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Treasury’s Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Opens Funding Round for CDFI Rapid Resp…

Treasury’s Treasury’s Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund Opens Funding Round for CDFI Rapid
Response ProgramDevelopment Financial Institutions Fund
Opens Funding Round for CDFI Rapid Response Program
February 25, 2021

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
(CDFI Fund) opened the fiscal year (FY) 2021 funding round for the CDFI Rapid Response
Program (CDFI RRP) today. The program will provide $1.25 billion to Community
Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to help their communities respond to the
economic hardships created by the COVID-19 pandemic – o ering a historic investment in
institutions that reach communities that have traditionally been underserved by the financial
sector. The CDFI RRP provides an opportunity to further the Administration’s Build Back
Better agenda by promoting economic recovery from the impacts of the coronavirus
pandemic and advancing racial justice.
“Community Development Financial Institutions are critical for ensuring the flow of capital to
households and neighborhoods that have historically been underserved in our nation’s
financial services marketplace and that have been hard hit during the COVID pandemic,” said
Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen. “The program we are launching today will allow
CDFIs across the country to significantly scale up their work and play their important role in
ensuring an equitable economic recovery.”

Quickly and broadly deploying capital to communities that need it: The CDFI RRP is
designed to quickly and broadly deploy capital to certified CDFIs, a designation for
specialized organizations that provide financial services to low-income communities
and those that lack access to financing, through a streamlined application and review
process.[1] Resources awarded to CDFIs will be used to help distressed communities and
people respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across the country.
Importantly, with millions of Main Street small businesses – especially Black- and



Treasury’s Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Opens Funding Round for CDFI Rapid Resp…

Brown-owned small businesses – struggling, supporting CDFIs is imperative. CDFI RRp
grant funds may be expended for eligible activities such as financial products, financial
services, loan loss reserves, development services, capital reserves, and certain
operational activities.

A historic investment in CDFIs: This $1.25 billion of support is the first tranche of $3
billion in total CDFI grant funding that was enacted into law in December, and marks the
first of a series of historic investments the Treasury Department will be making in CDFIs.
Later this year, the CDFI Fund will make available up to $1.75 billion for grants to
minority lending institutions and investment in low- and moderate-income minority
communities. In addition, the Treasury Department is finalizing the structure for the
Emergency Capital Investment Program, a direct capital investment program for up to $9
billion of investments in to depository CDFIs and Minority Depository Institutions.

Building Back Better from the crisis: The CDFI RRP is another tool that the Treasury
Department is using to promote an equitable and sustainable economic recovery. In
conjunction with recent e orts to expand access to the Small Business Administration’s
Paycheck Protection Program and increased flexibility for rental assistance deployment,
the Treasury Department is steadfast in acting aggressively to provide relief to Americans
during this crisis. However, the magnitude of need for relief is still outsized – including
for small businesses and households in the communities hardest hit by the pandemic.
The President’s American Rescue Plan includes measures focused on getting relief to
these communities, including new emergency grants to help struggling small
businesses, investments in state programs that support small business credit, and
additional rental assistance to support families trying to stay in their homes.

The CDFI Fund is committed to awarding these funds as soon as possible. As a result, the
application round for this program will only be open for one month. All applications must be
submitted to the CDFI Fund by March 25, 2021. Review the Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA)
publication for more details.



Treasury’s Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Opens Funding Round for CDFI Rapid Resp…

Please note that the NOFA refers to the CDFI RRP. The FY 2021 funding rounds for the
Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) and Native
American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program) are also currently open and accepting
applications. More information about how to apply to those programs is available on the
CDFI Fund’s website.
Please see below for additional details on how to apply to the CDFI RRP.

Only certified CDFIs that have received certification from the CDFI Fund as of February 26,
2021, the day the NOFA is expected to be published in the Federal Register, are eligible to
apply for CDFI RRP funds. All awards provided through the CDFI RRP are subject to funding
availability, as defined by the NOFA.
Please note that uncertified organizations may still be eligible to apply for a FY 2021 CDFI
Program or NACA Program Technical Assistance award instead; please review the
requirements for those program applications to learn more.

Reference copies of the CDFI RRP NOFA and all application materials can be found on the
CDFI Rapid Response Program page on the CDFI Fund’s website.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read and view all application materials, including the
NOFA, application guidance, webinars, and presentations.
Please see the NOFA for more information on submitting the CDFI Rapid Response Program

The CDFI Fund is conducting two live webinars to inform applicants about the FY 2021 CDFI
RRP application. Please view the CDFI Program Rapid Response Program webpage for the
dates, times, and access information for each webinar. Advance registration is not required
to participate in the webinars.



Treasury’s Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Opens Funding Round for CDFI Rapid Resp…

The CDFI Fund also held a pre-application webinar about the CDFI Rapid Response Program
on February 18, 2021. The recording and presentation from that webinar are also available
on the CDFI Fund’s website.

Since its creation in 1994, the CDFI Fund has awarded more than $3.9 billion to CDFIs,
community development organizations, and financial institutions through the Bank
Enterprise Award Program, the Capital Magnet Fund, the Community Development Financial
Institutions Program, the Financial Education and Counseling Pilot Program, and the Native
American CDFI Assistance Program. In addition, the CDFI Fund has allocated $61 billion in tax
credit allocation authority to Community Development Entities through the New Markets Tax
Credit Program, and closed guaranteed bonds for over $1.7 billion through the CDFI Bond
Guarantee Program
Learn more about the CDFI Fund and its programs, visit

[1] A certified CDFI must demonstrate that it (1) is a legal entity at the time of certification
application; (2) has a primary mission of promoting community development; (3) is a
financing entity; (4) primarily serves one or more target markets; (5) provides development
services in conjunction with its financing activities; (6) maintains accountability to its defined
target market; and (7) is a non-government entity and not under the control of any
government entity (Tribal governments excluded).
