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Occupational Wage Survey CINCINNATI, OHIO— KEN TUCKY FEBRUARY 1960 Bu letin No. 1265-31 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR James P. Mitchell, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clagoe, Commissioner Occupational Wage Survey CINCINNATI, OHIO-KENTUCKY FEBRUARY 1960 Bulletin No. 1265-31 April 1960 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR James P. Mitchell, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. - Price 25 cents Contents Preface P ag e In trod u ction The B u rea u o f L a b o r S ta tis tic s r e g u la r ly c o n d u cts a r e a w id e w age s u r v e y s in a n u m b er o f im p o rta n t in d u str ia l c e n t e r s . The stu d ie s, m a d e fr o m la te fa ll to e a r ly sp rin g , r e la t e to o c cu p a tio n a l e a rn in g s and r e la te d su p p lem en ta ry b e n e fits . A p r e lim in a r y r e p o r t is a v a ila b le on c o m p le tio n o f the study in e a ch a r e a , u s u a lly in the m on th fo llo w in g the p a y r o ll p e r io d stu d ied. T h is b u lle tin p r o v id e s a d d ition a l data n ot in clu d ed in the e a r lie r r e p o r t . A c o n s o lid a te d a n a ly tica l b u lle tin su m m a r iz in g the r e s u lts o f a ll o f the y e a r 's s u r v e y s is is s u e d a fte r c o m p le t io n o f the fin a l a r e a b u lle tin fo r the c u r r e n t rou n d o f s u r v e y s . T a b le s : T h is r e p o r t w as p r e p a r e d in the B u r e a u 's r e g io n a l o ffic e in C h ica g o , 111. , b y W o o d ro w C. Linn, u nder the d ir e c t io n o f G e o r g e E. V otava, R e g io n a l W age and In d u stria l R e la tio n s A n a ly st. _________________________________________________________________ lo E s ta b lis h m e n ts and w o r k e r s w ith in s c o p e o f su r v e y A: O ccu p a tio n a l e a r n in g s : * A - l . O ffic e o c cu p a tio n s _______________________________ A - 2. P r o fe s s io n a l and te c h n ic a l o c cu p a tio n s -------A - 3. M ain ten an ce and p o w e rp la n t o c c u p a t i o n s _____ A -4 . C u stod ia l and m a t e r ia l m o v e m e n t o c cu p a tio n s B: E s ta b lis h m e n t p r a c t ic e s and su p p le m e n ta ry w age p r o v is io n s : * B -l. Shift d iffe r e n t ia ls ___________________________________________ B -2 . M in im u m en tra n ce s a la r ie s fo r w om en o ffic e w o r k e r s _____________________________________________________ B -3 . S ch ed u led w e e k ly h o u rs ____________________________________ B -4 . P a id h o lid a y s ________________________________________________ B - 5. P a id v a c a tio n s ----------------------------------------------------------------------B -6 . H ealth, in s u r a n ce , and p e n s io n pla n s ----------------------------- A p p en d ix : _______ O ccu p a tio n a l d e s c r i p t i o n s ____________________________________ * N O T E : S im ila r ta bu la tion s fo r m o s t o f th ese ite m s are a v a ila b le in the C in cin n a ti a r e a r e p o r t f o r F e b r u a r y 1952, as w e ll as in s im ila r r e p o r t s fo r the oth er m a jo r a r e a s . A d ir e c t o r y in d ica tin g date o f study and the p r ic e o f the r e p o r t s , is a v a ila b le upon r e q u e s t. C u rre n t r e p o r t s on o c c u p a tio n a l ea rn in g s and su p p le m e n ta r y w age p r a c t ic e s in the C in cin n a ti a r e a a r e a ls o a v a ila b le f o r auto d e a le r r e p a ir sh ops (J u ly 1958), m e n 's and b o y s ' su its and c o a ts (M a r c h 1958), and g ra y ir o n fo u n d r ie s (M ay 1959). Union s c a le s , in d ic a tiv e o f p r e v a ilin g pay le v e ls , a r e a ls o a v a ila b le fo r the fo llo w in g tr a d e s o r in d u s t r ie s : B u ild in g c o n s tr u c tio n , p rin tin g , l o c a l- t r a n s it o p e ra tin g e m p lo y e e s , and m o t o r t r u c k d r iv e r s and h e lp e r s . iii 1 2 00 - j o ^ The C om m u n ity W age S u rvey P r o g r a m 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 Occupational Wage Survey—Cincinnati, Ohio-Ky. Introduction T his area is one of se v e r a l im portant in d u strial cen ters in which the U .S . D epartm ent of L a b o r's B ureau of Labor S ta tistic s has conducted su rveys of occupational earnings and related wage b en efits on an areaw ide b a s is . In this area, data w ere obtained by personal v isits of B ureau field eco n o m ists to rep resen tative estab lish m en ts within s ix broad industry d ivision s: M anufacturing; tran sp ortation , 1 com m u nication, and other public u tilities; w h olesale trade; r e ta il trade; fin an ce, in su ran ce, and rea l estate; and s e r v ic e s . M ajor in dustry groups excluded from th ese stu d ies are governm ent operations and the con stru ction and ex tractive in d u stries. E stab lish m en ts having few er than a p rescrib ed num ber of w ork ers are om itted a lso b ecause they furnish in su fficien t em ploym ent in the occupations studied to w a r rant in clu sion . W herever p o ssib le, sep arate tabulations are provided for each of the broad industry d iv isio n s. T h ese su rveys are conducted on a sam ple b a sis b ecau se of the u n n ecessa ry c o st involved in surveying a ll e sta b lish m en ts. To obtain appropriate accu racy at m inim um c o st, a greater proportion of large than of sm a ll estab lish m en ts is studied. In com bining the data, how ever, a ll esta b lish m en ts are given their appropriate w eight. E stim a tes b ased on the esta b lish m en ts studied are presen ted , th erefo re, as r e lating to a ll esta b lish m en ts in the industry grouping and area, e x cep t for those below the m inim um s iz e studied. O ccupations and E arnings The occupations se le c te d for study are com m on to a variety of m anufacturing and nonm anufacturing in d u stries. O ccupational c la s sifica tio n is based on a uniform se t of job d escrip tion s designed to take account of in terestab lish m en t variation in duties w ithin the sam e job. (See appendix for listin g of th ese d escrip tio n s.) E arnings data are p resen ted (in the A -s e r ie s tab les) for the follow ing types of occupa tions: (a) O ffice cle r ic a l; (b) p ro fession a l and techn ical; (c) m ain te nance and pow er plant; and (d) cu stod ial and m aterial m ovem ent. O ccupational em ploym ent and earnings data are shown for fu ll-tim e w o rk ers, i. e . , those h ired to work a regu lar w eekly sch ed ule in the given occupational cla ssific a tio n . E arnings data exclude prem ium pay for overtim e and for work on w eeken ds, holid ays, and late sh ifts. Nonproduction bon u ses are excluded a lso , but c o st-o fliving bonuses and incen tive earn in gs are inclu ded. W here w eekly hours are reported, as for office c le r ic a l occu p ation s, referen ce is to the work sch ed u les (rounded to the n ea rest half hour) for which stra ig h t-tim e sa la r ie s are paid; average w eekly earn in gs for th ese occupations have been rounded to the n ea rest half d ollar. A verage earnin gs of m en and wom en are p resen ted sep arately for selec te d occupations in which both se x e s are com m only em ployed. D ifferen ces in pay le v e ls of m en and w om en in th ese occupations are la rg ely due to (l) d ifferen ces in the distrib u tion of the se x e s am ong in d u stries and estab lish m en ts; (2) d ifferen ces in sp ecific duties p er form ed, although the occupations are appropriately c la ss ifie d within the sam e su rvey job d escrip tion ; and (3) d ifferen ces in length of s e r v ice or m erit review when individual sa la r ie s are adjusted on this b asis. L onger average se r v ic e of m en would re su lt in higher average pay when both sex es are em ployed w ithin the sam e rate range. Job d escrip tion s used in cla ssify in g em p loyees in th ese su rveys are u su ally m ore g en era lized than those u sed in individual estab lish m en ts to allow for m inor d ifferen ces am ong estab lish m en ts in sp ecific duties perform ed. O ccupational em ploym ent estim a tes rep resen t the total in all estab lish m en ts w ithin the scope of the study and not the num ber actu ally su rveyed . B ecau se of d ifferen ces in occupational stru ctu re am ong esta b lish m en ts, the estim a tes of occupational em ploym ent obtained from the sam ple of estab lish m en ts studied serv e only to indicate the relative im portance of the jobs studied. T h ese d ifferen ces in o ccu pational stru ctu re do not m a teria lly affect the accu racy of the ea rn ings data. E stab lish m en t P r a c tic e s and Supplem entary Wage P ro v isio n s Inform ation is p resen ted also (in the B -s e r ie s tab les) on s e lected estab lish m en t p ra ctices and supplem entary b en efits as they r e late to office and plant w o rk ers. The term "office w o rk ers, " as used in this b ulletin, inclu des working su p erv iso rs and n on su p ervisory w orkers perform ing c le r ic a l or related fu n ction s, and exclu d es adm in istr a tiv e , ex ecu tive, and p ro fessio n a l p erson n el. "Plant w orkers" in clude working forem en and all n on su p ervisory w ork ers (including lea d 1 R ailroad s, fo rm erly excluded from the scope of th ese stu d ies,m en and tra in ees) engaged in nonoffice fu n ction s. A d m in istrative, have been added in n ea rly a ll of the area s to be studied during the ex ecu tive, and p ro fession a l em p lo y ees, and fo rce-a cco u n t con stru ction em p lo yees who are u tilized as a sep arate work force are excluded . w in ter of 1959-60; ra ilroad s w ill be added in the rem aining area s next C afeteria w ork ers and routem en are excluded in m anufacturing in d u s y ea r. F or scope of su rvey in this area, se e footnote to "transporta tion, com m unication, and other public u tilities" in table 1. tries, but are included as plant w ork ers in nonm anufacturing in d u stries. 2 T able E sta b lish m en ts and w o rk ers w ithin sco p e of su rvey and num ber stud ied in C in cin n a ti, Ohio—Ky. , 1 by m ajor in d u stry d iv isio n , 2 F eb ru ary I960 Industry d iv isio n A ll d iv isio n s _ ___ _____ _ _ __ M anufacturing __ __ _ _ _ N onm anufacturing _____ __ __ _ _ _ T ran sp ortation , com m u n ication , and other public u tilitie s 5 ___________________________________ W h olesale trad e ______ _ __ ___ __ R etail trad e _ _ _ __ __ F in a n ce, in su ra n c e , and r e a l e sta te _ S e r v ic e s 7 „ ____ __ _ _ M inim um em p loym en t in e sta b lish m en ts in sco p e of study 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 N um ber of esta b lish m e n ts W ithin sco p e of Studied study 3 775 400 375 64 96 103 47 65 168 88 80 24 12 16 13 15 T o ta l4 W ork ers in esta b lish m e n ts W ithin sco p e of stu<i y P lant O ffice 2 0 5 ,5 0 0 139,2 00 6 6 ,3 0 0 2 6 ,0 0 0 7 ,8 0 0 13,4 0 0 9 ,9 0 0 9 ,2 0 0 3 5 ,0 0 0 2 0 ,1 0 0 14,90 0 4 j 100 (* ) (M (M (6 ) 133,5 00 9 5 ,2 0 0 3 8 ,3 0 0 15,50 0 (M (M (? ) (* ) Studied T o ta l4 120,9 20 8 2 ,5 3 0 3 8 ,3 9 0 2 0 ,3 0 0 1,310 6 ,3 9 0 6 ,1 8 0 4 ,2 1 0 1 The C incinnati M etropolitan A rea (H am ilton C ounty, O hio, and C am pbell and K enton C ou n ties, K entucky). The "w ork ers w ithin sco p e of study" e stim a te s shown in th is tab le provide a reaso n a b ly a c c u r a te d escrip tio n of the s iz e an d com p osition of the lab or force in cluded in the su r v e y . The e stim a te s a r e not in tend ed , h o w ev er, to ser v e a s a b a sis of com p a riso n w ith other area em p loym en t in d e x e s to m ea su r e em p loym en t tren d s or le v e ls sin c e ( l ) planning of w age su rv ey s r e q u ire s the u se of esta b lish m en t data com p iled c o n sid era b ly in ad vance of the payroll p eriod stu d ied , and (2) sm a ll esta b lish m e n ts a r e exclu d ed from the sco p e of the su rv ey . 2 The 1957 r e v is e d edition of the Standard Ind ustrial C la s s ific a tio n M anual w as u sed in c la ssify in g esta b lish m e n ts by in d u stry d iv isio n . M ajor chan ges from the e a r lie r edition (u sed in the B u rea u ’s lab or m ark et w age su rvey p rogram prior to the: w in ter of 1958-59) a r e the tr a n sfe r of m ilk p a steu rization plants and r ea d y -m ix ed co n crete esta b lish m e n ts from trad e (w h o lesa le or r e ta il) to m an u factu rin g, and the tra n sfer of radio and te le v is io n b road castin g from s e r v ic e s to the tran sp ortation , com m u n ication , and other public u tilitie s d iv isio n . 3 Includ es a ll esta b lish m e n ts w ith total em p loym en t at or above the m in im u m -siz e lim ita tio n . A ll o u tlets (w ithin the a r e a ) of com p an ies in such in d u str ie s a s tra d e, fin an ce, auto rep air s e r v ic e , and m o tio n -p ictu re th ea ters a r e c o n sid er e d a s 1 e sta b lish m en t. 4 Includes e x e c u tiv e, p r o fe ssio n a l, and other w o rk e r s exclu d ed from the sep arate o ffice and plant c a te g o r ie s . 5 R ailroad s w ere included; tax icab s and s e r v ic e s in cid en tal to w ater tran sp ortation w ere exclu d ed . 6 T h is in d u s t r y d i v i s i o n i s r e p r e s e n t e d in e s t i m a t e s f o r ju s t ify s e p a r a te p r e s e n ta tio n o f d a ta . " a ll in d u s t r ie s " a nd " n o n m a n u f a c t u r i n g " in th e S e r i e s A a n d B ta b le s , a lt h o u g h c o v e r a g e w a s i n s u f f i c i e n t t o 7 H otels; p erson al s e r v ic e s ; b u sin e ss s e r v ic e s ; au tom ob ile rep air shops; m otion p ictu res; nonprofit m em b ersh ip organ ization s; and en gin eerin g and a r c h itec tu r a l s e r v ic e s . 3 The sum m ary of vacation plans is lim ited to form al arran ge m en ts, excluding inform al plans w hereby tim e off with pay is granted at the d iscretio n of the em p lo yer. Separate estim a tes are provided accord ing to em ployer practice in com puting vacation paym ents, such as tim e paym ents, percen t of annual earn in gs, or fla t-su m am ounts. H ow ever, in the tabulations of vacation allow an ces, paym ents not on a tim e b a sis w ere converted; for exam p le, a paym ent of 2 p ercen t of annual earn ings w as co n sid ered as the equivalent of 1 w e e k 's pay. Data are presen ted for a ll health , in su ran ce, and pension plans for which at le a st a part of the c o st is borne by the em p lo yer, excepting only leg a l req u irem en ts such as w ork m en 's com p ensation and so cia l secu r ity . Such plans include th ose underw ritten by a co m m er cia l insuran ce com pany and those provided through a union fund or paid d irectly by the em p loyer out of cu rren t operating funds or from a fund s e t asid e for this purpose. Death b en efits are included as a form of life in su ran ce. S ick n ess and accid en t in su ran ce is limited* to that type of in surance under which pred eterm in ed ca sh paym ents are m ade d irectly to the insured on a w eekly or m onthly b a sis during illn e s s or accid en t d isa b ility . Inform ation is p resen ted for all such plans to which the em ployer con trib u tes. H ow ever, in New York and New J e r se y , which have enacted tem porary d isa b ility in su ran ce law s which require e m ployer co n trib u tio n s,4 plans are included only if the em p loyer (1) co n tributes m ore than is leg a lly req u ired , or (2) p rovides the em ployee with b en efits which ex ceed the req u irem en ts of the law . Tabulations of paid sic k -le a v e plans are lim ited to form al plans 5 w hich provide full pay or a proportion of the w ork er's pay during ab sen ce from work b ecau se of illn e s s . Separate tabulations are provided accord ing to (l) plans which provide fu ll pay and no w aiting period, and (2) plans providing eith er partial pay or a w aiting p eriod. In addition to the p resentation of the proportions o f w ork ers who are provided sick n ess and accid en t insuran ce or paid sick lea v e, an unduplicated total is shown of w orkers who re ceiv e eith er or both types of b en efits. C atastrophe in su ran ce, so m etim es referred to as, extended m ed ical in su ran ce, inclu des those plans w hich are d esign ed to p rotect em p lo yees in c a se of sick n e ss and injury involving ex p en ses beyond the norm al co vera ge of h osp italiza tio n , m ed ica l, and su rg ica l p lan s. M edical insuran ce re fe r s to plans providing for com p lete or partial paym ent of d octo rs' fe e s . Such plans m ay be underw ritten by co m m er cia l insuran ce com panies or nonprofit organ ization s or they m ay be se lf-in su r e d . T abulations of retirem en t pen sion plans are lim ited to those plans that provide m onthly paym ents for the rem ain d er of the w o rk er 's life . 2 An estab lish m en t w as co n sid ered as having a policy if it m et eith er of the follow ing conditions: (1) O perated late sh ifts at the tim e of the su rvey, or (2) had form al p ro vision s co verin g late sh ifts. 3 Scheduled w eekly hours for office w ork ers (fir st sectio n of table B -3 ) in su rveys m ade prior to late 1957 and ea rly 1958 w ere p resen ted in term s of the proportion of w om en office w orkers e m ployed in o ffices w ith the indicated w eekly hours for w om en w o rk ers. 4 The tem porary d isab ility law s in C aliforn ia and Rhode Island do not require em p loyer con trib u tion s. 5 An estab lish m en t w as co n sid ered as having a form al plan if it esta b lish ed at le a st the m inim um num ber of days of sick lea ve that could be exp ected by each em p lo yee. Such a plan need not be w ritten , but inform al sic k -le a v e a llow an ces, d eterm in ed on an individual b a s is , w ere excluded. Shift d ifferen tial data (table B - l) are lim ited to m anufacturing in d u stries. T his inform ation is p resen ted both in term s of (a) esta b lish m en t p olicy, 2 presen ted in term s of total plant w orker em p loy m ent, and (b) effectiv e p ra ctice, p resen ted on the b a sis of w orkers actually em ployed on the sp ecified sh ift at the tim e of the su rvey. In estab lish m en ts having varied d ifferen tia ls, the am ount applying to a m ajority w as used o r, if no am ount applied to a m ajority, the c la s sifica tio n "other" was u sed . In estab lish m en ts in which som e la te sh ift hours are paid at norm al ra te s, a d ifferen tial was record ed only if it applied to a m ajority of the shift hours. M inim um entrance ra tes (table B -2 ) relate only to the esta b lish m en ts v isite d . They are p resen ted on an estab lish m en t, rather than on an em ploym ent b a s is . P aid holidays; paid vacations; and health , in su ran ce, and pension plans are treated sta tistic a lly on the b a sis that th ese are applicable to all plant or office w orkers if a m a jority of such w ork ers are elig ib le or m ay eventually qualify for the p ra ctices liste d . Scheduled hours are treated sta tistic a lly on the b a sis that th ese are applicable to all plant or office w orkers if a m ajority are c o v e r e d .3 B ecau se of rounding, sum s of individual item s in these tabulations m ay not equal to ta ls. The fir s t part of the paid holidays table p resen ts the num b er of whole and half holidays actually provided. The secon d part com b in es w hole and half holidays to show total holiday tim e . 4 A* Occupational Earnings Table A -l. O ffice Occupations (Average straigh t-tim e w eekly hours and earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky. , February I960) Avkbaqb S e x , o c c u p a t io n , and in d u s t r y d iv is io n Number of workers NUMBER OF WORKERS RECEIVING STRAIGHT-TIME WEEKLY EARNINGS OF— $ Weekly Weekly . 3 5 . 00 hours earnings1 and (Standard) (Standard) u n d er 4 0 . 00 $ 4 0. 00 $ 4 5 . 00 l o . 00 I s . 00 $ 60. 00 $ 65. 00 $ 70. 00 $ 75. 00 $ 80. 00 I s . 00 l o . 00 $9 5 .0 0 fo o .o o ?0 5 .0 0 fio .o o f 15.0 0 f2 0 .0 0 4 5 . 00 5 0. 00 55. 00 60. 00 65. 00 70. 00 75. 00 80. 00 85. 00 9 0. 00 9 5. 00 100 .00 105 .00 110 .00 115 .00 1 20 .00 and over _ - _ - - _ - _ - 14 14 - 32 8 24 32 27 5 - 18 14 4 4 35 20 15 36 22 14 10 33 19 14 9 28 13 15 13 25 22 3 3 8 4 4 2 18 17 1 1 7 5 2 2 2 2 2 _ - _ - M en C l e r k s , a c c o u n tin g , c l a s s A M a n u fa ctu r in g —__________________________ __________ _ N o n m a n u fa c tu rin g --- -------------------------------------------------P u b l ic u t il it i e s * __ _ ____________________________ 279 180 99 42 4 0 . 0 $ 9 5 .5 0 ?o7 T 9 6 .3 0 “ 40. 0 9 3 . 00 4 0 . 0 1 0 2 .5 0 _ - _ - - - - “ C le r k s , a c c o u n tin g , c l a s s B ____________________ __________ M a n u fa ctu r in g ________ -___ _____________ _______ __ N o n m a n u f a c t u r in g _______________________________________ P u b l ic u t ilit ie s a _____________________________________ 158 84 74 25 40. 0 4o. o 3 9 .5 4 0. 0 8 1. 00 8 1. 00 8 0 .5 0 9 2. 00 _ - _ - _ - 6 6 " 4 1 3 - 10 9 1 - 7 7 - 25 15 10 4 30 9 21 4 8 7 1 " 18 3 15 - 18 18 - 23 10 13 13 - _ " C le r k s , o r d e r ________ __ __________________________ — _ M a n u fa ctu r in g ____________________________________________ N o n m a n u fa c tu rin g __ ________________________________ 195 83 112 40. 0 4 0. 0 40. 0 9 2 . 00 9 0. 50 9 3 . 00 _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - - - - - 3 3 - 13 13 - 13 1 12 2 2 " 26 2 24 40 14 26 19 17 2 24 18 6 19 5 14 12 12 2 2 - 7 1 6 15 5 10 - - 3 9 .5 8 4. 00 _ _ _ 9 _ 2 2 9 7 2 5 4 5 5 _ _ 3 5 3 9 .5 3 93 “ 3 9 .5 5 6. 00 5 9. 00 5 2 .5 0 3 3 38 8 30 38 12 26 53 56 17 36 l6 20 15 11 4 34 31 3 6 5 1 7 7 “ 12 2 10 - 2 2 1 1 - 1 1 - - _ - 103 81 3 9 .5 4 o .o 1 0 1 .5 0 T b'o. So i _ _ _ _ _ 1 10 10 8 8 24 18 14 10 19 i5 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 20 — 15“ T a b u la t in g -m a c h in e o p e r a t o r s , c l a s s B _______________ M a n u fa ctu r in g _________________ _______________________ 137 95 3 9. 5 39. $ 9 1 . 50 9 4 . 00 - - T a b u la t in g -m a c h in e o p e r a t o r s , c l a s s C _________________ 84 3 9. 0 76. 50 _ _ _ B i l l e r s , m a c h in e (b illin g m a c h in e ) ______________________ M a n u fa ctu r in g ___ ____ ___________________ _________ N on m a n u fa c tu rin g _______________________________________ 174 98 76 3 9. 0 3 9. 0 3 9 .5 64. 50 63. 5o 66. 00 . - . - . B o o k k e e p in g -m a c h in e o p e r a t o r s , c l a s s A _____ ____ „ M a n u fa ctu r in g ____ ______________ ___________________ N o n m a n u fa c tu rin g _______________________________________ 144 60 84 3 9 .5 3 9 .5 3 9. 0 72. 50 79. 50 67. 50 _ - B o o k k e e p in g -m a c h in e o p e r a t o r s , c l a s s B ___ __________ M a n u fa ctu r in g _____________________________________ ___ N o n m a n u fa c tu rin g _____________________________________ 568 134 4 34 3 9. 0 3370“ 39. 0 60. 50 65. 00 5 9. 50 . - C le r k s , a c c o u n tin g , c l a s s A _____________ ________________ M a n u fa ctu r in g _______________________________ ______ ______ N o n m a n u fa c tu rin g ________ _________ __________________ 373 200 173 84. 00 39. 0 3 9 .5 . “ 8 9 .5 6 38. 5 78. 00 C le r k s , a c c o u n tin g , c l a s s B _________ ______________ __ M a n u fa ctu r in g „ __________ __ _ N o n m a n u f a c t u r in g ______________________ _________________ 885 428 457 3 9. 0 3 9 .5 3 9. 0 64. 50 66. 50 63. 00 _ - C le r k s , f i l e , c l a s s A ______•________________________________ M a n u fa ctu r in g __________________________________________ 112 70 3 9 .5 40. 0 67. 00 68. 50 _ _____________________________ 58 O ffic e b o y s _ _ ________ __ ___________________________ M a n u fa ctu r in g ____________________________________________ N o n m a n u fa c tu rin g _____ ____________________________ C le r k s , p a y r o l l _________ 246 130 116 T a b u la t in g -m a c h in e o p e r a t o r s , c l a s s A ___ ___________ M a n u f a c t u r in g _____ __ ____ ___ ______ _______________ “ “ - - - - - - - - - 1 1 " - 7 2 19 17 23 17 14 8 11 4 14 6 5 5 9 1 9 9 9 9 3 3 4 14 14 2 12 33 9 1 _ _ 3 24 _ _ _ _ _ 4 4 6 6 . . - - _ - - - - " 5 5 " 2 2 1 1 6 6 " 1 1 " _ - _ - - - - _ - _ - _ - " - " 4 4 - W om en See footnotes at end of table. - 48 30 18 25 11 14 20 13 7 16 4 12 34 27 7 6 6 " 14 2 12 1 1 _ " - _ - 37 2 35 16 7 9 46 16 30 20 11 9 10 10 " _ - - _ - _ - 54 9 45 94 14 80 120 18 102 113 20 93 109 43 66 16 12 4 3 3 " 2 2 “ 2 2 - 1 1 - _ - _ - _ - _ - 31 2 29 24 - 2 2 11 42 20 155 ~~u— 22 89 113 37 76 177 68 109 119 82 37 _ 12 15 1 17 11 19 11 - - 2 9 _ - 6 18 23 31 ------5— ------5— 26 18 - . _ - 43 25 18 42 12 30 75 45 30 36 24 12 29 18 11 20 9 11 20 18 2 24 14 10 23 23 " _ - 99 “ 55— 78 26 52 14 12 25 20 i4 12 3 2 3 2 _ - 44 33 23 10 2 5 2 - " - _ " _ " 39 36 4 4 1 1 _ 1 3 > 1 _ _ _ - 5 Table A-l. Office Occupations-Continued (A verage straigh t-tim e w eekly hours and earnings fo r se le cte d occupations studied on an area basis by industry division , Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky. , F eb ru ary I960) Average Sex, occupation, and industry d ivision Number of workers $ $ NUMBER OF WORKERS RECEIVING STRAIGHT-TIME WEEKLY EARNINGS OF— $ $ $ $75. 00 $80. 00 $85. 00 W 00 $9 5.0 0 !o o .o o ! o5.00 h o .o o f 15.00 ?20.00 and 40. 00 45. 00 50. 00 55. 00 60. 00 65. 00 70. 00 75. 00 80. 00 85. 00 90. 00 95. 00 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 o v e r * Weekly Weekly , 35. 00 40. 00 45. 00 50. 00 55. 00 60. 00 65. 00 70. 00 hours 1 earnings and (Standard) (Standard) u n d e r W om en— Continued C lerks, file, class B __________________________________ 374 M anufacturing _______________________________________ 161 Nonmanufacturing ___________________________________ 213 Public u tilities 2 _________________________________ 30 C lerks, order ________ _________________________________ 375 M anufacturing _______________________________________ 2 6 8 N onm anufacturing_______„___________________________ 107 C lerks, payroll _________________________________________ 395 M anufacturing ________________________ _______________ 276 Nonmanufacturing ___________________________________ 119 Public u tilities 2 _________________________________ 32 Com ptom eter operators _______________________________ 298 M anufacturing _______________________________________ 129 Nonmanufacturing ____________________________________ 169 D uplicating-m achine operators (M im eograph or Ditto) ________________________________ 82 Keypunch operators ____________________________________ 538 M anufacturing _______________________________________ 306 Nonmanufacturing _________________ __________________ 232 Public u tilities 2 __________ _______________________ 47 Office g ir ls _____________________________________________ 108 Nonmanufacturing _________________________________ _ 60 S e c r e ta r ie s ______________________________________________ 1, 811 M anufacturing _______________________________________ 1, 048 Nonmanufacturing ____________________, ______________ 763 Public u tilities 2 _________________________________ 182 Stenographers, g e n e r a l__________________________ *_____ 1,’524 M anufacturing _______________________________________ 928 Nonmanufacturing ___________________________________ 596 Public u tilities 2 _________________________ _________ 1 5 2 Switchboard operators _________________________________ 283 Manufacturing _______________________________________ 98 Nonmanufacturing ___________________________________ 185 Public u tilities 2 _________________________________ 60 Switchboard o p er a to r -r ec e p tio n ists____________________ 315 Manufacturing _______________________________________ 156 N onm anufacturing___________________________________ 159 Tabulating-m achine operators, cla ss B _______________ 121 N onm anufacturing____ ______________________________ 89 Tabulating-m achine op erators, cla ss C _______________ 142 Nonmanufacturing ________ __________________________ 113 See footnotes at end o f table. 38. 5 $ 5 2 . 50 3 9 .5 " 5 5 . o5" 38. 0 51. 00 40, 0 58. 00 3 9 .5 65. 00 3 9 .5 64. 00 40. 0 67. 00 3 9 .5 74. 50 3 9 .5 74. 50 39. 0 74. 00 3 9 .5 74. 50 3 9 .5 67. 50 3 9 .5 71. 00 3 9 .5 65. 50 39. 0 39. 0 40. 0 38. 0 40. 0 38. 0 37. 0 39. 0 3 9 .5 38. 5 40. 0 39. 0 * 9 .5 38. 5 40. 0 3 9 .5 39. 5 3 9 .5 40. 0 3 9 .5 3 9 .5 3 9 .5 3 8 .5 38. 0 3 7 .5 37. 0 62. 50 68. 50 73. 50 62. 00 72. 50 49. 00 50. 00 87. 50 89. 50 84. 50 93. 50 70. 00 72. 50 66. 00 81. 00 68. 00 76. 50 63. 50 80. 50 6 6 .5 0 68. 00 65. 00 76. 00 73. 50 59. 50 57. 00 3 3 _ _ - _ - _ - 67 51 16 4 4 3 1 2 _ - " 16 10 6 100 28 72 14 58 46 12 20 17 3 12 8 4 25 13 12 2 64 61 3 38 23 15 6 22 9 13 44 16 28 14 11 11 32 24 8 4 107 19 88 17 36 6 30 36 29 6 49 9 40 1 27 15 9 85 48 37 9 4 60 12 48 7 286 169 117 8 31 11 20 6 84 37 47 19 1 1 143 52 91 14 212 155 57 5 79 27 52 10 7 46 30 76 49 27 12 8 92 15 77 27 15 12 13 6 7 . . _ _ 16 - 8 5 _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - 82 8 74 80 16 64 - 12 12 36 36 18 18 21 48 20 28 9 4 38 13 25 3 145 70 75 16 14 5 9 1 1 25 14 11 5 5 15 14 30 12 18 5 5 6 5 _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ - _ _ - _ - - _ - 40 40 _ - - - - - 20 15 5 64 28 36 59 50 9 2 51 31 20 39 16 23 3 19 17 15 15 - 80 44 36 27 14 13 4 28 13 15 5 47 20 27 15 _ - 148 82 66 1 180 106 74 31 34 8 26 19 53 19 34 32 27 7 5 5 5 2 2 26 £6 53 39 14 6 11 7 4 19 17 2 43 26 17 3 16 6 10 10 8 2 48 33 15 6 3 3 5 5 22 16 6 3 4 2 2 14 8 6 2 12 7 5 9 8 1 9 47 34 13 7 1 1 182 128 54 8 3 104 98 6 1 1 1 210 97 113 14 2 22 22 2 6 6 147 128 19 8 28 18 10 8 21 8 13 193 151 42 29 19 18 1 13 10 21 18 4 _ _ - _ - 14 12 2 2 _ _ 1 1 _ - _ 13 11 2 2 8 8 - - _ 3 1 2 5 5 _ _ _ - _ - - - _ _ _ - " - - - - - 4 2 2 - _ 1 1 _ _ - - - _ - _ - - - - 2 10 6 4 4 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ - - - - 109 69 40 18 80 57 23 12 75 49 26 8 76 40 36 35 7 7 152 104 48 9 34 19 15 15 8 8 8 3 5 5 1 1 7 7 24 14 10 1 2 2 66 40 26 22 1 1 - - - _ _ " 215 114 101 34 71 53 18 " 36 6 30 30 7 5 2 7 3 1 309 217 92 31 - - _ . . _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ - _ - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ - - - - - - - - 6 5 1 1 1 3 7 _ - 2 _ _ _ _ _ 9 9 _ - - - _ - _ _ - _ 6 Table A -l. Office Occupations-Continued (Average straigh t-tim e w eekly hours and earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky. , F ebruary I960) N U M B E R OF W ORKERS RECEIVING STRAIG H T-TIM E W EEKLY EA R N IN G S OF— Avebaqe Sex, occupation, and industry division Number of workers $35. 00 $ 40. 00 45. 00 l o . 00 %5. 00 $ 60. 00 *65. 00 $70. 00 $75. 00 $80. 00 40. 00 45. 00 50. 00 60. 00 65. 00 80. 00 W eekly, W eekly . hours 1 earnings 1 and (Standard) (Standard) under 55. 00 70. 00 75. 00 *85. 00 $90. 00 *95.00 fo o .o o fo5.0 0 f i o . o o f 15.00 f 20.00 and 85. 00 90. 00 95. 00 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 over Women— Continued 1 T ra n scrib in g-m a ch in e o p e ra to rs , general _____________ M anufacturing _ _ Nonmanufacturing ________ ____________________ ___ ~2J0 197 39. 0 $63. 00 39. s 64. 00 38.5 61. 00 _ " _ - 19 6 13 41 lo 31 108 -5 7 41 107 48 59 64 47 17 47 20 27 22 20 2 12 10 2 T yp ists, cla ss A ______________________________ _______ M anufacturing Nonmanufacturing ____________________________________ P u blic u tilities 2 ___________________________________ 582 353 229 105 39.5 3 9.5 39. 0 40. 0 68. 72. 62. 64. 50 50 50 00 _ - - - - 18 18 25 2 23 5 91 39 52 21 93 52 41 29 116 “ 38 — 58 42 67 48 19 2 39 28 11 3 76 T5— _ 1,314 754 560 28 39. 0 40. 0 38.5 3 9.5 58. 60. 54. 54. 00 50 50 50 _ - 60 28 32 207 294 69----- 164 138 130 1 11 249 129 120 14 218 ~7T2— 106 2 117 90 27 105 100 5 47 45 2 —J J — T yp ists, c la s s B ____________ __________ ____________ _ M a n u fa ctu rin g ___ Nonmanufacturing ________ ________ _______ P u blic u tilit ie s 2 __ ... ..... . 427 " 5 3 - 13 _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - l l - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 3 3 _ _ _1 ' ' ' _ _ _ -----3 _ _ _ 4 4 1 3 2 49 46 3 . 2 _ 2 _ - ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ “ ■ ‘ Standard hours reflect the workweek for which em ployees receive their regular straigh t-tim e sa la ries and the earnings correspond to th ese w eekly hours. Transportation, com m unication, and other public u tilities. 3 W orkers w ere distributed as follow s: 9 at $120 to $130; 10 at $130 to $140; 1 at $140 and over. 4 W orkers w ere distributed as follow s: 12 at $120 to $125; 2 at $125 and over. Table A-2. Professional and Technical Occupations (Average straigh t-tim e w eekly hours and earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky. , February I960) N U M B E R OF W ORKERS RECEIVING STRAIG H T-TIM E W EEKLY EA R N IN G S OF— Avebage Sex, occupation, and industry division Number of workers W eekly W eekly j Under hours earnings (Standard) (Standard) $5. 00 I s . 00 and under 80. 00 l o . 00 85. 00 85. 00 9 0 . 00 $ $ $ $ 95. 00 100.00 1*05. 00 110.00 f 15.00 ?20.00 ?25.00 f30.00 f35.00 f40.00 f45.00 ?50.00 {55.00 and 95. 00 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 130.00 135.00 140.00 145.00 150.00 155.00 ov er 9 0 . 00 Men 40. 0 $139. 00 40. 0 130.50 _ _ - - _ - 5 5 - 34 34 6 6 D raftsm en, leader ----- -------- ----------------------- -------- ----------M anufacturing ________________________________________ 113 83 D raftsm en, sen ior ______________________________________ M anufacturing ________________________________________ Nonmanufacturing __________________________________ 619 “ 555 64 40. 0 40. 0 3 9.5 116. 50 115.00 131.00 - D raftsm en, junior _______________________________ ^_____ M anufacturing __________ ___________________________ 432 392 40. 0 40. 0 92.00 9 1 . 00 117 108 40. 0 39.5 94. 50 93. 00 _ _ _ - 2 2 _ - 8 8 7 7 1 1 15 15 12 10 8 8 8 8 21 14 1 1 4 4 2 26 5 3 3 - 21 20 1 24 22 2 13 13 - 33 32 1 70 64 6 167 165 2 46 42 4 83 73 10 51 41 10 30 30 - 28 21 7 27 20 7 _ - - - 18 4 14 " 36 34 54 53 59 59 72 63 58 52 26 19 48 48 35 27 10 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - 9 7 11 11 13 12 18 17 32 32 10 10 2 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 _ 3 _ - _ Women N urses, industrial (reg istered ) ___ _________ __________ Manufacturing _______________________ ,________________ 1 Standard hours reflect the workweek for which em ployees receive their regular straigh t-tim e salaries and the earnings correspond to th ese w eekly hours. 2 W orkers w ere distributed as follow s: 10 at $ 155 to $ 165; 2 at $ 165 to $ 175; 7 at $ 175 to $ 185; 7 at $ 185 to $ 195. " 2 _ ■ > _ " 7 Table A-3. Maintenance and Powerplant Occupations (Average straigh t-tim e hourly earnings for m en in selected occupations studied on an area b asis by industry division, Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky. , F ebruary I960) % $ $ $ Occupation and industry division Under ‘a„6a° 1. 70 1.80 1.90 $ 1.60 under 1.70 1.80 1.90 2 .0 0 _ _ _ _ _ 278 $2. 72 M anufacturing------------------------------------------------ 196 2 .6 5 N onm anufacturing-----------------------------------------82 2. 89 E lectrician s, m ainten ance---------------------------------- 822 2. 81 1 2 1 9 M anufacturing----------------------------------------------— ~“ 5S9----- 2. 84 3 N onm anufacturing------------------------------------------ 233 2. 72 2 6 1 1 Public u tilities 3----------------------------------------- 185 2. 70 1 1 2 6 _ E ngineers, station ary----------------------------------------- 312 2 .9 0 8 1 M anufacturing------------------------------------------------ 171 ir o T " N onm anufacturing------------------------------------------ 141 2. 71 8 1 " F irem en, stationary b o ile r — ------------------------------ 485 2. 46 18 19 13 M anufacturing — ------------------------—--------------— “ T83----- 1. 48 10 13 14 2. 36 4 Nonmanufacturing------------------------------------------- 101 9 " " H elpers, trad es, m ainten ance--------------------------- 373 10 33 2.12 12 36 5 M anufacturing------------------------------------------------ ~TZh 10 " 13 2. 1Z 7 36 - 20 Nonm anufacturing----------------------------------------— 107 2. 10 5 5 Public u tilities 3 ---------------------------------------- 98 2. 13 5 - 20 M achine-tool op erators, toolroom --------------------- 486 2. 80 i 3 M anufacturing------------------------------------------------- 486 2. 80 3 i " " M achinists, m ainten ance------------------------------------ 448 14 2. 78 1 M anufacturing --------------------------------------------------------------------- 380 14 2.81 1 68 N onm anufacturing -----------------------------------------------------------2 .59 Public u tilities 3 --------------------------------------------------------2. 54 63 M echanics, autom otive (m aintenance) ---------------------- 566 2. 50 4 42 M anufacturing --------------------------------------------------------------------95 2.71 - -----7 4 35 N onm anufacturing ------------------------------------------------------------ 471 2 .4 6 4 35 Public u tilities 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- 454 2 .4 6 " _ _ 18 M echanics, m a in ten an ce --------------------------------------------------- 738 2. 56 7 12 - ------7“ TB— M anufacturing------------------------------------------------- “ s s * — 2 .5 8 N onm anufacturing-----------------------------------------54 2. 31 12 " M illw rights---------------------------------------------------------- 361 2. 86 M anufacturing------------------------------------------------ “ 551------ “ 2785— " _ _ O ile r s____________________________________________ 207 3 ------j— 4 2. 38 1 ---- 4— M anufacturing------------------------------------------------ ~T73------ “ Z 7n — _ _ _ 2 P ainters, m ainten ance---------------------------------------- 271 2. 67 5 - -----3— M anufacturing------------------------------------------------ “ TS?------ “ 2770— 87 2 .62 2 N onm anufacturing-----------------------------------------2 31 2 .4 4 Public u tilities 3 --------------------------------------" _ _ _ _ _ P ip efitters, m a in ten a n c e ----------------------------------- 275 2 .93 M anufacturing------------------------------------------------ ~TUB------ “ 2793— " “ Sheet-m etal w orkers, m a in ten an ce------------------2 .9 3 85 M anufacturing-------------------------------- --------------- — 71------ “ 3799— _ _ 2 .9 6 Tool and die m akers ------------------------------------------ 741 M an u factu rin g----------------------------------------------- “ 7?I------ “ 2798 “ “ Number of Average hourly , earnings N U M B E R OF W O R K E R S R E C E IV IN G S T R A IG H T -T IM E H O U R L Y E A R N IN G S OF— $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 .0 0 2. 10 2 .2 0 2 .3 0 2. 40 2. 50 2. 60 2. 70 2. 80 2 .9 0 3. 00 3. 10 3.20 3.30 3. 40 3. 50 3. 60 and 2. 10 2 .2 0 2. 30 2.40 2. 50 2. 60 2 .7 0 i 2 .8 0 2 .9 0_. 3. 00 3. 10_ 3.20 _3.30_ _3.40 . 3. 50 3. 