, 057, 007 2,333.3 4,271,699 9,429.4 PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 195 Sixteen of the runs made by presses in Group 4 were for the Sunday advance sections of 14 or 16 pages, at two papers per revolution, but one run was made of 28-page sections, which could be printed only on a quadruple press at the rate of one paper per revolution, giving an average of 1.94 papers per cylinder revolution. As with the previous groups, no time was deducted for stops due to the 209 roll changes nor for delays. The clock-hour production, or man-hour produc tion for men in charge, was 16,332 complete papers, an increase of nearly 17 per cent over the production for Group 1, or a little more than 8 per cent over the 1896 production for this pressroom. The running time was a little over 60 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 2,333.3 complete papers per man-hour, nearly 15 per cent more than the 1896 production or 17 per cent more than that for quadruple presses in Group 1. Reduced to 4-page papers, it was 9,429.4 copies per man-hour, 21 per cent more than the output for Group 1, or 16 per cent more than that produced in the 1896 period. M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION ON SEXTUPLE PRESSES, GROUP 1 Table 108 contains similar data for Group 1, operated at sextuple capacity: T able 1 0 8 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group 1, in newspaper pressroom No. 6, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor)' Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per N um cent ber of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge.............. .............. Other journeymen. ............................... F lyboys............. ..................................... . 59.2 295.8 118.3 33.4 167.0 66.8 56.4 56.5 56.5 395.817 395.817 395.817 11,850.8 2,370.2 5,925. 4 2,005,812 2.005, 812 2.005, 812 60,054.3 12,010.9 30,027.1 Total. ............................................... 473.3 267.2 56.5 395,817 1,481. 4 2,005,812 7,506.8 Presses in Group 1 were used in sextuple capacity for Sunday sections containing 18, 20, or 22 pages, resulting in six runs at the rate of two papers per revolution, or containing 28 or 32 pages, resulting in three runs at the rate of one paper per revolution, giving an average of 1.67 papers per cylinder revolution. No deductions had been made in running time for stops, due either to the 118 changes of rolls or to delays, and none had been recorded. The 1896 produc tion for the same pressroom did not present a fair comparison, as only one sextuple press was operated at that time, and production from it was combined with production from nine smaller presses. Sextuples were operated in room No. 7 during 1916 and 1926, but, although part of these were of somewhat similar type, all were equipped with magazine reels for paper rolls, and all time lost through stops was deducted from the running time. Comparison may be made with Table 93, which relates to pressroom No. 7 during 1926, since the presses were very nearly like those treated of in Table 108. The clock-hour production, or man-hour production, for men in charge was 11,850.8 196 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING complete papers, as against 12,563.4 in room No. 7, more than 94 per cent of the latter. Figured as 4-page papers the production was only a little over 60 per cent, on account of the smaller number of pages per issue. The running time was over 55 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of pioductive hours for productive labor, was 1,481.4 complete papers per man-hour, as against 1,570.4 in room No. 7, over 94 per cent of the latter. Figured as 4-page papers it was a little less than 60 per cent of the production in pressroom No. 7. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE PR ESSES, G R O U P 3 Table 109 contains similar data for Group 3, operated at sextuple capacity: T a b le 1 0 9 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group 3, in newspaper pressroom No. 6, in 1926 (based on productive man-kours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers Occupation Total Pressman in charge__________________ Other journeymen_________ _______ F lyb oys_________ ______ ______ _____ T ota l.......... ................. Num- ! Per cent of ber total 4-page papers Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 143.4 715.9 366. 9 47.8 238.8 95. 5 33.3 33.4 26.0 563, 435 563, 435 563, 435 11, 794. 8 2, 359. 2 5, 898. 0 3.083.945 3.083.945 3,083, 945 64, 558. 2 12,912.7 32, 282. 5 1, 226. 2 382.1 31. 2 .563, 435 1, 474. 5 3,083, 945 8, 070. 4 Presses in Group 3 were used in a manner similar to those in Group 1, with ten runs at the rate of two papers per revolution, and one run at the rate of one paper per revolution. In addition two runs were also made on the week-day morning papers at the rate of one paper per revolution. This gave a production of 1.71 papers per cylinder revolution. There was no record of stops for the presses operated on the Sunday editions, outside of the 163 roll changes, and no time was deducted therefor. For the week-day runs no record was obtained of the number of rolls changed, but 11 other stops were given, 5 for ends of editions and 6 for delays. Time was deducted for delays from the combined time for the editions, but at the rate of 5 minutes per delay instead of the actual time consumed. The time consumed in the changing of rolls for the week-day issues and in delays on the Sunday editions would have made a considerable decrease in the running time and consequent increase of production. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 11,794.8 complete papers, about 50 copies less than for Group 1, and therefore bearing practically the same relation to Group A of room No. 7 for 1926 as Group 1. Figured as 4-page papers it was, however, 4,500 copies more than for Group 1, or nearly 65 per cent of the production for room No. 7. The running time was a little over 33 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of pro ductive hours for total productive labor, was 1,474.5 complete papers per man-hour, practically the same as that for Group 1, and approxi PRODUCTIVITY OF PRE8SW ORK: 1916 AND 1926 mately 94 per cent of similar production for Group A in room for 1926. Reduced to 4-page papers, the output was 8,070.4 per man-hour, equal to 8 per cent more than the production for 1, but only 64 per cent of the output for Group A in room during 1926. 197 No. 7 copies Group No. 7 M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON S E X TU PLE PRESSES, G R O U P 4 Table 110 contains similar data for Group 4, more modern style presses, operated at sextuple capacity: T able 1 1 0 . — Production on sextuple presses, Group 4* in newspaper pressroom No. 6, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total 519.3 Pressmen in charge______________ Other journeymen_______________ 2, 736. 3 F lyboys............. ............................. . 1,046. 0 Total............. ......................... 4, 301. 7 Per Number cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 269.6 1,348.1 539. 2 51.9 49.3 51.6 3, 388, 689 3, 388, 689 3,388, 689 12,568.4 2, 513.7 6, 284.3 24.062, 057 24.062, 057 24,062,057 89,244.3 17,849.1 44, 623.0 2,156. 9 50.1 3, 388, 689 1, 571.1 24, 062, 057 11,155.7 Presses in Group 4 were used in 28 runs for the Sunday sections, ranging from 18 to 24 pages, at the rate of 2 papers per revolution, and in 50 runs for the regular morning issues of 36 pages, at the rate of 1 paper per revolution, making an average of 1.36 papers per cylinder revolution. As for the previous groups, no time had been deducted for stops on the Sunday-morning runs, in which approxi mately 512 rolls were changed. In similar manner, no record was obtained of roll changes for the regular morning issues, in which there were 179 stops on editions and 319 stops, figured at 5 minutes each, for delays. Time was deducted for the 498 stops, as listed, but this still left the productive time higher than it should have been. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 12,568.4 complete papers, 6 per cent more than in Group 1, or approximately the same as the average production on presses in Group C of room No. 7 for 1926, shown in Table 95. Reduced to the basis of 4-page papers, it was 89,244.3 copies, or 49 per cent more than in Group 1, but less than 80 per cent of the number produced by Group C of room No. 7, wiiich printed larger papers. The running time was a little over 50 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 1,571.1 complete papers per man-hour, 90 copies more than for Group 1, but practically the same as for Group C in room No. 7 for 1926. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 11,155.7 copies, 49 per cent more than for Group 1, but less than 80 per cent of the number of copies produced in room No. 7 by Group C. 198 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING M AN-H O UR PRODUCTION ON SEXTUPLE PRESSES, GROUP 5 Table 111 contains similar data for Group 5, also more modern styles than in Groups 1 to 3, operated at sextuple capacity: T able 1 1 1 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group 5, in newspaper pressroom No. 6, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um Per cent ber of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge. ......... .................... . Other journeymen.................................... F lyb oys............................... ........... ......... 104.8 516.6 206.3 55.5 277.3 110.9 55.3 53.7 53.8 620,661 620,661 620, 661 11,193.2 2, 238. 6 5, 596. 6 4.425.933 4.425.933 4.425.933 79,818.6 15,963. 7 39,909. 2 T otal................................................. 827.7 443.6 53.6 620, 661 1, 399. 2 4,425,*933 9,977.3 Presses in Group 5 were used for four runs on 22 and 24 page Sunday sections, at the rate of 2 papers per revolution, and on 10 runs of 36-page regular morning issues, at the rate of 1 paper per revolu tion, giving an average of 1.29 complete papers per cylinder revolu tion. No deduction was made for stops on Sunday sections, on which 104 rolls were changed, and no record was obtained of roll changes on the regular morning issues, where 36 stops occurred for editions and 62 for delays, figured at 5 minutes each. Time for the edition stops and for delays were deducted, as listed, but the productive time was still excessive. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 11,193.2 complete papers, approximately 94 per cent of the production for Group 1, and less than any group in room No. 7 during 1926. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 79,818.6 copies, which was about 33 per cent more than for Group 1, but only about 70 per cent of the production for Group C in room No. 7 for 1926. The running time was approximately 55 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 1,399.2 complete papers per man-hour, approximately 94 per cent of the production for Group 1, but less than 90 per cent of the production for Group C in room No. 7 during 1926. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 9,977.3 copies, 33 per cent more than for Group 1, but only 70 per cent of the number of copies produced by Group C of room No. 7. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 199 M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION ON OCTUPLE PRESSES, GROUP 3 Table 112 contains similar data for Group 3, operated at octuple capacity: T able 1 1 2 . — Production on octuple presses, Group 8, in newspaper pressroom No. 6, in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressmen in charge............................... Other journeymen—......................... F lyb oys............. .................................... 117.7 941.6 347.4 44.0 352.3 88.1 37.4 37.4 25.4 722.839 722.839 722.839 16,417.0 2,052.0 8,207.6 5.466.026 5,466, 026 5.466.026 124,143. 2 15,516. 6 62,064. 6 T otal.................................... ........ 1,406. 7 484.4 34.4 722, 839 1,492. 3 5,466,026 11,284.8 Presses in Group 3 were used in octuple capadty on 15 runs of 26, 28, or 32 pages for the regular morning issues, produced at the rate of two papers per revolution. Stops on editions totaled 53, and delays, listed at 5 minutes each, totaled 60. The nonproductive time was deducted, but the remaining productive hours still included time lost in changing of rolls. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 16,417 complete papers, over 10 per cent more than the average production for this group when operated as quadruple presses at the same rate of two papers per revolution. It was also 20 per cent more than the average produc tion for octuple presses of Group A in pressroom No. 7 during 1926, as shown in Table 97, but the latter produced only 1.6 papers per revolution. Reduced to 4-page papers it was over 9 per cent more than was turned out on the same presses when operated as two quadruples, or 5.5 per cent more than the number produced by Group A in room No. 7, at 1.6 copies per revolution. The actual running time was less than 40 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 1,492.3 complete papers per man-hour, only 70 per cent of the number produced at quadruple capacity for the group but 20 per cent more than that turned out on octuple presses of Group A in room No. 7, which printed only 1.6 papers per revolution. Reduced to a 4-page basis it was 11,284.8 copies, still 70 per cent of the output of two quadruples in same group, but only 5.5 per cent more than the number produced on octuple presses of Group A in room No. 7. 200 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON O C TU PLE PR ESSES, G R O U P 4 Table 113 contains similar data for Group 4, more modern presses, operated at octuple capacity: T able 1 1 3 .— Production on octuple presses, Group 4, in newspaper pressroom N o. 6 , in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced i Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per N um ber cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 463.7 Pressmen in charge...................... Other journeymen______________ 3, 704. 5 F lyb oys..................... ............. ....... 928.9 165.4 1,323. 2 330.8 35.7 35.7 35.6 3.119, 614 3,119,614 3.119, 614 18,861. 0 2, 357. 6 9,430.1 22, 725,836 22,725,836 22, 725, 836 137,899.3 17,174.9 68,699.6 5, 097. 1 1,819.4 35.7 3,119,164 1,714. 6 22, 725,836 12,490.8 T otal._________ __________ Presses in Group 4 were used in octuple capacity on 14 runs of 28, and 32 page Sunday sections, and on 24 runs of 26, 28, and 32 pages for the regular morning issues, making a production of 1.37 complete papers per cylinder revolution. No stops wrere recorded for the Sunday sections, on which 348 rolls were changed, and no roll changes were recorded for the regular morning issues, on which occurred 106 stops on editions and 113 stops on delays, listed at 5 minutes each. Time for the stops on editions and for delays were deducted, leaving the rest included in the running time. The clock-hour produc tion, or output per man-hour for men in charge was 18,861 com plete papers, or over 15 per cent more than the production of presses of the same group when operated at quadruple capacity and at the rate of 1.94 papers per revolution, shown in Table 107. Compared with Group C of pressroom No. 7 during 1926, operated at octuple capacity at the rate of 1.56 papers per revolution, shown in Table 99, it was 17 per cent higher. Reduced to 4-page papers, it was 4 per cent more than the average production when operated as two quadruples at the rate of 1.94 complete papers per revolution, but 1.3 per cent less than the production by Group C of pressroom No. 7 at the rate of 1.56 complete papers per revolution. The actual run ning time was approximately 35 per cent of the total time. The out put, on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 1,714.6 complete papers per man-hour, not quite three-fourths of the quadruple production for same group, but 9 per cent more than the average output for Group C in room No. 7 during 1926. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 12,490.8 copies, only 66 per cent of the production for two quadruple presses of the same group, and practically the same number of copies as turned out by Group C of room No. 7. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 201 M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON OC TU PLE PR ESSES, G R O U P 5 Table 114 contains similar data for Group 5, also more modern presses, operated at octuple capacity: T a b le 1 1 4 .— Production on octuple presses, Group 5 , in newspaper pressroom 6 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours No. Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total 129.0 977.3 257.3 50.6 405.1 101.3 Total........................................... . 1, 363. 6 557.0 Pressmen in oharge_________________ Oth^r jou rn ey m en ....... ....................... F lyboys-------............ ............ ................. Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 39.2 41.4 39.4 886.434 886, 434 886.434 17,508.1 2,188. 4 8, 753. 2 6, 392, 172 6, 392,172 6, 392,172 126, 252. 7 15, 780. 4 63,120.1 40.8 886, 434 1, 591. 5 6, 392,172 11,476.7 Presses in Group 5 were used in octuple capacity on 5 runs of 28 or 32 page Sunday sections, and on 26 runs of 26, 28, or 32 pages for the regular morning issues, all produced at the rate of two papers per revolution. The roll changes for the Sunda}7 sections amounted to 152, but as with the previous groups, none were recorded for the morning issues. Deduction had been made of the time consumed in the latter for 65 delays, also figured at 5 minutes each, and for 47 edition stops, but timer for stops on Sunday sections and for roll changes on the morning issues were still included in the productive time. As none of these presses were operated at quadruple capacity, comparison has been made for this group with Group 3, presented in Table 112, where complete papers were also produced on octuple presses at the rate of two papers per revolution, as well as with Group C of pressroom No. 7, where production was only 1.6 papers per revolution. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 17,508.1 complete papers. This was over 6 per cent more than the average production attained by Group 3, or nearly 9 per cent more than for Group C of room No. 7. Reduced to 4-page papers, it was 126,252.7 copies, almost 2 per cent more than for Group 3, but only 90 per cent of the number produced by Group C. The running time was about 40 per cent of the total time. The output, barsed on productive man-hours for total productive labor, was 1,591.5 complete papers per man-hour, over 6 per cent more than for Group 3, or almost 9 per cent more than for Group C. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 11,476.7 copies, nearly 2 per cent more than for Group 3, or 90 per cent of the number produced by Group C. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON D E C U PLE PR ESSES, G R O U P 3 Decuple presses were also used in this establishment, as many of the issues contained 36 pages, which could be produced on sextuple or octuple presses only at the rate of one paper per revolution, but at double that rate on decuple presses. Table 115 contains similar data for Group 3, operated at decuple capacity. 9819°— 29------- 14 202 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING T able 1 1 5 .— Production on decuple presses, Group 8, in newspaper pressroom N o. 6 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber 320.5 Pressmen in charge............. ........... . ........ . Other journeymen...................... . ........ ....... 1, 442. 8 F ly b o y s ................................................ ....... 480.8 Per cent of total Total Per produc tive hour Total Per produc tive hour 148.7 669.2 223.1 46.4 1.106, 084 46.4 1.106, 084 46.4 1,106,084 7, 438.4 9, 954, 756 1, 653.0 9.954, 756 4,958.9 9.954, 756 66.945.2 14,876.7 44.630.2 Total................................ ............... . 2, 244.1 1, 040. 9 46.4 1,106,084 j 1,062. 6 9,954, 756 9,563.6 Presses in Group 3 were operated at decuple capacity ou 25 runs of 36 pages for the regular morning issues, at the rate of two papers per cylinder revolution. Stops on editions totaled 92, while other delays, figured at five minutes each, totaled 131. Time for these items, as listed, was deducted, but the time lost in changing rolls was still included in the productive hours, increasing them and reducing the production. As there were two men in charge of each press, the clock-hour production was double the output per man-hour for men in charge, or 14,876.7 complete papers, equal to 133,890.5 copies of 4-page papers. The running time was a little over 45 per cent of the total time. The output based on productive hours for total pro ductive labor was 1,062.6 complete papers per man-hour, or 57 per cent increase over the number of copies produced in the same room on a mixed assortment of presses in 1896, as shown in Table 85. Reduced to 4-page papers, it was 9,563.6 copies, or nearly 18 per cent more than the number of 4-page papers produced per man-hour for productive labor in the 1896 period. M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION ON DECUPLE PRESSES, GROUP 4 Table 116 contains similar data for Group 4, operated at decuple capacity: T able 1 1 6 . — Production on decuple presses, Group 4, in newspaper pressroom N o. 6 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Pressmen in charge....................................... Other journeym en........................................ Flyboys...... ..................................................... Total................................................. . Per N um cent of ber total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 156.0 702.0 156.0 71.9 323.6 107.9 46.1 46.1 69.1 703.225 703.225 703, 225 9,780. 6 2,173. 5 6, 520.4 6.329.025 6.329.025 6.329.025 88,025.4 19, 561. 2 58, 683. 6 1,014.0 503.3 49.6 703, 225 1, 397. 2 6, 329,025 12, 575.1 PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 203 1926 Presses in Group 4 were used on 11 runs of 36 pages for the regular morning issues, at the rate of two papers per revolution. Stops on editions totaled 35, and other delays, which were figured at 5 minutes each, reached 52. The clock-hour production, as for the preceding group, was double the amount for men in charge, or 19,561.2 com plete papers, amounting to 31 per cent more than that for Group 3. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 176,050.8 copies, or 31 per cent more than for Group 3. The running time was a little over 45 per cent of the total time. The output, on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor, was 1,397.2 complete papers per man-hour, 31 per cent more than that for Group 3, or an increase for complete copies of 106 per cent over the productive man-hour output for the same room in 1896. Reduced to 4-page papers, the production was 12,575.1 copies per man-hour, 31 per cent more than that for Group 3, but 55 per cent above the 1896 production. PRESSROOM NO. 9 IN 1926 PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST FOR PRESSWORK Compilations for evening newspapers differed somewhat from those for morning newspapers, the former usually having longer working shifts, resulting in smaller production per man-hour. As a rule they also issued more editions of each issue, causing more starts and stops for a similar quantity of production. Tables 117 and 118 cover conditions in establishments publishing evening newspapers. Table 117 contains data covering printing and folding of newspapers in 1926 on double, quadruple, sextuple, and octuple presses, based on total man-hours for all employees. T able 1 1 7 . — M an-hour production and labor cost in printing and folding 6 ,7 8 0 ,7 9 6 copies of 8, 10, 12, 14 , 16, 18, 20, 22, in newspaper pressroom N o. 9 in 1926 Occupation Pressmen in charge._____ _______________ ________ Other journeymen........... ................. ...................... ..... F lyboys____ ________ _____ ______ _____ _________ Total productive labor_____________________ 24, 26, 28, 30, and 82 page newspapers Man-hours worked in Average producing Labor 39,367,490 produc cost per tion per man-hour copies of 4-page man-hour papers 857.5 5,020. 8 920.0 6, 798. 3 Copies 45,909. 6 5, 790. 8 Laborers...................... .................................................. 2,016. 8 ..................................... . employees....... 426.0 Supervisory Total nonproductive labor_______ ______ ___ 2,442. 8 All employees...................................................... 9, 241.0 4,260.1 Cost of .man-hour production Time cost Labor cost $1.052 .974 .493 M in u te s 5.6 32.6 6.0 $0,098 .529 .049 .919 44.1 .676 .472 1.457 13.1 2.8 .103 .067 .644 15.9 .170 .846 60.0 .846 The newspaper was published evenings for 6 days a week, involving daywork, but also Sunday mornings, involving night work. The regular working shift was eight hours in either case. The equipment consisted of Hoe octuple presses, three-fourths being of the 4-deck straight-line type, with Kohler system of press control, GatlerHammer newspaper coAYeyors to the mailing room on the floor above, 204 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING and air-pressure system on the ink, which was piped from a storage tank to the fountains. Electric roll hoists on ceiling track beams were used for hoisting the paper rolls. One-fourth of the presses were of low construction, unit-type design, provided with automatic inkpump system, Kohler system of press control, and Cutler-Hammer newspaper conveyors. The regular daily issue was printed in two sections, so that the last section would not exceed 32 pages, which could be produced on octuple presses at the rate of two papers per cylinder revolution. The different sections were collated, or stuffed, by workers in the mailing room. The Sunday-morning issue, which was considerably larger than the evening issues, was printed in several sections for the same reason, and manipulated in same manner. As the presses were used in octuple capacity for the last section of each issue, they were manned by full octuple crews, though only quad ruple or sextuple portions of the machines might be used for the other sections, sometimes even double presses being sufficient. On week days an octuple crew consisted of 1 man in charge, 6 other journey men, and 1 flyboy, but on Saturday nights 1 extra journeyman was added. A total of 167 runs required octuple capacity of the presses. Sextuple capacity was sufficient for 52 runs, quadruple capacity for 35 runs, and double capacity for 15 runs. The man-hour production was reduced materially through the employment of fullsize octuple crews for the many runs on small-page contents. It was still further reduced, in comparison with previous establishments, by the proportionately larger number of hours per shift. The average clock-hour production, based on total working time for men in charge, was 45,909.6 copies of 4-page papers per press or a little over 67 per cent of the production in pressroom No. 7 during 1926, as shown in Table 92Men in charge of presses received $1,042 per hour for week days, and $1,146, or $1,198, per hour for Saturday nights. Journeymen were paid 91.7 cents per hour for week days and $1,008 or $1,054 for Saturday nights. The average man-hour labor cost for these two groups was slightly higher, due to the inclusion of approximately 4 per cent of overtime. Flyboys received varied rates, according to length of service— 31.1 to 45.8 cents per hour for week days and 34.2 to 50.4 cents per hour for Saturday nights. The nonproductive labor consisted of the usual groups, laborers, and supervisory help. Labor ers handled the paper rolls and stripped them for delivery to the press crews, but during the operation of presses they also watched the delivery stations of the newspaper conveyors in the mailing room. They received 40 to 50 cents per hour. The supervisory force con sisted of a foreman, who worked only six shifts per week, and an assistant foreman. The man-hour production on the basis of total man-hours for all employees was 4,260.1 copies of 4-page papers, not quite 71 per cent of the production for pressroom No. 7. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON P R ESSES As full octuple crews were constantly employed, regardless of the portion of each press actually used, there was no way of telling how many man-hours for the different groups of workers belonged to pro duction on quadruple portions or sextuple portions of the octuple presses. Consequently separate tables for production, according to press capacity, could not be compiled in the same manner as for the PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 205 other establishments. Only one table was prepared, Table 118, which covers the combined production on the basis of productive hours for productive labor: T able 1 1 8 .— Production on all presses in newspaper pressroom N o. 9 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per N um ber cent of total 291.4 Pressmen in charge_________________ 857. 5 Other journeymen___ _______________ _ 5, 020. 8 1, 748. 4 Flyboys------------------- ---------------------------- 920.0 291.4 Total______________ __________ -_J 0, 798. 3 2, 331. 2 Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 34.0 6,730,796 23.098.1 39, 367,490 135,097. 8 34.8 6, 730, 796 3,849. 7 39, 367. 490 22,516.3 31.7 6, 730,796 23.098.1 39, 367,490 135,097.8 34.3 6, 730, 796 2, S87. 3 39, 367. 490 16,887. 2 The productive time was based on the actual running time for the presses. All time consumed by stops was deducted, whether due to waiting time between editions, to breakage of the webs, to folder chokes, or other delays. This method was the same as that used for pressroom No. 7, but the production was at the rate of two papers per cylinder revolution, making it more comparable with the pro duction during the 1916 period in that establishment, when papers were produced there at a similar rate. The number of hands used for the operation of the presses was also the same as that required for the quadruple presses during that period in room No. 7, as shown in Table 88. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 23,098.1 complete papers, 96 per cent of the 1916 production in pressroom No. 7. On the basis of 4-page papers it was 135,097.8 copies, or over 43 per cent more than the number produced in pressroom No. 7, where only 14 or 16 page papers were printed, while the sections printed in pressroom No. 9 ranged from 8 to 32 pages. The actual running time was 34 per cent of the total time, differing from the other establishment in the working shifts being one-third longer, and consequently having a larger number of total man-hours per day. The output on the basis of productive manhours for total productive labor was 2*887.3 complete papers, or over 5 per cent more than that for the quadruple presses in room No. 7 during 1916. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 16,887.2 copies, or nearly 57 per cent more than in pressroom No. 7 in 1916, again due to the difference in the number of pages for the publications. P R O D U C T IO N OF 32-PAGE N E W S P A P E R S ON OC TU PLE P R ESSES An interest’ng comparison of the difference between total running time, consisting of the combined time between starts and stops for the different editions, and actual running time, in which time lost for changes of rolls or caused by delays had been deducted, is shown in Table 119, compiled from selected items for issues of 32 pages. 206 T able PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING 1 1 9 . —-Average production of 82-page papers in total and actual running time on three octuple presses 1 in newspaper pressroom N o. 9 in 1926 Average production in— Type of press Total time Per minute Deck-type press No. 1................................................................. . Deck-type press No. 2........................................... .......................... Unit-type press.......................... . ................................................. Copies 299.2 321.3 328.4 Per hour Actual time Per minute Copies 17,951.8 19,280.3 19,701.0 Copies 385.1 422.7 351.2 Per hour Copies 23,107.2 25,363.1 21,070.0 i Tw o of deck type, provided with ordinary roll brackets, and one unit type, equipped with magazine reels. The 32-page size was selected because it required the full capacity of an octuple press at two papers per cylinder revolution, and also because the majority of the runs were on 32-page sections. Figures were tabulated for two presses of the deck type, to show variations on machines presumably exactly alike. These were provided with ordi nary brackets on each of the four decks for the paper rolls, and re quired complete stops for roll changes, approximately four stops for every 25 minutes of continuous running. The total running time consisted of the time from starting to stopping on each edition, com bined for each issue. For the actual running time deductions were made of the time the machine was stopped to change paper rolls, through breakage of webs, through chokes in the folders, or other delays. On press No. 1 the actual running time was 77.7 per cent of the total running time. An average of 299.2 complete papers were produced per minute, based on total running time, but figured on the basis of actual running time the production was 385.1 complete papers per minute. The recorded output per minute of actual running time on all size products of the machine ranged from 308.1 to 518.6 com plete papers. On press No. 2 the actual running time was 76 per cent of the total running time. An average of 321.3 complete papers were produced on the basis of total running time, but figured on basis of actual running time the output was 422.7 complete papers per minute. The recorded production per minute of actual running time on prod ucts of all sizes of the machine ranged from 305.8 to 496.7 complete papers. No stops were necessary on the unit-type press for changing of rolls, as it was equipped with Stone magazine reels, and therefore, the actual running time was 93.4 per cent of the total running time. It was, however, operated at slower speed than the other presses, so while the average number of complete papers produced per minute of total running time was 328.4, only 351.2 papers were turned out per minute of actual running time. The recorded output of products of all sizes on the machine ranged from 289.5 to 390.2 complete papers per minute of actual running time. PRESSROOM NO. 10 IN 1926 PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR COST FOR PRESSWORK A SOM EW H AT different proposition was encountered on another evening newspaper, which was printed on the same equipment as the morning issues in pressroom No. 6, but was operated as a PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 207 1926 separate newspaper. As conditions differed essentially from those existing in publication of the morning issues and in order to avoid confusion in comparison, the pressroom was designated No. 10 in connection with the evening issues. Table 120 contains data for this publication covering the printing and folding of newspapers, in 1926, on quadruple, sextuple, octuple, and decuple presses, based on total man-hours for all employees. This table is especially comparable with Table 103, for the morning issues printed on the same equipment, as showing the differences in production of morning and evening newspapers: T able 1 2 0 . — M an-hour production and labor cost in printing and folding 1 0,6 2 8 ,3 3 6 copies of 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, and 40 page newspapers in newspaper pressroom N o. 10 in 1926 Occupation Man-hours worked in Average producing produc 71,486,433 tion per mancopies of 4hour page papers Pressmen in charge........................................................ Other journeymen_____________ _____________ ____ F lyboys_________________________ _________ ______ 1,918.3 11,923. 5 4,002. 5 Total productive labor....................................... 17,844. 3 Laborers________ - .......... ................................. ........... Supervisory employees................. .......... .................... 6,388. 8 2,092. 7 Total nonproductive labor.... .......................... All employees..................................... ................. Copies 37,265.5 4,006.1 8,481. 5 26,325.8 2, 715. 5 Labor cost per manhour Cost of man-hour production Tim e cost $1.338 1.192 .779 M in u te s 4.4 27.2 9.1 Labor cost $0.098 .540 .118 1.115 40.7 .756 1.042 1. 506 14.6 4.8 .253 .120 1.156 19.3 .373 1.129 60.0 1.129 The publication was issued daily for 6 days each week. The daily issue ordinarily consisted of 30, 32, or 36 pages but sometimes dropped as low as 18 pages, and special sections of 10, 14, or 16 pages were also printed. As a rule nine different editions were published of each daily issue, involving the changing of two or more plates and some times also changing the number of pages in the issue. Only a section of the force came to work early and operated two octuple or four sex tuple presses on the first edition. Another section came in later and operated additional presses on the second edition. The rest of the force arrived still later, to operate the rest of the presses necessary for the day’s output. Toward the latter part of the day the number of presses was reduced in a similar manner, leaving, customarily, four of them to finish the daily issue. The regular working shift was 7.5 hours per day net. The equipment was the same as that used for the morning newspaper printed in pressroom No. 6, and consisted of different groups, described in the text following Table 103 (p. 190). The presses were manned by the same number of hands as for the morning issues, according to the sizes of machines used. The average man-hour production for pressmen in charge was 37,265.5 copies of 4-page papers, or only a little over 80 per cent of the amount produced for the morning issues. All work was performed in the daytime, and the hourly rates of regular pay varied from those for night work, both on account of lower daily wages and on account of longer regular shifts. M en in 208 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING charge of presses received $1,267 per hour, other journeymen $1*133 per hour, and flyboys 56.7 or 71.1 cents per hour. The actual manhour labor costs exceeded these amounts, due to overtime, which was over 13 per cent of the total working time, though the cost was still less than for the morning issues. The nonproductive group of laborers whose functions were similar to those for the corresponding group at night, showed a comparatively higher man-hour cost, on account of a smaller percentage of lower-priced extra flyboys. The supervisory group included, as with the morning issues, part time for a super intendent, who directed both morning and evening pressrooms and whose hours and earnings were allotted on the basis of total manhours for each pressroom, and a foreman and several assistant fore men. The man-hour production on the basis of total working hours for all employees was 2,715.5 copies of 4-page papers, or less than 73 per cent of the number produced in the same pressroom for the morn ing edition. The reduction in output for all employees, as well as for men in charge and for productive labor, was due mainly to the variance in clock-hours in the regular working shifts— 47.5 per week for 7 morning issues, and 45 per week for 6 evening issues. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON QU A D R U PLE P R E S S E S , G R O U P 1 Tabulations were prepared, on the basis of productive hours for pro ductive labor, for the different groups of machines and for the various capacities at which they were operated, in the same way as Tables 104 to 116 for pressroom No. 6. Computation of productive time was by the same method, combining the total time for the various runs by presses in each group, according to size of presses used, and deducting the time recorded for delays. These, like those for room No. 6, were all figured at 5 minutes each regardless of actual time involved. The running time, however, included time lost in the changing of rolls, and would have been shortened considerably if it had been possible to deduct the time lost. Table 121 contains data for output per productive man-hour for the different groups of pro ductive labor on presses in Group 1, operated at quadruple capacity, and is comparable with Table 104 for room No. 6: T able 1 2 1 .— Production on quadruple presses, Group I, in newspaper pressroom N o. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hou rs Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Pressmen in ch a rg e...____ _______ __________ Other journeymen............. ............ .................... . F lyboys.................................................................. T o t a l......................................................... Per cent of total Total Per produc tive hour Total 8,438. 3 2,110. 9 4, 224. 5 268, 000 268, 000 268, 000 67, 506. 3 16, 887.2 33, 795. 7 i 1,206.3 268, 000 9, 650. 7 22.1 88. 4 44.2 4.0 15.9 7. 9 18.0 18.0 18. 0 33, 500 33, 500 33, 500 154. 7 27.8 18.0 33, 500 j Per produc tive hour Presses in Group 1 were used only at quadruple capacity in three short runs of 32 pages each, produced at the rate of one paper per cylinder revolution. The stops on editions totaled 11, and 7 addi PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 209 tional stops were due to delays. Approximately 12 rolls were changed. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 8,438.3 complete 32-page papers, equal to 16,876.6 copies of 16-page papers, and was an increase over production in pressroom No. 6 of more than 20 per cent. Reduced to 4-page papers the output was 67,506.3 copies per hour, or more than 23 per cent above the production in room No. 6. The added increase was due to the product of room No. 10 being the full plating capacity of the presses, while in room No. 6 part of it consisted of 14-page papers, only seven-eighths capacity. The actual running time was 18 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of total productive labor was 1,206.3 complete 32-page papers, or 9,650.7 copies of 4-page papers, the same relation to room No. 6 as that for men in charge. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON QU A D R U PLE PR E SSE S, G R O U P 2 Table 122 contains similar data for Group 2, operated at quadruple capacity, comparable with Table 105 for room No. 6: T able 1 2 2 . — Production on quadruple presses, Group 2, in newspaper pressroom N o. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Pressmen in charge........... .................... .............. Journeymen_________________________________ F lyboys................................................................. . T ota l........................ - _______ _________ Num ber Per cent of total Total Per produc tive hour Total Per produc tive hour 8.0 32.0 16.0 2.3 9.1 4.5 28.4 28. 3 28.3 31.060 13,682.8 31.060 3,424. 5 31, 060 6, 856. 5 248,480 109, 462. 6 248, 480 27, 395. 8 248, 480 54, 852.1 56.0 15.9 28.3 31, 060 248,480 1, 957. 2 15, 657. 2 Presses in Group No. 2 were used partly for 16-page papers, at the rate of two papers per revolution, and partly for 32-page papers, at the rate of one paper per revolution, giving an average production of 1.25 papers per cylinder revolution. Seven stops were made on editions, and two other stops occurred through delays. Approxi mately 10 roll changes were made. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 13,682.8 complete papers, or neaiiy 25 per cent more than in room No. 6. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 109,462.6 copies per hour, nearly 170 per cent above the production for the morning issue, due to the difference in size of the complete papers. The running time was less than 30 per cent of the total time. On the basis of productive hours for total productive workers, the output was 1,957.2 complete papers, or 15,657.2 copies of 4-page papers, practically the same relation to that of room No. 6 as that for men in charge. The presses were evidently operated at considerably faster speed than ordinarily, as the production showed it to be over 200 revolutions per minute, including roll changes. 210 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING M AN-H O UR PRODUCTION ON QUADRUPLE PRESSES, GROUP 3 Table 123 contains similar data for Group 3, operated at quadruple capacity, and is comparable with Table 106 for room No. 6. T able 1 2 3 . — Production on quadruple presses, Group 3, in newspaper pressroom N o. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Complete papers Productive 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Pressmen in charge...................................... ....... Other journeymen_____________________ ____ Flyboys_______________________________ ____ 15.0 60.0 45.0 4.5 18.1 9.1 30.2 30.2 20.2 Total__........................___.......................... 120.0 31.7 26.4 1 Per produc tivehour Total Per produc tivehour 104.203 23,002.9 104.203 5,747.6 104. 203 11,488.8 416.920 416.920 416.920 92,035.3 22, 996.1 45,966.9 104,203 416,920 13,139.6 Total 7 3, 284.1 Presses in Group 3 were operated for 16-page papers, produced at the rate of two papers per revolution. Only two stops were made on editions and no delays existed. Approximately 20 rolls were changed. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 23,002.9 complete papers, nearly 55 per cent more than in room No. 6. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 92,035.3 copies per hour, or 62 per cent more. The added increase for the 4-page copies was due to the use of full plating capacity in room No. 10, and only seven-eighths capacity part of the time in room No. 6. The running time was approximately 30 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor was 3,284.1 complete papers, or 13,139.6 copies of 4-page papers, practically the same relation to the production in room No. 6 as that for men in charge. M AN-HOUR PRODUCTION ON QUADRUPLE PRESSES, GROUP 5 Table 124 contains similar data for Group 5, operated at quadruple capacity, and is comparable with Table 107 for room No. 6. T able 1 2 4 .— Production on quadruple presses, Group 5, in newspaper pressroom N o. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation N um ber Per cent of total Total Total Per produc tive hour Total Per produc tive hour Pressmen in charge..................... ........................ Other journeymen................................................. F lyboys................................................................... 8.0 32.0 16.0 2.3 9.0 4.5 28.1 28.1 28.1 27.052 12,023.1 27.052 3,005.8 27.052 6,011.6 216.416 216.416 216.416 96,184.9 24,046.2 48,092.4 T otal............................................................. 56.0 15.8 28.1 27,052 216, 416 13, 740. 7 1, 717. 6 MODtfCtftVrtf? OF PRESSWORK: 1^16 AND 1926 211 Presses in Group 5 were operated at a higher rate of speed than any others, but as none of the group were operated at quadruple capacity in pressroom No. 6, while some from Group No. 4 were operated there and not in room No. 6, comparison was made of the two individual groups. They were operated at full plating capacity, 32 pages, produced at the rate of one paper per revolution. Seven stops were made on editions, and two additional stops involved de lays. Approximately 11 rolls of paper were changed. The clockhour production, or output per man-hour for men ifi charge, was 12,023.1 complete 32-page papers, equal to 24,046.2 copies of 16-page papers, an increase over the production in room No. 6, on Group 4 presses, of over 47 per cent. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 96,184.9 copies per hour, practically the same relation as that for the 16-page papers. The increase over the other group shown is comparatively larger than is actually correct, as only 1.94 papers were produced per cylinder revolution by it. The running time was approximately 28 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor was 1,717.6 complete 32-page papers, or 13,740.7 copies of four-page papers, relatively the same proportion to the output in room No. 6 as that for men in charge. All of the tables for quadruple production showed a decidedly higher hourly output than similar tables for room No. 6. This may have been due to operation of the presses in room No. 10 on the regular daily issue, while the presses in room No. 6 were operated practically on Sunday advance sections, that did not require publica tion inside of a limited number of minutes. The production was, however, also influenced by the time for delays not having been deducted for the Sunday advance sections in room No. 6, as indicated by the different proportion of running time to total time. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N O N SEX TU PLE PR ESSES, G R O U P 1 Table 125 contains similar data for Group 1, operated at sextuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 108 for room No. 6: T able 1 2 5 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group 1, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um Per cent of ber total Total Per pro ductive hour Total 161.7 826.8 331.8 51.0 255.0 102.0 31.5 30.8 30.7 559.745 10,975.4 4.011.900 559.745 2,195.1 4.011.900 559.745 5,487.7 4.011.900 Total........................................................ 1,320. 3 408.0 30.9 559,745 Pressmen in charge.................... .......... .......... Other journeymen............................................ F lyboys................................................... - ........ 1,371.9 4,011,900 Per pro ductive hour 78,664.7 15,732.9 39,332.4 9,833.1 212 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING Presses in Group 1 were used in sextuple capacity for 12 runs of 18 or 22 page papers, at the rate of two papers per revolution, and for 7 runs of 36 or 40 page papers, at the rate of one paper per revolu tion, givmg an average of 1.37 complete papers per cylinder revolu tion. There was a total of 136 stops for editions, and 122 stops involv ing delays. These did not include changing of rolls, which were not recorded. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, w^as 10,975.4 complete papers, or 13 per cent increase over the production on the same presses in room No. 6, on the same basis. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 78,664.7 copies, an increase of nearly 70 per cent. The actual running time was a little over 30 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor was 1,371.9 complete papers per hour, or 9,833.1 copies of 4-page papers, also respectively 13 and 70 per cent over room No. 6. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE P R ESSES, G R O U P 2 Table 126 contains similar data for Group 2, operated at sextuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 109 for room No. 6: T a b le 1 2 6 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group 2, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Occupation Total Pressmen in charge_______________________ 120.0 Other journeymen__________________ . 617.5 F lyb oys__________________________________ 255. 0 T otal......... ................... ............ ........ 992.5 Per N um cent of ber total Complete papers Total Per pro ductive hour 4-page papers Total Per pro ductive hour 31.3 156.5 62.6 26.1 25.3 24.5 421.881 13,478. 6 421.881 2, 695. 7 421, 881 6, 739. 3 2, 728, 254 2, 728, 254 2, 728, 254 87,164. 7 17, 432.9 43, 582; 3 250.4 25.2 421,881 2, 728, 254 10,895. 6 1, 684. 8 Presses in Group 2 were operated at sextuple capacity for seven runs of 18 or 22 page papers, at the rate of two papers per revolution, and for seven runs of 36 or 40 page papers, at the rate of one paper per revolution, giving an average of 1.5 complete papers per cylinder revolution.. Stops on editions totaled 85, and 30 other stops involved delays. Stops for changing of rolls were not included. As none of the presses in this group were operated as sextuples for the morning issues, comparison was made with production for Group 3 of room No. 6, which was the nearest in type. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 13,478.6 complete papers. Compared with production of Group 3 for room No. 6, on the same basis, it was an increase of nearly 35 per cent. Reduced to four-page papers, the production was 87,164.7 copies, or an increase of almost 60 per cent. The actual running time was 26 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor was 1,684.8 complete papers per hour, or 10,895.6 copies of four-page papers, the same relative increase as that for men in charge. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 213 1926 M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE PRESSES, G R O U P 3 Table 127 contains similar data for Group 3, operated at sextuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 109 for room No. 6. T a b le 1 2 7 .— Production on sextuple presses, group 8, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Copies produced Man-hours Complete papers Productive 4-page papers Occupation Total Per Num ber ofcent total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Total Pressmen in charge..........................................1! 104.5 O ther j ourney m e n ________ _______ _______ ' 558.5 F lyb oys........................ ..................... ................. 258.0 17.0 85.0 34.0 16.3 15.2 13.2 263.314 15, 489.1 1,941,541 114, 208.3 263, 314 3,097.8 1, 941, 541 22, 841. 7 263.314 7, 744. 5 1, 941,541 57,104. 2 921.0 136. 0 14.8 263, 314 T o t a l.................................................... 1,936.1 1,941,541 i 14,276.0 Presses in Group 3 were operated at sextuple capacity for four runs of 20 or 24 pages, at the rate of two papers per revolution, and for eight runs of 36 or 40 pages, at the rate of one paper per revolution, giving an average of 1.33 complete papers per cylinder revolution. Stops on editions totaled 67, and 43 other stops involved delays. Stops for changing of rolls were not included. The clock-hour pro duction, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 15,489.1 complete papers, an increase over production for the same group in room No. 6 of nearly 75 per cent. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 114,208.3 copies, an increase of 135 per cent, due to the difference in the number of pages printed. The running time was about 16 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of man-hours for total productive labor was 1,936.2 complete papers per hour, or 14,276 copies of 4-page papers, bearing the same relation to produc tion in room No. 6 as that for men in charge. M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE PRESSES, G R O U P 4 Table 128 contains similar data for Group 4, operated at sextuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 110 for room No. 6: T a b le 1 2 8 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group 4, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Copies.produced Man-hours Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour ' Pressmen in charge............. .................. Other journeym en................................. F lyboys............. ...................................... 362.7 1,843. 7 718.7 115.2 575.8 230.3 31.7 31.2 32.0 1.362.420 1.362.420 1.362.420 11,831. 7 2,366.3 5,915.9 9.878.196 9.878.196 9, 878,196 85, 785.5 17,157.1 42, 892. 7 T ota l.............................................. 2,925.1 921.3 31.5 1,362,420 1,478. 9 9, 878,196 10, 722. 5 214 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING Presses in Group 4 were operated at sextuple capacity for 14 runs of 18, 20, 22, or 24 pages, at the rate of 2 papers per revolution, and for 29 runs of 36 or 40 pages, at the rate of 1 paper per revolution, giving an average of 1.33 complete papers per cylinder revolution. Stops on editions totaled 314, and 160 other stops involved delays. Roll changes were not included. The clock-hour production, or out put per man-hour for men in charge, was 11,831.7 complete papers, nearly 4 per cent less than for the same group in room No. 6. R e duced to 4-page papers it was 85,785.5 copies, or about 2 per cent decrease. The running time was a little more than 30 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor was 1,478.9 complete papers per hour, or 10,722.5 copies of 4-page papers, a similar decrease when compared with room No. 6 as that for men in charge. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON SEXTU PLE P R E SSE S, G R O U P 5 Table 129 contains similar data for Group 5, operated at sextuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 111 for room No. 6: T able 1 2 9 .— Production on sextuple presses, Group 5, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um ber Per cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 219.1 Pressmen in charge___________ ______ Other journeymen_____________ _____ _ 1,094.3 436.3 F ly b o y s _______________________________ 86.6 432.8 173.1 39.5 1.018.649 11,769.5 39.5 1.018.649 2,353. 9 39.7 1.018.649 5,884.7 7.340.986 7.340.986 7.340.986 84.817.9 16, 963. 6 42.408.9 1,749.7 692.4 39.6 1,018,649 1,471. 2 7, 340, 986 10,602. 2 T o ta l........... .................................. . Presses in Group 5 were operated at sextuple capacity for 8 runs of 18, 20, or 22 pages, at the rate of 2 papers per revolution, and for 14 runs of 36 or 40 page papers, giving an average of 1.36 complete papers per cylinder revolution. A total of 177 stops was made on editions, and 202 other stops included delays, but stops for changing of rolls were not included. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 11,769.5 complete papers, a decrease of about one-fourth of 1 per cent from the production of same group in room No. 6. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 84,817.9 copies, or nearly 8 per cent more than that produced in room No. 6. The running time was approximately 40 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive man-hours for total productive labor was 1,471.2 complete papers, or 10,602.2 copies of 4-page papers, the same relation to production in room No. 6 as that for men in charge. Comparison of production for sextuple presses in room No. 10 with that for room No. 6 was also affected by the printing of the Sunday newspapers for the morning issue, and the inclusion of lost time for delays in the productive time for these. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 215 M A N -H O U R P R O D U C T IO N O N O C TU PLE P R E SSE S, G R O U P 3 Table 130 contains similar data for Group 3, operated at octuple pacity, and is comparable with Table 112 for room No. 6: T able 1 3 0 .— Production on octuple presses, Group 8, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total N um Per ber cent of total Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 54.8 438.7 151.0 13.0 104.0 26.0 23.7 23.7 17.2 280.733 21,594.9 1,675,786 128,906.6 280.733 2,699.4 1.675, 786 16.113.3 280, 733 10,747.4 1.675, 786 64.453.3 T o t a l....................................................... 644.5 143.0 22.2 280, 733 Pressmen in charge.. ........................................ Other journeymen....................................... . F l y b o y s ..... ...................................................... 1. 963. 2 1, 675, 786 11, 718. 8 Presses in Group 3 were operated at octuple capacity for 8 runs of 28, 30, or 32 pages, at the rate of two complete papers per cylinder revolution. A total of 45 stops was made on editions and 25 addi tional stops involved delays. The remaining productive time in cluded the time lost in changing of rolls. The clock-h@ur production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 21,594.9 complete papers, an increase of more than 30 per cent over the production for the same group in room No. 6. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 128,906.6 copies, an increase of less than 4 per cent. The running time was less than 25 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor was 1,963.2 complete papers per hour, or 11,718.8 copies of 4-page papers, bear ing the same relation to production for room No. 6 as that for men in charge. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON OC TU PLE P R ESSES, G R O U P 4 Table 131 contains similar data for Group 4, operated at octuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 113 for room No. 6: T able 1 3 1 .— Production on octuple presses, Group 4, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers 4-page papers Occupation Total Per N um cent of ber total 139.9 Pressmen in charge.................................... 537.9 Other journeymen...................................... 4,294.3 1,119.1 1,159.9 279.8 F ly b o y s ....................................................... Total........................................ ......... 5,992.1 1, 538. 7 Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 26.0 4.894, 288 34,989. 2 32.088.069 229,397.1 26.1 4,894,288 3,479.9 32.088.069 28,673.9 24.1 4.894, 288 17,494.0 32,088,060 114,694. 5 25.7 4,894,288 3,180. 8 32,088, 069 20,853. 8 216 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING Presses in Group 4 were used in octuple capacity on 53 runs 26, 28, 30, or 32 pages, at the rate of two papers per revolution, on 6 runs of 14 or 16 pages, at the rate of four papers per revolutio giving an average of 2.2 complete papers per cylinder revolution, total of 399 stops were made on editions, and 208 others comprised delays, not including changes of rolls. The clock-hour production, or output per man-hour for men in charge, was 34,989.2 complete papers, an increase of a little more than 15 per cent over the produc tion for same group in room 6. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 229,397.1 copies, or an increase of 4 per cent. The running time was 26 per cent of the total time. The output based on the produc tive hours for total productive labor was 3,180.8 complete papers per hour, or 20,853.7 copies of 4-page papers, the relation to pro duction for room No. 6 being also 15 and 4 per cent increase, respec tively. M A N -H O U R PR O D U C T IO N ON O C TU PLE P R ESSES, G R O U P 5 Table 132 contains similar data for Group 5, operated at octuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 114 for room No. 6. T a b le 1 3 2 .— Production on octuple presses, Group 5, in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Productive Complete papers Occupation Total Number Per cent of total 4-page papers Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour Pressman in charge. ................ Other journeymen____________ F lyb oys__________ ______ ____ 190.3 1, 523. 6 399.3 63.3 506.3 126.6 33.3 33.2 31.7 979.422 979, 422 979.422 15,477. 6 1,934. 6 7,738. 2 7.432.099 7.432.099 7,432, 099 117,447. 8 14, 680.1 58,719. 3 Total— ............................ 2 ,113. 2 696.1 32.9 979,422 1, 406. 7 7,432,099 10, 676. 5 Presses in Group 5 were used in octuple capacity on 22 runs of 26,' 28, 30, or 32 pages, at the rate of two complete papers per revolution. Stops on editions aggregated 146, and 117 additional stops were made on delays. Time lost in changes of rolls was not deducted from the running time. The clock-hour production, or man-hour production for men in charge, was 15,477.6 complete papers, a decrease of nearly 12 per cent from the production for the same group in room No. 6. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 117,447.8 copies, a decrease of 7 per cent. The running time was 33 per cent of the total time. The out put based on the productive time for total productive labor was 1,406.7 complete papers per hour, or 10,676.5 copies of four-page papers, also 12 and 7 per cent decrease from the production for the group in room No. 6. M A N -H O IJR PR O D U C T IO N ON DECUPLE P RESSES, G R O U P 4 Table 133 contains similar data for Group 4, operated in decuple capacity, and is comparable with Table 116 for room No. 6. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 3LE 217 1926 1 3 3 .— Production on decuple presses, Group 4 , in newspaper pressroom No. 10 in 1926 (based on productive man-hours for productive labor) Man-hours Copies produced Complete papers Productive 4-page papers Occupation Total Num Per of ber cent total Pressmen in charge Other journeymen.. F lyboys---------------- 113.8 512. 3 170.5 41.3 185.7 61.9 Total________ 796.6 288.9 Total Per pro ductive hour Total Per pro ductive hour 294.673 294, 673 294.673 7 ,140.1 1, 586. 8 4, 760. 5 2.688.482 2.688.482 2,688, 482 65,143. 7 14,477. 6 43,432. 7 16.3 | 294,673 1 020.1 2,688,482 9,306.9 36.; , Presses in Group 4 were used in decuple capacity for seven runs of 36 or 40 page papers, which could not be produced on smaller presses, at the rate of two complete papers per cylinder revolution. Stops on editions totaled 41, and other delays aggregated 16, not including roll changes. The clock-hour production, which was double the amount produced per man-hour for men in charge, was 14,280.3 complete papers, 27 per cent less than the production on the same presses for room No. 6. Reduced to 4-page papers it was 130,286.3 copies, or a decrease of 26 per cent. The running time was 36 per cent of the total time. The output on the basis of productive hours for total productive labor was 1,020.1 complete papers per hour, or 9,306.9 copies of 4-page papers, also reductions of 27 and 26 per cent, respectively. C O M PA R ISO N OF PRO D U CTIV ITY AND LABOR COST IN P R E S S W O R K IN 1916 AND 1926 'T 'O afford easier comparison of the main features, Table 134 is presented containing a comparison of man-hour production and labor cost for the establishments surveyed, on the basis of total manhours for productive labor and for all employees: T a b le 1 3 4 .— Comparison of man-hour production and labor cost in five newspaper pressrooms in 1916 and 1926 Year and establishment Time issued Average number of 4-page papers p r o d u c e d per man-hour by— Produc tive labor Labor cost per man-hour for— All em Produc ployees tive labor All em ployees 1. . _______ _______ ________ 1916: ________ No. 7 Mornings . 6,217.3 5,575. 6 $0.656 $0. 665 1926: Nn. fi do. i____ No. 7___ __________________________________'____ do. 1____ No. 8 ____________________ _____ do. i____ 5,309. 2 6, 972. 8 5, 759. 0 3, 724.1 6,011. 7 4, 210. 7 1. 256 1.228 1.016 1.220 1.237 .984 6, 297. 5 4,965. 8 1.225 1. 214 5, 790. 8 4,006.1 4, 260.1 2,715. 5 .919 1.115 .846 1.129 4,498. 5 3,117. 7 1.061 1.056 Average No. 9 No. 10 __________ ___________ _____ - Evenings L . ____ ____________________ _____ ___________________ ____ __________ ____ do______ Average __ _____________________________ Includes Sunday mornings. 9819°— 29-------15 218 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING Man-hour production was influenced by conditions peculiar to each pressroom, as heretofore described, which regulated in each case its relation to the general averages computed. The table con tains three divisions— data for pressroom No. 7 in 1916, which are comparable with the same pressroom 10 years later; data for three morning newspapers in 1926, which are comparable with each other and with the weighted average for these publications; data for two evening newspapers, also comparable with each other and with the weighted average therefor. The weighted averages for the morning and evening publications are likewise comparable. In comparing one establishment with another, the individual difference^, shown in the detailed text for such establishments, should be consulted for proper analysis. RELATIVE M A N -H O U R PR O D U C TIO N Comparison of the man-hour production in establishment No. 7 during 1916 with that of 1926 shows an increase for the latter period of 755.4 copies of 4-page papers per hour for productive labor, or over 12 per cent, and of 436.2 copies per hour for all employees, or nearly 8 per cent. Equipment and working conditions in pressroom No. 7 dur ing the 1916 period were thoroughly modern, and practically the same as or even better than existed in a number of other pressrooms in 1926. As far as production was concerned it could well have been included with the 1926 establishments as representative of present-day press rooms. Comparison of the production for each of the three morning publications with the weighted average for the group shows consider able fluctuation, caused mainly by variations in length of working shifts, in sizes of press crews, and in number of pages published per issue. In establishment No. 6 production on the basis of total manhours for productive labor was 84 per cent of the weighted average, and on the basis of total man-hours for all employees was only 75 per cent. In establishment No. 7 production was 11 per cent more than the general average on the basis of productive labor, and 21 per cent more on the basis of all employees. In establishment No. 8 produc tion was 91 per cent of the weighted average on the basis of pro ductive labor, and 85 per cent on the basis of all employees. The two evening publications show a decided difference. In establishment No. 9 production was 29 per cent more than the average for the two plants on the basis of productive labor, and 37 per cent more on the basis of all employees. In establishment No. 10 the production was only 89 per cent of the average on the basis of productive labor, and only 87 per cent on the basis of all employees. Comparison of the averages for the morning and evening publications show that the average manhour production on the evening newspapers was 71 per cent of the average output on the morning newspapers based on the total manhours for productive labor, and 63 per cent based on total man-hours for all employees. This was mainly attributable to the longer regular shifts for the evening publications. RELATIVE LA BO R COST The actual man-hour labor cost differed from the regular hourly wage rate. It was obtained by dividing the total amount of money paid to each group by the net number of hours worked. The net hours were obtained by deducting lunch periods, when paid for by the establishment, from the regular hours worked, and adding overtime. PRODUCTIVITY OF PRESSWORK: 1916 AND 1926 219 The labor cost was consequently also subject to individual pressroom conditions, which regulated the relation for each establishment to the weighted average for the respective group. The average labor cost per man-hour for pressroom No. 7, which was 65.6 cents in 1916 for productive labor, and 66.5 cents for all employees, had advanced in 1926 to $1,228 for productive labor, an increase of 87 per cent, and to $1,237 for all employees, an increase of 86 per cent. Comparison of the labor costs on the three morning newspapers with the weighted averages therefor show a variation, partly caused by locality of the establishment. The labor cost per man-hour in establishment No. 6 for productive labor was 2.5 per cent more than the average labor cost for all morning publications, and for all employees was 0.5 per cent more than the average. The labor cost per man-hour for productive labor in establishment No. 7 was 0.2 per cent more than the average, and for all employees was 2 per cent more than the average. The labor cost per man-hour in establishment No. 8 was only 83 per cent of the average cost for productive labor, and only 81 per cent for all employees. The labor cost per man-hour for evening publications was usually lower than that for the morning publications in the same locality, because of longer hours in the regular shifts and a lower regular wage rate. These items varied with the different localities, as did hours and wages for morning publications, and the actual manhour labor costs were naturally affected by them. The man-hour labor cost for productive labor in establishment No. 9 was only 87 per cent of the average weighted cost for all evening papers, and for all employees was only 80 per cent of .the average. The labor cost per man-hour for productive labor in establishment No. 10 was 5 per cent more than the average, and for all employees was 7 per cent more than the average. Comparison of the averages for the morning and evening publications show that the average man-hour labor cost on evening newspapers, for either productive labor or all employees, was only 87 per cent of the average man-hour cost on morning papers. O U TPU T P E R PR O D U C T IV E M A N -H O U R To provide easy comparison of production, based on productive hours for the productive labor, Table 135, containing a compilation of production in all establishments on that basis, is presented. As explained in the detailed text for the individual establishments, pro ductive hours were based on the actual running time of the machines, while productive labor consisted of the workers directly engaged in operation of the presses. Comparisons of production for each group with that of other groups are given in the detailed text for the specific group on preceding pages. 220 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING 1 3 5 .— Man-hour production of complete and of 4-page papers in five news paper pressrojms, in 1916 and 1926 (on basis of productive man-hours for men in charge (machine production) and total productive labor) T a b le Presses Year and establish ment 1916: No. 7 . . . Group Sextuple. Quadruple. L inear.__ ____ do_____ Sextuple _ Sextuple__ L in ea r... ____ do_____ 1926: No. 6........ 1 2________ 3 .............. 4__......... 1 3 ______ 4 . . ........... 5 3________ 4________ 5 ______ 3________ 4 ______ N o. 7........ A _______ B _______ C _______ D _______ A _______ B _______ _____ _____ _____ C _________ D _______ No. 8 No. 9 No. 10___ Capacity operated ....... 1__ 2_____ . . . 3________ 5________ 1 _____ 2 . . ......... 3_............. 4________ 5 3________ 4 . . ........... 5________ 4............. . _____ Quadruple. ____ do_____ ____ do......... ___ d o ........... Sextuple.. . ____ d o_____ ____d o_____ ____ do_____ Octuple___ ........d o ......... ____ do Decuple___ ____ do Sextuple. ____ do_____ ____ do_____ -------do_____ Octuple___ ____ do_____ -------do......... ___ d o______ All . . . . do Quadruple. ____ d o . . __ ___ do ___ do. Sextuple. . . ____ do_____ ____ do_____ ____ do do Octuple___ ____d o_____ ____ d o_____ Decuple___ 1 Includes 2 men in charge. Number of hands per press Per cent pro duc tive time is of total time Com plete papers per cyl inder revo lution Number of copies produced per pro ductive man-hour for— M en in charge Total productive labor Com plete papers 4-page papers C om plete papers 4-page papers 8 or 9 9 9 or 10 10 70.3 51.7 48.8 54.5 2 2 2 2 23,966.1 16,076. 3 20,146. 0 14,196. 5 94,310. 7 65,661. 5 108, 374. 7 80, 033. 5 2,737. 9 1, 965. 5 2,238. 5 1,577. 7 10, 774.1 8, 028. 0 12,041. 7 8,894. 2 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 11 11 11 114 J'14 8 to 10 8 to 10 8 to 10 8 to 10 11 to 13 ‘ 11 to 13 54.8 49.5 66.2 63.5 56.4 33.3 51.9 55.3 37.4 35.7 39. 2 46.4 46.1 45.9 62.6 57.5 53.3 53.3 57.3 56. 2 52.8 51. 2 34.0 18.0 28.4 30. 2 28.1 31.5 26.1 16.3 31. 7 39. 5 23.7 26.0 33.3 36.3 2 2 2 13,995. 2 10, 947. 8 14,857. 0 16,332. 0 11,850. 8 11, 794. 8 12,568. 4 11,193. 2 16, 417. 0 18,861. 0 17,508.1 7,438. 4 9, 780. 6 12,563.4 13, 236. 7 12, 533. 5 11, 605. 5 13, 648. 8 15, 512. 8 16,089. 0 17.540.1 15.159.1 23.098.1 8,438. 3 13,682. 8 23,002. 9 12,023.1 10, 975. 4 13, 478. 6 15, 489.1 11, 831. 7 11, 769. 5 21, 594. 9 34, 989. 2 15,477. 6 7,140.1 54, 776.1 1,999. 0 40, 646. 9 1,564. 3 56, 788. 6 2,122. 6 66,002. 8 2, 333. 3 60,054. 3 1,481. 4 64, 558. 2 1,474. 5 89, 244. 3 1,571.1 79,818. 6 1,399. 2 124,143. 2 1,492.3 137, 399. 3 1,714.6 126, 252. 7 1, 591. 5 66, 945. 2 1,062. 6 88,025. 4 1,397. 2 100,428.4 1,570.4 111, 039.1 1,654. 5 113, 356. 0 1,566. 7 121,656.0 1,450. 7 117, 666. 2 1,240. 8 139, 237.4 1,410. 4 139, 276. 4 1,462. 6 152, 490. 6 1,594. 6 79, 062. 9 2, 076. 9 135,097. 8 2,887. 3 67, 506. 3 1, 206. 3 109, 462. 6 1, 957. 2 92,035. 3 3, 284.1 96,184. 9 1, 717. 6 78, 664. 7 1,371.9 87,164. 7 1,684. 8 114, 208. 3 1, 936.1 85, 785. 5 1,478. 9 84, 817. 9 1,471. 2 128, 906. 6 1, 963. 2 229,397.1 3,180. 8 117,447. 8 1,406. 7 65,143. 7 1, 020.1 7,824. 0 5,807. 9 8,113. 3 9,429. 4 7, 506. 8 8,070. 4 11,155. 7 9, 977. 3 11, 284.8 12,490. 8 11,476. 7 9, 563. 6 12, 575.1 12, 553. 2 13, 879. 2 14,169. 3 15, 207.1 10, 696. 9 12, 658. 8 12, 660. 9 13, 862. 8 10, 832. 7 16, 887. 2 9,650. 7 15,657. 2 13,139. 6 13, 740. 7 9,833.1 10, 895. 6 14, 276. 0 10, 722. 5 10, 602. 2 11, 718. 8 20,853.8 10, 676. 5 9,306. 9 11 to 13 11 to 13 6 to 9 8 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 11 11 11 114 1.94 1. 67 1.71 1. 36 1. 29 2 1. 37 2 2 2 1.25 1. 22 1.12 1 1.62 1. 50 1. 56 1.43 2 2 1 1.25 2 1 1. 37 1. 50 1.33 1. 33 1. 36 2 2. 20 2 2 CHAPTER 12.— INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OP PRINTING INVENTION OF M OVABLE TYPE R IN T IN G from wooden blocks and clay tablets was practiced in Asia at an early period, and in the thirteenth century in Europe, books were printed from hand-cut blocks. The pos sibility of separating the characters on such blocks was discovered, and movable single type was introduced about 1450 by Johan Gaensfleish, commonly known as Gutenberg, at Mentz, Germany, or by Lourens Janzoon Coster at Haarlem, Holland. The individual type characters could be placed side by side to form words, which could be combined into sentences and paragraphs, and finally arranged together in pages. After printing they could be taken apart and used again in other combinations. This was the first of the important steps in the mechanical development of printing, winch eventually*led to the production of the modern newspaper. Combined with the invention of the crude printing press of that age it made multiple production a commercial possibility. P M ECHANICAL PRO D U CTIO N F R O M 1800 TO 1850 A T TH E beginning of the nineteenth century, though at least 350 ^ years had passed since the introduction of movable type, fre quently referred to as the invention of printing, there had been very little change in the mechanical production involved. A fifteenthcentury printer would, in fact, have been perfectly at home in a print ing office in 1800. The type used was virtually the same and the methods of composition had not changed. Paper, which was produced in the same manner as during the earlier period, was probably not of as good a quality. The same t}^pe of wooden presses, with a few minor improvements, were in use, and the ink, made by each printer for his own use, was applied to the type by means of hair-stuffed leather balls. Up to the second half of the nineteenth century the mechanical production of a newspaper consisted of two operations— composition and presswork. The methods employed for composition remained practically the same up to 1850 (see ch. 4, p. 33), but some changes were effected in presswork during that period. H AN D PRESSES 'T 'H E earliest form of printing press, such as that used by Gutenberg, was built on the same principle as the ordinary cheese or linen presses of that period, and was practically modeled after the old wine presses of ancient Greece. It consisted of a framework of two heavy upright timbers, held together by several crossbeams. One of the crossbeams supported a fiat table of wood or stone, called the bed, while a higher beam was pierced by a wooden screw, resting on a horizontal block called the platen. The type form was placed on the bed, and daubed with ink. A sheet of dampened paper was laid 221 222 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING on top of the inked type and covered with a piece of blanket to soften the impression, and the platen was screwed down on top of it. After the impression was taken the platen was screwed up again, so the paper could be removed and hung up to dry. About 1620 Willem Janszoon Blaeu, a printer of Amsterdam, Holland, constructed nine presses for his printing house, which embodied several improvements, such as suspension of the platen from a block which was guided in the upright timbers, an iron hand lever for turning the screw, a device for rolling the bed in and out of the frame, and a spring release of the platen. The Blaeu press was introduced in England, where one of them was operated in 1725 by Benjamin Franklin at the Watts Printing House in London, and where as late as 1770 it was termed the “ new-fashioned” press to distinguish it from the more common and older style. It was also used extensively on the Continent. IM P R O V E M E N T S IN EARLY STYLES A frame, called the “ tym pan,” was later attached to the bed by hinges. It was covered with fabric, on which the sheet was placed. Another frame, attached by hinges to the tympan and called the “ frisket,” was folded over the paper to protect it from any ink or impression not desired, and the double frame was folded over the type form before the bed was rolled under the platen. No further improvements were made, except the substitution of iron platens, until 1798, when Charles Mahon, third Earl of Stanhope, patented and built an all-iron press in England. It embodied the screw principle, but a combination of levers was added to provide greater power with less expenditure of energy. H A N D PR ESSES IN TH E UN ITED ST A TE S The first printing press used in the American Colonies was erected in Cambridge, Mass., in 1638. The early presses used here, as well as the type, were imported from England and often consisted of second-hand outfits. In 1750 Christopher Sower, jr., printer of Germantown, Pa., began to manufacture hand presses, but they were inferior to the imported ones. In 1816 a new style was devised by George Clymer, of Philadelphia, Pa., in which the screw was entirely eliminated. The press was constructed completely of iron, and the platen was raised or lowered by levers. It was known as the “ Columbian,” and gained great popularity at once in England, where it was constructed. The first one, completed in 1818, was afterwards sent to Russia. Adam Ramage, who came to Philadelphia about 1790 and for a long time was the chief press builder in this country, was one of the first to construct iron beds and platens, but, like preceding styles, the presses were so small that only one-half of a sheet of respectable dimensions could be printed at once, and four impressions were necessary for printing a small newspaper on both sides. According to Van Winkle’s Printers Guide, New York, there were only four styles of presses worthy of notice in the United States in 1818, all more or less improvements upon the Stanhope press. These were the Columbian, the Ramage screw, the Ruthven, and the Wells. The Ruthven pi^ss, which was invented by John Ruthven, a printer of Edinburgh, Scotland, and patented in 1813, was manu INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 223 factured by Adam Ramage of Philadelphia, who patented improve ments on it in 1818. It was distinguished by having a stationary bed, and a platen which moved to and fro. The Wells press, which was invented by John J. Wells, of Hartford, Conn., was not patented until 1819, but two of them had been used in that city for some time, with reported good satisfaction. All of these, as well as other makes, were practically supplanted by the Smith hand press, invented in 1822 by Peter Smith of New York, brother-in-law of Robert Hoe, founder of the firm of R. Hoe & Co., printing machinery manufacturers of New York. In this press a toggle joint was sub stituted for the screw and levers, which was simpler and more efficient. W A SH IN G TO N H A N D PR ESS In 1827 Samuel Rust, a printer of New York, brought out a .hand press, embodying all of Smith’s ideas, but with improvements in construction and details which created practically a new machine. The frame was cast hollow instead of solid, but reinforced with rods. B y turning a crank the bed slid in and out from under the platen on a track. The impression of the platen was given by a curved hand lever, acting on a toggle joint, and the platen was lifted afterwards by springs. With a few improvements by R. Hoe & Co., who secured the patents, the Washington hand press, as it was termed, soon became the most popular machine for the printing of news papers, and much of the earlier progress of the smaller newspapers in this country was due to the comparative ease, economy, and sureness of its operation. Though this press is no longer employed for actual printing, a number are still used for taking proofs in photo-engraving plants. PRODUCTIVITY ON HAND PRESSES 1 N TH E beginning printing on hand presses was probably done 1 by only one man, but the operation was soon divided between two workers. One of these distributed the ink on the ink balls by patting them together until a fine, even film was produced, and then pressed them carefully on the type. The other placed a sheet of damped paper on the tympan, folded the frisket over the paper, and, together with the tympan, down over the form, ran the bed under the platen, took the impression by depressing the platen, raised the platen, ran the bed out, lifted the tympan and frisket, and removed the printed sheet. So much physical strength was required for turning the screw or pulling the lever of the old-fashioned hand press that a man was required for the function. The inking operation could be performed by a boy, but in the larger pressrooms two men were often employed on a press, taking turns at the operations. The duties also included making the ink, and dampening the paper before printing. Manufacturing the ink was not difficult, consisting mainly of boiling linseed oil, with rosin added, and afterwards mixing it with lampblack and grinding the mass together with muller stones, in the same manner as paint was ground. Boiling the linseed oil was often the occasion of a picnic for the staff of the early printing house, who would set up the kettle in the fields for the purpose. This involved so great a loss of time, and the ink was not always satisfactory, that by the end of the sixteenth century many printing houses bought 224 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING their ink from factories which had been gradually established, and thus ink making became an independent branch of the industry. The printing houses in the American Colonies either made their own ink or imported it from Europe, and this practice was continued after independence had been gained and up to the end of the eighteenth century. Dampening of the paper was accomplished by dipping the sheets into a tub of water, a small number at a time, and piling them under weights to squeeze out superfluous moisture and keep them in shape. After printing, the sheets required folding, which was done by hand, by means of a bone or a stick. Printing on the oldest style of hand press was extremely slow and laborious, as only very small type forms could be used, and even these involved a great deal of physical exertion. According to Ringwalt 1 300 sheets, or 600 impressions, were considered a good day’s work in 1475 by the printers of Mentz, Germany. Early in the sixteenth century this had increased to 2,000 impressions, and later (about 1575) pressmen in Paris, France, were supposed to print 2,650 sheets per day, while at Lyon, France, a good day’s w7ork consisted of 3,350 sheets. The hours were long, as at that time pressmen in Lyon had to work from 2 a. m. to 8 or 9 p. m. without leaving the shop. The year contained more recognized holidays than at present, and only 230 or 240 working-days. About 1830 the hourly production on hand presses in London, England, for two men was rated at 75 impressions on wooden presses, 150 to 200 impressions on Stanhope presses, and 200 impressions on Columbian or Albion presses. The improvements in the hand presses not only increased the num ber of sheets printed hourly, but also gradually permitted larger type forms to be printed at one impression. The early presses used in the Colonies were so small that only one page of even the miniature news papers of that day could be printed at one time, necessitating four pulls to produce the complete paper. Even the larger hand presses, introduced later, required two impressions for each copy of a 4-page newspaper. Theodore L. De Vinne,2 in discussing conditions in New York for 1870, stated that the ordinary task of a hand press was rated at 1,500 impressions a day on forms of large size, with one man, using an inking machine, and by one pull, giving practically eight times the production in Mentz during 1458, considering the difference in size. In a detailed table on average daily performance of presses, De Vinne gives figures for hand presses, claimed to be examples of actual prac tice, based on a full 10-hour day, which show an additional difference according to the number of copies in the editions printed. For a hand press in continuous employment, with 1,500 impressions required from the form, one hour was allowed in making ready and nine hours for actual printing to complete the job, an average of 166 impressions per productive machine hour. When only 250 impressions were required from each form, the production for a 10-hour day was reduced to 1,000 impressions. This was caused through an allowance of 1 hour for making ready on each form, leaving but 6 hours for actual presswork and giving an average of 166 impressions per productive machine hour. The work referred to by De Vinne was, of course, mixed in character and slower than where newspaper printing alone 1 Ringwalt, J. Luther: American Encyclopedia of Printing, Philadelphia, 1871. 2 De Vinne, Theodore L.: The Printers Price List. New York, 1871. INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 2215 was involved. Large quantities of newspapers were, however, not produced in those days. Before 1810 the circulation of the most widely read newspaper in the United States did not exceed 900 copies. LABOR COST IN EARLY PRESSROOMS TYTO record was found of the actual wages for pressmen in the early days, but these were stated to have been two or three times more than paid to journeymen in other skilled trades. According to Northumberland Household Book, quoted by Timperley,3 about 1512 in England “ the daily wages of a master carpenter, mason, bricklayer, tyler, or plumber were 6 pence per day, without diet, from Easter to Michaelmass; other laborers 4 pence per d a y .” The first regular wage rates stipulated were in a scale (quoted by Timperley) agreed to in 1810 by the master printers of London, in which 6 pence per token was paid for printing of folios (4 pages), using small pica (now 11-point) type or larger, if only one token was printed, and 7 pence if smaller type was used or the pages exceeded 8 % inches in width. When either two or three tokens were printed, the rate was reduced to 53^ and 6 pence, respectively, according to the type and size of page. When four tokens were printed, the rate was reduced one-half penny more for each item, and in 1816 another one-half penny reduction was made effective for each token above the first four. A token at that time consisted of 10 quires, or one-half ream, of paper, and a quire, as used by newspapers, consisted of 25 sheets, making a total of 250 sheets. In 1838 pressmen in England reckoned their work by the hour, equal to one token. If two men worked on the press, 10 quires constituted an hour, but if one man operated the press alone, 5 quires constituted an hour. APPLICATION OF MECHANICAL POWER IV/TANY attempts were made to devise some way of increasing the • capacity of the presses. About 1776 Benjamin Dearborn, publisher of the New Hampshire Gazette, devised a wheel press, on which the whole side of a sheet could be printed by one pull of the lever. It was used for a while at Newburyport, N. H., but was not adopted generally. A patent was issued to Dearborn in 1786 by the State of New Hampshire. Friedrich Koenig, a Saxon inventor, obtained an English patent for applying steam power to a bed and platen press in 1810. He had devised the principle previously in Leipzig, Saxony, but was unable to find backers. After trying other cities, including St. Petersburg (now Leningrad), Russia, he went in 1807 to England, where Thomas Bensley, Richard Taylor, and George Woodfall, London printers, furnished the money to build a model, which took nearly three years. The bed, on which the form was placed, w^as reciprocated under inking rollers by means of tapes and a pulley. During the backward movement the paper was placed by hand on the tympan. The latter, together with the frisket, was folded mechanically over the form while it traveled toward and under the platen, where the impression was taken, and unfolded during the forward travel toward the inking rollers. Cloth-covered, leather-surfaced cylinders were used for 3Timperley, G. H.: Dictionary of Printers and Printing. London, 1839. 226 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING applying the ink, which was kept in a box above them and forced by a piston through a slit in the box to fall on them. The new machine was installed and set to work in the office of Bensley, where 2,000 or 3,000 impressions of part of the Annual Register for 1810 was printed on it, the first commercial job executed with the aid of steam power. TR EA D W E LL PR ESS In the United States power was first applied to bed and platen presses by Daniel Treadwell, of Boston, Mass., in 1822. Two years before he had patented in England a press, with a fixed bed and worked by a treadle, which was constructed by David Napier, a London manufacturer. After his return to this country, several presses pro vided with reciprocating beds were manufactured for him by Phineas D ow in Boston. As he could not sell them, he established a printing office, where he ran them by horse power. After this office had burned down a second one was established, where the presses were run by water power, and purchasers were finally found about 1825 or 1826, when an American patent was also obtained. Treadwell presses were used in New York as late as 1845. A D A M S PRESS In 1827 Isaac Adams, a Boston machinist, was called to repair a Treadwell press for Daniel Fanshaw, of New York, who had 10 of them in his office. He devoted the next three years to experiments, and in 1830 brought out a new style, power-driven bed and platen press, which rapidly became popular. Assisted by his brother, Seth Adams, he made several improvements, placing it in its final form on the market in 1834. The bed was raised and lowered by straighten ing and bending a toggle joint by means of a cam, giving the impression against a fixed platen above the form. The paper was fed by hand to the frisket, and the printed sheet was delivered automatically by means of tapes and a fly— a frame with long wooden fingers which received the sheet from the press and deposited it on a table. Ink was provided by a roller, turning in a trough or fountain at one end of the press, and applied by a series of rollers traveling over the form. The Adams press was first made with wooden frames like the Tread well press, but later iron frames were substituted. It was used extensively, and the business of Adams was acquired in 1858 by R. Hoe & Co., who continued to manufacture it for many years. After faster presses had taken its place for newspaper production, it was often found side by side with them, for use on fine printing which for a long while many thought could be produced only by flat pres sure. One important feature at the time of its invention was its speed of production, which reached a maximum of 1,000 impressions per hour, 300 being the highest attained on the hand presses. M any patents were later taken out in connection with bed and platen presses, eventually resulting in the modern platen presses, which are adapted for small commercial work and have been eliminated as a factor in newspaper production. CYLINDER PRESSES 'T 'H E next step to satisfy the growing appetite of the public for * news was the replacement of the flat platen as an impression medium by a rotating cylinder, which reduced the impression contact. INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 227 On the Adams presses the impression was applied at one time to 1,200 or 1,500 square inches, while on cylinder presses the printing contact was 40 or 50 inches in width but only one-fourth inch in length, applied successively as the cylinder revolved. The method of printing by moving a form resting on a flat bed forward and back ward under a cylinder had been rudely applied by printers of copper plate engravings in the fifteenth century. The cylinder revolved in stationary bearings. The ink was applied by inking balls, and the paper was covered with a piece ©f blanket as for the ordinary hand presses. In 1790 William Nicholson, of London, author, inventor, and patent agent, obtained a patent in England for “ a machine or instrument on a new construction for the purpose of printing on paper, linen, cotton, woolen, and other articles in a more neat, cheap, and accurate manner than is effected by the machines now in use.” It covered two devices— a flat bed and a rotary. In the first the types were placed on the flat bed of the press and, after application of ink, passed under a cylinder covered with cloth, which produced the impression. In the second plan the types were imposed on a cylinder, placed between two other cylinders, one built up of cloth and covered with leather, to apply the ink, and the other on which the sheet was held by grippers. No practical method of utilizing these principles was added, as Nicholson was not a mechanic and failed to reduce his theory to practice, so the ideas never passed beyond the paper stage. KO EN IG CYLIN DER PR ESSES His ingenious plans, however, probably influenced Friedrich Koenig, who had secured the services of Nicholson in connection with his patents, and to whom belongs the credit of introducing the flat-bed cylinder press into actual use, permitting the more rapid production of newspapers. Assisted by his countryman, Andreas F. Bauer, an expert machinist, he had previously designed and built a powerdriven bed and platen press for Thomas Bensley. In 1812 he took out a patent covering a power-driven flat-bed press in which the impression was given by a cylinder instead of by a flat platen. The. first one, which was completed the same year, was installed in the office of Bensley. The cylinder was located above the bed, or carriage, contained three impression surfaces, each provided with a frisket frame, and printed three sheets each revolution. The paper was placed on a sloping platform, called a “ feedboard,” near the top of the cylinder. A sheet was laid by hand on the top impression surface of the cylinder while this was stationary. The cylinder revolved 120 degrees, bringing another impression surface to the feeding position at the top. After a sheet had been laid on this, the cylinder revolved as before, making the impression on the first sheet and bringing the third impression surface on top. The third sheet was laid on this, the first sheet being meanwhile removed by hand by another attendant. The cylinder revolved again, carrying the first impression surface to the top, and so on. The reciprocating bed motion employed by Koenig, later improved by Napier and com monly known under his name, was very efficient and is still one of the most practical forms in use. One pressman and two attendants operated the machine, which turned out 800 impressions per hour 228 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING A double machine was also described in the patent, and a system of 10, arranged in a circle, with the form continuously running forward from one machine to the other. Other improvements were made by Koenig in a patent of 1813, principally in the gearing and the inking devices. John Walter, proprietor of the London Times, was so impressed with the importance and future possibilities of the machine that he ordered two double cylinder presses for his publication. These were erected during 1814, and the issue of November 29 was printed entirely on them, according to the published statement of the owner, at the rate of 1,100 copies per hour. Circumstances connected with this revolution in newspaper production were de scribed in an English trade journal,4 as follows: The opposition of the printing trade, both employers and employed— particu larly the latter— to any new mechanical appliance which bids fair to displace labor, or putthe majority of the printers in a disadvantageous position, was such that great secrecy had to be observed. Nothing untoward, however, happened, and most of our readers are no doubt acquainted with the story of how Walter, after the great feat had been successfully carried through, entered his handpress room at 6 o’clock in the morning with a copy of the Times for November 29, 1814, and announced the doom of the old method by telling the astonished pressmen that the paper had been produced by steam-driven machinery, and that it would be useless for them to try and kick against the pricks, but if they faced the new state of things in a reasonable manner he would see they did not suffer by it. This machine, which, in order to preserve the secrecy was not patented until later in the same year, was provided with continuously revolving cylinders, each having a single impression surface. As only the impression surface was covered with a blanket, the balance of the cylinder was of small enough diameter to clear the form on the return journey of the bed. The Times at that period was a four-page journal, printed on a sheet measuring 18 by 24 inches. As both cylin ders in one press printed from the same form, which passed alternately under them, it was necessary to print one side of the sheets in one press and afterwards to run them through the other press for printing the’ other side. Two attendants were necessary for each cylinder— one to feed and one to take aw^ay. Friskets had been eliminated and .tapes substituted to hold the sheet against the cylinder. A feeding attachment was also provided, consisting of an endless web of cloth. Successive improvements, planned by Koenig, increased the produc tion, so that by 1824 the machines printed 2,000 impressions per hour. A machine provided with a single continuous-revolution cylinder was also described in the 1814 patent, while in the 1812 patent plans had been shown for a double cylinder press, designated as a completing press and later as a perfecting press, to print both sides of the sheet at one operation. Such a machine, but provided with continuousrevolution cylinders, was constructed for Bensley. It contained two beds, with connected drive to insure unison, each carrying a form. The sheet was transferred from one cylinder to the other by tapes, presenting opposite sides to the forms. It produced 750 perfected sheets an hour, or 1,500 impressions, but it was too heavy and too high priced, so no more were made. Koenig and Bauer returned in 1818 to their native country, and founded the firm of that name, press builders, at Kloster Oberzell in Bavaria. Double cylinder presses were constructed by the larger German newspapers and single 1The British and Colonial Printer and Stationer, London, November 26,1814. INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 229 cylinder presses, printing 1,200 impressions per hour, for the smaller ones. In 1823 Koenig was invited to build a new machine for the London Times, but declined. The firm, which was continued after the death of Koenig and still exists, completed in 1847 the sixhundredth machine, capable of printing 6,000 impressions per hour. C O W P E R AND A P P L E G A T H CYLIN DER PR ESSES The success of Koenig was immediately apparent, and other inven tors entered the field to devise improvements. Cylinder presses were at first considered fit only for newspaper production, and early improvements were consequently directed toward higher speed, ignor ing quality of printing. Edward Cowper, a London machinist, im proved Koenig’s machine by substituting a better inking apparatus and by removing a number of wheels, protecting his work by patents in 1818. He and his brother-in-law, Augustus Applegath, also an inventor, succeeded Koenig in the machine room of the Times. Cowper’s patent introduced for the first time a flat ink-distribution table, while Applegath’s patent of the same year covered vibratory motion of ink-distributing rollers. After the refusal of Koenig to construct a new press for the Times, Cowper and Applegath devised a faster and better machine, consisting of four cylinders, which replaced Koenig’s machines in 1827. Two alternative cylinders printed one way, and the other two the other way. A description by Savage 5 of this press, states: The paper is laid on at four places, one forme of which, consisting of four pages, is printed at the astonishing rate of 4,320 an hour, a fact of which I have seen and ascertained myself, by counting its motions with a second-watch in my hand. Each machine required 4 attendants to lay on and 4 to take off, or 16 in all for the two presses, beside the pressmen and helpers. They were used until 1848, when the flat-bed principle was abandoned by the Times. Cowper and Applegath also turned their attention to the perfecting press, which they brought to a high degree of effi ciency. With but little alteration it was later on developed into the modern flat-bed perfecting press. N APIE R CYLIN DER PR ESSES About 1824 David Napier, the English press manufacturer, per fected a practical style of grippers for holding the sheet on the cylinders during the impression and delivering it afterwards, though he failed to cover it by patents. He constructed presses with large single-impression cylinders, but also introduced in 1830 a press pro vided with two small impression cylinders, which made two or more revolutions for each sheet printed. The cylinders were raised or lowered alternately by means of toggle joints, so that one cylinder was giving the impression while the other was raised to let the form pass under it. After the sheet was printed on one side, it was released by the grippers on the first cylinder and caught by the grippers on the other cylinder, where it was printed on the other side. This so-called two-revolution press further increased the capacity, as it permitted printing of larger forms. The power platen press * Savage, William: Dictionary of the Art of Printing, London, 1840 230 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN N EW SPAPER PRINTING was limited to about 24 by 36 inches, and the single-revolution cylinder press to 36 by 48 inches, while the double-revolution cylinder press was capable of printing on 48 by 72 inch sheets. One of the Napier presses, used by Thomas Curson Hansard, a London printer, during 1825, was declared by him to have an average speed of 2,000 sheets per hour, but capable of printing more. Several cylinder presses were imported into the United States, where the first one was installed in Boston, Mass., in 1826, but supremacy in development of printing presses passed in a few years from England to this country. H O E CYLIN DER PRESSES The first two cylinder presses manufactured here, which were similar to the Napier presses, were turned out in 1828 by R. Hoe & Co., of New York, for the New York Commercial Advertiser and the Philadelphia Daily Chronicle. They were provided with single large cylinders, having a circumference equal to the entire travel of the bed forward and backward. The cylinder revolved contin uously, making one revolution for each impression. The portion of the cylinder not used for the impression surface was turned down to allow the form to pass under it without touching. In 1832 the firm sent Sereno Newton to England to investigate improvements there. On his return in 1833 Newton, who was afterwards taken into the firm, patented a double Napier press, and construction was started on both single and double small cylinder presses, combining the most valuable properties of the Applegath and the Napier presses. The first one, used in the office of the New York Sun, had a capacity of 4,000 impressions per hour. In 1847 a new style of bed motion was introduced, the so-called direct drive, which became very popular. Perfecting presses with large cylinders were also constructed, as well as others intended especially for fine book and job work, such as the stop-cylinder press, invented in France in 1852. The sheet fly, which was used on the Adams bed and platen press for delivering the sheet, was improved by the firm and placed on all of its cylinder presses. Improvements were continued on machines embodying the flat-bed and cylinder principle, and a number of other manufacturers also introduced their various makes, but about 1850 the cylinder press was replaced in some of the larger offices by a faster machine, and began to be more closely associated with book and job production. It remained popu lar in the small country newspaper offices, where it had gradually supplanted the platen presses. Some of these are still producing their small weekly editions, together with other printing of large size, on cylinder presses. Aside from those manufactured by R. Hoe & Co. there were in 1870 several makes, constructed especially for newspaper printing but also adaptable for job work. They were styled country presses and were known individually by the name of their manufacturer. The more popular of these presses were made by Andrew Campbell, New York; Cottrell & Babcock, Westerly, R. I.; and the A. B. Taylor Printing Press & Machine Co., New York. In 1833 some of the daily newspapers in the larger cities of the United States were printed on cylinder presses, cranked by hand, though others were still turned out on bed and platen presses, as were the country papers of small circulation. The Sun, the first penny INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 231 paper in the country, established in New York in 1833, was printed on Napier presses turned by crank men, as were practically all daily newspapers in New York, but, with a sheet 113^ by 17 inches, could be produced only at the rate of 400 copies per hour. Two years later steam was applied to the double-cylinder presses in the Sun office. This relieved the situation for the time being, but. the constant growth of the publication made it difficult a year afterward to print the required number of copies each day in the time allotted for a daily paper. The cylinder presses manufactured by R. Hoe & Co. surpassed the foreign makes in both quantity and quality of work, though the iatter was not considered so important for newspapers. Driven by mechanical power, the output of the single-cylinder presses reached a maximum of 2,000 impressions per hour, or as fast as the feeder could lay the sheets down. Twice as much could be produced on the double-cylinder presses, on which two feeders placed the sheets, as both cylinders printed on the same form, but even this production failed to meet the requirements, which eventually resulted in the development of the rotary principle for newspaper printing. PRODUCTIVITY ON CYLINDER PRESSES AND LABOR COST IN 1870 A N interesting comparison is afforded. by a table published by De V inne6 on cylinder-press production in 1870, although it covers work in job offices, consisting ordinarily of work of a finer grade than that involved in newspaper work, and consequently would be slower. He also stated that a double medium cylinder, when running on newspaper work, could be made to give 1,500 or 1,750 impressions per hour, but such speed could not be kept up through 10 consecu tive hours, that 10,000 impressions could seldom be secured in 10 hours from one form, and that the average was often below 9,000 impressions. • De Vinne, Theodore L.: The Printers Price List. New York, 1871. Average daily 'performance of presses on editions of irregular numbers, with a small allowance of time for making ready [The estimates of the following table are for miscellaneous work, done in the usual manner, with little making ready and under the favorable conditions of a busy season. It is supposed that the presses are at work full 10 hours; that feeders and pressmen are expert and diligent; that paper, rollers, steam power, ink, etc., are in perfect order, and that there are no detentions or accidents. These estimates are applicable only to a press in full employment] Makeready time (hours) 1 5 7 2 5 7 3 5 7 Style of press and number of forms Medium cylinder 1 form of 1,500 impressions............ ........................... ................... .............. 5 forms of 750 impressions_____ _____ ________________________ _____ 8 forms of 250 impressions__________________________________________ Double medium cylinder 1 form of 5,000 impressions________________ ______________________ 3 forms of 1,000 impressions_____________________ ___ . . . . ______ 6 forms of 250 impressions______________________ ____ ______ _______ Mammoth cylinder 1 form of 4,000 impressions.......................... ......... ..................................... 2 forms of 1,250 impressions..................... .................... ........ ............ ........ 4 forms of 250impressions............................ ............................. .............. The allotment of impressions to forms is not fanciful. In every job office small editions are always in excess. Time Rate Daily press per hour perform work when ance (im (hours) at work pressions) 9 5 3 833 750 666 7,500 3,750 2,000 8 5 3 666 600 500 5,000 3,000 1,500 7 5 3 570 500 333 4,000 2,500 1,000 The proportions are those of actual practice. 232 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING Average wages of the period were given by De Vinne for New York as $20 per week for hand, cylinder, and Adams press men, but rang ing from $15 to $18 for inexpert workmen to $22 or $24 for superior workmen. Feeders received $6 to $9 per week, according to ability, and fly boys $3 or $4 per week, while foremen were paid $25 to $40 per week. INKING ROLLERS A N extremely valuable improvement was the discovery of glue and treacle composition for inking the type. The lack of a suitable method for applying the ink had blocked the progress of develop ment for many years, as no speed could be attained while hair-stuffed leather balls were used. Experiments had been made by Stanhope and others in using cylinders covered with cloth, silk, or skins of animals, but all proved unsatisfactory. In 1813 F. B. Foster, an English printer, noticed that an elastic compound was used successfully by pottery workers in Staffordshire for transferring designs, receiving and depositing the colors freely and evenly. Learning that it consisted of glue and treacle he introduced such a composition for hand-inking balls. The new m a te rial was utilized the same year in roller form by Donkin & Bacon on a new-style press furnished by them to the University of Cam bridge, England. Koenig had been handicapped at first by the lack of suitable material, as the leather-covered cylinders on his new presses did not possess the proper suction and flexibility. While building his cylinder presses for the Times his attention was called to the new composition. He adopted it, constructing cylindrical molds for casting rollers from it around metal cores. These solved the diffi culty of applying the ink. The subsequent introduction of distribut ing rollers by Cowper and by Applegath improved the facilities. Attempts were made at first to keep the process secret, but eventually the contents became known to others, and roller making was added to the duties of the pressman. For a number of years nearly every printing plant made its own rollers, though factories for supplying the trade also appeared. Daniel Fanshaw, the New York printer, who learned from a Presbyterian minister from England of the innovation, experimented with the composition about 1826, and used it exclusively for a while, also attempting to keep it secret. The formula leaked out here also, and roller factories were established in this country, though some pressmen continued to manufacture rollers for their own use as late as 1900. It was later discovered that glycerin would keep the glue soft and prevent the rollers from drying and hardening too rapidly, an important feature from a financial standpoint, as well as affecting the time of the workmen. Patents w^ere obtained by Lewis Francis of New York in 1864 for this addition. Subsequently treacle or molasses was left out, glue and glycerin alone being used for the main body, but with individual small secret additions by the various manufacturers to obtain the necessary tack and resiliency. At the beginning of the nineteenth century printing houses in the United States were still manufacturing printing ink for individual use or importing it from Europe. Around 1805 two firms, one in Phila delphia and the other in Cambridgeport, began the manufacture of printing ink for the trade, but black ink only. Vermilion ink, which INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 233 in recent years has been used to a great extent in newspapers, was also manufactured after about 1822, and was the only colored ink produced on this side of the Atlantic up to 1840. The establishment of ink factories gradually relieved the pressmen of ink making. PAPE R MANUFACTURE HPHE tremendous increase in newspaper publishing wTas also partly due to the changes in the composition and manufacture of paper. Before 1800 all paper was made in single sheets by hand. In the early days it was manufactured from rags, either cotton or linen, the material still used for fine writing paper. Paper mills were estab lished by the Saracens in Spain during their occupation of that country, and paper making gradually spread to other countries. It was not undertaken in the American Colonies until 1690, when a paper mill was erected at Germantown, Pa., by William Rittinghuysen, an expert paper maker from Holland, together with William Bradford, printer, who later established the first newspaper published in New York. Several days were required for finishing a sheet of dry, perfected paper, and a day’s work for three men resulted only in 4 reams of newspaper, 20 by 30 inches in size. One ream equaled 480 to 516 sheets. The Revolutionary War practically ended importation of printing paper from abroad, and also created an acute shortage. While the number of paper mills had increased until there were more than 40 in the country, several of them were idle on account of the war, and the others could not manufacture a sufficient quantity. In the rush to supply the demand, the paper was often disposed of before it was dry or had been finished by the workers. In these early days, when all paper was made by hand, 5 to 10 reams a day were considered a fair production for one mill. After peace had been established other mills were built, and by 1810 nearly 200 existed in the United States. In 1798 Louis Roberts, a clerk in D idot’s paper mill at Essonnes, France, took out a patent for making paper by an endless-web machine. Unable to secure financial assistance, he sold the patent to Leger Didot, who took it to England, where it was acquired by Henry Fourdrinier, proprietor of a paper mill in Kent. A machine was constructed in 1803 by the Fourdrinier Bros., after whom it was named, which manufactured the paper in one continuous web of any desired length and revolutionized paper making, as hand manufac ture required a week to accomplish what the machine would do in a day. In 1817 a couple of paper mills in the United States had in stalled machines of American origin on nearly similar principles, but these were outclassed by the Fourdrinier machine, imported in 1820 by Thomas Gilpin & Co., of Wilmington, Del., which rapidly became popular. Nawspaper production was still limited by the scant supply of suitable material for paper, and various substitutes for rags were brought out. In 1719 the use of wood had been suggested by Rene Antoine Reaumur, the French scientist, but ground wood pulp was not introduced until after the invention of a grinding machine in 1844 by Gottfried Keller in Germany. The method was adopted by Heinrich Voelter, a paper manufacturer. It was introduced in this 9819°— 29-------16 234 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEW SPAPER PRINTING country by Alberto Pagenstecher, who in 1867 built a grinding mill in Curtisville, Mass., and finally succeeded in getting Wellington Smith, the owner of a near-by paper mill, to use it. The result proved to be good paper for newsprint, and the new fiber was soon adopted generally for that purpose, taking an important part in the development and productivity of newspaper printing. R O TAR Y PRESSES cylinder press, originally projected by Nicholson and introuuced by Koenig, had been successfully established. Meantime others had attempted different ways of arriving at the same result, in line with the second project of Nichoison, which proposed placing the type on a cylinder, revolving against another cylinder to provide the impression. Cotton cloths had been printed in a similar manner, from engraved cylinders, as early as 1743. In 1796 Dr. Appollos Kinsley, of Connecticut, took out a patent for an improvement on Nicholson’s press, placing the cylinders vertical instead of horizontal. It is claimed that a prass was constructed, which worked well. While considered too complicated to use and too defective in color dis tribution, one machine was constructed for the University of Cam bridge, England, by Richard M . Bacon, printer of Norwich, and Bryan Donkin, of Bermondsey, under a patent of 1813. It con sisted of a revolving, four-sided prism, on which the forms were locked, while the sheets were fastened on another prism. The ink was applied by a composition roller, which rose and fell to meet the irregularities of the pri^m. In 1815 Edward Cowper took out an English patent for printing paper for paper hangings and other purposes by means of stereotype plates, cast flat and curved by means of heat, to be locked on a cylinder. Three years later he and his associate, Augustus Applegath, supplied the Bank of England with machines to print in colors, using curved stereotype plates. Such presses were used for 50 years for printing labels m two colors, and for printing 4,000,000 banknotes. A rotary machine, with the types secured around a cylinder, was used in 1828 for printing the Christian Advocate of New York, which at that time had a circulation of 8,000. One copy was pro duced each cylinder revolution. Sir Rowland Hill took out an English patent in 1835 for “ certain improvements in certain methods of letter-press printing by machinery,” consisting of a press intended to print, either with movable type or with stereotype plates, from a continuous roll of paper, made possible by the Fourdrinier papermaking machine. A press was constructed and operated, which printed on both sides of the web, but the difficulty attending the impression of stamps on each copy, required then by English law, interfered with its use, and the project was abandoned like previous ones. In 1836 Dryden & Co., of Lambeth, England, received a patent for tapered types, and in 1839 Jephtha A. Wilkinson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., built a rotary press for the New York Sun, but abandoned the project three years later, as the types would not hold on the cylinders. INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 235 H O E T Y P E R EV O LV IN G P R E SSE S An American firm finally carried forward the evolution of the printing press, and with the assistance of related devices made possible the enormous production of the modern newspaper. A number of patents were granted to Richard M . Hoe, of New York, among them one in 1844 for a rotary combined cylinder press, the Planetarium. It was provided with any number of cylinders, from two to eight or more, each of which received a sheet and carried it to the form for the impression. This principle was applied by substituting a horizontal revolving cylinder to carry the type form in place of the flat bed, resulting in the Hoe type revolving machine, installed in the Philadelphia Ledger in 1846. Four small impression cylinders were grouped around the large type cylinder, on which the type was held by patented removable devices, known as turtles. Ordinary type was used, and locked in the turtles by means of wedge-shaped column rules. Ink was supplied from a fountain under the type cylinder to portions on this cylinder not occupied by type, and taken off by composition inking rollers, that rose and fell alternately to receive a supply of ink and to deposit it on the form. The sheets were fed in by boys, one for each- impression cylinder, and delivered by sheet fliers, which laid them in piles on tables. A maximum running speed was obtained of about 2,000 sheets per hour to each feeder, or a total of 8,000 sheets per hour for the press, printed on one side. Even this production proved too'slow . The daily circulation of newspapers had reached 60,000 in 1853, requiring 12 hours for printing the first side on a 4 or 6 cylinder press, and 8 hours for the second side. The New York Sun, for instance, went to press on the second side at midnight and did not finish until 8 a. m. At the demands of the newspapers for more production, the size of the machine was enlarged from time to time by adding more impression cylinders, until finally 10-cylinder machines were in use. The theoretical speed was 3,000 impressions per hour for each cylinder, but accidents and stoppages brought the results down to about 1,500 per hour, giving a production for a 10-cylinder press of 15,000 copies per hour. As they were printed on one side only, it was of course necessary to put them through the press again after the forms had been changed, or through another machine. One of the new presses was erected in the office of La Patrie, in Paris, France, in 1848, where it was seen by the publisher of Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper of London, England. A 6-cylinder machine was installed for that publication in 1856. C O W P E R AND A P P LE G A TH TY P E REV OLV IN G PR ESS Meantime Cowper and Applegath had constructed a somewhat similar machine for the London Times, where it was installed in 1848. The type was placed on a large cylinder, revolving on a vertical axis, but as no means were devised to lock the type other than in flat columns, the forms presented a polygonal surface. Eight small vertical impression cylinders were placed around the type cylinder, and ink was applied by rollers to the form as it passed from one impression cylinder to the other. The sheets were fed down by hand from flat horizontal feedboards, passed sideways between impression and type cylinders, and delivered in vertical position to boys, one at each cylinder. At the best it could produce only 8,000 impressions per hour on one side of the sheets, with a theoretical speed of 10,000 236 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING to 11,000 per hour. The Hoe type-revolving machine in L loyd’s proved so superior that the Applegath press was replaced in 1857 by two Hoe 10-cylinder machines, which lasted for about 11 years. The Hoe type-revolving, or “ Lightning,” press, which was rapidly adopted both in the United States and Europe by the leading news papers, and for many years was regarded as one of the wonders of the age, contributed much to the advancement of newspaper printing. Publications, which had been limited through inability to produce sufficient copies, increased their circulations and new publications were started. S T E R E O T Y P E PLATES ON TY P E R EVOLVIN G PR ESSES In 1859 James Dellagana, a London stereotyper, produced curved printing plates for the London Times by the papier-mache method. These were, however, cast type-high in separate single-column strips, and were locked in the turtles on the Hoe presses used-there. Curved plates had already been produced in 1854 by Charles Craske, a New York stereotyper, for the New York Herald, and beds were later provided on the type revolving presses to receive these plates instead of the type. This proved a temporary relief to the larger newspapers, as the setting of type was so slow and costly that forms could not be set up for more than one press, limiting establishments to the use of one machine for each side of the newspaper sheet. The produc tion of stereotype plates permitted duplication of pages in any desired quantities, and consequent printing on several machines at the same time, as well as operating the presses faster. In several of the lead ing offices, such as the New York Herald, the London Daily Telegram and the London Standard, as many as five of these machines were in constant operation. BULLOCK R O T A R Y W EB PRESSES In 1865 William Bullock, an American inventor, presented a press that utilized the various advantages properly, and the first one was erected in the office of the Philadelphia Inquirer. In 1853 Bullock had moved a newspaper published by him in Philadelphia, Pa., to Catskill, N. Y ., where he constructed for his personal use a wooden press, turned by a hand crank, to which an automatic sheet feeder was attached. Soon afterwards he went to New York, where he perfected an automatic feeding machine for sheets. In 1863 he was granted a patent for a rotary self-feeding and perfecting press to print from stereotype plates, which instead of using sheets was fed from a continuous roll or web by means of a roller, revolving in contact with the paper roll. The web was passed between two cylinders, where a serrated blade severed it into sheets of desired length. This method of cutting the web was probably adopted from a patent issued in 1851 to Jacob Worms, of New York, who obtained it from a French patent of 1849, for the combination with the printing cylinders of cylinders provided with a sharp knife or saw, operated by a cam, for the purpose of severing the paper as it passed through the rollers. The sheet used by the Philadelphia Inquirer was 25 inches in width and 40 inches in length, presenting pages 20 by 25 inches after folding. The sheet w^as carried by grippers to the first impres sion cylinder, where it was printed on one side from a curved stereo INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 237 type plate, clamped on a form or plate cylinder. It was transferred to a second large impression cylinder, where the other side was printed in similar manner, and then carried to a delivery table by automatic nippers, placed on endless leather belts. Each plate cyl inder was provided with a separate inking unit, in which the ink was transferred from a roller revolving in a fountain to a cylinder or drum. Composition rollers, in independent adjustable bearings distributed the ink on the drum, which was also given alternative lateral movement, and transferred it to the plate. The impression cylinders were covered with soft, spongy felt blankets, stretched over rubber blankets, to soften the impression and make up for imperfect tions in the surfaces of the stereotype plates. The second impression cylinder, which was of large diameter to provide additional tympan surface, was in addition covered with a muslin sheet, or offset tym pan, to absorb surplus ink offset by the first side printed. In these items the Bullock press contained the principles of the modern news paper press, but two serious defects existed. It did not deliver neatly and the papers required folding by hand, while severing the web before printing necessitated passing single sheets through the press. The output of the machine, which required three attendants for operation, was 10,000 copies per hour, printed on both sides. Double machines were built later which printed and cut two copies each delivery, producing 30,000 impressions per hour. Experiments by Bullock were stopped in 1867 by a serious accident while laboring on one of his presses in Philadelphia, which resulted in his death nine days afterward. Attempts were later made to overcome the defects by adding a fly delivery and a folder, as well as a modification, known as Kellberg’s arrangement, by which the sheet was cut after printing, patented by John W. Kellberg, of Philadelphia, Pa., in 1870. Another single and a double machine were installed by the Philadelphia Inquirer. Bullock presses were used by many large newspapers, such as the New York Sun, which had seven, the New York Tribune, and the New York Herald, and also by the Daily Telegraph and the Journal in London, England. P A P E R FO R W EB PR ESSES Newsprint, as the particular kind of blank paper was termed, had up to this time been cut into sheets of the standard sizes when it left the paper-making machine. On the introduction of the roll-fed press and as a result thereof it also appeared in a continuous web, wound in roll form on a hollow core, which permitted it to be fastened on a shaft or spindle. Dampening of paper had also passed to the machine stage. In 1854 patents were issued to William and Andrew Overend, of Philadelphia, Pa., for a wetting machine for flat paper, in which the sheets were passed between felt-covered rollers, one of which revolved in a trough of water. A machine on similar lines but adapted to a continuous web was patented by A. Dougherty, of New York, in 1861. The web was rewound after dampening, and the machine was provided with a wooden brake, resting on the dry roll, to provide uniform friction. Other wetting machines distributed p, fine spray of water on the web? 238 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING W A LTE R R O T A R Y W E B PR ESS Experiments conducted by the London Times resulted in the con struction of a rotary perfecting press by J. C. M acDonald in 1868. It was named the Walter press, after the publisher of the Times. It was similar in principle to the Bullock press but was provided with impression cylinders of equal diameter, arranged with the plate cyl inders in a vertical line, one above the other. The web was severed after printing. The sheets were carried by tapes up an incline and down to a sheet flier, which distributed them alternately to two boys, seated at opposite sides of the flier. It was also provided with damp ening cylinders, containing sponges filled with water, later replaced by perforated hollow cylinders, supplied with steam. According to Ring walt,1 a circular issued by the manufacturer stated that the press was capable of producing 12,000 copies per hour, printed on both sides, or 10,000 to 11,000 per hour, including stoppages. When changing from one reel to another the arrangements are such that the delay scarcely exceeds a minute, and the reels are kept as large as possible for convenient handling. The labor employed when the Walter press is in operation consists of two lads taking off, who suffice to inspect and count each sheet, and a striker to start the machine and look after the reels as they ,are unwound. One overseer can easily superintend two presses— capable of turning out, with six unskilled hands, perfected sheets at the rate of 20,000 to 22,000 per hour, stoppages included. W ith four of these presses— 12 lads and 2 overseers— the Times is now printed at the rate of 40,000 copies per hour— i. e., in less than half the time and with one-fifth the number of hands required by the fastest and best printing machines previously in use. Moreover, layers-on, who are highly trained workmen, and must be paid accordingly, are entirely dispensed with. The four Walter presses wrhich were installed in the Times office in 1868, displaced the Hoe type-revolving machines there, which some time previously had been converted to carry stereotype plates. In 1885 folding mechanisms were attached to the Times presses, which w^ere used by that publication until 1895. The Walter press was also used by the London Daily News, among others in England, and by the New York Times in the United States. M A R IN O N I R O T A R Y PRESS In 1868, to cope with the growing circulation of Le Petit Journal in Paris, France, Hippolyte Marinoni, of that city, also utilized the idea of impression and plate cylinders of equal size, placed above each other, in a press. It was provided with separate flyboards for delivery of the sheets and rivaled the fast Bullock and Walter presses in speed but differed essentially from them in being fed by sheets instead of from a roll. It was claimed by the Echo, of London, where a couple of Marinoni presses were installed in 1872, to produce an average of 9,000 sheets of large size per hour, printed on both sides. H A N D IC A PS TO PR O D U C T IO N ON R O T A R Y PR ESSES Even these machines working at top speed, failed to satisfy the demand created by the constant increase in circulation of the news papers. According to the American Newspaper Directory for 1871, published by George P. Rowell & Co. of New York, there existed at that time in the United States 548 newspapers printing over 5,000 copies per issue, and 11 printing more than 10,000 copies per issue. Supplying the paper to the presses in sheet form had been dispensed l Ringwalt, J. Luther: American Encyclopedia of Printing, Philadelphia, 1871. INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 239 with in the Bullock and the Walter presses. Considerable trouble was, however, experienced with the paper, as newsprint was only about 0.003 of an inch in thickness, and was subject to a great deal more strain in web form than in sheet form. Frequent breaks of the web delayed production, and the condition was further aggravated by the lack of suitable ink. Another factor which greatly retarded the speed of production was the folding of the paper after the actual printing had been done. In many cases this was still performed by hand, though mechanical folding in the larger establishments was accomplished on separate folding machines, but these were fed by hand, which limited the indi vidual capacity. The sheet was carried by tapes under a chopping blade, which forced it between two folding rollers, giving it the first fold, and then carried in similar manner at a right angle under another chopping blade, where the second fold was given. The most common for newspaper work was the Chambers’ newspaper folding machine, invented by Cyrus Chambers, jr., who with his brother established the firm of Chambers, Bro. & Co., in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1856, manufacturing folders for book and job work as well, and by 1870 had turned out 38 varieties. Another was the Forsaith news paper folding machine, patented and manufactured by S. C. Forsaith, of Manchester, N. H., built in different styles and said to be capable of folding 2,500 to 3,500 sheets per hour. The independent folding machines were used to advantage in smaller establishments, in con nection with cylinder printing, where the production was large enough to warrant the use of such a machine, and are at the present time still found in places of that kind. Chopping-blade folders were later attached to the rotary presses, but as they could not be worked faster than 8,000 an hour, it was necessary to slow down the presses to accommodate the folders. These difficulties were finally eliminated by other manufacturers of rotary web presses, as used at the present time. The details of modern presswork on newspapers are described in chapter 9. (See p. 134.) STERE O TYPIN G IN V E N TIO N OF PR O C E SS Tj^OR M A N Y years after the introduction of movable type all printing was done directly from them, as is still the practice in much of the commercial printing and in the production of small newspapers. About the beginning of the eighteenth century attempts were made in Holland to produce solid printing plates by soldering the bottoms of type together in a form, but the method was not generally used as it destroyed the availability of the type for further composition. In 1727 William Gedd, a goldsmith of Edinburgh, Scotland, intro duced the casting of duplicate printing plates in plaster of Paris molds, taken from the type forms, but through opposition of the printers the idea was abandoned until again brought out, in an improved form, by Andrew Foulis and Alexander Tilloch, printers, who secured English patents in 1784. A French printer, Gabriel Valleyre, who had also been trying to produce solid plates, invented a similar method of making molds and casting plates in 1730, using a stiff moist clay for the molding medium. The plaster of Paris method was later perfected in England for shop work by Charles, third Earl of Stanhope, assisted by Foulis and Til- 240 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING loch, who together with a printer, Andreas Wilson, established the first foundry in 1803. Stereotype foundries were also established in France about the same time, but they used various different methods. IN TR O D U C T IO N IN TO TH E UNITED ST A TE S David Bruce, sr., a Scotchman, who with his brother had established the firm of D . & G. Bruce, printers, in New York, realized in 1811 the importance of stereotyping, as the process had been named by a French printer and typefounder, Firmin Didot, from the Greek words “ stereos” and “ ty p os” , meaning, respectively, firm, hard, or solid, and type or letter. He went to England to study it, but at that time stereotyping, like type founding and many other trades, was essentially a secret trade, and no information could be obtained from Earl Stan hope. He managed, however, to secure some practical ideas from a Scotch workman, and returned home to carry them out. About this time the firm began type founding and gave up the printing business, later abandoning stereotype work, also. Credit for producing the first stereotype plates in America seemingly belongs to John Watts, an Englishman, who established the printing firm of J. W atts & Co. in New York in 1809, as he printed a book from plates in June, 1813, while the first book from plates turned out by the Bruce foundry did not appear until 1814. PLA STE R M E T H O D The plaster method was slow, and only one cast could be made from each mold, as this was destroyed in removal. One or more pages were locked in a chase. The surface of the type was oiled and covered with semiliquified plaster of Paris, mixed with a little fine salt. When partly dry, but still soft, the composition was pressed down carefully and rolled smooth on top. After standing about 15 minutes the mold was set sufficiently to permit removal and it was placed in an oven, where it wras baked for three or four hours until all moisture had been evaporated. It was later discovered that by suspending the mold directly over the metal pot, or floating it on the surface of the molten metal, it could be dried in approximately one-half hour. Several of the plaster casts were placed, side by side and face downwards, in a special casting pan, about 2 inches deep, and a lid fastened over the backs of the molds. The pan was put in the kettle of molten metal for about 10 minutes, or until filled, the metal running into the pan at the sides and corners. Casting pans were subsequently replaced by casting boxes, open at one end, in which the molds were placed and the metal was poured with a ladle. These boxes permitted adjustment for the re quired thickness of the cast. The metal consisted mostly of lead, with various alloys for hardening. The casting pan was placed in the cooling trough for about 20 minutes, after which the mold was removed and the surplus metal cut off. The face of the cast was cleaned and inspected for defective letters or parts. If any existed, they w^ere cut out and replaced by perfect ones, soldered in. The sides of the plate were trimmed and tha back cut down to the required thickness. English stereotypers leveled their plates by holding the backs against a revolving disk, provided with knives. A notable improvement was made by David Bruce, sr., by the invention of a plate-shaving machine, which insured a uniform thickness for the entire plate. INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING 241 The desirability of duplicate printing forms in a single piece created a demand, and by 1850 more than 50 firms in the United States* employing more than 1,000 men, were engaged in the production of stereotypes. In some of these establishments the clay method was used. The plaster method is still employed, in an improved form, for the production of pJates consisting of an alJuminum alloy, used in commercial printing. P A P IE R -M A C H fi M E T H O D M any experiments were mad© to produce curved plates, capable of being clamped on a cylinder. In 1816, English patents for such a process were granted to Edward Cowper, a machinist, who made the first curved printing plates. These were cast flat, by the plaster process, and curved afterwards to fit the printing cylinders, and were used for printing the bank notes of tha English Government. The method was not adaptable to newspaper work, as the destruction of the mold in removal from the cast necessitated a new mold for each plate. A papier-mache matrix, consisting of several sheets united by a paste and capable of standing a high temperature without burning, was invented and patented by Jean Baptiste Genoux, a printer of Lyon, France, in 1829. The patent rights were sold to several individuals in France and Germany, but the possibilities were neg lected for many years. In 1846 Tetin, a master printer, established a stereotype foundry in Paris, using the method, which he improved greatly, and applying it successfully to book work. In 1852 it was adopted by the daily newspaper La Presse, in Paris. It was intro duced to the stereotype trade in the United States by Charles Craske, a steel and copperplate engraver of New York, in 1850. He cast the first curved plate for a Hoe rotary press in the plant of the New York Herald in 1854, but the experiment did not prove successful and the process was not adopted permanently at.that time. Further experiments solved the problems, and in 1861 Craske made contracts to stereotype the regular editions of the Tribune, Times, Sun, and Herald, which were satisfactorily carried out. Experiments had also been conducted by James Dellagana, an Italian printer who had learned the method in France, for the London Times, where papier-mache molding was adopted in 1860. The first plates were cast type high in single-column strips, which were locked in turtles on the type cylinders. In 1859 full pages were cast in curved form for the type-revolving presses then in use, but semicylindrical plates were not perfected there until 1863. The method was rapidly adopted by all larger newspapers. The flexible paper matrix could be inserted in a curved casting receptacle, and a cast could be produced in semicylindrical form of any diameter desired. The matrix was tough and could be stripped from the cast without injury, to be used over again. Consequently it was possible to obtain several curved replicas of each type form, enabling the newspapers to operate several presses at the same time, as well as at a higher speed than when printing from type. Manufacturing of stereotype printing plates added a third distinc tive operation, stereotyping, to the two already existing for the mechanical production of newspapers. The details of modern stereo typing for newspapers are described in chapter 7. (See p. 90.) CHAPTER 13.— DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY EARLY NEW SPAPERS ANCIENT N EW S BULLETINS IST R IB U T IO N of news was practiced in ancient Rome as far back as 691 B. C., through bulletins. One of these, Acta Diuma, or Daily Events, contained short announcements of official information on battles, trials, punishments, deaths, and sacri fices. Another, Acta Senatus, containing accounts of various matters brought before the senate, decisions, and opinions, was issued regu larly by command of Julius Caesar. Still another, Acta Publica, which contained a register of births and deaths in the city of Rome, financial reports of the treasury, doings of the imperial family, and some details of public affairs, was published daily by authority of the Government during the latter days of the republic and under the empire. These bulletins, however, were all written by scribes, and publication consisted in posting them in the forum or other public places, together with sending some copies to the Provinces. D PR IN TE D N E W SPA PE R S The first printed newspaper was probably the Peking (China) Gazette, according to some authorities first issued about 1340 A. D. Toward the close of the fifteenth century small sheets in epistolary form were printed in several towns of continental Europe. In 1566 the Venetian Government issued a newspaper, Notizi Scritte, which might be read on payment of a small coin, gazetta, and from this fact, it is claimed, originated the term “ Gazette,” later used for the majority of early American newspapers. During the seventeenth century the newspaper, in the modern application of the term, made its appearance in Europe as a regular weekly periodical and not just a paper containing news. Among the earliest were the Frankfurter Journal in Germany, started in 1615, and the Nieuwe Tijdinge of Antwerp, Belgium, known to have been issued in 1616, possibly earlier. The first weekly English newspaper with a definite title was the Weekly Newes, started in 1622. Daily newspapers were not introduced until many years afterwards, the first regular London daily, the Daily Courant, appearing in 1702. A previous venture by the Post B oy to publish daily numbers, in 1680, was abandoned after four issues. All early papers were small, about 7 by 9 inches, and usually of four pages. After 1650 a larger size, 13 3^ by 17 inches, became common, but the limitations of the presses did not permit printing two pages of that size at one time. EARLY A M E R IC A N N E W S P A P E R S According to the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, the first newspaper published in the United States was the Boston NewsLetter, which appeared in Boston, Mass., April 24, 1704. This was followed by others in several of the principal towns during the 242 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY 243 colonial period, and m April, 1775, the number published had reached 37. While the News-Letter was the first continued publication, another newspaper had been issued previously in Boston. Publick Occurrences, both Foreign and Domestic, as this was named, was issued on September 25, 1690, but, as with a previous attempt, it was suppressed by the Government after the first issue. It was intended to be issued monthly and was printed on three pages of a folded sheet, each 11^2 by 7 ^ inches, with two columns to the page, leaving the fourth page blank so that personal messages could be written on it. The News-Letter was sometimes printed on a single sheet, foolscap size, but oftener on a half sheet, folio, 7 by 1 1 ^ inches, with two columns on each page. It was announced in the first issue as a weekly publication. In 1719 it was changed to a whole sheet as “ half a sheet a week would not carry all the news.” The early newspapers varied greatly in size and shape, on account of the scarcity of news and, especially, the scarcity of paper. The slow methods of production naturally prevented expansion, but dur ing the Revolutionary period the editions on some of the papers became so large that the men who pulled the levers on the presses complained of backaches. The growth of the towns created a demand for advertising space, which changed the weekly issues, first to semi weekly, next to triweekly, and finally to regular daily publications, Sundays excepted. In 1729 Benjamin Franklin attempted semi weekly publication of the Pennsylvania Gazette, which was imitated by the Boston Chronicle in 1768 and gradually adopted by others. In 1770 Isaiah Thomas published the Massachusetts Spy triweekly, an example also followed by others later. The first American daily newspaper, the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, was published in Philadelphia, Pa., September 21, 1784. It was a 4-page sheet, four columns to the page. Other dailies were gradually established in the larger cities. In the begin ning these were all evening publications, but in 1796 the New World in Philadelphia, Pa., printed two editions, from two forms on the same sheet. These were divided, and one issued as an evening publication and the other as a morning publication. Separate morning publications appeared subsequently. By the year 1810 the number of newspapers published in the United States had increased to 359. In 1825 the first Sunday newspaper was published, the New York Courier. It was a regular Sunday newspaper, issued on that day of the week only, and not a Sunday edition of a daily publica tion, such as is common at the present time. M O D E R N N E W SPA PER PUBLISHING CH AN GE S IN PR O D U C T IO N M E T H O D S A LL of the radical changes which contributed to the development ^ of printing since the invention of movable type, and made possible the enormous output of the modern newspaper plant, have taken place since the year 1800. These were mostly mechanical. The invention of the paper machine resulted in the manufacture of an abundant supply of cheaper paper. The development of the printing press, first as a cylinder press and later as a rotary press, permitted faster production and more pages per issue. The improvement of 244 PRODUCTIVITY ©P LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING presses was greatly aided by the substitution of pliable rollers for dis tributing and applying the ink, in place of the inking balls; the change from hand power for operating the machines to steam power, and later to electric power; the application of stereotyping, producing curved printing plates and eliminating direct printing from type, with subsequent automatic production of the plates; and last, but not least, the invention of typesetting and typecasting machines, which increased the productive power of the composing room fivefold and cheapened the cost of composition. The many improvements in mechanical facilities, combined with the increase in advertising, the public demand for news, and the continued requirement for speed, have evolved the present news paper. There has been considerable change in the size of pages, which now are customarily about 18 inches in width but vary from 21^2 to 24 inches in length. The increase in number of pages con tained in a single issue has been tremendous, and it is no longer unusual to see a week-day newspaper consisting of over 50 pages, or a Sunday paper containing more than 100 pages. The Sunday paper had attracted but scant attention before the Civil War, but during that period it commenced to gain importance through the desire for news. It was at first the same size as the regular daily issue, but additional features of partial news value were added to it and it was gradually enlarged from time to time. The somewhat cumber some size of the ordinary newspaper page was responsible for the introduction of a later innovation, the tabloid size, in which the pages are only half as large. The first of these published in the United States was the Daily News, which appeared in New York on June 26, 1919. The revolutionary changes in equipment for newspaper printing, which created facilities for expansion of the industry, did not be come effective at once in all establishments. New methods were ordinarily adopted first in the larger establishments, gradually spreading to others. Even at the present day some of the changes brought into use many years ago are just being made in some estab lishments, and plants still exist where newspapers are being turned out in a comparatively primitive fashion. Consequently, the mechanical production of newspapers may be found in a variety of stages through out the country, depending principally on the period of issue, the bulk of the publication, and its circulation. In spite of the many time-reducing factors there is still a demand for more speed, and the paramount issue in newspaper production continues to be a question of the shortest possible interval between the time when the latest news is received and the time of its distribu tion. It is often not only a question of minutes but of seconds, especially in the larger cities, where competition is keen. P H O T O -E N G R A V IN G ilside from the three important mechanical processes— composi tion, stereotyping, and presswork— which have been studied, there are several others w^hich have contributed greatly to the develop ment of the modern newspaper. Photo-engraving, the process by which the numerous illustrations are reproduced, is now a common division of newspaper manufacturing. Some of the weekly papers in England published illustrations as early as 1832. The first illus DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY 245 trated newspaper in this country was Gleason’s Pictorial, established in 1853 in Boston, Mass., but moved soon afterwards to New York, where it was published as the Illustrated News of New York for about a year. Several other weekly newspapers in this country had occasionally produced illustrations which were cut in wood and electro typed by a primitive method which destroyed the wood blocks. The principle upon which photo-engraving is based was discovered in France about 1821, but it was not applied successfully to printing until more than 30 years later, when it was used in connection with lithography. This process, photo-lithography, was introduced into the United States in 1866, but the earliest adaptation to newspaper production was on the New York Daily Graphic, which appeared on March 4, 1873, and was for several years the only illustrated daily newspaper in the world. The process was again revolutionized when, on March 4, 1880, the Graphic published the first half tone, now the practically uni versal style of illustration. A method was later developed which permitted printing of half tones on fast presses using stereotype plates. It is claimed this was first accomplished by the New York Tribune on February 12, 1879. Photo-engraving has been an important factor in development of multicolor work, as used by many Sunday newspapers in their comic or magazine sections. Colored plates w^ere printed in the London Illustrated News as far back as 1855, but they were woodcuts. Con siderable advance was made in this field in England, France, and Germany, and as a result an attempt was made to install English color equipment by the Chicago Inter-Ocean in 1891. This was abandoned, when it was found that it could not be done without infringing on American patents. Equipment was obtained from American manufacturers, and the first color supplement in the United States was produced in M ay, 1892. Photo-engraving has also made possible the production of other Sunday sections, manu factured by the offset method or the rotogravure method. Some of the larger newspapers have installed equipment for such features in their plants. Others obtain the finished product from various estab lishments that specialize in w~ork for the trade. Offset printing is an adaptation of the methods previously used for lithographic printing (invented in 1800 in Bavaria), combined with photo-engraving and rotary presswork. The printing plate, which carries the design on a chemically prepared surface, does not come in contact with the paper, but deposits the ink on an intervening rubbercovered cylinder, from which it is set off, or transferred, to the paper. The surfaces of the plate surrounding the design are of the same height as the design, but repel the greasy ink when moistened by water. The possibilities of the combination were discovered in the United States during 1903. After some development it was used considerably for illustrations, first by periodicals and later also by newspapers. Rotogravure printing is a combination of photo-engraved intaglio plates and rotary presswork. The design is etched, or engraved, below the surface of the plate, which consists of a copper-faced cylinder. The cylinder revolves through an ink fountain, filling the depressions with ink, which is deposited on the paper. The funda mental process is old and had been applied as early as 1900 in the United States for the printing of railroad tickets. Improved methods 246 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING were discovered in 1903 in Austria, and during 1905 the first practical newspaper gravure outfit was perfected in Germany. An outfit was imported by the National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio, in 1910, but rotogravure printing was first introduced in regular newspaper manufacturing during 1912 by the New York Sun and the Cleveland Leader. In the beginning all products by this method were printed in monotone, but during recent years great progress has been made in 4-color rotogravure work. E LE C TR O TY PIN G Competition in attractive Sunday magazine sections was respon sible for adding electrotyping departments to some of the newspaper plants. Electro typing is the application of electroplating to the printing process, the possibility of which was discovered in England in 1837. It consists in making one, or more, facsimile printing plates from an original by making an impression of the original in a plastic substance, depositing a thin copper or nickel shell in this mold, back ing it with a semihard metal and trimming it to desired sizes. Experi ments were also made in this country during 1839, resulting in practical production of electrotypes in 1841. It was, however, not employed successfully until 1846, when the first commercial electro typing plant in the United States was established in Boston, Mass. It was used extensively for newspaper advertising plates, produced commercially, and for production of printing plates in book or maga zine work. Electro typing departments were installed m newspaper plants to procure plates with better printing surface than ordinarily provided in stereotyping, or which would not be corroded by color ink. D ISTRIB U TIO N Preparatory work for the distribution of newspapers, as performed by the mailing department, is a very important item in production. It has also been modernized by development of automatic wrapping and addressing devices, installation of conveyors, and other improve ments to facilitate rapid delivery of the finished product. NUM BER OF N E W SPA PE R S PUBLISHED AND COPIES PRIN TED ALL CLASSES, F R O M 1720 T O 1925 The newspaper branch of the printing industry has experienced a tremendous growth. According to the seventh census of the United States, in 1850,1only seven newspapers existed in the American Colonies in 1720. During the 71 years between 1704, when the first continued newspaper was established, and 1775, when the Revolutionary War commenced, 78 different newspapers had been printed in the BritishAmerican Colonies, but only 37 of these were in existence in the latter year. In 1810 the number of newspapers had increased to 366, in 1828 to 863, and in 1850 to 2,302. The returns for the Fourteenth Census show that in 1919 the newspapers published in the United States totaled 15,735 in number, an increase over 1850 of 583.5 per cent. In addition to the numerical increase of individual papers, the growth in the number of issues for these should also be considered. In the i U. S. Bureau of the Census: Statistical View of the United States, being a Compendium of the Seventh Census, Washington, 1854. 247 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY early days the newspapers were published weekly, gradually changing to semiweekly, triweekly, and daily, the latter meaning six or seven issues per week. The expansion in volume was also an important factor in growth. While the newspaper of a hundred years ago consisted of only 4 pages, the number of pages in the present-day newspaper is often 10 or 15 times that on week days and over 25 times that on Sundays. Circulation has also advanced by leaps and bounds. The Boston News-Letter was stated to have had a circulation of 300 copies per issue. Before 1810 the circulation of the most widely read daily newspaper did not exceed 900 copies per issue, and there were few weekly or semiweekly newspapers with a circulation of above 600 copies per issue. In 1920, it was estimated^ one copy of a daily newspaper was being published each day for every fourth inhabitant, including children, in the United States. A compilation was made of figures presented in the Compendium of the Seventh Census for the number of newspapers published during selected years, with their circulation, and later figures from subse quent census reports were added to show the development of news paper publication; population figures from the same source were also included. The data are presented in Table 137: T a b le 1 3 6 . — Development of newspaper publishing, and population, in the United States, 1720 to 1925 [From Compendium of Seventh Census and subsequent reports of the Bureau of the Census] Daily papers Triweekly Morning Evening Semiweekly Total Year N um ber 1720....................... 1775.................. . 1810...... ............ . 1828_____________ 1840...... ............... 1850______ ______ 1860____ ________ 1870....................... 1880................. . 1889....................... 1899...... ............. 1909.................... . 1919........................ 1925_ ................ Aggregate Aggregate circula N um circula N um tion per tion per ber ber issue issue Aggre Aggre Aggregate gate circula N um gate N um circula circula tion per ber tion per ber tion per issue issue issue 27 438 559 595 760 720 504 138 254 758,454 387 1,478,435 574 2, 601, 547 971 533 3, 566, 395 31, 610 1,051 8, 387,188 1,631 2, 226 315,102,156 ' 9,"605,694' 1, 840 14, 606, 283 2, 600 24, 211,977 12, 582, 841 1, 721 20,445, 789 2,441 33,028, 630 14, 284,198 1, 612 23,122,417 2,116 37,406, 615 i Includes triweekly papers. 3Includes some semiweekly papers. * Includes Sunday issues of dailies. 15 37 2 115 86 107 73 34 62 73 93 i 125 31 79 115 133 194 637 635 452 i 430 75,712 107,170 155,105 68, 086 50,067 228, 610 335, 389 492, 286 53, 511 175,165 247,197 264,910 561, 743 2, 832,868 2,312,919 2, 020,165 1, 703, 372 248 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING T a b le 136.— Development of newspaper publishing, and population, in the United States, 1720 to 1925— Continued Weekly papers Year Aggregate circula tion per issue N um ber 1720 ............. —. 1775__........... ........ 1810 ........... ....... 1828........................ 1840_.................... 1850_____________ 1860_ ...... ........ . 1870 ................. 1880 ........ .............. 1889 __.................... 1899 . . . ............. 1909 .................... 1919-...................... 1925_ .................... Sunday papers Aggregate circula tion per issue N um ber 7 283 1, 141 1,902 3, 173 4, 295 8, 633 8 10, 814 12, 979 13, 903 12,145 6, 435 2, 944, 629 7,581,930 10, 594, 643 16, 266, 830 28, 954, 515 i 39, 852, 052 20, 946, 335 20, 740, 551 15, 989, 700 ! 1 252 567 520 604 597 13, 347, 282 19, 368, 913 25, 630, 056 Grand total N um ber 7 37 5 366 863 1,404 2,302 3, 725 5,091 9,810 12, 658 15,904 17, 731 15, 735 9, 869 Aggregate circula tion per issue < 23,000 • 24, 557,400 e 68,117, 798 6 195,838, 673 3,832,306 9,342, 700 13, 598,492 20,166,221 37,953,513 58, 015, 686 61,153,912 75, 650, 545 80, 704, 948 Population * 750,000 * 3,490, 740 7, 239,881 7 12,866,020 17, 069,453 23,191,876 31, 443, 321 38, 558, 371 50,155,783 62,947,714 75,994, 575 91,972, 266 105, 710, 620 4 115, 378,094 1 Includes triweekly papers. 4 Estimated. fi Includes 3 publications, the classification of which is unknown. 6 Aggregate annual circulation. 7 For 1830. 8 Includes exclusively Sunday issues. The first Government census of newspapers was taken in 1850, and previous figures given in the census reports were credited to other sources. Division of the daily newspapers into morning and evening issues was not made until the 1880 census, when the number in each class was given, and circulation figures were not included until the 1909 census. In censuses previous to 1909 the Sunday newspapers were not listed separately in the reports, but were treated as editions of dailies if they were published by the daily newspapers, or as regular weekly newspapers if they were issued by concerns that published no other newspapers. At the census of 1909 all Sunday newspapers were tabulated separately. No account has been taken of biweekly, semi monthly, monthly, or quarterly publications which might possibly be classed as newspapers instead of periodicals. Some of the tri weekly, semiweekly, or weekly publications shown in tabulations before 1909 might have belonged in the periodical class, as newspapers and periodicals were not strictly separated before that census. Exact population figures were not available until after the first census of the United States in 1890, so population for earlier periods were based on seemingly conservative estimates. According to preliminary figures published for the 1925 census of manufactures, 235 years after the issue of the first newspaper in this country, the number of newspapers published in the United States, including the Territories, were: Morning, 504, with daily circulation of 14,284,198; evening, 1,612, with daily circulation of 23,122,417; Sunday, 597, with weekly circulation of 25,630,056; triweekly and semiweekly, 430, with circulation per issue of 1,703,372; weekly, 6,435, with weekly circulation of 15,989,700. The population of the coun try was estimated for the same year at 115,378,094. This meant that one copy of a daily newspaper was published for every three inhabitants of the country, one copy of a Sunday newspaper for every four inhabitants, and one copy of a weekly newspaper for every seven inhabitants. In 1850 only one copy of a daily newspaper was pub DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY 249 lished for every 30 inhabitants, while the weekly newspaper, at that time the most popular form, was published at the same ratio as at present— one copy for every seven inhabitants. During the course of years the number of newspaper copies published has advanced in much the same proportion as the population. DAILY N E W S PA PE R S, 1883 TO 1925 The main progress was due to the development of the daily news paper, which, as it was published six times per week, turned out the largest portion of the products. While the number of daily newspaper publications was smaller in 1925 than in 1909, it was still considerably above the 1889 figures of 1,610 papers— 559 morning newspapers and 1,051 evening newspapers. B y 1925 the morning publications totaled 504, a reduction of 10 per cent, but the evening publications had risen to 1,612, an increase of over 50 per cent, making a total increase for the daily newspapers of over 30 per cent. The aggregate circulation per issue had advanced over 330 per cent, to more than 37,000,000 copies, or one daily newspaper for each three inhabitants of the country, children included. In addition, the average number of pages per issue had increased approximately 200 per cent, while the average page size had been enlarged about 10 per cent. Therefore, around 1,250 per cent more pages of daily newspapers were printed in 1925 than in 1889, and each page contained about 10 per cent more type than in the early period. W EE KLY N E W S P A P E R S, 1889 TO 1925 In 1889 the weekly newspapers consisted of about 10,000 publica tions. These had increased to nearly 14,000 by 1909, but had been reduced to less than 6,500 by 1925. The aggregate circulation per issue had dropped from 29,000,000 copies to 16,000,000 copies. Figures for the weekly newspapers in 1889, however, included Sun day newspapers published independent of the dailies, just as the figures for the daily newspapers of that year included Sunday issues connected with them. The Sunday newspaper had become a very important factor by 1925, and was listed separately. While it con sisted of less than 600 publications, the aggregate circulation per issue was over 25,600,000 copies— practically one for each family in the United States— and the estimated average number of pages per issue was about 60. These items, if included, would increase the figures for the weekly newspapers considerably. EFFECT OF IM P R O V E D M E T H O D S ON EM PLO Y M E N T EXPA N SIO N OF IN D U ST R Y TN most industries the result of the evolution from hand methods to machine methods and subsequent improvements in the machines or methods, has been the permanent displacement of workers. One of the notable exceptions is newspaper manufacturing, where the facilities afforded through such changes not only increased the man-hour output but also expanded the industry and stimulated the mechanical processes, so that the number of workers were in creased instead of diminished. The old hand methods were entirely inadequate, and without the labor-saving and time-saving machines used in modern newspaper plants it would have been physically impossible to produce the mammoth newspapers of the present day. 9819°— 29------- 17 250 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING Introduction of some machines or changes in methods did result in temporary elimination of part of the workers, but the growth of the industry soon balanced the reduction. New publications appeared and the existing ones experienced a rapid increase both in circulation and in bulk of the newspapers published. Idle workers were absorbed and a demand was created for labor in new channels, often at higher wage rates. Consequently the wage earners were, on the whole, benefited by the improvements in manufacturing methods, both in employment and in higher wrages. SU SPE N SIO N S AND C O N SO LID A TIO N S Some temporary setbacks occurred later, such as conditions during and after the W orld War, which made it difficult for small publica tions to continue in business and caused a drop in the number of newspapers, especially among the country weeklies. It did not, however, affect the number of workers in the industry greatly, nor lessen the value of the total products. These wrere influenced more by the suspension of several large daily newspapers or consolidations of some of these with their stronger competitors, a rather common occurrence during recent years. According to the figures of the United States census, approximately 500 daily newspapers had been suspended or consolidated with others between 1919 and 1925. IN CR E ASE S IN C IRCU LATIO N AND BULK The increases in circulation and bulk, only possible through the improvements in manufacturing methods, affected mainly the daily newspapers, especially in the larger cities. They were principally the result of changes in general business methods of the country, which have made practically the entire commercial life of the Nation dependent on the information spread by the daily press. The rising circulation and the increased number o f . pages both called for additional labor, almost equalizing the number displaced through suspensions and consolidations. This was illustrated by a statement from one establishment, that 26,000 copies of 4-page 6-column news papers were turned out by it daily in 1852, with 40 compositors and a handful of pressmen, flyboys, and other labor. In 1926, the average daily production had reached over 390,000 newspapers, and the average bulk of a single issue had grown to more than 62 eightcolumn pages, including in both items the Sunday issues. This had necessitated a mechanical w o rk in g force of about 1,700 hands, includ ing 325 compositors. E M P L O Y M E N T IN N E W SPA PE R AND PER IO D IC AL PU B LISH IN G , 1889 TO 1925 N U M B E R OF W O R K E R S AND TH E IR E AR N IN G S IN F O R M A T IO N published by the United States Bureau of the Census does not show separate figures for the number of workers engaged in the mechanical production of newspapers alone, but combines them with those for similar workers on periodicals. Peri odicals are produced in somewhat similar manner, but the majority of them are issued weekly, while the majority of the newspaper copies printed are dailies. Figures from census reports, covering pro duction of newspapers and periodicals in specified years from 1889 to 1925, are presented in Table 137, which include the number of publica tions, the aggregate circulation per issue, the value of the products, the number of workers employed, and the earnings of the workers. 251 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY T a b le 1 3 7 . — Development of newspaper and periodical publishing in the United States, 1889 to 1925, by specified years Year or period 1889................................... 1914___________________ 1919___________________ 1923 i__________________ 1925___________________ Number of workers N um ber of publi cations Aggregate circulation per issue 14,901 22, 754 20,489 13, 077 14, 065 68,147, 619 $179, 859, 750 205. 594, 907 495, 905, 948 222, 481, 983 924,152,878 231, 642, 614 1, 268,501, 566 259, 986, 457 1,447, 661,177 Earnings of— Value of products All workers Wage earners All workers 106,095 212, 000 228, 630 238, 548 247, 758 85, 975 114, 375 120, 381 115, 646 117, 001 $68, 601, 532 179, 580, 971 288,198, 701 414,151,142 463, 239, 727 Wage earners $50, 824, 359 88, 561, 248 144, 348,173 196, 804, 325 217, 540, 967 Per cent of increase 1889 to 1914 to 1919 to 1923 to 1899 to 1914____________ 52.7 1919____________ 2 10.0 1923____________ 2 36.2 1925____________ 7.6 1925____________ 2 5.6 201.7 8.2 4.1 12.2 281.3 175.7 86.4 37.3 14.1 704.9 99.8 7.8 4.3 3.9 133.5 33.0 5.3 2 3.9 1.2 36.0 161.8 60.5 43.7 11.9 575.3 72.4 63.0 36.5 10.5 328.0 1 Establishments with yearly production under $5,000 not included. 2 Decrease. P R O D U C T IO N AND W O R K E R S IN 1889 Enormous changes have taken place in newspaper and periodical publishing since the establishment of the United States. At that time only 37 newspapers existed, mostly weekly publications, with an estimated aggregate circulation of 23,000 copies per issue, and they required only a few workers. B y 1889, production had emerged from the infant stage. It had become an important factory process, turning out nearly 15,000 different newspapers and periodicals, with an aggregate circulation of more than 68,000,000 copies per issue. Among these were 559 morning and 1,051 evening newspapers, in cluding Sunday editions of dailies, with an aggregate circulation of almost 8,40:0,000 copies per issue, and also nearly 11,000 weekly newspapers, with an aggregate circulation of close to 29,000,000 copies per issue. As a result more than 23,000 issues were published weekly, or about six hundred and twenty-five times the number published in 1775. A greater number of copies were also produced per issue, so that the aggregate circulation per issue had increased ^hree thousand times. In addition, the issues contained more, as w^ell as larger, pages. The early newspapers consisted of four pages, each smaller than 8 by 10 inches in size, while the average newspaper of 1889 was about 12 pages, each four times as large as the page of 1775. The few workers required in the early period had risen to more than 100,000, over 80 per cent of whom were engaged in the mechanical production. P R O D U C T IO N AND W O R K E R S IN 1914 Continuous growth was experienced in all phases between 1889, when the influence of the linotype became felt, up to 1914. During these 25 years the number of newspapers and periodicals had increased more than 50 per cent, bringing the total number of publications up to nearly 23,000, and the value of the products over 175 per cent, while the aggregate circulation per issue had advanced over 200 per cent and passed the 200,000,000 mark. As a result the total number of workers engaged in the industry had increased nearly 100 per cent, but on account of improvements in machinery and methods the 252 PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN NEWSPAPER PRINTING number of wage earners, or workers in the mechanical production, increased only 33 per cent, though aggregating nearly 115,000 in 1914 and constituting about 54 per cent of the total personnel. The earnings of all the workers increased over 160 per cent, though those of the workers in the mechanical production advanced less than 75 per cent. PR O D U C T IO N AND W O R K E R S IN 1919 During the following five years the effect of the war caused a 10 per cent reduction in the number of publications, but this was balanced by an increase in average circulation per issue for the remaining ones. Value of the products advanced over 85 per cent during the five years, and the total number of workers increased nearly 8 per cent. The increase for the workers in the mechanical production was 23^ per cent less, but still continuing.- Earnings of both total workers and mechanical-production workers rose more than 60 per cent. PR O D U C T IO N AND W O R K E R S IN 1923 B y 1923 a larger reduction had taken place in the number of publi cations, and a small decrease had been made in the mechanical-pro duction workers, though there was still employed a larger number than in 1914. Both circulation per issue and the total number of workers had risen about 4 per cent over the 1919 figures. Earnings had also increased, over 40 per cent for all workers and less than 40 per cent for the mechanical-production workers. Suspensions, especially of weekly editions of the daily newspapers and of small country weeklies, together with consolidations, caused a drop of over 9,500 publications since 1914, a decrease of over 40 per cent. The aggregate circulation per issue had meantime advanced nearly 13 per cent and the total number of workers in the industry had increased a similar amount. The wage earners, who had passed the 120,000 mark in 1919 but subsequently experienced a reduction, increased only a little over 1 per cent during the period, though still advancing. Earnings had increased 130 per cent for the total workers and over 120 per cent for mechanical-production workers. PR O D U C T IO N AND W O R K E R S IN 1925 Between 1923 and 1925 a steady rise took place for all of the items. The number of publications increased over 7 per cent, and the aggre gate circulation per issue advanced more than 12 per cent. The total number of workers engaged in the industry increased nearly 4 per cent and the number of wage earners over 1 per cent. Conse quently, in spite of the reduction in the number of publications since 1914, and the improvements in equipment or methods, the number of workers in the mechanical production of newspapers and periodicals advanced 2.3 per cent during the interval. The combined daily and Sunday newspapers, on which the majority of the workers are employed, have decreased constantly in number since 1909, but the growth in circulation and the increase in the number of pages have more than balanced the reduction. Comparison of figures for 1925 with those for 1889 shows that, while the number of publications dropped more than 5 per cent during the interval, the aggregate circulation per issue increased over 280 per cent in the same period, the value of the products more than 700 per cent, the number of the total workers over 130 per cent, and the workers in the mechanical production 36 per cent. Earnings 253 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY of all workers in the industry advanced over 575 per cent, and earn ings of wage earners, who were engaged in the mechanical production, increased more than 325 per cent. RELATIVE VALUE OF PRO D U CTS FOR N E W SPAPERS AND FOR PERIOD ICALS, 1889 TO 1925 Y\/'H ILE separation can not be made of workers in newspaper pub* * lishing and workers in periodical publishing, approximate esti mates thereof can be obtained by several methods, such as one based on the number of publications, on the aggregate circulation per issue, or on the value of the products. The latter seems the nearest accurate method, and to assist in possible estimates on such a basis Table 138 is given, showing the relative value of products for newspapers alone to products for the group of newspapers and periodicals, as reported by the United States Bureau of the Census. The table con tains comparisons of subscriptions and sales, of advertising, and of total products, which include other minor items: T a b le 1 3 8 .— Value of newspaper products compared with newspaper and periodical products, 1889 to 1925, by specified years Value (000 omitted) Products . 1909 Subscriptions and sales: Newspapers________ Periodicals_________ Total.. Advertising: Newspapers. Periodicals- _ Total.. Per cent newspapers are of total: Subscriptions and sales____ _ Advertising_________________ Total products___________ 1919 0) 0) 0) $84, 439 50, 624 $99, 542 $192,820 $222, 560 $230, 581 64, 035 85,187 138, 333 167, 757 $72, 343 $79, 928 135, 063 163, 577 278, 006 360, 893 398,338 0) 0) 0) 0) 148, 554 53, 979 184, 047 71, 585 373, 502 154, 797 580, 938 212, 956 661, 513 261, 759 145, 518 202, 533 255, 633 528, 299 793, 893 923, 273 143, 586 36, 273 175, 790 47,194 232, 993 74, 097 283, 589 212, 317 566, 321 357, 831 803, 497 465, 004 892, 094 555, 567 179, 859 222, 984 495, 906 924,153 1,268,502 1,447,661 0) T ota lTotal products: Newspapers. Periodicals. _ 1914 78.8 62.5 73.3 57.4 60.9 72.0 57.2 69.4 70.7 61.3 62.5 73.2 63.3 57.9 71.6 61.6 i Not reported separately. While the value of the total products for newspapers had dropped from 80 per cent of the value for combined newspapers and periodicals in 1889 to less than 60 per cent in 1909, it rose again to over 60 per cent and continued at that level. The value of subscriptions and sales for newspapers also hovered around the 60 per cent mark, though showing a wider fluctuation, in spite of the smaller value for the single copies of an issue than for single periodicals. Part of the increases in values of the products from one period to another was, of course, due to the general advance in prices for all commodities. The purchasing power of the dollar was reduced practically one-half between 1889 and 1925, measured in terms of wholesale prices of commodities, but this reduction affected only the totals and not the relations between the groups.