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Treasury Targets Covert Hamas Investment Network and Finance Official | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Treasury Targets Covert Hamas Investment Network and
Finance Official
May 24, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasuryʼs O ice of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) designated a Hamas finance o icial as well as an expansive network of three Hamas
financial facilitators and six companies that have generated revenue for the terrorist group
through the management of an international investment portfolio.
Hamasʼs Investment O ice, whose leadership oversees this network, held assets estimated to
be worth more than $500 million, including companies operating in Sudan, Turkey, Saudi
Arabia, Algeria, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While Hamasʼs Shura Council and
Executive Committee exercise control and oversight of the groupʼs international investment
portfolio, the Investment O ice is in charge of the day-to-day management of this investment
“Todayʼs action targets the individuals and companies that Hamas uses to conceal and
launder funds,” said Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial
Crimes Elizabeth Rosenberg while in Israel to discuss counter terrorist financing e orts.
“Hamas has generated vast sums of revenue through its secret investment portfolio while
destabilizing Gaza, which is facing harsh living and economic conditions. Hamas maintains a
violent agenda that harms both Israelis and Palestinians. The United States is committed to
denying Hamas the ability to generate and move funds and to holding Hamas accountable for
its role in promoting and carrying out violence in the region.”
The individuals and companies listed below are being designated under Executive Order (E.O.)
13224, as amended, which targets terrorists, leaders, and o icials of terrorist groups, and
those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. The United States designated
Hamas as a Foreign Terrorist Organization in October 1997, and as a Specially Designated
Global Terrorist pursuant to E.O. 13224 in October 2001.
Ahmed Sharif Abdallah Odeh and Usama Ali



Treasury Targets Covert Hamas Investment Network and Finance Official | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Ahmed Sharif Abdallah Odeh (Odeh), a Jordanian national, was in charge of the international
investment portfolio until 2017. Even a er Odeh stepped down as the Investment O ice chief,
he oversaw the Investment O ice on behalf of Hamasʼs Shura Council. Odeh regularly met with
senior Hamas o icials, gave presentations about the portfolioʼs business activities, and
coordinated financial transfers on behalf of the group.
In mid-2017, Usama Ali was appointed as the head of the Investment O ice, a position from
which he coordinated financial transfers to Hamas. Although he did not maintain an o icial
role in companies associated with the investment portfolio, he was involved in their business
activities. In addition to managing Hamasʼs investment portfolio, as of early 2019, Usama Ali
was a Hamas operative and member of Hamasʼs Shura Council. Additionally, Usama Ali served
on Hamasʼs Executive Committee. He maintained direct contact with senior Hamas leaders,
including Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, Political Bureau Deputy Chief Salih al-Aruri,
financial o icial Zahar Jabarin, and others.
Ismail Haniyeh was designated by the State Department on January 31, 2018, pursuant to E.O.
13224. Salih al-Aruri was designated by the Treasury Department on September 10, 2015,
pursuant to E.O. 13224. Zahar Jabarin was designated by the Treasury Department on
September 10, 2019, pursuant to E.O. 13224.
Ahmed Sharif Abdallah Odeh is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for
having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Hamas. Usama Ali is
being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for being a leader or o icial of, Hamas.
Hisham Younis Yahia Qafisheh and Hamas-A iliated Companies
Hisham Younis Yahia Qafisheh (Qafisheh) is a Turkey-based Jordanian national who served
as Usama Aliʼs deputy and played an important role in transferring funds on behalf of various
companies linked to Hamasʼs investment portfolio. Qafisheh was involved in managing the
operations or held key roles in several companies controlled by Hamas including serving as a
member of the Board of Directors at Sudan-based Agrogate Holding and the Deputy
Chairman of the Board at Turkey-based Trend GYO, and Chairman of the Board at Sudanbased Al Rowad Real Estate Development. Qafisheh also managed Anda Company, a real
estate and construction business, which was based in Saudi Arabia.
Agrogate Holding is an infrastructure and mining company in Sudan. Qafisheh and Odeh
interviewed and hired candidates for Agrogate leadership and had a direct line of



Treasury Targets Covert Hamas Investment Network and Finance Official | U.S. Department of the Treasury

communication to the company board of directors.
As of 2018, Hamas elements held about 75 percent of the issued capital at Turkey-based
company Trend GYO. Additionally, Hamas planned to privately issue more than $15 million of
Trend GYOʼs shares to senior o icials in the investment portfolio.
Al Rowad Real Estate Development was established in 2010 by merging several Hamas
companies based in Sudan. Qafisheh made hiring and firing decisions at Al Rowad and was
also involved in the companyʼs financial dealings.
Hisham Younis Yahia Qafisheh is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for
having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Hamas. Anda
Company, Agrogate Holding, Trend GYO, and Al Rowad Real Estate Development are being
designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for being owned, controlled, or directed by,
directly or indirectly, Hamas.
Sidar Company and Itqan Real Estate JSC
The Investment O ice also covertly held assets in Algeria-based Sidar Company and UAEbased Itqan Real Estate JSC, both of which appeared to operate as legitimate businesses,
but in practice, were controlled by Hamas and transferred money to the group. A significant
portion of funds transferred by these companies to Hamas were allocated to the groupʼs
military arm, the Izz-Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades.
Sidar Company, Anda Company, and Agrogate Holding were among Hamasʼs larger
investments in real estate and construction. Hamas Investment O ice leadership actively
managed Sidar Company, a real estate development company.
Itqan was among several commercial companies controlled by Hamasʼs covert investment
portfolio. In mid-2019, Hamas investment portfolio managers considered selling one of
Itqanʼs highest-value assets, valued at $150 million.
Sidar Company and Itqan Real Estate JSC are being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as
amended, for being owned, controlled, or directed by, directly or indirectly, Hamas.
ʻAbdallah Yusuf Faisal Sabri (Sabri), a Kuwait-based Jordanian national, is an accountant
who has worked in the Hamas Finance Ministry for several years. Sabri, a Hamas financial
o icial and representative, has been an important figure in the terrorist organization since
2006, and played a role in expanding Hamasʼs reach in the region.



Treasury Targets Covert Hamas Investment Network and Finance Official | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Since at least 2018, Sabri has managed Hamasʼs operational expenses and oversaw the
transfer of large sums of money on behalf of Hamas, including transfers from Iran and Saudi
Arabia, which he sent to Hamas members, units, and industries. In 2018, Sabri was appointed
chairman of a committee that, together with Hamasʼs investment apparatus, would supervise
a budget summary report pursuant to a resolution from a recent Hamas leadership meeting.
Sabri likely knew details about Hamasʼs financial planning and was likely aware of Hamasʼs
investment projects, sources of income, and financial expenditures.
ʻAbdallah Yusuf Faisal Sabri is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for being
a leader or o icial of Hamas.
As a result of todayʼs action, all property and interests in property of the individuals and
entities named above, and of any entities that are owned, directly or indirectly 50 percent or
more by it, individually, or with other blocked persons, that are in the United States or in the
possession or control of U.S. persons, must be blocked and reported to OFAC. Unless
authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC or otherwise exempt, OFACʼs
regulations generally prohibit all transactions by U.S. persons or within the United States
(including transactions transiting the United States) that involve any property or interests in
property of designated or otherwise blocked persons.
Furthermore, engaging in certain transactions with the individuals and entities designated
today entails risk of secondary sanctions pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended. Pursuant to
this authority, OFAC can prohibit or impose strict conditions on the opening or maintaining in
the United States of a correspondent account or a payable-through account of a foreign
financial institution that knowingly conducted or facilitated any significant transaction on
behalf of a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.
The power and integrity of OFAC sanctions derive not only from its ability to designate and
add persons to the SDN List, but also from its willingness to remove persons from the SDN
List consistent with the law. The ultimate goal of sanctions is not to punish but to bring about
a positive change in behavior. For information concerning the process for seeking removal
from any OFAC list, including the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List,
please refer to OFACʼs Frequently Asked Question 897. Additional information regarding
sanctions programs administered by OFAC can be found here.
View identifying information on the individuals and entities designated today.



Treasury Targets Covert Hamas Investment Network and Finance Official | U.S. Department of the Treasury

