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Partners In Community and Economic Development Federal Reserve Bank--.of Atlanta Volume 4, Number 4 707 CAP Growth Number of Loan s 523 Funded Annually Federal Regulations Amended to Allow Community Lending By Courtney Dufries 290 C 157 19861987 1988 1989 19901 9911 992 1993 Michigan CAPs Set Trend for Small Business Loans By Jill Enos I n 1986, the Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) introduced the first Capital Access Program (CAP) in the nation . CAPs are designed to encourage banks to make small business loans that are somewhat riskier than conventional loans, without compromising bank safety and soundness standards. By creating a substantial loan loss reserve with public and private money , banks can be more aggressive in expanding their markets and supporting the growth of businesses. The success of the program has enabled many small businesses to obtain access to needed debt capital. WINTER 1994 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis See CAPS, page -I hanges in two federal regulations will make it possible for many banks and bank holding companies to invest in community development projects without first obtaining Federal Reserve Bank approval. These changes, effective January 9, 1995, will allow certain financial institutions the opportunity to engage in activities that promote community welfare projects that primarily benefit lowand moderate-income persons or small businesses, or that meet community needs in low- and moderate-income areas such as housing, services , and jobs. A wide range of investments are permissible under the regulations, including investments in community development corporations and equity investments in rental properties. However, public welfare investments allowed by these regulations do not automatically qualify for Commun ity Reinvestment Act (CRA) "credit. " [For more information on CRA, see Partners, Volume 4, Number 3.] Two Federal Reserve Board Regulations , H and Y , were amended to allow these community welfare investments. Regulation H amendments permit banks regulated by the Federal Reserve System to engage in new commun ity development activities previously unavailable except on a case-by-case basis. National banks regulated by the OCC and state banks regulated by the FDIC are not affected by this regulation (although both agencies have similar rules). Regulation Y provides bank holding companies with similar opportunities. All bank holding companies are regulated exclusively by the Federal Reserve System . See REGS, page 6 INSIDE THIS ISSUE ■ The changing demographics of Rural America could present problems when developing federal programs to address housing and economic development .......... . .. . .. . . ... .. 2 ■ Neighborhood revitalization efforts proceed in flood damaged Albany, Georgia . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . .. ... 5 ■ Federal Reserve consumer complaint process and consumer advisory services explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 FEDERAL RESERVE BA NK OF ATLAN TA 2 The Diversity of Rural America Diverse problems covering large areas can make solutions difficult to implement By Karl N. Stauber J ohn Kennedy's agricultural adviser argued that American agriculture is too complex to represent with statistics on the "average farmer". Rural America , similarly , is complex . What is accurate for the Delta of Mississippi and Arkansas may have little similarity to the Central Valley of California or to the mountains of North Carolina. Each of us carries around one or two images of "average rural America," often based on limited experience . The diversity of America is its great strength , but the limited knowledge most people have of rural America's diversity makes it difficult to talk about its future directions and formulate appropriate rural policy. But a number of statements can be made about rural America in the aggregate. "The U.S. is now dominated and defined by its suburban communities, rather than by its rural edge." In 1990, for the first time in the country's history , over 50 percent of the population lived in metropolitan areas containing over a million people. And most of the growth that has occurred since 1950 in these urban areas has been in the suburban ring not the inner city. ''Agriculture no longer dominates rural America ... " " Ru r a I America ' s population is still declining ." As a percent of the country's total population , rural population has been declining almost since the founding of the Republic . In 1920 , urban population ex PARTNERS IN COMMUNITY AND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ceeded rural population for the first time . By 1990, only 25 percent of the nation's population lived in rural areas. [Editor's Note: Rural areas, especially in the South and West, grew by nearly 880,000 people between April 1990 and July 1992.) Approximately 84 percent of the contiguous land mass of the U.S. is rural, according to definitions developed by the Office of Management and Budget. Nationally , approximately 2,300 counties are rural. "Agriculture no longer dominates rural America." In 1890, 24.8 million Americans (42.3 percent of the total population) lived on farms. By 1990, only 3.9 million (1 .5 percent) lived on farms. Agriculture is no longer the major source of employment in rural America, and it is no longer the major source of income for the majority of farmers . "Rural Americans are more likely to be poor than their urban relatives , and the gap is growing." Fifty-one percent of rural residents fall into the two poorest quintiles, compared with 37 percent of those in metropolitan areas. In 1987, per capita rural income was only 73 percent of urban per capita income, down from 77 percent in 1979. Thirtysix percent of all rural children live near or below the poverty level, compared with 29 percent in urban areas . Four Views of Rural America Rural America can be seen as containing four kinds of counties , depending on their concentration of natural resources and ag- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT riculture, manufacturing , poverty, and population . While some counties may fall into more than one category and other categorization schemes could be used, these four views are useful frameworks for examining the various opportunities and needs of rural communities. Natural resource- and ag-focused areas include the approximately 500 agriculture-dependent counties that are located mainly in the Great Plains (with smaller concentrations in the lower Mississippi Delta and parts of the intermountain West) , and the 105 mining-dependent counties that are concentrated primarily in the middle Appalachian region . The rest are spread throughout the country with clusters in the West. This category also includes a number of timber- and recreation-dependent counties . The outlook for these counties is mixed. Natural resourcedependent communities that are near urban areas have substantial opportunities to increase tourism and specialized valueadded food and wood processing. At the same time, these areas are likely to experience the greatest conflict over differing environmental values . Suburban people, who are now the majority in the U.S., are likely to be highly suspicious of assurance by farmers, forest products companies, and others that have traditionally controlled much of rural development in these areas. While demands for more environmental regulation continue , See RURAL, page 3 3 Rural America: Persistent Poverty Noted in Parts of the South these rural areas will continue to be exposed to many issues reaching well beyond the farmstead and the woodlot. Tax policy, trade policy, and monetary policy will have much to say about the economic viability of natural-resource-dependent areas in the next year and the next decade. Manufacturing-focused areas cover the largest part of rural America. About 945 counties (approximately 40 percent of rural America) fall into this category . These counties are located largely in the eastern two-thirds of the country, with a small concentration in the Northwest. This part of rural America includes a mixture of businesses that are based on cheap labor and those based on some other competitive advantage. Rural communities that depend on low labor costs are not likely to fare well in the increasingly competitive global market. Rural manufacturing areas must compete based on quality and other competitive advantages, not tax giveaways and poor-quality jobs. As with the natural-resource-dependent areas , tax policy , trade policy , and monetary policy will have a substantial impact on the economic viability of rural manufacturing areas. Persistent poverty areas include about 500 counties clustered in the deep South, the southern two-thirds of Appalachia , parts of the Ozarks , and in the western areas with significant numbers of Native American or Hispanics. In many of these areas , farming is not currently a major source of personal income, and these areas are less affected by shifts in the international marketplace. Past economic development efforts here have been largely WINTER 1994 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis unsuccessful. If these areas are to experience increased economic opportunity, it will require increased, highly strategic efforts involving all levels of government. Without such targeted investments , these areas are "Past economic development efforts fin poverty areas/ have been largely unsuccessful." likely to continue to be pulled down by persistent poverty and lack of opportunity. Low-density areas exist almost entirely between the 100th Meridian and the eastern slope of the Pacific coastal mountain range . This is the area that Rutgers University researchers have called the "Buffalo Commons." Forming the heart of this low-density region are the 396 counties of the Great Plains. In this area , people have been moving from rural counties to urban areas for almost every decade since 1930. This region, highly dependent on agriculture and energy, has the potential to slide into longterm economic difficulty . Simply relying on the marketplace is not likely to help this region of the country during the next year or 5 years. New government initiatives will be required to ensure the economic viability of much of this part of rural America . The further an isolated county is from an urban concentration , the more fragile its economic future . Outlook The diversity of rural America represents a major challenge to the Federal government and to USDA in particular in 1994. The n atu ra I-reso u rce-depe ndent parts of rural America will experience continuing pressure over environmental concerns . In general , however, these regions are well positioned to compete in an increasingly competitive world , especially if there is a "level playing field ". The parts of rural America with the most scenic natural resources and special recreational and retirement amenities are likely to experience substantial growth and conflict. Manufacturing-dependent areas include highly competitive individual firms but also some that are not likely to prosper. Government investment, tax, and capital policies can do much to help these parts of rural America. Two sectors of rural America need special attention and assistance from the Federal government and USDA: the persistent poverty regions and the lowest density regions . The approaches to these special needs should be cooperative and tailored to the local situation and to market opportunities. Finally, some parts of rural America will experience dramatic humanmade or natural structural shifts. The Department needs to be ready to assist these areas. ♦ Mr. Stauber, Vice President of Programs at Northwest Area Foundation , was recently appointed to Acting Deputy Undersecretary at the United States Department of Agriculture. lh 1s e,cerpt reprinted 11 ith pernw;sion from lgncult11rul ( )111/ook. p11bhsl ed h) ti .: I cono1111c RcsearL11 \c•n Ki: 1s at the l S Department ul ,\ 11 r Icu It u rc FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA 4 CAPs: Flexible and Non-Bureaucratic SOUNDBITES Contmuedfrom page I The CAP is based on a portfolio insurance concept, rather than a loan-by-loan guarantee. When a participating bank makes a loan under the program , a special reserve fund is set up to cover loan losses the bank may incur. The reserve fund is owned and controlled by the MSF , but is earmarked in the bank's name and is deposited at the participating bank. A bank may withdraw funds from its reserve only to cover loan losses it incurs under the program. Loan Loss Reserves When a bank makes a loan under the program , premiums are paid into the reserve fund . The borrower pays a premium between 1.5% and 3.5% of the amount of the loan . The bank matches that amount, and the MSF matches the sum of the two. For example, if the borrower pays a premium of 2.5%, the bank pays another 2.5%, and the MSF contributes 5%, for a total contribution to the reserve of 10%. This amount is added to the bank' s existing CAP reserve fund , increasing the total reserves available for all loans made under the program . The bank is allowed to recover their premium from the borrower through up-front fees or higher interest rates . Premiums and fees may be financed as part of the loan . " Every time the bank makes a loan , the reserve increases; the full amount in the reserve account can be used to cover losses on any loan made in the program . If loans are repaid without any loss, the reserve funds stay in the account. However, if the loan losses exceed the reserve amount, the bank is fully liable for the excess underwriting decisions are determined by the bank ... " PARTNERS IN COMMUNITY AND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis loss. Although the CAP is designed to encourage banks to make somewhat riskier business loans, the liability also creates an incentive for banks to be prudent. As a result, most loans are to marginal borrowers, not high risk borrowers. The Michigan CAP has been able to leverage a relatively large amount of private dollars with a relatively small amount of public dollars. The current leverage ratio is 23 to 1. The popularity of the program has increased since its inception . In 1986, 11 loans were made totaling $1 ,574 ,600; by 1993, the number of loans made for the year had risen to 707, for a total of $34,589 ,274. The chart on page 1 depicts the loan growth. Bank Participation Banks are willing to participate in the program because of its flexibility and non-bureaucratic nature. A substantial amount of freedom is given to the bank in lending under the program . To enroll a loan , minimal paperwork is required . A bank files a one page Loan Filing Form within 10 days .af1fil the loan is made. Underwriting decisions , including the interest rate , term of maturity, collateral requirements, and other conditions of the loan are determined by the bank. Half of the interest earned on the reserve account deposited at the bank is added to the reserve; the other half goes to the MSF. 60 Michigan banks , representing 85% of statewide commercial banking assets, have enrolled loans under the program . Some limitations exist on the eligibility of loans and borrowers . Loans can only be made for business purposes in Michigan ; See CAPs. page 8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Department of Energy will provide $900,000 to minori ty - owned banks in Dade County, Florida , as part of the federal Bank Financial Assistance Program , which can then be loaned by the ban ks at low cost to minority and femaleowned businesses . Florida banks rece iving the money are Capital Bank, Continental National Bank of Miami , First Florida Savings Bank, Gulf Bank, Hamilton Bank N.A. , lnterAmerican Bank , Peoples National Bank of Commerce , TransAtlantic Bank and Metro Savings Bank. First Union Corporation and the Congress of National Black Churches have formed a six-year partnership to address the needs of African-American churches and their surrounding communities. The initiative is being targeted in eight pilot cities in the southeast: Washington , DC; Richmond , VA; Raleigh and Durham , NC ; Columbia , SC ; Jacksonville , FL; Atlanta and Savannah , GA. A specific community development project will be tested in each of the cities, and will include affordable housing , small business development , and educationa l seminars . The Jackson/Hinds Minority Capital Fund provides financing and technical assistance to minority-owned businesses in Hinds County , Mississippi. With over $2 million available to lend, the program began accepting applications in February 1994. Since then , seven loans totaling $496,397 have been approved . The fund was establ ished uti lizing city, county, state , and private funds . Banks involved include Trustmark National Bank, Deposit Guaranty National Bank, Bank of Mississippi , and SunBurst Bank. 5 Successful Partnerships Pay Dividends in Albany, Georgia Local government, nonprofit, college, and banks leverage their resources By Hank Helton T he substantial losses inlar duplexes in the same neighborhood . curred by homeowners and small businesses as a result Upon completion , the project of the 1994 summer floods in will have transformed an entire south Georgia have intensified the demand for community development lending . Fortunately, several creative and successful partner"''./ • I I:;"~ ships have been formed in .,.__,LL_. Albany , Georgia , to address many of these needs. Security Bank and Trust Company, the City of Albany's Community Development Department , Second Mount Olive Baptist Church , and Albany State College, are working together to create new Ongoing neighborhood revitalization efforts housing opportunities and in Albany, Georgia revitalize distressed areas. Bank, City, and Church Revitalize Neighborhoods One partnership , among the bank , the city , and the church , began in 1993 when bank officials presented a community development lending seminar with Mount Olive's Outreach Center. The Center is the City of Albany's Community Housing Development Organization (CHOO), and is charged with developing affordable housing . After establishing a relationship with the CHOO , Security Bank and Trust committed to lend the organization $20,000 in April 1994 to purchase four duplexes in a designated redevelopment area. The Department of Community Development had pledged to the CHOO a $140 ,000 HUD grant for the rehabilitation of four duplexes. The City already owned and was in the process of rehabilitating 12 simi- 1994 Federal Reserve WINTER Bank of St. Louis city block that was previously filled with condemned or nearly condemned buildings into affordable housing units for resi dents of Albany . This development will be similar to another successful development called Hampton South (see Partners Vol.2 , No.2) and will feature approximately 100 new homes for first-time purchasers, 50 duplexes for low- to moderate-income individuals and families, and a community recreation center. Simi lar to the financing for Hampton South , Security Bank will provide the first mortgage to qualified purchasers with the City of Albany providing a second mortgage. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 1995. "It was time to do more than just talk about it," said Mitch Everett, Vice President of Security Bank and Trust. "As a result of the flood in July, affordable housing is now more of a critical issue than ever." Approximately 80 percent of the flood ing occurred in south Albany. He estimates that 60 percent of the housing units destroyed by the flood were affordable rental units. Bank and College Form Local CDC Security Bank and Trust is also assisted by Albany State College (ASC), an historically black college , in the formation of the ASC Inner-City Development Corporation , a local CDC designed to address neighborhood revitalization and small business development needs in neighborhoods surrounding the college . Mr. Everett serves as the treasurer of the CDC board of directors . The corporation recently received a $600,000 funding commitment from SEEDCO , a national non-profit that specializes in financing and providing technical assistance to CDCs . The commitment is intended to provide both operating and program funds for three years, and will help the CDC leverage additional loans from local lenders and others for housing and small business development needs. Although the recently formed CDC has not yet developed specific plans to utilize this large funding commitment, the partnership between the bank, CDC , and SEEDCO will surely pay dividends for the surrounding community. ♦ { or nzr,rc: ,1,Jor t hes, 111<1/ 11 J11 1111 f't1rt11ersl111,s contact the h ii, ru! N, ~('/Tl' /Jl/1,~ ' ( ·011111111111t\ l//lllr.1· section or call \!11</, I 1·ercll at S, c 11 nti Hank 1111d I rust ( 0 ()/1//IUI/\ , 11JJ21 -1w ~ooo FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA 6 Regs: Restrictions Eased on Bank and BHC Investments Continued from page I Bank Holding Company Investments A bank holding company (BHC) is generally defined as any company that has direct or indirect control of a bank and includes those companies that own, control, or have power to vote 25 percent of more of a bank's stock. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System issued Regulation Y to define BHCs and to regulate their activities, as provided by section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act. Because banks are now allowed to make certain community welfare investments without prior regulator approval , Regulation Y was amended to allow bank holding companies similar authority. Once regulator approval has been obtained for a particular community welfare investment, any other investment defined by the new regulation may be made without prior approval if these investments, when aggregated with similar types of investments made by depository institutions owned by the BHC, do not exceed five percent of the total consolidated capital stock and surplus of the BHC . After the first approval , BHCs may directly, or through a whollyowned subsidiary , engage in any activity allowed by the Federal Reserve Act (paragraph 23 of section 9) , allowed by national banks (as determined by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency), or allowed by the Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994 (see Partners , Volume 4, Number 3]. In addition, BHCs may directly or through a subsidiary: 1) invest in, finance, develop, rehabilitate , manage, sell , and PARTNERS IN COMMUNITY AND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rent residential property if a majority of the units will be occupied by low- and moderate-income persons , or if the property is a "qualified low-income building" as defined by the Internal Revenue Code; 2) invest in, finance, develop, rehabilitate , manage, sell, and Higher investJnents are permitted on a case-by-case basis. rent nonresidential real property located in a low- and moderate income area if the property is to be used primarily for low- and moderate-income persons; 3) invest in and provide financing for one or more small businesses located in a low- and moderate-income area to stimulate economic development; 4) invest in, finance, develop, and otherwise assist job training and placement facilities or programs designed primarily for low- and moderate-income persons; 5) invest in and provide financing to an entity located in a low- or moderate-income area if that entity creates long-term employment opportunities, a majority of which (based on full time equivalent positions) will be held by low- and moderate-income persons ; and 6) provide technical assistance, credit counseling, research, and program development assistance to lowand moderate-income persons , small businesses, or nonprofit ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT corporations to help achieve community development. State Member Bank Investments Commercial banks regulated by the Federal Reserve , called state member banks (SMBs) , are allowed by the Depository Institutions Disaster Relief Act of 1992, to make investments designed primarily to benefit the public welfare to the extent permissible under state law and as allowed by federal regulation. Regulation H permits SMBs to make certain public welfare investments without any prior regulatory approval required , and other investments when specific approval has been obtained . The regulation now contains a new section, entitled Community Development and Public Welfare Investments, to facilitate this amendment. SMBs now have the opportunity to purchase, sell, underwrite and hold investment securities, many of which were only allowed on a case-by-case basis before, if certain provisions are met. The investments must be designed to promote the public welfare , must not violate any state law, can not expose the bank to unlimited liability, and when aggregated, must not exceed the sum of five percent of the bank's capital stock (paid in and unimpaired) and five percent of its unimpaired surplus fund . The Federal Reserve Board may allow higher investments, up to 10 percent of this calculated stock and surplus , on a case-by-case basis. The regulation limits any single investment without prior approval to not more than two percent of a See REGS, page 10 7 Mark your calendars and plan to attend our ~aissance of ~ a ( -7'\.merica Conference Designed for financial institution officers, government officials, and business, community and nonprofit organization leaders interested in rural community and economic development lending. March 7-8, 1995 Memphis, Tennessee The Peabody Hotel hosted by Federal Reserve Bank Presidents Robert P. Forrestal, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Robert D. McTeer, Jr., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr. , Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Thomas C. Melzer, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For registration information, call Dianne Rawls at (404) 589-7307. READING FILE ■ SHOP: The Card You Pick Can Save You Money, 17 pps., Federal Reserve System , provides a convenient summary of terms and conditions of credit card plans offered by financial institutions. For free copies, call (404) 589-7307. ■ Detecting Discrimination by the Numbers, speech by Lawrence B. Lindsey , Governor, Federal Reserve Board, June 7, 1994. Governor Lindsey discusses the pros and cons of statistical analysis and credit scoring systems to combat lending discrimination. ■ State Financing Programs for Housing and Community Development Compendium, available for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee , compiled by the Community Affairs section of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. These compendiums provide complete information on state-funded programs that community groups and lenders can utilize to finance local development and rehabilitation programs . If you are looking to form public/private partnerships, don't overlook these opportunities! Includes contacts and 3-year fiscal information. For copies, call (404) 589-7307 . $2.50 each. ■ Closing the Gap: A Guide to Equal Opportunity Lending, 27 pps., Federal Reserve Bank of Boston , provides a comprehensive list of suggestions and practices to ensure loan applicants are treated fairly and to expand markets for banks. A must for lenders! For copies , call (617) 973-3459. Also available on videotape from VIDICOPY . Call 800-708-7080 for pricing and availability information. ■ The Credit Process: A Guide for Small Business Owners, 26 pps ., Federal Reserve Bank of New York, provides detailed information for small businesses on potential methods and criteria to obtain credit from financial institutions. For free copies , call (404) 589-7307 . ■ Directory of Bank Holding Company Community Development Investments, 79 pps. , Federal Reserve System , July 1994, provides a directory of approved community development investments in the U.S. For free copies call (404) 589-7307. ■ Community Development Financial Institutions: Investing in People and Communities, prepared by Woodstock Institute provides an overview of the entire range of CDFls by describing the various types of CDFls, the roles they play In meeting credit needs, examples of specific lending programs , capital needs of CDFls , and relationships between CDFls and conventional financial institutions. For a copy , call (312) 427-8070 or write to Woodstock Institute, 407 South Dearborn , Suite 550 , Chicago , Illinois 60605. ■ Housing Characteristics of Rural Households: 1991, Bureau of the Census, prepared by Jan S. Tin , Current Housing Reports , Series H121/93-5, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington , D.C., 1993. This study presents demographic information on the social , physical , and economic characteristics of rural households. For free copies, call Mr. Tin at (301) 763-8376 Copies of materials produced by the Federal Reserve System can be obtained by writing or calling the Community Affairs section at (404) 589-7307. WINTER 1994 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA 8 CAPs: Improved Access to Business Loans Contmuedfrom page 4 " loans cannot be made for housing, passive real estate ownership, situations which present bank conflicts of interest, or for refinancing prior debt which is not in the CAP program. However, CAP permits funding lines of credit , loans to nonprofit organizat ions, and prior CAP loan refinancing. co111petition and CRA have kept costs down ... " Over the past eight years , CAP funding has been made available to nearly all sectors of Michigan industry, with the largest number and amount of loans going to retail trade and to service industries. CAP lending by industry has been representative of the distribution of industry in Michigan. For example, the largest Michigan industries (by number of persons employed) are retail trade and service industries, and the largest number of loans were made to entrepreneurs in these industries. The chart on page 8 depicts these relationships. businesses and businesses with sales under $100,000. The chart on page 10 presents this breakdown . In order to allow banks as much independence as possible and to reduce reporting requirements, the MSF does not estab1ish interest rates , impose underwriting conditions , or monitor past due rates . To monitor the reserve accounts, the MSF keeps record of the total loans made and the number of claims filed . As of June 30, 1994, 2,913 loans had been made totaling $150.1 million. Claims had been filed on 151 loans (5.2% of total loans) for a total of $4.8 million (3.2% of total dollars actually funded) . The CAP has become increasingly popular since Michigan launched the first one in 1986. The following states have also implemented similar CAPs: Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut , Indiana , Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Oregon , Vermont , and West Virginia. In addition, city wide programs are being implemented in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Akron, Ohio, and New York, New York. In September 1994, Congress passed legislation providing federal support for state capital access programs; however, the recommended allocation of $50 million for the program is still pending. The structure of CAPs varies from state to state. Michigan currently receives its funding from oil and gas leases on state owned property. Other states obtain funding from sources such as state economic development councils , fees from services, state revenues, or state bonds. Some programs have slightly different eligibility requirements and may not allow refinancing . Colorado, for example, makes loans only up to $100,000, with special incentives for banks to loan to womenowned , minority-owned , and agricultural businesses . Though the programs vary slightly from state to state , they maintain a common purpose of See CAPs, page JO Competition and CRA Help Control Costs Michigan Capital Access Program Borrowing money through the CAP may be more expensive than a conventional loan for a business owner due to the premium charged to the borrower for the loan loss reserve. However, the MSF assumes that bank competition will limit the number of borrowers referred to the CAP to only those borrowers whose needs cannot be met through conventional financing. In addition , competition among banks for loans such as these that can help meet Community Reinvestment Act obligations has kept costs down . Since 1986, CAP loans have ranged from as small as $400 to as large as $2 ,028,100, with the largest number of loans made to start-up Loans Made vs. Relative Size of Industries PARTNERS IN ofCOMMUNITY AND Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis CAP Loans by Industry Michigan Employment by Industry 312% 29 3% 15 5% 83% 59% 4 4% 35% 18% Employment by Industry data from Bureau of Econom~ Ana~ss, May 1993 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 9 ' Nel\S You Can Use LISC: National Nonprofit Announces Rural Initiative T he Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) has announced a $101 million program intended to provide support and training to 48 community development corporations working in rural areas across the country . This four-year effort will focus on improving the capacity of these CDCs to better respond to the needs of their respective communities . A CDC 's eligibility for this program will not be solely based on experience , but on a comprehensive vision of, and commitment to , community change that empowers low-income residents . Of the 48 CDCs chosen , 12 will be new or "emerging" and 36 experienced or "mature" CDCs. An experienced CDC is defined as having been incorporated for five years or longer. LISC will make their determination based on the CDC's community development strategy , experience , HUD: and record of meaningful development projects and activities that benefited their constituency . LISC must also determine whether the CDC's target area is eligible as "rural ". There are many definitions of "rural" used by private and public policy-makers ; however, the most commonly used definition is "those communities with populations less than 50 ,000." USC will also consider the target area's economic conditions , resource availability, and population trends. Exceptions may also be made if the community can demonstrate that specific trends or circumstances will satisfy USC's definition of rural. Although a limited number of CDCs will receive the increased financial assistance offered through the program such as grants, pre-development and de- velopment loans, bridge financing , equity, and secondary market resources , other CDCs will also benefit. The program is also intended to reach a larger number of CDCs by delivering services such as technical assistance , training , and public policy support. USC has already distributed over 1,500 Request for Qualifications since November. The deadline to submit the applications is January 31 , 1995, which marks the beginning of the subsequent review by LISC staff and outside consultants . The final decision for the 36 mature CDCs will be announced in April 1995 and the 12 emerging CDCs in June 1995. For more information about USC's Rural Development Program , please call LISC at (202) 785-2908. ♦ Fed Agency to Require Consolidated Plan T he U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is introducing a new Consolidated Plan that will combine the planning, application , and reporting requirements for: (1) the one and five year Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) , (2) HOME program description , (3) Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) , (4) Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) , (5) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) , and (6) Community Development Plan. WINTER 1994 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis According to HUD, Consolidated Plans are designed to create a coordinated process that generates strong citizen involvement, improves accountability, reduces unnecessary pape~ work , ensures public housing needs are included in community planning, and helps communities achieve a comprehensive vision and strategy for community development. Local jurisdictions are required to consult with other private and public agencies , including public housing authorities , when developing the plan. Provisions of the plan to ensure citizen participation require that the proposed plan is published, that citizens are notified of any amendments and performance reports , and that 30 days are provided for comment. Additional requirements compel jurisdictions to provide access to records , provide technical assistance to low-income persons that request assistance in developing proposals, hold at least two public hearings , consider any comments , and publish a summary of comments with the final document. These new one-year plans will be effective in FY 1995, and must be submitted to HUD at least 45 days before the start of the program year. For more information, contact HUD or your local planning office. ♦ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA 10 CAPs: Increasingly Popular State-Funded Program Continued from page 4 furthering small business development by providing greater access to capital. ♦ Capital Access Program Number of Loans by Sales of Borrower 1986 - September 1994 Sales of Borrower ,,1,i;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;-7 I $0 [Start-up I I Less than $100,000 Jill Enos is an assistant examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. For more information on capital access programs, contact the Federal Reserve Bank's Community Affairs section, or call Karen Ammarman at the Michigan Strategic Fund at (517) 373-7551 . I $100,000 - $199,999 I $200,000 - $299,999 I· $300,000 - $399,999 I $400,000 - $499,999 I $500,000 - $749,999 $750,000 - $999,999 I .., $1,000,000 - $1,999,999 over $2,000,000 0 I / 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Number of Loans Regs: H and Y Amended Contmuedfrom page 6 bank's capital stock and surplus. To make these investments without prior regulator approval, a SMB must be at least adequately capitalized, rated at least "satisfactory" at the last consumer compliance examination, and have been rated composite CAMEL of "1" or "2." CAMEL composite ratings are confidential ratings assigned by regulators as one indication of the bank's overall safety and soundness condition. Also, the bank must not be subject to any written agreement, cease and desist order, capital directive, or prompt corrective action directive issued by the regulators , to have the right to invest in these projects without prior approval. In addition to the bank holding company investments listed above, SMBs may also invest in any corporation, limited partnership, or other entity permitted by the OCC for national banks , or where that entity is a community development financial institution . As a result of these changes, a wide variety of investment op PARTNERS IN COMMUNITY AND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis portunities are available, including investments in low- and moder ate-income housing; nonresidential real-estate development in a low- or moderate-income area that primarily benefits low- and moderate-income persons; small business development in a lowor moderate-income area; job training or placement for low- and moderate-income persons; job creation in a low- or moderate-income area for low- and moderate-income persons; and technical assistance and credit counseling to benefit community development. Reporting Requirements For any preexisting investments made before January 9, 1995, that would qualify under the amendments made to Regulations Hand Y, the SMB or BHC should notify the Reserve Bank of the investment by March 10, 1995. If the investment is not specifically permitted under these new amendments, the SMB or BHC should request Reserve Bank approval within one year of January 9, 1995. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT For any permissible investments made after January 9, 1995, that do not require prior regulator approval, the SMB or BHC should notify the Reserve Bank within 30 days of the investment the amount of the investment and the identity of the entity in which it was made. For any investment not specifically permitted by the amendments, the SMB or BHC should file an application with the Reserve Bank. The Board of Governors will normally either act directly on the application or delegate to the Reserve Bank the right to act on it within 60 days of the receipt of the completed application. However, longer time periods may be required for more complex applications. ♦ For a free copy of these amendments, please call Dianne Rawls, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Community Affairs, at 404/589- 7307. 11 oncerns T he Federal Reserve System has responsibility pursuant to Regulation AA for any complaint by a consumer against a state member bank. The Federal Reserve Bank has estab1is h ed a team of consumer examiners and specialists that help the System safeguard consumers' rights against banks' noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations and unfair banking practices as well as to ensure that consumers receive prompt and responsive action about their complaints. The Reserve Bank also provides advisory services to bankers and the general public on consumer protection statutes. Consumer Complaint Processing This functional area responds to telephone or written inquiries from consumers with complaints about various banking and financial su~ects. Consumer complaint specialists act as mediators between the complainant and the financial institution while investigating the consumer's particular concerns. The complaints range from serious allegations about credit discrimination, to minor misunderstandings about banking practices, and everything in between . When processing a complaint, consumer complaint specialists generally request the complainant to provide information in writing , particularly when the complaint involves loan or deposit disputes. If an inquiry is simple, a phone call may be sufficient. Consumers' complaints are required to be acknowledged within 15 business days from receipt. At the same time , financial institution personnel are inter WINTER 1994 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis viewed and asked to respond to the complaint within 10 business days . Because some complaints require extensive investigation, the financial institution may be given additiona l time to respond or the on-site review may be extended ; however, complaints are generally not al. lowed to remain outstanding for more than 60 days. Many of the complaints received involve factual disputes or legal matters that cannot be resolved by the Reserve Bank. The Reserve Bank's charge is to confirm that financial institutions comply with consumer protection laws and regulations ; howev er, we cannot legally represent the consumer in these matters. Nevertheless, filing a complaint with our office will provide assurances that the institution addresses its responsibilities under our enforcement jurisdiction and ensures that communication channels are open . All complaints and inquiries received by our office are not investigated by this office. If a consumer has a complaint about a financial institution that is not supervised by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta , the cons um er is advised of the appropriate federal agency responsible for complaint handling. For example, a complaint against a nationally chartered bank will be referred to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency . Advisory Services In addition to processing consumer complaints , consumer examiners and specialists answer questions from and provide tech- nical support to financial institutions and the general public about the 17 consumer protection laws and regulations enforced through our examination prog ram . These laws and practices include the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Fair Housing Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, municipal securities and transfer agent regulations , bank services and procedures , or any other action or practice not covered by existing rules or regulations but which cou ld be considered unfair or deceptive. Most inquiries are initiated by telephone and can be answered immediately. However, complex questions can require investigation and research , including consultations with the Federal Reserve Board staff, before a response is provided. It is helpful if more complicated inquiries are presented in writing and accompanied by supporting documents. This treatment allows the facts to be better understood and should facilitate quicker processing . Questions unrelated to consumer lending and deposit regu1a ti on s are referred to the appropriate Reserve Bank area for response. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has a consumer inquiry line that directs consumers to various Reserve Bank services , including a direct link to consumer special ists for complaints or advisory services. The number, (404) 589-7315 , is available during regular business hours . ♦ <)n t1<.:cas1011. 11 ill feature articles pn:pan::<l b) Consumcr ,\ffairs cxamincrs lrom the I \:deral Rcscn e Bank of Atlanta. lhis issuc features an art 1c le by left l'auL sen10r compliance c:-.amincr. on tiling consumcr complaints and on obta1111ng ad11cc on consumer n:gulat1ons. f'urt11a.1· FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA 12 CALENDAR January National Association of Development Companies, January 23-25. Basics of SBA 504, Orlando, FL. Contact: (703) 8129000. /11formatio11 provided 011 upcoming events of other orga11izatio11s should be viewed as strictly i11for111atio11al and not as llll endorsement of their actfrities. Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, January 23-27. Neighborhood Reinvestment Training Institute, San Francisco, CA. Contact: (202) 3762642. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, January 24. Lending to Small Businesses, Honolulu, HI. Contact: (415) 974-2978. National Association of Development Companies, January 26-27. Loan Services and Portfolio Management Forum , Orlando , FL. Contact (703) 812-9000. The American Association of Retired Persons, January 2627. Expanding Housing Choices for Older People Conference , Washington, DC . Contact: (202) 687-3200. National Association of Development Companies, January 2628 . Fundamentals of 504 Credit Analysis, Orlando, FL. Contact: (703) 812-9000. March Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation , March 5-8. Community Lending Institute, Washington , DC . Contact: (202) 376-2642. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ; and Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond , March 7-8. Renaissance of Rural America Conference , Memphis , TN . Contact: (404) 589-7307. SEEDCO, March 28-31. Fifth Seedco/HBCU Conference , Memphis , TN Contact: (212) 473-0255. April National Council for Urban Economic Development, April 2326. CUED Annual Conference , Dallas, TX . Contact: (202) 2234735. Partn ers VICE PRESIDENT Ron Zimmerman EDITOR Cynthia Goodwin ASSOCIATE EDITOR Courtney Dufries Free subscnption and additional copies are available upon request to Community Affairs, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 104 Manetta St., NW , Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2713, or call 404/589-7307, FAX 404/589-7342 The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta or the Federal Reserve System. Material may be reprinted or abstracted provided that Partners Is credited and provided with a copy of the publication 7jpe.\ ellmK & Lt1yo111 by Fm 7jpt• Computer Senr,ce.\ ■ Partners . • . Community Affairs Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 104 Marietta Street, NW Atlanta , Georgia 30303-2713 PARTNERS INof COMMUNITY AND Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT