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Occupational Wage Survey DAVENPORT-ROCK ISLAND—MOLINE, IOWA—ILLINOIS OCTOBER 1963 B u lle tin N o. 1 3 8 5 -1 2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary B U R EA U O F L A B O R S T A T IST IC S Ewan C la g u e , Com m issioner Occupational Wage Survey DAVENPORT-ROCK ISLAND—MOLINE, IOW A—ILLINOIS OCTOBER 1963 B u lle tin N o. 1 3 8 5 -1 2 January 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTM ENT O F LABO R W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S Ewan C la g u e , Com m issioner For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 2 0402 - Price 20 cents /r^t\ V™ x S jrc sjJ Contents Preface Page The Bureau of Labor Statistics program of annual occupational wage surveys in metropolitan areas is designed to provide data on occupational earnings, and establishment practices and supplementary wage provisions. It yields detailed data by selected industry divisions for metropolitan area labor markets, for economic regions, and for the United States. A major consideration in the program is the need for greater insight into (a) the movement of wages by occupational category and skill level, and (b) the structure and level of wages among labor markets and industry divisions. Introduction____________________________________________ __________________ Wage trends for selected occupational groups__________________________ Tables: 1. Establishments and workers within scope of survey and number studied_____________________________________________ 2. Indexes of standard weekly salaries and straight-time hourly earnings for selected occupational groups, and percents of increase for selected periods__________________ A: A preliminary report and an individual area bulletin present survey results for each labor market studied. After completion of all of the individual area bulletins for a round of surveys, a two part summary bulletin is issued. The first part brings data for each of the labor markets studied into one bulletin. The second part presents information which has been projected from individual labor market data to relate to economic regions and the United States. Occupational earnings:* A - 1. Office occupations—men and women_______________________ A -2. Professional and technical occupations— men and women___________________________________________ A -3. Office, professional, and technical occupations— men and women combined_______________________________ A -4. Maintenance and power plant occupations_________________ A - 5. Custodial and material movement occupations____________ Appendix; Occupational descriptions____________________________________ Eighty-two labor markets currently are included in the program. Information on occupational earnings is collected annually in each area. Information on estab lishment practices and supplementary wage provisions is obtained biennially in most of the areas. This bulletin presents results of the survey in Davenport—Rock Island—Moline, Iowa—111., in October 1963. It was prepared in the Bureau's regional office in Chicago, 111., by Kenneth Thorsten, under the direction of Woodrow C. Linn, Assistant Regional Director for Wages and Industrial Relations. 1 3 areas. * NOTE: Similar tabulations are available for other (See inside back cover.) Union scales, indicative of prevailing pay levels in the Davenport—Rock Island—Moline area, are also available for seven selected building trades. Hi 2 2 4 6 7 8 9 11 O ccupational Wage Survey—D avenport—R ock Island—M oline, Iow a—111. Introduction This area is 1 of 82 labor markets in which the U. S. De partment of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts surveys of occupational earnings and related wage benefits on an areawide basis. Occupational employment and earnings data are shown for full-time workers, i. e. , those hired to work a regular weekly schedule in the given occupational classification. Earnings data exclude pre mium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, holidays, and late shifts. Nonproduction bonuses are excluded, but cost-of-living bonuses and incentive earnings are included. Where weekly hours are reported, as for office clerical occupations, reference is to the work schedules (rounded to the nearest half hour) for which straight-time salaries are paid; average weekly earnings for these occupations have been rounded to the nearest half dollar. This bulletin presents current occupational employment and earnings information obtained largely by mail from the establishments visited by Bureau field economists in the last previous survey for occupations reported in that earlier study. Personal visits were made to nonrespondents and to those respondents reporting unusual changes since the previous survey. In each area, data are obtained from representative estab lishments within six broad industry divisions: Manufacturing; trans portation, communication, and other public utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, insurance, and real estate; and services. Major industry groups excluded from these studies are government opera tions and the construction and extractive industries. Establishments having fewer than a prescribed number of workers are omitted because they tend to furnish insufficient employment in the occupations studied to warrant inclusion. Separate tabulations are provided for each of the broad industry divisions which meet publication criteria. Differences in pay levels for selected occupations in which both men and women are commonly employed may be due to such factors as (1) differences in the distribution of the sexes among in dustries and establishments; (2) differences in length of service or merit review when individual salaries are adjusted on this basis; and (3) differences in specific duties performed, although the occu pations are appropriately classified within the same survey job de scription. Job descriptions used in classifying employees in these surveys are usually more generalized than those used in individual establishments. This allows for minor differences among establish ments in specific duties performed. These surveys are conducted on a sample basis because of the unnecessary cost involved in surveying all establishments. To obtain optimum accuracy at minimum cost, a greater proportion of large than of small establishments is studied. In combining the data, however, all establishments are given their appropriate weight. E s timates based on the establishments studied are presented, therefore, as relating to all establishments in the industry grouping and area, except for those below the minimum size studied. Occupational employment estimates represent the total in all establishments within the scope of the study and not the number actually surveyed. Because of differences in occupational structure among establishments, the estimates of occupational employment obtained from the sample of establishments studied serve only to indicate the relative importance of the jobs studied. These differ ences in occupational structure do not materially affect the accuracy of the earnings data. Occupations and Earnings The occupations selected for study are common to a variety of manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries, and are of the following types: (a) Office clerical; (b) professional and technical; (c) maintenance and powerplant; and (d) custodial and material move ment. Occupational classification is based on a uniform set of job descriptions designed to take account of interestablishment variation in duties within the same job. The occupations selected for study are listed and described in the appendix. Earnings data for some of the occupations listed and described are not presented in the A -series tables because either (1) employment in the occupation is too small to provide enough data to merit presentation, or (2) there is possi bility of disclosure of individual establishment data. Establishment Practices and Supplementary Wage Provisions Tabulations on selected establishment practices and supple mentary wage provisions (B -series tables) are not presented in this bulletin. Information for these tabulations is collected biennially in this area. These tabulations on minimum entrance salaries for inexperienced women office workers; shift differentials; scheduled weekly hours; paid holidays; paid vacations; and health, insurance, and pension plans are presented (in the B -series tables) in previous bulletins for this area. 1 T a b le 1. E s ta b lis h m e n ts and w o r k e r s w ith in s c o p e o f s u r v e y and n u m ber stu d ied in D a v e n p o r t—R o c k Isla n d —M o li n e , Iow a—111. , b y m a jo r in d u s try d iv is io n , 2 O cto b e r 1963 N um ber o f e s ta b lis h m e n ts In d u stry d iv is io n A ll d i v i s i o n s __ __ ________ __ ____ ___ __ ___________ M a n u fa c t u r in g _______ _ _____ _________________ ___ _____ _ __ _ ___ __ ___ ____ _____ _ N o n m a n u fa c t u r in g ____ T r a n s p o r t a t io n , c o m m u n ic a t io n , and o th e r p u b lic u t i l i t i e s 5________ _ — __ __ __ W h o le s a le t r a d e 6_____ _ ___ _____ __ ________ __ ____ R e ta il t r a d e 6___ ______ _________ ________ __ _ __ __ F in a n c e , in s u r a n c e , and r e a l e s ta te 6____________ ___ _ S e r v i c e s 6’ 7 ___ ________ ________ _________ ______ _____ W o r k e r s in e s ta b lis h m e n ts W ith in s c o p e o f s tu d y 3 Studied W ithin s c o p e o f stu dy Studied 166 92 5 0 ,3 0 0 4 1 ,7 1 0 85 81 51 41 3 6 ,7 0 0 13, 600 3 1 ,5 4 0 1 0 ,1 7 0 13 14 31 13 10 10 6 14 6 5 4 ,2 0 0 1, 300 5, 200 1 ,9 0 0 1 ,0 0 0 3 ,9 6 0 630 3, 670 1 ,3 2 0 590 1 T h e D a v e n p o rt—R o c k Isla n d —M o lin e Standard M e tr o p o lita n S ta tis tic a l A r e a c o n s is t s o f S c o tt C ou n ty , Iow a , and R o c k Isla n d C ou n ty, 111. The " w o r k e r s w ith in s c o p e o f s tu d y" e s t im a t e s show n in th is table p r o v id e a r e a s o n a b ly a c c u r a t e d e s c r ip t i o n o f the s i z e and c o m p o s it io n o f the la b o r f o r c e in clu d e d in the s u r v e y . T h e e s t im a t e s a r e not in ten d ed , h o w e v e r , to s e r v e as a b a s is o f c o m p a r is o n w ith o th e r e m p lo y m e n t in d e x e s f o r the a r e a to m e a s u r e e m p lo y m e n t tr e n d s o r le v e ls s in c e (1) planning o f w age s u r v e y s r e q u ir e s the u s e o f e s t a b lis h m e n t d ata c o m p ile d c o n s id e r a b ly in a d v a n ce o f the p a y r o ll p e r io d s tu d ie d , and (2) s m a ll e s ta b lis h m e n ts a r e e x c lu d e d f r o m the s c o p e o f the s u r v e y . 2 T h e 1957 r e v is e d e d itio n o f the S tandard In d u stria l C la s s ific a t io n M anual w as u s e d in c la s s i f y in g e s ta b lis h m e n t s b y in d u s tr y d iv is io n . 3 In clu d e s a ll e s ta b lis h m e n ts w ith to ta l e m p lo y m e n t at o r a b o v e the m in im u m lim ita tio n (50 e m p l o y e e s ). A l l o u tle ts (w ith in the a r e a ) o f c o m p a n ie s in s u ch in d u s t r ie s as t r a d e , fin a n c e , auto r e p a ir s e r v i c e , and m o tio n p ic tu re th e a te r s a r e c o n s id e r e d a s 1 e s t a b lis h m e n t . 4 In clu d e s a ll w o r k e r s in a ll e s ta b lis h m e n ts w ith to ta l e m p lo y m e n t (w ithin the a r e a ) at o r a b o v e the m in im u m lim it a t io n (50 e m p lo y e e s ). 5 T a x ic a b s and s e r v ic e s in c id e n ta l to w a te r t r a n s p o r ta tio n w e r e e x clu d e d . 6 T h is in d u s tr y d iv is io n is r e p r e s e n t e d in e s t im a t e s fo r " a l l in d u s t r ie s " and "n o n m a n u fa c tu r in g " in the S e r ie s A t a b le s . S e p a ra te p r e s e n t a t io n o f data f o r th is d iv is io n is not m a d e fo r one o r m o r e o f the fo llo w in g r e a s o n s : (1) E m p loy m en t in the d iv is io n is t o o s m a ll to p r o v id e en ou gh data to m e r it s e p a r a te stu d y, (2) the s a m p le w as not d e s ig n e d in itia lly to p e r m it s e p a r a te p r e s e n t a t io n , (3) r e s p o n s e w a s in s u ffic ie n t o r in ad equ ate to p e r m it s e p a r a te p r e s e n t a t io n , and (4) th e r e is p o s s i b il i t y o f d i s c lo s u r e o f in d ivid u al e sta b lis h m e n t data. 7 H o te ls ; p e r s o n a l s e r v i c e s ; b u s in e s s s e r v ic e s ; a u to m o b ile r e p a ir s h o p s; m o tio n p ic tu r e s ; n o n p r o fit m e m b e r s h ip o r g a n iz a t io n s ; and e n g in e e r in g and a r c h it e c t u r a l s e r v ic e s . T a b le 2. In d exes o f sta n d a rd w e e k ly s a la r ie s and s t r a ig h t-t im e h o u rly e a r n in g s f o r s e l e c t e d o c c u p a tio n a l g r o u p s , and p e r c e n t s o f i n c r e a s e fo r s e le c t e d p e r i o d s , D a v e n p o rt—R o c k Island—M o lin e , Iow a—111. Index (O c to b e r 196 0-1 00) In d u stry and o c c u p a tio n a l grou p O cto b e r 1963 P e r c e n t s o f in c r e a s e O c t o b e r 1962 to O c t o b e r 1963 O c t o b e r 1961 to O c t o b e r 1962 O c t o b e r I960 to O c t o b e r 1961 A ll in d u s tr ie s : O ffic e c l e r i c a l (m e n and w o m e n ) ______ In d u s tria l n u r s e s (m e n and w o m e n )____ S k ille d m a in te n a n ce (m en ) _____ ______ U n s k ille d p lan t ( m e n ) ________ _______ 108. 111. 109. 108. 5 6 5 6 2. 4 3. 3 2 .9 4. 3 2. 1. 2. 2. 2 4 7 6 3. 6. 3. 1. 6 5 6 5 M a n u fa ctu rin g: O ffic e c l e r i c a l (m e n and w o m e n ) _______ In d u s tr ia l n u r s e s (m e n and w o m e n )____ S k ille d m a in te n a n ce (m e n )______________ U n s k ille d plant ( m e n ) _____ _____________ 109. 111. 109. 109. 5 6 4 8 2. 3. 2. 4. 1 .4 1. 4 2. 6 1. 8 5. 6. 3. 3. 2 5 7 7 8 3 8 0 3 Wage Trends for Selected Occupational Groups Presented in table 2 are indexes and percentages of change in average salaries of office clerical workers and industrial nurses, and in average earnings of selected plant worker groups. For office clerical workers and industrial nurses, the per centages of change relate to average weekly salaries for normal hours of work, that is , the standard work schedule for which straight-time salaries are paid. For plant worker groups, they measure changes in average straight-time hourly earnings, excluding premium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, holidays, and late shifts. The percentages are based on data for selected key occupations and in clude most of the numerically important jobs within each group. The office clerical data are based on men and women in the following 19 jobs: Bookkeeping-machine operators, class B; clerks, accounting, class A and B; clerks, file, class A, B, and C; clerks, order; clerks, payroll; Comptometer operators; keypunch operators, class A and B; office boys and girls; secretaries; stenographers, general; stenogra phers, senior; switchboard operators; tabulating-machine operators, cjass B; and typists, class A and B. The industrial nurse data are based on men and women industrial nurses. Men in the following 8 skilled maintenance jobs and 2 unskilled jobs are included in the plant worker data: Skilled— carpenters; electricians; machinists; m e chanics; mechanics, automotive; painters; pipefitters; and tool and die makers; unskilled— janitors, porters, and cleaners; and laborers, material handling. Average weekly salaries or average hourly earnings were computed for each of the selected occupations. The average salaries or hourly earnings were then multiplied by employment in each of the jobs during the period surveyed in 1961. These weighted earnings for individual occupations were then totaled to obtain an aggregate for each occupational group. Finally, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the group aggregate for the one year to the aggregate for the other year was computed and the difference between the result and 100 is the percentage of change from the one period to the other. The indexes were computed by multiplying the ratios for each group aggregate for each period after the base year (1961). The indexes and percentages of change measure, principally, the effects of (1) general salary and wage changes; (2) merit or other increases in pay received by individual workers while in the same job; and (3) changes in average wages due to changes in the labor force resulting from labor turnover, force expansions, force reductions, and changes in the proportions of workers employed by establishments with different pay levels. Changes in the labor force can cause increases or decreases in the occupational averages without actual wage changes. For example, a force expansion might increase the proportion of lower paid workers in a specific occupation and lower the average, whereas a reduction in the proportion of lower paid workers would have the opposite effect. Similarly, the movement of a high-paying establishment out of an area could cause the average earnings to drop, even though no change in rates occurred in other establishments in the area. The use of constant employment weights eliminates the effect of changes in the proportion of workers represented in each job in cluded in the data. The percentages of change reflect only changes in average pay for straight-time hours. They are not influenced by changes in standard work schedules, as such, or by premium pay for overtime. A: Occupational Earnings_ 4 Table A-l. Office Occupations—Men and Women (A verage straigh t-tim e w eekly hours and earnings fo r s e le cte d occupations studied on an area basis by industry division , Davenport—R ock Isla nd-M oline, Iowa—111., O ctober 1963) Average Sex, occupation, and industry d ivision Number of Weekly hours * (Standard) NUMBER OF WORKERS RECEIVING STRAIGHT-TIME WEEKLY EARNINGS O F - Weekly earnings 1 (Standard) $45 $40 Under and $40 under $50 $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 -$90~ ~$95~ $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 over 13 9 4 8 8 - 21 17 4 23 21 2 10 10 3 3 - 1 - 2 2 - - 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 _ _ - - - ' - 1 - . and $95 $100 $105 Men C lerk s, accounting, c la s s A -----------------M anufacturing-------------------------------------N onm anufacturing_____________________ 106 87 19 40. 0 40. 0 39. 0 $118.50 121.00 108.50 C lerk s, accounting, c la s s B-------------- -— 23 21 40. 0 40. 0 91.00 93700 23 40. 0 100.50 21 19 40. 0 40. 0 118.00 118.50 C lerk s, o r d e r __________ __________________ 2 1 1 1 8 7 1 6 2 4 - - 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 _ 2 1 2 2 6 - 3 3 1 1 6 5 _ _ . _ _ . . _ - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 2 2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - 7 5 1 1 1 1 _ . _ _ 1 _ _ 4 _ 1 1 3 1 2 _ _ _ _ _ 3 1 _ _ 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 Tabulating-m achine op e ra to rs, M anufacturing-------------------------------------Tabulating-m achine op e ra to rs, cla ss B-------------------------------------------- ------M anufacturing_________________________ . 23 18 39.5 40. 0 103.00 104.00 B ille r s , m achine (billin g m achine) — M anufacturing---------------------------------- 28 15 3 9 .5 40. 0 62.00 55750 - - Bookkeeping-m achine o p e ra to rs, cla ss A _________ _____________________ Nonmanufacturing__________________ 49 40 3 9.5 3 9.5 88.00 85.00 - " B ookkeeping-m achine o p e ra to rs, cla ss B_______________________________ Nonmanufacturing_____________—----- 89 81 38. 5 38. 5 64.00 62.50 C lerk s, accounting, cla ss A -----------------M anufacturing-------------------------------------Nonmanufacturing-------------------------------- 101 53 48 39. 5 40. 0 38. 5 101.50 113.50 88.50 C lerk s, accounting, c la s s B_____________ M anufacturing_________________________ N onm anufacturing-------------------------------- 161 67 94 3 9 .5 40. 0 39. 0 74.00 81.50 69.00 C lerk s, file , cla s s A ____ —--------------------Nonmanufacturing----------------------------- — 19 16 38. 5 38. 5 86.00 85.00 C lerk s, file , c la s s B ------------------------------Nonm anufacturing-------------------------------- 46 33 38. 5 3 7 .5 64.50 59.00 C lerk s, file , c la s s C ____________________ Nonmanuf ac tur i ng_____________________ 38 34 38. 0 38 .0 56.50 55.50 C lerk s, o r d e r ------------------------ -----------------Manufac tu r i ng------------ ------------------------ 25 15 40. 0 4 0 .0 70.00 . . 2 14 9 . . . 4 1 - . ! 1 j 1 3 1 8 7 5 4 4 4 2 2 - 1 " 1 1 - 2 2 - - - " 9 7 3 1 10 8 " 2 2 2 - - " 14 7 7 12 4 8 3 1 2 11 8 6 6 3 2 1 5 5 5 4 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 4 4 - 7 7 - 4 5 4 _ _ 2 - - 5 4 - 2 . 1 1 1 1 1 ~ W omen See footnote at end of table. 75700 . . - _ _ " - 3 3 8 8 “ 7 7 4 4 1 " 4 4 28 27 23 23 5 5 22 20 3 1 1 2 4 10 1 9 13 4 9 4 5 11 . 4 4 - “ - - . - . - 5 2 - 3 25 6 19 - - _ _ “ 2 2 2 2 _ . - 1 . . - _ - 6 6 _ _ 1 32 14 18 _ 18 5 13 16 1 15 19 6 13 6 6 2 2 6 _ . _ - - - 1 1 1 1 10 8 15 14 6 5 2 2 _ 2 - - - 1 15 15 6 5 3 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 3 8 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 5 _ 3 10 - _ 1 1 . _ 3 1 . 1 2 2 - - - _ - " 9 9 1 1 3 3 1 1 . - * - - - - 1 1 - " - " 1 1 1 1 5 Table A-l. Office Occupations—Men and W om en-----Continued (Average straigh t-tim e w eekly hours and earnings fo r se le cte d occupations studied on an area basis by industry division , Davenport—Rock Island—M oline, Iowa—111. , O ctober 1963) A verage Sex, occupation, and industry divisio n Number of worker* Weekly, (Standard) NUMBER OF WORKERS RECEIVING STRAIGHT-TIME WEEKLY EARNINGS OF $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 $7 5 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 over 6 3 7 2 9 5 2 2 2 2 - - 5 7 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 12 - 1 - 1 1 3 3 6 6 6 4 2 3 > ■ 1 1 " “ 1 1 _ _ _ - " 2 2 1 1 8 4 6 4 7 7 5 5 8 6 2 7 1 6 13 3 10 17 7 10 19 10 14 13 12 12 4 3 14 5 2 6 8 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 6 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 - 1 4 - 7 3 4 4 21 3 1 5 16 19 8 11 24 13 11 25 5 20 18 18 31 30 22 6 12 1 11 7 2 19 12 5 26 4 3 Weekly . earnings 1 (Standard) $ 4 0 $40 and under $45 W om en— Continued C lerk s, p a y r o l l _____________________ M anufacturing------------------------------N onm anufacturing________________ 82 56 26 39. 5 40. 0 9 1 . 50 7 4 .0 0 - 39. 0 C om ptom eter o p e r a to r s _____________ Nonmanuf ac tur ing________________ 32 6 9 . 50 6 1 .0 0 _ 19 39. 5 39. 5 Keypunch o p e r a to r s , c la s s A ______ M anufacturing____________________ 58 52 4 0 .0 4 0 .0 92 . 00 9 3 . 50 Keypunch o p e r a to r s , cla s s B_______ M anufacturing____________________ N onmanuf actur ing________________ 139 87 52 39. 5 4 0 .0 O ffice g i r l s __________________________ M anufacturing____________________ N onm anufacturing________________ 40 19 21 S e c r e t a r ie s __________________________ M anufacturing____________________ N onm anufacturing________________ $ 8 6 .0 0 - _ _ - " 78 . 00 8 3 .0 0 7 0 . 50 _ _ 39. 0 40. 0 38. 5 356 227 39. 5 4 0 .0 129 39. 0 Stenographers, g e n e r a l_____________ M anufacturing____________________ Nonmanuf actur ing________________ Pu blic u tilities 2______________ 237 154 83 25 39. 40. 38. 40. S tenograp hers, s e n io r ______________ M anufacturing____________________ N onm anufacturing________________ 49 45 Sw itchboard o p e r a to r s ______________ Nonm anufacturing________________ 9 3 1 4 3 1 _ “ 3 3 2 1 5 4 - - 1 1 1 _ 4 1 1 2 23 23 3 3 12 11 1 17 14 3 2 2 41 21 22 20 21 16 5 16 6 18 14 4 24 14 21 17 5 2 20 4 2 11 3 1 19 16 3 2 ~ - - 1 - - - 1 62 . 00 6 4 . 50 . _ - - 3 - 5 9 . 50 - - 3 1 0 4 .0 0 _ _ _ 1 1 1 . 50 90. 50 - - - 2 - - - - 2 4 5 0 5 0 7 9 . 50 8 4 .0 0 70. 00 82. 00 - _ - - 5 - 8 - 5 8 18 4 14 2 39. 0 40. 0 . - _ _ _ 1 0 3 .0 0 - - - - - 3 - 8 - 9 3 10 1 38. 5 8 0 . 50 - - 3 8 6 9 7 3 4 6 4 2 7 59 45 39. 5 6 8 . 50 M l 1 2 10 2 1 1 1 6 0 . 50 li 1 2 9 1 1 10 7 _ 39. 5 - 1 1 3 3 Sw itchboard o p e r a to r -r e c e p tio n is ts M anufacturing____________________ N onm anufacturing________________ 55 33 22 40. 0 40. 0 40. 0 67. 00 7 0 .0 0 6 2 . 50 2 - _ 8 4 4 11 7 2 10 5 5 1 1 - 8 5 3 - 4 6 4 2 5 3 2 _ - T r a n scrib in g -m a ch in e o p e r a to r s , gen eral ____________________________ 25 39. 0 7 1 . 50 . . . 2 3 4 2 5 1 T y p ists, c la s s A M anufacturin gN onm anufacturing— 137 39. 5 40. 0 9 0 . 00 9 4 . 50 7 2 . 00 3 8 6 2 38. 5 - - - - 3 8 6 2 T yp ists, cla s s B _____ M anufacturing_____ N onm anufacturing— 224 135 39. 5 40. 0 67. 50 73. 00 _ _ - 11 - 21 2 46 17 89 38. 5 5 9 . 50 11 19 29 29 17 12 22 - 26 22 4 94 109 28 39. 0 92. 00 - - _ - 16 6 9 9 5 1 9 3 1 5 5 5 4 - 1 “ - - 3 3 34 24 10 23 26 21 20 9 8 1 6 2 16 5 5 5 1 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 - 6 6 8 8 6 6 - - - - - 1 1 7 9 6 1 9 1 1 1 21 2 5 15 5 - 3 12 10 9 5 2 - - l _ _ - _ 1 2 10 2 8 2 9 5 2 - - l - - - - 8 6 2 1 2 1 _ 2 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 i - i 2 2 6 1 . . 1 . _ . . . . _ . . _ _ 4 2 2 22 16 14 2 22 21 13 30 7 20 2 3 3 - - - 1 1 - - - - - 1 29 1 7 1 25 23 2 20 18 2 15 13 2 6 5 1 3 2 9 2 i 1 Standard hours r e fle c t the w orkw eek fo r which em ployees re ce iv e their regular straigh t-tim e s a la rie s and the earnings co rre sp o n d to these w eekly hours. T ran sp ortation , com m u nication, and other public utilities. W ork ers w ere distribu ted as follow s: 8 at $ 30 to $ 35; and 3 at $ 35 to $40 . 3 3 6 Table A-2. Professional and Technical Occupations—Men and Women (A verage straigh t-tim e w eekly hours and earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry d ivision , Davenport—R ock Island—M oline, Iowa—111. , O ctober 1963) Avirao* Sex, occupation, and industry division Number of workers Weekly. hours (Standard) Weekly , earnings (Standard) N UM BER OF W ORKERS R E CEIVING ST R AIG H T-TIM E W E E K L Y E A RN IN G S OF— $70 and under $75 $75 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $160 $165 $80 $85 $90 $95 $100 $105 $110 $115 $120 $125 $130 $135 $140 $145 $150 $155 $160 $165 over . . _ _ . _ _ 1 1 3 3 2 2 _ _ and Men D raftsm en, le a d e r_______________________ M anufacturing_________________________ 18 15 40. 0 40. 0 $138.00 144. 50 D raftsm en, sen ior ____ __ ____ ___ Manufacturing ____ __ ____ _______ 107 98 40. 0 40. 0 122.50 122.00 D raftsm en, ju n io r _______________________ M anufacturing_________________________ 80 76 40. 0 40. 0 103.50 103.00 . _ “ “ - 1 1 4 4 5 2 ~ 1 1 6 6 4 4 8 8 3 3 8 7 . . . 2 2 4 4---- — r ~ _ 4 1 _ 2 2 8 8 15 14 1 1 ~ . 2 2 1 1 _ _ ~ " 3 3 ■ 2 2 - 3 3 22 22 17 17 13 11 10 10 8 8 6 4 4 4 3 2 1 6 5 13 13 5 5 5 4 5 5 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ " - _ " " 3 ----- 3 5 5 6 6 4 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ W omen N u rses, industrial (re g iste re d ) ________ M anufacturing __ __ __ __ ____ 30 36 40. 0 1 1 1 .00 " 4670 ’ ~ riT."66 — 3 -- j- 1 Standard hours r e fle ct the w orkweek fo r w hich em ployees r e c e iv e their regular straigh t-tim e sa la rie s and the earnings co rresp on d to these w eekly h ou rs. _ Table A-3. Office, Professional, and Technical Occupations—Men and Women Combined (A verage straigh t-tim e w eekly earnings fo r se le cte d occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Davenport—R ock Is land—M olin e, Iowa—111. , O ctober 1963) Number of O ccupation and industry division earning* 1 (Standard) Number of worker! Occupation and industry division B ille r s , m achine (billin g m a c h in e ) -------------------------------------- 30 15 $64.00 65.50 B ook keeping-m a ch ine o p e r a to r s , c la s s A ---------------------N onm anufacturing --------------------------__------------------------------------------ 49 40 88. 00 85. 00 Keypunch o p e ra to rs, cla s s A ----------- ------ ------------M anufacturing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B ook keeping-m ach ine o p e r a to r s , c la s s B ---------------------N nm nuf g 90 81 64. 00 62. 50 Keypunch op e ra to rs, cla s s B _ M anufacturing ____ _______ C lerk s, accounting, c la s s A __ ---------------------- -------M anufacturing ____ ___ _ ----------- ------- a unfa rtnring 207 140 67 110.50 118.00 94. 00 C lerk s , accounting, c la s s B-------------------------------------M anufacturing--------------------------------------------------------Nonmanufa ng _ 184 88 96 76. 50 84.00 69. 00 S ecretaries __ _ — M anufacturing __ Nonmanufacturing 21 17 87. 50 86.00 Stenographers, general — Manufacturing ____ ____ N^nm?mt<:artv' r''T,E Public u tilit ie s 2 __ -filo j N anuf r la s s A ' g _ — ____ ■^ r\ n p -iam ifi> /'friT '4r»g 46 33 C lerk s, file , cla s s B _ ______ ____ N onm anufacturing_________________________________ __ __ 64. 50 59.00 — .... O ffice boys and g ir ls ---------------------------------------- -------— M anufacturing--------------------------------------------------------____ __ __ __ __ — Nonmanufacturing Stenographers, senior _ ----------------------- — — _ ------- ---------_ _ ___ _ ________ ___ — _ ------------------ _______ _ —__ — ___ - ~ _ ____ __ _ -------_____ Number of Occupation and industry division -------________ 33 19 $70. 50 6 l. 00 Tabulating-m achine op e ra to rs , cla s s A ---------------------- — M anufacturing ----------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------- 26 24 $119.00 119.50 58 52 92.00 93. 50 Tabulating-m achine op e r a to r s , cla ss B ----------------------------M anufacturing ------------------------- —------- ------------------------------------------- 36 28 101. 00 102.50 141 89 52 78. 50 83.00 70. 50 T ra n scrib in g-m a ch in e o p era tors, g e n e r a l ---------------------- 25 71. 50 50 24 26 63.00 67. 00 59. 50 T yp ists, cla s s A ______ ______________________________ ____________ _______ ______ M anufacturing _______ N onm anufacturing---------------------------------------------------- 139 111 28 90. 00 94. 50 72.00 359 230 129 104.00 111. 50 90. 50 T yp ists, cla ss B ___ ____ _____ -___ __ _ —— M anufacturing __ --------- ------ ------------ ----------- Nonm anufacturing _____ ___ _—----------------- --------------------- 224 135 89 67. 50 73. 00 59. 50 18 15 138.00 144.50 107 98 122.50 122.00 81 104.00 32 32 111. 00 1 1 1 .00 238 154 84 26 79. 84. 70. 82. 50 00 50 50 P ro fe s s io n a l and te c h n ica l‘occupations D raftsm en, leader _ _ ------------------------------ --------------- — M anufacturing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 50 45 92. 00 103. 00 80. 50 D raftsm en, s e n io r .. M anufacturing- _ ____ ____________________________________ - 39 35 56. 50 55. 50 C lerk s, o r d e r ____ „ _ „ ----------------- __ _ _ M anufacturing ____________________________________________________ 48 27 84. 50 85. 50 Switchboard o p e ra to rs- _ - _________________ — ------------Nonmanufacturing — _________________ — 59 45 68. 50 60. 50 D raftsm en, junior . M anufacturing „ r.l e-r V R r 92 65 27 88.00 93. 00 75. 50 Switchboard o p e ra to r-re ce p tio n ists ________ Manufacturing _____ -________-__________ ___ 55 33 22 67.00 70. 00 62. 50 N u rses, industrial (re g is te r e d )-----------—--------------------M anufacturing ___ _______ — -------- ------- — - p a y r o ll T . " ®. Is onm anuiactur ______ ____ _______ ____ ... - N n n m a n iifa r t u r in g N r m m a n n fa r h ir in g Earnings rela te to regu lar straigh t-tim e w eekly sa la ries that are paid fo r standard w ork w eeks. T ran sp ortation , com m u nication, and other public u tilities. Average weekly j earnings 1 (Standard) O ffice occupations— Continued O ffice occupations— Continued O ffice occupations r tlo -r lr s , earning* 1 (Standard) ............ — — ------------------ — _ — _ -------- -------- ------------------ — — — -------_ — — 8 Table A-4. Maintenance and Powerplant Occupations (A verage straigh t-tim e hourly earnings fo r m en in selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry d ivision , Davenport—R ock Island—M oline, Iowa—111., O ctober 1963) NUM BER OF W ORKERS R E CEIVING S T R A IG H T-TIM E H O U R LY E A RN IN G S OF— O ccupation and industry division C arpenters, maintenance M anufacturing_______________________ Number A $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 $2.40 $2.50 $2.60 $2.70 $2.80 $2.90 $3.00 $3.10 $3.20 $3.30 $3.40 $3.50 $3.60. $3.70 $3.80 $3.90 $4.00 $4.10 Average hourfy Under earning*1 $1.90 and and under $2.00 $2.10 $2,20 $2.30 $2,40 $2,20 $2 j60 $2.70 $2.80 $2.90 $3.00 $3.10 $320 $320 $3.40 $3.50 $3.60 $3.70 $3.80 $3.90 $4.00 $4.10 over 81 80 $3.21 3.22 E lectricia n s , maintenance M anufacturing____________________ __ 215 207 3.46 3.46 _ _ . . . " - - - " 3 3 E n gin eers, s tation ary_________________ M anufacturing_______________________ 61 47 3.18 3.34 4 " _ _ _ " 3 3 _ " " " F irem en, stationary b o i le r ____________ M anufacturing_____________________ _ 63 49 2.30 2.62 2 19 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 . . " - H elpers, m aintenance t r a d e s ___ M anufacturin g______________________ 145 132 2.60 2.61 2 “ 3 2 _ 2 1 3 3 _ M achine-tool o p e ra to rs, to o lro o m ____ M anufacturing_______________________ 192 192 3.36 3.36 M achinists, m aintenance______________ M anufacturing_______________________ 149 147 3.47 3.47 _ M echanics, autom otive (maintenance) — M anufacturin g______________________ N onm anufacturing__________________ Piiblir uti liH ^ 144 72 72 61 3.10 3.26 2.94 3.00 _ - M echanics, m a in te n a n ce ______________ M anufacturin g______________________ 278 275 3.35 3.35 M illw righ ts_____________________________ M anufacturin g______________________ 145 i4 ? 3.37 2.2? O il e r s __________________________________ M anufacturing_______________________ 65 65 2.70 2.70 ~ _ _ - _ " _ _ _ - - - _ - _ - _ - _ 2 2 ■ - _ 3 T ~ " " 1 1 4 3 4 4 1 1 3 3 - 2 2 7 7 3 3 15 15 1 1 _ _ - " 5 “ 4 4 1 1 ~ _ 4 4 1 1 _ " 4 4 14 14 7 7 54 54 26 26 27 27 13 13 _ 7 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 _ - 4 4 5 5 3 2 1 5 2 3 12 11 1 “ 8 6 _ 21 19 _ 17 17 _ _ - " . - 4 4 - - - “ 5 5 4 4 21 21 75 75 58 58 8 8 1 1 _ 3 3 1 - 10 10 14 14 73 72 1 1 - 13 1 12 12 43 4 39 39 6 4 2 22 22 20 20 17 17 2 2 11 11 3 3 3 3 4 1 22 22 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - ~ - “ 9 9 1 1 _ . " - 4 4 29 29 _ _ _ _ - - - _ - 2 2 _ - - _ - 2 2 97 97 109 109 - - 1 1 3 3 2 2 11 11 75 75 _ _ " " 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 6 “ - - " - “ - - 1 1 " - - 1 1 1 1 _ _ - _ _ 1 1 ' 4 4 4 4 7 7 1 1 4 4 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 9 9 2 2 1 1 76 76 16 16 _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 _ 1 1 6 6 _ . 7 7 8 8 6 6 21 21 23 23 9 9 14 14 _ _ _ _ ~ ■ ~ 1 1 _ _ . " - 2 2 . . 2 2 _ 31 31 “ 6 6 _ 6 6 - 1 1 - 7 7 - 1 1 _ 10 10 . - - 3 3 _ 3.71 3.71 1 1 - _ 333 333 2 1 _ 1 1 T ool and die m a k e r s ___________________ M anufacturin g______________________ 2 - _ 2 2 l l _ " 1 1 5 5 _ _ 26 26 2 2 1 1 3.39 3.39 44 44 5 5 3 3 20 20 65 65 3 3 ' - S heet-m etal w o rk e rs , m aintenance____ M anufacturing_______________________ 3 3 _ " - 7 2 2 l l _ " 16 16 - 1 - - 14 13 8 8 . _ 1 1 8 8 _ 3.36 3.36 - 3 3 l l 123 123 18 18 7 7 4 4 Pipefitter s , maintenanc e ______________ M anufacturing_______________________ 3 3 4 1 3 1 1 “ 2 2 1 1 “ 2.93 2.96 35 35 10 10 8 - _ 27 26 4 4 _ . Painters, m aintenance_________________ M anufacturin g______________________ 2 2 2 2 " . " _ - - z . . " _ - _ 2 2 _ _ ~ - 108 108 135 135 3 3 ' Excludes prem ium pay fo r overtim e and fo r w ork on w eekends, holid ays, and late shifts. W orkers w ere distributed as fo llo w s : 3 at $1 to $1.10; 8 at $1.10 to $1.20; 3 at $1.30 to $1.40; 4 at $1.40 to $1,50; and 1 at $1.70 to $1.80. Transportation, com m unication, and other public u tilities. 9 Table A -5. Custodial and Material Movement Occupations (A verage straigh t-tim e hourly earnings fo r se le cte d occupations studied on an area basis by industry division , Davenport—R ock Island—M oline, Iowa—111. , O ctober 1963) N UM BER OF W O RK ERS R E CE IVIN G 8T R A IG H T-TIM E H OURLY EA RN IN G S OF— Number at workers O ccupation 1 and industry division $1.00 $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 $1.40 $1.50 $1.60 $1.70 $1.80 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 $2.40 $2.50 $2.60 $2.70 $2.80 $2.90 $3.00 $3.10 $3720" $3.30 $3.40 Average hourly 2 earning! Under and and $1.00 under $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 $1.40 $1.50 $1.60 $1.70 $1.80 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 $2.40 $2.50 $2.60 $2.70 $2.80 $2.90 $3.00 $3.10 $3.20 $3.30 $3.40 over E levator o p e r a to r s , p assen ger 22 "2 2 " Guards and w a tch m e n __________________ M anufacturing ___ __ _ _ . _____ __ _ _ G uards J an itors, p o r t e r s , and c lea n ers (men) M anufacturing _ N onm anufacturing _ ... . . ---- J an itors, p o r t e r s , and c lea n ers (wom en) M annfa rtn ring Nonmarmfacturing _ _ ----- $0.96 96 „3 6 12 3 176 173 125 48 2.4 8 2.4 9 2.76 1.79 - - - 538 ?0F " 130 32 2. 16 '2 / 5 4 ' 1. 61 2.08 12 12 12 12 3 3 1.82 130 ------ ~7T~ — 2.2 4 ' 1.25 55 _ ... L a b o r e rs , m a teria l handling M anufacturing_________ N onm anufacturing_____________ 1, 025 857 168 62 2. 52 2. 53 2.47 2. 95 O rd er fille r s Maruifa rhiring 172 77 2 .39 2. 34 P a ck e rs . shipping . . . . . . M anufacturing _ 155 143 2.72 2 .n 51 25 26 2. 28 2. 34 2. 22 R eceivin g c le r k s __ XXaniYfartn ring Nonmanuf ac tur ing Shipping cle r k s .......... .. Mamifa rtn ring ... . . 43 --------JT~ Shipping and r e ce iv in g cle rk s T r u c k d riv e r s 8 M anufacturing Nonm anufacturing .. P u blic u tilit ie s 4 ............. ..... See footn otes at end o f table. . _ - " 9 8 - 8 8 - 3 3 3 1 1 1 - 6 6 _ g 1 1 21 21 — 6 3 11 2 9 12 9 3 2 24 11 13 40 31 9 28 4 28 4 14 5 9 3 2 l 3 2 2 _ - " " 3 11 10 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 10 10 5 5 “ “ “ 3 4 -----T~ — T~ 1 1 13 13 " 8 2 6 1 " 1 1 - - - - - 3 - 17 10 7 “ 1 2.64 2. 72 27 2. 38 344 123 221 77 2. 51 2.41 2. 57 3.01 5 5 5 - 21 ~ T F~ 9 14 10 4 24 19 5 4 1 1 1 3 21 l6 5 3 - - - - 3 8 5 3 10 10 - 6 - 6 3 - 27 ~U ~~ 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 2 g 4 4 4 11 11 11 20 2 18 17 53 51 2 2 3 2 1 201 200 1 10 10 5 — T~ 3 - 42 — 4T~ - - - 3 2 — TT - 59 59 - 3 27 — T~ T 2 ~ 5 1 - l i 17 7 2 1 1 ” 1 1 - 2 2 6 6 10 10 6 4 4 l l 2 2 - 17 g 9 8 4 4 3 1 l 3 5 5 2 3 16 8 2 — r i 7 1 6 J 1 3 1 10 2 10 ------T 3 4 4 9 9 - 23 5 18 26 “ T5~ 10 59 59 59 6 6 6 _ _ _ - 2 1 1 3 3 - 1 1 _ 10 10 - 4 4 _ _ - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - _ - _ - 3 —j — - - - " 2 2 4 4 - ~ - 62 3 - “ 13“ 3 49 46 46 13 6 ill 6 t rr 9 " " 1 1 1 1 5 2 ■ _ 2 11 3 10 — r -----T~ _ 1 59 ----- z~ 2 6 2 2 2 282 333 38 89 ~~35“ “ Z 5 T ~TST ~ T T 1 33 14 l 2 2 5 ---- 4— 1 37 37 37 18 16 2 6 1 - 1 - 1 3 - 10 9 _ 9 4 ------3" 1 4 3 3 ------2~ 20 8 1 — 5” 19 ~ l - 4 6 3 -----g— 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 96 20 ------T 76 2 8 8 12 12 - - 88 7 81 75 - 1 3 2 £ — 1— 1 14 14 - - _ - - - - 10 Table A-5. Custodial and Material Movement Occupations— Continued (A verage straigh t-tim e hourly earnings fo r se le cte d occupations studied on an area basis by industry division , Davenport—R ock Island—M oline, Iowa—111. , O ctober 1963) N U M B ER OF WORKERS RE CE IVIN G STR AIGH T-TIM E H OU R LY E A RN IN G S OF— O ccupation 1 and industry d ivision Number of worker* $1.00 $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 $1.40 $1.50 $1.60 $1.70 $1.80 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 $2.40 $2.50 $2.60 $2.70 $2.80 12790" $3.00 $3.10 $3.20 $3.30 $3.40 Average hourly > eemingr Under and and $1.00 under $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 $1.40 $1.50 $1.60 $1.70 $1.80 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 $2.30 $2.40 $2.50 $2.60 $2.70 $2.80 $2.90 $3.00 $3.10 $3.20 $3.30 $3.40 ov er T ru ck d riv ers 5— Continued T r u c k d r iv e r s , light (under 1V2 ton s)_____ __ _______________ ___ M anufacturing __ __ — __ ____ 50 26 $1 .8 2 1.74 " ~ 3 “ 5 5 10 10 ~ “ ■ 3 “ 7 3 1 1 8 ■ 5 " " - Is ~ 2 2 ■ 5 5 ~ " " " ~ - " T ru c k d riv e r s , m edium (1V2 to and including 4 tons) __ _ __ 25 2. 28 - - - 3 - - - - - - 4 2 1 3 - 3 3 - 2 - - 4 - - - - T r u c k d riv e r s , heavy (o v e r 4 tons, tr a ile r type) _ ____ __ _ M anufacturing____________________ Nonmanufacturing - 160 43 117 2.67 2. 75 2 .6 4 - - " “ “ - “ 6 6 ■ ■ ■ ” ■ 2 2 * - - ~ 11 11 ~ 83 9 74 " ~ ■ " 44 7 37 14 14 " ■ ■ “ 33 2.4 0 4 1 - 19 2 2 - - - - 5 - - - - T ru c k e r s , pow er (fo r k lift )_____________ M anufacturings __ _ 771 741 2 .7 5 2 .7 6 " 11 8 6 6 10 7 38 14 42 42 47 47 362 “ 36"2 234 ZU ■ 1 1 ' 1 1 13 13 T ru c k e r s , pow er (other than fork lift) _ _ _ _ _______ - . M anufacturin gs._____________________ 105 94 2. 67 2 .7 0 4 4 2 2 8 4 1 - 4 4 78 78 - - - 1 1 - T r u c k d riv e r s , heavy (o v e r 4 tons, other than tr a ile r type)___ 1 2 3 4 5 - - - - - - - Data lim ited to m en w ork ers except w here otherw ise indicated. E xcludes prem ium pay fo r overtim e and fo r w ork on w eekends, holidays, and late shifts. W orkers w e re distributed as follow s: 5 at $ 0. 60 to $ 0. 70; and 1 at $ 0. 70 to $ 0. 80. Tran sportation, com m unication, and other public u tilities. Includes all d riv e rs reg a rd le ss o f size and type o f truck operated. - 2 2 2 2 4 4 - - - 1 1 1 1 Appendix: Occupational Descriptions The primary purpose of preparing job descriptions for the Bureau’ s wage surveys is to assist its field staff in classifying into appropriate occupations workers who are employed under a variety of payroll titles and different work arrangements from establishment to establishment and from area to area. This permits the grouping of occupational wage rates representing comparable job content. Because of this emphasis on interestablishment and interarea comparability of occupational content, the Bu reau’ s job descriptions may differ significantly from those in use in individual establishments or those prepared for other purposes. In applying these job descriptions, the Bureau’ s field economists are in structed to exclude working supervisors, apprentices, learners, beginners, trainees, handicapped, part-time, temporary, and probationary workers. OFFICE BILLER, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR Prepares statements, bills, and invoices on a machine other than an ordinary or electromatic typewriter. May also keep records as to billings or shipping charges or perform other clerical work incidental to billing operations. For wage study purposes, billers, machine, are classified by type of machine, as follows: Operates a bookkeeping machine (Remington Rand, Elliott Fisher, Sundstrand, Burroughs, National Cash Register, with or without a typewriter keyboard) to keep a record of business transactions. Class A . Keeps a set of records requiring a knowledge of and experience in basic bookkeeping principles and familiarity with the structure of the particular accounting system used. Determines proper records and distribution of debit and credit items to be used in each phase of the work. May prepare consolidated reports, bal ance sheets, and other records by hand. Biller> machine (billing machine)• Uses a special billing ma chine (Moon Hopkins, Elliott Fisher, Burroughs, etc., which are combination typing and adding machines) to prepare bills and in voices from customers’ purchase orders, internally prepared orders, shipping memorandums, etc. Usually involves application of prede termined discounts and shipping charges and entry of necessary extensions, which may or may not be computed on the billing ma chine, and totals which are automatically accumulated by machine. The operation usually involves a large number of carbon copies of the bill being prepared and is often done on a fanfold machine. Class B. Keeps a record of one or more phases or sections of a set of records usually requiring little knowledge of basic book keeping. Phases or sections include accounts payable, payroll, customers’ accounts (not including a simple type of billing described under biller, machine), cost distribution, expense distribution, in ventory control, etc. May check or assist in preparation of trial balances and prepare control sheets for the accounting department. Biller, machine (bookkeeping machine). Uses a bookkeeping machine (Sundstrand, Elliott Fisher, Remington Rand, etc., which may or may not have typewriter keyboard) to prepare customers’ bills as part of the accounts receivable operation. Generally in volves the simultaneous entry of figures on customers’ ledger rec ord. The machine automatically accumulates figures on a number of vertical columns and computes and usually prints automatically the debit or credit balances. Does not involve a knowledge of book keeping. Works from uniform and standard types of sales and credit slips. CLERK, ACCOUNTING Class A. Under general direction of a bookkeeper or account ant, has responsibility for keeping one or more sections of a com plete set of books or records relating to one phase of an establish ment’ s business transactions. Work involves posting and balancing subsidiary ledger or ledgers such as accounts receivable or accounts 11 12 CLERK, ACCOUNTING-Continued payable; examining and coding invoices or vouchers with proper ac counting distribution; and requires judgment and experience in making proper assignations and allocations. May assist in preparing, adjusting, and closing journal entries; and may direct class B ac counting clerks. Class B. Under supervision, performs one or more routine ac counting operations such as posting simple journal vouchers or ac counts payable vouchers, entering vouchers in voucher registers; reconciling bank accounts; and posting subsidiary ledgers con trolled by general ledgers, or posting simple cost accounting data. This job does not require a knowledge of accounting and book keeping principles but is found in offices in which the more routine accounting work is subdivided on a functional basis among several workers. CLERK, FILE Class A, In an established filing system containing a number of varied subject matter files, classifies and indexes file material such as correspondence, reports, technical documents, etc. May also file this material. May keep records of various types in con junction with the files. May lead a small group of lower level file clerks. Class Sorts, codes, and files unclassified material by sim ple (subject matter) headings or partly classified material by finer subheadings. Prepares simple related index and cross-reference aids. As requested, locates clearly identified material in files and forwards material. May perform related clerical tasks required to maintain and service files. Class C, Performs routine filing of material that has already been classified or which is easily classified in a simple serial classification system (e.g., alphabetical, chronological, or numer ical). As requested, locates readily available material in files and forwards material; and may fill out withdrawal charge. Per forms simple clerical and manual tasks required to maintain and service files. CLERK, ORDER Receives customers orders for material or merchandise by mail, phone, or personally. Duties involve any combination of the following: Quoting prices to customers; making out an order sheet listing the items to make up the order; checking prices and quantities of items on order sheet; and distributing order sheets to respective departments to be filled. May check with credit department to determine credit rating of customer, acknowledge receipt of orders from customers, follow up orders to see that they have been filled, keep file of orders received, and check shipping invoices with original orders. CLERK, PAYROLL Computes wages of company employees and enters the neces sary data on the payroll sheets. Duties involve: Calculating workers' earnings based on time or production records; and posting calculated data on payroll sheet, showing information such as worker's name, work ing days, time, rate, deductions for insurance, and total wages due. May make out paychecks and assist paymaster in making up and dis tributing pay envelopes. May use a calculating machine. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Primary duty is to operate a Comptometer to perform mathema tical computations. This job is not to be confused with that of statis tical or other type of clerk, which may involve frequent use of a Comp tometer but, in which, use of this machine is incidental to performance of other duties. DUPLICATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (MIMEOGRAPH OR DITTO) Under general supervision and with no supervisory responsi bilities, reproduces multiple copies of typewritten or handwritten matter, using a Mimeograph or Ditto machine. Makes necessary adjustment such as for ink and paper feed counter and cylinder speed. Is not required to prepare stencil or Ditto master. May keep file of used stencils or Ditto masters. May sort, collate, and staple completed material. 13 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Class A. Operates a numerical and/or alphabetical or combina tion keypunch machine to transcribe data from various source docu ments to keypunch tabulating cards. Performs same tasks as lower level keypunch operator but, in addition, work requires application of coding skills and the making of some determinations, for example, locates on the source document the items to be punched; extracts information from several documents; and searches for and interprets information on the document to determine information to be punched. May train inexperienced operators. Class 6. Under close supervision or following specific proce dures or instructions, transcribes data from source documents to punched cards. Operates a numerical and/or alphabetical or com bination keypunch machine to keypunch tabulating cards. May verify cards. Working from various standardized source documents, follows specified sequences which have been coded or prescribed in detail and require little or no selecting, coding, or interpreting of data to be punched. Problems arising from erroneous items or codes, missing information, etc., are referred to supervisor. OFFICE BOY OR GIRL Performs various routine duties such as running errands, opera ting minor office machines such as sealers or mailers, opening and dis tributing mail, and other minor clerical work. SECRETARY Performs secretarial and clerical duties for a superior in an administrative or executive position. Duties include making appoint ments for superior; receiving people coming into office; answering and SECRETARY— Continued making phone calls; handling personal and important or confidential mail, and writing routine correspondence on own initiative; and taking dictation (where transcribing machine is not used) either in shorthand or by Stenotype or similar machine, and transcribing dictation or the recorded information reproduced on a transcribing machine. May prepare special reports or memorandums for information of superior. STENOGRAPHER, GENERAL Primary duty is to take dictation involving a normal routine vocabulary from one or more persons either in shorthand or by Stenotype or similar machine; and transcribe dictation. May also type from written copy. May maintain files, keep simple records, or perform other rela tively routine clerical tasks. May operate from a stenographic pool. Does not include transcribing-machine work. (See transcribing-machine operator.) STENOGRAPHER,SENIOR Primary duty is to take dictation involving a varied technical or specialized vocabulary such as in legal briefs or reports on scientific research from one or more persons either in shorthand or by Stenotype or similar machine; and transcribe dictation. May also type from written copy. May also set up and maintain files, keep records, etc. OR Performs stenographic duties requiring significantly greater independence and responsibility than stenographers, general as evi denced by the following: Work requires high degree of stenographic speed and accuracy; and a thorough working knowledge of general busi ness and office procedures and of the specific business operations, organization, policies, procedures, files, workflow, etc. Uses this knowledge in performing stenographic duties and responsible clerical tasks such as, maintaining followup files; assembling material for reports, memorandums, letters, etc.; composing simple letters from general instructions; reading and routing incoming mail; and answering routine questions, etc. Does not include transcribing-machine work. 14 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Operates a single- or multiple-position telephone switchboard. Duties involve handling incoming, outgoing, and intraplant or office calls. May record toll calls and take messages. May give information to persons who call in, or occasionally take telephone orders. For workers who also act as receptionists see switchboard operatorreceptionist. TABULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR-Continued Class C. Operates simple tabulating or electrical account ing machines such as the sorter, reproducing punch, collator, etc., with specific instructions. May include simple wiring from diagrams and some filing work. The work typically involves portions of a work unit, for example, individual sorting or collating runs or re petitive operations. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR-RECEPTIONIST In addition to performing duties of operator on a single posi tion or monitor-type switchboard, acts as receptionist and may also type or perform routine clerical work as part of regular duties. This typing or clerical work may take the major part of this worker’ s time while at switchboard. TABULA TING-MACHINE OPERATOR Class A. Operates a variety of tabulating or electrical ac counting machines, typically including such machines as the tabu lator, calculator, interpreter, collator, and others. Performs com plete reporting assignments without close supervision, and performs difficult wiring as required. The complete reporting and tabulating assignments typically involve a variety of long and complex re ports which often are of irregular or nonrecurring type requiring some planning and sequencing of steps to be taken. As a more experienced operator, is typically involved in training new opera tors in machine operations, or partially trained operators in wiring from diagrams and operating sequences of long and complex reports. Does not include working supervisors performing tabulating-machine operations and day-to-day supervision of the work and production of a group of tabulating-machine operators. Class B# Operates more difficult tabulating or electrical ac counting machines such as the tabulator and calculator, in addition to the sorter, reproducer, and collator. This work is performed under specific instructions and may include the performance of some wir ing from diagrams. The work typically involves, for example, tabu lations involving a repetitive accounting exercise, a complete but small tabulating study, or parts of a longer and more complex report. Such reports and studies are usually of a recurring nature where the procedures are well established. May also include the training of new employees in the basic operation of the machine. TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE OPERATOR, GENERAL Primary duty is to transcribe dictation involving a normal rou tine vocabulary from transcribing-machine records. May also type from written copy and do simple clerical work. Workers transcribing dictation involving a varied technical or specialized vocabulary such as legal briefs or reports on scientific research are not included. A worker who takes dictation in shorthand or by Stenotype or similar machine is classified as a stenographer, general. TYPIST Uses a typewriter to make copies of various material or to make out bills after calculations have been made by another person. May include typing of stencils, mats, or similar materials for use in duplicating processes. May do clerical work involving little special training, such as keeping simple records, filing records and reports, or sorting and distributing incoming mail. Class A# Performs one or more o f the following: Typing ma terial in final form when it involves combining material from several sources err responsibility for correct spelling, syllabication, punc tuation, etc., of technical or unusual words or foreign language ma terial; and planning layout and typing of complicated statistical tables to maintain uniformity and balance in spacing. May type routine form letters varying details to suit circumstances. Class B. Performs one or more o f the following: Copy typing from rough or clear drafts; routine typing of forms, insurance pol icies, etc.; and setting up simple standard tabulations, or copying more complex tables already set up and spaced properly. 15 PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL DRAFTSMAN DRAFTSMAN—Continued Leader. Plans and directs activities of one or more draftsmen in preparation of working plans and detail drawings from rough or preliminary sketches for engineering, construction, or manufacturing purposes. Duties involve a combination o f the following: Inter preting blueprints, sketches, and written or verbal orders; deter mining work procedures; assigning duties to subordinates and in specting their work; and performing more difficult problems. May assist subordinates during emergencies or as a regular assignment, or perform related duties of a supervisory or administrative nature. Senior. Prepares working plans and detail drawings from notes, rough or detailed sketches for engineering, construction, or manu facturing purposes. Duties involve a combination o f the following: Preparing working plans, detail drawings, maps, cross-sections, etc., to scale by use of drafting instruments; making engineering computations such as those involved in strength of materials, beams, and trusses; verifying completed work, checking dimensions, materials to be used, and quantities; writing specifications; and making adjustments or changes in drawings or specifications. May ink in lines and letters on pencil drawings, prepare detail units of complete drawings, or trace drawings. Work is frequently in a spe cialized field such as architectural, electrical, mechanical, or structural drafting. Junior (assistant). Draws to scale units or parts of drawings prepared by draftsman or others for engineering, construction, or manufacturing purposes. Uses various types of drafting tools as required. May prepare drawings from simple plans or sketches, or perform other duties under direction of a draftsman. NURSE, INDUSTRIAL (REGISTERED) A registered nurse who gives nursing service under general medical direction to ill or injured employees or other persons who be come ill or suffer an accident on the premises of a factory or other estab lishment. Duties involve a combination o f the following: Givingfirst aid to the ill or injured; attending to subsequent dressing of employees* in juries; keeping records of patients treated; preparing accident reports for compensation or other purposes; assisting in physical examinations and health evaluations of applicants and employees; and planning and carry ing out programs involving health education, accident prevention, evalu ation of plant environment, or other activities affecting the health, wel fare, and safety of all personnel. TRACER Copies plans and drawings prepared by others, by placing tracing cloth or paper over drawing and tracing with pen or pencil. Uses T-square, compass, and other drafting tools. May prepare simple draw ings and do simple lettering. MAINTENANCE AND POWERPLANT CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE-Continued Performs the carpentry duties necessary to construct and main tain in good repair building woodwork and equipment such as bins, cribs, counters, benches, partitions, doors, floors, stairs, casings, and trim made of wood in an establishment. Work involves most of the following: Planning and laying out of work from blueprints, drawings, models, or verbal instructions; using a variety of carpenter’ s handtools, portable power tools, and standard measuring instruments; making standard shop computations relating to dimensions of work; and selecting materials necessary for the work. In general, the work of the maintenance car penter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. 