60 over _ 5 34 10 31 66 14 27 16 16 3 6 5 26 19 15 1 6 5 Z7 " 25 31 6 2 14 27 9 19 4 41 5 3 1 1 1 *26 “ “ 123 133 93 49 8 1 10 46 117 57 11 64 1 6 39 51 4 4 36 37 41 21 55 11 62 117 56 93 47 1 1 4 3 14 5 96 2 2 6 77 2 6 6 4 3 14 3 64 2 2 6 77 “ 4 7 3 27 8 36 27 18 1 4 3 20 75 64 6 24 3 21 8 36 4 8 3 1 21 18 l 6 3 2 4 2 12 51 63 ~ “ " “ 18 54 97 43 54 40 63 13 6 1 37 9 - Z4 43 18 53 49 13 5 45 ' 30 ' 58 9 1 5 1 13 1 48 9 10 31 20 8 104 35 56 7 16 17 4 31 ZO 16 6 77 29 6 27 3 2 39 23 3 2 6 39 67 53 4 4 28 47 21 27 4 41 114 22 29 21 4 114 22 67 53 4 4i 4 28 47 21 27 29 21 ■ ■ 13 13 70 65 4 13 61 51 30 8 6 99 4 8 64 12 13 61 51 30 8 6 9 99 5 4 53 6 53 4 6 13 37 80 25 109 11 26 55 51 47 66 4 3 7 26 11'' 10 1 4 4 9 9 4 2 24 105 38 63 28 76 41 51 4 2 24 94 38 63 28 76 51 35 * _ “ ■ 18 62 13 22 64 106 69 17 81 79 91 79 13 " 18 62 — TF“ i f .... — rs ~ 5 I---- “ 79“ 106"" 52 -----7T~ ....9T 17 5 6 13 “ " 1 58 6 137 20 24 40 41 3 14 18 14 M rs — zO 24 40 41 3 6 137... 58 ' ■ ■ ” 4 7 20 17 17 14 45 43 3 29 4 7 17 17 3 — TT“ “ *5---- 13 20 " _ “ “ ■ 29 “ 3 16 5 22 37 38 15 52 5 21 24 25 1 - — 5— 21 — 9— 17 — n r T5 — W ~ 2 15 6 37 3 3 16 1 24 8 12 15 1 1 7 8 15 “ ■ ~ ■ “ “ _ _ 48 2 62 12 33 6 ----- 3j — 91 4 3 11 48 — 9T “ 62 * _ “ “ ■ “ - ----- T - — 3---- 11 . -------5“ “ 33“ ------ 6“ 4 26 17 4 3 14 10 4 1 2 4 26 4 3 i 4 10 4 3 1 2 “ “ “ _ " - 24 163 34 81 123 18 47 171 2 27 12 39 163 34 81 123 18 47 171 ■ “ ” - ""24 ----- T ~ - ""27... -----12“ 39 Excludes prem ium pay for overtim e and for work on w eekends, holidays, and late shifts W orkers w ere distributed as follow s: 25 at $ 3 .7 0 to $3.80 ; 1 at $ 3 .8 0 and over. Transportation, com m unication, and other public u tilitie s. 8 Table A-4. Custodial and Material Movement Occupations Occupation1 and industry division Elevator operators, passenger (women) --------Nonm anufacturing-------------------------------------G uards----------------------------------------------------------Manufacturing-------------------------------------------N onm anufacturing-------------------------------------Public u tilities4------------------------------------Janitors, p orters, and cleaners (m en )----------M anufacturing------------------------------------------Nonm anufacturing-------------------------------------Public utilities4------------------------------------Janitors, porters, and cleaners (wom en)-------M anufacturing------------------------------------------Nonm anufa c tu r ing--------------------------------------Public utilities4 ------------------------------------Laborers, m aterial handling--------------------------M anufacturing------.------------------------------------Nonmanufacturing--------------------------------------Public utilities 4------------------------------------Order fille rs -------------------------------------------------M anufacturing------------------------------------------N onm anufacturing-------------------------------------Packers, shipping (m en)--------------------------------Manufacturing--------------------------------------------Nonm anufacturing-------------------------------------Packers, shipping (women)----------------------------M anufacturing------------------------------------------Receiving c le rk s--------------------------------------------M anufacturing-------------------------------------------Nonmanufacturing -------------------------------------Shipping c lerk s----------------------------------------------Manufa cturing--------------------------------------------Nonm anufacturing-------------------------------------Shipping and receiving clerks -------------------------M anufacturing------------------------------------------Nonmanufacturing -------------------------------------Truckdrivers 5---------------------------------------------— M anufacturing------------------------------------------Nonm anufacturing-------------------------------------Public u tilities4------------------------------------Truckdrivers, light (under lVa to n s)---------Manufacturing -------------------------------------Nonmanufacturing -------------------------------Truckdrivers, medium (l1/* to and including 4 to n s ) -------------------- ---------Manufacturing -------------------------------------Nonmanufacturing -------------------------------Public utilities 4 -----------------------------See footnotes at end of table. (Average straight-tim e hourly earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky. , February I960) NUMBER OF WORKERS RECEIVING STRAIGHT-TIME HOURLY EARNINGS OF— $ $ $ $ $ $ |$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Average Number of hourly 2 Under 1. 00 1.40 1.50 11. 60 1.70 1.80 1 . 9 0 2.00 2. 10 2.20 2. 30 2. 40 2. 50 2. 60 $2. 70 1.30 1.20 1. 10 workers earnings $ and under 1.00 1. 10 1.20 1. 30 1.40 1. 50 1.60 1.70 1.80 __1.. 90 2. 00 2.10 _ 2.20 2. 30 2. 40 _2. 50 2. 60 -2._7.0_ 2,80 38 3 3 11 1 65 $1. 13 9 63 1. 13 38 3 1 1 11 39 “ " “ “ “ “ " " ■ 8 3 3 2 2 57 48 43 7 619 2. 35 52 106 181 22 41 19 1 ! 567 2. 33 8 2 2 1 6 48 98 r s r 18 r 39 42 19 i 56 48 52 2. 55 1 4 1 1 1 8 4 1 2 3 i - | -1 5 1 43 2. 72 4 8 1 4 2 - ! 2, 626 1. 72 15 272 62 139 220 78 142 321 134 294 155 244 116 196 205 4 10 19 "1,800 .. 1.90 6 57 51 75 61 288 92 264 152 191 111 196 2TT4" 4 10 19 19 826 1.33 82 169 3 81 30 15 253 56 33 42 3 53 5 1 104 1. 77 3 4 5 6 5 16 23 32 5 4 1 20 179 35 53 26 30 8 21 12 8 12 2 509 1.32 29 74 4 22 3 7 8 8 13 12 21 2 119 1.64 19 - 12 390 1.22 20 179 32 25 52 34 19 17 8 80 1. 59 4 4 36 16 - 12 2,917 2. 02 68 40 137 107 157 175 360 252 300 344 77 260 171 78 62 247 9 69 78 r~ 33 68 T4 81 96 14? 175 360 197 239 223 J8 256 141 2,282 ' t : 98 74 9 “42 - 16 - 29 173 - 27 4 30 635 2. 18 56 12 12 55 61 121 39 4 322 2. 52 7 5 92 12 29 173 “ 761 1.84 38 19 37 51 46 40 71 16 58 80 110 58 10 46 60 - | 26 - 10 416 1.84 7 37 15 46 ! 16 17 4 28 45 74 22 48 24 345 1.85 54 12 30 24 12 35 36 58 12 12 " 36 “ 571 1. 69 24 1 3 43 45 70 77 94 50 44 12 28 30 13 29 9 430 1.71 3 43 45 68 70 23 24 70 26 14 12 22 1 9 141 1. 62 24 24 24 30 12 6 6 6 9 64 173 1.72 7 34 27 18 3 2 9 9 150 1.83 27 3 64 18 2 27 9 - : 2 74 1.96 2 28 34 17 4 6 12 2 2 20 12 33 13 24 5 24 6 26 - 26 T9U 2. 04 20 ” 13 17 5 2 6 22 28 11 21 15 84 1. 76 6 12 2 2 2 20 6 6 2 3 2 9 - 12 - 28 - 12 25 26 21 14 12 205 2. 07 9 19 24 - 16 133 2. 12 6 6 24 19 IT 11 25 3 72 1.97 12 13 18 2 2 1 1 6 * - 12 ' 235 2.25 4 1 23 25 24 4 17 23 7 12 20 9 66 185 2.29 23 1 11 1 1 12 22 22 4 66 4 2 50 2. 09 3 15 12 1 3 2 5 9 " 8 102 44 28 22 24 5v 115 613 462 464 284 2,915 2. 51 22 12 19 15 18 5 09 43 8 48 2.28 10 13 17 8 50 56 52 34 81 5 13 69 1 2,406 2. 56 15 10 5 52 16 11 12 12 19 5 59 561 428 383 225 14 10 1,825 2. 64 3 4 1 55 295 341 220 290 " " 1 - 17 17 242 2. 03 6 13 25 5 5 9.2 22 12 7 5 7 9 - ” 11 12 5 5 95 1.90 10 13 7 5 7 11 9 5 147 2. 11 6 13 81 12 12 12 6 965 736 583 229 2.46 2. 51 2. 64 2 .2 7 _ _ ' ' _ i ! 1 _ ‘ 10 10 15 15 ' ' 15 5 10 10 11 6 5 8 8_ 64 28 36 19 19 2 2 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 10 41 39 2 2 57 33 24 20 83 17 66 310 15 295 295 53 53_ ' $ $ $ 2.80 2.90 3. 00 and 2.90 3. 00 over “ 2424 24 4 4 2 z 2 2 604 12 592 592 - 151 116 1 150 116 150 116 _ _ 19 19 5 5 - _ 2 2 10 10 _ - ' ’ - 9 Table A-4. Custodial and Material Movement Occupations-Continued (Average straigh t-tim e hourly earnings for selected occupations studied on an area basis by industry division, Cincinnati, Ohio—Ky. , February I960) Occupation 1 and industry division Number of workers Truckdrivers:5--- Continued Truckdrivers, heavy (over 4 tons, trailer type) __________________________ Manufacturing __________________ _____ Nonmanufacturing _____________________ Public utilities 4 ____________________ Truckdrivers, heavy (over 4 tons, other than traile r type) __ ________ __ Truckers, power (forklift)___________________ Manufacturing _____________*______________ Nonmanufacturing _______________________ Public utilities 4 _____________ _________ 340 1, 173 1,057 116 66 Truckers, power (other than forklift) ________ Watchmen __ _____ ___ „ __ __________ Manufacturing _____________-______________ Nonmanufacturing ________________________ 1 a 3 4 5 Average hourly .* ^nder earnings 1. 00 973 $2.59 106 i.S 'i' 867 2.59 591 2. 62 NUMBER OF WORKERS RECEIVING STRAIGHT-TIME HOURLY EARNINGS OF— $1. 00 $1. 10 $1. 20 30 $1.40 $1.50 $1. 60 $1.70 $1. 80 1.90 1. 00 $2. 10 $2. 20 $2. 30 1.40 1. 50 $2. 60 $2. 70 $2. 80 $2. 90 %. 00 and under and 1. 10 1. 20 1.30 1.40 1. 50 1.6 0 1.70 1.80 _1_. 90__ 2. 00 2. 10 2. 20 2. 30 2. 40 2. 50 2. 60 2. 70 2. 80 2. 90 3.00 over 9 9 - 18 18 - 352 142 9 352 133 250 - 142 120 - 45 142 75 106 70 177 12 165 165 6 53 53 " 173 138 35 35 46 42 4 4 60 28 32 - 33 4 100 223 88 223 12 - 241 10 10 - 67 40 27 27 56 12 4 22 49 5 56 53 3 19 18 1 - - - - - - - - - 2. 61 2. 29 2. 28 2. 34 2.40 . " . ~ - . - - - - " . “ 8 2 6 " 5 5 - 43 43 - 51 5l " 241 241 " 96 2. 18 _ . _ . . . . . 2 . 345 25l> 89 1. 69 1. 79 1.39 " 24 20 4 14 14 24 18 6 49 49 28 26 2 45 42 3 2 2 3 3 31 29 2 “ - Data lim ited to m en w orkers except where otherw ise indicated. Excludes prem ium pay for overtim e and for work on w eekends, holidays, and late shifts. A ll w orkers w ere at $ 0 .8 0 to $ 0 .9 0 . Transportation, com m unication, and other public u tilities. Includes all drivers regard less of size and type of truck operated. 3 3 - 10 10- - - ! 16 2 6 2 — 5“ — IF " _ " - . . 2 _ . 2 2 24 24 " * " “ ~ - _ - - 93 93 - “ _ . - - * ■ 10 B: Establishment Practices and Supplementary Wage Provisions Table B-l. Shift Differentials (P er cent of m anufacturing plant w o rk ers in esta b lish m e n ts having form al p r o v isio n s for shift w ork, and in esta b lish m e n ts a ctu ally op erating late sh ifts by type and am ount of d ifferen tia l, C in cinnati, Ohio—Ky. , F eb ru ary I960) Shift d ifferen tia l T otal _____________ _____________________________ _ With shift pay d ifferen tia l ______________________ U niform cen ts (per hour) ___________________ 5 cen ts _______________________________ ____ 6 cen ts ____________________________________ 7 or 7Vz c en ts ................ 8 cen ts ____________________________________ 9 cen ts ____________________________________ 10 c en ts _ . . . . . . 11 cen ts 12 c e n t s ____________________________ _____ 13 or 13 y 3 cen ts _____ _________________ 14 cen ts ___________________________________ 15 c e n t s ___________________________________ 16 cen ts _. . . ...... .. _ . . 17 ce n ts ___________________________________ 18 V 3 cen ts ________________________________ 19 c en ts ___________________________________ 2 0 c en ts _ _ U niform p e r c e n ta g e __________________________ 5 p ercen t _________.._______________________ 7 V2 p ercen t ___ 10 p e r c e n t _________________________________ O ver 10 p e r c e n t___________________________ 8 hours* pay for 7 h ou rs' w ork O ther form al pay d iffe r e n tia l_______________ No shift pay d iffe r e n tia l________________________ In esta b lish m e n ts having form al p ro v isio n s 1 for— Second shift T hird or other w ork shift w ork 79. 7 79. 4 5 0 .4 3. 0 7. 0 3. 6 3. 3 23. 5 1. 7 1. 6 1. 5 2. 7 - 2. 5 26. 4 9. 8 1. 6 13. 5 1. 5 1. 0 1. 6 .3 62. 6 62. 3 36. 3 - 1 .3 2. 3 13.4 4. 7 .8 1.4 2. 5 .2 1. 2 1. 5 1. 7 2. 5 16. 4 1. 7 14. 7 _ 9 .6 .3 2. 8 In esta b lish m e n ts actu ally op eratin g— T hird or other Second shift shift 16. 2 16.2 9. 5 .7 .4 .6 3. 8 .5 .6 .2 .1 2. 0 - .6 6. 7 3. 0 .6 2. 9 .2 _ ( 2) ( 2) 4. 1 4. 1 2. 5 .1 .1 .5 .5 ( 2) .2 .1 ( 2) .2 .2 .3 .3 1. 3 .2 1. 1 - _ .3 ( 2) 1 In clu d es esta b lish m e n ts cu rren tly op erating late sh ifts, and esta b lish m e n ts w ith form al p r o v isio n s coverin g late sh ifts even though th ey w ere not cu rren tly op erating late sh ifts. 2 L e ss than 0. 05 percen t. 11 Table B-2. Minimum Entrance Salaries for W om en O ffice W orkers (D istrib u tion of esta b lish m e n ts studied in a ll in d u str ie s and in in dustry d iv isio n s by m inim um entran ce sa la ry for s e le c te d c a te g o r ie s of in ex p erien ced w om en office w o r k e r s, C in cinnati, Ohio—Ky. , F eb ru ary I960) M inimum weekly salary 1 E stablishm ents stu d ie d __________________________ E stablishm ents having a specified m in im u m ____ $40. 00 and under $42. 50 ____________________ $42. 50 and under $45. 00 ____________________ $45. 00 and under $47. 50 ____________________ $ 47. 50 and under $ 50. 00 ____________________ $ 50. 00 and under $ 52. 50 ____________________ $ 52.50 and under $ 55.00 ____________________ $ 55. 00 and under $ 57. 50 ____________________ $ 57. 50 and under $ 60. 00 ____________________ $ 60. 00 and unde r $ 62. 50 ____________________ $ 62. 50 and under $ 65. 00 ____________________ $ 65. 00 and under $ 67. 50 ____________________ $ 67. 50 and under $ 70. 00 ____________________ $ 7 0. 00 and under $ 72. 50 ____________________ $ 72. 50 and under $ 75. 00 ____________________ $ 75. 00 and under $ 77.50 ____________________ $ 77. 50 and under $ 80. 00 ___________________ $ 80. 00 and over _____________________________ E stablishm ents having no specified m inim um ___ E stablishm ents which did not employ w orkers in this c a te g o ry ________________________________ Data not available _______________________________ All in dustries Inexperienced typists Nonm anufacturing M anufacturing B ased on standard weekly h o u rs 3 of— All All 40 40 schedules schedule s 168 86 10 7 15 3 12 9 7 2 5 3 3 5 1 1 3 27 88 54 5 3 7 2 11 4 5 1 4 3 1 5 1 54 1 17 1 XXX 47 5 2 7 2 9 3 4 4 2 1 5 1 - - - 2 2 16 80 32 5 4 8 1 1 5 2 1 1 2 XXX 25 4 2 5 1 5 2 1 1 2 - - - - - XXX 1 1 11 XXX XXX 37 XXX - XXX 1 1 XXX All in du stries O ther inexperienced clerica l w orkers 2 M anufacturing Nonm anufacturing Based on standard weekly h o u rs 3 of— All All 40 40 schedules schedules 168 92 13 9 15 3 12 8 9 3 4 2 4 5 1 1 3 30 88 54 6 4 6 2 9 4 5 2 4 2 2 5 1 45 1 16 1 XXX 47 6 3 6 2 7 3 4 1 4 1 2 5 1 - - - 2 2 17 80 38 7 5 9 1 3 4 4 1 XXX 29 5 3 5 3 4 4 1 - - - 2 2 - - - - - - XXX 1 1 13 XXX XXX 29 XXX - XXX 1 1 XXX L ow est sa la ry rate form a lly esta b lish e d for h irin in ex p erien ced w o r k e r s for typing or other c le r ic a l jo b s. R ates ap p licab le to m e s s e n g e r s, o ffice g ir ls , or im ilar su b cle r ic a l job s a re not con sid ered . H ours r e fle c t the w orkw eek for w hich em p lo y e e s e c eiv e th eir regu lar str a ig h t-tim e s a la r ie s. Data a re p resen ted for a ll w ork w eek s com b ined , and for the m o st com m on w orkw eek reported . 12 Table B-3, Scheduled W e e k ly Hours (P ercen t d istrib u tion of o ffice and plant w o rk ers in a ll in d u str ie s and in in dustry d iv isio n s by sch edu led w eek ly hours of fir s t-s h ift w o r k e r s, C in cinnati, O hio—Ky. , F eb ru ary I960) OFFICE WORKERS W eekly h ou rs All w o rk ers _____________________________________ 35 h o u r s __________ _______ _ _________________ O ver 35 and under 37 V2 h o u r s ________________ 37 V2 h o u r s _______ _____ ________________________ O ver 37 V2 and under 40 hours -----------------------40 h o u r s ___________________________ ___________ 44 h o u r s ___________________________ ____________ 45 hours _ __ ____ ____________________________ 48 h o u r s _________________________________________ 50 h o u r s _________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 All industries 100 6 5 8 2 79 (4 ) (4 ) 1 PLANT WORKERS Manufacturing Public utilities2 100 100 (4 ) 10 2 87 - 1 98 1 - All industries3 Manufacturing Public utilities2 100 100 - - 100 (4 ) 3 (4 ) 93 1 1 1 (4 ) Includ es data for w h o le sa le trad e; r e ta il trad e; finance, in su rance, and r ea l e sta te ; and s e r v ic e s in addition to th ose in d u stry d iv isio n s shown sep a ra tely . T ran sp ortation , com m un ication , and oth er public u tilitie s. Includ es data for w h o le sa le trad e, r e ta il trad e, r e a l e sta te , and s e r v ic e s in ad dition to th ose in d u stry d iv isio n s shown sep a ra tely . L e ss than 0. 5 p ercen t. 3 96 1 - 5 1 2 91 13 Table B-4. Paid Holidays ( P e r c e n t d i s t r ib u t io n o f o f f i c e a n d p la n t w o r k e r s in a l l in d u s t r i e s a n d in i n d u s t r y d i v i s i o n s b y n u m b e r o f p a id h o l id a y s p r o v i d e d a n n u a l ly , C i n c i n n a t i , O h io —K y . , F e b r u a r y I 9 6 0 ) OFFICE WORKERS I te m All industries1 A l l w o r k e r s __________________________________________ W o r k e r s in e s t a b l i s h m e n t s p r o v id i n g p a id h o l id a y s W o r k e r s in e s t a b l i s h m e n t s p r o v id i n g n o p a id h o l id a y s Manufacturing PLANT WORKERS Public utilities 2 All industries^ Manufacturing Public utilities 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 100 99 99 97 1 1 3 ( 4) ( 4) ( 4) ( 4) ( 4) Number of days L e s s th a n 5 h o l i d a y s 5 h o l id a y s 5 h o l id a y s p lu s 1 h a l f d a y _______________________ 6 h o l id a y s 6 h o l id a y s p lu s 1 h a l f d a y _______________________ 6 h o l id a y s p lu s 2 h a l f d a y s ______________________ 7 h o l id a y s ___________________________________________ 7 h o l id a y s p lu s 1 h a lf d a y 7 h o l id a y s p lu s 2 h a lf d a y s 8 h o l id a y s 9 h o l id a y s 9 h o l id a y s p lu s 2 h a lf d a y s __ .... 10 h o l id a y s _ _ .. _ . 1 1 28 7 8 41 2 1 8 1 1 16 3 11 47 3 - 15 1 2 82 - 4 1 1 1 ( 4) 1 32 24 2 2 20 15 33 35 1 1 12 _ _ 31 _ _ 65 _ _ _ _ 14 - 2 - 1 1 8 2 _ _ _ _ 1 _ - - - - - 1 2 11 _ _ 2 17 - 13 20 - 62 79 82 98 99 99 99 99 99 ( 4) 1 3 Total holiday time5 10 d a y s ______________________________________________ 9 o r m o r e d a y s _____________________________________ 8 o r m o r e d a y s _____________________________________ 7 V2 o r m o r e d a y s __________________________________ 7 or m o re days . 6 V2 o r m o r e d a y s __________________________________ 6 o r m o r e d a y s ____________________________________ 5 Va o r 5 or m 4 or m 3 nr m 1 or m m o re days o r e d a y s _____________________________________ o r e d a y s _____________________________________ ........ . ... ... o re days _ . ore days ...... 1 2 3 4 5 69 97 98 99 99 99 99 . _ 3 15 83 85 2 11 12 60 61 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 94 95 93 98 99 16 71 73 97 98 98 99 99 99 65 65 97 97 97 97 97 97 I n c l u d e s da ta f o r w h o l e s a l e t r a d e ; r e t a i l t r a d e ; fi n a n c e , in s u r a n c e , a n d r e a l e s t a t e ; a n d s e r v i c e s in a d d i t io n to t h o s e in d u s t r y d i v i s i o n s sh o w n s e p a r a t e l y . T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a n d o t h e r p u b lic u t i l i t i e s . I n c lu d e s da ta f o r w h o l e s a l e t r a d e , r e t a i l t r a d e , r e a l e s t a t e , a n d s e r v i c e s in a d d i t io n t o t h o s e i n d u s t r y d i v i s i o n s s h o w n s e p a r a t e l y . L e s s th a n 0 . 5 p e r c e n t . A l l c o m b in a t i o n s o f fu l l a n d h a lf d a y s th a t a d d to th e s a m e a m o u n t a r e c o m b i n e d ; f o r e x a m p l e , th e p r o p o r t i o n o f w o r k e r s r e c e i v i n g a t o t a l o f 7 d a y s i n c lu d e s n o h a lf d a y s , 6 f u l l d a y s a n d 2 h a lf d a y s , 5 fu ll d a y s a n d 4 h a lf d a y s , a n d s o o n . P r o p o r t i o n s w e r e th e n c u m u l a t e d . _ _ _ t h o s e w it h 7 fu l l d a y s a n d 14 Table B-5. Paid Vacations (P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n o f o f fic e and plant w o r k e r s in a ll in d u s tr ie s and in in d u stry d iv is io n s b y v a ca tio n pay p r o v is io n s , C in cin n a ti, O h io—K y. , F e b ru a r y I960) V acation p o licy A ll w o rk ers ________________ _______________ _ M e th o d o ! p a y m e n t W orkers in esta b lish m e n ts providing paid v a c a tio n s ________________________________ L e n g th -o f-tim e paym ent __________________ P ercen ta g e p a y m e n t_______________________ Other ________________________________________ W orkers in esta b lish m e n ts providing no paid v acation s ____________________________ A m o u n t o f v a c a t io n p a y 5 A fter 6 m onths of ser v ice U nder 1 w eek __________________________________ 1 w e e k __________________________________________ O ver 1 and under 2 w ee k s ____________________ 2 w e e k s ________________________________________ 3 w eek s A fter 1 y e a r of se r v ic e 1 w eek O ver 1 and under 2 w eek s ____________________ 2 w eek s ____ __ _______________________________ O ver 2 and under 3 w eek s ____________________ 3 w e e k s ____ __________________________________ 4 w e e k s ________ _______________________________ A fter 2 y e a r s of se r v ic e 1 w e e k __________________________________________ O ver 1 and under 2 w eek s ____________________ 2 w e e k s _________________________________________ O ver 2 and under 3 w eek s ____________________ 3 w eek s ________________________________________ 4 w e e k s - ________________________________________ A fter 3 y e a r s of s e r v ic e 1 w e e k __________________________________________ O ver 1 and under 2 w eek s ____________________ 2 w e e k s ________________________________________ O ver 2 and under 3 w ee k s ____________________ 3 w eek s ______________________________________ _ 4 w ee k s ________________________________________ A fter 5 y e a r s of se r v ic e 1 w e e k __________________________________________ O ver 1 and under 2 w ee k s ____________________ 2 w e e k s ________________________________________ O ver 2 and under 3 w ee k s ____________________ 3 w ee k s ________________________________________ O ver 3 and under 4 w ee k s ____________________ 4 w ee k s ________________________________________ See fo o tn o te s at end o f ta b le . PLANT WORKERS OFFICE WORKERS All industries* Manufacttiring Public utilities2 All industries* Manufacturing Public utilities2 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 98 2 - 99 97 3 - 100 100 - 99 90 9 - 99 86 13 - 100 100 - (4 ) (4 ) - 1 1 - 4 48 1 3 (4 ) 5 45 1 4 (4 ) _ 43 - 15 14 1 (4 ) 20 12 2 - _ 23 I " 20 1 77 (4 ) 1 - 11 1 86 (4 ) 57 43 - 77 6 14 1 (4 ) 76 9 13 2 - 86 13 1 - 6 2 91 ( ) 1 - 4 1 94 (4 ) 1 " 11 15 74 - 51 15 31 1 1 (4 ) 54 20 24 2 - 56 5 32 7 1 - 1 (4 ) 97 (4 ) 1 - 1 1 97 (4 ) 1 - 3 97 - 14 25 57 1 2 (4 ) 13 34 49 3 - 22 70 7 1 - (4 ) 96 1 2 - ( 4- ) 95 3 2 - _ 100 - 1 1 84 8 4 1 (4 ) 1 1 81 11 4 1 92 7 1 - 15 Table B-5. Paid Vacations-C ontinued (P ercen t d istrib u tion of office and plant w o rk e r s in a ll in d u str ie s and in in dustry d iv isio n s by vacation pay p r o v isio n s, C in cinnati, Ohio—Ky. , F eb ru ary I960) V a c atio n p o licy OFFICE WORKERS All industries 3 PLANT WORKERS Manufacturing Public utilities All industries 3 Manufacturing Public utilities 2 A m o u n t off v a c a t i o n p a y 5— C o n tin u e d A fte r 10 y e a r s of s e rv ic e 1 w eek . ......... .... . 2 w e e k s _ ______________________ ___________ _ O ver 2 and under 3 w eeks 3 w eeks O v e r 3 a n d u n d e r 4 w e e k s ____________________ 4 w e e k s ________________________________________ (4 ) 74 2 23 1 ( 4) 70 5 25 _ 97 3 _ 1 50 21 26 1 (4 ) 1 39 28 30 1 - 88 7 4 _ 1 A fte r 15 y e a r s of s e rv ic e 1 w eek 2 w e e k s ____ ___________________________________ O v e r 2 a n d u n d e r 3 w e e k s --------------------- -----3 w e e k s _______________________________ _______ O v e r 3 an d u n d e r 4 w e e k s _________________ _ 4 w e e k s ____ ___________________________________ (4 ) 14 (4 ) 85 (4 ) 1 (4 ) 10 (4 ) 89 (4 ) (4 ) _ 5 95 - 1 20 (4 ) 69 7 2 1 16 (4 ) 71 8 2 _ 5 87 7 1 A fte r 20 y e a r s of s e rv ic e 1 w e e k _____ __ _______________________________ 2 w e e k s ________________________________________ 3 w e e k s ________________________________________ O v e r 3 a n d u n d e r 4 w e e k s _ __ _____ _ _____ 4 w e e k s _ ______________________________________ (4 ) 14 70 2 14 (4 ) 10 77 (4 ) 12 5 94 1 _ 1 20 59 7 12 1 16 66 9 7 5 70 7 18 (4 ) 12 58 2 28 (4 ) 10 68 (4 ) 21 _ 1 20 48 5 23 1 1 16 55 6 19 1 A fte r 25 y e a r s of s e rv ic e 1 w e e k _____ __ _______________________________ 2 w e e k s ____ __________________________________ 3 w e e k s ______________ ________________________ O v e r 3 an d u n d e r 4 w e e k s ____________________ 4 w e e k s _________________ ________ ___________ O v e r 4 w e e k s ________ ________________________ 5 66 29 _ _ 5 52 7 36 1 In clu d es data for w h o le sa le trade; r e ta il trad e; finance, in su ra n ce, and r e a l e sta te; and s e r v ic e s in addition to th ose in d u stry d iv isio n s shown sep a ra tely . 2 T ran sp ortation , com m un ication , and other public u tilitie s. 3 Includ es data for w h o le sa le trad e, r e ta il tra d e, r e a l estate, and s e r v ic e s in ad dition to th ose in dustry d iv isio n s shown sep a ra tely . 4 L e ss than 0. 5 p ercen t. 5 P er io d s of se r v ic e w ere a r b itr a r ily ch osen and do not n e c e ss a r ily r e fle c t the in divid ual p r o v isio n s for p r o g r e ssio n s. F o r exam p le, the chan ges in prop ortion s in d icated at 10 y e a r 's s e r v ic e include ch an ges in p r o v isio n s occu rrin g betw een 5 and 10 y e a r s. NOTE: In the tab ulation of vacation a llo w a n ces by y e a r s of s e r v ic e , p aym en ts oth er than "length of tim e" such a s percen ta ge of annual earn in gs or fla t-su m p a ym en ts, w ere con verted to an equ ivalent tim e b a sis; for exa m p le, a paym ent of 2 p ercen t of annual earn in gs w as co n sid ered a s 1 w eek ’s pay. 16 Table B-6. H ealth, Insurance, and Pension Plans (P e rc e n t of o ffice and plant w o rk ers in a ll in d u str ie s and in in d u stry d iv isio n s em p loyed in e sta b lish m e n ts providing h ealth , in su ra n c e , or pen sion b e n efits, C in cin n ati, Ohio—Ky. , F eb ru ary I960) PLANT WORKERS O F F IC E W O R K E R S T yp e o f b e n e fit A ll w o r k e r s ____ All industries^ Manufacturing Public utilities a All industries 3 100 Manufacturing Public utilities 100 100 100 87 92 81 82 87 73 65 75 73 62 65 64 79 58 90 82 83 14 82 75 89 87 73 38 47 54 11 6 4 5 11 81 73 45 36 79 2 90 89 59 39 80 63 37 37 26 18 76 5 83 77 40 14 62 1 88 85 45 13 69 35 65 65 32 28 68 100 ® 100 W o r k e r s in e s ta b lis h m e n ts p ro v id in g : L ife in s u r a n c e ________________ ^______ _____ A c c id e n ta l death and d is m e m b e rm e n t in s u r a n c e _______ ,_____- _____________ S ick n ess and a c c id e n t in su ra n ce or s ick le a v e or both 4 S ick n e ss and a c c id e n t in su ra n ce ______ S ick le a v e (fu ll pay and no w aiting p e r io d ) _________________________ S ick le a v e (p a r tia l pay or __ _ _ __ ____ w aiting period) _ H o s p ita liz a tio n in s u r a n c e __ _______ ___ S u r g ic a l in s u r a n c e _ __ - ________ M e d ica l in s u r a n c e _______________________ C a ta strop h e in s u r a n c e R e tire m e n t p en sion _________________________ No h ealth , in s u r a n c e , o r p en sion p l a n ____ 3 3 9 9 1 Includ es data for w h o le sa le trad e; r e ta il trad e; fin a n ce, in su ra n c e , and r e a l e sta te; and s e r v ic e s in ad dition to th ose in d u stry d iv isio n s show n se p a r a te ly . 2 T ran sp ortation , com m u n ication , and other public u tilitie s . 3 Includ es data for w h o le sa le tr a d e, r e ta il tr a d e, r e a l e sta te , and s e r v ic e s in ad dition to th ose in d u stry d iv isio n s show n sep a r a te ly . 4 U nduplicated total of w o r k e r s r e ce iv in g sic k le a v e or s ic k n e ss and a c c id e n t in su ra n ce show n sep a r a te ly below . S ic k -le a v e plans a r e lim ite d to th ose w hich d e fin itely e sta b lish at le a s t the m inim um num ber of days* pay that can be exp ected by each em p lo y e e . In form al s ic k -le a v e a llo w a n c e s d eterm in ed on an in d ivid ual b a sis a r e exclu d ed . 17 Appendix: Occupational Descriptions The primary purpose of preparing job descriptions for the Bureau’s wage surveys is to a s s is t its field staff in classify in g into appropriate occupations w orkers who are employed under a variety of payroll title s and different work arrangem ents from establishm ent to establishm ent and from area to area. T his is e ssen tial in order to perm it the grouping of occupational wage rates representing comparable job content. B ecause of this em phasis on interestablishm ent and interarea com parability of occupational content, the Bureau’s job descriptions may differ significantly from those in use in individual establishm ents or those prepared for other purposes. In applying these job d escriptions, the Bureau’s field econom ists are instructed to exclude working supervisors, apprentices, learners, beginners, trainees, handicapped w orkers, part-tim e, temporary, and probationary w orkers. OFFICE BILLER, MACHINE BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR P repares statem ents, b ills, and invoices on a machine other than an ordinary or electrom atic typew riter. May also keep records as to billings or shipping charges or perform other clerical work incidental to billing operations. For wage study purposes, b illers, m achine, are classified by type of m achine, as follow s: Biller, machine (hilling machine}— U ses a sp ecial billing ma chine (Moon H opkins, E llio tt F ish er, Burroughs, e tc ., which are com bination typing and adding m achines) to prepare bills and in voices from custom ers’ purchase orders, internally prepared orders, shipping memorandums, etc. U sually involves application of prede termined discounts and shipping charges and entry of necessary extensions, which may or may not be computed on the billing ma chine, and totals which are autom atically accum ulated by m achine. The operation usually involves a large number of carbon copies of the bill being prepared and is often done on a fanfold m achine. Biller, machine (bookkeeping machine)— U ses a bookkeeping machine (Sundstrand, E llio tt F ish er, Remington Rand, e tc ., which may or may not have typew riter keyboard) to prepare cu sto m ers’ bills as part of the accounts receivable operation. G enerally in volves the sim ultaneous entry of figures on custom ers’ ledger rec ord. The machine autom atically accum ulates figures on a number of vertical columns and com putes and usually prints autom atically the debit or credit b alances. Does not involve a knowledge of book keeping. Works from uniform and standard types of sa le s and credit slip s. O perates a bookkeeping machine (Remington Rand, E llio tt F ish er, Sundstrand, Burroughs, N ational C ash R egister, with or w ithout a typew riter keyboard) to keep a record of b u sin ess tran sactio n s. Class A— K eeps a se t of records requiring a knowledge of and experience in b asic bookkeeping principles and fam iliarity with the structure of the particular accounting system used. D eterm ines proper records and distribution of debit and credit item s to be used in each phase of the work. May prepare consolidated rep o rts, balance sh eets, and other records by hand. Class B— K eeps a record of one or more phases or sectio n s of a set of records usually requiring little knowledge of b asic book keeping- P h ases or sectio n s include accounts payable, payroll, custom ers’ accounts (not including a sim ple type of billing described under biller, machine), cost distribution, expense distribution, in ventory control, etc. May check or a s s is t in preparation of tria l balances and prepare control sh eets for the accounting departm ent. CLERK, ACCOUNTING Class A— Under general direction of a bookkeeper or account ant, has responsibility for keeping one or more sectio n s of a com plete se t of books or records relating to one phase of an e sta b lish m ent’s b usiness tran sactio n s. Work involves posting and balancing subsidiary ledger or ledgers such as accounts receivable or accounts 18 CLERK, ACCOUNTING— .Continued payable; exam ining and coding invoices or vouchers w ith proper a c counting distribution; requires judgm ent and experience in making proper assig n ation s and allo catio n s. May a s s is t in preparing, ad justing and closing journal en tries; may direct c la s s B accounting clerks. Class B — Under supervision, perform s one or more routine a c counting operations such as posting sim ple journal vouchers or a c counts payable vouchers, entering vouchers in voucher reg isters; reconciling bank accounts; posting subsidiary ledgers controlled by general ledgers, or posting sim ple co st accounting d ata. T his job does not require a know ledge of accounting and bookkeeping principles but is found in offices in which the more routine accou n t ing work is subdivided on a functional b asis among sev eral w orkers. CLERK, PAYROLL Com putes w ages of company em ployees and enters the n e c e s sary data on the payroll sh e e ts. D uties involve: C alculating workers* earnings based on time or production records; posting calcu lated data on payroll sh eet, showing inform ation such as w orker's name, working days, tim e, rate, deductions for insurance, and to tal w ages due. May make out paychecks and a s s is t paym aster in making up and d istrib u t ing pay envelopes. May use a calculating m achine. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Prim ary duty is to operate a Comptometer to perform m athem a tic a l com putations. T his job is not to be confused with that of s ta tis tic al or other type of clerk, w hich may involve frequent use of a Comp tom eter but, in w hich, use of this m achine is incidental to perform ance of other d u ties. CLERK, FILE Class A — In an estab lish ed filing system containing a num ber of varied su bject m atter file s, c la ssifie s and indexes co rres pondence or other m aterial; may also file this m aterial. May keep records of various types in conjunction with files or may super vise others in filing and locating m aterial in the file s. May per form incidental clerical d u ties. Class B — Perform s routine filing, usually of m aterial th a t h as already been classified or which is easily identifiab le, or lo cates or a s s is ts in locating m aterial in file s. May perform incidental clerical d u ties. CLERK, ORDER R eceives custom ers* orders for m aterial or m erchandise by m ail, phone, or personally. D uties involve any combination o f the following: Quoting prices to custom ers; making out an order sh eet listin g the item s to make up the order; checking prices and quantities of item s on order sheet; distributing order sh eets to resp ective departm ents to be filled. May check with credit departm ent to determ ine credit rating of custom er, acknowledge receipt of orders from custom ers, follow up orders to see that they have been filled, keep file of orders received, and check ship ping invoices with original orders. DUPLICATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (MIMEOGRAPH OR DITTO) Under general supervision and with no supervisory resp o n si b ilitie s, reproduces m ultiple copies of typew ritten or handw ritten matter, using a Mimeograph or D itto m achine. Makes n ecessary adjustm ent such as for ink and paper feed counter and cylinder speed. Is not required to prepare ste n c il or D itto m aster. May keep file of used ste n c ils or Ditto m asters. May sort, co llate, and staple com pleted m aterial. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Under general supervision and with no supervisory resp o n si b ilitie s, records accounting and s ta tis tic a l data on tabulating cards by punching a series of holes in the cards in a sp ecified sequence, using an alp habetical or a num erical keypunch m achine, following w ritten in formation on records. May duplicate cards by using the duplicating de vice attached to m achine. May keep files of punch card s. May verify own work or work of others. OFFICE BOY OR GIRL Perform s various routine duties such as running errands, op erating minor office m achines such as sealers or m ailers, opening and distributing m ail, and other minor clerical work. 19 SECRETARY Performs secretarial and clerical duties for a superior in an ad m inistrative or executive position. D uties include making appointm ents for superior; receiving people coming into office; answ ering and making phone c alls; handling personal and im portant or confidential m ail, and writing routine correspondence on own in itiativ e; taking dictation (where transcribing machine is not used) either in shorthand or by Stenotype or sim ilar m achine, and transcribing dictation or the recorded information reproduced on a transcribing m achine. May prepare sp ecial reports or memorandums for inform ation of superior. STENOGRAPHER, GENERAL Prim ary duty is to take dictation from one or more persons, either in shorthand or by Stenotype or sim ilar m achine, involving a nor mal routine vocabulary, and to transcribe this dictation on a typew riter. May also type from w ritten copy. May also se t up and keep files in or der, keep sim ple records, etc. Does not include transcribing-machine work (see transcribing-m achine operator). STENOGRAPHER, TECHNICAL Primary duty is to take dictation from one or more persons either in shorthand or by Stenotype or sim ilar m achine, involving a varied technical or sp ecialized vocabulary such as in legal briefs or reports on scien tific research and to transcribe this dictation on a typew riter. May also type from w ritten copy. May also s e t up and keep files in order, keep sim ple records, etc. Does not include transcribing-machine work. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR O perates a single- or m ultiple-position telephone sw itchboard. D uties involve handling incom ing, outgoing, and intraplant or office c a lls. May record toll calls and take m essag es. May give information to per sons who call in, or occasionally take telephone orders. For workers who also act as receptio nists see sw itchboard operator-receptionist. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR-RECEPTIONIST In addition to performing duties of operator, on a single p o si tion or monitor-type sw itchboard, acts as receptio nist and may also type or perform routine clerical work as part of regular d u ties. T his typing or clerical work may take the major part of this worker’s time w hile at sw itchboard. TABULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR Class A— O perates a variety of tabulating or electrical a c counting m achines, typically including such m achines as the tabu lator, calculator, interpreter, collator and others. Performs com plete reporting assignm ents w ithout close supervision, and performs difficult wiring as required. The com plete reporting and tabulating assignm ents typically involve a variety of long and complex re ports which often are of irregular or nonrecurring type requiring some planning and sequencing of steps to be taken. As a more experienced operator, is typically involved in training new opera tors in machine operations, or partially trained operators in wiring from diagram s and operating sequences of long and complex reports. Does not include working supervisors performing tabulating-m achine operations and day-to-day supervision of the work and production of a group of tabulating-m achine operators. C lass B— O perates more difficult tabulating or electrical ac counting m achines such as the tabulator and calculator, in addition to the sorter, reproducer, and collator. T his work is performed under specific instructions and may include the perform ance of some wir ing from diagram s. The work typically involves, for exam ple, tabu lations involving a repetitive accounting ex ercise, a com plete but sm all tabulating study, or parts of a longer and more complex report. Such reports and studies are usually of a recurring nature where the procedures are w ell estab lish ed . May also include the training of new em ployees in the basic operation of the m achine. Class C— O perates sim ple tabulating or e lectrical account ing m achines such as the sorter, reproducing punch, collator, etc., with specific instructions. May include sim ple w iring from diagrams and some filing work. The work typically involves portions of a work unit, for exam ple, individual sorting or collating runs, or re petitive operations. TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE OPERATOR, GENERAL Prim ary duty is to transcribe dictation involving a normal routine vocabulary from transcribing-m achine records. May also type from written copy and do sim ple clerical work. Workers transcribing dictation in volving a varied tech n ical or sp ecialized vocabulary such as legal briefs or reports on scien tific research are not included. A worker who takes dictation in shorthand or by Stenotype or sim ilar m achine is classified as a stenographer, general. 20 TYPIST TYPIST— Continued U ses a typew riter to make copies of various m aterial or to make out b ills after calcu latio n s have been made by another person. May in clude typing of s te n c ils , m ats, or sim ilar m aterials for use in d uplicat ing p ro cesses. May do clerical work involving little sp ecial training, such as keeping sim ple records, filing records and reports, or sorting and distributing incom ing m ail. Class A— Perform s one or more of the following: Typing ma terial in final form when it involves combining m aterial from sev eral sources or responsibility for correct spelling, sy llab icatio n , punc- tuation, etc ., of tech n ical or unusual words or foreign language ma terial; planning layout and typing of com plicated s ta tis tic a l tables to m aintain uniformity and balance in spacing. May type routine form letters varying d etails to su it circum stances. Class B— Perform s one or more of the following: Copy typing from rough or clear drafts; routine typing of forms, insurance p o licies, etc.; settin g up sim ple standard tabulations, or copying more com plex tab les already se t up and spaced properly. P R O F E S S IO N A L A N D T E C H N IC A L DRAFTSMAN, JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN, SENIOR— Continued (A ssistan t draftsm an) Draws to scale units or parts of draw ings prepared by d rafts man or others for engineering, construction, or m anufacturing purposes. U ses various types of drafting tools as required. May prepare draw ings from sim ple plans or sk etch es, or perform other duties under direction of a draftsm an. involved in strength of m aterials, beam s and tru sse s; verifying com pleted work, checking dim ensions, m aterials to be used, and qu an tities; w riting sp ecificatio n s; making adjustm ents or changes in drawings or sp ecificatio n s. May ink in lines and letters on pencil draw ings, prepare d etail units of com plete draw ings, or trace draw ings. Work is frequently in a sp ecialized field such, as architectural, electrical, m echanical, or structural drafting. DRAFTSMAN, LEADER NURSE, INDUSTRIAL (REGISTERED) P lans and d irects activ ities of one or more draftsm en in prep aration of working plans and d etail drawings from rough or prelim inary sketches for engineering, construction, or manufacturing purposes. D uties involve a combination of the following: Interpreting blueprints, sk etch es, and w ritten or verbal orders; determ ining work procedures; assig n in g duties to subordinates and inspecting their work; performing more dif ficult problem s. May a s s is t subordinates during em ergencies or as a regular assignm ent, or perform related duties of a supervisory or ad m inistrative nature. DRAFTSMAN, SENIOR Prepares working plans and d etail draw ings from n o tes, rough or detailed sketches for engineering, construction, or m anufacturing pur p o ses. D uties involve a combination of the following: Preparing work ing plans, d etail draw ings, m aps, cro ss-sectio n s, e tc ., to scale by use of drafting instrum ents; making engineering com putations such as those A registered nurse who gives nursing serv ice to ill or injured em ployees or other persons who become ill or suffer an accid en t on the prem ises of a factory or other establishm ent. D uties involve a combination of the following: Giving first aid to the ill or injured; attending to subsequent dressing of em ployees' injuries; keeping records of patients treated; preparing accident reports for com pensation or other purposes; conducting physical exam inations and health evaluations of applicants and em ployees; and planning and carrying out programs involving health education, accident prevention, evaluation of plant environm ent, or other activ ities affecting the health, w elfare, and safety of a ll personnel. TRACER Copies plans and draw ings prepared by others, by placing trac ing cloth or paper over drawing and tracing with pen or pen cil. U ses T -square, com pass, and other drafting to o ls. May prepare sim ple draw ings and do sim ple lettering. 21 M AIN TEN A N CE D PO W E R PL A N T CARPENTER, MAINTENANCE FIREMAN, STATIONARY BOILER Perform s the carpentry duties n ecessary to construct and main tain in good repair building woodwork and equipm ent such as bins, cribs, counters, benches, partitions, doors, floors, sta irs, casin g s, and trim made of wood in an establishm ent. Work involves most of the following: Planning and laying out of work from blueprints, draw ings, m odels, or verbal instructions; using a variety of carpenter’s handtools, portable power tools, and standard m easuring instrum ents; making standard shop com putations relating to dim ensions of work; selectin g m aterials nec essary for the work. In general, the work of the m aintenance carpenter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a for mal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. F ires stationary boilers to furnish the establishm ent in which employed with heat, power, or steam . F eed s fuels to fire by hand or operates a m echanical stoker, g as, or oil burner; checks w ater and safety v alves. May clean, oil, or a s s is t in repairing boilerroom equipm ent. ELECTRICIAN, MAINTENANCE Perform s a variety of electrical trade functions such as the installatio n , m aintenance, or repair of equipm ent for the generating, d is tribution, or utilization of electric energy in an establishm ent. Work involves most of the following: Installing or repairing any of a variety of electrical equipm ent such as generators, transform ers, sw itchboards, controllers, circuit breakers, motors, heating units, conduit system s, or other transm ission equipment; working from blueprints, draw ings, lay out, or other sp ecificatio n s; locating and diagnosing trouble in the e le c trical system or equipm ent; working standard com putations relating to load requirem ents of wiring or electrical equipm ent; using a variety of electrician ’s handtools and m easuring and testin g instrum ents. In gen eral, the work of the m aintenance electrician requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. ENGINEER, STATIONARY O perates and m aintains and may also supervise the operation of stationary engines and equipment (m echanical or electrical) to sup ply the establishm ent in which employed with power, heat, refrigera tion, or air-conditioning. Work involves: O perating and m aintaining equipment such as steam engines, air com pressors, generators, motors turbines, ventilating and refrigerating equipm ent, steam boilers and boiler-fed w ater pumps; making equipm ent repairs; keeping a record of operation of m achinery, tem perature, and fuel consum ption. May also supervise these operations. Head or chief engineers in establishments employing more than one engineer are excluded. HELPER, TRADES, MAINTENANCE A ssists one or more workers in the skilled m aintenance trades, by performing specific or general duties of le sse r sk ill, such as keeping a worker supplied with m aterials and tools; cleaning working area, ma chine, and equipm ent; a ssistin g worker by holding m aterials or tools; performing other unskilled task s as directed by journeyman. The kind of work the helper is perm itted to perform varies from trade to trade: In some trades the helper is confined to supplying, lifting, and holding ma terials and tools and cleaning working areas; and in others he is per mitted to perform sp ecialized machine operations, or parts of a trade that are also performed by workers on a full-tim e b asis. MACHINE-TOOL OPERATOR, TOOLROOM S pecializes in the operation of one or more types of machine tools, such as jig borers, cylindrical or surface grinders, engine lathes, or milling m achines in the construction of m achine-shop tools, gauges, jig s, fixtures, or d ies. Work involves most of the following: Planning and performing difficult machining operations; processing item s requiring com plicated setups or a high degree of accuracy; using a variety of pre cision m easuring instrum ents; selectin g feeds, sp eed s, tooling and op eration sequence; making n ecessary adjustm ents during operation to achieve requisite tolerances or dim ensions. May be required to recog nize when tools need dressing, to dress tools, and to select proper coolants and cutting and lubricating o ils. For cross-industry wage study purposes, m achine-tool operators, toolroom, in tool and die jobbing shops are excluded from this classificatio n . MACHINIST, MAINTENANCE Produces replacem ent parts and new parts in making repairs of m etal parts of m echanical equipment operated in an establishm ent. Work involves most of the following: Interpreting w ritten instructions and sp ecificatio n s; planning and laying out of work; using a variety of ma ch in ist’s handtools and precision m easuring instrum ents; settin g up and 22 MACHINIST, MAINTENANCE— Continued operating standard machine tools; shaping of m etal parts to close toler an ces; making standard shop com putations re la ting to dim ensions of work, tooling, feeds and speeds of machining; knowledge of the working prop erties of the common m etals; selectin g standard m aterials, p arts, and equipm ent required for his work; fitting and assem bling parts into me chanical equipm ent. In general, the m achinist’s work normally requires a rounded training in m achine-shop practice usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. MECHANIC, AUTOMOTIVE (MAINTENANCE) R epairs autom obiles, b u ses, m otortrucks, and tractors of an e s tablishm ent. Work involves most of the following: Examining autom otive equipm ent to diagnose source of trouble; disassem bling equipm ent and performing repairs that involve the use of such handtools as w renches, gauges, d rills, or sp ecialized equipm ent in disassem bling or fitting parts; replacing broken or defective parts from stock; grinding and adjusting valves; reassem bling and installin g the various assem blies in the vehicle and making n ecessary adjustm ents; alining w heels, adjusting brakes and lights, or tightening body bolts. In general, the work of the autom otive m echanic requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. MECHANIC, MAINTENANCE R epairs machinery or m echanical equipm ent of an establishm ent. Work involves most of the following: Examining m achines and m echan ic a l equipm ent to diagnose source of trouble; dism antling or partly d is m antling m achines and performing repairs that mainly involve the use of handtools in scraping and fitting parts; replacing broken or defective parts with item s obtained from stock; ordering the production of a rep lace ment part by a m achine shop or sending of the machine to a m achine shop for major repairs; preparing w ritten sp ecificatio n s for major repairs or for the production of parts ordered from machine shop; reassem bling ma ch ines; and making a ll n ecessary adjustm ents for operation. In general, the work of a m aintenance m echanic requires rounded training and ex perience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. Excluded from this classificatio n are workers w hose primary duties involve settin g up or adjusting m achines. MILLWRIGHT In stalls new m achines or heavy equipm ent and dism antles and in sta lls m achines or heavy equipm ent when changes in the plant layout MILLWRIGHT— Continued are required. Work involves most of the following: Planning and laying out of the work; interpreting blueprints or other sp ecificatio n s; using a variety of handtools and rigging; making standard shop com putations re lating to s tre s se s , strength of m aterials, and centers of gravity; alining and balancing of equipm ent; selectin g standard tools, equipm ent, and parts to be used; installin g and m aintaining in good order power transm ission equipm ent such as drives and speed reducers. In general, the m ill w right’s work normally requires a rounded training and experience in the trade acquired through a formal appren ticesh ip or equivalent training and experience. OILER L ubricates, with oil or g rease, the moving parts or wearing sur faces of m echanical equipm ent of an establishm ent. PAINTER, MAINTENANCE P ain ts and redecorates w alls, woodwork, and fixtures of an es tablishm ent. Work involves the following: Knowledge of surface pecu lia rities and types of paint required for different applications; preparing surface for painting by removing old finish or by placing putty or filler in nail holes and in terstices; applying paint with spray gun or brush. May mix colors, o ils, white lead, and other paint ingredients to obtain proper color or consistency. In general, the work of the m aintenance painter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a for mal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. PIPEFITTER, MAINTENANCE In stalls or repairs w ater, steam , g as, or other types of pipe and pipefittings in an establishm ent. Work involves most of the following: Laying out of work and m easuring to locate position of pipe from drawings or other w ritten sp ecificatio n s; cutting various siz e s of pipe to correct lengths with ch isel and hammer or oxyacetylene torch or pipe-cutting ma chine; threading pipe with sto ck s and d ies; bending pipe by hand-driven or power-driven m achines; assem bling pipe with couplings and fastening pipe to hangers; making standard shop com putations relating to p ressures, flow, and size of pipe required; making standard te s ts to determ ine w hether finished pipes meet sp ecificatio n s. In general, the work of the m aintenance pipefitter requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and ex perience. Workers primarily engaged in installing and repairing building sanitation or heating systems are excluded. 23 TOOL AND DIE MAKER PLUMBER, MAINTENANCE Keeps the plumbing system of an establishm ent in good order. Work involves: Knowledge of sanitary codes regarding installatio n of vents and traps in plumbing system ; installin g or repairing pipes and fixtures; opening clogged drains with a plunger or plumber’s snake. In general, the work of the m aintenance plumber requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equiv alen t training and experience. SHEET-METAL WORKER, MAINTENANCE F ab ricates, in sta lls, and m aintains in good repair the sheetm etal equipm ent and fixtures (such as machine guards, grease pans, sh elv es, lockers, tanks, ventilators, chu tes, ducts, m etal roofing) of an establishm ent. Work involves most of the following: Planning and lay ing out a ll types of sheet-m etal m aintenance work from blueprints, m odels, or other sp ecificatio n s; settin g up and operating all available types of sheet-m etal-w orking m achines; using a variety of handtools in cutting, bending, forming, shaping, fitting, and assem bling; installin g sh eetm etal articles as required. In general, the work of the m aintenance sheet-m etal worker requires rounded training and experience usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. (D ie maker; jig maker; tool maker; fixture maker; gauge maker) C onstructs and repairs m achine-shop tools, gauges, jig s, fix tures or dies for forgings, punching and other metal-forming work. Work involves most of the following: Planning and laying out of work from m odels, blueprints, draw ings, or other oral and w ritten sp ecificatio n s; using a variety of tool and die maker’s handtools and precision m eas uring instrum ents, understanding of the working properties of common m etals and alloys; settin g up and operating of machine tools and related equipm ent; making necessary shop com putations relating to dim ensions of work, sp eed s, feeds, and tooling of m achines; heattreating of m etal parts during fabrication as w ell as of finished tools and dies to achieve required q u alities; working to clo se tolerances; fitting and assem bling of parts to prescribed tolerances and allow ances; selectin g appropriate m aterials, tools, and p ro cesses. In general, the tool and die maker’s work requires a rounded training in m achine-shop and toolroom practice usually acquired through a formal apprenticeship or equivalent training and experience. For cross-industry wage study purposes, tool and die makers in tool and die jobbing shops are excluded from this classificatio n . CUSTODIAL AND M ATERIAL MOVEMENT ELEVATOR OPERATOR, PASSENGER T ransports passengers betw een floors of an office building, apartm ent house, departm ent store, hotel or sim ilar estab lish m en t. Workers who operate elevators in conjunction with other duties such as those of starters and janitors are excluded. GUARD JANITOR, PORTER, OR CLEANER— Continued or other establishm ent. D uties involve a combination of the following: Sweeping, mopping or scrubbing, and polishing floors; removing chips, trash, and other refuse; dusting equipm ent, furniture, or fixtures; polish ing m etal fixtures or trimmings; providing supplies and minor m ainte nance serv ices; cleaning lavatories, show ers, and restroom s. Workers who sp ecialize in window w ashing are excluded. Performs routine police d u ties, either at fixed post or on tour, m aintaining order, using arms or force where n ecessary . Includes gate- men who are stationed at gate and check on identity of employees and LABORER, MATERIAL HANDLING other persons entering. JANITOR, PORTER, OR CLEANER (Sweeper; charwoman; jan itress) C leans and keeps in an orderly condition factory working areas and washroom s, or prem ises of an office, apartm ent house, or commercial (L oader and unloader; handler and stacker; shelver; trucker; stockman or stock helper; warehousem an or w arehouse helper) A worker employed in a w arehouse, m anufacturing plant, store, or other establishm ent whose duties involve one or more of the follow ing: Loading and unloading various m aterials and m erchandise on or 24 LABORER, MATERIAL HANDLING"—Continued from freight cars, trucks, or other transporting d ev ices; unpacking, shelv ing, or placing m aterials or m erchandise in proper storage location; tran s porting m aterials or m erchandise by hand truck, car, or w heelbarrow. Longshoremen, who load and unload ships are excluded. ORDER FILLER (Order picker; stock selector; w arehouse stockm an) F ills shipping or transfer orders for finished goods from stored m erchandise in accordance with sp ecificatio n s on sa le s slip s, custom ers9 orders, or other instru ctio n s. May, in addition to filling orders and indi cating item s filled or om itted, keep records of outgoing orders, req u isi tion additional stock, or report short supplies to supervisor, and perform other related du ties. PACKER, SHIPPING P repares finished products for shipm ent or storage by placing them in shipping containers, the specific operations performed being dependent upon the type, siz e, and number of units to be packed, the type of container em ployed, and method of shipm ent. Work requires the placing of item s in shipping containers and may involve one or more of the following: Knowledge of various item s of stock in order to verify content; selectio n of appropriate type and size of container; inserting enclosures in container; using ex celsior or other m aterial to prevent breakage or dam age; closing and sealin g container; applying lab els or entering identifying data on container. Packers who also make wooden boxes or crates are excluded. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK Prepares m erchandise for shipm ent, or receiv es and is respon sible for incom ing shipm ents of m erchandise or other m aterials. Shipping work involves: A knowledge of shipping procedures, p ractices, routes, available m eans of transportation and rates; and preparing records of the goods shipped, making up bills of lading, posting w eight and shipping charges, and keeping a file of shipping records. May direct or a s s is t in preparing the m erchandise for shipm ent. Receiving work involves: V eri fying or directing others in verifying the correctness of shipm ents ag ain st b ills of lading, invoices, or other records; checking for shortages and rejecting damaged goods; routing m erchandise or m aterials to proper de partm ents; m aintaining n ecessary records and file s. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK— Continued For wage study purposes, workers are c lassified as follows: Receiving clerk Shipping clerk Shipping and receiving clerk TRUCKDRIVER D rives a truck within a city or ind u strial area to transport ma terials, m erchandise, equipm ent, or men betw een various types of e sta b lishm ents such as: M anufacturing p lants, freight depots, w arehouses, w holesale and retail estab lish m en ts, or betw een retail establishm ents and customers* houses or places of b u sin ess. May also load or unload truck with or w ithout h elpers, make minor m echanical repairs, and Jceep truck in good working order. Driver-salesmen and over-the-road drivers are excluded. For wage study purposes, truckdrivers are classified by size and type of equipm ent, as follow s: (T ractor-trailer should be rated on the b asis of trailer capacity.) Truckdriver (combination of sizes listed separately) Truckdriver, light (under 1% tons) Truckdriver, medium (1% to and including 4 tons) Truckdriver, heavy (over 4 tons, trailer type) Truckdriver, heavy (over 4 tons, other than trailer type) TRUCKER, POWER O perates a manually controlled gaso lin e- or electric-pow ered truck or tractor to transport goods and m aterials of all kinds about a w arehouse, m anufacturing plant, or other establishm ent. For wage study purposes, workers are classified by type of truck, as follow s: Trucker, power (forklift) Trucker, power (other than forklift) WATCHMAN M akes rounds of prem ises periodically in protecting property ag ain st fire, theft, and illeg al entry. * U .S . GO V ER N M E NT P R IN T IN G O F F IC E : I9 6 0 0 — 5 4 9 8 8 9 Occupational Wage Surveys O ccupational wage surveys are being conducted in 60 major labor m arkets during late 1959 and early I960. T hese b u lletin s, when av aila ble, may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing O ffice, Washington 25, D. C., or from any of the BLS regional sales offices shown on the inside front cover. A summary bulletin containing data for all labor m arkets, combined with additional an aly sis, w ill be issu ed early in 1961. B ulletins for the areas listed below are now available. Baltimore, Md., Septem ber 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-7, price 15 cents Boston, M ass., O ctober 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-8, price 25 cents Buffalo, N.Y., October 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-4, price 20 cents Canton, Ohio, December 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-10, price 25 cents C leveland, Ohio, Septem ber 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-1, price 20 cents D allas, T ex., October 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-3, price 20 cents Dayton, Ohio, December 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-9, price 25 cents Denver, Colo., December 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-11, price 25 cents Fort Worth, T ex., November 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-13, price 25 cents Indianapolis, Ind., January I960—BLS Bull. 1265-22, price 25 cents Jacksonville, F la., Decem ber 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-14, price 25 cents Memphis, T enn., January I960—BLS Bull. 1265-19, price 25 cents Miami, F la., Decem ber 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-6, price 20 cents M inneapolis—St. Paul, Minn., January I960—BLS Bull. 1265-21, price 25 cents P hiladelphia, P a., November 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-16, price 25 cents Pittsburgh, P a., Decem ber 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-20, price 25 cents Portland, Maine, November 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-12, price 20 cents St. L ouis, Mo., O ctober 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-5, price 25 cents San Bernardino—R iverside—Ontario, C alif., November 1959— BLS Bull. 1265-15, price 25 cents San F ran cisco —O akland, C alif., January I960—BLS Bull. 1265-17, price 25 cents Seattle, Wash., August 1959—BLS Bull. 1265-2, price 25 cents W ashington, D .C .—Md.—V a., January I960—BLS Bull. 1265-18, price 25 cents