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HWESTERN OCTOBER 1984 ABA Convention Program C.R. BRENTON ABA President New O fficers Iowa Bankers A ssociation • The Future for Com m unity Banks • Annual Ag O utlook Survey - Part n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Correspondent banking services with a plus. (The plus is in the picture) At Merchants National Bank you'll find our team of Correspondent Bankers offers you both knowledge and experience...PLUS the resources, the products, and the professional, yet personal assistance you need to help make your operation a success. Whether you're dealing with individual, agricultural or commercial customers, these MNB bankers can help provide better services that lead to increased profitability for your bank. For check clearing, cash management, short term liquidity, long term investments, safekeeping and loans, talk to someone who knows. An MNB Correspondent Banker. Call 319/398-4320 or toll free, 1-800-332-5991 and talk to either John Mangold, Terry Martin, Jerry Trudo, Stan Farmer, Doug Keiper, Dick Retz or Lynn Whiteman. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DA CRETTEN JERRY TRUDl JOHN MANGOLD Merchants National Bank 1:1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA' BANK 4 Sallie Mae to Offer $5 Billion in Notes NOBM],STERN j^ e rn C W OCTOBER 1984 • 91st Year • No. 1453 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION MEMBER BANK MARKETING ASSOCIATION OLDEST FINANCIAL JOURNAL SERVING THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN STATES ^ The Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae) announced on September 12 its intention to oT fer approximately $5 billion p r im i pal amount of zero coupon notes due October 3, 2022, in an offering un derwritten by Goldman, Sachs & Co. The issue will provide net prœ ceeds of approximately $126 million to Sallie Mae at an effective cost of 9.95 percent. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes. ON THE COVER ABA Pres. C. Robert Brenton, pres, of Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, will be presiding at the ABA annual convention in New York City, Oct. 20-24. Also pictured are officers of the Iowa Bankers Association for 1984-85. Left to right, they are: Immed. Past Pres.—AI Maser, pres., 1st Natl., Le Mars; Pres.—Wil liam Logan, pres., The State Central Bank, Keokuk; Pres.-Elect—J. Bruce Meri wether, pres., 1st Natl., Dubuque; Treas.—Richard Randall, pres., Dunlap Sav ings, and Exec. V.P.—Neil Milner, Des Moines. Convention report on page 71. Photo courtesy Kuhn/Garmon Productions, Inc., Des Moines. FEATURES 13 Asset/Liability Management— Part III A Community Banker’s “ Plain English Guide” 16 After the umbrella is gone . . . Rain or Shine? Exclusive interview with Randall Killebrew 19 ABA convention program New York hosts bankers October 20-24 20 “What should be in the farm bill?” Part II —Exclusive survey offers banker, educator input 30 Market Day Speakers at St. Joseph conference look at farm economy 96 MASI officials visit Rabobank Ed Tubbs details talks on farm loan funds DEPARTMENTS 6 Calendar 10 Bank Promotions 37 Minnesota 41 Twin Cities 46 Illinois 52 Wisconsin 53 54 55 56 57 61 North Dakota South Dakota Montana Wyoming Colorado Nebraska 62 68 71 92 97 Omaha Lincoln Iowa Convention Report, Photos Des Moines Index of Advertisers STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) (also DMM 448.31) 1. T itle of p u b lic a tio n — N o rthw e stern Banker _ 2. Date o f filin g — S eptem ber 26, 1984 9 3. Frequency of issue — M onthly. 4. L oca tion o f know n o ffic e o f p u b lic a tio n — 306 - 15th Street, Des M oines, Iowa 50309. 5. L oca tion o f the hea dquarte rs or general business o f fic e s of the pub lis h e rs (Not printers) — 306 - 15th Street, Des M oines, Iowa 50309. 7. O wner (If ow ned by a corp o ra tio n , its nam e and dress m ust be s ta te d and also im m e d ia te ly thereunder M i nam es and addresses of s to c k h o ld e rs ow ning or h oldin g 1 percent or m ore o f to ta l a m ount o f stock. If not ow ned by a c o rp o ra tio n , the nam es and addresses of in d ivid u a l ow ners m ust be given. If ow ned by a partn e rsh ip or o ther unin c o rp o ra te d firm , its name and address, as w ell as th a t o f each in d iv id u a l m ust be given). Ben H aller, Jr., Presi dent, 306 - 15th S treet, Des M oines, Iowa 50309. N o iA w estern Banker Com pany, 306 - 15th Street, Des M o i n ^ Iowa 50309. 8. Known bon dhold ers, m ortgages, and oth e r se cu rity holders ow n in g or h oldin g 1 percent or m ore of to ta l am ount o f bonds, m ortgag es or oth e r se cu ritie s: Ben Haller, Jr., P resident, 306 - 15th S treet, Des M oines, Iowa 50309. 10. E xtent and nature of c irc u la tio n : • Average No. A ctual No. copies each o f copies of issue during sin g le issue preceding nearest to 12 m onths filin g date A. T otal No. co p ie s printed 5,888 6,300 (Net Press Run) B. Paid C irc u la tio n • 1. Sales th ro u g h dealers and carriers, stree t ven dors and c o u n te r sales NONE NONE 2. M ail S u b s c rip tio n s 3,782 3,657 C. T o ta l p a id c ir c u la tio n 3,782 3,657 D. Free d is trib u tio n by m ail, ca rrie r or other m eans— • s am ple , c o m p lim e n ta ry , and o ther free copies 1,861 2,131 E. T otal d is trib u tio n (Sum o f C and D) 5,643 5,788 F. C o p ie s n o t d is tr ib u te d 1. O ffic e use, le fto v e r, u n a c c o u n te d , s p o ile d a fte r p rin tin g 245 9 2. R e tu rn s fro m n e w s agents NONE NONE G. T otal (Sum of E, F1 and 2 — s hou ld equal net press run show n in A) 5,888 6,300 11.1 c e rtify th a t the s ta te m e n ts made by me above are c o r rect and com ple te. ^ BEN HALLER, J W E ditor and Publisher NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306 15th Street, Des M oines, Iowa 50309 Phone (515) 244-8163 Publisher & Editor Associate Publisher Associate Editor Consultant Ben Haller, Jr. Steve Burch Becky McBurney Malcolm K. Freeland No. 1453 Northwestern Banker (USPS 397-620) is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription $1.50 per copy. $18 per year. Second Class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa and at additional mailing office. POSTM ASTER: Send all address changes to Northwestern Banker, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12. For c o m p le tio n by p u b lis h e rs m ailin g at the regular rates (S ection 132.121, Postal Service Manual). 39 U.S.C. 3626 provides in p e rtin e n t part: “ No person w ho w ould have been e n title d to m ail m a tte r under form er se ctio n 4359 o f th is title shall m ail such m a tte r at the rates p r o v i^ ed under th is s u b s e c tio n unless he file s ann ually w ith t w Postal Service a w ritte n request fo r perm issio n to m ail m a tte r at such rate s.” In a c cordan ce w ith the pro v is io n s o f th is sta tu te , I here by request p e rm issio n to m ail the p u b lic a tio n named in Item 1 at the phased postage rates presently authorized by 39 U.S.C. 3626. Ben H aller, Jr., E d itor and P u b lis f^ fc BRANDT • Brandt Has The Products • That W ill Wrap Up Your . Money Handling Needs. Count O n It. # 0 ® Chances are when you think o f Brandt, you think o f your money handling equipment. Actually, Brandt is a total supp lie r o f banking related items. Paper products are a good example. W e handle flat, tubular coin wrap pers. Crimped end wrappers. Paper rolls for automatic packaging. All color coded by denomination. All produced to Brandt’s high quality standards. And, for money coming into your operation, we can supply high quality bank bags. Bags de signed to provide the security you and you r cu stom ers need. Bags built to hold up for extended use. Paper products. Bank bags. Just a part o f the complete line o f Brandt money handling products. Brandt. M aking y o u r m o n e y count. Brandt, Inc. P.O. Box 200, Watertown, WI 53094 (4 1 4 ) 261-1780. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 r '------------------------------ C o n ven tio n C alen d ar \ __________ ___ __________ ABA—American Bankers Association AIB—American Institute of Banking BAI—Bank Administration Institute BMA—Bank Marketing Association IBAA—Independent Bankers Association of America NABW—National Association of Bank Women, Inc. RMA—Robert Morris Associates National Conventions & Schools Oct. 18-19—IBAA Region A—Agricultural Lender Workshop, Des Moines Marriott, Des Moines, Iowa. Oct. 20-24—ABA Annual Convention, New York. Nov. 4-7—IBAA 26th Seminar/Workshop on the One Bank Holding Company, The Sands Hotel, Las Vegas. Nov. 11-14—ABA National Agricultural Bankers Conference, Hyatt Regency/ Crown Center, Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 27-30—BAI Money Transfer Confer ence, Hyatt Regency, Chicago, III. Dec. 9-12—BAI ATM/7 + Conference, Sher aton, New Orleans, La. 1985 Feb. 3-6—BAI Productivity Conference, Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles. Feb. 24-27—BAI Bank Security Conference, Adam’s Mark, Houston, Tex. Mar. 26-29—BAI Check Processing Confer ence, Dearborn, Mich. Apr. 14-18—BAI Bank Audit Conference, Sheraton, Washington, D.C. Apr. 30-May 3—BAI Accounting & Finance Conference, Hyatt Regency, San Fran cisco. May 13-17—BAI Bank Tax Conference, Hyatt Regency, Washington, D.C. June 2-5—BAI Trust/Financial Products Conference, Inter-Continental, Boston. State Conventions & Schools Illinois: Nov. 7&8—IBA Bank Directors Seminars, Westin Hotel O’Hare, Chicago, on the 7th, and Holiday Inn East, Springfield, on the 8th. Nov. 28-29—IBA Annual Meeting and Bank Management Conference, St. Louis Mar riott. 1985 Feb. 6—IBA Asset/LiabiIity Management Conference, Holiday Inn East, Springfield. Feb. 7—IBA Asset/Liabi Iity Management Conference, Drake Hotel, Oakbrook. Feb. 20-21 —IBA Commercial Credit Confer ence, Holiday Inn East, Springfield. Iowa: Oct. 24-25—Consumer Lending/Retail B a n ^ ing Conference, Des Moines. 1985 Feb. 12-14—EFT Conference, Des Moines. Feb. 27-Mar. 1— IBA Mid-Winter Manage ment Conference, Keystone, Colorado. ^ Mar. 3-5—IBA Marketing Conference, Des Moines. Mar. 20—IBA Ag Credit Conference, Ames. Apr. 13-17—IBA Washington D.C. Trip. May 20-21 —Iowa Young Bankers Con ference, Des Moines. ^ Sept. 22-24—IBA 99th Annual Convention^ Des Moines. Minnesota: Nov. 15—MBA Personnel Conference, Holi day Inn International, Bloomington. Dec. 5-6—MBA Advanced Security Workshop^ Sheraton Midway, St. Paul. 1985 Mar. 10-14—MBA/ABA Community Bank Ex ecutive Development Program, Hyatt Re gency, Minneapolis. May 7-10—MBA Washington Legislative Conference, Washington, D.C. June 10-12—MBA Annual Convention, Amfac Hotel, Minneapolis. Nebraska: Oct. 16-20—NBA Teller/Staff Conference^ North Platte Holiday Inn, Kearney Ramada Inn, Lincoln Cornhusker and Norfolk Villa Inn. Nov. 20-21 —NBA Bank Management Confer ence, Kearney Holiday Inn. Nov. 20—NBA Legislative Dinner, Kearne^ Holiday Inn. 1985 Jan. 15-16—NBA Lending Conference, Kear ney Holiday Inn. Feb. 12-13—NBA Personnel Conference. Kearney Ramada Inn. • Feb. 20-24—NBA Bank President’s Confer ence, Rancho Bernardo Resort, San Diego, Calif. Mar. 20-21 —NBA Ag Outlook Conference, Kearney Holiday Inn. North Dakota: Oct. 17—ICBND Bank Directors Seminar, Bismarck Sheraton Galleria. 1985 Jan. 28-29—NDBA Chief Executive Officer Conference, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bis^ marck. Jan. 29-30—NDBA Bank Management Conference/Legislative Reception-Dinner, Kirkwood Motor Inn, Bismarck. Feb. 20-22—Bank of North Dakota MidWinter Break, Bismarck. # Apr. 8-10—NDBA Washington Legislative Visit, Hyatt, Regency on Capitol Hill. Apr. 24-26—NABW State Convention, Minot. May 19-24—NDBA North Dakota School of Banking, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. # June 10-11 —NDBA Annual Convention, Holiday Inn, Bismarck. South Dakota: 1985 Jan. 30—SDBA Legislative Reception aniP Dinner, Kings Inn, Pierre. Apr. 3-4—SDBA Ag Credit Conference, Kings Inn, Pierre. Apr. 8-11—SDBA/NDBA Annual Washing ton D.C. Legislative Trip. May 12-14—SDBA Annual C onventiorfl . Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis InnerLine: News, Rates, Analysis • and Information. Now. Increase profits and productivity with the first interactive, on-line information • network designed fo r banks, credit unions and thrifts. • Get the Information You Need . . . at your fingertips, without any computer training or experience. InnerLine delivers financial news, performance analyses, rates, regulatory updates, directories, electronic mail, marketing and hedge 0 management strategies, research and much more. Save Time and Make Money. . . InnerLine’s Funds Marketplace,1the eco nomical alternative to money brokers, lists rates on instruments offered by 500 institutions. You make the deals with no “cuts” taken on any transactions. Our Electronic Mail moves messages quickly and confidentially, and American Banker, the industry’s only daily newspaper, arrives at your terminal at 6:00 am (EST). Over 40 easy-to-use services give you everything you need to increase profits and improve productivity. Even if You Don’t Have a Computer. . . We can help you buy or lease the right equipment. Any dial-up terminal can be used. Get All the Facts . . . InnerLine is your best source for news, rates, analysis and information. Find out more with no obligation. Call today, toll-free 1/800/323-1321 In Illinois, please call: 1/800/942-7835 InnerLine: The Financial Information Network'' ©1984 InnerLine Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “Several firms told us to redesign our bank, inside and out ” At HBE, we create environments that work. In Lecompte, Louisiana, the bank’s problem was not unusual—they had outgrown their limited space. HBE worked closely with Bank of Lecompte President Wade Jones to plan, design and build a new facility on the bank’s original site. Customer service and continuity were also maintained because HBE remodeled in phases, allowing no loss of security or business days. “ Productivity, m orale and general good feelings am ong our employees all increased." HBE banks are designed to be both comfort able and productive. Our experience has proven that an attractive business area for customers can also be a pleasant and pro ductive working environment for personnel. That’s a dividend that continues to pay for years and years. “As far as value for the dollar, HBE included everything. We got a great price." Wade Jones thought that the plan/design/ build system of construction would be too expensive. HBE showed him it doesn’t have to be. After checking similar projects in Louisiana, Wade Jones agreed. A building can cost as much or as little as any budget can afford. But, unless the final product works best for you, it’s never worth the price. HBE designs banks from the inside out... from the original concept to the last desk. N o other firm works with you so closely on every aspect of your facility. “ W e've enjoyed a strong deposit increase since the construction o f our new HBE bank." Customer deposit growth is not one of our guarantees, but when it happens, like it did in Lecompte, we’re not surprised. Because professionals from every area of planning, design and construction work together on the HBE team, we can solve your bank’s problems better; on time and on budget. You will know exactly what your project will cost before any contract is signed. No cost overruns. No surprises. N o allowances. At HBE, your cost is guaranteed before we build and the quality assured after we leave. For information on how HBE can work for you, contact Sally Eaton at 314/567-9000. HBE Bank Facilities, 11330 Olive Street Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63141. “ HUE was the only one that could do it. Affordably.” ________________________________ Your System for Success HBEi: Bank Facilities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 ceived a master’s degree in business^ administration from the Universit® of Missouri-Kansas City. Mr. Malinee joined United Mis souri Bank in 1982. He is a 1978 graduate of Rockhurst College i ^ vice president in 1981. He is a 1961 Kansas City where he earned his graduate of the University of Notre bachelor degree in business adminis Dame and received an M.B.A. de tration and is currently working on gree in 1964 from the University of his master’s degree. Charles Raplinger has been p rc^ Chicago. moted to vice president in the in First Interstate Bancorp, Los vestment banking division. He joined Angeles: The promotions for three the bank in 1974 after completing officers and appointments of three his bachelor degree in accounting at Benedictine College in A tch isory new ones was announced recently. Promoted were James Hook to se Kan. Mark A. Schmidtlein and Melissa nior vice president of the corporate finance group, Lisa L. Corbett to Smith have been promoted to assis audit manager, and Doug Wallis to tant vice presidents in the commer vice president of corporate develop cial lending division and investm ent division respectively. ment. Other appointments include the New appointments are Sandor E. Samuels as counsel in the office of following: Mary Jane Margheim to interna the general counsel, Larry D. McCurley as vice president of loan tional banking officer; Carol Grahan® review in auditing, and Bonnie S. to assistant operations officer in the Downey as vice president of the tax wire transfer department; Mary H. Browne and Leigh Peters to assis department. tant cashiers in the credit depart First National CharterBank of ment, and Sherry Troemel to assis® Kansas City: Jack L. Sutherland has tant operations officer. been elected to LaSalle National Bank, Chicago: the newly-created William L. Smith, general manager position of se of The Chicago nior executive Hilton, has been vice president. elected to the He joined the bank’s board of bank August 13 d ir e c to r s , a c a fte r h a v in g cording to an anserved as presi n ouncement dent and CEO of made by Homer United Bank of J. SUTHERLAND J. L ivin gston , Illinois, R ock ford, 111. He has assumed adminis- Jr., p resid en t tration of First’s growing commer and chief execu W.L. SMITH cial banking division and initially tive officer of will concentrate on strategic plan LaSalle National Bank Bank Prom otions P ROMOTIONS and other an nouncements have been made by the following banks: Commerce Bank of Kansas City, N.A.: L. Duncan Miller, vice presi dent, has been named manager of the metropolitan department. Prior to joining the bank in 1979 he had been president of Miller-Stauch Con struction Co. and president of Com mercial Surfaces, Inc. David H. Lindsey, vice president, has been named manager of the regional department. He also joined the bank in 1979, prior to which time he was vice president at a Kansas City suburban bank for two years. John S. Archer, a commercial lending officer since 1981, has been elected a vice president and will work with Mr. Miller in the develop ment of new business. He joined the bank in 1974. Continental Bank, Chicago: Hollis W. Rademacher, 49, an executive vice president of the bank since 1981, has been appointed to the n e w ly esta b lished position of chief credit of ficer of the bank and its holding company, Conti nental Illinois Corporation. Mr. Rademacher formerly headed the Chicago and midwest financial services department. He joined the bank in 1957, progressing through various p o s itio n s—second vice president in 1966, vice president in 1969 and senior vice president in 1976 before his most recent promo tion to executive vice president in 1981. He is a 1957 graduate of the University of Minnesota. The bank and the corporation also announced the appointment of Gar ry J. Scheuring, 45, as executive vice president to head the organiza tion’s newly established loan work out group and will be reporting di rectly to the chief credit officer. Mr. Scheuring formerly was senior vice president and head of the special in dustries department. He joined Con tinental in 1964 and became a senior DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J ning and sales development. He has been a banker since joining Com merce Bank of Kansas City in 1971. Later he joined Mercantile Bank of Kansas City, where he became exec utive vice president in 1973. He joined the Rockford bank in 1979. United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, N.A.: Lance B. Blue and John W. Malinee have been promoted to vice presidents in the commercial lending division. Mr. Blue has been associated with the bank since graduating from Southwest Missouri State Universi ty in 1977 where he earned his bach elor degree in marketing. He later re- IBAA Selects Ad Agency The Independent Bankers Associ ation of America has retained t h y Twin Cities advertising agency o r Cohen Okerlund Smith as its agency of record, according to Cate Smith, COS president. Cohen Okerlund Smith was in y vited to make its presentation on the strength of its work for the Indepen dent Bankers Association of Min nesota. The agency specializes in financial, retail and high-technology accounts. To learn what we’ve learned about trust services would take $4,000,000,000 Or one phone call. If you choose the phone call, here’s what you get. A direct line to Mercantile Trust Company’s professional money managers. The same professional money managers who make investment decisions on managed accounts totalling over $4,000,000,000. With that kind of experience, you can look to Mercantile for Trust Investment Research that’s timely, accurate and con sistent. You can rely on the same Securities Settlement Services that are offered by the best in the industry. You can expect state of Trust Investment Services Mercantile Trust Company N.A. P.O. Box 387 St. Louis, MO 63166 the art Financial Planning Software, as well as professional consultation on Money Market Funds, Tax Shelters and Brokerage Services. In fact, you won’t find a more I* comprehensive selection of services with a more experienced staff than the Trust Services group at Mercantile. So why not give them a call today. It’s an easy way to get $4,000,000,000 worth of experience. ER cnrm is BRfK Member FDIC Contact your Mercantile Correspondent Banker,or callTim Engelbrecht or Jim Davis direct at(314)425-2692. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 1 WithFirstTèamwork,yourrelationship withFirstChicagpisrtfjustbanktobank. Itspartnertopartner’< U.S. fín a n d a l Institutions When you are a corre spondent of First Chicago, it means having access to the vast resources of a moneycenter bank. It means working w ith a relationship manager who guides teams of special ists to deliver the products your bank needs. And it means a partnership that supports instead of supplants. You w on’t find a bank in the Midwest that’s organized to deliver its resources more effectively than / i First Chicago. Our Midwest Financial Institutions Team offers a full range of traditional correspondent services plus specialized credit and investment banking capa bilities. Our Community Banking Team delivers the full line of credit and non-credit services along w ith a strategic planning model designed fo r community banks. Whether you’re a re gional bank > holding com pany a regional bank or a com m unity bank, when you’re a correspondent w ith First Chicago, we w on’t just be working w ith you— we’ll be working fo r you. See how First Teamwork can w ork fo r you. Call Jim Suhrat (312) 732-6482. First Chicago ATLANTA- BOSTON - C H IC A G O - C LE V EL A N D - D A L L A SHOUSTON - LOS A N G E L E S - MIAMI - NEW Y O R K SAN FRANCISCO-WASHINGTON. D.C. FIRST CHICAGO The First National Bank of Chicago Thomas M. King Community Banking i ) Philip H. Britt Midwest Financial Institutions HRS!"TEAM W ORK W ORKS © 1 9 8 4 The First National Bank of Chicago. Member FD.I.C. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 A Plain English Guide to Asset/Liability Management A Plain English Guide to Asset /Liability Management Written by Bankers for Bankers ABOUT THE AUTHORS Paul Lindsey is president and CEO of Farmers National Bank of ^Geneseo, III., an agricultural-oriented financial institution. Mr. •L in d se y has over 15 years experience in the banking industry and has been instrumental in helping Farmers National to nearly dou ble in size in only seven years from $60 million in total assets in 1977 to its present size of $115 million. He is also a member of the bank’s Asset/LiabiIity Management Committee (ALCO) and a ^m em ber of the bank’s board of directors. Farmers National has " h a d a formal asset/liability management program in effect since 1978. Bill Goedken is president and CEO of F.N.Bankware, Inc., a fi nancial institution consulting and microcomputer software firm in Omaha, Nebr. Mr. Goedken holds CPA and CMA certifications, _and is an MBA graduate of the University of Iowa. Before joining •F.N.Bankware, Mr. Goedken was a senior consultant with Touche Ross & Co., an international CPA firm. He has over 10 years exper ience in the banking and savings and loan industries, asset/liabili ty management, and financial institution operations. Jim Riha is senior vice president and controller of Packers Na tional Bank of Omaha, Neb. Packers is an urban retail bank in a •h ig h ly competitve metropolitan market and has assets of $120 million. Mr. Riha is a graduate of the Colorado School of Banking and the Stonier Graduate School of Rutgers. As both CFO and chief administrative officer of Packers, Mr. Riha is responsible for all financial operations of the bank, including asset/liability man agement. He is also a member of the bank’s Asset/Liabi Iity Man•agem ent Committee (ALCO). Part II ® Ed. Note: Last month we published Part I o f what will be a five-part series presenting the booklet, “A Plain English Guide to Asset/Liability Management, ” in its entirety. Part I gave an overview o f A/L Management ^and specifically discussed a Definition o f A/L Manage® ment, How A L M Fits into the Management Process, and The ALCO Committee. Part II, presented here, begins the discussion o f four approaches to practicing ALM. Three o f those ap p r o a c h e s are discussed here. The fourth, Gap Manage" ment Approach, is highly important and has several accompanying charts, so will be presented as Part I I I next month by itself. ^ Four Approaches to Asset/Liability Management N OUR previous article, we defined asset/liability management (ALM) and showed how the ALM func t i o n is an integral part of the bank management pro I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cess. W e’ve given a brief overview of the ALCO and some general guidelines on forming the committee. We shall now discuss the various practices of ALM used today. Part of the “ confusion” on ALM stems from the fact that over the past few years four approaches to prac ticing ALM have been developed: 1) Pool-of-Funds Approach 2) Management Science Approach 3) Duration Approach 4) Gap Management Approach Although these approaches are considered separate and distinct, the differences between them is a matter of refinement and sophistication. The pool-of-funds ap proach is the least sophisticated while the duration ap proach is the most sophisticated. Each of these approaches has its advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, at least one approach or some combination of two or more is used by a large number of banks today. Although many articles have been written on these approaches, we shall briefly discuss each of them. Pool-of-Funds Approach The pool-of-funds approach has been used most often in the past. It is very similar to spread manage ment. As illustrated in Figure 2, a bank puts its liabili ties or funds into an overall “ pool.” These funds are then allocated to asset groups depending on need and profitability. To aid in this approach, the bank calculates an overall cost of the “ pool” as shown in Figure 3. Notice the various categories of assets and liabilities, their balances and their weighted-average rates. If you combine all of the balances and rates on the liability and equity side of the balance sheet, you attain a weighted-average cost of funds, also known as the “ hurdle rate.” A banker knows that each interestbearing asset category must yield a rate greater than or equal to the hurdle rate. Accordingly, and to the ex tent possible, the banker invests in any new assets bearing a rate greater than the hurdle rate. The dif ference between the two rates is, of course, the “ spread.” Thus, the objective of the pool-of-funds ap proach is to maximize this spread. The main advantage to the pool-of-funds approach is its simplicity. Calculations may be done by hand or by using a simple computer or calculator routine. The main disadvantage of this approach is that vari ous sources of funds become “ lost” in the overall pool. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Management also has little feedback as the impact of specific policies or decisions on overall bank strategy. Furthermore, this approach does not match maturities or identify the various assets and liabilities according to risk class. This shortcoming may lead to an undesir able liquidity or interest-rate risk position. Management Science Approach This approach is more sophisticated than the pre vious two approaches and incorporates various man agement science techniques into ALM. One such tech nique is called Linear Programming (LP) which op timally allocates various funds to asset groups (see Figure 10). Within the banking environment, there are various accounting, legal, and management restric tions on bank operations. These restrictions, or con straints, are incorporated into a mathematical LP model with the objective of maximizing profits, reve nues, or stockholders equity depending on your bank’s goals. Various funds are optimally allocated to various asset groups given these restrictions and objectives (see Figure 10). For example, one of your restrictions may be to limit the dollar volume of real estate loans. FIGURE 3 POOL OF FUNDS APPROACH SAMPLE BANK U.S.A. FIGURES ARE IN THOUSANDS LIABILITY l EQUITY DESCRIPTION ASSET DESCRIPTION CASH t DUE FROM BANK AMOUNT: rate: AGENCY ISSUES MUNICIPAL’S FED FUNDS SOLD SUBTOTAL INVESTMENTS amount: RATE: AMOUNT: RATE: amount: RATE: AMOUNT: RATE: amount: RATE: 18,524 9.511 amount: amount: RATE: SAVINGS amount: rate: HONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS AMOUNT: rate: — — SUBT0T. DDA’S AND SAV. a m o u n t : RATE: HONEY MARKET CD’S 8,250 0.001 7,340 5.251 5,635 5.501 3,785 9.551 25,010 4.23Z AMOUNT: 5,450 10.001 rate: AMOUNT: 5,435 rate: 10.251 amount: 4,27B RATE: 12.45K amount: 2,895 11.001 RATE: AMOUNT: 1,378 8.901 rate: — — AMOUNT: 19,436 10.681 RATE: AMOUNT: rate: AMOUNT: rate: amount: RATE: 7,533 14.251 2,513 13.801 5,241 14.351 7,232 14.501 2,560 12.251 2,340 13.331 (300) 0.001 AMOUNT: RATE: 27,119 14.181 FIXED ASSETS AMOUNT: OTHER ASSETS rate: amount: 1,350 0.001 1,325 0.001 0 AMOUNT: 9.55Ï1 rate: 2,450 amount: OTHER LIABILITIES 0.001 rate: — — — 2,450 SUBTOTAL OTHER LIAB. a m o u n t : 0.001 RATE: SUBTOTAL OTHER ASSETS a m o u n t : rate: 2,675 0.001 CAP. STOCK t RET. EARN. AMOUNT: rate: 3,840 0.001 amount: 50,736 11.051 TOTAL LIAB. 1 EQUITY AMOUNT: RATE: 50,736 6.171 rate: COMM. LOANS-FIXED amount: RATE: AGRI LOANS FIGURE 2 amount: amount: rate: REAL ESTATE LOANS OTHER LOANS Sources o f Funds: 5,716 10.751 4,932 11.122 5,131 6.571 2,745 9.551 AMOUNT: rate: 6 MONTH CD’S COMM. LOANS-VARIABLE RATE: Allocations of Funds: DDA’S NON ACCOUNTS U.S. GOVERNMENT’S INSTALLMENT LOANS P ool o f F u n d s A pp roach 2,418 0.001 ALLOW FOR LOAN LOSS SUBTOTAL LOANS rate: TOTAL ASSETS rate: 30 MONTH CD’S CD’S > $100,000 OTHER CD’S — SUBTOTAL CD’S — TOTAL DEPOSITS AMOUNT: RATE: 44,446 7.05Ï FED FUNDS PURCHASED WEIGHTED AVG. RETURN ON ASSETS 11.051 WEIGHTED AVG. COST ON FUNDS (HURDLE RATE) ¿.171 DIFFERENCE (SPREAD) Linear Programming has been used in banking ap plications since the early 1960’s. But because of the ex tensive and complex mathematical calculations, its use has been limited. However, with the aid of microcom puters, LP calculations take much less time and are more feasible to use in many applications. The main advantage of LP in ALM is its goal-seek ing capability. You can formulate the model to “ seek maximum earnings” or “ seek maximum growth” or to seek some compatible level of both earnings and growth. There are disadvantages of using LP in ALM models. First, very few bankers understand the math ematics of LP or have the time to learn it. Second, many ALM models that use LP require complex user formulations. They require the banker to understand LP before the model can be used effectively. Third, LP tends to maximize your goals at the sacrifice of other considerations. For example, profit maximization in DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4.881 the short run may be detrimental to your gap position in the long run. Nevertheless, with the aid of micro computers and good programming and design of the model, LP can be a very useful tool in ALM. Duration Approach Duration is a relatively new concept that, in theory, is probably the most accurate approach. It is similar to the gap management approach in that it m easure^ gaps, but it also takes into account present value (or time value of money) analysis. Duration discounts of cash flows maturing and/or repricing over time based on the theory that a dollar re ceived today is worth more than a dollar received six^ months or a year from now. Thus, the gap positions may change depending on the various discount rates used for the asset and liability portfolios. ASSET/LIABILITY MANAGEMENT . . . (Turn to page 29, please) We make house calls. The gnomes o f Freddie Mac are not only well-versed but also well-traveled. ■ Indeed, we are always eager to meet f with our customers. And each o f our regional offices is tailored to suit local needs. ■ Whether you want to sell your mortgages for cash or swap them for PCs, w e’re ready to structure the deal that’ s right for you. Just say when— our bags are packed. THE G N O M E S KNOW sm Freddie M ac __________ Federal __________ Home Loan __________ Mortgage Corporation This is not an o ffer to sell o r a solicitation o f an o ffer to buy PCs. PCs are sold only by means o f an offering circular. PCs are not guaranteed by the United States or by any F ederal H om e Loan Bank and do not constitute debts or obligations o f the United States or any Federal H om e Loan Bank. Freddie M ac ■ Marketing Communications ■ 1776 G Street, N.W . ■ P.O. B o x 37248 m Washington, D.C. 20013-7248 © 1984, FH LM C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 After the umbrella’s g o n e ... Shine? 6 O HEN Randall A. Killebrew be comes chairman of A B A ’s Community Bankers Council at the conclusion of the A B A convention in New York October 24, he will as sume important responsibilities as a leading spokesman for the majority of the nation’s banks. The 49-year old president of the First National Bank in Petersburg, 111. (assets $42 million) is no newcomer to working on behalf of fellow bankers. He has been on the Community Bankers Council for three years, serving the past year as vice chair man. He has been a speaker on a number of A B A programs and Assemblies, frequently on the topics of loan pricing and asset/liability management. In his home state of Illinois, he served as president of two of the federations under the former Illinois Bankers Association and also as president of Group 5. Mr. Killebrew was graduated from Illinois College, a small liberal arts school in Jacksonville, 111. After four years of duty as a Naval officer his first work assignment at home was two years with International Harvester Credit Corp. He began his banking career in 1962 in Winches ter, 111., then moved in 1968 to the Farmers State Bank of Fulton Coun ty in Lewistown. He assumed his present duties as president of The First National Bank of Petersburg in 1974. W Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Along the way, Mr. Killebrew completed the Illinois Bankers School at Carbondale in 1966, Ston ier Graduate School of Banking in 1969, the A B A National Commer cial Lending School at the Univer sity of Oklahoma at Norman, and has served on the faculty of the A B A Advanced Agricultural Credit School at Iowa State University in Ames. Mr. Killebrew agreed to the fol lowing exclusive interview for N orthwestern B anker readers: A N orthwestern B anker interview with RANDALL A. KILLEBREW President and CEO Petersburg, 111. h What is the primary Q ■ challenge facing com munity bankers today, and why? ® to prosper in ■ the deregulated market place. For over fifty years most of us have been accustomed to operating^ under the protective umbrella of regulations set down by the federal government. As this umbrella be gins to be taken away from us, we have to learn to compete in an openQ marketplace with many new com petitors. Part of this problem and part of this challenge is searching out new sources of income. This involves d e © veloping and learning to sell new products and services. Unfortunately, we do not have all of the relief that is necessary so that we can truly be players in the dere© gulated marketplace. We still have government constraints which pro hibit us from free entry into the real estate and insurance markets, along with some areas of selling securities.© We need to continue to strive to get relief from this restrictive legisla tion, so that the community banker can truly be the primary delivery source of financial products within© his or her community. A h Learning H ow are the ABA and ■ the Community Bankers Council helping bankers to meet^ these challenges? Q h Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 17 . A ■ In several ways. r \ n First, through our activi ties in the federal legislative arena. Discussion on legislative issues starts with our Advisory Board, ^which is made up of 183 members representing every state in the union. It goes from there to our 18 member council, two members of which are permanent members of ^the Government Relations Council of the ABA. Through the communications pro cess which has been established from the Advisory Board to the •Community Bankers Council to the Governm ent Relations Council, community bankers have direct in put in helping arrive at the federal legislative position which is estab l i s h e d by the American Bankers A s sociation. Also, last May, four other Com munity Bankers Council members and I made a special trip to Wash in g t o n , D.C. to meet with U.S. Trea sury Secretary Donald Regan, lead ing House and Senate banking com mittee members and Federal Re sserve Board staff members. We ex p la in e d why it is urgent that com munity banks gain the authority to offer new products and services. The second area of major empha s i s is that of education. Through the A B A National Assembly for Com munity Banking and the Communi ty Banker Executive Development Program, the Community Bankers ^Council provides a place where the CEOs of community banks can go and get first hand knowledge on a variety of subjects which are de signed to make them better man a g e r s of their financial institutions. For those who are not able to leave the bank to attend meetings such as the National Assembly or the Executive Development Pro g r a m , there are two excellent pro grams designed to provide the infor mation needed within the bank. A B A ’s Competitech is a monthly S u bscription series which focuses on timely topics comprehensively, yet concisely. Each Competitech pro vides the reader with a tremendous amount of practical information on a ^vital banking subject such as finan cial counseling or low cost market research. Another in-house training m echanism which is available through the Community Bankers ^pouncil is A B A ’s Banctraining video systems — a series of video Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis opment Program, held three times a year around the country. Competi tech and Banctraining offer a com prehensive way for the community bank CEO to keep abreast of what’s going on within our industry and to help retrain himself and his staff to meet the challenges of the deregu lated marketplace. a There have been nume■ rous predictions of fu ture decreases in the number of com munity bankers. Do you agree with these? Q Mr. Killebrew gives his views on community bankers offering financial planning ser vices, at a 1984 summer meeting of the ABA Community Bankers Advisory Board. b Not at all. The future of ■ community banking is bright for those who wish to com tapes designed as a staff training pete. It will be challenging. New tool to be used within the bank. technology and better trained em The Community Bankers Council ployees will be a must, for example. spends a great deal of time and re But it will be rewarding for those sources each year conducting a bankers who are willing to change. needs assessment process which in A banker will only become a casual volves surveys, questionnaires on ty if he refuses to change with the specific subjects, and evaluations of times, and then it will be his deci various programs. In this way the sion. Community Bankers Council is able to keep abreast of the needs of the community bankers of this country a What is the major prob and help design programs which will le m facing community meet those needs. Of particular con bank customers? cern to bankers during our most re cent survey were asset/liability man b The customers of comagement, bank officer productivity ■ munity banks located and strategic planning. Appropriate around this country are faced with programs will be developed by bank many problems but it seems to me ers for bankers. that one underlying problem has more significance than any other and that is exceptionally high inter b H ow is AB A’s Commu■ nity Bankers Council est rates. For the farmer and the helping community bankers in small businessman of this country crease their productivity and profi to prosper we must return to an en vironment where they can be profit tability? able. Unfortunately, high interest rates have taken away much of the b The cornerstone of the opportunity for profits for most ■ programs offered by the farmers and small businessmen. Community Bankers Council is the annual National Assembly by Com b H ow is the banking community Banking, which will be held ■ munity responding? in Orlando, Florida, February 10-13, 1985. Each year it receives rave re views from the attendees and the b The American Bankers numbers keep growing. Bankers re ■ Association, along with turn home with ideas that save them many other trade organizations is time and money that more than off actively involved at this time in at set the cost of the trip. We are well tempting to get the U.S. Congress to under way towards planning the pass the balanced budget amend program for ‘85 and feel that once ment. The A B A is also part of the again it will be the premier meeting Bipartisan Budget Coalition, which of the year. Other activities include the al RAIN OR SHINE? . . . ready mentioned Executive Devel (Turn to page 48, please) A Q A Q A Q A Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 18 SERVING IOWA BANKERS FROH CAPITOL HILL TO CAPITAL SQUARE. WELCOME HOME, BOB! to put his ABA experience to work for all of us. In representing Iowa bankers, Bob Brenton has exemplified the philosophy shared by many in the banking industry across the state: that of helping individ ual Iowans become financially successful, and improving the quality of life in the communities our banks serve. From Capitol Hill to Capital Square, Bob Brenton has gone a long way to serve the inter ests of Iowa bankers and Iowa bank customers. Welcome back, [Oiiiuuvrj^ William H. Brenton Chairman o f the Board S lvL ^ ri J.C. Brenton Executive Vice President and Treasurer WÊm ■ Throughout his term this past year as president of the Ameri can Bankers Association, Bob Brenton proved himself as capa ble of serving the interests of the nation’s bankers as he is of serving those of Iowa’s bankers and his own bank customers. Today, Brenton employees and customers in 16 Iowa com munities are welcoming Bob back to Iowa where he’s ready Y Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BRENTON BANKS \___ > C.R. BRENTON J.G. CAIRNS, JR. H.R. MITIGUY W.H. KENNEDY, JR. W.W. ALEXANDER President Pres.-Elect Treasurer Cncl. Chmn. Exec. V.P. •New York Hosts ABA, Oct. 2 0 -2 4 HE FUTURE of America’s banks and the environ ment in which they will have to operate will be the ^focus of the 1984 A B A Convention, October 20-24 in New York City. T Outlook for Banking An in-depth analysis of the outlook for banking will ^be provided by a panel of prominent bank chairmen and presidents from various-sized banks. The CEOs are: Samuel H. Armacost, president and chief execu tive officer, Bank America Corporation and Bank of America, NT + SA, San Francisco; John F. McGil^licuddy, chairman of the board and chief executive of ficer, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, N.A., New York City; John G. Medlin, Jr., president and chief executive officer, Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, Winston-Salem, NC; and John K. Moore, ^chairman of the board and chief executive officer, Beach Bank of Vero Beach, FL, and chairman of A B A ’s Community Bankers Council. Moderating the session will be former U.S. Comptroller of the Curren cy John G. Heimann, who is now deputy chairman of ^the New York investment banking firm, Becker Pari bas, Inc. Deficits, Taxes, Politics The critical impact that federal deficits have on ^banking and the U.S. economy and the difficulties in reducing deficits will be addressed by a panel moder ated by ABC News Anchorman Ted Koppel. Partici pants will include J.P. Bolduc, chief operating officer of the President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Con t r o l , Inc., also called the Grace Commission, and senior vice president of W.R. Grace & Company. In addition, various proposals for major changes in U.S. tax policy will be discussed during a forum on tax reform. Included will be U.S. Senator William V. Roth, Jr. (R-DE), a member of the Senate Finance and Taxa tion Committees, and Washington, DC tax consultant Charles E. Walker. Election-year politics will be debated by Republican National Committee Chairman Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. and Democratic National Committee Chairman Charles T. Manatt. NBC News Anchorman Tom Brokaw will moderate. Banking Regulation Perspectives on banking regulation will be presented during major addresses by FDIC Chairman William M. Isaac and Comptroller of the Currency C. Todd Conover. Also, during “ Meet the Regulators’’ sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to dis cuss issues and problems with senior officials of the Federal Reserve Board, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Ag Forum, Government Relations The search for solutions to the financial difficulties of the nation’s farmers will be the focus of an agricul ture forum. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block will participate. At an open meeting of the A B A Government Rela tions Council, bankers will learn about the prospects for further strengthening banks’ ability to compete in ABA CONVENTION PROGRAM . . . (Turn to page 59, please) J.R. BLOCK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W.M. ISAAC Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 20 “ What should be in the ‘ 8 5 farm bill?” Part II HIS is the second and concluding part of The An nual Agricultural and Livestock Survey presented by the N orthwestern B anker . Participants in this year’s survey are bankers who have been involved at the national level with ag-decision making through their associations or as part of government advisory bodies, respected ag college professors, and bankers who are ag leaders in their respective areas—some as correspondent bank ag lenders, some as leaders in their state banker association ag committees. As noted in Part I last month, the one question asked of each participant was, “ If you could help write the provisions of the 1985 Farm Bill, what one, two or three key provisions would you include?’ ’ Following are the balance of the replies received to this year’s survey: T THOMAS E. HENNING President Overland National Bank Grand Island, Nebr. MERICAN agriculture has become a troubling economic paradox. Last year the U.S. government spent a record $51 billion in direct and indirect subsi dies to the farming sector, an average of $22,174 for each of the nation’s 2.3 million farms. Even with this type of expenditure, many farmers are still in perilous financial straits. One approach to solving the farm crisis would be to make the system more marketing-oriented. Another A DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis approach is look at agriculture as a “ public utility.’fc This approach would bring even greater government involvement in production agriculture. Personally, I favor a more marketing-oriented farm program. I feel the best long term answer to the farm crisis is no government farm program at all, but to l e # supply and demand dictate prices. A key element in this program would be to increase demand, which is ex tremely difficult given our heavy dependence on export markets. These markets are so intertwined with politi cal, social and major financial markets, making i # idealistic to think that indeed a pure supply and de mand system could be practically implemented. Unfortunately, with those thoughts in mind I feel the federal government has no choice but to implement some sort of supply-oriented program. Hopefully!® something short of a “ public utility approach.” Im mediate help to the agriculture sector is paramount in the eyes of financial institutions and I think society as a whole. In light of this, I think the key elements of the 1985 farm program should be as follows: ® 1. Require a set-aside program that would cause a greater amount of production to be idle. Personally, I favor a sytem that restricts the number of bushels pro duced in deference to acres set-aside. 2. Focus on increasing export financing subsidies. ® 3. Set loan and deficiency levels that will be high enough to induce greater participation. Perhaps the new farm program may need to delete the provision that limits the size of program payments to large pro ducers. A limit on payments encourages larger pro-® ducers not to participate in set-aside programs. A man datory participation program also may be needed, given our huge supply levels. Stakes in the 1985 farm debate are extremely highm That stake is not only the prosperity of farmers anc^ ranchers, but also the economic viability of related businesses and the 22 million jobs created by those in dustries. The fundamental question we as a nation need address is, “ What is the purpose of our farm pro-^ grams?” Is the purpose of our farm program, to con ® 21 See you in New York C ity ! All 10 of us will participate in the ABA convention in New York City, October 20-24. We’re looking forward to meeting old friends and making new ones. We want to affirm our commitment to finding out about your bank’s needs and concerns. Our top management will be participating in all the convention activities and look forward to visiting with you. See you there! Crosby Kemper Dick King Mick Aslin Byron Thompson Lyle Wells Chairman of the Board, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. President, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. President, United Missouri Bancshares, Inc. Vice Chairman of the Board, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. Vice Chairman of the Board, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. Pete Genovese Wally Beck Dick Brooks Peter Gabrovsky Vice Chairman of the Board, United Missouri Bancshares, Inc. Phil Straight Executive Vice President, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. Executive Vice President, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. Executive Vice President, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. Executive Vice President, United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, n.a. In UNITED MISSOURI BANKS Members FDIC United we grow.Together. Kansas City 10th and Grand o P.O. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (816) 556-7000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis St. Louis 312 North 8th Street o P.O. Box 1126 St. Louis, Missouri 63188 (314) 621-1000 Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 22 trol price levels?, or to attempt to keep in business those producers who cannot compete at market com modity price levels? In the short term, there is probab ly no choice but to let the farm program try to accom plish both. R Y Jrk ’ # mm, ^ ' NEAL CONOVER Senior Vice President Hayesville Savings Bank Hayesville, la. into agricultural production, confident of an economi cally sound future. • It might consider subsidizing the export of certain commodities when favorable. • It might consider research on the utilization of some present farm commodities and research on pro-, ducing more of others. The ultimate intention of the board should be to combine these targeted programs to produce a more uniform, stable and consistent long-term agricultural policy. If future programs are to be effective they must^ be consistent, because farmers are among the best ap plied economists; that is, when given the rules they can figure out the game. In addition, the new program must have the ability to address the individual needs of particular segments of agriculture, rather than< today’s “ broad brush” approach. P ERHAPS the potent Chinese curse applies: “ May you live in interesting times.” Whether contri buting to our interesting times or not, the old farm pro grams are recognized as having outlived their useful ness. Those former programs were intended to stabilize farm prices and enhance farm income, but in many cases have done neither. Now it can be seen that while agriculture has changed, the farm programs have not. So, as we turn to constructing a new farm policy for the future there are many possible alternatives to re place today’s system in which each year an intense job of lobbying with a single bureau chief produces ex tremely wide program swings. Included in the alter natives are farm revenue insurance, outright produc tion controls, targeted programs for low resource farm ers, a free market policy and a market-oriented price support policy. My preference, however, is for a long term, consistent, goal-oriented policy; yet, where flexi ble supports and programs would address particular needs. I submit that a Board of Governors, similar to that at the head of the Federal Reserve Bank, could more easily determine overall needs and the most appro priate governmental response, and still consider targeting programs, to address the need of individual commodity producers and regional or economic seg ments of agriculture. In the broad view, overall supply and demand would be considered. Interests of livestock producers as well as grain farmers could be consistently addressed. Ex ports could be cleared. But in particular situations, with local cooperation, the needs of individual regions could be addressed in the areas of farm credit, rural development, education and training, transportation, soil erosion and commodity production control or stimulation. The Board of Governors might consider many changes. For example: • Tax laws such as those that now encourage the feeding of cattle for tax loss in competition with profitoriented farmers should be changed. • It might consider changing Federal Crop In surance which so inconsistently addresses the needs of livestock farmers compared to crop farmers. • It might consider that today the USD A is both subsidizing the building of terraces and at the same time penalizing people who tear up grass land. • It might consider targeting a program for begin ning farmers to insure that a new generation can move Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WALTER W. MINGER Retired Sr. Vice Pres. Bank of America Consultant to MASI Burlingame, Calif. I SUSPECT that the new bill will be far less tradi tional than previous bills have been and that commo-( dity and farm income concerns may represent only a modest part of the whole bill. Lawmakers are going to have a particularly hard time putting a bill together that can be voted upon. There are so many concerns, diverse in nature, strong-^ ly articulated, and mixed in with emotion-charged con cerns, opinions (some well founded; others based on shakey premises), biases, vested interests, etc. that will have to be taken into account. However, I believe that supply pressures, mainly a result of the great pro-* duction capacity of the American farmer, the high value of the dollar which reduces our export volume, our dependence on off-shore sales for maintaining the viability of our agribusinesses, the decline in the condi tion of the private and public infrastructure that per-* mits the U.S. food system to operate in such an envi able way, the loss of soil and the drop in water tables and water quality, the poor outlook for the rebuilding of the liquidity of LDCs which represent the main hope for growth in our exports, are among the concerns we all will need to address to ensure a Farm Bill that will promote the long term health of U.S. agriculture. Of course, there are farm families, and some agribus inesses, that are experiencing inadequate income, levels, and some are attempting to carry too mucn medium and long term debt for which cash flows are inadequate. There have been pleas for moratoriums on farm debts and/or reductions in interest rate levels. Yet, a large percentage of the commercial farmers are^ not in financial trouble, and a recent study I read in one of the farm publications stated that it was not high interest rates that were responsible for the farmer’s fi nancial troubles, it was simply Mismanagement! Keeping in mind the failure of the government’s di-^ saster programs, similar recent experience with priceNorthwestern Banker, October, 1984 Now... you can buy your bank supplies from the company that makes your bank bags. From A. Rifkin Co. Having a single source of supply for al| of your banking products makes buying a lot more efficient. Especially when that source is recognized throughout the industry for its high-quality, innovative products and everyday dependability. Now everything from bill straps to security pens. Cash drawers to lead seals. Mobile teller stations to vault trucks. Hundreds of everyday banking supplies are all available from the company with the bank bags that are number one across the country. Rifkin Safety Sacs with Super Arcolock-7® for night deposits. Long Zipper coin bags, Courier Sacs and many more New comprehensive catalog and convenient 800 number. Our new 56-page color catalog of supplies is being mailed to your bank. Use it to order whatever you need. Contact your local Rifkin representative or call our toll-free num ber. If you’d like an extra copy of our supplies catalog or one of our bank bag catalogs, write A. Rifkin Co., 1400 Sans Souci Parkway, P.O. Sox 878, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703. Or call 800-458-7300. (In Pennsylvania, 800-358-7300.) J\.K IF K IN Co. Established 1 1892 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 “ Over the last several years, studies have been underway to* determine the feasibility of a farm income insurance program .” and income-support programs, the inventory carryover costs, the inability of the programs to really provide help for the class(es) of farmers for whom the benefits of the programs were initially designed to go, and the increased number of acres in crops, acres that are “ sen sitive” to erosion or are located in areas that are prone to suffer from lack of moisture, or are frequently hit by unseasonal freezing weather, sand or windstorms, in sect infestations, I would have the following sugges tions: The ASCS offices around the country now have good histories of farmlands and the annual crop by crop yields each farm enjoyed or suffered. The high risk farming areas should be delineated; these would be the farms having a history of highly volatile incomes due to the effect on yields of natural disasters, and the farms that required a disproportionate percentage of payments made under the various disaster and emer gency relief programs. Make these farms ineligible for price support or in come support programs, ineligible for disaster pay ment programs, and , if participants in the premiumsubsidized all-risk crop insurance program, make cer tain the premiums reflect the actual risk of providing the coverage. In other words, with all the consistently productive farmland that is fully capable of keeping the supply pipelines full, why saddle the taxpayers with these expensive programs to support highly mar ginal production? Also, the high costs of the federal farm programs are poor public relations for the agricul tural industry. These marginal lands should be back growing grass and/or forest. Economic pressures may not be adequate to cause the shift. Tax concessions may have to be made until such time as the new ground cover is established. W e’ve had deregulation in the banking, railroad, trucking and airline industries. The U.S. meat business is a mixture of the highly regulated and the relatively unregulated. Examples of these are the red meat and the poultry businesses, respectively. The gains the poultry people have made in market share is well known. The leaders in this industry are highly integrated from growing of breeding stock through processing and distribution. A lot of money is committed to research and development each year. Forecasters predict a continuing increase in the per capita consumption of poultry with a decline or, at best, a stabilizing at present levels of red meat con sumption. By contrast, the various factors that make up the red meat business—breeder, cow/calf/stocker, feeder, packer, jobber, distributor—are in competition with one another. That fierce competition does not seem to result in the same gains in animal productivity, in de velopment of new products, in changes in operations, and cost/price efficiencies that have been seen in the poultry business. Only a cooperative organization can integrate in the red meat business to the same extent as the poultry people have combined various opera tions under one ownership. Banker, October, 1984 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Is now the time to think about deregulating the red^ meat industry? Competition from marketers of other meats which have been produced either domestically or in the EEC, Australia, Latin America, New Zealand, Canada, with some producers enjoying the protection of quotas, subsidies, and export support/promotion^ programs would almost mandate that the red meat in dustry be unshackled from some of its traditional con straints. Over the last several years, studies have been under way to determine the feasibiliity of a farm income in surance program. It may be a concept that farmers who are becoming much more attuned to total resource management would endorse in as much as the forecast is for years of price volatility and more frequent “ un-. seasonal” weather. If income protection insurance is* considered, premium subsidies should be minimized, and the insured’s premiums should reflect the consis tency, or lack of it, of individual farm income as income is affected by prices and yields. Farming operations in-^ volved with highly variable income-producing crops or 1 those farming marginal land, should pay high premium rates; the low rates should be assessed on the consis tently high income lands. Of course, the extent of cov erage will also govern the premium cost of the policy.^ There are a lot of important issues that will need to be considered in the 1985 Farm Bill. The foregoing are just a few thoughts that may be too controversial or too discriminating to think about in this decade. One other thought is to extend to the private sector addi-j tional means to finance physical storage & handling fa cilities and the attendant soft-ware warehousing pro grams to permit more LDCs to take sizeable quantities of U.S. commodities and minimize the losses from spoilage and gain the advantages of large quantity 4 bulk purchases. ROGER D. MONSON Executive Vice President The Citizens State Bank of Finley, N.D. • HE Federal Farm Program is a very complex issue^ and is certainly affected by a whole host of factors, both national and international. An effective Farm Bill must address more factors than just ensuring that our U.S. farmers meet their costs of production through a mixture of higher grainy loans, target price levels and diversion programs. Congress must deal more efffectively with U.S. trade deficits, the strength of the dollar and our grain export program. However, until such time when the U.S. can aggressively compete in the world grain trade^ and the American farmer can realize maximum effi- T Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 25 ^ cien cy from his farm operation and produce with a free market environment, it appears that the stop-gap mea sures of the past will have to continue. Therefore, the 1985 Farm Bill should contain target price provision at least at present levels, along with ex i s t i n g loan rates. The bill must contain provisions for expanding and aggressively promoting the U.S. export _________________ program. is needed for the long term. A high loan price really en courages the government being the marketplace rather than the producer seeking out the true marketplace. The loan rate should provide a floor price low enough to discourage other exporting countries from undercut ting U.S. grain in the world markets. High support prices usually necessitate cutting back production to maintain artificially high local prices. We cut back but our competitors do not. The U.S. share of world agri culture trade has fallen from 49% in 1980 to 38%. I question the large reserve and why the U.S.D.A. and the American farmer should be the residual supplier for other countries of the world. However, I think a small reserve may be necessary to make a program WARREN C. NELSON work satisfactorily by forming a cushion between good Vice President and bad production years. Income deficiencies could be Commercial National Bank made up with target prices and deficiency payments. Peoria, 111. These support prices would have to be lowered gradu ally so as to not place too much financial stress on the American farmer. I l l ELPING to write the provisions of the 1985 Farm 2. Use total tillable acres for each farm and not crop 1 Bill is a mighty big task. U.S. Agriculture has had history to determine crop acreage allotments, if needed. several bills in past years which have all had some With past programs the livestock farmer has found it shortcomings mainly because of changes in world eco very difficult to be in compliance because of a large nomic conditions and environmental conditions, both grass and legume base. Many of the livestock farmers •being nearly impossible to predict and work with. are severely stressed financially and could possibly The 1985 Farm Bill is being discussed under adverse have been helped with a more compatible program. economic conditions. Many farmers are facing very se 3. Use soil classification and productivity rating to vere financial times - some have already sold out their determine production level for each farm. This pre farming operation and many more will be facing the de sents people from falsifying production records and it c i s i o n . High interest rates have become a major farm also gives the livestock farmer a chance to be on an ing expense which has greatly added to the farmers’ equal basis with the grain farmer. It is very difficult dilemma. The Federal deficit and high interest rates for the livestock man to prove his yields when all grain have as much impact on agriculture’s future as any is fed. farm bill. The government borrows to finance the 4. Keep the voluntary, nonpaid set-aside. Adjust the •deficit and that drives up the interest rate and it hurts acreage to be taken out of production from year-to-year the farmer from the production cost side as well as to keep from building up a burdensome surplus. from the demand side. 5. There should not be an advance deficiency pay The strong U.S. dollar, world recession, increases in ment. This adds considerably to the government’s cost subsidized export from foreign countries have caused of administration and the payment may have to be re •farm exports to drop, and a strong export of American funded should the market act differently than ex agricultural products is greatly needed. Along with pected or projected. This may create a false increase in this, demand for food domestically remains relatively the net farm income one year and then depress it the level and per capita demand for red meat has dropped. following year. ^Crop production prospects at this time look good, 6. Set-aside acres should be established and cared for Cvhich should result in more than an adequate supply according to the rules set down by the Agricultural of grain and dampen hopes of increased prices. Act or Program. All acres should be seeded to a soil Income distribution further complicates the agricul building crop and weeds properly controlled to prohibit tural situation because all farmers are not affected the seed formation. ^same by a problem, nor do they all benefit equally from 7. Recommended soil conservation measures should a solution. A small percentage (4.6%) of our farmers be followed on each farm in order to qualify for price with cash receipts of $ 200,000 or more produce nearly and income support. These practices should be estab one-half of the total U.S. output while more than (71%) lished by the County Soil Conservationist along with of the farmers with cash receipts of $40,000 or less pro the ASCS, and based upon soil type and permissible d u c e about 12 Vz% of the products sold. Many of the soil loss. smaller farmers will receive only marginal benefit from Although the United States has been the significant price support and target price programs, with the food supplier of the world since the 1970’s, most Amer larger farmer receiving more benefit. icans today know almost nothing about agriculture. However, any attempt to limit the benefit to the This is due to social changes that have taken place ^larger farmer could reduce their program participation, since the days when we were an agricultural nation. To resulting in a failure of the progam to accomplish its day, only 3% of our people live on farms and 90% have goals. The following suggestions may be considered. been non-farm for 30 years. Agriculture has been un 1. Lower price support loans and target prices. wisely used as a political weapon in world economic Higher prices temporarily boost farm income. How struggles. Our food supply and future well-being will e v e r , high support prices could result in further losses continue to be at risk unless steps are taken to ensure of export markets, and strong export business is what careful planning and honest practice in agriculture. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 26 Obviously, all of these objectives will be nearly im-^ possible to meet, even with a program targeted at two tiers of production agriculture. ALAN R. TUBBS President First Central State Bank DeWitt, la. P OLICY to address today’s agriculture must be di vided into short-run and long-run considerations. Short-run policies should deal with the current debt problems until the overall agricultural economy finds a new balance between profitability and the industry’s debt structure. Policy to address the immediate debt and cash flow problems cannot wait for the 1985 Farm Bill to restore profitability, but must be addressed soon to dampen further rapid deflation in asset values. Such short-term policy should include provisions for debt restructuring and extension, further guaranteed credit authority, along with a non-political review pro cess to insure that deserving operations receive the benefits of whatever programs become available and do not act to keep poorly managed, inefficient opera tions from failing. Options for Future Farm Policy Long-run agricultural policy will be the subject of the 1985 Farm Bill and should deal not only with in dustry profitability, but must consider how to wean agriculture from expensive income and credit support programs. To be debated will be whether future farm policy will have a social orientation or a market orien tation. A social orientation would imply maintaining the current structure in agriculture by slowing or prevent ing future farm attrition and consolidation. Such a policy would entail substantial and expensive subsidy programs. A market orientation implies allowing the market to establish commodity prices and farm profitability, pro bably leading to continued consolidation and attribu tion of medium-sized farms. A possibility which may receive attention is a twotiered government policy which would provide govern ment benefits to small and medium-sized operations while allowing the marketplace to determine profit ability of larger farms. Such a two-tiered approach may appear attractive to politicians who will attempt to create agricultural poli cy which appears to meet the following criteria: 1 ) create profitable conditions for all farmers and, there by, maintain the viability of the “ family farm,” 2) re cognize the reality of supply and demand, 3) encourage exports, 4) provide a good supply of food at reasonable prices and 5) be at least cost or at least affordable by the government. * Mr. Tubbs is a member of Secretary o f Agriculture John Block's banker advisory committee. In that capacity, he was invited to meet with President Reagan and Secretary Block in the White House on September 18 when President Reagan announced his short-term pro gram to assist debt-troubled farmers. Much o f that program is what Mr. Tubbs and several other bankers had discussed earlier with Sec retary Block. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Where Should Budget Be Spent? The question for debate is: “ Where should the avail-able budget be spent?” Budget allocations, in my opi nion, should be concentrated on supply control and market development, with increased emphasis shifting toward market development. Supply control programs tied to target prices were supported at world market-— clearing price levels. Support at higher levels only^ creates overproduction and encourages foreign compe tition. While in the near future supply control programs should be maintained, set-asides should be related tew total crop acre base and not be based on a history oi row crop production. In this way, livestock farmers and those who participated in soil-conserving methods such as crop rotation and forage production are not penalized. ^ Innovative thinking should be applied to two key problems of agriculture — overproduction and conser vation. These problems have been aggravated by marginal lands being brought into production. Is there a way to begin to reverse the process by retiring© marginal land back to soil-conserving uses? In this vein, I believe new approaches to forage production in centives should be explored, while keeping in mind the impact it might have on the livestock industry. Two such programs have been suggested and should receive© further attention. Further, whatever set-aside provi sions or support programs would be included in the new program, cross-compliance with accepted conser vation practices should be mandated. There should be a renewed emphasis and commit © ment in the new program on market development for our agricultural commodities, both in terms of develop ing new uses for the primary commodities and in developing new overseas markets. Emphasis on export expansion should consider an expanded PL-480 Food® for Peace Program and more extensive use of blended credit programs to promote sales. In the way of safety nets, the government should not have to be in the business of providing band-aid type safety nets for every agricultural emergency or di-® saster. Rather, it should provide an attractive and af fordable insurance program so that producers can in sure against these events. Lenders must, in turn, pro mote the use of these insurance programs. Opportunity Looms for Young Farmers The current debt crisis presents special problems for a number of producers and what is a problem for one may present an opportunity for another. That is, we may be reaching a point where entry into agriculture is© more financially possible now than at any time in re cent memory. Therefore, expansion of the farm owner ship programs through FmHA for young and beginn ing farmers should be carried out in order to supprt asset values, particularly land. A t this time, considera-© tion should also be given to relaxing the standards for those who qualify for such loans, so that farmers who may be “ a cut above” the normal FmHA borrower might qualify for these ownership funds. Whatever program is established, it should be long-© range in nature, designed to take the agricultural in- 27 2. Remove production control programs and spend the money on export market development. As soon as we announce “ PIK type” programs, our competition plants more acres and we lose more of our export mar ket share. 3. Recognize that improved marketing is one of the largest needs of agriculture on both the domestic and international level, by channeling government efforts toward improving the farmers knowledge of alterna tive marketing opportunities. An overwhelming problem which must be addressed is the upward pressure on interest rates caused by massive government spending. If no other method can be implemented, across-the-board spending cuts must be mandated to reduce the growth of our federal deficit in order to get interest rates down. Only reduced gov ernment spending will reduce rates over the long run. All other methods will merely postpone our economic problems and further disrupt our economy at a later date. ^dustry toward a planned goal. Long-term objectives w would give farmers something on which to plan and would hopefully, eliminate year-to-year changes in pro gram benefits and short-term crisis and band-aid type programs. R.L. REIQUAM President & CEO First Banks Great Falls Great Falls, Mont. EVE RAL prominent ag economists and historians S have theorized that if we were to design an agricul tural program to decrease net farm income and stimu la te production, we would be hard pressed to improve on the existing one, or those that have plagued us in the past. That would seem to me to be true and, then, the problem is compounded b y inconsistency from one administration to the next. ^ It appears that the only solution is to lower the sup port price so our products can be competitive in world markets. Wheat, in particular, needs heavy export sales as our ability to produce far exceeds that to con sume domestically. * I f the Department of Agriculture deems it necessary to limit production and provide price support, then limit units of production sold, not acres seeded. Acres seeded provide a stimulus for production. Storage should be at the expense and risk of the producer, thus ^reducing the incentive to produce. While I question the merits of price supports and production controls, an absolute must if they are pre sent is to limit participation to historical producers. Do not provide incentives for additional marginal 'lands to be cleared, cultivated or diverted to surplus crop production. In summary, three key provisions in the 1985 Farm Bill would be: 1. Lower support prices so our production is compe titiv e in world markets. 2. Limit units of produce marketed or supported and do not try to use acreage controls to reduce production. 3. Do not allow new producers to qualify for support .prices and thus further aggravate the supply situation. BOYD W AARA Vice President ® First National Bank Philip, S.D. HESE are my suggestions for a 1985 Farm Program: 1. Phase out of Government Price Support grams, reducing loan rates through CCC to a “ safety net” rather than a floor for market price. Besides being expensive, artificial price levels send false signals to £ producers and price our ag products above world mar ket levels, thereby pricing us out of the market. T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E.J. LEAHY President Northwestern State Bank of Orange City, la HE 1985 Farm Bill needs to be a comprehensive act in which we will have to take into consideration our nation’s attitude toward foreign trade, foreign rela tions, export credit availability and terms, as well as our production capabilities. Some twenty-five years ago it was deemed that the United States farmers would be the provider of food for the world. This is a myth and we, as a nation, need to realize that we have much more food producing capacity than can be absorbed within the present world trade and economic structure. There are other areas in the world that have agricultural production capabilities that are very competitive with ours on the world market. There are even more lands available in such countries as Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and India that are capable of producing huge amounts of grain which ultimately would be turned into food. The only thing holding that production back is the fact that the infra-structure — the roads, grain elevators and ports to handle the grain — have not been built. Therefore, it would seem that the emphasis in the 1985 Farm Bill will need to be one that intertwines our foreign relation activities, our export credit activities, and our own production levels in order to get a strong cash flow coming back into our agricultural sector of the economy. In addressing the huge production capacity of our United States farmers we need to look at a provision in prothe bill for a long-term land retirement program tied to conservation practices on land that is not suitable for in tensive farming. In addition to this, we will need pro duction controls and quotas in order to stay away from having a huge grain inventory under the government loan program which is very expensive. T Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 28 Our land grant colleges of agricultue must help to educate and influence the people and processes affect ing the future of agriculture. Agricultural colleges should contribute more actively to the development of agricultural policy. They have the resources of staff, research, experience and world economic relationships to help in the decision-making process by which agri cultural policy is established. The policy-making pro cess has become more complicated and the issues more urgent, which makes it imperative that the colleges of agriculture become more involved. WILLIAM F. HURRELL Vice President First Bank Aberdeen Aberdeen, S.D. HE CURRENT economic problems in agriculture trace largely to internal and International econom ic policies - not agricultural policies. Agriculture is now a minority group in America. Farmers and ranchers are going to have to learn to live with the fact and com fort themselves accordingly. Policywise, that may mean forming coalition with other groups to influence non-agricultural policies, which are shaping their fu tures. As for the 1985 legislation, don’t expect it to bring about a sudden improvement in agriculture. On the internal basis, I think the two most impor tant problems to be faced are the Federal budget defi cit and the growing dependence on our foreign mar kets. The new legislation is going to have to be more sup portive of the middle-size, agricultural, full-time family farm, so that this particular segment will be able to prosper. Large farms probably have the capital struc ture to sustain the ups and downs of the farm econo my, while the middle-of-the-road are the ones that will suffer during distress periods. The small farmer will be supporting himself by part-time jobs and should not be relying on legislative policy to support his part-time operation. The key to the middle-size farm success is the price to be paid for its production. This cannot be artificial government supported farm program on a long-term basis. It is essential that Congress face up to the fact that we must expand the foreign markets to support the increased production we encouraged during the years of the ‘ 60s and ‘70s. We must become a reliable supplier to the foreign market, develop this confidence, and see that it is never again used as a political football to attempt to influence foreign policy. If agriculture becomes a servant of foreign policy, we will continue to have long-term agricultural difficul ties. There is also emphasis coming to bear for building in conservation and environmental influences on the farm sector. I feel that if this influence becomes too much of a consideration in the Farm Bill, that long-term effects will be negative to a strong agricultural economy. T Banker, October, 1984 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “ The key to the middlesize farm su cce ss is the price to be paid for its production.” It is important to conserve our resources, but it must be done in a balanced fashion, along with our needs for farm production. I am certain that budget re quirements for agriculture will influence a lot of the legislation, but if a more stable, financially strong^ agriculture can support its own financial needs, gov ernment should gradually be able to be relieved of the responsibility of stop-gap measures. Any legislation that can help find the solution to our excess production will have to be centered around th«0 development of foreign markets and trade. As the world economy is improved, it is my thinking that U.S. agriculture should benefit. DARREL W. HILST Executive Vice President and Trust Officer Havana, 111. • ERE are my thoughts pertaining to a 1985 farm bill: 1. Maintain a free market system. Let supply and de mand work to establish our commodity pricing. * 2. Have a FmHA program funded that would assist the problem farmer. This should be for a guaranteed program and also their insured program. This would enable the farmer to restructure debt and buy time, until the agriculture picture improves. * 3. The Secretary of Agriculture should have the authority to mandate production controls so that we are not buried with a commodity. This needs to be done in a way that all tillable acres are included across the^ board. Leaving out mud holes and sand dunes does not help contol production. A proper cover crop should also be required. This will contribute to better conser vation efforts. 4. Support should be given for a subsidized export^ program. Where we are competing in the world market with countries that practice unfair trade tactics, we need some financial assistance to remain competitive. This could also be considered a humanitarian gesture to help feed some of the starving people in the poorerj nations. There are other items that concern us, immensely. Some of these are government deficits, high interest rates (whereby the rich get richer and the poor get poorer) and, please, no more embargoes! ( A healthy ag community is vital to everyone. H In regard to the agricultural credit crisis that is now taking shape for many agricultural producers, the 1985 Farm Bill needs to address a provision for giving construction assistance to those producers so they will be able to eventually repay their indebtedness. This would not be a bail-out for banks or for poor operators, but a program that would be available to farm operators that are top producers but have been over extended with their credit. In any event, the 1985 Farm Bill needs to be a long term agricultural program that will allow the farm pro ducers and the providers of farm credit something they can count on to provide profits which they can use to repay their indebtedness. Both the producers and the lenders can work out of their credit problems if there is a program in place that gives a good operator a chance to make a profit. TONY SUNDSTED Vice President First Security Bank of Montana, Glasgow, Mont. ^ O OME hard choices will need to be made in determining the provisions of the 1985 farm bill. No farm program at the same time gives farmers high in come and complete freedom, gives consumers plentiful food at low prices, and gives government good reserves H for emergencies, a low administrative cost and a low tax burden. The financial crisis in agriculture today cannot be directly attributed to overall ag policies of the past. Current financial problems stem more from drought, % embargo s, over expansion and leveraging in the 70s, 29 spiraling input costs including high real interest rates, and other fall-out from two decades of inflation. Herein lies a real danger in formulating the 1985 farm bill. Commodity programs may become distorted in an at tempt to solve the debt problem. Price support provi sions would need to be unrealistically high to solve the economic problems of farmers most heavily burdened with debt. These problems need to be dealt with separately. Satisfactory commodity programs need to be long term in nature. The principal purposes of commodity programs are to create an orderly economic environ ment for agriculture and to hold a strategic reserve of farm production capacity. It is well to recognize that commodity programs do not raise the net income of farmers over the long run as the benefits of higher prices get capitalized into land values. Sudden, unpre dictable shifts in policy do allow for good planning on the part of producers. We should not price ourselves out of the market. There appears to be little point in holding commodity prices above the free-market equalibrium level over ex tended periods. Loan rates are best set to allow compe tition in markets, particularly the export market and to allow substitution of wheat for feed. Agricultural resources respond sluggishly to falling returns; how ever, given time, adjustments will be made. Our nation has a vested interest in maintaining the commercial family farm unit as a form of ownership structure since it is known to be the most efficient in the world. Therefore, it cannot be justified to use tax payers dollars through agricultural programs to pro vide relief to the many micro part-time farmers or sub sidize the large macro farm. Benefits of any commodi ty programs should be directed to the commercial family farm segment. Many people would argue that this has not been the case in the past. The sod busting problem which is a direct result of government pro grams is a current prime example. Spin off effects need to be studied thoroughly and then the programs need to be fine tuned accordingly. □ Guide to Asset/Liability Management (Continued from page 14) In an effort to be more precise, duration usually re quires you to look at every bank transaction, because every transaction, not just balances, must be dis counted. ^ The advantage of the duration approach is that it is, theoretically, more accurate. The main disadvantage, and overwhelmingly so, is the enormous volume of data and calculations required to use it. Even with the most sophisticated computer processing available to^ day, it may not be cost effective. It certainly is out of the questions for the small to medium-sized banks. Furthermore, there are many unresolved issues regard ing the discount rate: What is the appropriate rate? Should the rate change over time? Should a different 0 rate be used for each asset and liability category? As you can see, with duration, a banker is faced with a large volume of data to process and maintain, potential high costs and many unanswered questions. ^ N E X T MONTH: The Gap Management Approach. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis □ FIGURE 10 Management-Science Approach Uses of Funds as Allocated by Liquidity - Profitability Center Sources o f Funds From Liquidity - Profitability Center Allocation Depends on Restrictions Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 30 LEFT— First National Correspondent Banking Department Head Bill Manring visits with Wells Hull, pres., Wells Bk., Platte City, Mo., and Day Miller, dir., Exchange Bk., Fairfax, Mo. RIGHT—First Stock Yards Bank Chairman John Karn (second from right), welcomes Hugh Loudon, pres., Gary Beggs, sr. v.p., and Stan Honken, exec, v.p., all with Citizens State Bk., Clarinda, la., to Market Day. St. Joseph Market Day At The Yards By STEVE BURCH Associate Publisher EARLY 250 agri-bankers from Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa recently attended the 28th annual Market Day At The Yards. Co-sponsored by the First Stock Yards Bank and First National Bank of St. Joseph, the one-day event includes a morning tour of a local St. Joseph industry and an af ternoon agri-business session. The tour this year was of the Globe Bat tery plant, which is the largest pro duction facility of its type in the na tion. The bankers left the plant “ charged-up” for the afternoon meeting. U.S. Congressman Tom Coleman, from Missouri’s 6th District, was the keynote speaker and took the op portunity to share with the bankers N his concerns on the sagging agricul tural economy in the midwest. He reminded the bankers of his continu ing efforts to find short term solu tions to the wide range of problems facing both lenders and borrowers. He noted that in a recent letter to FDIC Chairman William Isaac, he urged that federal bank examiners use as much forebearance as possi ble in their examinations. “ It is not in the public interest for examiners to recommend foreclosures.” He ad ded that since the letter the ex aminers have been cautioned on this practice. Mr. Coleman also is concerned over the amount of land being held by the Farmers Home Administra tion that is sold at below market value and thus depresses land prices. He noted that FmHA has 20,000 acres in his district alone. PARTICIPANTS in the afternoon panel discussion were, from left: Moderator Jim Reynolds, pres., St. Joseph Stock Yards; Gary McKinney, Lincoln Grain Co.,, Atchison, Ks.; Glen Leiser, cattle rep., MFA Livestock Market, St. Joseph, and Eubert Schneider, pork rep., Lamborn-Murray-Davis and Co., St. Joseph. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The congressman also called on the^ commercial lenders to assist farmers within their areas prepare the neces sary paperwork required for PCA di saster relief funds. Aware that federal policy is not® always followed in the field, Mr. Coleman conducted an extensive question/ answer period following his prepared remarks. He asked the bankers to notify him of specific in-# stances and cases where they feel that they did not receive fair treat ment from a government agency or examiners. Most of the responses dealt with the classification of sub-# standard credits by examiners. One banker stated, “ The examiners just don’t understand things in the field...they sit in their air condi tioned offices with their feet up on # the desk and just don’t care or un derstand. You do it their way or else!” In closing, Mr. Coleman told the THE Honorable Thomas Coleman, United States Congress, 6th District—Missouri, was the keynote speaker during the a fte r-# noon ag session. 31 bankers that if they would come to • Washington at their own expense, he would arrange for a group of five to six to meet with policy makers “ the highest level. I will open ~ the doors and let you do the ^ talking. ’ ’ Jim Reynolds, president of the St. Joseph Stock Yards, served as mod erator for the panel discussion again ^ th is year. Other panel members in cluded: Gary McKinney, grain buy er, Lincoln Grain Co., Atchinson, Kan.; Eubert Schneider, hog rep., Lamborn-Murray-Davis and Co., St. ^ Jospeh, and Glen Leiser, cattle rep., M FA Livestock Market, St. Joseph. All panel members offered generally optimistic forecasts, however, each voiced concern over “ meatless ^ meals” in American diets. Perhaps the most notable comment of the afternoon came from Eubert Schnei der. Referring to an 18% drop in hog figures at the stockyards in August 9 ‘84 compared to August ‘83 he said, “ That’s a lot of squeals.” He went on to advise those buying feeder pigs, “ If you are going to feed 'em ...feed 'em right.” • In closing the afternoon session, First National President Dale Maudlin recognized that agri-busi ness and agri-banking serve as the hub of the regional economy. “ We • have all taken our lumps and bruis es. Cooperation will be vital as our industry emerges from this transi tion even stronger. He added this biblical quote. “ If we faint in days of • adversity, our strengths are small.” □ Aurora Systems Appointees Aurora Systems, Inc., of Madi*son, Wis., has appointed Terri Beck man as manager of its new Minneso ta branch, located in Red Wing. The company, publisher and distributor of microcomputer solutions for fi nancial institutions, also named Cin dy Phillips as it’s sales coordinator for the state of Iowa. Ms. Beckman has 12 years of commercial banking experience and rive years of adult banking and fi nance education experience. Ms. Phillips has five years of mar keting and sales training experience jwith a major insurance company and has been a sales assistant with Aurora Systems the past 18 months. She will work out of the office in the Woodfield Bank Bldg., 600 N. Mea.cham Rd.—Suite 305, Schaumburg, 111. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S ig n u p n o w fo r a Free # Demo/Semmar OF MICRO COMPUTER SOFTWARE SYSTE M S In your bank. On our micro—or yours! If you are considering any of the software systems listed below you should also consider this valuable offer The nationwide sales force of Darien Microsystems is ready now to call on you—in your office—to demonstrate to you and your people the dramatic micro computer software systems of America’s foremost developers of micro computer software for financial institutions. If you are in charge of your bank’s micro computer planning program and not yet ready to buy you should send for more complete system descriptions of each of these sophisticated software systems. Yes, they all operate on an IBM micro and most other micro computers. □ Fixed Asset Accounting □ Loan Origination & Document Printing □ Shareholder Accounting □ Asset/Liability Management □ Loan Loss Control □ Teller Staffing □ □ □ □ □ □ Safe Deposit Box Accounting Proof Management Trans-Check Management General Ledger Retail Selling Systems Commercial Customer Profitability For your in-bank demo/seminar—on your micro or ours—you may clip out this ad and send it to: i “ — — — — Darien MicroSystems, Inc. — — — — — —j 397 Post Road PO. Box 1106 Darien, CT 06820 i Please contact me about a demo. i Name___________________________ Position_________________________ i Institution__________ i Address___________ r i i i i i i i i i Zip_ City_______________ State. Telephone_________ Our Micro is a I am most interested in Or call (203) 655-6832 Darien Microsystems, Inc. THE ONE SO URCE OF M IC R O C O M PU TER SO FTW ARE FOR F IN A N C IA L IN S T IT U T IO N S I I I I J Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 RMA Meets Oct. 28-31 in San Juan A BOUT 1,700 commercial lend ing and credit officers and their spouses are expected to attend the 70th Annual Fall Conference of Robert Morris Associates October 28-31 at the El Centro convention center in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The RM A national president for 1984-85 and chairman of the con ference planning com m ittee is Glenhall E. Taylor, Jr., vice chair man, SeaFirst Corporation, Seattle, Wash. The keynote address will be delivered by Charles S. Sanford, Jr., president of Bankers Trust Com pany, New York. Major addresses also will be given by C.T. Conover, Allan Sloan, Sanford Sigoloff and Mr. Taylor. Mr. Conover is Comp troller of Currency. Mr. Sloan is senior editor of Forbes Magazine. Mr. Sigoloff is chairman of The Wickes Companies in Santa Monica, Cal. A wide variety of panel presenta tions and small group discussions focusing on the major problems and opportunities facing today’s com mercial lending and credit officers will be offered, running the gamut of lending and management concerns in small and large banks alike. First National, St. Joseph Executive Changes Made First National Bank. In his new po sition, he will be responsible for all lending functions throughout the holding company. Mr. Schneider has been with the organization for many years, serving as president of First Midwest Bank of Gower before join ing First National Bank in 1982 as senior vice president. Two other executives were ap pointed to the board of directors of First National Bank: Lyman L. W. Dale Maudlin, president of First National Bank and First Mid west Bancorp., Inc. announced sev eral organizational changes recently at a special holding company staff meeting in St. Joseph, Mo. Loren W. Schneider has been pro moted to executive vice president and will also serve on the board of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Frick, Jr., executive vice president ^ and senior trust officer, and H. Ken neth Gilpin, Jr., executive vice presi dent. Mr. Frick is responsible for busi ness development and trust services £ at First National Bank. He joined the First National Bank’s trust department in 1970 and is a gradu ate of the Drake University School of Business and the Drake L a w # School, Des Moines. Mr. Gilpin began his banking career in 1967. He joined First Na tional Bank in 1979 and is now re sponsible for all support areas o f # First National Bank and the holding company. In addition to the promo tions above, the board of directors has established an executive Com mittee composed of Mr. Frick, M r .# Gilpin, Mr. Schneider and Mr. Maudlin. Mr. Frick, Mr. Gilpin and Mr. Schneider also will be serving on the board of directors of some affiliated# holding company banks. Mr. Maudlin also announced, with regret, that Benton O ’Neal, vice chairman of the board of First Na tional Bank and First Midwest Ban-® corp., Inc. has elected to take early retirement. 33 IBAA and Innerline 9 Renew Their Agreements Officials of the Independent Bankers Association of America and Innerline, a provider of on-line finan cia l information headquartered in Arlington Heights, 111., have re newed their contractual agreement calling for the continued develop ment of an electronic communica tion s network. Just prior to that renewal agree ment, Innerline announced that con tinuous updates of commodities fu tures is the newest feature included On Powers Financial and Commodi ties Futures Hedge Management service. Walter Rapawy, Innerline’s chief executive officer, said this re sponds to the information needs of *the large agricultural banking con stituency of IBAA. The continuous daily updates of commodities, livestock and grain fu tures are valuable tools for assisting bankers in evaluating their loan portfolios,” he stated. The new ser vice, he explained, is designed to as sist the financial executive with asset/liability management including education, software information and daily expert commentary. ^ Mr. Rapawy also noted another service Innerline provides so retail bankers can compare rates on dere gulated consumer deposit accounts to regional and national averages. That service, Money Market Moni tor, provides an up-date listing of 10 deposit account rates categorized nationally, regionally and by bank asset size. Weekly yield curves also are available. Bank of Montreal Merger With Harris Bank Completed Bank of Montreal and Harris Bankcorp Inc. of Chicago, formally completed on September 4 the pro cess whereby the latter officially becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Canadian owned Bank of Montreal. William D. Mulholland, chairman and chief executive officer of the Bank of Montreal, said, ‘‘This trans action gives Bank of Montreal a full operating capability in both Canada and the United States, a status which is probably unequalled by any other bank.” The Harris organization, which will continue to operate under its own distinguished name, has assets of U.S. $7.8 billion and is the 34th largest bank in the United States. The subsidiary Harris Trust and Savings Bank manages trust assets of U.S. $13.9 billion, ranking seventh in the United States. An application to the U.S. Federal Reserve, the regulatory authority of U.S. banking, received approval on July 25. The year-long negotiations were concluded at the Harris Bank building in Chicago September 4 at formal ceremonies which saw Bank of Montreal paying U.S. $546,734,016 for 6,667,488 shares of Harris Bankcorp Inc. B. Kenneth West is chairman and chief executive officer of Harris Bankcorp. Sallie Mae Launches Plan For Minority Students The Student Loan Marketing A s sociation (Sallie Mae), Independence Federal Savings Bank, and the Of fice for the Advancement of Public Black Colleges recently announced inauguration of a $45 million as sured access plan to make student loans available to minority students. Drovers Bank of Chicago is actively seeking correspondent banks. Seeking and earning them. Fact: Drovers is one of the oldest correspondent banks in the midwest. Fact: Drovers now has over 250 correspondent banks across the midwest. new relationships last year. Old-fashioned 3636 new relat: words like service, responsiveness, personal attention, expertise and professionalism. And new-fash ioned words like discount brokerage for your customers and recycling Money Market Mark« Funds. Call John Crotty, Kathy Hardy, Max Roy or Andy Ruments... people who reflect a continuity in policy and commitment. Call toll-free 1-800-621-8991, ]p m in Illinois call 1-800-572-2498. m l war. Drovers Bank« « 47th & Ashland A ve, Chicago, IL 60609 • 1-312-927-7000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND FDIC 34 BMA Elects Smith Brookhart President MITH W. Brookhart III, presi dent of the Centerre Bank of Branson, M o., w as in s ta lle d September 19 as president of the Bank Marketing Association for 1 9 8 4 -8 6 . M r. Brookhart, who served during the last year as BM A first vice president, took S.W. BROOKHART S office during the final general ses sion of the Association’s 69th An nual Convention at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel. He succeeds B M A ’s retiring pres ident, Barry I. Deutsch, senior vice president and head of marketing and communications at the Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh. Other members of the new BM A officer team installed at the conven tion are: John A. Russell, vice presi dent and director of marketing, Banc One Corporation, Columbus, first vice president, and Michael P. Sullivan, vice president-corporate communications, First Union Na tional Bank, Charlotte, N.C., second vice president. The three officers will serve BM A through June, 1986. The extended 21 -month term is the result of special action by the BM A board of directors last July in which it was decided the Association needed to ( have its administrative and fiscal year coincide. A native of Duluth, Minn, and a graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in industrial ad- ( minstration, Mr. Brookhart began his banking career as a trainee with the Plaza State Bank, Des Moines, in 1964. He joined Centerre Bank of Bran- ^ son, formerly the Peoples Bank & Trust Co., in 1967 as cashier and later was promoted to vice presi dent. Centerre Bank is an affiliate of the $5.3 billion Centerre Bancorp., < St. Louis. Mr. Brookhart was named president of the Centerre Bank of Branson in January, 1974 and elected chief executive officer in 1977. He serves on the executive ad- { visory council of Centerre Bancorp. Harris Joins Plus System Harris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, recently became the 34th 1 proprietary member of Plus System, Inc. following acceptance of its ap plication by the corporation’s board of directors at a recent meeting. Harris Bank becomes the second* Plus System, Inc. proprietary mem ber in the Chicago area, joining Con tinental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company, which was one of the original founding members of PS I when the organization was in corporated in April 1982. Continen tal will continue as a proprietary member of PSI. D. Dale Browning, president of Plus System, Inc., Denver, an nounced recently that Morgan J. Evans, senior vice president, First Security Corporation, was elected ( chairman of the board of directors of Plus System, Inc. Mr. Evans, who is president and CEO of First Security Company (a subsidiary of First Se curity Corporation), was named b y ( the PSI board to succeed Paul G. Tongue, who resigned in order to de vote more time to a new job assign ment with Chase Manhattan Bank, New York. Mr. Tongue will continue ( to serve as a PSI board member. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 35 ^Link X Offers Access to Kirchman Companies Software The Kirchman Corporation of Orlando, Fla., recently announced its latest banking software com®pany: LINK X, INC., a futuristic firm responsible for the devel opment of personal computer pro grams to support the needs of ^A m erica’s financial executives. w According to Bonnie Mclntire Smith, president and chief executive officer of The Kirchman Corpora tion, the Link X concept grew quite ^logically from the expanded manw agement role that personal compu ters have begun to play in the bank ing industry. Link X, Inc. has a sophisticated •library of personal computer soft ware, known as PERC PAKs, speci fically designed to interface easily with the IBM PC and the mainframe software systems offered by three •oth er Kirchman companies: Florida Software Services, Inc., Omni Re sources, Inc., and Kencom, Inc. Each of these companies has devel oped a special mainframe system • “ link” to provide the all- important access channel needed to download collected and summarized infor mation directly from the mainframe data base into the banker’s personal • desktop computer. Once on-line, the banker then uti lizes his unique library of manage ment-oriented personal computer programs — PERC PAKs — to ana l y z e the important mainframe data summaries. These supportive PC programs help the banker perform a wide range of critical “ what if” calculations concerning every area • of the bank, resulting in sound and specific decisions for the current and future benefit of the bank. awarded a $2,151,000 contract by Cummins Employees Federal Credit Union for construction of a new, two-story, 19700 square foot main office building, located on a site ad jacent to the Cummins general office facility. Joe Batten’s Management Book Is Now in Paperback Joe Batten, founder and chairman of the board of Batten, Batten, Hud son & Swab, Inc., announces the printing in paperback of his manage ment classic, Tough-Minded Man- agement. Published by AMACOM, this is the 33rd printing of the volume which has been translated in 21 languages. The paperback edition of ToughMinded M anagement is available through Creative Media, %BBH&S, 820 Keo Way, Des Moines, IA 50309, and is prices at $10.95. Located in Des Moines, IA, Bat ten, Batten, Hudson & Swab., Inc., is in its 27th year and specializes in management consulting, in-house training, seminars, speaking en gagements, film and audio/visual production and distribution. HBE Bank Facilities Gets •T w o Building Contracts HBE Bank Facilities of St. Louis, Mo., has signed two additional con tracts for construction of one new • building and remodeling and altera tion of another, it was announced last month by Fred S. Krummer, president of HBE Corporation. United Financial Savings of Ro• Chester, Minn., which w as form ed by m erger of three local s& ls, aw arded HBE a $1,822,000 contract for alter atio n s and addition s to one of the original home office buildings, for• merly Reliance Federal. In Columbus, Ohio, HBE was Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A computer system can be a fearsome thing. At Systems Resources, we believe you, not the system, should be in control. With over 20 years of experience, we custom tailor microcomputer systems for financial institutions large and small, at competitive prices. Call us today, 612/340-0077. SYSTEMRESOURCES Corporation. Putting you in control. 123 North 4th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 36 We extend more than credit. We extend ourselves. We believe it’s the long-term relationship that counts. The kind o f relationship that develops because we keep in touch with you, and travel to your part o f the country. Learning about your community - its Main Street business, seasonal fluctuation, and economic foundation — is important to us. In this way, we can better help you meet tne needs o f your community with overline or liquidity loans, and other services. Extending ourselves for you is our way o f life. Wherever you are, whenever you need us. Call us anytime for loan assistance and all Corre spondent Banking services at 612/341-6561. A F & M M a w f NaHBart Member FDIC ( Correspondent Banking Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37 Elected in Pipestone Officers Recommended for MBA Posts HE MINNESOTA Bankers A s sociation nominating committee met recently and recommended Clin ton D. Kurtz, Roy W. Terwilliger, James R. Jorstad, and Scott Jones for endorsement for the top elected ® officers in the association for 1985-86, a ccord in g to A rlene Michael, Citizens State Bank of Milaca-Ogilvie, and chairman of the M B A 1984 nominating committee. ® Recommendations will be acted upon at each of the nine M BA dis trict meetings in September. Clinton D. Kurtz, president, Citi^ zens State Bank of Norwood, is the proposed candidate for 1985-86 M BA president, to succeed Galen T. Pate, president, Signal Hills Bank, West St. Paul. Mr. Kurtz is current^ ly serving as first vice president of the association. Roy W. Terwilliger, president, Suburban National Bank Eden Prai rie, is proposed for M BA first vice f president for 1985-86, to succeed Mr. Kurtz. James R. Jorstad, president, Citi zens State Bank, Hayfield, is the re commended 1985-86 candidate for ^ M BA second vice president. Scott Jones, president, Goodhue County National Bank, Red Wing, is proposed to serve a second term as M B A treasurer for 1985-86. £ The nominating committee in cludes the nine M BA district presi dents. The recommendations were to be presented at the M BA district meetings, and elections will take • place at the June, 1985, Minnesota Bankers Association Annual Con vention to be held in Minneapolis. T MBA Lending School * Completes Second Year • The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion Commercial Lending School completed its second annual session August 12-17 at St. Olaf College in Northfield. 117 first and second year Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis students attended this year’s ses sion. First year students (class of 1985) elected class officers during the week. Dan Steil, First National Bank, Shakopee, was elected class president; Joan Grzywinski, Norwest Bank East St. Paul, was elected class vice president; and Gary Ashfeld, First National Bank, Cold Spring, was elected class secretary/treasurer. Mr. Steil will serve as a member of the Commercial Lending School Advisory Board. Appointed at Moorhead Norwest Corporation has ap pointed James A. Borman assistant vice president and credit supervisor for Norwest Audit Services, Inc., Moorhead office. He formerly was credit supervisor. Mr. Borman began his career with Norwest in 1974. Prior to that time he spent 17 years as a bank ex aminer for the State of Minnesota. The board of directors of First Bank Pipestone has elected Mark L. Mosbrucker executive vice presi dent. He succeeds Steven A. Grell, who accepted a position as president of First Bank Cando, N.D. Mr. Mosbrucker began his career with First Bank System in 1978 when he joined First Bank Wahpeton, N.D. He was appointed agricul tural loan officer at First Bank Pipe stone in 1979 and was promoted to assistant vice president in 1980 and vice president in 1983. Red Wing Election Announced Scott Jones, president of The Goodhue County National Bank of Red Wing, has announced the e le c t io n of William F. Pich as vice president and manager of the bank’s Rushford Branch. Mr. Pich has been with First Bank Systems in W.F. PICH various capaci ties since 1967, and most recently was president of a $46 million bank in Langdon, North Dakota, with his primary responsibilities in the area of agricultural lending and bank management. Two Elected in Plymouth Wheaton President Named The board of directors of First Bank Wheaton has elected William A. Harbeke pres ident and a direc tor. William M. Sanger contin ues as chairman and chief ex ecutive officer. Mr. Harbeke has been associ ated with First B ank S y stem W.A. HARBEKE since 1977, when he joined First Bank Langdon, North Dakota. He was appointed an agricultural loan officer in 1978. In 1980, he joined First Bank Valley City, North Dakota, as an assistant vice president and has most recently served as manager of the bank’s agricultural lending department. First Bank Plymouth has an nounced the election of two officers. Paul Tesarek has been named manager of First Bank Plymouth -Four Seasons Office. His most re cent position was personal banking officer at First Bank Hopkins. P. TESAREK J. BRINDISE Jerry Brindise has been named personal banking officer also at the Four Seasons Office. His most re cent position was sales finance offi cer at First Bank Hopkins. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 38 Minnesota News NEWLY elected IBM officers for 1984-85 are: Exec. Vice Pres.— Norb McCrady; 1st Vice Pres.—Steve Schmidt; Pres.—Jim Clark; Immed. Past Pres.— Larry Lindeberg, and 2nd Vice Pres — Kermit Mahlum. Independents Meet at Breezy Point By STEVE BURCH Associate Publisher REEZY POINT Resort proved to be an ideal rendezvous spot for the Independent Bankers of Min nesota as they met August 23-26 for their annual convention. IBoM Pres ident Larry Lindeberg, president of Forest Lake State Bank, welcomed bankers from 121 independently owned banks to the convention, which was highlighted by the elec tion of officers for the 1984-85 year. The newly elected association lead ers are: President—Jim Clark, presi dent, Lake Crystal National Bank, Blue Earth; 1st Vice President— Steve Schmidt, president, The Northern Bank, Anoka, and 2nd Vice President—Kermit Mahlum, president, First National Bank of St. Peter. “ Huge Banks Can be Incompa tible with Developing our Small Business Sector” and “ Communi ties Can be Hurt When Local Banks are Acquired By a Distant Big Bank” were the joint titles of a pre B sentation made by corporate reorga nization specialist Arthur Burck and they served to set the tone of the convention. Mr. Burck wrote in a 1981 New York Times article: “ When the history of our times is written, the unrestrained mergers of recent decades may well replace the debacle of the stock market of the 1920s as the cataclysm most de structive to the nation’s financial and economic foundations.” Updat ing this statement, he adds: “ If there is any doubt about this pro phecy, there certainly won’t be if the restrictions against interstate bank ing are fully removed.” Before the House Banking Com mittee Mr. Burck recently ex plained: “ The future of America lies not with our stagnating industrial giants but with our smaller, fast growing companies, especially those in emerging high-technology areas. Most of these companies have small beginnings and it is in their fragile early days that financing too often is an insurperable problem. Especially in periods like the early 1970s when the ‘credit crunch’ dried up loans for ^ small companies, countless struggl ing entrepreneural businesses withered and died. “ The huge big-city banks, with their burgeoning bureaucracies, are ^ usually in no position to cope with the financing needs of smaller busi nesses. The smaller company usual ly must look to local banks that are in a position to understand and deal £ with local problems.” Another strong proponent of inde pendent banking to address the con vention was Congressman Bruce Vento, U.S. House of Représenta- ^ tives. Mr. Vento is the chief author of the Independent Banking Preser vation Act and a member of the House Banking Committee. The Preservation Act draws focus to the ^ erosion of the decentralized banking system within the U.S. “ Starting in 1980, the legal structure upon which this system was founded began to come apart. The legislative changes ^ adopted to meet the challenge of in flation and protect savings and loan associations, as well as the deregula tion of certain interest bearing ac counts, created uncertainty and op- q portunity for banks and other finan cial institutions. If the process had stopped there, we would not be con cerned today. But together with these formal changes, there have £ been a variety of informal, regula tory policy changes that have made banking and financial regulation, in the words of Business Week com mentator G. David Wallace, appear f ‘ridicoulous.’ ” Provisions included in the In dependent Banking Preservation A ct—1 ) Close nonbank bank loop holes and provide for bank-like £ regulation of savings and loans that don’t engage in mortgage lending; 2) Call for the divestiture of savings LEFT— Representing the American National Bank, St. Paul, were: Kathy and Joe Kingman, pres. & c.e.o.; Jim Russel, v.p., and Kay, and Bob Jacobson, v.p., and Lori. RIGHT—Enjoying the convention banquet were: Dick Holmes, a.v.p., F&M Marquette, Mpls., and Carol, and • Hal Lynch, chmn. & pres., Arlington State Bk., and Marion. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 Sure, I’ll help you over gingerbread man was doing just fine until he T heagreed to let the fox help him across the stream. Who is helping you with your upstream overlines? • 9 At American we have the resources to handle your overline requests promptly and professionally Our goal is to help you serve your customer. We are not interested in stealing your customer’s loan for our own or our local affiliates’ portfolios. Before you jump on somebody’s back, make sure you know who’s side they’re really on. We promise to carry you over to the other side, without getting hungry along the way. A M E R I C A N NATIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK* SAINT PAUL Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 40 Minnesota News and loans that don’t engage in mort gage lending; 3) Prohibit “ emergen cy ” mergers involving the 50 largest banks or bank holding companies; 4) Halt the growing proliferation of re gional banking compacts. (“ Inter state banking, whether regional or nationwide, has no fair place in our financial marketplace.” ) and 5) Pro hibit predator rate practices for the purpose of destroying competition in local financial markets. Turning his focus to what he terms the “ nationalization” of the Continental Illinois National Bank, Mr. Vento informed the bankers of a hearing scheduled before the House sub-committee on Financial Institu tions, of which he is a member. In cluded in the context of the hearing will be a procedures review of the regulatory agencies involved in the examinations of Continental. The sub-committee will also explore if the guranteeing of deposits over the FDIC $100,000 limit falls within the limit of public policy. The congress man parallelled these hearings to those held before the House Bank ing Committee on the federal bail out of Chrysler Corporation. “ We put Chrysler through the ringer and damn-it, they should have been put through the ringer!” Looking ahead to the Continental hearings he add ed, “ We are going to rip them up one side and down the other.” These two statements drew a thunderous roar of approval from the independent bankers. Social activities included golf and tennis tournaments, boat rides on the Paddlin’ Pelican, banquets and the annual dinner dance featuring the Russ Carlyle Orchestra. How ever, the best entertainment pro vided during the convention was, without question, the prolific in troduction of speakers and IBoM of ficers and board members by Ex ecutive Vice President Norb McCrady. □ Norwest Consolidates Northern Minnesota Banks Norwest Corporation announced last month the consolidation of two of its northern Minnesota banks into one bank, to be called Norwest Bank Mesabi, N.A. The consolidation, which was ap proved by regulatory authorities August 30 and became effective September 1 , involves Norwest Bank Virginia and Norwest Bank Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Eveleth, N.A. Assets of the consoli dated bank will total approximately $138 million. According to Charles A. Russell, president of Norwest Corporation’s northern Minnesota region, the con solidation “ will eliminate redundan cies in operations.” Norwest Bank Mesabi will have offices in its three existing locations in Eveleth, Vir ginia and Hoyt Lakes. Employment levels will not be affected by the con solidation, according to Mr. Russell. John R. Oltmanns, who has been serving as president of both the Vir ginia and Eveleth banks, will con tinue as president of Norwest Bank Mesabi. Two Promoted in Rochester At First Bank Rochester, Stephen J. Arbour has been promoted to se nior vice president in charge of com mercial loans and Thomas R. Cover was promoted to senior vice presi dent in charge of operations, data processing, human resources and marketing for the bank and for Southeastern M innesota First Banks. S.J. ARBOUR T.R. COVER Mr. Arbour began his career in 1969 at First Bank Duluth. He joined the staff in Rochester in 1982. • Mr. Cover started with First Bank Rochester in April of this year and previously was vice president and manager of corporate services at Security Bank in Billings, Mont. ® MBA Committee Chairmen Named ALEN Pate, president of the Human Resources Committee Minnesota Bankers Association Chairman - Joseph Finley, Janesville and President, has named the fol State Bank, and Vice Chairman lowing 1984-85 M BA committee Ross Bartz, First Bank Minnea chairmen for the following commit polis. tees: Investments & Funds ManageAgricultural and Rural Develop ment Committee - Chairman - Wil ment Committee - Chairman - Gary liam Langford, American Natl. Knutson, American Bank & Trust Bank & Trust Co., St. Paul, and Vice Co., Moorhead, and Vice Chairman - Chairman - John C. James, Farmers John Ohlemann, State Bank of Gib State Bank, Almelund. bon. Legislative Committee - Chair Bank Holding Company Commit man - John M. Lundsten, Buffalo tee - Chairman - John A. Berg, Way- National Bank, and Vice Chairman zata Bank & Trust Company. Robert Burk, Merchants & Miners Bank Management Committee - State Bank, Hibbing. Chairman - Richard Klingen, Nor Lending Committee - Chairman west Bank St. Paul, and Vice Chair Michael Duepner, First National man - Patrick Colbert, American Bank, International Falls, and Vice State Bank of Bloomington. Chairman - E.R. Cunningham, Communications Committee - North Star State Bank, Roseville. Chairman - David Shumway, First Operations Committee - Chair National Bank, Northfield, and Vice man - Richard Franzmeier, The Chairman - Dwayne Bruns, Annan- Highland Bank, St. Paul, and Vice dale State Bank. Chairman - R.W. Sanborn, Security Education Policy & Development State Bank, Pine Island. Committee - Chairman - William Pension Committee - Chairman Rosacker, F&M Marquette National D.L. Stalboerger, Melrose State Bank, Minneapolis, and Vice Chair Bank, and Vice Chairman - R. James man - John Chamberlain, Valley Na Gesell, Cherokee State Bank, St. tional Bank, LeSueur. Paul. Group Insurance Committee Security Committee - Chairman Chairman - Donavon Fisher, The Gerlad Thomas, Midway National Roseville Bank, and Vice Chairman - Bank, St. Paul, and Vice Chairman Delbert Gonnerman, Americana Carol Anderson, First Bank MinneaBank, Clara City. polis. G ® ® _ ® ^ £ q m # 41 Twin C ities ORWEST BANK Minneapolis announced September 11 that bank president W. James Arm strong has been elected chairman ^ o f the bank’s board of direc tors, succeeding E. Peter Gillette, Jr., vice chairf man of Norwest Corporation. Mr. Armstrong w ill W.J. ARMSTRONG N J.R. CAMPBELL R.D. SCNEIDER •retain his position as chief executive officer. The bank also announced that James R. Campbell has been elected president of the bank, succeeding •Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Campbell has been president of Norwest Corpora tion’s Region V banking group, which encompasses Nebraska and parts of western Iowa. Mr. Campbell •will be succeeded by John R. Cochran as regional president and chairman of Norwest Bank Omaha. He is currently president and chief executive officer of Norwest Bank 1Omaha. Richard D. Schneider, currently executive vice president of the bank’s corporate banking group, was named vice chairman. 1 Mr. Campbell and Mr. Schneider were both named to the board of directors of Norwest Bank Minnea polis. “ These changes become effective October 1 and complete a restructur Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ing of the bank’s senior manage ment that was initiated two years ago,’ ’ Mr. Armstrong said. “ This realignment provides the bank with a very strong manage ment team. Each of the individual members of the team has a great deal of experience in the key mar kets being served by Norwest,’ ’ he said. Mr. Armstrong joined the Nor west organization in 1981 as presi dent of Norwest Bank Minneapolis and was elected chief executive offi cer in 1982. Prior to joining Nor west, he was executive vice presi dent and chief financial officer of The Northern Trust Company, Chi cago. He is a graduate of Ripon College and received a Master’s degree in business administration from Har vard University. He also graduated from the Stonier School of Banking at Rutgers University and holds an honorary law degree from Ripon Col lege. Prior to Mr. Campbell’s appoint ment as regional president in 1982, he was president of Norwest Bank Omaha for three years. Associated with the Norwest organization since 1964, he has held numerous posi tions within the company, including senior vice president of the domestic banking group of Norwest Bank Minneapolis from 1976 to 1979 and president of Norwest Leasing Com pany from 1973 to 1976. Mr. Camp bell is a graduate of the University of Minnesota. Mr. Schneider is currently respon sible for the bank’s overall domestic and international banking activities. Since he joined Norwest Bank Min neapolis in 1964, he has been in volved with a number of the bank’s specialized lending functions in cluding commercial real estate, con struction and energy financing. Mr. Schneider is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers University. * * * Donald G. Pederson has been named vice president, private bank ing, at F&M Marquette Na tio n a l B an k , Minneapolis. He previously served as senior vice president, financial institu tio n s d e p a r t ment, for Nor west Bank of D.G. PEDERSON M in n e a p o lis . Mr. Pederson has a bachelor of arts degree in business administration from Hamline University, St. Paul, and also graduated from the Stonier Graduate School of Banking, Rut gers University, NewBrunswick, New Jersey. Also at the bank, Dianne K. Kor has been named trust operations of ficer. She joined the bank in 1981 and most recently served as a trust operations supervisor. * * * First Metro Services — a new sub sidiary which combines the opera ting functions of First Bank Min n e a p o lis and First Bank Saint Paul — has pro moted five of ficers in its two m ajor groups: special services and item pro cessing. B.E. CONLIN In the special services group, Bernard E. Conlii has been promoted to executive vice president and head of special ser vices; Susan R. Scheerer has beer promoted to vice president and man Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 42 Minnesota News S.R. SCHEERER M.R. PARKS M.R. ADDY R. MODERSON ager of wholesale banking support; Michael R. Addy has been promoted to vice president and manager of loan operations, and Michael R. Parks has been promoted to vice president and manager of adminis trative services. Mr. Conlin had been senior vice president of the former Operations Group at First Bank Minneapolis. Ms. Scheerer and Mr. Addy had been assistant vice presidents at the bank. Mr. Parks had been assistant vice president at First Bank Saint Paul. In the item processing group, Ruth Moderson has been promoted to vice president and manager of systems and methods. She had pre viously been assistant vice presi dent of systems and methods at First Bank Saint Paul. * * * Thomas C. Pesek has been elected commercial loan officer of First Bank S e c u r it y , St. Paul. M r. P esek began his career with First Bank Security in 1982 as a credit ana ly st. He was graduated summa cum laude from the College T.C. PESEK of St. Thomas and holds a bachelors degree in busi ness administration and finance. * * * Bremer Financial Services, Inc. has announced two additions to its Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis St. Paul staff. Richard R. (Rick) Bruce has been named assistant vice president/investment portfolio ad visor, and Brent J. Gray, manager of financial reporting/analysis. Mr. Bruce has served Norwest Corporation as an investment spe cialist, and Norwest Bank Bloom ington as an investment officer, as sistant vice president/controller. Mr. Gray graduated from the Uni versity of Denver in business/accounting in 1982, and has been with the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. * * * FBS Business Finance Corpora tion has announced the promotion of Jeffrey M. DeMar to loan officer in the business credit division. Mr. DeMar joined the company in 1982 as an analyst and has most recently held the position of account repre sentative. * * * William K. Stern has been pro moted to vice president at the S t. A n th o n y Falls Office of First Bank Min neapolis. Mr. Stern has been with First Bank Minneapo lis for 25 years, and was elected manager of that W.K. STERN office in 1983. * * * services manager. He is a CPA with six years of public accounting exper ience. Mr. Miller will work primarily with banking industry clients pro viding audit and consulting ser-. vices. He has extensive experience’ with interest rate risk management planning. Prior to joining McGladrey, he was a senior vice president and the^ chief financial officer at a $150 mil lion community bank. * * * First Bank Minneapolis recently announced several promotions and additions. Promoted to vice president status are: Jerald W. Raarup, commercial paper trading division; Monte E . 1 Deckerd and Steven M. Vrablik, natural resources division; Kathleen A. Hyduke, commercial banking training division; Wallace W. Norlander, human resources group; Thomas W. Bugbee, national west division, and Sara M. Lilienthal, manufacturers division. Garrett R. Hegel has joined the bank as vice president in the ac- Sharon L. Sweet has joined First Bank System, Inc. as assistant vice president of in vestor relations. M s. S w eet m ost recen tly was associated with Borg-War ner Corporation, Chicago, where she served as manager of in vestor relations. S.L. SWEET Prior to her asso ciation with Borg-Warner, Ms. Sweet was an account manager in the commercial lending area at Con tinental Illinois National Bank, Chi cago. * * * Robert D. Miller recently joined the St. Paul office of McGladrey Hendrickson & Pullen as a general T.W. BUGBEE S.M. LILIENTHAL FIRST. THE GOOD NEWS TwoFirsts make aforce in correspondent banking. First Bank Minneapolis and First Bank Saint Paul Correspondent Banking Departments have joined forces to becom e First Bank Correspondent Banldng. We combined all the resources o f two o f the largest correspondent banks in the region to create the newest, biggest and most customer-driven correspondent in the Upper Midwest. What does that mean to you? It means you can draw on the largest credit resources o f any corres pondent in the Upper Midwest. It means you can build a solid banking relationship with the largest staff o f professional calling officers in the area. And it means you can rely on the resources o f our banking officers to solve your specialized, multi bank, agricultural and non-credit needs. We reorganized to fit the changing banking world. You still need regular contact with our calling officers for bank stock financing, standard overlines and other credit services, so w e left that side o f our organization unchanged. But, you also needed more and more advice about the rapidly changing world o f deregulated banking. And so w e’re giving it to you. We created three new specialty divisions within our expanded correspondent department: A MultiBank Ownership Division, a Non-Credit Products Division and an Agriculture Production Credits Division. All o f our specialty banking officers are experts in their own area and in correspondent banking. And that means that they, too, can operate directly with you on a regular basis, when you need them. Also, First Bank Correspondent Banking officers have instant access to all o f the resources and expertise o f First Bank Minneapolis and First Bank Saint Paul. So you can get the expert banking advice you need whether it’s in inter national banking, consult ing services, security sales and safekeeping, SBA loans, leasing, and much more. We even have an entire division that specializes in financial services for the new highgrowth, high-technology and service industries. So, when you need correspondent banking services, talk to us. At First Bank Correspondent Banking you don’t have to go around in circles to get to the experts. We have the credit you need and the technical advice you have to have to stay profitable in today’s ever changing world o f banking. At First, good news is all you get. *|!|l First Bank Correspondent First Bank Minneapolis First Bank Place Minneapolis, MN 55480 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First Bank Saint Paul 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 M em bers FDIC 44 Minnesota News counting policy department and Martin L. Jones has joined as vice president and director of fixed in come research. Mr. Raarup joined the bank in 1963. Mr. Deckerd joined in 1982 and Mr. Vrablik in 1983. Ms. Hyduke has been with First Bank Min neapolis since 1974 when she joined as a commercial auditor. Mr. Norlander started in 1967 with the bank. Mr. Bugbee has been in the same division since joining the bank in 1981. Ms. Lilienthal joined in 1976 as a retail banking representa tive. Mr. Hegel had been with Ernst & Whinney, Milwaukee, for ten years, most recently serving as audit man ager. Mr. Jones had been with Har ris Trust and Savings Bank, Chica go, for five years, most recently as vice president in the fixed income group. New assistant vice presidents in clude: Michael M. Fordney and David M. Thompson, natural re sources division; Therese M. Keen, international banking group; Mari lyn A. Grochala and Dean C. Sanberg, financial institutions division; Peter R. Denzen and Thomas M. C.S. HOLLENDER J.M. KELBERER Tracy, corp ora te A division ; Kathryn C. Smith, corporate C divi sion; Kathryn L. Kvinge, profes sional banking division, and Chris tine S. Hefner-Hollender, executive banking division. J. Michael Kelberrer has joined as assistant vice president in the pro gramming division and Philip P. Gardiner has joined as assistant vice president in the national group’s New York loan production office. * * * James H. Hearon, III, president and CEO at National City Bank of Minneapolis, re cently announced the promotion of Halgeir ‘ Ole’ Grodahl, a na tive of Norway, to assistant aud itor for National City Bank. Mr. Grodahl, a graduate of St. H. GRODAHL Thomas College in St. Paul, Minnesota, has been with National City Bank in the audit division since 1982. * * * Norwest Advancements Told D.C. SANBERG T.M. TRACY Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Norwest Bank Rochester recently announced the promotion of three officers, and the election of three new officers and a director, accord ing to Edgar M. Morsman, Jr., presi dent. Du Wayne A. Forbord, vice presi dent, commercial lending, has been named manager of the commercial lending department. He started # with the bank in 1973. Betty Beck has been promoted to retail services manager. She joined in 1982 and was elected marketing officer later that same year. • Kevin Arnold has joined the com mercial lending department as assis tant vice president/commercial lend ing officer. He joined Norwest in 1974. «> Sandy Fortney has been elected accounting officer. She has been with the bank since 1974. Ron Green has been elected con sumer lending officer. He joined in 1981, working in the consumer lend ing department. Maureen Wilson has been elected personal banking officer. She joined the bank as financial services assis tant in 1982. Kathleen A. Fickle, site opera tions manager for IBM, has been elected to the bank’s board of direc tors. David L. Riegel, general man ager with IBM, recently resigned from Norwest Bank Rochester’s board of directors. Arlington Promotion Told Rick A. Stevens has been pro moted to assistant cashier at Arling ton State Bank. f| He joined the bank in 1981 as an agricultural loan officer trainee. Associate Counsel Appointed ® The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion has announced the appointment o f William J. Zwart as associ ate counsel. His duties include re searching legaltechnical infor mation with re spect to M BA legislative pro grams, in addi tion to develop ing legal-techni cal and compliance information for M BA members. Mr. Zwart graduated cum laude from William Mitchell College of Law in 1978 and holds a bachelor’s • degree in journalism and political science from the University of Min nesota. He formerly served as gen eral counsel for the Metropolitan Transit Commission. ® 45 Overcoming Employers Mutual Offers Free, Accurate Building Cost Appraisals. The key to insuring your business to value is accurate building cost appraisals; the kind you get free of charge from your independent insurance agent who repre sents Employers Mutual Companies. Using the w orld’s largest, most dynamic construc tion cost data bases, your EMC representative can provide you with an accurate electronic system for calculating replacement costs. Our cost appraisals reflect up-to-date local labor material costs, and annual adjustments are m ade to account for fluc tuating cost factors in your area. With this accurate information, you are more apt to bring your commercial insurance coverage into line with current values. As an EMC policyholder, y o u ’ll enjoy the pea ce o f mind o f knowing that should a loss occur your policy will cover rebuilding costs. O vercom ing underinsurance is just one o f the m any com m ercial insurance problem s EMC has tackled head on. We did it by working together; put ting our people, products and services to work solv ing the everyday insurance problems o f industry. WE’VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES Employers Mutual Companies Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 46 combine the experience of the securi ties industry with the resources o f ® the banking industry to create bet ter and more convenient financial services. Aurora National Bank Expands ATM Program Appointed in Lombard Kenneth J. Zilka has been ap pointed assistant vice president at the Bank of Yorktown, Lombard. In his new position, Mr. Zilka will have responsibilities in the commer cial and real estate lending areas. He previously was assistant vice presi dent, commercial lending, at La Grange Bank & Trust Company, La Grange. One Promoted in Elmhurst Elmhurst National Bank has an nounced the promotion of Cheryl L. Giacobbe to personal loan officer. She began her banking career at Elmhurst National Bank in 1978 in the consumer loan department. Americorp to Acquire First National B&T, Pekin Americorp Financial, Inc. has an n o u n ce d th a t a p p r o x im a te ly 108,000 shares of the common stock of First National Bank & Trust Company of Pekin were tendered pursuant to Americorp’s exchange offer dated June 27, 1984. The offer expired on August 14. The tendered shares constitute approximately 98% of the outstanding shares of Pekin common stock. Under the terms of the acquisi tion agreement, Americorp will ex change .76 shares of Americorp com mon stock and $.10 for each out standing share of Pekin common stock. Pekin is a national bank located in Pekin, near Peoria. It was organized in 1887 and as of June 30, 1984, Pekin has total assets of $59 million and total deposits of $54 million. Prudential-Bache Opens Office at Elmhurst National Prudential-Bache Securities re cently opened an office at Elmhurst National Bank and will offer re search recommendations, financial planning advice and investment ser vices to customers. This program is a continuation of a joint effort to • Ralph L. Egeland, president of Aurora National Bank, has an nounced that the bank has joined # the other member financial institu tions in providing their ACCESS24 electronic-banking customers the additional convenience of using ATMs located in over 160 7-Eleven 9 stores throughout the Chicagoland area. National Boulevard Bank Elects Two Directors Frederick F. Webster, Jr. and Ar thur R. Weiss were elected to the board of directors of National Boule vard Bank, Chicago. According to Richard Schroeder, president, the addition of Mr. Web ster and Mr. Weiss is a result of Boulevard Bancorp’s acquisition of First National Bank of Des Plaines, which was completed last month. In 1981, Mr. Webster was elected chairman of the bank’s executive committee, and chairman of First Des Plaines Corporation, First Na tional’s holding company. Mr. Weiss has been chairman of First National Bank and president of First Des Plaines Corporation since 1981. “Help Us Help Others” Skokie Bank Participates In Iowa’s “Sidewalk Sale” William S. Badgley (far left), chmn. and pres., Magna Group, Inc., a multi-bank company located in Belleville, welcomes Jack Butler (left), St. Clair Associated Vocational Enter prises (SAVE) exec, dir., as a participant in Magna’s “ Help Us Help Others” community re lations program. Looking on are G. Thomas Andes and Harry E. Cruncleton, Magna vice chmn. Save, an agency providing vocational and social training for the physically and men tally handicapped, was one of 10 local not-for-profit organizations present at the recent kick-off event. Each time a St. Clair County property tax payment is made with a special coupon or newspaper clipping at a Magna location, Magna Group, Inc. will donate 50 cents to the taxpayer’s choice among the 10 not-for-profit organizations involved. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o First National Bank of Skokie uti lized its two downtown parking lots for an auto show during the towns annual “ Sidewalk Sale.” While a bank normally has very ® little to offer at an intown promo tion, and auto dealers because of their out of downtown location’s normally don’t participate, First Na- ^ tional Bank of Skokie changed all 9 that by letting the local auto dealers (who do retail finnancing through the bank) to use their facilities to show and sell automobiles. The bank ^ used $100 off coupon stuffers to in vite their customers to buy during the show and staged a carnival at mosphere with pop corn and bal loons and putting restored vintage ^ autos in the show area. EFT Switching Services You Can Depend On As a recognized industry leader, ITS, Inc. can provide EFT switch ing services to your financial institution. Increasing consumer awareness and acceptance of EFT demands dependable, , quality service. \ \ ITS, Inc. is a shared regional network that has been switching EFT transactions since 1977. ITS, Inc. is a \ leader in point-of-sale and is a founding member of ] Nationet, a shared nationwide EFT network. Participation in the ITS, Inc. network is available to all financial institutions in Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Iowa. \ \ y Currently, there are over 300 financial institutions participating in Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, South \ Dakota, and Iowa. Cardholders of these instituI tions have access to over 700 terminals. J Wouldn’t you like to offer this type of terminal access to your customers? Wouldn’t you also like quality, dependable EFT switching services? For more information about participating in the ITS, Inc, network, contact the Customer Service Department. IT S, Inc. 508 10th St. Suite 200 Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2680 515-286-4381 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48 Illinois News elected to the Boulevard Bank board of directors. Richard T. Schroeder, president and CEO of National Boulevard Bank, and Henry Gard ner, president and CEO of Boule vard Bancorp, have joined First Na tional’s board of directors. At June 30, 1984, First National had deposits of $294 million. The bank’s main office is located at the corners of Lee and Prairie in Des Plaines, with two other remote drive-in, walk-in locations in Des Plaines. * * * Boulevard Bancorp Inc., holding company for National Boulevard Bank of Chicago, has completed its acquisition of First National Bank of Des Plaines. Frederick F. Webster, Jr., First National’s chairman of the execu tive committee, and Arthur R. Weiss, chairman of the board, were Joseph G. Alagna has been pro moted to assistant vice president, operations, with the B an k o f Commerce & In dustry. In his new position, he will be responsi ble fo r o v e r seeing the new accounts area, tellers, vau lt, personnel, docu m en ta tion reJ.G. ALAGNA ITS Switch Accesses Nationet Quickly quirements, and data base manage ment, as well as assisting in new product/service development and participating in the calling program for soliciting new business. In his 14 years of banking experi ence, Mr. Alagna worked for the Bank of Commerce & Industry from 1974 to 1978, following four years with the Aetna Bank of Chicago, and rejoined BCI in 1982. RAIN OR SHINE? . . . (Continued from page 17) is urging all Congressional candi dates to commit publicly to a deficit reduction plan to be implemented in the first budget following the in auguration. I feel that this would be a first step in the long road toward returning profitability to the small farmer and businessman. Until we are able to bring the massive Fed eral deficits under control, we have little chance of looking forward to reduced interest rates. a Why do you feel ABA can meet the needs of community bankers better than any other trade association? Q a I believe the Community ■ Bankers Council within the A B A makes it the organization which is most sensitive to the needs of the community bankers of this country. Our organization starts with the 183 member Advisory Board, which meets twice a year. No other trade association relies for gui dance on such a large group of com munity bankers. The responsibility for developing products and services to meet the needs identified by the Advisory Board falls upon the Community Bankers Council. Members of this Council also have seats on A B A ’s Government Relations, Communica tions, Banking Professions and Edu cation Policy and Development Councils. It is this degree of community banker participation at the policy making level that makes the Ameri can Bankers Association unique. The process has worked well during the last three years and should en able the American Bankers Associa tion to continue to develop policies and design products and services which are in keeping with the best interest of the community bankers of this country. □ A WHEN Wisconsin banker Rowland McClellan was in Des Moines last month he used a Des Moines bank ATM to access his personal account at Bank of Wisconsin in Janesville, where he is president, and had the transaction completed in less than 10 seconds. He was in Des Moines to take part in a Community Banking Panel at the Iowa Bankers Association’s 98th annual convention at the Marriott Hotel. Prior to that session, Mr. Mc Clellan (left) stepped out on the skywalk a few feet away with Dale Dooley (right), president of ITS, Inc., Des Moines, where Mr. Dooley pointed out that the Nationet emblem on the machine assured Mr. McCellan his card could access his own account through the ITS switch, to Nationet and then into TYME in Wisconsin, which controls the switch there for Wisconsin banks and their customers. The card also will access any bank affiliated with the Cirrus system. ITS, founded 10 years ago, is the only statewide, shared system in the nation, serving all Iowa banks and their customers. It was a leader in formation with other regional shared systems of Nationet, which has been in active use since last October. ITS began expanding beyond the boundaries of Iowa four years ago and now services banks in Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota besides Iowa. Currently, ITS is expanding its offering of ITS switch service to Illinois banks. In Wisconsin, banks are tied in with TYME and may inter change with ITS through Nationet. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49 Conquering the alien world of international trade. / & It could happen to you. O ne day a valued business custom er com es in for help w ith an import or export transaction. A n d suddenly y o u ’re thrust into another world. A w orld p op u lated by strange beings with mystify ing nam es like Standbys, A ggregate Limits, Tenors and T w o-P arty R ecourses. W hat to d o? If you turn your custom er away, he m ay take all his business elsew here. Fortunately there’s an easy alternative. A p h on e call to C on tinental B ank. Continental is a m ajor factor in international trade. In fact, w e ’re one of the fe w banks w h o are m em bers of the International C ham ber of C om m erce headquartered in Paris. W e can provide every financial service your cu stom ers could need. From issuing or participating in International Letters of Credit to Bankers A ccep ta n ces to C urrency H ed g ing to D ocu m en ta ry Collections. W e do all the w ork. You en h an ce you r relationship w ith your customer. A n d you collect a w orthw hile fee to boot. If that sounds good, w h y not m ake that p h on e call now , before that custom er com es in. Call R obert B . Holland at (312) 828-6620. Tell him y o u ’re looking for n ew w orlds to conquer. ? CONTINENTAL BANK Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Com pany of Chicago. 231 South LaSalle Street. Chicago, Illinois 60697 Atlanta •Boston •Chicago •Cleveland •Dallas •Denver Houston •Los Angeles *Minneapolis •N ew York Oklahoma City •St. Louis •San Francisco •Seattle •White Plains Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 THE FINANCIAL SOURCE: It’s living up to its reputation as America’s premier “banker’s bank”—joining tradition with innovation in credit and operating services. It’s our Merchant Banking Group acting as financial advisor to a Midwest bank. O ur c o m p r e h e n s iv e e v alu ation o f a n offer m a d e for th is b a n k resu lted in a n e x c lu siv e m a n d a te to a rra n g e th e sa le or m e rg e r of th e ban k . It’s our advanced electronic capabilities providing a major Los Angeles bank with w o rld w id e p r o c e ssin g a n d sa fe k e e p in g o f securities. M a n u fa c tu re rs H a n o v e r n ow o ffers fu lly a u to m a te d secu rities I p r o c e ssin g in L o n d o n a s w ell a s N e w York, p lu s a n etw o rk of c o rre sp o n d e n t p r o c e ssin g cen ters in 26 countries. F or the bankers o f Am erica, M anufacturers H anover adds one strength to another: the steady reliability w e bring to traditional correspondent services plus the pacesetting innovations that contem porary banking dem ands. W e’re prepared, because w e’re com m itted. Out of our com m itm ent has com e a leading m arket position, supported by an integrated B anking Group and its staff o f profession al bankers. M anufacturers H anover Trust has always been k now n as a prem ier correspondent b a n k serving the credit and operating needs of banks Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis worldw ide. Domestically, w e serve over 2,700 banks from coast to coast and, internationally, another 1,700 banks on five continents. Today, w hen the w orld o f financial services is undergoing fundamental change, our comm itm ent is m ore apparent than ever. Take our operating services. M anufacturers H anover has developed and put into place the industry’s m ost advan ced electronic system s to m ove funds and infor m ation. Tw o exam ples are our autom ated com m ercial paper issuance capability and our consolidated global inform ation reporting. <9 £ It’s our Public Finance Department acting with a New Jersey bank as co-managing underwriter of notes that p ro v id e c o st-e ffe c tiv e fin a n c in g o f a w ater project for th e c o r r e sp o n d e n t’s m u n icip a l cu sto m er. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 52 j.W. Johnson, pres., Spring Green B.K. Koontz, exec, dir., Madison Citizens Bancorp. Unveils New Name N AUGUST 14, nine Wisconsin banks with 24 offices changed their names to First Interstate Bank of Wisconsin. Sign unveiling cere monies and other festivities at the banks celebrated the franchise be tween First Interstate Bancorp and Citizens Bancorporation, the She boygan-based bank holding com pany that operates the banks. “ This agreement with First Inter state offers our banks access to state-of-the-art financial services and products but also enables us to retain our local ownership, manage ment and operating philosophies,” said Richard D. Pauls, chairman. First Interstate Corporation of Wisconsin has assets of $970 million and is the fifth largest Wisconsin bank holding company. Assets in creased by 35 percent in July with the acquisitions of three bank hold ing companies that operate five O banks in Waupun, West Allis, New Berlin, Racine and Caledonia. Other First Interstate offices are located in Abrams, Cedar Grove, Gillett, Green Bay, Howard, Kohler, Manitowoc, Mishicot, Mountain, North Manitowoc, Oconto Falls, Plymouth, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Shorewood, Tisch Mills and Two Rivers. Wausau President Elected John B. Williams has been elected president of First Wisconsin Na tional Bank of Wausau. He succeeds William B. Sampe who was ad vanced to chairman. Mr. Williams previously was vice president of First Wisconsin Na tional Bank of Milwaukee with ad ministrative responsibility for five branch banking offices. Promoted in Sheboygan Alan M. Holman has been pro moted to assistant vice president of First Interstate Bank of Wisconsin, Sheboygan. Mr. Holman, previously a busi ness banking officer, has four years of experience in the business bank ing department at the downtown Sheboygan office. He joined the cor poration in 1976. Four Advanced At First Interstate, Sheboygan Joseph J. Pinola (center), chmn. and c.e.o. of First Interstate, joined officials of the former Citizens Bancorporation in Sheboy gan to unveil one of the new bank signs. Left is David C. Beck, pres., and on the right is Richard D. Pauls, chmn., First Interstate Corporation of Wisconsin. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis development, operations and data q processing for the corporation as well as correspondent banking ser vices and facilities management. Ex perienced in cash management and treasury functions, Mr. Beiersdorf ^ originally j oined the former Citizens Bancorporation in 1976. Mr. Quasius joined the corpora tion in 1982 as vice president in charge of long-range planning, fol- q lowing three years with the Mani towoc County Bank as executive vice president. He was named senior At First Interstate Corporation of Wisconsin, Sheboygan, Gerald L. Beiersdorf, Robert F. Quaisius and Herbert G. Weber have been pro moted to executive vice presidents. In addition, Leon F. Royer has been named senior vice president. Mr. Beiersdorf, in addition to his corporate position, is president of First Interstate Management Ser vices, Inc., the company’s opera tions and data processing subsidi ary. He is responsible for technology vice president of the Bancorporation in 1983. He is responsible for all per sonal and community banking func tions, marketing and liaison work with affiliated First Interstate banks. Mr. Weber, chief financial officer and secretary of First Interstate Corporation, is responsible for the investment, accounting and human resources departments. He joined the organization in 1970, serving as trust investment officer, vice presi dent-trust investments, and vice president-finance until he was ap pointed senior vice president in 1981. Mr. Royer will have overall re sponsibility for the business banking services offered at First Inter state Banks in Sheboygan and Man itowoc Counties, and for the cor porate loan administration function. He will also oversee the holding company’s two commercial services offices - one in Green Bay and a soon-to-open Milwaukee office. Mr. Royer joined First Interstate Corporation, formerly Citizens Bancorporation, in early July. ^ q ^ £ ||) # 53 liberated in 1945. During the Kor ean conflict, Mr. Roney was the chief trial counsel for the Ryukus Command in Okinawa. He now is a retired Major. Mr. Boyum received his law de gree in 1976 and joined the bank in Carrington as manager of its trust department. He was named execu tive vice president and a member of the board in 1982. Bismarck Election Told Donald W. Green, president of First Bank Bismarck, has an nounced the elec tion of Daryl L. Tabor as com mercial loan of ficer. Mr. Tabor pre viously was with First National Bank & Trust C om pany in D ic k in s o n as D.L. TABOR vice president of commercial and agriculture loans. He also has held other finance posi tions with Production Credit Asso ciation of Mandan and Public Fi nance Corporation, Bismarck. • Mandan Addition Told Dennis J. Renner has joined Norwest Bank Mandan, N.A. as vice president and manager, agri-busi ness loans. ® He has been associated with Norwest Bank Jamestown since 1975, and prior to that time was with FmHA, Mandan - Devils Lake - Fort Abstract Figures Released The Department of Banking and Institutions recently re leased its abstract report for all state banking institutions in North Dakota for June 30, 1984. This in cludes 137 state banks, six trust 1companies and the Bank of North Dakota. All dollar figures are listed in thousands. Net loans for the combined group in North Dakota were $2,062,609, with a breakdown of $1,799,613 state banks, and $262,893 - Bank of North Dakota. Total deposits for the combined group were $3,560,348, with a break down of $3,049,900 - state banks, 1Financial Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and $510,448 - Bank of North Dako ta. The percent of loans for the com bined group was 57.9%; 59% for state banks, and 51.5% for the Bank of North Dakota. Percent of total equity capital to deposits for the combined group was 10.5%; 10.6% for state banks, and 9.96% for Bank of North Dakota. Tom Roney, President For 25 Years, Retires Tom Roney has retired after 25 years as president of First American Bank and Trust of Carrington. He will continue as chairman of the board until March 1, 1985. Named to suc ceed Mr. Roney as president is Kelley Boyum, who has been T. RONEY employed with the bank since 1976 as a trust officer and executive vice president. Mr. Roney and his wife moved to Carrington in 1947 to pursue prac ticing law. He left the practice in 1959 to join First American as presi dent replacing J.C. Hoffert. Mr. Roney served as president of the North Dakota Bankers Associa tion in 1981-82 and was a member of that group’s executive committee until this spring. He currently is a member of the American Bankers Association government relations council and a member of the North Dakota Bar Association. Mr. Roney has a combined total of 23 years active service in the U.S. Army and the North Dakota Na tional Guard. During World War II he fought in the European Theater, was captured in France in Decem ber, 1944, and was held as a prisoner of war at Offlag 64 in Poland until Belfield Banker Completes Three-Year Graduate School Joseph Zilkowski, president, The First National Bank of Belfield, is one of 145 bank officers who suc cessfully completed the three-year course of specialized instruction at the Graduate School of Retail Bank Management. Sponsored by the Consumer Bankers Association, which is lo cated in Arlington, Va., in coopera tion with the Mclntire School of Commerce of the University of Vir ginia, the School recently conducted its 33rd resident session. One Joins Rolette Bank Jay Myhre has joined the Rolette State Bank, Rolette, as assistant cashier. A graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn., with a degree in economics, Mr. Myhre previously was with a wholesale sporting goods firm in Fargo, most recently as cred it manager. Judge Rules No Emergency Exists Under ‘33 Farm Law The District Court Judge in Bur leigh County ruled August 21 in the case of United Bank o f Bismarck vs. M artine son, that there is not now a general economic and farm emergen cy caused by confiscatory farm prices in North Dakota. As reported in the July 9 issue of the N orthwestern B anker W eekly N ew sletter, the defense raised the provisions of Chapters 28-29, NDCC (relief from defaults and hardships), as a defense to the bank’s foreclo sure action on a farm real estate mortgage. The governing law was enacted in 1933 to respond to the de vastating effects of the Great DeNorthwestern Banker, October, t984 54 pression on agriculture in North Da kota. The bank, joined by the North Dakota Bankers Association as ami cus curiae, sought from the District Judge a ruling on the constitutional ity of that 1933 law, which states: “ Unitl the price of farm products produced in this state shall rise to a point to equal at least the cost of production, in comparison with the price of other commodities in gener al, entering into the business of agri culture, the Supreme Court of this state and all District and County Courts in this state shall have power, when it is deemed for the best interest of litigants, to extend the time for serving and filing all papers requisite and necessary for the final determination of any cause. Any such Court, in like manner, may stay the entry of judgment on the is suance of execution thereon, or may defer the signing of any order for judgment, or may defer terms of Court, whenever in the judgment of the Court the strictly legal proce dure in any cause will confiscate or tend to confiscate the property of any litigant by forcing the sale of agricultural products upon a ruinous market.” The District Judge ruled that law was constitutional. However, in ap plying its provisions, he considered the effect of farm price programs, which were non-existent under the laws in question when they were enacted in 1933. Despite arguments from the defense against consider ing the effect of current farm pro grams, the judge ruled the programs can have the effect of ameliorating what could otherwise be an emergen cy. The judge further recognized evi dence that many farmers, especially those who do not have high interest expense, have an increasing net worth, while some others are “ losing equity.” In summation, he stated, “ A crop or livestock price which generally affects a balance sheet positively cannot be said to be con fiscatory.” Defendant has 60 days from date of judgment, or until approximately October 21, to appeal to the North Dakota Supreme Court. Informed sources said it was likely that appeal would be filed. The state Supreme Court is known to move quickly on cases filed, but the earliest a deci sion could be made by that body would probably be next March or April. By that time another crop season will have started. If the bank prevails, defendant has a year under state law for redemption under judg ment of foreclosure and is entitled to use the land and production from it. Mogen retired August 1 after 47 years of service. Mr. Dykstra has been in banking since 1975 with First National Bank in Pierre, where he served as vice president and commercial loan offi cer. Before entering the banking field, he taught five years at the col lege level. Application Filed Huron Promotion Told Farmers & Merchants Bank, Huron, has promoted Larry Mattke to vice president. He joined the bank in 1967 and had been serving as assistant man ager of the farm department. Armour Bank Sold Morris Winter, chairman of First State Bank of Armour and its Delmont Branch, has sold the bank to Lauren Lewis of Sioux Falls and his two sons, Allen Lewis of Yankton and Paul Lewis of Palm Desert, Calif. The sale is pending approval from the State Banking Commission and the FDIC. Approval is expected by November 1. No changes in operations are ex pected. LeRoy Hofer, chief operat ing officer, will continue in that ca pacity, and Gerry Wenzel, assistant vice president, will serve as manag ing officer at Delmont. Mr. Winter, along with R. Wayne Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Hamilton, president, and Norbert Wenzel, director, will be retiring as of January 1, 1985. Elected in Sioux Falls Bryan Person has been elected personal bank ing officer of W estern Bank N o rth , S io u x Falls, according to T.J. Reardon, president. M r. P erson joined the bank in July, 1983. He has four years of B. PERSON previous experi ence in financial service. Waubay President Named Brent E. Dykstra has joined State Bank of Waubay as president. He succeeds Hubert Mogen, who has served as president since 1962. Mr. BankWest, N.A., Pierre, has made application with the Comptrol ler of the Currency to purchase the assets and assume the liabilities of First National Bank of Selby. Beresford Executive Elected Patrick J. Cleberg, president of First National Bank of Beresford, has announced the election of Paul S. Jordahl as executive vice president. Mr. Jordahl was also elected to the board. A graduate of South D akota State Universi P.S. JORDAHL ty, Mr. Jordahl has had 12 years of experience in agricultural lending, most recently serving as manager of the Federal Land Bank Association office in Webster. 55 Glendive as vice president in the commercial lending department. Mr. Robinson had been with Rich land National Bank and Trust in Sidney over seven years and prior to that was a national bank examiner with the Comptroller of the Curren cy in Billings for four years. ’84-85 Committee Chairmen Named IVAONTANA Bankers Association ment trainece with First ® IVI President _ ^ ^ w ^ ^ ^ 0 0 • Chuck Pedersen re cently announced the appointment of the following bankers committee chairmen for 1984-85: Ag Committee — Chairman: Tony Sunsted, First Security Bank, Glas gow, and Vice Chairman: Steve Peryam, Powder River County Bank, Broadus. Commercial Lending Committee — Chairman: Pat McGarraugh, Norwest Bank, Great Falls, and Vice Chairman: Gus Gustafson, Miners Bank, Butte. Government Relations Commit tee — Chairman: Ed Jasmin, Norwest Bank, Helena. Insurance Committee — Chair man: Tom Tietz, First United Bank, Sidney. Marketing Committee — Chair man: Colleen Kranzler, First Inter state Bank, Great Falls. MBA-AIB Education Committee — Chairman: Pat Hoen, First Bank West, Great Falls. Operations & Personnel Commit tee — Chairman: Bud Uecker, First National Bank, Whitefish. Real Estate Lending Committee — Chairman: Brad Walterskirchen, Valley Bank, Kalispell, and Vice Chairman: Norman Simpson, First Interstate Bank, Billings. Retail Banking Committee — Chairman: Les Blazevich, First Na tional Montana Bank, Missoula, and Vice Chairman: Ron Vihinen, Norwest Bank, Great Falls. Joins Norwest Bank Helena Bradley G. Lancaster recently joined the staff of Norwest Bank Helena as an assistant vice presi® dent and commercial loan officer. Mr. Lancaster joins Norwest Bank from Pondera Bank of Mon tana, Conrad, where he most recent_ ly was vice president and cashier. ^ Prior to that time he was a manage Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Two Promoted At First Bank Helena State Bank, Thompson Falls. Earl W. Johnson, president of First Bank Helena, has announced the promotion of Michael W. Fries and Joe Bower to assistant vice presidents. Great Falls Addition Told Daniel K. Sullivan has joined First Bank Great Falls as assistant vice president, operations, ac cording to Bob Reiquam, presi dent. Prior to mov ing to G reat Falls, Mr. Sulli van was an as sistant vice pres ident and cashier D.K. SULLIVAN of First Bank Havre. He has spent nine years with First Bank System, first as regional auditor in Fargo and Great Falls and then with First Bank Miles City as vice president for three years. Prior to joining First Bank Havre in early 1983, he was a bank group manager with First Computer Cor poration in St. Paul for two years. Bozeman Banker Graduates With Honors Thomas E. Rigg, First Bank Bozeman, graduated with High Honors from The School for Bank Administration, on August 9, as an nounced by Harry W. Newlon, presi dent. Mr. Rigg was one of eight gradu ates to receive high honors from among 500 bankers who completed the three-year program of advanced banking study, sponsored by Bank Administration Institute and held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Glendive Addition Announced Keith E. Robinson has joined the staff of the First National Bank of M.W. FRIES J. BOWER Mr. Fries attended Westchester State College and Penn State Uni versity in Pennsylvania. Prior to joining First Bank Helena in 1974, he was employed by Montana Power Company as an assistant credit manager. Most recently he served as assistant cashier and assistant man ager of the instalment loan depart ment. Mr. Bower received an associated arts degree in business administra tion from Grand View College in Iowa. In 1977 he graduated from the University of Montana with a de gree in business administration. He joined First Bank Western in Mis soula in 1977 and transferred to First Bank Helena in 1979 as a real estate officer, the position he held when he received this most recent promotion. Bozeman Election Announced Judy Hyde has been elected per sonal banking officer at First Bank Bozeman, according to Harry W. Newlon, president. She started her banking career in 1975 with Southwest Bank in Vista, Calif. She also has served with banks in Oakgrove, Ore., and Whitefish, Mont., prior to joining the staff of First Bank Bozeman in April of this year. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 56 posits for the combined group was 10.1%; for state - 10.3%, and for na-* tional - 9.9%. Appointed in Rock Springs First Wyoming Bank, N.A., Rock # Springs, recently announced the ap pointment of Lyle D. Perry as cashier and vice president. Mr. Perry has been employed by First Wyoming Bank Corporation for ten ® years. Also appointed was Gale A. York as vice president of the commercial loan department. Prior to assuming this position with First W y om in g ^ Bank, Mr. York was a loan officer for Union State Bank in Upton. Casper V.P. Appointed First Interstate Bank of Casper recently announced the appoint ment of Lynn B. Duncan as vice president and di rector o f the m arketing de partment. Mr. Duncan FIRST Wyoming Bank of Evanston’s newly completed facility. previously was e m p lo y e d by W y om in g N a tional Bank of L..B. DUNCAN Casper for seven years during which time he acted as tive offices, the board room, book vice president and manager of corre p p r o x i m a t e l y 4,000-5,000 people attended the grand open keeping and space for future offices. spondent banking and national ac ing of First Wyoming Bank—Evan A new elevator will service the base counts and manager of the market ston’s new bank facility addition. ment of the existing building as well ing department. Mr. Duncan h as1 The new two-story facility consists as both of the two new floors. been in the banking profession since of 20,000 square feet of new space, The exterior of both the new facili 1955. with 10,000 square feet of remodeled ty and existing building were fin space. In addition, the drive-up facil ished in brick and anodized metal ^ ity has been increased to six drive- facia panels. The building also fea Joins Riverton Staff up teller stations. tures a two-story bronze tinted win Jim Pieters has joined the staff of The first floor houses a new lobby, dow wall and entry facing onto a American National Bank of River teller line, money management, in 1,400 square foot landscaped plaza ton as an officer trainee. stalment, commercial and real on the corner of Front and Ninth Mr. Pieters is a graduate of Na estate loans, note and insurance de streets. The plaza is partially cov tional College of Business in R a p id # partments, a new vault, increased ered by a canopy. City, South Dakota, and has worked safety deposit space and a 24-hour The facility was designed by Don in the security and real estate busi automatic banking facility. The se ald H. Panushka & Associates, Inc., ness since college. Since 1979, he has cond floor consists of bank execu Salt Lake City. devoted his full time to the securi ties business. # banks in Wyoming were $2,330,113, Figures Released For with a break down of $836,668 as Retires in Ranchester Wyoming Banks state and $1,493,445 as national. Bob Rawlings, who has been in The Office of the State Examiner Total deposits for the combined the banking business in Ranchester ^ recently released its abstract report group were $3,812,354; state - the past 35 years, retired August 31. for the 58 state and 56 national $1,361,551, and national -$2,450,803. Mr. Rawlings most recently served banks in Wyoming for June 30, The percent of loans for the com as vice president and teller of the 1984. All dollar figures are listed in bined group was 61.1%; for state - Ranchester State Bank. An open 61.4%, and for national - 60.9%. Per house was held in his honor at the ^ thousands. Net loans for the combined 114 cent of total equity capital to de- bank. Balloon Release Signals Evanston Bank Grand Opening A Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57 tional Bank of Denver. The an nouncement was made by William W. Grant, president of Colorado Na tional Bank of Denver. Mr. Cocetti has been with the bank for ten years working with Rocky Mountain BankCard System in the management information sys tems area. Mr. King began his career at the bank in 1980 as a business develop ment representative. New President Named At United Bank of Skyline ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ United Banks of Colorado, Inc. announced recently that Charles H. Luther, Jr. has been e le c t e d p re sid e n t and chief executive officer of United Bank of Skyline, N.A., Denver. Mr. Luther, form erly w ith United Bank of Denver, joined C.H. LUTHER, JR. United Bank in July, 1965, and has held various positions in the organization. Two Named in Englewood Anne Warhover has been named 0 senior vice president and Joan M. Ripepi has been named cashier of Central Bank of Iverness, N.A., Englewood. Ms. Warhover previously served 0 as assistant vice president of the energy banking group at First Inter state Bank of Denver. Ms. Ripepi previously served as operations manager for the bank • and has also worked in the auditing department for Central Bancorporation, Inc. • Inst, of Private Banking, New Two-Week School For the first time, a two-week school will offer a curriculum de0 signed to teach bank executives and private bankers to compete effec tively with non-traditional banking industry competitors. A new, not-for-profit banking 0 school, the Institute of Private Banking (IPB), will offer the special ly designed curriculum at the Uni versity of Denver Law School from June 10-21, 1985. 0 IPB was founded by Marilyn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MacGruder Barnewall, president, The MacGruder Agency, Inc., Auro Promoted in Denver ra. Ms. Barnewall is a financial con Denver National Bank has an sultant specializing in the implemen nounced the promotion of Janet A. tation of profitable private banking Pennepacker to senior operations of programs in the United States and ficer. Canada. She joined the bank in 1979 as a teller. Purchase of Two IntraWest Banks Announced United Banks of Colorado, Inc. announced last month that it has completed negotiations for the pur chase of IntraWest Bank of Boulder and IntraWest Bank of Colorado Springs. The purchase price for these two banks and related real estate is $30,800,000. The purchase of the banks is subject to ap propriate regulatory approval and the consummation of the pending consolidation of IntraWest Finan cial Corporation by Affiliated Bankshares of Colorado, Inc. United Banks received the right to purchase these banks as one of the conditions of a previous agree ment in which United Banks ceased its proposed merger activities for Affiliated. In making the announcement, N. Berne Hart, president and chairman of United Banks, stated, “ The suc cessful completion of these negotia tions will afford us an opportunity of adding two fine banks to our orga nization. Both IntraWest banks have a highly skilled and experi enced management and staff in place which represents one of the key assets in this transaction.” IntraWest of Boulder has assets of $126 million and IntraWest of Colorado Springs has assets of $44 million at June 30, 1984. Two Named in Denver David T. Cocetti and Andrew L. King were recently promoted to vice president and assistant vice presi dent respectively of Colorado Na Executive V.P. Named In Colorado Springs Jerry Hayes has been named ex ecutive vice president of The West ern N a tio n a l Bank of Colo rado S prin gs. Also elected to the board of di rectors, M r. Hayes will be re sponsible for all lending a ctivi ties in the com m e rc ia l, c o n J. HAYES sumer and mort gage loan departments of the bank. Mr. Hayes began his banking ca reer in Newport, Oregon, in 1968 and joined Western National in Colorado Springs in June, 1983. South Denver National Opens New Facility South Denver National Bank hosted a grand opening August 22-24 at its new facility at 400 South Colorado Boulevard. The bank oc cupies 35,000 square feet of the 142,800 square foot, nine-story building, and offers ample free park ing and eight drive-up windows. One Joins Colorado National Mortgage Company Thomas O. Mead has joined Colo rado National Mortgage Company, Denver, as assistant vice president. Prior to joining, he held manage ment positions with Key Savings Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 58 Colorado News Southwest Plaza Facility Opens GRAND opening activities were held in August for United Bank of Southwest Plaza’s newly constructed facilities at 8500 West Bowles Avenue, Littleton. The three-story, brick exterior complex is occupied by the bank and other office tenants. United Bank utilizes approxi mately 7,000 sq. ft. of the ground floor for its facilities, which include a convenience bank ing center in the lobby and a 24-hour automatic teller drive-up. The interior features an im pressive collection of art from leading Colorado artists. and Loan, Colorado First Mortgage, United Bank of Fort Collins, Home Federal Savings and Loan Associa tion and Utah Mortgage Corpora tion. themselves because of age, infirmity or limited income. The bank purchases the paint for the massive one-day volunteer effort and it is coordinated by Brothers Redevelopment, a not-for-profit neighborhood revitalization agency. Aurora President Named C. Bennett Lewis has been elected president of Colorado National Bank - Aurora. He replaces James F. Marsico, who is pursuing other em ployment opportunities. Prior to his election as president, Mr. Lewis was senior lending officer at Colorado National Bank - Arapa hoe in Littleton. He has 11 years of banking experience. Joins Englewood Staff Ray Jones has joined the staff of First Interstate Bank of Englewood as assistant vice president in com mercial lending. A graduate of Drexel University in Philadelphia, Mr. Jones pre viously was with United Bank of Denver in commercial lending. First Interstate Holds Annual Paint-a-Thon Employees from First Interstate Bank of Denver once again parti cipated in the painting of 100 senior citizen homes in the bank’s annual Paint-a-Thon. The event, which at tracts more than 1,200 volunteers in Denver, provides a free paint job for senior citizens unable to do the work Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis United Bank of Denver Promotes Nine ® United Bank of Denver announced recently that Richard K. Dehn and Alan C. Gregory were promoted to vice president. Mary J. Beck, Mary || Rotola, Clark E. Smith and Barbara J. Webb were named assistant vice president. Named officers were M. Nick Afsahi, James R. Irwin and Brenda L. Knott. || Mr. Dehn is manager of executive banking’s personal banking market. He joined the bank in 1979. A commercial banker in the real estate banking group, Mr. G regory© joined United of Denver in 1979. Sterling Promotions Told Colorado National Bank - Sterling® recently promoted John Fey, assis tant vice president - commercial lending; Deborah Kelly, consumer lending officer, and John Taylor, ^ vice president, commercial lending, according to Larry Morris, president of the bank. Jefferson B&T Promotes Six Joins Lakewood Bank Stephen J. Miller has joined Colo rado National Bank - Lakewood as assistant vice president, commercial lending. Mr. Miller has eight years of banking experience, having pre viously been associated with First Interstate Bank of Englewood, South Denver National Bank, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Com merce. Promoted in Grand Junction At Colorado National Bank - Or chard Mesa in Grand Junction, R. Kelly Burford has been promoted to commercial loan officer. He joined the bank in April of this year and previously was with First Interstate Bank of Denver. Michael C. Quinlan, president and chief executive officer of Jefferson Bank & Trust, Denver, has a n -^ nounced the promotion of six indivi duals. Alan R. Ghidossi has been named senior vice president of the retail banking division. ^ Trudi McCall was promoted to W vice president and is the manager of Jefferson Bank & Trust’s Federal Center Facilities. Bradley Pierce has advanced t o ^ vice president, commercial lending division. Promoted to assistant vice presi dent and trust officer is Rose PaniCO. Susan J. Roth has been promoted to operations officer. Newly promoted to operations of ficer is Beth E. Stanley. Evergreen Director Elected Advanced in Fort Collins Ted LaMontagne, owner of “ The Hardware,’ ’ has been elected to the board of directors of Colorado Na tional Bank - Evergreen. He previously was associated with the United Banks of Colorado and was actively involved in market ing research, product development and corporate planning. Colorado National Bank - Fort Collins has announced the promo tion of Cynthia B. Roper to market-® ing officer. She joined the bank in 1982 as marketing director, having pre viously been associated with Marine Midland Bank, New York. ® 59 ABA CONVENTION PROGRAM . . . ® (Continued from page 19) the financial services industry. They will also be able to question key U.S. Senators and Congressmen about ^ other current political issues. Other Speakers To provide an international overview, former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt will address Tuesday’s general session. Then on Wednesday morn^ ing, a panel of Time magazine’s senior editors will dis cuss the latest headline news. Additional featured speakers will be A B A President C. Robert Brenton, president, Brenton Banks, Inc., ^ Des Moines, and A B A Executive Vice President Willis ^ W . Alexander. Workshops, Exhibits This year the workshops have been restructured and renamed rap sessions to increase banker participation • and sharing of ideas. Examples of the topics expected to be covered include: consumer bankruptcy reform, choosing an ATM network, new options in joint ven- tures, merger/acquisition implementation, personal fi nancial counseling, and insurance agency services. Exhibits for the convention will be housed in both the New York Hilton and the Sheraton Centre. Total floor space for this “ shopping center” for banking sup plies and services will be twice as large as in last year’s highly successful show in Hawaii. Door prizes at the exhibit center will include a cruise on the Queen Eliza beth II, two personal computers and use of a brand new automobile for one year. Fellowship and Receptions U.S. Senate Chaplain Dr. Richard C. Halverson will be featured at Sunday morning’s Fellowship Gather ing. This program and the convention general sessions will be held in the newly renovated Radio City Music Hall. As a special treat for attendees, A B A ’s Tuesday night convention reception will be held at the new, ele gant New York City Passenger Ship Terminal at Pier 88 on the Hudson River. This glass-enclosed, dockside facility is considered one of the finest in the world. A B A ’s Sunday night gala reception will be located in the Sheraton Centre. □ The “ Big Apple” Lures Conventioneers HAT MAKES New York “ The Big Apple” of visitor and con vention cities? What are the sights and services that lure more than 900 c o n v e n tio n s and m ore than 17,000,000 people each year? ® According to the New York City Visitors Bureau, here are the city’s top attractions—and what will cer tainly interest bankers and spouses attending the 1984 A B A Conven® tion , Oct. 20-24: W 0 £ 0 0 w £ w 1. Empire State Building. The Mighty One (1,472 feet) is now 50 years old, but the sleek skyscraper of steel, limestone and aluminum is as popular as ever. Each year millions of visitors enjoy the breathtaking views from observation decks on the 86th and 102nd floors, which have recently been completely renovated. 2. Rockefeller Center. A city within a city, this Manhattan landmark celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1982. The midtown com plex offers a cornucopia of delights, and visitors can learn about all of them on the superb guided tour. Nearby, in the Center’s McGraw-Hill Building, is the exciting, multimedia, multi-sensory show, “ The New York Experience.” 3. Statue of Liberty. Nearly 100 years old, Lady Liberty is currently undergoing a ma jor face lift. In the statue’s base is the Museum of Immigration, and nearby is Ellis Island (open for tours, spring through fall) where millions of immigrants were processed. 4. United Nations. Founded on October 24, 1945, the U.N. continues to add new sights, services and activities for visitors. The offi cial meetings are open to the public, there is a one-hour guided tour (even all-day tours for small groups), and no one should miss Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the post office, gift shops, restaurants and gardens. 5. Lincoln Center. This vast center of the performing arts offers opera, symphony, dance, theatre, films, a library—and a guid ed tour of the beautiful buildings that house them. 6. World Trade Center. Twin towers— each 110 stories ta ll—stand like soaring sentinels guarding New York City’s harbor. On the rooftop “ promenade” of the South Tower, you can stand on the world’s highest open-air observation deck—1,377 feet. On the top of the North Tower, you can dine in the elegant “ Windows on the World” restaurant. 7. Times Square. Now undergoing a re naissance, “ The Great White Way” is enjoy ing another “ golden age.” Marvel at the new theatres, movie houses, skyscrapers and shops. Even Nathan’s of Coney Island (the world-famous hot dog heaven) has opened a huge Times Square branch. 8. South Street Seaport. This indoor-out door “ museum” (consisting of several square blocks and three piers) stretches along the East River waterfront at Fulton Street. The entire area is being restored to its appearance when it was one of the world’s great ports for sailing ships. Among the attractions: a collection of historic ships, an old printing shop, a model-ships museum, the Titanic Memorial Lighthouse, and several seafood restaurants. 9. New York Stock Exchange. The na tion’s marketplace—the money capital of the world—is one of the city’s best sight seeing bargains. Free tours during trading hours. 10. Sightseeing Buses & Cruises. Per haps the easiest and most relaxing way to learn all about New York City is to take a sightseeing bus tour or a Circle Line threehour sightseeing cruise around the island of Manhattan. You can even take a sightseeing helicopter trip. 11. The World of Entertainment. New York is still its capital, and its districts are Broadway, off-Broadway, off-off-Broadway, the first-run film houses, TV shows, dis cotheques, the folk-rock-jazz-country & western scenes and the ever-popular night clubs with their star performers. 12. New York’s Restaurants. From the budget-priced Zum Zum to the posh “ 21” Club, the city is guaranteed to please the palate and purse. But you must bring a hearty appetite; the puny eater will develop an inferiority complex. 13. Shopping. High and low fashions, an tiques, posters, skis, coins, records, tapes, books, toys, shells, gems, pets—you name it, New York’s stores will produce it . Not only on justly renowned Fifth Avenue, but also at Herald Square, along 34th, 57th, 59th and 86th Streets, in Greenwich Village, SoHo, and on the upper and lower East Side. 14. Houses of Worship. Food for the soul and impressive works of art and architec ture are offered by such landmarks as St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Temple Emanu-EI, the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, or Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel in lower Manhattan. You can even visit a Buddhist shrine in Chinatown. 15. The Great Museums. Everyone has heard of the Met and the Modern, but visi tors should not overlook the Frick Collec tion, the American Museum of Natural His tory and Hayden Planetarium, the Museum of the American Indian, the Museum of the City of New York, the Cooper-Hewitt Muse um, the International Center of Photo graphy, and many more. For striking archi tecture as well as art, visit the Guggenheim and the Whitney. Clearly, New York City will add lots of siz zle to the 1984 ABA Convention. □ Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 60 Mic Brosius Bank of Stapleton Russ Rabeler Farmers State Bank, Dodge Chuck Leffler, Jr. Security State Bank of Holbrook George Haase, Jr. Crofton State Bank Willard Behrends State Bank of Elk Creek Randy Burns Home State Bank, Humboldt Meredith W illiam s First State Bank, Beaver City Jerry Puritan First National, W isner Crawford State Bank M arsha Wilhelm The Dawson Bank, Dawson Wayne Hoskinson The Sioux National Bank, Harrison “I switched.” “NBC Data Processing meets the needs of my bank.” Last year 19 Nebraska banks discovered what almost 200 Nebraska banks already know. NBC Data Processing* provides services tailored exactly to the needs of your bank. Different products for dif Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ferent size banks. Im mediate access to people with answers. The longest working day available. Better software and better reports for more useful information. NBC Data Processing is just one reason National Bank of Commerce is the state’s leader in Correspondent Banking Services. More banks are switching to NBC. Find out why. Call (402) 472-4115 today and see what NBC can do for you. NBC/CSC Computer Services Corporation A w h o lly -o w n e d s u b s id ia r y o f the N a tio n a l B a n k o f C o m m e rce T ru st & S a v in g s A s s o c ia tio n N BC C enter, 13th & O S treets, P .O . B o x 8 2 4 0 8 , L in c o ln , N e b ra sk a 6 8 5 0 1 ( 4 0 2 ) 4 7 2 - 4 4 4 0 / M em b er FDIC 61 David City Bank Is Closed; Re-Opens As Branch of 1st National of Omaha HE Nebraska department of banking declared the David City Bank insolvent on September 6, closed the bank and named the *F D IC receiver. The FDIC negoti ated a purchase and assumption, on a bid basis, with First National Bank of Omaha, which re-opened the bank the following morning at 7:30 m .m. as First National Bank of Oma ha - David City Branch. J. William Henry, executive vice president of First National of Oma ha, also is serving as chief executive ^officer of the David City Branch un til a senior administrative ap pointment is made, probably within 90 days. David City Bank had deposits tostalin g nearly $18 million and all de positors were fully protected in the First National of Omaha takeover. Director of Banking Roger Beverage emphasized to the bank’s custo•mers, David City residents and the media that no depositor would lose one cent. In some earlier failures this year in other states, no buyer was found; consequently, customers •with large deposits were unpro tected for amounts over $100,000. At last year-end, according to David City Bank’s report filed with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas ®City, the bank has $792,000 in loans which were delinquent on interest payments by 90 days or more, in cluding farm loans of $682,000. An additional total of $406,000 in loans •was listed as non-performing. Mr. Beverage said principal own ers of the David City Bank (88%)— Lester E. Souba, chairman, and his ^son, Lester W. Souba, president— •would have had to put in an addi tional $1 million in new capital to offset the bad loans, or find a buyer willing to do so. When this could not ^be done, the banking department ^was required by law to close the T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bank. Prospective bidders were soli cited earlier in the week by FDIC. On September 5 they were given a confidential package with the name of the bank to be taken over by FDIC as receiver and financial and account information needed on which to base a bid. First National of Omaha was high bidder for $808,000. It assumed all deposits of the David City Bank, the installment loans and premises and fixtures. Assets total about $8.3 mil lion, plus the buyer’s $808,000, for a total of more than $9 million. To fa cilitate the transaction, the FDIC has advanced cash amounting to $11.2 million and retains assets of the failed bank with a book value of approximately $13.1 million. FDIC assumes all outstanding loans and will endeavor to recover as much as possible in future months and years from those loans. Mr. Henry said First National of Omaha was notified at 3 p.m. on September 6 that its bid was ac cepted by the FDIC. Signs were put up at the David City Branch by 7 p.m. and doors were opened for busi ness Friday morning, September 7 at 7:30 a.m. He reported that de posits on opening day were $17.3 million and increased in each of the first three days of operation. “ Public relations, of course, is a big challenge in a situation like this in a community of 2,500,’ ’ Mr. Henry said. “ They have to have time to look us over.’ ’ Mr. Henry has been joined by these seven First National of Omaha staff members to assist initially at the David City Branch (titles are ones held at First National of Omaha)—Bill Gdovic, second vice president; Sara Hastings, cashier; Dave Erker, commercial loan officer, and Tom Jensen, Jerry Tomka, Dan O ’Neill and Roger Fluery, agricul tural loan representatives. Les and Bill Souba, as well as Lewis “ Bud” Zinnecker, executive vice president, have resigned. Mr. Henry said all other personnel of David City Bank have been hired as employees of First National Bank of Omaha—David City Branch. First of Omaha has the right to re turn within 60 days to FDIC any of the installment loans it chooses not to keep. It also may purchase within 30 days any of the other loans it chooses to take from FDIC. The FDIC office in David City, expected to operate for six months to a year, will then proceed with collection of the remaining loans. The David City Bank failure is the first in Nebraska in 1984. In 1983 the Bank of Niobrara was closed on July 8. It was purchased by Merchants State Bank of Bloom field, which also operates an office now in Niobrara. The David City Bank closing was the 55th in the na tion in 1984. The following day, Oak land Savings Bank in Oakland, la., was closed by the Iowa superinten dent of banking. That was the 56th bank closed. It was sold by FDIC and re-opened the following day as Oakland State Bank. One Joins Fremont Staff William A. Snodgrass has joined the First National Bank & Trust Company, Fre mont, as vice p resid en t and commercial loan officer, accord in g to R .M . Fritz, president. An Omaha na tive, Mr. Snod grass most re cently was vice president and se nior commercial loan officer for Am erican N ational Bank, St. Joseph, Mo. Appointed in Kearney Stephen L. Pomajzl has been ap pointed agricultural loan officer of The Platte Valley State Bank & Trust Company, Kearney, according to Wayne R. McKinney, chairman. Mr. Pomajzl is a graduate of the University of Nebraska with a ma jor in mechanized agriculture. Since 1980 he has been associated with the South Omaha Production Credit Association Office in Fremont as loan officer. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 62 Dennis R. Wood, president o f^ Packers National Bank, has an nounced the ad dition of Lonnie Rocchietti to the bank’s loan de partment. Ms. Rocchiet ti p r e v io u s ly spen t severa l years as man ager of a local c re d it u nio n. l. ROCCHIETTI NBA to Survey Members on ^ Interstate Banking Issue Edward Kohout, president of Norwest Bank Omaha South, announced the promotions of the following persons: Robert E. Dahl to senior vice president business bank ing; Gerry J. Lenczowski to vice president, and Brenda L. Lawson to ag R.E. DAHL loan officer. Mr. Dahl has been appointed se nior vice president/manager of the business banking department at Norwest Bank Omaha South in addition to the same position at Norwest Bank Omaha and manages the business banking sector on a re gional basis. where he was vice president/loan pool manager for the corporation. He was named senior vice president at Norwest Bank Omaha in 1983. Mr. Lenczowski received his BS degree in business administration from Creighton University in 1978. He is presently in graduate studies at the University of Nebraska work ing toward an MBA. He worked at the Norwest Bank Omaha South as a teller and collector in the install ment loan department in 1975. He went to Norwest Bank Omaha in 1978 as a regional credit trainee. In 1980 he became a commercial lend ing officer at Norwest Bank Omaha South and was promoted to assis tant vice president in 1983. In April of 1984 he moved to Norwest Bank Omaha in the business banking de partment and was named second vice president, a position he will re tain in addition to being vice presi dent at Norwest Omaha South. Ms. Lawson entered the Norwest management training program in June, 1983, and began working at Norwest Bank Omaha South as an ag representative. Prior to that she worked as a supervisor/branch float and consultant for four years for two Alaska banks. * * * He began working at Norwest Bank Minneapolis in 1959, and transferred to Norwest Bank Omaha South in 1968 as senior vice presi dent of commercial banking. He then worked five years in the corpo rate office as vice president/credit administration. Mr. Dahl spent four years in Billings, Mont., as execu tive vice president of Norwest Bill ings, and returned to Minneapolis, Douglas County Bank and Trust company recently announced the promotion of Nancy L. Mortensen to commercial loan officer. Ms. Mortensen started with the bank in 1975 as an executive secre tary in the commercial loan depart ment. She was promoted to adminis trative assistant in 1983. * * * G.J. LENCZOWSKI B.L. LAWSON Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis At their meeting in Kearney on September 27, members of the Nebraska Bankers Association Ex ecutive Council voted unanimously^ to conduct a survey among chief ex ecutive officers of member banks on the subject of interstate banking. The staff was directed to mail the survey at the earliest possible mo-* ment. It asks five questions and of fers additional opportunity for com ment as follows: 1. Do you think interstate bank ing is an appropriate subject for the* Nebraska Bankers Association to concern itself with at the present time? Y e s ____ N o ____ 2. Do you feel that you have suffi cient information at the present time to allow you to make an in formed decision as to what position in regard to interstate banking that the Nebraska Bankers Association should take? Y e s ____ N o ____ 3. Would you be willing to attend a conference at which the subject would be more fully discussed? Y e s ____ N o ____ ^ 4. What do you think would be the most effective way to help inform all Nebraska bankers of the pros and cons of the issue? Comment: 5. Do you feel that a poll of the^ membership would be appropriate in helping the NBA formulate a posi tion on the issue? Y e s ____ N o ____ Comment: 6. The following are some addi-< tional arguments for/against inter state banking (please fill in): 7. Other comments: The NBA executive council plans to have results of the study tabu-< lated in ample time for its legislative process to establish a position for NBA to take, if that is desired by the membership, when this issue surfaces in the coming state legisla- { tive session. 63 Don Ostrand Ralph Peterson Jim Flodine Fred Kuehl Gerry Tomka Tom Jensen THE ANSW ER MEN CORRESPONDENT banking can be confusing, frustrating, time-consuming. Not so at First National Bank of Omaha. Just call to get the answers from one of our six experienced correspondent bankers. Six men with the very latest financial technology at their fingertips dispensing profession al, dependable, confidential service. So call us for the answers to your correspondent banking questions — on electronic data processing, cash letter processing, overlines, f : rv ^L fed fund transactions and more 11151 N O I I O l K j l L X J N K In Nebraska, call 1-800-642-9907. Outside Nebraska, call 1-800-228-9533. You'll get the Member FDIC answers from us, the answer men. of omaha Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 64 Nebraska News LEFT ■Tom Henning, chmn. of the NBA Committee on Agriculture and pres., Overland Natl., Grand Island, is pictured (left) with two panel ists: Dr. Larry Bitney (center) and Dr. Doug Jose, both with the Dept, of Ag Economics, U of N-Lincoln. RIGHT—Members of “ Solutions to Nebraska’s Farm Credit Situation” panel were, from left, front row— Bob Reel, v.p., Federal Land Bank, Omaha; Tom Olson, (moderator), pres., Lisco State Bk.; Larry Davis, FmHA repr., Wash., D.C., and Morris Reynolds, Nebr. Inv. Finance Authority, Lincoln. Back row— Kirk Jamison, mgr., PCA, Lincoln, and John Martin (introducer), sr. v.p., Omaha Natl., Omaha. M At NBA Ag Conference Land Prices, High Interest Rates, Federal Deficits Cause Farm Problems By BEN HALLER, JR. Publisher OPING with dramatic changes C in agriculture was the central theme running through the Nebras ka Bankers Association’s 1984 A g Credit Conference at The Cornhusker in Lincoln in early September. NBA Committee Chairman Tom Henning, president of Overland Na tional Bank in Grand Island, pre sided at the meeting. John Marten, staff economist for Farm Journal Magazine, set the stage as opening speaker with his “ Perspective of Agricultural Cred it.’ ’ A knowledgeable, humorous speaker, Mr. Marten pointed out that the value of the American dol lar and land prices are inversely re lated—“ a mirror image. With the re cent rise in the dollar, land prices are not bullish. I think most of the bad news (on falling land rates) is in—I am more optimistic than anything. The majority of farmers already know it’s no time to buy—so maybe it is time.” Mr. Marten presented a series of historical charts pertaining to land values, ag prices, interest rates and options for re-financing solutions. Dr. Doug Jose and Dr. Larry Bit ney, department of ag economics, University of Nebraska Lincoln, dis cussed “ Managing for Tomorrow,’# a new family-oriented farm program of economic education offered by the Nebraska Crop Extension Service and the Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources of the U niver# sity. The basic part of the program is to get farm families to do longrange planning. They explained how training groups are planning to cover the state and requested helj® from bankers in getting their custo mers involved in this program. Glenn LeDioyt, president of LeDioytland Company, Omaha, a vet eran in farm management, said “ t h ^ escalation of land prices is the root cause of the farm problem today.” He said Nebraska lost 3% of its farmers last year and now has 60,000 farmers. He pointed to the® LEFT— Legal panel members; Seated: Dan Jewell and Dennis Collins, partners in Jewell, Gatz & Collins law firm, Norfolk. Standing: Roger Weiss, pres.-elect of NBA and pres. Commercial Natl., Ainsworth, and Jim Stratton, pres., Osmond State. RIGHT—NBA Pres. A.C. “Skip” Hove, Jr. (left), chmn., Minden Exchange Bk., and Mr. Henning, (right) present the 1984 Spirit of Agriculture Award to former state Senato# Maurice A. Kremer for his many contributions to Nebraska agriculture and natural resource conservation. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65 N e b ra s k a N ew s low 4% return on ag land as a stumbling block, and a controlling factor for bankers to consider when making a farmland loan. He said only 3% of farmland changes hands a year, “ so that 3% is setting the price for the 97% not being sold!” Don Nitchie, commodity market ing associate, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, gave a brief seminar on the “ Future in A g Options.” A panel focusing on “ Solutions to Nebraska’s Farm Credit Situation” was moderated by Tom Olson, presi dent of Lisco State Bank, who is also the IB A A ’s representative on Secretary o f Agriculture John Block’s Bankers Advisory Commit tee. While he was citing the fact that 54 banks had been closed in the na tion so far in 1984, compared to 48 in all of 1983, the David City Bank in David City, Nebr., was being closed by the state department of banking. The following day, Oak land Savings Bank in Oakland, la., was closed. Both were sold by the FDIC and re-opened under new own ers. Mr. Olson said his Advisory Group has told secretary Block that federal deficits cause high interest rates that are impacting farmers ad versely. Kirk Jamison, PCA manager in Lincoln, said, “ Our current ag policy was developed in a time when ex ports didn’t impact agriculture. It needs to be revised in view of this.” Bob Reel, vice president and credit review officer, Federal Land Bank, Omaha, cautioned, “ We (banks) have to remain strong in the financial business to survive and be lenders to agriculture tomorrow. We can ’t lower interest rates and stay in business. We can’t finance operators that are not going to survive.” Larry Davis, the FmHA represen tative from Washington, D.C., and a former Kansas banker, said 19 to 35 requests from Nebraska bankers to be approved as Certified A g Lenders have been OKd and the rest are being processed. “ The greatest rate of delinquency increase has been in the midwest,” he stated, “ including Nebraska, especially family farms.” Morris Reynolds, manager of the N ebraska Investm ent Finance Authority, Lincoln, discussed the program of his agency for exchang ing tax free bonds for land con tracts. Another panel, “ Pre-Bankruptcy Problems & Frivolous Lawsuits,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis was moderated by NBA General Counsel Bill Brandt. Two partici pants were Dan Jewell and Dennis Collins, law partners from Norfolk. They emphasized the need for thor ough documentation of ag loans, in cluding getting both husband and wife to sign the notes. They also re viewed other necessary legal steps to secure loans, steps to watch for in a foreclosure action, and the growth impact of frivolous lawsuits. The two bankers on the panel both are in the midst of such suits, they report. Jim Stratton, president of Osmond State Bank, says his bank was sued for $40 million by an area farm owner, the bank won the case, and now it is on appeal in the 8th Circuit Court in St. Louis. Roger Weiss, NBA president-elect and president of Commercial National Bank, Ainsworth, is involved in a similar type of suit in which the bank and all parties have been sued for $11 million. At the A g Reception Luncheon, Past Senator Maurice Kremer of Aurora was recognized by the NBA for his numerous contributions to Nebraska agriculture with the Spirit of Agriculture award. Chairman Henning cited a long list of Senator Kremer’s accomplishments, especi ally as chairman of the Nebraska legislature’s ag committee from 1965 to 1972. University of Nebraska Football Coach Tom Osborne again ad dressed the luncheon meeting on Thursday, sharing his insights into power plays being conducted by var ious schools and athletic unions in volved in the race for television dol lars from football broadcasts. On Thursday night, delegates went to the State Fairgrounds for the Johnny Cash stage show. □ Trust Company of Fremont, under the charter and title of the latter. MITA Board Members Elected The Midwest International Trade A ssocia tion , headquartered in Omaha, recently elected new board members for 1984-85. Those elected include: President — Paul Warfield, Na tional Bank of Commerce, Lincoln; Treasurer — James Williams, First National Bank of Lincoln; Joseph Crimmins, First National Bank of Lincoln; Jody Crewe, First National Bank of Omaha, and Brad Korell, National Bank of Commerce. The Company Name Has Changed. . . Robert E. Rob Executive Vice President Patrick H. Rensch Senior Vice President C. W. (Chuck) Poore, Jr. Senior Vice President A. William (Bill) Abts, Jr. Vice President Wayne A. Rasmuss Secretary-Treasurer Micky Krupinsky Representative John Fleming Representative Applications Approved North Platte State Bank received approval recently from the Comp troller of the Currency to convert to a national charter with the new title: North Platte National Bank. Also approved was the merger of First Savings Company of Sidney into First National Bank of Sidney, which is in the organization state. The merged bank will go by the name First National Bank of Sid ney. Approval was also given for First Savings Company of Fremont to merge into First National Bank and Now we’re the MBU Professionals. We’re the same people you worked with in the past. And we still spec ialize in tax-exempt investments. Municipal Bond Underwriters, Inc. Investm ent B ankers • U nderw riters 208 South 19th Street, O m aha, N e bra ska 68102 (402) 341-1144 In Nebraska Call Toll Free (800) 642-4413 Member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation S1PC Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 66 N e b ra s k a N ew s HOSTS for First National Lincoln’s 24th Annual Correspondent Bank Conference were William C. Smith (left), pres., and Gary Bieck, vp.-mgr. of corr. bk. div. RIGHT—Members of The Livestock, Grain and Feed Outlook panel were, from left to right: Seated— Robert Cartmill, pres., Lincoln Grain, Inc., Lincoln, and Jack Maddux, rancher-livestock producer, Wauneta. Standing— Dale C. Tinstman, dir. & former co-chmn., Iowa Beef Processors, Dakota City, Nebr.; Dr. Roy Arnold, vice chancellor, Institute of Ag and Natural Resources, U of N-Lincoln, and Carson Rogers, swine producer, Ord. 1st National Lincoln Conference Offers Optimism for Ag Outlook By BEN HALLER, JR. Publisher M ORE THAN 300 community bankers participated in the 24th Annual Correspondent Bank Conference hosted in Lincoln last month by First National Bank and Trust Company of Lincoln. It was a newsworthy event for hosts and guests alike. A total of 625 bankers and spouses were registered. It marked the first Correspondent Conference since First Lincoln and Omaha National Bank holding com panies joined earlier in 1984 to form FirsTier, Inc., which now owns both banks. First National President Wil liam C. Smith is in the process of moving his office from the bank’s executive quarters on the ninth floor of the bank building to the 12th floor where he will continue his duties as president of the bank as well as added duties as president of FirsTier. In addition, guests were treated to the first optimistic look ahead at the farm economy that the Confer ence ag panel has been able to give in two or three years. A detailed summary of the panelists’ remarks was presented in the September 17 issue of the N orthwestern B anker Weekly Newsletter. Jack Maddux, rancher and livestock producer from Wauneta, stated, “ I think we’re on the brink of some substantial changes in the next two years — we’ll see a dramatic price turn around. It’s coming and is in the Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis making.” He cited reduced cattle numbers to 112 million head by Jan uary, including greatly reduced cow numbers. He said reduced slaughter and reduced numbers will compound into higher beef prices. Carson Rogers, swine producer from Ord, also foresees reduced pork supplies in cold storage, reduced sow numbers and increased sow kill as portending higher prices in a few months. The more complete report is de tailed in the September 17 Newslet ter, as noted above. Mr. Smith welcomed banker guests at the opening session, then presented a seven minute video look at FirsTier—its goals, its strengths in the form of its two major banks, mortgage, leasing and trust subsidi aries, and the position it plans to take across a seven state upper mid west area in the months and years ahead. Gary Bieck, vice president and manager of First National’s corre spondent bank division, introduced the moderator of the ag panel, Dr. Roy Arnold, who has handled that duty in such excellent fashion the past two years. Dr. Arnold is vice chancellor of the Institute of A g and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Before the panel took up its an nual duties of discussing The Live stock, Grain and Feed Outlook as it does at the Conference each year, Mr. Bieck made a number of awards for those bankers who at last year’s meeting predicted accurately, or were the closest to, the prices and performance levels of a number of grain and livestock products as mea sured by market records this year. Guests attended a cocktail-buffet reception Friday night after arriving and registering at The Cornhusker, then started off Saturday morning bright and early, beginning at 7:30 a.m. with a buffet breakfast. Follow ing the ag panel’s two-hour presen tation, the guests adjourned to the First National building across the street for a reception and buffet luncheon before proceeding to nearby Memorial Stadium for the Universi ty of Nebraska’s opening football game of the 1984 season. The Cornhuskers responded with a dazzling display of talent as they downed a tough, but outmanned University of Wyoming team. □ # • ^ ® • First National O’Neill Celebrates 100th Year The First National Bank of O ’Neill celebrated its 100th anniver- q sary last month with a day-long cele bration. Bank President John Wat son was on hand and thanked the community for its continued sup port. A collection of artifacts from 0 the bank’s and county’s history was on display at the bank and owners of the oldest items received $50 Sav ings Bonds. In addition, several monetary donations were made by 0 the bank to community organiza tions. In his remarks, Mr. Watson said he has always used the bank’s slo gan “ Since 1884” but “ it didn’t 0 mean much to me until now.” 67 1 INCREASED PROFITABILITY Good question. And at Bandease, we just happen to have six good answers: 1 Equipment leases are generally more profitable to make than conven tional loans due to the tax benefits you can receive. r% BROADER CUSTOMER SERVICE A* You get an edge on your competi tion by offering equipment leasing as a complement to your existing bank ing services. * banc lease,nc. Ä * p a box 3128 o m a h a , ne bra ska 68103 an affiliate of first national bank of o m a h a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 YOUR CUSTOMERS SAVE J MONEY Lease rates are normally lower than conventional loan rates, which allows your commercial and agricultural borrowers to conserve working capital. A NO FEES OR COSTS i Through Banclease, you escape the legal, accounting, staffing, mar keting and operational expenses associated with creating your own leasing department. r WE UNDERSTAND YOUR J NEEDS We are not consultants or brokers. We’re bankers. And as one of the oldest and largest bank-affiliated leasing companies in the Midwest, we under stand equipment financing. 6 YOU’RE IN CONTROL Banclease handles the paperwork - documentation, billing, accounting, etc. - but your customer deals only with you. Leasing works. And Banclease can make it work for your bank. Call Scott Morris toll-free, or write today: In Nebraska, 1 800 642-9907 - - In all other states, 1 800 228-4411 - - Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 68 Daniel E. Walsh was elected mort gage loan officer. He joined the mortgage loan division in October, 1983, and prior to coming to NBC worked for a real estate firm in Dal las. He graduated from the Universi ty of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1973 with a BS in construction management. The board of directors of National Bank of Commerce elected four of ficers at their July board meeting. Bruce A. Bellamy was elected mortgage loan officer. He joined the mortgage loan division in Septem ber, 1983, and prior to that was an auditor in Commerce Group, Inc. Mr. Bellamy graduated from Ne braska Wesleyan University in 1969 with a BS in business administra tion with an emphasis in economics. Mark L. Holdt was elected loan analysis officer. He began as a man agement trainee at NBC in June, 1982, joined loan analysis in April, 1983, and in August, 1983, was made acting loan analysis manager. Mr. Holdt graduated from the Uni versity of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1982 with a BS in business administra tion. Cynthia Wright was elected con sumer loan officer. She joined the bankcard department in 1977 and # was promoted to credit supervisor in bankcard in 1980. She joined install ment lending in 1983. Ms. Wright graduated from Kearney State Col lege in 1976. # * * * Pauline T. Smith has joined the staff of Cornhusker Bank, Lincoln, % as assistant cashier and loan officer. She has 18 years of previous bank ing experience. Three Directors Elected At North Platte Bank B.A. BELLAMY M.L. HOLDT D.E. WALSH C. WRIGHT Call Steve Sutton For Complete Credit Insurance Service . . . Call Toll Free in Nebraska 800-742-7335 or call collect 402-475-4061 Steve W. Sutton Bank Programs for Group*lndividual Life*Accident & Sickness LIN C O LN Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Vice President Jô Where B E N E F IT is m ore than a m id d le n am e Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 At a recent meeting of the board of American Security Bank, North Platte, Merlyn B. Honerman, R obert F. Klemm and Rob ert L. Morrison were elected di rectors. M r. H o n e r man is owner-op erator of the Ben Franklin Store M.B. HONERMAN in the Westfield Shopping Center in North Platte,* and also owns the Ben Franklin Store in Gothenburg. LIFE R.F. KLEMM R.L. MORRISON Mr. Klemm is owner-operator o f ® Arrowhead Distributing Company in North Platte. Mr. Morrison is president and owner of Snell Electric Service, Inc., ^ also in North Platte. 69 Introducing 1st CHOICE BROKERAGE SERVICES Now you can offer an extra dimension in investment planning. With 1st Choice Brokerage Services, your customers can cut standard commission costs as much as 50%, by making their own investment decisions. 1st Choice Brokerage Services — fast, accurate, and staffed by experienced specialists. To join the 1st Choice Team, contact Gerald A. List or Sally A. Greenwalt. Call Toll-Free 800-742-4407 (IN NEBRASKA ONLY) The F irst Team. Illlflilll Doing it all. For you. FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN, P.O. Box 82501 • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. A FirsTier Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 70 E x p o rt-Im p o rt Experts T h e r e 's a n e w I o w a t e a m to h e l p y o u h e l p y o u r c u s t o m e r s d o b u s i n ess o v e rse a s. N o w , this I o w a t e a m is w o r k in g t o g e t h e r to h e l p i n c r e a s e Io w a 's s h a r e of g l o b a l m a r k e ts . W e h a v e T h e I o w a E x p o r t -I m p o r t T r a d in g th e e x p e r i e n c e a n d r e s o u r c e s to C o m p a n y assists I o w a c o m p a n i e s p r o v id e a c o m p le t e p a c k a g e of in m a r k e t in g , s h ip p in g o r p r o c u r in te r n a tio n a l t r a d i n g a s s is ta n c e . i n g th eir p r o d u c t s o u ts id e th e U.S. B a n k e r s Trust p r o v i d e s a lull r a n g e o i in t e r n a t io n a l b a n k i n g s e r v ic e s to fa c ilita te th e f in a n c ia l a n d d o c u m e n ta ry a s p e c t s o f d o i n g b u s iness o v e r s e a s . If y o u h a v e a c u s t o m e r d o i n g b u s in e s s in f o r e ig n m a r k e t s n o w The Nevv T eam eam The N ew Io w aa T Bankers P r C ***■ om eCrow I F ComeGrow With us Us W I With I| | I C C T T U w l o r w is h in g to d o so, c o n t a c t B a n k e r s Trust's I n te r n a tio n a l D ivi sion . T o g e th e r , w e l l t a k e o n th e w o r ld ... a n d w in ! (515) 245-5288 IOWA EXPORT-IMPORT TRADING COMPANY (515) 245-2464 .. . 1. 1 : ", Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 71 IBA OFFICERS for 1984-85 are, from left: Immed. Past Pres.—Al Maser, pres., First Natl, in Le Mars; Pres.—William Logan, pres., The State Central Bank, Keokuk; Pres.-Elect—J. Bruce Meriwether, pres., First Natl., Dubuque; Treas.— Richard Randall, pres., Dunlap Sav ings, and Exec. V.P.— Neil Milner, Des Moines. bers of not only IB A but of Iowa In dependent Bankers and the IB AA as well. He called on all Iowa bank ers to exhibit a spirit of teamwork to achieve growth for the entire indus try in the coming year and help lead Iowa out of its stagnant farm prob lems. J. Bruce Meriwether, president of First National Bank in Dubuque, was named the new president-elect and will become president at the 1985 convention next September. Continuing as treasurer for the sec ond year of his two-year term is Richard Randall, president of Dun lap Savings Bank. Neil Milner con tinues as executive vice president and secretary. •Bill Logan Advanced to IBA Presidency by BEN HALLER, JR. Publisher STEVE BURCH Associate Publisher and BECKY McBURNEY Associate Editor # A SOBER look at the issues and r \ problems facing all banks to day, especially rural community banks, and an assessment of alterna tives to cope with them was pro^ v id e d by a broad assortment of out standing speakers at the 98th an nual convention of the Iowa Bankers Association in Des Moines last month. The theme selected by retir i n g IB A President Al Maser for his term and the convention, “ New Banks, New Bankers,” was most ap propriate. More than 2,200 bankers, spouses, • industry associates and exhibitors were in attendance for the meeting. A t their Sunday afternoon official IB A business meeting, delegates were informed of the anticipated q results of the usual August mail ballot election. William Logan, president of The State Central Bank in Keokuk, moved up automatically from president-elect to the presiden cy to succeed Mr. Maser, president of First National Bank in Le Mars. The Inaugural dinner Tuesday night gave an opportunity for in coming President William Logan to outline his “ Teaming Up for the Fu ture” theme for the coming year. Using frequent references to sport ing terms related to his former days 30 years earlier when he was an All American basketball player on the University of Iowa’s Fabulous Five, Mr. Logan said he will make every effort to seek dialogue and harmony among Iowa bankers who are mem Bill Logan accepts the President’s Gavel from Al Maser as he is installed as 1984-85 IBA President. In his President’s Report, Mr. Maser recalled the “ no problem” era of the 1950s and 1960s in Iowa for banking, business and agriculture. He stated that “ agriculture is the basic economic activity in rural America and I feel there is no more important issue for all Americans to face than how to deal with this prob lem. Agriculture is a national trea sure and we m u s t find solutions or we’re going to lose that treasure.” Mr. Maser then called on bankers to focus on their strengths to cope with IOWA G o v . Terry Branstad is pictured (left) with IBA Pres. Al Maser, and in center with his long-time friend, Gordon Wold, pres., Poweshiek County Savings Bank, Brooklyn. RIGHT— Louis Rukeyser, host of W a ll S tr e e t W eek, is briefed by IBA Commun. Dir. Alda Post. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 72 Io w a N e w s LEFT— Wives of three IBA officers are, from left; Shirley Meriwether, Dubuque; Delores Maser, LeMars, and Joan Logan, Keokuk. RIGHT— Anne Bryant (center),dir. of NABW’s Educational Foundation, Chicago, is pictured after her convention address with Betty Steele (left), a past pres, of NABW and v.p. & corp. secy, of Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, and Marie Wilson (right), IBA dir. of education/human resources. the changing consumer, competitive and technological environments. A major strength he stressed is that of the people who make up our commu nities and the banks, noting, “ How we care about people may be more critical to our survival than any other business decision we might make.” Mr. Maser was elected to a twoyear term on the A B A Council, ef fective at the end of the A B A con vention in New York this month, and will succeed Tom C. Dunlap, chairman and president of Andrew Savings Bank, Bellevue. The other Iowa member of the A B A Council, L.C. “ Bud” Pike, president of Hawkeye Bank & Trust, Grundy Center, will become A B A vice presi dent for Iowa, the position Mr. Dun lap held this year. Two new members of the Iowa Bankers Insurance & Service board for 1984-85, elected at the Sunday meeting are Willis M. Hansen, presi dent, State Bank of Lawler, and Ger ald F. Lapke, president, State Bank of Portsmouth. Also, Norman Skadburg, president, First State Bank, Webster City, will present the IBA board on the IBIS board. At their business meeting, IBA members approved three amend ments to the articles of incorpora tion. The first states that any state or nationally chartered bank may be eligible for IB A membership. The vote, including mail ballots was 168-3 for passage. The second vests management of the corporation’s af fairs in its board of directors. It passed 184-31. The third, a contro versial measure, was finally adopted 144-42. It provides that “ At each Annual Convention in an even-num bered year, the Executive Commit tee shall appoint, from the Members in good standing, one person who shall serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors for a twoyear term and until that person’s successor is appointed and shall have qualified.” The controversy centered around^ whether this would permit addi tional control or voice on the Board by holding companies without mem bership vote. Several independent bankers spoke against the arnend-^ ment and a motion by one to table the issue for one year was defeated. The amendment then was adopted. First Day A g Program q Following long-standing custom, the first business session on Mon day morning was devoted to agricul tural talks. Presiding was Roger Engelkes, executive vice president^ of Grundy National Bank, Grundy Center, and IBA A g Committee chairman. Neil Harl, nationally known as professor from Iowa State Univer-# sity, whose keen analysis of the cur rent agricultural financial crisis has been considered top resource materi al by the highest government offi cials, was the leadoff speaker. H e # emphasized again a key point of all LEFT— Bob Millen, pres., United Central Bank of Des Moines; Jock Stevenson, pres., First T&S, Cedar Rapids; Addison Jones, pres., Grinnell State, and Ken Myers, chmn. & ceo, United Central Bancshares, Des Moines. RIGHT— Mike Austin (left), v.p., and Jim Eiler (right), s r ^ v.p., both with United Central Bank, visit with John Hopkins (center), pres., Albert City Savings. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 73 Put Mark Sorensen and Lon Kelling To W ork For You. W hether in the field or back at the Bank, Mark and Lon will provide the kind of responsive, up-to-date assistance you expect, helping with your agricultural-related needs. W hether for cash flow planning and analysis, commodity price trends, overline assistance or work-out situations, you can count on our Ag team. Lon Kelling, Correspondent and Agricultural Loan Representative, is the most recent member of our Ag team. A lifelong rural Iowan, Lons agricultural background and community bank experiences provide first-hand knowledge your bank can count on. FIRST NATIONAL OTTTRSA WTALTH OT CORRTSPONDTNT STRVICTS. Gary Stevenson INVESTMENTS DATA PROCESSING Vice President Get experienced help and fast action in handling Fed W e can put you on-line to the Banks o f Iowa computers, Correspondent Banking Funds transactions, money transfers, security purchases 712-277-0618 and sales. the area’s most successful EFT/Instant Access processor. M ICROCOM PUTER ANALYSIS First National Bank stands LOANS W e can provide guidance on equipment needs, technol ready to place its total Overline, liquidity and bank stock loans, commercial ogy and programming. resources at your disposal. loans and more. Just contact G ary Stevenson for assistance with any of the following: CREDIT CARD SERVICES Merchant and consumer services for both MasterCard ITEM CLEARANCE and Visa. A fast, accurate, efficient system that assures maximum funds availability. Remember, when you need help with any o f these services and more, First National Bank is only a phone call away. TRUST CONSULTING O ur Trust department is ready to help you with any and all client needs. Call Us First! First National Bank m MEMBER FD1C * 712-277-1 500 • Sioux City, Iowa 5 1101 • A ‘BANKS OF IOWA BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 74 Io w a N e w s BACKSTAGE PICTURES— Upper left: Speakers A. Arthur Davis, IBA general counsel, Des Moines; Bob Brenton, ABA pres, and pres, of« Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, and Neil Milner, IBA exec. v.p. UPPER RIGHT—Community Bankers panelists Dwight Seegmiller, v.p.. Hills B&T; Rowland McClellan, chmn. & pres., Bank of Wisconsin, Janesville; Lawrence Johns, pres., Isabella B&T, Mt. Pleasant, Mich, and IBA Exec. V.P. Neil Milner, moderator. LOWER RIGHT—Relaxing in between sessions were Bill Logan, newly-elected IBA pres.; Randy Steig IBA exec, dir., and Wes Ehrecke, IBA govt, rel./mktg. dir. his discussions that high interest rates are at the foundation of the severity of ag problems today. The roots of the financial problem of farmers, he pointed out, are four fold: 1. Adverse weather conditions. 2. High real rates of interest. 3. Ex pansion in the ‘70s. 4. Reduction in land values. “ But nothing comes close to Number Two,” he empha sized, “ and it should be a concern of both parties and Congress. The drop in land prices affected more harshly those farmers who responded to gov ernment signals earlier in the 1970s that investments in land and ma was a call for federal guaranty of chinery would be the answer to run loans and debt restructuring. away inflation. Then, when govern A1 Tubbs, president of First Cen ment halted inflation, these people tral Bank in DeWitt, who is also vice were hurt badly. chairman of the A B A ag committee He noted that three of the four and one of several bankers on Secre factors impact farmers who do not tary of Agriculture John Block’s borrow. The best solution for the en Bankers Advisory Committee, was tire problem is to haul down real in the next speaker. “ The problem we terest rates. This involves a commit face with the farm situation and our ment by Congress to cut expenses economy,’ ’ he said, “ may not wait and a commitment by that body and for the ‘85 Farm Bill.” He, too the President to reduce the budget pointed to the national budget defi so that cash flow can catch up. The cit and high interest rates as the co short term solution will require a culprits for the ag problems. In addi debt restructuring program that will tion, weather the past four years in allow the remaining good farmers to Iowa has compounded that problem. handle their debt over a longer peri Bankers, Mr. Tubbs, said, are od of time in a manageable way. hard at work telling the President (President Reagan announced his and Congress they must adopt a bal plan to assist in such farm debt re anced budget amendment. Looking structuring after the ag talks were at viable alternatives for solutions given at the convention.) For many, to today’s ailing farm economy, Mr. Mr. Harl said, another alternative Tubbs reviewed those points dis will have to include a scaleback in cussed most recently by his ad their operation, plus informal liqui visory committee with USD A Secre dation for some. He doesn’t like tary Block. Those basic points were moratoriums because they soon part of President Reagan’s program translate into restricted credit for a n n ou n ced W e d n e sd a y —m ore the very sector they were intended FmHA loan guaranties, write-down to help. His final short-term solution by banks of part of their farm loans Banker, October, 1984 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in return for a loan guaranty on the# balance of a failing loan, committees of bankers and leading ag specialists for counseling with farm operators on debt restructure, and contracting with banks by FmHA for comple-# tion of the FmHA application back log. As for the general direction of the ‘85 Farm Bill, Mr. Tubbs said, a de termination will have to be made as® to where the money will be spent— with the traditional “ social sup port” mentality of programs of the past 50 years, or a “ marketing” ap proach aimed at producing the best® and selling it in open markets. Another factor will be control of total acreage on all farms so that land not only is conserved, but th at^ non-productive land will not be in cluded in any programs that do call for support measures. “ W e’ll need to move away from disaster relief,” Mr. Tubbs stated, “ to an insurable^ system” through Federal Crop In surance to protect against natural disasters of tornadoes, droughts, floods, instead of the billion-dollar disaster relief programs. a Alan Tubbs’ father, Ed Tubbs, 75 Strategy Your opponents in the financial field are getting more competitive everyday. To stay ahead in the game requires a strategic plan that brings into play strong financial services and teamwork. That means correspondent banking at American Trust & Savings. There’s a lot to be gained with correspondent banking services at American Trust. Their over-line loan participation, trust and investment counseling, wire transfer of funds, Custom HR-1 Os and Keogh prototypes, help you deliver important services to your customers season after season. Every strategy works best with talented teamwork. So American Trust has built an impressive professional lineup. Bernie Miller and his correspondent banking team share over 100 years of team experience ana training. They’re pros. Call or visit them today. 319/582-1841. From left to right standing: Bernie Miller, Second Vice President Correspondent Banker; Gene Hayertz, Vice President Investments. Seated: Christy Armstrong, Consultant; Don Wand, Senior Vice President Operations. American CTrust 0 Savings DanK Dubuque, Iowa 52001 319/582-1841 Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 76 Io w a N e w s chairman o f the Maquoketa State Bank as well as chairman of First Central Bank in DeWitt, gave a brief report as president of MABSCO Agricultural Insurance Ser vices, Inc. MABSCO and its subsi diary M ASI offer alternative fund ing programs to community banks for ag loans. Following the Monday speeches, Mr. Tubbs and his son boarded a plane in Des Moines with Tom Huston, Iowa superintendent of banking, to go to Washington, D.C., where Ed Tubbs and Mr. Hus ton met the following morning with Vice President George Bush to dis cuss in detail the ag financial prob lem, and Alan Tubbs joined several other bankers for a meeting with President Reagan when the Presi dent announced his farm assistance program that same day. Eben Browning, noted author and consultant on historic weather trends of the world and the upper at mosphere, gave his unique percep- tion of weather—its control of world ^ trade and social actions—to the con vention. His charts date back to premedieval days through testing of Greenland ice caps and trace the causes and results of predictably^ consistent weather flow charts that generally span 50-year increments. (Ours doesn't look all that good for a few years!) # Afternoon Speakers Author John Naisbitt, whose ENJOYING the United Missouri Bank of Kansas City dinner were: Dick Goos, Peoples St. Bk., Missouri Valley; Dick Muir, United Missouri# Bk; Jon Garnaas, sr. v.p., and Faith, and Dixie and John Harmeyer, pres., Plaza St. Bk., Des Moines, and Jana and Gary Woods, Peoples St. Bk., Missouri Valley. Mark Sams, v.p. & cash., and Connie, and Erma and Norm Skadburg, pres., both with First St. Bk., Webster City, with Jacque and Ed Muholland, exec, v.p., Malvern Tr. & Sav. Bk., and Phil Straight, exec, v.p., United Missouri. LEFT— Hosts at 1st Natl, of Chicago dinner party were Tom King and Bud Cross, (both at left), v.p.s, and Paul Gargula (right), corr. bkg. _ off., shown with guests Shar and Ollie Hagen, pres., United Central Bancshares, Des Moines. RIGHT—At Norwest Bank Omaha dinner® (from left): Mike Moeller, pres., Norwest Bank Sioux City; Bill Dewhurst, 2nd v.p., Norwest Bank Omaha; Bev Moeller; John Cochran, pres., Norwest Bank Omaha; Steve Navin, 2nd v.p., Norwest Bank Sioux City, and Bette Cochran. LEFT— Pictured at LaSalle Natl, of Chicago luncheon: Seated— Hill Hammock, exec, v.p., LaSalle; Don Ellis, cash., Solon State, and Emil Schubert, v.p.,, LaSalle. Standing—Wayne Bismark, v.p., LaSalle; Mel Kupka, pres., First Community B&T, Traer, and Don Erusha, pres., Solon State RIGHT—At First Natl. Omaha dinner: Fred Kuehl, 2nd v.p., 1st of Omaha; Dan Boatman, pres., Iowa State, Hamburg, Mick # Guttau, pres., Treynor State, and Bob Meisinger, 2nd v.p., and Don Ostrand, v.p.-head of corr. bk. dept, both with 1st of Omaha. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 77 Yo u can trust U n ited M issouri Bank as a bailee fo r p u b lic funds. U n it e d Missouri Bank is privileged to serve as bailee for public funds for banks in Iowa as a result of the recent changes in regulations. We have over 75 years of experience as a bailee and have established a sound reputation for handling investments. United Missouri makes it simple with a courteous staff and accurate reporting. Call toll free 1-800-821-2171 and ask for Jeff Goble or Dave Dickens. Or, fill in and mail the coupon today. UNITED MISSOURI BANK Member FDIC 10th and Grand • P.O. Box 226 • Kansas City, Missouri 64141 BANK NAME TITLE ADDRESS CITY. .STATE. .ZIP. A TELEPHONE (. NWB 10/84 lb Investment Banking Division UNITED MISSOURI BANK Member FDIC 10th and Grand • P.O. Box 226 • Kansas City, Missouri 64141 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 78 Io w a N e w s LEFT— Forming the receiving line for the First Banks Correspondent Department luncheon were: Bill Hamilton, a.v.p., Robert Anderson® exec, v.p., Dick Flesvig, a.v.p., and Mike Mishou, v.p. RIGHT—National Bank of Waterloo exhibitors included: Leroy Bell, data process, off., Willis Crees, sr. v.p., and Scott Fetner, pres. book Megatrends was familiar to all in the audience, said “ as the country shifts from an industrial economy to an information economy, we are in the process of changing the world we live in.” In line with fundamental revisions of corporations he says are taking place, he also feels it won’t be long until banks as we know them today will be a thing of the past. C. Robert Brenton, president of the American Bankers Association and president of Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, brought greetings from A B A national headquarters to the association which he served as presi dent just a few years ago. He will preside at the A B A convention in New York later this month. Jack MacAllister, president and ceo of U.S. West, whose overall ser vice organization in Denver serves Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. and two other regional Bell systems, told about deregulation processes in the telephone industry and related those experiences to ones bankers now are experiencing or will have to face. Bankers, like the phone compa nies, airlines and trucking industry ahead of them, will have to recon- ceptualize their positions in relation to total industry and life of this na tion, he warned. Tuesday Speakers Anne Bryant, director of N ABW ’s Bank Women’s Educational Foun dation, Chicago, was the lead speaker the second day. She in volved her audience immediately by asking each person to write down three characteristics of a leader that had influenced them. A universal characteristic shared by most, if not all, was vision—the ability to trans late a real plan into words, the abili ty to communicate and listen. She related, and showed with video tape, portions of interviews with 35 business women, and said one trait common to all of them that set each apart from others in their field was their style. A. Arthur Davis, general counsel for IBA and head of a prestigious Iowa law firm in Des Moines, related a number of landmark decisions and banking benchmarks of the decade in which he has been general counsel for the association. He said “ the key to the future is money and credit, and bankers are in this business. But bankers are going to have to educate themselves to stay ahead.’’ ® Alice Huston of Columbus Junc tion, whose husband is Iowa super intendent of banking, and John Chrystal, president of Iowa Savings Bank in Coon Rapids (and now presi-® dent of Bankers Trust Company, Des Moines), made a graphic appeal to IBA members for financial sup port for construction of a new Iowa Historical Museum. They head the® financial campaign statewide and showed with photos and a short film the need for preserving the many historical treasures entrusted to the State of Iowa for future generations.® Community Banking Panel The Community Banking Panel, “ Challenges Facing the Community® Bankers,” was moderated by IB A ’s Neil Milner. Panelists included: Rowland McClellan, chairman and president, Bank of Wisconsin, Janes ville; Lawrence Johns, president,® Isabella Bank & Trust, Mt. Plea sant, Mich., and Dwight Seegmiller, vice president, Hills Bank & Trust, LEFT— Welcoming guests to the Banks of Iowa reception were: Holmes Foster, pres, and c.e.o., Bks. of la.; Henry Royer, pres, and c.e.o., Merchants Natl. Bk., Cedar Rapids; Max Larson, pres, and c.e.o., First Natl. Bk., Sioux City, and J. Locke Macomber, chmn., Valley Natl Bk., Des Moines. RIGHT—The reception line for the Security Natl. Bk., of Sioux City dinner included: Dennis Nahnsen, v.p., and Margaret;® Carla and Gene Hagen, pres, and c.e.o., and Ron Kiel, corr. bkg. off., and Sylvia. Banker, October, 1984 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over 237 Iowa financial institutions have used Kirk G ross Co. services! Do they know something you don’t? Kirk Gross Co. has a solid reputation in Iowa for designing new financial institutions and remodeling present ones. If you are thinking about a new facility, put the responsibility and worrying in the hands of TURN KEY pro fessionals. We keep up on the latest ideas on planning, designing, construction and furnishings. That’s why we have completed more than 237 projects since 1971. The best part of this unequaled record is that so many are repeat, satisfied customers. Let Kirk Gross Co. explain how our complete TURN KEY program will save you time and money. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you’d like to know what other bankers know about Kirk Gross Co., call at your earli est opportunity. (How about right Now! Phone 319-234-6641) 4015 Alexandra Drive P.O. Box 2097 Waterloo, Iowa 50704 80 Io w a N e w s LEFT— The Hawkeye Bancorporation “ Shoe Shine Shop” was once again one of the more popular resting places in the exhibit hall. RIGHT — Banks of Iowa, Inc., was well represented in Capital Pursuit, which included a 3 mile and ten mile run. Hills, la. Some of their remarks fol low: Mr. Johns: Michigan is a branch ing state and our bank of $110 mil lion deposits has eight branches and a .92 ROA. “ We bankers are being told the only real way to stay viable is to make money in new ways. We have to go after new services and new ways to make money. I believe this is really a political problem. We need to be more astute bankers and get onto those in Washington to get some decisions made. W e’ve seen what happened with the decision made on insurance services just this last week (defeated). If we are going to be new banks in this new environ ment, then we have to be new bank ers and, as old dogs, we need to learn new tricks to stay in the race. Mr. Seegmiller: There are four kinds of customers: • Troubled Coper—25% of popu lation. Low net worth, intimidated by banks, generally not a good bank customer. • Self-Indulgent Spender—15% of population. Live for today generally two incomes, may be leaders of to morrow, good customers on asset side because good prospects for loans. • Solid Saver—35% of popula tion. Thrifty, live within their means, work for the future, tradi tional. • Involved Investor—25% of pop ulation. Hands on investors, diversi fied, have money, rate conscious. We have to consider the categor ies we want as customers, then de termine how to retain and build on the customer base we have identi fied. We need to appeal to human na ture which likes courteousness, po liteness, and going the extra mile. This helps create a great advantage in maintaining a leadership role in the community. We believe that 20% of the customers provide 80% of our deposits, so we go after the 20%. Things we are doing at Hills Bank: 1. Board room luncheon program once a month. Invite customers and prospective customers. 2. Annual estate planning semi nar, free of charge, put on by trust officers of our bank. 3. Offer high school money man agement seminar to teach basics of money management. 4. Active officer call program on good customers and prospects. Hand deliver all the monthly state® ments. 5. Send cards for birthdays, anni versaries, weddings, funerals and at tend where appropriate. 6. Annual barbeque, totally free • in Hills (population 513), which this year served more than 7,000 guests! 7. We try to carve out customer base and try to be leaders in the community with new services. For® example, we went big into ID EA an nuities through the Iowa Bankers Association and now have $7 million in that one area alone. The question then is asked—how1® do we do all that? We feel the key is good employees and to use them. Getting employees motivated and displaying teamwork are buzz words that have been around a long time.® As a bank staff, we have: 1. Three weekly officer meetings and input is encouraged. 2. Bi-monthly board meetings. 3. Four long-range planning ses sions each year. Food catered. LEFT— Manning the Banks of Iowa Computer Services, Inc., exhibit were: Larry Clore, bus. devel. mgr., Steve Boes, bus. devel. rep., Keith Grimm, v.p., and John Meehan, bus. devel. rep. RIGHT—J. Brad Young, chmn., Iowa Tr. & Sav. Bk., Centerville, visits with Ross Schoon® over, v.p., Office Concepts, Ltd., Waterloo. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 81 Thedifferencebetween ourhealthplansandtheirsis enoughtomakeyousick. W ith most insurance plans, if you’re not sick before you get your final medical bill, you , will be after. But not with IBIS. Our many health care plans are as substantial as our premiums are minimal. Including coverage on prescription drugs and physical exams. Why, we even cover your m outh.W ith dental plans as contemporary and com plete as any available. Health and dental insurance designed by Iowa bankers,only for Iowa bankers. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W h ich is one more reason why we’re the choice o f 483 out o f 644 banks in Iowa. Like to know more ? Call M illie U ding at 1'800-532-1423 toll free today. You’ll be sick if you don’t. 3b IowaBankersInsurance &Services,Inc. 400 Financial Services Building, 508 Tenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50308 Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 82 Io w a N e w s 4. Officers encouraged to cater to customer needs. 5. Leadership by example. Eighteen Hills Bank officers are in an average of five community ac tivities; several executives are in as many as 10 community activities. I believe that by building a good, solid base such as that of the solid saver who will respond to the com munity bank and its quality ser vices, and by having key personnel who are willing to go that extra mile, this will allow many community banks to survive and prosper. Mr. McClellan: Our real bread and butter is accepting deposits, making transactions and extending credit. We are going to have to structure ourselves to do this not in a fran chise context as we have been al lowed to do over the past many years, but in a deregulated context. We have to deal with interest in come and interest expenses, as well as non-interest income and non-in terest expenses. We have some man agerial experience to deal with this, but if we are to manage new banks and new bankers of the future, then we are really going to have to man- age. A watchword will be monitor; watch percentage relationships to assets. Concluding Speakers John Barrickman, senior vice president, Bank Earnings Interna tional, Atlanta, Ga., left his audi ence with these thoughts: Each bank must identify its mission and position in the market place. Banks have a clear, competitive edge over other types of institutions. A recent survey shows these six main reasons why people choose to deal with banks: Reputation, direct contact, competitive pricing, knowledge of officers, convenient location and wide variety of services. Management must reevaluate lender skills and train them to be lender salesmen of the 1980s. Strong senior management that closely monitors lending performance will be required. Louis Rukeyser, host of Wall Street Week TV program, proved again his showmanship as well as his perceptive and analytical ability. He said two areas need to be ad dressed in strong fashion—continue to get inflation under control, and respond to the need for public eco nomic education. ® Mr. Rukeyser said, “ We have been making a solid, broad, en thusiastic recovery... 1983 and ‘84 have been two of those unusually po sitive years, but I think we have® some surprises left. The ultra-rapid pace of recovery earlier this year is not sustainable, but the current slightly more accelerated rate of re covery now will continue. Business® is up and inflation is down.” He sees the unemployment level “ sadly” re maining at its present level. He concluded by saying, “ the true^ danger as election approaches is® that we abandon any resemblance of a fight against inflation, which would result in worse inflation and high interest rates and a depressior^ indeed...My optimistic fervor is based on the strength of the American people and their realiza tion of the need for self-reliance.” Convention Resolutions # Half of the 14 resolutions adopted at the IBA business meeting re flected the intensity of the members and the IB A ’s involvement with the legislative process by calling for# aggi LEFT— Dennis Whittington, acct. exec., HBE Bank Facilities, St. Louis, meets with Arien Kirkhart, v.p., and Roger Loerch, pres., Manson St. Bk., and Jim Esmay, cash., Union St. Bk.,, Rockwell City. RIGHT— Mike Kramer, pres., Midwest Sign, Des Moines, Jim Thomas, sales rep., Daktronics, Inc., Brookings, S.D., and Bernie Wright, Electra Sign Co., Cedar Rapids. LEFT— Mike Bauer, v.p., Jim Figge, exec, v.p., and Dave Howell, corr. bkg. rep., (far right) welcome Iowa State Senator Merlin Hulse, Clar ence, and Bud Wilier, exec, v.p., Decorah St. Bk., to the Davenport Bk. & Tr. convention breakfast. RIGHT—Century MicroCenters, West||) Des Moines, representatives included: Cindy Carter, Brad Schaefer, and Dave Hacker. Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Io w a N e w s 83 LEFT— Northern Trust of Chicago reception line hosts included: Clyde Reighard, exec, v.p.; Jim Monhart, comm. bkg. off.; Louise Reighard; Loren Lange, comm. bkg. off., and John McClure, v.p.-head of fin. inst. dept. RIGHT—Hosts at Omaha Natl, luncheon: Dan Boehle, v.p.; Tom Ryan, mgr.-edp serv.; Steve Scanlon, bond salesman; John Martin, sr. v.p.-head of fin. inst. & ag lending dept.; Del Olson, v.p., and John Wear, 2nd v.p. LEFT— Hosts at Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines, reception were: John Ruan, chmn.; John Chrystal, pres.; Ben Eilders and Larry Frowick, sr. v.p.s. RIGHT—Mr. Chrystal also joined Alice Huston on the convention platform in an appeal to Iowa banks for financial support for the V iew Iowa Historical Museum. Mrs. Huston, whose husband, Tom, is pres, of Columbus Junction State Bank and is Iowa supt. of bkg., is shown backstage with Mr. Chrystal reviewing their notes. LEFT—Bill Potterton, v.p., Lew Brown, a.v.p., and Dave Cox (far right), v.p., Harris Tr. and Sav. Bk., Chicago, visit with John Koza, v.p., Iowa State Bk. and Tr., Iowa City. RIGHT—Stan Farmer, a.v.p., and Jerry Trudo, v.p., Merchants Natl. Bk., Cedar Rapids, with Doug Schmidt, v.p., First Natl. Bk., Sioux City. LEFT— Enjoying the gazebo at the D.M. Botanical Center were: Paul Dunlap, pres., Hawkeye Bancorp., J.C. Milner, Jackaline Dunlap, and Neil Milner, exec, v.p., IBA. Also enjoying the Hawkeye Bancorp, reception were: Jack Elliot, dir., Hawkeye Bk. & Tr., Mt. Ayr; Linda Jones; ^lild red Elliot, chair., la. Real Estate Comm.; Steve Jones, sr. v.p., Hawkeye Bancorp; Jack Schroeder, dir., Hawkeye Bancorp.; Dave Walthall, pres., Hawkeye Capital Bk. & Tr., Des Moines, and Elyce, and Sue Denton, admin, asst., Hawkeye Bancorp. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 84 Io w a N e w s more involvement on the part of members in that process in various ways—with the President, with Iowa Congressmen and within the state legislature, Entertainment Entertainment offerings were again up to high standards for IBA conventions. Country western per former Roy Clark gave two perfor mances on Sunday at the Des Moines Civic Center to an apprecia tive audience. The President’s Re ception and Ball at Capital Square, hosted by IBA President Maser and his wife, Delores, also honored A B A President Bob Brenton and his wife, Babette. Capital Square also houses headquarters of Brenton Banks, Inc., of which he is president. Concluding the Inaugural dinner and the 1984 convention was a spir ited performance by the 17-piece University of Iowa Jazz Band that catered to the music of the ‘30s, ‘40s and ‘50s. □ Promoted to President At West Liberty State Bank Dennis R. Batty has been pro moted to president and chief execu^ tive officer of West Liberty State Bank. Mr. Batty started with the bank in October, 1983, as vice president. Also announced, Ann Howe was# named operations officer and Cindy L. Noring was named consumer loan officer. Ms. Howe’s duties will include supervision in the areas of customei# service, accounting and personnel. Ms. Noring, previously with Iowa State Bank, Iowa City, will be in volved in the areas of consumer and real estate loans. • !l|f! "A ■ I ■ ijifj iPili LEFT—Keith Lazar (center), exec, v.p., Van Horn Sav. Bk., visits with Financial Systems, Inc. representatives Dave Stochl and Bob Neville. RIGHT—American Natl. Bk., Chicago representatives included: Ruth and Bob Regnerus, 2nd. v.p., Mary Ann and Dennis Reher, 2nd. v.p.A and Meg Burke, bond off. LEFT— Hosting guests at the Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services open house were: Gary Livesay, v.p., AI Tinder, pres., Millie Uding, v.p., Margie Schaefer, v.p., Chris Wehde, spec, projects, and Larry Gille, v.p. RIGHT— Rich Nelson, 2nd. v.p., and Tom Ryan, client consult., man the Omaha Natl. Bk. exhibit. LEFT—Ann Doyle (center), v.p., Wellman Sav. Bk., visits with Art Joura, pres., and Lynn Groen, sales rep., Data Business Equip., Des< Moines. RIGHT— Bob Chamberlain, v.p., Omni Resources, Inc., Orlando. Banker, October, 1984 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Io w a N e w s 85 LEFT— In receiving line at Continental Bank of Chicago’s traditional luncheon were, from left: Mary Nihlean, bkg. off.; Philip Adams, 2nd v.p., and Bob Vasko, v.p.-div. mgr. of central district. RIGHT—Five presidents of the Iowa Bankers Assn., gathered at the Continental lun cheon (from left): Randy Petersen, pres., Shelby County State, Harlan; Christy Armstrong, dir., American T&S, Dubuque; Harry Schaller, chmn., Citizens First Natl., Storm Lake; Bob Brenton, pres., Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, and current ABA pres., and Jack Campbell, res., Humboldt T&S. LEFT— At Norwest Bank Des Moines breakfast were, from left: Voldy Vanags, sr. v.p., Norwest; Bob Miller, pres., Polk City Savings; Mark Conway and Tom Quinlin, 2nd v.p.s, Norwest, and Bob Ross, chmn., City Natl., Shenandoah. RIGHT—Visiting at Drovers Bank of Chicago Reception: Tom Bernau, mgmt. trainee, Brenton Natl., Des Moines, and his mother, Mrs. Bill (Kay) Bernau; Ruth Carmody; Bill Bernau, pres., Peoples Savings, Crawfordsville; Jim Carmody, pres., and John Crotty, sr. v.p., Drovers Bank. LEFT— Michelle LeCuyer and Mike Hay, trust admin., and Jack Campion, v.p., F & M Marquette Natl. Bk., Minneapolis. RIGHT— Roy Wingers, sr. consul., represented Bank Building Corp., St. Louis. ^¡.EFT—Terry Winders, pres., and Bob Scheitzach, v.p., were on hand representing First Lease & Equip. Co., Louisville, KY. RIGHT— Bill Hartman, natl. train, dir., Mark Havemann and Kathryn Foster, acct. reps., and Craig Ross, state dir., IAC Group, Des Moines. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86 Io w a N e w s More Photos from 98th Iowa Bankers Convention Vince Whitcomb and Rhonda Griffiths, sales representative w ith® Electronic Office Systems of Des Moines, demonstrated products in the exhibit hall during the convention. LEFT— Discussing a recently completed project are Robert Jamerson, dir. arch, serv., and Jerry Gross, pres., Kirk Gross Co., and Carol and Dick Park, pres., First Natl. Bk., Oelwein. RIGHT—Glen Burmeister, pres., and David Miles, mkt. devel. dir., Homestead Management Sys tems, Inc., Des Moines. ta, A'.Av; » LASALLE NATIONAL BANK ^ ~ LEFT— Representatives from the LaSalle National Bank of Chicago included: Magdalena Aguilar, fin. serv off., Wayne Bismark, v.p., Pattie Kline, corr. bkg. rep., Emil Schubert, v.p., and Maria Uribarri, mktg. off. RIGHT—Representing newly formed Microcom, Inc. of Cedar Rapids were: Joe Phernetton, pres., Sandi Young, tech, consul., Bob Duff, exec, v.p., and Bob Sehladetzky, acct. exec. Wayne O. Hopkins Dies Funeral services were held last month in Spirit Lake for Wayne O. Hopkins, 72, a veteran Iowa banker. At the time of his death, Mr. Hop kins was a director of Albert City Savings Bank and was executive vice president and director of Citi zens State Bank in Webb. Mr. Hopkins first became affili ated with First National Bank in DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Spirit Lake in 1942. He purchased the Citizens State Bank in Webb in 1947 and served as president of that bank and Albert City Savings Bank for many years. He was succeeded as president at each bank by his two sons. John W. Hopkins now is presi dent at Albert City, and David R. Hopkins is president at Webb. Mr. Hopkins also had served on the board of directors of the State Bank of Spirit Lake, the Manson State Bank, the Swea City State Bank, and was vice president and di rector of State Savings Bank in Aplington. In addition, he was a former|| officer of the Clay County Bankers Association. Mr. Hopkins also is survived by his wife, Marie, of Spirit Lake, and a daughter, Mrs. Dean (Mary) Ken|| agy, Marshalltown. 87 A SHOWCASE FOR IOWA HISTORY! • • Iowa, the beautiful land. With her waving fields of grain and bordered by the great rivers, Iowa has had a distinguished history. Before the first wagon trains trekked across the wilderness frontier; before Iowa ever attained her statehood, a sense of pride and unity had developed among her settlers. This pride is still evident today. As Iowans have sought to preserve their heritage, the State’s collection of artifacts has grown to nearly 1.3 million items. We can no longer properly accommodate these priceless heirlooms in the present structure. We invite you to join with us in preserving your past through the establishment of a first class Museum facility...A Showcase of Iowa History. • 0 * * * * % To Our Iowa Banker Friends: //you have not yet responded to our earlier, personal letter asking you to join other Iowa banks in reaching our goal of $2,500,000 from the Iowa banking industry, we ask you to please do so as soon as possible. As community leaders, your example will inspire other Iowans to make generous donations for this most worthy cause. Thank you for your support! Alice Huston and John Chrystal Co-Chairpersons, Banking Committee Trustees for Tomorrow Program Iowa Historical Museum Foundation Iowa Historical Museum Foundation 431 East Locust, Des Moines, Iowa 50307 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 88 Io w a N e w s New Facility Underway in Indianola GROUNDBREAKING ceremonies were held in September for Warren County Brenton Bank and Trust’s new facility at 509 N. Jefferson, Indianola. The bank has leased 75% of the 21,130 sq. ft. structure with the remaining 25% of the space available for tenants in finan cially related businesses. Warren County Brenton Bank and Trust has been located at 113 N. Buxton for the past 30 years. Eugene Smith, pres., noted that the new quarters will enhance customer service as well as staff efficiency since duplicate operations will be eliminated with the subsequent closing of the bank’s highway office. Completion of the project is scheduled for mid-1985. Alice Huston, John Chrystal Head Drive HROUGH personal letters to Iowa bankers and their joint ap pearance on the platform of the 98th annual convention of the Iowa Bankers Association last month, Alice Huston and John Chrystal have outlined their efforts to reach a T goal of $2,500,000 in donations from the Iowa banking industry for con struction of a new Iowa Historical Museum. Iowa banks were being asked to consider a donation of one-hun dredth of one percent of assets to Committed to making your bank stand apart from the DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the drive, either in a cash sum oil over a period of three years. The e ^ ample cited was a donation of $2,000 for a bank with $20 million assets. A number of banks had responded to the August 13 letter prior to th ^ mid-September IBA convention; while others indicated they were awaiting action by the bank’s board of directors at an ensuing meeting. Total cost of the new museum i^ estimated at $27 million. At IBA convention time, the drive was al ready within $6 million of the total goal due to large gifts from a num ber of corporations and business firms. Mrs. Huston and Mr. Chrys tal noted in their letter to Iowa banks that Des Moines-based banks and multibank holding companies had already given $966,000. ^ The outdated current museum near the state capitol was completed in 1909 and has collected more than 1.3 million items, many of them with no place to be exhibited and n 0 means of proper storage and preser vation techniques. The new Iowa State Historical Building would be located at the foot of the Capitol with its main er# trance on East Locust Street. Mrs. Huston’s husband, Tom, is the well-known Iowa superintendent of banking and he is also president of the Columbus Junction Static Bank. Mr. Chrystal, president of Iowa Savings Bank in Coon Rapids, recently accepted appointment as president of Bankers Trust Com pany in Des Moines. O Two Appointed At First National, Clinton • Jerome B. Kedley was recently appointed assistant vice president and assistant branch manager of the Grand Mound Office of First tional Bank, Clinton. Prior to joim ing First National, Mr. Kedley served as assistant vice president and agriculture/commercial loan of ficer with Hawkeye Bank and Trus.L of Camanche. In other action, Jennie L. Dopp was appointed marketing officer at the bank. In addition to marketing and advertising duties, Ms. Dopp responsible for all employee training programs and serves as coordinator for the VIC Club program. She joined in 1979 and most recently served as manager of the bank’^ Lyons Branch. Io w a N e w s 89 ^V.P. Joins Hubbard Staff Roger L. Severson has joined the staff of Security State Bank, Hub bard, as vice p re sid e n t and ^pashier. A graduate of Iowa State Uni versity with a degree in agri c u ltu r a l bu s iness, Mr. Sever son most recent ly had been serv ing as vice presi R.L. SEVERSON d e n t and cashier of the Citizens Bank and Trust, Belle Plaine. Security State Bank has also an nounced the promotion of Ron Raney to vice president and farm •epresentative. Announced in Sioux City Hawkeye Bank & Trust, Sioux Ci^ y , recently announced that Richard Davison has joined the bank as as sistant vice president in commercial loans. Mr. Davison’s past experi- • R. DAVISON W e’re Se cu rity for You! At Security National Bank, w e’re people you can count on to handle all of your Correspondent Banking needs. Our team of Correspondent Bankers are committed to giving you the finest possible Ag Lending, Overline, Data Processing and Investment Services available. So, start corresponding with us. We’re Security for you! P. GORMALLY ence includes seven years with Asso ciates Finance and most recently, six years with Toy National Bank. • In addition, Paula Gormally was elected as loan officer. She started with the bank in 1980 and has worked with student loans, credit cards and most recently in loan ad ministration. Her new responsibili ties will be centered around loan operations and instalment lending. •loins Staff of Hills Bank Roy C. Justis, Jr. has joined the staff of Hills Bank and Trust Com pany, Hills, as marketing director. Formerly associated with K XIC/ %^KRQ Radio in Iowa City where he has served the past 16 years in various capacities including sales manager and station manager. He is ^ graduate of the University of N orthern Iowa in Cedar Falls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dennis Nahnsen, Vice President and Manager Correspondent Banking Services 712-277-6768. S io u x C ity Io w a 5 1 1 0 1 7 1 2 -2 7 7 -6 7 6 8 M E M B E R E D. I. C. © 1984 SNB Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 90 Io w a N e w s Construction Begins in Jefferson ARCHITECT’S drawing of soon-to-be-constructed Security National Bank in Jefferson. IS YOUR MICROCOMPUTER A PART-TIMER? MICR0C0M CAN HELP YOU PUT IT TO WORK FULL-TIME. If your microcomputer is gathering dust in the corner of the bank, it’s probably not the computer’s fault. Most likely you just don’t have the right software. Or maybe you purchased software through the mail and aren’t sure how to use it. MICROCOM has the resources you need to get your micro working full-time. We have over 30 years financial experience and a thorough knowledge of financial software. We’ve researched the field and only represent software companies with strong products and track records. Companies that have demonstrated a commitment to the financial industry. At MICROCOM we can analyze your particular situation, choose the micro software that fits your needs and level of expertise, and get you up and running with personal training, if desired, we can also advise you on a microcomputer purchase. Samples of available software: ■ Loan Calculation and Document Preparation ■ Commercial Loan Credit Analysis ■ Safe Deposit System ■ Fixed Asset Management System ■ General Ledger System ■ Asset/Liability Management ■ Planning and Control Your microcomputer can help you increase your effectiveness as a manager and decisionmaker. It can work for you full-time. At MICRO COM we’d like to show you how. For more information call Bob Duff or Joe Phernetton now at 319/378-1378, 1221 Park Place N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402. C YOUR Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R O C O MI CRO C OMP UTE R RESOURCE o n s t r u c t i o n was to b e g i^ last month on a new full-service bank building for Security National Bank in Jefferson, according to Ger ald Marso, president. Location for the facility will be on the corner o^ State and Vine Streets. The Kirk Gross Company of Wa terloo, Iowa’s leading specialist in the design and development of fi nancial institutions, is in charge o^ the project and will utilize local trades where possible. Colonial in design, the 8,352 square foot building will use “ Jef fersonian” elements where it is ai# chitecturally compatible. The bank building, which will feature full-ser vice drive-up, a night deposit sys tem, walk-up window and on site parking, will be uniquely positioned on the site so as to be seen from all sides. The main level will have five pri vate offices, a large conference room, four stand up teller window # and two sit down teller and new ac counts stations. A large vault for safety deposit boxes, customer cou pon booth and a large bookkeeping department with a fireproof bool# vault is also on the main level. Space is provided in the large side entrance for a future ATM. A separate entrance leading to the lower level community room is o f# the side entrance. Space for a future elevator is also provided. An em ployee lounge, storage space and mechanical equipment room is also on this level. • Barring unforeseen delays, the building should be completed in eight to ten months. C Toy National Elects Director John Van Dyke, president and chairman of the Toy National Bank, Sioux City, has announced that Neal W. Westendorf, President of W estendorf M anufacturing C om p a n y in Onawa, has been elected to the board of direc tors of the bank. Mr. Westendorf N.W. WESTENDORF is a graduate of Creighton Univer sity, Omaha, Neb., and has done post graduate work at Iowa State University, Ames, and Morningside# College, Sioux City. Io w a N e w s ^Five Promoted at Merchants Merchants National Bank, Cedar Rapids, announced the following promotions at its August 24 meet ing of the board. Promoted to senior ^vice president were: Bill Coppock, wholesale banking; Jim Struve, re tail banking; Bud Loerch, opera tions, and Larry Christy, ad ministration. Also promoted was ^Dick Salat to vice president and senior loan officer. B. COPPOCK J. STRUVE IBIS Golf Outing PARTICIPANTS in the annual Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services, Inc. golf outing in cluded: Larry Gille, v.p., and Gary Livesay, v.p., both with IBIS; Jack Hawkes, v.p., The Credit Life Insurance Co.; Randy Steig, exec, dir., IBA, and Jim Jensen, v.p., IBIS. The event was co-sponsored by The Credit Life Insurance Company, Springfield, Ohio, and the golfers had a choice of playing in either Waterloo or Carroll. performance to the bank. A retire ment party was held for him on Aug ust 31. Retires After 42 Years At Home State Bank, Jefferson Maxine Rothfolk, assistant vice president and executive secretary at B. LOERCH the Home State Bank in Jefferson, retired August 31 after 42 years of service with the bank. Ms. Rothfolk started working for Home State in 1932 in the bookkeep ing department and also worked as a teller, and secretary in various areas. An open house was held Aug ust 31 in her honor. L. CHRISTY In other action, the bank’s whole s a l e division was reorganized to in clude commercial loans, corporate banking, investments and market ing. The commercial loan depart ment, headed by Bill O ’Hara; mort g a g e loan department, headed by Nadine Wax, and international department, headed by Gretchen Sealls, will all report to Dick Salat. D. SALAT 91 B. O’MEARA A t the same meeting, Bob O ’Meara was recognized for 23 years of outstanding dedication and Chicago bound business travelers. Your rate is guaranteed a t Chicago's. .. w• mnon thepark rr The Essex Inn’s one-price $45 corporate package rate gives the traveling executive everything he wants — guaranteed rate, a newly remodeled guest room (we ll upgrade you to a suite if it’s available), complimentary Wall Street Journal with your Continental breakfast, and your wife can stay free with you. Free parking, too! The corporate package is one of the new programs designed to complement the Essex Inn’s recently completed $3 million remodeling; new rooms, suites and lobby, New York style deli for breakfast, lunch, dinner, late snacks, a comfortable lounge with entertainment, along with a swimming pool and sun deck. Call for Guaranteed Rate Corporate Program Plan details: John Costillo, 3 1 2 9 3 9 . nnr' _ a ESSEX INN Michigan Avenue at 8th Street Chicago, Illinois 60605 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 92 A M AJOR executive change at Bankers Trust Company, Des Moines, was announced last month by John Ruan, chairman of the bank and of Ruan Companies, when he ap pointed Herman Kilpper, 51, as president of the Iowa World Trade Center Corporation. At the same time, the Bankers Trust board of directors announced that John Chrystal, 58, would become presi dent and chief executive officer of the bank, succeeding Mr. Kilpper. H. KILPPER J. CHRYSTAL Mr. Chrystal moves to Bankers Trust from Coon Rapids, where he has been president of Iowa Savings Bank since 1960. Mr. Chrystal is known state-wide among bankers for his leadership as an ag banker spokesman, as a former Iowa super intendent of banking and as a past president of the Iowa Bankers Asso ciation. He is also a former member of the State Board of Regents. Mr. Chrystal is a general partner of Garst Seed Company, Coon Rap ids, has been a director of Bankers Trust Company and the Des Moines Register & Tribune Company for several years, and is a trustee of Grinnell College. Mr. Ruan said Mr. Chrystal’s “ ex perienced leadership will free Her DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Future Growth, appointed by G ov ernor Terry Branstad also is study-® ing the trade center proposal as one of nine major economic opportuni ties for the state. “ During the past year and a half,^ Herman Kilpper has been instru mental in developing our plans for the Iowa World Trade Center,” Mr. Ruan said. “ His new position is a logical extension of that develop-^ ment. He’s done an outstanding jobw and I look forward to his many con tributions in this new role.” Mr. Kilpper has been president and chief executive officer of Bank-^ ers Trust since September, 1977. Before that, he was executive vice president at Iowa-Des Moines Na tional Bank, now Norwest Bank Des Moines, where he had served sincqg> 1965. Earlier, Mr. Kilpper was a partner in the Des Moines office of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. A na tive of Minnesota, he was reared in Dubuque, la. During his seven-yeai^ tenure as president, deposits at Bankers Trust grew from $260 mil lion to $435 million last year-end. * * * man to assume a more active role in the development of the Iowa World Trade Center. It’s a good match all around.” The appointments were ef fective October 1. Mr. Ruan also announced that shareholders of Bankers Trust took action to increase the bank’s capital position by $4,000,000. He said this move, designed to provide support for the bank’s program of growth George F. Milligan, president and and business development, makes chief operating officer of Norwest Bankers Trust one of the strongest Bank Des Moines, N.A. recently an financial institutions in the state. nounced the following personnel ac^ Mr. Ruan cited Mr. Kilpper’s ap tions: pointment as further evidence of his John Rigler has been named vice determination to move ahead with president, financial institutions. He the trade center project. The corpo joined the bank as a management ration was formed last year to create trainee in September, 1976, and hel<^ a world trade center to promote positions in retail banking and cred Iowa agricultural and manufactured it prior to his being named corres products and stimulate the state’s pondent banking officer in 1979. In economy. Mr. Ruan said Mr. Kilpper 1982 Mr. Rigler joined investment also will become president of the services and was named vice presi0 Iowa Export-Import Trading Com dent, investment services, in Decem pany which arranges trade agree ber, 1982. ments between Iowa companies and foreign trading partners. “ W e’re excited about the con tinued interest and enthusiasm shown in the Iowa World Trade Cen ter and the benefits it would bring to our state’s economy,” Mr. Ruan commented. He noted that a House Appropria tions Subcommittee chaired by Iowa Congressman Neal Smith has funded a study for the State of Iowa J. RIGLER J. CRETZMEYER to examine the world trade center John Cretzmeyer has been namecP proposal and other economic issues. A state legislative interim com financial institutions officer. He mittee is studying economic alterna began with the bank in October, tives to present to the next session 1981, as regional credit trainee. of the legislature. In addition, the After completing the training p ro^ newly-formed Committee for Iowa’s gram in June, 1983, Mr. Cretzmeyer 3 Investments Eric Paul Manager, Investment Dept. Investments Joan Thompson Investment Officer Operations Vern Hoskinson Vice President Eric’s background includes seven years in operations and investment manage ment. His knowledge in securities, asset/ liability management, and investment planning make him a valuable addition to the UCB Investment Department. Joan’s previous experience with a securi ties brokerage firm and as a banker is valuable to your bank’s investment area. Call on her expertise in government and municipal bonds and money market investments. Cal (515) 245-7029 Call (515) 245-7069 Vem’s 26 years with bank operations in cludes 23 years experience in operations at the Federal Reserve. His background provides UCB’s staff with the knowledge of data processing equipment, methods and handling necessary to effectively assist you in your correspondent needs. His involvement in the accounting and check collection functions of the bank complements his operations background Call (515) 245-7290 The combination of efficient operations and timely investments is the answer to cutting expenses and increasing income. At UCB we work to help you achieve both. 3 .’ lucbl UNITED CENTRAL BANK OF DES MOINES, N.A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AFFILIATED WITH UNITED CENTRAL BANCSHARES, INC. MEMBER FDIC 94 Io w a N e w s joined special assets where he was named special loan officer in De cember, 1983, and national banking officer in March, 1984. * * * Phillip L. Risley, president of Brenco Automation Center, Inc. and Brenton Funds Transfer System, Inc., has been elected vice president of Brenton Banks, Inc. Also an nounced, Steve Linder has been named electronic funds transfer manager for Brenton Funds Trans fer System, Inc., the electronic bank ing subsidiary of Brenton Banks, Inc. Mr. Linder spent the past six years with Continental Bank, Chica go, in the areas of charge card man agement, marketing, automatic tel ler machine placement and opera tions. * * * Robert G. Millen, president and chief executive officer, United Cen tral Bank of Des M oines, N .A ., has announced the appointment o f Steven F. Justice as com mercial loan offi cer in the metro politan commer cial services di vision. S.F. JUSTICE M r. J u stice joined United Central Bank from First American State Bank in Fort Dodge, where he held the position of manager, consumer loan division. Prior to this he worked with Dial Fi nancial Corporation, Des Moines. * * * UCB Systems, Inc., introduced a new business computer service at the Iowa Banker’s Convention held in September in Des Moines. William F. Dawdy, president, said, “ The Media Manager, a high technology media converter, is our new computer product that can be utilized by our customers experienc ing computer communications prob lems.” Mr. Dawdy continued, “ This new system solves most computer information conversion problems such as converting non-compatible formats and converting magnetic tape to floppy disk and floppy disk to magnetic tape. Multiple copies, phone line conversions and photo Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis typesetting capabilities are avail able as well.” Mr. Dawdy also announced that UCB Systems, Inc. has expanded the availability of microfiche and laser printing services to include pick-up and delivery. * * * Insurance Group of Des Moines, Ltd., an affiliate of the Brenton or ganization, has been formed, and will offer full-service commercial and personal insurance products. Dennis L. Demong, president and agent of the newly formed group, most recently was owner and agent of a property and casualty agency in Clinton, where he has been the past 11 years. Mary Mackinnon-Dunbar, vice president life services, is responsible for creating marketing opportuni ties for insurance and financial plan ning services. Prior to joining the firm, she was an insurance associate with United Central Bank. Denise R. Warne, life insurance specialist, has six years of previous insurance experience, including mar keting and sales, employee benefit counseling and estate and financial planning. State Street in Jefferson and retail^ the Scranton location as a branch. Also approved was the applica tion by Northeast Iowa National Bank, Fredricksburg, to relocate its main office to 2nd & Carpenter i ^ Sumner, and retain its Fredricks burg location as a branch. BICS A.V.P. Appointed To Study Committee | Sally Eggleston, assistant vice president, management develop ment and com munications specialist with Banks of Iowa Computer Ser vices, Inc. in Cedar Rapids, has been a p pointed by Gov ernor Terry S. Branstad to the S. EGGLESTON nine-m em ber Governor’s State Communication# Study Committee. The purpose of the commission is to recommend broad-based strategies to the Governor for plan ning, controlling and managing coml® munications processing within state government as recommended in the “ 1984 Condition of the State Mes sage Program Plan.” The task forc£ Northwest Iowa Group of will meet twice a month at the Stat NABW Elects Officers Capital from August through Febru At a recent meeting of the North ary, 1985. west Iowa Group of the National Ames Purchase Announced Association of Bank Women held at Larry Wenzl and Richard the Hilton Inn, Sioux City, new offi Jacobson, both of Des Moines, have cers were installed by Gail Madson, regional director of NABW. Ms. announced the purchase of Union Madson is compliance officer of Story Trust and Savings Bank, First National Bank, Sioux Falls, Ames, from Frank Farrar of Sout’ Dakota. Don Holder & Associate South Dakota. Chairman for the 1984-85 year assisted in the sale. Both officers of University Bank will be Ruth Ann Scott, assistant & Trust, Ames, Mr. Wenzl and Mr. vice president, Early Savings Bank; Jacobson will resign those position vice chairman is Phyllis Davis, cash ier, Citizens Savings Bank Sac City; but retain some ownership. Mr. Wenzl will serve as chairman, secretary is Donna Hull, assistant president and chief executive officer cashier, Commercial State Bank, Pocohontas; treasurer will be Jayne of Union Story Trust and Savings Perrett, vice president, Holstein Bank. He formerly was with Hawl State Bank, and parlimentarian is eye Bancorporation and also has ii Wilma Weeks, correspondent bank terests in and manages several other officer, Security National Bank, Illinois and Iowa banks. Mr. Jacobson is owner of Jacob Sioux City. son Warehouse Company. William Hurd, who had been serv Two Applications Approved ing as CEO of Union Story Trust, is Security National Bank, Scran now vice chairman. Mr. Petra, for ton, recently received approval from mer president, has accepted a posi the Comptroller of the Currency to tion as president of a bank in Sale relocate its main office to 116 W. 111. Io w a N e w s 95 stenographer pool area and nume rous waiting areas are incorporated on one side of the skylight. The other side has the teller line, complete with sit-down stations for the elderly, a large new accounts and customer servce area, a board room and an additional private office. Storage, expansion space and a large cash vault are also included. A public elevator is located adjacent to the teller line to provide access to the lower level. Wide stairways pro vide additional access between levels. STRATEGICALLY situated on a diagonal, First National’s new facility is accessible from The lower level has a trust de whree directions. partment area consisting of two large offices, a large conference room and steno and security file storage. A large safety deposit vault ¿V " he First National Bank of Oel- length of the building and drama with three private coupon booths, I wein recently celebrated the tizes the front entrance as well as the large bookkeeping department, completion of their new bank build the rear entrance immediately employee lounge, utility areas and a ing. Festivities included an evening across the alley from the municipal large storage area also are included open house for 225 area bankers and parking lot. on this level. The public coffee and £ full day open house for the commu A large, open area with a four- snack bar, a long-time tradition with nity. According to Richard Park, level landscaped terrace and reflec the bank, is adjacent to a waiting president, over 3,700 people toured ting pool exposes the lower level. area and will face a glass wall look the uniquely designed building. Customers can cross part of it on a ing out to the area-way, the fourLocated on the old W ard’s site, suspended walkway to enter the level terrace and the reflecting pool. irectly north of where the existing front doors. The remaining site is at The overall interior color scheme bank building used to be, the new fa tractively landscaped and parking is of medium oak finishes, brick, bur cility has created a drastic change available for approximately 8 cars. gundy and gray colors, combined on the corner of Frederick and Char A well-lighted bag and envelope with the horizontal oak band the les Streets. Strategically situated on night deposit system is at the front same height as the exterior band, diagonal so that the unusual en entrance for customer convenience. creates a tasteful and pleasant at trance faces southeast, the building Upon entering the building, the mosphere for customers and employ is accessible from three directions. 72’ long glass arched skylight pro ees alike. Constructed of the identical brick vides a dramatic effect and serves as Kirk Gross Company of Waterloo, used on the bank’s drive-up across a visual separation of the six-station Iowa’s leading designer and builder ie street, the building is approxi teller line on one side and the of of financial facilities, was in charge mately 18’ high on the southwest ficers’ complex on the other side. of construction and served as con side with a 27’ high glass arched The officers’ complex has four pri sultant and interior designer with skylight in the center and 14’ high vate offices and conference rooms Smiley, Glotter & Assoc, of Minnea on the northeast side. The glass and a large open officers’ platform. polis providing the architectural ched skylight runs the entire A centralized reception station, work. Over 3,700 Tour New Oelwein Facility EFT— A four-level landscaped terrace and reflecting pool enhances the lower level. RIGHT—Inside, a 72’ long glass arched skylight proides a dramatic effect. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 96 Io w a N e w s MEETING at Rabobank headquarters were, from left to right: R. Zijlstra, Chairman Super visory Board; P.J. Lardinois, Chairman Executive Board; H. Steensma, General Manager U.S. and Canada, New York Branch; Edward L. Tubbs, Chairman MASI; C.G.A. Mertens, Vice Chairman Board of Directors; Walter Minger, MASI consultant, and Dr. F.W.J. Kriellaars, Vice Chairman Supervisory Board. MASI Officials Visit Rabobank Ed. Note: Since March, 1982, M ABSCO, through its subsidiary, M A B S C O Agricul tural Services, Inc. (MASI), has offered mem ber banks access to world market funds through an agreement with Rabobank o f Hol land that provides an initial pool o f up to $100 million for ag loans. Edward L. Tubbs, chair man o f M A S I and chairman of Maquoketa State Bank, Maquoketa, la., and Walter Minger, retired senior vice president o f Bank o f America and M A S I consultant, were in vited to visit Rabobank headquarters in Utrecht, Holland in late August. On that trip they were accompained by Hugo Steensma, general manager in the New York branch for Rabobank in the United States and Canada. The following is a brief report on that trip as reported by Mr. Tubbs for N orthwestern B anker readers. By EDW ARD L. TUBBS Chairman, M ASI Des Moines HEN we visited Rabobank the week of August 20-25, one pur pose of our conferences was to dis cuss the feasibility of a long-term farm mortgage lending program for MASI. Details of that farm mort gage loan program will be announced to our membership in late October. Rabobank has a 50-year loan avail able to young farmers to purchase land. W DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, October, 1984 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We held an in-depth discussion of M A SI’s progress and potential. They needed to see flesh on the bones of people they were providing with funds (now over $40 million). It was time to get acquainted on a personal basis and this was congenially ac complished. Dutch interest in U.S. agriculture is deep rooted. Holland is the second largest purchaser of U.S. agricul tural products. Rabobank opened its New York office in April, 1981 for the purpose of becoming involved in funding U.S. agricultural opera tions. M ASI was looking for a funding source and Rabo’s knowledge of agricultural and A A A credit rating for funds acquisition filled the need. Hospitality at our meetings was outstanding. We were driven every where by a Rabobank driver. Meet ing with senior officers gave us these insights into Rabobank’ struc ture: 1. It was organized cooperatively with 955 local banks with 3,000 ser vice locations in Holland. 2. It was created by a German banker because no credit was avail able to Dutch agriculture after W W II. Everything was d e s tro y e d and rural savings deposits couldn’t support their credit needs. 3. We visited a local affiliate bank and one of their customers, a dairy farmer operating much the same a # good U.S. dairy farmers. 4. Rabobank operates like a hold ing company. The central bank pro vides computer services, auditing, etc., except the local units cross# guarantee each other and must de posit up to 22% of their liabilities with the central bank. Rabobank is very profitable. Most of its directors are farmers. Ill A highlight of the visit was a close-up look at Dutch agriculture. Beautiful wheat now grows on land that was part of the sea 20 years ago. The concentration of livestock# particularly dairy cows, probably exceeds any comparable area in the U.S. Holland is a very small coun try, about the size of West Virginia. The crops appear to be excellent# The flower auction at Aalsmeer, the world’s largest, is spectacular. Holland, of course, is part of the European Economic Community. They have an understandable inte est in our export policies and poten tial, as we do in theirs. We were privileged to meet with Mr. P.J. Lardinois, Rabobank’ chairman, who will be the EEC rep resentative on a three-man commis sion (with one each from the U.S. and Japan) which will attempt to re concile trade policies and establis some mutually agreeable guideline on subsidizing and other export poli cies. Holland is a delightful country, vitally interested in world cor merce. The Dutch have always 1 traders. A t the moment, their eco nomy is stagnant, which accounts for their interest in establishing themselves in the U.S. Our conversations were useful. We feel reassured that we have a reliable secondary market for mid west farm operating and intermedi ate term loans at the most favorabl rates possible. We also will soon nounce the details of a farm mort gage loan program (referred to above). The funds usually will raised in the U.S. One of M A SI’s ol jectives is to bring capital agriculture and to keep the commu nity banker viable as an agricultural lender. W e’re more convinced thai ever that M ASI can accomplis that. 97 ITS, Inc. processed its first trans action in February, 1977. During that month a total of 499 EFT trans actions were processed. At that time there were 32 banks participating in the Convenient Banking network. Now, nearly eight years later, ITS, Inc. has 250 participating fi nancial institutions, including two in Illinois, one in Missouri, five in Nebraska and three in South Dako ta. In addition, there are 683 shared terminals on the ITS, Inc. network, including two in Illinois, two in Missouri, 21 in Nebraska and five in South Dakota. Iowa News «» “In the Bank” Wins Second Place Eagle Grove V.P. Retires URING his 14 years as Governor of Iowa, former Gov. Robert D. Ray (above) never gave any Iowan “ a bum steer,” and he kept that record intact when he displayed this black Angus steer, “ In the Bank,” on behalf of the Iowa Bankers Association in the second an nual Governor’s Charity Steer Show at the recent Iowa State Fair. “ In the Bank” won se cond place for the IBA. The proceeds from the auction of winners were donated to the Ronald McDonald Houses of Iowa City and Des Moines. This was the first participation in " e Charity Steer Show for IBA. The association purchased the steer through its Voluntary g Promotion Fund from Matt Brooks, a 4-H’er from Ft. Dodge. In August, ITS Tops 1 Million Items Through Switch; Total Volume 4 Million OR THE first time in its eightyear history, ITS, Inc., has F recorded more than one million elecronic funds transfer transactions through the ITS central switch. ITS Chairman Robert Millen, president of United Central Bank of Des Moines, and ITS President Dale /ooley, reported that during the month of August ITS switched 1,026,153 transactions. “Hitting this one million mark,” Mr. Dooley said, “emphasizes the cceptance of EFT by the consumer. Although ITS, Inc., switched over one million transactions during the month of August, it is estimated hat ITS, Inc. sees only one-fourth f all EFT transactions. The rest are those handled by data processing centers associated with the network. When a data processing center ‘re cognizes’ a cardholder, there is no eed to route the transaction to the ITS, Inc. switch.” Thus, Mr. Dooley added, “we estimate that over four million transactions were performed 'y cardholders of ITS, Inc. partici pants.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ITS, Inc., a subsidiary of the Iowa Bankers Association, operates in a mandatory shared environment, basically as a switch behind, al though it does function optionally as a switch in front. ITS, Inc. provides regional switching services to banks, savings and loans and credit unions in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota. Mr. Dooley said ITS total volume is among the top half dozen systems in the nation. Based on per capita usage, Iowa has the highest usage in the United States, which empha sizes the outstanding job done by Iowa banks and financial institu tions in educating their customers to the convenience of ATM and POS installations. Pointing to this high volum e u sage by cu stom ers throughout the system, Mr. Dooley added, “What makes ITS so out standing in the nation is its low cost. We have gone from 14 cents cost per transaction downward and now have lowered it to 10 cents. So, a rebate of nearly $300,000 will go out to mem ber banks in the next 60 to 90 days.” Barbara J. Stevenson, vice presi dent, Security Savings Bank, Eagle Grove, retired in August after 28 years of banking. During her career she has served with Goldfield State Bank from 1956-July, 1984 and with Security Savings Bank at its Goldfield Office from July, 1984-August, 1984. r In dex o f A d vertisers OCTOBER, 1984 A m erican N a tio n a l Bank & Trust, St. P a u l............................39 A m erican T rust & S avings Bank, D u b u q u e ......................... 75 A ris to c ra t Inns, C h ic a g o ...........................................................91 Banclease, O m a h a ......................................................................67 Bankers T rust Com pany, Des M o in e s .................................. 70 B a rclays A m e rica n /B u sin e ss C r e d i t ....................................... 6 Brandt, In c ........................................................................................ 5 Brenton Banks, In c .......................................................................18 C o ntin e n ta l Illin o is N a tio n a l Bank, C h icago ..................... 49 Darien M ic ro s y s te m s , In c ......................................................... 31 Drovers Bank of C h ic a g o .................................................... 32-33 Em ployers M utual C o m p a n ie s ................................................45 F & M M arq uette N a tional Bank, M in n e a p o lis ...................36 Federal Hom e Loan M ortgage C o rp........................................15 F irs t N a tio n a l Bank, C h ic a g o .................................................. 12 F irst N a tio n a l Bank, L in c o ln .................................................... 69 F irst N a tional Bank, M inn e a p o lis ......................................... 43 F irs t N a tional Bank, O m a h a .................................................... 63 F irst N a tional Bank, S ioux C i t y ..............................................73 Gross, Kirk Com pany, W a te rlo o ..............................................79 HBE Bank F a c ilitie s ................................................................. 8-9 In n e r lin e .......................................................................................... 7 Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, In c ................................81 Iowa H is to ric a l M useum F o u ndation .................................. 87 ITS, In c ............................................................................................ 47 Kooker, E.F. A s s o c ia te s ...........................................................91 Lin co ln B e nefit Life C o m p a n y ................................................68 MBU, In c......................................................................................... 65 M an u fa c tu re rs H anover T r u s t ........................................... 50-51 M erca ntile Trust, St. L o u is ...................................................... 11 M erchants N a tional Bank, Cedar R a p id s ............................2-3 M icrocom , Cedar R a p id s ...........................................................90 N a tional Bank o f C om m erce, L in c o ln .................................. 60 N orth C entral C om panies, St. P a u l.................................. 98-99 N orw est C o rpo ratio n, M in n e a p o lis .....................................100 O ffic e C o ncepts Ltd., W a t e r lo o ............................................. 88 R ifkin C o m p a n y .......................................................................... 23 S e curity N a tio n a l Bank, S ioux C i t y .......................................89 System s Resources C o rpo ratio n .................................... 34-35 United C e ntral Bank, Des M oines ......................................... 93 U nited M issouri Bank of Kansas C i t y ..............................21,77 Northwestern Banker, October, 1984 No Company, Anywhere In The United States, Can Give Your Bank As Much Help In Running A Smooth, Profitable Credit Insurance Operation As North Central Life. Protection all ways North Central Life Insurance Company NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER, 445 MINNESOTA STREET BOX 43139, ST. PAUL, MN 55164 In Minnesota call 800-792-1030. In Iowa, Wise., North and South Dakota 800-328-1612. All other states 800-328-9117. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Compare For Yourself. How Does Your Current Credit Insurance Company Measure Up Tb North Central Life? What N orth Central Life Offers What Your Com pany Offers What N orth Central L ife Offers A Fast, Computerized Claim Settlements El Insurance Plans That Fit Virtually Every Loan Situation Si L Special Programs for the Large Borrower Ef □ El □ Si □ 5J □ Eil□ Ei P V / ✓ Instant, Over-the-phone underwriting approval for over-limit coverages Sales and Insurance Training Programs Designed for Bankers Incentive Plans to Help Increase your Productivity Home Office Customer Service Department Simple, Automated Premium Reporting System Computer-based Measurement and Control System to Help You Manage Your Business Personalized Training For Your Support Personnel Nation-wide Toll-free WATS Service Instant, Over-the-phone Rate Calculations For Difficult Loans What Your Com pany ✓ El / ✓ Simplified Procedures Manuals For Administrative People Complimentary Sales Aids, Brochures and Point-Of-Purchase Materials Free Analysis of Your Current Insurance Operations “Captive Company” Capability Professional, Experienced Account Field Representatives If You’re Not Getting All Of These Services From Your Current Credit Insurance Carrier, Maybe You Should Call North Central Life... America’s Number One Credit Insurance Service Organization Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'A INSTANT CASH: YOUR CENTER FOR A FULL RANGE OF ELECTRONIC Brought to you by Norwest Electronic Delivery Services. NEDS is part of the Norwest Corporation. You may know us best as the source of Instant Cash and as a founder of CIRRUS. But NEDS is even more than that. Whether you want one automated teller machine (ATM) or a connection to 5,500, we provide the full range of related services. We can help you select ATM sites and work with approved ATM vendors. We can help you design an ATM access card. We’ll support your own proprietary card, or you can take advantage of the instantly recognized Instant Cash logo. We’ll help you develop marketing strategy and we provide adver tising materials. We also save you the cost of software. Our state of the art technology can authorize, route, settle, and clear transactions that originate anywhere in the country, at any time of day. Your financial institution gains built-in prestige Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis with the Instant Cash logo. NEDS interchanges link you to local, regional, and national ATM networks. And we can be your connection to the coast to coast CIRRUS network. Let Norwest Electronic Delivery Services introduce your r i R R U S bank to the electronic age. Because convenience banking should be conven ient for bankers, too. Call us at 1-612-372-7095. Norwest Electronic Delivery Services Banking. And a whole lot more. M kM mmmmm NORWEST BANKS mmmmm mmy mm