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Minutes of the Meeting of the Treasury Borrowing Advisory
Committee May 2, 2023
May 3, 2023

The Committee convened in a closed session at the Department of the Treasury at 9:15 a.m. All
members were present. Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang, Fiscal Assistant
Secretary Dave Lebryk, Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Josh Frost, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Federal Finance Brian Smith, and Director of the Office of Debt Management Fred
Pietrangeli welcomed the Committee. Other members of Treasury staff present were Sally AuYeung, Chris Cameron, Dave Chung, Gabriella Csepe, Tom Katzenbach, Chris Kubeluis, Kyle Lee,
Jeff Rapp, Renee Tang, and Thomas Teles. Federal Reserve Bank of New York staff members
Johnny Elliot, Susan McLaughlin, and Anna Nordstrom were also present.
Assistant Secretary Frost opened the meeting by thanking Beth Hammack for her service,
including as Chair of the Committee since 2018, and then provided a brief update on debt
management priorities. Under Secretary Liang also briefly outlined recent developments
related to broader Treasury priorities.
Director Pietrangeli provided brief highlights of changes in receipts and outlays through Q2
FY2023. Receipts totaled $2.048 trillion, a decline of $74 billion (-3%) compared to the same
period last year, as modestly higher tax receipts were offset by elevated tax refunds and lower
Federal Reserve remittances. Outlays totaled $3.149 trillion, an increase of $359 billion (13%)
compared to the same period last year, reflecting modest increases in expenditures across
several key categories.
Pietrangeli then turned to deficit and privately-held net marketable borrowing projections.
Primary dealer estimates were higher compared to last quarter. Specifically, the median
cumulative privately-held net marketable borrowing estimate through FY2025 shifted higher by
approximately $600 billion relative to last quarter. Dealers noted a low level of confidence in
their estimates, with risk skewed to the upside due to uncertainty around the economic
outlook, the path of monetary policy, and the pace of SOMA redemptions. Pietrangeli
highlighted that the estimates (from OMB, CBO, and the primary dealers) for privately-held net
marketable borrowing needs indicate a sizable financing gap, if bill supply and coupon auction

sizes were to remain unchanged at current levels. Over the next three fiscal years, the
cumulative financing gap could total between $2 and $3.5 trillion under current forecasts.
Pietrangeli then discussed primary dealers’ expectations for Treasury issuance. Dealers broadly
expected Treasury to keep nominal coupon auction sizes unchanged this quarter. Looking
ahead, most dealers thought Treasury would need to consider gradual increases to nominal
coupon auction sizes in future quarters, with some expecting increases beginning in August.
Dealers did not expect any changes in TIPS auction sizes this quarter but expected marginal
increases in FY2024.
Debt Manager Katzenbach then reviewed primary dealers’ estimates of the market’s capacity to
absorb additional Treasury bill issuance once the debt limit is suspended or increased. Dealers
broadly agreed that there is ample scope to expeditiously increase the supply of bills.
Respondents cited record-high money market mutual fund assets under management and the
more than $2 trillion in the Federal Reserve’s Overnight Reverse Repo Facility as evidence of
significant demand for short-dated, high quality liquid assets. Dealers noted that the bill
market could accommodate increases across benchmark tenors, but that the largest increases
should occur in the shorter maturity bills. The median estimate for how much Treasury could
increase bill issuance over three months without causing significant price deviations from fair
value was $600 billion, though some estimates exceeded $1 trillion. Katzenbach noted that
dealers encouraged Treasury to be responsive to potential market-based indicators of stress in
the bill market when replenishing its cash balance.
Debt Manager Lee then reviewed primary dealers’ views on the size of a potential buyback
program. In general, dealers thought it would be important that any buyback program start
conservatively to allow time for market participants to adapt to regular operations and for
Treasury to assess the impact. Many dealers also thought it would be important for Treasury to
retain some flexibility with buybacks based on market conditions and prices. They stated this
would not be at odds with being regular and predictable, if Treasury regularly and clearly
communicated its intentions.
For liquidity support, dealers were split on whether $5 to $10 billion per month would
meaningfully improve liquidity. Some dealers thought the signal of Treasury’s willingness to
conduct buybacks for liquidity support would improve investor confidence and liquidity, while
others thought Treasury would need to also indicate a large capacity to conduct buybacks to
assure investors. For cash management, dealers noted some difficulties sourcing short
coupons given supply and demand imbalances in the front-end under current market

