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September 26,1988 Des Moines, Iowa Vol. 17 No. 24 Northwestern Banker Is Being Sold • Dear Readers: After 43 wonderful years of as sociating with you and serving your interests through the N orth we sA tern B a n k e r , I have made an agree ment to sell the company. This was a most difficult decision because of my love for publishing and writing, as well as the hundreds of personal a friendships my wife and I have been privileged to experience throughout these years. Selling one’s personal business is somewhat like losing a member of a the family; however, in this case it has been made much easier because of the very positive circumstances surrounding the sale. The purchaser is Paul Blackburn, president and A owner of Financial Communications, Inc., the company that owns Com mercial West magazine in Minnea polis, of which he is the publisher. Paul has deep Iowa family roots, as 0 well as nearly 20 years of solid marketing and communications ex perience in Minnesota. An agreement in principle to sell the company assets to Paul Black• burn was reached on September 15 and was announced Monday morn ing, September 19 during the first general business session of the Iowa Bankers Association annual conven• tion in Des Moines. It is anticipated that the contract will be effective October 1. Paul has visited with me over the past several months concerning his proposal to merge N o rth w estern B a n k er and Commercial West to provide you and his readers with an even stronger, more complete magazine dedicated to providing first-rate feature articles on a varie ty of banking topics that span a wide range of bank management and legislative interests. The combined magazine will continue to provide also the in-depth news coverage we have always striven to give our readers in the 94-year history of the N orth w ester n B a n k er Paul’s goal is to have the mag azines combined into one by early in November. He plans to drop the Commercial West name, then re name the continuing publication N o rth w ester n F in a n cia l R e v ie w , reflecting the broadened scope of the financial aspects of the banking in dustry. Commercial West magazine presently is published 24 times a year and readers also receive the Up date 26 times a year. The two publications presently overlap with us in some states and any overlap will be adjusted by Financial Com munications, Inc. In addition, Paul made arrange ments recently, after seeking my ad vice, to acquire the Michigan In vestor, which serves the interests of commercial banks in that state. Con sequently, the N o rth w estern F i n a ncial R e v ie w will serve banker readers in Michigan, Wisconsin, Il linois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Mon tana, Wyoming and Colorado. Any further expansion plans would be announced later by Paul Blackburn. Readers will continue to be served by individual state news sections in each issue. Paul Blackburn will bring a strong upper Midwest flavor to his newly expanded company, seasoned by nearly two decades of business experience. He was born in Jeffer son, la., July 13, 1948, where his parents ran a family business they purchased after Gene Blackburn returned from WWII. The parents also had Iowa roots, with Mr. Blackburn being born in Grand Junction and Mrs. Blackburn in Humboldt. The senior Blackburn returned later to college and was graduated with honors from the Drake University Law School in 1955. He went into the practice of law in Webster City with William Guthrie. In 1965, the senior Mr. Blackburn was invited to join the Drake Law School faculty, a posi tion in which he served for ten years, commuting from Webster City and later Fort Dodge, where he set up his own firm. Gene Blackburn has served on the Board of Governors of the Iowa Bar Association and is a past president of the Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers. Together We Can Accom plish Great Things Call Jerry Trudo, MNB Correspondent Banker 319-368-4306 or Toll Free 1-800-332-5991 The" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Strength of Eastern Merchants National Bank |owa Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52401 BANKS OF IOWA BANK mamma NORMEST BANKS mamma mmyam Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC Teamwork: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. Jay Nichols John Rigler Paul Blackburn also attended D rak e U n iv e rs ity an d w as graduated from the College of Jour nalism in 1972. He was involved in marketing with Minneapolis/St. Paul business firms, including an advertising agency, before working for seven years at Deluxe Check Printers, Inc. national headquarters in St. Paul as director of marketing services. He purchased Commercial West in January, 1987. Our Des Moines office will con tinue a t its present location to serve Come to the Investment Specialists committed to quality. In these times of change and uncertainty, rely on the time-tested quality invest ment recommendations of the Investment Banking Division of United Missouri Bank. UNITED MISSOURI BANK Member FDIC Q f |¿ a n S a S C í t ^ Iowa News Donald Snyder, president and NEW HAMPTON: The routing number for First National Bank given in a recent issue was incorrect. It should be: 0739-0364-2. • Nebraska News a The Nebraska Bankers A ssocia-^^ ‘tion will sponsor a 1988 Regulation Z Conference on October 20 at the # Grand Island Riverside Inn. Presen ting the seminar will be Wayne L. Barnes, vice president and senior consultant, and Chris Bryant, senior consultant and general counsel, of # Professional Bank Services, Inc. The program begins with registration/continental breakfast at 8:00 a.m., and runs from 8:30 to 4:00 with a noon luncheon. Fee is $65 and in- ® eludes breakfast, lunch and all materials. Register by October 12 with the NBA office. Minnesota News • MINNEAPOLIS: First Bank Sys tem has announced the appointment I t 's e a s i e r t o t a l k I o w a b a n k i n g w i t h p e o p l e w h o liv e i t — p e o p l e lik e B e n E i l d e r s a n d t h e c o r r e s p o n d e n t s ta f f a t B a n k e r s T ru s t. Call 1-800-362-1688 or 515/245-2424. IL S . 10th & Grand • P.O. Box 419226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6226 (816) 556-7200 FRASER Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the interests of banks in Iowa and Nebraska and some other states as well as being a national sales office. I will continue my association with the merged firms through a neces sary transition period, then will write special features and editorials for some extended period of time, and attend banking conventions in the coming year to assist in this transition. Further details about the change of ownership and the ex citing direction for the combined organizations will be outlined in our October magazines. The calendar says I am now 69, so this is a good time to turn over the reins to a competent, creative staff headed by Paul Blackburn. This will give me the time I have desired for many moons so I can write three small books of a personal nature for my family and me, for a couple of church projects close to my heart and, hopefully, some time to do a lit tle non-convention, vacation-type travelling with my wife. We will miss seeing our hundreds of friends on a regular basis at various meetings, and the frequent contact we have enjoyed with all of you readers who have been such loyal friends and supporters of the N orth w ester n B a n k er during my 43 years on this job. Thank you for those friendships and memories. Ben Haller, Jr., Publisher CEO of Manufacturers Bank & Trust, Forest City, assumed the _ presidency of the Iowa Bankers ® Association last week at its annual convention in Des Moines. He suc ceeds Clair Lensing, president o f^ K Farmers State Bank, Marion. N ew ^B president-elect of the association is w Thomas Smith, chairman of Brenton Bank, Marshalltown. Continuing as treasurer is Tom Gronstal, president and CEO of Carroll County State £ Bank, Carroll. Assuming the new position of treasurer-elect is Dale Froehlich, president and CEO of Ankeny State Bank, Ankeny. BURLINGTON: A t Farmers & • Merchants Bank & Trust, Leonard W. Lane, formerly vice president and comptroller, has been elected as vice president and trust officer. William A. Kuehn, vice president ® and farm representative, has been promoted to vice president and senior loan officer and will continue his present responsibilities as head of the farm department. ® Ben Eilders D e s M o i n e s , IA Member FDIC Senior Vice President BANKING CAREER« quality service by experienced professionals Jean Eden 515-276-1151 Sandi Garner 515-832-1258 T/W /F 276-1253 M / T H BANKERS AVAILABLE VICE PRESIDENT • # Five years comm ercial bank experience. Outstanding with cash flows, computer, financial statements, etc. "Works late evenings and early mornings to get the job done. Not afraid of hard work and does it right," relates previous supervisor. Handles all facets of lending, attended various banking and com puter schools. B.S. degree. $36,000. AG LOAN OFFICER VICE PRES/SR. A G LOAN OFFICER "A 'can do' person . . . always willing to help. Looks for work to do!" states former employer. Two years of bank experience, pre viously with FmHA. A polished individual with a good sense of humor and great attitude. ISU grad. $24,500. Currently in charge of sizeable ag portfolio in $ 100mm major holding com pany bank for past four years. (Previously held m an agem ent position with Farm Credit for nearly ten years.) Trained and supervises five loan officers, has proven skills in loan servicing, workouts, and business development. Reference states, "Sharp eye for ag credits — can spot potential problems AND choice new business prospects — knows how to achieve results in both situations. Excellent track record, very personable, confident, and professional, with all the motivation and drive it takes to be a success." B.S. Economics. $42-$45,000. q LOAN OFFICER • ISU graduate with five years of experience in banking. Attended numerous banking schools. Does a tremendous job on the com puter according to references. "Never sits still, is always doing something . . . has respect for his superiors... a good com pany man," expounded a former supervisor. Astute in all areas of lending. $28,000. LOAN OFFICER # especially on ag or SBA loans. Established successful loan policies and keeps a clean portfolio. Very dedicated and hard working, yet a strong family man as well. He and wife really g et involved in community activities conducive to new business development. One of the best!" Familiar with operations as well. Business degree, IA School of Banking, Installment Lending School, Ag Credit School, IA Insurance Licenses. $38,000. "Number one man in our com puter area . . . excellent in documentation, credit analysis and decision making," according to immediate supervisor. Over three years of banking experience. Good in business d eve lo p m e n t,.. relates very well to customers and peers. Business Administration major. $22,000 ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT £ Six years of lending experience with a major holding company. "Professional, sincere and people believe in him," related one reference. Handles $5mm loan portfolio presently. An honor stu dent in high school and college. ISU graduate. $34,000. m LOAN OFFICER Available immediately. One year ag lending experience. "Hardworking, intelligent and easy to work with. Readily follows directions," said party who hired candidate. ISU graduate who knows agriculture. $ 20 , 000 . VICE PRES/BRANCH MANAGER Responsible for $7mm in ag, small business and consumer loans, plus m anagem ent of profitable insurance agency. Interested in advancem ent opportunity in a community with good school system. "A great credit man; we all go to him for advice — ASST. V.P. Presently employed in $90mm bank. "Concise, prudent, and reads to keep abreast of changes. Makes good loans, and will do what it takes to get the job done!" expounded a reference. Primary responsibility is ag lending, also handles student loans and some consumer accounts. Very professional. Two years ex perience. $25,000. VICE PRES/COMMERCIAL Commercial lender handling portfolio of $1 Omm and credit lines of $750,000. Eight years of experience, holds degree in business administration. A reference describes this candidate as "A bright individual with an excellent future in banking. Does the necessary research to perfect a job to completion. A real self starter." $29,000. LOAN OFFICER Employed at small bank for past year & worked at same bank full-time every summer during college, Has worked in all depts., primary duties in lending. Handles majority of ag loans (including farm inspections, cash flows & spread sheets) as well as consumer & small comm ercial loans (inventory), floor plans, customer calls, also handles cashier duties. Has com pleted first year of ag credit school. Excellent references. Interested in advancem ent oppor tunity & open to any midwestern location, BA business m anage ment. $ 20, 000 . 5 2 5 M e r le H a y T o w e r • D e s M o in e s , Io w a 5 0 3 1 0 • ( 5 1 5 ) 2 7 6 - 1 1 5 1 In q u ir e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a b o u t o u r 2 0 % fe e a n d s ix m o n th g u a r a n t e e ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Some special candidates from Robert Half banking division: PRESIDENT Do you need a people motivator who can still generate a profit? Ambitious leader who is currently serving as the #1 person in a high performance Twin Cities bank. Has 15 + years as a successful CEO managing a $30mm bank. A real results oriented person! Seeks a CEO spot in a $40mm to 170mm bank. BB98801 Asking $60K range SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/COMMERCIAL LENDER This candidate inspires confidence immediately! Started career as a trainee with a major bank holding company. Has 4 years commercial lending experience in both a large metropolitan bank and a smaller outstate bank location. Currently manages a 3 person $40mm commercial department. Great with clients and has the technical aptitude to spot a good credit. This candidate w on’t last long. BB98802 Asking $47K MID MARKET COMMERCIAL LENDER This articulate negotiator will take on any challenge! An ambitious self-starter who will make sacrifices to get results. Has 7 years commercial mid market lending experience with a 1200mm bank. Motivated to manage either a small commercial loan department or handle large credits. Excellent interpersonal skills. Asking I42K TRUST OFFICER Are you tired of trying to locate a market driven trust officer? This industrious candidate has 4 years trust administra tion experience in employee benefits. A terrific communicator who enjoys new business development. Move quickly if you w ant to interview this candidate! BB98804 Asking $35K SENIOR LENDER/AG-COMMERCIAL Excellent generalist with 8 years experience in a $40mm bank coordinating both ag and commercial lending activities. Works round the clock with lots of stamina. Accustomed to the strenuous requirements of community involvement in a smaller town. Has excellent references. Willing to relocate immediately. A great candidate! BB98805 Asking Mid $30’s AG DEPARTMENT MANAGER Do you need a high energy person who will bum the midnight oil for you? This determined team player will take on any job given! Has 7 years ag lending experience with emphasis in dairy, row crops, and small grains. Can package FmHA guaranteed loans too! Full of vitality and willing to get involved with community activities. BB98806 Asking $36K ^ E X E C U T IV E VICE PRESIDENT This generalist has the overall banking background you’ve been looking for! Has strong commercial, ag and real estate lending, strong market development, leadership and managerial talents along with direct experience in bank operations • areas. Has long-term aspirations for being a president but currently seeks #2 position. Excellent references! BB98807 Earns Mid $40’s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AG LENDER New on the market! Over 3 years experience with a $60mm bank in southern Minnesota. Has strong understanding of dairy, cash crop and livestock lending. Excellent training on documentation with a personality that will get along with both the farm customers and internal employees. Grew up on a farm. BB98808 Earns Mid $20’s VICE PRESIDENT Are you in need of a management member that has a real generalist background. This candidate has 6 years experience currently managing a commerdal/ag portfolio for a 135mm bank. Started in consumer lending and operations. Will be the utility player that can fit almost anywhere. Wants to play a key role in a successful operation. Not concerned about a title and a fancy office. BB98809 Earns Mid $30’s LOAN OFFICER (Consumer/Real Estate) Are you looking for a go-getter who has proven experience in all areas as well as mortgage loan origination. This degreed candidate has 3 years experience with a mid-sized community bank. Licensed in life and P & C insurance. A real team player! BB98810 Earns Mid $20’s CASHIER This operations specialist has the computer background to bring your bank into the 1990’s! Has implemented main frame and micro-computer systems. Has a strong management background including all operations areas. Is respon sible for management of a $20mm investment portfolio as well as tax accounting and asset/liability management. In addition has two years well rounded lending experience. BB98811 Earns Low $30’s | CREDIT ANALYSIS This sharp degreed candidate has the image and interpersonal skills along with the technical training to shine in any organization! Over 1 year of formal credit training with large commercial department and a year of bank examina tion gives this candidate a real technical advantage. A strong work ethic to boot! BB98812 Earns Mid $20’s I 4 Bill Benson Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banking Specialist © Robert Half International, inc, 1988 • Some special candidates from Robert Half’s banking division: JR . COMMERCIAL LENDER, B.S. • • This career minded banker is ready to join your lending line! Has spent the last 1 + years as a credit review officer spreading financial statements. A super candidate with the perfect combination of credit skills and communication ability! Would make an excellent fit as a Jr. Commercial Lender! Eager to learn! BBI8801 Asking Low 20’s OPERATIONS/CASHIER, B.S. Do you need a decision maker with the keen ability to see the “big picture” ? This unique individual has a broad range of financial experience coupled with sound business judgement encompassing 12 + years operations/accounting experience. This proven manager has directed the accounting function, teller/proof areas, security and all operational details of a $50MM bank. Ready to meet a new challenge now! bbi8802 Asking$30K. • SENIOR AG OFFICER, B.S. ^ Hard hitting ag loan administrator who tackles a job with enthusiasm! 12 + years of successful ag loan management. Has ability to work under stress and initiate effective workout loan strategies. Diligent employee who can get the job done. Desires Montana, North Dakota or South Dakota. BBI8803 • Asking$45K. CREDIT ANALYST, B.A. You will welcome examiners with this technician! 2 + years experience spreading financial statements, conducting trend analysis and writing credit reviews. Successfully completed the RMA omega program. Terrific work ethic! BBI8804 Earns$18K. • PRESIDENT, B.A . ^ Turn around specialist! A “perfect fit” for a clean up situation! Impressively managed a I75MM bank back to proStability. Has a talent for streamlining credit controls and bank structure while improving employee communications. This high energy executive with 25 years of experience is seeking a new challenge and more responsibility in a larger bank. BBI88°5 Asking $65K. REAL ESTATE LENDER, B.A . • A proven real estate lender with strong marketing skills! With an excellent 4 year work record, this person offers a thorough understanding of residential real estate with added management and marketing talents. Knows V.A., F.H.A. and jumbo Loan financing requirements too! BBI8806 Asking S28K. f e LOAN OFFICER Are you in need of a true generalist? This hard working banker has five years experience that includes consumer, commercial and real estate lending along with strong operations exposure. Would be an excellent #2 or #3 person in ® small to mid-sized bank. A team player that will contribute in any area needed by the bank. BBI8807 Earns Mid-Upper 20’s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, B.A. Do you need a #2 person that is versatile enough to manage the entire lending function and also the operations area? This exceptionally bright motivator has a pattern of success! 9 + years with a major bank holding company and now • currently serving as the #2 person in a medium sized bank. Looking for new opportunity. Willing to relocate. BBI8808 Asking Mid 40’s. ^ 1 CONSUMER LENDER “ 2 successful years consumer lending ¡experience with a major East Coast bank. Experience includes formal training and 18 months in a consumer lending role. High energy level, ability to cross sell and an excellent image only begin to m describe this candidate. Desires challenging opportunity. Won’t be on the market long! Prefers Twin Cities area. BBI8809 Asking Low 20’s. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER • Are you in need of a lender that has the combination of formal credit training and strong marketing skills? 2 years experience in commercial department of holding company bank. Wants long term opportunity. Open on community size! • BBI8810 Earns Upper 20’s. AG LENDER Are you looking for someone w ho’ll be happy in the same spot for a while? This lender with three years in a I25MM bank seeks long term opportunity. Background includes a degree and exposure to cash corp, livestock and dairy products. Some exposure to operations. Wants community involvement. Looking to put down roots. BBI8811 Earns Mid 20’s. S.R . LENDER ® This seasoned lender has over eight years commercial and ag lending experience. An astute manager that can effective- # ly motivate and lead a staff. A main street personality and a strong desire to build a portfolio makes this candidate ideal for a growing bank. Has had experience with all types of loans. BBI8812 Earns Upper 30’s. The Banking Division Robert Half of Minnesota, Inc. 3636 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 Gentzkow Digitized for Paul FRASER Placement Manager. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Right Results, Time After Time5** © Robert Half International, Inc. 1988 Bill Benson Banking Specialist ® OVER 60% - OFALL BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE N O W INSURED w BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY T h a t’s R ig h t. . . In th e n in e s ta te s w e s e rv e w e h a v e s o lv e d th e b o n d in g n e e d s fo r 6 o f e v e ry 1 0 b a n ks . That's over 16 .4% of all banks in the United States THE REASONS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE M O ST COMPETITIVE PREM IUM S REALISTIC U N D ER W R ITIN G P R O M P T C LA IM S SERVICE IF Y O U ’RE N O T GETTING THE SAME FR O M YOUR B O N D IN G C O M P A N Y ... GIVE US A CALL - Y O U ’LL BE G LAD YO U D ID . THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DONALD M. TOWLE President DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 P h o n e 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIABILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIMITED INDEMNITY POLICIES S ervin g th e H e a r tla n d o f A m e r ic a s in c e 1 9 0 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OVER 60% OFA U BANKS IN OUR MARKETAREA ARE NO W INSURED m BY THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY n T h a t’s R ig h t. . . In th e n in e s ta te s w e s e rv e w e h a v e s o lv e d th e b o n d in g n e e d s fo r 6 o f e v e ry 10 b an ks. That's over 16 .4 % of all banks in the United States THE R EASO NS. . . SUPERIOR SERVICE M O ST COMPETITIVE PR EM IU M S REALISTIC U N D ER W R ITIN G PR O M PT C LA IM S SERVICE | IF Y O U ’RE N O T GETTING THE SAME FR O M YOUR B O N D IN G C O M P A N Y ... GIVE US A CALL - Y O U ’LL BE GLAD YO U D ID . THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY DONALD M. TOWLE President DAVID E. ABENDROTH Senior Vice President 611 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 P ho ne 1 -9 1 3 -2 3 4 -2 6 3 1 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BONDS, SAFE DEPOSITORY LIABILITY, CHECKS KITING FRAUD INDEMNIFICATION DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LEGAL DEFENSE AND LIMITED INDEMNITY POLICIES S ervin g th e H e a r tla n d o f A m e r ic a s in c e 1 9 0 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 F irsT ier More o f what it takes Correspondent Services to serve you well. F irsT ier Lincoln • Omaha FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC of 19 bank presidents and four business line managers in the Twin Cities. FBS recently organized its community banks into four Twin Cities metro markets. Norb Conzemius, president of community banking for the St. Paul East Metro Market, announced these appointments: Craig Bollum, president of First Bank, Payne Avenue; Jerry Thole, president of F irst Bank, Midway; P atricia Crowns, president of First Bank, Grand Avenue; Jim Widen, presi dent of First Bank, Battle Creek; Tom Madden, president of First Bank, White Bear Lake; Gary W oeltge, vice p re sid e n t and ^manager of private banking and ^community business banking, First Bank, St. Paul; Dianne Arnold, ex ecutive vice president and manager of consumer banking, First Bank, St. Paul. Colleen McCoy, president of com munity banking for the Minneapolis Central Market, announced these appointm ents: M ark Ouradnik, president of First Bank, St. Louis Park; Linda White, president of First Bank, West Broadway; Dave Zelinsky, president of First Bank, Lake a t 28 th A venue; A nn Melendez, vice president and manager of consumer banking, First Bank, Minneapolis; Chuck Peterson, vice president and manager of com munity business banking, First Bank, Minneapolis. Neel Johnson, president of com munity banking for the South Metro Market, announced these appoint ments: Bruce Soma, president of First Bank, Bloomington; Bob Stehlik, president of First Bank, Edina; Sandra Lipsey, president of jjFirst Bank, Apple Valley; Eric Iver"sen, president of First Bank, Eagan; Sandy Anderson, president of First Bank, Burnsville; Scott Hutton, president of First Bank, Eden Prairie. Dave Gilman, president of com Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis munity banking for the North/West Metro Market, announced these ap pointments: Paul Elsome, president of First Bank, Minnetonka; Greg Peterka, president of First Bank, Hopkins; Duane Ostlund, president of First Bank, Robbinsdale; Bill Stangler, president of First Bank, Plymouth; Kirby Scroggins, presi dent of First Bank, Northtown. North Dakota News Session 1 of the North Dakota Bankers Association’s Professional Teller Development Series will be held at four locations during Oc tober. The topic is “ Q uality Customer Service.” Speakers will be Jon Green, assistant vice president, sales and marketing, North Dakota and Washington Region, First Bank System, Inc., Fargo (at Grand Forks and Fargo locations) and Lyle Sorum, senior vice president/director of marketing at Bremer Finan cial Services, St. Paul, Minn, (at Bismarck and Minot locations). The schedule begins with registration/ continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m., and runs from 9:00 to 4:30 with a noon luncheon. Fee is $50 before Oc tober 3, $75 after, and $5 additional for those wishing to complete the en tire program and receive a cer tificate. Dates and locations are: 6th—Ramada Inn, Grand Forks; 1 2 t h —H o l i d a y I nn, Fa rg o ; 18th—International Inn, Minot; 19th—Doublewood Inn, Bismarck. Register through the NDBA office. * * * The NDBA will sponsor a seminar on “Bank Liability in Handling Checks and Checking Accounts” on October 7 at the Kirkwood Motor Inn in Bismarck. Presenter will be Steve H. Nickles, law professor from the University of Minnesota. The seminar begins with registration at 8:00 a.m., and the program runs from 8:30 to 4:15. Fee is $125 per person. Contact the NDBA office to register. Wisconsin News MILWAUKEE: First Wisconsin Corporation has completed the ac quisition of Century Bancorp, Inc., a one-bank holding company in Circle Pines, Minn. Terms of the trans action were not disclosed. Century Bancorp owns the $26 million Cen tennial Bank. First Wisconsin has also reached an agreement to ac quire the $160 million Stillwater Holding Company, Stillwater, Minn. That company has controlling in terest in the $120 million First Na tional Bank of Stillwater. Through its ownership of Hugo Bancorporation, Inc., a one-bank holding com pany, it also owns the $40 million First State Bank of Hugo, based in Hugo, Minn. Terms of the trans action, which involved an exchange of stock, were not disclosed. A Meeting Of The Minds. At Security National Bank, our minds are on meeting all your Correspondent Banking and Investment needs. We’re Security for you! Ron Kiel Linda Gocken Correspondent Banking Officer 712-277-6736 SECURITY NATIONAL RANK IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA. MEMBER F.D.I.C. Investment Representative 712-277-6745 POSITION AVAILABLE Yes! Send m e__________ c o p ie s o f th e 1988 e d itio n o f the IO W A B ank D irecto ry at $ 14.00 per copy. AG LOAN OFFICER for $30 MM central Iowa bank, 2-3 years experience ag (Fm HA, SBA Guarantees, consumer loan experience helpful). Need aggressive self-starter w i l l ^ ^ t ing to call on existing and new prospect lines. S e n j^ ^ h resume and salary history to Security State Bank, Box 5 4 s |^ H Hubbard, IA 50122. (PA) Send m e__________ c o p ie s o f th e 1988 e d itio n of th e N E B R A S K A B ank D irecto ry at $9.0 0 per copy. INSURANCE: Need aggressive individual with all licenses to manage agency in central Iowa with great potential. Responsible for selling and servicing all lines of in surance. Must also be willing to cross train in banking and loans. Send resume and salary history to Security State Bank, Box 549, Hubbard, IA 50122. (PA) Our check is enclosed for $ ______________ (add state tax: Iowa @ 4% Nebr. @ 4%) Company Nam e________;__________________________________________ V.P. with general lending knowledge needed for North Officer N am e____________________________________________________ P.O. Box or Street Address __________________________________________________ City and S tate______________________________________Z ip __________ J Phone __________________________________________________________ j Area Code NORTHWESTERN BANKER 1535 Linden St., S uite 201 Des M oines, Iow a 50309 515-244-8163 ______________________________________________________________ I DOES YOUR BANK NEED AN INVESTMENT CENTER? Your benefits: • New high net worth customers • Added profit • Reduced deposit loss to competitors • Ability to offer complete financial services For information contact: INVESTMENT CENTERS POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER Fast growing metro departm ent looking for proven profes sional with large credit exposure and strong credit analysis skills. Make your move! $50K. WANT TO BÜY Drive up windows, vault doors, safes, safe deposit boxes, night depositories. American Bank Equipment Sales - Service - Installation 402/571-5621 (WTB) PRIVATE BANKING SPECIALIST Do you have ag & consum er lending experience? Have you been active in bank operations? Community bank seeks 2 year person for leadership role. $25K. TRUST OFFICER Ready to move into large dept.? If you’re an experienced bank trust officer and desire fast track managem ent posi tion this is the move for you! $40K + . ?tJ OFIOWA.MC. 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID AG LENDING MANAGER • A leading com m ercial bank located in the Red River Valley is seeking an experienced individual to manage its ag loan portfolio. Q ualifications for the position are: • College degree • Excellent interpersonal com m unication skills • Sound credit adm inistration skills • Comprehensive knowledge of agricultural lending 9 • 3-5 years of m anagem ent experience • Experience with ag analysis software desired If you are qualified, please send resume and salary history in confidence, no later than Septem ber 30, 1988, to: Human Resources Departm ent First National Bank P. O. Box 1200 A Grand Forks, ND 58206-1200 w An Equal Opportunity Employer (PA) A leading com mercial bank in Grand Forks, North DakotèP seeks experienced com m ercial lender, to service business clients with moderate to large credit needs. Q ualifications for the position are: • College degree • 3-8 years of com m ercial lending experience • Strong bus. development and cross-selling experience • Strong technical/analytical skills • High sense of self direction and motivation If your background fits our requirements and you are in terested in the position please send your resume no later than September 30, 1988, to: Human Resources Department First National Bank P. O. Box 1200 Grand Forks, ND 58206-1200 An Equal O pportunity Employer (PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE TRUST MARKETING - large urban bank. Requires degree $35K REAL ESTATE LOAN • single family residential and secon FOR SALE PORTABLE BANK BUILDING. 14’ x 65’ with Mosler vault & drive-up equipment + miscellaneous other equipment. Contact Wilton Savings Bank, Wilton, IA (319) 732-2077. (FS) dary market experience required. Proximity of major metro area. $40K ^ LOAN REVIEW - large bank experienced required. Both junior and senior level positions available. $28-$40K COMMERCIAL LENDING - V.P. positions in urban and large suburban banks. Personal portfolios from $20MM to $50MM. $40K BRANCH MANAGER - handle small business and con- A sumer credits. Med-size community affiliate of multibank ^ holding company. $24K FDR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS fîîîl ROBERT HALF ^ Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust, Burlington, la., has a position available for a qualified INSTALLMENT LOAN OFFICER with 3-5 years experience. Send resume to Per sonnel O fficer, P.O. Box 928, Burlington, IA 52601. Salary open. Equal opportunity em ployer M/F. (PA) and trust experience. Ready to move on to growth area of the 80's? Upscale banking position looking for com mercial, real estate and consumer experience. $45K. AG/OPS INTERNAL AUDITOR for $62 million bank in N.C. la. Should have 2-3 years of experience as auditor or asst, auditor. Duties w ill also include budgeting, cost analysis and regulatory reporting for bank and one-bank holding co. Contact File No. W OO c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) COMMERCIAL LENDER 1-800-544-7113 First Dakota Building P .O . Box 2796 Bismarck, ND 58502 or P .O . Box 65697 West Des Moines, IA 50265 AG LOAN OFFICER Rural ag bank seeks 4 year lender for $40M institution. Great opportunity. $27K. ® Central Illinois bank of $75mm. M ust be community oriented and dedicated. Track record extrem ely important. Contact File No. W OG c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 Additional listings for commercial lending and trust officers. Resume' requested. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 12346/2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 " S e r v i n g t h e B a n k i n g I n d u s t r y S in c e 1 9 7 0 ” Vol. 17 No. 24 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis %