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Vol. 11 No. 22 Des Moines, Iowa September 20,1982 IBA, A M B I Boards Agree to Merge T E N T A TIV E agreement to merge the Illinois Bankers As sociation and the Association for Modern Banking in Illinois was reached at a meeting of the ruling bodies of IB A and AM BI last Wednesday afternoon at the Bis marck Hotel in downtown Chicago. It was approved by the AM BI board, which had final authority to OK the merger. The IB A council of admin istration approval also requires the affirmative vote of IB A members at a special convention to be held before the end of this year. A D.R. LOVETT C.C. WILSON IB A President Don R. Lovett, chief executive officer and president of the Dixon National Bank, Dixon, and AM BI Chairman Charles C. Wil son, chief executive officer of First National Bank of the Quad Cities, Rock Island, announced agreement on these four major points: 1. Formation of a newly-chartered, not-for-profit organization that will be known as the Illinois Bankers Association. 2. Merging of the assets and polit ical action committees of the two organizations as of January 1, 1983. 3. Creation of a 30-person board of directors with policy-making authori ty (composition explained below). 4. Selection of the current three top elected officials of each associa tion to serve on the board of directors the first two years of the new associa tion, in keeping with requirements explained in selection of directors. Mr. Lovett will serve as president of the new association in 1983, and Mr. Wilson will serve as president in the second year. It was further stipulated that Mr. Lovett and Mr. Wilson are to select a mutually agreed upon third person and the three will select a profes sional consultant who will review the resumes of the two present associa tion executives and make a recom mendation to the three men for the new association’s executive. The three person committee may accept or reject that recommendation. If they cannot agree, a procedure has been established for resolution of the matter by a larger group. A t present, James Watt is president of AM BI and is that association’s full-time ex ecutive officer. William Hocter is ex ecutive vice president of IBA and heads that association’s staff. Under the tentative agreement, the title of the banker heading the association will be that of president, the same title now held by the banker heading IBA, while the title for the banker head of AM BI is chairman. The 30-member board of directors will be selected in two steps: 1. Five board members will be elected from each of the five multi bank holding company regions estab lished a year ago under Illinois law. This will provide a total of 25 mem bers. 2. The remaining five board mem bers will be elected by the 10 largest banking organizations domiciled in Illinois. Only one director from any one Illinois banking organization (i.e., multi-bank holding company, one-bank holding company or inde pendent bank) may serve on the new 30-person board at one time. Since multi-bank holding companies may own a bank in an adjoining region, this apparently would preclude two representatives of the same MBHC from serving at the same time, even though they might be in different regions. The 25 board members would be elected in the five regions as follows: Region I: two directors from banks of $200 million or more assets; two from banks of under $200 million; one director with no asset designa tion. Regions II, III and IV: two direc tors from banks of $100 million or more assets; two from banks of under $100 million; one director with no asset designation. Region V: Two directors from banks or more than $50 million as sets; two from banks of under $50 CALL ON THE “PERFORM ANCE TEAM ” where common transactions are handled uncommonly well. IllHÜHlfl FIRST NATIO NAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gany Frandson Team w ork: O ne of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. marketing for Brenton Banks, Inc. Mr. Heilbronn was formely asso ciated with Michigan National Bank, Lansing, as director of marketing. I « U tm Anna Belle Sheets Investm ent Services An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation BANCO ^ Member FDic Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 DES MOINES: Mark Christen has been elected vice president and head of the correspondent bank depart ment at Valley National Bank. Most recently, he was president of Mechanicsville Trust & Savings Bank. Prior to that he was an officer in the correspondent bank department at Merchants National Bank. officer at Northwestern National Bank, Sioux City, was installed as chairman of the Northwest Iowa Group of the National Association ON A W A: Steven V. Johnson has of Bank Women on September 8 at been appointed vice president of the their meeting at the Hilton Inn, Onawa State Bank. Mr. Johnson has Sioux City. been employed by the FDIC as a Other officers installed were: bank examiner for five years, work Roma Kroll, First National Bank, ing out of the Sioux City office. Sioux City, as vice chairman; Bever ly Jensen, First National Bank, POSTVILLE: James P. Lage will Sioux Center, as secretary; Ann join Citizens State Bank October 11 Bonestroo, Iowa State Bank, Hull, as executive vice president. He is as treasurer, and Nina Osborne, resigning ad vice president at First First State Bank, Ida Grove, as Trust & Savings Bank, Remsen, to parliamentarian. accept the new position. State Awards & Scholarship Chair man Wilma Weeks, Security Nation ABA Adds Two Speakers to SCHLESWIG: Larry G. Clausen Annual Convention Program al Bank, Sioux City, and Education was recently elected executive vice and Training chairman Phyllis Lyn Nofziger, former assistant for Davis, Citizens Savings Bank, Sac president of the Farmers State political affairs to President Ronald City, presented the program. Bank. He previously has been serv Reagan, and Representative Doug ing as senior vice president. Barnard, Jr., (D., Ga.), a member of ACKLEY: Federal approval was the House Banking, Finance and Ur granted for the transfer of stock Nebraska News ban Affairs Committee, have been ownership of Ackley State Bank to a added to the list of speakers already new group of local stockholders. HASTINGS: Keith Ljunggren, vice scheduled to address the American Stanley Squires, president, has been president at the First National Bankers Association convention in named chairman of the newly formed Bank, was recently honored by the Atlanta October 16-20. The panel of board of directors and will continue Colorado Graduate School o f Bank federal regulators, to be moderated serving as president of the bank. ing at the University of Colorado. by A B A President-Elect William H. The new board includes: Stanley Besides receiving his graduate cer Kennedy, Jr., will include Comp Squires, Gary Homan, and Harley tificate for satisfactory completion troller of the Currency C. Todd Con A. Janssen, all previously on the of the three year course of study, he over and FHLBB Chairman Richard board. They are joined by Donald was one of six from the class of 148 T. Pratt. FDIC Chairman Wm. Isaac Oelmann, Rex A. Humke, Ronald L. who received top honors for scholas Brandt, Larry McDowell, Calvin L. also has been invited. tic achievements in the correspon Jansonius and R.L. Bogaard. dence study section of the course. Iowa News DES MOINES: W. Michael Heil- Mr. Ljunggren joined the bank in Kay Stoterau, customer service bronn has been named director of 1974. million assets; one director with no asset designation. It is understood that under this formula for election of directors, elec tions for the first two years would have to consider the six current of ficers of IB A and AM BI who would be on the board. Whatever regions they represent would have to reduce by that number the persons to be elected within a given asset group. A more detailed statement from IBA and AM BI was expected and will be published in the October issue of N orth w e stern B a n k e r . □ LODGE POLE: A.C. Peterson re cently completed 65 years in bank ing. The first four years were spent in Chappell and the last 61 in Lodge Pole, where he is currently serving as chairman. Single System Banking W ith Availability Minnesota News Availability of funds. . . availability of people. . . responsive to your needs. National Bank o f Waterloo Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Phone Bill Rickert at 1-800-772-2411. Micro computers and their role in banking will be one of the key topics to be addressed during the Minne sota Bankers Association Opera tions Workshop, October 6-7 at the Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 9-20-82 Carleton D. Beh Company Investment Bankers / Financial Consultants 1300 Des Moines Building / Des Moines, Iowa 50309 5 1 5 /2 8 8 -2 15 2 NEW ISSUE MOODY’S: A1 We own and offer subject to prior sale and change in price and subject to our attorney’s approving opinion: $ 890,000 WAVERLY, IOWA General Obligation Bonds DATED: September 1,1982 DENOMINATION: $5,000 Both principal and semiannual interest (June 1 and December 1; first coupon due June 1,1983) payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Waverly, Iowa. IN THE OPINION OF COUNSEL INTEREST ON THESE BONDS IS EXEMPT FROM ALL PRESENT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES. MATURITIES 10.00% June 1, 1984 7.20 June 1, 1985 7.40 June 1, 1986 7.70 June 1, 1987 8.00 June 1, 1988 8.25 9 1/4% $55,000 June 1, 1989 8.50 OV4 To $60,000 June 1, 1990 8.75 9.00% $65,000 June 1, 1991 9.00 9 1/4% $75,000 June 1, 1992 9.25 * Callable June 1, 1993 at 102.5% declining to 100.5% $10,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 $65,000 91/2% June 1,1993 QVa % June 1,1994 10.00% June 1,1995 10.00* $75,000 10.20% June 1,1996 10.20* $80,000 $60,000 $80,000 $90,000 10.40% June 1,1997 10.60% June 1,1998 9.50 9.75* 10.40* 10.60* LEGALITY TO BE APPROVED BY AHLERS, COONEY, DORWEILER, HAYNIE & SMITH, ATTORNEYS, DES MOINES, IOWA The City of Waverly, Iowa, the county seat of Bremer County, is approximately 14 miles north of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls metropolitan area. Waverly serves as a trade center for the excellent surrounding agricultural area. Although agriculturally oriented, the City’s economic base is well diversified by a blend of industrial employees. Major employees within the City include: Bantam, Division of Koehring Company (power cranes and excavators); Carnation Co. (instant food and non-milk products); General Machine and Tool Co. (fixtures and dies) and Bremer County Independent Co. (newspaper-commercial printing). Transportation facilities are provided by two railroads, U.S. Highway 218, Iowa Highway 3 and an excellent network of paved county roads. Commercial airline service is available in nearby Waterloo. Banking facilities are provided by two commercial banks with deposits exceeding $90,230,000 and one savings and loan association with deposits of $27,950,000. The current population is estimated at 8,444. The proceeds of this issue will be used to defray the costs of various capital improvements, including the construction of new wastewater treatment facilities and various improvements to streets. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Actual Valuation, 1981 Assessed Valuation, 1981 Net Direct Debt, including this issue Net Direct Overlapping & Underlying Debt Net Direct Debt: $193.63 per capita Combined Net Debt: $221.26 per capita $179,471,993.00 131,709,220.00 1,635,000.00 1,868,336.00 The information contained herein is not guaranteed, but is derived from sources we deem reliable and is that on which our purchase of these bonds are based. Bonds of a particular maturity may or may not still be available or may now be available at a price or yield different from that indicated above. Division of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Hutton & Company Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to N O R TH W ES TE R N BANKER NEWSLETTER (9 /2 0 /8 2 ) Send Out The Farm Picture and Tune In the Farm Community • Agricultural bankers know that business is tougher than ever. And they also know that g ood customer 0 relations are essential in getting and keeping farm customers. That's w hy top agricultural bankers in 34 states distribute The 0 Farm Picture® to their agricultural customers. The Farm Picture® is a monthly, personalized newsletter of facts and figures pertaining to the interests of your customers. m Each month practical, informative articles on marketing strategies, estate planning, cash flow , financial record keeping, tax • savings and other m oney matters essential to farm management are put together in easy-to-understand articles. And they're written by • price and outlook specialists, ag economists, accountants and lawyers w ho know farming and Telling your story . . . Optional page 4 personalization —lets you send a direct message to " y o u r customers— on any subject you choose, in any issue you choose. It allows you to promote specific ag banking services, ag lending success stories, new bank ^ p erson n el or special events for the farm community. C o m p le h ^ ^ ^ ^ l layout and typesetting services I are available. \ I Have You agri business from the roots up. Best of all, if you wish, you can personalize The Farm Picture® by using one whole page of the fourpage format with a direct message to you r customers. The Farm Picture® also keeps client banks a step ahead o f the competition b y offering itself exclusively to commercial banks, Please send us samples, rates and info about your no-cost, no-obligation test mailing o f THE FARM PICTURE, including covering letter and reply cards. For your convenience: the no-coupon coupon—attach business card here and mail. Getting down to business . . . Through The Farm Picture, you can offer your customers a wealth of information to help them reduce the financial risks of farming— in-depth articles on marketing alternatives, tax-saving strategies, cash flow projections, financial ratios, estate planning, farm liability and other subjects devoted to the farmer's business, his money and his banker. one bank to a market area. If you 'd like to improve your customer relations, w hy not try The Farm Picture® newsletter service for tw o months, without cost or obligation. W e'll supply all materials free. For more information, just attach your business card to our no-coupon coupon below and mail this form. Mail to: The BankVertising Company P.O. Box 1568 Champaign, IL 61820 or call 2 1 7 /3 5 6 -1 3 3 9 and ask for John Schacht L K eeping up with prices . . . | | | Each month, The Farm Picture offers a concise summary o f K supply demand prospects and other developments that are likely to affect prices for all major farms commodities. This information comes from outlook specialists, trade sources and USDA reports. And it's available in four regional editions. 1 Commonwealth National Bank A FARMPICTURE*• Thanks to a C om m on ^ M i loan, Dutch Valley pigs wflìT going to m arket faster, healthier and cleaner. Dollars & Sense Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ ® ^ w ^ Sheraton Park Place hotel in St. Louis Park. The two-day workshop will inelude discussions on: The Use of Micro Computers in Banking; Stra tegies for Survival in the New Com petitive Environment; Banking Services and Delivery Systems of the Future; Management Reporting Formats; Legal and Regulatory Re quirements for Account Ownership, and Staff Supervision and Motivation. LAKE BENTON: Jim Hella has been named president of the Far mers State Bank in Lake Benton. He previously had served 11 years • at Twin Valley State Bank, most recently as vice president. M INNEAPOLIS: John W. Morri son, chairman and chief executive officer of Northwest Bancorporation, announced September 9 that Banco and all its banks and financial service companies will adopt a com mon identity in 1983, subject to ap proval by shareholders and federal regulatory agencies. Banco would then be known as Norwest Corpora tion and the more than 120 cor porate entities associated with it will change their names to Norwest, with various additional descriptive terminology (e.g., Norwest Banks). 0 M INNEAPOLIS: Representatives o f m inority-owned banks from across the country and corporate treasurers from the Twin City bus iness community will meet at a Na^ tional Bankers Association confer ence September 23 at First Bank Place. It will be jointly sponsored by Control Data Corporation, First Bank Minneapolis and First Plyf mouth National Bank, Minneapolis. 0 0 ST. PAUL: Northwestern National Bank has announced the election and promotion of Keith J. Vigors and Jon R. Campbell to vice presi dent. Mr. Vigors was also elected di vision manager of the secured lend ing division in the commercial bank ing group. Mr. Campbell was promoted in the special technologies division of the commercial banking group. SEE THE SUMMIT!!! Three-Bedroom and Two-Bedroom, two bath townhomes available for sale or rent. Most have covered hot tubs on the deck. Prices range from $114,000.00 to $128,000.00. Financing available. Contact: DWAYNE SMITH Paradise Properties, P.O. Box S Dillon, Colorado 80435 Phone: 303/468-5846 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Illinois News CHICAGO: The Chicago Chapters of N ABW will sponsor four “ Small Business Financing” workshops in the city commencing October 7. They will be conducted in conjunction with the Women’s Bar Association and the Chicago Society of Women CPAs, with funding from the Chi cago Department of Human Servi ces. The workshops will help regis trants to learn 1) to determine a firm’s financial needs, 2) to identify sources for private financing, 3) to prepare a complete loan presentation package and 4) techniques for the loan negotiation. Details are avail able from Linda Simms, National Boulevard Bank of Chicago. ASK JERRY TRUDO to make MNB work for you. South Dakota News REDFIELD: Stan Foss has been elected vice president and managing officer of First Bank - Spink County Branch in Redfield, according to Jack M. Thompson, president. He re places William F. Pich, who was named president and managing offi cer of First Bank Landgon, N.D. Mr. Foss previously was senior vice presi dent of First Bank of Bismarck. North Dakota News LISBON: Farmers State Bank of Lisbon has changed its name to First American Bank, effective Sep tember 10. The change was made to facilitate the name change within the Bremer Bank Group, with no change in bank management or stockholders noted. Wyoming News EVANSTON: First W yoming Bank of Evanston recently contributed $15,000 to the fund raising cam paign for a new Memorial Hospital of Uinta County. “ We feel that as suring the best local health care pos sible is most important to the qual ity of life, which our area residents enjoy,” stated A l Graban, president. Montana News The Montana Bankers Associa tion and The National Association of Bank Women are cosponsoring an “ Image Improvement Seminar” for the female employes o f Montana banks. The seminar will be offered Wednesday, October 13, at the Bill ings Sheraton and Thursday, Octo ber 14, at the Heritage Inn, Great Falls. The seminar will be presented by Joanne Wallace, founder and presi- Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Merchants ^ National Bank 151 Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK dent of Image Improvement Corpor ation, Salem, Ore. Colorado News BOULDER: Dr. Beryl Sprinkel, Un der Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs, will be guest spe aker for an Economic Outlook For um hosted by First National Bank in Boulder September 28 at the Hil ton Harvest House here. Also ad dressing the Forum will be Dr. Ar nold Weber, president of the Univer sity of Colorado. The program starts at 1:30 p.m. GOLDEN: Approval was recently received for First National Bank to change its name to First Interstate Bank of Golden. While retaining lo cal ownership and management, the bank will change its name to First Interstate January, 1983. First Na tional signed the franchise agree ment with First Interstate Bancorp, a Los Angeles-based bank holding company, April 22, 1982. ed roid sx a n d <^/f’± ±oaiats.i. Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions 515-232-0814 P.O. Box 450 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder , Principal 4 W ANT ADS BANKERS AVAILABLE Rates are$5.00 per line per insertion. Add $3.00 tortile letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306-15th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone 515/244-8163 _____________ Ag Lender with three years experience and farm background.................................................Salary $20,000 Number Two man in small western Iowa community bank. 4 ) Four years experience, and all insurance licenses........... .....................................................................Salary $25,000 Executive in $15 million bank with 20 years exp. and col lege degree. Licensed for all lin e s .................Salary open President of smaller Illinois community bank seeks new situation in southern Iowa, Missouri or central Illin o is ----- _ .....................................................................Salary $32,000 W BANK PLACEMENT SPECIALISTS (Our 34th year) Call experienced professionals to locate the right candidate for your vacancy ... or the right “ move-up” for yourself. CORPORATE RECRUITERS MIDWEST BANKING DIVISION 202 S. 71st Street 402/393-5515 Omaha, Nebraska 68132 Operations V.P., currently in $30 million bank in Illinois . . . ............. .................................... Salary $30,000 Strong Second Man in smaller Iowa community ba n k----.....................................................................Salary $32,000 Commercial Lender in larger community bank. Has been examiner...............................Salary $33,000 ^ Computer Specialistanddata processing pert POSITION AVAILABLE Top Administrative Officer, age 36, MBA degree and heavy experience...............................Salary $50,000 MANAGING OFFICER—for a $12 million bank in Western Nebraska. Must have operational as well as credit ex perience. Agricultural background helpful. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Send resume and snapshot, in complete confidence, to Mel Adams, Box 209, Ogallala, Nebraska 69153. (PA) MARKETING OFFICER—$70 million Minnesota bank. Send resume to file QBX c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) CEO—$30 million dollar ag bank chain. Eastern Nebraska. Experience required in all phases of banking. Must be ex tremely skilled, competent, and likeable. Send resume to file QBV, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Position open in NE Iowa $20 million bank for person with some ag lending experience. Would be making on-farm visitations and assist in processing ag loans. Should be knowledgeable in all facets of bank operations. All replies kept confidential. Salary open depending on experience and qualifications. Write file QBU, c/o Northwestern Banker.____________________________________ (PA) Ag. loan officer wanted with 5-10 years loan experience. Good salary. In $25 million bank in northwest Iowa. Phone Dale Anderson, 712/786-1153.____________________ (PA) Opportunity for beginning officer. $20 million bank, North Central Iowa, looking for an officer for a starting position: Exposure to total bank operations. Prior experience as an examiner is desirable. Write file QBY, c/o Northwestern Banker.___________ (PA) Experienced Iowa banker for Vice President and Cashier. Contact C.H. Walsh, president, Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust, Box 928, Burlington, IA 52601. Phone 319/752-3661. (PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE Commercial Lender for eastern Iowa bank. Requires 5 years or more experience and college degree, good family background............................................ Salary to $36,000 Number Two Person for N.W. Iowa bank .Salary Mid-$20's Cashier with four year experience, college grad. .. $23,000 Installment Officer with 12 years experience.................... .....................................................................Salary $25,000 CEO of communitybank, age 32, excellent background in ag loans and investments. Seeking future growth situa tion...........................................Salary $35,000 Write or call MalcolmFreeland, Freeland Financial Ser vice, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays reasonable fee. PRESIDENT NEEDED BANKS FOR SALE Two multi-bank holding companies w/hi perf. banks, Colo. & Wyo. Two one-bank holding com panies w/hi perf. banks, Colo, and Idaho. Excep tional growth potential. High returns possible on investments. Principals only. Write file QBW, c/o Northwestern Banker. (FS) Would you trust your money with a sloppily dressed teller? Perhaps your customers feel the same way. We can change that for only $1.00 per teller per day. MeAJyioekk-^ Ag Rep for north central Iowa bank. Requires two or more years experience......................... Salary $22,000 523 N. Main St., Carroll, la., 51401 712-792-2748 | Strong Second Man for western Iowa community bank. Must be ag-oriented.................................................Salary$32,000 CAREER APPAREL CEO for larger South Dakota bank, Ag related................... ........................................................................ Salary open Number Two Person for major bank in outstate Nebraska. Requires solid experience in administration and lending . ..................................................................... Salary $40,000 CEO for community bank in eastern Nebraska................. ........................................................................ Salary open Number Two person for smaller eastern Nebraska com munity b a n k .......................................... Salary to $25,000 Cashier for larger eastern Iowa bank. Requires 5 or more years of solid operations experience and data processing knowledge......................................................Salary open Office Manager with Ag background for central Iowa bank .......................................................................... .. $25,000 Commercial Lender for major Iowa bank. 3-5 years ex perience ........................................................Salary Open Write or call in confidence to Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 1032 Carriers Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. Employer pays fee. FOR SALE 1 Diebold Walk-Up Window. 1 Burroughs S-500 Proof Machine - 2 years old. 1 Burroughs S-100 Proof Machine. Contact: Okey-Vernon First National Bank, Corning, Iowa 50841. Phone: 515/322-3101. (FS) marketing ex Salary $40,000 POSITIONS AVAILABLE All positions are in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas or Oklahoma #2 Man, $45mm bank, Suburban of Metro To $40,000 Commercial Loans, Team Leader, large Metro bank Open Marketing/Sales, Suburban of Metro, $50mm bank Open Commercial Loan Officer, $25mm bank, Suburban To $35,000 Commercial Loan Officer, $30mm bank, Metro To $40,000 President, $80mm, medium sized town To $70,000 President, $20mm, medium sized town Open Commercial Loans, $70mm, Metro Package $55,000 Agriculture Lender, $60mm, small town To $30,000 Controller, Exec. V.P., $70mm, Metro To $50,000 Agriculture Lender, small bank, small town Open Correspondent, Commercial Lender, Metro, large bank To $35,000 Eighteen years of banking serving as President of both rural and metropolitan banks enables me to find the right banking environment for you. I assure your confidentiality. Phone or send resume to: Don W. Schooler & Associates, 901 A. West Jackson, Ozark, Missouri 65721. Phone (417) 485-6020 (9a.m. - 5 p.m.). (417) 883-3713 (Evenings). CHOOLER Ir A S S O C IA T E S "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" President to manage newly chartered bank in For syth, MT. Minimum of 7 years banking experience, including commercial and ag lending, and opera tions. Must have proven management experience and ability to develop customer relationships. Must be familiar with bank regulations and com pliance. Send resume and salary requirements in strict confidence to: Personnel Officer, Montana Bancsystem, Inc., 400 Securities Bldg., Billings, MT 59101. (PA) TIME TEMPERATURE QUALITY SIGNS • Designed • Manufactured • Installed $2895 P.O. Box 263 Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 (308)384-0111 POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMMERCIAL LOAN—head dept, for $80MM community £ bank. Some background in Agri-business credits desired. ” $40,000 SECOND OFFICER—profitable $30MM rural bank. Strength in Agri-loans along with some operations ex perience required. $30,000 AGRI-LOAN—opportunity to function as senior Ag-officer in $25MM bank. Degree and four years or more as Ag- A lender desired. $25,000 JUNIOR COMMERCIAL LOAN—progressive suburban bank is adding to staff. Formal credit analysis background with some lending experience will qualify. $22,000 AGRI-LOAN—rural affiliate of holding company seeks Aglender with 2-3 yrs. experience. Degree preferred. $20,000 OPERATIONS—opportunity to assume second position in w $20MM rural bank. Some exposure to Agri-credits desired. $28,000 All inquiries confidential. Resume' and salary history re quested. TOM H AGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City £ 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 11 No. 22 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0