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t<r> O ' i<n U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary CHILDREN’S BUREAU GRACE ABBOTT. Chief PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE ON JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDSHELD UNDER T H E A U S P IC E S O F T H E U. S. CHILDREN’S BUREAU AND THE NATIONAL PROBATION ASSOCIATION Milw aukee , W isconsin , June 2 1 -2 2 , 1921 Bureau Publication N o . 9 7 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 36 .3-1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 Ip% ■*7 # S '] . CONTENTS. T , Letter o f transmittal___________ _______________________________________________ Page. 5 FIRST SESSION. Introductory statement: Julia C. Lathrop_______________________________ ___ 7 The contribution o f the juvenile court to the child-welfare movement: C. C. Carstens___ :____________________________ _______________/ ___•___________ g The fundamental principles o f the juvenile court and its part in future community programs for child w elfare: Judge Charles W . Hoffman____ Study of the individual child as a preliminary to treatment: William Healy, M. D ____ ___________ _____ _____ ' { _____ ______________________ ________ 13 23 SECOND SESSION. The field of the juvenile court: Judge Edward Schoen_____________________ 32-44 General discussion________________________________ ______________________ 37 Where does the responsibility o f the court begin?______ _____________ _______44-54 Judge Henry S. Hulbert__:_______ %_________ ______________________ _____ 44 Judge Kathryp Sellers_____________________________________ ________ •_____ 43 General discussion__________________ ;_____________________;_____ ■ ____ ___ , qq H ow far can court procedure be socialized without impairing individual rights?---------------------------------- ------------ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------ ------------------------------------55_73 Judge Edward F. W aite________________ :____________________ _____________ 55 ____ 32 Judge Samuel D. Levy________________ _________ ___ x _ __________ Miriam .Van W aters, Ph. D _______________ ______________________ _________ 04 General discussion___________________ ,____ ________________________________ 7q THIRD SESSION. The organization of county juvenile courts in a rural S ta te: Mrs. Clarence A. Johnson____________________ ________ ___ ____________________________________75-87 General discussion_________________ ____ __________ _________ $____ ________ Adjusting treatment to individual needs_________________________i______ _ 87-102 Louis N. Robinson, Ph. D ______ _____________________ ;____________________ g7 Jesse P. Smith__________________________ _l_i___________________•___ ‘________ gg General discussion_________________ 1_______ ___ t__________________________ gg Committee on juvenile-court standards. General discussion_______________ 4Q7 Index______________ ______________ _____________________________________ 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. D epartment of L abor, C hildren ’ s B ureau , Washington, October 29,1921. S ir : I transmit herewith a report o f the Proceedings of the Con ference on Juvenile-Court Standards held under the auspices o f the Children’s Bufeau and the National Probation Association, M il waukee, Wis., June 21-22,1921. The conference brought together judges and probation officers, as well as representatives of social agencies interested in the funda mental problems o f the juvenile court, and important differences of , opinion appeared in the course o f the discussion. A continuing com mittee nominated by the conference and including judges, probation officers, the secretary o f the National Probation Association, and the secretary of a State probation commission, specialists in the psycho logical and psychiatric study o f delinquents, and individuals with special experience in private child-caring agencies, has been ap pointed as an advisory committee to the bureau. Miss Emma O. Lundberg, the director o f thé social-service division of the bureau, will act as secretary o f the committee. It is hoped that through the joint efforts o f the committee and the bureau some progress may be made in the development of standards, particularly in the adminis trative aspects o f juvenile-court work. Respectfully submitted. G race A bbott, Chief. Hon. J ames J. D avis, Secretary of Labor. 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. ON FIRST SESSION—JUNE 21—EVENING. The Conference on Juvenile-Court Standards was opened by the Hon. Herbert C. Parsons, president o f the National Probation Asso ciation, with a brief statement o f the purpose o f this conference under the joint auspices o f the Children’s Bureau o f the United States Department o f Labor and the National Probation Association. He then introduced the chairman o f the first session. C h a ir m a n : H on. M ichael S. S heridan , Judge of the Juvenile Court of Milwaukee County, TVis. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. J u l i a C . L a t h e o p , Chief of the United States Children’s Bureau. A conference like this offers certain marked advantages to a Gov ernment bureau. First, it brings together the stimulating, free activity o f a voluntary organization and the traditionally calm pla cidity o f governmental method. Second, it subjects us to each other’s candid criticism in a friendly atmosphere that is good for the Gov ernment bureau, at least. Third, and most valuable, it exemplifies and encourages cooperation between public and private agencies. And this cooperation—intelligent and disinterested—must exist if the public which supports us by taxes or by voluntary contributions is to secure the services it is endeavoring to purchase from us both. We may hope that what is described as the “ Government stroke ” may be quickened by our deliberations, and, on the other hand, that you may feel more inclined to trust your cargoes to craft which can not turn turtle nor stop moving forward, however slow the rate of progress. The history o f the juvenile-court movement in the United States affords many examples of continuous cooperation between public and private agencies. Thus, in the Illinois juvenile-court law of 1899 no provision was made for the payment of probation officers, and the court in Chicago was able to operate only because public Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 JU V E N IL E -C O U R T STANDARDS. spirited individuals, the organizations which urged the law, and other agencies which necessarily brought children into the court or which were intrusted with children by the court all joined in placing probation officers at the service of the judge. Gradually the tax payers have assumed their rightful duty of paying for the probation service, without which the juvenile court is ineffective. The earliest mothers’ pension laws lodged administration in the juvenile-court judges, who had urged for their wards legislative relief from the poverty which was at the bottom of the delinquency. The Illinois law allowed no money for paying administrative offi cers, and again thé law operated only because citizens and organiza tions came forward and placed under the judge’s direction a com mittee o f experts on family rehabilitation, later supplemented by a competent family budget authority. At present the Illinois law per mits payment for this subsidiary juvenile-court work. Similarly, the history of the mental examination of juvenile-court children be gan when a woman o f extraordinary vision gave the psychiatric wis dom o f Dr. Healy to the Cook County (Chicago) Juvenile Court. I have confined myself to the one court whose development I know personally; the instance could be duplicated many times and as to other services. But this voluntary stimulus and cooperation is needed in all our courts and doubtless always will be needed, because the juvenile court, although, formally speaking, 22 years old, is really very young. It is experimental, disturbing to the authority of legal precedents, endeavors to weigh social values unknown to penal codes, uses social measures, and it therefore requires the informed sympathy o f social students. I need not point out the danger o f emphasizing the social aspects of the juvenile court at the expense o f its legal authority. The day is long past when a judge could say good-humoredly, “ What you need is a humanitarian, and not a judge.” Men o f such high legal standing have self-sacrificingly accepted the wearing duties of juve nile-court judges, that no intelligent observer would now be found to justify lack of legal training in a juvenile-court judge. We agree that the more the juvenile court departs from the old penal method, the more its bench needs legal ability o f a high order, with a clear sense o f law as an instrument for perfecting social justice. O f well-equipped courts, of fine judges, our country has splendid examples—but that is not enough. Have we prevailing and accessi ble for the children and youth o f our country who are brought into courts those provisions for their protection, guidance, or restraint which have failed them elsewhere? Recent studies have shown clearly that this question must be answered in the negative. We have laws providing juvenile courts Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 9 in 46 States and providing juvenile probation in all the States save one; but our performance lags behind our laws. The juvenile court is 22 years o ld ; we can never revert from its idea. Is if Dot possible to awaken fresh interest in a nation-wide realization o f its ideal o f justice? I f judges and laity could join in-a committee to study practicable recommendations for juvenile-court standards, would not much public interest be awakened in its work and a genuine advance be made in juvenile-court provision in those areas where it is now lacking ? THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE JUVENILE COURT TO THE CHILDWELFARE MOVEMENT. C . C . C a r s t e n s , Director of the Child-Welfare League of America. There thas been an increasing inclination during the last few years to study the juvenile court as an institution and to attempt to define its proper function and its place in relation to the other childwelfare agencies o f the community. In many cities and States juvenile courts have not been established except as the result o f a struggle; but on the whole the movement to establish them has had a tremendous sentimental backing in many places and has suffered therefrom. That backing and that influence have largely disappeared. The sentimental period of the history o f the juvenile court is over. It is appropriate at this time, two decades after the first court was established, to study it in the light o f its development, properly estimate its contributions to the child-welfare movement, learn its shortcomings, and endeavor to determine— out of 20 years’ experience— what services a juvenile court o f the present day ought to render to its community and what the trend o f its development should be. Distinctive Features of a Juvenile Court. First. A juvenile court that is fully entitled to be called a juvenile court must have a man or woman as its judge who, besides being reasonably well versed in the law, has a deep and abiding interest in the care and protection o f children and in the improvement of his fellow men. A juvenile court may have all the mechanism and auxiliary services, so that it would rank in those respects with the best; but i f the judge has not the time for the stupidest parent, and patience with the meanest youngster, he is probably out o f place on the juvenile-court bench. For this reason the juvenile-court work should take a considerable part o f the time that the judge spends on the bench, so that the services of the juvenile court may become his major interest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 JU V E N IL E -C O U R T STANDARDS. Second. The juvenile court needs a specialized service for proba tion. Men and women both are needed where the services o f more than one probation officer are required. I f only one, a woman would probably meet the needs better than a man, as both girls and younger boys can be taken care o f by a woman satisfactorily, while girls should not be placed on probation to a man. Where probation officers are used for investigation and a considerable staff is required for all the services o f the court, it is advantageous to recognize that the making o f a social investigation is a specialty, and certain probation officers might very well be assigned to that specialty if they are particularly well fitted for such service. Some of the most capable probation officers have not been able to make a good social investigation. Third. A court that is worthy of the name should be so organ ized and equipped that there is privacy for its hearings and no pub licity with regard to the facts brought out in the hearing,'either in newspapers or through attendance at court. It is entirely suitable that both child and parent appearing before the court should beimpressed by the dignity o f the proceedings and the demeanor of all the court’s attendants; but pomp, uniforms, and talking to the gal lery should have no place in the proceedings. Fourth. The court worthy of its name has the important task of finding its place with reference to the other children’s and social agencies in the community, and o f maintaining such relations that it becomes the bulwark for establishing family responsibility for the care o f its children throughout the community. Here and there one still finds a court which considers itself the only children’s agency o f any importance in the community, and which attempts to do everything but does nothing particularly well—not even the adminis tering of justice to those who have the misfortune to be brought before it. For a temporary period a court may now and then have to undertake various forms of administrative service that have no close relation to the judicial function, but it seems best that such undertakings should be temporary and that the court should be the first to assist in the establishment of agencies best equipped to under take the nonjudicial functions in a community. Ambition on the part o f judge or probation officer is sometimes to blame for excur sions into the general field of child welfare. The Distinctive Services of the Juvenile Court. Most o f the juvenile courts have been organized on the chancery basis. Even where the juvenile court has existed as a modification o f the criminal court, the chancery idea of protection in dealing with a child has been foremost, and this, to my mind, has been the great Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 11 contribution o f the juvenile court to the child-welfare movement. Implicit in this protection is not only the protection o f his person, but also the protection o f his relationships to his parents and to the other members o f his family, and o f his rights to training, education, and proper development. When judges began to give patient thought to the child problems that came before them, they very soon learned that one o f the great faults o f the previous court system had been that the child’s point of view had rarely been taken into consideration, and that the child had therefore had small opportunity to be understood. There were also revealed limitations in his physical and mental development which led to even greater misunderstandings. Out of this has grown a movement which has come to be of the greatest importance to the child. No juvenile court at present deems itself well equipped with out medical and psychological service for at least half its cases. It is no longer sufficient to determine whether the child is feeble minded, backward, or psychopathic; but a study o f the child’s per sonality, his outlook on life, his attitude toward important questions o f behavior must be ascertained. The establishment of such service is comparatively in its infancy, but it has already affected in a powerful way the equipment and the work o f many other child helping agencies. Where the psychiatric service understands the court and the possibilities of service inherent in the other social agencies o f the community, there comes about a teamwork between the three groups that is of the greatest significance in modem child helping work. Juvenile courts have been a conservative force for the maintenance o f family life and family responsibility. Before the day o f the juvenile court family relations were often broken, without an ade quate examination o f the facts and without a persistent effort to conserve the family tie. It was doubtless equally true that children were left in demoralizing circumstances and surroundings, to their undoing, because o f the legal limitations imposed upon the court’s action. The juvenile-court movement has on the whole encouraged a careful analysis o f the facts in each case, a recognition of the spiritual power o f good family life, an effort to reshape and improve the family whenever it seemed reasonably possible, and such team work among the social agencies as will eliminate waste and result in a fair amount of success. There are communities where the court, through its recognition o f case work, has held children’s as well as other social agencies to their responsibilities in a more sub stantial way. The analysis of the hereditary and environmental factors in each case and the case-work process in dealing with each family problem Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. are scientific methods. They have revealed to the court, and through, the court to the community, the failures o f the community in safe guarding childhood. They have led to a discovery of causal factors that has been a stimulus for community action in many lines. The truancy problem as dealt with in prejuvenile-court days—and, alas, even by juvenile courts in certain jurisdictions at the present time— was an excellent illustration of what a physician would call the treatment o f disease through the treatment of symptoms. An intelli gent juvenile court has helped both social worker and educator to find that truancy indicated family neglect, child delinquency or defectiveness, or very frequently a maladjustment o f teacher or curriculum to the child. An intelligent juvenile court has found remedial physical and mental problems, and has led the community to equip itself with better medical and psychological service. The probation officers in many juvenile courts have been the first to recog nize the value o f directed play, or supervised amusements and recrea tion, and of a well-managed boys’ club as a preventive against de linquency. A juvenile court stands at a peculiarly strategic place in the com munity’s scheme of child welfare. In it are registered the results o f family and community breakdowns in the preservation o f a whole some family life. Without necessitating any undue amount of time or money, the tabulation and summarizing of the elements entering into each case will quickly inform a judge who is interested to find not only the solution in each individual case but also the flagrant weaknesses in a community’s organization. Without being unduly alarmed over every indication of serious delinquency, he should be en rapport with the other social agencies, so that there may come out o f their joint experience plans for greater protection and care o f the community’s children. The Juvenile Court is Still on Trial. Few o f the many juvenile courts in the land have as yet con tributed all or most o f these services to the child-welfare movement. The juvenile court has suffered in the house o f its friends. They have too often been satisfied with only part o f the necessary equip ment, and have stupidly vaunted themselves in the thought that they had a juvenile court, but the name has no virtue in it unless it is attached to an institution o f substance. It is for this reason that the juvenile court is still on the defensive in many communities, for it is making bricks without straw. The juvenile-court movement where it is adequately exemplified is the best expression o f a com munity’s interest in the protection of its children and the prevention o f their falling into adult crime. The friends of the juvenile court Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 13 must seek for certain recognized standards o f organization and procedure and organize an educational campaign, so that this hon orable and promising institution may come to be better standardized and a more efficient instrument for the carrying out o f its task. THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE JUVENILE COURT AND ITS PART IN FUTURE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS FOR CHILD WELFARE. Hon. C harles W. H Judge of the Hamilton County Court of Domestic Relations, Cincinnati, Ohio. offm an, In a recent contribution to the literature on juvenile courts, Judge Edward F. Waite, o f Minnesota, stated that “ it would be interesting to consider in detail the wonderful advance in the legal status of disadvantaged children during the nineteenth century.” 1 The judgie assumes as a fact that the legal status o f unfortunate children has improved, and in this assumption we concur. The most important consideration, however, taking it for granted that the laws of the last century and the organization of juvenile courts have changed the legal status o f children, is that o f determining whether this change has brought the delinquent child any relief. From the earlier days of English history there have been persistent attempts to save offending children by the mere force o f a statute, and the history of law discloses that in many cases such attempts have failed. In the reign o f ^Ethelstan there was a statute that embodied many o f the beneficent provisions o f our present-day children’s codes, but there are few records o f any children who were accorded the privi lege o f this and subsequent statutes, “ It is recorded in the Year Books o f Edward I that judgment for burglary was spared to a boy of twelve years (Year Book 32 Edw. I ) . Yet in the seventeenth century John Dean, being o f the age o f eight years, was hanged at Abingdon for arson, and in 1833 the death sentence was pronounced upon a child who broke a pane of glass and stole twopennyworth of paint.” 2 It would indeed be interesting, as Judge Waite suggested, to trace the legal status of children during the nineteenth century. We would find that while the law in New Jersey in 1828 professed great solicitude for Ihe welfare of children, a boy 13 years o f age was hanged there for an offense committed when 12 years o f age. It 1 Waite, Edward F . : The Origin and Development of the Minnesota Juvenile C ou rt; address before the Minnesota Association of Probate Judges, Jan. 15, 1920. Minnesota State Board o f Control, 1920, p. 1. 3 Garnett, W. H. Stuart: Children and the Law. John Murray, London. 1911 pp. lay, 147. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. would be found on further investigation that numberless children in this country were tried as ordinary criminals and imprisoned in reformatories and penitentiaries. About the middle o f the last cen tury or earlier, the so-called “ houses o f refuge ” were founded, the harsh and cruel management and discipline o f which were in direct contradiction to the benevolent implications o f the name. There were but few o f these prisons—for such they may be called—that were in any way different from that which existed in Cincinnati until the early years o f the twentieth century. Stone cells and iron bars were characteristic o f practically all o f them, and finally the name “ house o f refuge ” itself signified in the public mind all that the term “ prison ” implies. These institutions that the law so gener ously and mercifully provided for the correction and reformation o f delinquent children were no more than camouflaged penitentiaries in which children were incarcerated as a means o f punishment. Previous to 1899, notwithstanding the advanced legal status, un numbered thousands o f delinquent children perished either for want o f a proper administration of the law or because of the revengeful and vindictive attitude, born of primitive instincts, against the law breaker, even though the offender be a little child. Whatever the advance in the legal status in the nineteenth century may have accom-' plished for the dependent and neglected child, it failed in its pur pose, if it had any definite purpose, in saving or protecting delinquent children. It is said that the year 1899 marked a new era in child welfare. It was then that the juvenile courts o f Denver and Chicago were or ganized. Permit me again to quote Judge Waite, who says that the acts authorizing the organization of these courts were no more than the affirmation or incorporating into the statute law of the State principles already well grounded in English and American jurispru dence.3 It has been reported by this association that since 1899 every State in the Union except two has enacted a juvenile-court law. It should, however, be stated that the juvenile-court laws o f many States are not so comprehensive as those o f Illinois, and because of these limitations their usefulness is proportionately reduced—some times is minimum. It was the evident purpose o f the founders o f the first juvenile courts to save, to redeem, and to protect every delinquent child for the benefit o f himself and o f society and the State. -In most o f the codes this idea seems to be incorporated in both the letter and the spirit of the law. After two decades this exalted conception of a> great law— the greatest, as one juvenile-court judge has said, that has * Waite, Edward F . : The Origin and Development of the Minnesota Juvenile Court, p. 3. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 15 been enacted by any civilized people since Magna Charta was wrung from King John on the plains of Runnymede—has not been realized i in its fullness. Children whom it was intended to take out o f the pale o f the crimi nal law and save by all the means that education, religion, science, and medicine could command have been subjected to treatment and conditions but little different from those of the last century. The juvenile court is now, by law, an established institution; yet in one State two boys were recently imprisoned in a row o f cells filled with adult felons and murderers, and in full view of the boys a scaffold was erected on which to hang the murderers. In another State, two children of tender years were placed in a cell in a lonely district, with a guard pacing before the cell door. Children within the last five years have been placed in death cells waiting for their execution, only to be finally pardoned by a high-minded governor. The country but recently has been aroused to the barbarity and savagery o f it all by the trial o f an 11-year-old boy for first-degree murder. But we need not cite these extreme cases only. The Federal Chil dren’s Bureau, in its report o f a survey of children’s courts in the United States, gives us an instance o f a judge stating that in one * year he sent 65 children to jail, 40 to a chain gang, 12 to a reforma tory, 1 to an orphanage, and further that during the same year he fined 156.4 With few if any exceptions, in every State children of juvenile-court age, sometimes numbering into the hundreds, are found in such penal institutions as the reformatory and peniten tiary. The industrial schools, often semipenal institutions both in conception and management, are filled even now to overflowing; and for want o f detention homes in hundreds of jurisdictions children when arrested are placed in jail until the hearing. What has the advanced legal status accomplished for children thus situated? Is it not clear that the juvenile courts are not functioning? W hy have the juvenile courts failed to provide the machinery necessary for the redemption o f offending children? Is the cause o f this default inherent in the juvenile-court law, or is it to be found in administration? It is our contention that the cause o f so large a percentage of the courts not functioning is because of a misconception, willful or otherwise, o f the purpose of these institutions, not only on the part o f laymen but o f lawyers and judges as well. It may be found on final investigation that the greater part o f the responsibility for this condition o f affairs must rest on the legalists. *U. S. Children’ s Bureau: Courts in the United States Hearing Children’s Cases; results o f a questionnaire study covering the year 1918, by Evelina Belden. Bureau publication No. 65, Dependent, defective, and delinquent classes series No. 8. Washing ton, D. C., 1920, p. 42. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. The courts o f last resort in at least a score o f States have definitely, interpreted and defined the law. We need cite but two cases, as they are illustrative o f practically all the others. In the case of Januszewski (196 Federal, 123), Judge Sater said: The purpose of the statute is to save minors under the age of 17 years from prosecution and conviction on charges o f misdemeanors and crimes and to re lieve them from the consequent stigma attaching thereto; to guard and protect them against themselves and evil-minded persons surrounding th em ; to protect and train them physically, mentally, and morally. It seeks to benefit not only the child but the community also by surrounding the child with better and more elevating influences and training it in all that counts for good citizenship and usefulness as a member o f society. Under it the State, which through its appropriate organs is the guardian of the children within its borders, assumes the1custody of the child, imposes wholesome restraints, and performs parental duties, and at a time when the child is not entitled either by the laws of nature or of the State to absolute freedom, but is subjected to the restraint and cus tody of a natural or legally constituted guardian to whom it owes obedience and subjection. It is o f the same nature as statutes which authorize compulsory education of children, the binding of them out during minority, the appoint ment of guardians and trustees to take charge of the property o f those who are incapable of managing their own affairs, the confinement o f the insane, and the like. The welfare o f society requires and justifies such enactments. The statute is neither criminal nor penal in its nature, but an administrative police regulation. , . ' ~N' In the opinion in the case o f Commonwealth v. Fisher (213 Penn. Reports, 62 Atlantic, 198), Justice Brown says: To save a child from becoming a criminal or from continuing in a career of crime, to end in maturer years in public punishment and disgrace, the legisla ture surely may provide for the salvation of such a child, if its parents or guardian be unable or unwilling to do so, by bringing it into one of the courts o f the State without any process at all, for the purpose o f subjecting it to the State’s guardianship and protection. In view o f these decisions, expressly stating that the objective is saving rather than destroying children and that trials in the ordinary meaning o f that term have no place in a juvenile court, let us turn for a moment to the administration o f the juvenile-court law in a State in which these decisions are in point. In 1918, 22 children from one county of a southern State were sent by the juvenile-court judge to the county workhouse—“ a sort of half-way station between the detention home and the house of reform.” One hundred and five children from 21 counties in this State were sent to the house o f re form, but the conditions at this institution were such that the grand jury of one county “ turned in a severe indictment o f the manage ment, concluding with a recommendation to the governor that h either pardon or immediately transfer to the State penitentiary at least 150 white men and 50 colored men who do not belong in fhis corrective school for children.” Nine children were committed to county jails, 3 o f them after having been transferred as “ felons” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 17 from the county to the circuit court ; 77 children were fined, to 55 o f whom, being unable to pay, the fine meant imprisonment in the county jail. In addition, there were a number o f children held in jail pend ing hearing or transfer to an institution. A ll this occurred in a State in which it is plainly written in the juvenile-court laws that no child under 14 years shall be imprisoned in a jail or “ any place where he can come in contact with criminal adults.” The penalty for the violation o f this provision is $100, but there is no one to defend the child, and he is lost and forgotten. In the State cited there are other means employed for saving a child, among which is that o f whip ping.5 A survey o f conditions in other States would reveal that the treatment o f children differs from this in degree only. It can not be said that the improved legal status of children has resulted in benefit ing in great measure the delinquent ¡child. So long as the juvenile-court laws o f practically all the States are ignored, conditions such as I have described will persist. It can not be urged in defense o f the failure o f those who preside over the juvenile courts that the necessary facilities for caring for delinquent children have not been provided. It is the duty and business o f the courts to enforce the law and to administer relief to every delinquent child. We can not too strongly emphasize the doctrine that it is the duty o f the judge—the legal duty, if you please—to save the child. It is not possible to dispose of a child wisely until all the social, pathological, and psychological factors that contributed to its de linquency are known, and no judge or anyone associated with the juvenile court is justified in disposing o f children until all that science dictates has been brought to bear upon the case. In the study of juvenile courts made by the Federal Children’s Bureau, few courts were reported which had connected with them reg ular clinics for the physical and mental examination o f the children, only 7 per cent reporting mental clinics.6 I f the court has no facili ties for conducting these examinations it is then its duty as one o f the social agencies o f the community to reveal this defect to the com munity. But it has been urged and strongly asserted in discussions and criticisms of the juvenile codes that the summary hearing of children’s cases, the investigations as to social conditions, and the psychological and physical examinations tend toward the “ institu tionalization o f the courts,” and that lawyers and judges rightfully resent this process. Objection is made to the judge being the “ com plaining witness, the prosecutor, the jury, and thé executioner.” 7 e Child Welfare in Kentucky; an inquiry by the National Child Labor Committee for the Kentucky Child-Labor Association and the State Board of Health, under the direction of Edward N. Clopper, Ph. D., 1919, pp. 235-238. Also Ky. Stat., 1915, s. 331e, 4. 6 U. S. Children’s Bureau: Courts in the United Slates Hearing Children’s Cases, p. 14. 7 Baker, Herbert M .: “ The court and the delinquent child,” in The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XXVI (September, 1920), p. 178. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 J U V E N IL E -C O U R T STANDARDS. * In reply to this it may be said in the words o f Judge Edward F. Waite, as found in the February, 1921, number of the Minnesota Law Review, that— One need not be a profound student of affairs to have observed that in the last quarter century the emphasis of public opinion, as expressed in statutes and decisions o f the courts, has made a notable shift away from preservation o f the rights of private property as the chief object of the law, and toward securing and safeguarding the welfare of people— people as individuals and as grouped in the community. This process o f humanizing and socializing the law and its administration has gone on more rapidly in substantive than in adjective law, probably because the influence of the conservative legal profession has been most effective in the field o f procedure. But, beginning with the juvenile court in 1899, one can trace the process of socialization in the latter field expressing itself in the wide and rapid spread of juvenile courts and the development o f courts of conciliation and small claims, morals courts, traffic courts, and courts of domestic 'relations; in quasi-judicial instrumentali ties, such as rate commissions, industrial-accident commissions, minimum-wage commissions, the so-called “ court of industrial relations ” in Kansas, and in agencies for securing justice for the poor, such as legal aid bureaus, private and municipal, and the public defender, and in the increasing use by criminal courts of scientific aids and organized probation. He adds: The basic ideas of the juvenile court are not n ew ; they are as old as chancery.. The new things that happened in Chicago in 1899 were the working out of these ideas to their logical conclusions as legal concepts and the creation of an agency to make them effective; that is, an organized and socialized piece of judicial machinery. The child in need of the guardianship o f the State, whether dependent, neglected, or delinquent, was cared for in a single court instead of several, as before, with adequate administrative aid at its command. Prof. Eugene A. Gilmore, quoting Dean Pound, of Harvard, in the Journal of the American Bar Association, states: There is a traditional mode or habit of thinking upon legal questions which becomes a part of the mental equipment of a lawyer. The traditional principles arrived at by this method of thinking are taken to be fundamental principles of all law. It is assumed that the only measure of critique of legal rules is an ideal development of these traditional principles. All questions are looked at from the standpoint of this received juristic tradition. Subconsciously all new elements of the law are molded thereto. Legislation at variance with these tra ditions is viewed with indifference and suspicion, if not with hostility. Per sistency by law teachers in training men in this mode of juristic thinking and in teaching these traditional principles as universals of all law makes for a rigid body of law out of harmony with prevailing notions concerning social interests and social progress. Moreover, this method of teaching is responsible for the attitude of our law toward legislation, which attitude wholly ignores the im perative element and treats the law as if it consisted of the traditional element only. Further, our traditional law is individualistic and regards its end as the protection of individual interests; whereas, the center of modern juristic theory is no longer the individual; it is society. The Chicago Bar Association did not conceive that the juvenile-court act of Illinois was “ repugnant to every tenet of the science of the law,” 8 as is evidenced * Idem. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 19 by their report in 1899, in which it is asserted that “ its fundamental idea is that the State must step in and exercise guardianship over a child found under such adverse social or individual conditions as develop crime. It proposes a plan whereby he may be treated not as a criminal or one legally charged with crime, but as a ward of the State, to receive practically the care, custody, and discipline that are accorded to the neglected and dependent child, and which, as the act states, * shall approximate as nearly as may be that which should be given by its parents.’ ” The true principle upon which the juvenile court is constructed is well stated, in the article cited, in the following criticism o f the court and its w ork: “ That the child who breaks a law is not a lawbreaker, that crime is not a crime when committed by a juvenile, and that so far as children are concerned things are not at all what they seem.” I f this principle were recognized and applied in the juvenile courts, we would not find judges, lawyers, and others discussing the courts in terms o f criminal law. It would be observed that the charge that the court prejudges, before the trial, “ the guilt or innocence” of a child is not true. We would find also that the statement that the judge is the “ complaining witness, the prosecutor, the jury, and the executioner ” in children’s cases has no foundation whatever in law. It is just this conception o f the juvenile-court law that has prevented the saving o f multitudes o f children. It has perpetuated the terms “ guilty,” “ not guilty,” “ arraignment,” “ sentence,” etc. It has sur rounded the court with sheriffs, policemen, bailiffs. It has encour aged the doctrine that the laymen without any information whatever as to the causes of child delinquency may advise the judge as to what disposition should be made of a child or as to the cause o f the child’s delinquency. The juvenile court has a place in the community as a child-saving institution. Its work can not be wholly taken over by other agencies, as children afflicted with conduct disorders, because of the peculiar nature o f the ailment, will come in the first instance in contact with the law and therefore with the courts. But when the child comes into court by any process, or, as said by the Supreme Court o f Pennsyl vania, without any process at all, it must be realized that that child is there for relief and salvation, and not for the purpose o f being tried for any offense. To afford the relief necessary will require the combined efforts o f all the social organizations at the command of the court. I f it be alleged that the court lacks these facilities for ac complishing the work, this is no justification or excuse for disposing o f the child, without a protest on the part of the court, by sending '-him to a reformatory or an industrial school. We have no right to ignore the law and imprison a child or place a stigma o f criminality upon him because o f the want o f the means to dispose of him other wise. An adult criminal can not be deprived o f the benefits of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. safeguards which the Constitution and laws have placed about him, and if a judge were to attempt to do so he would be impeached. Offending children, however, numbering into the thousands, are de prived o f that most precious right of being protected and shielded from the harsh and cruel methods that characterize the ordinary criminal procedure and saved from a life of crime, for a life of usefulness and happiness, and few—very few—utter a protest. It has been well urged that some agency, preferably the schools, may be able to handle the problem of delinquency more efficiently than the court, but it must be remembered that there will always be the necessity for some legal adjudication o f the rights of the parents and some procedure authorizing the administration o f the relief needed. In thousands o f cases it is possible for the juvenile court to show that the child of abnormal physical or mental structure has been in the public schools for seven or eight years, and his ab normalities have not been detected. In numberless instances it can be demonstrated by the juvenile court that the egocentric boy, because o f the failure o f the schools to ascertain his abnormal tendencies, has been permitted to pass through the grades, only to be finally engulfed in the stream o f delinquency. It is said by those whom we consider to be experts in psychology and psychiatry that \ in dealing with the egocentric individual it is necessary to determine the fault at an early date, otherwise the case may become hopeless. It can be shown, as some courts have demonstrated, that from 10 to 25 per cent o f the children who appear in the court for offenses o f various kinds are feeble-minded. I f the courts were specially organized and represented to their respective communities that a large percentage o f the delinquent children were feeble-minded or of the types I have mentioned, it would not be long until educators and all interested in child welfare would realize that it is within the province o f the schools so to educate and train this abnormal and feeble-minded class that they may not finally become victims of delinquency— which, in fact, means destruction. It is not possible to transfer the work o f the juvenile court to the schools or to any other administrative agency until the juvenile court itself demonstrates to the public the necessity for such a transfer.No juvenile court that is disposing o f children without any physical or mental examination—imprisoning them, whipping them, or disposing o f them in any way as criminals—is o f any particular consequence or benefit to the community; in other words, it is just, such courts as these which “ excite the contempt of lawyers and social workers and laymen.” I repeat that the lives of hundreds of thousands of children in this country will be jeopardized until the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 21 juvenile-court laws are enforced. The question is no longer as to the necessity of disposing o f children as criminals for the purpose of ? protecting life or property or society. The law expressly forbids such treatment or disposition. It is immaterial what a priori opinions those who preside over the juvenile courts may have in reference to delinquency, crime, and criminals, so far as the law is concerned. The law is to the effect that it is our business to save the child, and no process o f reasoning can relieve us of this duty. The legal mind is not always infallible in its deductions. In England, when there were 160 offenses pun ishable by death, it was declared by Lord Chancellor Eldon, in his speech in the House of Lords when Sir Samuel Romilly proposed the mitigation of this cruel system o f the law, “ that the very existence o f society depended upon the power to deal out the punishment of death for these offenses.” It may be that in some instances the legal mind conceives that life, liberty, and property can only be secured and society benefited by harsh, repressive measures in respect to the delinquency o f children. It may be, too, that this conception, wholly unwarranted under the law, has perpetuated a system of punishment by imprisonment and whipping that has undermined the juvenile courts. I f the delinquent children of our country are to be saved, the doctrine must be disseminated that the juvenile court exists not for the purpose o f trying children as criminals but for the purpose o f saving them, and that no judge is keeping faith in his jurisdiction who does not insist upon the child receiving the benefit o f the law. This will not be accomplished by the distribution by mail of pam phlets and tracts only. There must be some means devised to obtain personal contact with the courts and to bring directly to the public the object and purpose o f the juvenile-court acts and the existence of the present knowledge and information in respect to child welfare. I f we expect to “ sell this idea,” it is necessary that we have sales men who are willing to go into every community in which children are imprisoned and whipped and advertise the fact that this pro cedure is not warranted by the law; that it is inhuman in all its tendencies, and that by reason thereof unnumbered thousands of children perish every year. There is no hope for the betterment o f conditions in respect to delinquent children until the juvenile courts demonstrate that it is necessary in dealing with the problem o f delinquency that every social-service organization o f the community and State be enlisted in the cause. The schools unquestionably can finally take over the great part of the work, but other organizations must assist in cases that can not be handled by the schools. An intensive study o f the individual Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. child must be made in the first instance by the juvenile court. In some cases the child can be referred to the schools. In other cases, such as the psychopaths, it may be found necessary to provide special ized treatment in an institution or in a home. It is, of course, not possible to save every child. It is never presumed that the physician can save everyone who is i l l ; neither can it be presumed that it is within the power o f those who deal with conduct disorders to save everyone thus afflicted. We suggest that hereafter in all jurisdictions every child afflicted with conduct disorders that may eventually lead him again to the courts be given mental and physical examinations by the court, and that the combined social organizations o f the district in which the court is located provide for the care o f that child. I f it be said that in the rural communities there are no social organizations that can take over the work o f caring for delinquent children and administer ing proper treatment, then it is the first duty o f the juvenile court to advise the public o f their respective districts that contrary to law children are permitted to perish for lack o f facilities for caring for them. It should be noted, however, in pleading lack o f facilities, that in States having juvenile-court codes provision is made for the placing o f children on probation and for the appointment o f probation officers, yet there is probably no State in which there are not some courts that have no probation service and have not even exercised their right to appoint probation officers. In Ohio eight counties have no probation officers. It may be ob served, further, that in many courts having probation the service' is o f little consequence, as the officers are appointed without partic ular regard to their especial qualifications for the work. It was said by Edwin J. Cooley in his address to the National Probation Association last year— an address that ranks among the best statements of the principles o f probation—that “ definite qualifi cations as to character, ability, and training should be required o f those who seek to become probation officers. Merit and fitness alone should be the basis o f appointment.” No hospital would countenance for a moment the employment of nurses who had had absolutely no experience or knowledge o f the profession o f nursing. I f a pro fessional nurse is not always demanded, a so-called practical nurse is at least the representative of the minimum standard. Children afflicted with conduct disorders have been placed in the charge of men and women with no knowledge whatever o f the principles o f — child welfare or o f the ailments with which the child may be suffer ing. Cooley declares that adequate probation requires “ that same painstaking study of the structure o f human personality that the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 23 physician makes o f the human body; that same study o f the func tions o f the human spirit that the physician makes o f the human conduct, character, and personality that the physicians make o f the toxicology and the hygiene o f the human body.” Judged by this standard, there are but few of us who are rendering the service demanded. There must be no further temporizing or compromising on this problem. Delinquency is a disease shadowing and destroying the lives of more children than any other disease known to man. Chil dren afflicted with this disease must no longer be sacrificed on the altars o f vengeance, vindictiveness, and hate, such as has always characterized our emotions against the lawbreakers. Science has proclaimed that these children are “ not guilty” o f any offense. Principles that the great sociologist Lester F. Ward laid down in respect to human behavior have been corroborated by the research and laboratory work o f Dr. William Healy, as set forth in his epochmaking book, “ The Individual Delinquent.” I f these principles are not applied in the juvenile court, the result will be .that in the future, as in the past, distressed children, broken in body and mind, must Travel along the trail of tears that leads finally to destruction. This association can render no greater service to this^ country and its children than that of sending its emissaries into every community and demanding in the name of the law and humanity that the juve nile-court laws be recognized and that the barbaric and savage treatment given children in the past must cease. STUDY OF THE INDIVIDUAL CHILD AS A PRELIMINARY TO TREATMENT. W il l ia m H ealy, M . D ., Director of the Judge Baker Foundation, Boston, Mass. Theoretical generalizations in our field are not as much in vogue as they were 20 or even 10 years ago. To be sure, every now and again argument arises concerning some old questions, such as whether heredity or environment is really responsible for delin quency, as if either could be gauged by itself, as if there were not all sorts o f admixtures o f reactions of myriad features of the environ ment on each distinctive personality, and, above all, as if there was no such thing as the inner mental life, the mainspring and the reguator of conduct tendencies. In legal circles frank theorizing about the foundations o f criminal law, about forms o f punishment, the age and fact of responsibility, and so on, is certainly not the fashion nowadays, although many Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 JÜVENlLfi-COÜRT STANDARDS. would still consider them matters for discussion. All such theoriz ings and anthropological dialectics in general seem learned. The heredity versus environment argumentation is echoed in the news papers, for instance, as representative of learning in socio-legal affairs. But our getting away from such bare generalities, even if they are “ philosophical ”—in some quarters rapidly getting away, in others hardly at all—marks, unless I am greatly mistaken, the first stages o f the evolution o f a science that deeply concerns us all, a science o f conduct. This leaving the earlier attempt at classification and deduction before thorough studies o f any sort o f the material or phenomena under discussion have been made has its analogy in the development o f other sciences dealing with simpler material than human beings. I need mention only how botany for long was in the naming and classification and theorizing period, and how then came the mod ern idea of the closer analysis o f material, of processes, of genetic processes, whether o f health or disease. Yes, part of the work of botanists, I would remind you for the sake o f this analogy, is termed plant behavior. And out of this and the experimentation with en vironment and growth that always is necessary for such study have come the conquests that have set the agriculture and plant indus tries of to-day very far ahead of anything that any civilization has known before. And shall we not remind ourselves once more, for the sake of our own encouragement, if we would consider what might be done if a similar effort was made for the study o f human beings in their be havior reactions, how great an expenditure o f time and money there has been, comparatively, for some o f these other sciences ? The study o f plant life, for instance, has many laboratories and many college courses devoted to it (with psychology, the study o f human behavior, often relegated to attics); it has a large share o f the effort o f one department of our National Government with a splendidly working system o f agencies and experiment stations (and no national recog nition whatever in the way of study or attempt to diminish the great excrescence on our social life, American delinquency and crim e); and there is the fine private support given by such institutions as the Carnegie Foundation, which willingly sends men to the wildest desert regions to observe the environmental reactions o f a plant growing there (with not a single psychological institute yet estab lished in this country). A ll these, by comparison, are indicators o f what is not being done in our field, and o f what might be done and perhaps will be done when we realize that the most important concern o f civilization is the conduct o f human beings. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 25 We have not neglected the great names; for help in solving the ( problems o f delinquency we did long ago earnestly look to the works ^of the thinkers. There were the theories of the theologians— original sin, possession by the devil, temptation by the same hypothetical individual, or possibly the trial of this world to determine the fitness for a next life. There were the philosophers with conceptions o f the rational and responsible and self-guided man, as against the sharply discriminated irrational man drawn by the eddies and side currents of this life’s ebb and flow ; and from philosophers we learned about evolutionary ethics, and so on. There were the many sociological theories o f delinquency— economic, parasitic, failure o f adaptation. And then we absorbed the biological ideas that were multiplying fast two or three decades ago—with heredity, degeneracy, the stigmatized man, atavism, the born criminal, etc., especially to the fore. The theories of criminal law and of penological science, as it is euphe mistically called— for really very little science has one ever discov ered even lurking in the corners of penal institutions—these showed nothing but slight modification of the theory common to mankind, namely, that somehow punishment does avail something. Only I am afraid that a large share of alleged theory in these last connections consists in a couple o f bare facts, namely, that an offender out of society’s way is, at least for the time being, considered an innocuous person to society, and that the outraged feelings o f the injured one and of the community are assuaged by punishment rendered. Psychological theories there were, too, psychological in name but purely philosophical in trend; I mean, not based on real studies of the mind. Such psychological generalizations as have come recently, however exaggerated they have been for a time, have at least had the merit o f being founded on some direct observations. ‘ Thus having eagerly frequented doctor and saint, like the genial Omar, what then? So far as actual help in solving the problems of delinquency, I am afraid that we, also, for the most part, came out by the same door wherein we went. The first really big step, it was obvious, would be to make an at tempt to know what one was doing when one did something. Or, better still, to know with some more show o f reason than formerly, what specifically ought to be done when face to face with a matter of delinquency that requires definite action, whether it be of the drastic or the let-alone kind. Cases must be treated, decisions and judg ments must be formed, generally bits of social machinery must be set n motion. -Now, for this, some sort of opinion must be held; if one .Is not entirely inert mentally, some sort of opinion must be formed about the given case. Considering general theories as guides to action in the adjustment of given situations, it becomes clear from any wide look about us Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. that there is breakdown oftentimes of whatever parts of the above theories are practicably usable to-day. And thus it becomes certain that it is about the given concrete affair at hand, about the delin-' quent as he stands before us, different in a thousand ways from others, differing from all others, that we must know, if we are to be o f much aid in solving or in helping him to solve his delinquency problems. Shall we clearly recognize the realities of the situation and speak about them plainly, perhaps even with brutal frankness, to our selves? That is surely good sense. Here is a work o f the deepest importance for the well-being of society, this treating with the problems of delinquency. It belongs to and has many bearings upon the whole problem of human con duct which, after all, is the main concern of civilization. One doubts if the importance of their problem is well realized by workers in this field, even by judges o f juvenile courts. Certainly with the ample proofs that can be mustered, it has not been made plain enough to the world at large. The most delicate organism in the world is involved, the human being—body and, more especially, mind. We are concerned, then, with affairs that invite, yes, and require the very deepest scientific understanding. Most strangely it has been somehow felt that this work could be done without professional attitude, professional training, knowl edge, or technic. O f course, it is easy enough to see reason for this in the newness o f juvenile courts and other agencies treating spe cifically with juvenile delinquency, or in the fact that our methods o f administrative government in this country stand in the way of the development o f a really trained personnel. And, then, why should we expect to know it all in two or three decades, even if the world does move so fast nowadays ? As a matter o f fact the whole o f civilized progress has long been waiting on a better understand ing o f conduct tendencies of human beings for the development of a better relationship o f man to man. It is plain that a great deal o f our work with juvenile delinquents is a botch. The vastly important fact of what happens to the indi vidual in the future is kept in the mind all too little. O f course, devoted men and women do accomplish much through good per sonal touch and through a common-sense outlook. And we observe self-initiated rightings o f conduct tendencies, sometimes through fear o f punishment, perhaps more often as the result of the passing o f the general instabilities of youth. But through the courts a steady stream comes and goes and con tinues to be delinquent. And the same is true of a considerable Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 27 jroportion o f those who go to institutions. One sees very little account taken of this. What judge has kept an accurate record, ver years, o f the outcome of his judgments? After these 20 years o f the juvenile court we are, for the most part, in a very chaotic Stage as far as knowing the effectiveness of measures employed. To the onlooker there is nothing so curious about courts as the fact that there are no studies by them o f the effects of their own decisions and efforts. Such bare statistics as are occasionally worked up are o f no. major value because they are figures without groupings of causes, o f potentialities, and o f treatments. Such figures would not go far in any scientific work or any business, for that matter, where analyses o f all kinds compare effort, as calculated in terms of cost and qualities o f material, with production, or saleability, or income— that is to say, with results. What have we from chief probation officers, or from officers in more intimate contact with offenders, or from institutions, that really tells us the essentials of successes and failures? We alto gether lack studies o f outcomes as compared to the possibilities of the human material, or to the possibilities according to the nature of idie offense, of the living conditions, of the habits, of the direct causaions, etc. We lack the good self-criticism which can develop only upon the basis of knowing two fundamentals, (a) the relation of specific causation to the given delinquency and the given case, and (5) what is practicable to know of the human material which is being worked with, particularly its potentialities. We lack conclu sions and judgments centered about two plain, practical issues, (1) how the court can cope with various causes o f delinquency, (2) with what reasonable expectation can it prescribe particular sorts of treat ment when dealing with various sorts of individuals—individuals so different in needs and possibilities that what will serve in some cases will unquestionably fail in others. There is often much satisfaction with formalization, with the es tablishment of a system; and to a considerable extent this has been true with the building up of the juvenile court as such, particularly in regard to probation, which to some seems almost like a magic word. As a matter of fact, probation may mean nothing constructive being done, and unfortunately little does happen in many cases to prevent further delinquency, even if there be a routine glance at the child’s home and a few other aspects of his life. For example, part fth e regular procedure in some courts is attention to physical needs; child comes in for breaking a window, and to the astonishment of his parents gets his tonsils taken out. This systematic physical over sight is certainly admirable, but it has little bearing upon delin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 28 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. quency. In several phases of court work there is apt to develop & mere formalism. We may note in this connection an attempt recently to take over* a little psychological science, just a little, with a jump at the idea that there can be handed out overnight a percentage statement which shall represent the so-called intelligence o f delinquents, or at the idea that some few words of classification will tell a valuable story about the individual. • But sometimes in courts we meet the easy-going conception that any scientific attempt whatever to study the elements which are in the background of conduct is academic. There is some talk about still hanging on to common-sense methods, phrased almost in the terms o f the “ conservative” farmer who does not know what the agricultural schools can teach. Most unfortunately, however, only too often decisions are made, and have to be made under present circumstances, with quick judg ment and with inadequate knowledge o f personalities and o f whole situations, in such a fashion that nobody with sense can conceive that this is what is expected o f a court that is most fundamentally con cerned with the welfare of human individuals and has the protection o f society at stake. It is riot a little difficult to get away from the idea that the offense must be treated, even though we certainly wish to do the best for the individual. It sometimes seems as if those who have committed a delinquency o f a certain grade o f severity should be committed to an institution and others not, for the opposite reason, when, as a matter of fact, the real evidence o f bad tendencies, o f the need of removal from home, or for reformatory training, may not be shown by the conduct complained o f in court. Behavior tendencies known only through study o f the case—meanness, cowardly lying, instability at work, bad attitude toward parents, bad personal habits—may be much more significant for treatment. On the other hand, an offense more specifically punishable is not necessarily indicative o f any deep-set trend toward criminality. It stands out clearly from even a little study of the situation that juvenile courts and probation without studies o f cases before treat ment are not nearly living up to their responsibilities and possibilities. We feel so sure o f this because our accumulated earlier studies, with years o f follow up, show hundreds o f failures where causes and per sonality needs were not met, as against many apparently more diffi cult cases with remarkably favorable outcomes, sometimes throug minimum effort, where there was an understanding o f what treatment was fitted to offset causes and needs, particularly, I may say, as rep resented in the individual’s mental life. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 29 It should be obvious that competent studies o f delinquency are "aimed at effective treatment, and that they must include diagnostic * understanding and knowledge o f causes. Unless he who deals with the youthful delinquent knows the material he is working with, the active forces it represents, as the engineer knows his varieties of material and how they may be strengthened and how they may suffer from stresses, how is he intelligently to decide to proceed on a line o f action? And without studies of what the offender is in himself and inside his mind, and without studies o f what there was outside him that tended to make him what he is, a delinquent, knowledge that is an absolute prerequisite for a good study o f results does not exist. Moreover, these agencies, juvenile courts and probation, do not even make any systematic attempt to know whether or not they are accomplishing anything like their best. A most important need is the comparison o f the effectiveness o f different methods of treat ment—in the long run the existence of the juvenile court itself must depend upon demonstration of its results— and this, too, implies the analysis o f causes. It is to the unraveling o f the twisted threads o f personality and environment in cases of delinquency that the modern sciences must ’ome. With all the different types and variations o f personalities, and the important conditions and content o f mental life, and the ex ternal causes and background in delinquent tendencies, adequate studies are no easy matter. But if we are going to handle these com plex affairs at all we should rationally be in some position to answer the question of what this individual can do or is likely to do in educa tion, in work, in conduct, or what is apt to take place if he is sent to this or that institution, or if he stays at home, or if he has special chances given him, and these points should be known early in the procedure with him for the sake o f economy of effort. Work with children and youth can receive support that comes to little else in public affairs. It has been the rallying point a number o f times for cleaner political conditions, and with appreciation of greater needs and o f the possibility o f better returns from better efforts there should easily be general education concerning better ment o f juvenile-court methods and results. After these years of observation in courts and study o f conduct disorders, I see nothing any clearer than the necessity for the fol lowing: (1) Better training o f the personnel, beginning with the judges. . (2) The placing of this whole work upon a professional basis through such training and through the education o f the public. What has already taken place during 10 or 15 years shows the great possibilities in this direction, including the matter o f adequate finan cial support. (3) The forming of an association of juvenile-court Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. judges meeting as do other professional men, with closely knit interests, gathering together, not for the purpose o f self-advertise ment or presentation of superficial statements but with the ideaf o f gaining much from the experiences o f others and from the inter change o f scientifically worked up data concerning types of cases and other special problems. (4) The focusing upon the fact that the real results o f effort in our field are to be measured by the non recurrence o f delinquency; in other words, therapy is the aim and cure is the measure o f success. I have recently reviewed a list of failures among cases we saw long ago and for whom little that was fitting was done under the ordinary procedures o f the juvenile court, probation, institutions, or parole work, but instead o f being downcast I am to-day a firmer believer than ever that the very largest share o f delinquency and crime in young people is preventable. Comparison of these failures with successes shows that, with anything like a reasonable effort in a reasonably decent community, delinquent tendencies in most indi viduals can be thwarted. The study o f causes shows them to be ascertainable and generally alterable. I f a scientific procedure can be built up, the possibilities o f the development o f these particular safeguards to civilization, the juvenile court and the other agencitr which deal with juvenile misconduct, are far beyond their present achievement. Even in these early stages o f its own development the science of conduct comes, then, with a message of better achievement, with the hope for advancement that science now has demonstrated in many other fields. I f there are fears that new ideas, scientific ideas, may usurp the place o f the law, we can allay them. None of us desires anything but a greater obedience to the law and respect for it. But inertness under the law we must face with the fact that betterment o f method and progress in achievement is the keynote o f our civilization. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECOND SESSION—JUNE 22— FORENOON. R i c k s , Judge of the Juvenile and Do mestic Relations Court of Richmond, Va. Chairman: Hon. J ames H oge Judge R i c k s . In opening the discussion this morning, it has oc curred to me that it would be very helpful if we would read the find ings o f the Washington and Regional Conferences on Child Welfare, taking these as a sort of starting point, and allowing the speakers of the morning to develop from that point forward just what should be the field of the juvenile court, “ where the responsibility o f the court begins,” and “ how far court procedure can be socialized with out impairing individual rights.” These were the findings o f the con ferences o f 1919 with reference to juvenile courts:1 Every locality should have available a court organization providing for Separate hearings of children’s cases; a special method o f detention for chil dren, entirely apart from adult offenders; adequate investigation for every case; provision for supervision or probation by trained officers, such officers in girls’ cases to be women; and a system for recording and filing social as well as legal information. In dealing with children the procedure should be under chancery jurisdic tion, and juvenile records should not stand as criminal records against the children. Whenever possible such administrative duties as child placing and relief should not be required of the juvenile court, but should be administered by .agencies organized for that purpose. Thorough case study should invariably be made. Provision for mental and physical examinations should be available. The juvenile victims of sex offenses are without adequate protection against unnecessary publicity and further corruption in our courts. To safeguard them the jurisdiction of the juvenile court should be extended to deal with adult sex offenders against children, and all safeguards o f that court be accorded to their victim s; or if these cases are dealt with in other courts, the facts revealed in the juvenile court should be made available, and special precautions should be taken for the protection o f the children, as here suggested. The first speaker on the program this morning is Judge Edward Schoen, o f the Juvenile Court o f Essex County, Newark, N. J. We welcome him as the first speaker on the definition o f the field of the iuvenile court. 1 Children’s Bureau: Minimum Standards for Child W elfare: adopted by the Washington and Regional Conferences on Child Welfare, 1919. Bureau publication No. 62. . Conference series No. 2. Washington, D. C., 1919, p. 13. 31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 82 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. THE FIELD OF THE JUVENILE COURT. Hon. E dw abd S c h o e n , Judge of the Juvenile Court of E ssex County, Newark, New Jersey. ] € Before a survey can be made, or the boundaries o f the field indi cated or more accurately defined, it is first important that we under stand what is meant by the name “ juvenile court.” A court may be defined and its field or jurisdiction formally declared by the organic act o f a State. Each State, through its constitution, grants the powers, prescribes the duties, and limits the jurisdiction of its courts. Courts and court procedure are arbitrarily defined, and juris diction clearly specified. The fact is that legislatures have been enacting laws to meet a social demand, and we have all undertaken in our several States—by conference, by comparison, by copying the acts o f other States, and by original excursions into an uncharted field—to grope our way to the establishment o f a special piece of State machinery that will in some better way meet the social needs of our urban and rural com munities. We, as States, have tried to add to existing court ma chinery some new and extra part or accessory which, for lack of any thing more explicit, we have up to the present time given the genera^ term o f “ juvenile courts.” In my own State of New Jersey the first effort was the creation o f a “ court for the trial of juvenile offenders,” and it was made one of the functions of the county court. Subsequent legislative action created separate courts, known as “ juvenile courts,” but only for firstclass counties, o f which there are but two in the State.. Other States have experimented, following their own lines of court arrangement, but there is not to-day, after our years o f experiment ing, a general standardized, nation-wide court system adequately equipped to meet this social need o f our present-day community life. The reason, perhaps, why the true function of the juvenile court is not more generally understood by the laity, and why social reforms found necessary by it are not more popularly supported, is because the court began with a misnomer, and so continues. It is really not a juvenile court at all. It is not a court dealing with minor and petty offenses committed by the youth o f our communities. The popular conception— a sort of psychological state of mind produced by this misnomer and against which the person presiding over the juvenile court labors—is that it is some sort o f simple tribunal, in that it ts, deals with offenses which would be crimes if committed by adults, but which have been committed by those who are below or beneat the jurisdiction of a police court or higher courts having to do witH adult offenders. M Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 33 - As a first step toward accomplishing the greater mission o f this tribunal which we have been some years trying to evolve, this com mon conception must be remolded through a designation which will be clearer and better understood, and which will be more descriptive o f the wider sphere o f the juvenile court. Our original conception in striving to get away from treating an offense committed by a minor in the same manner as if it were com mitted by an adult was a most important one; but we have not gone far enough in meeting this social need. Those who were appointed to do the pioneer work o f developing methods and practice in these new courts early found their labors handicapped in many ways, and so we have gone on patching and tinkering in our efforts to make the new machine work. Like the flying machines, which only developed rap idly under the pressure of war necessity and even yet have not be come fully standardized, our juvenile-court machine has -been im proved and altered Rs new light has come, but it is still in a formative state and is not yet fully recognized as the great social agency for good in community life that all o f us had hoped it might become after so many years o f earnest effort by so many people in so many quarters all over the land. We still speak o f burglary, arson, rape, and all the long list of offenses, while the offense concept is the very thing we object to. What then, after all, is this tribunal called a “ juvenile court ” ? A recent supreme-court decision in New Jersey says: 2 The proceedings authorized by the juvenile-court act are not proceedings by way of punishment, but by way of reformation, education, and parental care. The act makes it clear that the proceedings are intended to save young persons from the ordinary punishment for crime, from the consequences of criminal conduct or of conduct which would justify immediate punishment or immediate restraint. Children and minors are necessarily more restricted in their liberty o f action than adults, and I see no reason why children under the age of 16 years should not in proper cases receive such restraint and care from the public authorities as ordinarily they ought to receive from their parents. The act in this view is an attempt to substitute public control for parental control. This was permissible under English law long before the Revolution. * * * I f the English court of chancery can act as parens patriae, surely the State of New Jersey may act in the same capacity through a juvenile court created by the legislature for the purpose. But I want to emphasize this ruling of our high court: “ Proceedings under the juvenile-court act do not relate to offenses, and the act is careful to remove any suggestion that there is an offense or con viction in the ordinary sense of those words.” Thus high court rulings are coming to our aid to assist us in firmly establishing the underlying principle o f this tribunal, not as a court with jurisdiction defined as to offenses, but for the consideration of 2 Newkosky v. State Home for Girls (N. J. Sup. C t, opinion by Swayze, J . ; filed July 7, 1920). ' 77504°— 22------3 ..................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. certain members of the community, namely, the minor boy and girl. The State is bound to step in*and give the child the same protective care and training that normal parents give to normal children in f -A normal homes in civilized, socialized, conventional communities. Let me then suggest, in concluding this part of my subject, that the term “ juvenile court,” because o f its popular misconception, may well be discarded for some other and more clearly understood title that will the better convey to the popular mind what its purpose really is. In determining and fixing the limits and boundaries o f the juris diction o f the juvenile court the original framers o f the law circum scribed the jurisdiction within a compass that is entirely too narrow and restrictive. While admitting that there must be some boundary marks somewhere, it may be conceded that for the present, at least, we may .arbitrarily adopt the chronological age of 16 years as the age limit o f minors properly to be brought before this special tribunal for treatment and consideration; but there can be no age limit as to those who are the contributing factors in the child’s misfortune, and they should be triable before the socially minded judge of the juvenile court, regardless o f their age. To be consistent, if we really are fully convinced that psychology' and psychiatry are important factors in the consideration of an offender, then the mental age, and not the chronological age, o f the « person to be brought before the court should determine whether he is within or without the jurisdiction of the court. I take pride in the fact that New Jersey promises hope for the future in the recognition o f the theory that the mental age of a person is ascertainable and should be considered in relation to his conduct. I quote from an opinion by Justice Swayze, o f our highest court: 3 “ To me, the case o f idiocy or mental incapacity is as much for the jury on the question o f criminal intent as in the case o f insanity.” This leads to another point on which we are not agreed when we consider the limitations of the field o f the juvenile court. So much in earnest were we to get away from the stigma attached to criminal procedure when the offender is a minor that we did not want to speak o f the offender as one who has committed a crime, and so we, most unhappily, I think, brought into vogue the term “ juvenile delin quent.” We have attempted to set up arbitrarily some vague line o f demarkation between a class which we call “ dependents ” and another class which we call “ juvenile delinquents.” This tribunal, wherein minor children are to be given the protection and super visory aid and training by the State acting in parental relationship, should not handicap itself by stigmatizing a minor child by some vague term, even though it may be a softer term than that known in 1 »State v. Schilling (112 Atl. Rep., 400). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 35 criminal procedure. The juvenile court should deal with the great social problems which the court experience has already unfolded to us. The word “ delinquent ” should be eliminated from juvenilecourt nomenclature, because the experience o f all judges has been that a great majority of the cases before the juvenile court are cases in which the juvenile is a victim o f circumstances, and not a willful, malicious, and pernicious offender. The proportion o f cases in which children show decidedly criminal instincts or willful determi nation to become antisocial members of society is so small that it does not give us warrant to designate juvenile offenders as “ juvenile de linquents.” We endeavor to soften the harshness o f the words “ crime ” and “ criminal,” but in substituting “ delinquency ” we do not begin to accomplish that object. Since we consider the offense merely as an incident to the main inquiry, which relates to the under lying and antecedent social conditions o f the offender who comes before the juvenile court through an act which has focused public attention upon him, we should not fear to throw away utterly all that even remotely carries with it in the slightest degree the stigma o f wrongdoing. In the field of the juvenile court I want to eliminate any classifica tion which justifies an inference o f wrongdoing, and hence the term “ juvenile delinquent” has no proper place in our legal phraseology as related to the juvenile court. This is justified because o f the gen eral theory on which the juvenile court rests. We act on the theory that parental control is inefficient—in other words, that there is “ parental delinquency ”—giving the State the right to act in place of the parent. “ Parental delinquency ” and not “ juvenile delin quency ” is more nearly descriptive o f our problem. Our procedure is not punitive, but protective, correctional, and educational, by the State in loco parentis. We must discard, to the minutest detail, every semblance of similarity with the ideas and methods of a criminal court, and we can not take over from the criminal court any of its' procedure or even its theory of meting out a punishment conceived to fit the crime. My idea o f the field o f the juvenile court is that it is a social agency set up by the State for the adjustment o f such social ills in the com munity as are disclosed by an act or by repeated acts o f minors whose conduct gives us the objective symptoms of unwholesome social con ditions. The field is the maladjusted child, whom the State is in duty bound to protect, correct, and develop; and the duty of this tribunal is to follow up the case by ascertaining all the facts and circumstances in the life of the child, to determine in what particu lars that child has been deprived of essentials for a full moral and physical development. And if, as is common experience, it is found that certain essentials are lacking in the environment in which the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. child is being reared, the State in loco parentis, acting through its instrumentality, the juvenile court, must provide the essentials of which the child has thus far been deprived. I f the State does not provide those essentials there is no justification for the substitution o f State control for parental control. The State then is as delin quent as was the offending parent. This tribunal may properly be denominated the X -ray o f the com munity, set up by the State to locate and determine where disease is lodged in the social system,' and none but the socially minded are qualified to read the plate. Having made the discovery, this tribunal should have a full equipment to administer the remedy. Its juris diction should be broad enough and flexible enough to embrace every offense and every offender against the welfare of the child, the domi nating idea in the work o f the juvenile court being to adjust. We should endeavor, therefore, to secure more legislation to enable this tribunal to work effectively under legal authority for the social welfare of the child who has, as a ward o f the State, come under the State’s agency for protection, care, education, and social read justment. I have already referred to the fact that but few of the minors be fore our juvenile courts show a real criminal instinct, but there is no question that these few need custodial care in State institutions. Many and varied factors contribute to the downfall of practically all the minors that come before us. Therefore, i f the court is to be enabled to solve these problems for the benefit of the community and the minors, it must o f necessity have full control over all these contributing factors. The State is the parens patriae and natural guardian o f all these children. The court of chancery was the court in England that functioned to enforce their rights. Most o f the juvenile-court law** provide a certain amount o f equity jurisdiction and practice, but so far as I know none o f the laws go far enough to give the judge the necessary freedom o f action to secure a complete solution of the case and enable him to meet all of the problem that arises at the hearing. An equity court can add any number of defendants and change the issue as the case develops. It can make anv ord*»** or decree that is necessary to secure the parties an equitable and just remedy to remove the cause o f complaint. Along the same lines, I feel that this court must have absolute control not only over the family and home conditions o f the child but also over any other person against whom in the testimonv i$p would appear the court should make an order or decree. So I conclude, that the misnomer “ juvenile court ” may have now outlived its usefulness and that existing legislation should be sun- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 37 plemented by laws extending equity powers to the court; that its provinces should be extended to every source which pollutes and dwarfs the youth o f our great country, with full power to enforce the duty o f the State, as parens patriae, as far as possible to guar antee to the child its full rights and opportunity under a wise State parental protection. And since it is a court which deals with social problems, which are nation wide, affecting the quality of our future citizens, the Federal Government, as part of its public-welfare pro grams, should logically undertake the extension o f this important work through Federal courts to be created, with Federal judges having broad equity powers, appointed in the same manner as are the present Federal judges who preside in the civil and criminal courts under Federal authority. The juvenile court, to perform fully its great mission, must be the social eye of the community, sensing its dangers and its pitfalls, and standing in the very prow of to-day it must point the way to salva tion to the community which it serves. G eneral D is c u s s io n . J udge E icks . It seems to me that Judge Schoen has given us something to really talk about. The subject before us for discussion is the definition of the field of the juvenile court. Hon. E dward F. W aite , Judge of the Juvenile Court of Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Minn. I find myself very much in sympathy with the spirit o f Judge Schoen’s paper and almost in entire sym pathy with the details o f what he presented, but I can not help raising a question in respect to the entire elimination o f the word “ delinquent ” and the thought that goes with it. Perhaps Judge Schoen is more fortunate in Newark than we are in Minneapolis, but in Minneapolis it is a sort o f pastime o f boys o f 16 or 17 in our high schools—whose presence in the high school is generally an indication that they come from good homes and have parents who are at least on the job as much as parents are on the average—to appropriate other people’s automobiles and go, as they say, “ joy riding.” It may bring them joy, but when the automobile brings up against a curbstone or tree and is smashed to pieces, as it often is, or when the reckless spirit which leads the boy to do that sort of thing leads him also to drive in a reckless way and somebody is injured, then it is anything but joy to the other people concerned. "Shall we in dealing with such offenders—and they are typical o f a c]ass—take a great deal o f pains to make those youngsters under stand that there isn’t anything in that situation which is in any way Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. analogous to the commission o f a criminal offense? And shall we, in dealing with that particular sort of thing—and it is representative of a great deal that comes into the juvenile court—when older boys and girls come in, shall we completely remove the sense of personal responsibility from them by doing away with that very mild and gentle term “ delinquency ” ? I question it. C harles P. W alker , Probation Officer, Municipal Court, Phila delphia. I would like to ask Judge Schoen i f under the law in his jurisdiction there are ex officio powers in the justice of the peace to have proceedings instituted under the law against adult offenders in the juvenile court. , Judge S choen . There are some powers, not ex officio powers, in the justice of the peace, conferred under a general act known as the child-welfare act, which is rather broad but indefinite—perhaps too much so to be effective. Mr. W alker . In your idea o f dealing with the adult offender, if you do have authority to have the proceedings instituted under an act o f the assembly in your State, would you proceed against that adult by process of summary conviction, or proceed by action under the criminal law through indictment by the grand jury, and also directly by jury in your court; and if so, wouldn’t that very much interfere with the general idea o f the juvenile court, having one judge hold court? Judge S choen . I think perhaps legislation could be so framed that one charged with being a delinquent parent or in other ways contributing to juvenile delinquency should be tried before a juve nile court without indictment by grand jury and without trial by jury, but I guess those are matters which would have to be consid ered in connection with the various State constitutions. In our own State there is a way in which a person may be charged with and tried for some offenses—as a disorderly person—which does not entitle him to indictment by grand jury or to trial by jury. Per haps they might be designated as disorderly persons and in that way come within the jurisdiction o f the court and be triable without indictment. However, that is a matter o f detail, and if indictment were necessary and trial by jury were necessary, if the popular mind was sufficiently educated to the point of realizing the enormity of the offenses that are committed against minors, it would be just as easy to get indictments and convictions for acts which contribute to juvenile delinquency as it is now against persons who steal a 5-cent pack o f peanuts. Judge R icks . Judge Schoen has said that every offense and every offender touching the life o f the child should be within the jurisdic tion o f the juvenile court, or under the court which he suggests as Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 39 taking the place o f the juvenile court. Now, it occurs to me that we might well consider whether or not men charged with felonies should be so dealt with in the juvenile court. Because certainly in the juris diction o f many o f the States men charged with felonies are given only a preliminary hearing before the magistrates’ courts and are then sent on to a court o f broader jurisdiction, indicted by the grand jury, and— as Mr. Walker said— tried by jury. I would like to ask Judge Schoen whether in his opinion offenses o f that character should be tried in a juvenile court, with the necessary incidents o f a grand jury indictment and trial by jury. Judge S choen . I think so, Judge Ricks. Hon. K athryn S ellers, Judge of the Juvenile Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. The Juvenile Court o f the District o f Columbia is a criminal court, and it was not a very great step to take the children out o f the police court, but it was all that could be done. Now, in order to bring all children violating the law into the juvenile court it is often necessary to reduce the charge. For instance, when a boy is arrested for stealing an automobile, as not infrequently happens, the charge is reduced to violation o f the section o f the police regu lations of the District which forbids operation o f an automobile with out permit. We are permitted to do that by the upper courts and by the police. The intention is not to punish the boy for taking the machine, but to get hold o f him to keep him from taking another machine. Likewise, the charge for stealing large sums o f money and valuable property is reduced, to the charge o f “ taking the property o f another.” For this offense the punishment for an adult would be less than a year in the penitentiary, and thus a child is brought within our jurisdiction. We have a jury trial on information filed, not by indictment by the grand jury. Our court is practically a domestic relations’ court, and we have jurisdiction over nonsupport cases and determination o f bastardy cases and over cases in violation o f the child labor law. In all these cases the defendant is entitled to a trial by jury on information filed by the corporation counsel. O rfa J ean S hontz , Attorney , Los Angeles. California is always willing to try anything once, and we have since 1911 left the words “ dependent” and “ delinquent” out o f our juvenile-court law. It now reads that the juvenile-court law is an act concerning persons under the age o f 21 years, and when they are declared they are simply declared wards o f the court. O f course, it is pretty hard to legislate the words “ delinquent ” and “ dependent ” out o f the public mind, but they have no place in our courts there. The California juvenile courts also have jurisdiction over contributory offenders—that is, they are heard before the juvenile court, without a jury, sitting as a superior court. I f they demand a jury the case is transferred to one Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. o f the other courts, but they very seldom do demand a jury; and to try the contributory offender in the same court as the juvenile offender has proved very satisfactory. Judge R i c k s . D o your contributory delinquency laws punish for offenses against persons under 21 rather than for offenses, as in many States, against persons under 18 ? Miss S hontz . Under 21. I think the* law is that they are con sidered misdemeanors instead o f felonies, and the punishment is either two years in the county jail, a fine o f $1,000, or probation, or both a fine and the county jail. Judge R icks . Does your court have jurisdiction o f felonies against the minor ? Miss S hontz . Not rape or seduction. Judge S ellers. The term “ delinquent ” in our jurisdiction is defined by an act o f Congress which says that the delinquent child is a child that has been hned before the court which operates in this fashion, and persons contributing to the delinquency o f the child may be punished in several ways. But a child must be three times in our court before you can punish a person contributing to his deliquency. Our term “ delinquent ” is so defined, and I have with in the last month had an amendment introduced in Congress mak ing the term “ delinquent” mean a child who has been convicted once. So having convicted a child—we have to speak o f conviction, because our court is a criminal court—we can turn around and pun ish the person contributing. Rev. A. J. D. H aupt , Social Service Church Federation, St. Paul. Do they in California commit to State institutions, such as boys’ and girls’ reformatories ? I f so, how long is that commitment ? In Minnesota, our age limit is up to 18 for both boys and girls, be cause we have felt that they ought to have a little while in our re formatory institutions, if necessary; and the age limit there is 21. I wonder how it has worked out in California. Miss S hontz . Twenty-one is the age for both boys and girls. Judge R icks . Supposing a boy o f 20 years and 6 months is sent to the industrial school, then at the age o f 21 he has to be released? Miss S hontz . Yes. Miss M ary B artelme, Assistant to the Judge, Juvenile Court of Cook County, /Jhicago, III. I would like to ask Judge Schoen i f he would give us a little in detail about the suggestion that the work be placed with the Federal court. That seemed to me a very valua ble suggestion, and I should like to know some o f his reasons for making it. Judge S choen. I feel that the problems behind the minor offender who comes to the juvenile court are so far-reaching in importance— that is, the proper reconstructive work that is required to be done Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 41 to readjust the child, readjust his living conditions, is work o f such magnitude—that the Federal Government, with its vast resources and prestige, would perhaps be the most effective agency or instru mentality with which to do that work. Further, it would probably lead more quickly to a standardization o f all the work; and by that I do not mean that I am not particularly keen or concerned about the standardization o f the method o f procedure in the juvenile court, but I am very much interested and concerned about the stand ardization o f reconstructive work that should be done, and the way in which it should be done, and to get the necessary financial aid to do it, and do it right. A ll these things, I think, can better be done through the instrumentality of the Federal court. There would be more uniformity o f method throughout the entire Nation, if it were a Federal agency. Then, again, there would be a nation-wide appli cation o f this whole principle of juvenile-court work and procedure, which we have not yet got, although the juvenile court is some twenty years old, as I understand. In my own State, as I have said, the juvenile courts have only been created in the two largest coun ties in the State; and very many people still have the idea that juvenile-court work is only necessary in large metropolitan com munities. A great part o f our country is without the application of juvenile-court principles in its treatment o f children, because the rural communities have not the means for employing the proper staff and getting the proper equipment to do the work in a proper way—that is, getting the psychologic and psychiatric and medical work that is necessary to be done. Now, if this whole thing were a Federal proposition, and judges were appointed in the same manner as our Federal judges are now appointed, who try the civil and criminal cases involving the Government, the whole territory of the United States would automatically be covered, because judges would be appointed for districts, and those districts would take in rural as well as urban communities, and our whole country would automati cally be covered, and very quickly. That does not constitute all the details, but it gives you some o f the high spots o f my thought on that subject. Miss B artelme. Y ou no doubt took into very strong consideration the fact that the judge would hold office during good behavior, and therefore would not be subject to political antagonism to the same extent as otherwise. Judge S choen. I am glad you brought that out. That is another point, and a very important one, because it would enable the man ^dio undertakes work as judge o f the juvenile court to do his work with a consciousness that it is his life work, and that he need not be distracted from it and from doing it well and thoroughly and de voting all his time and energy to it, by the political considerations Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. or the other considerations which naturally interfere to some extent with the work under existing conditions. I had not thought o f that particular point, but I think that it is perhaps a very important one. Hon. S olon P errin, Judge of the Juvenile Court, Superior, Wis. I see we are drifting into this Federal proposition again this morn ing. I give notice that I want to be heard oil that at length, if we get to the point where the Federal Government is going to be called in as a wet nurse. This idea that we are going to turn the whole proposition over to the Federal Government, really, ladies and gen tlemen, is abhorrent to me. I don’t believe in i t ; I don’t think that is what the Federal Government is for. And if the truth were known, and Judge Sellers would be willing to tell just exactly what she feels, I believe she would say that she would rather take her code under almost any State government than to have to deal with the Federal officials at Washington to get every 5-cent piece she has to have and every little thing that goes to make up the administra tion o f a good court. I am going to protest against anything of this sort. I would like to inquire o f the distinguished jurist who is projecting this proposition whether he proposes to hang his legisla tion on the commerce clause o f the Constitution, now enormously overworked, or whether he thinks that the reference to domestic tranquillity under the Constitution has any application to the cases consideration. Judge S ellers. I do feel I ought to risa in defense of Congress, as it were. We do have some difficulty in getting all that we want in the District o f Columbia, but I do not entirely absolve the people o f the District o f Columbia from blame in that respect. I have been three years at the juvenile court. I f we are agreed on what we want, I believe we will be treated more generously by Congress; but in the past there has been a great deal of difference o f opinion among the people who are concerned in District affairs, and I think if we figure our needs out before we go to Congress we may be treated more generously. Judge R icks . Judge Waite, of Minneapolis, has something to say on this subject? Judge W aite . I simply was going to ask a question as to the con stitutionality of the legislation that is implied in what Judge Perrin says. I wonder if Judge Schoen has considered whether, in order to get this Federal jurisdiction, no matter how desirable it may be, we would first have to get a constitutional amendment. Judge S choen . I doubt it. The Federal Government, having as sumed jurisdiction over the naturalization of future citizens who come from foreign shores, it seems to me that there could not be any legal impediment to the Federal Government’s taking jurisdiction of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 43 its own future citizens, who are still useful and in a formative stage, and creating such legislation as will be for their benefit and will fit /them better for the future duties of citizenship. Judge R icks. I must say that I think, with Judge Perrin, that if this move were taken we might just as well.close up our State govern ments. I think the discussion has brought up the point effectively. There is one other point not fully covered, it seems to me, in this dis cussion, and that is relating to custody o f children who may be termed dependent—whether the court should undertake to deal with the custody o f children who are dependent. J oseph L. Moss, Chief Probation Officer, Juvenile Court of Cook County, Chicago, III. I f the juvenile court represents the State, I think it is very proper that the question of custody of dependent children lacking normal guardianship should rest in the court. Pro vision for the support and care o f children about whose custody there is no contention is hardly a debatable question. In my opinion, it is a question whether they should remain in the juvenile court, because there might be some other State bodies quite capable of taking care o f those children—children, for instance, of a father, where the mother is dead, who is unable to provide for the care of the -ffamily. It seems to me some other State body beside the juvenile court might provide in such an emergency. But certainly in all cases where the question of the child’s neglect or of the child’s dependency arises it should be decided by a court. Judge R icks . I will ask Mr. Parsons to give us his view on this subject. I think he can clarify a point. H erbert C. P arsons, President National Probation Association. I was just speaking with Judge Ricks on the question o f continuing control or custody o f the dependent child beyond the finding of dependency. It seems to me that it has been well demonstrated in one State, and after much discussion it is firmly settled in the opinion o f the people o f that State who have to do with these things, that the juvenile court does not exist for the continuing custody of dependent or even of delinquent children. In order to keep the juvenile court free from all the burdens o f the community and the regulation o f the conduct o f the whole population for eternity, it seems to me to be necessary to put some o f the possible duties that might be imposed upon it into other branches o f the government. I f there is anything that is separable, clearly so, it is the continuing custody o f the child who has to be cared for beyond the time of the hiding by the court, if it is the juvenile court or any other court. There exists in every State, I take it, the administrative power to control that child,'Ind the turning over by the juvenile court to the administrative side—the executive side of the State government—of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44 JTJYENILE-COURT STANDARDS. the care and custody o f the child during minority is not only working well in at least one State that I know, but it seems to have the great merit o f relieving the juvenile court o f a mere administrative duty and o f making possible the discharge o f its other duties with greater efficiency. I want also to call attention to one of the things that Judge Sellers mentioned, and that those who are having to do with the drafting o f juvenile laws ought to keep in mind—the horrible example she has told o f the District o f Columbia’s requirements that the child should be found three times delinquent before it can even be argued that the parent is responsible for the delinquency. I don’t see any virtue in “ three times.” I don’t even see virtue in finding the child actually delinquent once. This was discussed very thoroughly in revising the juvenile law in Massachusetts in 1915, when the com mission made up o f judges and lawyers were studying this thing, and they said: “ I f it appears in the proceedings that the parents are responsible, or anybody else is responsible, for the delinquency of the child, why should there be any finding as to the child? I f the culprit is the parent or guardian, or somebody else has con tributed to the delinquency, then the proceedings against the child ought to be dropped at once.” And we took that into the Massachu^ setts law, so that i f in the development o f a case the juvenile court finds that the real fact is not the delinquency o f the child but the contribution o f a parent or guardian or somebody else, to the wrong conduct, the child’s case is simply dropped and the court proceeds against the parent or other contributor. I think that is an essential feature o f the law. Judge K i c k s . Mr. Parsons’s discussion brings to a close the dis cussion o f that subject. We must now pass on to the second question for consideration this morning: “ Where does the responsibility of the court begin ? ” WHERE DOES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COURT BEGIN? Hon. H enry S. H Judge of the Juvenile Division of the Probate Court of W ayne County, Detroit, Michigan. ulbert, I have been asked to speak to you on the question o f where the responsibility of the court begins. That heading has been divided into four rather pertinent points, and I will try to adhere just as closely to the topic as I may. The points placed in issue are whether jurisdiction should begi: immediately upon the arrest o f the child, or at the stage where th child is brought into the detention home, or at the point where the court would naturally take jurisdiction because of the filing o f an official complaint with the court. These three questions naturally Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 45 bring up the relationship o f the court to the police department of its jurisdiction, the relationship o f the court to the detention home, and the relationship o f the court to the handling of complaints, with a view o f saving as much as possible the bringing o f children into the actual court. I will make a little bit o f background for what I have to say. T rather think I am a bit old-fashioned in some of my viewpoints. Long experience in the probate court before I took up the work o f the juvenile court—which in our State is a branch o f the probate court—gives me a very distinct respect for judicial procedure, and I am not one who feels that we can gloss it over in favor o f a more social method. I believe that every step which is taken in the handling o f children’s cases should be done in its proper method and in due order, and that our records should be just as complete and just as full and just as regular as those o f any other court; but I do not believe, and it is not my practice, that that procedure should be upon the surface or be placed in any way in evidence. It can be kept in the background; it'is there only because o f the fact that we have centuries o f the old idea o f court procedure, which we can not live down in a few years. It is pretty generally the opinion that the juvenile court really is nothing more than a very enlarged parent, and when I use the word “ court,” I am using it in its very single sense o f “ justice.” The juvenile court is perhaps neither more nor less than an institu tion whose job it is to take up the life o f the child at the point where the child has failed. It is perhaps safe to say that the average child— and, o f course, I can deal in the short time at my disposal only in generalities— comes into court only because the parent has completely failed to inculcate by training a distinct respect for the observance o f law and discipline and authority and the existing social order. Father and mother must be a tmit in the government o f the child; and if through the child’s early life the grandfather and grandmother, and maybe a big brother and big sister, are all to take their part from entirely different viewpoints in the government of that child, we will in the end get a youngster who has no respect for anybody or for any constituted authority, and we are sure, of course to have that child in conflict with the law. I f the court or i f the judge is simply an enlarged parent—I firmly believe that the judge is nothing more than the official head, so to speak, o f a rather large family—he must live and work and stand Mulder to shoulder with his organization, with the police, with the hools, with his probation officers, and with his detention home— with all o f the elements, in fact, that go to make up his official fam ily, so to speak. Only so far as he does that, only so far as he assumes the full responsibility and brings to his official family en Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 46 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. thusiasm, puts over his spirit and a distinct understanding o f his policies and methods, and in return gets from them not only an enthusiastic but a very loyal concept o f his method of work and procedure—so that the entire family, so to speak, is a unit in the handling o f a child—will he really attain the results we are after. Now, that being so, the points that are here at issue are not difficult to decide. I firmly believe that the police department of any jurisdiction should turn over to the juvenile court a sufficient number o f its officers to work under the authority o f the judge and in his immediate care and under his responsibility. I f that is not so, the policemen who are working with children have the ordinary police viewpoint as to offenses against the law. Their idea will be that o f credit for conviction; and that, o f course, is the last idea that we have in the juvenile court. I f they are a part o f the court and court procedure, they as a member o f that family will receive the inspiration and be imbued with the spirit of the judge who is acting, and their idea of the credit which is to accrue to them will not be for conviction but it will be for accomplishment in their particular district. I might use the same illustration that we use in matters o f health. A city board o f health would divide its city into districts and plac nurses or health officers in charge o f those districts; and surely th credit which they get for their accomplishment is not for the number of cases treated but rather for the resultant picture o f the good health o f that particular community. And it is just so with your policeman. I f he really assumes his job as part and parcel of the court, with the spirit of the juvenile court, his idea o f the credit which will come to him will be that o f the clearing up o f his dis trict. Not only that, but he will very readily learn to distinguish between the matter o f the offense and the matter o f the individual or a neighborhood situation. And if he is at all a good scholar he will readily know and will readily be able to clear up a good many situations which may be rather serious, so far. as the paper offense is concerned, and obtain complete satisfaction in his work, not only from the point o f view o f the injured individuals but also o f those who may be called offenders. On the other hand, he would in all probability be able to bring into court a good many seem ingly trivial affairs which upon paper would have no right to be there at all, because they have developed a neighborhood situation in which" proper handling before the judge will result in a much better condition in that particular locality. I think that hours c? frequently be well Spent by any judge in clearing up a neighborhoo problem, which may be— as is often the case in a family—brought about by very trivial things, indeed, but which in the large aspect Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 47 becomes very serious when we consider the discipline o f an entire neighborhood. Again, the relationship o f the judge to the detention home is equally important, and I am also firmly of the belief that he must take over the entire responsibility for the operation, the spirit, and the understanding of that detention home. But I just as truly be lieve that the detention home which bears the same relation to the children of its district that the ordinary police station or jail bears to the adult is absolutely without any reason for existence and that it is a waste to spend money in its operation. I f that detention home, through its contact with the judge and the inspiration which it gets from being directly responsible to him, is able to put into the life and training and character of the child while he is there a respect and understanding of constituted law and authority and obedience, the judge has a very much better chance afterward with thé child. The detention home is really the first place where a child who has grown up without respect for others, without understanding of obedience or authority, can get them; and it is the first place where the judge can with any degree of certainty obtain an understanding o f the material, the real personal character, with which he has to deal. I f the detention home is purely a place of custody for the pur pose of holding the child until the trial, it can offer no contribution to the future of that child’s life. I f it is a place where that child can be allowed to develop and show his true character and disclose the material of which it is made, the judge can take up that case with a fair knowledge of what hé can accomplish with the material that is before him.. The same thing is equally true, o f course, of the probation force of the court, and perhaps in no department should the contact of the judge himself be closer than among his probation officers. He can not retire to some holy of holies and make just decisions o f the cases brought before him. He must work with his officers. They must feel his spirit and his understanding, and they have to carry out his purposes with his inspiration. Their work is desperately hard. They are giving every bit of enthusiasm and personal magnetism that they have; and unless there is a source of supply from above, they may not last long in their work and give good results. The judge should also come into close relationship with the various community interests, such as the schools. The judge and the superin tendent o f schools should be just as closely allied as it is possible for two men to be, and the whole school system should work with and be a part, so to speak, of the court procedure. Frankly, I appreciate that this program might be considered just as an ideal— for instance, as we find a socialistic program to be a very ideal theory and not Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. *8 practical, perhaps. And yet it is vastly more practical than we may at first think; and it can be carried through, and it does make the 1 court a real power in its community. That leaves just one definite question: A t what point in the pro cedure should the actual hold of the court over the child begin? I f we take my view of the police department or the detention home, it does not need to begin in either of these two points, and I think it should not, because if their optimism and vision is true and in accord ance with the judge, they will be able to eliminate a very great number of cases without any record whatever. It should begin, therefore, when it becomes necessary to file a definite complaint in the court and the child is made a part of the court record. Hon. K athryn S e l l e r s , Judge o f the Juvenile Court o f the D istrict o f Columbia. The question proposed really is, Where and when should the jurisdiction o f the juvenile court begin? As a matter o f fact local law controls this matter. In the District o f Columbia, for instance, where the juvenile court is a criminal court, the court has no jurisdiction until an informa tion has been sworn to by a complainant. When a child is arrested the policeman takes the child to the sta tion house, where the police captain, if the offense is not serious, may release the child to his parents to be brought to court when sum moned, or he may require collateral to be deposited for the child, or he may send the child to the house o f detention for women and chil dren, which is under the control o f the woman’s bureau of the police department. Every morning a list o f all children in the house is sent to the chief probation officer o f the court. This list contains names o f children held as fugitives, held for investigation, held on specific charges, and held for the court. It is only with the last two classes that the court is concerned. The court has no authority to take any action until the policeman making the arrest files the in formation; so that, if the policeman does not keep up his interest in the case a child may remain, and in known cases has remained,, indefinitely in the house o f detention. In other words, the entire proceeding in the case is a “ prosecu tion ” and lies with the complainant and the police department. It may and does result in certain cases in children being arrested and detained indefinitely in the house o f detention without being charged regularly with any crime, but with the word “ investigation ” markeT against their names. The report o f the chief of police for 1920 (p. 45) shows that 206 children under 17 years o f age were that year held for investigation and released without a charge being filed Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 49 against them. The figures for such cases o f detention during the last three years—1918, 1919, and 1920— are more or less startling. During that time 602 children under 17 years o f age, 1,734 who were 17 to 20 years of age, inclusive, and 4,73£ who were 21 years o f age and over were held without being charged with an offense for pe riods ranging from a few hours to three weeks (the last being the period o f detention in one case o f which I have particular knowl edge), and they were released without ever having come under the jurisdiction o f a court. Girls “ suspected” by the woman’s bureau o f being lawbreakers may be required to go on “ voluntary probation” to the police de partment and to report regularly to the woman’s bureau at the house ’ of detention, so long as that bureau may believe it necessary, under pain o f having charges lodged against them which will bring their cases before the juvenile court. These methods are practiced with the best motives and intentions and, we believe, with only the interest o f the girls at heart. But there is no manner o f doubt that this is a clear invasion o f the private rights o f the child. It should be noted that perhaps five times as many boys as girls come to court. Suppose the policeman, instead o f arresting the boys, ^placed them on probation and required them to report each Sunday at the station house of their precinct. Would this be tolerated? Carry this plan on in its logical course, and the policeman instead o f arresting men and. women for lawbreaking, would require them to go on probation and report to the station house regularly, without the formality o f court proceedings. You can see at once that such a situation would not be tolerated. No community would permit its boys to be so treated. Then why discriminate against the girls ? The whole scheme is wrong. Either a charge should be regularly made against all girls and boys arrested and their cases heard as soon as possible or the children should not be detained. And cer tainly no child should ever be put on probation except by a court. Here we have a telling example o f the working o f an unsatisfactory and improper law designed for the welfare o f juvenile offenders. This law, enacted in 1906, was the best law that could be had at thé time. The most that could be done then was to separate the children from the adults and to form a police court where their cases would be heard apart from the adults. The fault lies mainly in the basic idea o f “ prosecution” by the State through the police department as complainants, instead o f the institution o f an orderly inquiry concerning the facts o f the complaint and an investigation o f the circumstances surrounding the child at the time, followed by the issuance o f whatever orders the court may deem proper for the correction and protection o f the child. 77504°—22----- 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. I am firmly of the opinion that the interests of the child woulcl^ best be served by giving the juvenile court such chancery jurisdiction as would make every child a potential ward of the court, so that i f 1 complaint is made against him or if he is taken into custody by the police officer as a fugitive, as homeless, or as a lawbreaker, the child becomes immediately an actual ward of the court to be cared for and protected. G eneral D is c u s s io n . Judge R i c k s . We have now heard two interesting points o f view. We have 20 minutes for discussion. Mr. Moss. The police must be taken into consideration in dealing with the lawbreaker, with persons who commit offenses. At the risk o f being accused o f trying to boost Chicago, I want to say something o f our system, because X believe it has worked with entire satisfaction. In the early days of the court there was no provision for the ap pointment o f probation officers. Some officers were supplied through the contributions o f friends of the court. 'In addition, a number of police officers were assigned to the judge o f the court, in the way that Judge Hulbert suggests, for assignment as the judge saw fit. Later, with the provision for the appointment of county probation officers, the duties o f these police officers who assisted were changed. They remained, however, and now we have a specialization o f work in a very interesting and satisfactory way. In each station o f the city there are normally 100 men. One man of that number is assigned to look after the children’s cases that come to the attention o f the police o f that precinct. He is known as the juvenile officer. He is commis sioned a probation officer o f the juvenile court. The police probation officer has his office at the juvenile court, and he reports to the chief probation officer. We have drawn the line very carefully between the police officers and the regular probation officers of the court, being careful to give no directions or assignment o f duties to police officers which would not ordinarily fall within the province of a police officer. In doing that we have been able to keep the police officer. In a large city you will find the feeling on the part o f the council, when expenses must be cut down, that all private appointments—appointments to institutions and associations and private details, etc.— should be eliminated, and the man should be put on active police work. The judge gives no direct orders to the police probation officer except through the-officer in charge. Now, in detail, this is the way it works: I f a boy is arrested on the street corner with a stolen automobile or for burglarizing a place a uniformed officer—the officer on that post—takes him to the station Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 51 and turns him over to the juvenile officer. In the absence of the juvenile officer at that minute the boy is sent by the commanding officer to the juvenile detention home or to his parents, as may seem proper under the circumstances. The juvenile officer is responsible from that minute for the b oy ; the arresting officer drops out of the case, except as he reports his information to this juvenile officer. The juvenile officer decides whether or not the child is to be kept in custody. I f he is to be kept in custody he arranges for him to go to the juvenile detention home; then his responsibility for the de tention o f that child ceases. From that time on the parents must make application to the juvenile court for the release o f that child. The arrest o f the child, the detention o f the child, is reported to the officer in charge, and we have on file at all times in the juvenile court a complete list o f all children who are in detention, and why they are held. The juvenile officer, whether the child is in custody or not, tries to adjust the matter, if possible, without court hearing; but if it is necessary to have a court hearing he brings the matter into court by filing a petition, with the approval o f the officer in charge, serving the summons and presenting the matter to the court. There are two exceptions to that. A ll dependent cases (and a great many dependent cases do come to the attention of the police), abandoned children, children neglected, children whose parents are arrested for some reason or other—these cases are immediately turned over with written report to the investigation division o f the court proper. In delinquent girls’ cases, the criminal part o f the cases—that is, the statement o f the specific offense—is presented to the court by the police probation officer, petition is filed, but the police probation officer turns over to the juvenile-court investigational division the investigation o f the case. So that on all girls’ cases there are two officers— a woman officer, who is responsible for the person o f the child and the social history, including the home and schooling, and the police probation officer, who is responsible for saying under what circumstances the child was brought to the attention of the court. There is a decided advantage in having police probation officers, or police officers, tied up to the court. There is an absolute absence of that feeling that the police lock up the children and the juvenile court turns them away, because the police department states its case to the court. On the other hand, there is a decided socializing in fluence on the individual police probation officer; he almost immedi ately gets the point o f view o f the court and takes it back to the police Station. I commend the system to other cities that are having diffi culty with their police officers. The matter can not be worked, of course, except with the complete cooperation o f the police department. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 52 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. Judge R i c k s . May we have several other short addresses on that subject? Mrs. Murdoch, of the Alabama State Board of Child W el-'N > fare, might give us her point o f view. Mrs. W. L. M u r d o c h , of Birmingham, Ala. I think that is a very unfair advantage for a southerner to take of a southerner. I just wanted to ask a question. I would very much rather my question should be answered, and that I should take but a moment o f your time, because I am here to learn. I would like to ask the last speaker what can be done about police where the courts, as they are all through the South, are county-wide courts. And I find in coming to the national conference that most o f you are talking about great big cities o f half a million population, and so large a percentage o f us come from small places where our problems are not answered on the floor o f this conference. Now, our courts are county wide, and I presume others are, too; and we could not have city policemen detailed to our juvenile courts, because the financial situation would prevent. I would like to ask, Do you -mean by what you said that policemen should be detailed to a part o f the court, or do you mean merely that kindly cooperation between the police staff and the juvenile court would bring about the best results for the proba tion officer in the discharge of his duties? Judge H u l b e r t . I might answer that by saying that my own court in Detroit is a county-wide court and not a city court. I am a probate judge, and my jurisdiction extends throughout the county o f Wayne and not simply over the city of Detroit. In any large jurisdiction where there is a large city, of course the great bulk o f the work is in the city, and I spoke o f the police viewpoint because o f that fact. It is true that I say that the police should be attached to the court; but it is equally true that the same cooperation and spirit can be as easily carried outside the jurisdiction o f the city to the ordinary police officers o f the county, and you will get the same response from them as you will from the individual policeman. It is hardly a matter for the court judge to interest himself in the organization. I perhaps did not make myself clear. I may have very much befuddled the vision I wanted to put before you. I don’t want to charge the judge with a tremendous amount of detail at all, but I do feel the judge must be head of his system. The inspira tion must come from the judge, the head of the system, and he must use the system and permit the filtration of his ideas, if you please, down to the child in the community which he serves. He can not do it otherwise. The individual contact o f the judge in any large juris diction with the individual child is very brief, and therefore he must get his spirit to the child through his official organization. Judge R i c k s . I s Mr. A. A. Antles, secretary o f the State depart ment o f public welfare o f Nebraska, here? We would be interested Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 53 in hearing from him as to how they handle this situation in Nebraska? Mr. A n t l e s . Mr. Chairman, I have been sitting here all yesterday afternoon and this forenoon while you have been discussing the juvenile courts, and I have heard you discuss the juvenile judges and probation officers; but I have not heard anybody mention the person who, in my judgment, in our State at least, has as much to do with the juvenile court as any o f these, and perhaps all of them, and that is our county attorney. In the larger cities you do not have county attorneys to take care o f your juvenile work, but in our State we have only twelve counties which have juvenile officers. You may think it is peculiar, and it is. We are trying to get a better system than that, but we must discuss the situation as we have it there. Our State is 410 miles long and 210 miles wide, and the one juvenile officer or director o f our child-welfare bureau, in my department, must look after the whole situation in our State, except in those 12 counties. Each county judge is a judge o f the juvenile court, and the director has counseled with thirty o f those judges during the past year and also with thirty county attorneys. And they have handled from 1 to 174 children in each one o f those courts. Now, the county at torney in our State, when an offense is committed, must give his sanc tion to the prosecution o f the person; therefore we must take him into our confidence and teach him that he has a big job. Sometimes when a boy steals an automobile and he has .a good chance to get a conviction, we have to teach the county attorney that the juvenile court should handle that child. And to get our county attorneys to realize that the children should come into our juvenile court is a big job, because they are looking for conviction, so that when they come up for reelection four years hence they can show what good county attorneys they are. The children are not to be thrown into jail, not to be sworn when they come before the juvenile judge; but they are to sit down before the long table and discuss with the judge the things they have committed and the home conditions. Then the judge is the one to decide what shall be done with that boy or girl. The county attorney is inclined to think that he must issue a warrant for that boy that must be served by the sheriff or the police department, and that he can not get a conviction unless the boy is in jail. That is a pretty hard thing to get out o f his head, so we need in Nebraska some help along that line. We find that there are less than a dozen counties in our State— probably half a dozen—where the county attorneys know what sort o f blank to use in juvenile-court work; and our department is start ing to furnish the county attorneys with them and to get their co operation in bringing these cases before the juvenile court. We find Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. that when the cases are brought into the juvenile court the cooper ation we get from those judges and courts is very satisfactory to us— although it is a hard job to get it, and we have a big work before us. I am sorry our director o f child welfare could not be here, be cause I am getting a great deal o f instruction from this discussion and from this work. Judge R i c k s . The subject o f the discussion is the relation between the court and the police department, and the further question of where the control for the detention home should be—whether in the court, in the police department, or in some other department o f the city or county. I know in Erie County, New York, we have one of the best developed and most efficient probation systems in the United States, and I think Mr. Murphy, of Buffalo, is qualified to give us a very valuable contribution on this subject. J o s e p h P . M u r p h y , Chief Probation Officer, Erie County, N. Y. On that question, as to where the control ought to be, it seems to me there is no doubt that it should be in the juvenile court. That is where we have it, and we would not consider it .in any other place. Judge R i c k s . What is the relationship between your court and the police department? Are there any police officers under the con trol o f the court or assigned to the court for duty ? Mr. M u r p h y . There is only one, and that is in the adult part—a police officer who is assigned to supervise the serving o f summonses and to supervise some o f the persons convicted o f adult contributory delinquency. There is a dual control between the judge and the police department. Mr. H a u p t . In regard to Judge Hulbert’s point about the influence o f the juvenile court on communities, some time ago the judge called me to the bench, in regard to a very serious sex trouble of some girls under 15, and he said: “ Haupt, go out there and clear up that mess; it is the worst thing I have run up against in the 15 years o f my being on the bench.” And it was a fearful condition, and I believe it has been cleared up by a community meeting, in which the parents were gotten together in the school building by the county superintend ent o f schools to discuss that whole matter from a pure and uplifting standpoint. I believe it accomplished a great deal of good, and that the judge can have a great influence in such ways. That is only one illustration out o f very many. Judge R i c k s . The time for discussion is now up, and we will pass to the next topic: How far can court procedure be socialized without impairing individual rights? I know of no one we would rather hear on this subject than Judge Edward F. Waite, of the juvenile court o f Minneapolis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 55 HOW FAR CAN COURT PROCEDURE BE SOCIALIZED WITHOUT IMPAIRING INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS? Hon. E d w a r d F . W a it e , Judge o f the Ju ven ile Court o f H ennepin C ounty, M inneapolis, M inn. What do we mean by “ socializing ” court procedure ? Measuring time by standards appropriate to the development of human insti tutions, it may be said that until very recently the courts were con cerned almost wholly with the adjustment o f conflicting claims of individuals and groups against each other, and procedure was meticulously guarded to prevent unjust advantage for precisely the same reasons that dictated the details o f the code duello. The modern tendency toward what is termed the socialization of the courts has produced new tribunals and evolved new functions of older ones, in which the aim is not so much the adjudication of private rights as the performance of what are conceived to be com munity obligations. This tendency chiefly interests the lawyer as it has enlarged the use o f the police power to secure the general welfare. It interests the social worker chiefly as if brings directly and conveniently to his aid the judicial machinery through which alone, according to the tradition o f free peoples, the State may exercise its ultimate authority in time o f peace. The working out o f this tendency toward broader functions and a more human emphasis and aim has involved a more liberal pro cedure or method of transacting the business o f the courts— or at least o f certain courts in which the socializing process has made substantial headway. When a court is acting, not as an arbiter o f private strife but as the medium of the State’s performance o f its sovereign duties as parens patriae and promoter of the general welfare, it is natural that some of the safeguards o f judicial con tests should be laid aside. This corollary to the main tendency to which we have referred may be fitly styled the socialization of court procedure. I assume that by “ individual rights” in our subject is meant those personal rights recognized by the common law as adopted in the United States and established by constitutions, National and State. On the basis o f these definitions, let us consider the nine subdivi sions o f the genera!subject proposed by those who have prepared the program: (1) Exclusion o f public, (2) representation by attorneys, (3) swearing o f witnesses, (4) methods o f taking testimony and con formity with rules of evidence, (5) weight of evidence, (6) jury trials, (7) investigation into circumstances o f offense, (8) testimony o f probation officers, and (9) use of referee in girls’ cases. The discussion will relate solely to so-called juvenile courts, and my contribution, in order to conform to the necessary time limit, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. must be untechnical, summary, and suggestive. So far as I state legal principles I shall undertake to be correct according to inter pretations that prevail in my own State—Minnesota. Even were my learning sufficient I could not differentiate here between the several States on points where they do not agree. I have said “ so-called juvenile courts ” advisedly. I do not reflect upon those communities where the legislature has not made the radi cal change from the criminal to the noncriminal type of court in dealing with delinquent children. But has not the time come to re form our terminology in the interest o f clear thinking? The court which must direct its procedure, even apparently, to doing something to a child because of what he has done is parted from the court which is avowedly concerned only with doing something for a child because of what he is and needs by a gulf too wide to be bridged by any hu manity which the judge may introduce into his hearings, or by the habitual use of corrective rather than punitive methods after convic tion. I suspect that the theory o f the juvenile court which stresses the moving forward o f the common-law age o f criminal responsi bility involves some bad psychology and is responsible for some bad law. Has not the time arrived when no tribunal should claim the title o f juvenile court, implying in its origin and major application a jurisdiction and procedure founded wholly on the parental idea, with out distinction in aim and essential method between delinquent, de pendent, and neglected wards o f the state, unless this is its real char acter ? Let other courts be styled what they are—police or criminal courts for children. But I should not be warranted in excluding courts of the latter sort from this discussion. Therefore, having thus filed my protest, I shall adopt the current nomenclature and refer to all children’s courts as juvenile courts. Another comment, to clear the ground: One often sees departure from those traditional safeguards o f the individual which are familiar in Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence explained and justified by the parental attitude o f the juvenile court. Some looseness prevails in this regard, even in the opinions of appellate courts. It should not be forgotten that the performance o f judicial functions always involves two proc esses: The first, to determine whether jurisdiction assumed for the purpose o f an inquiry should be retained for the application of a remedy; the second, application o f the remedy. The first seeks the facts; the second applies the law to the facts as ascertained. Is it not obvious that the rights of the individual who holds the state at* arm’s length and says, “ The matters charged are false; government has no call to interfere with me,” should be more strictly regarded during the first process than the second, when his status as a person Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 57 with whom public interference is warranted has been established? Otherwise all that is necessary to justify a despotism is to make sure it intends to be benevolent. . Taking up now the suggested subtopics : (1) Exclusion of 'public.— One who is accused o f crime has a con stitutional right to a public trial. As to what a public trial is, the courts have differed. I f a juvenile court is organized as a criminal court for children, any child who comes before it charged with an offense is entitled to a public trial. I f the court that deals with him is exercising chancery jurisdiction, no such constitutional right ex ists ; and for the purposes o f this discussion noncriminal courts with purely statutory jurisdiction over children will be classed, though not with technical exactness, as courts o f chancery jurisdiction. To a mind “ not warped,” as somebody has said, “ by study and practice o f the law ” it may seem absurd that the hearing in the case of Johnny Jones must be public if he is charged in a criminal court with steal ing and need not be so if he is charged in a noncriminal court with being delinquent because he stole. I shall not now defend this seeming inconsistency. I f it is constitutional law, it is binding on the courts and legislatures, and it can be changed only by constitutional amend ments. There is no constitutional right to a public hearing when depend ency or neglect is the issue ; and the court has no right to deny it in cases o f “ contributing,” since here it acts always as a criminal court, whether or not it has also chancery jurisdiction. Even when the right to a public trial exists, much discretion is allowed the judge in the matter of excluding idle onlookers in the interest of public decency or the good order of the court proceedings. Probably no reasonable exercise of this discretion would ever be questioned by or oh behalf o f a juvenile delinquent, for the protection of whose sensibilities and reputation it is commonly exercised. In deed, all doubtful questions that have arisen in my own experience have had reference to inclusion rather than exclusion. I have some times found it puzzling to know how far it was just to children and their parents to permit their troubles to be heard even by qualified social observers who wished to use the clinical opportunities afforded by court sessions. The smaller the court room, by the way, the simpler the problem both ways. (2) Representation by attorneys.—Here also the nature o f the proceeding is the proper basis for distinctions. In prosecutions for crime, even o f children, representation by counsel is a constitutional fight. In noncriminal proceedings, however, courts of conciliation and small claims have made us familiar with the idea that legal rights are not necessarily violated by the elimination o f attorneys. But is it not a moot question? Is not the experience of other judges Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. like my own—that in most cases it is easily possible to make the law yer who comes into the juvenile court an ally o f the court and interest" him in securing the real welfare of those for whom he appears? < The absence o f antagonistic claims of personal rights makes this the more feasible. I refer, o f course, to cases immediately involving children. In “ contributing” cases appearance of counsel must be permitted, and in my judgment should be encouraged. (3 ) Swearing of witnesses.—I fancy most judges exercise wide dis cretion in this regard and are not conscious of any danger to personal rights. I can hardly conceive that i f desired by the parties con cerned all witnesses would not be sworn. Sometimes essential facts are within the knowledge o f a child so young that to put him on oath would seem unreasonable. An obvious corollary to this situation would be the conclusion that his testimony would be unreliable. This would be true in general; and yet skillful questioning by an im partial judge might elicit important and well-accredited truth. The discretion to determine the competency o f a child to testify has al ways lain with the court., Would it be any violation of rights for the judge to determine also whether or not to administer the oath? I think not. The greater discretion includes the less. (4) Methods of taking testimony and conformity with rules of , evidence.— There can be no question of impairing rights in deter mining whether to receive testimony from the witness stand or the floor in front o f the judge’s table; or whether and to what extent the judge himself shall interrogate witnesses. These and others of like sort are questions o f taste and convenience, and the preference of any person fit to act as judge ought to be a safe reliance. As be tween criminal and noncriminal proceedings interrogation by the court is much more limited in the former, according to usage in the United States. More serious questions arise in respect to conformity with the rules of evidence. Speaking generally, rules of evidence throughout the United States are the rules of the English common law, variously modified by local statutes, and uniform in their application to all courts deriving authority from the same source—the State or the Nation. I do not happen to know of any legislative rule o f evidence peculiar to juvenile courts, except a Minnesota statute permitting findings upon the written reports o f official investigators with like effect as upon testimony received in open court, in “ county allow ance ” or “ mothers’ pension ” cases. Rules o f ancient origin, ap proved or at least tolerated by the community for generations, eiicountered by the citizen whenever he resorts to other legal forums t assert or defend his rights, should not be lightly set aside in juvenile courts. The only safe practice is to observe them. I f hearsay, for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-CÖURT STANDARDS. 59 example, has not been found justly admissible in civil disputes and criminal trials, it is no better in juvenile-court proceedings. Ex ceptions should be made when appropriate, and informal short cuts will often be found agreeable to all concerned; but the exception should always be recognized as an exception. No judge on any bench has need to be more thoroughly grounded in the principles of evidence and more constantly mindful of them than the judge o f a juvenile court. The- boy against whom it is proposed to make an official record of misconduct, involving possible curtailment o f his freedom at the behest o f strangers, has a right to be found delinquent only according to law. The father, however, unworthy, who faces a judicial proceeding, the event o f which may be to say to him, “ This child of your loins is henceforth not your child; the State takes him from you as finally as though by the hand o f death ’’—that father may rightfully demand that the tie o f blood shall be cut'only by the sword o f constitutional justice. Surely, those substantial rules of evidence which would protect the boy if the ‘State called its inter ference “ punishment ” instead of “ protection,” and would safeguard the father in the possession o f his dog, should apply to issues which may involve the right of the boy to liberty within the family rela tionship and the right o f the father to his child. The greater the conceded discretion o f the judge, the freer he is from the vigilance of lawyers, the less likely he is to have his mistakes corrected on appeal, so much the more careful should he be to base every judicial con clusion on evidence proper to be received in any court o f justice. Otherwise the State’s parental power which he embodies is prosti tuted; the interpreter of the law degenerates into the oriental kadi, and the juvenile court falls into suspicion and disrepute. (5) Weight of evidence.— Shall the standard be preponderance of evidence or proof beyond a reasonable doubt? *The latter, surely, whenever the proceeding is a criminal one; the former—technically, at least— in dependency and neglect cases. I say “ technically,” for while a jury would be so instructed, it is certain that the average juror, regardless o f instructions, will require something more than a mere tipping o f the balance before he will agree to a verdict that may separate protesting parents from their child. And when, as in most cases, the duty to pass upon disputed facts falls to the fallible intelligence of a single person, any judge who realizes his respon sibility will insist upon clear proof. When delinquency cases are heard in noncriminal courts I suppose jthe true rule to be preponderance o f evidence. But here I, at least, must plead guilty to judicial legislation, and I suspect I am not alone in this. When we have minimized the stigma o f an adjudication of delinquency in every way that kindly ingenuity may devise, it re- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS,, mains true that in the mind o f the child, his family, and his ac quaintances who know about it, it is practically equivalent to con viction of a criminal offense. In the face o f this fact legal theory should give way, and no less evidence should be required than if the hearing were a criminal trial. In the rare instances when I have juries in the juvenile court I instruct them to this effect, and I apply the same test to my own mind in reaching judicial conclusions. (6) Jury trials.—It appears to be well settled that in none of the cases heard in noncriminal juvenile courts is there a constitutional right to trial by jury. In Minnesota, when juvenile-court functions are exercised by the district court, which is the court of general jurisdiction, a jury trial may be demanded. This, however, is a privilege granted, rather than a right confirmed, by the legislature; and the privilege is rarely claimed. Doubtless this situation is typical. When, however, the court is so organized that a child is prosecuted for a criminal violation o f a State law, I think it is generally understood'that a jury must be called unless specifically waived. The same is true in “ contributing ” cases, especially when, as in Minnesota, the act or omission is made a misdemeanor. (T) Investigation into circumstances of offense.—I f there is a ques tion here it must be as to the use to be made of information obtained rather than as to the propriety o f a preliminary investigation through agents of the court. The value of such an investigation in suggesting inquiry at the hearing is obvious. But when there are issues o f fact to be tried it seems to me equally plain that statements made to an investigator out o f court should have no standing as evidence when they are disputed by parties in interest, who by the implication o f their denial demand the same right to be confronted with the witnesses against them that is freely recognized in other judicial proceedings. Without attempting a discussion o f “ due process of law,” considerations o f public policy seem conclusive. The undisciplined minds o f the juveniles and most of the parents who come before the court can not make clear distinctions between pro ceedings that are really friendly and paternal and those that are hostile, when the results may be alike in depriving them of liberty of action, which they had before they came into court and are un willing to surrender. Public opinion, too, looks askance upon any abandonment of traditional barriers against governmental inter ference with the citizen. However wise the judge and kind his purpose, he must have regard for both the individual and the com munity sense o f justice; and Americans have an ingrained conviction that nothing, however well meant, ought to be forced upon them on the basis o f information obtained behind their backs. Let it be observed that I am now discussing policy rather than constitutional rights. As respects noncriminal proceedings, I am Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 61 not prepared to set limits to the power of the legislature to enlarge and adapt to modern condition the ancient methods o f official inqui sition. Prof. Wigmore speaks o f an increasing need “ for the more liberal recognition of an authority such as would make admissible various sorts o f reports dealing with matters seldom disputable and only provable otherwise at disproportionate inconvenience and cost.” “ This policy,” he says, “ when judiciously employed, greatly facilitates the production o f evidence without introducing loose methods.” 4 It is probable that as socialization o f the courts proceeds the tendency toward the use o f this form o f evidence will grow stronger; but popular prejudices must be reckoned with, and procedural con venience will be dearly bought if the cost be impairment o f the general confidence in the administration o f justice. When, however, the adjudication is made the situation changes. It has been lawfully determined that the facts warrant the inter ference o f the court. The nature and extent o f that interference is discretionary with the judge within the limits set by the law. In exercising his discretion he may rely upon anything that brings con viction to his mind, and the parties concerned have no legal right to question the sources o f his information. Here official investigation is a proper and valuable aid, whether made before or after the ad judication. (8) Testimony of 'probation officers.— No legal right seems to be involved; the question is rather one o f expediency. In my judg ment the probation officer should not appear as a hostile factor in court proceedings. The friendly relations with child and family that are essential to his corrective and constructive work would thus be jeopardized in advance. Should adverse information after proba tion is ordered be disclosed to the court ? By all means, if it is im portant. No confidences should be received on condition of conceal ment. The probation officer is the eyes and ears o f the court. What he sees and hears is a part o f the court’s knowledge o f the case, and ought to be so regarded by all concerned. (9) TJse of referee in girls' cases.— Once more a distinction must be made between criminal and noncriminal proceedings. Probably no one would suggest the reference o f a criminal case against an adult. Then why o f a criminal case against a juvenile? But in noncriminal matters, masters in chancery and statutory referees have familiarized us with the idea o f delegation by the court o f some -&rt o f its judicial authority. I think there is no constitutional reason why a court exercising chancery powers as a juvenile court may not be authorized to appoint a referee, not only to examine and recommend but to hear and determine. Masters o f discipline ‘ Wigmore on Evidence, Vol. I ll, sec. 1672. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. in Colorado, juvenile commissioners in North Dakota, and referees in California and New Mexico are instances where statutes have expressly authorized such procedure. Other examples are referees in girls’ cases. I have never heard a suggestion that rights were thus violated. On the contrary, girls and their parents are likely to deem it an advantage to have both inquiry and action* in a woman’s hands. Doubtless it is the experience of every man who acts as judge in cases o f sex delinquency on the part o f girls, that even if he has not the assistance of an official referee, a woman probation officer relieves him of embarassing investigation and virtually de termines the appropriate action. I f our discussion has any value, we may state three general conclu sions : 1. In criminal proceedings the child has before conviction all the legal rights of the adult. Here the field of socialization is practically limited to treatment o f the child after conviction. 2. In noncriminal proceedings there may be either with or without express legislative authorization, according to the nature o f the court, the broad latitude customarily exercised by courts o f chancery jurisdiction, this being appropriate and necessary to the full use o f parental functions. Here no constitutional provisions relating to criminal prosecutions apply, and sociali zation of procedure may have wide scope. There are limits, however, of which the judge should never be unmindful. 3. In adopting this broader practice, courts should have regard to the popular sense o f justice, even when it is not supported by established principles o f constitutional law. Do not these conclusions point toward wider powers, freer action, better and more thoroughly socialized judges for the true juvenile court, and speedy evolution o f the criminal court for children into the broader type ? This process spells, I think, the liberal develop ment of the family court idea. Furthermore, while they seem to me in no wise at variance with the growing tendency toward transfer to the public schools of adminis trative details after adjudication, do they not negative conclusively the assumption by any other agency than a court of justice o f the task o f adjudicating disputed facts? Hon. Sam uel D. L e v y , Justice o f th e Children’s C ou rt o f the C ity o f N ew Y o r k .* The subject assigned to me is one o f intense interest, and I make^ bold to say o f vital interest to the citizens o f the land. It has been my viewpoint in my daily task as justice of one o f the most important * Read by title. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 63 children’s courts in this country to assume that the children brought into court because of improper guardianship or delinquency were the wards o f the court as well as o f the State. I have acted on the prin ciple that neither they nor their parents or guardians, nor the pro cedure of the court, nor the judgments to be rendered, nor the de cisions to be made are to be treated from the standpoint of legal tech nicality or strictissimi juris, but from a broad social standpoint, which leads the court to take into sympathetic consideration the un social conditions, the bad environment or bad associations, and the congenital or inherited handicaps o f poor mentality or physical de fects. The causative factors which were the urge to bring the child into court are primarily to be considered, and not the immediate act alleged in the complaint or information; and upon careful and thorough analysis, such proximate or primary cause being ascer tained, it is for the court so to decide the matter that social conditions will be bettered and improved by its judgment or decision. Indeed, legal procedure is not to be considered, except so far as it is a mere guide or help in the administration o f justice, but by no means as a controlling factor. The commitment o f a child to a pro tectory or reformatory or other similar institution is not to be thought -of—even though the delinquency complained of is an act that if com mitted by an adult would be characterized as larceny, burglary, pick pocketing, assault, or other felony—if by placing the child in a proper social position he would be uplifted, improved, rehabilitated, reformed, and redeemed, and made an asset to the community. For it must be obvious to any one having any large experience with atypi cal children, that the children o f poverty conditions, o f tender years, with immatured mentality, can not knowingly commit these delin quencies (or crimes) ; that because o f their immaturity these children can not have the “ intent” which the statute contemplates when it proscribes crimes, and that comparatively few children are ingrained criminals, although some appear to be. But both experience and observation have taught me that what appears to be a hardened child, a child with criminalistic traits, is very often found to be an “ un graded ” child and one who was always mentally defective. Hence the extreme care necessarily required to place the child, after analyti cal diagnosis, in its proper niche and to deal with it not as a criminal but as a child in need o f the care and protection o f the state— and that ofttimes means in need o f the sympathetic interest and wise counsel of the judge o f the juvenile court. The more the court and ts procedure is socialized, the more will substantial justice be meted out and the child be helped as probably he was never helped before. With such a judicial attitude toward the child and his guardians a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JU V E N IL E -C O U R T STANDARDS. 64 successful prognosis may be hoped for in nine cases out of ten, and individual rights are not only not impaired, but are greatly strength ened by such procedure. Judge R i c k s . In the absence o f Dr. Miriam Van Waters, referee o f the Juvenile Court o f Los Angeles County, we are going to have Miss Shontz, who was the first referee of that court, read the paper prepared by Dr. Van Waters. Mtrtam V a n W atees , P h . D ., R e fe r e e o f th e Ju venile C ourt o f L o s A ngeles C ounty, Calif. The Socialization of Ju/oende-Gourt Procedure. The juvenile court o f California, first established by legislative enactment in 1903, now operates under statutes amended in 1915 substantially as follows: 6A judge o f the superior court is chosen by his fellow judges to sit as a juvenile-court judge. Jurisdiction extends to persons under 21 years o f age. (Under certain conditions, persons between the ages o f 18 and 21 charged with felony are dealt with by the crminal courts.) The law formulates no definition o f de linquency or dependency, but enumerates 14 specific conditions under which a child may be brought before the court. These conditions em brace the range o f offenses, behavior difficulties, and physical, mental, and social handicaps which cause or tend to cause a child to need the protection and guardianship o f -the State. The juvenile court has jurisdiction over adults criminally liable for contributing to certain o f the above conditions. Proceedings are begun by petition filed with th e . clerk of the superior court by any reputable person, who on information and be lief alleges that a child comes within the provisions o f the law. The attendance of the child and his parents is Secured by citation; a war rant may be issued if citation seems likely to be ineffectual. Attend ance o f witnesses is secured by subpoena. The law states: “ In no case shall an order adjudging a person to be a ward o f the juvenile court be deemed to be a conviction of crime.” 7 Any order made by the court may be changed, modified, or set aside as to the judge may seem meet and proper. Provision for an appeal from judgment is made. The keynote to the act is found in section 24, entitled “ Construction ” : “ This act shall be liberally construed, to the end that its purposes may be carried out, to wit, that the care, custody, and discipline o f a ward of the juvenile court, as defined in this act, shall approximate as nearly as may be that which should be given by his parents.” •Calif.. 1915, c. 631. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Ibid., sec. 5. JTJYENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 65 California—in counties o f the first class, that is to say, Los 'Angeles—and New Mexico are the only States that specifically pro vide by law for the appointment o f a woman referee to hear cases o f girls and young boys brought before the court. The referee has the usual power o f referees in chancery cases, hears the testimony o f witnesses, and certifies to the judge o f the juvenile court findings upon the case, together with recommendation as to the judgment or order to be made. Such, in brief, is the legal background o f the juvenile court in Los Angeles. Since the enactment o f 1915 all cases o f girls under 21 and o f boys under 13 have been privately heard in the detention home by a woman referee. Socialization o f procedure has been the rule, and if the number o f cases appealed is a test, the plan has been successful; for during the four and a half years when Orfa Jean Shontz, the first woman referee to be appointed, heard these cases, over 6,000 matters were before the court, and but one appeal was taken from her findings and recommendations— and in that case her finding was upheld. Socialization—what do we mean by this term as applied to juvenile-court procedure? I take it to mean the process by which the purpose and goal o f the juvenile court is best attained; that method which best frees the spirit o f the juvenile court and permits it to serve the social ideal it was created to express. Briefly, then, we must call to mind its origin. The juvenile court sprang into being in response to the demand o f a civic conscience freshly awake to the horror o f treating children as criminals. In theory this court is parental, a court o f guardianship—not a crimi nal or quasi-criminal court, but a court where the paramount issue is the welfare o f the child. Rooted in the ancient Anglo-Saxon con cept o f the king as the “ ultimate guardian o f all his subjects, who by reason o f helplessness o f any sort could not adequately care for themselves,” the juvenile court is the modern outgrowth o f the power o f parens patriae administered in England through the courts o f chancery— as students o f the juvenile-court movement, notably Judge Edward F. Waite, have so ably pointed out.8 That simple folk looked to the courts o f equity for remedy against the rigors o f the common law is expressed as early as 1321: Aubyn de Clyton, complaining o f a gross and outrageous trespass, petitions the court o f equity on the ground that “ the said Johan and Phillip hold their heads so high and are so threatening that the said Aubyn does not dare contest with them at the common law.” 9 Desire for socialization here mingles with a touching confidence in its attain ability. 8 Waite, Edward F . : The Origin and Development o f the Minnesota Juvenile Court, p. 3. •Henderson’ s Chancery Practice, p. 121. 77504°—22----- 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. While the legal basis o f the juvenile court is rooted in equity, two fundamental modern ideas concerning the child—one biological, the. other social—have united in the formation o f the juvenile court. Biology teaches us that the child is a being quite different from ’ an adult. His way o f feeling and his response are governed by nat ural laws; his behavior is an adjustment to life, ruled by cause and effect. The whole being of the child is sacred to growth. And throughout the period o f growth, during the whole course o f his immaturity, he is held to be plastic, capable o f infinite modification. Unless this modern concept o f the child is mastered we can not un derstand the principle o f the juvenile court. The second fundamental idea is that of the child as an asset to the State. The child is an asset, greater than all his faults. It is the duty o f the State in the interests o f its own self-preservation to take care o f the child when parents have failed him. The juvenilecourt law formulated by the Legislature o f Illinois in 1899 10 was an expression o f these principles, and the machinery created to ex press and to enforce these principles harked back to the ancient usage o f Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence. It is well to stress this point for the benefit o f certain lawyers who think, or appear to think, the juvenile court a kind o f modern, benevolent mushroom foisted on the body o f the law by social uplifters. In our discussion o f rights in the juvenile court the main right to' be considered is the right o f the child—his primary right to shelter, protection, and proper guardianship. The first requirement in so cialization is a method for getting the whole truth about the child. Analogy here brings the court close to the spirit o f the clinic. The physician searches for every detail that bears on the condition of the patient. The physician demands all the facts, because he believes it is only good that can follow to his patient. The patient is privi leged to expect good , but only on condition that he reveal all the facts and submit himself utterly. He is freed from fear because the aim o f thè examination is his own welfare. Quite contrary is the spirit of legal action. The defendant is hemmed about with elaborate safeguards against improper questions. The right o f a witness not to incriminate himself, his right to the secrecy o f certain inviolate privileged relations and communications, all the rules o f evidence that exclude certain kinds of truth from the ear o f the court as improper, have grown up with a view to protect the individual from the power o f the State to inflict penalty upon him. Fear o f injustice, dread of punishment—these are the human emotions expressed vividly in the dry phrasing o f the rules of evidence^ just as in the folk saying: “ Only the rich can afford justice; only the1 poor can not escape it.” » 113. Laws, 1899, p. 131. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 67 The juvenile court, on the other hand, can demand the whole truth because it has the power to save, to protect, and to remedy. Its orders or judgments are not penal, but parental. Its object in determining truth is not incrimination, but the gaining o f that understanding which must precede constructive discipline. In a socialized procedure no useful evidence should be excluded from the court. Each relevant fact should be admissible, but we should adhere closely to that body o f the rules o f evidence that applies a test to truth. Hearsay, in competent evidence, opinion, gossip, bias, prejudice, trends of hostile neighborhood feeling—all these sources o f error should be ruled out o f the juvenile court as rigidly as from any other court. I f sociali zation o f court procedure means letting down the bars, so that social workers can dispense with good case work or can substitute their fears and prejudices for the presentation o f real evidence, heaven forbid any increase in socialization! N o ; the test o f truth in the juvenile court should be definite, scientific, carefully scrutinized. The second principle in socialization is cooperation. In order to secure the welfare o f a human being it is necessary that he assent. Compulsory uplift is difficult, i f not socially impossible. To the clinic the patient comes because he feels sick, to the court the young person comes because he must. It is the business o f the social worker to make him “ feel sick ” ; that is to say, he should be impressed with the social seriousness o f the situation. The child should be made to feel penitent, but charging him with guilt is not the best way to accomplish this result. Such a course places him on the defensive; it is a challenge, and his mind leaps to the encounter. “ W hat are you charged with, Jim?” asked the matron in a detention home of a small boy. “ Soda water. See? I am charged with soda water. I stole a case of it.” H is flippancy disappeared in court, however, under the following procedure: “ Who earns the living in your home?” “ Mother.” “ H ow ?” “ She scrubs floors, but she is in the hospital now.” “ W ho cooks?” “ My little sister.” “ W hat do you do to help?” “ Nothing.” “ Do you cause them trouble?” “ Y e s ; I steal— some.” There were tears. Your response depends on where you place your emphasis. How change o f emphasis from procedure designed to incriminate and to convict to procedure socialized and aiming at welfare—how this change o f emphasis leads to change in the attitude o f the child is seen nowhere more clearly than in the treatment o f young girl sex offenders. Los Angeles is the honey-pot o f movie-dreaming youth. One girl of eighteen was recently before me on a police complaint of soliciting. She lived in Detroit and had lodged in half a dozen jails en route. Arraigned in the police court of Los Angeles, she was transferred to the juvenile court. She was plainly bored. W ell she knew she could not be convicted of anything more serious than vagrancy. This quiet room, this woman sitting as judge, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 68 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS, these women who sat as clerk, reporter, and bailiff— why, it was all child’s play! “ W h y are you here?” she was asked. “ W ell, they can’t p rove anything on me. No one ever saw me take a cent, and I had my clothes on.” “ You are not accused o f anything here, save that you are a person under the age 6 f 21 with no parental control and in danger of leading ap immoral life, and should the court find it necessary for your protection you can be held until you are 21.” It was a bewildered young person. Gone were the old words to lean on— “ bail,” “ guilty or not guilty,” “ fine,” “ 30 days,” etc .; gone were the smiling policeman, the friendly detectives. She was just a girl, stranded; a prodigal daughter, not a defendant. Yet this court impressed her with the power it had to compel obedience. She told her story. She submitted to discipline. W hat prosecution could not do, cooperation secured in half an hour. Sp, too, in matters pertaining to the custody o f children. Parents accustomed to regard the child as private property are perplexed at a view which places the welfare o f the child first. A girl o f 11 had been neglected at home. Parents—two sets o f step-parents— flanked by the in-laws, flung mutual charges ranging from blas phemy to incest. “ This is not a domestic arena,” they were told, “ only one issue is here to-day—what can you suggest for the welfare o f this child?” When it was made clear to them that the child her self had the paramount right, that parental selfishness must give way, their attitude changed gradually and instead o f demanding a property right they agreed that none o f them were fit to have her. A third principle in socialization is the dynamic idea back o f the juvenile court. In legal action the sentence, or judgment, is final. The game is lost or won; the finality o f doomsday is not more ir revocable. But the juvenile court’s decisions are like youth itself, capable o f being modified, meeting each to-morrow afresh, adjusting perpetually to life. The courts have held unfitness temporary. What does that mean ? It means eternal chance for the erring parent; it means reconstructed lives. Jennie, a girl of 23, formerly a ward of the juvenile court, was married to a soldier and was the mother of a 3-year-old boy. The husband had sought unsuc cessfully in the divorce court and in the criminal court to deprive her of the custody of the child on the ground of her unfitness. Nothing could be proved against this mother, and yet one look at the child— thin and pale, with sad eyes— supported the belief that he needed care. The matter came into the juvenile court. Jennie resisted any attempt to incriminate her. “ Y ou r child— has he had a chance? ”— not the question, had she been guilty of misconduct, but, “ Your little boy, is he all right? ” Brushing aside her attorney, “ No, n o ; I have neglected him.” Then followed her statement of her unfitness, with a plea for a chance to prove fitness. In six months she had won back her baby, whom she had given up voluntarily. She had cooperated in a plan of con structive child welfare. A fatal blow to socialization, however, is the attempt to use evidence secured in the juvenile court as the basis o f other legal action. Jen nie’s husband, after her rehabilitation, tried to use her statements Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 69 made in the juvenile court as evidence against her in the divorce ~court. He was unsuccessful. Twenty-seven ijStates11 have safe guarding provisions against using evidence gained in the juvenile court against the child in other proceedings. But this protection should be extended to parents who in good faith, for the purposes of child welfare, give evidence against themselves. Is the concept o f socialization antagonistic to legal principles ? What is law ? In a discussion o f this matter reviewed in the Reports o f the American Bar Association12 the definition o f Blackstone and Austin o f the law as a “ command ” or “ body o f commands ” pro ceeding from the supreme power o f a State is criticized. “ The law is something more than the mere formal rules which have been de clared in constitutions and statutes and applied in precedents. * * * The real social force is made up o f the principles o f the social organism; the expressed laws are but rules o f operation.” Lord Coke, certainly no sympathizer with looseness, said: “ The principles o f natural rights are perfect and immutable, but the con dition o f human law is ever changing and there is nothing in it which can stand forever. Human laws are born, live, and die.” One o f Wendell Phillips’s epigrams was this: “ Ideas strangle statutes.” From an anthropological view— that is to say, from a human view—the law is a culture product o f the human race. Its majesty is derived only from the human spirit, and it is subject to change and growth just as any other organism. This highly complex, apparently adamantine, structure is indeed changing, and if we read aright the spirit o f the times it is changing quite in the spirit o f the modern American fam ily; it is following the lead o f its youngest offspring, the juvenile-court movement. To sum up: Socialization o f the juvenile-court procedure depends on the clear, firm grasp o f the principles o f equity. The court is one o f guardianship, not a penal court. Nothing that the child says can incriminate him in this court, because the object o f the court is his welfare. Socialization involves getting at the whole truth; nothing that is true and relevant should be excluded. Socialization involves cooperation, constructive discipline, and the dynamic con cept as expressed in the principle that an order in this court may be modified as life conditions are modified. The chief obstacles to socialization o f juvenile-court procedure are lingering shreds o f penal terminology and criminal-law usage. Obso lete thinking and unclear thinking are obstacles. Socialization im plies that judges and court officials are to be experts—experts in cientific training and in the art of human relations. 11 Children’s Bureau: A Summary of Juvenile Court Legislation in the United States, by Sophonisba P. Breckenridge and Helen R. Jeter. Bureau publication No. 70, Legal series No. 5. Washington, D. C., 1921, p. 41. » 1902, vol. 25, p. 445. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. G eneral D is c u s s io n . Judge R i c k s . We now have 15 minutes for this topic. I am going to ask Judge Hoffman, o f Cincinnati, to lead off in the discussion. Judge H o f f m a n . I assure you that I agree with all that has been said concerning this phase o f the juvenile-court problem. I don’t want it understood that I hold in any way that we ought not in every way to protect the rights o f the citizen. As it is generally stated, the dearest and tenderest rights o f parents are involved, and can not be ignored. The parents have a.right to be heard in a court before it is determined whether or not their child shall be taken from them. As Judge Waite said, the guardianship may pass from the parent to the State. It was decided in the State of Ohio in two cases that the State has power to stretch forth its arms and have that child under its guardianship and to care for the child. I f the child were injured in the street, if a child were in distress with any ail ment other than that o f delinquency, there would be very little said o f a duty o f an adjudicating court to receive evidence as to whether or not we should aid and assist that particular child. There is, how ever, a slight distinction in reference to delinquency. It is then that we deprive the parents o f the right to look after their child. There fore in all those cases they should be heard. The Supreme Court of the State of Iowa says that if a child be taken— and this was before the juvenile-court act was passed—no one can interfere with the State, so far as the child is concerned; but that the parents would have the right o f a writ o f habeas corpus in order to adjudicate their rights. In that case the court would deter mine what is best for the welfare o f the child. The juvenile-court law came along and said that thereafter it would not be necessary to institute a suit in habeas corpus, but that the rights of the parents would be adjudicated in the juvenile court. And therefore, so far as this law is concerned, I think it proper and right. I state again that you will find the solution, at last, probably resting in the admin istration and in the personnel o f those who administered the law— the socially minded judge will have no difficulty with the law in any way. I am interested more particularly in caring for that great body o f boys and girls in reference to whom there is no question whatever on the part o f the parents or on the part o f the child or upon the part o f the State. We want to care for those children, not send them to institutions—penal institutions—when it is not necessary to do so. Permit me to say a word in reference to just one other point—the statutes relating to contributing to delinquency. I agree with Judge Waite and the others that, so far as those cases are concerned, the defendants are entitled to all the safeguards o f the Constitution and the laws, providing that they may have a trial according to the ordi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENTLE-COURT STANDARDS. 71 nary procedure which prevails in the criminal courts. Our statute provides for cases of contributing to delinquency. And I will say to the judges who have any scruples upon that point that we have never felt that it was an infraction upon the work o f the juvenile court to repose the power of trying those cases in the juvenile court. They are tried separate and apart from all other cases, and we have no difficulty whatever in disposing of them. We have no indictment by the grand jury; an affidavit is filed, and the case is tried upon affidavit and by jury. Felony cases are tried by jury, unless the jury is waived and the case is tried according to the ordinary procedure. Judge R i c k s . I should like to hear a few words from Miss Bartelme, referee o f the juvenile court o f Chicago, on the topic now un der discussion. Miss B a r t e l m e . I don’t know that I have anything to say; I have just been listening this morning and learning a great deal and feel very happy in the thought that our juvenile courts are handled from the standpoint indicated by the judges as they have spoken. So far as the referee is concerned, I do feel that the work is a very individual one, and must necessarily be so. I believe we should all work toward the feeling on the part o f the public that the delinquent girl is just as hopeful a case as the delinquent boy, and that we should not constantly be hearing from the mother and from the officers who are handling the cases: “ O f course, it is such a hope less thing to work with the girl.” It is not at all hopeless if you work aright. Mr. W a l k e r . That was a very splendid paper that we heard from Judge Waite, dealing with procedure, practice, and the other things; but we also have to take into consideration public sentiment. I will say that our real outpost in Philadelphia is the work o f our referees. We hear a great deal said about probation of girls’ cases. Fortu nately, there has been legislation upon the subject in various dis tricts. I wrote to the different jurisdictions where they have a law under which they may use referees, to determine the kind o f practice they may use. You may not realize that in the Philadelphia court 78 per cent— and that is quite a high percentage—of the cases that come under the juvenile court are settled or determined by proba tion officers and referees. Now, if that is so, we must have public sentiment back o f the practice. We have been having the referees in those girls’ and boys’ cases since 1915, and public sentiment seems very much in favor o f it. When we get a lawyer, he comes from the tate courts or police court and wonders what we are doing. We explain the practice, and he asks, “ What are your legal grounds for th is?” “ Oh,” we say, “ we just have a little clause which reads something like this: ‘ It shall not be necessary to detain a child at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. the house o f detention i f in the judgment o f the probation officer, now or hereafter to be appointed under the law, it may be disposed o f otherwise.’ Therefore, we have assumed a very broad judicial determination.’* I don’t know how far it would go if they carried it to the appellate court. However, we have had it for five years. Foi instance, an officer to-day brings in a boy for breaking a window. He is taken before the referee in boys’ cases; the owner of-the place whose window was broken is there. The parents are willing to pay this man for the broken window. It is done right there. The de cision is sent in to the judge, and he approves the action o f the referee. In girls’ cases the practice is quite similar. The referee is practically the outpost in our socialization; and we have public sentiment with us. Judge R i c k s . I want to ask Mrs. Baldwin if she will give us a few minutes’ discussion on this. Mrs. E. F. B a l d w i n , Chairman of the Probation Comrrvittee of the Juvenile Court, San Francisco. I came to listen and to learn. I have been very much pleased to know and to hear what I have heard to-day. There are one or two thoughts that I may be able to give you from the procedure in San Francisco. In regard to the prosecution o f contributing to delinquency o f minors, this informa tion is placed in the hands o f our district attorney, and over a period o f seven years we have secured the cooperation o f the dis trict attorney’s office to such a degree that one o f his deputies is assigned to juvenile-court work exclusively. Also we have a woman deputy from his office located with us, and she has an office in our detention home. She works with the girls and obtains the informa tion necessary. Thus we have the closest cooperation; but coopera tion is not secured by simply asking for it. You have to work for it, and proceed along educational lines, and get the cooperation of your public—get them into the spirit o f the work, so that they under stand what you are trying to do and what your needs are. Another point in cooperation is that with our police department. We have no police assigned to our department, but special meetings are called, and our chief probation officer tells them the problems o f the court. We have helped the police department to prepare blanks to hand to the parents o f boys who may be on the way to the juvenile court— the police are not yet ready to take them up, but the parents are given notice that the boy should be kept at home. I can not say that in all our districts the police cooperate in the spirit o f the juvenile court to the extent o f keeping the boys out o f court by just such neighborhood supervision, but they do so in many of them. We have secured that cooperation by long effort and by educational" methods. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 73 Judge R i c k s . I s Judge Bradford, o f Salt Lake City, here? We will be glad to have a few words from you, Judge Bradford. Hon. C. R. B r a d fo r d , Judge of the Juvenile Court of the Third Judicial District, Salt Lake City, Utah. I am greatly pleased, ladies and gentlemen, to be with you. This is the first opportunity I have had, since becoming judge or becoming connected with the juvenilecourt work in Salt Lake City, to attend any o f your conventions. I have been very much interested, since arriving here, in all o f the papers. I think from what has been said that Utah has a very good juvenile-court law. Utah is divided into eight judicial dis tricts. Each judicial district has a judge and a chief probation officer, and such other probation officers and assistants as are needed. In Salt Lake City we have the chief probation officer, who covers three counties; then Salt Lake City furnishes ar woman probation officer, and Salt Lake County furnishes a man. We have a clerical force in addition to these. Otherwise we work through the police department, sheriff’s forces, town marshals, and all other agencies engaged in matters o f juvenile-court concern, and through school superintendents and school officers. The churches have rendered a very valuable assistance. Some o f them have furnished paid proba tion officers. We have been able to accomplish a great deal through the church officers. One o f the churches o f the State has inaugu rated a policy which has assisted us very materially in dealing with matters o f delinquency and dependency. They have what they call a parents’ class that meets every Sunday morning in the various ward divisions o f the church, and into these classes are invited doctors, lawyers, and experts in all lines. Juvenile-court officers are invited in and rotate through the various wards— o f which in Salt Lake City there are over fifty—to discuss problems that apply not only to delinquency but to welfare, dependency, etc., o f children. A woman who is engaged in civic welfare explains the particular value o f foods, the doctors cover medical matters, and the lawyers the law; and we find that these classes have been very effective in accomplishing a great deal o f good. Mr. P a r s o n s . The conference has been asked to name a committee or to suggest to Miss Lathrop a committee of twelve persons, to be appointed by the Federal Children’s Bureau as a committee on standardization o f juvenile courts. It was decided last night that ,jthese twelve persons should be chosen by the committee on children’s courts, a standing committee o f the National Probation Association. I am going to ask that the members o f the committee on children’s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 74 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. courts who are here meet immediately at the close o f this session in the anteroom near the registration desk. The members o f that com mittee are Judge Frederick P. Cabot, Charles L. Chute, Bernard J. Fagan, Dr. H. H. Hart, Joseph L. Moss, Rev. John O’Grady, Herbert C. Parsons, Judge James Hoge Ricks, Judge Kathryn Sellers, and Arthur W . Towne. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THIRD SESSION—JUNE AFTERNOON. H e r b e r t C. P a r s o n s , President of the National Probation Association, Boston, Mass. Chairman: Hon. Mr. P a r s o n s . The program for the session this afternoon includes, first, the question, How Can a Program for Physical and Mental Examinations be Applied in Small Cities or Rural Communities? Then there are two other subjects, Adjusting Treatment to Individual Needs and The Scope o f Work o f a Committee on Juvenile-Court Standards—the consummation o f the entire discussion which we have had in the sessions jointly held by the National Probation Association and the Children’s Bureau. Opportunity will be given for general discussion at the close o f the reading o f each paper. For the discussion o f “ How Can a Program for Physical and M e » tal Examinations be Applied in Small Cities or Rural Communities? ” I have the pleasure o f presenting to you the director of the division o f child welfare, State board o f charities and public welfare of North Carolina, Mrs. Clarence A. Johnson. THE ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY JUVENILE COURTS IN A RURAL STATE. Mrs. C l a r e n c e A . J o h n s o n ,1 D irec to r o f th e D ivisio n o f Child W e lfa r e o f th e N orth Carolina S ta te B oa rd o f C harities and P ublic W e lfa r e. North Carolina has gone seriously and thoughtfully into the prob lem o f caring for her dependent, neglected, and delinquent children through the promotion o f a State-wide program o f child welfare, planned for the protection and care o f this class o f her population. This program is the result o f the establishment o f certain adminis trative agencies and the provision for adequate legal authority con sequent on social legislation enacted in 1917 and supplemented in 1919. The general assemblies o f these years reorganized the old board o f charities, serving in an advisory capacity, into the present board of charities and public welfare, with executive authority, and pro vided for county boards o f public welfare, county superintendents o f public welfare, and county juvenile courts. The county juvenile court, with the superintendent o f public wel fare acting as chief probation officer, provides a necessary part of 1Now commissioner of public welfare. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75 76 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. the machinery for the promotion o f the child-welfare program. In this article I have been asked to discuss the organization o f these county courts, particularly from a rural viewpoint, and to emphasize what may reasonably be expected in the way of providing physical and mental examinations o f children who come under the supervision o f the court. I f it is advisable to consider the necessity for juvenile courts in rural Communities and to test their efficiency from a more or less rural point o f view, North Carolina presents a situation that should be in teresting and illuminating. It is distinctly a rural State, for the largest city has a population o f 48,000, and there are only seven towns that could be considered small cities—that is, with popula tions o f between 25,000 and 50,000. Sixty o f the one hundred counties have no town with as many as 500 people. Seventy-nine out o f every hundred people in North Carolina live in the open country, and peo ple engaged in farming outnumber 2 to 1 those engaged in all other occupations. Three counties have no railroads, and only a small part o f seven other counties have railroad service. Offsetting these ap parent handicaps to any plan calling for a State-wide organization are two most helpful conditions in the governmental and racial situ ation. The county is the unit o f work in any State-wide plan; the county officials are the powers that be. And there is a stable, allAmerican population with less than half o f 1 per cent o f the people foreign born. This information is necessary in order to make clear the back ground for juvenile-court work in North Carolina as it is being or ganized at the present time, and a brief review o f the methods of handling juvenile delinquents and dependents prior to 1917. We find that delinquent children were tried under the criminal code, fre quently held in jails, sentenced to chain gangs, and occasionally to the penitentiary. There was but one institution for juvenile delinquents, a reformatory for white boys to which children were sent by court commitment. Dependent children were charges o f the county clerks o f the courts. One child-placing society and nineteen orphanages, which received children largely through surrender, were available for caring for the dependent child. These same clerks o f the courts—o f which there are 100, one in each county of North Carolina—are now by virtue o f their office re quired by the juvenile-court act o f 1917 to act as judges o f the juvenile court, which has jurisdiction over dependent, neglected, and de linquent children under 16 years of age. There is no choice in the matter, so far as the clerk himself is concerned; if he is clerk o f the superior court in his county he is judge o f the juvenile court and must accept the obligations this fact entails. Compensation for his services Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 77 as judge is determined by the board o f county commissioners. Towns o f 10,000 inhabitants or more must maintain a juvenile court separate from the county, with a judge appointed by the goveriiing bodies of ' such cities, unless arrangements are made with the county com missioners whereby the city and county maintain a juvenile court at joint expense. Towns o f more than 5,000 may, if advisable, set up and maintain a separate juvenile court.2 Taking into consideration the fact that clerks o f the court in North Carolina have always had certain responsibilities in regard to de pendent children, the present law seems the natural result o f a process o f social development; nevertheless, the legislature o f 1917 gave these clerks of the courts a big order to fill when they imposed upon them their present responsibility, with little previous experience to help them and no equipment other than an office in the county courthouse. The county superintendent o f public welfare, whose appointment was provided for by the same legislature, acts as chief probation offi cer for the county and chief school-attendance officer, and is responsible for the enforcement o f the child-labor law. While it would seem that any one o f these three enumerated duties would provide sufficient responsibility for one executive officer, combining them under one head has proved advantageous to the children in many ways, as it has brought under the supervision o f the superintendent o f public 'welfare and the county juvenile courts many children whom these agencies would not otherwise have reached. As a result o f the past two years’ experience, it is evident that juvenile-court work, schoolattendance work, and child labor are closely related, and we are almost ready to say that it. would be unwise to separate the adminis trative agency responsible for the three. Bear in mind that the majority o f children handled are neglected and dependent rather than delinquent. To those accustomed to dealing with well-organized courts, with their various ramifications and correlative social agencies, North Carolina methods will seem crude and elementary. On the other hand, the encouraging thing is the fact that the problems o f the juvenile delinquent and dependent are receiving more and more thoughtful consideration, the public is being educated; and as the juvenile court becomes a popular county institution, court officials can hope to improve gradually the quality and thoroughness o f the work and to acquire equipment in the way o f detention homes, more trained probation officers, and clinical facilities. Flexner and Baldwin, in Juvenile Courts and Probation,3 suggest le requirements o f a court organized on sound principles. These *N. C. Laws 1919, ch. 97. * See Flexner, Bernard, and Baldwin, Roger N. : Juvenile Court» and Probation. Century Co., New York, 1914, p. ix. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Thè 78 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. principles I will discuss in relation to the county juvenile courts in North Carolina, as the best means o f showing what is being done. (1) The proceedings must not be criminal, as under the criminal law, but civil, as found in the chancery or equity practice. The law establishing juvenile courts in North Carolina answers this require ment. (2) The court must be presided over by a judge with a sufficiently long tenure of office to become thoroughly familiar with the work. The judges o f the North Carolina juvenile courts have been discussed to some extent in this paper, and the statement has been made that few, if any, o f them had any experience in this line before taking up the work in 1917. They have probably done as well as, or better than, any unit o f 100 men holding public office who could have been selected. It must also be considered that they are elected clerks of the courts with no emphasis on the fact that they must serve as judges o f the juvenile courts and no requirement that qualifications for this office shall be considered in their selection. Quite a number could be mentioned who, on account o f their personality, sincerity o f purpose, and intelligent way o f dealing with the children, are doing fine constructive work. The pity o f it is that the clerk o f the court is one o f the busiest o f county officials, and even though he has the interest o f the juvenile-court work at heart, the time he can give toit is necessarily limited. (3) When children are detained it must not be in a jail, but in an entirely separate place of detention. The court system at every point must protect and educate the children w ith’whom the court deals. In carrying out this requirement the juvenile-court work has been seriously handicapped; there are practically no detention homes available in the State, and as substitutes county homes, jails, and any usable quarters have been taken advantage o f when temporary care o f the child away from his home is necessary or when he has no home. In one town where the juvenile court is getting under way splendidly, regardless o f handicaps, several rooms in the city administration building have been set apart as detention rooms for white boys. Said the superintendent o f public welfare, when the writer visited his office recently : “ This is too lonesome a place for kids to stay in by themselves, so when I have to keep them here I sleep on this cot in the hall outside the door o f the detention rooms.” Detention under these circumstances can not be for observational or educational purposes and is justifiable only as a recourse in cases o f necessity. The need for detention homes would seem to be so obvious that the indispensable financial support for their establishment would db forthcoming. In our two years’ experience that has not been thè case, partly as a result o f the depressed financial condition and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 79 inclination o f governing bodies to retrench whenever possible. Con sequently there is a very decided feeling on the part o f the juvenilecourt officials that with the establishment o f county courts detention homes should be made mandatory. (4) There must be a sufficient number of 'probation officers, paid out of the public treasury, appointed on merit and because of pecu liar qualifications for the work. A limited number of volunteer probation officers may be utilized, assuming as a matter of course that their work is supervised by paid officers and that they are held to a strict accountability for their probationers. Needless to say, the probation work is insufficient and limited in its scope. In many counties the superintendent o f public welfare has no assistant. He or she, as the case may be, is responsible for the entire field o f work and has not the time to develop personal relationships with the pro bationers or to supervise them as carefully as is requisite for con structive educational probation work. The volunteer probation o f ficers have the opportunity o f doing really more intensive work than the paid superintendents, for they usually take one probationer and devote all their efforts to him. (5) The probation office must be conducted in a systematic and businesslike manner, so as to insure efficient treatment of each indi vidual case. This system and efficiency depends upon the training and ability o f the superintendent or the officer in charge. In addi tion, there must be certain facilities for giving the child proper physi cal and mental care; for regardless o f how thoroughly the court is convinced o f the necessity for such care, unless the proper agencies are available knowledge is practically useless. In those counties having health departments organized under the direction of, or working under a cooperative agreement with, the State board of health, physical examination and follow-up treatment o f the child is always to be had. The health officer has his office in the county courthouse, where the juvenile court is conducted; and if there is a county clinic it is usually in or near the courthouse, so that physical care o f the child is immediately available. Citation o f an illustrative case, recently handled by a juvenile court in a county whose largest town numbers less than four thousand, may be interesting : A man with his four children was summoned before the juvenile court, charged with violating the school-attendance law and with neglect. An examination of the children by the health officer disclosed the fact that two o f them had goiter, one an infected limb, and all were undernourished. Further investiga tion proved the father morally and mentally unfit to care for the children. A foster home was found for them and the father ordered to pay a small amount from his limited wages for their support. In the meantime, all the children were under treatment by the health officer, and the boy with the infected limb had an operation in the county hospital. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. This county hospital, incidentally, was established partly as a result o f the work o f the county superintendent o f public welfare,as he was able to prove the need for such an institution by the deplor able physical conditions found in both his adult and his juvenile cases. In this same county, through the cooperation o f the State board o f health, the county health officer, and the superintendent of public welfare, 125 children had tonsils and adenoids removed. At the time this was done there were no hospital or clinical facilities in the county, and since many of the children came from remote mountain homes where there were no sanitary conveniences, it was necessary to outfit an emergency hospital. The room selected for it was in the courthouse— a room where dust and trash had accumu lated since the Civil War, but which was cleaned and scrubbed and fumigated by a committee from the woman’s club cooperating with the board o f public welfare. Here the children were first examined for defects and later operated on. An excerpt from the report of the superintendent o f public wel fare o f the largest town in the State says: W e have access to the city venereal clinic, where examinations are made and daily treatments are given. W e have access to the city tuberculosis clinic and the office of the county physician. In addition to the public health officers and clinics of the city and county, the offices of practically all our specialists are open to our court without charge, examinations are made, operations ¿re per formed, and treatment given in numerous cases. In counties having no whole-time health officer, superintendents of public welfare may act in lieu o f the health officer, in arranging for both dental and tonsil and adenoid clinics, and the State board of health will supply the entire personnel for these clinics, including nurses, operators, anesthetists, etc., and furnish equipment for em ergency hospitals. In several counties, the superintendents o f public welfare, acting as probation officers and as school attendance officers, have been brought to see the need o f such clinics, and have taken the initiative in arranging for them. In many instances they have first to persuade the parents to allow the children to come to the clinics. Facilities for giving children mental examinations or for studying the exceptional or problematical child are lacking, greatly to thè restriction of the usefulness o f the juvenile-court work. The State Training School for Mental Defectives and the Central Hospital for the Insane have had out-patient clinics for the benefit o f the juvenile courts ; but since both o f these institutions are overcrowded, it has not been possible to leave children at either place for observation for any length o f time—which limits the usefulness o f the work. The State board o f welfare is conscious of the great need for really adequate means o f giving mental examinations and psychiatric treatment to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. ^numbers o f children, and in cooperation with the two institutions mentioned is working out a plan to develop and enlarge the scope o f their out-patient clinics. This plan will entail a program o f institu tional extension service, thereby carrying clinical facilities for mental examination to the courts instead of having patients brought for that purpose to the institutions. G eneral D is c u s s io n . Mr. P a r s o n s . Mrs. Johnson’s story o f the development o f the work m North Carolina gives us a good basis for discussion—perhaps there must be a confession o f comparative failure in other States which are without any corresponding development o f facilities for the study of cases mentally and physically in connection with the juvenile-court work. It moves us all to great admiration that North Carolina is able to tell a story of such accomplishment within a relatively short peno4 o f time. Now, the purpose o f the discussion is, as you will see, to lead to suggestions as to how a program o f mental and physical examination can be put across in relatively rural communities. j R^lph S- Barrow, State Superintendent, Alabama Children's Aid ociety. What we have done in Alabama is only a very modest beinning in applying health and mental standards to the rural coun ties of the State. I can hardly say that we have even made a be ginning. We have in Alabama a problem similar to the problem that has just been presented to you from North Carolina, because our State I think, is in a way a replica of North Carolina. We have only a few large towns. Ours is, as a whole, a rural State, mostly agricul tural, and we have in Alabama the same difficulty in applying any sort o f mental and physical standards to our children in the rural communities. The plan o f Alabama is in one or two ways dissimilar to that of North Carolina. We have machinery something like their ma chinery— a machine with a State department over it, and then with the county unit; but the county unit is not a piece o f mandatory machinery. It is a machine that is ready to be brought into motion on the responsibility and urging o f the county itself. To-day I be lieve that only seven o f our counties have been organized to meet the responsibility that has been given to them and the opportunity that has been given to them by this piece of State machinery. An each one o f our counties we have given the job o f the juvenile iurt over to our probate judge rather than to the clerk, who was mentioned as the one who has the responsibility in North Carolina; and then we have centered our board o f public welfare—correspond77504°—22-----6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 82 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. ing somewhat to the one that has been described— around this juveA nile court, and we have called it a juvenile-court advisory board for that county. This juvenile advisory board is brought into being in any one o f the counties, as I have said, when the county feels that it is ready to carry forward the program on an earnest basis, and it is the job o f the State department of child welfare to spread the educa tion, to create the sentiment, and to strike into being these county units. When I have said that only seven counties are organized, you may know just how little o f the way we have proceeded—not only with the particular topic that is up for discussion now, but with all the provisions for child welfare that are contemplated in the ma chinery that we have there lying dormant. I don’t know that I can give anything showing that we have gone any distance at all along the road, except in these seven counties. Alabama’s machine was only created two years ago, and you people know better than I do that it takes two years at least to get under way. It took almost a year to get our State department, which is represented by Mrs. Bush, really organized, and with a staff that she could depend on. And that staff is not yet complete. We haven’t yet in Alabama the man that we feel can get to the heart o f the prob lem and organize these juvenile courts so that they will do the work and really begin to plow up the field. W e haven’t the man that w feel can fill that place, and we are still looking for him. I think I should say that for the child-welfare department o f the State. The work in which I am serving is the work o f the private chil dren’s aid society, which is doing the child-care job. As the juvenile courts in the. counties develop their work and reveal the children who should be cared for, outside of their own home, they are given to the care of the Alabama Children’s A id Society, as the Statewide child-caring agency, and the Alabama Children’s A id Society is pioneering in the field o f home-finding and child-placing in Alabama. Heretofore all o f the permanent custodial care in Alabama was done by our orphanages, but we are getting away from that old-time and rather rigid form o f care into the newer and more adjustable, and__as you all agree—more forward-looking form o f care in family homes. Mr. A n t l e s . I have been listening with very much interest to the discussion o f the papers, and to the papers themselves, but they seem more than anything else to take in congested districts. I come from a district that is very widely scattered, and .it is necessary for us to use very crude means in order to gather the information needed i our juvenile court and in our child-welfare work. Under a recent law passed by our legislature it is necessary for all children o f school age in our State o f Nebraska to be given a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 83 physical examination each year. The law, peculiarly enough, says the school-teacher must make the physical examination—you may laugh about that if you want to—that is what it is. I am not here to praise our State for the things she has done, but I am here to get ideas to take back home and see i f we can not do better. I have an idea that some o f you folks are laughing at Nebraska for requiring that, when you have no physical examination whatever o f the many thousands o f your children in your own home State. Cooperation in our State is the only watchword that we have for doing the little work that we are able to do along these lines, and in order to get that done we must cooperate with the health bureau, with the child-welfare bureau, with the division o f child hygiene, and with the State super intendent o f education. We must all work together or we can not get anywhere. We started out last year. We must have the physical examination o f these children. We must know for propaganda purposes the exact situation of the chil dren in the State so far as their physical and mental conditions are concerned, and also their playground conditions. W e therefore co operated with the State superintendent o f education in order to get him to send out a circular letter to each teacher in the State so that we might get back the necessary information. The letter from the State superintendent went to a great number o f teachers, and we were able to get back about 40 per cent o f answers to the questionnaire. Thus we have the necessary propaganda material to place before the next legislature in order to get more funds to carry on our work. We found out the number o f mentally defective school children among those examined by the teachers. O f course, the teachers can not tell much abodt it, that is true, but they can tell something. I f a child has adenoids so that he can scarcely talk, or has throat trouble so that he can not swallow, or if he can not hear or see they know there is something wrong, and they send that information. Therefore we are trying to cooperate to get physical and mental ex aminations started. The propaganda was pretty good, for the last legislature gave us quite a boost in the line o f supplying us with things we really need. We were able to secure a considerable increase in our budget for the child-welfare work o f the State; we were able to get a considerable increase in our budget for the health of chil dren in the State; we were able to secure a director o f child hygiene, which we never had before. So I think cooperation spells success. Cooperation is the watchword that will spell success if you will work in your community and inform your community, especially in "Widely scattered territory; you have to cooperate where a great ter ritory must be covered—cooperate with the health bureau, the childwelfare bureau, the vital-statistics bureau, the hygiene bureau, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. everything else that you have in the State. Get them all to sing the praises o f child-welfare work and probation work, and you will g et. along a good deal better. G. C r o f t W i l l i a m s , Secretary State Board of Public Welfare, South Carolina. It was very interesting to hear Mrs. Johnson tell about the work in North Carolina, a sister State of ours. I am going to take the liberty o f breaking this discussion just long enough to tell a little story, and I am sure that you will appreciate it. Many years ago, when it was undecided .where the boundary line was between North and South Carolina, the governors had appointed a commission to survey that line. Before the line was run there was an old lady who was very' fond o f her North Carolina home. She had paid taxes all of her life to North Carolina and considered her self a North Carolinian, but when the survey was made the line was run north o f her home and she was placed in South Carolina, and she said: “ Oh, Lawd, I can not live down there, it is too unhealthy.” In South Carolina our probate judges are our juvenile judges. I think if you are going to use any judge as a juvenile judge other than a judge that does juvenile work alone the best judge would be the probate judge. He does, not come fresh from a criminal court. He does not have the idea o f the recorder to get as many as possible into the toils o f the law. He comes there with an idea o f protecting women and children, as the probate court was organized to do. In South Carolina all our probate courts are juvenile courts. The consequence is we have gotten very good results, so far as the courts are concerned. I know that a great many o f our juvenile judges hold that the judge is nine-tenths o f the court and that the social worker is one-tenth. It is natural for the juvenile judge to feel that way, but it seems to me that in a good juvenile court the judge is one-tenth o f the court and the social workers nine-tenths, because we are looking at treatment and not at administration. So now in our State the great trouble is not that the judges do pretty much as they desire to do, but it is to get adequate social help. In the city o f Charleston we have a juvenile commission supported by the city. This commission has done remarkable work in looking after the children and when necessary in carrying them through the juvenile court. We found out that these probate judges stay year ,after year in their offices. They are elected, and they are willing to take advice, because the juvenile work carries them into a field that they are not familiar with. You take the ordinary judge, he is never conscious of being fallible—he is an infallible creature—you can never advise him. That is the ordinary judge. Now, the probate judge is open to advice. When it comes to the handling of children—he was not elected to do that—he does not feel especially qualified to do it and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 85 is usually open to all kinds o f training. And we have gotten very good results from our probate judges—much better results than we expected to get. When it comes to the physical and mental handling o f the chil dren we have to do that largely from the center. I mean that when it comes to the handling o f the psychological examination and things like that they have to be carried on by our central office. W e do all the child-placing in the State, and we also control all o f the State juvenile institutions, besides having the supervision o f all delin quent, dependent, and defective children in the State. We also have to license annually all child-caring institutions and all charitable institutions in the State. By that means we in South Carolina are able, without any very strong local organization—we need strong local organization—to carry on some kind o f a program for the betterment o f children, and thus far we have done quite a bit for children. I am sure that we have helped child life on a great deal. We have had a great deal to contend with, a great deal of inertia, a good deal o f igno rance, but with all that the steps that we have taken have proved of great assistance. Our State is largely a rural State; 72 per cent o f our population is rural. We have only two cities o f over 25,000 inhabitants and only about four cities o f over 20,000 inhabitants. So we have got along as best we could, and our probate-judge system has proved so useful that recently, when we wanted to set up, i f possible, a more effective system, we decided that we would put work on the probation office and on social workers, rather than make changes in the system o f probate-court judges. E l m e r S c o t t , Executive Secretary, Civic Federation, of Dallas, Tex. I am going to refer you to the United States census and to a map o f the United States for our size, population, and statistics. I am going to speak specifically for a moment on the subject o f juvenile courts, not as a judge nor as a probation officer, but simply as a layman and citizen, and if I use any language that is untechnical, please over look it, because I don’t know the language. The question is : How can the program for physical and mental examination be applied in small cities and rural communities? Now I am assuming when you speak o f a rural community that it includes the county as a unit, because if there is no city o f any magnitude in a district where there is a juvenile court, if there is such a situation, then the rural community would be the county as a whole. In Dallas we sought two years ago to develop a psychopathic clinic m conjunction with the juvenile court, and we did it, not as a definite proposition, but as an experiment. An organization that had some little vision persuaded the judge and the commissioners that it might Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. be established for three months for the purpose o f experimenting. Experimentation was carried on in this w ay: We had, fortunately, in Texas a very excellent psychologist at the Girls’ Industrial Training School, who came down to Dallas once a week. We also had two or three men who were competent in mental diseases and who gave their services once a week. Clinics were carried on two or three months, to the intense satisfaction o f the juvenile court and the pro bation officers, who without exception looked forward to having the thing financed so it would be permanent. And then came a thunder storm between the county judge and the county commissioner, and there wasn’t any possibility o f getting anything across with the county commissioners and police department. But we did not give/up. Just because we were blown up, we came down and lit on our feet. Now, what was the result? After the storm came an earthquake. The earthquake was the decease o f the county judge who was in favor o f this clinic, and then came the election o f the same county commis sioners. They did not care whether the clinic was put in or not. But I want to telj you something that will interest you. I think that one fault o f social workers is to think that social vision does not exist when it is really only quiescent; in other words, there is social vision, but not social understanding, and the thing is to arouse that social vision into a social understanding; and out o f the social understand ing comes a belief in social method. It is simply a sequence or process in the nonsocial mind—not antisocial mind; and I think we call political officers frequently antisocial when they are nonsocial. The fine thing after all is that to-day the very person who did the psychological work in connection with that experimental clinic two years ago is the head o f the record division in the juvenile court, in the probation office. And we believe this—that if we want to get any program that carries with it the need o f a new social method, the basis o f that program is an accurate record o f things, as best you can get them. And therefore we are laying the foundation in the juvenile court—I simply as a layman on the outside, a sort of, father adviser—and we are making records in the juvenile court to the end that there will be a social vision and social awakening as to the nature o f these things. I want to tell you this, that within four months from to-day the record system that is being put in skillfully and scientifically, and with the initiative o f this apparently nonsocial county judge, is going to prove the necessity o f the very thing that we experimented with two years ago and feel we fell down on. That is what I mean.^~T believe it is an educational process; I believe it is a process o f goin about the matter sincerely, patiently, and actively and not superim posing some new, high-brow stuff on a lot o f people who have no more conception o f what psychopathy is than I have, perhaps. In other Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 87 words, you can go down to your cook and you can say to her that you want the culinary department to be taken care of—and she will look at you in blank amazement. But if you tell her you want the cooking well done, she understands you perfectly well. So we have to do it that way in connection with psychopathy. Mr. P a r s o n s . It is perfectly evident that you can call upon this gathering o f people at random and get something worth while. I wish we could go on with the discussion in this matter. I don’t like to leave you with the idea that down South is the only outdoors coun try. There are rural sections o f some other States besides North and South Carolina and Texas and the States lying between them, but we haven’t time to discuss the topic any further. We are now to turn to the general topic o f adjusting treatment to individual needs. I personally had the satisfaction and education a few weeks ago to deliberately, and I think quite thoroughly, ex amine the work that was done in the Philadelphia municipal court, under Dr. Robinson’s direction. From that experience and observa tion I am ready to say I don’t believe there is anybody better fitted at this moment to speak from the standpoint o f his own experience in an administrative capacity in organization than is Dr. Robinson on this matter o f the individual application of treatment, the treat ment o f the individual need. A D J U S T IN G T R E A T M E N T T O I N D I V I D U A L N E E D S . Louis N . R o b in s o n , P h . D m C h ief P roba tion Officer o f the M unicipal C ourt o f Philadelphia, Pa. With its usual understanding of the perplexities as well as the peculiarities o f speakers, the Federal Children’s Bureau outlined my address quite thoroughly, leaving to me merely the filling in o f details. Summarizing the advice of the bureau, I find that I am called upon to speak on three topics: ( a) The organization o f a pro bation staff, ( b ) the handling o f cases by the probation staff, and (<?) institutional facilities which are needed by a juvenile court to sup plement the work o f its probation staff. It should be recognized at the outset that, with reference to each o f these three topics, “ circumstances alter cases.” Among some of the conditioning “ circumstances ” are the number o f cases that come before the court, the extent to which the court allows the probation staff to assist in the handling o f cases, whether the juvenile court is part of a larger court handling other family problems (as does the ^Municipal Court o f Philadelphia), the development o f private phil/ anthropic child agencies, and the general atmosphere o f the court itself—whether, for example, it is striving earnestly to develop its Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. technique and to make old laws work in new ways, or whether it is content merely to do what under the law it is compelled to do. As just one example o f many that might be adduced, illustrating in this instance the effect of the size o f the court on the organization o f the probation staff, let us consider for a moment the position o f the chief probation officer. The various kinds o f work that may fall on a probation staff may be roughly grouped as follow s: A. I n s id e w ork— (1 ) ta k in g o f complaints in delinquency and neglected child cases and of requests for relief in dependency cases. (2) Planning for the disposal o f the cases. (3 ) Sifting out o f cases fo r the court. (4) Presenting o f cases to the court. (5 ) Supervision of the work o f probation officers, including the reading of records. (6 ) Maintaining relations with outside agencies and institutions. (7 ) The preparation of a report. (8 ) Planning forms and records for use o f staff. B. F ie l d w obk. (1 ) Investigation o f cases, including medical and psychological work. (2 ) Adjusting complaints in the field. (3 ) Supervision of cases on probation. In a small court the chief probation officer, aside from his title and pay may have no different function to perform than that o f the ordinary probation officer, most or at least a large part of the tasks men tioned under the heading “ inside work ” being carried on by the judge himself. On the other hand, in a larger court the judge may find his time fully taken up in hearing cases and in rendering deci sions thereon, leaving to the probation officer all the inside duties. In the latter case we must distinguish between that form of organi zation in which the chief probation officer is the only office official, aside from stenographers and clerks, carrying all the tasks that I have designated as inside jobs, and that other form o f organization where a staff o f office assistants, supervisors, complaint clerks, ref erees, court representatives, statisticians, etc., has been built up to relieve the chief probation officer o f much o f the detail o f adminis tration. In a court having jurisdiction over many kinds of cases— such as domestic relations, streetwalkers, misdemeanants, and cer tain classes of felonies—as does the municipal court o f Philadelphia, the chief probation officer of the entire court must o f necessity assume a part o f the duties which in a separate juvenile court would be borne by the chief probation officer o f the juvenile court aloner Manifestly, one can see from a discussion o f the varying position of the chief probation officer alone that it would be impossible in a paper Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 89 o f this length to discuss in any detail the topics which I have been , asked to take up. I shall therefore limit my paper to a discussion of a few o f the problems o f organization, work, and institutional needs. ' The organization of a probation staff.—In organizing a probation staff, it has seemed to me that the charity organization societies have many features which might well be copied in toto. I believe that the principle o f one worker carrying the case from the beginning is a good one, and therefore I disapprove o f dividing the staff into investi gating and supervising groups. Even in cases o f neglect, where this separation is especially urged, there seems to be no good reason for it, as the probation officer is usually looked upon as an impartial third person who will listen to both sides. However, unless the court sits each day, and it is possible to develop each probation officer to the point where he can present a case clearly and concisely to the court, it is doubtful i f this principle can be entirely adhered to when it comes to bringing the cases before the court. It may well be that some one person, either the chief probation officer or some probation officer especially well equipped for the work should take upon his shoulders the task o f preparing a summary o f the case, and of han dling the case in the courtroom'. As a matter o f fact, I believe that private agencies would have better results with their court cases if they would develop an especially equipped representative to present their cases to the court. In our juvenile court all the large placingout agencies for children have representatives present at the court hearings, and those same representatives also make all the contacts with probation officers on individual cases. The principle o f charity organization societies o f careful supervi sion o f the work o f each individual case worker is also a sine qua non o f good probation work, but I doubt whether it is advisable to organ ize local offices. General administrative reasons, contact of super visors with each other arid with the court, and the strictly legal machinery o f the court will probably operate against the setting up o f local offices. But the need for supervisors is not affected by the centralizing o f the offices. The city o f Philadelphia has been divided into five districts, with a supervisor for each district. Each super visor has 10 or 11 probation workers under her. It would probably make for better work if there were more districts and fewer proba tion officers to each supervisor, as our supervisors take the complaints and do much routine administrative work, as well as reading the records. We have taken another leaf out o f the charity organization society’s book and given to each supervisor a stenographer to assist er in keeping track o f the daily work, to take and to answer calls *that come in over the telephone, and to transcribe under the direction o f the supervisor summaries o f cases committed to agencies or insti- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. tutions. This secretary is in addition to the stenographers who take dictation from probation officers. . The work of a probation staff.—While it is customary to speak of the work o f a probation staff as consisting o f the investigating and the supervising o f cases, attention should be called to two other tasks o f genuine importance, namely (a) the taking o f complaints or peti tions in dependency and (&) the working out and recommending of plans to the court for the disposal o f cases. With us the complaints or petitions in dependency now go direct to the five supervisors o f districts. They listen to the stories and decide whether to try to persuade the individual to drop the matter or to refer to another agency, public or private, or to file a petition immediately, or to send a probation officer out to investigate the situation. A ll sorts o f petty complaints come in to the supervisors, many o f which can be settled either by the supervisor in the office or by the probation officer in the field. The case may be one where the parents are responsible people willing to settle for the damage that their child has caused, and capable o f giving to him better over sight now that they know what he is doing. Or the case may be one o f neighborhood quarrels between children, where little blame can be attached to any one child. Sometimes it means referring the case to the bureau o f compulsory education. In dependency cases family relief agencies must be called in to help, since the only remedy that’ the court can offer will mean the placing o f the child or children in a foster home or in an institution. Often purely civil cases come in, and these are promptly referred to the “ small claims division” o f the court. Sometimes it is advisable to bring the case before the referees—four probation officers, two men and two women—who sift out cases daily, sitting at the juvenile house o f detention. Altogether, there is a large amount of work o f this kind, which takes up time and requires a full knowledge o f the social resources of the city, as well as patience and tact. In working out plans to lay before the court for the disposal o f cases, a probation staff may perform a very valuable and time-saving service for a court. Particularly is this true in a court with juris diction over dependency as well as delinquency and neglect cases. For example, the probation officer has time to get in touch with placing-out agencies or with child-caring institutions, and on the basis o f her findings suggests to the court a plan for the placing o f the child which allows for all the contingencies in the case. Or take an example from the delinquent side. In Philadelphia there is a private agency which makes a specialty o f placing difficult childrei Its resources are such that it can handle but few. However, it i decidedly worth while to find out if this agency can find a place for some particular child that is about to come before the court. I f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 91 informed in time an agent o f this society comes to the probation office and the supervisor, probation officer, and agent o f the society go over the case together to determine whether or not the agency can take the child. Or let us take yet another example of a delinquent case. As already indicated, four o f our probation officers, two o f whom are the superintendent and the assistant superintendent of the juvenile house of detention, act as referees, hearing all- arrest cases and disposing o f the minor ones not subject to commitment. Their decisions for discharge or probation are approved automatically by the court. Many other examples might be given o f this kind o f work which can be done by a well-organized probation staff. It may be interesting to note in passing that over seven in every ten cases brought to the attention o f the juvenile division o f the municipal court o f Philadelphia were settled by the probation department with out bringing the cases into court. In 1920 the arrest and complaint cases in juvenile delinquency, neglect, and dependency brought to the attention o f the juvenile division, and which were within the jurisdiction o f the juvenile division and were disposed o f before the close o f the year, numbered 8,757. O f this number, 6,273, or 71.6 per cent, were adjusted before the close o f the year by the probation department. Going back to the problem o f investigation, let us consider first, the problem o f physical and mental examinations. It seems to me that in the case o f delinquent children, we should keep firmly in mind that our main problem is one o f conduct, and that however impor tant it is that the child’s physical well-being be looked after, we must yet remember that the real task which we have to accomplish is to bring about a better adjustment o f the child’s relations to the people about him. Speaking generally, it seems to me that the task is one for the psychiatrist and the psychologist, with incidental help from the regular physician—not the reverse, as sometimes happens. Should all children coming into the court be examined? I would say that all those placed on probation, or likely to be sent to institu tions or to child-placing agencies, should be examined. In our Philadelphia court, all who go to institutions or to agencies are ex amined, and a medical report accompanies each child to the institu tion or the agency.' I believe that there is entirely too much “ doctor in g ” o f children by probation officers on the basis of inadequate diagnosis. In supervising a child on probation, the probation officer is dealing with the most complex thing in existence—a child’s per sonality— and I frankly do not believe that most probation officers are adequately equipped to do this supervising wisely or well. Ideally, there should be, first, a social investigation; second, a mental examination, with the examiner conversant with all the facts learned by the probation officer, rather than sitting along with the judge and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. having his first look at the child in court; third, a physical examina tion ; and, fourth, a conference o f all concerned, with the supervisor and chief probation officer sitting in. Only then should the proba tion officer begin his or her task. To rush into a home and tell the mother that Johnny must now behave because he is on probation, and to run in again in a week or in a month to see i f Johnny is still holding his-own, is a procedure about as capable o f accomplishing wished-for results as setting a pick and shovel man to repair a Swiss watch. I realize that we must be patient and grow into good work; that psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, and good probation officers are not to be had for the asking, and that the public is not yet educated to an understanding o f the task which it has begun. And i f it were not for the fact that the human animal has already stood the shock o f all kind o f experimenting during the centuries o f life on this planet, I would, I fear, lie awake nights trembling over the young lives that might be ruined by well-meant efforts of proba tion officers. I f we are to do good work, the instruction and educa tion o f probation officers must never cease. In Philadelphia we are doing something along this line. We have regular monthly lectures by noted men to all the probation officers, and each district has held several meetings with the physicians and psychiatrists in charge o f the medical work o f the court. In supervising cases placed on probation, I think it is essential to realize how slight after all is, and must be, the contact between pro bationer and probation officer. A visit a week is perhaps as much as we can ordinarily expect. Supposing that to last twenty minutes or even an hour, what is 1 hour in 24, or rather in 168, when other in fluences are beating in on the child constantly all the remaining hours o f the week. A friend o f mine to whom I made this remark replied. Yes, that is so; but the influences that can be set in mo tion by the probation officer during the one brief visit a week may be far-reaching and produce an effect throughout the week, not for the one hour only. What about clubs which may be opened to the boy? Schools that can be told how to assist? Parents who may be advised how with the child? And all the other agencies that can be called upon for aid in the cause o f better boyhood and girlh ood?” I admit the possibilities; but I insist that this is a much more delicate and subtle task than it has usually been admitted to be, and should be undertaken only after the most careful diagno sis o f the child and his surroundings. I f this work could be accom plished in a routine fashion by routine people, if there were always agencies capable o f helping a child, i f good influences in general were so easily marshaled, then we ought to be thoroughly ashamed o f ourselves for having a juvenile court and all its paraphernalia at all. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 93 Except in plain cases o f feeble-mindedness and insanity and where home conditions are impossible o f improvement, I feel that it is right to give every child a chance on probation, although, o f course, if there were institutions made to fit the various types o f children, I would probably wish to modify this statement. For example, if, when summer time came and the schools closed Boy Scout camps could be opened for the boys who get into trouble, it might be best not to place the boy on probation at all but to send him to the camp. I f camp life is good for the rich boy, I can see no reason why we should not approve o f it for the poor— for it is usually the poorer classes o f children who come before the courts. In Philadelphia practically all children, with the exception o f those noted, are given an opportunity to make good on probation before being sent to an institution or turned over to a child-placing agency. One other ques tion in regard to supervision o f children on probation: Who is to do the medical work which is necessary? In my opinion, it should be part o f the task o f the probation officer to carry out the instructions o f the examining physician. An additional worker usually makes trouble, often giving contrary advice to that which the probation officer gives, and making arrangements for the child which conflict with those o f the regular probation officer having the case under ■supervision. Parodying the English slogan o f some years ago, “ One man, one vote,” it would be well to put on our banner the watch word, “ One child, one case worker.” W ith the exception o f prenatal work and that with tuberculosis and venereal diseases, for which we have special facilities, the medical work in our court is attended to by the regular probation officers, who report, however, to the medical department what they have accomplished. Institutional needs.—A probation staff, even though large and well organized, does not do away with the necessity o f institutions to round out the work o f a juvenile court. What should be the institutional facilities at the disposal o f a juvenile court? I would say, first, a detention house. We are all agreed that children who come before a juvenile court ought never to be held in jail. The Boston court over which Judge Cabot pre sides is admirably served by the Children’s A id Society, but Suffolk County as a whole still suffers from the lack o f adequate detention facilities for children. Considering the development o f private philanthropic agencies, or rather the lack o f them throughout the country, it seems to me that it would be well to work for detention houses in nearly every place where a juvenile court has been estab lished. It must not be forgotten, however, that it is not necessary ho hold a very large percentage o f children at all, as they can in the great proportion o f cases be safely allowed to return to the custody o f their parents. Dr. Healy finds no difficulty in examining the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 94 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. children, although he has no detention house in which to observe them. I believe, too, that industrial schools for certain types o f boys and / girls will continue to remain a necessity. True, the more we de velop an adequate placing-out service, either by public or private agencies, the less will be the need for such schools. One may en vision hundreds o f foster homes where all the elements of child training have been so carefully cultivated that troublesome boys and girls may be placed in them directly without ever having had any preliminary training in an institution. W e shall probably have to go through the institutional stage. When it becomes an easy matter to find good homes to which paroled children may be sent from in stitutions, it will be time enough to talk about eliminating entirely the institutional step. Mention has already been made o f summer camps for boys, on the theory that what is good for the sons o f the rich might prove good for the sons o f the poor. It would add too much to the length o f this paper to go into any details concerning such, but it might be well to read in William George’s book on the Junior Republic 4 how the George Junior Republic grew out o f such a camp and why it was advisable to get away from the theory o f a place where everything should be given to the boy without any effort on* his part. There is, of course, no reason why this idea of a summer camp should not be aplicable to girls also. We in Philadelphia have felt the need o f supervised boarding homes for both boys and girls o f working age. We have one such home for boys in the Elliott House. The boys all hold positions and pay a reasonable price for their board and lodging. It is a real home for the boys, something which many o f them never had. There should, in our opinion, be a similar one for girls. There should be, as there very often is not, a sufficient number o f institutions for defective children needing custodial care. In Pennsylvania, .for example, we are laboring under the handicap of lack of institutional facilities for feeble-minded children. There is continuously a large number o f children on the waiting list, and we have been compelled to work out a makeshift arrangement with the city departments o f public health and welfare to care for these. Typical, perhaps, o f the situation elsewhere is the movement in Philadelphia, fostered largely by schoolmen, for the establishment o f a boarding parental school. Not long ago I heard a well-known worker in the children’s field say that the parental-school idea was entirely out o f accord with modern ideas for the care o f chi dren. Perhaps he is right, but some concession should probably b& * George, William R .: The Junior Republic; its history and ideals. 1909. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Appleton and Co., JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 95 made to those who on account o f the present state o f public intelli gence see no way o f solving their troublesome problems for the present, at least, except through the parental school. Without much hope o f further intensive work with children in school classes, with a totally inadequate staff in the bureau o f compulsory education, with a full realization that probation can solve the problem only in part—nagged and annoyed by the number o f truants—it is no wonder that schoolmen have taken the stand that a boarding school controlled by educational authorities would be far better than send ing a child to the ordinary industrial school or reformatory or let ting these uncontrollable children run the streets. Personally, I hope that special day schools and special work in the school and in the home, plus good probation work, will solve the problem o f the truant; but I am not at all certain but that there will be a remnant for whom detention in a parental school might not be decidedly advantageous. There will always be a conflict in aims between those who are looking ahead, deciding what should be the goal, and those who are burdened with the task o f doing the work of the present. We must not create obstacles for future progress, but we must not be blind to the very real problem o f those who carry the burden of the day. I have not touched upon the institutional needs o f a court handling dependent children, or whether there is any need for such institu tions. That subject brings up so many questions that there would not be time to present them even in brief. In closing my remarks, I feel that it may not be out of place to call attention to the fact that each juvenile court rests in a political and social bed, not o f roses but usually o f thorns; and the direction o f progress that one court may find it advisable to take may not be the direction in which another court has moved.- There are many currents o f thought— religious, political, and social—that must be taken into account in planning how to attain the goal. What is pos sible in one city or county may not be possible in some other city or county. I f we keep our mind on the one question—the good of the child— and do not turn down the means that God has placed in our hands to accomplish it, we shall progress. J e s s e P. S m it h , C h ief P roba tion Officer o f th e Ju ven ile C ourt o f St. L ou is, M o. The first juvenile court o f St. Louis convened in the old Four Courts Building on May 4, 1903, the result o f a law passed by the State legislature, which went into effect March 23 o f the same year. The movement was first inaugurated by a committee o f women from the Humanity Club, and the court was established as a protest Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 96 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. against existing judicial methods o f dealing with children. Chil dren had been kept in police cells and jails in company with the worst offenders. The natural result was that they were educated in ( crime, and when discharged were well fitted to become the expert criminals and outlaws who have crowded our jails and penitentiaries. The State had thus educated innocent children in crime, and the harvest was great. The principle o f our law is that no child under 17 years o f age shall be considered or treated as a criminal; that a child under this age shall not be convicted, imprisoned, or punished as a criminal. It recognizes, o f course, the fact that such children may do acts which in older persons would be crimes properly punishable by the State, but it provides that a child under the age mentioned shall not be handled so as to leave a stain of criminality, or be brought even temporarily into the companionship o f men and women whose lives are vicious and criminal. The juvenile court is a division o f the circuit court and is presided over by a judge o f that court, appointed in general term. We have 20 probation officers—9 men' and 11 women—whose appointment is made on a basis o f merit after a public competitive examination. The chief probation officer is in charge of the w ork; 14 officers supervise the children; 2 make investigations; 3 serve as office assistants. Investigations—An investigation o f the home, family conditions, environment, habits, associates, and school and employment records is made for each child before the hearing. This work has been spe cialized and is in the hands o f a man probation officer for the boys and a woman probation officer for the delinquent girls and neglected children. The information which is obtained from the child, par ents, relatives, and any school or agency to which the child may be known, is typewritten on blanks for that purpose and placed before the judge. Supervision.— The probation officers accomplish the supervision of delinquent boys, both by written reports o f parents and teachers brought to the office by the boys themselves and by visits to the homes. The boys employed make their reports in the evening, the office being open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. Children out o f town report by letter. The frequency o f reports and visits depends largely on the cooperation between the officers and parents, also on the child’s progress in school. The delinquent girls are supervised by women and are usually visited in their homes. The girls may be required to call on the officer at her home, but never a t the probation office. A ll neglected children are supervised by visits to their homes. Two colored probation officers, a man, and a woman, have charge o f the colored children. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUYENILE-COTJRT STANDARDS. 97 When a delinquent child who is a ward o f the court has failed to improve, and the officer in charge believes that a change o f environ ment or institutional training is needed, he makes out a special report showing what he has done for the child since the last hearing, the cause o f the present trouble, and the recommendations for treat ment. This report, along with a petition charging violation of pro bation or parole, is presented to the chief probation officer for consideration. I f he approves, he files the petition with the clerk; and the child, with the parents or guardians, is summoned into court. The report is handed to the judge, together with the daily record cards showing the child’s progress from week to week after each report or visit. This, in a measure, is an indication o f the efficiency o f a probation system. The policy o f the court has been to keep children in their homes, so far as possible, and out of institutions. I f the home of a neglected child can not be improved, the officer in charge files a change o f custody application, recommending the name o f the person or the institution willing to receive him. The child and his parents or guardian, together with the person recom mended to assume the child’s custody, are summoned into court for the hearing. On the recommendation o f a probation officer, the supervision o f a ward may be terminated by an order o f court. The child, if not at school or work, is brought into court and is formally discharged by the judge. I f the child can not appear, notice o f his discharge is given by the probation officer who has had him under supervision. The average length o f the period of supervision is from 10 to 12 months, though some children are kept on probation for years as a protection to them. Volunteers.— The volunteer probation officer, receiving children from the judge and responsible to him for their progress, is seldom resorted to in St. Louis. The whole responsibility for the child’s welfare is placed in the hands o f a paid probation officer, who in some instances may avail himself o f the services o f a volunteer, although ultimately he is responsible for the child. While the court has not favored the use of volunteer probation officers, yet it has realized that much assistance could be afforded the regular probation force by men and women who would take an in terest in unfortunate families and devote some o f their time to the work of assisting and improving the conditions o f the children com ing before the juvenile court. It has, therefore, welcomed and enouraged the formation of the Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and other associations. These organizations not only render valuable and effi cient services in helping families and children, so as to make the in775040—22----- 7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 98 JUVENILE-COTJET STANDARDS. tervention o f the court unnecessary, but they are in a position to render further valuable services in the cases o f boys paroled fromthe Missouri Reformatory and of girls paroled from the State In dustrial Home for Girls, or from other institutions. Furthermore,1 the members o f these organizations aid in solving some o f the home problems by evincing not only a friendly interest in the child but in the grown members of the family as well. A representative of the Catholic Church and a representative o f the Federation o f Protestant Churches attend all sessions o f the juvenile court. Departnient of hygiene.—The hygiene clinic in connection with the juvenile court was established at the Children’s Building in 1918, through the aid o f Dr. James Stewart, director of hygiene for the St. Louis board o f education. Before this time the juvenile court had to depend upon the volunteer aid of several public-spirited phy sicians. A physician from the staff o f inspectors o f hygiene in the public schools was placed in charge o f the clinic, and was assisted by one o f the school nurses. The physician is at the Children’s Building every afternoon, Wednesday mornings, and sometimes for an hour on one or two other mornings. The duties of the physician in charge o f the clinic is to take nose and throat cultures of every child upon entering the Children’s Building, to make a complete physical examination o f every new case, to treat all children who, become ill while in detention and to examine all girls suspected of immorality, disease, or pregnancy. Cultures are again taken of every child committed to any institution, and they are examined for any skin or other disease in order to give the institution a “ clearance card,” which guarantees the child to be free of any contagious, in fectious, or venereal disease. The physician also pays special atten tion to the examination for any physical or mental defect which may be the cause o f the child’s delinquency, and if any such defect is found he makes his recommendation to the court for the special treatment to remedy the defect. Cases that demand unusual atten tion for mentality are sent to specialists who are qualified to pass on them. G eneral D is c u s s io n . Mr. P a r s o n s . We shall probably have to limit to 10 or 12 minutes at the most the discussion o f these two interesting papers, introduc ing many topics for discussion, because we want some time to deyote to the matter which is the culmination o f the whole o f these sessions that we have been having in cooperation with the Children’s Bureau* Now, in the few minutes that we have, let us make any short con tributions o f any ideas that may be presented here in regard to methods o f supervision, with emphasis especially on the conditions Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 99 in rural communities. Judge Sellers, couldn’t you tell us a little bit -about case supervision in your court as a standard ? Judge S e l l e r s . I have a very strong feeling that many o f the people here have thought that our discussion has run too much to the larger problems, problems of the larger courts, and that we really ought to have some discussion that would be helpful to the people who are working in small communities. In Washington we have about 400,000 population, and we have, I think, about 1,000 children and adults on probation. I am a strong believer in case supervision. I think two heads are always better than one, and i f you have three and four heads you get that much out o f it. About two years ago we appointed the assistant chief probation officer as case supervisor. We have about 10 probation officers. Miss Duckwall is a person admirably fitted for this work, and she super vises the work o f the probation officers. That means she knows about all o f the cases and that she picks up, when it is called to her atten tion, the discussion o f any particular case. I think that this supervision is a good thing for the probation officer, a good thing for the court. When about two years ago I fi^st mentioned having this supervision I was visiting a court, and the chief probation officer said, “ We have the utmost confidence in our probation officers, and we would not want to think for a moment that every probation officer would not handle his case in the proper way.” I said, “ That is not the question; that is beside the mark; these cases are difficult, and we want to do the right thing and help the probation officer.” And I personally want to know about every child that comes before me, whom I have got to commit or deal with at a ll; I want to know about that case. I don’t want that case passed before me by somebody else’s saying, “ This is all right,” and O. K. it. I should not like the responsibility of a position o f that kind. I don’t want a boy brought before me until I have had a chance to talk with the person who is handling that boy. I have the utmost confidence in the probation officers and believe what they say. And I am will ing to take an hour every morning to discuss these cases with the pro bation officers, in view of the one case in which I may be able to sug gest something that may help. Miss M a t E. D e a n e , Probation Officer, Juvenile Court of Kalama zoo , Mich. We have a rural community, a county with one city, and we have the assistance o f every able-bodied person. We have a very able corps o f psychologists and psychiatrists and physicians from the Tate hospital, who are paid by the State and are working with us. I They are doing some clinic work in other rural counties. And I want to say for them that no boys or girls are committed for anv Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. offense until this corps o f officers has examined them carefully, men tally and physically, and sometimes more than once; and the family history is studied, and we see not only what-the child has done but why he has done it. We depend upon these psychologists to show us this. Miss C a m p b e l l , of Kalamazoo, Mich. It will take a very few min utes to tell what we do. We have our headquarters at the hospital at Kalamazoo, and we conduct four monthly clinics. There is need for more work, but we lack time and help to do that. We have many patients who are brought in from small country towns and from rural school districts; they are brought in by school boards or by physicians, and many of them are sent in by the poor officers. We are very careful that we never condemn a child as a fit subject for an institution until we are sure that it is the last resort for that child, and each child is given very careful physical examination. We do not depend on any one examination as final, and a child fre quently reports to the clinic month after month, for possibly a year, in the hope that advice to the child himself or to parents may help him solve his problem. Mr. P a r s o n s . I f we were going to take time for discussion of supervision o f cases in the comparatively rural courts we would want someone to tell us about the organization o f the community to help in that supervision. My observation in the work in Massachusetts in the smaller courts is that the successful probation officer succeeds in organizing his community to a very great assistance in the supervision o f his cases. Something has been said here about the probation committee coop erating with the court, and I wonder if Mrs. Baldwin, of San Fran cisco, will tell us about the value o f the probation committee in its cooperation with the court in the supervision of cases. We want to know what the probation committee is for and what it does. Mrs. B a l d w i n . I was going to say that I felt myself greatly in the minority, Mr. Parsons, as representing a probation committee. I know a great many people do wonder about what a probation com mittee is and what it is for. When we wanted the law in California way back in 1901 we were closely following Chicago and we formed a committee representative of the various charitable and child-caring agencies that would be interested in having such a law. That commit tee was composed of 21 persons, and in the drawing o f the law we provided for this probation committtee to take charge o f the deten tion home and to employ the probation officer. But, o f course, when Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUYENILE-COTJRT STANDARDS. 101 For two years these women furnished the salary o f our first proba tion officer. Two years later we got the salary from the legislature and got another provision in the law providing for a committee o f seven—which, o f course, was a more workable committee. It was originally representative of the various interests concerned in child caring institutions and representative, as you may say, o f the public. When there is a vacancy upon that committee the appointment is made by the superior judge, upon recommendation o f the committee— so in a measure we are like library boards, self-perpetuating. We have charge o f the detention home. We seem to be a medium through which the judge and the work o f the court may reach the public, and through which the public interest in the care o f the child is expressed to the board. Perhaps we do not fulfill our obligation quite as well as we might, but still we do try to keep in touch. We have a committee on relation ships and a committee on legislation. When we decide that salaries need to be increased we are the ones who go before the supervisors or go up to the State Legislature to arrange about that. We are rep resentative o f the larger community interest. We are just about the same committee that started out; we have the same judge. In some places in California we do not agree that that is the best way. How ever, we have found that our work is going on, and we try to keep up with the rest o f the community and with the rest o f the country. Mr. P a r s o n s . I s the probation committee common in California, and is it the ordinary form o f organization ? Mrs. B a l d w i n . It is the ordinary form o f organization. I would not say that other probation committees are quite as active as our committee^ You must have a secretary—the probation officer. Both the detention home and the probation work should be in his hands, and he is the man who keeps this committee going. You can not have a committee unless you have a good secretary— a good proba tion officer— and keep him busy and let him know the needs o f the work. Miss L u n d b e r g . The San Francisco probation committee has not only done a fine piece o f work, with Mrs. Baldwin as its chairman for a number o f years, but it has been demonstrating the possibilities o f a referee for girls’ cases. Mrs. Baldwin has given her Services as referee for the past two years. Mr. Moss. Is the committee recognized in the law? Mrs. B a l d w i n . Yes, it is; the committee has to make recommenda tions ; the committee selects the officers, holding specific examinations, and recommending appointments. Mr. P a r s o n s . This naturally leads us, if we were going to take up one other phase of this organization to the probation commission__ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. an institution which exists, I think, in only two States, New York and Massachusetts. To get either Mr. Chute or myself talking on that subject would absorb the rest o f the afternoon and the rest o f the evening. C h a r l e s L. C h u t e , Secretary of the National Probation Associa tion. I understand that in the State o f California there is a great deal o f interest in establishing State supervision. In addition to their committees there seems to be need o f State supervision and co ordination o f the work, and I have had considerable correspondence from people in San Francisco and Los Angeles who are interested in getting a State supervised system similar to ours of New York. A great many other States feel the need of more than local organization and development, and I believe that one thing is coming; and our association wants to make that one of its principal lines o f attack— the development o f State commissions or bureaus or departments to promote socialized courts and also o f State associations of probation workers. COMMITTEE ON JUVENILE COURT STANDARDS. General D is c u s s io n . Mr. P a r s o n s . A s the final feature of the program of these con ferences, held by joint action o f the Federal Children’s Bureau and the National Probation Association, we come to a brief discussion o f a committee on juvenile court standards. I doubt if I need say to this group that for a long time there has been developing in the Children’s Bureau the idea o f standardized work in juvenile courts. You are familiar with the surveys that have been made, with the publications that have been issued, and there will be a good deal to say in addition to what you already know, I am sure, in regard to the interest that the Children’s Bureau has taken in connection with the courts, developing standards which might have wide application in juvenile-court work. Now, the whole scheme o f this conference of the past day and a half has been along the line o f what the Children’s Bureau has undertaken, and we are really here to express on the part of the National Probation Association a purpose to go on with the Children’s Bureau. Let us make as effective as possible all our resources in the work that it has undertaken. I am going to ask Miss Lenroot, o f the Children’s Bureau, to make a brief statement in regard to this, and I shall then ask you to con tribute to the discussion; the committee will then be announced which has been recommended by your committee to serve the Children’s Bureau in carrying on the work of standardization o f juvenile-court methods. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 103 K a t h a r i n e F. L e n r o o t , of the Children's Bureau. The Children’s Bureau and the committee which will be appointed on recommenda tion o f this conference will look for suggestions from you as to the scope o f the committee’s work. The papers and discussions o f the last day and a half have out lined quite completely most o f the phases o f work which the commit tee will have to consider, but for the purpose o f opening this discus sion I wish to summarize very briefly some o f the points that seem to us o f importance in this connection. A ll these questions will be considered, we hope, just as much from the point of view o f the rural community and small town as from that o f the larger city. The committee will probably consist o f twelve members. The work is so comprehensive that it will be necessary for the committee to divide into several subcommittees for the detailed consideration o f the subjects before it; after these subcommittees have reported, the entire committee should go over the field. Probably four sub committees would form a good working group. The first subcommittee might deal with the jurisdiction and pro cedure o f the juvenile court, including the ages o f the children over which the court should have jurisdiction, the classes of cases, and the extent o f jurisdiction—whether the juvenile court should have com plete jurisdiction over all offenses, no matter how serious, or whether it should be limited, as it is now in some States. The questions of dependency jurisdiction and jurisdiction over contributing cases, nonsupport and desertion, children whose custody is in controversy, the adoption o f children, and adults offending against children would probably come within the scope o f this subcommittee. With regard to the court system, there is the question o f whether an inde pendent court is the best or whether some existing court system is preferable. Probably no one rule can be laid down, because practice must vary in different localities. The first subcommittee might also consider the method o f election of the judge, his qualifications, the method o f hearings, the formality or informality of court procedure, the use o f referees, the evidence, and all those things so splendidly outlined in the papers given here to-day. The disposition o f cases would come within the field of this subcommittee. What facilities must the court have at its disposal and how far should the jurisdic tion of the court' continue beyond the first adjudication in different classes o f cases ? A second subcommittee might deal with the entire question o f the process before hearing, the point at which the court should take jurisdiction, what should be done with the children who are arrested, what types of detention facilities are needed, and under what man agement the detention home should be. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 104 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. A third subcommittee might consider the whole question of social investigation and physical and mental examinations. The fourth subcommittee would have the whole field of probation, including the organization of the probation staff, from the point of view both o f preliminary work and of investigation and supervision ; the question o f assignment o f cases and case supervision; the con structive plan which should be formed at the beginning of each case placed on probation; the methods of keeping in touch with the children, their reporting, and home visits ; the cooperation with the schools and with recreational and other social agencies ; the length o f probation ; the records and reports which would show the results accomplished. Mr. P a r s o n s . The opportunity is given us to make suggestions as to the work that may be done by the Children’s Bureau in its carry ing on o f this work o f standardizing the juvenile courts. I f any member o f this group can offer any addition to the list o f topics that Miss Lenroot has suggested, now is the opportunity. For myself it seems to be inclusive, but I dare say there are some here who can see omissions in that list ; and if so, I will be glad to hear from them. There may be something some one wishes to say here in encouragement of the work which the Children’s Bureau has undertaken and thè possibility o f standardization. Is there a possi bility o f standardization so far as rural courts are concerned? Do we feel that the Children’s Bureau is engaged in a hopeful or quite a hopeless task? Mrs. B a l d w i n . I have often said in California that the great value o f the work in our State was its variety. We gain from each other’s experience in all o f this work. From what we have been doing in our own locality for these years it seems to me that the time has now come when we can put the things that are o f value to us into this scheme of unifying and building up the work, giving our own ex periences to other localities, and also developing a real system. The period o f probation has about expired, and we are ready to go on with a definite program. Mr. P a r s o n s . That is a very encouraging word. Unless there is some further discussion on the work I want to read the names o f the persons who have been suggested by the committee for appointment by the Children’s Bureau to the committee on juvenile-court stand ards if Miss Lathrop sees fit to appoint them as the committee o f the bureau to carry on this work o f standardization o f juvenilecourt methods. Judge Charles W. Hoffman, Hamilton County Court o f Domestic Relations, Cincinnati, Ohio. Judge Kathryn Sellers, Juvenile Court o f the District of Columbia. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. 105 Judge Henry S. Hulbert, Juvenile Division o f the Probate Court of Wayne County, Detroit, Mich. Dr. Miriam Van Waters, referee o f the Juvenile Court o f Los Angeles County, Calif. Bernard Fagan, chief probation officer o f the Children’s Court o f New York City. Joseph L. Moss, chief probation officer of the Juvenile Court, Cook County, Chicago, 111. Herbert C. Parsons, secretary o f the Massachusetts Probation Com mission. Charles L. Chute, secretary o f the National Probation Association. Dr. William Healy, director o f the Judge Baker Foundation, Boston. Dr. Y. V. Anderson, associate medical director o f the National Com mittee for Mental Hygiene. Henry W . Thurston, o f the New York School for Social Work, New York City. Ralph S. Barrow, State superintendent o f the Alabama Children’s Aid Society. This list of 12 names, if there is no objection, will be given to the Children’s Bureau as a suggestion for this committee. There is one thing that has marked a very great step in the progress o f the National Probation Association during the past year. We seem to have come out o f a state o f indefiniteness into an effective working organization. We are realizing the ambition and the hope o f the years among those who have been vitally interested in proba tion work as represented in the National Probation Association, by at least having a secretary who from now on is going to devote his entire time to its interests. We want to make this work a very real and vital means, beyond anything yet attained, for carrying over the entire United States the gospel o f individual dealing with people who go through our courts. Great achievements have come in the way o f laws that have been written, but a survey in the most hopeful mood o f what has been actually attained in this way is still a bit discouraging and discon certing. The officers o f the association, acting with prudence and care to carry out what they believe is your wish, have undertaken to organize the work much more definitely, and they have started out to get all the means that are necessary in order to carry the purpose o f this organization far beyond anything that has been attained in the past. I think it has a very bright prospect, and that we have gotten ur feet on the ground and are there with the purpose o f making a record run o f achievements in the immediate future. I want, for the officers of the association, to express the immense satisfaction that has come to us in the very large attendance, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 106 JUVENILE-COURT STANDARDS. largest we have ever had at a conference, and in the sustained interest which under conditions not altogether delightful has shown itself in attendance at the meetings all the way along, and in the perfectly splendid interest that has been shown in what I am bound to say was the most remarkable succession of uplifting, practical, and helpful addresses that we ever had at any o f our meetings. [Adjournment.] X Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX Page. Adjusting treatment to Individual needs: Louis N. Robin son ; Jesse P. Smith— papers read_____________ 87—98 discussion____________________ 98-102 Adult offenders, method of trying31, 34, 38-40, 54, 57, 64, 70-71, 72 segregation of children from__15,16, 17, 31, 49 Age limit of minors brought before juvenile court- 34, 39, 40, 64, 76 Agencies, cooperation of court w ith10, 21, 90-91 Alabama_______________________ 81—82 Anderson, Dr. V. Y_____________ 105 Antles, A. A________________ 53-54, 82-84 Appeal-------------------------------------------- 64, 65 Arrest of child, procedure in— Chicago____________________ 50-51 48 District of Columbia______ Attorney, county, cooperation of, with juvenile court-------- 53—54 representation by___________ 55, 57-58 Baker, Herbert M .: “ Court and the delinquent child, The ”— citation _________________ 17 Baldwin, Mrs. E. F ______ 72, 100-101,104 Barrow, Ralph S______________ 81-82,105 Bartelme, Mary________________ 40, 41, 71 Behavior problems, study of_______ 11, 23-24, 26, 28, 91 Boarding homes for boys and girls of working age (Philadel phia) ----------------------------94 Bradford, Judge C. R______________ 73 California_____________ 39, 64, 65, 100-101 Camps for juvenile probationers__93, 94 Carstens, C. C______ :___________ 9-13 Case supervision____________88-90, 99-100 Cases cited : Commonwealth v. Fisher (213 Penn. Reports, 62 At 16 lantic, 198)____________ Januszewski (196 F e d e r a l , 123) ___________________ 16 Newkosky v. State Home for Girls (N. J. Sup. Ct., opinion by Swayze, J . ; filed July 7, 1920)____ 33 State v. Schilling (112 Atl. Rep., 400)____ 34 Cases, disposition o f________ :______ 90 presenting to court___________ 89 Causes o f delinquency-___________ 8, 11, 23-25, 27-30, 35-36 Chain gang, commitment of chil15 dren to_!______________ Chairmen : First session (Judge Michael S. 7 Sheridan)______________ Second session (Judge James Hoge Ricks)___________ 31 Third session (Hon. Herbert/ C. Parsons)_______________ 75 Chancery procedure_____ ___________ 10-11, 18, 31, 36,50, 57, 61, 65, 78 Charge, reducing o f______________ 39 Chicago, 111__________ _____________ 50, 51 Child-welfare bureau, State, coop eration with county judge (Nebraska)_______ ______ 54 Child-welfare movement, contribu tion of juvenile courtto_ 9-13 Children in need of special care, responsibility of State toward______________ 16, 18,19 Children’s Bureau, U. S. publications cited: Courts in the United States hearing children’s cases; results of a questionnaire study covering the year 1 1918— ------------------------- 15,17 Minimum standards for child w elfare; adopted by the Washington and Region al Conferences on Child Welfare, 1919__________ 31 Summary of juvenile-court leg islation in the United States, A_______________ 69 Churches, cooperation with court (U ta h )________________ 73 Chute, Charles L _______ _________102,105 Circuit-court judge as judge of ju venile court____________ 96 Civil procedure. See Chancery pro cedure Clerks of the court, appointment of, as juvenile-court judges . (North Carolina)____ 76-77,78 Clinics, establishment of, in con nection with juvenile courts-------- 8 , 11,17, 22, 31, 79, 80, 81, 85-86, 98,100 Commissions, State, for promoting socialized courts, need of_ 102 Commitment of children to institution s-------------- ----1 4 ,15 ,1 6 ,1 7 , 40, 63, 76, 78 Committee on juvenile-court stand ards ------------- ---- 5, 73,103-105 107 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 108 INDEX, Page. Commonwealth v. Fisher. See Cases cited. Community, place of court in- 9,12, 19-23, 33, 47, 54, 55 49 Complaint, inquiry concerning---------- * adjustment o f_____ 90 Continuing custody____________ 43-44 Contributing to delinquency of mi nors__________ 31, 34, 38-40, 54, 57, 64, 70-71, 72 jury trial for___________ 38, 55, 60, 71 Contribution o f the juvenile court to the child-welfare move ment, T h e : C. C. Carstens— paper read__ .___ 9—13 Cooley, Edwin J., principles of pro bation stated by_________22—23 Cooperation : 73 Churches with court_____ County attorney with juvenile co u rt____________________ 53-54 Police department with court__ 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 72 Schools with court__.______ 47, 73, 83 Social agencies with court_____ 10, 12,19, 21 State child-welfare bureau with court (Nebraska)_________53—54 County: As unit in State-wide plans------ 76, 81 Attorney, cooperation of, with juvenile court (Ne braska) ________________ 53—54 Clerk of superior court, acting as judge o f juvenile court (North Carolina)-------- 76-77, 78 Superintendent o f public wel fare, duties of (North C arolin a)________ ._____ 77 County-wide juvenile courts------------52, 76-80, 81-82 Court procedure, socialization of___55-74 Courts of equity------------- 36, 65, 66 , 69, 78 Criminal instinct___________ 28, 35, 36, 63 Criminal procedure_________ . 39, 48, 76, 78 Criminal stigma, elimination o f ____ 16, 19-21, 33-35 Custody, continuing____ _____________43-44 o f children---- -------------------- 43, 68 , 97 rights of parents to----------------70 Dean, May E______________________ 99—100 Death, punishment by (year 1833) _ 13, 21 Delinquency: Causes o f— 8 ,11, 23-25, 27-30, 35-36 Contributing to, prosecution for____ — ___ 31, 34, 38-40, 54, 57, 64, 70-71, 72 Prevention o f__________________ 12, 30 Problems o f treatment________ 23-30 Relation o f feeble-mindedness t o ______________ 20 “ Delinquent,” definition in District of Columbia____________ 40 elimination of term sug gested____________ 35,37-38,39 term not in California law____ 39, 64 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Page. Delinquents, juvenile, care of, pending hearing------------- -17,47 criminal instinct not preva lent am ong______ 28, 35, 36, 63 individual, study of, as pre liminary to treatment___ 21 , 22 , 23-30, 31 segregation of, from crim inal adults- 15,16,17, 31, 49, 96 Dependency cases, method of dealing with________ 51 Dependent children, custody of-------- 43, 97 placement of___________________ 90 Detention________ .____________ ____ 15, 17, 31, 47, 48-49, 51, 78-79, 93, 103 methods of, in District of Co lumbia ______ - _______ ,__ 48 without entering charge— -------48 Detention homes__________ 47, 78, 93, 103 control o f _____________________ 48, 54 Development of juvenile court- 9, 11, 65-66 Disposition of cases, by referees__71-72, 90 plans f o r _________________ 90 District of Columbia_______ : 39, 40, 48, 99 District supervisor (Philadelphia)__89,90 District system in Utah----------73 Domestic relations’ court___________- 39, 62 Equity court_______ _____ 36, 65, 66 , 69, 78 Evidence, conformity with rules o f__55, 58, 59, 66 juvenile-court, use of, as basis of other legal action_6 8-69 weight of___________________ 55, 59-60 Wigmore on, Vol. I ll, sec. 1672— citation ________________ 61 Examinations, mental and physical, for juvenile delinquents-8 , 11 . 17, 22, 31, 91, 98 in rural communities_______ 76, 79-87 Fagan, Bernard__________________ Family court. See Domestic rela tions’ court. Federal juvenile courts,advocacy o f- 105 37, 40-43 Feeble-minded, need of institutions 94 f o r _______ Feeble-mindedness, relation of, to delinquency______ ______ 20 Felony cases, trial of__:_____ 39-40, 64, 71 Field of the juvenile court, T h e: Judge Edward Schoen—• paper read___________:__32—37 discussion-------------37-44 Fines, payment of, by children___15,17 Flexner, Bernard, and Baldwin, Roger N .: Juvenile courts and probation— citation________________ 77 Founders of juvenile court, pur pose o f__________________ 14-15 Fundamental principles of the juve nile court and its part in future community pro grams for child welfare, T h e : Judge Charles W. Hoffman— paper read___13—23 INDEX, Page. W. H. Stuart: Children and the law— citation— 13 George, William R . : The junior re 94 public— citation------------G irls: Procedure in girls’ cases______ 51 Women probation officers for__ 10, 31, 51, 62, 73, 96 Women referees for_ 55, 61—62, 65,101 Guardianship o f State-------------------16, 18, 19, 34,35, 37, 66 , 70 Garnett, Hanging, punishment by (year 1828) _ 13, 21 Haupt, Rev. A. J. D----------------------40 Healy, William, M. D_________ 23—30,105 Hearing, investigation before--------28,96 privacy o f--------------------------- 10, 55, 57 See also Trial. Hoffman, Judge Charles W-------------- 13—23, 70-71,104 14 “ House of refuge ” ------------------------How far can court procedure be socialized without im pairing individual rights ? Judge Edward F. W aite; Judge Samuel D. L ev y; Miriam Van Waters— pa pers read_________________55—69 discussion______________________ 70—73 Hulbert, Judge Henry S__ 44-48, 52,105 Individual delinquent, adjustment of treatment to needs o f__87-102 study of, as preliminary to treatment____ 21, 22, 23—30, 31 “ Individual rights,” definition of— 55 Industrial schools-------------------------94 Influence of juvenile court upon community___ 12, 19, 33, 54, 55 Institutional facilities, juvenile-court need for__________ _— 87, 93-95 Institutions for feeble-minded chil dren, need o f----------------94 Introductory statement:Julia C. Lathrop_______________ 7—9 Investigation, before hearing------------28, 96 into circumstances of offense 55, 60-61 Jail, commitment of children to____ 15, 16,17, 78, 96 Januszewski. See Cases cited. Johnson, Mrs. Clarence A------------- 75-81 Judge: Appointment of— Alabama _________________ 81 California — i*.-,__________ 64 Michigan ---------------- .--------45, 52 North Carolina_______ 76—77, 78 St. Louis, Mo______ 96 South Carolina---------84—85 Importance of special qualifi cations o f__________ 8 , 9, 29, 69 Power vested in (California)— 64 Relation of, to detention home47 Tenure of office------------------------- 78, 84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 109 Page. Jury trial, for contributing to delin quency___________ 38, 55, 60, 71 for felony cases of adults— 39—40, 71 for juvenile delinquents-_____ 55, 60 Juvenile cou rt: Age limit of minors brought before ______ 34, 39, 40, 64, 76 Basic principles of______ 18,19, 77—79 Contribution of, to the childwelfare movement_____ 9—13 Cooperation of agencies with---10, 12,19, 21 County-wide---- ----------------------52, 76-80, 81-82 Criticism of__ 15, 17, 19, 20—21, 26—27 Definition of------- ---------------- 32—37, 65 Development of___________ 9, 11, 65-66 Distinctive features o f------------- 9—10 Distinctive services of----------------- 10—12 Fundamental principles o f--------13,19 Institutional facilities needed by___________________ 87, 93-95 Misconception of_________ 19, 21, 32-34 Operating under criminal proce dure— District of Columbia______ 48 North Carolina, prior to juvenile-court la w s-------- 76, 78 Origin o f ____________ 65-66 Purpose of founders of____ _____ 14-15 Responsibility of — ____________ 9—11, 20-22, 36, 37, 44-54 Standards proposed by confer ences of 1919___________ 31 Juvenile-court judge. See Judge. Juvenile-court laws. See Laws. Juvenile-court standards. See Stand ards, juvenile-court. Juvenile delinquents. See Delin quents. Juvenile officers. See Police proba tion officers. Kentucky statutes, 1915, s. 331 e 4— citation-____________ 1? Lathrop, Julia C., introductory state ment by______ ¡at— --------. 7—9 “ Law,” nature o f_________ —______ 69 Laws, juvenile-court, interpretation * o f ___________________ 16,19 need of enforcement of_ 17, 20-21 number of States having---- 9, 14 Legal status of children, advance in, effect on treatment of de linquents ----------------- ;—- 13,17 Lenroot, Katharine F ------ --------------103-104 Levy, Judge Samuel D— .---- 4?--------- 62-64 Limitations of juvenile court-----------14—15, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26-28, 34 Lundberg, Emma O------------- ------------5,101 Mental and physical examinations— 8 ,11, . ' 17, 22, 31, 82-83, 91, 98, 99, 100 in rural communities______ 76, 79—81, 83, 85-86 110 IUDEX, Page. Page. Privacy o f hearings____________ 10, 55, 57 ____________ 45,52 ____ ______ 40 Probate-court judge as juvenile-court judge________ 45, 52, 81, 84—85 43, 50—5t, 101,105 ____ ,____________ *52 Probation: ___________ 54 Juvenile, need of specialized service f o r ------- .----------- 10, 31 number of States provid National child-labor c o m m i t t e e : ing for__________ _____ _— 9 Child welfare in Ken principles o f _____________ 22-23 tucky — citation________ 17 National Probation Association, ad Commissions__________________ 101—102 dress by Edwin J. Cooley Committee, work o f (Califor 22 before_____________ n ia )____________ 100-101 committee on children’s courts- 73-74 Officers, adjustment of cases by_ 91 progress o f ____________________ 105 qualifications of_____ _____ 22 , Nebraska_______________ !____ 53—54, 82-83 79, 89, 92, 96 Needs of juvenile court_______ ,— 8 , 29—30 relation of judge to---------47 32 New Jersey------------salaries of_______________ 7,79 Newkosky v. State Home for Girls. supervision o f- 88 , 89—90, 99—100 See Cases cited. testimony o f_____________55, 61 North Carolina______________________ 75—81 volunteer______ _________ 79, 97—98 women as___ 10, 31, 51, 62, 73, 96 Offenders, adult, method of trying- 31, 34, Staff, organization o f_______ 87-90 38-40, 54, 57, 64, 70-71, 72 work o f___________ 87—88, 90-93 segregation of children from 15, Procedure, court, socialization o f— 55—74 16,17, 31, 49 Psychiatric clinic in connection with juvenile. See Delinquents, ju juvenile court_____ -------- 8 , 11 , venile. 17, 22, 81, 79, 80, 81 Organization of county juvenile Psychological and physical examina courts in a rural State, tions __________________ - 8 , 11 , T h e : Mrs. Clarence A. 17, 22, 31, 82-83, 91, 98, 99, 100 Johnson— paper roa d ___ 75-81 in rural communities--------------76,1 discussion_____________________ 81—87 79-81, 83, 85-86 Origin of juvenile court_____________ 65—66 Public, exclusion of, from hearing— 10, Orphanages, commitment of depend 55, 57 ent children to__________76, 82 Public agencies, cooperation of court with_____________________ 10 ,2 1 Parens patriae___________I______ 36,'37, 55 Public trial, constitutional right to_ 57 Parental delinquency____ 35, 38, 40, 44, 68 Punishment of delinquents— 13—17,19-21 Parental schools^— ------------------------- 94—95 by death (year 1833)------------- 13,21 Parents, rights to custody------------70 Parsons, Hon. Herbert C_43—44, 81, 87, Qualifications, of probation officers22 , 98-99, 100, 101,102, 104-106 79, 89, 92, 96 Penal institutions, commitment of special, need of, for juvenilechildren to — __________ 15 court judge________ 8 , 9, 29, 69 Penitentiary, commitment of chil dren to _______________ 14,15 Referees, disposition of cases by-----61, Perrin, Judge Solon-----------------------42 62, 71-72, 90, 91 Philadelphia______ 71-72, 89-90, 91, 94-95 women_____________ 55 ,61 -6 2 ,65 ,1 0 1 Physical and mental examination for juvenile delinquents- 8 , 11 , Reformatories, commitment of chil dren t o ______ 14,15, 40, 63, 76 17, 22, 31, 82-83, elimination o f_________ :- 94, 95 91, 98, 99,100 Responsibility of juvenile court— :— 9-11, in rural communities-____ 76, 79—81, 20-22, 36, 37, 44-54 83, 85-86 Results of treatment, study o f— 26—27, 29 Placing dependent children------------90 Ricks, Judge James Hoge— --------- 70, 71, 72 Placing difficult children___________90, 94 “ Rights, individual/’ definition of— 55 Placing - out agencies, cooperation Rights of parents to custody---------70 w i t h ____________ 82, 85, 90, 94 Robinson, Louis N___________________ 87—95 Play, supervision o f_______________ 12 55, Rules of evidence, conformity with__ Police department, relation between 58-59, 6 court a n d __________ 45, 46,48, Rural communities, mental and phy 51, 52, 54, 72 sical examinations in-----76, Police probation officers in Chicago- 50, 51 79-81, 83, 85-86, 99-100 Poverty as cause of delinquency---8 organization of juvenile-court Prevention o f delinquency________ 12, 30 work in______ 52, 75-81, 85, 99 responsibility of schools in_ 20 , 21—21 M ichigan___________ Minnesota________ Moss, Joseph L _____ Murdoch, Mrs. W. L Murphy, Joseph P__ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX, Page. St. Louis, Mo-------------------- __ 79,96,97-98 Salaries of probation officers_______ 7 , 79 Schoen, Judge Edward_____________ 38, 39, 49-43, 87-95 School-attendance department, rela tion of, to juvenile court- 77 , 79 Schools, relation between juvenile courts and-._________ 47, 62, 73 responsibility of, in prevention of delinquency______ 20 , 21 -22 Scott, Elmer__I _____________________ 85-87 Segregation of juveniles from adult offenders------ 15, 16, 17, 31, 49 Sellers, Judge Kathryn_____________ 39,40, 42, 48-50, 99, 104 Sex offenses, victims of, protection o f ---------------------------------31 Sheridan, Judge Michael S_________ 7 Shontz, Orfa Jean--------------- 39-40, 64, 65 Smith, Jesse P _______________________ 95-98 Social agencies, cooperation of, with court------------------ 10 , 12 , 19, 21 Socialization o f juvenile-court pro cedure ---------------- v______ 55 -74 Socialization o f juvenile-court pro cedure, The : Miriam Van Waters— paper rea d __64-69 South Carolina_________________ 1____ 84-85 Standards, juvenile-court, need for___ 9, 12-13, 32, 33 See also Committee on juve nile-court standards. State, guardianship of__________16,18,19 34, 35, 37, 66 , 70 State v. Schilling. See Cases cited. State commissions for promoting so cialized courts, need of__ 102 Status o f children, legal, advance in, effect on treatment of de linquents-______________ 13 ; 17 Study of the individual child as a preliminary to treat m ent: William Healy, M. D.— paper rea d _____ 23-30 Study of results o f treatment___ 26—27, 29 Superintendent of public welfare, county, duties of (North C a rolin a )_____ _____ ____ 77 Supervisor o f district (Philadel phia) ---------------------------- 89, 90 Supervisors, work o f_________ 89, 99—1Ó0 „ Page. Swearing o f witnesses_____________ 58 Tenure of office of judge_______ 78 Testimony, methods of taking____ 55, 58-59 o f probation officers___________ 55 , 61 Texas----------------85-86 105 Thurston, Henry W___________ Treatment, adjustment of, to indi vidual needs____ 23-30, 87-102 study of results of__________ 26-27, 29 truancy __— ___________________ 95 Trial, jury, for contributing to de linquency------------38, 55, 60, 71 for felony cases of adults__ 39—40, 71 for juvenile delinquents___ 55 , 60 public, constitutional right to__ 57 See also Hearing. Truancy, symptom of other condi tions____________________ 12 treatment o f ______ _________________ 95 U tah ______________________________» 73 Van Waters, Miriam___________64r-69,105 Victims of sex offenses, protection o f ---------------------------------31 , Volunteer probation officers_____ 79 , 97—98 Waite, Judge Edward F ___________ 13 , 14,18, 37-38, 42, 55-62, 65 Walker, Charles P __________________71—72 Wards of the court_____________ 39 , 50 , 64 Where does the responsibility of the court begin : Judge Henry S. Hulbert; Judge Kath ryn Sellers— papers read- 44-50 discussion________________ __SSI 50—54 Whipping, punishment by___________ 17 Wigmore, Prof. John H .: Evidence, Vol. I ll, sec 1672— cita 61 tion _________ __________ * Williams, G. Croft___________________ 84-85 Witnesses, swearing of_____________ 58 Women probation officers_________ 10 , 31, 51, 62, 73, 96 Women referees in girls’ cases_____ 55 , 61-62, 65,101 Workhouse, commitment of children to — -------------16 o Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis