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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES \ *T B U R E A U OF L A B O R S T A T I S T I C S /.................... llO. MISCELLANEOUS SERIES PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOR IN MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES DECEMBER, 1928 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1929 A 7>| fl I TT A D D I T I O N A L C O P IE S OF THIS PUBLICATION M A Y BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS U.S.GO VERNM ENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 25 C E N T S P E R C O P Y FOREWORD It has been the purpose of the Bureau of Labor Statistics in this study to measure the increase of productivity in pig-iron manufacture in recent years in terms of output per man-hour and to study the causes of increased productivity with special reference to technical improvements and to reductions in the number of men required in the labor crews. The present bulletin contains the results of the bureau’s work in the merchant blast-furnace industry. To determine output per man-hour it has been necessary to obtain (a) annual production of pig iron in gross tons, and (b) total annual man-hours of labor chargeable against blast-furnace operation. To explain the changes in tons of pig iron produced per man-hour, information has been obtained relating to materials, operation, and equipment showing some of the principal causes of increasing pro ductivity. Data for this study were compiled for the most part by agents of the bureau in the field from the records of the companies. The response to the bureau’s requests has been exceedingly gratifying. The information relating to production and operation was quite easily accessible in most cases, but difficulty was frequently encountered in compiling figures for the total man-hours of labor.1 Pay rolls, force reports, and other records from which man-hours may be derived were sometimes fragmentary, or completely absent for some years, while in other cases the effort required to make compilations from available records was so great that the schedules for certain com panies have been confined to recent years only. The period covered, from 1911 to 1927, was selected for two reasons. (1) It was desired to include pre-war, war, and postwar conditions, and (2) the bureau had already collected figures during this period showing the total man-hours worked in many of the blast-furnace plants in the country. The data obtained have made it possible to construct a thoroughly comprehensive picture of the productivity situation for 1926; in addi tion, the information available for earlier years has been reasonably adequate for the measurement of changing productivity since 1920, while for years prior to 1920 the number of plants studied is suffi ciently large to be at least a fair sample of the industry. The merchant blast-furnace industry.— Pig iron is an unfinished product requiring further refinement before final use in the manu facture of castings, rolled, and forged products, etc. The pig-iron industry is devoted to the production of pig iron from iron ore, the smelting process taking place in a blast furnace. The term “ merchant blast f u r n a c e as it is commonly understood in the industry, covers those plants producing pig iron for sale in the open market. As used in this bulletin, the merchant industry covers not only the above plants but it also includes a few steel-company furnaces which, because of their isolation and independence of opera tion, closely resemble the former group. The definition of a merchant blast furnace for the purposes of this study has been framed so as to i A full description of the methods used in computing man-hours may be found in Appendix 6. Ill IV FOREWORD include all blast-furnace plants with management and labor crews independent of steel works and whose metal is cast into pigs to be remelted by consumers instead of being furnished in molten condition to adjacent steel furnaces. For purposes of measuring productivity of labor neither the ownership of the plant nor the marketing of the product is of any special importance, while the method of casting the metal and the organization of the labor crews are decisive factors; therefore, steel-company blast-furnace plants which are independently operated and which cast their metal into pigs are assigned to the merchant blast-furnace industry in this study. Three merchant furnaces in recent years have been furnishing part of their product in molten condition direct to an adjacent foundry or open-hearth plant; but these plants are merchant in the strict sense, and being fundamentally different from blast-furnace plants connected with a steel works are here included as merchant furnaces. On the other hand, a blast furnace which furnishes virtually all its product in molten condition to an adjacent steel works, or which is an integral part of the layout of a steel plant, is classed as a steel works stack and is excluded from the merchant group. Two former merchant furnaces became so intimately connected with steel plants during the war that practically all their product is now disposed of in molten condition. These furnaces have been classed as steel works stacks since that time. Meaning of 'productivity.— Productivity is here defined as the rate of output of the workers in a given process, plant, or industry. It represents a ratio betwTeen production and labor time, and it may be expressed either as the output of product per man-hour of labor time or as the man-hours of labor time required to produce a unit of product. The unit of production used in the blast-furnace industry is a gross ton of pig iron; the unit of labor time is the man-hour. The total labor time charged against the product includes the unweighted hours of labor of all men working on the particular process regardless of their skill or training. The hours of the superin tendent are counted just the same as the hours of the unskilled laborer in the yard crew, though the former may be worth many times as much as the latter. It is not practicable to make any allowances for the quality of the labor entering into the product. The total man-hours of labor time charged against the blast furnace include all direct labor hours as well as the hours of all overhead producing labor— plant superintendent, foremen, chemists, and all clerks in the plant office directly concerned with production. On the other hand, clerks and bookkeepers working in accounting, all labor in the general office (if any), and all labor connected with sales or delivery of the product have been excluded. A productivity study in the merchant blast-furnace industry is largely a study of the substitution of machinery and engineering efficiency for labor. When output is increased because of enlarge ment of the plant or improved operating efficiency it is at least possible to assume that the increased production has come about in response to a better demand, and therefore no reduction need be made in the number of men employed; but an increase in productivity by the introduction of a new labor-saving machine is sure to result in some displacement of labor in the particular plant. As far as the whole industry is concerned, unless the increase in productivity, FOREWORD V through the expansion in production, is paralleled by an equal increase in demand for the product, it will cause a reduction in the labor requirements of the industry and throw some men out of work. When changing productivity can be related to its underlying causes light is thrown on the relative importance of various methods of increasing production per worker or reducing the labor time required in production. A cross section view of an industry such as here presented, showing the variations between plants, brings out the possibilities of improvement which lie in bringing the industry as a whole closer to the best practice, as seen in the records of the most productive plants. Some of the obstacles to such improvement, such as irregular operation which is brought about primarily by unstable market conditions, are also shown incidentally by the data compiled. Because output per man per hour in pig-iron production has increased, it is not to be assumed that either the workers or the manage ment should claim sole responsibility for the change. An hour of a man’s time expended in production is merely a useful unit to be related to production in measuring the combined effectiveness of management, labor efficiency, new processes, and all other factors which affect productivity. Where possible important and readily measurable factors in changing productivity have been isolated and discussed. The problem in measuring productivity, whether from original records and individual plants or for an entire industry, is that of using and harmonizing the statistics of production and of employment which are already being compiled for other purposes. This is being done in the internal statistics of many large concerns, but it is not easily done from secondary statistics by industries. When the importance and practicability of productivity measurement are clearly understood it may lead to the keeping of records in such a way that changes in output per man-hour can be shown with fair accuracy from month to month or year to year without undue effort. CONTENTS Page 1-8 C hapter 1.— Summary_________________________________ _____________________ Analysis of the trend in productivity___________________________________ 3, 4 Summary by years_______________________________________________________ 4 -6 Adjusted summary_______________________________________________________ 6 -8 C hapter 2.— Geographical comparisons_____________________________________ 9 -1 8 Description of the districts______________________________________________ 9-11 The Great Lakes district___________________________________________ 9 The Ohio “ inland” district_________________________________________ 9, 10 The Ohio River district_____________________________________________ 10 Pennsylvania and New York_______________________________________ 10 The S o u t h . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ _________________ ____________________ 10,11 Productivity by districts____________________________ ____________________ 11-15 Consumption of raw materials, by districts____________________________ 16-18 C hapter 3.— Cross section of productivity showing variations between plants by years_________________________________________ ____________________ 19-23 C hapter 4.— Methods by which productivity has been increased_________24-63 Increasing output and decreasing labor tim e__________________________ 24 -2 9 Relative influence of output per stack-day and man-hours of labor # time on productivity__________________________________________________ 29 32 Increase in output per stack-day________________________________________ 32 41 Reduction in labor tim e_________________________________________________ 41 -5 6 Means employed to reduce labor time in individual establish ments______________________________________________________________ 41-47 Productivity by occupations and labor groups____________________4 7 -5 6 Analysis of productivity changes in individual plants_________________ 56-63 Plants making extreme increases in productivity_________ - ______ 57-61 Plants showing moderate increases______* _________________________ 61, 62 Plants showing constant or declining productivity________________ 62, 63 C hapter 5.— General conclusions____________________________________________ 64 -6 6 A P P E N D IX E S A ppend ix 1.— General tables_______________________________________________ T a b l e A . — Labor 69-115 productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927. 71-103 T a b l e B.— Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927_______ 104-115 A p p e n d ix 2.— Individual plant studies in early years_________________ 116-125 T a b l e C.— Labor productivity, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment in six merchant blast-furnace plants reporting for eariler years_________________ 118-125 A p p e n d ix 3.— Representative force reports analyzed and compared___ 126-134 F orce R e p o r t No. 1.— Number of men normally employed in a northern, inland, two-stack blast-furnace plant, during one-furnace operation in 1927, by labor groups and occupations______________ 128 F orce R e p o r t No. 2.— Number of men normally employed in a northern, inland, one stack blast-furnace plant in 1927, by labor groups and occupations__________________________________________ 129 F orce R e p o r t No. 3.— Number of men normally employed in a northern, inland, one stack blast-furnace plant, before and after the installation of a coke plant, by labor groups and occupations with the percentage of labor time chargeable to the blast-furnace department under joint operation with the coke plant in 1927_„ 130, 131 VII VIII A p p e n d ix 3 —Continued. F orce R e p o r t N o . CONTENTS Page 4.— Number of men normally employed in a southern two stack blast-furnace plant during one and two furnace operations in 1927, by labor groups and occupations_____________ 132 F orce R e p o r t No. 5.— Number of men normally employed in a northern, inland, one stack blast-furnace plant during 2 and 3 shift operations in 1923 and 1927, by labor groups and occupations____ 133 F orce R e p o r t No. 6.— Number of men normally employed in an eastern Pennsylvania one stack blast-furnace before and after the installation of mechanical filling equipment, by labor groups______ 134 F orce R ep o r t No. 7.— Comparison of the labor force under 2-shift operation with the force used under 3-shift operation, 1923, plant 16______________________________________________________________ 134 A p p e n d ix 4.— Relative efficiency of a blast furnace in producing different grades of pig iron_________________________________________________ 135-137 A. Foundry versus basic________________________________________ 135, 136 B. Foundry versus basic and malleable____________________________ 136 C. Foundry versus ferromanganese______________________________ 136, 137 A p p e n d ix 5. — Statistics of merchant blast furnaces in relation to the entire blast-furnace industry_______________________________________ 138, 139 A p p e n d ix 6. — Methods of computing man-hours_____________________ 140, 141 A p p e n d ix 7.— Definitions____________________________________________ 142-145 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS NO. 474 WASHINGTON DECEMBER, 1928 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY IN THE MERCHANT BLAST-FURNACE INDUSTRY, 1912-1927 CHAPTER 1.— SUMMARY The productivity of labor in the merchant blast-furnace industry was more than twice as great in 1926 as in the pre-war period 1912— 1914. A summary of those plants covered by the bureau survey shows that the average output of pig iron per man-hour of labor in the period 1912 to 1914 was 0.141 gross ton, while for the year 1926 the output was 0.296 gross ton. Or to state it another way, it required slightly more than 7 hours of labor time to produce a gioss ton of pig iron in the pre-war period as against 3 hours and 23 minutes in 1926. While 1911 figures are given in this study for a few plants, the sample is not sufficiently representative to stand for the industry as a who)e, and figures for that year have not been considered in the summary. This increase in productivity has taken place almost entirely since the war. The great expansion in pig-iron production, which began in 1915 and continued almost without interruption until the summer of 1920, was accompanied by a comparatively small increase in output per man-hour of labor. The summary averages indicate that the output per man-hour in the mere han t-f urn ace industry remained fairly constant from 1912 until after the war. In 1920 the output was 0.157 gross ton per man-hour, which means that it required 6 hours and 22 minutes of labor time to produce a ton of pig iron, only a slight increase in productivity as compared with the pre-war period. Be ginning with 1921 the productivity averages turn sharply upward and continue in that direction in every succeeding year except one— that is, the increase in productivity during the period covered by this study has been due almost entirely to the rapid improvement in the industry during the last six years. One of the most important causes of the great improvement in out put per man-hour has been the abandonment of many of the ineffi cient low-productivity plants. In 1921 the average output per man-hour in merchant blast furnaces was very much higher than in the previous year because the depression forced out many of the weaker plants, leaving mostly high-productivity plants in operation. During the prosperity of 1923 many low-productivity plants came back into the industry, but the keener competition of the steel works blast furnaces since then has driven a great number of them out of business. Less than three-fourths of the merchant plants operating in 1923 remained active until 1926, and the high-productivity average of the latei year is due in no small degree to the closing down of inefficient plants. 1 2 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES Prosperity and depression, however, exert a second influence on productivity which directly counteracts the effect of the one men tioned above. It is usual to find that the productivity of a single plant is highest in years of full and complete operation and lowest in times of depression. For general purposes the labor required to operate a blast furnace can be divided into twro parts— the direct producing labor which is essential to the operation of the stack itself and the indirect auxiliary labor required for repairs, transportation, power, etc. The man-hours of the first type of labor will ordinarily vary directly with the number of stacks and the length of time operated; but the indirect labor is not so flexible in amount, being quite out of proportion when only one stack of a twro-stack plant is operating or when one stack operates only a short time during the year. Applying this to the industry as a whole, it is evident that the decline in productivity brought about by the influx of low-productivity plants in prosperous years is partly counteracted by the output per man-hour which will be attained by those plants which have been operating at full capacity all along. Another important factor causing the increase in productivity has been the improvement of blast furnaces and the technical im provements in operation, both of which are reflected in greater daily production per furnace. Prior to the war the average daily output of a merchant blast furnace was about 260 gross tons, while in 1926 the average was 369 tons, about 40 per cent higher. This does not mean, of course, that the general run of stacks had their capacity enlarged to this extent; the increased average for the industry has been due in part to the abandonment of many small stacks and the construction of a few large ones. An increase in the daily output of a blast furnace does not require a proportionate increase in labor per ton; therefore, one method of improving productivity in a plant is to enlarge the furnace or to operate it more efficiently. In fact, a considerable part of the increase in productivity from 1911 to 1927 was due to the high output per stack-day of the average blast furnace. Productivity has also been influenced by the substitution of ma chinery for labor. The most important labor-saving devices have been (a) mechanical charging and (6) machine casting, which have eliminated large numbers of hand laborers engaged in charging ma terials into the stack and in handling the pig iron after it has been cast. Of the 37 plants furnishing data for pre-war years 1911-1914, 15 were both hand filled and sand cast, while only 8 were mechanically filled and machine cast. But in 1926, out of 49 plants furnishing data, only 3 were both hand filled and sand cast, while 34 were both mechanically filled and machine cast. Another development in recent years, which has had an important effect on the number of men required to operate a blast furnace, is the substitution of the 8-hour day for the 12-hour day. Although three crews were required where two had been used before, the labor force was so reorganized in a majority of plants that very few more men were employed, while the total man-hours were actually reduced. Shorter hours have lessened the strain on the workers, so that the men can be kept more continuously at work. This has frequently led to the combination or elimination of occupations formerly essen tial. Thus shorter hours have furnished added incentive to more SUMMARY OF TREND IN PRODUCTIVITY 3 efficient production, resulting in higher productivity of labor. The effect of the 8-hour day on the productivity averages for the industry has been limited because the 12-hour day still persists in a consider able number of plants, but the influence of the shorter day can be measured in the productivity of individual plants. The above analysis does not by any means exhaust the list of causes affecting productivity. It is impossible to take account statistically of the increased good will existing between the management and the workers because of shorter hours and higher wages, or of the increased skill and efficiency of the workers, or of improved management of labor. These have contributed to the remarkable advance in the productive efficiency of the industry, but nothing more can be done in this study than to indicate their presence in the total mass of factors which have brought about the change. ANALYSIS OF THE TREND IN PRODUCTIVITY The summary for the merchant blast-furnace industry, which is presented in Table 1, shows the productivity averages for the 80 plants covered in this study. Annual averages are shown for all years, 1919 to 1926, but averages for years prior to 1919 are given for one 2-year period, 1917-1918, and one 3-year period, 1912-1914. Figures for the years 1911, 1915, 1016, and 1927 do not cover a sufficient number of plants to be representative of the industry and these years have not been considered in the summary. From 1919 to 1926 the productivity averages represent from about 75 to 90 per cent of the industry in each year, with only a slightly smaller repre sentation in 1917 and 1918. In the pre-war years, 1912, 1913, and 1914, the proportion of the industry covered is about 30 per cent, which would be a sufficiently large sample, if it were thoroughly repre sentative. However, when the figures for 1912, 1913, 1914, 1917, and 1918 are analyzed (see Table 2) it is found that the sample for each year, while large enough as regards number of plants covered, is not sufficiently representative in character to be used in drawing conclusions for the industry as a whole. Certain plants with low productivity are missing from the data for some years, while the reverse is true in others. Therefore, since the purpose of this sum mary is to give as clear a picture of the trend in labor productivity in the industry as possible, it was considered desirable to combine the data for the years 1917 and 1918 and for the years 1912, 1913, and 1914, thus obtaining figures for larger and more representative samples. 4 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES T a b le 1 .— Average labor productivity in all merchant blast-furnace plants covered in this stu dy , by selected periods and yea rs , 1912 to 1926 Average productivity Total number of plants Year Man-hours Output per per gross ton man-hour of pig iron (gross ton) produced 49 43 49 60 40 36 57 50 78 67 76 88 66 68 90 79 50.3 43.1 42.2 i 60.3 27.1 i 15. 4 2 63.1 i 45. 7 0. 296 .285 .244 .213 .232 . 178 . 157 . 144 3. 379 3. 511 4. 095 4. 693 4. 302 5. 614 6. 367 6.948 56 86 2 70.8 .143 7. 013 CO 1926________ _____ ________________________ 1925_________________________________________ 1924_________________________________________ 1923_________________________________________ 1922____________________________ ________ ____ 1921_____ ________________________________ 1920_________________________________________ 1919_________________________________________ 1918_________________________________________ } 1917_________________________________________ 1914_________________________________________ 1913 1912_________________________________________ Total number of stacks Average number of full-time stacks active 60 3 44.6 .141 7.087 i Not including 1 plant for which days operated were not reported. * Not including 3 plants for which days operated w^ere not reported. * N ot including 2 plants for which days operated were not reported. SUMMARY BY YEARS Table 2 shows the annual totals and unadjusted averages for the 80 plants covered in this study. The total man-hours of labor and the total production of pig iron include those plants which reported man-hours in each year, the number of plants being shown in column 2. During the period 1921 to 1926 the variations in the number of plants shown represent almost exactly the number of plants operat ing in the industry each year, and the sample shown for 1919 and 1920 represents a considerable portion of the industry in those years; but for the period 1911 to 1918 it can not be assumed that the variations in number of plants correspond very closely to the number of plants operating. The percentage of the total industry represented in the bureau figures increases rapidly from 1911 to 1920, partly because many blast furnaces now abandoned were then operating and partly because many of the plants for which the bureau has schedules could not furnish the man-hours for these early years. Lack of data is responsible for the annual variations in the number of plants in the averages for 1911 to 1920.1 i The extent to which the bureau figures cover the blast-furnace industry as a whole and the merchant industry in particular is shown in Appendix 5. 5 SUMMARY BY YEARS 2 .— Labor productivity , total hours o f labor , total production , and average production per stack-day , in all merchant blast furn aces combined, by years, 1911 to 1927 T a b le Year Total num ber of plants 1 19271„ 1926... 1925... 1924... 1923._. 1922... 1921__ 1920__ .1919__ 1918__ 1917__ 1916__ 1915... 1914... 1913__ 1912__ 1911__ 21 49 43 49 60 40 36 57 50 48 45 9 10 27 28 27 22 Average labor pro ductivity Average number of Total num full-time M anstacks ber of Output hours per active stacks per gross ton during man-hour of pig iron year produced 2 34 78 67 76 88 66 68 90 79 75 61 15 16 47 39 37 30 3 25.5 50.3 43.1 42.2 2 60.3 27.1 2 15.4 3 63.1 2 45.7 4 60. 8 4 49. 8 10.9 11.6 3 29.0 3 29.0 « 23.7 3 16.4 4 Gross ton 0.300 .296 .285 .244 .213 .232 .178 .157 .144 . 131 .150 .147 .159 .160 .151 .150 .140 5 3. 329 3. 379 3. 511 4.095 4. 693 4. 302 5. 614 6. 367 6.948 7. 654 6. 688 6. 787 6.278 6.457 6. 632 6. 667 7.119 Production of pig iron Total one-man hours of labor 6 6,108, 201 22, 881,062 19,526, 548 20,675,056 30, 649, 850 14,014,155 9,130,917 37, 573, 753 29,368,837 40,231, 261 31, 711,303 6, 271,090 6, 715,495 18, 710,140 18, 982, 366 16, 759, 540 11,959,131 Total Average per stack-day 7 8 Gross tons Gross tons 1, 834, 736 397.5 6, 770, 861 369.1 5, 561,138 353. 5 5,049,452 327. 2 2 294.9 6, 531, 544 3, 257, 670 329.8 2 287.1 1, 626,427 3 247. 5 5,901,039 2 246. 6 4, 227,118 5, 256,144 4 225. 6 4, 741,447 4 249. 8 923, 950 231.9 1,069, 715 252.5 2, 994,879 3 262. 3 2, 862, 336 3 258. 3 2, 513, 681 « 261. 4 1,679, 982 3 260. 5 Per cent of total— Pro Stacks duction which which were was me machine chan cast ically charged 9 81 85 82 75 72 75 71 63 58 56 50 50 31 31 42 50 45 91 87 88 84 71 73 68 56 56 54 49 73 75 64 56 57 57 1 First six months. 3 N ot including 1 plant for which the days operated were not reported. 3 Not including 3 plants for which the days operated were not reported. 4 N o t including 4 plants for which the days operated were not reported. 5 N ot including 5 plants for which the days operated were not reported. E X P L A N A T IO N S Column 1. Number of plants reporting data in each year. Column 2. Number of stacks represented by the plants in column 1. Column 3. Number of full-time, active stacks of the plants in column 1; figure obtained by dividing total stack-days of operation by 365. Column 4. Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour of labor time; obtained by dividing total ton nage produced (col. 7) by total man-hours of labor (col. 6). Column 5. Number of man-hours of labor required to produce a gross ton of pig iron; total man-hours (col. 6) divided by total production (col. 7). Column 6. Total hours of labor of all plants shown in column 1. Column 7. Total production of pig iron of all plants shown in column 1. Column 8. Average output of pig iron per stack per day; obtained by dividing total production of pig iron by the total stack-days of operation. Column 9. Total tonnage which was cast by a pig machine divided by the total production of pig iron (col. 7). The above summary table contains the annual man-hour and pro duction totals for the full years 1911 to 1926 and the first six months of 1927. No attempt was made to cover for 1927 all plants covered for 1926. From these totals the year-by-year productivity averages, also shown, were computed. In addition the table furnishes much data from which to study those averages. The average number of full-time stacks active during the year, when compared with the total number of stacks, shows the extent to which the plants have been operated. This is very important as a plant operated intermittently or one which uses only a part of its equipment can not be expected to be as effective as one which operates to its full capacity all the time. Also the average production of pig iron per stack-day, per cent of total production which was machine cast and the per cent of total stacks which were mechanically charged are very significant. Collec tively, they constitute the most important checks on labor produc 6 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES tivity contained in this study. Production per stack-day measures, among other things, the changes in the size of the producing unit. The per cent of total stacks mechanically charged furnishes one of the best clews to the reduction of the labor force. The extent to which the pig-casting machine has been introduced into the industry also has a bearing on the reduction of labor crews. However, in the early years the per cent of machine-cast metal is too high, as it happens that nearly all of the plants missing from the productivity data for 1911-1914 were sand-cast plants. However, this is partly offset by the fact that in recent years a few plants have used some metal in molten condition. In 1926, for example, only about 10 per cent of the total product was sand cast instead of 15 per cent as indicated by the table. All of these factors are discussed at considerable length later on. The averages of output per man-hour indicate that the increase in productivity, while not a gradual one, has been continuous. In only one year, 1923, was there a decrease in output per man-hour, and in that year more plants were in operation than in any other covered by the bureau’s figures. This shows that the boom conditions of that year brought many low-productivity plants, which had been compelled to discontinue operation during the depression of 1921, back into the industry. Thus the decrease in productivity in 1923 was not due to any decrease in efficiency on the part of the workers but to a change in the type of plants operating. In the history of labor productivity from 1912 to 1926 there are two distinct periods of man-hour production. The first beginning with 1912 and continuing through 1921, and the second starting with 1922 and ending with 1926. During the first period there was no concentrated effort on the part of the managements to provide the newest and best tools or equipment for the use of labor in the manu facturing process. In many cases the equipment was antiquated and most of the work was done by hand. As a result, productivity during that period was on a low level, the variations from year to year being mostly due to the variation in plants in operation. How ever, as competition became keener and profits lower the fact was brought home to a large number of operators that if they remained in the industry their equipment must be modernized. Many oper ators took advantage of the depression in busines in 1921 to overhaul their plants. Thus, with the beginning of 1922, the modern plants in operation increased rapidly and by 1926 only a few of the plants still used the old hand methods, ADJUSTED SUMMARY An analysis of Table 2 shows that the available productivity data year by year do not adequately represent the whole industry through out the period 1911 to 1927. The averages of output per man-hour indicate a slow, but steady, increase in productivity from 1912 to 1914, then a rather marked drop during the war period, 1916 to 1919, followed by a recovery to pre-war levels in 1920, with a rapid increase since that time except for the year 1923. The number of plants covered in 1911, 1915, 1916, and 1927 is too small and unrepresenta tive to be accepted as a basis for indicating the trend of the industry as a whole and data for those years are not considered in this sum A D JU STE D SUMMARY 7 mary. As previously stated, the productivity averages from 1919 to 1926 represent about 75 to 90 per cent of the industry, and the averages for years prior to 1919 cover a sufficient number of estab lishments to be used for the industry, provided the samples are thoroughly representative. However, certain plants, with low pro ductivity are absent in the averages for the 1912-1914 period, but they appear in the averages for one of the years 1917 or 1918. Also the averages for 1917 and 1918 are not thoroughly representative of the industry as certain other types of plants are included in the aver ages for one year and not in the other. Therefore, the fluctuations in productivity prior to 1919 are due in part to the variations in the number of plants covered. Since the trend of productivity over the period covered by this study is extremely important, it was considered desirable to make an adjusted summary for years prior to 1919 which would better express the changes in labor output. When the plants covered in the years 1917 and 1918 are taken collectively they form an excellent sample of the industry. A total of 56 plants are included instead of 48, the highest number covered in a single year, and all types of plants are covered. Thus, as both 1917 and 1918 were war years and subject to the same operating conditions, it was decided to com bine the data and use an average for the war period rather than one for a single year. All plants with productivity data for either year are included in the adjusted summary. Since the figures for 1917 were more representative than those for 1918, the 1918 data were used for only those plants not furnishing figures for 1917. A somewhat more complicated adjustment was made in the data for the years 1912-1914. The first step in the adjustment was almost identical with the one outlined above. AH plants with productivity data for any year during the period were used. If a plant has data for more than one year the year of best productivity, which is usually the one of full operation, has been selected. This makes possible a pre-war average including 37 plants instead of 28. However, the average for the industry of 0.166 gross ton per man-hour is entirety too high, as the low-productivity plants mentioned above are still missing from the data. As these plants are included in the figures for later years it is obvious that some further refinement of the average must be made if it is to be used. This has been done by computing productivity averages for the 30 identical plants covered in both periods, 1912-1914 and 1917-18. These plants are thoroughly representative of conditions in both periods, and the change in the averages for them, from 0.160 gross ton in 1912-1914 to 0.162 gross ton in 1917-18, has been accepted as typical of the change in all plants during that time. Thus, the figure which has been used in this report as the best representation of the productivity of labor in the industry as a whole during the period 1912-1914 was obtained from the proportion 0.162: 0.143:: 0.160 :X . This results in 0.141 gross ton of product per man-hour of labor. 8 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES The following is an outline of the method used in adjusting the data: T a b le 3 . — Outline o f method used in adjusting the productivity averages fo r the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1917 , and 1918 Year Adjusted Average average Total Total Average Total Average output per output per number of number of output per number of output per man-hour man-hour identical plants cov man-hour plants cov man-hour for identical based on plants cov ered in each in each ered in each in each plants in the aver ered in each year each year period ages for period period period identical plants 1918........................... 1917........................... 1914__...................... 1913 ........................... 1912. ........................ 48 45 27 28 27 Gross ton 0.131 } .150 . 160 ) . 151 V .150 Gross ton 0.143 30 0.162 37 .166 30 .160 1 Obtained from the proportion 0.162 : 0.143 :: 0.160 : X . Gross ton 56 Gross ton i 0.141 CHAPTER 2.— GEOGRAPHICAL COMPARISONS DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICTS The iron and steel industry as a whole has migrated steadily and persistently westward and lakeward as western markets have expanded and the industry has come to depend on lake ores. To this general trend the merchant blast-furnace industry has been no exception. The relation between these shifting areas of production and changes in productivity will be brought out by geographical comparisons below. In defining districts within the merchant-blast industry it is neces sary to be somewhat arbitrary. The districts used have been created with particular reference to the direct bearing of geographical location on productivity; for example, all plants located on the Great Lakes have been grouped together because all of them use dock facilities and dock labor in handling metals throughout the district from Lake Ontario to Duluth. The districts are as follows: THE GREAT LAKES DISTRICT This district includes all plants located directly on the Lakes, excluding plants near the Lakes not having a water front. Without exception, these plants use dock facilities for unloading materials. Irregular employment of unloading labor during the open shipping season has caused an inflation of unloading crews to same extent as compared with inland plants. The majority of plants in this district are on Lake Erie with several in or near Chicago. The ores are invariably from Lake Superior mines, Mesabi ores pjedominating. Limestone is quarried near the Lakes, and coke is usually produced in by-product ovens integrated with furnace plants. Lakeside plants have an advantage in a ready, inexhaustible water supply for steam and cooling purposes, and the lake shore furnishes an easy method of slag disposal, new land being made by dumping slag along the shores of the lake. The excellent operation character istic of merchant plants in the Lakes district is better understood when it is kept in mind that great batteries of steel-works furnaces are located in this district. Competition with these steel-works stacks forces merchant furnaces to maintain efficiency of operation if they are to survive. Most lakeside plants, therefore, are of the most modern type equipped with complete labor-saving machinery. It is notable that most of these plants have maintained regular and continuous operation and have been able to take advantage of the growing market for merchant iron in the large foundry and steelmaking centers in Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and contrib utory territory. THE OHIO “ INLAND” DISTRICT Here are included all Ohio furnaces, not having Lake or Ohio River frontage, together with plants in the Shenango Valley of west ern Pennsylvania—furnaces along the Shenango and Mahoning Rivers near Youngstown. The ores, coke, and limestone used by these plants come from the same sources as those used in the Great Lakes district. 5421°— 29------ 2 9 10 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY---- MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES The majority of these plants have been in operation for many years, but have been thoroughly modernized. All of them receive materials by railroad, unloading at the plant being done mechanically by car dumpers or, in smaller plants, on trestles from which the ores or other materials fall through car bottoms to be repiled as necessary until ready for use. Few of these plants are integrated with by-product coke plants. Several are owned and operated by large steel com panies. Coking coal is usually brought from the Connellsville district, or from Kentucky or West Virginia, although some Illinois coal is now used in making metallurgical coke. OHIO RIVER DISTRICT Like plants in the Great Lakes district these plants may be called “ waterside,” being located on both sides of the Ohio River in West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. Ores are brought in from Lake Superior ranges, coke and limestone coming from near-by territory in Kentucky and West Virginia. The long rail shipment of ore across Ohio from the Lakes is a disadvantage partially counterbalanced by cheap coal right at hand. There is an increasing use of river barges for delivery of coke and limestone and shipment of pig iron. Formerly this district was of great importance in the merchant blast-furnace industry but in recent years it has declined. Many old inefficient plants, handicapped by distance from markets and materials, have been abandoned, while in some cases the furnaces have been acquired by expanding steel companies. PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK Merchant furnaces in Pennsylvania are located mainly between the eastern slope of the Alleghenies and the seaboard, with a number of scattering plants in the western section of the State. As noted above, the Shenango Valley in extreme western Pennsylvania has been included with Ohio plants, due to its proximity and similarity to th,e Youngstown district. Only those New York plants located in the eastern section of the State are included in this district. One New England stack is added in 1926. Production of merchant pig iron in Pennsylvania by merchant furnace plants is distinctly on the down grade due to a variety of factors. Many of the plants are located adjacent to ore banks, but experience has shown that these ores are lean or difficult to smelt in furnaces as large as those using the fine Mesabi ores. Frequently located in isolated rural communities, these plants can not obtain the advantage of intergation with coke plants since there is no local market for coke-oven gas. Western ores are economically inaccessible to eastern Pennsylvania smelters on account of long-distance ship ment involving reloading at Lake Erie docks. To offset freight handicaps in the assembly of materials the large eastern pig-iron markets are near by, but competition with steel-works stacks and foreign producers has placed the small blast-furnace operator in a precarious position. THE SOUTH Virginia and Tennessee furnaces have been grouped with the Bir mingham district plants in this classification. However, Virginia and Tennessee are declining in importance while production around Birmingham is expanding. GEOGRAPHICAL COMPARISONS 11 A distinguishing characteristic of the entire southern district is the easy economy of operations. Some Alabama ores, although appar ently lean in iron content, contain enough limestone to flux completely the ore in the blast furnace, while coal is usually located within a few miles of the ore deposits. Virginia and Tennessee ores are somewhat richer than Alabama deposits, but limestone must be quarried from the surrounding hills for fluxing purposes. Geographical advantages and a mild climate combine to render the problem of handling raw materials a less difficult one than in northern plants where ores must be shipped in and stored during the summer months when the Great Lakes are navigable. In the South, mines are operated the year round and materials are shipped to the furnaces as needed. Labor requirements in handling materials are therefore more regular in the South than in districts where storage of immense stocks is necessary. PRODUCTIVITY BY DISTRICTS The summaries made thus far show data for the whole merchant blast-furnace industry; the next step is the analysis of productivity by districts. This is set forth in Table 4, which shows the productivity for selected periods of all districts combined and of each district separately. The table also shows in each instance the number of plants reporting, the average number of full-time stacks active, the average output per stack-day, and the average consumption of mate rials per ton of pig iron produced. Table 4 covers the same plants shown in Table 2, except that in each period or year prior to 1926 one plant is missing. The missing plants are those in the West, which are not numerous enough to constitute a district in any year except 1926; one plant is thus lost from the record in 1923, and another in the three earlier periods 1912-1914, 1917-1918, and 1920. The loss of these plants, how ever, scarcely affects the averages at all. Thus the productivity averages for all districts combined (Table 4) correspond very closely to those shown in Table 2. In the discussion on Table 2 it was pointed out that the productivity average for the pre-war period 1912-1914 was not sufficiently representative of the industry, and therefore the average would have to be adjusted in order to bring it into line with the averages for the later years. That adjustment was made in Table 3. The necessity for this adjustment is shown by the data in Table 4, in which the unadjusted productivity average for the industry is broken down into a number of district averages; for example, southern district, with a productivity of 0.119 ton per man-hour, is represented in the 1912-1914 average by only 5 full-time furnaces; but in 1917-18 this same district, with a productivity of 0.106 ton, is represented in the average to the extent of 23.4 full-time operating furnaces. The PennsylvaniaNew York district also is not sufficiently weighted in the 1912-1914 average, being represented by 6.6 full-time furnaces as against 13.4 in 1917-18. This does not mean that the plants in these two dis tricts were not operating in 1912-1914, but simply that the bureau was unable to get data for them in this earlier period. This is the situation which necessitated the adjustment of the 1912-1914 pro ductivity average in Table 3 by means of data from a series of identical plants. 12 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES However, with the exception of the single period 1912-1914, the variations in the number of operating furnaces as shown in the table correspond quite closely to actual conditions in each district and in each period. The influence on the productivity averages of this shift in production from one district to another is evident. From 1917-18 down to 1926 the South, for example, has steadily declined in importance. During the war the South had approxi mately one-third of the operating furnaces, while in 1926 this was reduced to one-fifth. It is obvious that the productivity average for all districts combined in 1926 would have been considerably lower had the South maintained its earlier proportion of the total number of operating furnaces. 4 . — Labor 'productivity, output per stack-day, and consum ption o f materials charged, by districts and all districts combined fo r selected periods and years, 1912 to 1926 T a b le District N um ber of plants Average number of full time furnaces active during the year Average labor productivity Output per manhour Average M anoutput hours per per stackgross ton day of pig iron pro duced Average consumption of materials charged per gross ton of pig iron pro duced. Metal lic charge Coke Flux Pounds 2,123 2,122 1,979 2,071 1, 983 Pounds 841 897 839 764 938 1926 All districts........ ........... ........... W estern ..._____ ________ Great Lakes...................... Ohio River__.............. ....... Ohio inland-------------------New York and Pennsyl v an ia ........................... . . Southern........................ .. 46 3 10 4 9 48.7 3.5 15.3 3.7 8.5 Gross ton 0. 299 .431 .371 .385 .407 3.349 2. 322 2. 699 2. 600 2. 459 Gross tons Pounds 4,325 379.5 424.1 4, 383 459.2 4, 218 317.9 3,983 430.4 4,109 11 9 8.7 9.1 .236 . 156 4. 245 6. 417 312.2 270.0 3,961 5,510 2,149 2, 823 868 670 58 10 5 13 58.8 18.0 3.7 10.0 .218 .283 .321 .272 4. 579 3. 537 3.120 3. 672 i 303. 5 381.2 281.5 i 393. 3 4, 470 4,311 3,963 4,112 2, 347 2,159 2,195 2,148 999 945 1, 064 1, 032 13 17 11.8 15.3 .168 . 138 5.965 7. 242 242.2 206.0 4,135 5,770 2,350 3,092 1, 2bl 866 53 7 4 9 60.4 14.2 3.2 9.2 . 155 .224 .260 .181 6. 457 4. 469 3. 844 5. 533 i 246. 8 352.6 289.5 i 336. 6 4, 4, 4, 4, 584 694 211 226 2, 519 2,450 2, 404 2, 223 1,142 1,136 1, 280 1,192 14 19 15.9 17.9 .118 .101 8. 482 9.907 181.5 163.6 4, 023 5, 509 2, 482 3, 205 1,322 946 53 9 3 9 68.2 16.8 2.7 11.7 .140 . 161 .205 .195 7.128 6. 222 4. 874 5.120 * 234.9 297.0 233.6 324.4 4,601 4,607 4,194 4,162 2, 556 2,399 2, 298 2, 223 1, 111 1,058 1, 214 1,191 13 19 13.4 23.4 . 116 .106 8. 611 9. 414 2 192. 2 169.8 4, 262 5, 382 2, 586 3,154 1, 379 1, 006 34 10 9 40.4 17.3 11.6 .165 .184 . 187 6.045 5. 447 5. 344 3 272. 2 304.7 280.1 4, 587 4,486 4,314 2, 580 2, 546 2,284 1, 050 1,108 1,182 11 4 6.6 5.0 .134 . 119 7. 444 8. 434 3 221. 5 207.9 4,153 5,358 2,460 3,079 1,400 643 1923 All districts______ ______ ____ Great Lakes....................... Ohio River______________ Ohio inland_____________ Pennsylvania and New York__________________ Southern.......... ................... 1920 All districts.......... ............. ....... Great Lakes.____ _______ Ohio River______________ Ohio inland______ ._ . _ Pennsylvania and New Y o r k ..____ ___________ Southern______________ . 1917-1918 All districts.......... ..................... Great Lakes....................... Ohio River............. ........... Ohio inland........ ............... Pennsylvania and New Y o r k ............................... Southern.............................. 1912-1914 All districts................ ............... Great Lakes....................... Ohio inland_____________ Pennsylvania and New York__________________ Southern..................... .. 1 N ot including one plant for which the days operated were not reported. 1 N ot including three plants for which the days operated were not reported. 3 N ot including four plants for which the days operated were not reported. GEOGRAPHICAL COMPARISONS 13 The Pennsylvania and New York district is very similar to the South, even to the extent that it is not adequately represented in the pre-war period. It is undoubtedly true, also, that the apparent in crease in furnaces operating between the war period and 1920 is due to a lack of data in 1917-1918 and not due to actual increase in fur nace operations in the district. However, since 1920 there is clear evidence of the steady decline of this district. The Ohio River district is not represented at all in the averages for 1912-1914 because of lack of data, but was a flourishing district at that time. The district has experienced a considerable reduction in the number of operating furnaces since pre-war days. However, the number of plants representing the district is so small in all periods that the “ All districts” average for the industry is hardly affected by it. Even the inland Ohio district has not held its own over the five periods. There has been a considerable decline in the number of operating furnaces, and while this is partly balanced by the increasing size of the stacks the fact still remains that the production of pig iron has steadily declined. The Great Lakes district alone has increased in importance since the pre-war period. The data in the table show that the number of full-time furnaces in the district has not changed since the pre-war period, but the annual production of pig iron has increased consid erably; the average daily output per stack has risen more than 50 per cent in the last 15 years. In 1917-1918 this district produced about 30 per cent of the total pig-iron output of plants shown in the table, while in 1926 the proportion had increased to nearly 40 per cent of the total. The western district is not geographically compact, being composed of scattered plants which do not logically fall within the other dis tricts. It consists largely of new plants which were not in existence in the earlier periods. Thus, it is evident that the average output per man-hour for the whole merchant blast-furnace industry in each of these periods is markedly influenced by the shifting volume of production in the different districts. The low-productivity districts (Pennsylvania and New York and the South) are not adequately represented in the data for the pre-war period of 1912-1914, which makes the figures for this period too high, as previously indicated. However, in 1917-1918 these two districts are adequately represented in the productivity average. The rapid decline of these low-productivity areas in the more recent period and the increasing production in high-productivity areas, such as the Great Lakes, tend to increase the average produc tivity of the industry. The increased productivity in the merchant blast-furnace industry then has been partly due to the changing regional composition of the industry. Even if there had been no in crease in productivity from 1912 to 1926 in any district, the average for the industry as a whole would have increased considerably. However, the data do show conclusively that in every district there was a pronounced increase in productivity between 1912-1914 and 1926. In the Great Lakes district the average output per man-hour in 1912-1914 was 0.184 gross ton; the 1926 productivity of 0.371 gross ton was more than double that amount. The apparent decline in productivity to 0.161 gross ton in 1917-1918 is due to the absence 14 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES of certain plants from the averages. The 1920 average is also some what depressed because three important plants could not furnish data for that year. The increase in productivity which took place between 1923 and 1926 is all the more remarkable because of the fact that the productivity averages in the two periods are for identical plants. Thus the productivity increase w~as brought about entirely by improvements in operating efficiency and not by the closing down of low^-productivity plants. As a matter of fact, in this district all increases in productivity since 1912-1914 have been due almost entirely to actual improvements in operation in individual plants, since practically none have been abandoned, a condition which con trasts sharply with the steady abandonment of low-productivity plants in all other districts. It is significant that all but one small plant in this district had changed from the 12-hour to the 8-hour turn by 1926. The inland Ohio district slightly exceeds the Great Lakes district in productivity in 1912-1914 and in 1926. However, in the inter mediate periods their histories are not at all similar. There was no improvement in productivity in the inland Ohio district until after 1920, when the output per man-hour increased more than 50 per cent over a period of three years. This increase was due to improvements in operation of the existing plants; but the increase in the following period (from 1923 to 1926), however, was due partly to the inactivity of some old plants. The Ohio River district is not adequately represented by the data for any period except 1926. The figures for all periods represent only the plants surviving in 1926; in all the earlier periods there were a large number of plants in operation for which it was impossible to get data because they had gone out of business in the depressions of 1921 and 1924. Since the plants which survive are usually those of high productivity, it is reasonable to assume that the averages shown for this district in all periods prior to 1926 are somewhat too high to be representative. The point of special interest in connection with the PennsylvaniaNew York district is the decline of the industry in Pennsylvania. This decline is obscured in 1926 by the inclusion in the averages of several newly constructed New York and New England plants. When these new plants are eliminated from the 1926 data the re sult shows nine plants, 6.8 full-time furnaces in operation, an output per man-hour of 0.220 gross ton, and an output per stack-day of 278.3 gross tons. These figures and those shown in the table for the other four periods are for Pennsylvania plants almost exclusively, only one New York plant being included in the figures for each period. The extent of the decline of the merchant industry in Pennsylvania can be measured by comparing the number of full time furnaces in operation in 1920 and in 1926, 15.9 as against 6.8. The trend of productivity in the Pennsylvania-New York district as a whole is shown by the data from 1917 to 1926, the figures for the pre-war period being somewhat uncertain because of inadequate representation of plants. By 1923 a considerable increase in produc tivity is evident, due for the most part to improved operation of existing plants, although three old plants were abandoned during the period. The period 1923 to 1926 was feautured by the abandon ment of old plants in Pennsylvania and the construction of new ones GEOGRAPHICAL COMPARISONS 15 in New York and New England. These two contrasting develop ments combined to bring about a marked increase in productivity in the whole district during the period. The inadequate representation of plants in the southern district in 1912-1914 must be taken into consideration in interpreting the productivity figures. Since 1917-18 productivity in the South has increased barely 50 per cent, which is less than the increase in any other district. Labor-saving machinery and new equipment have not been generally introduced in the southern district; nat urally the output per man-hour is considerably lower than that in the other districts of the country. In 1920 the man-hour output in the South was 0.101 gross ton, while the average for the rest of the country was 0.178 gross ton. In 1926 the variation is still greater, 0.156 gross ton per man-hour in the South as against 0.349 gross ton for all other districts combined. The plants in the South are operated mostly by negro labor. The plentiful supply of this labor tends to prevent the introduction of improved machinery, thus keeping productivity at a low level. A fundamental factor affecting the output per man-hour for all districts combined is the change in daily production per furnace. While output per man-hour was increasing from 0.140 gross ton in 1917-18 to 0.299 gross ton in 1926, the output per stack-day was increasing from 234.9 gross tons to 379.5 gross tons. These figures show the influence on the output per man-hour of the increased output of the individual Mast furnace. The data for the various districts reenforce the conclusions drawn from the data for the industry as a whole. In 1926 in the Great Lakes district 15.3 full-time furnaces showed an average output of almost 460 gross tons per day as compared with a daily output of approximately 300 gross tons in the war and pre-war periods. Nearly one-half this increase in daily output occurred in the three years from 1923 to 1926. Correspondingly, the output per man-hour increased from 0.161 gross ton in 1917-18 to 0.371 gross ton in 1926. In the southern district, the increase in output per man-hour from 1917-18 to 1926 has almost exactly paralleled the increased output per stack-day— that is, a large part of the increased productivity in this district is explained by the increased daily output of the blast furnaces. The Ohio River district also furnishes an interesting illustration of the relationship between productivity and a stack-day output. The average output per man-hour in 1926 exceeds that of the Great Lakes and is only slightly below that of inland Ohio, but the average daily output of the blast furnaces in this district was only 317.9 gross tons as compared with 459.2 gross tons in the Great Lakes and 430.4 gross tons in inland Ohio. The explanation of this fact, that plants with such a comparatively low output per stack-day should attain such a high level of productivity, is that the district is represented through out the four periods in which it occurs by the few merchant plants which survived until 1926; naturally, these are the best plants, and it is not surprising that their average productivity should be high. All the other districts have their averages greatly reduced by the inclusion of at least a few inefficient, low-productivity plants. 16 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES CONSUMPTION OF RAW MATERIALS, BY DISTRICTS The daily output of a blast furnace is determined b f the size and design of the stack and by the smelting process itself. While the increased size of the stack has been a major factor in making possible large daily output, data on this point are available for 1926 only and will be discussed elsewhere.1 In a blast furnace of any given size the quality of the raw materials and the efficiency with which they are smelted determine the stack-day output. Other things remaining the same a higher yield of iron from the ores will increase output per stack-day. As a matter of fact ores are becoming leaner each year as the richer materials are taken from the mines. In spite of lean ores it has nevertheless been possible to increase furnace yields by more efficient smelting practice and by an increasing use of iron and steel scrap and other ore equivalents rich in iron content. The use of scrap, comparatively rare prior to the war, has increased rapidly since 1920. Since scrap is practically pure iron, its use increases furnace yields and therefore output per stackday. Limestone or other flux is required in the blast furnace for the pur pose of combining with the impurities in the ore. The nonferrous materials in the ore are combined with the flux and are removed from the furnace in the form of slag. The amount of flux required depends largely on the nature of the ore and may vary widely. Fuel requirements vary with the quality and physical characteristics of the materials charged. More coke is needed in smelting hard, lumpy, eastern ores than for the fine Mesabi or northern ores. How ever, with a given quality of materials, the consumption of coke per ton of iron varies considerably, according to the skill and judgment of the furnace operators. Analysis of materials consumption in the various districts brings out in sharp contrast the differing conditions in the South as compared with other districts. The pounds of ore charged per gross ton of pig iron produced in the South exceed that of any other district by about 40 per cent; the coke consumption is also very much greater than the average for the industry, but on the other hand the amount of flux used is appreciably lower. As stated elsewhere,2 the southern district in these tables consists of two distinct areas: (a) The Birmingham section, which includes the blast furnaces in Alabama, and (b) the Virginia-Tennessee section, which includes all furnaces in Tennessee, Virginia, and eastern Ken tucky. The ores in the vicinity of Birmingham are of two general types, the so-called “ red” and “ brown” ores. The red or hematite ores can be further subdivided into “ soft red” and “ hard red,” which differ only in the amount of limestone they contain. The soft red ore is found on or near the surface and is the hard ore with the lime removed by atmospheric action. Underneath the top layer of soft red the ore becomes hard in proportion to the depth at which it lies; the amount of lime increases while the iron content correspondingly diminishes. This hard red ore is therefore largely “ self-fluxing ” ; in fact, it is not unusual to find these ores so rich in limestone that soft red or brown ores must be mixed with them in order to take up the surplus limestone and prevent waste of iron in the blast furnace. 1 See p. 32. ‘ Ch. 2, p. 10 GEOGRAPHICAL COMPARISONS 17 These hard red ores often run as low as 30 to 35 per cent in iron con tent. The brown ores, or limonites, aie also found near the surface, frequently mixed with clay and gravel. They contain very little lime and are not self-fluxing; they compare with the soft red ores in iron content, sometimes running well over 40 per cent. How ever, all the southern ores are considerably leaner than the typical ores used in the North. These qualities of the southern ores explain the high metallic charge and the low flux consumption of the southern district. Some plants in this district use as much as 6,000 pounds of ore to produce a ton of pig iron, while the average for the district is approximately 5,500 pounds. The consumption of flux in the southern district as a whole falls far below that in other districts, being 670 pounds per ton of pig iron as compared with an average of 863 pounds for the rest of the country. However, it is the high flux consumption in the VirginiaTennessee section of the South that makes the average as high as it is; in 1926 the blast furnaces in the immediate vicinity of Birmingham averaged about 271 pounds of flux per ton of iron. The Virginia-Tennessee ores resemble those farther south near Birmingham in iron content, but they do not contain the large quan tities of limestone. Thus the furnace operators in this section must charge almost as much limestone as would be required in a northern furnace. Attention must be called to the fact that the number and identity of the plants represented in the averages for consumption of materials do not correspond exactly to those represented in the productivity averages. Some plants which reported productivity data failed to furnish any information on consumption of materials, while on the other hand there are numerous cases of plants which reported on production of pig iron and consumption of materials in years for which it was impossible to compute their productivity. Since the purpose is to obtain as full and complete a record as possible of the average materials consumption in each district, data have been as sembled from all plants whether represented in the productivity averages or not. It was only by the use of this method that sufficient data could be obtained for some of the districts in the earlier periods. For example, the southern district in 1912-1914 shows only 4 plants in the productivity average, but the average metallic charge covers 10 plants, the average coke consumption 11 plants, and the average flux consumption 7 plants. On the other hand, the PennsylvaniaNew York district with 11 plants in the productivity average, covers 6 plants in the average metallic charge, 7 in average coke, and 4 in average flux. In other districts and in all later periods the corre spondence between the plants in the productivity averages and those in the consumption of materials averages is very much closer. In general the data on metallic charge, coke, and productivity averages cover practically the same number of plants, but the data on flux consumption are somewhat weaker, fewer plants being represented in nearly every case. However, this figure is of much less signifi cance than the other two, and the number of plants covered is suffi cient to bring out the peculiarities of each district. Data on the consumption of raw materials by districts are shown in Table 4. The figures show the number of pounds of each raw material consumed in the production of a gross ton of pig iron. The metallic 18 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES charge per ton is found by adding together the poundage of iron ore, scrap, cinder, scale, and all other iron-bearing materials or ore equiva lents, then dividing this total by the number of tons of pig iron pro duced. The pounds of coke per ton of pig iron are likewise computed by dividing the total pounds of coke consumed by the number of tons of pig iron produced. The flux per ton of pig iron is derived by the same method from the total consumption of limestone and dolomite. The amount of coke required is much higher in the South than in other districts. Because of the leanness of the southern ores, the charge of metal-bearing materials in this district is 20 to 40 per cent higher, and the smelting of this material requires more coke. In addition, the southern furnaces use a stronger blast for a given furnace volume than do those in the North, which probably increases the consumption of coke. There has been a remarkable decline in coke consumption in the four northern districts. The situation in the Great Lakes district is most striking. In 1912-1914 the blast furnaces in this district required on the average 2,546 pounds of coke to smelt a ton of pig iron, while in 1926 they required only 1,979 pounds. Part of this decrease is due to a greater use of scrap in the charge, but some of it at least is due to better furnace operation. Each district shows a lower consumption of coke per ton of pig iron than in w~ar and pre war years. The close connection between the relative amounts of ore and coke consumed is brought out in the data for 1926; the Great Lakes, Ohio River, and Ohio inland districts, all of which use Mesabi ores almost exclusively, show very nearly the same amount of coke consumption per ton of product, the variation being less than 100 pounds— from 1,979 pounds in the Great Lakes to 2,071 pounds in Ohio River. The western and Pennsylvania-New York districts show a markedly different coke consumption, thus emphasizing the different quality of the ores used in those districts. CHAPTER 3.— CROSS SECTION OF PRODUCTIVITY SHOWING VARIATIONS BETWEEN PLANTS, BY YEARS An array of plants according to productivity for each year is set forth in Table B, page 104, which shows the position in the industry of each plant. The data emphasize the fact that there has been a wide range of productivity in all years covered by this study. In 1926 one plant attained an output per man-hour of 0.573 gross ton, while the plant at the bottom of the list had an output of only 0.115 gross ton. Expressed in the opposite way, the first plant required 1.746 hours of labor to produce a ton of pig iron, while the low-productivity plant required 8.693 hours. In 1925 the plants vary from a high of 0.512 ton to a low of 0.105 ton. The range remains wide all through the vears from 0.462 to 0.069 ton in 1923, from 0.446 to 0.063 in 1920, from 0.326 to 0.059 in 1917, and from 0.313 to 0.051 ton in 1911. The significance of these figures can perhaps be better understood when it is pointed out that an output of 0.051 ton per man-hour means that it requires nearly 20 man-hours of labor to produce a ton of pig iron. Thus while many low-productivity plants are abandoned with each depression, nevertheless some plants of this type continue to operate regardless of all productivity advances in the better plants. The plants which represent the extremes of productivity are by no means unique. A comparison of large groups of plants emphasizes still more the great variations in productivity which can and do exist side by side in the industry. In 1926 there were 4 plants with an out put per man-hour of more than 0.500 ton, and 7 additional plants with an output between 0.400 and 0.500 ton. At the other extreme there were 6 plants with an output per man-hour of less than 0.150 ton, and 5 others with an output between 0.150 and 0.200 ton. The average for all plants in that year was 0.296 gross ton per man-hour. The marked contrast between conditions in the industry in 1923 as compared with 1926 is clearly shown by the array of plants for those years. In 1926 there were 11 plants with a productivity of better than 0.400 ton per man-hour, while there were an equal number with productivity less than 0.200 ton. But in 1923 there were no plants above 0.500 ton, only 4 plants between 0.400 and 0.500 ton, and only 7 others between 0.300 and 0.400 ton, while at the other end of the list the contrast is even more striking— 19 plants with a productivity of less than 0.150 ton and 12 others between 0.150 and 0.200 ton. It has been stated previously that 1923 was a year of full activity when many low-productivity plants came back into operation after having been idle for about two years. But it is important to note also what has happened to these plants in later years. Of the 31 plants having a productivity record in 1923 of less than 0.200 ton per man-hour, only 17 were operating in 1926, and 2 of these ran a very small part of the year. Thus almost half the low-productivity plants of 1923 had ceased operations by 1926. Not all these plants have been abandoned, but most of them will not operate again. The “ spread ” of the productivity figures for individual plants, about the average for the industry in pre-war years, does not differ markedly from the examples cited above. The variations in 1912 are typical 19 20 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES of pre-war conditions. In that year the 6 best plants had productivity records between 0.200 and 0.300 ton per man-hour; at the other extreme there were 5 plants with a productivity of less than 0.100 ton, with 11 others ranging between 0.100 and 0.150 ton. This leaves only 5 plants with a productivity between 0.150 and 0.200 ton. The average for all plants in 1912 was 0.150 ton per man-hour. The productivity position occupied by each plant with reference to the rest of the industry is determined by a large number of factors which in some way affect the productivity of the plant. For purposes of this analysis these factors may be classified into two main groups— (1) general, and (2) specific. General factors, or causes, are those which may be common to a number of plants throughout the indus try and which can therefore be measured to some extent, or at least can be rated. Specific factors, or causes, are those which are peculiar to an individual plant, and which therefore can not be taken into account other than by merely being noted. From the data presented in Table B it is possible to enumerate four general factors which have had some influence in determining the relative position of the plants in productivity. These are (1) integration, (2) full-time operation, (3) output per stack-day, and (4) use of labor-saving machinery. An integrated plant is one in which the blast furnace is operated in conjunction with a coke plant, steel works, or any other auxiliary manufacturing process. Integration is usually advantageous for productivity because the indirect labor is shared between the dif ferent processes, and a considerable saving of such labor often results. Plant No. 3, which ranks at the top of the industry in 1926, illus trates the advantage of being integrated with a coke plant. There are a number of blast-furnace plants which rank above No. 3 in the productivity of the immediate blast-furnace crew, but the latter ranks far above all others in the output per man-hour of its “ all other ” labor. This shows very clearly the influence of the coke plant in reducing the indirect labor charged against the blast furnace. Plant No. 25, which is second in productivity in 1926, is situated near a rolling mill which shares the indirect labor. The next plant (No. 12) is not integrated at all, but it is a two-stack plant which operated both stacks nearly all the year. The operation of additional stacks has some of the advantages of integration in that it makes possible some saving in indirect labor. However, the labor economies made possible by joint operation are not always realized in practice, for even at the bottom of the list there are plants which have the advantages of integration without obtaining any results in productivity, for example, plants No. 30 and No. 40 are both integrated, but their productivity averages do not show any evidence of it. The situation may be summarized by stating that integration may lead to a considerable, saving of labor, but it does not necessarily do so. In 1926 the following blast fur naces were operated in conjunction with coke plants or other manu facturing processes: Nos. 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 37, 39, and 40. The second factor influencing productivity is the extent of full time operation. To obtain best performance a plant must be operated full time at full capacity. Both the blowing-in and the blowing-out of a stack require several days, during which time there is very little VARIATIONS BETWEEN PLANTS, BY YEARS 21 output of pig iron to balance the additional man-hours of labor. Even after the stack has been blown-in it often takes several weeks to bring its daily output up to full capacity. And lastly, when a plant operates only a few months during the year the indirect yard and repair labor is usually much heavier in proportion than normally. All these circumstances combine to cause a comparatively low output and a comparatively high total of labor time. This is clearly shown in Table B. The plant which ranks eighth in productivity in 1926 is the first one on the list which did not operate full time. On the other hand, of the six plants at the bottom of the list, only one operated full time. A third factor of very considerable importance in determining the relative position of a plant in the productivity averages is the output per stack-day. Of the 9 leading plants in 1926 only 3 had an average daily output of less than 400 tons, and of these 3 the lowest averaged 368 tons. Dividing the entire list into two groups, all 28 plants having a productivity average higher than 0.250 ton per man-hour have an average output per stack-day of more than 300 tons, with only two exceptions, one of which is just under 300 tons. On the other hand, of the 21 plants having a productivity of less than 0.250 ton per manhour there are only 4 which have a stack-day output of more than 300 tons, and one of these averages 300.8 tons. These comparisons indi cate that in the main the plants of high daily output have the best productivity averages. Before leaving this point, however, it is necessary to call attention to the important exceptions to this general statement. Plant No. 50, with a daily output of 262.1 tons, ranks as No. 13 in pro ductivity, far above any other furnace of this size, and even above many furnaces averaging 400 and 500 tons per day. One stack with a daily output of 500 tons and another with 400 tons rank quite far down the list in productivity— below what would be nor mally expected. However, one of these had just begun operations and had not reached its best operating efficiency. Three plants with a fairly large output per stack-day have positions almost at the bottom of the list. One of these is a northern plant whose average represents only partial operation; the other two are southern plants in which modern labor-saving devices have not yet been installed. The fourth point in connection with variations in productivity concerns the use of labor-saving machinery, especially machines for charging and casting. Table B shows the method of charging and casting of each plant individually.1 These data are summarized in the following table, only one minor change being made to facilitate classification. Plants which are listed in Table B as using both methods of charging or casting in any one year are, for the purposes of Table 5, classed according to the proportion of the total produc tion handled by each method. Thus, plant No. 2 is shown in Table B as being both hand cast and machine cast in 1926, but in Table 5 the plant is classed as machine cast because 86 per cent of the total product was cast by that method. 1 See Appendix 1, p. 104. 22 T a b le LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES 5.— A ll merchant blast-furnace plants covered in this study, classified by methods o f charging and casting, by years, 1 9 1 1-1 9 2 7 Year 1927_______________________ _ _....................... _______ 1926_____________________________ 1925_____________________________ - _ _ . ____________ _______ 1924________________ 1923_____________________________ ___________ 1922____ ____________________________________ 1921____ ____________________________________ 1920____ ___________________________________ 1919_____________ : __________________________ 1918_________________________________________ 1917_________________________________________ 1916_________________________________________ 1915_________________________________________ 1914_________________________________________ 1913_________________________________________ 1912_________________________________________ 1911_________________________________________ Mechan Mechan Hand Hand ically Total filled and ically number filled and filled and filled and machine of plants sand cast machine sand cast cast cast 21 49 43 49 60 40 36 57 50 48 45 9 10 27 28 27 22 2 3 3 6 12 7 8 21 21 20 18 3 8 8 10 15 12 11 11 9 10 9 3 12 12 12 11 5 8 6 6 5 4 3 3 8 4 5 7 5 5 6 3 1 2 2 16 34 29 30 23 17 12 17 15 12 10 6 2 5 6 7 6 Insuffi cient data 2 1 1 2 1 2 The introduction of machinery into the industry is best illustrated by the decline in the number of hand-filled, sand-cast plants since 1920. Prior to 1921 more than one-third of all the plants on the list belonged in this group, while in 1926 there were only 3 such plants out of 49. The other side of the situation is shown by the number of mechanically-filled, machine-cast plants. There was a steady increase in the number of these plants during the period 1917 to 1920, but the greatest change in this respect took place after the depression of 1921. Many plants which had had little oppor tunity for plant improvement during the war took advantage of the shutdown to enlarge their stacks and modernize their equipment. Since 1922 the number of mechanically-filled, machine-cast plants has increased as rapidly as the number of hand-filled, sand-cast plants lias declined. The “ hybrid” plants (mechanically-filled and sand-cast, or hand-filled and machine-cast) constitute a kind of transi tion group through which plants pass on their way from hand methods to machine methods. The combination of hand filling and machine casting has been comparatively rare in the industry throughout the whole period from 1911 to 1927 but the combination of mechanical filling and sand casting has remained quite common until the last three years. These facts indicate that the skip hoist preceded the pig machine as a labor-saving device in the industry. The effect of these methods of charging and casting on productivity is evident from Table B. Plants which are hand filled or sand cast are common in the lower half of the list in 1926, but in the upper 25 plants there is only one which is either hand filled or sand cast, and that one is a hybrid— being hand filled and machine cast. The best mechanically-filled, sand-cast plant ranks thirty-first in pro ductivity, while the best hand-filled, sand-cast plant ranks thirtyseventh. The latter plant, No. 48, when compared with the mechanically-filled, machine-cast plants, shows a lower productivity record than 30 of them, and a higher productivity record than 3. Further comparisions can be drawn, but those which have been made are sufficient to demonstrate the fact that the use of machinery has been a most important factor in improving productivity in the merchant blast-furnace industry. VARIATIONS BETWEEN PLANTS, BY YEARS 23 The four general factors affecting productivity have been enum erated, but in addition to these there are frequently specific factors which are peculiar to individual plants. A multitude of minor varia tions in plant layout, yard transportation, and auxiliary equipment may affect the amount of labor required to operate different plants, and may thus influence productivity. One plant, for example, is wedged in between a river and a railroad, with a county highway running right through the plant. Naturally, operations are cramped by lack of space, and more labor is required than would otherwise be necessary. Many little details of plant organization are peculiar to the plant having them; these details must be kept in mind in com paring one plant w^ith another. Not that these minor variations would have a very important effect on productivity, but they might have sufficient influence to cause a difference in the productivity of two plants which in all other respects are practically alike. CHAPTER 4.— METHODS BY WHICH PRODUCTIVITY HAS BEEN INCREASED INCREASING OUTPUT AND DECREASING LABOR TIME The output per man-hour of a given establishment or of an industry can be increased (a) by increasing the output, (&) by decreasing the labor time, or (c) by a combination of both methods. Applying this principle to merchant blast furnaces, it is evident that the changes in productivity have been brought about in all these ways. (a) Production per furnace per day (output per stack-day) may be increased, either as a result of an increase in the size of the furnace or because of an advance in technical knowledge, engineering skill, operating efficiency, etc. (b) Labor time (man-hours) per furnace per day may be reduced, as a result of improved labor management, greater effort and skill on the part of the workers, or the introduction of new methods and machinery which directly displace labor. (c) It frequently happens in individual establishments that the stack is enlarged at the same time that labor-saving machinery is installed, so that the increase in output per stack-day coincides with the decrease in labor time. In fact, this is the most economical method of making the change, for the larger production is essential to support financially the costs of installing the machinery. The first method of increasing pioductivity will be found mostly in plants which are strictly modern in equipment. In plant No. 9, for example, the stack has been enlarged with each rebuilding, and the output per stack-day has steadily increased, but the changes in output per man-hour correspond very closely to the changes in the output per stack-day, thus indicating that the total daily man-hours of labor have remained about constant during the period. When the output per man-hour and the output per stack-day rise and fall together it shows that the man-hours of labor time are unchanged. The output per man-hour is the total annual production of pig iron divided by the total annual man-hours of labor, but the result is the same of course if put on a daily basis— that is, the output per man-hour is equal to the average output of pig iron per stack-day divided by the average man-hours of labor per stack-day. It follows that if the man-hours per day remain absolutely constant the output per stack-day will determine increases or decreases in the output per man-hour and the two will vary in exact proportion to each other— that is, whenever the changes in output per man-hour closely follow the changes in output per stack-day, it indicates that the man-hours of labor time are remaining about constant; the changes in productivity are being brought about by changes in the output of the stack and not by changes in labor time. With this preliminary explanation it is now possible to draw con clusions from the data for plant No. 9. In 1918 a daily output of 286 tons was accompanied by a man-hour output of 0.283 ton, while in 1927 the daily output had increased to 404.7 tons and the manhour output to 0.439 ton. In other words, practically the whole in 24 METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 25 crease in productivity which took place in this plant was brought about by increasing the daily output of the stack while the crews remained the same as before. Plant No. 13 furnishes an equally good illustration. The decline in output per man-hour in 1923 indicates the existence of larger labor crews in that year, but for all other years the extremely close corre spondence between the output per stack-day and the output per man-hour presents a clear case of an increase in productivity being brought about by increasing the daily output of the stack while maintaining the labor force constant. In plant No. 32 there is another example of very close corres pondence between changes in productivity and in output per stackday for the period 1917 to 1922. In the last tw~o years of operation (1923-24) the output per man-hour increased out of all proportion to the changes in stack-day output, showing that at this time there must have been some important reductions in the labor crews. The change which was actually taking place was the substitution of the 8-hour, 3-shift system for the old 12-hour, 2-shift system; in the reorganization the labor time wras reduced. The above plants were entirely modern throughout the period for which data are available. It is much more difficult to find cases of old hand-filled, sand-cast plants which show an upward trend of output per stack-day with constant crews. There are numerous examples of such plants with unchanging labor time, but in the majority of cases the output per stack-day either varied within narrow limits or else actually declined. Plant No. 73, howTever, can be cited as an example of increasing output per stack-day with practically constant labor time. Here the variations in output per man-hour are very largely the result of changesin output per stack-day, except in one year (1923) when labor crews were abnormally low. The second method of increasing productivity is to cut down the labor time while maintaining the same output. Plant No. 43 illus trates this method. Disregarding the figures on stack-day output for 1917 and 1921 as not being representative, it is evident that the daily output of pig iron varied within very narrow limits all through the period, but the man-hours per ton decreased from 7.585 hours in 1918 to 5.614 hours in 1925. Thus the increased productivity was brought about by a reduction of the labor crews. Plant No. 47 is another example. The output per stack-day in 1918 was almost exactly the same as in 1925, the last full year of operation. But in the meantime the output per man-hour had risen from 0.089 ton to 0.122 ton, an increase which came about through the reduction in labor time from 11.285 hours per ton to 8.191 hours. Still another case is Plant No. 48, in which the output per stack-day at the end of the period was lower than in the beginning, while the output per man-hour increased from 0.148 ton in 1911 to 0.201 ton in 1926; this represents a reduction in labor time from 6.773 hours per ton to 4.985 hours. Plant No. 57 experienced very little change in output per stack-day from 1919 to 1926, but the man-hours per ton decreased from 7.696 hours to 4.392 hours. The installation of a skip hoist in 1924 was an important factor in producing the result. 5421°— 29------- 3 26 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES By far the most common way of increasing productivity is the combination of both methods. It is not confined to any one class of plants but may be found under almost all conditions. Plant No. 5 is an example of its operation in a plant with modern equipment. Each rebuilding or relining produced an increase in output per stackday, but at the same time there was a steady decline in the labor time required to operate the furnaces. Since the equipment was already modern this reduction could not have been brought about by the installation of the major labor-saving machines; it was largely the result of crew reorganization and labor management. Another excellent example of the operation of this method in a modernized plant is shown by plant No. 21, in which the output per stack-day doubled between 1919 and 1926 while the output per man-hour was tripled. The labor time was being rigorously cut down at the same time that the stacks were being enlarged. Plant No. 22 makes another good case. From 1911 to 1920 the output per man-hour coincides very closely with the output per stack-day, but between 1920 and 1922 the rebuilding of the stack caused an increase of 30 per cent in the daily output, while the manhour output was being doubled. The labor force was thoroughly reorganized after the depression and many positions were cut off. This combination method of increasing productivity is also found among old plants which change over to modem equipment. Plant No. 2 shows a decline in output per stack-day and some rather indifferent results in productivity during the period 1914 to 1921, but when the pig machine was introduced the stack was also enlarged. The saving of labor by use of the pig machine combined with the increased output per stack-day resulted in doubling the productivity between 1921 and 1923. Plant No. 12 was only partly modern in the pre-war period, and both the output per man-hour and the output per stack-day remained fairly constant. The introduction of the pig machine in 1916 caused an immediate improvement in output per man-hour, and a remodeling of the stacks four years later raised the putput per stack-day to a higher level. Since 1920 both man-hour output and stack-day out put have increased steadily, the former at a much faster rate than the latter, thus indicating a progressive reduction in labor time. Plant No. 27 is a striking example of the point under discussion. From 1914 to 1921, inclusive, the changes in output per man-hour and the output per stack-day correspond closely to each other, indicating little or no change in labor crews. A skip hoist and a pig machine were installed in 1922, and at the same time the stack was enlarged. Output per stack-day was increased 50 per cent, and by 1926 the output per man-hour had increased more than that amount. Other plants which illustrate the point are Nos. 19, 20, and 33. Enough cases have been cited to show conclusively that the usual method of increasing productivity in the merchant blast-furnace industry has been that of installing labor-saving machinery and methods at the same time that the stack was being enlarged and technical operating efficiency increased. It is not unusual to find a continual stepping up of stack-day output while labor crews remain constant, but it is rarely indeed that a plant increases its productivity by cutting dow n its labor time while the output per stack-day remains constant. 27 METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY In view of the above facts it is not at all surprising that the increase in productivity for the industry as a whole should exhibit the charac teristics of the combination method prevalent among individual plants. Table 6 shows the total productivity increase for the indus try in relation to the increase in output and the reduction in labor time. While data available for 1915, 1916, and the first six months of 1927 are published, they represent so few establishments that they can hardly be considered fairly representative of the whole industry; therefore, they are ignored in the following discussion of the table: 6 . — Average output per man-hour, output per stack-day, and m an-hours per stack-day , together with index numbers thereof , by years , 1911 to 1927 T a b le [Average for 1912=100.0] Plants for which data on stack-days are available Year N u m Output ber per manhour. (all of N um plants plants) ber Average output per man-hour Amount 1927 i____________ 1926_____________ 1925_____________ 1924_______ _____ _ 1923 ........................ 1922..... ......... ......... 1921_____________ 1920_____________ 1919______________ 1918______________ 1917_____________ 1916_____________ 1915_ ...................... 1914_____________ 1913_____________ 1912 ____________ 1911_____________ 21 49 43 49 60 40 36 57 50 48 45 9 10 27 28 27 22 Gross ton 0.300 .296 .285 .244 .213 .232 .178 .157 .144 .131 .150 .147 .159 .160 . 151 .150 .140 21 49 43 49 58 40 34 54 48 44 41 9 10 24 25 22 19 Gross ton 0.300 .296 .285 .244 .213 .232 .179 .157 .143 . 132 .155 . 147 .159 .158 . 155 .159 .143 Index number 188.5 185.7 178.7 153.2 133.5 145.9 112.1 98.8 89.5 82.8 97.3 92.4 100.0 99.4 97.5 100.0 89.7 Average output per stack-day Amount Gross tons 397.5 369.1 353. 5 327.2 294.9 329.8 287.1 247.5 246.6 225.6 249.8 231.9 252.5 262.3 256. 0 261.4 260.5 Average man-hours per stack-day Index number Num ber 152.1 141. 2 135.2 125.2 112.8 126. 2 109.8 94.7 94.3 86.3 95.6 88.7 96.6 100. 3 97.9 100.0 99.7 1, 323. 3 1, 247. 2 1, 241.4 1,339. 9 1, 385. 6 1,418. 7 1, 606. 6 1, 571.9 1, 729. 3 1, 708. 7 1,611.3 1, 574. 5 1, 585.0 1, 655. 4 1,648.1 1, 640. 2 1, 823. 4 Index number 80.7 76.0 75.7 81.7 84.5 86.5 98.0 95.8 105.4 104.2 98.2 96.0 96.6 100.9 100. 5 100.0 111.2 1 Data for 6 months. The year 1912 is used as a base for the index numbers instead of 1911 for two reasons: (1) It contains many more plants and therefore is a much more representative year than 1911, and (2) the year 1911 shows a relationship of stack-day output and labor time that is out of line with all later years, which would have the effect of throwing the two indexes far apart all during the period 1912 to 1920 when the true relationship is best indicated by keeping the indexes close together. In this table it is seen that in the plants for which stack-days are available output per man-hour changed from 0.159 ton in 1912 to 0.296 ton in 1926, which as shown in the corresponding index number makes an increase of 85.7 per cent in output per man-hour. The output per stack-day increased from 261.4 tons in 1912 to 369.1 tons in 1926, which the corresponding index number shows to be an increase of 41.2 per cent. The man-hours per stack-day in 1912 were 1,640.2. This was reduced to 1,247.2 man-hours in 1926, a reduction of 24.0 per cent as shown by the index number. The differences in the two columns on output per man-hour are negligible as far back as 1917 when the first real difference occurs; in all pre-war years, 1911 to 1913, the output per man-hour in plants 28 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT? BLAST FURNACES that reported stack-days is higher than for all plants, thus indicating that the plants not furnishing stack-days were somewhat below the average in productivity. The adjusted figures, however, do not materially change the general trend of productivity as previously indicated. The putput per man-hour changed very little between 1912 and 1917, inclusive, but there was a pronounced drop in 1918 and 1919, followed by a rise to pre-war levels in 1920. Since the latter year the trend has been steadily upward with the exception of 1923. The trend of output per stack-day very closely approximates that of output per man-hour, although it is not so steep in recent years. Throughout the entire period 1911 to 1920, the output per stack-day remained about constant in the neighborhood of 250 to 260 tons, ex cept in 1918 when the daily output dropped to 225 tons. This was due largely to the inclusion of a number of small plants in the averages for that year. Since 1920 the average output per stack-day has in creased every year with the exception of 1923. The data on labor time per stack-day show the extent to which the labor force has been cut by new machinery and improved methods. The exceptionally high figure for 1911 is due to the particular plants which are included in that year. The table indicates that the average daily man-hours of labor required to operate a blast-furnace plant ranged from 1,640 to 1,655 hours in the pre-war years 1912-1914. There was a slight decrease in the average for 1917, but this was followed by sharp increases in the following years, the high point being reached in 1919 with 1,729 hours of labor per day. This was the highest number of hours in any year except 1911. To some extent the figures for 1918 and 1919 are due to the particular plants which furnished data for those years, plants which are not represented in the averages for the pre-war years. Had these plants been included in 1912, 1913, and 1914, the man-hours per day in those years would have been considerably higher. However, the disorganization of labor brought about by war conditions in 1918 and by the strike in 1919 caused some inflation of man-hours in those years. The daily man-hours for 1920 fall so far below the averages for the three previous years that some explanation must be sought. A check of the particular plants represented in each year shows that the average for 1920 is heavily weighted with two types of plants which are not so fully represented in the previous years. One of these types is the very efficient, highproductivity large plant which requires from 1,000 to 1,200 hours of labor per stack-day, and the other is the very small low-productivity plant which on account of its small size does not require more than 1,200 hours of labor per stack-day. A considerable number of both types of plants are to be found in the 1920 average although they were missing from the previous years. Since both types are below the average of the rest of the industry in daily man-hours, the two together lower the average for 1920 considerably. From 1921 to 1925 the decline in labor time per stack-day was very rapid, reflecting the modernization of plants which took place during that period. Since 1925 labor time has remained about constant. It is of interest to express the reduction in labor in a different way. If the man-hours per stack-day decrease, then it is obvious that a given number of man-hours of labor will operate a stack METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 29 for a greater length of time. If 1,640.2 man-hours of labor are required to operate a stack-day in 1912 and 1,247.2 man-hours are required in 1926, then there has been a saving of 393 man-hours of labor per day, which would be available for operating another stack-day. These 393 man-hours constitute 31.5 per cent of 1,247.2, which means that the amount of labor required to operate a stack for 100 days in 1912 would have operated the same stack 131.5 days in 1926. It will be noted that this is the reciprocal of the index of manhours per stack-day. Thus, if the reciprocals of these indexes are calculated, the resulting indexes will show the stack-days which can be operated with a given number of man-hours. The chief point of interest, however, is the way in which the three series changed in relation to each other. Prior to 1918 there is nothing of importance to note, but in that year the sharp decline in output per man-hour is seen to be the result of a decline in output per stack-day, accompanied by an increase in the labor time required per day. The former resulted from the inclusion in the averages of a number of small plants missing from previous years; the latter is the result of a general increase in the number of men per plant. In 1919 the output per man-hour rose in response to an increase in output per stack-day, with labor time increasing slightly over the average for 1918, but in 1920 the case was exactly the reverse— output per stack-day remained constant, but the output per man-hour increased in proportion to the reduction in labor time. Since 1920 the stackday output has risen and the labor time has declined. In only two years were the trends reversed. In 1921 the hours of labor time failed to decline as output per stack-day increased, while in 1923 the output per stack-day decreased while the labor time declined as usual. In both years, however, the output per stack-day proved to be a more important factor in determining productivity than the labor time, for in 1921 output per man-hour increased in response to the change in stack-day output, while in 1923 the output per man-hour declined along with the stack-day output; the changes in labor time were more than counterbalanced by the influence of the daily output of the stack. RELATIVE INFLUENCE OF OUTPUT PER STACK-DAY AND MAN-HOURS OF LABOR TIME ON PRODUCTIVITY It is clear that the increased productivity in the merchant blast furnace industry has been brought about by. an increase in the average output per stack-day and by a reduction in the average man-hours of labor per stack-day. The extent of the change in output per man-hour is the sum of the changes which have taken place in these two factors, as represented by the index numbers in Table 6. Each series of index numbers measures the effect upon produc tivity of a fairly distinct set of active factors operating upon produc tivity independently; that is, changes in output per stack-day, and consequently in output per man-hour, are determined by one set of factors, while changes in labor time per day, with a corresponding effect on productivity, are determined by quite a different set. These sets of factors while complementary are separate and distinct. The pig-casting machine is a clear illustration of the distinct and independent character of factors operating upon productivity through 30 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES changes in labor time per day. This machine is introduced for the purpose of saving labor, which it does by eliminating the sand cutters and iron carriers working around the casting beds. To the extent that the pig machine reduces the labor time per day it causes an increased output per man-hour; on the other hand, the machine is completely dissociated from the furnace itself and has little influence upon the daily production of the furnace. It can not improve the quality of the iron, nor cause more iron to flow from the hearth, nor in any way affect the smelting process. It merely handles whatever output the furnace makes, and unless changes are made in furnace operation independently the output per stack-day remains the same as before the installation of the pig machine. The other machines saving common labor have the same effect. The skip hoist with larry car and bins has had a most important influence on the number of men required in charging the stock into the furnace and therefore upon productivity. While directly em ployed in filling the furnace, this auxiliary equipment has only an indirect connection with the smelting process or the daily furnace output. In the main, automatic filling affects productivity through a reduction in labor time, not through increasing output; although, of course, it must be pointed out that the use of the skip hoist has made possible the construction of larger stacks than could ever have been filled by hand labor. Other examples may be cited, such as the locomotive cranes in the yard, the ore bridge, motor trucks which displace horse carts, etc. Of the same character is the direct reduc tion in the number of men required for operating existing equipment. All these are methods used in eliminating a certain amount of labor time, and they cause an increase in productivity as a result of that elimination. None of them have any direct relation to the produc tion of the furnace or to productivity as affected by stack-day output. On the other hand, the increased daily production of a blast furnace ordinarily has comparatively little effect upon the labor time required for operating the furnace plant. When a stack is “ down” for relining it may be rebuilt with different lines and enlarged cubical contents. The rebuilt stack may be capable of producing 50 per cent more pig iron per day than the old one, but the effect on the labor crew may be comparatively slight. Although larger quantities of materials must be charged into the furnace the ore bridge, trestle, stockhouse, and skip do not require more men, but merely more continuous operation or larger loads. Likewise, exactly the same crews will'operate the enlarged furnace. Whatever change in practice is required by the larger stack is a matter of technical knowledge not of human brawn. Although more metal is cast from the furnace a larger crew is not required in the cast house or in haul ing larger ladles to the pig-casting machine, while the casting is done by the same number of men per turn as before. The power, pump ing, and blowing machinery will be operated by unchanged crews. In the yard there may be some slight increase in the labor required to handle the larger amounts of pig iron, and the steadier operation of machinery may necessitate some increase in maintenance and mechanical labor. However, it is obvious that an increase of 50 per cent in output per stack-day may have a relatively small effect on the labor time per day. METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 31 It is evident that changes in output per stack-day and in labor time per day represent two distinct ways in which productivity may be changed. Daily furnace output is increased by purely technical factors such as a change in the lines of the stack, the use of better raw materials, the employment of higher blast pressure rather than by employing more men, etc. In an average plant a small amount of additional indirect or auxiliary labor would be necessary to handle the additional product, but this increase in labor would not be in any way proportional to the increase in tonnage. The reduction of labor time, fully as useful in increasing produc*tivity as an increase in output, is attained by methods quite distinct from those associated with greater furnace output. Labor-saving machines, the shorter workday, and the combination or elimination of jobs are changes which neither increase nor interfere with the daily production of iron. There is only one class of plants in which an increase in daily output has a marked effect upon the crew. These are the old hand-filled, sand-cast plants. Heavier production will require, for example, more fillers’ helpers on the charging side and more iron carriers on the casting side, with perhaps some additional labor in the iron yard and in materials unloading. In fact, it is just this direct relationship in such plants between volume of production and amount of labor re quired which brought about the introduction of labor-saving machin ery whenever the daily output of the stack was greatly increased. It is the modernization of a blast furnace plant which brings about the fairly complete segregation of the two sets of factors; under hand methods of operation labor time is tied very closely to production. However, these hand-filled, sand-cast plants with old equipment do not necessitate any modification in the previous general conclusion that for the industry as a whole the increase in stack-day output is comparatively independent of the reductions in labor time. From Table A, page 71, there have been selected 12 plants which remained hand-filled and sand-cast down to 1927, or until they ceased operating. These are plants Nos. 15, 41, 48, 60, 61, 65, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, and 77. There are other hand-filled, sand-cast plants, but they do not cover a sufficient span of years to give evidence of a trend. Each of the above plants furnished data over a period of at least four years. These are the plants in which any increased volume of production would be expected to result in an increase in labor time, with very minor changes in output per man-hour. But the facts are that all these furnaces are very small, nine being under 200 tons per day all the time while the other three occasionally reached 300 tons; and in practically none of them is there any pronounced upward trend of output per stack-day. Plant No. 15 shows a large variation in output per stack-day, but the high record in 1927 represents one-furnace operation, wThile the older, smaller furnace was being rebuilt. The low record of about 210 tons per day in 1918 should be compared with the record of 250.5 tons in 1926 with full two-furnace operation in both years. The in creased output represents improvements in operating efficiency rather than increases in the size of the stacks. Plant No. 41, like No. 15, furnishes evidence of low operating effi ciency in 1918, when output per stack-day was 260.6 tons. In con trast to that year, there was an exceptionally high output in 1925, 329.7 tons, but this was due to a considerable use of scrap in cleaning 32 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES up the plant for a final shutdown. This stack rated at about 290 tons per day throughout the period of its operation. Plant No. 48, throughout the entire period from 1911 to 1926, ranged very closely around 250 tons per day. The relining in 1917-18 increased the production to 300 tons in the latter year, but a relining in 1923 brought a reduced capacity again. All the other nine plants are very small; a few of them show slight increases in output per stack-day over the period, but the great majority range within quite narrow limits. The conclusion is further strengthened by data for 12 hand-filled, sand-cast plants which were partly or wholly modernized some time during the period. Tbese are plants Nos. 14, 18, 19, 27, 28, 39, 45, 52, 53, 54, 57, and 66. Three of these, Nos. 14, 19, and 28, had quite large stacks in the period before mechanization took place; No. 28 made a record of more than 400 tons per day. But considering the group as a whole, it is evident that the output per stack-day was increased only slightly during the period of hand filling and sand casting; on the other hand the general increase in stack-day output following modernization is unmistakable. The final conclusion to be drawn is that to a very considerable extent at least the hand-filled, sand-cast plants, in which the changes in production would be likely to produce corresponding changes in man-hours of labor time, did not increase their production. It is probable that the close connection between volume of production and labor time in these plants is in itself a deterrent to any pronounced increase in stack size. So far as the averages for the industry are concerned, the general conclusions set forth above still hold; that is, increases in output per stack-day and reductions in labor time affect productivity separately and independently. The only group of plants which forms an exception to the principle did not experience any marked increase in stack-day output. A comparison of the two indexes on output per stack-day and manhours per stack-day indicates that in recent years the increase in output per stack-day has had a somewhat greater influence on pro ductivity than has reduction in the labor force. The data for 1927 need not be considered, since they cover only half a year and a much smaller number of plants. But since 1920 the changing daily output of the stack has been of more importance in determining the changes in the final productivity average. It would appear from the data for the last three years that the increase in productivity due to labor saving and crew reduction has come to a stop. The majority of exist ing plants are now fairly well modernized, and further important re ductions in labor time by means of pig machines, skip hoists, and cranes appear unlikely. However, the output per stack-day con tinues to increase steadily, and this is causing corresponding increases in productivity. INCREASE IN OUTPUT PER STACK-DAY The importance of increased daily furnace output in relation to productivity has been discussed fully, and it has been shown that recent progress has been by means of greater output per stack-day rather than through reduction of crews. It has further been shown that output per stack-day summarizes mathematically the combined effect of such changes in operation and in equipment as are calculated METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 33 to increase production. This section will be devoted to a discussion of the more important ways in which output per stack-day has been increased. Unquestionably the most important single factor in the increase in daily production per furnace has been the change in furnace dimen sions— that is, the enlargement of the stacks and the modification of the relative dimensions of the different sections of the stack. Up to the eighties the typical blast furnace had a bosh halfway up the stack and a hearth perhaps only half as wide as the bosh. Some of the larg est stacks in the entire iron industry %ere almost as tall as those of to-day, and the boshes were almost as wide, but the width of the hearth, which limits the furnace output, was usually 10 feet or less. This earlier construction originated during the period when charcoal and anthracite were the fuels used in smelting. With the introduc tion of coke, heavier burdens could be upheld in the stacks and greater blast pressure was not only made possible by the more porous mix but was actually required in smelting the fine Mesabi ores. Since this period the industry has witnessed a steady and consistent devel opment in furnace lines. The stacks have been built with wider and wider sections; boshes have been lowered, and hearths have been widened until they almost approximate the boshes in diameter as the lines of the entire crucible are made more nearly vertical. It is not unusual now to find hearths of 18 to 20 feet diameter, while there are a few even wider than 20 feet. The purpose of furnace designers is to bring about the most rapid movement of material through the stack without impairing the chemical efficiency of the smelting process. This means that the lines of the furnace itself must offer the least possible resistance to the flow of material. By far the most important determinant of output per stack-day is, of course, the size of the stack or stacks. The size of a stack can best be expressed in terms of the “ furnace volume,” , which is measured from the bottom of the hearth upward to the bottom of the closed bell, representing the total interior capacity of the stack in cubic feet. This is the figure which is used in this bulletin in measuring the size of the blast furnaces. Ideally, a more restricted figure for actual “ working volume” should be used if greatest accuracy is desired in comparing furnaces. Working volume is the smelting zone in which actual reduction of the ores takes place. It is measured from the top of the column of stocked materials (usually about 2 feet below the bottom of the closed bell) to the center line of the tuyeres. This excludes the idle open space at the top of stack which is not an effec tive part of furnace volume and the cylindrical section of the hearth below the tuyere line in which the molten metal and slag accumulates below the smelting zone. The bureau has not been able to obtain figures for working volume from a sufficient number of plants to make possible a significant comparison between plants, so the closely analogous figure for total furnace volume has been used instead. Table 7 shows the relationship between output per stack-day and size of stack for all plants furnishing data on both points. 34 T a b le LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES 7 .— Average output per stack-day, together with fu rn ace volume , by plants , 1926 Plant num ber Output per stackday Furnace volume (in thou sands of cubic feet) Plant num ber Output per stackday Furnace volume (in thou sands of cubic feet) Plant num ber Output per stackday Furnace volume (in thou sands of cubic feet) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 1 4 13 5 21 17 28 34 19 56 37 12 7 16 Gross tons 648. 7 617.0 527. 3 520.5 506. 2 486.2 474.6 454.4 442.7 432.5 411.0 401.0 396.7 392.8 392.3 Over 24 Over 24 Over 24 18 to 21 18 to 21 18 to 21 15 to 18 15 to 18 18 to 21 15 to 18 21 to 24 Over 24 12 to 15 15 to 18 18 to 21 22 9 20 35 25 26 27 6 30 2 36 41 33 32 40 Gross tons 386.0 380. 9 378.0 370.0 368.3 366.1 3G0. 5 359.1 354.6 345.6 334.9 329.7 325. 0 323.1 317.9 18 to 21 12 to 15 15 to 18 15 to 18 12 to 15 15 to 18 21 to 24 18 to 21 15 to 18 15 to 18 12 to 15 12 to 15 9 to 12 15 to 18 15 to 18 14 38 45 39 58 15 51 48 52 18 43 49 31 11 73 Gross tons 300.8 299.9 298. 2 278.2 261. 0 250. 5 248.3 247. 0 242.1 233.1 220.8 207.6 203.7 193. 0 119.7 15 to 18 12 to 15 12 to 15 12 to 15 12 to 15 15 to 18 12 to 15 9 to 12 15 to 18 12 to 15 12 to 15 9 to 12 12 to 15 12 to 15 9 to 12 Columns 1 and 2 are self-explanatory, and column 3 shows the total operated furnace volume in thousands of cubic feet of the stack or stacks in each plant. In the case of plants with more than one stack the furnace volumes are averaged, the volume of each being weighted according to the number of days each stack operated during the year. Thus, the figures show actual operated volume which may not be the same as capacity volume in plants having more than one stack in operation; stacks which were idle throughout the year do not appear in the average at all. For the most part the records in Table 7 cover the year 1926, but in the case of plants which did not operate in 1926 the record is for the last year of opera tion, even though*this may have been as far back as 1923. The particular year is not as important as the number of plants which can be brought into the table. The output per stack-day is very largely determined by the size of the stack. The three largest stacks have the highest average daily output, while the smallest stack has the lowest output. Down through the list the relationship between size and daily output con tinues very close. However, there are some notable exceptions to the general rule. Three plants with medium sized stacks, Nos. 17, 28, and 19, have a much higher daily output than many larger stacks. Plant No. 12, whose stacks are relatively small, shows an average daily output which compares favorably with that of stacks twice the size. Plant No. 9 also has a very high output for stacks of that size. The wide range of output which exists between stacks of the same size is best shown by the class of stacks between 12,000 and 15,000 cubic feet furnace volume. The highest daily output of a plant in this class was 396.7 tons, while the lowest was 193 tons. In the class of stacks between 15,000 and 18,000 cubic feet, the highest output was 474.6 tons and the lowest 242.1 tons. There are sufficient data in Table 7 to constitute clear evidence of the fact that while output per stackday is very largely due to the size of the stack, nevertheless there are other factors which have some influence in determining the final 35 METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY output per day. The more important of these other factors are the shape of the stack, the quality of materials, and smelting efficiency. For the purposes of this study it is not necessary to make any detailed analysis of the influence of each of the above factors on output per stack-day. It is of interest, however, to rate the blast furnaces according to their daily output, independent of their size. Such a comparison supplements the data in Table 7 by summarizing the influence of all factors, except size, on the daily output. The element of size of the stack is eliminated by using a uniform unit of volume, arbitrarily selected as 100 cubic feet of furnace volume, hereafter called the “ volume unit.” The total daily output of each plant is divided by the number of volume units contained in the operated stack or stacks; or, to put it another way, the output per stack-day shown in Table 7, column 2, is divided by the number of cubic feet of average furnace volume shown in column 3, and the result is multiplied by 100. It would be much simpler to use 1 cubic foot as a volume unit, but the result has so many decimal places that the larger unit is necessary in order to get a significant figure. Table 8 shows the plants with a given output per 100 cubic feet of furnace volume classified according to size. The first column shows the output per stack-day per 100 cubic feet of furnace volume; the second column shows the number of plants in each group; the re maining columns show the classification of plants according to size. T a b le 8 . — N um ber o f plants distributed according to their fu rn a ce volume and to their output in a stack-day, 1926 Gross tons of output per stackday per 100 cubic feet of furnace volume 3.2 .......................... ............... 3.1. _ _______________________ 2.9_________________________________ 2.8 ___ 2.7_____ . ___________ 2.6_________________________________ 2.5_ _ ________ 2.4_________________________________ _________ 2.3 . 2.2_________________________________ 2.1. . . _____ 2.0 _ . . 1.9_________________________________ 1.8 _______________________ 1.7. ........................................... ........... 1.6___________________ _________ ____ 1.5.________________________________ 1.3.............. ....... .................... ............. Number of plants having an average operated furnace volume of each specified number of cubic feet Total num ber of 112,000 and 15,000 and 18,000 and 21,000 and plants Less than 24,000 under under under under 12,000 and over 18,000 15,000 21,000 24,000 1 1 1 2 1 \ 5 1 3 5 4 3 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 i 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 36 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES This table shows the variation in output of plants of the same size. In the class of plants with a furnace volume less than 12,000 cubic feet one had an average daily output of 3.1 tons per volume unit, while at the other extreme was a plant with only 1.3 tons. In the 12,000 to 15,000 class the plants ranged from a high of 3.2 tons to a low of 1.5. As the plants increase in size the range narrows con siderably, a point which required some further analysis. It is signifi cant that the best output records were made by small or medium sized plants. The best daily output per 100 cubic feet of furnace volume was made by a plant with an average operated stack volume between 12,000 and 15,000 cubic feet ; the next best output came from a stack of less than 12,000 cubic feet volume. Six of the eleven best plants have stacks averaging less than 15,000 cubic feet, w^hile three others are between 15,000 and 18,000 cubic feet. On the other hand the best output record among the plants with large stacks, that is, 2.5 tons per 100 cubic feet, ranks below the records of 11 smaller plants. These illustrations are sufficient to indicate that furnace perform ance is determined by other factors than mere size of stack. It seems clear that stacks of medium size have a distinct advantage as a smelter over the extremely large stack. No matter how efficiently the large stacks are run, they can not turn out pig iron proportionately to their size in comparison with efficiently operated stacks having a volume of 12,000 to 18,000 cubic feet. This suggests a nice problem in blast-furnace operation. There is a very fine balance between various considerations in determining operating policy with reference to high daily output. While at first glance (Table 7) it would appear that the spectacular contrast in daily yield furnishes conclusive evi dence that the large furnace has the advantage, this is by no means clearly the case, particularly among merchant furnaces which can not be driven for long periods at high speed in the uninterriputed production of a single grade of iron. It must be remembered that large furnaces and hard driving necessarily go together. Increased stack size beyond a certain limit appears to make possible greater output only at the expense of good control of materials. Taking the industry as a whole with the technical knowledge and skill available at any given time, there is doubtless always some point beyond which it is bad economy to increase output per stack-day— a point at w^hich the advantages of large-furnace tonnage are counterbalanced by high consumption of materials and greater hazards of hard driv ing. This point is at a lower level for merchant blast furnaces than for steel-works stacks, because the former must frequently shift from one grade of iron to another instead of driving steadily ahead on basic iron. The daily output per 100 cubic feet of furnace volume is, of course, a summary figure which shows the influence on furnace output of a large number of operating factors such as quality of materials, effi ciency of smelting, etc. In order to complete the picture the more important of these are shown in Table 9. 37 METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY T a b l e 9 .— Average output per stack-day, average consum ption o f materials, and average volume o f air blown, by plants, 1926 Average consumption of— N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. N o. No. No. No. No. N o. No. N o. N o. No. N o. No. No. N o. No. No. No. No. N o. No. No. No. N o. N o. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. N o. No. No. N o. Plant Average output per stack-day 1 2 5 ____ _____ ____________________________ 41 i________________________________ _____ 3 ________________________________ _____ 1 2 ____ ___________________________ _____ 34 _____________ ______ ___________ _____ 17 _____________ _________________ ______ 56 ______________ ____________________ 6 ____ _________ ________________________ 28____________ ________ __________________ 13.____________ _________________________ 25 _______________ _____________________ 3 7 ____________________________________ 32 3_____________________________________ 4____ ___________________________________ 2 1 ..____ _______ _____ ___________________ 7 _______________________________________ 35 4~ - _________________________________ 1________________________________________ 51 1__________ _______________________ 45 ............ ............. ........... ........................... ... 3 6 _______________________ ___________ 19 _________ 22 _____________ 27 .................... ... 20 ................ ... . 26 _____________ 9 ______________ . 14 .............. .. . . . . . . _ 33 . . . 16_________ ___________________ _______ _ . 2______________________________________ . 52_____ _____________________ _________ ___________________ __________ No. 3 9_____ ... 4 8 ___________________________ __ _ 11 3_______________________________ 30___________________________________ 31_________________ 15._____ _________________ 58____ _____ ________________________ 18________________________ 38______ _______________________ 40___________________________________ 49 4____ _____ ____________ 43 L___...................... ......................... 1 Data for 1925. 2 ]\T0 data. Gross tons 506.2 329.7 648.7 396.7 442.7 474.6 411.3 359.1 454.4 520.5 368.3 401.3 323.1 527.3 486. 2 392.8 370.0 617.0 248.3 298.2 334.9 432.6 386.0 360.5 378.0 366.1 380.9 300.8 325.0 392.3 345.6 242.1 278.2 247.0 193.0 354.6 203. 7 250. 5 261.0 233.1 299.9 317.9 207.6 220.8 Ore per Coke per ton of iron ton of iron produced produced 4 3 Pounds 1,663 1,720 1, 792 1,820 1,898 1,901 1,922 1,952 1,985 1,990 2,008 2,014 2,035 2,040 2,040 2, 042 2,042 2,070 2.076 2.076 2,084 2,110 2,120 2,124 2,167 2,214 2, 218 2,218 2, 262 2, 282 2,315 2,326 2, 331 2, 348 2, 498 2,680 2, 804 2,930 3, 050 3,072 3,082 3,143 3, 335 3,414 Pounds 3,470 4,081 3,821 4,090 3,518 3, 860 4, 278 3,943 3, 768 4,467 3,909 3,544 2,197 4,140 3,922 3,618 4,137 4,377 3,804 3,947 3, 575 4,303 3,897 2, 858 3,147 4,252 4,316 4,260 4,126 4,070 4,202 (2) 2,802 4,182 3, 954 5, 598 5,139 5, 772 5, 092 5, 564 4, 525 4,312 4, 722 4, 661 3 Data for 1924. Average volume of Scrap per air blown ton of iron per minute produced 5 6 Pounds 475 (2) 437 (2 ) 58 325 121 23 421 (2) (2) 349 1, 552 0) 234 372 40 132 (2) 392 241 325 757 851 278 (2) 259 73 165 (2) (2) 916 289 432 2 388 9 Cubic fee * 33,954 (2) 46, 859 28,758 36, 000 35.000 (4) 31,903 36.000 38, 000 48,000 32, 000 (2) (2) 30, 000 34, 747 (2) 44, 096 (2) 32, 000 25.000 36, 866 34, 785 38.000 34, 735 32, 501 31,458 33,850 25,939 36, 713 (2) 24.000 32. 000 32, 700 (2) (2) (2) 34.000 31, 500 34, 000 40, 000 45,000 (2) (2) 4 Data for 1923. The first two columns of the table show the individual plants and their output per stack-day. These plants are rated according to the average consumption of coke as shown in column 3, since this is the best single index of smelting efficiency. The next two columns show the average consumption of iron ore and of scrap, but it has not been possible to subdivide the metallic charge in all plants. Theoretically, column 4 shows only the amount of iron ore proper, while column 5 shows the amount of scrap, mill cinder, scale, bor ings, and other ore equivalents; but where no data are available on the amount of scrap or ore equivalents, the figures for the whole metallic charge are shown in column 4. For present purposes mill 38 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES cinder, scale, turnings, and other such ore equivalents 1 are listed in column 5 as scrap, although their iron content is considerably lower than that of scrap. The latter ordinarily yields from 90 to 95 per cent iron, which means that it makes pig iron at the rate of ton for ton; pig iron runs about 94 per cent iron. But the other ore equiva lents, such as cinder, scale, etc., usually range from about 65 to 90 per cent iron, and so rank somewhere in between scrap and ore in iron content. Column 6 of Table 9 shows the average amount of the blast in cubic feet of air blown per minute. In a stack of a given size the daily output of pig iron is determined by the quality of the raw material charged and by the speed at which these materials are smelted. Efficiency of operation consists in the establishment and maintenance of the most economical balance be tween these factors. As far as ore and ore equivalents are concerned the main problem is their bulk; at a given rate of driving the mate rial can pass through the stack only about so fast, and therefore the amount of pig iron produced will depend upon the amount of iron in a given volume of iron-bearing material. On the other hand, the smelting process can be speeded up by blowing a stronger blast, but beyond a certain point this causes a heavier consumption of coke per ton of product and thus becomes uneconomical. Plant No. 5 has a remarkable record for coke consumption, only 1,663 pounds per ton of pig iron produced, but it is clear that this record is at least partly due to the large amount of scrap charged. This is mostly real scrap, which consumes a very small amount of coke in passing through the stack. Therefore nearly all the 1,663 pounds of coke consumed at this plant were used in smelting the 3,470 pounds of iron ore. Plant No. 41 charged some scale and mill cinder, but the exact amount was not reported, so it is impossible to show the extent to which coke consumption was affected by their use. The scrap charge in plant No. 3 consisted of borings and turnings only, consequently the saving in iron ore proper was not so great as in plant No. 5, and the amount of coke required was considerably larger. Plant No. 12 also made an exceptionally good record of coke per ton of product. Here, too, cinder and scale were charged, but the exact amounts were not reported. It is important to note that the amount of blast blown in plant No. 12 is among the lowest in the whole list of plants. The good record in plant No. 34 can be ascribed to the very rich ore charged, for the amount of scrap used was quite small. The above figures are in sharp contrast with those at the other end of the list, where the last nine plants all consumed more than 2,600 pounds of coke per ton of product. One important cause of this is found in the ore consumption figures. All these plants have a total metallic charge greater than 4,500 pounds and five of them run above 5,000 pounds. It is clear that the daily output in these plants is much smaller than it is in plants of the same size which are using only 4,000 pounds of ore and 2,000 pounds of coke per ton of product. The plants with heavy ore and coke consumption appar ently use a somewhat stronger blast than the others, as is shown by 1 It must be noted that flue dust and remelt scrap are never counted as part of the metallic charge. Flue dust consists of fine ore particles which are blown out of the stack with the blast furnace gas and which are caught in the dust catchers. Remelt consists of runner and ladle scrap which is,formed when the cast is being made. Both the flue dust and the scrap are charged back into the stack again, but they have already been counted once and must not be counted again. METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 39 the records for plants Nos. 15, 18, 38, and 40. In general, the amount of blast varies directly with the size of the stack, but the use of scrap and rich ore makes possible a lighter blast, while lean ores require a much heavier blast. To understand the importance of materials consumption more clearly and to see how it is linked up with output per stack-day and productivity over a period,of time, it is necessary to turn to the rec ords of individual blast-furnace plants (Table A), where all the fac tors which enter into the changes are shown in detail. During the period covered by this study certain plants show remarkable improve ment in productivity largely as a result of better smelting efficiency and the use of better materials. Plant No. 17 was taken over by new management prior to 1922, and within four and one-half years coke requirements were reduced 25 per cent. There has been a mod erate increase in the use of scrap, but the chief reason for the improve ment can be found in the richer ore charged each year. This im provement expressed itself in higher output per stack-day and ultimately in productivity. The four-year record of plant No. 23 is a striking illustration of improved operation. With a new furnace in 1923 this plant has since been operated continuously with a remarkable improvement in yield, decreasing ore consumption from 4,113 pounds to 3,212 pounds per ton as the result of an average charge of about 500 pounds of scrap per ton of iron, beginning in 1924. Coke consumption fell from 2,200 pounds to 1,800 pounds per ton, while flux shows a corre sponding reduction from about 1,200 pounds to 900 pounds per ton. This improvement is paralleled by increased output per da}^ from 253 to 377 tons without any change in equipment. Steady progress in coke practice is shown in the record of plant No. 12, which exhibits a reduction in coke per ton of iron from 2,425 pounds per ton in 1912 to about 1,800 pounds in 1,926. At this plant special attention has been given to the quality of the coke used, both with reference to its physical characteristics and its fixed carbon content. The management at this plant considers coke consumption one of the most important factors in furnace efficiency and has worked out a formula for determining the ideal consumption of standard coke under the best operating practice. This plant has an output per stack-day 20 per cent larger than the next best furnace of its size in the country and a much larger output than many furnaces with volumes from 5,000 to 10,000 feet greater. The influence of greatly improved smelting efficiency in the case of plant No. 3 has been very important though obscured by other factors such as rebuilding and enlarging of furnaces, etc. Reduction in coke from 2,400 pounds to 1,800 pounds per ton of iron tallies closely with the improvement in plant No. 12, while an increased use of scrap since 1922 has contributed to better yield. Flux consumption shows a remarkable reduction from 1,200 pounds to 750 pounds per ton of iron. Reference to the history of this plant show s remarkable increase in furnace output, while productivity has increased at a still faster rate over the entire period Plant No. 5 shows a remarkable improvement in coke practice, to which the consumption of from 350 to 500 pounds of scrap per ton of iron has contributed. This lavish use of scrap has also brought about a shrinkage in the flux used from 1,100 to 800 pounds per ton 40 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES and in ore from 4,621 to 3,576 pounds per ton over a period of eight years. A marked improvement in yield and coke consumption in the case of plant No. 21 is found to account largely for improvement in furnace output and productivity. Coke requirements have been cut about 400 pounds per ton, partly due to the increased use of scrap. In one plant, No. 15, there appears a cl^ar case of improved output per stack-day as a result of better operation. By 1926 coke consump tion per ton of iron had been reduced 400 pounds below the high figure in 1919, and in 1927 an additional 300 pounds was clipped from this record. The great decrease in the use of flux has been due to a change in the mixture of the ores, a larger proportion of self-fluxing ores being used in recent years. No major labor-saving devices have been introduced and there has been no important change in the size of the furnaces. Although production has been concentrated some what more steadily in the larger of the two stacks, it may be said that the change in productivity, almost entirely due to greater stackday output, has been ultimately due to better smelting efficiency and richer ores. Plant No. 43 furnishes an excellent illustration of the use of mixed ores in the South. Data for 1917 should be disregarded in making comparisons, for they represent the operation of the old furnace. Since 1917 the furnace has been relined only once and then without change in size. Output per stack-day has fluctuated widely, showing no clear trend in any direction but following the variations in the amount of flux used. Daily production is above normal when flux consumption is high and below normal when flux consumption is low. This variation in the use of flux furnished a clue to the variations in stack-day output, for the amount of flux used depends upon the proportion of the two kinds of ore charged. Low flux consumption indicated the use of large proportion of the leaner self-fluxing ores, while high flux consumption in all recent years but one shows the presence in the charge of the much larger proportion of the richer ores which are not self-fluxing. This change in the quality of the ore, of course, influences very markedly the output per stack-day. It is noticeable that the amount of coke required also varies in direct relation to the changing mixture of the ores. Plants in the Birming ham district of the South always have this possibility of mixing ores in such a way as to get the best possible results in smelting efficiency. While output per stack-day has shown very little increase over this period, productivity has shown a pronounced upward trend, due to the reduction in labor crews which took place. New management in 1920 at plant No. 7 brought about rapid improvement in operation as evidenced in the reduction in ore con sumption per ton of iron from 4,450 pounds to 3,618 pounds while scrap consumption increased from about 20 pounds to over 370 pounds per ton, coke requirements falling from 2,400 pounds to about 2,000 pounds per ton of iron, and flux from over 1,200 pounds to less than 1,000 pounds. Further analysis of changes in consumption of materials for certain plants with long histories may be found in Appendix 2, page 116. In conclusion, it is clear that output per stack-day is largely de termined by the size of the stack, and consequently the increased daily output in the industry in recent years has been due mostly to METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY the enlargement of the stacks. In addition, however, stack-day out put has been influenced to some extent by changes in materials and methods of operation. The most important of these changes has been the rapid growth in the use of scrap, and this together with the increase in stack size should account for nearly 90 per cent of the changes in output per stack-day. The remainder is mostly a matter of the efficiency of operation through the use of better coke, a better adjusted blast, and so on. However, while individual plants may have made some remarkable records along this line and thus expanded the daily output of the stack considerably beyond the average for its size as far as the merchant industry as a whole is concerned, efficiency of operation by the management has been of secondary importance in increasing the output per stack-day. REDUCTION IN LABOR TIME MEANS EMPLOYED TO REDUCE LABOR TIME IN INDIVIDUAL ESTABLISH MENTS The second group of factors influencing productivity are those which affect the amount of labor necessary to operate the blast furnace. The number of men required to operate a one-stack blast-furnace plant varies widely; one northern plant operates regularly on a crew of less than 90 men, while there is one southern plant which employs almost exactly twice that many men. However, because of the varying conditions with reference to layout, equipment, and so on, it is difficult to make any very detailed comparisons between plants. But in any one plant the changes in the labor force can be definitely related to the changes in operation and equipment. In general, the factors which have been responsible for reducing the number of men required to operate a blast-furnace plant may be summarized as follows:2 1. Joint or integrated operation, either of several stacks in one plant or of a blast furnace in connection with a coke plant or other manufacturing process. 2. Introduction of machinery, particularly the pig-casting machine, the skip hoist and its auxiliary equipment, and the power cranes, both locomotive and electric. 3. The reorganization of the crew, particularly that which took place as a result of the change from the 12-hour to the 8-hour day. Joint operation usually makes possible a considerable saving in indirect or auxiliary labor, especially in repair labor, yard labor, and transportation labor. The single isolated blast furnace must carry men for certain occupations even though it is difficult to keep them busy all the time; it must have a sufficiently large mechanical crew to take care of all the ordinary repairs— there must be at least one blacksmith, a carpenter, a welder, a master mechanic, etc. Like wise, the single-furnace plant requires a yard crew sufficiently large to meet the needs of the plant in the rush periods, though it is some times quite a problem to keep all these men busy during the whole day. It is not at all unusual to find the yard railway crews waiting an hour for the cinder run. On the other hand, if the plant is operat ing more than one stack, or if there is a coke plant operated in con * See ch. 3, p. 20. 5421°— 29------ 4 42 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES junction with the furnace, the indirect labor is spread over more continuous operation. In handling materials, an ore bridge and unloading equipment can serve two or more stacks as well as one; casting machines can be kept busy more continuously; pumping, power, and blowing equipment can be better and more cheaply operated, while floating labor crews can handle maintenance and certain phases of operations to advantage with fewer man-hours per furnace than in a single-stack plant. This is illustrated by a number of individual plant histories. Plant 15 (p. 78) shows very clearly for the period 1922 to 1927 the effect of single-furnace and double-furnace operation. The best productivity record was attained in 1925 and 1926, when there was full two-furnace operation. The full significance of the figures, however, becomes evident only when the output of the furnace crew labor is compared with the output of the “ all other” labor. Until 1927 there was little change in the productivity of the furnace crew labor, regardless of whether one stack or both stacks were operating, showing that there was no saving in this type of labor in two-stack operation. But there was a marked change in the productivity of “ all other” labor. It required 3.512 man-hours of “ all other” labor to produce a ton of pig iron in 1924 with one stack, but this was reduced to 2.275 hours in 1925 and 2.378 hours in 1926 in operating two stacks. A return to one-furnace operation in 1927 brought the figures back up to 3.271 hours per ton. The saving in indirect labor under two-furnace operation is very striking in this case. Somewhat similar is the case of plant No. 10 (p. 76), which became integrated with a steel plant after operating as a merchant furnace for many years. Here it is not a matter of one or two furnace opera tion but of joint operation with an auxiliary manufacturing process. No data are presented in this report for this plant after 1918 as this is the last year it operated as a merchant furnace. Several changes took place after it became identified with the steel-stack division of the industry. In 1919 a stack was rebuilt and in a more recent year a change in plant management was made which introduced many labor economies. Man-hours per ton were reduced from 8.920 in 1918 to 3.560 in 1923 and further reduced to 2.705 for the first half of 1927. It is only intended to point out here that joint operation makes possible certain labor economies; it does not follow that all plants which have the advantage of such operation are able to obtain these economies. There are plants in this study which show an actual decrease in productivity upon the introduction of joint operation. This is sometimes partly due to a failure to divide the indirect labor fairly between the two operations, as in the case of plants which arbitrarily split such labor with a coke plant or auxiliary manufac turing process on a 50-50 basis. (However, this explanation does not apply to plants with two-furnace operation where all indirect labor is charged against pig-iron output anyway.) There are plants in which joint operation did not result in any improvement in pro ductivity at all, whether because of peculiar conditions surrounding the operations at those plants or because of failure to take advantage of the opportunities. The second important factor influencing the amount of labor time necessary to operate a blast furnace is the introduction of laborsaving machines. METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 43 Mechanical filling has been brought about by means of the skip hoist, which is merely a short term covering a whole series of im provements in the method of charging the furnace. The old system of charging by hand was a very cumbersome process, requiring a large number of men. The ore, coke, and limestone had first to be brought over from the stock piles or bins in cabs or cars. The bottom fillers and their helpers loaded the materials into wheel barrows and wheeled these over to the cage or elevator, which lifted them to the top of the stack. Here another group of men called top fillers dumped the barrow loads into the furnace. Hand filling was hard, unpleasant work requiring very little skill on the part of the worker. Mechanical filling changes the whole process of charging. First, there is built a high trestle on which loaded cars can be run and dumped, the materials falling through into a long set of bins situated directly beneath the trestle. The bins are V-shaped structures built sufficiently far above the ground that a larry car or scale car can pass along underneath them. The car operator, by means of a series of levers, opens the bins at the bottom and allows the materials to fall into the car, which then delivers the load to the skip hoist itself. The skip usually consists of two alternating hoists which convey the materials to the top of the stack and automatically dump them into the furnace. There is a bell-shaped device at the top of the stack for the purpose of distributing the stock evenly in the furnace. The whole structure results in a great reduction in charging labor— the skip itself eliminates the top fillers, the larry car eliminates the bottom fillers and fillers’ helpers, and the trestle eliminates most of the labor engaged in delivering materials. The labor which remains is that of operating the skip and the larry car and of dumping the cars on top of the trestle. There are several striking examples of the effect of installing a skip hoist. In plant No. 20 (p. 80) one was installed in 1924. Although the effect on productivity is somewhat obscured by the relining of the stack which took place at the same time, nevertheless it is possible to get a fairly definite measure of the increased output per man-hour due to the reduction in charging labor. After relining the stack the output of pig iron per stack-day increased from 346 gross tons to 418 gross tons, causing a proportionate increase in productivity estimated at about 20 per cent. But the output per man-hour of the furnace crew in 1925 was more than double that in 1924, so that the skip hoist would account for an increase in furnace-crew productivity of approxi mately 80 per cent. It required 1.651 man-hours of furnace-crew labor to produce a gross ton of pig iron in 1924, but only 0.800 manhour in 1925. Plant No. 36 (p. 87) changed over from hand filling to mechanical filling in 1919, but here too the effect of the change on productivity is obscured by the relining of the stack at the same time. However, the output per stack-day was not increased appreciably in the follow ing year, while the man-hours of furnace-crew labor per ton of product decreased from 3.477 hours to 1.805 hours, which reduction roughly corresponds to that shown in the plant mentioned above. A third case of the installation of a skip hoist is plant No. 57 (p. 96). As is usual when important improvements are introduced the stack was relined at the same time, but this latter may be disregarded 44 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES for there was no real change in the size of the stack and the output per stack-day after relining was scarcely higher than before. The furnace-crew labor, however, was reduced from 2.704 man-hours per ton of product to 1.818 man-hours, and nearly all of this can be ascribed to the influence of the mechanical system of charging. The installation of the skip at plant No. 19 (p. 80) is also worth mentioning because it is not complicated by any relining of the stack, although there was a slight increase in output per stack-day after the change. The skip was installed in 1924 and the furnace-crew labor' was reduced from 2.992 man-hours per ton of product in 1923 to 1.472 man-hours in 1924, a decrease of over <50 per cent. While it is too much to say that all of this can be attributed to the labor saving of the skip, this was the only important machine introduced at this time. Plant No. 18 (p. 79) furnishes an excellent illustration of the instal lation of a skip hoist in the southern district. In 1920 with a handfilling system it required 6.705 man-hours of furnace-crew labor to produce a ton of pig iron, while in 1922 after the skip and its auxiliary equipment had been installed it required only 2.613 man-hours. The skip was installed in 1921, but the partial operation during that year was not representative. The output per stack-day is somewhat lower in 1922 than in 1920 so that nearly all of the reduction in the furnace-crew labor can be attributed to the installation of the skip. There was also a great reduction in “ all other” labor between the same two years, and some of this is undoubtedly due indirectly to the skip, for there was considerable saving of labor in delivery of ore under the new system. The influence of the pig-casting machine on productivity can not be measured as definitely as that of the skip, because it does not result in saving as much labor as the change from hand to mechanical charging and a large part of the saving which is accomplished is in indirect rather than direct labor. The pig machine does directly displace a considerable number of sand cutters and iron carriers in the furnace crew, and to the extent of this displacement its effect on productivity can be measured by the increase in output per man-hour of the furnace crew or by the reduction in man-hours per ton of furnace-crew labor. However, it also exerts considerable influence on the indirect labor required in the iron yard, a saving which does not show in the furnace-crew labor and which is frequently obscured by other factors affecting the indirect labor. The pig machine brings about a saving of labor in the iron yard because of the fact that it elevates the pigs in the process of cooling and permits them to drop into gondolas and open cars from which they can be unloaded by a locomotive crane in the iron yard. When the pig iron is sand cast it is frequently loaded by hand into closed cars from which it must be unloaded by hand in the iron yard, thus requiring a very large unloading and piling crew. The following plant histories are shown to illustrate the effect of the pig machine, but in most cases it can not be traced beyond the furnace-crew labor.3 A pig machine was introduced by plant No. 50 (p. 93) toward the end of the year 1923, and a small percentage of metal was machine cast in that year but not enough to affect the productivity figures « f o r data on effect of pig machine on iron-yard labor see ch. 4, p. 49. METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 45 seriously. However, the furnace-crew labor was reduced from 3.136 man-hours per gross ton of pig iron in 1923 to 1.669 man-hours in 1924, which means cutting the furnace crew very nearly in half. The “ all other” labor does not appear to have been influenced at all by the machine, probably because the plant was using a full complement of locomotive cranes already. Plant No. 59 (p. 97) furnishes a striking illustration of the effect of the pig machine on productivity, but unfortunately the results of its introduction are mixed up with the results of some other improve ments which took place at the same time, particularly a change in the bins and an increase in the size of the stack. The machine was introduced in 1922, but this was a year of very inefficient operation all around, and the full effect of the change is not noticeable until the following year. The furnace-crew labor was reduced from 5.232 man-hours per ton of product in 1920 to 2.570 man-hours in 1923, and at the same time the “ all other” labor was reduced from 6.527 man-hours per ton of product to 3.629 man-hours. The increase in output per stack-day from 137 gross tons of pig iron in 1920 to 182.1 in 1923 accounts for a considerable part of the decreased labor per ton in both sections of the crew; but the remaining decrease, which is still very great, must be attributed jointly to the improvement in the bins and the use of the pig machine. The pig machine, however, was undoubtedly responsible for a greater saving in labor than the change in bins. Plant No. 51 (p. 93) also furnishes a good illustration of the effect of the pig machine on productivity, although in this case the results were less marked than in the previous cases. The furnace-crew labor was reduced from 2.289 man-hours per ton of product in 1924 to 1.772 man-hours in 1925 when the pig machine was operating. Since the output per stack-day in both years was exactly the same, and no other changes in equipment took place, this decrease in labor was entirely the result of the installation of the pig machine. In fact, the above figures do not adequately measure the influence of the machine on productivity, for the “ all other” labor shows a reduction from 3.398 man-hours per ton in 1924 to 2.900 man-hours in the following year, and much of this also is probably due to the use of the machine. There are many other cases showing the effect of the installation of the pig machine, but it often happens that the results are not clearly shown, being lost among the results of numerous other influ ences. A detailed study of Table A (p. 71), however, will furnish considerable material on the subject of the pig machine in relation to productivity. There are no clear cases of the influence of the crane on produc tivity, for this has not had such a marked effect as the two machines previously mentioned, and in addition cranes have usually been introduced one at a time, so that their full effect in displacing hand labor in the yard and floating gangs is extended over a period of years and is thus lost in the general mixture of other changes. For the purposes of this discussion, however, it is sufficient to point out that the locomotive crane has been of considerable importance in dis placing labor, particularly in the iron yard and in ore unloading. There was a time, comparatively recent in some sections of the coun try, when ore cars were unloaded by a crew of 20 to 40 men under contract at so many cents per ton, and the iron in the yard was 46 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES moved and piled by another crew of about 20 men. At the present time, in every modernized plant, the ore is unloaded by means of a car dumper or a locomotive crane, and nearly all the handling of the iron is done by a crane. The locomotive crane has been largely responsible for the great reduction in the unskilled labor gangs work ing around the plant. Electric overhead cranes in the cast house and in various parts of the plant have also played an important part in the elimination of hand labor. It would be possible to go on calling attention to other machines which have been instrumental in displacing large amounts of hand labor but it is not necessary to go further into details on this point. However, there are two important machines which have played an important part in ore unloading in the larger plants— the ore bridge and the car dumper. In one sense these two machines represent a second stage of progress in ore handling, for in the same way that the locomotive crane displaced hand labor these two items of equipment are eliminating the locomotive crane itself. A car dumper with a crew of two men can handle all the ore for a one or two furnace plant as fast as it can be brought in. Then the ore bridge, with a crew of two operators and two oilers, removes the ore to the stock pile and at the same time keeps the bins supplied with ore for imme diate use. This method of ore handling eliminates the use of several locomotive cranes, reduces the amount of railroad transportation in the plant, and cuts the labor force. However, the use of these two machines is mostly confined to fairly large blast-furnace plants or to those along the Great Lakes, for they are expensive to install and would burden the plant with a large overhead cost unless they are used to capacity. Few of the smaller merchant furnaces use either one of them. Another factor affecting labor is skill, willingness, and ability of the laborer himself. The difficulty is that there is no satisfactory way of gauging the influence of this most important factor. Nearly all furnace operators realize that the good will of the workers is of great importance in determining the output of the plant and the quality of the product, but this good will operates in such subtle ways that its results can not be measured statistically. However, there did occur during the period covered by this study one specific change which has had some effect on the efficiency of the worker himself, in the absence of any improvements in equipment or organi zation. This was the substitution of the 3-shift for the 2-shift system in 1923, the elimination of the 12-hour day, and the estab lishment of the 8-hour day for workers on continuous processes. Be fore this change took place it was confidently expected by many that there would be a considerable increase in labor cost because of the increase in the number of men required to operate the furnace. It is therefore of particular interest to note the results of the change in the shift system in individual plants. Theoretically, the substitution of the 8-hour day for the 12-hour day would have no effect on productivity; that is, each position re quiring two men at 12 hours each would require three men at 8 hours each and the output per man-hour of labor would remain the same. In actual practice, of course, it would be expected that the output per man-hour would be somewhat higher in the latter case, for it is evident that a man can work at higher speed for 8 hours METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 47 than he can for 12 hours. But the actual results in the blast-furnace industry following 1923 far exceeded anything that might have been expected. There are numerous cases of plants in which, within a year after the change was made, the total labor force was back again at the same number of men that had been employed under the 12-hour system. In plant No. 12 (p. 77) the steady increase in productivity was accelerated by the introduction of the 8-hour day. The old system of 10 and 12 hours was abolished at the end of 1923, and a new uni versal 8-hour system was substituted. The total labor time ex pended per ton of product was 2.917 man-hours in 1923 and 2.227 man-hours in 1924. There was about a 10 per cent increase in output per stack-day, which accounts for a small part of the increased productivity, but even when this is allowed for there still remains a further substantial increase in productivity, or to put it conversely a reduction in labor time. Of course, this plant shows a steady in crease in productivity in every year since 1919, but when the effect of the increase in stack-day output has been eliminated the rate of increase between 1923 and 1924 was greater than in any other two years. Another even better case is that of Plant 32 (p. 85). Eliminating 1923 as the year of transition from the 2-shift to the 3-shift system, a comparison can be drawn between 1922 with the 10-hour and the 12-hour day and 1924 with the universal 8-hour day. No mechanical improvements of any importance were made in the inter val, the output per stack-day was nearly the same in the two years, and even the length of time operated was almost identical. In other words, the only important difference in the two years is in the hours per day. Yet in 1922 it required 3.270 man-hours of labor to produce a ton of pig iron, and in 1924 only 2.662 man-hours. Another plant which furnishes a good illustration of this point is No. 36 (p. 87) in which the transition to the 3-shift system was made in 1923. In 1920, with the 10-hour and the 12-hour day, the labor time per ton of product was 3.470 hours, while in 1924, after a universal 8-hour day had been put into effect, the labor time was 2.245 hours. Allowance must be made for the increase in output per stack-day from 267.3 tons in 1920 to 329.6 tons in 1924; but giving full consideration to the increased output of the stack, the great re duction in the crew following the introduction of the 8-hour day is obvious. PRODUCTIVITY BY OCCUPATIONS AND LABOR GROUPS The labor force in the various blast-furnace plants has previously been studied as a unit or at least in large groups. The annual aver ages of productivity, however, whether for the whole labor force or for the blast-furnace crew, do not show the changes which have occurred in particular labor groups or individual occupations. Minor improvements in machinery or small reductions in the labor force are taking place all the time, but the effect is not evident in the out put per man-hour for the whole year. For the purpose of illustrating in detail the slow but steady growth in productivity as it relates to each small group or occupation throughout the plant, special data were collected from a few plants. 48 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES Productivity by Labor Groups in a Southern Plant. Table 10 shows the complete classification of the crew of a southern merchant furnace over the entire period covered by this study. The labor has been divided into 13 groups, each containing as nearly as possible all labor engaged in performing a single operation. In the cast house are included the keepers, the fall men or cinder snappers, the stove tenders, and the scrappers working around the stack itself. The pig-machine labor consists of all those engaged in operating the pig-casting machine; these superseded the iron carriers, sand cutters, and scrappers, who formerly took care of the iron from the time it was cast in sand until the pigs were loaded on the cars for transporta tion to the iron yard. The stocking and charging labor consists of such occupational groups as weighmen, skipmen, larrymen, and coke punchers; in general, it includes all labor around the trestle and stock house. The next group consists of labor engaged in delivering ore from the stock piles to the bins; this was formerly done by means of small cars, and numerous men were required to load these cars at the stock piles and deliver them to the bins. In later years most of this labor has been abolished. Ore-unloading crews are engaged in emptying the ore cars when they come in from the mines. In the South there is no summer ore season because the climate makes it possible to deliver ore from the mines all through the year; conse quently, there is no necessity for storing a winter’s supply of ore in the yard, and as many of the ore cars as possible are dumped directly into the bins as they come in from the mines. The general labor consists largely of the floating gangs which work wherever necessary around the yard, on the tracks, etc. In former years a large crew of men were kept busy in the iion yard unloading pigs from the cars which came from the casting floor, piling iron, loading up iron for shipment, etc. Now all of this is done by means of locomotive cranes, and the only labor needed in the iron yard is that of a shipping clerk, who gets a salary and is classified in the salaried group. Locomotive cranes were first used in this plant in 1917, when one crane was bought. This was soon followed by an other, and since 1919 there have always been at least two cranes in operation at the plant. The only labor required is that of the crane men and their firemen. ^ The railway switching crew is confined to those who take charge of the “ cinder run” — that is, the cinder engineers, the couplers or switchmen, and the ladle dumpers. These engines also do consid erable switching around the furnace, such as taking loaded cars out to the iron yard, etc. There is a railroad which runs out to the mines, but these crews are not considered to be part of the blast furnace labor. The mechanical crew consists of the master mechanic, the machinists, carpenters, pipe fitters, blacksmiths, and bricklayers working on current repairs. In the power-house labor are included the blowing engineers, oilers, boiler men, and boiler cleaners. The final group consists of salaried employees— superintendents, foremen (those on a salary), clerks, timekeepers, and chemists. T a b l e 1 0 . — Labor productivity in man-hours per ton of pig iron produced, in a typical merchant blast-furnace plant , by labor groups and years , 1910 to 1927 Year ______ _____ ______ Man-hour 0. 039 .059 .197 .203 .435 .325 .463 .280 . 373 ! 491 .464 .635 . 719 .594 .726 .509 . 854 . 797 Railway switching Man-hour M an-hours M an-hours M an-hour 0.242 0. 959 0.162 (2) .252 1.050 . 136 (2) . 282 .341 .720 (2) .293 1.096 0.193 .303 .288 .874 1.529 .218 .200 1.572 .614 .172 .346 1. 894 .743 .292 .483 2. 677 .945 . 160 . 389 2.952 . 874 . 102 ! 358 2. 204 ! 787 ! 067 .260 2.155 .772 .057 . 308 2. 309 .856 . 494 2. 005 1. 003 .461 1. 870 .936 .488 1.868 .991 . 414 1. 917 . 877 . 435 2. 517 1. 091 .334 2. 556 1. 037 M an-hour 0. 233 . 237 .263 .271 . 265 .278 .294 .280 . 293 ! 283 . 273 .287 . 251 .250 .264 . 304 . 304 .311 General labor Iron-yard labor 1 First 6 months. * Upon installation of pig machine, iron piling was handled by locomotive cranes and switching crews. Mechan ical crew Superin tendents, Power foremen, house (including clerks, and blowing other engineers) salaried employees M an-hours M an-hour 0.639 0. 465 .641 .474 . 797 .525 .542 . 771 .531 .725 .541 .655 .567 .586 .910 .559 . 492 1 . 028 ! 324 '.640 .507 .273 .480 .353 . 541 . 534 .549 .498 .578 .530 . 539 . 455 . 625 . 612 .525 .468 Total M an-hour Man-hours 0. 284 5.005 .281 5. 023 .318 5. 539 .359 6. 387 .323 7. 542 .ae 2 6. 784 .367 8.192 .282 8. 718 261 8. 981 ! 193 7. 439 .142 6. 851 .207 7. 740 . 279 8. 212 ! 260 7. 695 .275 8.158 . 250 7. 477 . 316 9! 388 .259 8.467 Average full-time furnaces active during year 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .6 .1 1.0 1 2 L7 2.0 1.6 1.0 L0 1 . 0. 1. 3 1.0 1.3 PRODUCTIVITY M an-hour 0. 581 .592 .656 .677 .597 .643 .695 .629 . 697 .614 .517 .588 .602 .530 .660 . 627 . 759 .544 Locomo tive cranemen INCREASING M an-hours M an-hour M an-hour 0.936 0. 465 .828 .474 .915 . 525 1 . 012 .445 0. 221 .892 .865 .832 . 598 1. 013 .802 .815 ___________ .699 . 722 . 798 .709 ! .768 .682 .749 . 833 .884 .875 .909 .858 .889 .858 .924 .826 . 758 .986 .893 .885 .751 Cast house Delivery labor Ore (ore from unloading stock pile to bins) OF Stocking and charging METHODS 1927 1— 1926____ 1925____ 1924____ 1923____ 1922____ 1921____ 1920____ 1919____ 1918____ 1 9 1 7 ...: 1916____ 1915____ 1914____ 1913____ 1912____ 1911____ 1910____ Iron carriers, sand cutters, scrappers, etc. Pigmachine labor 50 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES For each of these groups there is shown for every year the total man-hours of labor required to produce a gross ton of pig iron. The total man-hours given in the final column at the right corresponds to the figures in Table A showing the man-hours per ton of pig iron for the plant as a whole. From 1911 to 1920 the productivity remained about constant, although there were minor variations chiefly due to the relative amount of one and two furnace operation. In 1917, when there was full 2-furnace .operation, 6.85 man-hours were required to produce a gross ton of pig iron, while in 1911, with only one stack operating, it required 9.39 hours. However, there does not appear to have been any general upward trend of produc tivity during this period. The figures for 1921 are for'only one month of operation previous to closing down, so that they are not at all representative of conditions and need not be considered. When the plant was started up again in the spring of 1922, a much smaller force could be us^d, as a large amount of the repair work and neces sary preparation had already been done by the men who had been kept on the pay roll during the shutdown. It was not until 1923 that the plant was again operating with a full crew, and from that year down to 1927, with steady 1-furnace operation, there has been a marked reduction in the man-hours per ton of pig iron. The best pre-war record for single-furnace operation was made in 1914, with 7.70 man-hours per ton, and this is the figure which should be com pared with 5.02 hours in 1926. The changes within the different labor groups present some sharp contrasts. The cast-bouse crew shows very little change over the whole 17-year period. The economy of 2-furnace operation is clearly shown by the low record of 0.68 hour per ton, made in 1917; but for 1-furnace operation the 0.83 hour in 1926 shows very little improvement over the 0.86 hour of 1914, and barring the year 1921 for reasons given above the year 1924, with 1.01 hours per ton, show^s a higher time cost than any pre-war year. Thus, the cast-house crew has remained fairly well stabilized throughout the period, and the only real improvement shown was brought about by doublefurnace operation. The influence of the pig machine can be seen in the complete elimination of two labor groups— the iron carriers and sand cutters engaged in sand casting and the iron-yard labor engaged in handling iron in the yard. Therefore the net effect of the pig machine can be obtained by combining these two groups in the years prior to its introduction. In making the comparison the years 1921 and 1922 should be excluded, since they are not representative. A consider able amount of piling and shipping was done by the yard crew while the furnace was down, which of course does not show in the figures. However, in 1923 the total hours required by these two groups were 1.74, as compared with 0.53 hour for the pig machine in 1925 and 0.47 hour in 1926. The stocking and charging group shows no important changes. Like the cast-house crew, this group was not affected by any influence other than that of single or double furnace operation. In 1917, with 2-furnace operation, the low point of 0.52 hour per ton was reached, the single-furnace operation in 1914 resulting in the very good record of 0.53 hour, while in 1926 the figure was 0.59 hour. Ore delivery labor has been cut down almost to nothing in recent years— 0.06 hour in 1926 and 0.04 hour in the first six months of METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 51 1927. The amount of this labor needed at the plant has fluctuated widely, but in the best pre-war year (1912) it was 0.51 hour. There was a good record of 0.28 hour for this labor group in 1920, but this should not be accepted at its face value, for the labor saved here was counterbalanced by a large amount of ore unloading labor— 0.48 hour. More ore cars were unloaded directly into the bins in this year than in others immediately preceding and following. The bins have been recently modernized, and the large number of car loaders and drivers is no longer needed. The general labor force has been cut in half since pre-war days. This type of labor reflects very closely the relative prosperity of the industry, for in years when the industry is prospeiing these general yard laborers are taken on freely in order to speed up operations and keep things in first-class shape; but when times are bad this crew is cut as much as possible and only the most essential kinds of work done. There was a steady decline in the hours required for this labor from 1912 to 1914; then in 1915 the man-hours turned sharply upward, indicating much larger crews, and this trend continued for the next five years; the figures for 1917 and 1918, because of double-furnace operation, obscure the actual expansion in the crew at that time. The crew was larger in these years than it had been previously, but the man-hours were spread over a greater output of pig iron. The turn in 1920 is clearly shown, and since that time the general labor has been reduced in almost every year. The low figure in 1925 is partly explained by the increase in locomotive-crane labor, but ap parently the plant was able to run with a very small crew for one year. This could not be done continuously. The locomotive-crane labor fluctuates widely, depending not so much on the number of cranes working but more on what the cranes are doing. It requires an engineer and fireman to operate a locomo tive crane ordinarily, but when a groundman or hook-on is needed the total man-hours are increased by one-half. There were no cranes at all in use at this plant until 1917 and then only one crane for several years. These cranes have been responsible for a great deal of labor saving in the iron yard and in general labor. The railway switching hours vary but little from year to year; in general the trend has been slightly downward and it is apparently quite independent of the number of furnaces operated. The best record on this class of labor prior to 1926 was made in 1914 with 0.25 hour per ton, while the 2-furnace operation of 1917 resulted in 0.27 hour per ton. For the most part the mechanical crew has remained fairly con stant during the period. The amount of mechanical work required is to a large extent independent of the operation of the stacks but is apt to depend largely on the nature of the difficulties encountered. If a serious breakdown occurs, the plant is likely to close down and the repair work will not appear as operating labor; therefore, it is only the minor repairs which are included in these man-hours. The power-house crew remains practically constant all the time regardless of the changes in operation, so that the man-hours per ton vary inversely to the production. Thus 1917 is the year of the lowest record, while the single-furnace operation of recent years has produced the highest records. In general the salaried labor has increased slightly over the period. This is not a specific labor group, however, as it represents a combi 52 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES nation of employees from various other labor groups; thus, it may be increased by the transfer of employees to a salary basis. The above discussion shows that the labor saving in this plant took place both in the furnace crew proper and in the general overhead labor and was the direct result of the introduction of important ma chines or equipment. Some groups did not participate to any extent at all in the reduced man-hours of labor per ton of pig iron, and there is only one case (ore unloading) of steady reduction in the absence of a new machine. The iron carriers and iron-yard laborers were re placed by the pig machine and the locomotive cranes, the ore-delivery laborers were reduced by a new system of bins, and the general yard labor by locomotive cranes. The saving in ore-unloading labor can be traced to better integration of operations. Productivity by Occupations in a Pennsylvania Plant. A more detailed analysis of the labor required to operate a blast furnace is shown in Table 11. This is a Pennsylvania furnace for which the man-hours per ton of pig iron produced have been calcu lated by occupations and labor groups. The table shows the labor conditions in 1920 at the peak of the boom operations of that year; in 1921 the data cover only partial operation in a year of extreme depression when crews were reduced to the very minimum, while 1926 shows the condition of the crew in a full year of operation after the plant had been thoroughly modernized. T a b le 1 1 .— Labor 'productivity in a typical merchant blast-furnace plant, by occu pations and labor groups, fo r the years 1920, 1921, and 1926 Occupation and labor group Man-hour per gross ton of pig iron produced 1920 Stocking and charging: Stone breakers_______ Crusher engineers___ Coke sweepers and helpers ________ Ore loaders___________ Fillers ___________ Top fillers.__ ________ Weighmasters ______ Scale-car operators Skip engineers. T otal........................... 1921 1926 0. 056 0. 046 .316 .290 0. 282 .058 .282 .408 1.971 .427 . 116 3. 544 . 130 .130 . 116 .116 .632 .568 Casting: .990 1.018 Keepers and helpers.. .281 .254 Cinder men_____ _____ F o u n d r y men . 130 .146 (blowers)___ _____ .130 Stove tenders. __ . 146 Blowing engineers___ .130 .146 . 130 Water tenders______ . 146 fly'QTio dLiv Irnnnorc umiei o____ ___ .058 .161 Iron weighers________ . 146 . 592 . 534 Iron carriers__________ .372 Iron loaders__________ . 650 C a s t in g -m a c h i n e labor_________ _. Molders and helpers ...............1____ Total Yard switching: Yard foremen________ Locomotive engineers. Brakemen and fire men...... ....................... 3.301 .465 .232 . 116 . 116 .232 . 116 .290 _ .581 .116 2. 859 2. 264 | .058 .204 . 056 . 192 .046 .174 .349 .316 .290 Occupation and labor group Man-hour per gross ton of pig iron produced 1920 1921 Yard switching— Contd. Trackmen __ _ Car inspectors______ 0.175 .058 0.161 .056 0.145 .046 Total _____________ .844 .781 .701 .058 .058 . 175 .056 .056 .046 .2 1 1 .343 .116 .291 .105 .161 . 099 '.099 .046 Mechanical: Master m echanic___ Structural engineer... M achinists.. . _ B l a c k s m i t h s and helpers Carpenters___________ Bricklayers 1926 . 698 . 589 .633 Power: Boiler firemen. _ __ _ Electrician . 146 . 130 . 056 .116 .046 Total_______________ . 146 .186 .162 .932 .935 1. 289 .046 . 116 . 068 .058 . 105 .062 .056 .099 Total 1.184 1.179 1. 451 Grand t o t a l .______ 9. 707 6. 205 5.808 Total....................... .. General: Laborers_____________ Timekeeper _________ Chemist and assist ant.................. ............. Night watchmen StnrplrAPnAr .046 METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 53 The appearance and disappearance of certain occupations upon the introduction of machinery is clearly shown in the record of this plant. In the stocking and charging group the stone breakers, coke sweepers, fillers, and weighmasters all disappeared when the skip was installed in 1921, and the new occupations of skip engineers and scaie-car operators replaced them. The eliminated occupations required a total of 3.078 man-hours per ton of pig iron in 1920, while the new machine operators required only 0.260 hour in 1921 and 0.232 hour in 1926. The crusher engineers and the ore loaders who remained throughout all three years, show a gradual reduction in man-hours per ton of pig iron, a change which is due entirely to the increasing daily output of the stack, for the actual number of men in these occupations remained constant. Had the skip been in place in 1920, the same proportionate reduction would have taken place in the manhours per ton for the scale-car operators and the skip engineers as actually did take place for the ore loaders and the crusher engineers. An estimate on this basis shows that the man-hours per ton in 1920 for the scale-car operators and the skip men would have been 0.146 hour for each occupation or 0.292 hour for both. The net effect of introducing the skip can thus be calculated: 3.078 man-hours of labor per gross ton of pig iron for the occupations formerly necessary minus 0.292 man-hour of labor for the scale-car operators and the skip men equals 2.786 man-hours of labor saved by the skip. The same situation can be seen in the casting labor when the pig machine was introduced between 1921 and 1926. The iron carriers, iron loaders, and a large part of the keepers’ helpers disappeared from the furnace crew while their places were taken by the casting-machine labor and the molders. It is a little more difficult to estimate the net effect of the pig machine, but by applying the same principles of estimation that were applied to the skip it is calculated that the manhours per ton required for a pig machine in 1921 would have been about 0.780 hour; the keepers and helpers labor would amount to 0.520 hour instead of 1.018, thus leaving 0.498 hour of keepers and helpers’ labor that was eliminated by the use of the machine. The total sand-casting labor displaced by the machine was, therefore, keepers’ helpers, 0.498 hour; iron carriers, 0.534 hour; and iron loaders* 0.372 hour— a total of 1.404 man-hours per ton of pig iron produced. From this amount must be subtracted the amount neces sary to run the pig machine, or 0.780 hour, leaving the net saving in labor of 0.624 hour per ton. The saving here compares very favor ably with that at the southern plant first mentioned. So far as the other occupations are concerned, there is a clear-cut decline in nearly every case. However, this is not due to any saving of labor, but to the increased output of the stack which resulted in a larger tonnage of pig iron over which to spread the man-hours of labor. An important exception to this rule was the general labor, which increased each year; the machinists also showed considerable increase, although the mechanical group apart from the machinists showed a decrease each year. The increase in machinists can be explained by the increased amount of machinery in the plant after the introduction of the skip and the pig machine. The increase in general yard labor is probably due almost entirely to the ore-unload ing crew. Both in 1920 and 1921 there was plenty of opportunity to stock ore while the plant was not in operation, while in 1926 it had all to be done when the furnace was in blast. Hence, the general 54 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES labor man-hours are larger in 1926. There is no corrective measure for this situation; it is always possible for a plant to do a great deal of repair and general yard work while the furnace is down, and there is no way of taking account of this in operating labor hours. Productivity by Labor Groups in a Blast Furnace with a Coke Plant. Another case of a detailed classification of labor time within a plant is that of a high-productivity blast furnace which is combined with a coke plant It has many points of contrast with the two preceding cases in that it is a lakeside plant, it has the advantages of joint operation, and it is equipped with the most modern machinery, including an ore bridge. The classification of the labor into groups is not quite on a comparable basis with the other two. The furnace crew, with the exception of the pig-machine labor, has been lumped together into a single group, thus the variation between occupations within this group is not available; also the furnace crew includes the full-time mechanical men who are attached to the furnaces and not to the shops; the latter cover only the work done in the shops for the blast furnaces. Thus the absolute figures for furnace-crew time can not be directly compared with the figures in the other two plants. However, all the other labor charged against the blast furnace in this plant is shown in complete detail. Table 12 shows the man-hours required to produce a ton of pig iron by each group specified as well as the total man-hours per ton of the plant as a whole. The detailed data on labor time in this plant shows clearly the effect of full operation on labor economy. The furnace crew proper shows a pronounced increase in man-hours per ton of output whenever there is less than two-stack operation. Also many of the other labor groups exhibit the same tendency during the two years of limited production— the ore bridge labor, locomotive cranes, water, electric ity, steam and boilers, laboratory, and general works labor. All these groups require more man-hours per ton of product in years of partial operation. The reason of course is clear. Labor groups which have a comparatively fixed number of positions regardless of the furnaces in operation will make the best record in labor time when the production is highest— that is, when the overhead is spread over a larger tonnage. Single-furnace operation does not lead to much of a saving in labor while the production is cut in half. This explains why, under identical conditions, a two-furnace plant has an advantage in productivity over a single-furnace plant. The efficiency of operation made possible by integration with a coke plant is shown by the figures for the indirect labor groups. Nine separate labor groups in this plant have their time distributed between the blast furnace and the coke plant. This explains the astonishingly low man-hours per ton in some of these groups. If figures on yard switching, locomotive cranes, steam and boilers, and general works are compared with corresponding figures for the other two plants previously discussed the contrast will be evident. While this plant is efficiently operated, it still remains a fact that a most important factor in causing this low labor time is the coke plant which shares the use of the indirect labor groups. Some allowance must be made for the fact that the indirect labor in this plant does not include the full-time mechanical men, but on the whole this would have little weight. T able 12 .— Labor Year 'productivity in man-hours per ton of pig iron produced in an integrated merchant blast-furnace plant on the Great Lakes, by labor groups and years , 1922 to 1927 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.3 M an hours 0. 826 .908 .899 1.160 .968 1. 573 OrePigmachine bridge labor operators M anhour 0.164 .188 .2 65 .240 .283 .329 M anhour 0. 065 .074 .077 .10 2 .098 .113 Dock labor M anhour 0.048 .096 .130 . 141 .160 .244 Loco motive cranes Yard switch ing Mechan ical shops Water Electric genera tors Steam and boilers Labora tory Stores and supplies General works 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M anhour 0. 050 .053 .072 . 101 .071 .206 M anhour 0.096 .094 . 145 .162 .204 M anhour 0. 005 .007 .009 .222 .008 .0 11 .0 11 M anhour 0.019 M anhour .022 0.001 .001 .035 .062 .040 .062 .003 .004 .003 .004 M anhour 0.097 .087 .090 .1 1 1 .104 .146 M anhour 0. 052 .048 .042 .058 .047 .048 M anhour 0.011 .0 11 .019 .025 .025 .030 M anhour 0.153 .157 .168 .226 .178 .196 Total (all groups) M anhours 1.587 1. 746 1.954 2. 403 2.194 3.181 PRODUCTIVITY This is INCREASING E X P L A N A T IO N Columns 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 do not show the full force in the plant performing these operations, but only the amount charged against the blast furnace in each year. a coke-plant furnace and the overhead is distributed between the two operations. OF 1927,........................... 1926. _______ _______ 1925. _______ _______ 1924_________ _____ _ 1923________________ 1922____ _____ ______ Blast furnace crew proper METHODS Num ber of full-time furnaces active dur ing the year Cm Oi 56 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES The ore bridge eliminates considerable locomotive crane and switch ing labor, but the cost of installing and operation is so great that only the larger plants use them. The dock labor in this plant corresponds to the ore-unloading labor in an inland plant, but there are differences as regards productivity which should be noted. The existence of the dock requires the operation of an ore bridge and thus forces the plant to a high productivity level in the subsequent handling of the ore, but as far as ore unloading itself is concerned a plant with dock facilities is probably under a handicap with reference to productivity. Unload ing ore from a vessel is much more efficient in labor time than unload ing from railroad cars by hand or with locomotive cranes. However, an inland plant using a car dumper in connection with an ore bridge would probably show a considerably higher productivity in ore handling than the lakeside plant with a dock, because the man-hours per ton on a car dumper would run lower than the man-hours per ton on the docks. Yet in one sense this is not a fair comparison, for the ore delivered at the inland plant (if it is ore shipped from Minnesota) has already been unloaded at the docks and then reloaded into cars, but with labor not charged to the blast furnace. Therefore, the unloading which does take place at an inland plant is the second one, and the first one is not counted in labor time. It is difficult to compare blast furnaces operating under different conditions. For purposes of comparison it would be desirable to eliminate the ore unloading as a process in blast-furnace operation and treat it as a part of the delivery of the raw materials, beginning the blast-furnace operation with the stocking and charging. In actual practice this is not possible because the blast-furnace plants take charge of the ore when it is delivered in the yard or at the dock, and the labor of unloading is in most cases mixed up with all the other labor in the plant. As far as ore unloading is concerned blast-furnace plants can be divided into three groups: (1) Lakeside plants which have their ore delivered at a dock, (2) inland northern plants which have the ore delivered in cars from which it must be removed to the stock piles, and (3) southern plants which can have the ore delivered regularly throughout the year, and so can unload many of their cars directly into the charging bins of the furnace. Each of these groups of plants has its own problem of ore handling, and it is not easy to compare one group with any of the other groups. It is obvious that the southern plants have the decided advantage in that they have to handle the ore only once instead of twice. ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTIVITY CHANGES IN INDIVIDUAL PLANTS The influence of various factors in causing changes in productivity can best be brought out by the analysis of individual plant histories. Varieties and extremes of productivity changes in individual plants are completely hidden in the general averages for the districts and for the industry. The relation in the industry as a whole between output per man-hour and output per stack-day or reduction in labor time can best be understood through an examination of the relation ship between these factors in individual cases. The labor productivity record of each plant covered in this study is shown in Table A. In addition to productivity figures, the table furnishes data on production, full-time furnaces active, output per stack-day, consumption of raw materials, and plant equipment—in METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 57 short, all available data explaining the trend in productivity for each plant. Thus the changes in productivity may be studied in relation to the more important factors influencing them. Particular attention is called to the column showing the average number of full-time furnaces active during the year, which measures the regularity of operation. Regular operation is essential for good productivity, since a furnace can not maintain good performance when alternately blown in and blown out at frequent intervals. The steady flow of materials through the stacks and the best daily output depend upon regular operation, and proper labor economy is impossible without the routine of steady production. "A plant having several furnaces is much more economically operated when all its furnaces are active. In the case of materials consumption the individual plant schedules are much more important than the combined averages for an under standing of the changes in the industry. The relation between the output per stack-day and the increased use of scrap in the furnace burden, for example, can be studied much more easily from the history of an individual plant. A very significant item in Table A is tne enumeration of important changes in plant equipment as shown in the last column. Only through case studies of individual plants can the effect of such detailed changes be analyzed. In the table the productivity of all labor at the plant has been subdivided into two parts— productivity of the “ furnace crew” and productivity of “ all other” labor. This subdivision into “ furnace crew” and “ all other” has been made on as uniform a basis as possi ble, but minor labor groups are classified differently in various plants, and in some cases it has been necessary to make a somewhat arbi trary reclassification of the labor divisions furnished by the plant. The two labor groups used in this study, however, include substan tially the same labor groups in all plants, and the minor inclusions and exclusions in most of them do not materially affect the com parisons. PLANTS MAKING EXTREME INCREASES IN PRODUCTIVITY Plant No. 12 (p. 77). From 1911 to 1926 this plant made one of the best productivity records in the industry, reducing the man-hours of labor required to produce a ton of pig iron from 6.67 in 1911 to 1.89 in 1926. Even more striking is the fact that by far the greater part of the increase in productivity took place since 1919, for in that year it still required 5.82 man-hours of labor per ton of product. The output per manhour in 1926 was slightly more than three times as much as it was in 1919. The factors which were instrumental in causing this increase in productivity are clearly shown in the data. The sizes of the two stacks remained about the same throughout the period 1911 to 1919, the decline in output per stack-day during the war years being due primarily to the poor quality of the coke available for use at that time. The stacks were enlarged considerably in the rebuilding of 1919-20, so that the daily output in 1920 was about 25 per cent greater than in 1919. Since this rebuilding there have been no 5421°— 29------- 5 58 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES important changes in the size of the stacks, practically the entire increase in daily output since 1920 being the result of improved furnace operation. The general increase in efficiency of operation is evident from the data on coke consumption. The poor quality of the coke used during the war is shown by the high consumption per ton of product, 2,386 pounds per ton in 1917. The rebuilding of the stacks brought about a reduction to 1,973 pounds per ton in 1920, and in 1925 the low record of 1,808 pounds was reached. This low consumption of coke was accompanied by a steadily increasing daily production of pig iron. On the labor side there were two important changes— the installation of the pig machine in 1916-17, and the introduction of the universal 8-hour day in the beginning of 1924. The effect of the former on man-hours per stack-day is obscured by the increase in general labor which took place during the war. The exceptionally large increase in productivity from 1923 to 1924 can be attributed to the reorganization of the labor crews upon the introduction of the 8-hour day. This plant is very efficiently operated; in 1926 it ranked third in productivity in the entire industry, and in 1924 and 1925 it ranked second. Plant No. 59 (p. 97). This southern one-furnace plant reduced its labor requirements per ton of iron from 14.69 hours in 1917 to 6.40 hours in 1924, an even more rapid rate of increase in productivity than that shown by Plant No. 12. However, it is noticeable that the productivity of Plant No. 59 at the time of its closing down in 1924 had just reached the point at which Plant No. 12 started out in 1911— that is, about 6J^ hours of labor per ton. The stack w^as mechanically filled, but sand-cast, in the first period 1917 to 1920; there were no improvements of importance during that time, and the productivity varied directly with the output per stack-day. The extremely high rate of con sumption of materials is evidence of the lean ores and poor quality of coke in use at this plant. In 1921 the stack was rebuilt and con siderably enlarged, and a pig machine was installed at the same time. Practically the whole of 1922 was spent in getting the plant equipment to operate properly, so no results of the change are apparent. In 1923 however, the daily output of the stack rose to 182 tons and the labor force was greatly reduced by the pig machine, with the result that productivity was almost doubled as compared to the record of 1920. The improved operating efficiency of the new stack is evident in the data on coke consumption for 1922-1924. Plant No. 17 (p. 79). This plant shows the most striking increase in productivity in the whole industry. In 1918, as a hand-filled, sand-cast plant, it required 9% man-hours of labor to produce a ton of pig iron. Many changes took place before the next record was available— a pig machine was installed at the end of 1918, one stack was abandoned in 1921, and the other was rebuilt in 1922. The first year of operation with the new stack (1923) show^s a very poor efficiency record, but even so the output per man-hour was approximately 50 per cent higher than in 1918. In 1924 the stack was rebuilt again on much larger lines and at the same time a skip hoist was installed. The results in that year METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 59 were rather indifferent, but in 1925 the full effect of the improve ments is evident. Productivity was nearly three times greater than in 1923 and the output per stack-day rose to 432.3 tons. In the last two years there have been a further increase in stack-day output and a corresponding increase in productivity. For the first six months of 1927 it required only 2.06 man-hours of labor to produce a ton of pig iron, as contrasted with the 9.67 hours of 1918. The change in productivity is accompanied by a decline in the consumption of iron ore from 4,420 pounds per ton of product in 1923 to 3,821 pounds in 1927 and also by a corresponding decline in coke from 2,462 pounds to 1,859 pounds and in flux from 1,196 pounds to 874 pounds. Plant No. 21 (p. 81). The productivity record at this plant is particularly interesting because the plant was mechanically filled and machine cast from the beginning. Its performance in 1919-20 was poor all around. Pro ductivity was at a low level, varying from 7.14 hours per ton in 1919 to 8.61 hours in 1920, and the high consumption of ore and coke is evidence of low operating efficiency. In 1921-22 the stack was rebuilt and practically doubled in size. The one-month operation in 1922 was too short to furnish any significant data, but in 1923 the full effects of the rebuilding became apparent. Stack-day output increased to 448 tons and productivity was practically doubled, from 0.116 ton per man-hour in 1920 to 0.224 ton in 1923. In 1925 the stack was relined and its size slightly increased, but the tremendous increase in productivity since 1923 must be explained on other grounds. The explanation is to be found in the introduction of the 8-hour day. This led to the reorganization of the labor force and the reduction in men which caused the man-hours per ton to drop from 4.47 hours in 1923 to 2.19 hours in 1926. Between 1920 and 1926 productivity at this plant was increased four times, from 8.61 man-hours per ton to 2.19 hours. Plant No. 50 (p. 93). This plant furnishes another illustration of extremely rapid increase in productivity in a short time. It was mechanically filled and sandcast during 1917 and 1918 when records first become available. The man-hours per ton varied from 7.13 in 1917 to 7.90 in 1918. In the following year the stack was increased in size by about onethird and by 1923 productivity had increased to almost double this amount. The pig machine installed at the end of 1923 showed its influence on labor time in 1924 when the man-hours per ton were reduced from 4.56 to 3.08 in one year. The best productivity record made by this plant was 2.47 hours per ton in 1925. The improved operating efficiency of the new stack is shown by the coke consumption which was reduced from 2,507 pounds per ton in 1918 to 2,101 pounds in 1923. Plant No. 33 (p. 86). The continuity of the record for this plant makes the data unusually important. This is a case where productivity remained practically stationary for 10 years, and then much more than doubled itself in 7 years. During the pre-war years 1911 to 1914 the manhours per ton varied from 5.99 to 7.13; while in 1917 to 1920, with a 60 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES slightly higher output per stack-day, the variation was from 5.01 to 7.41 hours. The latter figure, however, may be disregarded for it contains some relining-labor hours. Between 1920 and 1922 the output per stack-day was increased somewhat, but the important factor influencing productivity at this time was the cut in labor crews after the depression of 1921; the man-hours per ton dropped frcm 6.59 in 1920 to 3.81 in 1922. In 1923 the 8-hour day was introduced, in 1924 the stack was rebuilt and the pig machine installed, and in the following year the man-hours per ton fell to 2.69. The remark able increase in productivity at this plant in the last 7 years is shown by the reduction in man-hours per ton from 6.59 in 1920 to 2.41 in 1927. Plant No. 20 (p. 80). This plant is quite unique in that it was hand filled and machine cast for many years. During the war years productivity was low, the labor requirements per ton of product being 6.14 hours in 1917 and 7.39 hours in 1918. The rebuilding of 1919 did not change the size of the stack but labor efficiency was increased, for the manhours per ton fell to 5.47. In the next few years productivity steadily increased with only a slight increase in stack-day output. Then three important changes occurred at about the same time— the 8-hour day was introduced toward the end of 1923, the stack was relined and enlarged in 1924, and a skip hoist was installed while the stack was down for relining. The results became obvious in the following year when the output per stack-day increased to 418 tons and the output per man-hour rose from 0.207 ton to 0.345 ton. There was a noticeable decline in general operating efficiency in 1926, but a complete recovery took place in the first half of 1927 when productivity reached the high point— 0.393 ton per man-hour or 2.55 man-hours per ton. The low coke consumption shown in the data for 1925 and 1927 gives evidence of high smelting efficiency during those years. Plant No. 34 (p. 86). In the pre-war years 1911 to 1914 plant No. 34 had a fairly good productivity record for a hand-filled, sand-cast plant. The figures for 1912 and 1914 must be discounted for the relining labor hours are included in the totals; the man-hours per ton in 1911 were 7.66 and in 1913, 8.21. During the war productivity declined to very low levels, reaching 11.02 hours per ton in 1918.* The pig machine installed in 1919 began to show results in productivity in the following year. While the stack was being rebuilt in 1921 a new trestle and bins were added. Two years later a skip hoist was installed on this stack, and a new stack of much larger size was put in operation. In 1925 the old stack was abandoned. These improvements led to the establishment of a liigh-productivity record in 1923 of 5 manhours per ton. Two years later the output per stack-day had more than doubled but productivity had not increased in proportion, which means that the economies of two-furnace operation aided in establishing the record of 1923. In 1926 the man-hours per ton were reduced to 2.98. METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 61 Plant No. 54 (p. 95). This small Pennsylvania blast furnace, hand filled and sand cast, required 14.65 man-hours of labor to produce a ton of pig iron in 1911. Since that year its increase in productivity has been both steady and rapid. The stack was slightly enlarged in the rebuilding of 1915, which accounts for the improved productivity in 1918. A later relining made a further slight increase in the size of the stack, but the steady increase in productivity in this plant must be attributed largely to the reduction in the number of men required to operate the furnace. Mechanical filling, installed in 1921, reduced the labor time per ton from 9.71 hours in 1920 to 7.21 hours in 1922. The data for 1921 are for such a short time of operation that the figures may be disregarded. The pig machine does not appear to have had much effect on the productivity in 1923, but this is because the saving of labor in this direction is obscured by increases in other labor groups. In 1926 this plant required 5.81 man-hours of labor to produce a ton of pig iron. Plant No. 3 (p. 72). This plant made an exceptionally good productivity record through out the period 1911-1927. It has always had some of the largest stacks in the merchant-furnace industry and has always ranked near the top in output per man-hour and output per stack-day. Pro ductivity increased from an output of 0.18 ton per man-hour in 1911 to 0.63 ton in the first six months of 1927, which is equivalent to a reduction in labor time from 5.48 man-hours per ton to 1.59 man-hours per ton. A new and larger stack was built in 1919 and another one was added in 1925, but this alone is not responsible for the increased output per stack-day. The steady improvement in productivity is accompanied by the d e c l i n i n g consumption of ore, coke, and flux, and the increase in the use of scrap accounts for part of the increase in stack-day output. - The productivity data for 1919 must be discounted because in that particular year the rebuilding labor is included in the total man-hours. PLANTS SHOWING MODERATE INCREASES IN PRODUCTIVITY Plant No. 53 (p. 94). The productivity record for this plant is of special interest because it took place entirely through changes in labor time. There were no data available on output per stack-day in years prior to 1919, but from that year down to 1924 there was no upward trend in daily output, the figures actually declining from 207.9 tons in 1919 to 204.2 tons in 1924. Yet during this same interval the man-hours per ton decreased from 8.08 to 4.63. Probably the larger part of the labor-saving was due to the installation of the skip hoist in 1921, which resulted in a reduction in labor time from 8.46 hours per ton to 6.29 hours. Plant No. 31 (p. 85). The changes in labor productivity in this plant have been almost wholly determined by three factors— (1) the alternation between one and two furnace operation, (2) changes in output per stack-day, and (3) the installation of a pig machine in 1924. The productivity record is interesting because of the wide fluctuations from year to 62 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES year. Much the larger part of the increase in productivity has occurred in the last three years. The pig machine undoubtedly is responsible for this, although a slightly increased output per stackday accompanied by decreased consumption of ore and coke gives evidence of improved efficiency in operation. Plant No. 23 (p. 82). The stack at this plant was completely rebuilt in 1923. It is a very efficient plant with reference to both productivity and operating practice. The output per man-hour increased from 0.329 ton in 1923 to 0.526 ton in 1926, largely as a result of an increase in output per stack-day from 253.4 tons to 376.8 tons. The unusual feature of the increased daily output is that it has come about through the use of scrap and improved operating efficiency and not through any enlargement of the stack. The data on consumption of materials bring out the striking decline in ore, coke, and flux and the great increase in scrap. Plant No. 52 (p. 94). For the period 1911 to 1916, inclusive, this plant showed little change in productivity, the output per man-hour varying between 0.085 and 0.095 ton. The rebuilding of 1917 enlarged the stack slightly, and the productivity increased correspondingly in the fol lowing four years. Mechanical filling was installed in 1921-22 with the result that man-hours per ton decreased from 9.89 hours in 1920 to 6.22 hours in 1923. The productivity in recent years has been somewhat lower, partly due to a lower output per stack-day. Plant No. 46 (p. 91). This is another plant in which the output per stack-day has had no important part in the increased, productivity. Although the daily output has fluctuated quite widely over the period there has been no upward trend, the output in 1911 being 281 tons and in 1926, 270 tons. The one important labor-saving device installed was the pig machine, but the results of this are not apparent in any one year. However, this machine undoubtedly had considerable influence in reducing the man-hours per ton from the previous best record of 7.47 hours in 1911 to the high record of 4.82 in 1924. It is noticeable that this plant nearly always made its best record in years of partial operation. This was due to the practice of running for only a few months with skeleton crews and then doing a good deal of the auxil iary iron and materials handling after the stack was shut down PLANTS SHOWING CONSTANT OR DECLINING PRODUCTIVITY Plant No. 30 (p. 84). Productivity at this plant increased slightly from 1914 to 1926 but not enough to show any distinct upward trend. As a matter of fact the output per man-hour did not increase so much as did the output per stack-day, which rose from 297 tons in 1914 to 354.6 tons in 1926. The effect of the pig machine is seen in the data for 1927, when the best productivity record was made. The influence of this machine on productivit}r would probably show to much better advantage were data for the whole year 1927 available. The decline METHODS OF INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY 63 in operating efficiency during the war is shown by the rise in consump tion of coke, and the improvements in recent years are marked by the steady fall in pounds of coke consumed per ton. Some facts to be noted in explaining the stack-day output of recent years are the fall in consumption of ore, increased use of scrap, and complete elimination of flux. Plant No. 14 (p. 77). The decline in productivity shown at this plant from 5.48 hours per ton in 1911 to 7 hours per ton in 1926 is only apparent for the latter was not a year of typical operation. Barring the 1912 data, which show unaccountably low productivity, the average for the pre-war period would be 5.47 hours per ton while the best recent record was that in 1924— 4.57 hours per ton. This can not be called a very marked improvement but at least it does not show a decline in productivity. Data for 1918 and 1921 must be discounted because the relining-labor hours are included in the totals. It is clear that the increase in productivity has been largely due to the installation of the pig machine in the beginning of 1917, for this immediately caused a reduction in labor time from 5.46 hours per ton to 4.8 hours. The higher output per stack-day in the following years does not appear to have had much influence on productivity for productivity has never since reached the high mark set in 1917. Plant No. 32 (p. 85). This was a modern plant in the beginning, which fact partially accounts for the very small increase in productivity over the period covered. The output per stack-da}7 declined from 356.6 tons in 1917 to 323.1 tons in 1924. From 1917 to 1922 productivity fluctuated closely in accordance with output per stack-day, but in the last two years of operation daily output declined while productivity increased. This was due almost entirely to the introduction in September, 1923, of the 8-hour day in place of the old 10-hour and 12-hour systems. The full effect of the change is shown by comparing the data for 1922 and 1924; labor time was reduced from 3.27 hours per ton to 2.66 hours. Plant No. 73 (p. 101). This is a case of a sharp decline in productivity followed by a com plete recovery of the lost ground though with very little net advance for the period. The year 1911 was one of full operation and good output and the daily average production of 98 tons was the highest with one exception up to 1923. Also man-hours per ton in 1911, 9.39, represent the highest record of productivity prior to 1923. In recent years, 1925 to 1927, the output per stack-day was increased steadily and the man-hours per ton declined in proportion. The year 1923 is the only exceptional one in the whole period; for some reason the labor crews were very short that year and productivity reached a level which has not been attained since. CHAPTER 5.— GENERAL CONCLUSIONS This bulletin is devoted to the measurement and analysis of pro ductivity changes from 1911 to 1927 in merchant blast-furnace plants. It is impossible, however, to fully understand the productivity changes in those plants unless such changes are considered in relation to the development of the entire pig-iron industry. The annual production of pig iron has greatly increased during the period studied, but the total output of strictly merchant plants has not materially changed. In other words, the “ steel works” branch of the industry has been rapidly expanding and the proportion of the total pig iron manu factured in merchant plants has steadily declined. It may be helpful, therefore, to review briefly the historical and the present relation of merchant furnaces to the industry as a whole in so far as it concerns productivity. At one time all pig iron was produced in merchant furnaces which were generally located near ore banks, coal seams, or limestone beds. In a few exceptional cases forges or puddling and rolling mills were operated in connection with blast furnaces during the years before the Bessemer process caused a revolution in the entire iron and steel industry. Such early integration as existed was not important from a productivity point of view, however, as the “ continuous process” of using blast furnace metal for further manufacture while still in molten condition was impossible with the earlier technique. Before the expansion of the steel industry pig iron was generally produced by individual smelters in isolated plants where the output was sold for further manufacture. The transition from the old decentralized condition of the industry to the present large scale integrated operation has been both steady and rapid. The number of stacks has been cut in half since 1860 while their total capacity has increased tenfold. To an increasing extent production has been concentrated in greater batteries of furnaces in steel plants and the number of merchant producers has steadily declined. Throughout the history of pig-iron manufacture since the early stacks the essential principles of smelting have remained unchanged. Modifications have been made in the rapidity and flexibility of mate rial handling, the character of auxiliary equipment, and the size of the producing unit rather than with the fundamentals of smelting. Thus it remains practical, where the data are available, to compare conditions under which a ton of pig iron was produced in the early blast furnaces with those in later periods. The progress which has been made in the blast-furnace industry since 1880 is divided into two distinct stages: 1. The drive to increase tonnage at any cost to meet the mounting requirements of the steel industry. This drive has been reflected in the practice of merchant producers as well as of steel works producers. 2. The effort to reduce costs per ton of iron which has followed the attainment of large tonnages and the tapering off of rate of growth in iron and steel production. This effort to reduce costs has been particularly noticeable since the depression of 1921, 04 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 65 During the first stage iron makers enlarged their stacks and resorted to hard driving by means of a greater volume of blast heated to higher temperatures in order to increase production. With this increase in output, crews were inflated in plants without labor-saving machinery to aid in caring for the increased product and greater volume of raw materials. During recent years the primary emphasis in making pig iron has been shifted from increase in production to the reduction of costs. Since the war pig-iron prices have been steadily declining and rigid economies in furnace operation have taken place. The high wage rates in many plants forced the development of mechanical methods of charging and casting in order that the number of men required per furnace might be reduced. Of course furnace men have gone ahead enlarging stacks and driving more rapidly, making it possible for fewer and fewer furnaces to turn out the total output of iron. This concentration of production has brought lower costs and has been accompanied by a keen competition among merchant producers, intensified by the increasing supply of iron coming from integrated “ steel works” furnaces. This has helped to bring about the recent improvements in productivity but decreasing profits have brought renewed pressure for still lower costs and further improvement is to be expected. It is worth noting at this point that a blast furnace is not merely a smelter of iron ores in the manufacture of pig iron; it is a gas pro ducer and a slag producer as well. Both gas and slag were formerly wasted at all plants. Slag may now be sold for road ballast, cement manufacture, and other uses, while blast-furnace gas is caught, washed, and used in furnishing power not only for the operation of blowing engines and other auxiliary equipment for the blast-furnace department but also for steel mills and industrial concerns. Not ordinarily rich enough to be used as fuel without further treatment, surplus blast-furnace gas is commonly wasted by nonintegrated merchant plants although it is possible to mix it with coke-oven gas to obtain a satisfactory fuel. An increasing number of merchant producers of pig iron now operate by-product coke plants as an essential part of their plant layout, furnishing gas for local, industrial, or municipal purposes. This integration between coking and smelt ing creates several “ joint products” — pig iron, slag, tar, benzol, toluol, etc. In extreme cases it is often difficult to determine whether pig iron is a primary product or a by-product. However, it may be stated that the blast-furnace industry has attained a higher level of productivity by utilizing its by-products and developing joint prod ucts than in the days when the sale of pig iron was the only possible source of income to iron makers. The use of scrap in the blast furnace, a recent development since the war, has increased output per day and the yield of iron per ton of metal bearing materials in the furnace burden. This is a very important development which has influenced recent progress in daily output very materially. Some conservative makers catering to a discriminating foundry trade willing to pay high prices for good product may not use scrap. The average merchant maker, how ever, finds it advantageous to charge as much of it as good furnace practice and the current price situation will permit. 66 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES Merchant blast-furnace plants which have continued to operate in competition with “ steel works” furnaces may be classified as follows: 1 1. Old plants that can no longer be operated at a profit but the dismantling or abandoning of which would result in almost a com plete loss of capital. Thus they are operated as long as they will run without repair, in order to liquidate as much of the investment as possible. Of course, these plants will gradually drop out of the industry from time to time as their equipment becomes unusable. 2. Plants which have been included as merchant furnaces in this study but are actually owned and operated by steel companies con suming pig iron in further manufacture. 3. Integrated merchant plants operated in conjunction with coke plants which sell by-products, and coke-oven gas for local, industrial, or municipal purposes. 4. Isolated nonintegrated plants protected by geographical loca tion or grade of product from severe competition by other producers; for example, plants producing special grades of iron such as highphosphorus iron or those located near a particular market at great distance from other producers. The migration of merchant-iron makers westward and the decline of old producing districts in the East or South (outside the Bir mingham district) have been described in an earlier chapter. Inability of old districts to survive has meant hardship not only for stockholders and owners, but whole communities have sometimes virtually disappeared. In such localities the workers have had no alternative other than migration not merely to new communities but to new industries, since progress in productivity among the remaining plants has meant that fewer stacks and fewer workmen can without difficulty turn out the product formerly made by the industry with the larger number of furnaces. The effect of increased productivity on employment in pig-iron manufacturing has taken this form, primarily causing permanent shut-downs and displace ment of entire furnace crews rather than the laying-off of men for a short time by an operating plant. The trend in the industry is toward concentration of employment in large plants controlled by fewer and fewer employers and the centralized control of the production of merchant iron ii_ integrated steel-works plants and a limited number of semiintegrated or other wise advantageously situated merchant plants. This centraliza tion means greater stability of employment and higher productivity in the industry as a whole. Increasing production of merchant iron by steel-works stacks and the diminishing number of merchant furnaces does not at all imply the disappearance of the merchant producer. It does mean, however, that the independently operated merchant plants are coming to be dependent upon some kind of integrated operation. This integra tion has led to steadier employment in better equipped and more highly productive plants located in the large industrial centers. Standardization of pig-iron specifications would also aid the mer chant makers in maintaining regular production. i Former merchant plants, now acquired by adjacent steel mills, have mq,intained continuous existence but to-day are no longer a part of the merchant pig-iron industry. APPENDIXES 67 APPENDIX 1.— GENERAL TABLES LABOR PRODUCTIVITY, OUTPUT PER STACK-DAY, CONSUMPTION OF MATERIALS CHARGED, AND CHANGES IN EQUIPMENT, IN MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES, BY PLANTS AND YEARS, 1911 TO 1927 Table A contains all plants covered by the bureau in this study. The years are shown in reverse order, that is, 1927 to 1911 as the later years are of more importance. Data for 1927 cover the first 6 months only. The average full-time furnaces active have been computed on that basis. Only those plants visited after July 1, 1927, have fur nished data for that year. In practically all cases the description of equipment applies to one stack in a plant in any one year. How ever, in a few plants having more than one stack the change in equip ment, particularly the pig machine, applies to all stacks. When figures do not appear in the table for any year from 1911 up to the last year for which data aie shown, it is because data were not obtainable or the plant was not in operation. In the case of a few new plants entering the industry after 1911 the figures for the first year shown cover their first year of operation. Footnotes show the plants which have been idle since the last year for which data are reported. The first column of the table shows in round-number classification the output of pig iron of the plant in each year; exact data are not given because this might lead to identification of the plant, but the production groups are small enough to give a close approximation of the actual figures. The next column shows the average number of full-time stacks which were active throughout the year. If a stack ran 365 days a year it will be listed as 1 full-time furnace, while if 1 stack in a 2-stack plant ran 300 days and the other 150 days, the total for the plant would be 450 days divided by 365 or 1.2 full-time furnaces. The data in this column are independent of the number of stacks in the plant, thus 1 full-time furnace may mean that one stack ran all year or that two stacks operated part of a year each, or even that three or four stacks were in operation in the course of the year but that their total stack-days approximated only 365. The next three columns show the output per man-hour and the three succeeding columns the man-hours per ton of output. The output per man-hour is obtained by dividing the total annual pro duction of pig iron in gross tons by the total annual man-hours of labor; the man-hours per ton of product are obtained by doing just the reverse— dividing the total annual man-hours of labor by the total annual production of pig iron. The former shows what fraction of a ton of pig iron can be produced by one man-hour of labor, while the latter shows the number of man-hours of labor required to produce a ton of pig iron in this particular plant. For purposes of these com putations the total man-hours of labor have been divided into two parts— the hours worked by the furnace crew proper and the hours worked by all men outside the furnace crew. The furnace crew has been defined for these purposes to include all labor directly con- 69 70 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES cerned with the operation of the stack itself, beginning with the charging labor and ending with the casting labor. In the case of a modern skipfilled machine-cast plant, the furnace crew would begin with larrymen and skipmen and possibly a few laborers in the stock house, and would include all men in the cast-house such as foremen, keepers, keepers’ helpers, stove tenders, water tenders, blowers, mechanical men permanent^ attached to the furnace, etc. The blowing engineers and oilers, the boiler-house labor, and the pump-house crew, while directly auxiliary to the operation of the stack, are excluded from the furnace crew proper, not so much for logical reasons but in a great majority of the plants in the industry these groups could not be separated from the general or miscellaneous labor. The pig-machine labor has been included as part of the furnace crew. In some plants it was not possible to make any segregation of the total labor into furnace crew and “ all other” labor. In the hand-filled sand-cast plants the same line of division has been followed, although sometimes the dividing line has been a little more difficult to draw. On the charging side, it is necessary to include in the furnace crew all bottom fillers and their helpers, but to exclude all transportation or delivery of material from stock piles to bins. On the casting side, the furnace crew would include the sand cutters, the pig breakers, and the iron carriers who load the iron into cars for delivery to the yard. In some cases it has been rather difficult to maintain the proper dividing line and the furnace-crew hours represent only a fair approximation. The next column shows the average output of pig iron per stack-day of operation, and is obtained by dividing the total annual production by the total number of days the stack was in blast during the year. This figure should be used in connection with the productivity figure. The following four columns show the consumption of materials in the plant, expressed in terms of pounds per ton of pig iron produced. The figures are obtained by reducing the annual consumption of ore, scrap, coke, and limestone or dolomite to pounds, and then dividing the total by the number of tons of pig iron produced. For purposes of the table, ore is defined to include all flue dust that is purchased as well as the ore itself; scrap includes not only pure iron or steel scrap, but also cinder, scale, borings, turnings, pyrites, and all other such material rich in iron; coke includes coal, if any such is used, but the amount of coal used in the industry is negligible; flux includes all material used for fluxing the ore, but it consists ordinarily of limestone, with occasionally the addition of some dolomite or phosphorous rock. The next column shows the per cent of pig iron output which was machine cast. In most cases, once the pig machine was introduced, this becomes 100 per cent, though there are some important excep tions. The iron which is not machine cast may be either sandcast or run as hot metal to a foundry or open hearth. This last situation is exceptional, and exists in only two or three plants; as a general rule, it may be assumed that the metal which is not machine cast is sandcast. The last column shows technical improvements which have taken place during the period. This is designed to cover all the more im portant changes which may have affected productivity. It includes the installation of skip hoists, pig machines, the building of a new stack or the relining of an old one, the abandonment of stack, etc. T a b l e A .— Labor productivity , production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927 PLANT NO. 1 Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity Year 450-475 525-550 275-300 500-525 400-425 200-225 475-500 1914......................... 225-250 2.0 Furnace crew labor 2.9 0.838 .742 .781 .872 .835 .809 .843 1.8 0) 2.5 1.4 2.7 2.0 1.0 All other labor Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced Total labor Furnace crew labor All other labor 1. 083 1.140 .981 .940 .910 .948 0. 497 .440 .464 .462 .442 .428 .446 1.193 1. 347 1 . 280 1.147 1.197 1. 236 1.186 0.818 .923 .877 1.019 1.064 1. 099 1. 054 2.0 12 0) .243 0) 4.115 1 . 222 0) Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment Total labor 2. 271 2.157 2.166 2 . 262 2. 334 2. 241 Gross tons Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 617.0 4, 377 132 2,070 862 578.7 159 4, 377 2,031 824 531.9 4,278 228 2,141 876 508.3 177 4, 222 1,958 889 557.3 134 4, 211 1 , 882 838 574.4 4, 153 125 1, 942 962 464. 7 1,934 5, 083 73 1,159 333.4 (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Abandoned. Relined in 1919. 100 Mechancially filled; pig machine. Remodeled; relined. TABLES PLANT NO. 2 1926......... ................ 275-300 2.3 1.152 0. 524 0. 360 0. 868 1. 909 2. 777 345.6 4, 202 165 2,315 (2) 86 1924......................... 1923......... ................ 350-375 425-450 3.0 3.7 .663 .579 .433 .421 .262 .244 1. 509 1. 726 2.312 2. 376 3. 821 4. 102 326.0 330. 8 4, 460 4,162 120 2, 434 2,415 (2) 62 39 1921_______ ______ 1920______________ 1 9 1 9 ...................... 1918......................... 100-125 325-350 300-325 425-450 1.0 .202 . 120 . 168 . 187 3. 388 2. 439 1. 887 2. 033 4. 947 3. 502 2. 880 3. 322 8. 335 3.5 3.0 4.0 .295 .410 .530 .492 5. 941 4. 767 5. 355 284. 8 265.6 291. 7 295. 2 4, 769 4, 861 4, 791 4, 823 (2) (2) (2) (2) 2, 905 3,071 2, 751 2, 794 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1914...................... .. 400-425 3.7 .552 0) (l) 1.917 0) 302.9 4,652 (2) 2,869 (2) 1 Detail not available. 2 N ot reported. .286 .347 .301 .210 (0 233 1.— GENERAL 1926......................... 1925......................... 1924......................... 1923......................... 1922......................... 1921........................ 1920....................... .. Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Aver age output per stackday APPENDIX Average Produc full-time tion in furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year Pig machine. Mechanically filled; sand cast. T a b l e A . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment , in merchant ^ blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927— Continued PLANT NO. 3 1914......... ................ 1913-..................... . 1912 1911....................... .. 150-175 250-275 200-225 150-175 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.0 1.9 1.4 2.0 2.0 1. 2 1.9 1. 5 1.0 1.060 .969 .890 .714 .889 .526 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) All other labor Total labor 1. 552 1. 400 1. 205 .997 1 . 060 . 782 0) 0) C1) 0) 0) 0. 630 .573 .512 .416 .456 .314 .340 .315 . 197 .264 .282 0) 0) (0 0) .172 . 196 . 220 . 182 (0 0. 644 .714 .830 1. 003 .943 1. 279 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 1. 587 1. 746 1. 954 2.403 2. 194 3. 181 2. 943 3. 173 5. 070 3. 784 3. 551 Gross tons 657.9 648.7 596. 7 524.1 477.5 509.3 525. 5 476.7 399.8 397.4 408.1 0) 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 5.819 5. 099 4, 549 5. 483 477.8 353.9 397.7 417.5 0.943 1. 032 1.125 1. 400 1. 251 1.902 0) 0) 0) 0) Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds (2) (2) (2) (2) 741 437 1, 792 3, 821 862 249 1, 872 4, 072 744 403 1,902 3, 774 896 363 2,100 3, 804 921 376 2,068 3, 954 941 63 2, 148 4,518 9 2,206 1, 077 4,514 965 2 , 220 28 4, 610 970 9 2, 216 4, 679 871 13 2,158 4, 702 4, 554 4, 675 4, 536 4,437 73 4 43 2, 422 2, 428 2, 230 2,388 1,156 1, 203 1,10 2 > 1,194 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment New furnace built. Do. Mechanically filled; pig machine. FURNACES 225-250 450-475 425-450 275-300 325-350 225-250 175-200 325-350 175-200 275-300 275-300 Furnace crew labor Aver age Man-hours per gross ton output of pig iron produced per stackday All Furnace Total other crew labor labor labor BLAST 1927 3....................... 1926............. ............ 1925_______ _____ _ 1924._____ _______ 1923______________ 1922_____________ 1921._____ _______ 1920..................... .. 1919.................... __ 1918.______ ______ 1917______________ 2.0 2.0 2.0 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity JZfQ PLANT NO. 4 100-125 275-300 275-300 250-275 300-325 175-200 25- 50 300-325 225-250 1917......................... 400-425 1914 ......................... 1912_....................... (2) 4,140 4,019 4,028 4, 075 4,072 4,128 4,198 4,108 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,004 1,986 2. 486 2. 434 4. 108 4. 6>0 5. 278 4.216 564.0 527.3 617.8 549.2 517.7 416.0 351. 2 389. 3 373. 0 0) 3. 071 376.8 3,972 0) 0) 4. 612 283.9 0) 0) 4.503 251.0 (0 0) 0) 0. 599 .639 .510 .532 0) 0) 0) 0) 0. 572 .445 .476 .402 .411 .243 .214 . 189 .237 2.9 (0 0) .326 0) 175-200 1.9 0) 0) .217 225-250 2.6 (0 0) .222 1.0 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.2 0.4 2 .1 1.8 0) 1. 731 1 . 868 1. 907 1. 795 0) 0) 0) 0. 578 .535 .524 .557 0) 0) (») 0) CO 1. 669 1. 565 1. 962 1. 877 0) 0) 0) 0) 1. 749 2. 246 2.100 2,108 2, 084 2,034 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) < 32 « 27 * 26 ^ 33 4 11 ^8 4 35 (2) 2,022 (2) <25 Rebuilt in 1916. 4,476 (2) 2, 332 (2) « 34 Rebuilt. 4,196 (2) 2 , 366 (2) 8 27 Mechanically filled; pig machine. 2 ,1 1 2 2, 072 2 , 068 4 44 Abandoned. Rebuilt. Relined. 1.6 125-150 350-375 325-350 150-175 300-325 200-225 50- 75 1919......................... 175-200 1.4 0) 1913......................... 1912_....................... 1911,....................... 175-200 125-150 150-175 1.5 0) ' 0) 0) 1.9 2.0 1.0 2.0 1 .2 .5 1 .1 1.3 0. 366 .377 .414 .284 0) 0) 0) 0. 281 .290 .295 .215 .318 .235 . 181 2. 736 2.651 2.416 3. 517 0) 0) 0) 3. 560 3. 450 3. 390 4. 641 3.141 4. 248 5. 512 498.9 506.2 457.7 451.3 444.6 ‘450. 0 395.4 3, 576 3, 470 3, 683 3, 555 3, 667 3,900 4, 424 362.2 4,621 320.8 351.7 341.8 4,411 4,639 4,491 0) . 137 0) 0) 7. 276 0) .161 .148 . 158 0) 0) 0) t1) 0) 0) 6. 226 6. 742 6. 330 0) 0) 1 Detail not available. * Production not shown as machine cast, used molten. 0. 824 .799 .975 1.124 0) 0) 0) 1,613 1, 663 1,803 1, 773 1, 848 1,870 2,178 806 777 831 750 784 961 1, 203 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Relined. (2) 2,280 1,107 100 Rebuilt; relined in 1915. (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 Relined. Mechanically filled; pig mac 484 475 363 517 437 352 16 Rebuilt. TABLES 1. 213 1. 252 1 . 026 .890 0) 0) 0) 1927 3....................... 1926........................ 1925....... .................. 1924......... ............... 1923 _ ....................... 1922. ................... .. 1921........................ 1.— GENERAL PLANT NO. 5 APPENDIX 1927 *....................... 1926.......................... 1925........................1924........................ 1923 _ .................... 1922. ....................... 1921...................... . 1920_ ....................... 1919__..................... a N ot reported. 8 First 6 months only. * Production not shown as machine cast, is partly used molten or sand cast. 00 T a b l e A . — Labor 'productivity, production , output per stack-day , consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment , in merchant blast furnacest by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927 — Continued PLANT NO. 6 125-150 225-250 275-300 225-250 300-325 150-175 100-125 300-325 250-275 250-275 200-225 75-100 275-300 200-225 225-250 2.0 1.8 2 .2 2.0 2.5 1.4 1.0 2.6 2.5 2.8 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.0 2.5 Furnace crew labor 1 , 216 1 . 006 .924 0) 0) 0) 0) .597 .556 .444 .469 .529 .549 .498 .436 All other labor 0. 610 .393 .475 0) 0) 0) 0) . 288 .218 .209 .204 .255 .271 .20 1 .239 Total labor 0.406 .283 .314 .251 .248 .241 . 143 . 194 . 157 . 142 . 142 . 172 . 181 . 143 . 154 Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced Furnace crew labor 0. 822 .994 1 . 082 0) (*) 0) 0) 1. 675 1.799 2. 251 2. 134 1. 891 1 . 822 2. 009 2. 291 All other labor Total labor 1.640 2. 543 2.104 0) 0) 0) 0) 3. 472 4. 579 4. 773 4. 905 3. 927 3. 693 4. 985 4.192 2. 463 3. 536 3.187 3. 982 4. 033 4. 155 7. 002 5. 147 6. 379 7. 023 7. 039 5. 818 5. 514 G. 994 6. 484 Aver age output per stackday Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Gross tons Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 408.5 (2) (2) (2) (2) 359.1 3, 943 1,952 23 860 341.7 4,086 896 29 2,071 317.2 4, 368 1,051 2 , 268 76 325.4 1,004 4, 325 58 2. 244 322. 5 4,173 44 1,039 2, 234 312.6 4, 267 36 2 , 181 1,0 21 4, 341 319.8 2 , 367 1,089 30 279. 6 4, 359 2, 499 1, 077 101 253.4 4, 384 2,619 1,100 26 261.6 4, 274 2, 393 1, 039 29 285. 2 934 4, 097 11 (2) 285.2 2,140 (2) (2) (2) 862 286.8 4, 191 8 2 ,120 4,213 2,243 1, 024 270.2 47 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.8 1 .2 0. 848 .816 0) 0) 0) .736 0. 515 .424 0) 0) .308 0. 321 .279 .270 .250 .231 .217 1.179 1.226 0) 0) 0) 1.359 1. 940 2. 358 0) 0) C1) 3.249 3.119 3. 584 3. 703 3. 999 4. 322 4. 607 410.0 392.8 363.1 375.5 346.8 350.3 (2) 3,618 3, 774 3, 718 4, 234 4,231 (2) 372 237 262 45 103 (2) 2, 042 2,146 2, 088 2, 209 2,148 (2) 993 1 , 1 11 999 1,030 1, 030 | D o. D o. Relined pig machine. 100 100 100 100 100 100 FURNACES 125-150 250-275 250-275 250-275 225-250 150-175 Relined. D o. Rebuilt. Mechanically filled; sand cast. PLANT NO. 7 1927 3....................... 1926................. 1925.......................... 1924.......................... 1923.......................... 1922.......................... Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment BLAST 1927 3....................... 1926______ ______ _ 1925______________ 1924________ _____ 1923.......................... 1922 _ ..................... 1921 _ ................... 19206-_ ................... 1919 6. . . ................. 1918 «____________ 1917 8____________ 1916 7____________ 1915______________ 1914 _ ___ 1913______ ______ _ Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity 1921......................... Under 25 1920......................... 200-225 1919......................... 175-200 200-225 1918.................. ... 1917......................... 225-250 .2 1.8 1 .6 2.0 2.0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 1913______________ 1912______________ 1911______ _______ 1.7 1.8 1 .2 .523 .544 .440 175-200 175-200 125-150 .616 .227 .155 . 151 . 128 . 153 . 166 (!) 0) 0) 0) 1. 624 .326 .332 .267 .201 .206 .166 1.914 1.837 2. 272 6.444 6. 633 4.405 7. 793 6. 554 6. 029 375.5 317.0 304.3 297.9 314.0 4,390 4, 451 (2) (2) (2) 3.067 3. 016 3.750 4. 981 4. 853 6. 023 291. 5 289.5 318.5 (2) (2) (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 22 22 (2) (2) (2) 2, 050 2,407 (2) (2) (2) 1,131 1, 239 (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 6 Fiscal year M a y 1 to Apr. 30. Do. Rebuilt in 1914. Mechanically filled; rebuilt. 7 Jan. 1 to Apr. 30 only. 100-125 50- 75 75-100 150-175 0.7 .4 .4 1 .1 0. 520 . 522 .375 0) 19 1 4 ................... 1913______________ 100-125 200-225 1.0 2.0 0) 0) 1. 223 1.227 1.135 0) 0) 0) 0. 365 .366 .263 .294 . 170 . 162 1. 921 1. 915 2. 669 0) (0 0) 0.818 .815 .881 0) 2. 739 2. 731 3. 804 3. 407 441.1 453.5 566.3 382.0 3, 750 3, 837 4,090 4,137 (0 0) 5. 886 6.171 314.3 288.2 (2) (2) 482 197 104 28 (2) (2) 2, 2, 2, 2, 239 297 290 301 •(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) Mechanically filled; pig machine; relined in 1918 and 1922. Sand cast; method of charging not reported. PLANT NO. 9 75-100 175-200 150-175 125-150 1 .1 1.0 1.0 0. 988 .910 .984 .930 0. 790 .785 .800 .762 0. 439 .421 .441 .419 1.099 1 . 016 1. 075 1. 265 1.274 1. 250 1.312 2. 277 2. 375 2 . 266 2. 388 404.7 380.9 431.7 430.0 4, 041 4,316 4,171 4,458 255 278 251 405 2,024 2, 218 1,938 2, 079 632 632 515 544 100 100 100 100 1 9 2 2 ....................... 125-150 1.0 .784 .642 .353 1. 276 1.557 2. 833 378.1 4,122 115 1,895 737 100 1920......................... 1919......................... 1918.......................... 250-275 175-200 175-200 2.0 .883 .728 .629 .724 .597 .515 .398 .328 .283 1.132 1. 373 1. 590 1.381 1.676 1.941 2.513 3.049 3. 531 350.1 308.0 286.0 4, 081 (2) (2) 48 (2) (2) 2 , 006 806 (2) (2) 100 100 100 1.3 1.7 1.9 1 Detail not available. 3 Not reported. (2) (2) 3 First 6 months only. Rebuilt in 1923. Rebuilt. Mechanically filled; rebuilt. TABLES 1 . 012 1927 a....................... 1926______________ 1925______________ 1924______________ 1.— GENERAL 1926......................... 1925______________ 1924________ _____ 1923______________ APPENDIX PLANT NO. 8 P L A N T N O . 108 T a b le A .— Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927 — Continued 1918— ................... 225-250 1.8 1914 9................... 1913 ............. 1912 »____________ 1911 ................. 125-150 175-200 100-125 125-150 1.3 1.7 1.0 1.0 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace crew labor 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) All other labor Total labor 0) 0 .112 (*) 0) 0) 0) .117 . 120 .087 .119 Aver age Man-hours per gross ton output of pig iron produced per stackday Furnace All Total other crew labor labor labor 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 8.920 C1) 0) 0) 0) 8. 523 8. 303 11.434 8. 382 0.3 .9 .2 1 .1 3.4 1.5 4.7 0. 295 .214 .218 .148 .146 .134 .141 0. 267 .206 .225 .153 .139 .115 .128 0.140 . 105 . I ll .075 .071 .062 .067 3. 385 4.664 4. 586 6. 744 6.830 7.451 7.082 3. 748 4.845 4. 436 6. 523 7. 215 8. 694 7. 792 NO. 7.133 9. 509 9. 021 13. 267 14. 045 16.146 14.874 193.0 171.1 206.5 127.6 136.0 141.0 120.7 Coke Flux Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 2, 214 930 3, 459 190 4, 500 4, 303 4, 211 4, 288 100 Rebuilt. 42 106 166 90 2,732 2,512 2,514 2, 748 1,347 1,130 1,223 1,318 100 100 100 100 Mechanically filled; pig machine. 289 125 92 132 426 379 361 2, 498 2, 657 2,614 3, 558 2,911 2, 798 3,082 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 11 3, 954 4, 552 4, 075 4, 608 3, 526 3, 828 4,299 0 61 100 100 79 85 81 Rebuilt; idle since 1924. Remodeled. Abandoned. Rebuilt; hand filled; sand cast; mechanically filled; pig machine. FURNACES 1924........................ Under 25 1923......................... 50- 75 1922..... .............. Under 25 1921....... .................. 25- 50 150-175 1920_....................... 1919..... .................... 75-100 1918........................ 200-225 287.6 316.2 312.8 374.2 Scrap Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment BLAST PLANT Gross tons 345.5 Iron ore Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity PLANT NO. 12 225-250 200-225 200-225 175-200 125-150 25- 50 175-200 100-125 150-175 150-175 1.7 1.4 1.5 1914.......................... 1913.......................... 1912__..................... 1911.......................... 75-100 150-175 100-125 75-100 1.0 2.0 1.6 1 .1 .4 1.6 1 .2 2.0 2.0 1.4 .9 0 0 0) 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0.529 .478 .449 .343 .290 .249 .231 .172 .171 .168 0 0 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0 0 0) 0 0) 0) . 149 . 162 . 152 .150 0) ( 1) (1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (1) 0) 1. 890 2.093 2.227 2. 917 3. 447 4.011 4.327 5.824 5. 846 5. 959 396.7 391.1 366.5 330.7 324.8 311.7 323.6 241.4 213.2 232.8 4, 090 4,030 4,050 (2) 6. 697 266. 6 229! 8 24o! 8 249.3 (2) (2) (2) 6.171 6*. 588 6.667 0 PLANT 225-250 175-200 125-150 150-175 150-175 1 .2 1.0 .9 1.0 1.0 0 0. 766 .720 .674 .786 0) 1 .12 2 1.032 .975 .977 0.465 .455 .424 .398 .436 0) 1.305 1. 390 1. 484 1.272 0 .891 .969 1.026 1.024 2.149 2.197 2.358 2. 510 2.296 PLANT 520.5 503.3 464.1 462.6 460.3 NO. 0 (2) (2) (2) 1 , 820 1,808 1, 887 2,103 2,240 1,972 1,973 2,174 2,341 2,386 726 750 865 (2) (2) 1,165 (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 51 2 391 2 292 2 425 2, 250 m) \ V) \) (2) (2) 1,990 1,932 1,960 1,997 1,909 1,196 1,196 1,288 1,252 1,331 * 88 * 74 \/ 0 4k 0 (2) (2) 4,467 4, 296 4,384 4,245 4,229 (2) (2) 13 0 <84 4 79 4 88 0.4 0.423 0. 216 0.143 2.362 4.635 6.997 300.8 4, 260 <*> 2,218 1, 277 100 75-100 200-225 .6 .516 .497 .380 .388 .219 .218 1.938 2.010 2.630 2.578 4. 568 4. 588 354.5 341.0 4,308 4,426 0 0 2,124 2,119 1,191 1,328 100 100 1921.......................... 1920.......................... 1919......................... 1918_........................ 1917— ..................... 50- 75 175-200 200-225 175-200 175-200 .342 .426 .421 .?59 .429 .325 .403 .398 .340 .405 .167 .207 .205 .175 .208 2.924 2.345 2.376 2.782 2.333 3.073 2.480 2.512 2.942 2.467 5.997 4. 825 4. 888 5. 724 4.800 395.9 347.8 .353. 5 285.5 300.0 4,406 4,386 0 0 0 0 0 1,995 2,155 1,192 1,409 100 100 100 100 100 1914.......................... 1913.......................... 1912_........................ 1911.......................... 150-175 200-225 125-150 25- 50 .376 .335 .361 0) .356 .403 .307 0) .183 .183 .166 .182 2.656 2.988 2.770 0) 2.807 2.480 3.255 5.463 5.467 6.025 5.483 284.4 286.7 286.0 289.0 4,411 4,375 4,337 4,406 1 Detail not available. .5 1.6 2.0 1.4 .5 s N ot reported. * Production not shown as machine cast, used molten. 0 0 4, 296 4,442 0 0 2 0 0 0 2,174 2,138 1, 644 1,463 2,375 2, 297 2,173 2,143 1,530 l) 401 l) 230 1,118 Relined. Do. Relined; pig machine. Hand filled; sand cast. 8 Merchant furnace 1911 to 1918, inclusive. Integrated with steel plant 1919 to 1927, inclusive. » Fiscal year. TABLES 25- 50 1.7 1.7 1.7 Mechanically filled; pig machine. 14 1924.......................... 1923.......................... 1.6 Pig machine installed in 1918. Mechanically filled; sand cast. 0 1926........................ 1.7 Remodeled. 1.— GENERAL 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923 1922. NO. 0 4, 296 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) APPENDIX 1926........................ 1925_....................... 1924.......................... 1923........................ 1922......................... 1921.......................... 1920.......................... 1919_....................... 1918_....................... 1917......................... •<! T a b l e A . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment , in merchant ^ blast furnaces , by plants and by years , 1911 to 1927— Continued PLANT NO. 15 50- 75 175-200 175-200 75-100 75-100 50- 75 Under 25 150-175 100-125 150-175 150-175 1.0 2.0 2. 0 0. 9 1 .1 .6 .l 1. 9 1. 6 2. 0 1.9 Furnace crew labor 0. 310 . 263 . 259 . 273 . 239 . 265 . 137 . 189 . 180 . 188 0) All other labor Total labor 0. 306 i 421 .439 .285 . 303 .273 . 121 . 177 . 157 . 169 0) 0.154 . 162 . 163 . 139 . 133 . 134 .064 .091 .084 .089 . 106 Aver age Man-hours per gross ton output of pig iron produced per stackday All Furnace Total crew other labor labor labor 3. 226 3. 803 3. 855 3. 665 4.190 3. 777 7.318 5. 290 5. 542 5.313 0) 3.271 2 . 378 2, 275 3.512 3. 304 3. 667 8, 279 5. 656 6. 384 5. 911 0) 6.497 6.181 6.130 7.177 7.494 7. 444 15. 597 10. 946 11. 926 11. 224 9. 457 NO. Scrap Coke Flux Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 181 2, 699 5, 237 210 2, 930 5, 772 260 2,970 5,918 2 217 4 2, 994 6, 003 578 6,124 3, 300 502 3, 328 6, C30 11 780 3, 376 5, 649 3,310 730 63 5, 755 54 3, 398 526 5, 938 5, 824 2 3, 228 446 3, 204 750 43 5, 701 Rebuilt. Relined. Hand filled; sand cast. 16 1926. 75-100 0.7 0. 854 0. 685 0. 380 1.171 1. 461 2. 632 392.3 4, 070 73 2,282 (2) 100 1924. 1923 _ 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919_ 1918. 50- 75 125-150 50- 75 Under 25 125-150 100-J125 150-175 .3 .7 1.105 0) C1) 0) C1) C1) 0) .429 i 1) (x) C1) (*) (x) 0) .309 .280 .371 .332 .246 .269 .272 .905 0) (») 0) 0) C1) C1) 2. 329 0) C1) 0) (») « 3.233 3. 566 2. 697 3.016 4. 066 3. 717 3.672 512.0 493.4 613.0 513.1 438.3 455.7 452.3 3,913 3, 792 (3) 4,084 3, 922 (2) (2) 199 249 (2) 170 242 (2) (2) 1 , 996 2,120 912 900 (2) 965 1,055 (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 .2 1 . .9 .6 1 .0 Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment (2) 2 ,10 1 2,092 (2) (2) Relined. FURNACES PLANT Gross tons 316.2 250.5 247.2 278.2 237.3 256.5 218.1 223.3 212.5 209.8 229.5 Iron ore Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast BLAST 1927 3 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity 1917........................ 1916_....................... 1915_....................... 1914 ......................... 1913 ..................... 1912-...................... 1911__..................... 175-200 100-125 125-150 125-150 125-150 125-150 100-125 1 .0 .7 .9 1 .0 .9 .9 .9 C1) 0) C1) C1) C1) C1) C1) C1) (*) C1) C1) C1) C1) C1) . 314 .294 .313 .274 .308 .299 .313 (l) 0) (l) « 3.180 3. 404 3.197 3. 653 3. 252 3. 340 3. 200 (l> C1) C1) 0) (l) C1) « 0) O PLANT 75-100 150-175 150-175 50- 75 50- 75 1.0 1 .0 1.0 1918-....................... 100-125 1.7 .4 .7 1. 562 1. 507 1.372 « G) 0.706 .673 .615 0) 0) 0. 486 .465 .425 0. 640 .664 .729 . 154 0) (l) .103 « .222 • NO. 492.2 474.6 432.3 335. 2 265.0 3, 821 3,860 4, 043 4,144 4, 420 9. 666 176.7 (2) C1) .5 1 .0 .5 1.5 1.8 0.509 .455 .429 .471 .422 .383 . 532 . 149 .171 . 156 C1) 0. 390 . 278 .326 .361 .392 .287 .334 . 184 .203 .213 (l) 1 Detail not available. 0.221 . 173 . 185 .204 .203 . 164 .205 .082 .093 .090 .1 1 1 2.197 | 3.599 2. 330 ' 3.064 2.124 2. 774 2. 369 2. 551 2.613 3. 484 1. 879 2. 998 6. 705 5. 442 5.856 4. 937 6. 409 4. 692 C1) C1) 4. 530 5. 796 5. 395 4.898 4. 919 6.097 4. 877 12.147 10. 793 1 1 .1 0 1 9.009 252.4 233.1 210.8 233.0 226.5 205.4 243.8 215.1 233.7 194.3 215.9 * N ot reported. (2) (2) 1,064 (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 343 325 242 159 376 1,859 1, 901 2, 047 2 , 211 2, 462 874 831 755 918 1,196 100 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) Mechanically filled; pig machine. (2) 6 Rebuilt; mechanically filled. Abandoned in 1921; remodeled in 1922. Hand filled; sand cast; pig ma chine. 18 5,667 5, 564 5, 864 6, 061 5, 916 6,001 5, 658 5, 582 6,102 6,171 5, 690 2, 990 3, 072 32 I 3,228 16 2 . 888 4 3, 028 3, 290 16 3, 002 18 3, 446 13 3, 602 3,828 20 3,444 11 468 ! 392 1 502 282 600 533 591 786 524 831 739 Relined. Mechanically filled. Rebuilt. TABLES. 1.9 1.4 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 .2 NO. (2) (2) 2,024 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1.— GENERAL 75-100 100-125 150-175 150-175 150-175 75-100 25- 50 75-100 25- 50 100-125 125-150 1 1.964 1 2.566 (2) (2) 108 (2) (2) (2) (2) 17 1. 416 2. 056 2.149 1.486 1. 625 2. 354 * 4. 509 C1) 6. 474 (l) PLANT 1927 3....................... 1926 ....................... 1925______________ 1924........... ............. 1923_ ______ ______ 1922________ _____ 1921 ................ .... 1920-..................... 1919_....................... 1918 ....................... 1917_ ....................... (2) (2) 3, 882 (2) (2) (2) (2) APPENDIX 1927 *....................... 1926........................ 1925_ ..................... 1924 ....................... 1923_ ....................... 489.5 445.9 450.9 382.4 389.0 385.3 385.0 Rebuilt; hand filled; sand cast. * First 6 months only. •<! CO T a b l e A . — Labor productivity , production , output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years , PLANT NO. L0 1914.......................... 1913.......................... 50- 75 75-100 .5 1.0 .6 .3 .9 .7 .3 .7 1.0 1.0 1.0 .8 0.707 .727 .708 .679 .334 .338 .237 .232 .270 0) 0) 0) .297 0. 713 .668 .813 .877 .518 .562 .411 .421 .441 0) 0) 0) .399 Total labor 0.355 .348 .379 .383 .203 .2 1 1 .150 .150 .167 . 147 .167 . 161 . 170 Furnace crew labor 1.415 1. 375 1.412 1. 472 2. 992 2.963 4. 222 4. 305 3. 704 0) (’) 0) 3. 369 All other labor Total labor 1.402 1.498 1.229 1.140 1.932 1. 779 2.431 2.377 2.267 0) 2.817 2.873 2.642 2 . 612 4. 924 4. 741 6.653 6. 682 5. 971 6. 785 (0 0) 2. 507 6.001 Gross tons 414.8 432.5 387.1 367.2 344.8 336.5 321.3 314.0 333.2 342.5 352.9 6.209 5.876 317.2 274.3 50-75 75-100 150-175 75-100 125-150 75-100 75-100 1.0 .6 1 .0 .8 1.0 .8 .7 1.289 1.226 1. 250 .606 .526 .471 0) 0. 565 .427 .477 .314 .356 .409 0) 0. 393 .317 .345 .207 .2 1 2 .219 .178 0. 776 .816 .800 1,651 1.900 2 .12 1 C1) 1. 770 2.342 2.099 3.187 2.808 2.445 0) NO. 2.546 3.157 2.898 4.837 4. 708 4.566 5.613 412.0 378.0 418.0 346.0 377.0 356.0 367.0 Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 2,180 932 4,455 206 2 ,110 2 11 4,303 983 4,426 103 2,285 1,060 2,173 4,319 1,093 143 3,956 327 2,300 1,245 244 1,068 4,115 2,196 4,657 2,516 1,537 (2) 4,516 2,543 1,185 (2) 2,334 992 4, 563 (2) 2, 272 4,415 1,048 (2) 2,236 905 4,413 (2) (2) (2) (2) (*) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,015 2,167 2,060 2,265 2 , 210 2, 233 2,209 925 1,084 1,033 1,068 Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Changes in stack, and charing and casting equipment Rebuilt. Mechanically filled. Pig machine installed in 1915. Hand filled; sand cast. FURNACES PLANT 1927*. 1926... 1925__. 1924... 1923... 1922... 1921... Aver age output per stackday 20 3,622 3,147 3,293 3,848 3,770 3,940 4,254 645 851 627 435 676 517 237 1.10 2 1,107 1,205 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BLAST 50- 75 150-175 75-100 25- 50 100-125 75-100 25- 50 75-100 100-125 100-125 125-150 All other labor Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT 1927 >....................... 1926.......................... 1925.......................... 1924......................... 1923.......................... 1 9 2 2 ....................... 1921........................ 1920.......................... 1 9 1 9 ....................... 1918......................... 1917.......................... Furnace crew labor LABOR Year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour 00 0 19 Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year Jo 1927— Continued Relined, mechanically filled. 1920.......................... 1 9 1 8 ....................... 1917.......................... 100-125 100-125 125-150 1.0 1.0 1.0 0) 0) C1) 0) 0) 0) 0.183 . 135 .163 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0.7 1 . 202 .6 .8 7 ’. 1 1.119 .686 1 .0 1 1 .620 1920 ............. 1919.......................... 50- 75 50- 75 .8 . .7 0) (0 0. 736 ' 0) 0) 0) C1) 0) 0) 0.456 .425 .384 .224 .227 . 116 .140 0. 833 .893 .988 0) (0 0) 0) 1. 359 1. 458 1.612 0) 0) 0) 0) 1920. ______ ______ 1918.................... 1917......................... 100-125 100-125 100-125 1.0 1.0 1913......................... 1912............. ............ 1911........................ 100-125 100-125 25- 50 .8 1.0 * Detail not available. 1.0 .8 .7 .7 .9 .4 0. 294 .326 .229 .327 .312 0 0) 21 2,040 (*) 1, 994 1 (2) 2, 018 ; (2) 2 .1 2 1 (2) 2, 356 (2) 100 100 100 100 100 2,451 2,386 (2) (2) 100 100 Mechanically filled; pig machine. 325 ! 2,120 336 ; 2,091 363 ! 2,123 2,245 314 2,224 161 999 1,077 1,077 3,3 79 1,219 4 48 444 100 100 100 Relined. Remodeled. 486. 2 505.8 504.6 448.0 340.6 3,922 4,234 3, 992 3,839 4, 232 234 128 172 125 (2) 8. 605 242.8 243.7 4,778 4,487 35 7.141 N O . 11 7.374 5. 830 324.0 296.0 370.0 4,153 3,947 4,498 347 340 57 2,481 2,340 2,390 1,326 1,118 1, 239 100 100 100 5. 011 4. 851 6. 562 335.0 330.0 337.0 4,321 4,254 4,496 163 175 71 2,264 2,340 2,292 1,277 1,219 1,301 100 100 100 0) 0) .155 .136 .172 0) 0) 2. 500 0) 3.330 .519 .501 .522 .324 .350 .215 .200 1.926 1.997 1.915 3.085 2.854 4.647 * fir st 6 months only. Relined. Rebuilt. 22 6. 464 0) 0 * N ot reported. Hand filled; pig machine. 0 C1) 0) .206 .152 3,958 4,151 386. 0 1 3,897 392. 0 . 3,883 381. 0 ! 3,671 4,043 431.0 4,140 419.0 0) 0) 0) 0) .300 Rebuilt in 1919. 100 100 3. 401 3. 066 4. 364 3. 055 3.203 0) .400 100 1,109 995 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (l) 0) 0) 1,098 2,387 2, 217 Mechanically filled; pig machine. TABLES 0.9 2, 245 452 166 1.— GENERAL 125-150 125-150 100-125 100-125 100-125 468 2.193 2. 351 2 . 600 4. 466 4.412 P L A N T 1926................. ........ 1 9 2 5 . .............. .. 1924______ _______ 1923_______ ______ 1922......................... NO. 4,030 APPENDIX 100-125 100-125 150-175 100-125 Under 25 315. 0 366.0 7. 391 6.140 PLAN T 1926.......................... 1925......................... 1924.......................... 1923...................... 1922.......................... 341.0 5.472 * Production not shown as machine cast is used molten. 00 T a b l e A . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-dayconsum ption of materials charged, and changes in equipment , in merchant QO blast furnaces , by plants and by years , 1911 to 1927— Continued PLANT NO. 1 9 2 6 .................. 1925................. ........ 1924______________ 1923______________ 125-150 75-100 50- 75 25- 50 1.0 .8 .6 .5 Furnace crew labor 1. 353 1.12 0 1.197 .847 Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced All other labor Total labor Furnace crew labor All other labor Total labor 0.861 .713 .762 .539 0. 526 .436 .466 .329 0.739 .893 .835 1.181 1.161 1. 403 1.312 1. 855 1.900 2. 295 2.347 3.037 PLANT 0) 0) 0) 0) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0) 0) C1) C1) 0. 268 .131 .2 1 1 .222 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 3.729 7.645 4. 744 4. 508 PLANT 1926......................... 1925______________ 1 9 2 4 ..................... 1 9 2 3 ....................... 1920..................... - 1.0 125-150 125-150 100-125 125-150 .8 1.0 75-100 .8 .9 C1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .383 .586 0. 536 .473 .389 .459 .232 0) 0) 0) 0) 2. 610 NO. (2) (2) (2) NO. Scrap Coke P ounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 912 585 1,821 3, 212 1 ,1 2 2 452 2,173 3, 373 1,0 12 473 2,172 3, 530 1,183 2 , 201 4,113 16 4,341 (2) 3,994 (2) Rebuilt; mechanically filled; pig machine. 114 (2) 150 (2) 2, 471 (2) 2,327 (2) (2) 1,149 (2) 100 100 100 100 1,2 10 (2) (2) (2) (2) 100 100 100 100 Remodeled in 1922. 100 Mechanically filled; pig machine. Idle since 1923. Mechanically filled; pig machine. 25 0) 368.3 374.8 408.9 356.0 3,909 3, 909 4,001 3, 976 (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,008 2,070 2,113 2 , 218 1.707 4.318 286.4 4,079 (2) 2,391 1.866 100 100 100 100 24 2.116 2. 570 2.179 0 0) 0) Flux Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment Relined. FURNACES 25- 50 Under 25 125-150 100-125 Gross tons 376.8 323.6 320.7 253.4 Iron ore Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast BLAST 1 9 2 3 ....................... 1921......................... 1920______________ 1919........................ Aver age output per stackday PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year 23 P L A N T 1927 3 _ _ _ ....................... 1926 ................. 50- 75 125-150 1 .0 11 1.0 1.0 .971 0.710 .659 0.417 .393 0.989 1.030 1.408 1.517 N O . 2.397 2. 547 PLANT .5 1.0 .1 1.0 1 .2 1. 6 1.0 1.4 .8 .6 0.751 .412 .534 .741 0.393 .559 .458 . 505 .474 .480 .393 .598 .498 .221 .216 .280 .278 . 181 .200 .209 . 198 .224 .171 .198 .202 2. 543 4. 630 3. 574 3. 592 3. 874 7. 054 5. 445 4.942 360.5 185.0 332.7 360.7 2,858 3, 297 2,925 3,111 757 896 909 811 2,124 3, 075 2,275 2, 214 (2) (2) (2) (2) .159 . 130 .143 . 145 . 140 .143 .133 .142 1.789 2.183 1.979 2.109 2. 084 2. 543 1. 673 2.006 4. 518 5. 512 4. 998 4. 790 5.053 4. 470 5. 855 5. 058 6. 307 249.9 223. 9 237.3 205.5 226.1 208.6 206.0 3,546 3, 651 3, 235 3,344 3,862 3, 689 3,907 4, 070 332 408 614 540 119 240 262 96 2, 250 2, 227 2,487 2, 562 2, 547 2, 062 2, 524 2 , 622 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 7. 695 6. 977 6. 899 7,137 7. 014 7. 527 7.064 1913. 1912. 1911. 75-100 75-100 75-100 0.8 .6 .5 .7 .5 .5 .8 .6 .7 1.0 .7 .6 .6 Also pig ma chine and skip hoist installed. Rebuilt. Hand filled; sand cast. . 0.631 0) 0) 0) .381 .365 .361 .355 .291 .291 0) 0) 0) 1 Detail not available. 0.672 0) 0) 0) .642 .655 .443 .456 .309 .456 0.326 .321 .278 .241 .239 .234 .199 .150 .178 1.585 0) 0) 0) 2. 625 2. 741 2. 769 2.813 3. 439 3.431 0) 0) 0) .152 .172 .168 0) 0) 0) .200 NO. 28 1.488 0) 0) 0) 1.558 1.526 2 . 260 2.193 3. 231 2.195 3.072 3.117 3. 601 4.150 4.183 4. 267 5.028 5.007 6. 670 5. 625 454.4 441.5 444. 4 402.4 416.0 398.5 394.4 396. 7 324. 5 318.3 3, 768 3, 734 3, 703 3, 683 3, 588 3, 658 3, 732 3, 772 3, 934 3, 801 421 419 390 401 426 444 430 421 450 444 1,985 2, 092 2, 053 2, 253 2,138 2, 251 2,283 2, 220 2,489 2,439 1,084 1,138 1,310 1,501 1,478 0) 0) 0) 6. 561 319.6 359.7 360.2 (2) 3, 833 (2) (2) 336 (2) (2) 2,233 ( 2) (2) 1,301 (2) * N ot reported. 5. 833 6.136 1,046 1,066 1 , 068 1,035 100 100 35 Pig machine. Rebuilt. 1,0 10 TABLES 125-150 75-100 75-100 100-125 75-100 50- 75 100-125 75-100 75-100 100-125 100 100 Relined. 100 100* Rebuilt in 1922. 1 PLANT 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918 1917. 2 12 .1 Mechanically filled; pig machine. 27 1.331 2. 424 1.871 1.350 0. 258 .142 .184 100 100 815 977 1.— GENERAL 1921 .................... Under 25 1920 ................. 75-100 1919 __________ 100-125 1918 ................. 100-125 1917 ____________ 75-100 100-125 1916______________ 1915 ____________ 50- 75 1914_ ..................... 25- 50 1.0 (i°) NO. 2,095 2, 214 4,489 4, 252 APPENDIX 125-150 1926.......................... 1925______ ______ _ Under 25 1924................ ....... 50- 75 1923______________ 125-150 383.0 366.1 26 Do. Hand filled; sand cast. Plant operated less than 18 days during the year. 00 CO T a b l e A * — Labor productivity , production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment , in merchant QO blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927— Continued PLANT NO. 1914 ®....................... 1913 *........... ........... 1912«____________ 100-125 125-150 100-125 0.8 1.0 .9 Furnace crew labor All other labor Total labor (9 0) (9 0) (9 (9 0.231 .242 .219 Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced Furnace crew labor (9 (9 (9 All other labor 0) (9 (9 2.0 ! 2.0 1 1.9 2. 0 2.0 1. 7 .4 1.9 1.8 2.4 3.0 2. 7 2. 2 2.0 (9 (9 (9 0) 0) 0) (9 (9 (9 0) (9 0) (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 0.152 . 130 . 135 . 144 . 139 . 149 . 137 . 125 . 112 .098 . 123 . 136 . 137 .127 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 Scrap Coke Flux Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment Gross tons 4. 336 368.0 4.130 i 360.0 347. 0 4. 570 NO. 6.597 7. 669 7. 403 6. 956 7. 204 6.711 7. 307 8. 019 8.940 10.180 8.136 7. 328 7. 280 7. 891 380.5 354. 6 315.8 321. 9 319. 1 337.8 337.8 273.2 277. 5 209.4 248. 1 283.6 270.8 297.0 Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 4,133 2,103 212 1,2 12 4,316 | 2,282 1,174 (2) 3, 857 333 2,186 1. 271 < 100 4 100 < 100 Pig machine; hand filled. 30 5, 564 5, 598 5,748 5,858 6,120 6,044 5, 967 6, 205 6, 241 6,100 6,115 5, 956 6, 308 5, 593 379 432 405 414 321 316 255 222 215 305 269 228 211 184 2 , 682 2 , 680 2, 784 2,984 3, 032 2 , 886 2,712 3, 204 3, 228 3, 362 3, 202 2,890 3, 074 2, 874 (2) (2) 20 100 31 Pig machine. Relined. 40 181 211 258 567 553 925 903 564 260 437 Do. Do. Do. Do. Rebuilt. Do. Mechanically filled; BLAST FURNACES I 125-150 250-275 200-225 225-250 225-250 200-225 50- 75 175-200 175-200 175-200 250-275 275-300 200-225 200-225 Iron ore Per cent of produc tion m a chine cast Total labor PLANT 1927 3____________ 1926.......................... 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 Aver age output per stackday PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year 29“ PLANT NO. 31 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 Under 25 50- 75 50- 75 100-125 125-150 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .6 .1 1.0 1.2 1.7 2.0 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 0. 504 .529 .477 .425 .425 .483 .398 .467 .451 .478 .513 .434 .419 .439 .409 .452 .379 0. 331 .319 .290 .248 .193 .212 . 176 .152 .148 . 187 .204 .184 .172 . 185 .175 .190 .148 0.200 .199 .181 .157 . 133 .147 .122 .115 .111 .134 .146 .129 . 122 . 130 . 123 .134 .106 3. 023 3.131 3.443 4. 032 5.188 4.712 5. 683 6. 575 6. 764 5. 348 4. 901 5. 435 5. 826 5.418 5.716 5. 266 6. 753 1. 982 1. 892 2. 096 2. 355 2. 353 2. 072 2. 510 2.143 2. 217 2.091 1.948 2.305 2.386 2. 277 2.443 2.211 2.639 5.005 5.023 5. 539 6. 387 7. 542 6. 784 8.192 8. 718 8.981 7.439 6. 851 7. 740 . 8 212 7. 695 8.158 7.477 9. 392 1 Detail not available. * N ot reported. 0.898 .730 .627 .677 .631 .611 .635 .686 0.646 .692 .597 .639 .572 .571 .606 .599 0. 376 .355 .306 .329 .300 . 295 .310 .320 1.114 1.371 1.595 1.478 1.585 1. 638 1. 576 1.458 ®Fiscal year. * First 6 months only. 1.547 1.445 1.676 1.564 1.749 1. 752 1.650 1. 670 2 . 662 2.816 3. 270 3. 043 3. 334 3. 390 3. 225 3.128 323.1 336.1 318.5 347.1 340.3 319.9 337.6 356.6 242 316 18 (2) 100 100 100 82 22 157 683 573 403 724 412 (2) Relined. Relined; pig machine. Relined. D o. Do. Do. Do. 0 (2) (2) 224 486 Do. Mechanically filled; sand cast. 32 2,197 2,948 4,231 4,189 4, 328 3,886 4, 269 4, 229 1, 552 974 255 244 (2) 211 (2) 30 2,035 2,142 2,466 2, 354 2,311 2,286 2,108 2,005 952 1,055 1, 351 1,445 1, 248 1, 272 1, 384 1,20 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Idle since 1924. Mechanically filled; pig machine. 11 Merchant furnace plant 1911-1916, inclusive; integrated with steel plant 1917. * Production not shown as machine cast is used molten. TABLES 25- 50 100-125 25- 50 50- 75 75-100 100-125 100-125 100-125 1924. 1923 1922 1921. 1920 1919. 1918 1917. NO. 2.836 2, 804 3,024 3,168 3, 022 3,134 3, 386 3, 300 3,406 3,188 2, 978 3,042 3, 205 2, 996 3,168 3, 256 3, 484 1.— GENERAL PLANT 206.4 203.7 182.8 177.2 181.0 177.2 163.0 171.7 164.8 171.6 175. 7 167.4 179.4 192.4 181.8 164.8 158.1 APPENDIX 1927 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923. 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918. 1917. 1916. 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911. 00 O* T able A . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years , 1911 to 1927— Continued PLANT NO. 75-100 75-100 75-100 75-100 1914______________ 1913______________ 1912______________ 1911......................... 50502550- 75 75 50 75 .7 1.0 .5 .9 1.0 .9 .9 .8 .9 .5 1.0 Total labor Furnace crew labor All other labor Total labor Iron ore Scrap Coke 0.415 .341 .371 .284 .266 . 263 1.091 1.359 1. 394 2. 063 2. 395 2.412 1.319 1.573 1.298 1.453 1.365 1.394 2.410 2. 932 2. 692 3. 516 3. 760 3. 806 Gross tons 359.0 325.0 321.0 303. 0 308. 0 303.0 .449 . 527 .428 .627 .152 . 164 . 135 .200 4. 365 4. 202 5. 077 3. 412 2. 229 1.898 2. 335 1.595 6. 594 6. 100 7. 412 5.006 264.0 253. 0 245. 0 258. 0 4, 639 4,101 4,128 3, 824 41 ! 127 i 170 | 174 .481 .524 .440 .464 . 145 . 167 . 140 . 148 4. 795 4. 077 4. 855 4. 597 2. 078 1.910 2. 274 2.153 6.873 5.987 7.129 6. 750 203. 0 221 . 0 227. 0 198.0 3, 956 4,180 4, 075 4, 325 64 1 2,290 74 2, 492 85 2, 344 634 1 2,156 I 0.917 .736 .717 .485 .418 .415 0. 758 .636 .771 .229 .238 . 197 .293 .209 .245 .206 .218 .688 .733 .717 PLANT NO. Flux Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 4,243 305 668 2,000 4,126 259 2 , 262 670 4,216 176 2 , 262 767 4, 446 136 815 2,316 4, 209 193 2, 300 1 , 010 4, 341 143 2, 334 1,149 2,308 2,302 2,302 2, 296 Per cent of produc tion m a chine cast 100 100 100 33 1,192 945 874 ' 1,167 921 Rebuilt. 1,10 2 ’ 916 1,068 Mechanically filled; sand cast. 34 100-125 25- 50 0.7 .3 0. 685 .577 0.659 .687 0. 336 .314 1.460 1. 732 1. 518 1. 456 2.978 3.188 442.7 439.9 3,518 3, 548 58 54 1,898 1, 945 694 773 100 100 1923......................... 1922........................ 1921.......................... 75-100 Under 25 25- 50 1 .2 .1 .368 .394 .352 .437 .309 .279 .200 2.714 2. 539 2. 843 2.286 3.232 3. 586 5.000 5. 772 6. 428 197.1 213.6 219.9 3, 839 3, 407 3,815 226 197 119 3,055 2,671 2,615 1,176 1, 072 1,006 100 100 100 .173 .156 Rebuilt; pig machine. Relined. 1926______ _____ __ 1925....... .................. .5 Changes in stack, and chargin and casting equipment Abandoned. New furnace; mechanically filled. Rebuilt. FURNACES 1920........................ 1919............. .......... 1918......................... 1917_____ _____ _ 0.6 1.0 1.0 All other labor Aver age output per stackday BLAST 25- 50 100-125 100-125 75-100 100-125 50- 75 Furnace crew labor Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT 1927 8__................... 1926______________ 1925......................... 1924______________ 1923________ _____ 1922_______ ______ Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour LABOR Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year 33 Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity QC 1920. 1919. 1918 1917. 50Under 5050-- 75 25 75 75 1914. 1913. 1912 1911. 25502550- 50 75 50 75 .268 .217 (2) 0 0) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0 0 0 0) 0 .205 . 169 0 0 00 0) 0 .116 .095 .091 .097 ..090 122 . 104 .131 ! 3. 735 4. 609 (9 0 0 0) 0 0 4. 891 5. 925 0 0 0) 0 0) 0 8. 626 10. 534 11.012 10.313 171.4 171.1 (2) (2) 9. 565 8. 208 11.168 7. 659 (2) PLANT 25- 50 0.3 75-100 100-125 .9 1.0 0) 0 0. 247 0) 0) 0.249 ; 0.198 . 100 . 125 0) 0) 4. 045 1920______________ 1919....... .................. 1918______ _____ __ 1917.......................... 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 .8 .6 .8 .8 .3 .9 1.0 50- 75 100-125 0.8 .8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relined. Do. Hand filled; sand cast. 35 5. 041 370.0 4,137 40 2,042 1,116 100 0 10 . 021 8. 030 267.0 287. 0 3, 860 3, 985 394 298 2, 342 2, 367 1,172 1,107 100 100 3. 985 NO. Rebuilt 1920; idle'since 1923; aban doned in 1927. Pig machine; method of charging not reported. 36 0. 427 .430 . 445 .309 1.077 .620 0. 789 .828 0) .614 1.120 0 1 . 612 1 . 268 1 . 120 0) 1 . 628 2. 345 2. 328 2.245 3.240 334.9 317. 9 329.6 260.5 3, 575 3, 250 2,516 3, 338 392 768 1,245 703 2, 084 2,119 2, 047 2, 364 724 737 757 916 100 100 100 100 .554 .288 .299 .279 .601 .552 .496 .475 .288 . 189 .187 .176 1.805 3. 477 3. 345 3. 580 1. 665 1.811 2.017 2.103 3. 470 5. 288 5. 362 5.683 257.3 241.0 217.7 213.5 3,846 3, 620 3, 510 2,782 459 730 788 1, 467 2,613 2, 652 2, 497 2, 588 1,382 1, 472 1,351 1, 241 100 100 100 76 Pig machine; hand filled, sand cast. 435 349 1, 878 2,014 820 999 100 100 Mechanically filled; pig machine. 0. 929 .893 0 PLANT 1927 ................... 1926.......................... 0 0 0 0 Pig machine. 0 1.185 .740 0.451 .282 i Detail not available. 0. 327 .204 0.844 1.351 2. 217 3. 551 NO. 3. 061 4.902 459. 7 401.0 2 N ot reported. Relined; mechanically filled. TABLES 0.9 0 0 0 1.— GENERAL 100-125 75-100 75-100 Under 25 100 100 1, 263 0 0 0 0 PLANT 1926______________ 1925______________ 1924______________ 1923______________ 2, 584 0 0 0 0 0 0 NO. 370 0 0 0 APPENDIX 1923 — ................... 1918......................... 1 9 1 7 --.................... 3,098 37 3,241 3, 544 8 First 6 months only. 00 ^1 T a b le A .— Labor 'productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years, Zo 1927 — C ontinu ed PLANT NO. 1927 3 _ _ _ ............... .. 1926..... ................ 1925______________ 1924______________ 1923______________ 50- 75 100-125 75-100 25- 50 25- 50 1.0 1.0 .9 .4 .5 Furnace crew labor 0. 525 .543 .546 .400 .407 All other labor 0. 339 .352 .373 .263 .247 Total labor 0. 206 .214 .222 . 159 .154 Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced Furnace crew labor 1.906 1. 841 1.830 2. 503 2. 455 All other labor Total labor 2.947 2. 837 2 . 682 3. 800 4.054 4.851 4. 678 4.513 6.303 6.509 Aver age output per stackday Gross tons 289.6 299.9 299.8 219.5 223.1 Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 4 4,800 i 3, 200 1,828 2 3, 082 4,525 1 1, 637 3,186 1,398 4,776 1 5,210 3, 931 1,891 5,103 | 3, 385 2,000 Changes in stack, and charing and casting equipment Relined. Mechanically filled; sand cast. 1 PLANT 1.0 .8 .8 1.0 .2 .8 .6 .8 .6 0. 212 W 0.391 .381 .407 .400 .422 .428 .372 .402 .367 0) .202 2.427 2. 250 2. 462 0) 0. 466 . 451 .466 .458 .467 .473 .412 .444 .406 .207 . 217 .213 .222 .225 . 196 .2 1 1 . 193 2.157 2. 215 2.147 2.185 2. 423 2 ,1 1 2 39 2. 490 2. 725 0) 4. 713 4. 841 4. 605 4. 688 4.507 4.451 5.113 4.739 5.187 4. 960 278.2 268.4 241.6 255.1 263.5 261.0 249. 7 260. 1 241.7 285.2 2,802 2, 484 2,807 2,876 2, 760 2,489 2,636 2, 531 2,536 2 , 536 916 1,129 936 685 885 1,191 1,026 1,133 1,232 1,149 2, 331 2, 598 2, 499 2,417 2, 492 2, 485 2,515 2, 473 2, 685 2,516 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2. 556 2 . 626 2.459 2.503 2. 367 2.338 2.686 1915 . . 100-125 1.0 0) 0) .214 0) 0) 4. 684 282.4 2 ,374 1,230 2, 544 (2) 1912 ................. 50- 75 50- 75 .5 0) 0) 0) 0) . 144 .095 C1) 0) 0) 0) 6. 967 294.7 249.8 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) ......... .7 10. 535 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Relined. Do. Pig machine in 1916. Rebuilt; mechanically filled. Hand filled; sand cast. FURNACES 0.4 NO. BLAST 25- 50 75-100 50- 75 1924_ .................... 75-100 1923______________ 75-100 1922....... .................. 1921_ ___________ Under 25 50- 75 1920______________ 50- 75 1919______________ 50- 75 1918- ............ .......... 50- 75 1917_______ ______ 1926________ _____ 10 11 ....... Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year 38 jm PLANT NO. 40 1927 a....................... 1926......................... 1925......................... 1924_ ................. 1923......................... 1.0 .6 .8 1.0 1.0 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 100-125 75-100 0.350 .345 .248 .318 .292 0. 255 0.147 . 251 . . 145 . 181 . 105 .231 .134 .2 12 .123 2. 857 2. 900 4. 025 3.144 3.427 3. 929 3.989 5. 535 4. 324 4.713 6. 786 6. 889 9. 560 7.468 8.139 322. 7 317.9 229.1 293. 3 269.1 3,763 4,312 4,941 4, 614 5, 275 473 388 311 414 208 2 , 808 3,143 3, 586 3,111 3, 786 1,165 1,160 1,351 1,172 1,626 Relined. Mechanically filled; sand cast. CO PLANT 50- 75 100-125 100-125 0.5 1919_...................... 1918-.................... .. 1917-................ 50- 75 75-100 75-100 41 0. 497 .440 .403 0.180 . 166 . 159 3. 536 3. 736 3. 798 2.014 2. 273 2.484 5. 550 6.009 6. 282 329.7 293.0 290.9 4, 081 4,213 4,182 (2) (2) (2) 2,0 11 2,179 1,138 1,124 1.243 .5 .9 . 180 .108 .8 .239 .270 .303 .334 5. 560 4.948 4.181 3. 707 3. 299 2.990 9. 267 8. 247 7.171 286. 0 260.6 289.0 4, 202 4, 274 4, 334 (2) (2) 0) 1,994 2,458 2,207 1,292 1,496 1.243 .202 .1 2 1 .139 PLANT NO. 1,720 Idle since 1925. Relined in 1921. Hand filled; sand cast; relined. 4 2 100-125 50- 75 1.0 .6 0. 695 .541 0. 363 .283 0. 239 .186 1. 438 1. 848 2. 754 3. 540 4.192 5.388 283.4 247.0 (3) (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 100 100 1923......................... 50- 75 .8 .202 .257 .113 4. 943 3.884 8.827 230.8 (2) 0) 0) 0) 100 Relined; skip hoist installed in 1924. Rebuilt in 1922. 1920........... .............. 1919______________ 1918-....................... 1917-....................... 25- 50 50— 75 50- 75 50- 75 .8 1.0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .072 .085 .082 .075 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 13. 941 11.819 12.186 13. 245 169.9 194. 6 189.4 0) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 100 100 100 100 Rebuilt; pig machine. 1914_ ______ ______ 1913............. ............ 1912_______ ______ 1911.......................... 50505050- (2) (2) (2) (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .093 .092 . 119 .124 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 10. 720 10. 849 8. 383 8. 066 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 75 75 75 75 .9 1 Detail not available. (2) 0) (2) 0) a N ot reported. Hand filled; sand cast. 8 First 6 months only. TABLES 1926-..................... 1925......................... 1.— GENERAL 0. 283 .268 .263 1.0 1.0 APPENDIX 1925......................... 1924__.................... 1923......................... NO. T a b l e A . — Labor 'productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant >0 blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927— Continued PLANT N O . 43 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace crew labor All other labor Total labor 0.406 .429 .364 .421 .324 . 365 .266 .269 .259 0.317 .291 .261 .313 .233 .281 .281 .259 .286 0.178 .173 .152 . 180 . 136 .159 .137 . 132 . 136 Aver age Man-hours per gross ton output of pig iron produced per stackday Furnace All Total crew other labor labor labor Gross tons 25- 50 1925.......................... 50- 75 1924......................... 25- 50 1923_____ _____ _ 1922______________ 75-100 1921......... .............. Under 25 25- 50 1920................. ........ 1919......................... 50- 75 75-100 1918.......................... 1917.......................... 75-100 0.3 .7 .7 1.0 (i°) .6 .9 1.0 .9 2.461 2. 330 2, 745 2.372 3. 083 2. 739 3. 757 3. 722 3. 859 3.153 3. 441 3. 826 3.197 4. 286 3. 560 3. 563 3. 863 3. 491 5.614 5. 772 6. 571 5.569 7.369 6. 299 7. 320 7.585 7.351 3,033 0) 6. 792 280.3 3,987 0) 9.104 203.9 0) 0) 0.145 0) 0) 1917 100-125 1.0 0) 0) .147 0) 1913 25- 50 .6 0) 0) .1 1 0 0) Flux Idle since 1925. Relined. New furnace, mechanically filled; sand cast. N O . 44 281.6 0 .2 Coke Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 3,414 9 1,767 4,661 3,147 1,644 4, 583 16 204 4, 829 3, 309 1, 557 4, 771 3,086 3,121 887 5, 320 2,907 1, 024 4 4, 782 904 3, 006 4, 723 2, 947 1,516 4, 809 4,422 1,366 2, 536 6.904 Under 25 1923......................... 236.1 192.4 220.9 169.5 217.7 204.3 206.3 252.5 Scrap Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment 0 327 2,195 (2) 99 2,181 (2) (*) (*) (2) 100 Relined in 1919; pig machine in stalled in 1920; furnace aban doned in 1924. Method of charging not reported; sand cast. BLAST FURNACES PLANT 220.8 Iron ore Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity PLANT NO. 45 1926......................... 1925......................... 1924......................... 1923......................... 75-100 100-125 50- 75 50- 75 0.9 1920.......................... 75-100 .8 1914..................... .. 75-100 1 .0 1.0 .6 .6 0) 0 0) 0 0.377 0 0) 0 0 0 0. 592 (0 0.259 .288 .255 .224 0) 0) 0 0 .230 2. 651 .188 0 0) 0) 0 0) 1.689 0 3. 856 3. 471 3. 923 4.459 298.2 276.8 293.3 287.5 3,947 3,904 3,916 3,873 0 0 0 0 2,076 2, 309 2,234 2,263 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 Relined. 4.340 267.6 4,146 0 2,344 0 100 Relined and pig machine installed in 1918. 5.311 216.7 75-100 75-100 75-100 75-100 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 75-100 25- 50 .2 .6 .1 .9 .8 1.0 .9 1.0 .6 .7 .4 .8 .5 0.442 .435 .460 .360 .396 0. 367 .390 .379 .374 .412 .315 .300 .319 .300 . 297 .272 . 217 . 187 . 198 .223 .327 .312 .332 .312 .309 .314 .325 . 281 .297 .334 0. 200 .202 2.727 2.566 2.641 2. 670 2.429 4. 991 4. 865 4. 815 5. 447 4.954 270.0 291.9 144.3 298.1 281.8 3,985 3,951 3,994 3,824 3,689 . . . . . . . . . . 3. 175 3. 332 3.132 3. 337 3. 369 3. 677 4. 603 5. 337 5. 048 4. 479 3.054 3.204 3. 011 3.209 3.240 3.186 3.074 3. 564 3.372 2.992 6.229 6. 536 6.141 6.545 6. 608 6. 863 7. 677 8.901 8.420 7.471 283.8 262.6 279.4 264.9 259.7 245.6 275.1 235.9 249.4 281.1 3,976 3, 868 3, 985 3, 860 3, 868 3,967 3, 580 3, 821 3, 774 161 153 163 153 151 146 130 112 119 134 PLANT 1926. 1925. 1924. 1923. 1922. 1921. 1920. 1919. 1918. Under 25 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 50- 75 75-100 0 .1 1.0 .9 1.0 .2 .2 1.0 .9 2.0 0 0) 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 1 Detail not available. 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 2. 264 2. 300 2.174 2.777 2. 525 . 206 .208 .184 0.115 . 122 .096 . 122 .117 . 119 . 112 .099 .089 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Not reported. NO. 8. 693 8.191 10.450 8. 218 8. 567 8. 371 8. 960 10.096 11. 285 124.2 133.1 132.6 155.8 148.9 155.1 130.0 155.1 132. 9 Hand filled; sand cast. 0 0 201 323 370 181 383 139 392 314 390 367 340 611 661 656 0 2 , 206 2 , 212 2,170 2,216 2,316 1,080 1,136 1,149 1,080 2, 225 2, 248 2,229 2,288 2, 280 2,380 2,390 2, 541 2,366 1.185 ‘ 1, 279 1,234 0 1,0 12 0 1,216 1, 389 1, 254 1,404 1,512 0 100 100 100 100 100 Abandoned in 1927. 100 100 100 100 100 75 Pig machine. Rebuilt. Mechanically filled; sand cast. 47 5, 604 5, 609 0 4, 995 5,342 0 0 0 4,406 2, 663 2, 489 0 2, 424 2,426 0 0 0 1, 508 3,631 3, 772 0 3,155 3, 386 0 0 0 2,836 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TABLES 1920......................... 1 9 1 9 ....................... 1918.......................... 1917.......................... 1916......................... 1915________ _____ 1914______________ 1913......... ............ .. 1912________ _____ 1911................. ........ 0.5 .3 0 1.— GENERAL 1926.......................... 25- 50 1925.......................... 25- 50 1924......... ................ Under 25 1923......... ................ 50- 75 1922......... ................ Under 25 NO. 0 APPENDIX PLANT 0 Relined. Do. Rebuilt. Hand filled; sand cast; mechan ically filled. 10 Plant operated less than 18 days during the year. CO T a b l e A . — Labor 'productivity , production , output per stack-day , consumption of materials charged , and changes in equipment, in merchant O blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927— Continued P L A N T N O . 48 Year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace crew labor Aver age output per stackday Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced All other labor Total labor Furnace crew labor 0) 0 . 201 0) All other labor Total labor 0) 4.985 Gross tons 247.0 Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment Pou nds Pounds Pounds Pounds 4,182 2, 348 1,127 (2) 0.4 1 9 2 3 ... 50- 75 .7 0. 274 0.313 0.146 3. 645 3.196 6. 841 250.0 4,294 (2) 2, 493 883 1918____ 1917____ 75-100 50- 75 .9 .7 . 284 0) .365 3. 523 (0 2.740 0) 6. 264 8. 702 300.0 248.0 4, 256 4, 357 (2) (2) 2 , 212 (0 .160 . 115 1,026. 1,093 1914____ 1913____ 1912......................... 1911____ 50- 75 25- 50 75-100 50- 75 .7 .5 . 275 .283 . 293 .249 .401 .425 .431 .362 . 163 .168 . 174 .148 3. 636 3. 529 3. 416 4. 012 2. 496 2. 352 2. 320 2 . 761 6.132 5. 952 5. 736 6. 773 244.0 252.0 266.0 258.0 4,415 4, 346 4, 325 4, 310 (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,331 2,482 2,374 2,280 1 , 210 1, 098 1, ©39 1,026 Hand filled; sand cast. 3, 335 3, 227 1,855 1, 684 Idle since 1&23. Relined. 3,018 3,182 3,103 3, 219 1 , 012 1, 460 1, 568 1.0 .7 0) PLANT 50- 75 25- 50 1923 1922 1920 1919 1918 1917 _ ......... 50Under 5050- 75 25 75 75 0.7 .6 .8 .2 .7 1.0 NO. 2,306 Relined. Do. 49 0.291 . 288 0. 320 .311 0.152 . 150 3. 439 3. 470 3.127 3. 211 6. 566 6. 681 207.6 2 10 .1 4,722 4, 621 .301 . 280 . 251 .261 .290 .298 . 266 .283 . 148 . 144 . 129 .137 3. 320 3. 570 3.989 3. 774 3. 445 3. 358 3. 765 3. 540 6. 765 6.928 7. 753 7.314 229.5 213.5 186.4 186.0 4, 883 4,308 4, 305 4,372 2 18 1,0 12 Relined; mechanically filled; sand cast. FURNACES 25- 50 BLAST 1926...................... PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity PLANT NO. 50 1926......................... 1925......................... 1924......................... 1923......................... 75-100 75-100 25- 50 50- 75 0.9 .9 .5 .7 1918......................... 1917.......................... 25- 50 50- 75 .9 1.0 0.735 .767 .599 .319 0.800 .859 .709 .703 0) 0) 0) 0) 0.383 .405 .325 .219 . 127 .140 1. 360 1.303 1. 669 3.136 0) (0 1.250 1.164 1.410 1.423 2.610 2.468 3. 080 4.559 262.1 259.4 215.2 212.5 3,996 (2) (2) 4,041 170 (2) 0) 0) 7.896 7.133 145.5 151.3 4,084 3,916 52 72 NO. 38 2,149 (2) (2) 2 ,10 1 820 (2) (2) 1,151 2,507 2,383 1, 230 1,198 100 100 100 13 Mechanically filled; sand cast. 51 25- 50 0.9 0.587 504 0. 271, 1. 705 1.984 3.689 ■ 262.8 3, 624 2,028 965 100 1925.......................... 1924.......................... 1923.......................... 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 .5 .4 .7 .564 .437 .366 344 294 171 .214 .176 .117 1. 772 2. 289 2. 732 2.900 3.398 5.843 4. 672 5. 687 8. 575 248.3 248.1 209.0 3,804 4,081 4,059 2,076 2 , 228 2,295 1,062 1,053 1 , 281 100 .352 .333 129 (2) .093 .123 .10 2 .111 2.837 3.004 0) 0) 0) (J) 7.754 0) 0) (2) 10. 758 8,132 9. 798 9.031 195.9 189.1 223.7 192.6 192.7 2,148 2, 659 2, 715 3,100 4,193 1,980 1,680 1, 559 1,046 2,593 2,586 2,408 2,494 2,475 1, 532 1,478 1,396 1,420 1,398 .117 2, 546 5.983 .10 2 8. 528 (0 (0 0) 223.9 201.4 208.3 215.7 4,169 3,998 3,349 4,229 92 103 692 (2) 2,426 2,433 2, 342 2,357 1,434 1,519 1,443 1,373 .7 .7 1 . 0- 0) 0) 0) 1914....................... 1913.......................... 1912.......................... 1911.......................... 1=0 .8 1.0 1.0 (0 0) 0) 75-100 50- 75 75-100 75-100 .393 » Detail not available. 167 .131 .136 (0 0 0) i1) 9. 817 7. 650 7.335 1 N ot reported. Relined. Do. Mechanically filled; sand cast. * First 6 months only. TABLES .3 1.0 Pig machine. I.— GENERAL 1927*........................ 1921.......................... Under 25 1920........................ 50- 57 1919.......................... 50- 75 1918......................... 50- 75 1917.......................... 50- 75 Pig machine; rebuilt in 1919. APPENDIX PLANT 00 CD 00 T a b le A.— Labor 'productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces , by plants and by years , 1911 to 1927 — Continued PLANT NO. 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 25- 50 50- 75 75-100 25- 50 50- 75 .5 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911. 5050505050- 75 75 75 75 75 .1 .7 .2 1.0 1.0 .4 1.0 1.0 Total labor Furnace All crew | other labor labor 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 6. 730 8. 086 . 101 .099 . 113 . 109 .095 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 9. 891 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .088 .089 .087 .085 .090 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 7.968 6. 216 7. 999 10.100 8. 872 9.191 10. 494 11. 355 11.193 11. 494 11. 722 1 1 .1 2 2 PLANT 1924 1923. 1922. 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 0.8 .7 .5 0. 389 .354 .353 0. 486 .441 .440 0. 216 .196 .200 2.570 2.826 2.832 2.061 2 . 266 2. 271 Scrap Coke Flux Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment Total labor 0.149 . 124 .126 . 158 . 125 0) Iron ore Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Gross tons 242.1 197.9 192.0 224.8 172.5 218.4 196.0 221.9 205.8 182.4 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 3, 209 3,145 2, 890 2, 792 2, 717 190.2 174.9 172.2 168.0 168.1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2 , 680 2 , 861 3,012 3,028 3,094 NO. 4. 630 5.092 5.103 P ounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 2, 326 (2) 2, 670 (2) 3,482 (2) 2,853 (2) 3, 711 (2) 204. 2 212 . 1 235. 2 Relined. Skip hoist installed in 1921. Rebuilt. Hand filled; sand cast. 53 4,140 4,025 4,131 (2) (2) (2) 2,000 2,391 2,414 2,372 1,378 1, 555 Relined; idle since 1924. FURNACES 0.9 .9 All other labor Aver age output per stackday BLAST 75-100 50- 75 Under 25 50- 75 Under 25 Furnace crew labor Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour LABOR Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year 52 Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity CO 1921.......................... Under 25 1920.......................... 75-100 25- 50 1919.......................... 1918.......................... 50- 75 50- 75 1917.......................... 1912........................ 50- 75 .3 (2) (2) .286 .213 .223 .238 .234 .357 .266 .278 .297 .291 .159 .118 .124 .132 .130 3.491 4. 697 4.486 4.197 4. 273 2.799 3. 766 3.597 3. 365 3.420 6.290 8.464 8.082 7. 562 7.693 203.5 212.7 207.9 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) .177 .245 .103 5.655 4. 075 9. 730 (2) (2) 1.0 .5 (’) (2) (2) (2) (2) « (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Mechanically filled. (2) (2) Hand filled; sand cast. PLANT NO. 54 1914_ .................... 1913- ___________ 1912______________ 1911______________ 1.0 1.0 .8 25252525- 50 50 50 50 .5 .3 .9 .9 .8 .7 0. 472 .399 .425 .392 .304 .354 . 174 . 186 . 164 0. 271 .230 .244 .225 .255 .296 .253 .270 . 237 0.172 .146 .155 .143 . 139 . 161 . 103 . no .097 2 .12 1 . 148 . 139 . 127 .115 .215 .088 .083 .075 .068 6. 756 .202 . 185 .167 2. 503 2. 354 2.551 3,285 2.828 5. 747 5. 365 6 .122 7.169 7.850 8. 673 3.687 4,353 4,093 4,435 3, 922 3. 377 3. 960 3. 697 4. 218 4.655 4. 940 5. 409 5. 976 5.808 6.856 100 100 100 100 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,486 2,522 2,610 2,862 2,836 2,900 2,818 2, 742 3,020 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 11. 410 12.109 13. 259 14.648 134.7 129.2 140. 2 138.1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (*) 3,186 3, 264 3, 052 2,648 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1.357 1,118 1,142 1,413 165.3 162.6 3,700 3, 561 3,477 3,288 3, 358 3, 409 3, 620 3,593 2,920 2,400 2,408 2,430 2,168 2, 242 2, 786 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7. 207 6. 205 Relined; pig machine. Mechanically filled. Rebuilt in 1915. Hand filled; sand cast. PLANT NO. 55 .9 .9 0. 326 .385 .328 .307 .372 .377 .302 .309 0.173 .162 .146 .135 .163 .161 .141 .145 2.709 3. 583 3.818 4.163 3. 460 3. 556 3. 757 3. 668 3.066 2. 598 3. 048 3. 258 2. 689 2.652 3.313 3.235 5. 775 6.181 6. 866 7. 421 6.149 6.208 7.069 6.903 2,666 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 50- 75 .9 .225 .255 .120 4. 443 3. 918 8. 360 157.0 3,615 1,286 2,588 (2) 100 25- 50 50- 75 .8 1.0 .239 .232 .271 .263 .127 .123 4.186 4. 319 3. 691 3.809 7. 877 8.128 160.0 147.3 4,075 3,956 1,940 1,696 3,102 2,620 (2) (2) 100 100 50- 75 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 0.9 .4 .7 1917........................ 1913......................... 1912......................... 176.4 212.3 191.2 183.9 204.9 0. 369 .279 .262 .240 .289 .281 .266 .273 1926......................... 1925........................ 1924. .................... 1923_....................... 1922_....................... 1921________ _____ 1920........................ 1919........................ 1.0 .9 1.0 1 Detail not available. 212.6 1,12 2 1,142 1 , 272 1 , 272 3 N ot reported. Relined. TABLES 9. 707 9. 062 10.340 217.7 176.5 196.1 159.0 167.6 178.0 167.0 178.9 165.7 6. 447 6. 986 1.— GENERAL 1.0 1.0 1.0 .6 APPENDIX 1926-....................... 75-100 50- 75 1925-....................... 1924__.................... 50- 75 1923.......................... 25- 50 1922, ______ ______ 25- 50 1921.......................... Under 25 1920-..................... 50- 75 1919....................... .. 50- 75 1918-....................... 50- 75 Relined in 1918. Hand filled; pig machine. CO Cm T a b l e A . — Labor 'productivity, production , output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment , in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years , 1911 to 1927— Continued PLANT NO. 56 1927 3....................... 1926......................... 0.8 50- 75 25- 50 .3 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace crew labor 1. 437 1.194 Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced All other labor Total labor Furnace crew labor All other labor Total labor 0.587 .544 0.417 .374 0. 696 .837 1.705 1.838 2.400 2. 676 Aver age output per stackday Gross tons 495.4 411.0 PLANT NO. Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux P ounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 264 1,709 381 3,557 542 4, 278 121 1,922 0.550 0. 389 0.229 1.818 2.574 4.392 209.5 4,164 1,315 2,497 (2) 1. 0 . 261 .277 . 272 .247 . 153 . 162 . 159 .144 .130 .155 2.704 2.548 2.604 3. 827 3. 607 3. 686 4. 057 4. 510 3. 790 6.531 6.156 6. 290 6. 923 7.696 6.467 199.7 195. 0 190.8 184.9 194.9 (2) 4,178 4, 348 1,236 1,315 (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,499 2,537 (2) (2) (3) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0 .370 .392 .384 .350 .314 .374 1914_....................... Under 25 0 .307 .217 .127 3. 255 4. 607 7.863 (2) (2) 0 .300 .2 1 1 .123 3.381 4.780 8.160 0 0 1912.......................... 50- 75 .4 .222 .264 2.866 3.186 2. 677 0 (2) (2) (2) 0 0 0 0 (3) 0 0 0 0 Helmed and skip hoist installed in 1924. Rebuilt. Hand filled; sand cast. FURNACES 0.9 1.0 Mechanically filled; pig machine. BLAST 50- 75 .3 .1 100 100 Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment 57 50- 75 1923 1922 ....................... Under 25 1921 ................... Under 25 50- 75 1920-....................... 25- 50 1919-....................... 1918-....................... 50- 75 1926 ....................... Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity PLANT NO. 58 1926. 1925. 1924. 50- 75 25- 50 Under 25 0.7 .5 .1 0.518 .467 .462 0.347 .348 .333 0.208 .199 .194 1. 931 2.143 2.162 2 . 881 2. 872 3.000 4. 813 5.015 5.162. 261.0 235.2 238.6 5,092 5,363 5,107 38 188 3, 050 3,351 2,949 524 569 829 100 100 100 100 100 100 Mechanically filled; pig machine. PLANT NO. 59 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 1920. 1919. 1918. 1917. 25252525- 50 50 50 50 0.9 1.0 .6 .8 .7 1.0 .9 0.156 .161 .107 2.654 2.570 4.133 3. 745 3.629 5.174 6.399 6.198 9. 307 180.9 182.1 136.6 3, 412 4, 296 4,449 1,216 551 777 2,704 2, 742 3,154 1,248 1,340 1,548 .191 . 160 .181 .151 .153 .135 .153 .124 .085 .073 .083 .068 5.232 6. 240 5. 530 6.634 6.527 7.433 6. 556 8. 055 11. 759 13. 673 12 . 086 14. 689 137.0 117.3 132.4 108.6 4, 352 4,269 4,404 4, 464 956 1,187 981 903 3, 597 3, 590 3,547 3,808 1, 624 2,025 1, 727 1 , 868 3,132 (2) 0) 0) 0) (2) (2) 3,155 2, 949 2 , 766 3,078 2,654 2, 928 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) Idle since 1924. Pig machine; rebuilt in 1921. Mechanically filled; sand cast. PLANT NO. 60 1924 1923 Under 25 25- 50 1921 1920 1919 Under 25 25- 50 Under 25 1917 50- 75 0.5 .7 0. 223 .239 0.184 . 197 .4 , 235 .244 .237 . 194 1.0 .2 1.0 0.101 .108 .106 .201 . 110 . 196 .107 .224 .123 4. 488 4.191 5.424 5.066 9.912 9. 257 4. 263 4. 102 4.220 5.152 4.958 5.100 9.415 9.060 9.321 4.463 8.156 122.1 130.7 4,957 4, 906 2,849 3, 013 134.4 135.9 129.8 4, 540 4, 574 4, 238 3,168 3,136 3,127 Idle since 1924. Relined. Hand filled; sand cast. PLANT NO. 61 25- 50 1920_....................... 25- 50 1919-....................... 1918........................ 25- 50 1917......................... 50- 75 1916........................ 25- 50 1915-....................... Under 25 1913-....................... 1912.......................... 1911.......................... 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 0.6 .6 .7 1.0 .8 .3 .7 1.0 1.0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0.134 . 155 .131 .146 .171 .129 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 7. 477 6. 446 7. 636 6. 856 5. 843 7. 764 134. 8 162.0 141.4 155.1 173.5 184.6 2,827 3, 221 3,129 3,096 2,858 2,547 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .151 .151 .164 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 6. 609 163.4 158.1 169.0 0) 0) 0) 1 Detail not available. 6.602 6.105 2 Not reported. 903 580 676 708 851 1,315 0) 0) 0) TABLES 0. 267 .276 .193 1.— GENERAL 0.377 .389 .242 APPENDIX 1924. 1923. 1922. Relined; idle since 1920. Hand filled; sand cast. 3 First 6 months only. co -<r T a b l e A . — Labor productivity, production , output per stack-day , consumption of materials charged , and changes in equipment , in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years, to 1927— Continued CD 00 PLANT NO. 62 1913. 1912. 1911_ Aver age Man-hours per gross ton output of pig iron produced per stackday I Tntni Furnace All Total other | crew other labor labor laDor ; labor labor Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace crew labor 50- 75 (’) 0) 0) 50- 75 (2) (2) (2) (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 25- 50 25- 50 Under 25 0. 079 0) .069 0) 0) 0) 0) .082 ! .052 .051 i Gross tons 0) 12. 690 (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 14. 535 12.141 19. 051 19. 528 (») (2) (2) (2) Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds (2) (2) (2) (2) (l) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 3,164 3, 554 (2) (2) Rebuilt in 1920; idle since. Hand filled; sand cast. Skip hoist and pig machine in stalled in 1920. Furnace aban doned in f927. Hand filled; sand cast. BLAST PLANT NO. 63 0.3 1.0 0.166 .255 0.171 .264 0.084 . 130 6. 035 3. 921 5. 837 3. 792 11.873 7.713 125.1 155.0 4, 525 4,903 PLANT NO. 64 1920. 1919. 25- 50 Under 25 1917. 25- 50 0.8 .3 0. 270 .242 0.155 .138 .241 .138 0. 098 3. 699 4.136 6.461 7.225 10.160 11.361 140.8 145.2 4,608 3, 649 3,266 3,348 (2) (2) Idle since 1920. 7.251 11.403 149.1 4,375 3,374 (2) Relined; hand filled; sand cast. FURNACES 1919........................ Under 25 1917.......................... 50- 75 PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active ^ of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity PLANT NO. 65 1923......................... 25- 50 1922......................... Under 25 0.6 .2 0.140 .149 0. 220 .236 0.085 .091 7.169 6.699 4.544 4.246 11.713 10.945 136.2 145.7 4,467 4, 684 2,899 3,069 (2) (2) 1920......................... 1919......................... 25- 50 50- 75 .9 1.0 .141 .145 .223 .228 .086 .089 7.084 6.913 4. 491 4. 382 11. 575 11.294 139.9 147.1 4, 592 4,480 3, 329 3,297 (2) (2) Relined in 1918. 1917......................... 25- 50 .8 .146 .231 .090 6.831 4. 330 11.161 143.0 4, 323 3,145 (2) Hand filled; sand cast. Idle since 1923. 50252525Under 25Under Under Under 252525Under 25- 1 .0 1.0 1.0 75 50 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 50 50 50 25 50 .7 .2 .6 .6 0. 503 .460 .408 .350 .412 .312 .244 .5 .2 1 2 .8 .194 .286 .263 .270 . 120 . 141 .9 .9 .9 .5 .9 0. 386 .362 .336 .287 .418 .310 .227 .180 .157 .252 .296 .326 . 227 .265 0. 218 . 203 .184 . 158 .207 .155 .118 .097 .087 . 134 . 139 . 148 .078 .092 1.988 2.172 2.448 2. 858 2.428 3. 210 4.106 4. 723 5.156 3.495 3. 809 3. 706 8. 329 7.110 2 592 3 760 2 980 3 480 2.390 3. 227 4. 402 5.545 6. 365 3.974 3. 378 3, 066 4.414 3. 768 4. 581 4.932 5. 429 6. 338 4. 819 6.436 8. 508 10 . 268 11. 521 7.469 7.187 6.772 1 12.743 1 10.879 1920.......................... 25- 50 (s) 0) 0) 0.117 <*) (*) 25- 50 1923.......................... 1922.......................... Under 25 1920........................ 1919......................... 1918.......................... 25- 50 25- 50 25- 50 0.6 .1 0. 203 .9 .214 .145 1.0 .8 .2 0 1 .1 2 1 148. 7 112.5 100.8 93.1 81.1 96.0 88.2 90.8 72.0 89.0 NO. 8. 542 PLAN T 120.0 120.8 (2) ( 2) (2) (2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) (2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) (2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) ( 2) ( 2) ( 2) (2) (2) (2) (2) ( 2) (2) ( 2) (2) (2) ( 2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Mechanically filled; sand cast; idle since 1920; abandoned in 1925. Relined. Do Mechanically filled. Hand filled; sand cast. 67 (2) NO. (2) (2) (2) ( 2) (2) (2) (2) ( 2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 68 0.276 .273 0.117 .116 4.917 4.982 3.619 3. 667 8. 536 8.649 198.7 131.0 4, 818 4, 854 2,800 2,615 (2) (2) Idle since 1923. Rebuilt. .291 .197 .165 .124 .083 .070 4.664 6.902 8.236 3.433 5.081 6.063 8.097 11.983 14. 299 140.2 85.0 90.0 4,415 3,844 4,399 2,564 (2) 3,801 (2) (2) (2) Hand filled; sand cast. 1 Detail not available. * N ot reported. Relined. TABLES PLANT 142.7 133.6 1.— GENERAL 1926.......................... 1925....................... .. 1924............... .......... 1923......................... 1922......................... 1921....................... .. 1920....................... .. 1919................. . 1 9 1 8 ....................... 1917....... .................. 1 9 1 6 ...................... 1915______________ 1914......................... 1913......................... APPENDIX PLANT NO. 66 T a b l e A . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment, in merchant blast furnaces, by plants and by years, 1911 to 1927— Continued O o PLANT NO. 69 Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands acti ve of gross during tons year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace crew labor Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced All other labor Total labor Furnace crew labor All other labor Total labor Aver age output per stackday Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment 0.9. 0.117 0.139 0.063 8.544 7. 218 15.762 Gross tons 115. 2 1919 ..................... 25- 50 .9 . Ill . 131 .060 9.015 7. 615 16.630 109.1 5,006 3, 686 (2) 1917.......................... 25- 50 1.0 .109 .129 .059 9. 200 7. 772 16.972 109.1 5, 701 3, 858 (2) Hand filled; sand cast. (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Idle since 1921; relined in 1923. Pounds Pounds Pounds Pou nds 4, 879 3, 531 (2) Relined in 1918 and 1921; idle since 1920. PLANT NO. 70 1921 1920 1919 1918 ............. 2525Under 25- 50 50 25 50 0.6 1.0 .7 .9 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0.108 . 091 .083 .083 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 9.301 10.961 11.980 12.090 122.8 110.8 96.0 90.1 (2) (2) (2) (2) Hand filled; sand cast. PLANT NO. 71 1923........................ Under 25 1922........................ Under 25 0.5 .3 0) 0) ( 1) 0) 0. 069 .077 0) 0) 0) 0) 14. 405 12. 913 77.7 86.9 5,3 31 4, 726 3, 023 2, 659 2, 460 2,126 1920......................... Under 25 1919___................... Under 25 1918........................ 25- 50 1917.......................... 25- 50 .8 1.0 .8 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (l) 0) .072 .079 .085 .082 0) 0) ( 1) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 13. 920 12. 637 11. 700 12 . 208 80.0 85.5 93.7 91.6 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 047 2, 935 2, 672 2, 736 2, 023 1, 720 1, 586 .4 621 442 437 596 1,886 Idle since 1923. H and filled; sand cast. FURNACES 25- 50 BLAST 1920 ....................... PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity PLANT NO. 72 1926_....................... 25- 50 0.6 0. 446 | 0.468 0. 229 2. 240 2.135 4.376 174.3 PLANT NO. Under 25 Under 25 Under 25 1923.. 25- 50 25Under 2525- 50 25 50 50 1914. 1913. 1912.. 1911.. 25252525- 50 50 50 50 .2 .2 1.0 .5 1.0 .9 0.103 . 183 0) .221 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0. 333 .312 0.122 .115 .112 5.170 5. 456 3. 210 .375 .139 4. 535 0) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) .070 .070 .094 .082 .102 .107 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0 8.169 124.0 119.7 116.6 2. 663 7.199 104.1 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0) 12. 785 11. 947 14.194 102.2 88.6 0 14. 220 10. 604 12.157 9. 812 9. 385 80.4 87.9 89.5 81.9 95.0 98.0 2, 029 791 100 j Mechanically filled; pig machine. 73 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 0 0 0 0 0 Relined. H and filled; sand cast. PLANT NO. 74 1922. 1921. 1920. Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 0 .1 .2 1.0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0.138 . 139 .081 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 7. 222 7.173 12 . 276 106.6 116.8 75.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Idle since 1922. Mechanically filled. Hand filled; sand cast. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Idle since 1922. PLANT NO. 75 1922 1921 1920 Under 25 Under 25 Under 25 0.3 .1 1.2 0 0 0 i Detail not available. 0) 0 0 0.105 .082 0 0 0 0) 0 0 9. 509 12.169 12. 385 70.0 54.2 52.9 0 0 0 Hand filled, sand cast. • First 6 months only. 1.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1920.. 1919.. 1918.. 1917.. 0.9 347 APPENDIX 1927 3 1926.. 1925.. 3,488 O T a b l e A . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment , in merchant ^ blast furnaces, by plants and by years , 1911 to 1927— Continued ^ PLANT NO. 76 Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced 1924......................... 1923......................... Under 25 25- 50 0.4 .6 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace crew labor 0) All other labor 0) 0) Total labor 0. 121 .106 Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced Furnace crew labor All other labor 0) 0) 0) 0) 25 25 25 25 0.4 .9 .5 .8 0.133 . 132 . 122 . 124 0. 251 . 248 . 229 . 233 0. 087 .086 .079 .081 7. 494 7. 591 8. 220 8.080 3.982 4. 034 4. 368 4. 294 8. 233 9. 471 11. 11. 12. 12. Under 25 0.4 0) 0) 0.086 0) 0) Coke Flux Gross toils Pounds Pounds Pounds 131. 2 j (2) (2) (2) 114. 0 | (2) (2) (2) I NO. 476 625 588 374 71.9 75. 7 80.4 79.1 NO. 11. 574 119. 2 Pounds (2) (2) Idle since 1924. Hand filled; sand cast. 77 4,945 ________ 4,545 !________ 4,471 1 .......... 4,798 ________ 3,159 2, 749 2, 832 2, 879 (2) (2) (2) (2) Idle since 1921. (2) Hand filled; sand cast; idle since 1923. Hand filled; sand cast. 78 (2) (?) FURNACES PLANT 1923......................... Scrap Changes in stack, and charging and casting equipment BLAST Under Under Under Under Iron ore Per cent of produc tion ma chine cast Total labor PLANT 1921......................... 1920..................... 1919......................... 1818........... .............. ; Aver age output per stacki day PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion of furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR 1 Average labor productivity PLANT NO. 79 1920.......................... Under 25 0.4 0 0) 0.079 (0 0) 12. 734 76.0 0 0 0 0 0 Hand filled; sand cast; idle 1920. sin ce PLANT NO. 80 1920....................... . Under 25 0 0) 0. 214 i Detail not available. 0) 0 4.667 0 0 0 J N ot reported. 100 Pig machine; method of charging not reported; idle since 1920; abandoned in 1925. APPENDIX 1.— GENERAL TABLES 0 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY, PRODUCTION, CASTING, IN MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES, BY YEARS AND BY PLANTS, 1911 TO 1927 In Table B all plants covered in this study are classified by years; in each year are included all plants having productivity data available for that year; the plants are listed in the order of their productivity record, from the highest to the lowest. The data included in this table are the same as those in Table A except that data covering con sumption of material are omitted from Table B. For explanation of items see explanation of Table A, page 69. B .— Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927 T a b le 1927 (FIRST SIX MONTHS) Average labor productivity Plant N o. Produc tion in thou sands of tons 3_ 4_ 17 9_ 26. 56. 33. 6_ 20 19. 37 7.. 5_ 51. 18. 38. 31. 15. 30. 40. 73. 225-250 100-125 75-100 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 125-150 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 125-150 125-150 25- 50 75-100 50- 75 25- 50 50- 75 125-150 50- 75 Under 25 Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor Fur nace crew labor All other labor 0. 943 0. 644 .640 .989 .696 1.091 .822 .776 1.415 .844 1. 179 .824 1.705 1.964 1.906 1.982 3. 226 1.416 1. 265 1.408 1.705 1.319 1.640 1. 770 1.402 2. 217 1.940 2. 736 1.984 2. 566 2.947 3. 023 3. 271 2.857 5.170 2.0 1.060 1.0 0) 1.0 1. 562 1.1 .988 1.0 1.011 All other labor 1. 552 . C 71)06 I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1. 437 .917 1.216 1.289 .707 1.185 .848 1.213 .587 .509 .525 .504 .310 . 790 .710 . 587 .758 .610 . 565 .713 .451 .515 .366 .504 .300 .339 .331 .306 .9 .350 . 193 .255 .333 2.0 1.0 1.0 .8 2.0 1.6 .9 1.9 2.0 1.0 Method of— 0) 0) Total labor 0. 630 .572 .486 .439 .417 .417 .415 .406 .393 . 355 .327 .321 . 2S1 .271 .221 .206 .200 . 154 . 152 . 147 . 122 0) 1.012 0) Total labor Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) Charging Casting Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Machine. Sand. Do. 3.929 2. 999 1. 587 1.749 2. 056 2. 277 2. 397 2. 400 2.410 2. 463 2. 546 2.817 3. 061 3. 119 3. 560 3. 689 4. 530 4. 851 5. 005 6.497 6. 597 6.786 8.169 657.9 564.0 492.2 404.7 383.0 495.4 359. 0 408.5 412.0 414.8 459.7 410.0 498.9 262.8 252.4 289.6 206.4 316.2 380.5 222.7 124.0 Mechanical ___ do______ ___ do______ ____ do__........ ____ do______ ..d o ______ _.do______ ____ do______ ____ do.......... . ____ do______ ____ do______ ____ do______ .........do______ ____ d o ........... ____ do.......... . ____ d o ........... ____ do______ H and______ Mechanical. ____ do______ H and______ 0.714 1.746 648.7 368.3 396.7 376.8 617.0 474.6 520.5 486.2 527.3 334.9 380.9 366.1 262.1 392.3 411.0 Mechanical. Machine. ____ do_______ Do. ____ do............. Do. ____ do_______ Do. ____ d o ............ Do. ____ d o ........... Do. ____ do............ Do. .........do_______ Do. ____ do............. Do. _____do............ Do. ____ d o ............ Do. ____ do............. Do. ____ do_______ Do. ____ do_______ Do. Da 0) 0) 1926 3______ 25 12 23 1 ______ 17 13 21 4______ 36 9............ 26 50 16 56 450-475 125-150 225-250 125-150 450-475 150-175 225-250 100-125 275-300 100-125 175-200 125-150 75-100 75-100 25- 50 2.0 1.0 1.7 1.0 2.0 1.0 1 .2 .7 1.5 .9 1.3 1.0 .9 .7 .3 1 Detail not available. 104 0.969 0) 0) 1.353 .838 1.507 (0 1 . 202 1. 731 .929 .910 .971 .735 .854 1.194 1.400 0) 0) .861 1 . 222 .673 0) .736 .599 .789 .785 .659 .800 .685 .544 0. 573 .536 .529 .526 .497 .465 .465 .456 .445 .427 .421 .393 .383 .380 .374 1.032 0) 0) .739 1.193 .664 0) .833 .578 1.077 1.099 1.030 1.360 1.171 .837 1.866 0) 1. 890 1.900 1.161 .818 2.0 12 1.486 2.149 2.149 0) 1.359 2.193 1.669 2.246 1 . 268 2. 345 1. 274 2. 375 1. 517 2. 547 1.250 2.610 1.461 2. 632 1.838 1 2.676 105 APPENDIX 1.— GENERAL TABLES B . — Labor 'productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927 — Continued T a b le 1 9 2 6 — Continued Average labor productivity Plant N o. 8............ 2 ............ Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Fur nace crew labor All other labor Total labor 1.223 .524 0.365 .360 1.921 .868 0.818 1.909 .668 .348 .341 .336 .326 .317 .294 .290 .283 .279 .259 .258 .239 .229 .229 .218 .214 1.375 1. 359 1.460 1. 585 .816 1. 498 1. 573 1. 518 1.488 2.342 100-125 275-300 0.7 2.3 0. 520 1.152 150-175 100-125 100-125 125-150 20 75-100 22 125-150 5 . ......... 350-375 6 ........... 225-250 7_____ _ 250-275 45 75-100 27 125-150 42 100-125 72 25- 50 57 50- 75 50- 75 66 38 100-125 39 25- 50 58 50- 75 37 100-125 48_____ 25- 50 46 25- 50 31 50- 75 55 _ 50- 75 18 100-125 54 75-100 1 5 ____ 175-200 52 75-100 40 50- 75 14 25- 50 30 250-275 73 Under 25 Under 25 47 1.0 1.0 .727 .736 19 33 34 28 .7 .686 .8 .6 .631 1.226 .9 1.9 1.8 1.9 .9 1.0 1.0 .6 .9 1.0 1.0 .4 .7 .8 .4 .5 1.0 .9 1.4 1.0 2.0 .9 .6 .4 2.0 .2 .1 0 1. 252 1.006 .816 0) .751 .695 .446 .550 .503 .543 .466 .518 .740 0) .442 .529 .369 .455 .472 .263 0) .345 .423 0 .183 0 .636 .659 .672 .427 0) .377 .393 .424 0) .393 .363 .468 .389 .386 .352 .391 .347 .282 0 .367 .319 .326 .278 .271 .421 0) .251 .216 0) .312 0) .2 12 .208 .204 .201 .200 .199 . 173 .173 .172 .162 .149 .145 .143 .130 .115 .115 Method of— Aver age Man-hours per gross out ton of pig iron pro put duced per stackday Fur (gross All nace Total tons) other crew labor labor labor 0 .799 .994 1.226 0 1.331 1.438 2. 240 1.818 1.988 1.841 2.157 1.931 1. 351 0 2. 264 1.892 2. 709 2.197 2 .12 1 3.803 0) 2.900 2.362 0 5.456 0 0 2.651 2.543 2.358 0) 2.543 2.754 2.135 2. 574 2.592 2. 837 2. 556 2.881 3. 551 0) 2.727 3.131 3.066 3.599 3. 687 2.378 0 3.989 4.635 <l) 3. 210 0) 2.739 2 . 777 2.873 2. 932 2.978 3. 072 3.157 3.401 3.450 3. 536 3. 584 3. 856 3.874 4.192 4.376 4. 392 4. 581 4. 678 4.713 4.813 4. 902 4.985 4. 991 5.023 5. 775 5.796 5.808 6.181 6. 730 6.889 6.997 7.669 8. 666 8.693 Charging Casting Mechanical. Machine. 441.1 345.6 ------- do---------- Sand and machine. 432.5 Machine. Do. 325.0 ____ _do............ Do. 442.7 ____ d o ............ Do. 454.4 H and_______ Do. 378.0 Mechanical _ Do. 386.0 ____ do---------506.2 ____ do............ Do. Do. 359.1 ____ do............ Do. 392.8 - - . - . d o ............ Do. 298.2 H and_______ Do. 360.5 Mechanical. Do. 283.4 ____ do_______ Do. 174.3 ____ do_______ 209.5 I.........do_______ Sand. Do. 142. 7 ____ do............ Do. 299.9 _____d o „ ......... 278.2 ____ do............ Machine. Do. 261.0 - . . . - d o ............ Do. 401.0 ____ do........ __ 247.0 H and_______ Sand. 270.0 Mechanical. Machine. Do. 203.7 ____ do______ Do. 176. 4 Hand Mechanical. Sand. 233.1 217.7 _____do______ Machine. 250.5 H an d ............. Sand. Mechanical. Do. 242.1 Do. 317.9 _____do______ 300.8 H and............. Machine. 354. 6 Mechanical. Sand. Do. 119.7 H and_______ Do. 124.2 Hand a n d I mechanical. 1925 3 ______ 12 4 ______ 25 13 9______ 1 - ......... 23 36 21 17 50 19 33 8 ______ 20 22 28 6 ........... 34 5______ 45 7........... 425-450 200-225 275-300 125-150 175-200 150-175 525-550 75-100 75-100 100-125 150-175 75-100 75-100 100-125 50- 75 150-175 125-150 75-100 275-300 25- 50 325-350 100-125 250-275 2.0 0. 890 1.4 1.3 .9 0 1.868 0) 1.0 1.0 2.5 .8 .8 .6 1.0 .9 .6 1.0 .4 1.0 1.0 .6 2 .2 .3 2.0 1.0 2.0 .766 .984 .742 1.12 0 .893 1.119 1.372 .767 .708 .717 .522 1.250 0) 0) .924 .577 1.026 0) 0 1 Detail not available. 5 4 2 1 °— 29--------8 1.205 0) .639 0) 1.12 2 .800 1.083 .713 .828 .686 .615 .859 .813 .771 1.227 .477 0 0 .475 .687 .414 0) 0 0.512 .478 .476 .473 .455 .441 .440 .436 .430 .425 .425 .405 .379 .371 .366 .345 .326 .321 .314 .314 .295 .288 .270 1.124 0 .535 0 1.305 1.016 1.347 .893 1.12 0 .893 .729 1,303 1.412 1.394 1.915 .800 0 0 1.082 1.732 .975 0 0 0. 830 0 1.565 0 .891 1.250 .923 1.403 1.208 1.458 1.625 1,164 1.229 1.298 .815 2.099 0 0) 2.104 1.456 2.416 0) 0 1.954 596.7 2.093 ; 391.1 2.100 ! 617.8 2.116 I 374.8 2.197 ! 503.3 2.266 I 431.7 2. 271 578. 7 2. 295 323.6 2. 328 317.9 2.351 505.8 2.354 432.3 2. 468 259.4 2. 642 387.1 2. 692 321.0 2. 731 453.5 2.898 -418.0 3.066 392.0 3.117 441.5 3.187 341.7 3.188 439.9 3.390 457.7 3.471 276.8 3.703 363.1 Mechanical. ^ Maehine. Do. _____do______ Do. - - . . . d o ______ Do. .........d o______ Do. .........do______ Do. ____ do______ .........do______ Do. Do. Do. .........do______ .........do______ Do. Do. _____d o______ Do. ____ d o______ .........do______ Do. Do. ____ do______ Do. _____do______ Do. _____d o______ Do. ____ do______ H and_______ Do. Mechanical. Do. Do. .........do______ _____d o______ Do. H and............. D o. Mechanical J Do. 106 T LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES B . — Labor 'productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927— Continued able 1 9 2 5 — Continued Average labor productivity Plant N o. 38......... 51 39 46 Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons 58 42 18 31 41 43 15 55 54 27 30 52 47 75-100 25- 50 75-100 25- 50 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 150-175 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 175-200 25- 50 50- 75 Under 25 200-225 50- 75 25- 50 73 40 Under 25 50- 75 66 Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 0.9 .5 1.0 .3 1.0 .5 .6 2.0 1.0 .5 .3 2.0 .4 1.0 * .0 1.9 .9 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Fur nace crew labor All other labor 0.546 .564 .451 .435 .460 .467 .541 .429 .477 .283 .406 .259 .279 .399 .412 0.373 .344 .381 .390 .362 .348 .283 .326 .290 .497 .317 .439 .385 .230 .216 0) 0) 1.0 0 0) .2 .8 .248 0 Total labor 0.222 Method of— Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor 1.830 1.772 2. 215 2. 300 2.172 2.143 1.848 2.330 2.096 3.536 2.461 3.855 3.583 2.503 2.424 All other labor 0 .12 2 0) 0 0 4.513 4. 672 4.841 4.865 4.932 5. 015 5. 388 5. 395 5. 539 5.550 5.614 6.130 6.181 6. 856 7.054 7. 403 8.086 8.191 0) .181 .105 .1 1 2 0) 4. 025 0) 5. 535 8.893 9. 560 116.6 229.1 1.312 .877 2.147 2.157 2.227 2.246 2. 358 2. 388 2. 403 2.486 2. 570 2 . 600 2 . 612 2 . 662 3.080 3,233 3. 516 3.601 3.804 3.821 320.7 531.9 366.5 329.6 464.1 430.0 524.1 549.2 408.9 504.6 367.2 323.1 215.2 512.0 303.0 444.4 566.3 326.0 3.923 3.982 3. 999 4.364 4. 509 4. 568 4. 605 4.630 4,641 4,815 4.837 4.898 5.162 5.429 5.445 5.687 5.772 293.3 317.2 375.5 381.0 335.2 354.5 241.6 204.2 451.3 144.3 346.0 233.0 238.6 .214 .207 .206 .203 .199 .186 .185 .181 .180 .178 .163 .162 .146 .142 .135 .124 2.682 2.900 Total labor Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) 2 . 626 2.566 2.760 2.872 3.540 3.064 3.443 2.014 3.153 2.275 2.598 4. 353 4.630 0 299.8 248.3 268. 4 291.9 133.6 235.2 247.0 210.8 182.8 329.7 220.8 247. 2 212.3 176.5 185.0 315.8 197.9 133.1 Charging Casting Mechanical, .........do______ .........do______ _____do............ .........d o______ .........do______ .........do______ _____d o______ H an d _______ M echanicalHand ______ ____ do______ Mechanical.. ____ d o______ .........do______ _____do______ H a n d and mechanical. Hand Mechanical _ Sand. Machine. D o. Do. Sand. Machine. Do. Sand. Machine. Sand. D o. Do. Machine. Do. D o. Sand. Do. D o. Do. Do. 1924 23 .. . 1 _ ......... 50- 75 275-300 200-225 75-100 125-150 125-150 275-300 250-275 100-125 150-175 25- 50 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 75-100 75-100 75-100 350-375 0.6 6 _____ 50- 75 225-250 250-275 100-125 22 17 50- 75 14 75-100 50- 75 39 50- 75 53 150-175 5 _......... Under 25 46. . 75-100 20 18 150-175 Under 25 58 25- 50 66 27 50- 75 51------25- 50 43--------1I 50- 75 .6 2.0 7 _ ......... 1.9 12 36 13 9 _ ......... 3 _ ......... 4 _ ......... 25 21 19 32 . . 50 . 16 33 28 8 2 ______ 45 1.4 1.5 .8 1.197 .781 0.762 1.140 0 0 0 1.5 1.3 (l) .720 .930 .714 1.907 .8 .8 0 1 . 011 .3 .4 .5 .3 .7 .5 .4 3.0 .679 .898 .599 1.105 .485 .9 1.0 .8 .4 .6 .8 .8 1.0 .2 .8 2.0 .1 1.0 .5 .4 .7 0 .688 0 .375 .663 1.135 .433 (l) 0 0 0) 0 0 .516 .466 .389 .890 .460 .606 .471 .462 .408 .534 .437 .429 1 Detail not available. 1.032 .762 .997 .510 0) .620 .877 .646 .709 .429 0 0 0 .380 .407 .486 .284 .379 .314 .361 .333 .336 .280 .294 .291 0.466 .464 .449 .445 .424 .419 .416 .402 .389 .384 .383 .376 .325 .309 .284 .278 .263 .262 0.835 1 . 280 .255 .251 .250 .229 0 0 .2 2 2 .219 .217 .216 .215 .208 .207 .204 .194 .184 .184 .176 .173 0 0 1. 390 1.075 1. 400 .524 0) .988 1. 472 1.114 1. 669 .905 2.063 0 2.669 1. 509 0 .969 1.312 1.003 1. 962 0 1.612 1.140 1. 547 1. 410 2.329 1.453 0) .881 2.312 il) 0 1.938 2.147 2. 570 1.124 2.174 1.651 2.124 2.162 2.448 1.871 2.289 2.330 2.630 2.459 2.061 3. 517 2.641 3.187 2.774 3.000 2.980 3. 574 3. 398 3. 441 0 0 0) 120.0 332.7 248.1 236.1 Mechanical. Machine. v Do. _____do_.......... Do. ____ do_.......... D o. .........do_______ Do. .........do_______ D o. .........do_______ Do. .........do_______ Do. .........o d „ ......... D o. ............ Do. .........do_______ Do. Do. .........do_______ D o. .........do_______ Do. _____do_______ Sand. H a n d ........... Do. Mechanical. Machine. .........do_______ Sand and machine. H an d _______ Machine. Mechanical. Do. Do. _____do_______ Do. .........do______ Do. H an d _______ Do. Mechanical _ Do. .........do_______ Sand. .........do______ Machine. Do. Do. Sand. _____do............ Machine. .........do_______ Sand. .........do_______ Machine. .........do______ Sand. _____do............ Do. a Plant operated less than 18 days during the year. 107 APPENDIX 1.----GENERAL TABLES T B . — Labor 'productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927 — Continued able 1 9 2 4 — Continued Method of— Average labor productivity Plant N o. 41 38_____ 31 59 54 55 30 11 15 40 52 76 60 47 Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons 100-125 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 225-250 Under 25 75-100 100-125 Under 25 Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 . Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 1.0 .4 1.0 .9 1.0 .7 2.0 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor All other labor Fur nace crew labor All other labor Total labor 0.268 .400 .425 .377 .425 .262 0.440 .263 .248 .267 .244 .328 0.166 .159 .157 .156 .155 .146 .144 .140 3.736 2. 503 2.355 2. 654 2. 354 3. 818 2.273 3.800 4. 032 3. 745 4. 093 3.048 6.009 6.303 6.387 6. 399 6. 447 3. 385 3.748 0 6.956 7.133 .139 .134 .126 3. 665 3.144 3. 512 4.324 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 .295 .267 .9 .273 .318 .285 .231 0 0) 0 0 1.0 .1 .4 .5 .9 Total labor 0 .223 .184 .1 2 1 .10 1 4. 488 0 0 .096 0 6.866 7.177 7.468 7. 968 8. 233 5.424 9. 912 10. 450 0 Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) Charging 293.0 H an d ............. 219. 5 Mechanical. 177.2 .........do______ 180.9 !.........do______ 196.1 ____ d o ........... 191.2 H a n d ........... 321.9 Mechanical. 193.0 Hand and mechanical. 278.2 H and_______ 293.3 Mechanical. 192.0 .........d o ............ 131.2 H and_______ 1 2 2 .1 132.6 Hand a n d mechanical. Casting Sand. Do. Machine. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Sand and machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1923 1 ........... 25 3______ 4 ______ 13 . 32 500-525 125-150 325-350 300-325 150-175 100-125 175-200 12 25- 50 23 100-125 22 . 300-325 5______ 36......... Under 25 150-175 8 _ ......... 125-150 16 . 25- 50 24 100-125 33 300-325 6 - ......... 425-450 2 ______ 28 7______ 45_____ 21 50 14 39 20_____ 18 , 19 27_____ 34 35 53 46 59 41 52 . 66 17 38 57 49 43 48 4 4 .. . 100-125 225-250 50- 75 100-125 50- 75 200-225 75-100 125-150 150-175 100-125 125-150 75-100 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 100-125 50- 75 25- 50 50- 75 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 50- 75 Under 25 2.7 1.0 2.0 1.7 1.0 .9 1.6 .5 .7 2.0 .3 1 .1 .7 0.872 0) .889 1. 795 .674 .730 0 .847 0 0 .620 0 0 0 0. 981 0) 1.060 .532 .975 .692 0 .539 0 0 .614 0 0 0 0 1.0 .418 2.5 3.7 .579 .421 0 0 0 0 0 .7 1.8 .6 .7 .7 1.7 .8 1.0 2.0 .9 1.0 1 .2 .3 .7 .6 1.0 1.0 .7 .7 .7 .5 0 0 0 .319 .497 .458 .526 .422 .334 .741 .368 0 .354 .360 .389 .263 0) .350 .733 0 .703 .388 .400 .356 .392 .518 .278 .437 0 .441 .374 .276 .403 0 .7 .7 .7 .407 .370 .291 .364 .274 .287 0) .247 .261 .320 .261 .313 .2 0 0 1.0 0 0. 462 .459 .456 .411 .398 .355 .343 .329 .327 .318 .309 .294 .280 .268 .266 .248 .244 .241 .231 .224 .224 .219 .218 .213 .2 12 .203 .203 .202 .200 .198 .196 .184 .161 .159 .158 .158 .154 .154 .153 .152 .152 . 146 .145 1Detail not reported. 1.147 0 1.251 .557 1.484 1.371 0 1.181 0 0 1 . 612 Q 0 0 2.395 1. 019 0 .943 1.877 1 . 026 1. 445 0) 1.855 0 0 1 . 628 0 0 0 2.166 2.179 2.194 2.434 2.510 2.816 2.917 3.037 3.055 3.141 3.240 3.407 3.566 3. 729 3. 760 4.033 4.102 508.3 356.0 477.5 517.7 462.6 336.1 330. 7 253.4 431.0 444.6 260. 5 382.0 493.4 Mechanical. ____ do______ .........do_______ .........do______ .........d o ............ .........do______ _____d o ........... ____ do_______ .........do_........... .........do______ _____do______ 0 308.0 _____do_______ 325.4 _____d o ............ 330.8 _____d o „ ......... 0 1 . 726 1.365 0) 2.376 0 0 0) 0 3.136 2 . 010 2.185 1. 900 2. 369 2.992 1. 350 2. 714 0 0 0 0 1.423 2. 578 2. 503 2.808 2. 551 1.932 3. 592 2.286 4.150 4.322 4.459 4. 466 4. 559 4.588 4.688 4. 708 4. 919 4. 924 4.942 5. 000 402.4 346.8 287. 5 448.0 212.5 341.0 255.1 377.0 226.5 344.8 360.7 197.1 0 2 . 826 2. 777 0 2 . 266 5.041 5. 092 5.447 6.198 6.282 6.316 6. 338 6.474 6. 509 6. 531 6. 566 6.571 6.841 6.904 370.0 2. 570 3. 798 0 2.858 0 2. 455 2. 704 3. 439 2. 745 3.645 0) 2. 670 3. 629 2.484 0 3. 480 0) 4. 054 3. 827 3.127 3. 826 3.196 0 2 1 2 .1 298.1 182.1 290.9 224.8 120.8 265.0 223.1 199.7 207.6 192.4 250.0 281.6 Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Machine. Sand and machine. H a n d ............ Sand. Mechanical. Machine. H and............. Do. Mechanical. Do. _____d o_.......... Sand. H and............. Machine. Mechanical. Do. H and............. Do. Mechanical. Sand. H and_______ Machine. Mechanical. Do. Hand and Do. mechanical. Do. ( !) Mechanical. Sand. ____ do______ Machine. _____do______ Do. H and............. Sand. Do. M echanical. _____do______ Do. H a n d .. __ . Machine. Mechanical. Sand. H and_______ Do. Mechanical. Do. .........do______ Do. H and_______ Do. Machine. (*) * Not reported. 108 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES T a b l e B . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants , 1911 to 1927— Continued 1 9 2 3 — Continued Average labor productivity Plant N o. 54 73 30 65_____ 15 31 40 47... 68_____ Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 25- 50 25- 50 225-250 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 0.6 .8 2.0 1.0 1 .1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.392 .240 .239 .425 .292 0) .307 .303 .193 .6 .203 .366 . 202 .239 11 255050252550- 78 65 71 Under 25 25- 50 Under 25 51 42......... 60 76 50 75 75 50 50 75 .7 .8 .7 .6 .9 .4 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Fur nace crew labor .2 2 1 0) 0 .214 0 .6 .140 .3 0 All other labor 0.225 .375 Total labor Method of— Aver age Man-hours per gross out ton of pig iron pro put duced per stackday Fur All (gross nace Total other tons) crew labor labor labor 2.551 4. 535 .2 12 0 0.143 . 139 .139 .135 . 133 . 133 .123 . 122 0 0 .276 . 171 .257 . 197 ( 1) .206 . 117 .117 . 113 .108 .106 .105 4. 917 2. 732 4. 943 4.191 0) 4. 664 3.619 5. 843 3.884 5. 066 0) 4.845 0) .220 0) .086 .085 .069 0) 7.169 11. 574 0) 4. 544 11. 713 14.405 0 0 0 4.163 4.190 2. 353 3.427 0 4.435 2.663 0 3. 258 3. 304 5.188 4.713 6.986 7.199 7.204 7. 421 7.494 7. 542 8.139 8. 218 8. 536 8. 575 8. 827 9. 257 9.471 9. 509 Charging Casting 159.0 Mechanical. 104.1 H and............. 319.1 Mechanical. 183.9 H and_______ 237. 3 _____do______ 181.0 Mechanical. 269.1 _____do______ 155.8 Hand and mechanical. 198.7 H and............. 209.0 Mechanical _ 230.8 H and_______ 130.7 _____do______ 114.0 .........do______ 171.1 Hand and mechanical. 119.2 H and_______ 136.2 _____do______ 77.7 _____do_.......... Machine. Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. D o. D o. 557.3 460.3 613.0 378.1 509.3 419.0 318. 5 324.8 303.0 416.0 322.5 416.0 450. 0 340. 6 263. 5 356. 0 350.3 336.5 148.7 281.8 235.2 220.9 213.6 205.4 204.9 195.0 Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D o. Sand. Machine. Do. Sand. Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Machine. Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D o. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Sand and machine. Sand. Do. Do. 1922 2.0 1.0 .2 1.0 46 53 43 34 18 5 5 ____ 57 49 30 31 54 74 15 52 47 400-425 150-175 50- 75 125-150 225-250 100-125 25- 50 125-150 50- 75 175-200 175-200 75-100 200-225 Under 25 75-100 75-100 150-175 75-100 Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 75-100 Under 25 75-100 50- 75 Under 25 25- 50 200-225 25- 50 25- 50 Under 25 50- 75 Under 25 Under 25 68 11 Under 25 Under 25 59......... 25- 50 75 Under 25 65 Under 25 Under 25 71 1 ........... 13 16 9______ 3____ _ 22 32 12 33 4........... 6_ ......... 28 5 _ ......... 21 39 20 7 . ......... 19__ . . 66 1.3 .7 .4 1 .1 .5 1 .2 1.4 .5 1 .2 .1 1.0 .8 1 .2 .7 .2 .1 .5 0 0 .784 .526 .627 0 .597 0 .415 0) .717 .381 .642 0 0 0) .467 .471 .736 .338 .412 .396 .353 .421 .394 .383 .289 .392 .288 0) .483 .304 0) .265 0) 0 0 0 0 .422 .409 .308 .562 .418 .412 .440 .313 .309 .287 .372 .277 .311 0.442 .436 .371 .353 .314 .312 .306 .290 .263 .243 .241 .239 .235 .227 .2 22 .219 .217 .2 1 1 .207 .202 .200 0 0 .180 .173 .164 . 163 .162 .150 .149 .147 .139 .138 .134 .125 .117 .1 .2 .20 1 .273 .225 .1 1 1 .6 .242 .3 .2 0 .149 .193 0) .236 .3 0 0 1.0 .1 1 .2 .9 .3 .6 1.7 .6 .5 .1 .6 .2 .2 i Detail not available. 0 0.940 .977 0) .642 .782 0.835 .786 .218 0 .2 12 .255 0) .273 0) .116 .107 . 105 .091 .077 1.197 1. 272 0 1. 276 1.902 0 1.595 0) 2.412 0 0 2. 625 0) 0 2. 423 2 .12 1 1. 359 2.963 2.428 2.525 2.832 2. 372 2. 539 2. 613 3.460 2. 548 3.470 0) 2.072 3.285 0 1.064 1. 024 0 1. 557 1. 279 0) 1. 676 0 1.394 0 0 1. 558 0) 0) 2. 367 2.445 3. 249 1. 779 2. 390 2.429 2. 271 3.197 3.232 3.484 2.689 3.607 3. 211 0 4. 712 3.922 0 2 . 262 2. 296 2. 697 2. 833 3.181 3. 203 3. 270 3.447 3. 806 4.108 4.155 4.183 4. 248 4.412 4.507 4. 566 4. 607 4. 741 4.819 4.954 5.103 5. 569 5. 772 6.097 6.149 6.156 6.681 6. 711 6. 784 7.207 7. 222 7.444 7.999 8. 567 210 .1 337.8 177.2 167.6 106.6 256.5 172.5 148.9 3. 777 3. 667 0 0 0 0 4.982 4. 586 3. 667 4.436 9. 021 131.0 206.5 4.133 0) 6. 699 5.174 9. 307 9. 509 0) 4.246 10. 945 12.913 0 136. 6 70.0 145.7 86.9 0 8. 649 Mechanical. _____do______ ____ do______ _____do______ _____do_.......... _____do_.......... _____do______ _____do______ _____do_.......... _____d o_.......... _____do______ H and_______ Mechanical. _____do______ _____do______ H and_______ Mechanical. H a n d . . ___ Mechanical. ____ do______ ____ d o ........... ____ do______ H and_______ Mechanical. H a n d _______ ___ do______ Mechanical. _____do______ .........do______ ____ do______ ____ do______ H and_______ Mechanical. Hand and mechanical. H and_______ Hand and mechanical. Mechanical. H and_______ _____do______ .........do_______ Do. Sand and machine. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. 109 APPENDIX 1.— GENERAL TABLES B . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927 — Continued T a b le 1921 Average labor productivity Plant N o. Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons 200-225 1 ______ 175-200 3 ______ 16_____ Under 25 32_____ 50- 75 12 25- 50 50- 75 28 Under 25 39 25- 50 4 ______ 25- 50 18 5 . ......... 50- 75 75-100 20 14 50- 75 Under 25 54 75-100 5 5 ____ Under 25 57 Under 25 53 Under 25 27 34 25- 50 25- 50 66_____ 7______ Under 25 25- 50 19 100-125 6 ______ Under 25 74 50- 75 30 Under 25 43 Under 25 24 Under 25 31 100-125 2 _ ......... Under 25 47 Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 1.0 1.0 .1 .5 .4 .5 .2 .4 .5 .5 .7 .5 .3 1.0 .1 .3 .1 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor Fur nace crew labor 0..8O9 0) 0) .677 0 .365 .473 0 .532 0 0) .342 .354 .281 .384 .286 .559 .352 .312 0.910 0 0) .639 0) .655 .428 0) .334 0 0 .325 .296 .377 .272 .357 .2 21 .3 . 237 1.0 .2 0 0 0) 0 .4 (2) (3) .1 1.0 .2 .6 .4 .4 0 0) .233 Total labor 0.428 .340 .332 .329 .249 .234 .225 .214 .205 .181 . 178 .167 .161 .161 .159 .159 .159 .156 .155 .155 . 150 .143 .139 .137 . 136 .131 . 122 . 120 .119 All ‘ Total other labor labor 1 1.236 0) 0) 1.478 1.099 0 0) 1. 564 0 0 2. 741 1.526 2 .112 2. 338 1 0 0 1.879 0 0 2.924 2.828 3. 556 2. 604 3.491 1.789 2. 843 3. 210 0) 4. 222 0 0 0) 3. 083 ! ! 2.998 0) 0 3.073 3. 377 2. 652 3.686 2. 799 4. 518 3. 586 3. 227 0) 2.431 0 0) 0) 574.4 525.5 513. 1 347.1 311.7 398.5 261.0 351.2 243.8 395.4 367.0 395.9 178.0 212.6 190.8 203.5 249.9 219.9 112.5 375.5 321.3 312.6 116.8 337.8 169.5 0 0) .194 .251 0) . 153 . 108 .106 .087 .082 .075 (0 4. 263 7.494 0) 6. 744 9. 301 5.152 9. 415 3. 982 11.476 0 !12,169 6.523 13. 267 134.4 71.9 54.2 127. 6 . 121 (3) .064 (3) 7.318 2. 837 8. 279 15. 597 0 0 218.1 195.9 1. 054 1. 381 464. 7 350.1 476.7 340.3 267.3 438.3 286.4 323.6 267.6 11 50 25 25 25 50 .1 1 .1 .235 .133 0) .148 15 51 Under 25 Under 25 .1 .3 . 137 .352 0 2.510 3. 388 0) 4.286 2. 334 2. 943 3. 016 3. 043 4.011 4. 267 4.451 4. 680 4.877 5. 512 5. 613 5.997 6.205 6.208 6.290 6.290 6. 307 6.428 6.436 6.444 6. 653 7. 002 7.173 7. 307 7. 369 7. 645 8.192 8. 335 8. 371 .202 (0 0 . 176 Charging Casting i .324 0) .398 .295 0) 25Under Under Under 25- 70 60 77 75 All other labor .279 .310 0) .411 .5 .6 .2 Method of— Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) 0 5. 683 4. 947 0 (0 0 163.0 284.8 155.1 122.8 Mechanical _ Machine. .........do______ Do. .........do______ Do. _____do______ Do. _____do___ __ Do. H an d _______ Sand. Mechanical. Machine ------- do---------Do. ------- do______ Sand. ------- do______ Machine. H an d _______ Do. _____d o______ Do. Mechanical. Sand. H and_______ Machine. _____do______ Sand. Mechanical. Do. H and_______ Do. ____ do______ Machine. Mechanical. Sand. ____ do______ Machine. H and_______ Do. Mechanical. Do. ____ do______ Sand. Do. ____ do______ Do. ____ do______ .........do______ Machine. ____ do______ Sand. Do. ____ do______ Hand and Do. mechanical. Do. H and_______ Do. .........do______ Do. ____ do______ Do. ____ do______ Hand and Sand and mechanical. machine. H and_______ ; Sand. Mechanical. i Do. I 1920 1 ........... 9 ........... 3 ........... 3 2 ____ 36......... 16 25 12 45 80 24 14 28 39 6 ........... 4 20 . . 2 ........... 46 475-500 250-275 325-350 75-100 75-100 125-150 75-100 175-200 75-100 Under 25 125-150 175-200 100-125 50- 75 4 300-325 300-325 100-125 325-350 75-100 2.9 2.0 1.9 .8 .8 .9 0. 843 .883 0 .631 .554 0 .8 1.6 .8 0 0 1.6 .8 .8 2.6 2 .1 1.0 .383 3.5 .9 .410 .315 0 0 .572 .601 0 .586 0 .377 .592 0 0 0 (0 .426 .361 .412 . 597 0) 0 1 Detail not available. * N ot reported. 0. 948 .724 .403 .443 .372 .288 0 0 .286 .327 0. 446 .398 .315 .300 .288 .246 .232 .231 .230 .214 .2 1 1 .207 .199 . 196 .194 . 189 . 183 . 168 .161 1.186 1.132 0 1. 585 1. 805 0 2 . 610 0 2. 651 0 0 0 1. 749 1. 665 0 1. 707 0) 1. 689 0 0 2. 345 2. 769 2. 427 1. 675 0) 2. 480 2 . 260 2 . 686 3. 472 2. 439 3.175 3. 502 3. 054 0 0 0 2. 241 2. 513 3.173 3. 334 3. 470 4. 066 4.318 4. 327 4. 340 4. 667 4. 744 4. 825 5.028 5.113 5.147 5. 278 5.472 5.491 6. 229 0 0 347.8 394.4 249.7 319.8 389. 3 341.0 265.6 283.8 Mechanical. ____ do_______ ____ do.......... .. ___ do________ ____ do_______ ____ do............. ____ do............. ____ d o ............ H and_______ (3) Mechanical. H and_______ ____ do_______ Mechanical _ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ H and_______ Mechanical _ ____ do_______ 2 Plant operated less than 18 days during year. * Fiscal year M ay 1,1919, to Apr. 30,1920. Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Machine. Do. Do. Do. Sand___ Machine. 110 L A B O R P R O D U C T IV IT Y — M E R C H A N T B L A S T F U R N A C E S B .— Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927 — Continued T a b le 1 9 2 0 — Continued Average labor productivity Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons Plant No. 43......... 22 ......... 33......... 7........... 19_____ 49 5 7 .... 55 61 27 30 25- 50 100-125 75-100 200-225 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 75-100 175-200 25- 50 75-100 Under 25 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 68 53 66 67 21 34 31 47 60_____ 54 52 64 51 15 70 77 65 59 . . _ 18 74 75 79 73 71 42 11 69 . Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 0.6 1.0 .9 1.8 .7 .8 1.0 .9 .6 1.0 1.9 .9 1.0 .6 (*) .8 .9 1.0 1.0 Method of— Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor Fur nace crew labor All other labor 3. 560 0) 2. 229 0) 2. 377 3, 445 4. 057 3.313 0) 5.512 0) 3.433 3. 766 4. 402 0) 0) 4. 891 6. 575 0) 6. 299 6. 464 6. 594 6. 633 6. 682 6. 765 6. 923 .1 1 2 2. 739 0) 4. 365 I1) 4. 305 3. 320 2 . 866 3. 757 0) 2.183 0) 4. 664 4. 697 4.106 0) 0) 3. 735 2.143 0) 7. 069 7.477 7. 695 8.019 8.097 8.464 8. 508 8. 542 8. 605 8. 626 8.718 8. 960 217.7 324.0 264. 0 317. 0 314. 0 229.5 184. 9 165. 3 134.8 220.9 273.2 140. 2 212. 7 100. 8 (3) 242.8 171.4 171.7 130.0 4.102 5. 747 0) 3. 699 3. 004 5. 290 0) 7. 591 7. 084 5. 232 6. 705 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 6. 830 4. 958 3. 960 0) 6. 461 7. 754 5. 656 0) 4. 034 4. 491 6. 527 5. 442 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 7. 215 9. 060 9. 707 9. 891 10.160 10.758 10. 946 10. 961 11.625 11.575 11. 759 12.147 12. 276 12. 385 12. 734 12. 785 13. 920 13. 941 14.045 135. 9 167.0 218. 4 140.8 189.1 223. 3 110 . 8 75.7 139.9 137.0 215.1 75.9 52.9 76.0 80.4 80.0 169.9 136.0 8. 544 7. 218 15. 762 1. 676 1. 752 0) 0) 0) 2. 490 2.880 2. 512 2.193 0) 1.811 0) 2. 267 1.898 4. 579 0) 3. 204 All other labor 0.365 0) .229 0) .232 .301 .350 .266 0) .458 0) .214 .213 .244 0) 0) .268 .467 0) 0. 281 0) . 244 . 174 0) .270 .333 . 189 0) . 132 .141 .191 . 149 .20 1 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .449 0) .421 . 290 . 247 .302 0) .181 0) .291 .266 .227 0) 0) .205 .152 0) Total labor 0.159 . 155 .152 . 151 . 150 . 148 . 144 . 141 . 134 . 130 .125 . 124 . 118 . 118 .117 .116 . 116 .115 25- 50 50- 75 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 150-175 25- 50 Under 25 25- 50 25- 50 75-100 25- 50 Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 Under 25 25- 50 150-175 1.0 3.4 .146 . 139 . 110 . 103 . 101 .098 .093 .091 .091 .086 .086 .085 .082 .081 .081 .079 .078 .072 .072 .071 25- 50 .9 .117 .139 .063 .9 .5 .8 1.0 1.9 1.0 .9 .9 .8 1.0 1.0 1 .2 .4 1.0 .8 .8 .253 0) . 155 . 129 . 177 0) .248 .223 .153 . 184 Total labor Charging Casting Sand. Machine. Sand. Machine. Do. Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Do. Sand. Do. 115. 2 MechanicaL ____ do_______ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ H and_______ Mechanical. H and............. ____ do_______ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ Mechanical. Hand ______ ____ do_______ Mechanical. ____ do_______ ____ do_______ Hand _ __ Mechanical. Hand and mechanical Hand ____ d o ........... ____ do_______ ____ do_______ Mechanical. H a n d ............ _ d o _____ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ Mechanical. H and_______ ____ do_______ ____ do ............ _ do —_ _ . do do ____ do_______ Hand and mechanical. H and_______ 308.0 319.9 455.7 373.0 (3) 260.1 291.7 353. 5 396.7 399.8 241.0 241.4 333.2 253.0 279. 6 162.0 262.6 Mechanical. ____ do_______ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ ____ do_______ H and. ____ do_______ Mechanical, ____ do_______ ____ do_______ H an d_______ Mechanical. ____ do_______ H and_______ Mechanical. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Sand and machine. Sand. 1919 9 32 . 16 4 ........... 24 39 2 . ......... 14 28 3 ........... 36 12 19 33 6............ 61 46 175-200 100-125 100-125 225-250 100-125 50- 75 300-325 200-225 75-100 175-200 50- 75 100-125 100-125 75-100 * 250-275 25- 50 75-100 1.7 .9 .6 1.8 0) .6 3.0 1.7 .6 1.4 .6 1 .2 1.0 1.0 2.5 .6 .8 0.728 .611 0) 0) 0) .444 .530 .421 .355 0) .288 0) .270 .238 .556 0) .300 i Detail not available. 0. 597 .571 0) 0) 0) .402 .347 .398 .456 0) .552 0) .441 .527 .218 0) .312 0. 328 .295 .269 .237 .222 .2 11 .210 .205 .200 .197 .189 .172 . 167 . 164 .157 . 155 . 153 8 Not reported. 1.373 1.638 0) 0) 0) 2. 250 1.887 2. 376 2. 813 0) 3. 477 0) 3. 704 4. 202 1.799 0) 3. 332 3.049 3. 390 3. 717 4. 216 4. 508 4. 739 4. 767 4. 888 5. 007 5. 070 5. 288 5. 824 5. 971 6.100 6. 379 6. 446 6. 536 Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Machine. Sand. Machine. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Machine. Sand. Machine. Fiscal year May 1, 1918, to Apr. 30, 1919. 111 APPENDIX 1.---- GENERAL TABLES B . — Labor 'productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927 — Continued T a b le 1 9 1 9 — Continued Average labor productivity Plant N o. Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor Fur nace crew labor 50- 75 Under 25 100-125 50- 75 175-200 50- 75 25- 50 175-200 25- 50 50- 75 175-200 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 Under 25 50- 75 0.9 1.0 11 50- 75 Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 50- 75 Under 25 50- 75 Under 25 100-125 Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 Under 25 Under 25 25- 50 75-100 .5 .4 .7 1.5 . 217 .171 . 145 .242 0) . 166 . 180 C1) 0) . 145 . 122 0) . 160 . 134 69 25- 50 .9 .1 1 1 55 49_____ 27 21 5 43 57 7______ 53 51 30 . 31 , 54 41 60 47 52 66 34 18 65 64 42 63 15 73 70 68 77 71 59 .2 0. 273 . 280 . 505 0) 0) .266 .314 0) .223 0) 0) .451 . 186 .180 .237 .9 (0 .2 1. 2 .7 1.4 .9 .4 1.6 .5 .7 1.8 1 .2 .9 .5 .5 .2 .5 1.0 .3 1.0 .3 1.6 .5 .7 1.0 Method of— 0) .2 12 All other labor Total labor 0.309 .298 0 145 . 144 . 143 .140 . 137 .137 . 130 . 128 . 124 .123 Total labor . 135 . 115 0) 4. 723 609 5. 856 6. 913 4.136 C1) 6.035 5. 542 0) 0) 6. 902 8. 220 0) 6. 240 7. 451 0) 5. 545 5. 925 4. 937 4.382 7. 225 0) 5. 837 6. 384 0) 0) 5. 081 4. 368 0) 7.433 8. 694 . 131 .060 9. 015 7. 615 16. 630 109.1 1. 650 1.941 0) 0) 2. 725 3. 322 2. 017 2. 942 0) 3. 011 2. 740 3. 790 0) 3.231 0) 4. 790 4. 773 0) 0) 2. 335 5.348 3.365 3.863 337. 6 286.0 452. 3 397.4 241.7 295.2 217.7 285. 5 213.2 279.4 300.0 (3) 297.9 324.5 342.5 205.5 253.4 296.0 315.0 245.0 171.6 (3) 206.3 Mechanical. Machine. ------- d o ........... Do. ------- do........ . Do. _____do............ Do. _____do.......... .. Do. _____do............ Sand. H and............ Machine. Do. _____d o ........... Mechanical. Do. _____do............ Do. H and............. Sand. _____do............ Do. Mechanical. Machine. H a n d .......... Sand. _____do______ Machine. _____do............ Sand. Mechanical. Machine. ____ do............ Do. H and_______ Do. Mechanical. Sand. _____do............ Do. H and_______ Do. Mechanical. Do. .278 0) 0) .148 .270 .270 .196 0) 0) . 180 . 169 .203 .228 . 138 0) .171 . 157 0) 0) . 197 .229 (0 .1 1 2 .1 1 1 . 110 . 108 . 107 .099 (0 162.6 213.5 237.3 243.7 362. 2 204.3 194. 9 304.3 207.9 223.7 277.5 164.8 178. 9 286.0 129.8 155.1 10.100 10. 268 196. 0 93.1 171.1 233.7 147.1 145.2 194.6 125.1 212. 5 Casting .099 .097 .095 .093 .089 .088 .085 .084 .084 .084 .083 .083 .079 .079 .073 .062 .281 .222 0) 3. 235 6.903 3.358 6. 928 4. 998 6. 977 7.141 0) 7. 276 0) 3. 563 7. 320 4. 510 7. 696 7. 793 0) 3.597 8.082 8.132 0) 8. 940 0) 6. 764 8. 981 3. 697 9. 062 3.707 9. 267 5.100 9. 321 10. 096 0) Charging H and_______ Machine. Mechanical. Sand. H and ............. Do. Mechanical. Machine. Do. _____do............ Sand. H and_______ Do Mechanical - Machine. H a n d ______ Sand. Mechanical. Do. ____ do............ Do. ____ do.......... .. Do. H and............. Do. 1_____do______ Do. ____ do______ Do. Hand and Do. mechanical. H and_______ Do. Mechanical. Do. H and_______ Machine. ____ do............ Sand. Do. _____do........ . Do. _____do............ Machine. ____ do............ Sand. ____ d o ........... Do. ____ do ........... Do. ____ d o ........... Do. ____ d o ........... Do. _____do______ Do. _____do______ Do. Mechanical Do. Hand and Sand and machine. mechanical. H and............. j Sand. .200 0) 0) 3.668 3. 570 1. 979 0) 0) 3. 757 3.186 0) 4. 486 0) 0) 2.217 5.365 5. 560 4. 220 All other labor Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) 10. 534 10. 793 11. 294 11. 361 11.819 11. 873 11. 926 11. 947 11. 980 11. 983 12. 588 12. 637 13. 073 16. 146 102.2 96.0 85.0 80.4 85.5 117.3 141.0 1918 16. 3 .. 39. 2 .. 36.. 14. 12. 46. 48. 57. 7 _. 19. 27. 6. . 22. 20.. 33.. 31. 53. 43. 100-125 175-200 150-175 275-300 50- 75 425-450 50- 75 175-200 150-175 75-100 75-100 50- 75 200-225 75-100 100-125 100-125 « 250-275 100-125 100-125 75-100 100-125 50- 75 75-100 1.0 1.9 1.0 2.0 .8 4.0 .9 1.7 2.0 1.0 .9 (3) 2.0 .7 1.0 1.6 2.8 1.0 1.0 .9 1.7 (3) 1.0 i Detail not available. 0. 635 .629 0) 0) .406 .492 .299 .359 0) .319 .284 .374 0) .291 0) .474 .444 0) 0) .197 .478 .238 .269 0. 606 .515 0) 0) .367 .301 .496 .340 0) .332 .365 .264 0) .309 0) .209 .209 0) 0) .428 .187 .297 .259 0.310 .283 .272 .264 .193 .187 .187 . 175 . 171 . 163 .160 .155 .153 . 150 .147 . 145 .142 .136 .135 .135 .134 .132 .132 1. 576 1 . 590 0) 0) 2.462 2. 033 3. 345 2. 782 0) 3.132 3.523 2. 677 0) 3. 439 0) 2.109 2. 251 0) 0) 5. 077 2.091 4.197 3. 722 * Not reported. 3. 225 3. 531 3. 672 3. 784 5.187 5. 355 5. 362 5. 724 5. 846 6.141 6. 264 6. 467 6. 554 6. 670 6. 785 6. 899 7. 023 7. 374 7.391 7.412 7.439 7. 562 7.585 8 Fiscal year May 1, 1917, to Apr. 30, 1918. 112 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES B . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods o f charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927 — Continued T a b le 1 9 1 8 — Continued Average labor productivity Plant No. 61 49 50 41 52 . Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons 25- 50 50- 75 25- 50 75-100 75-100 225-250 100-125 50- 75 75-100 175-200 50- 75 50- 75 100-125 150-175 75-100 10 17 51 35 30 54 34 18 15 47 66 Under 25 25- 50 71. . 59 25- 50 7 0 ____ 25- 50 42_____ 50- 75 Under 25 77 62 50- 75 73 25- 50 68 25- 50 11 200-225 Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 0.7 .7 .9 .9 1.0 1.8 1.7 .7 .9 2.4 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor All other labor Fur nace crew labor 0) 0. 251 0) 0) 0. 266 0 0.131 . 129 . 127 . 121 .113 0 0) 0) 0) 0 .112 .202 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 2.0 2.0 .156 .188 0) .8 1.0 1.0 .194 0) .181 .157 0) .153 .8 0) . 124 0 1.0 .8 0 0 . 121 4.7 . 141 (3) 1.5 .9 .9 . 164 .303 0) .237 0) .213 . 169 0) .8 M ethod of— 0 0 0 0 .233 (■1) 0 . 165 .128 Total labor .103 . 102 .100 .098 .097 .091 .090 .089 .089 .087 .085 .083 . 083 .082 .081 .079 .070 .070 .067 (0 3.989 0) 4. 948 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 6.122 0) 6.409 5.313 0 5.156 0 5. 530 0 0 8. 080 0) 0 8. 236 7.082 All other labor Total labor 7. 636 7. 753 7. 896 3. 299 8. 247 8. 872 0) 8. 920 0) 9. 666 0 9. 798 0) 10 . 021 0 10.180 0 4. 218 10. 340 11.0 12 0) 4. 692 1 1 .10 1 5.911 11.224 11. 285 0 Charging Casting 141.4 H and_______ 186.4 Mechanical. 145. 5 ___ do 260.6 Hand . 221.9 ------- do.......... .. 345.5 Mechanical. 176. 7 H and_______ 192. 6 Mechanical. 267.0 0 209.4 M echanical.. 165. 7 Hand_ ___ _____do 0 194.3 ------- do______ 209.8 ------- do______ 132.9 Hand and mechanical. 81.1 Mechanical _ 93.7 H a n d ........... 132.4 Mechanical. 90.1 H and_______ 189.4 ____ do______ 79.1 ____ do ._ ___ __ ..d o ___ 0 88.6 ____ do______ 90.0 ____ do. ___ 120.7 Hand and mechanical. D o. Do. Do. D o. Machine. Sand. Do. D o. Do. Sand and machine. 3. 071 376. 8 Mechanical 3.128 356.6 ____ do______ 3.180 ; 489.5 ____ do______ 3. 551 ; 408.1 ____ do______ 4. 800 300.0 H a n d ........... 4.960 285.2 Mechanical. 5.006 258.0 ____ do______ 5. 625 318.3 Hand 5. 683 213.5 ____ d o ______ 5. 830 370.0 Mechanical. 5.959 232.8 _____d o______ 6.001 352.9 H a n d ........... 6. 029 314.0 Mechanical. 6.140 366.0 H a n d ............ 6.545 264.9 Mechanical _ 6.792 280.3 0 6. 851 175.7 Mechanical. 6.856 155.1 H an d_______ 7.039 261.6 Mechanical. 7.133 151.3 ____ do______ 7.137 226.1 Hand 7.171 289.0 _____do______ 7.314 186. 0 Mechanical. 7. 351 252.5 .........d o ---------7. 469 96.0 .........do______ 7. 693 H a n d ........... 0 7. 713 155.0 .........do______ 8.030 287.0 0 8.136 248.1 Mechanical . 8.156 139.8 H an d . 8. 360 157.0 Machine. D o. D o. D o. Do. Do. Sand. D o. Machine. D o. D o. Do. D o. Do. Do. Sand. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. D o. D o. D o. D o. D o. D o. D o. Machine. Sand. Do. Machine. 0 3. 765 0 6. 365 0 6. 556 0) 0) Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) 11. 521 11.700 12 . 086 12 . 0i;0 12 . 186 4. 294 12. 374 12. 690 0 14.194 0 6. 063 14. 299 7. 792 14. 874 Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1917 4........... 32 16 3 14 39 33 28 36 22 12 19 7______ 20 46 44 31 61 6 . ......... 50 27 41 49 43 66 53 63 35 30 60 55 400-425 100-125 175-200 275-300 175-200 50- 75 75-100 100-125 75-100 100-125 150-175 125-150 225-250 125-150 75-100 100-125 125-150 50- 75 7 200-225 50- 75 75-100 75-100 50- 75 75-100 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 100-125 250-275 50- 75 50- 75 2.9 .8 1.0 2.0 1.7 .6 .9 1.0 1.0 .9 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 .9 1.0 2.0 1.0 .429 0) .293 .291 .279 .400 0) 0 .616 0) .300 0) .513 0 2.3 .469 1.0 1.0 .8 1.0 0 .9 .9 0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 .9 1 Detail not available. 0 0. 686 0) 0 .480 .239 .261 .259 .286 .234 .255 .247 0 .271 .225 0 0. 599 0 (0 .405 0 .627 .456 .475 .300 0) 0 .227 0 .312 0) .204 0 .204 0) .198 .334 .283 .286 .252 .291 .264 .249 0 .224 .255 0.326 .320 .314 .282 .208 .202 .200 . 178 . 176 .172 .168 .167 . 166 . 163 .153 .147 .146 . 146 . 142 . 140 . 140 .139 . 137 . 136 . 134 . 130 . 130 . 125 . 123 . 123 .12 0 * Not reported. 0) 1.458 0) 0) 2. 333 0) 3.412 3. 431 3. 580 2.500 0) 0 1. 624 0 3. 337 0) 1. 948 0 2.134 0 2. 084 4.181 3. 774 3. 859 3. 495 4. 273 3. 921 4.045 0) 3. 693 4. 443 0) 1. 670 0 0) 2. 467 0 1. 595 2.195 2.103 3. 330 0) 0 4. 405 0) 3. 209 0) 4. 901 0) 4. 905 0 5. 053 2. 990 3. 540 3. 491 3. 974 3. 420 3. 792 3. 985 0) 4. 463 3.918 7 Fiscal year from May 1,1916, to Apr. 30,1917. 113 APPENDIX 1.— GENERAL TABLES B . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927— Continued T a b le 1 9 1 7 — Continued M ethod of— Average labor productivity Plant N o. Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons 50- 75 125-150 50- 75 25- 50 150-175 50- 75 25- 50 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 25- 50 50- 75 25- 50 25- 50 48 18 51 52 . 15 34 65 64_ . 71 42 73 62 59 69.... . Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 0. 7 1.8 1.0 .4 1.9 0 .8 .8 .8 (3) .9 0 .9 1.0 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor All other labor Fur nace crew labor All other labor 0 0) 0 0) 0 0 0) 0) (0 0) 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0. 146 . 241 0) 0) 0) 0.231 . 138 . 151 . 109 .124 . 129 0 0 0 0 0) Total labor 0.115 . I ll . I ll . 109 . 106 .097 .090 .088 .082 .075 .070 .069 .068 .059 8. 702 Charging Casting 9.009 9.031 9.191 9. 457 10. 313 11 . 161 11. 403 12 . 208 13. 245 14. 220 14. 535 14. 689 16. 972 248.0 H an d_______ 215.9 _____do---------192.7 Mechanical. 205. 8 H an d_______ 229. 5 _____d o ........... .........d o............ 0 143.0 .........d o ........... 149.1 .........do______ 91.6 ____ do______ ____ d o ........... 0 87.9 ____ do______ 0 - ____ do______ 10 S. 6 Mechanical. 109.1 H an d ........... Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. 3.404 5.818 5. 843 6. 608 7.014 7.187 7. 328 0 5. 435 7. 740 10. 494 0 445.9 Mechanical. 285.2 ____ do______ 173.5 H a n d ............ 259.7 Mechanical. 208.6 H and_______ 88.2 Mechanical. 283.6 ____ do______ 167.4 ____ do______ 182.4 H and_______ Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. D o. 3.197 4. 684 5.514 6. 772 6. 863 7. 280 (0 5. 855 7. 527 7. 764 0) 5. 826 8. 212 11.355 0 450. 9 282. 4 285. 2 90.8 245.6 270.8 206.0 184.6 179.4 190.2 Mechanical. ____ do______ _____do............ _____do............ ____ d o ........... _____do______ H and______ ____ do______ Mechanical. H and_______ Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. 382.4 M echanical. | 333.4 _____d o ........... i 368.0 H and_______ 283.9 Mechanical. 216. 7 H a n d .. 284.4 ____ do______ 477.8 Mechanical. 314.3 244.0 H a n d . . ___ 1 317.2 ____ do............ 1 266.6 Mechanical . Machine, Do. Do. Do. Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. 4.152 4. 330 7. 251 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 6. 831 Total labor Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) 6. 634 8. 055 9. 200 i 7.772 1916 16 . 6 ........... 61......... 46 27 66 30 31 52 100-125 8 75-100 25- 50 75-100 100-125 25- 50 275-300 75-100 50- 75 0.7 2.9 V) 0. 529 0. 255 .8 1.0 0 0 1.4 .9 2.7 1.6 1.0 0 .297 .393 .263 .309 .224 .296 0) . 184 0 .434 0 0 0. 294 . 172 . 171 . 151 . 143 . 139 .136 . 129 .095 0 1.891 0) 3. 369 2. 543 3. 809 0) 2. 305 0) 0 3. 927 0) 3.240 4.470 3.378 1915 16 39 6 ........... 66 46 30 27 61 31 52 125-150 100-125 275-300 25- 50 50- 75 200-225 50- 75 Under 25 50- 75 50- 75 0.9 1.0 2.9 .9 .6 2 .2 .8 .3 1.0 1.0 0) 0) 0. 549 .270 .272 0) .598 0) .419 0. 271 .326 .314 0) . 171 0 0.313 .214 .181 . 148 .146 .137 . 133 .129 . 172 .12 2 0 0 .088 0 0 0) 0 1.822 3. 706 3. 677 0 1.673 0 2. 386 0) 0 0 3. 693 3. 066 3.186 1914 16 „ 1 ........... 29 4 . ......... 45 14 3........... 8 48 19 12 125-150 225-250 » 100-125 175-200 75-100 150-175 150-175 100-125 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 1.0 1.8 .8 1.9 1.0 1.6 1 .2 1.0 .7 .5 1.0 >Petail not available. 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0) 0 0 0. 376 0. 356 0 0 0 0 .275 .401 0 0 0 0 0. 274 .243 .231 .217 . 188 . 183 .172 . 170 .163 .161 . 149 I Not reported, 0 0 0) 0 0 2. 656 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. 807 (0 0 3. 636 2.496 0 0 0 0 3. 653 4.115 4. 336 4.612 5.311 5.463 5.819 5. 886 6.132 6. 209 6. 697 8Jan. 1,1916, to Apr. 30,1916. •Fiscal year. 114 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES B . — Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927— Continued T a b le 1 9 1 4 — Continued Average labor productivity Plant No. Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons 33 50- 75 200-225 6 ........... 27 25- 50 50- 75 46-------81 50- 75 Under 25 57 30 200-225 10 9 125-150 51 75-100 34......... 25- 50 73 25- 50 42 50- 75 52 50- 75 54 25- 50 Under 25 66 2 ......... . 400-425 Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 0.8 2.0 .6 .7 1.0 0 2.0 1.3 1.0 (3) .9 (3) .9 1.0 .5 3.7 Method of— Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor Fur nace crew labor All other labor 0. 209 .498 .498 .217 .439 .307 0) 0.481 .393 0) . 167 0) . 148 . 120 .552 .215 .227 (3) .201 . 198 .325 . 185 .217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 Total labor 0.145 . 143 . 142 . 130 . 130 . 127 . 127 . 117 . 117 . 104 .094 .093 .089 .088 .078 (3) 4. 795 2. 009 2 . 006 4. 603 2. 277 3. 255 0) 0 2. 546 0 0 0 0 6. 756 8. 329 1.917 All other labor Total labor 2.078 4. 985 5. 058 3.074 5. 418 4. 607 0) 0) 5.983 0) 0) 0) 0) 4. 655 4.414 (3) 6. 873 6. 994 7. 064 7. 677 7. 695 7. 863 7. 891 8. 523 8. 528 9. 565 10. 604 10. 720 11. 193 11.410 12. 743 (3) Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) Charging Casting 203.0 Mechanical, Sand. 286.8 ____ do______ Do. 212 . 1 H and. Do. 275. 1 Mechanical. Do. 192.4 ____ do______ Do. H and_______ Do. 0 297.0 Mechanical _ Do. 287.6 ____ do______ Machine. 223.9 ____ do______ Sand. H a n d ........... Do. 0 89.5 ____ do______ Do. ____ do______ Do. (3) 174. 9 ____ do______ Do. 134. 7 1____ do______ Do. 72,0 ____ do______ Do. 302.9 Mechanical . D o. 1913 16 29 7______ 22 3 1 4 ____ 19 48 33 12 8 ______ 5______ 6 ______ 28 61 55 31 34 10 46 44 51 42_____ 66 . 52 . 54 62 . 73 - 125-150 0.9 9 125-150 1.0 175-200 100-125 250-275 200-225 75-100 25- 50 50- 75 150-175 200-225 175-200 225-250 75-100 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 »175-200 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 50- 75 25- 50 25- 50 25- 50 1.7 .8 1. 9 2. 0 .8 .5 .9 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.5 .7 .7 0) 0) 0. 523 .519 0) .335 .297 .283 .245 0. 326 .324 0) . 403 . 399 .425 .524 0 0) 0 0 0 0) .436 .239 0 0 0 .8 1.0 C1) .239 .409 (3) 1.7 .4 0) .187 .6 .8 0 .9 .9 1.0 (3) .9 0 0) .271 . 175 0 0 0 0. 308 .242 .201 . 200 . 196 . 183 . 170 . 168 . 167 . 162 . 162 . 161 . 154 . 152 . 151 . 127 .123 . 122 . 120 .281 0) .112 .110 . 102 . 141 0) . 139 .265 0) . 202 0 0 0 0 .092 .092 .087 .083 .082 .082 0 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 1. 914 1. 926 0 0) 0 3. 067 3. 085 0 2. 9S8 3. 369 3. 529 4. 077 0) 2. 480 2. 507 2, 352 1. 910 2. 291 4.192 0 0 0 0 4.186 2. 443 0 0 5. 337 0 0 7.110 0 0 0 0 0 3. 691 5. 716 0 0 3. 564 0 0 0 7.169 0 3. 768 0) 4. 940 0 0 0 0) I 3. 252 1 389.0 Mechanical _ 4. 130 360. 0 H and_______ 4. 981 291. 5 Mechanical _ 5. 011 335. 0 ____ do______ 5. 099 353. 9 5. 467 i 286.7 H and_______ 5. 876 274. 3 5, 952 252.0 ____ do______ 5. 987 221.0 Mechanical. 6,171 229.8 _____do______ 6.171 288. 2 0 6. 226 320.8 Mechanical. 6. 484 270.2 ____ do........ . 6. 561 319.6 H and............. 6. 609 163. 4 .........d o ............ 7. 877 160.0 ____ do______ 8.158 181.8 Mechanical8. 208 H and. ____ 0 8. 303 316.2 Mechanical. 8. 901 235.9 ____ do______ 9.104 203.9 0 9. 817 201.4 Mechanical . 10. 849 Hand _ __ 0 10. 879 89.0 _____d o ........... 11.494 172.2 _____do______ 12.109 129.2 _____do______ 12.141 _____do______ 0 12.157 81.9 .........do______ Machine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. D o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1912 16......... 4______ 3........... 29 22 7 _......... 48 28 14 125-150 225-250 200-225 * 100-125 100-125 175-200 75-100 75-100 125-150 0.9 2.6 1.5 .9 0 0 0 (0 1.0 1.8 1.0 .6 0. 501 .544 .293 1.4 .361 0 0. 350 .332 .431 0) .307 1 Detail not available. 0 0 0 0 0. 299 .222 .220 .219 .206 .206 . 174 .172 .166 0) 0) 0 0 1.997 1. 837 3.416 0 2. 770 0 0 0 0 2. 854 3. 016 2. 320 0 3. 255 8 Not reported. 3. 340 4. 503 4. 549 4. 570 4. 851 4. 853 5. 736 5. 830 6. 025 385.3 251.0 397.7 347. 0 330.0 289.5 266. 0 359.7 286.0 Mechanical. Machine. _____d o ............ Do. ____ do______ Do. H and_______ Do. Mechanical. Do. ____ do______ Do. H and_______ Sand. Do. ____ do_______ _____d o ............ Do. 8 Fiscal year. 115 APPENDIX 1.----GENEBAL TABLES T a b l e B .— Labor productivity, production, output per stack-day and methods of charging and casting in merchant blast furnaces in the United States, by years and by plants, 1911 to 1927— Continued 1 9 1 2 — Continued Average labor productivity Plant N o. 12 61 5______ 39 33 31 _ 51 55 57 _ 42 46 5 3 ____ 73 34 10 52 54 62 Produc tion in thou sands of gross tons 100-125 50- 75 125-150 50- 75 25- 50 75-100 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 25- 50 25- 50 9 100-125 50- 75 25- 50 25- 50 Aver age full time fur naces active dur ing year 1.4 1.0 1 .1 .5 .5 1.3 1.0 1. 0 (3) (3) .8 (3) .8 (3) 1.0 .9 .8 0 M ethod of— Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron pro duced Fur nace crew labor Fur nace crew labor All other labor (2) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) C1) 0) 0. 206 .452 0) . 232 .300 0) .198 . 177 0) 0) C1) (0 . 127 0) 0. 440 . 190 0) . 263 . 211 0) .297 . 245 0) 0) 0) 0) . 185 0) Total labor 0.152 . 151 . 148 . 144 . 140 . 134 . 131 . 123 . 123 .119 . 119 . 103 . 102 .090 .087 .085 . 075 .052 C1) 0) 0) 0) 4. 855 2 . 211 0) 4.319 3. 381 (0 5. 048 5. 655 0) 0) 0) 0) 7. 850 0) All other labor Total labor 0) 0) 0) 0) 6. 588 6. 602 6. 742 6. 967 2. 274 7.129 5. 266 7. 477 7. 650 0) 3. 809 8.128 4. 780 8.160 8. 383 0) 3. 372 8. 420 4. 075 9. 730 0 ) I 9.812 0 ) 11.168 11. 434 (0 0 ) 11. 722 5. 409 13. 259 0 ) 19. 051 Aver age out put per stackday (gross tons) 240.8 158.1 351.7 294.7 227.0 164. 8 208. 3 | 147.3 (3) (3) 249.4 (3) 95.0 (3) 312.8 168. 0 140.2 (3) Charging Casting Mechanical. Hand _ _ _ Mechanical. _____do______ _____d o ............ ____ do............ ____ d o ........... H and............. __ .do______ ____ do_______ MechanicalH and__ __ ____ do______ ____ do_______ Mechanical . H and_______ ____ do______ ............ Sand. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. 1911 16 14 3______ 7........... 61 28 5______ 22 12 33 48 51 46 34 42 10 73 31 39 52 54 62 ... 100-125 25- 50 150-175 125-150 50- 75 75-100 150-175 25- 50 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 9125-150 25- 50 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 25- 50 Under 25 0.9 .5 1.0 1 .2 1. 0 .6 1.3 .4 .9 1.0 .7 1.0 .5 (3) (3) 1.0 1.0 1.0 .7 1.0 .7 (3) 0) 0) 0) 0. 440 (]) 0) 0) .522 (0 .218 .249 0) . 223 0) 0) 0) 0) .379 0) 0) .115 0) 0. 267 0) 0) 0) .215 0) .464 .362 0) .334 (i) 0) 0) 0) .148 0) 0) .167 0) i Detail not available. 0) 0) 0) 0.313 . 182 . 182 . 166 . 164 .163 .158 . 152 .150 . 148 .148 . 136 . 134 . 131 . 124 . 119 .107 . 106 .095 .090 .068 .051 0) 0) 0) 2 . 272 0) 0) 0) 1. 915 (0 4. 597 4.012 0) 4. 479 0) (0 0) (0 2. 639 0) 0) 8. 673 0) 0) 0) 0) 3. 750 (0 0) 4. 647 0) 2. 153 2. 761 (0 2. 992 0) 0) 0) 0) 6. 753 0) 0) 5. 976 0) 3. 200 385.0 Mechanical. ! 5. 483 ! 289.0 H and_______ 5. 4S3 417.5 Mechanical. 6. 023 318.5 ____ do_______ j 6. 105 169.0 H a n d . . ___ 6. 136 360.2 ____ do_______ 6. 330 341.8 M echanical. 6. 562 337.0 ____ do_______ 6. 667 249.3 ____ d o ........... 6. 750 198.0 ____ do_______ 6. 773 258. 0 H and_______ 7. 335 215. 7 M echanical. 7. 471 281.1 ____ do_______ 7. 659 H a n d .. __ (3) 8. 066 ____ do_______ (3) 8. 382 374.2 Mechanical. 9. 385 98.0 H and_______ 9. 392 158.1 Mechanical . 10.535 249.8 H and_______ 11.12 2 168.1 ____ do_______ 14. 648 136.1 .........d o ............ 19. 529 ____ do_______ (3) • Not reported. • Fiscal year. Machine. Sand. Machine. Do. Sand. Do. Machine. Do. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Machine. Sand. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. A P P E N D IX 2 .— IN D IV ID U A L P L A N T S T U D IE S IN E A R L Y Y E A R S Data in Table C represent long histories for six selected plants. They bring out the character of certain changes in the industry prior to 1911. The items in the table are not complete but all available material has been tabulated. Output per stack day for plant No. 28 represents the spectacular progress of 60 years. With the exception of 1880, operating data a,nd man-hours for this plant are not available for years prior to 1902. Daily furnace output is shown by blast periods (i. e., the interval between blowing in and blowing out for rebuilding or relining) prior to 1902. Productivity in 1880 is particularly interesting in con trast with 1911 when examined in connection with output per stack day. Productivity doubled while furnace output increased eight fold during this period; it is therefore evident that crews were very small during these early years of small scale operation, while it is quite likely that productivity may have actually decreased during some of the intermediate years as production increased without mechanical aids in handling materials. A remarkably complete operating record is shown for plant No. 29 over a long term of years. It will be noted that no man-hours are available prior to 1907; it will be profitable therefore to examine this plant’s history in relation to that of plant 28, which includes man-hours for an early year without a continuous operating record. Increasing output per day since 1880 runs closely parallel in both cases. The man-hours for plant No. 28 may be regarded as typical of conditions in both plants, since they were operated along similar lines and were located in the same district where labor conditions were analagous. Likewise, the operating record of plant No. 29 may be taken as representative of plant No. 28 during this early period. Steady progress in daily output and in coke consumption are the two outstanding features of early operating records. The primary cause of increased output is seen in the frequency of relin ing and rebuilding. This plant began in 1915 to dispose of product as hot metal. Plant No. 16 is of interest as one of the first merchant furnace plants to install a pig casting machine. The marked reduction in man-hours per ton between 1897 and 1903 is explained by the elimina tion of sand casting, and the sudden decrease in hours in 1910 was due directly to the introduction of mechanical filling and the dis placement of top and bottom fillers. Except as a direct result of these labor-saving changes, this plant shows no improvement in productivity comparable with the increase in daily furnace output. It seems that an increase in production was usually paralleled by larger pay rolls, an unusual condition in blast furnace operation. 116 APPENDIX 2.— INDIVIDUAL PLANT STUDIES 117 The first skip hoist in its district was installed by plant No. 51, but there was no important effect on productivity since the skips were hand filled and the only men displaced were the top fillers. The installation of bins and larry car in 1909 illustrates the usual drastic reduction of crews which accompanies the modernization of the stockhouse side of the furnace. This small furnace produces a special grade of pig iron, and no efforts have been made to push its daily production to high levels. Data on early history are also shown for plants Nos. 6 and 7. It is of interest to compare the 1905 productivity record of these two plants and plant No. 51. T a b l e C .— Labor productivity, output per stack-day , consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment in six merchant blast-furnace plants reporting for earlier years PLANT NO. 28 1926........................... 1925.......................... 1924_______ _____ 1923______________ 1922___________ 1921______________ 1920......................... 1919______________ .................... 1918 .5 .7 .5 .5 .8 .6 %7 i!o .9 .7 .5 .7 0. 672 0) 0) (0 .642 .655 .443 . 456 .309 .456 0) 0) (1) Total labor 0.326 .321 .278 .241 .239 .234 . 199 .200 .150 .178 (!) 0) (0 Fur nace crew labor 1.585 0) 0) 0) 2. 625 2. 741 2. 769 2. 813 3.439 3. 431 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) All other labor Total labor (0 0) (0 (0 0) 3.072 3.117 3.601 4.150 4.183 4. 267 5.028 5.007 6. 670 5. 625 0) 0) 0) 6. 501 5. 830 6.136 1.488 0) (0 (0 1. 558 1. 526 2 . 260 2.193 3.231 2.195 0) (0 (0 0) 0) . 152 .172 .163 0) « 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (1) 0) 0) (0 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (0 0) 0) .6 .6 • 0.631 0) 0) 0) .381 .365 .361 .355 .291 .291 0) 0) (!) 0) 0) All other labor (*) 0) (!) Aver age out put per stack- Iron ore day Remarks Scrap Flux Coke Gross Pounds Pounds Pounds tons 1,985 421 3,768 454.4 419 2,092 3. 734 441.5 390 2,053 3,703 444.4 2,253 401 3,683 402.4 426 2,138 416.0 3,588 444 2,251 398.5 3,658 430 2,283 394.4 3,732 2,220 421 3,772 396.7 450 2,489 3.904 324.5 444 2,439 3,801 318.3 439 2,345 3,736 358.3 421 2,209 393.8 3, 721 553 2,129 857.0 3,532 319.6 0) 0) 0) 336 2,233 359.7 3, 833 360.2 0) 0) (0 f 2,376 2,324 \ 2,406 330.0 0) 0) 2,444 I 2,349 f 2,307 I 2,162 292.0 0) 0) 1 2,389 I 2 ,2 1 1 272.0 0) 0) 0) 168.0 0) 0) 0) 156.0 0) 0) 0) 124.0 0) 0) 0) Pounds 1,046 1,066 1,068 1,035 Pig-casting machine installed. Stack rebuilt. 1,010 1,084 1,138 1,310 1,501 1,478 1,422 1,263 1,257 0) 1,301 0) • 0) ! |■ (0 1 > 0) 0) (0 0) Do. FURNACES 0.8 .6 Fur nace crew labor Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced BLAST 1916______________ 1915 ____________ 1914_______ ______ 1913 ....................... 1912......................... 1911........................... 1910........................ 1909........................... 1 9 0 8 ........................ 1 907 -.-.........- .......... 1906.........- ................ 1905.......................... 1904........................... 1903........................... 1902........................... 1896-1901 2.............. 1892-1896................. 1886-1891................ 1885-1886................. 125-150 75-100 75-100 100-125 75-100 50- 75 100-125 75-100 75-100 100—125 125-150 75-100 50- 75 75-100 75-100 75-100 50- 75 100-125 50- 75 100-125 75-100 100-125 75-100 75-100 100-125 425-450 225-250 250-275 50- 75 Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average full Produc time tion in thousands furnaces active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity 50Under Under 25Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under 75 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 l 25 ! 25 I 25 25 25 1 N ot reported. 0) m 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) i1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .07-6 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (!) I1) (!) 0) 0) 0) 0) (0 0) (1) 0) 0) (!) 0) (*) 0) 0) 0) (0 0) (0 w (!) 99.0 58.0 48.0 47.0 46.0 42.0 34.0 24.0 (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 23.0 25.0 24.0 19.0 0) (0 13.149 0) (!) (0 0) 22.0 0) (0 3,116 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) i1) 0) 0) 0) 0) 1,360 (!) 0) (0 0) 0) (!) 0) 0) 0) C1) 0) 0) 3 4,211 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 1 , 8C 0) (0 (0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) (0 0) a Data for 1867 to 1901, inclusive, are for blast periods and not for fiscal or calendar years. First blast with coke only. * Both coal and coke. 2 .— INDIVIDUAL PLANT STUDIES 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) APPENDIX 1882-1884................ 1881-1882................ 1879-1880................ 1877-1879_________ 1876-1877................ 1875-1876_________ 1874-1875_________ 1871-1874_________ 1870-1871_________ 1869-1870_________ 1868-1869_________ 1867-1868........... 1867........................... to T able C.— Labor productivity, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment in six merchant blast-furnace plants reporting for earlier years—Continued J-1 g PLANT NO. 29 1.0 1.0 .9 1.0 1.0 .6 .4 .8 .8 .6 1.0 .9 .8 .8 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .7 .9 .9 .8 .6 .8 .8 .8 1.0 .6 0.673 .658 .679 .533 0) .446 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0) 0) (I} 0 0 All other labor 0. 665 .650 .671 .526 0 .511 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0) 0 0 Total labor 0.334 .327 .337 .265 .249 .240 0) 0) 0) 0) .260 0) 0 .231 .242 .219 0) 0) 0) 0) . 181 0 0) 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 1.486 1.519 1. 473 1.877 0) 2. 245 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0 1.504 1. 537 1,491 1.899 0 1.928 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0 0) 0 0 2.990 3.056 2.963 3. 776 4. 018 4.173 0 0) 0 0) 3. 846 0 0) 4. 336 4.130 4. 570 0) 0) 0) 0) 5. 517 0) 0 0) 0 0 0) 0 Gross tons 431.0 426.0 393.0 371.0 340.0 327.0 366.0 356.0 341.0 396.0 366.0 365.0 365.0 368. 0 360.0 347.0 342.0 327.0 262.0 303.0 309.0 351.0 300.0 328.0 313.0 259.0 274.0 273.0 255.0 Scrap Coke Flux Pounds ' Pounds Pounds Pounds 3,893 240 1,033 1,917 4,034 968 287 1,876 184 4,247 979 1,963 1,028 4,283 206 2,075 4,222 1, 219 195 1,855 121 1,252 4,039 2,197 4, 442 45 2,022 1,169 1, 239 4, 476 2, 097 0 4, 572 2,201 1, 250 0 1,084 3,996 1,899 0 0) 0) 0 1,187 4,110 271 1,995 1,292 4, 211 267 2,161 1 , 212 4,133 2,103 213 1,174 4,316 2,282 0) 3,857 1, 271 333 2,186 4,180 1 , 212 103 2,153 4,321 1,416 2 , 212 0 4, 693 1, 505 2,485 0) 1,387 4,444 47 2,328 0 0) 0 0 4, 372 2 ,1 1 2 1,147 0 905 3, 270 2,232 0 4, 236 2,168 1,129 0) 4, 283 1,1 22 2,10 2 0 4,178 36 2,269 1, 272 195 1,084 3,868 0) 4,025 110 1,073 2,135 1,028 3, 620 208 0 54.2 51.9 48.6 49.9 50.7 53.8 49.9 50.1 49.0 56.1 0) 51.6 50.0 51.5 51.9 53.4 53.3 49.8 47.7 49.8 0) 51.2 53.2 53.0 52.3 53.1 0 54.2 55.5 Remarks 0) 93 96 90 97 82 45 77 59 0) 0 0 0) Stack relined. Do. New management. First disposal of hot metal to ad jacent steel plant. Pig-casting machine installed. Stack relined. Pig breaker installed, saving 18 men daily. New casting house, new Tod engine. Electric slag conveyer saves 13 men daily. New Tod engine, new boilers. Furnace enlarged. FURNACES 75-100 150-175 125-150 125-150 100-125 50- 75 50- 75 100-125 75-100 75-100 125-150 100-125 100-125 100-125 125-150 100-125 75-100 75-100 50- 75 50- 75 100-125 100-125 75-100 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 75-100 75-100 50- 75 Furnace crew labor Iron ore Per Per cent of cent of yield metal from used in ores molten and condi equiv tion alent BLAST 1927 1926_____ 1925_____ 1924_____ 1923......... 1922......... 1921_____ 1920_____ 1919_____ 1918_____ 1917......... 1916_____ 1915_____ 1914......... 1913......... 1912......... 1911_____ 1910......... 1909_____ 1908_____ 1907_____ 1906_____ 1905_____ 1904_____ 1903_____ 1902_____ 1901_____ 1900_____ 1899......... Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Aver age Man-hours per gross ton output of pig iron produced per stackday All Furnace Total crew other labor labor labor PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion in furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity IZfQ 1898. 50- 75 0 1897. 25- 50 0 1896. 50- 75 0 50 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 25 25 25 .5 .8 1.0 .6 .7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .3 1.0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 217.0 3,564 170 2,148 878 59.8 202.0 3,692 219 2,249 894 57.3 168.0 3,627 204 2,210 860 58.5 151.0 144.0 136.0 143.0 114.0 114.0 3, 537 184 517 468 219 172 251 224 2,311 2,745 2,722 2,603 2,936 2,883 2,699 2,728 0) 0) 894 833 950 974 60.2 60.0 59.0 58.0 58.1 59.2 59.3 60.4 0 112 .0 3,331 3,638 3, 680 3, 501 3,553 95.0 82.0 59.0 75.0 85.0 29.0 28.0 27.0 0 0 0) 0) 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 2 ,1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 , 021 1,055 1,006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0) 0 0 4 First 6 months only. New bosh, new pumping engine, etc. New coke and limestone bins, chills for casting. Stack relined; new boilers and new Tod blowing engine. New Julian Kennedy stoves. Stack relined; coal strike. Plant overhauled, engines rebuilt. Stack relined. . - Stack rebuilt, new auxiliary equip ment. PLANT STUDIES 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 (1 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .— INDIVIDUAL 252525502525252525Under 2525Under Under Under 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APPENDIX 1895. 0 1894. 1 1893. I 1892. g 1891. 1890. 1889. 1888. CO 1887. 1886. 1885. 1884. 1883 1882. 1881. 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 fcO PLANT NO. 16 T a b le C.— Labor productivity, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment in six merchant blast-furnace plants reporting for earlier years— Continued Average full-time furnaces active during year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour Furnace j All crew | other labor labor Total labor 0.854 0.685 0.380 1924 . ........... 50 - 75 1923..... ............ 125-150 1922_________ I 50- 75 1921....... ..........i Under 25. 125-150 1920 _ 100-125 1919, 150-175 1918 _ 175-200 1917_ 100-125 1916_ 1915_ 125-150 1914125-150 1913125-150 125-150 1912_ 100-125 1911125-150 191025- 50 1909- .3 .7 1.105 .429 .309 .280 .371 .332 .246 .269 .272 .314 .294 .313 .274 .308 .299 .313 .310 .179 1908_ 1907190619051904_ 19031902_ 19011900- 25- 50 75-100 100-125 75-100 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 75-100 50- 75 .2 .1 .9 .6 1.0 1.0 .7 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .376 .360 .389 .381 .375 .375 .355 .341 ; .319 .340 .396 .333 0 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 .9 1.0 .5 .5 .8 1.0 .9 .5 0) 0 0) | .348 0 0) 0 .905 ! ! 1 1 1 ! ! ; .183 1 .175 . 175 . 180 .192 . 176 0) 0) 0) 1.461 2. 632 2. 329 3.233 3.566 2.697 3.016 4.066 3.717 3.672 3.180 3.404 3.197 3. 653 3. 252 3. 340 3. 200 3.226 5. 593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0) 0 0 0 (1> 0 0 2.718 2.876 2.658 2. 778 2.572 2.622 2. 670 2.669 2.817 2. 932 3.136 2.941 2. 528 3. 002 0 0) 0 0) 0 0 Flux Scrap Remarks jGross tons |Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 2,282 72 392.3 \ 4,070 0) i ! i ; 1 ! 1 ; I j ! 3,913 512.0 493.4 i 3,792 613.0 ! 0 513.1 4,084 438.3 3,922 455.7 0 452.3 0 489.5 0 445.9 0) 450.9 3,882 382.4 0 389.0 0 385.3 0) 385.0 0 4,108 381.9 279.3 0 277.2 5.476 5.709 1 285.1 312. 2 5. 708 5.563 310. 4 5.198 309. 0 5.671 ! 296.8 0 ! 255. 1 250.4 0 0) 1 232. 5 ! 0 0 0) 3,900 0 0 0) 0 3, 709 199 249 0 170 242 0 0 0 0 108 0) 0) 1, 996 2,120 0 2,101 2,092 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,024 0) 0 2,190 0 0 0 0) 0 0) 0 0 965 1,055 0 0 0 0 1, 064 0 0 0 0) 0) (0 912 900 0) 0) 874 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 2,064 1, 077 0 8 0 0 0 0 2,144 I, 254 0) 182 166 156 146 162 154 151 142 141 131 127 115 117 3-shift system introduced. 112 112 142 138 148 162 157 146 153 (0 0 0 New skip, larry, and bins hand filling; furnace rebuilt. FURNACES 0.7 Iron ore Aver age num ber of men per day BLAST 75-100 1926 _ Aver age Man-hours per gross ton output of pig iron produced per stackday All Furnace Total crew other labor labor labor PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Produc tion in thousands of gross tons LABOR Consumption of materials per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity 1899,............... 50- 75 1898-............... 75-100 25- 50 1897....... ......... 1 8 9 6 ---........... Under 25. .8 1.0 .6 .3 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) . 131 . 119 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 1 220.6 241.7 0) 7. 643 215. 9 8.400 189.9 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) <‘> 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) Pig-casting machine installed. 150 145 P L A N T N O . 51 1908_ 1907__ 1906--. 1905__ 1904--. 5050505050- 75 75 75 75 75 1903__. 1902__ 1901 1900--. 1899._. 1898-_. 1897-_. 25505050255050- 50 75 75 75 50 75 75 0. 504 0. 271 1. 705 1.984 262. 8 3,624 2 , 028 965 117 .564 .437 .366 .344 .294 .171 .214 .176 .117 1. 772 2.289 2. 732 2.900 3. 398 5. 843 4. 672 5. 687 8. 575 248.3 248.1 209.0 3, 804 4,081 4,059 2, 076 2 , 228 2, 295 1,062 1,053 1 , 281 140 170 185 .352 .333 0) 0) 2.837 3.004 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 2,148 2, 659 2, 715 3,100 4,193 2, 593 2, 586 2,408 2,494 2,475 1, 532 1,478 1, 396 1,420 1, 398 5. 983 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 195. 9 189.1 223.7 192.6 192.7 207.3 225.5 223.9 201.4 208.3 215.7 210.1 168.4 186 180 161 .1 1 1 0) 10. 758 8.132 9. 798 9. 031 0) 0) 8. 528 9. 817 7. 650 7. 335 8.497 14. 826 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 12. 654 13. 580 10.439 10. 525 10. 453 180.4 184.7 208.8 208.3 203.2 s 4, 334 «4,140 « 4, 081 « 3, 882 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 12. 205 10. 985 11. 010 11. 763 12. 672 10. 019 9. 000 96.3 191. 3 164.2 153.7 142.7 174.8 190.8 * 3,868 « 3, 779 5 3, 734 * 3, 792 « 3, 844 « 3, 568 5 3, 692 0) .7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .8 1.0 1.0 1.0 .7 1.0 .9 1.0 .6 .9 1.0 .9 .7 1.0 1.0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .129 .093 . 123 .102 0) 0) (0 0) 0) 0) 0) .117 . 102 .131 .136 .118 .067 8 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .079 .074 .096 .095 .096 .393 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .167 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) .091 .091 .085 .079 .100 .111 0) 8 0) 0) 2 . 546 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 7. 754 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) * First 6 months only. 0) 0) 4,169 3,998 3, 349 « 4, 229 5 4,162 «4, 061 1,980 1,680 1, 559 1,046 0) 0) 0) 0) 92 103 692 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) Stack relined. Abnormal labor conditions. Stack relined. 169 175 141 140 158 2,426 2,433 2, 342 2,357 2,218 2,324 1,434 1,519 1,443 1, 373 1,429 1,499 2, 734 2,442 1,914 2, 364 2, 274 1, 516 1, 393 1,391 1, 243 1, 223 202 2, 230 2, 236 2,316 2, 502 2,246 2, 340 2,164 1, 210 212 186 160 160 160 155 152 1,129 1,163 965 1, 205 1,136 1, 075 Pig-casting machine installed. 8-hour day introduced. 221 Larry car, bins, and cast-house crane installed. Stack rebuilding at end of 1908. 222 193 194 Slack times required much piling of iron and inflated yard gangs. Stack relined; new boilers installed. Skip hoist and new engines installed. STUDIES U nder 25. 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 75-100 75-100 50- 75 75-100 75-100 75-100 25-100 0. 587 .5 .4 .7 PLANT 1921__ 1920--. 1919-_. 1918__. 1917--. 1916--. 1915__ 1914._ 1913 1912... 19111910-_ 1909- 0.9 2.— INDIVIDUAL 1925. 1924, 1923-_. 25- 50 25- 50 50- 75 APPENDIX 1927 4_. » A n y scrap inseparably combined with ore. to OO 124 PLANT NO. 6 T a b le C — Labor 'productivity, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment in six merchant blast-furnace plants reporting for earlier years— Continued * Not reported. 2.0 L8 2 .2 2.0 2.5 1.4 1.0 2.6 2.5 2.8 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.0 2.5 2. 7 2.3 2.7 2.3 2.0 2.7 2.7 3.0 0.8 2.7 2.8 1.5 1 . 216 1.006 .924 (9 0) (9 0) .597 .556 .444 .469 .529 . 549 .498 .436 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 0) .243 0) (9 (9 0) All other labor 0. 610 .393 .475 (9 C1) (9 0) .288 .218 .209 .204 .255 .271 .20 1 .239 (l) (l) 0) (9 0) (9 (9 .165 0) (9 (9 (9 Total labor 0. 406 .283 .314 .251 .248 .241 . 143 .194 . 157 . 142 . 142 . 172 .181 . 143 . 154 0) (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 .098 (9 (9 0) 0) Furnace crew labor • 0.822 .994 1.082 0) (9 (9 (9 1. 675 1. 799 2. 251 2.134 1.891 1 . 822 2.009 2.291 (9 (9 (9 0) 0) 0) 0) 4.111 0) (9 0) 0) 4 First 6 months only. All other labor 1.640 2. 543 2.104 0) 0) (9 0) 3. 472 4. 579 4.773 4. 905 3. 927 3. 693 4. 985 4.192 0) 0) 0) (9 0) 0) 0) 6. 059 (9 0) 0) 0) Aver age output per stack day ore Scrap Coke Flux Total labor 2.463 3. 536 3.187 3. 982 4. 033 4. 155 7. 002 5.147 6.379 7. 023 7. 039 5. 818 5. 514 6.994 6.484 (9 (9 (9 0) 0) (0 0) 10.170 0) 0) (9 0) Gross Pou nds P ou nds P ou nds Pou nds tons 408. 5 (9 (9 (9 (9 23 1,952 860 3, 943 359.1 29 2,071 4, 086 896 341.7 2 , 268 4, 368 76 1,051 317.2 58 2, 244 1,004 4, 325 325.4 44 2, 234 4,173 1,039 322.5 2,181 1 , 021 4,267 36 312.6 30 2, 367 4, 341 1,089 319.8 101 2 ,499 1,077 4, 359 279.6 2, 619 1,10 0 26 4, 384 253.4 29 2, 393 1,039 4, 274 261.6 11 934 4,097 285.2 0) 2,140 285.2 (9 (9 0) 2,120 8 862 4,191 286.8 2,243 1,024 4, 213 47 270.2 2,261 1,163 4,343 273.5 2,215 1,095 4,252 29 290.7 2,182 1,004 9 4,338 277.6 38 2,114 4, 321 267.3 ?} 4 4,285 216.4 (9 1 128 4,119 214.4 0) 4, 314 67 200.5 (9 0) 2,402 1,037 13 4,220 202.7 251.4 0) 0) (9 0) 151.4 (9 0) 0) 0) 176.0 (9 (9 0) 0) 170.5 (9 0) (9 0) • Fiscal year M a y 1 to Apr. 30. Average cubic feet of air blown per minute 30, 629 31, 903 31, 469 33,040 33, 986 36, 284 29, 432 (9 28, 937 29, 472 29, 593 28, 219 28, 215 29, 403 30, 910 31, 376 32, 695 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 Average number of men per day Remarks 241 240 283 278 300 168 188 388 401 441 389 (9 405 366 390 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 540 (9 (9 (9 (9 7 Jan. 1 to Apr. 30 only. FURNACES 125-150 225-250 275-300 225-250 300-325 150-175 100-125 300-325 250-275 250-275 200-225 75-100 275-300 200-225 225-250 250-275 225-250 250-275 225-250 150-175 200-225 175-200 200-225 75-100 125-150 175-200 75-100 Furnace crew labor Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced BLAST 1927 *.................... 1026..................... 1925....................... 1 924 .................... 1923....................... 1922....................... 1921.................... 1920 ®_.................. 1919 ® .................. 1918 «___............... 1 9 1 7 ................. 1916 7-___............. 1915__................... 1 9 1 4 ..................... 1913____________ 1912 1911................... 1910....................... 1909...................... 1908....................... 1907....................... 1906____________ 1905____________ 1904 ..................... 1903....................... 1902....................... 1901....................... Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT Year Average Produc full-time tion in furnaces thousands active of gross during tons year LABOB Consumption of material per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity P L A N T NO. 7 T a b i jE C — Labor 'productivity, output per stack-day, consumption of materials charged, and changes in equipment in six merchant blast-furnace plants reporting fo r earlier years— Continued Year Produc tion in thousands of gross tons Average full-time furnaces active during year Gross tons of pig iron produced per man-hour All other labor Total labor Furnace crew labor All other labor Iron ore Scrap Coke Flux Total labor Average cubic feet of air blown per minute Remarks 2 .— INDIVIDUAL Furnace crew labor Aver age output per stackday Man-hours per gross ton of pig iron produced APPENDIX Consumption of material per gross ton of pig iron produced Average labor productivity ! 50- 75 50- 75 50- 75 75-100 75-100 50- 75 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.8 1 .2 .2 1.8 1.6 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.0 1.4 1.7 1.8 1 .2 1.4 .8 .7 .9 1.0 .9 .9 0.848 .816 0) 0) 0.515 .424 0 0 0 0 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 736 .616 0) .523 .544 .440 0) .308 .227 0 0 0 .201 1.179 1.226 0 0 0 1,359 0 0 0 0 1. 624 0 0 0 0 0 1,914 1. 837 2. 272 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 . 104 0 0) 0 0 4. 297 0) <*> 0 (1) .232 .326 .332 .267 0.321 .279 .270 .250 .231 .217 . 155 .151 . 128 .153 .166 .189 1 N ot reported. .206 .166 1.940 2. 358 0 0 0 3.249 0 0 0 0 4.405 0 0 0 3. 067 3. 016 3. 750 0 0 0) 0 0 5. 300 0 Gross tons Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 3.119 410.0 0 0 0 \ 0) 392. 8 3. 584 3,618 372 1 .2,042 993 363.1 3. 703 3, 774 237 | 2,146 1, 111 3. 999 375.5 3, 718 262 1 2,088 999 346.8 4.322 4, 234 45 2,209 1,030 4. 607 350.3 103 [ 2,148 4,231 1,030 6.444 ! 375.5 22 2,050 1,131 4, 390 6. 633 317.0 4, 451 22 2,407 1, 239 7. 793 304. 3 0 0) 0 0 6. 554 297.9 0 0 0 0 6. 029 1 314.0 0) 0 0) 0 j 331.5 0 0) 0) 0 ! 328.7 0 0 1 0 0 0 306.2 0 0 0 0 0 4.981 291.5 0 0 0 O 4. 853 289.5 0) 0 0 0 6. 023 318.5 0 0 0) 0 261.5 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0) 0 9. 597 246.9 261.4 236.5 227.2 235. 5 228. 2 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 First 6 months only. 0 0) 0 0 0 0 35, 34, 34, 35, 35, 514 747 379 037 387 (0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 1) 0 Relined. Do. Do. One stack rebuilt. Pig machine installed. Stack rebuilt. Pig machine installed; stack built. “B” STUDIES 1909................... ............ 1908......... .................. 1907.......... .................... 1 9 0 6 ............................. 1905........................... .. 1904......................... .. 2.0 PLANT 19274................. ............ 125-150 1926_________________ 250-275 1925_________________ 250-275 1924........... ............. .. 250-275 1923_________________ 225-250 1922_________________ 150-175 1921_________________ Under 25 1920_________________ 200-225 1919_________________ 175-200 1918_________________ 200-225 1917............... ................ 225-250 1916_________________ 200-225 225-250 1915._____ ___________ 1914_________________ 150-175 1913_________________ 175-200 1912_________________ 175-200 1911............... ................ 125-150 1910.......... .................... 125-150 fcO Oi APPENDIX 3.— REPRESENTATIVE FORCE ANALYZED AND COMPARED REPORTS In an effort to keep the number of men employed at a minimum, the management in most blast furnace plants makes a daily record of the number of men actually working, by labor groups and occupa tions. These daily records are frequently recapitulated on a weekly or monthly basis. From these records it is easy to determine the minimum number of men with which the plant can be efficiently operated, and the effort is being made continually to reduce this minimum. On the basis of the experience thus recorded a standard or “ bogie” is constructed for each department. This standard then becomes an upper limit, each foreman being strictly limited to his quota except in special situations. This standard of course is not a fixed one, but is reduced from time to time as fewer and fewer workers are able to operate the plant. The relationship between the standard force and the number of men actually employed from day to day differs between plants in accordance with the way the standard is applied, and the care and frequency with which it is revised. A standard to which foremen must rigidly conform can not too closely approximate the minimum daily force without danger of hampering operations. On the other hand, the standard may be a guide to best practice— a goal to be attained. This second type of standard is frequently exceeded by the actual daily force, and can not be strictly compared with the former type. Modern blast furnace plants are essentially similar, and the same basic processes must be performed, although the auxiliary equipment and the division of labor by occupations differs widely. All blast furnace force reports will necessarily include certain essential labor groups, but there is a marked lack of uniformity in the wTav indi vidual occupations are classified in different force reports. For ex ample, the blowing engineers and helpers are sometimes listed with the power-house crew and sometimes with the cast house. The force reports presented in this appendix include only those labor groups and occupations which have actually been used in con structing the man-hours for productivity purposes. That part of the report which covers the office force, a nodulizing plant, sintering plant, or other auxiliary operation not included as part of the blast furnace plant proper has been omitted. Thus these reports give an excellent idea of the labor winch has been included in measuring productivity in a few typical plants. Force report No. 1 is for one-furnace operation in a two-furnace northern inland plant. The force report is presented exactly as it is kept by the company with one minor exception. All plants do not use the same terminology in their force reports, and it is not unusual to find identical groups or occupations called by different names. In order to facilitate comparison between the various force reports and to make them more easily understood, explanatory terms have been inserted in parentheses at various points. For example, this plant uses the term “ trestle” to cover what is ordinarily known 126 APPENDIX 3.— REPRESENTATIVE FORCE REPORTS 127 as “ stocking” ; some plants use the term “ material delivery” to co^er the same operation. By using a uniform word “ stocking” in all such cases, the essential similarity of the operation in different plants is emphasized. Some plants, for instance, have an occupa tion called “ trestlemen,” which applies only to those who work on top of the trestle and does not include men or machines engaged in delivering materials. However, in force report No. 1 the term “ tres tlemen” includes both those engaged in the delivery of ore from the stock piles and those dumping materials into the bins. In the first place, the men in the crew are divided into two genera! groups: Direct blast furnace labor and indirect blast furnace labor. The former includes all men employed permanently and regularly around the stack itself; the latter includes all the auxiliary labor which is necessary to the operation of the plant. The first process in the operation of a blast furnace is the unloading of the materials— ore, scrap, coke, and limestone—in the yard. But this is ordinarily done by the unloading or yard gangs and is con sidered as indirect labor. In the most modern plants this unloading would usually be done by means of a car dumper in an inland plant or by a Hulett unloader in a lakeside plant. The materials as thus delivered must then be removed either to the bins for immediate use or to the stockpiles for storage until needed. Smaller plants will usually perform these operations by means of locomotive cranes and the yard railway; this particular plant uses an ore bridge to take care of the ore. This machine can perform both operations at once— it removes the ore from the dump to the stockpiles and can at the same time keep the bins supplied. The saving of labor which this makes possible is apparent. The coke, however, is delivered on the trestle in railroad cars, and the four unloaders listed in the force report are responsible for unloading these cars into the coke bins. These men also look after the ore and limestone bins in so far as these need attention. The next step in the process takes place underneath the bins. By means of a lever the operator of the larry car opens the bins from below and allows the ore, coke, or stone to fall into the car, which is a small, electrically driven dump car and is usually equipped with a weighing device. The larryman runs the loaded car over to the skip, where he dumps the load into the skip bucket, in which it is carried to the top of the stack and dropped in. The man who operates the skip is known as a skip operator, skip engineer, or hoisting engineer. The larrymen, larrymen’s helpers, and skipmen are usually termed the charging labor. In the cast house are included all the men engaged in operating both the stack itself, the stoves, and the gas washer. These men take care of the blowing, the water-cooilng system, the slag removal, the casting, the clean-up, etc. The blowing engineers and oilers have charge of the blowing engines which furnish the blast for the stack. In some plants these men are classed with the power-house crew, in others (as in this one) with the blast furnace direct labor. The dry blast is very rare in the merchant industry to-day and the dry-blast operators will not be found in any other force report. The pig-machine crew consists of the men who cast the hot metal. This requires four men to a shift— a foreman, a craneman who pours the hot metal from the ladle into the molds of the machine, a trough 128 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES man who manages the water-cooling system at the top of the machine and loosens the pigs so that they will drop out into the car below, and a lime mixer who fixes the lime bath through which the molds pass on their way back to the ladle. In this plant there are a number of full-time mechanical men attached to the blast furnace proper. These include a millwright, a motor inspector, and two molders. In other plants these men might be listed with the mechanical gang and not with the furnace crew. Since this is a 2-furnace plant the indirect labor is exceptionally large for 1-furnace operation. The boilers, yard railway, and mechanical crew carry approximately as many men as they would for two furnaces; it is only in the cranes, general labor, and track labor that any great saving in men can be obtained while one furnace is down. A 1-furnace plant would not require nearly as much overhead labor as is listed here. The departments and occupations are mostly self-explanatory, and there is no necessity for going into details. The plant is on an 8-hour basis. R e p o r t N o . 1 .— Number of men normally employed in a northern, inland, two stack blast-furnace plant, during one-furnace operation in 1927, by labor groups and occupations F orce Labor group and occupation BLAST FURNACE DIRECT LABOR Trestles (stocking): Ore bridge operators................. ....... Trestle foreman................................. Unloaders........ .................................... Stock house (charging): Skip engineers....... ............................ Larry car operators........................... Cast house: Blowers_______ _____ _______ ______ Keepers___________________________ Keepers, first helpers....................... Cinder snappers................................ Stove m en.................................... ....... Stove cleaners..................................... Scrap men............................................ Clay men....... ....................... ........... .. B arm en ................................ .............. Gas cleaner and flue-dust m en. . . Stove foremen____________________ Water tenders._______ ___________ Blowing engines and dry blast: Blowing engineers............................. Blowing oilers..................................... D ry blast engineers.......................... D ry blast oilers.................................. Pig machine: Foremen............................................... Cranemen............................................ Line mixers.......... .............................. Trough men......................................... Mechanical: Millwrights....................... Electrical: Motor inspectors................. Foundry: Molders................................................. Molders, helpers.............................. . Slag: D um p m en........... ................... ....... Supervisory: Superintendents_______ BLAST FURNACE INDIRECT LABOR Water department: Pumpmen______ Steam department: Foremen.......................... ..................... Water tenders.......................... ........... Firemen................................................ Ash wheelers....................................... Boiler washers and helpers............ Number of men employed Number of men employed Labor group and occupation BLAST FURNACE INDIRECT LABOR— COn, Electric light and powder: Foremen....................... ................. ........ Electricians____________ _________ _ Electricians’ helpers........................... . Engineers____ _____________________ _ Oilers______________ _________ ______ _ Yard switching: Weighmaster_______________________ Locomotive engineers______________ Locomotive firemen_____ __________ Locomotive brakemen........... ........... . Locomotive cranes: Locomotive brakemen......... ............. Locomotive crane firemen_________ Mechanical shop: Master mechanics and assistants Machinist........ ........................... ............ Pipe fitter................................... ............ Blacksmiths............. ..................... ........ Blacksmiths’ helpers........................... Carpenters____________ _____________ Riggers......... ....................... ................... Riggers’ helpers........................ ........... Painters_______ ______ ________ _____ Boiler m akers..____________________ M asons__________ _____ _____________ Masons’ helpers____________________ Handymen.............................................. Machinists’ helpers________________ Autotrucks and auto department: Stablemen_________ _____ ___________ Teamsters__________________________ Cart drivers................. ................. ........ Chemical laboratory: Chemists and assistants___________ Sampler____________________________ General labor: General foremen___________________ Foreman___________________________ Assistant foremen______________ _ Laborers...... ............. ......... ................. .. Track labor: Foremen.................................................. Laborers................................ ................. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 6 129 APPENDIX 3.-— REPRESENTATIVE FORCE REPORTS Force report No. 2 is for a single-furnace inland northern plant. This furnace is very efficiently operated and the crew represents practically a minimum for plants of this type. Some of the labor saving is due to a very scientific arrangement of plant equipment; the rest is due to continuous efforts to cut down the crew, abolish jobs, and expand the duties of each position. The smallness of the crew is especially apparent in certain labor groups. For example, all delivery of materials to the bins is done by means of the ore bridge; there is no trestle or high line. Thus, two men take care of all this operation. The pig machine is run with 7 men instead of the usual 12; the boilers are tended by only 5 men instead of the normal 10 to 15; the mechanical crew is cut to the barest minimum with which it would be possible to operate; the single locomotive crane does such switching as may be necessary around the plant; there is no plant railway. The success of this plant at saving labor is quite remarkable, but it must be emphasized once more that every blast-furnace plant has its own little peculiarities which distinguish it from every other. Some of the labor saving which has been accomplished at this plant was made possible by the extremely convenient arrangement of plant layout; therefore, it would not be possible for some other plants, even at best, to equal the labor performance of this one. The force report, however, is interesting in that it does show what is actually being done in a blast-furnace plant toward reducing the labor force to the very minimum. Except as indicated to the contrary the plant is on an 8-hour basis. F o r c e R e p o r t N o . 2 .— Num ber o f men normally em ployed in a northern, inland , one stack blast-furnace plant in 1927, by labor groups and occupations Labor group and occupation Ore bridge: Operators ________ Foremen (10 h o u rs)________________ Stock house: Larrymen __________ Larry helpers _ ____________________ Skip operators - ______ Cast house: Blowers _________ _________ K eepers_______________ ________ _____ Keepers’ helpers _ _ _ . ______ Water tenders __ __ Cast-house labor (10hours)................ Pig machine: Foremen........ ..... ........... ......... ................. Helpers______________________________ Cranemen Slag pit: Shovel men (10 hours) . ........... Car droppers (10 hours) __ » Boilers: Water tenders_______________________ Firemen (10 hours)___________ _____ Blowing engines: Engineers_____________ _______________ Oilers________________________________ Number of men employed 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 1 2 2 Labor group and occupation Mechanical: General mechanics............ ..................... Mechanics...................... ........................... Millwrights_________________ ________ Blacksmiths ______________ ________ _ Blacksmith helpers .............................. Machinists.......... ....................... ............ .. Chief engineers....................................... Master mechanics..................... ........... Electrical: Electricians........ ............. ......................... Electrician helpers.................................. Locomotive cranes: Locomotive cranemen............................ Locomotive firemen (8M> hours)........ Miscellaneous: L a boratory.-................................ .......... Filter house........................ ..................... Chief chemists.......................................... Storeroom men...................................... .. General labor_________ ______ ______ N umber of men employed 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 12 3 2 3 3 Force report No. 3 shows the situation in a plant before and after the installation of a coke plant. It makes clear the extent of the saving in labor which is possible under the joint operation of a coke plant with a blast furnace. The report for 1925 shows the composition 130 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES of the force as it was before the coke plant was built; the report for 1927 shows the reorganization necessitated by the operation of the coke plant. The report for the latter year lists the full number of men in each labor group, but the percentages in the next column indicate the amount of each group which is charged against the blast furnace. Therefore, while most of the indirect labor groups have increased in number, only a part of the group is now chargeable against the blast furnace. Thus the saving in labor under joint operation, as has already been stated, is largely in the indirect labor groups, while the furnace crew remains practically unchanged, as would be expected. The substitution of the ore bridge and the transfer-car man for the trestlemen is, of course, entirely independent of the coke plant installa tion; it just happened that this change in method was made at about the same time. The apparent change in the laboratory crew is mostly a matter of reclassification. While three samplers and three castmen were added to the laboratory force after the coke plant started operation, at the same time in the salary group the assistant chem ists were reduced from three to one. Considering that at present only 50 per cent of the laboratory labor is charged against the blast furnace, the net change in this group amounted to an increase of only one-half a man per day. The plant is on an 8-hour basis except in one occupation. R e p o r t N o . 3 . — Number of men normally employed in a northern, inland, one stack blast-furnace plant, before arkf. after the installation of a coke plant, by labor groups and occupations with the percentage of labor time chargeable to the blast-furnace department under joint operation with the coke plant in 1927 F orce Number of men em ployed Labor group and occupation Ore bridge_____. ___________ Bridge operators________ Trestle_______________________ Trestlemen......................... Transfer carmen............... Stackhouse____ - .................. Hoist engineers_________ Operators, scale car_____ Laborers, scrap pit _ Cast house._________________ Keepers_________________ Keepers, first helpers___ Keepers, second helpers. d a y m e n ________________ Laborers, cast house (10 h ours)............ ......... ....... Pig machine_________ ______ _ Repair foremen............... . Operators_______________ Operator helpers.......... Stoves______________ _______ _ Stove tenders................... Engine house_______________ Engineers, blowing en gines__________________ Oilers, blowing engines.. Chief engineers........ ......... Pump housemen............ In 1925 In .1927 after before instal instal lation lation of coke of coke plant plant 2 6 Per cent of labor time charge able to blast fur nace de part ment in 1927 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 9 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 Per cent of labor time In 1925 In 1927 charge after able to before Labor group and occupation instal instal blast fur lation lation of coke of coke nace de plant plant part ment in 1927 Boiler house______ __________ Water tenders................... Firemen.............................. Ash wheelers.................... Boiler cleaners__________ Mechanical_______ _______ _ 100 Repair foremen_________ Repairmen.......... ............. . Repair helpers................... Machinists................... .. 100 Blacksm iths.......... .......... Blacksmith helpers_____ Carpenters______________ Carpenter helpers............ Electrical_______ ___________ Electricians_____________ Electricians’ helpers____ 100 j Pipe department____________ Pipe fitters______________ Pipe fitters’ helpers......... Locomotive cranes................... 100 _ Engineers______ Firemen................. 100 Conductors. _ Locomotives (switching Engineers_______________ I Firemen. _. __________ ! Conductors......... ................ ! 100 100 1 Number of men em ployed 60 3 3 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 57 3 7 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 5 4 4 4 35 57 3 3 3 ; 3 !__ 3 3 88 80 .... 131 APPENDIX 3.— REPRESENTATIVE FORCE REPORTS No. 3 . — Number of men normally employed in a northern, inland, one stack blast-furnace plant, before and after the installation of a coke plant, by labor groups and occupations with the percentage of labor time chargeable to the blast-furnace department under joint operation with the coke plant in 1927 — Con. F orce R ep ort Number of men em ployed Number of men em ployed Per cent of labor time charge In 1925 In 1927 able to after before blast Labor group and occupation instal instal fur lation lation nace of coke of coke de plant plant part ment in 1927 Per cent of labor time In 1925 In 1927 charge after able to before Labor group and occupation blast instal instal fur lation lation nace of coke of coke de plant plant part ment in 1927 Locomotives (switching)— Continued. Brakemen_______________ Yardmaster . __ __ Assistant yardmaster Yard labor Foreman Cleaning yard Laborers Iron yard laborers Janitor.................. ............. .. Storeroom Track labor................................ Foreman.......................... .. Laborers...................... ....... Laboratory__________________ Assistant chemist_______ Laboratory-Continued. Samplers________________ Cast men.................... ....... Salaries______________________ Superintendents________ Burden clerks___________ Blowers__________ ___ __ Chief chemists__________ Assistant chemists______ Master mechanics______ Assistant master me chanics________________ Chief electricians_______ T,ohr»r fAromcn JL/aUUi lUIt5IllCU— _______ Mechanical engineers Storeroom Timekeepers____________ 3 3 1 1 1 50 1 26 2 2 19 2 1 1 50 1 1 5 7 1 1 50 3 3 50 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1X 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 • Force report No. 4 presents a sharp contrast to those previously discussed. This is a southern two-furnace plant mechanically filled and sand cast, although a pig breaker is used. Like a number of other merchant furnace plants it still retains the two-shift, 12-hour day. This plant is quite typical of southern plants, but it should not be directly compared with the northern plants previously dis cussed which are working the 8-hour day. On all continuous opera tions the 8-hour plants would use three men for every two men employed at this plant; therefore the number of men shown on the latter force report must be increased to allow for this difference be fore any direct comparisons are made. In fact, it is difficult to compare northern and southern plants with reference to the labor force because of different conditions of operation—for example, the handling of materials. The advantage of the pig machine over the pig breaker as a laborsaving device is shown in comparing the pig machine crew in No. 1 with the iron yard crew (excluding the locomotive cranes) in No. 4. Of course, this saving in labor does not tell the w^hole story. The pig machine is a very costly piece of machinery to install and the up keep is high, while the pig breaker is a simple hammer, requiring only a wooden scaffold as auxiliary equipment. Because of the differences in wages in the two sections, the southern plants find it more profit able to use the pig breaker and hire more labor, while the northern plants find it more economical to cut the labor cost by installing the pig machine. 132 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY----MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES R e p o r t N o . 4 . — Num ber o f men norm ally em ployed in a southern two stack blast-furnace plant during one and two fu rn ace operations in 1927, by labor groups and occupations F orce Labor group and occupation Stock house (stocking and charg ing): Stock dumpers_______________ Stock dumpers’ helpers______ Manganese pitmen__________ Scrappers___________________ _ Tunnel car m en______________ Scale car men________________ Skipmen_____________________ Cast house: Foundry m en________________ Keepers_________ •____________ Fallmen (cinder-snappers)___ Scrappers_____________________ Hand sand cutters____________ Sand cutters_______________ . .. Fifth helpers__________________ d a y m e n ____________ ______ _ Open sand molders............... . Stove tenders_________________ Stove repairmen_____________ _ Stove repairmen helpers______ Blowing engines: Chief engineer (10 hours)_____ Chief engineer’s helpers (10 hours)______________________ Blowing engineers...................... Oilers______________ ______ ____ Boilers: Foremen (10 hours)__________ Assistant foremen (10 hours) _ _ Firemen___________________ Tube blowers (10 hours)___ Water tenders______________ Ashmen (10 hours)_________ Pumpmen______________ . . . Iron yard: Locomotive crane engineers Locomotive crane firemen.. Breakers on platform______ Breakers’ helpers__________ Hookers____________________ Cranemen (overhead)______ Switchmen_____________________ Hostlers____________________ Iron -yard helpers. ............. Loaders____________________ Mechanical: Machinists (10 hours)______ Machinists’ apprentices____ Machinists, repairmen_____ Machinists helpers_________ Blacksmiths________________ Blacksmiths’ helpers_______ Pipe fitters_________ _______ _ Carpenter foremen............... . C arpenters............................ . OneTwofurnace furnace opera opera tion tion 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 8 4 4 12 2 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 ! 2 1 l2 12 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 i2 i2 2 4 1 2 5 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 20 3 1 23 •35 1 1 23 35 1 2 1 11 1 3 3 Labor group and occupation i Mechanical— Continued. C arpenters’ helpers..................... Boilermaker foremen...... ........... Boilermakers___________ ______ Boilermakers’ helpers _____ Boilermakers’ apprentices____ Welders____________ _ _______ Electricians___ ______________ Electricans’ assistant _______ Electrical power: Operators... ________________ Operators’ helpers......... ............. Repairmen (10hours)................ Masonry: Brick mason foremen _______ Brick masons (8 hours)_______ Brick masons’ helpers (10 hours) ___________ _________ Switching and stock delivery: Locomotive engineers_________ Locomotive firemen__________ Switchmen. _ . . . _ _ _ Locomotive crane engineers (10 hours)_____ _____________ Locomotive crane firemen (10 hours)___________________ Cinder yard: Locomotive engineers...... ......... Locomotive firemen___ _______ Pot dumpers___ __________ __ Pot and car oilers (10 hours). . _ Cinder dump: Dry car cleaner (10 hours)____ Run cutters___ __ ____________ Floating and track gang: Labor foremen_____________ _ Track foremen. __ __________ _ Trackmen______ ________ . . . Common laborers______ . . _ General: Watchmen __ _______________ Stablemen (10 hours)_____ . . . Supply men (10 hours)_______ Supply men’s helpers______ _ Cartmen_________ ___ 1 Salaries: Superintendents______________ Master mechanics____________ Iron yard foremen. __________ C h em ists_________ ______ _____ I Sample boys______ _______ _ ! Weighmasters________________ ! Timekeepers__________________ ; Supply clerks . . . __________ . ; T o t a l....................................... .. One- j Twofurnace furnace opera opera tion tion 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 44 33 2 1 10 2 1 10 1 16 16 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 i i 2 l 178 224 I 1 1 on 10 hours per day. 2 2 on 10 hours per day. * 1 on 12 hours per day. « 2 on 12 hours per day. Force report No. 5 is drawn up to show" the effect of the 8-hour day on the blast furnace labor force. This is a northern inland plant with single-furnace operation. One column shows the number of men under the old 10 and 12 hour day in 1923; the next column shows the way the crew was reorganized at the time the change was made; then the third column shows the way the organization was eventually developed after four years of experience. A comparison of the force from period to period is complicated somewhat by the improve ments that were introduced in the meantime. The bins were rebuilt 133 APPENDIX 3.— REPRESENTATIVE FORCE REPORTS and the lage crew of ore fillers eliminated. The method of handling slag at the stack was improved upon and the cinder ladle men were cut off, though this saving wTas partly counteracted by the addition of 2 men at the cinder dump. Thus when considering the effect of the 8-hour day the crew of 1927 is not on a comparable basis with that of 1923. However the introduction of the 8-hour day brought the problem of labor economy more directly to the attention of the management and probably led indirectly to a large number of the improvements which were made. R e p o r t No. 5 . — Number of ?nen normally employed in a northern, inland, one stack-blast furnace plant during 2 and 3 shift operations in 1923 and 1927, by labor groups and occupations F orce Labor group and occupation Stocking furnace bins: Trestlemen_______ ______ Steam shovel cranemen and h e lp ers_____ __ Stock house: Ore fillers. __ . . Scale car operators and helpers________________ Skip operators.................. Cast house: B low ers___________ _____ K e e p e rs............... ............. Keepers’ helpers......... .. Stove tenders___________ Clay men. ........................ Scrappers. _______ _ . Furnace water tenders - . Filter operator and helper___ . ________ Cinder ladle men __ Pig machine: Pig machine operators._ Helpers _____ . . . Blowing engines: Blowing engineers______ Oilers___________________ Steam: Water tenders.._________ Firemen______ __________ Boiler washers__________ Slag disposal: Cinder pit labor ________ Cinder dump labor Mechanical: Master mechanics and assistants______ Electricians and helpers. Twoshift opera tion in 1923 Three- Threeshift shift opera opera tion in tion in 1923 1927 14 14 5 4 18 24 6 2 2 2 6 2 1 3 2 2 6 3 3 3 6 3 1 3 3 M echanical— C ont inued. Machinists and helpers. Blacksmiths____________ 4 Pipefitters_______________ Riggers and repairers___ __ ___ Carpenters. Molders and helpers____ 6 Switching: 3 Locomotive engineers. Locomotive firemen____ 3 Locomotive switchmen. 3 Hostlers_________________ 6 ! Track labor: 3 Track boss______________ 1 Track labor........................ Iron yard: Foremen and weighmasters_______ ________ Locomotive cranemen 1 and helpers___________ 11 4 2 6 2 10 12 3 9 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 L a b o re rs____ ______ 2 2 2 2 2 2 Two- Three- Threeshift shift shift opera opera opera tion in tion in tion in 1923 1923 1927 Labor group and occupation 1 2 ._ Miscellaneous: General laborers________ Unloading and stocking material_______________ Carters__________________ Cinder crash labor______ Miscellaneous labor. Management and general supervisory: Office___ . . . _____ ______ Chief engineers____ Superintendents............... General foremen________ Labor foremen................ Laboratory. _______ W atchm en............... ......... 2 2 3 3 9 3 9 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 7 3 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 3 4 6 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 Force report No. 6 is but a classification of the labor crew into groups. However, it is shown in sufficient detail to bring out the changes which took place between 1923 and 1926. The one impor tant change was the installation of a skip hoist, which resulted in the elimination of 10 men on the trestle and 45 men in the stock house. There was also a pronounced cut in the cast house and stove crews, but this was independent of the other. The plant in both years was on a 2-shift, 12-hour basis except as noted. This is a one-furnace plant located in Pennsylvania. 134 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES F o r c e R e p o r t N o. 6 .— Number of men normally employed in an eastern Pennsyl vania one stack-blast furnace before and after the installation of mechanical filling equipment, by labor groups Labor group Opera tion in 1923 be fore the installa tion of skip Opera tion in 1926 aftj er the jinstallaj tion of ! skip Labor group i Trestle....... ..................... ....................... Stock house............................... ........... Cast house .................... ............. ....... B lo w ers..___________ _____________ Pig machine_______________________ Boiler room Stove tenders and cleaners............. 8 14 53 13 4 4 4 General yard (10 hours) Iron yard (10 hours) Track repair (10 hours)___________ Mechanical.. ............ ............... . ._ Miscellaneous....... ......... ......... . . . 21 10 0 11 4 11 9 Total........................................ .. Opera Opera tion in tion in 1926 aft 1923 be er the fore the installa installa tion of tion of skip skip 25 26 3 18 3 108 175 1 8 22 2 2 Force report No. 7 brings out the comparison between the labor force under a 2-shift, 12-hour system and that under a 3-shift, 8-hour system in a typical northern plant. This shows the situation in 1923 at the time the change was made. It does not show the ultimate organization of the crew under the 3-shift system. F orce R eport N o . 7 . — Comparison of the labor force under 2-shift operation with the force used under 3-shift operation, 1923, plant 16 Labor group Blowing room...................................... Boilers ____________ ___________ Blacksmith shop ________ _______ Casting house . ______ _ ___ Casting machine__________________ Carpenters_________ . ___________ i Electricians___ _____ __ _ _ ____ 1 Gas washers and D u m p s __________j Janitor____________________________ ! Laborers___________________________! Labor foremen____________________ j Locomotive cranes_______________ ! Locomotive engine _____________ 1 Machinist_________________________ j Two shifts Three shifts 6 6 9 9 2 2 15 14 3 19 16 2 2 Labor group 1 8 Mason ... .................. .. Mechanics Moulder _ _____ __ Patrolmen... __ __ __ Power h o u se _ Steam shoveL Stock house Stock unloading to b in s _. _ Stove tenders. ____ ______ _____ j Truck driver_____________ . . . . . . ! Track gang___________________ . . . | Thaw house.................. . .......... _ 10 12 2 1 6 2 Total____ _______ ____________ 139 2 2 1 6 2 10 1 6 1 10 15 15 ! 1 1 1 3 Two shifts Three shifts 1 8 1 1 3 3 3 3 15 2 3 12 3 ] 6 2 151 APPENDIX 4.— RELATIVE EFFICIENCY OF A BLAST FURNACE IN PRODUCING DIFFERENT GRADES OF PIG IRON A. FOUNDRY VERSUS BASIC The unit used in measuring blast-furnace output for the purposes of this study is the gross ton of pig iron. In the calculations it has been assumed that these tons, as measures of output for produc tivity purposes, are for the same article. However, even in successive casts at the same blast furnace there are minor differences in grade and quality, and these differences have some slight influence on the amount of pig iron that the furnace can turn out. Of course, it is well known that the ferro-alloys are in an altogether different class from the standard grades of pig iron as far as productivity is concerned. A blast furnace working on ferro-alloys will not ordinarily turn out much more than half as much metal as it would if working on standard basic iron; that is the reason ferro-alloy plants have been excluded from this study. However, even within the different grades of standard pig iron there are minor differences in output efficiency. The following table shows the comparative efficiency of a blast furnace as between foundry and basic pig iron, which are the twTo most important grades in the merchant industry. The table shows the daily output of the stack for each grade of iron and for two subclasses within each grade. It is, of course, impossible to maintain identical operating conditions throughout the year, so it is possible that some of the variations in daily output are due to outside factors and not to the grade of pig iron. Nevertheless, the marked difference between daily output of basic iron and that of foundry iron is noticeable. In 1926 the output per stack-day of the furnace when working on basic iron exceeded the daily output when working on foundry iron by 8.5 per cent, in 1927 basic exceeded foundry by 6.7 per cent. The effect of this on the productivity averages is evident. If this furnace worked altogether on basic iron instead of about equally on both, its output per man-hour being increased from 7 to 8 per cent for every ton of basic substituted for a ton of foundry, the productivity average for the year would be nearly 4 per cent higher than it was. However, the reverse would more frequently be the case. Not many merchant furnaces work exclusively on basic iron, but it is not unusual to find some of them working practically altogether on foundry. It is apparent that such a blast furnace has a somewhat depressed productivity average when it is compared with another furnace which produces a large proportion of basic iron. When a furnace changes frequently from one grade of iron to another, its daily performance suffers still more as a result of irregular operating requirements. 135 136 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES Output per stack-day of different grades of pig iron in a blast furnace Output per stack-day Characteristics Name 1927 Foundry_____ ________________ High phosphorus.............. Low phosphorus.............. Basic __ __ Standard.......................... High manganese............ Over 1.75 per cent silicon................ ..................... ........... 1 Over 0.6 per cent phosphorus. _ ._______________ Under 0.6 per cent phosphorus..______________ Under 1.75 per cent silicon....... .................. ......... Under 1.50 per cent managanese_______________ Over 1.50 per cent manganese........... ........... .......... Gross tons 372 378 366 397 400 396 1926 Gross tons 352 348 356 382 387 378 B. FOUNDRY VERSUS BASIC AND MALLEABLE A further illustration on this point is shown in the next table which shows the relative output per stack-day of a particular blast furnace for foundry iron as contrasted with malleable and basic. The two latter grades are very close together in output efficiency, so the daily output figures might be assumed to stand for either of them. The data cover complete operations for this plant for the period 1921-1926. . In the year 1926 the daily output of foundry iron slightly exceeded that of basic, but this was due to the materials in the charge and may be disregarded as not occurring under similar operating conditions. However, in the five years 1921-1925, the daily output of basic iron exceeded that of foundry iron every year, the excess varying from a low of 8.2 per Cent in 1923 to 18.5 per cent in 1924. The unweighted average for the five years is slightly less than 13 per cent. This is practically twice as great a discrepancy as existed in the blast furnace previously mentioned; thus it emphasizes still more the loss in productivity of a furnace working on foundry iron instead of basic. Average daily product Year 1926.................................. 1925.................................. 1924.................................. 1923.................................. 1922__________ ________ 1921.................................. Foundry Malleable and basic Gross tons 433 369 336. 6 328.5 313 300 Gross tons 432 411 398.9 355.3 358 336 P e rce n ta g e b y which the daily output of malle able and basic exceeds that of foundry iron 1 0.2 11.4 18.5 8.2 14.4 12.0 1 Negative percentage—malleable and basic less than foundry. C. FOUNDRY VERSUS FERROMANGANESE The last table shows the relative efficiency of a blast furnace on ferromanganese as compared with foundry iron. One column shows the average daily output when on foundry iron while another shows the output of ferromanganese in the same years and the same furnace. The average daily output of the furnace increased each year and this increase showed itself in both foundry and ferromanganese production. In the last column is shown the percentage which the daily output on ferromanganese is of the daily output on foundry APPENDIX 4.— RELATIVE EFFICIENCY 137 iron. It is probable that the variations from year to year are due to the presence of other factors which can not be taken into account. The variations, however, do not obscure the essential point, which is that the production of a furnace on ferromanganese is only about 50 per cent of its production on foundry iron. Average daily product Year 1 9 1 9 ............................... 1918-................................ 191 7 .............................. . 5 4 2 1 °— 2 9 --------10 Foundry (a) Ferroman ganese (b) Gross tons 219.6 204.3 187. 2 Gross tons 117.8 94.8 89.7 Percent age, (b) of (a) 53.6 46.4 47.9 APPENDIX 5.— STATISTICS OF MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES IN RELATION TO THE ENTIRE BLAST-FURNACE INDUSTRY In order to show the position of the merchant furnaces in relation to the blast-furnace industry as a whole, and to bring out the propor tion of the merchant industry covered by the present study, a classi fication of all active blast furnaces is presented in the table below. This table is based upon data published in the 1916, 1920, and 1926 Iron and Steel Directories 1 and upon the records of the bureau. In constructing the table the plants have been classified according to the definitions set forth in the foreword to this study. (See p. III. All charcoal blast furnaces and all ferro-alloy stacks have been excluded from the tabulation, in so far as it has been possible to do so. In case a plant produced both pig iron and ferro-alloys, it was classed as a ferro-alloy plant if the proportion of ferro-alloy production to the total tonnage was known to be large. In the case of steel works plants it was impossible to exclude ferro-alloy stacks, because the directories do not contain sufficient information upon which to base the exclusion of some stacks out of a large battery. Therefore, in large steel plants all active stacks are included in the figures. The data in the table are for the active plants and stacks only, although to be classed as active it was necessary only that a plant or stack should have been active at some time during the period, not active continuously. Here again, in the case of steel plants it is impossible to be certain of absolute accuracy on this point, because the directories do not specify which stacks out of a large number in the plant were idle throughout the period. The count, as given in the table, is substantially accurate, although the classification of some plants in the early periods is somewhat uncertain. However, the number of such plants and stacks is not large enough to affect the data to any extent. Total number of active blast furnaces in the United States, by hind, and the number of active merchant blast furnaces covered in this study, 1912 to 1926 All active blast furnaces in the United States All active steel works blast fur naces Number of plants Number of stacks Number of plants C) 145 176 167 (•) 350 389 358 All active mer chant blast fur naces Active merchant blast furnaces covered in study Number of plants Number of stacks Number of plants 52 87 84 124 154 164 b 48 Period or year 1926.................................. 1921-1925....................... ; 1917-1920_____________ 1912-1914.................. .. • No data. 1 (•) 58 65 53 Number of stacks (a) 226 235 194 111 114 68 67 36 Number of stacks ‘ 77 93 96 56 h Excluding one ferro-alloy plant. Iron and Steel Works Directory of the United States and Canada. B y American Iron and Steel Insti tute. Eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth editions— 1916, 1920, and 1926. 138 A P P E N D IX 5 .— R E L A T I O N TO E N T IR E IN D U S T R Y 139 The table brings out very clearly the decline of the merchant industry in competition with steel works blast furnaces. In the early period 1912-1914 the merchant plants numbered more than twice as many as the steel plants, although the latter excelled in number of stacks, 194 to 164. By the next period 1917-1920 the merchant plants had declined slightly in number, but the steel works blast furnaces increased both in plants and stacks. In 1921-1925 the steel plants receded somewhat from the peak, suffering a loss of 7 plants and 9 stacks, but the merchant plants declined more than 20 per cent, and their total stacks declined about the same amount. The steel plants had nearly twice as many stacks active during this period as the merchant plants had. However, it must not be assumed that there has been a corresponding decrease in production in either merchant or steel works furnaces as the decline in number of plants is partly counterbalanced by the increase in size of the stacks. Nor do these figures convey the whole story, for quite a number of mer chant stacks are included in the table as active because they ran for part of a year in 1923, while as a matter of fact they have not operated since and will not do so. The shrinkage in the merchant furnace industry is best shown by the figures for 1926, when there were less than half the number of merchant plants active that there were in the period 1912-1914. As a matter of fact, the decline in strictly merchant plants has been even greater than shown in the table, since the figures include a few independently operated steel company plants, which, according to the definition commonly accepted in the industry, are not classed as merchant. Some allowance must also be made for the fact that the data for 1926 cover only one year as against three years in 1912-1914. A comparison of the merchant industry as a whole with the plants included in the bureau averages shows to what extent the data in this study cover the whole merchant industry. In 1926 only four active plants, containing seven stacks, are not shown in the averages for that year; these constitute less than 10 per cent of the industry, either in number of stacks or in output. In 1921-1925 the bureau’s representation is better than appears at first sight, for a fairly large number of the plants and stacks listed for the industry in this period were active only a few months in 1923; their contribution to the total merchant furnace production during the period was negligible. The most important plants missing from the bureau averages during these years are the same four which did not furnish data for 1926. For the period 1917-1920 the bureau has data for somewhat less than two-thirds of the industry, while in 1912-1914 the averages cover almost exactly one-third, computed either in plants or stacks. Thus, even in the earliest period, the representation is fairly large. In rela tion to amount of pig iron produced the proportion of the industry represented in the bureau data would be still larger; but no data on production are available along the lines of this classification of plants. APPENDIX 6.— METHODS OF COMPUTING MAN-HOURS The part of this study which required the greatest expenditure of time was the computation of the man-hours. This particular subject raised some difficult problems, especially in the field work. These difficulties centered around two main points: (1) The definition of a blast furnace plant, and (2) the compilation of the man-hours from available data. In theory, the definition of a merchant blast furnace is simple enough, but when the definition is applied to the problem of obtain ing man-hours all fine theoretical distinctions have to be subordinated to the practical necessities of the situation. The guiding principle in all this work was so to define the blast-furnace plant that the manhour data for all plants would cover uniform operations, even though this involved the adjustment of the man-hours for some plants. The best example of this first point is the sintering plant which is an integral part of many blast furnace plants. In one sense sinter ing is an important process in blast furnace operation; most large modern plants include a sintering machine in their equipment. But the sintering plant is not an absolutely essential part of furnace oper ation; it can and does operate independently of the blast furnace, and it does not exist in many of the smaller, older plants. Therefor:-, the decision was made to exclude the sintering machine from the defi nition of a merchant blast furnace, which meant eliminating all sintBr ing labor from the man-hours. A second illustration is that of ore crushers or roasters. These machines treat or rework the ore so as to improve it for smelting in the blast furnace. Yet, because the treatment of ore is really a part of mining and not smelting, these too had to be excluded from the definition. Still another illustration is that of a slag disposal or cement plant. Ten or 15 years ago most blast furnaces dumped their slag in the most convenient place and left it. Recently, however, slag has come to be a valuable by-product of pig iron manufacture, and at the pres ent time there are very few blast-furnace plants which do not sell or remanufacture their slag. Sometimes the slag is contracted for by an outside company, which takes charge of it as soon as it is dumped. In other cases, however, the blast furnace company builds its own slag-crushing plant and does its own manufacturing. In these plants it was sometimes necessary to take out the slag-preparation manhours from the total man-hours for the plant. Finally, there is another class of cases which concern deficiencies in particular plants. At one blast-furnace plant there was no yard railway, the switching being done by the railroad company which delivered the ore and other materials. No switching labor appears in the total man-hours for the plant, and yet this is an essential opera tion which is actually being performed in this plant. In the lakeside plants, the dock labor is usually included with the blast-furnace labor, but there are some lakeside plants at which the dock unloading is done by a separate terminal company. In all such cases the principle followed has been that of taking the man-hours for the plant just as they are, all exceptional situations or arrangements being noted. Such plants show a slightly higher productivity than they would if all the essential man-hours were included in the data, and to that 140 APPENDIX 6.— METHODS OF COMPUTING MAN-HOURS 141 extent some allowance must be made in comparing them with other plants in the industry. The second major problem arose in connection with the actual com pilation of the man-hours from the plant records. There is almost no uniformity among the plants in the industry in their records of manhours, but in a general way the plants can be classified into the fol lowing groups: 1. A very few plants keep a complete record of all man-hours, classi fying and summarizing these man-hours annually. The classification into labor groups will, of course, be on the basis which is most satis factory for the lay-out of the plant, and this may not coincide with a classification which would be used in another plant; but where the basis of classification is process and overhead, these man-hours are very useful. 2. A somewhat larger group of plants keen man-hours for the direct labor, but have no distribution of the indirect or overhead labor. In the case of an isolated merchant furnace this makes no difference for all indirect labor is chargeable to blast-furnace operation, but where there is integrated operation between a blast furnace and some auxil iary process, data on total indirect overhead man-hours are of little value unless some basis for distribution between the two processes can be determined upon. 3. A small number of merchant plants keep a monthly record of man-days of labor by occupations. By using these in connection with the hours worked per day by those in the occupation it is possible to calculate the total man-hours for each occupation by months. In this case also the problem of distributing the overhead labor is a serious one in plants where there are two or more operations to be considered. 4. A type of record much more frequent in the blast-furnace industry than those listed above is that of daily force reports by positions; these are usually kept in a time book, each position being given one line and each day the position was filled being entered up in the appropriate column. If the number of working-days for each position is added up at the end of the pay period— month, half month, or 10 days— it is possible to add up the total working-days on each posi tion, and by combining these as necessary, the man-days and even tually the man-hours for any labor group can be obtained. In case such figures are not found totaled the expenditure of time in making additions would be prohibitive, and the man-days worked on each position must be estimated from a quick survey of the record. Be cause of the fact that very many blast-furnace jobs must be filled every day, this is very much simpler than it might seem; keepers, blowers, foremen, stovetenders, watertenders, and numerous other positions will be filled by a fixed number of men every day the furnace operates, and no calculation is necessary beyond figuring up the hours per day and multiplying these by the number of days the plant operated in the course of the year. Attention can then be concentrated on the positions with varying employment; these can either be laboriously added up from the time book for the month, or an average or typical daily employment can be determined upcn; the latter can be handled as in the case of the more stable positions indicated above. The resulting total annual man-hours, as calcu lated by this method, will contain a certai i amount of error, but the running of an occasional monthly test coun of hours will serve to check. Such tests showed but slight variations. APPENDIX 7.— DEFINITIONS Blast furnace} — The blast furnace, in which is conducted the manufacture of pig iron, is merely a cylindrical steel shell lined throughout with fire brick. This shell varies in height from 40 to 100 feet or even higher, and in each furnace has varying diameters from top to bottom, the lines of the furnace being thus adjusted to the various changes going on within it. The furnace consists of three primary sections— the hearth or lower part, the bosh just above the hearth, and the inwall or upper section. The hearth varies in inside diameter anywhere from 10 to 22 feet, the bosh usually from 12 to 24 feet at the widest part, and the top of the inwall from about 9 to 18 feet. The walls of the hearth near the bottom of the furnace are pierced with openings through which the so-called tuyeres supply a strong blast of heated air to unite with the carbon of the fuel. The volume of the blast varies from about 25,000 to 40,000 cubic feet of air per minute and is usually heated to from 1,100° to 1,400° F. Into the furnace top is charged at frequent intervals the ore, the fuel (coke, bituminous coal, etc.), and the flux (limestone, dolomite, etc.), which together make up the “ burden” or furnace charge. The ore furnishes the iron for which the furnace is operated. The fuel in combustion gives off gases which serve to reduce the iron to a metallic form and also supplies the heat necessary for the reactions which occur within the furnace and to melt the resultant products. The flux serves to unite with various compounds which would other wise be infusible at furnace temperatures, and so not only removes in a fluid state the ash of the fuel, but the earthy materials and impurities occurring in the ore. It also serves in such combination as the means of controlling the amounts of certain elements desirable in the iron, but desirable only within limited percentages. As the charge slowly works its way downward, approaching the zone of highest temperature at or slightly above the tuyeres, the various reactions become more and more complete and, finally, fusion of the resultant products occurs, the molten material collect ing in the hearth of the furnace, which serves as a reservoir. The molten iron being of greater specific gravity than the impurities, sinks to the bottom while the impurities of the ore and ash, together with the flux, combine to form a slag which floats on the surface of the iron. The two can then be easily tapped off separately through openings located at proper levels. The gaseous products rising through the descending column of ore, flux, and fuel, pass off through openings at the top and being combustible, are led through the downcomers to the hot blast stoves and to the boilers where they are burned. The tuyeres are small openings in the lower part of the furnace through which hot air under heavy pressure is blown into the furnace. J Description taken mainly from A Study of the Blast Furnace, by Harbison-Walker Refractories Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa 142 APPENDIX 7.— DEFINITIONS 143 In addition to the furnace proper, the blast-furnace plant also includes auxiliary equipment essential for furnace operation, such as blowing and pumping engines, hot-blast stoves, stocking and charg ing equipment, casting machines, yard railroad, boiler house, etc. Also a single plant may consist of one blast furnace, or a “ battery” of a number of furnaces operated together. A few plants, which were built a number of years ago, have two stacks operated alter nately, a practice not common in the industry at the present time. The hot-blast stoves are cylindrical in form, up to 100 feet or more in height, and consist of a steel or iron shell lined with fire brick which forms a number of flues or passages. They are regenerative in principle, gas being introduced and burned at the bottom. Air is then forced through the stove at the top, is heated by the hot brick, and blown from there into the furnace through the tuyeres. The larger furnaces ordinarily have four stoves each. Gross tons oj pig iron.— Production of blast-furnace metal is meas ured in gross tons (2,240 pounds), without reference to differences in grade of pig iron produced. All furnaces producing ferro-alloys have been generally excluded but in some instances, where only a comparatively small amount of ferro-alloy has been manufactured in connection with the manufacture of pig iron, the figures have been used where the labor time could not be separated for each product. Tonnage of product is measured net; that is, excluding “ runner and ladle scrap” produced at the furnace, since consideration is given to usable product, rather than the total metal cast. Man-hours.— A man-hour is an hour’s work by one man. Total man-hours is the sum of the hours worked by all of the employees. The man-hours used in obtaining labor productivity include the total labor time required for the production of pig iron without reference to the kind or quality of labor. For example, 8 hours of a foreman’s time and 48 hours of a laborer’s time aggregate 56 man-hours, to be combined with the labor time of other workers contributing in pro duction regardless of skill, efficiency, or compensation. All direct and indirect labor essential for blast-furnace operation is used in compiling man-hour totals for productivity measurement, exclusive of strictly clerical and office help, concerning which see page iv. Stack-day.— The calendar days of operation of one furnace, with out reference to labor time. In a plant of more than one furnace the stack-days of operation are the sum of the days operated by each separate furnace. The term calendar day as here used means a day of 24 hours. Output per stack-day.—Average production per furnace per calen dar day of operation. Changes from year to year reflect the changes in materials and operating practice in the smelting process or in the size of the stack due to rebuilding or alteration. Sand-cast iron.— Blast-furnace metal cast in sand molds on the furnace floor and broken up either by hand or machine and when cool removed to cars by hand labor. Machine-cast iron.— Blast-furnace metal cast from a ladle into steel or cast-iron molds run on an endless chain parallel to each other with edges overlapping. As the ladle is tipped, the travel of the chain brings into position a continuous train of empty molds to be filled. The chain carries the full molds through a trough of water, 144 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY— MERCHANT BLAST FURNACES thus cooling the iron so that it may be dumped at the turn into cars, ready to be shipped. Thus casting machines eliminate the hand labor involved in sand casting and loading for shipment. Molten metal.— Technically molten metal means the liquid pig iron as drawn from the furnace. However, in this bulletin, when metal is spoken of as “ molten” it refers to that metal which is conveyed directly, without cooling, to a foundry or to a steel or other refining furnace. In most merchant furnaces this covers only a small part of the product ; usually the metal is cast cold into pigs either in sand beds or a pig machine. Ore.— Iron ore is measured in gross tons, no distinction being made as between quality or preparation for the purposes of this study. Purchased flue dust is included in the ore totals. Produced flue dust, however, whether sintered or unsintered, usually recharged at the furnace, has been excluded from consideration, since it has already been weighed in when originally charged as ore. Flue dust, blown to the top of the furnace, k lost at many plants. Where recovered and recharged it represents an improvement in the total efficiency of operation, largely reflected in a higher yield. However, in measuring furnace performance for productivity purposes the same charge should obviously not be duplicated. Ore equivalent.— All iron-bearing materials other than ore have been included under this heading. This includes cinder, scale, scrap, etc., but excludes “ remelt” or runner and ladle scrap which is excluded both as product and as charge. These materials are treated apart from ores because of their high iron content. This furnace scrap is pig iron which remains in the runners and ladles and has to be chipped out. It is unfair to charge the furnace with materials which have already been weighed in. This scrap is not additional raw materials when recharged, but is rather a recovery of otherwise waste material during the process of smelting. Coke.— Coke is commonly measured in net tons, whereas gross tons are used for ores, ore equivalents, and limestone. Metallurgical coke may be bee-hive or by-product, no distinction being made in this study. Figures for consumption have been compiled for “ natural” coke, i. e., coke before drying. Flux.— Flux used in blast furnaces is usually limestone, but some times lime in the form of oyster shells, dolomite, or some combination of these ingredients is used. It is impossible to obtain a cheap and high grade limestone in all localities which usually accounts for the other fluxes. Small amounts of sand or gravel have sometimes been added as a fluxing agent. Sinter.— This word is commonly applied to flue dust (discussed under iron ores) which is charged into the furnace. The flue dust collects at the top of the stack and is composed of fine particles of ore which are blown up through the column of material by the strong pressure of the blast at the bottom. These ore particles have been partially refined and are very high in iron content. However, such material can not be recharged in the form of dust and must be put through a process of agglomeration (usually sintering) to form the finely divided particles into porous lumps suitable for handling. This sintered flue dust must not be conflused with sintered ore. Ore sintering is explained under treatment of ores. APPENDIX 7.— DEFINITIONS 145 Treatment of ores.— Iron ores are treated in various ways before being charged into the furnace. The usual forms of treatment practiced are: Drying, roasting, washing, jigging, magnetic separa tion, briquetting, and nodulizing or sintering. These processes are resorted to in order to remove excess moisture, to remove waste materials (clay, rock, and sand), to reduce the percentage of sulphur in high sulphur ores, to form finely divided material into lumps suitable for charging, ©tc. Many of the above processes are carried on at the plant, the most common one being the sintering process. In sintering fine ore is mixed with fine coal or cok$ breeze dust and ignited. By the aid of a forced draught the material is burned until it sinters (combines) into a slab. The slabs are then broken into sizes suitable for handling. Also the high temperature resulting from the forced draught drives off the hydroscopic moisture, the sulphur and the water. However, all the ore treatment processes have been excluded from this study, except in a few instances where the man-hours of labor in ore treatment could not be separated from the total plant labor.