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Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the National Action Network’s Annual King Day Breakfast | U.…

Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the
National Action Network’s Annual King Day Breakfast
January 17, 2022

WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen will deliver the following remarks at
the National Action Networkʼs Annual King Day Breakfast.

As prepared for delivery
Hello, everyone, and thank you, Reverend Sharpton, for inviting me today. Itʼs a real pleasure
to join NAN in celebrating the life and legacy of “the moral leader of our nation,” which is what
A. Phillip Randolph called Dr. King on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, moments before
inviting him to deliver the “I Have a Dream” speech.
Like many people, I use this holiday to reacquaint myself with that remarkable speech and was
interested see to that Dr. King uses a financial metaphor in a key passage.
“When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the
Declaration of Independence,” he said, “they were signing a promissory note to which every
American was to fall heir.”
“It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her
citizens of color are concerned,” he continued, “[Theyʼve been given] a bad check, a check
which has come back marked insu icient funds. But we refuse to believe the bank of justice is
It is compelling rhetoric, but I also think Dr. King knew it was a more than a metaphor. He
knew that economic injustice was bound up in the larger injustice he fought against. From
Reconstruction, to Jim Crow, to the present day, our economy has never worked fairly for
Black Americans – or, really, for any American of color.
Well, since taking o ice last January, our administration has tried to change that; to ensure
that neither the figurative bank of justice – nor any literal economic institution – fails to work
for people of color.



Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to the National Action Network’s Annual King Day Breakfast | U.…

It has been a year of action, especially at the Treasury Department. Weʼve completed
Treasuryʼs first equity review, looking across the Department and asking: Where are our
operations not as inclusive as they should be?
Weʼve brought on the most diverse leadership team in Treasuryʼs history and hired the
Departmentʼs first ever counselor on racial equity.
And then thereʼs Treasuryʼs pandemic response. We knew that the communities hurt most by
COVID were o en communities of color, and so as we began implementing relief bills like the
American Rescue Plan, we did so with equity in mind.
Reverend Sharpton, we were very glad to host you at our Freedmanʼs Bank Forum last month.
We announced there that Treasury was injecting $9 billion dollars into Community
Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions. These CDFIs and
MDIs serve people and places that the financial sector historically hasnʼt served well.
We also included CEOs from some of the countryʼs largest financial institutions in the
meeting. Beyond just injecting capital in CDFIs and MDIs, we wanted to find ways for these
larger institutions to partner with them so they could scale up even further.
Of course, no one program and no one administration can make good on the hopes and
aspirations that Dr. King had for our country. There is still much more work Treasury needs to
do to narrow the racial wealth divide.
We also know that progress requires a constellation of actors across generations, in and out
of government – and that is why NANʼs work remains so essential. Thank you, all, for your
partnership and your leadership. I look forward to continuing the e ort for racial and
economic equality in 2022.
