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Occupational Employment in Transportation, Communications, Utilities, and Trade U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics December 1984 Bulletin 2220 L <R. 3 ' DQCUM-b OULL C';! - FEB 27 1985 Occupational Employment in Transportation, Communications, Utilities, and Trade U.S. Department of Labor Raymond J. Donovan, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet L. Norwood, Commissioner December 1984 Bulletin 2220 F o r sa le by th e Su p erin ten d en t o f D ocu m en ts, U .S. G overnm ent P r in tin g Office W ash in gton , D.C. 20402 Preface This bulletin provides data from a 1982 survey o f oc cupational employment in the transportation, com munications, utilities, and wholesale and retail trade in dustries. (Occupational employment data from a 1982 survey o f State and local government are also included; see appendix A). Earlier surveys o f transportation, com munications, utilities, and trade were conducted in 1973, 1976, and 1979. Results of the 1979 survey were published in Bulletin 2116, Occupational Employment statistics (OES). The OES program provides information for many data users, including individuals and organizations engaged in planning vocational education programs, training programs supported by the Job Training Partnership Act, and higher education. O es data also are used to prepare information for career counseling, for job placement activities performed at State employment security offices, and for personnel planning and market research conducted by private enterprises. This bulletin was prepared in the Office of Employ ment and Unemployment Statistics, Division of Oc cupational and Administrative Statistics, by Patricia Y. Hyland under the direction o f Glyn T. Finley. John Shew and Barbara L. Keitt provided data processing support. Typing assistance was provided by Minnie L. Dickerson. Material in this publication is in the public domain and, with appropriate credit, may be reproduced without permission. in Transportation, Communications, Utilities, and Trade. Other selected nonmanufacturing industries were surveyed in 1981 and results were published in Bulletin 2186, Occupational Employment in Mining, Construction, Finance, and Services. Surveys o f the manufacturing sector were conducted in 1971, 1974, 1977, and 1980. Results o f the 1980 survey were published in Bulletin 2133, Occupational Employment in Manufacturing Industries. These periodic surveys are part of a Federal-State cooperative program of occupational employment iii ■ Contents Page Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 1 Sum m ary............................................................... 2 Transportation ............................................................................................................................................. Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation..................... Motor freight transportation and warehousing............................................................................. Water transportation......................................................................................................................... Air transportation................................................................................................................................ Pipe lines, except natural g a s ..................................................... . ..................................................... Transportation services ..................................................................................................................... 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 Communications.......................................................................................................................................... 23 U tilities....................................................... 27 Wholesale trade............................................................................................................................................ 31 Durable g o o d s...................................................................................................................................... 31 Nondurable good s................................................................................................................................ 31 Retail trade..................................................................................................................................... Building materials, hardware, garden supply stores, and mobile home dealers...................... General merchandise sto r es............................................................................................................... Food stores............................................................................................................................................. Automotive dealers and gasoline service sta tio n s......................................................................... Apparel and accessory stores............................................................................................................. Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment sto res.................................................................... Eating and drinking places................................................................................................................. Miscellaneous retail sto r es..................... 42 42 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 Tables: 1. Employment in transportation, communications, utilities, and wholesale and retail trade, 1982 ....................................................................................................................... 5 2. Employment by major occupational g r o u p ........................................................................... 6 3. Percent distribution o f employment by major occupational g ro u p .................................. 6 4. Transportation industries: Percent distribution o f employment in major occupational groups by in d u stry............................................................................................ 10 Employment, relative error, and percent o f establishments reporting selected occupations: 5. Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation............. 6. Motor freight transportation and w arehousing.................................................................... 7. Water transportation................................................................................................................... 8. Air transportation....................................................................................................................... 9. Pipe lines, except natural g a s .................................................................................................. 10. Transportation services............................................................................................................... 11. C om m unications......................................................................................................................... v 11 13 15 17 19 21 24 Contents—Continued Page 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Electric, gas, steam, water, and sanitary services.................................................................. Wholesale tra d e............................................................................................................................ Wholesale trade—durable g o o d s.............................................................................................. Wholesale trade—nondurable good s....................................................................................... Retail trade: Percent distribution o f employment in major occupational groups by industry, 1982 ....................................................................................................................... Retail trade.................................................................................................................................... Building materials, hardware, garden supply stores, and mobile home d ealers............. General merchandise stores ...................................................................................................... Food stores.................................................................................................................................... Automotive dealers and gasoline servicestations.................................................................. Apparel and accessory sto r e s.................................................................................................... Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment s to r e s ............................................................ Eating and drinking p la c es..................................................................................... ,. ................ Miscellaneous retail stores ........................................................................................................ 28 33 36 39 45 46 49 51 54 56 58 60 62 64 Appendixes: A. State and local governm ent........................................................................................................ 67 B. Survey methods and reliability o f estim ates............................................................................. 76 C. O es survey data available from State agencies........................................................................ 80 vi Introduction cent o f total employment, relative error, and percent o f establishments reporting the occupation. The Occupational Employment Statistics ( o e s ) survey is designed to collect data on occupational employment o f wage and salary workers by industry in nonagricultural establishments. The Bureau o f Labor Statistics provides the procedures and technical assistance for the survey, State employment security agencies collect the data, and the Employment and Train ing Administration provides administrative support. In 1982 and in 1979, 48 States and the District o f Col umbia participated in the survey, compared with 43 States in 1978, 29 States in 1975, and 22 in 1973. B ls conducted a supplemental survey in 1982, with the financial aid o f the National Science Foundation, to col lect data in the nonparticipating States and to develop national estimates. This bulletin presents national data only. Data on oc cupational employment in each participating State are available from the State employment security agencies which are listed on the last page of this bulletin. Employment is based upon survey results adjusted to reflect total industry employment. The percent o f total employment refers to total employment in the industry. Relative error measures the level o f confidence to be placed on each estimate. The percent o f establishments reporting a particular occupation indicates the frequen cy o f occurrence o f the occupation. Occupations with fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent o f industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are not shown separately but are included in the appropriate residual categories. Employment is rounded to the nearest ten. The relative error and the percent o f respondents reporting the occupation are rounded to the nearest whole per cent. The percent o f total employment was computed from rounded employment data. Data presented 1 Occupational employment data at the more detailed 3-digit level are available upon request from the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Definitions for all occupations surveyed are also available upon request. This bulletin presents occupational employment for 2-digit sic industries.1 Data are presented for each in dustry under the following headings: Employment, per 1 t decline, with a 4 percent drop in employment from 1979 to 1982. Airlines and trucking, both o f which were deregulated in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, led the overall decline. During the 1979-82 period, railroads and airlines were characterized by bankruptcies and ag gressive and increased competition, including fierce fare and rate discounting (price wars). Wholesale and retail trade experienced lagging sales, low profits, and high in terest rates; these factors may have contributed to the very slow job growth during this period. In contrast, employment growth was strong in the communications industry. Included among the factors partially responsi ble for this em ploym ent growth were rapid technological change; increased deregulation; and the increased demand for telecommunication and broad casting services (satellite communications, international telephone services, cable television services, etc.). Utilities also had strong employment growth from 1979 to 1982. This may be attributable to improved revenues, increased rate allowances, and decreased construction spending. In 1982, 25.2 million, or 29 percent, o f all nonagricultural wage and salary workers in the Nation were employed in transportation, communications, utilities, and trade, the industries covered by this survey. Of these, almost 82 percent, or 20.6 million, were employed in trade. Just under three-quarters were employed in retail trade, the same proportion as in 1979; the balance was in wholesale trade. The transpor tation industries employed more than 9 percent o f the workers surveyed, or about 2.4 million. Motor freight transportation and warehousing employed the largest proportion o f workers in transportation, accounting for slightly more than half o f the transportation workers. Communications, the third largest industry surveyed, employed 1.4 million workers or almost 6 percent of the total workers surveyed. Utilities, the smallest industry, accounted for a little more than 3 percent o f total employment, or 867,000 workers. (See table 1.) For comparative purposes, data from the 1979 survey o f occupational employment in these industries1 appear in the following tabulation: Employment 1979 1982 Transportation.................. 2,467,290 Communications................ 1,316,460 Utilities................................ 796,460 Wholesale and retail trade.................................. 20,320,980 Major occupational groups Percent change 2,368,240 1,421,120 866,770 -4 8 9 20,571,860 1 In this study, workers are classified into seven major occupational groups: Managers and officers; profes sional workers; technical workers; service workers; operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers; clerical workers; and sales workers. Tables 2 and 3 present the distribu tion of employment in the various industries surveyed. Subsequent sections in this publication deal with the four major industry groups and discuss employment in each by major occupational group. These sections also present occupational employment data by industry seg ment (two-digit SIC). The tabulation shows the transportation industry as the only surveyed industry to experience a decline in employment from 1979 to 1982. In 1982, there were almost 100,000 or 4 percent fewer transportation workers than in 1979. Both communications and utilities had the largest percentage gains in employment, while in wholesale and retail trade employment increas ed by only 1 percent. Between 1979 and 1982, many economic and regulatory changes took place in the economy. These changes, some industry-specific, may provide a partial explanation for the changes in employment experienced by these industries in 1982. The recessions o f 1980 and 1981-82 affected many in dustries, including those covered in this publication. Transportation, as a whole, showed the greatest cyclical Managers and officers Managers and officers are primarily concerned with the policymaking, planning, organizing, staffing, direc ting, and controlling o f activities common to many types of organizations. Also included are persons responsible for the operation of an enterprise or establishment (usually small) in which they may engage, in part, in the same activities as the workers they super vise. Occupations included in this group are plant, o f 1 See Occupational Employment in Transportation, Communica fice, and sales managers, and corporate officers such as president, secretary, and treasurer. tions, Utilities, and Trade, 1979, Bulletin 2116 (April 1982). 2 and equipment of buildings, offices, stores, etc., and provide repair services in all industries. There were 5.0 million service workers in 1982, a 5 percent increase over 1979, and they accounted for almost 20 percent o f the employment covered by this survey . More than four-fifths o f the service workers were employed in eating and drinking establishments. In the industries surveyed in 1982, managers and of ficers numbered 2.7 million (table 2), compared to 2.3 million in 1979, an increase of 16 percent between the survey years. Eleven percent of the employees covered by the 1982 survey were managers and officers. (See table 3.) As might be expected, the largest concentration of managers and officers was found in wholesale and retail trade. They accounted for 83 percent o f the managers and officers in all the surveyed industries. In order of predominance, the largest employers of managers and officers in wholesale and retail trade were eating and drinking places (381,000 or 14 percent o f all managers and officers surveyed); wholesale firms selling durable goods (350,000 or 13 percent); and food stores (257,000 or 9 percent). Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers include all skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled workers performing machine and manual tasks. This was the largest o f the seven major occupational groups, and accounted for 6.3 million or 25 percent of the total surveyed employment in 1982. This was the on ly major occupational group to experience a decrease in total employment from 1979 to 1982. Employment declined by 7 percent over this period, from 6.7 million to 6.3 million. The largest concentrations o f operating workers were in motor freight transportation and warehousing, and in wholesale firms selling durable goods. Each employed about 14 percent of all the operating workers surveyed. Professional workers Professional workers usually deal with the theoretical or practical aspects o f science, engineering, technical work, art, education, medicine, law, and business rela tions. Most o f these occupations require substantial educational preparation, usually at the university level. In 1982, professional workers numbered 959,000, nearly 5 percent more than the 914,000 in 1979. They ac counted for 4 percent of the employment covered by the 1982 survey. The largest proportion of professional workers was in wholesale firms selling durable goods, with 18 percent. Communications ranked second, employing 157,000 or 16 percent. Clerical workers Clerical workers are classified as either office clerical workers or plant clerical workers. Office clerical workers prepare, transcribe, transfer, systematize, and preserve written communications and records, as well as collect accounts and distribute information. Plant clerical workers plan, coordinate, or expedite produc tion and the flow o f work. These workers are also in volved in the clerical aspects o f receiving, storing, issu ing, or shipping o f materials, merchandise, supplies, or equipment. Clerical workers ranked second among the seven oc cupational groups in 1982, with 5.4 million or 22 per cent o f total employment in the surveyed industries. From 1979 to 1982, employment increased by 20,000 workers or less than 1 percent. The largest concentra tion o f clerical workers in 1982, 908,000 or 17 percent, was in the durable goods segment o f the wholesale trade industry. Food stores followed, with 15 percent. Technical workers Technical workers require theoretical knowledge of fundamental scientific, engineering, mathematical, computer programming, or drafting principles; they provide assistance and independently operate and pro gram technical equipment and systems. Their knowledge is acquired through study at technical schools and junior colleges, through other formal posthigh school training less extensive than a 4-year college course, or through equivalent on-the-job training or ex perience. Technical occupations were the smallest group among the major groups in 1982. There were 370,000 technical workers in 1982 compared to 291,000 in 1979, a 27 per cent increase, the largest increase in employment among the occupational groups. More than half o f the technical workers were employed in wholesale firms sell ing durable goods and in the communications industry. Air transportation employed 13 percent, four-fifths of whom were airplane pilots. Sales workers Sales workers include sales representatives and sales clerks. Sales representatives (also called sales agents or sales associates) must have specific knowledge o f the commodity or service being sold. Sales clerks sell any of a large variety o f goods or services, and usually only re quire familiarity with the pricing of those goods and services. In 1982, 4.5 million sales workers made up 18 percent o f the total employment in the surveyed industries. Service workers Service workers perform services for individuals oi establishments. They protect individuals and property, prepare and serve food and beverages, clean interiors 3 From 1979 to : o f only Wholes all o f the sales workers in 1982. General merchandise stores employed the largest number— 1 million. in employoccupational for almost • ' • ' . 4 Table 1. Employment in transportation, communications, utilities, and wholesale and retail trade, 1982 Employment Percent distribution Total............................................................. 25,227,990 100.0 Transportation ........................................................ Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation................ Motor freight transportation and warehousing .... Water transportation............................................ Air transportation................................................. Pipe lines, except natural g a s ............................. Transportation services....................................... 2,368,240 9.4 268,890 1,207,840 212,600 440,590 22,650 215,670 1.1 4.8 .8 1.7 .1 .9 Communications..................................................... 1,421,120 5.6 Utilities.................................................................... 866,770 3.4 Wholesale and retail trade..................................... 20,571,860 81.5 Wholesale tra d e .................................................. Durable g oods................................................ Nondurable goods.......................................... 5,325,780 3,117,780 2,208,000 21.1 12.4 8.8 Retail trade .......................................................... Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers ......................... General merchandise stores........................... Food stores..................................................... Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations ...................................................... Apparel and accessory stores........................ Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores......................................................... Eating and drinking places.............................. Miscellaneous retail......................................... 15,246,080 60.4 599,580 2,150,570 2,466,270 2.4 8.5 9.8 1,637,690 933,620 6.5 3.7 573,880 4,985,150 1,899,320 2.3 19.8 7.5 Industry 5 Table 2. Employment in transportation, communications, utilities, and wholesale and retail trade by major occupational group, 1982 Industry T o ta l............................................. Local and suburban transit and interurban highway....................... Motor freight transportation and warehousing................................. Water transportation........................... Air transportation ............................... Pipe lines, except natural g a s ........... Transportation services...................... Communications ................................ Electric, gas, steam, water, and sanitary services........................... Wholesale trade-durable goods........ Wholesale trade-nondurable goods .. Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers General merchandise stores............. Food sto re s........................................ Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations............................. Apparel and accessory stores.......... Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores.......................... Eating and drinking places................ Miscellaneous retail............................ Managers and officers Professional workers Technical workers Service work ers Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers Clerical work ers Sales workers 2,676,580 959,370 369,520 4,996,640 6,257,240 5,420,240 4,548,400 15,440 2,710 15,530 6,690 194,830 32,490 1,200 100,750 30,770 25,140 2,040 39,840 163,290 10,650 6,940 18,100 3,150 60,030 157,470 1,950 2,290 55,070 1,520 680 70,850 10,770 11,420 70,290 100 7,190 13,300 871,600 131,190 125,900 1 12,890 28,490 389,430 187,590 26,790 139,060 2,930 70,230 559,630 24,530 3,200 7,030 20 9,210 67,150 68,350 349,530 224,490 97,330 177,100 79,430 51,230 131,120 14,880 16,760 27,290 43,240 412,070 861,860 775,160 214,990 907,570 617,480 6,040 663,310 453,320 87,760 197,430 257,440 17,400 54,220 34,920 800 4,660 2,380 8,630 124,990 273,840 170,090 239,200 679,100 141,140 529,290 806,040 173,760 1,000,780 412,550 242,780 158,760 19,440 24,230 2,240 490 46,240 12,980 775,370 74,540 291,610 122,790 260,010 539,830 89,230 380,520 243,020 24,180 21,470 150,600 2,910 920 10,000 13,560 4,254,510 54,840 143,840 54,230 317,450 122,130 211,660 436,820 178,030 61,840 686,590 1 Includes pipe line transportation, petroleum and extraction workers. Table 3. Percent distribution of employment in transportation, communications, utilities, and wholesale and retail trade by major occupational group, 1982 Industry All occupations Managers and officers T ota l............................................. Local and suburban transit and interurbaK highway ....................... Motor freight transportation and warehousing ................................. Water transportation........................... Air transportation ............................... Pipe lines, except natural g a s........... Transportation services...................... Communications ................................ Electric, gas, steam, water, and sanitary services........................... Wholesale trade-durable goods........ Wholesale trade-nondurable goods .. Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers General merchandise stores............. Food sto re s........................................ Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations............................ Apparel and accessory stores.......... Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores.......................... Eating and drinking places................ Miscellaneous retail............................ 100.0 10.6 3.8 1.5 19.8 100.0 5.7 1.0 5.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8.3 14.5 5.7 9.0 18.5 11.5 .9 3.3 4.1 13.9 27.8 11.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 7.9 11.2 10.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 Professional workers Technical workers Service workers Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, mat erial handling, and powerplant workers Clerical workers Sales work ers 24.8 21.5 18.0 2.5 72.5 12.1 .4 .2 1.1 12.5 6.7 .3 5.0 .9 5.4 16.0 .4 3.3 .9 72.2 61.7 28.6 ’ 57 13.2 27.4 15.5 12.6 31.6 12.9 32.6 39.4 2.0 1.5 1.6 .1 4.3 4.7 11.2 5.7 3.6 5.9 4.2 .7 1.9 .9 2.0 47.5 27.6 35.1 24.8 29.1 28.0 .7 21.3 20.5 14.6 9.2 10.4 2.9 2.5 1.4 .1 .2 .1 1.4 5.8 11.1 28.4 11.1 27.5 23.5 24.6 32.7 29.0 46.5 16.7 100.0 100.0 14.8 17.0 1.2 2.6 .1 .1 2.8 1.4 47.3 8.0 17.8 13.2 15.9 57.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 15.5 7.6 12.8 4.2 .4 7.9 .5 (2) .5 2.4 85.3 2.9 25.1 1.1 16.7 21.3 4.2 23.0 31.0 1.2 36.1 , 1 Includes pipe line transportation, petroleum and extraction workers. 2 Less than 0.1 percent. 6 Transportation In 1982, 2.4 million persons were employed in the transportation industries. The motor freight transporta tion and warehousing industry was the largest employer, with 51 percent o f all transportation workers (table 4). Air transportation ranked second, with nearly 19 per cent. Local and surburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation employed 11 percent, and services incidental to transportation employed 9 percent, as did water transportation. Pipeline transpor tation (except natural gas) employed only 1 percent. The transportation industry, as a whole, experienced a slight employment decline since 1979. The following tabulation shows the change in employment for the transportation industries from 1979 to 1982: between neighboring municipalities, or between a municipality and its surrounding locale. Also included are establishments which supply sightseeing transporta tion. (Interurban rail service is not included). Firms which supply terminal and maintenance services also make up part of this industry. In 1982, this industry employed 269,000 persons or 11 percent o f total employment in transportation. Nearly a third o f these workers were employed in establishments that provide local and suburban passenger transporta tion. Bus drivers (including school bus) and emergency medical technicians were the largest occupations. Of the workers employed in this industry, 72 percent were in operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations (table Percent Employment 5). Clerical occupations ranked second with 12 percent 1982 change 1979 o f total industry employment. About 6 percent o f the jobs were filled by technical workers, nine-tenths o f 2,368,240 -4 T otal.................................... 2,467,290 whom were emergency medical technicians. Managers Local and suburban transit and interurban highway and officers ranked fourth, also with about 6 percent o f 2 262,570 268,890 passenger transportation . the total industry work force. Service and professional Motor freight transporta workers accounted for 3 percent of employment in the tion and 1,207,840 -11 warehousing...................... 1,351,960 industry; the remaining workers were in sales and ac 212,600 2 207,560 Water transportation........ counted for less than 1 percent o f the industry’s 443,910 440,590 -1 Air transportation.............. Pipelines, except natural workers. 12 20,310 22,650 gas...................................... Employment in local and suburban transit and in 180,980 215,670 19 Transportation services . . . terurban highway passenger transportation increased by Since 1979, the only transportation industries to ex 6,300, or 2 percent between 1979 and 1982. Two o f the perience declines in employment have been motor occupations in this industry that experienced large abfreight transportation and warehousing and air i solute and percentage employment changes between transportation, declining by 11 percent and 1 percent,.. 1979 and 1982 are shown in the following tabulation: respectively. Transportation services had an employ ment gain o f 19 percent, the largest percentage increase Employment Percent 1979 1982 change o f any o f the transportation industries. Pipelines ex perienced an increase o f 12 percent; the remaining Taxi drivers.................... 41,480 27,920 -33 transportation industries had employment gains of 2 Emergency medical technicians.................... 7,270 14,740 103 percent or less. Several events occurred between 1979 and 1982 that Adverse economic conditions, increased energy costs, may provide a partial explanation for the employment and increased use o f public transportation may have changes in transportation. These are discussed in more contributed to the decline in taxi driver employment, detail in the following sections. while increased demand for health care may have led to the rise in emergency medical technicians. Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing Establishments in this industry include firms which provide transportation o f passengers by automobile, bus, taxi, rail, or subway within a single municipality, This industry consists o f establishments which furnish local or long-distance trucking, or those engaged in the storage o f farm products, furniture or other household 7 goods, or commercial goods o f any nature. The opera tion o f terminal facilities for handling freight, with or without maintenance facilities, is also included. (Establishments engaged in field warehousing or storing natural gas are excluded). Of the industry’s 1.2 million workers, local and long distance trucking accounted for 93 percent; public warehousing, 7 percent; and terminal and maintenance facilities for trucking, 1 percent. Slightly more than 72 percent o f all workers in the motor freight transportation and warehousing industry were in operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations. (See table 6.) Of these, 56 percent were truck drivers, threefourths o f whom drove tractor-trailers. Clerical workers accounted for 16 percent o f industry employment. The remaining industry employment consisted o f managers and officers, with 8 percent o f the work force; sales workers, with 2 percent; service, technical, and profes sional workers, each with less than 1 percent. Employment in the motor freight transportation and warehousing industry dropped more than 11 percent from 1979 to 1982. Three occupations that experienced large employment declines during this period are shown in the following tabulation: Employment 1982 1979 Tractor-trailer truck driver. Truck driver helper............ Light truck driver.............. 455,940 64,480 59,820 355,720 50,280 48,420 tion establishments accounted for 30 percent, while the remaining 15 percent worked in firms providing transportation on rivers and canals, deep sea domestic services and transportation services on the Great LakesSt. Lawrence Seaway. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ac counted for the largest number o f workers, 131,000, or 62 percent o f the employment in water transportation. (See table 7.) Within this group, the predominant oc cupations were ordinary seamen, able seamen, and ships’ engineers. Managers and officers ranked second among the major occupational groups with 14 percent, while clerical workers accounted for 13 percent. Service workers accounted for 5 percent; professional occupa tions, 3 percent; and sales and technical workers com bined, only 2 percent. From 1979 to 1982, employment in the water transportation industry increased by 2 percent. Sizable changes in employment occurred in a number o f oc cupations, however, two of which are shown in the tabulation: Employment 1982 1979 Water vessel captain . . . . Rigger.............................. Percent change 10,560 1,140 13,780 580 Percent change 30 -49 Air transportation -22 -22 -19 Primarily furnishing foreign and domestic air transportation, this industry also consists o f firms that operate airports and flying fields, and perform terminal services. The air transportation industry employed 441,000 workers in 1982. Carriers certificated under the Civil Aeronautics Act to transport revenue passengers, cargo, or freight, accounted for 81 percent o f the workers in air transportation. Establishments which operate and maintain airports and flying fields and service, repair, and store aircraft accounted for 11 percent. Noncertificated air carriers employed 6 percent. Numbering 139,000, clerical workers held 32 percent of the jobs in air transportation in 1982. The majority of these workers were employed either as ticket agents or reservation agents. (See table 8.) Employees in operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations ranked second with 29 percent o f the employment. Aircraft mechanics made up 40 percent o f these workers. Service workers accounted for 16 percent o f total industry employment, while technical workers accounted for 12 percent. Managers and officers made up 6 percent; professional workers, 4 percent; and sales workers, 2 percent. Employment in the air transportation industry decreased by 3,000 workers or by 1 percent from 1979 to 1982. The following tabulation shows two occupations Several factors may have contributed to the employ ment decline in the motor carrier industry. Deregula tion, under the Motor Carrier Act o f 1980, relaxed entry requirements and restrictions on carriers’ route opera tions, which allowed many new small carriers to enter the business. The intense rate competition that followed caused the larger, more established carriers to suffer losses in truckload business. This, coupled with adverse economic conditions, and the declining profitability of the industry, may have contributed to the loss in truck driver jobs. (Self-employed truck drivers were not covered by this survey.) Water transportation Included in this industry are establishments that transport freight and passengers on the open seas or in land waterways, and those which furnish incidental ser vices such as lighterage, canal operation, and towing. Also included are excursion boats, sightseeing boats, and water taxis. Charter and party fishing boats are excluded. In 1982, this industry employed 213,000 persons. Fifty-four percent of the workers were employed in miscellaneous water transportation services. Local water transportation and deep sea foreign transporta 8 in this industry that experienced large decreases in employment over this period: Employment 1979 1982 Reservation ag en ts.......... Aeronautical engineers___ 48,680 1,200 30,220 560 transport goods from shippers to receivers for a fee covering the entire transportation, and in turn use serv ices o f other transportation establishments for delivery, accounted for 25 percent o f the employment in transportation services. Eight percent o f the workers in this industry were employed in establishments which provide miscellaneous services such as packing and crating goods for shipment, and the operation o f highway bridges, tunnels, and toll roads. The remaining 2 percent were employed in establishments which rent railroad cars to transport passengers and freight. With one-third o f industry employment, clerical oc cupations accounted for the largest number o f workers in the transportation services industry. Professional workers ranked second, with 28 percent. Almost all of the professional workers were travel agents and travel accommodations appraisers. (See table 10.) Managers and officers ranked third among the occupational groups, with 18 percent o f the industry employment. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations accounted for 13 percent of the industry work force; and sales, serv ice, and technical occupations constituted the remaining 8 percent. Employment in the transportation services industry in creased by 35,000 workers, or by 19 percent from 1979 to 1982. The following tabulation shows three occupations that experienced large absolute and percent gains in employment from 1979 to 1982: Percent change -38 -53 As with trucking, airlines were deregulated in 1979, resulting in increased competition among firms, in cluding fare discounting and price wars. As a result, there was an increase in airline company bankruptcies which, in combination with the recessions o f 1980 and 1981-82, may have adversely affected employment levels. Pipelines, except natural gas This industry is made up o f firms that move petroleum and other commodities (except natural gas) through pipe lines. Pipelines operated by petroleum producing or refining companies and separately reported are also included. There were 23,000 workers in this industry in 1982, a gain o f 12 percent over 1979. Over one-half o f these workers held jobs in operating, maintenance, construc tion, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupa tions. (See table 9.) Professional workers were the se cond largest occupational group, accounting for 14 per cent o f industry employment. Nearly half o f these pro fessional workers were engineers. Thirteen percent of the workers held clerical jobs, 9 percent were managers and officers, and 7 percent held technical jobs. The smallest group, service and sales workers, accounted for less than 1 percent o f total industry employment. Employment 1979 1982 Travel agent and/or travel accommodations appraiser Sightseeing gu id e................ Computer operator............ Transportation services This industry is comprised of firms that provide serv ices incidental to transportation such as the arrange ment o f passenger and freight transportation, and for warding and packing services. There were 216,000 persons employed in this industry in 1982. Two-thirds o f the workers primarily furnished travel information, acted as agents in arranging tours and transporting passengers, or acted as independent agents for transportation establishments. Also included were persons arranging for the transportation of freight and cargo. However, workers in establishments which 44,900 601 528 55,620 2,330 1,620 Percent change 24 288 207 A substantial part—more than 35 percent-- o f total employment growth in transportation services between 1979-82 was related to recreation. To the extent that the economic climate o f 1981-82 curtailed foreign travel by Americans, it might be suggested that more U.S. citizens have been taking vacations in the continental United States, thereby increasing the demand for recreation-related transportation service workers. 9 Table 4. Transportation industries: Percent distribution of employment in major occupational groups by industry, 1982 Industry Total Total................................................ 2,368,240 Percent.................................... 100.00 Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation ............................. 11.35 Motor freight transportation and warehousing .............................. 51.00 Water transportation........................ 8.98 Transportation by a ir ....................... 18.60 Pipe lines, except natural g a s......... .96 Transportation services .................. 9.11 Clerical workers Sales work ers 1,364,900 100.00 459,090 100.00 45,190 100.00 6.28 14.27 7.08 2.66 10.12 10.73 66.02 .09 6.75 63.86 9.61 9.22 .94 2.09 40.86 5.84 30.29 .64 15.30 54.28 7.08 15.56 .04 20.38 Managers and officers Professional workers Technical workers Service workers 213,980 100.00 101,580 100.00 77,040 100.00 106,460 100.00 7.22 2.67 20.16 47.08 14.38 11.75 .95 18.62 10.48 6.83 17.82 3.10 59.10 2.53 2.97 71.48 1.97 .88 10 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, mat erial handling, and powerplant workers Table 5. Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 41) Occupation Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of total employment Employment’ Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 268,890 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... 15,440 5.74 n.a. n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................. Accountants and auditors...................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. All other professional workers............................... 2,710 60 200 1,110 310 1,030 1.01 .02 .07 .41 .12 .38 n.a. 36 7 7 8 n.a. n.a. 1 3 11 3 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians......................................... Emergency medical technician ............................. All other technicians............................................... 15,530 60 60 14,740 670 5.78 .02 .02 5.48 .25 n.a. 25 46 6 n.a. n.a. 1 (3) 12 n.a. Service occupations .................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers............................................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Baggage porter, transportation ............................. School and/or school bus monitor........................ All other service workers ....................................... 6,690 1,590 170 180 260 900 2,490 1,100 2.49 .59 .06 .07 .10 .33 .93 .41 n.a. 5 16 28 11 12 17 n.a. n.a. 9 1 (3) 2 2 3 n.a. 194,830 14,490 7,310 1,080 5,460 360 280 760 1,470 52,810 3,960 120 1,680 1,000 1,210 290 110 27,920 72.46 5.39 2.72 .40 2.03 .13 .10 .28 .55 19.64 1.47 .04 .62 .37 .45 .11 .04 10.38 n.a. n.a. 3 7 5 26 n.a. 27 9 3 4 30 5 9 6 17 11 3 n.a. n.a. 32 7 13 1 n.a. 1 2 26 18 1 12 6 9 2 1 16 1,020 160 7,570 69,260 10,050 140 300 510 .38 .06 2.82 25.76 3.74 .05 .11 .19 8 7 10 2 8 n.a. n.a. n.a. 5 2 5 28 10 n.a. n.a. n.a. 32,490 20,630 120 190 150 80 1,320 320 1,360 610 120 200 12.08 7.67 .04 .07 .06 .03 .49 .12 .51 .23 .04 .07 n.a. n.a. 14 18 n.a. 15 16 16 6 10 16 18 n.a. n.a. 1 2 n.a. 1 9 1 16 4 1 1 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Automotive body repairer.................................. Diesel mechanic................................................. Mechanic, maintenance..................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Baggage handler.................................................... Bus driver................................................................ Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Oiler ......................................................................... Painter, automotive................................................. Taxi driver ............................................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator............................................... Tire changer ........................................................... Chauffeur................................................................. Bus driver, school .................................................. Ambulance driver and/or attendant ...................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. Clerical occupations................................................... Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator............................................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer ....................................................... Accounting cle rk................................................... Reservation agent................................................ Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Cashier.................................................................. Claim adjuster...................................................... File c le rk............................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 11 > Table 5. Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 41) Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued General office clerk ............................................. Information clerk.................................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk ........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Receptionist ......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Ticket a g e nt......................................................... Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Production clerk and/or coordinator .................. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... Meter reader, taxi or bus .................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Dispatcher, police, fire and ambulance.............. All other plant clerical workers........................... Sales occupations..................................................... Traffic agent ........................................................... All other sales agents, associates, and/or representatives.................................................. Sales c le rk .............................................................. Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 4,550 1,600 70 910 120 230 2,080 1,340 470 3,630 330 450 380 11,860 70 500 1.69 .60 .03 .34 .04 .09 .77 .50 .17 1.35 .12 .17 .14 4.41 .03 .19 5 20 19 6 16 13 5 14 17 4 10 11 n.a. n.a. 11 10 25 6 1 12 2 4 19 5 4 11 3 3 n.a. n.a. 1 2 430 200 9,060 1,470 130 .16 .07 3.37 .55 .05 7 24 3 11 n.a. 5 2 37 7 n.a. 1,200 580 .45 .22 n.a. 10 n.a. 6 540 80 .20 .03 n.a. 27 n.a. (3) 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 12 employment and percent of total employment: relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. Table 6. Motor freight transportation and warehousing: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982 (SIC 42) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation T o ta l................................................................... 1,207,840 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... 100,750 8.34 n.a. n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers............................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. All other professional workers............................... 10,650 670 550 650 6,890 1,350 540 .88 .06 .05 .05 .57 .11 .04 n.a. 17 12 13 7 8 n.a. n.a. 1 2 4 14 5 n.a. Technical occupations.............................................. Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians......................................... All other technicians.............................................. 1,950 1,080 230 640 .16 .09 .02 .05 n.a. 11 36 n.a. n.a. 3 (3) n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... All other service workers ....................................... 10,770 7,040 2,210 830 690 .89 .58 .18 .07 .06 n.a. 6 13 20 n.a. n.a. 15 4 1 n.a. 871,600 54,170 9,050 1,100 41,410 960 72.16 4.48 .75 .09 3.43 .08 n.a. n.a. 7 15 3 19 n.a. n.a. 12 2 31 2 360 1,290 85,370 48,420 355,720 160 2,050 2,040 88,380 190 22,360 870 19,340 470 8,520 6,480 540 2,130 170 16,180 190 460 1,760 .03 .11 7.07 4.01 29.45 .01 .17 .17 7.32 .02 1.85 .07 1.60 .04 .71 .54 .04 .18 .01 1.34 .02 .04 .15 30 n.a. 5 7 2 26 11 20 5 28 4 38 7 23 8 11 17 32 25 13 38 16 14 1 n.a. 19 12 56 1 3 2 14 1 26 (3) 14 1 14 8 2 1 1 3 (3) 1 3 2,280 1,340 850 50,280 3,680 2,520 6,370 88,310 .19 .11 .07 4.16 .30 .21 .53 7.31 15 9 40 6 21 n.a. n.a. n.a. 4 5 (3) 13 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 15.53 9.42 .61 n.a. n.a. 6 n.a. n.a. 13 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Automotive body repairer.................................. Diesel mechanic ................................................ Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic...................................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver, heavy................................................ Truck driver, lig h t................................................... Tractor trailer truck driver...................................... Carpenter................................................................ Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Crane, derrick, and hoist operators....................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Rigger..................................................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Inspector................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Oiler ........................................................................ Order fille r............................................................... Painter, automotive................................................ Refuse collector..................................................... Stationary engineer................................................ Tire fabricator and/or repairer .............................. Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Tire changer ........................................................... Conveyor operator or tender................................. Truck driver helper................................................. Locker plant attendant........................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers.............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... • 187,590 113,830 7,420 See footnotes at end of table. 13 I Table 6. Motor freight transportation and warehousing: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982—Continued (SIC 42) Occupation Office clerical workers — Continued Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer....................................................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier................................................................. Claim adjuster...................................................... File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers.......................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Manifest clerk ...................................................... Rate clerk, freight................................................ All other plant clerical workers............................ Sales occupations..................................................... Crating-and-moving estimator.............................. Traffic agent ........................................................... All other sales agents, associates, and/or representatives................................................. Sales c le rk .............................................................. Employment' Relative error (in percentage)1 2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 1,780 1,840 680 330 460 9,390 11,330 3,080 1,850 1,020 1,580 39,670 2,380 810 530 16,810 880 1,570 2,430 2,960 5,030 73,760 14,780 8,340 0.15 .15 .06 .03 .04 .78 .94 .26 .15 .08 .13 3.28 .20 .07 .04 1.39 .07 .13 .20 .25 .42 6.11 1.22 .69 11 9 16 n.a. 17 6 6 7 10 10 10 4 6 10 20 4 14 7 11 9 n.a. n.a. 10 13 5 4 1 n.a. 1 16 20 7 5 3 4 42 10 4 2 29 3 8 4 6 n.a. n.a. 8 9 10,900 25,690 1,210 11,160 1,680 .90 2.13 .10 .92 .14 9 4 12 13 35 3 19 n.a. 24,530 8,100 8,500 2.03 .67 .70 n.a. 8 n.a. 7 13 7,050 880 .58 .07 n.a. 32 n.a. 1 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated / Percent of total employment 7 n.a. 7 employment and percent of continued employment-relative stan dard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For fur ther information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. Table 7. Water transportation: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1982 (SIC 44) Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 212,600 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... Captain, water vessel ............................................. Pilot, ship................................................................. All other managers ................................................. 30,770 13,780 3,180 13,810 14.47 6.48 1.50 6.50 n.a. 5 10 n.a. n.a. 33 12 n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Marine engineer................................................. Mechanical engineer.......................................... All other engineers............................................. Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. All other professional workers............................... 6,940 2,060 1,030 600 430 290 1,240 2,080 530 740 3.26 .97 .48 .28 .20 .14 .58 .98 .25 .35 n.a. n.a. 10 18 n.a. 15 13 9 12 n.a. n.a. n.a. 10 3 n.a. 4 14 18 8 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer ........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Surveyor.............................................................. All other engineering technicians...................... Radio operator ....................................................... All other technicians............................................... 2,290 300 830 750 80 960 200 1.08 .14 .39 .35 .04 .45 .09 n.a. 11 n.a. 29 n.a. 11 n.a. n.a. 4 n.a. 1 n.a. 5 n.a. Service occupations .................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers ....................................... Food service workers............................................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Steward, sh ip .......................................................... All other service workers ....................................... 11,420 690 920 6,440 610 1,280 1,480 5.37 .32 .43 3.03 .29 .60 .70 n.a. 13 15 8 16 21 n.a. n.a. 9 7 15 5 3 n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Diesel mechanic ................................................. Engineering equipment mechanic..................... Marine mechanic and/or repairer ..................... Mechanic, maintenance..................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Carpenter ................................................................ Crane, derrick, and hoist operators....................... Delivery and/or route w o rker................................ Electrician................................................................ Firer, marine ........................................................... Supervisor, nonworking .......................................... Rigger ...................................................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Marine service station attendant .......................... Oiler ........................................................................ Painter, maintenance.............................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter....................................... Stationary engineer................................................. Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Plastic boat patcher................................................ Shipwright................................................................ Boatswain................................................................ Able seaman........................................................... Ordinary seaman.................................................... Signaller................................................................... Ship engineer ......................................................... 131,190 6,670 660 1,030 190 3,350 690 750 1,340 670 2,260 140 760 820 5,350 580 3,110 1,970 1,460 1,020 1,520 830 80 170 1,930 260 360 1,730 8,780 17,460 470 8,880 61.71 3.14 .31 .48 .09 1.58 .32 .35 .63 .32 1.06 .07 .36 .39 2.52 .27 1.46 .93 .69 .48 .71 .39 .04 .08 .91 .12 .17 .81 4.13 8.21 .22 4.18 n.a. n.a. 15 13 34 11 21 n.a. 27 17 15 37 18 16 7 19 14 12 12 16 10 19 30 36 15 25 29 11 8 4 20 7 n.a. n.a. 6 9 1 22 4 n.a. 7 9 14 1 7 2 20 4 9 14 11 7 6 7 1 1 10 4 2 6 11 30 2 16 See footnotes at end of table. 15 Table 7. Water transportation: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1982—Continued (SIC 44) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Motorboat operator................................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)1 2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 900 1,300 4,640 55,730 0.42 .61 2.18 26.21 23 n.a. n.a. n.a. 4 n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer....................................................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Reservation agent................................................ Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Cashier.................................................................. File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Ticket a g e nt......................................................... Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Production clerk and/or coordinator .................. Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... All other plant clerical workers............................ 26,790 21,810 420 420 320 170 240 200 2,360 540 1,230 590 280 4,320 800 260 340 3,960 160 500 480 1,050 1,300 1,870 4,980 430 920 1,630 12.60 10.26 .20 .20 .15 .08 .11 .09 1.11 .25 .58 .28 .13 2.03 .38 .12 .16 1.86 .08 .24 .23 .49 .61 .88 2.34 .20 .43 .77 n.a. n.a. 24 10 15 19 n.a. 19 7 27 8 18 13 7 7 12 12 5 14 7 22 9 12 n.a. n.a. 19 25 25 n.a. n.a. 4 7 3 2 n.a. 2 17 2 20 6 4 29 16 5 6 32 3 11 2 11 11 n.a. n.a. 4 3 6 950 1,050 .45 .49 21 n.a. 7 n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. 3,200 2,420 780 1.51 1.14 .37 n.a. 8 19 n.a. 19 7 employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 16 Table 8. Air transportation: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 45) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation T o ta l................................................................... 440,590 100.00 -- - Managers and officers............................................... 25,140 5.71 n.a. n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Aeronautical engineer........................................ Electrical and electronic engineers................... Industrial engineer.............................................. All other engineers............................................. Natural and mathematical scientists ..................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Teacher and/or instructor, vocational education or training.......................................................... Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Lawyer.................................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Public relations practitioner................................... All other professional workers............................... 18,100 1,490 560 240 280 410 140 2,000 4.11 .34 .13 .05 .06 .09 .03 .45 n.a. n.a. 17 20 18 n.a. 17 17 n.a. n.a. 1 1 1 n.a. (3) 3 3,050 1,880 3,220 140 880 400 4,900 .69 .43 .73 .03 .20 .09 1.11 11 14 14 13 13 16 n.a. 13 9 13 2 5 4 n.a. Technical occupations.............................................. Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Electrical and electronic technicians................ All other engineering technicians...................... Flight engineer........................................................ Airplane p ilo t........................................................... Radio operator ....................................................... All other technicians.............................................. 55,070 1,610 1,420 980 440 6,510 43,890 700 940 12.50 .37 .32 .22 .10 1.48 9.96 .16 .21 n.a. 18 n.a. 16 n.a. 11 2 13 n.a. n.a. 3 n.a. 3 n.a. 4 39 4 n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers............................................. Flight attendants .................................................... Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Baggage porter, transportation ............................. Security checker..................................................... All other service workers....................................... 70,290 2,080 810 3,890 56,990 2,380 2,690 380 1,070 15.95 .47 .18 .88 12.93 .54 .61 .09 .24 n.a. 8 19 13 1 8 11 23 n.a. n.a. 13 3 3 7 8 6 1 n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, aircraft............................................... Mechanic, automotive........................................ Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Radio mechanic................................................. Electronic mechanic........................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Baggage handler.................................................... Carpenter ................................................................ Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Painter, maintenance.............................................. Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Line service attendant............................................ Painter, aircraft....................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers.............. 125,900 60,420 50,530 1,910 690 950 2,720 3,620 1,680 4,860 140 6,820 2,170 310 5,480 590 600 2,470 1,220 100 250 34,520 380 1,700 1,090 1,100 28.58 13.71 11.47 .43 .16 .22 .62 .82 .38 1.10 .03 1.55 .49 .07 1.24 .13 .14 .56 .28 .02 .06 7.83 .09 .39 .25 .25 n.a. n.a. 3 7 20 12 20 n.a. 16 14 20 8 22 31 7 27 23 10 13 30 37 5 26 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 54 10 2 5 4 n.a. 6 4 1 11 3 1 19 1 1 12 4 1 1 41 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. See footnotes at end of table. 17 Table 8. Air transportation: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 45) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment’ Relative error (in percentage)1 2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer ....................................................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Reservation agent............................................... Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier................................................................. File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Ticket a g e nt......................................................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers.......................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, airplane............................................. Crew scheduler.................................................... Transportation agent............................................ All other plant clerical workers........................... 139,060 111,150 240 870 1,230 260 380 550 5,500 30,220 1,090 590 360 770 4,690 780 640 620 7,620 230 340 45,250 1,100 4,680 3,140 27,910 650 31.56 25.23 .05 .20 .28 .06 .09 .12 1.25 6.86 .25 .13 .08 .17 1.06 .18 .15 .14 1.73 .05 .08 10.27 .25 1.06 .71 6.33 .15 n.a. n.a. 38 13 15 17 n.a. 10 9 5 9 18 15 18 6 8 14 11 6 13 13 2 12 8 n.a. n.a. 16 n.a. n.a. 1 4 2 1 n.a. 3 18 14 15 4 3 3 27 10 5 7 40 2 6 34 5 12 n.a. n.a. 4 5,840 2,360 1,240 17,180 640 1.33 .54 .28 3.90 .15 9 7 8 6 n.a. 13 12 5 21 n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. 7,030 6,090 940 1.60 1.38 .21 n.a. 9 16 n.a. 23 7 employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 18 Table 9. Pipe lines, except natural gas: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 46) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 22,650 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... 2,040 9.01 n.a. n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Civil engineer ..................................................... Electrical and electronic engineers................... Mechanical engineer.......................................... Safety engineer.................................................. All other engineers............................................. Natural and mathematical scientists ..................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................. Accountants and auditors...................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Right-of-way agent ................................................ All other professional workers............................... 3,150 1,290 240 280 520 60 190 80 220 80 580 140 70 690 13.91 5.70 1.06 1.24 2.30 .26 .84 .35 .97 .35 2.56 .62 .31 3.05 n.a. n.a. 16 14 11 16 n.a. 44 23 16 13 13 14 n.a. n.a. n.a. 10 17 22 6 n.a. 2 5 7 13 10 9 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................. Electrical and electronic technicians ................ All other engineering technicians...................... Airplane p ilo t........................................................... All other technicians............................................... 1,520 1,190 250 710 230 80 250 6.71 5.25 1.10 3.13 1.02 .35 1.10 n.a. n.a. 11 9 n.a. 25 n.a. n.a. n.a. 14 39 n.a. 3 n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. All other service workers ....................................... 100 60 40 .44 .26 .18 n.a. 32 n.a. n.a. 5 n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations 3 ........................................................ Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, maintenance..................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Corrosion control fitter ........................................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Dispatcher, relay .................................................... Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... G ager....................................................................... Heavy equipment operator .................................... Line walker.............................................................. Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Station engineer, main lin e .................................... Stationary engineer................................................. Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Field mechanical meter tester............................... Pipeliner................................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. 12,890 630 540 90 490 80 210 850 350 1,610 2,370 70 80 500 1,410 350 310 240 2,440 150 400 350 56.91 2.78 2.38 .40 2.16 .35 .93 3.75 1.55 7.11 10.46 .31 .35 2.21 6.23 1.55 1.37 1.06 10.77 .66 1.77 1.55 n.a. n.a. 10 n.a. 21 18 22 12 17 5 7 21 37 13 16 24 10 16 6 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 31 n.a. 19 8 5 23 18 69 55 6 4 24 19 11 25 19 51 n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Office machine operators ...................................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Secretary .............................................................. Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or plant ...................... All other office clerical workers........................... 2,930 2,790 80 310 50 580 660 90 120 900 12.94 12.32 .35 1.37 .22 2.56 2.91 .40 .53 3.97 n.a. n.a. n.a. 13 16 12 9 16 15 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 15 4 33 29 10 13 n.a. See footnotes at end of table. 19 Table 9. Pipe lines, except natural gas: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 46) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... All other plant clerical workers........................... 140 0.62 n.a. n.a. 50 90 .22 .40 26 n.a. 5 n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... 20 .09 n.a. n.a. are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Includes pipe line transportation, petroleum, and extraction workers. n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors 20 Table 10. Transportation services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1982 (SIC 47) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total ................................................................... 215,670 100.00 - - Managers and officers.............................................. 39,840 18.47 n.a. n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers............................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Travel agent and/or travel accommodations appraiser ........................................................... All other professional workers............................... 60,030 350 310 560 1,490 240 27.83 .16 .14 .26 .69 .11 n.a. 28 17 21 10 15 n.a. 1 1 2 7 2 55,620 1,460 25.79 .68 3 n.a. 54 n.a. Technical occupations.............................................. Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians......................................... All other technicians.............................................. 680 400 70 210 .32 .19 .03 .10 n.a. 11 29 n.a. n.a. 2 (3) n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Guide, travel ........................................................... Guide, sightseeing or establishment..................... All other service workers....................................... 7,190 1,010 230 110 2,340 2,330 1,170 3.33 .47 .11 .05 1.08 1.08 .54 n.a. 16 43 45 16 30 n.a. n.a. 6 1 1 4 2 n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Mechanic, maintenance..................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Carpenter ................................................................ Crater...................................................................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Painter, maintenance............................................. Welder and/or flamecutter.................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. 28,490 1,040 350 120 570 5,380 260 880 3,760 1,000 1,320 760 200 260 930 620 1,880 10,200 13.21 .48 .16 .06 .26 2.49 .12 .41 1.74 .46 .61 .35 .09 .12 .43 .29 .87 4.73 n.a. n.a. 24 25 n.a. 17 21 20 17 11 20 17 27 19 17 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 1 n.a. 7 (3) 1 5 4 3 3 1 1 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer....................................................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Reservation agent................................................ Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Cashier.................................................................. File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary .............................................................. Switchboard operator .......................................... 70,230 60,340 1,810 1,620 790 390 680 580 5,730 1,530 6,180 510 1,330 14,130 1,050 610 280 1,500 5,850 440 32.56 27.98 .84 .75 .37 .18 .32 .27 2.66 .71 2.87 .24 .62 6.55 .49 .28 .13 .70 2.71 .20 n.a. n.a. 11 14 18 18 n.a. 19 6 19 6 18 14 7 20 16 18 12 6 17 n.a. n.a. 9 5 See footnotes at end of table. 21 3 1 n.a. 2 21 2 29 2 5 27 3 3 2 8 24 3 Table 10. Transportation services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1982—Continued (SIC 47) Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Ticket a gent......................................................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Weigher, recordkeeping ...................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Manifest clerk ...................................................... Rate clerk, freight................................................ All other plant clerical workers........................... Sales occupations..................................................... Grating-and-moving estimator.............................. Traffic agent ........................................................... All other sales agents, associates, and/or representatives................................................. Sales clerk .............................................................. Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 1,390 970 4,820 2,630 5,520 9,890 2,720 1,360 150 0.64 .45 2.23 1.22 2.56 4.59 1.26 .64 .07 10 33 10 8 n.a. n.a. 19 20 32 11 1 12 8 n.a. n.a. 4 4 1 900 820 710 2,610 600 .42 .38 .33 1.21 .28 23 19 28 13 n.a. 3 4 3 8 n.a. 9,210 540 4,970 4.27 .25 2.30 n.a. 31 11 n.a. 2 13 3,260 440 1.51 .20 n.a. 24 n.a. 1 employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 22 Communications The communications industry includes firms that fur nish services between two or more parties, whether by wire or radio, and whether intended to be received visually or aurally. These services can be domestic, in ternational, marine, or aeronautical. Radio and televi sion broadcasting is a relatively small but significant part o f the industry. The industry also includes home rental o f cable TV service, transradio press service, operation o f radar stations, and services for the ex change or recording o f messages. In 1982, 1.4 million persons were employed in the communicatiqns industry. Telephone communications employed 1 million workers, or 76 percent o f the total. Fifteen percent o f the workers were employed in radio and television broadcasting. Firms in communication services, which provide point-to-point services outside the scope o f telephone or telegraph communications, accounted for 7 percent of the employment in this in dustry. Telegraph communications employed only 1 percent o f all communications workers. Clerical occupations, with 560,000 workers or 39 per cent o f the employment, dominated the industry. (See table 11.) Next in importance, with more than onefourth o f the em ploym ent, were operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations. The third largest group of workers consisted o f managers and officers, with 12 23 percent o f the industry employment. Professional workers accounted for 11 percent; workers employed in technical and sales occupations, 10 percent; and service workers, 1 percent. Employment in the communications industry grew by 8 percent from 1979 to 1982. The following tabulation shows employment in each o f the three-digit industries in communications for 1979 and 1982: Employment 1979 1982 Telephone............................. Telegraph............................ Radio and television broadcasting .................... Communication services. . . Percent change 1,058,540 18,510 1,077,460 19,510 2 5 187,990 51,410 218,970 105,120 16 104 Communication services had the largest employment growth. This industry experienced a number o f changes over the past 3 to 4 years which may help to explain the increase in employment. These changes include: Rapid technological advance in telecommunications; an in creased number of competitors in the industry; and ex pansion in both cable television services and the number o f cable television users. Comparisons o f 1979 and 1982 employment in detail ed occupations in the communications industry could not be made. The survey design was different for the 2 years and therefore, the data are not comparable. Table 11. Communications: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 48) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation T o ta l.................................................................... 1,421,120 100.00 -- - Managers and officers............................................... 163,290 11.49 n.a. n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Civil engineer ..................................................... Electrical and electronic engineers................... Industrial engineer.............................................. Mechanical engineer.......................................... All other engineers............................................. Natural and mathematical scientists ..................... Economist ............................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing....... Photographer.......................................................... Television camera operator................................... Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................. Accountants and auditors...................................... Announcer, radio and television ............................ Broadcast news analyst......................................... Commercial a rtis t.................................................... Writer and/or editor................................................ Film editor............................................................... Lawyer..................................................................... Librarian, professional ............................................ Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Public relations practitioner ................................... Reporters and correspondents ............................. Right-of-way agent ................................................ Technical director .................................................. All other professional workers............................... 157,470 33,100 1,250 21,860 3,940 800 5,250 320 380 5,340 3,580 4,130 1,030 6,880 44,890 6,900 1,530 7,200 1,200 860 670 6,940 2,400 9,490 890 3,240 16,500 11.08 2.33 .09 1.54 .28 .06 .37 .02 .03 .38 .25 .29 .07 .48 3.16 .49 .11 .51 .08 .06 .05 .49 .17 .67 .06 .23 1.16 n.a. n.a. 22 7 17 21 n.a. 25 35 15 10 11 10 9 3 8 9 6 10 18 13 13 9 6 12 10 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 39 2 1 n.a. 1 (3) 4 7 8 5 11 41 18 8 24 6 2 3 9 9 18 3 8 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer ........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................. Electrical and electronic technicians ................ Sound recording and reproduction technician ... Video-recording engineer.................................. Broadcast technician ......................................... Light technician.................................................. Industrial engineering technician....................... All other engineering technicians...................... Science technicians................................................ Radio operator ....................................................... All other technicians............................................... 70,850 8,170 58,110 6,400 26,360 540 1,150 19,360 380 390 3,530 2,650 520 1,400 4.99 .57 4.09 .45 1.85 .04 .08 1.36 .03 .03 .25 .19 .04 .10 n.a. 15 n.a. 10 8 21 26 6 19 28 n.a. n.a. 36 n.a. n.a. 4 n.a. 9 23 2 2 20 1 1 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. Service occupations .................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers............................................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... All other service workers....................................... 13,300 10,080 590 410 1,340 880 .94 .71 .04 .03 .09 .06 n.a. 9 19 37 14 n.a. n.a. 28 1 1 4 n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Mechanic, maintenance.................................... Radio mechanic................................................. Electronic mechanic.......................................... All other mechanics and repairers................... Truck driver............................................................ Automatic maintainer, telegraph ........................... Cable installer........................................................ Cable repairer........................................................ Cable splicer.......................................................... 389,430 14,020 3,300 160 1,980 7,320 1,260 1,180 1,390 8,510 10,110 32,790 27.40 .99 .23 .01 .14 .52 .09 .08 .10 .60 .71 2.31 n.a. n.a. 10 26 26 23 n.a. 23 18 9 11 7 n.a. n.a. 6 1 2 2 n.a. 2 1 6 5 18 See footnotes at end of table. 24 Table 11. Communications: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 48) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Central office repairer............................................. Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Electrician............................................................... Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Frame wirer............................................................. Ground worker, utilities .......................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Inspector ................................................................ Installer repairer and/or section maintainer.......... Line installer repairer............................................. Maintenance repairer, general utility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Station installer....................................................... Stationary engineer................................................ Shop repairer, instrument ...................................... Telegraph equipment maintainer ........................... Telegraph plant maintainer.................................... Teletype installer.................................................... Trouble locator, test desk...................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers.............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator.............................................. Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer ....................................................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector............................................................... File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Private branch service advisor........................... Receptionist ......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Statistical clerk .................................................... Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Counter clerk, telegraph office ............................ Script c le rk ........................................................... Traffic c le rk .......................................................... Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or plant ...................... Directory assistance operator.............................. Central office operator......................................... Customer service representative ........................ All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Production clerk and/or coordinator .................. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... All other plant clerical workers........................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 43,610 220 1,070 560 48,990 16,260 640 430 610 91,520 37,260 5,690 1,100 29,460 1,810 1,760 1,820 820 380 19,940 9,760 2,280 5,440 3.07 .02 .08 .04 3.45 1.14 .05 .03 .04 6.44 2.62 .40 .08 2.07 .13 .12 .13 .06 .03 1.40 .69 .16 .38 2 20 23 48 1 13 22 27 20 1 7 11 21 5 18 35 39 30 43 13 n.a. n.a. n.a. 20 1 2 1 26 11 2 (3) 1 29 25 11 2 11 3 2 1 (3) 1 11 n.a. n.a. n.a. 559,630 498,850 3,350 5,800 2,770 2,390 2,820 6,580 18,370 4,690 9,660 5,860 4,580 3,980 77,950 7,830 3,340 2,080 1,530 830 24,130 17,450 1,860 1,880 350 180 6,470 13,200 32,740 36,310 86,320 74,350 39,200 60,780 21,860 1,470 39.38 35.10 .24 .41 .19 .17 .20 .46 1.29 .33 .68 ' .41 .32 .28 5.49 .55 .24 .15 .11 .06 1.70 1.23 .13 .13 .02 .01 .46 .93 2.30 2.56 6.07 5.23 2.76 4.28 1.54 .10 n.a. n.a. 10 12 10 18 n.a. 15 9 10 5 8 16 21 1 22 19 12 21 13 6 12 21 8 37 24 4 16 8 2 1 1 n.a. n.a. 8 19 n.a. n.a. 12 7 4 3 n.a. 6 23 19 3 14 8 3 44 4 7 6 3 5 46 6 4 10 (3) 1 28 14 14 5 14 18 n.a. n.a. 11 5 9,070 9,140 19,240 .64 .64 1.35 7 9 n.a. 15 10 n.a. See footnotes at end of table. 25 Table 11. Communications: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 48) Occupation Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. Percent of total employment Employment1 67,150 59,820 7,330 4.73 4.21 .52 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 26 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation n.a. 4 10 n.a. 60 8 employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. Utilities Firms that provide utility and sanitary services to the public make up the utility industry. Such establishments generate, transmit, or distribute electricity, gas, or steam, and may also provide related transportation, communication, and refrigeration services. Other types o f services include water supply and irrigation systems, and sanitation systems which collect and dispose o f gar bage, sewage, and other wastes. In 1982, employment in utilities totaled 867,000. Almost half o f the job holders worked in electric ser vices. Establishments providing combination electric, gas, and other utility services employed 23 percent, and firms that produce and distribute gas accounted for 20 percent. The balance was in sanitary services (6 percent), water supply and irrigation systems (2 percent), and the steam supply industry (less than 1 percent). About half o f the workers in utilities held operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant jobs. (See table 12.) Clerical occupa tions accounted for a quarter of the industry’s workers. The two largest clerical occupations were general office clerks and customer service representatives. The in dustry’s professional workers accounted for 11 percent of utilities employment. Engineers were almost half of 27 the professional employees; the majority were employed in electric services. Managers and officers ranked fourth among the occupational groups; nearly 40 per cent were employed in electric services. Technical workers made up 6 percent o f industry employment. The largest technical occupation was elec trical or electronic technician. More than half of the in dustry’s service workers—2 percent o f industry employment—were janitors, porters, and cleaners. The smallest occupational group, sales workers, accounted for less than 1 percent o f utilities employment. Gas pro duction and distribution employed almost two-fifths o f the industry’s sales workers. Employment in the utilities industry grew by 9 percent from 1979 to 1982. The following tabulation shows employment in these industries in 1979 and 1982: Employment 1979 1982 Electric services.................. Combined electric, gas, and other utilities.............. Gas production/distribution Sanitary services................ Water supply...................... Irrigation system s.............. Steam supply...................... Percent change 368,850 417,200 13 193,000 164,890 46,766 20,300 1,800 810 199,890 174,860 50,290 20,700 2,560 1,240 4 6 8 2 42 53 Table 12. Electric, gas, steam, water, and sanitary services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1982 (SIC 49) Occupation Total .................................................................... Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 100.00 866,770 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation - -- Managers and officers............................................... 68,350 7.89 n.a. n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Chemical engineer.............................................. Civil engineer ..................................................... Electrical and electronic engineers................... Industrial engineer.............................................. Mechanical engineer.......................................... Nuclear engineer................................................ All other engineers............................................. Natural and mathematical scientists ..................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing....... Purchasing agent and/or b uyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Lawyer..................................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Right-of-way agent ................................................ Home economist.................................................... All other professional workers............................... 97,330 42,930 1,200 4,530 18,860 2,240 4,950 2,230 8,920 3,020 5,760 2,670 13,830 1,280 4,570 2,330 860 20,080 11.23 4.95 .14 .52 2.18 .26 .57 .26 1.03 .35 .66 .31 1.60 .15 .53 .27 .10 2.32 n.a. n.a. 12 12 6 8 9 14 n.a. 7 7 6 4 8 5 6 7 n.a. n.a. n.a. 3 10 21 6 8 2 n.a. 6 8 12 25 4 14 11 5 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................. Electrical and electronic technicians ................ Surveyor.............................................................. Mechanical engineering technician................... Estimator & drafter, utilities............................... All other engineering technicians...................... Science technicians................................................ All other technicians............................................... 51,230 5,110 37,270 7,250 13,260 1,420 1,440 6,100 7,800 2,820 6,030 5.91 .59 4.30 .84 1.53 .16 .17 .70 .90 .33 .70 n.a. 7 n.a. 7 6 9 17 7 n.a. 8 n.a. n.a. 8 n.a. 15 18 7 3 11 n.a. 5 n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers............................................. Supervisor, nonworking-service o n ly .................... All other service workers ....................................... 16,760 9,320 2,880 570 3,000 990 1.93 1.08 .33 .07 .35 .11 n.a. 5 8 15 22 n.a. n.a. 30 5 2 5 n.a. 412,070 65,240 9,480 1,250 2,400 47.54 7.53 1.09 .14 .28 n.a. n.a. 4 11 10 n.a. n.a. 24 4 4 6,650 4,070 1,060 .77 .47 .12 6 10 14 13 6 2 11,460 7,430 2,100 610 410 9,510 8,810 15,720 3,910 1,870 6,800 2,170 1,950 1.32 .86 .24 .07 .05 1.10 1.02 1.81 .45 .22 .78 .25 .22 9 8 13 13 15 6 n.a. 5 10 20 8 9 10 8 7 3 3 1 10 n.a. 25 4 3 6 6 4 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Diesel mechanic ................................................ Electrical instrument repairer............................ Electric meter installer, cut-in, cut-out, or outside .......................................................... Gas meter installer............................................. Engineering equipment mechanic..................... Hydroelectric machinery mechanic, powerhouse repairer, and/or gas plant repairer.......................................................... Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Power transformer repairer............................... Treatment plant mechanic ................................ Water meter installer.......................................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. All other mechanics and repairers................... Truck driver............................................................ Cable splicer.......................................................... Carpenter ............................................................... Control room operator, steam .............................. Corrosion control fitter .......................................... Crane, derrick, and hoist operators...................... See footnotes at end of table. 28 ' Table 12. Electric, gas, steam, water, and sanitary services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1982—Continued (SIC 49) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Diesel plant operator.............................................. Electrician................................................................ Auxiliary equipment operator................................. Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Gas compressor operator...................................... Dispatcher, gas ...................................................... Gas pumping station operator............................... Ground worker, utilities .......................................... Heavy equipment operator.................................... Rigger..................................................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Inspector ................................................................. Instrument repairer................................................. Line installer repairer.............................................. Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Oiler ........................................................................ Painter, maintenance.............................................. Pipelayer.................................................................. Pipe wrapping machine operator........................... Plumber and/or pipefitter....................................... Power reactor operator.......................................... Refuse collector..................................................... Sewage plant operator........................................... Stationary boiler fire r.............................................. Stationary engineer................................................ Substation operator................................................ Switchboard operator, generating p lant................ Trouble shooter, power lin e ................................... Turbine operator..................................................... Water treatment plant operator............................. Pump station operator, waterworks....................... Welder and/or flamecutter.................................... Surveyor helper...................................................... Dispatcher, load ..................................................... Tree trim m er........................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled w orkers.............. 420 430 16,470 8,560 34,640 5,150 1,740 1,790 7,360 9,240 340 780 5,290 8,450 55,710 2,060 18,920 16,820 1,640 1,000 3,050 100 12,780 1,710 12,260 940 1,050 1,520 4,900 3,790 9,110 3,690 2,320 630 6,730 720 2,640 3,040 13,320 15,200 18,100 0.05 .05 1.90 .99 4.00 .59 .20 .21 .85 1.07 .04 .09 .61 .97 6.43 .24 2.18 1.94 .19 .12 .35 .01 1.47 .20 1.41 .11 .12 .18 .57 .44 1.05 .43 .27 .07 .78 .08 .30 .35 1.54 1.75 2.09 20 40 5 8 4 9 10 18 6 5 20 13 6 5 4 9 7 5 19 11 9 29 8 11 7 25 18 16 8 10 7 10 9 14 7 10 8 11 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 1 17 7 47 6 6 2 14 23 1 3 11 19 30 5 31 22 2 4 4 (3) 13 1 12 3 1 2 5 4 12 4 7 1 19 4 5 4 n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer....................................................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector............................................................... File clerk.............................................................. General office clerk ............................................ Order c le rk .......................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk....................... Personnel clerk................................................... Receptionist........................................................ Secretary............................................................. Switchboard operator ......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist..................... 214,990 166,880 3,020 2,770 2,900 1,470 2,800 7,030 12,240 3,440 3,780 7,240 4,830 2,730 34,510 1,210 1,780 1,680 910 16,930 1,300 820 24.80 19.25 .35 .32 .33 .17 .32 .81 1.41 .40 .44 .84 .56 .31 3.98 .14 .21 .19 .10 1.95 .15 .09 n.a. n.a. 7 6 5 8 n.a. 5 5 7 8 5 6 8 4 9 6 10 15 3 5 7 n.a. n.a. 15 9 9 4 n.a. 13 28 18 8 31 15 7 53 5 12 7 5 44 9 10 See footnotes at end of table. 29 Table 12. Electric, gas, steam, water, and sanitary services: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, April 1982—Continued (SIC 49) Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or plant ...................... Customer service representative ........................ All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Meter reader, utilities........................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... All other plant clerical workers........................... Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. Percent of total employment Employment’ Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 11 20 23 n.a. n.a. 43 5 6,440 9,570 23,660 13,820 48,110 27,140 1,450 0.74 1.10 2.73 1.59 5.55 3.13 .17 7 5 4 n.a. n.a. 3 10 11,170 4,660 3,690 1.29 .54 .43 4 5 n.a. 34 18 n.a. 6,040 5,770 270 .70 .67 .03 n.a. 5 26 n.a. 20 1 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 30 / employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. Wholesale Trade maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations were almost as large a group as clerical, with 862,000 or 28 percent o f the employment. Of these workers, more than one-fourth were mechanics and repairers. The next largest group, sales workers, had 663,000 employees or 21 percent of wholesale durable goods employment. Sales agents, associates, and representatives made up almost ninetenths o f these workers. Managers and officers con stituted 11 percent of total employment; professionals, 6 percent; technical workers, 4 percent; and the smallest group, service workers, had less than 1 percent. Wholesale durable goods employment increased less than 1 percent from 1979 to 1982. The largest increase was in technical occupations (25 percent). Service oc cupations had the largest decrease in employment, also 25 percent. Wholesale firms selling durable goods endured hard ships similar to those most other industries faced from 1979 to 1982—lagging sales, high operating costs, and static profits. Employment in wholesaling remained relatively stable partly because o f the diversity o f the in dustry’s customer markets. Working hours tended to be reduced more often than employment. The wholesale trade industry group is principally engaged in selling large quantities of goods to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, farm, or profes sional business users; and to other wholesalers. The in dustry also includes agents or brokers who buy and sell merchandise to other wholesalers or agents. In addition to selling, wholesale establishments are involved in maintaining inventories o f goods; extending credit; physically assembling, sorting, and grading goods in large lots; delivery; refrigeration; and various types of promotion. There were 5.3 million persons employed in wholesale trade in 1982. (See table 13.) The durable goods segment o f the industry, with 3.1 million workers, accounted for over half, or 59 percent, of the employment in the in dustry group. Nondurable goods establishments employed 2.2 million workers. Employment in wholesale trade increased only 2 per cent from 1979 to 1982. Almost all o f the employment growth took place in nondurable goods, as shown in the following tabulation: Employment 1979 1982 Wholesale trade, total........ Durable go o d s.................... Nondurable goods.............. 5,245,260 3,115,850 2,129,410 5,325,780 3,117,780 2,208,000 Percent change 2 4 Nondurable goods Firms in this industry group are primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution o f the following kinds o f mer chandise: Paper and paper products; drugs, drug pro prietaries, and druggists’ sundries; apparel, piece goods, and notions; groceries and related products; farmproduct raw materials; chemicals and allied products; petroleum and petroleum products; beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages; and miscellaneous non durable goods. In 1982, 2.2 million persons were employed in non durable goods. The three largest industries within non durable goods, constituting 59 percent of nondurable goods employment, were: Groceries and related pro ducts with 700,000 workers; miscellaneous nondurable goods with 394,000; and petroleum and petroleum pro ducts with 228,000. The largest number o f workers was in operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations—775,000 or 35 percent of nondurable goods employment. (See table 15.) A quarter o f this group were delivery and route workers, Durable goods This industry group includes establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of the following kinds o f merchandise: Motor vehicles and automotive parts and supplies; furniture and home furnishings; lumber and other construction materials; sporting, recreational, photographic, hobby goods, and toys and supplies; metals and minerals, except petroleum; elec trical goods; hardware, plumbing, and heating equip ment and supplies; machinery, equipment, and supplies; and miscellaneous durable goods. There were 3.1 million persons employed in wholesale durable goods in 1982. The three largest industries in this segment, constituting 70 percent o f durable goods employment were: Machinery, equipment, and supplies, with 1.4 million workers; electrical goods, with 432,000; and motor vehicles and automotive parts and supplies, with 408,000. Clerical occupations ranked highest, with 908,000 employees or 29 percent of wholesale durable goods employment. (See table 14.) Workers in operating, 31 79,000 professional workers; 43,000 service workers; and 15,000 technical workers. Employment in the nondurable goods sector increas ed by 4 percent between 1979 and 1982. The largest ab s o lu te in c r e a se occurred in te c h n ic a l occupations—4,210 workers (39 percent). Employment decreased by 15 percent or 7,440 employees in service occupations, the largest decrease in any of the major oc cupational groups in this industry. making up the largest segment in this major occupa tional group. Clerical occupations ranked second, with 617,000 employees or 28 percent o f nondurable goods employment. Stock clerks and general office clerks ac counted for almost three-tenths o f the workers in this group. Sales occupations accounted for 453,000 or 21 percent o f industry employment as sales representatives made up the bulk—over four-fifths—o f this group. In addition, there were 224,000 managers and officers; 32 Table 13. Wholesale trade: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 50, 51) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Total ................................................................... 5,325,770 100.00 Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store ............................................. Manager, automobile service department............ Manager, automotive parts department................ Wholesaler.............................................................. All other managers ................................................ 574,020 169,380 16,930 1,210 1,310 210,600 174,590 Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Chemical engineer.............................................. Electrical and electronic engineers................... Mechanical engineer.......................................... All other engineers............................................. Statistician............................................................... All other mathematical scientists........................... Chemist .................................................................. Life scientist............................................................ Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor................................................ Lawyer.................................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Pharmacist.............................................................. Public relations practitioner................................... Designer................................................................. All other professional workers............................... Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation - - 10.78 3.18 .32 .02 .02 3.95 3.28 n.a. 2 13 14 15 2 n.a. n.a. 41 2 (3) (3) 48 n.a. 256,520 35,380 850 12,520 9,790 12,220 880 840 1,990 1,290 22,790 5,460 69,680 68,360 3,270 1,600 1,030 4,660 1,100 1,660 6,900 29,630 4.82 .66 .02 .24 .18 .23 .02 .02 .04 .02 .43 .10 1.31 1.28 .06 .03 .02 .09 .02 .03 .13 .56 n.a. n.a. 28 12 10 n.a. 23 n.a. 12 50 13 7 2 3 12 22 14 7 32 17 11 n.a. n.a. n.a. (3) 1 1 n.a. (3) n.a. 1 (3) 2 2 19 20 1 (3) (3) 2 (3) 1 1 n.a. Technical occupations.............................................. Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................ Electrical and electronic technicians................ Mechanical engineering technician................... All other engineering technicians...................... Science technicians............................................... All other technicians.............................................. 146,000 19,480 109,740 5,270 99,560 1,570 3,340 3,580 13,200 2.74 .37 2.06 .10 1.87 .03 .06 .07 .25 n.a. 11 n.a. 10 5 24 n.a. 28 n.a. n.a. 3 n.a. 1 6 (3) n.a. (3) n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters and cleaners............................... Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers, total ................................... Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Butcher and/or meat cutter................................... Kitchen helper ........................................................ Waiter/waitress ...................................................... All other food service workers.............................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... All other service workers....................................... 70,520 40,060 3,190 21,580 40,060 3,190 14,110 1,150 1,360 4,960 1,030 4,660 1.32 .75 .06 .41 .75 .06 .26 .02 .03 .09 .02 .09 n.a. 3 12 n.a. 3 12 17 26 29 n.a. 20 n.a. n.a. 14 1 n.a. 14 1 1 (3) (3) n.a. (3) n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l............................. Mechanic, aircraft.............................................. Protective signal installer and/or repairer........ Mechanic, automotive....................................... Automotive body repairer................................. Diesel mechanic................................................ Electric motor repairer...................................... Farm equipment mechanic............................... Gasoline engine or mower repairer................. Engineering equipment mechanic.................... Mechanic, maintenance.................................... 1,637,020 279,600 1,640 1,670 89,010 1,280 50,000 2,030 6,980 1,290 23,220 3,680 30.74 5.25 .03 .03 1.67 .02 .94 .04 .13 .02 .44 .07 n.a. n.a. 38 40 4 27 7 34 17 29 10 16 n.a. n.a. (3) (3) 11 (3) 4 (3) 1 (3) 2 1 See footnotes at end of table. 33 Table 13. Wholesale trade: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 50, 51) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Office machine servicer and/or cash register servicer ......................................................... Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic...................................................... Television servicer and repairer, radio repairer and/or tape recorder repairer...................... Data processing machine repairer.................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. Elevator installer and/or repairer...................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Cabinetmaker.......................................................... Carpenter ................................................................ Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Crane, derrick, and hoist operators....................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Merchandise displayer and window trim m er........ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Furnace installer and repairer, hot a ir................... Glazier .................................................................... Heavy equipment operator .................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Instrument repairer................................................. Jeweler and/or silversmith .................................... Machinist ................................................................ Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Oil burner installer and servicer............................ Order fille r............................................................... Painter, automotive................................................ Painter, maintenance.............................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter....................................... Production packager, hand or machine................ Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentgarment............................................................. Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentnongarment....................................................... Tire fabricator and/or repairer .............................. Watchmaker............................................................ Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Furniture assembler and installer ............... .......... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Tire changer ........................................................... Optician, dispensing and/or optical mechanic...... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Wood machinist...................................................... Woodworking machine operator........................... Conveyor operator or tender................................. Truck driver helper................................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled workers.............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator .................... All other office machine operators....................... Stenographer......................................................... Accounting c le rk ................................................... Bookkeeper, hand ................................................ Adjustment c le rk ................................................... Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 2 43,180 0.81 9 3,580 .07 20 O 1,100 29,230 2,300 2,700 19,410 202,540 1,200 4,450 1,410 11,150 265,520 1,190 4,230 78,520 680 3,860 2,260 50,740 960 780 12,100 63,300 4,810 1,510 169,880 640 980 2,660 28,580 .02 .55 .04 .05 .36 3.80 .02 .08 .03 .21 4.99 .02 .08 1.47 .01 .07 .04 .95 .02 .01 .23 1.19 .09 .03 3.19 .01 .02 .05 .54 42 4 33 42 n.a. 2 47 19 29 7 3 34 18 2 42 22 26 5 41 42 12 4 16 21 3 26 27 29 11 (3) (3) (3) (3) n.a. 29 (3) 1 (3) 2 26 (3) 1 20 (3) (3) (3) 9 (3) (3) 1 13 1 (3) 19 (3) (3) (3) 1 2,420 .05 30 (3) 1,110 2,310 740 9,040 930 .02 .04 .01 .17 .02 43 29 30 11 39 (3) (3) (3) 15,040 3,650 3,200 9,320 1,730 1,000 5,040 4,490 39,520 108,900 232,330 .28 .07 .06 .17 .03 .02 .09 .08 .74 2.04 4.36 10 18 33 12 39 37 13 28 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,525,060 1,079,480 61,490 13,050 15,380 5,380 3,860 2,270 78,420 111,360 4,370 28.64 20.27 1.15 .25 .29 .10 .07 .04 1.47 2.09 .08 n.a. n.a. 3 5 7 8 n.a. 11 3 2 8 n.a. n.a. 18 5 4 1 n.a. 1 20 30 1 See footnotes at end of table. 34 1 (3) 1 1 (3) 1 (3) (3) Table 13. Wholesale trade: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 50, 51) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)1 2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Office clerical workers— Continued Cashier................................................................... Collector................................................................. File clerk ................................................................ General office cle rk............................................... Order clerk............................................................. Credit authorizer ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping clerk ......................... Personnel cle rk..................................................... Procurement clerk ................................................ Credit reference clerk ........................................... Receptionist........................................................... Secretary................................................................ Service clerk.......................................................... Switchboard operator............................................ Switchboard operator/receptionist....................... Typist...................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or plant........................ All other office clerical workers............................ Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer.................................................... Shipping and/or receiving clerk............................ Weigher, recordkeeping........................................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w o rk.................... Marking cle rk......................................................... All other plant clerical workers............................. 52,580 5,040 5,400 237,970 129,010 2,850 4,390 2,440 2,240 3,130 4,070 172,480 6,480 3,090 6,890 60,650 66,160 19,030 445,580 119,570 103,240 2,380 0.99 .09 .10 4.47 2.42 .05 .08 .05 .04 .06 .08 3.24 .12 .06 .13 1.14 1.24 .36 8.37 2.25 1.94 .04 5 7 7 2 2 8 5 6 10 8 7 2 10 12 11 3 3 n.a. n.a. 4 2 19 10 2 2 39 22 1 3 2 1 1 2 35 1 1 4 14 16 n.a. n.a. 16 24 1 206,500 4,400 2,900 6,590 3.88 .08 .05 .12 2 8 15 n.a. 27 Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. Demonstrator.......................................................... Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... 1,116,630 960,290 135,190 5,760 1,800 13,590 20.97 18.03 2.54 .11 .03 .26 n.a. 1 3 31 ----C---------------------1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 17 n.a. n.a. 66 15 (3) 1 n.a. employment and percent of total employment: relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. < 35 2 (3) n.a. Table 14. Wholesale trade-durable goods: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 50) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Total .................................................................... 3,117,780 100.00 Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Manager, automobile service department............ Manager, automotive parts department................ Wholesaler.............................................................. All other managers ................................................. 349,530 101,130 10,490 1,060 1,220 123,080 112,550 Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Electrical and electronic engineers................... Mechanical engineer.......................................... All other engineers............................................. Statistician............................................................... All other mathematical scientists........................... Physical scientists.................................................. Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor................................................ Lawyer.................................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Public relations practitioner ................................... Designer.................................................................. All other professional workers............................... Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation - - 11.21 3.24 .34 .03 .04 3.95 3.61 n.a. 2 20 16 16 2 n.a. n.a. 41 2 1 1 49 n.a. 177,100 31,650 12,210 8,800 10,640 350 390 350 20,800 3,850 43,380 44,260 1,290 700 530 2,920 1,010 3,040 22,580 5.68 1.02 .39 .28 .34 .01 .01 .01 .67 .12 1.39 1.42 .04 .02 .02 .09 .03 .10 .72 n.a. n.a. 12 11 n.a. 44 n.a. n.a. 14 9 3 5 16 30 25 10 26 16 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 2 n.a. (3) n.a. n.a. 3 2 21 22 1 Technical occupations.............................................. Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................. Electrical and electronic technicians................ Mechanical engineering technician................... All other engineering technicians...................... Science technicians................................................ All other technicians............................................... 131,120 15,390 104,910 4,950 95,820 1,460 2,680 1,080 9,740 4.21 .49 3.36 .16 3.07 .05 .09 .03 .31 n.a. 13 n.a. 10 5 26 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3 n.a. 2 9 (3) n.a. n.a. n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers ....................................... Food service workers............................................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... All other service workers....................................... 27,290 21,760 1,730 820 400 2,580 .88 .70 .06 .03 .01 .08 n.a. 4 19 n.a. 25 n.a. n.a. 14 1 n.a. O n.a. 861,860 256,260 1,540 1,670 75,490 1,210 27.64 8.22 .05 .05 2.42 .04 n.a. n.a. 40 40 5 28 n.a. n.a. (3) (3) 12 (3) 510 46,530 2,000 6,690 1,180 22,690 2,450 .02 1.49 .06 .21 .04 .73 .08 47 8 35 17 31 10 22 (3) 6 (3) 1 (3) 3 1 42,480 1.36 9 3 3,210 .10 22 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l............................. Mechanic, aircraft.............................................. Protective signal installer and/or repairer........ Mechanic, automotive....................................... Automotive body repairer................................. Camera repairer and/or motion picture camera repairer......................................................... Diesel mechanic ................................................ Electric motor repairer...................................... Farm equipment mechanic............................... Gasoline engine or mower repairer................. Engineering equipment mechanic.................... Mechanic, maintenance.................................... Office machine servicer and/or cash register servicer........................................................ Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic..................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 36 0 (3) 2 1 1 n.a. 0 Table 14. Wholesale trade-durable goods: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 50) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Television servicer and repairer, radio repairer and/or tape recorder repairer...................... Data processing machine repairer.................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. Elevator installer and/or repairer...................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Carpenter ................................................................ Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Crane, derrick, and hoist operators....................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Glazier .................................................................... Heavy equipment operator .................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Instrument repairer................................................. Jeweler and/or silversmith .................................... Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Order fille r............................................................... Painter, automotive................................................ Painter, maintenance.............................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter....................................... Production packager, hand or machine................ Tire fabricator and/or repairer .............................. Watchmaker............................................................ Welder and/or flamecutter.................................... Furniture assembler and installer .......................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Tire changer ........................................................... Optician, dispensing and/or optical mechanic...... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Wood machinist...................................................... Variety saw operator .............................................. Woodworking machine operator........................... Truck driver helper................................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers.............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer ....................................................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector............................................................... File clerk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order clerk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Procurement c le rk............................................... Credit reference c le rk .......................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 1,090 29,190 2,150 2,690 16,180 78,740 3,950 1,030 10,220 67,950 3,720 48,960 3,600 1,650 21,880 930 770 11,700 39,310 4,100 76,310 610 820 2,530 4,990 2,040 740 8,670 900 0.03 .94 .07 .09 .52 2.53 .13 .03 .33 2.18 .12 1.57 .12 .05 .70 .03 .02 .38 1.26 .13 2.45 .02 .03 .08 .16 .07 .02 .28 .03 42 4 35 42 n.a. 3 22 32 7 4 20 3 23 33 7 42 42 13 6 18 3 27 31 30 17 32 30 12 40 940 3,040 3,200 3,790 1,720 400 1,000 820 30,670 64,720 96,490 .03 .10 .10 .12 .06 .01 .03 .03 .98 2.08 3.09 42 20 33 16 40 43 37 22 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 (3) (3) (3) (3) n.a. n.a. n.a. 907,570 658,500 36,580 7,300 8,080 3,470 1,950 1,400 45,400 65,610 2,680 15,500 3,330 3,250 147,700 1,750 85,890 2,410 1,440 1,500 2,200 29.11 21.12 n.a. n.a. 3 7 11 10 n.a. 14 3 2 10 6 8 8 3 10 3 7 8 13 9 n.a. n.a. 18 5 4 2 n.a. 1 21 29 1 9 2 2 40 2 25 3 2 1 1 1.17 .23 .26 .11 .06 .04 1.46 2.10 .09 .50 .11 .10 4.74 .06 2.75 .08 .05 .05 .07 See footnotes at end of table. 37 (3) 1 (3) (3) n.a. 27 1 (3) 4 19 1 23 1 (3) 8 (3) (3) 2 11 1 19 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) (3) 2 (3) (3) 1 (3) Table 14. Wholesale trade-durable goods: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 50) Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued Receptionist......................................................... Secretary .............................................................. Service clerk ........................................................ Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or plant ...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving clerk ......................... Weigher, recordkeeping ...................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Marking clerk ....................................................... All other plant clerical workers........................... Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. Demonstrator.......................................................... Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 2,830 114,230 4,760 1,990 4,560 39,740 40,580 12,370 249,070 54,670 63,000 420 0.09 3.66 .15 .06 .15 1.27 1.30 .40 7.99 1.75 2.02 .01 9 2 12 17 17 3 4 n.a. n.a. 4 3 22 2 38 2 2 4 17 17 n.a. n.a. 17 27 (3) 125,130 2,540 900 2,410 4.01 .08 .03 .08 3 11 27 n.a. 32 2 (3) n.a. 663,310 575,810 76,430 1,300 840 8,930 21.28 18.47 2.45 .04 .03 .29 n.a. 1 4 37 19 n.a. n.a. 74 *17 (3) 0 n.a. employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 38 Table 15. Wholesale trade-nondurable goods: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 51) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 2,208,000 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Wholesaler.............................................................. All other managers ................................................. 224,490 68,250 6,440 87,520 62,280 10.17 3.09 .29 3.96 2.82 n.a. 2 10 3 n.a. n.a. 42 2 47 n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Chemical engineer.............................................. Electrical and electronic engineers................... Mechanical engineer.......................................... All other engineers............................................. Statistician............................................................... All other mathematical scientists........................... Chemist ................................................................... All other physical scientists................................... Life scientist............................................................ Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................. Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t.................................................... Writer and/or editor................................................ Lawyer..................................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Pharmacist.............................................................. Public relations practitioner ................................... Designer.................................................................. All other professional workers............................... 79,430 3,730 680 320 990 1,740 520 450 1,720 260 1,230 1,990 1,610 26,300 24,100 1,980 900 500 1,740 550 650 3,860 7,340 3.60 .17 .03 .01 .04 .08 .02 .02 .08 .01 .06 .09 .07 1.19 1.09 .09 .04 .02 .08 .02 .03 .17 .33 n.a. n.a. 34 27 19 n.a. 25 n.a. 14 n.a. n.a. 12 11 4 4 17 30 13 8 39 19 14 n.a. n.a. n.a. (3) (3) 1 n.a. (3) n.a. 1 n.a. n.a. 2 2 16 19 1 (3) (3) 2 (3) 1 1 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................. Electrical and electronic technicians ................ All other engineering technicians...................... Science technicians................................................ All other technicians............................................... 14,880 4,090 4,830 320 3,740 770 2,500 3,460 .67 .19 .22 .01 .17 .03 .11 .16 n.a. 10 n.a. 20 12 n.a. 23 n.a. n.a. 3 n.a. (3) 2 n.a. 1 n.a. Service occupations .................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Butcher and/or meat cutter................................... 43,240 18,310 1,450 14,110 1,040 1,170 430 4,010 630 2,090 1.96 .83 .07 .64 .05 .05 .02 .18 .03 .09 n.a. 5 14 17 28 29 45 n.a. 28 n.a. n.a. 15 1 1 (3) (3) (3) n.a. (3) n.a. 775,160 23,330 13,520 3,470 540 1,220 35.11 1.06 .61 .16 .02 .06 n.a. n.a. 5 10 40 16 n.a. n.a. 10 2 (3) 1 700 .03 26 (3) 370 3,510 123,800 500 920 .02 .16 5.61 .02 .04 29 n.a. 3 26 36 Kitchen helper ................................................................. Waiter/waitress ...................................................... Cook, restaurant...................................................... All other food service workers.............................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... All other service w orkers....................................... Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Diesel mechanic ................................................. Engineering equipment mechanic..................... Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Office machine servicer and/or cash register servicer ......................................................... Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic...................................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Carpenter ................................................................ Crane, derrick, and hoist operators....................... See footnotes at end of table. 39 (3) n.a. 31 (3) (3) Table 15. Wholesale trade-nondurable goods: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 51) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Delivery and/or route worker ................................ Merchandise displayer and window trim m er........ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Heavy equipment operator .................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Oil burner installer and servicer............................. Order fille r............................................................... Production packager, hand or machine................ Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentgarm ent............................................................. Tire fabricator and/or repairer .............................. Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Bagger .................................................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Tire changer ........................................................... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Conveyor operator or tender................................. Truck driver helper................................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled w orkers.............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer ....................................................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector ............................................................... File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk ........................ Personnel cle rk.................................................... Procurement c le rk ................................................ Credit reference c le rk.......................................... Receptionist ......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Service clerk ....................................................... Switchboard operator ......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist..................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t..................... All other office clerical workers.......................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l................................... Shipping packer.................................................. Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ......................... Weigher, recordkeeping ..................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork.................. Marking clerk ...................................................... All other plant clerical workers........................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 197,580 940 500 29,560 610 28,870 400 24,000 710 1,290 93,570 23,590 8.95 .04 .02 1.34 .03 1.31 .02 1.09 .03 .06 4.24 1.07 4 39 15 3 38 6 35 5 20 20 4 13 34 (3) 1 18 (3) 9 (3) 14 1 (3) 18 2 2,370 270 370 460 .11 .01 .02 .02 30 46 23 40 (3) (3) 0 (3) 14,100 610 5,520 4,790 3,680 11,820 44,980 136,020 .64 .03 .25 .22 .17 .54 2.04 6.16 11 34 17 13 34 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 (3) 1 2 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. 617,480 420,980 24,910 5,750 7,310 1,900 1,910 870 33,020 45,750 1,690 37,080 1,710 2,140 90,270 1,100 43,120 1,980 1,000 730 940 1,240 58,250 1,720 1,100 2,340 20,910 25,580 6,660 196,500 64,890 40,240 1,960 27.97 19.07 1.13 .26 .33 .09 .09 .04 1.50 2.07 .08 1.68 .08 .10 4.09 .05 1.95 .09 .05 .03 .04 .06 2.64 .08 .05 .11 .95 1.16 .30 8.90 2.94 1.82 .09 n.a. n.a. 4 7 7 14 n.a. 17 4 2 11 6 12 11 3 15 4 8 9 16 15 11 3 16 13 7 5 4 n.a. n.a. 5 4 23 n.a. n.a. 17 5 4 1 n.a. 1 19 30 1 12 1 2 37 1 19 3 2 1 1 2 32 1 1 81,380 1,860 2,000 4,170 3.69 .08 .09 .19 5 10 18 n.a. 23 2 (3) n.a. See footnotes at end of table. 40 4 12 16 n.a. n.a. 15 20 1 Table 15. Wholesale trade-nondurable goods: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 51) Occupation Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. Demonstrator.......................................................... Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 20.53 17.41 2.66 .20 .04 .21 453,320 384,470 58,760 4,460 970 4,660 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation n.a. 2 6 39 27 n.a. n.a. 58 14 (3) 1 n.a. employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. n.a. = not available. 41 Retail Trade Establishments or businesses that sell merchandise for personal or household consumption and also render ser vices incidental to the sale o f those goods make up the retail trade industries. There were 15.2 million workers in retail trade in 1982. Eating and drinking places employed the greatest number o f workers, 5.0 million or about one-third. (See table 16.) Food stores ranked second with 2.5 million or 16 percent. Employment in general merchandise stores was almost as large—2.2 million or 14 percent. Miscellaneous retail stores employed 1.9 million workers or 12 percent; automotive dealers and gasoline service stations, 1.6 million workers or 11 percent. Employment in apparel and accessory stores accounted for 6 percent of the total employment in retail trade; the remaining two industries, building material dealers and furniture dealers, each accounted for 4 percent. Service workers made up the largest occupational group in retail trade—4.8 million workers, or 31 percent o f industry employment. (See table 17.) Sales occupa tions, with 22 percent o f industry employment, ranked second. These were followed by 2.7 million clerical workers, who accounted for 17 percent o f total industry employment. The remaining occupations were distributed as follows: Operating, maintenance, con struction, repair, material handling, and powerplant oc cupations, 16 percent; managers and officers, 11 per cent; and professional and technical workers combined, 2 percent. Employment in retail trade establishments increased by 170,000 workers, or 1 percent, from 1979 to 1982. Contributing to the slow employment growth in retail trade were high interest rates, increased State and local taxes, and increased unemployment in manufacturing. These helped to weaken consumer confidence and to reduce retail sales. Food stores experienced the largest percentage in crease in employment (8 percent) from 1979 to 1982, as their sales—along with those o f restaurants and bars—were leaders in the nondurable sector. Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations ex perienced the largest percentage decline in employment from 1979 to 1982. A possible explanation for the decline could be the increase in self-service gasoline sta tions resulting in less service station attendants. The following tabulation shows employment for the major retail trade industries and the percent change in employment from 1979 to 1982: Employment 1979 1982 Retail trade, total .............. 15,075,730 Building materials, hard ware, garden supply stores, and mobile home dealers................................ 645,760 General merchandise stores 2,205,580 Food stores.......................... 2,278,610 Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations .. 1,835,350 Apparel and accessory stores.................................. 933,750 Furniture, home fur nishings, and equipment stores.................................. 610,810 Eating and drinking places. 4,706,190 Miscellaneous retail............ 1,859,680 Percent change 15,246,080 1 599,580 2,150,570 2,466,270 -7 -2 8 1,637,690 -11 933,620 573,880 4,985,150 1,899,320 -6 6 2 Building materials, hardware, garden supply stores, and mobile home dealers This industry consists o f establishments that sell lumber and other building materials; paint, glass, and wallpaper; hardware; nursery stock; lawn and garden supplies; and mobile homes. This industry employed 600,000 workers in 1982. The largest industry within this group was lumber and other building material dealers, with 51 percent of the employment. Hardware stores employed another 25 percent. Sales occupations accounted for the largest number o f workers in this industry, with 29 percent o f the employment. (See table 18.) More than half o f the sales workers were sales agents, representatives, and associates. Ranking second, with 28 percent o f industry employment, were operating, maintenance, construc tion, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers. Almost one-fifth o f the workers in this oc cupation were truck drivers. Clerical workers were the third largest occupational group in this industry, with 24 percent of industry employment. Managers and officers accounted for 15 percent; professional workers, 3 per cent; service occupations, 1 percent; and technical workers, less than 1 percent. Employment in this industry declined by 7 percent between 1979 and 1982. The largest decline in employ ment (20 percent) was in operating, maintenance, con struction, repair, material handling, and powerplant oc cupations. 42 General merchandise stores Stores that sell apparel and accessories, furniture and home furnishings, dry goods, small wares, hardware, and food make up the general merchandise store in dustry. In 1982, 2.2 million workers were employed in these stores. Department stores employed the most, 84 per cent o f the total; variety stores employed 10 percent; and miscellaneous general merchandise stores, 5 percent of the industry total. The largest number o f workers—47 percent—was employed in sales occupations. (See table 19.) Twothirds of the sales workers were sales clerks. Ranking se cond, with 25 percent of industry employment, were clerical occupations. Cashier, the largest occupation in this group, accounted for more than a quarter o f the clerical workers. The third largest group in this in dustry, with 11 percent of the employment, was operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations. Managers and officers accounted for 9 percent; service workers, 6 per cent; professional workers, 3 percent; and technical oc cupations, less than 1 percent. Food stores This industry consists o f establishments selling food for home preparation and consumption. Grocery stores employed 2.2 million, or 88 percent, of all food store workers in 1982. Retail bakeries ac counted for 5 percent; meat and seafood markets, in cluding freezer provisioners and stores selling dairy pro ducts, each accounted for 2 percent o f food store employment; the remaining 3 percent was distributed among miscellaneous food stores (those engaged in the retail sale of specialized foods such as coffee, tea, spices, etc.). Clerical occupations accounted for about 33 percent of total employment in food stores. (See table 20.) Fourfifths of the clerical workers were cashiers—the in dustry’s largest occupation. Operating, maintenance, repair, construction, material handling, and powerplant workers constituted another one-fourth o f food store employment. Sales floor stock clerks accounted for over half o f the employment in this group. The third largest occupational group, with 17 percent o f employment, was sales workers, numbering 413,000. Service occupa tions ranked fourth with 11 percent, almost half of whom were butchers or meat cutters. Managers and o f ficers accounted for 10 percent o f industry employment, and professional workers accounted for 1 percent. The smallest occupational group consisted o f 2,380 technical workers. automotive vehicles such as dune buggies, snowmobiles, and go-carts; and new automobile parts and accessories. Gasoline service stations are also included. In 1982, 1.6 million workers were employed in this in dustry. Persons working in dealerships selling new and used motor vehicles numbered 696,000, or 43 percent of industry employment. Gasoline service stations ac counted for 554,000 or 34 percent. Sixteen percent held jobs in auto and home supply stores selling products such as tires, batteries, radios, and television sets. The remaining 8 percent were employed by establishments selling used motor vehicles; motorcycle or boat dealers; recreational and utility trailer dealers; and miscellaneous automotive dealers. Almost half, or 775,000 workers in this industry were employed in operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations. (See table 21.) More than two-fifths o f these worked as mechanics and repairers. Clerical workers ranked se cond, with 18 percent o f total employment. Cashiers made up one-third o f the employment in this group. Sales workers were the third largest group, with 16 per cent of the employment, and managers and officers followed with 15 percent. The remaining 4 percent were in professional, technical, and service occupations. Employment among automotive dealers and gasoline service stations declined by 11 percent from 1979 to 1982. The operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations together had the largest percentage employment decline (16 per cent) o f any o f the major occupational groups. The number of service station attendants dropped by 25 per cent, and automobile repair service estimators decreased by 47 percent, as shown in the following tabulation: Employment 1979 1982 Service station attendants.. Automobile repair service estimators.......................... Percent change 316,460 240,340 -24 10,200 5,430 -47 Apparel and accessory stores This industry includes establishments engaged in the retail sale o f new clothing, shoes, hats, underwear, and related articles for personal wear and adornment. Fur riers and custom tailors carrying stocks o f materials are also included. Apparel and accessory stores employed 934,000 workers in 1982. Women’s ready-to-wear stores ac counted for 36 percent of industry employment; shoe stores ranked second with 22 percent. Family clothing stores accounted for 18 percent, and men’s and boys’ clothing and furnishings stores, 13 percent. Establishments selling miscellaneous apparel and ac cessories, such as bathing suits, sports apparel, and uniforms, employed 5 percent. The remaining employ ment in retail apparel stores was in: Children’s and in Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations Included in this industry are establishments engaged in the retail sale of new and used automobiles, boats, recreational and utility trailers, and motorcycles; other 43 fants’ wear stores, 3 percent; women’s apparel and ac cessory stores, 2 percent; and furriers and fur shops, less than 1 percent. The industry’s 540,000 sales workers made up the largest occupational group, accounting for 58 percent of industry employment. (See table 22.) Managers and o f ficers ranked second, with 159,000 or 17 percent. Clerical workers accounted for 13 percent; operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations, 8 percent; professionals, 3 percent; service workers, 1 percent; and technical workers, less than 1 percent. Employment in this industry decreased by less than 1 percent from 1979 to 1982. The operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations had the largest decline (15 percent), while technical occupations grew almost 70 percent. Furniture, stores home furnishings, Eating and drinking places This industry group includes firms engaged in the sale of prepared foods and drinks for consumption on the premises, and lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate con sumption. Restaurants and lunch counters operated by hotels and department stores are excluded. There were 5.0 million persons employed in eating and drinking places in 1982. This industry employed the largest number o f workers in retail trade. The majority (4.3 million) or 85 percent o f the workers in this industry were in service occupations. Almost all o f these (97 percent) were food service workers. (See table 24.) Managers and officers made up the second largest occupational group, with 8 percent o f industry employment. Clerical workers ranked third with 212,000, or 4 percent. Most o f these were cashiers. The other four major occupational groups combined ac counted for only 3 percent o f the employment in eating and drinking places. and equipment Firms that sell furniture, floor coverings, draperies, housewares, stores, refrigerators, and other household electrical and gas appliances make up the furniture, home furnishings, and equipment store industry. Sixty-one percent o f the employment in this industry was in furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores (except appliances). Radio, television, and music stores accounted for 26 percent o f the employment, and the remaining 13 percent was in household appliance stores. Numbering 178,000, sales occupations made up the largest occupational group, accounting for 31 percent of industry employment. (See table 23.) Sales agents, associates, and representatives made up almost threefifths o f the employment in this group. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers ranked second in employment, with 144,000 or 25 percent. Clerical workers, numbering 122,000, accounted for 21 percent o f total employment. Managers and officers, with 16 percent, ranked fourth. Professional occupations accounted for 4 percent, near ly half o f whom were designers. Service workers ac counted for 2 percent; the smallest occupational group consisted o f technical workers. Over the 1979-82 period, employment declined by 6 percent in this industry. The largest percentage employ ment decrease (12 percent) was in home appliance stores. Of all the major occupational groups in this in dustry, the operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations experienced the largest percentage decrease (16 percent), and technical occupations had the largest increase in employment (139 percent). Miscellaneous retail stores Included in this industry are firms engaged in the retail sale of miscellaneous goods, other than those previously discussed. Among such firms are drug stores, liquor stores, used merchandise stores, nonstore retailers, fuel and ice dealers, miscellaneous shopping goods stores, and florists. Employment in miscellaneous retail stores was 1.9 million in 1982. Miscellaneous shopping goods stores (book stores; jewelry stores; hobby, toy, and game shops; sporting goods stores; etc.) employed 607,000 workers (29 percent o f the industry total). Drug stores employed 490,000 (26 percent). Other retail stores (florists, cosmetic stores, cigar stores and stands, etc.) employed 14 percent, and nonstore retailers, such as mail order houses and automatic merchandising machine operators, accounted for 13 percent. Liquor stores employed 7 percent, fuel and ice dealers, 5 per cent, and used merchandise stores, 3 percent. Sales workers constituted the largest occupational group in this industry, with 687,000 or 36 percent o f total industry employment. (See table 25.) Clerical oc cupations accounted for 437,000 or 23 percent. Ranking third were operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant occupations, with 17 percent o f industry employment. Managers and officers accounted for 13 percent; professional work ers, 8 percent. Half o f the professional workers were pharmacists. Service workers made up only 3 percent, and technical workers less than 1 percent, o f total employment. 44 Table 16. Retail trade: Percent distribution of employment in major occupational groups by industry, 1982 Industry Total Total ................................................... 15,246,080 Percent................................................ 100.00 Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile 3.93 home dealers............................ General merchandise stores.......... 14.11 Food stores..................................... 16.18 Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations.......................... 10.74 Apparel and accessory stores........ 6.12 Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores....................... 3.76 Eating and drinking places............. 32.70 Miscellaneous retail......................... 12.46 Clerical workers Sales work ers Professional workers Technical workers 1,656,940 100.00 346,460 100.00 24,400 100.00 4,789,590 100.00 2,453,820 100.00 2,661,480 100.00 3,313,390 100.00 5.30 11.92 15.54 5.02 15.65 10.08 3.28 19.10 9.75 .18 2.61 5.72 6.93 9.75 27.68 5.30 19.89 30.29 5.24 30.20 12.45 14.65 9.58 5.61 6.99 9.18 2.01 .97 .27 31.60 3.04 10.96 4.61 7.85 16.29 5.39 22.97 14.67 6.98 6.20 43.47 11.93 3.77 40.98 .28 88.83 1.14 5.86 2.21 12.94 4.59 7.95 16.41 5.37 1.87 20.72 Managers and officers 45 Service workers Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, mat erial handling, and powerplant workers Table 17. Retail trade: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 52-59) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 15,246,170 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... Director, food and beverage and/or catering manager ............................................................ Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Manager, automobile service department ............ Manager, automotive parts department................ Wholesaler.............................................................. Manager, eating and/or drinking establishment .... All other managers ................................................ 1,656,920 10.87 n.a. n.a. 30,960 93,600 933,700 55,590 36,990 1,720 317,800 186,560 .20 .61 6.12 .36 .24 .01 2.08 1.22 9 2 1 2 3 14 2 n.a. 1 13 69 6 5 (3) 8 n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing....... Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor............................................... Musician, instrumental............................................ Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Pharmacist .............................................................. Public relations practitioner ................................... Designer................................................................. All other professional workers............................... 346,510 3,140 3,470 118,080 33,540 5,800 2,330 9,950 9,260 79,750 1,600 56,240 23,350 2.27 .02 .02 .77 .22 .04 .02 .07 .06 .52 .01 .37 .15 n.a. 11 10 2 3 6 7 17 4 2 12 4 n.a. n.a. (3) 1 12 5 1 (3) (3) 2 4 (3) 4 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer........................................... Drafter..................................................................... Electrical and electronic technicians..................... Pharmacy helper.................................................... All other technicians.............................................. 24,410 5,150 1,600 3,160 7,050 7,450 .16 .03 .01 .02 .05 .05 n.a. 7 16 20 9 n.a. n.a. 1 (3) (3) (3) n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters and cleaners............................... Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers, total ................................... Baker, bread and/or pastry .............................. Bartender............................................................ Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant ....................................... Butcher and/or meat cu tte r.............................. Host/hostess, restaurant, lounge or coffee shop .............................................................. Kitchen helper.................................................... Waiter/waitress.................................................. Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria........................................................ Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods .. Cook, restaurant................................................ Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant ..................................................... Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker............ Cook, institution or cafeteria............................. All other food service workers.......................... Cosmetologist and/or hairstylist........................ Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Checker, fitting room .............................................. Store detective....................................................... All other service workers ....................................... 4,789,580 187,600 28,170 4,471,780 45,440 251,510 31.41 1.23 .18 29.33 .30 1.65 n.a. 3 7 n.a. 5 4 n.a. 15 2 n.a. 2 4 182,700 133,800 1.20 .88 5 2 3 4 98,980 417,490 1,254,570 .65 2.74 8.23 5 3 1 3 6 7 193,930 363,040 313,700 1.27 2.38 2.06 8 4 3 2 4 5 1,087,200 55,720 12,300 61,400 15,690 34,140 8,150 17,750 26,300 7.13 .37 .08 .40 .10 .22 .05 .12 .17 1 7 26 n.a. 6 7 5 3 n.a. 3 1 (3) n.a. 1 1 1 1 n.a. 2,453,850 455,030 282,590 41,380 5,830 8,860 16.09 2.98 1.85 .27 .04 .06 n.a. n.a. 1 3 15 11 n.a. n.a. 10 2 (3) 1 T o ta l................................................................... Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Automotive body repairer.................................. Bicycle repairer.................................................. Diesel mechanic ................................................ See footnotes at end of table. 46 Table 17. Retail trade: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 52-59) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Gasoline engine or mower repairer .................. Marine mechanic and/or repairer ..................... Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Office machine servicer and/or cash register servicer ......................................................... Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic...................................................... Television servicer and repairer, radio repairer and/or tape recorder repairer...................... Coin machine servicer and/or vending machine repairer........................................... Motorboat mechanic.......................................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Automobile repair service estimator...................... Cabinetmaker.......................................................... Carpet cutter and/or carpet layer.......................... Carpenter ................................................................ Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Merchandise displayer and window trim m er......... Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Glazier ..................................................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Jeweler and/or silversmith .................................... Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Oil burner installer and servicer............................. Musical instrument repairer ................................... Order fille r................. ............................................. Painter, automotive................................................. Painter, maintenance.............................................. Production packager, hand or machine................ Custom sewer......................................................... Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentgarment ............................................................. Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentnongarment....................................................... Sewing machine operator, special and/or automatic equipment-nongarment................... Alteration ta ilo r....................................................... Tire fabricator and/or repairer .............................. Watchmaker............................................................ Furniture assembler and installer .......................... Bagger ..................................................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator............................................... Tire changer ........................................................... Optician, dispensing and/or optical mechanic.... Household appliance installer ............................... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Furniture finisher .................................................... Furniture upholsterer .............................................. Baker ....................................................................... Cake decorator....................................................... Doughnut maker and/or doughnut machine operator............................................................. Wood machinist...................................................... Ceiling tile installer and/or floor layer................... Truck driver helper.................................................. Mobile home repairer ............................................. Mobile home set-up operator ............................... Picture fram er......................................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 1 5,850 2,990 7,790 0.04 .02 .05 8 11 6 (3) 2,300 .02 22 (3) 4,040 .03 10 1 20,230 .13 6 2 15,900 4,640 35,390 17,240 94,140 5,620 8,560 11,150 14,060 43,470 179,300 13,560 1,890 40,660 12,250 14,610 8,710 1,630 54,250 32,430 10,410 3,160 35,450 13,240 2,180 31,120 3,050 .10 .03 .23 .11 .62 .04 .06 .07 .09 .29 1.18 .09 .01 .27 .08 .10 .06 .01 .36 .21 .07 .02 .23 .09 .01 .20 .02 9 8 5 n.a. 3 8 13 9 8 4 4 3 13 3 9 5 9 16 4 5 5 16 6 5 14 6 14 1 (3) 3 n.a. 8 1 (3) 1 1 3 13 2 (3) 5 1 1 1 (3) 6 2 1 (3) 2 1 (3) 1 (3) 3,060 .02 23 (3) 3,480 .02 17 (3) 4,120 36,500 7,650 4,220 5,460 184,800 .03 .24 .05 .03 .04 1.21 18 4 11 11 11 3 (3) 4 (3) 1 1 2 246,490 50,840 12,720 9,350 555,720 4,400 1,990 18,370 4,110 1.62 .33 .08 .06 3.64 .03 .01 .12 .03 2 4 19 8 2 9 17 8 10 5 3 (3) 1 13 1 (3) 1 (3) 11,030 7,300 2,260 3,090 4,940 5,340 2,000 .07 .05 .01 .02 .03 .04 .01 8 11 20 18 9 8 23 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. 47 1 (3) (3) 1 1 (3) Table 17. Retail trade: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 52-59) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 25,880 44,180 104,620 0.17 .29 .69 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations................................................... Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator ................................................ Keypunch operator................................................ Peripheral EDP equipment operator .................... All other office machine operators....................... Accounting c le rk .................................................... Bookkeeper, hand ................................................ Adjustment c le rk................................................... Cashier................................................................... Collector................................................................. File c le rk ................................................................ General office cle rk............................................... Order clerk............................................................. Credit authorizer ................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping clerk ......................... Personnel c le rk ..................................................... Procurement c le rk ................................................. Credit reference clerk ........................................... Receptionist........................................................... Secretary................................................................ Service clerk.......................................................... Switchboard operator............................................ Switchboard operator/receptionist....................... Typist..................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or plant........................ All other office clerical workers............................ Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer.................................................... Shipping and/or receiving clerk............................ Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w o rk .................... Marking clerk......................................................... All other plant clerical workers............................. 2,661,530 2,288,650 16,800 8,780 13,480 4,410 7,280 118,880 215,640 31,340 1,260,030 12,180 7,750 252,660 37,010 12,970 10,060 7,060 2,280 6,890 5,450 100,680 40,380 12,820 8,780 10,190 26,100 58,750 372,880 23,600 70,130 17.46 15.01 .11 .06 .09 .03 .05 .78 1.41 .21 8.26 .08 .05 1.66 .24 .09 .07 .05 .01 .05 .04 .66 .26 .08 .06 .07 .17 .39 2.45 .15 .46 n.a. n.a. 4 5 5 7 n.a. 2 1 5 1 14 7 2 5 7 4 4 15 7 8 2 3 5 5 7 4 n.a. n.a. 5 3 n.a. n.a. 3 1 1 ft n.a. 13 28 1 26 1 1 22 2 1 2 2 221,370 2,870 46,070 8,840 1.45 .02 .30 .06 2 8 4 n.a. 14 1 2 n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. Demonstrator.......................................................... Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... 3,313,370 1,006,310 2,203,810 6,680 47,660 48,910 21.73 6.60 14.45 .04 .31 .32 n.a. 1 1 18 6 n.a. n.a. 32 42 ft 1 1 13 3 2 2 1 3 n.a. n.a. 1 9 ft 1 n.a. employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 48 Table 18. Building materials, hardware, garden supply stores, and mobile home dealers: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 52) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Total ................................................................... 599,580 100.00 Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Wholesaler.............................................................. All other managers ................................................ 87,760 14,700 66,770 230 6,060 Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers ................................................................ Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor............................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Designer................................................................. All other professional workers............................... Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation - - 14.64 2.45 11.14 .04 1.01 n.a. 4 1 26 n.a. n.a. 24 81 (3) n.a. 17,400 160 110 170 11,030 4,470 190 90 180 630 370 2.90 .03 .02 .03 1.84 .75 .03 .02 .03 .11 .06 n.a. n.a. 17 17 4 6 17 31 13 19 n.a. n.a. n.a. (3) (3) 18 11 (3) (3) (3) 1 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer ........................................... Drafter..................................................................... Electrical and electronic technicians..................... All other technicians............................................... 800 190 460 80 70 .13 .03 .08 .01 .01 n.a. 15 23 40 n.a. n.a. (3) 1 (3) n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers............................................. Store detective....................................................... All other service workers....................................... 8,630 6,920 570 140 60 940 1.44 1.15 .10 .02 .01 .16 n.a. 6 20 n.a. 29 n.a. n.a. 13 1 n.a. (3) n.a. 170,090 8,170 580 60 160 5,210 28.37 1.36 .10 .01 .03 .87 n.a. n.a. 18 49 46 8 n.a. n.a. 1 (3) (3) 7 80 340 1,740 32,820 420 140 10,390 11,920 130 5,150 12,120 170 7,960 5,290 440 980 980 310 140 660 20,450 7,220 180 220 340 2,380 .01 .06 .29 5.47 .07 .02 1.73 1.99 .02 .86 2.02 .03 1.33 .88 .07 .16 .16 .05 .02 .11 3.41 1.20 .03 .04 .06 .40 41 29 n.a. 4 42 41 9 6 47 6 9 41 7 8 34 17 27 34 36 35 5 11 30 25 25 10 (3) Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Diesel mechanic................................................. Farm equipment mechanic................................ Gasoline engine or mower repairer.................. Television servicer and repairer, radio repairer and/or tape recorder repairer...................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Cabinetmaker.......................................................... Carpet cutter and/or carpet layer.......................... Carpenter ................................................................ Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Glazier .................................................................... Heavy equipment operator .................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Order fille r............................................................... Painter, maintenance.............................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter....................................... Production packager, hand or machine................ Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Wood machinist...................................................... Variety saw operator .............................................. Woodworking machine operator........................... Truck driver helper................................................. Mobile home repairer............................................. See footnotes at end of table. 49 1 n.a. 25 (3) (3) 7 13 (3) 10 6 (3) 9 8 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) (3) 19 5 (3) (3) (3) 4 Table 18. Building materials, hardware, garden supply stores, and mobile home dealers: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 52) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Mobile home set-up operator............................... Picture fram er......................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 5,300 380 3,530 7,850 24,050 0.88 .06 .59 1.31 4.01 8 31 n.a. n.a. n.a. 6 (3) n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator.............................................. Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier................................................................. Collector ............................................................... File clerk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Procurement c le rk............................................... Credit reference c le rk.......................................... Receptionist ......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Service clerk ........................................................ Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers.......................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk ......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Marking clerk ....................................................... All other plant clerical workers........................... 141,140 103,580 180 430 520 100 200 11,590 20,990 340 31,820 180 190 23,100 190 470 340 120 170 100 100 10,140 190 170 230 240 700 780 37,560 9,540 23.54 17.28 .03 .07 .09 .02 .03 1.93 3.50 .06 5.31 .03 .03 3.85 .03 .08 .06 .02 .03 .02 .02 1.69 .03 .03 .04 .04 .12 .13 6.26 1.59 n.a. n.a. 29 13 22 38 n.a. 5 3 24 4 25 13 4 23 18 14 23 29 16 37 4 46 18 14 17 13 n.a. n.a. 6 n.a. n.a. (3) 1 1 (3) n.a. 18 40 (3) 22 (3) 1 30 1 1 1 (3) (3) (3) (3) 19 (3) (3) 1 (3) 1 n.a. n.a. 16 27,120 280 220 400 4.52 .05 .04 .07 4 15 18 n.a. 23 1 (3) n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... 173,760 92,110 79,510 1,080 1,060 28.98 15.36 13.26 .18 .18 n.a. 3 3 22 n.a. n.a. 54 37 (3) n.a. employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 50 Table 19. General merchandise stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 53) Occupation Employment’ Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 2,150,570 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... Director, food and beverage and/or catering manager............................................................ Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Manager, automobile service department............ Manager, automotive parts department................ Wholesaler.............................................................. Manager, eating and/or drinking establishment .... All other managers ................................................. 197,430 9.18 n.a. n.a. 280 22,260 88,200 3,060 1,400 270 2,200 79,760 .01 1.04 4.10 .14 .07 .01 .10 3.71 15 5 3 4 7 36 5 n.a. 2 30 88 12 7 (3) 10 n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers ................................................................ Mathematical scientists.......................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................. Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor................................................ Lawyer..................................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Pharmacist .............................................................. Public relations practitioner ................................... Designer.................................................................. All other professional workers............................... 54,220 420 460 1,190 1,020 28,720 3,320 3,070 1,550 300 5,890 1,490 620 2,360 3,810 2.52 .02 .02 .06 .05 1.34 .15 .14 .07 .01 .27 .07 .03 .11 .18 n.a. n.a. n.a. 18 12 6 14 7 8 30 4 16 18 8 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 2 16 5 6 3 (3) 18 2 2 5 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer ........................................... Drafter...................................................................... Electrical and electronic technicians..................... Pharmacy helper.................................................... All other technicians............................................... 4,660 2,030 570 390 570 1,100 .22 .09 .03 .02 .03 .05 n.a. 10 33 24 21 n.a. n.a. 2 1 (3) 1 n.a. Service occupations .................................................. Janitors, porters and cleaners............................... Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers, total ................................... Baker, bread and/or pastry .............................. Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant....................................... Butcher and/or meat cu tte r.............................. Host/hostess, restaurant, lounge or coffee shop .............................................................. Kitchen helper..................................................... Waiter/waitress................................................... Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria........................................................ Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods .. Cook, restaurant................................................. Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant ..................................................... Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker............ Cook, institution or cafeteria.............................. All other food service workers........................... Cosmetologist and/or hairstylist............................ Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Checker, fitting room .............................................. Store detective....................................................... All other service workers....................................... 124,990 32,990 8,120 42,030 400 5.81 1.53 .38 1.95 .02 n.a. 3 6 n.a. 16 n.a. 36 11 n.a. 1 2,090 560 .10 .03 8 33 3 1 1,720 5,230 15,100 .08 .24 .70 7 7 6 5 7 10 6,890 3,350 2,780 .32 .16 .13 7 8 8 8 7 7 1,470 650 560 1,230 13,830 1,480 7,530 14,720 4,290 .07 .03 .03 .06 .64 .07 .35 .68 .20 16 11 18 n.a. 6 12 1 2 1 n.a. 6 5 9 19 n.a. 239,200 45,530 10,680 720 770 11.12 2.12 .50 .03 .04 n.a. n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Bicycle repairer.................................................. Laundry machine mechanic .............................. See footnotes at end of table. 51 3 n.a. 5 8 17 * 5 n.a. n.a. 11 4 1 Table 19. General merchandise stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 53) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Television servicer and repairer, radio repairer and/or tape recorder repairer...................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Carpet cutter and/or carpet layer.......................... Carpenter ................................................................ Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Merchandise displayer and window trim m er........ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Order fille r............................................................... Painter, maintenance.............................................. Production packager, hand or machine................ Custom sewer......................................................... Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentgarm ent............................................................. Stationary engineer................................................ Alteration ta ilo r....................................................... Watchmaker............................................................ Bagger .................................................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator............................................... Tire changer ........................................................... Optician, dispensing and/or optical mechanic...... Drapery and upholstery measurer ......................... Household appliance installer............................... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Furniture finisher .................................................... All-around tailor ..................................................... Baker ...................................................................... Truck driver helper.................................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers.............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator.............................................. Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer ....................................................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector............................................................... File c le rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Procurement c le rk ............................................... Credit reference c le rk......................................... Receptionist........................................................ Secretary............................................................. Service clerk ....................................................... Switchboard operator ......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist..................... Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 6,410 0.30 6 7 1,380 18,490 7,080 4,640 250 1,020 3,300 9,490 830 6,310 2,050 7,960 1,080 3,730 520 550 1,330 .06 .86 .33 .22 .01 .05 .15 .44 .04 .29 .10 .37 .05 .17 .02 .03 .06 13 8 n.a. 8 24 11 12 3 13 5 12 6 12 12 11 19 12 2 6 n.a. 7 1 3 6 20 2 13 2 14 2 3 2 1 2 250 710 7,690 270 870 .01 .03 .36 .01 .04 25 9 5 11 29 (3) 2 16 1 ft 1,470 8,610 370 380 1,630 88,810 820 770 240 880 11,480 7,120 18,240 .07 .40 .02 .02 .08 4.13 .04 .04 .01 .04 .53 .33 .85 12 5 26 14 14 5 17 14 27 19 n.a. n.a. n.a. 3 9 1 1 2 36 3 1 ft 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. 529,290 404,730 2,020 2,820 5,760 2,130 3,900 750 21,520 11,380 26,570 137,070 6,330 3,690 45,920 10,570 10,490 3,910 4,720 1,260 4,900 970 14,990 16,720 8,710 3,480 24.61 18.82 .09 .13 .27 .10 .18 .03 1.00 .53 1.24 6.37 .29 .17 2.14 .49 .49 .18 .22 .06 .23 .05 .70 .78 .41 .16 n.a. n.a. 12 10 7 9 n.a. 26 5 5 5 4 23 12 4 8 9 6 4 25 8 21 6 5 4 8 n.a. n.a. 2 4 5 4 n.a. 1 21 25 17 58 4 3 33 9 8 12 15 1 5 3 22 11 15 6 See footnotes at end of table. 52 Table 19. General merchandise stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 53) Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Marking clerk ....................................................... All other plant clerical workers........................... Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. Demonstrator.......................................................... Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 3,970 12,740 37,440 124,560 10,620 21,630 0.18 .59 1.74 5.79 .49 1.01 14 6 n.a. n.a. 6 5 4 17 n.a. n.a. 11 31 51,280 610 37,940 2,480 2.38 .03 1.76 .12 4 11 4 n.a. 34 2 21 n.a. 1,000,780 269,590 664,820 4,490 35,790 26,090 46.54 12.54 30.91 .21 1.66 1.21 n.a. 2 1 17 6 n.a. n.a. 31 74 4 14 n.a. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 53 employment and percent of total employment: relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. Table 20. Food stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of est' .-lishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 54) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 2,466,270 100.00 Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Wholesaler.............................................................. Manager, eating and/or drinking establishment .... All other managers ................................................. 257,440 5,220 230,920 270 540 20,490 Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers ................................................................ Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Pharmacist .............................................................. Designer.................................................................. All other professional workers............................... Total ................................................................... Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation - - 10.44 .21 9.36 .01 .02 .83 n.a. 13 2 24 18 n.a. n.a. 4 78 (3) 1 n.a. 34,920 270 660 470 22,650 2,040 600 840 2,910 490 3,990 1.42 .01 .03 .02 .92 .08 .02 .03 .12 .02 .16 n.a. n.a. 26 32 6 15 17 14 11 32 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 1 14 2 1 2 2 1 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer ........................................... Drafter..................................................................... Pharmacy helper.................................................... All other technicians............................................... 2,380 680 270 490 940 .10 .03 .01 .02 .04 n.a. 17 34 18 n.a. n.a. 1 (3) 1 n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters and cleaners............................... Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers, to ta l................................... Baker, bread and/or pastry .............................. Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant....................................... Butcher and/or meat cu tte r.............................. Host/hostess, restaurant, lounge or coffee shop .............................................................. Kitchen helper.................................................... Waiter/waitress.................................................. Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria........................................................ Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods .. Cook, restaurant................................................ Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant ..................................................... Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker............ Cook, institution or cafeteria............................. All other food service workers.......................... Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Store detective....................................................... All other service workers....................................... 273,840 22,870 2,890 242,760 27,040 11.10 .93 .12 9.84 1.10 n.a. 5 14 n.a. 6 n.a. 19 1 n.a. 14 900 129,810 .04 5.26 34 2 1 37 320 10,240 14,440 .01 .42 .59 31 10 12 (3) 7 4 17,660 11,640 4,450 .72 .47 .18 23 13 14 5 6 1 3,020 8,290 600 14,350 490 1,640 3,190 .12 .34 .02 .58 .02 .07 .13 19 14 28 n.a. 24 19 n.a. 1 1 (3) n.a. (3) 1 n.a. 679,100 2,180 820 540 27.54 .09 .03 .02 n.a. n.a. 19 19 n.a. n.a. 1 (3) 360 460 12,750 300 9,510 3,140 3,030 5,800 270 7,580 28,700 .01 .02 .52 .01 .39 .13 .12 .24 .01 .31 1.16 19 n.a. 9 25 15 26 15 9 29 17 6 1 n.a. 5 1 7 1 1 6 (3) 1 14 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Diesel mechanic ................................................ Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic...................................................... All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Carpenter ................................................................ Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Order fille r............................................................... Production packager, hand or machine................ See footnotes at end of table. 54 Table 20. Food stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 54) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Bagger .................................................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator............................................... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Baker ...................................................................... Cake decorator....................................................... Doughnut maker and/or doughnut machine operator............................................................. Truck driver helper.................................................. All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. Percent of total employment Employment’ Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 183,710 7.45 3 23 580 368,310 16,800 3,660 .02 14.93 .68 .15 41 2 8 10 (3) 40 9 4 10,670 380 1,600 3,720 16,410 .43 .02 .06 .15 .67 7 35 n.a. n.a. n.a. 9 (3) n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations................................................... Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Accounting cle rk................................................... Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Order clerk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Procurement c le rk ................................................ Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Service clerk ........................................................ Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer.................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Weigher, recordkeeping ...................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd .................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Marking clerk ....................................................... All other plant clerical workers............................ 806,040 746,780 370 1,000 1,360 410 510 14,380 26,660 970 654,340 340 21,410 1,380 1,180 670 310 530 9,750 1,150 460 1,010 2,510 6,080 59,260 1,730 3,460 250 32.68 30.28 .02 .04 .06 .02 .02 .58 1.08 .04 26.53 .01 .87 .06 .05 .03 .01 .02 .40 .05 .02 .04 .10 .25 2.40 .07 .14 .01 n.a. n.a. 29 11 16 23 n.a. 12 4 21 1 34 6 30 9 14 23 21 8 21 15 18 18 n.a. n.a. 29 10 37 n.a. n.a. (3) 2 1 n.a. 8 24 1 54 1 13 1 2 1 (3) 1 9 1 1 1 2 n.a. n.a. 1 3 (3) 46,450 310 3,670 3,390 1.88 .01 .15 .14 7 17 20 n.a. 12 1 1 n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. Demonstrator.......................................................... Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... 412,550 27,740 368,100 1,200 4,200 11,310 16.73 1.12 14.93 .05 .17 .46 n.a. 17 3 21 24 n.a. n.a. 8 53 1 1 n.a. 0 employment and percent of total employment: relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. ' Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other" categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 55 Table 21. Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 55) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 1,637,690 100.00 Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Manager, automobile service department ............ Manager, automotive parts department................ Wholesaler.............................................................. Manager, eating and/or drinking establishment .... All other managers ................................................ 242,780 900 132,450 52,210 35,200 390 320 21,310 14.82 .05 8.09 3.19 2.15 .02 .02 1.30 n.a. 20 2 2 3 23 25 n.a. n.a. 1 65 37 29 1 (3) n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... All other professional workers............................... 19,440 250 17,890 1,300 1.19 .02 1.09 .08 n.a. 28 4 n.a. n.a. (3) 17 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer ........................................... Electrical and electronic technicians..................... All other technicians............................................... 2,240 230 240 1,770 .14 .01 .01 .11 n.a. 21 47 n.a. n.a. (3) (3) n.a. Service occupations .................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant............................................ Kitchen helper ........................................................ Waiter/waitress ...................................................... Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods...... Cook, restaurant..................................................... All other food service workers.............................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... All other service workers ....................................... 46,240 21,650 480 2.82 1.32 .03 n.a. 4 30 n.a. 14 1 280 3,790 10,180 5,780 1,200 910 180 1,790 .02 .23 .62 .35 .07 .06 .01 .11 36 16 14 16 27 n.a. 34 n.a. (3) 1 2 2 (3) n.a. (3) n.a. 775,370 323,600 1,220 262,410 41,070 7,960 200 2,950 170 4,550 450 2,620 13,840 5,430 340 43,400 18,550 14,280 690 7,970 28,020 690 13,200 200 7,370 47.35 19.76 .07 16.02 2.51 .49 .01 .18 .01 .28 .03 .16 .85 .33 .02 2.65 1.13 .87 .04 .49 1.71 .04 .81 .01 .45 n.a. n.a. 13 1 3 12 47 11 31 8 38 n.a. 8 8 26 4 6 5 29 8 5 34 5 30 11 n.a. n.a. (3) 57 15 4 (3) 2 (3) 3 O n.a. 7 5 (3) 21 11 12 1 6 14 (3) 9 (3) 3 240,340 41,900 950 2,560 1,010 3,550 7,480 14.68 2.56 .06 .16 .06 .22 .46 2 5 27 13 n.a. n.a. n.a. 28 14 0 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, aircraft............................................... Mechanic, automotive........................................ Automotive body repairer.................................. Diesel mechanic ................................................ Gasoline engine or mower repairer.................. Marine mechanic and/or repairer ..................... Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Motorboat mechanic.......................................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Automobile repair service estimator...................... Carpenter ................................................................ Cleaner, vehicle...................................................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Order fille r............................................................... Painter, automotive................................................ Painter, maintenance.............................................. Tire fabricator and/or repairer .............................. Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Tire changer .......................................................... Stock clerk, sales floor ............... * ....................... Mobile home repairer ............................................ All other skilled craft and kindred workers.......... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled w orkers............. See footnotes at end of table. 56 - -- Table 21. Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 55) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator.............................................. Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector............................................................... File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Credit reference c le rk.......................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Service c le rk ........................................................ Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... All other plant clerical workers........................... 291,610 251,120 510 760 580 360 22,150 43,160 260 89,350 660 880 47,450 220 560 1,000 200 210 480 16,750 19,630 1,020 1,070 920 630 2,310 40,490 300 780 17.81 15.33 .03 .05 .04 .02 1.35 2.64 .02 5.46 .04 .05 2.90 .01 .03 .06 .01 .01 .03 1.02 1.20 .06 .07 .06 .04 .14 2.47 .02 .05 n.a. n.a. 18 16 16 26 4 3 28 5 25 13 3 24 28 11 21 27 27 4 5 13 13 15 21 n.a. n.a. 21 20 n.a. n.a. 1 1 1 (3) 18 34 (3) 24 1 1 30 ' (3) (3) 2 (3) (3) 1 16 13 1 2 38,200 790 420 2.33 .05 .03 4 22 14 n.a. n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... 260,010 199,430 57,220 870 2,490 15.88 12.18 3.49 .05 .15 n.a. 2 5 29 n.a. 1 1 n.a. 47 17 (3) n.a. employment and percent of total employment: relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated \ 1 1 n.a. n.a. (3) 57 Table 22. Apparel and accessory stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 56) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment' Total ................................................................... 933,620 100.00 Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. All other managers ................................................ 158,760 12,800 137,490 8,470 Professional occupations.......................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor............................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Designer................................................................. All other professional workers............................... Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation - - 17.00 1.37 14.73 .91 n.a. 5 1 n.a. n.a. 16 86 n.a. 24,230 250 140 20,330 930 640 130 500 300 1,010 2.60 .03 .01 2.18 .10 .07 .01 .05 .03 .11 n.a. 21 33 5 11 15 26 11 24 n.a. n.a. (3) (3) 19 1 1 (3) 1 (3) n.a. Technical occupations.............................................. Computer programmer ........................................... All other technicians.............................................. 490 410 80 .05 .04 .01 n.a. 15 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Waiter/waitress ...................................................... Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria ............................................................ All other food service workers.............................. Cosmetologist and/or hairstylist ........................... Checker, fitting room ............................................. Store detective....................................................... All other service workers ....................................... 12,980 8,290 790 550 1.39 .89 .08 .06 n.a. 5 16 33 n.a. 11 1 (3) 140 510 860 520 710 610 .01 .05 .09 .06 .08 .07 45 n.a. 28 20 16 n.a. (3) n.a. (3) (3) 1 n.a. 74,540 550 2,100 3,640 290 1,370 830 1,470 7.98 .06 .22 .39 .03 .15 .09 .16 n.a. 15 15 8 22 12 34 25 n.a. 1 3 6 1 2 (3) 1 2,250 .24 28 (3) 410 28,570 290 24,980 500 830 4,300 2,160 .04 3.06 .03 2.68 .05 .09 .46 .23 42 4 45 7 22 n.a. n.a. n.a. (3) 20 (3) 13 (3) n.a. n.a. n.a. 122,790 94,520 310 730 1,090 260 7,920 15,830 590 38,480 830 330 13.15 10.12 .03 .08 .12 .03 .85 1.70 .06 4.12 .09 .04 n.a. n.a. 33 15 13 21 6 4 20 4 16 25 n.a. n.a. (3) 1 1 (3) 9 23 (3) 18 1 (3) Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Truck driver............................................................. Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Merchandise displayer and window trim m er........ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Order fille r............................................................... Custom sewer......................................................... Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentgarment ............................................................. Sewing machine operator, special equipment and/or automatic equipment-garment............ Alteration ta ilo r....................................................... Custom tailor .......................................................... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... All-around tailor ..................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled w orkers.............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator.............................................. Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector ............................................................... File c le rk............................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 58 Table 22. Apparel and accessory stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 56) Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order clerk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping c le rk ........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Credit reference c le rk .......................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Service clerk ........................................................ Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer.................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd .................................................................... Marking clerk ....................................................... All other plant clerical workers............................ Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 16,150 900 450 700 330 600 130 4,340 530 460 360 440 810 1,950 28,270 1,130 11,020 1.73 .10 .05 .07 • .04 .06 .01 .46 .06 .05 .04 .05 .09 .21 3.03 .12 1.18 6 12 34 14 10 14 25 8 19 11 15 16 15 n.a. n.a. 18 8 14 1 (3) 1 1 1 (3) 7 (3) 1 1 (3) 1 n.a. n.a. 1 12 12,570 3,100 450 1.35 .33 .05 8 12 n.a. 9 1 n.a. 539,830 126,930 408,900 2,470 1,530 57.82 13.60 43.80 .26 .16 n.a. 4 2 26 n.a. n.a. 27 72 1 n.a. 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 59 Table 23. Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 57) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Total .................................................................... 573,880 100.00 - Managers and officers............................................... Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. All other managers ................................................. 89,230 10,840 70,350 8,040 15.55 n.a. 12.26 1.40 Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers ................................................................ Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor................................................ Musician, instrumental............................................ Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Public relations practitioner ................................... Designer.................................................................. All other professional workers............................... 24,180 80 100 9,160 570 320 70 330 100 60 12,330 1,060 Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Electrical and electronic technicians................ All other engineering technicians...................... All other technicians............................................... Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers............................................. All other service workers ....................................... Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Refrigeration mechanic and/or air conditioning mechanic...................................................... Television servicer and repairer, radio repairer and/or tape recorder repairer...................... Gas and electric appliance repairer.................. All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Cabinetmaker.......................................................... Carpet cutter and/or carpet layer.......................... Carpenter ................................................................ Delivery and/or route worker ................................ Merchandise displayer and window trim m er........ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Musical instrument repairer ................................... Order fille r............................................................... Sewing machine operator, regular equipmentnongarment ....................................................... Sewing machine operator, special and/or automatic equipment-nongarment................... Furniture assembler and installer .......................... Drapery hanger....................................................... Household appliance installer............................... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Furniture finisher .................................................... Furniture upholsterer ............................................. Ceiling tile installer and/or floor layer................... Truck driver helper................................................. Picture fram er......................................................... Percent of establishments reporting the occupation -n.a. 5 2 18 80 n.a. n.a. 4.21 .01 .02 1.60 .10 .06 .01 .06 .02 .01 2.15 .18 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. (3) n.a. n.a. 2,910 260 1,600 1,510 90 1,050 .51 .05 .28 .26 .02 .18 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 13,560 8,600 300 4,190 470 2.36 1.50 .05 .73 .08 n.a. n.a. 6 48 15 n.a. n.a. (3) n.a. n.a. 143,840 30,850 25.06 5.38 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3,190 .56 12 4 18,240 7,860 1,560 7,840 7,940 10,610 1,500 31,620 150 460 2,990 220 1,990 3,130 520 3.18 1.37 .27 1.37 1.38 1.85 .26 5.51 .03 .08 .52 .04 .35 .55 .09 7 7 16 11 n.a. n.a. 2,890 .50 19 2 3,550 5,020 830 7,550 7,140 3,270 1,740 2,070 790 730 .62 .87 .14 1.32 1.24 .57 .30 .36 .14 .13 20 11 24 10 10 10 18 22 21 45 2 5 1 8 7 5 2 1 1 1.89 See footnotes at end of table. 60 26 6 18 24 30 44 20 42 8 34 n.a. 35 7 14 9 24 4 34 37 9 47 16 16 31 15 1 1 (3) (3) (3) (3) 10 1 n.a. 1 9 3 6 2 27 (3) (3) 5 (3) 3 4 (3) (3) t Table 23. Furniture, home furnishings, and equipment stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 57) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 1,280 2,420 4,740 0.22 .42 .83 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator.... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand................................................ Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector............................................................... File clerk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Credit reference c le rk.......................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Service c le rk ........................................................ Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... All other plant clerical workers............................ 122,130 96,440 100 420 400 190 100 9,720 20,360 390 14,280 1,280 180 27,150 410 380 170 70 530 1,670 9,800 590 720 1,840 160 4,660 870 25,690 3,110 6,810 21.28 16.80 .02 .07 .07 .03 .02 1.69 3.55 .07 2.49 .22 .03 4.73 .07 .07 .03 .01 .09 .29 1.71 .10 .13 .32 .03 .81 .15 4.48 .54 1.19 n.a. n.a. 50 21 20 27 n.a. 8 4 33 7 20 27 4 29 40 17 25 22 13 6 16 23 10 38 8 n.a. n.a. 13 7 n.a. n.a. (3) 1 1 (3) n.a. 13 34 1 12 1 (3) 30 1 1 1 (3) 1 4 16 1 2 4 (3) 9 n.a. n.a. 4 11 15,490 280 2.70 .05 6 n.a. 15 n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk ............................................................* Demonstrator.......................................................... Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... 178,030 105,680 71,160 220 200 770 31.02 18.41 12.40 .04 .03 .13 n.a. 3 4 35 44 n.a. n.a. 55 29 (3) (3) n.a. ' Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 61 Table 24. Eating and drinking places: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 58) Occupation Employment' Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 4,985,150 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... Director, food and beverage and/or catering manager............................................................ Manager, retail store .............................................. Manager, eating and/or drinking establishment .... All other managers ................................................ 380,520 7.63 n.a. n.a. 30,350 14,300 314,170 21,700 .61 .29 6.30 .44 9 18 2 n.a. 12 3 71 n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Musician, instrumental............................................ Personnel and labor relations specialists............. All other professional workers............................... 21,470 1,070 2,390 9,600 960 7,450 .43 .02 .05 .19 .02 .15 n.a. 23 23 18 27 n.a. n.a. 1 3 2 2 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer ........................................... All other technicians.............................................. 920 520 400 .02 .01 .01 n.a. 49 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters and cleaners............................... Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers, to ta l................................... Baker, bread and/or pastry .............................. Bartender............................................................ Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant....................................... Butcher and/or meat cu tte r.............................. Host/hostess, restaurant, lounge or coffee shop .............................................................. Kitchen helper.................................................... Waiter/waitress.................................................. Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria........................................................ Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods .. Cook, restaurant................................................ Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant ..................................................... Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker............ Cook, institution or cafeteria............................. All other food service workers.......................... Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... All other service workers ....................................... 4,254,510 66,750 12,390 4,133,070 17,860 249,020 85.34 1.34 .25 82.91 .36 5.00 n.a. 7 14 n.a. 10 4 n.a. 23 3 n.a. 7 36 177,870 3,200 3.57 .06 5 23 24 1 95,810 396,520 1,210,110 1.92 7.95 24.27 5 3 1 26 49 60 164,810 339,050 303,610 3.31 6.80 6.09 9 5 3 10 32 43 1,080,020 44,380 10,080 40,730 31,440 10,860 21.66 .89 .20 .82 .63 .22 1 9 31 n.a. 8 n.a. 28 11 2 n.a. Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers........................................ Truck driver............................................................. Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Baker ...................................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled w orkers.............. 54,230 1,330 1,580 24,940 690 14,470 1,250 1,190 2,980 5,800 1.09 .03 .03 .50 .01 .29 .03 .02 .06 .12 n.a. n.a. 39 25 36 10 47 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 3 1 8 Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Computer operator.............................................. All other office machine operators ..................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Cashier.................................................................. General office clerk ............................................. Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Switchboard operator .......................................... 211,660 209,200 630 880 9,690 31,360 132,600 14,330 1,650 560 11,320 990 4.25 4.20 .01 .02 .19 .63 2.66 .29 .03 .01 .23 .02 n.a. n.a. 36 n.a. 13 5 6 9 16 26 10 45 n.a. n.a. See footnotes at end of table. 62 11 n.a. 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. 7 17 22 8 3 1 8 (3) Table 24. Eating and drinking places: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 58) Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd .................................................................... All other plant clerical workers............................ Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. All other sales workers .......................................... Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 600 1,080 3,510 2,460 0.01 .02 .07 .05 38 26 n.a. n.a. 1 1 n.a. n.a. 1,820 640 .04 .01 36 n.a. 1 n.a. 61,840 5,060 55,570 1,210 1.24 .10 1.11 .02 n.a. 31 13 n.a. n.a. 2 3 n.a. employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. ' Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 63 Table 25. Miscellaneous retail stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982 (SIC 59) Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Total .................................................................... 1,899,320 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... Director, food and beverage and/or catering manager ............................................................ Manager, merchandise........................................... Manager, retail store .............................................. Wholesaler.............................................................. Manager, eating and/or drinking establishment .... All other managers ................................................. 243,020 12.80 n.a. n.a. 200 26,420 193,240 310 460 22,390 .01 1.39 10.17 .02 .02 1.18 23 4 1 31 21 n.a. ft 15 69 (3) (3) n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers ................................................................ Statistician............................................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Purchasing agent and/or b uyer............................ Buyer, retail and/or wholesale trade..................... Accountants and auditors...................................... Commercial a rtis t................................................... Writer and/or editor................................................ Optometrist ............................................................. Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Pharmacist.............................................................. Public relations practitioner................................... Designer.................................................................. All other professional workers............................... 150,600 280 200 470 240 25,550 1,920 860 370 890 640 75,300 290 39,700 3,890 7.93 .01 .01 .02 .01 1.35 .10 .05 .02 .05 .03 3.96 .02 2.09 .20 n.a. n.a. 25 16 19 4 9 21 20 36 10 2 25 5 n.a. n.a. n.a. (3) (3) (3) 12 1 1 (3) (3) 1 14 ft 10 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer........................................... Electrical and electronic technicians..................... Pharmacy helper.................................................... All other technicians............................................... 10,000 820 760 5,990 2,430 .53 .04 .04 .32 .13 n.a. 13 36 11 n.a. n.a. 1 (3) 1 n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters and cleaners............................... Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers, to ta l................................... Bartender............................................................ Dining room attendant, bartender helper, or cafeteria attendant....................................... Host/hostess, restaurant, lounge or coffee shop .............................................................. Kitchen helper.................................................... Waiter/waitress.................................................. Counter attendant, lunchroom, coffee shop, or cafeteria........................................................ Cook, short order and/or specialty fast foods .. Cook, restaurant................................................ Food preparation and service worker, fast food restaurant..................................................... Pantry, sandwich and/or coffee m aker............ Cook, institution or cafeteria............................. All other food service workers.......................... Cosmetologist and/or hairstylist............................ Supervisor, nonworking-service o n ly .................... Store detective....................................................... All other service workers....................................... 54,840 19,530 2,640 26,230 1,470 2.89 1.03 .14 1.38 .08 n.a. 5 13 n.a. 31 n.a. 10 1 n.a. (3) 750 .04 24 (3) 790 1,410 2,780 .04 .07 .15 31 23 24 ft (3) 4,130 2,710 780 .22 .14 .04 14 22 28 1 1 (3) 2,510 2,330 920 5,650 830 510 200 4,900 .13 .12 .05 .30 .04 .03 .01 .26 20 17 24 n.a. 30 16 42 n.a. (3) (3) (3) n.a. (3) ft ft n.a. 317,450 43,300 7,610 4,980 710 16.71 2.28 .40 .26 .04 n.a. n.a. 12 17 16 n.a. n.a. 4 1 2,090 .11 23 1 15,550 8,230 .82 .43 9 7 3 5 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive....................................... Bicycle repairer................................................. Mechanic, maintenance.................................... Office machine servicer and/or cash register servicer........................................................ Coin machine servicer and/or vending machine repairer.......................................... Gas and electric appliance repairer................. See footnotes at end of table. 64 1 ft Table 25. Miscellaneous retail stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 59) Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Carpenter................................................................ Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Jeweler and/or silversmith .................................... Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Oil burner installer and servicer............................ Order fille r............................................................... Production packager, hand or machine................ Alteration ta ilo r....................................................... Watchmaker............................................................ Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Optician, dispensing and/or optical mechanic...... Stock clerk, sales floor .......................................... Truck driver helper................................................. Picture fram er......................................................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers....... All other laborers and unskilled workers.............. Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 4,130 20,120 210 77,360 7,810 1,120 8,450 300 9,400 2,170 10,280 20,880 1,340 230 3,920 0.22 1.06 .01 4.07 .41 .06 .44 .02 .49 .11 .54 1.10 .07 .01 .21 n.a. 5 38 3 7 16 9 34 9 34 5 7 27 44 12 n.a. 8 (3) 21 4 (3) 3 (3) 4 (3) 3 5 (3) (3) 2 2,560 12,280 44,740 320 830 7,370 15,030 27,430 .13 .65 2.36 .02 .04 .39 .79 1.44 15 20 5 35 35 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1 1 10 (3) (3) n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, to ta l.................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator............................................... Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Adjustment clerk.................................................. Cashier.................................................................. Collector............................................................... File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Credit authorizer.................................................. Order c le rk ........................................................... Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Procurement c le rk................................................ Credit reference c le rk .......................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Service c le rk ........................................................ Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Shipping packer................................................... Shipping and/or receiving c le rk .......................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage ya rd ................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Marking clerk ....................................................... All other plant clerical workers........................... 436,820 382,250 13,050 2,000 3,370 860 2,200 21,900 45,900 1,690 162,090 1,380 2,010 57,150 590 22,820 1,120 400 220 440 1,080 23,590 1,440 470 750 3,030 2,950 9,750 54,570 6,340 16,540 23.00 20.13 .69 .11 .18 .05 .12 1.15 2.42 .09 8.53 .07 .11 3.01 .03 1.20 .06 .02 .01 .02 .06 1.24 .08 .02 .04 .16 .16 .51 2.87 .33 .87 n.a. n.a. 5 11 9 18 n.a. 4 3 10 3 23 14 4 22 6 9 10 22 38 24 4 20 13 11 10 15 n.a. n.a. 11 6 n.a. n.a. 8 1 1 (3) n.a. 12 26 (3) 20 (3) (3) 20 (3) 7 1 1 0 (3) 1 13 (3) 1 1 1 1 n.a. n.a. 1 8 28,430 640 1,000 1,620 1.50 .03 .05 .09 6 17 38 n.a. 9 1 (3) n.a. Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... 686,590 179,780 36.15 9.47 n.a. 3 n.a. 27 See footnotes at end of table. 65 Table 25. Miscellaneous retail stores: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, June 1982—Continued (SIC 59) Occupation Sales occupations— Continued Sales clerk .............................................................. Sales clerk supervisor............................................ All other sales workers .......................................... Percent of total employment Employment' 498,540 2,930 5,340 26.25 .15 .28 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate "All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 2 30 n.a. 49 (3) n.a. employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. 66 Local government State government For purposes o f this survey, local government in cludes government establishments engaged in providing the same services as those listed under State government. Employment in local government totaled 3.6 million in 1982, representing about 4 percent o f all nonagricultural wage and salary employment in the Na tion. (In 1979, local government employment was ap proximately 3.9 million.) The two largest occupational groups in local govern ment in 1982 were service workers and operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers, with about 1.1 million workers and 931,000, respectively. (See table A-2.) These two groups together accounted for 57 percent of total employment. Highway maintenance men ac counted for 11 percent of the employment in operating occupations and police patrol officers were 27 percent of service worker employment. Clerical workers accounted for 20 percent of employment in local government. Typists made up the largest occupation in this group. They accounted for 13 percent of the employ ment. Professional occupations ranked fourth, with 12 per cent of total surveyed employment. Caseworker was the largest occupation in this major group, accounting for 12 percent of professional employment. The remaining occupational employment was distributed as follows: Managers and officers, 9 per cent; technical workers, 3 percent; and sales workers, less than 1 percent. For this survey, State government employment in cludes government establishments engaged in providing police and fire protection; public safety; human or social services; recreational facilities; public transporta tion; public housing; judiciary services; environmental quality programs such as sanitation, waste management and water control; library facilities; and medical and health services, except hospitals. Educational institu tions are excluded. There were 1.7 million employees in State government in 1982, representing about 2 percent of all nonagricultural wage and salary employment in the Nation. Professional workers, the largest occupational group, accounted for 29 percent of the employment in State government. (See table A -l.) Caseworkers and accoun tants and auditors were the two largest occupations in this group. Clerical workers accounted for 26 percent of the employment in State government. Typists and general of fice clerks had the largest employment in this major group with 5 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Service occupa tions ranked third, with 19 percent of total surveyed employment. Correction officers and jailers accounted for 4 percent of the employment in this group. The remaining occupational employment was distributed as follows: Operating, maintenance, construc tion, repair, material handling, and powerplant workers, 11 percent; managers and officers, 9 percent; technical workers, 6 percent; and sales occupations, less than 1 per cent of total surveyed employment in this industry. 67 Table A-1. State government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982 Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Percent of establishments reporting the occupation T o ta l.................................................................... 1,748,410 100.00 - Managers and officers............................................... Public administration inspectors, except construction ...................................................... Construction inspector ........................................... Chief executives, general administrators, and legislators.......................................................... All other managers ................................................. 148,900 8.52 n.a. 37,380 5,840 2.14 .33 100 88 14,560 91,120 .83 5.21 98 n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Civil engineer....................................................... Electrical and electronic engineers .................... Mechanical engineer ........................................... Safety engineer................................................... Traffic engineer................................................... All other engineers .............................................. Mathematical scientists, to ta l................................ Financial analyst .................................................. Statistician............................................................ All other mathematical scientists........................ Physical scientists, to ta l......................................... Chemist ................................................................ All other physical scientists................................ Life scientists, to ta l................................................. Agricultural scientist............................................. Biological scientist............................................... Forester and conservation scientist................... All other life scientists......................................... Social scientists, to ta l............................................. Economist ............................................................ Psychologist......................................................... Sociologist............................................................ Urban and regional planner................................ All other social scientists.................................... Therapists, to ta l...................................................... Physical therapist................................................. Occupational therapist ........................................ Manual arts, music, and/or recreational therapist ......................................................... All other therapists............................................... Occupational therapist....................................... All other therapists............................................. Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Audio visual specialist............................................ Claims taker, unemployment benefits................... Speech pathologist and/or audiologist................. Teacher and/or instructor, vocational education or training.......................................................... Vocational and educational counselor.................. Photographer.......................................................... Purchasing agent and/or buyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Landscape architect............................................... Architect.................................................................. Budget analyst........................................................ Caseworker............................................................. Commercial a rtis t................................................... Dietitian and/or nutritionist.................................... Writer and/or editor............................................... Employment interviewer......................................... Law cle rk................................................................. Lawyer.................................................................... Librarian, professional ............................................ Curator, museum.................................................... Nurse, professional................................................ Paralegal personnel............................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............. Physician and/or surgeon...................................... 499,100 38,820 25,170 840 740 730 5,180 6,160 5,240 1,550 2,480 1,210 6,530 2,770 3,760 15,570 1,790 6,700 4,680 2,400 16,860 3,860 5,240 1,400 3,230 3,130 8,880 2,140 1,580 28.55 2.22 1.44 .05 .04 .04 .30 .35 .30 .09 .14 .07 .37 .16 .22 .89 .10 .38 .27 .14 .96 .22 .30 .08 .18 .18 .51 .12 .09 n.a. n.a. 100 78 80 59 63 n.a. n.a. 84 94 n.a. n.a. 100 n.a. n.a. 90 100 98 n.a. n.a. 96 100 31 92 n.a. n.a. 80 80 1,460 3,700 1,580 3,700 8,040 880 22,510 1,400 .08 .21 .09 .21 .46 .05 1.29 .08 73 n.a. 80 n.a. 98 57 92 84 12,710 13,150 810 2,590 33,430 700 980 3,780 72,250 920 1,810 1,130 22,260 3,140 16,860 2,400 430 20,630 3,500 10,160 5,050 .73 .75 .05 .15 1.91 .04 .06 86 100 94 100 100 See footnotes at end of table. 68 .22 4.13 .05 .10 .06 1.27 .18 .96 .14 .02 1.18 .20 .58 .29 88 94 100 100 94 100 92 96 98 100 100 75 98 100 100 100 Table A-1. State government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982—Continued < Occupation Employment1 Percent of total employment Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Professional occupations— Continued Public relations practitioner................................... Right-of-way agent ................................................ Veterinarian............................................................. Designer.................................................................. Community organization worker............................ Welfare investigator................................................ Judge ...................................................................... Magistrate ............................................................... Tax examiner, collector and/or revenue a g e n t.... Assessor.................................................................. Appraiser, real e sta te ............................................. Group recreation w orker........................................ All other professional workers............................... 3,380 2,320 730 370 2,990 3,910 9,410 1,180 12,530 1,200 2,110 3,590 101,960 0.19 .13 .04 .02 .17 .22 .54 .07 .72 .07 .12 .21 5.83 100 80 96 53 88 76 92 31 94 53 86 82 n.a. Technical occupations............................................... Computer programmer........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................. Electrical and electronic technicians................ Surveyor.............................................................. Traffic technician................................................ Civil engineering technician .............................. All other engineering technicians...................... Science technicians................................................ Licensed practical nurse........................................ Physician’s assistant............................................... Museum technician and/or restorer...................... Radio operator ....................................................... Technical assistant, library .................................... Medical and dental technicians and technologists Emergency medical technician ............................. All other technicians .......................................... 100,340 8,950 40,270 4,930 2,360 1,870 2,510 15,830 12,770 7,460 10,740 960 410 2,500 1,020 11,110 350 16,570 5.74 .51 2.30 .28 .13 .11 .14 .91 .73 .43 .61 .05 .02 .14 .06 .64 .02 .95 n.a. 100 n.a. 94 92 75 67 88 n.a. 96 96 65 69 69 78 98 27 n.a. Service occupations .................................................. Janitors, porters, and cleaners.............................. Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Kitchen h e lper........................................................ Cook, institution or cafeteria ................................. All other food service workers.............................. Supervisor, nonworking-service only .................... Nurse aide and/or orderly..................................... Recreation facility attendant.................................. Usher, lobby attendant, ticket taker and/or drive-in theater attendant................................ Forest conservation worker................................... Fish and game wardens ........................................ C hild -ca re w orker .................................................. Lifeguard ................................................................. Social service aide................................................. Police and detective supervisor............................. Detective, police..................................................... Police patrol officer................................................. Parking enforcement officer .................................. Correction officer and/or jailer.............................. S heriff..................................................................... Bailiff....................................................................... Fire inspector.......................................................... Fire fighter............................................................... Fire fighting and prevention supervisor................. All other service workers....................................... 330,160 25,080 7,350 4,480 5,670 7,500 11,170 36,520 3,610 18.88 1.43 .42 .26 .32 .43 .64 2.09 .21 n.a. 98 98 65 96 n.a. 96 76 65 590 7,880 5,790 .03 .45 .33 14 82 86 9,470 .54 65 1,000 15,440 11,330 6,340 40,720 1,240 77,750 180 690 730 4,690 990 43,950 .06 .88 .65 .36 2.33 .07 4.45 .01 .04 .04 .27 .06 2.51 31 98 86 96 16 96 14 41 55 45 47 n.a. 199,680 19,480 7,910 1,070 2,090 11.42 1.11 .45 .06 .12 n.a. n.a. 94 43 55 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Diesel mechanic................................................ Engineering equipment mechanic..................... See footnotes at end of table. 69 90 Table A-1. State government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982—Continued Occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued Hydroelectric machinery mechanic, powerhouse repairer, and/or gas plant repairer.......................................................... Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Radio mechanic................................................. All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Bus driver................................................................ Carpenter ................................................................ Cement m ason....................................................... Crane, derrick, and hoist operators....................... Delivery and/or route w orker................................ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Ground worker, utilities .......................................... Heavy equipment operator.................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Instrument repairer................................................. Machinist................................................................. Maintenance repairer, general utility ..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Painter, maintenance.............................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter....................................... Press operator and/or plate printer ...................... Sewage plant operator........................................... Stationary boiler fire r.............................................. Stationary engineer................................................ Substation operator................................................ Animal caretaker.................................................... Water treatment plant operator............................. Welder and/or flamecutter.................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Highway maintenance man ................................... Surveyor helper...................................................... Gardeners and groundskeepers ............................ All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator.............................................. Keypunch operator.............................................. Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer ....................................................... Accounting cle rk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Cashier.................................................................. File cle rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................ Library assistant .................................................. Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........................ Personnel cle rk.................................................... Procurement c le rk ............................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary .............................................................. Statistical clerk .................................................... Survey worker...................................................... Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist ................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... Eligibility worker, welfare..................................... Employment1 Percent of total employment Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 310 4,930 600 2,570 7,950 2,170 2,970 230 240 640 3,370 16,850 1,000 22,090 340 460 550 8,620 2,810 2,320 1,770 1,500 400 1,470 2,820 250 650 180 840 0.02 .28 .03 .15 .45 .12 .17 .01 .01 .04 .19 .96 .06 1.26 .02 .03 .03 .49 .16 .13 .10 .09 .02 .08 .16 .01 .04 .01 .05 16 84 53 n.a. 82 22 96 41 27 37 100 96 22 90 31 51 84 92 78 96 96 82 29 69 78 16 49 25 90 1,060 39,120 2,520 5,210 5,740 16,770 27,290 .06 2.24 .14 .30 .33 .96 1.56 43 84 59 94 n.a. n.a. n.a. 458,920 445,800 690 5,130 15,090 6,060 9,040 34,640 23,330 2,590 9,120 10,760 65,300 1,120 1,900 4,200 770 2,680 64,090 5,440 420 2,540 1,260 87,010 17,840 28,150 26.25 25.50 .04 .29 .86 .35 .52 1.98 1.33 .15 .52 .62 3.73 .06 n.a. n.a. 69 100 90 84 n.a. 96 100 61 86 80 96 84 67 92 73 84 100 86 See footnotes at end of table. 70 .11 .24 .04 .15 3.67 .31 .02 .15 .07 4.98 1.02 1.61 20 92 53 100 96 75 Table A-1. State government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982—Continued Occupation Employment1 Office clerical workers— Continued Court clerk............................................................ License cle rk........................................................ All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Production clerk and/or coordinator .................. Shipping and/or receiving clerk .......................... Weigher, recordkeeping ...................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd .................................................................... Dispatcher, vehicle, service or w ork................... Dispatcher, police, fire and ambulance.............. All other plant clerical workers............................ Sales occupations..................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales c le rk .............................................................. ' Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered Percent of total employment 9,050 6,500 31,080 13,120 630 440 690 0.52 .37 1.78 .75 .04 .03 .04 80 80 n.a. n.a. 59 53 29 7,430 830 2,300 800 .42 .05 .13 .05 98 51 73 n.a. 11,310 900 10,410 .65 .05 .60 n.a. 63 67 unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories, n.a. = not available, % 71 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Table A-2. Local government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982 Occupation Employment' Percent of total employment Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation T o ta l.................................................................... 3,621,670 100.00 - - Managers and officers............................................... Public administration inspectors, except construction...................................................... Construction inspector ........................................... Chief executives, general administrators, and legislators.......................................................... All other managers ................................................. 325,190 8.98 n.a. n.a. 29,950 24,550 .83 .68 20 7 25 32 124,810 145,880 3.45 4.03 3 n.a. 62 n.a. Professional occupations.......................................... Engineers, total ...................................................... Civil engineer....................................................... Electrical and electronic engineers .................... Mechanical engineer ........................................... Safety engineer................................................... Traffic engineer................................................... All other engineers .............................................. Life scientists, to ta l................................................. Agricultural scientist............................................. Biological scientist ............................................... Forester and conservation scientist................... All other life scientists......................................... Financial analyst .................................................... Statistician............................................................... Chemist ................................................................... Social scientists, to ta l............................................. Economist............................................................ Psychologist......................................................... Urban and regional planner................................ All other social scientists.................................... Therapists, to ta l...................................................... Physical therapist................................................ Occupational therapist ........................................ Manual arts, music, and/or recreational therapist ......................................................... All other therapists............................................... Systems analyst, electronic data processing........ Audio visual specialist............................................ Claims taker, unemployment benefits................... Teacher and/or instructor, vocational education or training.......................................................... Vocational and educational counselor.................. Photographer.......................................................... Purchasing agent and/or b uyer............................ Accountants and auditors...................................... Landscape architect............................................... Appraiser, general merchandise and related ........ Architect.................................................................. Budget analyst........................................................ Caseworker............................................................. Commercial a rtis t................................................... Dietitian and/or nutritionist.................................... Writer and/or editor............................................... Employment interviewer......................................... Law cle rk................................................................ Lawyer.................................................................... Librarian, professional ........................................... Curator, museum................................................... Nurse, professional............................................... Paralegal personnel............................................... Personnel and labor relations specialists............ Public relations practitioner .................................. Right-of-way agent ............................................... Community organization worker............................ Judge ...................................................................... Magistrate .............................................................. Tax examiner, collector and/or revenue agent .... Assessor................................................................. Appraiser, real estate............................................ 420,130 30,120 20,520 4,150 1,460 440 1,110 2,440 4,170 1,590 1,290 900 390 1,080 740 2,360 15,600 890 2,110 10,440 2,160 3,460 930 930 11.60 .83 .57 .11 .04 .01 .03 .07 .12 .04 .04 .02 .01 .03 .02 .07 .43 .02 .06 .29 .06 .10 .03 .03 n.a. n.a. 14 28 46 22 14 n.a. n.a. 22 32 19 n.a. 19 25 28 n.a. 22 28 13 n.a. n.a. 35 47 n.a. n.a. 27 4 2 2 5 n.a. n.a. 5 3 4 n.a. 3 2 5 n.a. 2 3 15 n.a. n.a. 3 2 680 920 5,120 370 370 .02 .03 .14 .01 .01 39 n.a. 20 38 21 2 n.a. 10 2 1 3,560 2,630 1,220 5,000 24,660 1,210 610 1,660 4,160 48,960 1,170 2,230 480 1,520 2,980 32,090 21,350 820 30,120 3,620 6,640 2,150 1,400 14,820 10,770 9,100 12,170 18,460 4,610 .10 .07 .03 .14 .68 .03 .02 .05 .11 1.35 .03 .06 .01 .04 .08 .89 .59 .02 .83 .10 .18 .06 .04 .41 .30 .25 .34 .51 .13 38 30 31 10 20 22 31 37 16 3 18 21 24 14 16 18 12 21 22 47 19 15 17 45 8 16 13 10 16 3 3 4 18 31 4 2 2 10 17 3 7 2 5 6 40 23 3 16 7 14 8 4 10 21 8 18 24 6 See footnotes at end of table. 72 Table A-2. Local government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982—Continued Occupation Professional occupations— Continued Group recreation worker........................................ All other professional workers............................... Percent of total employment Employment’ Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 43,190 43,380 1.19 1.20 13 n.a. 19 n.a. Technical occupations.............................................. Computer programmer ........................................... Engineering technicians, total ............................... Drafter................................................................. Electrical and electronic technicians ................ Surveyor.............................................................. Traffic technician................................................ Civil engineering technician .............................. All other engineering technicians...................... Science technicians................................................ Licensed practical nurse........................................ Physician’s assistant.............................................. Museum technician and/or restorer...................... Radio operator ....................................................... Technical assistant, library .................................... Emergency medical technician ............................. All other medical and dental technologists and technicians........................................................ All other technicians............................................... 102,110 7,020 31,660 9,270 3,870 3,300 2,080 7,320 5,820 2,910 12,510 760 880 2,060 11,290 17,460 2.82 .19 .87 .26 .11 .09 .06 .20 .16 .08 .35 .02 .02 .06 .31 .48 n.a. 29 n.a. 10 21 12 12 18 n.a. 20 20 48 29 20 20 15 n.a. 12 n.a. 17 5 10 5 11 n.a. 5 8 2 2 3 10 7 6,900 8,660 .19 .24 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Service occupations ................................................. Janitors, porters and cleaners............................... Guards and doorkeepers....................................... Food service workers, to ta l................................... Kitchen helper.................................................... Cook, institution or cafeteria............................. All other food service workers........................... Supervisor, nonworking-service o n ly .................... Nurse aide and/or orderly..................................... Recreation facility attendant.................................. Forest conservation worker................................... Fish and game wardens ........................................ School crossing guard............................................ Child-care worker .................................................. Lifeguard ................................................................. Social service aide................................................. Police and detective supervisor............................ Detective, police..................................................... Police patrol officer................................................ Parking enforcement o ffic e r.................................. Correction officer and/or ja iler.............................. S heriff..................................................................... Bailiff....................................................................... Fire inspector.......................................................... Fire fighter............................................................... Fire fighting and prevention supervisor................. All other service workers....................................... 1,130,220 76,960 12,040 21,910 7,130 8,990 5,790 15,170 44,120 31,150 1,530 600 47,930 5,560 26,760 20,990 82,790 36,920 308,070 5,840 45,720 24,710 5,580 7,310 224,330 54,990 29,240 31.21 2.12 .33 .60 .20 .25 .16 .42 1.22 .86 .04 .02 1.32 .15 .74 .58 2.29 1.02 8.51 .16 1.26 .68 .15 .20 6.19 1.52 .81 n.a. 2 19 n.a. 18 16 n.a. 23 12 15 28 42 11 26 13 21 2 16 1 14 8 16 16 26 3 3 n.a. n.a. 52 9 n.a. 6 14 n.a. 12 7 15 2 1 16 3 8 10 36 22 46 11 15 18 9 14 23 16 n.a. 930,960 78,130 31,280 8,530 25.71 2.16 .86 .24 n.a. n.a. 12 48 n.a. n.a. 28 7 2,200 980 3,300 .06 .03 .09 17 39 19 3 1 6 2,250 10,100 1,540 6,720 6,060 .06 .28 .04 .19 .17 41 17 20 12 13 Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations.......................................................... Mechanics and repairers, to ta l.............................. Mechanic, automotive........................................ Diesel mechanic ................................................ Electric meter installer, cut-in, cut-out, or outside.......................................................... Gas meter installer............................................. Engineering equipment mechanic..................... Hydroelectric machinery mechanic, powerhouse repairer, and/or gas plant repairer.......................................................... Mechanic, maintenance..................................... Radio mechanic................................................. Treatment plant mechanic................................ Water meter installer.......................................... ‘ See footnotes at end of table. 73 1 10 3 8 8 Table A-2. Local government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982—Continued Occupation Percent of total employment Employment1 Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation Operating, maintenance, construction, repair, material handling and powerplant occupations— Continued All other mechanics and repairers.................... Truck driver............................................................. Bus driver................................................................ Carpenter ................................................................ Cement mason....................................................... Crane, derrick, and hoist operators....................... Delivery and/or route worker ................................ Electrician................................................................ Supervisor, nonworking.......................................... Ground worker, utilities .......................................... Heavy equipment operator .................................... Industrial truck operator......................................... Instrument repairer........................:........................ Line installer repairer............................................. Maintenance repairer, general u tility..................... Helper, trades......................................................... Subway/streetcar operator.................................... Painter, maintenance.............................................. Pipelayer................................................................. Plumber and/or pipefitter....................................... Press operator and/or plate printer ...................... Refuse collector..................................................... Sewage plant operator........................................... Stationary engineer................................................ Animal caretaker.................................................... Trouble shooter, power line................................... Water treatment plant operator............................. Pump station operator, waterworks....................... Welder and/or flamecutter .................................... Service station attendant, fuel pump attendant and/or lubricator.............................................. Highway maintenance man ................................... Surveyor helper...................................................... Gardeners and groundskeepers ........................... Bus driver, school .................................................. Ambulance driver and/or attendant...................... All other skilled craft and kindred workers........... All other operatives and semiskilled workers........ All other laborers and unskilled workers .............. 5,170 49,040 56,090 6,960 1,940 1,910 1,000 15,210 46,970 5,760 65,740 4,560 1,870 11,970 49,180 13,840 4,500 6,670 11,680 6,500 1,040 63,860 37,380 8,630 5,490 1,910 27,800 4,350 3,310 0.14 1.35 1.55 .19 .05 .05 .03 .42 1.30 .16 1.82 .13 .05 .33 1.36 .38 .12 .18 .32 .18 .03 1.76 1.03 .24 .15 .05 .77 .12 .09 n.a. 12 6 18 18 45 35 39 9 24 6 23 20 15 9 28 19 16 17 22 14 10 8 25 14 21 8 15 39 n.a. 24 9 11 4 2 2 12 30 3 36 3 3 4 32 10 (3) 9 6 7 4 20 25 4 11 2 22 6 7 4,100 101,400 3,970 56,010 1,260 8,690 18,560 36,560 107,120 .11 2.80 .11 1.55 .03 .24 .51 1.01 2.96 32 6 13 9 43 20 n.a. n.a. n.a. 5 33 8 28 1 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. Clerical occupations.................................................. Office clerical workers, total .................................. Bookkeeping and/or billing machine operator .... Computer operator.............................................. Keypunch operator............................................... Peripheral EDP equipment operator................... All other office machine operators ..................... Stenographer....................................................... Accounting clerk.................................................. Bookkeeper, hand............................................... Cashier................................................................. File c le rk............................................................... General office clerk ............................................. Library assistant .................................................. Payroll and/or timekeeping cle rk........................ Personnel clerk.................................................... Procurement c le rk............................................... Receptionist......................................................... Secretary.............................................................. Statistical clerk .................................................... Switchboard operator .......................................... Switchboard operator/receptionist...................... Typist .................................................................... Clerical supervisor, office or p la n t...................... Eligibility worker, welfare..................................... Court clerk............................................................ 709,280 613,710 4,620 6,790 7,180 2,950 3,760 17,130 37,920 16,000 24,750 16,480 89,140 40,890 7,650 4,560 1,800 5,760 77,520 5,150 4,630 4,510 95,440 24,250 18,500 23,630 19.58 16.95 .13 .19 .20 .08 .10 .47 1.05 .44 .68 .46 2.46 1.13 .21 .13 .05 .16 2.14 .14 .13 .12 2.64 .67 .51 .65 n.a. n.a. 11 10 17 49 n.a. 18 6 8 17 21 3 13 15 13 18 19 7 18 16 14 3 10 37 12 n.a. n.a. 9 18 11 4 n.a. 14 39 27 19 11 39 19 23 13 7 11 57 7 9 15 37 16 6 22 See footnotes at end of table. 74 Table A-2. Local government: Employment, relative error, and percent of establishments reporting selected occupations, May 1982—Continued Occupation Office clerical workers— Continued Town clerk............................................................ License clerk........................................................ All other office clerical workers........................... Plant clerical workers, to ta l.................................... Meter reader, utilities........................................... Production clerk and/or coordinator .................. Shipping and/or receiving clerk .......................... Weigher, recordkeeping ...................................... Stock clerk, stockroom, warehouse or storage y a rd .................................................................... Dispatcher, police, fire and ambulance.............. All other plant clerical workers............................ Sales occupations...................................................... Sales agent, associate, and/or representative..... Sales clerk .............................................................. Percent of total employment Employment' Relative error (in percentage)2 Percent of establishments reporting the occupation 18,840 6,610 47,250 95,570 21,790 1,040 400 580 0.52 .18 1.30 2.64 .60 .03 .01 .02 5 30 n.a. n.a. 6 36 24 19 35 8 n.a. n.a. 23 2 2 2 10,740 53,280 7,740 .30 1.47 .21 18 6 n.a. 16 35 n.a. 3,780 610 3,170 .10 .02 .09 n.a. 41 42 n.a. 1 1 1 Estimates of fewer than 50 workers, or with less than 0.01 percent of industry employment, or with a relative error greater than 50 are generally not shown separately since such estimates are considered unreliable. Estimates that are not shown have been counted in the appropriate “ All other” categories. 2 Relative standard errors apply equally to data on estimated 75 employment and percent of total employment; relative standard errors are estimated at the level of 2 chances out of 3. For further information on sampling variability and other types of errors, see appendix A. 3 Less than 0.5 percent, n.a. = not available. Appendix B. Survey Methods and Reliability of Estimates Scope of survey the 1970 Census. ‘Crosswalks’ have been developed be tween the two systems so that users may integrate o e s data with data from sources using the Census classifica tion. The industrial classification system is that described in the 1972 edition o f the Standard Industrial Classifica tion Manual,2 whereby reporting establishments are classified into industries on the basis o f major product or activity. The survey covered selected private nonmanufactur ing establishments in Standard Industrial Classification (Sic) codes 41-59, (excluding 43), and State and local government units excluding hospitals and education. The reference date o f the survey was the week that in cluded April 12, May 12, or June 12, 1982, depending on the sic o f the sampled unit as shown below: SIC Reference date Concepts An establishment is an economic unit which produces 41 ......... . ....................................... June 12 4 2 ........................................................ May12 4 4 .......................................................April12 45 ........................................................June12 46 ........................................................June12 4 7 .......................................................April12 4 8 ........................................................May12 4 9 .......................................................April12 50 ....................................................... June12 51 ....................................................... June12 52 ....................................................... June12 53 ....................................................... June12 54 ........................................................June12 55 ....................................................... June12 56 ....................................................... June12 57 ....................................................... June12 58 ....................................................... June12 59 ....................................................... June12 State government..................................May12 Local government................................May12 goods or services. Generally, it is at a single physical location and is engaged predominantly in one type of economic activity. Where a single physical location en compasses two or more distinct activities, these are treated as separate establishments if separate payroll records are available and certain other criteria are met. Employment includes full- and part-time workers; workers on paid vacations or other types o f leave; workers on unpaid short-term absences (i.e., illness, bad weather, temporary layoff, jury duty); salaried officers, executives, and staff of incorporated firms; employees temporarily assigned to other units; and employees for whom that unit is their permanent (home) duty station, regardless o f whether the unit prepares their paycheck. Excluded from coverage are proprietors (owners and partners o f unincorporated firms), self-employed, un paid family workers, and workers on extended leave (i.e., pensioners and members o f the Armed Forces). Occupation refers to the occupation in which employees are working rather than the occupation for which they may have been trained. For example, an employee trained as an engineer but working as a drafter is reported as a drafter. Working supervisors (those spending 20 percent or' more o f their time at work similar to that done by workers under their supervision) are reported in the oc cupation most closely related to their work. Part-time workers, learners, and apprentices are reported in the occupation in which they ordinarily work. The survey covered all 50 States and the District of Columbia. Occupational and industrial classification The o e s classification system combines two widely us ed systems—the Dictionary o f Occupational Titles ( d o t ) and the system used for the 1970 Census of Population. Occupational titles and descriptions in the survey are based primarily on the Dictionary o f Occupa tional Titles.1 The d o t was used to develop the defini tions o f occupations because it is the most detailed classification available. Summary categories and residual groups generally follow the categories used in 2 Standard Industrial Classification Manual (Office of Manage ment and Budget, Executive Office of the President, 1972), as amend ed in Supplement, 1977. 1 Dictionary o f Occupational Titles, fourth edition (U.S. Employ ment Service, U.S. Department of Labor, 1977.) 76 Multiple jobholders (employees who perform the duties o f two or more occupations in an establishment) are reported in the occupation that requires the highest level o f skill or in the occupation where the most time is spent if there is no measurable difference in skill requirements. Reporting units with 1-3 employees were not sampled in all States, but units with 4-9 employees were given larger weights to represent the employment in the smaller size class. Reporting units with 250 or more employees were included in the sample with certainty in cooperating States; units with 1,000 or more employees were included with certainty in the three supplemental States. Sample sizes intended to produce State estimates with target relative errors o f 10, 15, and 20 percent at one standard deviation were developed for the noncer tainty size classes. This was done for groups o f s ic ’s based on averages o f occupational rates and coefficients of variation (c v ’s) from the previous survey for a set of typical occupations. This sic sample size was allocated to the size classes in proportion to size class employ ment. The sample was selected systematically with equal probability within each State/sic size class cell. States were given the option o f three target relative er rors in designing their samples. Some States varied the target relative error by sic to allow reductions in sample size for cost reasons. The sample size for the supplemental States was developed by first determining the sample size required for national estimates in each two-digit sic with a target relative error o f 10 percent at one standard deviation. This was done by averaging c v ’s and occupational rates for a set of occupations from the previous survey. Establishments with 1,000 or more employees were in cluded with certainty. This national sic sample size was then allocated to the size class cells o f the three non cooperating States in proportion to employment. The above allocations resulted in a total initial sample size of 239,580 reporting units. Survey procedures The survey is conducted over a 3-year cycle; manufac turing industries are surveyed in one year and non manufacturing industries in the other two years. Data are collected from a sample o f establishments primarily by mail; telephone followups and personal visits are made when an establishment response is critical to the survey. The survey is based on a probability sample, stratified by industry and size of employment, designed to represent the total or “ universe” o f establishments covered by the survey. Data are requested for the pay period including the 12th o f the reference month, which is standard for all Federal agencies collecting employ ment data. The reference months for the 1982 survey were April, May, and June. For the 1982 survey, 10 separate questionnaires were used, each having detailed occupations related specifically to a particular industry’s activity. For exam ple, “ security checker” was surveyed in only one industry—-air transportation. Method of collection Survey schedules were mailed to most sample establishments; personal visits were made to some larger companies. Two additional mailings were sent to nonrespondents at approximately 6-week intervals. Nonrespondents considered critical to the survey (due to size) were followed up by telephone or personal visit. Response Sampling procedure There were 228,244 final eligible units in the sample (i.e., excluding establishments that were out of business, out o f scope, etc.). Usable responses were obtained from 239,598 units, producing a response rate of 74.8 percent based on units and 73.8 percent based on weighted employment. Subsequent to the national estimates, States received additional data to prepare State estimates. The sampling frame for this survey was the list of units in the specified s ic ’s as reported to State unemployment insurance agencies. Because each cooperating State selected its own sample, the reference date o f the sampling frame varied depending on when the last updates to the frame were made and when sampling took place. The reference date for the frame used for sampling in the three supplemental States was the first quarter o f 1981. The universe was stratified into sic and size classes. The size classes were determined by employment as follows: Size class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Estimation A weight was determined for each sample unit from which a usable response was received. Each weight was composed o f two factors. The first factor was the in verse o f the probability of selection. The second was the nonresponse adjustment factor, used to correct for questionnaires that were not returned or not usable. For each of the three-digit SIC/State/size class sampling cells, a nonresponse factor was calculated that was equal to: Employees ........................ 1-3 4-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100-249 250-249 500-999 1,000 and over Weighted sample employment of all eligible units in sample Weighted sample employment of all responding eligible units 77 Sample employment was taken from the sampling frame. If the factor in a cell was greater than a predeter mined maximum factor, which increased as the number o f respondents in a cell increased, the cell was collapsed with other homogeneous cells within the SIC until the factor for the combined cells was not greater than the appropriate maximum factor. If the collapsing pro cedure terminated (i.e., no more cells were available for collapse) before satisfying the above constraint, then the appropriate maximum factor was used. For size classes 1-6, homogeneous cells were determined to be other size cells within the SIC and State. For size classes 7-9, homogeneous cells were determined to be other State cells within the SIC and size class. The weight for each establishment was the product of the two factors. A combined ratio estimate of occupational employ ment was used to develop the national estimates. The auxiliary variable used was total employment. The estimating formula is: K# The variances for the occupational estimates were esti mated from the following formula: wijk Pijk J_k__________ f) ? S wljk eijk Lj k 2- digit industry occupational employment estimate Where: p sampling fraction in the i-th industry and j-th size class number of sample units in the i-th industry and j-th size class standard deviation of p within the i-th industry and j-th size class standard deviation of e within the i-th industry and j-th size class correlation coefficient between p and e within the i-th industry and j-th size class. Var(f>) = ?l ?J j1«j vv >j2 T'j ®ij D, = = = [By] • [Dy] • [Fjj]2 ( M ,j e.j) / ( M (J) (Gy)/(Hy) G, = Hij == U f 2 wjjkY f 2 w2^ ’J - U JJ = ( M ,) / ( f k W,,t C,Jk] F, 3- digit industry within a 2-digit 2 wiik • L.2 'J.k * V 2 == ^ U* industry size class j = (Pijk- R ie ijk) - (Pij-Rje,,) LjJk establishment k Where: weight after nonresponse w ijk benchmark total employment in Mij adjustment in i-th industry, j-th the i-th industry and j-th size size class and k-th establishment class occupational employment in i-th PiJk = (j"k W'^ ^ k) / ( f k W' ^ kj Ri industry, j-th size class and k-th establishment 2ejjk = e'j total employment in i-th industry, k Cijk j-th size class and k-th estab All other terms are as defined above. This formula is lishment almost a computational form of the standard formula population total employment in Mi given above. One simplifying assumption has been i-th industry made: The population value o f total employment (M;) was obtained from the BLS Current Employment Statistics Wijk = C„ for all k in a given ij cell program, a monthly employment survey o f nonagricultural establishments. That is, the weights are equal to a constant C within a The standard form for the sampling variance for a given three-digit industry/size class cell. At this time, combined ratio estimate is: the total effect o f this assumption on the variance . A,. estimates has not been measured. V(?>) “ 1J n„ A jj Where: V(p) i j N* Si, —2R, Kij Spj, Stij = SJij + R? = = variance of p 3-digit industry within a 2-digit industry size class total number of units in the i-th industry and j-th size class = = Reliability of estimates Estimates developed from the sample may differ from the results o f a complete survey o f all the establishments in the sampled lists. Two types o f errors, sampling and nonsampling, are possible in an estimate based on a sample survey. Sampling error occurs because observa tions are made only on a sample, not on the entire 78 include the average o f all p o ssib le samples. This interval is called a 90-percent confidence interval. population. Nonsampling error can be attributed to many sources, e.g., inability to obtain information about all cases in the sample; differences in the respondents’ interpretation of questions; inability of respondents to provide correct information; errors in recording, coding, or processing the data; errors in estimating values for missing data; and failure to repre sent all units in the population. The particular sample used in this survey is one of a large number of all possible samples of the same size that could have been selected using the same sample design. Estimates derived from the different samples would differ from each other; the difference between a sample estimate and the average of all possible sample estimates is called the sampling deviation. The standard or sampling error of a survey estimate is a measure of the variation among the estimates from all possible samples. The relative standard error is defined as the standard error of the estimate divided by the value being estimated; the variance is defined as the standard error squared. The sample estimate and an estimate of its standard error enable one to construct interval estimates with prescribed confidence that the interval includes the average result o f all possible samples that could be ob tained from the sample design for the survey. To illustrate, if all possible samples were selected, and if each of these were surveyed under essentially the same 3. Approximately 95 percent o f the intervals from two standard errors below to two standard er rors above the derived estimate would include the average of all possible samples. This inter val is called a 95-percent confidence interval. 4. Almost all intervals from three standard errors below to three standard errors above the deriv ed estimate would include the average of all possible samples. An inference that the complete coverage value would be within the indicated ranges would be correct in ap proximately the relative frequencies shown. For example, suppose an estimated total is shown as 5,000 with an associated relative error o f 2 percent. Then the standard error is 100 (2 percent o f 5,000) and there is a 68-percent chance that the average o f all possi ble sample totals would be between 4,900 and 5,100, and it is almost certain that the average o f all possible sample totals would be between 4,700 and 5,300. The relative errors provided primarily indicate the magnitude of the sampling error, but do not measure biases in the data due to nonsampling error. Efforts were made to reduce the biases due to errors in recor conditions and an estimate and its estimated sample er ding, coding, and processing the data. The adjustment ror were calculated from each sample, then: made for nonrespondents assum ed that the 1. Approximately 68 percent of the intervals from characteristics o f the nonrespondents were the same as one standard error below to one standard error those of the respondents at a given level. To the extent above the derived estimate would include the this is not true, bias is introduced in the data. The average value of all possible samples. This in magnitude of these biases is not known. terval is called a 68-percent confidence Particular care should be exercised in the interpretainterval. * tion of small estimates, estimates based on a small number of cases, or small differences between estimates 2. Approximately 90 percent of the intervals because the sampling errors are relatively large and the from 1.6 standard errors below to 1.6 stand magnitude of the biases is unknown. ard errors above the derived estimate would 79 Appendix C. OES Survey Data Available from State Agencies State data on occupational employment in the industries covered in this bulletin are available as indicated in the following table. These data may be ob- tained from the State employment security agencies listed on the next page of this publication, Table C-1. OES survey data available by State and year State Alabama................ A la s k a .................. Arizona.................. Arkansas California.............. Colorado Connecticut.......... Delaware.............. District of Columbia F lorida.................. Georgia ................ H a w a ii.................. Id a h o .................... Illinois.................... Indiana.................. Iow a...................... Kansas .................. Kentucky.............. Louisiana.............. Maine.................... M aryland............ Massachusetts Michigan .............. Minnesota ............ Mississippi............ Missouri................ 1973 1976 1979 1982 State X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Montana Nevada.............................. New Hampshire........................ New Jersey .............................. New Mexico . . New York North Carolina.......................... North Dakota.............. Nebraska.......................... Oklahoma Oregon ...................................... O h io .............................. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pennsylvania............................ Rhode Island South Carolina.......................... South Dakota............................ Tennessee Texas ........................................ Utah Vermont.................................... Virginia Washington.............................. West V irginia............................ Wisconsin ................................ W yom ing.................................. U.S. Government Printing Office : 1985 - 461-566/25857 80 1973 1976 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1979 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Here, in 43 charts and 56 pages, the Bureau of Labor Statistics celebrates 100 years of providing social and economic statistics to the American public. The chartbook presents a graphic picture of some of the changes in the U.S. economy during the past century. Included in Bulletin 2211 are charts on the labor force, employment and unemployment, earnings, prices and living conditions, work stoppages, productivity, economic growth and employment projections, and occupational injuries and illnesses. In addition, the Bureau’s regular publi cations, listed in the back of the book, contain more comprehensive and detailed information on changing economic trends. Please send your order to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Regional Office nearest you: 1603 JFK Federal Building Government Center Boston, Mass. 02203 1515 Broadway, Suite 3400 New York, N.Y. 10036 1371 Peachtree, N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30367 9th Floor Federal Office Building 230 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, III. 60604 3535 Market Street P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia. Pa. 19101 Order form Please send Bulletin 2211 2nd Floor 555 Griffin Square Building Dallas. Tex. 75202 You may also send your order directly to: 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. 64106 Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 450 Golden Gate Avenue, Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 copies of Our Changing Economy: A BLS Centennial Chartbook, Stock No. 029-001-02818-1, at $2.75 a copy. □ Enclosed is a check or money order payable to Superintendent of Documents. □ Charge to GPO Deposit Account N o ________________________________________ □ Charge to my MasterCard* Account No_____________________________________ Expiration date. □ Charge to my VISA* Account N o .__________________________________________ Expiration date. *Acceptable only on orders sent to the Superintendent of Documents. Name Organization (if applicable) Address U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics REGION I— BOSTON John Fitzgerald Kennedy Federal Bldg. Government Center— Room 1603 A Boston, Mass. 02203 REGION V—CHICAGO 230 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, 111. 60604 REGION II—NEW YORK 1515 Broadway—Suite 3400 New York. N.Y. 10036 REGION VI— DALLAS Federal Building 555 Griffin Sq., 2nd FI. Dallas, Tex. 75202 REGION III—PHILADELPHIA 3535 Market Street P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 REGIONS VII & VIII— KANSAS CITY 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. 64106 REGION IV—ATLANTA 1371 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30367 REGIONS IX & X —SAN FRANCISCO 450 Golden Gate Avenue, Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 State Agencies Cooperating In the OES Program BLS Region IV X IX VI IX VIII I III III IV IV IX X V ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DIST. OF COL. FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS V INDIANA VIII IOWA VII KANSAS IV VI I III I V V KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA IV MISSISSIPPI VII MISSOURI VII NEBRAKSA IX NEVADA I NEW HAMPSHIRE II NEW JERSEY VI NEW MEXICO II NEW YORK IV VIII V VI NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA X OREGON III PENNSYLVANIA II I IV VIII IV VI VIII I III PUERTO RICO RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA X WASHINGTON III WEST VIRGINIA V WISCONSIN VIII WYOMING -Department of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Building, Room 427, Montgomery 36130 -Department of Labor, Employment Security Division, P.O. Box 1149, Juneau 99801 -Department of Economic Security, Labor Market Information, P.O. Box 6123, Phoenix 85005 -Department of Labor, Employment Security Division, P.O. Box 2981, Little Rock 72203 -Employment Development Department, P.O. Box 1679, Sacramento 95808 -Division of Employment and Training, 251 East 12th Avenue, Denver 80203 -Department of Labor, Employment Security Division, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield 06109 -Department of Labor, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, P.O. Box 9092, Newark 19711 -Department of Employment Services, Division of Labor Market Information, Research, and Analysis, 500 C Street, N.W.—Room 201, Washington 20001 -Department of Labor and Employment Security, Caldwell Bldg., Tallahassee 32302 -Department of Labor, Labor Information Systems, 254 Washington Street, S.W., Atlanta 30334 -Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, P.O. Box 3680, Honolulu 96811 -Department of Employment, Research and Analysis Division, P.O. Box 35, Boise 83707 -Bureau of Employment Security, Research and Analysis Division, 910 South Michigan Avenue, 12th Floor, Chicago 60605 -Employment Security Division, 10 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis 46204 -Department of Job Service, Research and Analysis—LMI Unit, 1000 E. Grand Avenue, Des Moines 50319 -Department of Human Resources, Research and Analysis Section, Division of Staff Services, 401 Topeka Avenue, Topeka 66603 -Department of Human Resources, 275 E. Main Street, 2nd Floor West, Frankfort 40621 -Department of Labor, P.O. Box 44094, Capitol Station, Baton Rouge 70804 -Department of Manpower Affairs, Employment Security Commission, 20 Union Street, Augusta 04330 -Department of Human Resources, 1100 North Eutaw Street, Baltimore 21201 -Division of Employment Security, Research and Statistics Division, Charles F. Hurley Bldg., Boston 02114 -Employment Security Commission, Research and Statistics Division, 7310 Woodward Avenue, Detroit 48202 -Department of Economic Secruity, Research and Statistical Services Office, 390 North Robert Street, St. Paul 55101 -Employment Security Commission, P.O. Box 1699, Jackson 39295 -Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Division of Employment Security, P.O. Box 59, Jefferson City 65101 -Department of Labor, Division of Employment, P.O. Box 94600, State House Station, Lincoln 68509 -Employment Security Department, Employment Security Research Division, 500 E. Third Street, Carson City 89713 -Department of Employment Security, 32 South Main Street, Concord 03301 -Department of Labor and Industry, Division of Planning and Research, o e s Survey, P.O. Box 359, Trenton 08625 -Department of Human Services, Employment Service Division, P.O. Box 1928, Albuquerque 87103 -N.Y. State Department or Labor, Division of Research and Statistics, State Campus—Building 12, Albany 12201 -Employment Security Commission, P.O. Box 25903, Raleigh 27611 -Job Service North Dakota, Research and Statistics—oes Unit, P.O. Box 1537, Bismarck 58502 -Bureau of Employment Services, Research and Statistics Division, 145 S. Front Street, Columbus 43216 -Employment Security Commission, Research and Planning, Room 310, Will Rogers Memorial Office Building, Oklahoma City 73105 -Department of Human Resources, Employment Division, 875 Union Street N.E., Salem 97311 -Department of Labor and Industry, Office of Employment Security, Research and Statistics—Room 1225, 7th and Forster Streets, Harrisburg 17121 -Department of Labor and Human Resources, Bureau of Employment Security, 15th Floor 505 Munoz Rivera Avenue Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918 -Department of Employment Security, Research and Statistics, 24 Mason Street, Providence 02903 -Employment Security Commission, P. O. Box 995, Columbia 29202 -Department of Labor, Research and Statistics—o es Unit, P.O. Box 1730, Aberdeen 57401 -Department of Employment Security, Room 519, Cordell Hull Office Building, Nashville 37219 -Employment Commission, t e c Building, 15th and Congress Avenue, Austin 78778 -Department of Employment Security, lmi Services Section, P.O. Box 11249, Salt Lake City 84147 -Department of Employment and Training, Research and Statistics, P.O. Box 488, Montpelier 05602 -Employment Commission, Division of Research and Analysis—o e s , 703 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 1358, Richmond 23211 -State Employment Security Department, Research and Statistics, 212 Maple Park, Olympia 98504 -Department of Employment Security, Labor and Economic Research—o e s , 112 California Avenue, Charleston 25305 -Department of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations, P.O. Box 7944, Madison 53707 -Employment Security Commission, Research and Analysis, P.O. Box 2760, Casper 82602