16 ELECTRICIAN, MAINTENANCE HELPER, MAINTENANCE TRADES Performs a variety of electrical trade functions such as the installation, maintenance, or repair of equipment for the generation, dis tribution, or utilization of electric energy in an establishment. Work involves most of the following: Installing or repairing any of a variety of electrical equipment such as generators, transformers, switchboards, controllers, circuit breakers, motors, heating units, conduit systems, or other transmission equipment; working from blueprints, drawings, lay outs, or other specifications; locating and diagnosing trouble in the elec trical system or equipment; working standard computations relating to load requirements of wiring or electrical equipment; and using a variety of electrician’ s handtools and measuring and testing instruments. In general, the work of the maintenance electrician requires rounded train ing and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. Assists one or more workers in the skilled maintenance trades, by performing specific or general duties of lesser skill, such as keeping a worker supplied with materials and tools; cleaning working area, ma chine, and equipment; assisting journeyman by holding materials or tools; and performing other unskilled tasks as directed by journeyman. The kind of work the helper is permitted to perform varies from trade to trade: In some trades the helper is confined to supplying, lifting, and holding materials and tools and cleaning working areas; and in others he is per mitted to perform specialized machine operations, or parts of a trade that are also performed by workers on a full-time basis. ENGINEER, STATIONARY Operates and maintains and may also supervise the operation of stationary engines and equipment (mechanical or electrical) to sup ply the establishment in which employed with power, heat, refrigera tion, or air-conditioning. Work involves: Operating and maintaining equipment such as steam engines, air compressors, generators, motors, turbines, ventilating and refrigerating equipment, steam boilers and boiler-fed water pumps; making equipment repairs; and keeping a record of operation of machinery, temperature, and fuel consumption. May also supervise these operations. Head or chief engineers in establish ments employing more than one engineer are excluded. MACHINE-TOOL OPERATOR, TOOLROOM Specializes in the operation of one or more types of machine tools, such as jig borers, cylindrical or surface grinders, engine lathes, or milling machines, in the construction of machine-shop tools, gages, jigs, fixtures, or dies. Work involves most o f the following: Planning and performing difficult machining operations; processing items requiring complicated setups or a high degree of accuracy; using a variety of pre cision measuring instruments; selecting feeds, speeds, tooling, and operation sequence; and making necessary adjustments during operation to achieve requisite tolerances or dimensions. May be required to rec ognize when tools need dressing, to dress tools, and to select proper coolants and cutting and lubricating oils. For cross-industry wage study purposes, machine-tool operators, toolroom, in tool and die jobbing shops are excluded from this classification. MACHINIST, MAINTENANCE FIREMAN, STATIONARY BOILER Fires stationary boilers to furnish the establishment in which employed with heat, power, or steam. Feeds fuels to fire by hand or operates a mechanical stoker, or gas or oil burner; and checks water and safety valves. May clean, oil, or assist in repairing boilerroom equipment. Produces replacement parts and new parts in making repairs of metal parts of mechanical equipment operated in an establishment. Work involves most of the following: Interpreting written instructions and specifications; planning and laying out of work; using a variety of ma chinist’ s handtools and precision measuring instruments; setting up and operating standard machine tools; shaping of metal parts to close toler ances; making standard shop computations relating to dimensions of work, tooling, feeds, and speeds of machining; knowledge of the working 17 MACHINIST, MAINTENANCE-Continued MILLWRIGHT properties o f the common metals; selecting standard materials, parts, and equipment required for his work; and fitting and assembling parts into mechanical equipment. In general, the machinist’ s work normally requires a rounded training in machine-shop practice usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. Installs new machines or heavy equipment, and dismantles and installs machines or heavy equipment when changes in the plant layout are required. Work involves most of the following: Planning and laying out of the work; interpreting blueprints or other specifications; using a variety of handtools and rigging; making standard shop computations re lating to stresses, strength of materials, and centers of gravity; alining and balancing of equipment; selecting standard tools, equipment, and parts to be used; and installing and maintaining in good order power transmission equipment such as drives and speed reducers. In general, the millwright’ s work normally requires a rounded training and experi ence in the trade acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. MECHANIC, AUTOMOTIVE (MAINTENANCE) Repairs automobiles, buses, motortrucks, and tractors of an es tablishment. Work involves most of the following: Examining automotive equipment to diagnose source of trouble; disassembling equipment and performing repairs that involve the use of such handtools as wrenches, gages, drills, or specialized equipment in disassembling or fitting parts; replacing broken or defective parts from stock; grinding and adjusting valves; reassembling and installing the various assemblies in the vehicle and making necessary adjustments; and alining wheels, adjusting brakes and lights, or tightening body bolts. In general, the work of the auto motive mechanic requires rounded training and experience usually ac quired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. MECHANIC, MAINTENANCE Repairs machinery or mechanical equipment of an establishment. Work involves most o f the following: Examining machines and mechan ical equipment to diagnose source of trouble; dismantling or partly dis mantling machines and performing repairs that mainly involve the use of handtools in scraping and fitting parts; replacing broken or defective parts with items obtained from stock; ordering the production of a re placement part by a machine shop or sending of the machine to a machine shop for major repairs; preparing written specifications for major repairs or for the production o f parts ordered from machine shop; reassembling machines; and making all necessary adjustments for operation. In gen eral, the work of a maintenance mechanic requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equiva lent training and experience. Excluded from this classification are workers whose primary duties involve setting up or adjusting machines. OILER Lubricates, with oil or grease, the moving parts or wearing sur faces of. mechanical equipment of an establishment. PAINTER, MAINTENANCE Paints and redecorates walls, woodwork, and fixtures of an es tablishment. Work involves the following: Knowledge of surface pecu liarities and types of paint required for different applications; preparing surface for painting by removing old finish or by placing putty or filler in nail holes and interstices; and applying paint with spray gun or brush. May mix colors, oils, white lead, and other paint ingredients to obtain proper color or consistency. In general, the work of the maintenance painter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. PIPEFITTER, MAINTENANCE Installs or repairs water, steam, gas, or other types of pipe and pipefittings in an establishment. Work involves most of the following: Laying out of work and measuring to locate position of pipe from draw ings or other written specifications; cutting various sizes of pipe to correct lengths with chisel and hammer or oxyacetylene torch or pipe cutting machine; threading pipe with stocks and dies; bending pipe by hand-driven or power-driven machines; assembling pipe with couplings 18 PIPE FITTE R , MAINTENANCE-Continued SHEET-METAL WORKER, MAINTENANCE-Continued and fastening pipe to hangers; making standard shop computations relat ing to pressures, flow, and size of pipe required; and making standard tests to determine whether finished pipes meet specifications. In general, the work of the maintenance pipefitter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equiva lent training and experience. Workers primarily engaged in installing and repairing building sanitation or beating systems are excluded. types of sheet-metal-working machines; using a variety of handtools in cutting, bending, forming, shaping, fitting, and assembling; and installing sheet-metal articles as required. In general, the work of the maintenance sheet-metal worker requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. TOOL AND DIE MAKER (Die maker; jig maker; tool maker; fixture maker; gage maker) PLUMBER, MAINTENANCE Keeps the plumbing system of an establishment in good order. Work involves: Knowledge of sanitary codes regarding installation of vents and traps in plumbing system; installing or repairing pipes and fixtures; and opening clogged drains with a plunger or plumber’ s snake. In general, the work of the maintenance plumber requires rounded train ing and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. SHEET-METAL WORKER, MAINTENANCE Fabricates, installs, and maintains in good repair the sheetmetal equipment and fixtures (such as machine guards, grease pans, shelves, lockers, tanks, ventilators, chutes, ducts, metal roofing) of an establishment. Work involves most o f the following: Planning and lay ing out all types of sheet-metal maintenance work from blueprints, models, or other specifications; setting up and operating all available Constructs and repairs machine-shop tools, gages, jigs, fix tures or dies for forgings, punching, and other metal-forming work. Work involves most of the following: Planning and laying out of work from models, blueprints, drawings, or other oral and written specifications; using a variety of tool and die maker’ s handtools and precision meas uring instruments, understanding of the working properties of common metals and alloys; setting up and operating of machine tools and related equipment; making necessary shop computations relating to dimensions of work, speeds, feeds, and tooling of machines; heattreating of metal parts during fabrication as well as of finished tools and dies to achieve required qualities; working to close tolerances; fitting and assembling of parts to prescribed tolerances and allowances; and selecting appro priate materials, tools, and processes. In general, the tool and die maker’ s work requires a rounded training in machine-shop and toolroom practice usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. For cross-industry wage study purposes, tool and die makers in tool and die jobbing shops are excluded from this classification. CUSTODIAL AND MATERIAL MOVEMENT ELEVATOR OPERATOR, PASSENGER GUARD Transports passengers between floors of an office building, apartment house, department store, hotel, or similar establishment. Workers who operate elevators in conjunction with other duties such as those of starters and janitors are excluded. Performs routine police duties, either at fixed post or on tour, maintaining order, using arms or force where necessary. Includes gatemen who are stationed at gate and check on identity of employees and other persons entering. 19 JANITOR, PORTER, OR CLEANER PACKER, SHIPPING (Sweeper; charwomen; janitress) Cleans and keeps in an orderly condition factory working areas and washrooms, or premises of an office, apartment house, or commercial or other establishment. Duties involve a combination of the following: Sweeping, mopping or scrubbing, and polishing floors; removing chips, trash, and other refuse; dusting equipment, furniture, or fixtures; polish ing metal fixtures or trimmings; providing supplies and minor mainte nance services; and cleaning lavatories, showers, and restrooms. Work ers who specialize in window washing are excluded. Prepares finished products for shipment or storage by placing them in shipping containers, the specific operations performed being dependent upon the type, size, and number of units to be packed, the type of container employed, and method of shipment. Work requires the placing of items in shipping containers and may involve one or more of the following: Knowledge of various items of stock in order to verify content; selection of appropriate type and size of container; inserting enclosures in container; using excelsior or other material to prevent breakage or damage; closing and sealing container; and applying labels or entering identifying data on container. Packers who also make wooden boxes or crates are excluded. LABORER, MATERIAL HANDLING (Loader and unloader; handler and stacker; shelver; trucker; stockman or stock helper; warehouseman or warehouse helper) A worker employed in a warehouse, manufacturing plant, store, or other establishment whose duties involve one or more o f the following: Loading and unloading various materials and merchandise on or from freight cars, trucks, or other transporting devices; unpacking, shelv ing, or placing materials or merchandise in proper storage location; and transporting materials or merchandise by hand truck, car, or wheel barrow. Longshoremen, who load and unload ships are excluded. ORDER FILLER (Order picker; stock selector; warehouse stockman) Fills shipping or transfer orders for finished goods from stored merchandise in accordance with specifications on sales slips, cus tomers’ orders, or other instructions. May, in addition to filling orders and indicating items filled or omitted, keep records of outgoing orders, requisition additional stock or report short supplies to supervisor, and perform Other related duties. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK Prepares merchandise for shipment, or receives and is respon sible for incoming shipments of merchandise or other materials. Ship ping work involves: A knowledge of shipping procedures, practices, routes, available means of transportation, and rates; and preparing records of the goods shipped, making up bills of lading, posting weight and shipping charges, and keeping a file of shipping records. May direct or assist in preparing the merchandise for shipment. Receiving work involves: Verifying or directing others in verifying the correct ness of shipments against bills of lading, invoices, or other records; checking for shortages and rejecting damaged goods; routing merchan dise or materials to proper departments; and maintaining necessary records and files. For wage study purposes, workers are classified as follows: Receiving clerk Shipping clerk Shipping and receiving clerk 20 TRUCKDRIVER TRUCKER, POWER Drives a truck within a city or industrial area to transport ma terials, merchandise, equipment, or men between various types of estab lishments such as: Manufacturing plants, freight depots, warehouses, wholesale and retail establishments, or between retail establishments and customers* houses or places of business. May also load or unload truck with or without helpers, make minor mechanical repairs, and keep truck in good working order. Driver-salesmen and over-the-road drivers are excluded. Operates a manually controlled gasoline- or electric-powered truck or tractor to transport goods and materials of all kinds about a warehouse, manufacturing plant, or other establishment. For wage study purposes, truckdrivers are classified by size and type of equipment, as follows: (Tractor-trailer should be rated on the basis of trailer capacity.) Truckdriver (combination o f sizes listed separately) Truckdriver, light (under 1% tons) Truckdriver, medium (1% to and including 4 tons) Truckdriver, heavy {over 4 tons, trailer type) Truckdriver, heavy (over 4 tons, other than trailer type) For wage study purposes, workers are classified by type of truck, as follows: Trucker, power (forklift) Trucker, power (other than forklift) WATCHMAN Makes rounds of premises periodically in protecting property against fire, theft, and illegal entry. Available On Request— The fourth annual report on salaries for accountants, auditors, attorneys, chemists, engineers, engineering technicians, draftsmen, tracers, job analysts, directors of personnel, managers of office services, and clerical employees. Order as BLS Bulletin 1387, National Survey of Professional, Administrative, Tech nical, and Clerical Pay, February—March 1963. 40 cents a copy. Occupational Wage Surveys A list of the latest available bulletins is presented below. A directory indicating dates of earlier studies, and the prices of the bulletins is available upon request. Bulletins may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402, or from any of the BLS regional sales offices shown on the inside front cover. Area Bulletin number Price Akron, Ohio_____________________________ Albany—Schenectady—Troy, N. Y ________ Albuquerque, N. M e x __________________ Allentown—Bethlehem—Easton, P a.—N. J.. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md 1-------------------------------------Beaumont—Port Arthur, T e x ___________ Birmingham, Ala_______________________ Boise, Idaho ____________________________ Boston, Mass 1__________________________ 1345-81 1345-53 1345-63 1345-45 1345-71 1345-23 1345-67 1345-56 1345-74 1345-15 20 20 20 20 25 25 20 20 20 25 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents Buffalo, N. Y 1__ Burlington, Vt Canton, Ohio. Charleston, W. V a _____ Charlotte, N. C _________ Chattanooga, Tenn.—Ga. Chicago, 1111. Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky______________________ Cleveland, Ohio_____________ ____________ Columbus, Ohio 1_________________________ 1345-30 1345-50 1345-64 1345-61 1345-58 1385-5 1345-65 1345-54 1385-11 1345-28 25 25 20 20 20 20 30 20 25 25 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents Dallas, T ex1_____________________________ Davenport—Rock Island—Moline, Iowa—111. Dayton, Ohio___ _________________________ Denver, C olo____________________________ Des Moines, Iowa_____________ Detroit, Mich1_________________ Fort Worth, Tex 1______________ Green Bay, W is_______________ Greenville, S. C ________ Houston, T e x ___________ 1345-21 1385-12 1345-35 1345-32 1345-42 1345-47 1345-27 1385-4 1345-68 1345-82 25 20 20 25 20 25 25 20 20 25 Indianapolis, Ind_________________________ Jackson, M iss___________________________ Jacksonville, F la 1_______________________ Kansas City, M o.—Kans______ ___________ Lawrence—Haverhill, M ass.—N. H _______ Little Rock—North Little Rock, Ark_____ Los Angeles—Long Beach, Calif1________ Louisville, Ky. —Ind 1_____________________ Lubbock, Tex____________________________ Manchester, N. H _______________________ Memphis, Tenn_________________________ 1345-26 1345-43 1345-39 1345-22 1345-77 1385-3 1345-62 1345-48 1345-72 1385-1 1345-36 25 20 25 25 20 20 30 25 20 20 25 Miami, F la_____________________________________ Milwaukee, Wis 1_______________________________ Minneapolis—St. Paul, Minn1___________________ Muskegon—Muskegon Heights, Mich____________ Newark and Jersey City, N. J __________________ New Haven, Conn_______________________________ New Orleans , La 1______________________________ New York, N. Y 1_______________________________ Norfolk—Portsmouth and Newport News— Hampton, Va 1________________________ _____ ___ Oklahoma City, Okla___________ ________________ Bulletin number Price 1345-33 1345-59 1345-38 1345-69 1345-46 1345-37 1345-44 1345-79 20 25 25 20 25 20 25 40 1345-75 1385-2 25 cents 20 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents 20 20 30 20 25 20 25 25 25 20 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents 1345-12 1345-76 1345-31 1345-57 1345-40 1345-24 1345-73 1345-70 1385-7 1345-19 Rockford, 111___________________________________ 1345-55 St. Louis, M o.—I ll1____________________________ 1345-17 Salt Lake City, Utah 1______.____________________ 1345-25 San Antonio, Tex 1______________________________ 1345-78 San Bernardino—Riverside—Ontario, Calif1_____ 1385-9 San Diego, Calif1---------------------------------------------- 1345-10 San Francisco—Oakland, Calif1_________________ 1345-34 Savannah, Ga __________________________________ 1345-60 Scranton, Pa1__________________________________ 1385-8 Seattle, Wash1__________________________________ 1385-10 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents Sioux Falls, S. Dak____________________________ 1345-13 South Bend, Ind________________________________ 1345-52 Spokane, Wash1________________________________ 1345-66 Toledo, Ohio 1__________________________________ 1345-51 Trenton, N. J 1__________________________________ 1345-29 Washington, D .C .—Md.—V a 1____________________ 1345-16 Waterbury, Conn_______________________________ 1345-49 Waterloo, Iowa1________________________________ 1345-20 Wichita, Kans__________________________________ 1385-6 1345-80 Worcester, M ass______________________________ York, Pa_______________________________________ 1345-41 20 20 25 25 25 25 20 25 20 20 20 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents Data on establishment practices and supplementary wage provisions are also presented. Area Omaha, Nebr. —Iowa__________________ Paterson—Clifton—Passaic, N. J________ Philadelphia, P a.-N . J 1_______________ Phoenix, A r iz _________________________ Pittsburgh, P a 1_______________________ Portland, Maine______________________ Portland, Or eg.—Wash________________ Providence—Pawtucket, R. I. —Mass 1__ Raleigh, N. C1_________________________ Richmond, V a _________________________