Full text of PPI Detailed Report : April 1985
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U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR William E. Brock, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Janet L. Norwood, Commissioner OFFICE OF PRICES AND LIVING CONDITIONS Kenneth V. Dalton, Associate Commissioner Producer Price Indexes is a monthly report on producer price movements including text, tables, and technical notes An annual supplement contains monthly data for the calendar year, annual averages, and information on weights. A subscription may be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Subscription price: $29 a year domestic (includes supplement) $7.25 additional foreign Single copy $4.25 Supplement $4.75 The Secretary of Labor has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business required by law of this Department. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through July 31, 1987. Second-classs postage paid at Washington, D.C. and at additional mailing offices. Material in this publication is in the public domain and, with appropriate credit, may be reproduced without permission. ISSN 0882-5270 May 1985 Producer Price Indexes Data for April 1985 Contents Page Price movements, April 1985 1 Future changes in producer price indexes for refined petroleum products Tables: 1. Producer price indexes and percent changes by stage of processing 2. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing 3. Producer price indexes for selected stage-of-processing groupings, seasonally adjusted 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products 5. Producer price indexes by durability of product 155 Page 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items 7. Producer prices and price indexes for refined petroleum products by region 107 156 158 9. Producer price indexes for the output of selected sic industries 4 8. Producer price indexes for special commodity groupings 159 9 10 106 10. Producer price indexes for the output of selected census product classes 160 12. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected telephone services 162 13. Producer price indexes and percent changes for postal services 5 162 14. Producer price indexes for the net output of major mining and manufacturing industry groups 163 Technical notes Table 11, for total railroad freight, has been discontinued. Data formerly in this table now appear in table 4. See "Changes in the Railroad Freight Price Index," in the March issue of Producer Price Indexes, p. 167. 164 Price Movements April 1985 The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods rose 0.3 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from March to April. This increase was about the same as the 0.2-percent rise in March. In the preceding 3 months, the index had shown almost no change. Prices for intermediate goods were up 0.2 percent, the first increase since November. Crude material prices dropped 1.2 percent, the fourth consecutive monthly decline between 1 and 2 percent. (See table A.) The April rise in the Finished Goods Price Index was caused by a substantial advance in the index for energy goods. In contrast, prices for consumer foods fell more than in any other month in the last year. The index for finished goods other than foods and energy edged down slightly, after climbing rapidly during the first quarter of 1985. Before seasonal adjustment, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods moved up 0.2 percent to 293.1 (1967=100). From April 1984 to April 1985, the Finished Goods Price Index increased 0.7 percent. During the same span, prices for consumer foods fell 0.7 percent, the index for energy goods dropped 5.0 percent, consumer goods other than foods and energy advanced 2.4 percent, and capital equipment prices rose 1.9 percent. The index for intermediate goods edged down 0.3 percent over the last 12 months, and crude material prices were down 8.3 percent. Finished goods Finished consumer goods. The Producer Price Index for consumer goods rose 0.4 percent, after edging up 0.1 percent in March. The index for finished energy goods climbed 5.8 percent after seasonal adjustment, following 4 months of decline. Before seasonal adjustment, the April increase was 2.9 percent. (This index currently is almost entirely based on products whose prices are lagged 1 month.) Price indexes rose sharply for gasoline and home heating oil. However, natural gas prices edged down. Over the month, the consumer foods index moved down 1.0 percent, the fourth consecutive monthly decline. Prices turned down sharply after rising in March for pork and fresh vegetables. Prices for beef and veal, fresh fruits, and milled rice also fell markedly. Table A. Percent changes from preceding month in selected stage-of-processing price indexes, seasonally adjusted1 Finished goods Intermediate goods Crude goods Total Consumer foods Other Total Foods and feeds2 Other Total Foodstuffs and feedstuffs Other 1984: April May June July August September October .... November. December. 0 -.1 0 .2 -.2 0 -.1 .3 0 -1.1 -.8 0 1.5 -.3 -.1 -.1 .5 .4 0.4 .1 0 -.2 -.2 0 0 .3 -.1 0.2 .2 .2 -.2 -.2 -.1 .1 .2 -.1 -0.4 0 -.8 -1.6 -1.3 -1.1 -1.0 .4 -.3 0.2 .3 .2 -.1 -.1 -.1 .2 .2 0 -0.5 -.9 -.6 .3 -1.2 .1 -.9 1.4 -.2 -1.7 -2.2 -1.4 .9 -1.8 .5 -1.1 3.5 .2 1.0 .6 .2 -.4 -.5 -.5 -.8 -.8 -.7 1985: January February .., March April .1 -.1 .2 .3 -.3 -.1 -.2 -1.0 .3 -.1 .3 .7 -.1 -.5 -.2 .2 -1.4 -.5 -.7 -1.6 0 -.5 -.1 .3 -1.9 -1.9 -1.5 -1.2 -2.1 -2.0 -2.8 -3.0 -1.7 -1.7 0 .8 Month 1 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. For this reason, some of the figures shown above and elsewhere in this report may differ from those previously reported. 2 Intermediate materials for food manufacturing and feeds. Table B. Percent changes in finished goods price indexes, selected periods1 Changes from preceding month, seasonally adjusted Finished goods Capital equipment Finished consumer goods 1984: April May June July August September October .... November. December. 0 -.1 0 .2 -.2 0 -.1 .3 0 0.6 -.2 .1 .2 .2 .2 -.2 .3 -.3 1985: January February ... March April .1 -.1 .2 .3 .7 .5 .4 0 Month 1 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. For this Finished consumer goods excluding foods Nondurables Changes in finished goods from 12 months ago (unadjusted) Total Durables -0.1 -.1 -.1 .2 -.3 -.1 0 .3 .1 0.3 .2 -.1 -.3 -.3 0 0 .3 0 -0.1 0 0 .1 0 .4 -.7 .4 0 0.5 .4 -.1 -.6 -.6 -.3 .5 .2 -.1 2.9 2.4 2.1 2.3 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.7 0 -.3 .1 .4 .1 -.3 .3 1.1 .7 .4 .5 0 -.2 -.8 .2 1.6 1.1 .7 .3 .7 reason, some of the figures shown above and elsewhere in this report may differ from those previously reported. Capital equipment. The Producer Price Index for capital equipment was unchanged in April, as decreases for motor vehicles, transformers, and machine tools offset increases for aircraft, office machines, and commercial furniture. 0.4 percent for the second consecutive month, as prices continued to decline for gray fabrics, woodpulp, and paperboard. In addition, prices for finished fabrics and industrial chemicals turned down, following small March increases. Bolstered by a broad advance in nonferrous metal prices, the materials for durable manufacturing index rose 0.5 percent, in the wake of several recent decreases. Quotations advanced very sharply (at least 12 percent) for silver, tin, and gold. Sizable upward movements also occurred for lead, copper, zinc, and jewelers' materials, while Portland cement prices fell. Following small declines in February and March, the construction materials and components index registered no change. This reflected a balance between increases in prices for millwork, plastic pipes, and plumbing fixtures and brass fittings on the one hand, and decreases for softwood lumber and nonferrous wire and cable on the other. Intermediate goods Crude goods Following 4 months of decreases, the Producer Price Index for Intermediate Materials, Supplies, and Components moved up 0.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis between March and April. This was largely the result of a sharp upturn in energy goods, which was itself due to a steep climb in gasoline, reinforced by advances in indexes for kerosene and fuel oil number two. In contrast, prices for residual fuel oil and commercial jet fuel registered declines. The intermediate foods and feeds index fell for the tenth time in the last 11 months, as lower prices for prepared animal feeds outweighed a sharp increase for crude vegetable oils. In a continuation of its flat trend of recent months, the index for intermediate goods other than foods and energy showed virtually no change in April. The nondurable manufacturing materials category moved down The Producer Price Index for Crude Materials for Further Processing dropped 1.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis, following somewhat larger decreases in each of the 3 preceding months. The crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs index fell 3.0 percent, the fourth substantial decline in as many months. Prices for livestock, fluid milk, hay, and oats moved down sharply. Corn and wheat prices decreased moderately. In contrast, advances were noted for soybeans and unprocessed fish. The index for crude nonfood materials other than energy rose 2.1 percent, almost as much as in March. Substantial increases occurred for raw cotton, cattle hides, construction sand and gravel, copper base scrap, and crude natural rubber. On the other hand, prices fell for wastepaper, iron and steel scrap, and aluminum base scrap. In contrast, prices for eggs, fish, and confectionery end products rose considerably. Following an increase of 0.6 percent in March, prices for consumer goods other than foods and energy edged down 0.2 percent. Prices turned down after advancing in the previous month for tires and tubes, over-thecounter drugs, home electronic equipment, and household glassware. Prices continued to fall for electric lamps and bulbs, leather footwear, household flatware, and table and kitchenware. On the other hand, prices increased for gold jewelry, rubber footwear, metal household containers, household appliances, and consumer plastics. After falling for 7 consecutive months, the crude energy materials index inched up 0.1 percent. Crude petroleum prices turned up 0.5 percent, the first increase in 15 months. Natural gas and coal prices edged down. Scheduled Release Dates Producer Price Index data are scheduled for initial release on the following dates: Index month Release date Index month Release date May June 14 August September 13 June July 12 September October 11 July August 9 October November 15 Table 1. Producer price indexes and percent changes by stage of processing (1967=100) Grouping Relative importance Dec. 19841 Unadjusted percent change to Apr.1985 from: Unadjusted index Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Apr. 1984 Mar. 1985 Seasonally adjusted percent change from: Jan. Feb. Mar. to Feb. to Mar. to Apr. 100.000 78.351 24.374 1.979 22.396 53.977 33.735 20.242 21.649 6.574 15.075 292.0 290.9 273.6 263.0 272.3 294.8 336.7 239.2 295.6 313.4 285.5 292.4 290.4 274.2 283.9 271.1 293.7 333.4 240.8 299.5 316.8 289.6 293.1 291.2 272.4 286.9 268.9 295.8 336.9 241.1 300.0 317.1 290.2 0.7 .3 -.7 -4.0 -.4 .8 .1 1.9 1.9 2.4 1.6 0.2 .3 -.7 1.1 -.8 .7 1.0 .1 .2 .1 .2 -0.1 -.3 -.1 5.4 -.6 -.3 -.8 .4 .5 .4 .5 0.2 .1 -.2 2.3 -.4 .3 .2 .5 .4 .3 .5 0.3 .4 -1.0 -2.2 -.9 1.1 1.6 0 0 0 0 Intermediate materials, supplies and components. Materials and components for manufacturing Materials for food manufacturing Materials for nondurable manufacturing Materials for durable manufacturing Components for manufacturing3 Materials and components for construction Processed fuels and lubricants Manufacturing industries Nonmanufacturing industries Containers Supplies Manufacturing industries3 Nonmanufacturing industries Feeds Other supplies3 100.000 48.578 3.597 14.866 13.892 16.223 14.863 14.316 6.096 8.220 4.306 17.937 6.227 11.709 1.259 10.451 319.9 301.1 268.2 289.2 321.9 289.9 312.4 561.3 483.0 629.2 310.4 283.1 282.2 283.8 191.1 302.8 318.6 300.1 263.5 287.3 320.2 291.0 313.1 548.2 472.3 614.0 312.4 283.8 284.2 283.8 180.4 304.8 319.4 300.7 263.3 287.2 322.5 291.1 313.8 552.5 474.8 619.8 312.1 283.9 285.0 283.6 176.3 305.4 -.3 -.7 -3.0 -1.6 -2.0 1.7 1.1 -1.8 -1.2 -2.3 4.2 -.1 2.6 -1.5 24.5 2.0 .3 .2 -.1 0 .7 0 .2 .8 .5 .9 -.1 0 .3 -.1 -2.3 .2 -.5 -.3 -.6 -.7 -.2 0 -.4 -1.8 -2.0 -1.7 .2 .1 .2 .1 .6 -.2 -.2 -.1 -.1 -.4 -.1 .1 -.2 -.5 -.7 -.3 0 -.1 0 -.1 -3.1 .2 .2 .1 -.6 -.4 .5 0 0 2.1 1.7 2.3 -.3 -.3 .1 -.5 -4.6 .1 Crude materials for further processing . Foodstuffs and feedstuffs Nonfood materials Nonfood materials except fuel4 Manufacturing4 Construction Crude fuel3 5 Manufacturing industries3 Nonmanufacturing industries3 100.000 52.954 47.046 31.718 28.626 3.092 15.327 8.292 7.036 322.4 253.0 472.0 366.4 374.4 276.4 929.8 1,089.7 817.3 312.9 243.6 462.2 358.3 364.1 284.4 913.0 1,067.3 804.9 311.3 240.5 464.0 360.5 366.3 287.0 911.8 1,065.8 804.1 -8.3 10.8 -5.3 -7.3 -8.3 2.8 -1.0 -1.3 -.6 -.5 -1.3 .4 -.1 -.1 -.1 -1.9 -2.0 -1.7 -3.2 -3.8 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.2 -1.5 -2.8 0 1.1 1.2 0 -2.0 -2.2 -1.7 -1.2 -3.0 .8 1.3 1.3 .9 -.1 -.1 -.1 Finished goods Finished consumer goods Finished consumer foods Crude Processed Finished consumer goods, excluding foods . Nondurable goods less foods Durable goods Capital equipment Manufacturing industries Nonmanufacturing industries .6 .6 .9 Special groupings Finished goods, excluding foods Intermediate materials less foods and feeds ... Intermediate foods and feeds Crude materials less agricultural products4 8 ... 8 75.626 95.144 7 4.856 9 43.682 295.8 325.6 243.0 532.3 296.2 324.7 236.3 521.6 297.8 325.6 234.8 523.0 1.1 .2 -9.4 -5.4 .5 .3 -.6 .3 -.1 -.5 -.5 -1.4 .3 -.1 -.7 -.3 .7 .3 -1.6 .7 Finished energy goods Finished goods less energy Finished consumer goods less energy , 8 11.535 88.465 66.816 736.0 266.6 259.3 694.0 269.0 261.3 713.9 268.8 261.0 -5.0 1.4 1.2 2.9 -.1 -.1 -2.5 .1 .1 -.9 .4 .3 5.8 -.4 -.5 Finished goods less foods and energy Finished consumer goods less foods and energy Consumer nondurable goods less foods and energy . 8 64.091 42.442 22.200 264.3 248.0 240.7 267.3 250.6 244.1 267.8 251.0 244.6 2.2 2.4 2.8 .2 .2 .2 .3 .2 0 .5 .6 .7 -.1 -.2 -.4 Intermediate energy goods Intermediate materials less energy Intermediate materials less foods and energy . 7 15.053 84.947 80.091 540.4 304.1 304.8 527.8 303.9 305.2 531.6 304.4 305.7 -2.0 0 .6 .7 .2 .2 -1.9 -.2 -.2 -.3 -.1 -.1 1.9 -.1 0 Crude energy materials3 4 Crude materials less energy Crude nonfood materials less energy6 "31.682 •68.318 9 15.364 773.1 247.8 253.9 747.3 240.9 255.2 748.3 239.1 257.4 -4.4 -9.9 -6.9 .1 -.7 .9 -.4 -2.6 -4.3 -1.0 -1.6 2.3 .1 -1.8 2.1 7 8 8 8 8 7 7 1 Comprehensive relative importance figures are computed once each year in December. 2 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. 3 Not seasonally adjusted. 4 Includes crude petroleum. 5 Excludes crude petroleum. Percent of total finished goods. 7 Percent of total intermediate materials. 8 Formerly titled "Crude materials for further processing, excluding crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs, plant and animal fibers, oilseeds, and leaf tobacco." 9 Percent of total crude materials. 8 Table 2. Producer price Indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Grouping Commodity code Relative importance Dec. 19841 Unadjusted index Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 percent change to Apr. 1985 from: Seasonally adjusted percent change from: Apr. 1984 Mar. 1985 Jan. to Feb. Feb. to Mar. Mar. to Apr. 100.000 292.4 293.1 0.7 0.2 -0.1 0.2 0.3 Finished consumer goods.... 78.351 290.4 291.2 .3 .3 -.3 .1 .4 Finished consumer foods . 24.374 274.2 272.4 -.7 -.7 -.1 -.2 -1.0 .527 .610 .382 248.7 282.7 167.6 258.1 274.9 175.1 20.0 -3.0 -33.8 3.8 -2.8 4.5 9.1 4.6 11.0 -8.3 16.7 1.7 -4.7 -7.0 6.9 2.497 .042 .439 2.526 1.485 .713 1.295 3.416 1.758 .909 1.802 .836 .521 2.622 309.1 194.3 307.4 227.8 218.2 193.3 527.4 253.4 300.2 148.2 348.6 367.7 307.3 281.0 308.9 193.9 306.2 220.1 208.0 187.7 537.6 251.4 298.7 149.9 347.4 367.9 310.3 281.7 4.9 -2.2 3.0 -11.0 -4.3 -11.3 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.8 2.9 5.0 2.7 2.0 -.1 -.2 -.4 -3.4 -4.7 -2.9 1.9 -.8 -.5 1.1 -.3 .1 1.0 .2 .7 2.3 2.8 -1.4 -5.4 -3.5 -4.2 -.3 -.4 .5 1.5 .4 -.4 .5 .5 -.6 -4.4 3.1 -.6 -3.7 -.2 1.6 .1 -.5 0 1.2 .1 -.2 -2.1 -.4 -5.6 -4.3 -.2 2.5 -.9 -.5 1.6 -.3 .4 -.9 .2 53.977 293.7 295.8 .8 .7 -.3 .3 1.1 Finished goods Fresh fruits Fresh and dried vegetables . 01-11 01-13 01-7 Bakery products. Milled rice Other cereals 3 .... Beef and veal Pork Processed poultry Fish Dairy products Processed fruits and vegetables3 Confectionery end products (Dec. 1977=100) . Soft drinks3 Roasted coffee Shortening and cooking oils Miscellaneous processed foods3 02-11 02-13 02-14 02-21-01 02-21-04 02-22 02-23 02-3 02-4 02-55 02-62 02-63-01 02-74 02-8 Finished consumer goods excluding foods . 3 - .7 Alcoholic beverages 02-61 1.834 210.5 210.3 .2 -.1 0 .2 -.1 Women's apparel Men's and boys' apparel Girls', children's, and infants' apparel. Textile housefurnishings3 03-81-01 03-81-02 03-81-03 03-82 2.486 2.768 .505 .888 180.9 229.8 203.7 240.6 181.4 229.9 204.9 241.0 1.5 1.5 .9 1.2 .3 0 .6 .2 .3 -.2 0 .4 .5 -.2 .5 -1.0 .2 0 .5 .2 Footwear Luggage and small leather goods . 04-3 04-41 1.057 .345 255.5 224.4 255.3 225.0 1.5 8.4 -.1 .3 1.5 .2 -.6 .9 -.7 .4 Natural gas3 Gasoline Fuel oil No. 2 (Feb. 1973=100). Finished lubricants3 05-31 05-71 05-73-02-01 05-76 3.044 5.535 1.548 .210 1381.9 516.6 663.0 370.8 1379.7 545.2 675.9 372.2 -1.7 -4.6 -5.2 .5 -.2 5.5 1.9 .4 1.9 -3.4 -3.6 -.4 -2.5 -.8 .6 .1 -.2 9.5 10.2 .4 Pharmaceutical preps, ethical (Prescription) Pharmaceutical preps.proprietary (Over-counter).. Soaps and synthetic detergents3 Specialty cleaning products (June 1983=100) 3 .... Cosmetics and other toilet preparations 06-35 06-36 06-71 06-72 06-75 .947 .396 .713 .437 1.123 247.8 301.0 273.2 103.9 241.4 249.5 300.8 273.1 104.2 242.9 8.8 6.3 3.3 2.1 2.3 .7 -.1 0 .3 .6 1.2 .6 .1 0 -.2 .4 .8 .7 .1 .8 0 -1.0 0 .3 -.2 Tires, tubes, tread, etc Rubber footwear ;. Plastic products, n.e.c (June 1978=100) 3 . 07-12 07-13-01 07-28 .675 .190 .344 241.2 208.1 142.1 239.1 219.6 143.4 -1.8 -6.2 6.2 -.9 5.5 .9 -2.4 .3 -.6 1.0 -1.9 0 -1.2 5.3 .9 Sanitary papers and health products3 Newspaper circulation (Dec. 1980=100) 3 . Periodical circulation (Dec. 1980=100) 3 .... Book publishing (Dec. 1980= 100)3 09-15-01 09-31-01 09-32-01 09-33 .747 .885 .504 .678 374.2 135.1 138.8 131.2 374.8 135.7 139.2 131.3 4.1 5.9 4.7 4.1 .2 .4 .3 .1 .5 .9 .2 .3 -.1 1.1 .1 0 .2 .4 .3 .1 Electric lamps and bulbs . 11-77 .284 340.6 338.7 -2.8 -.6 -.3 -.6 -1.9 248.2 192.4 212.3 80.9 338.5 503.3 370.0 261.0 258.6 3.1 2.2 .7 -4.7 1.5 3.2 -9.8 1.6 .4 .2 .2 .6 -1.2 -1.7 -.8 -1.7 .2 -.3 .1 -.5 0 1.0 1.7 -.2 -1.4 .3 .1 .6 .6 0 .1 -.5 3.1 0 .2 .2 0 -.1 .6 -1.1 -1.1 -.7 -1.7 .5 -.3 Household furniture Floor coverings Household appliances3 Home electronic equipment Tableware, kitchenware, etc Household glassware Household flatware3 Lawn and garden equipment, ex. tractors., Cutlery, razors, and razor blades 12-1 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-61 12-62 12-64 12-66 12-67 1.780 .412 1.378 .541 .175 .123 .133 .196 .124 247.7 192.1 211.1 81.9 344.3 507.5 376.3 260.4 259.5 Passenger cars Light motor trucks Motor homes (June 1984=100) 3 Travel trailers and campers (June 1984= 100)3.. Boats (Dec. 1981 = 100)3 14-11-01 14-11-05 14-15-01-01 14-16 14-3 7.059 .549 .163 .391 .244 227.0 296.2 104.1 102.4 112.0 226.9 296.1 104.1 102.4 112.0 2.2 4.8 (4) (4) 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.5 .9 .8 .4 .3 1.4 .4 .1 .3 -.2 -.9 0 0 0 Toys, games, and children's vehicles . Sporting and athletic goods 15-11 15-12 .537 .414 231.8 205.4 231.5 205.5 1.3 .3 -.1 0 .4 .1 .7 -.4 0 0 See footnotes at end of table. Table 2. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Commodity code Grouping Finished consumer goods excluding foods—Continued Small arms and ammunition Tobacco products Mobile homes (Dec. 1974=100) 3 Jewelry, platinum, & karat gold(Dec. 1978=1OO)3 Other precious metal jewelry (Dec. 1978=100) 3 Costume jewelry (Dec. 1978=100) 3 Relative importance Dec. 19841 Unadjusted index Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Unadjusted percent change to Apr. 1985 from: Seasonally adjusted percent change from: Apr. 1984 Mar. 1985 Jan. to Feb. Feb. to Mar. Mar. to Apr. Agricultural machinery and equipment Construction machinery and equipment3 Industrial process furnaces and ovens3 Metal cutting machine tools Metal forming machine tools Pumps, compressors, and equipment Industrial material handling equipment3 Fans and blowers except portable3 Food products machinery Textile machinery Woodworking machinery3 Printing trades machinery3 Rubber working machinery (Dec. 1981 = 100)3 . Plastics machinery (Dec. 1981 =100) 3 Chemical industry machinery3 Service industry machinery (June 1982=100) 3 . Integrating and measuring instruments Transformers and power regulators3 Oil field and gas field machinery3 Mining machinery and equipment Office and store machines and equipment3 11-1 11-2 11-34 11-37 11-38 11-41 11-44 11-47 11-61 11-62 11-63 11-65 11-66-01 11-66-03 11-66-04 11-68 11-72 11-74 11-91 11-92 11-93 Commercial furniture3... 12-2 Passenger cars Light motor trucks Heavy motor trucks Truck trailers (June 1980=100) 3 Fixed wing, utility aircraft (Dec. 1968 Railroad equipment 14-11-01 14-11-05 14-11-06 14-14 14-21-11 14-4 317.0 420.6 164.4 172.5 167.7 143.3 317.0 420.7 164.5 177.3 167.7 143.4 8.8 7.8 .4 -2.8 1.3 9.5 0 0 .1 2.8 0 .1 3.2 -.5 -.2 2.8 -.2 0 -0.9 .4 0 -2.0 0 0 0.7 .4 .1 2.8 0 .1 299.5 300.0 1.9 .2 .5 .4 0 1.370 1.450 .148 .410 .219 .504 .720 .124 .125 .265 .118 .235 .104 .177 .096 .204 .200 .498 .174 .141 1.253 339.0 361.8 383.6 395.9 432.9 355.8 294.0 357.3 336.2 271.3 301.9 320.6 112.2 115.5 442.7 110.7 230.4 234.4 428.0 379.0 153.8 339.0 361.2 384.1 396.0 432.6 355.4 293.9 358.8 337.4 272.2 302.0 321.9 112.7 115.3 442.4 110.9 233.4 232.6 427.6 379.4 154.9 1.0 1.0 2.9 3.2 2.8 1.5 2.2 4.9 6.3 1.8 3.6 2.1 3.6 4.2 .3 2.5 2.5 2.6 .7 1.8 .3 0 -.2 .1 0 -.1 -.1 0 .4 .4 .3 0 .4 .4 -.2 -.1 .2 1.3 -.8 -.1 .1 .7 .1 .4 .2 .4 .5 -.1 .2 .1 2.3 .1 -.1 0 .3 1.1 0 .5 -.3 1.4 .4 -.1 0 .4 0 .3 1.3 .3 .8 .4 0 0 -.1 -.5 .1 .8 -.4 .2 .1 -.3 .6 .2 .4 .1 0 -.2 .1 -.4 0 -.2 0 .4 .1 0 0 .4 .4 -.2 -.1 .2 1.4 -.8 -.1 .1 .7 Flour Refined sugar (Dec. 1977=100) 3 Confectionery materials (Dec. 1977=100) ... Animal fats and oils Crude vegetable oils Prepared animal feeds 02-12-03 02-53 02-54 02-71 02-72 02-9 less foods and feeds.. 305.0 3.0 .5 .7 .4 .5 227.0 296.2 332.3 115.1 361.4 362.7 226.9 296.1 332.3 115.2 367.7 364.0 2.2 4.8 -.6 2.7 4.5 2.7 0 0 0 .1 1.7 .4 1.0 1.5 .1 .9 .4 1.0 .3 1.4 .7 0 .6 .4 -.2 -.9 -.7 .1 2.4 .3 .101 116.6 116.6 .8 0 -1.1 -1.1 .5 318.6 319.4 -.3 .3 -.5 -.2 .2 236.3 234.8 -9.4 -.6 -.5 -.7 -1.6 .231 .605 .227 .076 .229 1.256 186.0 165.6 140.3 350.5 246.0 189.3 189.8 165.2 141.1 359.9 276.6 185.7 .9 -5.3 -5.7 -9.8 9.1 -21.4 2.0 -.2 .6 2.7 12.4 -1.9 .1 -1.8 -.6 -1.8 8.8 -.1 -.5 .3 1.2 -3.7 1.3 -3.0 1.4 -.2 .9 -1.9 10.2 -2.9 95.144 tdlate Intermediate foods snd fssds. 303.5 4.856 15-41 .841 2.287 1.293 1.115 .281 1.137 .494 100.000 100) Photographic equipment. Intermediate 0.179 2.062 .941 .827 .216 .388 21.649 15-13 15-2 15-5 15-94-02 15-94-03 15-94-04 324.7 325.6 .2 .3 -.5 -.1 .3 Synthetic fibers (Dec. 1975=100) Processed yarns and threads (Dec. 1975=100)... Gray fabrics (Dec. 1975=100) Finished fabrics (Dec. 1975=100) 03-1 03-2 03-3 03-4 .754 .889 1.084 1.491 156.6 141.4 152.5 127.1 156.8 141.1 151.8 127.0 -2.4 -1.7 -.8 .1 .1 -.2 -.5 -.1 -.1 -.4 -.1 0 -.1 -.5 -.4 .3 -.2 -.1 -.6 -.5 Leather. 04-2 .237 348.5 351.6 -9.1 .9 -.5 -1.4 .1 3 Coke oven products Liquefied petroleum gas3 Electric power Gasoline Kerosene (Feb. 1973=100) Commercial jet fuel (Feb. 1973= 100) 3 . Diesel fuel (Feb. 1973=100) 3 ... Residual fuel Lubricating oil materials3 05-2 05-32 05-4 05-71 05-72-02-01 05-72-03-01 05-73-03-01 05-74 05-75 .132 .787 5.612 2.445 .170 1.100 1.219 2.044 .533 433.6 530.2 448.0 516.6 658.4 695.0 636.7 1112.6 769.6 430.1 529.1 449.4 545.2 662.1 690.8 638.6 1087.9 766.9 -2.9 -16.1 4.1 -4.6 -6.3 -6.2 -7.8 -1.7 -3.9 -.8 -.2 .3 5.5 .6 -.6 .3 -2.2 -.4 0 -8.5 -.3 -3.4 -2.9 -.4 -2.6 -.5 -2.7 -1.4 -.4 .1 -.8 -.4 -.8 -1.3 1.4 -.4 -.8 -.2 .1 9.5 2.3 -.6 .3 -3.3 -.4 Industrial chemicals Prepared paint3 Paint materials Medicinal and botanical chemicals 3 . 06-1 06-21 06-22 06-31 3.649 .706 .452 .215 336.8 279.7 334.2 211.0 335.8 280.4 336.0 211.6 -2.8 4.4 2.2 -5.0 -.3 .3 .5 .3 -1.0 .3 .6 2.1 .2 .3 .2 -1.5 -.5 .3 -.1 .3 See footnotes at end of table. Table 2. Producer price Indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Grouping Intermediate materials less foods and feeds—Continued Fats and oils, inedible Mixed fertilizers Nitrogenates3 Phosphates3 Other agricultural chemicals Plastic resins and materials Commodity code Relative importance Dec. 19841 Unadjusted index Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 percent change to Apr. 1985 from: Seasonally adjusted percent change from: Apr. 1984 Mar. 1985 Jan. to Feb. Feb. to Mar. Mar. to Apr. 06-4 06-51 06-52-01 06-52-02 06-53 06-6 0.205 .284 .257 .199 .519 1.371 343.1 259.3 206.3 268.0 457.4 305.5 348.9 259.7 207.4 267.4 458.1 308.1 -9.0 -3.7 -5.9 -3.9 2.5 .1 1.7 .2 .5 -.2 .2 .9 -4.9 -1.8 -1.2 .7 -.6 1.4 -3.5 .1 .3 -.8 .8 -.3 -0.7 .2 .5 -.2 .3 .1 Synthetic rubber Tires, tubes, tread, etc Rubber hose Plastic construction products (Dec. 1969=100) Unsupported plastic film, sheet, and other shapes (Dec. 1970= 100)3 Plastic packaging (June 1978=100) 3 Plastic parts and components for manufacturing (June 1978=100) 3 07-11-02 07-12 07-13-04 07-21 07-22 07-25 07-26 .262 .696 .207 .280 .497 .363 .507 287.0 241.2 303.0 159.4 227.9 142.6 140.1 285.6 239.1 302.4 164.0 228.5 142.4 140.2 -.6 -1.8 1.0 -6.3 .6 .4 -.2 -.5 -.9 -.2 2.9 .3 -.1 .1 -1.2 -2.4 -1.4 -2.9 -.6 -.1 .4 -1.4 1.0 -.4 -4.0 .1 .6 .1 -.7 -1.2 .1 1.9 .3 -.1 .1 Softwood lumber Hardwood lumber Millwork Plywood Other wood products Prefabricated wood buildings and components (Dec. 1984=100) 3 08-11 08-12 08-2 08-3 08-4 08-6 1.310 .351 .989 .591 .262 .220 348.8 314.8 309.9 223.7 238.8 100.4 343.2 314.2 309.5 222.7 239.1 100.8 -9.3 -3.1 .7 -8.6 2.5 (4) -1.6 -.2 -.1 -.4 .1 .4 -2.3 -.4 -.9 -3.5 -1.0 -.2 1.0 0 -.8 -1.3 .8 .2 -3.0 -.4 .5 .1 .1 .4 Woodpulp3 Paper Paperboard Paper boxes and containers Pressure-sensitive products (Dec. 1982=100) 3 Building paper and board Manifold business forms (Dec. 1983=100) 3 Commercial printing (June 1982=100) 3 09-11 09-13 09-14 09-15-03 09-16 09-2 09-35 09-37 .413 1.774 .743 1.806 .128 .251 .352 2.461 353.9 303.7 285.7 276.7 106.7 256.3 106.1 110.6 347.9 303.6 284.0 275.7 106.8 257.6 106.4 111.5 -13.3 1.1 2.5 5.5 2.1 -3.1 3.1 5.0 -1.7 0 -.6 -.4 .1 .5 .3 .8 -3.9 -.8 -1.2 .9 .2 0 .1 .5 -3.9 -.2 -1.5 -.4 0 -.8 .2 .2 -1.7 0 -.8 -.6 .1 -.4 .3 .8 Foundry and forge shop products Blast furnace and electric furnace products Steel mill products Primary nonferrous metals Secondary nonferrous metals Nonferrous mill shapes Nonferrous wire and cable Nonferrous foundry shop products (June 1977 = 100)3 Metal containers Hardware Plumbing fixtures and brass fittings Heating equipment Fabricated structural metal products3 Miscellaneous metal products3 10-15 10-16 10-17 10-22 10-24 10-25 10-26 10-28 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 1.868 .252 6.522 1.466 .361 1.571 .695 .578 1.138 .901 .356 .380 3.227 3.597 364.1 307.7 367.1 263.1 223.0 311.9 203.2 146.5 357.5 304.0 307.9 257.3 314.3 301.9 362.9 307.2 367.5 275.9 228.0 316.2 203.4 146.7 358.0 305.0 311.3 257.8 314.3 302.1 .9 .1 .9 -9.1 -15.2 -3.6 -1.3 -.3 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.0 1.6 3.1 -.3 -.2 .1 4.9 2.2 1.4 .1 .1 .1 .3 1.1 .2 0 .1 -.1 -.2 .1 -.4 .1 .6 .9 .7 0 .1 -.3 .6 .2 0 -.1 .9 -.2 2.1 -.8 -1.1 -.8 -.8 -.2 .5 -.4 -.3 .3 0 -.3 -.1 0 3.5 1.7 1.3 -.6 -.6 0 .5 .8 .3 0 .1 Farm tractor parts and attachments (Dec. 1982= 100)3 Parts for farm machinery ex. tractors (Dec. 1973=100) Cutting tools and accessories3 Abrasive products Parts for metal cutting machine tools (Dec. 1972=100) 3 Parts for metal forming machine tools (Dec. 1972=100) Fluid power equipment (Dec. 1970=100) Mechanical power transmission equipment3 Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment (Dec. 1977=100) 3 Metal valves, ex.fluid power (Dec. 1982=100) 3 Ball and roller bearings Wiring devices Motors, generators, motor generator sets , Switchgear, switchboard, etc., equipment3 Electronic components and accessories Environmental controls (June 1980=100) 3 Parts for mining machinery and equipment (Dec. 1972=100) Internal combustion engines 11-11-52 11-12-51 11-35 11-36 11-37-51 11-38-51 11-43 11-45 11-48 11-49-02 11-49-05 11-71 11-73 11-75 11-78 11-81 11-92-53-01 11-94 .104 .135 .333 .246 .103 .054 .229 .418 .998 .405 .346 .715 .774 .694 1.639 .167 .083 .727 103.1 258.3 285.7 311.5 422.0 357.9 263.0 335.3 146.7 104.3 347.3 360.3 350.1 277.5 198.6 124.2 364.8 346.6 103.1 258.3 285.9 313.2 429.6 357.7 263.8 337.6 147.2 104.4 347.1 360.4 350.6 276.7 198.7 122.0 366.0 347.8 2.5 .6 2.7 1.6 .4 2.4 2.6 4.5 1.9 2.5 2.7 2.7 3.3 -.1 4.4 1.4 .4 3.1 0 0 .1 .5 1.8 —1 .3 .7 .3 .1 -.1 0 .1 -.3 .1 -1.8 .3 .3 0 0 0 -.8 .5 .6 -.3 -.1 .2 .5 .1 -.1 -.2 .1 .3 .2 -.7 .5 0 .1 .2 .3 0 1.6 .6 .1 .9 .2 -.1 -.3 .7 .5 .2 -1.4 .6 0 0 0 .1 .3 1.8 .3 .4 .7 .3 .1 -.1 .2 .1 -.3 .3 -1.8 -.1 .1 Flat glass3 Portland cement Concrete products Clay construction products ex. refractories3 Refractories3 Asphalt felts and coatings Gypsum products3 Glass containers Other nonmetallic minerals 13-11 13-22-01-31 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 .338 .559 1.720 .215 .210 .311 .179 .652 1.370 221.2 361.8 315.0 291.8 368.0 404.6 320.9 370.7 513.9 220.5 359.4 316.9 291.7 370.0 414.3 317.8 371.4 518.3 -4.2 2.2 2.6 2.4 2.3 4.6 -10.0 3.7 5.5 -.3 -.7 .6 0 .5 2.4 -1.0 .2 .9 0 1.0 .5 .1 0 .2 .5 .3 -.9 .1 .5 .3 .3 .3 .2 -2.8 1.8 -.1 -.3 -1.7 .2 0 .5 -.6 -1.0 -1.3 -.5 Motor vehicle parts 14-12 3.787 354.0 354.4 .5 .1 -.6 .5 .4 See footnotes at end of table. Table 2. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected commodity groupings by stage of processing—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Grouping Relative importance Dec. Commodity code Unadjusted index 19841 19852 Apr. 19852 Unadjusted percent change to Apr. 1985 from: Apr. 1984 Mar. 1985 0.9 1.1 -.6 0.5 0 -.3 5.3 Seasonally adjusted percent change from: Jan. to Feb. Feb. to Mar. Mar. to Apr. 0.1 -1.4 .1 -0.2 1.3 .2 0 -.1 -.3 5.3 Intermediate materials less foods and feeds—Continued 0.196 .305 .103 .126 284.1 289.9 108.1 142.7 285.6 289.8 107.8 150.2 100.000 312.9 311.3 52.954 243.6 240.5 277.7 216.2 217.8 237.8 201.3 215.5 278.4 205.5 218.6 310.2 Cocoa beans 01-31 01-32 01-4 01-6 01-81 01-83-01-31 01-91-01 01-91-02 1.552 2.378 4.365 17.550 4.899 2.687 9.207 1.047 2.385 1.495 .290 277.8 220.3 223.4 234.3 189.5 202.3 271.1 181.3 225.9 310.2 393.2 Cane sugar, raw 02-52-01-01 1.969 298.0 298.5 47.046 462.i 464.0 204.6 280.0 217.7 279.1 Notions Photographic supplies Medical instruments and equipment (June 1982=100) 3 ... Jewelers' materials and findings (Dec. 1978=100) 3 15-3 15-42 15-62 15-94-05 Crude materials for further processing Crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs Fresh and dried fruits and vegetables Wheat Corn Cattle Hogs Live poultry Fluid milk Hay Soybeans3 Green coffee3 01-1 01-21 01-22-02-05 Crude nonfood materials Raw cotton3 01-51-01-01 01-92-01-01 1.144 2.063 -10.5 -8.3 -10.8 5.3 -7.3 -20.4 -10.8 -15.0 -16.0 -.6 -40.0 -23.0 0 -.5 -1.3 0 1.9 2.6 0 -1.3 -1.9 -1.5 -2.0 -2.8 7.8 1.3 -3.2 -2.9 .3 -1.2 -3.0 -.4 -1.4 -2.0 -5.0 -6.7 0 -1.9 -6.5 3.3 0 -11.8 3.3 0 -1.0 -20.4 .1 -3.4 0 -5.7 -5.6 -2.3 -.2 -10.4 -2.6 0 1.3 0 .2 -1.2 5.0 -5.3 .4 -1.7 0 .8 -16.5 6.9 6.4 -.3 -2.0 -8.4 .1 9.1 6.4 .3 -1.5 -5.9 -6.1 -2.6 -12.9 -5.3 -6.4 .2 Leaf tobacco 04-11 398.3 436.0 -14.7 9.5 -4.3 -3.3 4.719 11.830 15.133 549.3 1381.9 615.4 548.: 1379.7 618.3 1.1 -1.7 -8.3 -.2 -.2 .5 -.1 -.1 -2.5 -.1 -.2 -.2 .5 .243 213.9 218.- -22.0 2.1 -2.4 2.7 Cattle hides Coal3 Natural gas3 05-1 05-31 05-61 Crude petroleum3 07-11-01 Crude natural rubber 08-5 Logs, timber, etc.(Dec. 1981 =100) 3 09-12 Wastepaper3 Iron ore3 Iron and steel scrap Copper base scrap Aluminum base scrap Construction sand, gravel, and crushed stone 1.910 93. .412 170.; 154.. -40.3 -9.3 10-11 10-12 10-23-01 10-23-02 .741 2.378 281.4 280.7 136.6 438.3 -.2 -7.3 -11.8 -33.1 0 -1.9 6.1 0 -.2 -2.6 .683 281, 286.2 128.8 438.3 13-21 2.926 305.0 308.3 4.9 1.1 1 Comprehensive relative importance figures are computed once each year in December. Data shown are expressed as a percent of total finished goods, total intermediate materials, or total crude materials. Data shown will not add up to 100.000 because not all commodity components of each stage-of-processing (SOP) index are shown; relative importance figures shown account for about 85 percent of total finished goods, about 85 percent of total intermediate materials, and about 96 percent of total crude materials. For each commodity component of the Finished Goods Index which is allocated to both capital equipment and finished consumer goods excluding foods, the relative importance figure shown reflects only the share allocated to the SOP 1.9 -2.4 .914 94.1 .4 .2 .4 -11.6 -9.3 1.1 -7.1 0 2.0 -3.5 -2.8 0 -1.3 3.3 -2.2 .9 .1 1.1 2.7 grouping under which it is listed. For example, the relative importance figure shown for household furniture under the SOP grouping for finished consumer goods excluding foods includes the share allocated to that SOP grouping but not the share allocated to capital equipment. 2 All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. 3 Not seasonally adjusted. 4 Not available. Table 3. Producer price indexes for selected stage-of-processing groupings, seasonally adjusted (1967 = 100) Index Year and month 198 I.January February.... March April May June July August September October November. December. 1982: January February.... March April May June July August September October November. December. 1983: January February.... March April May June July August September October November. December. 1984: January February.... March April May June July August September October November, December. 1985: January February.... March April Finished goods Finished consumer foods Finished consumer goods excluding foods Capital equipment Intermediate materials Intermediate foods and feeds Intermediate materials excluding foods Crude materials Crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs Crude nonfood materials 260.6 262.7 265.9 268.6 269.3 270.6 271.3 271.6 272.9 273.9 274.8 276.0 251.1 250.3 252.3 251.6 252.0 253.7 256.5 256.5 255.7 255.5 254.3 254.5 265.0 268.2 272.3 276.6 277.0 278.0 277.4 277.5 279.5 280.6 282.0 283.5 253.6 255.9 258.1 260.2 262.3 263.9 265.6 266.7 268.4 270.7 272.5 273.8 296.8 298.2 301.4 305.0 306.2 307.1 307.8 309.5 309.7 309.9 310.2 310.6 270.9 262.5 257.0 255.9 253.3 253.6 249.4 249.4 242.0 239.1 235.4 235.6 298.7 300.9 304.7 308.6 310.2 311.1 312.2 313.9 314.7 315.1 315.8 316.2 330.6 333.3 330.9 332.3 330.7 334.5 334.9 332.2 328.4 323.8 319.4 316.4 275.2 266.4 261.9 260.6 255.9 261.1 261.5 259.3 253.6 249.6 244.4 239.3 448.4 476.1 478.6 485.5 490.9 491.4 492.2 488.3 488.7 482.9 480.3 482.0 277.4 277.1 277.1 277.6 277.6 279.9 281.1 282.3 282.6 283.4 284.6 285.6 256.4 257.0 256.7 259.5 261.1 262.9 259.5 259.5 259.2 259.1 259.4 260.0 285.0 284.4 283.9 283.2 282.0 285.0 288.2 289.9 290.4 291.8 293.6 294.7 274.9 274.2 275.8 276.6 277.9 279.3 280.3 281.5 281.9 282.2 283.0 284.3 311.6 310.9 310.0 309.4 309.5 309.8 310.4 310.1 310.3 310.1 310.5 311.0 238.9 240.6 239.4 241.6 244.4 245.1 241.9 238.9 236.5 234.3 234.9 235.9 317.0 316.2 315.3 314.4 314.3 314.6 315.5 315.3 315.7 315.7 316.1 316.5 320.5 318.6 317.6 319.1 324.0 324.0 321.0 318.2 316.5 315.8 318.6 317.8 246.4 247.7 247.9 251.3 256.9 256.0 250.0 246.1 242.8 241.0 242.9 243.4 480.1 471.5 467.8 465.6 468.8 470.7 474.2 473.4 475.2 476.8 481.5 477.9 283.6 283.6 283.5 283.5 284.2 285.2 285.2 286.1 286.6 287.1 286.4 287.2 258.7 259.9 260.7 261.9 261.4 260.8 259.8 260.5 263.1 265.6 264.1 266.1 291.2 290.3 289.3 288.7 290.0 292.0 292.2 293.2 292.9 292.3 291.7 292.0 284.1 285.0 285.8 285.9 286.3 286.9 287.3 288.4 288.4 289.0 289.2 289.7 309.9 310.0 309.3 308.5 309.6 311.1 312.1 313.2 315.1 315.9 315.9 316.4 236.8 240.5 240.3 243.9 243.0 242.4 242.1 249.2 261.6 258.5 258.2 258.2 315.4 315.2 314.4 313.3 314.6 316.3 317.3 318.0 319.2 320.3 320.3 320.8 316.3 318.0 320.0 322.2 321.0 321.1 318.1 325.5 329.6 329.7 329.5 333.5 243.5 249.1 249.3 252.8 250.0 247.7 242.8 252.8 258.3 260.3 258.8 263.8 473.0 466.5 472.4 471.8 474.0 479.2 480.0 482.0 483.4 479.4 481.8 484.1 289.2 290.0 291.5 291.6 291.2 291.2 291.8 291.2 291.2 291.0 292.0 292.0 272.4 273.0 275.7 272.7 270.4 270.4 274.5 273.8 273.4 273.0 274.5 275.6 292.2 293.0 294.2 295.2 295.8 295.5 294.5 293.5 293.4 293.5 294.3 294.2 290.5 291.7 292.5 294.3 293.8 294.1 294.7 295.3 295.8 295.1 295.9 295.0 317.1 317.9 319.6 320.1 320.9 321.5 320.9 320.3 320.0 320.4 320.9 320.7 261.4 257.2 260.1 259.0 258.9 256.9 252.9 249.6 246.9 244.5 245.6 244.8 321.4 322.5 324.1 324.7 325.6 326.3 326.0 325.6 325.4 326.0 326.5 326.4 336.2 330.2 337.1 335.4 332.5 330.4 331.3 327.4 327.6 324.5 329.1 328.5 268.1 260.0 269.5 264.8 259.1 255.5 257.7 253.1 254.4 251.6 260.4 260.9 483.4 481.5 483.1 487.7 490.8 491.8 490.0 487.5 485.2 481.5 477.6 474.4 292.4 292.1 292.7 293.6 274.8 274.4 273.9 271.1 294.5 293.5 294.3 297.4 297.0 298.4 299.7 299.7 320.4 318.9 318.4 319.1 241.4 240.3 238.6 234.9 326.3 324.7 324.3 325.4 322.2 316.1 311.5 307.7 255.5 250.4 243.5 236.1 466.1 458.1 458.2 461.9 NOTE: Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Product code ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.7 0.0 0 0 0 0 -0.2 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.3 ft (3) (3) (3) ft ft ft ft ft 1044-P 1044-5 1044-501 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 92.6 92.6 92.6 92.6 68.3 68.3 68.3 68.3 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 -9.6 -9.6 -9.6 -9.6 -25.0 -25.0 -25.0 -25.0 -36.1 -36.1 -36.1 -36.1 1111-P 1111-2 1111-206 1111-207 1111-208 1111-211 1111-213 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 148.0 146.6 148.5 148.9 149.3 157.6 157.5 (3) 148.1 146.7 148.6 149.2 149.3 157.9 157.5 -.4 -.3 -.4 0 0 0 0 -.4 -.3 -.4 0 0 0 0 ft 147.5 146.2 148.0 149.2 149.3 157.9 157.5 132.4 ft ft .5 .4 .5 1.8 1.6 1.8 1.5 3.1 .6 .5 .6 2.4 2.3 1.0 1.1 3.1 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 106.1 107.5 105.3 109.5 107.5 105.6 107.8 101.0 101.4 112.2 113.4 116.8 116.8 91.7 93.5 89.0 88.7 106.3 109.8 105.3 109.6 107.9 109.6 107.6 99.7 101.7 112.9 114.2 117.1 117.1 89.7 91.1 87.2 88.7 106.1 107.9 105.3 109.6 106.9 105.6 107.1 100.3 101.2 113.2 114.5 117.0 117.0 90.5 91.9 87.2 88.7 -.2 -1.8 0 0 -.9 -3.6 -.5 .6 -.5 .3 .3 0 0 .8 .8 0 0 -.5 .5 -.5 -.7 -1.9 -11.2 -.4 -1.8 -1.5 .3 .4 .3 .3 -.8 -1.0 -2.0 -.2 .1 -.2 0 -1.2 -7.5 -.2 -1.8 -1.5 1.0 1.1 1.6 1.6 -1.4 -1.5 -2.0 0 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.0 1.7 1.4 12 2.8 2.7 .6 .6 -1.9 -.6 -4.0 -1.2 C07 12/81 12/81 96.3 79.7 93.5 77.6 94.7 78.5 1.3 1.2 -.5 -.3 -1.4 -2.7 1.2 -5.0 C07 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 87.5 100.1 99.1 98.7 92.8 93.3 86.4 102.3 101.6 101.2 96.7 97.4 85.1 102.2 104.3 104.0 94.8 95.2 -1.5 -.1 2.7 2.7 -2.0 -2.3 -2.7 2.5 5.3 5.3 3.7 3.7 -2.3 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.6 -3.7 5.8 12.5 12.5 6.2 6.0 12/81 04/82 04/82 C07 04/82 12/81 12/81 12/81 113.3 82.0 81.3 78.4 114.7 115.0 114.3 113.5 81.3 80.4 77.5 125.1 130.6 116.4 113.5 81.0 80.0 77.2 116.4 117.7 114.4 0 -.3 -.4 -.4 -7.0 -9.9 -1.7 0 -1.5 -1.8 -1.8 3.8 6.8 -.6 .2 -2.6 -2.8 -2.8 .9 1.6 -.3 .7 -3.1 -1.9 -1.9 2.9 5.0 -.4 .7 2.2 ft ft 1111 Bituminous Coal and Lignite Primary products Prepared Steam electric utilities North Appalachia Spot Contract South Appalachia Contract Midwest Contract West Contract Metallurgical/coke producer High volatile North Appalachia Contract South Appalachia Contract Low volatile North Appalachia Contract All other industrial North Appalachia Contract South Appalachia Contract Midwest Contract Export South Appalachia Contract Unprepared (raw) For preparation at other establishments . For use without preparation 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.7 1044 Anthracite Primary products Prepared anthracite shipped ... Stove Chestnut Pea Buckwheat no. 2 Buckwheat no. 4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1011 Silver ores Primary products Silver concentrates Silver concentrates 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 (3) 1011-P 1011-1 1011-12 1011-122 Iron ores Primary products .... Iron ores Ores, Great Lakes area . Pellets 1211 1211-P 1211-A 1211-2 1211-211 1211-211 1211-211 1211-212 1211-212 1211-213 1211-213 1211-214 1211-214 1211-3 1211-31 1211-311 1211-311 1211-312 1211-312 1211-33 1211-331 1211-331 1211-4 1211-411 1211-411 1211-412 1211-412 1211-413 1211-413 1211-6 1211-612 1211-612 1211-1 1211-101 1211-102 C01 C07 C07 C07 C07 C07 C07 C07 C07 ft ft Mining and quarrying of non-metallic minerals, except fuels 14 12/84 100.0 102.2 103.0 Crushed and broken stone, including riprap .... 142 12/84 100.0 103.5 104.2 .7 2.4 ft ft Crushed and broken limestone Primary products Limestone and related rocks . East North Central region .. West North Central region . Other regions Secondary products 1422 12/83 12/83 103.5 103.7 106.8 107.4 108.1 108.7 1.2 1.3 2.8 3.1 A.2 4.5 5.3 5.8 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.1 102.9 103.9 100.2 107.9 104.9 108.3 100.0 108.6 106.8 109.8 99.8 .6 1.7 1.4 -.1 3.0 4.0 2.7 -.5 3.5 3.6 5.5 -.4 4.2 5.1 6.8 -.2 Crushed and broken granite, n.e.c. Primary products Granite and related rocks South Atlantic region Other regions Secondary products 1423 12/83 12/83 106.0 106.0 110.4 110.4 111.0 111.1 .6 .6 3.2 3.2 5.3 5.4 6.6 6.6 12/83 12/83 12/83 106.8 103.8 106.2 110.5 110.2 112.7 111.5 109.9 110.4 .9 -.3 -2.0 3.8 1.5 3.2 4.6 7.5 4.8 6.5 7.0 8.4 Crushed and broken stone, n.e.c Primary products Traprock Sandstone Other, (slate, volcanic rock, etc.) . Secondary products 1429 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 105.1 105.2 108.9 100.0 103.5 102.4 107.7 107.8 112.3 100.3 104.4 107.0 108.0 108.1 112.2 100.3 105.1 106.1 .2 .3 0 0 .7 -.9 1.6 1.5 2.5 .3 0 2.8 2.8 2.7 3.0 .3 1.5 3.8 5.3 5.3 7.6 .3 3.0 4.7 1422-P 1422-111 1422-11101 1422-11102 1422-11103 1422-S 1423-P 1423-111 1423-11101 1423-11102 1423-S 1429-P 1429-11111 1429-11112 1429-11114 1429-S See footnotes at end of table. 10 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Product code Fill, road base and other West North Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products Fill, road base and other South region South Atlantic Concrete aggregate and concrete products East South Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products West South Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products West region Mountain Concrete aggregate and concrete products Pacific Concrete aggregate and concrete products Fill, road base and other Construction gravel Northeast region New England Concrete aggregate and concrete products Fill, road base and other Mid-Atlantic Concrete aggregate and concrete products Fill, road base and other North Central region East North Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture Fill, road base and other West North Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture Fill, road base and other South region South Atlantic Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture Fill, road base and other East South Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products Fill, road base and other West South Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture Fill, road base and other West region Mountain Concrete aggregate and concrete products Pacific Concrete aggregate and concrete products Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving mixture Fill, road base and other Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Industrial sand Primary products Glass sand Molding sand Other industrial sand, n.e.c.. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 100.0 101.2 102.4 1.1 2.0 ft ft 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 105.2 105.1 105.5 106.2 100.9 107.8 103.2 112.9 106.8 106.0 103.1 106.3 106.1 106.7 107.2 101.6 97.6 109.0 103.2 114.9 107.7 107.2 105.4 107.7 107.5 107.5 108.9 107.6 110.5 109.3 103.9 1.3 1.4 .7 1.6 5.9 13.2 .3 .7 1.9 2.0 1.2 2.4 5.9 13.2 1.4 .7 2.1 2.1 1.7 2.6 6.6 15.0 1.4 .8 3.1 3.2 2.4 3.2 9.5 15.0 1.4 .8 ft ft ft ft ft 109.5 109.8 110.0 1.7 2.5 4.3 2.5 3.6 6.7 2.5 3.6 6.7 2.7 3.2 6.3 1442-333 1442-335 1442-34 1442-341 1442-345 1442-3C 1442-35 1442-351 1442-36 1442-361 1442-37 1442-371 1442-3D 1442-38 1442-381 1442-39 1442-391 1442-395 1442-5 1442-5A 1442-51 1442-511 1442-515 1442-52 1442-521 1442-525 1442-5B 1442-53 1442-531 06/82 06/82 113.5 106.2 113.5 106.2 116.0 106.2 2.2 0 2.2 0 2.2 0 3.2 -1.2 06/82 07/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 110.9 105.3 99.2 103.4 104.3 111.4 (3) 101.1 106.7 108.5 111.2 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 101.9 92.0 89.8 112.5 105.7 105.7 114.2 112.2 115.2 104.7 110.5 114.8 113.8 116.1 107.5 105.0 112.1 103.3 99.9 96.1 102.3 92.5 90.3 113.1 106.2 106.6 114.9 113.7 115.2 105.6 113.1 119.8 120.2 119.2 108.5 105.9 113.2 104.1 99.9 96.2 102.3 91.6 89.1 113.1 106.1 106.5 114.9 113.7 115.2 107.6 116.2 124.8 120.2 130.4 110.4 110.1 113.1 107.2 104.8 103.7 -1.4 0 -.1 -.1 0 0 0 1.9 2.8 4.2 0 9.4 1.8 3.9 -.1 2.9 4.8 7.8 1442-533 1442-535 1442-54 1442-541 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 96.9 107.2 112.5 120.0 96.9 107.2 115.4 125.0 101.3 108.2 113.6 121.9 4.6 1.0 -1.5 -2.5 1442-543 1442-545 1442-5C 1442-55 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 104.4 105.5 106.1 105.3 106.6 105.9 108.0 110.7 1442-553 1442-555 1442-56 1442-561 1442-565 1442-57 1442-571 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 110.5 100.0 102.0 100.9 101.5 108.5 112.1 113.9 100.6 103.8 100.9 101.5 108.5 111.5 116.0 100.6 102.9 100.9 101.5 108.2 111.1 1442-573 1442-575 1442-5D 1442-58 1442-581 1442-59 1442-591 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 100.0 101.1 97.2 84.1 103.0 111.7 1442-593 1442-595 1442-M 1442-XY9 1442-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 1446-P 1446-1 1446-5 1446-9 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 1442 1442-P 1442-3 1442-3A 1442-31 1442-311 1442-32 1442-321 1442-325 1442-3B 1442-33 1442-331 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 12/84 Sand and gravel. Construction sand and gravel Primary products Construction sand Northeast region New England Concrete aggregate and concrete products Mid-Atlantic Concrete aggregate and concrete products Fill, road base and other North Central region East North Central Concrete aggregate and concrete products Asphaltic and other aggregate and bituminous paving Index base 11 ft ft 100.8 106.7 108.5 -.2 ft -.3 0 0 105.7 ft ft ft ft 101.9 100.2 88.5 102.7 111.2 102.1 100.8 88.1 102.8 111.3 100.2 92.0 102.2 112.3 110.4 100.2 92.0 104.4 112.3 112.1 100.2 (3) 104.4 112.3 112.8 102.9 102.5 107.1 103.8 96.6 105.0 104.6 108.5 105.8 99.6 105.5 105.1 110.2 105.8 99.3 () 2.7 .2 ft ft -.4 -.6 -.7 .9 3.2 4.1 -.5 3.4 4.4 .3 -.5 -.9 .2 .4 .2 .4 0 2.6 4.1 6.1 1.8 11.5 2.5 4.5 .9 3.8 5.0 8.1 .3 -2.3 -3.2 .6 .4 .8 .6 1.3 0 2.4 5.2 8.7 5.6 12.4 2.6 4.9 .9 2.5 3.1 3.4 .3 -6.9 -9.1 5.2 5.2 5.5 5.3 3.7 6.0 3.8 5.4 9.5 5.6 14.3 2.5 4.3 1.1 4.7 5.3 3.4 4.6 1.0 1.0 1.6 4.6 2.0 1.0 1.6 4.7 8.5 3.1 5.8 ft 1.2 1.2 .7 ft ft ft 1.3 4.6 1.6 4.6 2.1 5.2 2.8 5.6 1.9 0 -.9 0 0 -.3 -.4 1.9 0 .9 0 0 -.3 -1.0 5.0 .6 .9 0 0 .3 8.1 .6 1.8 0 0 1.1 .6 ft ft .2 .5 -.5 .1 .2 ft ft ft 1.0 4.0 (3) -.4 -.7 .9 2.8 4.7 0 0 0 ft ft ft 0 2.7 8.4 5.7 .2 4.8 1.8 ft 0 0 .6 0 -.3 2.4 3.2 2.1 3.9 11.8 2.0 .5 .5 1.5 -.1 -.3 2.5 2.6 2.9 1.9 2.8 2.5 2.6 2.9 1.9 2.8 2.1 2.2 3.2 3.2 .2 Table 4. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Industrial sand—Continued Abrasive sand, including blast sand . Hydraulic fracture sand Other industrial sand, n.e.c Secondary products Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.2 -6.2 4.9 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 104.5 71.8 112.9 116.3 104.7 75.8 118.7 117.4 104.6 75.8 117.9 117.4 0 0 -.7 0 0.2 5.6 4.4 0 0.2 5.6 4.4 .9 Gay, ceramic, and refractory minerals. 145 12/84 100.0 100.7 101.5 .8 2.7 ft Bentonite Primary products Prepared bentonite ... Mountain region Other regions Secondary products.. 1452 1452-P 1452-201 1452-20111 1452-20113 1452-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.1 100.0 ft 100.4 100.4 100.4 99.2 100.0 100.9 100.5 100.5 100.5 99.2 99.6 100.9 .1 .1 .1 0 -.4 0 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.1 -.4 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Fire clay Primary products Crude fire clay Secondary products. 1453 1453-P 1453-101 1453-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Fuller's earth Primary products. 1454 1454-P 06/84 06/84 104.0 104.0 104.3 104.3 105.7 105.7 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 ft ft Kaolin and ball clay Primary products Prepared kaolin and ball clay.. 1455 1455-P 1455-201 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.7 100.7 100.8 102.6 102.6 102.7 102.5 102.5 102.5 0 -.1 -.1 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.2 3.2 3.3 ft ft ft Clay and related minerals, n.e.c Primary products Feldspar Prepared Common clay and shale Prepared Other clay and related materials . Prepared Secondary products 1459 06/84 06/84 101.6 101.6 102.6 102.6 103.5 103.5 .9 .9 1.0 1.0 3.2 3.3 ft ft 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.8 104.0 104.5 100.0 100.0 101.8 100.2 107.1 108.0 100.0 100.0 101.8 101.5 108.9 110.0 100.0 100.0 101.8 1.3 1.7 1.9 0 0 0 .5 1.8 1.9 .6 .6 0 .7 8.9 10.0 0 0 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining . 147 12/84 100.0 102.4 103.1 .6 2.3 ft ft Barite Primary products .. Prepared barite. 1472 1472-P 1472-201 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.8 100.8 100.9 101.0 101.0 100.9 .2 .2 0 .2 .2 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft Potash, soda, and borate minerals Primary products Processed or refined potassium salts . Natural sodium carbonates Boron compounds 1474 1474-P 1474-201 1474-301 1474-401 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.8 99.4 100.3 99.5 102.9 103.0 104.6 103.3 100.9 3.1 3.1 5.2 3.0 1.4 5.0 5.1 15.7 2.7 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Phosphate rock Primary products Crude phosphate ore or matrix Crude phosphate ore or matrix . Processed phosphate rock Dried phosphate rock 66-70% BPL 1475 1475-P 1475-1 1475-101 1475-2 1475-206 1475-20602 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 88.5 88.8 102.6 102.6 88.2 88.7 88.4 91.7 91.9 103.2 (3) 91.4 89.7 88.4 91.6 92.0 105.6 105.6 91.4 89.7 88.4 -.1 .1 2.4 .3 .6 -.7 Rock salt Primary products Rock salt Southern region rock salt... Northern region rock salt ... 1476 1476-P 1476-101 1476-10101 1476-10102 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.2 100.7 100.7 102.6 97.7 101.4 100.9 100.9 103.6 97.1 Sulfur Primary products Frasch process sulfur. 1477 1477-P 1477-101 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 107.3 107.3 Gypsum mining Primary products Crude gypsum Crushed, ground, screened, or dried gypsum . 1492 1492-P 1492-101 1492-201 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 Food and kindred products . 20 Meat products Meat packing piants Primary products , Miscellaneous byproducts of meatpacking plants, except sausage casings Killing floor offal, scrap, bones etc Beef, not canned or made into sausage 1446-90101 1446-90103 1446-90109 1446-S 1459-P 1459-A 1459-211 1459-B 1459-221 1459-C 1459-223 1459-S ft -2.7 -2.6 ft 3.3 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.7 1.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .9 -.7 1.6 1.2 1.2 3.4 -2.1 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 103.7 103.7 103.7 -3.4 -3.4 (3) .7 .7 .7 ft ft ft ft ft ft 100.0 100.0 (3) 100.0 100.0 100.0 (3) 100.0 100.0 100.0 (3) 100.0 0 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 12/84 100.0 99.6 99.2 -.4 -.8 ft ft 201 12/84 100.0 97.0 95.1 -1.9 -4.2 ft ft 2011 2011-P 12/80 12/80 96.5 96.0 92.4 92.1 90.2 89.7 -2.4 -2.6 -5.8 -6.0 -2.8 -2.7 -8.7 -8.7 2011-C 2011-C55 2011-1 12/80 12/80 12/80 102.8 72.0 93.2 78.9 60.8 90.0 76.4 55.1 86.9 -3.2 -9.4 -3.5 -13.3 -19.6 -6.6 -15.5 -21.4 -1.5 -33.4 -46.4 -11.8 See footnotes at end of table. ft .3 .3 .3 -.6 .1 ft 12 ft 0 0 0 ft 0 .7 1.2 .2 (3) ft ft ft ft ft -2.9 -3.9 -7.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Meat packing plants—Continued Whole carcass beef USOA choice beef carcasses USDA good beef carcasses USDA utility beef carcasses Other USDA graded and ungraded beef carcasses Primal and fabricated beef cuts Boneless beef, including hamburger Variety meats (edible organs) Veal, not canned or made into sausage Whole carcass veal Pork, fresh and frozen Primal cuts including trimmings Boston butts Pork loins Other primal cuts Variety meats (fresh edible organs) Lard Lard, commercial sizes (over 3 lbs.) Pork, processed or cured, including frozen (not canned or made into sausage) Hams and picnics, except canned Hams , Picnics Slab bacon Sliced bacon Sausage and similar products (not canned) Fresh sausage, pork sausage, breakfast links, etc Fresh pork sausage, roll, artificial casing Dry and semidry sausage (salami, cervelat, summer sausage, pepperoni, pork rolls, etc.) Frankfurters and weiners Frankfurters, skinless, all meat Other sausage, smoked or cooked (bologna, liverwurst, Polish sausage, packaged lunchmeat, etc.) Bologna, all meat Other smoked or cooked sausages Hides, skins, and pelts Cattle hides, except kip Packer, branded cow Packer, native steer, heavy Packer, butt brander Other cattle hides Other hides, skins, and pelts, except kip Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products Sausages and other prepared meats Primary products Other processed, frozen, or cooked meats (portion control, corned beef, etc.) Other processed, frozen, or cooked meats (portion control, corned beef, etc.) Pork, processed or cured, including frozen (not canned or made into sausage) Hams and picnics, except canned Hams Slab bacon Sliced bacon Boiled ham, barbecued pork, and other cooked pork, except canned meats and sausage Sausages and similar products (not canned) Fresh sausage, pork sausage, breakfast links, etc Other fresh sausage, breakfast links, etc Dry and semidry sausage (salami, cervelat, summer sausage, pepperoni, pork roll, etc.) Frankfurters and weiners Frankfurters, skinless, all meat Other frankfurters and weiners Other sausage, smoked or cooked (bologna, liverwurst, Polish sausage, luncheon meats, etc.) Bologna, all meat Other smoked or cooked sausages Canned meats (except dog and cat food) containing 20-percent or more meat Other canned meats Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Product code Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2011-112 2011-11202 2011-11203 2011-11204 2011-11298 2011-117 2011-131 2011-151 2011-2 2011-212 2011-4 2011-417 2011-41701 2011-41702 2011-41798 2011-451 2011-5 2011-517 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 96.1 98.9 97.6 84.0 92.8 88.8 82.4 80.8 88.7 87.2 94.2 92.9 86.5 101.0 92.4 85.1 126.7 123.3 91.5 91.4 92.3 98.3 91.8 86.5 88.7 73.6 92.5 91.7 90.4 88.6 79.1 101.1 87.9 78.4 117.6 113.8 88.1 87.6 89.6 94.4 88.9 84.0 87.1 69.9 92.5 91.7 87.8 85.4 81.5 92.7 84.8 80.0 120.8 117.4 -3.7 -4.2 -2.9 -4.0 -3.2 -2.9 -1.9 -5.0 . 0 0 -2.9 -3.6 30 . -8.3 -3.5 20 . 27 . 32 . -7.8 -11.0 -7.2 56 . -4.0 -4.9 21 . -13.4 43 . 52 . -8.8 -10.4 -9.2 -16.1 -9.6 -4.2 22 . 28 . -1.5 -3.3 . 3 98 . . 7 -3.1 45 . -10.5 43 . 52 . -4.0 -4.4 -5.3 -7.1 -3.9 -10.5 -4.2 -4.2 -13.0 -14.7 -7.7 -1.0 -11.3 -9.1 -3.9 -22.1 11 . 14 . -6.5 -7.9 -6.7 -8.0 -8.0 -8.0 -9.3 -11.4 2011-6 2011-631 2011-63101 2011-63102 2011-635 2011-641 2011-7 2011-711 2011-71101 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 109.4 111.7 115.2 99.5 108.6 110.0 96.9 101.4 99.0 102.5 96.4 100.2 83.2 99.1 89.4 91.2 83.2 -5.4 -10.1 -10.2 -9.6 110.1 96.9 98.7 98.7 -1.4 -1.3 -4.7 -3.8 -3.5 -8.6 -9.6 -4.6 <) * 20 . . 8 . 7 . 8 -3 . -6.5 -6.8 -5.3 109.5 98.4 102.9 103.0 -3.3 -7.3 -9.0 0 <) " . 6 -1.5 -4.1 -4.2 2011-717 2011-721 2011-72101 12/80 12/80 12/80 91.3 97.4 96.8 93.0 100.0 99.8 93.0 98.6 98.1 0 -1.4 -1.7 11 . -3 . -6 . -7 . 12 . 12 . 20 . 16 . . 6 2011-735 2011-73501 2011-73598 2011-9 2011-912 2011-91202 2011-91203 2011-91205 2011-91298 2011-997 2011-M 2011-XY9 2011-Z89 2011-S 2011-SSS 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 94.9 92.0 96.7 117.7 117.5 102.7 95.0 91.9 96.8 110.0 109.9 99.5 137.7 120.2 118.6 102.8 107.8 102.7 107.4 108.2 96.0 93.5 97.5 100.8 100.4 82.3 () * 114.5 102.5 107.2 104.1 107.8 104.0 102.3 102.8 119.8 112.5 106.3 102.0 107.8 101.8 105.7 106.4 -1.0 -1.7 -7 . 92 . 95 . 20.9 () * 46 . 97 . -8 . -2.1 0 -2.1 33 . 35 . -6 . -6 . -7 . -9 . -7 . 18 . () * -3.6 . 1 -10.0 0 0 0 10 . 11 . . 9 23 . 0 -14.6 -14.2 -14.1 () * -15.3 -13.0 -29.3 -2 . 0 -2 . -5.8 41 . 77 . 2.2 -14.6 -14.7 -12.0 () * -8.6 -17.8 -12.8 -2.9 0 -3.0 -10.1 () " 2013-P 12/82 12/82 97.1 96.4 97.3 96.1 96.3 94.9 -1.0 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 . 5 . 3 -8 . -1.1 2013-F 12/82 98.7 102.9 102.0 -9 . . 9 13 . -4.2 2013-F98 12/82 98.7 102.9 102.0 -9 . . 9 13 . -4.2 2013-6 2013-631 2013-63101 2013-635 2013-641 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 92.1 95.0 97.1 93.0 90.4 86.1 80.4 81.3 97.2 93.9 82.8 78.9 79.7 91.4 88.4 -3.9 -1.9 -2.0 -6.0 -5.9 -6.5 -7.6 -6.4 -5.4 -6.1 . 6 -6.0 -5.7 . 3 10.7 -1.7 -3.6 -3.4 -4.8 . 8 2013-661 2013-7 2013-711 2013-71198 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 86.0 97.3 99.0 92.7 74.9 98.6 101.6 95.8 70.3 98.3 101.4 94.8 -6.2 -3 . -2 . -1.1 -7.9 . 6 15 . -2.8 -6.4 . 1 . 3 15 . -6.8 . 1 16 . -1.8 2013-717 2013-721 2013-72101 2013-72198 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 96.6 95.2 94.3 99.5 97.8 97.0 96.3 100.4 97.6 96.0 95.1 100.4 -3 . -1.0 -1.2 0 . 7 . 2 . 1 . 9 10 . -5 . -7 . . 5 15 . -1.7 -2.3 . 9 2013-735 2013-73501 2013-73598 12/82 12/82 12/82 97.8 97.9 97.7 98.4 99.6 97.7 98.4 99.5 97.7 0 -1 . 0 . 5 13 . 0 . 2 . 6 0 . 2 -5 . . 7 2013-8 2013-898 2013-M 2013-Z89 2013-S 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 98.8 102.3 100.1 100.1 102.2 96.8 101.5 102.9 102.9 103.5 96.2 101.1 103.2 103.2 103.5 -6 . -4 . . 3 . 3 0 -2.5 -1.6 -1.2 -1.2 -6 . -8 . -1.1 12 . 12 . 17 . . 5 -6 . . 2 . 2 15 . 2013 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 13 «•) () • () • O O9 6 . . 8 -4.7 -5.6 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Poultry dressing, poultry and egg processing Primary products Young chicken Bulk broilers/wet ice pack Grade A bulk whole broilers/wet ice pack.. Other wet ice bulk broilers, including parts . Dry ice pack bulk broilers Tray pack broilers Other broilers including frozen Turkeys Young turkeys Hens, whole, Grade A frozen Toms, whole, Grade A frozen Other young turkey Processed poultry and small game Turkey, cooked or smoked Chicken, cooked or smoked Liquid, dried and frozen eggs Dried whole eggs Frozen or liquid whole eggs Secondary products 2018 Dairy products . 202 Creamery butter Primary products Creamery butter Bulk butter ( > 3 lbs.) Butter, consumer packages ( < 3 lbs.). Secondary products Condensed and evaporated milk 2021 Natural and processed cheese Primary products Natural cheese, except cottage cheese ... American-type cheese Cheddar cheese Other American-type cheese Italian-type cheese Mozzarella cheese Other Italian-type cheese Swiss cheese Other natural cheese, except cottage .. Processed cheese and related products . Processed cheese Cheese food Cheese spread Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Fluid milk 2022 Condensed and evaporated milk Primary products Dry milk products Dry whey, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.) Dry whole milk, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.) Nonfat dry milk, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.) Other food-grade dry milk products, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.) Feed-grade dry milk products, bulk packaging (more than 3 lbs.) Canned milk products, consumer-type can Evaporated milk, consumer-type can Condensed and evaporated milk products, shipped in bulk (barrels, drums and tanks) All other food-grade concentrated milk products, except ice cream mixes, shipped in bulk Secondary products Creamery butter Other secondary products Fluid milk and related products 2023 Ice cream and frozen desserts Primary products Ice cream and ices Bulk ice cream and custard (3 gallons or more) Bulk vanilla ice cream and custard (3 gallons or more) Other bulk ice cream and custard (3 gallons or more) Consumer-size ice cream and custard (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons) Product code 2024 Dec. 1984* 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 117.3 117.6 110.8 111.2 111.7 110.4 107.5 104.0 119.7 158.3 161.7 176.5 155.4 151.8 116.1 120.7 106.4 84.0 86.4 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 -12.6 -12.5 -12.9 -14.3 -14.2 -14.5 -17.7 -11.5 -5.5 -1.8 -1.7 -2.9 -1.6 -.6 -3.1 -.8 -6.3 -38.1 -35.0 -46.3 .8 109.8 110.1 109.4 108.8 110.2 106.9 105.5 104.7 120.6 121.1 122.9 118.7 118.5 131.4 111.3 113.1 105.7 78.0 79.4 74.8 115.7 -2.8 -2.8 -3.5 -3.2 -3.7 -2.4 -8.8 -2.9 -3.6 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.4 -.9 -.2 0 -.7 -5.4 -6.0 -14.7 -1.3 -5.3 -5.3 -4.8 -6.0 -6.3 -5.6 -6.8 -2.3 -1.0 -9.8 -10.2 -13.7 -14.5 -2.3 -3.8 -6.4 .1 -3.8 -6.3 -4.3 -4.4 -1.8 -2.1 -1.9 -2.3 -7.2 -.2 -.1 -12.6 -13.3 -18.2 -17.0 -4.0 -4.6 -6.6 -1.8 -9.6 -7.8 118.8 113.0 113.3 113.4 112.4 114.4 109.5 115.7 107.8 125.1 122.5 124.5 120.6 120.3 132.7 111.6 113.0 106.4 82.5 84.5 87.7 117.2 ft ft 12/84 100.0 99.3 98.7 -.5 -1.1 ft ft 2021-P 2021-1 2021-113 2021-115 2021-S 2023-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 98.2 97.5 97.5 96.4 99.3 100.6 100.7 96.5 95.5 95.5 95.1 96.2 99.7 99.6 96.1 95.7 95.7 95.3 96.4 97.5 96.6 -.4 .2 .2 .2 .2 -2.3 -3.0 -.4 .1 .1 .1 .1 -2.2 -2.9 -9.0 -10.5 -10.5 -10.6 -10.3 -3.4 -4.2 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2022-P 2022-1 2022-102 2022-10201 2022-10211 2022-103 2022-10301 2022-10311 2022-105 2022-111 2022-2 2022-211 2022-213 2022-215 2022-M 2022-Z89 2022-S 2026-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 103.1 102.2 102.3 101.6 102.1 99.9 102.0 102.6 101.2 102.5 102.0 102.0 98.3 107.6 108.2 104.6 104.8 109.0 106.3 101.6 100.8 100.4 99.3 100.0 97.0 100.7 100.7 100.6 100.2 100.3 101.4 97.2 107.4 108.0 103.1 103.4 106.5 107.3 100.0 99.0 98.6 96.8 97.5 94.9 99.8 99.8 99.7 99.7 99.8 99.6 95.3 107.3 107.9 101.9 102.1 106.2 106.8 -1.6 -1.8 -1.8 -2.5 -2.6 -2.2 -.9 -.9 -.8 -.5 -.5 -1.8 -2.0 -.1 0 -1.2 -1.2 -.3 -.5 -3.1 -2.9 -3.3 -4.3 -4.2 -4.7 -2.0 -2.5 -1.2 -1.8 -1.6 -2.5 -3.3 -.3 -.2 -2.5 -2.4 -4.9 -.3 -3.8 -4.3 -5.0 -6.2 -6.1 -6.6 -3.3 -3.6 -2.8 -2.6 -5.0 -3.5 -4.5 -1.2 -1.4 -3.1 -3.0 -.8 -1.1 -.1 -1.2 -1.3 -2.4 -2.5 -2.2 .6 .8 .3 -2.0 .4 -1.1 -1.6 .9 .7 .1 .2 9.4 1.9 2023-P 2023-1 2023-139 2023-142 2023-143 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 102.7 103.1 104.6 158.7 104.5 100.3 101.4 102.0 102.1 107.4 101.6 99.9 99.8 100.2 99.4 97.2 99.8 95.0 -1.6 -1.7 -2.7 -9.5 -1.8 -4.9 -2.4 -2.6 -4.2 -38.3 -3.9 -5.2 -2.9 -2.3 -4.1 -41.3 -4.7 -5.0 -.1 .2 -.5 -1.1 2023-146 12/83 101.9 100.6 98.6 -1.9 -3.0 -3.3 .6 2023-151 2023-2 2023-212 12/83 12/83 12/83 115.1 100.1 100.0 104.1 101.6 101.4 95.5 101.6 101.4 -8.2 0 0 -7.5 .3 0 -13.5 1.5 1.4 ft ft ft 2023-3 12/83 102.9 101.8 100.5 -1.3 -2.2 -2.2 ft 2023-318 2023-S 2021-S 2023-SSS 2026-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 102.9 101.9 101.4 102.9 101.9 101.8 100.5 100.1 103.4 100.0 100.5 99.1 100.1 102.6 97.5 -1.3 -1.4 0 -.8 -2.5 -2.2 -1.5 .1 -.3 -2.9 -2.2 -4.8 -9.0 -.5 -2.9 2024-P 2024-1 2024-114 2024-11401 2024-11498 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.1 104.3 104.3 106.1 104.3 104.5 104.5 106.1 104.3 104.4 104.4 106.1 -.1 -.1 -.1 0 .1 .1 .1 0 0 0 0 0 109.0 109.0 109.0 2024-115 06/83 104.9 105.1 104.5 2018-P 2018-1 2018-133 2018-13301 2018-13398 2018-134 2018-136 2018-139 2018-3 2018-323 2018-32301 2018-32302 2018-32398 2018-5 2018-521 2018-523 2018-9 2018-915 2018-955 2018-S See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 14 ft ft ft ft ft 0 -.5 -4.7 ft 0 -.3 .3 ft 0 -.7 ft -4.9 ft -1.2 -.3 ft ft 1.2 1.7 1.7 3.6 ft 5.4 1.4 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Ice cream and frozen desserts—Continued Vanilla ice cream and custard in consumer size (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons) Other consumer-size ice cream and custard (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons) Novelty forms of frozen desserts (any frozen dairy-type dessert less than 16 ounces) Water ices (16 oz. size or larger) Consumer-size ice milk (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons) Consumer-size sherbet (16 oz. to less than 3 gallons) Secondary products Other secondary products Fluid milk Primary products Packaged fluid milk and related products Fluid whole milk, packaged Fluid whole milk, packaged, Northeast region .. Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 5.0 2024-11501 06/83 109.5 108.5 108.9 0.3 0.3 -0.5 2024-11598 06/83 102.3 103.2 102.2 -1.0 -.6 -.9 -.6 2024-116 2024-151 2024-184 2024-196 2024-S 2024-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.3 102.6 92.2 102.1 111.4 111.4 104.8 102.6 92.6 102.1 111.4 111.4 105.2 107.4 92.6 .3 4.7 0 111.4 111.4 0 0 4.7 -.3 (3) 0 0 .9 4.7 .4 (3) 0 0 2.2 6.0 -8.0 (3) -3.9 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.9 103.2 103.2 103.0 102.2 103.4 102.3 102.6 102.5 101.0 103.3 102.2 102.4 102.2 100.7 -.1 -.1 -.2 -.3 -.2 -.5 -.9 -.9 -.8 -1.7 .5 .3 .5 .7 0 2.8 2.3 2.6 2.6 1.5 -.6 -2.1 2.5 -.3 4.5 2026 2026-P 2026-2 2026-212 2026-21200 G01- O ft Fluid whole milk, packaged, North Central region . 2026-21200 G02- 12/82 102.4 100.8 100.1 Fluid whole milk, packaged, Southern region . 2026-21200 G03- 12/82 104.5 104.2 104.2 Fluid whole milk, packaged, Western region . 2026-21200 G04- 12/82 102.4 103.8 103.6 -.2 1.1 2026-223 2026-225 2026-232 2026-245 2026-252 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.8 106.2 101.5 102.1 105.8 102.1 104.1 105.4 101.3 105.5 101.7 104.2 105.4 101.2 105.5 -.4 .1 0 -.2 0 -1.2 -2.0 2026-3 12/82 102.9 103.1 103.2 2026-313 2026-4 2026-432 2026-434 2026-435 2026-M 2026-Z89 2026-S 2021-S 2022-S 2023-S 2024-S 2026-SSS 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.8 104.7 107.1 101.8 104.6 107.4 107.4 104.7 95.1 99.5 102.5 105.8 114.0 103.1 104.8 107.4 101.9 104.7 107.8 107.8 104.4 93.0 98.1 102.3 106.2 113.5 103.2 105.5 109.8 101.8 104.7 107.8 107.8 104.4 93.0 97.7 102.3 106.2 113.5 .1 .6 2.3 .3 .9 3.4 0 .1 Lowfat milk, 0.5 - 2.0% butterfat, packaged Skim milk, packaged Cream, heavy, with more than 30% butterfat (whipping cream) Sour cream and related products Half and half and related products Cottage cheese (including farmers' cheese, pot cheese and bakers' cheese) Cottage cheese, manufactured and creamed at the establishment Buttermilk, chocolate drinks and other flavored milk products Yogurt Buttermilk and related products Flavored milk drinks (chocolate milk, chocolate drink) Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Creamery butter Cheese Condensed and evaporated milk Ice cream and frozen desserts Other secondary products Canned and preserved fruits and vegetables . 203 12/84 100.0 101.4 2032 2032-P 2032-2 2032-3 2032-373 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 106.9 107.4 114.1 105.7 111.5 108.6 109.2 114.1 106.8 113.7 108.4 109.0 114.1 106.8 113.7 2032-386 12/82 103.2 103.3 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.7 103.5 (3) 113.4 105.7 105.9 (3) 113.4 105.7 105.1 2032-498 2032-S 2032-SSS 2033-SSS 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.6 102.7 104.4 101.1 109.7 104.7 105.6 104.0 Canned fruits and vegetables Primary products Canned fruits, except baby food Apples Fruits for salads Fruit pie fillings Applesauce Olives, ripe and green ripe Peaches, including spiced Pears, including spiced Canned vegetables, except hominy and mushrooms . 2033 2033-P 2033-1 2033-112 2033-134 2033-162 2033-171 2033-173 2033-174 2033-175 2033-2 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 111.2 111.0 113.9 100.5 115.8 104.0 113.5 115.0 117.7 122.1 107.1 114.0 114.2 117.5 102.2 117.8 106.3 113.4 122.5 124.2 122.1 108.3 1.7 3.9 3.5 -1.8 -.1 See footnotes at end of table. 15 O 2.3 4.2 —1 0 0 0 0 0 -.4 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 -.7 -5.9 -2.0 -.5 .3 .1 3.0 1.1 2.3 4.1 1.7 1.3 1.3 -1.0 -8.9 -3.1 -.5 .7 -.2 2.9 3.8 4.1 4.0 3.7 4.4 4.4 2.9 -2.3 -.5 3.0 4.0 4.7 2.2 1.9 .4 2.3 2.7 6.4 6.4 8.3 7.1 17.3 1.3 103.3 2032-391 2032-4 2032-468 2032-493 1.0 1.1 101.5 Canned specialties Primary products Canned soups, except frozen or seafood Canned dry beans Beans with pork (13.1 oz to 18 oz) Other canned dry beans, including chili con came (13.1 oz to 18 oz) Other canned dry beans, including chili con carne (other sizes) Canned specialty foods Chinese foods (bean sprouts, chop suey, etc.) Spanish foods (Mexican rice, tortillas, enchiladas) Other canned specialties, including canned puddings (other than canned meats) Secondary products Other secondary products Canned fruits and vegetables 3.9 -.4 0 2.4 -3.9 .9 -.2 -.2 0 0 0 .7 .2 0 .2 .5 .8 0 -.8 0 -1.6 3.7 1.6 4.6 2.7 109.7 104.4 104.9 104.0 0 -.3 -.6 0 3.9 2.7 -.2 5.5 4.0 3.9 .6 7.1 4.7 4.5 1.9 7.1 113.1 112.9 117.1 101.8 119.3 112.8 113.4 124.0 121.4 122.1 107.5 -.8 -1.1 -.4 -.4 1.2 0 -.3 .9 1.3 3.0 6.7 -.6 7.7 -1.3 0 -.4 .5 .2 2.4 2.4 3.3 11.3 .4 .2 5.1 2.6 113.4 6.1 0 1.2 -2.3 0 -.7 1.4 7.8 .2 2.4 -1.0 9.7 -2.6 3.8 5.4 7.4 9.6 -2.3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Canned fruits and vegetables—Continued Fresh lima beans Beans, green and wax (including blue lake)... Carrots Vegetable combinations White potatoes 2033-203 2033-207 2033-215 2033-235 2033-275 2033-293 2033-294 2033-296 2033-297 2033-3 2033-321 2033-4 2033-411 2033-428 2033-431 2033-464 2033-472 2033-492 2033-5 2033-515 2033-6 2033-614 2033-621 2033-662 2033-691 2033-8 2033-811 2033-815 2033-821 2033-825 2033-M 2033-S 2032-S 2033-SSS 2037-S Sweet corn, whole kernel Green peas Tomatoes Canned hominy and mushrooms Mushrooms Canned fruit juices, nectars, and concentrates Apple juice Pineapple juice Grapefruit juice Prune juice Other whole fruit juices and mixtures of whole fruit juices Orange juice, single strength Canned vegetable juices Tomato juice Catsup and other tomato sauces, etc Tomato sauces Catsup Tomato paste Tomato pulp and puree Jams, jellies and preserves Strawberry jams and preserves Other jams and preserves Grape jelly Other jellies Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products., Canned specialties „ Other secondary products Frozen fruits and vegetables Dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables and soups.. Primary products Dried fruits and vegetables Dried fruits Raisins Prunes Dates Apples Other fruits Dried vegetables Potatoes (including flakes, granules, etc.)... Onions Other vegetables Dried soups Dried soups Secondary products rroauci code 2034 2034-P 2034-X 2034-1 2034-113 2034-115 2034-118 2034-121 2034-123 2034-2 2034-213 2034-237 2034-241 2034-3 2034-311 2034-S Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 109.7 104.7 94.4 112.5 117.0 123.4 82.4 117.2 122.0 94.6 93.8 118.4 115.0 117.4 118.4 111.3 117.3 129.2 109.7 110.9 96.7 114.0 118.0 125.1 80.8 120.2 121.8 89.2 87.9 123.0 115.0 119.7 122.4 112.5 125.0 135.4 109.6 111.6 94.8 123.9 118.1 128.8 82.1 120.2 111.6 87.9 86.5 123.0 115.0 119.7 122.4 112.5 125.0 135.4 -0.1 .7 -2.0 8.7 .1 3.0 1.5 0 -8.4 -1.5 -1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.2 4.9 -3.5 3.4 .9 3.8 -4.1 4.0 -8.5 -4.5 -5.0 3.2 0 1.9 2.2 1.1 3.6 4.8 -0.2 4.7 -.9 8.9 .8 4.0 -6.9 2.6 -8.7 -7.4 -8.8 3.8 -.2 1.9 3.4 1.1 6.5 4.8 1.1 2.8 -.4 15.2 11.6 4.7 -15.8 -2.2 -4.0 -13.2 -14.0 6.5 -.2 1.9 9.8 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 119.6 108.4 112.9 108.9 100.7 104.9 106.0 110.3 110.3 94.6 (3) 87.3 116.6 104.2 115.0 126.8 121.9 114.4 112.1 133.3 97.5 105.8 106.3 110.3 109.8 94.6 (3) 81.3 118.1 104.8 111.5 135.9 121.9 109.8 112.1 128.8 97.5 96.3 106.0 110.3 108.9 94.6 0 -4.0 .0 -3.4 0 -9.0 -.2 0 -.8 0 1.9 -4.7 0 -3.7 -3.1 -8.2 -1.1 0 -.8 -5.9 3.8 -2.3 -1.9 5.6 -2.4 -8.9 -5.3 0 -1.2 0 4.0 -6.2 -1.6 -.3 -11.2 -13.3 -1.4 0 -7.4 .1 ft ft ft ft ft 85.7 119.6 108.0 113.4 135.9 5.3 1.3 3.1 1.7 0 -1.4 2.9 7.2 -1.3 5.9 1.7 3.0 4.1 -.9 7.2 -8.6 3.8 1.9 2.1 7.0 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.2 106.7 107.0 84.3 70.6 103.9 126.2 106.6 96.9 127.5 107.3 106.7 106.5 83.3 69.1 100.5 126.5 107.3 106.7 106.6 83.3 (3) 100.5 (3) (3) 96.9 127.5 (3) (3) (3) 107.3 107.3 114.7 0 0 0 .1 .4 .5 .6 1.8 (3) -1.7 .5 .3 0 .1 -4.9 -5.7 -7.4 -15.9 ft ft -3.3 ft ft ft ft -.3 (3) ft 90.5 97.1 (3) (3) 112.5 ft 96.9 127.5 (3) 90.5 97.1 107.3 107.3 114.7 ft 0 ft (3) 0 0 ft ft ft 2.6 0 ft ft ft 0 0 0 0 0 -1.2 1.6 0 ft ft ft ft ft 1.9 ft 10.8 7.0 ft -8.1 -1.6 ft ft ft ft ft 5.0 2035-P 2035-2 2035-211 2035-215 2035-219 2035-233 2035-3 2035-351 2035-4 2035-411 2035-423 116.3 118.3 111.1 110.5 113.2 90.4 110.7 116.7 113.4 122.8 130.6 124.1 114.7 116.0 112.9 112.5 115.4 90.4 113.1 116.1 111.4 117.8 124.4 115.8 115.8 117.5 113.9 113.2 116.5 95.2 113.5 116.1 111.4 119.9 124.4 120.9 .9 1.3 .9 .6 .9 5.3 .4 0 0 1.8 0 4.4 0 -.3 2.3 2.2 3.0 5.3 2.6 -1.1 -1.8 -1.5 -4.8 -.3 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 116.4 114.3 113.2 112.0 112.4 116.4 113.8 113.2 111.8 112.1 116.4 114.9 113.2 111.8 112.1 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 .3 .3 0 .8 0 .5 -.1 1.0 1.6 2.5 1.1 .6 2037-P 2037-1 2037-163 2037-179 2037-17901 2037-17903 2037-17904 2037-183 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 07/8 115.3 114.9 114.3 136.1 120.6 134.0 114.6 118.0 106.3 119.8 116.9 116.9 136.9 123.9 134.5 120.9 125.1 118.6 120.2 117.4 117.0 135.7 124.1 132.6 122.4 125.1 120.4 .4 .4 .1 -.9 .1 -1.4 1.3 0 1.5 4.3 2.3 3.6 -.3 4.6 1.6 6.8 6.0 14.2 3.6 2.0 2.0 .7 2.3 -1.5 6.0 5.7 11.1 7.5 5.6 8.3 15.9 10.3 7.9 10.4 5.9 23.5 2035 Frozen fruits and vegetables Primary production Frozen fruits, juices and ades Frozen blueberries Frozen orange juice Frozen orange juice, over one gallon . Frozen orange juice, 10.1 to 13 oz Frozen orange juice, 4.1 to 7 oz Frozen grapefruit juice 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 07/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/8 06/8 -.5 -1.1 2.2 2.4 3.0 2.0 2.3 -4.3 -7.6 -2.2 -4.7 -2.4 2035-429 2035-431 2035-439 2035-S 2035-SSS Pickles, sauces and salad dressings Primary products Pickles and other pickled products Dill pickles Sweet pickles Overnight pickles (Fresh, half sour) Other finished pickled products Meat sauces Other sauces Mayonnaise, salad dressings and sandwich spreads Salad dressing Mayonnaise Sandwich spread, refrigerated dressing and other spoon-type dressings French dressing Cheese, low calorie and other pourable-type dressings Secondary products Other secondary products 2037 See footnotes at end of table. naex >ase 16 .7 .4 2.8 2.2 2.5 ft 2.1 -2.8 ft -.3 -3.0 .3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Frozen fruits and vegetables—Continued Frozen grapefruit juice, 4.1 to 7 oz Frozen grapefruit juice, all other sizes Frozen lemonade Frozen lemonade, 10.1 to 13 oz Frozen grape juice Frozen grape juice, 10.1 to 13 oz Other frozen fruit and berry juice, concentrated Citrus pulp Frozen vegetables Frozen green beans Frozen broccoli Frozen brussels sprouts Frozen carrots Frozen cauliflower Frozen green peas Frozen succotash Other frozen combinations Frozen french fried potatoes Frozen french fried potatoes, two lbs. and under Frozen french fried potatoes, over two lbs Other frozen potato products Frozen sweet cut corn, yellow Frozen sweet cob com, yellow Frozen southern greens Other frozen vegetables Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products.. Canned fruits and vegetables All other secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 9.3 14.9 -.1 11.5 25.3 .2 (*) 1.5 2.1 4.6 9.9 3.6 3.8 2.7 .8 15.1 2.1 0 -1.3 1.9 5.1 2.1 5.6 4.6 -2.0 2.2 -.7 3.7 26.6 6.7 8.7 6.2 2037-18301 2037-18302 2037-189 2037-18902 2037-191 2037-19102 2037-195 2037-197 2037-2 2037-213 2037-225 2037-231 2037-233 2037-235 2037-241 2037-243 2037-246 2037-248 2037-24801 2037-24802 2037-249 2037-253 2037-255 2037-261 2037-298 2037-M 2037-S 2033-S 2037-SSS 97.3 122.3 97.1 98.8 102.7 104.3 111.1 91.6 116.8 116.2 103.6 108.7 108.8 105.1 133.9 104.0 108.4 121.7 110.9 123.9 114.5 102.2 112.3 120.1 115.3 174.6 106.7 110.6 106.3 97.3 124.4 97.1 (3) 102.7 104.3 111.1 91.6 117.6 116.2 103.4 108.7 119.4 105.3 133.9 104.7 109.3 122.7 112.1 124.9 115.0 101.2 115.4 119.5 115.7 174.6 107.2 111.7 106.3 0 1.7 0 (*) 0 0 0 0 .7 -.1 -.2 0 9.7 .2 0 .7 .8 .9 1.0 .8 .5 -1.0 2.8 -.5 .3 0 .5 1.0 .0 -.3 0 1.4 6.0 1.3 -.4 .3 0 9.7 5.2 0 -.7 .8 1.8 2.0 1.8 .7 0 1.7 -.8 2.0 27.3 1.8 2.2 1.8 9.3 11.3 .2 (3) -.3 0 1.7 1.5 2.1 1.5 2.1 0 14.9 4.1 0 .9 1.1 2.6 2.7 2.5 2.1 -.6 2.0 -.2 1.5 18.6 3.2 4.4 2.6 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 110.2 111.4 113.8 115.7 114.1 111.9 110.1 111.2 113.0 116.5 115.9 104.2 110.3 111.5 113.6 116.5 115.9 107.2 .2 .2 .6 0 0 2.9 -.3 -.3 -.9 0 0 -4.5 1.4 .8 1.1 .7 7.3 -1.3 3.8 3.6 3.1 2.6 8.8 -1.3 2038-118 2038-2 2038-225 2038-243 2038-245 2038-3 2038-313 2038-318 2038-S 2038-SSS 2099-SSS 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 110.4 111.7 122.8 100.3 105.3 108.0 112.4 103.7 119.0 126.0 116.1 111.7 111.7 122.9 100.4 105.5 108.4 111.7 105.2 118.8 125.6 121.2 111.7 111.5 122.9 100.4 105.5 108.9 112.6 105.2 118.8 125.6 121.2 0 -.1 0 0 0 .4 .8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .1 .1 0 -.8 -1.2 0 1.2 .3 1.4 .2 .6 1.3 .9 1.8 14.0 19.0 4.5 6.1 3.5 8.6 -1.7 1.0 4.4 5.1 3.7 15.6 21.2 9.7 2041-P 2041-1 06/83 06/83 06/83 97.1 97.4 97.1 97.4 98.2 98.4 98.7 100.4 1.3 1.3 2.1 0 .4 2.4 -.2 .1 3.1 -4.4 -4.0 1.0 2041-111 06/83 96.7 98.1 100.3 2.3 3.1 3.8 .9 2041-113 2041-115 06/83 06/83 98.6 102.9 99.2 105.6 100.5 110.0 1.3 4.2 2.5 3.9 1.4 8.6 .6 4.1 2041-117 06/83 98.2 102.7 106.1 3.3 3.8 2041 Cereal breakfast foods Primary products Ready to serve cereal breakfast foods Corn flakes and other corn breakfast foods Wheat flakes and other wheat breakfast foods 89.1 109.3 96.9 98.6 103.0 104.3 109.6 90.3 115.3 115.3 102.2 108.7 108.8 100.2 133.9 104.5 108.1 119.6 110.4 121.4 113.1 101.9 112.3 120.0 112.5 137.2 104.0 107.5 103.2 2038 Flour and other grain mill products Primary products Wheat flour Bakers' and institutional white bread-type flour shipped in bulk Bakers' and institutional white bread-type flour shipped in containers Bakers' and institutional soft wheat flour shipped in bulk Bakers' and institutional soft wheat flour shipped in containers Family white flour less than 25lbs (incl all-purpose for domestic donation) Family white flour 25lbs or more (incl all-purpose for domestic donation) Self-rising flour (less than 25 lbs) Flour shipped for processing into other food products Other wheat mill products Wheat mill feed Corn mill products Whole cornmeal Degermed cornmeal Corn grits and hominy Corn grits and flakes (for brewer's use) Hominy feed, cornmeal and other corn by-products Other corn mill products (for human consumption) Other corn mill products (not for human consumption) 07/81 07/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 2038-P 2038-1 2038-111 2038-113 2038-114 Frozen specialties Primary products Frozen pies and other baked goods Frozen pies Sweet yeast goods incl. yeast raised donuts, sweet rolls,etc. Soft cakes(pounds,layers,sheet, fruit.cheese.etc.) Other frozen baked goods(waffles, cookies,pastries,etc.)excl. bread and rolls Frozen dinners.beef,pork,poultry pies and nationality foods Frozen dinners Frozen pizza Frozen nationality food Other frozen specialties Frozen entrees Other frozen specialties Secondary products Other secondary products Food preparations.n.e.c 2043 f3) 2041-121 06/83 98.2 98.6 100.7 2.2 5.5 2.2 2.0 2041-123 2041-124 2041-127 2041-2 2041-213 2041-3 2041-311 2041-315 2041-321 2041-323 2041-365 2041-395 2041-397 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 101.4 94.7 99.4 95.0 95.0 92.7 105.0 101.9 96.3 92.1 72.9 103.0 99.5 100.6 86.4 100.4 82.4 81.6 94.7 106.1 105.9 102.6 99.5 63.6 105.6 100.8 91.2 101.8 79.4 78.4 95.5 106.1 106.6 103.7 (3) 66.1 103.2 101.4 .2 5.5 1.4 -3.6 -3.9 .8 0 .6 1.1 (3) 4.0 -2.3 -.3 -10.8 .6 -15.8 -16.8 3.4 .2 5.1 6.8 (3) -6.7 2.7 1.1 -.3 -3.7 1.3 -19.5 -20.7 -1.7 1.0 1.7 3.5 (3) -17.3 -2.0 -5.4 -1.2 -3.7 0 -33.8 -35.5 -12.5 1.5 -6.2 -7.9 (3) -33.9 -4.7 -11.3 2043-P 2043-1 2043-111 2043-112 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.2 103.3 103.4 99.4 101.0 104.3 107.9 108.5 105.8 106.2 104.0 107.4 107.8 105.8 106.4 -.3 -.4 -.7 0 .2 1.5 2.2 2.2 6.4 3.0 2.4 5.0 5.4 6.4 6.2 2.5 5.2 5.7 (3) 6.2 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 17 Table 4. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from - Index Industry and product1 Industry code Cereal breakfast foods—Continued Oat breakfast foods Rtee breakfast foods Preparations of other grains and mixed grains.incl. baby cereals To be cooked before serving cereal breakfast foods Farina and other wheat foods Rolled oats and oatmeal Product code Index base Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 108.4 103.2 109.6 109.7 109.9 103.9 0.3 -5.3 -4.8 -1.3 6.9 .7 6.9 .7 2043-119 2043-2 2043-252 2043-253 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 112.0 102.6 106.8 116.0 103.8 112.2 115.9 105.1 112.4 0 1.3 .2 2.0 2.4 5.2 5.7 2.4 5.2 8.3 2.5 5.5 2044-P 2044-1 2044-101 2044-10103 2044-10105 2044-10107 2044-103 2044-10303 2044-10307 2044-2 2044-298 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 97.5 97.3 96.7 96.8 94.7 99.9 99.7 94.9 91.1 99.9 101.5 97.5 98.5 98.4 97.1 95.9 93.8 98.9 98.4 99.4 98.6 100.9 107.7 97.5 98.3 98.2 96.9 95.6 93.4 98.9 98.4 99.1 98.0 100.8 107.7 97.5 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.4 0 0 -.3 -.6 -.1 0 0 -.2 -.2 -.2 -1.9 -2.6 1.6 1.7 -.4 -2.1 -2.7 -1.0 -1.3 3.8 6.5 -1.0 -1.5 4.2 7.3 .9 0 -.1 18.3 .3 ft ft 2048-P 2048-1 2048-111 2048-115 2048-116 2048-117 2048-118 2048-2 2048-3 2048-4 2048-5 2048-6 2048-7 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 84.0 82.4 75.7 70.9 80.7 73.7 83.6 74.5 81.1 80.1 94.1 85.2 95.3 85.6 82.0 80.1 74.3 68.9 79.3 72.5 80.5 73.8 79.5 76.8 90.1 81.2 92.4 82.6 81.2 79.2 74.1 68.9 80.3 71.8 78.5 74.3 77.6 75.9 90.5 79.9 92.1 81.0 -1.0 -1.1 -.2 0 1.3 -2.9 -3.4 -2.0 0 .4 -4.1 -5.9 .8 -4.8 -3.4 -2.0 -5.0 -3.0 -5.2 -5.7 -6.4 -5.7 -7.6 -4.3 -5.9 -5.5 -5.8 -8.4 -6.0 -4.2 -6.7 -3.8 -9.0 -15.7 -17.3 -19.4 -21.7 -16.2 -20.3 -15.7 -23.4 -19.0 -16.6 -12.5 -16.4 -11.1 -16.3 2048-8 2048-816 2048-819 2048-9 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 99.8 103.7 101.2 84.7 97.6 103.0 98.1 81.8 2048-911 12/80 77.6 2048-922 2048-M 2048-Z89 2048-S 2047-S 2048-SSS 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 98.3 100.2 100.1 94.1 88.9 100.1 2051-P 2051-1 2051-1A 2051-111 2051-11101 2051-11102 2051-11103 2051-11104 2051-113 2051-1B 2051-115 2051-117 2051-128 2051-2 2051-23 2051-233 2051-236 2051-239 2051-241 2051-3 2051-313 2051-398 2051-4 2051-413 2051-418 2051-5 2051-513 2051-7 Prepared feeds, n.e.c Primary products Poultry feeds, egg type, broiler and turkey Starter-grower, complete Layer-breeder, complete Broiler, complete Layer-breeder, supplements and concentrates Turkey, complete Dairy cattle feeds, complete Dairy cattle feed, supplements and concentrates Swine feeds, complete Swine feed, supplements and concentrates Beef cattle feeds, complete Beef cattle feed, supplements and concentrates Other poultry and livestock feeds, including duck, geese, horse, mule, etc Horse and mule, complete feed Other livestock (sheep, etc.), supplements and concentrates .. Other prepared animal feeds Grain, ground, rolled, pulverized, chopped, or crimped, excluding cornmeal Mineral mixture, including oyster shells, prepared for feed use Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Dog, cat and other pet food Other secondary products 2048 Bakery products . 205 12/84 Bread, cake, and related products Primary products Bread White bread White pan bread White pan bread, Northeast White pan bread. North Central White pan bread, South White pan bread, West White hearth bread Other bread Dark wheat bread Rye bread Other variety bread Bread type rolls, stuffing, and crumbs Bread type rolls Hamburger and weiner rolls English muffins Other bread type rolls Bread stuffing, croutons, and bread crumbs . Sweet yeast goods Yeast raised doughnuts Other sweet yeast goods Soft cakes 2051 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/8C 06/8C See footnotes at end of table. Apr. 19852 12/83 12/83 2044 Snack cakes Mar. 19852 2043-115 2043-117 Rice milling Primary products Head rice Long grain milled rice Packed in 100-pound bags or more Packed in 3-pound containers or less . Packed in all other containers Medium grain milled rice Packed in 100-pound bags or more Packed in all other containers Other milled rice and byproducts All other milled rice and byproducts Other soft cakes Pies Snack pies Cake type doughnuts Dec. 19842 18 C3) -1.0 -2.5 .6 -2.4 -1.2 .5 -1.6 -.2 -2.1 t3) ft ft .9 -.1 96.8 77.8 -1.3 -4.9 -2.7 -.5 -4.4 -5.8 -5.0 -1.7 -6.1 -8.7 -10.7 102.9 73.9 66.4 -10.1 -9.8 -15.0 -36.6 95.9 102.1 102.0 93.8 88.4 100.1 94.7 101.8 101.7 92.9 86.7 100.1 -1.2 -.2 -.3 -3.1 1.1 -4.2 .4 .4 -3.4 -6.5 0 -8.1 -3.6 -3.8 -4.3 -11.4 4.2 100.0 101.3 O ft 124.2 125.6 123.3 121.7 121.6 128.3 122.6 115.2 121.3 124.8 128.2 127.6 121.3 138.3 122.0 122.7 121.5 126.6 126.6 113.8 130.8 127.7 131.2 134.0 135.0 131.9 134.7 138.8 126.3 125.7 127.2 124.8 124.0 123.7 133.2 123.7 116.4 123.2 128.3 127.2 125.5 122.5 138.3 122.4 123.2 121.7 128.8 127.0 113.9 132.2 128.8 132.7 137.1 139.6 131.9 135.0 139.3 134.1 96.8 -.9 -1.0 -1.9 0 1.2 -1.5 -3.0 0 101.3 .1 .7 125.8 127.2 125.1 123.8 123.5 133.2 123.3 116.1 123.0 128.3 128.9 128.6 122.5 137.8 122.3 123.1 121.8 128.8 125.9 .1 0 .2 -.2 -.2 0 -.4 -.2 .6 .5 .5 .6 .6 1.2 0 .6 .9 0 .1 .1 132.4 128.8 133.0 136.8 139.1 131.9 133.4 136.4 132.8 -.1 0 1.3 2.5 0 -.4 -.1 -.1 .1 0 -.9 3 C) 1.0 -.4 0 -.1 0 0 -.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 3.8 .6 -.1 1.5 2.8 .8 .9 1.0 .5 .6 .6 -.2 1.8 3.8 3.5 4.6 4.7 4.5 5.0 4.6 8.1 1.7 6.1 .9 5.2 7.9 3.4 .4 1.9 2.1 2.4 1.8 C3) .2 0 .2 -.2 -.3 0 .3 .9 0 1.6 2.3 0 -1.2 -1.9 -3.3 4.5 -2.1 -.9 1.4 -9.1 -12.4 -20.2 1.4 .9 1.6 2.5 3.1 1.2 -.8 -1.7 5.4 5.0 8.4 3.5 7.7 10.2 2.7 5.7 6.8 5.8 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Bread, cake, and related products—Continued Miscellaneous receipts Resales of bread and related products.... Resales of rolls, stuffing and crumbs ... Resales of sweet yeast goods Resales of soft cakes Resales of cake type doughnuts Secondary products Other secondary products Cookies and crackers Primary products Crackers, cracker sandwiches, and pretzels... Crackers Graham crackers Saltines Other crackers Pretzels Cookies and ice cream cones Product code Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.4 0 .3 0 0 0 1.5 4.8 1.7 -.2 0 0 1.9 4.8 2.3 -1.1 6.1 4.3 -12.9 0 -1.0 ft ft ft ft 3.5 3.4 5.3 5.6 2.4 6.6 5.5 6.9 1.9 1.8 2.5 -.5 1.6 5.4 5.5 9.3 10.2 5.0 13.9 9.5 6.3 2.6 2.3 6.2 -2.7 .8 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 119.5 123.9 138.1 98.8 121.0 119.3 127.0 120.9 129.8 140.1 99.0 121.0 119.3 126.4 121.4 129.8 140.5 99.0 121.0 119.3 2052-P 2052-1 2052-1A 2052-123 2052-125 2052-198 2052-151 2052-2 2052-2A 2052-213 2052-215 2052-237 2052-231 2052-M 2052-Z89 2052-S 2052-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 108.0 109.1 112.4 114.4 104.6 117.4 115.1 99.6 106.5 106.1 106.0 106.0 106.3 115.9 97.3 97.3 100.9 101.9 109.6 110.3 114.9 116.6 107.1 120.6 116.8 106.3 106.9 106.3 106.4 100.7 106.6 109.8 110.4 114.8 116.5 107.1 120.6 116.6 106.3 107.1 106.5 106.7 103.1 106.6 ft ft ft ft 102.3 102.3 103.6 101.9 104.8 104.8 104.2 101.9 2.4 2.4 .6 0 7.7 7.7 3.3 0 5.4 5.4 3.3 0 5.4 5.4 3.8 1.1 12/84 100.0 98.7 99.2 .5 -.3 ft ft 2061-P 2061-1 2061-2 2061-265 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 107.3 107.3 106.5 112.3 112.3 105.0 105.0 104.2 110.4 110.4 104.2 104.2 104.4 103.1 103.1 -.8 -.8 .2 -6.7 -6.7 -.8 -.8 .3 -7.2 -7.2 -4.2 -4.2 -3.5 -8.3 -8.3 -8.9 -8.9 -5.3 -27.2 -27.2 2062-P 2062-1 2062-1A 2062-112 2062-114 2062-115 2062-15 2062-153 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 104.3 104.3 104.3 105.0 106.3 104.0 104.0 104.3 108.2 101.7 101.7 101.7 102.6 101.8 103.8 102.6 100.6 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.5 102.7 102.5 103.1 102.6 100.0 101.1 -.2 -.2 -.2 .1 .7 -.7 0 -.6 -.3 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -.8 1.3 -4.7 -6.4 -4.3 -4.3 -4.3 -3.7 -4.8 -2.9 -2.9 -5.8 -7.5 -5.3 -5.3 -5.3 -3.9 -5.3 -3.1 -2.7 -8.3 -9.5 2063-P 2063-1 2063-1X 2063-107 2063-115 2063-15 2063-151 2063-2 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 10/82 06/82 06/82 10/82 06/82 111.8 112.0 112.3 111.9 109.7 108.8 114.7 96.7 109.1 106.4 106.6 106.6 105.6 92.9 104.7 114.0 -2.2 -2.2 -.5 -.4 .9 -.3 -5.5 -5.5 -3.9 -4.4 -7.3 -7.3 -5.9 -6.4 106.3 104.0 104.2 106.1 105.1 93.7 104.4 112.7 95.3 85.8 -19.3 -14.6 -1.7 -.4 1.5 -21.6 -14.9 -3.4 -1.9 -1.8 -21.1 -9.8 -9.9 -8.2 -8.4 -14.5 -5.4 -6.0 -8.9 -26.1 06/83 06/83 106.4 106.9 106.7 106.9 107.4 107.7 .6 .7 .5 .6 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.8 06/83 106.6 106.7 107.6 1.0 1.7 06/83 06/83 06/83 105.7 109.0 108.3 106.2 108.2 108.1 107.5 108.1 107.2 1.3 -.1 1.4 -.6 -1.0 2.4 .5 -1.0 4.2 -1.0 -1.7 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 116.9 100.1 100.1 107.5 118.1 100.1 100.1 112.4 118.1 100.1 100.1 112.4 0 0 0 0 -.9 0 0 -1.2 4.8 0 0 1.9 4.8 0 0 2.6 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 110.2 110.8 109.0 102.3 101.7 109.8 110.3 107.7 96.5 101.6 111.2 111.7 109.9 102.1 104.4 1.2 1.3 2.0 5.8 2.7 1.4 1.5 1.3 2.7 2.4 2.0 1.8 -.6 -4.2 1.2 3.5 3.5 6.5 -7.0 1.6 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 112.5 110.1 107.6 103.3 112.7 109.6 107.6 103.4 114.7 110.2 108.9 103.4 1.7 .6 1.2 0 4.2 -.7 -.4 0 1.8 3.0 .3 2.0 3.3 3.8 3.1 2052 Sandwich cookies Marshmallow cookies All other cookies and wafers Ice cream cones Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products Sugar and confectionery products .. 206 Raw cane sugar mills Primary products Raw cane sugar Byproducts and other products. Molasses and syrup 2061 Cane sugar refining Primary products Refined cane sugar Granulated cane sugar. Consumer units Commercial units Bulk shipments Liquid sugar or syrup .... Sucrose type 2062 Beet sugar processing Primary products Beet sugar Granulated beet sugar Individual services and consumer units . Bulk shipments Liquid sugar or syrup Sucrose type Other products and byproducts 2063 Confectionery products Primary products Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products .. Nonchocolate-type confectionery products Nonchocolate-type confectionery products Confectionery products, n.e.c Peanuts, shipped separately, other packaging Other nuts, packaged separately or with three or less varieties, other packaging Miscellaneous receipts 2065 2065-P 2065-2 2065-211 2065-3 2065-311 2065-8 2065-853 2065-857 2065-M 2065-Z89 2065-S Secondary products.... 2066 2066-P 2066-1 2066-112 2066-122 2066-2 2066-211 2066-8 2066-821 2066-S See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 2051 -M 2051-Z75 2051-Z7512 2051-Z7513 2051-Z7514 2051-Z7517 2051-S 2051-SSS Cookies Chocolate and cocoa products Primary products Chocolate coatings Sweet chocolate coatings Milk chocolate coatings Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products .... Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products . Other chocolate and cocoa products Chocolate, sweetened Secondary products Index base 19 ft ft .2 .1 -.1 -.1 0 0 -.2 0 .2 .2 .3 2.4 0 ft -1.1 ft 1.0 .5 .9 1.1 -1.0 1.0 1.5 -.8 .2 -.1 .1 -2.8 -.1 -2.9 .2 .9 0 -.1 3.1 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Product code ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 fl fl fl fl fl 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.4 102.8 103.2 103.2 100.0 2.7 2.8 3.2 3.2 0 2.7 2.8 3.2 3.2 0 fl fl fl fl fl 207 12/84 100.0 98.8 100.5 1.7 2.1 fl fl Soybean oi! mill products Primary products Soybean oil Crude soybean oil Soybean oil, crude, degummed Soybean oil, crude, not degummed Soybean cake, meal, and other byproducts Soybean byproducts, meal 2075 12/79 12/79 91.0 85.8 90.8 83.3 94.3 86.5 4.0 3.9 5.3 3.5 0.5 -1.8 -16.2 -18.9 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 102.5 102.2 102.4 74.9 75.1 108.2 106.6 110.0 67.4 67.4 120.9 120.9 120.4 65.0 65.0 11.7 13.4 9.4 -3.6 -3.6 25.8 26.7 24.6 -13.6 -13.7 16.1 17.4 14.3 -16.1 -16.2 14.4 21.3 6.3 -38.9 -38.9 Animal and marine fats and oils Primary products Grease and inedible tallow Inedible tallow, incl. inedible animal stearin Inedible beef tallow Other inedible tallow and inedible animal stearin . Grease, other than wool grease Feed and fertilizer by-products Meat/bone meal Meat meal and meat and bone meal Dry rendered tankage Feather meal Animal and marine oil mill products, incl. foots Fish and marine animal oil Fish scrap and meal Secondary products Meat packing plants 2077 2077-P 2077-1 2077-111 2077-11111 2077-11113 2077-113 2077-2 2077-211 2077-21111 2077-212 2077-237 2077-3 2077-361 2077-366 2077-S 2011-S 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 120.0 118.9 154.4 152.3 149.6 158.4 166.0 84.1 85.1 84.0 78.4 72.9 109.0 149.5 93.1 110.2 109.3 144.2 142.1 139.8 147.2 155.7 77.4 79.1 78.0 73.2 60.2 92.7 104.0 -.5 -.8 2.6 3.1 2.3 4.9 -.2 -10.2 -10.3 -10.3 -11.2 -6.8 6.1 10.6 -6.1 -5.9 1.8 2.1 .9 4.6 .5 -18.5 -18.6 -18.5 -18.3 -29.2 -9.5 -9.3 -7.9 -2.2 -2.3 -2.4 -2.2 -1.6 -18.5 -17.1 -19.5 -18.8 -29.2 -8.3 -23.5 -2.1 -17.9 -18.7 -6.8 -7.1 -8.0 -5.0 -5.1 -36.3 -34.2 -34.5 -38.4 -52.9 -21.3 -28.8 fl (3) fl fl fl 109.6 108.4 147.9 146.5 143.0 154.4 155.3 69.5 70.9 70.0 65.0 56.1 98.4 115.0 88.6 130.8 130.8 Shortening and cooking oils Primary products Shortening and cooking oils Baking or frying fats (shortening), 100% vegetable oil Commercial sizes, over 3 lbs Baking or frying fats (shortening), 100% animal fats or blends of vegetable and animal fats Commercial sizes, over 3 lbs All other salad or cooking oils Margarine Secondary products 2079 2079-P 2079-1 2079-113 2079-11303 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 124.5 126.8 127.3 134.5 142.2 125.5 127.8 127.9 137.1 146.0 128.0 129.7 129.2 140.7 150.6 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.6 3.2 2079-115 2079-11507 2079-159 2079-2 2079-S 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 123.5 110.5 -.1 144.6 125.7 110.1 110.6 107.9 142.4 127.7 108.8 Beverages . 208 12/84 100.0 100.7 100.6 -.1 .4 Malt beverages Primary products Canned beer Light beer in cans Regular beer in cans Bottled beer Returnable bottles Regular beer in returnable bottles Nonretumable bottles Light beer in nonretumable bottles Regular beer in nonretumable bottles Barrels and kegs Regular beer in barrels and kegs Other fermented malt beverages and byproducts. Malt liquor Ale 2082 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 107.5 107.5 109.2 108.3 109.4 108.0 108.5 108.5 110.7 108.8 111.0 108.6 108.5 108.5 110.4 109.3 110.6 109.2 0 0 -.3 .5 -.4 .6 .9 .9 .9 1.0 .9 1.2 0 0 .6 1.1 .5 .9 .3 .3 1.0 1.7 .9 1.1 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 107.6 108.3 112.0 107.8 107.6 109.5 111.5 109.2 107.6 110.9 112.8 110.6 0 1.3 1.1 1.3 0 2.4 .7 2.6 -.4 2.3 .8 2.5 -.3 2.5 .7 2.8 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 93.6 103.8 107.6 109.6 93.2 103.0 107.9 109.6 93.2 102.9 108.9 109.7 0 -.1 .9 .1 -.5 -.1 1.2 .1 -9.2 -2.1 1.2 .1 -9.2 -1.7 4.6 6.4 Wines, brandy and brandy spirits Primary products Grape table wines White wines White varietal wines White generic, semi-generic, and proprietary wines . Red wines Red varietal wines Red generic, semi-generic, and proprietary wines .... Rose wines Rose generic, semi-generic, and proprietary wines .. Other fruit and berry wines Other fruit and berry wines Dessert wines Dessert wines Sparkling wines, natural and carbonated 2084 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 99.3 99.4 98.0 94.1 102.7 91.3 102.6 117.3 98.1 98.0 97.3 105.6 105.6 99.2 99.2 103.4 99.4 99.4 97.9 98.1 101.0 97.2 100.4 119.9 94.3 93.2 91.0 105.6 105.6 99.4 99.4 104.4 98.6 98.6 96.8 93.6 102.8 90.7 102.7 116.8 98.3 93.1 90.9 105.6 105.6 99.4 99.4 104.2 -.8 -.8 -1.1 -4.6 1.8 -6.6 2.3 -2.6 4.2 -.1 -.1 0 0 0 0 -.2 -.8 -.8 -1.8 -5.8 -.9 -7.5 .9 -7.8 4.5 1.6 2.1 0 0 .2 .2 4.2 -1.1 -1.0 -1.5 -1.7 -2.6 -1.3 .5 1.3 .3 -5.0 -6.6 0 0 .2 .2 1.7 -1.0 -.9 -2.2 -2.4 1.3 -3.7 1.5 3.3 .9 -8.2 -10.9 Chewing gum and gum base Primary products Chewing gum Nondietetic chewing gum . Chewing gum base 2067 Fats and oils. 2067-P 2067-1 2067-112 2067-2 2075-P 2075-1 2075-11 2075-113 2075-115 2075-2 2075-211 2082-P 2082-1 2082-111 2082-112 2082-2 2082-211 2082-21112 2082-221 2082-22111 2082-22112 2082-3 2082-312 2082-4 2082-411 2082-421 2084-P 2084-1 2084-112 2084-11211 2084-11221 2084-114 2084-11411 2084-11421 2084-116 2084-11621 2084-3 2084-311 2084-4 2084-411 2084-5 See footnotes at end of table. 20 fl fl 142.3 130.9 110.0 fl fl fl fl -.1 2.5 1.1 fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl 5.4 4.7 3.3 7.8 10.2 1.8 .9 .3 5.1 6.4 3.0 2.4 .4 4.2 6.4 -10.3 -16.0 -9.1 fl fl -.1 8.5 -.1 fl -8.7 2.5 1.9 11.9 7.8 6.2 fl fl fl fl -.3 -.3 3.9 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Wines, brandy and brandy spirits—Continued Sparkling wines, natural and carbonated Specialty (formula) wines Other specialty (formula) wines Beverage brandy, neutral fruit spirits, and neutral brandy Beverage brandy, neutral fruit spirits, and neutral brandy.... Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 -0.2 0 <> " -4.4 3 42 . 0 17 . 0 11 . 11 . a1 1 . Apr. 1984 2084-511 2084-6 2084-619 2084-7 2084-711 2084-M 2084-Z89 2084-S 100.0 104.2 100.0 () * 93.1 93.1 101.1 101.1 101.1 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 99.8 99.6 100.0 100.8 94.8 106.2 100.7 104.5 100.7 96.3 116.7 100.0 100.5 99.0 100.1 100.2 99.7 100.5 102.2 94.8 102.6 100.7 107.0 100.7 94.6 116.7 101.0 99.3 99.1 100.1 100.1 99.6 100.4 102.1 94.8 107.9 100.7 108.2 100.7 97.2 116.7 100.1 100.6 99.0 100.1 -1 . -1 . -1 . 0 0 52 . 0 11 . 0 28 . 0 -9 . 14 . 0 0 -1.0 -1.2 -1.0 14 . 0 70 . 0 35 . 0 37 . 0 -4.0 20 . 0 0 . 3 -3 . . 6 15 . 0 71 . . 1 35 . . 2 37 . 0 0 . 1 . 1 0 . 8 . 2 11 . 17 . 0 78 . . 7 81 . . 4 -3 . . 7 . 8 . 3 -6 . 0 2086-P 2086-3 2086-301 2086-30101 2086-30111 2086-30112 2086-30121 2086-30131 2086-302 2086-30202 2086-30203 2086-30204 2086-30205 2086-30206 2086-30207 2086-30209 2086-30211 2086-30219 2086-5 2086-509 2086-M 2086-Z89 2086-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 112.9 113.0 112.7 112.9 116.7 120.0 110.7 107.9 105.7 112.5 108.6 113.3 113.9 113.2 109.9 103.5 112.6 110.2 117.1 118.8 118.1 112.6 113.5 108.4 113.9 114.2 113.8 114.2 117.8 121.3 111.3 109.5 106.9 113.5 110.2 114.1 111.8 113.2 113.0 108.8 112.5 111.2 119.3 120.4 120.3 113.0 114.0 108.4 113.6 113.8 113.6 113.5 117.0 120.2 111.2 108.8 106.9 113.7 110.1 113.7 111.8 113.2 113.0 105.3 113.8 112.2 119.1 118.2 117.2 112.7 113.7 108.4 -3 . -3 . -2 . -6 . -7 . -1.0 -1 . -6 . 0 . 2 0 -4 . 0 0 0 -3.2 12 . . 9 -2 . -1.9 -2.5 -3 . -3 . 0 . 5 . 8 . 8 . 2 -1 . -4 . . 3 . 5 11 . 14 . 14 . . 2 -1.8 0 28 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 5 . 7 10 . 13 . . 3 0 22 . . 3 . 8 . 1 -1.8 0 28 . 18 . 10 . -8 . 0 -5 . -7 . . 3 . 4 . 4 26 . 29 . 24 . 28 . 27 . 30 . 22 . 26 . 43 . 19 . 25 . 30 . -5 . -9 . 28 . 35 . . 9 10 . 34 . 12.2 95 . 17 . 25 . . 2 2091-P 2091-1 2091-112 2091-113 2091-114 2091-116 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 (3) 100.0 101.2 98.3 98.3 96.4 100.1 101.1 98.2 98.2 96.4 99.4 12 . -1.7 -1.7 -3.6 . 2 3 100.0 100.0 -1 . -1 . -1 . 0 -8 . (3) 0 2091-119 2091-151 2091-182 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.3 100.0 100.0 99.7 0 0 . 4 C) 0 -3 . 3 f) O O 3 f) O ft ft O 2092-P 2092-2 2092-213 2092-21398 2092-224 2092-22401 2092-22498 2092-226 2092-3 2092-321 2092-32101 2092-32198 2092-326 2092-329 2092-4 2092-423 2092-424 2092-432 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 02/83 12/82 12/82 102.1 102.8 120.0 128.0 128.0 130.2 128.6 133.0 87.6 102.7 105.7 111.0 102.3 (3) 94.3 93.9 95.3 92.8 124.9 100.2 100.4 113.4 129.4 129.4 125.2 123.5 128.2 77.9 103.0 101.7 97.8 104.2 110.8 97.4 91.8 95.0 90.6 127.2 100.1 100.3 116.9 130.9 130.9 125.3 123.5 128.5 79.7 102.0 101.9 97.8 104.4 117.8 100.9 90.3 95.7 90.2 126.3 -1 . -2 . 31 . 12 . 12 . . 1 0 . 3 23 . -1.0 . 2 0 . 3 63 . 35 . -1.6 . 8 -4 . -7 . -2.5 -2.7 -4.5 -3.6 -3.6 -3.6 -3.8 -3.4 -8.5 -1 . -3.4 -11.9 25 . 11.0 70 . -3.7 . 8 -1.8 -7 . . 8 . 6 11.2 30.2 30.2 17 . 10 . 28 . -9.0 32 . -3.8 -11.9 18 . (3) 77 . -7.4 -3 . -4.5 -3.7 -4.6 -4.8 -2.9 -4.3 -4.3 30 . 37 . 18 . -11.5 27 . -2 . -9.6 64 . (3) 47 . -11.5 10 . -9.4 -1.4 2091 Fresh or frozen packaged fish Primary products Fresh packaged fish and other seafood Fresh packaged fish, excluding shellfish Other fresh packaged fish Oysters Shucked oysters, standards Other oysters Other packaged shellfish Frozen packaged fish, excluding shellfish Groundfish, fillets and steaks Cod fillets Other groundfish, fillets and steaks Other fillets and steaks Other frozen packaged fish Frozen packaged shellfish and other seafood, including soup . Shrimp, peeled, cooked Shrimp, breaded Crab meat, Dungeness 104.4 100.0 3 2086 Canned and cured seafoods Primary products Canned and cured seafoods including soup (except frozen) .... Canned tuna Canned salmon Canned sardines Canned shrimp Other canned fish and seafood (except soups, stew and chowders) Smoked salmon Salted and pickled fish 103.4 100.0 100.0 97.4 97.4 101.1 101.1 99.7 2085 Soft drinks Primary products Carbonated soft drinks Cola, excluding diet cola Cola, bottled, excluding diet cola Cola, excluding diet, returnable bottles Cola, excluding diet, nonreturnable bottles Cola, excluding diet, cans (returnable and nonreturnable) ... Cola, excluding diet, bulk Other carbonated drinks, including diet cola Carbonated orange soda Carbonated lemon, lime and lemon-lime combinations Root beer and sarsaparilla Ginger ale Carbonated grape soda Club soda Other carbonated nondiet flavors Diet cola Other carbonated diet flavors Noncarbonated soft drinks Other noncarbonated fruit drinks and ades Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 2085-P 2085-3 2085-312 2085-315 2085-319 2085-321 2085-325 2085-327 2085-333 2085-337 2085-351 2085-355 2085-357 2085-S Distilled liquor, except brandy Primary products Bottled liquor, except brandy Blends of whiskey Whiskey blended with neutral spirits ... Other rectified whiskey Rectified gin Cordials, liqueurs Cocktails and similar compounds Rectified vodka Rectified rum Unrectified whiskey Unrectified gin Unrectified vodka Secondary products 2092 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 21 C) 97.4 0 101.1 ft O t) 0 P) P) -6.9 -6.9 (?) 0 -4.4 0 0 t) 13 . 2.2 32 . 18 . 24 . -2 . -3 . -5.6 C) 0 3 39 . 3 C) 3 C) -6.9 -6.9 O (?) P) 3 t) P) 3 () 0 3 () 3 I) <> • (3) Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Fresh or frozen packaged fish—Continued Crab, king, sections Other crab Other frozen packaged shellfish Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts. Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 O Oct. 1984 ft ft -7.0 Apr. 1984 2092-434 2092-435 2092-436 2092-M 2092-XY9 2092-S 112.5 112.7 109.5 109.2 120.1 107.8 113.2 113.4 110.9 111.0 119.3 108.3 113.3 113.5 110.9 111.0 119.7 108.4 . 1 . 1 0 0 . 3 . 1 . 3 . 3 . 6 . 5 -4 . . 3 . 7 . 8 12 . 15 . -1 . -1.1 46 . 49 . 47 . 50 . 54 . -2.6 12/84 100.0 103.5 104.7 12 . . 6 ft (3) 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.3 103.4 101.5 100.6 103.0 119.6 119.6 108.5 108.4 106.4 105.2 108.6 125.2 125.2 108.5 108.4 106.4 105.2 108.6 125.2 125.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.2 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 -1.6 0 0 51 . 49 . 49 . 46 . 55 . 46 . 46 . 83 . 82 . 80 . 80 . 80 . 96 . 96 . 12/82 12/82 105.4 105.4 110.0 110.0 110.2 110.2 . 2 . 2 10 . 10 . 49 . 49 . 66 . 66 . 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.4 100.9 112.2 (3) (3) (3) (3) (?) 3 () 3 () ft 3 () ft (3) 2131-P 2131-111 2131-113 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 115.2 115.9 113.0 116.0 119.8 121.3 117.0 115.4 119.7 121.0 117.5 116.0 -1 . -3 . . 5 . 5 36 . 40 . 21 . . 5 64 . 73 . 57 . 48 . 95 . 94 . 71 . 71 . 2131-115 2131-117 12/82 12/82 119.5 116.8 118.9 133.0 119.5 130.4 . 5 -2.0 . 5 11.7 63 . 11.7 63 . 16.1 2141-P 2141-1 2141-111 2141-2 2141-21 2141-215 2141-231 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 99.4 99.5 100.4 99.8 99.4 (3) (3) 99.1 99.3 94.6 100.4 99.8 93.9 97.6 97.9 98.7 99.3 94.6 100.4 99.8 93.9 97.6 (3) 98.7 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 3 () 0 48 . 0 0 0 0 (3) 3 () -5 . -4 . -5.2 -2 . -3 . -5.8 (3) (3) -4 . (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 12/84 100.0 100.4 99.9 —4 -6 . (3) ft 3 () 3 () 3 () 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 100.8 98.0 95.5 113.4 100.2 101.4 93.4 104.8 104.4 98.0 119.1 100.5 97.7 95.0 113.4 100.5 97.6 94.2 106.4 101.7 94.3 118.1 100.5 97.8 95.2 113.4 100.7 (3) 93.2 103.0 100.4 94.7 116.7 0 . 1 . 2 0 . 2 (3) -1.1 -3.2 -1.3 . 4 -1.2 -8 . -9 . -2 . 0 . 7 3 () -1 . -4.0 -3.5 -1.6 -2.0 -2.0 -2.4 -2.0 0 . 2 3 () -1.1 -1.9 -4.4 -3.4 -2.0 -3.4 -4.3 -5.1 26 . . 8 3 () -8 . . 2 -1.3 -4.1 -1.8 2211-7 2211-731 2211-73116 2211-73117 2211-761 2211-C 2211-9 2211-911 2211-953 2211-H 2211-S 2221-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 100.8 100.5 87.2 (3) 99.4 109.6 109.4 108.0 114.0 117.8 113.6 112.1 100.4 100.2 86.6 (3) 98.4 110.1 110.0 109.1 111.2 119.2 113.5 112.0 100.4 99.8 87.0 (3) (3) 109.7 109.5 108.8 109.9 119.2 113.3 111.8 -1 . -4 . . 5 3 () 3 () -4 . -4 . -3 . -1.2 0 -2 . -2 . -3 . -7 . -1 . 3 () (3) -5.2 -5.3 -6.0 -3.6 12 . -3 . -3 . -2.1 -3.3 -9.0 (3) (3) -5.0 -5.2 -5.8 -3.9 14 . -2 . -2 . -1.8 -3.2 -12.9 (3) (3) -3.5 -3.6 -4.6 -1.0 25 . . 6 12 . 2221-P 2221-1 2221-12 2221-122 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 102.4 102.3 101.8 97.7 97.3 101.9 101.4 100.1 95.3 95.3 101.4 100.9 99.4 94.1 95.1 -5 . -5 . -7 . -1.3 —2 -5 . -6 . -1.7 -2.3 -5 . -1.8 -2.4 -4.1 -6.8 -5.8 -2.0 -2.5 -3.9 -6.0 -5.1 2131 2141 22 2211 Synthetic fiber and silk broad wovens Primary products Gray goods 100% filament yarn fabrics Fabrics except chiefly rayon and/or acetate . 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 2121-3 2121-313 2121-317 Cotton broadwoven fabrics Primary products Cotton broadwoven fabrics, gray Cotton duck and allied fabrics, including combed duck Cotton sheeting and allied coarse and medium yarn fabrics . Sheetings Drills Cotton print cloth yarn fabrics Plain print cloths Other woven cotton gray fabrics and specialties Others, except corduroys Cotton broadwoven fabrics, finished Finished cotton broadwoven fabrics, excluding commission finishing Plain dyed and finished broadwoven fabrics Denims Other plain dyed and finished fabrics Other finished cotton fabrics Cotton broadwoven fabrics, finished products Towels and washcloths made from cotton broadwoven fabrics Terry woven towels Washcloths Other fabricated textile products, n.e.c Secondary products Man-made fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics 21.6 21.6 . 6 2121-P Textile mill products -5.5 27 . 27 . . 6 (3) (3) -10.7 64 . 64 . -3.6 2121 Stemmed and redried tobacco Primary products Unstemmed leaf tobacco redried before packing . Packed for sale as such Stemmed tobacco Packed for sale as such Leaf, not aged Other stemmed tobacco, including chopped cigar filler (3) (3) -4.7 66 . 66 . . 6 2111-P 2111-1 2111-116 2111-118 2111-3 2111-355 Chewing and smoking tobacco and snuff Primary products Smoking tobacco Loose leaf chewing tobacco Chewing tobacco other than loose leaf, including fine cut, plug, and twist Snuff, dry and moist (3) (3) 105.6 107.6 107.7 92.5 2111 Cigars Primary products Cigars and cigarillos (weighing more than 3 pounds per 1,000 cigars) Popular priced (revenue class D and E) High priced (revenue class H) (3) (3) 110.8 101.0 101.1 91.9 21 Cigarettes Primary products Filter tip King size, 80 to 95 mm long Super king and long size, greater than 95 mm long . Nonfiltertip Nonfilter tip, all sizes (3) 107.6 113.6 79.7 79.8 91.9 2095 Tobacco manufactures. 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 2095-P 2095-1 2095-116 2095-2 2095-SSS Coffee Primary products Whole bean and ground roasted coffee . Ground, roasted coffee Concentrated (instant) coffee Secondary products 2221 2211-P 2211-A 2211-1 2211-2 2211-225 2211-235 2211-3 2211-315 2211-6 2211-625 2211-B See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 22 O 3 () (3) ft 3 () Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index industry and product1 Industry code Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Synthetic fiber and silk broad wovens—Continued 100% nylon Taffetas 100% spun yarn fabrics Polyester/cotton blends Bed sheetings Broadcloths Twills Plain print cloths Other weaves Spun yarn fabrics, except chiefly cellulosic and polyester/cotton blends Polyester/rayon blends Specialty fabrics Specialty fabrics Finished fabrics Plain dyed and finished fabrics Chiefly rayon and/or acetate Polyester/cotton blends Other fibers Finished but not bleached.dyed or printed fabrics .... Fabricated textile products Other fabricated textile products Secondary products Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 -1.7 -2.1 -1.3 -1.2 -.1 -3.1 -4.6 -5.0 -2.6 -3.5 -1.7 -4.8 -4.7 -5.1 -2.9 -4.0 -.8 -5.0 108.8 109.7 104.2 103.3 108.9 112.7 94.0 94.6 100.3 105.8 106.8 102.9 101.5 107.1 109.5 92.7 90.5 99.6 105.1 105.6 102.6 101.2 107.0 107.7 -0.7 -1.1 -.3 -.3 -.1 -1.7 ft ft 4.1 -1.4 -1.0 -2.2 ft ft 94.2 98.2 -1.6 -4.9 -.1 -7.0 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 108.4 108.3 102.3 102.3 104.6 103.4 112.8 101.5 100.2 112.0 101.7 105.5 103.1 109.1 104.0 101.8 101.8 104.8 103.7 113.7 101.3 100.7 111.2 105.8 106.1 104.8 108.9 103.6 100.6 100.6 104.6 103.4 114.2 -.1 -.4 -1.1 -1.1 -.1 -.2 .4 -1.5 -4.5 -1.6 -1.6 .8 1.2 .4 1.4 -1.9 -1.6 -1.6 .7 .9 .6 1.8 -.7 -.2 -.2 .2 0 1.2 ft ft ft ft -.1 .1 .2 1.7 -.4 0 .1 6.6 2.3 .3 ft 100.7 111.3 106.1 107.9 104.4 -1.3 -.1 7.4 2.3 1.2 ft ft 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.2 100.2 100.0 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.2 100.2 100.2 99.9 99.7 99.8 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 99.6 99.7 99.8 100.0 99.5 -.2 -.2 -.3 0 0 0 -.4 -.4 -.5 -.7 0 0 0 -1.2 -.6 -.6 -1.0 -.1 -.2 0 -1.5 100.0 100.5 103.7 100.0 106.4 94.8 100.3 100.4 100.3 100.8 100.0 100.5 103.7 100.0 106.4 93.5 100.8 100.4 100.9 100.8 101.0 101.4 98.1 103.7 1.4 -2.3 0 100.7 100.8 100.7 -.2 .0 -.3 06/84 06/84 101.1 100.0 101.3 100.0 101.3 100.0 0 0 100.5 100.2 -.3 225 2241-P 2241-1 2241-11 2241-114 2241-115 2241-12 2241-121 2241-123 2241-125 2241-127 2241-12733 2241-12739 2241-129 2241-4 2241-411 2241-422 2241-42221 2241-42223 2241-5 2241-511 2241-S 12/84 ft ft 106.4 93.5 100.7 ft ft 0 0 -.1 ft ft ft ft 1.4 -2.3 0 1.4 -2.3 -.2 ft -.8 .4 .9 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft -.3 0 -4.6 .2 ft .4 0 ft ft ft .3 ft .4 0 ft .2 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2251-P 2251-1 2251-3 2251-311 2251-321 2251-32177 2251-32188 2251-351 2251-35122 2251-35144 2251-3516 2251-35161 2251-35162 2251-5 2251-517 2251-S 2252-S 06/84 06/84 100.5 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.8 100.8 .3 .4 .2 .3 .2 .2 ft ft 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.5 100.1 101.3 100.9 105.7 100.1 100.2 102.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.5 98.7 100.2 100.2 100.5 100.1 101.2 100.7 105.7 100.2 100.2 103.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.6 98.8 100.2 100.2 100.9 100.1 101.1 100.7 105.7 100.8 101.3 103.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.6 98.8 100.2 100.2 .4 0 0 0 0 .7 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 -.4 -.5 0 .7 1.2 .9 0 0 0 .1 .1 0 0 .2 0 -.8 -.7 -1.7 .8 1.3 1.1 0 0 0 -.5 -.7 0 0 ft 2252-P 2252-22 2252-222 2252-2221 2252-2222 2252-22227 2252-223 2252-2231 2252-22311 2252-22317 2252-2232 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.2 100.4 100.2 100.5 102.0 100.1 100.2 100.1 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.3 100.7 100.9 101.4 102.4 102.6 102.3 101.6 101.1 100.3 100.7 100.0 102.5 100.4 100.6 101.3 102.4 102.6 102.3 101.6 101.0 100.2 100.3 100.0 102.5 -.3 -.3 -.1 0 0 0 0 -.1 -.2 -.4 0 0 -.2 -.2 .7 1.6 -.1 2.2 1.4 .1 -.2 -.4 0 .7 .2 .3 1.1 1.9 .6 2.2 1.5 1.0 .4 .8 0 2.2 2251 2252 See footnotes at end of table. Jan. 1985 2221-133 2221-13372 2221-15 2221-151 2221-2 2221-282 2221-28211 2221-28212 2221-28213 2221-284 2221-3 2221-319 2221-S Knitting mills Hosiery, n.e.c Primary products Men's finished hosiery ... Anklet Cushion Non-cushion Manmade fibers .... Mid-calf/crew Cushion Natural fibers ........ Manmade fibers .... Non-cushion 1985 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 2241 , Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 2221-1223 2221-12233 2221-13 2221-132 2221-13261 2221-13262 2221-13263 2221-13264 2221-13269 Narrow fabric mills Primary products Woven narrow fabric Elastic Other apparel Other uses Nonelastic Woven edge ribbons Woven labels Tapes (wt. less than 15 oz./sq. yd.) ... Webbing (wt. 15 oz./sq. yd. or more). Apparel webbing All other webbing All other nonelastic Braided narrow fabric Elastic braids Nonelastic braids Shoe and corset laces Other nonelastic braids Covered elastic yarn Covered elastic yarn Secondary products Women's hosiery knit on 300 needles or more and women's knee-high socks Primary products Finished full-fashioned hosiery Finished seamless and simulated seamed hosiery Women's knee-high socks, knit on less than 300 needles ......... Stockings and knee-highs, knit on 300 needles or more Knee-high Full-length Pantyhose Under 30 denier, sheer 30 denier and over, opaque Support Control top only Other support Unfinished seamless and simulated seamed hosiery Unfinished pantyhose Secondary products Hosiery, n.e.c Mar. 19852 23 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Hosiery, n.e.c—Continued Manmade fibers Knee-high Cushion Natural fibers Manmade fibers Non-cushion Manmade fibers All other finished hosiery, knit on less than 300 needles, except women's knee-length Women's, girts' and boys' footsock Women's, girls' and boys' anklet Cushion Natural fibers Manmade fibers Non-cushion Manmade fibers Other women's, girls' and boys' finished hosiery, including leg warmers, waist-highs, etc Infants' and children's anklet Natural fibers Manmade fibers Infants' and children's knee-high Manmade fibers Other infants' and children's finished hosiery Unfinished hosiery, knit on less than 300 needles, except women's knee-high Men's unfinished hosiery Other unfinished hosiery, knit on less than 300 needles, except women's knee-high Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2252-22327 2252-224 2252-2241 2252-22411 2252-22417 2252-2242 2252-22427 101.0 100.5 100.1 99.7 100.4 102.0 101.2 101.0 100.3 100.0 99.4 100.4 101.4 100.1 0 -.2 -.1 -.3 0 -.5 -1.1 0.5 0 -.2 -.4 -.1 .8 -1.1 0.5 .3 0 -.6 .4 1.4 .1 ft ft ft ft ft (3) ft 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.2 100.0 99.9 99.9 99.5 100.1 100.0 98.6 99.9 99.5 100.0 97.7 (3) 99.6 100.0 98.6 99.9 99.5 100.0 97.7 96.9 -.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 -1.3 0 0 0 -2.3 -3.1 -.6 0 -1.4 -.1 -.5 -2.3 -3.1 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 99.5 101.4 100.0 102.2 99.2 99.2 99.9 99.5 101.9 100.1 100.1 96.3 99.5 101.1 101.2 101.0 97.4 97.4 95.3 -2.7 -2.7 -1.1 0 -1.3 -1.3 -1.2 -2.9 -2.9 -4.7 0 .1 1.2 -.5 -1.8 -1.8 -4.7 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2252-24 2252-242 06/84 06/84 101.1 100.2 101.5 101.2 101.5 101.2 0 0 -.3 -.6 .5 1.0 ft ft 2252-246 2252-S 06/84 06/84 101.9 100.1 ft 100.1 101.9 100.1 0 0 0 0 0 ft ft 2253-P 2253-1 2253-12 2253-122 2253-124 2253-14 2253-144 2253-145 2253-18 2253-181 2253-2 2253-22 2253-224 2253-225 2253-24 2253-244 2253-3 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 100.1 97.6 101.3 102.8 100.8 93.9 93.2 97.7 100.0 100.2 98.6 103.6 112.3 100.8 93.9 .2 .2 1.0 2.3 9.3 0 0 -.1 -.1 1.0 1.1 12.3 -2.6 1.1 ft (3) 100.0 100.0 101.7 101.7 102.3 100.7 102.8 102.9 99.9 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2253-31 2253-319 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 99.8 98.5 99.8 2253-33 2253-335 2253-338 2253-9 2253-911 2253-S 2253-SSS 2254-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.0 99.3 103.0 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 2253 2254 Circular knit fabrics . 100.5 99.9 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 2252-234 2252-235 2252-23511 2252-23577 2252-236 2252-23677 2252-238 Knit underwear and nightwear Primary products Men's and boys' knit underwear Men's and boys' undershirts, except thermal Undershirts, except athletic types 100% cotton and all other cotton blends Men's and boys' shorts and briefs 100% cotton and all other cotton blends Men's and boys' thermal underwear and union suits . Women's and children's underwear and nightwear Women's and children's underwear Girls', children's and infants' underwear Other underwear Women's and children's nightwear Girls', children's and infants' nightwear Pajamas Secondary products 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 2252-23 2252-231 2252-232 2252-2321 2252-23211 2252-23217 2252-2322 2252-23227 Knit outerwear Primary products Sweaters, jackets and jerseys Men's and boys' All wool and chiefly wool All manmade and chiefly manmade Women's, misses' and juniors' All manmade and chiefly manmade Other fibers Girls', children's and infants' Girls', children's and infants' Knit outerwear sport shirts, including sweat shirts Men's and boys' All manmade and chiefly manmade Other fibers Women's, misses' and juniors' All manmade and chiefly manmade Other knit outerwear Women's, misses' & juniors' knit outerwear, excl. sweaters, jackets, jerseys & sport shirts Women's, misses', and juniors' knit outerwear Men's & boys' knit outerwear, excl. sweaters, jackets, jerseys and sport shirts Men's and boys' shirts, excluding sport shirts Men's and boys' other knit outerwear Contract work on knitting and dyeing knit outerwear Contract work on knitting and dyeing knit outerwear Secondary products Other secondary products Knit underwear and nightwear 2257 2254-P 2254-A 2254-1 2254-122 2254-12228 2254-4 2254-468 2254-5 2254-C 2254-2 2254-22 2254-226 2254-3 2254-32 2254-326 2254-S 06/8 See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 24 ft 100.0 100.0 ft (3) 101.8 102.0 102.3 101.5 102.8 102.9 100.3 0 (3) ft 0 -.8 ft ft ft -.2 -.3 0 -.8 0 0 -.4 -.3 -.5 -.3 -.6 0 .1 -1.0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 100.3 99.3 100.7 -1.6 0 -2.2 -2.8 -.7 -3.5 ft ft ft ft ft ft 103.9 99.9 100.0 99.2 103.9 99.9 0 0 99.2 0 0 -.1 () -1.0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 106.9 105.3 104.0 104.6 104.6 109.0 101.0 110.0 106.7 109.8 108.2 108.3 108.3 111.0 113.1 115.6 109.2 107.9 106.3 104.8 96.5 96.5 113.8 103.0 114.9 130.1 110.8 110.3 108.9 109.6 111.2 114.0 115.9 110.6 108.0 106.4 104.8 96.5 96.5 113.8 103.0 114.9 130.1 111.0 110.3 108.9 109.6 111.7 115.8 (3) 110.5 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 0 0 0 .4 1.6 0 -.1 -.7 -9.3 -9.3 -.1 .1 0 21.9 1.1 1.8 .4 .9 .6 2.4 1.6 1.3 .9 -7.4 -7.4 4.4 2.1 1.5 1.4 -7.4 -7.4 4.4 ft (3) ft ft 21.9 1.8 3.3 4.7 3.4 .6 2.4 21.9 1.0 2.8 4.8 3.6 -.4 7.2 ft 99.4 99.5 99.5 ft ft 0 ft -.6 3 ft ft ft -.2 -.2 2.2 4.3 0 .2 0 -.9 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Circular knit fabrics—Continued Primary products Gray fabrics Finished high pile fabrics Finished high pile fabrics Finished single knit outerwear fabrics 100% spun yarn 100% cotton Other 100% spun yarn Finished double knit outerwear fabrics 100% filament yarn Interlock and eightlock fabrics 100% spun yarn Interlock and eightlock fabrics Contract work on knitting, dyeing, or finishing circular knit fabrics Secondary products Product code 2257-P 2257-1 2257-4 2257-411 2257-5 Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 98.4 97.4 99.9 99.9 99.8 101.3 105.6 97.9 95.7 92.9 101.2 101.4 101.1 104.4 2257-711 2257-71141 2257-712 2257-71232 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 2257-9 2257-S 06/81 06/81 2257-512 2257-51231 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from Apr. 19852 98.3 97.4 100.6 100.6 98.4 97.4 100.6 (3) 99.0 100.2 99.3 100.3 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 0 0 0 0 -.4 -0.2 0 1.3 -0.9 .5 .5 3 () -3.4 -2.3 (3) .3 .1 0 .2 ft ft .1 -.5 -1.2 0 .6 3 () -1.1 -.9 .5 -.8 -3.5 -.4 .9 1.9 .4 .8 96.7 96.2 104.4 96.9 96.1 102.4 103.0 101.8 101.9 -.6 -1.1 .5 1.0 102.3 105.5 100.3 105.5 100.5 105.5 .1 0 -1.5 0 -1.5 0 -1.3 -.1 101.5 2258-22202 2258-3 2258-4 2258-439 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 09/81 101.0 105.3 114.1 101.7 101.9 101.7 101.7 99.7 98.2 100.5 101.1 105.4 114.2 101.7 101.8 101.5 101.5 99.6 98.1 100.5 101.1 105.4 114.1 0 -.1 -.2 -.2 0 0 -.1 0 0 0 0 -.1 -.4 -.4 .3 .4 .5 -.3 0 0 -.2 -.4 -.4 0 0 .6 -.3 0 .1 .4 1.4 4.6 (3) -.2 -.5 1.9 -.3 2258-9 06/81 104.6 104.6 104.6 -.6 1.3 226 12/84 100.0 101.0 101.8 Finished cotton broadwoven fabric Primary products Non-commission finished fabric Commission finished fabric Printed and finished Other cotton fabric Secondary products 2261 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 98.5 97.8 95.6 99.1 97.9 97.9 101.3 97.2 98.4 90.9 99.4 98.7 90.9 2.3 .3 -.1 92.8 101.8 9.7 2.0 Finished man-made fiber and silk broadwoven fabric Primary products Non-commission finished fabric Printed and finished Commission finished fabric Plain dyed and finished Polyester/cotton blends Other man-made fiber and silk fabric Printed and finished Other man-made fiber and silk fabric Other commission finished Secondary products 2262 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.9 101.2 100.8 100.5 101.9 103.6 105.0 102.8 98.9 96.2 103.2 100.2 103.3 104.1 105.5 105.5 101.5 102.4 102.5 104.0 99.6 98.7 103.8 100.7 104.0 104.8 105.8 102.6 102.7 104.5 106.1 103.9 99.6 (3) 103.7 101.6 .7 .7 .4 -2.8 1.2 2.1 3.5 -.1 0 2.7 3,2 4.1 2.0 1.6 2.4 3.5 .5 .8 3 () -.1 1.0 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.4 103.9 103.8 104.4 101.9 100.7 103.8 104.3 105.7 104.6 103.5 102.8 102.6 103.9 103.5 100.2 103.8 103.4 104.9 103.6 103.6 103.1 102.8 103.9 100.7 100.2 103.7 103.4 105.8 103.7 .2 .2 .2 0 -2.8 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 126.9 127.3 141.4 126.6 129.0 117.0 118.2 117.5 126.2 126.5 141.4 125.8 128.8 113.2 109.7 117.6 126.5 126.8 144.3 125.8 128.8 114.0 109.7 117.5 .2 .2 2.1 .1 0 .6 0 0 12/84 100.0 99.6 99.3 -.3 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 100.6 100.8 100.4 100.4 100.0 100.1 99.4 99.4 99.3 99.3 98.5 98.5 -.7 -.7 Warp knit fabrics Primary products Gray goods Gray goods Finished underwear and nightwear fabrics Tricot, simplex, and milanese fabrics Chiefly nylon Finished outerwear fabrics Other finished warp knit fabrics Others Contract work: knitting, dyeing, or finishing of warp knit fabrics Dyeing and finishing textiles, except wool fabrics and knit goods Finished yam, raw stock, braided goods and narrow fabric, except knits and wool Primary products Dyed yarn Chiefly carded cotton yarn Chiefly combed cotton yarn Chiefly acrylic or modacrylic yarn Other chiefly polyester spun yarn Other dyed yarn Finished yarn other than bleached or dyed Mercerized cotton yarn , 2257-51232 2257-7 2258 2258-P 2258-1 2258-101 2258-2 2258-222 2261-P 2261-7 2261-9 2261-951 2261-95155 2261-S 2262-P 2262-8 2262-851 2262-9 2262-931 2262-93146 2262-93155 2262-951 2262-95155 2262-961 2262-S 2269 2269-P 2269-2 2269-221 2269-223 2269-232 2269-243 2269-254 2269-3 2269-351 Tufted carpets and rugs Primary products Bathmats and sets and rugs 6 x 9 or less Tufted broadloom Tufted broadloom - nylon Tufted broadloom - polyester Tufted broadloom - other fibers and blends Automobile and aircraft carpeting 2272 Yarn and thread mills 228 Spun yarn, except wool Primary products Carded cotton yarns Gray carded cotton yarns 2281 2272-P 2272-1 2272-3 2272-30301 2272-30303 2272-30309 2272-505 2281-P 2281-1 2281-113 See footnotes at end of table. 25 101.8 101.9 101.9 99.3 97.7 99.9 -.1 ft ft 1.6 .8 .5 .3 ft (3) .9 3.0 ft -1.2 -1.8 -10.5 () ft 0 -.1 0 .8 0 -.3 -.4 -.4 -.1 -2.8 -.6 0 0 -.1 -1.2 -.4 -.4 2.1 -.6 -.1 -2.8 -1.0 -1.1 -1.6 -1.6 () ft 3.1 3.6 5.1 2.9 .7 1.0 1.8 .6 ft (3) ft (3) (3) ft .1 (3) 1.1 1.4 -.7 _ Q -1.0 -.5 -1.1 -.6 -.3 -.8 .1 -.9 -.3 -.4 -.5 -1.1 -1.4 -.3 .6 -.3 1.7 .7 -.2 -.3 2.1 -.4 .2 -3.1 -7.4 .1 -4.3 1.5 -2.2 -2.5 -2.9 -2.9 -3.9 -4.0 -6.3 -6.3 2.1 2.3 7.2 2.0 2.3 .7 Table 4. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Product code Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 -1.3 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.8 .1 -.7 -.7 -.8 -2.5 .1 -2.1 -3.4 -2.1 -3.2 -3.2 -5.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.5 -2.3 -3.7 -3.9 -2.3 -4.3 -4.2 -4.6 -1.6 -7.6 -3.8 -4.7 -4.7 -6.9 -3.6 -1.6 -1.6 -3.5 -6.4 -5.3 -3.8 -5.7 -6.1 -3.4 -1.8 -2.0 -1.8 -2.5 -2.7 -1.5 -3.6 Spun yarn, except wool—Continued 1 - 20 count 2281-1131 2281-1133 2281-2 2281-213 2281-2131 2281-2133 2281-3 2281-313 2281-4 2281-41 2281-413 2281-4133 2281-4135 2281-41351 2281-41353 2281-42 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 101.4 98.6 102.3 102.3 100.3 103.3 100.6 100.6 100.6 101.5 102.4 104.4 101.9 101.6 103.6 100.2 100.2 98.0 100.2 100.2 96.8 102.0 100.8 100.8 100.2 99.7 101.3 103.2 100.8 100.6 102.3 100.4 98.9 97.8 100.1 100.1 2281-423 2281-4231 2281-4233 12/82 12/82 12/82 100.2 97.4 102.0 100.4 97.4 102.3 99.4 97.4 100.6 -1.0 0 -1.7 -.1 -1.7 2281-4235 12/82 99.8 99.7 99.5 -.2 -.4 -.4 -2.0 2281-427 2281-S 12/82 12/82 100.1 96.4 100.4 96.4 100.1 96.4 -.3 0 .3 0 -.9 0 -.1 -3.7 2282-P 12/82 12/82 104.9 104.9 105.1 105.5 105.1 105.5 -.5 -.6 -.8 -.5 -3.3 -2.2 2282-2 12/82 103.0 105.3 105.3 1.6 1.9 2282-211 2282-3 12/82 12/82 103.0 105.7 105.3 105.1 105.3 105.1 0 0 0 -.6 1.6 -.5 1.9 -1.3 2282-5 2282-515 2282-51513 2282-51514 2282-551 2282-55123 2282-9 2282-911 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.2 103.6 87.2 88.7 107.7 108.2 102.6 102.1 105.8 103.7 87.4 88.7 109.4 110.0 101.7 101.5 105.8 103.7 87.4 88.7 109.4 110.0 101.5 101.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.2 -.3 -.5 -.8 -2.8 0 -.1 -.1 -2.5 -.6 -.7 -3.7 -1.8 -.4 -.3 -1.1 -2.5 -1.6 -10.3 -9.5 -3.8 -3.7 -4.1 -4.3 2282-951 12/82 103.9 102.3 ft O ft ft 2283-P 2283-2 2283-235 2283-3 2283-369 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 99.1 98.8 101.0 98.6 97.2 96.9 99.1 98.8 101.0 98.6 97.2 99.3 99.0 103.3 98.6 97.0 96.7 .2 .2 2.3 0 -.2 -.2 .2 .2 2.3 0 -.2 -.2 0 -.3 2.4 .1 -2.8 -3.0 2284-P 2284-1 2284-157 2284-2 2284-213 2284-225 2284-22501 2284-22502 2284-22504 2284-22505 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.2 100.2 99.7 99.9 99.6 99.4 99.1 100.0 100.2 99.8 99.6 100.2 100.2 99.6 99.6 99.5 99.2 98.6 99.4 104.7 99.6 99.5 100.2 -.2 -.3 0 0 -.4 0 -.6 -.8 -.4 -.5 0 0 -.6 -.4 -.7 -1.2 99.1 104.7 -.3 0 -.9 -.3 -.9 4.5 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2296-P 2296-1 2296-122 2296-133 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 102.2 102.4 102.4 102.4 102.3 102.1 102.3 102.3 102.5 102.8 102.1 102.3 102.3 102.5 102.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 12/84 100.0 100.5 101.0 2311 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 118.6 118.9 117.6 117.5 116.9 124.5 122.0 119.2 119.5 117.8 117.8 117.0 119.2 119.5 117.8 117.8 117.0 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 .1 21 count and over Combed cotton yarns Gray combed cotton yarns 1 - 25 count 26 count and over Rayon and/or acetate spun yarns Gray rayon and/or acetate spun yarns Spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns Spun chiefly polyester yarns Gray spun chiefly polyester yarns 100% spun polyester Blends, chiefly polyester 50-50 polyester/cotton blend Other blends Spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns, excluding polyester Gray spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns, excluding polyester 100% acrylic 100% nylon Other spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns, including blends Finished spun noncellulosic fiber and silk yarns, excluding polyester Secondary products Texturing, throwing, and winding mill products: cotton, manmade fibers and silk Primary products Rewound, plied, and novelty yarns, other than wool (not spun or thrown at same est.) Rewound, plied, and novelty yarns, other than wool (not spun or thrown at same est.) Thrown filament yarns, except textured Textured, bulked, or crimped filament yarn (made from purchased yarn) Nylon Nylon (60 - 89 denier) Nylon (90 - 210 denier) Polyester Polyester (145 -179 denier) Commission texturing, throwing, plying, etc. of filament yarns Commission texturing or throwing of filament yarns Commission plying, winding, warping, etc., of yarns (not thrown or spun at same est.) Wool yarn Primary products Machine knitting yarns Worsted system Carpet and rug yarns 2282 2283 100% wool Thread Mills Primary products Finished thread for use in the home Manmade fiber thread and other thread Finished thread for industrial or manufacturers' use Cotton thread, including industrial weight goods and braided .. Manmade fiber thread and other thread Spun polyester Corespun Filament polyester and nylon Other 2284 Tire cord and fabric Primary products Tire cord and fabric Nylon tire cord and fabric Polyester tire cord and fabric 2296 Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar materials Men's and boys' suits and coats Primary products Men's suits Business suits Regular weight business suits All wool Wool blends 2311-P 2311-1 2311-11 2311-113 2311-11341 2311-11342 See footnotes at end of table. 26 ft 122.4 96.0 102.1 100.1 100.1 99.3 98.8 -2.1 -4.5 -1.0 -.7 -.7 -.9 99.9 102.5 -1.4 -.7 99.2 -1.6 -1.2 -3.6 -.7 99.3 98.6 99.6 100.2 99.4 99.6 99.3 98.8 ft ft .2 .2 2.3 0 -.2 ft -.1 -.1 0 0 -.1 0 -.2 -.4 ft -.8 -1.3 -1.4 -1.0 -1.5 -.9 -4.9 -.6 -1.0 -2.9 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.2 .1 ft ft ft 2.7 3.3 2.2 2.1 1.1 ft ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Men's and boys' suits and coats—Continued Fabrics except all wool or wool blends Light weight business suits Fabrics except all wool or wool blends All wool or wool blends Men's tailored dress and sport coats and jackets Business type dress and sport coats and jackets All wool Wool blends Fabrics except wool and cotton Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' suits and coats... Secondary products Other secondary products Men's and boys' separate trousers Men's, youths' & boys' furnishings, work clothing & allied garments Men's and boys' shirts (except work shirts) and nightwear Primary products Men's and boys' knit outerwear sport shirts, including sweat shirts Men's knit outerwear sport shirts, except sweat shirts All cotton and chiefly cotton All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers Boys' knit outerwear sport shirts, except sweat shirts All cotton and chiefly cotton Men's and boys' dress and woven sport shirts, including uniform shirts Men's dress and business shirts and collars All cotton and chiefly cotton All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers Men's woven sport shirts All cotton and chiefly cotton All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers Contract work on men's and boys' shirts and nightwear Contract work on men's and boys' shirts and collars Miscellaneous receipts Resales .-. Secondary products Product code 2311-11344 2311-117 2311-11744 2311-11747 2311-3 2311-321 2311-32141 2311-32142 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.1 0 -.2 0 0 0 4.0 5.7 2.5 0 0 0.2 4.6 6.5 2.9 3.5 2.9 ft ft .4 0 3.1 .7 1.4 2.5 4.5 6.5 2.6 3.1 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 110.4 119.0 121.5 116.8 117.6 115.7 (3) 117.2 116.5 123.1 121.7 127.8 116.3 110.4 119.6 122.3 117.2 117.6 115.8 12/84 100.0 100.8 100.8 06/83 06/83 98.4 97.7 99.8 98.7 100.2 .4 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.7 2.1 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 93.5 90.6 91.7 89.0 101.7 103.6 93.1 89.3 89.7 88.8 103.6 94.5 91.8 89.7 94.3 101.9 103.6 1.4 2.7 0 2.6 3.6 1.5 6.2 .3 0 1.0 -1.2 1.3 -2.3 -1.7 -10.6 6.0 .1 0 11.5 0 0 99.9 102.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.1 .4 .6 .5 .6 .2 .5 0 4.1 2.0 3.3 -.2 4.6 1.0 2321-M 2321-Z89 2321-S 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 09/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 4.1 0 0 -.2 4.1 0 0 .3 .6 4.3 4.3 0 0 3.0 3.2 6.2 3.5 7.2 .7 .9 .6 7.5 7.5 -5.3 -6.2 2.7 2322-P 2322-A 2322-4 2322-466 2311-32144 2311-9 2311-S 2311-SSS 2327-S 232 2321 2321-P 2321-2 2321-211 2321-21115 2321-21117 2321-225 2321-22526 2321-4 2321-417 2321-41718 2321-41721 110.4 119.6 122.3 117.2 117.6 115.8 ft ft 117.7 116.5 123.5 122.5 129.7 117.7 116.5 123.5 122.5 129.7 ft ft ft J ft) 0 0 0 0 0 .4 0 0 .7 1.4 ft ft 6.2 -1.6 ft ft ft 1.5 2.5 96.7 96.7 95.8 107.9 95.8 111.5 102.1 103.5 102.4 103.8 101.1 101.4 100.9 102.3 102.3 96.7 95.8 111.2 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 104.4 103.6 104.0 102.6 101.3 105.8 104.8 105.1 103.5 102.8 105.8 104.8 105.1 103.5 102.8 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 .7 1.0 .9 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.6 2.1 2.1 1.6 1.0 1.6 103.8 103.9 103.9 104.0 104.5 104.9 101.0 103.9 104.0 104.0 104.1 105.0 104.9 101.0 103.9 104.0 104.0 104.1 104.9 104.9 100.6 .0 0 0 -.1 2323-121 2323-127 2323-129 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 .1 .1 .1 0 .3 0 -.4 .2 .2 .2 .1 .4 .1 -.2 .9 .9 .9 .9 4.3 .5 0 2323-149 12/83 102.7 102.7 103.2 .5 .5 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 104.7 106.1 104.4 105.8 104.8 108.0 103.6 103.6 105.3 107.2 104.9 106.5 105.9 109.8 104.1 104.1 104.6 107.2 104.2 105.7 105.9 109.8 104.1 -.6 -.1 -.7 -.7 0 0 0 -1.1 .1 -1.3 -1.5 0 0 -2.5 ft ft 106.9 111.3 103.9 93.8 101.0 113.1 113.1 104.9 101.4 109.9 107.5 112.2 104.4 93.8 (3) 116.5 116.5 105.7 101.4 111.7 106.3 109.2 104.4 93.8 -1.1 -2.7 0 0 ft ft -1.2 -2.7 -.1 0 2327-911 2327-S 2327-SSS 2328-S 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 119.0 119.0 104.5 101.0 109.4 2328-P 2328-1 2328-111 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 104.0 104.2 103.9 103.9 104.1 104.3 104.4 104.4 104.2 104.3 104.4 104.4 2321-427 2321-42713 2321-42714 2321-9 2321-913 Men's and boys' underwear Primary products Men's and boys' knit underwear Knit shorts and briefs, except thermal Cotton/polyester blended fabric 2322 Men's and boys' neckwear Primary products Men's and boys' neckwear Men's and boys' neckties All silk , All polyester Other fabrics, including blends Men's and boys' neckwear, n.e.c, including mufflers and scarfs 2323 Men's and boys' separate trousers Primary products Men's and boys' dress and sport trousers and dress shorts Men's dress and sport trousers, except uniform All wool and wool blends Woven construction All cotton and cotton blends Woven construction Fabrics other than wool and wool blends or cotton and cotton blends Knit construction Woven construction Boys' dress and sport trousers, including uniform All cotton and cotton blends, other than wool Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' trousers Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' trousers Secondary products Other secondary products Men's and boys' work clothing 2327 Men's and boys' work clothing Primary products Men's and boys' work shirts Men's and boys' work shirts 2328 2323-P 2323-1 2323-12 2327-P 2327-1 2327-112 2327-1121 2327-11213 2327-1123 2327-11233 2327-1129 2327-11291 2327-11293 2327-157 2327-15752 2327-9 See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 27 99.3 101.6 98.5 100.8 100.5 100.9 98.1 98.1 103.5 102.4 103.8 101.1 101.4 100.9 98.2 98.2 -.1 0 -.4 1.7 1.0 .4 2.8 0 0 1.1 1.7 .5 .2 3.1 0 -.3 -2.0 .8 0 -.4 -2.0 .8 1.0 -.1 1.1 1.7 .3 ft ft ft -1.1 -.4 -2.1 5.7 5.7 -1.3 -.4 -2.6 14.1 14.1 .2 .7 -.5 15.7 15.7 -1.8 0 0 0 0 .1 .1 .4 .4 .4 .1 .4 .4 1.2 1.0 1.7 1.7 2.1 2.1 1.3 -5.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Men's and boys' work clothing—Continued Men s and boys' jeans and jean cut casual slacks Men's jeans and jean cut casual slacks Denim Corduroy Other fabrics Boys' jeans and jean cut casual slacks Denim Other fabrics Men's and boys' other work clothing Men's other work clothing Washable service apparel One piece work suits Dungarees and overalls Work pants Other work clothing, including jackets Boys' other work clothing Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' work clothing Receipts for contract work on men's and boys' work clothing . Secondary products Men's and boys' separate trousers , Other secondary products rroauci code 2328-3 2328-351 2328-35126 2328-35127 2328-35129 2328-352 2328-35226 2328-35229 2328-4 2328-451 2328-45111 2328-45114 2328-45121 2328-45131 2328-45139 2328-452 2328-9 2328-911 2328-S 2327-S 2328-SSS Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.1 .2 .2 .2 0 0 0 .1 -.2 -.3 0 .2 0 -.7 -.2 0 0.1 .1 .2 0 0 0 0 .1 .2 .2 -.1 .8 .1 0 .6 0 0.6 .6 .2 1.8 .4 .8 1.1 .1 .6 .6 .2 2.4 .1 .4 1.4 .4 ft ft ft ft 0.1 .2 .2 .3 0 -.1 -.1 .1 .1 .1 -.2 .2 .1 0 .7 0 (3) 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.1 103.3 103.0 103.5 100.0 104.7 106.3 100.0 100.0 103.5 101.8 104.4 104.5 103.9 104.6 100.4 106.1 106.6 100.0 104.5 104.0 104.3 104.4 103.5 104.1 (3) 105.4 106.6 100.0 (3) 105.2 103.8 (3) 109.3 105.6 105.1 103.2 (3) 107.8 105.7 -1.4 .1 12/83 103,7 106.0 106.0 0 2.2 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 107.4 103.2 107.9 107.9 100.6 103.7 105.5 111.0 111.0 101.7 103.7 105.8 111.0 111.0 101.8 0 .3 0 0 .1 ft 12/84 100.0 101.0 101.0 06/83 06/83 108.1 107.3 107.7 107.0 108.2 107.5 2331-7 2331-721 2331-72117 2331-723 2331-72317 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 115.4 111.9 112.8 118.0 118.0 115.4 111.9 112.8 118.0 (3) 115.4 111.9 2331-9 06/83 101.0 102.4 101.8 -.6 2331-911 2331-S 2331-SSS 2339-S 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 101.0 105.7 103.7 108.1 102.4 106.3 104.8 (3) 101.8 106.3 104.8 108.1 -.6 0 0 2335-P 2335-1 2335-121 2335-125 2335-9 2335-S 2335-SSS 2337-S 12/80 12/80 106.5 108.3 107.4 109.0 107.4 109.0 0 0 05/83 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 (3) 106.2 115.8 103.2 88.3 118.3 106.1 106.6 115.8 104.4 88.3 (3) 106.1 106.6 115.8 104.4 0 0 0 0 2337-P 2337-1 2337-122 2337-4 2337-41 2337-415 2337-42 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 98.5 100.7 98.3 96.8 99.9 106.3 106.7 90.6 100.2 102.6 104.3 109.1 100.6 106.3 (3) 92.3 102.0 103.0 104.3 109.1 102.3 109.1 112.7 92.3 2335 Women's, misses', and juniors' suits and coats .. Primary products Coats, except fur, all leather, and rain All wool and chiefly wool Skirts and jackets Skirts, including uniform Woven Jackets 103.5 103.7 104.1 101.9 105.7 103.0 103.9 101.3 107.2 106.2 102.5 103.5 104.1 110.2 102.4 115.5 2331 Women's, misses', and juniors' dresses Primary products Unit priced dresses Unit priced - chiefly cotton Unit priced - chiefly synthetic Contract work on women's and misses' dresses... Secondary products Other secondary products Women's and misses' suits and coats 103.4 103.5 103.9 101.6 105.7 103.0 103.9 101.3 107.5 106.5 102.5 103.3 104.1 111.0 102.6 115.5 103.0 103.0 101.8 101.0 101.9 233 Women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists & shirts Primary products Women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists, & shirts, except knit sport & sweat shirts Knit blouses, waists, & shirts All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers Woven blouses, waists, & shirts , All manmade and chiefly manmade fibers Contract work on women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists, & shirts Contract work on women's, misses', & juniors' blouses, waists, & shirts Secondary products Other secondary products Women's, misses', & juniors' outerwear, n.e.c 103.3 103.5 103.9 101.5 105.7 103.0 103.9 101.2 107.1 106.0 102.6 103.1 103.9 110.2 101.7 115.5 103.0 103.0 101.8 100.9 102.0 2329 Women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 2331-P Men's and boys' clothing, n.e.c Primary products Men's and boys' nontailored heavy jackets and coats Men's heavy nontailored jackets and coats, except uniform Chiefly cotton Other fabrics Men's uniform heavy nontailored jackets and coats Boys' nontailored heavy jackets and coats Other fabrics Men's and boys' swimwear, sweaters, and outerwear n.e.c Swimwear and athletic shorts Men's swimsuits Men's and boys' athletic shorts Men's and boys' outerwear, n.e.c Men's light nontailored jackets, except uniform Other fabrics Boys' light nontailored jackets, except uniform Other fabrics Other men's and boys' outerwear, n.e.c Miscellaneous receipts Contract work , Secondary products 2337 2329-P 2329-1 2329-121 2329-12101 2329-12103 2329-123 2329-125 2329-12503 2329-2 2329-22 2329-221 2329-223 2329-25 2329-255 2329-25503 2329-258 2329-25803 2329-259 2329-M 2329-Y99 2329-S See footnotes at end of table. base 28 ft ft ft 101.8 100.3 102.1 ft ft 118.0 118.0 ft ft .1 -.8 .2 .1 .1 .4 .5 0 -.6 .1 .6 .5 -.2 -.2 ft 2.4 -.6 3.0 1.2 1.1 .6 .8 .4 .9 .3 0 ft ft 4.3 1.0 4.8 2.5 2.7 2.0 2.1 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .7 0 0 -.1 -.6 .5 0 0 1.1 0 0 1.4 1.6 1.3 3.2 1.7 ft 2.6 6.6 3.3 2.4 5.8 3.6 2.2 3.7 1.5 2.9 2.9 .8 -3.5 3.0 2.9 2.9 1.3 2.4 3.7 4.3 4.3 1.3 .0 1.0 ft (3) .5 .4 .7 .7 8.4 6.5 4.8 4.2 0 0 0 0 3.6 0 10.5 6.2 3 () 0 ft ft ft ft 1.9 .4 0 0 1.6 2.6 (3) 0 ft 13.9 13.9 .7 .8 1.5 .7 .6 1.1 0 .8 11.8 7.0 17.9 1.5 5.5 3.4 8.1 .5 .3 .9 .7 -.5 -.2 ft ft ft 6.4 6.4 0 ft ft ft ft (3) ft ft 2.6 1.2 2.0 4.1 2.4 2.6 5.7 1.9 1.2 1.1 2.3 4.8 -1.9 2.8 6.3 -9.0 -.4 0 1.2 (3) 5.4 4.3 10.4 ft 2.4 2.6 ft 1.9 .4 0 1.2 ft -2.7 1.9 .7 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Women's, misses', and juniors' suits and coats—Continued Separate tailored suit-type jackets, including uniform Woven Contract work on women's, misses' and juniors' suits and coats Secondary products Women's, misses' and juniors' blouses, waists and shirts Women's, misses' and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c Product code 2337-422 2337-42201 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 ft 90.2 90.2 06/83 06/83 12/83 12/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 08/83 06/84 98.1 99.1 104.7 97.8 99.0 104.7 104.7 95.4 96.1 96.0 ft 2339-716 2339-9 2339-S 2331-S 2337-S 2339-SSS Women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c Primary products Bathing suits Bathing suits Slacks Jean-cut casual slacks All cotton and chiefly cotton Other slacks Knit fabric Fabric other than all cotton and chiefly cotton Woven fabric Fabric other than all cotton and chiefly cotton Other outerwear, n.e.c Play garments and dungarees Playshorts, pedal pushers, bermudas, and jamaicas Contract and commission work on women's, misses', and juniors' outerwear, n.e.c Secondary products Women's, misses', and juniors' blouses, waists, and shirts Women's, misses', and juniors' suits, skirts, and coats Other secondary products 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 2339 Women's, misses', children's, and infants' undergarments . 234 Women's and children's underwear and nightwear Primary products Underwear Women's underwear Slips, half slips, and petticoats Chiefly synthetic fibers Knit Panties Chiefly synthetic fibers Chiefly other fibers Other women's underwear Girls', children's and infants' underwear Panties Other girls', children's and infants' underwear Nightwear Women's nightwear Nightgowns Chiefly synthetic fibers Knit Woven Girls', children's and infants' nightwear Nightgowns Pajamas Contract work on women's and children's underwear and nightwear Contract work on women's and children's underwear and nightwear Secondary products 2341 Brassieres and allied garments Primary products Brassieres Bandeau Regular strap Soft cup Contour lined cup Underwire Other, including padded Strapless, convertible or other bandeau bras Other bras, including long line Girdles, corsets, combinations and accessories Girdles without opening Corsets, combinations, and accessories Contract work on brassieres and allied garments Contract work on brassieres and allied garments . Secondary products 2342 Girls', children's, and infants' outerwear. Girls', children's, & infants' dresses, blouses & shirts . 2339-P 2339-4 2339-411 2339-5 2339-541 2339-54101 2339-565 2339-5651 2339-56512 2339-5652 2339-56522 2339-7 95.1 101.0 101.0 90.6 88.6 102.8 101.7 Mar. 1985 91.0 ft 89.0 73.4 107.6 96.2 102.7 2337-S 2331-S 2339-S Apr. 1985* 91.0 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 2337-9 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 107.6 96.2 ft 94.7 96.1 ft 94.1 101.0 101.0 88.9 107.6 101.8 110.6 93.8 97.9 98.9 105.7 105.7 94.7 0 ft 2.3 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2.3 -10.3 ft ft ft ft 0 5.9 .3 6.3 0 5.9 7.6 4.1 6.2 4.3 7.8 .7 .5 .9 15.3 1.5 1.9 ft ft 4.0 4.8 0 -.1 1.0 .1 .3 .1 .1 .2 -.5 ft 0 0 96.1 94.1 101.0 101.0 88.8 Jan. 1985 ft 0 0 0 -.1 ft .6 0 0 1.0 ft 15.3 -.7 0 ft ft 1.9 0 ft ft -1.1 0 0 -2.0 2.7 ft 1.0 1.0 4.3 ft ft ft ft ft ft 102.8 101.7 100.0 102.8 101.7 102.8 97.7 100.0 96.1 94.6 104.1 97.7 100.0 96.1 103.3 97.7 100.0 96.1 94.6 12/84 100.0 101.0 102.4 104.7 106.3 106.1 105.6 101.7 101.7 102.5 107.5 107.1 108.9 115.6 108.3 106.0 111.6 105.2 105.1 105.4 109.0 104.4 114.3 105.7 114.1 102.2 106.1 107.5 109.0 108.2 106.3 106.3 107.4 108.7 108.7 108.9 116.1 112.6 109.5 105.7 107.5 108.9 108.0 105.9 105.9 106.8 108.7 108.7 2341-31 2341-315 2341-3153 2341-31531 2341-31532 2341-32 2341-325 2341-326 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/8! 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/8I 06/82 06/82 2341-9 06/82 110.1 2341-911 2341-S 06/82 06/82 110.1 94.9 110.1 95.3 110.1 90.4 0 -5.2 0 -4.9 0 -4.9 .7 -5.8 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 107.9 108.3 106.4 106.4 106.4 99.3 114.0 110.0 100.0 111.9 105.4 113.9 100.2 104.0 100.6 100.6 104.4 110.0 110.0 108.5 108.5 109.3 104.2 115.9 110.4 106.1 114.6 107.7 115.0 105.8 105.0 100.6 100.6 108.0 114.7 114.3 112.0 112.1 113.1 102.3 131.0 110.4 106.1 116.4 107.0 121.5 106.2 105.0 100.6 4.3 3.8 3.2 3.3 3.4 -1.8 13.0 0 0 3.8 4.0 3.3 3.3 3.4 2.7 6.3 0 6.1 2.4 1.5 5.9 1.4 1.0 0 (3) 2.2 4.3 4.4 3.8 3.9 4.1 3.0 6.3 2.4 6.1 2.8 1.6 6.2 3.2 1.0 0 (3) 3.1 4.9 4.3 3.7 3.8 2.0 .7 2.5 2.4 6.1 3.8 -.1 6.1 2.7 .6 .6 (3) 6.8 236 12/84 100.0 100.3 101.4 2361 12/84 100.0 100.5 100.5 2339-71 2341-P 2341-2 2341-21 2341-211 2341-2113 2341-21131 2341-213 2341-21361 2341-21362 2341-214 2341-22 2341-223 2341-225 2341-3 ft (3) 105.6 105.6 106.0 109.5 105.2 114.6 105.7 (3) 102.2 ft ft 115.6 112.5 109.5 116.9 105.6 105.6 106.0 109.5 105.2 114.6 105.7 114.1 102.2 ft 0 0 ft 0 0 ft 0 0 ft .5 0 0 0 0 .5 -1.2 0 0 -5.4 .7 -1.2 0 0 1.4 1.8 ft ft -.4 -.1 .3 .6 1.4 -.7 0 0 0 ft 1.0 1.2 -.1 -.2 -.3 -.4 -.6 0 0 1.3 3.3 3.3 3.1 0 0 2.8 2.5 4.3 4.3 4.5 1.6 2.0 ft ft ft -.4 -.4 -.4 -.1 0 2.1 .1 4.8 0 .1 .1 .1 .2 0 0 0 0 3.9 3.2 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 4.8 .4 .5 .6 .6 .7 .4 0 0 0 1.6 1.9 3.6 3.4 4.9 4.8 5.3 2.0 2.5 ft 7.3 4.1 3.4 5.0 1.1 1.3 -.1 -.1 -.3 ft .4 .5 .3 0 2342-P 2342-1 2342-14 2342-141 2342-14112 2342-14113 2342-14114 2342-14119 2342-143 2342-15 2342-2 2342-221 2342-241 2342-9 2342-911 2342-S .7 110.1 ft 114.0 1.6 -.7 5.7 .4 0 0 3 () 5.6 1.3 1.0 0 See footnotes at end of table. 29 ft ft ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Girls', children's, & infants' dresses, blouses & shirts—Continued Primary products ..... Dresses, blouses, & shirts, except knit sport shirts & sweatshirts Dresses Girls' dresses All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric Children's dresses All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric Knit sport shirts & sweatshirts Knit sport shirts < Girls' knit sport shirts All or chiefly manmade fiber fabric Contract work on dresses, blouses & shirts Contract work on dresses, blouses & shirts Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 19852 Apr. 19852 2361-P 12/84 100.0 100.6 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.5 100.7 100.7 100.7 101.1 101.1 100.2 100.2 101.4 101.4 100.3 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.6 100.6 100.8 100.8 105.0 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 101.0 100.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2363-13538 2363-142 2363-148 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 2363-9 2363-S Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.5 1985 100.6 2361-1 2361-12 2361-121 2361-12126 ft ft .2 .2 .4 .4 .2 .2 .8 .8 5.0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 101.0 100.2 0 -.1 1.0 .1 ft ft ft 100.1 100.1 100.2 100.0 100.0 100.3 100.7 100.3 100.0 100.0 .1 .5 .1 0 0 .1 .5 0 0 0 100.0 100.0 100.9 100.0 100.9 100.4 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 ft ft 2371-113 2371-115 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 100.3 100.9 100.9 100.9 103.3 99.3 103.3 103.9 103.9 105.3 102.8 99.3 102.9 103.5 103.5 104.7 102.8 99.3 -.4 -.4 -.4 -.6 0 0 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.9 -.5 0 2.7 2.8 2.8 4.0 -.5 0 2.4 2.5 2.5 3.8 -1.8 0 2391-P 2391-2 2391-211 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.9 100.7 100.5 99.8 102.2 101.9 102.2 101.8 101.6 101.2 101.8 99.7 -.6 -.7 -.4 -2.0 -.3 -.5 .4 -2.0 1.0 .8 1.2 ft ft ft ft 2391-222 2391-22273 2391-4 2391-411 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.7 100.7 100.8 101.9 102.4 102.4 101.8 103.3 102.3 102.3 100.8 100.2 0 0 -.9 -3.0 1.0 2391-444 2391-44471 2391-44473 2391-44474 2391-M 2391-XY9 2391-Z89 2391-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 12/84 06/84 06/84 07/84 06/84 100.3 100.7 99.9 100.7 101.1 101.2 101.1 (3) 105.0 104.5 103.5 102.0 101.0 101.1 101.1 (3) 105.0 104.5 103.5 101.9 0 0 -.1 3 () 0 0 0 0 2392-P 06/83 06/83 100.8 100.2 101.2 100.8 101.9 101.6 .7 .8 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 99.7 85.1 99.7 95.0 93.3 100.0 100.0 101.5 101.5 104.2 100.9 105.3 103.3 103.1 104.2 98.6 83.4 100.1 83.6 (3) 100.0 100.7 101.5 (3) 105.2 100.0 83.4 100.1 1.4 0 0 ft ft ft ft ft 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/85 06/82 06/82 06/82 101.9 104.4 105.8 107.9 (3) 103.1 95.1 94.3 96.0 101.9 105.6 108.0 109.6 2361-123 2361-12335 2361-2 2361-21 2361-213 2361-21333 ft -.2 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.4 -.4 .6 .6 3.6 2361-9 2361-913 2361 -S Girls', children's, & infants' coats & suits Primary products Coats, snowsuits, coat-and-legging sets, suits & jackets Coats, Children's and infants' coats Fabric other than wool Coat-and-legging, coat-and-snowpant sets, ski & snowsuits . Jackets Contract work on children's coats & suits Secondary products 2363 Fur goods Primary products.. Fur products Mink Fox Other furs 2371 Curtains and draperies Primary products Curtains, except lace Wholly or chiefly cotton fabrics Wholly or chiefly manmade fiber fabrics, plastics, and other materials Chiefly polyester fabrics Draperies Wholly or chiefly cotton fabrics Wholly or chiefly manmade fiber fabrics, plastics, and other materials Chiefly rayon and acetate fabrics Chiefly polyester fabrics Other materials, including plastics Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 2391 Housefurnishings n.e.c Primary products Housefumishings.except bedspreads/sets & woven: sheets, pillowcases, towels, washcloths Shower/bath curtains, including plastic Comforters and wadded quilts Quilted products, except comforters & wadded quilts Mattress protectors Napkins, excluding paper Place mats and place-mat sets, including plastic Bed pillows . " Other materials Fancy pillows and cushions Foam Other materials Mops and dusters Dry mops and dusters, excluding dusting cloths Wet mops, except sponge Other housefurnishings, except bedspreads/sets & woven: sheets, pillowcases, etc Bedspreads and bedsets Quilted bedspreads and bedsets Other fibers Jacquard woven bedspreads and bedsets Sheets and pillowcases made from woven fabric Towels and washcloths from woven fabric Terry woven towels, sheared and non-sheared Other terry woven towels 2392 2363-P 2363-1 2363-13 2363-135 2371-P 2371-1 2371-111 2392-1 2392-119 2392-123 2392-133 2392-13331 2392-145 2392-147 2392-151 2392-15153 2392-155 2392-15557 2392-15559 2392-177 2392-17771 2392-17773 2392-198 2392-6 2392-622 2392-62239 2392-633 2392-8 2392-9 2392-922 2392-92217 See footnotes at end of table. Index 30 ft ft 102.8 102.3 ft ft ft (3) 103.3 103.1 104.2 ft 107.5 96.9 96.0 99.4 ft 100.0 100.7 101.5 101.5 105.2 (3) 106.6 103.3 103.1 104.2 102.7 105.6 108.0 109.6 100.9 107.5 96.8 96.0 ft 0 .4 0 0 0 ft ft ft 0 0 0 0 .8 0 0 0 ft 0 -.1 0 ft -.3 .4 ft -1.0 -2.9 1.5 1.5 .5 0 -.2 0 -.4 .8 .5 1.2 1.0 ft 1.5 1.1 2.3 .8 ft 2.5 2.1 ft 1.1 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft -.5 -.5 -.3 -.4 .7 .6 .2 .3 -2.0 .4 0 -5.8 1.9 .4 0 ft 0 ft 1.1 ft ft 0 0 0 .4 .3 .8 -.1 ft ft 0 .7 .1 .1 .4 ft ft ft 0 .7 .6 .6 0 ft .4 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 2.2 1.0 4.3 .4 1.2 2.1 1.6 1.5 3.5 5.6 6.7 ft ft ft 4.2 -8.9 -10.7 4.2 -9.0 -10.4 4.7 -5.0 ft ft -6.7 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Housefurnishings n.e.c—Continued Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Curtains and draperies, except shower and bath curtains Other secondary products Automotive trimmings, apparel findings, and related products Primary products Men's and boys' suit and coat findings, and hat and cap trimmings Men's and boys' coat, suit, and trouser findings Automotive trimmings Other trimmings and findings Women's and children's apparel trimmings and findings Other trimmings and findings, including furniture trimmings Bias bindings, except fused or sealed edge Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Product code Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.2 .4 .3 1.1 0 1.4 .4 1.9 2.3 1.8 2392-M 2392-Z89 2392-S 2391-S 2392-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.4 105.2 103.1 104.1 102.8 106.1 108.2 102.0 105.3 100.8 104.6 105.7 103.5 105.3 102.8 -1.3 -2.3 1.4 0 2.0 0.2 .4 -1.6 -.3 -2.0 2396-P 12/83 12/83 101.4 101.2 99.7 99.4 101.2 101.0 1.5 1.5 .2 .1 -.2 -.3 1.3 1.2 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.5 101.6 101.3 100.7 96.3 100.5 104.7 103.1 100.5 108.3 101.4 101.6 99.2 100.5 1.7 2.5 1.6 1.2 0 0 4.1 0 0 .1 1.7 2.5 0 .6 -1.0 -1.0 4.1 -.1 -.2 3.0 1.7 2.5 -.6 1.1 1.0 2.4 3.2 1.2 .3 -3.3 -.5 111.4 103.2 104.1 100.7 101.7 97.3 99.4 109.1 103.7 101.4 111.5 12/84 100.0 99.8 99.6 -.2 -.6 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 93.4 92.7 89.1 77.8 76.8 83.9 96.4 68.6 72.7 88.4 145.4 94.7 94.4 92.6 80.3 79.7 (3) 100.4 68.7 72.9 90.4 .1 .1 .5 -2.2 -2.2 (3) 1.9 -7.6 -7.6 8.2 .8 1.8 2.3 4.3 1.4 1.5 165.9 94.8 94.5 93.0 78.5 77.9 82.1 102.3 63.5 67.3 97.8 167.3 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 108.3 102.9 100.0 100.0 92.5 88.9 100.6 102.4 112.0 102.9 100.0 (3) 91.0 86.6 100.6 102.3 115.7 3.3 0 0 (3) -.6 12/81 106.1 105.1 105.1 2396 2396-1 2396-111 2396-2 2396-3 2396-311 2396-312 2396-333 2396-M 2396-XY9 2396-S Lumber and wood products, except furniture 24 Logging camps and logging contractors Primary products Softwood logs, bolts, and timber Douglas fir Sawlogs and bolts Veneer logs and bolts Softwood, except Douglas fir Southern yellow pine Sawlogs and bolts Hemlock Western red cedar Other softwood log species, n.e.c Sawlogs and bolts Hardwood logs, bolts, and timber Other hardwood log species, n.e.c Sawlogs and bolts Pulpwood Softwood Hardwood Contract logging Secondary products Sawmills and planing mills 2411 2411-P 2411-1 2411-117 2411-11744 2411-11766 2411-12 2411-111 2411-11144 2411-121 2411-123 2411-125 2411-12544 2411-2 2411-221 2411-22144 2411-3 2411-31115 2411-32227 2411-9 2411-S 2421-S 97.3 99.4 104.7 103.7 101.4 102.9 100.0 (3) 90.4 85.5 101.2 101.7 -1.0 4.1 .5 .9 3.0 4.1 .8 1.4 10.4 5.8 -8.2 -8.2 10.2 13.1 6.5 0 0 (3) -1.4 -2.5 .6 -2.4 -1.4 4.5 0 0 (3) -1.0 -1.8 .6 -.1 .5 0 -.1 2.3 3.0 1.1 -1.5 -.6 -1.3 .6 -.5 C3) 2.1 2.5 4.7 -.7 -.4 3 () 7.6 -7.3 -7.3 12.9 15.7 -8.2 -1.6 -7.7 -6.8 (3) 1.7 -7.2 -6.2 9.0 8.5 CO -.1 -1.4 Sawmills and planing mills 242 12/84 100.0 101.0 99.9 t3) -1.1 -.8 Sawmills and planing mills Primary products Hardwood lumber, rough and dressed, except siding Hardwood rough lumber Oak Red, no. 1 common White Other Oak Poplar No. 1 common Other Poplar Hardwood other than Oak and Poplar Gum No. 1 common No. 2 common Other hardwoods Hardwood, dressed lumber, including ceiling, framing, and matched and shiplapped lumber Other hardwood species Softwood lumber, rough and dressed, except siding Softwood lumber, rough and dressed, Eastern species, except siding Rough softwood lumber, Eastern species Boards - lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness.... Light framing lumber 2 inch nominal thickness only Lumber and timbers over 2 inches in nominal thickness Dressed softwood lumber, Eastern species Boards - lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness... Southern Pine Boards, no. 2 Other Southern Pine boards Light framing lumber 2 inch nominal thickness only Southern Pine 2421 2421-P 2421-1 2421-12 2421-121 2421-12111 2421-12112 2421-12119 2421-122 2421-12211 2421-12219 2421-129 2421-1291 2421-12911 2421-12912 2421-1299 2421-13 2421-139 2421-2 2421-3 2421-31 2421-311 2421-312 2421-313 2421-32 2421-321 2421-3211 2421-32113 2421-32119 2421-322 2421-3221 See footnotes at end of table. 31 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 97.6 97.7 125.2 125.0 141.3 153.3 136.9 129.2 112.1 101.7 100.3 112.2 113.4 116.5 125.2 110.7 98.7 99.1 123.9 123.5 139.3 149.9 140.0 125.2 111.9 100.9 100.3 111.0 112.9 114.1 125.4 108.7 97.5 97.7 123.4 122.9 139.6 148.6 139.2 128.4 112.2 100.9 102.8 109.3 112.9 114.1 125.4 109.4 -1.2 12/80 12/80 12/80 126.2 127.8 94.5 125.8 127.3 96.4 125.7 127.2 94.7 -.1 -.1 -1.8 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 103.1 102.7 98.3 108.2 100.8 102.6 98.3 107.6 98.7 99.9 106.5 106.9 105.4 105.7 97.0 97.6 100.3 102.6 98.3 107.6 98.7 99.2 105.3 105.6 103.1 104.8 96.5 96.9 -.5 0 0 0 0 -.7 -1.1 -1.3 -2.2 98.3 103.3 109.7 110.7 110.2 107.5 101.0 101.5 -1.4 -.4 -.5 .2 -.9 -.6 2.6 .3 0 2.5 -1.5 0 0 0 .6 -.8 -.6 -.7 1.3 -.8 .1 .3 0 1.4 -3.3 -3.8 -5.9 -7.4 -2.6 -6.4 1.5 -1.2 2.5 -2.4 -.4 -2.1 .4 .1 -1.4 -.3 -.3 -1.1 2.1 -2.5 -.4 0 -.7 0 -3.5 -3.9 -4.5 -6.3 -2.6 -3.8 -3.8 -2.9 -.4 0 -.8 0 -4.0 -4.8 -5.5 -7.8 -4.1 -4.3 -4.3 -.9 -1.1 -1.2 -.7 -2.1 1.7 -.6 .1 -.8 2.5 -2.1 -.8 -.8 -6.9 -7.5 -5.5 -6.9 -12.2 -13.5 -9.6 -12.4 .7 -3.8 2.5 -1.4 .8 (3) 2.7 3.2 2.5 2.5 -9.5 -8.8 -1.6 0 -3.0 -.5 -11.9 -3.7 -3.9 -4.7 -7.9 -16.7 -17.8 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Sawmills and planing mills—Continued Dimension, no. 1 Dimension, no. 2 Other 2 inch Southern Pine lumber Lumber and timbers over 2 inch nominal thickness, Eastern species Southern Pine Softwood lumber, rough and dressed, Western species Rough softwood lumber, Western species Boards - lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness. Light framing lumber 2 inch nominal thickness only Lumber and timbers over 2 inches in nominal thickness .. Dressed softwood lumber, Western species Boards - lumber less than 2 inches in nominal thickness.... Douglas Fir Ponderosa Pine No. 3 boards No. 4 boards Other boards Other boards, Western dressed softwood Lumber of 2 inches nominal thickness only Douglas Fir Other 2 inch Douglas Fir lumber Ponderosa Pine White Fir Std. and btr Other 2 inch White Fir lumber Western Hemlock Other 2 inch Western Hemlock lumber Redwood 2 inch lumber Other Western softwood 2 inch lumber Lumber and timbers, over 2 inch nominal thickness Douglas Fir Wood chips Short tons Standard units Other industrial cut stock Softwood flooring, siding and other sawmill and planing mill products Woodsiding Railway crossties and mine ties Other sawmill products Secondary products Product code Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2421-32211 2421-32212 2421-32219 97.3 97.0 93.4 96.6 96.3 92.1 -0.7 -.7 -1.3 -2.3 -4.5 -2.9 1.5 -3.8 -9.1 -12.0 -18.1 -20.7 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 96.1 91.3 90.1 81.6 94.2 70.9 85.1 93.9 94.7 96.5 91.3 94.1 84.1 94.2 70.9 96.1 98.5 99.3 96.5 91.3 91.8 80.5 90.6 65.5 96.0 96.8 98.8 0 0 -2.5 -4.3 -3.8 -7.6 -.1 .3 0 -.3 -3.5 -3.6 -7.6 2.8 .3 0 5.2 -1.4 1.3 -7.2 3.6 -1.8 -.5 1.0 4.0 7.9 9.5 -6.8 -8.6 -9.9 -14.1 -6.6 -27.0 -1.2 -8.2 2.5 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 103.8 69.1 58.7 104.1 72.2 64.4 119.3 118.3 113.6 98.9 103.0 91.0 98.4 93.2 92.2 95.2 98.1 90.6 96.3 91.3 93.0 85.9 90.4 103.3 73.0 103.1 65.1 64.1 119.0 -1.0 -9.8 -.4 .6 -.4 -2.7 -3.4 -2.1 -3.6 -2.9 -2.4 -12.3 -.9 -.5 4.4 -7.7 12.2 6.4 7.1 7.8 12.8 .2 6.1 1.5 -8.6 -30.9 -15.6 -2.7 -8.8 -12.5 -14.2 -11.9 -2.2 -14.3 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 108.6 101.4 114.3 107.9 95.1 108.9 100.2 115.0 107.9 93.1 109.0 96.4 116.9 (3) 93.3 .1 -3.8 1.7 2426-P 2426-1 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.1 100.0 99.3 100.4 100.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.3 -.4 -.5 -.7 2426-111 06/84 101.4 2426-119 06/84 102.4 101.9 101.9 2426-141 2426-198 06/84 06/84 93.0 101.7 94.3 104.9 92.4 99.9 -2.0 -4.8 2426-2 2426-223 2426-22311 2426-22313 2426-227 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 99.8 98.2 99.5 98.1 99.0 99.4 97.4 99.1 97.3 97.9 98.9 97.4 99.1 97.3 98.2 2426-229 2426-6 2426-611 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.3 101.9 101.9 100.4 105.7 105.7 100.4 105.7 105.7 12/84 100.0 98.0 98.0 2431-P 2431-1 2431-133 2431-134 2431-137 2431-145 06/8C 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/82 06/8G 103.5 103.4 103.9 105.7 102.5 102.3 103.9 105.7 93.3 105.8 99.7 102.4 102.2 104.3 105.8 93.3 106.0 101.3 2431-3 2431-315 06/83 95.6 91.7 2431-4 2431-411 2431-413 2431-419 06/83 06/83 06/82 06/82 104.1 110.7 99.6 105.2 103.7 109.2 100.5 104.5 2426 243 Millwork Primary products Wood window units Double hung Awning Casement All other, including single hung and skylights Wood window and door frames and door frames shipped in door units Door frames Wood doors, int. and ext., incl. those shipped with glazed sections and in door units Panel type, including french doors: douglas fir Panel type, including french doors: western pines Panel type, including french doors: other species 99.0 99.3 99.6 2421-8 2421-813 2421-817 2421-897 2421-S Millwork, veneer, plywood, and structural wood members . 12/80 12/80 12/80 2421-323 2421-32311 2421-4 2421-41 2421-411 2421-412 2421-413 2421-42 2421-421 2421-4211 2421-4212 2421-42121 2421-42122 2421-42129 2421-4219 2421-422 2421-4221 2421-42219 2421-4222 2421-4224 2421-42241 2421-42249 2421-4225 2421-42259 2421-4226 2421-4229 2421-423 2421-4231 2421-5 2421-577 2421-578 2421-751 Hardwood dimension and flooring Primary products Hardwood flooring Oak flooring 3/4", 1/2", 3/8" T & G and EM and 5/16" square edge strip Oak specialty flooring, block, parquetry, plank, oak faced, backed plywood and other oak Glued laminated truck trailer flooring and railroad car decking Other hardwood flooring Hardwood dim. stock, furn. parts, and vehicle stock, hdwd. dim. incl. glu-lam, excl. plywd Kiln dried, rough or surfaced, dimension stock Kiln dried, rough dimension stock Kiln dried, surfaced dimension stock Semifabricated dimension stock Completely fabricated ready for assembly, including furniture parts, except frames Wood frames for household furniture Wood furniture frames for household furniture 2431 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 32 104.5 93.8 94.3 94.1 93.9 95.0 97.2 91.0 91.5 86.5 95.4 90.5 91.7 82.8 90.0 101.1 74.9 96.8 93.3 105.9 99.7 113.1 96.3 99.4 89.1 94.9 90.5 (3) 95.2 97.0 89.2 92.5 90.6 92.7 85.2 90.2 102.8 73.0 101.4 9.1 -.8 2.2 -5.6 -.7 -7.0 ft ft 0 -1.1 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.9 -5.6 -4.3 2.4 2.4 -3.9 -.7 -.3 -.8 -.3 -.5 0 ft 7.1 15.9 9.8 -.2 ft -16.5 -11.5 -16.4 -12.9 -22.6 -12.6 -7.9 3.4 1.8 6.8 .9 I3) .2 ft .2 -6.4 2.3 -.1 -6.3 2.3 ft ft -.7 -1.9 -1.2 -.2 -.3 -.2 -.4 -.3 -1.2 ft ft ft ft ft -2.6 1.9 6.4 1.5 1.7 1.2 10.1 ft ft .1 1.7 -2.9 ft 1.0 -17.0 11.0 ft -.5 ft -2.2 -1.4 -5.2 -1.8 ft ft -.5 0 0 0 .3 -.3 1.4 0 1.4 -.4 -1.0 -1.2 -.5 -1.3 -1.5 ft ft ft ft 0 0 0 0 -.6 -.6 .4 4.0 4.0 ft ft ft -1.7 ft ft 0 -.1 .3 .2 0 .2 1.6 -1.1 -1.5 .3 .2 0 .2 1.6 1.9 2.0 0 -.2 0 -.3 1.6 .3 .3 -1.8 -1.4 -6.6 -1.2 1.3 90.9 -.8 -6.8 1.8 -7.2 103.7 109.2 101.2 105.0 0 0 .7 .5 -.4 -1.7 2.0 -.2 0 .5 2.5 -.2 -1.1 -1.4 0 .3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Millwork—Continued Flush type, hollow core: hardwood faces, incl. lauan, birch, oak, etc Flush type, hollow core: hardboard faces Flush type, hollow core: other faces Flush type, solid composition core: hardwood faces Flush type, solid core: softwood and other faces Other wood doors, incl. garage, screen, storm, combination, and louvre Combination screen and storm doors, wood Garage doors, wood Louvre doors, wood Bi-fold doors, wood Sliding patio doors, wood Other wood doors, incl. storm, cabinet, toilet, grain, etc Wood moldings (standard) except prefinished moldings made from purchased moldings Pine Hardwood, including lauan Other millwork products incl. window screens and architectural millwork Hardwood stairwork, incl. treads, risers, balusters, brackets, crooks, newels, rails, etc Exterior wood blinds, shutters and screens, with or without hardware Non-standard wood moldings, carvings, and ornaments for architectural or furniture decorations Other architectural millwork products incl. interior millwork Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products Metal doors, sash, and trim Product code Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2431-433 2431-435 2431-437 2431-445 2431-448 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.2 104.1 104.7 104.7 102.8 101.0 104.1 107.1 106.8 102.7 100.9 104.1 108.2 105.6 103.3 -0.1 0 1.1 -1.1 .6 -1.1 0 4.0 .8 .5 -1.5 0 3.4 .8 .3 -2.5 .7 3.8 -.7 .3 2431-5 2431-551 2431-561 2431-581 2431-584 2431-585 2431-598 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 101.7 104.4 100.7 110.7 102.4 102.3 97.6 102.0 104.4 100.7 111.8 103.4 102.3 98.5 102.2 106.3 100.7 111.8 103.6 102.6 98.5 .2 1.8 0 0 .2 .3 .0 .5 1.8 0 0 1.3 .3 .9 .4 4.6 0 1.0 1.7 .3 -1.6 -.1 (3) 0 1.0 .8 -1.9 -1.2 2431-6 2431-621 2431-651 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.8 103.1 111.3 98.8 97.6 107.0 98.0 96.5 107.0 -1.1 0 -6.1 -6.9 -3.8 7.9 10.7 -3.8 4.0 5.6 -3.6 2431-8 06/83 110.0 112.8 113.1 .3 2.3 3.7 7.3 2431-825 06/83 107.0 107.0 107.0 0 0 0 2.3 2431-831 06/83 99.8 99.8 101.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 3 C) 2431-875 2431-898 2431 -M 2431-Z89 2431-S 2431-SSS 3442-S 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 112.0 103.4 103.4 103.9 105.9 97.8 116.0 104.1 104.1 103.2 105.8 95.1 116.0 105.0 105.0 103.8 105.7 97.8 0 .9 .9 .6 -.1 2.9 3.4 .9 .9 2.2 2.7 .6 5.1 1.6 1.6 .9 1.0 .6 9.1 3.6 3.6 -1.9 -1.8 -2.2 2434-P 2434-1 2434-111 2434-113 2434-2 2434-212 2434-214 2434-3 2434-316 2434-318 2434-S 2431-S 2434-SSS 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 102.0 102.2 102.3 102.3 102.9 102.1 102.3 101.5 101.3 100.2 102.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.5 102.7 103.2 103.2 102.9 102.2 102.4 101.5 101.5 100.6 102.6 100.0 102.6 102.7 103.2 103.2 102.9 102.5 102.8 101.5 101.5 100.6 102.6 100.0 .1 .1 0 0 0 .2 .3 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .4 .3 .4 0 .6 1.0 -.6 -.1 -.1 0 0 .6 .6 .9 1.0 0 .2 .2 0 .2 .4 0 0 P) f3) (3) 100.0 100.0 2436-P 2436-3 2436-4 2436-5 2436-511 2436-51121 2436-522 2436-52231 2436-52232 2436-52233 2436-6 2436-611 2436-61121 2436-61122 2436-62202 2436-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 91.0 87.4 101.5 74.9 90.2 90.3 86.2 90.1 92.0 82.8 87.2 84.1 83.4 81.1 81.3 87.2 103.5 86.0 82.1 100.6 71.6 82.9 82.5 76.9 83.5 85.7 75.0 80.1 82.4 81.6 80.2 82.1 86.4 101.3 85.6 81.7 100.5 68.1 83.0 81.9 76.5 84.4 85.9 76.9 83.2 82.1 81.4 79.0 81.5 85.6 99.6 -.5 -.5 -.1 -4.9 .1 -.7 -.4 1.1 .2 2.5 3.8 -.4 -.3 -1.5 -.7 -1.0 -1.6 -5.1 -5.4 -.5 -11.4 -5.9 -8.4 -9.6 -2.7 -3.9 -2.5 1.4 -2.0 -2.2 -2.8 -.3 -1.2 -5.6 -7.1 -7.9 -2.2 -3.8 -9.9 -10.3 -12.6 -9.5 -9.2 -12.4 -9.2 -4.4 -4.8 -5.1 -1.4 -2.7 -2.1 -7.6 -5.7 1.3 -9.3 -4.9 -6.8 -6.1 -2.5 -2.9 -5.3 .2 -7.6 -8.0 -8.9 -6.2 -5.7 -15.6 2439-P 2439-1 2439-131 2439-151 2439-198 2439-19815 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 103.4 103.2 103.2 98.4 102.6 114.1 115.1 102.8 102.6 102.6 97.8 101.7 115.2 116.0 102.1 101.8 101.8 97.6 100.5 115.1 116.0 -.7 -.8 -.8 -.2 -1.2 -.1 -.1 -1.4 -1.6 -1.6 -.8 -2.1 -.1 -.1 -1.5 -1.6 -1.6 -.3 -2.5 .8 .7 -3.8 -4.0 -4.0 -4.1 -4.9 .1 -.8 2439-19825 2439-S 06/81 06/81 112.1 110.1 113.6 110.1 113.5 110.1 -.1 0 -.1 0 1.0 -.3 2.1 -2.2 2451-P Wood kitchen cabinets Primary products Wood kitchen cabinets and cabinetwork, stock line Wood Plastic laminated Wood kitchen cabinets and cabinetwork, custom Wood Plastic laminated Vanities and other cabinetwork Stock line Custom Secondary products Millwork Other secondary products 2434 Softwood plywood Primary products Specialty softwood plywood Softwood veneer Softwood plywood sheathing Western and inland softwood plywood sheathing Western and inland CDX Southern softwood plywood sheathing Southern CDX All other southern sheathing, interior All other southern sheathing, exterior Sanded softwood plywood Western and inland sanded softwood plywood Western and inland A-C, exterior All other western and inland sanded, interior Southern sanded plywood, exterior Secondary products 2436 Structural wood members, n.e.c Primary products Fabricated structural wood products Glued laminated lumber Roof trusses Other fabricated structural wood products Floor trusses Other fabricated structural wood products, except floor trusses Secondary products 2439 Wood buildings and mobile homes 245 12/84 100.0 100.1 100.4 Mobile homes Primary products 2451 06/81 06/81 105.9 105.9 106.0 105.9 106.1 106.0 See footnotes at end of table. 33 -.1 -.1 () Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Mobile homes—Continued Mobile homes, residential Single section Width: 12 ft Length: 59 ft. and under Length: 60 ft. - 64 ft Width: 14 ft. and over Length: 59 ft. and under Length: 60 ft. - 64 ft Length: 70 ft. - 74 ft Length: 75 ft. and over Multi-section Doublewide 24 ft. single story doublewide . Length: 49 ft. and under Length: 50 ft. - 59 ft Length: 60 ft. - 69 ft Other doublewide Secondary products Industry code Product code 2451-1 2451-13 2451-1322 2451-13221 2451-13222 2451-1344 2451-13441 2451-13442 2451-13444 2451-13445 2451-14 2451-141 2451-1411 2451-14111 2451-14112 2451-14113 2451-14129 2451-S 34 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Dec. 19842 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 106.0 105.5 103.4 105.5 103.0 111.0 102.2 109.9 112.8 112.1 107.9 107.9 108.3 110.0 107.4 107.7 102.3 108.9 Mar. 19852 106.1 105.5 103.4 105.5 103.0 111.1 102.5 110.0 112.8 112.1 108.0 108.0 108.4 110.0 107.7 107.8 102.7 Apr. 19852 106.1 105.6 103.4 105.5 103.0 111.5 102.5 110.2 113.4 112.4 108.0 108.0 108.5 110.5 108.1 107.4 101.1 111.5 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.1 .1 0 0 0 .4 0 .2 .5 .2 0 0 .1 .5 .4 -.4 -1.6 -0.1 -.1 0 0 0 -.3 0 .2 -.8 .2 .1 .1 .1 .5 .4 -.4 -1.2 0 0.5 .7 0 0 0 2.3 .3 .4 3.8 .2 .1 .1 .2 .1 .6 -.3 -1.2 2.4 0.4 .6 .3 .9 .1 1.6 -1.0 3.4 .7 4.9 -.3 -.3 -.3 -.2 1.6 -1.8 .5 6.2 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products —Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 0.3 .4 1.1 0.4 .4 2452-P 2452-2 2452-221 2452-3 2452-334 2452-33433 2452-33435 2452-337 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.4 100.4 100.9 (3) 100.1 100.1 100.2 (3) 100.0 100.8 100.8 102.0 102.6 100.5 100.6 100.7 100.0 100.0 2452-4 2452-444 2452-44443 2452-44445 2452-447 2452-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.9 101.2 101.0 108.5 100.0 100.0 100.7 101.0 100.8 108.5 100.0 100.0 12/84 100.0 101.3 101.3 2492-P 2492-1 2492-103 2492-10303 2492-105 2492-107 2492-112 2492-11211 2492-11217 2492-119 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 109.6 109.6 109.7 110.6 104.1 104.8 108.9 110.8 108.5 115.3 103.3 115.0 115.0 115.3 125.5 118.2 104.8 109.6 114.3 107.8 124.3 103.3 113.8 113.8 114.1 121.3 109.9 104.8 109.7 114.1 107.9 122.7 103.3 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -3.4 -7.0 0 .1 -.2 .1 -1.3 0 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.8 -4.3 0 .7 3.3 .2 6.4 0 2499-P 2499-1 2499-111 2499-11111 2499-11115 2499-121 2499-12131 2499-12141 2499-131 2499-13161 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.5 100.3 101.6 100.2 100.5 100.0 106.8 106.9 106.7 100.0 100.0 101.0 100.9 101.7 100.4 100.8 (3) 106.8 106.9 (3) .2 .2 .3 .3 .5 3 () .7 .9 (3) 0 0 .5 .6 .8 1.0 2.0 0 .7 100.0 100.0 101.2 101.1 102.0 100.6 101.3 100.0 107.6 107.9 107.3 100.0 100.0 2499-6 2499-611 2499-61111 06/84 06/84 06/84 98.9 98.8 97.1 99.9 98.5 96.2 100.2 98.8 97.0 .3 .3 .9 2499-623 2499-643 2499-9 06/84 06/84 06/84 94.5 99.6 100.6 95.3 104.2 101.6 95.7 104.3 101.8 .5 .1 .2 2499-911 06/84 100.5 101.6 101.6 2499-915 2499-919 2499-951 2499-95151 2499-95153 2499-957 2499-962 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.0 (3) 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.8 100.0 103.2 102.6 100.3 100.5 100.0 103.8 100.9 105.8 102.6 100.3 100.5 100.0 97.7 101.8 2.5 0 0 0 0 -5.9 .9 2499-966 2499-985 06/84 06/84 100.0 100.2 102.8 100.2 102.8 100.2 0 0 2499-998 2499-M 2499-Z89 2499-S 2421-S 2499-SSS 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.3 102.7 100.9 102.9 102.5 100.0 100.0 102.4 100.9 102.6 102.9 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.9 103.2 .4 0 0 .5 0 .5 25 12/84 100.0 101.0 101.2 Household furniture 251 12/84 100.0 100.9 101.1 Wood household furniture, except upholstered Primary products Wood living room, library, family room and den furniture Chairs, except dining room (including rockers) Tables, except card and telephone tables Desks Credenzas, bookcases, and bookshelves 2511 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 131.7 132.6 133.9 148.1 131.5 131.4 144.0 132.6 133.2 133.9 148.1 130.9 132.8 144.0 132.9 133.6 134.3 148.1 131.3 134.0 144.0 Prefabricated wood buildings and components Primary products Precut packages sold as complete units Residential (homes, townhouses, and apartments) Panelized buildings sold as complete units Residential Single family, including townhouses Multifamily Nonresidential, including motels and hotels Modular buildings shipped with floors and walls, and usually ceilings and roofs Residential Single family, including townhouses Multifamily Nonresidential, including motels and hotels Secondary products 2452 Miscellaneous wood products 249 Particleboard Primary products Particleboard, platen-type (mat formed) Floor underlayment 5/8-inch thick Mobile home decking Shelving Other industrial board 3/4-inch thick All other thicknesses Other platen-type, including stepping, siding, etc 2492 Wood products, n.e.c Primary products Mirror and picture frames Frames Wood frames Metal frames Finished moldings for mirrors and pictures Wood molding Molding other than wood Framed pictures Wood framed pictures Fabricated hardboard products from hardboard made at the establishment Prefinished paneling, except laminated and tiled wallboard .... Prefinished exterior siding Dimension and parts, including cut to size and molded products Panel stock; panels and siding not face finished Miscellaneous wood products, n.e.c Boxes, cases, and chests for jewelry, silver, tools, utensils, etc Household type utensils of wood and wood parts thereof, n.e.c Toothpicks, skewers, candy sticks, and similar small wares ... Handtool handles Striking tool handles (axe, pick, etc.) Lifting and pulling tool handles (rake, spade, etc.) Broom, mop, and paint brush handles Dowels and dowel pins Wooden tools, tool bodies, and backs for brooms, mops, and brushes Wooden reels for wire and cable Misc. wooden goods, including wood turnings, except handles and spools Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Sawmills and planing mills, general Other secondary products 2499 Furniture and fixtures 2511-P 2511-2 2511-231 2511-241 2511-251 2511-271 See footnotes at end of table. 35 ft ft ft .4 .4 .5 .2 .2 .2 -.1 -.2 -.2 0 0 0 .5 .8 .8 (3) Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 ft ft ft ft ft 3 (3) ft 3 ( 3) ( 3) () (3) () ft ft .8 ft ft ft () ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft -0.6 -.6 -.6 -6.6 -6.6 -6.7 -20.6 -25.4 .5 -1.2 -5.3 0 .8 -.5 -6.1 5.7 -.6 1.9 -1.2 -5.9 4.6 .7 1.3 .1 .3 1.1 -.3 -.7 ft ft ft 1.4 4.7 .2 -.4 4.7 1.4 ft ft ft 1.2 ft 5.7 .3 .5 0 -5.9 1.8 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2.8 .2 ft ft 2.4 -.1 .9 -.2 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .2 .3 .3 0 .3 1.0 0 0 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1.7 1.5 1.2 -1.6 1.2 3.3 2.5 3.4 3.4 4.6 5.7 3.9 7.3 5.3 .9 2.6 1.5 0 0 0 -5.9 2.8 0 .7 .8 .4 .4 .8 0 .7 .9 ft ft ft ft -.1 0 -.1 .5 .3 .2 -1.3 .1 3.3 -1.1 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Wood household furniture, except upholstered—Continued Other nonupholstered living room furniture Wood dining room and kitchen furniture, except cabinets.... Tables, dining room, 30 x 40 inches and greater Chairs, dining room Buffets and servers, dining room China and corner cabinets, dining room Other dining room and kitchen furniture Wood bedroom furniture Beds, headboards and footboards Beds, except bunk beds Headboards and headboard sets Dressers, vanities and dressing tables Wardrobes and wardrobe-type cabinets Chests of drawers Night tables and stands Other nonupholstered bedroom furniture Outdoor and unpainted wood furniture Unpainted wood furniture Knockdown or unassembled wood household furniture ... Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Other secondary products Upholstered wood household furniture Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2511-298 2511-3 2511-311 2511-331 2511-351 2511-371 2511-398 2511-5 2511-5A 2511-511 2511-513 2511-521 2511-533 2511-535 2511-561 2511-598 2511-7 2511-741 2511-761 2511-M 2511-S 2511-SSS 2512-S 129.3 138.6 137.6 140.9 137.2 136.2 134.3 131.4 130.1 134.6 127.4 130.4 133.9 129.9 134.1 138.2 129.5 128.2 133.2 121.6 130.6 129.7 131.0 129.6 138.8 137.8 140.7 137.2 137.3 136.2 132.2 130.4 134.6 128.0 131.1 133.9 129.6 136.7 140.6 128.2 128.2 128.2 121.6 130.1 129.3 130.3 0.2 .1 .1 -.2 0 .8 1.4 .6 .3 0 .5 .5 0 -.2 1.9 1.8 -1.0 0 -3.8 0 -.4 -.4 -.5 1.7 -.3 -.7 -.8 .4 1.2 1.4 1.0 .2 -.3 .6 1.1 .9 .4 1.9 2.7 -.7 0 -3.1 7.4 .2 .5 -.6 2.4 .9 -.2 .2 3.9 1.4 3.6 2.7 2.9 2.8 3.4 1.6 3.9 3.1 2.0 4.6 -1.7 0 -2.4 1.7 1.4 2.5 4.2 2.9 2.7 2.2 6.1 1.8 3.8 3.4 2.7 2.9 3.1 2.6 4.7 3.5 2.8 7.3 1.3 1.9 -1.4 3 () 1.7 .2 5.9 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 105.0 105.3 105.3 104.3 106.3 104.9 101.6 104.7 103.9 104.8 103.9 108.8 101.1 100.8 102.6 109.5 100.6 111.0 107.1 107.7 107.7 108.0 110.9 118.8 104.4 105.3 104.7 104.8 105.5 108.8 102.9 105.7 102.6 110.4 100.7 111.3 107.1 107.7 107.7 107.9 110.9 118.8 104.3 104.8 104.7 104.8 105.4 108.8 102.9 105.7 102.6 110.1 100.7 111.7 0 0 0 -.1 0 0 -.1 -.5 0 0 -.1 0 0 0 0 -.3 0 .3 .7 .8 .8 .7 -.3 8.4 -.1 -.6 -.9 0 1.9 0 -.2 8.5 0 1.5 .1 .2 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.8 4.3 13.3 .1 .1 .8 .3 1.5 0 2.0 4.9 0 .5 .1 .5 3.0 3.2 3.2 4.0 6.9 12.4 .7 1.2 2.1 1.4 1.8 3.6 1.8 3.6 -.5 2.1 -.7 4.3 2512-198 2512-S 06/82 06/82 109.1 102.1 109.1 102.3 109.1 102.4 0 .1 0 0 0 -.2 1.9 .9 2514-P 2514-1 2514-111 2514-115 2514-117 2514-198 2514-3 2514-31 2514-312 2514-314 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.2 101.0 104.2 103.8 102.4 102.0 (3) 98.7 100.4 101.2 96.6 100.7 101.7 104.7 103.8 102.4 102.0 100.7 101.7 104.7 103.8 102.4 102.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.2 2.9 3.1 .3 0 (3) (3) 101.9 101.6 102.3 98.2 101.9 101.5 102.2 98.2 0 0 0 0 -1.2 -.5 0 0 0 0 3 () .7 1.2 1.1 1.7 2514-398 2514-4 2514-433 2514-437 2514-455 2514-475 2514-498 2514-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 105.6 100.3 100.0 100.0 99.5 100.0 101.0 100.2 105.6 99.3 104.8 100.0 117.3 88.0 101.0 102.2 105.6 99.3 104.8 100.0 117.3 88.0 101.0 102.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.2 2515-P 2515-1 2515-112 2515-113 2515-114 2515-3 2515-311 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.3 104.8 106.4 105.6 107.9 106.0 101.4 102.1 104.4 104.9 105.9 106.4 112.0 101.8 102.0 102.9 104.9 105.4 107.2 107.5 115.2 101.9 101.5 102.6 2515-379 2515-4 2515-421 2515-431 2515-S 2512-S 2515-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 97.6 106.4 108.6 103.5 103.8 103.8 103.7 97.1 106.6 108.6 104.0 103.9 103.6 104.4 98.0 106.6 108.6 104.0 105.3 103.6 (3) 2514 Mattresses, bedsprings and sleep furniture Primary products Innerspring mattresses other than crib size Twin size innerspring mattresses Queen size innerspring mattresses Other size innerspring mattresses, except crib size Foundations Box springs Other foundations, including foam, spring cushions, and hospital bedsprings Convertible sofas Made from purchased mattresses, including interplant transfers Made from mattresses produced at the same establishment Secondary products Wood household furniture, upholstered Other secondary products 127.1 138.7 137.7 141.5 137.1 135.6 133.3 129.9 129.1 134.2 126.0 129.1 132.8 127.9 133.3 134.7 129.1 128.2 132.2 113.2 128.9 128.0 129.4 2512 Metal household furniture Primary products Metal household dining, dinette and breakfast furniture Tubular metal sets (tables and chairs) Tubular metal tables (not sold with a set) Tubular metal chairs (not sold in a set) Other metal dining, dinette, and breakfast furniture Metal porch, lawn, outdoor and casual furniture Tubular aluminum Chairs, rockers, benches, chaise lounges and settees Other porch, lawn, outdoor and casual furniture Other porch, lawn, outdoor, and casual furniture, inc. picnic tables Other metal household furniture Folding cots, reliable cots, army cots, and other metal beds .... Metal bed frames Upholstered metal household furniture Medicine cabinets Other metal household furniture Secondary products 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 2512-P 2512-1 2512-112 2512-11232 2512-11233 2512-11234 2512-11235 2512-11236 2512-11237 2512-132 2512-13241 2512-13242 2512-13243 2512-13244 2512-13245 2512-145 2512-154 Upholstered wood household furniture Primary products Upholstered wood household furniture Sofas, davenports, settees, and loveseats Chiefly cotton Chiefly rayon Chiefly olefin Chiefly nylon Chiefly polyester Other fibers and blends Chairs, except reclining and rockers Coated fabric, including vinyl Chiefly cotton Chiefly rayon Chiefly olefin Other fibers and blends Rockers, including swivel Reclining chairs Other upholstered wood household furniture ( ottomans, hassocks, etc) Secondary products 2515 See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 36 ft ft ft 2.3 1.6 1.5 1.7 ft (3) (3) (3) (3) ft (3) ft (3) 0 -2.0 0 0 -1.1 -12.0 0 1.8 .2 -.8 4.8 0 17.8 -12.0 .9 1.8 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft (3) .5 .5 1.2 1.1 2.8 .1 -.1 -.3 .7 .7 1.1 .9 2.6 .2 .4 .3 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.8 7.0 -2.1 .9 .7 2.8 2.9 2.7 2.9 10.2 -2.1 3.4 4.1 .9 0 0 0 1.3 0 1.0 .3 .1 .5 1.5 .1 (3) 1.7 .4 0 1.0 1.3 -1.5 3 () -.5 3.8 3.5 4.3 3.1 1.0 (3) ft ft ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.6 2.8 4.1 4.2 2.0 (3) 2.9 2.1 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.2 1.5 2.4 (3) 5.2 3.2 2.4 (3) 5.7 5.2 4.8 1.9 5.2 6.0 3.9 1.6 .8 2.8 .7 -.5 1.3 0 1.2 2.1 2.2 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.8 101.0 100.1 100.0 100.9 101.2 100.1 100.0 100.0 .1 .1 0 0 .6 .8 0 0 2531-198 12/84 100.0 100.1 100.1 2531-2 2531-239 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.4 100.1 100.9 101.0 100.6 101.6 100.1 101.1 101.2 100.8 .2 0 .2 .2 .1 1.1 0 1.0 1.2 .4 2531-25 2531-251 2531-261 2531-298 2531-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.9 100.0 101.0 100.2 99.8 101.9 100.0 102.7 100.2 0 0 1.7 0 0 12/84 100.0 101.4 101.7 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 03/84 12/83 103.4 103.8 100.6 101.4 100.0 112.6 105.6 106.1 100.6 101.4 (3) 113.2 106.0 106.5 100.6 101.4 100.0 113.2 12/83 101.0 104.3 104.9 12/83 101.1 101.7 101.7 254 2541 Metal partitions and fixtures Primary products Metal partitions prefabricated, assembled, or knocked down Movable, except free standing Metal shelving and lockers Metal shelving Commercial shelving (factories, stores, etc.) Other shelving Metal lockers Metal storage racks and accessories Portable metal stacking racks and frames Other metal racks, including conventional pallet racks and accessories Metal fixtures for stores, banks, offices, and miscellaneous fixtures Store fixtures (retail), except for food stores Custom fixtures Manufacturers' standard fixtures Cabinets (floor or wall types) Other metal fixtures, including clothing racks end miscellaneous display fixtures Secondary products 137.1 136.9 134.2 132.7 139.9 (3) 140.0 136.8 135.0 125.8 150.4 128.3 138.6 124.9 136.8 148.1 139.1 2531-P 2531-' 2531-136 2531-137 Wood partitions and fixtures Primary products Wood partitions, shelving, and lockers Partitions (prefabricated, assembled, and knocked down) Shelving Plastic laminated fixture tops Wood fixtures for stores, banks, and offices, and other wood fixtures Custom store fixtures (retail), except food stores Other fixtures and displays Manufacturers' standard store fixtures (retail), except food stores Other fixtures and displays Cabinets (floor or wall types) Counters and bank fixtures Counters, except bank counters Bank fixtures, including bank counters Other wood fixtures, including miscellaneous display fixtures .... Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products 136.1 136.0 134.1 132.7 138.5 (3) 138.2 135.6 135.5 125.5 148.2 125.5 137.3 124.9 134.7 146.9 135.2 2531 Partitions, shelving, lockers, and office and store fixtures 134.9 134.6 131.2 130.3 137.7 139.6 136.9 134.7 132.3 (3) 146.3 127.9 136,5 124.9 134.7 144.9 137.2 2522 Public building and related furniture Primary products School furniture, except stone, concrete, and library furniture Chairs, all purpose (nonfolding) Storage cabinets Other school furniture designed specifically for use in schools Public building and related furniture, except school and restaurant Seats for public conveyances Church furniture Church pews Other church furniture (pulpits, altars, etc.) Chairs and seats, excluding seats for public conveyances and stadiums Fixed Stadium and bleacher seating, including grandstands Other public building furniture Secondary products 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 0.8 .7 .1 0 1.0 (3) 1.4 .9 -.3 .3 2522-411 2522-421 2522-498 2522-S Metal office furniture Primary products Seating All other chairs, except stacking Desks Executive desks Clerical and secretarial desks Cabinets and cases Letter file cabinets Legal file cabinets Other vertical file cabinets Horizontal file cabinets Other metal office furniture Tables and stands Modular units Miscellaneous metal office furniture Secondary products 2542 2522-P 2522-1 2522-115 2522-2 2522-221 2522-231 2522-3 2522-311 2522-314 2522-316 2522-317 2522-4 2531-211 2531-23 2531-231 2541-P 2541-1 2541-111 2541-121 2541-2 2541-3 2541-33A 2541-334 1.5 2.2 .9 0 106.4 106.4 (3) 107.8 93.3 113.6 100.4 102.6 (3) 104.3 0 0 (3) 5.8 2542-117 2542-2 2542-23 2542-233 2542-239 2542-251 2542-3 2542-345 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.2 104.0 100.9 100.1 103.0 102.5 100.5 106.0 104.8 106.4 105.0 104.6 103.2 105.2 103.9 103.3 100.9 109.9 105.9 106.8 105.6 105.2 104.8 106.1 105.2 106.0 105.6 102.6 109.9 107.5 104.0 105.6 .2 .2 2.9 0 2.1 2.2 1.6 0 1.5 -2.6 .0 2542-349 12/83 103.1 108.0 104.1 2542-4 2542-46A 103.7 107.2 107.5 107.0 2542-471 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.9 107.6 108.2 107.0 101.7 2542-498 2542-S 12/83 12/83 98.1 104.0 98.6 106.6 2542-463 2542-465 37 3.6 4.1 2.0 () ft ft () ft (3) () ft ft 3 () ft .1 -.2 3.7 (3) 101.9 93.3 105.3 100.0 101.0 (3) 103.8 2542-P 2542-1 3.4 1.3 3.0 0 2.7 2.6 0 0 0 7.9 .4 1.5 .5 4.4 4.4 6.7 0 9.2 .4 1.5 2.6 2.5 .6 .6 106.4 106.4 2541-341 2541-36 2541-361 2541-362 2541-398 2541-M 2541-XY9 2541-S ft 1.9 101.9 101.9 100.3 100.2 93.3 103.1 100.0 101.0 102.9 100.9 2541-337 .6 2.0 3 () 2.8 1.2 2.0 1.5 2.5 2.5 0 0 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 01/84 01/84 12/83 2541-33B See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 3.8 3.6 .8 4.4 4.4 (3) 8.1 0 11.2 .4 2.6 (3) 4.3 1.4 1.1 5.3 5.4 2.7 2.7 1.6 3.8 2.6 -1.1 2.5 2.3 6.2 5.4 2.9 3.0 2.0 3.8 2.6 1.3 3.9 3.4 -3.6 1.9 1.8 3.1 103.9 107.9 108.8 107.0 101.7 0 .3 .5 0 0 .4 .6 1.2 0 1.5 1.7 3.5 0 2.3 4.0 4.6 3.4 98.0 106.8 -.6 .2 1.2 2.7 -.1 4.2 -2.0 5.3 3.8 3.4 2.6 3.6 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Drapery hardware and blinds and shades Primary products Window shades and accessories '. Window shades Plastic window shades Other window shades including cloth and paper Venetian blinds Complete Venetian blinds, vertical and horizontal Aluminum slat blinds Other shades and blinds n.e.c, curtain and drapery rods, poles and other hardware Other shades and blinds, except canvas and other textile fabrics Curtain and drapery rods, poles, and fixtures fabricated at plant Carbon steel and all other materials Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 2591 Paper and allied products Pulp mills Primary products Special alpha and dissolving woodpulp Other pulp, including pulpmill byproducts, except tall oil Woodpulp Sulfite woodpulp Sulfate woodpulp Bleached sulfate woodpulp Bleached sulfate woodpulp, softwood Bleached sulfate woodpulp, hardwood Groundwood pulp Stone groundwood and refiner woodpulp Pulp, other than woodpulp, and misc. pulpmill products, n.e.c. Other pulp Paper mill products except building paper Primary products Tissue paper stock and other machine creped paper stock Sanitary paper stock Napkin stock Tissue paper stock, excluding sanitary and thin Newsprint Groundwood paper, uncoated Publication and printing Body stock for coating and other converting and miscellaneous groundwood paper Clay coated printing and converting paper Coated one side, except prime-coated body stock for further coating Coated two sides, except prime-coated body stock for further coating No. 3 grade No. 5 grade Other grades Book paper, uncoated free sheet Writing, chemical woodpulp Unwatermarked bond, No. 4 grade Other bond, except form bond Form bond, 15 pound Other form bond Other chemical woodpulp writing paper Publication and printing Offset Other book printing Body stock for coating, for shipment to establishments withoul papermaking equipment Cover text Cotton fiber paper and thin paper Writing, cotton fiber including cotton fiber index Thin paper Packaging and industrial converting paper, unbleached kraft Shipping sack Bag ard sack, other than shipping sack Other converting, 18 pounds and over Packaging and industrial converting paper, except unbleached kraft Wrapping Shipping sack, including combination kraft and rope bleached and semibleached Bag and sack, other than shipping sack Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2591-P 2591-3 2591-3A 2591-311 2591-313 2591-4 2591-4A 2591-452 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 101.8 101.8 100.3 100.3 100.0 100.8 99.9 99.9 99.8 102.8 102.8 100.0 100.0 99.5 100.6 99.9 99.9 99.8 101.8 101.6 94.8 94.8 91.7 99.0 99.8 100.2 100.2 -0.9 -1.2 -5.2 -5.2 -7.9 -1.5 -.1 .4 .4 -0.9 -1.2 -5.4 -5.4 -8.3 -1.6 -.1 .4 .4 0.3 -.1 -5.3 -5.3 -8.3 -1.3 -.2 .2 .2 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2591-5 06/84 102.9 104.7 104.8 .1 .1 2.0 ft 2591-511 06/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 ft 2591-517 2591-51711 2591-M 2591-Z89 2591-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 103.8 105.6 100.7 100.8 104.4 106.3 109.2 100.7 100.8 104.8 106.4 109.3 104.8 105.3 101.3 .1 .1 4.1 4.5 -3.4 .2 .3 4.1 4.5 -3.0 2.6 3.7 4.5 5.0 1.2 ft ft ft ft ft 26 12/84 100.0 100.0 99.2 -.7 -.8 ft ft 2611 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 111.0 112.2 101.7 117.4 116.6 103.7 102.8 101.4 103.5 101.6 100.9 99.7 101.4 98.9 97.2 -2.7 -3.0 0 -4.4 -4.4 -7.7 -9.5 -.2 -13.6 -14.0 -12.4 -14.9 .1 -21.0 -22.0 -9.5 -12.5 .1 -17.8 -18.8 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 117.9 116.6 121.2 124.1 124.1 124.9 (3) 103.2 101.6 107.3 124.4 124.4 119.8 (3) 98.3 95.5 105.3 124.4 124.4 114.2 (3) -4.8 -6.0 -1.9 0 0 -4.7 3 () -14.0 -14.5 -12.7 -.3 -.3 -10.5 -21.8 -23.1 -18.6 -.4 -.4 -12.4 -18.9 -20.7 -14.5 .5 .5 -9.4 ft ft ft -.8 -1.2 1.0 1.0 .5 .2 -1.3 -.5 -.6 -1.3 -1.3 -.1 -.1 4.3 .7 0 .7 .7 .3 .6 3.0 3.0 .5 2.2 5.7 3.3 3.8 2611-P 2611-1 2611-2 2611-21 2611-211 2611-213 2611-2133 2611-21331 2611-21335 2611-216 2611-21664 2611-28 2611-285 2621-P 2621-A 2621-A1 2621-A51 2621-A81 2621-1 2621-2 2621-211 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 110.6 111.0 111.6 111.5 100.6 113.6 110.4 108.3 107.7 109.7 110.1 112.1 112.0 100.6 113.9 110.1 108.5 108.0 109.6 110.1 112.2 112.1 101.0 113.8 110.2 108.6 108.1 -.1 -.1 .1 .1 .3 -.1 .1 .1 .1 2621-231 2621-3 06/81 06/81 111.5 120.2 111.5 124.0 111.5 123.8 0 -.2 0 .2 .5 4.0 .5 7.3 2621-311 06/81 120.6 122.9 121.9 -.9 1.5 1.3 2.3 2621-331 2621-33111 2621-33121 2621-33131 2621-4 2621-421 2621-42111 2621-42133 2621-42155 2621-42166 2621-42177 2621-441 2621-44122 2621-44133 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/8 06/8 119.6 122.1 117.5 119.7 106.1 104.6 106.2 108.3 106.8 107.6 101.6 106.7 105.1 108.2 123.6 122.6 123.6 123.8 100.2 97.3 105.1 108.3 93.5 93.5 93.9 102.4 102.6 102.2 123.5 122.6 123.6 123.7 100.0 96.9 103.6 108.3 93.5 93.5 93.0 102.5 102.7 102.2 -.1 0 0 -.1 -.2 -.4 -1.4 0 0 0 -.9 0 .1 0 0 .2 0 0 -4.4 -6.8 -1.6 0 -12.5 -13.1 -4.9 -1.0 -2.0 0 4.5 4.4 5.2 4.4 -6.9 -8.7 -2.3 -1.0 -12.5 -14.5 -13.3 -4.9 -4.3 -5.6 7.6 5.1 13.5 6.4 -7.0 -9.1 -2.2 -1.7 -12.5 -16.4 -13.5 -4.9 -5.8 -4.1 2621-451 2621-465 2621-6 2621-611 2621-671 2621-7 2621-731 2621-751 2621-761 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 104.0 118.7 115.4 121.1 112.9 105.3 103.8 101.8 107.0 104.0 118.7 117.5 121.1 115.8 104.0 103.8 100.0 104.8 104.0 118.7 117.5 121.1 115.8 104.0 103.8 100.0 104.9 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 -.9 0 -1.7 -.8 -1.6 0 1.7 0 2.6 -2.0 -3.4 -1.7 -1.9 -1.3 1.4 1.8 2.5 1.5 -2.0 -6.0 -1.1 -.2 2621-8 2621-811 06/8 06/8 111.2 111.3 111.3 111.9 111.3 111.9 0 0 -.2 0 -.1 .5 2.1 -.2 2621-831 2621-851 08/8 06/8 120.0 109.2 125.3 109.2 (3) 109.2 ft ft 2621 See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 38 (3) ft (3) 0 0 0 2.9 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Paper mill products except building paper—Continued Other converting, 18 pounds and over Glassine, greaseproof, and vegetable parchment. Special industrial paper Secondary products Pulp mills Other secondary products Sanitary paper products Paperboard mills Primary products Unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paperboard Unbleached linerboard 42 Ib. kraft linerboard Other unbleached linerboard Other unbleached kraft packaging and industrial converting paperboard Bleached packaging and industrial converting paperboard Linerboard Folding carton-type board Heavyweight cup and round nested food container board Other solid bleached board Semichemical paperboard Corrugating medium Recycled paperboard Linerboard (<80% virgin fiber) Corrugating medium ( < 7 5 % virgin fiber) Container chip and filler board Folding carton: white-lined Folding carton: clay-coated Tube, can and drum paperboard Other recycled paperboard Secondary products Converted paper and paperboard products, except containers and boxes Product code Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 0 0 -.6 -1.1 0 0 -0.6 0 -.8 .7 -11.3 0 2.2 -1.9 0 -4.2 -5.3 -14.9 -2.1 4.5 2.5 1.1 -2.3 -5.2 -10.3 -5.1 5.4 -2.3 -1.6 -2.8 -3.2 -2.1 -3.8 -4.1 -3.3 -5.0 -5.6 -4.4 -6.4 .9 2.3 3.1 2.4 3.9 1.5 .8 1.2 -.6 0 9.8 2.1 6.1 1.1 1.2 4.1 2621-861 2621-881 2621-9 2621-S 2611-S 2621-SSS 2647-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 106.0 115.2 108.7 100.1 87.6 85.9 103.7 104.6 78.1 85.9 108.2 104.6 115.2 107.8 96.3 77.2 85.9 108.2 2631-P 2631-1 2631-111 2631-11101 2631-11102 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 119.9 119.7 128.1 129.4 131.4 128.2 116.4 116.6 123.2 123.7 125.5 122.7 115.7 116.0 122.1 122.6 125.0 121.2 -.6 -.5 -.8 -.9 -.4 -1.2 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 117.0 109.0 114.7 109.3 106.8 115.2 118.4 108.7 114.7 106.6 (3) 115.4 118.0 108.7 114.7 106.7 106.8 115.4 -.4 0 0 .1 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 128.7 111.4 125.1 132.5 114.5 107.9 100.1 113.3 105.1 120.7 121.5 110.3 118.8 130.3 111.2 107.9 98.6 113.3 105.6 115.6 120.9 109.9 113.3 129.2 111.6 107.9 98.6 113.3 105.6 114.3 12/84 100.0 100.5 100.1 2641-P 12/82 12/82 107.8 105.4 108.2 105.7 108.0 105.8 -.1 .1 .4 .6 .2 .5 2641-1 2641-113 12/82 12/82 107.8 108.2 107.6 108.0 107.6 108.0 0 0 -.1 -.1 .1 -.1 2641-153 2641-2 2641-211 2641-216 2641-216B 2641-21632 2641-3 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.1 103.5 107.5 103.2 107.1 103.5 107.5 103.2 107.1 103.4 107.5 103.2 0 -.1 0 -.1 0 -.1 0 -.1 .4 .2 0 .2 .8 2.2 0 2.4 12/82 12/82 101.7 103.8 101.7 105.2 101.6 104.4 -.1 -.7 -.1 1.2 .2 .8 2.0 2.7 2641-312 2641-331 2641-4 2641-411 2641-41113 2641-41153 2641-461 2641-475 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 101.3 104.1 106.6 103.1 107.8 101.9 116.3 122.8 103.1 103.6 104.1 106.7 102.7 106.5 102.8 (3) 122.8 102.3 104.1 106.8 102.8 106.5 103.6 117.0 122.8 103.7 -1.3 0 0 .1 -.1 .8 1.9 0 .3 .2 .1 1.5 -3.4 0 .6 1.3 0 .3 0 -.5 12/82 102.3 102.5 103.4 .8 12/82 107.2 108.1 107.8 -.2 12/82 109.0 2641-821 2641-898 2641-S 12/82 12/82 104.7 116.3 2642-P 2642-1 12/84 12/84 12/84 2643-P 2643-1 2643-113 2643-1131 2643-11311 2643-1132 2631 2631-121 2631-2 2631-211 2631-241 2631-262 2631-284 2631-3 2631-321 2631-4 2631-411 2631-421 2631-431 2631-445 2631-446 2631-481 2631-487 2631-S 264 Paper coating and glazing Primary products Printing paper coated at establishments other than where paper was produced Coated one side (for labels and similar uses) Coated two sides (for printing of magazines, directories, catalogs, and similar uses) Oiled, waxed, and wax-laminated paper, plain or printed Oiled and similarly treated paper Waxed and wax-laminated paper for packaging uses Food products Single web Gummed products Gummed sealing tape, paper base and reinforced base, used for sealing and securing Gummed flat paper, including stock labels, unprinted Pressure sensitive (self adhesive) products, including tape Single faced tape Paper backing, excluding electrical Reinforced and laminated tape, all backings Double faced tape Pressure sensitive labels, unprinted Pressure sensitive base stock for other than labels Laminated or coated rolls and sheets, for packaging uses, except waxed Other coated and processed paper, except for packaging uses and except waxed Special coated paper (mica, pyroxylin, lacquer, metallic, etc.) other than foil Other coated and processed paper, including soap impregnated paper and plastic coated paper Secondary products 2641 Envelopes Primary products Envelopes, all types . 2642 Bags, except textile bags Primary products Grocers' and variety bags (paper) and wardrobe, shopping, and other bags Grocers' bags and sacks, paper Grocers' sacks, paper 1 /6 barrel Grocers' bags, paper 2643 115.2 107.8 96.9 t3) 0 -.5 -.4 -4.6 -.9 .3 0 0 0 0 -1.1 -.1 0 -1.9 0 .1 -2.8 0 .1 -.9 -1.0 -5.5 -1.7 -3.0 0 -5.5 -1.3 -9.2 -2.3 -2.9 0 2.0 1.4 -2.3 -1.7 0 .5 -5.4 -1.7 0 .5 -8.2 -.2 0 .5 -5.7 4.8 -1.2 ft ft -.3 1.2 1.4 -1.0 2.8 1.7 1.2 2.1 .1 1.8 1.3 (3) 12.9 1.5 2641-485 2641-7 39 1.5 1.0 1.0 .5 .6 1.4 111.7 1.9 2.2 4.5 105.2 116.9 105.2 116.3 .5 0 .5 1.6 5.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 -.3 -.3 -.3 12/83 12/83 109.1 110.2 109.2 110.4 109.1 110.4 -.2 0 .3 .5 2.2 2.6 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 134.1 143.4 125.1 185.5 191.2 133.6 142.7 124.7 183.6 189.5 133.1 142.1 124.4 181.9 188.0 -.5 -.8 -.3 -1.1 -1.1 -1.3 -.6 -2.3 -2.5 3.4 3.7 5.1 0 1.3 2641-8 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 -1.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Bags, except textile bags—Continued Greater than 5 Ib. but less than 13 Ib 13 Ib. or greater Variety bags (merchandize), paper Shopping bags, all materials Other paper bags, n.e.c. (mothproof, etc.), excluding specialty bags Polyethylene combinations, including polyethylene and foil combinations Polyethylene combinations, including polyethylene and foil combinations Polyethylene combined with other films by lamination or coating Unsupported film Polyethylene Resale household bags, all materials (garbage, lunch, sandwich, etc.) Film Shipping sacks and multiwall bags, all materials, except textile Single and double wall Multiwall (three or more plies) Secondary products Other secondary products Miscellaneous plastics products Die-cut paper and board Primary products Die-cut office supplies and miscellaneous products Index cards Expanding file folders, including wallets Other file folders, including hanging folders Other die-cut products Pasted, lined, laminated or surface coated paperboard Pasted, lined, laminated or surface coated paperboard . Miscellaneous receipts Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 -0.8 -.8 .3 0 -1.9 -3.1 -1.1 .5 .1 -1.7 1.1 1.5 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 191.4 191.0 104.1 101.6 188.7 190.4 104.4 101.7 187.2 188.9 104.7 101.7 2643-198 12/83 107.1 107.1 107.1 2643-2 12/83 99.0 100.0 100.2 2643-23 2643-2C 2643-261 12/83 12/83 12/83 106.5 102.7 102.6 118.9 102.5 102.4 118.9 102.1 102.0 0 -.4 -.4 2643-29 2643-295 2643-3 2643-311 2643-351 2643-S 2643-SSS 3079-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 96.6 96.0 107.6 104.6 108.1 102.3 104.3 103.4 90.8 89.7 107.0 102.7 107.8 102.3 104.3 103.2 88.7 87.5 107.1 102.7 107.9 101.0 104.3 102.8 2645-P 2645-1 2645-111 2645-112 2645-114 2645-199 2645-2 2645-211 2645-M 2645-Z89 2645-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.8 100.7 101.4 101.2 102.8 101.4 101.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.5 2647-P 2647-1 2647-151 2647-2 2647-22 2647-221 2647-221A 2647-22101 2647-22103 2647-23 2647-27 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 105.0 103.5 97.5 106.7 104.7 103.4 104.3 102.7 111.5 108.1 100.5 108.8 2647-287 06/83 2647-298 2647-S 2647-SSS -.4 .1 ft 1.3 1.6 2.9 1.4 -.8 -.8 13.1 -1.2 -1.3 13.2 -.1 -.1 -2.2 -2.4 .1 0 -3.2 -3.5 -.4 -1.9 -12.6 .1 -1.2 0 -.4 -.2 -1.6 0 -1.2 -10.6 -11.6 .5 -1.9 .9 -1.2 0 -.2 100.9 100.8 101.6 102.4 102.8 101.5 101.7 100.0 (3) 100.0 100.0 101.7 .1 .1 .1 1.1 0 0 0 0 (3) 0 0 .2 .1 -.1 -.2 1.1 0 -.1 -.9 (3) 104.4 104.2 100.5 109.8 105.0 104.6 104.2 102.6 111.5 108.1 100.4 109.4 104.6 104.4 101.6 113.0 105.0 103.9 102.8 100.6 112.8 108.1 100.4 109.6 .2 .2 1.2 .3 .6 4.3 5.9 0 .3 106.7 106.7 106.7 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.5 121.2 122.4 106.1 118.2 119.1 105.1 119.1 120.1 -1.0 .8 .8 12/84 100.0 101.3 99.7 -1.6 2651-P 2651-1 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.1 103.9 103.9 104.8 104.5 104.5 105.3 105.0 105.0 .5 .4 .4 .9 .6 .6 1.6 1.4 1.4 2.6 2.0 2.0 2651-114 2651-121 2651-1211 2651-12112 2651-131 2651-151 2651-161 2651-171 2651-17101 2651-17102 2651-181 2651-198 2651-S 2651-SSS 2654-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.8 106.2 104.5 106.6 97.2 104.8 104.1 100.2 100.0 100.3 104.0 106.6 105.6 107.3 104.7 104.9 106.3 104.4 106.5 96.8 103.9 103.8 100.8 100.4 101.0 105.3 107.7 106.6 107.3 106.2 105.4 106.3 104.4 106.5 97.4 105.6 104.7 100.8 100.4 101.0 105.3 108.3 107.5 107.7 107.4 .5 0 0 0 .6 1.7 .9 .0 0 0 0 .6 .9 .4 1.1 1.7 0 0 0 2.6 .1 -.1 -.1 .2 .4 3.7 .1 -.1 -.1 1.6 2.4 .4 3.5 1.3 1.8 1.9 2.7 1.3 3.5 2652-P 2652-1 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.0 102.8 102.8 103.0 102.8 102.8 103.3 103.2 103.2 .3 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .4 .4 .4 2643-2B 2645 2647 Paperboard containers and boxes... Folding paperboard boxes Primary products Folding paperboard boxes (classified by end use) Dry food and produce, incl. pet and animal food (excl. trays and boards for retail pkg.) Bottled and canned beverages Bottled beverages Alcoholic beverages Soaps and detergents Hardware and household supplies Candy Cosmetics and medicinal products Cosmetics Medicinal products Paper goods or products, including book mailers All other end uses, n.e.c Secondary products Other secondary products Sanitary food containers 2651 Setup paperboard boxes Primary products Setup paperboard boxes (classified by end use) . 2652 See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 2643-11322 2643-11323 2643-115 2643-151 Secondary products... Sanitary paper products Primary products Sanitary napkins and tampons Tampons Sanitary tissue health products Table napkins, including plain creped, and facial tissue Industrial (bulk and dispenser type) Regular type, single ply Bulk Facial tissue type, 2 ply or more Toilet tissue Towels (rolled, folded, or interfolded) Disposable diapers, except diaper liners and adult diapers, paper Other sanitary health products, incl. toilet seat covers, bibs, headrests, tray covers, etc Secondary products Other secondary products Product code 40 2.9 0 -.7 -1.4 -2.0 1.2 0 0 .2 ft 3 () ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .9 -.9 1.2 -.8 2.9 -.3 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1.7 -1.8 -2.6 1.2 0 -.3 -.1 -13.8 .5 1.7 4.3 5.9 1.2 1.3 .2 -.8 1.2 2.7 -.1 3.8 4.0 4.1 ft ft 4.0 1.9 1.4 .9 8.3 2.5 -.3 8.0 6.7 -.9 .7 .9 .6 .4 .6 -.3 1.1 -.6 -1.0 3.0 14.9 16.2 ft 8.6 9.6 ft 1.5 .9 .1 ft 4.8 2.6 .8 .4 .9 ft 1.5 6.3 5.9 6.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Setup paperboard boxes—Continued Textiles, wearing apparel, and hosiery Department stores and other retail stores Confections Cosmetics, including soap Stationery and office supplies All other end uses, n.e.c Secondary products Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 f3) -0.8 1.3 .2 2.4 .7 0 f3) -0.8 3.5 .2 2.4 1.1 4.6 1.0 2652-121 2652-131 2652-141 2652-151 2652-161 2652-198 2652-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.6 104.2 105.2 100.2 103.4 101.6 104.6 103.4 105.5 100.4 103.9 101.7 104.6 103.4 106.5 100.4 103.9 102.4 104.6 0 1.0 0 0 .6 0 0 1.0 .2 1.9 .7 0 2653-P 2653-1 2653-112 2653-113 2653-115 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 123.3 123.6 123.4 125.5 123.8 120.5 123.3 123.5 123.3 124.6 126.9 119.6 122.3 122.5 122.2 124.7 124.2 118.7 -.9 -.9 .1 -2.1 -.8 .7 .7 .8 1.1 5.9 -1.5 1.5 2.5 -1.3 8.1 7.9 8.1 9.7 12.7 2.7 2653-116 2653-118 2653-119 2653-3 2653-4 2653-S 03/80 .03/80 1)3/80 03/80 03/80 09/84 126.8 115.4 123.0 125.6 134.2 126.8 115.4 122.4 125.3 135.5 126.1 114.1 120.8 123.7 135.5 -.5 -1.2 -1.3 -1.3 0 -.5 -1.2 -.2 -1.5 1.1 -.6 -1.2 .8 -1.1 2.1 3.4 2.3 8.6 4.6 9.5 Corrugated and solid fiber boxes Primary products Corrugated shipping containers For foods and beverages For paper and allied products For glass, clay, and stone products For metal products and machinery, equipment and supplies, except electrical For electrical machinery, equipment, supplies and appliances For all other uses not specified above Corrugated paperboard in sheets and rolls, lined and unlined ... Corrugated and solid fiber pallets, pads, and partitions Secondary products 2653 Printing, publishing, and allied industries 27 12/84 100.0 103.0 102.9 Newspaper publishing Primary products Circulation Subscriptions Through intermediary Direct to reader Single copy sales Through intermediary Direct to reader Advertising Classified advertising Commercial advertising National advertising Other advertising Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other, except preprinted newspaper inserts 2711 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 156.6 157.9 145.1 152.9 153.6 148.6 129.1 140.7 119.2 161.9 170.6 159.1 183.4 155.9 118.0 143.3 131.4 131.4 162.8 164.4 148.1 157.0 157.6 153.2 129.8 142.4 (3) 169.5 179.6 166.2 196.5 162.2 118.0 143.3 131.4 131.4 163.5 165.1 148.9 157.3 157.9 153.2 131.9 147.1 119.2 170.1 179.8 167.0 199.1 162.7 118.0 (3) 131.4 131.4 .4 .4 .6 .1 .2 0 1.6 3.3 (3) .4 .1 .5 1.3 .3 0 (3) 0 0 1.2 1.2 2.3 2.4 1.6 8.6 2.2 4.5 0 .9 1.6 .6 2.5 .3 .1 (3) 0 0 5.6 5.9 2.9 3.2 3.2 3.1 2.2 4.5 0 6.7 9.5 5.8 9.2 5.2 0 (•) 0 0 7.1 7.4 5.6 6.3 5.4 14.3 4.0 8.5 0 7.8 9.0 7.4 10.0 7.0 -.2 Periodical publishing Primary products Advertising Farm periodicals General farm periodicals Business periodicals Industrial periodicals Merchandising periodicals Professional periodicals General periodicals Women's periodicals General interest periodicals General news periodicals Other periodicals Religious periodicals Other periodicals, n.e.c Circulation General farm periodicals Business periodicals Industrial periodicals Professional periodicals General periodicals Women's periodicals Subscriptions Single copy sales General interest periodicals Subscriptions Single copy sales Genera! news periodicals Subscriptions Other periodicals Religious periodicals Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Other secondary products Book publishing 2721 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 02/80 12/79 12/79 12/79 150.0 152.8 156.6 141.1 135.2 149.8 147.2 154.2 149.5 161.0 156.3 163.5 160.6 127.2 123.5 131.5 148.6 180.9 152.6 143.5 156.7 148.5 145.3 137.3 153.9 154.2 162.8 142.0 155.3 158.8 165.8 150.0 139.9 153.8 153.3 155.9 151.4 173.1 168.5 176.3 170.5 127.8 123.5 132.9 150.7 180.9 154.8 (3) 160.5 150.8 142.0 133.0 151.5 156.5 166.8 142.0 155.4 159.0 165.7 150.0 139.9 153.9 153.8 155.9 151.0 172.8 167.8 176.2 170.5 127.8 .1 .1 -.1 0 0 .1 .3 0 -.3 -.1 -.4 0 0 0 1.7 1.9 2.9 .4 .7 2.5 4.3 0 1.6 3.2 7.2 .9 2.4 0 3.8 4.3 6.0 6.3 3.4 3.4 4.9 2.2 1.4 7.3 7.2 7.8 6.1 .5 6.5 7.1 8.5 6.6 4.0 6.0 7.7 4.2 4.4 9.9 10.4 11.1 6.1 .1 151.2 180.9 154.3 (3) 159.7 151.6 145.3 137.3 153.9 156.4 166.6 142.0 .3 0 -.3 (3) -.5 .5 2.3 3.2 1.5 -.1 -.1 0 .6 9.9 -.3 (3) -.5 .8 2.3 (3) 1.5 .4 .7 0 2.2 0 1.1 (3) 1.9 2.7 2.3 3.2 1.5 1.5 2.3 .2 5.4 9.9 3.6 (3) 6.3 6.1 2.3 3.2 1.5 6.9 7.7 5.7 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 135.4 148.8 116.8 120.9 137.3 184.4 129.5 135.7 149.5 116.8 120.9 138.5 193.6 129.8 145.3 135.6 149.4 116.8 120.9 138.5 193.6 129.8 -.1 -.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .3 0 0 .5 3.6 0 8.4 .2 .4 0 0 .8 5.0 .2 9.6 2.3 4.6 2.3 2.3 2.2 6.1 1.6 Books 273 12/84 100.0 100.9 101.0 2711-P 2711-6 2711-61 2711-611 2711-612 2711-62 2711-621 2711-622 2711-7 2711-71 2711-72 2711-721 2711-722 2711-M 2711-Z89 2711-S 2711-SSS 2721-P 2721-A 2721-2 2721-211 2721-4 2721-411 2721-413 2721-415 2721-6 2721-643 2721-653 2721-663 2721-73 2721-733 2721-737 2721-C 2721-112 2721-3 2721-307 2721-317 2721-5 2721-54 2721-543 2721-545 2721-55 2721-553 2721-555 2721-56 2721-563 2721-7A 2721-703 2721-M 2721-XY9 2721-S 2721-SSS 2731-S See footnotes at end of table. 41 O Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Industry and product1 ndustry code Book publishing Primary products Textbooks Elementary textbooks Hardbound Paperbound High school textbooks Hardbound College textbooks Hardbound Paperbound Workbooks Elementary workbooks Technical, scientific and professional books Medical books Hardbound Paperbound Business books Hardbound Other technical, scientific and professional books ... Hardbound General books Mass market books Adult trade books Hardbound Paperbound Juvenile books General reference books Subscription reference books Encyclopedias Secondary products 2731 Book printing Primary products Books, printing only, lithographic Technical, scientific, business and professional books, and college textbooks Books, printing and binding, lithographic Elementary and high school textbooks Paperbound College textbooks Hardbound Technical, scientific, business, and professional books Hardbound Paperbound General consumer and trade books Hardbound Paperbound All other books, n.e.c. including religious books, dictionaries, atlases, etc Hardbound Paperbound Books, printing only or printing and binding, other than lithographic Printing and binding All other printing processes, including gravure and screen .. Paperbound Pamphlets, workbooks, and tests, printing only or printing and binding Lithographic printing Workbooks and tests Printing and binding 2732 Miscellaneous publishing Primary products Catalogs and directories, publishing Directories Telephone Other, including business reference services Business service publications Other business service publications, looseleaf and hardbound Other miscellaneous publishing Shopping news Patterns, including clothing patterns Micropublishing in microform, including original and republished materials Other miscellaneous publications (almanacs, yearbooks, etc.) Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products 2741 Commercial printing . Product code 275 Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 2 Mar. 1985 2731-P 2731-1 2731-1A 2731-111 2731-112 2731-1B 2731-113 2731-1C 2731-115 2731-116 2731-12 2731-121 2731-3 2731-32 2731-325 2731-327 2731-33 2731-335 2731-34 2731-345 2731-5 2731-531 2731-54 2731-541 2731-543 2731-55 2731-7 2731-72 2731-721 2731-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 130.5 131.4 143.4 136.7 137.1 135.7 143.0 144.4 150.7 149.4 155.8 141.4 138.5 130.3 131.2 131.8 126.5 104.4 100.6 138.8 140.8 122.6 127.6 117.4 111.9 128.0 114.4 128.5 125.4 125.2 132.4 131.3 132.4 145.6 139.7 138.4 142.9 145.4 147.1 151.8 150.4 157.8 145.3 143.1 131.1 131.2 131.8 126.5 104.4 100.6 139.9 140.8 122.5 127.6 117.2 111.7 128.0 114.4 130.1 127.5 127.5 130.9 131.7 132.5 145.7 139.7 138.4 142.9 145.4 147.1 151.9 150.4 158.3 145.3 143.1 131.4 132.5 133.2 126.5 104.4 100.6 139.9 140.8 122.6 3 C) f) 117.4 111.9 128.0 114.4 130.1 127.5 127.5 135.8 . 1 . 3 -1 . 0 0 0 0 38 . 2732-P 2732-1 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.1 104.5 110.7 105.7 106.1 111.0 105.7 106.2 110.2 0 0 -7 . 2732-113 2732-2 2732-2A 2732-223 2732-2B 2732-225 2732-2C 2732-228 2732-229 2732-2D 2732-232 2732-234 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/63 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 107.3 104.4 102.4 104.5 109.1 107.7 103.6 103.3 103.9 103.9 107.7 98.3 (3) 106.4 108.1 115.3 112.5 113.0 105.5 103.4 107.3 106.7 110.9 100.6 107.3 106.1 108.1 115.3 110.8 110.4 105.2 103.4 106.9 106.3 110.2 100.6 (3) -3 . 0 0 -1.5 -2.3 -2 . 0 -4 . -4 . -6 . 0 2732-2F 2732-242 2732-244 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.1 104.3 103.3 104.1 (3) (3) 104.1 (3) 103.6 2732-8 2732-82 2732-823 2732-82355 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.4 107.8 110.5 105.0 108.7 112.2 2732-9 2732-91 2732-915 2732-91502 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.8 105.6 105.6 2741-P 2741-1 2741-11 2741-113 2741-115 2741-2 2741-215 2741-3 2741-321 2741-396 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 09/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 08/84 2741-397 2741-398 2741-M 2741-XY9 2741-S 03 . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 0 . 3 0 0 . 2 10 . 11 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Jan. 1985 07 . . 5 15 . 21 . . 9 3 () 16 . 19 . . 8 . 5 21 . 27 . 33 . . 4 10 . 11 . 0 0 0 . 8 0 . 1 (3) . 2 . 3 0 . 4 -2.1 -2.7 Oct. 1984 17 . 16 . 28 . 22 . 11 . 52 . 31 . 36 . 32 . 34 . 21 . 28 . 34 . 22 . 15 . 17 . 0 14 . 18 . 39 . 43 . . 1 3 C) 38 . . 2 . 3 0 . 4 14 . 19 . 19 . 48 . 12 . 12 . -7 . 18 . 19 . . 6 O O Apr. 1984 43 . 44 . 83 . 93 . 70 . 93 . 99 . 79 . 81 . 70 . 80 . 98 . 42 . 34 . 38 . 0 0 0 62 . 62 . 15 . 3 () 20 . . 3 50 . 36 . 15 . 15 . 15 . 54 . 34 . 34 . O ?) 42 14 . 37 . 3 () 12 . 19 . 16 . . 2 29 . 22 . 20 . 25 . -9 . 19 . 56 . 10.3 20 . 32 . 21 . 13 . 29 . 28 . 23 . 36 . 38 . 32 . 20 . 22 . 18 . . 7 25 . -2.0 0 (3) 3 () . 1 (3) . 3 . 1 (3) . 3 31 . (3) 36 . 105.0 108.6 112.0 0 -1 . -2 . . 4 . 7 14 . 18 . 49 . 46 . 34 . 64 . 75 . 102.4 107.3 107.6 104.6 114.0 115.0 22 . 62 . 69 . 19 . 55 . 61 . 29 . 86 . 95 . 31 . 91 . 10.1 101.7 101.8 100.2 100.2 (3) 100.2 101.5 102.5 103.4 112.5 (3) 102.9 103.0 100.4 100.5 (3) 100.9 103.6 106.2 104.5 112.5 (3) 103.7 103.4 100.5 100.6 (3) 101.1 103.7 106.5 105.4 116.5 (3) . 8 . 4 . 1 . 1 (3) . 2 . 2 . 3 . 9 35 . 3 () . 9 . 5 . 2 . 2 20 . 16 . . 3 . 3 3 () . 9 26 . 45 . 19 . 31 . 3 () (3) (3) 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.0 101.1 100.0 100.0 99.8 102.3 104.6 103.0 106.5 101.0 (3) 104.6 102.9 (3) 109.5 (3) . 0 -1 . 84 . (3) 20 . 29 . 3 () 97 . 12/84 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 100.0 101.7 102.2 . 5 14 . C O . 5 -2 . -4 . 13 . 20 . <> » ft 35 . 29 . 3 () 98 . (3) 33 . O <?) <» • (3) (3) ft 3 () 3 () 3 () O 3 () 3 () 3 () 3 () 3 () 3 () Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Commercial printing, letterpress Primary products Labels and printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes, letterpress Labels, custom and stock, printed, including bordered, made of paper or foil, excluding cloth Rolls, pressure sensitive, letterpress Flexographic pressure sensitive, flat and rolls Printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes Other letterpress, including flexographic, multiweb and single web Financial and legal printing, letterpress Bank printing, excluding checkbooks Advertising printing, letterpress Direct mail Other advertising printing Other general job printing, letterpress Ticket and coupon printing All other general commercial printing, letterpress, including flexographic, n.e.c Screen process printing, except textiles Decalcomanias and pressure sensitives, excluding labels Labels, excluding labels made of cloth Pressure sensitive, flat and rolls Display advertising posters Counter and floor displays, point of purchase, and other display material Printing on metal All other screen process printing, n.e.c Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Paper coating and glazing Other secondary products Commercial printing, lithographic 2751 Commercial printing, lithographic Primary products Magazine and periodical printing, lithographic Magazines and periodicals, excluding Sunday supplements, sheet-fed Magazines and periodicals, excluding Sunday supplements, web-fed Labels and printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes, lithographic Labels, custom and stock, printed, excluding cloth Flat, except pressure sensitive, sheet-fed Pressure sensitive, flat and rolls Catalog and directory printing, lithographic Catalogs, sheet-fed Catalogs, web-fed Telephone directories Other directories, including business reference services Financial and legal printing, lithographic Annual reports and other corporate financial printing Other financial and legal printing Bank printing, excluding checkbooks Bank form printing, excluding checkbooks Advertising printing, lithographic Direct mail, sheet-fed Direct mail, web-fed Display advertising posters Counter and floor displays, point of purchase, and other printed display material Preprinted newspaper inserts, sections of 2 pages or more Other advertising printing, sheet-fed Other advertising printing, web-fed Other general job printing, lithographic Scientific and technical recording charts and chart paper, excluding pen ruled Newspapers, web-fed Calendars and calendar pads Ticket, coupon, and food and beverage check printing Business forms, excluding blank books and looseleaf forms, sheet-fed All other general commercial printing, n.e.c, sheet-fed All other general commercial printing, n.e.c, web-fed Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Book printing 2752 Product code Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 1.3 1.7 2.6 2.7 3.5 3.0 5.9 5.2 2751 -P 06/82 06/82 109.4 107.9 111.0 109.1 112.5 111.0 2751-2 06/82 104.8 105.2 105.2 2751-2A 2751-218 2751-219 2751-2B 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 106.4 103.0 107.5 101.7 106.6 103.0 107.9 102.4 107.1 103.0 108.7 101.6 .4 0 .8 -.8 2751-243 2751-4 2751-425 2751-5 100.4 110.8 117.0 118.2 112.2 120.7 109.5 102.4 111.4 117.9 119.8 100.0 121.9 129.0 128.9 -2.3 9.4 9.4 7.6 111.9 2751-644 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 133.6 113.1 135.7 2751-698 2751-9 2751-911 06/82 06/82 06/82 108.4 108.7 111.1 113.5 110.8 111.7 112.6 110.9 111.7 -.8 .1 .1 2751-923 06/82 06/82 103.7 115.0 109.0 119.8 109.0 118.5 2751-925 2751-981 2751-998 2751-M 2751-XY9 2751-S 2641-S 2751-SSS 2752-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 108.7 109.9 114.9 105.7 107.7 122.1 116.4 118.2 117.0 109.1 112.3 116.1 107.6 112.2 126.6 116.4 119.0 120.9 110.0 111.8 116.0 101.5 91.7 126.4 118.5 119.0 120.4 -18.2 -.2 1.8 0 -.5 -16.9 2752-P 2752-1 06/82 06/82 06/82 108.4 108.8 108.9 110.7 111.2 111.2 110.8 111.3 112.0 .1 .1 .7 .9 .8 2752-112 06/82 109.3 111.8 111.6 -.2 2751-511 2751-598 2751-6 2751-912 2751-91217 1.8 .5 0 .9 .9 0 1.6 -.2 1.8 .6 2.8 2.0 -.4 10.0 3 () -.6 2.5 8.9 9.5 (3) 10.7 3.4 10.1 17.4 3.6 1.6 .5 3.9 2.1 5.6 3.3 2.4 0 -1.1 3.9 3.1 5.0 3.1 8.0 3.6 -.4 -.1 -5.7 1.2 1.7 -.1 -4.7 1.6 3.3 1.0 -4.0 -14.8 8.1 3.4 .8 2.8 2.3 2.0 .8 -7.3 -25.9 1.1 2.8 2.9 3.7 4.4 4.5 4.9 1.6 2.4 4.0 -.1 3.1 2.8 1.8 .5 1.7 5.8 15.4 13.1 4.1 3.6 8.5 2752-114 108.3 110.7 2752-2 2752-211 2752-21101 2752-21107 2752-3 2752-312 2752-314 2752-317 2752-319 2752-4 2752-413 2752-419 2752-425 2752-427 2752-5 2752-512 2752-514 2752-523 110.2 111.0 110.9 08/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 109.5 115.1 111.3 112.0 112.3 105.5 109.6 111.6 112.7 110.2 (3) 106.3 108.8 110.1 111.6 101.7 110.3 115.1 113.8 115.6 114.5 106.4 111.0 112.8 113.9 113.0 (3) 106.3 111.9 112.2 119.5 101.7 110.2 115.1 112.6 115.2 112.4 106.7 111.0 113.2 113.9 113.0 113.3 110.7 111.4 110.1 118.2 101.7 2752-525 2752-533 2752-551 2752-553 2752-6 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 112.9 (3) 108.7 108.1 106.7 112.9 107.2 109.5 116.0 108.9 107.8 109.6 117.0 109.7 2752-613 2752-614 2752-643 2752-644 , 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 114.9 98.9 107.1 104.3 115.1 98.9 107.1 107.4 107.4 .0 1.0 3.0 3.5 2752-692 2752-697 2752-699 2752-M 2752-XY9 2752-Z89 2752-S 2732-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 08/82 06/82 06/82 106.3 110.9 116.6 105.4 102.0 107.0 106.6 104.5 106.5 112.0 124.5 108.6 103.2 111.2 108.2 107.3 107.9 113.6 123.8 107.4 102.9 109.6 108.5 108.0 1.3 1.4 -.5 -1.1 -.2 -1.5 .3 .6 .9 1.9 1.1 1.9 1.6 3.8 7.7 1.9 .9 2.4 2.0 3.8 3.1 5.6 12.0 6.0 2.3 7.7 3.5 5.4 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — 43 5.0 4.2 0 0 -1.0 -.3 -1.8 .2 0 .4 0 0 (3) 4.1 -.4 .7 0 -.1 .9 -.9 .5 0 1.4 -1.1 0 3.5 12.8 4.8 5.9 4.1 5.6 3.9 4.2 4.7 7.7 (3) 4.8 4.3 2.1 5.3 .4 .9 1.9 -1.9 1.1 2.4 3 () 4.1 .1 .1 -1.1 0 .7 0 2.4 3.4 1.8 2.2 1.3 2.0 1.1 4.3 3 () 4.1 2.9 1.5 4.1 1.7 1.4 9.3 3.3 4.9 9.4 4.4 116.3 1.2 .9 2.4 1.2 1.8 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Commercial printing, lithographic—Continued Commercial printing, letterpress Other secondary products Manifold business forms Typesetting Product code ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 1.3 1.4 1.0 .2 3.8 1.2 2.6 .2 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2751-S 2752-SSS 2761 -S 2791-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 04/83 110.9 103.3 106.4 100.0 111.7 104.6 107.8 100.3 112.0 104.8 107.4 100.2 0.3 .2 -.4 0 0.9 1.1 .6 .2 2753-P 2753-1 2753-112 2753-122 2753-132 2753-2 2753-252 2753-S 2753-SSS 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.9 99.8 .6 .7 .9 ft ft .6 .7 .9 .4 100.0 100.4 100.5 100.2 100.4 100.5 100.6 100.7 99.7 102.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2754-P 06/82 06/82 105.5 105.6 105.9 106.0 105.9 106.0 0 0 .2 .2 .5 .5 1.9 1.9 2754-2 2754-22 2754-221 2754-224 06/82 06/82 06/82 109.4 109.7 109.2 110.5 109.7 111.3 110.5 109.7 111.3 0 0 0 .5 0 .9 1.7 0 3.6 5.0 3.0 7.1 2754-23 2754-232 2754-235 2754-6 2754-698 2754-7 2754-S 2751-S 2752-S 2754-SSS 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 104.8 104.8 104.9 106.3 104.5 101.9 104.4 104.8 108.4 103.0 107.3 105.9 109.0 106.6 106.0 102.4 105.3 105.0 108.6 104.6 106.7 105.8 107.9 106.6 105.7 102.1 105.3 105.0 108.6 104.6 -.5 -.1 -.9 -.1 -.3 -.3 0 0 0 0 1.6 3.4 -.6 .2 1.1 .1 .8 .2 0 1.6 1.6 3.5 -.6 .3 1.3 .2 1.0 .3 1.3 1.6 1.4 3.5 -1.1 .3 1.4 .3 2.5 2761-P 2761-2 2761-25 2761-253 2761-255 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 105.4 105.5 105.1 105.8 106.3 103.9 106.0 106.0 105.6 106.4 106.9 104.3 106.4 106.3 105.9 106.7 107.2 104.6 .3 .3 .2 .3 .3 .3 .5 .5 1.1 1.3 1.4 .9 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.5 .1 7.8 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.2 3.6 1.8 2761-3 2761-311 2761-313 2761-31342 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.7 100.0 102.9 103.9 104.2 106.7 102.4 103.2 103.7 106.7 101.5 102.0 -.5 0 -.9 -1.2 -.8 0 -1.4 -1.9 1.9 6.7 -1.5 -1.9 ft 2761-5 2761-531 2761-557 2761-5578 2761-5579 2761-55792 2761-55794 2761-7 2761-76 2761-761 2761-762 2761-76203 2761-78 2761-S 2752-S 2761-SSS 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 106.0 104.8 105.9 109.6 104.6 104.3 106.6 106.0 106.1 108.8 104.7 104.4 102.5 104.4 107.7 103.9 106.6 108.9 106.4 111.6 104.6 104.5 105.3 106.2 106.2 108.7 105.0 104.7 102.5 104.5 108.0 104.1 107.3 108.3 107.2 112.9 105.2 104.9 106.8 106.1 106.2 108.1 105.3 105.0 97.5 105.8 108.0 106.8 .7 -.5 .7 1.1 .6 .4 1.4 -.1 0 -.6 .3 .3 -4.8 1.2 0 2.7 .6 -.5 .2 2.6 -.7 -.7 -.7 -.4 -.3 -1.2 .2 .2 -4.8 1.2 0 2.7 2.0 3.3 1.9 4.5 .9 1.3 -1.0 .7 .8 -.5 1.4 1.6 -4.8 1.9 1.8 2.8 3.7 5.3 3.5 9.0 1.7 1.9 .3 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.3 2.6 -4.8 1.4 4.7 -.3 100.6 .2 .2 ft ft Engraving and plate printing Primary products Printed products Securities Social Commercial Plates made for others, excluding duplicates . Other plates, excluding intaglio Secondary products Other secondary products 2753 Commercial printing, gravure Primary products Labels and printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes, gravure Labels, custom and stock, excluding cloth Rat, except pressure sensitive Rolls, except pressure sensitive Printed rolls and sheets for packaging purposes, excluding bags, envelopes, pouches, etc Paper, single web Other, including multiweb structures Other general job printing, gravure All other general commercial printing, n.e.c Gravure plates and cylinders Secondary products Commercial printing, letterpress Commercial printing, lithographic Other secondary products 2754 Manifold business forms Primary products Unit set forms Custom printed Carbon Carbonless Manifold books, including sales, and pegboard accounting systems Pegboard accounting systems Sales and other manifold books Custom printed Custom continuous forms, with or without carbon, marginally punched or not Custom fanfold All other custom printed continuous forms One part Multiple parts Carbon Carbonless Stock continuous forms Stock shelf forms One part Multiple parts Carbon All other stock forms Secondary products Commercial printing, lithographic Other secondary products 2761 Chemicals and allied products . 28 12/84 100.0 100.3 A01 A01 A01 A01 0 ft 0 -.3 -.4 0 0 0 ft 4.2 3.4 3.6 1.4 1.9 Industrial inorganic chemicals .. 281 12/84 100.0 100.1 99.4 -.7 -1.6 ft ft Alkalies and chlorine Primary products Chlorine Chlorine gas Liquid chlorine Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) All other concentrations - liquid 50 percent regular diaphragm grade . 50 percent from mercury cell Bead caustic soda Secondary products 2812 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 115.6 109.1 128.3 139.6 127.0 116.2 108.6 131.4 139.1 130.5 111.9 107.1 128.0 138.4 126.9 -3.6 -1.4 -2.6 -.5 -2.8 -2.7 -1.0 0 .7 0 -.6 -.7 -1.1 -4.7 -.7 4.9 6.5 6.7 1.4 7.3 12/8 12/8 12/8 03/8 12/8 96.7 99.7 91.5 77.6 126.4 95.6 98.3 90.7 71.9 128.5 94.9 98.2 89.3 71.1 119.9 -.7 -.2 -1.6 -1.1 -6.7 -.6 .6 -2.8 -5.4 -5.1 1.4 2.5 -.6 -15.6 -.6 9.8 9.9 10.0 -13.7 2.7 Industrial gases . 2813 06/8 108.2 115.7 117.6 1.7 4.7 8.3 9.6 2812-P 2812-1 2812-111 2812-115 2812-3 2812-365 2812-36511 2812-36512 2812-36711 2812-S See footnotes at end of table. 44 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Industrial gases—Continued Primary products Acetylene Carbon dioxide Liquid & gas Oxygen Other industrial gases Miscellaneous receipts Product code Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 113.0 118.4 130.0 135.6 115.8 118.4 131.5 137.6 2.5 0 1.2 1.5 3.3 0 8.1 13.4 7.2 .7 -.3 1.1 9.2 2.7 5.6 19.4 06/81 06/81 113.6 113.8 111.6 139.4 111.1 133.9 -.5 -3.9 -2.0 16.9 -2.0 17.4 -1.5 12.7 2816-P 2816-1 2816-3 2816-31 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 106.4 106.9 105.7 109.1 110.4 105.6 105.8 105.6 106.0 111.2 105.6 105.7 105.9 105.5 110.4 -.1 0 .2 -.5 -.7 -.4 -.7 0 -1.8 -.7 .3 .1 1.3 -1.8 -.7 2.0 2.3 4.8 -1.9 -.8 2816-319 2816-331 2816-34 2816-345 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 109.9 108.9 117.0 117.0 109.9 110.9 96.1 96.1 111.8 110.9 95.3 95.3 1.7 0 -.8 -.8 ft .8 -11.2 -11.2 1.7 5.5 -16.4 1.2 5.5 -17.9 -17.9 2816-398 2816-S 2816-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 106.3 104.1 104.7 100.3 106.1 107.6 99.2 105.7 107.1 -1.1 -.3 -.5 -3.7 1.6 2.3 -5.1 1.6 2.3 -5.6 .5 2819-P 2819-3 2819-331 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 100.7 101.2 95.6 98.3 99.4 102.5 98.3 99.5 99.4 102.3 97.9 98.9 0 -.2 -.4 -.5 -1.8 .5 .5 -.5 -1.4 1.1 3.5 2.0 -2.7 2.0 5.7 7.0 2819-7 2819-7A 2819-73 12/82 12/82 12/82 106.2 105.0 104.5 106.7 105.1 104.0 106.5 104.8 104.0 -.2 -.2 0 -.9 -.8 .9 .5 -1.7 0 -.5 -1.1 -1.1 2819-739 2819-74 12/82 04/83 ft 101.0 103.9 104.1 ft ft ft 2819-746 2819-77 2819-771 2819-77101 04/83 101.0 102.7 102.9 12/82 107.8 107.8 107.8 2819-788 2819-7B 2819-8 2819-811 2819-9 2819-9A 2819-91 12/82 12/82 105.6 112.6 105.2 115.5 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.3 100.0 96.9 95.0 2819-919 2819-922 12/82 12/82 2819-93 2819-939 2819-9D 2819-9F Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c Primary products Sulfuric acid (new and fortified) Other than oleum grades Potassium and sodium compounds (ex. bleaches, alkalies and alums) Sodium compounds (inc. sodium metal) Sodium phosphates Other selected sodium phosphates (monobasic, dibasic, tribasic, meta- and acid pyro) Sodium silicates and silicoflouride Other selected sodium silicates (water glass and silicoflouride) Sodium sulfate, sulfide, sulfite and thiosulfate (hypo) Sodium sulfate High purity (anhydrous, > 9 7 % NaSO4) Sodium metal and other sodium compounds (inc. sod. borate, flouride, hydrosulfide, etc.) Potassium compounds, n.e.c Inorganic chemical catalytic preparations, n.e.c Inorganic chemical catalytic preparations, n.e.c Other industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c Selected alkali earth metal compounds, n.e.c Calcium compounds Other calcium compounds, n.e.c. (inc. cal. chloride, carbonate and hypochlorite) Barium and magnesium compounds (inc. bulk epsom salts) .. Selected semi-metallic mineral compounds, iodine and hydrogen peroxide Antimony, arsenic, bismuth and selenium compounds, n.e.c. (ex. antimony-124 and 125) Activated carbon and silica gel Selected metallic mineral compounds, n.e.c Chromium, manganese, cobalt (ex. cobalt-60), and nickel compounds, n.e.c Lead and zinc compounds, n.e.c Copper, iron and silver compounds, n.e.c Other metallic mineral compounds (ex. radioactive isotopes). Other inorganic chemicals, n.e.c Radioactive isotopes and compounds (inc. contract work, ex. radiopharmeceuticals) Other, inc. reagent from tech. grades, industrial bleaches, gold & titanium compounds Secondary products 2819 ft 0 -16.4 3.3 ft 3.3 0 2.2 104.4 115.5 -.6 -1.6 -1.7 2.6 102.0 102.1 102.9 100.3 102.0 101.7 102.9 100.3 0 1.1 6.2 5.6 -.3 1.8 5.6 5.0 1.4 2.7 1.4 -.1 95.4 105.7 102.2 114.9 102.2 114.5 7.0 8.6 7.0 7.9 ft 12/82 132.8 137.3 -1.6 -.8 6.1 ft 12/82 12/82 12/82 151.7 105.4 99.6 156.8 -2.1 -.9 .1 -.6 7.3 ft ft ft .1 1.4 2819-982 2819-983 2819-984 2819-989 2819-9G 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 97.0 109.4 98.5 98.7 103.7 99.3 114.9 100.8 98.6 105.4 99.3 100.3 103.3 99.1 105.3 0 -12.7 2.4 .5 2.4 -5.7 3.8 -.3 1.3 2.3 -6.5 1.3 3.0 3.4 2819-991 12/82 109.4 ft ft ft ft ft ft 2819-998 2819-S 12/82 12/82 97.8 103.0 97.6 104.6 97.4 106.0 -.2 1.4 -1.4 2.2 -1.1 1.6 .1 2.9 282 12/84 100.0 99.7 100.0 ft ft 2821 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 114.1 111.9 111.4 114.4 108.4 127.7 114.4 111.8 111.3 114.4 108.4 127.7 114.7 112.7 112.4 114.4 108.4 127.7 .2 .9 1.0 0 0 0 1.2 1.9 2.3 0 0 0 -.7 -.7 -.8 0 0 0 -.6 -.5 -.8 .7 0 2.1 12/80 12/80 12/80 93.9 112.0 114.0 95.0 107.9 113.4 95.0 105.4 109.4 0 -2.3 -3.5 2.6 -5.0 -3.7 -4.5 -6.8 -5.3 -8.8 -8.6 -8.0 2821-P 2821-3 2821-331 2821-33101 2821-33103 2821-341 2821-34101 2821-351 2821-35101 See footnotes at end of table. Mar. 19852 107.6 117.6 125.9 126.5 2816 Plastic materials and resins Primary products Thermoplastic resins Low density polyethylene resins For film and sheeting For all other uses High density polyethylene resins For blow molding Polypropylene resins For injection molding Dec. 19842 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 2813-P 2813-2 2813-3 2813-311 2813-6 2813-7 2813-M Inorganic pigments Primary products Titanium pigments Chrome colors and other inorganic pigments Chrome colors Other chrome colors, incl. chrome green (chrome yellow and iron blue) Iron oxide pigments Colored lead pigments Litharge All other color pigments, incl. iron blues, pearl essence, and copper oxides Secondary products Other secondary products Plastic materials and synthetic resins, rubbers, and non-glass fibers Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 45 ft 153.5 105.6 101.0 ft -1.2 -.1 -2.1 -10.7 7.5 .6 1.1 2.2 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Plastic materials and resins—Continued For fiber and filaments Styrene plastics materials Rubber modified polystyrene resins Vinyl and vinylidene resins Homopolymer resins, excluding dispersion ... Copolymer resins excluding dispersion Dispersion resins Other non-engineering thermoplastic resins Thermosetting resins Epoxy resins Phenolic and other tar acid resins Phenolic molding compounds All other phenolic and other tar acid resins. Polyester resins, unsaturated Urea - formaldehyde resins All other thermosetting resins Secondary products Product code ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 ft Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2821-35102 2821-361 2821-36102 2821-371 2821-37101 2821-37102 2821-37103 2821-399 2821-4 2821-411 2821-421 2821-42101 2821-42102 2821-431 2821-441 2821-499 2821-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 112.8 111.9 103.0 109.9 108.6 102.8 127.3 117.4 114.1 126.4 112.8 107.9 114.1 111.4 112.4 112.3 126.2 109.0 109.8 101.9 111.7 110.7 103.8 127.3 116.9 113.7 (3) 112.8 107.9 114.1 110.2 111.9 111.9 129.1 110.8 (3) 117.7 118.4 104.1 127.2 116.9 114.2 129.4 112.8 107.9 114.1 110.8 111.9 111.9 125.5 (3) 09 . (3) 54 . 69 . . 3 -1 . . 1 . 4 3 () 0 0 0 . 5 0 0 -2.8 (3) 30 . (3) 69 . 93 . -2.3 -1 . . 3 . 2 24 . 0 0 0 -6 . -4 . . 2 -2.4 (3) -0.8 (3) . 3 19 . -10.4 -3 . -5 . -1 . 24 . 0 -1 . 0 -1.3 -5 . -5 . -8 . (3) (3) (3) 21 . 36 . -10.0 38 . 14 . . 8 2822-P 2822-1 2822-111 2822-112 2822-8 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 99.8 99.2 90.0 88.6 100.5 105.7 99.2 99.0 89.1 88.1 96.5 107.9 99.2 98.5 89.0 87.9 96.5 106.3 0 -5 . -2 . -2 . 0 -1.5 -1.8 -2.2 -2.8 -2.9 -2.0 . 6 . 7 . 1 -9 . -5 . -3.6 25 . -5 . -4 . -9 . -5 . -3.8 -7 . 2823-P 2823-2 2823-241 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 99.4 99.4 98.2 97.3 99.6 99.6 98.9 98.2 99.5 99.5 98.5 (3) -1 . -1 . -4 . . 1 . 1 . 3 0 0 -1 . ft ft ft ft ft 3 () ft 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 99.7 100.9 104.0 107.3 102 2 104.0 101.1 88.5 81.9 102.1 98.5 99.8 103.4 106.6 96.6 104.0 99.8 87.0 80.2 102.1 99.0 100.0 103.7 106.7 97.8 104.0 100.2 87.5 80.2 102.6 . 5 . 2 . 3 . 1 12 . . 1 . 3 . 6 . 1 . 5 -8 . -9 . -7 . -5 . -4.4 . 1 -9 . -1.0 -2.1 -8 . -1.0 -1.0 -4 . -1.7 -5.6 . 1 -3 . -1.8 -3.2 18 . -3.1 -3.5 -2.5 -1.6 -7.0 -6.3 -2.4 -7.1 -9.9 -4.2 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 97.6 90.5 96.3 110.5 79.6 89.2 94.7 94.0 91.0 110.6 97.6 97.1 94.6 112.8 77.5 89.8 91.1 89.9 87.6 107.7 98.2 97.1 94.7 112.4 77.5 89.8 91.4 90.2 (3) 107.7 . 6 0 0 -3 . 0 0 . 3 . 4 (3) 0 -2.1 65 . -1.2 20 . -2.5 . 7 -2.8 -3.2 29 . 73 . -5.0 -8 . -5.7 -4.2 -7.7 -8.7 -2.9 21 . 73 . -2.0 40 . -3.0 0 -5.5 -6.2 (3) -2.6 ft 16 . 28 . 14 . -1.4 11 . . 5 -1.5 Synthetic rubber Primary production Styrene butadiene (SBR) Styrene butadiene - solid . Styrene butadiene - latex . Specialty elastomers 2822 Cellulosic man-made fibers . Primary products Rayon Staple and tow 2823 Noncellulosic organic fibers Primary products Yarn and monofilament Nylon and aramid, excluding producer textured yarn .... Textile All other drawn equivalent deniers Polyester, excluding producer textured yarn Textile, selected deniers 145-179 drawn equivalent denier Producer textured yarn and monofilament Nylon Carpet yarn Other producer textured yarn and monofilament Staple, tow and fiberfill Nylon and aramid Acrylic and modacrylic Up to 4 denier Polyester Staple and tow Up to 2.5 denier, excluding fiberfill Other staple, tow and fiberfill 2824 Drugs . 283 12/84 100.0 103.4 104.2 . 8 33 . (3) ft Biological products Primary products Blood and blood derivatives, for human use Normal human blood serum Other blood derivatives or fractions, except those used for passive immunization Vaccines, toxoids and antigens, for human use Antigens Diagnostic substances and other biologies, except for industrial use Diagnostic substances, except diagnostic allergens Biological products for veterinary use Vaccines, bacterins, toxoids and other antigens (except allergens) for active immunization 2831 2831-P 2831-1 2831-117 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 114.6 110.6 100.5 69.6 131.4 129.8 100.0 (3) 132.2 130.6 102.2 (3) . 6 . 7 22 . 3 () 15.5 18.4 17 . (3) 15.6 18.4 18 . (3) 14.7 17.3 -6 . 2831-119 2831-2 2831-213 03/80 12/80 03/80 99.9 136.6 140.0 99.3 139.1 (3) (3) 139.1 140.4 (3) 0 (3) (3) 15 . -2 . (3) 18 . . 3 2831-4 2831-415 2831-5 03/80 03/80 121.3 124.6 158.9 125.1 159.5 125.1 . 4 0 32.2 . 4 32.2 . 4 32.2 . 6 2831-513 03/80 88.9 88.6 88.0 -7 . -1.0 -1.4 -2.7 Medicinal chemicals and botanical products (in bulk) Primary products Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals All other synthetic organic medicinal chemicals Other medicinals and botanicals Botanical drugs Mixtures of two or more substances for therapeutic or prophylactic use Secondary products Other secondary products 2833 2833-P 2833 1 2833-161 2833-2 2833-201 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 94.9 91.9 89.8 94.1 101.4 100.4 95.9 93.2 91.3 90.4 101.5 100.4 96.5 93.4 91.5 93.2 102.1 100.4 . 6 . 3 . 2 30 . . 5 0 10 . . 8 . 9 -9 . . 5 0 19 . . 3 . 3 -2.7 . 6 0 -2.3 -5.1 -6.1 -4.3 -8 . . 1 2833-205 2833-S 2833-SSS 06/82 06/8 06/8 103.2 107.4 101.8 103.7 107.6 102.2 103.7 109.7 103.0 0 19 . . 9 0 20 . . 9 . 3 82 . 13 . 10 . 81 . 13 . Pharmaceutical preparations . 2834 06/8 134.2 138.8 139.4 . 4 24 . 40 . 76 . 2824-P 2824-7 2824-701 2824-7012 2824-70124 2824-702 2824-7021 2824-70212 2824-703 2824-7032 2824-70322 2824-70331 2824-8 2824-801 2824-802 2824-80201 2824-803 2824-8031 2824-80312 2824-804 See footnotes at end of table. 46 ft ft -3.2 ft ft -9 . 26 . Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Pharmaceutical preparations—Continued Primary products Pharmaceutical preparations, prescription 2834-P 2834-1 2834-102 2834-1021 2834-10211 2834-105 2834-106 2834-111 2834-1111 2834-11112 2834-116 2834-118 2834-119 2834-121 2834-12119 2834-12129 2834-12191 2834-123 2834-124 2834-125 2834-126 2834-12641 2834-128 2834-135 133.9 138.4 155.1 146.2 142.8 115.4 106.7 125.7 128.7 112.0 143.0 128.3 208.0 142.8 136.2 145.1 146.8 161.0 131.1 158.2 140.6 145.7 133.3 112.6 96.4 99.0 142.6 130.4 173.1 168.2 165.8 125.8 134.6 150.4 125.9 134.1 137.4 125.5 125.1 125.7 124.7 126.5 138.5 139.5 144.7 165.8 153.8 150.0 119.7 104.0 126.9 127.6 112.8 143.0 142.5 209.4 153.3 145.5 160.8 155.6 178.6 131.1 158.3 151.5 145.7 138.4 127.6 102.9 06/81 125.5 125.5 2834-13604 2834-139 2834-141 2634-142 2834-144 2834-145 2834-148 2834-14819 2834-198 2834-2 2834-201 2834-20101 2834-20102 2834-202 2834-20201 2834-20202 2834-206 130.4 173.1 174.3 194.6 125.8 134.6 151.0 130.1 139.1 143.3 128.4 131.7 133.8 129.9 132.2 140.4 Apr. 19852 139.5 144.8 167.5 157.8 154.0 121.8 (3) 126.9 127.9 115.0 148.5 142.5 217.2 154.9 146.2 160.8 157.6 ft 131.1 ft 156.7 145.7 138.7 111.8 97.1 (3) ft 141.6 180.7 179.2 194.6 126.5 136,5 151.1 129.8 139.9 144.5 128.4 131.7 133.8 129.9 135.4 141.1 125.9 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 0 1.0 2.6 2.7 2.3 2.9 3.3 9.1 7.8 5.5 (3) 1.5 .3 1.9 3.8 10.6 3.7 5.9 5.2 8.6 3.9 4.2 4.9 8.0 8.0 7.8 5.5 (3) 1.2 -.2 1.9 3.8 11.1 4.4 9.4 7.3 7.6 8.3 17.2 15.2 1.8 (3) 0 .2 1.9 3.8 0 3.7 1.0 .5 0 1.3 ft 0 (3) 3.5 0 .3 -12.3 -5.7 8.5 4.4 2.8 0 .5 1.4 .1 -.2 .6 .8 0 0 0 0 2.4 .5 .3 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 154.3 143.6 105.3 123.8 132.5 120.5 113.3 115.7 103.9 109.4 122.2 96.4 94.4 101.0 100.5 145.7 145.7 131.6 201.2 122.1 154.3 144.9 106.5 (3) 154.3 144.9 104.6 0 0 -1.8 ft (3) 132.5 120.5 119.9 124.8 (3) 110.8 122.6 98.5 95.4 105.8 107.5 145.7 145.7 131.4 205.3 120.6 132.5 121.5 113.9 116.8 97.4 110.7 127.7 98.6 95.4 106.1 107.9 153.4 153.4 133.0 205.4 123.4 284 12/84 100.0 100.3 100.7 2841 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.9 103.4 103.6 102.6 106.1 92.4 102.2 106.6 100.0 100.0 103.6 103.7 104.7 103.5 108.3 93.5 104.0 110.2 101.0 104.4 103.6 103.7 104.7 103.8 109.2 93.5 103.7 109.0 101.0 104.4 99.5 99.5 99.5 2834-20831 2834-20849 2834-211 2834-214 2834-215 2834-216 2834-221 2834-22101 2834-22102 2834-22109 2834-298 2834-3 2834-301 2834-302 2834-30209 2834-M 2834-Z89 2834-S 2831-S 2834-SSS 2841-P 2841-1 2841-1A 2841-17 2841-179 2841-1B 2841-141 2841-145 2841-146 2841-149 See footnotes at end of table. Mar. 1985 2 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 08/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 2834-136 Secondary products Biological products Other secondary products. Soap and other detergents Primary products Soap and detergents, nonhousehold Acid-type cleaners: Metal cleaners Other acid-type cleaners Synthetic organic detergents, nonhousehold . Dry (powders), anionic base Liquid, anionic base Liquid, cationic and amphoteric Liquid - nonionic base Dec. 19842 2834-20819 Codeine and combinations Antiarthritics Anticoagulants Systemic anti-infectives Broad and medium spectrum antibiotics Broad spectrum penicillins Antispasmodic/antisecretory Bronchial therapy Cancer therapy products Cardiovascular therapy Antihypertensive drugs Vasodilators Other cardiovasculars CNS stimulants Contraceptives (excluding devices, kits, implants, etc.) Cough and cold preparations Dermatological preparations Antipruritics Diuretics Hormones Hospital solutions I.V. solutions 50 ml. and under Muscle relaxants Nutrients and supplements Opthalmic and otic preparations Psychotherapeutics Sedatives Vitamins Multivitamins Miscellaneous prescription pharmaceutical preparations Pharmaceutical preparations, non-prescription Analgesics, internal (except antiarthritics) Aspirin/aspirin-salicylate compounds Non-aspirin (including effervesent) Antacids Liquids Other antacids Antiseptics and antibacterials Cough and cold preparations Cough syrups, elixirs, expectorants, drops, lozenges, gums, troches Cold tablets, capsules (including antihistamine cold preparations) Decongestants External analgesics and counterirritants Hematinics Hemorroidal preparations Laxatives Vitamins Adult multivitamins B-complex Other vitamins Miscellaneous non-prescription pharmaceutical preparations ... Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary Prescription Non-prescription Other non-prescription Miscellaneous receipts Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 2834-208 Analgesics Narcotic analgesics Soap, detergents, and cleaning preparations, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations Product code 47 0 .9 -5.0 -6.4 (3) —1 4.2 .1 0 .3 .4 5.2 5.2 1.2 .1 2.3 10.9 10.4 ft 0 3.5 0 4.1 1.8 -5.5 (3) ft 8.5 4.4 5.0 0 .5 1.4 .7 .7 .5 .7 0 -.1 0 -.2 5.2 .1 .3 0 -2.3 -2.0 (3) 0 .9 -2.0 -2.3 -6.2 -.2 6.8 2.3 1.1 4.9 7.1 5.2 5.2 1.7 2.1 2.3 ft 13.2 0 4.1 1.6 -5.5 ft ft 8.5 6.0 8.4 17.4 2.0 1.4 1.0 2.6 4.0 5.1 .8 4.6 6.5 2.9 7.3 1.9 1.2 .7 .5 .5 .8 1.4 .7 (3) 1.0 4.4 -.3 -8.5 ft 5.6 3.4 5.0 8.2 11.1 16.3 11.5 8.8 19.1 8.2 ft 7.2 ft 17.4 10.2 5.9 -4.6 -.7 ft ft 11.4 10.9 13.3 17.4 5.9 8.2 11.0 6.1 8.1 9.4 4.5 6.3 6.5 6.2 8.3 .3 1.8 0 .9 -.7 8.7 8.3 .7 ft 0 2.2 -.2 -.1 -6.2 1.1 6.9 1.1 1.3 .7 1.1 5.6 5.6 1.9 3.2 2.0 ft 6.4 5.1 3.0 4.3 -5.2 1.5 11.5 1.1 1.9 -.4 1.6 11.4 11.4 6.1 10.9 5.1 ft -.7 0 0 0 .3 .8 0 -.3 -1.1 0 .0 0 13.5 1.3 1.7 1.0 1.5 2.9 3.1 .7 2.3 1.0 ft 0 3.1 3.3 2.1 1.3 2.9 1.9 1.7 2.6 1.0 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Soap and other detergents—Continued Soap: chips, flakes, granulated, powdered, including washing . Liquid soap, nonhousehold Alkaline detergents, nonhousehold Liquid dishwashing compounds Dry dishwashing compounds Other liquid alkaline detergents Dry alkaline detergents, hard surface cleaners Other dry alkaline detergents Household detergents Synthetic organic detergents, household Dry Heavy duty, phosphate based Liquid synthetic organic detergents, household Light duty Household soap, except specialty cleaners Toilet soap Miscellaneous receipts rrouuci code Dec. 1984* Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 106.7 104.0 104.5 106.2 109.6 102.0 103.1 105.5 100.2 100.4 101.8 104.7 108.6 103.2 105.3 106.2 111.2 103.1 104.6 101.3 100.3 100.5 101.8 104.7 108.1 103.2 105.6 106.2 112.5 103.2 104.4 101.7 100.3 100.5 101.8 104.7 -0.5 0 .3 0 1.2 .1 -.2 .4 0 0 0 0 -0.5 -.4 .6 0 4.5 .2 -.3 -4.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 0 1.4 -.7 1.3 0 1.8 1.1 2.9 -3.7 2.0 2.2 2.2 1.2 4.8 -.7 2.7 .7 5.7 2.0 3.8 -3.2 3.0 3.4 3.1 4.7 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.9 115.6 116.4 (3) (3) 101.1 93.2 106.6 104.9 115.6 116.4 (3) (3) 104.4 102.3 106.6 104.9 115.6 116.4 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 .8 .8 5.0 4.7 4.9 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.0 103.3 100.1 100.1 103.6 110.3 102.0 104.3 103.5 102.9 106.5 109.7 103.7 99.1 99.1 103.3 103.9 101.4 100.1 104.1 110.3 102.0 103.5 101.5 104.4 107.5 103.4 104.1 101.4 100.1 104.4 110.3 102.1 103.0 101.5 104.3 107.4 109.7 105.7 99.7 99.7 100.9 100.9 2842-398 2842-4 2842-411 2842-415 2842-42 2842-421 2842-423 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.3 104.9 108.6 104.9 103.1 105.0 108.6 104.9 06/83 07/83 103.1 102.9 2842-498 2842-M 2842-Z89 2842-S 2841-S 2842-SSS 2879-S 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 2841-112 2841-114 2841-12 2841-121 2841-123 2841-125 2841-126 2841-128 2841-2 2841-2A 2841-2AA 2841-224 2841-2AB 2841-231 2841-3 2841-311 2841-M 2841-Z89 2841 -S 2841 -SSS 2842-S Secondary products All other secondary products .... Polishes and sanitation goods. Specialty cleaning, polishing and sanitation preparations Primary products Household bleaches Liquid bleaches (sodium hypochlorite, etc.) Specialty cleaning and sanitation products Deodorants, nonpersonal Other deodorants, nonpersonal Glass window cleaning preparations Oven cleaners Toilet bowl cleaners and drain pipe solvents Disinfectants for uses other than agricultural Wallpaper, window shade, and wallcleaners Rug and upholstery cleaners, consumer type preparations Household laundry aids Fabric softeners and rinses Other specialty cleaning prod., eg. ironing aids, sweeping compounds, waterless hand cleaners Polishing preparations and related products Automobile body polishes and cleaners Furniture polishes and cleaners Floor polish Water emulsion Liquid (other than water emulsion) Related products, including metal polish and polishing cloths and papers Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Soap and other detergents All other secondary products Agricultural chemicals, n.e.c 2842 Surface-active agents Primary products Textile and leather assistants and finishes Assistants Textile Leather Finishes Textile Bulk surface-active agents (surfactants) Anionic Phosphoric and polyphosphoric acid esters . Sulfonic acids Sulfuric acid esters Other anionic surfactants Cationic Other cationic surfactants Nonionic Carboxylic acid esters Other nonionic surfactants Secondary products 2843 Toilet preparations Primary products Shaving preparations Shaving soaps and creams Aftershave preparations Perfume, toilet water, and cologne . 2844 2842-P 2842-2 2842-243 2842-3 2842-3A 2842-385 2842-311 2842-321 2842-331 2842-332 2842-341 2842-351 2842-39 2842-394 2843-P 2843-1 2843-13 2843-131 2843-135 2843-16 2843-161 2843-5 2843-53 2843-533 2843-535 2843-537 2843-539 2843-55 2843-555 2843-57 2843-573 2843-579 2843-S 2844-P 2844-1 2844-135 2844-156 2844-2 See footnotes at end of table. inaex base 48 ft ft (3) 0 0 0 3.9 12.1 0 ft ft 0 1.0 -1.5 ft ft .1 .2 0 0 .3 0 .1 -.5 0 0 -.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 0 .9 0 .1 .1 -2.0 1.4 .8 0 1.6 2.0 1.4 .1 1.8 3.0 .7 -1.9 -.3 1.0 1.3 4.8 1.2 1.2 1.0 .3 0 0 .5 -.2 -.6 -1.2 -2.0 1.2 .9 0 3 () 1.2 1.2 ft ft 103.2 105.2 108.6 105.2 .1 .2 0 .2 .7 .1 0 .2 .7 1.3 4.4 .2 .9 3.0 103.2 104.4 103.4 104.2 .2 -.2 -.2 1.2 .4 2.5 107.8 108.0 108.8 .7 .7 2.3 4.7 92.6 102.7 104.5 99.9 102.8 97.5 104.4 105.4 100.6 108.6 96.8 104.5 105.3 101.0 108.6 -.7 0 -.1 .4 -.1 4.5 1.5 .5 1.1 5.6 1.5 1.1 .9 1.1 1.4 -3.2 2.9 4.6 .9 1.4 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.8 103.0 101.1 101.3 101.4 100.8 103.8 103.0 101.1 101.3 101.4 100.8 103.8 103.0 101.4 101.8 101.4 103.9 0 0 .3 .6 0 3.1 .1 .1 .8 .6 0 3.1 1.2 1.6 .8 .6 -.2 3.9 4.3 4.3 1.6 1.2 .6 3.9 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 03/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 100.3 103.6 103.7 100.0 (3) 93.1 127.5 110.6 101.9 101.3 116.2 107.3 106.9 100.3 103.5 104.1 100.0 116.7 (3) 127.5 110.6 101.9 100.9 (3) 105.8 106.9 100.3 103.5 104.0 100.0 116.5 93.1 126.5 110.6 101.9 100.9 (3) 106.3 106.9 0 0 -.1 0 -.1 3 () -.7 0 0 0 3 () .4 0 1.4 -.1 .2 0 .4 0 -.7 0 0 -.4 1.2 1.9 5.8 0 1.3 5.2 8.8 0 (3) 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 130.2 134.2 118.6 140.4 106.0 126.7 130.2 135.8 135.6 155.9 125.1 151.2 131.0 136.8 135.6 155.9 125.1 152.0 .7 .7 0 0 0 .5 ft ft 104.4 102.3 106.6 ft ft ft ft ft 1.8 1.8 ft 0 -1.0 (3) 3.7 2.5 .7 3.0 3.0 ft 4.0 1.9 2.5 ft 12.8 ft ft ft ft ft -.4 -.5 0 -1.5 0 -3.2 -.7 8.8 0 15.4 3.4 -2.3 .3 10.5 0 18.5 5.2 .9 3.9 ft .4 3.0 .5 0 0 13.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Toilet preparations—Continued Perfume Liquid and solid perfume Cologne and toilet water Hair preparations Hair tonics and rinses Hair tonics Hair dressings and sprays Hair dressings Hair sprays Aerosol hair sprays Shampoos Synthetic organic detergent Liquid synthetic organic detergent Soap shampoos Permanents - both home and commercial Hair coloring preparations Other cosmetics and toilet preparations Creams and lotions Creams Cleansing creams Foundation creams Lubricating creams, including hormone creams Other creams Lotions and oils Suntan lotions and sunscreens, including oils Hand lotions Other lotions & oils, including petroleum jellies but excluding hair, aftershave & bath oils Cosmetics Lip preparations (lipstick, lip gloss, etc.) Blushers (rouges), excluding lip rouge Eye preparations (mascara, eye shadows, eye liners, eye creams, etc.) Deodorants Underarm deodorants Aerosol underarm deodorants Liquid, cream and roll-on deodorants Powders Talcum and toilet powders Face powders Wet application powders, and other powders, including foot powders Bath oils and salts Bath oils and salts Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Paints and Allied Products Primary products Architectural coatings, including architectural lacquers Exterior Solvent-type Solvent paints, enamels and varnishes in ready-mixed form Solvent and alkyd vehicle house paints and tinting bases Other exterior solvent coatings, including bituminous paints Water-type Water-emulsion paints and tinting bases House All-purpose, excluding exterior-interior Other exterior water-thinned paints, including barn and roof Interior Solvent-type Paints, enamels and varnishes in ready-mixed form Semigloss paints and tinting bases Water-type Flat water emulsion paints and tinting bases Vinyl and vinyl acetate binder Acrylic binder Other type binders Semigloss water emulsion paints and tinting bases Other interior water-thinned paints, including paste and semi-paste Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), including OEM lacquers Transportation finishes, except powdered and high-solids coatings Automobile finishes Automobile finishes, except lacquers Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. Apr. 1984 2844-2A 2844-223 2844-232 2844-3 2844-3A 2844-321 2844-3B 2844-341 2844-36A 2844-363 2844-31 2844-31A 2844-316 2844-313 2844-337 2844-351 2844-5 2844-51 2844-51A 2844-511 2844-512 2844-513 2844-514 2844-51B 2844-515 2844-518 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 118.4 102.4 130.2 126.1 139.0 134.1 132.4 141.2 135.6 135.6 157.9 126.4 139.9 135.0 135.6 145.2 136.1 137.0 158.8 126.5 138.0 133.0 135.8 147.3 0.4 1.1 .6 .1 -1.4 -1.5 .2 1.4 18.2 64.0 -1.3 .3 1.3 1.4 2.4 2.7 15.0 33.9 1.9 -.9 .4 .5 -5.2 9.0 6.3 7.8 16.5 2.8 4.1 4.5 2.1 3.4 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 133.2 110.3 106.9 103.9 126.2 134.2 124.1 146.1 135.5 140.8 170.8 120.7 151.3 124.8 130.8 119.8 135.9 136.4 111.0 108.9 106.0 122.3 135.3 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 134.8 132.7 139.5 172.3 123.6 137.9 127.1 126.8 119.8 126.7 136.4 111.0 108.9 105.9 122.3 136.8 121.9 136.8 134.4 139.5 172.4 123.6 137.9 127.1 130.0 119.8 134.0 1.5 1.3 0 .1 0 0 0 2.6 0 5.7 2.4 .1 1.1 1.1 -3.1 1.5 -1.8 -4.6 1.4 .2 .9 0 0 -.3 2.6 0 5.7 -6.4 .5 1.8 1.9 -3.7 2.2 -1.8 -2.5 2.9 1.5 .9 2.4 1.1 1.8 4.3 0 5.7 2.0 1.4 2.4 2.5 -1.7 4.1 3.4 -2.8 4.4 3.4 3.5 2.4 4.4 3.2 5.4 -.1 8.0 2844-519 2844-52A 2844-521 2844-522 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 125.4 167.4 162.4 130.4 125.4 131.0 123.5 130.4 126.0 137.4 130.8 130.4 .5 4.9 6.0 0 .5 -17.9 -18.3 0 1.8 -12.6 -18.9 0 2.0 -11.3 -4.8 0 2844-523 2844-52B 2844-52C 2844-527 2844-528 2844-54 2844-541 2844-543 03/80 03/80 178.6 150.7 132.0 150.1 139.6 150.1 5.8 0 -23.1 -.5 -8.4 -.5 -21.8 -2.9 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 138.2 130.1 139.3 137.8 146.4 141.8 124.8 139.9 137.8 149.0 141.8 124.8 140.0 137.8 149.0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6 -4.0 -.9 0 -3.5 2.6 -4.0 .8 0 1.8 -2.1 -5.9 .8 0 1.8 2844-549 2844-56 2844-561 2844-M 2844-S 03/80 134.7 134.7 135.0 .2 1.7 1.7 03/80 03/80 03/80 158.1 79.8 171.0 115.0 66.6 173.6 115.0 66.6 173.8 0 0 .1 -4.3 -31.8 1.4 -5.1 -31.7 1.4 -20.3 -31.7 10.2 2851-P 2851-1 2851-1A 2851-1AA 2851-1AAA 2851-121 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.4 104.6 104.6 102.2 107.2 106.0 105.9 105.3 104.4 103.0 108.0 106.9 100.7 106.3 105.7 104.8 103.9 109.2 108.3 104.4 .4 .3 .4 .9 1.2 1.3 3.7 .8 .8 .7 1.4 1.6 1.7 3.5 1.7 1.1 0 .8 1.6 1.7 1.5 4.4 4.1 4.0 4.7 6.4 7.1 4.1 2851-139 2851-1AB 2851-1 ABA 2851-143 2851-157 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 108.1 98.1 96.8 94.4 105.5 110.1 98.7 97.6 95.4 105.5 110.1 99.3 98.3 96.0 106.7 0 .6 .7 .7 1.1 1.8 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.1 1.9 .2 .2 0 1.1 4.1 3.1 2.9 2.6 4.2 2851-159 2851-1B 2851-1BA 2851-16 2851-164 2851-18 2851-181 2851-18101 2851-18102 2851-18103 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 99.1 106.6 106.6 106.8 108.7 106.6 106.9 109.7 86.9 98.8 105.8 99.1 105.6 106.7 106.9 109.1 105.1 104.8 107.0 87.1 99.4 105.8 99.1 105.6 106.7 106.9 109.1 105.1 104.8 107.0 87.1 99.3 105.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 .1 .3 0 0 0 -.1 -.1 06/83 106.0 106.0 106.0 2851 O 0 2851-183 06/83 2851-2 2851-2A 2851-22 2851-221 49 .1 .1 .3 -1.2 -2.0 -2.4 .3 .5 .9 106.7 107.6 115.3 118.5 118.5 117.7 121.4 121.4 117.7 121.3 121.3 5.9 107.7 06/83 06/83 06/83 2.2 3.5 5.6 5.7 10.8 2.5 .9 .7 3.2 1.2 6.3 0 2851-189 See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index .8 0 -.1 -.1 1.4 1.5 1.5 3.5 4.1 4.1 5.6 13.5 15.7 15.7 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Paints and Allied Products—Continued Other transportation equipment finishes, including aircraft, rockets and missiles Metal finishes Metal decorating Container and closure finishes Sheet, strip and coil coatings, including sidings, excluding containers Metal furniture and fixture finishes Machinery and equipment finishes, including road building equipment and farm implements High-solids finishes (over 62.5 percent solids) Other product finishes, except semimanufactured (pigment dispersions, etc.) Industrial lacquers Wood Industrial lacquers for other uses Special purpose coatings, including coatings for transportation after market and lacquer Industrial maintainance paints (specially formulated) Interior Exterior Trade sales Automotive and machinery refinish coatings Paints and enamels, except lacquers Metallic paints (aluminum, bronze, zinc, etc.) Traffic paint, all types (shelf goods and highway department sales) Aerosol paints Made from paint produced in the same establishment or packaged on contract Allied paint products Paint and varnish removers Putty and putty products Putty and glazing compounds Miscellaneous paint products Thinners for dopes, lacquers, and oleoresinous thinners, inc. mixtures, proprietary thinners Miscellaneous related products, e.g. pigment dispersions, ink vehicles, bleached shellac, etc Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 0.9 -.4 Apr. 1984 2851-234 2851-24 2851-24A 2851-243 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 100.9 103.1 102.7 102.7 102.7 101.3 101.3 100.9 102.8 101.5 101.5 0.1 .2 .2 0 -.3 -.5 -.5 -1.4 -1.4 0.8 -.6 -.6 2851-241 2851-249 06/83 06/83 103.0 105.3 103.8 105.3 103.8 105.3 -.1 0 -.1 0 1.2 0 2.8 .9 2851-252 2851-254 06/83 06/83 102.9 109.5 105.0 104.1 105.0 103.0 0 -1.1 2.0 .7 2.0 -3.7 3.9 -3.4 2851-257 2851-26 2851-262 2851-269 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 101.4 99.9 98.6 101.7 99.9 98.6 101.6 99.9 98.6 104.0 104.0 104.0 -.1 0 0 0 .3 0 0 0 .2 .4 .2 0 .7 0 -.9 2.9 2851-3 2851-3A 2851-301 2851-305 2851-3B 2851-3BA 2851-313 2851-307 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 101.0 102.3 100.0 103.5 100.6 102.3 102.8 106.9 103.3 106.3 107.1 105.9 102.1 101.7 101.5 108.5 103.4 106.3 107.1 105.9 102.3 101.6 101.3 108.7 .1 0 0 0 .1 -.1 -.2 .2 1.2 -.3 -1.3 .2 1.7 -.7 -1.3 1.4 4.0 7.0 2.5 .4 -1.0 -2.0 1.9 5.2 7.3 4.2 .7 -.6 -2.1 2851-311 2851-33 06/83 07/83 100.9 95.8 100.9 103.1 100.9 103.7 0 .6 0 9.0 0 3.2 2851-331 2851-7 2851-763 2851-8 2851-853 2851-9 07/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 100.0 101.4 101.8 101.5 101.5 102.6 97.3 101.4 101.8 107.6 107.6 104.1 102.6 103.4 107.6 107.6 105.4 1.3 1.6 0 0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.6 6.1 6.1 2.7 2.6 3.4 7.6 7.6 2.2 2851-911 06/83 102.1 100.9 103.9 3.0 3.1 1.2 -1.6 2851-979 2851-M 2851-Z89 2851-S 2851- 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.3 102.2 102.2 107.3 112.3 112.3 107.3 112.3 112.3 0 0 0 -.6 0 0 4.2 9.9 9.9 5.8 10.2 10.2 06/83 100.3 102.0 102.0 1.3 2.1 1.3 12/84 100.0 99.3 99.4 2861-P 2861-2 2861-25 2861-252 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 111.3 103.8 105.8 102.0 100.0 114.2 104.7 107.2 102.4 103.1 116.2 104.7 107.2 102.4 103.1 1.8 0 0 0 0 2.0 .2 .4 0 -.1 5.2 2.0 3.0 .4 3.1 2861-255 2861-29 06/84 06/84 102.0 119.4 102.4 123.9 102.4 124.0 0 .1 0 1.2 .3 11.2 2861-294 2861-296 06/84 06/84 125.0 104.9 131.4 99.8 2861-298 2861-S 2861-SSS 06/84 06/84 06/84 124.9 128.8 128.8 133.3 136.4 136.4 134.1 143.3 143.3 3.4 5.3 5.3 12.6 5.0 5.0 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 03/83 12/82 96.7 103.1 103.3 104.1 101.7 103.9 96.5 102.9 103.3 104.3 104.7 103.8 96.1 102.3 103.4 104.5 104.3 104.1 -.4 -.5 .1 .2 -.4 .3 -.9 -1.0 0 -.1 -.2 -.8 -.5 -1.9 .2 -5.6 .1 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/81 12/8; 12/82 05/83 12/82 106.8 104.1 104.1 114.6 101.6 85.3 79.5 103.8 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 .4 -.9 -.9 85.3 78.8 -1.3 -1.1 .2 -.6 92.4 1.7 -1.3 -.8 -.4 -1.2 .5 .1 -2.7 -2.7 -5.3 -2.0 .1 -1.0 1.5 -.5 -2.4 -2.4 -5.3 -1.6 -.5 -2.0 90.9 105.1 104.1 104.1 112.7 102.1 85.2 79.3 90.8 12/82 102.7 101.9 102.0 -.6 -1.4 -2.3 -3.1 1.6 0 0 1.0 SSSSS Industrial organic chemicals 286 Gum and wood chemicals Primary products Other gum and wood chemicals Hardwood distillation products Charcoal, excluding briquets Charcoal briquets, including blends with lignite or other materials Tall oils Refined (contains less than 90% free fatty acids, incl. tall oil resins other than rosin) Rosin Other tall oil derivatives, including rosin acid salts, except tall oil fatty acids Secondary products Other secondary products 2861 Cyclic (coal tar) crudes and intermediates, organic dyes and pigments Primary products Cyclic intermediates Other cyclic intermediates Phenol Miscellaneous other cyclic intermediates Synthetic organic dyes Benzenoid dyes Synthetic organic pigments (lakes and toners) Synthetic organic pigments (lakes and toners) Phthalocyanine blue (Blue 15) Other synthetic organic pigments Secondary products Other secondary products Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c 2865 2865-P 2865-1 2865-199 2865-19915 2865-19999 2865-2 2865-299 2865-3 2865-311 2865-31111 2865-31199 2865-S 2865-SSS 2869-S 2869 See footnotes at end of table. 50 102.9 102.9 111.2 100.9 -1.0 -1.1 -1.5 -1.9 -.1 -6.2 .7 1.0 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c—Continued Primary products Synthetic organic chemicals, n.e.c Flavor and perfume materials Chemical compounds, unmixed Chemical compounds, mixed Rubber processing chemicals Plasticizers Other plasticizers Pesticides and other synthetic organic agricultural chemicals Other pesticides and other synthetic organic agricultural chemicals Ethyl alcohol and other industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c Other industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c 1,3 Butadiene Ethylene Propylene, chemical Miscellaneous other industrial organic chemicals, n.e.c Miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products, excluding urea Gasoline additives Lubricating oil and grease additives Other miscellaneous end-use chemicals and chemical products, excluding urea Miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products Formaldehyde Alcohols, synthetic, monohydric Other miscellaneous cyclic and acyclic chemicals and chemical products Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Plastic materials and resins Cyclic crudes and intermediates, organic dyes and pigments .. Other secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.2 .6 0 0 0 .0 1.7 1.9 -2.1 -0.1 2.8 -.1 -.2 0 7.4 1.3 1.5 -2.8 -0.1 3.8 .4 0.5 1.3 -2.1 -.4 -.9 0 -.3 -2.2 -1.2 -2.8 -7.1 -2.8 .9 -7.1 (•) -.3 -10.0 -5.9 .3 -13.3 (3) -2.0 -6.5 (3) -15.7 (3) -2.3 1.1 2.6 0 1.3 4.6 0 .1 1.1 0 3.9 3.6 3.7 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.1 86.8 100.8 100.0 103.0 101.0 70.4 67.8 100.4 102.7 90.3 101.2 100.6 103.0 115.8 101.2 99.1 100.4 2869-59911 2869-59912 2869-59913 2869-59999 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 101.6 101.2 91.4 93.1 95.7 81.9 92.8 101.0 99.1 91.0 92.3 95.7 81.6 90.8 99.8 2869-6 2869-613 2869-614 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.3 93.2 102.7 103.3 93.6 102.7 104.4 96.1 2869-699 12/82 110.6 110.3 111.0 -.3 4.2 2869-7 2869-738 2869-754 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.4 105.0 100.5 102.7 .3 .5 .2 0 .5 -.3 0 (3) 103.1 104.8 100.0 102.5 .4 (3) 1.0 2869-799 2869-M 2869-Z89 2869-S 2821-S 2865-S 2869-SSS 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.5 104.3 104.8 101.9 108.8 92.7 101.5 107.1 104.3 104.8 100.3 108.9 86.6 100.7 107.8 104.3 (3) 100.3 110.3 81.9 101.9 .6 0 () .1 1.3 -5.4 .4 0 (3) -1.4 2.2 -9.2 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.1 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 121.2 117.8 120.4 124.1 123.1 117.7 120.3 119.5 123.8 118.5 122.0 119.1 .6 .7 1.4 -.3 12/79 12/79 121.0 110.4 118.3 109.7 110.8 1.0 12/79 112.3 111.5 113.4 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 124.7 107.7 130.3 100.7 127.1 107.3 146.2 100.8 130.2 104.7 146.2 100.7 2.5 -2.4 0 -.1 12/79 12/79 106.9 105.9 106.1 105.0 105.7 104.6 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 118.2 102.6 91.2 89.5 116.4 101.8 91.6 116.9 100.9 90.2 88.8 2874-2B 2874-251 12/79 12/79 106.0 106.8 104.9 105.7 104.1 104.9 2874-3 2874-31 2874-313 2874-31306 2874-S 12/79 12/80 12/79 12/79 12/79 111.7 105.7 114.6 124.1 129.0 110.7 104.6 113.3 (3) 129.0 111.8 105.8 114.7 124.2 127.9 12/79 118.1 116.9 117.3 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 117.0 115.8 116.9 114.7 94.7 120.1 120.6 117.2 122.3 116.2 115.3 116.9 110.9 96.2 123.4 122.1 117.0 117.3 116.0 115.1 116.6 111.2 96.7 122.1 122.6 116.8 117.3 2869-P 2869-3 2869-311 2869-31111 2869-31112 2869-331 2869-351 2869-35199 2869-4 2869-5 Agricultural chemicals.. 287 Nitrogenous fertilizers Primary products Synthetic ammonia, nitric acid and ammonium compounds . Nitrate (100% NH4NO3) Nitrate for fertilizer use Solid nitrate Nitrogen solutions and other ammonium compounds Nitrogen solutions, including mixtures containing urea (100%N) Anhydrous and aqua ammonia Anhydrous ammonia Urea Secondary products Phosphatic fertilizers 2873 Phosphatic fertilizers Primary products Phosphoric acid Wet process phosphoric acid Superphosphate and other phosphatic fertilizer materials Superphosphate Triple superphosphates (42% P2O5 and above) Ammonium phosphates and other phosphatic fertilizer materials Ammonium phosphates Mixed fertilizers, produced from one or more materials made in the same plant Complete mixed fertilizer Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, other N-P-K Secondary products 2874 Fertilizers, mixing only Mixed fertilizers (made by plants which do not manufacture phosphatic fertilizer materials) Complete mixed fertilizers (guarantees N, P205 and K20) Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 5-10-15 N-P-K Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 6-24-24 N-P-K Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 10-10-10 N-P-K Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, 12-12-12 n-p-k Complete mixed fertilizer, dry form, miscellaneous N-P-K .... Complete mixed fertilizers, liquid form 2875 2873-P 2873-1 2873-1A 2873-15A 2873-152 2873-1B 2873-155 2873-13 2873-131 2873-2 2873-S 2874-S 2874-P 2874-1 2874-151 2874-2 2874-2A 2874-241 2875-P 2875-2A 2875-213 2875-21301 2875-21302 2875-21303 2875-21304 2875-21306 2875-227 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 51 100.4 96.6 95.4 90.4 (3) 102.8 90.8 101.2 100.6 103.0 115.8 70.8 68.2 102.7 .6 0 15.8 -2.6 -2.9 1.0 .6 2.3 16.0 -9.1 -10.1 -.9 (3) -.6 -10.0 -3.9 -.4 .6 -.6 () -7.5 -7.4 -13.4 -2.5 -18.4 -2.7 .6 -.7 .9 -1.0 -.5 -9.2 -2.9 -6.6 -7.0 -14.7 1.1 1.0 1.8 1.7 -5.1 12.2 0 3.2 -3.3 12.2 0 -5.5 -4.4 18.1 -3.7 -.4 -.4 -.4 -.4 -1.0 -1.1 -4.9 -4.9 .5 -.9 -1.2 -1.2 -.5 -.2 0 -.5 -1.9 -2.8 -2.8 .3 -7.4 -7.3 -7.4 -.7 -.7 -.6 -.6 -1.7 -1.7 -7.4 -7.4 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.1 -.8 1.6 1.8 1.7 .5 -.8 .5 .6 .5 -1.5 .9 -.1 -2.0 -4.3 -.3 0 .4 .4 2.0 2.4 1.4 .3 -4.1 -2.4 -2.1 -1.9 -3.3 3.2 .3 1.6 -2.2 -4.1 -4.8 -4.8 -4.9 -8.2 -10.4 -2.8 -4.0 -4.7 -4.1 3 1.3 -1.5 -.2 -.2 -.2 .3 .6 -1.0 .4 -.2 0 1.7 -.1 -2.8 1.4 0 () 3 3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Fertilizers, mixing only—Continued Incomplete mixed fertilizers Incomplete mixed fertilizers, grades guaranteeing P205 and K20only Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 -3.2 -4.3 -4.9 2875-2B 104.2 101.2 101.2 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 99.8 118.0 118.1 141.2 103.0 115.0 114.8 140.5 102.9 118.0 118.0 140.7 -.1 2.6 2.8 .1 1.4 1.0 .9 0 -1.0 -.5 -.6 -8.9 -2.4 -2.6 -3.6 2879-P 06/82 06/82 98.0 97.4 98.6 97.7 98.0 97.8 -.6 .2 .5 1.1 -.8 -.5 1.8 3.0 2879-5 2879-525 2879-52531 2879-52541 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 103.9 102.6 105.1 103.2 101.9 100.5 107.0 101.3 102.3 101.0 107.1 101.9 .4 .4 .1 .6 -.4 -.4 -.2 -.4 -2.7 -2.9 1.2 .3 7.3 -.4 2879-6 2879-625 2879-62541 2879-62565 2879-62579 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 94.3 95.3 100.2 97.1 89.0 94.0 94.8 (3) 95.0 93.8 94.6 101.1 97.7 87.0 -.2 -.2 (3) 2.8 -2.3 .2 0 1.3 2.7 -2.2 -1.2 -1.1 -4.4 1.5 1.3 6.1 1.7 -2.1 2879-7 2879-725 2879-72579 06/82 06/82 06/82 84.8 89.1 98.8 105.1 89.5 100.0 105.1 89.5 1.3 0 0 17.4 17.4 2.2 16.5 16.5 2.5 32.5 34.2 9.6 2879-8 2879-898 2879-9 06/82 06/82 06/82 102.9 103.5 100.2 102.8 103.3 101.9 104.2 105.1 101.9 1.4 1.7 0 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.7 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.9 1.6 2879-998 2879-S 06/82 06/82 104.2 99.6 104.4 102.3 104.4 97.6 0 -4.6 .3 -2.0 .3 -3.1 .2 -2.3 2891-P 2891-3 2891-35 2891-351 2891-355 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.0 103.0 105.6 101.7 102.2 99.8 102.8 102.8 105.6 101.7 102.2 103.0 102.9 106.3 101.9 102.4 99.8 .3 .1 .7 .2 .2 0 .1 0 1.7 .3 .2 .4 .1 -.1 1.9 .5 .2 1.6 1.7 1.7 6.3 1.9 (3) -.2 2891-398 12/83 100.2 100.2 100.7 2891-4 2891-411 2891-44 2891-441 2891-453 2891-455 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 01/84 103.3 105.7 102.1 102.0 100.1 100.0 102.3 107.7 101.3 100.5 104.2 100.0 102.1 108.5 101.3 100.5 104.2 100.0 -.3 .8 0 0 0 0 -1.4 .4 -.7 -1.2 4.0 0 -1.4 3.4 -.7 .3 .1 .3 -1.2 4.0 -1.1 4.2 2891-465 2891-478 2891-48 2891-481 2891-483 2891-5 2891-55 2891-555 2891-56 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 01/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.0 101.8 103.0 101.8 103.6 100.6 103.4 101.9 100.4 103.2 102.1 103.0 101.8 103.6 102.9 101.8 98.4 103.0 103.8 100.0 103.0 101.8 103.6 104.0 101.6 97.8 104.2 .6 -2.0 0 0 0 1.0 -.3 -.7 1.1 .6 -1.8 0 0 (3) 3.4 -1.8 .9 -1.8 .1 0 .1 3.1 2879 Adhesives and sealants Primary products Natural base glues and adhesives Vegetable adhesives Dextrines Starches Other natural base glues and adhesives, from natural gums, shellac, silicate, lacquers, etc Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives, including all types of bonding and laminating adhesives Epoxy adhesives Vinyl type adhesives Polyvinyl acetate, latex type Acrylic adhesives Polyester adhesives Hot melt adhesives, including nylon, polyolefin, and other hot melts Rubber and synthetic resin combinations Rubber cement, for sale as such Latex type Solvent type Caulking compounds and sealants Natural base Bituminous base (coal tar or asphalt) Synthetic base General performance sealants (PVAC, butyl, vinyl, acrylic, neoprene, etc.) Special performance sealants (epoxy, urethane, polysulfide, silicone, etc.) Secondary products Paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, and allied products Other secondary products 12/80 2875-231 2875-M 2875-Z89 2875-S Agricultural chemicals, n.e.c Primary products Insecticidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use Containing organic compounds Carbamate preparations Organo-phosphate preparations Herbicidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use Containing organic compounds Phenoxy compound preparations Triazine preparations Other organic preparations Fungicidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use Containing organic compounds Miscellaneous organic compounds Other pesticidal preparations primarily for agricultural, garden or health service use Except soil fumigants, defoliants, dissicants and rodenticides Household pesticidal preparations Miscellaneous household pesticidal preparations, including industrial exterminants Secondary products 2891 1.8 -4.2 -1.4 .9 .4 .7 ft 3.4 3.1 -1.1 2.6 .6 (3) 3.7 1.6 (3) 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.9 4.6 ft -4.1 3.8 2891-566 12/83 99.9 104.5 103.5 -1.0 2891-567 2891-S 2851-S 2891-SSS 12/83 100.1 102.9 105.0 2.0 01/84 12/83 3.6 4.9 104.4 (3) 2.3 2.3 (3) 3.3 12/8C 12/8C 119.8 119.9 120.0 120.6 120.0 120.7 0 0 .5 .7 .8 1.3 .6 1.2 2892-1 2892-11 2892-117 2892-118 2892-122 2892-16 2892-169 2892-S Printing ink Primary products Lithographic and offset ink (black and color) Publication ink (3) 102.1 2892-P Explosives Primary products Explosives manufactured in privately owned and operated establishments High explosives ANFO, except slurry Water gel and slurries Other high explosives Blasting accessories Other blasting accessories Secondary products 108.9 102.5 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 122.6 120.6 130.7 133.1 (3) 127.8 130.2 114.3 122.4 119.9 127.7 133.1 107.2 128.5 131.3 109.7 122.0 119.1 127.7 -.3 -.6 0 -.2 -.7 .1 -.2 -.7 .3 1.7 2.8 9.6 2893-P 2893-2 2893-232 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.8 100.9 101.3 100.8 100.2 100.3 101.6 100.4 101.2 101.3 101.6 100.4 2892 2893 See footnotes at end of table. Index 52 3.3 () ft ft ft 128.5 131.3 1.0 1.1 0 0 .2 .1 -.1 -1.0 -.4 -.4 .4 -.4 ft ft ft ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Printing ink—Continued Packaging ink Other lithographic and offset ink Gravure ink Packaging ink Flexographic ink Packaging ink Printing ink, n.e.c Other printing ink, including stencil ink . Product code 2893-235 2893-239 2893-3 2893-343 2893-4 2893-481 2893-5 2893-598 Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1965 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 99.5 103.4 96.1 95.3 104.8 105.6 102.8 102.7 100.1 104.2 93.7 97.5 100.4 100.3 103.1 103.2 100.1 104.2 98.9 97.9 99.7 99.4 103.1 103.2 0 0 5.5 .5 -.7 -.9 0 0 0.1 .6 -.6 -.1 1.0 1.2 .2 .4 0.9 .7 -2.0 3.5 -1.4 -3.2 -.4 -.9 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 12/83 12/83 103.2 103.2 100.0 100.0 98.2 98.2 -1.8 -1.8 -1.7 -1.7 -5.3 -5.3 -3.6 -3.6 12/83 104.1 99.9 97.7 -2.3 -2.2 -6.8 -4.5 Carbon black Primary products Carbon black West south central region .... 2895 Paving and roofing materials 295 12/84 100.0 99.7 101.1 1.4 1.0 ft ft Paving mixtures and block Primary products Emulsified asphalt incl. liquid additives ... Asphalt & tar paving mixtures & blocks . Northern tier Central tier Southern tier , Secondary products 2951 2951-P 2951-111 2951-113 2951-11311 2951-11312 2951-11313 2951-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 107.8 108.1 107.5 108.7 104.3 107.9 114.6 113.9 108.5 108.8 107.5 109.8 107.2 109.4 113.3 114.3 109.4 109.6 108.2 110.9 107.0 111.3 114.4 116.1 .9 .8 .7 .9 -.2 1.7 1.0 1.6 1.0 .9 .7 1.1 .3 3.2 -.7 1.6 3.3 3.3 1.6 4.5 3.0 5.1 5.3 2.9 5.3 5.6 4.8 6.8 4.8 11.1 3.6 3.2 Asphalt felts and coatings Primary products Asphalt and tar saturated felts and boards, non-building Asphalt and tar products; except felts, coatings, and cements; non-building Roofing asphalts and pitches, coatings, and cements Roofing asphalts Fibrated asphaltic roofing coatings Nonfibrated asphaltic roofing coatings Asphaltic roofing cements Other roofing asphalts and pitches, coatings, and cements Prepared asphalt and tar roofing and siding products Smooth surface roll roofing including talc, mica, and other fine materials Smooth asphalt roll roofing, organic base Self-sealing strip shingles; 244lbs. or less, organic base Self sealing and regular strip asphalt shingles, fiberglass 2952 2952-P 2952-1 06/84 06/84 06/84 104.8 105.3 103.4 103.4 110.7 105.5 106.0 110.7 2.0 2.6 0 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 ft ft ft ft 2952-131 2952-2 2952-212 2952-251 2952-255 2952-261 2952-298 2952-3 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.9 101.1 100.9 101.0 100.9 99.2 106.0 110.7 99.3 97.9 100.4 99.3 101.3 99.8 103.7 110.7 99.8 98.8 100.8 98.8 101.3 100.1 107.2 0 .5 .9 .4 -.4 0 .3 3.4 -1.4 -3.1 0 -.3 -.1 1.0 2.1 -1.0 -2.8 .2 0 .9 .7 1.7 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2952-311 2952-31101 2952-314 06/84 06/84 06/84 103.2 104.9 110.4 103.5 105.5 107.2 104.3 106.8 110.5 .8 1.2 3.0 1.1 1.7 2.0 ft 2952-325 2952-353 2952-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 101.1 100.9 102.3 99.8 100.7 103.8 105.0 101.6 103.0 5.2 .9 -.7 3.4 .7 .9 2895-P 2895-111 2895-11101 base Saturated felts for built-up roofing systems Secondary products 299 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.3 Lubricating oils and greases Primary products Lubricating and similar oils Automotive Commercial Commercial motor oil Retail Retail motor oil Industrial General industrial oil Industrial process oil Industrial metalworking oil . Lubricating greases Industrial grease Secondary products 2992 2992-P 2992-1 2992-111 2992-1111 2992-11111 2992-1112 2992-11121 2992-121 2992-12111 2992-12112 2992-12113 2992-2 2992-232 2992-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 112.6 113.6 114.1 116.4 107.4 106.8 126.4 108.4 108.4 110.2 106.2 107.9 110.7 112.1 112.8 112.6 114.0 114.5 117.0 107.7 107.5 127.2 109.9 108.6 110.2 106.8 107.1 110.8 112.1 107.8 113.1 114.4 115.0 117.5 107.6 107.2 128.4 112.3 109.0 110.8 106.9 107.9 110.5 111.6 110.6 .4 .3 .4 .4 -.1 -.3 1.0 2.1 .4 .5 0 .7 -.3 -.5 2.6 -.1 0 0 0 .2 .4 -.2 -.4 0 .5 -.4 -1.0 .4 1.0 -1.9 Petroleum and coal products, n.e.c Primary products Calcined petroleum coke (not made in refineries) Other petroleum and coal products, n.e.c. (inc. petroleum coke made outside refineries) 2999 2999-P 2999-2 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 99.9 100.0 0 0 0 -.1 -.1 2999-5 12/84 100.0 99.5 99.5 Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products . 30 12/84 100.0 99.8 100.4 .6 Tires and inner tubes Primary products Passenger car pneumatic tires Radials Highway standard service 13" Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement . 14" Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement . 15" Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement . Non-radials 3011 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 96.7 95.0 95.8 95.3 95.3 106.6 97.9 92.7 96.3 97.9 96.3 96.9 96.0 96.0 106.7 96.0 94.8 97.9 97.3 95.6 95.9 94.1 94.1 106.7 96.1 91.7 97.9 -.7 -.7 -1.1 -2.0 -2.0 0 0 -3.3 0 0 See footnotes at end of table. 53 ft ft ft .4 .6 1.2 ft ft ft ft Miscellaneous products of petroleum and coal .... 3011-P 3011-1 3011-112 3011-1121 3011-11211 3011-11212 3011-11213 3011-15 2.4 -.5 -.1 -2.1 -2.4 -1.2 -3.5 -3.5 .2 -3.6 -3.9 1.4 .6 .8 .7 .8 .2 .4 1.5 3.3 .5 .5 .6 0 1.0 1.5 -.5 ft .5 .6 .8 .9 .2 .5 .8 1.8 .5 .7 .2 .1 -.2 -.5 -.5 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft -.1 -.1 -.4 -2.3 -2.3 .2 -1.8 -2.9 1.9 -1.2 -1.9 -1.6 -3.6 -3.6 -.4 -4.3 -3.6 .7 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Tires and inner tubes—Continued Bias-Ply Highway standard service 14" Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement... 15" Rim diameter. Original equipment or replacement... Bias-belted Truck/bus tires, including off highway Non-radials Light highway truck. Original equipment or replacement Medium/heavy highway truck. Original equipment or replacement Other pneumatic and all solid tires Tractor/implement tires Rear tractor. Original equipment or replacement Industrial and highway - solid Other solid and semi-pneumatic, incl. hand lawnmower, baby carriage, tricycle, etc Tread rubber, tire sundries, and repair materials Tread rubber Other tire sundries and repair materials, n.e.c Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3011-151 3011-1511 3011-15112 3011-15113 3011-152 3011-2 3011-215 3011-21511 96.7 96.7 96.0 99.9 99.6 91.4 92.4 96.8 0.0 0 0 .1 0 -.2 -.2 0 0.9 .8 .5 .3 2.0 -5.9 -6.5 -5.9 1.0 .9 .5 .5 3.2 .3 .8 2.2 1.8 1.3 -1.0 4.2 -.7 -4.0 -4.4 -5.2 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 83.0 102.2 99.5 87.3 94.4 86.7 102.6 99.0 86.0 110.5 86.2 101.4 98.3 84.1 94.4 -.6 -1.1 -.7 -2.1 -14.6 -7.4 -1.5 -1.3 -3.8 -14.9 -1.2 -1.4 -1.2 -3.6 -14.6 -3.3 -.6 .7 2.1 -11.5 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 109.5 104.6 103.0 110.3 105.6 (3) 104.9 103.4 110.3 105.6 (3) 104.9 103.4 110.3 105.6 ft ft ft (3) 3021-P 3021-1 3021-121 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 102.2 104.0 118.8 117.5 93.1 97.8 118.8 117.5 3021-2 3021-201 3021-205 3021-207 3021-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 100.0 98.3 109.6 92.1 93.1 87.7 (3) (3) 95.6 76.4 76.4 3031-P 3031-111 3031-11102 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.6 103.6 103.6 102.8 104.2 104.2 104.2 102.8 3041-P 3041-1 3041-103 3041-105 3041-116 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 109.8 110.7 98.2 108.7 93.8 (3) 3041-2 3041-225 3041-231 3041-3 3041-312 3041-314 3041-316 3041-4 3041-451 3041-453 3041-6 3041-63 3041-639 3041-663 3041-674 3041-68 3041-684 3041-S 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 121.5 116.5 125.9 112.5 135.7 121.3 110.2 105.5 108.1 97.0 108.0 107.9 107.9 103.3 106.3 114.8 3069-P 3069-A 3069-A11 3069-A12 3069-A13 3069-A14 3069-A16 3069-B 3069-BA 3069-B11 3069-B 12 3069-B19 3069-C 3069-C12 3069-C1203 3069-C39 3031 3041 Fabricated rubber products, n.e.c Primary products Molded rubber mechanical goods Automotive Transportation, other than automotive Appliances, household and commercial Oil and gas field machinery and equipment Other molded goods Extruded and lathe cut rubber mechanical goods Extrusions Automotive, except tubing Appliances, household and commercial Other extrusions Industrial rubber products, n.e.c Roll covering, including all industry rolls, except graphic arts All other roll coverings, except graphic arts Other industrial rubber products 96.6 96.7 96.0 99.9 99.6 91.6 92.6 96.8 3021 Rubber and plastics hose and belting Primary products Rubber and plastics belts and belting, flat Light weight conveyor and elevator Heavy duty conveyor and elevator Other flat rubber and plastics belts and belting Rubber and plastics transmission belts and belting, other than flat Motor vehicle Industrial, except fractional Rubber hose, mandrel made, and all hydraulic Textile, hydraulic Textile, nonhydraulic Wire, hydraulic Rubber hose, long length nonhydraulic, except garden Textile Wire All other rubber and plastics hose Wrapped reinforced Machine Braided or loomed, helical reinforced All other rubber hose All other plastics hose Nonhydraulic Secondary products 95.7 95.9 95.5 99.5 97.2 89.5 89.8 94.7 3011-342 3011-5 3011-511 3011-539 3011-S Reclaimed rubber Primary products Reclaimed rubber Other devulcanized rubber. 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 3011-21521 3011-3 3011-314 3011-31421 3011-333 Rubber and plastics footwear Primary products Footwear of all rubber or all plastics Boots Footwear with rubber or plastic sole vulcanized or molded to fabric uppers Men's footwear Women's and misses' footwear Children's, infants' and babies' footwear Secondary products 3069 See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 54 0 0 0 0 .3 .4 0 0 .4 .4 .3 0 0 -1.3 3.7 3.3 97.1 103.0 121.5 119.2 4.4 5.3 2.2 1.5 -1.0 4.2 2.3 1.5 -4.7 -.6 2.2 1.5 -8.4 -5.1 4.0 2.6 98.0 93.1 110.2 6.4 0 25.7 4.9 -5.3 30.1 -1.5 -5.3 1.1 -7.8 -4.2 -10.9 ft ft ft ft -20.1 -20.1 -21.4 104.5 104.5 104.5 102.8 .3 .3 .3 0 .3 .3 .3 0 .8 .8 .8 0 .8 .8 .8 0 110.4 111.5 102.5 112.3 98.2 (3) 110.1 111.2 102.5 112.3 98.2 (3) -3 -.2 0 0 0 .8 1.0 4.9 3.3 4.7 2.5 1.9 7.8 3.9 10.0 ft ft .4 .6 4.3 3.3 4.7 (3) 123.8 120.8 126.6 112.5 135.6 121.3 123.4 117.2 130.3 112.5 135.6 121.3 -.7 -.6 -1.2 1.3 0 3.3 3 () -.4 -.7 1.0 -2.0 -7.3 -5.2 .4 -2.3 5.8 -.8 1.7 -4.0 3.9 6.5 3.8 (3) -1.8 -2.5 1.0 -2.3 -8.0 -23.3 5.7 0 -1.1 ft (3) (3) ft -.3 -3.0 2.9 0 0 0 3 () -1.6 -2.0 0 -1.7 -2.7 -5.2 0 -.4 -4.4 1.6 .6 3.5 .1 0 0 (3) 103.8 105.9 97.0 105.9 105.2 102.0 103.3 103.9 111.3 105.7 105.5 108.1 97.0 107.8 108.0 107.5 103.3 104.3 116.4 (3) 105.7 106.1 .3 .3 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.2 102.0 96.8 88.9 104.2 93.3 103.4 107.2 105.5 103.4 102.8 104.8 105.5 104.8 103.4 103.5 98.3 90.8 105.7 95.2 104.4 109.6 106.0 103.8 102.8 107.1 105.5 105.7 103.3 103.3 97.8 90.1 105.7 94.8 104.3 109.1 106.0 103.9 102.8 107.1 105.8 105.7 -.2 -.2 -.5 -.7 0 -.4 -.1 -.5 0 .1 0 0 .3 0 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.6 108.1 104.9 105.7 111.1 105.8 105.7 111.1 105.8 0 0 .0 ft ft 0 (3) (3) -1.6 -2.0 0 -1.9 -2.5 ft 0 -2.4 -3.1 (3) ft .4 6.2 .2 .3 .2 -.4 0 1.1 -.7 1.0 .4 .3 0 0 .3 .8 1.1 1.3 1.4 2.4 1.7 1.6 .7 1.7 .7 .6 0 3.4 .3 1.0 3.6 4.0 3.4 1.4 6.7 1.6 3.2 7.4 4.4 2.0 2.8 (3) 1.8 4.3 1.0 2.9 .7 1.0 2.9 1.1 3.3 4.1 5.2 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Fabricated rubber products, n.e.c.—Continued Rubber coated fabrics and rubber clothing Rubber clothing Industrial rubber gloves Other rubber goods Other rubber goods including tanks, blocks, threads, and band trucks Rubber floor and wall coverings Individual mats Allother mats Rubber shoe products Soles All other soles Rubber sole and heel combinations Rubber druggist and medical sundries, including household gloves Other rubber druggist and medical sundries Compounds or mixtures for sale or interplant tranfer Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products Miscellaneous Plastics Products Primary products Plastics resins and materials, n.e.c Other plastics resins and materials Plastics furniture components and furnishings Selected plastic furniture components and furnishings Furniture components, accessories, and parts, except foam .. Other (incl. fixtures, lampshades, frames, etc.) Foam plastics for furniture Plastic packaging Plastic shipping and storage products Foamed protective shipping pads and shaped packaging Plastic bottles Plastic caps and closures Caps and closures Food trays Food trays (baskets, shipping boxes, and cases) Other plastics packaging Other plastics packaging Transportation fabricated plastics products Components, housing, accessories and parts for transportation equipment Motor vehicles Aircraft, space and missile Other transportation equipment Foam plastics for automobiles Electrical and electronic fabricated plastics products Office, computing & accounting machines, cash registers & data processing machines Office, computing & accounting machines, cash registers, and data processing machines Household and commercial appliances Household and commercial appliances Battery cases and parts Battery cases and parts Other electrical and electronic equipment Other electrical and electronic equipment Plastic industrial machinery parts Selected plastic industrial machinery products Gears, bearings, bushings and cams Other components, housings, accessories and parts Other industrial plastics products Other industrial plastics products Dinnerware, tableware, and kitchenware, except cups Dinnerware, tableware, and kitchenware, except cups Consumer, institutional & commercial fabricated plastics products, n.e.c Foamed plastics products Foam plastics (incl. sponges, holiday decorations, etc.) Selected consumer, institutional and commercial plastics products Nonfoam cups Shoe products Consumer, institutional and commercial plastic containers Flower pots and plant containers Plasticware (other than dinnerware, tableware, and kitchenware) Hospitalware Other consumer, commercial and industrial products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1.3 2.6 2.6 -4.0 2.8 5.1 5.1 -.3 2.1 5.1 5.1 -.4 1.3 0 -.4 .8 1.3 0 -.5 1.7 1.3 0 3069-D 3069-DB 3069-D41 3069-E 06/83 06/83 06/63 06/83 102.0 103.9 103.9 103.6 104.1 107.7 107.7 104.7 104.1 107.7 107.7 104.6 0 0 0 -.1 3069-E28 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.9 101.8 101.4 100.4 105.1 101.0 100.1 100.4 105.0 105.0 103.4 103.5 105.0 101.8 101.4 100.4 105.0 105.0 103.4 103.5 -.1 .8 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.3 104.0 103.7 101.2 99.7 106.1 104.9 102.7 99.7 105.0 102.8 -.5 -.8 -.1 0 0 0 0 .6 .8 -.2 0 0 -.9 -1.5 1.2 1.5 -.5 -.3 -.3 .3 .6 4.5 4.4 0 (3) 99.7 103.4 105.3 100.8 99.7 99.7 105.0 102.8 12/82 12/82 105.2 105.3 105.1 105.1 105.4 105.5 .3 .4 -.4 -.4 0 0 .5 .4 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 108.8 104.6 97.9 95.1 93.4 106.7 103.1 107.2 105.1 98.8 94.9 97.7 107.0 103.2 105.4 103.9 98.4 94.9 96.3 105.5 103.0 -1.7 -1.1 -.3 0 -1.4 -1.4 -.2 -5.7 -.1 -.2 -.2 -.6 -.1 .4 -5.9 -2.0 .6 1.0 -.2 1.7 .9 5.8 -.7 .3 100.4 103.8 103.4 103.4 101.2 101.2 102.1 102.1 102.4 100.6 102.8 105.8 105.8 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.8 102.5 100.6 102.2 105.8 105.8 101.8 101.8 101.8 101.8 102.6 0 -.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 .2 1.3 0 0 -.2 -.2 .5 .5 .2 .2 -.7 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 -.9 -.9 .2 .9 -.9 2.3 2.3 -.5 -.5 -.5 3079-D 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 3079-DA 3079-D32 3079-D34 3079-D36 3079-DB 3079-E 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.4 103.7 107.9 97.5 100.1 100.5 103.5 103.7 (3) 97.5 100.3 100.6 103.6 103.8 (3) 97.5 100.5 100.7 .1 .1 () 0 .1 .1 0 0 0 -.1 () 0 .6 -.6 -.9 3079-EA 12/82 109.5 109.9 110.2 -.2 2.3 5.2 3079-E11 3079-EB 3079-E23 3079-ED 3079-E71 3079-EF 3079-E83 3079-F 3079-FA 3079-F21 3079-F25 3079-FB 3079-F41 3079-G 3079-G11 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 109.5 98.9 98.9 110.2 98.9 98.9 94.5 94.5 100.9 100.9 108.2 109.8 105.4 111.5 107.0 107.0 105.6 105.6 .3 0 0 0 (3) .3 .3 0 .3 1.1 0 -.2 -.2 -.3 -.3 -.2 3.9 3.9 2.3 -7.7 -7.7 5.2 -3.0 -3.0 100.5 100.5 108.1 109.2 102.7 111.5 107.2 107.2 105.8 105.8 109.9 98.9 98.9 94.5 (3) 100.6 100.6 108.2 109.5 104.2 111.5 107.2 107.2 105.9 105.9 .3 .3 .2 .6 2.6 0 -.2 -.2 -.5 -.5 .9 .9 .2 .6 2.6 0 -.2 -.2 .2 .2 1.2 3079-H 3079-HA 3079-H31 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.9 95.4 85.1 108.6 96.1 87.5 109.6 96.1 88.0 .9 0 .5 .3 1.6 6.7 5.6 .3 2.8 -14.2 3079-HB 3079-H37 3079-H43 3079-HC 3079-H53 01/83 01/83 06/84 12/82 12/82 104.3 104.2 100.7 100.0 100.1 104.6 105.4 100.5 101.2 99.4 105.4 105.4 102.5 100.8 97.4 0 1.9 -.4 -2.0 1.2 (3) 2.0 -.4 -2.0 .9 1.2 1.4 1.9 3.1 1.3 1.3 () 2.7 7.4 3079-HD 3079-H63 3079-HE 12/82 12/82 119.9 106.7 112.1 117.2 120.6 118.5 7.6 1.2 8.1 -.8 8.1 9.9 8.1 12.3 3069-4 3069-4A 3069-425 3069-6 3069-631 3069-63103 3069-661 3069-7 3069-778 3069-9 3069-M 3069-Z89 3069-S 3069-SSS 3079 3079-P 3079-A 3079-A23 3079-B 3079-BA 3079-B36 3079-B48 3079-BB 3079-C 3079-CA 3079-C19 3079-CB 3079-CD 3079-C79 3079-CE 3079-C81 3079-CF 3079-C89 See footnotes at end of table. Index 55 t3) 100.9 99.7 3 3 () 0 .6 1.2 -.1 3.2 -2.7 .5 t8) 2.8 .6 _ c -.5 3 -1.8 1.2 .2 .6 2.6 0 -.2 -.2 1.5 1.5 6.2 -5.2 3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Miscellaneous Plastics Products—Continued Other consumer, commercial and industrial products Unsupported plastics film, sheetings, rods and tubes Film, sheets, and sheetings (excl. foam and floor and wall coverings) Polyethylene Polystyrene Vinyl and vinyl copolymer Other unsupported plastics film, sheets and sheeting Rods, tubes and other shapes Rods, tubes and other stock shapes (excl. foam) Laminated plastics sheets, rods and tubes Thermosetting Thermoplastic Building and construction plastics products Plastic construction panels Corrugated and flat panels Selected finished plastic construction products Doors, partitions, moldings, windows and frames, and decorative trim Supported and unsupported floor, wall and counter coverings Supported floor, wall, and counter coverings Other unsupported floor, wall, and counter coverings Plastic plumbing products Plumbing fixtures Plastic pipes and fittings Pipes Insulation (foam) including pipe and block Regenerated cellulosic products, except rayon Regenerated cellulosic products, except rayon Custom compounded purchased resins Custom compounded purchased resins Miscellaneous receipts Product code ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 1.2 .3 -0.8 -.2 9.9 0 12.3 .6 -.3 .3 .4 -.9 3079-H73 3079-1 106.7 106.1 117.2 105.7 118.5 105.9 3079-1A 3079-127 3079-147 3079-167 3079-177 3079-1B 3079-185 3079-3 3079-301 3079-381 3079-6 3079-6A 3079-612 3079-6B 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.2 101.6 72.0 102.8 115.8 114.5 114.5 104.5 103.2 108.1 111.5 104.7 102.2 (3) 102.4 113.9 114.6 114.6 106.4 105.7 108.2 104.7 104.8 102.2 (3) 102.5 114.2 116.5 116.5 104.7 103.7 107.5 107.7 ft ft .1 .2 1.7 1.7 -1.5 -1.9 -.7 2.9 ft ft -.7 -.7 1.7 1.7 -.8 -.9 -.6 -3.0 -.2 -.7 1.7 1.7 .5 .1 1.4 -4.4 .5 1.7 2.1 2.1 2.7 3.8 -.2 -5.8 12/82 12/82 104.9 100.7 104.7 102.3 105.0 102.3 .3 0 .1 0 1.9 -4.4 5.4 -3.4 3079-623 3079-6C 3079-632 3079-639 3079-6D 3079-654 3079-6E 3079-657 3079-6F 3079-8 3079-827 3079-9 3079-911 3079-M 3079-Z89 3079-S Secondary products.. 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 01/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 104.6 104.4 99.4 106.0 99.8 99.8 118.8 105.1 104.6 105.7 105.7 106.6 106.6 107.3 107.2 103.0 (3) 106.8 (3) 107.7 99.8 99.8 106.1 98.7 104.6 105.4 105.4 106.5 106.5 107.4 107.3 103.6 104.6 106.4 103.2 107.3 99.8 99.8 111.6 107.7 104.6 106.9 106.9 107.1 107.1 105.8 105.2 103.9 -.4 (3) -.3 0 0 5.1 9.1 0 1.5 1.5 .6 .6 -1.5 -2.0 .3 0 -.2 1.9 2.1 0 0 0 -5.0 4.4 0 1.1 1.1 -.1 -.1 -1.5 -2.0 .7 0 .8 -.6 1.3 0 0 -7.0 1.6 0 1.1 1.1 .9 .9 -1.4 -1.9 1.2 .1 0 ft -.5 .3 ft ft 3.0 ft ft -9.7 1.5 0 3.3 3.3 1.8 1.8 .6 0 1.6 Leather and leather products . 31 12/84 100.0 101.4 100.8 -.6 .1 ft ft Leather tanning and finishing Primary products Finished cattle hide and kip side leather Grains, except offal and welting leather Bag, case, and strap leather Upper leather, including patent Dress and casual shoe, including all patent Other upper leather Other grains Finished splits Finished sheep and lamb leather Garment leather Rough,crust, and wet blue not finished in the same establishment Wet blue cattle hide splits Rough, crust and other wet blue Receipts for contract tanning done for others on their materials 3111 3111-P 3111-1 3111-1A 3111-134 3111-137 3111-13711 3111-13712 3111-147 3111-1C 3111-3 3111-331 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 112.9 112.4 114.5 115.6 100.3 108.1 107.4 112.1 119.6 98.7 115.2 109.5 110.1 109.6 110.5 111.6 101.2 106.3 106.0 108.1 120.1 93.8 113.7 107.6 110.9 110.4 111.4 112.6 100.8 108.9 108.6 110.7 118.8 93.8 113.7 107.6 .7 .7 .8 .9 -.5 2.4 2.4 2.5 -1.1 0 0 0 -2.5 -2.5 -3.5 -3.5 -4.0 -.6 -.6 -1.0 .8 -4.2 -1.3 -1.8 -4.4 -4.9 -5.9 -5.3 -13.5 -2.8 -2.2 -5.9 -3.4 -14.3 2.6 3.6 -6.4 -7.6 -7.8 -6.1 -8.7 -5.6 -5.7 -4.6 -2.0 -26.7 2.4 3.3 3111-5 3111-512 3111-513 3111-9 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 88.9 85.9 102.9 103.7 90.2 87.7 101.8 106.9 91.9 90.6 98.1 107.5 1.9 3.3 -3.7 .6 1.7 3.5 -5.6 3.9 -20.7 -23.1 -7.9 3.4 -41.7 -46.1 -8.4 4.5 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings Primary products Outer soles and innersoles of leather Other leather cut stock Non-leather stock and findings incl. heels . Secondary products 3131 3131-P 3131-116 3131-131 3131-191 3131-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.5 98.3 95.4 98.2 99.6 99.7 98.9 98.8 95.4 99.3 99.8 99.7 .4 .4 0 1.2 .1 0 -.3 -.3 -3.5 .5 .6 -.3 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Footwear, except rubber. 314 12/84 100.0 102.0 100.8 -1.1 -.1 ft ft Men's footwear Primary products Men's leather upper footwear Men's leather upper dress and casual shoes . Men's leather upper boots Men's leather upper work shoes or boots Men's leather upper other footwear Men's plastic upper footwear Men's plastic upper dress and casual shoes .. Secondary products 3143 3143-P 3143-1 3143-111 3143-112 3143-113 3143-114 3143-2 3143-216 3143-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 109.4 109.0 109.5 105.5 113.0 115.8 113.7 104.2 104.4 108.8 112.2 111.9 113.0 110.3 113.7 118.5 114.7 101.1 101.6 112.2 111.5 111.1 112.2 110.2 113.2 115.6 114.7 101.1 101.6 111.6 -.7 -.7 -.8 0 -.5 -2.4 0 0 .0 -.6 2.0 2.3 2.9 4.7 2.5 -.4 -.1 -3.1 -2.7 -.8 .5 .4 .9 1.0 1.9 0 1.0 -4.6 -4.8 2.6 1.7 1.6 2.2 2.2 2.9 1.7 5.9 -4.6 -4.7 3.8 Women's footwear Primary products Women's leather upper footwear Women's leather upper dress shoes ... Women's leather upper casual shoes . Women's leather upper sandals 3144 3144-P 3144-1 3144-111 3144-112 3144-113 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 104.0 103.1 101.9 110.2 105.2 (3) 103.7 102.6 101.6 111.7 103.6 79.1 103.8 102.7 102.4 111.7 105.6 79.1 .1 .1 .8 -.1 1.9 0 -.3 -.4 .4 1.2 .3 0 1.5 1.7 3.3 1.4 7.1 .5 .5 2.3 2.9 8.1 -9.9 See footnotes at end of table. 56 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Women's footwear—Continued Women's leather upper boots Women's leather upper other footwear Women's plastic upper footwear Women's plastic upper dress shoes Women's plastic upper casual shoes Women's plastic upper sandals Women's other upper footwear Women's other upper sandals Secondary products Product code 3144-114 3144-115 3144-2 3144-216 3144-217 3144-218 3144-3 3144-324 3144-S Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.6 -.1 3.0 -2.5 -1.5 -3.9 -1.4 123.4 102.8 107.3 107.7 75.0 101.8 106.2 108.7 67.5 125.8 102.6 106.3 108.7 73.4 0.8 .1 0 8.7 -1.0 2.0 1.2 -.9 6.9 -12.2 01/83 12/80 116.8 95.6 120.4 70.3 120.3 -26.4 0 -26.4 2.7 -.6 -.4 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 05/80 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/80 12/79 114.4 113.8 100.9 107.2 (3) 114.9 118.2 120.2 120.9 110.8 127.3 111.1 116.7 102.8 194.1 114.0 114.2 101.3 107.7 (3) 114.4 117.5 121.3 122.3 111.6 128.3 112.3 113.3 103.5 194.1 114.0 114.3 101.3 107.7 91.5 114.7 117.9 121.2 122.3 111.6 128.3 112.3 113.0 102.9 194.1 0 0 0 0 -.1 .7 .3 .4 .3 1.2 -.6 0 -.4 .4 0 0 (3) .2 .3 .8 1.0 .7 .8 .3 -3.2 .1 0 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.6 101.7 100.8 101.7 101.8 100.9 .1 .1 .1 .7 .8 0 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.5 101.7 101.8 103.6 100.9 102.7 101.8 103.8 .3 1.0 0 .2 3161-253 12/84 100.0 100.8 102.2 1.4 3161-273 3161-281 3161-284 3161-298 3161-M 3161-289 3161-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 (3) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.3 100.0 (3) 101.8 100.1 100.1 101.7 103.3 99.4 (3) 101.7 100.1 100.1 101.7 ft ft -.9 .9 Footwear, except rubber, n.e.c Primary products Misses' footwear Misses' leather upper footwear Misses' non-leather upper footwear Children's footwear Children's leather upper footwear Infants' and babies' footwear Infants' and babies' leather upper footwear Athletic footwear, except rubber Athletic footwear designed for sports All other footwear, except rubber, n.e.c Secondary products Men's footwear Other secondary products 3149 Luggage Primary products Hand luggage Women's hand luggage, all types except zippered Men's hand luggage, all types except zippered Hard side Zippered hand luggage, men's and women's Luggage other than hand luggage Occupational luggage cases, sample, binocular, and camera cases Briefcases and bags, school bags, envelopes, catalog cases, and zippered ring binders Musical instrument cases Attache cases Other luggage, including non-canvas knapsacks Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3161 Handbags and other personal leather goods 317 12/84 100.0 101.4 102.0 1.7 Women's and children's handbags and purses Primary products Women's and children's handbags and purses All or chiefly leather All or chiefly plastic Other materials, except precious metals Secondary products 3171 108.5 109.6 109.6 103.8 112.7 111.8 102.4 109.7 111.0 111.0 104.0 112.7 120.1 102.7 109.7 111.0 111.0 104.0 112.7 120.1 102.7 1.1 3171-P 3171-5 3171-511 3171-551 3171-571 3171-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 3172-P 3172-5 3172-5A 3172-511 3172-51111 3172-51122 3172-51133 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 106.9 107.3 107.3 109.0 107.9 111.7 101.5 106.6 109.4 109.3 109.3 109.9 108.5 113.1 99.4 108.4 110.3 110.3 110.3 110.7 109.2 113.1 102.1 108.4 .9 .9 .7 .6 0 2.7 0 3172-515 3172-531 3172-596 3172-597 3172-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 121.6 152.2 100.5 105.1 102.2 125.2 162.3 100.7 105.7 110.3 127.7 162.3 103.7 105.7 110.3 2.0 0 3.0 0 0 Personal leather goods, except women's handbags and purses Primary products Personal leather goods, except women's handbags and purses .. Billfolds, wallets, French purses and clutches Billfolds, wallets, French purses and clutches, leather Billfolds and wallets French purses Clutches Billfolds, wallets, French purses and clutches, except leather Travel kits Other personal goods, leather Other personal goods, except leather Secondary products 3149-P 3149-2 3149-215 3149-216 3149-3 3149-318 3149-4 3149-421 3149-5 3149-524 3149-6 3149-S 3143-S 3149-SSS 3161-P 3161-1 3161-112 3161-113 3161-11335 3161-114 3161-2 3172 3 () .2 .3 -.1 -.1 0 0 0 -.2 1.2 1.8 2.5 1.2 -3.0 .8 0 ft .7 1.0 1.3 1.6 2.5 3.6 1.8 -2.8 1.2 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1.3 ft ft ft ft ft 3 ft 1.3 .4 .4 -.2 1.3 1.3 .2 0 7.4 .2 1.8 () /3\ /3\ () ft ft ft ft .9 1.0 1.0 -.7 0 7.4 .2 ft ft ft 5.4 6.3 6.3 2.8 7.6 9.3 ft -1.2 1.7 3.2 2.8 2.8 1.6 1.2 1.3 .6 1.7 3.5 3.2 3.2 2.1 1.6 -.2 .8 6.5 2.0 0 3.2 -.7 8.0 5.2 6.7 3.2 .5 8.0 7.2 8.2 3.7 2.1 8.0 1.3 1.3 .2 0 -.2 ft 100.0 101.2 101.0 -.2 Flat glass Primary products Other flat glass, made from glass produced in the same establishment Tempered glass for automobile, architectural, construction and other uses, e.g. appliances Sheet(window), plate and float glass .085 inch through .107 inch 3211 3211-P 12/80 12/80 103.8 103.5 105.7 105.5 105.2 104.9 -.5 -.5 -.6 -.6 3211-4 12/80 100.5 101.7 101.7 3211-425 3211-5 12/80 12/80 12/80 98.8 97.4 104.6 100.1 100.9 105.8 100.1 99.8 102.9 0 -1.1 -2.8 0 -1.3 -3.2 57 .1 .2 .9 .9 1.3 -.7 -.6 12/84 See footnotes at end of table. ft -.6 2.5 32 3211-512 ft ft Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products ft 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 .2 .3 -8.1 -8.1 6.3 -11.4 7.2 2.0 -3.5 -9.8 -9.9 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Product code Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 -.6 .5 0 4.5 3.9 (3) 6.1 0 0 0 2.8 Mar. 1985 1.6 1.6 5.9 0 0 0 2.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.3 -.4 1.0 -.9 4.5 4.7 (3) 2.0 5.5 5.4 5.1 4.1 .2 0 4.2 4.0 8.9 5.1 1.0 .7 .3 4.3 4.1 8.9 5.1 1.0 100.0 102.2 101.1 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 101.7 103.6 103.8 103.8 102.6 104.1 105.1 103.3 100.3 103.4 103.6 103.6 102.7 99.6 105.4 99.5 101.6 103.6 105.0 98.4 104.2 104.1 105.1 106.6 103.1 06/82 106.3 107.0 108.4 1.3 2.3 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 108.3 108.9 102.5 101.6 100.2 101.3 101.4 111.7 112.5 108.6 107.7 109.2 107.0 105.5 108.2 108.6 106.8 105.7 109.1 106.4 102.5 -3.1 -3.5 -1.7 -1.8 -1.1 -1.4 3.4 3.7 -.1 -.5 8.8 4.2 -2.8 .9 3229-128 3229-13 3229-132 3229-133 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.4 113.6 119.2 106.8 108.2 121.0 128.1 115.4 106.3 121.1 128.1 115.4 -1.7 .1 0 0 2.4 -.1 -.1 0 3.9 6.6 7.5 8.1 4.7 6.6 7.5 8.1 3229-138 3229-2 06/83 06/83 109.8 103.3 114.3 105.9 114.8 106.0 .5 0 0 .6 4.5 2.6 4.5 3.6 3229-237 06/83 108.3 3229-299 3229-3 3229-323 3229-325 3229-4 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 108.8 109.4 109.6 109.6 142.6 98.7 111.4 110.9 (3) 142.8 98.7 109.7 111.7 110.5 (3) 113.4 102.6 .3 -.3 3 () -20.6 3.9 .8 .8 .6 3 () -20.6 3.9 -18.8 3.9 -17.7 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 07/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/82 103.1 102.8 103.1 103.1 103.4 100.0 103.8 104.2 103.8 102.3 102.9 103.5 103.2 103.1 103.1 103.4 100.0 103.8 104.1 103.2 101.6 103.9 103.5 103.2 103.1 103.1 103.4 100.0 103.8 104.3 103.8 102.4 103.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .6 .8 -.5 .3 .3 0 0 0 0 0 .4 .9 1.2 -.1 .6 .7 0 0 0 0 0 .3 .4 .5 .4 1.8 1.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 0 -1.0 1.6 3231-5B 3231-561 3231-571 3231-7 3231-711 06/82 06/82 105.1 111.8 106.4 112.4 106.4 112.4 0 0 0 -.1 2.1 1.6 2.5 2.3 3231-751 06/8C 102.1 103.9 103.9 3231-8 3231-871 3231-881 3231-883 3231-889 3231-898 3231-S Glass containers Primary products Glass containers for domestic consumption Narrow neck containers Food Medicinal and health Toiletries and cosmetics Non-alcoholic beverage Non-refillable 10 to 11.9 oz 16 to 16.9 oz 12/84 06/8: 06/81 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 100.8 99.8 101.3 97.8 102.3 102.3 108.3 101.1 99.8 101.3 98.9 102.6 102.6 108.9 101.0 99.8 101.3 98.7 102.6 102.6 108.9 0 0 0 -.2 0 .1 0 .5 0 0 .1 0 1.8 .3 .4 0 0 0 -.6 1.6 .5 1.3 .3 0 1.9 .9 3.5 .6 06/8; 06/81 06/82 06/82 104.8 104.8 105.0 105.4 105.9 105.9 105.9 105.9 105.3 105.3 105.2 104.9 -.6 -.6 -.7 -.9 .7 .7 .3 .1 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.3 2.0 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 112.3 112.0 118.3 103.5 104.2 107.8 119.4 110.9 118.9 100.0 103.1 119.5 110.9 (3) .1 0 () 0 -3.1 6.5 4.0 (3) 0 -6.4 -5.8 6.5 3.2 (3) -3.4 15.8 -.7 (3) -4.5 -1.2 -4.2 322 3221 3221-P 3221-1 3221-11 3221-111 3221-112 3221-114 3221-115 3221-1155 3221-11552 3221-11554 3221-116 3221-1166 Beer Non-refillable Under 11 oz Liquor Wine Wide mouth containers Food 3221-11661 3221-117 3221-119 3221-13 3221-131 Pressed and blown glass, n.e.c Primary products Table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware Machine made table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware Tumblers (one piece excluding packers' tumblers) Pressed tumblers Tableware Ornamental, decorative, and novelty glassware and smokers' accessories Handmade table, kitchen, art, and novelty glassware Stemware „ Tableware Other handmade, including ornamental, decorative, novelty and smokers' accessories Lighting and electronic glassware Bowls and enclosing globes and other glass parts for interior lighting Transfers and shipments of partially fabricated lighting and electronic glassware Glass fiber-textile type Roving, chopped strand, and milled fiber Mat Other pressed and blown glassware Secondary products 3229 Products of purchased glass Primary products Laminated glass Laminated plate and float, 1/4 inch and under Automotive Non-automotive Laminated plate and float, over 1/4 inch Mirrors Unframed mirrors (decorated or undecorated) Plate and float glass Automotive rearview mirrors Pressed and blown glassware, made from glass purchased or transferred from other establishments Consumer glassware Other glassware, including scientific, laboratory, industrial, etc Other glass products, made from glass purchased or transferred from other establishments Multiple-glazed, sealed insulating glass units Tempered glass for automotive use Tempered glass for architectural and construction purposes ... Tempered glass for other uses, such as appliances Other flat glass products Secondary products 3231 3229-P 3229-1 3229-S 3231-P 3231-3 3231-311 3231-31121 3231-31123 3231-331 3231-5 3241 3241-P 3241-1 3241-111 3241-1111 3241-11112 3241-1112 3241-11121 3241-11122 3241-1113 3241-11131 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 3229-12 3229-121 3229-12101 3229-123 Glass and glassware, pressed or blown Hydraulic cement Primary products Portland cement Normal Portland cement, ASTM Type I Northeast region Middle Atlantic division North Central region East North Central division West North Central division South region South Atlantic division Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 58 101.9 101.9 100.8 99.5 104.9 100.2 97.6 99.9 98.3 93.1 104.2 98.9 105.4 99.5 101.8 103.7 (3) 98.7 104.2 104.1 105.1 106.4 1.6 1.5 -.9 .5 -.8 4.3 3.6 (3) 5.9 111.7 100.0 100.0 101.5 3 .8 2.0 -1.5 -5.4 1.6 .9 1.2 2.0 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Hydraulic cement—Continued East South Central division West South Central division West region Pacific division Moderate heat of hydration (moderate sulfate resistance), ASTM Type II Northeast region Middle Atlantic division West region Pacific division High early strength, ASTM Type III Other portland cements Industry code Product code Dec. 19842 3241-11132 3241-11133 3241-1114 3241-11142 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 3241-112 3241-1121 3241-11212 3241-1124 3241-11242 3241-113 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 3241-117 59 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 97.7 93.2 91.6 104.0 112.0 118.1 94.9 94.3 106.8 100.6 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 116.5 91.4 93.8 116.5 88.9 94.5 93.5 0 -2.7 .7 106.0 119.4 127.7 96.1 95.9 107.2 103.6 106.1 119.8 127.5 96.1 96.0 104.7 105.1 .1 .3 -.2 .1 .1 -2.3 1.5 Jan. 1985 0 Oct. 1984 -9.4 .7 2.0 -2.8 1.4 2.0 .7 3.2 1.9 1.1 1.5 -2.2 5.4 1.6 5.7 8.3 .4 .6 -2.1 5.6 Apr. 1984 6.9 -3.9 1.4 2.0 2.4 8.1 14.8 2.2 3.1 2.6 5.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from - - Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Brick and structural clay tile Primary products Brick, except ceramic glazed and refractory.. Building or common, and face brick Building or common brick Face brick Other brick (paving, floor, and sewer) Secondary products 3251 Vitreous china food utensils Primary products Vitreous china and porcelain table and kitchen utensils . Tableware (for serving food and drink) Household tableware Hotel or commercial tableware Secondary products Other secondary products Product code 3262 Pottery products, n.e.c, including fine earthenware food utensils Primary products Art, decorative and novelty pottery China and porcelain Earthenware and stoneware Stoneware and fine earthenware food utensils, household and commercial Tableware Kitchenware Other pottery products, n.e.c Red unglazed earthenware (flower pots, etc.) All other pottery products, incl. chemical stoneware & porcelain, n.e.c Miscellaneous receipts Resales 3251-P 3251-1 3251-111 3251-11101 3251-11102 3251-119 3251-S ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.1 101.1 101.1 101.1 100.0 101.3 105.2 101.8 101.0 101.0 101.1 101.0 100.1 101.3 104.6 101.8 -0.1 -.1 -.1 -.1 .1 -.1 -.5 0 0.5 .6 .6 .6 .1 .7 -.5 0 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft (3) ft ft (3) ft ft 3262-P 3262-1 3262-11 3262-114 3262-118 3262-S 3262-SSS 12/83 12/83 104.0 104.1 107.9 107.3 107.9 107.3 0 0 3.5 3.1 4.6 4.1 12/83 01/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.1 100.0 105.3 103.4 103.4 107.3 105.2 107.6 110.3 110.3 107.3 105.2 107.6 110.3 110.3 0 0 0 0 0 3.1 5.1 2.2 5.2 5.2 4.1 5.2 3.6 6.7 6.7 3268-P 3268-1 3268-111 3268-131 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 102.5 102.8 102.9 104.6 101.5 104.2 104.7 105.6 109.2 102.7 102.2 102.5 105.6 109.2 102.7 -1.9 -2.1 0 0 0 -2.6 -2.9 -.1 0 -.1 .1 .1 2.6 4.4 1.2 .1 .1 5.1 8.5 2.4 3268-2 3268-211 3268-212 3268-3 3268-313 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 102.8 100.8 106.0 102.7 (3) 104.3 100.6 110.4 103.6 (3) 98.9 92.0 110.4 103.5 (3) -5.2 -8.6 0 -.1 -7.5 -13.2 1.6 .8 -2.8 -7.3 4.1 .8 -5.3 -10.9 3.8 1.2 ft ft ft 3268-315 3268-M 3268-Z89 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.7 100.0 100.0 106.6 100.0 100.0 106.4 100.0 100.0 -.1 0 0 1.6 0 0 3268 ft 1.6 0 0 5.6 5.4 5.4 ft 5.4 ft ft 2.7 ft ft Concrete, gypsum, and plaster products . 327 12/84 100.0 100.8 101.2 .4 .6 ft ft Concrete block and brick Primary products Concrete block and brick Structural block, aggregate Lightweight units made with concrete weighing less than 105 Ib. per cu. ft. (dry weight) Stretcher units, aggregate Stretcher units: 8"x8"x16" Stretcher units, other sizes n.e.c Other lightweight units, any size, n.e.c Medium weight units made with concrete weighing >105 Ib. but <125 Ib. per cu. ft.(dry weight) Stretcher units, aggregate Stretcher units, 8"x8"x16" Normal weight units made with concrete weighing at least 125 Ib. per cu. ft. (dry weight) Stretcher units, aggregate Stretcher units, 8Mx8"x16" Stretcher units, other sizes n.e.c Other normal weight units, any size, n.e.c Decorative block (such as screen block, split block, slump block, shadowal block, etc.) Concrete brick Paving blocks Miscellaneous receipts Miscellaneous receipts and contract work Resales Secondary products 3271 3271-P 3271-1 3271-11 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 108.3 109.1 109.1 108.9 110.1 111.2 111.2 111.3 111.5 112.6 112.6 112.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.4 2.9 3.2 3.2 3.5 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.7 3271-111 3271-1111 3271-11111 3271-11112 3271-1112 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 109.2 108.1 108.0 108.1 115.5 112.2 111.4 109.2 111.9 116.9 112.8 112.0 109.7 112.6 117.8 .6 .5 .4 .6 .7 .6 .3 .7 .2 2.5 3.8 3.7 2.2 4.1 3.9 5.2 4.8 4.2 4.9 7.3 3271-115 3271-1151 3271-11511 06/81 06/81 107.5 112.6 107.5 112.6 112.9 113.6 5.0 .9 5.0 .9 5.0 .9 5.5 2.9 3271-117 3271-1171 3271-11711 3271-11712 3271-1172 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 109.1 108.6 108.6 108.7 111.9 111.5 110.6 109.0 111.1 116.3 111.7 110.8 109.8 111.1 116.7 .2 .2 .7 .1 .3 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 .5 2.4 2.0 1.2 2.3 4.3 3.6 3.2 3.9 3.0 5.8 3271-121 3271-151 3271-161 3271-M 3271-XY9 3271-Z89 3271-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 107.8 114.5 105.4 104.6 111.5 104.3 111 4 107.7 114.5 107.3 105.1 115.7 104.5 113.6 108.9 120.8 108.7 106.6 115.7 106.1 114.9 1.1 5.5 1.2 1.5 .0 1.5 1.1 .6 .2 1.2 2.1 3.8 2.0 3.1 .6 .7 3.1 1.9 3.8 1.8 3.0 2.4 .4 1.6 2.9 1.6 3.0 4.9 Concrete products Primary products Concrete pipe Culvert and storm sewer pipe Reinforced Sanitary sewer pipe Reinforced Precast concrete products Burial vaults and boxes Concrete septic tanks Other precast concrete products Prestressed concrete products, excluding pipe Prestressed concrete tees and channels Prestressed concrete bridge beams Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts... 3272 3272-P 3272-1 3272-16 3272-161 3272-17 3272-171 3272-2 3272-234 3272-261 3272-281 3272-3 3272-311 3272-325 3272-M 3272-XY9 3272-Z89 3272-S 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/80 12/79 12/80 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/7 118.2 116.9 112.3 106.6 115.9 104.3 110.6 123.8 125.6 130.7 118.8 114.3 102.5 126.1 124.0 128.4 122.2 137.9 118.2 116.9 112.7 107.2 116.6 104.2 110.5 124.7 128.8 130.7 119.0 112.0 (3) 124.5 123.6 128.4 121.6 137.9 118.5 117.3 113.6 108.4 118.1 104.2 110.5 124.7 128.8 130.7 119.0 112.0 (3) 124.5 124.0 128.4 122.3 137.9 .3 .3 .8 1.2 1.2 0 0 -.1 0 0 0 0 -.3 -.4 .2 .4 .4 0 0 .6 2.6 0 0 -3.1 3 () -1.3 0 0 0 .8 .1 .1 1.1 1.7 1.8 -.1 -.1 1.2 2.6 0 1.0 -3.5 (3) -1.3 .1 0 .2 .8 .9 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.0 .7 -.1 2.1 4.5 -.9 2.5 -1.8 Secondary products... See footnotes at end of table. 60 ft 0 .4 0 .6 0 ft 3.8 -3.0 1.0 -4.7 8.6 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Ready mixed concrete Primary products Ready mixed concrete Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3273 Gypsum products Primary products Regular gypsumboard, common sizes 1/2 inch Other gypsum products Type X gypsumboard Other gypsum products, n.e.c.(incl. sheathing.coreboard.and other sizes of reg. gypsumboard) 3275 Cut stone and stone products Primary products Dressed dimension granite, including gneiss, syenite, diorite, and cut granite Building stone Monumental stone Other granite products such as paving blocks and curbing Dressed dimension limestone, including dolomite, travertine, calcareous tufa, and cut limestone Building stone Dressed dimension marble and other stone Building stone, monumental stone, and other marble products . Monumental stone 3281 Abrasive products Primary products Nonmetallic synthetic sized grain and flour abrasives Aluminum oxide Other, including alumina zirconia Nonmetallic bonded abrasive products, including diamond abrasives Synthetic and natural bonded abrasives, all grinding shapes, resinoid and shellac bond Reinforced Nonreinforced Synthetic and natural bonded abrasives, all grinding shapes, rubber and other bond Rubber bond Other bond Diamond and cubic boron nitrite wheel Metal bond Other bond Synthetic and natural bonded abrasives, all grinding shapes, vitrified bond Other synthetic & natural nonmetallic abrasives & abrasive products, except coated abrasives Nonmetallic coated abrasive products and buffing wheels, polishing wheels and laps Cloth belts, any abrasive Glue bond Resin and waterproof bond Other cloth shapes, any abrasive Glue bond Resin and waterproof bond Glue bond Other, incl. paper-cloth comb., vulcanized fibercloth comb., vulcanized fibers, etc Buffing and polishing wheels and laps, any material, containing no abrasives Metal abrasives, including scouring pads Metal soap pads, scouring pads, and other metal abrasives ... Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products 3291 Mineral wool Primary products Mineral wool for structural insulation Loose fiber and granulated fiber Building batts, blankets, and rolls R-11.0 to R-18.9 Other mineral wool for thermal insulation, including insulating board Mineral wool for industrial, equipment, and appliance insulation Molded insulation (such as special automotive, appliance, and aerospace items) Blocks and boards Product code 3296 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3273-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 106.2 106.3 106.3 105.0 105.5 106.9 108.0 107.4 107.4 116.2 105.5 107.5 108.7 108.1 108.1 116.2 105.5 107.9 0.6 .6 .6 0 0 .3 1.7 1.0 1.0 10.7 3 () .4 2.6 2.0 2.0 10.7 0 1.9 3.8 3.1 3.1 12.9 (3) 3.7 3275-P 3275-2 3275-225 3275-3 3275-315 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 124.4 126.6 129.9 130.0 121.4 122.0 120.8 122.8 124.7 124.6 118.0 119.7 119.6 121.5 123.8 123.3 115.0 115.9 -1.0 -1.0 -.8 -1.0 -2.6 -3.2 -3.2 -3.5 -4.1 -4.6 -4.6 -4.0 -6.2 -6.5 -7.0 -7.6 -9.5 -8.4 -10.3 -10.4 -11.8 -13.6 -12.1 -9.9 3275-335 06/81 119.6 112.6 -6.0 -12.2 -17.7 3281-P 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.0 100.0 0 0 3281-1 3281-113 3281-135 3281-198 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.3 100.0 100.3 100.2 99.7 100.0 99.5 100.3 -.3 0 -.5 .3 3281-2 3281-213 3281-3 3281-337 3281-33715 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.6 100.0 100.0 0 0 .6 3291-P 3291-1 3291-119 3291-129 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 119.4 119.3 97.9 71.3 112.8 119.8 119.7 97.6 120.4 120.5 97.6 1.5 1.5 2.8 3291-2 12/80 124.6 125.7 125.8 3291-2A 3291-237 3291-242 12/80 12/80 12/80 123.9 128.4 120.5 124.9 129.4 121.5 125.4 129.1 122.5 3291-2B 3291-244 3291-265 3291-2C 3291-262 3291-264 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 141.8 144.4 113.7 105.5 112.8 97.8 141.6 (3) 114.9 105.5 112.8 97.8 141.6 144.0 114.9 105.5 112.8 97.8 0 0 0 0 3291-231 12/80 132.4 134.4 134.2 -.1 3291-298 12/80 115.9 116.2 116.2 0 3291-3 3291-3D 3291-312 3291-316 3291-3E 3291-314 3291-318 3291-324 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 129.1 131.0 126.0 131.5 127.7 134.4 123.2 137.5 129.3 131.6 132.8 131.5 127.0 132.8 123.2 137.5 131.4 134.9 132.8 135.1 128.4 132.9 125.4 141.8 1.5 2.5 0 3291-339 12/80 129.9 129.9 3291-371 3291-4 3291-459 3291-M 3291-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 118.8 119.1 127.6 12/80 3296-P 3296-1 3296-111 3296-135 3296-13535 3273-P 3273-111 3273-M 3273-289 ft ft ft ft ft ft () ft 3 ft ft ft ft ft 1.4 1.4 -.3 1.8 2.0 -3.4 ft ft 2.3 2.5 1.1 2.6 2.7 2.5 2.8 2.6 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 2.6 1.1 1.6 1.8 1.3 3.2 3.3 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.3 2.7 3.1 .9 .6 .2 1.5 3.0 5.3 2.8 .5 -1.2 1.8 3.1 1.8 3.0 5.3 2.8 .5 -1.2 1.8 3.1 4.7 3.3 6.1 3.0 3.6 1.0 5.5 5.2 132.1 1.7 1.7 8.9 123.2 120.2 129.6 123.5 120.2 129.6 -1.1 .9 1.6 5.1 .9 1.6 6.4 .6 1.4 121.1 121.1 121.1 2.1 2.5 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 105.0 105.4 101.2 96.6 109.4 113.4 105.2 105.4 98.0 104.0 108.8 105.4 105.6 98.4 95.1 104.7 108.7 -.1 -.4 -1.6 -.3 -2.2 -2.2 -4.0 -4.6 -9.9 -1.3 -6.3 -6.2 -.7 -.9 -4.9 -8.7 -4.5 -5.5 3296-198 3296-2 12/81 12/81 113.2 119.4 119.0 -.3 1.6 5.0 6.1 3296-245 3296-251 12/81 12/81 107.7 107.7 109.4 113.4 109.4 113.0 0 -.3 2.3 7.8 7.2 3.1 7.3 6.1 See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 61 95.4 2.8 1.1 .1 1.8 3.1 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Mineral wool—Continued Pipe insulation Acoustical, including pads, boards, patches, etc Other mineral wool for insulation Secondary products Product code ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 12/81 04/82 12/81 12/81 90.8 105.4 120.3 102.8 90.7 (3) 120.4 105.5 88.4 (3) 120.4 (3) -2.6 (3) 0 2.2 -4.9 2.2 ft ft ft ft o 12/84 3296-261 3296-283 3296-298 3296-S 100.0 99.5 100.0 .4 .2 ft ft ft ft .1 .1 -.5 Primary metal industries 33 Blast furnaces, steel works, and rolling and finishing mills 331 12/84 100.0 99.8 100.0 .1 .1 ft ft Blast furnaces and steel mills Primary products Open die or smith forgings (hammer or press), ferrous Alloy steel, excluding stainless and hi-temp Other steel mill products, except wire products Coke oven and blast furnace products Coke oven products Coke, except screenings and breeze Furnace coke Foundry coke Screenings and breeze Crude tar Blast furnace products Pig iron Steel ingots and semifinished shapes and forms Semifinished products (excluding wire rods), carbon Billets, carbon Wire rods, carbon Semifinished products (excluding wire rods), alloy Billets, alloy Semifinished products (excluding wire rods), stainless Wire rods, stainless Tin mill products, h.r. sheets and strip (incl. metallic coated and electrical) Sheets, h.r., carbon Sheets and strip, hot dipped galvanized, carbon Sheets and strip, electrolytic galvanized, carbon Other metallic coated sheets and strip, carbon Strip, h.r., carbon Blackplate Tinplate Tin free steel Sheets, h.r., alloy Sheets and strip, electrical, alloy Hot rolled bars, plates and structural shapes Plates (other than floor plates), carbon Heavy structural shapes, carbon Bars, h.r., carbon Bars, h.r., carbon, merchant quality Bars, h.r., carbon, special quality Bars, light structurals, carbon Concrete reinforcing bars, carbon Plates, alloy Heavy structural shapes, alloy Bars, h.r. (incl. light structurals), alloy Tool steel, high speed, alloy Tool steel, other than high speed, alloy Plates, stainless Bars, h.r., stainless Steel wire Carbon wire Plain wire, carbon Galvanized wire, carbon Stainless wire Steel pipe and tubes Pipe and oil country tubular goods, carbon Standard pipe, carbon Oil country tubular goods, carbon Casing (OCTG), carbon Structural pipe and tubing, carbon Pipe and tubing, alloy Oil country tubular goods, alloy Casing (OCTG), alloy Cold rolled sheets and strip (excl. metallic coated and electrical) Sheets, c.r., carbon Sheets, c.r., stainless Cold finished bars Bars, c.f., stainless Bars, c.f., stainless, 300 series Secondary products Other secondary products Steel wire products 3312 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 105.2 104.8 97.9 95.2 102.1 95.7 94.1 93.0 89.8 104.6 92.2 101.2 99.6 99.4 100.7 105.0 104.6 97.2 94.3 102.1 95.4 93.8 92.7 89.3 104.9 92.2 101.2 99.3 99.1 100.5 105.1 104.7 97.2 94.3 102.1 94.9 93.2 91.9 88.5 104.2 92.2 101.2 99.0 98.6 100.7 .1 .1 0 .1 0 -.5 -.6 -.8 -.9 -.7 0 0 -.3 -.5 .2 0 0 -.7 -.9 0 -1.4 -1.5 -2.2 -2.8 -.7 0 0 -1.1 -1.5 .1 -.3 -.3 -.7 -.9 0 -.7 -.5 -.5 -.7 -.1 0 0 -1.2 -1.6 -.2 .9 .8 -1.2 -1.6 1.3 -1.7 -1.9 -2.9 -4.1 .3 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 99.1 100.1 105.7 90.1 100.8 96.6 99.1 99.3 105.7 90.1 100.8 96.6 99.1 100.1 105.7 90.1 100.8 96.6 0 .8 0 0 0 0 0 .6 0 0 0 0 0 -.8 0 0 0 0 .9 -3.0 4.6 -4.3 .8 -3.6 3312-3 3312-311 3312-313 3312-315 3312-317 3312-319 3312-324 3312-326 3312-328 3312-331 3312-335 3312-4 3312-413 3312-41511 3312-422 3312-42211 3312-42212 3312-424 3312-425 3312-431 3312-435 3312-441 3312-448 3312-449 3312-453 3312-461 3312-5 3312-5A 3312-511 3312-515 3312-551 3312-6 3312-6A 3312-611 3312-619 3312-61911 3312-627 3312-6E 3312-633 3312-63311 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/8 06/8 111.8 109.5 114.2 110.7 110.0 109.4 118.8 115.1 117.5 112.4 103.2 101.2 103.4 96.0 97.1 92.5 101.3 93.8 100.7 103.0 90.6 114.2 95.1 100.1 91.4 111.6 101.9 101.6 101.6 101.2 105.2 89.8 90.1 93.2 85.6 86.0 (3) 82.1 78.5 111 111.7 109.5 113.7 110.7 110.0 109.4 118.8 115.1 117.5 112.4 103.2 101.1 103.4 95.8 97.1 92.5 101.3 93.9 99.9 103.0 90.6 114.2 94.2 100.1 93.2 111.6 101.6 101.2 101.2 101.1 105.2 89.8 90.1 93.2 85.6 86.0 111.7 109.5 113.7 0 0 0 -.2 0 -.3 -.1 0 -.9 1.5 1.3 .1 ft ft ft 82.1 78.5 (3) 110.0 109.4 118.8 115.1 117.5 112.4 103.2 101.3 103.4 95.8 97.0 92.5 101.3 94.4 100.3 103.0 93.1 114.2 94.0 100.1 98.2 111.6 101.6 101.3 101.3 101.2 105.2 89.8 90.1 93.2 85.6 86.0 103.0 82.1 78.5 72.7 3312-7 3312-711 3312-751 3312-8 3312-851 3312-85111 3312-S 3312-SSS 3315-S 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 112.8 112.9 103.8 106.1 109.7 108.7 103.5 113.5 97.2 112.1 112.9 102.7 104.9 109.1 107.9 103.4 113.5 96.9 112.3 112.9 107.0 104.9 109.1 107.9 103.9 113.6 98.1 3312-P 3312-B 3312-B63 3312-C 3312-1 3312-1A 3312-111 3312-11111 3312-11112 3312-112 3312-151 3312-1B 3312-191 3312-2 3312-213 3312-21311 3312-219 3312-236 3312-23611 3312-256 3312-259 See footnotes at end of table. 62 ft ft ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 0 0 0 0 0 .5 .4 0 2.8 0 -.2 0 5.4 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 3 .1 0 -.8 -.6 0 ft 0 .2 0 -.4 .4 1.0 0 .4 -.4 0 2.8 .1 .8 0 5.0 0 -.3 -.3 -.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 () ft .2 0 4.1 0 0 0 .5 .1 1.3 .3 0 4.1 -1.9 -.5 -.7 .2 0 .6 ft ft -1.3 -1.9 .7 -.4 .1 2.7 3.5 -.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.4 0 -.4 -2.3 -4.8 -.1 .6 -.5 0 28 0 .1 0 7.4 0 -.3 -.3 -.4 -.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.0 1.8 0 1.0 -.9 -6.4 4.4 -4.1 2.5 0 -7.5 14.5 -3.0 .9 3.7 4.9 -.3 -.4 -.4 -.7 .4 .8 .7 2.2 0 0 ft ft 0 0 0 -.4 0 3.0 -1.1 -.5 -.7 .2 0 .5 ft 1.1 0 0 -.6 0 -3.6 .4 2.4 1.2 2.0 2.6 1.6 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Industry and product1 Industry code Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3313-P 3313-3 3313-311 103.8 103.7 (3) (3) -0.1 -1 . (3) 3 () -0.1 -1 . (3) 3 () -0.1 -1 . (3) 3 () 16 . 15 . (3) 3 () 06/83 106.4 105.1 104.9 -2 . -1.4 -1.7 -7 . 06/83 107.4 106.0 105.4 -5 . -1.8 -2.4 -2.1 3315-P 3315-1 3315-111 3315-2 3315-2A 3315-211 3315-213 3315-2B 3315-223 3315-5 3315-5 A 3315-511 3315-519 3315-551 3315-9 3315-96 3315-961 3315-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 100.1 99.4 101.1 101.0 99.1 99.9 101.3 99.8 98.6 98.1 99.0 98.9 99.7 99.8 97.8 96.7 99.0 99.2 105.0 100.7 99.9 101.9 101.1 99.2 97.6 100.0 99.8 100.3 99.6 98.8 98.8 99.5 99.9 95.7 96.8 99.6 99.9 110.1 100.4 99.8 101.9 101.1 99.0 100.0 99.1 99.8 98.2 97.5 98.7 98.8 99.4 99.9 95.7 96.8 99.6 99.7 106.2 -2 . -1 . 0 0 -2 . 25 . -8 . 0 -2.0 -2.1 -1 . -1 . -1 . 0 0 -1 . -2 . -2 . -3.6 . 5 . 7 14 . 12 . . 4 19 . -2.0 0 -7 . -9 . 0 -2 . -3 . . 1 19 . . 1 . 2 . 5 -3.5 -1 . . 3 . 8 . 1 -1.1 -1.6 -2.8 0 -8 . -1.0 -3 . -3 . -6 . . 1 -4 . -5 . -8 . -8 . -5.3 18 . 22 . 25 . 24 . -1.1 -1.9 -1.2 0 -5 . -1.0 18 . 19 . 12 . . 3 11 . 19 . 0 . 3 -4.0 3316-P 3316-7 3316-715 3316-735 3316-8 3316-811 3316-831 3316-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 106.1 106.0 106.5 111.4 110.1 104.3 106.3 101.2 101.5 105.7 105.4 105.9 111.4 110.1 103.5 105.0 99.6 (3) 106.6 106.1 107.0 111.4 110.1 103.6 105.2 99.6 101.5 . 8 . 6 10 . 0 0 . 2 . 2 0 (3) . 9 . 6 . 6 0 0 . 8 . 4 . 5 0 -1 . -4 . . 2 0 0 -1.3 -2.6 35 . 0 -8 . -8 . -1.8 . 3 0 . 6 -1 . . 4 . 9 3317-P 3317-6 3317-6A 3317-611 3317-612 3317-6B 3317-621 3317-622 3317-6C 3317-623 3317-624 3317-627 3317-6E 3317-633 3317-63312 3317-6F 3317-662 3317-669 3317-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 96.8 96.4 96.4 87.8 99.4 91.1 96.2 94.2 98.1 99.9 96.7 100.7 97.0 91.2 72.9 83.8 100.1 109.8 111.1 103.6 96.6 96.1 96.1 87.8 99.4 91.1 96.2 94.2 98.1 100.0 96.7 100.8 (3) 90.6 72.9 83.8 99.5 109.0 110.9 100.0 96.6 96.1 96.1 87.8 99.4 91.1 96.2 94.2 98.1 100.0 96.7 100.8 96.4 90.6 72.9 83.8 101.0 109.2 111.5 100.2 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 () 0 0 0 15 . . 2 . 5 . 2 -2 . -2 . -2 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 0 . 1 -5 . -6 . 0 0 . 8 3 () . 4 -3.3 -1 . -3 . -3 . . 1 . 4 0 0 -1 . . 1 0 0 -1 . -1.5 -6 . 0 0 18 . . 5 . 5 -1.7 -4 . 0 0 -1.1 -3.0 0 56 . 11.2 . 9 . 6 0 . 8 -1.5 -1.6 0 0 -6.4 -1.1 16 . -2.9 3315 3316 Steel pipe and tubes - mfpm Primary products Steel pipe and tubes Pipe and oil country tubular goods, carbon Standard pipe, carbon Line pipe, carbon Pressure tubing, carbon Pressure tubing, seamless, carbon Pressure tubing, welded, carbon Mechanical tubing, carbon Mechanical tubing, seamless, carbon Mechanical tubing, welded, carbon Structural pipe and tubing, carbon Pipe and tubing, alloy Oil country tubular goods, alloy Tubing (OCTG), alloy Pressure tubing, stainless Pressure tubing, welded, stainless Other pipe and tubing (incl. standard pipe), stainless . Secondary products 103.9 103.8 (3) (3) 3313-498 Cold finishing of steel shapes - mfpm . Primary products Cold rolled sheets and strip Strip, c.r., carbon Strip, c.r., alloy Cold finished bars Bars, c.f., carbon Bars, c.f., alloy Secondary products 103.9 103.9 104.1 104.1 3313 Steel wire and related products - mfpm Primary products Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable and strand Wire rope and cable Steel nails and spikes Steel wire nails Bright nails Galvanized nails Wire staples and tacks, cut nails and spikes Steel wire staples Steel wire Carbon wire Plain wire, carbon Other coated wire, carbon Stainless wire Other fabricated ferrous wire products Welded steel wire fabric Welded steel wire fabric (concrete reinforcing mesh) . Secondary products 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 3313-4 Electrometallurgies products Primary products Ferrosilicon Ferrosilicon Other ferroalloys and products made in electric and other furnaces, except blast furnaces Other products made in electric and other furnaces, except blastfurnaces 3317 Iron and steel foundries . 332 12/84 100.0 100.6 100.5 -1 . . 3 (3) (3) Gray iron foundries Primary products Pressure and soil pipe and fittings, cast iron Pressure pipe and fittings, ductile iron Pressure pipe and fittings, gray iron Soil pipe and fittings, gray and ductile iron Motor vehicle castings, gray and ductile iron Castings for passenger cars, gray iron Castings for other motor vehicles, gray iron Castings for passenger cars, ductile iron Castings for other motor vehicles, ductile iron Gray and ductile iron castings, other Castings for construction and utility uses, gray and ductile iron Molds and stools for heavy steel ingots Ductile iron castings, other Gray iron castings, other Secondary products 3321 3321-P 3321-1 3321-111 3321-121 3321-131 3321-3 3321-311 3321-312 3321-321 3321-322 3321-9 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 114.2 114.0 112.5 105.8 108.6 132.3 115.3 115.6 116.9 116.0 103.6 113.1 115.7 115.4 113.5 106.7 110.8 132.7 117.0 117.1 120.5 116.6 103.6 114.3 115.2 115.0 114.1 107.8 110.8 132.7 115.7 115.7 118.4 116.0 103.6 114.5 -4 . -4 . . 6 11 . 0 0 -1.2 -1.2 -1.8 -5 . 0 . 2 . 1 0 15 . (3) 20 . . 3 -1.0 -1.3 -3 . -6 . -2 . . 6 . 7 . 6 12 . 13 . 26 . . 3 -8 . -1.2 -2 . -6 . 24 . 21 . 12 . 11 . 26 . 27 . 45 . . 9 -8 . -2.3 23 . . 3 2.7 27 . 3321-951 3321-961 3321-971 3321-981 3321-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 113.0 107.3 117.9 113.4 111.0 115.1 108.0 119.3 114.4 114.2 114.6 108.0 120.0 114.8 114.1 -5 . 0 . 6 . 3 -1 . 15 . . 6 . 5 . 3 28 . 15 . . 6 69 . 14 . 31 . 21 . . 6 74 . 23 . 54 . Malleable iron foundries ... 3322 06/81 109.7 109.9 109.1 -7 . -5 . -1 . 1.4 See footnotes at end of table. 63 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Malleable iron foundries—Continued Primary products Standard malleable iron castings . Pearlitic malleable iron castings ... Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3322-P 3322-131 3322-221 119.9 118.5 130.2 115.8 121.8 120.5 (3) 117.6 121.8 120.3 133.0 117.5 0 -.2 (3) -1 . . 6 . 5 17 . . 2 12 . 11 . 22 . . 9 51 . 48 . 17.1 21 . 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 105.3 107.1 106.8 97.4 112.0 104.2 105.2 105.5 107.4 107.3 98.9 111.9 104.2 105.2 104.8 106.5 105.8 97.0 110.7 104.2 105.2 -.7 -.8 -1.3 -2.0 -1.0 0 0 -.7 -.7 -1.3 -2.0 -9 . 0 0 -6 . -7 . -1.2 -1.4 -1.1 0 0 -5 . -1 . -1.2 -3.6 . 1 . 2 0 06/81 06/81 110.7 92.7 110.9 91.7 110.9 91.7 0 0 . 2 -9 . . 2 -.2 28 . -3.3 12/80 87.1 88.0 87.9 -1 . 10 . . 1 -7.9 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 70.3 70.7 70.7 71.0 62.3 56.0 69.8 73.1 73.1 72.4 57.6 56.6 75.4 76.9 76.9 77.5 65.2 66.1 80 . 52 . 52 . 71 . 13.1 16.7 80 . 98 . 98 . 11.0 50 . 19.4 67 . 10.1 10.1 10.2 14 . 15.6 -8.8 -6.0 -6.0 -6.9 -13.1 -7.6 06/80 06/80 122.8 122.8 121.5 121.5 119.8 119.8 -1.4 -1.4 -2.4 -2.4 -5.6 -5.6 -15.2 -15.2 3334-P 3334-7 3334-71111 3334-71112 3334-8 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 108.0 108.0 108.2 113.7 116.0 107.0 109.7 111.0 111.7 121.9 114.4 106.2 109.3 110.7 111.3 121.7 114.4 107.0 -.4 -.2 -.4 -1 . 0 . 8 . 3 10 . 11 . . 8 0 . 8 0 . 9 10 . 52 . -1.0 . 8 -6.9 -3.8 -3.2 14 . -3.5 -7.2 3339-P 3339-S 06/80 06/80 06/80 106.1 115.9 58.7 104.9 114.3 59.7 104.5 113.7 60.4 -.4 -5 . 12 . . 6 . 6 . 6 -1.9 -2.4 27 . 18 . 22 . -2.1 3341-P 3341-2 3341-231 3341-23111 3341-23113 3341-3 3341-321 3341-4 3341-405 3341-411 3341-5 3341-511 3341-531 3341-7 3341-71111 3341-71112 3341-M 3341-Y85 3341-S 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 77.2 75.2 73.8 78.1 76.4 89.4 74.6 61.4 123.7 142.6 116.9 52.0 54.4 44.5 88.0 86.7 94.2 93.5 95.5 88.7 73.7 71.0 73.6 77.2 75.9 93.6 62.8 52.9 124.1 145.7 116.6 45.2 (3) 38.1 86.5 84.8 93.9 96.1 95.5 87.9 77.4 72.5 73.1 76.5 74.9 96.6 68.5 55.6 127.2 146.9 119.9 50.9 (3) 43.4 84.0 82.2 91.9 117.6 (3) 90.1 50 . 21 . -.7 -9 . -1.2 32 . 90 . 53 . 25 . . 8 29 . 12.6 (3) 13.9 -2.8 -3.1 -2.1 22.3 (3) 25 . 3.* . 2 . 4 -9 . -1.0 84 . 50 . 29 . 39 . 30 . 41 . 67 . (3) 66 . -4.8 -5.0 -4.4 24.0 (3) -.4 -6 . -4.4 -3.1 -5.2 -5.5 80 . -8.1 -9.1 31 . 41 . 26 . -7.0 3 () -9.1 -3.7 -2.6 -6.6 22.6 (3) 28 . -13.5 -18.0 -12.5 -11.3 -11.4 20 . -15.1 -12.5 -6.6 12.7 -11.7 -20.1 (3) -27.9 -23.8 -23.9 -23.5 15.6 (3) -1.5 12/84 100.0 98.4 99.8 14 . . 6 (3) (3) 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 90.9 94.7 97.6 84.8 82.9 90.6 95.5 99.6 86.2 85.4 93.2 98.4 100.2 89.1 (3) 29 . 30 . . 5 34 . 3 () 26 . 39 . 17 . 32 . 3 () 26 . 48 . 33 . 56 . (3) -2.7 -9 . 27 . . 3 (3) 12/80 12/80 109.5 95.0 110.4 94.9 110.8 97.0 . 3 22 . 11 . 27 . 14 . 27 . 67 . -1.9 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 82.9 105.1 95.8 104.7 98.0 98.6 83.5 104.6 95.5 105.8 102.8 105.3 87.7 104.6 95.9 109.2 106.8 109.2 50 . 0 . 4 32 . 38 . 37 . 61 . 0 . 4 39 . 88 . 10.5 93 . -1.9 -1.3 64 . 11.8 13.6 -2.1 -1.8 -6.0 . 6 52 . 75 . 3339 3341 335 Rolling, drawing and extruding of copper Primary products Copper and copper base alloy wire Unalloyed Bare Alloyed Bare Copper and copper-base alloy rod, bar and shapes Unalloyed copper bars, shapes and non-electric rod . Rod Copper-base alloy rod, bar and shapes Rod Copper and copper-base alloy sheet, strip and plate Unalloyed copper flat products Strip 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 3334 Rolling, drawing and extruding of nonferrous metals 13 . 21 . -.4 3333-P Secondary nonferrous metals Primary products Copper Copper, alloyed Brass ingot, alloyed Other copper, alloyed Lead Antimonial lead Zinc Zinc dust Zinc base alloys Precious metals Gold, unalloyed Silver, unalloyed Aluminum, except extrusion billet Aluminum ingot Aluminum, other types except extrusion billet Miscellaneous receipts Contract toll work Secondary products -0.1 -3 . . 2 3333 Primary nonferrous metals, n.e.c. . Primary products Secondary products -0.6 -.4 -1.0 3331-P 3331-2 3331-21311 3331-S 3331-SSS Primary aluminum Primary products Primary aluminum, except extrusion billet . Aluminum ingot, unalloyed Aluminum ingot, alloyed Aluminum extrusion billet -0.8 -6 . -1.2 3331 Primary zinc Primary products.... 109.4 111.4 105.0 333 Primary copper Primary products Refined copper Copper cathode Secondary products Other secondary products. 110.3 112.1 106.3 3325 Primary smelting and refining of nonferrous metals. 110.0 111.9 105.6 3324 Steel foundries, n.e.c Primary products Carbon steel castings, except investment Railroad wheels and specialties All other carbon steel castings High alloy steel castings, including stainless steel All other high alloy steel castings, including stainless steel Low alloy steel castings All other low alloy steel castings Secondary products 06/81 06/81 06/81 3324-P 3324-163 3324-165 Steel investment foundries Primary products Carbon and low alloy steel investment castings High alloy steel investment castings, including stainless steel . 3351 3325-P 3325-2 3325-214 3325-219 3325-4 3325-431 3325-5 3325-559 3325-S 3351-P 3351-1 3351-111 3351-11112 3351-131 3351-13114 3351-3 3351-311 3351-31115 3351-332 3351-33218 3351-4 3351-413 3351-41322 See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 64 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Rolling, drawing and extruding of copper—Continued Copper-base alloy flat products Strip Copper and copper-base alloy pipe and tube Unalloyed pipe and tube, plumbing Tube Unalloyed, other pipe and tube Tube Copper-base alloy, other pipe and tube Tube Secondary products Product code 3351-435 3351-43526 3351-5 3351-516 3351-51631 3351-518 3351-51833 3351-538 3351-53839 3351-S 107.0 106.6 83.3 12/80 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 110.0 109.3 88.8 3.0 2.9 4.4 2.4 1.7 6.2 4.7 4.3 6.5 -0.8 -.1 -1.9 6.6 9.9 8.3 -2.3 81.1 77.8 106.8 106.3 Mar. 1985 83.4 76.4 12/80 Apr. 19852 3.2 4.3 108.0 1.7 2.2 2.1 -4.8 4.9 -9.1 -.2 -12.8 -2.4 -2.0 -3.9 -2.5 -8.6 -8.6 -2.1 -2.8 .6 85.1 78.2 103.6 73.7 06/81 06/81 113.5 115.3 111.4 113.6 111.4 113.6 0 0 -1.3 -.9 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 116.3 116.0 108.0 116.7 115.9 110.0 138.2 115.4 116.9 110.4 109.3 98.4 107.1 114.7 103.5 116.7 115.4 108.8 138.2 113.2 116.8 106.4 108.9 92.7 107.1 114.7 104.0 116.7 115.2 108.9 138.2 112.9 116.8 106.4 108.9 92.7 0 0 .4 0 -.2 .1 0 -.3 0 0 0 0 -4.5 -.9 .4 0 -.5 -.9 0 -.3 12/81 12/81 106.1 107.0 105.4 106.2 105.4 106.2 0 0 3354-1 12/81 106.6 105.7 105.7 3354-115 3354-11511 3354-11512 3354-118 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 97.4 105.0 89.9 110.2 94.0 104.4 83.7 110.2 94.6 104.4 84.8 110.2 3354-125 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 108.4 109.4 113.7 106.8 110.1 103.9 109.4 111.4 107.8 109.4 113.3 106.5 108.0 103.9 108.5 110.4 3354-S 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 106.0 107.0 108.8 105.2 115.1 101.9 3355-P 3355-1 06/81 06/81 06/81 3354 Aluminum rolling and drawing, n.e.c Primary products Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy wire and cable . 12/80 12/80 3354-P Aluminum extruded products Primary products Extruded aluminum rod, bar and other extruded shapes except tube Extruded rod and bar with alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series Rod Bar Extruded rod and bar with alloys within 2000 and 7000 series .. Other extruded shapes except tube, with alloys other than 2000 and 7000 series Other extruded shapes, circle size 1 to, not including, 2 Other extruded shapes, circle size 2 to, not including, 3 Other extruded shapes, circle size 3 to, not including, 4 Other extruded shapes, circle size 4 to, not including, 5 Other extruded shapes, circle size 5 to, not including, 6 Other extruded shapes, circle size 6 to, not including, 10 Extruded pipe Other extruded shapes, except tube, with alloys within 2000 and 7000 series Other extruded shapes, circle size 1 to, not including, 5 Aluminum extruded and drawn tube Extruded tube Drawn tube Secondary products 3355 3353-P 3353-1 3353-113 3353-2 3353-223 3353-224 3353-231 -3.0 -1.5 -4.6 0 -2.3 -6.0 -.1 0 -.4 -5.8 -1.1 -2.3 0 -2.7 -.3 -5.3 -.4 -5.8 -.4 -16.7 -.7 -.8 -1.4 -1.6 -2.4 -3.2 -.9 -1.7 -3.5 .6 0 1.3 0 -2.9 -.6 -5.7 0 -5.6 -2.3 -9.3 0 -9.0 -3.2 -15.2 0 107.7 109.4 112.4 106.5 108.3 103.9 108.3 110.4 -.1 0 -.7 .1 -.8 0 .3 0 -.2 0 -1.2 -2.0 -.8 (3) -1.0 -.9 -1.4 -2.1 -1.2 -2.9 -2.0 -1.0 -1.6 -.9 -3.6 -3.6 -1.7 -6.9 -7.2 -3.9 »4.3 -.9 106.4 107.8 108.4 104.6 115.1 101.9 106.4 107.8 108.4 104.6 115.1 101.9 0 0 0 0 .0 0 .4 .7 -.4 -.6 0 0 .4 .7 -1.0 -1.6 0 0 -1.9 -3.0 0 4.0 107.6 109.4 86.3 107.8 109.4 87.1 105.9 107.4 85.6 -1.8 -1.9 -1.7 -1.8 -1.9 -1.9 -3.6 -2.6 -9.5 -4.6 -4.0 -22.0 104.7 104.7 80.4 85.2 117.2 114.1 128.3 101.6 94.5 96.4 100.4 104.8 99.4 99.1 77.4 79.6 103.7 105.5 6.2 6.9 0 0 103.5 113.1 119.9 101.2 94.0 92.7 101.7 102.6 127.6 101.3 90.9 4.0 4.5 -4.2 -6.5 6.4 5.1 2.8 .8 -.7 -.5 -.2 -3.7 -6.5 -4.0 -3.1 -4.9 -.5 3356-998 3356-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 -8.1 -8.1 -7.1 -4.7 -18.9 -9.2 3.9 -1.9 -9.5 -4.6 -1.0 -8.0 3357-P 3357-1 3357-115 3357-123 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 99.8 99.8 103.6 107.5 99.0 99.6 99.9 103.3 107.4 99.8 100.2 100.4 103.5 107.4 99.6 .6 .5 .2 -.1 3357-125 3357-198 3357-2 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.9 107.5 103.0 102.7 105.6 105.3 103.2 106.3 104.8 3353-23111 3353-23112 3353-23115 3353-233 3353-3 3353-4 3354-12501 3354-12502 3354-12503 3354-12504 3354-12505 3354-12506 3354-12511 3354-128 3354-12801 3354-2 3354-251 3354-253 3356 3356-P 3356-2 3356-279 3356-3 3356-382 3356-38213 3356-9 3356-959 3356-992 3357 See footnotes at end of table. 12/80 12/80 12/80 Mar. 19852 78.6 106.2 68.4 3353 Nonferrous wire drawing and insulating Primary products Electronic wire and cable Coaxial cable, armored and unarmored, copper Hook-up wire, shielded and nonshielded, copper Multiconductor electronic wire and cable, shielded and nonshielded, copper Other electronic wire and cable Telephone and telegraph wire and cable Dec. 19842 3353-S Aluminum sheet, plate, foil and welded tube products . Primary products Aluminum plate Heat-treatable Aluminum sheet Flat, heat-treatable Flat, nonheat-treatable, bare Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, siding Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, finstock Coiled, nonheat-treatable, bare, all others Coiled, nonheat-treatable, precoated Aluminum foil Aluminum welded tube Secondary products Rolling, drawing and extruding nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum Primary Products Titanium mill shapes Other titanium mill shapes, except wire Precious metal mill shapes Gold mill shapes Other gold mill shapes, except wire Other nonferrous metal mill shapes Other lead mill shapes, except powder and wire Other nonferrous metal wire Other nonferrous metal mill shapes Secondary products Index 65 105.9 77.5 79.6 115.9 93.5 101.8 100.6 11.7 9.2 6.4 .1 -3.3 .8 .1 -1.9 -1.3 2.7 -2.0 -8.3 -3.6 .4 -4.3 2.0 -4.1 -.4 -4.1 1.4 2.8 -.1 .5 .6 -2.0 -1.6 -.5 .1 -.3 .4 -3.1 -3.4 -.7 .8 -1.3 .5 .7 -.4 -3.6 -2.4 2.0 .2 -.8 1.8 -.9 -4.0 .9 .7 1.1 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Nonferrous wire drawing and insulating—Continued Switchboard wire and cable, except telephone cord sets and cordage, copper Rural and urban distribution wire and cable, copper Other telephone and telegraph wire and cable Control and signal wire and cable Signal wire and cable, copper Control wire and cable, excluding elevator cable, copper Other control and signal wire and cable Building wire and cable with Underwriters' Labels, except varnished cambric insulation and service wire Thermoset insulated building wire and cable, aluminum Thermoplastic insulated building wire and cable, flame retardent nylon (THHN.THWN), copper Thermoplastic insul. building wire and cable, moisture and heat resist. (THW), copper Nonmetallic branch circuit underground feeder, copper Other building wire and cable Apparatus wire and cordage Appliance fixture wire, copper Appliance wiring material, 14 gauge and larger, including motor and transformer lead, copper Other apparatus wire and cordage, including machine tool wire, copper Magnet wire Film coated, (44 to 7 AWG and larger), class 105 32 AWG and larger round (also all square and rectangle), copper Film coated (44 to 7 AWG and larger), class 130 Film coated (44 to 7 AWG and larger), class 180 44 AWG and larger round (also all square and rectangle), copper Film coated (44 to 7 AWG and larger), class 200 21 AWG and larger round (also all square and rectangle), copper Other magnet wire Power wire and cable Other power wire and cable Other insulated wire and cable Automotive insulated wire and cable, copper Airframe, shipboard and ground support cable, except coaxial and ignition cable, copper Other insulated or covered wire and cable, copper Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 1.4 9.3 3.1 1.1 -.2 1.4 4.5 3357-244 3357-248 3357-298 3357-3 3357-311 3357-312 3357-398 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 104.3 99.8 105.1 102.1 107.0 100.1 102.7 109.2 109.3 107.5 103.4 107.0 101.8 105.2 109.0 109.3 108.0 103.4 107.0 101.8 105.7 -0.2 0 .4 0 0 0 .5 5.7 9.6 3.1 .8 0 1.0 3.1 4.5 9.6 3.1 1.2 0 1.7 3.1 3357-4 3357-436 12/82 12/82 97.8 114.6 97.5 114.0 97.4 112.0 -.2 -1.8 0 .8 1.9 .5 -6.1 -10.0 3357-442 12/82 95.6 94.8 93.9 -1.0 -2.5 .7 -4.4 95.2 95.0 94.6 98.8 88.9 93.9 95.8 95.5 99.4 88.9 -1.4 .8 .9 .6 0 -2.4 2.1 2.5 .5 -1.4 1.7 3357-6 3357-616 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 94.4 95.0 93.9 98.8 90.1 7.1 4.7 .9 -1.4 -3.6 -3.5 -5.5 -.5 -4.0 3357-617 12/82 99.6 99.4 100.9 2.2 -1.9 3357-618 3357-7 3357-702 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.7 98.0 97.8 106.2 97.3 98.0 106.2 99.3 99.3 0 2.1 1.3 1.7 1.7 .6 1.7 1.7 -1.4 -6.9 -4.3 3357-70203 3357-703 3357-705 12/82 12/82 12/82 89.3 100.3 102.6 91.7 98.7 101.1 94.3 100.5 103.1 2.8 1.8 2.0 5.9 .7 .7 6.0 .4 1.0 -7.1 -5.8 -3.6 3357-70501 3357-706 12/82 12/82 98.4 98.6 99.0 99.1 101.6 101.5 2.6 2.5 3.5 3.0 3.9 3.4 -3.5 -11.0 3357-70601 3357-709 97.6 96.8 101.0 100.3 99.8 102.7 98.8 98.3 102.0 99.1 99.6 101.7 102.3 101.6 101.5 97.7 100.6 102.8 3.5 3.4 -.6 -1.4 1.0 1.2 5.3 5.3 -1.0 -2.3 3357-8 3357-898 3357-9 3357-901 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/81 3357-903 3357-998 3357-S 12/82 12/82 12/82 94.3 95.6 106.3 99.5 94.0 106.6 99.5 96.6 108.0 12/84 100.0 100.4 100.3 3361-21514 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 106.1 105.8 105.7 105.1 104.3 112.1 106.5 100.6 113.7 103.4 105.8 106.7 104.6 105.1 109.5 108.9 107.2 106.2 105.7 105.6 104.9 104.2 111.8 106.3 100.5 113.6 103.8 104.7 106.4 103.9 (3) 109.6 108.9 109.1 3361-3 3361-311 06/83 06/83 105.5 106.3 3361-315 06/83 3361-31512 3361-31514 3357-444 3357-448 3357-449 .1 5.0 1.1 -2.2 C3) 0 2.7 1.3 5.5 2.6 1.7 5.5 .5 1.6 -3.8 3.4 106.1 105.6 105.4 104.8 104.2 110.2 106.2 100.5 113.4 103.6 104.8 106.3 103.7 (3) 109.7 108.9 109.4 -.1 -.1 -.1 -.2 0 -1.4 -.1 -.1 -.2 -.2 .1 -.1 -.3 (3) .1 0 .2 0 -.1 -.6 0 -.1 -.1 -2.7 105.8 106.2 105.8 106.2 0 0 104.6 105.3 105.3 06/83 06/83 108.7 102.3 108.7 102.5 102.3 -.2 06/83 06/83 104.4 108.4 105.0 109.0 105.0 108.9 3362-P 3362-1 3362-111 3362-2 3362-214 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.6 101.7 102.4 102.4 100.2 100.2 103.4 102.2 102.8 102.8 100.6 100.9 103.3 102.2 102.7 102.7 100.6 100.9 3361 Brass, bronze and copper foundries Primary products Copper and copper-base alloy sand castings Copper and copper-base alloy sand castings Other copper and copper-base alloy castings Other copper and copper-base alloy castings, n.e.c.. -6.6 .9 .7 336 Aluminum foundries Primary products Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy die castings Motor vehicle die castings Die castings for passenger cars Die castings for other motor vehicles Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy die castings, other Die castings for building and construction uses Die castings for industrial machinery uses Die castings for electrical uses Other die castings, n.e.c Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sand castings Motor vehicle sand castings Aircraft sand castings Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sand castings, other Sand castings for industrial machinery uses Other sand castings, n.e.c Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy permanent and semipermanent mold castings Motor vehicle permanent and semi-permanent mold castings ... Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy permanent and semi-permanent mold castings, other Permanent and semi-permanent mold castings for industrial machinery uses Other permanent and semi-permanent mold castings, n.e.c. Other aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings and cast products Secondary products 1.1 .3 -1.5 -9.8 -2.0 -3.8 3361-4 3361-S Nonferrous foundries (castings). 3362 3361-P 3361-1 3361-111 3361-11111 3361-11112 3361-115 3361-11511 3361-11512 3361-11513 3361-11514 3361-2 3361-211 3361-213 3361-215 3361-21512 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 66 4.8 9.4 0 .2 .3 -.4 (3) .6 0 4.2 -1.5 -1.6 -3.5 -5.8 -6.6 2.3 -.7 -7.8 7.8 -2.7 -1.8 -.3 -2.1 (3) .7 0 4.6 .6 .4 -.4 -1.3 0 -1.0 0 -.1 .6 .3 .4 .3 3.7 -.9 -.1 .4 .2 -.1 -.1 .5 .7 -.2 -.6 -.8 -.8 -.2 .1 .8 .2 .5 .5 -.8 -.6 -.1 -.1 -.1 0 0 -.8 -.6 -2.7 -.4 -.3 -.4 0 -1.0 .3 0 3 () .6 0 -2.9 -1.1 3.1 -.8 1.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Nonferrous foundries, n.e.c Primary products Zinc and zinc-base alloy castings Zinc and zinc-base alloy die castings Motor vehicle die castings Other die castings, n.e.c Other nonferrous castings, excluding aluminum and copper Other nonferrous castings and cast products, n.e.c Secondary products Dec. 06/83 06/83 06/83 99.4 99.4 106.8 101.1 101.1 108.7 3369-P 3369-1 3369-151 3369-15111 3369-15112 3369-3 3369-391 3369-S Brass, bronze and copper foundries—Continued Copper-base alloy bearings and bushings, nonmachined Copper-base alloy bearings and bushings, nonmachined Secondary products Index base 3362-3 3362-311 3362-S industry code 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 111.2 109.9 112.7 110.0 109.7 110.3 101.9 99.9 111.7 Product code 3369 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation equipment Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 101.1 101.1 108.5 0 0 -.2 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.5 3.0 111.2 110.2 112.9 110.3 (3) 111.6 102.2 100.3 110.6 112.6 110.9 112.8 110.3 108.5 111.6 106.9 106.3 112.6 1.2 .7 -.1 0 4.6 6.0 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.0 1.1 2.9 -.1 4.9 6.4 1.0 1.1 .7 .2 .3 .5 .2 3.0 3.9 .8 3.5 2.7 2.4 1.1 2.7 .1 5.1 4.9 6.2 -.5 -.5 -1.1 .1 -.3 0 (3) .5 .5 -.2 -2.2 4.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 .8 3.0 3.6 2.0 C3) 0 3411 Metal barrels, drums, and pails Primary products Steel pails 1 1 1 / 4 in. dia.: full removable head 1 1 1 / 4 inch diameter: tight head Standard Steel shipping barrels and drums All exc. 14-in. dia.: 18 gage & heavier: 50 gal. & over: tight head All exc. 14-in. dia.: 18 gage & heavier: 50 gal. & over: open head All exc. 14-in. dia.: 19 & 20 gage (incl. 20/18): 50 gal. & over: tight head All exc. 14-in. dia.: 19 & 20 gage (incl. 20/18): 50 gal. & over: open head All except 14-in. dia.: 20 gage & heavier: 30-49 gal All except 14-in. dia.: 20 gage & heavier: under 30 gal All other metal barrels All other metal barrels, incl. parts for metal barrels & pails Secondary products 3412 3411-P 3411-1 3411-1B 3411-117 3411-119 3411-127 3411-131 3411-1C 3411-137 3411-139 3411-141 3411-2 3411-2A 3411-211 3411-213 3411-2B 3411-217 3411-3 3411-S 3412-P 3412-1 3412-121 3412-123 3412-12311 100.0 100.2 99.7 -.5 -.5 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 110.4 111.7 110.8 115.6 124.6 108.5 114.8 124.4 107.6 117.6 98.9 109.2 109.8 109.9 110.5 109.5 109.5 107.6 120.5 104.0 110.8 112.1 110.8 115.4 124.2 107.8 117.4 124.9 108.2 117.6 98.5 111.7 111.6 111.7 (3) 111.3 110.3 109.0 121.0 104.0 110.0 111.3 109.7 115.7 124.2 108.5 (3) 124.9 108.7 117.6 98.5 113.6 111.0 111.1 113.0 110.1 110.3 109.0 121.0 106.0 -.7 -.8 -1.0 .3 0 .7 3 () 0 .5 0 0 -.6 -.8 -1.0 .1 -.4 0 (3) .5 .8 0 1.7 -.5 -.6 (3) -1.0 0 0 0 1.9 -.4 3.1 -.5 -.5 .3 -1.0 0 -.2 -.2 1.9 06/83 06/83 06/83 08/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.4 104.8 105.1 105.6 106.2 106.2 105.4 104.2 104.7 104.7 104.8 106.2 106.2 105.1 104.2 104.6 104.7 104.8 106.2 106.2 105.0 -.1 -.1 0 0 0 0 -.1 .1 .1 .1 .2 0 0 -.1 06/83 Metal cans Primary products Steel cans Steel cans, food Fruit and fruit juices can Vegetables and vegetable juices can Lard and shortening can Can, other foods (including soups) Steel cans, general packaging (incl. pet food) Paint and varnish can Aerosol can Can, other non-foods Aluminum cans Aluminum cans, beverage Soft drink can Beer can Other aluminum cans Can, other foods (including soup) Metal can components (steel and aluminum) Secondary products 12/84 341 106.5 105.8 105.8 .8 1.3 0 1.6 4.8 2.6 3.6 -2.6 9.0 1.8 1.8 2.2 1.6 1.9 4.8 .8 2.3 -.1 -.1 .2 .2 0 0 -.4 2.7 3.0 3.5 5.5 1.4 1.4 3.0 -.4 4.8 2.2 .6 3412-2 3412-225 06/83 101.5 102.0 102.0 06/83 106.7 106.3 106.3 06/83 08/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.3 108.5 103.4 100.1 100.1 99.6 104.3 108.5 103.4 101.3 101.3 99.7 104.3 108.5 103.4 101.3 101.3 99.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 -.1 0 0 4.4 1.2 .1 1.2 1.2 0 1.2 .1 1.3 1.3 -.5 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 102.0 102.1 102.0 107.7 100.4 101.3 102.6 102.5 103.0 101.2 101.2 105.0 102.2 102.2 102.2 97.1 101.2 104.7 -.3 -.4 -.7 -4.0 0 -.3 -.3 -.6 -.4 -9.9 .3 1.6 .7 .6 .3 (3) 1.0 12/83 102.9 106.2 106.2 1.2 3412-227 3412-229 3412-231 3412-233 3412-235 3412-3 3412-319 3412-S Cutlery Primary products Cutlery, scissors, shears, trimmers, and snips Table cutlery (with non-metal handles only) Kitchen cutlery, incl. knives, forks, and cleavers Pocket knives & other folding blade knives Scissors & shears, incl. hshld types, excl. barber, pinking & tail, shears, etc Metal-cutting shears, incl. aviation & tinners' snips, bx, & wire fil. cutters All other scissors & shears, incl. hedge & grass shears & pruners Razor blades and razors, except electric Razor blades and razors, except electric Secondary products 3421-P 3421-1 3421-111 3421-121 3421-141 .6 .4 .8 3 () 1.7 3.8 3.5 6.0 3.3 3421-153 12/83 100.2 101.1 101.1 3421-157 3421-159 3421-2 3421-211 3421-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 100.6 102.1 102.1 101.4 104.9 102.1 102.1 103.3 104.9 102.1 102.1 103.1 0 0 0 -.2 4.3 -.8 -.8 1.7 4.3 1.0 1.0 1.7 4.4 .1 .1 2.0 3423-P 3423-1 3423-111 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.1 104.4 103.2 101.4 105.9 106.2 105.9 105.4 106.3 106.7 107.0 105.4 .4 .5 1.0 0 1.1 1.1 1.4 .6 2.4 2.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.7 5.7 3.0 3423 See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 100.0 Metal cans and shipping containers Hand and edge tools, n.e.c Primary products Mechanics' hand service tools Pliers Mar. 19852 67 1.0 1.0 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Hand and edge tools, n.e.c—Continued Slip joint pliers Solid joint pliers Wrenches Sockets for hand-operated wrenches Open-end wrenches Box wrenches Combination open-end and box wrenches Torque wrenches Adjustable wrenches, including pipe wrenches All other wrenches Screwdrivers Automotive jacks, mechanical, excluding hydraulic and pneumatic Tools for automotive use, excluding jacks All other mechanics' hand service tools Edge tools, hand operated Machine knives, except metal cutting Professional and craftsmen's edge hand tools All other edge tools Files, rasps, and file accessories and other hand tools Shovels,spades, scoops, telegraph spoons, and scrapers Light forged hammers, under 4 pounds, excluding ball peen hammers Steel goods, including forks, hoes, rakes, weeders, etc Other hand tools, except edge tools Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Hand saws and saw blades Primary products Handsaws and handsaw blades Hacksaws and hacksaw blades Woodworking power saw blades Circular saw blades Solid tooth Inserted tooth Bandsaw blades All other woodworking power saw blades Metalworking power saw blades Bandsaw blades Other metalworking power saw blades All other power saw blades, including concrete, masonry, and abrasive saw blades All other power saw blades, including concrete, masonry, and abrasive saw blades Secondary products Heating equipment, except electric and warm air; and plumbing fixtures Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 3423-11112 3423-11113 3423-113 3423-11321 3423-11322 3423-11323 3423-11324 3423-11325 3423-11326 3423-11327 3423-114 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 105.3 100.0 103.2 102.3 111.4 (3) 105.5 105.0 101.1 103.8 103.7 110.9 103.5 107.7 107.5 3423-115 3423-116 3423-117 3423-2 3423-255 3423-285 3423-298 3423-3 3423-311 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 3423-321 3423-341 3423-398 3423-M 3423-S Apr. 19852 110.9 103.5 109.6 108.8 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 0 1.8 1.2 0.5 .6 2.2 1.2 5.3 3.5 6.2 6.4 5.3 2.2 7.0 6.4 ft (3) ft ft ft 110.1 (3) 110.7 ft ft 105.5 108.0 106.6 106.6 108.1 108.4 1.1 .1 1.7 101.2 103.4 103.8 104.2 101.4 106.1 105.2 107.0 111.9 101.2 103.4 106.1 104.7 98.4 107.3 105.8 107.5 108.3 103.0 103.4 106.3 104.7 (3) 107.3 105.8 107.4 108.3 1.8 0 .2 0 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.4 111.3 105.3 101.7 104.3 106.8 109.3 106.9 103.0 106.6 3425-P 3425-1 3425-143 3425-2 3425-212 3425-21211 3425-21213 3425-216 3425-219 3425-3 3425-336 3425-339 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 102.5 102.3 103.1 105.4 99.8 93.4 96.9 84.0 103.7 105.3 104.3 104.9 104.1 3425-4 06/83 3425-411 3425-S .6 ft 3.5 .8 -.9 1.8 0 2.1 .4 5.0 (3) 5.4 4.1 6.9 7.3 ft 5.4 6.4 7.3 0 0 -.1 0 1.1 0 .9 -1.3 1.8 -.3 2.4 1.5 (3) 3.4 .6 .4 -3.3 106.8 109.3 106.7 103.0 106.6 0 0 -.2 0 -.1 3.3 0 1.2 0 2.1 3.3 -1.8 1.4 1.3 3.2 3.3 5.1 4.1 1.3 3.6 103.5 103.1 105.4 108.9 100.6 93.8 97.8 83.0 (3) 105.7 104.4 104.9 105.9 103.9 103.7 105.4 108.9 100.9 94.5 98.1 84.7 108.1 105.7 105.6 106.3 105.9 .4 .5 0 0 .3 .7 .3 2.0 1.3 1.4 2.7 4.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 .7 ft ft 1.1 1.2 2.3 3.4 .7 .2 1.2 -2.8 4.2 .2 1.2 1.3 1.7 3.5 3.9 4.6 8.9 2.7 1.5 1.6 1.2 6.4 2.3 5.2 5.9 6.0 104.1 104.1 104.1 06/83 06/83 104.1 100.2 104.1 102.6 102.6 2.4 2.2 2.2 12/84 100.0 100.9 100.5 -.6 ft ft 3431-P 3431-4 3431-425 3431-7 3431-711 3431-721 3431-S 3431-SSS 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/8C 12/8C 119.9 120.5 126.1 118.7 119.9 122.0 116.3 118.0 109.6 120.8 121.1 127.6 121.4 120.2 122.0 (3) 119.9 113.9 121.2 121.4 126.9 120.1 121.1 122.8 (3) 120.4 113.7 .3 .2 -.5 -1.0 .8 .7 (3) .4 -.1 3432-P 3432-1 3432-101 3432-10113 3432-10117 3432-102 3432-10221 3432-10224 3432-103 3432-10334 3432-10335 3432-10336 3432-10339 3432-104 3432-10443 3432-10444 3432-10445 3432-10447 3432-10451 3432-10453 3432-10498 3432-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/83 06/82 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/82 06/82 06/82 105.5 105.6 105.6 103.7 103.8 104.6 102.0 99.8 104.6 103.5 108.5 101.5 102.5 101.9 109.4 102.5 108.3 98.8 (3) 106.6 103.5 118.7 117.5 103.7 104.8 104.8 103.7 103.8 104.6 102.6 99.8 106.2 106.0 112.6 105.5 104.7 101.9 105.8 102.5 108.3 98.0 104.7 107.3 107.4 108.2 111.6 105.4 106.7 106.7 108.4 108.2 110.6 104.8 102.2 109.7 106.6 112.9 106.2 106.0 101.9 106.7 106.9 108.9 98.0 106.6 107.0 111.6 108.6 114.0 1.7 1.8 1.8 4.5 4.3 5.8 2.1 2.4 3.4 .5 .3 .7 1.3 0 .8 4.3 .6 0 1.9 -.2 3.9 .3 2.1 3425 343 Metal sanitary ware Primary products Sinks and sink/laundry tray combinations Stainless steel sinks and sink/laundry tray combinations Bathtubs Cast iron bathtubs Steel bathtubs Secondary products Other secondary products 3431 Plumbing fixture fittings and brass goods Primary products Plumbing fixture fittings and brass goods Bath and shower fittings Bathtub and shower combination, other than single control Other bath and shower fittings Lavatory fittings Single control, 4 in. centerset Residential, 4 in. centerset, other than single control Sink fittings Single control deck-type faucet with spray Single control deck-type faucet without spray Residential deck-type faucets, other than single control Other sink fittings Miscellaneous brass goods Drains and overflows Single, or single basin faucets Traps Compression stops, including those with drains Lawn hose nozzles and lawn sprinklers Water closet tank flushing controls Other miscellaneous items Secondary products 3432 See footnotes at end of table. Index 68 ft ft 0 1.2 1.3 0 .1 1.2 1.3 1.3 3.1 4.9 4.8 2.6 ft 5.2 2.8 4.1 3.9 .0 ft 1.1 .8 .7 1.3 1.0 .6 1.0 .8 .8 1.4 1.1 .7 3.5 3.4 7.9 7.5 1.8 1.0 ft ft ft 2.1 3.7 1.4 2.4 2.4 4.5 4.3 5.8 2.7 2.4 4.9 2.9 4.0 4.7 3.4 0 .8 4.3 .6 -.8 3 () 0 6.0 .3 2.9 1.4 2.6 3.6 4.1 1.7 2.4 2.4 4.3 4.3 5.8 2.0 1.1 4.7 2.9 4.0 4.5 3.4 0 1.3 4.3 .6 -3.8 (3) .3 7.3 2.1 8.8 2.4 3.6 3.6 4.4 4.3 (3) 2.5 2.0 4.8 2.5 4.1 3.8 4.3 (3) 4.2 6.0 6.2 -4.6 ft 3.2 6.8 7.0 12.1 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Nonelectric heating equipment Primary products Cast iron heating boilers Oil-fired cast iron heating boilers Gas-fired cast iron heating boilers Domestic heating stoves Wood and coal domestic heating stoves, except sheet metal, airtight Wood and coal domestic heating stoves, sheet metal, airtight Steel heating boilers Steel heating boilers, 400 MBH and less Steel heating boilers, over 400 MBH Other heating systems Radiators and convectors Other radiators and convectors Unit heaters Gas-fired unit heaters, under 400 MBH, propeller fan Floor and wall furnaces Gas-fired floor furnaces Gas-fired wall furnaces Other systems, n.e.c Gas-fired infrared heaters Nonelectric fireplaces Other heating systems, n.e.c Parts for heating systems Gas burners and parts/attachments Gas burners under and equal to 400 MBH Gas burners over 400 MBH Oil burners and parts/attachments Commercial/industrial oil burners Dual fuel burners and parts/attachments Commercial/industrial dual fuel burners Other parts, n.e.c Secondary products Other secondary products 3433 Fabricated structural metal products 344 Fabricated structural metal Primary products Fabricated structural metal for buildings Iron and steel for sale to other companies, industrial Industrial buildings and plants Iron and steel for sale to other companies, commercial Office buildings (low-rise) Iron and steel for field erection by own company, commer., residen., instit, med., reli Commercial, residential, institutional, medical, religious (low-rise) Iron and steel for field erection by own company, public, educational Other fabricated structural metal Iron and steel for sale to other companies, for towers and supporting structures Other iron and steel for sale to other companies (excluding re-bars, bar joists, etc.) Secondary products 3441 Metal doors, sash and trim Primary products Metal doors and frames, except storm doors Aluminum doors, all types Aluminum residential doors Sliding glass patio doors All other residential doors, including garage Aluminum commercial and institutional doors Iron and steel doors, all types Iron and steel industrial doors All other industrial doors, including sliding Iron and steel residential doors Insulated steel entrance doors Iron and steel commercial and institutional doors Swing doors All other commercial and institutional doors Steel doorframes, 16 gauge and heavier Shower doors and tub enclosures Metal window sash and frames, except storm sash Aluminum window sash and frames Residential aluminum window sash and frames Single and double-hung Awning Horizontal sliding Product code 3442 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 3433-416 3433-418 3433-5 3433-511 3433-513 3433-6 3433-611 3433-61107 3433-621 3433-62113 3433-631 3433-63111 3433-63113 3433-661 3433-66141 3433-66151 3433-66191 3433-8 3433-811 3433-81101 3433-81103 3433-821 3433-82103 3433-831 3433-83103 3433-861 3433-S 3433-SSS 3441-P 3441-1 3441-121 3441-12101 3441-122 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 123.7 124.0 122.5 117.3 125.4 123.4 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 129.5 132.3 122.8 120.8 124.5 133.7 132.0 131.3 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 135.5 132.6 142.4 131.6 134.4 123.6 108.6 135.5 120.0 121.4 122.2 114.6 122.5 120.8 137.4 131.1 134.7 123.6 108.9 136.0 120.9 121.5 122.3 114.6 122.5 120.8 139.9 133.2 (3) 132.0 134.6 (3) 109.2 136.0 121.3 121.5 122.3 114.6 124.2 120.8 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 112.3 121.5 122.6 127.2 112.7 121.5 124.3 129.4 112.7 122.2 126.1 129.4 12/84 3433-P 3433-3 3433-311 3433-313 3433-4 100.0 100.4 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 101.9 101.8 103.0 109.9 113.9 96.2 102.4 102.4 103.2 110.1 114.1 94.1 93.2 102.9 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.5 .4 0 0 0 2.4 0 -.3 0 0 0 -1.5 0.8 .6 .2 .4 .2 -2.3 3.2 3.2 3.5 2.3 3.5 2.4 -1.7 -2.7 -1.0 .3 -.9 0 -2.8 1.0 -1.4 -2.2 -.9 0 2.3 0 -2.3 -1.9 -.3 -2.2 1.0 1.4 2.1 0 2.8 -.9 .3 -2.1 1.9 3.1 5.6 5.6 1.8 1.6 3.2 -4.6 3.2 .4 (3) .3 .2 .3 0 .4 0 0 0 1.3 0 .6 -.1 0 0 .1 0 1.3 0 1.1 0 .1 0 1.3 0 3.2 1.7 (3) 2.2 2.2 (3) -.4 3.3 3.9 2.3 2.8 3.3 5.8 2.3 0 .6 1.4 0 .4 .4 1.7 .3 .4 .6 2.6 1.4 3.1 3.4 5.2 5.1 1.1 .3 -.3 1.2 1.4 -1.2 3.5 3.2 4.4 5.7 5.8 .9 2.4 3.8 5.8 9.8 102.5 102.5 103.4 110.3 114.3 94.1 102.4 Mar. 1985 100.5 124.0 124.1 122.5 117.3 125.4 117.7 124.6 124.6 122.5 117.3 125.4 120.5 124.5 121.4 127.1 135.1 135.9 131.3 126.4 129.7 122.4 118.1 125.8 135.6 134.8 131.3 91.5 3441-12202 06/82 100.9 3441-162 06/82 .5 1.2 3441-16202 3441-166 3441-3 06/82 06/82 102.4 131.9 101.0 3441-342 06/82 99.6 100.3 3441-358 3441-S 06/82 06/82 97.3 111.8 99.5 111.8 99.5 111.8 0 0 3442-P 3442-1 3442-11 3442-112 3442-11216 3442-11218 3442-113 3442-12 3442-121 3442-12126 3442-122 3442-12229 3442-123 3442-12334 3442-12336 3442-143 3442-145 3442-2 3442-21 3442-211 3442-21121 3442-21122 3442-21124 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.6 104.9 105.1 105.5 105.9 104.9 99.9 104.1 103.9 101.2 102.5 104.1 103.0 106.9 108.0 101.1 105.5 109.9 104.7 104.7 102.1 101.7 94.1 102.7 104.3 105.0 105.6 105.2 105.7 104.6 98.9 104.1 104.4 101.2 102.5 104.4 103.5 108.2 110.0 101.1 110.0 112.3 104.5 104.6 102.0 101.6 104.6 105.0 105.6 105.2 105.7 104.6 99.0 104.1 104.5 101.2 102.5 104.4 (3) 108.6 110.8 101.1 108.8 114.8 104.5 104.5 101.9 101.5 94.1 102.6 .2 0 .1 0 0 0 .1 0 .1 0 0 0 3 () .4 .7 -.1 -1.1 2.2 0 0 0 -.1 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 69 132.9 101.9 (3) 102.6 2.1 .2 3 () 1.2 3.3 3.3 .3 -2.7 2.4 12.7 3.1 13.1 .3 .4 .6 .1 .1 .2 .1 -.1 .4 0 0 0 (3) 1.6 2.6 -.1 3.1 4.4 .4 .4 .5 .9 -.3 -.2 .3 -.6 .4 .6 .9 -.3 .3 .6 -2.6 -1.7 1.5 0 0 1.4 3 () 3.5 5.3 .9 4.0 4.4 .8 .7 -1.1 -.9 1.9 -1.7 -1.7 -.1 .6 0 0 .3 (3) 1.7 2.6 .3 3.1 4.4 -.7 -.7 -.8 -.2 0 -1.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Metal doors, sash and trim—Continued All other residential window sash and frames Nonresidential aluminum window sash and frames Single and double-hung All other nonresidential window sash and frames Steel window sash and frames, all types Steel window sash and frames, all types Metal molding and trim and storefronts Aluminum molding and trim Metal storefronts, sold complete at factory Metal combination screen and storm sash and doors Metal storm sash Aluminum and steel combination screen and storm sash Aluminum and steel combination screen and storm doors .... Metal window and door screens and weatherstrip Metal screen doors Metal window screens with metal frames Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Fabricated platework Primary products Heat exchangers and steam condensers Bare tube heat exchangers Fin tube heat exchangers Fabricated steel plate Fabricated steel plate for large diameter pipe Weldments Other fabricated steel plate Steel power boilers and parts/attachments Water tube boilers up to 100,000 Ibs./hr Fire tube boilers of all types Gas cylinders Other gas cylinders Metal tanks made at plant, standard, pressure Other non-LPG pressure tanks Metal tanks made at plant, standard, non-pressure Bulk storage tanks, standard, non-pressure Carbon steel storage tanks, 6000 gal. and less Carbon steel storage tanks over 6000 gal Custom tanks and vessels made at the plant Carbon steel customized tanks and vessels Carbon steel tanks & vessels, 3/4" & less wall thickness .. Alloyed (except aluminum) vessels and tanks, non-LPG Custom tanks and vessels made at plant and field erected Elevated water tanks, customized and field erected Petroleum storage tanks, field erected Secondary products Product code 3442-21129 3442-212 3442-21241 3442-21249 3442-22 3442-221 3442-3 3442-325 3442-351 3442-4 3442-411 3442-412 3442-413 3442-5 3442-511 3442-512 3442-M 3442-S Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 19852 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 07/83 06/83 108.1 116.7 129.4 110.7 103.2 103.2 100.2 98.9 109.0 105.2 111.4 103.5 105.7 108.9 (3) 109.5 98.6 106.9 107.8 116.4 128.5 110.7 103.2 103.2 100.3 98.9 110.1 104.7 111.4 103.5 104.7 109.0 107.6 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 120.2 123.0 129.8 138.4 122.2 111.6 126.1 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 3444-P 3444-2 3444-213 3444-21301 3444-215 3444-4 3444-411 3444-429 3444-5 3444-505 3444-517 3444-51702 3444-6 3444-621 3444-62101 3444-634 3444-637 3443 3443-P 3443-1 3443-111 3443-115 3443-2 3443-211 3443-251 3443-298 3443-3 3443-31 3443-34 3443-4 3443-419 3443-5 3443-538 3443-7 3443-71 3443-711 3443-713 3443-8 3443-802 3443-80201 3443-806 3443-9 3443-922 3443-926 3443-S Sheet metal work Primary products Culverts, flumes, and irrigation pipes Steel Culverts Aluminum : Metal roofing and roof drainage equipment Metal roofing, steel, all types Roof drainage equipment including eave troughs, aluminum ... Metal flooring and siding Fabricated metal flooring Metal siding, aluminum, for residential use, including mobile homes Noninsulated Other sheet metal work Bins and vats, grain Farm Stovepipe, furnace smokepipe, elbows, and ducts, steel Air-conditioning ducts, including dust collecting ducts, steel Metal awnings, canopies, carports, and patios, prefabricated types, aluminum Other sheet metal work, steel Precision sheet metal parts, not stamped Casings Other steel sheet metal work Other sheet metal work, aluminum Other sheet metal work of metals other than steel or aluminum Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products 3444 Architectural and ornamental metalwork . Primary products 3446 3444-646 3444-662 3444-66203 3444-66208 3444-66209 3444-664 3444-698 3444-M 3444-XY9 3444-S 3446-P See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 70 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 -0.2 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 -4 . . 4 0 . 1 . 9 -1 . -6 . Apr. 1984 -1.7 -5 . -1.3 0 0 0 0 0 -5 . -6 . 0 -4 . -1.0 -1 . -2.0 87 . 22.1 25 . 31 . 31 . . 5 . 5 . 7 -2 . 0 -5 . 0 -4 . (3) (3) (3) 107.8 116.4 128.5 110.7 103.2 103.2 100.2 98.9 109.0 104.7 111.4 103.5 104.6 108.8 106.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 . 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 -2 . -1.1 (3) (3) (3) 94.1 106.7 94.1 110.6 120.9 123.1 130.1 139.0 122.2 112.8 130.3 113.1 111.2 136.4 130.3 115.7 121.1 123.4 131.9 141.4 123.4 112.8 130.3 113.1 111.2 136.4 130.0 115.2 110.8 98.0 90.9 107.6 107.4 108.7 106.9 120.6 117.6 119.7 125.9 129.0 122.0 114.0 103.6 107.2 98.2 91.3 108.7 108.3 110.0 107.4 119.8 116.7 118.2 125.6 129.2 98.2 91.3 108.7 108.3 110.0 107.4 120.0 116.8 118.5 125.6 129.0 (3) (3) 113.5 108.8 113.5 108.6 0 -2 . -3 . 39 . -2 . 48 . -5.7 72 . 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.1 106.7 104.6 103.2 104.5 115.3 105.0 101.1 101.0 107.5 102.4 107.3 106.9 104.6 103.2 104.5 115.3 104.6 100.4 100.9 107.1 106.4 107.4 106.9 104.6 103.2 104.5 115.3 103.1 100.8 94.7 107.7 106.4 . 1 . 1 0 0 0 0 -1.4 . 4 -6.1 . 6 0 . 5 . 6 0 0 0 0 -1.8 -3 . -6.2 . 5 0 -4 . -8 . 0 0 0 0 -2.1 -8 . 18 . 12 . -4 . -5 . -6 . 0 12 . -8 . -2.0 35 . -9 . 99 . 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 113.0 107.3 93.4 93.4 107.3 101.1 (3) 107.8 87.8 87.8 107.3 101.5 112.1 108.2 87.8 87.8 107.5 95.2 (3) . 3 0 0 . 2 -6.2 . 5 14 . 46 . 46 . . 2 -5.7 -2.7 -2 . -2.7 23 . (3) (3) (3) (3) . 2 -5.2 40 . -5.6 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 116.7 107.3 106.4 104.5 105.3 113.2 111.8 (3) 109.9 107.8 106.4 105.8 111.7 111.9 (3) 110.2 107.2 114.2 104.9 113.2 111.9 (3) . 3 -5 . 73 . -8 . 14 . 0 (3) 27 . . 8 92 . -6 . 0 0 (3) 28 . . 8 92 . -3 . -1.3 0 (3) 52 . 18 . 11.2 17 . -1.8 82 . 12/8 12/8 107.7 107.1 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 108.3 108.7 . 4 0 . 7 27 . 12/8 12/8 103.1 102.0 104.4 103.4 104.3 103.4 0 0 12 . 14 . 14 . 17 . 30 . 22 . (3) 110.1 135.5 127.3 123.5 (3) (3) (3) (3) 0 37 . -4.6 36 . -4.7 32 . . 1 . 2 13 . 18 . 10 . 0 0 0 0 -1 . -2 . -4 . . 9 . 6 16 . 22 . 10 . 10 . 33 . . 8 . 5 16 . 22 . 10 . 11 . . 6 -1 . 25 . 22 . 39 . 27 . (3) (3) (3) (3) . 9 . 8 -6 . -2.8 10 . 17 . -1.0 -4.1 15 . 27 . -4.2 31 . -2.8 (3) (3) (3) (3) . 2 . 4 . 6 . 1 . 6 -3 . -5 . -6 . -1.0 -2 . . 3 . 2 . 4 . 6 15 . 12 . 17 . -6 . -.7 -1.1 -2 . . 1 14 . 33 . 23 . 29 . 28 . 30 . -1.5 -3.2 -2.1 52 . -1.5 . 0 -1 . 0 0 0 0 . 1 . 1 . 2 0 -1 . (3) (3) (3) (3) 24 . (3) (3) Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Architectural and ornamental metalwork—Continued Architectural and ornamental metalwork Warm air or air conditioning grilles, registers and air diffusers Steel Aluminum Stairs Industrial class Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3446-1 12/83 102.0 103.4 103.4 1.4 1.7 2.2 3446-11 3446-111 3446-113 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 01/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 100.6 101.1 100.0 103.3 103.7 105.6 101.7 105.1 107.4 100.0 107.0 102.8 103.7 (3) 3.1 3.4 3.4 101.7 104.7 107.4 100.0 106.0 102.8 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.7 2.3 3.0 0 3.0 .1 4.6 1.0 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 02/84 12/83 100.8 103.9 103.9 104.4 98.5 103.8 101.0 101.7 103.6 104.0 104.5 99.3 101.8 111.0 100.0 100.8 101.7 100.8 .9 .1 .1 .1 .8 0 8.3 1.2 0 1.2 .7 1.5 .1 () -.6 11.4 1.7 (3) -2.5 100.8 101.7 103.6 104.0 104.5 99.3 101.8 111.0 99.7 100.5 101.7 100.8 100.0 101.3 101.3 101.7 100.0 110.3 103.8 118.0 100.0 101.3 101.3 101.7 100.0 110.1 (3) 117.4 100.0 101.3 101.3 101.7 100.0 110.2 103.8 117.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.1 0 0 .5 .7 (3) .1 0 .2 0 0 .4 3441-S 3446-SSS 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 02/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 8.4 3.8 16.1 3448-P 12/81 12/81 99.3 99.9 99.8 100.1 99.9 .2 .2 .5 .4 1.6 1.7 1.1 1.4 12/81 12/81 12/81 96.6 96.5 103.5 96.1 95.9 105.4 96.1 96.0 105.8 0 0 .4 -1.1 -1.2 1.6 1.5 2.0 2.4 2.4 .1 12/81 102.0 106.6 108.1 1.4 12/81 105.9 110.4 109.0 -1.2 12/81 104.7 105.3 105.9 .5 12/81 109.0 109.2 109.2 0 3448-254 3448-S 12/81 12/81 101.5 98.5 100.6 97.9 100.5 98.3 -.1 .4 1.9 2.5 3449-P 3449-4 3449-452 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 -.1 0 0 12/84 100.0 105.7 105.9 113.5 101.2 105.4 106.0 113.5 101.3 100.1 113.2 3451-242 3451-262 3451-298 3451-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 99.7 101.2 100.4 99.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 -.3 0 0 0 0 -.1 0 0 0 -3.6 102.5 102.7 105.2 102.2 102.2 104.6 95.5 102.5 102.5 105.0 93.2 .3 .3 .4 -2.4 -1.5 3452-P 3452-4 3452-412 06/82 06/8: 06/82 06/82 -1.7 0 -2.5 3452-413 3452-416 3452-421 3452-432 3452-434 3452-437 3452-442 06/82 06/82 06/8; 06/82 06/8; 06/8; 06/82 103.1 109.6 104.8 144.3 108.1 101.5 102.0 103.2 109.0 103.8 147.6 108.3 100.9 101.1 112.7 109.0 102.6 146.7 112.5 100.2 99.7 9.2 0 -1.2 -.6 3.9 -.7 -1.4 9.2 .2 -.4 .2 3.5 -.4 -2.3 3446-13 3446-131 3446-133 Service class Commercial class 3446-135 3446-137 Architectural class Railings Steel, excluding stainless steel Grating and grating treads Steel grating and grating treads Welded grating Other grating Aluminum grating and grating treads Light gauge metal framing Ground supported scaffolding and shoring Scaffolding, ground supported Iron and steel Other architectural and ornamental metalwork Fences, gates and posts Iron and steel Window guards Other architectural and ornamental metalwork Steel, excluding stainless steel Stainless steel Secondary products Fabricated structural metal Other secondary products 3446-14 3446-143 3446-15 3446-151 3446-15111 3446-15115 3446-152 3446-16 3446-18 3446-181 3446-18111 3446-19 3446-192 3446-19211 3446-193 3446-199 3446-19913 3446-19915 3446-S Prefabricated metal buildings Primary products Prefab, metal bldg. sys., excl. farm service bldgs., resid. bldgs., & parts for prefab, bldgs Industrial and commercial Other prefabricated and portable metal buildings and parts Grain storage buildings, including farm and commercial types, steel and aluminum Other farm service bldgs., steel and aluminum, excl. wood frame bldgs Small utility bldgs., incl. tool sheds, cabanas, storage houses, etc., steel and aluminum Dwellings and other non-farm bldgs. incl. vacation homes, etc.; steel and aluminum Panels, parts, or sections for prefab, bldgs., not sold as a complete unit, steel & aluminum Secondary products 3448 Miscellaneous metal work Primary products Bar joists and fabricated concrete reinforcing bars Fabricated concrete reinforcing bars 3449 3448-1 3448-115 102.9 102.8 1.3 0 .1 3 13.0 2.7 3448-2 3448-214 3448-215 3448-221 5.7 4.2 2.9 2.9 1.1 .9 -.5 1.4 -1.3 .8 -.3 -2.5 -.1 .2 0 .3 .4 3.6 -.1 0 .1 -3.6 5.1 5.8 13.5 1.1 -1.4 13.2 -.3 .9 .2 -2.9 .4 .3 .4 -.5 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.9 9.2 -.5 9.2 1.3 -3.9 5.5 5.2 1.8 -.8 2.8 3448-235 Screw machine products, and bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers Screw machine products Primary products Automotive screw machine products Other screw machine products Aircraft Ordnance Household appliances, including radio and television Machinery All other end uses, except automotive Secondary products 3451 Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers Primary products Externally threaded fasteners, except aircraft Hex bolts, including heavy, tap, and joint Square and round bolts and plow numbers 3, 4, 6, 7, and track High-strength structural and bent bolts Studs Flanged, self-locking, set, and wood screws Cap screws, 1/4 in. diameter and above Machine screws Thread-cutting, self-drilling, and thread-rolling screws 3452 3451-P 3451-1 3451-2 3451-222 3451-223 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 71 99.7 112.8 99.7 101.2 100.3 102.8 105.4 106.0 113.5 101.2 100.1 113.2 99.7 101.2 100.3 98.7 -1.8 2.2 4.6 -.7 -1.3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Industry and product1 Industry code Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers—Continued Other externally threaded fasteners, except aircraft Internally threaded fasteners, except aircraft Hex nuts Locknuts: prevailing torque and free spinning Other internally threaded fasteners, including all nonmetallic Nonthreaded fasteners, except aircraft Solid rivets, all sizes Tubular, split, and blind rivets Pins, machine type Washers, all types Other nonthreaded fasteners, including all nonmetallic Aircraft/aerospace fasteners Bolts, all KSI tensile Rivets, all types Other formed fasteners Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products rroaucx code Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 2 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 101.7 99.2 94.8 106.4 110.1 100.9 97.8 98.9 103.4 100.6 103.3 101.4 102.0 101.8 98.7 97.1 105.3 101.7 96.8 91.2 (3) (3) 100.8 97.8 99.6 103.4 97.1 (3) 102.4 103.0 105.9 99.6 97.1 107.4 101.7 97.8 92.4 109.3 111.0 101.0 97.8 99.6 103.4 97.9 105.3 102.4 103.0 105.9 99.6 97.1 107.5 0 10 . 14 . () * 3 () . 2 0 0 0 . 8 3 () 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 0 -12.3 3 () 27 . (3) -5 . 0 0 0 -4.0 20 . . 2 10 . -1 . . 9 0 . 4 12/84 100.0 99.9 100.1 . 3 . 2 3462-P 3462-5 3462-511 3462-513 3462-515 3462-517 3462-6 3462-611 3462-7 3462-8 3462-811 3462-813 3462-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 98.5 98.8 98.5 101.8 100.2 100.0 (3) 105.8 108.5 99.4 96.3 97.4 95.5 95.4 97.7 97.9 97.4 101.6 99.5 84.9 81.5 105.8 108.5 97.6 96.3 (3) 95.5 95.1 97.9 98.2 97.7 101.6 99.7 92.2 81.5 105.8 108.5 97.6 96.3 97.4 95.5 95.1 . 2 . 2 . 3 0 . 2 86 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 3 () 0 0 -5 . -5 . -6 . . 1 -4 . -7.7 (3) 0 0 -1.8 0 0 0 -3 . -7 . -6 . -7 . . 7 -1.4 -7.7 (3) -3 . -4 . -2.4 0 0 0 -1.3 -5 . -1 . 0 12 . -2 . -7.8 3463-P 3463-5 3463-521 3463-523 3463-525 3463-529 3463-9 3463-921 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 105.3 104.3 105.1 109.5 99.4 107.6 99.1 96.2 96.2 104.7 103.5 104.2 107.7 99.8 107.7 98.9 100.5 (3) 104.6 103.9 104.8 108.4 100.4 107.8 98.8 95.7 95.7 -1 . . 4 . 5 . 6 . 6 . 1 -1 . -4.8 3 () -1.6 -1.5 -1.6 -3.4 . 8 . 2 -1 . -5 . -5 . -7 . -4 . -3 . -1.0 10 . . 1 -4 . -5 . -5 . . 5 0 . 2 0 . 3 -8 . ft 11 . ft 3465-P 3465-1 3465-111 3465-11111 3465-11112 3465-113 3465-11313 3465-11314 3465-3 3465-311 3465-S 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 110.7 111.1 112.4 112.8 113.8 110.6 108.5 109.6 105.8 99.6 98.8 102.6 110.4 110.9 112.2 112.9 113.8 110.9 105.1 104.7 105.9 99.2 98.6 102.7 110.7 111.2 112.5 113.0 113.9 110.9 108.1 109.1 105.9 99.4 98.6 102.7 . 3 . 3 . 3 0 0 0 29 . 41 . 0 . 2 0 . 1 . 3 . 3 . 3 0 0 . 1 31 . 44 . . 1 0 -2 . 0 . 2 . 2 . 4 . 1 . 1 . 3 34 . 46 . . 5 -2.2 -3.0 . 2 75 . 77 . 87 . 92 . 12.5 20 . 44 . 51 . 29 . -1.9 -2.6 17 . 3466-P 3466-1 3466-103 3466-10331 3466-142 3466-14244 3466-4 3466-415 3466-41517 3466-418 3466-41822 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.9 101.8 101.3 102.2 102.2 100.5 101.2 104.7 104.9 108.3 104.5 103.4 101.2 101.1 100.8 98.7 98.7 102.7 102.3 104.7 104.7 104.0 104.6 103.4 101.3 101.1 100.8 99.4 99.4 102.1 102.3 104.6 104.5 99.4 104.6 103.4 0 0 . 1 . 7 . 7 -5 . 0 -1 . -2 . -4.4 0 0 -4 . -4 . -7 . -3.2 -3.2 16 . 11 . -2 . -4 . -8.2 0 0 -5 . -6 . -3 . -2.4 -2.4 16 . 11 . 0 -2 . -4.9 . 2 0 . 4 . 2 . 4 -1.1 -1.1 17 . 23 . -1 . -3 . -5.1 . 2 0 3469-P 3469-2 3469-211 3469-215 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.7 100.7 101.2 100.0 100.0 100.7 100.5 100.9 100.0 100.0 101.5 101.4 100.8 100.1 100.0 . 8 . 9 -1 . . 1 0 13 . 13 . -2 . . 1 0 . 3 . 2 -5 . . 1 0 (3) (3) 3469-225 3469-241 3469-271 3469-289 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 101.0 104.3 100.0 96.9 101.2 104.3 97.5 97.3 101.2 104.3 97.5 97.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 6 . 5 . 9 0 -2.5 . 5 (3) 3452-469 3452-5 3452-502 3452-511 3452-539 3452-6 3452-601 3452-603 3452-621 3452-631 3452-649 3452-7 3452-701 3452-762 3452-8 3452-M 3452-S Metal forgings and stampings . 346 Iron and steel forgings Primary products Hot impression die impact, press and upset ferrous forgings ... Carbon steel Alloy steel, except stainless and high-temperature Stainless steel High-temperature iron, nickel and cobalt-base alloys Cold impression die impact, press and upset ferrous forgings . Carbon steel Seamless rolled-ring ferrous forgings Open die or smith (hammer or press) ferrous forgings Carbon steel Alloy steel, except stainless and high-temperature Secondary products 3462 Nonferrous forgings Primary products Hot impression die impact, press and upset nonferrous forgings Aluminum and aluminum alloy Titanium and titanium alloy Copper and copper alloy Other nonferrous hot impression die forgings Other nonferrous forgings Other nonferrous forgings 3463 Automotive stampings Primary products Original equipment automotive stampings .. Passenger car stampings Body panels Chassis parts Truck and bus stampings Body panels Chassis parts Service part automotive stampings Passenger car stampings Secondary products 3465 Metal crowns and closures Primary products Metal commercial closures(caps) Screw thread and lug type(nonvacuum) . Tin mill products Metal caps (vacuum) Continuous thread Metal crowns Soft drink containers Conventional type Beer containers Conventional type 3466 Metal stampings, n.e.c Primary products Job stampings, except automotive Aviation stampings Agricultural equipment stampings Electrical equipment stampings, except refrigerator and laundry Office machine stampings Stove, heater and air conditioner stampings Other industrial equipment stampings 3469 See footnotes at end of table. inaex base 72 0 1 5 -2.2 42 . . 9 -1.0 0 . 8 0 -6.3 (3) . 5 -1.1 40 . 10 . 0 21 . 09 . 45 . 16 . 45 . 46 . 0 13 . -1.5 10 . 0 3 () -8 . -6.3 38 . 12 . 13 . 36 . (3) 3 C) ft 15 . 22 . -2.4 -1.4 -2.9 -8 . -3.3 (3) (3) 3 C3 ) () 3 r) Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Metal stampings, n.e.c—Continued Other job stampings Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, aluminum Top of range household utensils Bakeware, pantryware and miscellaneous household utensils ... Stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, except aluminum Top of range household utensils, stainless steel Other stamped and spun utensils, cooking and kitchen, except aluminum Other stamped and pressed metal end products Other stamped and pressed metal end products Secondary products Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3469-298 3469-4 3469-411 3469-414 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 102.1 101.0 101.5 100.0 101.5 104.1 105.3 102.0 101.2 104.3 105.6 102.0 -0.2 .2 .3 0 -0.6 3.2 4.0 2.0 -1.1 3.6 4.6 2.0 (3) (3) (3) (3) 3469-5 3469-511 06/84 06/84 100.1 100.0 99.7 98.2 108.4 114.7 8.7 16.8 7.5 14.0 8.0 (3) (3) (3) 3469-598 3469-9 3469-998 3469-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.4 99.8 99.7 100.5 100.3 98.9 97.8 101.9 100.0 99.4 97.9 101.9 -.4 .5 .1 0 -.5 1.5 .9 1.2 -1.3 -2.1 -4.2 1.3 (3) 12/84 100.0 100.1 100.7 .5 .3 (3) (3) 3471-P 3471-1 3471-101 3471-102 3471-103 3471-104 3471-10431 3471-10432 3471-105 3471-10541 3471-10543 3471-106 3471-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.1 101.2 97.0 100.0 100.4 100.0 100.5 101.7 101.4 105.5 98.5 100.8 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.8 99.7 101.3 102.0 100.0 102.4 101.7 101.4 105.0 100.6 100.8 .8 .8 .8 -.4 2.8 1.3 1.6 0 2.0 0 0 -.4 2.1 0 .6 .6 .6 -.9 2.1 1.3 1.5 0 1.8 1.7 1.4 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 1.4 -.4 ft 3 (3) () ft ft (3) (3) ft (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) ft (3) (3) (3) (3) ft (3) (3) (3) 3479-P 3479-1 3479-101 3479-102 3479-103 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.6 100.6 101.6 102.3 100.7 100.3 100.9 100.9 102.0 102.3 101.0 .2 .2 .2 .3 0 .3 -.1 .4 .4 2.0 -.1 -.1 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) ft (3) (3) (3) ft 3479-10312 3479-10314 3479-104 3479-10421 3479-10422 3479-10423 3479-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.2 102.7 100.4 (3) 101.0 100.2 95.3 99.8 102.2 100.7 100.0 101.6 100.2 95.6 .6 -.5 .2 (3) .6 0 .2 -.2 .7 .6 0 1.6 .1 -4.9 (3) (3) ft (3) (3) (3) (3) ft ft (3) ft ft ft ft (3) ft ft (3) (3) Coating, engraving, and allied services ... 347 Metal plating and polishing Primary products Metal plating and polishing Electroplating-rack Electroplating-barrel Engineering plating - hard chrome, hard nickel . Anodizing Hard coat anodizing Other anodizing Mechanical surface preparation Polishing and buffing Other surface finishing Other plating Secondary products 3471 Metal coating and allied services Primary products Metal coating and allied services Printing, etching and engraving metal nameplates Other printing, etching and engraving Galvanizing and other hot dip coating After fabrication galvanizing, excluding all steel company operations Hot dip coating other than zinc Organic coatings Coil coating Spray coating, including electrostatic coating All other organic coating Secondary products 3479 Miscellaneous fabricated metal products . 349 12/84 100.0 100.9 100.9 0 .5 Steel springs, except wire Primary products Hot formed springs Hot formed coil springs Locomotive, railroad car, and other helical springs Hot formed leaf springs Replacement leaf springs Original equipment leaf springs other than for passenger cars Cold formed springs 3493 3493-P 3493-1 3493-121 3493-12116 3493-131 3493-13151 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 105.0 104.3 104.9 103.1 98.3 105.7 109.2 105.5 104.5 105.0 103.1 98.3 106.0 109.2 105.5 104.5 105.0 103.1 98.3 106.0 109.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 .1 0 0 0 0 0 .6 .2 .1 0 0 .3 0 0.9 .5 .7 -.7 -4.2 1.6 1.7 3493-13158 3493-2 06/81 06/81 101.9 101.2 102.5 101.8 102.5 101.8 0 0 -.1 .6 .6 .8 1.4 -.1 Valves and pipe fittings Primary products Fluid power valves Hydraulic valves Manually operated directional control valves Other directional control valves Flow control valves (including check valves) Servovalves and combination valves Other hydraulic valves Pneumatic valves Pressure control valves Metal valves for piping systems and equipment, except plumbing and heating valves Gates, globes, angles, checks, etc Water works or municipal valves (IBBM, AWWA, UL) Fire hydrants Iron valves (excluding IBBM, AwwA, UL) Cast carbon steel valves (all pressures) Forged carbon steel valves (all pressures) Brass and bronze valves (125 Ib w.s.p. and over) Cast alloy steel valves, including stainless Cocks and stops, all metals, pressures, and types Ball valves, all metals, pressures, and types 3494 3494-P 3494-2 3494-212 3494-21201 3494-21203 3494-21205 3494-21206 3494-21207 3494-224 3494-22403 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 104.8 104.4 104.5 103.1 104.6 100.5 96.5 107.0 109.1 107.6 108.2 105.8 105.4 105.3 103.3 104.6 100.5 97.6 (3) 109.5 109.8 108.2 105.9 105.6 105.6 103.8 104.6 100.5 97.6 107.0 113.3 109.8 108.2 .2 .2 .4 .5 0 0 0 3 () 3.5 0 0 .6 .7 1.1 .6 0 0 1.1 0 3.2 2.0 0 1.3 1.4 1.1 .7 0 0 1.1 3 () 4.0 2.0 0 3.2 2.8 3.6 1.9 1.5 .5 1.1 6.8 7.6 17.9 3494-3 3494-312 3494-31201 3494-31202 3494-31203 3494-31204 3494-31205 3494-31207 3494-31208 3494-337 3494-363 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 100.4 99.4 105.0 109.4 100.1 90.0 69.9 101.9 102.1 101.0 100.0 102.3 101.5 110.2 115.1 101.7 90.2 89.9 105.0 102.1 104.0 101.7 102.4 101.7 110.2 115.1 101.8 90.2 88.4 106.7 102.1 104.0 101.5 .1 .2 0 0 .1 0 -1.7 1.7 0 0 -.2 .9 .9 3.0 4.0 .3 -.3 -1.7 2.4 0 0 .7 2.1 2.3 5.0 5.3 2.1 .1 -1.7 4.7 0 2.9 1.5 2.6 3.0 4.5 5.3 1.6 -.8 2.4 3.6 5.2 2.9 2.7 See footnotes at end of table. 73 ft ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Valves and pipe fittings—Continued Iron and steel ball valves Brass and bronze ball valves Butterfly valves, all metals, pressures, and types Iron butterfly valves, including ductile Steel (cast and fabricated) butterfly valves Plug valves, all metals, pressures, and types Iron plug valves, including ductile Carbon steel plug valves Other alloy plug valves, including alloy steel Other metal valves and specialties Plumbing and heating valves and specialties, excluding plumbers' brass goods Other plumbing and heating valves 15 Ib w.s.p. and under... Automatic regulating and control valves Pneumatic actuated control valves Self-contained direct actuated pressure regulator valves Flow regulator valves for gas, vapors, or liquids Other regulator valves Solenoid valves Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3494-36301 3494-36302 3494-367 3494-36701 3494-36702 3494-375 3494-37501 3494-37502 3494-37503 3494-398 -0.3 0 -.3 -.6 0 -.2 -.7 -.1 0 1.3 0.9 0 -.1 1.9 -2.2 2.0 1.6 2.3 1.6 1.0 0.9 3.4 1.8 3.6 -.1 3.2 2.3 2.3 6.2 2.0 2.1 4.8 1.2 2.5 -.1 3.8 4.8 2.3 6.2 .5 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 104.0 102.5 106.4 106.2 107.4 108.9 105.2 114.5 114.5 109.2 107.6 113.0 105.3 118.0 98.1 104.4 100.6 86.0 94.3 117.9 104.7 103.8 105.2 105.2 104.9 104.1 107.0 106.2 109.4 110.5 106.0 116.0 116.0 109.2 106.6 113.0 105.3 118.0 95.0 104.4 100.6 86.0 97.3 113.0 104.7 103.8 105.2 105.2 104.9 104.1 107.0 106.2 109.4 110.5 106.0 116.9 116.9 109.2 106.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .7 .7 0 0 1.0 1.8 .1 0 0 0 .3 1.8 1.8 .2 -.9 .9 1.6 .6 0 1.9 1.4 .8 2.1 2.1 1.2 -.9 3.1 5.6 .7 -.2 2.9 1.4 .9 8.2 8.2 2.9 -.5 ft ft ft 12/82 12/82 12/82 111.1 79.9 117.6 111.1 79.9 118.5 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.6 102.5 103.2 104.2 103.9 105.1 106.2 101.4 104.8 99.6 103.3 101.1 102.0 3495-317 3495-319 3495-321 3495-398 3495-S 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 3496-P 3496-1 3496-111 3496-4 3496-411 3496-6 3496-613 3496-7 3496-711 3496-8 3496-861 3496-865 3496-873 3496-898 3496-S ft ft 105.3 118.0 ft 104.4 100.6 (3) 97.3 113.0 105.5 106.1 105.2 105.2 0 0 ft 0 0 ft 0 0 0 ft ft 0 0 -.6 ft ft 0 0 .2 .6 ft ft ft ft 0 0 .8 2.3 0 0 4.7 -4.3 .8 2.3 0 0 5.2 -4.1 .9 2.3 .2 1.5 6.6 3.0 4.7 3.7 5.2 4.1 111.1 79.9 118.7 0 0 .2 0 0 .7 -.1 0 .9 .9 3.2 5.6 103.8 103.4 104.4 104.9 103.9 106.1 109.5 101.4 104.9 99.6 102.8 107.7 102.7 104.0 103.6 104.5 105.0 103.9 106.1 110.7 101.4 104.9 99.6 102.8 107.7 102.9 .2 .2 .1 .2 0 0 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 .2 1.8 1.5 .6 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 -.7 4.8 2.2 2.3 1.9 1.4 1.0 .4 1.0 4.8 0 .1 0 -.5 6.5 2.3 2.8 2.4 1.9 2.4 3.9 1.0 5.5 -.3 .6 0 -1.7 6.1 2.7 103.5 101.1 97.8 101.0 103.3 104.6 101.7 97.8 101.0 107.6 104.7 101.6 99.8 101.0 108.1 .1 -.1 2.1 0 .5 3.8 -.1 2.1 4.1 0 1.6 0 5.7 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.5 103.0 99.0 96.8 101.8 100.0 101.4 100.9 104.4 106.4 106.9 103.3 101.5 99.0 102.5 103.0 98.6 96.3 101.8 100.0 103.1 102.6 107.1 150.0 104.2 105.1 107.1 103.3 100.2 99.5 102.4 103.0 98.6 96.3 101.8 100.0 103.1 102.6 106.2 144.0 104.3 -.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.8 -4.0 .1 -.3 0 -.9 0 0 0 1.6 1.6 -.8 -4.0 0 ft ft 107.3 103.3 100.3 98.3 .1 0 .1 -1.2 ft 3497-P 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.5 100.3 100.4 100.1 3497-1 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 3496 Metal foil and leaf Primary products Converted unmounted aluminum foil packaging products, plain, printed, or coated ( unlaminated) 100.6 104.7 94.0 104.4 85.1 107.3 107.2 107.5 107.0 101.5 3495 Miscellaneous fabricated wire products Primary products Noninsulated ferrous wire rope, cable and strand Steel wire rope and cable Ferrous wire cloth and other ferrous woven wire products Insect wire screening Steel fencing and fence gates Chain link fencing Steel nails, spikes, brads, staples and tacks Bright nails Other ferrous fabricated wire products Welded steel wire fabric (concrete reinforcing mesh) Other welded steel wire fabric Wire carts Other ferrous wire products Secondary products 100.9 104.7 94.3 105.1 85.1 107.5 107.9 107.6 107.0 100.2 3495-P 3495-2 3495-212 3495-21211 3495-21213 3495-21215 3495-21217 3495-21219 3495-214 3495-215 3495-217 3495-3 Wire springs Primary products Precision mechanical springs Compression type shipments to O.E.M Automotive Electronics Other machinery Consumer goods Other Compression type, other shipments Extension type Torsion type Other wire springs Spring units for box springs.innerspring mattresses.and dual purpose sleep furniture Other upholstery and furniture springs (unassembled) Valve springs Other wire springs Secondary Products 99.7 101.2 92.5 101.0 85.2 104.4 105.1 105.0 102.4 99.5 3494-9 3494-M 3494-S Solenoid valves 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 3494-4 3494-419 3494-5 3494-505 3494-531 3494-545 3494-548 3494-6 3494-655 3494-7 3494-723 3494-72301 3494-72302 3494-72303 3494-72304 3494-725 3494-72501 3494-731 3494-785 3494-798 3494-8 3494-815 3494-841 3494-84104 Metal fittings, flanges, and unions for piping systems Forged carbon steel fittings, flanges, and unions Socket-weld type Threaded type Butt-welding type (flanges only) Butt-welding type (fittings only) Stainless and alloy steel fittings, flanges, and unions Socket-weld and threaded type Pipe hangars and supports, excluding metal framing Pipe couplings All other metal fittings and unions for piping systems Fluid power hose and tube fittings Fittings for metal and plastic tubing Hose end fittings and hose assemblies for fluid power systems Other hose connectors Parts and components for valves and pipe fittings (sold separately) Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products 3497 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 74 ft (3) ft 4.6 4.1 ft 2.2 .7 6.5 -.3 .1 -.4 -.5 0 0 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.6 -.6 -1.6 0 0 6.8 6.8 ft ft ft ft 0 3.0 ft ft -.1 0 1.1 -.7 .5 0 -1.2 -1.8 2.0 1.1 2.1 -.3 -.1 -.1 .4 .2 ft ft ft ft 0 0 ft ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Industry and product1 Industry code Metal foil and leaf—Continued Semirigid foil containers Bakery goods Laminated aluminum foil rolls and sheets for flexible packaging uses Other foil and paper combinations Non-food products Converted unmounted aluminum foil for nonpackaging applications Unmounted or coated (plain or printed) Other metal foil and leaf Other metal foil and leaf including composition ( combination of two or more metals) Secondary products Product code Index Dec. 19842 3497-133 3497-13311 12/84 12/84 3497-2 3497-216 3497-21614 12/84 12/84 12/84 3497-3 3497-352 3497-4 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 -.3 0 0 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 -.1 -.4 -.9 1.1 2.6 3.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.3 99.6 99.1 99.6 99.1 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.2 102.9 100.1 (3) 103.0 .1 3.2 3497-411 3497-S 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 102.9 101.3 103.0 101.3 .1 0 3.2 1.3 3498-P 3498-1 06/81 06/81 06/81 106.6 107.3 106.8 108.1 109.1 108.9 108.0 108.9 108.7 -.1 -.1 -.2 .8 .9 1.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 3498-101 3498-10106 06/81 06/81 102.4 119.9 105.0 152.2 105.0 152.2 .0 0 1.4 9.0 2.9 27.0 4.7 27.0 3498-10114 3498-102 3498-10202 3498-10203 3498-4 3498-401 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 108.3 113.6 (3) 114.8 112.3 112.3 108.3 114.7 (3) 116.1 112.3 112.3 108.3 114.3 (3) 115.4 112.3 112.3 0 -.4 -.7 0 0 .4 0 0 .7 1.2 () .9 2.3 2.3 2.8 1.8 (3) 1.8 -2.8 -2.8 -1.1 0 Fabricated pipe and pipe fittings Primary products , Iron and steel pipe, tube and fittings Iron and steel pipe and pipe fittings (including custom work for contractors) Nonpressure pipe: heating, ventilation, air conditioning Other fab. excluding energy, petrochem, water/sewage, and nonpressure pipe Iron and steel tubing and fittings Seamless tubing Welded tubing Other nonferrous pipe, tube, and fittings Other nonferrous pipe, tube, and fittings 3498 Machinery, except electrical 35 12/84 100.0 100.6 100.8 .1 .4 Engines and Turbines 351 12/84 100.0 100.4 100.7 .3 .7 Turbines and turbine generator sets Primary products Steam, gas, and hydraulic turbines and parts Mechanical drive steam turbines, including marine, steam engines, and parts Parts and accessories for steam engines and steam turbines, and complete steam engines Secondary products 3511 3511-P 3511-2 06/82 06/82 06/82 106.2 105.9 106.0 105.8 105.4 106.1 106.6 106.7 107.4 .8 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.4 1.7 1.0 1.4 1.7 3511-21 06/82 106.8 106.9 109.6 2.6 3.6 3.5 3511-215 3511-S 06/82 06/82 137.6 111.5 5.0 7.0 Internal combustion engines, n.e.c Primary products Gasoline engines, under 11 h.p. (except auto) Gasoline engines, 3.0 - 5.9 h.p Gasoline engines, 6.0 - 10.9 h.p Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel (except auto) Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, under 151 h.p Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 50.9 h.p. and under Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 51 - 70.9 h.p Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 71 - 100.9 h.p Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 151 h.p. and over Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 151 - 200.9 h.p Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 701 - 1500.9 h.p Diesel, semidiesel and dual fuel, 1501 h.p. and over Parts and accessories Fuel injection systems Other parts and accessories Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products 3519 3519-P 3519-1 3519-102 3519-103 3519-3 3519-3 A 3519-301 3519-303 3519-305 3519-3B 3519-319 3519-331 3519-333 3519-9 3519-916 3519-919 3519-M 3519-Z89 3519-S 3519-SSS 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.9 103.1 102.7 102.6 103.1 102.5 101.2 95,4 106.7 113.2 102.7 113.0 91.7 111.1 100.6 108.3 97.6 102.8 103.7 100.5 103.8 Farm and garden machinery and equipment 352 12/84 100.0 100.2 Farm machinery and equipment Primary products Commercial turf and grounds mowing equipment, including parts and attachments Commercial turf and grounds care equipment, except mowing, including parts and attachments Other commercial turf and grounds care equipment, including seeders, aerators, etc Wheel tractors and attachments, except: contractors' type, lawn and garden, and motor tillers Two-wheel drive farm type tractors, including front-wheel assist types 120 to 139 pto horsepower 140 to 159 pto horsepower 180 pto horsepower and over 3523 12/82 12/82 105.4 105.4 105.6 105.7 -1.5 0 -1.4 3523-P 144.9 (3) 103.5 103.7 103.2 102.7 103.5 102.6 101.1 92.6 106.7 113.2 102.9 115.3 91.7 111.6 101.1 107.7 98.5 105.7 107.6 100.5 104.0 13.6 -1.5 0 0 .1 1.2 4.3 0 .7 .9 0 0 .6 .5 .1 0 .4 -1.2 -.1 -2.1 0 0 -1.3 2.0 0 .3 1.8 4.3 .9 3.6 4.7 .2 1.9 100.1 -.2 -.2 105.4 105.5 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.1 103.7 103.9 103.2 102.7 103.5 101.3 101.1 92.7 106.7 113.2 101.4 115.3 91.7 111.7 102.4 112.4 98.4 106.5 108.6 100.5 104.0 .2 .2 0 0 0 -1.3 0 .1 0 0 .9 1.0 .6 .1 .6 -1.3 -1.5 -2.7 0 -.4 -1.3 2.0 0 .5 2.2 5.6 1.1 .4 2.8 1.5 1.5 2.0 (3) 2.0 -.4 .1 -2.6 7.3 .2 _5 7.1 -4.8 4.1 1.4 7.0 -.9 3.7 4.8 .4 3.5 .1 .1 3523-A 12/82 104.5 106.3 106.3 0 0 1.8 4.4 3523-B 12/82 110.7 110.7 111.1 .3 .3 1.0 3.7 3523-B29 12/82 111.5 111.5 114.4 2.6 2.6 5.0 3523-1 12/82 105.3 105.7 105.2 -.5 3523-1A 3523-109 3523-111 3523-115 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 104.9 104.8 108.0 100.8 105.1 104.5 109.8 99.8 105.0 -.1 0 0 0 See footnotes at end of table. 3 75 104.5 109.8 99.8 -1.0 -1.0 -.7 -2.3 1.5 -2.2 -3.2 -.4 -.4 -1.6 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Farm machinery and equipment—Continued Attachments for wheel tractors farm and nonfarm industrial type Farm dairy machines, sprayers and dusters, farm elevators and farm blowers Sprayers and dusters Power sprayers, field and row crop type Tractor mounted Other than tractor mounted Farm elevators and blowers Farm elevators, portable, auger type Planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery Planting and seeding machinery Corn planters, corn and cotton planters, and lister planters Fertilizing machinery Fertilizer distributors, dry (inclu. lime spreaders), gravity distribution (5 ft. and over) Manure spreaders, conveyor type Manure spreaders, tank type, open and closed Manure pumps, liquid Front and rear mounted loaders (farm type), manure and general utility Other planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery Harrows, rollers, pulverizers, stalk cutters, and similar equipment Stalk shredders and cutters and rotary mowers Horizontal blade Harrows and rollers Pull type tandem disc harrows Blade terracers and scrapers and land levelers Harvesting machinery, except hay and straw harvesting combines Field forage harvesters Field forage harvesters, shear-bar, self-propelled types and pull types Combines (harvester-threshers), except peanut combines Other harvesting machinery, including picker-shellers and field shelling attachments Haying machinery Hay balers, all types Plows Chisel plows, deep tillage Other plows, except snow plows Farm machinery and equipment, n.e.c, excluding parts Cultivators Corn and cotton type cultivators (shank and sweep type) Field cultivators Machines for preparing crops for market or use Feed grinders, feed mixers, and burr mills Other machines for preparing crops for market or for use Farm poultry equipment Poultry feeders Barn and barnyard equipment Cattle and dairy barn feeding equipment Silo unloaders Electric-powered bunk feeders Cattle and dairy barn watering equipment, including windmill heads and towers Other barn and barnyard equipment Self-propelled irrigation systems Self-propelled irrigation systems, center-pivot All other self-propelled irrigation systems Hog equipment Hog and pig feeding equipment Hog handling equipment, including farrowing crates and stalls and pens Farm wagons and other farm transportation equipment Boxes and racks for mounting on wagons, trucks, and trailer gears, manual and gravity unload Boxes with integral running gear, grain and forage types Other farm transportation equipment Parts for farm machinery and equipment Farm machinery and equipment parts sold to original equipment mfrs Parts for harvesting machinery Farm machinery and equipment parts sold for replacement and repair Parts for wheel tractors Parts for machines for preparing crops for market or use ... Parts for planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery Parts for plows Parts for harvesting machinery Industry code Product code Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3523-187 12/82 109.0 109.0 109.0 3523-2 3523-2B 3523-22 3523-221 3523-224 3523-2C 3523-267 3523-3 3523-3B 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.3 101.4 99.8 84.1 93.1 103.7 102.0 105.9 105.7 101.6 106.5 102.6 99.3 99.8 84.4 92.7 106.5 107.3 105.7 105.7 101.6 106.1 102.9 99.6 100.3 87.2 92.7 107.0 108.2 106.0 105.7 101.6 106.9 .3 .4 .5 3.3 0 .4 .9 .3 0 0 .8 3523-348 3523-357 3523-365 3523-369 12/82 12/82 12/82 01/83 100.7 102.6 99.5 104.6 101.7 102.6 94.3 104.6 101.7 102.6 101.9 104.6 0 0 8.0 0 1.0 0 6.5 0 1.0 0 2.4 2.8 1.0 0 .1 2.8 3523-371 3523-382 12/82 12/82 106.6 107.4 107.6 107.4 107.6 107.4 0 0 .2 0 .9 2.0 .8 3.2 3523-4 3523-4A 3523-418 3523-4B 102.1 102.5 102.9 103.4 102.8 104.5 103.3 103.8 104.4 104.5 104.2 104.5 103.5 103.5 104.1 104.8 104.2 104.5 .1 -.3 -.4 .3 0 0 .2 1.0 1.1 3523-411 3523-4C 12/8; 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 0 -.6 0 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.4 0 2.2 1.5 1.7 2.6 2.1 0 3523-5 3523-5A 12/82 12/82 106.5 97.6 106.7 98.0 106.7 98.0 0 0 .2 0 .8 2.8 3.7 3.7 3523-563 3523-511 12/8; 12/82 97.6 109.8 109.8 98.0 109.8 0 0 2.8 .8 3.7 6.8 3523-582 106.1 114.2 109.7 104.2 100.9 101.0 104.6 106.6 104.6 109.4 103.2 100.5 106.4 104.3 108.1 103.4 103.7 104.0 102.5 105.9 115.0 111.9 104.2 100.9 (3) 104.4 106.9 .3 -.1 -.5 .4 0 3 () 0 .4 -.1 1.6 2.6 .4 -.1 -1.4 O ft 3523-871 3523-875 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 3523-881 3523-891 3523-8E 3523-893 3523-895 3523-8P 3523-P12 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/8; 12/8; 103.8 105.3 103.8 103.7 104.9 105.5 109.2 104.1 105.3 100.5 99.9 (3) 3523-P22 3523-8W 12/82 12/82 3523-W62 3523-W72 3523-W78 3523-9 3523-3A 3523-316 3523-6 3523-655 3523-7 3523-766 3523-788 3523-8 3523-8A 3523-806 3523-816 3523-8B 3523-826 3523-839 3523-8C 3523-855 3523-8D 3523-87 105.2 109.0 106.4 103.7 106.9 104.4 105.7 106.7 106.0 113.1 109.2 104.6 100.9 (3) 104.1 107.1 104.9 109.4 105.2 109.0 106.4 103.7 106.9 103.7 105.8 106.7 100.9 105.3 99.2 98.4 105.5 109.2 104.9 105.5 109.2 101.7 107.7 106.2 121.0 101.7 102.1 103.0 101.7 102.4 103.5 120.1 101.7 103.2 103.5 3523-9A 3523-905 12/82 12/82 102.6 103.3 103.0 3523-9B 3523-925 3523-982 3523-991 3523-993 3523-994 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.6 102.5 116.9 105.5 98.9 104.3 103.9 (3) 116.9 105.7 99.2 104.5 5.0 .1 -1.6 -2.5 .4 0 3 () -.3 .2 .8 .3 .4 .2 -1.2 -1.3 1.2 3.1 0 3.8 3.3 .1 .2 .7 0 0 .7 1.1 3.3 3.3 0 2.6 1.0 0 0 .7 1.8 4.1 .3 0 0 .7 -.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.7 .1 0 -.6 -1.0 .2 2.0 2.6 -3.1 0 -1.3 -2.8 -.2 -1.6 -1.5 (3) 0 0 -1.9 0 .5 .8 3.5 0 -.1 .5 .3 0 1.9 8.5 0 -.6 -1.0 -.1 1.2 2.4 -2.8 ,4 -2.1 -2.4 0 .9 0 -1.2 2.1 1.1 .7 1.0 -.2 .9 .3 0 .5 .9 0 -.6 -1.0 .1 1.3 2.4 -2.8 2.7 -2.2 -2.5 0 .8 2.0 106.4 03/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 76 1.1 0 0 1.1 .2 -1.3 0 1.2 .5 5.3 0 1.7 1.2 102.9 103.3 .4 0 .4 0 103.9 102.5 116.9 105.7 99.2 104.4 .3 .4 0 .2 -1.2 .2 1.5 2.3 0 .7 -.2 .6 8.9 1.5 -7.0 .7 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Farm machinery and equipment—Continued Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products Construction machinery and equipment. Lawn and garden equipment Primary products Consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment Lawn mowers Rotary, push type, gasoline engine powered Rotary, self-propelled, gasoline engine powered Reel, all types Rotary garden (motor) tillers Powered lawn edger/trimmers Fixed blade, gasoline engine or electric powered Other consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment . All other equipment, incl. powered hedge trimmers, 2 wheel walking tractors, and lawn sweepers Parts and attachments for consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment Attachments Parts Consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment Garden tractors 10.0 hp to 13.9 hp 16.0 hp and over Lawn tractors and riding mowers Front engine lawn tractors and riding mowers „ 10.0 hp and over Rear engine lawn tractors and riding mowers 6.0 hp and over Parts and attachments for consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment Attachments Miscellaneous receipts Construction machinery Primary products Off hwy wheel tractors Off hwy wheel tractors, including wheeled log skidders and rubber-tired dozers Tracklaying tractors Tracklaying tractors, 130 net engine hp and over Tractor parts and attachments Tractor parts sold to o.e.m For off highway wheel tractors, replacement and repair For wheel tractor loaders, replacement and repair Cranes, excavators, parts and attachments Hydraulic operated cranes Miscellaneous cranes including draglines Front end attachments for cranes, draglines, shovels Parts for power cranes, draglines and shovels Mixers, pavers and related equipment, except parts Portable mixers, 3 1/2 cu. ft. capacity and over Pavers, finishers, spreaders, bituminous distributors Other equipment, incl. portable mixers under 3 1/2 cu. ft. capacity Asphalt plants Tractor shovel loaders Wheel shovel loader, 4 wheel dr., up to 3 112 cu. yd. capacity Wheel shovel loader, 4 wheel dr., 3 112 cu. yd. capacity and over Scrapers, graders, rollers, off hwy trucks, trailers, wagons, and miscellaneous attachments Scraper bowls Rollers, all types including self-propelled vibratory compactors Off highway rear dump trucks Winches (towing, logging, oilfield), other attachments, incl. logging arches and trenchers Other construction machinery and other parts Portable water well and blast hole drills Winches, including marine Portable crushing plants Other excavating and road construction machinery Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.5 103.9 105.8 104.9 105.0 101.8 102.1 105.7 105.0 104.5 102.2 102.5 105.7 104.8 105.0 0.4 .5 0 -.3 .4 -1.2 -1.4 0 -.2 .4 -1.2 -1.4 .7 .3 .4 -1.2 -1.3 1.7 .5 3.1 3524-P 3524-1 3524-11 3524-111 3524-112 3524-113 3524-121 3524-15 3524-154 3524-19 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 103.0 103.8 104.4 104.2 103.3 105.4 103.3 105.5 105.7 107.9 102.2 103.3 104.1 104.4 104.3 103.4 105.5 103.3 (3) 105.6 (3) 101.9 103.5 104.3 104.6 104.2 103.3 105.5 103.3 105.5 105.6 107.6 101.9 .2 .2 .2 0 0 0 0 .3 .3 .2 0 0 0 0 0 -.2 -.5 .9 .6 .7 0 -.4 -.8 .1 0 0 -.1 -.3 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.8 .9 .4 1.5 1.0 3.2 3.9 5.2 -.4 3524-194 12/82 101.6 101.2 101.2 1.2 1.5 -1.8 3524-3 3524-311 3524-312 3524-4 3524-41 3524-413 3524-417 3524-42 3524-421 3524-42113 3524-422 3524-42213 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 01/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 108.4 105.5 109.7 107.4 109.8 98.3 109.0 106.2 104.4 102.2 108.6 106.1 (3) 108.4 111.5 98.7 110.5 106.8 104.9 102.4 108.6 106.1 12/82 109.7 110.3 110.6 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.5 101.2 101.2 94.2 107.9 102.3 102.3 93.8 107.9 103.4 103.4 93.8 353 12/84 100.0 100.9 100.9 3531 12/80 12/80 117.3 115.0 118.7 116.3 118.7 116.3 3531-101 3531-2 3531-209 3531-3 3531-321 3531-365 3531-367 3531-4 3531-41104 3531-41105 3531-481 3531-485 3531-6 3531-62111 3531-63411 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 121.6 119.5 119.5 106.9 105.1 110.9 107.7 116.6 121.0 124.0 124.3 110.7 108.3 117.0 116.0 126.0 120.3 120.3 108.8 107.2 110.9 107.7 117.0 121.5 124.5 126.7 110.7 108.3 117.0 116.0 126.0 120.3 120.3 108.9 107.3 110.9 107.7 116.7 121.5 124.5 127.1 109.0 108.5 117.0 116.0 0 0 0 .1 .1 0 0 -.2 0 0 .3 -1.5 .2 0 0 3531-63911 3531-64511 3531-7 3531-71101 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 113.9 114.2 124.6 134.1 113.9 114.2 127.1 136.9 113.9 114.2 127.1 136.9 0 0 0 0 3531-71102 12/80 118.5 121.5 121.5 0 3531-8 3531-81211 12/80 12/80 107.5 111.9 108.4 108.4 112.4 3531-83111 3531-85511 12/80 12/80 128.3 119.7 132.5 119.4 3531-87811 3531-9 3531-92811 3531-95211 3531-97311 3531-98311 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 126.6 116.4 (3) 123.3 125.7 106.3 125.3 116.8 139.2 123.3 126.8 3524 3524-5 3524-517 3524-M 3524-Z89 3524-S 3531-P 3531-1 See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 3523-M 3523-Z89 3523-S 3523-SSS 3531-S Secondary products. Construction, mining, and materials handling machinery and equipment . Product code 77 ft 110.2 114.4 98.7 113.5 107.7 106.1 102.9 2.1 3.3 0 3.0 1.2 1.4 .7 3.4 5.8 0 6.9 1.4 2.1 .9 1.4 -.2 -3.4 -.4 2.9 3.7 2.8 .3 1.3 0 1.9 1.9 0 0 2.9 2.9 -1.0 .5 -.4 -.4 4.9 ft 0 1.1 1.1 0 1.4 4.6 ft .7 1.6 2.6 0 2.6 .8 1.1 .5 -.3 -1.1 ft 0 0 ft ft 2.1 4.4 ft 1.2 1.1 2.0 1.3 -.1 0 0 .2 .3 0 0 -.2 0 .4 -.2 -1.7 .2 0 0 3.6 .7 .7 1.7 1.9 0 0 .2 .4 .7 2.2 -.9 .5 .5 1.5 3.6 1.0 1.0 3.7 3.9 1.3 2.8 .9 .5 .6 5.6 2.6 .9 1.1 2.1 0 0 .3 0 .6 0 2.0 2.1 1.9 .3 .7 2.3 2.5 -1.5 0 1.0 .5 132.5 119.4 0 0 4.0 0 4.0 -.3 4.0 .1 126.1 117.0 139.2 123.3 126.8 .6 .2 0 0 0 -.4 .4 .1 .6 1.9 1.4 ft 0 -8.5 ft 0 .7 ft 0 1.0 ft ft 1.9 2.3 ft Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Construction machinery—Continued Parts and attachments, except for cranes, draglines, shovels, tractors, sold to o.e.m Parts/attach., except for cranes, draglines, shovels & tractors, sold for replace/repair All other construction machinery and equipment Secondary products Product code Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 115.8 116.1 116.1 0.0 3531-98611 3531-99811 3531-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 108.7 113.3 133.6 108.4 114.0 136.0 108.6 114.0 136.0 .2 0 0 -.3 .4 -.2 -.1 .8 1.9 -.2 1.0 8.1 06/81 06/81 06/81 111.3 112.7 118.0 111.9 113.5 120.5 112.1 113.6 120.5 .2 .1 .1 .8 .8 1.7 .6 .8 3.2 1.4 1.8 4.8 3532-56236 3532-564 3532-56441 3532-565 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 112.9 119.1 118.1 117.0 111.9 120.2 118.8 124.7 112.3 120.3 118.7 124.6 .4 .1 -.1 1.1 .8 .4 3.4 .9 2.8 2.3 6.5 .9 4.8 3.6 8.9 3532-6 06/81 122.8 123.6 122.8 -.6 -.6 1.3 2.8 3532-671 3532-7 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 123.2 110.4 95.1 110.7 109.5 124.3 112.7 95.1 111.9 109.6 123.2 112.3 95.1 110.0 109.9 -.3 0 -1.7 .3 -.9 1.3 0 -1.7 .4 1.9 -2.3 3532-728 3532-755 3532-8 4.0 -.5 -14.7 .9 .5 3532-823 3532-863 3532-9 06/81 06/81 06/81 110.4 106.3 109.2 110.4 106.3 108.5 112.0 (3) 108.8 3532-975 3532-989 3531-S 3532-SSS 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 111.9 96.6 97.5 104.4 106.2 107.9 106.0 108.2 111.0 96.6 97.5 104.0 105.7 108.7 106.9 109.0 3533-P 3533-3 3533-31 Oilfield and gasfield machinery and equipment Primary products Oilfield and gasfield production machinery and equipment On-land and offshore bottom support wellhead equipment Christmas-tree assemblies with tubing heads and casing heads Valves, chokes, and manifolds Rodlifting machinery and equipment - surface and subsurface Sucker rods Permanent packers and accessories Retrievable packers Other production equipment and parts Oilfield and gasfield drilling machinery and equipment Surface oil and gasfield drilling machinery and equipment Wheel-mounted drilling and well-servicing rigs Elevators, spiders, slips, hooks, links, connectors Blowout preventers and accessories Other surface drilling equipment and parts Bits Tungsten-carbide insert bits Steel-toothed bits Other bits, including diamond bits Tool joints, subs and connectors Subsurface drilling equipment specific to offshore drilling from floating platforms Other subsurface drilling equipment and parts Other subsurface drilling equipment and parts, n.e.c Cementing equipment Well surveying equipment Miscellaneous receipts Other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Other secondary products Pumps and pumping equipment 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 120.4 121.3 116.6 119.9 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 3532 3533 3532-P 3532-5 3532-562 3532-98931 3532-M 3532-Z89 3532-S 3533-312 3533-315 3533-35 3533-357 3533-362 3533-363 3533-389 3533-6 3533-61 3533-613 3533-615 3533-617 3533-619 3533-641 3533-64101 3533-64102 3533-64103 3533-644 3533-646 3533-649 3533-64903 3533-671 3533-681 3533-M 3533-X98 3533-S 3533-SSS 3561-S 3534 3534-P 3534-1 3534-105 3534-107 3534-112 3534-114 3534-11413 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 3531-98411 Mining machinery and equipment Primary products Underground mining machinery Loading machines, underground mine Shovel type, including scoops, shovels, buckets, slusher types and all others Continuous mining machines, borer, ripper, auger, and drum ... Coal type Shuttle cars, rubber tired, self-propelled Mineral classifying, flotation, separating, concentrating, cleaning, clarifying equipment All other mineral beneficiation machinery and equipment, n.e.c Crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery Grinding mills, ball and rod Screens, vibrating, trommel, mine type Drills and other mining machinery, except parts Rock drills (percussion type), include stoper, drifters, air leg drills, and rubber tire Other drills, tools and supplies for drills (sold separately) Parts and attachments for mining machinery and equipment Parts and attachments for mining machinery sold separately, excluding drills Percussion rock drill bits Containing tungsten carbide Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Construction machinery Other secondary products Elevators and moving stairways Primary products Elevators and moving stairways, parts and attachments Geared electric passenger elevators, except residence lifts ... Gearless electric passenger elevators, except residence lifts . Hydraulic passenger elevators : Freight elevators Electric freight elevators Index base 78 -.1 1.4 ft -0.1 1.4 ft -14.7 0 3.5 .3 .3 111.4 96.7 97.6 105.0 107.1 108.4 106.4 108.8 .3 .2 .2 .9 1.3 -.3 -.5 -.2 .3 .2 .2 .9 1.3 .5 .5 .6 120.6 121.8 117.3 119.9 120.5 121.7 117.0 119.8 -.1 -.1 -.2 0 0 .1 .3 0 .3 .4 1.0 122.2 97.6 104.0 79.1 137.3 137.4 117.1 124.3 120.0 107.5 132.5 128.5 116.0 129.6 124.1 134.0 131.0 137.0 122.1 100.3 104.0 79.1 139.8 137.4 119.0 124.7 120.7 109.1 132.5 128.5 117.6 129.6 124.1 134.0 131.8 137.0 122.0 101.4 104.0 79.1 139.8 137.4 118.2 124.7 120.7 109.1 132.5 128.5 117.6 129.7 124.1 (3) 132.6 137.0 -.1 1.2 0 0 0 0 -.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3) .6 0 -.1 4.0 0 0 1.8 0 .6 .1 .1 1.5 0 -1.3 1.4 0 0 (3) .6 0 1.0 2.4 0 0 3.3 1.1 .7 .1 .1 1.5 0 -1.3 1.4 .1 0 (3) 1.2 0 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 112.0 131.6 140.9 109.5 100.1 120.7 129.0 112.9 114.9 104.2 112.0 131.6 140.9 109.6 100.1 120.7 129.0 111.5 113.2 104.2 112.1 131.6 140.9 109.6 100.1 120.7 129.0 111.3 113.0 104.2 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.2 -.2 0 .1 0 0 .1 0 0 0 .3 0 0 .1 0 0 0 -1.6 -1.9 0 -1.0 0 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 108.7 107.0 106.3 101.9 (3) 103.2 131.1 108.8 107.1 106.5 101.9 (3) 103.6 132.5 172.0 109.1 107.1 106.5 101.9 (3) 103.6 132.5 .3 0 0 0 (3) 0 0 .4 .2 .2 0 (3) .4 0 5.4 ft .3 -.5 .3 .3 .6 .9 -1.0 -2.9 .2 .9 -.8 .6 .4 .4 .5 3 () .7 1.0 .3 .3 .3 -.3 -.4 0 -2.3 1.5 .9 .8 2.3 2.6 3.1 ft -.5 -2.4 10.0 4.7 1.6 0 0 (3) ft -1.3 1.9 .1 0 3 () 1.2 .2 ft -.3 0 .1 1.2 1.1 1.7 .6 .4 1.8 .4 -.1 -.1 .1 ft .2 1.3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Elevators and moving stairways—Continued Hydraulic freight elevators Moving stairways and escalators Other non-farm elevators, including sidewalk elevators, dumbwaiters, etc Parts and attachments for elevators and moving stairways (sold separately) Automobile lifts, parts and attachments Automobile lifts Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3534-11415 3534-151 103.2 103.2 0.2 06/81 112.5 112.6 112.6 1.3 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 126.4 112.9 112.7 115.2 115.2 126.4 112.9 112.7 115.2 115.2 126.4 112.9 112.7 .7 0 0 3535-P 06/84 06/84 100.7 100.6 101.4 101.6 101.1 101.5 -.3 -.1 .3 .8 .5 1.0 06/84 06/84 06/84 08/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.1 101.1 100.1 (3) 99.5 99.2 100.0 101.2 101.6 101.1 103.1 101.1 100.9 101.4 100.0 101.9 101.5 100.9 103.1 101.1 100.7 101.1 100.0 102.2 -.1 -.2 0 0 -.2 -.3 0 .4 1.4 -.2 3.1 3 () 1.2 1.9 0 1.0 1.1 -.2 3.1 (3) .4 .7 0 06/84 101.4 107.0 106.9 -.1 5.4 3535 3536 Industrial trucks and tractors Primary products Industrial trucks and tractors, motorized and hand powered Internal combustion trucks and tractors Internal combustion trucks Internal combustion trucks, under 6000 Ib. capacity Internal combustion trucks, 6000 - 14,999 Ib. capacity Internal combustion trucks, over 14,999 Ib. capacity Motorized handtrucks Operator-riding electric trucks Handlift trucks, handtrucks, trailers, and dollies Other handtrucks, traitors, and dollies 103.2 3534-197 3534-2 3534-231 3534-M 3534-XY9 Hoists, cranes and monorails Primary products Hoists Hand chain hoists, ratchet lever, and wire rope pullers Electric chain hoists (roller and link) Electric wire rope hoists Other hoists Parts and attachments for hoists (sold separately) Overhead traveling cranes and monorail systems Cranes, except construction power cranes Electric overhead traveling cranes Single top running bridge type Double top running bridge type Under running bridge type Other overhead traveling cranes Monorail systems Powered systems All other powered, including electric Parts and attachments for cranes and monorail systems (sold separately) Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 06/81 06/81 3534-196 Conveyor and conveying equipment Primary products Unit handling conveyors and conveying systems, except hoists and farm elevators Gravity conveyors (skate wheel and roller) Trolley conveyors (overhead systems) Tow conveyors (underfloor systems) Powered conveyors (belt and roller) Light to medium duty Heavy duty All other conveyors, such as pallet Parts and accessories for unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (sold separately) Parts and accessories for unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (sold separately) Bulk material handling conveyors and conveying systems, except hoists and farm elevators Conveyors and elevators Belt conveyors and systems Bucket elevators All other conveyors and elevators, such as apron, flight, and drag Loading and storing systems All other, loading and storing systems, such as trippers and centrifugal throwers Parts and access, for bulk material handling conveyors and conveying systems, sold separately Belt conveyor idlers All other parts, attachments, and accessories, sold separately Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3537 3535-3 3535-311 3535-312 3535-313 3535-314 3535-31411 3535-31412 3535-317 1.3 3535-4 5.4 5.4 06/84 101.4 107.0 106.9 3535-411 3535-5 3535-511 3535-51111 3535-51113 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 101.5 101.4 101.9 100.8 101.5 101.5 101.9 100.8 101.4 101.4 101.9 100.8 -.1 -.1 0 0 -.2 -.2 0 -3.1 3535-51118 3535-513 06/84 06/84 100.4 102.7 100.4 102.7 100.4 102.7 0 0 0 0 .7 .8 1.1 .8 .4 0 3535-51312 06/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 3535-6 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 102.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 102.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 -1.9 0 -3.1 0 0 0 0 -1.9 -.1 0 0 0 -1.8 (3) -3.1 0 -3.1 0 3536-216 3536-25 3536-258 3536-25853 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.9 100.8 101.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.7 100.9 100.3 100.2 100.3 101.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.0 100.9 101.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.6 100.9 100.5 100.4 100.4 101.2 100.0 102.0 100.0 100.6 100.6 100.6 .1 .1 0 0 0 0 -.1 0 .2 .2 .2 0 0 2.0 0 .5 .3 .3 0 0 3 () .4 .8 .4 .4 .4 (3) 0 2.0 0 3536-26 3536-M 3536-Z89 3536-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 104.3 109.5 100.0 100.0 104.3 109.5 100.0 0 4.3 9.5 0 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 119.8 118.6 117.6 113.9 113.6 106.4 118.0 128.6 120.0 115.1 135.2 130.0 120.2 119.1 118.0 114.7 114.4 107.5 118.8 128.5 120.0 114.9 136.6 131.7 120.1 119.1 117.9 114.5 114.3 107.2 118.7 128.6 120.0 114.8 136.6 131.6 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .8 .5 3535-611 3535-613 3535-M 3535-XY9 3535-Z89 3535-S 3536-P 3536-1 3536-111 3536-113 3536-116 3536-138 3536-145 3536-2 3536-21 3536-212 3536-21207 3536-21208 3536-21209 3537-P 3537-1 3537-1A 3537-13 3537-136 3537-137 3537-138 3537-111 3537-123 3537-16 3537-165 See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 79 5.4 98.2 100.1 96.9 102.2 -.1 0 .2 1.3 1.5 .6 .6 .6 .9 .9 .8 1.3 .2 0 -.3 2.2 2.5 2.1 2.2 1.4 2.1 2.1 2.6 1.7 1.7 1.2 -.4 3.3 2.6 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Industrial trucks and tractors—Continued Parts, attachments and miscellaneous equipment. Secondary products All other secondary products Product code 3537-2 3537-S 3537-SSS Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.8 .3 .3 4.7 2.0 2.3 (3) ft 12/79 12/79 12/79 122.4 129.7 130.3 122.8 129.9 130.6 122.9 129.9 130.5 0.1 0 0 0.2 .3 .3 354 12/84 100.0 100.8 100.9 .1 .9 Machine tools, metal cutting types Primary products Boring machines Gear cutting machines Grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines All grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines valued under $2500 All grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines valued under $2500 each All grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines valued at $2500 each or more External cylindrical grinding machines Centerless grinders including shoe type All other external cylindrical grinding machines All other grinding machines n.e.c. including thread grinding machines Turning machines, (lathes) all types Horizontal numerically controlled turning machines, valued at $2500 each or more Horizontal spindle numerically controlled turning machines, small Horizontal spindle numerically controlled turning machines, medium Horizontal spindle numerically controlled turning machines, large Vertical numerically controlled turning machines, valued at $2500 each or more Non-numerically controlled turning machines All lathes (turning machines) valued at $2500 each or more Engine or toolroom lathes Automatic lathes Automatic lathes, multiple spindle Bar (screw) machines All other horizontal turning machines Other metal cutting type machine tools Machining centers Drill, mill, bore, vertical (automatic tool change) Y - axis travel less than 20 inches Y - axis travel 20 inches through 26 inches Y - axis travel over 26 inches Drill, mill, bore, horizontal (automatic tool change) Y - axis travel less than 27 inches Y - axis travel 27 inches through 40 inches Station type machines Dial or rotary, trunnion and center column Transfer Other metal cutting machine tools All other metal cutting machine tools, n.e.c. valued at $2500 each or more Sawing and cutoff machines Band saws All other sawing and cutoff machines Parts for metal cutting type machine tools, sold separately, and rebuilt machine tools Parts for metal cutting type machine tools, sold separately Rebuilt metal cutting type machine tools Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3541 3541-P 3541-1 3541-3 3541-4 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.1 104.0 98.9 108.5 103.7 105.5 105.2 98.9 108.5 104.2 105.2 104.9 98.9 108.5 105.3 -.3 -.3 0 0 1.0 1.6 2.0 0 0 1.5 1.7 1.9 -.7 0 1.8 3.1 3.6 -1.1 2.6 4.9 3541-4A 06/83 110.4 112.1 112.1 0 1.6 3.1 8.8 3541-401 06/83 110.4 112.1 112.1 0 1.6 3.1 8.8 3541-4B 3541-409 3541-40916 3541-40919 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.4 102.1 100.4 102.6 104.0 102.1 100.4 (3) 105.1 104.1 103.1 104.4 1.1 2.0 2.7 1.4 2.0 2.7 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.7 1.8 4.8 7.8 3541-492 3541-5 06/83 06/83 103.0 97.5 3 () 97.9 102.7 97.8 -.1 .4 .1 -.3 1.1 3541-519 06/83 96.2 96.2 96.2 0 -.4 1.6 -.2 3541-51911 06/83 88.4 88.4 88.4 0 0 0 -6.4 3541-51912 06/83 102.6 102.6 102.6 0 -.8 2.9 5.0 3541-51913 06/83 92.9 92.9 92.9 0 .6 0 -4.2 3541-528 3541-59 3541-59B 3541-592 3541-594 3541-5942 3541-59428 3541-595 3541-7 3541-71 3541-714 3541-71405 3541-71407 3541-71409 3541-716 3541-71611 3541-71613 3541-732 3541-73231 3541-73235 3541-79 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 09/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 93.8 99.5 99.5 101.7 99.0 102.8 99.0 95.3 104.1 97.2 101.6 103.3 102.0 99.9 95.7 95.1 97.3 107.4 100.6 107.5 103.7 95.0 100.0 100.0 101.7 99.7 103.7 100.2 (3) 113.2 97.9 99.6 101.9 98.3 99.9 98.2 97.8 97.3 123.4 100.6 126.4 103.8 91.3 100.6 100.6 101.7 100.7 105.0 100.3 95.3 110.0 99.0 102.3 103.2 103.6 99.9 98.6 94.5 100.7 117.2 103.5 118.9 103.8 -3.9 .6 .6 0 1.0 1.3 .1 -2.5 1.1 1.1 0 1.7 2.2 1.3 0 5.1 1.5 .3 1.3 0 0 2.2 -.6 1.1 1.1 0 1.7 2.2 1.3 0 5.5 .4 1.5 -7.7 3.4 3.4 1.9 4.7 5.5 1.3 3541-79B 3541-794 3541-79459 3541-79461 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.2 108.3 109.6 104.8 103.3 108.5 110.1 104.8 103.3 108.5 110.1 104.8 0 0 0 0 3541-9 3541-911 3541-941 3541-M 3541-Z89 3541-S 06/83 08/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 110.9 (3) 100.2 (3) 109.1 105.5 105.0 100.2 100.5 109.6 107.4 (3) 100.2 100.5 109.6 1.9 (3) 0 0 0 3542-P 3542-1 3542-121 3542-12111 3542-131 3542-13112 3542-13113 3542-13116 3542-2 3542-211 3542-21111 3542-21112 3542-21113 3542-212 06/81 06/81 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 114.3 115.5 110.5 117.2 107.8 108.7 111.6 114.7 107.1 113.9 114.1 113.2 114.0 114.8 113.6 114.8 116.1 112.1 117.8 108.5 110.1 111.6 119.5 107.1 113.6 114.2 113.3 114.2 114.9 111.8 114.8 116.1 112.1 117.8 108.5 110.1 (3) 119.5 107.1 113.6 114.2 113.4 114.2 114.9 112.1 0 0 0 .0 0 0 Metal forming machine tools Primary products Punching, bending, and forming machines Shearing machinery Plate shearing machinery Bending and forming machinery Rolls: angles, bars and shapes bending . Press brakes Other bending and forming machinery .... Mechanical and hydraulic presses Mechanical presses Open inclinable presses, mechanical Vertical presses, mechanical Other mechanical presses Hydraulic presses 3542 See footnotes at end of table. 80 ft 3 () ft -2.8 1.0 2.7 1.3 5.4 0 .5 -3.4 3.4 -5.0 2.9 -5.9 0 ft 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 .2 CVI Metal working machinery and equipment.... 3.4 8.2 2.9 9.5 .1 .1 .2 .4 0 2.3 ft .3 .3 0 -.1 -.2 .1 (3) 1.6 0 .1 0 .1 0 0 .2 7.6 1.2 .8 ft 10.5 -1.3 .1 ft ft 3.8 0 1.5 -1.9 3.4 9.1 2.9 1.6 -.2 -.5 .2 .7 18.3 2.1 ft ft 1.3 3.5 .4 .8 1.4 0 2.8 3.9 5.2 .2 .4 ft 0 0 0 ft .5 ft 0 ft 0 ft .5 -.2 .8 .9 2.7 4.9 6.7 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.8 4.9 6.7 1.9 ft ft 11.5 0 -.1 .1 .2 .2 0 -.7 11.1 0 1.7 1.9 3.1 .2 3.0 1.1 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 industry code Metal forming machine tools—Continued Vertical single action hydraulic presses Other metal forming machine tools and forging machines, except forging presses Other metal forming machine tools Thread rolling machines All other metal forming machine tools Rebuilt metal forming machine tools and parts for metal forming machine tools Parts for metal forming machine tools Secondary products Other secondary products Tools, dies, jigs and fixtures Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr 1985 from Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3542-21212 06/81 114.9 113.3 3542-3 3542-312 3542-31212 3542-31213 06/81 06/81 08/82 06/81 117.9 119.8 107.6 125.9 118.9 121.3 107.6 128.4 118.9 121.3 .9 1.2 .9 1.3 128.4 2.0 2.0 3542-SSS 3544-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 120.4 112.1 117.5 103.1 120.8 112.2 116.8 107.7 120.6 112.3 116.9 108.1 .2 .3 -.4 4.9 2.2 3.8 3.6 4,9 3544-P 3544-1 3544-1A 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 112.7 113.0 114.1 122.0 113.0 113.5 114.8 122.0 113.1 113.6 114.8 122.0 .6 .8 .9 0 2.3 2.1 1.9 .8 3544-117 3544-11702 06/81 06/81 98.9 98.9 98.9 98.9 3544-118 3544-11802 06/81 06/81 103.5 103.5 103.5 103.5 103.5 103.5 -.1 -.1 0 0 3.0 3.0 3544-119 3544-1B 3544-1E 3544-1F 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 134.4 111.3 113.3 108.5 134.4 112.2 113.5 110.6 134.4 112.2 113.5 110.6 0 1.0 .8 2.1 .6 1.3 .2 2.0 .6 2.3 2.9 3.2 3544-129 06/81 107.8 107.5 107.5 3544-12901 3544-12905 3544-149 3544-14907 06/81 06/81 114.8 111.0 114.8 111.0 114.8 111.0 0 0 06/81 112.6 112.5 112.5 1.0 1.3 3544-179 3544-17902 3544-2 3544-2M 3544-211 3544-213 3544-2Q 3544-251 3544-25101 3544-25102 3544-25105 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/84 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 09/83 113.6 113.8 110.6 109.3 108.9 100.0 109.5 109.5 106.7 113.6 113.8 110.8 109.3 (3) 100.0 109.9 109.5 106.7 1136 113.8 111.0 110.5 110.4 100.0 109.9 109.5 106.7 121.9 111.2 3.8 3.8 3.1 2.7 7.4 7.3 (3) .1 -.3 -.8 1.2 3544-259 3544-25905 08/84 10/84 104.9 101.2 3544-261 3544-26104 3544-M 3544-S 3544-SSS 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 115.3 109.8 113.9 106.1 104.3 3545-P 06/83 06/83 3545-1 3545-12 3545-121 3545-1211 3545-12117 3545-12118 3542-4 3542-413 3542-S Special dies and tools, die sets, jigs and industrial molds Primary products Special dies and tools, die sets, jigs and fixtures Jigs and fixtures, all types All other jigs and fixtures (holding, positioning, layout, assembly), under 1,000 pounds Other jigs and fixtures All other jigs and fixtures (holding, positioning, layout, assembly), 1,000 pounds and over Other jigs and fixtures Standard catalog components and parts for jigs and fixtures, including drill bushings Dies Forming and drawing dies Stamping dies, including lamination and blanking dies All other stamping type dies (punch, trim, notch, perforate, etc.) Progressive stamping dies, except high-speed steel and carbide Other types All other dies Other dies Other components and parts for dies, including standard punches, springs, etc Other components and parts Industrial molds Industrial molds for casting metals Diecasting molds Foundry molds, except ingot molds Industrial molds for plastic products Injection molds for plastic products For 1,000,000 or more cycles For 50,000-999,999 cycles For fewer than 500 cycles All other molds for plastic products, including transfer, plunger, and rotational molds Other molds All other molds made of metal (including molds for glass and other products) and mold bases Other molds Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Other secondary products 3544 Machine tool accessories Primary products Small cutting tools for machine tools and metalworking machinery Twist drills, gun drills, combined drills, countersinks and counterbores Twist drills Carbon steel and high speed steel 1/2 inch and under diameter, straight shank Over 1/2 inch diameter, taper shank Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding blanks and tips sold separately and masonry drills Gun drills, combined drills, countersinks and counterbores . Counterbores, including spot facers, etc., but excluding pilots for interchangeable pilot types Reamers, all types, excluding gun reamers High speed steel, including blades sold separately Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding tips and blanks sold separately End mills and milling cutters End mills, solid and tipped, die sinking contour, router, tracer, hollow mills, etc High speed steel 3545 1.3 0 0 .2 1.1 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 1.1 1.3 0 .3 0 0 1.1 1.3 () .4 0 0 104.9 101.2 4.3 -1.2 115.3 110.0 109.5 106.5 104.9 115.3 110.0 109.5 106.5 104.9 0 102.7 102.5 103.5 103.2 103.8 103.2 06/83 101.3 101.8 101.6 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 100.3 99.9 98.8 100.8 87.0 101.1 100.7 99.6 101.6 87.0 99.7 98.9 97.5 100.8 87.0 3545-12121 3545-122 09/83 06/83 109.4 101.9 110.3 102.8 3545-12229 3545-13 3545-133 08/83 06/83 06/83 100.0 98.1 98.7 3545-136 3545-15 11/83 06/83 3545-151 3545-1511 06/83 06/83 2.7 4.3 1.2 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 81 3.1 .4 3 -3.8 .4 .5 .1 2.3 -3.8 2.7 .9 .3 5.6 3.5 4.7 2.8 .7 .3 1.7 1.3 2.8 2.4 -.2 -1.4 -1.7 -2.1 -1.4 -2.0 1.8 -1.8 -.4 0 -.6 -1.0 -1.5 -.3 0 110.3 102.8 -3.6 .9 2.1 .9 102.0 98.1 98.7 102.0 98.1 98.7 2.0 0 0 2.0 0 0 104.6 104.4 100.0 105.2 106.9 109.3 106.4 108.8 106.4 108.8 -.3 -.8 -1.3 .4 1.2 1.1 2.0 4.0 -.7 -.9 2.2 2.6 4.0 4.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Industry and product1 Industry code Machine tool accessories—Continued Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding blades sold separately Other milling cutters High speed steel Single and double point tools and circular form tools Circular form tools, including semifinished blanks Single and double point tools High speed steel Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding rough blanks and tips and blanks sold separately Other materials Threading tools Taps, excluding taps in threading sets and screw plates and inserted chaser types High speed steel Ground thread Dies, with two or more thread-forming edges integral with the body Chasers, single edge thread cutting, circular blade and tangent types, for mounting Blanks, tips, and inserts Molded blanks and tips, including carbide, cast alloy, and ceramic Inserts, indexible, and throwaway types Carbide Precision ground Pressed to size, including inserts with center holes and with molded chip breakers Other types of cutting tools for machine tools, including rotary burrs, files and spade drills High speed steel Carbide, solid and tipped, excluding tips and blanks sold separately Precision measuring tools (inspection, quality control, tool room, and machinists' tools) Pneumatic and electronic gauges (manual and automatic) Other machinists' precision tools, including dividers Other attachments and accessories for machine tools and metalworking machinery Tool holders Turning tool holders (mechanically clamping for inserts and bits), except box tools Boring bars and heads Drilling, reaming, and tapping chucks Other tool holders, including other chucks, drill heads, tool posts, turrets, sleeves, etc Work holding devices Other work holding and positioning devices, including vises, mandrels, clamps, stops, etc Other attachments and accessories for machine tools and metalworking machinery Secondary products Power driven hand tools Primary products Power driven hand tools, electric Hammers, percussion and rotary, without drill chuck Impact wrenches Other elec.-powered hand tools; incl. shears & nibblers, electric chain saws, hammer drills Parts, attachments and accessories for electric-powered hand tools (sold separately) Drills: armature mounted primarily on sleeve bearings Over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch Drills: armature mounted primarily on other than sleeve bearings Over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch Grinders, polishers, and circular sanders except bench grinders Sanders Belt Oscillating, reciprocating and vibrating Circular saws: armature mounted primarily on other than sleeve bearings Between 7 inch and 8 inch blade Saws - jigs, saber, reciprocating Power driven hand tools, pneumatic, hydraulic and powder actuated Percussion tools Drills, screwdrivers, nutrunners Impact wrenches Product code 3545-1512 3545-159 3545-15911 3545-16 3545-161 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 2.9 -1.5 .8 0.1 2.9 2.9 -.2 3.1 -1.0 0 2.9 2.9 4.2 3.1 4.4 0.8 4.1 4.1 4.2 3.1 4.5 95.7 101.1 101.1 106.0 103.1 106.7 95.7 101.1 101.1 108.5 108.0 108.6 3545-16265 09/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 09/83 95.7 104.1 104.1 108.9 106.4 109.4 101.1 3545-16266 3545-16268 3545-17 06/83 06/83 06/83 107.5 102.0 103.5 109.9 103.0 103.6 109.9 111.8 103.7 0 8.6 .1 -2.3 8.6 .1 4.7 9.7 .2 9.7 .8 3545-171 3545-1712 3545-17122 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.0 104.2 104.9 104.1 104.2 104.9 104.3 104.4 105.1 .2 .2 .2 0 0 .1 .2 .2 .3 .8 .8 1.4 3545-173 06/83 103.2 104.0 104.0 3545-175 3545-18 06/83 06/83 100.0 99.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3545-181 3545-182 3545-1821 3545-18213 06/83 83.9 85.0 06/83 06/83 104.5 104.0 104.8 104.8 104.0 3545-18214 06/83 102.8 103.8 103.8 3545-19 3545-194 06/83 06/83 100.3 100.8 100.9 101.9 100.7 101.5 3545-198 06/83 99.9 100.2 100.2 3545-2 3545-271 3545-298 06/83 09/83 06/83 103.8 102.1 103.6 106.1 103.1 106.8 107.1 103.1 107.4 .9 0 .5 3.2 1.0 3.6 3.6 1.5 3.6 4.2 1.5 3.6 3545-3 3545-31 06/83 06/83 106.1 104.2 107.0 105.3 107.3 105.8 .3 .4 1.0 1.2 1.4 2.3 3.4 4.5 3545-312 3545-314 3545-317 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.3 105.6 100.5 104.9 106.1 104.3 104.9 106.1 104.3 0 0 0 -.2 0 3.8 1.7 .4 3.8 5.0 5.1 3.8 3545-318 3545-34 06/83 06/83 107.2 107.3 108.0 108.3 109.8 108.3 1.7 0 2.5 .9 4.6 5.3 2.6 3545-349 06/83 107.3 108.3 108.3 3545-398 3545-S 06/83 06/83 108.6 103.7 108.6 105.0 109.2 106.5 .6 1.4 .6 2.7 .6 3.8 2.9 4.9 3546-P 3546-1 3546-124 3546-125 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 120.2 118.7 115.4 110.5 136.5 123.0 121.8 118.9 (3) 139.3 122.5 121.4 119.1 111.6 139.0 -.4 -.4 .1 0 2.6 0 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.9 1.0 1.8 3.6 4.0 6.0 1.8 5.4 3546-135 12/80 118.4 120.9 121.8 3546-136 3546-181 3546-18103 12/80 12/80 12/80 115.2 118.7 117.9 115.2 121.4 118.9 115.9 121.4 118.9 .6 0 0 .6 -.2 -.3 1.9 .4 1.2 2.7 1.6 3546-182 3546-18207 12/80 12/80 109.4 109.1 112.9 111.1 112.9 111.1 0 .0 2.8 1.0 3.2 1.8 2.2 5.0 3546-183 3546-184 3546-18433 3546-18434 12/80 12/80 12/80 121.4 121.7 121.3 121.4 121.7 121.3 121.4 121.7 121.3 0 0 0 -.6 -.4 -.8 .9 .6 1.2 3546-185 3546-18516 3546-186 12/80 12/80 12/80 118.3 118.2 105.7 119.4 118.2 106.7 119.4 118.2 106.7 0 0 0 .9 4.5 3546-2 3546-237 3546-238 3546-241 12/8C 12/80 12/80 12/80 119.1 105.9 121.6 101.2 122.5 119.9 105.9 123.4 87.7 -2.1 (3) -.3 1.3 0 3.9 -13.3 2.2 0 3.9 -13.3 3545-162 3546 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 82 (3) 123.8 2.9 .3 3.7 0 -.1 0 1.7 3.5 1.3 -.1 0 4.8 4.0 2.5 -.2 -.4 2.1 0 3.8 -.1 .7 -.8 .2 -.2 -2.0 6.3 .7 -1.8 6.1 -.3 -15.3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Power driven hand tools—Continued Grinders, polishers, sanders Other pneumatic powered hand tools include hydraulic Parts, attachments, and accessories for pneumatic, hydraulic and powder actuated tools Powder actuated hand tools Secondary products Rolling mill machinery Primary products : Metalworking machinery, not elsewhere classified Primary products Assembly machines Special purpose and all other types Welding and cutting apparatus, except electric Gas welding and cutting equipment Torches, including welding torches and gas air torches Other gas welding and cutting equipment, exclude pressure containers, include kits Spare parts, accessories, attachments, adaptors, etc., n.e.c, sold separately Tips Cutting tip Regulators, gas pressure All others Automotive maintenance equipment Wheel balancers All other automotive maintenance equipment Other metalworking machinery Machines for weaving and wire fabricating and wire drawing machines and draw benches All other metalworking machinery n.e.c Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3546-243 3546-249 12/80 12/80 124.8 124.9 126.9 128.8 125.8 132.8 -0.9 3.1 -0.9 3.1 1.9 6.9 2.6 6.9 3546-251 3546-261 3546-S 12/80 12/80 12/80 122.9 104.1 115.6 128.2 104.1 117.8 126.1 106.5 117.2 -1.6 2.4 -.5 -1.6 2.4 .6 2.6 2.4 2.9 4.4 3547-P 12/81 12/81 109.9 112.5 109.5 111.7 110.5 113.3 .9 1.4 .9 1.4 .9 1.4 0 .8 3549-P 3549-2 3549-219 3549-3 3549-36 3549-361 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 08/83 104.7 104.7 104.4 104.2 106.3 106.4 106.1 106.9 105.8 107.0 107.5 107.1 107.0 106.1 107.1 106.3 107.0 107.5 107.1 107.0 106.1 .2 .5 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 .8 .9 2.6 1.9 2.1 2.6 .8 .5 0 3.6 2.8 1.5 2.0 2.6 2.3 3.4 3549-369 06/83 106.8 107.9 107.9 1.0 2.5 3549-37 3549-371 3549-37156 3549-377 3549-378 3549-4 3549-422 3549-429 3549-5 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 10/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 106.0 105.0 105.0 107.4 105.8 104.0 100.2 105.2 104.1 107.4 106.2 106.2 108.1 107.8 104.5 100.2 105.5 105.3 107.4 106.2 106.2 108.1 107.8 105.1 100.2 106.8 106.2 0 0 0 0 0 .6 0 1.2 .9 .7 0 0 0 1.9 .7 0 1.3 1.2 1.2 .7 1.9 1.8 1.3 2.0 2.4 3.1 1.8 1.8 2.2 5.0 2.9 1.9 3.9 3.5 3549-511 3549-598 3549-M 3549-289 3549-S 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 106.3 102.4 100.0 100.0 107.7 110.2 103.4 100.0 100.0 118.4 110.2 105.4 100.0 100.0 117.4 0 2.0 0 0 -.8 .4 2.0 0 0 6.8 3.9 3.9 3.6 0 0 11.6 3547 3549 83 2.7 .3 .1 0 1.5 1.2 2.9 0 0 9.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Special industry machinery, except metalworking machinery Industry code Product code Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Dec. 19842 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Oct. 1984 Jan. 1985 Apr. 1984 355 12/84 100.0 101.5 101.8 0.2 0.9 ft ft Food products machinery Primary products Dairy and milk products machinery Pasturizers and homogenizers Other dairy and milk machinery, includes separators and sterilizing equipment Commercial food products machinery Other commercial food preparation machinery Parts and attachments for food preparation machinery Dough mixers Industrial food products machinery Meat and poultry processing machinery Canning machinery, preparation All other fruit and vegetable canning machinery Other industrial food products machinery, includes fish and shellfish machinery Parts and attachments for industrial food products machinery . Packing, packaging and bottling machinery Form fill and seal machinery Filling machinery Labeling and code marking machinery Casing machinery Capping, sealing and lidding machinery Other machinery, includes thermoforming and vacuum and gas packaging machinery Parts for bottling and packaging machinery Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3551 3551-P 3551-1 3551-144 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.1 104.5 101.9 102.9 106.7 106.9 100.2 102.9 107.3 107.5 100.2 102.9 .5 .6 0 0 2.5 2.4 .4 0 3.3 3.2 -1.7 0 4.5 4.7 -2.2 .7 3551-198 3551-2 3551-241 3551-251 3551-261 3551-3 3551-313 3551-323 3551-329 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.1 103.2 104.5 (3) 101.0 101.9 102.6 100.3 107.5 105.5 100.3 108.0 107.1 0 .5 1.5 0 4.6 2.4 -.9 5.0 3.6 -.9 9.6 3.5 ft ft 101.0 104.5 104.6 98.4 101.0 104.5 104.6 98.4 0 2.9 1.9 0 3.3 2.0 3551-358 3551-383 3551-4 3551-428 3551-451 3551-463 3551-471 3551-481 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.9 103.6 108.0 103.0 108.2 (3) 101.8 3551-488 3551-491 3551-M 3551-Z89 3551-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.2 100.0 100.0 105.7 Textile machinery Primary products Textile machinery Cleaning, opening, and card room equipment Bleaching, dyeing, and finishing equipment Machines for drying stocks, yarn, and cloth Other textile machinery Parts and attachments for textile machinery Parts and attachments for other fiber to fabric and fabric machinery Parts and attachments for power looms Parts and attachments for bleaching, dyeing and finishing machinery Parts and attachments for other textile machinery Secondary products 3552 3552-P 3552-1 3552-116 3552-185 3552-187 3552-199 3552-2 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 3552-232 3552-241 Woodworking machinery Primary products Woodworking machinery, excluding home workshop and power-driven handtools Sawmill equipment Sawing machines, except sawmill equipment Straight-line machinery, including jointers, moulders, planers, sanders, surfacers, etc Boring machinery, carving machinery, dovetailers, mortisers, routers, shapers, and tenoners Parts, attachments and accessories: cutting tools other than saw blades All other parts, attachments, and accessories, excluding saw blades Other woodworking machinery, including lathes, drilling machines, jointers, planers, etc Woodworking machinery designed primarily for home workshops Saws, including circular Other woodworking machinery designed primarily for home workshops .r^. Secondary products 3553 Paper industries machinery Primary products Wood preparation equipment Barkers, chippers, knotters, splitters, chipscreens, etc Parts and attachments for wood preparation equipment (sold separately) Pulp mill machinery Other pulp mill machinery and recovery room equipment Papermill machinery Paper machines Papermaking machines, headbox to reel 3554 ft ft ft ft 104.7 104.2 109.9 ft 108.7 ft 101.8 102.9 104.6 104.2 111.4 106.7 109.3 101.3 105.0 ft ft ft 0 0 0 0 ft -.1 0 1.3 ft .6 ft 3.2 ft 0 1.4 1.3 ft ft ft ft .6 .6 2.4 4.2 .6 1.3 3.2 1.4 3.3 3.5 3.5 1.0 ft ft 2.9 4.2 4.4 6.7 1.8 ft ft 3.2 2.9 ft ft ft ft ft ft 125.2 104.6 100.0 100.0 112.6 130.4 104.6 100.0 100.0 113.3 4.1 0 .0 0 .6 -1.1 0 0 5.8 3.4 0 0 7.1 3.4 0 0 8.4 124.0 124.3 125.4 119.2 113.1 109.6 115.3 123.2 125.8 126.3 127.6 126.1 126.7 127.6 .3 .3 0 .3 .3 -.1 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.7 2.1 .9 113.1 113.1 12/80 12/80 3552-271 3552-299 3552-S 3553-P ft ft ft 0 116.8 125.7 0 .6 0 (3) -.4 .7 127.9 121.2 127.9 121.2 0 0 126.0 120.4 119.2 129.7 120.4 120.4 129.7 120.4 120.4 12/80 12/80 104.6 107.9 108.4 112.2 12/80 12/80 12/80 108.0 111.0 109.9 109.6 111.0 12/80 123.3 12/8C 116.7 12/8C 74.5 12/8C 103.5 12/8C 12/8C 02/81 ft ft 116.8 124.9 127.9 121.2 12/80 12/80 12/80 ft ft ft 0 ft .8 ft 1.3 1.9 1.0 3.3 0 0 0 .1 0 1.1 0 0 0 3.0 0 1.1 3.0 0 1.0 4.0 2.9 -.6 108.4 112.2 0 0 .2 -.1 3.3 3.5 5.0 5.4 0 0 ft ft 109.6 111.0 119.6 0 8.8 3.0 1.5 11.2 123.3 123.3 0 0 0 1.7 125.1 125.1 0 0 7.2 74.9 74.9 0 -1.7 .6 1.8 104.1 104.1 0 .2 .3 1.8 133.6 107.6 103.3 133.6 133.6 0 0 12/8C 12/8C 117.5 109.4 3 () 109.7 3554-P 3554-1 3554-111 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 106.7 106.7 104.6 107.0 108.2 108.7 104.6 3554-181 3554-2 3554-229 3554-3 3554-342 3554-34247 06/82 06/8; 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 100.0 102.1 100.0 108.1 113.7 105.9 3553-1 3553-112 3553-162 ft -.1 0 3553-173 3553-175 3553-185 3553-187 3553-198 3553-2 3553-221 3553-298 3553-S See footnotes at end of table. ft 84 ft 104.8 100.0 108.3 113.7 105.9 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 2.1 2.1 -1.3 -1.9 2.4 2.4 .3 .5 3.0 3.3 1.9 2.9 1.6 () .2 0 0 2.6 (3) .2 0 0 .4 109.7 109.2 109.3 104.9 107.6 104.8 (3) 108.4 113.7 105.9 1.0 .5 .3 ft ft 0 ft .1 0 0 7.2 ft ft 3 2.4 ft ft (3) 1.4 1.3 3.9 Table 4. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Paper industries machinery—Continued Parts and attachments for papermill machinery (sold separately) Paper and paperboard converting equipment Bagmaking machines, including shipping sack machines and envelope making machines Corrugated boxmaking machines, including corrugators Other converting equipment, including drum, can, and tube making machines Parts and attachments for converting equipment (sold separately) Rebuilt pulp and paper industries machinery Other rebuilt pulp and paper industries machinery Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 1.1 0.4 3.9 0.4 4.2 1.2 5.0 3554-381 3554-4 101.1 113.8 06/82 06/82 104.3 108.0 104.3 116.1 104.3 06/82 108.9 109.3 109.3 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 114.6 100.5 100.5 108.7 105.2 105.9 119.0 100.5 100.5 108.7 105.2 106.0 122.6 100.5 (3) 108.7 105.2 110.6 3.1 0 3555-P 3555-1 3555-132 3555-133 3555-135 3555-2 3555-238 3555-5 3555-572 3555-577 12/82 12/82 12/82 08/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.3 108.0 113.7 (3) 128.3 108.2 108.7 114.1 (3) 108.8 106.3 106.5 108.1 108.5 114.0 (3) 129.4 102.6 107.8 109.0 109.8 106.4 107.8 129.9 102.6 109.4 109.5 109.8 106.4 107.8 .4 0 1.5 .5 0 .0 0 3555-583 12/82 110.5 113.1 112.5 3555-589 3555-598 3555-M 3555-S 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 111.9 106.5 103.8 101.8 116.1 115.3 104.6 107.1 95.9 3559-P 3559-1 3559-112 3559-115 3559-2 3559-222 3559-299 3559-3 3559-333 3559-351 3559-361 3559-399 3559-4 3559-498 3559-5 3559-546 3559-552 3559-562 3559-573 3559-581 3559-589 3559-58913 3559-58918 3559-M 3559-Z89 3559-S 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 04/82 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 06/83 12/81 114.3 113.2 109.7 98.6 109.6 117.6 112.2 118.7 112.0 116.1 116.4 108.0 107.1 106.3 107.2 114.5 105.5 118.6 (3) 116.2 115.2 114.1 115.0 116.9 115.4 114.2 110.0 100.0 109.6 118.9 113.2 120.3 113.6 118.0 116.4 108.0 110.4 106.9 108.0 115.6 105.5 119.7 12/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 3555 3559 356 Pumps and pumping equipment Primary products Industrial pumps, except hydraulic fluid power pumps . Reciprocating pumps Power-operated, other than steam Turbine pumps, vertical, including deep well Submersible, over 5 hp Other than submersible 16 inch diameter bowl size and under Centrifugal pumps Single stage, single suction, close coupled 3/4 inch and 1 inch discharge outlet 2 inch and 2 1/2 inch discharge outlet 3 inch and 4 inch discharge outlet Over 4 inch discharge outlet Single stage, single suction, frame mounted 101.1 112.6 3554-481 3554-6 3554-675 3554-M 3554-XY9 3554-S General industrial machinery and equipment. 100.7 109.3 3554-459 Other special industry machinery Primary products Chemical machinery and parts Chemical mixers Other chemical machinery Foundry machinery and parts Molding machinery Other foundry machinery, parts and flasks Plastic working machinery Extrusion machinery Injection molding machinery Blow molding machinery Other plastic machinery and parts Rubber working machinery Other rubber working machinery (includes mixers) and parts . Other special industry machinery, n.e.c Concrete machinery and parts Bottle forming, glassmaking machinery, and parts Shoemaking machinery, parts Cotton ginning machinery, parts Metal cleaning, degreasing machinery, parts Other machinery, parts Stoneworking machinery, parts Other machinery, parts (includes optical lens machinery) ... Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 06/82 06/82 3554-451 3554-453 Printing trades machinery Primary products Lithograpic printing press Newspaper presses, web-fed Business forms presses, web-fed Commerical presses, web-fed Printing presses, other than lithographic Flexographic press, sheet-fed and web-fed Other printing trades machinery Roll covering, rubber and plastics, graphic arts Lithographic plates Parts, attachments and accessories for printing presses, sold separately Parts, attachments and accessories for other machinery and equipment, sold separately Other printing machinery and equipment, including platens Miscellaneous receipts Secondary products 3561 3561-P 3561-1 3561-11 3561-113 3561-12 3561-125 3561-129 3561-12909 3561-13 3561-131 3561-13112 3561-13115 3561-13116 3561-13119 3561-132 See footnotes at end of table. Index 85 104.5 107.8 95.4 () 116.4 (3) 115.0 119.4 116.2 133.6 108.7 111.2 115.6 114.5 109.9 99.4 109.6 119.5 116.7 120.1 113.5 117.1 (3) 108.3 110.4 108.9 108.6 115.8 106.1 120.1 111.6 116.4 117.4 114.9 119.4 116.0 133.6 108.7 111.2 100.0 101.2 101.8 101.5 103.0 99.0 99.0 103.7 103.2 103.9 102.0 103.5 104.4 101.3 104.8 111.8 97.9 104.0 103.2 103.0 104.0 99.0 99.0 105.1 105.2 105.1 103.3 104.4 106.0 102.2 105.2 111.8 97.9 104.8 103.0 102.6 103.3 97.8 97.8 105.6 106.7 105.1 103.3 103.4 106.6 104.4 105.6 112.8 98.2 102.3 1.2 0 0 4.4 6.6 0 (3) 0 0 4.3 7.1 0 (3) 0 0 4.3 7.3 0 (3) 0 0 4.3 .1 .2 .1 .3 .4 0 1.6 1.5 .3 2.9 O 1.3 t3) 3.1 3.3 (*) 3.6 .6 0 1.3 2.9 1.0 3.2 5.9 3.7 -.5 1.8 6.1 8.5 0 -.6 .5 2.6 -3.9 2.0 -7.0 3.0 -1.6 3.2 -1.5 11.8 1.8 3.4 -4.9 .6 .5 .1 .8 0 .7 3.6 0 1.6 1.5 .1 .8 0 3.5 3.0 .4 .8 1.4 5.3 7.3 4.5 4.0 1.4 .2 .2 -.1 -.6 0 .5 3.1 101.2 3 1.0 f3) -.1 0 -.7 3 () .2 .1 1.8 .6 .2 .6 .4 -.1 0 -.2 0 0 0 1.3 .6 () .2 3.0 2.4 3 1.3 0 .6 .2 (3) .2 1.9 -.2 .3 -1.0 1.8 2.6 .5 2.5 4.3 1.5 2.1 .9 (3) .5 3.6 2.4 1.3 1.2 .6 1.3 3 f) .4 1.9 .9 3.9 -.1 5.6 3.4 2.2 2.7 1.1 1.7 2.4 .2 2.4 2.7 4.8 3.2 2.7 3.2 1.0 .9 .6 -8.1 -8.1 3.7 6.7 2.4 2.1 1.6 1.1 1.9 .6 -.3 -.3 -.7 -1.2 -1.2 .4 1.5 0 -.1 -1.0 .5 1.1 1.2 .2 -1.2 -1.2 1.6 3.4 .9 2.1 .3 1.0 -.2 2.3 6.0 .3 .9 .3 -2.3 .9 .3 -1.9 1.1 2.4 3.0 2.7 .9 .3 -.5 -6.5 -6.5 5.6 (3) 5.1 3.3 2.2 2.8 (3) 2.7 5.6 -1.8 1.2 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from - Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Pumps and pumping equipment—Continued 3/4 inch and 1 inch discharge outlet 2 inch and 2 1/2 inch discharge outlet 3 inch discharge outlet 4 inch to 6 inch discharge outlet Single stage, double suction Under 4 inch discharge outlet Multistage (single or double suction) 2 inch and 3 inch discharge outlet Submersible centrifugal pumps (except submersible sump pumps) All other centrifugal pumps (including can, etc.) 2" to 6" discharge outlet Over 6" discharge outlet Rotary pumps 100 p.s.i. and under, designed pressure 10 g.p.m. and under, designed capacity 11-99 g.p.m. designed capacity 101-250 p.s.i., designed pressure 11-99 g.p.m., designed capacity Diaphragm pumps, all sizes Hydraulic fluid power pumps Gear type Internal External Axial piston Variable Domestic water systems and sump pumps Domestic water systems Jet pump and convertible jet pump systems Submersible pump systems, 5 hp and under Domestic hand and windmill pumps, pump jacks, and cylinders (sold separately) Oil-well and oil-field pumps and other pumps Oil-well and oil field pumps, except boiler feed Subsurface pumps for oil-well pumping Mud pumps (slush) Other pumps (except automotive) such as oil burner, appliance, fire engine, etc Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excluding compressors Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excluding compressors Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Valves and pipe fittings Other secondary products Ball and roller bearings Primary products Ball bearings, complete Single row max. capacity ball bearings: annular, including self-aligning: ground or precision Angular contact ball bearings: annular, including selfaligning; ground or precision Other regular single row conrad ball bearings: annular, including self-aligning Over 30 mm. O.D. to 52 mm. O.D.; ground or precision Over 52 mm. O.D. to 100 mm. O.D.; ground or precision ... Over 100 mm. O.D.; ground or precision Other precision (ABEC 5 + up) single row conrad ball bearings: annular, including self-alighing 9 mm. O.D. thru 30 mm. O.D.; ground or precision All other ground or precision bearings (ABEC 1 and up) Unground, including self-aligning (less than ABEC 1) Thrust ball bearings Ground thrust ball bearings Other ball bearings Taper (including thrust) roller bearings, complete Taper roller bearings, complete, including finished cups and cones shipped separately Roller bearings, except taper, complete Cylindrical roller bearings Regular cylindrical roller bearings (ABEC 1 and 3) Spherical roller bearings including hourglass and barrel Double row spherical roller bearings Needle roller bearings Other roller bearings Mounted bearings, except plain Mounted ball bearings, unit and/or split mounted Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 32 . (3) 40 . 40 . -1.8 15 . (3) (3) (3) 53 . 40 . -1.8 (3) (3) (3) 3561-13222 3561-13224 3561-13225 3561-13226 3561-133 3561-13342 3561-134 3561-13454 03/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 07/84 114.8 103.9 101.3 102.5 101.9 105.2 (3) (3) 114.8 104.4 105.3 102.9 103.9 105.2 103.7 104.6 114.8 104.4 105.3 104.0 99.9 105.2 104.3 104.6 0 0 0 11 . -3.8 0 . 6 0 0 0 36 . 11 . -2.0 0 . 6 0 3561-136 3561-137 3561-13766 3561-13769 3561-14 3561-141 3561-14171 3561-14172 3561-142 3561-14275 3561-181 3561-2 3561-281 3561-28102 3561-28103 3561-285 3561-28512 3561-3 3561-312 3561-31213 3561-31225 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.4 103.9 101.9 (3) 103.2 103.7 105.2 101.9 102.3 102.3 101.9 99.1 96.2 84.8 101.1 104.0 104.9 105.7 104.8 105.9 107.9 105.2 110.1 103.6 104.2 101.9 99.9 96.6 85.5 101.4 104.0 104.9 105.7 104.8 105.9 107.9 105.2 110.1 103.6 104.2 101.9 99.9 96.6 85.9 101.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 5 -2 . . 5 10 . 38 . (3) 20 . 36 . 0 70 . 13 . 19 . 0 . 7 . 2 . 5 . 1 . 6 37 . 42 . (3) 36 . 40 . (3) 81 . 21 . 19 . 0 . 6 . 1 14 . -3 . 18 . 49 . 57 . (3) 52 . 68 . (3) 86 . 31 . 42 . 25 . 16 . 10 . 3 () . 8 12/83 101.1 101.3 101.3 0 . 2 . 2 13 . 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.0 103.4 102.9 104.0 105.6 103.3 104.3 106.2 103.9 . 3 . 6 . 6 . 7 11 . . 9 21 . 48 . 12 . 19 . 41 . 12 . 3561-31271 3561-5 3561-51 3561-511 3561-513 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 99.6 97.6 96.6 (3) 75.1 102.7 97.8 96.6 (3) 75.1 102.7 97.9 96.6 107.0 75.1 0 . 1 0 3 () 0 . 4 26 . 32 . (3) 14.8 32 . -5.9 -7.5 (3) -25.3 3561-597 12/83 102.0 103.6 103.9 . 3 . 2 18 . 18 . 3561-6 12/83 102.0 105.2 105.0 -2 . 27 . 42 . 31 . 3561-613 3561-M 3561-Z89 3561-S 3494-S 3561-SSS 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 102.0 104.2 105.0 102.6 103.2 102.4 105.2 108.0 106.9 102.6 103.8 102.1 105.0 108.5 107.5 102.5 103.8 101.8 -2 . . 4 . 6 -2 . 0 -3 . 27 . 28 . . 6 -4 . 0 -6 . 42 . 56 . 43 . 0 . 6 -2 . 31 . 74 . 66 . 17 . 38 . . 7 3562-P 3562-1 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.8 104.9 108.7 105.6 105.5 109.5 105.5 105.4 109.4 -1 . -1 . 0 . 5 . 5 . 4 11 . 10 . 15 . 30 . 29 . 45 . 3562-114 06/83 108.1 107.9 107.9 0 -2 . -1 . 57 . 3562-118 06/83 103.2 3 () 103.2 0 19 . (3) 3562-122 3562-12204 3562-12205 3562-12207 06/83 06/83 06/8 06/8 112.5 109.0 110.5 112.6 113.6 111.0 110.5 114.5 113.6 111.0 110.5 114.5 0 0 0 0 10 . 18 . 0 16 . 30 . 82 . 0 16 . 78 . 11.8 58 . 10.4 3562-123 3562-12309 3562-124 3562-125 3562-131 3562-13133 3562-151 3562-2 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 106.6 111.0 100.5 99.8 111.4 111.4 107.0 101.1 106.6 111.0 100.5 99.8 111.4 111.4 110.7 101.1 106.6 111.0 (3) 99.8 111.4 111.4 110.7 101.1 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 35 . 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 35 . 0 25 . 13 . 3 () . 1 . 7 . 7 67 . 11 . 3562-231 3562-3 3562-301 3562-30111 3562-321 3562-32125 3562-341 3562-398 3562-4 3562-417 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 06/8 101.1 103.4 104.4 104.4 95.8 94.5 105.2 110.9 108.5 108.5 101.1 104.9 104.4 104.4 95.8 94.5 109.8 113.9 109.2 109.7 101.1 104.7 104.4 104.4 95.8 94.5 109.8 112.0 108.9 109.1 0 -2 . 0 0 0 0 0 -1.7 -3 . -5 . 0 13 . 0 0 0 0 44 . 13 . . 3 . 6 0 13 . 0 0 0 0 44 . . 9 26 . 28 . 11 . 24 . 44 . 44 . -3.4 -4.5 44 . 11 . 29 . 32 . 3562 See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 86 3 () 3 3 ?) 3 (?) -6.9 ?) 3 () 3 f) Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Ball and roller bearings—Continued Ball and roller bearing parts and components, including balls and rollers sold separately Balls Other antifriction ball bearing components and parts Other antifriction roller bearing components and parts Secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.9 (3) 0 1.2 1.4 0.2 (3) 0 -.2 1.4 3.6 6.4 3.5 3562-9 3562-911 3562-921 3562-941 3562-S 104.8 (3) 107.1 107.3 104.4 0 0 -.3 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 08/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 08/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 101.0 100.9 100.3 100.4 100.0 101.4 101.0 100.8 101.7 100.3 100.0 100.2 100.2 100.0 100.0 104.1 101.3 102.3 100.3 100.6 100.9 100.0 101.6 101.2 100.7 101.3 98.7 100.0 100.2 100.2 100.0 100.0 104.1 101.3 102.3 100.3 100.6 100.9 100.0 .2 .2 -.1 -.3 -1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 -.1 .4 .5 -1.6 0 0 0 1.1 .8 .6 1.2 () 2.2 1.7 2.3 0 0 0 0 3.8 .9 (3) .1 .1 .2 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.1 91.1 100.0 100.0 95.6 0 0 2.8 0 0 3563-2 06/84 102.4 100.3 -1.7 ft 3563-201 3563-5 06/84 06/84 102.4 101.6 100.3 104.4 101.5 104.4 1.2 0 -1.7 0 ft ft 3563-511 3563-S 06/84 06/84 101.6 101.3 104.4 103.3 104.4 103.3 0 0 0 .6 2.5 () ft 3564-P 3564-3 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.8 104.3 100.0 106.8 106.6 103.2 107.5 107.5 103.4 .7 .8 .1 .9 1.1 1.3 2.6 3.0 3.3 4.5 5.0 3.4 3564-319 3564-323 3564-324 12/83 05/84 12/83 100.1 (3) 100.1 105.0 (3) 103.7 105.0 101.8 103.7 0 0 0 .2 4.9 (3) 3.6 5.0 (3) 3.7 116.2 119.7 124.4 102.8 109.0 (3) 108.6 (3) 112.3 2.9 .2 .3 2.8 .3 -.1 6.0 6.3 7.1 7.7 6.4 7.2 -.3 (3) -.5 1.5 (3) 1.7 3564 3565 Speed changers, drives, and gears Primary products Mechanical-variable speed changers, excluding electric motor . Industrial high speed drives, fixed ratio Speed reducers, fixed ratio, enclosed, except gear motors Worm gear reducers 6-inch centers and above 3-inch to 5.99-inch centers Below 3-inch centers Helical, herringbone, spur and spiral bevel reducers Above 15-inch low-speed centers 104.8 (3) 107.1 107.3 104.6 3563-128 3563-12801 3563-13 3563-13112 Industrial patterns Primary products Industrial patterns, except shoe patterns Foundry patterns and cores All other industrial patterns and cores, except shoe patterns Secondary products 104.6 109.2 107.1 107.5 102.9 3563 Fans And Blowers Primary products Centrifugal blowers and fans Classes I and II fans (over 1.5 inches to 6.75 inches max. total pressure) Furnace and lightweight air conditioning blowers Industrial fans, excluding blowers Propeller fans and accessories, axial fans, and power roof ventilators Axial fans Axial fans, directly connected to driver Axial fans, belt driven Propeller fans and accessories, industrial Propeller fans, industrial, directly connected to driver Power roof ventilators and parts Power roof ventilators: axial and propeller Power roof ventilators: centrifugal Dust collection and other air purification equip, for heat, ventil., and air cond. systems Air filters for air conditioners and furnaces, of 2400 cfm and under Dust collection and other air purification equip, for industrial gas cleaning systems Other equipment 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 3563-P 3563-1 3563-11 3563-111 3563-11102 3563-112 3563-11201 3563-113 3563-11302 3563-115 3563-11501 3563-11503 3563-12 3563-126 3563-12601 3563-12602 Air and gas compressors Primary products Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps Air compressors Stationary air compressors, reciprocating, single acting Over 1.5 h.p. to 5 h.p Stationary air compressors, reciprocating, double acting 150 h.p. and under Stationary air compressors, rotary positive Discharge pressure 51 psig and over, 150 h.p. and under Portable air compressors Under 75 c.f.m 125 to 249 c.f.m Gas compressors Gas compressors, stationary, centrifugal and axial Natural gas All other gases Gas compressors, stationary reciprocating, other than integral engines 1000 h.p. and under Other pumps and compressors Other compressors Air and gas compressor and vacuum pump parts and attachments, except refrigeration Air and gas compressor and vacuum pump parts and attachments, except refrigeration Industrial spraying equipment Power paint spraying outfits and liquid power sprayer, except agricultural and flame Secondary products 3566 3564-4 3564-413 3564-41311 3564-41312 3564-433 3564-43311 3564-441 3564-44111 ft 100.2 100.2 ft (3) 101.1 102.1 100.0 100.2 100.5 100.7 100.0 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 05/84 05/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 109.8 112.9 116.2 107.0 101.9 3564-44112 113.0 119.4 124.0 (3) 100.0 (3) 108.5 103.1 112.1 () ft ft .2 .2 () ft ft ft ft ft 9.0 () ft 3564-5 3.4 12/83 103.2 3564-543 3564-6 3564-66216 12/83 104.6 104.6 104.6 3565-P 3565-1 3565-111 3565-198 3565-S 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.6 101.6 100.0 100.9 100.9 100.9 100.5 102.4 100.0 .9 .9 .9 .5 2.5 3566-P 3566-111 3566-121 3566-2 3566-21 3566-217 3566-218 3566-219 3566-22 3566-227 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/81 12/83 103.2 103.2 105.8 101.9 102.8 105.1 103.6 107.3 104.9 101.3 104.0 103.8 107.5 103.1 1C3.3 105.3 104.4 108.0 104.3 102.0 101.7 104.0 103.9 107.5 103.1 103.5 105.3 104.4 108.0 104.3 102.0 101.7 .1 -.1 0 0 -.3 0 0 0 0 -.1 0 See footnotes at end of table. Index 87 4.3 4.6 ft ft ft ft (3) ft 1.2 .9 1.6 1.1 .8 -.7 -2.4 1.2 -.5 1.6 3.0 3.0 2.3 1.7 2.7 4.1 (3) 5.1 3.2 1.4 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Speed changers, drives, and gears—Continued 15-inch low-speed centers and below Shaft mounted reducers and screw conveyor drives Hollow shaft diameter, 2-1/2 inches and below Gear motors Helical, herringbone, spur, or spiral bevel gear motors, including scoop-mounted units Loose gears, pinions, and racks excluding spare parts for reducers Coarse pitch (below 19.9 diametral pitch) Helical, herringbone, and spur gears 24 inches and below Above 24 inches diameter through 72 inches diameter Worms and worm gearing Others, including bevel gears and racks Fine pitch (19.99 diametral pitch and finer) Parts and components for speed changers, drives, and gears Secondary products Other secondary products Other power transmission equipment Product code Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 2 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 1.0 1.2 0 -0.1 -1.4 .4 -.5 2.0 1.0 1.2 .4 1.7 4.4 4.1 5.0 3566-228 3566-23 3566-235 3566-3 102.4 104.3 104.0 105.7 102.4 105.3 105.3 105.7 12/83 104.7 105.7 105.7 -.8 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.1 101.0 100.4 100.2 100.9 101.6 101.4 100.7 100.4 101.6 102.7 102.3 102.9 108.8 103.6 106.9 100.3 101.5 101.4 100.7 100.4 101.6 102.7 102.3 102.9 108.8 103.6 106.9 100.3 0 .1 .1 .2 0 0 0 -.1 0 1.7 3.4 0 3567-P 06/81 06/81 116.3 114.2 117.6 115.7 117.7 115.7 3567-1 3567-1A 3567-121 3567-1B 06/81 06/81 06/81 120.9 121.6 113.0 120.9 121.6 113.0 120.9 121.6 113.0 3567-171 3567-17102 3567-2 3567-2A 3567-221 3567-22101 3567-22102 3567-241 3567-24102 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 112.6 120.5 108.3 108.0 102.5 126.1 95.8 112.6 120.5 109.5 109.7 103.0 (3) 96.5 112.6 120.5 109.5 109.6 103.0 (3) 06/81 115.2 118.3 118.3 3567 3568 General industrial machinery, n.e.c Primary products Packing and packaging machinery, except for food products 102.2 104.3 104.0 105.2 3566-4 3566-411 3566-4114 3566-41142 3566-41143 3566-4115 3566-4116 3566-421 3566-551 3566-S 3566-SSS 3568-S Power transmission equipment, n.e.c Primary products Plain bearings and bushings Plain bearings and bushings, unmounted, machined, excl. carbon, graphite, automotive Mounted bearings, plain Power transmission equipment, n.e.c, excluding plain bearings and bushings Clutches All other clutches Flexible couplings 1-inch nominal bore and over, other than gear type Chains for sprocket drives ASA standard roller chain, 3-inch and under in pitch Sprockets For ASA standard roller chains Pulleys Pulleys Packaged hydraulic drives, universal joints, and flexible shafts Universal joints Other power transmission equipment All other mechanical power transmission equipment Secondary products Other secondary products 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 3566-34 Industrial process furnaces and ovens Primary products Electric industrial furnaces and ovens, excluding induction and dielectric Electric metal processing industrial furnaces and ovens Electric metal heat-treating furnaces Electric nonmetallic processing industrial furnaces and ovens .. Excluding wood, cement and chemical processing kilns, but including other kilns and lehrs Electric nonmetallic processing ovens Fuel-fired industrial furnaces and ovens, oil or gas Fuel-fired metal processing industrial furnaces and ovens Fuel-fired metal heat-treating furnaces Open-fired heat-treating furnaces Atmosphere controlled heat-treating furnaces Fuel-fired industrial ovens for metal processing Continuous fuel-fired ovens for metal processing High frequency induction and dielectric furnaces and heating equipment Metal melting line type induction furnaces Metal melting line type induction furnaces, ferrous Other electric heating units for industrial use and all parts, attachments, and components Tubular heaters Other industrial electric heating units, including strip, space, ring & inmmersion heaters Parts, attachments and components for industrial furnaces and ovens and heating units Secondary products Other secondary products 3569 (?) 101.7 101.7 107.8 102.3 104.5 100.1 (?) .6 .7 3.0 2.6 0 0 0 .2 .2 .5 1.3 .5 0 0 1.1 1.5 .5 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 .7 4.4 6.2 3.1 2.7 .6 2.7 0 0 0 0 -.1 1.6 1.6 2.7 5.3 1.6 1.2 1.5 96.4 3 118.4 113.2 112.1 3567-5 3567-551 06/81 06/81 114.2 121.5 116.7 125.6 116.7 3567-559 06/81 118.3 122.0 122.0 3567-591 3567-S 3567-SSS 06/81 06/81 06/81 107.1 124.4 125.9 107.7 124.4 125.9 107.7 124.4 125.9 .2 0 0 3568-P 3568-1 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.6 102.0 100.6 102.3 102.8 101.1 .7 1.0 .3 3568-115 3568-151 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.2 100.2 109.3 3568-3 3568-31 3568-319 3568-32 3568-322 3568-33 3568-332 3568-34 3568-343 3568-35 3568-351 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.2 99.5 99.0 98.7 100.0 103.1 102.1 102.7 104.2 106.4 102.6 100.3 102.0 102.7 100.0 .9 3.0 4.0 0 3568-37 3568-375 3568-39 3568-398 3568-S 3568-SSS 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 102.6 103.8 102.6 103.8 0 0 2.6 3.8 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.1 100.5 101.6 104.4 100.5 101.6 3.3 0 0 4.4 0 0 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.2 101.0 102.4 101.1 101.0 102.4 -.1 0 0 .8 .7 2.4 88 C3) 1.4 1.3 .5 .3 1.2 .9 1.2 2.3 06/81 06/81 06/81 3569-P 3569-1 4.2 .9 .9 .2 0 .7 2.3 2.9 8.7 1.9 3.5 3567-4 3567-417 3567-41701 See footnotes at end of table. Index base () (3) C3) 102.1 102.7 104.2 106.4 103.2 2.2 (3) 2.6 3.1 3.6 .6 1.2 1.2 .2 3.9 3.9 ft (3) <*> C3) 0 0 0 0 -.6 1.1 .8 0 -2.8 .5 2.0 () Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code General industrial machinery, n.e.c.—Continued Wrapping, banding, bundling, and fastening machines, including shrink wrappers Other, including combination machinery Filters and strainers Containment devices Pressurized, excluding vacuum Media Non-reuseable Miscellaneous general industrial machinery Centrifugals and separators, non-food Hydraulic jacks All other general industrial machinery and equipment... Secondary products Product code 3569-106 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 104.7 101.5 101.6 101.8 101.3 100.0 100.2 102.9 100.0 100.0 103.1 104.7 101.5 101.6 101.8 101.3 100.0 100.2 102.9 100.0 100.0 102.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 -.8 3576-1 3576-3 3576-321 3576-323 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 107.3 108.5 106.2 108.9 123.0 112.1 106.2 107.3 106.2 108.9 123.0 109.0 106.2 107.3 106.2 110.1 126.3 111.3 0 0 0 1.2 2.6 2.1 3576-329 3576-4 12/80 12/80 97.7 94.3 98.9 86.5 86.5 3576-435 3576-5 3576-545 3576-6 3576-7 3576-8 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 110.8 129.1 132.7 106.4 106.6 107.8 95.9 113.2 130.2 134.4 106.4 108.3 107.9 95.9 113.2 125.8 132.4 106.4 108.3 107.9 95.9 12/84 100.0 100.7 3581-P 06/82 06/82 104.8 104.7 3581-1 3581-11 3581-115 3581-12 3581-13 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 3581-2 3581-251 3581-25102 3569-2 3569-21 3569-211 3569-22 3569-229 3569-9 3569-951 3569-973 3569-998 3569-S 3576 Refrigeration and service industry machinery . 358 Automatic merchandising machines Primary products Automatic merchandising machines, coin-operated, excluding parts Vending machines for beverages Soft drink Vending machines for confections and food All other vending machines Coin-operated mechanisms and other parts for automatic merchandising machines Coin-operated mechanisms (for sale separately) Coin acceptors/rejectors Parts for automatic merchandising machines, except coin-operated mechanisms " Secondary products 3581 Commerical laundry equipment Primary products Laundry equipment Washer-extractors combinations Other than coin-operated Drying tumblers Other than coin-operated Flatwork ironers Other commercial laundry equipment Commerical laundry equipment parts, attachments, and 3582 3576-P Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 ft ft ft ft ft ft 3 ft (3) 0.5 .6 1.8 () 0 2.1 () ft ft ft ft ft ft -1.3 -0.8 -.8 0 1.2 2.7 -.7 -0.2 -.2 -1.2 2.8 8.0 -1.1 -1.3 0 1.2 2.6 -.7 ft ft ft -8.3 -8.2 -8.1 0 -3.4 -1.5 0 0 0 0 1.7 -3.8 -2.5 0 1.6 0 0 2.2 -1.2 -.2 0 3.4 .1 0 2.5 -.8 .8 .7 3.4 -.2 0 101.5 .8 1.5 105.6 105.7 106.2 106.3 .5 .6 .5 .6 1.5 1.7 2.4 1.8 103.7 104.0 101.1 102.2 105.0 104.0 104.4 101.7 102.2 105.0 104.3 104.4 101.0 103.2 105.0 .2 0 -.6 1.0 0 .2 0 -.6 1.0 0 .9 .9 .2 1.3 0 .7 .7 0 1.3 0 06/82 06/82 06/82 108.5 112.2 108.5 111.8 116.6 112.2 113.7 116.6 112.2 1.8 0 0 0 0 4.8 3.9 3.4 5.7 4.4 4.4 3581-269 3581-S 06/82 06/82 97.4 108.3 97.4 108.3 105.2 108.3 8.0 0 8.0 0 8.0 0 10.3 15.3 3582-P 3582-1 3582-113 3582-11312 3582-114 3582-11412 3582-115 3582-117 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.9 105.8 104.5 104.0 104.9 109.7 110.7 107.2 101.8 109.4 107.5 106.6 105.6 106.9 114.1 112.4 110.2 102.4 109.4 107.5 106.6 105.6 106.9 114.1 112.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.9 4.1 1.6 4.7 4.2 3.6 3.5 4.4 () 102.6 .2 0 -.1 -.1 0 0 -.4 -1.5 (3) -.2 3582-118 12/82 96.8 98.1 98.1 0 -.6 3582-11812 3582-2 3582-S 12/82 12/8; 12/82 98.3 111.1 120.6 98.7 111.1 120.6 98.7 111.1 0 0 -.8 0 3585-P 12/8; 12/8; 103.1 103.3 104.0 104.3 104.8 105.1 3585-1 3585-112 3585-132 3585-136 3585-141 3585-14101 12/8; 12/8; 12/82 104.1 107.7 101.1 104.5 105.5 109.0 98.4 105.3 3585-142 12/8; 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 106.1 101.4 104.3 106.1 105.2 105.2 3576-S accessories For other commercial laundry and pressing machinery and equipment Dry cleaning equipment Secondary products 3585 3585-143 3585-154 3585-15401 3585-156 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 3569-118 Scales and balances except laboratory Primary products Motortruck scales Industrial scales Bench and portable scales Floor scales Miscellaneous industrial scales, incl. crane, suspension, tank, hopper, & conveyor Commercial, retail scales Miscellaneous retail - commercial scales inclu.: non-computing counter, egg-grading & hanging Personal, household scales Person-weighing scales and miscellaneous household scales .. Mailing scales Accessories and attachments for scales and balances Parts for scales and balances Secondary products Refrigeration and heating equipment Primary products Heat transfer equipment, except room and unitary air cond. and dehumidifiers Central station air conditioning units, motor driven fan type Air-cooled refrigerant condensers remote type Shell-and: tube, coil, u-tube; and tube-in-tube liquid coolers Unit coolers (refrigeration) Ceiling and wall-mounted types Finned coils, air-conditioning and refrigeration type Coil sales by oem for resale or assembly into equip, by other manuf. (all types) Centrifugal liquid chilling packages Hermetic type , Mobile vehicle refrigeration systems Index base 89 3 ft .8 ft ft ft 2.4 -.5 .5 1.1 ft ft ft 1.7 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.8 105.6 109.0 98.0 105.3 .7 .4 -3.2 -.3 2.3 1.2 -3.2 1.3 2.6 2.1 -3.1 2.2 106.1 101.4 106.1 101.4 0 0 0 0 1.3 1.4 105.1 108.3 107.9 105.4 108.3 107.9 109.2 -.6 3.5 4.4 1.1 4.0 5.0 3.8 1.7 3.5 3.6 3.8 6.7 12/8; Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Refrigeration and heating equipment—Continued Mobile vehicle mechanical air conditioning systems For passenger automobiles and light trucks and vans Sub-compact to compact automobiles Mid-size to full-size automobiles Icemaking machines Self-contained Ice-cube makers Flake and chip machines Not self-contained Reciprocating liquid chilling packages Unitary air conditioners Air conditioners, except window and wall types Single package (with or without evaporator fan) Horizontal Under 54,000 btu/hr 54,000 btu/hr and over Year-round air conditioners, single packages and remote condenser types, except heat pumps Under 44,000 btu/hr 44,000 to 134,999 btu/hr 135,000 btu/hr and over Heat pumps, except room air conditioners Single package Split system Split system air conditioning units Air conditioning condensing units 27,000 to 32,999 btu/hr 33,000 to 38,999 btu/hr Commerical refrigeration equipment Refrigerated enclosures, include self-contained units, remote units w/wo cond. units Reach-in refrig. and reach-in vert, display cabinets, with solid or glazed doors For normal temp, application, i.e., not intended for frozen foods, ice cream, etc For low temperature application Sectional coolers or cooling rooms of the prefabricated (factory produced) type Display cases for meats, dairy products, produce, other perishables, normal temp Closed Open, self-service Multilevel Display cases and cabinets for frozen foods, ice cream, etc., except coin operated Frozen food display cases, open self-service One level Mechanical drinking water coolers Mechanical beverage cooling and dispensing equipment except coin-operated Bulk beverage dispensers, including malt dispensers and pre-cooler cabinets Other commerical refrig., retarders, egg refrig., envir. control equip., etc Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants 10 hp and under, hermetic type motor compressors 2.5 hp and under 3 hp to 10 hp Over 10 hp (open and hermetic types) Auto air conditioning compressors Open type, with or without motor Condensing units, all refrigerants except ammonia Air-cooled Hermetic type under 15 hp Over 3 hp but under 15 hp Water and air-cooled, open and hermetic type, 15 hp and over Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers Room air conditioners Refrigeration and a/c equip, n.e.c, including soda fountain and beer dispensing equip Soda fountain equipment Other refrigeration machinery and air conditioning equipment . Other components and accessories for air conditioning and refrigeration equipment Warm air furnaces, except floor and wall; and parts and attachments Forced-air type furnaces (cast iron and steel) Gas Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products Mobile vehicle parts and accessories ndustry code Product code Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 1985 2 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 25 . 23 . 18 . 31 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 23 . 25 . 32 . <*) 21 . 22 . 23 . 14 . . 6 20 . . 6 . 6 . 7 -4 . 8 24 . 30 . 15 . -2 . -2 . -3 . 10 . 3 3585-161 3585-1611 3585-16111 3585-16113 3585-175 3585-1751 3585-17511 3585-17512 3585-1752 3585-185 3585-2 3585-21 3585-211 3585-2111 3585-21114 3585-21115 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.9 103.1 103.3 111.2 102.2 102.0 101.3 105.0 101.1 109.0 102.7 105.3 105.3 106.0 101.4 112.8 103.9 104.3 104.5 113.8 104.4 104.3 103.6 (3) 102.5 109.6 103.4 105.6 105.6 106.4 102.1 112.8 104.2 104.2 104.5 113.2 104.4 104.3 103.6 (3) 102.5 109.6 104.8 106.6 106.6 107.5 104.0 (3) . 0 0 14 . . 9 . 9 11 . 19 . (3) 3585-25 3585-252 3585-257 3585-258 3585-26 3585-265 3585-266 3585-29 3585-295 3585-29573 3585-29574 3585-3 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.4 106.6 101.7 98.9 103.6 104.1 103.3 103.1 108.3 102.0 99.2 103.3 104.3 102.7 103.1 108.3 102.0 (3) 105.3 104.3 106.0 0 0 0 3 () 19 . 0 32 . 10 . 16 . . 9 3 () 22 . . 2 36 . 16 . . 2 26 . 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 101.5 103.8 99.9 105.1 102.7 104.3 100.4 106.2 104.6 107.0 99.9 108.0 18 . 26 . -5 . 17 . 48 . 32 . -5 . 27 . 31 . 31 . . 3 29 . 23 . 22 . -3 . 35 . 3585-31 12/82 105.7 107.1 109.4 22 . 33 . 35 . 45 . 3585-311 12/82 107.8 110.2 110.9 . 7 28 . 29 . 37 . 3585-31115 3585-31118 12/82 12/82 107.4 108.2 111.2 108.9 111.2 110.5 0 15 . 33 . 21 . 35 . 2.2 44 . 29 . 3585-312 12/82 105.3 107.7 108.7 10 . 27 . 35 . 49 . 3585-313 3585-3131 3585-3132 3585-31328 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.0 106.0 107.2 107.6 106.9 106.4 107.0 (3) 110.8 106.4 111.6 111.8 36 . 0 42 . 3 () 36 . -1 . 42 . 42 . 35 . . 4 41 . 40 . 40 . 36 . 41 . 40 . 3585-314 3585-3141 3585-31413 3585-343 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.8 (3) (3) 102.8 102.8 (3) (3) 103.4 107.3 107.9 106.9 103.4 44 . (3) 3 () 0 3 f3 ) () 3 f) 3 t) 44 . . 6 . 6 51 . (3) 3 () -7 . 3585-361 12/82 105.0 105.6 105.6 0 . 9 . 9 12 . 3585-36157 12/82 105.0 105.0 105.0 0 . 4 . 4 . 4 3585-397 3585-4 3585-412 3585-41211 3585-41236 3585-414 3585-418 3585-41859 3585-5 3585-51 3585-512 3585-51209 3585-569 3585-6 3585-612 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 02/83 02/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 102.5 99.5 101.4 101.1 101.9 100.3 96.6 96.6 102.7 102.5 102.4 105.2 103.6 102.5 101.0 101.5 101.3 101.9 103.8 99.6 99.6 103.1 102.9 102.9 105.2 103.6 104.4 100.5 102.0 101.3 103.5 103.7 97.7 97.7 103.4 103.0 102.9 105.2 105.2 18 . -5 . . 5 0 15 . -1 . -1.9 -1.9 . 3 0 0 0 15 . 18 . . 9 10 . . 2 27 . 32 . . 6 . 6 32 . 35 . 35 . 45 . 3 () 18 . . 9 . 6 . 2 15 . 33 . 10 . 10 . 31 . 35 . 35 . 45 . 15 . 20 . . 1 11 . . 8 16 . 28 . -1.7 -1.7 26 . 26 . 26 . 72 . 27 . 12/82 103.1 103.7 109.1 52 . 52 . 60 . 11 . 3585-7 3585-711 3585-796 12/82 12/82 12/82 106.7 102.9 101.6 107.0 102.9 101.5 107.0 106.5 101.5 0 35 . 0 . 4 35 . -4 . . 3 40 . -1 . 11 . 35 . . 1 3585-798 12/82 107.9 107.8 107.8 0 0 -1 . . 2 3585-8 3585-811 3585-81107 3585-M 3585-Z89 3585-S 3585-SSS 3714-S 12/82 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 12/8 108.6 109.2 108.6 107.2 106.0 97.4 99.2 94.8 109.1 109.7 109.3 107.2 106.0 97.7 99.8 94.8 108.7 109.3 108.8 108.3 107.6 98.1 100.4 94.8 -3 . -3 . -5 . 10 . 15 . . 4 . 6 0 . 6 . 6 . 8 10 . 15 . . 8 13 . 0 . 5 . 6 . 8 13 . 18 . . 8 13 . 0 29 . 33 . 44 . 16 . 23 . 43 . 18 . 83 . See footnotes at end of table. ndex base 90 03 . -1 . 0 -6 . 0 0 0 06 . . 3 0 17 . . 8 . 8 . 5 O0 0 31 . . 9 . 9 11 . 19 . I) 44 . . 7 16 . . 2 t) 13 . 35 . . 5 O.2 1 23 . . 5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Measuring and dispensing pumps Primary products Gasoline dispensing pumps, computing type (filling station type) Dual dispensing units With suction pumping units Without suction pumping units Lubricating-oil and grease dispensing equipment Lubricating-oil pumps, including barrel pumps Secondary products 3586 Service industry machinery Primary products Commercial cooking and food warming equipment Nonelectric commercial cooking and food warming equipment . Commercial cooking stoves, ranges, ovens, and broilers Other commercial cooking equipment (except electric) Electric and microwave commercial cooking and food warming equipment Commercial food warming equipment, including hot food server units and steam tables Other commercial cooking equipment (electric) Coffee makers, coffee urns Service industry machines and parts Water softeners and conditioners Water conditioners other than water softeners Floor maintenance machinery, commercial and industrial Floor scrubbing and sanding machines, commercial type Floor waxing and polishing machines, commercial and industrial type Commercial carpet cleaners and shampooers Sewage purification equipment Clarifier Sludge processing equipment Pump station Commercial car washing machinery Garbage and trash compactors, commercial and industrial Other industrial and commercial service machines All other industrial and commercial service machines Parts and accessories for service industry machines Commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners Portable, including parts Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3589 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical . Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 1.7 2.4 0 0 0 0 4.8 3586-P 3586-1 3586-112 3586-11211 3586-11212 3586-2 3586-212 3586-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.5 102.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.2 104.2 100.7 101.7 102.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 104.8 108.6 100.7 0.2 .3 .0 0 0 0 1.5 4.2 0 1.3 1.7 0 0 0 0 1.5 4.2 .7 3589-P 3589-1 3589-11 3589-111 3589-119 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 110.1 109.8 108.3 108.6 (3) 112.0 109.9 110.9 110.2 108.6 106.8 112.0 111.0 111.2 110.2 108.6 106.8 112.0 1.0 .2 0 0 0 0 .6 .9 3589-16 06/82 108.2 111.1 111.2 3589-165 3589-167 3589-16721 3589-2 3589-22 3589-227 3589-23 3589-232 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 107.2 107.7 106.0 110.6 113.0 108.7 109.1 111.2 107.2 111.3 (3) 111.0 111.8 108.7 109.3 112.0 107.2 111.4 106.0 111.3 111.8 (3) 109.6 113.2 3589-235 3589-237 3589-281 3589-28113 3589-28115 3589-28116 3589-282 3589-283 3589-292 3589-29229 3589-293 3589-3 3589-311 3589-M 3589-Z89 3589-S 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 108.7 107.9 111.6 110.7 (3) 110.7 102.8 111.8 113.0 112.8 111.6 107.9 106.3 118.5 106.2 106.8 108.7 107.9 112.9 110.7 114.6 112.2 113.4 114.3 111.6 113.1 112.6 96.3 78.3 108.6 108.7 107.9 113.8 110.8 114.6 112.7 (3) 117.5 113.4 114.3 111.6 113.1 112.6 111.1 96.9 109.0 0 0 0 0 0 15.4 23.8 .3 359 12/84 100.0 100.3 100.3 .1 .1 Carburetors, pistons, piston rings, and valves Primary products Carburetors Carburetors, new Carburetors for motor vehicles Carburetors for motor vehicles-replacement Carburetors for motor vehicles-OEM Rebuilt carburetors, all types Rebuilt carburetors for motor vehicles Pistons and piston rings Piston rings, all types Piston rings, oil type Piston rings, oil type for motor vehicle use Piston rings, oil type for motor vehicle use-OEM Piston rings, compression type Piston rings, compression type for motor vehicle use Piston rings, compression type for motor vehicle use-OEM Piston rings, compression type for all other uses Valves, intake and exhaust Valves, intake and exhaust for all other uses Secondary products Other secondary products Motor vehicle parts and accessories 3592 3592-P 3592-1 3592-1A 3592-111 3592-11101 3592-11102 3592-171 3592-17101 3592-2 3592-2B 3592-248 3592-251 3592-25102 3592-249 3592-255 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 05/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.4 106.2 103.9 103.7 102.9 103.9 102.8 106.9 106.9 104.2 106.0 95.8 95.4 95.4 109.2 108.5 108.3 106.8 104.6 104.4 103.7 109.2 103.1 108.1 108.1 104.2 106.1 95.8 95.4 95.4 109.3 108.5 108.2 106.8 104.4 104.2 103.5 109.2 102.8 108.1 108.1 104.3 106.1 95.8 95.4 95.4 109.3 108.5 0 0 -.2 -.2 -.2 0 -.2 0 0 .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .2 .3 .1 0 .1 0 .1 1.2 1.2 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .6 .6 .6 5.4 .1 1.2 1.2 2.5 3.9 1.0 .5 .5 4.7 5.0 3592-25502 3592-257 3592-3 3592-363 3592-S 3592-SSS 3714-S 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 108.5 112.2 115.2 98.9 113.4 110.5 115.3 108.5 112.9 116.1 (3) 116.0 117.2 115.3 108.5 112.9 116.1 (3) 116.0 117.2 0 0 0 0 0 .8 (3) 0 0 5.0 3.2 .8 (3) 2.4 6.1 Machinery, except electrical, not elsewhere classified Primary products Pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders, accumulators, cushions, and shock absorbers Hydraulic cylinders Telescoping Shock absorbers, not for vehicle suspension, hydraulic and pneumatic 3599 3599-P 06/84 06/84 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.6 101.6 101.7 3599-2 3599-219 3599-21913 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.6 100.5 102.1 100.5 100.2 102.1 100.7 100.5 102.1 3599-237 3599-4 3599-425 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.0 100.6 102.8 100.9 100.4 102.8 100.9 100.4 102.8 Apr. 1984 Miscellaneous machinery products Metal bellows See footnotes at end of table. 91 8.6 .7 1.0 2.1 3 0 .1 t) 1.3 0 1.3 1.8 0 2.9 0 2.2 0 3.7 0 .7 -1.1 (3) .9 3.6 .3 0 .3 -1.1 .3 1.1 .9 3.6 0 0 .8 .1 0 .4 (3) 0 0 1.9 2.7 3.3 2.6 0 1.2 1.7 (3) 5.0 -.3 -1.2 0 4.4 5.3 -2.3 -3.3 .2 -.2 0 0 1.9 .1 (3) 1.7 (3) 5.1 .4 1.4 0 4.8 5.9 -5.0 -7.1 2.1 1.4 1.2 .6 3.9 -1.2 1.9 -1.2 3 () 3.3 5.8 .1 5.3 3.4 (3) 4.6 (3) 6.7 .7 2.4 -.5 7.4 5.9 -9.3 -12.9 2.7 2.8 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.4 -.1 2.1 -3.7 -3.9 -3.9 3.9 3.7 3.7 4.5 8.6 Table 4. Producer price Indexes for the net output of selected Industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Machinery, except electrical, not elsewhere classified—Continued Other miscellaneous machinery products Receipts for machine shop jobwork Automotive , Aerospace Electronics Fabricated metal products Machinery, parts and accessories Mining, construction, and oilfield equipment Appliances Chemical and petroleum Food processing and packaging Electrical machinery Agricultural equipment All other customers Maintenance and repair Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products rrouuci code 3599-498 3599-5 3599-512 3599-513 3599-515 3599-517 3599-519 3599-521 3599-523 3599-527 3599-529 3599-531 3599-533 3599-539 3599-541 3599-M 3599-Z83 3599-S Dec. 19842 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.0 101.7 100.0 105.4 101.6 101.4 106.8 100.4 100.0 106.3 100.0 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 0 .1 0 -.1 .4 0 0 0 0 1.2 0 0 0 0 .2 .2 .7 -.1 -0.3 1.1 1.7 1.7 .1 1.4 6.4 1.0 ft ft 06/81 06/81 111.3 110.7 112.2 111.6 111.4 110.8 -.7 -.7 .2 .1 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 114.5 110.5 115.1 119.5 103.0 115.3 116.5 115.2 110.9 115.1 122.4 102.4 117.3 122.8 112.9 107.9 114.1 122.4 102.7 117.8 122.4 -1.9 -2.7 -.9 0 .3 .4 -.3 -1.5 -2.5 -1.0 1.9 .2 3.2 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 95.1 93.0 68.6 93.1 66.7 .1 -2.8 -2.1 2.7 1.7 112.4 112.4 112.4 112.2 112.4 112.2 112.4 115.8 112.4 112.2 112.4 115.2 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 3612-401 3612-402 3612-404 06/81 06/81 06/81 113.6 107.4 111.1 115.6 115.5 107.4 115.9 ft 3612-406 3612-S 06/81 06/81 118.9 120.8 130.0 122.4 130.0 3621-P 3621-1 3621-111 3621-115 3621-17 3621-171 3621-172 3621-18 3621-181 3621-182 3621-18201 3621-18202 3621-183 3621-18301 3621-18302 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 105.7 105.6 104.4 100.3 103.2 99.8 100.2 99.4 107.0 99.9 102.2 103.7 99.8 108.8 103.7 109.8 107.7 107.7 107.3 100.6 103.4 102.7 100.8 104.0 111.2 99.9 106.2 107.4 104.3 113.5 108.9 114.4 107.9 107.9 107.3 100.5 103.4 102.7 100.8 104.0 111.3 99.9 106.3 107.5 104.3 113.5 109.3 114.4 3621-2 3621-2C 3621-231 06/83 06/83 06/83 107.6 103.6 103.6 108.6 103.7 103.7 3621-2D 3621-241 3621-21 3621-222 3621-223 3621-22301 3621-7 3621-71 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 95.0 98.4 109.6 97.8 110.4 113.4 06/83 3621-753 3621-8 3621-831 3621-911 3621-S 3621-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 3612 Electric motors and generators Primary products Fractional horsepower motors and generators Automobile accessory motors Universal motors (cased) Universal motors and generators.D.C Case diameter: up to 3 inches Case diameter: 3 inches to 9 inches Universal motors, A.C Skeleton type shaded pole motors Conventional type shaded pole motors Case diameter: up to 3 3/4 inches Case diameter: 3 3/4 inches to 9 inches Other A.C. motors, excluding clock type Case diameter: up to 5 3/8 inches Case diameter: 5 3/8 inches to 9 inches Integral horsepower motors and generators, except for land transportation equipment D.C. motors and generators 1 to 200 h.p. (3/4 to 150 kw) A.C. generators, except turbine driven, arc welding, and aerospace 3/4 to 400 kw A.C.motors Single phase, all h.p. ratings Polyphase-induction 1 to 500 h.p Fractional horsepower motor-generator sets Other rotating equipment Synchros, servos, rate generators, resolvers, and combinations Integral horsepower motor-generator sets All other integral rotating equipment Parts and supplies for motors, generators and sets Secondary products All other secondary products 99.7 102.0 101.7 106.1 101.6 101.4 107.0 101.3 101.0 107.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.4 99.4 100.2 100.7 101.6 -0.4 .2 1.3 0 -.1 0 0 -.4 1.0 1.2 0 100.0 99.9 100.1 100.0 100.0 101.9 99.7 102.0 101.7 106.3 101.2 101.4 107.0 101.3 101.0 106.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.4 99.2 100.0 100.0 101.6 3612-202 3612-20242 3612-20245 3612-3 3612-301 3612-302 3612-4 Transformers Primary products Distribution transformers Liquid immersed Pole type, 500 KVA or less, single phase Pad mount, 500 KVA or less, single phase 500 KVA or less, three phase Power transformers Small power transformers, one and three phase 501-2500 KVA, liquid immersed Large power transformers, one and three phase, liquid immersed 10001-30000 KVA, without LTC 100000 KVA and above, with LTC Fluorescent lamp ballasts Unconnected power factor type Corrected power factor type Specialty and all other transformers Open core and coil, and all units end-bell enclosed, 250 KVA and less High intensity discharge lamp transformers General purpose, one and three phase All other transformers including luminous tube and ignition, and saturable core reactors Secondary products 3621 3612-P 3612-1 3612-101 3612-10111 3612-10112 3612-10114 3612-2 3612-201 3612-20121 See footnotes at end of table. naex base 92 ft ft ft ft ft 115.9 0 0 0 -.6 -.1 0 0 .5 -.7 .2 .7 -.6 ft 0 -.1 0 2.6 1.7 0 4.1 ft 1.2 0 0 -.2 -.6 .2 .7 .9 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.0 -1.8 -3.0 -1.1 1.8 4.3/ 6.5 5.JT- -.6 -1.0 -1.1 0 -.1 0 2.7 1.8 0 4.4 ft 3.3 5.2 4.6 0 -.1 0 3.4 3.7 1.1 4.1 9.4 9.8 7.0 ft ft 0 .1 .2 0 -.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 .3 0 .5 .5 .2 .2 1.2 -.7 1.0 -1.8 .3 0 .7 1.2 0 .2 1.5 -.1 2.1 2.1 2.9 .2 1.0 2.8 .1 4.7 4.1 0 4.0 3.6 4.5 4.5 6.7 4.1 L 108.4 103.7 103.7 -.2 0 0 .5 .1 .1 .3 .1 .1 1.4 .8 .8 95.0 98.4 110.7 96.7 111.8 114.8 95.0 98.4 110.5 96.7 111.6 114.6 0 0 -.2 0 -.2 -.2 0 0 .5 -1.1 .7 .7 0 0 .4 -1.1 .5 .5 1.6 -1.1 1.5 1.6 102.8 103.1 106.5 3.2 3.2 3.6 4.3 102.7 111.1 111.2 101.4 107.0 102.1 103.0 112.2 112.3 108.8 107.7 103.0 106.4 112.3 112.4 108.8 107.6 103.0 3.3 .1 .1 .0 0 0 3.3 .1 .1 -.1 .7 .9 3.6 1.1 1.1 7.3 1.7 2.3 4.3 3.7 ft 0 ft 3.1 4.2 2 1.0 2.3 .3 3.7 6.1 0 5.7 6.5 4.5 6.7 7.0 6.6 ft ft ft 7.3 6.4 2.4 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Welding apparatus, electric Primary products Arc welding machines, components, and accessories exc. electrodes Arc welding machines Transformer type, A.C., 300 amps and under Rectifier types, incl. A.C.-D.C Components and accessories for arc welding apparatus, exc. electrodes Auto, and semiauto. welding torches, guns, cables, and relat. accessories Circuit welding accessories, incl. cables and ground clamps.. All other accessories for arc welding mach., exc. electrodes and weld, rods Arc welding electrodes Stick electrodes, straightened and cut lengths, incl. solid, cored, covered and bare Mild steel Coiled/spooled continous wire electrodes for incl. arc weld and inert gas shielded Solid wire Mild steel Low alloy steel, hard surfacing Cored wire (shielded) Mild steel Resistance welders, components, accessories, and electrodes .... Flash, upset, butt and all other resistance type welders Secondary products Other secondary products Product code 3623 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 0 0 0 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3623-P 100.2 100.3 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.5 100.6 99.4 101.5 100.5 100.6 100.2 100.9 .1 0 .8 12/84 100.0 100.3 100.4 -.6 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 101.3 100.9 101.3 .1 3623-159 3623-2 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 99.6 100.0 100.2 99.7 0 .6 -.3 .2 -.3 3623-21 3623-211 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.4 99.0 -.6 -1.0 -.6 -1.0 3623-22 3623-221 3623-22152 3623-22154 3623-222 3623-22261 3623-3 3623-352 3623-S 3623-SSS 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.0 100.0 100.0 101.3 100.0 12/84 100.0 99.8 100.1 12/84 100.0 100.4 100.5 06/81 06/81 112.7 113.6 113.2 114.0 113.0 113.8 -.2 -.2 .2 .2 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.4 3631-1 3631-1A 3631-111 3631-112 3631-11201 3631-1B 3631-121 3631-21113 3631-1212 3631-1C 3631-174 3631-3 3631-3 A 3631-312 3631-31211 3631-31213 3631-31215 3631-3B 3631-323 06/81 06/81 08/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 112.1 127.1 118.6 127.3 127.3 118.8 119.6 125.3 116.7 95.2 92.3 118.4 118.1 119.0 128.4 116.8 121.1 112.1 127.6 120.5 127.8 127.8 121.1 121.6 126.6 (3) 92.9 89.2 119.8 119.5 120.2 129.8 118.0 122.0 111.7 127.8 120.4 127.9 127.9 121.1 121.6 126.6 (3) 91.7 87.6 119.8 119.6 120.3 129.8 118.1 121.8 -.3 .1 -.1 .1 .1 0 0 0 (3) -1.3 -1.8 .1 .1 .1 0 .3 .5 -.7 .5 .5 1.9 1.6 .8 (3) -1.4 .5 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.5 (3) -3.7 -5.1 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.3 .3 .7 3.0 2.2 3.1 3.1 3.5 3.6 2.5 (3) -4.5 -7.5 2.6 2.6 2.5 3.1 2.6 .5 06/81 124.2 124.7 124.7 2.8 3.2 3631-4 3631-4 A 3631-412 3631-41211 3631-41213 3631-421 3631-M 3631-Z89 3631-S 3631-SSS 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 111.7 111.6 110.1 108.8 106.0 125.3 106.0 106.0 112.6 112.5 111.3 111.4 106.0 112.6 112.5 111.3 111.4 106.0 125.3 .8 .8 1.0 2.4 0 0 4.1 4.1 3.6 2.4 0 0 108.6 103.6 108.6 103.6 .8 .9 1.5 1.5 3632-P 12/81 12/81 110.1 110.8 111.3 112.0 111.5 112.3 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.2 3632-1 3632-102 3632-143 3632-148 3632-S 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 112.2 110.4 112.5 112.8 108.0 113.6 110.7 116.9 114.2 108.9 113.6 110.7 (3) 114.2 109.0 1.3 .3 () 1.3 .9 1.2 2.1 3 () 3633-P 12/79 12/79 129.1 129.8 129.1 129.8 129.3 130.0 0 0 .6 .7 3633-1 3633-1A 3633-131 3633-15 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 127.3 124.9 124.7 131.5 126.7 124.1 124.0 131.2 126.9 124.6 124.4 131.1 -.5 -.3 -.3 -.7 .1 .7 .7 363 3631 3632 Household laundry equipment Primary products Household mechanical washing machines, dryers, and washer-dryer combinations Washing machines, mechanical, electric Full and semi-automatic Dryers, mechanical 100.3 100.3 3623-154 3623-156 Household refrigerators and freezers Primary products Household refrigerators, including combination refrigeratorfreezers, complete units 14.4 cubic feet and under 17.5 to 19.4 cubic feet 19.5 cubic feet and over Secondary products 100.0 100.0 3623-12 Household cooking equipment and parts Primary products Electric, electronic, and microwave household cooking units and parts Free-standing electric ranges and ovens Free-standing ranges under 23 inches in width Free-standing ranges 23 to 32 inches in width Low oven Other than free-standing electric ranges Built-in ranges Surface cooking tops Drop-in ranges Microwave cooking equipment Portable microwave ovens Gas household units and parts Standard type gas ranges Free-standing ranges Free-standing gas ranges 32 inches and over in width Free-standing gas ranges over 24 to 32 inches in width Free-standing gas ranges 24 inches and under in width Nonstandard type gas ranges Slide-in or drop-in Outdoor cooking equipment and all other household cooking equipment except gas and electric Outdoor cooking equipment Portable outdoor cooking units Solid fuel consuming Other fuel consuming Other household cooking equipment except gas and electric ... Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products 12/84 12/84 3623-1 3623-11 3623-114 3623-132 Household appliances 3633 3631-P See footnotes at end of table. Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index 93 -.1 0 -.2 0 -.6 () (*) 1.3 C3) () 0 0 1.3 0 .1 -.2 -1.9 -.1 -.1 -.1 -.1 0 -.5 3 .9 2.0 -.9 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 ndustry code Household laundry equipment—Continued Electric Other equipment and parts Secondary products Product code 3633-155 3633-3 3633-S Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 2 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 -0.4 -0.3 -0.3 -1.0 125.7 125.7 0 0 . 4 . 4 102.5 102.2 100.3 101.9 101.3 99.2 102.2 101.8 99.2 . 4 . 5 0 . 1 . 1 0 -1 . -3 . -8 . . 6 . 6 -3.1 12/82 12/82 (3) 12/82 12/82 12/82 100.6 102.3 95.0 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 3635-P 3635-1 3635-133 3635-137 3635-141 3635-S 3635-SSS 3636 3639 Electric lamps 125.4 12/82 12/82 12/82 3635 Electric lighting and wiring equipment.. 12/79 3634-529 3634-53 3634-525 3634-536 3634-54 3634-541 3634-54101 3634-54102 3634-545 3634-54501 3634-54502 3634-57 3634-578 3634-583 3634-587 3634-592 3634-596 3634-598 3634-59805 3634-9 3634-912 3634-91201 3634-S 3634-SSS Household appliances, not elsewhere classified Primary products Electric water heaters Electric water heaters, storage type Electric water heaters, storage type, 34 gallons and under... Electric water heaters, storage type, 35 to 44 gallons Electric water heaters, storage type, 45 to 54 gallons Electric water heaters, storage type, 55 gallons and over Non-electric water heaters Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type, 34 gallons and under Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type, 35 to 44 gallons Gas water heaters, direct fired storage type, 45 to 54 gallons Oil water heaters, direct fired Solar water heater systems Secondary products Service industry machinery, n.e.c 132.8 3634-198 3634-5 3634-524 Sewing machines Primary products Industrial sewing machines, including parts and attachments Industrial sewing machine heads Overedge stitch Parts & attachments for industrial sewing machinery All other parts and attachments 133.3 3634-18 3634-184 Household vacuum cleaners Primary products Household vacuum cleaners, including parts and attachments .... Upright vacuum cleaners Canister, tank, and all other general purpose vacuum cleaners Complete power units, central system type Secondary products Other secondary products 133.3 3634-P 3634-1 Electric housewares and fans Primary products Electric fans, except industrial, excluding parts Kitchen ventilating and exhaust fans, including range and oven hoods Electric range hoods, ducted and nonducted All other household fans, excluding roof ventilators, furnace and air conditioning fans Small household appliances, excluding parts Ovens and roasters (with or without broiler attachments) Hotplates and disc stoves (1650 watts and less) excluding built-in units Automatic coffeemakers Vacuum, percolator, and drip coffeemakers Automatic toasters Air space heaters Portable room heaters Fan-forced type All other portable room heaters Space heater for fixed installation, all types Baseboard, excluding glass panel type All others, excluding warm air furnaces Household food preparation appliances All other household food preparation appliances Blankets and all other electric bed coverings Heating pads, including foot warmers Portable air purifiers Portable humidifiers All other electric appliances All other electric appliances Parts and attachments for small electric appliances All other parts and attachments Electrothermal Secondary products Other secondary products 12/79 3634 (?) 3 () 104.7 (3) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (3) O (?) 100.1 101.3 90.5 100.4 101.9 90.5 . 3 . 6 0 -2 . . 1 -5.1 -1 . -3 . -4.7 -2.1 11 . -4.0 99.5 104.2 103.8 99.6 106.8 103.5 103.7 101.5 108.8 107.0 110.9 100.3 94.8 104.7 110.3 95.6 103.4 100.2 105.1 104.2 104.2 102.3 104.8 104.8 99.5 100.3 99.6 99.5 108.8 106.9 107.1 103.0 110.0 107.5 113.1 99.9 94.8 104.8 110.3 (3) 103.4 100.2 105.0 104.5 104.5 103.1 105.9 105.9 (3) 100.6 99.8 99.8 110.7 107.7 108.1 103.0 112.6 108.7 117.4 99.9 94.8 104.7 132.0 (?) (3) -4.3 -4.6 (*) -3.4 -3.4 104.1 100.4 105.6 104.5 104.5 103.1 105.8 105.8 . 3 . 3 . 4 18 . . 8 . 9 0 23 . 11 . 38 . 0 0 -1 . 19.7 (3) . 6 . 3 . 6 0 0 0 -1 . -1 . 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 104.5 104.3 104.3 105.4 105.1 106.1 107.0 111.6 105.7 106.1 106.1 106.4 109.0 106.1 102.8 103.0 106.2 106.2 106.2 106.9 108.9 106.1 106.0 104.4 3636-P 3636-2 3636-274 3636-27403 3636-285 3636-28503 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.4 101.4 101.9 99.1 104.1 107.5 106.0 101.4 101.4 102.0 99.1 104.1 107.7 106.6 3639-P 3639-1 3639-101 3639-10111 3639-10112 3639-10114 3639-10115 3639-2 3639-212 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.3 107.4 105.6 105.6 111.8 105.5 101.8 102.7 105.6 105.3 3639-21202 12/82 3639-21204 3639-21206 3639-224 3639-258 3639-S 3589-S (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) 34 . 48 . 87 . 91 . 29 . 26 . -1 . 58 . -5 . 0 0 19.7 76 . 81 . 15 . 11 . -2.7 58 . -5 . 0 14 . 19.7 71 . 60 . 65 . -1.2 78 . 41 . 12.2 -5 . 0 64 . 19.7 (?) (?) (?) . 6 . 2 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 7 . 1 . 1 . 6 . 2 . 5 . 3 . 3 . 7 10 . 10 . -5 . 10 . 26 . 15 . 15 . 13 . . 6 . 6 . 4 . 1 . 1 . 5 0 0 31 . 14 . 14 . 17 . 17 . 28 . 22 . 0 -9 . -6.5 . 5 . 6 . 6 15 . . 5 0 -9 . -6.5 19 . 23 . 23 . 16 . 33 . 42 . -9 . -6.5 101.4 101.4 102.0 99.1 104.1 107.7 106.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 . 1 . 1 0 0 . 2 . 6 .2 . 2 . 3 . 8 41 . . 2 . 6 . 6 . 6 . 8 -9 . 41 . 39 . 43 . 107.9 107.9 106.7 106.7 115.5 104.1 102.4 104.2 105.9 105.5 108.0 108.1 106.3 106.3 115.5 105.2 100.0 105.1 106.9 106.5 . 1 . 2 -4 . -4 . 0 11 . -2.3 . 9 . 9 . 9 . 9 10 . 42 . 42 . 33 . -.4 10.5 11 . 10 . 11 . . 6 . 6 . 3 . 3 33 . . 9 -4.0 31 . 13 . 12 . 17 . 16 . 29 . 30 . 80 . 37 . -1.9 32 . 24 . 24 . 106.3 104.8 107.3 23 . 10 . 15 . 19 . 12/82 105.0 107.5 106.8 -6 . 17 . 14 . 22 . 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 104.2 109.6 107.8 106.1 110.4 (3) 113.0 107.8 107.4 115.8 105.4 113.0 110.2 107.3 115.7 0 23 . 0 -1 . 12 . 0 11 . . 8 30 . 12 . 30 . 27 . 13 . 53 . 12 . 34 . 14 . 28 . 49 . 364 12/84 100.0 100.8 100.4 -4 . . 1 3641 12/83 102.8 102.5 101.8 -6 . -6 . See footnotes at end of table. Index base 94 (?) ' (?) (?) . 4 -2.0 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Industry and product1 Industry code Electric lamps—Continued Primary products Large incandescent lamps, except photographic and Christmas tree Reflector, 100-130 volts R-type (blown glass) Electric discharge lamps, except Christmas tree Miscellaneous electrical discharge Glow Sodium, photo-chemical and other miscellaneous electrical discharge Secondary products Other secondary products Product code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3641-P 102.2 101.6 -0.6 -0.7 0.1 -2.4 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 100.3 106.3 111.4 102.5 99.0 100.0 99.2 106.6 112.0 103.7 95.5 98.0 105.5 109.2 103.4 94.8 -1.2 -1.0 -2.5 -.2 -.8 -.5 0 .1 -.6 -4.6 -1.9 1.0 2.5 2.9 -3.3 -1.2 5.5 9.2 3.6 -4.6 12/83 12/83 12/83 95.7 99.8 99.8 101.4 109.0 109.0 98.4 109.0 109.0 -3.0 0 0 7.1 9.2 9.2 .9 9.2 9.2 3643-P 3643-1 3643-1A 3643-103 3643-117 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 115.2 114.7 114.7 123.2 125.0 116.7 116.2 115.1 115.1 125.7 127.5 119.3 116.4 115.1 115.1 125.6 127.4 119.3 .2 0 0 0 0 0 .6 .6 -1.0 -.6 -2.4 1.4 1.0 1.0 2.4 2.5 2.2 2.3 2.0 2.0 3.2 3.2 2.9 3643-1C 3643-168 3643-1D 12/81 12/81 12/81 115.7 120.5 108.0 116.4 122.2 108.6 116.4 122.2 108.6 0 0 0 .6 1.4 -.1 .6 1.4 .3 5.4 -2.2 4.0 3643-136 3643-174 3643-177 3643-1E 3643-186 3643-188 3643-1G 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 107.3 119.6 118.2 116.5 113.2 (3) 98.5 107.8 118.1 121.0 118.4 113.2 117.2 100.5 107.8 118.1 121.0 118.8 113.2 117.2 100.7 0 0 0 .3 0 0 .2 .5 -1.2 0 1.8 0 (3) -.5 0 -1.2 2.4 3.7 2.3 (3) 2.4 3.2 -.1 3.5 3.8 2.7 (3) -7.6 3643-131 12/81 98.5 100.5 100.7 3643-127 3643-175 3643-197 3643-198 3643-S 3643-SSS 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 128.3 104.2 129.5 116.3 117.5 118.4 104.2 131.6 119.1 120.9 122.2 104.4 131.6 120.4 121.9 123.2 .2 0 1.0 .8 .9 .2 1.6 2.3 1.9 2.1 .2 1.0 3.4 3.4 3.7 5.3 4.0 3.8 4.3 3644-P 3644-1 3644-2 3644-227 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 113.6 112.8 100.8 115.7 117.3 113.8 112.5 100.8 114.6 113.7 113.7 112.7 100.8 114.8 113.7 -.1 .2 0 .2 0 -.3 -.5 0 -1.5 -3.1 .6 0 .5 -1.5 3.9 3.8 1.8 4.3 5.4 .9 1.2 -.5 4.4 3643 3644 Residential lighting fixtures Primary products Electric residential fixtures, except portable including parts Incandescent interior including bath or kitchen Ceiling or pendant Wall or bracket Incandescent outdoor Fixture attached to house Fixture not attached to house Portable electric residential fixtures Incandescent portable lamps complete with shade Floor, bridge, and torch lamps Table lamps Other portable lamps 102.9 3641-433 3641-S 3641-SSS Noncurrent-carrying wiring devices Primary products Electrical transmission line and utility pole hardware Electrical conduit and conduit fittings Electrical metal tubing Metal raceways and wireways, including fittings: surface and underfloor Rigid conduit fittings: cast conduit bodies, covers and gaskets EMT fittings (couplings and connectors), all types Other noncurrent-carrying wiring devices Stamped metal boxes, covers, and accessories, including stamped conduit boxes Stamped metal switch and receptacle boxes Stamped metal outlet boxes Cast metal boxes, covers, gaskets, and accessories Junction type All other types including outlets, FS and FD switches, and receptacle boxes All other noncurrent-carrying wiring devices, including floor boxes and covers Secondary products Current-carrying wiring devices All other secondary products 12/83 3641-2 3641-23 3641-232 3641-4 3641-43 3641-431 Current-carrying wiring devices Primary products Current-carrying wiring devices Lampholders Incandescent lampholders All other lampholders, including fluorescent General use flush mounted switches for switch or outlet boxes, except dimmers AC single pole, excluding mercury switches Special purpose switches Precision snap-acting switches (1 / 8 " gap or less), excluding limit switches and dimmers Automotive and aircraft type switches Dimmers and all other special purpose switches Wire connectors Banded or strip terminals and splicers, machine installed Blade or pin type, separable terminations and splicers Convenience and power outlets, excluding pin and sleeve Convenience and power outlets: 2-pole, 3-wire and up (flush), nonlocking, 15 amps and under Convenience and power outlets, attachment plug caps, and connector bodies: pin and sleeve Metal contacts, precious and all other Terminal blocks All other current-carrying wiring devices Secondary products All other secondary products 3645 2.4 3644-235 12/81 112.3 107.1 111.7 3644-251 3644-261 3644-3 12/81 12/81 12/81 113.3 116.8 134.5 113.5 117.6 113.7 117.9 .2 .3 3644-3A 3644-331 3644-332 3644-3B 3644-343 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 117.1 114.7 122.6 120.9 112.6 117.6 115.5 122.9 124.2 115.2 118.3 117.1 122.5 123.9 .6 1.4 -.4 -.3 1.6 -.1 2.5 .7 1.3 0 2.5 5.9 7.5 3.5 1.7 3644-344 12/81 127.9 131.8 131.2 -.5 2.6 2.6 1.3 3644-375 3644-S 3643-S 3644-SSS 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 118.4 116.0 121.6 114.4 118.2 118.1 125.6 116.0 118.2 116.9 (3) 114.7 0 -1.0 -.2 .2 2.5 .6 4.5 4.0 3645-P 3645-1 3645-11 3645-111 3645-113 3645-12 3645-115 3645-117 3645-7 3645-71 3645-7121 3645-7123 3645-7129 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.5 103.0 102.5 101.8 102.2 100.1 102.2 104.0 96.2 103.5 103.5 105.1 104.3 101.4 107.7 106.1 107.2 106.9 107.5 103.4 106.0 108.4 98.0 105.0 105.1 105.8 107.3 100.0 107.4 106.0 105.9 105.4 105.9 102.9 104.4 106.3 97.9 106.1 106.2 105.8 108.3 103.1 -.4 -.1 -1.3 -1.4 -1.5 -.5 -1.6 -2.0 -.1 1.1 1.1 0 .9 3.1 2.3 2.2 2.7 2.7 2.6 3.2 2.1 2.2 1.7 1.6 1.7 -.1 2.3 2.1 3.2 3.0 3.5 3.8 3.9 3.0 2.1 2.2 1.7 2.5 2.6 .7 3.8 1.5 4.6 3.9 3.8 4.2 4.7 1.4 2.3 2.0 3.5 4.0 3.8 3.6 4.9 2.4 See footnotes at end of table. Index base 95 .2 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Residential lighting fixtures—Continued Lamps sold without shades including floor, bridge, and table lamps Secondary products Other secondary products Product code Mar. 1985 114.7 122.4 108.1 120.9 119.7 108.1 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 115.8 114.2 113.5 120.2 127.2 119.5 115.6 121.6 110.6 112.9 109.9 110.7 (3) 107.4 120.6 115.9 114.5 117.0 115.3 114.9 123.8 132.6 122.9 117.9 124.0 111.2 112.9 110.0 110.5 104.7 110.8 120.8 115.4 114.5 115.6 114.0 113.2 124.3 135.0 122.9 117.9 124.0 108.5 104.6 108.5 109.9 99.1 105.5 121.0 115.4 114.5 -1.2 06/81 112.5 115.1 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 11/83 06/81 119.4 123.9 110.1 133.2 (3) 107.0 119.6 124.2 110.1 135.3 (3) 115.0 3647-P 12/83 12/83 102.9 103.5 3647-1 3647-11 3647-111 12/83 12/83 12/83 3647-1111 3647-1112 3647-11123 3647-112 3647-1121 3647 3646-P 3646-2 3646-201 3646-20111 3646-20115 3646-20119 3646-202 3646-203 3646-20351 3646-20353 3646-20354 3646-20355 3646-20356 3646-20357 3646-20358 3646-20363 3646-204 3646-3 3646-305 3646-30513 3646-30521 3646-S -1.2 -1.5 .4 1.8 0 0 0 -2.4 -7.3 -1.4 -.6 -5.3 -4.8 -.4 -.4 -.5 1.2 4.6 2.9 -5.0 2.6 -1.4 -7.3 -1.1 1.9 -7.7 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 8.3 4.7 0 Jan. 1985 5.4 -2.1 0 3646-SSS 3648-S Vehicular lighting equipment Primary products Vehicular lighting equip., motor vehicle & other than motor vehicle use, excl. bulbs Motor vehicle incandescent lighting equipment Spot, fog, and auxiliary motor vehicle lighting equipment.. Spot, fog, and auxiliary lighting equipment: domestic replacement Spot, fog, & auxiliary lighting equip, shipped to U.S. motor vehicle mfg. as original equipment Auxiliary light equipment All other motor vehicle lighting equipment All other motor vehicle lighting equipment: domestic replacement Tail light fixture All other lighting equipment All other motor vehicle lighting equip, shipped to U.S. motor vehicle mfg. as original equip Tail light fixture All other lighting equipment Other than motor vehicle lighting equipment including fluorescent fixtures All other lighting equipment Secondary products Other secondary products 17.6 -.3 -.2 -.3 3.5 6.2 3.0 2.0 2.0 -2.0 -7.3 -1.1 .1 3.8 2.0 1.6 4.4 7.5 4.1 2.1 -.9 .7 -5.5 .4 2.8 ft 10.4 0 .1 0 0 -1.4 .1 -.4 0 -2.7 .5 -.4 0 -8.6 2.4 3.5 3.4 4.6 113.8 -1.1 1.2 1.2 2.4 119.6 124.2 110.1 132.9 97.9 107.1 0 0 0 -1.8 (3) .1 .3 0 -.3 .3 .4 0 -1.1 4.6 6.2 2.7 18.9 103.4 103.8 103.4 103.8 0 0 103.5 103.2 101.7 103.8 103.5 101.7 103.8 103.4 101.7 12/83 104.9 104.9 104.9 12/83 12/83 12/83 98.3 98.3 103.3 98.3 98.3 103.7 12/83 12/83 12/83 100.8 102.6 99.7 12/83 12/83 12/83 ft ft -3.5 -3.1 -.4 .3 .2 .1 1.0 1.1 0 -.1 0 .3 .2 0 .1 .1 0 1.1 .7 98.3 98.3 103.6 0 0 -.1 0 0 .2 0 0 .1 -1.7 -1.7 .6 102.2 106.9 99.7 101.5 104.7 99.7 -.7 -2.0 0 .7 2.0 0 -.1 2.0 -2.2 .9 4.2 -1.5 103.9 102.5 102.1 104.1 102.4 102.8 104.1 102.4 102.8 0 0 0 .1 .2 .2 .1 -.1 .7 .6 .3 1.5 12/83 12/83 106.1 102.3 106.8 102.3 107.7 102.3 .8 0 1.4 0 -.3 .6 4.6 2.1 12/83 102.5 103.2 103.2 365 12/84 100.0 99.6 99.2 -.3 3651 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 93.8 93.1 87.0 84.7 93.3 92.5 85.5 83.2 92.6 91.4 85.5 83.2 -.8 -1.1 0 0 -.2 -.3 -1.0 0 -1.6 -2.2 -1.7 -1.8 -3.2 -4.2 -2.3 -3.1 03/80 03/80 03/80 68.8 88.8 88.8 67.6 87.9 87.5 67.6 87.9 85.7 .0 0 -2.0 0 -1.0 -.4 -1.8 -1.0 -4.4 -3.1 -1.0 -7.3 03/8C 03/8C 03/8C 03/8C 03/8C 03/8C 03/8I 03/8C 92.3 85.6 86.3 97.6 113.9 109.3 90.2 75.1 92.0 83.3 83.6 99.5 114.0 110.4 93.2 88.6 83.1 83.3 98.3 114.0 110.4 91.3 -3.7 -.3 -.3 -1.3 0 0 -2.1 -3.3 2.5 1.6 -5.7 -3.1 -3.7 1.1 1.5 -10.1 -4.5 -4.7 -.4 2.8 1.0 1.1 1.0 -2.0 03/8C 03/8C 110.9 104.2 111.6 105.0 111.8 105.0 1.3 .7 .3 -1.2 3647-11213 3647-11214 3647-1122 3647-11223 3647-11224 3647-12 3647-124 3647-S 3647-SSS 3651-P 3651-1 3651-1B 3651-112 3651-1C 3651-2 3651-2A 3651-204 3651-21 3651-216 3651-4 3651-4A 3651-411 3651-4B 3651-414 3651-4C 3651-5 3651-5A See footnotes at end of table. Apr. 19852 113.4 118.3 108.1 3646 Radio and t.v.'s, phonographs, and related equipment Primary products Radios: home, car, and combination models Combination models Table and portable radio combinations, stereo and quadraphonic Automobile radios and tape players Television receivers, including combination models Console and consolette tv receivers Console and consolette tv receiver, color Table and portable Color, over 17 inches High fidelity components Phonographs, except mechanical Electric phonograph, not coin operated, monophonic Consumer high fidelity components Phonograph cartridges and pickups Consumer audio and video recorders Speakers, including public address systems Loudspeaker systems Mar. 19852 12/83 12/83 12/83 3645-732 3645-S 3645-SSS Commercial lighting fixtures Primary products Electric lighting fixtures, commercial and institutional types Incandescent fixtures, except portable Utilitarian and ornamental types, surface or pendant Utilitarian and ornamental types, recessed Other incandescent fixtures, including portable Mercury and other high-intensity discharge fixtures Fluorescent fixtures, except portable Recessed air handling Recessed non-air handling Striplights Ceiling systems Plastic wraparound Wall mounted Surface or pendant All other fluorescent fixtures Component or renewal parts for commercial or institutional fixtures, sold separately Electric lighting fixtures, industrial types General fixtures, except portable Fluorescent fixtures Mercury and other high-intensity discharge fixtures Secondary products Other secondary products Lighting equipment, n.e.c Radio and television receiving equipment, except communication types Dec. 19842 96 -6.9 1.7 4.9 -1.9 ft -.8 0 0 -1.4 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Radio and t.v.'s, phonographs, and related equipment—Continued Bookshelf type Floor standing Other loudspeaker systems Loudspeakers sold separately Public address systems Secondary products Phonograph records and prerecorded tapes Primary products Disc records 45 r.p.m. for own label 45 r.p.m. on contract basis for others 33 1/3 r.p.m. for own label, stereo and quadraphonic 33 1 /3 r.p.m. on contract basis for others, stereo and quadraphonic Other records, inc. 33 1 /3 r.p.m. mono., 78 r.p.m., elect. transcriptions, except video Audio tapes Cassette for own label Cassette on contract for others Miscellaneous receipts Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Product code Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 3651-556 3651-557 3651-568 3651-554 3651-594 3651-S 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 03/80 92.5 116.0 97.5 111.3 118.0 113.5 92.5 116.0 101.0 112.7 118.0 114.0 92.5 116.0 (3) 113.1 118.0 115.4 3652-P 3652-1 3652-122 3652-124 3652-131 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.6 98.3 96.2 100.0 97.8 101.0 101.0 100.2 98.9 3652-135 12/84 100.0 100.0 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.2 100.0 99.7 12/84 100.0 102.1 102.1 3652 ft 100.9 Oct. Apr. 1984 0 0 0 0 2.5 -6.2 2.1 2.9 1.8 1.5 2.9 2.6 0 0 ft 3 .3 0 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.8 ft 3.2 367 12/84 100.0 100.9 3674 3674-P 3674-1 3674-1A 3674-12 3674-121 3674-12105 3674-122 3674-12216 3674-12226 3674-13 3674-13128 3674-132 3674-13231 3674-13232 3674-14 3674-14116 3674-14219 3674-14117 3674-14218 3674-14321 3674-11 3674-111 3674-11111 3674-11216 3674-2 3674-21 3674-21163 3674-22 3674-222A 3674-22267 3674-3 3674-31122 3674-31194 3674-32242 3674-9 3674-91 3674-91282 3674-91193 3674-921 3674-922 3674-925 3674-92595 3674-92597 3674-S 3674-SSS 3679-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 108.3 99.9 98.9 96.0 113.7 62.8 58.8 138.3 115.0 179.9 83.7 94.4 81.7 76.7 89.0 107.5 115.6 111.8 110.5 88.7 108.1 106.2 106.9 112.4 99.9 110.7 110.2 110.2 111.3 108.2 99.9 103.4 73.4 126.4 102.9 95.5 107.9 112.3 99.3 105.9 93.5 92.5 86.5 101.6 127.5 101.0 230.7 108.5 98.9 95.8 92.8 110.6 62.8 58.8 133.7 109.8 176.2 80.5 93.7 77.9 71.5 87.3 103.5 106.5 89.8 106.9 88.7 109.0 104.4 104.8 120.0 (3) 111.0 110.0 (3) 112.1 109.3 102.0 105.2 (3) 134.6 102.9 97.2 107.9 112.3 99.3 107.2 95.6 94.4 (3) 101.6 132.4 102.6 248.8 108.2 98.8 95.5 92.4 110.1 62.8 58.8 132.9 108.7 176.1 80.2 93.7 77.6 71.0 87.4 103.2 107.6 (3) 106.9 (3) 107.6 104.4 104.8 120.0 (3) 111.8 110.9 (3) 112.6 110.0 103.5 105.2 (3) 134.6 102.9 97.2 107.9 (3) 99.3 107.2 (3) 94.4 Electronic capacitors Primary products Film dielectric capacitors Variable dielectric capacitors Tantalum slug and wire solid dry electrolytic-capacitors with metal case Tantalum slug and wire metal case hermetic Aluminum electrolytic capacitors 3675 3675-P 3675-123 3675-189 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 94.8 95.1 94.1 157.0 3675-3 3675-162 3675-4 06/81 06/81 06/81 69.2 69.2 101.1 See footnotes at end of table. 97 1.3 1.2 .6 ft ft 1.3 ft .3 1.2 -.2 ft ft ft (3) ft ft .3 1.1 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .9 ft ft -.5 -2.4 -5.3 -5.9 -3.8 0 0 -4.6 -6.8 -2.1 -7.8 -4.5 -8.6 -13.6 -1.6 -4.8 -7.8 1.4 -1.6 -5.0 -5.7 -4.8 -1.3 0 -5.5 -8.3 -2.2 -6.5 -3.8 -7.1 -9.5 -4.1 -4.3 -5.3 -1.3 0 0 0 3 () .7 .9 3 () .5 .6 1.4 0 3 () 0 0 0 0 (3) 0 0 ft ft 2.1 101.6 129.7 102.6 235.3 .0 -2.1 0 -5.4 2.1 (3) 0 .7 0 2.0 94.3 94.4 92.4 157.0 94.3 94.4 92.4 157.0 0 0 0 0 67.8 67.8 102.0 67.8 67.8 102.0 0 0 0 -.3 -.1 -.3 -.4 -.5 0 0 -.6 -1.1 0 -.3 0 -.3 -.6 0 -.3 1.1 ft ft ft ft ft .1 -.6 -1.7 -2.1 -.5 0 0 -.6 -3.6 3.0 -3.5 .5 -4.4 -6.5 -1.8 .4 -1.1 (3) 3.7 (3) -.7 -1.7 -1.9 6.7 (3) -1.4 -2.7 (3) -.1 -.2 -.4 1.8 (3) 6.5 0 1.1 0 (3) 0 .6 ft ft () 2.1 100.9 Semiconductors and related devices Primary products Integrated circuits Digital monolithic integrated circuits Bipolar Memory Other Logic TTL (transistor transistor logic) Other logic types MOS (metal oxide on silicon) Microprocassor MOS, except microprocessors MOS memory Other MOS digital devices Analog monolithic integrated circuit devices Amplifier Interface Voltage regulator or reference Data conversion Special consumer and other analog integrated circuits . Hybrid integrated circuits Film interconnected devices Thin film Multi-chip type Transistors Signal Signal Power Regular 10 watts and over Diodes and rectifiers Signal diodes and assemblies Zener diodes Semiconductor rectifier/power diodes and assemblies Other semiconductor devices and parts Optoelectronic devices Light emitting diodes (LED) Other optoelectronic devices Thyristors Other finished semiconductor devices Semiconductor parts and semi-finished devices Semi-finished dice and wafers Semiconductor parts Secondary products Other secondary products Electronic components, n.e.c () 1.6 0 .8 ft ft Electronic components and accessories . Jan. 1985 100.0 3652-162 3652-2 3652-284 3652-288 3652-M 3652-XY9 Mar. 1985 ft -3.3 ft -5.8 ft ft -1.5 -3.1 -1.9 6.7 -1.6 -2.1 -1.6 7.4 ft ft -.7 -5.3 -1.9 -6.3 ft ft 6.5 0 1.3 0 2.5 -2.6 1.9 5.4 3 () 20.1 .1 3.2 1.2 0 1.3 3.9 5.4 4.0 1.8 ft ft ft ft 4.0 ft ft 0 1.9 1.8 2.1 4.0 7.0 1.8 17.2 -.9 -3.5 0 -1.0 -1.2 -3.2 .5 2.3 2.4 2.9 10.7 -4.8 -4.8 1.0 -3.0 -3.0 1.0 -2.3 -2.3 3.7 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Electronic capacitors—Continued Standard (5/8 inch diameter) All other aluminum electrolytic Ceramic dielectric capacitors Ceramic tubular, disc, plate, and all two terminal ceramic devices Ceramic monolithic chips Ceramic monolithic leaded radial Ceramic monolithic leaded axial Secondary products Electrical industrial apparatus, n.e.c Product code Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.4 6.2 -4.6 99.8 102.7 86.5 99.8 102.7 84.3 99.8 102.7 84.3 0 0 0 -2.3 0 0 -2.7 3675-181 3675-182 3675-183 3675-184 3675-S 3629-S 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 108.4 101.6 87.4 61.4 93.2 93.2 103.9 101.6 85.2 59.5 93.2 93.2 103.9 101.6 85.2 59.5 93.2 93.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.5 0 -2.6 -3.2 0 0 -4.1 0 -2.8 -3.2 0 0 -2.6 -5.0 -2.2 -13.3 3676-P 3676-1 12/80 12/80 12/80 110.8 111.6 108.2 111.0 111.9 108.1 111.1 112.0 108.4 .1 .1 .3 .6 .7 .6 1.6 .8 .7 3.1 2.5 .6 3676-1B 3676-121 3676-2 3676-2B 3676-245 3676-2C 3676-251 3676-231 3676-3 3676-3A 3676-302 12/80 12/80 12/80 97.3 97.3 111.0 97.3 97.3 113.0 100.1 100.1 112.5 2.9 2.9 -.5 2.9 3.5 3.5 1.4 3.3 3.3 3.9 12/80 107.3 108.3 108.4 1.0 .6 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 11/81 109.2 113.5 111.6 101.6 128.5 110.9 116.1 112.0 101.5 127.4 110.4 116.1 112.1 101.4 128.3 -.4 0 .1 -.1 .7 .5 2.3 1.5 -.1 7.8 .4 2.3 1.1 -.2 4.8 1.3 2.5 5.0 -5.1 16.9 3676-305 3676-4 12/80 12/80 111.3 122.0 112.1 121.4 112.1 122.6 0 1.0 .7 1.2 1.9 6.2 6.2 3676-4A 3676-422 3676-4B 3676-433 3676-5 3676-5A 3676-512 3676-6 3676-602 3676-S Electronic coils, transformers, and other inductors Primary products Audio transformers Plate and filament (power) transformers Pulse transformers Television transformers and reactors Toroidal windings, except complete magnetic amplifiers Other inductors for electronic applications Secondary products Other secondary products 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 129.0 118.9 112.0 112.0 122.2 137.9 105.0 93.4 104.8 102.8 128.0 115.2 112.0 (3) 122.2 137.9 105.0 3.1 12.1 -2.3 (3) 0 0 0 -1.6 -3.0 0 3.3 13.1 -2.3 -2.3 0 0 0 -2.3 -4.2 0 4.4 18.1 -2.3 -2.3 0 0 0 -1.5 -2.8 0 11.4 23.6 93.4 104.8 102.8 131.9 129.1 109.4 109.4 122.2 137.9 105.0 91.8 101.6 102.8 3677-P 3677-132 3677-141 3677-161 3677-171 3677-191 3677-192 3677-S 3677-SSS 06/8; 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 112.0 112.3 116.3 107.3 108.8 109.4 125.8 117.2 108.8 111.7 113.2 113.7 116.3 109.3 108.8 (3) 125.4 118.9 108.8 111.7 112.7 113.2 116.3 107.8 108.8 112.9 125.4 118.6 108.8 111.7 -.4 -.4 0 -1.3 0 (3) 0 -.3 0 0 -.3 -.3 0 -1.3 0 0 -.4 .4 0 0 1.8 1.9 0 -.6 0 3.2 5.3 5.5 0 0 5.3 5.5 4.4 4.0 6.3 4.9 11.3 7.8 3.1 3.1 12/80 12/80 116.1 110.2 117.5 110.0 117.5 109.9 0 0 .8 .2 1.3 .1 3.5 2.7 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 119.6 105.4 115.6 110.5 97.7 131.7 83.1 108.8 102.7 112.7 114.4 119.6 119.6 101.5 106.5 (3) 95.1 131.7 79.5 108.8 102.7 113.7 115.0 0 0 0 0 -1.7 -6.2 (3) .7 2.3 -.4 0 0 .1 -2.7 -6.2 (3) 3.9 -.4 -4.2 3 () 0 2.9 -1.9 3678-33502 3678-338 3678-33801 12/80 12/80 12/80 124.8 111.7 105.5 126.2 112.9 106.4 112.9 1.0 1.0 2.8 3678-33802 3678-4 3678-444 3678-44401 3678-5 3678-554 3678-556 3678-55601 3678-S 3678-SSS 3679-S 12/8C 12/8C 115.9 103.6 117.2 104.0 117.2 103.9 1.1 .3 1.1 .3 3.5 1.8 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 104.6 112.6 106.1 105.4 114.1 106.7 105.1 114.1 106.7 .5 1.3 .6 .5 1.4 .7 1.9 5.2 1.1 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 12/8C 104.5 135.5 123.8 124.7 105.2 139.7 125.3 124.4 105.2 139.7 125.3 124.4 .7 .6 .7 3.1 1.2 -.2 1.2 4.3 3.7 -2.3 3676 3677 3678-P 3678-1 3678-12101 3678-2 3678-225 3678-22501 3678-229 3678-22901 3678-22902 3678-231 3678-23102 3678-3 3678-335 See footnotes at end of table. Mar. 19852 3675-173 3675-177 3675-5 Resistors for electronic applications Primary products Fixed, nonwirewound, discrete resistors Other nonwirewound resistors (except carbon film and carbon composition) Other.standard Fixed, wirewound, discrete resistors Precision, high temperature Standard type Ultraprecision Standard type Nonprecision, without taps Variable, nonwirewound resistors Nonwirewound trimmers Precision potentiometer, single turn Nonprecision potentiometer, carbon or other noncermet, single turn Variable wirewound resistors Potentiometers and other variable resistors, except trimmers, single turn Precision potentiometer Wirewound trimmers Trimmer, multiturn Miscellaneous special type discrete resistors Multiturn potentiometers Multiturn potentiometers, wirewound Fixed resistor networks Thick film Secondary products Connectors for electronic applications Primary products Coaxial connector (radio frequency) Coaxial connector (complete, assembled) Cylindrical connectors Heavy duty and standard Heavy duty and standard (complete, assembled) Miniature Miniature (complete, assembled) Miniature (partially assembled or unassembled) Subminiature Subminiature (partially assembled or unassembled) Rack and panel connector (rectangular) Integral shell and similar types Integral shell and similar types (partially assembled or unassembledO Subminiature and other Subminiature and other (complete, assembled) Subminiature and other (partially assembled or unassembled) Printed circuit connector Card insertion type Card insertion type (complete, assembled) Other special types Miscellaneous special purpose types Other special purpose types Other special types (complete, assembled) Secondary products Other secondary products Electronic components, n.e.c Dec. 98 101.5 106.5 98.3 95.1 131.7 79.5 108.8 102.7 113.7 115.1 (3) 0 0 0 0 0 -.1 -.1 2.9 .6 -1.7 2.3 -4.4 0 0 .8 .5 1.4 1.4 -1.6 -1.6 .3 .6 .6 -1.5 -2.9 .8 3.9 3.5 1.9 .6 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Product code Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 108.5 112.2 112.7 97.2 111.9 111.6 102.9 107.8 108.7 112.3 112.7 97.2 111.9 111.6 102.9 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 117.8 (3) 112.3 118.6 (3) 118.5 96.9 112.3 3679-H02 3679-H0201 3679-H0202 3679-H0203 3679-H0204 3679-Q 3679-Q04 3679-XY9 3679-S 3679-SSS 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 3691 Primary batteries, dry and wet Primary products Le Clanche type civilian batteries General purpose (flashlight) cell General purpose D size Multiple cell batteries Lantern battery Dry cells, except Le Clanche and military 106.8 110.2 112.7 97.2 111.8 111.2 102.9 107.7 3679-C02 3679-C0236 3679-C0243 3679-F 3679-F05 3679-F03 3679-H 3679-H01 Storage batteries Primary products Lead acid batteries, 1.5 cubic foot or less Starting, lighting and ignition (SLI) type For OEM For replacement Other than SLI For replacement Lead acid batteries, larger than 1.5 cubic foot... Motive power type Industrial truck Other motive power 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 3679 3692 3691-P 3691-3 3691-31 3691-311 3691-312 3691-32 3691-322 3691-4 3691-41 3691-411 3691-419 3692-P 3692-1 3692-121 3692-12112 3692-131 3692-13111 3692-2 3692-212 3692-21213 3692-213 3692-S Alkaline cells AAsize Other dry cell batteries, except Le Clanche and military . Secondary products 3694 3694-P 3694-1 3694-1A 3694-119 3694-1B 3694-131 3694-13102 3694-2 3694-2A 3694-237 3694-2B 3694-241 3694-24102 3694-3 3694-381 3694-4 3694-411 3694-41102 3694-5 3694-5A 3694-511 3694-51102 3694-5B 3694-531 3694-53101 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 3679-P 3679-B 3679-B07 3679-B09 3679-C 3679-C01 3679-C0199 Electronic components, n.e.c Primary products Switches, mechanical (for electronic applications) Rotary switches (excluding thumbwheel type) Pushbutton switches Filters, crystals, power converters and related components Filters and crystals Quartz and other crystals for frequency control Static power converters and other pulse and frequency regulators or generators Oscillators Static power supply converters, regulated Magnetic recording media (unrecorded) Video tape, instrumentation tape, floppy disc and other Videotape Printed circuits and cable assemblies Cable harness assemblies for electronic applications Printed circuit boards and related circuitry on passive substrates Single sided PC board Double sided PC board Multilayer PC board Flexible form or cable, printed Parts and hardware for electronic components Other n.e.c Contract work and other miscellaneous receipts Secondary products Other secondary products Electrical equipment for internal combustion engines Primary products Ignition harness and cable sets Ignition harness sets All other ignition harness sets Cable sets Cable sets, automotive type Cable sets, automotive type-replacement Battery charging alternators, generators, and regulators Battery charging alternators and generators Alternators and generators, factory rebuilt automotive type .. Regulators for battery charging generators Regulators, passenger car & light truck type, new Regulators, passenger car & light truck type-replacement Starting motors Rebuilt automotive starting motors Spark plugs Spark plugs, automotive type Spark plugs, automotive type-replacement Other complete electric equipment for internal combustion engines Ignition coils Ignition coils, motor vehicle type Ignition coils, motor vehicle type-replacement Distributors Distributors, motor vehicle type Distributors, motor vehicle type-OEM Index base 99 112.4 100.2 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0.3 .1 0 0 0 1.8 2.0 0 0 0 .1 .1 2.2 2.1 .4 2.5 .1 1.2 .1 4.1 5.6 3.4 6.0 2.8 5.4 -1.0 .2 (3) -.7 2.0 (3) 2.2 10.3 (3) 1.7 1.2 3.6 1.3 (3) 1.8 1.5 0 -1.0 -1.1 -.1 2.6 3.0 3.7 (3) 6.7 -.2 -.1 0 -.1 1.3 2.7 3 () -.2 74.9 (3) 106.6 101.5 76.9 (3) 106.4 105.9 103.9 109.8 102.1 100.0 119.1 120.7 89.9 100.4 100.4 106.5 103.9 109.9 104.7 100.0 118.0 119.4 89.8 101.2 101.5 106.3 (3) 109.9 103.7 100.0 118.0 119.4 89.8 102.1 102.7 -.2 (3) 0 -.9 0 0 0 0 .9 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.8 97.6 97.1 97.0 95.4 97.4 97.6 97.3 96.8 96.7 96.9 96.6 -.2 -.3 -.3 -.3 1.6 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.5 100.3 100.5 99.9 104.2 99.2 99.2 99.2 98.6 102.9 .8 -1.2 -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 -.8 -.8 -1.4 12/80 12/80 12/80 117.6 119.7 122.4 117.1 119.1 124.8 117.1 119.2 124.8 0 0 0 .8 .8 1.6 -.3 -.3 2.0 .2 .2 3.0 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 116.0 124.4 122.9 115.2 123.2 123.8 120.0 126.9 125.7 110.4 120.8 123.1 0 0 .1 0 0 0 1.7 2.0 2.4 0 0 0 (3) 126.3 3.4 2.0 2.4 -4.2 -1.9 -.6 (3) .2 3.4 3.3 2.4 -3.8 -1.5 .8 (3) 126.0 120.0 126.9 125.8 110.4 120.8 123.1 64.9 126.3 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/8; 12/82 12/8; 12/82 12/82 106.7 103.8 103.5 101.9 96.8 107.1 107.1 103.8 104.0 106.9 103.8 105.9 106.4 (3) 104.9 104.9 103.8 102.8 106.7 103.8 105.9 106.4 (3) 104.9 104.9 103.8 103.3 .4 .6 2.8 4.4 (3) -.5 -.5 -1.0 -.3 0 .1 2.2 4.4 (3) -2.4 -2.4 -.7 -.7 2.1 12/8; 12/8; 12/8; 12/82 104.3 108.4 108.4 107.2 99.9 110.0 110.0 109.2 99.9 110.0 110.0 109.2 .3 1.4 1.4 1.9 -4.2 1.4 1.4 12/8; 12/8, 12/82 12/82 114.7 101.6 101.8 101.6 114.7 101.9 102.1 101.9 114.7 101.9 102.1 101.9 0 0 0 0 0 .3 .3 .3 12.9 .5 .6 .3 100.9 100.9 109.8 109.7 (3) 91.4 91.0 100.6 109.8 109.7 110.1 91.4 91.0 91.0 1.4 0 0 0 -.3 0 0 0 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 .6 3.1 .6 .7 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 12/82 12/82 01/83 01/83 04/83 04/83 04/8! 105.9 106.0 109.8 109.7 110.1 92.7 92.3 92.3 1.2 1.7 -.2 0 -1.0 -1.1 -.1 1.3 1.8 -2.3 -2.6 -3.0 -3.2 (3) -3.2 0 5.5 5.8 -11.4 3.2 3.7 () O () C3) 2.9 2.7 2.8 2.8 1.0 3.7 4.4 (3) 2.3 2.3 -.7 -.6 3.0 3.0 1.9 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Electrical equipment for internal combustion engines—Continued Switches for use in vehicles and aircraft Switches, motor vehicle type Ignition magnetos, all types Other ignition equipment Other complete electrical equipment Components and parts for engine electrical equipment Parts for distributors Breaker point sets Breaker point sets, motor vehicle type Other component parts for engine electrical equipment Secondary products Other secondary products Motor vehicle parts and accessories Product code 3694-5C 3694-581 3694-553 3694-561 3694-598 3694-6 3694-6A 3694-652 3694-65201 3694-698 3694-S 3694-SSS 3714-S Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 109.5 108.9 102.7 100.2 101.3 107.0 110.1 111.0 110.5 102.7 102.4 101.7 107.9 112.3 110.3 109.7 102.7 102.4 101.6 107.9 112.3 -0.7 -.7 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 .4 0 2.1 .3 .8 2.0 0.8 .7 0 2.1 0 1.3 2.0 2.5 2.2 -.9 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 111.5 103.3 115.7 105.3 117.6 114.7 103.1 116.9 105.3 114.7 103.1 115.7 105.3 117.6 0 0 -1.0 0 2.9 0 -.2 2.9 -.1 -.2 -1.3 0 -1.3 0 3.9 -3.3 6.3 5.3 -.1 ft ft ft Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment. 371 12/84 100.0 100.6 101.0 .4 Motor vehicles and passenger car bodies Primary products Passenger cars Trucks, truck tractors and truck chassis Trucks Light trucks, under 10,000 lbs. GVW Pickup Heavy trucks, 19,501 lbs. GVW and over Light-heavy trucks, 19,501 to 26,000 lbs. GVW . Truck tractors Heavy truck tractors, 19,501 lbs. GVW and over .. Truck chassis Heavy truck chassis, 19,501 lbs. GVW and over... Buses and fire department vehicles Buses Common carriers Fire department vehicles Secondary products All other secondary products 3711 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 01/83 01/83 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/8; 105.5 105.4 105.3 105.5 105.0 107.6 106.0 99.1 99.4 109.9 109.9 102.4 102.4 104.7 105.9 104.0 103.3 105.0 106.5 106.8 106.6 106.4 107.1 106.9 110.2 108.6 99.1 106.7 106.6 106.3 107.1 106.9 110.1 108.5 99.1 0 0 -.1 0 0 -.1 109.8 109.8 103.0 103.0 105.2 106.6 106.2 103.6 106.3 107.8 109.7 109.7 103.0 103.0 106.3 108.6 105.8 103.8 106.3 107.8 -.1 -.1 0 0 1.1 1.8 -.4 .2 0 0 -.4 -.4 .2 .2 1.1 1.9 -.3 .2 -2.3 -2.2 Truck and bus bodies Primary products Truck, bus and other vehicle bodies (sold separately). Truck bodies Vans Dump Stake/platform/grain Utility and service Utility Refuse Front loading Bus bodies Complete vehicles produced on purchased chassis Emergency vehicles and hearses Fire department vehicles .-. Other highway vehicles Trucks Secondary products Other secondary products Motor vehicle parts and accessories Truck trailers 3713 12/8! 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 01/83 01/83 12/82 12/82 107.5 108.3 108.3 108.8 117.4 110.1 108.7 101.6 101.2 106.2 103.8 107.9 108.6 108.7 109.4 117.4 113.1 108.1 108.8 108.7 109.3 117.4 113.1 107.9 102.6 103.2 106.2 .1 .1 0 -.1 0 0 -.1 .1 -.1 -.1 0 0 0 1.0 2.0 0 12/82 12/82 12/82 108.2 108.2 107.4 108.3 108.3 109.2 110.3 109.1 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 107.3 104.8 104.7 103.6 109.4 107.3 107.0 105.3 110.3 109.4 107.3 107.0 105.3 110.3 109.4 Motor vehicle parts and accessories Primary products Motor vehicle parts and accessories, new Filters Fuel filters Fuel filters-replacement Oil filters : Oil filters-replacement Air filters Air filters-replacement Exhaust system components Mufflers Mufflers-replacement Pipes Pipes-replacement Brake parts and assemblies Brake valves Brake valves-OEM Wheels Wheels, passenger car type Wheels, passenger car type-replacement Wheels, passenger car type-OEM Transmissions and transmission parts, except auxiliary . 3714 3714-12401 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 100.4 100.2 100.1 99.8 97.1 97.1 100.3 100.1 99.9 99.7 97.8 97.8 100.4 100.2 100.1 100.6 97.7 97.7 3714-125 3714-12501 12/82 99.8 100.1 100.1 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 04/83 04/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 97.3 100.8 104.3 104.6 92.1 86.4 104.0 102.0 102.0 106.4 105.4 115.3 96.0 102.0 105.9 107.8 92.7 87.5 102.8 103.2 103.2 106.7 105.5 96.0 104.1 108.0 109.3 94.9 91.2 102.8 103.0 103.0 106.1 104.6 3711-P 3711-111 3711-2 3711-2A 3711-211 3711-21131 3711-213 3711-21301 3711-2B 3711-223 3711-2C 3711-233 3711-3 3711-3A 3711-312 3711-3B 3711-S 3711-SSS 3713-P 3713-1 3713-1A 3713-121 3713-133 3713-134 3713-136 3713-13602 3713-139 3713-13901 3713-1B 3713-2 3713-2A 3713-223 3713-2C 3713-241 3713-S 3713-SSS 3714-S 3715-S 3714-P 3714-1 3714-1A 3714-124 .6 .6 1.3 -.9 -1.3 2.0 1.9 -.1 0 -9.3 ft ft 1.6 1.6 .6 .6 1.9 2.6 1.7 1.1 1.2 1.2 .9 .9 .7 .9 0 6.5 .5 1.0 2.0 0 ft 1.8 1.6 2.1 .3 .2 4.8 4.2 -10.3 ft ft ft ft ft 2.4 3.9 2.1 .8 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.4 7.0 8.0 -1.0 2.4 2.8 2.3 ft .8 1.7 ft 1.9 2.5 1.6 3.5 3.4 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2.3 -.3 -6.6 0 0 2.0 .5 7.7 -2.5 2.6 3.6 2.2 8.8 .9 .1 .1 .1 -.1 -.2 -.2 .9 -.1 -.1 .8 .4 .4 .3 .4 .3 -.4 .6 .6 .5 .5 .4 0 .6 .6 -1.7 -1.7 0 2.1 2.0 1.3 2.4 4.3 0 -.2 -.2 -.5 -.8 -1.2 3.2 3.6 4.6 2.4 4.3 -1.9 4.5 4.0 5.7 5.8 10.8 -1.1 1.0 1.0 -.2 -.7 -.5 5.4 5.0 7.8 6.5 12.3 1.1 1.8 ft 3714-126 3714-12601 3714-1B 3714-127 3714-12701 3714-129 3714-12901 3714-1C 3714-133 3714-13302 3714-1D 3714-135 3714-13501 3714-13502 3714-1E See footnotes at end of table. 102.6 103.2 106.2 -.1 0 -.2 .3 .4 .6 2.1 .8 .5 3.3 100 ft 101.7 102.7 101.8 102.9 -1.1 1.0 1.0 0 .1 ft ft 1.2 1.2 ft 1.1 -.2 ft 1.8 2.2 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Motor vehicle parts and accessories—Continued Manual transmissions and parts Manual transmissions, truck and bus Manual transmissions, truck and bus-OEM Automatic transmissions and parts Automatic transmissions, passenger car Automatic transmissions, passenger car-OEM Parts for automatic transmissions Parts for automatic transmissions-replacement Parts for automatic transmissions-OEM Engine bearings Connecting rod bearings Connecting rod bearings-OEM Gasoline engines, new Gasoline engines, new-OEM Hub and drum assemblies Hub and drum assemblies-OEM Radiators, complete Radiators, complete-replacement Radiators, complete-OEM Universal joints Universal joints-replacement Ball joints Ball joints-replacement Shock absorbers Shock absorbers-replacement Steering idler arms, drag links & control arms Valve guides, seats and tappets Valve guides, seats and tappets-replacement Clutch disc and facing assemblies Clutch disc and facing assemblies-replacement Clutch disc and facing assemblies-OEM All other parts and accessories Rebuilt automotive components Water pumps Clutch discs and pressure plates Gasoline engines All other rebuilt parts Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Automotive stampings Internal combustion engines, n.e.c Engine electrical equipment Other secondary products Product code 3714-142 3714-145 103.6 104.3 104.3 101.3 101.1 101.1 103.1 109.0 100.8 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 111.3 87.4 88.6 97.3 105.1 112.0 104.0 105.6 102.9 99.2 107.4 104.8 103.2 109.7 106.9 3519-S 3694-S 3714-SSS 12/82 12/82 12/82 04/83 12/82 12/82 3715-P 3715-1 3715-1A 3715-11 3714-143 3714-14302 3714-149 3714-14901 3714-14902 3714-1F 3714-157 3714-15702 3714-111 3714-11102 3714-117 3714-11702 3714-131 3714-13101 3714-13102 3714-151 3714-15101 100.0 100.0 101.0 100.0 107.1 101.1 107.3 100.5 92.2 Mar. 19852 103.9 104.7 104.7 102.4 102.8 (3) 103.8 109.0 101.8 119.7 119.0 124.4 102.0 (3) 100.5 100.0 107.2 101.0 107.4 101.4 Apr. 19852 104.9 105.8 105.8 102.4 102.8 102.8 103.8 109.0 101.8 118.7 117.6 122.2 102.0 102.0 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 3 () 0 0 0 0.9 .9 .9 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 -.1 .7 0 1.0 4.3 1.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.4 0 2.0 1.6 (3) 2.3 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 2.5 0 2.6 -.8 -4.0 3.5 .3 3.7 1.7 -5.9 5.0 -.5 -.8 5.4 -.5 -.7 -2.7 1.6 -.9 -1.2 -1.8 0 .1 -.1 96.3 107.3 101.0 107.5 100.6 92.7 .1 0 .1 -.8 -3.7 .1 .1 .1 -.6 -3.0 111.3 87.4 88.6 97.3 105.1 112.0 104.0 105.6 102.9 98.0 110.1 104.8 103.2 111.3 111.3 116.7 87.4 88.6 97.3 105.1 112.0 104.0 105.6 102.9 98.1 109.9 104.8 103.2 111.7 110.6 4.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 -.2 0 0 .3 -.6 0 0 -.1 0 0 0 0 0 -1.1 2.2 0 -.1 1.8 3.4 97.1 103.5 113.6 92.4 104.4 102.9 97.8 104.1 113.7 93.9 104.8 103.5 97.8 104.0 113.7 91.6 104.6 103.6 0 -.1 0 -2.5 -.2 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/80 118.4 117.6 117.1 120.0 115.9 119.5 118.6 118.1 121.8 117.6 119.6 118.7 118.2 122.0 117.8 3715-109 12/79 119.0 120.1 120.4 1.0 3715-119 3715-12 12/80 12/80 115.0 112.1 114.9 114.2 115.2 114.9 3715-1D 3715-133 3715-137 3715-141 3715-138 3715-139 3715-143 3715-149 3715-S 3714-S 3715-SSS 12/80 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/80 12/80 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 12/79 113.7 106.9 118.9 120.0 118.8 114.9 116.6 110.4 126.2 122.1 131.7 113.5 107.1 118.2 120.0 118.8 114.9 116.6 110.4 128.6 122.1 135.8 3716-P 3716-101 3716-105 3716-121 3716-S 3792-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 102.5 102.6 101.9 103.8 100.0 101.0 101.0 3732-P 3732-2 3732-21 3732-214 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 110.3 110.2 113.4 112.9 117.8 3714-155 3714-15501 3714-161 3714-16101 3714-168 3714-178 3714-17801 3714-181 3714-18101 3714-18102 3714-198 3714-3 3714-323 3714-326 3714-331 3714-398 3714-M 3714-Z89 3714-S 3465-S 3715 Motor homes built on purchased chassis Primary products Conventional (type A) Chopped van or mini (type C) Converted vans Secondary products Travel trailers 3716 , 3732 See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 04/83 04/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 04/83 04/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 3714-14502 3714-144 Truck trailers Primary products Truck trailers and chassis (10000 lbs. per axle and over) Vans Closed top vans Closed top, dry freight vans, except insulated, drop-frame and livestock vans Aluminum closed top, dry freight vans, except insulated, drop-frame, and livestock vans Open top vans Complete trailer units (10000 lbs. per axle and over), except vans and tanks Bulk commodity trailers, except vans Platform trailers Low-bed heavy haulers Low-bed heavy haulers under 40 ton capacity Low-bed heavy haulers 40 ton and over capacity Dump trailers and chassis, highway type Other trailer units, except detachable Secondary products Motor vehicle parts and accessories Other secondary products Boat building and repairing Primary products Outboard motorboats Runabouts 13 ft. 6 in. to 15 ft. 5 in. LOA, plastic Index base 101 -.1 .7 0 0 0 0 -.9 2.4 0 3.8 .5 .1 .8 -1.3 4.8 0 -.1 2.1 3.4 1.2 5.9 5.7 -.1 -.1 .1 -10.2 .2 .8 -.2 1.2 9.6 -9.9 .4 .1 -.7 .3 0 -2.5 .1 .6 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .4 .8 .8 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.5 4.0 4.0 -.2 1.5 .5 2.7 3.4 4.8 113.4 106.3 118.2 120.0 118.8 114.9 116.6 110.4 128.6 (3) 135.8 -.1 -1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 .4 .6 .1 0 .3 .4 1.0 -.6 103.8 104.1 102.9 105.9 100.0 101.6 101.7 103.8 104.1 102.9 105.9 100.0 101.6 101.7 1.1 1.2 .9 1.9 0 0 0 2.6 2.9 2.2 112.1 112.1 114.7 114.3 118.0 112.2 112.2 114.8 114.4 119.0 1.3 1.4 .6 .7 .4 2.4 2.4 2.0 2.2 2.2 -3.1 (3) -.3 -1.1 1.2 (3) 3.1 4.1 0 .7 .7 2.8 2.9 6.1 6.4 6.5 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Boat building and repairing—Continued 15 ft. 6 in. to 17 ft. 5 in. LOA, plastic 17 ft. 6 in. and over LOA, plastic Utility Inboard motorboats, including inboard-outdrive houseboats Runabouts, all materials, non-military Cabin cruisers, non-military Plastic, 26 to 40 ft. LOA Plastic, 40 ft. and over LOA Inboard-outdrive boats, except houseboats Under 20 ft. LOA 20 ft. and over LOA All other boats Sailboats With auxiliary power Without auxiliary power Other boats, such as rowboats, canoes, skiffs, lifeboats, etc. Aluminum Secondary products Ship building and repairing Product code 3732-216 Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 111.0 -0.2 ft -0.9 ft Apr. 19852 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3732-S 3731-S 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 110.7 111.9 114.2 110.0 109.9 110.7 111.2 104.1 111.6 107.7 115.6 108.8 108.2 111.1 105.3 111.6 119.1 107.6 99.0 111.2 (3) 115.1 111.2 111.4 111.9 115.1 106.1 113.6 108.5 119.0 108.9 108.2 111.8 104.7 111.8 119.7 109.8 99.0 3743-P 3743-1 3743-1A 3743-1B 3743-172 3743-2 3743-2A 3743-214 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.7 100.8 102.1 103.9 100.0 100.0 100.3 100.4 100.2 101.6 101.6 103.7 106.7 100.0 100.0 100.4 100.4 100.3 114.1 108.7 119.6 108.9 108.2 111.7 104.7 111.8 119.7 109.8 99.0 102.0 102.0 103.7 106.7 100.0 100.0 101.0 101.2 100.3 99.9 100.5 3743-M 3743-Z89 3743-S 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 101.1 101.9 105.3 100.8 100.0 100.0 102.4 101.7 102.7 108.1 100.9 100.0 100.0 102.9 2.7 .1 0 0 .4 100.0 100.0 99.3 99.3 99.1 0 0 -.8 3751-P 12/84 12/84 ft ft ft 3751-1 3751-111 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 98.4 96.6 0 0 -1.7 ft ft ft ft ft 3751-11103 3751-151 12/84 12/84 100.0 94.9 (3) ft ft ft ft ft ft 3751-171 12/84 100.0 101.1 100.9 3751-2 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 ft 3751-253 3751-M 3751-Z89 3751-S 3751-SSS 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.3 98.3 100.0 100.0 98.3 98.3 100.0 100.0 ft ft ft 3 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 101.9 101.4 101.4 101.2 101.6 101.5 (3) 100.1 104.6 103.0 102.5 101.9 101.6 102.3 103.6 107.5 100.2 3732-219 3732-22 3732-5 3732-531 3732-54 3732-547 3732-548 3732-6 3732-673 3732-675 3732-7 3732-71 3732-714 3732-715 3732-72 3732-725 Railroad equipment Primary products Locomotives and locomotive parts Locomotives Locomotive parts All other, except wheels and axles Passenger and freight train cars, new Freight train cars, new Hopper, covered Street, subway, trolley, and rapid transit cars, rebuilt rail cars, and rail car parts Parts and accessories for railroad and street cars Air brake equipment All other, except wheels and axles Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3743 Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts Primary products Bicycles, adult tricycles, unicycles & parts (excl. chldrns 2-whl sdwlk cycls w/semi-pneu trs) Bicycles, complete, with one or both wheels 25 inches or more Five speed or over bicycles, complete, with one or more wheels 25 inches or more Bicycles, complete, with both wheels less than 25 inches Parts for bicycles, including frame sets and motorbike parts interchangeable with bicycle parts Motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds, motorscooters, trail vehicles and parts Parts, including sidecars, but excluding motorbike parts interchangeable with bicycle parts Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products Other secondary products 3751 Travel trailers and campers Primary products Travel trailers (with rigid structures) 16 to 24 feet, 11 inches in length 25 feet and over in length, including park models Camping trailers, truck campers, pickup covers and parts Collapsible camping trailers Pickup caps or box covers Secondary products 3792 3743-3 3743-3D 3743-371 3743-372 3792-P 3792-1 3792-133 3792-135 3792-2 3792-242 3792-247 3792-S 99.7 100.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.6 115.1 111.2 (3) 111.9 0 0 0 .7 ft .9 ft ft 103.0 102.4 101.9 101.6 102.3 103.5 107.5 99.8 ft ft ft 1.1 .4 1.8 .3 .3 1.2 -.6 .2 .5 1.0 0 1.3 1.2 1.5 2.8 0 ft .6 .7 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 2.2 8.1 .2 0 ft 2.9 0 -1.7 -1.7 ft ft 0 0 0 0 0 -.1 0 -.4 .9 .9 .4 .3 .6 1.9 ft -.3 1.4 ft .7 1.7 ft 1.9 ft ft 2.4 1.0 3.8 1.2 .6 1.2 0 3.7 .5 2.0 0 1.3 1.2 1.5 2.7 0 0 .7 .8 .2 1.9 2.2 7.9 .3 0 0 2.9 ft ft ft ft 1.5 1.1 .5 .4 .7 2.2 ft -.2 ft 4.8 ft 3.7 .2 (3) 0 ft ft 2.9 1.8 3.9 .4 -.1 2.1 -2.4 2.8 6.7 .3 -1.5 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft () ft ft ft 3 () ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Measuring and controlling instruments; photographic, medical, and optical goods; watches and clocks 38 12/84 100.0 100.7 100.6 -.1 -.6 ft ft Measuring and controlling instruments . 382 12/84 100.0 100.6 100.7 .1 .4 ft ft Environmental controls Primary prod cts Building environment comfort controls Temperature responsive building controls Temperature responsive, non-pneumatic Other automatic controls Miscellaneous automatic building comfort controls . Appliance temperature and related controls, automatic . Temperature responsive appliance controls Other appliance regulating controls Secondary products 3822 12/7! 12/7! 12/7! 12/7! 12/7S 12/8C 12/7S 12/7! 12/79 12/79 12/79 136.9 137.2 144.4 141.3 138.4 138.3 137.8 144.9 139.3 135.9 123.0 169.8 116.3 119.0 112.3 141.1 136.9 135.8 143.1 136.5 131.8 123.1 170.0 113.9 114.8 112.7 141.3 -1.0 -.7 -1.8 -.2 -1.2 -1.2 -3.8 -5.4 3.0 2.8 3.7 2.8 1.1 ft (3) ft ft 3822-P 3822-1 3822-121 3822-12102 3822-18 3822-189 3822-2 3822-211 3822-215 3822-S See footnotes at end of table. 102 115.5 119.0 110.4 138.1 -1.4 -1.3 -2.0 -3.1 .1 .1 -2.0 -3.5 .4 .1 -1.8 -4.8 -7.2 6.0 7.8 -2.0 -3.5 .3 .5 -1.3 -3.5 2.3 2.3 -.5 -2.7 3.0 3.8 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industrial process control instruments Primary products Display and control receiver-type instruments, operating from standard transmission signals Electrical and electronic types (A.C. or D.C.) Controllers Non-control Pneumatic types (3 to 15 and 3 to 27 p.s.i. standard signals) Controllers Temperature instruments, excluding receiver type Electrical and electronic measuring types Controllers Mechanical measuring types: filled system Non-control Primary temperature sensors Thermocouples and thermocouple lead wire Primary temperature sensors other than thermocouples Pressure and draft instruments, excluding receiver type Controllers Non-control Flow and liquid level instruments Differential pressure types Primary sensors Non-control Electromagnetic, capacitance, and other electric/electronic types Controllers and non-control Float and displacement instruments and associated elements .. Turbine, mass-flow, and other types and associated elements Continuous process instruments for on-stream gas and liquid analysis Infrared analyzers Instruments for process variables n.e.c Electrical and electronic measuring types Controllers Non-control Other industrial process instruments and parts for all industrial process instruments Industrial process computers Valve actuators and positioners, sold separately Other electronic type industrial process instruments Other non-electronic industrial process instruments Parts, supplies, accessories, and other equipment n.e.c Miscellaneous receipts Industry code Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 104.5 104.8 105.3 105.6 105.5 105.9 0.2 .3 0.4 .5 1.7 1.9 4.0 4.3 104.6 103.9 106.3 102.4 105.3 104.7 105.6 104.1 106.5 105.6 109.2 107.4 110.4 112.8 110.8 106.9 (3) 104.6 106.8 107.4 106.6 105.2 106.4 107.3 106.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .8 3 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 .8 -.7 1.7 5.1 4.4 3.9 4.8 108.4 107.4 110.4 110.5 110.8 106.0 106.5 104.6 105.1 106.6 104.6 104.3 106.4 (3) 106.1 105.3 104.7 105.6 104.1 106.5 105.6 109.2 107.4 110.4 112.8 110.8 106.0 (3) 104.6 106.8 107.4 106.6 105.2 106.4 107.3 106.2 -.1 -.3 -.7 0 .3 .7 .7 0 0 2.0 0 .8 (3) 0 1.4 0 1.9 .4 0 0 0 2.0 .7 1.4 4.6 5.1 .8 3823-5 3823-501 3823-50165 3823-50167 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 6.8 5.6 6.7 9.2 7.4 .6 (3) 1.5 6.8 7.4 6.6 4.5 5.1 (3) 5.1 3823-502 3823-50271 3823-504 3823-505 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 105.1 104.0 101.4 103.0 107.8 104.0 101.4 103.8 107.8 104.0 101.4 103.8 0 0 0 0 2.6 0 -1.0 .8 3823-7 3823-776 3823-8 3823-801 3823-80182 3823-80183 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.4 133.5 101.3 104.8 100.0 108.1 104.9 (3) 106.7 139.9 103.7 105.2 100.0 108.8 3823-9 3823-912 3823-915 3823-916 3823-918 3823-999 3823-M 3823-Z89 3823-S 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.2 (3) 104.7 105.1 101.5 104.0 103.0 108.3 103.2 104.9 (3) 107.7 105.3 101.3 105.5 103.0 108.3 104.7 105.3 109.2 108.1 105.3 101.3 105.5 103.0 3825-P 12/83 12/83 103.3 103.2 3825-2 12/83 3825-21 3825-21A 3823-P 3823-1 3823-101 3823-10135 3823-10136 3823-102 3823-10239 3823-2 3823-201 3823-20145 3823-202 3823-20254 3823-3 3823-358 3823-359 3823-4 3823-461 3823-462 103.7 105.2 100.0 108.8 2.0 3.9 0 0 0 0 C3) 0 3.6 5.3 3.1 1.2 .6 2.6 0 1.4 7.8 4.0 1.4 3.2 3.0 1.7 0 2.7 7.3 (3) 3.6 2.8 (3) 4.7 1.6 (3) 3.3 1.3 -.2 1.7 0 3.2 (3) 6.4 3.7 -.2 2.3 1.3 (3) 104.4 .4 0 0 0 0 3 () -.2 .2 -.6 0 0 3 () -.2 103.4 103.2 104.3 104.4 .8 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.0 1.1 3.2 2.8 103.7 104.6 105.3 1.5 1.5 4.3 12/83 12/83 102.3 102.7 104.7 102.9 105.6 102.8 3.0 0 3.5 .1 5.7 2.5 3825-21A1 3825-21129 3825-21128 12/83 12/83 12/83 99.6 102.2 104.2 99.7 102.5 104.3 99.7 102.5 104.3 .0 0 0 .1 .2 0 .1 .2 .1 -1.3 2.5 3825-21B 3825-21B1 3825-21221 3825-21222 3825-22B 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.7 101.9 102.0 101.4 106.1 105.8 106.3 106.8 103.2 106.1 107.3 107.9 106.8 114.7 109.2 1.4 1.5 0 11.1 2.9 5.1 5.5 4.6 11.1 2.9 5.9 6.4 4.7 16.5 2.9 8.1 8.8 7.8 3825-2222 3825-22C 3825-22357 3825-22359 3825-22D 3825-22481 3825-24 3825-24A 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.7 101.3 101.0 102.6 101.2 101.2 101.0 99.0 104.7 105.7 104.6 111.0 106.4 106.4 101.0 99.3 104.7 105.1 104.6 107.7 106.4 (3) 101.4 100.9 0 -.5 0 -2.9 0 (3) .3 1.6 0 3.8 3.6 (3) 5.2 (3) -.2 -1.1 .2 3.8 3.6 5.0 5.2 3825-24465 12/83 3825-245 3825-26 3825-26652 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.3 103.5 104.3 103.7 105.9 104.3 103.5 105.9 0 -.2 0 3825-26672 12/83 107.6 3825 See footnotes at end of table. Index 06/83 06/83 3823 Secondary products.. Electrical measuring and integrating instruments Primary products Test equipment for electrical and electronic components, circuits, equipment and motors Voltage, current, resistance, power and energy testing and measuring eqpt Multimeters Analog multimeters, electronic and all electrical multimeters Analog electronic multimeters Digital and digital/analog electronic multimeters Other voltage, current or resistance measuring equipment (except panel meters) Analog electronic and electrical, except panel Analog electronic Electrical Waveform measuring and analyzing equipment Other waveform meas. equip, (incl. spectrum analyzers & low frequency oscillographs) Signal generating equipment Radio frequency (20 kilohertz to 890 megahertz) Microwave (890 megagertz and above) Field strength and intensity measuring equipment Electronic Multiple function test equipment Component part test sets Automated semiconductor test systems (operating under program control) Equip. & subassembly test equip, including loaded printed circuit board testers Other test and analysis equipment and associated devices Microwave test equipment n.e.c Standards and calibration equipment for testing and measuring instruments Product code 103 107.9 (3) .1 .4 4.5 4.1 6.5 1.4 .9 4.3 2.3 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Index Industry and product1 Industry code Electrical measuring and integrating instruments—Continued Associated devices for test and measurement equip. (probes, decade boxes, shunts) Other test equipment, not elsewhere classified Electrical indicating and recording instruments Panel meters Digital and analog with LED, LCD or neon gas discharge readout Analog, conventional indicator movement, generally + or 2% accuracy AC types DC types (including rectifier anad self-contained thermocouple types) All other panel types incl. motor vehicle ammeter & voltmeter; typically 3% or < accuracy Secondary products Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 0 -.2 0 -.1 3.3 .2 .1 .2 -2.4 .2 -.7 -2.5 1.1 1.5 -.2 -2.4 .5 1.1 .5 1.1 .6 1.1 3825-26682 3825-26698 3825-3 3825-31 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 105.4 102.3 100.7 100.7 102.8 102.8 100.0 98.2 102.8 102.5 100.0 98.1 3825-31108 12/83 99.4 99.4 99.4 3825-312 3825-31212 12/83 12/83 100.4 100.0 101.0 101.2 100.8 101.1 -.1 -.1 3825-31213 12/83 100.5 100.9 100.8 -.1 3825-31666 3825-S 12/83 12/83 100.5 104.2 100.5 104.3 100.5 103.8 0 -.5 0 -.4 Surgical, medical, and dental instruments and supplies .. 12/84 100.0 101.6 101.2 Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus Primary products Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus, except furniture Surgical instr., incl. suture needle excl. eye, ear, nose & throat inst. & surg. cutlery Diagnostic apparatus Metabolism and blood pressure diagnostic apparatus All other diagnostic apparatus Syringes and needles Needles, other than surgical Anesthetic apparatus, including instruments and parts Blood transfusion and I.V. equipment Other surgical and medical instruments Catheters All other surgical and medical instruments Hospital furniture, excluding beds and chairs Operating room furniture, including tables, cases, and cabinets Secondary products All other secondary products 3841-P 3841-1 06/82 06/82 06/82 106.3 107.5 107.0 107.2 108.0 107.5 106.8 107.6 107.1 -.4 -.3 -.3 -.5 0 .1 .8 .2 .3 -.5 -.6 -.6 3841-112 3841-12 3841-121 3841-124 3841-14 3841-149 3841-171 3841-182 3841-189 3841-18901 3841-18908 3841-2 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/8; 06/82 98.5 118.4 121.7 103.9 125.6 121.7 (3) 106.0 (3) 111.2 110.6 105.6 110.6 111.8 112.4 103.9 125.6 121.7 (3) 106.1 107.2 111.2 105.9 105.6 110.6 111.8 112.3 0 0 0 3.7 4.9 0 4.7 8.6 0 4.8 17.3 0 -4.2 0 0 0 -.1 -1.7 1.9 -2.0 .3 -.1 3841-291 3841-S 3841-SSS 06/82 10/82 10/82 97.1 102.9 101.7 114.4 110.0 100.5 111.3 -1.2 -2.7 3842-P 3842-1 3842-1A 3842-122 3842-129 3842-12902 3842-12904 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 105.8 107.2 107.5 99.8 78.9 101.5 100.4 106.4 107.0 108.7 108.9 100.2 78.7 103.0 102.3 107.6 109.3 109.6 100.4 (3) 103.4 102.8 3842-1B 3842-111 3842-131 3842-132 3842-135 3842-165 3842-171 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 111.1 131.5 98.1 100.0 106.9 108.6 105.0 113.0 133.0 99.1 100.1 112.1 108.6 113.9 (3) 102.0 100.4 113.0 121.3 105.0 3842-198 3842-19801 06/83 06/83 110.1 110.1 111.5 112.4 3842-19803 3842-3 06/83 06/83 110.4 106.8 3842-311 3842-351 3842-371 3842-37103 3842-4 3842-413 3842-S 3841 -S 3842-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 3851-P 3851-1 3851-118 3851-2 3851-231 3851-241 3851-243 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/8: 12/8, 12/82 12/82 Surgical, orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies Primary products Surgical, orthopedic, and prosthetic appliances and supplies Surgical dressings Elastic bandages Other surgical dressings Surgical sponges All other surgical dressings Surgical, orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies except surgical dressings Orthopedic appliances (braces), including parts Disposable surgical drapes, including O/B and O/R packs ... Disposable incontinent pads, bed pads, and adult diapers ... Artificial limbs (prosthetic), including parts Breathing devices, excluding anesthetic apparatus Surgical corsets Other surgical, orthopedic, and prosthetic appliances and supplies Surgical implants All other surgical, orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies Personal industrial safety devices Respiratory protection equipment, including gas, abrasive and canister masks Protective clothing, except shoes Other personal safety devices All other personal safety devices Electronic hearing aids Electronic hearing aids Secondary products Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus All other secondary products Ophthalmic goods Primary products Ophthalmic fronts and temples Complete frames, all types Glass ophthalmic focus lenses Single vision glass lenses Bifocal glass lenses Trifocal and double segment glass lenses ... 3842 3851 See footnotes at end of table. 104 .5 5.2 0 (3) .1 (3) 3.2 -1.3 4.0 3.3 .6 1.7 -.8 2.8 1.2 -4.9 -1.3 5.8 9.2 -.3 9.7 .9 .9 .9 .3 (3) 1.3 1.6 2.4 2.7 2.2 .8 (3) 2.4 3.1 4.1 4.7 4.1 -.1 (3) 3.5 4.6 1.1 (3) 2.5 .3 5.2 11.7 0 2.8 (3) 3.0 .5 5.7 11.7 0 .9 6.1 15.9 .4 111.5 112.4 .5 .7 2.7 4.5 3.8 5.2 110.5 108.5 110.5 108.9 .1 1.3 .1 4.3 1.8 7.9 108.5 104.7 106.8 106.8 104.7 104.7 101.8 102.5 101.6 112.0 107.0 107.5 108.5 104.7 104.7 102.1 103.2 101.8 112.2 (3) 107.5 108.5 104.7 104.7 102.9 102.8 102.9 0 0 0 0 .8 -.4 1.1 -.4 -1.0 -3.0 -3.0 1.0 -.7 1.4 6.0 (3) 5.3 3.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 .4 1.7 11.6 (3) 4.8 2.1 -2.2 -2.2 2.3 1.8 2.4 104.4 104.3 115.2 111.6 97.8 99.9 96.2 110.4 106.0 105.6 120.1 111.6 97.5 99.9 95.8 105.4 104.9 120.1 111.6 95.1 97.7 93.4 -.5 -.7 0 0 -2.5 -2.1 -2.5 -.2 -.4 0 0 -2.7 -2.1 -2.9 .6 .3 4.3 0 -5.0 -2.2 -6.5 1.6 1.0 5.5 2.3 -5.4 -2.2 -7.4 109.9 105.2 109.8 111.4 .7 (3) 2.9 .2 .8 11.7 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Ophthalmic goods—Continued Plastic ophthalmic focus lenses Single vision plastic lenses Multifocal plastic lenses Contact lenses Hard contact lenses Soft contact lenses Other ophthalmic goods Industrial eye protectors and parts thereof . Secondary products Other secondary products Product code Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 3851-3 3851-325 3851-327 3851-4 3851-412 3851-413 3851-5 3851-541 3851-S 3851-SSS 100.2 100.5 99.9 95.7 104.8 86.7 107.3 108.3 107.8 107.8 97.6 99.5 96.2 95.7 104.8 86.6 107.3 108.3 108.1 108.1 -2.5 -9 . -3.7 0 0 -1 . 0 0 . 3 . 3 -2.5 -9 . -3.7 -1 . 0 3 () . 9 13 . 23 . 23 . -2.5 -9 . -3.8 -9 . 0 -1.9 14 . 16 . 23 . 23 . -2.2 0 -3.8 . 8 30 . -1.7 22 . 65 . 58 . 58 . 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 101.4 101.2 99.5 96.2 101.4 101.1 100.1 96.3 101.5 101.0 100.1 96.3 . 1 -1 . 0 0 -1.6 -1.8 0 0 . 2 0 . 5 . 2 . 8 . 2 -5 . -3.8 3861-10102 3861-102 3861-103 3861-104 3861-2 3861-201 3861-202 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 103.9 103.7 102.3 101.4 107.8 109.0 105.7 105.1 104.3 104.7 101.4 108.2 109.1 107.9 (?) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3) -3 . 0 0 . 2 -2 . 21 . ft 104.3 104.7 101.4 108.2 109.1 107.9 3861-204 12/83 104.5 105.5 105.5 0 . 9 28 . 53 . 3861-4 3861-5 3861-501 3861-502 3861-6 3861-601 3861-602 3861-7 3861-701 3861-M 3861-Z89 3861-S 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 106.6 98.0 98.2 97.9 101.2 101.7 100.0 103.3 101.0 106.2 94.1 98.2 107.3 99.6 101.9 97.9 104.2 106.0 99.4 103.8 102.3 106.0 94.1 101.1 107.3 99.6 101.9 97.9 104.0 105.8 99.4 103.7 102.1 106.0 94.1 103.7 0 0 0 0 -1 . -2 . 0 -1 . -2 . 0 0 26 . 0 16 . 37 . 0 -3 . -2 . -6 . . 3 . 8 -3.8 0 54 . 13 . . 4 (3) -3 . 28 . 41 . -6 . 23 . 21 . -8 . 0 60 . 65 . -8 . (3) -2.8 33 . 48 . -6 . 23 . (3) 61 . -5.9 40 . 3873-P 3873-1 06/83 06/83 06/83 101.9 102.3 103.3 102.4 102.9 104.8 102.4 102.9 104.8 0 0 0 . 2 . 5 . 9 . 5 . 7 14 . . 7 . 9 21 . 3873-1A 06/83 102.5 103.7 103.9 . 2 14 . 14 . 30 . 3873-131 06/83 102.0 102.5 102.5 0 -1 . . 5 . 7 3873 Burial caskets Primary products Metal caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only Steel, excluding stainless Other metal caskets and coffins 100.2 100.5 99.9 96.6 104.8 88.4 105.8 106.6 105.6 105.6 3861 Watches, clocks, and watchcases Primary products Clocks, timing mechanisms, time switches, and clock movements Clocks w/balance wheel & hairspring or other oscillatory device w/built-in frequency time base Clocks w/watch movements or modules or w/clock movements or modules less than 1.77" wide Clocks ex. those w/watch movements or modules & clock movements or modules less than 1.77" wide Alarm clocks, excluding clock timers and timing mechanisms Household wall clocks, except alarm and chime & strike .... All other household clocks, except alarm but including chime & strike, desk, mantel, etc Clocks with other time base Clocks w/watch movements or modules or w/clock movements or modules less than 1.77" wide Clocks ex. those w/watch movements or modules & clock movements or modules less than 1.77" wide Household wall clocks, except alarm and chime & strike ... All other household clocks, except alarm but including chime & strike, desk, mantel.etc Timing mechanisms, not for timepiece use, excluding time recording and time stamping machines Household timing mechanisms All other timing mechanisms Watches with imported movements or modules Watches without balance wheel and hairspring Watches with movements other than solid state Watches w/domestic movement or module, watch movements, clockcases & parts for clocks & watches Watch movements, clock cases, and parts for all clocks and watches Secondary products All other secondary products 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 3861-P 3861-1 3861-101 Photographic equipment and supplies Primary products Still picture equipment Still cameras Other still cameras, except photocopy, blueprint, and microfilm types Projectors and rear-screen viewers Commercial finishing and processing equipment All other still picture equipment and accessories Motion picture equipment 8 or 16 mm cameras and projectors 35 mm or larger cameras and projectors Other motion picture equipment and accessories, including all projection screens Microfilming, blueprinting, brownprinting, and whiteprinting equipment Prepared photographic chemicals Office copy toners All other prepared photographic chemicals Sensitized silver halide materials, except x-ray Silver halide film, plates, and slides Silver halide paper and cloth, all uses Sensitized materials, non-silver halide type Diazo type materials Miscellaneous receipts Resales Secondary products 3995 ft . 9 24 . -9 . 59 . 71 . 21 . e) 24 . 47 . 0 64 . 69 . 22 . 3873-134 06/83 102.5 103.7 103.9 . 2 14 . 14 . 31 . 3873-13432 3873-13433 06/83 06/83 104.5 98.5 104.8 98.8 104.8 99.9 0 11 . (3) 14 . . 4 14 . . 2 25 . 3873-13435 3873-1B 06/83 06/83 105.0 106.2 104.6 106.2 104.7 106.2 . 1 0 -3 . 0 -3 . 0 41 . . 4 3873-141 06/83 101.1 97.3 97.3 0 -3.8 -3.8 -3.5 3873-144 3873-14443 06/83 06/83 106.3 110.9 106.3 110.9 106.3 110.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 5 . 3 3873-14445 07/83 105.6 105.6 105.6 0 0 0 -1 . 3873-1C 3873-153 3873-156 3873-4 3873-4B 3873-422 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 101.0 98.9 106.7 100.0 100.1 101.1 104.7 102.5 110.4 101.0 103.3 100.3 104.6 102.5 108.9 101.0 103.2 99.3 -1 . 0 -1.3 0 -1 . -9 . 16 . 19 . 20 . 10 . 31 . -1.8 36 . 37 . 20 . 10 . 31 . -1.8 32 . (3) 20 . . 4 33 . -1 . 3873-5 06/83 103.8 103.8 103.8 0 0 0 . 6 3873-5B 3873-S 3873-SSS 06/83 06/83 06/83 108.3 100.3 100.3 108.3 98.4 98.4 108.3 98.4 98.4 0 0 0 0 -1.9 -1.9 0 -1.9 -1.9 0 -1.9 -1.9 3995-P 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 101.3 101.3 101.8 101.8 . 5 . 5 11 . 12 . (3) (3) (3) (3) 3995-1 3995-113 3995-115 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.1 101.3 100.0 101.8 102.0 100.0 . 6 . 7 0 . 9 11 . 0 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) See footnotes at end of table. Index base 105 Table 4. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products—Continued Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Industry and product1 Industry code Burial caskets—Continued Wood caskets and coffins, completely lined and trimmed, adult sizes only Cloth covered, softwood Hardwood Other caskets and coffins and metal vaults Burial vaults, except concrete, burial boxes, and casket shipping containers Railroads, line haul operations Farm products Grain Metallic ores Iron ores Coal Bituminous coal Non-metallic minerals Food products Wood or lumber products Lumber or dimension stocks Pulp, paper, or allied products Chemical or allied products Potassium or sodium inorganic compounds Petroleum or coal products Clay, concrete, glass, or stone products Primary metal products Primary iron or steel products Transportation equipment Motor vehicles Motor vehicle parts or accessories Waste or scrap materials Shipper assn or similar traffic Miscellaneous mixed shipments Product code Index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 3995-2 3995-211 3995-252 3995-3 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.0 100.6 102.5 101.0 102.6 102.5 102.6 101.0 3995-393 12/84 100.0 100.0 4011-A1 4011-A11 4011-A2 4011-A21 4011-A3 4011-A31 4011-A4 4011-A5 4011-A6 4011-A61 4011-A7 4011-A8 4011-A81 4011-A9 4011-B1 4011-B2 4011-B21 4011-B3 4011-B31 4011-B32 4011-B4 4011-B5 4011-B6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.5 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.2 100.8 100.1 Jan. 1985 0.5 1.9 .1 0 Oct. 1984 Apr. 1984 2.2 2.4 2.1 100.0 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 Mar. 1985 100.0 99.5 99.3 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.8 100.2 4011 -.1 -.5 -.7 -.2 0 -.1 -.1 0 0 0 0 0 -.1 -.4 -1.0 -.4 0 0 0 0 0 .1 .8 .2 4 1 Seasonal product—no price available this month. n.e.c. = Not elsewhere classified. NOTE: Indexes in this table are calculated by a revised methodology. See "Technical Note on Data from the Producer Price Index Revision" at the back of this publication. Industry and product class indexes may include products not shown separately. Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 3 Not available. 2 Table 5. Producer price indexes by durability of product (1967=100) 1984 Grouping Annual average April 1985 December1 March1 April1 310.3 311.3 309.8 308.7 309.3 Total durable goods 293.5 294.2 294.8 296.4 297.1 Total nondurable goods 323.3 324.7 321.3 317.9 318.4 302.9 303.2 303.5 303.3 304.1 Durable 293.9 294.3 295.5 297.0 297.7 Nondurable 312.3 312.5 311.7 309.8 310.7 347.0 352.4 339.8 333.3 332.7 Durable 266.7 280.6 252.2 261.1 262.2 Nondurable 351.7 356.5 345.1 337.5 336.8 All commodities Total manufactures Total raw or slightly processed goods 1 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. adjusted. 106 Data are not seasonally Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity code1 Unit Commodity Other index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 All commodities 309.8 308.7 309.3 Industrial commodities 323.0 322.6 323.8 Farm products, processed foods and feeds 258.6 255.0 Apr. 1985 253.3 01 Fresh and dried fruits and vegetables Fresh fruits Citrus fruits Grapefruit, Florida Lemons Oranges, Florida Oranges, California Other fruits Apples, Delicious Apples, Mclntosh Bananas, 40 ib. box Grapes Peaches Pears Strawberries Cantaloupes Dried fruits, bulk Prunes Raisins Fresh and dried vegetables Dried vegetables, bulk Beans, dried Fresh vegetables, except potatoes Cabbage Carrots Celery Corn, sweet Lettuce Onions Tomatoes. 25lb. ctn Snap beans Sweet potatoes New York Chicago White potatoes Western, Chicago Midwestern, Chicago Eastern, New York Western, New York White potatoes, Western, Los Angeles 238.7 236.9 252.0 277.7 277.8 270.1 207.5 233.5 248.7 207.8 246.7 128.0 335.1 171.5 265.6 271.6 292.7 286.8 258.1 211.0 255.5 141.9 298.8 171.5 277.8 269.6 285.4 306.1 279.8 274.4 355.2 318.5 317.9 270.3 357.0 310.2 256.0 355.0 310.2 256.0 355.0 217.9 282.7 274.9 398.1 150.9 217.1 196.2 207.7 221.4 149.0 208.7 62.3 333.7 287.6 280.7 290.7 376.0 (3) 313.3 268.3 389.6 241.0 389.6 224.4 358.0 201.3 182.7 (3) 166.1 193.1 227.8 188.0 292.9 280.7 299.2 368.5 550.6 0111 01 0101 0104 0105 0106 02 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 0221 0222 0223 4/5 bu. half box 4/5 bu. half box tray ctn. cell ctn. box lug 3/4 bu. box qt. crate .01 144.4 .01 314.9 183.7 .01 296.9 259.9 .03 .03 0112 0101 .03 0102 .03 Ib. Ib. 0113 01 0101 02 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 .04 0218 03 0331 0332 04 0441 .01 0442 0443 0444 .02 0445 .01 100 Ib. 50 Ib. 48 Ib. crate crate carton 50 Ib. bu. 50 Ib. 50 Ib. 100 Ib. 100 Ib. 100 Ib. 50 Ib ctn 50 lbs.. 278.1 188.8 330.7 (3) 293.6 319.9 232.5 191.1 (3) 229.2 157.3 177.4 705.0 291.4 280.7 296.8 341.0 540.2 338.2 245.3 430.7 375.8 365.9 245.3 414.7 436.1 012 212.5 216.1 218.6 224.3 193.8 222.3 228.3 100.0 216.2 217.1 195.6 234.6 222.9 100.0 220.3 218.0 200.2 237.9 236.1 102.3 208.8 216.1 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 Other grains Barley No. 2 feed, Minn Corn No.2, Chicago Oats No.2, Minneapolis Rye No.2, Minneapolis 0122 Livestock 013 0131 01 0101 02 0205 03 0311 04 0415 Cows Commercial Cutter and canner 100 Ib. 100 Ib. See footnotes at end of table. 107 22.000 2.350 .534 .595 34.250 7.833 8.333 8.688 7.250 5.800 23.750 10.000 13.500 15.500 13.250 11.000 8.000 13.000 11.750 3.638 3.615 3.980 3.760 4.425 157.1 2.903 259.4 242.3 1.705 193.3 .02 .02 2.050 223.4 270.0 .03 .02 .02 174.1 217.8 197.6 203.6 2.370 252.3 0101 0111 0122 02 0231 0241 165.6 209.6 01 100 Ib. 100 Ib. 100 Ib. 16.375 14.625 8.789 220.9 1 Hard red winter (ord protein), K.C .... 1 Hard red spring (ord protein), Minn. . 1 Soft white, Portland 2 Soft red winter, St Louis 1 Hard amber durum, Minneapolis Cattle Steers Prime Choice Good $7,250 14.500 9.250 12.375 220.6 0121 Grains Wheat No. No. No. No. No. 245.7 011 Farm products 236.6 231.3 250.3 264.2 310.5 265.9 256.2 220.4 250.4 205.9 237.8 243.9 285.3 244.1 242.6 261.4 253.3 259.8 234.3 240.8 270.5 240.8 242.8 253.8 249.2 251.2 61.650 59.550 56.150 43.000 39.250 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Unit Commodity Cattle—Continued Calves Calves, Choice, Lancaster at stockyards . Choice, South St. Paul Hogs Barrows and gilts 200-240 Ib Barrows and gilts 270-300 Ib.. Sows Sows 350-400 Ib Lambs Choice .. Commodity code1 Other index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 H31 128.7 101.9 155.5 100 1b. 100 1b. 100 1b. $82,000 60.000 201.3 202.0 212.7 170.6 189.5 190.2 200.3 160.6 42.200 40.100 203.4 191.8 36.550 291.7 311.8 328.6 73.500 231.7 215.5 202.3 192.6 01 0161 . 4 0 0171 .04 02 0281 .02 145.4 104.5 186.7 204.0 132 149.0 111.5 186.7 227.9 231.0 245.3 188.2 03 0351 . 1 0 0353 . 1 0 100 lbs. 100 1b. 210.2 192.4 H33 0191 .01 100 1b. 114 Live poultry . Chickens Broilers and fryers . H41 Turkeys 0142 328.0 203.9 207.7 15 203.0 200.4 211.3 0101 .04 206.1 204.6 217.7 .632 0101 0106 0107 0108 0111 162.1 172.6 161.5 153.3 161.3 147.8 143.8 156.1 144.9 132.6 140.2 128.4 131.5 147.9 134.5 116.0 121.5 118.7 1.800 1.625 1.400 1.300 1.225 01 0101 .01 02 209.9 173.0 182.5 267.7 202.0 174.3 183.9 249.5 202.1 170.9 180.4 253.2 326.1 388.3 407.6 313.1 363.1 297.8 333.4 307.9 02 Plant and animal fibers . Raw cotton Gr 41, staple 34-10 spot mkt. avg. . 0151 Ib. Domestic apparel wool 64's, staple 2 3/4 in. and up . 62's, staple 3 in. and up 60's, staple 3 in. and up 58's, staple 3 1/4 in. and up . 54's, staple 3 1/2 in. and up . 0152 Foreign wool Apparel wool Australian 64's type 62 . Carpet wool 0153 Plant fibers, except cotton Hard fibers Abaca, manila fiber, grade I . Soft (bast) fibers Jute.raw.bang tossa C 0155 Ib. Milk, manufacturing grade Milk, manufacturing grade . ft 68.000 ft 287.5 278.4 271.1 06/73 275.8 212.5 266.5 205.3 259.5 199.9 12.945 06/73 317.2 228.3 309.2 222.6 301.1 216.8 11.777 167.6 175.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 163.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 86.9 89.2 88.1 92.1 146.0 87.7 92.6 89.0 88.3 90.7 110.7 88.1 93.8 91.8 99.2 153.8 91.4 100.2 91.0 88.1 98.3 110.7 018 227.4 212.0 213.8 0181 0101 Fluid milk . Milk eligible for fluid use . Milk, fluid use 01 0101 .01 02 0231 .01 275 Ib. bl. 2.530 290.1 285.8 205.5 202.5 181.3 178.6 245.5 245.5 0101 .03 0111 .02 252.1 (3) 282.4 278.7 278.7 216.2 214.2 235.4 213.0 212.6 214.0 219.4 228.4 218.0 016 0161 100 lbs 0102 .02 0162 100 lbs 0101 .02 017 Eggs. 0171 02 03 0301 0302 04 0401 0402 05 0501 0502 06 Eggs, jumbo Eggs, extra large.. Grade A Grade AA Eggs, large Grade A Grade AA Eggs, medium Grade A Grade AA Eggs, small Hay, hayseeds and oilseeds . Hay. Alfalfa ... Hayseeds ..... Alfalfa hayseeds ... Clover Oilseeds Flaxseed Peanuts Cottonseed . 100 Ib. 100 1b. bu. Ib. ton See footnotes at end of table. 108 0182 0183 0101 0111 .01 0121 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/71 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 37.500 ft 95.750 ft 7.250 .408 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Commodity code1 Commodity Oilseeds—Continued. Soybeans bu. Other index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 222.0 0131 .01 218.6 Apr. 19852 225.9 Apr. 1985 $6,205 019 293.8 285.8 285.3 Green coffee, cocoa beans, and tea . Green coffee Santos, no. 4 Colombian, Manizales Coffee, ambiz; Uganda Ib Mexican, washed Cocoa beans Accra Bahia Tea Black 0191 323.9 310.2 302.1 352.7 298.4 346.1 407.6 392.1 430.9 318.8 310.2 302.1 352.7 298.4 346.1 318.6 310.2 302.1 352.7 298.4 346.1 1.430 1.500 1.210 1.380 321.6 259.3 256.4 1.281 Leaf tobacco Leaf tobacco . 0192 100 Ib. 290.9 280.0 279.1 Nuts Pecans (in shell) . Ib. Other farm products . 01 0101 .01 0111 0113 .02 0115 02 0221 0222 03 0331 .02 0101 0193 0101 Processed foods and feeds .. 02 264.5 262.9 261.2 Cereal and bakery products .... 021 273.6 277.8 278.2 12/68 12/68 12/68 12/68 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 305.0 286.5 276.2 289.5 253.7 296.8 119.9 112.4 121.4 118.8 130.5 117.4 116.3 119.7 119.9 309.1 291.6 286.7 292.1 256.2 301.4 120.3 115.6 119.4 119.9 130.5 117.8 116.5 121.8 120.2 308.9 291.1 286.7 291.0 255.6 301.2 121.3 115.6 122.3 120.0 130.0 117.8 116.6 121.8 119.2 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 108.3 120.8 124.2 119.9 125.3 126.0 123.6 126.3 130.5 108.3 122.2 125.3 121.3 128.2 130.4 123.6 126.6 131.0 122.4 125.3 121.5 127.9 129.9 123.6 125.1 128.3 12/80 06/83 06/83 120.5 345.9 106.5 112.4 128.0 349.9 106.9 114.9 126.8 350.1 107.1 114.8 06/83 204.1 183.5 96.8 205.8 186.0 98.2 208.4 189.8 100.4 192.0 190.8 195.4 182.4 194.3 192.0 204.7 180.6 193.9 191.5 204.0 180.2 Bakery products White pan bread White pan bread, northeast White pan bread, north central White pan bread, south White pan bread, west Other bread White hearth bread Dark wheat bread Rye bread Other variety bread Bread type rolls Hamburger and weiner rolls English muffins Other bread type rolls Bread stuffing, croutons, and bread crumbs Bread stuffing, croutons, and bread crumbs Sweet yeast goods Yeast raised doughnuts Other sweet yeast goods Soft cakes Snack cakes Other soft cakes Pies Snack pies Cake type doughnuts Cake type doughnuts Cookies, crackers, and related products Cookies, ice cream cones, and toaster pastries . Crackers, cracker sandwiches and pretzels 0211 Flour and flour base mixes and doughs. Flour Wheat flour 0212 Milled rice Head rice Medium grain milled rice Long grain milled rice Other milled rice and byproducts Other milled rice and byproducts . 0213 Other cereals Macaroni Cornmeal, grits and hominy Breakfast cereals, ready to serve . Breakfast cereals, cooked 0214 01 0106 .99 0107 .99 0108 .99 0109 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 0403 .99 0404 .99 05 0501 .99 0503 .99 0504 .99 06 0601 .99 07 0701 .99 0702 .99 08 0801 .99 0802 .99 09 0901 .99 12 1201 .99 21 2103 .99 2104 .99 03 0301 .99 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 02 0201 .99 101.5 107.7 107.7 06/83 12/83 12/83 297.1 258.5 100.3 103.4 102.6 307.4 258.5 104.5 108.5 103.8 306.2 258.5 104.6 107.8 105.1 022 255.9 252.1 246.3 0221 236.2 234.0 255.4 221.8 230.2 227.8 236.0 209.8 222.7 220.1 226.0 203.6 0104 0106 0107 0109 Meats, poultry, and fish .. Meats Beef and veal USDA choice beef carcasses . USDA utility beef carcasses.... .03 .99 .99 .99 01 0102 .99 0104 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 06/84 109 .629 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Meats—Continued USDA good beef carcasses Other USDA graded and ungraded beef carcasses . Primal and fabricated beef cuts Boneless beef including hamburger Variety meats (edible organs) Pork Slab bacon Sliced bacon Hams Picnics Boston butts Pork loins Other meats Frankfurters, skinless, all meat Bologna, all meat Fresh pork sausage, roll, artificial casing Other index base 0106 .99 0108 .99 0111 .99 0113 .99 0115 .99 04 0419 .99 0421 .99 0423 .99 0424 .99 0425 .99 0431 .99 05 0563 .99 0565 .99 0567 .99 Processed poultry Young chicken Whole broilers, wet ice, grade A, bulk . Other wet ice pack bulk broilers Dry ice pack broilers Tray pack broilers Frozen broilers Mature chicken: hens/fowl Turkeys Whole young hens, grade A, frozen .... Whole young toms, grade A frozen Other young turkey Further processed poultry /small game .... Turkey, cooked or smoked Chicken, cooked or smoked Unprocessed and packaged fish Unprocessed fin fish Haddock Halibut Fresh packaged fish and seafood Frozen packaged fish and seafood Frozen packaged fish, excluding shellfish Frozen packaged shellfish and other seafood . Canned and cured seafood 100 Ib. Ib. 12/69 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 262.2 91.8 109.3 242.6 112.6 246.4 288.4 204.9 227.6 176.2 240.1 272.2 175.1 207.8 214.1 193.2 254.3 242.6 259.6 293.1 177.3 251.5 239.2 258.1 287.9 200.6 176.8 165.7 110.4 107.5 104.0 119.7 125.8 261.2 264.6 277.6 151.8 115.9 120.7 106.4 193.3 180.9 169.7 109.5 115.7 107.8 125.1 121.7 202.8 180.9 214.8 132.7 112.2 113.0 106.4 187.7 174.4 163.4 106.9 105.5 104.7 120.6 116.2 200.7 178.0 211.7 131.4 111.9 113.1 105.7 527.4 779.1 1,220.4 362.7 616.8 477.0 102.7 1,027.7 537.6 808.1 802.9 386.9 601.1 464.0 102.0 90.3 316.0 86.5 88.7 88.9 84.0 87.1 73.6 69.9 218.2 208.0 386.9 582.8 106.3 321.8 470.6 103.0 91.8 316.4 255.8 253.4 251.4 12/82 12/82 12/82 206.1 103.2 205.6 102.8 106.2 103.4 205.1 102.6 204.6 102.1 104.1 104.0 204.8 102.4 204.1 101.7 104.2 103.9 12/82 102.9 103.1 103.2 12/82 104.7 104.8 105.5 12/82 12/82 93.9 Fluid milk products Packaged fluid milk and related products Fluid whole milk Lowfat milk (1/2-2%) Skim milk Cream: light, heavy, sour, half & half, and whipped . Cottage cheese Cottage cheese Other milk products Other milk products 0231 Butter 0232 221.5 217.1 217.5 Natural and processed cheese Natural cheese, except cottage cheese ... American-type cheese Italian-type cheese Swiss cheese Other natural cheese, except cottage . Processed cheese and related products . Processed cheese Cheese food Cheese spread 0233 314.5 102.3 101.6 102.0 102.5 102.0 101.2 214.4 107.6 108.2 310.0 100.4 99.3 100.7 100.2 100.3 100.5 212.0 107.4 108.0 304.6 98.6 96.8 99.8 99.7 99.8 98.7 207.7 107.3 107.9 Ice cream and frozen desserts . Ice cream and ices Ice cream and ices 0234 249.3 249.8 249.6 Condensed and evaporated milk Dry milk products Dry milk products Liquid milk products Canned milk products, consumer type ca ... Condensed and evaporated milk products . 0235 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0303 .99 0304 .99 04 0401 .99 05 0501 .99 02 0211 0221 0231 0251 03 0311 0313 0315 .99 .99 .99 02 0201 .99 0301 .99 0303 .99 110 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/72 06/81 06/81 06/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.3 104.5 104.4 418.7 02 0201 .99 03 See footnotes at end of table. .99 .99 .99 .99 12/82 Apr. 1985 251.6 223.8 92.8 88.8 82.4 80.8 230.5 506.5 646.7 12/70 023 Dairy products . Apr. 19852 193.0 249.2 236.8 255.4 284.3 12/80 0223 01 0101 0102 02 03 0311 .99 0313 .99 04 Mar. 19852 337.8 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 0222 03 0316 .99 0317 .99 0318 .99 0319 .99 0321 .99 05 06 0602 .99 0603 .99 0604 .99 08 0804 .99 0805 .99 Dec. 19842 Price 409.6 401.4 104. 100.6 100.1 102.9 100.1 101.6 101.6 101.8 96.7 101.4 101.6 100.5 $125,000 1.600 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Other index base Canned fruits and juices Canned fruits Applesause Apples Fruits for salads Fruit pie fillings Olives Peaches Pears Canned fruit juices Orange juice, single strength Prune juice Pineapple juice Grapefruit juice Apple juice Other whole fruit juices and mixtures . 0241 Frozen fruits, juices and ades Frozen fruits Frozen blueberries Frozen juices and ades Frozen orange juice Frozen lemonade Frozen grape juice Grapefruit juice Other frozen fruit and berry juice, concentrate . 0242 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 0122 .99 0123 .99 0125 .99 0126 .99 0131 .99 02 0241 .99 0248 .99 0251 .99 0253 .99 0255 .99 0259 .99 Apr. 19852 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/67 06/81 300.2 298.7 316.1 272.0 266.5 100.5 115.8 104.0 115.0 319.1 262.3 385.7 460.6 257.9 529.1 369.8 368.3 117.3 326.1 280.4 266.2 102.2 117.8 106.3 122.5 336.7 262.3 398.4 482.8 260.8 539.5 382.5 368.3 125.0 325.5 279.4 266.3 101.8 119.3 112.8 124.0 329.0 262.3 398.4 482.8 260.8 539.5 382.5 368.3 125.0 373.1 111.9 136.9 118.9 419.0 97.1 102.7 111.4 111.1 91.6 373.3 111.7 135.7 119.0 419.5 97.1 102.7 113.1 111.1 91.6 02 0206 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0303 .99 0304 .99 0311 .99 0321 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 365.9 112.0 136.1 116.0 407.8 96.9 103.0 99.9 109.6 90.3 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 0111 .99 Citrus pulp 12/67 12/67 12/82 12/82 12/82 361.9 292.7 321.1 126.2 106.6 96.9 355.8 283.2 314.1 126.5 (3) 96.9 356.2 283.2 244.7 123.4 94.4 184.4 109.7 243.3 213.8 112.5 248.9 100.7 104.9 258.7 251.7 296.4 188.0 117.0 251.9 125.1 96.7 180.8 109.7 249.5 226.4 114.0 248.5 97.5 105.8 256.8 308.1 302.0 176.3 118.0 247.8 128.8 94.8 183.6 109.6 249.5 227.9 123.9 227.7 97.5 96.3 256.8 297.7 302.0 173.4 118.1 297.3 319.9 116.2 103.6 108.7 319.3 114.5 105.1 104.0 108.4 108.8 102.2 112.3 120.1 115.3 298.8 319.9 116.2 103.4 108.7 322.0 115.0 105.3 104.7 109.3 119.4 101.2 115.4 119.5 115.7 0243 Canned vegetables and juices . Beets Carrots Sweet corn whole kernal.... Fresh lima beans Green peas Beans, green and wax Vegetable combinations Tomatoes Tomato paste Tomato pulp and puree Tomato sauce Catsup Tomato juice Mushrooms White potatoes 0244 Frozen vegetables Frozen green peas Frozen green beans Frozen broccoli Frozen Brussels sprouts Frozen French fried potatoes Other frozen potato products Frozen cauliflower Frozen succotash Other frozen combinations Frozen carrots Frozen sweet cut corn, yellow Frozen sweet cob corn, yellow .... Frozen southern greens Other frozen vegetables 0245 Dried and dehydrated vegetables Onions Other dried and dehydrated vegetables .... 0246 Sugar confectionery. Mar. 19852 293.5 Processed fruits and vegetables . Dried and dehydrated fruits Prunes Raisins Dates Apples Other dried and dehydrated fruit . Dec. 19842 0103 .99 0104 .99 0107 .99 0109 .99 0111 .99 0117 .99 0125 .99 0126 .99 0128 .99 0131 .99 0133 .99 0137 .99 0141 .99 0144 .99 0146 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/67 06/81 96.9 0101 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 0105 .99 0108 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 0109 .99 0111 .99 0113 .99 0115 .99 0116.99 0117 .99 0118.99 0119 .99 0121 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 293.3 319.9 115.3 102.2 108.7 313.7 113.1 100.2 104.5 108.1 108.8 101.9 112.3 120.0 112.5 0103 .99 0111 .99 12/67 12/82 12/82 233.1 90.5 97.1 233.1 90.5 97.1 295.7 291.6 292.8 298.0 298.5 165.6 103.3 165.2 103.2 025 Raw cane sugar Raw cane sugar. 0252 Refined sugar Granulated sugar . 0253 See footnotes at end of table. 0101 .99 12/77 06/82 170.2 106.1 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price Indexes for commodity groupings and Individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Other ndex base Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Price Apr. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 253 Refined sugar—Continued Consumer units and individual services . Commercial units and bulk Confectioners' powdered sugar Confectionery materials Honey, extracted Corn syrup Chocolate coatings Other chocolate and cocoa products . Chewing gum base Commodity code1 0301 .99 0302 .99 04 0101 0103 0104 0105 0106 1001b. Confectionery end products Chewing gum Chewing gum Candy and nuts Chocolate and chocolate-type confectionery products . Nonchocolate-type confectionery products Other confectionery products 101.8 103.9 102.5 103.5 140.2 140.3 () * 197.4 107.7 108.9 100.0 141.1 () * 197.4 109.9 109.9 100.0 O 195.6 02 0201 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0303 .99 06/83 06/83 12/84 109.0 109.7 100.0 12/77 0255 Beverages and beverage materials. .01 .01 .99 .99 .99 106.3 106.0 12/77 0254 I. b 06/82 06/82 148.2 148.2 149.9 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 () * 107.6 107.9 105.7 109.0 344.6 107.7 108.1 106.2 108.2 $9,261 355.6 108.6 109.2 107.5 108.1 026 275.6 277.6 277.2 Alcoholic beverages Malt beverages Bottled beer Canned beer Barrels and kegs Other malt beverages Distilled liquor, except brandy Bottled liquor, except brandy .... Wines, brandy and brandy spirits . Grape table wines Other fruit and berry wines Dessert wines Sparkling wines Specialty (formula) wines Brandy and brandy spirits 0261 209.3 209.9 213.0 206.5 93.6 103.8 185.8 100.0 100.0 98.0 105.6 269.9 103.4 100.0 97.4 210.5 211.8 214.1 209.3 93.2 103.0 186.2 100.5 100.1 97.9 105.6 270.5 104.4 100.0 97.4 210.3 211.9 215.5 208.7 93.2 102.9 186.0 100.4 99.4 96.8 105.6 270.5 104.2 100.0 93.1 Soft drinks Cola, excluding diet cola Cola, bottled, excluding diet cola Cola, cans, excluding diet cola Cola, bulk, excluding diet cola Other carbonated drinks Carbonated orange soda Lemon, lime and lemon-lime Root beer and sarsaparilla Ginger ale Carbonated grape soda Club soda Other carbonated nondiet soda Diet cola Other carbonated diet soda Noncarbonated soft drinks Other noncarbonated fruit drinks and ades . 0262 345.2 357.2 365.9 107.9 105.7 112.2 108.6 283.5 113.9 312.7 109.9 212.4 112.6 110.2 117.1 118.9 118.1 348.6 361.0 369.3 109.5 106.9 113.1 110.2 285.7 111.8 312.7 113.0 223.3 112.5 111.2 119.3 120.5 120.3 347.4 358.8 366.8 108.8 106.9 113.4 110.1 284.5 111.8 312.7 113.0 216.1 113.8 112.2 119.1 118.4 117.2 Packaged beverage materials Coffee (whole bean, ground, & instant). Ground roasted coffee Soluble (instant) coffee Cocoa Tea Bags ... Loose . 0263 .99 .99 352.6 364.4 370.6 343.0 356.0 367.7 376.6 340.6 356.2 367.9 376.5 341.8 .03 .10 238.4 240.8 246.1 243.3 244.9 254.0 243.3 244.9 254.0 0101 .01 0103 .04 0105 .08 0107 .99 231.6 234.5 212.4 207.0 92.1 230.3 226.5 212.4 206.2 99.5 230.4 226.5 212.4 206.2 () * 297.6 290.7 303.2 407.0 123.3 350.5 113.8 359.9 117.4 252.0 248.3 133.5 162.8 331.5 246.0 266.6 139.3 168.4 307.2 276.6 291.8 158.1 182.5 404.2 Other beverage materials Malt Flavoring syrup (fountain) Kola syrup, for use by bottlers Corn grits and flakes (for brewer's use)... 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 0105 .99 0107.99 02 0215 .99 04 0431 .99 0433 .99 0434 .99 0435 .99 0436 .99 0437 .99 01 0106 .99 0121 .99 0131 .99 05 0502 .99 0503 .99 0504 .99 0505 .99 0506 .99 0507 .99 0509 .99 0511 .99 0519 .99 06 0609.99 01 0101 0103 02 03 0311 0312 I. b I. b 06/82 06/82 06/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/68 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 0264 34 1b. gal. gal. Fats and oils. 12/68 06/83 027 Animal fats and oils Lard commercial sizes (over 3 lbs). 0271 Crude vegetable oils Soybean oil, crude, not degummed . Soybean oil, crude, degummed Cottonseed oil Peanut oil 0272 0103 .99 I. b I. b See footnotes at end of table. 112 0101 0105 0111 0121 .99 .99 .01 .01 12/80 06/80 5.373 3.778 4.246 .325 .500 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Crude vegetable oils—Continued . Corn oil Coconut oil 0274 Miscellaneous processed foods. Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 0272 Shortening and cooking oils Shortening, consumer sizes Shortening, animal or veg/animal, commercial sizes . Shortening, 100% vegetable, commercial sizes Margarine Salad and cooking oils Other index base 0131 .01 0141 .02 0102 .99 0104 .99 0106 .99 0121 .99 0133 .99 271.3 488.4 12/81 12/81 273.5 308.1 311.0 375.7 308.8 125.3 (3) 298.0 310.3 123.7 307.3 120.8 107.9 306.1 298.6 125.7 293.9 12/81 $0,353 .500 120.7 (3) 315.7 306.1 125.9 028 281.0 281.0 281.7 Jams, jellies, and preserves Strawberry jams and preserves . Other jams and preserves Grape jellies Other jellies 0281 06/81 300.9 325.4 110.3 273.0 107.1 301.8 325.4 109.8 273.0 107.1 300.9 325.4 108.9 273.0 107.1 Pickles and pickle products Dill or sour pickles Fresh cucumber pickles Sweet pickles Other finished pickle products . 0282 06/81 06/81 316.2 309.4 273.3 113.2 110.7 320.9 315.0 273.3 115.4 113.1 324.6 316.9 287.7 116.5 113.5 Processed eggs Frozen or liquid whole eggs . Dried whole eggs 0283 160.3 (3) 156.9 160.4 164.9 153.5 150.1 140.6 144.2 Canned specialties Canned dry beans Canned specialty foods . Canned soups 0284 0103 .99 0104 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 252.3 105.7 103.5 114.1 258.3 106.8 105.9 114.1 257.4 106.8 105.1 114.1 Frozen specialties Frozen pies and other baked goods Frozen dinners, meat pies, ethnic foods . Other frozen specialties 0285 0109 .99 0111 .99 0113 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 270.5 113.8 111.7 108.0 270.3 113.0 111.7 108.4 270.8 113.6 111.5 108.9 Meat sauces Meat sauces Other sauces. 0286 01 0102 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 116.6 116.6 113.4 115.8 115.8 111.4 115.8 115.8 111.4 Other miscellaneous processed foods . Salad dressings Mayonnaise Other spoon-type dressings French dressing Other pourable-type dressings Pepper, whole, black Peanut butter, 12 oz. jar 0289 288.5 130.6 277.1 116.4 114.3 113.2 259.3 300.6 285.5 124.4 258.5 116.4 113.8 113.2 259.3 301.2 287.5 124.4 269.9 116.4 114.9 113.2 259.3 301.2 0101 .99 0103 .99 0111 .99 0117.99 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 06/81 0101 .99 0102 .99 0102 .99 0101 .99 0103 .99 0105 .99 0108 .99 0113 .99 0131 0141 .03 Ib. doz. 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 Prepared animal feeds . 029 198.8 189.3 185.7 Grain by-product feeds Wheat mill feed Corn mill feed Gluten feed, corn 0291 171.8 95.0 77.7 165.5 147.7 81.6 71.2 124.1 145.1 78.4 72.5 122.1 184.2 162.4 184.6 163.1 119.7 165.9 156.6 108.2 159.9 197.0 186.3 202.0 191.6 183.2 197.6 68.9 73.8 188.2 184.9 191.6 102.8 189.9 181.4 198.8 68.9 74.3 184.1 182.5 190.3 102.4 205.0 82.7 180.6 162.0 (3) 73.9 95.9 199.8 74.1 162.0 143.8 236.4 66.4 94.7 99.4 .995 Vegetable cake and meal feeds . Cottonseed meal Soybean meal 0103 .99 0105 .99 0107 06/83 06/83 0292 ton 0101 0111 .99 Formula feeds Broiler feed, complete Egg layer feed Starter-grower feed, complete . Turkey feed, complete Dairy feed Beef cattle feed Swine feed Horse & mule feed 0293 Miscellaneous feedstuffs Other than pet food Meat meal and meat and bone meal . Dry rendered tankage Fish scrap and meal Grain, ground, rolled Mineral mixture Sugar beet pulp, all forms 0294 0101 0103 0105 0107 0121 0131 0141 0151 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 0305 .99 0307 .99 0309 .99 0313 .99 See footnotes at end of table. .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 113 12/80 12/80 70.9 74.5 12/80 192.8 191.2 200.7 104.2 12/79 208.4 88.4 194.5 12/80 12/80 06/82 173.6 248.2 77.6 98.3 133.5 129.4 59.000 82.500 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Unit Commodity Commodity code1 Other index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 (294 Miscellaneous feedstuffs—Continued Feed grade condensed and evaporated m i . 0315 .99 12/83 Textile products and apparel. 115.1 104.1 95.5 210.0 Synthetic fibers.. 12/75 Unprocessed filament yarns Cellulosic Non-cellulosic Nylon textile yarn, selected deniers Polyester textile yarn, deniers 56-89; 145-179 . Fibrous glass yam Staple, tow, and fiberfill Cellulosic Rayon staple and tow Non-cellulosic Nylon and aramid Acrylic and modacrylic Polyester Other non-cellulosic staple, tow, and fiberfill. 0318 Processed yams and threads 01 02 0214 .99 0221 .99 0231 .99 156.6 156.8 164.5 220.5 06/81 12/69 12/75 102.2 161.8 208.3 163.9 220.5 169.0 96.6 159.2 212.1 164.2 220.5 169.5 97.8 160.2 212.8 06/81 3315 157.7 12/75 331 94.9 93.8 93.7 12/75 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 157.8 94.7 110.5 79.6 94.7 159.2 93.1 112.8 77.5 91.1 110.6 107.7 93.1 112.4 77.5 91.4 107.7 01 0101 .99 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 0211 .99 032 12/75 140.8 141.4 141.1 Yarns Cotton Gray combed cotton yarn Gray carded cotton yarn Finished cotton yarn Wool Wool machine, knitting yarn Wool carpet and rug yarn Synthetic Rayon and/or acetate yarn Acrylic and/or modacrylic yarn Polyester spun yarn Textured polyester filament yarn Textured nylon filament yarn Textured yarns except nylon and polyester. Other synthetic yam Covered elastic yarn 0326 12/75 137.4 239.7 102.3 100.3 104.5 188.2 175.9 97.2 134.0 101.8 97.8 102.0 106.6 101.6 102.4 102.2 101.1 138.1 236.9 100.2 99.4 104.4 188.2 175.9 97.2 135.3 102.0 97.8 100.4 3 () 101.6 107.0 102.2 101.3 137.8 235.3 100.1 98.5 103.7 188.6 179.9 97.0 135.2 101.4 Threads Cotton Cotton thread, industrial use . Synthetic and silk Home use Industrial use 0327 12/75 12/75 06/84 06/84 180.5 320.9 191.2 157.0 100.2 99.6 180.1 319.9 190.7 157.0 100.2 99.5 180.0 319.9 190.7 156.7 100.2 99.3 Gray fabrics . 033 12/75 154.0 152.5 151.8 12/75 12/75 12/75 12/75 06/76 12/75 12/80 12/75 12/75 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/75 06/81 06/81 06/81 154.2 157.6 162.6 140.9 172.3 141.5 122.9 150.1 148.8 108.9 112.7 94.0 146.1 100.3 108.3 102.3 225.8 153.4 152.6 156.8 158.4 135.6 172.3 142.7 121.7 147.9 144.8 107.1 109.5 151.9 156.2 156.3 99.6 104.0 101.8 225.3 140.3 145.6 98.2 103.6 100.6 225.3 139.4 Broadwovens.. Cotton Plain printcloth Sheeting Cotton duck & allied fabrics .... Drill All other gray cotton fabrics .... Synthetic . 100% filamant nylon taffeta 100% spun polyester/cotton bed sheeting 100% spun polyester/cotton broadcloth 100% spun polyester/cotton twill 100% spun polyester/cotton plain print cloth . 100% spun polyester/cotton, other weaves.... 100% spun polyester/rayon fabric Speciality fabric Other Burlap 01 0102 .99 0104 .99 0107 .99 02 0221 .99 0223 .99 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 0305 .99 0307 .99 0309 .99 0311 .99 0313 .99 0315 .99 0337 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 0109 .99 0111 .99 0119 .99 03 0341 .99 0353 .99 0359 .99 0361 .99 0363 .99 0367 .99 0369 .99 0371 .99 04 0461 .01 Knits Circular knits, except hosiery Circular knits, except hosiery .. Warp knits, except hosiery Warp knits, except hosiery 0338 Other fabrics Tire cord fabric.. 12/75 12/82 12/75 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 06/83 06/83 06/84 12/75 01 0101 .99 03 0335 .99 0337 .99 yd. 12/82 12/82 12/82 92.7 139.9 97.7 99.6 101.9 107.0 101.4 101.3 172.3 141.2 121.0 147.1 143.2 107.0 107.7 0339 0101 .99 Finished fabrics . 034 See footnotes at end of table. 12/75 03 0301 .99 04 0401 .99 114 148.4 148.2 148.1 06/81 97.4 97.4 97.4 06/81 101.9 101.7 101.5 06/84 102.4 102.3 102.3 12/75 126.6 127.1 127.0 $35,800 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Broadwovens Cotton Dyed and finished denim Printed and finished fabric Other finished fabric Wool Women's wool/nylon sportswear fabric . Men's wool outer jacketing Synthetic . Polyester/cotton, dyed and finished fabric Dyed & finished fabric, ex. polyester/cotton blends Printed and finished fabric Other finished fabrics 0342 Knits 0343 01 0123 .99 0125 .99 0126 .99 02 0221 .05 0232 .03 03 0372 .99 0373 .99 0374 .99 0375 .99 Circular knit outerwear fabric 100% spun yam single knits 100% filament yarn interlock or eightlock dbl. knits.. 100% spun yarn interlock or eightlock double knits.. Other circular knit fabric High pile fabric Warp knit outerwear fabric Warp knit underwear and nightwear fabric Chiefly nylon tricot, simplex, & milanese fabrics Other warp knit fabric Other warp knit fabric 04 0403 .99 0409 .99 0413 .99 05 0503 .99 06 07 0703 .99 08 0801 .99 0344 Narrow fabrics Woven narrow fabric .. Braided narrow fabric. 0202 .99 0203 .99 01 0122 .99 0143 .99 0144 .99 0145 .99 0146 .99 0151 .99 0152 .99 0153 .99 0162 .99 0163 .99 0168 .99 0169 .99 0171 .99 0174 .99 0175 .99 0176.99 0177 .99 0178 .99 0181 .99 02 0204 .99 0205 .99 0206 .99 0207 .99 0208 .99 0211 .99 0213 .99 0215 .99 0217 .99 0218 .99 0219 .99 0221 .99 0222 .99 0225 .99 0227 .99 0228 .99 0229 .99 0255 .99 0256 .99 0258 .99 0272 .99 0273 .99 0274 .99 0275 .99 0277 .99 0281 .99 Brassieres Girdles, corsets, combinations and accessories Panties Slips, half slips, and petticoats Nightwear Underwear, except slips and panties Men's and boys' Men's reg. wt. bus. suit, all wool or wool blend Men's reg. wt. bus. suit, cotton or cotton blend Men's reg. wt. business suit, other fabrics Men's It. wt. bus. suit, cotton or cotton blend Men's It. wt. business suit, other fabrics Men's trousers, except uniform, chiefly wool Men's trousers, except uniform, chiefly cotton Men's trousers, except uniform, other fabrics Men's denim jeans and jean cut casual slacks Men's courdoroy jean and jean cut casual slacks Men's jeans and jean cut casual slacks Men's washable service apparel Men's one-piece work suits Men's work pants Men's dungarees and overalls Men's and boys' work shirts Men's other work clothing Men's bus. type sport coat, cotton or cotton blend Men's business type sport coat, other fabrics Men's/boys' sweaters, jackets, and jerseys Men's finished hosiery Men's unfinished hosiery Men's and boy's knit undershirts Men's and boy's knit shorts and briefs Men's and boys' thermal underwear and union suits .... Men's/boys' swimwear, athletic shorts & oth. outerwr . See footnotes at end of table. 115 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 142.6 146.2 96.7 109.2 93.0 109.0 96.1 111.0 98.5 198.7 174.1 157.8 130.0 102.1 102.7 97.6 108.3 108.8 96.6 100.2 (3) 103.0 101.2 142.7 101.1 99.0 168.7 105.4 105.4 108.8 96.6 100.3 (3) 101.9 06/81 06/81 108.7 96.6 101.3 101.2 101.1 100.9 141.7 101.0 98.6 167.5 105.3 105.3 06/76 06/84 06/84 139.6 100.0 100.3 139.6 99.9 100.8 139.3 99.6 100.7 12/75 06/76 12/75 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/7G 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/75 06/81 06/81 0381 Apparel Women's Skirts, including uniforms All other outerwear, n.e.c Sweaters, jackets, and jerseys Dresses Suits Slacks, jeans, and dungarees Blouses, waists & shirts exc. knit sport & sweat Knit outerwear sportshirts, incl. sweatshirts Separate tailored suit-type jackets, incl. uniforms Tailored coats, ex. fur, all leather & raincoats Finished full-fashioned hosiery Finished seamless and simulated seamed hosiery Unfinished seamless and simulated seamed hosiery .... Dec. 19842 141.3 147.1 12/75 12/75 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/77 038 Apparel & other fabricated textile prods Other index base 12/77 06/83 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/77 12/77 12/77 06/84 06/84 06/84 12/77 12/77 06/83 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/77 06/83 06/83 12/80 12/80 12/84 12/77 06/84 12/77 06/82 12/84 99.1 196.4 172.7 155.3 127.5 102.6 100.8 142.4 145.7 96.5 109.8 3 () 198.7 174.1 157.8 130.0 (3) 103.9 94.9 108.3 101.1 99.0 168.6 105.4 105.4 135.5 136.1 136.5 202.1 179.9 126.2 102.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 151.9 (3) 100.9 140.9 100.0 100.5 99.5 227.5 187.1 155.0 145.1 162.9 108.9 228.8 124.5 122.0 110.4 116.8 121.5 104.8 103.6 106.9 103.9 101.5 105.7 102.6 103.1 249.2 150.3 104.4 104.8 117.2 113.9 100.0 155.2 100.2 269.5 140.2 107.8 100.0 203.2 180.9 126.2 102.1 96.0 100.7 102.7 99.3 151.9 154.3 103.2 149.5 100.0 100.5 99.6 232.0 188.9 156.8 151.7 163.7 116.9 229.8 (3) 122.4 110.4 203.6 181.4 129.5 (3) 117.2 122.3 105.9 104.1 107.5 103.9 101.6 105.7 102.5 103.3 250.9 150.5 104.8 105.7 117.7 113.9 100.8 157.1 101.2 258.2 142.1 119.5 102.5 96.0 100.7 100.0 99.4 151.9 154.3 103.2 149.5 100.0 100.9 99.6 239.4 199.6 156.8 151.2 163.7 116.6 229.9 110.4 117.2 122.3 105.9 104.1 106.3 104.1 101.9 105.7 102.5 103.5 249.2 150.5 104.8 105.5 117.7 113.9 101.9 156.9 101.2 258.2 142.1 119.5 101.4 Apr 1985 $6,025 6.670 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity code1 Unit Commodity Apparel—Continued Men's and boy's neckwear Men's and boys' work gloves and mittens Boys' dress and sport trousers Boys' denim jeans and jean-cut casual slacks Boys' jeans & jean-cut casual slacks, other fabrics ... Boys' work clothing, except jeans and work shirts Men's/boys' shirts, excl. sport & sweatshirts Men's/boys' woven sportshirts Men's/boys' knit sportshirts inct. sweatshirts Girls', children's and infants' Dresses/blouses/shirts, ex. knit sport & sweatshirts . Knit sport and sweatshirts Coats, coat and legging, and snowpant sets Sweaters, jackets, and jerseys Other outerwear, n.e.c Infants' and children's anklet hosiery Infants' and children's knee-high hosiery Other infants' and children's finished hoisery Underwear Nightwear Miscellaneous apparel and accessories Fur products 0382 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 3381 Textile housefurnishings Bed clothes Bedspreads and bedsets Flat sheets, except crib size Fitted sheets, except crib size Pillowcases Other textile housefurnishings Towels and washcloths Draperies Curtains, except lace Other textile housefurnishings, n.e.c.. Other index base Fabricated products, n.e.c Camping equipment Camping tents Industrial products Men's/boys' suit, coat findings & hat, . Automotive trimmings Other trimmings and findings Cordage, twine and rope 0282 .99 0287 .05 0292 .99 0293 .99 0294 .99 0295 .99 0296 .99 0297 .99 0298 .99 03 0349 .99 0351 .99 0352 .99 0354 .99 0355 .99 0363 .99 0364 .99 0365 .99 0368 .99 0369 .99 04 0407 .99 02 0212 .03 03 0305 .99 0308 .99 0311 .99 0322 .07 per unit 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 06/84 12/77 06/84 06/82 06/82 Hides and skins 134.9 323.8 93.8 103.9 101.3 115.5 103.6 100.2 94.7 (3) 100.3 100.5 100.3 100.2 (3) 101.1 140.0 99.5 112.2 106.4 100.9 103.9 103.5 238.3 138.8 258.2 135.6 139.1 136.2 100.0 165.8 183.2 100.5 240.6 141.6 261.4 140.2 139.1 142.7 100.3 167.5 185.1 102.2 98.8 241.0 141.6 261.4 140.2 139.1 142.7 100.5 167.1 183.3 101.8 100.2 136.5 135.1 136.4 12/77 12/77 12/83 12/83 12/83 138.4 136.3 101.5 101.3 100.7 251.2 139.5 134.5 101.4 99.2 100.5 251.2 138.9 136.2 103.2 100.7 101.7 251.2 283.1 285.5 466.3 370.6 391.5 137.7 120.2 398.3 297.1 370.8 114.5 102.5 436.0 359.2 399.6 119.8 112.5 12/83 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 06/83 12/75 12/69 06/84 06/83 04 Hides, skins, leather, and related products.. 134.9 323.8 93.8 103.9 101.3 115.5 103.7 100.8 93.8 203.7 100.5 100.1 100.3 100.0 100.1 101.9 143.9 99.5 112.3 106.3 283.6 0383 per unit 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/84 12/84 06/83 134.7 331.6 93.8 103.9 101.2 115.5 100.0 100.0 93.5 202.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.4 142.6 99.5 108.3 106.2 12/77 01 0102 .99 0132 .02 0133 .03 0152 .04 03 0303 .99 0307 .99 0308 .99 0311 .99 per unit per unit per unit 12/73 041 0411 Cattle hides Packer, branded cow Packer, native steer, heavy . Packer, butt brander Other cattle hides 0102 .99 0111 .99 0114.99 0116.99 Leather . 12/80 12/80 042 354.5 348.5 351.6 Finished cattlehide and kipside leather. Sole leather Light bends Upper leather, including patent Dress and casual shoe Other upper leather Other grains except offal Bag, case, and strap leather Other grains Finished splits Finished splits 0421 357.5 348.1 351.6 324.0 106.0 108.1 117.4 101.2 120.1 331.9 108.6 110.7 116.8 100.8 118.8 Finished sheep and lamb leather. Garment leather 0423 Rough, crust, and wet blue Rough, crust, and wet blue Rough, crust, and wet blue . 0425 01 0101 .01 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 03 0301 .99 0304 .99 04 0401 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 329.4 107.4 112.1 121.3 100.3 119.6 06/81 98.7 93.8 93.8 0103 .99 12/69 368.1 421.9 363.5 414.6 363.5 414.6 01 0101 .99 Footwear . 06/81 105.2 106.9 109.3 043 252.6 255.5 255.3 0431 Men's footwear Men's leather upper footwear. Dress and casual shoes 288.5 289.6 105.5 296.8 299.4 110.3 294.8 297.2 110.2 01 0113 .99 See footnotes at end of table. t3) (3) 116 12/80 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Commodity code1 Unit Men's footwear—Continued Boots Work shoes or boots Other leather upper footwear Men's non-leather upper footwear . Men's plastic upper footwear 0432 Children's footwear (size 8 1/2 - 12) .. Children's leather upper footwear. 0433 Misses' footwear (size 12 1/2 - 2 1/2) .. Misses' leather upper footwear Misses non-leather upper footwear . 0434 Youths', boys' ftwear. (size 12 1/2-6) . 0435 Infants', babies' ftwear. (size 1-8) Infants' and babies' leather upper footwear. 0436 Athletic footwear Athletic footwear designed for sports . 0437 Other footwear Other footwear. Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Price Apr. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 0431 Women's footwear Women's leather upper footwear .. Dress shoes Casual shoes Sandals Other leather upper footwear .... Women's plastic upper footwear... Dress shoes Casual shoes Sandals Women's other upper sandals ... Other ndex base 0438 113.0 115.8 113.7 113.7 118.5 114.7 113.2 115.6 114.7 12/80 104.2 101.1 101.1 0301 .99 0303 .99 0305 .99 0405 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 06/83 229.2 222.4 110.2 105.2 (3) 123.4 102.7 107.3 107.7 75.0 (3) 228.4 221.8 111.7 103.6 79.1 (3) 101.7 106.2 108.7 67.5 106.1 229.7 223.6 111.7 105.6 79.1 125.8 102.5 106.3 108.7 73.4 78.1 0141 .99 06/80 215.8 118.4 215.1 117.7 215.5 118.1 0147 .99 0149 .99 06/80 06/80 06/80 103.3 103.8 (3) 103.7 104.2 (3) 103.7 104.2 102.7 06/80 (3) 120.0 120.0 0159 .99 06/80 06/80 115.8 114.6 116.5 115.9 116.4 115.8 0165 .99 06/80 06/80 105.2 117.1 106.0 118.1 106.0 118.1 0169 .99 06/80 109.2 110.3 110.3 044 266.9 274.5 275.2 0441 216.3 100.0 100.0 109.6 107.3 224.4 100.8 103.6 111.0 109.3 225.0 100.9 103.8 111.0 110.3 320.6 337.8 337.8 380.1 380.1 380.1 (3) 100.0 423.6 98.3 425.5 98.8 05 648.5 625.8 633.6 051 547.7 549.3 548.2 614.7 568.8 147.4 (3) 138.6 145.9 615.0 568.8 147.4 (3) 138.9 146.2 613.7 568.8 147.4 115.6 138.9 146.2 06/83 06/76 06/76 06/76 06/76 06/76 06/82 544.6 448.6 143.3 (3) 100.7 153.7 195.8 130.0 98.9 89.9 81.0 546.1 441.8 140.2 (3) 104.3 154.1 196.3 133.2 97.0 87.6 81.0 545.1 446.1 141.9 (3) 104.2 154.0 196.1 132.9 97.8 88.6 80.8 12/81 114.3 116.4 114.4 435.1 433.6 430.1 03 0301 .99 01 0101 0103 0105 0109 .99 .99 .99 .99 03 Other leather and related products .... Luggage and small leather goods Hand luggage Luggage other than hand luggage Women's & children's handbags & purses ... Other personal leather goods Gloves Men's dress leather gloves 12/80 12/80 12/80 0115.99 0117.99 0119.99 0112 0113 0128 0132 .99 .99 .99 .99 12/84 12/84 06/82 06/82 0442 doz. 0101 .07 Industrial leather .... 0443 Footwear cut stock Boot and shoe cut stock and findings . 0444 0102 .99 Fuels and related products and power . Coal Anthracite Chestnut Buckwheat no. 2 Buckwheat no. 4 Stove Pea 0511 Bituminous coal Industrial sizes, spot & prepared Steam electric utilities Metallurgical, high volatile Manufacturing Industrial sizes, contract (prepared) Steam electric utility Manufacturing Metallurgical, high volatile Metallurgical, low volatile Export Unprepared bituminous coal and lignite Unprepared bituminous coal and lignite . 12/84 0512 0101 .99 0104 .99 0106 .99 0109 .99 0111 .99 02 0209 .99 0212 .99 0215 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0303 .99 0304 .99 0321 .99 12/73 04 0402 .99 052 Coke oven products See footnotes at end of table. 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 117 $153,615 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit —Continued . Coke Coke 1046.8 1,045.0 1381.9 453.3 190.7 1379.7 (3) (3) 187.9 0102 .02 0103 .04 0104 .01 05/77 05/77 05/77 1415.4 466.8 224.8 194.4 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/84 611.9 180.2 244.3 108.7 90.6 530.2 148.0 226.6 92.2 83.6 529.1 144.7 226.4 92.2 87.6 440.8 448.0 449.4 .99 .99 .99 .99 054 $3,531 1101 .02 1204 .01 1307 .04 1411 .01 1514 .01 1617 .01 1721 .01 1824 .01 1927 .01 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 365.6 359.8 362.2 323.6 263.0 322.3 349.5 324.5 315.0 397.4 370.7 358.2 362.0 326.5 263.5 325.0 356.9 348.0 302.2 410.8 370.5 353.5 364.1 321.3 266.1 327.3 362.9 352.8 296.9 408.1 988.842 1,178.880 856.612 686.723 775.350 701.701 751.306 653.413 806.566 1101 .02 1204 .01 1307 .04 1411 .01 1514 .01 1617 .01 1721 .01 1824 .01 1927 .01 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 518.2 499.9 511.5 404.6 315.4 470.7 475.1 477.3 439.0 672.0 527.9 496.9 512.1 409.7 318.2 471.5 482.8 516.6 423.9 707.3 531.1 487.5 528.4 405.5 333.7 472.4 486.4 525.0 417.0 702.2 14,623.063 14,287.215 12,329.255 9,413.235 10,761.753 11,258.081 11,874.409 9,198.791 13,709.777 0561 649.4 615.4 618.3 057 652.3 620.7 636.5 553.5 502.0 451.3 578.2 538.1 471.5 443.6 534.7 537.6 196.6 194.9 198.4 197.6 516.6 467.2 421.1 534.9 504.0 444.0 418.8 500.2 509.0 183.5 182.2 184.8 185.6 545.2 493.9 441.1 571.7 533.5 465.4 436.4 530.7 534.5 194.0 190.8 197.4 196.7 847.5 827.5 824.5 662.1 690.8 .841 .810 0542 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 10,000 kwh 0543 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 200000 kwh 0571 02 0201 .06 0202 .07 0203 .07 03 0301 .06 0302 .07 0303 .08 04 0401 0402 0403 gal. gal. gal. gal. gal. gal. gal. gal. gal. 02/73 02/73 02/73 02/73 02/73 02/73 02/73 02/73 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/77 0572 .780 .768 .797 .913 .866 .897 .857 .808 .826 02 0201 .07 0301 .07 02/73 02/73 684.3 709.0 658.4 695.0 0201 .07 0301 .08 02/73 02/73 851.4 695.4 671.7 809.8 663.0 636.7 820.3 675.9 638.6 .779 .762 0501 0601 12/80 12/80 1131.4 91.5 105.9 1112.6 88.7 105.0 1087.9 (3) 102.1 .608 0111 .04 0112.02 0113 .03 gal. 12/73 12/73 12/74 794.5 461.7 439.6 288.5 769.6 458.8 277.3 766.9 458.8 423.6 277.3 12/80 369.7 374.4 296.3 106.8 370.8 376.2 298.9 107.5 372.2 378.2 302.9 107.2 0573 gal. gal. 0574 0575 gal. gal. gal. Finished lubricants Automotive oil Automotive motor oil, retail Automotive motor oil, commercial. 0576 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 1103.1 0104 0105 0106 0107 Residual fuels4 5 Containing 0.31 to 1.0% sulfur.... Containing more than 1 % sulfur. Lubricating oil materials . Bright stock Neutral stock Pale oil Apr. 1985 93.1 425.3 06/82 0532 45 Middle distillates4 5 Fuel oil no. 2 to resellers Diesel to commercial consumers .... 93.9 428.8 mcf mcf mcf Crude petroleum (domestic production) . Light distillates4 5 Kerosene to resellers Kerosene to resellers Commercial jet fuel, kerosene base ... Apr. 19852 3531 Petroleum products, refined . Gasoline Regular Dealer tank-wagon to retail outlets . Sales to jobbers Commercial consumers Premium Dealer tank-wagon to retail outlets . Sales to jobbers Commercial consumers Unleaded gasoline Dealer tank-wagon to retail outlets . Sales to jobbers Commercial consumers Mar. 19852 )53 Electric power.. Industrial power, 500 kw demand . New England Mid-Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific Dec. 19842 Price 94.2 430.2 01 0101 .99 Liquefied petroleum gas Propane Butane Ethane Other natural gas liquids Commercial power, 40 kw demand . New England Mid-Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific Other index base I522 Gas fuels.. Natural gas4 Interstate... Intrastate... Imported.... Commodity code1 118 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Commodity code1 Unit Finished lubricants—Continued Industrial oil Industrial oils Process oil Metalworking oil Lubricating grease Petroleum grease 0577 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 0576 Petroleum wax Other index base 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 03 0301 12/80 12/73 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/73 112.6 372.7 106.8 107.1 111.2 241.4 113.0 374.0 106.9 107.9 110.9 240.3 474.0 467.9 468.8 99.9 99.9 300.7 302.8 303.6 061 Industrial chemicals 6 334.8 336.8 335.8 301.6 265.5 281.9 300.4 253.1 139.1 313.7 221.8 195.9 295.4 213.7 94.0 100.8 480.2 100.7 107.3 99.4 99.5 100.0 103.1 299.5 258.5 274.0 281.8 251.5 138.4 312.8 221.8 195.9 289.5 216.5 94.2 101.0 480.2 100.9 103.7 104.6 100.9 100.0 102.7 351.7 452.1 332.9 385.0 526.7 351.5 458.4 345.2 385.0 524.3 666.7 554.6 448.2 398.8 342.7 440.6 380.2 411.3 307.5 248.9 206.3 274.2 326.0 202.1 383.5 376.1 361.9 (3) 12/84 0613 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 0106 .99 02 0204 0211 .99 0213 .03 0221 0242 .99 0252 .99 0266 .99 0271 .99 0272 .99 0274 .99 0275 .99 0276 .99 0282 .99 Basic inorganic chemicals Alkalies and chlorine Chlorine liquid Natural sodium carbonate Sodium hydroxide, liquid (caustic soda) Chlorine gas Other inorganic chemicals Aluminum oxide Calcium carbide Calcium oxide, (lime) Hydrochloric acid Other inorganic acids Barite Sodium sulfate Rock salt Sulfur Processed or refined potassium salts .. Boron compounds Gypsum Other inorganic chemicals Basic organic chemicals6 Primary Benzene 1,3 Butadiene Ethylene Propylene, chemical Propylene, polymer Toluene Intermediate Aniline (oil) Ethylene oxide Formaldehyde Styrene, monomer Other basic organics Acetic acid Chlorodifluoromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) Ethyl acrylate, monomer Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) Methanol (methyl alcohol) Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) Propylene glycol 100.0 06 058 Petroleum and coal products, n.e.c Chemicals and allied products 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/80 12/73 12/74 12/74 12/73 12/73 12/82 12/84 12/73 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/82 297.5 262.5 274.3 272.7 259.1 139.6 309.3 221.8 195.9 291.8 (3) 91.1 100.0 480.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 01 0101 .11 0109 .06 0121 .05 0131 .03 0132 .04 0141 .06 02 0205 0221 0231 .99 0251 .99 03 0301 .99 0328 0331 0341 .99 0343 .99 0356 .99 0363 0366 .99 0375 .99 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/75 12/73 12/73 12/73 12/73 351.3 458.1 0614 gal. Ib. Ib. gal. gal. gal. Paints and allied products 0621 Paint materials Paint resins Soya bean oil N-butyl acrylate Linseed oil, alkali refined 0622 01 0101 0131 0171 0181 02 0201 03 0301 Tall oils See footnotes at end of table. 119 553.6 717.2 666.7 559.1 393.6 342.7 456.1 422.6 (3) 310.9 248.9 193.1 278.2 342.4 421.1 400.6 342.7 444.5 386.6 411.3 307.7 386.7 365.1 248.9 188.9 275.5 326.2 202.7 386.5 (3) 361.9 301.5 302.8 279.7 278.3 243.8 303.5 108.0 98.7 280.4 279.5 243.8 303.5 109.2 99.3 107.6 107.7 203.9 387.9 .99 .99 .99 .99 06/83 06/83 277.8 278.5 247.3 303.2 107.2 98.1 .99 06/83 106.7 .99 06/83 01 0105 0112 .99 0136 0139 .99 02 Paint pigments 101.9 300.1 062 Prepared paint Architectural coatings Interior water based paint Interior solvent based paint Exterior solvent based paint Exterior water based paint OEM finishes OEM finishes Special purpose coatings Special purpose coatings 112.5 372.7 106.2 107.9 111.2 241.4 06/76 06/76 06/76 06/76 101.0 103.3 103.4 334.7 177.3 164.1 170.7 226.3 168.3 174.7 334.2 183.6 177.4 170.4 239.5 174.5 171.7 336.0 189.2 195.2 169.7 245.4 174.7 171.1 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index 1 Init Commodity Paint materials—Continued Chrome colors Iron oxide pigments Titanium pigments Colored lead pigments Phthalocyanine blue All other inorganic pigments . Paint solvents Mineral spirits, rule 66 Xylol (mixed xylones) Paint additives Kaolin and ball clay Talc unit Commodity code 1 Other ndex base Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Price Apr. 1985 2 622 0204 .99 0206 .99 0209 .99 0212 .99 0216 0299 .99 03 0309 0311 .01 04 0407 .99 0409 gal. gal. tn o Allied and miscellaneous paint products . Allied paint products Putty and putty products Miscellaneous paint products 0623 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals . 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/76 06/83 06/76 06/76 06/76 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 110.4 108.9 290.8 117.0 (3) 104.8 199.8 534.3 479.0 159.0 175.4 228.5 111.2 110.9 290.6 96.1 (3) 103.4 197.8 528.4 476.2 162.0 178.7 234.5 110.4 110.9 291.2 95.3 102.2 101.4 101.5 102.6 103.9 101.4 107.6 104.1 105.1 102.6 107.6 105.4 102.8 199.0 528.4 498.1 161.7 178.4 234.5 063 245.0 253.2 254.7 Medicinal and botanical chemicals Medicinal and botanical chemicals Synthetic organic medicinal chemicals, bulk . Other medicinals and botanicals, bulk 0631 06/82 06/82 06/82 208.2 91.9 89.8 101.4 211.0 93.2 91.3 101.5 211.6 93.4 91.5 102.1 Preparations, veterinary Prescription Prescription Non-prescription Other non-prescription . 0634 06/81 97.0 99.6 99.7 06/81 06/81 06/81 94.4 100.9 100.5 95.4 105.8 107.5 95.4 106.1 107.9 Preparations, ethical (prescription) Systemic anti-infectives Broad spectrum penicillins Anti-arthritics Sedatives Antispasmodic/antisecretory Cardiovascular therapy Antihypertensive drugs Vasodilators Other cardiovasculars Hormones Diuretics Dermatologicals Antipruritics Analgesics, internal Codeine and combinations Cough and cold preparations Vitamins Multivitamins Miscellaneous ethical preparations Anticoagulants Bronchial therapy Cancer therapy products CNS stimulants Contraceptives, exc. devices, implants, kit, etc.. Muscle relaxants Nutrients and supplements Opthalmic and otic preparations Psychotherapeutics Other miscellaneous ethical preparations 0635 238.0 166.8 112.0 382.4 437.4 342.1 260.7 136.2 145.1 146.8 199.0 160.8 276.9 145.7 251.9 142.8 361.5 201.5 134.6 158.0 106.7 128.3 208.0 161.0 131.1 142.6 130.4 173.1 168.2 150.4 247.8 169.5 112.8 396.5 513.4 342.1 281.6 145.5 160.8 155.6 225.5 166.9 268.5 145.7 262.0 150.0 361.5 201.5 134.6 164.1 104.0 142.5 209.4 178.6 131.1 (3) 130.4 173.1 174.3 151.0 249.5 170.0 115.0 403.5 513.4 355.2 285.0 146.2 160.8 157.6 197.6 167.3 289.6 145.7 267.3 154.0 361.5 203.6 136.5 167.5 (3) 142.5 217.2 (3) 131.1 292.2 213.7 115.7 103.9 109.4 314.8 125.5 154.3 143.6 326.9 336.1 137.4 125.5 218.5 265.0 274.9 125.7 124.7 301.0 226.8 124.8 (3) 110.8 316.1 125.5 154.3 144.9 326.9 348.9 143.3 128.4 221.0 276.9 289.3 133.8 129.9 300.8 215.2 116.8 97.4 110.7 317.0 125.9 154.3 144.9 329.8 351.1 144.5 128.4 216.9 283.6 289.3 133.8 129.9 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 01 0109 .99 02 0209 .99 01 0112 .99 02 03 05 06 0611 .99 0612 .99 0619 .99 08 09 11 1112 .99 13 1311 .99 15 16 1611 .99 99 9913 .99 9916 .99 9917 .99 9918 .99 9919 .99 9922 .99 9923 .99 9924 .99 9925 .99 9999 .99 Preparations, proprietary (over counter) Vitamins Adult multivitamins B-complex Other vitamins Cough and cold preparations Cough syrups, expectorants, drops, lozenges, etc. Cold tablets, capsules Decongestants Laxatives Analgesics, internal Asprin/asprin-salicylate compounds Non-aspirin External analgesics and counterirritants Antiseptics and antibacterials Antacids Liquids Other antacids 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 0636 01 0111 .99 0112.99 0119 .99 02 0221 .99 0222 .99 0223 .99 03 04 0411 .99 0412 .99 06 07 08 0811 .99 0819 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 06/81 120 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 ft 141.6 180.7 179.2 151.1 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Commodity code1 Preparations, proprietary (over counter)—Continued Dermatologicals Miscellaneous proprietary preparations Hematinics Hemorrhoidal preparations Other miscellaneous proprietary preparations .... 0637 Fats and oils, inedible Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 132.5 122.6 132.5 127.7 122.5 102.2 69.6 103.9 153.0 140.0 133.5 117.2 122.9 101.7 127.8 104.0 133.8 117.7 156.5 140.4 143.2 117.7 343.1 348.9 339.1 (3) 306.9 422.8 166.0 339.1 (3) 213.5 394.5 155.7 339.1 (3) 236.1 406.8 155.3 Apr. 1985 136.3 130.2 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 134.6 125.6 123.8 132.5 122.2 06/80 06/80 06/80 12/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 12/80 064 11 1102.99 1104.99 12 1213 .99 14 1402 .99 15 1514 .99 136.3 128.9 376.7 09 99 9914 .99 9915 .99 9999 .99 Biological products Blood & derivatives, human use Human blood serums Other blood derivatives Vaccines, toxoids, & antigens Antigens Diagnostics & other biologicals Diagnostic substances Biologicals for veterinary use Vaccines & viruses, vet. use Other index base 103.3 156.5 06/80 88.0 0641 Castor oil Coconut oil Fish and marine animal oil Tallow, incl. inedible animal stearin Grease, other than wool grease 0101 0111 0121 0151 0181 .01 .99 .99 .99 12/82 065 282.5 282.6 283.0 Mixed fertilizers Complete mixed fert, dry form Comp. mixed fert., dry, 5-10-15 NPK Comp. mixed fert., dry, 6-24-24 NPK Comp. mixed fert., dry, 10-10-10 NPK Comp. mixed fert., dry, 12-12-12 NPK Comp. mixed fert., dry, misc. NPK Complete mixed fert., liquid form Complete mixed fert., liquid form Incomp. mixed fert Incomp. mixed fert., guar. P205 & K20 only 0651 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 261.9 108.6 107.9 100.5 116.5 105.8 109.9 259.3 108.2 104.3 101.0 118.1 107.1 109.3 259.7 108.4 104.6 101.2 117.5 107.5 109.6 06/80 06/80 06/80 104.4 104.4 92.3 100.8 101.8 95.3 100.8 101.8 95.2 Fertilizer materials Nitrogenates Anhydrous ammonia Solid & solution nitrate Nitrogen solutions Urea Phosphates Phosphate rock, crude Phosphate rock, processed Triple superphosphates Ammonium phosphates Phosphoric acid, 52-54% APA 0652 12/74 12/76 230.7 206.1 273.8 179.1 110.7 205.4 266.6 102.6 88.2 266.1 134.3 158.9 231.6 206.3 279.0 172.5 109.9 204.7 268.0 103.2 91.4 267.2 132.9 156.4 232.0 207.4 286.0 171.9 111.8 199.8 267.4 105.6 91.4 263.9 131.9 157.1 Other agricultural chemicals Nonhousehold insecticides Nonhousehold herbicides Nonhousehold fungicides Other nonhousehold pesticides Household pesticides 0653 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 456.7 103.9 94.3 84.8 102.9 100.2 457.4 101.9 94.0 98.8 102.8 101.9 458.1 102.3 93.8 100.0 104.2 101.9 306.2 305.5 308.1 111.7 114.4 272.1 127.7 111.4 114.4 272.1 127.7 112.5 114.4 272.1 127.7 12/75 12/75 142.3 112.0 159.8 153.1 112.2 298.2 110.0 233.4 133.0 178.4 143.9 107.7 159.0 148.0 109.7 295.0 111.8 238.1 134.3 178.4 143.9 105.3 153.3 (3) 110.9 (3) 117.7 254.6 134.7 178.3 12/80 117.4 116.9 116.9 Agricultural chemicals and chemical prod 02 0201 0211 0221 0231 0251 03 0301 04 0411 .99 .99 01 0105 .99 0111 .99 0126 .99 0136 .99 02 0258 .99 0259 .99 0263 .99 0265 .99 0267 .99 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 0105 .99 Plastic resins and materials 12/82 12/82 066 Thermoplastic resins Low density polyethylene resins PE resin, low, film and sheeting PE resin, low, all other uses High density polyethylene resins PE resin, high, blow molding Polypropylene resins Polypropylene for injection molding Polypropylene for fiber and filament Styrene plastics materials Polystyrene resins, rubber modified Vinyl and vinylidene resins Homopolymer resins excluding dispersion Copolymer resins excluding dispersion Dispersion resins Other thermoplastic resins Other nonengineering thermoplastic resins 0662 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 04 0401 .99 05 0501 .99 0502 .99 06 0602 .99 07 0701 .99 0702 .99 0703 .99 09 0901 .99 See footnotes at end of table. .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 121 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/75 12/80 12/75 12/75 12/80 12/80 $0,650 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Other index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 12/80 114.2 113.8 114.3 0101 .99 02 0201 .99 12/80 12/80 0202 .99 03 12/75 126.4 113.3 259.2 162.7 113.3 259.2 162.7 129.4 113.3 259.2 162.7 0301 .99 04 12/75 168.7 167.0 167.8 0401 .99 05 0501 .99 12/75 149.8 149.1 149.1 12/80 112.3 111.9 111.9 0101 .99 12/75 142.6 142.5 143.3 0663 Thermosetting resins Epoxy resins Epoxy resins Phenolic & tar acid resins Phenolic molding compounds All other phenolic & tar acid resins . Polyester resins, unsaturated Polyester resins, unsaturated Urea-formaldehyde resins Urea-formaldehyde resins All other thermosetting resins All other thermosetting resins Apr. 1985 01 Custom compounded purchased resins Custom compounded purchased resins . )664 367 280.1 282.4 283.4 Soap and synthetic detergents Soaps & synth. detergents, ex. glycerin Soaps and detergents, nonhousehold Household detergents Household soap, except specialty cleaners . 3671 06/83 272.3 103.4 103.6 259.0 115.6 273.2 103.7 104.7 259.1 115.6 273.1 103.7 104.7 259.1 115.6 Specialty cleaning, polish. & san. prods Household bleaches Specialty cleaning and sanitation products.... Polishing preparations and related products . 0672 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 103.4 100.1 103.6 104.9 103.9 101.4 104.1 105.0 104.2 101.4 104.4 105.2 Cosmetics and other toilet preparations Shaving preparations Shaving soap and cream Aftershave preparations Perfume, cologne & toilet water Perfume Cologne and toilet water Hair preparations Soap shampoo Synthetic organic detergent shampoo ... Hair tonics (inc. conditioners) Hair dressings Hair spray (aerosol) Home and commercial permanents Hair coloring Creams Cleansing creams Foundation creams Lubricating creams Other creams Lotions and oils Suntan & sunscreen Hand lotions Other lotions and oils Cosmetics Lip preparations Blushes Eye preparations Deodorant Aerosol underarm deodorant Cream, liquid and roll-on deodorant Manicure preparations Powders Talcum powder Face powder Wet application powder Bath oils and salts Bath oils and salts 0675 241.4 136.9 301.4 204.4 148.3 331.8 275.9 113.0 150.7 102.8 256.9 138.4 260.3 244.5 06/80 237.7 119.0 271.3 173.3 125.7 289.8 227.5 112.1 155.5 100.9 255.2 134.6 254.3 242.4 113.2 141.8 405.9 119.8 159.4 124.0 128.8 118.1 190.5 121.0 161.3 255.3 130.4 195.1 120.7 221.4 128.8 106.4 138.6 137.8 263.6 133.4 108.0 139.1 137.8 268.3 133.4 242.9 136.9 301.4 204.4 149.0 333.2 277.5 113.2 150.7 102.8 253.1 140.4 260.4 247.1 111.1 138.9 409.7 122.7 145.3 126.2 128.2 118.1 187.7 121.5 130.6 205.7 130.4 152.6 122.0 227.1 123.6 108.0 139.1 137.8 268.3 133.6 12/71 180.2 131.1 131.1 312.1 218.3 204.8 359.4 175.0 78.0 273.8 187.8 314.1 348.1 279.0 133.1 314.0 227.3 198.7 359.4 175.0 136.5 273.8 187.8 312.9 351.1 272.8 133.1 109.1 315.5 227.3 198.7 359.4 175.0 136.5 273.8 187.8 312.2 351.1 272.8 Other chemicals and allied products.. 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 0403 .99 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 02 0201 .99 0205 .99 03 0301 .99 0305 .99 04 0401 .99 0405 .99 0411 .99 0421 .99 0425 .99 0431 .99 0441 .99 06 0601 .99 0602.99 0603 .99 0604 .99 07 0701 .99 0704 .99 0705 .99 08 0801 .99 0802 .99 0803 .99 09 0901 .99 0902 .99 11 12 1201 .99 1202 .99 1203 .99 13 1301 .99 Misc. chemical prod, and preparations Essential oils Peppermint oil Citronella oil Lemon oil Orange oil Lemongrass oil Lavender oil Explosives Other blasting accessories ANFO, except slurry Water gel and slurries Other high explosives 06/80 12/71 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 12/71 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 12/71 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 0679 01 0101 .01 0102 0103 0104 .01 0105 0106 .01 02 0225 .99 0231 .99 0232 .99 0233 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 06/83 06/83 122 12/80 12/80 (•) 138.9 409.5 122.7 145.3 126.2 125.8 118.1 177.6 121.0 124.1 194.1 130.4 144.3 122.0 227.1 123.6 $12,125 2.375 7.700 .875 4.850 11.375 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity code1 Unit Commodity Misc. chemical prod, and preparations—Continued Industrial gases Acetylene Carbon dioxide Oxygen Adhesives and sealants Natural base glues and adhesives Synthetic resin and rubber adhesives Cauling compounds and sealants Surface active agents Textile and leather assistants and Bulk surfactants Gum and wood chemicals, exc. tall oils Hardwood distillation products Other miscellaneous chemical products Gelatin, edible Carbon, black Printing ink Other index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 0679 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0304 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 0403 .99 05 0501 .99 0502 .99 06 0603 .99 09 0905 0918 .99 0919 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 06/84 06/84 12/83 06/84 106.6 117.6 125.9 101.3 103.4 105.6 103.3 100.6 102.8 101.1 103.6 101.0 102.0 312.6 223.8 103.2 100.9 112.1 118.4 130.0 114.7 103.1 105.6 102.3 102.9 102.7 101.1 103.5 101.3 102.4 309.3 236.3 100.0 100.3 114.5 118.4 131.5 114.7 103.2 106.3 102.1 104.0 102.8 101.4 103.5 101.3 102.4 309.7 236.3 98.2 101.3 Rubber and plastic products 07 245.9 246.6 246.8 Rubber and rubber products 071 263.7 265.7 265.1 272.1 216.8 268.4 211.1 207.7 288.2 88.6 100.5 105.7 270.7 213.9 260.2 270.4 218.4 266.1 212.4 211.6 $2,175 Crude rubber Natural rubber Latex No. 1 ribbed smoked sheets No. 3 ribbed smoked sheets vSynthetic rubber Styrene butadiene-solid Styrene butadiene-latex Specialty elastomers Reclaimed rubber Reclaimed rubber 0711 Tires, tubes, tread, & repair materials Tires Passenger car pneumatic tires, bias-ply Passenger car pneumatic tires, bias-belted Passenger car pneumatic tires, radials Truck/bus tires, including off-highway Tractor/implement tires Other pneumatic and all solid tires inner tubes Passenger car/motorcycle innertubes Tread rubber, tire sundries, & repair matl Tread rubber, natural and synthetic Tire flaps Other tire sundries and repair materials, n.e.c 0712 Miscellaneous rubber products Footwear Protective footwear Men's footwear, fabric upper Women's/misses footwear, fabric upper Rubber belts and belting Conveyor and elevator Motor vehicle belts Non-flat rubber and plastic belts Rubber hose Hose, long length, textile, nonhydraulic Hose, long length, wire, nonhydraulic Hose, machine made, wrapped Hose, braided or loomed, helical reinforced Hose, hydraulic Hose, mandrel made, textile, nonhydraulic All other rubber hose Rubber roll covering Graphic arts roll covering Paper mill roll covering Steel mill roll covering All other, roll covers Miscellaneous rubber products, n.e.c Molded rubber mechanical goods Extruded and lathe cut, mechanical rubber goods Industrial rubber products, n.e.c Rubber clothing and coated fabrics Other rubber goods Rubber floor and wall coverings Rubber shoe products Rubber druggist and medical sundries 0713 01 0101 0102 0103 02 0219 .99 0221 .99 0222 .99 03 0321 .99 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0105 .99 0111 .99 0121 .99 02 0221 03 0351 .99 0352 .99 0353 .99 01 0107 .99 0135 .99 0137 .99 03 0361 .99 0364 .99 0369 .99 04 0453 .99 0454 .99 0459 .99 0463 .99 0481 .99 0482 .99 0484 .99 05 0501 0502 .01 0503 .02 0504 .01 06 0602 .99 0603 .99 0604 .99 0605 .99 0606 .99 0608 .99 0609 .99 0611 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 123 209.9 206.5 287.0 12/74 12/74 06/83 06/81 06/81 06/83 06/81 12/80 12/80 12/80 06/83 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/71 12/81 12/81 06/79 06/79 06/79 06/79 06/79 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 88.1 285.6 87.9 96.5 107.9 96.5 106.3 220.7 06/81 06/81 06/81 221.9 222.5 237.1 234.9 233.5 170.5 164.4 241.4 269.4 100.2 253.2 235.2 104.5 103.0 100.0 110.3 241.2 238.6 235.7 174.7 165.7 247.0 268.0 104.4 274.6 277.9 104.8 103.4 100.0 110.3 239.1 236.3 235.8 174.7 162.3 246.5 266.0 100.2 274.6 277.9 104.8 103.4 100.0 110.3 292.5 222.0 118.8 98.3 109.6 344.8 315.8 361.6 118.2 305.2 108.1 97.0 107.9 103.3 211.9 121.3 106.3 135.5 133.8 134.3 136.6 137.5 102.1 96.8 105.5 104.9 102.0 103.6 101.8 292.6 208.1 118.8 294.1 219.6 121.5 93.1 110.2 353.5 329.4 363.7 121.1 302.4 105.9 97.0 102.0 103.3 212.1 121.3 103.9 137.3 134.5 140.9 136.3 136.7 103.3 97.8 106.0 105.8 104.1 104.6 101.8 105.0 103.4 102.3 93.1 87.7 354.0 329.4 374.7 118.7 303.0 108.1 97.0 107.5 103.3 212.1 121.3 104.3 136.6 134.5 139.4 136.3 135.9 103.4 98.3 106.0 105.8 104.1 104.7 101.0 105.0 104.0 .703 .423 .413 Table 6. Producer prices and price Indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Other index base Commodity code 1 Unit Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Price Apr. 1985 2 1713 Miscellaneous rubber products—Continued . Compounds or mixtures 0612 .99 06/83 101.2 100.9 100.8 I72 06/78 139.8 139.5 140.1 Plastic construction products Plumbing products Other plastic construction products . 1721 12/69 06/78 06/78 170.8 120.2 124.8 159.4 109.5 124.7 164.0 114.1 123.9 Unsupp. plastic film/sheet/other shapes ... 722 12/70 228.9 227.9 228.5 Laminated plastic sheets, rods, and tube .. 723 12/70 188.8 192.2 189.2 Plastic packaging I725 06/78 142.5 142.6 142.4 Plastic parts and components for mfg. .. Parts for transportation equip Other parts and components for mfg. . I726 06/78 06/78 06/78 139.9 132.8 144.9 140.1 132.9 145.0 140.2 133.0 145.1 Plastic products. 0601 .99 0602 .99 01 02 Dinner/table/kitchen ware, ex. cups 3727 06/78 143.6 143.8 143.4 Consumer, institut, & comm. prod., nee. . 0728 06/78 136.3 142.1 143.4 Other plastic products Plastic furniture components and furnishings . Regenerated cellulosic products 0729 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.1 104.6 105.7 105.3 105.1 105.4 105.2 103.9 106.9 08 303.0 303.4 301.7 081 339.5 345.0 340.5 341.8 325.8 348.8 343.2 345.0 97.1 99.4 0101 .99 0102 .99 Lumber and wood products . Lumber Softwood lumber Douglas fir, dressed Boards under 2 " thick 2 " lumber Timbers & lumber over 2 " thick Southern pine, dressed Boards under 2 " thick 2" lumber Timbers & lumber over 2 " thick Other softwood, dressed Boards, ponderosa pine Boards, misc. western species 2 " lumber, ponderosa pine 2 " lumber, white fir 2 " lumber, western hemlock 2 " lumber, redwood 2 " lumber, misc. western species ... Rough softwood lumber Boards, eastern species Boards, western species 2 " lumber, eastern species 2 " lumber, western species Over 2 " lumber, eastern species .... Over 2 " lumber, western species .... Flooring, siding, and cut stock Woodsiding 0811 Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber, rough Oak Gum Poplar Other miscellaneous species Dressed hardwood lumber Other misc. hardwood species Hardwood dimension Hardwood dimension stock Wood frames for household furniture . Hardwood flooring Hardwood flooring 0812 Millwork . 01 0125 .99 0126 .99 0127 .99 02 0245 .99 0246 .99 0247 .99 03 0301 .99 0308 .99 0312 .99 0314 .99 0315 .99 0316 .99 0319 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 0403 .99 0404 .99 0405 .99 0406 .99 05 0502 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 90.2 94.3 82.8 304.8 110.7 101.5 91.3 370.2 103.8 104.5 93.9 353.1 97.1 103.0 85.9 294.3 106.9 97.6 91.3 379.3 104.1 113.6 98.4 95.0 93.2 91.5 98.1 95.4 90.5 96.3 89.1 98.3 94.2 108.2 70.9 98.3 85.1 98.0 101.4 91.3 90.6 98.3 94.2 107.6 70.9 98.7 96.1 85.2 291.8 105.6 96.9 91.3 374.4 103.1 113.1 94.9 90.5 97.0 92.5 90.6 88.3 98.3 90.6 107.6 65.5 98.7 100.2 96.0 99.3 96.4 .99 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 06/84 06/84 314.7 133.2 141.3 113.4 112.1 126.1 122.1 127.8 122 4 99.8 101.9 314.8 131.6 139.3 112.9 111.9 124.2 125.4 127.3 123.0 99.4 105.7 314.2 131.9 139.6 112.9 112.2 124.8 125.3 127.2 122.4 98.9 105.7 .99 06/84 99.3 100.0 99.3 082 311.6 309.9 309.5 0821 328.6 218.3 101.3 103.9 95.6 104.1 101.7 326.3 219.5 101.5 103.9 91.7 103.7 102.0 325.9 219.6 101.5 104.3 90.9 103.7 1O2.i 01 0107 0109 0133 0197 02 0202 03 0311 0312 04 0401 General millwork Wood kitchen cabinets and cabinetwork Vanities and other cabinetwork Wood window units Wood window and door frames Wood doors, interior and exterior Other wood doors, incl. garage, screen, storm, etc. . 0101 0103 0112 0132 0142 0152 See footnotes at end of table. 12/80 12/80 12/80 124 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 06/84 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 100.6 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Commodity code1 Unit General millwork—Continued Wood moldings, except prefinished Wood molding, frames, and framed pictures . Other millwork products 0822 Miscellaneous millwork products Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 0821 Prefabricated structural members Roof trusses Floor trusses Glued-laminated lumber Other fabricated structural wood products Other index base 0823 0162 .99 0174 .99 0183 .99 06/83 06/84 06/83 103.8 101.6 110.0 98.8 101.8 112.8 98.0 102.2 113.1 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0106 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 258.9 313.3 115.1 98.4 114.1 257.5 310.5 116.0 97.8 115.2 255.3 306.9 116.0 97.6 115.1 0199 .99 06/84 100.6 101.9 102.1 083 235.8 223.7 222.7 0831 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/68 12/80 12/80 12/80 303.0 302.4 86.2 81.1 86.5 154.8 92.0 85.8 87.2 286.4 287.0 76.9 80.2 83.4 144.3 85.7 78.5 86.4 286.3 285.1 76.5 79.0 84.5 146.3 85.9 81.2 85.6 12/80 101.5 100.6 100.5 170.4 159.7 162.1 150.7 162.1 150.7 Miscellaneous millwork products Plywood Softwood plywood Western Cdx A-C, exterior Other sanded Southern Cdx Other unsanded Sanded southern softwood plywood Specialty softwood plywood Specialty softwood plywood Hardwood plywood 01 0111 .99 0115.99 0116.99 02 0201 .99 0203 .99 0221 .99 03 0301 .99 0832 m sq. ft. 0102 .08 Birch,Standard panel 188.0 179.8 171.0 238.0 238.8 239.1 0111 .04 207.3 208.3 209.3 0842 0122 .06 0123 .06 12/67 12/67 267.1 278.3 328.7 267.5 278.3 330.1 268.2 280.8 330.1 0849 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 94.0 90.0 114.3 107.9 94.4 90.4 115.0 107.9 94.3 90.2 116.9 085 12/81 91.0 93.7 94.1 12/81 12/81 12/81 89.7 77.8 96.4 93.2 80.3 100.4 93.8 78.5 102.3 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 102.9 92.5 88.9 100.6 102.9 91.0 86.6 100.6 102.9 90.4 85.5 101.2 12/84 100.0 100.4 100.8 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.9 100.1 100.9 102.0 100.5 100.7 09 324.1 327.0 327.3 091 298.9 295.4 294.3 392.1 264.7 404.5 222.9 114.0 250.6 124.9 353.9 229.3 352.5 197.2 110.4 250.1 119.8 347.9 224.8 331.4 193.5 111.1 250.1 114.2 206.0 170.2 154.4 192.7 183.6 170.0 0833 12/71 Softwood plywood veneer 084 Other wood products 0841 Pallets Wooden pallets Boxes Wirebound, fruit and vegetable Wirebound, industrial per 100 Other sawmill & planing mill products Wood chips Railway and mine ties Misc. sawmill products Logs, bolts, timber and pulpwood Logs, bolts, timber and pulpwood Softwood logs, bolts and timber Douglas fir logs, bolts and timber Softwood logs etc., exc. Douglas fir Hardwood logs, bolts and timber Hardwood logs, bolts and timber Pulpwood Softwood pulpwood Hardwood pulpwood 0851 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 02 0201 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 Prefabricated wood buildings & component 086 Prefabricated wood buildings & component Precut packages sold as complete units Panelized buildings sold as complete units .. Modular buildings shipped with floor & walls 0861 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 Pulp, paper, and allied products Pulp, paper, and prod., ex. bldg. paper Woodpulp Paper-making woodpulp Bleached sulfate, softwood Bleached sulfate, hardwood Other paper-working woodpulp Special alpha and dissolving woodpulp Other pulp, including pulpmill byproducts 0911 Wastepaper No.1 news No. 1 news.avg. of 5 markets 0912 02 0211 .99 0212 .99 0223 .99 03 04 01 0102 See footnotes at end of table. 125 12/73 12/73 12/82 12/73 12/82 $37,500 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity Wastepaper—Continued No.1 mixed No. 1 mixed.avg. of 5 markets Old corrugated boxes Old corrugated boxes.avg. of 5 markets . .009 semi-chemical kraft clippings Semi-chemical kraft clippings White news blanks White news blanks.avg. of 4 markets Unit Commodity code1 Other ndex base Mar. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 2 Apr. 1985 912 02 0205 03 0311 04 0415 .01 06 0625 .01 ton ton ton ton Paper Paper, exc newsprint & packaging paper Publication and printing paper, uncoated Body stock for coating Printing paper, coated two sides, no. 3 grade Printing paper, coated two sides, no. 5 grade Printing paper, coated two sides, other grades Printing paper, coated one side Book paper, no. 3, uncoated Other book printing paper, uncoated Unwatermarked bond, no. 4 grade Form bond, 15 Ib Other form bond Other bond, except form bond Other chemical woodpulp writing paper Bond, 25% cotton fiber content Thin paper Cover text Uncoated body stock Newsprint Standard newsprint Packaging and industrial converting paper Wrapping paper, except unbleached kraft Shipping sack paper, unbleached kraft Shipping sack paper, except unbleached kraft Bag & sack, except shipping sack, unbleached kraft Bag & sack, exc. shipping sack, ex. unbleached kraft.... Other converting 18lbs. and over, unbleached kraft Other converting 18lbs. & over, ex. unbleached kraft Glassine, greaseproof, and vegetable parchment Oil, waxed, and wax-laminated paper, printed or not Laminated or coated rolls and sheets, except waxed .... Special industrial paper Special industrial paper Other coated paper, ex. packaging & waxed Other coated paper, except packaging and waxed Tissue paper stock, ex. thin Sanitary paper stock Tissue paper stock, ex. sanitary & thin Paperboard Cor. paperboard in sheets & rolls Cor. paperboard in sheets & rolls Paperboard, ex. corrugated paperboard Unbleached linerboard Other unbleached kraft pkg. & ind. conv. paperboard . Bleached pkg. & ind. converting paperboard Semichemical paperboard Recycled paperboard See footnotes at end of table. 126 $14,500 187.9 175.1 156.0 24.500 260.0 231.0 59.688 65.625 203.8 138.7 124.4 305.7 301.8 241.2 111.5 233.6 277.3 119.3 120.2 281.6 108.2 233.2 163.8 107.6 108.3 101.6 297.4 112.9 118.7 104.0 303.7 298.4 241.8 111.5 234.6 291.7 123.3 121.9 274.9 102.2 230.7 143.4 93.5 108.3 93.9 297.4 115.8 118.7 104.0 303.6 297.9 242.1 111.5 234.6 291.7 123.1 121.0 275.1 102.2 227.5 143.4 93.5 108.3 93.0 297.4 115.8 118.7 104.0 12/73 06/83 12/73 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/82 12/82 333.2 104.4 332.2 233.0 105.8 230.6 109.2 107.0 106.0 115.2 103.5 102.3 332.4 104.0 333.9 233.0 110.5 226.8 109.2 104.8 104.6 115.2 103.5 102.5 332.6 104.3 333.9 233.0 (3) 226.8 109.2 104.9 104.6 115.2 103.4 103.4 06/81 108.7 107.8 107.8 12/82 06/83 06/83 06/83 107.2 106.5 106.6 106.0 108.1 107.0 107.1 106.2 107.8 107.0 107.3 106.2 285.7 284.0 122.5 120.5 129.4 117.0 109.0 128.7 111.4 122.2 117.1 123.7 118.4 108.7 121.5 110.3 120.6 116.4 122.6 118.0 108.7 120.9 109.9 289.3 371.9 97.5 104.7 295.7 134.1 99.0 107.6 274.8 102.8 286.2 294.8 314.0 103.9 231.0 344.7 122.1 120.5 125.3 114.1 122.6 290.4 374.2 100.5 105.0 296.1 133.6 100.0 107.0 276.7 102.8 284.2 294.8 336.2 104.5 240.0 350.1 125.1 119.6 125.3 114.1 122.1 290.0 374.8 101.6 105.0 296.1 133.1 100.2 107.1 275.7 103.2 284.6 294.8 336.2 105.0 240.0 350.1 122.5 118.7 124.6 112.8 120.4 0915 05 0551 .99 11 1101 .99 1102.99 1103 .99 1104 .99 1105.99 per 1000 per 100 225.0 293.4 01 0111 .99 0112 .99 0113 .99 0115.99 0116.99 0117.99 0122 .99 0123 .99 0131 .99 0134 .99 0135 .99 0136 .99 0137 .99 0141 .99 0142 .99 0148 .99 0149 .99 02 0291 .99 03 0302 .99 0304 .99 0305 .99 0307 .99 0308 .99 0311 .99 0312 .99 0314 .99 0315 .99 0316 .99 04 0401 .99 05 0501 .99 06 0601 .99 0602 .99 per 1000 per 1000 240.5 274.5 0914 Converted paper and paperboard products Sanitary papers and health products Sanitary napkins and t&.Tipons Sanitary tissue health products Paper bags and shipping sacks Grocers' and variety bags (paper) Specialty bags and liners Shipping sacks and multiwall bags, all Paper boxes and containers Setup paperboard boxes Cor. shp. cont. for food & beverages Ice cream carton Milk carton, 1/2 gallon Folding paperboard boxes Paper cups, hot Fiber drums Cor. shp. cont. for paper & allied Cor. shp. cont. for glass, clay, stone Cor. shp. cont. for metal products ex. elec. . Cor. shp. cont. for electrical products Cor. shp. cont. for all other end uses 240.5 913 Dec. 1984 2 01 0102 .99 0104 .99 02 0214 .99 0216 .99 0218 .99 03 0322 .99 0323 .99 0327 .03 0329 .03 0332 .99 0333 .03 0337 .01 0341 .99 0342 .99 0343 .99 0344 .99 0345 .99 12/73 06/81 12/73 12/73 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/75 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/80 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 06/83 06/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Converted paper and paperboard products—Continued Packaging accessories Gummed sealing tape Cor. & solid fiber pallets, pads, & part Office supplies and accessories Envelopes File folders Index cards Adding machine rolls Composite cans Misc. converted paper or paperboard produc Pasted, lined, laminated or surface coated Other converted paper and paperboard products ... 0916 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 0915 Pressure sensitive products Other index base 04 0431 0441 06 0636 0645 0647 0649 07 09 0901 0999 299.3 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .02 .99 .99 06/80 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 277.8 130.8 243.5 100.0 278.4 243.4 307.4 338.4 100.0 (3) 302.7 281.5 132.0 240.0 99.9 283.6 246.4 275.2 342.2 100.2 100.0 101.3 100.0 Insulation board 1/2 inch 0103 .06 01 0101 .99 0123 .99 02 0201 .99 106.8 256.3 257.6 12/82 230.8 229.9 232.4 109.7 236.2 234.9 231.6 115.3 235.5 234.0 232.3 114.1 06/84 99.0 103.3 103.4 0922 Hardboard, particleboard & fiberboard pr Hardboard, particleboard, and fiberboard Hardboard Particleboard, platen-type (mat-formed) Fabricated hardboard products Fabricated hardboard products 101.4 106.6 253.4 271.9 279.7 0921 m sq. ft. 279.5 132.0 240.5 100.0 283.7 249.1 275.2 342.2 100.2 (3) 106.7 12/82 092 Building paper and board 301.5 093 12/80 135.8 139.2 139.8 Newspapers Circulation Subscriptions, through intermediary Subscriptions, direct to reader , Single-copy sales, through intermediary Single-copy sales, direct to reader Advertising Classified advertising Commercial advertising, national Commercial advertising, other 0931 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 143.9 132.2 138.5 136.0 122.9 110.7 147.8 156.2 164.0 142.5 149.8 135.1 142.2 140.2 124.3 (3) 154.7 164.5 148.3 150.4 135.7 142.4 140.2 128.4 110.7 155.3 164.7 178.1 148.8 Periodicals Circulation General farm periodicals Industrial periodicals Professional periodicals Women's periodicals subscriptions Women's periodicals, single-copy sales General interest periodicals, subscriptions General interest periodicals, single-copy sales General news periodicals, subscriptions Religious periodicals Advertising General farm periodicals Industrial periodicals Merchandising periodicals Professional periodicals Women's periodicals General interest periodicals General news periodicals Religious periodicals Other periodicals, n.e.c 0932 141.0 146.0 138.8 140.6 (3) 141.6 146.1 139.2 140.6 (3) 140.9 133.0 151.5 153.2 127.4 (3) 134.8 137.3 Book publishing Textbooks Elementary, hardbound Elementary, paperbound High school, hardbound College, hardbound College, paperbound Workbooks Technical, scientific & professional books Medical books, hardbound Medical books, paperbound Business books, hardbound Other, hardbound Religious books General books Adult trade, hardbound Adult trade, paperbound Mass market paperbacks 0933 Publications, printed matter & printing 01 0111 .99 0112.99 0121 .99 0122 .99 02 0211 .99 0221 .99 0222 .99 0222 .99 0223 .99 0231 .99 0233 .99 0235 .99 0241 .99 0243 .99 01 0111 .99 0112 .99 0113 .99 0115 .99 0116.99 0117.99 02 0213 .99 0214 .99 0215 .99 0217 .99 03 04 0411 .99 0412 .99 0414 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0141 02 0211 0221 See footnotes at end of table. 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 01 0111 .99 0121 .99 0123 .99 127 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 137.3 140.6 129.3 138.2 137.3 153.9 149.6 127.4 (3) 134.1 175.8 153.9 153.1 127.4 136.8 128.8 134.3 136.9 151.5 133.2 139.8 138.4 134.6 151.4 133.2 140.2 138.4 136.3 138.0 137.6 147.7 151.4 159.3 158.7 163.2 166.3 163.2 166.3 143.7 156.7 116.1 122.6 130.2 143.3 137.1 135.7 144.4 149.4 155.8 141.4 129.1 131.8 126.5 100.6 140.8 126.5 121.7 111.9 128.0 127.6 116.1 123.8 131.2 145.4 138.4 142.9 147.1 150.4 157.8 145.3 130.1 131.8 126.5 100.6 140.8 127.1 121.7 111.7 128.0 127.6 131.3 145.4 138.4 142.9 147.1 150.4 158.3 145.3 130.3 133.2 126.5 100.6 140.8 127.1 121.7 111.9 128.0 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Book publishing—Continued Juvenile books General reference books Subscription encyclopedias . 3934 Manifold business forms Unit set forms Manifold books Custom continuous forms.... Stock continuous forms 3935 Miscellaneous publishing Catalogs and directories, publishing . Business service publications Other miscellaneous publishing 0936 Commercial printing Magazine and periodical printing Lithographic Labels for packaging, rolls and sheets Letterpress Lithographic Gravure Catalog and directory printing Lithographic Financial and legal printing Letterpress Lithographic Advertising printing Letterpress Lithographic Other general job printing Letterpress Lithographic Gravure Commercial printing, n. e. c Screen printing, excluding textiles Gravure plates and cylinders Engraving and plate printing Printed products Plates made for others, excl. duplicates . 0937 Dec. 19842 Mar. 1985 2 Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 3933 Book printing Books, printed only, lithographic Books, printed and bound, lithographic .. Printed or printed and bound, not lith .... Pamphlets, etc., printed or printed an ... Other index base 0415 .99 05 0511 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 114.4 127.7 125.2 114.4 129.7 127.5 114.4 129.7 127.5 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.3 110.7 104.4 103.4 101.8 105.8 111.0 106.4 105.0 102.4 106.1 110.2 106.1 105.0 104.6 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 105.5 105.1 101.7 106.0 106.0 106.1 105.6 104.2 106.6 106.2 106.4 105.9 103.7 107.3 106.1 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 102.0 100.2 101.5 103.4 103.1 100.4 103.6 104.5 103.6 100.5 103.7 105.4 06/82 108.8 110.6 111.5 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 12/84 12/84 12/84 108.9 106.7 104.8 110.2 108.4 110.3 111.3 111.2 110.8 111.6 110.2 118.2 108.8 107.9 109.5 106.7 106.3 108.1 108.7 101.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 111.2 107.3 105.2 111.0 109.8 112.2 113.8 112.2 111.4 112.8 112.8 119.8 111.9 110.1 111.9 108.9 106.6 109.9 110.8 102.4 99.9 99.8 100.4 112.0 107.3 105.2 110.9 109.6 111.3 112.6 117.0 121.9 113.2 113.9 128.9 111.4 111.1 113.1 109.7 106.6 110.0 110.9 102.1 100.6 100.7 100.0 315.5 315.4 316.9 282.1 332.2 281.4 331.3 281.4 331.3 268.8 285.4 302.3 272.5 286.7 129.0 286.4 105.3 247.6 295.0 280.4 301.0 300.2 306.2 99.2 259.6 272.5 212.5 303.9 246.5 217.4 340.3 113.1 104.3 286.9 252.5 286.2 306.2 341.2 304.8 286.7 138.0 294.7 105.3 252.2 315.6 300.3 338.6 300.2 335.1 99.2 261.6 282.2 255.0 341.2 246.5 144.9 346.8 131.8 115.3 312.8 285.0 280.7 299.2 315.2 286.9 295.7 144.0 290.6 123.7 236.9 311.9 298.3 317.7 304.6 335.1 118.7 255.8 271.2 255.0 325.2 256.6 108.7 346.8 123.8 115.3 290.8 263.3 01 0102 .99 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 03 0302 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 05 0501 .99 0502 .99 06 0601 .99 0602 .99 0603 .99 07 0701 .99 0702 .99 08 0801 .99 0802 .99 Metals and metal products . Iron and steel Iron ore Pellets . 1011 Iron and steel scrap .... No. 1 heavy melting . Pittsburgh Chicago Philadelphia Detroit Birmingham Houston Los Angeles No. 2 heavy melting . Pittsburgh Chicago Philadelphia Birmingham Houston Los Angeles No. 2 bundles Pittsburgh Chicago Philadelphia Detroit Birmingham Houston Los Angeles Melting, r.r. no. 1 Pittsburgh 1012 0117 .99 gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. ton ton ton ton ton ton ton gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. ton ton ton ton ton ton gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. ton ton ton ton ton ton ton gr. ton See footnotes at end of table. 128 01 0101 .01 0102 .01 0103 .01 0104 0105 .01 0106 0107 .01 02 0211 .01 0212 .01 0213 .01 0215 .02 0216 0217 .01 03 0321 .01 0322 .01 0323 .01 0324 0325 .01 0326 0327 .02 04 0431 .01 12/69 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/77 $78,302 85.000 80.000 82.500 72.000 70.500 81.000 77.000 71.131 75.000 76.000 70.500 69.500 73.000 67.000 50.949 57.000 61.000 51.000 37.500 53.500 61.273 21.000 82.438 85.000 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Iron and steel scrap—Continued ... Chicago Birmingham Houston No. 1 cupola cast iron Pittsburgh Philadelphia Detroit Birmingham Houston Los Angeles No. 1 bundles Pittsburgh Chicago Philadelphia Detroit Birmingham Houston Los Angeles Stainless bundles Pittsburgh Chicago Detroit Commodity code1 1012 gr. ton gr. ton gr. ton gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. ton ton ton ton ton ton gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. ton ton ton ton ton ton ton 0432 .01 0435 .01 0436 05 0541 0543 0544 0545 0546 0547 06 Other index base 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/77 06/77 0651 .01 0652 .01 0653 .01 0654 0655 .01 0656 0657 .01 07 0761 .01 gr. ton gr. ton gr. ton 0762 .01 0764 Foundry and forge shop products Pressure & soil pipe and fittings, cast ir Soil pipe & fittings, gray & ductile iron Pressure pipe and fittings, ductile iron Pressure pipe and fittings, gray iron Motor vehicle castings, gray & ductile iro Castings for passenger cars, gray iron Castings for other motor vehicles, gray iron Castings for passenger cars, ductile iron Castings for other motor vehicles, ductile iron .... Gray & ductile iron castings, other Molds & stools for heavy steel ingots Castings for construction & utility use Ductile iron castings, other Gray iron castings, other Malleable iron foundries Standard malleable iron castings Pearlitic malleable iron castings Steel investment foundries Carbon and low alloy steel investment castings . High alloy steel investment castings Other steel foundrs, carbon steel castings Railroad wheels and specialties All other carbon steel castings Other steel foundrs, high alloy steel cast All other high alloy steel castings Other steel foundrs, low alloy steel cast All other low alloy steel castings Open die or smith forgings, ferrous Carbon steel Alloy steel, excluding stainless and h Other forge shop products Seamless rolled ring forgings, ferrous Closed die forging, carbon steel Closed die forging, alloy steel Closed die for forgings, stainless ste Closed die forgings, other ferrous 06/77 1016 Steel mill products7 Semifinished steel mill products Semifinished steel mill products Hot rolled sheet and strip, incl. tin mill Hot rolled bars, plates, & structural shap . Steel wire Plain wire, carbon steel Galvanized wire, carbon steel Other coated wire, carbon steel Wire, stainless steel Steel pipe and tubes Standard pipe, carbon 06/77 1015 Blast and electric furnace products .... Blast furnace products Pig iron Electric furnace products Ferrosilicon Other electric furnace products .... 06/77 1017 02 0235 .99 0237 .99 0239 .99 03 0321 .99 0322 .99 0323 .99 0324 .99 04 0423 .99 0425 .99 0427 .99 0429 .99 05 0511 .99 0522 .99 06 0614 .99 0621 .99 07 0712 .99 0736 .99 08 0818 .99 09 0917 .99 12 1261 .99 1263 .99 13 1329 .99 1351 .99 1353 .99 1355 .99 1357 .99 12/83 12/83 02 0291 .99 03 06/82 06/82 06/82 0312 .99 0315 .99 06/83 02 0299 .99 03 04 05 0511 .99 0515 .99 0519 .99 0551 .99 06 0611 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/67 12/80 12/80 12/80 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 129 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 297.1 330.0 121.3 218.9 105.6 129.5 77.1 101.2 107.0 126.7 295.6 294.4 306.8 295.4 114.9 301.0 109.1 266.8 209.5 216.7 188.9 115.8 321.5 342.1 128.7 223.0 105.6 129.5 83.5 103.7 120.8 118.5 329.8 353.2 351.6 295.4 138.6 303.1 117.3 (3) 216.9 225.3 204.4 106.3 290.1 342.1 119.7 225.4 104.2 129.5 97.1 101.2 120.8 118.5 312.8 307.4 324.0 305.1 142.1 303.1 111.2 281.2 223.5 234.8 210.3 106.3 361.9 116.9 132.3 105.8 108.6 115.4 115.6 116.9 116.0 103.6 112.8 393.1 113.0 117.9 113.4 110.2 111.9 105.6 119.4 130.2 115.8 108.8 97.4 112.0 104.7 105.2 110.1 110.7 98.2 104.5 93.8 100.4 105.4 412.0 403.0 100.0 364.1 118.1 132.7 106.7 110.8 117.2 117.1 120.5 116.6 103.6 113.8 395.6 115.1 119.3 114.4 110.5 112.1 106.3 121.5 (3) 81.5 362.9 118.3 132.7 107.8 110.8 115.8 115.7 118.4 116.0 103.6 114.1 395.6 114.6 120.0 114.8 109.6 111.4 105.0 121.3 133.0 117.5 107.8 97.0 110.7 104.7 105.2 110.3 110.9 97.9 104.5 93.3 99.7 104.6 411.3 401.3 92.2 81.5 307.9 99.4 99.4 97.3 305.9 106.4 307.7 99.1 99.1 97.3 3 () 105.1 307.2 98.7 98.6 97.3 3 () 104.9 367.9 100.7 373.0 367.1 111.8 101.2 100.3 368.5 97.1 111.7 101.1 367.5 100.7 373.0 111.7 99.9 101.5 94.5 94.0 117.6 109.1 98.9 111.9 104.7 105.2 110.3 110.9 97.9 (3) 93.3 99.4 104.6 411.3 400.6 84.9 100.5 372.3 100.0 367.3 97.1 100.0 100.5 94.3 94.0 101.3 100.0 367.2 97.1 100.0 100.5 94.3 94.0 Apr. 1985 $83,000 85.000 78.393 79.226 74.000 79.000 85.000 82.000 97.231 86.500 85.897 94.000 94.000 94.000 81.000 72.500 72.830 81.708 559.098 617.500 540.000 505.000 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Commodity code1 Steel mill products—Continued Line pipe, carbon Casing (OCTG), carbon Pressure tubing, seamless, carbon Pressure tubing, welded, carbon Mechanical tubing, seamless, carbon Mechanical tubing, welded, carbon Structural pipe and tubing, carbon Casing (OCTG), alloy Tubing (OCTG), alloy Pressure tubing, welded, stainless Other pipe and tubing, incl. std. pipe, stainless Cold rolled sheets and strip Sheets, c.r., carbon Strip, c.r, carbon Sheets and strip, c.r., alloy Sheets, c.r., stainless Strip, c.r., stainless Cold finished bars Bars, c.f., carbon Bars, c.f., alloy Bars, c.f., stainless, 300 series Other steel mill products 102 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 017 Nonferrous metals Other index base Nonferrous metal ores Silver concentrates 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 1022 93.5 108.1 110.9 111.2 386.5 388.3 108.3 238.9 253.3 104.8 353.9 330.6 311.0 102.1 405.6 385.8 95.2 98.1 432.8 305.7 98.0 419.7 93.5 108.3 111.5 111.5 386.6 388.3 108.3 251.7 253.3 104.9 354.5 330.6 311.0 102.1 262.9 268.6 92.6 68.3 71.2 271.8 244.7 328.0 98.6 101.2 96.7 632.5 159.3 390.8 171.4 376.1 316.1 304.2 425.7 64.4 411.7 400.7 499.7 933.6 447.4 284.2 263.1 242.5 328.0 105.7 99.8 95.9 632.5 162.3 338.0 135.7 376.1 316.1 304.2 367.0 63.0 411.7 3 () 424.5 824.2 366.5 223.1 275.9 250.0 328.0 105.6 99.8 96.7 632.5 173.7 380.1 146.4 376.1 330.1 310.8 383.8 62.5 411.7 5.680 .205 3.290 .474 .465 1.375 312.000 1.480 489.8 923.2 438.8 255.1 323.100 6.670 281.000 192.5 128.8 116.9 151.8 135.3 390.0 349.0 414.6 219.5 261.3 135.2 324.7 302.8 06/82 405.6 385.8 95.2 98.1 432.8 305.8 198.5 128.8 118.2 149.6 136.8 438.3 380.7 469.9 200.8 207.5 143.8 324.7 302.8 203.7 136.6 128.5 154.0 145.5 438.3 380.7 469.9 197.9 222.5 231.9 88.7 85.7 86.4 68.5 75.2 84.8 84.8 192.6 107.5 137.8 105.7 51.2 53.8 41.9 82.3 223.0 87.0 83.7 86.2 69.9 74.8 88.8 74.7 165.9 107.4 140.8 105.3 44.7 (3) 35.9 77.7 228.0 84.5 81.2 84.4 70.1 73.8 91.6 80.4 174.6 110.8 141.9 108.4 50.2 1021 Primary nonferrous metals Primary nonferrous metals, except precious Aluminum paste pigment Primary aluminum ingot, unalloyed Primary aluminum ingot, alloyed Aluminum extrusion billet Cobalt Domestic copper cathode Tin, pig, grade A Lead, pig, common Nickel, cathode sheets Zinc, slab, prime Western Zinc, slab, special high grade Antimony Mercury, 76 Ib. flask Magnesium, pig ingot Titanium sponge Precious metals Gold, refined Silver, bar, refined, .999 fine Platinum 06/82 06/82 405.6 385.8 95.2 98.1 432.8 305.6 98.5 419.7 93.5 (3) 111.1 111.8 386.6 388.3 108.3 244.2 269.2 106.0 359.1 333.7 313.3 102.1 266.0 0612 .99 0614 .99 0621 .99 0622 .99 0623 .99 0624 .99 0627 .99 0634 .99 0635 .99 0662 .99 0669 .99 07 0711 .99 0715 .99 0733 .99 0751 .99 0755 .99 08 0811 .99 0831 .99 0852 .99 09 0401 .99 01 0109 .01 0117.99 0118.99 0121 .99 0122 0123 .99 0126 .01 0127 0128 0132 0133 0136 0146 .01 0151 0156 .02 02 0271 0272 0273 Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. flask Ib. Ib. tr. oz. tr. oz. tr. oz. Nonferrous scrap Copper base scrap Copper scrap, no. 2 refiner Heavy yellow brass scrap No. 1 composition (red brass) scrap Aluminum base scrap Aluminum seg. low-copper clips, N.Y. Ib Old aluminum.scrap.sheet and cast, N.Y Other nonferrous scrap nee Scrap lead battery plates New scrap nickel, clips and solids, N.Y Block tin pipe scrap Old scrap zinc N.Y 12/80 12/80 12/80 1023 Secondary nonferrous metals Aluminum, except extrusion billet Aluminum ingot Other types, except extrusion billet Refined copper Brass ingot, alloyed Other copper-base alloys, except brass and bronze Refined lead Antimonial lead, alloyed Refined zinc Zinc dust, unalloyed Zinc-base alloys Precious metals Gold, unalloyed Silver, unalloyed Other nonferrous metals 12/83 1024 01 0106 .01 0111 0116 02 0222 .01 0223 .01 03 0321 0326 0331 0336 .01 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 03 0302 .99 0305 .99 04 0402 .99 05 0502 .99 0503 .99 06 0601 .99 0602 .99 07 See footnotes at end of table. 130 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 324.7 257.9 40.8 77.7 $1,488 11.700 .500 .350 .500 .300 .255 4.100 .115 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Nonferrous mill shapes Aluminum mill shapes Sheet, flat 5052-H 32 Sheet, coiled, bare, siding Sheet, coiled, bare, finstock Sheet, coiled, bare, all others Sheet, coiled, nonheat-treatable, precoated Sheet, flat, nonheat-treatable, bare Foil, plain (under .006 inches) Sheet,coiled,heat treatable Tube, extruded, 6000 alloy series Tube, drawn, 6000 alloy series Plate, heat treatable 7075-T651 Bar, extruded, other than 2000 and 7000 alloy series Pipe, extruded Rod, extruded, other than 2000 and 7000 alloy series .... Extrusion, solid, circle size under 3 Extrusion, solid, circle size 3 to under 4 Extrusion, solid, circle size 4 to under 5 Extrusion, solid, circle size 5 to 9 Extrusion, solid, in 2000 and 7000 alloy series Copper and brass mill shapes Copper-base alloy strip Copper-base alloy rod Copper-base alloy tube; non-plumbing Copper tubing, non -plumbing Copper tubing, plumbing Copper sheet or strip Copper rod Nickel alloy mill shapes Nickel plate, 200 alloy Monel sheet, 400 alloy Titanium mill shapes Other mill shapes Gold mill shapes Other lead mill shapes, except powder and wire Other nonferrous metal wire Other nonferrous metal mill shapes Commodity code1 Other index base 01 0101 .04 0103 .99 0104 .99 0107 .99 0108 .99 0109 .99 0111 .99 0114.99 0121 .99 0123 .99 0127 .03 0132 .99 0135 .99 0147 .99 0151 .99 0152 .99 0153 .99 0154 .99 0157 .99 02 0231 .99 0232 .99 0233 .99 0253 .99 0254 .99 0255 .99 0256 .99 04 0462 0463 05 19 1901 .99 1997 .99 1998 .99 1999 .99 Nonferrous wire and cable Nonferrous wire and cable Electric wire and cable Telephone and telegraph wire and cable Control and signal wire and cable Building wire and cable Apparatus wire and cordage Magnet wire Power wire and cable Copper bare wire, alloyed Automotive primary wire Airframe, shipboard and ground support cable Other insulated and covered wire and cable, copper . 1027 Nonferrous foundry shop products Castings, alum./alum.-base alloy Motor vehicle die castings Other die castings Sand castings Perm, and semi-perm, mold castings Other castings and cast products Copper and copper-base alloy castings Copper and copper-base alloy sand castings .... Other copper/copper-base alloy castings Copper-base bearings/bushings, nonmachined . Zinc Castings Zinc and zinc-base alloy castings Magnesium and magnesium-base castings Other nonferrous castings 1028 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/83 12/68 12/69 12/68 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/80 12/80 12/70 12/70 12/70 12/70 06/82 06/83 06/83 06/83 1026 Nonferrous forage shop products Hot impressed die.inpact, press,& upse . Other forgings 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 0305 .99 0307 .99 0309 .99 0311 .99 0313 .99 0315 .99 0317 .99 0323 .99 0325 .99 02 0201 .99 0203 .99 0204 .99 0205 .99 0206 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0303 .99 04 0401 .99 05 .99 06 02 0209 .99 0211 .99 0214 .99 0215 .99 131 315.3 331.1 338.5 283.7 399.6 115.4 116.9 116.7 224.7 110.9 291.0 310.5 (3) 89.9 111.4 105.0 111.5 106.8 110.1 106.7 104.8 217.3 258.6 188.6 257.2 198.6 76.4 241.0 82.9 259.1 293.1 377.5 301.9 344.0 114.1 92.1 95.9 98.6 311.9 328.3 338.5 280.6 399.6 113.2 116.8 116.7 216.6 106.3 289.5 310.5 402.9 83.7 110.4 104.4 111.3 106.5 108.0 106.2 105.1 219.3 257.7 188.1 263.8 200.5 78.2 252.9 83.5 262.2 293.1 377.5 290.8 322.8 103.5 91.7 92.3 99.9 316.2 327.7 338.5 280.9 203.2 102.9 103.3 105.3 103.4 203.4 103.0 103.5 104.8 103.4 97.4 102.0 103.6 103.0 102.1 97.8 98.8 98.0 97.5 112.9 116.8 116.7 216.6 106.8 289.5 310.5 402.9 84.8 110.4 104.4 110.9 106.5 108.3 106.1 105.1 225.9 265.2 188.8 268.1 206.9 87.7 262.2 293.1 377.5 290.9 341.2 113.1 88.6 93.0 100.0 99.4 99.3 109.5 225.8 94.3 95.6 94.0 99.5 96.6 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.0 105.1 103.3 104.2 98.5 103.6 104.8 97.9 06/77 06/77 12/72 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 146.3 150.2 285.9 106.3 106.7 105.5 104.4 101.5 102.4 100.2 99.4 146.5 150.1 285.4 106.2 106.4 105.8 105.0 102.2 102.8 100.6 101.1 146.7 149.9 285.0 106.1 106.3 105.8 105.0 102.1 102.7 100.6 101.1 06/77 06/83 06/83 145.2 103.3 101.9 145.6 103.3 102.2 145.6 103.3 106.9 357.5 358.0 361.5 114.3 124.6 373.8 114.8 124.4 362.0 114.3 124.2 371.4 117.4 124.9 362.6 114.5 124.2 373.8 (3) 12/82 12/82 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 101.0 Apr. 1985 $1,413 2.206 83.4 262.5 98.8 97.3 102.0 110.4 223.6 99.5 1031 See footnotes at end of table. 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/80 103 Metal cans and can components Steel cans , Fruit and fruit juice can Vegetable & vegetable juice can Lard and shortening can All other food (including soup) cans . Price Apr. 19852 357.2 0111 .99 0122 .99 Metal containers . Mar. 19852 201.3 1025 Ib. Dec. 19842 101.5 110.8 226.2 124.9 6.390 5.190 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Metal cans and can components—Continued Paint and varnish can Aerosol can All other non-food cans Aluminum cans Soft drink can Beer can All other food (including soup) cans Metal can component (steel and aluminum) Metal can components (steel and aluminum) . 032 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 031 Barrels, drums, and pails Steel pails Steel shipping barrels and drums.. All other metal barrels Other ndex base Hand and edge tools Wrench, open-end Adjustable wrench, including pipe Screwdrivers Wrench socket All other wrenches Pliers Hammers, light forged Steel goods (forks, hoes, rakes, etc.) All other mechanics' hand service tools . All other edge tools Hacksaw blades Handsaw, crosscut Other hand tools, except edge tools 117.6 98.5 111.7 111.6 (3) 273.2 109.0 117.6 98.5 113.6 111.0 235.1 270.4 109.0 06/81 120.5 121.0 121.0 06/83 332.9 292.1 354.0 100.1 332.4 290.9 353.1 101.3 332.1 290.9 352.7 101.3 04 300.9 304.0 305.0 041 277.0 300.9 136.6 341.5 3 278.7 308.8 136.6 341.6 (3) 190.0 311.0 280.7 163.4 331.8 319.5 361.8 255.9 213.3 223.1 390.7 307.9 421.9 278.7 308.6 136.6 (3) (3) 190.0 311.0 280.7 163.4 331.8 311.8 361.8 255.9 213.3 (3) 141.8 231.4 (3) 223.1 400.7 311.3 450.0 364.7 384.6 315.0 299.2 310.0 104.9 330.6 302.3 412.0 103.3 104.1 153.8 (3) 106.5 371.5 (3) 328.5 307.4 325.8 109.7 343.7 312.3 404.6 104.5 104.6 158.2 238.5 107.3 374.8 (3) 332.1 312.5 329.7 112.3 343.7 312.3 404.6 104.8 104.5 158.2 238.5 107.1 105 309.3 307.9 311.3 1051 0101 .99 0111 .05 0121 .02 343.6 310.3 419.7 403.5 343.2 310.2 417.1 406.2 346.2 312.3 422.5 409.5 0101 .04 0111 .06 299.2 355.3 247.0 299.2 355.8 246.6 300.3 356.5 248.1 01 0105 .02 0108 .04 0111 .06 0113 .04 0114.03 0116 .09 0118.04 0119 .06 0121 .02 0125 .05 0131 .05 0136 .04 0137 .01 0138 .01 03 0345 .31 0347 .05 04 0457 .06 0461 .02 doz. doz. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. pr ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. st e ea. ea. ea. 12/75 C) 12/75 12/70 12/75 12/67 12/67 12/75 12/75 12/75 12/67 12/67 12/68 12/67 12/67 1042 0131 0133 0141 0147 0149 0151 0161 0166 0178 0179 0181 0182 0183 per 100 ea. Plumbing fixtures and brass fittings ... Enameled iron fixtures Enameled iron bathtubs ... Enameled iron lavatories . Enameled iron sinks Vitreous china fixtures Lavatory Water closet combination . 117.6 98.9 109.2 109.8 230.0 268.9 107.6 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 Hardware . Hardware, n.e.c Builders hardware Padlock combination Padlock, pin tumbler Cabinet hinge Door lock, mortise, std. duty, keyed Door lock, bored, std. duty, keyed Door lock, bored, residential, keyless Door lock, bored, residential, keyed Exit device, heavy duty, rim type Full mortise hinges, light wt Sash fastener Door closer, overhead, commodity grade . Door stop Cabinet pull Dead lock, standard duty Transportation equipment hardware Other automobile hardware Stern cleat, marine Furniture hardware Caster, office chair Desk lock, cam type 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/72 12/70 06/81 0218 .99 0219 .99 0222 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0304 .99 04 0401 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .03 .02 .99 06/83 06/83 06/83 12/72 06/83 1052 ea. ea. Steel fixtures Enameled steel bathtubs. Stainless steel sinks 1053 Brass fittings Bath and shower fittings Lavatory fittings Sink fittings Miscellaneous brass goods. 1054 Heating equipment. 106 () • 141.8 231.4 (3) 223.1 400.7 311.3 450.0 0101 .99 0113 .99 12/74 249.3 220.9 161.2 251.8 (3) 164.8 251.9 (3) 163.1 0211 .99 0215 .99 0219 .99 0223 .99 Steam and hot water equipment. Gas heating boilers 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 313.7 103.7 102.0 103.5 109.4 311.0 103.7 102.6 106.0 105.8 315.8 108.4 104.8 106.6 106.7 256.4 257.3 257.8 266.2 269.2 267.5 269.3 265.9 269.3 1061 0102 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 185.5 305.7 285.7 163.4 306.9 311.8 354.1 253.6 195.6 (3) 142.4 235.6 132 $49,646 5.370 13.126 171.822 1.024 .563 36.358 O 11.189 29.481 11.855 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Commodity code1 Steam and hot water equipment—Continued . Oil healing boilers Steel heating boilers Steel heating boilers over 400 mbh All other radiators and convectors 1062 Conversion burners Commercial/industrial oil burners.. Gas burners over 400 mbh Gas burners, 400 mbh and under. Com./ind. dual fuel burners 1063 Domestic heating stoves Wood/coal stoves, non-airtight . Wood/coal stoves, airtight 1064 Unit heaters and ventilators Unit heaters Gas fired propeller-fan type, under 400 mbh . Steam, propeller fan type 1065 Water heaters, domestic Electric Gas Oil Solar water heater system . 1066 Other systems and other parts Other heating systems Gas-fired infra-red heaters Non-electric fireplaces Other heating systems, n. e. c. Other parts for heating systems ... Other parts, n. e. c 1067 Fabricated structural metal products. 107 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 1061 Warm air furnaces Gas-fired wall furnaces .. Forced air, gas Gas-fired floor furnaces . Other index base 0103 0111 0113 0141 0136 .99 0142 .99 0146 .99 12/80 12/80 283.4 259.9 120.5 128.6 283.4 261.2 123.0 128.6 283.4 254.1 121.8 128.6 259.4 (3) 277.8 259.3 355.2 276.6 12/80 259.0 354.2 276.2 139.4 246.4 124.0 119.5 264.8 123.6 248.1 124.0 119.5 264.8 123.6 0111 .99 0116.99 0121 .99 0136 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 246.2 124.0 119.5 264.6 123.1 0121 .99 0126 .99 12/80 12/80 218.8 120.6 120.8 01 12/67 12/67 0121 .99 0126 .05 213.9 117.8 118.4 12/67 234.7 312.9 281.5 307.2 241.4 321.8 285.4 320.1 243.5 324.6 290.6 320.1 .99 .99 .99 .99 12/82 12/82 250.2 218.8 268.1 109.6 107.8 251.6 221.1 268.6 113.0 107.8 252.6 220.2 271.0 113.0 110.2 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 122.4 125.6 121.3 107.0 122.8 121.1 127.0 124.2 125.8 121.3 107.4 123.2 123.5 127.0 124.3 01 0116.99 0121 .99 0126 .99 02 0216 .99 313.2 314.3 314.3 310.9 105.1 105.5 103.9 350.9 109.9 104.6 104.7 391.1 311.0 105.4 105.2 104.4 355.3 112.3 104.5 104.6 391.1 311.1 105.5 105.2 104.5 354.2 114.8 104.5 104.5 391.1 0101 0113 0115 0117 Metal doors, sash, and trim Metal doors and frames, exc. storm Aluminum doors Iron and steel doors Steel door frames Shower doors and tub enclosures Metal window sash and frames, exc. storm . Aluminum window sash and frames Steel window sash and frames Metal molding and trim and storefronts Metal molding and trim and storefronts .... Storm sash and doors Storm sash and doors Screens and weatherstrip Screens and weatherstrip 1071 02 0201 0203 0205 0207 03 0309 0311 04 0413 05 0515 06 0617 Metal tanks Pressure vessels, non-aluminum Elevated water tank, field erected Bulk storage tank, 6,000 gallons or less .... Bulk storage tank, over 6,000 gallons Non-LPG gas cylinders Other pressure tanks Custom tank, 3/4 in. and less Petroleum storage tanks 0102 0111 0112 0113 0122 0133 0138 0147 Sheet metal products Roofing, steel Roof drainage equipment, aluminum Siding, aluminum Floor, fabricated metal Stovepipe, furnace smokepipe, elbows & ducts, steel. Air conditioning ducts, incl. dust collecting, steel Bins and vats Culverts, flumes, and irrigation pipes, steel Culverts, flumes, and irrigation pipes, aluminum Awnings, canopies, and carports, prefab., aluminum ... Other sheet metal work, steel Other sheet metal work, aluminum .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 107.7 123.2 123.7 127.8 06/83 100.2 100.3 100.2 .99 06/83 105.2 104.7 104.7 .99 06/83 108.9 109.0 108.8 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 306.4 125.9 441.8 329.1 294.9 109.5 87.2 118.5 110.2 305.7 125.6 (3) 332.9 296.2 105.9 87.6 117.1 109.8 305.8 125.6 (3) 332.9 296.2 (3) 87.6 117.3 109.8 06/83 12/82 06/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 327.2 351.9 103.6 111.3 104.1 107.3 101.1 93.4 103.2 115.3 116.7 107.3 113.2 326.7 349.4 103.5 110.2 108.2 107.3 101.5 87.8 103.2 115.3 (3) 109.9 111.7 326.3 350.8 97.1 111.1 108.2 107.5 0101 .99 0108 .99 0109 .99 0117 .99 0145 .99 0146 .99 0158 .99 0162 .99 0163 .99 0165 .99 0166 .99 0167 .99 133 125.8 (3) .99 1073 See footnotes at end of table. .99 .99 .99 .99 95.2 87.8 103.2 115.3 (3) 110.2 113.2 $320,035 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Commodity code1 Sheet metal products—Continued Other sheet metal work, not steel or aluminum 1074 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 1073 Struct., arch., pre-eng. metal products Fabricated iron and steel pipe and fitting Nonpressure pipe: heating, ventilation Other iron and steel pipe fabrication Fabricated iron and steel tube and fitting Welded tubing Nonferrous pipe and tube fabrication Other nonferrous pipe and tube fabrication Fabricated structural metal Fabricated structural metal for buildings Other fabricated structural metal Miscellaneous metal work Expanded metal lath Fabricated concrete reinforcing bars Architectural and ornamental metalwork Warm air or air conditioning grilles Stairs Railings Grating and grating treads Light gauge metal framing Ground supported scaffolding and shori Other architectural and ornamental met Other index base 0169 .99 110.4 110.4 110.4 305.0 102.8 119.9 108.3 113.8 114.8 108.7 112.3 106.4 324.9 101.0 92.2 334.9 163.7 101.7 100.6 103.3 100.8 103.9 101.0 307.9 105.2 152.2 108.3 114.5 115.4 108.7 112.3 107.3 326.0 101.9 92.2 (3) 163.7 103.8 103.7 104.7 101.7 103.6 111.0 100.0 100.8 0803 .99 0804 .99 0805 .99 0806 .99 0808 .99 0809 .99 12/73 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 100.8 307.6 105.2 152.2 108.3 114.9 116.1 108.7 112.3 107.1 325.4 101.9 92.2 (3) 163.7 103.9 103.7 105.1 101.7 103.6 111.0 99.7 100.8 0101 .99 0102 .99 06/80 06/80 06/80 128.9 136.7 120.4 129.2 137.3 120.4 130.8 139.8 121.6 0101 .99 0111 .99 0121 .99 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 112.1 121.7 108.3 113.3 125.7 113.1 109.4 113.3 125.7 113.1 109.4 06/80 125.9 125.9 125.0 06/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 105.5 96.6 96.5 105.6 102.0 105.9 104.7 109.0 105.7 96.1 95.9 107.6 106.6 110.4 105.3 109.2 105.8 96.1 96.0 107.6 108.1 109.0 105.9 109.2 12/81 101.5 100.6 100.5 02 0206 .99 0214 .99 03 0302 .99 04 0403 .99 05 0501 0512 07 0781 0791 08 0801 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 075 Heat exchanges and condensers Bare tube heat exchangers Fin tube heat exchangers 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/82 06/81 Fabricated steel plate Large diameter pipe Weldments Other fabricated plate 1076 Steel power boilers 1077 Prefabricated metal buildings Prefab, metal bldg systems, ex. farm svcs Industrial and commercial Other prefab. & portable metal buildings Grain storage bldgs., incl. farm & commercial types Other farm service buildings, steel and aluminum Small utility bldgs, incl. tool sheds, cabanas, etc Dwellings & other non-farm buildings Panels, parts, & sections for prefab bldgs Panels, parts, sections for prefabricated buildings 1079 Miscellaneous metal products 108 301.8 301.9 302.1 1081 278.5 105.1 96.6 103.1 104.8 144.3 154.5 211.2 198.8 133.4 102.0 101.7 99.2 100.9 101.4 98.7 277.3 104.6 95.5 103.2 103.8 147.6 153.6 211.5 198.8 132.7 101.1 101.7 96.8 100.8 102.4 99.6 278.5 105.2 93.2 112.7 102.6 146.7 152.6 219.8 198.8 132.7 99.7 101.7 97.8 101.0 102.4 99.6 288.4 116.2 102.5 380.3 114.7 300.5 119.5 115.6 121.6 246.0 229.8 223.7 292.0 121.3 107.2 394.5 115.8 313.3 122.9 117.9 124.0 246.0 230.0 223.4 104.7 275.1 290.0 119.8 105.9 388.3 114.3 319.1 122.9 117.9 124.0 227.9 226.7 222.0 99.1 261.9 Bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and washers Externally thread, fasteners, ex. aircraft Hex bolts Square and round bolts Studs Flanged, self-locking set and wood screws Machine screws Cap screws Mine roof bolt High-strength structural and bent bolts Thread-cutting & rolling, & self drilling screws Other externally threaded fasteners Internally thread, fasteners, ex. aircraft Nonthreaded fasteners, except aircraft Aircraft-aerospace fasteners Other formed fasteners 01 0115.99 02 0214 .99 0215 .99 0221 .99 0235 .99 03 0354 .99 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/76 02 0221 .99 0222 .99 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 0307 .99 0311 .99 0321 .99 0323 .99 0325 .99 0327 .99 0329 .99 per 100 Lighting fixtures Residential Incandescent interior, including bath Incandescent outdoor Commercial/institutional or industrial Commercial incandescent fixtures, surface or pendant Commercial incandescent fixtures, recessed Other commercial incand. fixtures, incl. portable Commercial H.I.D. fixtures, mercury and other types ... Commercial fluor. fixtures, recessed air handling Commercial fluor. fixtures, recessed non-air Commercial fluorescent strip lights Commercial fluorescent ceiling systems Commercial fluorescent fixtures, plastic wraparound ... 06/81 12/83 12/71 12/76 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 1083 See footnotes at end of table. 02 0206 .99 0207 .99 0208 .99 0209 .99 0221 .99 0231 .99 0241 .07 0246 .99 0256 .99 0261 .99 03 04 05 06 134 06/81 12/68 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/73 06/81 12/67 266.6 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Lighting fixtures—Continued Commercial fluorescent fixtures, wall mounted Commercial fluorescent fixtures, surface or pendent.. Other commercial fluor. fixtures, incl. portable Component or renewal parts for commercial fixtures . Industrial fluorescent fixtures, general types Industrial H.I.D. fixtures, mercury and other types Vehicular Motor vehicle incandescent lighting All other motor vehicle lighting equip Outdoor and other types Mercury vapor floodlight, 400 watt Mercury floodlight, 1000 watt Flashlight, 2 cell, general purpose Commodity code1 unit Other ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 1083 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 120.6 115.9 114.5 112.5 295.4 110.1 117.4 103.2 106.1 131.6 218.0 192.5 217.8 120.8 115.4 114.5 115.1 296.2 110.1 118.1 103.5 106.8 130.7 210.1 182.9 220.8 121.0 115.4 114.5 113.8 296.2 110.1 118.6 103.4 107.7 130.4 210.1 182.9 217.8 98.6 93.4 97.2 104.5 82.3 100.9 370.9 374.2 100.3 98.5 100.2 298.7 108.2 106.7 257.1 110.1 105.5 98.7 346.7 280.7 100.2 103.3 101.3 98.6 93.5 97.1 109.1 82.6 100.7 368.3 373.3 100.3 99.0 100.9 310.7 303.1 107.2 106.8 257.1 110.9 105.5 98.5 345.1 279.9 99.6 103.3 101.0 98.9 93.5 97.1 109.1 82.6 101.0 367.8 377.3 101.3 97.6 102.3 310.7 313.5 107.2 107.0 257.1 111.5 105.6 98.7 355.7 280.9 100.0 103.3 101.0 12/67 12/67 06/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 06/84 12/72 06/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 311.4 105.5 285.7 109.2 98.3 101.2 114.3 286.6 102.0 321.2 240.9 99.6 113.5 101.2 306.4 305.7 305.0 100.0 101.9 101.3 104.7 100.8 289.1 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 310.9 105.6 287.4 109.2 98.3 101.8 115.3 290.1 102.7 320.6 240.4 99.2 113.5 101.2 294.2 305.7 305.0 (3) 101.4 100.8 104.7 100.3 288.3 98.9 100.2 100.0 100.3 100.1 102.9 311.3 105.6 287.4 109.2 98.3 101.8 115.5 290.4 102.9 321.2 241.1 99.4 113.5 101.3 294.2 305.7 305.0 100.0 101.4 100.8 104.6 100.4 287.9 99.4 100.1 100.0 99.9 100.1 103.0 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.3 100.1 100.6 100.9 100.9 100.9 11 295.6 298.0 298.3 Agricultural machinery and equipment. 111 337.6 339.0 339.0 Farm and garden tractors Farm tractors, wheel type Farm tractors, two wheel drive .... 1111 346.3 347.6 347.9 370.2 371.1 370.8 0331 .99 0333 .99 0338 .99 0345 .99 0361 .99 0371 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 05 0503 .12 0504 .09 0521 .02 ea. ea. ea. Fabricated ferrous wire products Ferrous wire rope, cable and strand Wire rope and cable Composite wire strand, rope and cable Wire strand, other than composite types Steel nail and spikes Bright nails Galvanized nails Other wire nails Steel wire staples Steel fencing and fence gates Chain link fencing Wire fence, woven and welded Fence posts, gates and fittings Ferrous wire cloth, other woven wire prod Insect wire screening Woven wire netting Wire cloth and other woven wire products Other fabricated ferrous wire products Barbed and twisted steel wire Welded steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcing . Other steel wire fabric Wire carts Other wire products 1088 Other miscellaneous metal products Hot formed springs Orig. equip, leaf springs, except for passenger cars Replacement leaf springs for motor vehicles Locomotive, railroad car & other helical springs Cold formed springs Wire springs Precision mechanical springs Other wire springs Other metal products Original equipment automobile stampings Replacement part automotive stampings Automotive screw machine products Other screw machine products Insect screening, aluminum Steel strapping, flat, 1-1/4x .031 Steel strapping, flat, 5/8" x .020" Metal picture frames Metal crowns and closures Metal commercial closures (caps) Metal crowns Metal stampings n.e.c Job stampings, non-automotive Other stamped and pressed metal end products Metal foil and leaf Converted unmounted alum, foil packaging products Laminated aluminum foil rolls and sheets Converted unmounted alum, foil for nonpkg appl Other metal foil and leaf 06/81 06/81 12/83 12/83 06/81 12/69 12/73 1089 01 0111 .99 0121 .99 0199 .99 02 0211 .99 0213 .99 0219 .99 0223 .99 06 0613 .99 0621 .99 0635 .99 07 0721 .99 0771 .99 0799 .99 09 0951 .99 0961 .99 0965 .99 0973 .99 0999 .99 100 sq.ft. cwt cwt. Metal treatment services Metal plating and polishing Metal coating and allied services 109 01 02 Machinery and equipment 02 0201 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 02 0216 .99 0217 .99 0225 .99 03 04 0424 .99 0425 .99 05 0506 .99 0508 .99 0521 .99 0522 .99 0533 .01 0553 .04 0554 .01 0562 .99 06 0611 .99 0617 .99 07 0701 .99 0731 .99 08 0801 .99 0811 .99 0821 .99 0831 .99 135 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 12/82 06/82 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/69 12/82 12/72 12/82 12/83 12/83 J C) $271,135 12.148 46.703 46.949 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Farm and garden tractors—Continued Garden tractors Garden tractors Farm tractor parts and attachments Parts Attachments 112 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 111 Agricultural machinery excl. tractors Plows Harrows, rollers, and stalk cutters Stalk shredders and cutters Harrows and rollers Blade terracers and scrapers and land levelers Planting, seeding, and fertilizing mach Planting and seeding machinery Fertilizing machinery Cultivators Cultivators Sprayers and dusters Power sprayers, other than field & row crop types Harvesting machinery Harvesting machinery Haying machinery Haying machinery Crop preparation machinery Farm elevators and blowers Farm wagons & other farm transport equip Farm wagons and other farm transportation equipment Commercial turf and grounds mowing equip Commerial turf and grounds mowing equipment Comm. turf & grounds care eq., parts & att Parts, farm mach. excluding tractor Parts, farm machinery, sold to o.e.m Parts, farm machinery, sold for replacement/repair Attachments, farm machinery, ex. tractors Attachments, farm machinery, excluding tractors Other index base 05 0522 .99 52 5211 .99 5221 .99 01 02 0211 0221 0231 03 0311 0321 04 0411 05 12/82 12/73 12/82 .99 .99 12/82 12/82 .99 12/82 0511 .99 06 0611 .99 07 12/82 0711 08 09 11 1111 12 1211 13 51 5191 5192 52 5211 Agricultural equipment Poultry equipment Barnyard and hog equipment Barn and barnyard equipment Hog equipment Water systems Irrigation systems Self-propelled irrigation systems, center pivot All other self-propelled irrigation systems Parts, agricultural equipment Parts, agricultural equipment, sold to o.e.m .99 .99 .99 12/67 12/82 12/82 12/82 .99 12/82 12/67 12/67 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 06/83 12/73 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 .99 .99 .99 .99 12/82 1113 01 02 0231 0241 03 04 0401 0402 51 5101 Construction machinery and equipment .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 301.4 103.1 238.4 109.0 305.9 103.1 (3) 109.0 313.8 103.1 238.4 109.0 347.5 398.5 353.2 102.5 103.4 104.5 357.0 105.7 106.5 320.7 106.4 256.9 100.7 352.2 107.9 381.9 114.7 327.1 339.7 326.2 102.0 104.5 104.5 110.2 257.5 103.6 104.0 102.7 102.7 349.0 398.5 356.8 103.8 104.5 104.5 356.0 105.7 106.1 322.2 106.9 251.5 98.6 352.5 107.9 385.4 115.7 333.4 352.7 326.7 102.2 106.3 106.3 110.2 258.3 (3) 104.4 103.6 103.6 348.9 400.2 357.2 103.5 104.8 104.5 358.2 105.7 106.9 323.0 107.2 252.4 98.9 352.5 108.0 378.1 113.6 333.4 355.1 328.7 102.8 106.3 106.3 110.6 258.3 103.5 104.4 103.6 103.6 266.2 279.6 297.5 103.6 105.7 235.2 103.9 103.7 104.9 101.6 90.6 267.4 278.0 300.1 104.7 105.7 237.5 100.6 99.9 (3) 103.2 92.5 266.7 278.0 298.0 103.7 105.7 238.2 99.4 98.4 104.9 103.1 92.3 112 357.8 361.8 361.2 Power cranes, excavators, and equipment Excavators Cranes Hydraulic operated cranes Miscellaneous cranes Front end attachments and parts Front end attachments cranes, draglines, shovels Parts for cranes draglines and shovels 1121 336.2 115.3 118.7 121.0 124.0 113.1 124.3 110.7 337.4 115.3 119.4 121.5 124.5 113.5 126.7 110.7 336.8 115.3 119.4 121.5 124.5 112.2 127.1 109.0 Construction equipment for mounting Special mounting equipment Ripper Tractor mounted winches and other attachments Dozer, hydraulic 6' and under 10T* 10" and under 14'1" 14'1" and over 1122 388.8 398.1 408.0 329.9 167.1 (3) 199.5 388.2 396.7 (3) 326.6 168.4 Specialized construction machinery Other specialized construction machinery Trencher Winches, including marine Crushing and screening plants Wheelbarrow, steel tray Compaction equipment Rollers 1123 04 06 0609 .99 0611 .99 07 0701 .99 0702 .99 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 0201 .07 0203 .04 0205 .07 01 0101 .17 0135 .99 0139 .99 0141 .04 02 0216 .99 Portable air compressors Portable air compressors Portable air compressors 12/76 12/80 157.5 424.8 420.5 443.5 424.8 420.5 443.5 429.6 429.6 126.8 (3) 203.6 126.8 (3) 203.6 132.5 174.0 104.1 168.9 01 0111 . See footnotes at end of table. 12/69 12/80 155.3 174.0 12/70 12/76 12/76 12/76 12/76 420.6 419.6 443.2 429.6 125.7 295.1 198.0 128.3 104.1 0109 .13 0127 .99 02 385.3 393.0 (3) 328.6 168.4 138.0 (3) 157.5 132.5 01 136 06/84 101.1 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Other index base 360.0 358.7 112.4 114.3 110.5 115.8 108.7 118.1 113.3 106.3 115.1 110.3 116.1 108.4 119.8 114.0 (3) 139.2 115.4 110.4 116.1 108.6 120.3 114.0 (3) 139.2 263.3 259.9 116.0 282.9 113.9 263.3 259.9 116.0 282.9 113.9 263.7 259.9 116.0 282.9 113.9 377.2 368.4 121.6 377.8 378.4 386.3 383.9 381.7 126.0 379.8 378.2 390.2 382.7 381.7 126.0 375.9 369.3 375.0 12/67 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 328.5 116.8 110.9 105.1 107.7 127.9 134.1 118.5 319.6 119.4 110.9 107.2 107.7 130.5 136.9 121.5 307.1 119.4 110.9 107.3 107.7 130.5 136.9 121.5 12/76 12/80 12/76 379.5 182.4 119.7 173.2 382.4 181.9 119.4 177.4 382.4 181.9 119.4 177.4 338.7 340.6 340.8 104.2 104.4 104.4 105.9 107.0 107.0 106.5 107.0 107.0 12/80 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 Mixers, pavers, spreaders, etc Portable mixers, 3 1/2 cu. ft and over Concrete finishers, paver, spreaders, distributor Asphalt Plant Other equipment 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 1127 0111 .99 0112 .99 0146 .99 0152 .99 Tractors, other than farm Wheel type Off hwy wheel tractors Crawler type Diesel, 60-89 net engine hp Diesel,90-159 net engine horsepower Diesel, 160-259 net engine horsepower Diesel,260 net engine h.p. and over Shovel loader, 45 - 89 hp Tractor parts and attachments Off hwy wheel tractor parts; repl., repair Tractor parts;oem Wheel tractor loaders parts; repl., repair Tractor shovel loaders Wheel shovel loader, 4 wldr, up to 3 1/2 cu. yd Wheel shovel loader, 4 wldr, 3 1/2 cu. yd. over 01 0108 .99 02 0211 .20 0213 .23 0215 .21 0217 .28 0218 .19 03 0302 .99 0303 .99 0304 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 Off-highway equipment Off-highway trucks, end dump Off highway, rear dump trucks Other off-highway equipment 12/80 12/68 12/80 12/80 1129 01 0106 02 Metalworking machinery and equipment 113 Metalworking machinery n. e. c Assembly machines Assembly machines Other metalworking machinery Other metalworking machinery 113A Power driven hand tools Home utility line, electrical Drill, over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch Oscillating, reciprocating and vibrating sanders Industrial line, electrical Drill, over 1/4 inch chuck size to under 1/2 inch Impact wrenches Belt sanders Hammers, percussion, rotary, without drill chuck Circular saws, between 7 inch and 8 inch blade Pneumatic hand tools Grinders, polishers and sanders Percussion tools Impact wrenches Drills, screwdrivers and nutrunners Other, pneumatic handtools, include hydraulic Powered actuated handtools Other electric-powered handtools and parts Other electric powered hand tools Parts-attachments-accessories, for electric tool Pneumatic, hydr., and powder actuated part 1133 Industrial process furnaces and ovens Electric, excluding induction & dielectric 1134 06/83 06/83 06/83 1132 Welding machines and equipment Arc welding mach., components ex electrode Arc welding machines Components for arc welding mach., exc. electrodes Resistance welders, components & electrode Arc welding electrodes Gas welding machines and equipment 01 0101 .99 02 0201 .99 02 0222 .99 0224 .99 03 0301 .99 0305 .99 0308 .99 0309 .99 0342 .99 04 0412 .99 0413 .99 0414 .99 0415 .99 0435 .99 0436 .99 05 0531 .99 0532 .99 51 01 0172 .99 0174 .99 02 03 04 01 See footnotes at end of table. 137 Apr. 19852 360.0 358.7 01 0103 .99 Parts and other equipment Parts (ex. era., drag., shov., trac, OEM) Parts and attachments sold to oem Parts for replacement or repair Other consrtuction equipment All other construction machinery Other excavating and road machinery Portable water well and blast hole drills Mar. 19852 355.1 353.9 111.9 1125 Scrapers and graders Scrapers and graders Scraper bowls Dec. 19842 Price 06/83 12/76 12/76 12/76 12/76 12/80 12/76 12/76 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/76 12/84 12/84 104.1 105.3 106.2 226.3 186.7 225.8 166.9 151.3 189.9 186.9 176.7 148.1 118.2 158.5 215.7 235.3 251.8 170.9 124.9 104.1 116.9 118.4 115.2 192.2 232.9 174.0 128.8 104.1 118.2 120.9 115.2 200.4 231.1 188.6 227.7 166.9 158.7 193.3 190.3 176.7 149.5 118.2 157.3 217.4 235.3 218.2 173.5 132.8 106.5 119.0 121.8 115.9 197.2 291.4 259.1 100.0 100.0 302.6 331.8 242.0 286.3 255.8 100.6 100.3 278.2 331.9 244.0 286.1 256.0 100.6 100.4 278.9 330.8 244.0 380.1 420.4 383.6 420.4 384.1 420.4 188.6 227.7 166.9 158.7 193.3 190.7 176.7 (3) 118.2 162.0 219.3 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity Unit Industrial process furnaces and ovens—Continued Electric metal melting furnaces Electric metal heat-treating furnaces : Other kilns/lehrs, exc. wood, cement, chem. process . Fuel-fired (oil or gas) Fuel-fired metal heat-treating furnaces Fuel-fired industrial ovens for metal processing Induct. & dielect. furnaces & heating equi Metal melting line type induction furnaces Otr. indus. elec. heat, units; parts/attac Parts, attachments, and components Tubular heaters Other industrial electric heating units Commodity code1 Other index base 19852 Apr. 19852 134 0102 .99 0104 .99 0107 .99 02 0215 .99 0216 .99 03 0323 .99 05 0543 .99 0544 .99 0545 .99 Cutting tools and accessories Small cutting tools Small cutting tools Precision measuring tools Precision measuring tools Metalworking power saw blades Circular saw blades Bandsaw blade Other metal working power saw blades Other power saw blades Other blades, incl. concrete, masonry & abrasive . Other machine tool attachments & ace Other machine tool attachments & accessories .... 01 0116.99 02 0243 .99 03 0325 .99 0327 .99 0332 .99 04 0401 .99 05 0501 .99 100.0 113.0 112.6 394.9 102.5 336.5 302.2 113.2 349.1 107.1 121.5 118.3 100.0 113.0 112.6 397.9 103.0 345.5 305.9 356.5 107.7 125.6 122.0 100.0 113.0 112.6 397.9 103.0 345.5 308.6 (•) 356.5 107.7 (•) 122.0 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 283.3 284.5 101.3 255.9 103.8 104.3 100.0 104.9 104.1 285.7 285.7 101.8 261.6 106.1 109.4 105.9 105.1 105.9 285.9 285.4 101.6 264.0 107.1 110.6 107.1 106.4 105.9 06/83 104.1 104.1 06/83 106.1 107.0 107.3 311.5 294.6 313.2 294.6 12/76 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 06/83 12/76 12/76 309.4 295.3 242.8 152.7 124.0 128.4 120.5 144.4 113.7 112.8 97.8 132.4 115.9 128.4 126.0 131.5 134.4 123.2 137.5 118.8 105.8 143.4 183.7 114.9 112.8 97.8 134.4 116.2 129.5 132.8 131.5 132.8 123.2 137.5 123.2 105.8 144.3 186.6 125.1 128.9 122.5 144.0 114.9 112.8 97.8 134.2 116.2 131.4 132.8 135.1 132.9 125.4 141.8 123.5 107.6 144.3 186.6 12/71 394.5 281.3 395.9 281.3 396.0 281.3 12/71 12/71 12/71 12/71 06/83 12/71 12/72 332.5 289.0 190.9 527.8 107.4 295.6 444.0 334.3 290.0 192.3 527.9 123.4 296.0 422.0 337.8 289.8 194.3 527.9 117.2 296.0 429.8 429.0 306.3 306.7 111.6 107.1 353.7 413.6 305.9 356.7 442.9 448.7 420.0 327.9 369.1 179.2 352.7 114.9 351.; 432.9 308.3 319.4 111.6 107.1 358.9 416.6 317.5 360.1 457.1 468.2 425.9 325.5 368.7 187.1 355.5 113.3 355. 432.6 308.3 319.4 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/83 136 Abrasive products Abrasive grains Aluminum oxide Other, incl. alumina zirconia Nonmetallic bonded abrasive products All shapes; resinoid & shellac bond; reinforced All shapes; resinoid & shellac bond; nonreinforced .... All shapes; rubber bond All shapes; other bond Diamond & cubic boron nitride wheel; metal bond Diamond & cubic boron nitride wheel; other bond All shapes; vitrified bond Other; except coated abrasives Nonmetallic coated abrasive products Cloth belts; any abrasive; glue bond Cloth belts; any abrasive; resin & waterprf bond Other cloth shapes; any abrasive; glue bond Other cloth shapes; any abr; resin & wtrprf bond Other paper shapes; any abrasive; glue bond Buffing, polishing wheels & laps; no abrasive Other, incl.paper-cloth comb.,vulcan. fibers, etc Metal abrasives Metal soap & scouring pads; & other metal abr 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 0303 .99 0304 .99 0305 .99 0306 .99 0307 .99 0309 .99 05 0501 .99 0502 .99 0503 .99 0504 .99 0507 .99 0509 .99 0511 .99 31 3103 .99 Metal cutting machine tools Boring machines Drilling machines Grinding machines Lathes Multi-function machines, n/c Gear cutting machines Station type machines Other metal cutting machines tools .... Parts for metal cutting machine tools . 1137 Metal forming machine tools Punching, bending, forming machines Press brakes Rolls: angles, bars, shapes bending Other bending and forming machinery . Shearing machines Plate shearing machines Mechanical sheet shearing machine .... Presses Mechanical OBI press, 45 tons Mechanical OBI press, 105-110 tons ... Mech. press, st. sided, 200-300 tons ... Mech. press st. sided 2 pt., 400 tons ... Mech. press, 600 tons and over cap.... Press, automatic 45 thru 64 tons cap .. Press, auto., 65 thru 100 tons cap Hydraulic press, vertical, single action . Other metal forming machines 1138 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 51 ea. ea. ea. See footnotes at end of table. Dec. 19842 138 21 2104 .99 2116.99 2118.99 22 2201 .99 2205 .09 23 2301 .20 2302 .19 2303 .11 2304 .06 2305 .08 2306 .06 2307 .07 2312 .99 25 12/71 12/71 06/81 06/81 12/71 12/71 12/71 12/68 12/71 12/72 12/75 12/71 06/81 12/71 ft 125.0 129.2 121.5 O 107.1 358.9 416.6 317.5 359.6 455.7 468.2 426.3 321.3 365.4 187.1 355.8 113.6 355. Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Metal forming machine tools—Continued Riveting machine All other metal forming machine tools Parts for metalforming machine tools Knives, plate shear, 1 " x 4 " x 10' Clutch lining components, OBI press Clutch lining components, 2 pt Other parts for metal forming machine tools 1139 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 1138 Tools, dies, jigs, fixtures & ind. molds Special dies, tools jigs, and fixtures Jigs/fixtures; other types, under 1000 lbs Jigs/fixtures; other types, 1000 lbs. and over Standard parts and components for jig and fixtures . All other stamping-type dies All other dies Other standard components and parts for die Industrial molds Die casting molds Injection molds for plastic products All other molds made of metal and mold bases Other index base 2503 .07 2506 .99 51 5102 .03 5103 .01 5104 5105 .99 12/72 06/81 12/72 12/72 12/72 12/72 06/81 249.6 125.9 355.5 247.0 348.1 340.5 120.4 249.6 128.4 357.9 247.0 358.9 350.5 120.8 249.6 128.4 357.7 247.0 358.9 353.4 120.6 01 0103 .99 0104 .99 0105 .99 0114 .99 0121 .99 0125 .99 03 0301 .99 0305 .99 0309 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 113.0 113.9 98.9 103.5 134.4 107.8 112.7 113.6 111.0 108.9 109.5 115.3 113.5 114.5 98.9 103.5 134.4 107.5 112.6 113.6 111.0 (3) 109.5 115.3 113.6 114.5 98.9 103.5 134.4 107.5 112.6 113.6 111.3 110.4 109.5 115.3 316.9 319.9 320.5 352.0 358.2 493.3 314.2 334.4 103.5 101.9 238.0 100.0 333.4 355.8 362.0 493.3 318.5 343.0 104.4 101.9 238.3 100.2 333.6 91.1 355.4 359.6 487.2 319.9 343.0 103.4 101.9 236.7 99.5 333.6 102.4 101.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 100.3 104.4 102.2 100.0 103.2 104.9 103.6 105.2 101.5 104.4 102.6 100.0 104.8 104.8 103.9 105.0 266.6 266.9 266.9 12/76 12/76 06/81 251.0 139.1 150.8 112.5 522.6 251.1 139.7 150.8 112.6 251.1 139.6 150.8 112.6 06/81 126.4 126 4 126.4 06/81 112.7 112.7 112.7 12/70 12/70 12/71 261.9 255.8 238.1 263.0 257.8 239.9 263.8 257.8 240.8 06/84 12/72 100.6 250.2 100.5 250.2 100.7 252.1 292.1 294.0 247.8 (3) 101.6 107.0 101.5 100.0 236.3 250.8 115.0 260.4 111.9 293.9 247.7 384.6 101.5 106.9 101.4 100.0 236.2 250.6 115.0 259.7 111.9 120.9 119.5 116.1 293.2 101.2 General purpose machinery and equipment. Pumps, compressors, and equipment Industrial pumps Reciprocating pumps Turbine pumps Rotary pumps Centrifugal pumps Diaphragm pumps Stationary air compressors Stationary air compressors Stationary gas compressors Other compressors Air/gas compress. & vac. pump pts./attach Air & gas compressor & vacuum pump parts & attachmts . Industrial spraying equipment Measuring & dispensing pumps Gasoline dispensing pumps, computing type Lubricating-oil and grease dispensing equipment Other pumps, including parts Other pumps Parts and attachments for pumps 1141 Elevators, escalators, and other lifts Elevators & escalators Electric freight elevator Geared electric passenger elevator Hydraulic passenger elevator Hydraulic freight elevator Other non-farm elevators, including dumbwaiters, etc . Elevator and escalator parts & attachments Parts and attachments for elevators and escalators .... Automobile lifts Automobile lifts 1142 02 0202 0211 0231 0241 0251 03 0311 04 0501 07 0701 0801 09 0901 0903 12 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 1201 .99 1211 .99 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 0105 .99 0107 .99 0109 .99 02 0221 .99 03 0301 .99 Fluid power equipment Fluid power pumps Fluid power valves Cyls., accumulators, cushions, shock absrs Cylinders, accumulators, cushions, shock absorbers . Fluid power hose and tube fittings 1143 01 02 03 0311 .99 04 Industrial material handling equipment Conveying equipment Monorail systems Unit handling convey/convey sys hoists/farm elvators ... Parts/acces. for unit handling conveyors & conv. sys Bulk mtl hndlg conveyors & conveying sy ex ho & farm . Pts & access for bulk mtl hdlg conveyors & conv sys .... Material handling trucks Electric trucks, operator-riding Motorized handtrucks Internal combustion trk, under 6000 Ib Internal combustion trucks 6000-14,999 Ib Internal combustion trucks 15,000 Ib. and over Other handtrucks, trailers, dollies Parts and attachments Hoists, cranes and stacking machines Hoists, including parts 02 0201 .99 0212 .99 0214 .99 0216 .99 0218 .99 03 0351 .99 0352 .99 0361 .99 0362 .99 0363 .99 0375 .99 0376 .99 04 0481 .99 See footnotes at end of table. .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 139 12/83 12/83 12/70 06/84 12/70 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/70 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 12/70 245.6 (3) 100.1 101.4 101.5 100.0 235.4 251.4 06/80 115.0 257.7 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 12/70 12/84 111.2 121.0 118.1 115.6 291.0 100.0 120.9 119.6 116.0 293.0 101.2 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Industrial material handling equipment—Continued .. Cranes and stacking machines, including parts . Other index base 100.5 330.7 102.8 105.2 100.0 100.0 335.3 103.3 105.7 101.6 107.5 103.1 108.8 101.9 100.6 102.1 104.2 103.2 99.0 100.0 102.6 101.6 337.6 103.5 105.7 101.5 107.5 103.1 108.8 103.0 101.1 102.1 104.2 102.6 102.0 100.0 102.6 104.4 232.8 229.7 229.2 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 268.7 107.5 320.3 322.6 273.9 93.8 110.8 129.0 132.7 268.7 107.5 320.4 313.9 277.4 85.8 113.2 130.1 134.4 268.7 108.6 328.9 320.5 (3) 85.8 113.2 125.6 132.4 12/80 106.4 106.4 106.4 12/80 106.6 108.3 108.3 0106 .99 0107 .99 0108 .99 0109 .99 0112.99 0114 .99 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 0204 .99 0205 .99 0206 .99 0207 .99 0209 .99 Loose gear, pinions and racks Mechanical-variable speed changers Industrial high speed drives Parts/components for speed changers, Other power transmission equipment Plain bearings andfcushings Clutches Flexible couplings Chains for sprocket drives Sprockets Pulleys Packaged hydraulic drives/univ. joints/flex, shafts.. Other power transmission equipment inc. sheaves . Scales and balances Motor truck scales Motor trucks scales Industrial scales Bench and portable scales 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 146 02 0231 .99 04 0433 .99 0434 .99 0437 .99 05 0539 .99 06 0642 .99 07 0742 .99 08 0843 .99 09 0944 .99 Floor scales Misc. industrial scales Commercial retail scales Misc. retail-commercial scales Personal household scales Personal weighing scales and misc. household scales . Mailing scales Mailing and parcel post scales Accessories and attachments Accessories and attachments Parts for scales and balances Parts for scales and balances 12/80 101.1 105.8 101.9 107.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 (3) 100.0 100.0 (3) 107.9 107.9 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 357.3 103.2 113.0 106.7 104.7 358.8 103.4 116.2 106.7 104.7 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/82 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/68 12/77 12/82 12/77 12/82 12/82 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 144.9 150.5 156.8 145.7 139.8 145.9 104.4 141.7 135.0 137.7 143.7 135.5 210.7 147.9 105.7 131.6 105.0 102.5 139.4 141.1 148.7 144.1 139.5 102.9 107.2 104.2 105.7 146.7 107.4 147.2 152.2 158.6 145.7 135.4 147.2 107.0 144.3 135.9 139.4 144.0 139.0 217.1 152.2 109.4 132.4 105.6 104.4 140.8 142.0 151.0 147.2 144.8 104.2 108.8 107.7 107.4 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 0204 .99 0205 .99 0206 .99 0207 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 338.5 102.8 341.1 104.3 101.5 101.7 94.3 107.5 104.9 105.1 108.3 341.2 104.4 101.7 101.5 94.0 107.3 104.9 105.1 108.3 1148 Miscellaneous general purpose equipment Metal valves, except fluid power Gates, globes, angles, and checks Ball valves Butterfly valves Plug valves Plumbing and heating valves (low pressure) . Control valves Regulator valves 107.8 351.5 100.0 109.8 103.2 104.7 01 0107 .99 0109 .99 0111 .99 0117 .99 0131 .99 02 0205 .99 0209 .99 0215 .99 0217 .99 0219 .99 03 0301 .99 0309 .99 0311 .99 0319 .99 04 05 06 0603 .99 0606 .99 0621 .99 0623 .99 0625 .99 0629 .99 Air conditioning and refrigeration equip Heat transfer equipment Central station a/c unit Unit cooler Remote refrigerent condenser Finned coils, all types Other heat transfer equipment Unitary air conditioners Year-round air conditioners Air conditioners, except window and wall units Single package heat pump Split system heat pump Split system, condensing unit Commercial refrigeration equipment Refrigeration enclosures Mechanical drinking water cooler Mechanical beverage cooling and dispensing equipment . Other commercial refrigeration equipment Refrigerant compressors Refrigeration condensing units Other a/c and refrigeration equipment Icemaking machines Mobile vehicle refrigeration system Mobile vehicle mechanical a/c system Liquid chiller, centrifugal and reciprocating Soda fountain and beer dispensing equipment Other refrigeration machinery & air condition equip 12/80 0141 .99 0142 .99 0143 .99 0144 .99 Fans and blowers, except portable Centrifugal fans and blowers Propeller fans and accessories Dust collection & air purifi. equip, f . Dust collection and a c equip, for... 1149 See footnotes at end of table. Price Apr. 19852 100.3 12/84 145 Gear motors Mar. 19852 100.0 0485 .99 Mechanical power transmission equipment Speed reducers, fixed ratio, enclosed Dec. 19842 140 99.4 100.0 92.5 104.4 104.0 105.1 106.9 152.1 158.6 145.7 136.0 146.8 107.0 142.8 135.9 138.2 144.1 134.7 213.2 149.4 107.1 132.4 105.6 102.5 141.5 141.6 150.8 147.2 (3) 103.9 108.8 105.4 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity Unit Miscellaneous general purpose equipment—Continued .. Solenoid valves Other valves Metal pipe fittings, flanges, and unions Parts & attachments for valves A fittings Ball and roller bearings Single row maximum capacity ball bearings Angular contact ball bearings Other single row conrad ball bearings, prec. & reg.. Other ground and unground ball bearings Mounted bearings Ball and roller bearing parts and components Thrust ball bearings Taper roller bearings Roller bearings, except taper Industrial patterns Filters and strainers Other miscellaneous general purpose equipm Commodity code1 Other index base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 149 0208 .99 0209 .99 03 04 05 0514 .99 0518 .99 0526 .99 0527 .99 0534 .99 0535 .99 0536 .99 0537 .99 0538 .99 07 08 11 12/82 12/82 12/82 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 12/84 12/84 12/84 114.5 104.5 109.2 109.8 345.6 108.1 103.2 111.8 100.2 108.5 104.6 111.4 101.1 103.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 116.0 105.9 109.2 109.8 347.3 107.9 112.8 100.2 109.2 104.8 111.4 101.1 104.9 100.8 101.5 100.2 116.9 106.2 109.2 109.8 347.1 107.9 103.2 112.C 100.2 108.9 104.8 111.4 101.1 104.7 100.9 101.5 100.2 116 352.4 357.2 358.4 Food products machinery Dairy industry machinery Commercial food production machinery . Industrial food production machinery 1161 327.8 233.9 318.5 101.9 336.2 230.0 331.6 104.5 337.4 230.0 333.2 104.5 Textile machinery and equipment Cleaning and opening machinery Cleaning & opening machinery, card room ... Spinning machinery, except parts Warper, beam, high-speed Weaving machinery, except parts shuttleless loom, imported Knitting machinery and equipment Dyeing, drying, finishing machinery Bleaching, dyeing and finishing equipment.. Drying machinery, stocks, yarn cloth Other textile machinery Industrial sewing machines Textile machinery parts and attachments Parts for all other fiber to fabric machinery . Parts, power looms Parts, bleaching, finishing Parts, all other textile machinery 1162 268.4 300.7 119.2 111.5 191.3 140.1 117.5 145.3 336.3 113.1 236.2 231.0 280.8 123.7 127.9 121.2 126.0 120.4 271.3 300.7 (3) 112.7 200.6 147.1 117.5 144.1 338.0 113.1 (3) 234.0 281.0 272.2 300.7 (3) 112.7 200.6 295.3 109.3 195.0 109.9 123.3 116.7 133.6 74.5 103.5 301.9 110.6 195.0 (3) Special industry machinery and equipment. 01 04 05 11 1112.99 21 2125 .05 34 3443 .01 44 55 5562 .99 5563 .99 5565 .99 66 77 7713 .99 7714 .99 7716 .99 7717 .99 Woodworking machinery and equipment Other than for home workshops Sawmill equipment Sawing machines, except sawmill equipment Straight-line machinery.planers, sanders, etc Boring and carving machinery, dovetailers, etc Other woodworking machinery-.lathes, planers, etc. ... Parts and attachments:cutting tools All other parts, attachments, and accessories For home workshops Saws including circular Other woodworking machinery for home workshops . Woodworking power saw blades Solid tooth Inserted tooth Other woodworking power saw blades 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 0105 .99 0106 .99 0107 .99 0108 .99 04 0411 .99 0412 .99 05 0521 .99 0522 .99 0525 .99 Paper industries machinery Wood preparation equipment Pulp mill machinery Papermill machinery Paper and paperboard converting equipment . Rebuilt pulp and paper industries machinery .. 0101 .99 0103 .99 0105 .99 0107 .99 0113 .99 Printing trades machinery and equipment Printing presses, offset Web fed printing presses Bookbinding machinery and equipment Printing presses, other than lithographic ... Other printing machinery and equipment 12/80 12/80 12/75 12/80 12/75 12/80 12/69 12/69 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 120.4 121.2 129.7 120.4 123.3 125.1 133.6 74.9 104.1 12/72 12/72 06/83 292.2 279.2 357.6 268.0 219.5 104.9 360.6 270.4 216.8 106.3 361.8 271.2 221.1 106.3 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 106.8 104.6 102.1 108.1 109.3 100.5 108.8 104.6 104.8 108.3 112.6 100.5 109.4 104.9 104.8 108.4 113.8 100.5 381.9 111.3 316.1 (3) 108.7 320.6 383.2 111.7 322.4 107.8 109.9 321.9 383.8 111.9 322.4 109.4 109.8 439.9 109.8 107.2 114.6 371.5 445.3 112.2 108.0 115.5 377.5 446.5 112.7 108.6 115.3 374.7 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/72 12/72 1166 01 0107 .99 03 0301 .99 141 127.9 121.2 129.7 144.1 338.0 113.1 (3) 234.0 281.0 126.8 127.9 319.6 01 0112.99 05 0611 .99 09 See footnotes at end of table. 125.4 147.1 117.5 302.0 110.6 195.0 119.6 123.3 125.1 133.6 74.9 104.1 12/80 1165 Other special industry machinery Rubber working and rubber machinery .... Other rubber working machinery Plastics machinery Plastics extruder, 4 1/2" to 8" 12/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/81 12/81 12/81 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Other special industry machinery—Continued Injection molding machinery Other plastics machinery and parts Chemical industry machinery Chemical mixer, plain steel, with or w/o controls ... Other chemical machinery Automotive maintenance equipment Miscellaneous industry machinery Concrete machinery and parts Bottle forming/glass making machinery and parts . Shoemaking machinery and parts Metal cleaning, degreasing machinery and parts ... Foundry machinery and equipment Stoneworking machinery and parts Other machinery and parts 167 Service industry machinery and parts Nonelectric commercial cooking equipment & parts .. Electric commercial cooking equipment & parts Water softeners and conditioners Floor maintenance machinery Sewage purification equipment Commercial car washing machinery Garbage and trash compactors Commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners & parts . Other industrial, commercial service machines Parts & acces. ex. cooking equip. & vacuum parts .... 1168 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 166 Packing and packaging machinery Filling and capping machines Form-fill-seal machines Capping, sealing, and lidding machines Filling machines Machinery for processing pkgs. & bottles Casing machines Labeling and coding machinery Other packing & packaging machinery & pa Wrapping, banding, bundling and fastening machines . Other packing and packaging machines Parts for packing and packaging machin Other index base 0304 .99 0306 .99 04 0412 .99 0413 .99 05 06 0626 .99 0627 .99 0628 .99 0629 .99 0632 .99 0633 .99 0635 .99 12/81 12/81 12/72 12/81 06/83 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 06/83 12/81 12/81 C3) 115.2 110.5 115.0 116.9 111.7 119.4 116.2 110.4 442.4 278.0 109.6 105.1 442.2 106.1 120.1 111.6 117.4 112.3 119.4 116.0 191.9 206.6 (3) 102.9 193.0 207.0 203.8 108.7 171.0 170.3 (3) 110.2 104.6 109.3 173.3 172.7 101.3 111.1 109.0 129.4 104.6 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 0106 .99 0107 .99 0108 .99 0111 .99 0112.99 0121 .99 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 110.7 108.6 111.1 111.8 109.3 112.9 110.9 108.6 111.2 111.8 109.6 113.8 113.1 113.4 111.6 117.5 113.1 113.4 111.6 01 0103 .99 0104 .99 0105 .99 0107 .99 02 03 0301 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 105.3 105.1 104.0 109.7 107.2 101.8 110.4 101.5 96.8 107.0 107.2 105.6 114.1 110.2 102.4 110.4 102.4 98.1 107.0 107.2 105.6 114.1 251.7 253.3 253.2 359.5 315.0 199.4 408.5 116.7 128.3 98.5 107.3 120.5 119.6 118.2 104.2 113.2 (3) 129.5 116.3 405.9 454.5 418.4 421.8 273.9 112.3 (3) 113.3 112.6 127.9 118.4 360.3 317.2 203.3 416.6 360.4 317.0 203.3 416.5 119.3 12/76 12/76 12/76 12/83 12/83 12/76 12/76 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 Electrical machinery and equipment . Wiring devices Current carrying Lightning arrester, 9-10 kv Incandescent lampholders Lampholders excluding incandescent Pin & sleeve: outlet, plug cap & connector body Convenience and power outlet: 2-pole, 3-wire and up . Precision snap-acting switches, exc. limit & dimmers ... A.c. single pole switches, except mercury Automotive and aircraft switches Dimmers and all other special purposes switches Metal contacts, precious and all other Band or strip terminal & splicer, machine installed Blade or pin wire connectors per 100 See footnotes at end of table. 116.4 110.4 442.7 279.6 109.6 104.5 440.4 105.5 119.7 187.5 201.1 196.8 (3) 108.2 171.0 170.3 (3) 107.5 109.0 (3) 101.2 109.6 108.6 108.2 113.0 109.1 111.6 102.8 111.8 107.9 113.0 111.6 01 0103 .99 0107 .99 0108 .99 03 0302 .99 0307 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 0403 .99 Commercial laundry & dry cleaning equip. Laundry equipment Washer-extractor combinations Drying tumblers Flatwork ironers Other commercial laundry equipment.. Dry cleaning equipment Parts, attachments, and accessories For commercial laundry equipment Terminal blocks Other current-carrying wiring devices Noncurrent carrying Wall plate, plastic for switch Stamped metal outlet box Stamped metal switch and receptacle box Electrical metal tubing Metal raceway and wireway. surface and underfloor ... Fittings: cast conduit body, cover, and gasket EMT fittings Cast metal box, cover, gasket, & access.: junction Cast metal box, cover, gasket & access, ex. junction . Other noncurrent-carrying wiring devices 116.4 107.1 441.9 275.9 109.6 104.0 434.3 105.5 118.6 142 01 0105 .07 0109 .99 0111 .99 0112 .99 0113 .99 0117 .99 0118 .99 0122 .99 0123 .99 0124 .99 0128 .99 0131 .99 0133 .99 0134 .99 02 0265 .04 0266 .99 0267 .99 0273 .99 0276 .99 0278 .99 0281 .99 0284 .99 0285 .99 0289 .99 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/72 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 109.0 127.0 119.3 (3) 100.5 107.8 122.2 118.1 121.0 104.2 113.2 117.2 131.6 119.1 404.3 470.5 419.6 424.8 265.4 107.1 134.5 113.5 102.6 110.4 102.4 98.1 100.7 107.8 122.2 118.1 121.0 104.4 113.2 117.2 131.6 120.4 405.1 418.1 430.6 265.4 111.7 113.7 115.2 131.8 118.2 131.2 118.2 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Other index base Apr. 19852 233.4 203.9 205.5 206.9 12/83 100.7 100.0 100.0 .99 .99 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 342.2 105.3 100.3 99.8 107.0 103.2 108.7 103.6 95.0 109.6 350.1 108.5 100.6 102.7 111.2 103.4 109.7 103.7 95.0 110.7 350.6 108.5 100.5 102.7 111.3 103.4 109.5 103.7 95.0 110.5 .99 06/83 102.8 103.1 106.5 .99 06/83 111.1 112.2 112.3 .99 06/83 101.4 108.8 108.8 06/81 229.9 112.4 238.6 112.4 114.0 110.5 115.1 198.8 287.7 114.6 182.8 97.4 (3) 110.4 113.6 107.4 111.1 (3) 118.9 234.4 112.4 130.0 232.6 112.4 238.6 112.2 112.3 107.9 114.1 203.5 292.8 118.1 192.1 101.8 107.6 113.3 115.5 107.4 115.9 223.8 130.0 278.6 329.5 401.6 289.0 277.5 327.0 405.8 282.2 276.7 327.0 405.8 282.2 424.3 221.9 329.2 192.4 267.6 257.8 239.4 (3) 201.2 365.8 327.4 440.6 223.3 332.7 196.2 (3) 259.9 242.7 440.6 227.1 204.7 (3) 333.6 219.6 205.2 356.1 333.6 364.2 433.6 431.7 432.6 273.7 267.9 271.0 305.0 378.9 433.6 431.7 432.6 267.6 267.7 254.1 290.7 378.9 433.6 431.7 432.6 267.6 267.7 254.1 290.7 341.7 359.7 448.7 298.4 99.0 340.6 356.4 449.7 302.3 95.5 338.7 353.9 445.1 301.6 94.8 01 0102 0103 0104 0106 197.1 588.3 529.1 573.4 485.6 630.3 198.6 611.8 549.6 595.4 504.3 654.6 198.7 611.8 549.6 595.4 504.3 654.6 1173 Transformers and power regulators Fluorescent lamp ballasts Correct power factor type Uncorrected power factor type Distribution transformers Liquid immersed, pole type, single phase Liquid immersed, pad mount, single phase Liquid immersed, three phase Dry type, single or three phase Small power transformers 501-2500 KVA, liquid immersed Large power transformers 10001-30000 KVA, w/o LTC Specialty and all other transformers Open core/coil and units end-bell enclosed HID lamp transformers General purpose transformers Transmission and dist. voltage regs Other transformers 230.4 01 0105 .99 02 0222 .99 Motors, generators, motor generator sets Fractional horsepower motors & generators Automobile accessory motors Universal motors and generators, d.c Universal motors, a.c Universal motors (cased) Integral horsepower motors Motors and generators, d.c Generators, a.c, exc. turbine driven Motors, a.c Fractional horsepower motor-gen, sets Fractional horsepower motor-gen, sets Integral horsepower motor-gen, sets Integral horsepower motor-gen, sets Parts and supplies Parts/supplies for motors, gen., & motor-gen, sets 230.7 1172 1174 05 0501 .99 06 0601 .99 03 0301 0302 0303 0307 04 .99 .99 .99 .99 0401 .99 0402 0403 05 0501 06 0601 09 0901 0701 .99 0703 .99 0711 .99 0725 .07 0731 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/74 06/81 12/74 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 1175 01 0101 .13 0102 .06 02 0212 .05 03 0321 .02 0332 .08 0333 .08 04 0441 .04 0443 .04 0452 .06 0453 .03 0454 .04 05 0561 .04 06 0671 .05 0672 .04 07 0777 .06 0781 .05 0783 .05 ea. ea. ea. ea. 10 ft. * Electric lamps/bulbs Incandescent Reflector lamps Other than incandescent Other electric discharge Electronic components and accessories Receiving type electron tubes Miniature tube, type 6BZ6 Miniature tube, type 6CB6A Miniature tube, type 12AU7A Miniature tube, type 12BE6 1178 See footnotes at end of table. Mar. 19852 02 0205 .99 0207 .99 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 0307 .99 0315 .05 05 0501 .99 06 0623 .99 07 Integrating and measuring instruments Test equip.- elect, character. & signals Test equipment-electrical characterist Indicating and recording instruments Indicating and recording instruments Switchgear, switchboard, etc. equipment Panelboards Distribution, fusible Lighting, circuit breaker Safety switches A-C., 3 pole, 60 amps Circuit breakers Air, a.c Oil, outdoor, 115 kv Oil, outdoor, 34.5 kv., 1200 amp Switchgear Assembly, indoor, 600 v, a.c Assembly, indoor, 5 kv, a.c Distribution cut-out, indicating Bus duct, plug-in type, 600 amps Fuse link, 15 amperes Circuit breaker load centers 12-24 branches Low-voltage fuses Cartridge fuse, renewable Cartridge fuse, one-time Industrial controls Starters, a. c , 25 hp., 440 volts Starters, a.c. 75 hp. 440 volts Contactor, a. c , size 1, 3 pole Dec. 19842 143 .02 .02 .03 .02 12/68 238.6 112.2 114.7 110.9 115.1 203.5 292.8 117.9 192.7 102.6 110.6 113.2 115.6 (3) 115.9 222.2 221.5 327.4 195.0 (3) 258.0 244.9 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Electronic components and accessories—Continued Miniature tube, type 35W4 Miniature tube, type 50C5 Standard glass tube, type 5U4GB Standard glass tube, type 6SN7GTB Power, transmitter, special purpose tubes External anode tube, 100 watts and un Ext. anode tube, 101 thru 1000 watts Internal anode tube, 25 watts and less Xenon gas thyratrons Oscilloscope tube, single gun Capacitors Aluminum electrolytic, standard All other aluminum electrolytic Tantalum, dry slug and wire electrolytic, metal case . Film dielectric Ceramic tubular, disc, plate and all two terminal Ceramic monolithic chips Ceramic monolithic, radial leaded Ceramic monolithic, axial leaded Variable dielectric Resistors for electric applications Fixed, other, non-wirewound resistor Fixed, w. w., ultra-prec. (not estab. rel.) resistor Fixed, non-prec. wirewound resistor, without tap Fixed, w.w. prec. standard high temperature Pot, prec. single turn Pot, non-precision, non wirewound, single turn Trimmer, wirewound, multi-turn Potentiometer, prec'n, w w, single turn Potentiometer, w w, multi-turn Resistor network, thick film Relays . Switches, mechanical (electronic appl.) Antennas Connectors Coaxial connector (radio frequency and above) ,. Cylindrical, h.d. and standard Miniature cylindrical Subminiature cylindrical Rack and panel, integral shell and similar types Rack-and-panel/rectangular subminiature Printed circut connector, one-piece type Miscellaneous special purpose connectors Magnetic recording media Part for electronic components Phono cartridge and pickup Parts for electronic components, n.e.c Filters, crystals, and transducers Filters and crystals Diodes Signal diodesor assemblies Rectifier or other power diodes and assemblies Zener diode Thyristors Transistors Signal transistor Power transistor, 10 watts and over Optoelectronic devices Light emitting diode or array Other optoelectronic devices, excluding solar cells Digital bi-polar integrated circuits Bipolar logic, TTL Bipolar logic, except TTL Bipolar memory, except RAM'S Digital MOS integrated circuits MOS, memory MOS, except memory MOS, microprocessor Linear integrated circuits Amplifier Interface Other analog integrated circuits Hybrid integrated circuits Thin film Multi-chip and other hybrid types Other semiconductor devices and parts Other finished semiconductor devices Dice and wafers Other semiconductor parts, except dice and wafers ... Printed circuits and cable assemblies Unit Other ndex base Dec. Mar. 1984 2 1985 2 Price Apr. 1985 2 178 ea. ea. ea. ea. 0107 .02 0108 .02 0111 .02 0112.01 12/67 12/67 03 ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. 0321 .06 0322 .05 0324 .05 0326 .04 0336 .06 11 1102.99 1106.99 1112 .99 1119.99 1121 .99 1122.99 1123.99 1124 .99 1131 .99 12 1219 1228 1229 1234 1243 1245 1251 1255 1259 1272 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 21 22 23 24 2411 .99 2421 .99 2422 .99 2423 .99 2431 .99 2432 .99 2441 .99 2467 .99 2599 .99 27 2709 .99 2799 .99 28 2891 .99 31 3102 .99 3104 .99 3106 .99 33 35 3507 .99 3515 .99 37 3703 .99 3717 .99 41 4103 .99 4112.99 4118.99 42 4221 .99 4223 .99 4225 .99 45 4552 .99 4556 .99 4558 .99 46 4611 .99 4616 .99 48 4801 .99 4815 .99 4817 .99 51 See footnotes at end of table. Commodity code1 144 12/68 12/67 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/67 12/67 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/67 12/80 12/80 12/67 06/83 06/83 12/67 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/68 06/82 12/68 12/67 12/68 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/67 12/80 12/72 12/80 06/82 12/68 12/68 06/82 06/82 06/82 12/74 12/74 12/74 12/74 12/74 12/74 06/81 12/74 12/74 06/81 06/81 12/74 12/74 12/74 06/81 12/74 12/74 12/74 06/81 12/74 12/74 12/74 12/74 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/82 772.8 523.0 700.9 543.8 332.1 390.0 363.9 342.2 488.9 297.7 191.9 99.8 102.7 69.2 157.8 184.2 101.6 87.4 61.4 157.0 187.5 97.3 109.2 203.9 99.9 114.6 302.4 112.0 118.9 105.0 104.8 319.3 112.7 221.7 233.4 273.0 115.6 107.4 112.8 207.6 110.7 168.9 104.5 O 351.4 103.2 119.1 101.9 102.9 86.2 69.3 100.9 56.8 99.8 107.7 110.2 85.9 83.9 112.3 99.3 62.1 60.1 124.7 58.8 42.4 33.9 50.0 94.4 64.2 76.7 37.3 72.9 106.3 112.4 99.9 92.8 93.5 86.5 101.6 105.9 802.1 543.0 727.3 562.5 336.2 396.2 376.0 361.4 488.9 291.6 190.8 99.8 102.7 67.8 155.1 176.6 101.6 85.2 59.5 157.0 188.0 97.3 110.9 208.6 100.9 113.6 304.5 (3) 115.2 105.0 104.8 312.6 112.7 223.2 233.3 273.0 106.5 105.6 112.8 209.2 111.8 169.5 105.2 100.2 349.2 (3) 118.0 101.9 102.9 86.9 O 100.9 60.5 101.0 108.0 (3) 87.7 83.9 112.3 99.3 60.3 57.4 122.1 58.8 40.5 31.6 49.1 93.7 60.4 70.6 30.0 72.9 104.6 120.0 3 f) 94.8 95.6 (3) 101.8 106.7 802.1 543.0 727.3 562.5 335.5 O f) 361.4 488.9 291.6 190.8 99.8 102.7 67.8 155.1 176.6 101.6 85.2 59.5 157.0 188.5 100.1 110.4 208.6 100.9 114.4 304.5 109.4 129.1 105.0 101.6 312.6 112.7 223.2 233.3 273.0 <> " 105.6 112.8 ft 111.8 169.3 105.2 101.5 349.2 3 C) 118.0 101.9 102.9 86.9 100.9 60.5 101.0 108.8 (3) 88.9 83.9 (3) 99.3 60.0 56.8 122.1 58.8 40.4 31.4 49.1 93.7 60.4 71.3 (3) 72.3 104.6 120.0 (3) 94.8 (3) (3) 101.8 106.5 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Commodity code1 Electronic components and accessories—Continued Printed circuit boards and forms Cable assemblies, electronic Static power, pulse & frequency converters Electronic transformers and coils Audio transformers Power transformers Television transformers and reactors Toroidal windings, all types Other inductors for electronic applications Complex component assemb., packs, modules 1179 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 1178 Miscellaneous electrical mach and equip Storage batteries Lead acid batteries, 1.5 cubic foot or less Lead acid batteries, larger than 1.5 cubic foot Storage batteries other than lead acid, incl. parts Primary batteries, dry and wet Dry cell size d flashlight battery Misc.gen. purp. dry cell batteries Lantern and other multiple dry cells Alkaline cell size aa battery Other dry cells Carbon and graphite products Electrode, graphite Telegraph apparatus X-ray equipment X-ray tube, anode Medical X-ray unit Engine electrical equipment Cable sets and ignition wiring harnesses Regulators for battery charging generators Battery charging alternators and generators Starting motors Spark plugs Other engine electrical equipment Other index base 5191 .99 5192 .99 52 53 5305 .99 5309 .99 5315 .99 5317 .99 5319 .99 61 01 0103 .99 0104 .99 0105 .99 02 0211 .99 0214 .03 0215 .99 0217 .99 0232 .99 03 0324 .02 04 05 0532 .12 0533 .22 06 0601 .99 0602 .99 0603 .99 0604 .99 0605 .99 0606 .99 100 lbs. Miscellaneous instruments 105.9 106.0 117.8 112.0 116.3 107.3 109.4 125.8 112.7 114.2 106.5 (3) 118.6 113.7 116.3 109.3 (3) 125.4 113.5 117.2 106.3 (3) 118.5 113.3 116.3 107.8 112.9 125.4 113.3 117.2 273.4 202.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 216.0 206.0 448.9 225.1 210.5 (3) 374.9 425.5 273.5 199.2 97.1 100.3 273.2 198.3 96.8 99.2 3 () 218.3 213.0 448.9 229.7 209.2 64.9 365.0 409.4 345.0 312.4 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 331.5 273.9 351.0 299.6 103.5 108.4 103.4 108.4 101.6 102.2 299.6 105.9 110.0 101.7 108.3 101.9 102.4 345.0 309.4 361.8 299.7 105.9 110.0 102.3 108.3 101.9 102.2 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/80 12/67 12/68 12/67 218.2 213.0 448.9 229.6 209.2 (*) 365.0 409.4 P) 118 06/80 126.3 126.5 125.7 Environmental controls Building comfort controls Temperature responsive controls Building control parts, accessories Appliance regulation controls Temperature responsive appliance controls All other appliance regulating controls 1181 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 124.9 131.7 133.5 124.2 130.6 131.6 169.1 122.0 128.7 129.0 169.3 06/80 06/80 110.8 105.3 110.8 107.1 107.0 107.5 Process control instruments Display and control receiver type instruments Temperature instruments, excl. receiver type Pressure and draft instruments, excl. receiver type .... Flow and liquid level instruments Continuous process gas & liquid analysis instruments Instruments for process variables, n.e.c Other process control products and parts 1182 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 104.9 104.6 107.5 105.1 104.3 104.4 101.3 104.2 105.7 105.3 108.0 106.8 105.2 104.9 103.7 104.9 106.0 105.3 108.3 106.8 105.2 106.7 103.7 105.3 01 0121 .99 0171 .99 02 0211 .99 0215.99 0111 0121 0131 0141 0151 0161 0191 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 Miscellaneous machinery 274.5 Oil field and gas field machinery Oil field and gas field drilling machinery Portable mast, 140-142 Other surface drilling equip, and parts Wheel-mounted drilling and well-servicing rigs Traveling block Combination hook Rotary slip Swivel Blowout preventers and accessories Tool joints, subs and connectors Subsurface drilling equip., offshore drilling Tungsten-carbide insert bits Steel-toothed bits Other bits, including diamond bits Slush pumps Cementing equipment Well surveying equipment Other subsurface drilling equip, and parts Oil field and gas field production machine Christmas tree assemblies Sucker rods Deepwell pumps 1191 02 0203 .03 0205 .99 0208 .99 0211 .03 0213 .02 0214 .02 0215 .06 0216 .99 0222 .99 0226 .99 0227 .99 0228 .99 0229 .99 0232 .99 0234 .99 0236 .99 0239 .99 04 0403 .99 0412 .99 0413 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 145 12/71 12/80 12/80 12/75 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 277.0 278.0 425.8 421.7 474.8 116.0 107.5 186.6 513.0 560.6 596.6 572.3 426.4 112.0 124.1 134.0 131.0 196.1 109.5 100.1 140.9 433.0 122.2 241.5 428.0 423.5 476.6 117.6 109.1 186.8 513.0 560.6 606.3 572.3 426.4 112.0 124.1 134.0 131.8 196.1 109.6 100.1 140.9 435.8 122.1 241.5 427.6 423.5 476.6 117.6 109.1 186.8 513.0 560.6 606.3 572.3 426.4 112.1 124.1 (3) 132.6 196.1 109.6 100.1 140.9 435.0 122.0 241.5 387.5 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Oil field and gas field machinery—Continued Retrievable packers Permanent packers and accessories Valves, chokes, manifolds Other production equip, and parts 192 Office and store machines and equipment... Calculating and accounting machines Typewriters Portable electric Safes Cabinet type Coin-operated auto, merchandising machines Coin-operated auto, merchandising mach., ex. parts . Parts for automatic merchandising machines Other office and store machines Addressing machine, electric Time recording machine 193 Dec. 1984 2 Mar. 1985 2 Price Apr. 1985 2 191 Mining machinery and equipment Underground mining machinery Loading machines, underground mine Continous mining machines, all types Shuttle cars, all types Crushing, pulverizing, screening machinery Grinding mills, ball and rod, stationary type Screens, vibrating, trommel, mine type Drills and other mining machinery Rock drills, percussion type Other drills, tools, and supplies for drills Mineral benefication equipment Other mineral beneficiation equipment Mining machinery parts Mining machinery parts, excluding drills Percussion rock drill bits Other ndex base Internal combustion engines Gasoline engines Gasoline engines, under 11 h.p., ex. autos Outboard motors 5-15 hp Outboard motor, 40-80 h.p Diesel, semidiesel, & dual fuel, non-auto Diesel, semidiesel, & dual fuel, under 151 h.p Diesel, semidiesel, & dual fuel, 151 h.p. and over . Diesel, semidiesel, & dual fuel, auto Parts and accessories for i.e. engines Parts and accessories for i.e. engines 0421 .99 0422 .99 0429 .99 0433 .99 01 03 0314 .13 05 0521 .06 06 0654 .99 0655 .99 07 0742 .10 0746 .07 ea. ea. ea. 12/74 06/81 06/81 06/81 12/72 12/68 06/82 06/82 12/74 1194 01 0111 02 0211 0212 07 0711 0712 08 09 0911 ea. ea. Machine shop products Carburetors, pistons, piston rings, & valv Carburetors, new, for motor vehicles Rebuilt carburetors, all types Piston rings, compression type, o.e.m, motor vehicle . Piston rings, compression type, ex. motor vehicles .... Intake & exhaust valves, ex. for motor vehicle use .... Piston rings, oil type, for motor vehicle use Flexible metal hose and tubing Other machine shop products Other machine shop products .99 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 .99 1196 Other miscellaneous machinery Metal bellows Other miscellaneous machinery products . 12/82 .07 .14 1195 Steam, gas, & hydraulic turbines & parts Steam, gas, and hydraulic turbines Turbine parts and accessories Parts for mechanical drive steam turbines .99 1199 416.9 548.9 101.4 118.2 377.2 448.3 350.7 364.7 400.6 347.4 364.6 187.5 235.6 209.1 106.3 121.9 122.2 379.0 457.5 347.5 368.2 426.8 353.9 364.6 189.5 235.6 209.1 106.3 122.3 123.1 379.4 457.7 348.7 368.5 426.4 352.5 364.6 186.2 236.4 212.1 (3) 121.9 122.2 367.7 170.9 364.8 170.9 366.0 171.2 152.8 85.5 134.0 (3) 153.8 86.5 134.0 (3) 154.9 86.5 (3) (3) 304.7 214.6 103.7 108.5 253.0 (3) 186.9 308.3 216.5 104.0 111.8 253.7 (3) 188.5 308.3 217.7 104.3 113.7 259.4 346.6 347.8 102.7 291.6 297.3 285.6 102.5 101.2 102.7 103.2 349.9 350.1 (3) 102.6 101.1 102.9 103.2 349.9 350.1 (3) 101.3 101.1 101.4 322.6 326.5 439.9 430.0 530.7 108.1 289.6 112.9 (3) 95.4 440.0 429.6 529.6 108.1 289.6 112.9 (3) 95.4 (?) 187.6 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 0112 .99 0115.99 0116.99 0117 .99 02 05 0501 .99 06/84 101.7 102.0 102.0 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 99.8 93.9 124.7 137.6 99.8 94.0 124.6 (3) 100.5 94.0 128.2 144.9 0101 .99 0191 .99 06/84 06/84 06/84 100.2 102.8 100.0 99.9 102.8 99.7 99.9 102.8 99.7 12 220.1 221.1 221.4 121 Household furniture . 12/82 12/82 12/82 438.4 427.4 526.6 106.9 289.6 112.2 98.9 95.4 01 02 0201 .99 Furniture and household durables 245.5 247.7 248.2 213.3 104.2 100.3 212.5 104.7 99.3 212.5 104.7 99.3 277.8 262.5 258.8 279.0 262.3 257.6 279.9 263.1 258.5 Metal household furniture Dining, dinette and breakfast furniture . Other metal household furniture Wood household furniture . Living room furniture Table 1212 12/82 1211 0102 .99 0104 .99 01 0101 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 416.9 548.9 100.3 119.0 321.0 12/80 12/80 416.9 539.1 97.6 117.1 338.6 01 0102 .99 0104 .99 0115.99 02 0232 .99 0234 .99 03 0341 .99 0349 .99 06 0621 .99 53 5301 .99 5346 .99 ea. 12/71 146 06/84 06/84 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Wood household furniture—Continued Desks Chairs Credenzas and bookcases Other nonupholstered living rm furniture .. Dining room furniture Table Chairs Buffets and servers China and corner cabinets Other dining rm & kitchen furniture Bedroom furniture Beds, except bunk Headboard sets Dresser, vanities and dressing tables Night tables & stands Chests Wardrobes Other nonupholstered bedroom furniture . Other wood household furniture Unpainted wood furniture Unassembled wood household furniture .. 1213 Bedding Bedsprings Innerspring mattresses, other than crib size ... 1214 Porch and lawn furniture Metal porch, lawn, outdoor & casual furniture . 1215 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 1212 Upholstered household furniture Sofa, including sectional sofa pieces ... Chairs, including rockers and recliners . Sofa bed, convertible Other upholstered household furniture . Other index base 0103 .99 0105 .99 0106 .99 0109 .99 02 0211 .99 0216 .99 0221 .99 0231 .99 0233 .99 03 0336 .99 0341 .99 0342 .99 0344 .99 0351 .99 0353 .99 0355 .99 04 0463 .99 0465 .99 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 .99 .99 .99 .99 125.0 136.3 134.8 125.5 301.7 298.6 316.6 285.5 293.5 124.0 275.1 282.3 123.0 270.8 129.8 269.7 127.7 130.4 115.2 125.9 120.2 126.2 136.3 134.8 125.8 302.3 299.0 316.0 285.5 295.9 125.7 276.5 282.3 123.6 272.3 132.3 269.3 127.7 132.7 114.4 125.9 115.6 06/82 220.2 218.5 220.6 216.4 109.1 224.5 226.4 222.6 216.8 109.1 224.5 226.1 222.8 216.8 109.1 211.6 101.4 215.5 211.7 102.0 214.6 212.9 101.9 217.1 291.5 98.7 300.8 101.9 300.8 101.9 299.6 0101 0111 0121 0131 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 123.7 136.3 134.8 123.3 301.9 298.8 317.9 285.1 292.3 123.1 272.2 281.5 121.7 268.1 128.9 265.6 126.6 127.2 115.0 125.9 119.3 303.5 305.0 297.2 305.3 301.0 308.3 305.6 100.6 112.6 101.0 302.9 311.6 304.2 (3) 305.6 304.1 314.7 310.6 100.6 113.2 100.6 113.2 104.9 303.0 127.7 327.4 (3) 305.9 06/80 06/80 06/80 0103 .99 0111 .99 0112.99 Commercial furniture 06/83 06/64 122 Wood office furniture and store fixtures Office chair, side Office chair, swivel Office desk, general purpose Office desk, executive Partitions, shelving, and lockers Plastic laminated fixture tops Fixtures for stores, banks, offices, & ... 1221 Metal office furniture and store fixture File cabinets and equipment Letter filing cabinets Legal file cabinets Horizontal file cabinets Other file cabinets Furniture Clerical and secretarial desk Executive desks Chairs Tables & stands Modular units Misc. metal office furniture Partitions and fixtures Partitions prefabricated, assembled, o .. Shelving and lockers Storage racks and accessories Fixtures for stores, banks, offices, & 1222 Public building furniture School furn. exc. stone, concrete, & library furn Public bldg. & related furn.exc. school & restaurant . 1223 0101 0111 0121 0131 0141 0151 0161 02 0201 .99 0203 .99 0205 .99 0207 .99 03 0321 .99 0323 .99 0325 .99 0331 .99 0333 .99 0335 .99 04 0403 .99 0405 .99 0407 .99 0409 .99 12/83 12/83 12/83 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 0102 .99 01 0159 .99 0161 .99 0163 .99 02 0265 .99 0267 .99 147 115.6 137.6 308.0 130.1 334.3 121.6 118.2 139.6 129.8 306.5 (3) 280.0 120.3 06/80 131.3 275.1 06/80 06/80 06/80 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 120.3 120.3 129.8 131.7 103.6 100.9 129.8 133.4 104.3 103.0 103.7 103.9 106.8 103.9 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.9 100.1 101.4 101.0 100.1 101.6 192.1 192.4 169.0 168.4 141.7 147.9 112.7 124.8 132.9 115.4 167.1 166.2 137.1 146.7 104.3 125.0 132.9 115.5 167.4 166.3 138.0 146.7 104.3 126.3 135.6 115.4 1231 See footnotes at end of table. 129.2 335.3 121.2 128.7 302.4 (3) 280.1 299.7 123 Soft surface floor coverings Tufted broadloom Tufted broadloom-polyester Tufted broadloom-nylon Tufted broadloom-other fibers Other soft surface floor covrgs Bathmats and rugs 6x9 or less .... Automobile & aircraft carpeting .... 117.8 135.8 127.3 104.3 193.2 0101 .99 Floor coverings. .08 .07 .11 .06 .99 .99 .99 12/68 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 106.4 103.2 131.9 134.5 105.0 106.1 106.0 104.0 103.9 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Hard surface floor coverings Vinyl sheet goods, semi-permanent. Vinyl sheet goods, permanent Unit Other ndex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 264.2 224.6 264.4 268.7 227.6 267.9 268.7 227.6 267.9 24 211.3 211.1 212.3 241 216.0 235.3 257.6 233.7 116.7 97.0 265.9 124.2 110.1 125.3 219.2 209.6 237.3 207.7 110.4 112.6 112.8 204.5 195.1 197.3 170.6 216.2 236.6 258.6 236.1 (3) 93.7 268.5 124.7 111.3 (3) 218.9 208.3 237.4 208.2 110.7 114.5 114.2 193.7 194.6 194.3 171.6 217.5 236.3 258.9 236.1 (3) 92.1 268.7 124.7 111.3 125.3 219.3 209.1 236.5 208.2 110.7 12/82 12/73 166.7 168.0 152.5 106.1 190.1 170.0 172.0 158.1 106.1 191.9 170.3 172.3 158.0 106.1 192.9 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 12/82 06/83 12/82 12/82 186.7 187.3 174.5 212.6 100.9 100.4 95.2 99.2 103.9 102.8 105.4 103.4 99.8 104.2 104.2 183.1 183.2 174.2 204.7 96.2 100.4 95.2 102.4 105.1 102.9 105.4 102.1 99.3 104.5 104.5 183.8 184.1 174.8 205.2 96.2 (3) 95.2 103.2 107.6 102.8 126.1 102.1 99.6 104.5 104.5 12/83 12/83 308.1 310.4 269.6 101.4 113.4 313.0 319.4 271.6 100.0 114.7 316.8 322.4 271.6 103.1 120.9 232 0141 .03 0161 .04 sq. yd. sq. yd. Household appliances . Major appliances Cooking equipment Free-standing electric ranges Built-in surface cooking tops, electric Drop-in electric ranges Portable microwave ovens Free-standing gas ranges Nonstandard type gas ranges Portable outdoor cooking units All other cooking equipment, except gas and electric . Laundry equipment Washing machine, automatic Electric dryers Refrigeration equipment Refrigerator-freezer, 14.4 cu. ft. and under Refrigerator-freezer, 14.5 -19.4 cu. ft Refrigerator-freezer, 19.5 cu. ft. and over Home freezer, upright type Other major appliances Dishwasher, undercounter Room air conditioners Commodity code1 01 0111 .99 0115.99 0117 .99 0121 .99 0134 .99 0137 .99 0153 .99 0161 .99 02 0211 .99 0232 .99 03 0331 .99 0332 .99 0333 .99 0337 .24 04 0441 .26 0445 .99 ea. ea. Household vacuum cleaners, parts, & atta Vacuum cleaners Canister, tank, and all other general purpose . Complete power unit, central system type Upright 1245 Home electronic equipment . 12/81 12/81 12/81 1244 Electric lamps Table lamps Floor, bridge and torch lamps Other portable lamps Lamps sold without shades, incl. floor . 06/81 06/81 06/81 1243 Electric housewares and fans Small household appliances Automatic toasters Automatic coffee makers Ovens and roasters Hotplates and disc stoves (1650 watts and less) All other household food preparation appliances Portable room heaters Space heaters for fixed installation Electric blankets and other electric bed coverings .... Heating pads, including foot warmers Electric fans All other fans, except roof, furnace, etc Parts & attach. - small elect, appliances Parts & attachments for small electrical appliances . 06/81 12/78 01 0111 .99 0116.99 0121 .99 01 0111 .99 0113.99 0129 .99 0131 .99 0134 .99 0141 .99 0142 .99 0151 .99 0152 .99 02 0222 .99 03 0311 .99 0101 0111 0129 0131 .99 .99 .99 .99 P ) 114.2 193.7 200.4 194.3 180.5 125 82.7 81.9 80.9 Radio receivers Home radios Radio combinations, port & table ... Car radios 1251 88.2 86.5 72.6 84.9 86.2 83.9 71.3 83.4 86.2 83.9 71.3 83.4 Television receivers Color TV receivers Color console TV receiver Color TV, table & port, over 17" . 1252 77.3 85.6 76.3 81.7 75.7 83.8 73.5 81.4 Other home electronic equipment Phonographs, ex. mechanical Elec. phonograph, not coin op., mono . Tape recorders & players Speakers (inc. loudspeaker systems) Loudspeakers, bookshelf Loudspeakers, floor standing Other loudspeaker systems Loudspeakers, sold separately Public address systems 1253 02 0202 .99 03 02 0201 .99 0203 .99 126 See footnotes at end of table. 148 06/80 06/80 78.4 86.9 76.6 84.3 02 0202 .99 03 05 0501 .99 0502 .99 0503 .99 0504 .99 0507 .99 Other household durable goods ... 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 97.9 106.3 109.3 110.3 113.0 101.9 120.2 101.8 110.1 111.9 100.5 109.5 116.9 110.3 113.8 101.9 120.2 105.5 111.5 111.9 100.5 109.5 116.9 110.3 113.9 101.9 120.2 (3) 111.9 111.9 320.7 324.5 323.6 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity code1 Unit Commodity Tableware, kitchenware and other pottery Tableware and kitchenware Vitreous china tableware and kitchenwa ... Stoneware & fine earthenware tableware . Pottery, except tableware and kitchenwar .... Art, decorative and novelty pottery Other pottery products 01 0101 .99 0111 .99 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0102 .99 Household glassware Pressed and blown consumer glassware . Household flatware .. Sterling, 6 piece . Other index base 12/83 12/83 12/83 338.5 337.7 422.1 368.3 105.0 105.6 103.5 06/83 491.9 107.1 507.5 110.5 503.3 109.6 375.8 496.8 376.3 477.3 370.0 442.4 0111 .04 1265 Lawn and garden equip., ex. garden tract Lawn mowers, walk-behind Rotary, push type, gasoline engine powered Rotary, self-propelled, gasoline engine powered Reel, all types, excluding electric Other nonriding lawn and garden equipment Rotary garden tillers Power lawn edger/trimmers, fixed blade Other consumer non-riding lawn,garden & snow equip. . Lawn tractors and riding mowers Front engine Rear engine Parts & attach., consumer lawn & garden eq Parts Attachments 1266 Cutlery, razors and razor blades Razors and razor blades Cutlery, scissors, shears, trimmers, a . 1267 Metal household containers Stamped and spun utensils, aluminum Stamped and spun utensils except aluminum . 1268 Household durables, n.e.c Window shades made from textile fabric & accessories . Venetian blinds Curtain/drapery rods & shades/blinds, n.e.c 1269 Apr. 19852 344.3 345.0 422.1 388.4 105.0 105.6 103.6 1264 Mirrors Unframed mirrors . Mar. 19852 336.3 336.8 409.3 382.7 102.8 102.9 102.7 1262 setting Dec. 19842 0103 .99 06/83 103.8 103.2 103.8 260.4 104.3 251.0 279.2 103.3 104.3 261.0 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 0306 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 05 0501 .99 0502 .99 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 06/83 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 260.1 104.2 250.7 279.1 103.3 104.4 105.5 107.9 100.6 105.1 104.4 109.7 108.9 109.7 106.9 0102 .99 0141 .99 12/83 12/83 0101 .99 0102 .99 06/84 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 12/82 13 04 05 07 0701 .99 0702 .99 Other finished glassware Pressed and blown glassware Lighting and electronic glassware Other pressed and blown glassware . Automotive rearview mirrors Automotive rearview mirrors 01 0111 .99 0112 .99 02 0211 .99 105.5 107.6 100.3 106.4 110.3 109.0 (3) 107.3 110.6 258.5 102.1 102.0 259.5 102.1 103.0 258.6 102.1 102.2 283.8 284.9 100.1 288.2 293.6 99.7 299.2 294.1 108.4 101.8 100.3 99.9 102.8 100.0 99.9 104.7 101.3 94.8 99.8 104.8 343.6 344.8 106.1 109.0 (3) 107.3 233.8 228.5 06/83 12/80 12/80 12/80 12/80 218.6 99.3 97.4 112.0 109.8 119.1 221.2 99.3 100.9 112.5 110.5 119.2 220.5 99.3 99.7 112.5 110.5 119.3 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 111.8 112.6 103.2 125.5 113.6 114.4 105.8 126.4 107.0 107.3 105.9 109.3 230.7 Flat glass Laminated glass Sheet, plate, and float glass . Specialty flat glass Tempered glass Other flat glass 103.3 105.0 105.6 104.9 340.1 Glass 279.2 100.3 102.9 Nonmetalllc mineral products . 104.2 250.8 06/83 102.9 103.9 103.4 329.6 335.8 336.7 297.3 316.4 308.1 103.6 285.6 305.0 319.9 310.7 104.5 295.3 308.3 322.2 318.1 105.8 298.3 0131 .99 358.8 361.8 359.4 133 312.2 315.0 316.9 1331 11 1111 .99 1112 .99 Concrete ingredients and related product. 295.1 108.9 306.5 108.1 301.0 111.3 309.8 111.9 304.6 112.4 311.2 112.6 132 Construction sand, gravel, and crushed s Sand, construction Gravel, for concrete Other construction gravel, incl. asphaltic aggregate . Crushed and broken stone 1321 Cement 1322 0101 0111 0115 0121 Portland cement . Concrete products . Concrete block and brick Structural block, aggregate Lightweight stretcher units: 8" x 8" x 16" Lightweight stretcher, other sizes, n.e.c. .. See footnotes at end of table. 149 .25 .99 .99 .99 06/82 06/81 06/81 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Commodity Unit Commodity code1 Concrete block and brick—Continued Other lightweight units, any size, n.e.c Medium weight units Normal weight stretcher units: 8" x 8" x 16" Normal weight stretcher, other sizes, n.e.c. . Other normal weight units, any size, n.e.c.... Decorative block Decorative block Concrete brick Concrete brick Paving blocks Paving blocks 332 Ready-mixed concrete Ready-mixed concrete . Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 331 Concrete pipe Storm sewer pipe, reinforced Sanitary sewer pipe, reinforced . Other ndex base 333 1113 1121 1131 1132 1133 21 2101 31 3101 41 4101 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 115.5 107.5 271.8 108.7 111.9 116.9 107.5 272.9 111.1 116.3 117.8 112.9 274.7 111.1 116.7 .99 06/81 107.8 107.7 108.9 .99 06/81 114.5 114.5 120.8 .99 06/81 105.4 107.3 108.7 06/80 270.3 280.4 103.9 271.1 282.2 103.8 272.8 285.7 103.8 322.2 325.6 327.7 0101 .99 0105 .99 0101 .99 Precast concrete products Burial vaults and boxes Concrete septic tanks Other precast concrete products . 1334 Prestressed concrete products Prestressed single and double tees.... Prestressed concrete bridge beams ... 1335 0101 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 119.1 119.7 123.7 113.9 120.5 122.8 123.7 114.1 120.3 122.8 123.7 114.1 06/80 06/80 06/80 109.6 98.4 117.9 107.2 (3) 116.4 107.2 0101 .99 0102 .99 Clay construction products ex. refractor 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 289.7 291.8 291.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 101.1 101.1 100.0 101.0 101.1 100.0 225.9 221.6 221.6 365.6 368.0 370.0 12/74 237.7 411.4 412.3 321.9 424.1 195.7 241.0 414.4 420.5 322.3 436.3 195.7 243.8 417.8 425.1 336.9 436.3 195.7 12/74 12/74 12/74 12/74 220.6 189.5 244.0 212.2 220.6 189.5 244.0 212.2 220.6 189.5 244.0 212.2 412.1 404.6 414.3 350.8 337.5 501.0 101.3 362.5 348.0 504.9 102.0 134 Brick and structural clay tile Brick, except ceramic, glazed & refractory . Glazed brick struct., hollow & facing tile 1342 Ceramic wall tile .... 1344 Clay sewer pipe . 1345 Refractories 135 3 C) 116.4 12/84 12/84 12/84 01 02 Refractories, clay Fireclay brick Superduty fireclay brick ... Ladle brick High alumina brick Castable refractories per per per per ton Refractories, non clay Magnesite brick Magnesite-chrome brick Basic ramming mixes per 1000 per 1000 ton 12/74 1352 1000 1000 1000 1000 0101 0111 0121 0131 0151 .13 .13 .19 .12 1353 Asphalt felts and coatings 0101 .02 0111 .02 0131 .03 136 Prep, asphalt & tar roofing & siding pro Strip shingles Smooth surface roll roofing Other prepared asphalt & tar roofing & siding prods. . 1361 Other asphalt roofing Roofing asphalts, pitches, coatings, and cement Asphalt & tar saturated felts & boards, nonbuilding . 1362 0102 .99 0111 .99 0121 .99 0121 .99 0111 .99 Gypsum products . 06/84 358.2 346.2 499.2 101.7 06/84 06/84 588.5 100.9 (3) 579.5 99.3 110.7 582.1 99.8 110.7 330.6 320.9 317.8 288.8 122.0 119.6 276.7 119.7 (3) 273.9 115.9 112.6 364.2 370.7 371.4 103.8 104.2 410.6 100.3 415.4 395.5 97.6 104.3 104.2 423.5 103.1 417.6 392.4 101.6 104.9 104.2 422.7 (3) 417.6 392.4 101.8 137 1371 1 /2 inch regular gypsumboard Type X gypsumboard Other gypsum products, n.e.c.. 0111 .99 0112 .99 0113 .99 Glass containers . 138 Glass containers Food Beer Liquor Wine Medical and health, narrow neck Toiletries and cosmetics, narrow neck . Non-alcoholic beverages 1381 0105 0123 0131 0135 0141 0151 0163 See footnotes at end of table. 06/81 06/81 150 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 $694,756 1,054.518 438.037 326.914 2,478.333 3,680.667 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Commodity Other index base 139 Other nonmetallic minerals Building lime Hydrated, masons Hydrated, finishing Commodity code1 Unit 1394 Cut stone and stone products Dressed dimension and cut granite Dressed dimension and cut limestone Dressed dimension and cut marble 1395 Nonmetallic minerals, n. e. c Industrial sand Glass sand Foundry sand Other industrial sand Misc. clay, ceramic & refractory minerals Prepared bentonite Crude fire clay Prepared fire clay Fuller's earth Feldspar Common clay and shale Other clay and related materials 1399 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 02 0201 .99 367.3 393.1 348.0 367.6 393.1 348.7 370.6 337.4 352.3 316.9 370.8 339.1 354.8 316.0 113.2 119.4 119.0 641.0 861.4 376.6 649.6 874.5 380.0 0111 .99 0121 .99 0131 .99 12/84 12/84 12/84 12/84 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.2 100.3 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.7 100.0 100.0 01 0101 .99 0111 .99 0121 .99 02 0202 .99 0203 .99 0204 .99 0205 .99 0206 .99 0207 .99 0208 .99 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/82 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 104.2 103.0 107.1 103.8 96.6 101.7 99.8 100.5 100.5 104.0 100.8 104.0 100.0 105.6 105.1 108.5 105.8 99.6 102.5 100.4 100.5 (3) 104.3 100.2 107.1 100.0 106.3 105.7 110.2 105.8 99.3 103.3 100.5 100.5 (3) 105.7 101.5 108.9 100.0 12/68 265.0 268.0 268.5 263.5 266.6 266.6 14 Motor vehicles and equipment 01 04 05 06 07 0791 .99 08 244.1 226.9 (3) 296.1 332.3 12/82 06/83 106.1 103.2 106.0 103.4 105.9 103.6 12/82 12/82 12/84 12/82 354.3 100.1 100.1 100.0 107.4 354.0 99.9 99.9 354.4 100.1 100.1 100.0 109.9 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 12/82 108.2 108.6 108.8 107.2 108.6 107.3 108.2 108.6 109.0 109.4 107.2 108.7 107.3 108.3 108.9 109.0 109.3 107.2 01 0105 .99 0106 .99 02 03 0301 .99 0303 .99 0304 .99 0305 .99 0307 .99 04 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/83 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 06/80 114.0 117.1 112.9 108.2 106.0 114.7 104.2 115.8 115.8 117.5 108.0 103.4 115.1 118.8 115.1 109.8 108.5 114.5 104.4 115.1 115.8 117.5 108.0 103.4 115.2 119.0 115.7 110.0 108.3 114.4 103.6 115.1 115.8 117.5 108.0 103.4 0101 .99 06/84 102.6 104.1 104.1 06/84 101.4 102.4 102.4 1413 Truck trailers Vans, over 10,000 lbs Open top vans Closed top vans Tanks, over 10,000 lbs Other trailers and chassis, over 10,000 Ib Bulk commodity trailers Platform trailers Low-bed heavy haulers Dump trailers and chassis Other trailers and chassis Detach, trailers & converter gear 244.2 227.0 (3) 296.2 332.3 1412 Truck and bus bodies Truck and bus bodies sold separately Truck bodies sold separately Bus bodies sold separately Completed vehicles on purchased chassis Truck bodies sold on purchased chassis Other vehicle bodies sold on purchased chassis .... 240.0 224.6 163.7 289.4 308.9 01 0102 .99 0104 .99 02 0202 .99 0206 .99 Motor vehicle parts Motor vehicle parts, new Motor vehicle parts, new, excl. motorcycle parts Motorcycle parts, new Motor vehicle parts, rebuilt 12/72 03 0331 .99 0335 .99 04 Motor vehicles Passenger cars Motorcycles Trucks, 10,000 lbs. GVW and under Trucks, over 10,000 lbs. GVW Truck tractors Truck tractors Fire department vehicles 1414 Motor homes built on purchased chassis Motor homes built on purchased chassis Travel trailers and campers Travel trailers 1416 01 See footnotes at end of table. 151 Apr. 1985 518.3 633.2 850.1 372.8 12/81 0101 .99 0111 .99 Transportation equipment 513.9 366.7 350.2 370.7 320.7 1392 Paving mixtures and blocks Asphalt, paving Bituminous/asphaltic concrete mixtures and blocks Apr. 19852 367.6 393.4 348.3 0101 .10 0102 .05 Insulation materials Mineral wool for structual insulation Building batt, blankets, and rolls Loose fiber and granulated fiber Min. wool for indus. & equip, insulation Mineral wool for industrial and equipment insulation Mar. 19852 507.3 1391 ton ton Dec. 19842 100.0 110.1 107.3 110.3 $74,363 95.767 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Commodity Commodity code1 Unit Other idex base Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Price Apr. 19852 Apr. 1985 416 Travel trailers and campers—Continued Travel trailers (with rigid structures) Campers, pickup covers and parts Camping trailers, truck campers, pickup covers & pts . 0101 .99 02 0201 .99 06/84 101.4 101.9 101.9 06/84 101.5 103.6 103.5 12/68 361.4 361.4 367.7 12/81 110.9 112.0 112.0 12/81 12/81 06/83 12/81 06/83 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 12/81 112.8 112.9 107.5 110.0 104.2 110.7 111.0 107.7 115.6 109.3 111.1 105.3 111.6 114.1 114.3 108.3 111.1 105.6 111.9 112.8 108.5 119.0 109.4 111.8 104.7 111.8 114.1 114.4 108.3 111.1 Aircraft. Fixed wing Fixed wing, utility ... 43 Boats .... Boats : Outboard motorboats Runabouts Utility Inboard motorboats, incl. i.-o. houseboats Runabouts Cabin cruisers, non-military Inboard-outdrive boats, except houseboats Under 20 ft., LO.A Over 20 ft.. LO.A All other boats Sailboats, with auxiliary power Sailboats, without auxiliary power Other boats: rowboats, canoes, skiffs, etc. . 432 Railroad equipment... 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 03 0301 .99 0302 .99 04 0401 .99 0402 .99 0403 .99 111.9 113.2 108.7 119.6 109.4 111.7 104.7 111.8 44 358.9 362.7 364.0 Locomotives and parts . Locomotives Locomotive parts 441 12/72 379.3 378.3 290.7 385.5 388.6 290.7 385.5 388.6 290.7 Railroad cars and car parts Freight cars Freight cars, new Railroad car parts and accessories . 442 06/84 12/72 324.8 309.8 100.4 266.8 326.7 309.9 100.4 270.7 329.0 312.0 101.2 272.7 15 296.7 300.5 301.7 151 227.7 231.3 231.2 1511 228.8 157.2 123.1 151.4 206.4 180.6 168.2 181.5 189.2 251.8 231.8 231.5 121.3 121.3 151.8 214.5 01 02 01 0102 .99 03 Miscellaneous products Toys, sporting goods, small arms, etc. . Toys, games, and children's vehicles .. Non-powered transportation toy .... Sports oriented games Toy gun Game, board Preschool toy Doll Stuffed toy Stroller Children's riding vehicles ea. doz. ea. ea. .04 .03 .04 .08 .06 .33 .19 .28 .05 0141 0151 0171 0182 dozen doz. dozen .15 .07 .02 .99 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/77 12/73 per per per per 01 0102 02 0222 0231 0232 0241 1000 1000 1000 1000 Tobacco products, incl. stemmed & redrie . 214.5 178.1 170.0 190.4 251.8 205.8 223.8 1512 Sporting and athletic goods Baseball glove Football Bowling ball Bicycles, adult tricycles, unicycles and parts .. Small arms and ammunition Small arms Revolver Small arms ammunition Revolver cartridge, 38 special . Rifle cartridge, center fire Rifle cartridge, rim fire Shot gun shell 0102 0104 0122 0135 0143 0161 0165 0172 0191 dozon C3) 170.0 190.4 251.8 205.5 .07 .02 .02 .02 .04 182.8 100.0 185.6 98.4 187.0 98.4 296.8 300.3 374.9 293.9 330.6 313.9 296.8 267.0 12/84 317.0 317.3 359.8 317.4 354.1 342.4 318.0 286.1 317.0 317.3 359.8 317.4 354.1 342.4 318.0 286.1 152 402.9 420.6 420.7 Cigarettes Nonfilter tip Filter tip, king size Filter tip, super king and long size . 1521 429.9 510.0 400.9 103.0 450.4 533.5 419.2 108.6 450.4 533.5 419.2 108.6 Cigars Low priced Popular priced Medium priced .... High priced 1522 183.1 195.7 191 177.6 188.0 196.5 216.8 199.5 184.2 192.6 196.6 216.8 199.5 186.0 192.6 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 See footnotes at end of table. 152 12/82 $184,923 453.279 28.772 199.107 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) Index Unit Commodity Commodity code1 Other tobacco products Smoking tobacco Loose leaf chewing tobacco Chewing tobacco other than loose leaf Snuff, dry and moist 1523 Stemmed and redried tobacco Unstemmed leaf tobacco redried before pack Packed for sale Stemmed tobacco Stemmed tobacco, leaf, not aged Other stemmed tobacco, incl. chopped cigar filler 1524 Other index base 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0121 .99 12/82 12/82 Dec. 19842 412.9 388.4 116.0 119.5 417.3 Mar. 19852 425.7 402.2 115.4 118.9 475.5 Price Apr. 19852 426.7 404.0 116.0 119.5 466.0 06/84 98.4 98.4 06/84 06/84 06/84 06/84 99.8 98.1 3 () 99.1 99.8 98.0 97.9 98.7 99.8 98.0 () 98.7 153 283.6 284.1 285.6 Buttons and button blanks 1531 219.4 221.7 221.7 Pin fasteners and similar notions 1532 292.9 293.1 294.9 01 0105 .99 02 0205 .99 0209 .99 Notions 3 154 213.2 215.9 215.8 Photographic equipment Photographic equipment, excluding phot 1541 116.6 102.6 116.6 102.6 Photographic supplies 1542 289.8 105.3 Photographic equipment and supplies 0701 12/83 117.6 103.8 0601 .99 12/83 284.7 103.2 289.9 105.3 155 12/74 164.3 164.4 164.5 1552 12/74 164.3 164.3 164.5 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 103.4 111.0 102.2 108.9 112.8 112.1 103.4 111.1 102.5 109.0 112.8 112.1 103.4 111.5 102.5 109.3 113.4 112.4 12/74 06/81 06/81 06/81 06/81 161.9 104.7 110.0 107.4 101.7 162.0 104.7 110.0 107.7 101.7 162.0 104.9 110.5 108.1 101.5 Photographic supplies, except x-ray Mobile homes Mobile homes, residential, single wide Single, 12 ft. wide Single, 12 ft. wide Single, 14 ft. wide and over Length, 59 ft. and under Length, 60 to 69 ft Length, 70 to 74 ft Length, 75 ft. and over Mobile homes, residential, double wide Double, 24 ft. width Length, 49 ft. and under Length, 50 to 59 ft Length, 60ft. and over Double, other than 24 ft width Other than 24 ft. width 01 0101 .99 02 0201 .99 0202 .99 0203 .99 0204 .99 1553 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 02 0201 .99 102.3 102.7 101.1 06/83 103.8 103.8 103.8 156 06/78 125.7 126.7 126.6 01 06/78 123.4 123.4 123.4 0101 .99 0102 .99 06/82 06/82 06/82 107.7 107.0 108.1 107.5 112.4 107.8 107.1 112.3 01 0101 .99 0103 .99 06/83 06/83 06/83 06/83 107.3 107.3 99.8 111.1 108.7 108.7 100.2 113.0 109.4 109.4 100.4 113.9 01 0101 .99 0102 .99 0103 .99 0104 .99 Medical, surgical & personal aid devices 06/81 1554 Other mobile homes and buildings 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 12/83 104.7 104.7 115.2 97.8 100.2 105.6 105.6 120.1 97.5 100.2 Personal aid equipment Electronic hearing aids 1561 Medical instruments and equipment Medical instruments and apparatus Hospital furniture, excluding beds and chairs 1562 Surgical appliances and supplies Surgical appliances Surgical dressings Other surgical appliances and supplies 1563 Ophthalmic goods Ophthalmic goods Ophthalmic fronts and temples Glass ophthalmic focus lenses Plastic ophthalmic focus lenses Contact lenses 1564 Industrial safety equipment Industrial safety equipment Respiratory protection equipment Respiratory protection equipment Eye and face protective equipment Industrial safety glasses and goggles Protective clothing except shoes First aid kits First aid kit Alarms, electronic Back-up alarm, electronic, automatic each each See footnotes at end of table. 153 95.7 144.8 06/78 157 01 0107 .99 02 0206 .99 0505 .99 06 0601 .04 07 0701 .02 105.0 105.0 120.1 95.1 97.6 95.7 145.4 06/83 06/78 12/83 06/83 108.5 143.4 106.6 104.7 112.0 144.5 108.3 107.0 112.2 144.5 108.3 06/78 141.8 148.0 147.8 116.5 116.5 06/78 Apr. 1985 Table 6. Producer prices and price indexes for commodity groupings and individual items—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Price Index Commodity Commodity code1 Unit 228.5 204.4 286.9 211.0 100.0 100.0 231.4 205.6 294.0 213.7 100.0 101.0 232.6 209.6 294.3 215.3 100.0 101.0 262.3 262.3 264.7 231.6 153.8 143.1 175.3 227.2 153.8 143.1 168.6 227.2 153.8 143.1 168.6 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/78 157.8 175.6 158.2 177.3 192.4 180.4 177.4 167.7 153.9 119.4 155.3 172.5 188.9 170.5 172.5 167.7 188.7 155.1 143.3 128.9 162.9 142.7 113.5 12/78 82.3 86.0 85.3 175.7 236.3 180.2 236.3 180.2 236.3 06/83 06/83 06/83 203.4 202.9 100.8 104.3 101.0 205.4 205.1 101.3 104.9 104.7 205.4 205.1 101.3 105.0 104.6 06/83 105.4 105.4 105.4 225.8 143.6 139.4 148.6 294.6 268.0 244.1 237.0 169.2 237.0 140.2 294.6 268.0 244.1 294.6 268.0 01 02 203.5 215.3 138.9 200.8 211.6 138.8 203.9 215.8 139.2 220.6 220.6 220.6 200.5 200.5 200.5 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 12/68 12/68 12/68 12/84 12/84 1592 1593 each each 0106 0107 .08 0109 .29 1594 02 0201 .05 0205 .02 0207 .04 03 0301 .04 0303 .02 04 0403 .05 0409 .03 05 0503 .04 06 0601 each each pair various each doz. pair each various each 12/78 12/78 1595 0125 .02 gross 1596 01 0121 .99 0123 .99 0125 .99 02 0227 .99 1597 doz. doz. doz. Phonograph records and prerecorded tapes Phonograph records Audio tapes 1598 Fire extinguishers 1599 Pressurized dry chemicals type, hand 0173 .11 1 Indexes with a commodity point code of .99 are calculated by a revised methodology. See "Technical Note on Data from the Producer Price Index Revision" at the back of this publication. 2 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 3 Not available. 4 Prices for all items in this grouping are lagged 1 month. 154 5 Apr. 1985 352.2 0102 0103 0104 0105 0108 Watches, clocks and timing mechanisms Watches, clocks & timing mech., ex. parts Watches Clocks Timing mechanisms Parts Parts Brushes Personal brushes Toothbrush Hairbrush Household maintenance brushes Industrial brushes Floor sweep (pushbroom) 347.7 591 Matches Pens and pencils Black lead pencil Mar. 19852 02 0245 .06 0246 .03 03 04 0455 .08 Caskets Cloth covered, softwood, adult sizes Hardwood, adult size Steel, excluding stainless, adult sizes Other metal caskets and coffins, adult sizes Other caskets and coffins & metal vaults Jewelry and jewelry products Jewelry, platinum and karat gold Ring, ladies1 high fashion Ring, wedding, gold Earrings, ladies', 14 karat gold Other precious metal jewelry Ring, sterling, ladies' and men's Bracelet, ladies', gold filled Costume jewelry Earrings, children's, costume Watchband, metal, men's and women's Jeweler's materials and findings Finding, gold filled Diamonds and lapidary work Diamond, .25 carat Dec. 19842 Apr. 19852 350.1 59 Other miscellaneous products Musical instruments Drum set Piano, over 37" Organ, excluding pipe organ Other index base 12/71 190.4 177.8 173.9 167.8 (3) 154.6 143.7 129.6 162.9 ft 155.1 143.4 130.4 162.9 150.2 120.9 () <*) 244.1 Regional refined petroleum product prices and price indexes are presented in table 7. Prices for some items in this grouping are lagged 1 month. This grouping excludes fabricated wire products, which had been included in the discontinued code 10-13 and which are now grouped in code 10-88. n.e.c. = Not elsewhere classified. Note: Titles of some commodities are not shown in this table because they fail to meet our publication criteria. 6 7 Future Changes in Producer Price Indexes for Refined Petroleum Products In July 1985, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will discontinue publication of table 7, average prices and regional indexes for refined petroleum products. Most national indexes will continue to appear in table 6 of this report. National indexes for the petroleum refining industry (sic 2911) and refined petroleum products will appear in table 4 of this report beginning in July. These changes reflect a major methodological revision designed to improve the timeliness of Producer Price Index data for refined petroleum and to integrate refined petroleum more fully into the Bureau's system of industrial price measures. Currently, the refined petroleum indexes are published with a 1-month lag; for example, the Producer Price Index for January contains refined petroleum data for December. Such a lag is necessary to develop sufficient information to publish accurate regional indexes. However, the lag also causes problems in analyzing current economic movements, especially in view of the large importance of refined petroleum in the major Producer Price Indexes, such as the Finished Goods Price Index. In 1983, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy began publication of State-level average prices for most major petroleum products. This provided an opportunity for the BLS to improve its petroleum indexes, thereby satisfying users by incorporating more current data in its national indexes. At the same time, the geographic data no longer published by the BLS are available to users from EIA in Petroleum Marketing Monthly (EIA-0380) in substantially the same detail. This publication can be ordered through the National Energy Information Center, telephone (202) 252-8800, at $6.50 for a single copy and $65 annually.The center can also answer questions regarding Department of Energy surveys. For more information on the Bureau's changes, contact Ken Lavish, Sarah Cohen, or Ralph Jacko at (202) 272-5210. 155 Table 7. Producer prices and price indexes for refined petroleum products by region (Price per gallon; July 1975 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) 057 1 02 0201 .06 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09.01 0202 .07 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09.01 0203 057 1 03 0301 .07 01.01 02.01 03.01 04.01 05.01 06.01 07.01 08.01 09.01 .06 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0302 .07 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09.01 0303 .08 01.01 02.01 03.01 04.01 05 06 07 08.0 1 09.01 057 1 04 0401 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0402 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0403 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Other index base Commodity and region Commodity code Feb/73 Feb/73 1967 Feb/73 Feb/73 East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Sales to jobbers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Commercial consumers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Feb/73 2/ Feb/73 2/ 1967 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jur\/ll Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Jun/77 Gasoline Unleaded gasoline Dealer tank-wagon to retail outlets New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Sales to jobbers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic . . .. East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Commercial consumers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific See footnotes at end of table. 156 Apr. 1985 1/ Apr. 1985 553.5 502.0 451.3 217.3 216.7 220.8 227.0 228.8 226.9 226. 1 228.7 232.5 578.2 241.0 239.6 240.6 247.8 244.9 239.7 251.7 245.6 251.8 538. 1 239.7 247.3 236.5 231.3 228.6 230.7 224.4 220.9 252.7 1967 Feb/73 Feb/73 Gasoline Regular Dealer tank-wagon to retail outlets New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Sales to jobbers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Commercial consumers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Gasoline Premi urn Dealer tank-wagon to retail outlets New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic Index Mar 1985 Dec. 1984 V 2/ 516.6 467.2 421. 1 207.2 209.1 207.7 207.3 210.4 207.4 206.9 213. 1 215.0 534.9 227.9 229.2 228.8 226. 1 225.6 225.4 225.4 222.5 231.4 504.0 228.2 236.0 222.8 211.3 212.6 211.7 198.8 203.9 244.2 545.2 493.9 441. 1 213.7 216.0 217.6 219.3 219.3 220.0 222.2 222.6 223. 1 571.7 243.0 238.6 245.0 243.7 240. 1 241.4 246.9 233.0 243.7 533.5 237.7 244. 1 235.3 225.7 224.2 225.2 215.6 215.3 254.6 47 1.5 443.6 240. 1 236. 1 237.9 230.9 251.8 243.4 236.2 237.7 244.8 534.7 249.6 259.0 246.7 251.4 250.5 245.6 245.0 249.0 265.0 537.6 264.4 270.4 248.7 256.0 236. 1 246.0 (3) (3) (3) 444.0 418.8 232.8 229.8 226.9 215. 1 235.7 227.4 213.4 221.6 225.8 500.2 237.0 248.9 237.0 233.7 231.9 234. 221. 226. 247. 509.0 248.5 250.0 234.9 228.9 224.0 232.6 (3) (3) (3) 465.4 436.4 239.7 236.5 237.0 226.6 241.6 238.7 228.9 233.5 236.5 530.7 251.9 254.4 252.5 250.8 244.6 250.4 241 .2 240.7 260.5 534.5 256.9 252.3 246.7 236.7 234.8 242.3 (3) (3) (3) .913 .926 .923 .921 .893 .890 .923 .895 .930 .915 .866 .901 .878 .872 .870 .832 .871 .856 .835 .884 .897 .921 .906 .906 .901 .841 .887 (3^ (3) 194.0 190.8 189. 1 188. 1 189.6 181.1 188.8 191.9 183.6 190.9 204.6 197.4 201 .0 193.8 200.9 196.7 193.3 196.7 197.9 193.9 201 .8 196.7 199.4 197.4 195.3 202.3 190.3 190.9 180.2 188.0 211.1 .857 .857 .847 .850 .840 .836 .866 .850 .859 .892 .808 .831 .790 .815 .815 .787 .807 .815 .796 .820 .826 .850 .838 .827 .853 .777 .822 .759 .835 .883 196.6 194.9 190. 1 188.0 190.7 188.6 197.8 195.6 190.3 194.2 209.4 198.4 198.0 199.6 195.4 198.3 198. 1 194.4 200.0 202.8 207.9 197.6 201 198.0 194.3 206.2 186.2 191.5 190.2 192.2 216.5 2/ 2/ 183.5 182.2 183.5 182.0 180.9 169.8 183.0 180.6 170.9 182.5 195.4 184.8 188.8 187.4 187.3 182.7 181. 184.4 180. 184. 192. 185. 189. 190. 184.. 189.0 179.8 180.4 156.6 181 .8 199.8 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ $0,780 .782 .782 .774 .793 .741 .777 .793 .779 .793 .768 .779 .753 .771 .779 .746 .766 .781 .758 .774 .797 .819 .819 .790 .804 .749 .782 .786 .775 .890 Table 7. Producer prices and price indexes for refined petroleum products by region—Continued (Price per gallon; July 1975 = 100 unless otherwise Indicated) Commodity code Other index base Commodity and region 0573 Light distillates Kerosene to resellers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central Nest North Central Mountain Pacific Commercial jet fuel* kerosene base New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific 1967 Feb/73 .07 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09.01 0301 .08 01.01 02.01 03.01 04.01 05.01 06.01 07.01 08.01 09.01 Middle distillates Fuel oil no. 2 to resellers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific Diesel to commercial consumers New England Middle Atlantic South Atlantic • .. East North Central West South Central East South Central West North Central Mountain Pacific 1967 Feb/73 0401 0501 0601 0572 Residual fuels Containing 0.3% or less sulfur Containing 0.31 to 1.0% sulfur Containing more than 1% sulfur Dec. 1984 J / 020 1 .07 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09.01 0301 .07 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0201 0574 1 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. All prices are lagged 1 month. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 2/ 2/ 2~/ 2~/ Feb/73 2/ 2/ Feb/73 1967 Dec/80 Dec/80 Dec/80 Index Mar. 1985 847.5 684.3 281.3 288.1 2 / 284.7 *" 305.4 298. 1 303.4 312.3 308.3 277.0 709.0 298.9 295.4 307.9 287.6 312.0 288.2 304.5 297. 1 302.8 827.5 658.4 288.4 284.3 275.9 284.7 284.8 278.4 276.2 276.7 259.5 695.0 289.2 291.1 303.5 279.5 309.2 281.7 291.4 294.0 298.5 851.4 695.4 272.3 274.9 276. 1 297.0 285.0 282.5 300.2 284.0 279.2 671.7 275.5 265.6 273.1 275.5 253.6 269.9 284.8 283.8 251.5 809.8 663.0 266.8 268.0 268.8 271.9 257.5 268.5 262.4 268.9 267.1 636.7 273.9 263.4 267.4 257. 1 237.6 257. 1 246.9 261.9 245. 1 1 131.4 (3) 1112.6 91.5 105.9 88.7 105.0 (3) 1 U\ Apr. 1985 W 824.5 662. 1 292.2 Price Apr. 1985 .841 .915 (3) 2/ 2/ " (3) 274.5 285.9 280.4 293.2 277 .8 279.1 259.2 690.8 292.7 287.9 301.5 276.0 309.7 279.6 286.9 291.6 297.8 .819 .836 .810 .823 .803 .830 .813 .810 .844 .785 .803 .819 .783 .815 .805 .845 .828 820.3 675.9 277.9 275.5 267.7 270.3 267.0 268.9 269. 1 270.2 268.7 638.6 273.0 259.5 263.1 253.0 236.6 254.6 251.2 268.3 254.2 .779 .805 .798 .770 .753 .737 .759 .746 .763 .757 .762 .823 .794 .773 .752 .731 .753 .731 .765 .781 1087.9 (3) (3) (3) (3) 102. 1 .608 2 Caution should be used in interpreting month-to-month changes because of low response rates, which ranged from 30 to 60 percent for these indexes. 3 Not available. 157 Table 8. Producer price indexes for special commodity groupings1 (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) 1984 1985 Commodity grouping Annual average All commodities except farm products All foods Processed foods Industrial commodities less fuels and related products and power Selected textile mill products (Dec. 1975=100) Hosiery Underwear and nightwear Chemicals and allied products, including synthetic rubber and synthetic fibers Pharmaceutical preparations Lumber and plywood3 Steel mill products, including fabricated wire products Finished steel mill products, excluding fabricated wire products Finished steel mill products, including fabricated wire products Special metals and metal products Fabricated metal products Copper and copper products Machinery and motive products Machinery and equipment, except electrical Agricultural machinery, including tractors Metalworking machinery Total tractors Construction materials Agricultural machinery and equipment, less parts Farm and garden tractors, less parts Agricultural machinery excluding tractors, less parts 1 These indexes are calculated by combining the indexes listed below by commodity code after each special commodity grouping. The weights are those used for the comprehensive All Commodities index. 2 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. 313.8 269.4 270.0 287.6 142.1 147.6 229.9 289.7 243.3 318.5 363.7 365.5 363.0 299.9 303.9 185.8 286.3 319.5 353.8 364.9 382.4 306.3 341.1 361.0 348.2 April 314.2 270.6 270.9 287.8 141.7 147.4 229.8 290.6 241.5 332.5 361.8 363.6 361.0 301.2 301.9 199.4 286.2 318.5 352.9 363.0 384.1 307.1 340.4 362.1 345.7 2 December March 314.1 268.5 271.2 288.9 142.3 148.0 230.3 289.4 250.0 309.6 365.8 367.4 365.1 300.5 308.9 180.1 288.8 321.6 354.8 371.4 379.7 307.7 342.3 358.0 352.5 2 313.5 268.4 269.9 290.7 142.6 148.6 232.3 291.5 259.5 309.2 365.1 366.6 364.3 301.8 309.6 182.2 291.6 324.5 356.5 374.9 384.2 308.1 343.9 359.6 354.2 107, and 108 Copper and copper products: 10220123, 10220124, 10220125, 10220161, 10220162, 102301, 10240301, 10240302, 10240304, 10240305, 102502, 10260315, 10260316, 10260317, 10260319, 10260325, 10280301, 10280302, and 10280303 All commodities except farm products: 02 through 15 Machinery and motive products: 11 and 14 All foods: 011, 017, and 02 less 0261, 0262, and 029 Processed foods: 02 less 0261, 0262, and 029 Machinery and equipment, except electrical: 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, and 119 Industrial commodities less fuels and related products and power: 03, 04, and 06 through 15 Agricultural machinery, including tractors: 1111 and 1112 less 11115211 and 111251 Selected textile mill products: 0327, 03370105, 03370107, 03370109, 03370111, 034, 03810168, 03810169, 03810272, 03810274, 03810298, 03810364, 038201, 03820303, 03830322, and 1231 Total tractors: 1111 and 1128 less 11115211, 112802, and 112803 Hosiery: 03810168, 03810169, 03810171, 03810272, 05810273, and 03810363, 03810364, 03810365 Agricultural machinery and equipment, less parts (old commodity code 111): 111 less 11115211 and 111251 Underwear and nightwear: 03810174, 03810175, 03810176, 03810177, 03810178, 03810274, 03810275, 03810276, 03810277, 03810368, and 03810369 Farm and garden tractors, less parts (old commodity code 1111): 1111 less 11115211 Metalworking machinery: 113A, 1132, 113304, 1137, and 1138 Agricultural machinery excluding tractors, less parts (old commodity code 1112): 1112 less 111251 Chemicals and allied products, including synthetic rubber and synthetic fibers: 031, 06 less 064, and 071102 Construction materials: 0621, 0721, 0811, 082, 083, 086, 092, 101502, 10170399, 10170499, 10170611, 10170627, 10250101, 10250103, 10250104, 10250121, 10250123, 10250155, 10250254, 10251993, 10260307, 104101, 105, 106, 1071, 10730101, 10730106, 10730109, 10730115, 10730145, 10730146, 10730164, 10730165, 107402, 107403, 107404, 10740501, 10740781, 10740791, 10810246, 10830301, 10830321, 10830323, 10830325, 10830329, 10830351, 10830361, 10880211, 10880213, 10880721, 10880961, 10890533, 1142, 1147,11490205,11710109,11710111, 11710112, 11710113, 11710115. 11710116,11710117, 11710118, 11710119, 11710121, 11710265, 11710266, 11710267, 11710272, 11710273, 11710274, 11710282, 123101, 1232, 131105, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1394, and 139501 3 Formerly entitled: Lumber and wood products, excluding millwork Pharmaceutical preparations: 0634, 0635, and 0636 Lumber and plywood3: 081 and 083 Steel mill products, including fabricated wire products: 1017 and 1088 Finished steel mill products, excluding fabricated wire products: 1017 less 101701 and 101702 Finished steel mill products, including fabricated wire products: 1017 and 1088 less 101701 and 101702 Special metals and metal products: 10, 111, and 141 Fabricated metal products: 103, 104, 105, 106, 158 April2 314.3 267.1 268.4 291.3 142.5 148.7 234.7 292.2 260.6 305.8 365.5 367.0 364.8 302.7 310.0 189.0 292.0 325.0 356.6 374.6 384.4 308.6 343.9 360.0 354.0 Table 9. Producer price indexes for the output of selected SIC industries (1967 = 100 unless otherwise indicated) 1972 SIC code Industry Other index 1984 1985 Annual average Apr. 264.3 914.3 267.9 909.2 267.9 901.6 262.1 260.0 209.2 240.4 261.6 138.7 310.5 222.6 241.6 261.9 139.3 304.8 177.7 234.5 258.6 138.5 315.6 163.2 226.5 258.6 138.5 314.9 164.8 226.5 258.6 138.5 314.9 151.4 163.9 290.8 279.7 193.7 150.6 161.6 289.2 280.6 193.1 152.1 168.5 298.6 281.4 197.8 152.9 169.4 301.0 289.7 200.0 152.5 170.1 303.1 289.8 200.0 244.2 150.2 372.5 232.8 292.7 244.9 149.6 371.5 232.4 290.4 239.4 153.4 378.8 232.5 298.1 226.7 150.5 383.3 237.5 298.1 232.7 150.5 387.3 237.6 299.3 377.1 191.4 183.0 219.2 192.4 382.6 192.2 184.1 220.1 190.3 379.4 195.3 183.0 220.2 190.3 385.5 199.4 185.2 220.4 205.5 369.5 198.9 182.3 220.4 205.5 186.6 497.2 174.7 127.8 133.7 185.0 490.9 176.8 133.1 133.7 196.9 527.2 171.0 122.0 134.3 196.1 547.0 168.5 118.1 131.9 195.5 547.0 172.5 121.6 131.9 134.3 238.0 145.7 137.2 167.5 131.6 239.7 149.1 134.9 166.3 133.6 239.4 139.7 146.2 169.7 134.5 243.1 129.5 145.6 172.1 134.5 242.9 128.6 146.1 172.1 1 Dec. 1 Mar. Apr.1 Mining Industries Mercury ores 1092 1311 12/75 Crude petroleum and natural gas Manufacturing industries 2074 2083 2098 2298 2381 Cottonseed oil mills Malt Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, and noodles Cordage and twine Dress and work gloves, except knit and all-leather Canvas and related products Wood pallets and skids Wood office furniture Sanitary food containers Fiber cans.drums.and similar products Mill 2394 2448 2521 2654 2655 Mill 12/75 Petroleum refining Ceramic wall and floor tile Clay refractories Structural clay products, n.e.c Vitreous plumbing fixtures 2911 3253 3255 3259 3261 06/76 12/75 Fine earthenware (whiteware) table and kitchen articles Pottery products, n.e.c Lime Nonclay refractories Small arms ammunition 3263 3269 3274 3297 3482 Lighting equipment, n.e.c Electron tubes, receiving type Jewelry, precious metal Jewelers' findings and material and lapidary work Musical instruments 3648 3671 3911 3915 3931 Dolls Games, toys, and children's vehicles, except dolls and bicycle Carbon paper and inked ribbons Costume jewelry and costume novelties Hard surface floor coverings 3942 3944 3955 3961 3996 1 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 2 12/75 12/75 12/75 12/74 12/75 12/75 12/78 12/78 12/78 12/75 12/75 12/78 12/75 Not available. n.e.c. = Not elsewhere classified. 159 Table 10. Producer price indexes for the output of selected census product classes (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index 1972 Product class Census code METAL MINING . 1984 Annual average Apr. 1985 Dec.1 Mar.1 Apr. 10 Mercury metal 10923 OIL AND GAS EXTRACTION . 12/75 264.3 267.9 267.9 262.1 260.0 12/75 06/77 619.0 361.3 608.5 355.1 622.1 363.1 607.2 354.4 (*) 12/75 183.9 216.1 100.8 247.8 240.3 174.0 257.6 103.2 257.2 241.6 162.8 162.4 97.2 227.9 234.5 168.4 119.8 102.9 223.6 226.5 182.5 108.3 105.4 244.0 226.5 213.4 261.6 176.3 211.5 261.9 174.0 217.8 258.5 179.4 217.0 258.5 183.1 217.0 258.5 183.1 12/75 12/77 165.2 228.5 312.4 150.6 138.5 161.8 232.4 314.8 151.7 139.6 167.3 221.9 310.0 149.4 137.5 169.2 219.9 310.1 149.5 137.5 169.2 217.8 310.1 149.5 137.5 12/77 337.8 151.4 330.9 150.6 343.9 152.1 341.2 152.9 341.2 152.5 181.0 202.6 291.7 184.9 200.0 292.0 170.9 207.3 294.4 162.6 208.3 295.1 162.6 209.3 296.2 291.9 290.2 299.8 302.2 304.3 313.3 245.9 282.1 341.5 196.1 269.6 314.0 247.0 283.1 344.7 194.7 273.3 314.0 247.0 284.8 344.7 200.9 272.0 336.2 254.6 284.8 350.1 203.2 263.5 336.2 254.6 284.8 350.1 203.2 273.1 101.2 101.2 13 Natural gas production and disposition . Residue gas shipped 13115 13213 FOOD AND KINDRED PRODUCTS .... 20 Cottonseed oil, crude Cottonseed cake and meal and other byproducts Linseed oil Vegetable oils (other than cottonseed, soybean, and linseed . Malt and malt byproducts 20741 20744 20761 20762 20830 Flavoring sirups for use by soft drink bottlers ... Macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles Tea in consumer packages 20873 20980 20995 TEXTILE MILL PRODUCTS . 12/68 12/75 22 Finished wool apparel fabrics Carded cotton yarns Hard fiber cordage and twine Soft fiber cordage and twine (except cotton) . Cotton cordage and twine 22313 22811 22981 22982 22983 APPAREL AND OTHER TEXTILE PRODUCTS .... 12/75 12/71 23 Work gloves & mittens, made from woven knit fabrics .. Canvas products 23812 23940 LUMBER AND WOOD PRODUCTS, EXCEPT FURNITURE . 24 Hardwood plywood Pallets and skids Wirebound boxes made from lumber, veneer and plywood . 24351 24480 24491 FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 12/71 12/67 25 Wood office furniture 25210 PAPER AND ALLIED PRODUCTS . 26 Milk and other beverage cartons Cups and liquid-tight containers Other sanitary food containers, boards, and trays Paperboard fiber drums with metal, wood, or paperboard ends . Fiber cans, tubes, and similar fiber products Insulating board 26541 26542 26543 26551 26552 26611 CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS . 12/75 28 Gelatin, except ready-to-eat desserts 95.8 28994 PETROLEUM REFINING AND RELATED INDUSTRIES . 29 Gasoline Jet fuel Kerosene Distillate fuel oil.. Residual fuel oil . 29111 29112 29113 29114 29115 Liquefied refinery gases (feed stock and other uses) . Unfinished oils and lubricating oil base stock Asphalt 29116 29118 29119 STONE, CLAY, GLASS, AND CONCRETE PRODUCTS. 12/75 12/75 565.2 874.9 276.7 873.4 1,120.1 570.3 886.4 276.9 868.1 1,106.8 552.5 853.4 268.1 844.8 1,131.3 515.7 836.5 258.0 803.6 1,112.5 544.1 831.5 259.4 813.9 1,087.9 238.2 796.6 835.8 239.0 798.0 812.0 235.0 794.6 850.1 197.9 769.7 861.4 194.9 767.0 874.5 375.7 293.8 191.2 355.7 219.5 374.4 291.4 192.0 358.1 220.5 382.7 299.2 195.2 355.4 220.5 388.0 299. 199.3 359.3 220.5 392.4 300.3 198.9 352.8 220.5 139.6 150.6 32 Clay refractories Vitreous & semivitreous plumbing fixtures, accessories . Pottery products, n.e.c, including china decorating Lime (including cost of shipping containers) Nonclay refractories, except dead-burned magnesia 32550 32610 32690 32740 32970 PRIMARY METAL INDUSTRIES 12/75 12/74 33 Refined primary lead 33323 See footnotes at end of table. Other index 160 198.3 Table 10. Producer price indexes for the output of selected census product classes—Continued (1967=100 unless otherwise indicated) Index 1972 Census code Product class PRIMARY METAL INDUSTRIES—Continued Precious metals (primary smelting) Nickel and nickel- base alloy mill shapes (including monel) 33 33395 33561 FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS . Other index base 1985 Annual average Apr. Dec.1 Mar.1 Apr.1 34 34294 34820 34992 34993 Builders' hardware Small arms ammunition,30 mm and under (1.18 inches&under) . Collapsible tubes Flat metal strapping MACHINERY, EXCEPT ELECTRICAL 761.1 156.4 610.2 157.0 523.0 158.9 601.1 158.9 296.3 192.4 303.9 170.5 293.1 190.3 308.2 170.5 301.0 190.3 310.1 170.5 309.2 205.5 310.1 170.5 309.4 205.5 310.1 170.5 146.1 62.3 95.4 180.3 139.5 146.9 62.3 94.9 182.0 139.6 145.5 62.3 94.9 180.0 134.6 146.4 62.3 96.4 178.8 134.6 147.1 62.3 96.4 186.3 134.6 235.7 213.8 364.1 414.8 220.0 231.7 212.2 370.3 406.8 227.5 238.2 212.5 369.2 433.5 227.5 242.2 213.7 376.6 433.5 240.0 212.3 376.6 433.5 221.5 12/75 12/67 06/78 192.0 312.0 118.6 552.7 323.2 192.0 309.5 118.6 545.6 319.3 192.0 335.7 118.6 588.4 331.9 184.7 332.3 116.5 611.9 335.9 184.7 332.3 116.5 611.9 335.3 12/75 12/78 12/78 351.9 323.9 408.2 161.3 86.7 356.6 321.8 419.8 167.9 91.0 343.0 326.1 392.6 153.9 82.3 337.1 326.0 387.1 142.7 86.0 346.4 326.0 381.0 150.2 85.3 12/75 271.2 174.5 273.8 179.5 158.1 270.1 175.3 273.4 175.7 158.8 272.7 175.3 274.8 178.5 159.9 267.6 168.6 274.8 179.7 162.4 267.6 168.6 274.8 179.7 162.4 257.9 187.9 112.2 167.2 172.3 257.4 185.8 115.9 167.2 169.0 259.4 191.8 107.8 167.2 185.5 259.7 191.9 108.0 167.3 184.9 257.1 191.9 108.0 167.3 185.1 229.3 247.2 147.3 253.8 224.8 245.3 147.0 252.8 227.7 250.0 147.7 262.4 237.8 253.6 147.7 262.4 237.8 253.6 147.7 264.8 122.2 130.1 127.6 12/75 12/75 35 Plain bearings and bushings, unmounted . Electronic calculating machines Accounting machines and cash registers . Duplicating machines Typewriters 35681 35742 35743 35793 35797 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES 12/74 12/75 12/75 12/75 36 Switchgear, except ducts and relays Power circuit breakers all voltages Low voltage panelboards and distribution boards Fuses and fuse equipment, under 2300 volts Duct, including plug-in units & accessories,750 volts&under . 36131 36132 36133 36134 36136 Electrodes Outdoor lighting equipment Intercommunication equipment and electric alarm systems .... Receiving type electron tubes, except cathode ray Transmittal, industrial, & special purpose electron tubes 36241 36485 36623 36710 36730 MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES . 12/75 39 Jewelry made of platinum metals and karat gold. .. Jewelry, made of precious metals Flatware Jewelers' findings and materials Lapidary work and diamond cutting 39111 39112 39142 39151 39152 Pianos Organs Other musical instruments and parts .... Dolls and stuffed toy animals Toys, excluding games 39311 39312 39314 39420 39442 Baby carriages and children's vehicles, except bicycles . Fishing tackle and equipment Golf equipment Lead pencils and crayons Costume jewelry and costume novelties 39443 39491 39492 39521 39610 Other brushes Linoleum and asphalted-felt-base floor covering Chemical fire extinguishing equipment and parts Matches 39913 39960 39991 39993 WHOLESALE TRADE, DURABLE GOODS 12/75 12/75 50 Iron and steel scrap 50931 1 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 697.2 156.0 12/75 2 Not available. n.e.c. = Not elsewhere classified. Total railroad freight The railroad freight price index has been revised. As an outgrowth of the revision, table 11 has been discontinued; data for the index are now shown as sic 4011 in table 4. The principal features of the revised index appear in the technical notes section of the March issue of Producer Price Indexes. 161 Table 12. Producer price indexes and percent changes for selected telephone services (1972=100) Percent change from — Industry/ product code Description Mar. 19851 Dec. 19841 Apr. 19851 Apr. 1984 to Apr. 1985 Jan. 1985 to Feb. 1985 Feb. 1985 to Mar. 1985 Local service Residential2 Business Optional additional usage Coin 4811-1 4811-111 4811-112 4811-113 4811-114 180.7 188.4 188.8 124.2 205.2 183.9 192.1 193.8 124.2 206.4 183.9 192.1 193.8 124.2 206.4 8.4 8.7 7.6 -2.2 25.2 1.0 1.2 1.4 0 .4 -0.1 0 -.1 0 0 Toll service Intrastate MTS Interstate MTS International MTS WATS Interstate WATS Intrastate WATS 4811-2 4811-211 4811-212 4811-213 4811-214 4811-214-11 147.3 158.8 145.6 1 87.3 127.9 119.6 149.7 147.6 159.6 145.6 87.3 127.9 119.6 149.7 148.1 160.8 145.6 87.3 127.8 119.6 149.5 -1.8 3.0 -5.1 -5.6 -3.6 -5.9 1.6 0 0 0 0 -.4 0 -1.2 Mar. 1985 to Apr. 1985 0 0 0 0 .2 0 .6 4811-214-12 Private lines, interstate 163.1 4811-911 1 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 159.2 159.2 .5 224.4 4811-311 Directory advertising 232.4 234.4 10.4 -2.4 .8 .9 .9 2 Telephone services contained in the Consumer Price Index cover not only local residential service, but also parts of toll service, equipment leasing (such as extension phones), and non-recurring charges (such as installation). Table 13. Producer price indexes and percent changes for postal services (1977=100) Description Industry/ product code Relative importance Dec. 19841 Percent change from — Index Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Apr. 1984 to Apr. 1985 Jan. 1985 to Feb. 1985 Feb. 1985 to Mar. 1985 1.0000 143.8 157.0 157.0 9.2 9.2 First class mail3 Letter mail Post cards Priority mail 4311-1 4311-111 4311-112 4311-113 .6604 .6068 .0149 .0386 154.0 154.9 145.4 144.3 165.4 167.3 154.2 142.3 165.4 167.3 154.2 142.3 7.4 8.0 6.1 -1.4 7.4 8.0 6.1 -1.4 Second class mail In county mail Regular rate mail Nonprofit rate mail Classroom rate mail Transient rate mail 4311-2 4311-211 4311-212 4311-213 4311-214 4311-215 .0514 .0038 .0360 .0102 .0006 .0008 149.9 185.1 144.9 150.4 140.3 227.9 174.0 211.8 167.1 180.7 157.3 248.4 174.0 211.8 167.1 180.7 157.3 248.4 16.1 14.4 15.3 20.1 12.1 9.0 16.1 14.4 15.3 20.1 12.1 9.0 Third class mail Single piece mail Regular bulk mail Nonprofit bulk mail 4311-3 4311-311 4311-312 4311-313 .1419 .0244 .0805 .0361 153.9 198.5 149.5 147.5 170.3 205.0 165.9 164.2 170.3 205.0 165.9 164.2 10.7 3.3 11.0 11.3 10.7 3.3 11.0 11.3 Fourth class mail3 Parcel post Bound printed matter Special rate mail Library rate mail 4311-4 4311-411 4311-412 4311-413 4311-414 .0597 .0347 .0022 .0175 .0053 155.9 155.2 115.6 162.5 162.2 173.6 175.9 130.3 175.4 176.3 173.6 175.9 130.3 175.4 176.3 11.4 13.3 12.7 7.9 8.7 11.4 13.3 12.7 7.9 8.7 International mail International air mail International surface mail Terminal dues and transit fees 4311-5 4311-511 4311-512 4311-513 .0371 .0189 .0112 .0070 157.9 131.0 188.8 223.7 187.0 154.0 358.9 223.7 187.0 154.0 358.9 223.7 18.4 17.6 90.1 0 18.4 17.6 90.1 0 Special services and fees Special services Domestic mail fees Other services and fees 4311-6 4311-611 4311-612 4311-613 .0457 .0382 .0070 .0004 150.9 155.3 128.9 227.4 168.8 168.6 172.9 275.9 168.8 168.6 172.9 275.9 11.9 8.6 34.1 21.3 11.9 8.6 34.1 21.3 4311-912 4311-913 .0034 .0005 129.1 100.0 150.6 162.2 150.6 162.2 16.7 62.2 Mar. 1985 to Apr. 1985 16.7 62.2 United States Postal Service Express mail Mailgram service 4311 1 The figure shown for each item is its value weight expressed as a proportion of the total value weight for the U.S. Postal Service Index. Note: relative importances have been updated to reflect new quantity weights based on 1982 data. 2 Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 3 Postal service prices contained in the Consumer Price Index are from first class and fourth class mail. 162 Table 14. Producer price indexes for the net output of major mining and manufacturing industry groups Percent change to Apr. 1985 from — Index Index base Industry code Industry 1 Dec. 19842 Mar. 19852 Apr. 19852 Mar. 1985 Jan. 1985 Mining and quarrying of non-metallic minerals except fuels 14 12/84 100 0 102 2 103 0 07 20 12/84 100 0 99 6 99 2 -4 -8 Tobacco manufactures 21 12/84 100 0 103 5 104 7 1 2 Textile mill products 22 12/84 100 0 100 4 99 9 -4 -6 Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar materials 23 12/84 100.0 100.5 101.0 .4 .7 Lumber and wood products, except furniture 24 12/84 100.0 99.8 99.6 -.2 -.6 Apr. 1984 22 Food and kindred products. Oct. 1984 . . . . . . 25 Furniture and fixtures Paper and allied products 6 . . . . 12/84 100.0 101 0 101 2 2 7 26 12/84 100 0 100 0 99 2 _7 -8 (?) (?) 3 ) (?) (?) (3) (3) /3\ (3) /3\ (3 Printing publishing and allied industries 27 12/84 100 0 103 0 102 9 o 8 Chemicals and allied products 28 12/84 100.0 100 3 100.6 .2 .2 (?) (?) Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products 30 12/84 100.0 99 8 100.4 6 -.1 /3\ (?) Leather and leather products 31 12/84 100.0 101 4 100 8 -6 1 /3\ (?) 32 12/84 100 0 101 2 101 0 -2 4 3 Stone clay glass and concrete products Primary metal industries 33 12/84 1000 99 5 100 0 4 2 s 3 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation equipment 34 12/84 100.0 100 4 100.5 1 3 (3) (3) Machinery except electrical 35 12/84 100.0 1006 100 8 1 4 Measuring and controlling instruments; photographic, medical, and optical goods; watches and clocks 38 12/84 100.0 100.7 100.6 -.1 -.6 1 2 Indexes in this table are derived from the net-output-weighted industry price indexes shown in table 4. Because of differences in coverage and aggregation methodology, they will generally not match the movements of similarly-titled indexes which are derived from traditional commodity groupings shown in table 6. 3 ) A n Data for December 1984 have been revised to reflect the availability of late reports and corrections by respondents. All data are subject to revision 4 months after original publication. Data are not seasonally adjusted. 3 Not available. 163 Technical Notes Brief Explanation of Producer Price Indexes Producer price indexes measure average changes in prices received in primary markets of the United States by producers of commodities in all stages of processing. These data were previously presented as the Wholesale Price Index. The name "Producer Price Indexes" is now being used to reflect more accurately the coverage of the data. The sample used for calculating these indexes is undergoing extensive changes. It currently contains about 3,200 commodities and about 43,000 quotations selected to represent the movement of prices of all commodities produced in the manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, gas and electricity, and public utilities sectors. Producer price indexes can be organized by stage of processing or by commodity. The stage-of-processing structure organizes products by class of buyer and by degree of fabrication (i.e., finished goods, intermediate goods, and crude materials). The commodity structure organizes products by similarity of end-use or material composition. Finished goods are commodities that will not undergo further processing and that are ready for sale to the final demand user, either an individual consumer or a business firm. Capital equipment (formerly called producer finished goods) includes commodities such as motor trucks, farm equipment, and machine tools. Finished consumer goods include foods and other types of goods eventually purchased by retailers and used by consumers. Consumer foods include unprocessed foods such as eggs and fresh vegetables, as well as processed foods such as bakery products and meats. Other finished consumer goods include durables such as automobiles, household furniture, and jewelry, and nondurables such as apparel and gasoline. Intermediate materials, supplies, and components include commodities that have been processed but that require further processing Examples of such semifinished goods include flour, cotton yarns, steel mill products, and lumber. The intermediate goods category also encompasses items that are physically complete but that 164 are purchased by business firms as inputs for their operations. Examples include diesel fuel, belts and belting, paper boxes, and fertilizers. Crude materials for further processing include products entering the market for the first time which have not been manufactured or fabricated and which are not sold directly to consumers. Scrap materials are also included. Crude foodstuffs and feedstuffs include items such as grains and livestock. Examples of crude nonfood materials include raw cotton, crude petroleum, natural gas, hides and skins, and iron and steel scrap. For analysis of general price trends, stage-ofprocessing indexes are more useful than broad commodity grouping indexes. Broad commodity grouping indexes sometimes produce exaggerated or misleading signals of price change by reflecting the same price movement through various stages of processing. For example, suppose that a price rise for steel scrap results in an increase in the price of steel sheet and then an advance in prices of automobiles produced from that steel. The All Commodities Price Index and the Industrial Commodities Price Index would reflect the same price movement three times-once for the steel scrap, once for the steel sheet, and once for the automobiles. This multiple counting occurs because the weighting structure for the broad commodity grouping indexes uses the total shipment values for commodities at all stages of processing. Within the stage-of-processing structure, on the other hand, the Finished Goods Price Index would reflect the change in automobile prices, the Intermediate Materials Price Index would reflect the steel sheet price change, and the Crude Materials Price Index would reflect the rise in the price of steel scrap. (See illustration.) To the extent possible, prices used in calculating producer price indexes apply to the first significant commercial transaction in the United States, from the production or central marketing point. Price data are generally collected monthly, primarily by mail questionnaire. Respondents are asked to provide net prices or to provide all applicable discounts, BLS attempts to base producer price indexes on actual transaction prices; however, list or book prices are used if transaction prices are not available. Most prices are obtained directly from producing companies on a voluntary and confidential basis, but some prices are taken from trade Intermediate Materials. Supplies and Components publications or from other Government agencies. Prices generally are reported for the Tuesday of the week containing the 13th day of the month. In aggregating producer price indexes, price changes for various commodities are averaged together with weights representing their importance in the total net selling value of all commodities as of 1972. The detailed data are aggregated to obtain indexes for stage-ofprocessing groupings, commodity groupings, durability of product groupings, and a number of special composite groupings. Each index measures price changes from a reference period which equals 100.0 (usually 1967). An increase of 125 percent from the reference period in the Finished Goods Price Index, for example, is shown as 225.0. This change can also be expressed in dollars as follows: 'The price of a representative sample of finished goods produced in the United States has risen from $100 in 1967 to $225." Calculating Index Changes Finished Goods Price Index less previous index equals index point change 185.5 184.5 1.0 Index Percent Change Index point change divided by previous index equals result multiplied by 100 equal index percent change 1.0 184.5 0.005 0.005 x 100 0.5 Percent changes for 3-month and 6-month periods can be expressed as annual rates that are computed according to the standard formula for compound growth rates. These data indicate what the percent change would be if the current rate were maintained for a 12-month period. Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted Data Movements of price indexes from one month to another are usually expressed as percent changes rather than as changes in index points because index point changes are affected by the level of the index in relation to its base period, while percent changes are not. The box shows the computation of index point and percent changes. Index Point Change Because price data are used for different purposes by different groups, the Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes seasonally adjusted as well as unadjusted changes each month. For analyzing general price trends in the economy, 165 seasonally adjusted data usually are preferred because they eliminate the effect of changes that normally occur at about the same time and in about the same magnitude every year—such as price movements resulting from normal weather patterns, regular production and marketing cycles, model changeovers, seasonal discounts, and holidays. For this reason, seasonally adjusted data more clearly reveal the underlying cyclical trends. Seasonally adjusted data are subject to revision when seasonal factors are revised each year. The unadjusted data are of primary interest to users who need information which can be related to the actual dollar values of transactions. Individuals requiring this information include marketing specialists, purchasing agents, budget and cost analysts, contract specialists, and commodity traders. Unadjusted data generally are used in escalating contracts such as purchase agreements or real estate leases. Data from the Producer Price Index Revision Corresponding indexes Some PPIR indexes published in table 4 correspond to 8-digit commodities published in table 6. In these cases, movements in the commodity indexes are calculated on the basis of the movements of their counterparts in table 4. Although most such indexes continue to be published in table 6 on their original base period of 1967 = 100 or some later base, corresponding indexes in table 4 are published on a base of the month of their introduction. Therefore, index levels for corresponding items may differ, but monthly percent changes will be identical. A point code of ".99" immediately after an 8-digit commodity code in table 6 identifies a commodity index that is calculated from a product index in table 4. The aggregation of commodity price indexes into commodity grouping indexes in table 6 continues to follow the traditional methodology; similarly, stage-of-processing price indexes in table 1 also are calculated from the commodity grouping indexes as in the past. How new indexes differ from traditional commodity indexes Each month this report presents data from the Producer Price Index Revision (PPIR) in table 4,"Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products." Table 4 includes data for Standard Industrial Classification (sic) industries (4-digit level) and Census products (7-digit level); indexes for Census product classes (5- and 6-digit levels) and more detailed subproducts (9-digit level); and, for some industries, indexes for other sources of revenue. Thus, table 4 shows all official indexes arising from the ongoing PPI revision. By 1986, table 4 will cover nearly all 493 sic mining and manufacturing industries. New indexes differ from traditional commodity indexes in a number of respects: Kinds of product indexes Industries listed in table 4 may be represented by one to three kinds of product indexes. Every industry has primary product indexes to show changes in prices received by establishments classified in the industry for products made primarily, but not exclusively, within the industry. To be classified in an industry, an establishment must have a plurality of its total shipment value accounted for by primary products. In addition, some industries also may have secondary product indexes to show changes in prices received by establishments classified in one industry for products primary to some other industry. Finally, some industries have miscellaneous receipts indexes to show price changes in other sources of revenue received by establishments within the industry that are not derived from the sales of their products. Because of the distinction between primary and secondary products, an index for a product made in one industry may differ from the index for the same product made in another industry. 166 (1) New indexes are industry-based. The entire output of each industry is sampled, including primary and secondary production and miscellaneous receipts. Traditional commodity indexes are based on a selection of the most important commodities, without systematic regard for the industry classification of the producer. New indexes, on the other hand, are based on prices of primary and secondaray products made by producers classified in the specified industry; as a result, new indexes apply to production within the specified industry. As data from more mining and manufacturing industries become available, additional indexes will be constructed to cover each product regardless of the industry of origin. (2) New indexes are easier to use with other industryoriented economic data because they are classified according to the sic and incorporate most features of the Census of Manufactures product code extensions of the sic. (3) New indexes use net output values of shipments as weights. Net output values refer to the value of shipments leaving the industry and exclude intraindustry shipments. In contrast, weights in traditional commodity price indexes include shipments within an industry. The resulting multiple-counting of price changes at successive stages of processing is one major defect of the traditional commodity grouping indexes. Stage-of-processing indexes partially correct this defect, but new indexes consistently correct it at all levels of aggregation. (Net output weights are not used, however, for traditional commodity indexes whose movements are based on corresponding new indexes.) In the PPIR program, item weights are based upon shipment value data and sampling weights from the revision survey itself. When detailed products are aggregated to the 5-digit product class and 4-digit industry levels, however, weights are taken from Census of Manufactures data, along with estimates of intraindustry shipments from input-output tables produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce. (4) New indexes emphasize actual transaction prices at the time of shipment to minimize the use of list prices and order prices, which occasionally have been used in traditional commodity price indexes. In addition, some 167 traditional indexes have been calculated intentionally from order prices rather than from shipment prices. (5) New indexes are based on prices reported by companies of all sizes and locations selected by probability sampling. In addition, individual items and transaction terms from these firms are chosen by probability techniques. In the traditional PPI program, major companies selected on a judgment basis have been asked to report prices for volume-selling items under "typical" transaction terms. For further information on the underlying concepts and methodology of both the traditional PPI and the PPIR, see Chapter 7, "Producer Prices," in BLS Handbook of Methods (1982), Bulletin 2134-1. Reprints are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on request. bureau of Labor Statistics Regional Offices REGION VIII REGION VII ^\°r Region I Suite 1603 John F, Kennedy Federal Building Government Center Boston, Mass. 02203 Phone- (617) 223-6761 Region II Su.fe 3400 1515 Broadway New York NY 10036 Phone (212) 944-3121 Region III 3535 Market Street PO Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa, 19101 Phone (215) 596-1154 Region IV 1371 Peachtree Street, N.E Atlanta, Ga 30367 Phone: (404) 881-4418 Regions VII and VIII 911 Walnut Street Kansas City. Mo 64106 Phone (816) 374-2481 Region V 9th Floor Federal Office Building 230 S Dearborn Street Chicago, III. 60604 Phone: (312) 353-1880 Regions IX and X 450 Golden Gate Avenue Box 36017 San Francisco. Calif 94102 Phone: (415) 556-4678 Region VI U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Federal Building 525 Griffin St:, Rm. 221 Dallas. Tex. 75202 Phone: (214) 767-6971