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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Open Session of the meeting of the Financial Stability Ov…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Open
Session of the meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight
December 14, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Today, the Financial Stability Oversight Council will vote on releasing its 2023 annual report.
Before we turn to the presentation, I would like to mark this occasion by describing how the
Council continues to promote financial stability in the current macroeconomic environment, as
detailed in the report.
Despite facing tighter financial conditions and heightened global economic uncertainty over
the last year, the U.S. financial system remains resilient. The U.S. banking system as a whole is
sound, with strong capital and liquidity positions. This is a testament to the reforms
implemented in the a ermath of the global financial crisis; the governmentʼs response to the
COVID pandemic; and more recent actions. When two regional banking firms and a global
financial firm failed last March, FSOC member agencies acted quickly to mitigate the serious
risk of contagion and to maintain confidence in the banking system. But the failures also
underscored that vulnerabilities remain.
So, over the past year, the Council has continued to carry out its crucial mandate of enhancing
the resilience of the financial system and monitoring a wide range of vulnerabilities, including
by working with federal and state financial regulators. The Council specifically continues to
assess risks arising from higher interest rates and additional financial uncertainty. This
includes evaluating the sensitivity of uninsured bank deposits and short-term wholesale
funding, as well as potential higher credit losses. The Council is also evaluating and
responding to potential risks in the commercial and residential real estate sectors, as well as
areas of the financial system where leverage is increasing.
This yearʼs annual report analyzes 14 di erent vulnerabilities, all of which the Council will
continue to monitor and evaluate. For each, the annual report makes recommendations to
further enhance the integrity, e iciency, and stability of U.S. financial institutions and markets.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Open Session of the meeting of the Financial Stability Ov…

As we look ahead to next year, let me highlight the Councilʼs progress in several areas that we
will continue to work on going forward.
First, last month, the Council issued a new analytic framework for financial stability risks and
updated guidance on nonbank financial company designations. This represented a significant
step forward in increasing the Councilʼs public transparency and strengthened the Councilʼs
ability to mitigate the risks of a financial crisis that can devastate businesses and households.
The Council has a range of authorities for addressing risks to financial stability, and the
framework makes clear that the Councilʼs response to a risk to financial stability will depend
on the nature of the risk.
Second, since first identifying climate change as an emerging threat to U.S. financial stability
two years ago, the Council and its member agencies have significantly increased their capacity
to evaluate and address climate-related financial risks. The Councilʼs Climate-related Financial
Risk Committee is developing a framework to identify and assess climate-related financial
risk, focusing on the intersection of physical risk, real estate, and insurance. This work is an
important step towards fully and durably integrating climate risk into macroprudential policy,
to preserve U.S. financial stability and protect the U.S. economy. The Councilʼs work is also
supported by a newly established external Climate-related Financial Risk Advisory Committee,
which held its first three meetings this year. Leveraging its membersʼ diverse backgrounds,
that committee provides the Council with information on and analysis of climate-related
financial risks from a broad array of perspectives.
Third, this year, the Council specifically identified the use of artificial intelligence in financial
services as a vulnerability in the financial system. As financial institutions continue to evaluate
and adopt innovative technologies, uptake of AI could accelerate. President Bidenʼs recent
Executive Order on this topic called on agencies to enhance the safe, secure, and trustworthy
development of AI. The Council will play its part by monitoring evolving technologies to
respond to emerging risks. Supporting responsible innovation in this area can allow the
financial system to reap benefits like increased e iciency, but there are also existing principles
and rules for risk management that should be applied.
And, finally, Iʼll highlight that the Council remains focused on improving the cyber resilience of
the financial system. This requires continuous assessment of vulnerabilities and informationsharing between the U.S. government and domestic and foreign private firms.
With that, thank you to our sta for their hard work on the annual report and to all Council
members for the significant progress across many issues. I look forward to seeing the Council



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Open Session of the meeting of the Financial Stability Ov…

make further progress in the year ahead informed by the reportʼs recommendations.
Now, let me turn to Sandra Lee, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Council at Treasury, and
Paula Tkac, Executive Vice President and Research Director at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta, for the presentation.
