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Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson at the U.S.-Mexico High-Level Securi…

Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial
Intelligence Brian Nelson at the U.S.-Mexico High-Level
Security Dialogue
October 5, 2023

As Prepared for Delivery
Good morning. I am honored to join Secretary Blinken, Secretary Mayorkas, and Attorney
General Garland today at the third U.S.-Mexico High-Level Security Dialogue. We appreciate
the warm welcome and hospitality here in Mexico City.
Treasury values our close and longstanding relationship with Mexican authorities in
developing and implementing sanctions actions together against those who tra ic drugs,
arms, and even people. Our respective sanctions authorities are very powerful tools,
particularly when we take joint or parallel actions. However, sanctions are just one tool
available to disrupt the finances of these criminal enterprises. To better leverage the range of
our financial tools, we convened our Principals Strategic Dialogue on Illicit Finance (SDIF) with
Mexicoʼs Financial Intelligence Unit (the UIF), our longtime cohost, in August. At that meeting,
we advanced workstreams on financial flow typologies related to fentanyl precursors and
focused on emerging schemes like timeshare fraud that are being used by criminal
Treasury has also worked to increase our engagement with the private sector both in the
United States and Mexico. Given our strong financial connectivity, we share many of the same
challenges. One such challenge we are working to tackle is unmasking the opaque networks
behind the precursor chemical trade. To identify the procurement channels, brokers, and
professional money launderers who enable this deadly business, it's not enough to expand our
governmentsʼ intelligence – we also need to make sure financial institutions are empowered
to understand and interdict the illicit financial flows powering these networks.
Thatʼs why, on the SDIF sidelines in August and in addition to our regular Bilateral PublicPrivate Banking Working Group, Treasury also hosted its first cross-border public-private
roundtable. This allowed U.S. and Mexican participants from financial regulators, law
enforcement, and financial institutions to exchange priorities and approaches to prevent and



Remarks by Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson at the U.S.-Mexico High-Level Securi…

prosecute the misuse of the financial sector for drug tra icking, the procurement of precursor
chemicals, and other crimes. Treasury commits to continue building these public private
e orts.
The transnational nature of these criminal organizations and their financial networks requires
strong partnership between our two countries to achieve our shared goal of dismantling
these deadly operations. I appreciate the opportunity to represent Treasury at this Dialogue
and, on behalf of Secretary Yellen, o er our strong our commitment to continue building this
crucial partnership.