conditions, while others noted investor preferences for bills over short coupons would enable
Treasury to conduct larger buybacks in short coupons.
Lee then presented Treasury’s current thinking on a potential regular buyback program. Lee
noted that Treasury believes a buyback program should focus on liquidity support and cash
management objectives. He also noted that buyback operations should be regular and
predictable across tenors, not be used to fundamentally change the overall maturity profile of
total debt outstanding, and not be used to mitigate episodes of acute market stress. The
presentation noted that Treasury agrees with the Committee’s suggestions on initial buyback
sizes and notes it would be important for Treasury to be flexible with buyback amounts based
on market conditions and prices. Lee mentioned that Treasury also believes buybacks should
be treated like any other cash outlay for debt management purposes and, given the size of
buybacks being considered, should not meaningfully impact the overall maturity profile of total
debt outstanding. Lee ended by explaining that there are several outstanding issues that
Treasury is still considering.
The Committee then discussed the presentation and generally agreed with the approach that
Treasury is currently considering. They noted it was important that Treasury continue to study
the design of a potential regular buyback program, including the outstanding issues that
Treasury highlighted.
The Committee then discussed whether to change the auction schedule for 2-, 3-, 5-, and 7-year
notes, from monthly new issues to a schedule of one new issue and two reopening auctions per
quarter. The presenting member noted that initial analysis indicated that fewer and larger
issues could lead to improvements in Treasury market liquidity. However, Treasury should
consider a staggered approach to ensure that at least one tenor matures each month. In
addition, the presenting member recommended maintaining the monthly new issue cadence
for the 2-year, which market participants find valuable. Committee members discussed
different potential auction, repo, and secondary market trading dynamics of monthly versus
quarterly issues and concluded that further study was warranted.
The Committee then discussed considerations for TIPS issuance going forward. The presenting
member began by outlining the benefits of the TIPS program, both for Treasury and for
investors. While TIPS demand has shown some cyclical weakness, structural demand remains
strong, in particular for 5- and 10-year TIPS. The presenting member noted that, without TIPS
auction size increases, the TIPS share of total debt outstanding would likely decline in the
coming years. Other measures were also important to consider, such as the supply of TIPS

relative to the size of the economy and domestic assets. Committee members agreed that
Treasury should consider increasing TIPS auction sizes in a regular and predictable manner, but
also emphasized the importance of monitoring market conditions.
Finally, the Committee discussed its financing recommendation for the upcoming quarters.
Based on updated borrowing estimates, the Committee agreed that Treasury should consider
increases to coupon issuance and debated the timing and pace of those increases. The
Committee agreed with maintaining nominal coupon auction sizes this quarter but
recommended that Treasury begin gradual increases in August. They also recommend that
increases occur across tenors, with smaller increases in the 7- and 20-year tenors. The
Committee noted the importance of monitoring developments with regard to Treasury's
borrowing needs and the market’s capacity to absorb additional bill issuance over the
upcoming quarter to inform the appropriate pace of future increases. Finally, consistent with
the earlier presentation, the Committee recommended that Treasury begin increasing TIPS
issuance gradually, focusing on the 5- and 10-year tenors.
The Committee adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Brian Smith
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Finance
United States Department of the Treasury
May 2, 2023
Certified by:
Beth Hammack, Chair
Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee
May 2, 2023


Fiscal Outlook
Taking into consideration Treasury’s short, intermediate, and long-term financing requirements,
as well as the variability in financing needs from quarter to quarter, what changes, if any, do you
recommend to Treasury issuance? Please also provide perspectives regarding market
expectations for Treasury issuance, the effects of changes in SOMA holdings, the evolution of
Treasury holdings by different types of investors, as well as auction calendar construction.

TIPS Issuance
Please discuss what Treasury should consider for TIPS issuance for the rest of CY2023 and
beyond, in the context of the committee’s views on the appropriate level of TIPS supply in the
medium and long‐term. How have investor portfolio allocations to TIPS changed recently and
how do you expect demand to evolve going forward? In addition to the share of TIPS as a
percentage of total debt outstanding, are there any other measures Treasury should use to help
inform the appropriate level or range of TIPS outstanding?

Potential Auction Schedule
At the February refunding, Treasury provided a summary of primary dealers’ views on potential
changes to the auctions schedule to reduce the number of CUSIPS for Treasury securities issued
each year.
Please discuss the Committee’s views on the potential benefits and risks of changing the
monthly new issue schedule for the 2-, 3-, 5-, and/or 7-year nominal coupon benchmarks to one
new issue and two benchmarks per quarter? Would these changes meaningfully improve
Treasury market liquidity?

Financing this Quarter

We would like the Committee’s advice on the following:
The composition of Treasury notes and bonds to refund approximately $75.2 billion of
privately-held notes maturing on May 15, 2023.
The composition of Treasury marketable financing for the remainder of the April-June 2023
The composition of Treasury marketable financing for the July-September 2023 quarter.