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• Control, Not Service— The Real Interstate Banking Issue HE debate on interstate T banking is centered not on the adequacy of in terstate banking service—which already exists— but on who shall control the sys tem, and whether or not institu tional control shall be vested in dual state and federal super L.E. KREIDER vision, or centered in the latter. This was asserted by Lawrence E . Kreider, executive vice presidenteconomist of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, in an address recently before the 44th Assembly for Bank Directors, in Boca Raton, Fla. Dr. Kreider charged that “propo nents of increased interstate bank ownership and control implicitly tend to convey the false impression that interstate banking services necessitate increased bank owner ship and control.” This, he said, was false; interstate banking is alive, well, and expanding. Added is the question of “who should determine the type of interstate ownership and control, if any, best suited for each state—the federal government or individual states,” he declared. • • March 9,1981 Des Moines, Iowa Vol. 9 No. 46 CALL ON THE Existing interstate banking is extensive, Dr. Kreider stressed, pointing to national corporate banking, on both the loan and deposit side; the broad correspon dent network linking all the nation’s banks; the approximately 2,000 affiliates operated by bank holding companies outside their home states; and the growth of Edge Act corporations—which now may branch on an interstate basis. It is estimated, Dr. Kreider said, that fully one-fifth of the commercial bank volume in the United States, or $200 billion, is interstate in nature. The CSBS official stressed that interstate service will continue to expand, even without changes in current barriers to interstate ownership and control, and that this broadening thrust will be aided by the states as in the past. He concluded: There are massive amounts of interstate banking services, and others are evolving within our present highly flexible system. Indeed, the key issue is not entirely interstate ownership and control. We already have a lot of interstate ownership and control in the form of nonbank subsidiaries accommo dated by state as well as federal statutes and Edge Act Corpora tions. In large degree, the issue is ‘who shall determine the nature and extent of interstate ownership and control?’ “Should the federal government arrogate the preferences of states on this issue or should the states continue to determine their struc ture under the auspices of McFadden/Douglas” is the real issue, Dr. Kreider suggested, pointing out that those two legislative measures constitute the cornerstone which assures mainten ance of state-federal checks and balances. □ Iowa News A late added attraction will bring clout to the lineup of speakers scheduled for the IBA’s Agricultur al Credit Conference to be held March 16-18 at the Scheman Center on the campus of Iowa State University in Ames. U.S. Senator Roger Jepson (R-Davenport) and Federal Reserve Board vice chair man Frederick Schultz will address the conference at 11:00 a.m. Monday, a new starting time. The remainder of the conference sched ule goes on as planned. Early registration precedes the seminar at noon. AMES: A seminar will be held April 16 at the Scheman Continuing Education Building, Iowa State University, for bank officers who have outside business development responsibility. The one-day seminar is co-sponsored by the Engineering “P E R F O R M A N C E T E A M ” where common transactions are handled uncommonly well. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ IIIHIHIII F IR S T N A T I O N A L L I N C O L N 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. Call 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 6 2 -2 5 1 4 to get a lot of help for your money. Garry Frandson IOWA. nesMoines A m NATIONAL BANK Member FDlC An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation B a n c o ® and Management Institute and the School of Business Administration at ISU. Registration fee is $100. For more information, contact Jim Sjobakken (515) 294-8613. Bk., Grundy Center, is now pres, of Citizens St. Bk. here. Mike Mahlendorf, former a.c. at Iowa Tr. & Sav. Bk., Emmetsburg, is a new v.p. ELM A: Darwyn D. Van Wyhe has been promoted to ag rep and assistant cashier of Peoples Savings Bank. FREMONT: Oliver Anderson, 89, retired executive vice president and cashier of Farmers Savings Bank, died recently. Mr. Anderson was in banking from 1915 until his retirement in 1979. GLIDDEN: Peggy Irlmeier has been elected to the board of the First National Bank. Mrs. Irlmeier joined the bank in 1968 and is data processing officer. IOWA CITY: The Iowa State Bank and Trust Company has announced the following promotions: Clair A. Powers to vice president and cashier, Steven A. Nath to controller, Larry G. Waggoner to security officer and Luella J. Feldman to secretary of the board. ALTON: Janette Schneider was elected data processing officer and Tom Kiernan was elected assistant vice president of the Alton Savings JEFFERSON: Douglas McDer Bank. mott has been elected president of CARTER LAKE: First Bank & Home State Bank. He joined the Trust of Carter Lake has filed for bank in 1969. Gerald Clause, who conversion from a state to a national has served as the bank’s president since 1962, has been elected bank. chairman of the board. CHARLES CITY: Roger J. Hoick has been promoted to vice president KELLOGG: At the Kellogg-Sully of Citizens National Bank. Mr. Bank & Trust Robert Terlouw has Hoick joined the bank in 1978 as an been promoted from vice president ag loan officer. Also announced was to senior vice president and Michael the election of Michel M. Osterrieth L. Grim has been promoted from to the board. Mr. Osterrieth is commercial loan officer and cashier president of Salsbury Laboratories. to vice president and cashier. DES MOINES: Capital City State Bank’s application to establish a bank office in Pleasant Hill has been approved. DONNELLSON: Douglas Van Dyke, former y.p. of Farmers Sav. STORY CITY: At the Story County State Bank JoAnn Sweet has been elected to the board to replace Marvin Ahrens, who has retired. Promoted were LeRoy Kester to vice president and Kathy Knous to assistant cashier. We’re people you can turn to for investments. For investment services, data processing, ag lending and overlines . . . we’re the people you can turn to. We’re more than western Iowa’s We’re people. bank. Jim Hongslo Vice President 712/277-6625 SECURITY N A TIO N A L R AN K Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA. MEMBER F.D. I. C. ________________________________________ © 1980 Security National Bank Estate Appraisals Purchase off Collections Sale of Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest Ben E. Marlenee Coins 913 Locust Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 SIOUX CITY: Northwestern Na tional Bank has named Jon Patterson ag loan officer. He joins Northwestern Bank from First Northwestern National Bank of Billings, Mont. WE VER: Cecil Bonar has retired from the board of the Farmers Savings Bank after 26 years of service. Filling his place is his son Robert, also a Denmark area farmer. WINTERSET: At Union State Bank, Marvin Eivins and Gail Leeper have been elected to the board and Mr. Leeper was advanced from cashier to cashier and assistant trust officer. Nebraska News The Nebraska and Iowa Banking Departments, in conjunction with the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, are co-sponsoring a presentation of the CSBS Computer Audit and Control Conference for Bankers to be held April 6-10 at the Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge in Omaha. CLEARWATER: Dean Sladek has been elected president and director of the Citizens State Bank. He replaces Jim Tonniges on the board. HASTINGS: City National Bank and Trust Company has elected O.J. McDougal, Jr. president and chief executive officer. Mr. McDou gal joined the bank in 1957 as an ag rep. SPRINGFIELD: Stockholders of the Springfield State Bank have signed a contract to sell their stock to E.D. Kugler and Glenn M. Adair. Mr. Kugler, formerly president at IM PO R TA N T N O TICE TO IOWA R A N K S CONCERNING LEN D IN G FORM S ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- "I One of Iowa’s leading holding companies has recently revised and redesigned all lending forms used throughout their system. All forms are current. They are written by lending experts and reviewed by the top legal counsel in the field. This same staff will continue to update all forms to remain in compliance with Iowa and federal regulations. Effective now, these forms are being made available to all banks in Iowa. Your bank can take advantage of this fine legal counsel and loan form review currently in use. M ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- / Please send a pricelist/order form to my attention: Mail to: Current Lending Forms Northwestern Printing & Publishing Co. 306 - 15th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone (515) 244-8163 1 1 1 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bank Officer Address City ______________________ _ State _ Sample forms are available upon request. (zip) 4 VEHICLES REPOSSESSED NORTH CAROLINA STATEWIDE SERVICE Since 1922-Field Divisions “Wanted Vehicle-Missing Persons Bulletin” HOME DETECTIVE COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 11431, Greensboro 27409 (919)299-1641 More Interstate ATMs Activated publication of a story in S INCE the February 16 issue of the ASK DALE FROEHLICH to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800 - 332-5991 Merchants dSh National Bank 151 Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA' BANK Bothenburg State , Bank & Trust Co., has been vice president and cashier. They have applied to the Fed to form a one bank holding company, which would also purchase the Springfield Insurance Agency from Robert D. Iske, president of the bank. If the transaction is approved by the Fed, Mr. Iske plans to retire. Illinois News A two-day conference, sponsored by the Chicago-based Electronic Funds Illinois, Inc. organization, is scheduled for April 7-8, at the Ramada O’Hare Inn, Des Plaines. The conference will provide regis trants with an opportunity to become acquainted with the major issues surrounding ATMs. CENTRALIA: An application for a charter by Centralia National Bank has been approved by the Comptrol ler of the Currency. ROCKFORD: At American Nation al Bank and Trust Co., Robert J. Hollingsworth has been elected vice president and Lillie Rude assistant trust officer. Carl J. Dargene, president of Amerock Corp., was elected to the board. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Weekly Newsletter relating that customers of a South Dakota bank may use their ATM debit cards across state lines in any Iowa ATM, described in the story as a “first in the nation,” two Nebraska banks have made it known that they have already been offering this capability to their customers. First National Bank of Omaha affiliated with the Rocky Mountain BankCard Association’s Visa-Plus program January 9,1980, according to J. William Henry, vice president of marketing at First National, and announced plans at that time to install numerous teller machines throughout Nebraska, Iowa, Min nesota and the Dakotas. These were planned for both banking premises and off-premise locations at such places as shopping centers and grocery stores. Other states inclu ded in the Visa-Plus network are Colorado, Kansas, Wyoming, New Mexico and Arizona. The Visa-Plus central switch is in Denver. At that time there were 76 ATMs on the system, mostly in Colorado and a few in Wyoming, New Mexico and Kansas, operating through 175 participating banks in those states. Mr. Henry said the Visa-Plus System now has 194 participating banks in these states, with 187 ATMs which produced more than 687,000 switched trans actions in December, 1980. Two Louisiana banks, the Bank of New Orleans and the Louisiana National Bank of Baton Rouge, will be operational in the system by the second quarter of this year, and will add a total of 50 more ATMs to the system (nine for Bank of New Orleans and 41 for First National). This will bring to 1.3 million the number of Plus and Visa-Plus debit and credit cards with access to this proprietary system. Customers of any participating bank may use ATMs anywhere in any state that belong to other Visa-Plus members; however, their cards will not access other systems, and customers of other banks may not access the Rocky Mountain Bank Card system. Dakota County State Bank in South Sioux City has been a member of the Banks of Iowa Computer Services on-line system for approximately one year, accor ding to L.B. Moore, executive vice president of Dakota County Bank. This authorizes customers of that bank who hold Instant Access cards to use Banks of Iowa Instant Access terminals in Iowa, and for Iowa holders of Instant Access cards to use the Dakota County Bank ATMs. Mr. Moore reports that his bank has made application to become an associate member of the Iowa Transfer System, for which BICS is a processing bank. When that is approved, Dakota County customers may use their cards to access any ATM in Iowa, instead of being restricted to Instant Access terminals. This would give those Nebraska customers the same privileges noted in the earlier story that customers of Valley Banks of Sioux Falls and Yankton now enjoy. FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, A Div. of Banc National Corp. Buys and sells line of used Burroughs and NCR equipment 11602 Jollyville Road, Austin, TX 78759 For Information On This Machine And Others Available, Call: 512-250-0794 • Reconditioned With 30-Day Warranty • Immediately Available WHY BOY NEW EQUIPMENT AND WAIT? • w • ® ® ® ^ 9 ^ q GET THE COMPETITIVE EDGE over savings and loan, credit unions, etc. This “ on-premise” system gives you complete inde pendence, competitive flex ibility and control. Single System Banking with Bank Data P rocessing P rofessionals 4 \ H1 BUTTERFIELD: Opal Nelson has been promoted to vice president and cashier of the State Bank. She is a 34-year bank veteran. 6818 Grover St., Omaha, Nebraska 68106 (402) 392-0151 South Dakota News BIG STONE CITY: Joanne Ross has been promoted to vice president and cashier of Big Stone State Bank. MILLER: Recent promotions at Hand County Bank include Dick Froningto executive vice president, Chris Smith to cashier and Nancy Williams to assistant cashier. ONIDA: The Onida Bank has announced the following appoint ments and promotions: Francis M. Ryan to chairman of the board, Leslie G. Day to executive vice president, Alice L. Porter to vice president, Michael B. Owens to cashier and Donald W. Hepper to assistant cashier. STURGIS: Promotions at First National Bank of the Black Hills include Vance Williams to executive vice president, Kirk Dean, Lloyd Sohl and Gerry Ashmore to senior vice presidents, and Cal Eich to vice president. assistant Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COON RAPIDS: Promotions at First Mid-America State Bank include Neil Polaski to senior vice president and Pat Pelstring and Steve King to vice presidents. 1 * § HE 1 Is Phone Max Cory National Bank o f Waterloo Minnesota News Modern Banking Systems, Inc. s NOW ACCOUNTS Now! Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Member FDIC Get tighter instantaneous reporting in every phase of yo u r o p e ra tio n . At the sam e tim e reduce you r operating costs. A program for your every need — and m ore. The best banking system in the industry. " 'A wsv /MiMipm VTi 1. m 'IP !»§§ifg at 1-800-772-2411. SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking,Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 Central National Bldg. 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 North Dakota News HARMONY: Larry Vreeman has been promoted to vice president and Peter Skaalen to cashier at the Harmony State Bank. BUFFALO: Terry L. Tallackson has been named president of the First State Bank. He joined the bank in 1971. Also promoted were Alan M. Klefstad to assistant vice president and Jacqueline Marcks to cashier. KANARANZI: Fred Folkerts has been named executive vice president of the Farmers State Bank. He has been in banking 15 years. DICKINSON: Duane Anderson has been elected executive vice presi dent of the Liberty National Bank, and was also elected to the board. LAKE BENTON: Dale L. Harberts has been promoted to president of Farmers State Bank. He joined the bank in 1979 from First Security State Bank of Sleepy Eye. PAGE: R. Paul Pederson, formerly president, has been elected chair man of the board of Page State Bank. Richard P. Pederson, former ly vice president, has been elected president. MADELIA: Jospeh McCabe has been promoted to vice president and cashier of Farmers State Bank, and has been elected to the board. MORRIS: Bryce J. Larson has been promoted to vice president of the Morris State Bank. He joined the bank in 1974. NORTH BRANCH: Aproximately 800 attended the grand opening of Community N ational B ank recently. Montana News MILES CITY: The application by First Security Bancorporation to become a bank holding company through the acquisition of First Security Bank & Trust has been approved. c^dfoCdsx an d <zdi’±±oaLat£,± Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions 515-232-0814 P.O. Box 450 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 Donald E. Holder, Principal Bankers, Service - LOAN ACTIVITY BULLETIN Who: names of all debtors in the county recorded during the period What: name of secured party When: the date the loan was filed with the Secretary of State Where: location where loan made ¿ f O R F A S T S E R V IC E lv ? ll 5-244-2463 records PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS BANK PRESIDENT AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Growing $200MM Illinois bank looking for dynamic and experienced banker to lead it in the 1980’s. The successful candidate w ill be a proven adm inistrator with a record of high performance financial accomplishments. Requirements include minimum of 10-15 years of banking experience, and 5 years experience as a bank CEO or comparable experience as a senior bank officer. Qualified candidate w ill have strong operations background. Extensive experience In managing a large staff is a must. Position w ill have overall responsibility for bank management and operations, and w ill report to chairman of the board. Performance-oriented compensation package available. Send resume in confidence to File M B S c/o Northwestern Banker. □ I would like to sell my majority bank stock. □ I would like to buy ma jority bank stock. (PA) FOR SALE OR LEASE Please Contact: J. Mason Henry PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY - Sale or lease modular bank buildings. Available immediately: 12’x40’ w /2 DUW’s In Nebraska, 14’x60’ in Missouri, 24’x60’ In Illinois, and 12’x50’ in Minnesota. SON CORPORATION, Box 684, Wichita, Kansas, 67201, (316) 942-8167, call collect. (FSorLS) Charles E. Walters Co., Inc. FOR LEASE 39 Ginger Woods Road, Valley, Nebraska 68064 Phone:(402)553-6400 Mobile bank unit, 12’x62’. Complete banking equipment, Including drive-up window, night depository, two teller stations, private office off lobby. Available now. Drommer Leasing, 401 Queens Court, SiouxCity, Iowa51104, (712)239-2315 (FL) ^ 1 ■ BANKERS PARTICIPATING LeasePlanJnc. 545 - 31st Street Des Moines. Iowa 50312 R. L. “DICK” SELLON Burroughs Sensimatic. F6211 series in working condition. Phone (712) 688-2214, Auburn Savings Bank, Auburn, la. ______________________ (WTB) CAPABLE-PERSONABLE-AGE 39. Want to learn management from bank owner with timetable toward purchase of same. Initial equity available. Write File MBP, c /o Northwestern Banker____________ (WTB) WANTADS FOR SALE 3M brand VQC - SE copier. Three years old. Phone Iowa Savings Bank, (319) 989-2474.____________ (FS) Burroughs S-3000 4-pocket proof machine one year old. Phone Van Horne Savings Bank, (319)228-8321. __________ _______________________ (FS) Ma* e,in° ^ NumberTwo Person fo r$60 million Iowa bank. Should be generalist with solid commercial lending experience . . . . . . ............................... Salary to $30,000 Ag Lender for Southwest Minnesota bank. '. ................ .Salary to $28,000 Cashier needed by Nebraska bank in town of 10,000 ...........................................................................$25,000 Write or call Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 306 - 15th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone (515) 244-8163. Employer pays fee. AG LOAN OFFICER Northeast Iowa bank with insurance agency needs aggressive and experienced Ag Loan Officer. Excellent community. New modern facilities. Top Salary and fringe benefits. Send resume In confidence to file MBT, c /o Northwestern Banker. _________ (PA) MARKETING REP - We are seeking an aggressive, hard working professional to market business forms and equipment throughout Des Moines and Iowa area. College degree required and sales experience preferred. Call Bill Fugenschuh, (515)282-6525. (PA) ____________ Burroughs Corporation____________ OFFICE MANAGER with agricultural lending background for bank off ice in small southeastern Iowa Community. W rite file MBR, c /o Northwestern Banker.______________________ ____________ (PA) BANK PRESIDENT/C.E.O. with opportunity to invest to 25% of capital. Newly chartered bank in central Minnesota. Send resume and financial statement to FileM BI, c /o Northwestern Banker.___________ (PA) COUNTRY BANKERS - The First State Bank of Newcastle, Wyoming, a $35 million bank on the Wyoming side of the scenic Black Hills, Is seeking applications for tw o bank officer positions: —An operations-oriented individual, business administration or accounting background preferred, some experience desirable. —Community-oriented loan officer, some agricultural credit experience desirable. Some qualifications flexible, salaries negotiable. Send resumes or call Donald J. Jordlng, President, First State Bank, Newcastle, Wyoming 82701. Phone (307) 746-4411._____________________________ (PA) $17,000. a 1_l FEES COMPANY PAID. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RESPOND IN CONFIDENCETO: Bank Division ROBERT HALF of Iowa. Inc 317 6th Ave. Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID WANT TO BUY Rates are $5.00 per I Ine per insertion. Add $3.00 for file letters per insertion. Identity of file letter advertisers cannot be revealed. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 306-15th St. ____________ Des Moines, Iowa 50309____________ POSITIONS AVAILABLE LENDING - N.W. Iowa bank seeking ag lender with at least 2 yrs exp. $18,000. ASST. VP - Large Des Moines bank looking for heavily experienced commercial lender who has a keen sense of business judgment. $28,000. COMMERCIAL LENDING OFFICER - Must have at least 3 yrs experience and ability to run a branch. $23,000. SENIOR TRUST OFFICER - Need heavily experienced indivto come into trust dept and eventually assume full responsibility for trust dept. $21,000. LENDER - Nebraska bank seeks indiv with ten years of experience in commercial and especially agriculture lending. $25,000 + 2ND PERSON/INSTALLMENT LENDER - Need at least 2 yrs of exp handling installment loans, student loans, mastercharge and direct & indirect loans. POSITIONS WANTED 3 ■tO.$2205,000aup CEO of community bank wants greater challenge. W ill consider number one or two p o s itio n ............. $28,000 Installment Loan Officer with finance company wants to jo ln community bank in Iowa........................$18,000 Ag Lending Officer with insurance licenses desires central Iowa p o s itio n .......................................$26,000 If your bank needs a qualified officer, we have many more applicants In a wide range of experience. Call: Malcolm Freeland, Freeland Financial Service, Inc., 306 - 15th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Phone (515) 244-8163. Employer pays service fee.________ TWO-YEAR GRADUATES of the Rural Banking & Ag Finance Program, Red Wing AVTI are now seeking ag or consumer management trainee positions in small and medium-size banks In the Midwest. Students have completed 1800 hours of classroom and related studies in such areas as business, lending, operations, insurance, and agriculture. For more Information or to contact the graduates, call or write Terri Beckman, Banking Instructor, Red Wing Area Vocational Technical Institute, Hwy 58 at Pioneer Rd., RedWing, M N 55066 Phone(612)388-8271. (PW) CASHIER or OPERATIONS OFFICER - Have over six years banking experience. Call (314) 497-2564. (PW) Thinking about selling your bank? Consult with Homer Jensen or Dick Buenneke Over 50 years’ banking experience No fee to seller 241 Insurance Exchange Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa50309 Phone: 515-243-7434 Ag Banking Specialists3'^ When it comet to agriculture, banking and p e n o n n e l. . . go to the specialists — go to AGRIcareers, Inc. Progressive bankers pay us to find the people they need. CREDIT MANAGERS . . . AG LOAN OFFICERS . . . TWO FARM MANAGERS AG LENDING OFFICER . CREDIT M ANAGER......... INSURANCE MANAGER .IA & O H ___ $18-23,000 .IA ................$18-20,000 . I A & I L ......... $16-24,000 .NE IO W A ... $15-20,000 K Y ................$20-30,000 N E ................$16-19,000 Ask our banking specialist, Linda, what's available without cost or obligation. (515)394-3145 I NEW HAMPTON, IA 50659 dOn G4REERS, INC. J THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER POSITIONS AVAILABLE PRESIDENT- $40MM ag-oriented bank. Prefer ag related degree and solid background in cattle-feeder lot financing................................. $40,000 SECOND OFFICER- opportunity to assume CEO duties in 2-3 yrs. $10MM rural southern Missouri bank. Desire ag experience................................$20,000 LOAN OFFICER- oversee consumer lending function and handle commercial credits. $50MM Rocky Mountain bank.................................................... $25,000 SENIOR AG LENDER- prefer 5 yrs. or more lending experience. Position will develop into Exec. VP........................................................................ $28,000 TRUST OFFICER- head dept for$35MM rural oriented bank. Position requires 3-5 yrs. general trust experience. Law degree not necessary.............$25,000 CASHIER- small but very busy bank seeks strong operations officer. W ill also handle regulatory reports. Future advancement possible............ $25,000 CORRESPONDENT BANKERsenior position available for strong commercial lender with seven-figure credit experience. Knowledge of agri-credits helpful.............................................$$Open To inquire, please forward full resume’ and salary history to: TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City P.O. Box 12346-2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 ________________ (816)474-6874________________ Vol. 9 No. 46 Northwestern Banker Newsletter [USPS 873-300] is published weekly by tne Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscriptions 25 cents per copy, $8.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, change of address [Form 3579], manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis