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Nebraska Banks Begin Self-Exams Micros Aid Loan Management Better Ag Loan Analysis With Micro Convention Programs: Illinois Bankers Association Colorado Bankers Association Spring Brings New Life to Midwest Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THIS M A N M EAN S BUSINESS He's Stan Farmer, your M N B Correspondent banker. MNB's Stan Farmer means business — more business for you and your bank. He can help you say "yes" to your valuable bank customers when their financial need exceeds your ability to fulfill it. Stan has the knowledge and experience to work with you and your customer on agricultural loans, or commercial and real estate loans. He w ill also consult with you on your personal plans for bank ownership. He means business when it comes to assisting with your day-to-day cash management needs, as well. In addition to providing standard services — such as federal fund transactions, short-term investments and check clearing — Stan and our MNB Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Correspondent banking staff can help you deal with critical cash transfer deadlines, complicated collection requirements, international transactions and difficult check clearing problems. Additionally, Stan w ill work with you to provide operational innovations that prepare your bank for any service need. At MNB, we're dedicated to bringing together the resources, experience and services you want in a correspondent bank. That's MNB's commitment to productivity, so talk to Stan, soon. When he says he can help your bank's business grow, he means business. Cal! Stan at 319/398-4320 or 1-800-332-5991, toll free, today. Merchants National Bank is i Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA BANK • W hen you're fighting for profit^ United Missouri's your muscle. w * ut all the strength of United 1 __ I Missouri’s Correspondent Banking Department to work for your bank. You’ll never again waste your precious time tracking down the latest changes in federal regulations. We keep up with the regulations and research for you. You’ll never again call bank after bank to find the services and systems you need to keep your bank running smoothly. We offer them all. United Missouri’s Correspondent Bankers have the answers to your questions. If your bank or your customers have a need, we’ll do our best to fill it. All in all, United Missouri just might be your best ally in the battle for profits. Discover how. Call your United Missouri Correspondent Banker today. lb UNITED MISSOURI BANK “ of Kansas City, n.a. United we grow. Together. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 4 Mark Olson Nominated ABA President-Elect NQKfflWESTERN iZ ftm cw MAY 1985 • 92nd Year • No. 1460 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION MEMBER BANK MARKETING ASSOCIATION OLDEST FINANCIAL JOURNAL SERVING THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN STATES FEATURES 17 Micro in loan management RMA authors ou tlin e eight a p p lica tio n s 20 The Great Experiment! Nebraska banking departm ent in itia te s “ self-e xa m in a tio n ” 24 Better ag credit analysis Iowa banker reports how m icro achieves results 25 New tools for farming! Ray Unger describes AccuFarm -Plan CONVENTIONS 37 38 46 48 Illin o is Bankers Annual Convention Program You W ill See Them at the Illin o is Convention Colorado Bankers 84th Annual Convention Program You W ill See Them at the C olorado Convention DEPARTMENTS 8 29 30 35 42 43 44 45 51 52 54 57 64 66 Bank Prom otions M innesota Twin C ities W isconsin South Dakota North Dakota M ontana W yom ing Nebraska Omaha Lincoln Iowa Des Moines Index of A dvertisers Phone (515) 244-8163 Publisher & Editor Associate Publisher Associate Editor Consultant Ben Haller, Jr. Robert Cronin Becky McBurney Malcolm K. Freeland No. 1460 Northwestern Banker (USPS 397-620) is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription $1.50 per copy. $18 per year. Second Class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. POST M A STER: Send all address changes to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Mark W. Olson, president of the# Security State Bank in Fergus Falls, Minn., has been nominated to be presid en t-elect of the American Bankers A sso ciation. Mr. Olson, a long-time com munity banker and former chair man of the ABA Government Rem .W. OLSON lations Council, was announced as the nominee for president-elect a # the A B A Banking Leadership Con ference held April 23-24 at the Greenbrier. Mr. Olson’s candidacy was sup ported by the Minnesota B an ker# Association, and he was the choice of the A B A nominating committee from among five candidates. If elected in October, 1985, Mr. Olson will become president of the Ameri® can Bankers Association the fall of 1986. Mr. Olson has been active in the Minnesota Bankers Association, was a member of the A B A Govern® ment Relations Council from 197984, and chaired the Council from 1982-84. He is currently a member of the A B A board of directors, repre senting the nation’s smaller banks.® Mr. Olson is a native of Fergus Falls, a graduate of St. Olaf College in Northfield, and since 1976 has been president of the Security S ta t^ Bank, a $30 million bank in F ergu * Falls. Continental Bank Adds Two Suburban Offices NORTHWESTERN BANKER 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 # ^ Continental Illinois Corporation has added two locations to its Chi cago metropolitan area commercial offices. One facility opened in North# brook, and was followed by the es tablishment of an office in Matteson, both last month. The Northbrook facility is the third of Continental’s full-service, o f # premises facilities allowed under Illi nois law. The other two full-service locations are in Chicago at 30 N. LaSalle St. and at Clark and Divi sion streets. ® We turn on a dim e so you can turn a larger profit. ^When money is expensive, so is the time funds are idle. That’s why so many banks rely on Northern Trust Bank for profit-enhancing, correspondent services. Our exper t i s e in getting funds to work quickly and profitably has earned us the reputation of being a pre miere processor for correspondent banks. In fact, in independent P u rveys, The Northern TVust consistently ranks among the top three cash management providers in the industry. m The latest in computer tech n o l o g y assures check collection and safekeeping that’s accurate and fast. Our Cashline Balance Reporting System gives you elec Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tronic access to your account for maximum flexibility. You can get a fresh update every 15 minutes if necessary —and move money within hours rather than days. Add to our sophisticated equipment the best in personal attention and responsiveness, and you get Northern Trust’s ideal combination of quality and effi ciency. A dedicated staff of profes sionals assures you personal attention in all transactions. We’re also ready to assist you in handling your investments. And our experienced Bond Department representatives are always on hand to provide knowledgeable advice. With Northern TVust Bank behind you, you can count on better service for your customers. And a better bottom line for your bank. For more information, contact John V. N. McClure, Wee President, Northern TVust Bank, 50 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60675. Telephone: (312) 630-6000. Member F.D.I.C. The more you want your bank to do, the more you need The Northern. Northern TVust B ank 6 HBE Bank Facilities Surveys Credit Unions This could be the year credit unions lose their tax-exempt status and start being taxed on income. If so, it would mean $300 million year ly in additional tax revenue for the federal government and a substan tial bottomline loss of 20 to 30 per cent for every credit union, accord ing to industry analysts. HBE Bank Facilities of St. Louis, a national leader in the planning, designing and building of financial institutions, recently completed a survey that polled nearly 2,000 credit unions across the nation to find out how they viewed this con troversial and timely subject. This particular survey polled credit unions of every size, from every state and with every type of membership. According to the HBE survey, America’s credit union management accepts the inevitability of taxation. Just over 81 percent believe that credit unions will start being taxed in the next two years, with 58.2 per cent saying that it could begin as soon as 1986. A majority of those surveyed, 74.2 percent, felt that credit unions would be significantly affected if taxation occurs. Only a small per centage, 1.6 percent, felt the changes would be for the better, while a convincing 98.4 percent felt the changes would be for the worse. With credit union mergers on the increase recently, a majority of the credit union managers, 87.8 percent, felt that this trend would continue as a result of taxation. If taxation does occur, what effect would it have on credit union opera tions? H B E ’s respondents split evenly on whether or not dividend rates would be lower. Just over 70 percent of the managers thought in terest rates would have to increase, with 86 percent believing service charges would also have to be in creased. Surprisingly, given the answers to the above questions, only 58.4 percent of H B E ’s respondents felt that the competitiveness of credit unions would be affected by tax ation. A substantial minority, 41.6 percent, felt that they would not be hurt by the changes brought on by the new tax status. When asked if their credit union was involved in any type of lobby or Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis group on the taxation issue, and given the strong belief within the in dustry that taxation would definite ly result in negative changes, HBE was surprised to find that only 46.7 percent of the respondents were in volved in any lobby action. Most credit unions are apparently taking a “ wait and see” attitude until they know more about the taxation legis lation that will eventually be pro posed by Congress. New Books for Bankers The rules of the game have changed. Fierce competition is the new player. And winning in the new banking game requires strategic marketing. Marketing Financial Ser vices: A Strategic Vision by James H. Donnelly, Jr., Leonard L. Barry and Thomas W. Thompson can help bankers to successfully market their services. Marketing Financial Services pre sents the marketing function as it needs to be practiced in an industry in revolution. It is a book of ideas and concepts designed to stimulate the creative energies of its readers. The authors have been in the finan cial service industry for years and are well-known and respected for their work. M arketing Financial Services focuses on the challenge of shaping a financial institution to deliver value to its customers. The authors pro vide the readers with conceptual tools that will produce results. A second book of interest is Bankers Who Sell: Improving Sell ing Effectiveness in Banking. Today a strong bank selling pro gram is essential. Yet studies reveal that a surprising number of banks have no sales training program whatsoever. Bankers Who Sell: Im proving Selling Effectiveness in Banking by Leonard L. Berry, Charles M. Futrell and Michael R. Bowers shows bank executives how to develop and/or greatly improve the sales program in their bank. When customers no longer rely on banks as the sole guardian of their wealth, aggressiveness is the key to attracting new customers and keep ing existing ones happy. Bankers Who Sell: For bankers who want to get ahead and stay ahead of the pack. Both books sell for $25.00 a piece and are published by Dow Jones- Ir win, Homewood, IL 60430, April 1, 1985, 154 pp., $25.00. b .nother recipe for success. The Freddie M ac gnom es have put together still another way to satisfy our preferred sellers. It’ s called A R C — Freddie M a c’ s “ Accelerated Remittance C y cle ,” a new feature which offers very tasty opportunities. N ow you can choose between the advantages o f a regular Guarantor contract, o r, under the new A R C contract, a five- or six-basis point spread reduction. Either way, you get all the ingredients for a successful transaction. Get the details from any gnom e. Or from your Freddie M ac account executive. b O 0 o 0 0 n i -rs ' 1985, FHLMC m THE G N O M E S K N O W sm Freddie Mac Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Owned by America's Savings Institutions Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 ceeds Philip A. Delaney, who ha^ held that additional title since his election as Harris Bank president in 1983. Mr. Davis joined Harris in 1968 as a credit analyst. He has been £ ROMOTIONS and other an been named president, according to member of the banking department nouncements have been made an announcement by W.L. Hadley since 1969 and was elected vice by the following banks and holding Griffin, chairman. The appointment president in 1974 and senior vice will be effective June 1. companies: president in 1983. He received a BS Mr. Melzer joined Morgan Stan degree in 1964 and a M BA degree i0 Commerce Bank of Kansas City, ley & Co. Inc., New York in 1968 and 1968 from Indiana University. Mo.: Announcement was made re served as a managing director from Manufacturers Hanover Corpora cently of the election of Stephen I. 1977 through December 31, 1984, tion, New York: In the widest rang Swett as senior vice president and when he resigned to pursue other in ing reorganization in its history, manager of the corporate trust de terests. Manufacturers Hanover C orpor# partment. Mr. Melzer received his BA de tion announced last month a new Mr. Swett previously was with gree and Masters in business admin segmented and decentralized ap Huntington National Bank in Col istration degree from Stanford Uni proach to management with the for umbus, Oh., where he was a vice versity, Palo Alto, Calif. mation of five strategic business president in the corporate trust de sectors. ^ partment. He has a total of 21 years First National Bank, St. Joseph, All units of Manufacturers Han of trust banking experience. Mo.: Bob Thomas has been pro over Trust and all non-bank subsidi moted to assistant vice president/ Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, aries, along with supporting staffs programming manager. He has been 111.: Several appointments were re and operationsl groups, will be re cently announced in the supervision in the data processing field since aligned within the five sector^ and regulation department: David 1974 and joined the bank as a pro which correspond to the corpora S. Epstein and Geoffrey C. Rosean, grammer in 1978. He was advanced tion’s five major customer groups. assistant vice presidents, and Doug to programming manager in 1984. Each will be headed by a sector ex las J. Kasl and William H. Lossie, Harris Bank, Chicago, 111.: Charles ecutive vice president, a newly-cr^ assistant chief examiners. H. Davis has been elected executive ated title. ® Federal Reserve Bank of St. vice president and chief credit offi The new sector executive vice Louis, Mo.: Thomas C. Melzer has cer. As chief credit officer he suc presidents, whose promotions are ef fective immediately, and their areas of responsibility, are: “Launching Our Second Century ” Douglas E. Ebert, 40, Investmeim Banking Sector; Albert R. Gamper, 43, Asset Based Financing Sector; Donald G. McCouch, 42, Bankiim and International Sector; ^ Donald H. McCree, 48, Corporate PRESENTS Banking Sector, and “ Systems and Solutions for Today and the Future” Edward D. Miller, 44, Retail Banking Sector. ^ F e a tu rin g : In commenting on the change; • E q u ip m e n t D e m o n s tra tio n s John F. McGillicuddy, chairman • A p p lic a tio n S o lu tio n s fo r A ll L in e s o f B u s in e s s e s an d In d u s try and chief executive officer said: • F e a tu re d S p e a k e rs In c lu d in g A r th u r A n d e rs e n & C o. a n d O th e rs “ Each sector will be managed and its results measured as a stand-alor^ TUESDAY, JUNE 4TH 1985 business group. Each sector execu WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5TH 1985 tive will be accountable for meeting 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM targeted objectives for return on as LOCATION sets and return on equity. THE DES MOINES MARRIOTT HOTEL The Corporation also a n n ou n c^ 700 GRAND AVENUE that John R. Torell, III had been DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 elected president of Manufacturers Hanover Corporation and will con For Further Information Please Contact: tinue as president of Manufacturers Hanover Trust. He succeeds Harr^ Burroughs Corporation Taylor as president of the Corpora 3636 W estow n Parkway tion, effective July 1, when Mr. Tay W est D es Moines, I A 50265 lor has announced plans for early re A T T ’ N Diana Heithoff or Mike Barsema tirement. Regarding Mr. Taylor’s retir^ Phone (515) 223-3333 ment, Mr. McGillicuddy emphasized Bank Promotions P E^E Burroughs Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J 9 #that the move was unrelated to the management changes. “ Harry has made an outstanding contribution to this organization. But for some time he has been telling us that after #43 years in banking he wished to take early retirement and to return to his own country. I ’m personally delighted that Harry will be serving as a director of the Trust Company #and the Corporation through yearend. All his many friends at Manu facturers Hanover wish him the very best.” The Corporation also announced #that John J. Evans and Edward A. Farley, had been elected vice chair men of Manufacturers Hanover Cor poration and will continue as vice ch a irm a n o f M a n u fa c tu r e r s ^H an over Trust Company. Mr. Evans is in charge of operations and will coordinate the decentralization of operations into specialized sup port groups for the sectors. Mr. Far l e y had been chief domestic credit of ficer. He will now be chief credit of ficer on a corporate-wide basis and chairman of the Credit Policy Com mittee. William C. Langley, execu t i v e vice president, will be vice chair man of the credit policy committee. Conferment is a unique event, sche duled for June 16-22, Denver, Colo. It is the only conference in the coun try to offer a full week of financial planning educational opportunities, including more than twenty differ ent sessions, workshops and semi nars led by nationally prominent financial planning practitioners. In addition, conference week offers a number of special programs and social activities that will enable par ticipants to meet informally and ex change information and ideas. A highlight of the conference will be the conferment ceremony on the United Missouri Bancshares, Inc., Kansas City, Mo.: Stephen Gwart# n ey has been elected senior vice president in the loan administration division. He most recently was an executive vice president and com mercial loan officer of United Mis#souri City Bank. Also announced were the follow ing elections: Mary Jo Greenley, as sistant cashier, and Stephen West, loan review officer, both in the loan ♦administration division, and Mark Swearingin, commercial banking audit officer, and Ron Smiley, data processing audit officer, both in the auditing division. United Missouri Bank of Kansas City, N .A ., Mo.: A ndrew P. McDonald and Marie Steiner have been promoted to assistant vice ^presidents in the personal banking division. Also announced were the elections of William E. Koehler, as sistant trust investment officer in the trust investment division, and ^Helen M. Anspaugh as assistant corporate trust officer. evening of June 22. This annual event honors individuals who have earned the Certified Financial Plan ner™ designation during the past year. The College awards the desig nation to financial services profes sionals who have completed a rigo rous two-year course of study and passed a series of national examina tions demonstrating their knowl edge of the subject areas critical to financial planning, as well as their competence in developing a clientrelated financial plan. The College is the only organization in the country that awards the CFPR designation. V ie „ t0 be ^ A ^ ^ Study Week Set By College For Financial Planning # is * t\v°S *vveet v Business C re d it The College for Financial Plan ning11 1985 National Conference and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Think of us as your Wall Street connection. MGIC has always been in the forefront of finding nontraditional sources of capital for mortgage lenders. We pioneered the first conventional mortgage-backed pass-through security in the 1970's. Since then, our conduit subsidiary, Maggie Mae, has issued about $1 billion in private placements for major pension funds. Today, we continue to be the leader in custom-designed mortgage securities. We can help you Innovation is a key strength of our Capital Markets Group. Our more than 30 specialists work closely with lenders and investors to develop creative approaches to the structuring of new national loan purchase programs as well as individual deals. Their primary objective is to bring the right people together, to match needs and products. They keep informed through our nationwide secondary market trading network and continually cultivate new investor sources. In the last five years, MGIC has participated in secondary market loan sales totaling more than $30 billion. In addition to our work with non traditional investors, we are, of course, continuing our efforts to help lenders sell their loans easily and profitably to FNMA, FHLMC, Residential Funding, and other traditional investors. find m oney on the Street Raising capital for mortgage lending will continue to be a challenge and a key to profitability in the years ahead. As a partner in that process, MGIC pledges the strength of our people and financial assets to help you meet that challenge. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MGIC Working hard to earn your business 12 BMA Introduces Software Packages A SE RIES of microcomputer soft ware packages enabling banks and other financial institutions to improve their profitability and pro ductivity has been introduced by Bank Marketing Association. The Financial Marketing Soft ware Series, developed by the BM A Research and Planning Council, is operable on IBM or Apple compu ters and utilizes computer software that most institutions already own — a feature that offers cost-and-time saving advantages. J. McDuffie Brunson, author of FMSS and vice president of First National Bank of Louisville, Ky., stresses that by developing the FMSS series as templates to com mercially available software (Lotus 1, 2, 3, VisiCalc, and Infostar), BM A is able to change off-the-shelf soft ware into a management tool that is marketing-specific. Also, Mr. Brun son said, “ by using existing soft ware, marketers do not have to learn additional editing commands, mak ing the learning curve quite short.’ ’ Five models in the series cover such areas as how banks determine deposit service profitability, “ perTHE PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE FOR AGRICUL TURE A g-B usiness Manager. The com p le te fin a n c ia l m anagem ent to o l . . . for ag-lenders and farmers alike. “ It allow s us to keep exce lle nt current acco un ting co n tro l (in terms o f p ro fit/lo s s and cash flow) on our cu sto m e rs.” Kelly Sittner, Hershey (NE) State Bank Call or send for more information “ S o ftw are S o lu tio n s fo r A g ric u ltu re " AG-WARE Ron Kahle, President P.O. Box 1503 Kearney, NE 68847 308-234-9538 Northwestern Banker, May. 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ™ ceived’ ’ value pricing, customer pro fitability, customer information file, and divisional budgeting. The deposit service profitability model, called DPROFIT, can an alyze the profitability of up to five different account types (demand, savings, time, certificates, and re tirement accounts) by minimum or average balance ranges simultane ously, Mr. Brunson explained. The internal accounting model in the FMSS series — MBUDGET — was designed to allow marketers to address qeustions of how much a given project is costing an institu tion. “ Most systems,” says Mr. Brunson, “ do not have the ability to categorize expenses by project.” This model also enables managers to budget at department level, general ledger account level, and/or vendor level, and permits cross-budgeting between departments. B M A ’s Financial Services Soft ware Series was demonstrated at the Association’s annual Research and Planning Conference held last month at the Boston Marriott Hotel. For more information on FMSS, contact the Research and P la n n in g D e p a rtm e n t, B ank Marketing Association, 309 West Washington St., Chicago 60606. Phone: 312/782-1442. Credit Manager Is a Micro Based Credit Analysis Tool Aurora Systems, Inc., of Madi son, Wis., has announced a new and enhanced credit analysis software product for financial institutions de signed for the IBM PC, PC/XT, AT and any other machine which sup ports Lotus 1-2-3, version 1A. The Credit Manager is designed to alleviate the manual process of spreading customer financial state ments and improve the productivity of the commercial credit depart ment. The Credit Manager can an alyze historical data as well as pro ject statements into the future on an annual basis. The ability to do the analysis on a monthly or quarterly basis is also available. Files from Aurora’s existing Credit Manager can be converted to the new Credit Manager, giving financial institu tions an easy-to-use and powerful statement analysis tool. The Credit Manager features: 1. A self-paced, software based tutorial that teaches the user to u se^ the Credit Manager. 2. An extensive chart of accounts that the user can redefine. 3. 5 periods of historical analysis with 5 years of projections. Projec-^ tions are based on either a 2 or 3 year average of historical data, with the ability to override the averages with either a percentage or dollar amount. £ 4. Various reports include: -Blance Sheet, Income Statement, and Reconciliation of Net. Worth with common size percentages next to each period. £ -Cash basis cash flow (Funds Flow). -Ratio Report with Bankruptcy Predictor - “ Z ” Score. -Trend Analysis - either Year to^ Year or Year to Base Year. -Loan Compliance Report for monitoring loan convenants. -RMA Submission and Industry Comparison Report. # Microcom Expands Programs Microcom, Inc. of Cedar Rapids, la., has expanded its product line o f # banking software programs. The company now markets over 20 dif ferent banking applications from five different developers, which makes this complete product lin e # one of the largest in the country. Programs such as Agricultural and Commercial Credit Analysis, Loan Calculation and Document Preparation, Safe Deposit Box a n d # Fixed Asset Accounting, and Cus tomer Profitability can be im plemented in banks of all sizes. Joe Phernetton is president of Microcom, located at 1221 Park® Place N.E., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402. AgDisk Introduces “ Feed Formulation” for Feeders # With the new AgDisk Feed For mulation Program, livestock feeders can easily compare feed costs, an-^ anlyze nutrient needs and verify ra tion adequacies. This program has been carefully written for users with little or no computer experience by the leading supplier of agricultural ^ software—Harris AgDisk. The most profitable and nutritionally bal anced rations can be formulated with this new easy-to-use program. The clear instructions on th e ^ screen and in the 50-page user’s 13 ! HERE’S WHAT . YOUWWTED FDICCa 'eport Data from BflHCPEH in Lotus 1-2-3 ™format for yourpersonal computer. The BANCPEN Reports in print-out form have become familiar items on the desks of decision makers in over 1500 of the country’s leading banks. Carner & Associates, Ltd., which produces these reports, now offers BANCPEN Report data on 5Vi inch floppy diskettes for use on your personal computer. For the first time, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation data is presented in a format loadable to all popular spread sheet programs. The BANCPEN Reports for personal computers will load to Lotus 1-2-3™ and Symphony™, and to VisiCalc™, SuperCalc™ and Multiplan™. It has been expanded to give you 120 balance sheet and income statement line items from the FDIC report of condition and income of your bank and, even more important, on all your competing banks. You choose the banks you need in your report — as many as you wish. You choose the quarter or quarters you want reported. For data on up to 400 banks you pay only $495 for an annual report, $695 for twice a year reports, or $995 for reports for all four quarters. If you wish to build a history of the data, we will provide the previous four years’ data at the same price you pay for the current year data. For example, if you order second and fourth quarter data for 1983 at $695, we will provide all second and fourth quarter data for the years 1979 through 1982 for an additional $695. Carner & Associates, Ltd. Producer of The BANCPEN Reports TELEPHONE ORDERS/(417) 866-5053 0 ®Copyright by CARNER & ASSOCIATES, LTD., 1977, 1983. All rights reserved. BANCPEN is a trademark o f Carner & Associates, Ltd. Symphony, 1-2-3, and Lotus are trademarks o f Lotus Development Corp. VisiCalc is a trademark o f VisiCorp. SuperCalc is a trademark o f Sorcim Corp. Multiplan is a trademark o f M icrosoft Corp. BANCPEN® RO. BOX 1482/SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI 65805 Please send sample diskette and additional information about the BANCPEN Reports in Lotus 1-2-3™ format for my PC. N A M E _____________________________________________________________ TITLE _________________________ BANK NAME _____________________________________________________ PHONE ADDRESS t o M E M BER BANK M ARKETING ASSOCIATION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CITY ____________________________________________ STATE __________________ZIP Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 14 New Software Facilitates Year-end Tax Reporting manual make least cost formulation easy, even for the first-time feeder or computer user. Nutritional recom mendations for swine, dairy, and beef cattle, which expert sources have provided, are pre-entered in the program for general guidelines. The user can change these recommenda tions to satisfy the specific require ments of his livestock. Average nutrient content for over 100 feed ingredients has also been pre-entered for easy use if the user does not know the exact nutrient content of his ingredients. Results from feed analysis can be entered and used rather than the table of averages to tailor the AgDisk Feed Formulation program to the exact situation of any livestock feeder. Least cost rations, adequacy of the ration, and feed mixing instruc tions are all standard reports in cluded in the Harris AgDisk Feed Formulation program. Graphs, such as the ration adequacy graph, are also included in the program. Feed Formulation, which is the 24th product in the Harris AgDisk agricultural software line, retails for $300,000. This program is presently available on the Apple He, Apple lie, and IBM PC microcomputers. More information on the AgDisk Feed Formulation program, along with the other 23 Harris AgDisk programs, can be obtained from Harris Technical Systems, 624 Peach Street, P.O. Box 80837, Lin coln, Nebraska 68501, 800-228-4091. NEW — DRIVE UP ATM LOW COST • LOW MAINTENENCE • RELOCATABLE The F ina ncial Products ATM Drive-up is custo m designed and bu ilt to meet any ATM requirem ents. The total preconstructed un it can be put on your site in one day. E le ctric heat and air — prewired w ith co n d u it provisions for telephone and alarm , may be to ta lly relocated if required. Call or w rite for more in fo rm a tio n . The Bank Planners fin a n c ia l products, inc. 3301 GOLF ROAD, P.O. BOX 1035 EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN 54702 © Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Banc Software, Inc. has announced a new software package, STARS (Simplified Tax Reporting System ^ which will aid financial institutions in complying with the Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983 (IDTCA). Section 109 of this act requires that financial institiO tions submit their tax reporting to the Internal Revenue Service on magnetic media. Section 108 of IDTCA requires that a separate mailing of earned interest s ta t# ments on various types of accounts be mailed to all customers. Since so many different types of accounts are involved, most finan cial institutions are hard pressed t# consolidate all data efficiently for year-end reporting and, further more, the customer reports invari ably have proven very costly to pro duce and distribute. d According to a spokesperson for Banc Software, there is no other sys tem available today that will accom modate all of a bank’s reporting re quirements. The few software paclP ages that are available are much more costly and handle only a frac tion of the functions and types of ac counts processed by STARS. STARS is a complete systei^ which facilitates the gathering and tracking of all interest on all types of accounts throughout the yearend-reporting can be carried out most efficiently and economically without disrupting other operations. STARS processes all types of 1099 forms including those for Series E bonds, savings accounts, N O W ^ Super NOWs, money market a ® counts, certificates of deposit, stock dividends and sales and miscellane ous payments to contractors as well as 5498, 1099R or W 2P forms fon IRA contributions so a collective magnetic tape(s) can be furnished the IRS. STARS also reports mortgage in terest paid which is an added plu^ since beginning January 1, 198® new legislation requires financial in stitutions to report all mortgage in terest paid in excess of $600.000 to the IRS. STARS also tracks the a ^ quisition or abandonment of secured properties, a new compliance also ef fective January 1, 1985. Additionally, STARS produces a customer IRS-approved re p o r^ which consolidates printing of inter- 15 ^est earned on various types of ac counts to a single statement for each customer. This system results in substantial savings on the cost of forms production, mailing costs and ^postage. For more information on STARS, contact Don Stites, president of Banc Software, Inc., P.O. Box 706, Libertyville, 111., 60048, 312/367-6475. Mercantile Trust Lowers ^Rate on Card Balances Mercantile Trust Company N.A., St. Louis, the largest issuer of Mas terCard and Visa credit cards in Missouri, is reducing the interest 0 -ate cardholders pay on their first $1,000 of outstanding balances, it was announced last month by Neal J. Farrell, president and chief ex ecutive officer of Mercantile Trust ^and vice chairman of Mercantile Bancorporation Inc. The new annual interest rate, which will be reflected in bills cus tomers receive in July, is 19.80%, ^down from the 22% rate currently in effect. This is a reduction of 10%. The lower rate applies to all bank credit cards issued by Mercantile and its associate banks — Master c a r d s with account numbers begin ning 515 12 and 515 29 and Visa cards whose account numbers start with 4672. There are no annual fees on Mercantile-issued credit cards. New Investment Option Offered Through InnerLine ® A ttractive short-term invest ments are easier for banks to find now that InnerLine, an on-line infor mation system for financial execu t i v e s , has expanded its Funds Mar k e tp la ce listings to include Chase Manhattan’s new money market funds investment service. Chase recently began posting in form a tio n for five money market nmds on Funds Marketplace, a unique “ electronic bulletin board’’ that allows investors to compare the offerings posted by 650 issuing in stitu tio n s nationwide. Funds Mar ketplace lists rates, maturity dates and telephone contacts for a variety of investment vehicles including CDs, fed funds, commercial paper, S pecial offerings and, now, Chase’s money market funds. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chase Manhattan is the first ma jor money center bank to offer this type of alternative to other short term liquidity investments, such as overnight fed funds and term fed funds. Previously, banks invested in these money market funds directly through each managing firm. Now, with a single phone call to Chase, which acts as agent only, banks can strategically invest in any of the five funds that are managed by Dreyfus Corp.; Goldman, Sachs and Co.; and John Nuveen and Co. In addition to this convenience, smaller financial institutions may enjoy higher yields, and investors can gain increased liquidity of their funds, because any purchases and redemptions are settled in their Chase demand deposit accounts the day they occur. To take advantage of Chase’s new service, banks must place a mini mum of $100,000 in each fund in which they are investing. The speci fic conditions for investing are out lined in Funds Marketplace. The listing, updated daily, also includes rate and deadline information for each fund, as well as the name of a contact at Chase. Without Dawson Crop Hail Insurance Behind You... You’ll Need Lotsa Luck! Still got the horseshoe up over the door and the lucky penny in your pocket? When hail damage occurs, do you cross your fingers and hope your hail insurance company comes through for your customers? With Dawson Crop Hail Insurance, you KNOW your customers will get a fast, fair adjustment and prompt payment of claims. You see, the Dawson Company has been insuring crops since 1917 and is one of the most respected companies in the nation. . .a reputation built through years of fast, dependable service and reasonable rates. We know that keeping your customers happy keeps YOU happy. With Dawson Crop Hail Insurance, you don’t need that rabbit’s foot. W e’ve been around since 1917. . .you can bet we’ll be there for you! Call Toll-Free: 1-800-437-4680 In North Dakota: 1-800-342-4848 P.O. Box 1820, Fargo, ND 58107 Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 16 NUMBER THREE IN A SERIES WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID BUYING ONE COMPUTER SYSTEM FROM MORE THAN ONE COMPANY You could buy your computer hardware, then buy software, and then look for maintenance support. develop, sell, and maintain our own software and provide hard ware maintenance. ONE COMPANY, ONE SYSTEM From three companies? Or you could avoid the confusion and possible risks of multipe ven dors by calling one number. AR EA C O D E 4 0 2 NUM BER 3 9 2 -0 1 5 1 W e’re Modern Banking Systems, where one phone number reaches a one-stop-shop for complete Banking Computer Systems. We sell reliable Texas Instruments hardware. We One representative is all you need, to be accountable to you and to serve your bank’s needs now and into the future. To help you im prove your operations and to im prove the bottom line. CALL US W e’re proud to provide the bank ing industry with software, hard ware, and the on-going support you need. MODERN BANKING SYSTEMS,INC. 6969 GROVER STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68106 * 402- 392-0151 FEATURING AFFORDABLE COMPUTING FROM TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 EIGHT LOAN APPLICATIONS 1. Credit Evaluation 2. Loan Pricing 3. Profitability Analysis 4. Collection and Charge-Off 5. Performance Evaluation 6. Credit Analyst Training 7. Fee Generating 8. Communication M M H H N N IK i microcomputer Applications In Loan management a /(///KitH III!/lIII1'liii/!h (i'lll/litf/lf/h :(/,/ T lu t iiii'{ iiin iin iin tii/iiw in i» n in n u i» fM //n i/h /¡m w iW /7 7 7 t7 7 7 7 7 7 m . Editor's Note: An excellent analysis o f “Microcompu ters in Loan Management" was presented to members o f Robert Morris Associates in the RM A 's The Journal o f Commercial Bank Lending. It was authored by Chun H. Lam, an associate professor, and George H. Hempel, a professor o f finance, in the Edwin L. Cox School o f Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas. Their article discusses how micrcomputers can be used to be more responsive to customers and to generate more fee income. They state that micrcomputers can serve this pur pose particularly in loan management. They state that proper software should enhance more decentralized decision-making and that this enhancement is even more important for small banks. In the following ex tract from their presentation, the authors outline eight applications o f the microcomputer in loan manage ment. This extract gives their views in total on the first five, then a brief description o f the last three, and their summary and conclusion. The full text may be obtained from RM A headquarters in Philadelphia. N ADDITION to improving operating efficiency in the loan department, a microcomputer can be used as a decision-making tool, a marketing tool, a training vehicle and, if properly utilized, a fee-generating “ pro fit center.” In this article, we evaluate eight applica tions of the microcomputer in loan management: credit evaluation, loan pricing, customer profitability analy sis, collection and charge-off, performance evaluation, credit analyst training, fee-generating activities, and communication and miscellaneous activities. Software for these applications is available currently from soft ware vendors; however, in some applications user-de veloped software may enhance the micro application. In the following discussion, we will distinguish be tween vendor-supplied software and user-developed software. I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Spread sheet analysis of a prospective or recurrent p loan customer is a tedious fi and time-consuming task. Credit Changes in the assump tions about future sales Evaluation projections or debt fi nancing charges require repetitive computations. Such analysis can be easi ly programmed using a number of vendor-supplied electronic spread sheet software packages including VisiCalc, Lotus 1-2-3, and Multiplan. These electronic spread sheet programs are user-friendly and can be learned within a short period of time. The electronic spread sheet represents a giant matrix and allows users to specify values or relationships on a big spread sheet. The process of building a model to project future financial statements is similar to the analysis per formed on calculators in pro forma financial state ments generation. The vendor-supplied software great ly speeds up this process. Using these electronic spread sheet packages, finan cial statements based on both the applicant’s and the loan officer’s assumptions can be compared and ana lyzed efficiently. Various performance measures such as profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, and operating efficiency ratios can be computed easily and compared with industry norms from R M A ’s Annual Statement Studies. Other analyses, including cash flow analysis, funds flow projection, receivables aging schedule, or working capital analysis, can be incorporated. “ What if” questions can be answered within minutes. In fact, if the bank has certain minimum sets of quantifiable criteria for credit evaluation, these standards can be in corporated in the model and used to generate exception reports. Exception reports can be designed to identify particular areas of weakness of the applicant and flash warning messages to the direct attention of the loan of- I Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 18 “ The loan officer can suggest alter natives which best fit the customer’s needs, in a short period of tim e.’ ’ ficer. If these tedious calculations can be automated, the time of a bank loan officer can be directed more to other essential areas of evaluation such as managerial style and competitive environment. The microcom puter can greatly speed up the decision process and be more responsive to the customer’s needs. Banks with this efficient system are, of course, at a competitive ad vantage and can even emphasize this tool in their mar keting program. The true power of this approach is not only its speed but its generality. When the system is properly de signed, it can be used to perform credit analyses for ap plicants from various industries. An industry identifi cation number, for example, will alert the system to use a set of standards appropriate for firms in that in dustry. In addition to the “ pure” credit evaluation capabili ty, the system can be enhanced by adding another fea ture that is capable of generating an appropriate re payment schedule. This feature is especially helpful in cases where the customer’s own proposal may not sat isfy the banks’ credit criteria. The loan officer can sug gest alternatives, including amortization schedules, which best fit the customer’s needs in a relatively short period of time. Obviously, this responsiveness and the explanation based on the computer printout should improve long-term relationships. After a customer is deter mined to be creditworthy, microcomputers also can be helpful in loan pricing. Pricing is usually based on the riskiness of the firm (as determined from credit analysis), the com pensating balances main tained, other customer re lationship, cost of funds, and competitors’ pricing. There are numerous loan-pricing methods based, for example, on return on assets, return on capital, or re turn on purchased funds, and available on vendor-sup plied software. The method selected should serve as a decision aid to loan officers who will determine the final pricing agreement and be responsible for it. This recognition is important since the recommendation of any model is only as good as the assumptions inherent in the construction of the model. Nonetheless, a syste matic pricing system should be invaluable in the deci sion process. One aspect in many of the vendor-supplied loan pric ing software packages is the determination of the costs of the funding sources. The cost of funds is a weighted average of the marginal costs of the bank’s various sources of funding. When such information is readily available from other systems of the bank via interface, the cost can be computed within the loan pricing sys tem. When such information is not available for inter face, the required information has to be input by a cler ical staff updated periodically. Banker, May, 1985 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Customer profitability^ analysis involves an ela borate evaluation of the total bank-customer rela tionship, and it is often Profitability performed in conjunction^ Analysis with loan pricing as well as to monitor the continu ing profitability of the relationship after a loan is w m :!/.m n m M m i/im m iin im im im m -1. made. There is a wide variety of vendor-developed soft-< ware available for customer profitability analysis; however, some larger banks have developed their own software in this area. Since bank-customer relation ships involve not only loan activities but also deposit activities and other services, information may not be! readily available. For banks with smaller customer bases, information can be extracted from other custo mer information files. When such information is not readily available via interface, manual input may be re quired. For some larger banks storing the information! in mainframe computers, the information can be down loaded to the microcomputers via communication soft ware. Since customer profitability analysis requires infor mation on the customer from many different depart-# ments of the bank, careful planning must be taken in selecting or designing software for this application. An efficient data base management system is an essential and integral part of selecting or designing software for this application. # Some banks may keep customer profitability analy sis in their mainframe computers; however, with pro fitability programs in a microcomputer, loan officers can update the information more often and thus can more closely monitor the relationship. In negotiating# terms on a new loan with an existing customer, the availability of a printout of recent activities can be im mensely helpful in explaining the terms of the new loan. When the proposed terms are not satisfactory to the customer, the system should be capable o f# evaluating other alternatives such as adjustments in compensating balances or fee schedules in a timely and low cost basis. Microcomputers have the capability to compute and present within minutes the terms of various alternatives to achieve the banks target# return. This flexibility in pricing and the respon siveness of the bank to the customer’s particular need should greatly enhance customer relationships. i When a loan is in default,® microcomputers can be very useful in facilitating the process of collection or charge-off. There are^ several vendor-developedw software packages avail able; however, user-devel oped software may be ad vantageous to some banks^ in this application. Depending on the collection proce dure of the bank, billings and letters can be sent out to customers automatically after a specified period of time. The computer also can be programmed to select and print out a list of customers who are too far behind^ in payments and warrant direct contact by the loan of- 19 •“ The microcomputer can generate a report detailing the performance of the loan portfolio by loan officer, #loan type, branch, industry, e tc.” ficer. In sum, micros can be used to keep track of pay o f f , monitor progress, and greatly reduce the loan offi cer’s time in this effort. In some cases, when financial and other factors permit, software can be written to re structure payment schedules automatically. Some loan departments may even decide to institute a model in •the micro to determine the optimal collection proce dure. With proper software, the microcomputer can be used to generate a report detailing the performance of the loan portfolio by loan officer, loan type, branch, industry, etc. Some banks already have such programs on their m ainfram es; how ever, other banks may find microcomputers with either ven^dor-or user-developed software an efficient way to ac c o m p lis h this task. The performance measures can in clude loan volume, interest and fee income, return on investment (loan), return on equity, return on capital, default and loss experience, etc. This periodic report ^can be a useful feedback to loan officers in reviewing their contribution to the department. The analysis can also reveal the effectiveness and pricing policy for each kind of loan. Needless to say, this information also may serve as part of the broader performance evalua t i o n system for the loan officers. (Ed. Note: The final three applications are excerpted more briefly.) Each year vast amounts of resources are invested in training credit analysts. M icrocom puters using vendor-developed s o ft ware can facilitate this training process. Loan cases (loan application, pricing, profitability and risk analysis) can be ^ to r e d in storage media for easy access. Having elec t r o n ic spread sheet packages or other analysis soft ware available, the analysis time can be greatly re duced. The advantages of this approach are two fold: (1) The loan officers and managers in charge of the pro^gram can devote more time to individualized instruc tion and can insert their experience into the training process by emphasizing areas that are not immediately obvious from quantitative measures alone and (2) the credit trainee do not have to spend so much time in the ^ ediou s calculations involved and thus can concentrate more on the analysis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Microcomputers also can be a source of additional fee income. Consider, for example, a firm that is a loan customer of the bank. Through its credit evaluation process, the bank has already ob tained relevant financial information about the firm. With periodic updating of this information (which may also be part of the loan contract), the bank is in a unique position to offer financial consulting ser vices to the firm. This can include pro forma financial statement projections, analysis of credit policy or anal ysis of short-term and long-term financing and invest ment. The bank should be able to offer such a service at a relatively low cost. In the past, such services may have been too expensive for small firms. With the ad vent of the low cost microcomputer and the prior knowledge of the customer’s financial position, the fee charged by the bank can be very competitive. Further more, this consulting service can further consolidate the bank-customer relationship. Vendor-developed software is available for many fee-generating activi ties. Microcomputers also can be used as a communica \\w\uuunniuim////// tion device both internal ly and externally to trans mit or access information. Communication For example, loan infor mation or pertinent finan cial and economic devel opment can be related be tween loan offices or dif ferent branches via a telecommunications network. Microcomputers also can be used to access informa tion from and transmit information to relevant parties outside the organiztion. For example, microcomputers can be used to obtain credit information of an appli cant from the credit bureau. It can be used to access market activities via vendor services. Other miscellaneous uses of the microcomputer in loan administration include (1) customized mailing to existing or potential customers, (2) keeping inventory of collateral, and (3) generating customized loan docu ments. All of these functions in loan management are repetitive in nature and vendor-developed software is available. Using microcomputers in these functions should be cost effective. Summary and Conclusion he advantages that a microcomputer has include (1) low cost, (2) easy-to-use software, (3) direct con trol and accessibility, and (4) decision orientation. Each of these advantages is summarized below: 1. A microcomputer system costing $5,000 or more can now be used to perform most of the functions dis cussed above. The cost is easy to justify by the poten tial benefits discussed, especially when the fee-generat ing potential is included. Maintenance cost is usually T 8 MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS... (Turn to page 26, please) Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 20 The Great Experiment Nebraska banking department, initiates “ self-examination” By BEN HALLER, JR. Publisher UNIQUE experiment in “ self examination” that could add a whole new chapter to regulatory bank examinations is now in its fifth month in the State of Nebraska. That experiment, a voluntary one at this point, has been joined in by 105 state-chartered Neb raska banks and the number is growing at the rate of 25-50 new volunteer banks per month. The plan is simple. The banks submit selected monthly data on forms prepared by the Nebraska Department of Banking and the department staffers enter those numbers in their computer in Lincoln. After registering and crunching those numbers, a report is mailed back within a few days to each bank showing an analysis of that bank’s key ratios and com paring it with its peer group in the state (by deposit size) and with all banks in the study. From this report, the CEO at each bank has an analysis of his or her bank, along with a comparison as a general guide to assist in any decision-making that such a report might suggest. Gives a Frequent Look at Each Bank In essence, the “ self examination” procedure is de signed to help not only the Department of Banking but the individual banks as well. To get a full grasp of what the program is intended to accomplish and why it has been implemented now, it is necessary to understand the thinking of Roger M. Beverage, Nebraska Director of Banking. As Nebraska bankers know, Mr. Beverage is an ex perienced attorney who also served from 1979 to 1982 as executive vice president of the Nebraska Bankers Association. He left that position to return to the pri vate practice of law, during which time he gained fur ther experience as a bank attorney. He accepted the position as Director of Banking at a crucial time in the history of the department and state government. Com mercial Federal Savings Association in Lincoln had just failed, leaving only a fraction of the firm’s $60 to $70 million in accounts covered by a totally inadequate and fairly new insurance fund organized only a half dozen years earlier to protect industrial bank deposits. On the heels of this, several state chartered banks failed, turning the spotlight on the Department of Banking as well as the sagging farm economy in the state. A DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis How Self-Examination Evolved While meeting these serious problems that were not of his making, Mr. Beverage also was looking to the fu-^ ture when he instituted a professional strategic plan ning process that included the use of recognized c o n sultants. “ We decided we can’t solve today’s problems in old ways,” Mr. Beverage stated, “ for the old ways are just that—old ways. W e’re blessed with a group o ^ capable bankers in this state and rather than get inw their way, we feel this new process (or self examina tion) is a step in the direction of working with them. I call it taking bricks out of the wall between us. “ Our purpose was to try to find a way to engage the^ bankers in the process to help find some solutions to the work we face—to make it a lot simpler to break down the communications barrier that we face. “ Now that’s the theory,'1'1Mr. Beverage said. “ The practicality was sitting down with our Kitchen Cabi-^ net to discuss these goals, and the present experiment is what resulted. It started January 1, 1985, and in the first three months we’ve made two or three adjust ments; we expect to make further adjustments so we can refine the process and make it more accurate and^ feasible.” Director’s Kitchen Cabinet The Kitchen Cabinet referred to by Mr. Beverage is an informal committee of bankers invited by the Direc tor of Banking to act as an advisory group and brain storm with him looking for ways to help the depart ment to improve its service to the public and to the in dustry. Three subcommittees were formed from this^ group. One looked at whether there should be a form aP Banking Commission in the State of Nebraska as there is in some other states. A second subcommittee is look ing at what the department might do on its own or in cooperation with the University of Nebraska and t h ^ Nebraska Bankers Association in developing ad vanced banking programs that address such topics as understanding deregulation and learning more about current lending practices. The third subcommittee was to look at the examina-^ tion system and came up with the “ self examination’ experiment now underway. Chaired by Ray Tiedje, president of the Bank of Norfolk, the subcommittee of bankers worked with the basic desire of Mr. Beverage to find a way for the department to accummulate on regular basis certain data that would give his stafi 21 Experimental Project State of Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance Self-Examination Form Legal Title of Bank City County State State Bank Number: End of Month Date 03/31/85 Zip Code Assets: 1. Interest-bearing balances (RC1-#1B) 2. Securities (RC1-#2) 3. Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreement to resell (RC1-#3) 4. Loans and Leases, net of unearned income (RC1-#4A) 5. Less: Allowance for loan and lease losses ( R C 1 - # 6. Total assets (RC1-#12) Dollar Amount in Thousands Mil Thousands ___________________ ___________________ 4 B __________________ ____ ______________ ) __________________ __________________ Liabilities: 7. Total deposits (RC2-#13A) ___________________ 8. Total interest bearing liabilities: (RC2-#13a2 domestic interest bearing liabilities + RC2-#13b2 foreign interest bearing liabilities) ___________________ 9. Total equity capital (RC2-#28) __________________ 10. Volatile liabilities: (RC7-#1 + RC7-#2 + RC7-#3 would include all of col’s A, B, C, D) for all items ___________________ 11. Loans 90 days past due or more (RC12-#6 Col B) #___________ l o a n s ___________________ 12. Non-accrual loans (RC12-#6 Col C) #___________ l o a n s ___________________ Earnings: 13. Net interest income: (Annualize for ratio 8, 9, 10). (R11-#1 G total interest income - RI1-#2F total interest e x p e n s e ) __________________ Comment: RC = Report of Condition, Rl = Report of Income, First Digit = Page Number, #Digit = Line Number. Ratios to Compute: 1. Equity capital/total assets (item #9/#6) 2. Total loans/total deposits (item #4/#7) 3. Reserves/total loans (item #5/#4) 4. Non-accrual loans/total loans (item #12/#4) 5. Non-accrual loans/total equity capital (item #12/#9) 6. 90 day past due/total loans (item #11/#4) 7. Volatile liabilities/total assets (item #10/#6) 8. Net interest income/net assets (item #13/ (#1 + #2 + #3 + #4-5) ____________% ___________ % % ____________% ____________% ____________% ____________% ___________ % ****lnstructions for the following ratios to be found on the instruction page * * * * 9. Net interest spread 10. Net interest margin 11. Asset reprice in 6 months 12. Liabilities reprice in 6 months 13. Gap ratio Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis % $ __________ % $ __________ % ____________% % Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 22 S E L F - E X A M IN A T IO N REPO RT D E P A R TM E N T OF B A N K IN G AND F IN A N C E END OF MONTH D A T E 022885 T E R R IT O R Y * IN S T IT U T IO N IN S T IT U T IO N R A T IO S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 1 * GROUP (A S S E T S IZ E ) IN D IV ID U A L PEER GROUP NAME NUMBER COMPUTED E Q U IT Y C A P IT A L / T O T A L A S S E T S T O T A L LO A N S / T O T A L D E P O S IT S R E S E R V E S / T O T A L LO AN S N O N -A C C R U A L L O A N S /T O T A L LO AN S N O N -A C C R U A L L O A N S /T O T A L E Q U IT Y CAP 9 0 DAYS P A S T DUE / T O T A L LO AN S V O L A T IL E L I A B I L I T I E S / T O T A L A S S E T S N E T IN T E R E S T IN C O M E / N ET A S S E T S N E T IN T E R E S T SPR EA D N E T IN T E R E S T M A R G IN GAP R A T IO LO A N S S O L D /T O T A L D E P O S IT S 1 5 . A VER A G E NUMBER OF LO A N S 9 0 DAYS P A S T 1 5 A . AVER A G E D O LLA R AMOUNT 16. A VER A G E NUMBER OF N O N -A C C U R A L LO A N S 1 6 A . AVER A G E D O LLA R AMOUNT people a chance to compare key ratios more frequently than on-site examinations would afford. Key Ratios Are Sought Mr. Tiedje recalls, “ We felt some specific numbers should be addressed on a monthly basis. All the people on our committee had these numbers available in their banks but we know that not all Nebraska banks oper ated in the same way. We suggested 15 to 20 key ratios that should be collected, and added a list of questions. One, for example, was ‘Do you have any loans in viola tion of your lending limit?’ The department staff thought that was a useless question, for who would answer it? It turns out that three answered ‘Yes’ the first time around. When the department people called them they said they were unaware of the violation un til this form brought it to light and all three had already corrected the situation by the time of the de partment’s call.’ ’ At the time of this interview in April, Mr. Tiedje said the program “ has been in use three months to date and has been changed twice. The first was to in clude non-interest income as a percentage of non-inter est expense. The second was to show accrued interest receivable on loans as a percentage of loan interest in come.’ ’ Mr. Tiedje says “ the form sent to us by the Depart ment of Banking can be completed in our bank in 10 to 15 minutes. We have all our records on computer and all we have to do is pull the needed figures directly from the reports we generate as a routine part of our daily business. It’s not necessary for banks to be com puterized to comply with these forms, though. Any bank should be able to provide these figures from Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PEER 7. SO. 1. 1. 11. 2. 36. 5. 5. 5. 24. 7. DUE 51 07 . 8507. 5107. 12 07 . 11 07 . 0107. 4607. 9207. 0107. 9207. 0507. 0007. 9. 65. 1. 1. 8. 1. 45. 4. 4. 4. 4. 7. 3507. 2527. 5617. 3917. 7047. 4267. 13 07 . 9807. 5737. 9677. 3937. 9757. E N T IR E GROUP 1 0 . 14 9 7 . 6 1 . 7087. 1. 5 4 9 7 . 2. 0697. 14. 6877. 1 .8 1 2 7 . 4 3 . 2697. 4. 8937. 4. 5387. 4. 9177. 5. 8 4 7 m /n 6. 5967. 6. 98 $ 1 ,0 1 6 ,0 0 0 3. 4 2 $ 2 1 4 ,0 0 0 records it keeps on a regular basis. A microcomputer is not needed, but is valuable, of course. “ One thing that is needed that is highly important is the GAP analysis, which really requires a computer in- £ house or with your correspondent bank.’ ’ Mr. Tiedje’s bank has developed an Asset/Liability model now in use by many banks. However, he was reluctant to bring that factor into this interview. It is mentioned here only to point out that Mr. Tiedje is re- % cognized as an expert nationwide among community bankers in the use of A/L on microcomputer, and fully understands the value of incorporating A/L into every bank, regardless of size. Mr. Tiedje said his committee “ piggybacked that package to the needs of the depart- • ment to come up with the needed answers. A lot of peo ple know their net interest margin, but it’s really vital to know the GAP and how to do GAP analysis in to day’s environment. The micro does that job easily.’ ’ A Look to the Future ^ Looking back at the formative period of the “ self ex amination’ ’ program, Mr. Tiedje notes that “ a basic concern was how to examine all Nebraska state-char tered banks when FDIC exams cease, which they will £ under present plans for federal regulatory reform and consolidation. This “ self examination’ ’ process was an answer. The FDIC presently is not examining CAMEL rated 1 and 2 banks, but if their quarterly reports show that an examination is needed, then they are put back £ on the exam list. That’s what this new program does. The department’s goal is to have a mechanism to re view regularly the reports of all banks, then put off any examination of CAMEL rated 1 and 2 banks and con centrate examiner strength for on-site exams to those £ with 3, 4 or 5 CAMEL ratings. 23 “ It was further felt this would give the department a means not only to monitor individual bank perfor mances based on the key ratios reported, but it would also provide a means for spotting trends—either within individual banks, groups of banks, or even statewide. “ Also, the report sent back to the CEO of each parti cipating bank not only gives the comparisons we’ve referred to but helps him analyze his own bank fur ther—it helps him confirm what he’s doing right, or perhaps urges him to examine where he might improve his own operations.’ ’ Department Staff Excited Tom Shambo, the Department of Banking staffer directly connected with implementing the program of the committee, expresses the excitement of all con nected with this experiment. He said, “ Roger decided in December on 37 key ratios, then our department staff and the Kitchen Cabinet resolved those into 14 key ratios. After arriving at a rather simple form, we asked for volunteers from among state-chartered banks. We have really been pleased with the response. “ Now, although we have 105 volunteer banks taking part, we recognize that those banks not volunteering to date have never seen the program so a mailing is go ing this week, (in April) to all the rest of the state-char tered banks as an explanation. We feel that at the rate that volunteers are signing up we’ll soon have 50% of the state banks in the program. Afte that, and when we feel the experiment has proved itself, it’s very possible it will become a mandatory, continuing program for all banks in Nebraska reporting to our department.” Department Seeks to Aid Banks Another aspect entering into this picture is the Neb raska Department of Banking’s feeling about its rela tionship with the state banks it supervises, as reflected by Mr. Beverage’s comments, “ The public is still our number one concern. However, we feel from reading state law that banks form a large part of that consti tuency. If we look at problems in the same old way, then neither the public nor the banks will be well served. Therefore, we feel basically that it’s our job not only to examine banks but to assist them.” Mr. Beverage explained further by noting that, “ Reg Q expires in March ’86 and by that time there will be no more free money, and all banks will have to be involved in A/L management.” Beating the Reg Q Deadline Mr. Shambo said, in reference to the expiration of Reg Q. next March, “ We want to get bankers involved now before Reg Q goes out so they can be ahead of the game.” Mr. Shambo also referred to the simplicity of the new report. From the limited data required from each bank to complete its form, we enter the individual bank data into our computer as soon as the bank re sponds. We wait about 10 days to pick up the last of the late replies. If those late replies reach our office on April 22, for example, then we enter the last data and can have the printed responses for each bank in the mail to participating banks by April 25 or 26. “ Along with the three columns of figures noted earli er—i.e., the reporting bank’s own figures, a column comparing the bank to its peer group, and a column comparing it with all banks in the state—we are also Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Questions: 1. Are there any la w suits against the bank creating con ting en t lia b ilitie s in excess of 10% of the bank’s to ta l cap ital accounts? ____________ 2. Does the bank have non-ledger assets? if so state estim ated value $__________ ____________ 3. W hat is the bank’s legal lending lim it? ____________ 4. Does the bank have any loans in excess of legal lending lim its? ____________ 5. Subm it one schedule “ L” for each custom er w hich has any loan delinquent in excess of 90 days or more tha t is: A. A part of any concentration of credit? or B. In excess of legal lending lim its? 6. Is the board of directors aware of loans referred to in question #5? 7. Ratio (loans so ld /to ta l deposits) ____________ ____________ ____________ ______ % 8. Has there been or is any change a n tic i pated in the senior m anagem ent of the bank? ____________ 9. Date of the last directors exam ination. ____________ 10. Date the loan & investm ent policy approved ____________ 11. Date of approval of the loan and investm ent com m ittee ____________ 12. Does your bank have an a sse t/lia b ility com m ittee? ____________ 13. W hat is the bank’s to ta l do lla r am ount of o u tsta nding letters of credit? $ ___________ 14. W hat is the book value of to ta l other real estate owned? $ ___________ 15. Indicate to ta l am ount of brokered deposits presently held $ ___________ 16. Accrued interest receivable on loans as a percent of annual loan interest income. % 17. Non-interest incom e as a percent of to ta l incom e % 18. Non-interest incom e as a percent of non-interest expense % Signature prepared by Signature reviewed by furnishing graphs to illustrate more vividly all the figures.” CSBS Is Interested This new self-examination program is being followed closely by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors. If it is successful, then the CSBS may recommend it to other states. “ We are truly excited about this program,” Mr. Beverage said last month. “ It will certainly augment our department’s ability to examine all state banks after assuming the added work load when the FDIC quits examining. “ Further, we think it’s a real step forward by im proving our department’s ability to monitor current trends more quickly and easily — an ‘Early Warning System’ you might call it, and it will certainly give SELF-EXAMINATION... (Turn to page 26, please) Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 24 How we achieved better ag credit analysis Written especially for T he N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r By RAYMOND D. HARTLEY Vice President and Cashier Citizens State Bank of Corydon, la. and DAVID C. STOCHL District Manager Financial Systems, Inc. Kearney, Nebr. EVERAL years ago, at the beginning of the micro S computer revolution, the owners of the Citizens State Bank of Corydon, la., purchased an IBM PC. Along with this microcomputer came a challenge to the cashier to utilize the machine to its fullest extent. THE AUTHORS, Dave Stochl (standing), and Ray Hartley, review the m icrocom puter program s tha t help C itizens State of Corydon improve the m onitoring and p ro fit in the bank’s ag loan po rtfo lio . ANALYZING data to project a farm cu sto m e r’s cash flo w is Ray mond D. Hartley, v.p. & cash, at C itizens State Bank in Corydon, la. Looking on is Sandy Holmes, also w ith the bank. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The challenge was met with no reluctance. Three goals^ were established for which the microcomputer could be utilized: 1) Better ag credit and analysis. 2) Better asset/liability management. 3) Growth thru marketing. q Four software programs were purchased at the same time—Financial Systems BankDisk A g Credit Analy sis, Financial Systems BankDisk IRA Proposal/Disclosure, Union Planters Asset/Liability Management, and Lotus 1, 2, 3. £ In 1979, 25% of the bank’s farm customers were completing a limited cashflow to qualify for lines of credit. This cashflow did not include a profit and loss projection nor take into effect beginning and ending in ventories or prepaid expenses. In terms of time sp en t^ two-and-one-half to three hours per year were allotted to complete the cashflow and analyze the customer’s needs. Most of the time was spent doing calculations and creating the reports. Since 1979, the percentage of customers requesting^ a line of credit, who are required to complete the cash flow projection, has increased to 100%. These cashflow plans now include a detailed projection with a profit and loss report. Through the use of the micrcomputer and the B a n k # Disk A g Credit Analysis program, the time spent do ing calculations and reports has decreased to one hour. This includes any changes in the financial plan the cus tomer proposes. These “ what-if” changes take an aver age of ten minutes to complete. The total time spent# has increased to 12 hours per customer per year, but much more is being done in the way of counseling and consulting. The next challenge was Asset/Liability Manage ment. Union Planter’s program was chosen because it# fit the bank’s philosophy. Previously it took five months to create a budget for the next year. Using the microcomputer and the Union Planter’s program, a monthly budget can be generated in three hours; two hours for data input and one hour for computation and# printing. Gap analysis, spread analysis and maturity analysis now can be accomplished with detail and per fection previously unattainable with a manual system. The challenge was to create profitable growth thru marketing. The IRA Proposal/Disclosure progran# authored by BankDisk provided a quick, easy-to-read printout consisting of future projections of retirement value from present contributions. The bank not only sold the idea of owning an IRA, but sold the idea of depositing the IRA funds within its own bank. • Successfully utilizing the microcomputer proved to be possible as well as convenient. A second computer has since been purchased. The current duties of the first machine consist of marketing and credit analysis, the second of internal operations. With the use o ^ Lotus 1, 2, 3, special bank management reports are generated when preprogrammed software is not avail able. This system also utilizes an IRM A 3278 emula tion board which enables the bank an additional data entry CRT. ® The officers of Citizens State Bank of Corydon feel they have met their challenge. With the use of their microcomputers and software, they have the ability to obtain, analyze, and generate detailed information necessary for survival in the 1980s. L_P 25 • New tools for farming! • AccuFarm-GLtmAccuFarm -PLANtm m O II ® • • ^ ^ ^ By RAY L. UNGER Manager, Agricultural Services Ontario Systems Corporation Muncie, Indiana These powerful tools provide vital information re quired for informed farm management and lending de cisions. The bottom line, of course, adds up to financial stability on the farm and better quality ag loans at the bank. NE of the most vital “ tools” for farmers to become more successful is not stored in a tool shed, parked in a barn, nor found at the nearest implement dealer. It’s at the local bank. This “ tool” — a tandem set of microcomputer software programs called AccuFarm-GLtmand AccuFarmPLANtm is designed to address the detailed planning required of today’s farmers and ranchers to assure their financial futures. We all know agriculture is in trouble. While the United States’ general economic environment is as good, if not better than it has been in forty years, the agricultural segment is facing one of its most difficult periods in history. Increased production technology has not increased profitability; good production management has not necessarily created good financial managers. And when agriculture is in trouble, agricultural lenders are in trouble. In the last six months of 1984, more than half of the commercial banks that failed were ag lenders. There are almost 1,500 “ typical farm banks” nation wide, and the Department of Agriculture’s annual Out look Conference recently concluded that overall farm income will continue to decline through 1985 — leading to a 2- to 4-percent further drop in the value of agricul tural lands, on top of the 30 percent national decline in farmland values since 1980. How These Tools Work How can AccuFarm-GL and AccuFarm-PLAN help bankers and their farm customers in this environment? A t their simplest, they offer a better way to evaluate loans before they are made and a better way to monitor loans after they are made. At their most complex, they allow complete financial modeling of multi-farm, multi enterprise aribusinesses with pro-forma cash flow statements, cash and accrual basis financial state ments, double column balance sheets with cost versus market values compared side-by-side, break-even analysis, and multi-year trend analysis of key operat ing ratios. Bankers Comment Says a Nebraska banker: “ We can’t afford not to know any longer what farm loans are used for; exactly what the money is buying.” His words mirror what is being seen by at least thirty banks in a dozen states as a fresh approach to the farm problem. Frankly, lenders in those banks are becoming true fi nancial analysts and record-keepers — a dramatically different posture from years past. “ It’s certainly different from what most lenders are used to,” comments a Colorado banker, “ but it’s con structive, and it works.” What “ works” are the AccuFarm software tools de signed specifically for the ag industry by Ontario Sys tems Corporation of Muncie, Indiana. Designed by a team of agricultural economists, accountants, agricul tural lenders, farmers and ranchers, the products are based on Coordinated Financial Statements for Agri culture*. The CFS format has won approval of the United States Department of Agriculture and is re quired by the Farmers Home Administration. After three years in the marketplace, AccuFarm-GL has proven its value in many settings. In Colorado, for example, it is in use at First National Bank in Grand Junction, on the fertile Western Slope, and at Lamar Community College, in the state’s rich Arkansas Val ley. Spokesman for both say the system may take the ag banker and tomorrow’s farmer alike off the “ hotseat.” Ernie Gill, farm and ranch management coordinator for Lamar College, decided upon the AccuFarm system because “ its method of obtaining transactions from the farm for entry into a computer is the best that I ’ve found — very professional and workable.” In nine weeks, Mr. Gill enrolled thirty farmers from that area and gained the participation of eight South eastern Colorado banks. “ I am amazed and gratified at the response,” he says. “ In every case, the farmers are now thinking differently about their farms than they ever did in the past. “ They have accepted the system 100 percent,” he Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 26 continues. “ So far as they are concerned, it’s powers are unlimited for them in the future. I even had one person tell me: ‘This is one small step for the farmer, a giant step for the industry.’ ’’ Mr. Gill regards farm response as that solid first step toward more efficient management, frankly brought about because cash-flow has become cashdrain with the erosion of equity positions. Bank re sponse is viewed as taking several steps in the positive direction of solving the farm problem. Provides Monthly Monitoring According to First National Vice President W.M. Thaler and assistant Connie Heighes, who administer the AccuFarm-GL system through the Grand Junction bank’s subsidiary Western Credit Corp.: “ Too many in agriculture today wait until the end of the season, or year-end, to make any necessary changes. Now, they can see on a month-to-month basis, or more often, what corrections must be made — and then make them. “ Too many times,” they add, “ things go unnoticed.” AccuFarm looks at the financial management side of agriculture as well as the product side, and the bankers agree that “ lenders are in the business for the long term. They will support agriculture, because agricul ture in Colorado so many times is a town, is a region.” More than 40 percent of First National’s loans are agricultural loans, and Connie Heighes predicts the total number of farmers signed up by mid-year in Mesa County (there are now ten farmers in ten weeks) will be “ as many as we can handle.” Personal Experience As one of the developers of the system, I can tell you from personal experience that I was a frustrated ag lender. The needs of my farmers kept growing. As pro ducers, they were doing a great job, but as financial managers, they just weren’t keeping up. I was their friend, advisor, and financial consultant, but I needed a tool to provide me with more information to help them make good decisions and to help me manage our bank’s portfolio. What I needed was an automated version of the FmHA-approved Coordinated Financial Statements for Agriculture that also had the flexibility to adapt to my customers’ varying needs. AccuFarm-GL was cre ated to be that tool. These tools work and their usage will continue to grow among ag lenders and farm-managers. □ AccuFarm -G L and AccuFarm -PLAN are designed to be used on the IBM PC** and other popular m icrocom puters. * Licensed under U.S. C opyright reg istratio n of Century Com m u nications, Inc. All rights reserved. ** IBM PC is a registered tradem ark of IBM. SELF-EXAMINATION... (Continued from page 23) banks an opportunity to look more closely at their pre sent position and where they are headed. “ It will help us utilize our current staff people even more efficiently by pin-pointing those banks that are headed into trouble or might need assistance.” Program Is a Winner Only time will show if Nebraska’s self-examination process will achieve what is hoped for it. Based on the DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis confidence and enthusiasm of people like Mr. Bever age, Mr. Shambo and Mr. Tiedje, it looks to be a win® ner among the new approaches to bank examination. □ 8 MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS... (Continued from page 19) very low. Software cost, however, can vary substan tially, depending on the particular application and whether the software is user-developed or purchased from vendors. For certain functions, the banker-user may want to develop the application software in-house^ and the out-of-pocket costs for purchasing general bus iness packages are relatively low. However, the time commitment may be substantial. In certain applica tions, it may be more advantegeous to purchase the software packages from the vendors. Nonetheless, re^ gardless of what route the institution takes, we believe that the cost is low in relation to the potential benefits in terms of improved efficiency and opportunities if done properly. 2. Software designed for microcomputers is u su ally “ user-friendly” and “ menu-driven.” Users with no or minimal previous programming experience can learn to use the microcomputer with relative ease. In a re cent survey of bankers on the use of microcomputers in banking, 50% of the respondents indicated that th e ^ had no prior experience in computer programming. Another 46% indicated that they had minimal compu ter programming background. Only the remaining 4% claimed that they were competent or a professional programmer. Furthermore, when the respondents w er# asked to identify the user(s) of microcomputers in their organization, the results were as follows: president, 11.4%; vice president, 35.1%; manager, 13.2%; clerical staff, 26.3%; data processing professional, 14%. 3. As opposed to the mainframe computer, the en(# user usually has direct control of the microcomputer and has easy access to it. The need for interfacing with a data processing professional is greatly reduced, and thus the waiting time (and the corresponding frustra tion) can be practically eliminated. • 4. The large mainframe computer usually is oriented towards accounting functions. Microcomputers, on the other hand, can be more decision oriented. The reason for this is that the micro is a personal tool (user friend ly and low in cost) and not merely an extension of th # mainframe. It can be used as a stand-alone system us ing software constructed by the users or purchased from vendors. When it is used that way, data support ing the decision model (for example, account balances and activity level of a customer in customer profitabili® ty analysis model) would have to be input manually. The majority of current software today supports manual input but still provides the flexibility of inter facing with mainframes when communication software is available. Programs for downloading inform atio* from a specific mainframe to a specific microcomputer may have to be customized, at'least for the time being. We would not be surprised, however, if such software is available from software vendors in the near future^ In sum, banks which properly utilize microcompu® ters in their loan management should have a competi tive edge over their competitors. Reaping the fullest potential, however, requires careful planning, evalua tion, and education of the users. We hope this analysi^ will help provide a basis for such a process. I".® Chase Offers Other Banks Access to Mutual Funds Chase Manhattan Bank of New York last month became the first money center bank to offer corres pondent institutions a service pro viding easy access to investment in money market mutual funds. Through Chase’s new Portfolio Investment Funds Service, custo mers can elect to invest for their own investment portfolio in any of five mutual funds: • Dreyfus General Money Market Fund • Dreyfus General Government Securities Money Market Fund • Goldman Sachs Exempt Assets Portfolio • Goldman Sachs Government Assets Portfolio • Nuveen Tax-Free Accounts Chase acts as agent for customer banks in purchasing and redeeming shares of the funds. Current yields on the five funds are available through a toll-free quote line, 800-223-3133. Susan W. Schoon, vice president in charge of the Community Bank ing Division, said Chase will accept initial orders of $100,000 or more per fund. Orders of $25,000 or more are accepted for subsequent pur chases and redemptions. Minimum balances of $100,000 must be main tained in each fund chosen. Ms. Schoon noted that PIFS as sures “ one-stop banking’ ’ for custo mer institutions. Among the ser vices provided are daily accounting records and monthly reporting on each fund investment. Survey Finds Bankers Want Software Ratings For financial executives who want to know what software is the best for their applications, M ICRO BANKER will provide ratings for financial application software based on user satisfaction. MICROBANKER is a three-yearold information resource for the use of micro computers in banking. It publishes the Microbanker Research Letter, a monthly report on critical issues for microbanking, and the Microbanker Software Directories, four volumes of financial application software organized by banking ap plication. There are listings of over 1000 micro computer programs in Agribusiness Facility Lending Institutional Private Placement Specialists Bell Investment Company Term Refinancing of Fixed A ssets Facility Financing for Leveraged Buyouts Project Financing ($2,000,000 and over) the Microbanker databank. Financial executives who want help locating the best programs now can learn what their peers think of the programs they are using. Using its large subscriber base to start, M ICROBANKER will poll its readers to find out what application software they use, how they use it and whether or not the software is doing the job. Users will rate the software in five critical areas: 1. Ease of Use 2. Documentation 3. Support 4. Performance 5. Recommendation High scorers will enter the MICROBANKER “ Best of Class’’ circle. Participants who fill out the ratings questionnaire will receive a special report documenting the re sults. They will find out what soft ware has the widest user base, what features users consider to be im portant, what percentage of users are satisfied with the software. The reports will reveal just how financial executives are using the software, what types of support the user should expect from vendors, and how to decide if the software is right for them. FACED WITH DISPOSING OF FORECLOSED BUSINESS COLLATERAL? Bankers Liquidation Report will connect you with buying prospects for all types of business equipment, inventories, even complete businesses. A low cost listing in The Report will be seen by thousands of businessmen and entreprenuers each month. Effective recovery means the best possible price for the collateral with the least time and effort by bank personnel. Bankers Liquidation Report will help you meet this end. Our optional reader inquiry service will provide names and phone numbers of prospective buyers, while shielding your bank from inconvenience and unnecessary publicity. For further information about our service, or to order a listing, contact: (319) 752-5426 BANKERS LIQUIDATION REPORT 6440 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (612) 829-0213 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 FIRST.THEGOODNEWS Whenyouaskforcredit, youdeservemorethanmoney. To improve your bank’s profit ability you have to increase the level and quality o f your earning assets. You have to be innovative. And you have to make your bank’s credit ser vices m ore attractive than ever. We have to do the same. So w hen you ask your First Bank Corre spondent Banker to participate in a loan, you get a lot more than m oney We want to help you make good loans. And w e’ll w ork hard to help you create loan packages that look as good to your custom ers as they do on your balance sheet. W hat’s m ore, since First Bank Correspondent Banking is based in the Twin Cities, you can easily tap into the resources that have made us the leading bank in our region. And you’ll reap the benefits o f expert advice from som e o f the M idw est’s m ost respected special ists in areas ranging from leasing to high technology, from real estate to inter national and m er chant banking. Call your First Bank Correspondent Banker today Because, after all, w hen you ask for credit you deserve m ore than m oney I First Bank Correspondent *A service of First Bank Minneapolis and First Bank Saint Paul. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First Bank Minneapolis First Bank Place Minneapolis, MN 55480 (612)370-5474 First Bank Saint Paul 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (612)291-5585 Members FDIC ganization in Duluth in 1976 as a teller. Also announced at the bank was the election of Lance B. Schwanke as assistant vice president. Mr. Schwanke, a graduate of the University of Minnesota, joined Norwest Bank Two Harbors in Sep tember, 1984. He previously served at First National Bank in Baudette, Minn. MBA Announces Convention Outline DVANCE details of the pro gram for the 95th annual con vention of the Minnesota Bank ers Association were outlined re cently by M BA President Galen T. P a te and M B A C onven tion Chairman R ich a rd W. Schoenke. The R.W. SCHOENKE co n v e n tio n is scheduled for June 10-12 at the Amfac Hotel in downtown Minneapolis. Mr. Pate is president of Signal Hills State Bank in West St. Paul. Mr. Schoenke is president of First Bank Minneapolis. As usual, the Men’s and Women’s Golf Tournaments will precede ac tual convention hall activities on Monday morning, June 10. The men will play at Hazeltine National Golf Club in Chaska and Golden Valley Country Club. The women are set to play at Minnetonka Country Club in Shorewood. Exhibits will be open throughout Monday afternoon and special inter est sessions will be conducted dur ing the same period of time in back to back sessions. The First Night Hospitality reception is hosted by correspondent banks. The Tuesday morning Fellowship Breakfast has become a welcome tradition in the few years since it was first scheduled because of the inspirational nature of the meeting. The first general session begins at 10:00 a.m., adjourning at noon for a luncheon for delegates, the usual Past Officers and Pioneer Bankers Luncheon and a Women’s Luncheon. The afternoon will be devoted again to special interest sessions, each re peated once. Correspondent banks and associate members will again sponsor the All Convention Recep A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Blaine V.P. Elected tion Tuesday night, followed by the Annual Banquet. The second general session will convene Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. The convention will ad journ following the President’s Re ception and Luncheon, which con cludes at 2:30 p.m. Other members of Mr. Schoenke’s Convention Committee are: Walter Meadley, president, National City Bank, Minneapolis; Lloyd Simms, Norwest Bank, Minneapolis; Wil liam Klein, vice president Mar quette Bank Minneapolis; Rodger Bense, president, State Bank of Long Lake, and Patricia Kurtz, Citi zens State Bank of Norwood. The full convention program will be published next month. Kent V. Stone has been elected vice president and manager of the retail banking department of First Northtown National Bank, Blaine. Mr. Stone be gan his career with First Bank System in July of 1980 as a man agement trainee K.V. STONE in the retail de partment of First Bank Robbinsdale. In 1982 he was promoted to assistant vice president and man ager of the Brooklyn Park Office of First Bank Robbinsdale. In 1984, he transferred to First Bank Northtown as an assistant vice president. Two Harbors President Elected; Officer Named Two Elected in Duluth Norwest Corporation has an nounced that Carolyn Roberts has been named president and managing officer of Norwest Bank Two Har bors. She is the first woman to head a Norwest bank in its 56-year history, according to Charles A. Russell, Du luth, Norwest regional president. C. ROBERTS L.B. SCHWANKE Ms. Roberts had been vice presi dent and manager of the bank since last November. A native of Duluth, she previously had served as man ager of the Denfeld and Miller Hill branches of Norwest Bank Duluth. Ms. Roberts joined the Norwest or The board of directors of First Bank Duluth has announced the election of Dennis Mickle as vice president and comptroller and Law rence Stovern as assistant vice president in commercial loans. Mr. Mickle joined the bank in 1969 as a management trainee. In 1973 he was promoted to auditor and in 1979 was named comptroller, with responsibility for accounting and financial control. A graduate of the University of Minnesota-Duluth, Mr. Mickle attended the BAI School for Bank Administration at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Stovern joined First Bank Duluth in 1978 as a management trainee. In 1979, he was named credit interviewer and in 1982 was promoted to marketing officer. In January 1983, he was named com mercial loan officer. The holder of a degree from Brown University, Mr. Stovern is currently pursuing an M BA from the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 30 American National Bank, St. Paul, announced that Edward L. K alafat has joined the bank as vice president and manager of the e x e cu tiv e and professional department. In a d d it io n tw o new o ff ic e r s w ere e le c te d : Nancy M. Joas, E.L. KALAFAT commercial real estate officer, and M. Louise Tracy, personal banking officer. Mr. Kalafat has more than 30 years banking experience. His most recent positions have been president of First Bank White Bear Lake and senior vice president of First Bank Systems. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota. Ms. Joas joined American in 1983 as a real estate representative. She is a graduate of the University of Montana. Ms. Tracy has been with Ameri can since 1977. She has held posi tions in retail collections and per sonal banking. She received a BS degree from Creighton University. * * * Rodell L. Hofland has been elected president of First Bank Security, St. Paul. He suc ceeds Robert T. Wallner, who re tired March 31. Mr. Hofland has served as se nior vice presi dent o f First Bank Security’s commercial divi sion since 1983. R.L. HOFLAND He has been as sociated with First Bank System since 1967, when he joined First Bank Edina. He served as an exami Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ner in First Bank System’s examina tion division from 1968 to 1971, at which time he was elected assistant cashier at First Bank Security. He rejoined the corporate staff in 1974 and joined the bank’s staff once again in 1975. In 1978 he was elected president of First Bank Northfield, a position he held until 1983 when he once again rejoined First Bank Security. Also at the bank, Mark J. Ouradnik has been elected vice president with responsibility for managing its commercial loan division. He joins the bank from First Bank Minneapolis where he most re cently was assistant vice president. He started his career with First Bank System in 1976. * * * the fourth largest bank in the Ninth Federal Reserve District. All Marquette banks now have new names. Marquette National Bank at University has become Marquette Bank University, N.A. Because that institution and the downtown Minneapolis bank have national charters, their names incor porate the initials, “ N .A.,” to de note national association. For the other state-chartered Marquette banks, the new names are: Marquette Lake State Bank is now Marquette Bank Lake; Mar quette State Bank of Columbia Heights is Marquette Bank Colum bia Heights, and Marquette Bank and Trust Company of Rochester, is Marquette Bank Rochester. Carl R. Pohlad, president of F&M Marquette National Bank, Minnea polis, announced March 28 that the bank has formally changed its name to Marquette Bank Minneapolis, N.A. James H. Hearon, III, chairman and CEO at National City Bank of Minneapolis, has announced the following chang es to the bank’s official staff. James R. Carl son was named vice president and officer in charge of per sonal banking. R.L. COMSTOCK He has been with the bank since 1973. Roberta L„ Comstock, who has been with the bank since 1973, was named vice president and group head of the executive and profes sional banking group. * * * Ä Marquette Bank Minneapolis The preliminary decision to adopt the new name was made in late 1984, and was approved by the bank’s board of directors and ratified by the stockholders February 19. “ By effecting the name change,’ ’ Mr. Pohlad said, “ this institution is really completing a process begun with the 1982 merger of Marquette National Bank and Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank. Mr. Pohlad and Marquette Na tional Bank outbid several major competitors in 1982 to take over Farmers and Mechanics, which was chartered in 1874. The resultant in stitution—F&M Marquette Na tional Bank—immediately became FBS Insurance has announced the promotion of Anwar Bhimani to vice president, controller, effective April 1. Mr. Bhimani joined FBS Insur ance in November of 1983 as assis tant vice president, controller. He f £ 0 • Minnesota News brings to this new position six years of accounting experience. * * * Company - New York, Mr. Lanning served in a variety of positions with The Depository Trust Company, New York from 1977 to 1985. Most recently, he served as vice president and head of its Institutional Deli very (ID) System Task Force. This Task Force was charged with imple menting the ID system in the finan cial community so that brokers and dealers could comply with rules mandating its use. From 1968 to 1976, he was with State Street Bank and Trust Company of Boston, most recently as assistant vice president of operations in its International Securities Services Division. Mr. Lanning is a graduate of Fordham University, where he re ceived a B.A. degree in German. * * * Norwest Bank Minneapolis an nounced today that it has elected John M. Lanning, Jr. presi dent of Norwest Trust Company, New York, its fu ll pu rp ose trust com pany located on Wall Street in New York City. Norwest Trust J.M. LANNING, JR. Company, New York, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Norwest Bank Minneapolis, N.A., specializing in providing custody, securities clearance and related se curities services to financial institu tions and corporations. The Upper Midwest Automated Mr. Lanning will be responsible C le a rin g H o u se A s s o c ia t io n for increasing Norwest Trust Com (UMACHA) recently announced pany’s market share and for the dai that it would like to become a mem ly operations of securities-related ber of the National Automated processing and transfer acitivities Clearing H ouse A s s o c ia tio n ’ s on behalf of Norwest customers re (NACHA’S) Advanced Participa quiring immediate, reliable access to tion Program for private sector pro the New York securities market. cessing. On November 9, 1984, Prior to joining Norwest Trust N ACH A’s board of directors ap- 31 proved a Business Plan and funding of $250,000 to implement a private sector national automated clearing house service. An integral part of this plan is to operate an “ Advance Participation” or pilot program before full nationwide implementa tion occurs. The advance participation pro gram is part of N ACH A’s plan for implementing GEI SCO’s national ACH service which will be designed to process ACH entries in a high speed all-electronic mode. The sys tem is being developed to reduce costs and increase operating effi ciencies. The current ACH operator, the Federal Reserve System, will continue to be a major processor of ACH items. Fred Laing, U M AC H A’s execu tive director, said, “ W e’ve been n e g o t ia t in g s e p a r a te ly w ith GEISCO over the past year for the processing of our ACH items. The approval of the business plan by NACHA provides UMACHA with the opportunity and the vehicle to work with NACHA and GEISCO to begin the implementation of a ser vice that will be equally beneficial to all parties involved. I expect that other ACH associations wil be fol- 75 YEARS OF COMMERCIAL LENDING EXPERIENCE United Financial's St. Paul staff includes, from left to right: Jack Barry, senior vice president; Bob Foster, consultant; Tom Resch, vice president; Gerrie Higgins, assistant secretary; and Dale Beastrom, commercial banking officer. United Financial Savings B ank's staff has 75 years of combined commercial lending experience. This experience, coupled with the bank's 75 years of trustworthy service in U Southern M innesota and $468 million in assets, gives you solid advice from a bank that has been there before. Join our progress. Your Partner In Progress. United Financial Savings Bank 400 N. Robert Street, Suite 1150, St. Paul M N 55101 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (612) 293-1464 Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 32 Minnesota News lowing U M AC H A’s lead shortly. UMACHA is the first ACH asso ciation to announce its willingness to become a member of the Advance Participation Program. N ACHA plans to include a member of other ACH associations in the program which will offer participating finan cial institutions an opportunity to use GEISCO’s national ACH ser vice in a controlled environment. * * * Norwest Bank St. Paul, N.A. re cently announced the election of Joan Laskey to commercial banking officer and James Morelli to the board. Ms. Laskey is a graduate of the U n iv e rs ity o f WisconsinStout, where she J. LASKEY received her BS in business administration. She joined Norwest Bank Minneapolis in 1982 and is presently located at Nor west Bank East St. Paul. Mr. Morelli, of Morelli’s Specialty and Discount Liquors, is a graduate of the College of St. Thomas. Connie Boevers has been named operations officer at First Bank Northfield, ac cording to Donavan F. Kuehnast, president. Ms. Boevers began her bank ing career in W isconsin and has been em ployed by First Bank Burnsville for the last six c - BOEVERS and one-half years. A t First Bank Minneapolis, David G. Hansen has been named senior vice presi dent; Sandra J. Anderson has been named vice president, and Jeffrey R. Ar nold has joined as vice president in the National East Division. Mr. Hansen D G HANSEN joined the bank Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in 1966 and had been vice president in the construction loans - regional division since 1984. He earned a BS degree in political science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1966. Ms. Anderson joined the bank in 1975 and has been assistant vice president in the metropolitan bank ing I division since 1984. Mr. Arnold had been with Na tional City Bank of Minneapolis for 15 years, most recently as vice presi dent and group manager. * * * Gerry Herringer has been elected to the board of directors of Mar quette Bank Columbia Heights. Mr. Herringer is president of 100 Twin, Inc., vice president of Norfolk, Inc., and secretary/treasurer of Cot tage Grove Theatre Corporation. * * * St. Anthony National Bank, Min neapolis, announced recently that John M. Brown has joined the bank as vice president, commercial lend ing, and Bryan J. Boldt has joined the commercial banking depart ment. S.A. SEDLACEK K.A. YATES ^ when he joined the company’s regional division as a financial ana lyst. Ms. Yates formerly was manager of communications for Control Data • Corporation’s financial and business services group which included Com mercial Credit Company. She will be filling a newly created position at the holding company level respon- • sible for internal and external com munications and reporting to James Ulland, senior vice president, corpo rate relations. * * * ^ Michael J. Kozlak has joined FBS Mortgage Corporation-Residential as a managing director and the chief lending of ficer according to Mark L. Korell, the co m pany’s CEO. Mr. Kozlak will be responsible for mortgage origi nations through FBSMC branch offices and purchases from corres pondents nationwide. J.M. BROWN B.J. BOLDT Mr. Kozlak most recently served as president and CEO of First Fi- 0 Mr. Brown previously was with nancial Capital Management Corpo First Bank Northtown, whre he was ration, a commercial real estate mort senior lending officer - vice presi gage and investment banking firm dent. He began his banking career in located in Edina. 1960 at First Bank Minneapolis. * * * 0 Mr. Boldt previously was with First Bank Robbinsdale as senior Marquette Lease Services, Min credit analyst. He is a graduate of neapolis, has announced the promo the University of Wisconsin, River tion of Michael Weinberger to vice Falls. * * * Stuart A. Sedlacek has been pro moted to vice president of finance and planning for First Bank Sys tem’s financial services division and Kathryn A. Yates has been named vice president in communications. Mr. Sedlacek has been associated with First Bank System since 1981, P. WINEBARGER R. BRINK 33 We extend more than credit. We extend ourselves. Since Duane Peterson joined us in October, he’s logged a lot of miles. And yes, he’s had to check a map once or twice while making lunch stops. It’s all part of learning the territory and introducing himself to you bankers, who are so important to Marquette Bank Minneapolis. Not only is he committed to the personal service you’ve come to expect from our correspondent bankers, but he has been a community banker himself. He’s seen things from your point of view. Because he understands your needs, he can respond quickly. He's there to serve you anywhere, anytime, all the time. We built our correspondent reputation on personal service. We call it “extending ourselves for you’’. Duane is another example of this philosophy. Leam more about professional service with a personal difference. Call us at (612)341-6561. Marquette Bank Minneapolis Member FDIC Correspondent Banking Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 34 Minnesota News president, commercial loan and lease, and the addition of Robert Brink as vice president, municipal leasing. Mr. Weinberger joined the firm in 1983 and previously served as lease representative. He has a BS degree from Bemidji State University. Mr. Brink previously was em ployed by Gelco Municipal Services, where he served as regional sales manager. * * * Fred Squires, former vice presi dent for regional operations at First Bank System , has been named vice president and manager of retail banking systems for FBS Information Ser vices. Mr. Squires has been with First Bank Sys F. SQUIRES tem for 17 years, serving as a vice president of re search and development for First Computer Corporation and vice president of correspondent banking at First Bank Minneapolis. FBS Information Services, head quartered at First Bank Saint Paul, provides data processing services and support to all First Bank Sys tem affiliate and correspondent banks. * * * James R. Clare and Peter E. Roen have been named vice presidents of FBS Services, Inc., the First Bank System subsidiary. Mr. Clare, who joined First Bank System in 1979, had been assistant vice president in the First Bank Sys tem accounting department. Bank Shares Incorporated, Min neapolis, has named Paige Winebarger vice presi dent. Ms. Winebarger, who also serves as corpo rate secretary for M arquette Bank, Minnea polis, the lead bank in the hold in g com p a n y, has responsibili WEINBERGER ty for coordinat ing the legal needs for both organi zations. She also serves as the organiza tion’s liaison with federal and state regulatory authorities, has responsi bility for the consumer affairs and compliance department and handles administrative coordination for the organization’s contingency plan ning, record retention and risk man agement review. Ms. Winebarger, who joined the organization in October, 1983, had previously served as assistant vice president of the holding company and corporate secretary of the bank. * * * First Bank Edina has announced that Judy O’Hagen has been named vice president, retail banking d iv is io n , and Kevin Powers and Peter T. Grewe have been named assistant vice presidents in the commer cial loan division- Ms. O ’Hagen J. O’HAGEN Mr. Grewe previously was corpo rate banking officer with First Bank • La Crosse. * * * The Valley View Insurance Agen- ^ cy in Bloomington was acquired by FBS Insurance, the insurance brok erage subsidiary of First Bank Sys tem, Inc. on March 5. The agency will remain at its cur- ^ rent location at 8200 Highwood Drive, but will do business as First Insurance Valley View. Within 90 days, FBS Insurance will relocate its First Insurance Twin Cities agen- 0 cy in downtown Minneapolis to the Bloomington location. Valley View’s former owners, Gor don L. Johnson, Bruce A. Medvec, John F. Rendall and Thomas E. Napier, will serve as senior account executives in the combined agency. The office will be managed locally by Charles D. Hendrickson, FBS Insur ance regional vice president for the 0 metro area. 0 Minnesota 4-H Bank Campaign Begins The Minnesota Bankers Associa tion 4-H Campaign Committee has announced support for the Minneso ta 4-H Youth Development Pro gram. In a letter to M BA member banks, Thomas E. Olson, president, First National Bank, Starbuck, and committee chairman, stated that over 9,000 young people throughout the state participate in the Minneso ta 4-H Junior Leadership Program alone. The young people learn lead ership skills by implementing pro jects and providing services for the betterment of their community. The goal of this year’s committee, which is made up of former M BA of ficers, is to raise $10,000 for the Minnesota 4-H Foundation and its Y ou th D evelop m en t P rogram through contributions from banks. ^ • • • • Elected at Bremer Financial • K. POWERS J.R. CLARE P.E. ROEN Mr. Roen had been with FBS In formation Services for 18 years, most recently as contingency plan ning manager in the Processing Ser vices division. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.T. GREW began her career with First Bank System in 1957 and previously held the position of human resources offi cer and manager - metro affiliates. Prior to joining First Bank Edina, Mr. Powers held the position of com mercial loan officer at First Bank Burnsville. Bremer Financial Services, Inc. has announced the election of Richard S. Thurley as assistant vice president/financial analyst for Region I 0 and III of the Bremer bank groups. He will work out of South St. Paul MINNESOTA NEWS... (Turn to page 41, please) 35 Valley Bancorporation Names Three Senior V.P.s At its recent meeting, Valley Ban® corporation board of directors named Gary A. Lichtenberg as se nior vice president and chief finan cial officer; Robert H. Jones, senior vice president, fox region, and Mark ® L. Miller, senior vice president, fi nancial services. Mr. Lichtenberg, also secretary of Valley Bancorporation, has been with Valley for 15 years. Prior to ® that he was with Arthur Andersen & Co., accounting firm. Mr. Jones, who has regional re sponsibility for the nine Valley Banks in east central Wisconsin, has ® been with Valley 14 years. He was with Harris Trust, Chicago, prior to that time. Mr. Miller has been with Valley _ the past eight years and prior to ^ that time was with Marine National Exchange Bank, Milwaukee. Promoted in Milwaukee f £ • Don Kramp has been promoted to first vice president of First Wiscon sin National Bank of Milwaukee. His promotion follows his recent ap pointment to head the newly organized correspondent group. Most of Mr. Kramp’s 23 years of service at First Wisconsin have been directly related to correspondent banking. For the past 13 years he has been head of the correspondent division for the bank. First Interstate Trust Promotes Three Officers • First Interstate Trust Company, Sheboygan, a subsidiary of First In terstate Corporation, has announced prom otion s o f three officers. Timothy J. Beaton has been named ® senior vice president, and Robert L. Krueger and James Cooney have been promoted to vice president. Mr. Beaton has overall responsi bility for the personal trust division ® of the company and direct responsi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bility for trust sales and administra tion at service offices in Sheboygan County and the Waupun area. He joined First Interstate in 1984 as vice president of personal trusts. Previously, he was vice president of First Wisconsin National Bank in Fond du Lac where he managed the trust office. Mr. Krueger, who was promoted from assistant vice president, man ages the trust operation function which includes accounting, data pro cessing and securities processing ac tivities. He joined the company as trust operations manager in 1970. He was made trust operations of ficer in 1978 and assistant vice president in 1983. Mr. Cooney was promoted within the company’s employee benefits di vision where he had been assistant vice president since joining the firm in 1983. He handles documentation and legal compliance of corporate employee benefit plans. He also as sists with administrative and busi ness development needs. F&M Bank Menomonee Falls Announces Promotion Richard P. Klug, president and CEO of F&M Bank Menomonee Falls has announced the promotion of John R. Saler to vice president and some responsibility changes at several bank offices which include naming Mr. Saler as banking man ager of the bank’s Waukesha office. Mr. Saler, presently in the com mercial banking division of the Men omonee Falls Bank joined F&M Bank after serving as assistant vice president at M&I American Bank and Trust Company, Racine. In addition, Mr. Klug announced that Michael J. DeLany, vice presi dent, banking manager of the Lannon Office, is assigned to the com mercial banking division and will be located in the Menomonee Falls Of fice. Donald C. Leitel, vice president and banking manager of the Wauke sha Office, will move to the Meno monee Falls Office. He will assume responsibility for selected commer cial accounts and oversee a portion of the retail banking operation as well as several related products. Robert J,. Sielaff, vice president and banking manager of the bank’s Lake Five Office, is assigned the addi tional responsibility of banking manager of the Lannon Office. Joan Van Alen, assistant vice president, operations officer of the Lannon Of fice, will assume the additional re sponsibility of the operational of ficer duties of the Lake Five Office. Valley Trust Names V.P. Valley Trust Company, Appleton, recently named Patrick W. Brault as vice president and trust officer at the Oshkosh office. His primary re sponsibility will be to serve as port folio manager and account officer for the trust accounts at Valley Bank of Oshkosh. Additionally, he will be re sponsible for the marketing of trust services to individuals and corpora tions in the Oshkosh area. Valley Trust Company, Appleton, has named Marjorie E. Schultz as controller. In addition, H. Kirk Hoult has joined the staff as invest ment officer and portfolio manager. Ms. Schultz has been with Valley Bancorporation for 22 years. Her primary responsibilities will include the financial reporting of non-bank subsidiaries, including Valley Trust Company, Valley Banklease, Com munity Life Insurance and Valley Mortgage Services. Mr. Hoult most recently was with Citizens National Bank of Paris, 111. Two directors have also been elected to the board of Valley Trust Company. Peter C. Jacobs is senior vice president and trust officer with the Bank of Wisconsin, Janesville. Donald A. Smart is president of Charing Company, Madison. BANCWIS Shareholders Vote for Valley Merger BANCW IS Corporation share holders have voted overwhelmingly to approve the company’s merger with Valley Bancorporation, Appleton. The results of the special share holders’ meeting on March 22, were announced jointly by Rowland J. McClellan, president of BANCW IS Corporation, and Gus A. Zuehlke, chairman of Valley Bancorporation. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Now You Can Have Som ething In Common W ith The Midwest’s Leading Bankers. ONE OF THE NATION’S LEADING EFT SYSTEMS. The strikingly familiar red lightning bolt of SHAZAM is the new look for electronic banking in the midwest. And it’s no secret that in banking circles across the country, ITS, Inc., SHAZAM’s provider, is recognized as one of the leading EFT service providers in operation today. Through recent expansion efforts, ITS, Inc. is now able to offer its services and the SHAZAM system to even more midwestern financial institu tions. So now you too can profit from ITS, Inc.’s cost efficiency, record of success, POS technol ogy, marketing support and unique managerial approach. ITS, Inc. 200 Financial Services Building ■ 508 Tenth Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 ■ 1-515-286-4377 Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis You already have one thing in common with the midwest’s leading bankers — a goal of maintaining your financial institution’s profitability in today’s competitive market place. SHAZAM gives you yet another thing in common — a way to accomplish that goal! SH AZAM 37 "M anaging the Change that comes w ith Progress" G.T. ANDES H. YATES President Secretary 1985 Annual Illinois Bankers Association Convention J. LUTTRELL Treasurer G ALA opening reception featuring music, dancing and special theme party activities will kick-off the 1985 Illinois Bankers Association Annual Convention set for June 5-7 at the Chicago Marriott Hotel. This year’s convention boasts an impressive lineup of speakers, workshops, recreation and other activities for bankers and their spouses. Theme for the conven tion is “ Managing the Change that comes with Pro gress.” G. Thomas Andes, president of the First National Bank of Belleville, will preside at the convention. He assumed the duties of IBA president April 1 following the resignation of James E. Forster, chairman of the DeKalb Bank. Mr. Forster resigned as president in order to devote more time to outside business matters. Other IB A officers elected in January of this year are: Secretary—Harlan Yates, president, Cisne State Bank, and Treasurer—John Luttrell, president, First National Bank, Decatur. William J. Hocter continues as executive vice president. Dr. Barry Asmus, economist, author and lecturer, who received a standing ovation at the 1983 annual convention, will return to address the Graduate School of Banking Luncheon on Thursday, June 6. An integral part of the convention, and one of the convention’s major educational highlights, is the trade show. Nearly one hundred exhibitors will be on hand to answer questions on the newest products and services available to the banking industry. This year’s banquet entertainment—Political Satir A # # • • ® ® June 5-7 Chicago Marriott Hotel Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W.J. HOCTER Exec. Vice Pres. ist Mark Russell—should provide a memorable finish to an exciting convention. Also at the banquet, dance music will be provided by Warren Covington and his Orchestra featuring vocalist Mary Jo Begley. Wednesday, June 5 A.M. 11:00 P.M. 1:30 3:15 4:30 8:00 Exhibits and registration open until 5:00 p.m. Concurrent workshops. “ The State and Federal Legislative Agenda for 1985” —An IBA panel. G. Thomas Andes, IBA president; William J. Hocter, executive vice president; James W. Civik, vice president and director of state government affairs, and Michael D. Rosenfeld, assistant director of state governmental affairs. “ Customized Time Management for Increased Profitability” —Dr. Charles E. Kozoll, profes sor of education, University of Illinois, Cham paign, Urbana. “ How to Make the Most of your Bank’s Pro fitability” —Harold J. Brewer, senior vice president, Sheshunoff & Co., Inc. Austin, Tex. “ The Basics of Family-Based Healthcare” — Dr. Robert Gorsky, president, Health Promo tion Network, Elmhurst. Workshops repeated. Reception. Country fair theme party. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 38 Illinois News 3:30 4:30 Thursday, June 6 A.M. 7:30 8:30 P.M. 12:00 12:00 12:00 2:00 Exhibits and reception open. First general session. • Dr. Roy Moor, senior vice president and chief economist at The First National Bank of Chi cago. • Robert Bleiberg, publisher of Barron's Week ly• J.P. Bolduc, chief operating officer of the President’s Private Sector Survey. Graduate School of Banking luncheon—featur ing Dr. Barry Asmus, economist, author and lecturer. Spouses’ luncheon—featuring The Personal Theatre of Muriel Bach. Fifty Year Club luncheon. Concurrent workshops. “ Implementing Mergers & Acquisitions in the Financial Services Industry” —Gary C. Von Glinow, partner, Ernst & Whinney, Chicago. “ Executive Compensation for the ProfitMinded Banker” —Harold J. Brewer, senior vice president, Sheshunoff and Co., Inc., Aus tin, Tex. “ How to Prevent Kidnapping & Extortion within the Banking Industry” —Stephen L. Marley, president, Marley and Associates, Inc. Coral Springs, Fla. A.M. 8:00 8:30 P.M. 12:30 2:30 6:00 7:00 Workshops repeated. Evening open. Friday, June 7 Exhibits and registration open. Second general session. ^ • Marlin D. Jackson, Arkansas Bank Commis sioner since 1983 and national spokesman for the Coalition for Regional Banking and Eco nomic Development. • The Honorable Alan J. Dixon, Senator (D-IL)^ • Peter G. Peterson, chairman of Peterson, Jacobs and Company (former U.S. Secretary of Commerce and former chairman of Lehman Brothers). Association report. ^ Convention luncheon featuring Art Linkletter, television and radio personality. Third general session. • Dr. Clifford Hardin, former U.S. Secretary o ^ Agriculture and currently Scholar in Residence at the Center for the Study of American Busi ness. • The Honorable Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations since 1981# Banquet reception. Convention banquet featuring Political Satirist Mark Russell, and The Warren Covington Or chestra with female vocalist Jo Ann Begley. □ You Will See Them at the Annual Illinois Bankers Convention June 5-7 HE following metropolitan bank ers and service and equipment dealers have indicated that they will be attending the annual convention of the Illinois Bankers Association in Chicago, June 5-7 T Chicago LaSalle National Bank: Homer J. Livingston, Jr., president and CEO; M. Hill Hammock and Henry D. Strunk, executive vice presidents; Marc B. Benson, senior vice presi dent; Wayne L. Bismark, James R. Daly and Emil J. Schubert, vice presidents; James L. FioRito, assis tant vice president; Gregory L. Volk, loan officer, and Barbara Win ter. Northern Trust Company: Charles H. Barrow, president; David W. Fox, vice chairman; Clyde W. Reighard, executive vice president; John V.N. McClure and Michael L. Kubacki, vice presidents; Theodore W. Flint, John J. Harris, James F.T. Monhart and John F. Ball, Jr., com mercial banking officers, and Martin G. Alston, commercial banking rep resentative. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Kansas City United Missouri Bank: Phillip L. Youngs and Matt H. Grzybinski, vice presidents, and Robert J. Heinsohn, correspondent banking officer. Milwaukee First Wisconsin National Bank: Roberto J. Vinent and David P. Titus, vice presidents; Roger A. Himmel, assistant vice president, and Bruce M. Ferden, correspondent officer. St. Louis Centerre Bank, N.A.: Raymond B. Johnson, Jr., executive vice presi dent and head of central group; B.A. Parnell III, vice president and divi sion manager of correspondent de partment; Michael D. Flier, Edward L. Campbell, James Graham, and Jack W. Impey, vice presidents; Kenneth D. Feaster, T. Michael Logan, William Florich, Tom Lux and Lana Gardner, assistant vice presidents; Stephen M. Reese, James Bizzarro and Anne O ’Hagan, commercial banking officers. Bank Equipment and Other Firms Actron, Inc. Elk Grove Village, 111.: Ron Lach and Rhonda Welch. Bank Building Corporation, St. Louis, Mo.: John Posh and Bill S n y^ der, consultant services managers. LeFebure Corporation, Cedar Rapids, la.: Len Yotko, Mark Barbera, Denny McClaren, Don Desnoyers, Paul Ratzburg and Dick R ed ig# Glen Burmeister Associates, Inc., Des Moines, la.: Glenn Burmeister. HBE Bank Facilities, St. Louis, Mo.: Tom O’Toole. ^ InnerLine, Arlington Heights, 111.: Gretchen Boch and Lisa Phillips. ITS, Inc., Des Moines, la.: James W. Jorgensen, marketing manager. Mosler Safe Company, Hamilton® Oh.: Arthur Pisetzner, area sales manager, and David Neuhring, Don Gravenor and Barney Cross, sales representatives. ^ Omni Resources, Inc., Orlando, Fla.: Gary E. Daniel, senior vice president, sales. U.S. Life Credit Life Insurance Co., Schaumburg, 111.: Joseph Zear# ing, field vice president, and Ronald Anderson, Robert Brust, David Busch, Douglas Daniels, Donald Fritz and Jeff Wamser, district man agers. ® 39 Get a correspondent relationship that’s as individual as you are. No two banks are exactly alike. And the same can be said for their correspondent banking needs. That’s why we develop each and every one of our correspondent bank plans on an individual basis. Whether it’s loan participations, computer services, discount brokerage, MasterCard/Visa, or our new and improved cash letter proc- essing service, you can depend on the fact we’ll work with you to adapt that service to better meet your individual needs. And we’ll be around to make sure it fits your needs in the future, too. Experience correspondent banking on a truly “individual” basis. Call one of our correspon dent bankers today. wellshow uouhow Commercial National Bank of Peoria Member M idwest Financial Group, Inc. Member FDIC COMMERCIAL BANKING DIVISION Phone: (309) 655-5225 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 301 S. W. Adams • Peoria, Illinois 61631 WATS LINE 1-800-322-2212 Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 40 Illinois News Cole-Taylor Group Forms New Subsidiary Cole-Taylor Financial Group, Inc. announced last month the formation of a subsidiary company known as Cole-Taylor Operations Network, Inc. The new unit is jointly owned by five Cole-Taylor banks, Drovers Bank, Skokie Trust, Main Bank, Bank of Yorktown and Ford City Bank & Trust Co., and will provide uniform data-processing and opera tional support for the banks. The subsidiary is located at the Skokie Trust & Savings Bank of Dempster Street. J. Houstoun Clinch, senior vice president of the holding company, has been named chairman of Cole-Taylor Operations Network. David Chan, former senior vice president and controller for Drovers Bank, has been named pres ident. Promoted in Andalusia Gene Riley, president of the An dalusia Community Bank, recently announced the promotion of Con stance A. Glidewell to assistant cashier. Ms. Glidewell has been with the bank since 1982. Elm Marine Bancshares, Inc. Acquires St. Charles Bank Frank C. Rathje, president and CEO of Elm Marine Bancshares, Inc., the holding company for Elm hurst National Bank and Bank of Clarendon Hills, and M.R. Davison, chairman of St. Charles National Bank, have announced the comple tion of the acquisition of the $33 mil lion asset St. Charles National Bank by Elm Marine Bancshares, Inc. All of the outstanding shares of the St. Charles National Bank were ac quired for a total cash price of $3,150,000. Mr. Rathje also announced that M.R. Davison will continue as chair man of the board and Linder D. De vore has been appointed as presi dent and CEO of St. Charles Na tional Bank. Glenview State Bank Joins Cash Station and CIRRUS Glenview State Bank has acti vated its link to Cash Station, Illi nois’s largest automated teller ma chine network. The bank’s custo mers may now use more than 310 Cash Station ATMs throughout Chi cago and the suburbs for cash with Banker, May, 1985 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis drawals, deposits and transfers be tween accounts. In addition to linking up with Cash Station, Glenview State Bank also joined CIRRUS System Inc. Two Bloomington Banks Complete Merger Midwest Financial Group, Inc., Peoria, has announced the comple tion of the merger of its two Bloom ington-based affiliates, Corn Belt Bank and The National Bank of Bloom ington. The banks have joined together under the name BancMidwest and has assets of about $240 million. Five Appointed by Midwest Financial Group Class sessions will include lec-^ tures, discussion groups, panel dis cussions, case studies and will strongly emphasize participation of the student in the learning process. Class size is limited, so students^ are encouraged to register as soon as possible. For further information or to obtain an application contact the IB A office at 312/984-1500. • Corporate Titles Changed Several changes in bank titles were recently announced. Effective April 1, Mid-West National Bank o f^ Lake Forest changed its name to First Midwest Bank Lake Forest, N.A., and Citizens National Bank of Waukegan changed its name to First Midwest Bank, N.A., Wauke-^ gan. The appointment of five audit managers of officers was announced last month by Midwest Financial Group, Inc. President annd CEO David E. Connor. Appointed were: John I.L. Workley, information systems audit man ager; Joy L. Schaefer, Gladys F. Gregorcy and Dana R. Jones, audit managers, and Frank R. Duvall, trust audit manager. Two Directors Elected At Eagle Bancorporation Robert K. Jakel and William K. Drake have been elected to the board of directors of Eagle Bancor poration, Inc., headquartered in Highland. Mr. Jakel is president of Jakel Motors, Inc., and Jakel Manufactur ing Company in Highland. Dr. Drake is director of Medical Laboratories in St. Joseph’s Hospi tal, Highland; Community Memori al Hospital, Staunton; St. Francis Hospital, Litchfield, and St. Joseph’s Clinton County Hospital, Breese. IBA Develops New Bank Compliance School The Illinois Bankers Association has developed a Bank Compliance School to better equip bankers to ef fectively manage Federal, as well as Illinois compliance regulations. The school will be held August 11-16 at DePaul University in Chicago. Faculty for the school consists of bankers, educators and regulators who are all recognized lenders in their respective disciplines. Drovers Bank of Chicago has ap pointed John G. Hommel as vice^ president and trust officer, and Roseann R. Cannariato as trust offi cer for both Drovers Bank and Sko kie Trust and Savings Bank. Mr. Hommel previously was as-0 sistant vice president and trust offi cer. In her new position, Ms. Cannnariato will have responsibilities in account administration for both^ banks. * * * Marlene Katsion has been electee^ vice president, First Colonial Bankshares, Chicago. It was also an nounced that Dan Caravello was elected vice president, controller; Pamela Major was named assistant^ vice president, and Pam Terpinas was promoted to auditing officer, ® Colonial Bank and Trust Company, Chicago. Ms. Katsion joined Colonial Bank in 1979. Mr. Caravello joined Colo nial in 1969. Ms. Major joined Colo® nial Bank in 1970. Ms. Terpinas en tered Colonial’s management trainee program in 1980. * * * • Charles W. Pacey has been elected vice president and trust officer of The M id -C ity National Bank of Chicago. • M r. P acey m ost recen tly served as second vice president of Continental Illi® n o is N ation al Bank. He joined Continental in 1970 as a trust administrator and was promoted to ® trust officer in 1974. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois in Urbana and received his law degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology-Chi® cago Kent College of Law in June of 1974. * * * _ National Security Bank, Chicago, ^ recently named four to new posi tions. James E. Krajewski, new first vice president, has been with the ^ bank since 1965. He has a BS degree w in finance from DePaul University. Robert E. Cutlan, named vice president, will head the bank’s retail lending division. He joined the bank ^ in 1972. Iris M. Clarke, promoted to opera tions officer, joined the bank in 1980. She is a graduate of Bradley University, Peoria. £ Christopher S. Larkin, named commercial loan officer, had been commercial loan representative. He joined the bank last August. * * * Money Network, the Chicagobased ATM network, has announced its expansion into 440 additional lo cations in the Chicagoland area with agreements for access to 7-Eleven Stores, White Hen Pantry Stores and Dominick’s Finer Foods. According to Money Network ex ecutive director Patrick D. Bissell, “ Money Network cardholders will soon have the ability to choose from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 865 locations in the state, of which the new 440 locations will provide consumers with more than 7,000 hours a day of added banking con venience.’ ’ * * * Illinois News 41 metropolitan-area organization com posed of approximately 200 seniorlevel corporate women executives and women business owners who are active in the field of finance. * * * Bette B. Perna, senior vice presi dent, community banking, for The Bank & Trust Company of Arl ington Heights, has been elected to a three-year term on the board of di rectors of the Chicago Finance Ex change. The Exchange is a Chicago Mitchell Feiger, 26, has joined A f filiated Banc Group as manager of the finance division. Mr. Feiger joins Affiliated from Touche Ross & Co., Chicago, where he served as associate consultant, management consulting division. MINNESOTA NEWS... Continued from page 34) Montevideo Officer Named and St. Cloud to provide financial analysis, asset/liability and strate gic planning support to First Ameri can banks in north central and southwestern Minnesota. Mr. Thurley is an accounting graduate of Winona State College. He joined Bremer as an internal auditor in 1978, and has held posi tions as accountant, insurance agen cy coordinator and asset/liability of ficer. Two Elected in Blaine At First Northtown National Bank, Blaine, Charles R. Peterson has joined as vice president and manager of the commercial loan department, and Dorothy Bridges has been elected personal banking officer. Charles K. Horsager has joined First National Bank in Montevideo as general loan officer. He previous ly was employed by the Production Credit Association in Blooming Prairie, Minnesota. St. Cloud President Named Honorary Graduate A1 Didier, president of The First American National Bank of St. Cloud, has been named an honorary member/graduate of the St. Cloud State University Chapter of the So ciety for the Advancement of Man agement and received the organiza tion’s Excellence in Management Award. Mr. Didier was recognized for his contributions to Minnesota busi ness, advancing management prac tices and creating jobs for St. Cloud State University graduates and others. Plymouth Directors Elected C.R. PETERSON D. BRIDGES Mr. Peterson most recently man aged the commercial loan depart ment for Nor west Bank Maple Grove. He has a BA degree in fi nance and accounting from Augs burg College in 1979. Ms. Bridges began her career with First Bank System in 1980 with First Bank Western in Missoula Montana. She was transferred in 1981 to First Bank Robbinsdale and in 1984 to Northtown. Bradley M. Robinson and Richard G. Anderson have been elected to the board of First Bank Plymouth. Mr. Robinson is president of Rob inson Rubber Products, Inc. Mr. Anderson is president of Walter G. Anderson, Inc. Norwest Bank Red Wing Elects Burnside Manager Geraldine (Jeri) Bean has been elected as officer manager of the Burnside Office of Norwest Bank Red Wing, N.A., where she formerly served as assistant vice manager. Ms. Bean joined Norwest Bank from Dakota National Bank in Far go, N.D., where she began her bank ing career. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 42 |. H a e rte r, p re s ., H o sm e r J.M. S c h w a rtz , exe c, m g r., Pierre First Bank of South Dakota Elections Announced The board of First Bank of South Dakota, N.A. has announced the election of several officers, accord ing to David S. Birkeland, president and CEO. Craig Johnson, elected vice presi dent, joins the bank from First Bank Southwest, Minnesota, where he has been serving as executive vice presi dent and manager of the branch of fice in Ivanhoe. C. JOHNSON P.J. HOIDAL Marwin Brown has been named vice president with responsibility for the First Banks in Presho, Wes sington Springs and Huron. Both he and Mr. Johnson are officed in the administrative services division in Sioux Falls. Mr. Brown rejoined First Bank of South Dakota earlier this year after serving recently as vice president-credit review with the bank’s parent company, First Bank System, Inc. At the time this issue was being mailed, the South Dakota Bankers Association was hold ing its Annual Convention in Rapid City at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. Burdette C. Solum, presi dent of Norwest Bank Watertown, N.A., was scheduled to advance as president of the as sociation, succeeding John A. Haerter, president of Farmers State Bank, Hosmer. Complete convention report with photos will appear in the June N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r . Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Pete J. Hoidal has been appointed assistant vice president - credit ad ministration. He joins the bank with 30 years of experience with the Farmers Home Administration in South Dakota, most recently as dis trict director for southeastern South Dakota in Sioux Falls. Leighton Scott, elected assistant vice president and corporate trust officer, joined the bank’s trust ser vices division in 1982. Prior to join ing the bank, he served as director of finance and accounting for the T. HAMEL R. MORRIS South Dakota Housing Develop ment Authority in Pierre for three years. Additional officer elections in clude: John Johnson, president. First Bank Sturgis; Lee Buffington, executive vice president, First Bank Lemmon; Timothy Hamel, trust de velopment officer, trust services di-. vision-Sioux Falls; Randy Morris, personal banking officer, and Neal Wietgrefe, agricultural loan officer, both at First Bank Redfield, and Charles P. Benson, Jr., business de-| velopment and marketing officer. First Bank Rapid City. N. WIETGREFE C.P. BENSON, JR. Mr. Johnson joined First Bank Lemmon as a trainee after g r a d u a l ing from South Dakota State Uni versity in 1982. He transferred to First Bank Sturgis in 1977 and was elected vice president in 1982. He was named senior vice president in^ 1984. Mr. Buffington joined First Bank System as an agricultural represen tative at First Bank Miles City, Mont., in 1968. He was promoted to* vice president and manager at First Bank Wessington Springs in 1974 and elected president in 1982. Nearly 9,000 Attend Grand Opening For Valley State Bank, Yankton GRAND opening for Valley State Bank’s new fa c ility , located at One Valley Plaza, Y a n k t o n ^ was held March 11-22, w ith nearly 9,000 in attendance. A grand opening for area bankers was held March 16, w ith Gov. W illiam Janklow as special guest. The 26,500 sq. ft. fa c ility o f fers seven teller window s, including a sit-down te lle r statio n, four lane drive-up, loan pro cessing area and a 24-hour Plus System Banking Card center. The building features solid oak w oodw ork in clud in g custom made oak desks. A colorful tapestry depicting the history of South Dakota serves as a focal point of the bank. The second flo o r of the fa c ility s e rv e s ^ as headquarters for the credit card operation. South Dakota State NABW Conference Held in April The National Association of Bank Women 1985 South Dakota State Conference was held in Rapid City on April 19 and 20 at the Hilton Inn. E x e cu tiv e bank wom en from throughout the state met to discuss the conference theme “ The Chal lenge of Change.’ ’ The conference was chaired by Sandra Vollmer, as sistant vice president of First Bank of South Dakota, Rapid City. Ceremonies opened with a wel come from Rapid City Mayor Art LaCroix and Kirk Dean, senior vice president of Norwest Bank, Rapid City. Betty Crow, vice president of Commerce Bancshares, Inc., of Kan sas City, Mo., addressed the general session on “ Achieving Change Mas tery’’ and conducted the workshop on “ Becoming a Hybrid Manager.’ ’ Other speakers included Vickey Finger, MSW with Chrysalis, and Gail Madson, N ABW national direc tor-north central region. Joe Rovere, vice president of public affairs, Black Hills Power & Light Co., was Friday’s evening’s banquet speaker. Dr. Frank Buzetta, psychologist, conducted a Saturday morning workshop on “ Personal Behavioral Profile Analysis.’ ’ 43 tana Clinic, a position he held until 1982 when he rejoined the First Banks as vice president and senior lending officer of First Bank of South Dakota in Rapid City. He has held his current position as a senior vice president of First Bank Rapid City since 1984. Fargo Addition Told Gordon L. Schroeder has joined First Bank Fargo as human re sources officer, according to Jerome B. Woods, Jr., president and manag ing officer. Mr. Schroeder most recently was the superintendent of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Fargo for the past seven years. Prior to that he was principal of Holy Spirit School, Fargo and a teacher and coach at Middle School in Lisbon. Kenmare Banker Elected IBAA North Dakota Director NDBA Captive Insurance Company Ready to Operate Banclnsure, the captive insurance company formed by the North Da kota Bankers Association and four other state bankers associations, has completed incorporation and capitalization. NDBA is now finaliz ing plans to conduct special informa tional meetings at six sites across North Dakota on May 15, 16 and 17 to explain the company to member banks. The company, governed by a board of directors of bankers and state bankers association execu tives, will initially write blanket bonds, directors’ and officers’ liabili ty, errors and omissions or profes sional liability, and special multi peril coverages. Banclnsure has con tracted with the C.L. Frates Com pany of Oklahoma City for manage ment and underwriting. This will be an Oklahoma domestic company and licensed to sell in all five states. Banclnsure will not be in a posi tion to write insurance on any mem ber bank until premium commit ments totalling $12 million are at tained across the five-state area. This will translate to a market pene tration of about 20%; a level thought to be totally attainable. The more banks that sign up to do busi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ness with the company, the faster that actual writing of insurance poli cies for North Dakota banks can begin. President Elected At First Bank Grand Forks The board of directors of First Bank Grand Forks has elected Bruce E. Rampelberg president. Ar nold L. Braaten continues as chair man and chief executive officer of the bank. Mr. Braaten also serves as division director for First Bank Sys tem’s affiliates in the northern North Dakota area. Mr. Rampelberg has been associ ated with the First Banks since 1966 when he joined First Bank Havre, Mont. He joined First Bank Grand Forks in 1967 as an auditor and was elected assistant cashier in 1969. In 1970, he joined First Bank Rolla as assistant cashier and was promoted to assistant vice president in 1973. He became a liaison credit officer for First Bank System in 1974, a posi tion he held until 1975 when he was elected vice president and chief lend ing officer of First Bank West Bill ings, Mont. He joined First Bank Western Montana Missoula in 1976 with similar responsibilities. In 1980, Mr. Rampelberg became the administrator for the Western Mon- James Jorgenson, State Bank of Kenmare, was recently elected the North Dakota Director of the Inde pendent Bankers Association of America. He has also served as pres ident of the Independent Communi ty Banks of North Dakota. Mr. Jorgenson’s election repre sents a father-son tradition, as Jim ’s father Leonard Jorgenson of the State Bank of Kenmare also served as president of the association and North Dakota director for IBAA. By all the records seen, this is the first time ever such recognition has been given to a father-son team na tionally. First National Corporation Declares 15c Dividend The board of directors of First Na tional Corporation, of which First National Bank in Grand Forks is a wholly owned subsidiary, have de clared a dividend of 15<t per share payable on April 10, 1985. The divi dend will be paid to all shareholders of record as of March 31, 1985. The dividend of 15<E per share rep resents an annual rate of 60 <t, an in crease over the annual rate of 53<? per share paid for the year 1984. First National Bank has consis tently paid a cash dividend to stock holders since 1937. Effective April 13, 1984, First National Bank in Grand Forks became a wholly owned subsidiary of First National Corporation. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 44 MBA Lenders to Meet May 23-24 he 1985 Montana Bankers Asso ciation Commercial Lending Conference will be held May 23-24 at the Heritage Inn, Great Falls. One full day will be spent learning and discussing the art of negotiating, a practical and useful tool for commer cial lenders today. A complete pro gram agenda follows: Thursday, May 23 A.M. 11:00 Commercial lending commit tee meeting. P.M. 12:00 Registration. 1:00 Welcome—Charles E. Peder sen, M BA president. 1:30 “ Personal Discipline and Dismissal Procedures - The Other Bad Faith Litiga tion’ ’—Carey E. Matovich, attorney, Mativich & Addy, Billings. 3:00 Coffee break. 3:30 “ Federal Legislative Devel opments’ ’—Mark R. Con rad, director of federal gov ernment relations, Norwest Corporation, Minneapolis. 4:15 Legislative Update - Mon tana’s 49th Legislature— John Cadby, M BA execu tive vice president. 5:30 Cocktail reception. Friday, May 24 A.M. 8:00 -10:00 “ Negotiating Skills for Commercial Lenders’ ’— Margaret Rahn Keene, Mar garet Keene & Co., Inc., Westport, Conn. 10:00 Coffee break. 10:30 Resume Margaret Keene -Negotiating Skills. P.M. 12:00 Luncheon. “ SBA Update’ ’—John R. Cronholm, district director, SBA, Helena. 1:00 Resume Margaret Keene -Negotiating Skills. 2:30 Coffee break. T Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3:00 4:00 Resume Margaret -Negotiating Skills. Adjournment. Keene □ day’s day-long session on bank mar- ^ keting. Mr. Donnelly is a nationally renowned consultant for banks and on the faculty of several leading banking schools including the School of Bank Marketing, Univer- £ sity of Colorado. Members of the association’s mar keting committee were: Colleen Kunz, First Interstate Bank of Great Falls, chairm an; Larry ^ Jochim, Flathead Bank of Big Fork; Jim Bennett, First Citizens Bank of Billings; Neil Klusmann, First Inter state Bank of Billings, and Jane Kartevold. 0 Advanced in Havre Two Named in Billings Scott Johnson was recently pro moted from agricultural loan officer to assistant vice president, agri-bus iness department, of First Inter state Bank of Billings. Mr. Johnson joined the bank in 1981 and was named to the agricul tural loan department in 1982. At First Security Bank of Havre, Lloyd L. Zimmerman has been elected an ag loan officer and K a y # Mayer was promoted to assistant cashier. Prior to joining the bank, Mr. Zimmerman spent six years with the Federal Land Bank as a loan office r# and an appraiser and had owned and opeated his own real estate business. Ms. Mayor has been employed with First Security since 1978 and previously was with Citizen’s State® Bank in Scobey for five years. Hamilton Addition Told S. JOHNSON R. DOLL Also elected was Ramona Doll as accounting officer. She replaces Larry Thompson who resigned re cently to accept a position at First Interstate Bank of Hardin. Ms. Doll started her career as an internal auditor with Security Banks of Montana in 1981. Bank Marketers Meet in Great Falls Nearly 40 bank marketing direc tors and chief executive officers met in Great Falls on April 4-5 for the Montana Bankers A ssociation’s 1985 Marketing Conference. Workshop speakers for Thurs day’s sessions were: Tom Kotynski, Great Falls Tribune; Charles Brook, Brook & Associates, Missoula; Neil Klusmann, First Interstate Bank of Billings, and Bill Aldrich, Aldrich & Helm Advertising, Billings. James Donnelly, a professor of business from the University of Kentucky, was the speaker for Fri John Cheetham has joined th e ^ staff of Citizens State Bank in Ham- w ilton as an assistant cashier and loan officer. He started his banking career with Dutton State Bank in 1973 a n d ^ in 1976 became a bank examiner fo rw the State of Montana, a position he held until his employment with Citi zens State Bank. First Bank Bozeman Announces Staff Changes 45 ^ expanded responsibilities in marketw ing and training with the Eastern Montana Region of First Bank Sys tem. He started his career in 1977 with First Bank Great Falls, and in ^ 1983 was elected assistant vice president and was promoted to per sonal investment center manager, in addition to his marketing officer re sponsibilities. Former WBA Executive VP Clare Mundell Dies • M. Clare Mundell, Dean Emeri tus, University of Wyoming College o f C o m m e rce and In d u s tr y and former exec® utive vice presi dent o f th e Wyoming Bank ers Association, died March 4 at ® Ivinson Memori al Hospital in Laramie at the age of 79. Few people have contributed as ® much of their lives and energy, love Susan D. Hill was elected person nel officer. She joined the bank’s staff in 1980 and previously was with the Sheraton Corporation. Diane Spranget has transferred to the bank’s operations department as operations officer. She started her career with the bank in 1971 and most recently was manager of the loan servicing department. Discretionary fund d o University of Wyoming Foundation, Box 3963, University Station, Laramie, Wyo. 82071. Governor Appoints Bankers To State Boards Three Wyoming bankers have been a ppointed by G overn or Herschler to be members of state boards. They are: Robert Pappenheim, president of First Wyoming Bank in Rawlins who was reap pointed to the Employment Securi ty Commission; Rose Marie Madia, assistant vice president of First In terstate Bank in Sheridan who was appointed to the Highway Commis sion, and Raymond A. Holt, execu tive vice president of First National Bank in Buffalo who was appointed to the board of education. and dedication to the University of Wyoming as Clare Mundell. The list First interstate Riverton of his accomplishments and the Elects Chairman, President achievements of the College of Com Harmon H. Watt has been elected merce and Industry under his lead to the newly-created position of ership is long and impressive. His chairman of First Interstate Bank of personal honors and memberships Riverton, according to George E. are considerable including the Dis Rothell, vice chairman of First tinguished Alumnus Award, Univer Interstate Bancorp. sity of Wyoming. Mr. Watt will be succeeded as Surviving are his wife Edith, president and CEO by John L. War Laramie; a brother, Ed Mundell, den, who has been vice president and Watertown, South Dakota, and regional manager of First Interstate numerous nieces and nephews. Bank of Nevada. Mr. Warden has been with the Contributions may be made to the Clare Mundell Scholarship Fund or Nevada bank since June, 1963, after the University of Wyoming College receiving his BS degree from the of Commerce and Industry Dean’s University of Nevada. Eight Banks Adopt Norwest Name April 1 0 BALLOONS and the unveiling of a new sign marked a name change for W yom ing N ational Bank of Casper (left), now Norwest Bank Casper, N.A. Pictured right, a sign in the lobby told the story for the First N ational Bank and Trust Com pany of Cheyenne, now Norwest Bank Cheyenne, N.A. These are tw o of eight W yom ing banks of A ffilia te d Bank C orporation w hich too k the Norwest name April 1 as part of a franch ise agreem ent w ith the M inneapolis-based Norwest C orporation. The other new franchises, the firs t for Norwest under its A lliance Banking program, include banks in G illette, Kemmerer and W heatland, as well as another in Cheyenne and tw o others in Casper. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 46 C. KERN R. CLARK D.A. CHILDEARS President Vice Pres. Exec. Manager 84th Annual Colorado Bankers Association Convention June 5-8 Broadmoor Hotel Colorado Springs i i |U| EET YOU at the CBA Midway,” theme for the IV I Colorado Bankers Association 84th Annual Convention, is a carnival theme, but more importantly it stresses the necessity of political compromises (meet you midway), whereby bankers must agree on industry objectives in order to be successful in attaining those objectives. A wide assortment of activities has been planned for this year’s convention, scheduled to be held June 5-8 at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, including golf, tennis, skeet and trap, fun run and aerobics. In addi tion, a carnival is planned for Thursday night, June 6, at the International Center. CBA President Conrad Kern, chairman and CEO, Omnibancorp, Denver, will preside at the convention. He has been assisted this past year by Vice President Royce Clark, chairman and president, IntraWest Bank, Greeley, and Executive Manager Don A. Childears. Wednesday, June 5 P.M. 4:00 Early registration until 6:00 p.m., Colorado Hall. Thursday, June 6 A.M. 8:00 Registration and exhibits open until 6:00 p.m. Tournaments all day long, including: golf, ten nis, skeet and trap, fun run, fitness and aero bics and a cooking demonstration. P.M. 6:00 Carnival Night, International Center. Friday, June 7 A.M. 9:00 Annual president’s address—Conrad Kern. 9:30 Address—Martin Mayer, author of Money DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10:45 P.M. 12:00 2:30 6:00 Bazaars, sequel to The Bankers. • Panel of bank regulators. Roger Guffey, president, Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. Bob Burns, district administration, Western District Office of the Comptroller of the Cur-® rency, San Francisco. Dick Dobey, Colorado State Bank Commis sioner. James M. Martin, assistant regional director. Dallas Field Office of FDIC. ® Luncheon—speaker. Management workshops until 3:45. Reception, dinner and dancing. Saturday, June 8 A.M. 9:00 9:10 9:50 10:00 Noon Opening. “ The Status of Banking” —Glen Lemon, vice chairman of the A B A Government R elation ^ Council, and chairman, First Bank and Trust, Booker, Tex. A B A meeting. A B A State Vice President A1 Koeneke, First National Bank, Rifle. Panel of executives of state banking associa tions will discuss: “ Structure and Product Issues” —How they have resolved them in their states and the ab solute necessity of the industry to come to a^ consensus on these issues. Frank Brawner, Oregon Bankers Association. Bob Harris, Oklahoma Bankers Association. Gordon Murphy, Arizona Bankers Associa tion. ^ Adjourn. □ With the push of a button, you can get all the ^ information you need to make profitable marketing decisions. It’s that easy with # TYansAction Systems, Inc. TSI offers the most sophisticated data systems in banking today. Including ^ th e remarkable Customer Information System. TSI’s Customer Infor mation System maintains ^ three separate files to help you know your customers intimately: A file that tells you who the customer is. ^ An account file that details your customer’s relation ship to you. And an address file that links all custom e r s at the same address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis All three files are inte grated into a single compre hensive customer profile you can use in many ways, from analyzing a custom er’s entire financial situa tion to determining the profitability of current and proposed products. For exam ple, you could instantly evaluate a customer’s loan capabilities and determine pricing. Or cross-sell additional services. You could tailor promo tional materials to cus tomers with high incomes or who live in certain areas. And eliminate dual mailings to households. The possibilities are limitless. And that’s why TSI can be your new key to marketing. Tb learn more, call (303)293-5500. TSI. Consider the Profitabilities. O TransAction Systems, Inc. A Subsidiary of First Interstate Services Co. 48 Colorado News You Will See Them at the 84th Annual Colorado Bankers Convention June 5-8 HE following metropolitan bank ers and service and equipment dealers have indicated they will be attending the 84th annual conven tion of the Colorado Bankers Associ ation in Colorado Springs, June 5-8. T Denver Central Bank & Trust Company: Don Hoffman, chairman; Joe Lin coln, president; R.J. “ Jim” Nelson, Jim Osbourn and George Patterson, executive vice presidents; John Bush, senior vice president and gen eral counsel; Don Echtermeyer, se nior vice president; Bill Tumelty, vice president; Rick McElroy, assis tant vice president, and Eric Anderssen and Dianne Capra, correspon dent bank officers. Kansas City United Missouri Bank: Richard C. King, president; Phillip D. Straight and Larry Russell, executive vice presidents; Steve Panknin and Richard H. Muir, vice presidents. Omaha Omaha National Bank: Daniel F. Boehle and James L. Allen, vice presidents. Bank Equipment and Other Firms Bank Building Corporation, St. Louis, Mo.: Doug Thomas, consul tant services manager. Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, Neb.: Steve W. Sutton, vice president, credit. Mosler Safe Company, Hamilton, Oh.: Larry Odegard, area sales man ager, and Jack Dark, Richard Lord and Joe Otte, sales representatives. Omni Resources, Inc., Orlando, Fla.: Gary E. Daniel, senior vice president, sales. TransAction Systems, Inc., Den ver, Colo.: Gene Oldham, president; Wayne Barnes, manager, marketing and sales, and Patricia Stoll and Patrick Neary, account executives. Tender Offer Extended United Banks of Colorado, Inc., Denver, announced that it was ex tended until 5:00 p.m., Denver time, As a correspondent banker, I cover a lot o f territory. Recently, I helped a banker in Nebraska establish better a va ila b ility for checks and drafts draw n on C olorado banks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis June 28, 1985, its tender offer o f £ $100 per share for all outstanding shares of common stock of The Colo rado Springs National Bank. As of March 22, 444,269 shares or 98.7% have been tendered to U n itec# Banks and not withdrawn. This ex tension will provide those sharehold ers of The Colorado Springs Na tional Bank with an additional op portunity to tender their shares.# This extension also allows United Banks to obtain regulatory approv als and allow related waiting periods to expire. United Banks has presented an # application to the Federal Reserve Board to acquire The Colorado Springs National Bank. Approval for this transaction is expected in July of this year. • Two Join Staff At Colorado Natl. - Tech Center^ Afsaneh Sluder and Marlene Seward have joined the staff of Colo rado National Bank - Tech Center, Denver, as assistant vice president and consumer loan officer, re s p e c# tively. Ms. Sluder has seven years of A little closer to hom e,I visited a northeastern C olorado bank to finalize the details on a bank stock loan. Colorado News ^ commercial loan experience and pre viously was with Merrill Lynch as financial consultant. Ms. Seward, previously was asso ciated with Rainier National Bank, ^ Seattle, and Peoples National Bank, Everett, both in Washington. It was also announced that G.M. Gonzales, consumer loan officer, will be entering a two-year commercial 0 lender training program at Colorado National Bank of Denver. Appointed at First Colorado B&T, Denver ® ® ^ ^ ^ First Colorado Bank & Trust, Denver, has announced several ap pointments. Thomas Haefliger has been appointed assistant vice president, commercial loans. New to the bank, Mr. Haefliger previously was with First Interstate Bank of California for five years. Appointed to officer status were: Kevin Shaw and Donna Kelley, com mercial banking; Marti Alter-Cozza, real estate loans, and Catherine Cross, loan operations. Chris Clark and Karleen Kawakami have been appointed advan tage banking officers. East Boulder Director Named Gary Lewien, president of Colo rado National Bank East Boulder, recently announced the election of R.H. Gablehouse to the bank’s board of directors. Mr. Gablehouse is president of the Boulder based A erospace System Division of the Ball Corpo ration. Denver Bank Acquired A group of Denver investors has acquired Union Bank & Trust, Den ver, a commercial bank located at 100 Broadway, from W.R. Murfin, Wichita, Kan., and the Stuart family of New York, New York, who ac quired the bank approximately 15 years ago from the Vickers family of Denver. The purchaser is Union Bankshares Ltd. Principals in Union Bankshares are Denver business men Chuck Harrison, president and chairm an o f A m erican S tock Transfer, Inc.; Richard Landon, president and chairman of Landon Investments, Inc., and Herm Zueck, veteran Denver banker. Other members of the purchasing And there are tim es w hen I help banking people find each other by m atching potential bank personnel w ith custom er banks seeking certain areas o f expertise. 49 group are Patrick D. Bowlen, owner of the Denver Broncos, and Richard Wehrle, an attorney with the Denver law firm, Cogswell and Wehrle. The bank was chartered as Union National Bank in 1934 and has re mained at its present location since that time. It changed its name to Union Bank and Trust in 1972. On January 31, 1985, the bank had de posits of $54 million and assets of $62.7 million. Mr. Zueck, who will become chairman of the board and chief ex ecutive officer of Union Bank, most recently was chairman, president and CEO of Littleton National Bank. E.G. Koelling, present chairman, will remain as a member of the board as will all other members of the pre sent board. J.W. “ Wayne” Wells will continue as president. Aurora Directors Elected Colorado National Bank - Aurora recently elected H. Phil Herre and John E. Banko to the bank’s board. Mr. Herre is executive director of Presbyterian Aurora Hospital. Mr. Banko is vice president, treasurer and secretary of OEA, Inc. Respondent banks look to us for a variety o f helpful services. These are o n ly a few. I'm Phil Randell. Call me, anytim e, and find out how we, The Better Bankers,SMcan serve you. C % l tl Central Bank Denver 1515 Arapahoe Street Denver, Colorado 80292 303-893-3456 Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Let NBC/CSC put you on line. N B C / C S C o ffers y o u total o n lin e su p p ort of the N C R W S 300 M icro T e r m in a l. W e ’ll ev en in clu d e the w ord p r o c e s s in g softw are, and the 512K ex p a n d a b le m e m o ry , and w e ’ll p ro v id e the su p p ort for tra in in g and m a in ten an ce. • Let N B C /C S C sh o w y o u the w a y to total a u tom ation of y o u r D ata C o m m u n ic a tio n needs. • • • • Micro Computer Processing Service Bureau Processing Remote Capture and Transmission On-Site Processing F or m ore in fo rm a tio n con tact our se r v ic e re p re se n ta tiv e s at: NBC C om puter S ervices C orporation P.O. B ox 82408 L incoln, N ebraska 68501 T elephone (402) 472-4440 NE (800) 742-7633 Colo., Wyo., Kans., Mo., So. Dak. (800) 245-3103 NBC/Computer Services Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis £ # ® 51 Nebraska Bankers Assist FmHA Lending Activities Charter West National Opens in West Point April 1 ^ Charter West National Bank, West Point, opened for business April 1, following final approval by the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Reserve, according to ^Steven L. Paus, chairman of the new bank. Prior to completion of Charter West National Bank’s permanent structure located at 201 South Main ^Street, the Bank is providing service from a temporary facility located on the construction site. Construction is expected to be completed by July 1, 1985. 0 While in organization, the bank named Steve Bell as president. Mr. Bell previously served as assistant vice president of First National Bank in West Point for seven years. ^Prior to that, he worked as a na tional bank examiner for the Comp troller of the Currency in Norfolk. Other officers named include Kevin Larson, vice president and #cashier, and Carol Lofgren, assis tant vice president in charge of op erations and customer services. Mr. Larson is a native of Oakland and previously served as a loan offi c e r for the Harlan County Bank, Alma. He is a graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska in Lincoln. Ms. Lofgren previously was senior branch assistant for Equitable Fed e r a l Savings in West Point. Kearney State Bank Names New President ^ Terrence L. Geiger has been named president and chief executive officer of the Kearney State Bank and Trust Company, according to Dr. Francis L. Richards, chairman. 0 Mr. Geiger succeeds Lawrence A. Wangrud, who has resigned to pur sue other career opportunities. Mr. Wangrud has served as president and CEO since 1979. % Also announced, Gary L. Hodde has joined the bank’s staff as execu Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tive vice president. Mr. Geiger, a native of Ulysses, joins the bank from Mills County State Bank of Glenwood, Iowa, where he has served as president and CEO since 1976. He received his BA degree in economics from Law rence University in Appleton, Wis., in 1971. He was a member of the T.L. GEIGER G.L. HODDE Iowa Bankers Association and serv ed on the IB A ’s management com mittee as well as treasurer of the Southwest Iowa Bankers Associa tion. His prior banking experience includes serving as executive vice president and CEO of the Home State Bank in Beaver Crossing, Neb. Mr. Hodde has served as vice president of the First National Bank of North Platte since 1982. He began his banking career at the First National Bank of Lincoln in 1977. He is a graduate of the Uni versity of Colorado at Boulder with a degree in business. At the time this issue was going to press, the Nebraska Bankers Association was hold ing its Annual Convention at the Lincoln Cornhusker. Mel Adams, Jr., chairman of Keith County Bank & Trust Co., Ogallala, was scheduled to advance as president of the as sociation, succeeding A.C. “ Skip” Hove, Jr., chairman of Minden Exchange Bank. Complete convention report with photos will appear in the June N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r . The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion and the Farmers Home Admin istration last month entered into a “ gratuitous service agreement” under which NBA member banks will be assisting FmHA in loan-mak ing and servicing activities. Accroding to NBA president A.C. Hove Jr., 36 bankers across the state had already signed up by midApril for the voluntary program to assist FmHA county offices. “ We are aware of the heavy work load being experienced by the coun ty offices and want to help out in any way we can,” said Mr. Hove, who is chairman of the Minden Ex change Bank and one of the volun teers. The “ gratuitous service agree ment” was worked out by the Fm H A’s state office after the Neb raska Bankers Association ex pressed its willingness to assist Farmers Home during the heavy loan-processing time. Under the new program, bankers volunteer to perform certain func tions at the request of the FmHA county supervisors, such as review and analysis of financial condition of loan applicants, review of farm oper ator’s plan of operation, and recom mendation of actions to improve any déficiences identified in the farm op eration. Mr. Hove said the impetus for the program has been the N B A ’s desire to do whatever possible to help make the Fm H A’s new farm credit initiatives work for Nebraska’s farmers as optimally as possible. “ If participation in this program helps just one operator stay in busi ness, it will be well worthwhile,” Mr. Hove said. BMA Conference Held The Iowa-Nebraska chapter mem bers of the Bank Marketing Associa tion met March 14 at the Hilton in Lincoln for their March conference. The seminar, a “ bring your boss” function, was highlighted by pro gram leader Dr. Charles Hinkle, pro fessor of business policy and mar keting at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. His topics em phasized “ Assessing Our Organiza tion as a High Performance Institu tion” and “ How to Use an Organiza tional Audit to Improve the Produc tivity of Our Organization.” Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 52 First National Bank of Om ah^ has announced the addition of two new members to its correspondent banking department: Timothy K. Smith and Todd F. Kruse. Mr. Smith is a 1983 graduate c # Iowa State University and has been with the bank for two years, first as a management trainee and later as a commercial credit analyst. Mr. Kruse is a 1981 graduate c # Iowa State University and was pre viously employed with the Federal Land Bank Association of Sioux City, Iowa, for four years. * * * ® April 1 marked the completion of the sale of First Westside Bank, Omaha, to Midwestern Services, Inc., an Omaha based multi-bank holding company. Raymond D. Pape, Jr., an officer and director of First Westside Bank for seven years, is chairman of Mid western Services. M. David Klipsch, president of First Westside since April, 1982, will be president of the holding company as well. R.D. PAPE, JR. M.D. KLIPSCH Mr. Pape commented, “ One of the most significant aspects of the sale is that the bank will continue to be owned and operated locally, instead of by an out-of-state corporation. The purchase is being led by the se nior management team of the bank and customers will see the same faces and deal with the same em ployees that they’ve always done business with.” Midwestern Services, Inc. also owns 90% of Northwestern State Bank in Hay Springs, Neb., and is affiliated with First State Bank of Hawarden, Iowa. Total assets of Midwestern Services with the acqui sition of First Westside Bank are well in excess of $100 million, ac cording to Mr. Pape. * * * Jean Volkir, second vice president DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of Omaha National Bank, has been selected by the American Bank ers Association to serve as re gional vice presi d en t o f the American Insti tute of Banking. M s. V olk ir, who is a client co n su lta n t in j VOLKIR data processing for Omaha National, will be respon sible for overseeing the organization and promotion of AIB courses in District V, which includes Nebras ka, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana. She also will serve on the Executive Committee of the AIB. Ms. Volkir previously has served as Nebraska chairman of the AIB and as president and vice president for education of the Omaha AIB chapter. * * * Universal Assurors, Omaha, has announced the election of Don E. Hoffman as vice president of Universal Acceptance Corporation of Omaha. Mr. Hoffman, who joined Univer sal in 1978, previously was with Norwest Bank Aberdeen, S.D., as a commercial loan officer, and Fox Lake State Bank, Fox Lake, 111., as installment loan manager. He also was with American Finance Corpo ration as a branch manager in St. Paul, Minn., and Zion and Waukegon, 111. In addition to his new position with Universal Acceptance Corp., he will continue as manager of its home improvement insurance department. Following the monthly meeting of the board of American National Bank, Omaha, John F. Kotouc, president and CEO, announced th^ election of Kenneth L. Nelson as in ternal auditor. At the same time, President Kotouc reported that Albert Pinho had joined the bank staff as a management trainee. # Mr. Nelson joined the bank in July, 1978, and had served as super visor of the money control center and assistant internal auditor. Mr. Pinho joined the bank fror# A R A T ra n sporta tion , B oston , Mass., where he had been a financial consultant following graduation cum laude from Harvard University in 1980. • * * * Roger Lewis, second vice presi dent and communications director for Omaha National Bank, w a# among the Omaha Jaycees’ list of the Ten Outstanding Young Omahans of 1984. The award winners were honored by their civic and pro fessional accomplishments at a lur# cheon last month. Elkhorn President Named Neil Kirby has been named presi^ dent and chief executive officer of the Bank of Elkhorn. Mr. Kirby had been serving as president and CEO for First S ta t^ Bank of Mapleton, Iowa. ^ Appointed in Clearwater The Citizens State Bank of Clear water recently announced th a ^ Marilyn Kuper has been appointed vice president. In addition, Jeff Heesch was pro moted to assistant vice president and Rhonda Heithoff was p rom ote^ to assistant cashier. 53 Gerry Tomka Tom Jensen Tim Smith THE ANSWER MEN CORRESPONDENT banking can be confusing, frustrating, time-consuming. Not so at First National Bank of Omaha. Just call to get the answers from one of our five experienced correspondent bankers. Five men with the very latest financial technology at their fingertips dispensing profession al, dependable, confidential service. So call us for the answers to your correspondent banking questions — on electronic data processing, cash letter processing, overlines, fir c t fed-fund transactions and more. I II wl I In Nebraska, call 1-800-642-9907. Outside Nebraska, call 1-800-228-9533. You'll get the answers from us, the answer men. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IU IIU I IvJI La J I IIx of omaha Member FDIC Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 First Natl., West Point Kicks Off 100th Year First National Bank of West Point kicked off its 100th year on April 1 with a new look. The officers and employees came to work in ap propriate attire to commemorate the bank’s 100th year. A drawing was held at the end of the week for prizes. One prize being offered was interest on $100,000 for one day. Additional plans are being made for the week of July 27, which marks the actual anniversary date. Talk To The Municipal Bond Professionals Robert E. Roh Executive Vice President William March President Patrick H. Rensch Senior Vice President A. William (Bill) Abts, Jr. Vice President C. W. (Chuck) Poore, Jr. Senior Vice President Wayne A. Rasmuss Secretary-Treasurer Micky Krupinsky Representative For municipal bond OFFERINGS, BIDS and APPRAISALS, call on the professionals who specialize in tax-free bonds. Municipal Bond Underwriters, Inc. Investment Bankers • Underwriters 208 South 19th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 (402) 341-1144 In Nebraska Call Toll Free (800) 642-4413 Member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation s Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m Lincoln First National Lincoln President William C. Smith has announced two promotions. Charles R. Clifford, III, has been named operations offi cer in the administrative services di vision, and Sheila M. Rinder has been promoted to trust marketing officer. Mr. Clifford joined First National in 1981 as a staff auditor. He was named cost accounting officer in 1983. A graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he is a member of the Lincoln Chapter/American In stitute of Banking board. Mrs. Rinder received a BA degree from the University of Montana and a JD degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She joined First National in 1983 as a law clerk in the trust division. * * * Brian L. Kamler has been named president of First Security National Bank in the Highlands area of Lin coln, Donald O. Clifton, board chair man announced recently. Mr. Kamler has been a member of the board of directors of the bank since it opened in 1982. He has been employed as a branch manager of Union Bank & Trust Co., as execu tive vice president of Northeast Sav ings & Investment Co. and as a fed eral bank examiner. He attended the University of Denver and is a native of Geneva, Nebraska. John Knight, former president who resigned to devote time to per sonal investments, has been named by the bank board as president em eritus and will serve as a consultant. First Security has also named Jan Tillberg as cashier. Mrs. Tillberg has been employed at the bank for three years and previously worked at Havelock Bank and a Grand Is land credit union. Blue Springs Addition Told Douglas S. Magill has joined the Blue Springs State Bank as a loan0 officer trainee. Mr. Magill is a 1984 graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a degree in agricultural econo mics. He formerly was em ployed^ with Harvest Homes Inc. of Omaha. 75th Celebrated in Bayard The First National Bank, Bayard, celebrated its 75th anniversary on March 28 and 29 with an open house. i Additional events are planned throughout the year. Flowers, prizes and refreshments were all part of the March celebration. President and CEO Named At First Natl., North Platte 4 Daniel D. Davis has been ap pointed president and chief execu tive officer of The First Na tional Bank and Trust Company of North Platte. He succeeds Bill Deitemeyer, who resigned to ac c e p t a n o th e r post. Prior to join D.D. DAVIS ing First Na tional Bank, Mr. Davis was affili-| ated with the First National Bank of Pierre, S.D., for 14 years. For the past six years he has served as se nior vice president. He is a graduate of Black Hills State College in| Spearfish, S.D. COMPUTER BANK Automated Customer Service Division First National Lincoln’s Automated Customer Service Division can meet your needs for management information services. Count on the First Team to provide accurate, timely reporting; innovative systems; and the strength, experience and expertise of Lincoln’s largest bank. For the most advanced technology in automated information services, think of us first. First National Lincoln. First N a tio n a l Lincoln A FirsTer Bank Member. F.D.I.C. 13th & M Streets • P.O. Box 81008 Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Phone 402-471-1023 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56 You and your customers have a wide range of invest ment opportunities available from Bankers Trust. You can buy or sell through us with confidence that your transactions will b e handled promptly and smoothly We’re a registered dealer in all bankeligible securities including high-grade m unicipal bonds and notes, U.S. Government and Government Agency securities, bankers a cc e p tances, repurchase agree ments, CD’s, and overnight and term Fed Funds. You can also count on us for w ell-grounded investment counsel. We’ll work closely with you and your customer to determine the best direction for m eeting specific goals. And because we serve as trustee, transfer agent, paying agent and registrar for m any bond-issuing entities, you’ll find us an excellent source for information on pending new issues. For a single investment vehicle or assistance in struc turing an entire portfolio, call a Bankers Trust Invest ment Banker toll-free in Iowa: 800-362-1688. Out of state, please call 515-245-2424. Bankers »«Trust Des Moines, Iowa 50304 Member FDIC, Federal Reserve System Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57 Cherokee, has announced that David L. Sayre of the McDonald, Sayre and Wittgraf law firm has been elected a director of the bank. James L. McDonald recently re signed from the bank board. He has been appointed an Iowa District Court Judge. Ogden Advancement Told Iowa Young Bankers To Meet June 4-5 ^ The Iowa Young Bankers Confer ence will be presented June 4-5 at the Fort Des Moines Hotel under the auspices of the Iowa Bankers Association. Barb Marcus, cashier nd personnel officer at Maquoketa tate Bank, is president of the Iowa Young Bankers Association and will also preside at the conference. In addition to the guest speakers ^jiere will be three workshops, each presented twice to give registrants an opportunity to attend any two of their choice. The first workshop, “ Key Steps to Effectively Design in g and Pricing Bank Services,’ ’ will discuss how to modify existing pro ducts and introduce new ones. The second, “ Implementing Electronic Banking,” will look at considera tion s for successful transition both within the bank and with customers. The third is “ Managing for Produc tivity,” which will look at how the new work ethic and changing demo graphics affect the way people need to be managed for maximum production. The complete program follows: Tuesday, June 4 % .M . 8:30 Registration—Hotel Ft. Des Moines. 9:00 Welcome and introduction— Barb Marcus, president, 41 IYBA. 9:10 “ Iowa Banking Today—A Regulator’ s Viewpoint” — Thomas H. Huston, Iowa superintendent of banking. Break. " 0:00 10:15 “ High Tech Banking—It’s Impact Leading to the Fu ture with T e c h n o lo g y speaker to be announced. Overview of POS, ATMs, ACH, Home Banking. 11:15 “ Humpty Was Pushed” — Steve Barger, vice presi dent, sales and marketing, Shearson Am erican E x « Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis press, Des Moines. Mr. Bar ger will discuss how banking structure issues will affect your bank’s place in the fi nancial services industry. P.M. 12:00 1:30 2:45 3:00 5:00 A.M. 8:00 8:30 10:30 10:45 11:45 1:00 L uncheon. “ L e g isla tiv e Wrap-Up” —Wes Ehrecke, IB A government relations director. “ Managing for Sales, Re sults and Productivity” — Bob Dye, Financial Shares, Chicago. Break. Workshops. Reception. Dinner on your own. Wednesday, June 5 Continental breakfast. Workshops. Break. “ Id en tifyin g Leadership Q ualities—T od a y ’ s View point from Iowa CEOs” — Dan Krieger, executive vice president, First National Bank, Ames; Neal Conover, chairman, First National Bank, Creston; Larry Rolfstad, president, National Bank & Trust Co., Chariton. Luncheon. “ Incorporating Changes into Your Life” — Bob Zeller, motivational speaker; regional sales man ager, Monsanto Corpora tion, Des Moines. Adjourn. Cherokee Director Named John B. Keeline, president of the Central Trust and Savings Bank, Ronald L. Trudo has been named assistant vice president and ag loan officer at City State Bank, Ogden. Mr. Trudo previously was with the Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank in Lone Tree. Appointed in Sioux City First National Bank in Sioux City has announced the appointment of Mark R. Para dise as corres pondent banking officer. Mr. Paradise, new to the bank’s s t a ff, tra n s ferred to First N ational from Banks of Iowa Computer Ser M.R. PARADISE vices, Inc. in Sioux City, where he most recently served as client services consultant. Prior to joining Banks of Iowa Com puter Services in 1977, Mr. Paradise was with First National Bank in Sioux City for four years. Strawberry Point Staff Additions Announced Union Bank and Trust Company, Strawberry Point, recently an nounced several additions to the bank’s staff: Douglas Piper, vice president, and Paula Mosher, note teller. Mr. Piper previously was em ployed as county supervisor with FmHA in Creston and is a 1972 graduate of Iowa State University, with a BS degree in farm operation. Mrs. Mosher previously was em ployed by Starmont school system. 1985 Iowa Group Meetings Group 5 2 12 3 Date May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 Location Council Bluffs Fort Dodge Okoboji Clear Lake Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 58 Iowa News Appointed in Sioux City ARCHITECT’S draw ing of Valley N ational Bank’s new W est Des Moines office. Construction Underway For Valley National’s New West Des Moines Office Jay Rehnstrom recently was ap pointed correspondent bank officer of Toy National Bank, S io u x City. M r. R ehn strom started with the bank in August, 1981 as a bank trainee and has worked in many areas of the b a n k . He j . REHNSTROM was promoted to credit officer in 1983 and until his r ^ cent promotion was in the agricul tural loan department. He has a BS degree in business administration from Morningside College in Sioux City. • V.P. Joins UCB Spencer RT DECO design, plus the ex tensive use of granite and lime stone, will be highlights of a new West Des Moines office for Valley National Bank. Construction began Monday, April 8 on the building, being built at 3738 Westown Park way, two blocks west of Valley West Mall. It will replace Valley Bank’s existing facility at 1-235 and 35th Street in the Westowers Building. Located west of 35th Street in West Des Moines, the new office will be the only bank in this growing office park area. The unique design of this office will borrow some elements from the Art Deco architecture style used at Valley Bank’s landmark main office building at Sixth and Walnut in downtown Des Moines. The design will feature a three-foot lower band and a cap of dark gray polished granite. Panels of limestone will complete the exterior wall. The win dows will have a stairstep pattern using gray opaque glass and reflec tive glass. The building will have a dramatic three level roof design with rounded ends typical of the 1930’s Art Deco period. The two-acre site, designed for Suburban banking, will have adja cent parking, three drive-up teller lanes, and a 24-hour drive-up auto matic teller machine. Extensive landscaping will complete the exter ior. Inside, the 5,000 square foot of fice will feature polished granite flooring and a three-tiered ceiling rising 22 feet above the floor. The of A Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis fice, designed by Savage and Ver Ploeg Architects of West Des Moines, adopts the latest in finan cial-service technology such as an in terior layout that allows customers to complete their teller and other personal banking transactions at a single station. The building will be constructed by the Weitz Company of Des Moines. The Waldinger Com pany of Des Moines will be the mechanical contractor and ABC Electric of Des Moines will be the electrical contractor. Completion of the building is scheduled for Sep tember. BAI Central Iowa Chapter Elects New Officers L.W. Graham has joined United Central Bank of Spencer as vic^ president in charge of commercial loans. Mr. Graham most recently was with United Central Bank of Fort Dodge. Three Join Spencer Staff • Three officers recently joined the staff of Farmers Trust & Savings Bank, Spencer. They are Thomas J. Malmgren, executive vice p resid en t David W. Woodcock, senior vice president and cashier, and Bryan Harken, assistant vice president. Mr. Malmgren is owner of Team Sport in Spencer and a former len<^ ing officer with ten years of banking expertise. Mr. W oodcock held a sim ilar position with Hawkeye Bank & Trust in Spencer and has 12 years banking experience. Mr. Harke# was an examiner with the Iowa De partment of Banking prior to join ing the bank. The Central Iowa Chapter of Bank Administration Institute re cently elected new officers. They are: President—Dorothy Coffey, assis tant cashier, Jasper County Savings Bank, Newton; Vice P residentMarie Vranich, vice president and Chariton Addition Told cashier, East Des Moines National Larry Rolfstad, president of Na Bank, Des Moines; Treasurer—Tom tional Bank and Trust Company, Quinlin, financial service officer, Chariton, has announced that Pat Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A., rick Hartz has joined the bank as. and Secretary—Don Fatka, vice assistant vice president and will as president, City State Bank of Ma sume duties as installment loan offi cer. drid. Mr. Hartz attended the Univer Elected to the chapter’s planning committee are: Mike Wiskirchen, sity of Northern Iowa and has 1 ^ Peat, Marwick, Mitchell; Roger years background experience in in7' “ Reed, Valley National Bank, Des stallment lending, insurance and se Moines; Dick Jung, Federal Reserve curity sales. For the past 4 years he Bank, Des Moines, and Dot Kieffer, has been Assistant Manager with Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, In- the Morris Plan of Iowa, based ia Waterloo. dianola. Over 250 Iowa financial institutions have used Kirk Gross Co. services! Do they know something you don’t? Kirk Gross Co. has a solid reputation in Iowa for designing new financial institutions and remodeling present ones. If you are thinking about a new facility, put the responsibility and worrying in the hands of the TURN KEY professionals. We keep up on the latest ideas on planning, designing, construction and furnishings. That’s why we have completed more than 250 projects since 1971. The best part of this unequaled record is that so many are repeat, satisfied customers. Let Kirk Gross Co. explain how our complete TURN KEY program will save you time and money. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If you’d like to know what other bankers know about Kirk Gross Co., call at your earliest op portunity. (How about right Now! Phone 319-234-6641) ■Sa |KIRK| GROSS CO. J 60 Iowa News Three Waterloo Financial Institutions Jointly Form Freedom Banking, Inc. which was to be located at 509 W es^ Broadway in Council Bluffs. EOPLES Bank & Trust Com pany, Home Savings & Loan A s sociation and John Deere Communi ty Credit Union of Waterloo have jointly formed Freedom Banking, Inc. This is a corporation through which these three financial institu tions will cooperatively develop, in stall service and promote electronic banking products in the WaterlooCedar Falls market. The corporation is self-supporting and will operate independently of the financials in volved. Freedom Banking, Inc. was to be in complete operation May 1, with offices at 420 West 4th Street. It will employ 8 persons, including a full-time manager. “ Freedom Banking, Inc. will allow each financial institution to provide customers and the entire community with greater financial convenience through easy access to electronic banking systems,’ ’ ex plained Tunis Den Hartog, presi dent of Freedom Banking, Inc. “ These electronic banking systems w ill in clu d e a u tom a tic teller machines, point of sale systems, script terminals, and gas pump ter minals which can be accessed through the use of an automatic banking card, as well as home bank ing’ ’ he continued. “ Never before in this state have three financials of this type joined together to do anything of this na ture cooperatively,’ ’ explained Mr. Den Hartog. “ This concept is unique also in the fact that this is also the only corporation in the state dedicated to the development of electronic banking. Electronic bank ing however is not unique or new.” Part of what makes electronic banking work is an electronic switching system that enables customers with an electronic bank ing card to withdraw cash, make de posits, transfer funds or check ac count balances with any electronic banking card that has the conve nient banking symbol on it. The con venient banking symbol, also some times referred to as a “ shazam” symbol, resembles a dollar sign. The regional switch in Iowa is I.T.S., which is located in Des Moines. Freedom Banking, Inc. will own and operate 17 ATM locations in the community and 2 POS systems. This is an addition of three new ATM machines, two machines at Crossroads Shopping Center and one at Hawkeye Tech, and one new POS system at Hy-Vee College Square, which will be installed in April. Other new ATMs, POS systems, gas pump terminals and script terminals will be installed in the market in the near future. These electronic banking systems are not limited to just customers of Home Savings & Loan, Peoples Bank and Trust or members of John Deere Community Credit Union of Waterloo. These three financial in stitutions are members of I.T.S., so other financial customers with the “ convenient banking” symbol on their electronic banking card will be able to use the machines owned by Freedom Banking, Inc. Allen R. Kloess, president and CEO of United Central Bank & Trus# Company of Ka lona, has an nounced the pro motions of three of the bank’s of ficers. Kim Jordahl was elected semor vice presi dent. He pre viously was vice K. JORDAHL p resid en t and has been with the bank a year and a half. IBA Annual Convention To Feature Tom Sullivan such as Airport ’77, Black Sunday and Love’s Dark Ride. The theme for this year’s conven tion is “ Teaming Up For The Fu ture. ’ ’ P The Iowa Bankers Association has announced that this year’s an nual convention, set for September 22-24 at the Convention Center in Des Moines, will be highlighted by Tom Sullivan, speaker, singer, com poser, actor, athlete and humanitari an. Mr. Sullivan, who has been blind since birth, was a special corres pondent for A B A ’s Good Morning America for three years. He has ap peared in such popular TV series as Mash, Mork and Mindy, W KRP in Cincinnati and Fame, and has also appeared in major motion pictures DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Application Withdrawn; National Charter Denied Manning Trust & Savings Bank has withdrawn its application with the Comptroller of the Currency to convert from a state to a national charter. In other action, the Comptroller’s office denied the application for a new national charter for the pro posed Landmark National Bank Three Promoted in Kalona J. COOK K. VAN HEIDEN Jon Cook was named assistant vice president. Mr. Cook has also been with the bank a year and a hai# and was serving as the bank’s ag loan officer. Kevin Van Heiden has been pro moted to cashier after being with the bank for three years. Prior to h i# promotion, Mr. Van Heiden held the position of assistant cashier. UCB Estherville Names Tw< United Central Bank & Trust Company of Estherville has an nounced the promotion of Phillip D. Kennedy to senior vice p re s id e ^ and the recent hiring of Roger Nansel as assistant vice president. Mr. Kennedy fills the vacancy created by Joseph R. Simmens, who accepted the post of president of R(^ land State Bank. Mr. Kennedy has been at UCB of Estherville as ag loan department manager since 1983 and previously was with Home State Bank in Jefferson. g Mr. Nansel, who will be working in the agricultural and commercial lending departments, fills the vacan cy left by Kenneth Malecha, who is now with UCB of Des Moines as g correspondent banking officer. ManyOf Your Bank Depositors Need Health Insurance You Could Be T he Bank To Introduce T hemT o T he Protectors B eing “Just A B ank” Isn ’ t Enough Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services, Inc. has developed a health insurance program for bank depositors. The name o f this program is The Protectors. The program includes a compre hensive major medical plan and a Medicare supplement. Costs are com petitive with other individual and supplemental insurance programs on the market. Your participation in this program requires little or no investment o f your time, personnel or capital. An IBIS representative will visit your bank on a regular schedule, explain The Protec tor plans to interested and eligible depositors, and enroll them. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Iowa Bankers Insurance and Ser vices, Inc.’s affiliation with Iowa banks is a long-standing, dynamic relation ship. You know our integrity, the qual ity of our service. The Protector health insurance program is underwritten by Time Insurance Company o f Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Time Insurance is con sistently rated A + “excellent” by the AM . Best Company, an insurance industry analyst. • The Protector health insurance pro gram provides your bank with a way to increase customer loyalty and revenues. • The Protector plans can attract new customers. • The Protector health insurance program enhances your image as a full-service bank. Let IBIS introduce you to The Protectors today! Call Chris Wehde at 515-286-4395 or 1-800-532- W hy Participate In T he P rotector H ealth Insurance P rogram ? • The Protector plans provide your customers with quality, convenient and affordable health insurance. IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE & SERVICES, INC. 104 EAST LOCUST DES MOINES, IOW A 50308 Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 62 Iowa News New President Named At Hawkeye Bank, Centerville Harold Whipple has been named president of Hawkeye Bank & Trust of Centerville. He su cceed s Dale Strickland, who recently re signed from the bank. Mr. Whipple graduated from Iowa State Uni versity in 1964 and w en t to H. WHIPPLE w ork for the Farmers Home Administration in O ’Neill, Neb. He spent three years working for a cattle management company in O ’Neill and worked for P rodu ction Credit A ssocia tion before becoming executive vice president of Commercial Bank in Barnett, Neb. Mr. Whipple most recently was senior vice president of First National Bank and Trust Co. of North Platte, Neb. IBA/ABA to Present Pricing Teleconference The Iowa Bankers Association and American Bankers Association Comptroller of the Currency, Wasli^ will present on Wednesday, May 29, ington, D.C., and Jere J. Brommer, a pricing teleconference entitled Valley National Bank, Phoenix, “ Pricing Strategically: The Chal Ariz. lenge of Deregulation. ’ ’ This telecon • ference will be held at the Des Farmers State, Marion Moines Area Community College, Names Farm Representative Building 6, auditorium, from 10:00 Dwight Kelley has been named a.m. - 3:00 p.m. farm representative for Farmers Regional and community bank S ta te Bank, ers, marketing officers, planning of Marion, accord ficers and retail officers are encour ing to Clair J. aged to attend. Lensing, presi Registration fee for members is dent. $115 in advance and $125 at the Mr. Kelley at door; for subscribers it is $150 in ad tended Coe Col vance and $170 at the door, and for lege and in 1980 non-members it is $175 in advance received a bache and $195 at the door. This includes lors degree in refreshments for two breaks, lunch business admin D. KELLEY • and all handout materials. For more istration from information and to register contact University of Iowa. He previously the IB A office in Des Moines. was actively involved with Kelley Moderator for the teleconference Farms, Inc. a family corporation. is Robert P. Chamness, attorney, McGlinchey, Stafford, Mintz, Cellini Appointed in Marion * & Lang, PC, Washington, D.C. Norwest Bank Marion, N.A. re Panelists include William D. Wilsted, Graduate School of Business cently announced the appointment Administration, University of Colo of Martin F. Butschi as branch man rado; M.J. Switzer, County Bank & ager and personal banker. M # Trust of Santa Cruz, Calif.; Jona Butschi is located in the Marion than Lee Fiechter, Office of the Teller Center. Previously, he was affiliated with United Federal Savings in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. Committed to making your bank stand apart from the Humboldt Promotion Told Steven Nielsen has been pro moted to vice president of Hurm boldt Trust & Savings Bank. P r " viously assistant vice president, Mr. Nielsen assumes the duties of R.K. Mikelson, who resigned recently. In addition, John Adams h joined the bank’s staff as instal ment loan officer. Waterloo Savings Bank Names Branch Manager Deon E. Senchina has been named branch manager of the Waterloo Savings Bank Cedar H eights Branch. She replaces David Fegle mortgage loan officer who is trans ferring to the main office. Ms. Senchina has worked in sev eral positions while at WSB, the last seven has been as a consumer lor“ officer in the installment loan de partment. She has a BS degree from Iowa State University and a mas ters degree in business administra tion from the University of Nort ern Iowa. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Iowa News Charles City Bank ^Elects New President The board of directors of Commer cial Trust and Savings Bank, Charles City, has an nounced the elec tion of James E. Hughes as presi dent and chief executive officer ►effective April 1. Victor M. Meyer was named chair man of th e board. M r. J.E. HUGHES ► Meyer has served as president of the bank since 1971. Mr. Hughes has been associated with United Central Bank & Trust Company of Fort Dodge since 1970 *serving most recently as president and chief executive officer. He has served on the management and agri cultural strategic planning commit tee of United Central Bancshares, ^Inc. and the policy and planning committee for UCB Systems, Inc. Mr. Hughes received an under graduate degree in farm operations from Iowa State University, Ames, *and a MS in agricultural economics from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. Peoples State of Odebolt T a ils ; New Bank Formed The Peoples State Bank of Odebolt was declared insolvent April 25 by State Superintendent of ►Banking Thomas H. Huston. Since none of the bidders invited by FDIC to take over the bank responded, FDIC planned a payout to deposi tors up to the $100,000 insured limit ►per account. On the following day, however, the FDIC announced a delayed pur chase arrangement had been made and PSB Bancorporation of Hamp to n , la., purchased certain assets and assumed all deposits of the failed bank. A new, state-chartered bank titled Peoples Savings Bank then opened on April 30 in the of fice s of the former Peoples State Bank. A premium of $57,000 was paid FDIC for the bank, which has deposits of approximately $13,000,000. * Mr. Huston cited “ the generally sick northwest Iowa ag economy” as a principal reason for the loan problems that plagued the Peoples State Bank, founded in 1899. It was 'the fifth Iowa bank to be closed so Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis far in 1985, and followed the closing of three banks in 1984. The owners of PSB Bancorpora tion were listed as Wm. A. Krause and A.C. Benton of Hampton; Richard O. Wikert of Fremont, Nebr.; C. Wilson Persinger of Sioux City, and T.S. Gentle of Iowa Falls. The first four businessmen have been involved in the purchase from FDIC of two other failed Iowa banks this year. They include The First National Bank in Woodbine, re opened as Iowa Savings Bank, and Commercial State Bank of Afton, re opened as Citizens Savings Bank. Mr. Krause was named president of the new Peoples Savings Bank in Odebolt. Neal Conover was elected executive vice president and manag ing officer. He is also chairman of First National Bank in Creston and also is president of the new Citizens Savings Bank in Afton. The other three officers of the new Peoples Savings Bank in Odebolt remain in the positions they held in the former bank. They are: Delores Wangler, assistant vice president and man ager of the Kiron office (where the former bank had been located in pre vious years); Joan Simpson, cashier and Velma Winquist, assistant cash ier. The Farmers Home Administra tion immediately assigned a loan of ficer to the new bank in Odebolt to give special “ credit assistance” to farm loan customers of the former bank who may need help in getting their loan funds for this year’s plant ing. Odebolt has one other bank, Ode bolt State Bank, which had 1984 year-end deposits of $8,471,000 and assets of $10,411,000. Metro Bancorporation Acquires Hudson State Bank Dale K. DeKoster, chairman of Metro Bancorporation, a Waterloo Bank holding company, announced today that Metro Bancorporation has acquired 100% stock ownership in the Hudson State Bank. Metro Bancorporation presently owns The Waterloo Savings Bank. Mr. DeKoster stated that except for the retirement of Ray Busching, president of the Hudson State Bank, there are no plans for changes in the personnel or structure of the bank. Mr. DeKoster has been named presi dent of the bank, and stated his role will be limited to assessing the fi 63 nancial needs of the community and to conduct studies of the market area to determine the most efficient way to give the best possible finan cial service to it’s residents. Jerry Evens, senior vice president and cashier will be chief operating officer and will be responsible for the day to day operation of the bank. Mr. DeKoster and Frederick Koch will replace Ray and Verjean Busch ing on the board of directors. Other board members are Jerry Evens, Gordon Strayer, and Raymond Dufel. Brenton Banks Names Two Regional Marketing Officers As part of Brenton Banks, Inc. strategic reorganization plan, Wil liam E. Stegman and Richard A. Stachon have been named regional marketing officers. W.E. STEGMAN R.A. STACHON Mr. Stegman is assistant vice president/regional marketing direc tor for Brenton First National Bank in Davenport, Brenton Bank and Trust Company of Cedar Rapids, and Fidelity Brenton Bank and Trust Company Marshalltown. Mr. Stachon is marketing officer for three Des Moines area banks: Brenton National Bank of Des Moines, Brenton Bank and Trust Company, Urbandale, and Warren County Brenton Bank in Indianola. Both are in product management. Prior to joining Brenton, Mr. Stegman was assistant vice presi dent and marketing director for Peo ple’s National Bank and Trust Com pany, Bay City, Mich. He is a gradu ate of the University of Illinois in Urbana, with a degree in advertising and a graduate of the school of bank marketing. Mr. Stachon most recently was marketing officer for Brenton Na tional Bank of Des Moines. Prior to that he was marketing officer for Council Bluffs Savings Bank. He has a M BA degree from Creighton University, Omaha, Neb., and a BS degree from Utah State University. Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 64 James O. Freedman, president of the University of Iowa, has beerPI elected a member of the board of di rectors of Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Mr. Freedman, who has served as president of the University of IoweP] for the past three years, previously was dean of the University of Penn sylvania Law School. * Des Moines £. John Chrystal, president and CEO of Bankers Trust Company, has announced the following re cent promotions: Joseph J. Bustin, named se nior vice presi dent, joined the bank in 1981 as credit officer. He subsequently was named as J.J. BUSTIN sistant vice pres ident later that year and vice presi dent in 1983. Most recently he was appointed chief financial officer in 1984. Donald E. Kearney, appointed se nior vice president, loan administra tion, joined the bank in March of last year as vice president. Prior to D.E. KEARNEY S.K. KUEHL P.F. ROURKE R.C. GETTING Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, May, 1985 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * * ^ Paige E. Pradko, previously ac counting officer of Hawkeye Bank & Trust of Des Moines, has been named vice presi dent and cashier. M s. Pradko joined Hawkeye Bank & Trust of Des Moines in 1984 from a po sition as super P.E. PRADKO visor of opera tions analysis at the Federal Re serve Bank of Chicago. She obtained her bachelors degree from the Uni versity of Wisconsin. € Succeeding Ms. Pradko as ac counting officer is Tresa Gillette. Ms. Gillette, who had been serving as accounting assistant, joined the bank in 1973. joining the bank, he held positions of vice president and president in various banks throughout Colorado, Kansas and Iowa. Named vice presidents were: San dra K. Kuehl, commercial banking; Patricia F. Rourke, international; Thomas J. Digani, trust, and Ray C. Getting, operations. Ms. Kuehl joined the bank in 1981 as corporate banking rep and was promoted to officer status in 1982. She has been an assistant vice presi dent since January, 1984. Ms. Rourke has been with the bank since 1983 as international op * * * erations officer and most recently as assistant vice president. Margo Foxhoven, most recently Mr. Digani, who also serves as associated with the correspondent trust counsel, joined the bank in bank division at 1979 as account administrator. He ■¡lil United Central has held the title of assistant vice Bank o f Des president since last year. has Mr. Getting joined Bankers Trust M o i n e s , joined the in in 1978 as a programmer. He most * m recently held the title of vice presi v e s t m e n t d e partment at The dent and director of data processing. Bankers Life, *¡311 Prom oted to assistant vice the nation’ s presidents were: David W. Macka- ninth largest life man, commercial banking division; insurance com Margaret A. Hoogerheide, trust, pany. M. FOXHOVEN and Darrell H. Wright, trust invest Margo Foxhoven began working ment manager. for United Central 12 years ago Bruce E. Allen and Thomas R. spending most of those years in tb Crinigan have been named senior correspondent bank division where staff auditors. she worked with bankers statewide. Two new officers were named: Her most recent assignment was as Karen E. Andeweg, loan administra operations assistant working tion; Bryan H. Hall, trust, and cash management and account a James H. Windsor, trust invest alysis for correspondent banks. ment. At The Bankers Life investment Kirk P. Flores has been named department, she will be working with loans on commercial real es^ assistant legal counsel. tate. * * * Io w a N e w s ^irst Interstate Executive Tells UCB Stockholders of Franchise Plans IRST-QUARTER results and plans for implementing the fran c h is e contract with First Interstate Bancorporation of Los Angeles were discussed with stockholders of United Central Bancshares, Inc., at the annual meeting in Des Moines Cast month. Kenneth M. Myers, chairman and chief executive officer of UCB, presided at the annual meeting and the luncheon that fol lowed. ^ Poor performance of the ag eco nomy in Iowa continues to plague most of the banking industry in the state and UCB has not been exempt from its share of non-performing, ^)ast due or write-off loans, Mr. Myers told the stockholders. He stressed the positive impact ex pected in coming months from JJCB’s affiliation with First Inter s t a t e Bancorporation. Under that franchise, UCB will adopt the First Interstate name but will retain its separate ownership and autonomy ^>f operation. S Guest speaker at the luncheon was Pete Hart, executive vice presi dent of First Interstate of Los Ange les. Mr. Hart also is chairman and a ounder of CIRRUS System, Inc., a ational network of shared ATMs to which Iowa bank customers have ac cess through their ITS cards. The total number of ATMs in the CIR C U S affiliation now is 5,900. Mr. Hart told UCB stockholders, “ W e’re oriented toward you. W e’re basically a domestic company, with only 16.5% in foreign operations. fe’re retail, small corporations, and a variety of services.’’ F Mr. Hart listed five basic assump tions that are important to under stand the planning done by First In terstate: 1. As customers have more op tions offered by institutions, they’re going to go with the strong, viable bank they perceive offering quality. 2. There is a tremendous move to consolidation and we will see more of it over the next few years. 3. The non-bank players will not be a factor. I think they have a lot to MEDIA TM MANAGER • Convert Diskettes to tape • C o p y disk to disk • Convert to com patible formats • Make multiple copies CALL ÜS 65 learn and will come away with a bloody nose. Many of them we’re concerned with today will fall. 4. We believe physical features will continue to be the important place where local customers can walk in, sit down and visit person ally—the neighborhood presence. 5. We believe it’s time to get back to the basics: Managing credit, the bulk of our business. We must man age, and don’t spend too much time looking in the rear-view mirror. Funding will continue to be a prob lem; we must get funds at the lowest cost and increase our core of depos- MICROFICHE SERVICES Retrieval is fast!!! Microfiche are easy to handle Archival quality Service is now available to ALL the in-house uses o f the latest hardware and software. LET U S SH O W YOU HOW ) tICB \ SYSTEMS INC. 1205 Mulberry Des Moines, 1A50304 515-245-7315 515-245-7080 HIGH GIVE US “Q uality Service a ta Reasonable Fee QUALITY A TRY! HIGH SPEED Show your LOW C O ST customers E a ch page is an original, standard 8 ! / 2" x l l " . their balances. lüifSDfiük Curtí Executive quality. SHARING the platform at United Central Bancshares’ annual meeting last month were, from left: Oliver Hagen, pres. & chief oper. off., UCB; Pete Hart, exec, v.p., First nterstate Bancorp, Los Angeles, and Ken yers, chmn. & c.e.o., UCB. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LASER PRINTING SERVICES ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRAN SFER Northwestern Banker, May, 1985 66 Io w a N e w s its. We must control non-interest ex penses. Mr. Hart said “ the proliferation of products is such that we have so many that we need specialists. We must train staff to understand them, sell them and make a profit. We think our advantage in develop ing products for 1,100 branches now, and perhaps 3,000 by 1990, is more efficient than doing so for one bank or 50 or 100 branches. We feel some product expansion is limited, such as insurance, due to restrictive laws.” “ Over the next 15-20 years, there will be no more than four or five players of consequence,” he stated. “ W e’d be there today except for 50year old laws.” He listed the possi bilities as Citibank, Sears, American Express, Bank of America (with a question mark), First Interstate, Manufacturers Hanover, and per haps Chase, Chemical and State Farm. He said General Motors and General Electric could play the game if they wish. He said, “ The old concept of com petition on a vertical basis within regional areas will tip 90 degrees to a horizontal plane to achieve na tional competition.” On another front he noted that of the 12 major industrial sectors of business in the United States, three-fourths of them have lower costs by 75% than 10 years ago. “ In banks, however,” he stated, “ banking costs were passed along and continued upward. Steel was 12th on the list—enough said. “ There was a 75% decrease in costs for most of the industries ex cept steel and banking.” He also ad ded that customer loyalty is judged to be at an all-time low in all the in dustries. “ A huge problem is that young people have no incentive to save,” he added, “ but rather only the incentive to spend now.” He closed by asking, “ So why should UCB join First Interstate now? Because of tremendous cost savings as a corporation on behalf of all units. We can provide products and services and we expect you to deliver them. I am excited about where we are. I think we’ll have a decided edge with our experience. I ’m excited about Iowa over time, despite the current problems, and we expect continued growth here. “ The midwest’s ability to feed the world is still a viable business and one we want to help serve. ’ ’ □ Banker, May, 1985 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis East Moline Bank Joins ITS, Inc. EFT Network State Bank & Trust, East Moline, 111., has joined the ITS, Inc. regional electronic funds transfer network, based in Des Moines. State Bank & Trust’s William Teller ATM card holders now have access to 904 auto mated teller machines in Iowa, Illi nois, Nebraska, Missouri and South Dakota, as well as 2,082 Nationet ATMs in 14 states and British Col umbia, Canada, including 231 ATMs in Wisconsin. State Bank & Trust’s ATM s are connected to the ITS, Inc. network through Davenport Bank & Trust Co., which participates in the ITS network as a data processing center, in addition to placing ATM s and is suing ATM cards to its own custo mers. State Bank & Trust brings to the network eight ATMs in East Mo line, Moline, Hampton and Milan, 111. Harris AgDisk Templates Designed for AppleWorks plates eliminate time-consuming spreadsheet construction. The com bination of these three characteris tics has produced an outstanding product. Harris did the work of de signing, setting up and testing templates so the user s time can be spent taking advantage of them. Those who have worked with the Harris AgDisk line will immediately recognize the consistency in q u a lity a spokesman said. Other AgDisk products are avail able through selected Apple, IBM, and Radio Shack dealers. Our seven Harris AgDisk AppleWorks Ten^ plate Products are designed for the Apple II series of microcomputers and retail for $95.00. Harris Technical Systems is the largest supplier of microcomputer software for agriculture with pro ducts available at over 2,500 retail locations across the United States and Canada. More information on the Harris AgDisk AppleWorks Templates, along with our other 24 Harris A g Disk programs, can be obtained from Harris Technical Systems, 624 Peach Street, Box 80837, L in col# Nebraska 68501, 800-228-4091. Computerized worksheets that analyze “ what if...” situations for crop, livestock, machinery, and gen eral farm and ranch management are now possible with Harris AgDisk r AppleWorks Templates. The A g Disk AppleWorks Templates auto matically set-up all headings and formulas. These templates are ready for the user to provide specific in MAY, 1985 formation for analysis. Ag-Ware .................................................... Seven different Harris AgDisk Bankers Liquidation R e p o rt.................... AppleWorks products are being in Bankers Trust Company, Des Moines . . . American/Business Credit troduced. Each product contains six Barclays Bell Investment Com pany........................ to eight individual worksheets. B urroughs.................................................. These seven products include Busi earner & A s s o c ia te s ................................ Central Bank, D e n ve r.............................. ness Management (8 worksheets), Commercial National Bank, P e o ria ........ Cow-Calf herd Management (7 work Dawson Hail Insurance............................ sheets), Crop Management (5 work Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp........ Financial Products, Inc............................. sheets), Feedlot Cattle Management First Bank, Minneapolis/St. P a u l............ (8 worksheets), Machinery Manage First Interstate Bank, D e n ve r.................. First National Bank, L in c o ln .................... ment (7 worksheets), Swine Farrow First National Bank, O m a h a .................... ing Management (6 worksheets) and Gross, Kirk Company, W a te rlo o .............. Swine Finishing Management (7 Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, In c .. ITS, Inc......................................................... worksheets). Marquette Bank, Minneapolis ................ The Harris AgDisk Templates MBU, Inc...................................................... National Bank, Cedar Rapids combine the features of Harris A g Merchants MGIC ........................................................ Disk, the versatility of AppleWorks Modern Banking Systems, Inc.................. and the convenience of a template. NBC Computer S e rvice s.......................... North Central Companies, St. Paul ........ Harris AgDisk is the leading sup Northern Trust Company.......................... plier of microcomputer programs for Norwest Corporation, M in n e a p o lis ........ agriculture. AppleWorks is a power Office Concepts, Ltd., W aterloo.............. United Central Bank Systems, Inc........... ful, versatile program written for United Financial Savngs Bank, St. Paul the Apple microcomputer. Tem United Missouri Bank .............................. Index of Advertisers .. .3 .. .3 . . .5 10-1 5 6 6 6 Compare For Yourself. How Does Your Current Credit Insurance Company Measure Up To North Central Life? What What Your North Central Company Life Offers Offers What What Yaur North Central Company Life Offers Offers *Ein .E in B in •Bin •g in .e r a ‘ e fn Fast, Computerized Claim Settlements Home Office Customer Service Department Insurance Plans That Fit Virtually Every Loan Situation Simple, Automated Premium Reporting System Special Programs for the Large Borrower Computer-based Measurement and Control System to Help You Manage Your Business Nation-wide Toll-free WATS Service Personalized Training For Your Support Personnel Instant, Over-the-phone Rate Calculations For Difficult Loans Simplified Procedures Manuals For Administrative People Instant, Over-the-phone Underwriting approval for over-limit coverages Complimentary Sales Aids, Brochures and Point-Of-Purchase Materials Sales and Insurance Training Programs Designed for Bankers Free Analysis of Your Current Insurance Operations Incentive Plans to Help Increase your Productivity “Captive Company” Capability Professional, Experienced Account Field Representatives • No Company, Anywhere in The United States, Can Give Your Bank A s Much Help in Running A Smooth, P rofitable Credit Insurance Operation A s North Central Life America’s #1 Credit Insurance Service Organization Protection all ways North Central Life Insurance Company NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER, 445 MINNESOTA STREET BOX 64139, ST PAUL, MN 55164 In Minnesota call 800-792-1030 All other states 800-328-9117 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . V' ÉÊi^m Relationship banking. Because you want a banking partner who never stops earning your business. I Even after we have it. That’s what relationship banking means to us. Building the kind of closeness that earns your trust. That’s why we placed our Client Executives close to you. j & ; To keep our ears tuned to your B needs, and give you what you f ask for. Even anticipate it before you need it. \1 It may mean working a I few late nights. It definitely means not taking your busi ness for granted. And, it | means using all the resources of Norwest for your benefit. That’s what we mean by relationship banking. If you use our financial institutions services, you already know what we’re talking about. If you don’t yet, you will definitely want to try us. Welcome a call from your Client Executive very soon. Financial Institutions Group H k H mmmmm NORWEST CORPORATION mmmmm mmymm Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Members FDIC