The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Si votre compagnie I f Your Business Deals In Im ports And Exports M NB Speaks Your Language. K e e p in g com p e titiv e in business tod ay som etim es requires thinking b e y o n d bord ers. B e y o n d boundaries. M ov in g investm ent capital, labor and m o n e y th rou gh a global e con om y . W e are part o f a co rre sp o n d e n t banking letters o f credit, m o n e y transfers, foreig n e x ch a n g e and n e tw o rk o f nearly 3 00 banks across 100 countries. Enabling y o u to tap trade op p ortu n ities all oth er aspects o f international trade. w o r ld w id e . MNB’s I f that’s the d irection y o u r business is g row in g, M erchants National Bank speaks y o u r language. S o w h e n it c o m e s to getting started o r rem aining international banking d iv ision is staffed and e q u ip p e d to handle the com p le x itie s and intricacies o f e x p o rt/im p o rt financing, co m p e titiv e in the international arena, take advantage o f M NB’s International Banking D ivision. Established 20 years ago, the first in Iow a. Call MNB Your World o f O pportunity 319/398-4360 M em ber Swift W orld Trade Week May 17-May 23 Strength Eastern |owa Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Merchants National Bank 1:1 C e d a r R a p id s . Iow a 52401 M ember F D I C A BANKS OF IOWA BANK # Visa USA makes the Plus System decision even easier. The Plus System network. .. the leader in shared Automated Teller Machine systems, has gained a most impressive industry advantage... an affiliation with Visa U.S.A. Charles T. Russell, president o f Visa U.S.A. states, ‘T he affiliation o f Visa U.S.A. with Plus System, Inc. brings together the resources, experience and expertise o f two acknowledged industry leaders. Now financial institutions anywhere in the U. S. and Canada can make a national network decision with a new level o f confidence and commitment.” The Plus System network, long recognized as the premier ATM network, has earned its reputation for excellence because o f an ongoing dedication to personalized service and the industry’ s highest security and technical standards. Make the right decision today.. .join with Visa U.S.A. in selecting the Plus System" network. For complete in formation regarding membership, contact your local Plus System financial institution or call Plus System, Inc. at (303) 573-7587. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Plus S ystem THE LEADING ATM NETWORK 4 NöraWESTERN '{jáJtev MAY 1987 • 94th year • No. 1484 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS MEMBER BANK MARKETING ASSOCIATION OLDEST FINANCIAL JOURNAL SERVING THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN STATES ON THE COVER GIVING direction to the Independent Bankers Association of America during the 1987-88 association year will be these five officers, left to right: Chmn.—Charles T. Doyle, CEO, Gulf National Bank, Texas City, Tex.; Pres.—Thomas H. Olson, pres., Lisco State Bank, Lisco, Nebr.; Pres.-Elect—J.R. Nunn, pres., Citizens Bank, Tucumcari, N.M.; Vice Pres.—0 . Jay Tomson, chmn., Citizens National Bank, Charles City, la., and Exec. Vice Pres.— Kenneth A. Guenther, head of the Washington, D.C., headquarters staff. Not pictured is Merle L. Graser, chairman/CEO, First National Bank, Venice, Fla., now serving a second year as IBAA treasurer. Story starts on page 16. FEATURES 11 Strategic planning Dr. Douglas V. Austin starts his new, monthly column 20 Pioneer ethic is alive A visit with the new president of the IBAA 26 Community bankers interview Part II of exclusive interview with community bank leaders 44 Minnesota pilot project Minnesota Bankers Assn, backs development in Atwater 65 Named Senior Vice President# At Mosler Inc., Hamilton R.F. Murphy, president, Mosler, Inc., Hamilton, Ohio, has announced the promotion of A .M . (S te v e ) Marzano to se nior vice presi dent. In this as signment, Mr. Marzano is re s p o n s ib le fo r sales of Mosler products to do mestic financial institutions as well as installation and service for d om estic financial in stitu tio n systems and products, commercial systems and products and third q party ventures including currency handling. In addition, during periods when Mr. Murphy is not available, Mr. Marzano will carry out all functions and responsibilities £ of the president’s office. Prior to this promotion, Mr. Marzano was vice president, sales, installation and ser vice for Mosler. A 21-year Mosler veteran, M r .# Marzano has also served as vice president and general manager of the Mosler electronic systems divi sion in Wayne, New Jersey and the vice president, business planning,# marketing and international posi tions. Nebraska president looks back Kelly Holthus reviews his year as state president STATE CONVENTIONS 36 37 39 Illinois Program You Will See Them at Illinois Convention Minnesota Program 40 You Will See Them at 53 Nebraska Program Minnesota Convention 54 You Will See Them 49 Colorado Program Nebraska Convent 50 You Will See Them at 59 Executive Council Colorado Convention Report Upswing DEPARTMENTS 8 41 47 48 48 Calendar Twin Cities Wisconsin South Dakota Wyoming 51 58 69 80 82 Montana Omaha Iowa Des Moines Index of Advertisers NORTHWESTERN BANKER 1535 Linden S treet, S uite 201, Des M oines, Iow a 50309 Phone (515) 244-8163 Publisher & Editor Associate Publisher Associate Editor Ben Haller, Jr. Robert Cronin Diane Nelson No. 1484 Northwestern Banker (USPS 397-620) is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription $2.00 per copy. $24 per year. Second Class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. POST M A STER: Send all address changes to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chicago Fed Booklet Explains Currency Values Consumers can learn more about what determines the value of t h e # dollar in foreign exchange markets and, in today’s more global eco nomy, how the dollar’s value affects their pocketbooks in a new publica tion from the Federal Reserve B a n k # of Chicago, titled “ Strong Dollar, Weak Dollar.’ ’ The Chicago Fed booklet exam ines how the dollar’s value relates to other countries’ currencies, and h o w # changes in the dollar’s value affects foreign trade and the U.S. economy. The publication also elaborates on the positive and negative aspects of both a stronger and a weaker dollar. # The 12-page booklet is available at no charge. To obtain a copy, call or write the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Public Information Center, 230 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, I L ^ 60690, (312) 322-5111. WE PUT YOU INTO THE FULLSERVICE INVESTMENT BROKERAGE BUSINESS... PROFITABLY. First Bankers Securities CORPORATION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 200 Brick & Tile Building • Mason City, Iowa 50401 Toll Free - (800) 952-7899 • In Iowa - (800) 325-3030 keeps us first Allen Flitcraft President and C.E.O. Trans Union Credit Information Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The stakes are too high for anything less than the state-of-the-art in credit reporting. Ask C.E.O. Allen Flitcraft how Trans Union evolved into America's largest automated credit reporting company and you get a straight forward answer. "By talking to our customers . . . and listening to them." "Credit grantors tell us the importance they place on timeliness and accuracy in credit information. So we update our files continually and process our credit reports on the largest, most sophisticated computer system in the industry. They expressed concern about the threat of credit card fraud. So we developed an exclusive one-two fraud detection system, TRANS ALERT and HAWK, to keep potential frauds off the books. When credit grantors, collection agencies and other customers asked for a way to trace or verify current addresses, we used our vast social security index file to develop our TRACE social security search access system. Now our customers are telling us they would like the option of 100% national coverage from a single source. So we're working on building a true national credit file and plan to have it ready during the year. And we're not just building an ordinary file. We're building a state-of-the-art, quality national file. A file that's more complete, less subjective and better balanced for easier, faster, more judgemental credit decisions." Ask why and again Al Flitcraft comes straight to the point. "Trust is the reason why." For all your credit information needs, trust a leader. Contact your local Trans Union Credit Bureau or call our national Office at (312)431-5100. TRANS UNION Credit Information Co. Trust is the reason why. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 r Convention Calendar ABA—American Bankers Association AIB—American Institute of Banking BAI — Bank Administration Institute BMA—Bank Marketing Association CFP—College for Financial Planning IBAA— Independent Bankers Association of America NABW— National A ssociation of Bank Women, Inc. RMA—Robert Morris Associates June 27-July 1— National AIB Conference, Westin Hotel, Seattle. June 28-July 3—ABA National School on Human Resources and Human Re sources Graduate School, U. of Colorado, Boulder. July 8-10— Upper Midwest A gricultural Credit Council Conference, Big Sky Re sort, Big Sky, Mont. Minnesota: \ June 8-9— MBA 97th Annual Convention, Marriott City Center, Minneapolis. June 21-26— Minnesota School of Banking, St. Olaf College, Northfield. July 19-24— MBA Midwest Banking Insti tute, University of Minnesota, Morris. * Aug. 6— Marquette Bank Minneapolis Cor re s p o n d e n t/! n vest m ent C onference, Northstar Hotel, Minneapolis. Aug. 9-14— MBA Commercial Lending School, St. Olaf College, Northfield. Montana: June 1-2— MBA Commercial Bankers Confer ence, Grouse Mountain Lodge, Whitefish. June 11-12— MBA Real Estate Bankers Con ference, Sheraton Hotel, Missoula. a June 23-26— MBA 84th Annual Convention, Sun Valley, Idaho. State Conventions & Schools National Conventions & Schools 1987 May 13-16— IBAA Seminar/Workshop on the One-Bank Holding Company, Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tenn. May 21-22— IBAA Agricultural Lender I Workshop, Holiday Inn, Billings, Mon tana. May 24-29— BMA Advanced School of Bank Marketing, University of Colorado, Boul der. May 24-29— BMA School of Trust & Per sonal Financial Service Sales & Market ing, University of Colorado, Boulder. May 24-29— BMA Boulder Essentials of Bank Marketing School, University of Colorado, Boulder. May 24-June 5—BMA School of Bank Mar keting, University of Colorado, Boulder. May 28-29— IBAA Bank Internal Auditing I Seminar, Hyatt at Chatham Center, Pitts burgh, Pa. May 31-June 3—ABA National Operations and Automation Conference, San Fran cisco. June 1-3— BAI Current Issues in Commer cial Loan Operations, San Antonio. June 2-3— BAI Keys to Consumer Lending, Chicago. June 3-4—BAI Loan Review/Real Estate, Chicago. June 4-5— IBAA Agricultural Lender II Work shop, Westin-Tabor Center, Denver. June 5— RMA Loan Review Workshop, Cop ley Plaza Hotel, Boston. June 6-12—ABA School for Bank Investors and School for Financial & Funds Man agement, U. of Colorado, Boulder. June 7-11—ABA National Corporate Trust Workshop, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Va. June 8-10— BAI The Making of a Commer cial Loan Officer, Milwaukee. June 9-10— IBAA Long Range Planning Seminar, Hospitality Center, W illiam s burg, Va. June 11-12— IBAA Asset/LiabiIity Manage ment Workshop, H ospitality House, W il liamsburg, Va. June 14-26—Stonier Graduate School of Banking, U. of Delaware, Newark. June 15-16— IBAA Bank Internal Auditing II Workshop, Drake Oakbrook, Chicago. June 21-26— KBA/NBA Schools of Banking — PDP Intermediate School—Session II, Holiday Inn, Manhattan, Kan. June 23-24— BAI Commercial Loan Docu mentation, Indianapolis. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Colorado: June 3-6—CBA Annual Convention, Colorado Springs. Sept. 16-20—Independent Bankers of Colo rado Annual Convention, Beaver Creek, Avon. Illinois: May 31-June 5— Illinois Bankers School, Carbondale. June 10-12—IBA Annual Convention, Pere Marquette, Peoria. June 14-16—IBA Ag Lending School, Normal. June 21-26—IBA Trust School, Normal. July 6-10— IBA Bank Marketing School, Oak Brook. July 14-16—IBA Loss Prevention School, Nor mal. July 19-24—IBA Consumer Lending School, Peoria. July 26-31—IBA Commercial Lending School, Peoria. Aug. 9-14—IBA Internal Auditing School, Chicago. Aug. 9-14—IBA Intermediate Internal Auditing School, Chicago. Aug. 16-21—IBA Bank Compliance School, Chicago. Aug. 24-28—Independent Community Banks of Illinois School for Bankers, Illinois Wes leyan University, Bloomington. Sept. 25-28—Independent Community Banks of Illinois Annual Convention Exposition, The Hamilton Hotel, Itasca. Iowa: May 18—IBA Group 5 Meeting, Council Bluffs. May 19—IBA Group 2 Meeting, Ft. Dodge. May 20— IBA Group 12 Meeting, Okoboji. May 20-22—Analyzing Financial Statements Workshop, Airport Hilton, Des Moines. May 21— IBA Group 3 Meeting, Clear Lake. June 5-6—Northwest Iowa Group NABW Convention, Village West, Okoboji. June 8-19— IBA Ag Credit School, Scheman Center, Ames. June 21-26—IBA Iowa School of Banking, University of Iowa, Iowa City. July 23-25— Iowa Independent Bankers An nual Convention, The New Inn, Lake Oko boji. Sept. 20-22— IBA 101st Annual Convention, Convention Center, Des Moines. Oct. 13-14— IBA Consumer Services Confer ence, University Park Holiday Inn, Des Moines. Nebraska: May 14-17— NBA 90th Annual Convention, Lincoln Cornhusker Hotel. # June 7-9— NBA Washington Legislative Visit, Washington, D.C. June 11 — NBA Bank President’s Golf Tour nament, Lochland Country Club, Has tings. North Dakota: May 31-June 5— NDBA School of Banking, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. June 14-16— NDBA Annual Convention, In ternational Inn, Minot. Aug. 10-21—Graduate School of B a n kin g ,# Wisconsin. Sept. 21 — NDBA Northeast Group Meeting, Park River. Sept. 22— NDBA Northwest Group Meeting. Sept. 23— NDBA Southwest Group Meeting, Elks Lodge, Dickinson. # Sept. 24— NDBA Southeast Group Meeting. South Dakota: Sept. 14—SDBA Group V Meeting, Howard Johnsons, Rapid City. Sept. 15—SDBA Group IV Meeting, Wrangler Motor Inn, Mobridge. Sept. 16—SDBA Group II Meeting, Guest House, Watertown. Sept. 17—SDBA Group III Meeting, Holiday Inn, Mitchell. Sept. 18—SDBA Group I Meeting, Airport Holiday Inn, Sioux Falls. Oct. 8-9—SDBA Installment/Retail/Mortgage Loan Conference, Ramkota Inn, Rapid City. Oct. 21-22—SDBA Economics Seminar for Young Adults, Holiday Inn, Mitchell. Wisconsin: May 17-19—WBA Legislative/Regulatory Conference, L’Enfant Plaza, Washington, D.C. May 31-June 5—WBA General Banking # School, St. Norbert College, De Pere. June 7-13—WBA Commercial Lending School, St. Norbert College, De Pere. June 15-17—WBA Annual Convention, Em bassy Suites Hotel Regency Conference Center, Green Bay. # Aug. 2-8—WBA Consumer Credit School, St. Norbert College, De Pere. Aug. 9-14— Basic Banking School, St. Nor bert College, De Pere. Wyoming: June 14-16—WBA Annual Convention, Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran. 0 W H AT HAPPENS TO YOUR RECORDS AFTER THEY LEAVE YOUR BANK? When your records leave the bank, even over telephone lines, anything can happen. Your valuable records are in limbo until you get them safely back. But with your own banking system from Security Pacific Financial Systems, you’re in control. Confidentiality and security are never compromised. Our banking system was designed by bankers for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bankers. Security Pacific can probably save you money too. With a service bureau, you pay a fee for each transaction, so the bigger you grow the more you pay But when you license your own banking system from us, you’ll realize economies of scale. We're backed by Security Pacific Corporation, with assets in excess of $60 billion. So you know we’ll be around when you need us—24 hours a day 7 days a week. Just say the word and we’ll send you literature, set up a free consultation, or schedule a detailed presentation. Call 1-800/325-1481 or 303/430-2147. Security Pacific Financial Systems A D ivision of S ecurity Pacific Inform ation Systems. Inc. EVERGREEN SYSTEMS, INC. PRESENTS . . . THE “IN-HOUSE” SYSTEM ALTERNATIVE THE LATEST CONCEPT in “in-house” infor mation management systems, designed specif ically for today’s competitive market. The ESI package, “ Solutions fo r Profit and Growth” , has been developed as a result of de regulation and is backed by a solid foundation of experience in the industry. This experience has allowed the staff at ESI to develop the most useroriented system available today! Features such as “built-in” documentation (an on-line tutorial accessed with just the touch of a key) and user-definable parameters (which allow you to control the types of products and services you offer) will truly give your institution a competitive edge in your marketplace. BANKING “SOLUTIONS FOR PROFIT AND GROWTH” If your goals include reducing costs, maximiz ing profits, improving management capabilities, and increasing flexibility and control, drop us a environments on the IBM® System/36 family of line or give us a call. We’ll be happy to discuss computers, just how “ Solutions for Profit and Growth” can help your institution achieve these goals. The complete list of fully integrated ESI softYou’ll be glad you did. ware Pr°ducts include: • Platform Systems and Credit Modeling The ESI system is available for single • Central Information File institutions or multi-institutional, multi-branch • Depository Accounting Systems • POD/ltem Processing • Retirement Management System • Loan Accounting Systems • General Ledger and m ore... For more details write or call : ESI A Â À Â EVERGREEN SYSTEMS, INC. 1065 N. 115th Street, Suite 210 Omaha, NE 68154 (402) 493-7773 IBM® is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 Management Consulting S p e c ia l R e a d in g fo r D ire c to rs , M a n a g e m e n t Written especially for T he N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r By DR. DOUGLAS V. AUSTIN President and CEO Douglas Austin & Associates, Inc. Toledo, Ohio HIS is the first in a series of monthly columns which both the N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r and I # hope will be educational, informative and entertaining to you as bank directors and senior management of commercial banking organizations throughout the ter ritory served by the N orthwestern B a n k e r . As president of a consulting firm for over 20 years, a # regular faculty member in the accredited College of Business Administration (The University of Toledo), an attorney, and a student of the banking industry, hopefully some ideas that I will expose over the next months will be of interest to you in your capacities as ® management and directors of commercial banks throughout the United States. These columns are not going to have a legal or aca demic orientation but will strive to inform you in “ bankereze” on subjects of pertinent interest to you in • your capacities at your organizations. If legal issues are raised and you have questions, please consult your bank’s legal counsel for the pertinent statutes, regula tions or results of litigation. Keep in mind that the focus on these columns will be to assist you in per• forming your managerial and/or directorial functions more efficiently, effectively, and prudently - all of which should definitely limit your potential liabilities in your capacity as a director or officer. ^ I can start these columns by reiterating director’s • a n d officer’s liabilities and believe me, over the next year, I will certainly talk about that issue. On the other hand, I believe there is a more fundamental issue that you should be concerned with and I am spending the ^ space in this initial column to cover the area of strate• g i c planning. You may have been told that strategic planning is simply a “ buzz word,’ ’ that it does not real T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Strategic planning: . . . your key to survival ly mean much, and that you can really just continue to operate or direct your bank and/or bank holding com pany in the same fashion you have for the past 10 to 20 years. Nothing could be more wrong. Today, you must know where your banking organization is going, and what you must do in order for it to achieve the success you desire the bank to achieve. Determine Corporate Mission Initially, as directors and officers of your banking organization, it is paramount that you determine your corporate mission. If you have a corporate mission in written form, congratulations. If you do not, develop one so you and your fellow directors and officers have a game plan covering your customer base, the products and services you plan to have, all geographical terri tories you plan to serve, and the types of customers you plan to cultivate. A corporate mission allows you to tell your share holders what type of institution you are, what type of institution you plan to evolve into and, more impor tantly, whether you plan to remain independent, pack age yourself for sale or, as a holding company opera tion, how you plan to operate - decentralized or centra lized, and how you plan to relate to your own share holders. Furthermore, it is impossible for you to operate as a banking organization without a corporate mission, just as it is impossible for a sailboat to steer a straight course without a rudder. Without sounding like a commercial, if you are inter ested in establishing a corporate mission and a strate gic plan for your banking organization, you might be interested in a book published by Bankers Publishing Company, Boston, Mass., entitled A Bankers Hand book for Strategic Planning, which is aimed at the com munity bank banking organization, and was co-au thored in October 1985 by Dr. Douglas V. Austin and Mark S. Mandula. This book outlines how to develop a corporate mission, a strategic plan, and how to imple ment same, review and modify such plans, and hold the management accountable for the implementation of the planning and operational functions. Strategic Plan Is Next Step Assuming that you have now determined what your corporate mission is to be, at least for the next 5 to 10 years, you must develop a strategic plan, which is Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 12 nothing other than a series of stops along the road map to the goals and objectives that you have set. If you do not have a written strategic plan at this point in time, you had better start one, not only because you absolutely need it - which you do - but also because the regulatory authorities, whether state or federal in nature, are going to demand a strategic plan from you within one or two years. Strategic planning is nothing other than the process of determining how to get to the goals and objectives that you have set within the corporate mission. Strate gic plans are not monumental tasks. A commercial banking organization under $100 million does not need a 100 page strategic plan. Your strategic plan should address the elements that you desire to cover explicity in order to reach your goals and objectives. Furthermore, if you are a director of your banking organization, you are not the every day manager of your organization, and you should not meddle in the everyday operations. On the other hand, you, as a di rector, are responsible to the shareholders, creditors, depositors, employees and the community in general, for the safe and solvent operation of your banking in stitution as well as its long-term survivability - if that is your goal. Therefore, it is necessary for you, as a director, to develop and implement a strategic plan that will permit the management and staff of your or ganization to meet the goals and objectives that you and your fellow directors have set forth. In addition, this strategic plan then permits you to make decisions as to whether to use internal compu ters, outside data services, merger and acquisitions op portunities, branching and nonbanking subsidiary affi liate locations, management succession and staffing questions, and all other pertinent decisions that you have to make as directors. These choices are almost im possible to make without a framework upon which to hang all important decisions that are faced by the board of directors. Developing the Strategic Plan How do you develop a strategic plan? There are two simple ways to accomplish a strategic plan: 1. Have it developed internally by the management of your institution and present it to the board of direc tors for their review, modification, and approval. 2. Retain outside professional consultation assis tance to help in the drafting of the initial strategic plan on behalf of the management and then have it re viewed, modified and approved by the board of direc tors. ■ ABOUT THE AUTHOR — In addition to heading his own finan cial management consulting firm for the past 20 years, Dr. Douglas V. Austin is chairman and professor of the Department of Finance at The University of Toledo. Dr. Austin received a joint Ph.D. in Economics and Business in June, 1964, from the Indiana University Department of Economics Graduate School, and his law degree In June, 1978, from the University of Toledo College of Law. He is a widely known author and speaker on directors’ duties and responsibilities, asset and liability management, capital for mation programs, strategic planning, stock valuations, regulatory liaison, bank holding company formation, mergers and acquisi tions and problem bank consulting. His topics in this series will deal primarily with directors’ duties, responsibilities and opportu nities, as well as key management concerns. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis You, as directors of your institution, have to know ® how much time is available for the management to develop a strategic plan and, in most cases, it has been my experience that the management is so busy today, since you have the organization understaffed, that you _ had probably better retain outside assistance. On the 9 other hand, there are probably even better reasons for utilizing someone from outside - the objectivity and the lack of political and livelihood justification that an outside financial consulting firm, management service ^ division of a C.P.A. firm, or other professional group can bring to the strategic planning process. Further more, if you retain outside strategic planning assis tance, the group you retain will have done a countless number of strategic plans, and can deliver the p la n ^ faster, more efficiently and, believe it or not, less costly in terms of total time and resources than your internal management could do. Let’s face it, if your internal management could pro vide you with an outstanding strategic plan, then the £ real question is why they have not done so thus far, and why you have not asked them to do so! Shop around and find an outside professional firm that can assist you in the strategic planning process, and don’t believe that the strategic planning process is going t o ^ cost you an arm and a leg - it will only cost you a hand and a finger. What Strategic Plan Encompasses What should your strategic plan encompass? Realis-^ tically, your strategic plan should cover whatever is important to you as directors and officers of your banking organization. No two strategic plans should be the same since they reflect differing goals and objec tives of each of the 14,0004- commercial banking org a -# nizations. Your strategic plan, based on the past per formance, and the future forecasted performance of your commercial banking organization should be adopted to reflect your local market area, your wishes and desires, your constraints and restraints, and your% ability to survive in the banking marketplace. However, certain elements are consistent through out strategic plans, whether your bank be $20 million in size with only one office, or $250 million with 10 of fices, or $5 billion operating over several states, a n d # whether you are a commercial bank without a holding company or a multi-bank holding company. These ele ments generally are as follows: 1. Projected and desired rates of return on assets, net worth, and other financial performance standards.# 2. Capital adequacy levels reflecting safety and sol vency of your banking institution. 3. Desired levels of past-due loans, nonaccrual loans, other real estate loans, and other loan portfolio stan dards. ® 4. Management succession plans - keep in mind that your president will not live forever, and if you don’t pay him enough, he won’t last another year. 5. Staffing requirements of your officers and staff. 6. Educational requirements for the upgrading of the talent of your banking institution. 7. Future products and services to be offered by your banking institutions, whether in bank or holding com pany form, in order to meet the changing and increas- > ing demands of the marketplace within your local mar ket. 13 “ If you do not review the strategic plan, all the planning you have done will be meaningless.” ^ • • • 8. Analysis of the current strengths and weaknesses of your own organization in order to improve your ability to survive over the next 5 to 10 years, and then specific action programs to direct the deficiencies and meet the goals and objectives that you have set. 9. Branch locations, if applicable, or new merger and acquisition opportunities available to your orga nization throughout your state or interstate region. 10. Whatever else is important to your organization which will permit it to meet its goals and objectives, whether sales or survivability. Your strategic plan should be considered as a fluid guide to your performance over the next 5 to 10 years. Five years is about the maximum time frame you will be able to cover without missing the ballpark. If you just reflect back to 1978, look how far the industry has changed in just 10 years. If you had to try to anticipate how much more the industry would change in the next 10 years, they would probably lock you up in your local funny farm. On the other hand, you can certainly fore cast 3 to 5 years into the future and you can determine your goals and objectives for the next 3 to 5 years without too much strain, and then implement your plan. H • ® • a w ^ 41 m Timing Is Crucial One thing that is absolutely crucial in the strategic plan ning process for your organization is the timing neces sary to achieve such a strategic plan. Too often, commercial banking organizations take years to develop a strategic plan. Set a timing schedule which is no longer than six months in duration (I recommend three months) and accomplish the task within the time schedule you have set. Your banking organization is a corporation run for profit and should be run as efficiently as possible. While you are determining your goals and objectives, your corporate mission, and then attempt ing to draft a strategic plan to meet such goals and objectives, you will have a tendency to lose momentum and lie wallowing in the waters of indecision. There fore, it is important for you to be able to eliminate the wallowing as much as possible. This can be done only through setting a specific timetable for the drafting, review, modification and approval of your strategic plan. Do not be scared that the strategic plan may be incorrect. As planners, you have to learn to crawl before you can walk and then run a marathon. Your first strategic plan will be general, probably incorrect in certain areas, and extremely naive after you have had a chance to reflect upon it for several years. On the other hand, the strategic planning process for your banking organization is not a one-time planning process. It is an ongoing planning process which should be reviewed on at least a six-month to one-year timeframe, modified for the conditions within your mar ketplace and that of the national economy and then changed to reflect the necessary modifications. The board of directors of your organization should review, modify, and then reapprove the strategic plan for your organization once a year. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis As you review and modify your strategic plan, it will become more specific, more comprehensive, and less naive. The first year you review your initial strategic plan, you will determine that you have to make it more specific and, as you make it more specific, you will make it better, more detailed and more appropriate to your organization. Thus, even though the first year strategic plan may not be the ideal strategic plan for your banking organization, your shareholders and your community, as you develop strategic plans and modify them over the years to come you will be able to implement the strategic plan in light of a more specific goal-oriented planning process and thus achieve more meaningful results. Hold Management, Staff Accountable Finally, I cannot leave this first month’s column without stating the fact that the planning process never quits and as it is noted above, if you do not review the strategic plan, all the planning that you have done will be meaningless. In this light, you must hold the management and staff of your organization accountable for meeting the goals of the strategic plan that you have set. Short-term strategic planning (which can be re-termed as one year financial budgets), compensation schedules, and other short-term busi ness plans, are simply yearly means by which to reach the goals and objectives that you have set in your stra tegic planning process. As a last note, consider carefully whether the sum mary of your strategic plan should be disseminated to your shareholders. I believe firmly that the more your shareholders know about your corporate mission and your goals and objectives as a financial institution, the more they can value and judge your performance in light of the goals and objectives you have set. Further more, it often keeps the shareholders quieter since they perceive you are doing the job that you have set forth to do. It also keeps the remaining shareholders more solid and loyal to your strategy than if they are kept in the dark as to what your organization is planning to do. It is obvious that most commercial banking organi zations do not give to their shareholders the same kind of long-term investment return that other types of in vestments might be able to do. It is quite possible that your organization’s rate of return over the last 10 years was less than your shareholders could have got ten in a passbook savings account and, therefore, the more they know where you are headed, how you plan to get there and how you have done in achieving your goals and objectives, the more loyal they may be to your organization, even if their rate of return is not as great as they could get elsewhere. You have to make that decision as to whether you desire to let your share holders know where you are going, but it may be the best decision you have ever made, and only second to the decision of forming a strategic plan in the first place. □ (As noted earlier, Dr. Austin's articles will appear monthly in this magazine.) Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Customer Service. Our 72-year-old buzzword. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •How Deluxe is pressing forward with its service commitment. In their recent book, Service America! Doing Busi n e s s in the New Economy Karl Albrecht and Ron Zemke point out how customer service has become something of • a buzzword in industry today As one of the companies profiled in the book, Deluxe Check Printers appears at the •vanguard of the service revolu tion—by doing exactly what we’ve been doing for 72 years: serving you. • Some people were surprised when Deluxe Chair man, Eugene Olson, was quoted: “We aren’t in a com•m odities business, we’re in a service business.” But it isn’t a surprise to our customers. Because while we work hard to #make our product the finest in the nation, it’s the way we deliver the product, and how we work in partnership with our custo m ers, that sets us apart. left to do: go it one better.That’s why Deluxe recently surveyed customers about customer service. The notices were good—but they also helped us identify areas for improvement. So we’ve spent the last few months fine-tuning our custom er service capability.The result affords our customers even faster access to the help they sometimes need. Looking around it seems that service is today’s business buzzword. It certainly is here at Deluxe—just as it has been for the last 72 years. And always will be. Now, the best #is getting better. Once you’ve set the standard for yourself and your industry, there’s only one thing DELUXE »Check Printers, Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The difference between a printer and a partner. 16 HELPING guide the IBAA during the 1987-88 will be these five officers, left to right: Charles T. Doyle, Texas City, Tex., immed. past pres, and now chmn. of the IBAA board; Thomas H. Olson, Lisco Nebr., the new pres.; J.R. Nunn, Tucumcari, N.M., now pres.-elect; O. Jay Tomson, Charles City, la., the new vice pres., and Kenneth A. Guenther, exec. v.p. and head of the Wash ington headquarters staff. Not pictured is Merle L. Graser, Venice, Fla., treas. Tom Olson Named IBAA President By BEN HALLER, JR. Publisher E B R A S K A ’S Thomas H. Olson, president of the Lisco State Bank in western Nebraska, was ad vanced to the presidency of the Independent Bankers Association of America on April 3 during IB A A ’s 57th annual convention in Orlando, Fla. Lisco is believed to be the smallest town yet to produce an IB A A presi dent. Mr. Olson succeeds Charles T. Doyle, CEO of Gulf National Bank in Texas City, Tex., who now becomes chairman of the association board. J.R. Nunn, presi dent of Citizens Bank, Tucumcari, N.M., moved up to become president-elect and replacing him as vice presi dent is O. Jay Tomson, chairman of Citizens National Bank in Charles City, la. Merle L. Graser, chairman/ CEO, First National Bank, Venice, Fla., continues in his second year as IB A A treasurer. Kenneth A. Guen ther is executive vice president and heads IB A A ’s Washington staff. In their official deliberations, delegates reconfirmed their strong effort to close the non-bank bank loophole and to achieve relief for the agricultural sector of the economy. President Olson said, in outlining IB A A ’s commitment to closing the loophole, “ To us, there is no higher priority. (It) undermines our existing deposi tory institutions, their insurance fund, and our regula tory process.” The association strongly supported Title I of S.F. 790, recently passed by the Senate, which closes the non-bank loophole but grandfathers all current char ters and permits them unlimited growth for the balance of this year. IB A A officials said they prefer to see the loophole closing even with this permissive cap and singled it out above all other banking legislation objectives since they believe this will be the last oppor tunity to bring the loophole to a head in Congress. IB A A said it will pursue the loophole closing above the legislative effort seeking added bank powers, as other segments of the industry prefer. N Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Comptroller of the Currency Robert L. Clarke took direct issue with that position in his convention ad dress. He said, “ Bankers should be doing everything they can to find new ways to make money. I am puz zled, perplexed and confounded that many bankers are not. “ And I am bewildered that so many bankers—and the IB A A as an organization—would overlook this urgent need and, devote so much time, energy and at tention to what I believe is a far less compelling problem: the future of the so-called ‘non-bank bank.’ “ Or, more appropriately, the ‘limited-service bank’. ” Mr. Clarke referred to IB A A ’s 1984 Florida lawsuit which forestalled the CofC from issuing such national charters. “ There is no doubt in my mind,” he stated, “ that independent banks—and all other commercial banks—are at a competitive disadvantage to some of the organizations that own or have applied to own lim ited-service banks. That competitive disadvantage, however, is not that these organizations can use the limited-service bank as a tool in their business. “ Rather, the competitive disadvantage arises from the fact that these organizations can offer a far wider range of financial services to their customers than you are allowed to offer.” Mr. Clarke said he is convinced that even if non-bank banks were outlawed, these other financial service organizations would merely find other means to pursue their range of products that are far wider than banks presently can offer. Because of this, he stated, banks should be seeking instead to have expanded powers on a unified banking front. Interstate banking, he stated, is at the heart of IB A A ’s basic concern but “ that matter is of far less import to independent bankers today than just three years ago.” His staff estimates one-third of non-bank applications might not be pursued even if all con straints on his chartering authority were lifted because the end result could instead be achieved in many states just by acquiring existing institutions. “ I believe you have cause for concern,” Mr. Clarke stated, “ and I believe that cause is not the limited ser- f £ % # f) • ® 17 # ^ 0 ^ D II £ WHEN Tom Olson, pres., Lisco State Bank, Lisco, Nebr., was advanced to the IBAA presidency at the 57th annual convention in Orlando last month, he was honored at a reception hosted jointly by the Nebraska Independent Bankers Association and the Nebraska Bankers Association. Pictured at that reception, left to right, are: Kelly Holthus, pres, of NBA and pres., 1st Natl., York, and Virginia; Tom and Cyn thia Olson; Roy Yaley, pres., of NIBA and pres, of Nebraska State, South Sioux City, and Cathy; Georgianne and Bud Gerhart, pres., 1st Natl., Newman Grove, and a past pres, of IBAA; Jeanie Matzke Flaska of Irvine, Cal., who was visiting with her parents (center) Stan Matzke, NBA exec, v.p., and Dorothy; Kurt Yost, NIBA exec, v.p., and Dennis Brewster, pres., Butte State, Butte. vice bank. Why not invest your political capital in leg islation with a greater dividend, legislation that would allow you to meet the real and present competition on more equal terms? If IB A A succeeds in closing the loophole by sacrificing legislation urgently needed by many independent banks to survive, what kind of vic tory will this organization achieve?’ ’ FDIC Chairman William L. Seidman also addressed the convention delegates, recalling that some people “ tell us that unbridled competition will create a heal thier environment—a kind of financial survival of the fittest. I must admit to being more in that school although I think...while we must move forward we should do so at a well-reasoned and cautious pace. Nonetheless, I am convinced banking will become in creasingly competitive...adaptation is the key to sur vival.’ ’ Mr. Seidman cited the community bank’s comparative advantage of knowing intimately the local market and having the confidence of local customers, although “ large competitors would appear to have the advan tage with some of their high tech and innovative new products. You have an organization in the IB A A that recognizes that together you can not only be competi- tive, but superior. Joint ventures and franchising ar rangements can prove to be a market equalizer.’’ Mr. Seidman supported the concept of a nationwide secondary market for ag loans. He recognized that some banks will not adapt, some ag banks TTdll not recover from the economic distress of recent years, but added, “ We, at the FDIC, want to help these troubled banks survive.” He announced an amendment to the capital forbear ance program (N orthwestern B anker Weekly News letter of 3/30) that will allow district directors to base such a program on the viability of a plan submitted, in stead of making it conform to the 4% minimum capital previously required. He concluded by saying, “ We at the FDIC will support your efforts to ‘get going.’ After all, as your insurer, we want you all to live forever!’ ’ Other nationally noted speakers included E. Gerald Corrigan, president of the influential New York Fed eral Reserve Bank, who detailed the points covered in his recent discussion paper designed to stimulate fur ther discussion among all elements in the financial in dustry on the future course this nation should take in its system of financial institutions, its payment sys tem and its credit system. Mr. Corrigan was well- LEFT— Pictured in the American Natl. B&T of St. Paul, Minn., hospitality room were, from left: Almeda and Jack King, former IBAA pres, and chmn., Valley Bank Kalispell, Mont.; Kathy and Joe Kingman, pres., American Natl. B&T; Mark W. Olson, pres, of the ABA and pres., Security State, Fergus Falls, Minn., and Bob Jacobson, v.p. of the host bank, and Lori. RIGHT—The Iowa reception honored O. Jay Tomson, chmn., Citizens Natl., Charles City, la., and his wife, Pat, on his election as v.p. of the IBAA. From left to right are: John Dean, pres., Glenwood State, Glenwood, and Carol; Jay and Pat Tomson, and John Spies, pres., Iowa T&S, Emmetsburg, and Jeanine. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 18 ALSO pictured at the Iowa reception were, left to right: llene and Phil Berg, pres., Midway B&T, Cedar Falls; Marilyn and Bill Beohm, pres., • Tama State; Jane and Jerry Gross, pres., Kirk Gross Co., Waterloo; Stan Barber, chmn., Wellman Savings; Jay Tomson, and Ken Benda, chmn., Hartwick State. Mr. Barber and Mr. Benda are past pres, of IBAA. known to many in the audience from his several years as head of the Minneapolis Fed before being appointed to the prestigious New York Fed post. Mr. Corrigan warned against a “ wholesale regulation” approach to restructuring the banking industry...“ it is not in the best interest of our Nation.” The two general sessions were conducted Friday and Saturday mornings. The entire day of Thursday was devoted to a series of 14 outstanding special interest sessions for delegates, as well as four spouse seminars and separate programs for children. The special inter est sessions covered a true cross-section of interests— regulators panel, internal auditing, agriculture in tran sition, insurance, asset/liability management, market ing, LBHC, Chapter 12 and ESOPs. Bank Women to Honor 3 Industry Leaders at Dinner The National Association of Bank Women, Chicago, 111., has an nounced the names of three noted financial industry leaders who will be given top honors at the Associa tion’s third annual “ Salute to Senior Financial Women” testimonial din ner, to be held Wednesday, June 10, 1987 at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. According to N ABW President Kay Landen, N A B W ’s Pacesetter Award winner is George F. Moody, president and chief operating officer of Security Pacific Corporation and president and chief executive officer of Security Pacific National Bank, Los Angeles. The Pacesetter Award is presented each year to that man or woman who has increased oppor tunities or accelerated the pace of advancement for women in the fi nancial services industry. Receiving N A B W ’ s Industry Achievement Award are Dr. Juanita Kreps, former U.S. Secretary of Commerce (1977-79) under Presi Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Special entertainers had their time on the schedule as well., Tom Sullivan the noted blind speaker, pianist, # composer and humorist, kicked off a special session for younger bankers. Cathy Rigby McCoy, former Olym pic gymnast, starred with her energetic program of singing and dancing, and was accompanied by come dian Freddie Roman. Country western singer Lee # Greenwood entertained on Friday night following the state banker receptions. Featured after the Saturday annual banquet was The New Virginians college road show group. It was announced that the 1988 IB A A convention • will be March 13-17 in Honolulu, with the SheratonWaikiki Hotel as headquarters. The 1989 convention will be in Anaheim, Cal., on February 26-March 2 at the Anaheim Hilton Towers. □ dent Carter, and former vice presi dent at Duke University; and Patri cia Carry Stewart, vice president of finance and administration at The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, New York City. Industry Achieve ment Awards recognize women who have a record of superior accom plishment in the industry and who have assisted other women in ad vancing their careers. Chairing the dinner will be Thomas C. Theobald, vice chairman of Citicorp. Honorary chair is Leslie E. Bains, vice president and group executive, Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. and past N ABW president. Brandt Honors Top Managers Brandt Inc., the leading manufac turer of currency and coin handling and management systems, honored the leading district managers in its network of independent representa tives during the company’s recent national sales meeting at Captiva Island, Fla. John Thompson, Brandt vice president, explained that Brandt categorizes its sales districts by size. The winner in Group A —the largest districts—was Roger L. Weinheimer, president of Money Handling Systems Inc. The Charlottes ville, Va.-based distributor was honored for achieving 122% of quota, and its vice president of sales, Norm Williams, was named Brandt Salesman of the Year. In Group B —medium sized dis tricts—the highest percentage of quota was achieved by Roger A. Wittenbach, president of Wittenbach Business Systems, Inc., of Hunt Valley, Md. The company not only reached 126% of projected sales, but also began its own coin wrapping division that was the in dustry leader within its region by year’s end. Group C ’s winner was Clifford D. Malone, president of Money Processing Systems, Inc. The Albuquer que, N.M., representative was over all national leader in percentage of quota with 139%. 1986 marked the sixth year that Mr. Malone surpassed 120% quota. ® ® * 9 ^ q £ 19 Dawson Hail Insurance In the 70 years Dawson Hail Insurance has been in business, we’ve learned a lot about friendship. Over the years we’ve been a foul-weather friend to thousands of farmers who have suffered hail losses. D u rin g that time, many other insurance com panies have come and gone. But year after year, Dawson Hail Insurance has been right there when hail has struck. You can count on us being there for you. W e ’ve built our repu tation on fast, fair claim service and the best adjusters in the country. So this year, trust your crop to the company that has been a foul-weather friend to farmers for over three generations. Ask your local agent for Dawson Hail Insurance. Call Toll-Free In North Dakota 1 800 437-4680 1 800 342-4848 - - - - P.O. Box 1820, Fargo, ND 58107 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 20 NEW I BAA President Tom Olson (seated center) is pictured by the N orthwestern Banker camera during a reception held in his honor by fellow Nebraska bankers dur ing the IBAA convention. From left to right in back row: Joyce and Bill Olson (his brother), pres., Nebraska State, Oshkosh; Charles Ferguson (standing, a brother-inlaw); Gene C. Eaton, pres., First National Fi nancial Corp., Lincoln and Marjorie Eaton (a sister); Barbara Ferguson (Tom’s other sis ter); his mother, Mrs. Harold Olson of Lisco; Tom; his wife, Cynthia, and her parents, Alice and Oril A. Barber. Tom and Cynthia’s son and two daughters are seated on the floor directly in front of them and include Tom, Jr., Kerstin Ekstrom (center) and Lynne. At left is Kerstin’s husband, Bill, and at far right is Lynne’s fiance, Richard Keller. Tom ’s father, Harold Olson, who was honored last year by the Nebraska Bankers Association with a 60-year service award, died last June. 0 0 0 0 Pioneer ethic guides jet-age Tom Olson A N orthwestern B anker interview with THOMAS H. OLSON, President Independent Bankers Association of America President, Lisco State Bank Lisco, Nebr. HE ACCEPTED ETHIC of integrity, trust, shar ing, neighborliness, strong faith and hard work forms the legacy handed down to Tom Olson who, in turn, has incorporated this taken-for-granted “ pio neer” ethic into a jet-age career that has propelled him from tiny Lisco in western Nebraska to the presidency of the 7,000 member Independent Bankers Association of America. Moving from the daily routine and needs of a ranch ing country town of 200 population to the committee hearing rooms of the nation’s capitol, or the speaker’s platform at meetings in New York, San Francisco and many points in between was not foreseen by Tom Olson when he started working full-time in his father’s Lisco State Bank in 1960. But, the polishing touches of a good family background, a solid education at the University of Nebraska, 27 years of working with cus tomers at the bank, and 15 years of association com mittee and officer work have prepared him well for the top IB A A job that will keep him on the road in the next year more often than he will be at home. Add to that a ready smile and total openness for all he meets, and an intensity of purpose for the aims of IB A A based on his naturally-inherited reliance on being independent, and you find a man who was mag netized to the IB A A presidency like a faithful homing pigeon. Independent, in Tom ’s case, means being selfreliant in any game where equality for all is the rule, but also means being genuinely empathetic and under standing of others’ needs, while giving complete cooperation to achieve those goals that require work ing together for the common good. T Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Family Tradition If this sounds like the hero “ Tom Playfair” of the old-time novels written to inspire boys to be exemplary 0 leaders, it’s because the simple truth is that Harold and Helen Olson believed thoroughly in all those “ oldfashioned” virtues that were an accepted way of life in their earlier years and passed them on to their two sons and two daughters. • A grasp of this background is needed to throughly understand how Tom Olson thinks and works on behalf of fellow independent bankers and their custo mers as he devotes boundless energy to his new duties. Because he and others like him have always been an • integral part of their communities, he speaks of the needs and rights of small town and rural customers and their bankers interchangeably because he sees them as one. ^ A Banking Family Banking has been Tom ’s life since he was born in Lisco on August 31, 1935. His father, Harold, bought Lisco State Bank in 1934, having worked for Reuben Lisco since 1924. Tom worked in the bank during vacation periods while attending high school and the uni versity during the early 1950s. After graduating from the University of Nebraska in 1957 with a B.S. degree in Business Administration, he served a two-year stint in the Air Force, and continues in the Air Force Reserve as a Colonel. He then returned to Lisco to join the full-time bank staff in 1960. “ That training as a teller, keeping books, working all types of jobs gave me one thing in common with so many other bankers in rural America—learning all the jobs in the bank and getting to know all the customers. Hopefully, that pro vided an adequate background that will help me and other rural bankers learn the changes in our industry and respond to them.” Tom ’s older brother, Bill, also is a banker “ but, believe it or not, we’ve never had the chance to work ® ® ® ^ 21 BOND SERVICE vs. BANK SERVICE Chances are, your bank has been exposed more than once to “bond service.” It’s transaction-oriented service from people who know bonds, not banks. So the advice you get too often goes no further than offerings and oc casional bids. Bond service is not what L. F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin provides. Our specialty is BANK SERVICE.® Over 25 years of service that combines intimate knowledge of bonds with in-depth understanding of banks. BANK SERVICE views your portfolio in the same light as you do: As a crucial com ponent of your bank’s overall position. Not as an independent entity. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis That’s why before we make a recommendation we conduct a thorough study of your bank. Then our BANK SERVICE committee meets to discuss the Bank Report we’ve prepared specifically for you. The recommendations from the committee are tailored to your bank’s present position and future objectives in a chang ing marketplace. Our PMS system can help you monitor and manage your portfolio. W e’ll introduce you to our Fixed Income Com puter Service, our investment banking group, our fixed income research, send you our news letter and invite you to appro priate seminars that we host in your area. All these services are de signed for one goal: To help you achieve your bank’s overall aims in a way no mere bond service can. So, while you may be get ting bond service, what you really need is BANK SERVICE. Call Mark Rosen, Principal, at (212) 412-2600. IB L. F, ROTHSCHILD, UNTERBERG, TOWBIN, INC. BANK SERVICE® Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 22 “Through all of this we have learned to keep the needs of our customers paramount. We need to serve their needs to keep them .’’ together in the same bank. Bill worked at National Bank of Commerce in Lincoln after getting out of school, then moved to the First National Bank of Ogallala. Then, he had the opportunity to buy Nebraska State Bank in Oshkosh just 16 miles away so, in a sense, we’re competitors!” Both Lisco (pop. 200) and Oshkosh (pop. 1,000) are in Garden County along the North Platte River. Forty miles southwest in Sidney (pop. 6,000), is First National Bank, of which Tom Olson is chairman. The smallest of three banks in that community, it has $7 million assets. Tom and Bill, along with their brother-in-law, Gene C. Eaton of Lin coln, married to their sister, Marjorie, have ownership in First National Bank in Estes Park, Colo. Another brother-in-law, Charles Ferguson, married to their other sister, Barbara, is chairman and CEO of First Colorado Bank & Trust in Denver. IBAA Interest Begins Tom did not become active in IB A A affairs until 15 years ago. ‘ ‘Our bank belonged to the independent bankers association,” he recalls, “ but we had never been active. Then, 15 years ago, Bud Gerhart, who had been a fraternity brother at Nebraska, asked me to serve on the IB A A ag committee—that was about 1972—and from that point on I just became more in volved.” H.L. “ Bud” Gerhart, Jr., is president of First National Bank in Newman Grove, Nebr., and a past president of IBAA. Tom soon found himself working with hundreds of other rural bankers who had daily experiences identi cal with his. “ So many of our banks, of course, are con sidered ag banks,” he said, “ with their strong ag loan portfolios, especially through the farm belt here. Through all of this, we have learned to keep the needs of our customers paramount. These people are not only our friends and neighbors; they form the very back bone of our customer base and we need to serve their needs to keep them. Top Priorities “ That’s why we have two top priorities in IB A A today. The first is developing a secondary market for placement of real estate ag loans. The other, equally important, is closing the non-bank bank loophole which is allowing other types of financial enterprises to bleed off the lifeblood of our small banks—their depos its and cutomers’ investment money—without having to abide by the regulatory rules we play by, and with no regard for the communities from which they extract this money. “ In turn, this makes it highly important for us to have expanded powers from the Congress. Closing the loophole and expanded powers are addressed as Titles I and II in S. 790 which the Senate has passed and sent to the House, and we want both of those Titles. How Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ever, I would have to say our No. 1 priority right now is to get the loophole closed, then vigorously pursue the expanded powers course, if we have to make such a choice.” Need for Secondary Market Expanding on the secondary market need, Tom stated, “ There is no good source right now for such real estate ag loans, given the horrendous problems of the Federal Land Bank, so we are seeking a way for our members to have such a market to serve our customers, keep them as our customers, and we feel we can do so at a more competitive rate and build our custo mer base for the future. We see the Farm Credit Sys tem as wanting a total relationship with farm custo mers, but we feel that as community bankers that no one can serve these ag producing farm and ranch custo mers in our area as well as the local community, inde pendently owned bank. “ In many of our communities, we are the only finan cial institution, so Main Street USA depends on us for financing all aspects of the community because agri culture is at the core of our lives. If we can’t serve our farm and ranch customers, then there is no need for our communities because they will dry up.” Loan Loss Amortization Tom also points to another area of IB A A interest at this time when he discusses the association’s effort to obtain 10-year amortization of loan losses. “ This idea is not well received by the regulators, and I can understand their concerns,” he says, “ because they feel the capital forbearance program is a better approach. But, our ag banks seem much more responsive to the amor tization program than the capital forbearance pro gram. They can look to spreading out losses on O.R.E. over 10 years and they can understand that better. The guidelines for this must be strict and must be adhered to. I should add that the new capital forbear ance rules just announced are welcomed by our asso ciation. “ We need to work with our regulators and we do ad mire the way they have responded in efforts to address our problems.” Returning to the secondary market topic again, Tom said, “ After all the hard work that we, along with the A B A and the life insurance companies put in, and feel ing that we had a mutually suitable agreement worked out with FCS on this, whereby we handled our own loan procedures and the FCS would be the vehicle through which to market such loan packages, it was a great disappointment to learn of the latest FCS pro posal this week, which none of our negotiating parties can accept.” Expanded Powers Needed Legislation occupies a great share of the time of any association and its top officials, and IB A A is no excep tion. Recapping, Tom said, “ As a rural banker I am very interested in expanded powers so I can better serve and keep my customers and build more profit centers with mutual funds, real estate, insurance and so forth. I have to look for more profit centers; more importantly, to be able to serve my customers totally. “ But we must close that loophole to build up our equity. It’s our highest priority. W e’ll be supportive of aid for the FSLIC and Title II aspects of the bill. One thing we’d find not acceptable is just a plain FSLIC • £ §) % % • % % • • ® ^ w ^ £ .Our Correspondent Commitment Knows No Boundaries. o us, the best thing about state — — bankers association conventions is that they give us the opportunity to continue our commitment to regular personal contact. The more we participate, the more we can discover about your bank’s needs and concerns. Naturally, it takes a heavy commitment of personnel and man hours. But, you’re worth it. That’s why even members of United Missouri’s top management will be attending various conventions. See you there! mm Peter Genovese Larry Russell Chairman of the Board United Missouri Bank of St. Louis Phil Straight Vice Chairman Investment Banking Division Matt Grzybinski Executive Vice President Correspondent Bank Department Senior Vice President Correspondent Bank Department United Missouri Bank of St. Louis \ï*J :MS Missouri Kansas Jack Beets Rahn Tieman George Crews Maxine Hahs Hal Hollister Kirk Vaughan George Crews Bob Hardin Matt Grzybinski Jack Kuebel Maxine Hahs Hal Hollister tyce Nelson Bob Chamberlain Randy Klein Ralph Lampton Dan Spencer Joe Smith Joyce Nelson Kirk Vaughan Bob Chamberlain Randy Klein Ralph Lampton Dan Spencer Joe Smith Dan Ray Nebraska Iowa Dick Muir Jeff Coble Alan Sack Mark Bailey Dick Muir Jeff Goble Mark Bailey Colorado Illinois Dick Muir Jeff Goble Mark Bailey Matt Grzybinski Jack Kuebel Dan Ray Arkansas Oklahoma Steve Loveless Joe James Kirk Vaughan Matt Grzybinski Dan Ray Joe James Kirk Vaughan Sean Doherty Greg Bernard h UNITED MISSOURI BANK of Kansas City, n.a. M em ber FDIC 1010 Grand • P.O. Box 419226 • Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6226 • (816) 556-7000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 bill. I ’ll consider that type of legislation a defeat. All banking associations have declared for closing of the loophole—not to do so threatens the safety and sound ness of our system. The key to this right now is the House chairman and we’ll be working closely with him. I hope Title I can be preserved; Title II is cloudy.” On the more local scene at home, Tom says produ cers are well aware that the industry cannot continue and does not want to continue being subsidized by government grants. Banks also understand thorough ly, he says, the need for balancing the budget. “ The question then becomes one of how quickly the ag sec tor support is reduced,” he stated. “ It looks like land prices are stabilizing right now. All lenders need to ab sorb their losses over time. Given that, agriculture will be looked at differently in the future. The best of man agers will be survivors. But, all this will take time. There will be a lot of land, for example, that should never have been touched that now needs to be returned to reserve. But, we’ll work out of it and we will have more sophisticated lenders and borrowers. “ If you scratch the surface of banks you will find that all of them, large or small, are greatly affected by agriculture, both here at home and abroad, especially in the area of exports. As we work ourselves through this, things will improve, but not to where we were before. W e’ll be looking more at performance—profit— and not to collateral.” means we must become smarter, more well-versed 0 bankers so we will know how to help customers in for ward contracting with packers, for example, how to know their costs, how to protect with a locked-in pro fit. But each customer must make his or her own deci sion. In our bank we plan some seminars on these # topics and if other area banks want to participate, they’re welcome to do so. Good managers want this in formation and we feel it’s important that they obtain it from their local bank.” Reduced loan demand has put pressure on banks of # all sizes to develop income alternatives, he says, and that’s one reason for pursuing the secondary market. Through it all, he hopes bankers will caution borrowers about expanding debt too much. Alternative Sources of Income With the permanently changing face of agriculture, other alternative sources of income always lead to dis cussion of economic development. “ This is terribly im portant in ag states,” Tom notes. “ We have to stay ® within the agriculture framework fairly well because we are so oriented to ag production, but I hope our bankers will keep closely in touch with this; hopefully, in a leadership role. For example, in the livestock sec tor, we see the importance of packing plants fitting ® into our production areas and the whole broad range of economic development.” “ We’ve been going through liquidation of herds for • five years and we’re now in a rebuilding phase so we must be careful, be good marketers.” Agriculture Is a Business In the same vein, Tom reflected, “ A g loans absolute ly have to be treated as any other good commercial loan. It’s not fair to treat them otherwise, even given the condition of our current ag economy. The three C’s of lending are still highly important. So far as family farms are concerned, I can’t find anyone who can define that term in a way acceptable to everyone. It’s hard to accept that total philosophy because farming is a business. It takes a certain size to be totally selfsupportive in any area of agriculture, but practically all of our ag customers operate truly “ family” enter prises. He feels many farmers are using the heavier cash flow of the past few months to reduce debt fairly well. “ The $50,000 limit sometimes assists those who per haps should not be in business, while the big, efficient operators have had to pare back because of that dollar limitation. Through all of this, it is my firm observa tion that banks have practiced far more forbearance than other lenders, and Congress is looking now at the FCS and telling them they should be doing the same.” The increase in livestock prices and stabilization of land values have helped improve cash flow considerab ly, Tom observed. “ W e’ve been going through liquida tion of herds for five years and we’re now in a rebuild ing phase so we must be careful. We haven’t been very good marketers in agriculture but we now must be. We as bankers must help our producers look for price pro tection down the road—for example, options. This Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis He added, “ I ’m really very concerned about the economy of our entire country. The bright spots are both coasts, but look at so many questionable spots in between—the auto industry, for example. General Motors and other auto makers and their 3.9% financ ing—it’s not fair to other players in the lending area. Even though we’ve had our problems in agriculture, we must look at the broader picture and the long-range effect on all of us. In view of all this, if our government can’t or won’t balance our budget—well, it’s just scary. How do our senior citizens look at all this and feel about their future? How about the future our younger people face? I feel very responsible to the bankers of my state and the people in my community, and feel it is an obligation of my job to reflect credit on them this year as we try to do something to resolve these issues, and to share my experiences with them.” One last thought from Tom shows the direction he is seeking in trying to achieve the aims of IB A A and for the banking industry and its customers. “ W e’re very anxious to work as harmoniously as we can with other banking groups. Any time we have interests and con cerns of mutual interest I believe in working together to retain the quality and rights of all bankers. Tom Olson’s friends are certain that after his term as IB A A president is completed and then two years from now when he finishes his official duties as chair man of IB AA, that Tom will be unchanged, but IB A A will be changed for the better because it has had a leader who stood tall in the saddle with all comers. □ 0 0 • # • ® 25 * • Take a doser look at Carroll McEntee iiji I I ................ We're rated tops in Government Securities, and Keith White is one reason why. <£ 0 ^ In 1970, w e started the market for governm ent o d d lots — and have ranked N um ber 1 ever since. Today, rou nd lots or o d d lots, we're a top prim ary dealer with over $2 billion in daily trading volu m e and over $100 m illion in capital. We've com e a lon g way! Keith W hite is typical of the specialists available to y ou . . . in any one of our branch offices. You can count on the personal touch you 've com e to expect from C M & M . Work with Keith or any o f our professionals, and you'll understand w h y we're rated so highly by institutional market participants. Because we're larger and m ore experienced, you benefit from instantaneous market inform ation . . . faster pricing . . . precise execution on every trade . . . in any one of our branch offices. You'll find that w e can provide a trading edge in the governm ent market. A ll the advantages o f a prim ary market maker with global, round-the-clock trading capabilities are yours . . . through any one of our branch offices. Take a closer look at Carroll McEntee & M cG inley today — you'll like what you see. U.S. Treasuries. Agencies. M on ey Markets. Repurchase Agreements. GNM A's. STRIPS. Financial Futures and O ptions. CARROLL McENTEE & McGINLEY INCORPORATED 40 Wall Street, N ew York, NY 10005 (212) 825-6780 Atlanta (404) 522-5325 • Boston (617) 482-9600 • Chicago (312) 368-8680 • Cleveland (216) 621-0303 H ouston (713) 654-0015 • Philadelphia (215) 567-6804 • San Francisco (415) 398-7600 • London • Tokyo <!► m em ber: HongkongBank group Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Community Bankers Council Leaders Discuss ABA’s Role PARTICIPATING in this exclusive interview were, from left: James V. Kuchar, pres., Western State Bank, Devils Lake, N.D.; Richard J. Schurtz, pres., Bank of New Richmond, Wis.; C.G. Kelly Hoithus, pres., First National Bank, York, Nebr.; LaRae Orullian, pres., The Women’s Bank, Denver, Colo., and Franklin H. Moore, Jr., pres., Commercial and Savings Bank, St. Clair, Mich. URING the 1987 National Conference for Com munity Bankers, presented in March in Phoenix, Ariz., by the Community Bankers Council of the American Bankers Association, the N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r conducted an interview with these five Coun cil leaders: • Franklin H. Moore, Jr., chairman of the Communi ty Bankers Council; chairman and president, Commer cial and Savings Bank, St. Clair, Mich. • C.G. Kelly Holthus, president, Nebraska Bankers Association; president, The First National Bank of York, York, Nebr. • James V. Kuchar, president, Western State Bank, Devils Lake, N.D. • B. LaRae Orullian, president and CEO, The Women’s Bank, N.A., Denver, Colo. • Richard J. Schurtz, president, Bank of New Rich mond, New Richmond, Wis. Mr. Holthus, Mr. Kuchar and Ms. Orullian are also members of the A B A Community Bankers Council. Mr. Schurtz is a former member of the Council. The discussion centered on A B A ’s educational offer ings to community bankers, the amount of money spent by banks on staff education, the Council’s most important programs, an assessment of the Leadership Conference, and what community banks are doing in strategic planning. Part I of that interview appeared in last month’s issue. The second and concluding part of the interview follows: D o w would you explain the value and effective■ ness of the ABA Leadership Conference for com munity banks? Mr. Kuchar: May I answer that? A good situation hap pened a year ago last summer. The A B A had taken a position in regard to legislation called the three-legged stool at that time—more powers, closing the non-bank loophole and the national “ trigger” on proposed inter state banking legislation. W e—and I call them the Plains States, so to speak—took a position that we did not want any part of the “ trigger.” We wanted to deal with that in our own states, in our own time and, as I Q H Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * Part II recall, our state associations joined together and, through the Leadership Council, specifically and em phatically made the point known that we wouldn’t put up with the A B A ’s position in regard to the “ trigger” on interstate banking. The action of that Leadership Conference resulted in A B A changing its position and that was done by the community bankers in concert. Mr. Moore: I recall that very well. The Government Relations Council had reached its decision in July at a session in Seattle, and the Leadership Conference in September led to an immediate change in that posi tion. Mr. Kuchar: Last November when we had our advisory board meeting, numerous states reported at peer group meetings emphatically that they had to have some help from A B A in regards to D&O and Blanket Bond coverage. Of course, the A B A at that time just about had it in place, but it was done specifically and primarily because we as community banks couldn’t find a market. There is another market out there with BancInsure, but that certainly isn’t covering all of the states. The A B A captive company can give communi ty banks a choice and a competitive approach to the market now. The Leadership Council was not involved with this, but it shows A B A responsiveness to our needs. £ £ 0 # • o w do you rate the Leadership Council’s effec■ tiveness on behalf of the viewpoints of communi ty bankers? Mr. Moore: I think it’s been very responsive. I ’ve pro- • bably been to 10 Leadership Conferences because I was in it when I was going through the chairs of the Michigan Bankers Association. But, I have never come away from a Leadership Conference frustrated with the posture that the A B A has taken. Now, some- ® times it has taken a little bit of selling back in the state because it wasn’t right on where your state legislative committee was coming from on that particular issue. But, I think when it’s explained how that position evolved there’s been pretty much general agreement. I ® think a lot of it is bankers that see that as not serving a Q H 27 Don't miss ABA’s first ever . . . NATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS BANKING CONFERENCE June 7 - 9, 1987 St. Louis, Missouri I f you ’re a commercial lender with small business lending responsibility you owe it to yourself—and to your bank—to be at this conference. The focus w ill be entirely on small business banking—how to tap its potential and how to avoid its pitfalls. You ’l l learn: “The Business o f Small Business Banking” ■ latest techniques to increase profitability ■ how to minimize losses ■ innovative ways to measure loan officer productivity ■ how to meet the competition offered by ■ ■ ■ ■ the thrift industry and other newcomers to small business banking how to use the latest research methodology to determine what your customers want and will pay for how to make the best use of current SBA programs, as well as which programs you can expect in the future the fine art o f selling bank services to small business owners how to adapt your operations to the new laws and regulations your customers are facing Bankers, successful small business owners, government officials, and other industry experts will be there. You should be there, too. Fee: $ 3 9 5 for ABA members, $ 5 1 0 for others. For further details and registration information, call Lisa Rager (2 02) 6 6 3 -5 0 7 2 . AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 T he B ank of Rapillion red w ith a com puter system Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ♦ tices from lexas Instruments, And gets a system with expandability they can count on. W hen J. Sid Dinsdale decided that there had to be a way his bank could oper ate more cost-effectively, he did the smart thing. He turned to a TI computer ValueAdded Reseller (V A R ) that specializes in banking financial systems. W hat he got was an expandable computer system from Texas Instruments, specialized banking software from their reseller and up to 30% savings in their monthly processing costs. “W hen we committed to computeriz ing, we knew we’d save money by bringing our processing in-house. We figured the payback would take 30 months, but with our TI system we’re already well ahead o f schedule.” Investment protection you can take to the bank from Texas Instruments. Protecting the bank’s computer invest ment was a key factor in their decision to go with a TI system. Rather than replace their system equipment as their needs grew, they can add both processing power and terminals where appropriate. A ccord ingly, the reseller’s software updates are easily accomplished and require no new training o f the bank’s personnel. “We went with Texas Instruments for a number o f good reasons. We knew about T I’s reputation for reliable equipment. A nd we wanted a system we could easily expand as our needs grow. W ith the TI system, we didn’t need special off-site training. A nd TI’s hardware fit right into the bank’s available space. N o climatecontrolled computer room was necessary,” he relates. A specific solution and an easy transition. Project Manager Steve Zey explains. “Our TI computer handles all the trans action accounting in the bank. The TI reseller’s software package does all bank accounting, demand and time deposits, loans, teller and A TM activity. It’s fully integrated so our end-of-day general ledger accounting runs automatically every eve ning. Even our transition to in-house processing was smooth. “Most of our people were using the sys tem within a few hours o f installation. Our reseller put together a banking solu tion that will grow as our needs grow.” TI service and support won’t leave you short. Should customers ever need to, they can take advantage o f T I’s coast-to-coast service network which puts industry-wide service and support programs at their fin gertips. N o farther away than the phone. “The fact that Texas Instruments has been marketing computers for almost 20 years was important to us. We wanted to have a strong and well-established com pany behind our accounting system. We have a lot o f confidence in the company, its computers, its people and its future,” concludes J. Sid. Call 1-800-527-3500. Find out how your bank’s operations can benefit from a TI computer system and specialized bank accounting software. Call the number above for the TI reseller nearest you. Te x a s ^ In s t r u m e n t s TVs broad range o f minicomputers, microcomputers, terminals, and printers can be configured to meet your specific application, large or small. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36094 © 1987 TI 30 “ That was really responding to the needs. . .those benefits just trickle down to the local level. I don’t know how community bankers could complain that they were not represented at the Leadership Council.” • —Kelly Holthus, Nebraska community banker’s needs are not seeing the whole picture, and I think we’ve had a lot of that over the last few years. They’re not really seeing the broad brush. They’re looking at a very narrow section and I think a lot of us smaller banks tend to do that and say, ‘ ‘Well, wait a minute. If you step back and look at the overall implications...” I ’ve not been uncomfortable with the final Leadership Council positions. Mr. Holthus: I think it’s really a good example of democracy in action. I don’t always get my way, and others don’t always get their way, but you still have a chance to express yourself around the table. There’s a final vote, and I thought it worked very well. I think that community bankers, and particularly the midwestern states, have come out of the A B A very well the last few years. We had the meeting in Omaha last December which had to do with the ag credit prob lems and a couple of subcommittees were organized out of that—the secondary market committee for farm land loans, and another one on agriculture. That was really responding to the needs that were being dis cussed at the Leadership Conference, and those bene fits just trickle down to the local level. I don’t know how community bankers could complain that they were not represented at the Leadership Council. In light of the new Tax Law, what is the biggest ■ concern in handling your investment portfolio at this time. Also, what is your feeling about Strategic Planning for community banks? Mr. Schurtz: W e’re no longer buyers of municipal bonds. W e’ve sold off several municipal floating rate issues under the new formula. Mr. Moore: We were over-sheltered and it will require some restructuring. W e’ve been very reluctant to sell our 80% TEFRA municipals. We want to hang onto those even though we might face some alternative minimum tax this year. That’s a carry forward that, hopefully, we can pick up over the next two to three years. We did not want to sell those munys that we had the good position on, but we definitely are not going to be in the market for municipals for some period of time. Mr. Kuchar: I think the municipal investment port folios are going to shrink in the future because in regard to tightening of the spreads it’s just tough to get your bottom line up there in any event. If your bot tom line isn’t real strong, what are you doing with municipals at all? Mr. Schurtz: Another problem for all of us is that our investment portfolios are running off and the higher yielding investments are running off. What do you do with them? You go back in on an agency bond or a T-Bill and you get out there at 5-7 years and you’re probably picking up under 7%. In terms of the risk in relation to the volatility of interest rates, that’s scary. Q Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis So then, your other alternative is to look for good loans and being in an ag community you’d better be real good at that, too! It’s interesting to note that it seems that every time the interest rate falls, the exotic investment alterna tives seem to come out of the woodwork! They’re doing that again and that’s something we have to be careful about. Ms. Orullian: I think it’s interesting that the two ques tions you asked were about the two sessions I attended this morning—Strategic Planning and Investment Alternatives. In terms of the whole income side of the ledger, we need to move back to our original purpose of being in business, and that’s lending. Under the new Tax Law the only real source there gets back to the Home Mortgage loan. So, that’s an area we have to deal with and we also have to deal with re-pricing our services so that we look at other than the spread and the interest income. It’s a very new ballgame for us. W e’ve been able to sit back and live with tax shelters and have benefitted from that, but we’ve just got to really dig in now and face the whole idea of alternate sources of income and holding down expenses. Of course, that’s what we’ve all tried to do but we must take new steps. Mr. Kuchar: Strategic planning is something so far as I ’m concerned that you do on an on-going basis throughout the year because, as things change, as the economy changes, as the various types of mixes change, then if you’ve started a new product you may have to back out of it. You have to recognize that. ^ £ <£ 9 # # • “ Strategic planning is a lot of work but we’ve found that we involve a lot of people in our bank in the process.’’ • —Frank Moore, Michigan Mr. Holthus: It appears to me that in the muny bond business in Nebraska we’re seeing a little adjustment ^ in the rate because the biggest buyers are banks. So, in order for them to encourage a demand for the bonds, you’re going to see the rates move up. But, you’re go ing to offset a little bit of the tax consequences on that. W e’ll just have to wait and see if that happens. It will be a whole new ballgame for the managers of our school districts and municipalities. Hopefully, as bank ers, we’ll get the same yield as we did under the old tax law. Mr. Moore: Strategic planning is a lot of work but # we’ve found that we involve a lot of people in our bank in the process. Whether the plan will ever be worth anything because of the changing circumstances, the exercise itself is very valuable. W e’ve got everybody thinking, “ Are we moving in the direction we want to # go?” □ NO MATTER HOW YOU ^ATIT No company, anywhere in the United States, can do as much to make your credit insurance operations more profitable and problem free than North Central Life. “America’s Number One Credit Insurance Service Organization” North Central Life Insurance Company NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER, 445 MINNESOTA STREET, BOX 64139, ST, PAUL, MN 55164 In Minnesota call 800-792-1030. All other states 800-328-9117. Protection all ways Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 Brookings Banker Donates Scoreboard O BERLIN College in Oberlin, Ohio, will receive state-of-theart scoreboards for its baseball and football programs from alumnus Robert Fishback. 1960 and returned to South Dakota where he is currently president of First National Bank in Brookings. He purchased the two scoring sys tems from Daktronics, Inc. of B rookin gs, an internationallyknown designer and manufacturer of scoring, timing, and visual com munication systems. Mr. Fishback said that Daktro nics had provided scoring and infor mation display systems for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York, and will again for the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta. He noted that the company has built electronic displays for the 1986 W orld’s Fair in Vancouver, British Columbia; Times Square in New York City; and other profes sional and university athletic facili ties around the country. The new Oberlin scoreboard for baseball, 3Vi feet high and I 8V2 feet across, has been delivered to the col lege. The football scoreboard, mea suring 8 feet high and 16 feet across will be delivered in time for the first game of the 1987 season. Both scoreboards are 100% solid state and will display information with digits that are 2 feet high. beginning with “ Recruiting and Re- 0 taining the Right People” and con tinuing through “ Measuring the Profitability of Your Small Business Relationships.” Critical topics, from “ Measuring Loan Officer Producti- 0 vity” to “ Effective Business Devel opment Tools” will be presented in 17 sessions. The conference, to be held at Mar riott’s Pavilion, will conclude with a g panel discussion of “ What Small Business Customers Want and Ex pect from Their Bank.” For additional information, con tact Paul Byrd at A B A at ( 202)0 663-5112. New Software System Sells for $650/Mo. To make “ in-house” data processing/information systems available on a cost effective basis for indepen dent community banks, Evergreen Systems, Omaha, has introduced a complete bank information software system with a start-up cost of as ( little as $650 per month. Called “ Solutions for Profit & Growth,” the system fully inte grates all application processing of Bob Fishback, right, and Daktronics Presi dent AI Kurtenbach pose in front of one of loans and deposits via customer in- ( Oberlin College’s new scoreboards. formation file and general ledger for automated processing, accounting, “ Oberlin College provided many ABA Hosts First National management and regulatory report good opportunities for me,” Mr. ing. Platform autom ation and Fishback said. “ Among them was Small Business Conference modeling is provided as part of base ( A new American Bankers Asso system. Check processing is sup that they let me play on the basket ball team for four years. I am grate ciation conference is aimed at help ported via data entry, proof equip ful for my years at Oberlin and this ing bankers serve one of their most ment or high speed reader/sorters contribution is one way of showing important customer bases — small depending upon requirements. my appreciation to the athletic de businesses. “ Solutions for Profit & Growth” The first A B A National Small is marketed to the financial industry partment and to the College. Mr. Fishback graduated in 1958 Business Banking Conference, June based upon asset size as follows: To from Oberlin, received an M BA 7-9, 1987, in St. Louis, will be an in $20 million—$650 per month; $20from the University of Chicago in tensive “ how-to” training course $50 million—$980 per month; $50$300 million—$1,800 per month. Price includes installation, educa The Carpenters Pension Fund of Illinois, covering the State of tion, conversion and training. Regu latory compliance updates and pro Illin o is and the eastern half of Iowa, announced today a fin a n c duct enhancements are also pro ing program of new and re h ab ilita tio n co n stru ction projects. vided in addition to disaster back-up The Pension Fund is interested in providing financing of con planning. The bank must provide struction and end loans at com petitive rates. The servicing of the IBM System 36 computer. Ever these loans, ranging from $250,000 to $2,000,000, w ill be green Systems, Inc. is a member of IB M ’s Marketing Assistance Pro handled through local banks. The program is available for com gram and will configurate the ap m ercial and residential projects. propriate IBM System 36 for the For further inform ation, please contact: Frederick A. Westcustomer. mark, A dm inistrative Manager, Illin o is Employee Benefits Cor For more information, contact poration, 28 North First Street, Geneva, Illinois, 60134, 312/ Evergreen Systems, Inc., 1065 N. 115th St., Omaha, Nebraska 68154 232-7166. or call (402) 493-7773. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BINGO/ Our “ free space” reserved just for you! Believe it or not you can get something for nothing in today’s world. During the month of May our associates will give an office consultation free of charge to any banker who calls and mentions this advertisement. This is not a gimmick! Swords Associ ates is very serious about service and we want to prove it to you! So call now to arrange for your “ free space!’’ m /a SWORDSASSOCIATES. INC. PR O FES SIO N AL BANKING CONSULTANTS • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4900 Oak, Suite 301 Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 753-7440 34 New IBAA Insurance Plan Unbeatable Support. LaSalle National Bank supports you. With more than half a century of ex p erien c e ... innovative products... responsive serv ice... and deep commitment to the market. Our goal is to help you enhance your over all performance. LaSalle takes a consulting approach to correspondent banking, working closely with you to develop strategies that improve profits, growth and efficiency. We offer individualized service an d comprehensive capabilities, including: • multiple investment consulting • credit and financial services • global trade finance • m erger and acquisition consulting • trust, treasury and m any other services In addition, LaSalle ensures dependable, cost-effective check processing, collections, loan overlines and the other standards of cor respondent banking. As your Midwestern neighbor, we share your perspective and regional loyalties. As a Chicago bank with international resources, LaSalle c a n share m oney-center b an k in g opportunities as well. Through our affiliation with ABN Bank, a leading global institution, w e offer m a n y a d v a n ta g e s w ell w o rth investigating. Get acquainted with LaSalle's Correspondent Bankers. Call Wayne Bismark or Del Rogers at 312-443-2769. Wayne, Del a n d the LaSalle Correspondent Banking team will give you u n b e a ta b le support —with b etter service, better products and better ideas. LaSalle National Bank 135 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Member FDIC Member of the ABN/LASALLE group ABN O L A S A L L E “ Your Correspondent Banking Bridge ©1986 LaSalle National Bank Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Independent Bankers Asso ciation of America has introduced a new endorsed insurance program — ^ Legal Expense Reimbursement In surance for Directors and Officers (GALEXI PLUS) - which is being offered to IBAA-member banks through facilities serviced by NAS q Insurance Services. The G A L E X I PLUS plan reim burses outside directors for their legal expenses in suits from sources such as shareholders, depositors, £ borrowers, employees, etc. In addition, G A L E X I PLUS pro vides reimbursement for all bank directors and officers for their legal expenses in suits from any govern- 0 mental entity, such as the FDIC, SEC, IRS, U.S. Treasury, etc. The new G A L E X I PLUS pro gram is an extension of the G ALE XI plan previously introduced to # IB A A members. The G A L E X I plan, which features reimbursement to bank directors and officers for legal expenses involved in suits from governmental entities only, is still # available to IBAA-members. Gary Teagno, director of services for the 7000-member IB A A believes that the new G A L E X I PLUS pro gram can be helpful to banks in en- • hancing their ability to attract and retain qualified individuals to act as board of directors members. NAS President Maurice H. Sidy, CPCU, ARM , notes that the GALE- • X I PLUS program provides a par tial solution to the gaps created by the current Director and Officer lia bility insurance “ hard market” en vironment. ® The IB A A -N A S/G A LE X I PLUS program offers banks a choice of two plans, with annual reimbursement limits ranging up to $ 100,000 per director/officer. It features an an- ® nual non-cancellable policy. In addi tion, insured banks receive a 10% premium discount bonus on renewal if there are no claims during the policy year. ® The insurance is underwritten by certain Underwriters, Lloyd’s, Lon don and is offered by NAS Insur ance Services, an excess/surplus _ lines insurance firm. Coverage is ^ available only through insurance brokers of the bank’s choice. NAS is located at 1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 410, Los Angeles, ^ California 90067. Telephone (213) W 277-2112. 35 First Wisconsin Sees More Acquisitions ISCO N SIN ’ S largest bank holding company has crossed the state border to enter the Upper Midwest’s two most dynamic mar kets and sees more out-of-state bank acquisitions ahead, officials of First Wisconsin Corporation told share holders last month. “ Having reached affiliation agree ments with four excellent bank hold ing companies in Illinois and Minne sota, we are off to a strong start in the new era of interstate banking. We look forward to continuing a selective but active acquisition pro gram in 1987 and beyond,’’ said First Wisconsin Chairman Hal C. Kuehl at the company’s annual meeting. Meanwhile, shareholders will re ceive a 9.5% increase in their divi dend payments beginning May 15. First Wisconsin Chairman Kuehl said the annual dividend would be increased to 92 cents from 84 cents per share. This is the third time in the past 12 months that the divi dend has been raised, resulting in a 41.5% increase from a year ago. Outlining First Wisconsin’s ac W quisition program, Vice Chairman Gary B. Rafn said the company’s primary objective is to build nearterm shareholder value with every purchase. “ We are not interested in achieving growth for growth’s sake alone. We will acquire companies only on a basis that they can make a positive contribution to each in vestor’s share value,’’ he said. First W isconsin has reached agreements to acquire three Illinois bank holding companies with total assets exceeding $400 million: N aper F in an cial C orp ora tion , Naperville; Du Page Bancshares, Glen Ellyn; and north Shore Ban corp., Inc., Northbrook. They en compass eight offices in North eastern Illinois, which is the Mid west’s largest market with a popula tion of 7 million in the six counties surrounding Chicago—Cook, Du Page, W ill, Lake, Kane, and McHenry. In Minnesota, First Wisconsin re cently reached an agreement to ac quire the $167 million Shelard Baneshares in St. Louis Park. Much of the Twin Cities area, where Shelard has two banks with five offices, has dynamic economic and demographic characteristics similar to North eastern Illinois. Shelard’s market “ includes some of the fastest grow ing and wealthiest areas of the state,” Mr. Rafn noted. First Wisconsin is actively explor ing additional acquisition opportuni ties in Illinois and Minnesota, he added. First Wisconsin President Roger L. Fitzsimonds reviewed the com pany’s performance in 1986, which resulted in a 20 % increase in pershare earnings. FDIC Agrees to Issue Risk-Based Capital Proposal The board of directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation agreed on March 31 to issue for pub lic comment a risk-based capital pro posal that redefines primary capital, assigns risk weights to on-balance sheet assets and certain off-balance sheet items, and lays the ground work for establishing a minimum risk-based capital ratio. How would you like to build consumer loan volume successfully for ten years — without a single loss? It can be done... with support from Insured Credit Services. In fact, since 1954 ICS has helped nearly 2,000 financial institutions successfully build highly profitable consumer credit operations. By providing default insurance protection on property improve ment and home equity loans and secured revolving lines of credit, ICS has taken all the risk out of this lucrative lending business. Now you can move aggressively in these con sumer lending fields without worrying about the safety of a single loan — secured or unsecured! Find out how ICS can provide you with a competitive advantage in this exciting field. To receive a copy of our new brochure contact William F. Schumann, President at 312/621-9400. INSURED CREDIT SERVICES IN C.- Write or call to receive your copy today. 307 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601 • 312/621-9400 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 36 Strategies for the 90s: Prepare for the Challenge of Tomorrow 1987 A n n ua l Illinois Bankers Association Convention June 10-12 Peoria C ivic C enter CHARLES E. WATERMAN JACK EMMONS WILLIAM J. HOCTER P re s id e n t V ice P re sid e n t Exec. V ice Pres. HE 1987 Annual Convention of the Illinois Bank ers Association will be held June 10-12 at the Civic Center in Peoria. Presiding over the gathering will be IB A President Charles E. Waterman, chairman and CEO, South Holland Trust & Savings Bank. Other of ficers of the IBA are Vice President—Jack A. Em mons, president and CEO, Security Bank & Trust Co., Mt. Carmel; Executive Vice President—William J. Hocter, Chicago; Secretary—Wilbur D. Meadows, president and CEO, National Bank of Canton, and Treasurer—Richard K. Ostrum, president, Uptown National Bank, Chicago. Senator John Tower (R-Tex.), chairman of the Tower Commission, will be keynote speaker. Dr. Michael L. Mussa, member of the Council of Economic Advisers, will comment on economic change in the financial in dustry. Dr. Peter G. Hanson, author of The J o y o f Stress: H o w to L iv e W ell P a st 100 will discuss stress as a positive force. An exciting new feature of the convention will be the appearance via satellite of Senator Alan J. Dixon and FDIC Chairman L. William Seidman. The two will take questions from the convention floor. Six workshops will be offered, including two on new programs from Illinois BancService Corporation. A panel presentation, “ Banking Leadership Assembly,” will also be conducted. The spouses’ program features excellent tours, craft workshops, shopping, and health programs. The high light will be luncheon speaker Maggie Scarf, author of T Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In tim ate Partners: P atterns in L o v e in Marriage, a cur rent best-seller. The complete program schedule follows: Wednesday, June 10 P.M. 12:00 Convention registration—cash bar & luncheon buffet. 1:30 Convention Workshops: A —MBHC Mergers & Acquisitions B —IBC Deferred Compensation Program C—Changes in Customer Behavior & Technolo gy 3:15 Convention Workshops: D —Portfolio Strategies & A/L Management E —IBC Quality of Service System F—Interstate Banking & Deregulation 4:30 Exhibits open. 5:00 Complimentary welcoming reception. Thursday, June 11 A.M. 8:00 Complimentary continental breakfast, conven tion registration, exhibits open. 8:45 “ N ational S ecu rity and the R ole o f Congress” —the Hon. John Tower, U.S. Sena tor. “ Think Strategically, Plan Competitively and Implement Intensely” —Peter Johnson. “ Federal Legislation: The Search for Competitive Equality” —Mark Olson. ® _ ® ^ ^ • # 37 • 9 ^ ^ A B A Leadership Conference Election. 11:30 Special BAN KPAC Reception (byinvitation only). 11:45 Cash bar & luncheon buffet. P.M. 12:00 50 Year Club Luncheon. 12:30 Spouses’ Luncheon—“ Intimate Partners: Patterns in Love and Marriage’ ’—Maggie Scarf. 2:00 Second General Session “ Banking Leadership Assem bly” —IB A Pres. Charles E. Waterman, IB A Board Members, Wilbur Meadows & Howard Bell, Members of IB A Committees on Community Banks and MBHC and Facilitators Eileen Friars and Rob ert Hedges of the MAC group. 6:00 Banquet reception. 7:00 Banquet—comedian David Frye, John and Donald Mills of the Mills Bros., Moonlight Serenade Big Band Orchestra. Friday, June 12 A.M. 7:30 Complimentary breakfast (by ticket only). 8:00 Convention registration, exhibits open, compli mentary continental breakfast. 8:45 Third General Session “ The Impact of Economic Changes within the Financial Industry— the View from Washing ton” —Dr. Michael L. Mussa. 9:30 “ The Washington Legislative and Regulatory Agenda” —The Hon. Alan J. Dixon (D-Ill.), U.S. Senator, and The Hon. L. William Seidman, chmn. of the FDIC. 10:30 “ The Joy of Stress” —Dr. Peter G. Hanson. 11:15 IB A annual meeting and election of officers. 11:30 Cash bar reception. P.M. 12:00 Convention luncheon—“ Growth and Adjust ment in the U.S. Econom y” —John Naisbitt. 2:00 Adjournment. □ • You Will See Them at the Annual Illinois Bankers Convention HE follow in g m etropolitan bankers and service and equip ment dealers have indicated that they will be attending the annual convention of the Illinois Bankers Association in Peoria on June 10- 12 . T ^ Chicago American National Bank: Phil Pierchala, vice president; Dennis Reher, second vice president; Bob ^ Regnerus, second vice president; Scott Danahey, correspondent bank ing officer; Bob Wissier, correspon dent banking officer; Peter Hilton, correspondent banking officer; Kurt ^ Undestad, investment officer; Marc Nelson, correspondent banking offi cer; Craig Grannon, second vice president. Continental Bank: Zed S. Francis, 0 III, vice president; Catherine A. Schulze, vice president. LaSalle National Bank: Peter McGuire, vice president; Wayne Bismark, vice president; Del Rogers, # vice president; Dick Moline, vice president; Jeff Bowden, vice presi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis dent; Therese Kammholtz, assistant vice president; Barbara Winter, as sistant vice president; Tom Nelson, loan officer. Northern Trust Company: David W. Fox, vice chairman; John V.N. McClure, senior vice president; Michael L. Kubacki, vice president; Mark A. Short, commercial banking officer. Davenport Davenport Bank & Trust: Michael Bauer, first vice president; David Howell, correspondent banking offi cer; John Oliger, correspondent banking representative; Barry Rich ards, vice president/correspondent banking; James Perkins, correspon dent officer; Glen Piotter, first vice president; James K. Figge, office of the president; Thomas K. Figge, of fice of the president; John Schricker, first vice president; Robert Lenertz, James Shrader and Richard Horst, senior vice presidents. United Kansas City Missouri Bancshares: Matt Grzybinski, Jack Kuebel, Phil Youngs. Bank Equipment and Other Firms Modern Banking Systems, Inc., Omaha, Neb.: Mike Reynolds, re gional manager; Leo Stavas, senior sales representative. Nortridge Software, Freeport, 111.: Tracy Davis, Kirk Nortridge, sales representatives. EVP N am ed in Skokie Gerald R. Hawk has been named executive vice president of Skokie Trust & Savings Bank. In his new p o s itio n , M r. Hawk will be re sponsible for the operation of the corporate bank ing division. He was previously employed by La Salle National Bank as vice president. ILLINOIS NEWS. . . (Turn to page 47, please) Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Some things have to change At Marquette Bank Minneapolis, we feel some things should endure. Pride in a job well done. A high standard of performance. A tradition of excellence. These are the foundations of Marquette’s Correspondent Services Division. And it s h o w s . . . in our ability to pinpoint and analyze your problems and oppor tunities. Our w illingness to roll up our sleeves, to work w ith you, to deliver all the resources of a billion dollar bank to help you meet the challenges of today, and tomorrow. Technologies and services change, but our attitude hasn’t. Because Marquette Bank M inneapolis w ill never put aside our oldest promise to our custom ers: professional service w ith a personal difference. Marquette Bank Minneapolis Member FDIC Correspondent Services Division Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 “In Transition” 97th Annual Minnesota Bankers Association Convention June 8-9 M a rrio tt C ity C enter H otel M in n e a p o lis ROY TERWILLIGER JAMES R. JORSTAD A. WILLIAM SANDS P re s id e n t 1st V ice P re sid e n t 2nd V ice P re sid e n t R. JAMES GESELL TRUMAN L. JEFFERS T re a s u re r Exec. V ice Pres. i t I N Transition” is the very appropriate theme of 0 0 • 4D) I this year’s Minnesota Bankers Association 97 th Annual Convention, June 8-9. Not only is banking in transition, but the convention format has been changed, condensed to two days and therefore requir ing less of a time commitmjent from busy bankers. A new fee structure has been designed to encourage multiple participation from each bank: $160 for the first registrant and $120 for each additional (including spouses). The convention will be held at the Marriott City Center Hotel in downtown Minneapolis. Featured speakers include Mark W. Olson, A B A president; Tom Brokaw, NBC News anchorman; Hugh Sidey, Washington editor for Tim e magazine; Harvey Golub, CEO of Investors Diversified Services, Minnea polis, and John J. Detterick, president of Sears Con sumer Finance Company. Presiding over the convention will be M B A Presi dent Roy Terwilliger, president, Suburban National Bank, Eden Prairie. He has been assisted this past year by First Vice President James R. Jorstad, presi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis dent, Citizens State Bank, Hay field; Second Vice President A. William Sands, chairman, Western Bank, St. Paul; Treasurer R. James Gesell, president, Cherokee State Bank, St. Paul, and Executive Vice President Truman L. Jeffers. The complete convention program follows: Monday, June 8 A.M. 7:30 Men’s Golf Tournament—Hazeltine National Golf Club, Chaska and Dellwood Hills Golf Club, Dellwood. Women’s Golf Tournament—Lafayette Coun try Club, Minnetonka Beach. 11:00 Tennis Tournament—Interlachen Country Club, Edina. P.M. 12:00 Spouses Hospitality Center open. 1:30 Spouses special activities—shopping at Cal houn Square; cooking class — The Kitchen Window. 2:15 General Session. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 40 Minnesota News : M.W. OLSON H. SIDEY T. BROKAW Convention call to order—M B A Pres. Roy Terwilliger. Opening ceremony. Address—Mark W. Olson, pres., ABA , pres., Security State Bank, Fergus Falls. Bankers response to economic development— William Sands, chmn., M B A Rural Economic Development Task Force; chmn., Western Bank, St. Paul. Legislative analysis and summary—Truman L. Jeffers, M BA e.v.p. 4:40 Economic Development Special Interest Ses sions—The Banker’s Role in Economic Devel opment; Tools Available for Economic Devel opment; The M B A Pilot Economic Develop ment Project. 6:00 First Night Hospitality—hosted by Minnesota correspondent banks. Tuesday, June 9 A.M. 7:30 Fellowship breakfast—John Bell Wilson and Tom Tipton. 9:00 Spouses Hospitality Center open. 9:00 General Session. T Chicago LaSalle National Bank: Wayne Bismark, vice president; Peter McGuire, vice president. Minneapolis Marquette Bank: Ralph Nelson, vice president; Dick Holmes, assis tant vice president; Jo Ann Hinnenthal, assistant vice president; Min nie Schroeder. Norwest Bank, N.A.: James Campbell, president; John Sampson, senior vice president; Robert Ras mussen, Stan Peterson and Gene Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JJ. DETTERICK Address—Tom Brokaw, anchor, NBC News. Nominating Committee report and election of ficers. A B A state meeting and election. 10:45 Special Interest S essions—P rodu ctivity; Beyond the Basics: Consumer Marketing Stra tegies; Negotiation To Win; Loan Review and Risk Rating. P.M. 12:15 All convention luncheon—“ Transition in the Presidency” —Hugh Sidey, Washington ed., Time Magazine. 12:15 Pioneer and past officers luncheon—Installa tion of 50 year bankers. 2:00 General Session M BA Treasurer’s Report. “ IDS and Sears — Tell It Like It Is” —Harvey Golub, CEO, Investors Diversified Services, Minneapolis. John J. Detterick, pres., Sears Consumer Finance Co. 2:30 Spouses fashion show. 3:30 Special Interest Sessions (see 10:45 a.m.) 6:00 All Convention Reception. 7:00 Annual Banquet—Installation of 1987-88 M B A officers; The Paul and Linda Show. 10:30 Convention adjournment. □ You Will See Them at the 97th Annual Minnesota Bankers Convention HE follow in g m etropolitan bankers and service and equip ment dealers have indicated they will be attending the 97th annual convention of the Minnesota Bank ers Association in Minneapolis on June 8-10. H. GOLUB Herold, vice presidents; Mike Bodeen, Bill Meyer, Ross Buffington, Larry Lange, Lloyd Simms, John Slifer, Lennie Kaufman and Edge Jackson, assistant vice presidents; George Evers, community banking officer; Tony Mailhot, community banking representative. Norwest Corporation: Richard Kovacevich, vice chairman; Dick Erickson, vice president. Norwest Investment Services, Inc.: John McCune and Tim Skildum, senior vice presidents; Jim Holker and Ted Taney, vice presidents; Bill Bracken, Tom Gormley and Dave Butterwick, as sistant vice presidents. Norwest Electronic Delivery Ser vices: John Sikkink, president; Bill Brewer and Phil Benson, vice presidents. Norwest Technical Services: Mike Ruane, vice president; Marlene Wright and John Reynolds, sales representatives. St. Paul American National Bank: J.R. Kingman, III, James W. Reagan, Donald R. Lindeman, Julie B. Boljanovich, John P. Seidel, Debra A. Maeurer, Robert W. Jacobson, James A. Russell, Tom Olander, Craig Mueller, William J. Carlson, Bill Langford, Bob Rosenberg. Bank Equipment and Other Firms Modern Computer Systems, Omaha, Neb.: Ron Ingersol, presi dent; Tom Harrington, sales repre sentative; Gene Wesely, sales repre sentative; Dan Kesky, sales repre sentative. North Central Companies, St. Paul: Roland Allen, vice president; Jim Allen, regional manager; Keith Falconer, regional manager; Ron Peterson, regional manager; Dick Stengrim, vice president. 41 Marquette Bank Minneapolis has created a new division dedicated to the purchase of loan participations from other local, regional and na tional financial institutions. James D. LaBreche was appointed vice president of the division. The new unit, Business Services Division III, was formed to provide the bank with a new source of quali ty loans. It will work in concert with the bank’s two other commercial lending groups. Marquette Bank has also an nounced the following appointments in its newly formed Business & Con sumer Services Group: Jerry Gates was named group vice president. He will be respon sible for the bank’s three business services divisions. He will also over see the executive financial services division, cash management and in ternational banking. Marcia Hanson was named group vice president with responsibility for consumer banking, consumer lending, m arketing and IR A / Keoghs. Jeri Slinger was named group vice president with responsibility for credit administration, loan adminis tration and operations. Meanwhile, Thomas Korsman has been appointed corporate trust offi cer. He will be responsible for bond trusteeships, escrows and paying agencies. Mr. Korsman previously served as trust officer in the cor porate trust division of First Bank Minneapolis. * * * Gerald H. Thole has been elected president of First Bank Security, St. Paul. He succeeds Rodell L. Hofland, who has been elected president of First Bank Grand, St. Paul. Mr. Holland’s predecessor at First Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Grand, David A. Zelinsky, has as sumed new duties as southeast con sumer market manager for the metropolitan area First Banks. G.H. THOLE R.L. HOFLAND Mr. Thole most recently served as vice president, small business divi sion, at First Bank St. Paul. He has been with First Bank System since 1973. Mr. Hofland joined First Banks in 1967, and served in many capacities including as president of First Bank Northfield. * * * American National Bank of St. Paul has announced that Lowell S. Gillem has joined the bank as vice president—com pensation and employment. He has spent the past five years as an indepen dent human re source con su l tant. He has also worked in a vari ety of human resource functions at Pillsbury, Gould, Inc., Honeywell, and Dow Chemical. * * * August 1. The new chapter will maintain the traditions of these pre vious Twin Cities chapters that trace their history back to the early 1900’s and will be among the largest AIB chapters in the country. Chairman of the Minnesota Metro AIB will be Dennis Williams, president/CEO, New Hope State Bank. President will be Timothy Macke, president/CEO, Liberty State Bank. * * * Victor P. Reim, chief executive of ficer and chairman of the board of P n m m û ï »o î o 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State Bank in St. Paul, has an nounced the ap p o in tm e n t o f Dean W. Ander son as assistant vice president in the bank’s mort gage lending de partment. Mr. A nderson was D- ANDERSON previously senior loan officer with Washington Federal Savings in Stillwater. * * * Norwest Corporation has an nounced the appointment of David M. Ryan as di rector of arts program for the new N o rw e s t C en ter, now under construc tion in down town Minneapo lis. He will be responsible for the acquisition D.M. RYAN The American Institute of Bank and commission ing chapters in Minneapolis and St. ing of works of art to be installed in Paul have announced the formation of a new organization, to be known MINNESOTA NEWS. . . as Minnesota Metro AIB, effective (Turn to page 48, please) Northwestein Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oilman SUCCESS. N o w ’s the tim e to p re p a re fo r the n ew w ave o f c o m p e titio n in b a n k in g — w ith a u to m a te d se rv ice s fr o m First W isco n sin . W e o ffe r fle x ib le system s that m e e t y o u r m a rk et’s d em a n d s. B a ck e d by s e rv ic e p ro fe ssio n a ls alw ays th ere w h en y o u n e e d th em . Y o u gain b etter in fo rm a tio n fo r b etter d e cis io n s . Im p ro v e d e m p lo y e e p rod u ctiv ity . A n d the to o ls y o u n e e d to c o m p e te . T h e natural result is p r o fit a b le ban kin g. D is c o v e r the system s that cu ltiva te su cce ss. C all First : W iscon sin today at (414) 765-4459. WHENPERFORMANCECOUNTS™ FIRST W ISCONSIN © F W C 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44 PILOT PROJECT sponsored by the Minnesota Bankers Association is assisting the town of A t water, Minn., to formulate its own economic develop ment program. The success of that test venture led M B A leaders last month to officially form a new subsi diary, the Minnesota Bankers Development Corpora tion. Its goal will be to work with member banks in spearheading economic development efforts in other Minnesota communities. The Atwater pilot project was undertaken in Janu ary, 1987, by the M B A ’s Rural Economic Develop ment Task Force, a 13-member group of bankers from around the state. It is chaired by A. William Sands, chairman of Western Bank, St. Paul. One of the Task Force members is Suzanne Meyerson, president of the $13 million assets Atwater State Bank, who is de scribed by Mr. Sands as “ energetic and capable.’ ’ Her community was selected for the pilot program in late 1986 and she introduced the plan in January to the A t water city council. Atwater is a town of 1,100 residents just 81 miles due west of Minneapolis. Speaking of that community and its banker-leader, Mr. Sands said, “ It’s a one bank town, she’s the banker, and she cares a lot about it.’ ’ Mrs. Meyerson took her enthusiasm for the pilot project, which she helped formulate, to the Atwater city council in January and action developed rapidly. She outlined the M B A ’s proposal, which was to pro vide at no cost to Atwater the services of a Minneapo lis-based consulting firm of Conner & Imsland Associ ates, who specialize in economic consulting. After listening to her positive presentation, council members accepted the offer. On January 21 and 22, members of Atwater’s business community and government met with consultants Don Imsland and Dick Conner. The entire group evaluated the area’s business climate, economic structure and plans for the future. A Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Suzanne reports that “ The agenda for the meetings was very general. The consultants wanted to meet a variety of people from the community.’ ’ The meetings concentrated on identifying the assets and needs of the city. The A tw a te r H erald reported that the sessions “ produced positive feelings for the participants.’ ’ A week later, the consultants met with 30 Atwater residents to discuss a broad range of economic issues. Subsequent meetings have continued on a monthly basis and are open to the public. During a telephone interview, Suzanne Meyerson told the N orthwestern B anker that the pilot project in Atwater “ is moving along well. Lots of things are in the works. There is always a tendency to think we’re moving too slow, so we must realize that in a small town we must have patience. However, while making every effort to develop a number of options, there are five areas where we are already active: “ 1. We were able to convince the Town Council and the Chamber of Commerce to hire a paid, part-time coordinator who works essentially under the Council, but has an office and telephone provided by the Chamber. That part-time position is funded jointly by the Council and the Chamber, and that person is in touch constantly with all facets of the town’s life. “ 2. The City Council is looking at a site for a Civic Center. We have an architect in town who has volunteered his services for drawing plans. “ 3. The Atwater Development Association, which is incorporated, is looking at converting to a non-profit organization or, perhaps, establishing a non-profit firm alongside the present association. An attorney is looking into this for us at this time. In the meantime, we are busy recruiting new members from the local com munity. “ 4. Historic preservation is a big item with us. Our downtown area has lots of turn-of-the-century buildings, including our hotel, the Atwater Inn, which is on f 9 % • # • ® • Minnesota News the Historic Buildings registry. Although none of the upstairs rooms currently are being used, it houses a restaurant. We are exploring the idea of trying to designate an entire block as a historical district, or perhaps have the Council declare it to be a Preserva tion District. “ Our bank very likely would offer financing for such projects, but these efforts are so new that we’re not yet at the stage where we can muke such decisions. We want to develop a local chapter of the County Historical Society. “ The A tw a te r Herald, for instance, which is moving its main offices to the town of Spicer by May 1, will keep a satellite news office in its building here, but it is leaving behind in the news building here a lot of an tique printing equipment and plans to restore it and establish a museum at this location. Our interest is not only preserving this heritage, but also in developing tourism. “ 5. We have also established an Improvement Com mittee, which is concentrating on painting and freshen ing up buildings and private homes alike. We are tak ing advantage of an offcer from Valspar Paint Co. of Minneapolis, which will supply paint to communities for just this purpose, and we’ve applied for 200 gallons of the paint. “ 6 . Right now we have area farmers and main street people working together to learn anything they can that will help farmers be more profitable on the farm. Our goal is to help develop some on-site farm enter prises that will augment income, rather than the usual path of trying to develop off-farm jobs for farmers.” In reflecting on these initial efforts, and the more time-consuming long-range study being undertaken in the Atwater pilot project, Suzanne Meyerson stated, “ What we’re seeing in small towns is the desire to sta bilize the town. But most small town banks have a high ag risk in their loan portfolio, so local develop ment helps diversification. The goal of our whole effort is for bankers to become involved in their communi ties.” Mr. Sands commented, “ We want the community and the local banker to feel ownership of the plan. W e’re here as a resource. We intend that the plan be Suzanne Meyerson, p re s id e n t o f A tw a te r S ta te B ank, he lp e d fo r m u la te th e p ilo t e c o n o m ic p ro g ra m . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45 directed to long-term job creation, not a quick-fix solu tion to economic problems.” Encouraged by the reception of the pilot project by Atwater leaders, and sensing the opportunity to help Minnesota communities to project a positive image while developing community survival and growth plans, the M B A acknowledged the early results of the Atwater pilot program by forming in early March its Minnesota Bankers Development Corporation. “ MBA is making a major, on-going com assure the economic strength of all of Minnesota.” This non-profit corporation will coordinate the A t water program and identify other communities where similar projects would be helpful. The MBDC charter will provide local bankers with information and re sources that will enhance their role as leaders in local economic development. It will help them and their communities to identify strengths and weaknesses, to discover ways to improve the local economy, assist existing business in expansion, examine ways to at tract new jobs, and identify sources of capital. Roy W. Terwilliger, president of the M B A and presi dent of Suburban National Bank in Eden Prairie, said, “ M BA is making a major, ongoing commitment to the economy throughout Minnesota. We are currently focusing on rural Minnesota, but our long-term objec tive is to assure the economic strength of all of Min nesota. ” . In addition to Mr. Sands and Mrs. Meyerson, the M BA Rural Economic Development Task Force mem bers are: • Jim Mirehouse, First Bank System, Minneapolis. • Douglas F. Bultman, president and CEO, MinnWest Bank Redwood Falls, Redwood Falls. • Robert Burk, president and CEO, Merchants & Miners State Bank, Hibbing. • Arthur Espeland, president and CEO, First National Bank, Henning. • Robert F. Foley, president and CEO, Citizens State Bank, Roseau. • Richard E. Gandrud, president and CEO, Pope Coun ty State Bank, Glenwood. • Ronald V. Johnson, president and CEO, First Na tional Bank, Jackson. • Kenneth E. Just, president and CEO, First National Bank, Barnesville. • James G. Sneer, president and CEO, Farmers State Bank, Mountain Lake. • William H. Zabel, president and CEO, Peoples State Bank, Plainview. Truman L. Jeffers, M BA executive vice president, commented, “ The development corporation will be located with the M BA in Minneapolis. Although it’s not official yet, we want to call it the Minnesota Bank ers Enterprise Network.” He emphasized that the M BA would not duplicate efforts of other public or pri vate organizations involved in economic development. A meeting to elect a board of directors was held April 23, the first step to get the corporation operational. The new corporation will be a subsidiary of the MBA, which has 715 member banks. □ Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 46 Minnesota News Elected in Dodge Center Philip D. Johnson has been elected president and chairman of the b oa rd o f N orw est Bank D odge Center. He previou sly served as senior vice president/ ad m in istration at N o rw e s t Bank Austin. John N ovot ny, vice presiP.D. JOHNSON dent/commercial lending at Norwest Bank Rochester, had been serving as interim man ager of the Dodge Center bank since the first of the year. He is relocating to Columbus, Neb. Mr. Johnson began his banking career at Citizens First National Bank, Princeton, 111., in 1974. Elected in Edina John D. McDonald has been elected president of First Bank Edi na. He succeeds H. Scott Hutton, who has assumed new duties as manager of the southwest consumer market for the metropolitan First Banks. Mr. McDonald has been associ ated with First Bank System since 1959. He has held various lending positions, and served most recently as senior vice president, small busi ness division, at First Bank Southdale. Changes Told in Mt. Iron Three officer changes have been announced by Mountain Iron First State Bank of Mountain Iron. Carol E. Kangas has been elected cashier. She has served at the bank for 16 years, most recently as assistant vice president. Steven C. Nelson has joined the bank as assistant vice president. He formerly was loan offi cer at First Bank Minnesota in Vir ginia. Oliver O. Forstrom has an nounced his resignation from the board, having served for 42 years as a director. He retired as the bank’s vice president and cashier in 1977. Architect Visits Owatonna Cesar Pelli, former dean of the Yale School of Architecture and the architect of the Norwest Center in downtown Minneapolis, recently visited the Norwest Bank of Owa tonna, which was designed by Louis Sullivan in 1908. Mr. Sullivan is often referred to as “ the Father of Modern American Architecture,’ ’ and the Owatonna bank is among his most admired buildings. Mr. Pelli is pictured with Lloyd P. Johnson, Norwest Corporation’ s chairman and chief executive officer. Added in St. Cloud Mark Januscha and Beth Atwood have joined Zapp National Bank, St. Cloud. Mr. Januscha, who previous ly worked with Pueringer Distribut ing, Inc., will be commercial loan of ficer. Ms. Atwood will serve as junior auditor. Mora Bank Remodeled Mr. Pelli praised the building, which he has studied since he grew up in Argentina. “ There’s a special pleasure in re-encountering this jewel of the prairie,” he said. “ Everytime you see something like this it affects what you will do after wards.” The building was designated a na tional historic landmark in 1976. Appointed in Montevideo PEOPLES N a tio n a l B ank o f M o ra is c u rre n tly in th e fin a l s ta g e s o f a m a jo r re m o d e lin g p ro je c t w h ic h s ta rte d in S e p te m b e r o f 1986. A fe a tu re o f th e re m o d e lin g is a 42 by 6 fo o t p a in te d m u ra l d e p ic tin g lo c a l la n d m a rk s . The m u ra l is lo c a te d b e h in d th e te lle r w in d o w s , and w a s p a in te d by an a rtis t fro m S a u k R a p id s, M in n . O th e r in te rio r re m o d e lin g in c lu d e d new o ffic e s , a c u s to m e r se rvice area, new re c e p tio n a re a and in s ta lla tio n o f a new v a u lt d o o r and sa fe . A n open h o u se is b e in g p la n n e d fo r M ay. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First National Bank in Monte video has announced the appoint ment of John Klaman as vice president—com mercial loan offi cer. He brings nine years exper ience in commer cial, real estate and installment lending. He pre viously served J. KLAMAN as senior vice president at First Wyoming Bank in Riverton. Prior to that he was a loan officer at Northwest Bank in Bis marck, N. Dak. 47 IRA coordinator. Ms. LeMere has been with Valley for the past three years, most recently as an assistant trust officer at the Oshkosh loca tion. Central Wis. to Acquire Bank of Plover Elected in Menomonie Gene A. Haberman has been elected president and chief executive officer of Valley Bank, Menomonie. He has 20 years of banking experi ence in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, primarily with Norwest Corpo ration and most recently with Mar quette Bank. Mr. Haberman suc ceeds Calvin H. Beals, who an nounced his resignation in Decem ber. ages the residential mortgage loan operation. Patricia R. Coriden was elected trust officer. She joined First ILLINOIS NEWS. . . (Continued from page 37) w Promoted in Eau Claire • # # • ® A t First W isconsin National Bank, Eau Claire, five officer promo tions have been announced. Elected vice presidents were Thomas E. Saffert, Jean M. P e te rs o n and Thomas P. Tay lor. Mr. Saffert joined First Wisc o n s in — R ic e T.E. SAFFERT Lake in 1976, where he most recently served as vice president of the business bank ing department. Ms. Peterson joined First Wisconsin in 1970 and has managed the business development department since 1983. Her new du ties will also include marketing. Mr. Taylor joined the bank in 1979 as a trust officer and most recently served as assistant vice president. J.M. PETERSON • T.P. TAYLOR Denise E. Gilchrist was promoted to assistant vice president. She joined the bank in 1985 and man Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Central Wisconsin Bankshares, Inc., a multi-bank holding company headquartered in Wausau, and the Bank of Plover have announced that sufficient acceptances have been re ceived for the holding company to proceed with acquiring a controlling interest in the bank. This acquisition brings the total banking affiliates of Central Wiscon sin Bankshares, Inc. to 14,with 29 bank locations and assets of approx imately $750 million. D.E. GILCHRIST P.R. CORIDEN Wisconsin in 1985 as a trust admin istrator responsible for personal trusts and employee benefit plans. Named in Madison James J. Mueller and Richard J. Walters have been named vice presi dents of Valley Trust Company, Madison. Mr. Mueller will manage the em ployee benefits and corporate trust services division. He has been with Valley Trust for one year, most re cently as an assistant vice president. Mr. Walters will be responsible for sales and marketing of personal trust services. He joined Valley Trust in 1986. Prior to that he was an assistant vice president with Marine Trust, Milwaukee. Carolyn P. Hawks has been named trust officer and is respon sible for the administration of em ployee benefits. Prior to her associa tion with Valley, she was employee benefits administrator with the trust department of American Trust & Savings Bank, Dubuque, la. Cheryl Teal has been promoted to assistant trust officer. She has been with Valley for the past seven years, most recently as trust administra tor. Named in Oshkosh Mary Beth LeMere has been named trust officer at Valley Trust Company, Oshkosh. She is also the Cole Taylor Creates New Image for Banks Cole Taylor Financial Group, a multi-bank holding company with assets over $1 billion which is head quartered in Northbrook, is estab lishing a new identity. All eight loca tions of the five member banks that comprise the group have adopted a uniform image that will be repre sented on letterhead and signage. The campaign is intended to help the public recognize the association of each bank with the holding com pany. For this purpose the banks have been renamed. The Main Bank in Wheeling and Chicago will now be Cole Taylor Bank/Main; Drovers Bank of Chicago will be Cole Taylor/ Drovers; Skokie Trust & Savings Bank will be Cole Taylor Bank/ Skokie; Ford City Bank & Trust Company will be Cole Taylor Bank/ Ford City, and Bank of Yorktown will be Cole Taylor Bank/Yorktown. An extensive advertising cam paign will reinforce the new corpo rate identity. The Cole Taylor logo in red and black will be used consis tently by all banks, along with the slogan “ The People with the Per sonal Touch.” In celebration of the campaign, Cole Taylor is sponsoring a scholar ship contest for young artists in each bank’s community. Children ages 8 to 14 may compete and win ners will receive a scholarship to en roll in the School of the Arts Insti tute’s Study Program. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 48 MINNESOTA NEWS. . . (Continued from page 41) Promoted in Sioux Falls Norwest Bank South Dakota, N.A., Sioux Falls, has announced the promotion of Leonard Dankey to assistant vice president, business banking. He joined Norwest in Sioux Falls in 1978 and since has served at the Westwood branch and the downtown branch, where he most recently held the title of busi ness banking officer. Elected in Sioux Falls Recently elected to the South Dakota regional staff of First Bank of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, were Marshall A. MacKay, vice president Interstate Banking Bill Passed On March 6 , Wyoming Governor Sullivan signed into law HB 1 6 4 Interstate Banking, which goes into effect May 22 . This bill is a nation wide, non-reciprocal interstate bank ing bill which would allow an out-ofstate financial institution to acquire an in-state financial institution which has been chartered to do busi ness in the State of Wyoming for at least three years. The bill also pro vides that if an in-state financial in stitution is in danger of being closed, the state examiner shall give preference to any in-state financial institution desiring to acquire that institution. It also includes a prohi bition on non-bank banks. Meanwhile, SF 257 failed in the early part of the session. This Wyoming Bankers Association bill Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and cashier, and Paul C. Livermore, financial analyst. Mr. M acKay joined the staff in 1984 as vice presi dent and regional operations admin istrator. Mr. Livermore joined the bank in 1985 in the finance and con trol area, having previously served as a project control analyst with Citibank—South Dakota. Elected in Lemmon L. Bruce Birkeland has been elected loan officer at First Bank Lemmon. He joined First Bank Sys tem in April, 1986 as a loan special ist with FBS Credit Services, Inc. in Rapid City. would have created a central filing system for financing statements on farm products, to comply with Sec tion 1324 of the Food Security Act of 1985. SF 185, which would authorize the Secretary of State to conduct a study regarding the development of such a filing system, did pass, how ever. The Secretary of State shall provide a report to the governor and legislature no later than January 1, 1988, with recommendations for a system. The Wyoming Legislature also passed a bill which would establish a procedure for voluntary mediation of disputes between farmers or ranchers and their creditors. It would require that the creditor noti fy the borrower of the availability of mediation services when starting any foreclosure proceedings. • Norwest office and semi-public areas. He will also oversee rotating art exhibitions in the lobby and ^ schedule lectures, musical presenta tions and other performing arts. Mr. Ryan has 23 years museum experience, including as director of the Des Moines Art Center and the £ Fort Worth Art Museum, and cura tor of exhibitions with the Minnea polis Institute of Arts. * * * Thomas A. Hayden, a vice president and director of Allison-Williams Company, has been elected senior vice presi dent and direc tor. Mr. Hayden joined AllisonWilliams Com pany in 1981 in municipal sales. Allison-W illiams is located in the T.A. HAYDEN IDS Center in Minneapolis. * * * • Marquette-Holm Insurance Agen cy, Inc. Minneapolis, has announced the appointment of Rollie John son as vice presi dent-sales. Mr. Johnson has an extensive back ground in the in su ra n ce and banking indus tries, and joins the agency from his most recent R- JOHNSON # position as president and managing officer of American Insurance Agen cy of Edina. * * * Norwest Capital Resources has expanded its Norwest Horizon fami ly of comprehensive, standardized employee benefit plans for custo mers to include pension and profit £ sharing plans. The Norwest Horizon Money Pur chase Pension Plan is designed for companies who wish to contribute a pre-determined amount toward their £ employees’ retirement. The Norwest Horizon Profit Sharing Plan is de signed for companies who wish to contribute to their employees’ re tirement, based on a specific percen- £ tage of the company’s profits. 49 86th Annual Colorado Bankers Association Convention Colorado Banking: Safe, Sound, Secure • • ® # A.J. “TONY” ANDERSON JON COATES DON A. CHILDEARS P re s id e n t P re s id e n t-E le c t Exec. V ice Pres. HE 86 th Annual Convention of the Colorado Bank ers Association will be held this year on June 3-6 at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. The theme “ Colorado Banking: Safe, Sound, Secure” recognizes Colorado’s proud banking history and reaffirms the association’s commitment to the future. CBA President A.J. “ Tony” Anderson, president, Kiowa State Bank, Kiowa, will preside over the con vention. President-Elect is Jon Coates, chairman, Cen tury Bank of Denver. Also speaking at the convention will be CBA Executive Vice President Don A. Childears. The complete program follows: Wednesday, June 3 P.M. 4:00- Registration. 6:00 T Thursday, June 4 A.M. 8:00 Registration. # <1 • # June 3-6 Broadmoor Hotel Colorado Springs Tournaments: Fun Run Men’s Mixer Golf Women’s Mixer Golf Tennis Skeet & Trap Shoot P.M. 6:00 Western night. Cocktails. 7:00 Dinner. Entertainment: “ Timothy P. & Rural Route 3.” Friday, June 5 A.M. 7:00 Central Bank of Denver breakfast. 8:30 Registration. 9:00 Business session: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Opening ceremonies. President’s address: A.J. Anderson, CBA pres., pres., Kiowa State Bank. Election & installation of CBA officers. Address: Mark W. Olson, A B A pres., pres., Security State Bank, Fergus Falls, Minn. Management report: Don A. Childears, CBA e.v.p. 10:30 “ Think Tank” Sessions: Loan Review and Closing, Loan Workouts, Small Businesses, Compensating Your Sales Force, Mountain Banks Insurance Services, Tax Planning, Public Funds and Credit Unions, Asset Liability Management, A g Lending. 11:45 Luncheon. Address: Bob Murphey, atty. & counselor, Nacogdoches, Tex. P.M. 2:00 “ Think Tank” Sessions. 6:00 Cocktails. 7:00 Dinner. Entertainment: Pianist Roger Williams. Saturday, June 5 A.M. 7:30 Continental breakfast, Peer Group Sharing Session. 9:00 Business Session: Jon Coates, CBA pres.-elect, chmn., Century Bank of Denver. Address: John Cassis, pres., SecondWind, Wheaton, 111. Election of Colorado delegate to A B A Banking Leadership Conference. CBA resolutions & bylaws amendments. Address: Jack Whittle, Whittle & Hanks, Chicago, 111. P.M. 12:00 Adjourn. □ Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 50 Colorado News You Will See Them at the 86th Annual Colorado Bankers Convention HE follow in g m etropolitan bankers and service and equip ment dealers have indicated they will be attending the 86 th annual convention of the Colorado Bankers Association in Colorado Springs on June 3-6. T Denver Central Bank of Denver: William Perry, president, Central Bank, Colorado Springs; John Bush, gen eral counsel, Central Bancorporation; Diane Sweeney, correspondent banking officer; Richard McElroy, vice president; William Tumelty, vice president—correspondent bank- ing; Eric Anderssen, correspondent banking officer. Kansas City United Missouri Bancshares: Dick Muir, Jeff Goble, Mark Bailey. Bank Equipment and Other Firms Central States Health & Life, Omaha, Neb.: Pat Keirges, regional vice president; Judy Straayer, Colo rado regional manager. Modern Banking Systems, Omaha: Gary Moore, president; Frank Stearnes, senior sales repre sentative; Tom Lahti, vice presi dent. United Banks Acquires IntraWest On March 27 the Federal Reserve Board approved United Banks of Colorado, Inc.’s application to ac quire IntraWest Financial Corpora tion. Following approval by the Comptroller, the anti-trust division of the Justice Department has 30 days to comment on the mergers. Per the agreement signed in July of last year, United Banks will issue up to 4,320 shares of its common stock in exchange for all IntraWest common stock, which is an exchange rate of .7234 of a share of United Banks’ stock for each share of IntraW est’s. As part of its application, United Banks agreed to sell its banks in Montrose and Steamboat Springs because the combined banks would have exceeded market share maximums allowed by Justice Depart ment guidelines. United Bank of Steamboat Springs will be pur chased by a company associated with the Western Industrial Bank located in Steam boat Springs. United Bank of Montrose will be ac quired by a group of investors in Montrose. At year-end, United Banks had assets of more than $4.8 billion with 32 banks and several non-banking subsidiaries. IntraWest had assets of $ 1.2 billion with 16 banks and several non-banking subsidiaries. The conversion of IntraWest banks to United Banks’ data pro cessing and operational systems began in April. Customers of Intra Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis West are receiving information about the schedule of bank conver sions and how their accounts will be affected. On April 10, United Banks of Colorado, Inc. filed application with the Comptroller of the Currency to merge banks in three Colorado com munities. The banks being merged are located in Fort Collins (south), Greeley, and the Southwest Plaza area of Denver. Once the mergers have been ap proved, the names of the merged banks and their senior managers will be: United Bank of Fort Collins— South: David E. Bailey, chairman and CEO; David B. Hill, president. United Bank of Greeley—Royce B. Clark, chairman and CEO; Leroy Leavitt, president. United Bank of Southwest Plaza — Kyle McClaugherty, chairman and CEO; Jean Naylor, president. United Banks intends to file ap plication to merge the banks in Boulder as soon as certain opera tional issues are resolved, according to N. Berne Hart, chairman and CEO of United Banks. Until applica tion is filed and approved, Paul Troyer will serve as chairman and CEO and Larry Meyer as president of both IntraWest Bank of Boulder and United Bank of Boulder. After the merger, they will continue in their respective positions at the one bank. Changes Told in Denver • At United Bank of Denver, Patri cia P. Holmes has been named vice president, Ronald C. Logue has been named assistant vice president and ^ Gary B. Lutz was promoted to com mercial banking officer. A cash management product manager, Ms. Holmes has been with the bank since 1972. Mr. Logue q joined the bank in 1979 and is cur rently manager of the funds transfer department. Mr. Lutz also works in cash management and joined the bank in 1984. £ In addition, George S. Ansell and Kermit L. Darkey have been elected to the board of directors of United Bank of Denver. Mr. Ansell has worked in higher education most of q his career and has been president of the Colorado School of Mines since 1984. Mr. Darkey is president of the Rocky Mountain Employers CounU i, JU1C. CNB Announces Changes Colorado National Bank has an nounced numerous staff changes. * Rebecca H. Cordes and Carol A. McLaughlin have been elected assis tant vice presidents of Colorado Na tional Bankshares, Inc., Denver. Ms. Cordes joined the organization ’ in 1982 as a senior auditor and was then promoted to audit manager. Ms. McLaughlin also joined Bankshares in 1982 as a staff auditor and ( is currently responsible for manag ing the EDP audit functions of the corporation. Christine Denton has been elected an accounting officer. She joined the company in 1985 as a ( financial analyst and currently supervises the financial reporting staff. At Colorado National Bank—Ex change, Colorado Springs, Dr. Wil- ( liam M. Stone has been elected vice president and marketing director. He recently retired as a lieutenant colonel with the U.S. Air Force. His last assignment was as chief of long , range planning on the air staff at the Pentagon. At Colorado National B a n k Evergreen, Elizabeth (Penny) Haw kins has been elected a vice presi dent. She joined the bank in 1984 as a loan administrator and is current- COLORADO NEWS. . . (Turn to page 51, please) 51 first obtains the written consent of the borrower. This written consent can be obtained at the time the loan is made, so banks may wish to revise their loan documents, states Mon tana Bankers Association Executive Vice President John T. Cadby. First Refusal Bill Passed Deer Lodge Bank Fails # The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. for the first time has handled a bank failure without assuming the bulk of the institution’s problem loans. The transaction was promoted by the failure April 9 of Deer Lodge Bank and Trust Co., a $13.6 milliondeposit bank in Deer Lodge. Peoples Bank of Deer Lodge, N.A., a newlychartered subsidiary of Sandquist Corp. of Bozeman, Mont., purchased most of the failed bank’s assets at a discount. The assets, carrying a book value of $12.7 million, were acquired for about $10.8 million, a 15% discount. The FDIC will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $ 2.1 million. These assets had “ enough legal questions surrounding them that we wouldn’t have wanted an assuming institution to take them,’ ’ said an FDIC spokes man, Alan Whitney. “ The transaction will result in a substantially lower cost to the ^ COLORADO NEWS. . . (Continued from page 50) £ # # # # • • ® • ly responsible for commercial loans and marketing. Peter Neumann has been elected a lending officer. He began his career with the bank in 1983 as an assistant loan adminis trator. Debra K. Edgar has been elected a banking officer, and is re sponsible for customer service, stu dent loans, and Visa. She joined the bank in 1983. Jodi Smith has been elected an assistant vice president of Colorado N a tio n a l B ank —A u r o ra . She started with the bank in 1982 and is responsible for marketing and teller, new accounts and bankcard func tions. Laura V. Fick has been elected an assistant vice president at Colorado N ational B ank—Arapahoe. She joined the bank in 1976 and is re Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FDIC than if these assets were held and liquidated in receivership,’’ the agency said. Mr. Whitney added that “ there will be other cases where we are con fident we will be able to convey all of the assets of a failed bank to an assuming institution.’ ’ This new policy is intended to cut the agency’s liquidation costs and keep more assets in the private sec tor. The FDIC is already in control of about $12 billion in assets from failures. Lending Law Passed The recent passage of HB-499 means lenders will be prohibited from using or disclosing information relative to a contract of insurance re quired by the credit transaction for the purpose of replacing such insur ance without the prior written con sent of the borrower. If a bank owns an insurance agen cy, the bank may not disclose this information to its agency unless it sponsible for operations. Nathan J. Palmquist has been elected cashier of Colorado National Bank—South, Denver. He began his banking career in 1982 with the First Bank Holding Company and joined CNB of Denver in 1983. At Colorado National B a n k Boulevard, Denver, Christine L. Dixon has been elected a total bank ing officer. She joined the bank in 1985 and is currently responsible for customer service, account analysis and personnel scheduling. Donald D. Kirkwood, a Fleming area farmer, has been elected a direc tor of Colorado National Bank— Sterling. Roger W. Ayan, Jr., has been elected an assistant vice president of Colorado National Leasing, Denver. He joined the company in 1984 and SB-142 has become law, and re quires a bank acquiring foreclosed agricultural land to offer to sell the land, or any portion, to the immedi ately preceding owner for the same price offered by a third party. This offer is required only the first time the property is sold. The Montana Bankers Associa tion was successful in limiting the right of first refusal only to fore closures occuring between now and June 30, 1991. The bill will automa tically die in four years unless ex tended in the 1989 or 1990 sessions. If the bank chooses to lease the property, the immediately preceding owner must also be given right of first refusal except that once the preceding owner fails to meet the terms of a lease offer, the right to meet future offers is extinguished. The right of first refusal to pur chase or lease applies to any fore closed agricultural land held by the bank for up to five years. Therefore it is valid until June 30, 1996. Complete information regarding the new law is available from the MBA. is responsible for lease administra tion. Appointed in Englewood First Interstate Bank of Engle wood, N.A., has appointed Jon Han son as commercial loan officer. Mr. Hanson has a B.A. in business ad ministration from South Methodist University in Dallas. Elected in Denver Robert L. Albin and William J. Keller have been elected to the board of directors of Central Bancorporation, Inc., and CCB, Inc., Denver. Mr. Albin is president of Robert L. Albin Management Consultants. Mr. Keller is president of Asphalt Paving Co., and has also served on Central Bank of Denver’s board of directors for six years. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 *v from William March President We’re the people who have been Robert E. Roh Exec. Vice President presenting orchids to the ladies at the Nebraska Bankers convention for over 30 years. We’ll be doing it again this year. And our tradition for profes sional service goes on, too. We are Patrick H. Rensch Sr. Vice President Nebraska’s most experienced home- Micky Krupinsky Representative owned firm dealing exclusively in taxexempt securities. Our people have been providing you with expert finan cial advice for more than 40 years. Chuck Poore Sr. Vice President We’re the MBU Professionals! John Trecek Counsel Mike Bruster Bill Abts Representative Vice President Municipal Bond Underwriters, Inc. In v e s tm e n t B a n k e rs • U n d e rw rite rs 2 0 8 S o u th 1 9 th S tre e t, O m a h a , N e b ra s k a 6 8 1 0 2 (4 0 2 ) 3 4 1 -1 1 4 4 In Nebraska Call Toll Free (800) 642-4413 Member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53 “Turning Ideas Into Action” The 90th Annual Nebraska Bankers Association Convention M ay 14-16 C o m h u s k e r H otel L in c o ln C.G. HOLTHUS DONALD E. BLAHA STAN MATZKE, JR. P re s id e n t P re s id e n t-E le c t Exec. V ice Pres. HE 90th Annual Convention of the Nebraska Bankers Association will be held May 14-16 at the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln. This year’s theme is “ Turning Ideas Into Action: Education. Motivation. Service.” Speakers scheduled include management expert Dr. Thomas W. Faranda; Donald G. Ogilvie, executive vice president of the American Bankers Association; Cynthia Hardin Milligan, director of the Nebraska Depart ment of Banking & Finance; playfulness trainer Ritch Davidson of Playfair, Inc.; J. Thomas Madden, senior vice president of Federated Investors, Inc.; Judge Samuel Van Pelt, director of Nebraska Judicial College and president of Judicial Arbitration, Inc.; business analyst Jack Jackson, and Michael Reagan, son of President Reagan. Featured entertainers will be the Osmond Brothers. Presiding over this year’s convention will be President C.G. “ Kelly” Holthus, president and CEO, First National Bank of York. He will be succeeded in that of fice by Donald E. Blaha, president, First National Bank, Ord. N BA Executive Vice President is Stan T ^ ^ 0 ^ 0 T.W. FARANDA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D.G. OGILVIE Matzke, Jr. The complete convention program follows: Thursday, May 14 A.M. 8:00 Registration opens. NBISCO board of directors meeting. 9:00 Executive council meeting. P.M. 12:00 VIP luncheon. 1:30 Networks board of directors meeting. 3:00 Past president’s meeting. 4:30 Trade show opening hospitality reception. 6:00 NBA correspondent banks’ annual hospitality night. Friday, May 15 A.M. 8:00 Registration desk open. 8:15 Trade show breakfast. 9:00 Grand opening of the 90th annual conven tion—Mr. Kelly Holthus, NBA pres. C.H. MILLIGAN R. DAVIDSON J.T. MADDEN Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 54 Nebraska News 9:15 “ Ten Commitments to Excellence’ ’ —Dr. Thomas W. Faranda, pres., Faranda & Assoc. 10:15 “ Turning Ideas Into Action A t the National Level” —Donald G. Ogilvie, A B A e.v.p. 10:45 “ Moving Forward” —Cynthia Hardin Milli gan, dir., Neb. Dept, of Banking and Finance. 11:15 Trade show break. 11:45 Luncheon—“ Putting Fun To Work: The Power of Humor in Management” —Ritch Davidson, Playfair, Inc., s.v.p. P.M. 1:30 “ The Economy & Financial Market” —J. Thomas Madden, Federated Investors, Inc., s.v.p. 2:15 “ Conflict Resolution In A Depressed Farm Econom y” —Judge Sam Van Pelt, dir., Neb. Judicial College. 2:45 “ Challenge of Change in the Banking Indus try” —Jack Jackson, chmn., Jack Jackson & Assoc. 3:30 N BA annual meeting; N etworks annual meet ing. 4:30 Trade show break. Executive council meeting. 6:00 NBA President’s Reception. 6:45 NBA President’s Banquet. 8:30 The Osmond Brothers. 10:30 Larry Gomez & Brotherhood—reception & dance. Saturday, May 16 AM . 8:30 NBA annual awards program. Breakfast—A Morning With Michael Reagan. Awards ceremony—Governor Kay Orr. □ You Will See Them at the 85th Annual Nebraska Bankers Convention HE follow in g m etropolitan bankers and service and equip ment dealers have indicated that they will be attending the annual convention of the Nebraska Bankers Association in Lincoln on May 14-17. T Des Moines Norwest Card Services: Darryl Hansen, president. Kansas City United Missouri Bancshares: Dick Muir, Jeff Goble, Alan Sack, Mark Bailey. Lincoln First National Lincoln: Gary Bieck, vice president and manager; Steven Anderson, vice president; Marvin Hefti, vice president; Char les Greenway, vice president; Mark Hahn, vice president; Charles Ellis, operations officer; David Luckey, ag inspector; Kathryn Barker, assis tant vice president; Dan Black, Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Craig Engelage and Betsy Crowley, agriculture and financial institu tions representatives. Minneapolis Norwest Bank, N.A.: John Samp son, senior vice president. Norwest Technical Services: John Reynolds, sales representative. Omaha FirsTier Bank Omaha: Richard Yesnowski, vice president; Gary Parker, vice president; James Allen, vice president. First National Bank of Omaha: Bruce R. Lauritzen, president; F. Phillips Giltner, vice chairman; Den nis A. O ’Neal, executive vice presi dent; J. William Henry, executive vice president; H. Frederick Kuehl, vice president; Thomas H. Jensen, ag loan officer; James P. Bonham, vice president; Gerald J. Tomka, second vice president. Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A.: John R. Cochran, chairman and CEO and regional president, Nor west Corporation; Charles Undlin, president; Howard Nielsen, vice president; Wally Landon and Sam O’Neil, financial institutions offi- 0 cers; Debbie Delgado, financial insti tutions operations officer; James J. Free, client executive. Bank Equipment and Other Firms Central States Health & Life, Lincoin: John Benson, assistant vice president; Margaret Donovan, re gional manager; Brenda Frey, re gional manager. Kansas Bankers Surety Com pany, Topeka, Kan.: Don Towle, president; Dave Abendroth, vice president. MABSCO Agricultural Services, Inc., Des Moines, la.: Jeffrey J. Rodman, vice president marketing and product development. MBU, Inc., Omaha: Robert E. Roh, executive vice president. Modern Banking Systems, Inc., Omaha: Mike Reynolds, regional manager; Bill Pierce, regional man ager; Kevin McCormick, senior sales representative; Greg Shimonek, sales representative. North Central Companies, St. Paul, Minn.: Russ Eng, regional manager; Dennis Zea, regional man ager; Bob Mundy, general agent; Pat McQuillan, general agent. ™ ^ £ q £ £ 1986 $11,636,000 V 1980 $5,075,000 1976 $3,155,000 EARNINGS 1972 $1,719,000 Our Reputation Is OnThe Line. We’re known as a bank that performs. In fact, the average annual growth rate o f the after-tax earnings o f First National Bank o f Omaha* is 15%. And 85% o f that goes back into the bank for better services and products. We’re proud o f our solid growth. And proud to serve you— and assure you — with our strength, financial expertise and experience. Few institutions offer you what we can in performance and stability. Wouldn’t you rather trust your money to the people who have a reputation for sound financial management? In 1986, we achieved $11 million plus in earnings. That’s why we’re proud o f our name. * First National of Nebr., inc. No Wonder They Call Us First. firs! n a N o n a l b a n k of omaha Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V ■ -¡s*r~ . V,,-..' S~ < VÍJ . "¡CSOtCr*. ** - N - * r v : ^ . . **.. - ^ r * - e s » * C ; •-, ‘ W rf '• ‘^ C ' < $ ;*v, . ‘V ■» ’- . ' . . V. '*'V" ' 'A¿>‘ ' ^ *>'. %'r-r£ -, „ V >v; .. V • «. •-• %V 'S» .”*%&. S; \ 'Siw '% . * N > . ! ^ n V c-.N :; *. •* v - hJ- > . ’ ; ..;”‘C 'r X . - ' ''¿ S •iS. •*, 'is- , ’ , \N >- Here To Serve You Well FirsTier Bank Omaha and FirsTier Bank Lincoln are a dominant financial force throughout the heartland. We know this area and its people. That’s why we’re the institutions to turn to for help with your own needs, or when serving the needs of your customers. As a memberofthe $2 billion FirsTier Financial group, we offer the experience, expertise and financial strength that few can match. And we mean business for those we serve. Count on us to serve you well. F irs T ie r B an ks Omaha Lincoln In Nebraska: 800-642-9305 Outside Nebraska: 800-228-9175 In Nebraska: 800-742-7462 FirsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha and FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln, Members FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58 Named in Bellevue Carol A. Volenec has been named vice president of Affiliated Midwest B an cs, In c ., B ellevu e. She was also named an a s s o c ia t e member of Affiliated’ s execu tive committee. M s. V o le n e c joined the orga nization in 1974 as C h a irm a n C. VOLENEC John H. Becker’s executive secretary Recent Applications Filed The American National Corpora tion has announced that Paul H. A lb r e c h t has been elected se nior vice presi dent and chief operating officer of b o th th e H om e S ta te Bank and Trust Co., Humboldt, and The Dawson Bank, Dawson. M r. A lb r e c h t P.H. ALBRECHT previously served as the president of the Otoe County National Bank & Trust Co., Nebraska City. Bank of Nebraska, Omaha, has announced that Patrick J. McPher son has joined the bank as se nior vice presi d e n t. M r. McPherson has twenty years of banking experi ence. He is a g ra d u a te of Creighton Uni versity and has p. m c p h e r s o n attended numer ous banking schools, including the University of Colorado School of Banking. • An application has been filed with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to consolidate the Scottsbluff National Bank & Trust Co. and ^ Western National Bank of Scottsbluff. The Bank of the Midlands, Papillion, has filed an application with the Nebraska Department of Bank- ^ ing to relocate its main facility from 104 E. Gold Coast Road to 1402 S. Washington. The Department of Banking has also received an application from ^ Cornhusker Bank, Lincoln, to estab lish a branch facility at 1600 N. Cotner. Seven Honored in Kearney U.S. CHECK BOOK COMPANY WELCOMES YOU TO Kearney State Bank and Trust Company, Kearney, recently hon- • ored seven employees for their years of service. They are: Carolyn Menke, Sue McNeal, Kim Sheldon, Terri Kitt, Cynthia Rafferty, Vickie Hands and Ron Canfield. • NEBRASKA BANKERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION MAY 14-17 CORNHUSKER, LINCOLN, NE BE SURE TO STOP BY OUR BOOTH United States Check Book Company 1201 SOUTH 16TH STREET • OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68108 In Nebraska Call 402-345-3162 Out of State Call WATS Line 1-800-228-9246 Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Elected in Milford Farmers and Merchants Bank, Milford, has announced the election of two new directors. They are D.D. (Bud) Riblett, vice president and loan guaranty officer of the bank, and Judy Eicher, vice president of Home State Bank, Beaver Crossing. Mr. Riblett was formerly with the Farmers Home A dm inistration state office in Lincoln, where he served for 32 years prior to joining F&M Bank two years ago. ® _ 9 ^ Nebraska News 59 NBA Executive Councilmen See Economie Upswing Beginning EM BERS of the Nebraska being put on the market. The prices ( Bankers Association Execuare reduced some 40% from the high w tive Council commented on signs of values we witnessed about six years improvement throughout the state ago. economic scene over the past year. The Calamus Dam project con While admitting troubled times are tinues to employ many local people. ^ not over, council members are more The dam construction itself is com w optimistic than ever. These bankers pleted, but canal construction will were invited to analyze business and continue for several more years. The farm conditions in their areas for work has begun on all camp grounds this special report. Their comments and a fish hatchery is to be com ¿it follow: pleted by 1991 and located right below the dam. Our bank has continued a steady growth pattern and we are now in the process of adding on and re DONALD E. BLAH A modeling our branch office in Sar ® President gent. We will now have a drive-up First National Bank window and drive-up ATM for our Ord customers in the area. Even though economic conditions # P ROPERTY values are showing have been less than desirable, the ■ signs of stabilizing at current stabilizing effect is encouraging. We levels, which is a continue our optimistic outlook for r e d u c t io n of Ord, Sargent and the surrounding some 75% from community. || levels seen a few years ago. There continues to be a M. D AVID KLIPSCH lot of farm real President and Chairman estate on the First Westside Bank 0 market with a Omaha small number of sales. We are seeing very few EBRASKA, not unlike other farm sales compared to one year agriculturally oriented states, # ago. Most of our customers showed continues to be profits in 1986, unless their debt in a highly trans load was excessive. We expect very itional period in little demand for farm operational h is to r y . The loans in 1987, because the income state is steadily # from government programs is stag m o v in g aw ay gered throughout the year. from one that is Residential real estate in Ord is dom in a ted by selling exceptionally well. Last fall a gricu ltu re to there was an excessive number of one that is more # newer houses on the market, but diversified. This most of these have been sold within is evidenced by the past thirty days. There are sev the significant changes that have oc eral lower priced houses for sale but curred in the state’s employment very few, if any, newer ones for sale base over the last twenty years. ® or rent. There were several newer Nonagricultural employment has houses sold within thirty days or risen 42.7 percent while employment M N Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in agriculture has declined 33.5 per cent. The composition of employ ment has shifted primarily toward services with the largest increases occurring in finance, insurance and real estate sectors. As a result of the above metamor phosis, Nebraska is at a pivotal point in its development. Citizens of the state, both urban and rural, must recognize this fact and work together to create an economic en vironment to attract and retain business that will promote growth. Evidence of this cooperation is sur facing in the current legislature. Assuming the proposed tax and eco nomic development bills are passed, the state has taken a giant step in the right direction. Provided the appropriate legisla tion is in place, the Omaha economy should reflect stable to moderate growth in the forthcoming year, and then be positioned for a more expan sive growth thereafter. Without favorable legislation, Omaha is de stined to have a stable, at best, economy or even a declining one with loss of additional m ajor employers. Initiative 300 continues to be an albatross around the neck of the state. Growth in the agricultural product manufacturing has been negatively impacted by this law. Many manufacturers have deferred locating in Nebraska due to the in ability to acquire land sufficient to guarantee adequate product for their production facilities. Until this law is repealed or drastically modi fied, the manufacturing of agricul tural based products will be signifi cantly impeded. In conclusion, given favorable leg islation to encourage economic growth, the outlook for Nebraska in general and Omaha, in particular, is relatively optimistic. The favorable outlook could be further enhanced by elimination or alteration of Ini tiative 300. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 60 Nebraska News A.C. HOLMQUIST President York State Bank & Trust Co. York HE general ag and business con ditions after 1986 in our area seem to be above average for most of the state of Nebraska. 1986 was generally a better year than 1985 for most of our customers. In the ag sec tor, we have seen, hopefully, the bottom of land prices and recent sales, at least in York County, have indicated a firmness in their values. There are areas to the south and southeast of York County which still have not seen any increase in land value, and primarily because of being non-irrigated farmground or grassland. The general commodity price in 1986 was not sufficient, but with the gov ernment programs, we have seen farm borrowers able to have some reductions in their outstanding debt. There is no question that in the ag sector anyone with a heavy debt load is still going to have a struggle in being able to retain their total farm situation for 1987. We have not seen any great complications or in ability for farmers in our area to ob tain their 1987 operating loans. It would be my feeling that the crises has come to an end in our area, and that we are still several years away from good times, whatever that might be described to be. The business climate in York County is good, but we also recog nize that sitting on the intersection of Interstate 80 and Highway 81 gives us an unusual advantage over part of the area that I serve. We have seen good business growth and good profitablity in our retail stores and businesses in York County. Some smaller towns to the south and southeast of us have not shared in this same increase in business in 1986 because they are totally depen dent upon the ag sector and spend ing there still is very slow, and in some cases, non-existant. I would assume that businesses in smaller towns in our part of the state will still struggle to survive in 1987, T Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis even though they possibly have seen a “ bottoming out” of the economy in their area. Probably the biggest thing that will effect us as bankers in our area is the ability to get good solid loans to keep the income level of our banks where it should be to rebuild the capital and recoup some of the losses of the last two to three years. We are finding good loans difficult to find but we have been participating in new ag credits and financing the ones that were on our books for 1986. Generally, I would say that there is some optimism showing up for 1987, but it is guarded at this time. ORRIN A. WILSON Senior Executive Vice President FirsTier Bank Lincoln CONOMISTS report that real output and employment in Neb raska in 1986 was up an esti mated 1% over the p reced in g year. Most of the expansion occur red during the first and second quarters of 1986 with the last half of the year hav ing closely ap proximated the average growth re ported for 1985. Forecasts indicate that if the national economy ex pands throughout 1987, Nebraska will record a gain comparable to that experienced in 1986, and if the na tional economy falls into a recession during the year, Nebraska’s econo my will likely record a decrease in real output of around 1%. Certainly, the prospects for 1987 will depend largely on the performance of the state’s largest single industry, agri culture. From our perspective, the overall financial condition of the agricul tural sector with which we are fami liar stabilized or possibly improved slightly during the past year. This was attributable to factors that in cluded the restructuring of debt at more favorable terms, largely through the Farm Credit System; weather conditions that were condu cive to relatively high per acre crop E yields; reduced feed costs for cattle^ feeders and other livestock produ cers; subsidies that were extended to those who participated in the Fed eral farm programs; and, the em ployment, by an increased number® of farmers, of greatly improved man agement practices directed at con trolling costs. It is indeed gratifying to note th a t^ more Nebraska farmers are entering® 1987 in a stronger financial position than was the case a year ago. A t the same time, the fact that surpluses of agricultural commodities are m ount-^ ing not only in the United States but also in a growing number of other nations throughout the world can not be ignored as we look to the fu ture of agriculture and rural Am eri-^ ca in the years ahead. Contrary tow the past when U.S. agriculture went through cyclical changes based on the worldwide supply and demand for commodities, with surplus pro-^ duction growing throughout much of the world, there is every indica tion that U.S. agriculture is facing the challenge of adapting to struc tural change that is destined t o ^ result in the ultimate elimination of both small and marginal operators and an overall reduction in the amount of land under production. Obviously, the transition over th e# next few years will be a painful ex perience but one that can’t be avoided in view of the capacity of the agricultural communities in our nation and others to produce beyond# worldwide needs. Along with agriculture, rural com munities are also facing the chal lenge of adapting to structural change. The number of businesses® that have closed their doors in Neb raska continued to grow during 1986 thus reducing employment op portunities in many rural commu nities and shrinking the tax base# that local governmental subdivi sions rely on for most of their sup port. Although many of the remain ing businesses in rural communities reported satisfactory returns in # 1986, in many instances there is reason to be concerned about their future as their tax burden to support local governmental subdivisions in creases further. ® Where Omaha, Lincoln and some of the other larger communities in Nebraska are concerned, business conditions in 1986 were somewhat better than during the prior year# with indications growth in 1987 will Nebraska News £ probably parallel that experienced in 1986. ALICE M. D ITTM AN President Cornhusker Bank Lincoln S a representative of Group 8 for the Nebraska Bankers Asso ciation E xecu tive Council, I 1 rep resen t ten banks in the Lin coln area. Lin coln has a popu lation of 185,000 ' in 1985, and con tinues to grow at a p p ro x im a te ly 2 % per year. It is my impression that the growth of the metropolitan areas in agricultural states is in part due to the exodus of people in smaller communities seeking jobs. Lincoln is fortunate in having only a 3 .6 % unemployment rate. It is inter esting to note in our local paper that there are eight columns of job oppor tunities. The usual complaint is that the vast majority of these job opportunities are at the lower end of the pay scale. In a University com munity such as Lincoln, often times individuals find themselves taking jobs for which they are over quali fied. Opportunities to work in Lincoln have provided needed assistance for farm wives or family members in the surrounding farming area. The off farm income provides for basic fami ly needs and enhances their ability to survive this period of high costs and low prices for farm commodi ties. Perhaps some good things are happening in retiring marginal land, and a greater awareness of the need for conservation practices in a sus tainable agricultural environment. Lincoln has 1205 housing starts for 1986, and there is a continued upward trend in new construction over the last five years. 1982, for ex ample, showed only 219 housing starts and this was a very difficult time for contractors. The banks in Lincoln were all profitable in 1986, and seem optimistic about the pros pects for 1987. We are working together to build a strong economy in Lincoln and if anything, the com- plaint from local bankers is that loan demand is not sufficiently high. An nouncements of expansion by Bank ers Life, Harris Laboratory, Good year, Mid America Webpress, Carol Wright, and I SCO, provided encour agement that the Lincoln market will remain strong and that mean ingful work opportunities will be provided. A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JOHN M. GREEN President Wauneta Falls Bank Wauneta HERE does seem to be a stabi lizing process taking place in agriculture, at least in this area, but we feel that is largely due to the farm pro gram. The live stock situation has helped of course but who knows how long that will last. We also don’t know how long the farm program will last, at least as it’s presently constituted, and if that is dropped we feel that the stabilizing that is taking effect now would stop almost immediately. The land values in the area seem to have stabilized also and there is a lot of activity now of local people buying farm ground. This farm ground doesn’t really cash flow on a stand alone basis but in most cases neighbors are buying this ground and the ground does seem to fit very well into their existing operations. I found no one that felt it was easy to be optimistic about much of anything today. The business cli mate in these little towns is doom and gloom by and large. Most store owners who are approaching retire ment age, if they don’t have a rela tive or son or daughter to run their business, have no place to go with it in terms of selling it. I think more and more empty store fronts will be the eventual outcome of our current economy. Of course the bankruptcies are on the increase and that has a very negative effect not only on banks but communities and that will con tinue to happen. I don’t think we’ve 61 really begun to feel the impact of the Chapter 12 situation or, for that matter, bankruptcies in general. Although, as I said earlier, we do see some stablization in agriculture it’s hard to determine what’s going to happen that will turn this whole current economic situation around. Most rural communities will con tinue to suffer and will continue to diminish in size and economic sta ture and there will continue to be fewer and fewer reasons for young people to stay in rural communities. T G.E. GUNDERSON President Commercial State Bank Wausa HE consensus in Northeast Neb raska seems to be that 1986 was a better year than the two or three previous y e a rs . M ost parts of the eco nomy seem to have more or less stabilized. Land appraisals have not dropped significantly in the past year and there seems to be more people inquiring about purchasing real es tate. In our area more land has changed ownership in the last six months than in the past two years and I am not speaking of land ac quired by banks, FmHA, Federal Land Bank, etc. Farm sales in our area seem to be going much better than expected. I don’t believe farmers are spending large sums of money to buy new machinery. They have learned to be more conservative and will look for machinery that fits their needs. With the farm program and better cattle and hog prices, many farmers made a profit and paid some income tax. They have also reduced bank debt considerably as loan volume continues low. The net worth of many customers increased over a year ago despite the fact that in many cases machinery and real estate values were lowered. Business on main street goes as the farm economy goes, and in visit- T Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 62 Nebraska News ing with businessmen, they indicate sales have been good and accounts receivable are no larger and in some cases better than a year ago. All in all, I would say people have a more positive attitude and are somewhat optimistic about the future. People have learned to make changes and are able to live with these changes. I feel we are still in a critical period of time but also feel we are beginning to see a little light at the end of the tunnel. hope and prospects for real improve ment in the local agricultural eco nomy. JOHN R. COCHRAN President & C.E.O. Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A. Omaha UR belief in Omaha and the outstate communities Norwest serves is that the economy has improved in the past year. The Omaha economy L.H. MEHLING has sh ow n Vice Chairman strength despite American National Bank flat employment Sidney statistics, and the economies of ii ^ ^ A U T I O U S Optimism” pro- m ost outstate bably best describes attitude c o m m u n i t i e s in our area of the panhandle of west seem to be rebounding from the problems of recent years. ern Nebraska. Jobs are the priority concern in A combination of exceptionally good wheat and other crop yields, Omaha now. Overall employment is c o m b in e d w ith g o v e r n m e n t at approximately the same level as payments and improved livestock one year ago, but the nature of the prices, allowed most farmers to Omaha work force has changed. Re ductions in staff by three of the show some improvement in 1986. There have been some sales of dry city’s largest employers — Enron, and irrigated farm land since the Northwestern Bell and Union Paci first of the year with dry land selling fic — have been offset by growth in about 10 % over what most observ the insurance, technology and tele ers had expected. An area auctioneer marketing industries. There is con states that good farm machinery is cern about the source of future new selling for approximately 20 % more jobs, although we are optimistic that economic development propo than last year. Most retailers felt 1986 was a lit sals now before the Legislature, if tle better or at least as good as 1985. approved, will foster substantial fu Job openings and opportunities still ture job formation. Retail sales in Omaha continue to seem good, and anticipated con struction on the east interchange of show strength. Full year figures for 1-80 should provide additional em 1986 indicated real growth of rough ly 7% over 1985. Reports from lead ployment for the area. Some success in drilling for oil in ing Omaha retailers indicate similar the deeper pay zones has resulted in sales gains so far this year. Our out considerable leasing activity in the state locations and correspondent area with some bonus payments of banks report that Main Street re $ 20.00 per acre for a five year lease tailers’ volume is picking up after becoming quite common. The bonus weak sales for the past few years. payments received in 1985 and 1986 This encourages us that the worst have resulted in substantial cash problems in Nebraska’s agriculturebeing available for many farmers dependent communities are passing. Our belief is that the agricultural and land owners. The large amount of grain in stor economy has shown significant im age, limited export potential and the provement in the past year. The expectation of reduced government average farmers’ cash flow and pro payments, combined with somewhat fitability have improved in 1986 due higher feed, fertilizer and other to the federal farm program, near operating expenses tend to dampen record crop production, and excel Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O lent livestock receipts. M any# weakened and marginal producers are returning to financial health, although their continued recovery depends on sustained low input costs and a favorable federal farm# program. This recovery is having positive effects on the economies of the out state Nebraska communities we serve. On the whole, Main Street# business activity is up, real estate prices seem to have stabilized, and the downtowns of some communi ties are experiencing revitalization of their retail sector with new own-# ers and tenants. Our outstate bank ers note that while their economies are not as strong by historical stan dards, they are in better shape than at any time in the recent past. # The entire economic picture in Nebraska has improved over the past year. Further gains are ex pected in 1987, the magnitude of which will be determined by the Leg ™ islature’s decisions on pending eco nomic development bills. We are confident that 1987 will be a good year for Nebraska as the agricul-^ tural economy regains strength and^ metropolitan Omaha continues to exhibit moderate growth. GLENN M. ADAIR President Springfield State Bank Springfield ID-March-1987—Omaha Mar kets—Steers-$ 66 .00 —Heifers$63.00 —Butcher H o g s -$ 5 0 .0 0 — Soybeans— $4.75. Sounds good! Is g o o d , f or those good man agers in farming who have an on going livestock enterprise. Espe cia lly feed in g $1.50 corn. For cash grain farmers, the ASCS programs are the only game in town. Between commodity loans and deficiency payments, agi banking is entering the 1987 crop year with more deposits in County Banks and lower loan/ deposit ratios than have been seen in many years. Farmers’ cost of operation in 1986 1 were dramatically reduced by the M ..ì»;« . I t a Product H ia t M ost Correspondent Banks O ffer Is O bvious. TBe Level O f Com mitm ent I s A Little H arder To P icture. Yet it’s your most important consideration in establishing a correspondent banking relationship. Recognizing this simple fact, NBC has made a commitment to the correspondent banking business that can’t be topped. That means offering the individual services and professional capabilities you expect. It also means providing the kind of innovative thinking and willingness to dig in and find solutions that you have a right to demand. Now, more than ever, correspondent banking holds a high priority at National Bank of Commerce. And so do you. NSC National Bank o f Commerce a ìèFirst C ommerce Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bank. NBC Center / 13th & O / Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone (402) 472-4115 / MEMBER FDIC 64 Nebraska News drop in petroleum prices. Have had several farmers comment this win ter that fertilizer prices have come down considerably. Herbicides and pesticides prices should be consi derably less; possibly 40%; for 1987, as most are a petroleum base or deri vative. Just read that “ a gallon of Roundup is $25.00 less than in 1984,” (March 1987 Successful Farming). I wonder how much lower these chemicals could be priced if the manufacturers cut out 50% of their four color ads and 80% of their T.V. and radio time? The economists and farm land realtors are saying that farm land prices have hit bottom, and may be starting to rise soon. It would ap pear they may be one or two years early, given the market price of cash grains and fixed cost of ownership of farmland. There is no way land will cash flow at today’s market price and tax load, without being in gov ernment programs. When consider ing the future of these government program s, and the effects of “ Gramm-Rudman” and the general attitude of the National Congress on further “ farm subsidies,” it may be two to three years before the low point in farm land prices is reached. Soil moisture is the best in many years, going into planting season. However, it’s been a strange winter after an exceptionally wet fall in 1986. Quote from auction service on re cent farm equipment sales: “ Good equipment is selling at 20% above prices last fall!” Farmers Home Administration office serving our area is demanding specific consideration of “ Guaran teed Farm Operators Loan” and spe cific reasons for declining an appli cant. New tougher rules and regula tions evidently. Appears that FmHA and ASCS programs are still propping up some operators that banks moved out of in past years. Evidently FmHA office supervisors have a hard time telling an operator that he needs to have a sale, as many bankers have had to advise the past several years. Business enterprises in smaller towns, dependent upon the ag eco nomy, are certainly nothing to shout about. With the 10 year sign-up to take some land out of production, additional stress may be evident, as there will be less services and pro ducts needed to sustain those opera tions. This fact, coupled with the Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis surviving ag operators being more efficient and average unit size in creasing means less and less num bers of customers for goods and ser vices. The long range effect of all this will be disappearance of some small communities, along with churches, schools and a compounding of the tax revenue problem for counties. The flip side of this, is that those of us in, or close to, a metro area are seeing many small business expan sions on a stable business base. Gen eral em ploym ent opportunities available are mostly on a part-time basis with no fringe benefits, as most businesses are looking closely at “ cost o f” employees; or in trades that historically offer little or no fringe benefits. To sum up, 1987 will be another year to be cautious and careful. A great deal of the ag economy will be affected by what is done, or not done, in Washington; and the wea ther. Both of these elements are im possible to predict. □ Elected in Hastings Norman Nackerud has been elected president and chief executive officer of City National Bank and Trust Company of Hastings. G ary# L. Kruse was elected executive vice president and senior loan officer. The two men take the positions for merly held by Douglas Oakeson and Max Callen, respectively, who r e # cently resigned to join the invest ment banking firm of Smith Hayes. Mr. Nackerud served as president of Norwest Bank Hastings for 12 years. Mr. Kruse joins the bank# from First National Bank of Kear ney, where he was senior vice presi dent and senior loan officer. Appointed in Kearney Ronald H. Bielenberg has been appointed city executive in Charge of th e Kearney branch of Firs Tier Bank Omaha. He joined FirsTier in February, having previous ly served as ex Fremont Bank Purchased vice First State Bank of Fremont has e c u t i v e pres ident and been purchased from FirsTier Bank of Omaha by a group 11 investors chief administra R.H. BIELENBERG from Fremont. They include bank tive officer at president James H. Moore, Jr., Ron Platte Valley State Bank and Trust ald D. Kranz, Dean Erickson, Dale Company of Kearney. E. Olson, Ronald K. Rohrs, Neil W. Schilke and M. Charles Strasberg. Named in Trenton At State Bank of Trenton, Tren ton, Julie Cox has been named cashier. She formerly served the bank as assistant cashier. Joins NBA Staff Ron Arrigo has joined the staff of the Nebraska Bankers Association as conference director. He succeeds Marilyn Denison. Mr. Arrigo will be a member of the NBA education de partment and will arrange confer ences and meetings as well as ad minister the N B A ’s videotape li brary. Mr. Arrigo comes from Union Bank of Lincoln, where he had been customer service representative for the past two years. He also has served as a teller/bookkeeper at West Gate Bank, Lincoln, and as banquet director for the Lincoln Elks Club 1980-85. Elected in Platte Valley Dwight B. Stewart has been elected executive vice president of Platte Valley State Bank & Trust# Company. He previously served as president and CEO of Hawkeye Bank & Trust Co. in Grundy Center, la. Prior to that he was vice presi dent at Houghton State Bank in # Red Oak, la. NBA Ads Run Statewide In March, the Nebraska Bankers Association began running ads in all the state’s daily newspapers point ing out some of the differences be tween mutual funds and bank CDs. The April ad by the NBA dealt with the FDIC and emphasized no tax payer money funds the corporatior^ and banks must maintain high stan dards to merit FDIC coverage. N e b raska N ew s 65 NBA president sees positive factors for banks and customers A B a n k e r interview with C.G. “ K ELLY” HOLTHUS President, Nebraska Bankers Association President, First National Bank York, Nebr. N orthw estern “AMONG th e p o s itiv e s ig n s is th e re c e n t re p o rt on 1986 a nd i t ’s in te re s tin g to see h o w N e b ra ska b a n k s have p ro g re s s e d .” i i I SEE a dramatic change in the attitude of our I Nebraska bankers from two years ago. While most bankers will tell you they still have problems, • th e y feel they are working out, and we’re confident they will be back in stride in a couple of years.” That is the personal assessment of the state of banking in Neb raska by C.G. “ Kelly” Holthus, president of the Neb_ raska Bankers Association during the past year. Mr. •H olthus, who is also president of the First National Bank in York, will preside at the N BA annual conven tion in Lincoln in mid-May. Expanding further on the condition of Nebraska ^ banks, Mr. Holthus stated, “ Am ong the positive signs is the recent report on 1986 and it’s interesting to see how Nebraska banks have progressed. For example, loan losses and non-performing loans are down from 1985 levels. Also, the Return on Assets is now re-build^ in g . The Capital to Asset ratio of our Nebraska banks has always been among the tops in the nation and con tinues to be.” Stabilizing Factors All of these factors, Mr. Holthus believes, parallel • the gradual stabilization of various factors that reflect the total agricultural picture in the midwest and, spe cifically, in the Cornhusker state. “ I personally think the seriousness of our ag problems is now past,” he states. “ We need to continue solid production and • good farming programs. It appears from all reports that land sales have been on the upswing the past few months; farm machinery, especially used, seems to be moving better, and published livestock prices for cat tle and hogs are just the tonic needed to encourage so • many good folks who have taken a beating for several years.” He expanded on these positive factors by saying that “ the news on increased land sales is important to the overall picture, the way it affects the attitude of • bankers and that is highly important to regulators because they need a measuring stick and this certainly Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis gives them a positive factor.” Mr. Holthus was refer ring to the increasing number of land sales to local farm owners from Other Real Estate within banks’ own portfolios. Many of these sales have even been for cash. “ I know several personally that have sold O.R.E. to good viable customers. They are paying cash and with mimimum loans. A lso,” Mr. Holthus offered, “ farm machinery sales, sold at auction this past winter and early spring are all better than a year ago. Farm Payments’ Effect “ Farm payments have directly affected the profit ability of banks. Total deposits have increased in our banks, thanks to such payments, but one effect has been to cut loan demand. However, we know that in the long run this means less debt for farmers—-as a result of debt repayment taking place with these farm payments, as well as by reduced borrowing this year for traditional spring operating money. It will remain this way so long as the current farm program is in place. This is another positive factor because it gets our customer base in better shape for next year and future years.” Mr. Holthus reflected on the difficult and sometimes tragic events of the past several years in his own state of Nebraska where hundreds of farmers bid farewell to a life of farming—some by earlier than desired retire ment, some by their own reluctant decision to sell out at whatever price could be obtained and move on, and still others who lost all they had through foreclosure because debt repayment could not be sustained with falling land prices and farm product prices alike. Further, he recalled, “ we lost six banks in 1984, 13 banks in 1985, and six banks in 1986, for a total of 25 banks because their heavy involvement in financing agriculture, in most cases, eventually eroded all their capital base. So far in 1987, we have not had a bank failure in Nebraska and we hope there won’t be any more.” Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 66 N e b raska N ew s ers will contact their Senators and Representatives t o # tell them how a secondary market would aid their en tire community. “ Banks may not earn so much from this in direct income,” he noted, “ as from our ability to retain that customer and serve all his needs.” “THROUGH th is (s e c o n d a ry m arke t), o u r c o m m u n ity b a n ks co u ld o rig in a te ag real e s ta te lo a n s, se ll th e m to p o o le rs, keep th e s e r v ic in g fo r a fee if so d e s ire d , a nd th u s p ro vid e o u r fa rm c u s to m e rs w ith lo n g -te rm , fix e d -ra te lo a n s at a c o m p e titiv e ra te .” Secondary Market Needed Because of the need to properly position all banks to be ready to serve the full needs of their farm customers and other customers alike from now on, Mr. Holthus is emphatic about the need for a secondary ag real estate market and for expanded powers for commercial banks. “ This is the reason,” he stresses, “ why addi tional products and services are needed to allow us to offer them and serve our customers totally and long term. Even though they may not be short-term borrow ers, we are looking for long-term relationships. “ One of these services we need—that our ag custo mers need —is a secondary ag real estate loan market. I ’ve been very active working on this through NBA with the American Bankers Association, the Indepen dent Bankers Association of America, and life insur ance companies. Through this mechanism, our com munity banks could originate ag real estate loans, sell them to poolers (regional and/or money center banks), keep the servicing for a fee if desired, and thus provide our farm customers with long-term, fixed-rate loans at a competitive rate. W e’ve had this availability for years in the housing market. The ag secondary market is n ot for bad loans and there would be strict under writing procedures, but it would definitely help our borrowers. “ Such a secondary market would provide equal ac cess to all lenders, something we’ve never had before. The current high liquidity of our banks is not really an important factor because: First, many banks would not make such a fixed-rate loan regardless of liquidity, and Second, we need to look down the road a few years when we may not have liquidity, but have loan de mand. The secondary market is especially needed to fund the turnover of land from retirees and death to new owners, especially young ones, in a constant mar ket.” Mr. Holthus said the importance of this secondary market should have a high priority and he hopes bank Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State Legislation State legislation obviously occupies a great deal of any state association’s time and in Nebraska it is no different. “ This year,” Mr. Holthus said, “ we feel we’ve had some success—The passage of Clear Title o r ' Central Filing, last November, for example, which was a clear success for the grass roots. It passed with 48 votes, no votes against, and one abstention. “ I should state here that our entire membership owes a great deal to Stan Matzke (NBA executive v ice 1 president) and Bill Brandt (NBA general counsel). Stan’s leadership and Bill’s well-known ability and credibility in the legislation have been vital to the suc cessful involvement of our members in important mat ters of legislation.” 1 It appeared at the time of this interview that the controversial issues of interstate banking, branch banking and mandatory mediation might be sidelined from this year’s final legislation agenda, but will un doubtedly be on next year’s agenda again. “ The legis lative session is not over yet, however,” Mr. Holthus noted. Economic Development Banking, agriculture and the state’s economy, re- £ gardless of the hopeful resurgence in agriculture, will also need a strong boost from economic development, believes Mr. Holthus. “ A year ago,” he recalls, “ I sug gested to the NBA executive council that we appoint an Economic Development Committee Task Force, £ which I chaired. We have been working with the De partment of Economic Development here in Nebraska. In June, we will put on a road show jointly sponsored by the N BA and the State of Nebraska that will hope fully reach all banks to explain the various financial # assistance packages available for communities and in dividual businesses. These include block grants and state funds for risk capital, with local banks picking up part of this as a guaranteed loan or a direct loan. In some cases, the state will guarantee a loan—some are # low rate and so forth. “ Our job is to educate the bankers so they, in turn, can work with their local customers and communities. Some funds are available to non-profit organizations, as well as communities.” # Local Community Supporter Building local Nebraska communities for future generations has a high priority with Kelly Holthus, as it has with many community bankers who are natives # of rural Nebraska, as he is. Born in Bertrand in 1933, he started working for the local Bank of Bertrand in 1953, then moved later to the American National Bank of Kimball, and has been with the First National Bank of York since 1965. ® Kelly attended the University of Nebraska, and was graduated from the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Kelly became president of the First National in 1977. He is in partnership with Bob Jones in the ^ ownership of the holding company that owns First Na- N e b ra s k a N ew s 67 HI tional and the First Trust Co. Mr. Jones is chairman <1! • • • and president of First Trust and chairman of First Na tional Bank. Kelly is president and CEO of the bank and vice president of First Trust. In 1985, they combined their banks in Bradshaw, McCool Junction and Waco into First National Bank of York, retaining offices in each of the other locations. The bank now has $120 million in assets. Kelly and Virginia Holthus have two daughters and two sons. Kristie Holoch, 33, is a housewife and office manager for a CPA firm in York. Beth Godbout, 31, is a housewife in Scottsdale, Ariz. Kendell Holthus, 30, is a farmer in Loup City. Tom Holthus, 28, is an attorney is Los Angeles. Mr. Holthus finishes his year as N BA president just as all his predecessors—tremendously impressed with the entire NBA staff. “ Our NBA has to be among the finest state associations in the nation,” he proclaimed, “ and a great share of the credit belongs to Stan Matzke, Bill Brandt, and all the other fine staff people. I ’m really impressed with them.” Emphasis on Education “ As I said earlier, I think the worst of our ag crisis is behind us. We still have plenty of work to do. But I £ also think our bankers are better managers. Many of us have had to learn to be better loan officers; we’ve had to learn how to sit down with our customers and work out a realistic cash flow, and learn with them that this is better than relying on collateral. W e’ve learned how to reduce costs by operating with fewer personnel and trimming costs in appropriate places. “A g re a t sh a re o f th e c re d it (fo r N B A ’s s ta n d in g a nd s u cce ss) b e lo n g s to Stan Matzke (p ic tu re d above), Bill Brandt and o u r en tire s t a f f . ” “ This whole process has resulted from getting bet ter educated. All of our NBA educational seminars geared to these concepts have been better attended and well received. That’s why our state convention theme this month stresses Training, Education and Motivation. “ As I leave office soon I see a real need to continue our focus on education. I hope we ll continue giving NBA members the programs they can’t do on their own.” □ # Financial Services Technology Stars at ABA’s Operations, Automation Conference HE largest exposition of bank ing-related equipment and ser:{§ vices ever gathered in the United States is the star attraction at the American Bankers Association’s 1987 financial services technology extravaganza, the National Opera te tions and Automation Conference (NOAC). FDIC Chairman L. William Seidman is the keynote speaker for the conference, to be held May 31 # through June 3 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. M onday’s luncheon speaker will be Alexander Haig, former U.S. sec retary of state and former White # House chief of staff. Gen. Haig re cently announced that he is a candi date for the 1988 Republican presi dential nomination. The anticipated 3,500 partici• pants will have an opportunity to examine the wares of more than 225 equipm ent ven dors o ccu p y in g almost 700 booths. Products include computer hardware and software, # check processors, automated teller machines, point-of-sale systems, T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis telecom m unications equipm ent, data processing equipment and much more. The NOAC program is designed to allow participants ample time to visit with exhibitors and compare products. In addition to Mr. Seidman and Gen. Haig, featured speakers in clude A B A Executive Vice Presi dent Donald G. Ogilvie, A B A Operations and Automation Divi sion Chairman Donald R. Monks, who is executive vice president of Ir ving Trust Company in New York, and Jim Valvano, head basketball coach at North Carolina State Uni versity. Twenty-five concurrent sessions make up the core of the program. These sessions are organized into five specialty areas: retail opera tions, operations management, wholesale operations, data process ing, and special sessions for mid-tier banks — those that have particular operations needs because of their status in the mid-range of institu tions in their market areas. Also, industry innovations will be featured in leading-edge banking technology updates. Topics include telecommunications, image process ing, storage subsystems, artificial intelligence, remote item processing, and consolidating multiple operat ing systems on a single processor. A special feature on the exhibit floor is a complete collection of A B A ’s own banking software. Operations officers can examine computer-based training programs like the Judgment Exerciser for Tellers and the Judgment Exerciser for Platform Basics, and Funds Transfer Training courses including The Basics of Funds Transfer and Fedwire Fundamentals and Mes sage Formatting. Among the nu merous other software to be fea tured are: PMS — the Productivity Measurement System and A B A ’s Laser Pro, which produces free-form loan documents tailored to each transaction. Registration information is avail able from A B A ’s Banker Education Network, (202) 663-5430. The NOAC host hotels are the Donatello, the Four Season Clift Hotel, the Hyatt on Union Square, the Ramada Renaissance, and the Westin St. Francis. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 68 tv: I :<í*t [ i i i i i i i i n i i 'n a n v B R L ’■m ^ j» í /5 ?y • ^ ■'Z '& rjX tw c'V . Bankers Trust is Iowa's International Bank. If y o u th ou ght y o u had to g o to C hicago or N e w York to d o y ou r overseas banking, think again. International services aren't foreign to Bankers Trust. O u r International Banking D ivision has over tw o d eca d es o f experience and an exten sive w o rld w id e corresp on d en t and telecom m unications n etw ork. So w e can handle you r international banking n eed s from right here in D es M oin es. O u r International Banking professionals are trained to help Iow a com p a n ies and banks d o business in global markets. Bankers Trust is y o u r full-service international bank. We can h andle all o f y ou r international banking n eed s, in cluding letters o f credit, foreign fu n d transfers, collec tions, foreign exch ange and foreign drafts. O u r telecom m u n ications system m akes Bankers Trust the on ly D es M oin es bank directly linked to m o n e y center banks o n every continent. In ad d i tion, Bankers Trust is the banking affiliate o f the Iow a E xport-Im port Trading C om pany. Call Patricia R ourke any tim e for advice and service, 245-5284. O u r staff is ready to im p rove y o u r international business h orizon s. BankersTrust International Banking Division 665 Locust •Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (515) 245-5284 Member FDIC, Federal Reserve System Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69 Elected in Mt. Auburn R.S. Howard, chmn., Oskaloosa Milner, exec, v.p., Des Moines MNB Names Six Larry H. Christy, who has been ^ with the Merchants National Bank in Cedar Rapids since 1965, has been named executive vice president and chief financial officer. He has been a senior vice president and chief finan^ cial officer since 1985. assistant vice president to vice president/human resources, who has been with the bank since 1969. Merchants National has also pro moted two to assistant vice presi dent. Robert J. Henry previously was senior analyst systems officer, and Lynn M. Whiteman has been a commercial loan officer in the corres pondent banking department for the last four years. Elected Pres, in Gilman Terry R. Collins has been elected president of Citizens Savings Bank, which has offices in Gilman and L eG rand. M r. L.H. CHRISTY L.B. FARKAS Collins has been Merchants National has named with the bank three new vice presidents. They are: for ten years. He 0 Linda Farkas, promoted from assis replaces Donald tant vice president to vice president/ Arendt, who has JHk * r ,yf corporate banking, who has been opened a cons u it in g firm , g t t MV. with the bank four years; Randall L. Kuehl, promoted from assistant vice Arendt Manage• T.R. COLLINS # president to vice president/retail-in- ment Inc., in direct, who joined MNB in 1971, and Montezuma. Mr. Arendt will remain Carole M. O ’Deen, promoted from active as chairman of the bank’s board. Mr. Collins began his banking career at Bethany Trust Co., Bethany, Mo., in 1965. From 1973 to 1977 he was senior vice president at Decatur County State Bank, Leon. Since 1977 he has served as execu tive vice president of Citizens Sav ings Bank. R.L. KUEHL C.M. O’DEEN Elected in Fort Dodge Douglas Larson, C.P.A., has been elected vice president, responsible for the trust division, for First American State Bank, Fort Dodge. He has been employed with the bank since 1984, serving as trust of ficer. Parkersburg Bank Merges with Peoples Thomas P. McDermott, president and chief executive officer for Peo ples Bank and Trust Company, Waterloo, has announced that the Parkersburg State Bank, an affiliate of Peoples Bankshares, Ltd., was merged into Peoples Bank and Trust Company on March 31. The merger was previously approved by the FDIC and the Iowa Department of Banking. Promoted in Knoxville The Community National Bank and Trust Company of Knoxville has promoted Gloria Beard from assistant cashier to cashier/administrative officer. She succeeds David Smith who has resigned to work for Edward D. Jones and Company. In addition, Randy Purdy has been pro moted to vice president. He former ly was vice president of the Brenton State Bank of Jefferson. 1987 Iowa Group Meetings Group 8 4 7 6 5 2 12 3 RJ. HENRY David A. Coulter has been elected executive vice president of the Mt. Auburn Savings Bank in Mt. Auburn. He joins the bank from Van Horne where he served in a similar capacity at the Van Horne Savings Bank. Bank President Robert W. Had ley has announced he will be retiring from active participation soon, but will remain president and chairman of the bank’s board. Date May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 Location Clinton Cedar Rapids Ames Des Moines Council Bluffs Fort Dodge Okoboji Clear Lake LM. WHITEMAN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 70 Io w a N ew s THE IBA DELEGATION p o se d on th e s te p s o f th e F ed e ra l R eserve B u ild in g b e fo re e n te rin g to have a p e rs o n a l b rie fin g fro m G o ve rn o r W a yn e A n g e li. 65 Iowa Bankers Visit Washington By BEN HALLER, JR. Publisher HIS Y E A R ’S visit to Washing ton, D.C., by a delegation of 65 Iowa bankers and spouses came at a time when intense discussion was underway in the nation’s capital on bills that will directly affect the future of commercial banking. The Senate had just passed over to the House its S. 790 that blocks further chartering of non-bank banks but grandfathers more than 150 already in operation, and also places a mora torium of one-year on any banking powers expansion. The House was considering legislation that would only address a restructuring of FSLIC financial support at a limit of $5 billion, instead of $15 billion earlier requested, and was in no mood to consider banking powers or other legislation favorable to banks. T The Iowa group spent the entire first morning of their two and onehalf days at a thorough briefing given at American Bankers Associa tion headquarters. Executive Vice President Donald G. Ogilvie and a half dozen staff members went into every aspect of pending legislation, as well as A B A programs that are of direct interest to Iowa banks. This was one of the most valuable stops of the trip, in the opinion of many participants. Before leaving the A B A offices, the Iowa guests stayed for a buffet lunch and then heard from Dr. Beryl Sprinkel, chairman of the Presi dent’s Council of Economic Advi sors. He said the economy is moving right on target based on last year’s projections for a 2.2% to 3% growth for 1987. “ W e’ve made progress in pulling down the trade deficit from $221 billion to the present $173 bil lion,’’ he stated, but pressure needs^ to be applied continuously to bring it down and the Gramm-RudmanHillings A ct is the best way. He strongly opposes a tax increase as a deficit-cutting device, saying th a t# would only increase the size of gov ernment and “ hurt our children and grandchildren. The deficit needs to be brought down also so that when ever we face the next recession w e # don’t have a deficit that is too high.’ ’ That first afternoop included a visit to the Federal Reserve System headquarters where G o v e rn o r # Wayne Angell pointed out that “ we’re four years behind in interna tional debt problems with the tim ing of our ag loan problems.’ ’ He pointed out that just as ag banks# made capital loans to customers, then made further loans to pay inter est, the nation’s major banks did the same thing on an escalated scale with many foreign nations and n ow # are faced with repayment problems just as agriculture was the past four years. Later that afternoon, back at A B A headquarters, former Sen.# Paul Laxalt, considered to be Presi dent Reagan’s closest confidante, gave a number of personal insights into his relationship with the Presi dent, giving strong support to all# the President has done. He also an nounced his own bid for the Republi can nomination for President next year. At the breakfast in FDIC head-® quarters the second morning, Iowa bankers were told the FDIC fund stands at $17.2 billion; 55 banks have failed to date in 1987, three of _ them in Iowa; the FD IC’s problem® VISIT WASHINGTON. . . (Turn to page 76, please) LEFT— V is itin g d u rin g A B A b rie fin g w ere, fro m le ft: Neil Milner, IB A exec, v.p.; Russ Howard, IB A pres.; Don Ogilvie, A B A exec, v.p., and Ed Yingling, d ir. o f A B A g o vt. rel. div. R IG H T — F o rm e r Sen. Paul Laxalt a d d re sse d th e Io w a g ro u p and w a s w e lc o m e d by Clair Lensing # (center), IB A p re s -e le c t, and Pres. Howard. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Io w a N ew s 71 PICTURED a t th e C o n g re s s io n a l d e le g a tio n p a rty , le ft to rig h t: Joan and Bill Logan, p res., S ta te C e n tra l B ank, K e o ku k; Sen. Charles Grass' ley; Donna a nd Bill Wilson, pres., O e lw e in S ta te ; Debbie and Denny Wood, pres., B a n ke rs T ru s t, Des M o in e s; Sen. Tom Harkin; Tom Whit son, p res., C o u n c il B lu ffs S a vin g s, a nd Kathy. ALSO a t C o n g re s s io n a l d in n e r, fro m le ft: Heather Johnson; Rep. Fred Grandy, S io u x C ity ; H e a th e r’s fa th e r, Wayne P. Johnson, pres., S ta te Bank, Everly; Donna a nd Keith Roeper, exec, v.p., S e c u rity N a tl., S io u x C ity ; AI Maser, ch m n ., 1st N a tl., Le M a rs, and Delores; Rep. Grandy; Clare and Don Snyder, p res., M a n u fa c tu re rs B&T, F o re s t C ity , and C.J. Gerzema, p res., F a rm e rs T&S, B u ffa lo C e n te r. ALSO at C o n g re s s io n a l d in n e r, fro m le ft: Mary Lensing; F e d e ra l Reserve G o ve rn o r Martha Seger; Clair Lensing, pres., F a rm e rs S ta te , M a rio n ; Rep. Tom Tauke; Bill Talen, p res., F a rm e rs S a vin g s, T raer, and Caroline; F ed e ra l R eserve G o ve rn o r Wayne Angell, and Howard Logan, pres., T&S, M o v ille . LEFT M o n d a y lu n c h e o n sp e a k e r Dr. Beryl Sprinkel (center), ch m n ., C o u n c il o f E c o n o m ic A d v is o rs , w a s w e lc o m e d by Mr. Milner and Mr. Howard. R IG H T — P ic tu re d at th e C o m p tro lle r o f th e C u rre n c y b rie fin g w ere, fro m le ft: Dana Cook, spec. a sst, to th e C o fC ; Bill Stolte, c h ie f n a tl. bk. exa m .; Mr. Milner; Dick Fitzgerald, c h ie f c o u n s e l, and Mr. Howard. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 72 Iow a N ew s LEFT— P a rtic ip a tin g in th e D a ve n p o rt B& T C o rre s p o n d e n t S e m in a r, w e re fro m le ft: C o n g re s s m a n Jim Leach, 1st d is t., la.; James F ig g e# o ffc . o f pres., D a v e n p o rt B&T, and Michael Bauer, 1st v.p., D a ve n p o rt B&T. R IG H T — A ls o p re se n t w ere, fro m le ft: Dean Decker, pres., C e n tra l T ru s t & Sav., G e n ese o , III.; Dave Howell, co rr. bkg. o ff., D a ve n p o rt B&T, and Dr. Thomas Frey, p ro f., ag. fin ., Univ. o f III., U rbana. A t Correspondent Seminar Real Estate Program Announced By ROBERT CRONIN Associate Publisher AVENPORT Bank & Trust re cently held its 1987 Correspon dent Banking Seminar at the Black Hawk Hotel in Davenport. Over 150 bankers from Iowa and Illinois at tended the one day seminar, at which the bank announced a new real estate program. The Correspondent Real Estate Program, announced by Russell Scott, first vice president, is de signed to allow bankers “ an ideal way to offer customers long-term, conventional mortgages without re stricting the bank’s portfolio.’ ’ To participate in the program, bankers must have a depository relationship with Davenport Bank & Trust, com plete an application, and attend a training seminar. Cost is on a fee basis. Providing an insightful presenta tion as kick-off speaker was Con gressman Jim Leach, 1st district of Iowa, who shared his views on taxes, spending and foreign policy. “ These three items,’’ he said, “ de scribe the function of Washington.’ ’ Congressman Leach applauded the tax reform bill of 1986 but called the $170 billion federal deficit “ the grea test peace-tim e sca n d a l.” Touching on foreign trade policy, he said, “ Trade problems are jeopardiz ing the Midwest. We have to re spond to unfair trade practices.’ ’ Regarding the banking outlook, Congressman Leach addressed two problems he sees facing the indus D Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis try. One is the proposed infusion of funds into the FSLIC at the expense of all financial institutions. “ The larger S&Ls are experiencing record growth and profits, but the smaller S&Ls are having major problems,” he said. The second issue the con gressman addressed was that of the Farm Credit System. He explained that the stronger borrowers have gotten out of the FCS, thus leaving behind the weak loans. Congress man Leach also pointed out that the FCS can’t continue to lend money at a rate lower than the one at which it borrows. Congressman Leach ended his presentation with some notes of op timism. He sees a definite turn around in the Iowa economy. “ Rural areas are flush with capital and banks that looked like they had ter minal problems are now experienc ing growth—the system is stronger than many realize,” he concluded. Providing the conclusion to the morning presentations was Dr. Thomas Frey, prof, of agricultural finance, University of Illinois, Ur bana. Dr. Frey, who dealt with the many challenges facing agricultural financing, said “ Agriculture was once a way of life and now has become a full-fledged business.” Some thoughts that Dr. Frey shared on the agricultural outlook were: Farm Debt—will the farmer ever be able to repay the national $188 billion debt? Loan Portfolios— there is a need for adequate farm fi nancial data. Real Estate—farm land values continue to decline in some areas. What is the profitability outlook for the ag sector? Legal re-® strictions—what can a banker do to cope with mediation and loan write downs? Dr. Frey called these times “ the best ever for the positioning of banks for the future.” He did ca u -# tion that for this to happen, banks must maintain a year-end accrual balance sheet, an accrual income statement, implement the use of a pro-forma income statement, h a v e # cash flow projections and give in creased attention to loan documen tation. The afternoon program consisted of the 1986 Tax Reform Bill b y # Douglas M. Hultquist, senior man ager, Peat Marwick, Main & Co. Also, four concurrent workshops were held. They provided informa tion on the new correspondent re a l# estate program, retirement plan ser vices, credit card fraud and a data processing update. □ Promoted in Charles City At Citizens National Bank, Char les City, Darei Posegate has been p r o m o te d to chief financial officer. His du ties will include buying and sell ing securities, developing pro fit plans and b u d g e ts , c o r porate planning, deposit pricing, product and ser vice development, asset liability management, human resource man agement and purchasing. He will continue as cashier and assistant _ trust officer. Mr. Posegate join ed9 the bank in 1983. THE m y WE PUT IT TOGETHER 15 WHAT 5E T5 U5 APART Tama State Bank • Tama, Iowa o 4015 Alexandra Drive • Box 2097 Waterloo, Iowa 50 7 04 Phone 319-234-6641 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 74 Io w a N ew s the summer during the tourist season. • The IB A Centennial Task Force devised three ways for Iowa bankers to fund the $80,000 needed—$50,000 for construction and $40,000 for operation and mainte nance endowment. By early April the construction phase had reached $37,800, assuring enough to pro- • ceed with groundbreaking and construction. Those three funding methods are: sale of stock, sale of hono rary board of directors seats, and sale of coins to and through banks. About 12 individuals, banks or families have sub- ® scribed $1,000.00 each for a Board of Directors contri bution, generally honoring a long-time banker or a banking family. Those who purchase “ gold” stock cer tificates contribute $500, “ silver” $300 and “ bronze” $ Construction Starts on IBA’s Living History Farms Bank ISITORS to the nostalgic 1875 town of Walnut Hill located at Living History Farms in Des Moines will soon be able to visit and inspect Walnut Hill State Bank, the newest edition to that growing, nostalgic community. Walnut Hill State Bank was cre ated by the Iowa Bankers Association during its cur rent Centennial Year as a testimonial to all those who helped build the solid banking business now enjoyed in Iowa. It will be a means of preserving the heritage of the 1875 period, displaying actual artifacts and other furnishings of that period which are being contributed by Iowa bankers and their families. Groundbreaking ceremonies for Walnut Hill State Bank were conducted at Walnut Hill on April 28. The authentically reproduced structure should be com pleted by late summer, in time for it to be dedicated during the 101st Iowa Bankers Association conven tion at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 20. All Iowa bankers and their families will be admitted free to Liv ing History Farms on that date to enjoy the dedica tion, other IB A functions, and to visit the farm itself. Living History Farms is located adjacent to Inter states 35-80 at the intersection with Hickman Road in northwest Des Moines. It covers 600 acres and was es tablished through a private foundation in 1972 as a non-profit organization by Dr. William Murray, who retired some years ago as head of the department of agricultural economics at Iowa State University. He is still honored there as Professor Emeritus of Agricul tural Economics. Living History Farms covers five time periods: the year 1700 when the land was occu pied by the native Iowa Indians; 1850, the Pioneer farm where all work continues to be done by hand; 1875, which is Walnut Hill, a complete agricultural town; 1900, with farm work still performed with horse power and some vintage steam powered equipment, and a modern farm section. It reaches a peak employ ment of 80 full-time employees and 400 volunteers in V Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100. In addition, commemorative coins have been minted that show the IB A Centennial logo on one side and a sketch of the 1875 Iowa Bank at Living History Farms on the obverse. The 24k Gold-Plate Bronze coin sells for $11.95, the pure silver coin is $25.95, and the 24k pure gold coin is listed at $625, although the pure gold coin will fluctuate in price with the world gold market. The current price may be obtained by dialing toll-free 1-800-532-1423. Banks have these coins available for their customers statewide. Each coin is one troy ounce. IBA officials expect construction to proceed quickly on the old-time, one-story small building. A firm exper ienced in reproduction of antique buildings is assisting in its construction. Right now, says Russell S. Howard, president of the IBA, the association needs help urgently from active bankers, retired bankers, or banking families who are willing to donate artifacts that come from the 1875 era—teller cages, safe, desks, stools or chairs, lighting fixtures (oil or candle), ledger books and other bank records of the era, or any other furnishings or art decorations pertinent to the 1875 period. Any reader wishing to discuss such a donation may contact Richard Holthaus at the Iowa Bankers Association, 430 Liberty Building, Des Moines, la. 50308 (515-286-4318). Iowa Superintendent of Banking William R. Bernau plans to issue an official charter for the Walnut Hill State Bank, but needs help from any banker who can furnish a photocopy of a bank charter of that y e a r 1875. At the groundbreaking last month, IB A PresidentElect Clair J. Lensing, president of Farmers State Bank in Marion, stated, “ This project speaks of the im portance of Iowa’s banks to the state’s progress. It speaks to the long history and certain future of bank ing in the state. It showcases the partnership that Iowa’s farmers and bankers have had over the years. No wonder we say, ‘You can bank on Iowa Banks!’ ” Mr. Howard, who is also chairman, Mahaska Investment Co., Oskaloosa, and IB A Executive Vice Presi dent Neil Milner, were absent from the groundbreak ing due to the need for their participation for the IBA in the A B A Spring Leadership Conference. In a brief message he asked Mr. Lensing to read in his behalf, Mr. Howard said, “ I believe this bank at Living History Farms will preserve our proud heritage and recognize the people and leaders of the banking industry who have contributed so much to the growth of our state. With pride, I welcome the construction of this living memorial to Iowa’s banks and bankers.” □ # • • • __ _ Left to right: Jim Perkins, Assistant V ice President; Dave How ell, Correspondent Banking Officer; Barry Richards, Vice President; M ike Bauer, First V ice President; John Oliger, Correspondent Banking Representative * Our correspondent team will help you meet your # most important objectives. Our state-of-the-art technology and experi enced team of banking professionals give you the expertise you need to excel in every aspect of your operations and investments. And we do it by giving you the personal attention you de serve. # Watch your money grow. Our Federal Funds investments and competitive rates on certificates enhance your profit picture. And our service is backed by strength and safety sec ond to none. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W e’ll show you results. Call us today to set up an appointment or talk to one of our corres pondent officers at the Illinois Bankers Conven tion June 10-12 in Peoria. We’ll show you how we can help you achieve all your goals. Phone (319) 3 8 3 -3 4 2 9 D/Vt/EINPORT BAINK -------------- AND TRUST COMPANY-------------MEMBER FDIC 2 0 3 WEST THIRD STREET, DAVENPORT, IOWA 5 2 8 0 1 -1 9 7 7 76 Io w a N ew s 1st Natl, of Dubuque Remodels FIRST N a tio n a l B a n k o f D u b u q u e has c o m p le te d its th re e -p h a s e re m o d e llin g and e x p a n sio n p ro je c t at th e m ain o ffic e and M a ll B u ild in g , S e ve n th at T ow n C lo c k Plaza. N ew c o m p u te r e n h a n c e m e n ts e x te n d b e yo nd th e m ain o ffic e to th e b a n k ’s th re e b ra n ch e s. P ersonal b a n kers and te lle rs w ill no w have in s ta n t a c c e s s to p e rtin e n t fin a n c ia l in fo rm a tio n , a c c o r d in g to C h a irm a n and CEO W illia m G. K ruse. The re b u ild in g began in S e p te m b e r, 1986. New s p a c e w a s e s ta b lis h e d fo r c o m p u te r fa c ilitie s , se ve ra l d e p a rtm e n ts w ere re lo c a te d , and th e M all B u ild in g w a s re m o d e lle d to fe a tu re an in te rio r p e d e s tria n c o rrid o r w ith a cce ss to a ll a re a s o f th e b u ild in g . The lo b b y in th e m ain o ffic e w a s c o m p le te ly re m o d e lle d . Committed to making your bank stand apart from the Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V IS IT W A S H IN G T O N . . . (Continued from page 70) list has grown to 1,530 banks but the rate of climb has slowed, and FDIC has $12 billion assets taken in from failed banks it is trying to ad minister, liquidate or sell. “ W e’i^ trying a new negative premium ap proach,” it was stated. “ You take the bank and tell us what it will cost us.” The second stop of the m orning was an interesting visit with Comp troller of the Currency Robert Clarke and key members of his staff. One staff member noted that “ if the FH LBB’s ‘exit’ fee to healthy s&l# was lowered, I think we’d probably see more applications for conversion from s&ls to national banks.” He noted, however, that this would leave the FHLBB and FSLIC wit]# an even higher percentage of ailing members and an impaired insurance fund. A t the USDA, Iowa bankers heard from Peter Myers, deputy sec# retary; Eric Thor, assistant adminis trator of FmHA, and Frank Naylor, Jr., chairman of the Farm Credit A d ministration. A continued phasing out of direct loans, accompanied b # a greater emphasis on guaranteed loans through banks will be the goal of FmHA. Mr. Thor said of direct loan applicants, “ FmHA will hand carry documents and conduct g o o # borrowers to your office to become your customers” as part of the effort to convert to guaranteed loans. In addition to meeting with mem bers of the Iowa Congressional dele# gation at an I BA-sponsored dinner party on Monday night, the Iowa bankers hosted a breakfast Wednes day morning for Iowa Senators and Representatives and their key s ta f# members. On both occasion s, bankers had an opportunity to com municate their views on banking legislation. A review of all these con tacts was shared among the bankei® contingent at a debriefing luncheon held by IBA. Besides the full two and one-half days of meetings, bankers and spouses had an opportunity to visit^ Annapolis on Sunday and take part in worship services in the beautiful church at the Naval Academy. Side trips and evening dinners and enter-_ tainment also were scheduled eaclm day. □ M any Of Y our Bank D epositors Need Health Insurance You Could Be TheBankTo Introduce ThemToThe Protectors B eing “Just A B ank” I sn ’t Enough Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services, Inc. has developed a health insurance program for bank depositors. The name o f this program is The Protectors. The program includes a com p re hensive major medical plan and a Medicare supplement. Costs are co m petitive with other individual and supplemental insurance programs on the market. Iowa Bankers Insurance and Ser vices, Inc.’s affiliation with Iowa banks is a long-standing, dynamic relation ship. You know our integrity, the qual ity o f our service. The Protector health insurance program is underwritten by Time Insurance Company o f Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Time Insurance is co n sistently rated A + “excellent” by the AM. Best Company, an insurance industry analyst. • The Protector health insurance p ro gram provides your bank with a way to increase customer loyalty and revenues. • The Protector plans can attract new customers. • The Protector health insurance program enhances your image as a full-service bank. Let IBIS introduce you to The Protectors today! Call Chris Wehde at 515-286-4395 or 1-800-532- Your participation in this program requires little or no investment o f your time, personnel or capital. An IBIS representative will visit your bank on a regular schedule, explain The Protec tor plans to interested and eligible Digitized depositors, for FRASER and enroll them. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W hy Participate In T he P rotector H ealth Insurance P rogram ? • The Protector plans provide your customers with quality, convenient and affordable health insurance. IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE & SERVICES, INC. 104 EAST LOCUST DES MOINES, IOWA 50308 78 Io w a N ew s Appointed in Waterloo • Otto W. Thomas, president of The Waterloo Savings Bank, has an nounced the appointment of Deon Senchina to assistant vice president Ms. Senchina joined the bank stafl® in 1973. In 1978 she was promoted to consumer loan officer and in 1985 she was named branch manager of the Cedar Heights branch office. D. SENCHINA There D a Difference in Banks Trust, confidence, loyalty . . . w ords our custom ers use to describe how they feel toward Valley National Bank. Valley Bank is experiencing substantial grow th . . . in deposits, ...lo a n s , and . . . in earnings. That’s because w e maintain a highly skilled staff, offer top service, and perform well financially. We w elcom e your inquiry . . . Rem em ber, there is a difference in banks. Valley National Bank @ A “ BANKS OF IOWA” BANK Main Office-Sixth and Walnut For Professional C orresponden t Service call 1-800-622-7262 Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. LAIPPLE Charles Laipple has also been ap pointed assistant vice president. He will be a personal banker in the retail# banking department, which current ly is being created. In addition, he will be responsible for consumer lending and branch management. Mr. Laipple previously held the posi-# tion of vice president in installment lending in another Waterloo bank. Appointed in Waterloo Iowa National Bankshares C orp .,^ Waterloo, has announced the app o in tm e n t o f D o u g la s K. S h u ll to th e board of direc tors. INBC is the parent hold ing company of The N a tio n a l Bank of Water lo o , M id w a y Bank & Trust of D.K. SHULL Cedar Falls and Peoples Trust & Savings of Indianola. # Mr. Shull has been serving as a director of Peoples Trust & Savings since 1983. He is a partner in Shull & Co. CPAs of Indianola and also commissioner for the Iowa D epart-# ment of Transportation. Named in Mitchellville Farmers Savings Bank, Mitchell ville, has named two new directors® to its board. They are William C. Hamilton, formerly president of the Exchange State Bank at Collins, who was also named vice president and trust officer; and Arthur L .® Churchill, Mitchellville farmer. Home Equity Loans Home® Equity Loan Plan Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Due to changes starting in 1987 on deductibility in consumer interest this could become a substantial source of loan volume and revenue for your bank. We have developed a micro-computer based software system to process open-end, variable rate loans and can provide valuable assistance in setting up your in-house program. Developed by bankers for bankers. For more details write o r c a ll either: The National Bank of Waterloo 315 East 5th Street Waterloo, IA 50703 319-291-5412 or Rec-Chek, Inc. PO. Box 239 Nevada, IA 50201 515-382-2186 Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 80 president of Midland Financial S av-^ ings and Loan. He previously served in the same capacity at First Inter state Bank of Des Moines, and also as vice president of First Interstate of Iowa. # * * * Retired in Davenport First Interstate Bank of Des Moines, N.A. has announced the ap pointment of David D. Gordon to senior vice president and manager of the trust division. Mr. Gordon was formerly the president of First In terstate Bank of Fargo, N.A., N. Dak. He previously spent 16 years managing various trust activities, including the overall management of the trust department at First Inter state of Fargo. In addition, Greg Cole has been appointed commercial loan officer in the metro commercial services divi sion. He joined the bank in 1983 and most recently worked in loan review at First Interstate of Iowa. * * * First Interstate of Iowa, Inc. has announced the promotion of Dennis Kirkpatrick to general services officer. His re s p o n s ib ilit ie s will be purchas in g , m a in te nance and facili tie s m a n a g e ment, and con s tru c tio n services. He w ill reKIRKPATRICK tarn his position as vice president of the building cor poration. Mr. Kirkpatrick joined First In terstate in 1984. He previously worked for the State of Iowa as a facilities engineer. Banks of Iowa, Inc. has an nounced the promotion of Jeffrey B. Weeden to vice president of finance Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Davenport Bank and Trust Co. has announced that Vice President« J a m es F. Grothusen has retired after 37 years with the b an k . M r. Grothusen joined Davenport Bank and T rust in 1950 as a teller in the manage and treasurer, and the election of ment train in g J.F. GROTHUSEN He Karen S. Mains to assistant vice p r o g r a m . spent the greater part of his career president of finance. in consumer lending, retiring as a vice president in the commercial1 loan department. Named in Marion J. WEEDEN K.S. MAINS Mr. Weeden joined the corporate staff of Banks of Iowa in 1984 and most recently was vice president of corporate tax. Ms. Mains joined the staff in 1983 and previously served as senior tax and financial accoun tant. * * * Ronald C. Cibolski has joined Valley National Bank as assistant vice president in the commercial lending division. He was formerly lending officer at a n o th e r D es M oin es bank, and prior to that was a loan offi cer for the Small B u sin e ss A d r . CIBOLSKI ministration. He holds a masters degree in business from Fort Hays State University, Fort Hays, Kan. * * * Phillip S. Rowley has been named chief financial officer and senior vice Farmers State Bank, Marion, has* named Lorna M. Barnes to the posi tion of chief fi nancial officer. For the past four y e a rs , M s. Barnes was em ployed in the Cedar Rapids of fice of McGladrey, H endrick son & Pullen Cp A S. Prior to l .M. BARNES that she was with Arthur Young and Company and General Growth, Inc. in D es1 Moines. Sioux City Bank Purchased Hawkeye Bank & Trust in Sioux^ City has been sold to Papillion busi nessmen Beryl Johnson, Hal Young, D.F. Snodgrass, Paul Hartnett and Robert Schutte. The bank will be re named Morningside Bank & Trust.# Prior to becoming a Hawkeye Bank, it was known as Morningside State Bank. The bank’s new president is Ed Young, who previously served as e x -# ecutive vice president at Union Na tional Bank, Massena. Kelly Florke, who has been serving as the bank’s assistant vice president, has been promoted to executive vice presi-# dent. Io w a N ew s 81 Centennial nostalgia! Vignettes of Banking Editor’s Note: The Iowa Bankers Association observed the 100th Anniversary of its founding convention in September, 1986, and the IBA will complete its first 100 years of service on July 26, 1987. A number of Iowa bankers who are mem bers of the IBA 50-Year Bankers Club responded to our invi tation to share with other readers some of their reminiscences of earlier Iowa banking history. These vig nettes will be published in issues during the Centennial Year. Veteran Iowa bankers who have special memories to share, or others who have access to earlier banking events and records that would be of interest to our readership, are invited to send us their comments. This includes bankers from other states whose stories tell of the earlier days and growth of midwest banking. By FLOYD WHITMORE, CEO Page County State Bank, Clarinda, la. (Entered banking in 1936) T was July 14, 1936, that I started to work at the City National Bank, Shenandoah, Iowa for $40.00 per month—enough to pay my room and board. I was 17 years old and I remember it was over 100°. Times were hard and much of the corn that summer only made 15 bushels per acre. I had graduated from Coin High school in 1935 and had gone to Park College, Parkville, Missouri, where I milked cows in a dairy to pay my way. While there I had been tested and found to have an apti tude for banking. After a couple of years I went back to school at the University of Iowa and studied accounting and finance. Jobs were still very scarce in Iowa in 1940 when I graduated. I went to Chicago, where I worked on the Chief Accountant’s staff at Bell Telephone Co. In 1942 I was drafted into the Sig nal Corps and served until March, 1946. My father asked me to come and work with the family farming operation until 1948. At that time I purchased the Hedrick Savings Bank, Hedrick, Iowa. Later in 1950 we bought Okey Vernon First National Bank in Corning, Iowa. In 1962, we bought Page County State Bank, Clarinda, Iowa and in 1967 the First Na tional Bank, Prescott, Iowa. Whitmore Company, Inc. was organized as a multi-bankholding company and since the 1970’s has been owned and operated by myself and my I David L. Hansen Joins Hamilton Associates David L. Hansen has joined the i|||recruiting firm of Hamilton Associ ates, Des Moines, as director of the bank recruiting/consulting division. Mr. Hansen holds a Certified Com pensation Professional designation # and, since 1985, has directed the human resource consulting division Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis two sons, James L. Whitmore and Kenneth F. Whitmore. Our banks are completely modern and use the latest in computer equipment, including 24 hour automatic teller machines. Other modernization is contemplated in the future. We believe family farming has evolved over the centuries as the best and most efficient system of food production. Family farming may change its type of operation, as time and scientific changes come along, but we look forward to many years of being country bankers to family farmers and rural businesses. One of the important things that has happened in our rural county seats is the arrival of nume rous light industries that employ a sizable num ber of local residents. I expect this trend will con tinue in the future as industry finds out how hard working and reliable our rural work force is. I have always worked with the local economies to achieve this diversification of our local economy. Attractive living conditions in Southwest Iowa will be greatly recognized someday as other areas of the country and their “ people problems’ ’ of transportation and pollution reach the point of diminishing returns. Our banks and bank officers have always en joyed working with our customers and a all times have remembered that banks are fiduciary institutions. The bank depositors have a right to hold the banks responsible for their money even though there is now a guarantee to $100,000 from FDIC. Irresponsible lending or investing of depositors’ funds can cause great anguish and suffering to the borrowers in a town and can also wreak a great deal of havoc among the small busi nesses who sell to farmers. Because of the social responsibility of a bank, I have always encour aged bank loan officers to be prudent in their loans and remember all the money we use belongs to the public and must be paid back to them whenever they want it. There have been many changes in banking and farming over the last 50 years. But one of the greatest feelings has been to work with the 50 employees in our banks. We have all cooperated well to earn the public’s trust. □ for Williams & Company, a large Sioux City CPA firm. Prior to his Sioux City experience, he was vice president of the human resource function for First Inter state Bank of Des Moines, served as personnel manager at Drake Univer sity, and as employment manager for Massey Ferguson’s North Amer ican Operations. Mr. Hansen received both his BS and M BA degrees from Drake Uni versity. Elected in Council Bluffs John H. Oehlertz has been elected to the board of directors of the Coun cil Bluffs Savings Bank. He oper ates a farm in Valley Township, seven miles from Avoca. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 82 Io w a N ew s Branch of Iowa Savings Planned Russell J. Perry, p re s id e n t a nd CEO o f Io w a S a v in g s B a n k o f Dike, has a n n o u n c e d p la n s fo r a new fu ll s e rv ic e b ra n c h b a n k in g fa c ility in N ew H a rtfo rd . T he new b u ild in g w ill have th re e te lle r s ta tio n s , a n ig h t d e p o s it, s a fe ty d e p o s it b o xe s, a p riv a te o ffic e , c o n fe re n c e roo m and e m p lo y e e lo u n g e . The K irk G ro ss C o m p a n y o f W a te rlo o is in c h a rg e o f th e p ro je c t. C o m p le tio n is e x p e c te d in fo u r to fiv e m o n th s . Added in Waverly Kent Schultz has joined the staff of The First National Bank of Waverly as as sistant vice pres ident and ag loan representa tive. His most recent position was in a similar c a p a c it y at W aukon State Bank, Waukon. He has a lso K. SCHULTZ served as agri business instructor at Blackhawk Technical Institute, Janesville, Wis., and as a loan officer for the PCA of Southeast Wisconsin, Union Grove branch. Sergeant Bluff Bank Opens New Facility The Pioneer Bank of Sergeant Bluff celebrated the Grand Opening of their new 202 First Street loca tion on April 9-11. The new office replaces their previous location on 4th Street. The Pioneer Bank was founded in 1907 and has been operating con tinuously since that time in Ser geant Bluff. It also has branches in Salix and Sioux City, the latter of which opened recently. Northwestern Banker, May, 1987 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The new facility houses Pioneer Bank, Pioneer Insurance and Pio neer Realty, Inc. It features three drive-up lanes and an ATM. Added in Cedar Rapids Jeffry D. Hagen has joined Brenton Bank and Trust Company of Cedar Rapids as vice president. He will be involved with commercial loans and business development. Prior to joining the Cedar Rapids bank, Mr. Hagen was vice president of Brenton Bank and Trust Com pany of Vinton for five years. Prior to that he was with the Farmers Home Administration. U. of I. Offers Accelerated MBA Course Starting next fall, the University of Iowa will offer a new course of study entitled the Program for Emerging Managers. The course allows students to obtain an M BA degree in 21 months while holding down a full-time job. Intensive classes all day on alternate Fridays and Saturdays combine with study groups in home communities to make the program work. “ This program is designed fo r 0 promising young professionals who are recent college graduates and have less than five years’ experience in their organizations,” said Eleanor M. Birch, associate dean and direc-# tor of M BA programs in the UI Col lege of Business Administration. Likely candidates for the program are entry-level employees who hope to move into management rapidly# and have the active support of their families and employers. The first class in the Emerging Managers Program will be enrolled this fall and graduate in May 1989.# For more information, contact Prof. Birch, College of Business Adminis tration, 121 Phillips Hall, Universi ty of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, telephone (319) 335-1037. • Added in Spencer Peter Atkins has joined the Spen-^ cer office of Norwest A g Credit as an ag banking officer. He most recently served as area coordinator for the American Polled Hereford Associa tion. From 1982 to 1984 he was an# ag banking representative at Nor west Bank in Huron, S. Dak. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS May, 1987 27% American Bankers Association, Washington, D.C. . . . Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines ............................ . . Carpenters Pension Fund of Illinois .................... Carroll, McEntee & McGinley, Inc........................... . . .32 . . .25 Davenport Bank & Trust Co..................................... Dawson Hail Insurance, Fargo, N D ...................... Deluxe Check Printers, Inc....................................... . . .75 . . .18 14-15^ Evergreen Systems, Inc., Omaha........................... . . First Bankers Securities Corp., Mason C it y ........ FirsTier Banks Omaha/Lincoln.............................. First National Bank, O m aha.................................. First Wisconsin National, Milwaukee.................... ... 5 56-57 . . .55 42-43 Gross, Kirk Co., W aterlo o ...................................... ...7 3 IAC Group, Kansas C ity.......................................... Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc................ Insured Credit Services, Inc., Chicago.................. . . .83* . . .77 . . .35 LaSalle National Bank, Chicago .......................... . . .34 Marquette Bank Minneapolis................................. Merchants National Bank, Cedar R ap id s ............ Modern Banking Systems, Inc., O m aha................ Municipal Bond Underwriters, Inc.......................... .68 .10 . . .38 ...2 . 28-294 . ..5 2 ’ National Bank of Commerce, Lincoln.................. National Bank of W aterloo..................................... North Central Life Co., St. Paul.............................. Norwest Corporation, Minneapolis...................... . . .63 . . .79 . . .31 . . .84 Office Concepts, Ltd., Waterloo............................. . . .76 Plus System, Inc., Denver....................................... . . . Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin, L.F., Inc............... . . .21 Security Pacific Financial Systems...................... Swords Associates, Inc., Kansas C ity .................. ... 9 . . .33 Trans Union Credit Information Co. 3Í 6-7 United Missouri Bank, Kansas C ity .................................. 23 _ United States Check Book Co., Om aha............................ 5 8 w Valley National Bank, Des Moines.................................... 78 W hen it comes to financial service companies, ours stands out. In many ways. And one of the most important is the personalized service you get through a team of Field Representatives who are well aware that banking has changed, and who know the needs of today's banks. They offer you bank-designed programs that build profits for you and are a valuable service for your customers—a complete line including Credit Life tailored to fit your loans, Commercial and Real Estate protection for larger loans, Collateral Protection, Financial Planning, and Executive and Director Programs. What's more, IAC gives you important service, training and fee income advantages. To find out more, give us a call. And find out for yourself why so many thousands of lending institutions in the United States and abroad agree that the IAC Group is outstanding, in many ways. A Full Service Company for The Full Service Bank Individual Assurance Company Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1600 O ak St. • Kansas City, M O 64108 Phone toll free in Missouri (800) 892-5890, other states (800) 821-5434. We KnowmeWay ToW eaker The Sform The winds of change are sweeping through the banking industry And now more than ever, it takes a strong financial leader to help you stay on course. At Norwest Banks, we know what it takes to find smooth sailing in a sea of deregulation. And when you come to us for correspondent banking services, we make our experience work for you. We’ve strengthened our commitment to correspondent banking. So we can offer financial institutions of any size better service than ever. No matter which way the wind blows. Talk to us today about our full line of services. When it comes to correspondent banking, we know the way. ■ We Know The Way We Are Norwest. ■ Ik ll :M: Members FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORWESTBANKS