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Vol. 10 No. 49 Des Moines, Iowa DIDC Sabotages Banks, S&Ls Again EM BERS o f the Depository In s titu tio n s D ereg u la tion Committee on March 22 adopted a new $7,500 minimum three month savings certificate which, in effect, is little variation from the $10,000 minimum that prevails on six-month certificates. In addition, the DIDC further hampered commercial banks by im posing a quarter percent dif ferential on the accounts in favor of thrifts over banks. Interest rate ceilings, custom arily tied to Treasury rates, will be about the same for both the three and sixmonth certificates, and that was re ported at 12.6% at the T-bill auction the day o f the DIDC action. The American Bankers Associa tion had pursued vigorously its re quest for at least a $5,000 minimun instrument without rate control, to allow banks to com pete with money market mutual funds. The new, higher instrument not only ignored that request, but added insult to in jury for banks by “ throwing a bone,” as one banker put it, to the S&Ls with the quarter percent differential in “ a political m ove so they won’t feel so bad about the DIDC not of fering any financial help to them ” and entice S&Ls to patiently await whatever regulatory or Congres sional action m ight be taken later to alleviate their plight. M A B A reaction was one o f disap pointment and bitterness. “ It’s a fraud,” a spokesman said. “ A ll it guarantees is that interest rates for borrowers will be higher than they otherwise would be, and all it bene fits is the securities industry. The new CD will not be com petitive against M M M Fs but will com pete only with an institution’s six-month CDs. It will not stem the flow of funds out o f depository institutions into MM M Fs; however, the differen tial favoring thrift institutions may lead to a shift in consumer deposits out of banks into thrift institutions. “ Such a movement could lessen the liquidity o f commercial banks, hurting the small businessmen and farmers who rely on such institu tions for credit. More than 25% of the deposits in community banks (those with less than $100 million assets) is in six-month MMCDs. For banks that are agriculturally ori ented, there is an even higher reliance on six-month M M CDs.” A B A Executive Vice President W illis Alexander wrote a strongly worded letter to President Reagan and Treasury Secretary Regan expressing the great disappoint ment o f A B A over the March 22 ac tion. The Independent Bankers A sso ciation o f Am erica has similar feel March 29,1982 ings o f disappointment, but had issued no formal statement by mid week at W ashington headquarters. O f the controlling or strongest voices o f the DIDC, Chairman Pratt continues as the “ advocate” of S&Ls at whatever expense an advantage m ight be to banks. Chair man Volcker o f the Federal Reserve, who wants every bank and S&L to pass along reserves to him on their deposit dollars so he can “ control the money supply,” continues to be against requiring reserves on M M MFs. Treasury Secretary Regan, who came to his job from his post as chairman o f Merrill Lynch, where he presided at the birthing o f the first M M MF that is allowed to raid bank and S&L deposits unfettered by any reserve control, steadfastly refuses to make any m ove toward “ the level playing field” that the regulated financial institutions are seeking so they can keep the M M M Fs and other non-bank institutions from ‘ ‘ eating their lunch. ’ ’ □ I BAA Elects Officers A t their 52nd annual convention in Honolulu, members o f the Inde pendent Bankers Association o f Am erica on March 17 installed Robert L. McCormick, Jr., as presi dent for the com ing year. He is president and chief executive officer o f the Stillwater National Bank and ASK JERRY TRUDO to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 hants National Bank m F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A 'B A N K S O F IO W A’ BANK Linda Collins An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation Member f d ic Trust Company, Stillwater, Okla. He succeeds W.C. Bennett, chief ex ecutive officer o f Arthur State Bank, Union, S.C. Other new officers are: 1st V.P. — James D. Herrington, chairman and p residen t, C oldw ater N ational Bank, Coldwater, Kan.; 2nd V.P. — Paul H. Bringgold, president, First N ational Bank, Cannon F alls, Minn., and Treas. — James R. Taylor, president and chief ex ecutive officer o f the M cKeesport National Bank, M cKeesport, Pa. Iowa News CLINTON: Bruce M. Dunlap has been named trust officer at First Na tional Bank. He was previously with law firms in Sioux City and Clarion and has had general practice exper ience with emphasis in wills, estate planning, probate, property, tax and fam ily law. COUNCIL BLUFFS: H.H. “ Red” Nelson and his sons, John and Ste phen, have sold their controlling in terest in First National Bank to the Paul M oser family. Mr. Nelson and his sons had purchased controlling interest last year from Mr. and Mr. Dale Ball (he was form erly chairman and president), who now operate a bank in Santa Fe, N.M. John Nelson will remain on the board o f directors. Mr. M oser is president o f Omaha Standard, Inc., and has been a board "Opportunity T i f t I Ic C , N I I I I WW 9 eee Robert Scott, Correspondent Danker BANCO'' Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 member at First National. He said Stanley Duysen will continue as president and no other changes are planned. Mr. Nelson wishes to de vote full time to his large insurance agency and said he wanted to assure the bank would be locally owned. DES M OINES: First Federal State Bank has changed its name to Hawkeye-West Bank & Trust, and Capital City State Bank has changed its name to Hawkeye-Capital Bank & Trust, according to a join t an nouncement made by Charles Gustaveson and Larry Wenzl, pres idents o f the two banks, respective ly. The name change was brought about by a need to identify the banks with their parent company, Hawkeye Bancorporation. DES M OINES: Norm Hougham, form erly vice president and cashier at Brenton National Bank o f Des M oines, has joined Am erican Fed eral Savings & Loan Assn, here as manager o f the main branch and regional operations officer for the eight branches in the central region. MELBOURNE: An agreement has been signed for Peoples Bankshares Ltd. o f W aterloo to acquire Mel bourne Savings Bank, subject to Fed approval. In addition to Peoples Bank & Trust Company o f W ater loo, the holding com pany also owns Parkersburg State Bank. If ap proved, the Melbourne purchase would boost Peoples Bankshares’ assets above $200 million. SIBLEY: Dave W ier was recently named vice president in charge of marketing and custom er relations; Bob Zonnefeld, vice president, in stalment loans and credit cards, and Wilma Hatting, head o f operations. Nebraska News Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The 27th Annual Nebraska Con vention o f the National Association o f Bank Women will be held April 15-17 at the Regency M arriott, Omaha, according to Nancy Conrin, . program chairman, and client con sultant for the Omaha National Bank. A ctivities on Thursday, the 15th, will begin at 9:00 with a N ABW Management W orkshop conducted by Jill Schultz, Bank One, Colum bus, Ohio, with m ost o f the day bem g devoted to officer meetings. Opening ceremonies begin at 8:30, Friday morning, and the first Gen eral Session, Gina Logan, N ABW , “ L eadership S tyles ... T heirs, Y ours” starts at 9:00. A fter a short break, General Session #2 will begin at 10:45 featuring Barbara Schoeneberger, M .A ., “ Organization E ffec tiveness.” Following lunch the program will resume at 2:30 with four concurrent programs: “ Listening” ; “ C onflict M anagem ent,” N ancy W ilgenbusch, Ph.D.; “ Leadership Styles,” Gina Logan, N ABW , and “ Interviewing Techniques,” Ray W einberg. A cocktail reception is planned for the evening. Saturday’s program will begin at 9:00 with four concurrent programs: “ Time Management” ; “ In-House Training Program s,” Panel; “ Per sonal Investm ents,” Panel, and “ M otivation and D iscipline,” Ray Weinberg. A noon luncheon will be followed by an afternoon o f tom s and an evening cocktail reception with entertainment. D A V ID CITY: Lewis Zinnecker will be joining David City Bank as executive vice president and director effective June 14. This will coincide with the semi retirement o f Lester E. Souba, current chairman. Mr. Zinnecker was with First National Bank o f David City from 1955-1979, at which time he accepted a position as president o f the Ranchester State Bank, W yo. Don't gam ble when choosing o correspondent bonk. Com e to the professionals. _ 9 0 a 0 0 # # ^ 9 ^ 9 m • • UNITED CENTRAL BANK OF DES MOINES, NA ■ MEMBER FDIC ■ (51S) 24S-7111 AFFILIATED W ITH UNITED CENTRAL BANCSHARES. INC. TOLL FREE NUMBER (800)362-1615 0 Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 3-29-82 Carleton D . Beh Company Investment Bankers / Financial Consultants 1300 Des Moines Building / Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515/288-2152 NEW ISSUE MOODY’S: A We own and offer subject to prior sale and change in price and subject to our attorney’s approving opinion: $1,375,000 BEDFORD COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, IOWA (Taylor and Ringgold Counties) General Obligation School Building Bonds DATED: April 1,1982 DENOMINATION: $5,000 Both principal and semiannual interest (December 1 and June 1; first coupon due December 1,1982) payable at the Officer of the Treasurer of the School District, Bedford, Iowa. IN THE OPINION OF COUNSEL INTEREST ON THESE BONDS IS EXEMPT FROM ALL PRESENT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES MATURITIES $ 55,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 11.00 % June 1, 1983 June 1, 1984 June 1, 1985 June 1, 1986 June 1, 1987 $100,000 103/4% June 1, 1988 $110,000 101/4% June 1, 1989 8.25 8.75 9.10 9.50 9.75 $125,000 101/2 % June 1, 1990 10.50 $140,000 10% % June 1, 1991 10.75 $180,000 11.00% June 1, 1992 111/4% June 1, 1993 $205,000 111/2% June 1, 1994 $160,000 10.00 10.25 11.00 11.25 11.50 LEGALITY TO BE APPROVED BY BELIN, HARRIS, HELMICK & HEARTNEY, ATTORNEYS, DES MOINES, IOWA. The Bedford Community School District is located in Bedford in the Counties of Taylor and Ringgold in the soutwestern section of the State. The District covers an area of 288 square miles and the population is currently 4,000, with an enrollment of 713 for the 1981-1982 school year. The school curriculum meets all state requirements and also maintains high participatory programs in instrumental and vocal music, athletics, speech, drama, foreign language and Future Farmers of America. ^ * The City of Bedford has progressed into a well-rounded community, which is also the county seat of Taylor County. There are a variety of services and retail businesses to meet the needs of the community. Banking facilities are provided by two banks with deposits exceeding $45,350,000. These bonds are being issued to finance a new kindergarten through 8th grade school-house building, including gymnasium. The structure will be located at the present District high school site. FINANCIAL STATEMENT $100,047,749.00 93,247,279.00 1,375,000.00 1,533,460.00 Actual Valuation, estimated 1981 Assessed Valuation, 1981 Net Direct Debt, including this issue Net Direct Overlapping & Underlying Debt Combined net debt: Net direct debt: $383.37 per capita $343.75 per capita The in fo rm a tio n co n ta in e d herein is not gua ranteed, b u t is derived fro m s o u rc e s w e deem re lia b le and is th a t on w h ic h o u r purchase o f th e se bon ds are based. B onds o f a p a rtic u la r m a tu rity m ay n o t s till be ava ila b le o r m ay now be ava ila b le at a p ric e o r y ie ld d iffe re n t fro m th a t in d ic a te d above. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Division of H u tto n & Company Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CALL ON THE “PERFORM ANCE TEAM ” where com m on transactions are handled uncommonly well. FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. S S # # • a 0 MULLEN: Donald D. Stull, chair man o f Bank o f Mullen, has an nounced the advancement o f John M. Jones, executive vice president, to president and Donald R. Pearson, cashier, to vice president and cashier. SEW ARD: John Blom enberg and Velda Roberts have been named vice president and Steve Wake, cashier and trust officer, has been named chairman o f Jones National Bank and Trust. Mr. Blom enberg has been with the bank two years. Ms. Roberts has been trust officer since 1979 and will continue in trusts, estate planning, investment and financial counseling. Mr. Wake has been with the bank since 1972. Minnesota News ALBERT LEA: Otis Olson, member o f the board o f directors o f Security State Bank for the past 30 years, has been elected chairman, accord ing to Herbert Lund, president. Mr. Olson replaces Arthur Lund, found er o f the bank, who died last year. A lso announced was the prom otion o f Robert O ’Sell to vice president. He is manager o f the bank’s timepay department. BAYPO RT: A t First State Bank of — Bayport, Gregory L. Benson was ^ elected vice president, Judith Peter son was elected vice president and cashier and Carolyn W illett, assis tant cashier and auditor. Mr. Ben^ son is currently manager o f the First w State Insurance Agency. M s. Peter son started with the bank in 1970 as a teller. Ms. W illett started with the bank in 1976. • nounced the addition o f Steven V. Johnson to its staff as vice president and senior lending officer. Prior to joining First National, Mr. Johnson was with the Lanesboro State Bank. Do you have a dress code problem in your bank? Call us today to find out how only $1.00 per day per employee will correct it. M ILACA-O G ILVIE: Dallas Olson has recently joined Citizens State Bank o f M ilaca-Ogilvie as executive CAREERAPPAREL vice president. Mr. Olson, who pre N. Main S t„ Carroll, la., 51401 712-792-2748 | viously was with First State Bank of follow ing employment as a national Isanti, will be responsible for the bank examiner. supervision o f lending and opera tions at both O gilvie and Milaca and Montana News will be working closely with the con struction o f the Milaca facility. G REAT FALLS: Kenneth I. Heen, vice president and chief lending of O LIV IA : Richard Solarz recently ficer o f Bank o f Montana System, joined the American State Bank as recently retired. Mr. Heen first be vice president and cashier. He has came associated with Bank o f M on spent his last 13 and a half years tana System in 1959 when he joined working at the First National Bank the Northern Bank o f Montana, B ig o f New Richmond, W is. Sandy, as assistant cashier. MeAMoekk-^. Illinois News OAK BROOK: The First Security Bank o f Oak Brook recently named Robert V. Polenzani vice president and loan officer, responsible for the supervision o f all lending activities at the bank. Mr. Polenzani previous ly was vice president and loan of ficer o f the First National Bank of Marengo. North Dakota News The Federal Reserve Bank o f Min neapolis has approved the applica tion by Bowbells H olding Company to acquire The First National Bank o f Bowbells. FARG O : Joe Lempe has been named senior vice president of finance and operations at Fargo Na CANNON FALLS: The First Na tional Bank and Trust Company. He tional Bank in Cannon Falls has an joined the bank as controller in 1978 H AVRE: Fred Napier was recently prom oted to vice president o f First Security Bank o f Havre. Mr. Napier joined the bank in 1977, serving m ost recently as assistant vice president. FiUTGmflTED SVSTESTIS □F iGWfljne. “When it com es to • insurance knowledge, • insurance experience • insurance SERVICE, more and more bankers com e to us.” Serving Banks throughout the Midwest. 301 N. Ankeny Blvd., Suite 220 Ankeny, Iowa 515-964-1358 SPRENGER, ROWLAND AND Getting MESSINA it done for you. ^ ^ Bill Sprenger Frampton Rowland John Messina 234-2625 234-2485 234-2486 Commerce Bank of Kansas City' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEMBER FDIC Telephone (816) 234-2000 y The “Advertiser” The program m ab le, e le c tro n ic , m oving m essage m achin e is now a v ailab le in th is area. Features easy e d itin g , date, tim e, tem p era ture, fla s h in g , b lin kin g characters, etc. A ttra c tiv e o a k case. Pro m ote s cro ss s e llin g o f bank services, c u rre n t in tere st rates, and s p e c ia l ann ouncem ents. A pro ven a tte n tio n g e tte r! C o nta ct: Art Fac, Inc., 8625 F Street, Omaha, NE 68127 Phone (402) 331-7124 I PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE POSITIONS POSITION WANTED AG/COMM’L LENDER— 3-5 yrs Ag & C o m m ’ l le ndin g. Ins P ro fe s s io n a lly tra in e d p e o p le a v a ila b le fo r em ployment In the Banking and Financial Indus try. The Red W ing (Minnesota) Technical Institute has graduates thoroughly prepared in the areas of banking, consumer and agri-lending, and insur ance. Students w ill have com pleted 18 months 6f training in these and other areas o f finance by June o f 1982. For further inform ation and inter views please contact: Terri Beckman, Instructor, Red Wing AVTI, Red Wing, MN 55066 or phone 612/3886271. (PW) POSITION AVAILABLE AG LENDERS WANTED If you have tw o or m ore years o f ag le ndin g e xpe rience and w a n t to m ove up, we have a s e le c t num ber o f p o s itio n s open in the m idw est. A degree fro m Iow a S ta te U n iversity or o th e r ag-orien ted u n iv e rs ity w ill be a d e fin ite plus. W rite o r c a ll M alcolm Freeland, Freeland F in a n c ia l Ser vice, Inc., 246 Insurance E xchange Bldg., Des M oines, Iow a 50309. Phone 515/282-6362. Em ployer pays fee. (PA) PRESIDENT SAVINGS AND LOAN M edium -sized m id w e s t a s s o c ia tio n seeks c h ie f e xecu tive o ffic e r w ith s e n io r m anage m ent ex perience In a fin a n c ia l services com pany. The a s s o c ia tio n is w e ll-e s ta b lis h e d w ith good reserves and lo ca te d in a s m a lle r m e tro p o lita n area. Send resum e, references, and s a la ry h is to ry to: F ile PBT, c /o N o rthw e stern Banker. (PA) INSTALLMENT LENDER needed to run d e p a rtm e n t o f a w e stern N ebraska bank on I-80. O u td o o r re c re a tio n a l area w ith p le n ty o f bo a tin g , fis h in g and hu n tin g . P rofit-sh aring, pen sion, cash bonus, gro u p h o s p ita liz a tio n , in s u ra n c e c o m m issio n s, m oving expenses, and in te rim real e s ta te fin a n c in g . M ust be expe rienced, aggressive, and ready to becom e a s ig n ific a n t p a rt o f m anagem ent. S alary open. Reply to file PBP, c/o N o rthw e stern Banker. (PA) KEY POSITION fo r a s o lid c re d it in d iv id u a l w ith a desire to b u ild busin e ss in a cle a n o u ts ta te N e bra ska c o m m u n ity . A rea provides num erous o u td o o r fa m ily a c tiv itie s . M ust have a proven tra c k record in in s ta llm e n t, c o m m e rc ia l, and a g ric u ltu ra l le ndin g. S alary open. W rite file PBQ, c/o N o rth w e ste rn Banker. (PA) AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER — 3-5 yrs. experience. C h a lle n g in g p o s itio n w ith large agg ressive ag fin a n c e c o r p o ra tio n d e a lin g w ith o p e ra tin g lo ans o f $500,000 + . S alary c o m m e n su ra te w ith expe rience. B e nefit package. BONUS PROGRAM. Send resum e to W e lls Fargo Ag C re d it, 1222 N. 27th, S u ite 216, B illin g s , MT 59101. (PA) AN AGGRESSIVE SENIOR LOAN OFFICER fo r $25 m illio n urban bank. N o rth w e st Iowa. G reat o p p o rtu n itie s . W rite file PBU, c/o N o rth w e ste rn Banker. (PA) W estern Iow a c o m m u n ity bank w ith a sse ts o f $12 m illio n seeking a g ric u ltu ra l loan o ffic e r. S hould be new businesso rie n te d w ith 5 to 7 years c re d it and le ndin g expe rience. Send resum e to F ile PBS, c /o N o rth w e s te rn Banker. (PA) SINCE 1968 When it comes to agriculture, banking and personnel. . . go to the specialists — go to AGRIcareers, Inc. Progressive bankers pay us to find the people they need. Corr. O ff...........................................IA . $17,000 Leas. R eps............................ MN . $20-25,000 Ag Lend. O ff......................... W l . $16-20,000 Ag Lend. O ffs. (2)....................IA . $17-20,000 Loan O ff./ln s ....................................IA . $18,000 Cred. A n a l......................................... IL . $20,000 Ask the ag banking specialists what’s available without cost or obligation. NEW HAMPTON. IA 50659 MASSENA. IA 50853 I (515) 394-3145 (7121 779-3744 aqn CAREERS, INC. ~ the original agricultural recruiter tio n s k ills . $21K. COMM’L LENDER— 5 + yrs seasoned c o m m ’ l lender. $35K. JR. COMM’L LENDER— 3 yrs c o m m ’l le ndin g exp. $25K. STAFF ACCOUNTANT— A c c tg degree plus in te rn a l aud it know ledge. H igh Teens. OP OFFICER — G ood s o lid ban king bkgd. $25K. ASST CONTROLLER — CPA w ith SEC and so p h is tic a te d bank exp. $55K. Individual desires upper level ag loan o ffic e r o r c o rre s p o n den t o ffic e r p o s itio n fo r an agg ressive a g ric u ltu ra l bank or h o ld in g c o m pany in th e M idw est. B.S. degree in A n im al S cience and c o n c e n tra tio n in Ag B u siness. Six years ex tensive ag le ndin g expe rience in a ll phases o f ag ric u ltu re , w ith tw o years o f th is expe rience in a bank. A ls o ex perie nced in in s ta llm e n t le ndin g and som e bank opera tio n s . Resume and references ava ila b le upon request. W rite File PBN, c/o N o rthw e stern Banker. (PW) Loan o ffic e r w ith seven years e xpe rience and recent com m e rc ia l-e m p h a s is desire s re lo c a tio n . R esum e upon request. W rite F ile PBR, c/o N o rth w e s te rn Banker. (PW) INTERNAL AUDIT— Degree plu s bank a u d it exp. $25K. FOR FURTHER INFO RM ATIO N RESPOND IN C O NFID ENC E TO: B a n k D iv is io n <H H 1 <M H 1 <H 1 ROBERT MfflLF ® o f Io w a , In c . 317 6 th A ve . Des M o in e s , IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID BANKERS AVAILABLE B A N K P L A C E M E N T S P E C IA L IS T S (O u r3 3 rd y e a r) C a ll e x p e rie n c e d p ro fe s s io n a ls to lo c a te th e rig h t c a n d id a te f o r y o u r v a c a n c y . . . o r th e rig h t “ m o v e -u p ” fo r y o u rs e lf. CEOs w ith s o lid expe rience in c o m m u n ity banks ......................................................................................... to $40,000 O p erations/C ashiers/D ata P rocessing O ffic e rs . to $26,000 Marketing O fficers $22,000 C O R P O R A T E R E C R U ITE R S M ID W E S T B A N K IN G D IV IS IO N 202 S. 71 s t S tre e t 4 0 2 /3 9 3 -5 5 1 5 O m a h a , N e b ra s k a 68132 Number Two Officers w ith c o m b in a tio n le ndin g and opera tio n s e x p e rie n c e $28,000 Trust Officer w ith s o lid legal e d u c a tio n ..................$35,000 Ag Lender w ith tw o years expe rience and ISU degree . . . . ..............................................................................................$24,000 FOR SALE TWO NCR 499 POSTING MACHINES. Program m ed fo r general ledger d a lly s ta te m e n t, DDA, and loans. Phone 605/934-2500. (FS) NCR 775-2100 with MDC. Low hou rs and do cu m e n t c o u n t. Under m aintena nce. A v a ila b le 30-45 days. A ls o availab le o th e r NCR p ro o f m a chin e m o d e ls — 775 s in g le and m u lti pocke t, and 7750 w ith data -ca p tu re and auto-fee d hopper. Phone Ju lia , 512/250-0794. (FS) IBM 1255 sorter-Model 1. A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . Phone 512/250-0794. (FS) W rite or c a ll M a lc o lm Freeland, Freeland F in a n cia l Ser vices, Inc., 246 Insurance E xchange Bldg., Des M oines, Iow a 50309. Phone 515/282-6462. E m ployer pays reason able fee. SERVING PROFESSIONALLY Banking, Financial & Business Personnel, Iowa and Nationwide Capital Personnel Service 714U.C.B. Building,515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 USED DIEBOLD ATM & BUILDING— In c lu d e s alarm . T otal package $32,500 loaded on tru c k fo r d e livery to yo u r site. C o n ta c t Karen M iller, L in c o ln Bank S o uth. Phone (402) 423-2361.__________________________________________ (FS) Mosler Vista-Matic, Model #1868-BSD, Drive-up Window. E x ce lle nt c o n d itio n & w o rk in g order. Price $1000.00. C on ta c t G lenda W ytaske, phone 319/235-9958. A v a ila b le im m edia tely. (FS) IBM Mag Card-A Typewriter. Top w o rk in g c o n d itio n . Tw o years old. A lw a y s under service agreem ent. C a ll fo r V icky at (515) 342-2175. (FS) Á g Banking Specialists lice n se a plus. $20K BRANCH MGR— S o lid S & L bkgd w ith good co m m u n ic a THREE MICRO-FISHE READERS— M o d e ls COM-150, COM-200, and Bruning-4020. C o n ta c t Steve S loup, phone 402/477-4481. (FS) SAVE ON FED FEES!!— A NCR 7750, 12 p o c k e ts w ith m ic ro film e r. Three years old. Ideal fo r in-house or rem ote processing. C o n ta c t: M ike G rutte m eye r, phone (402) 348-6137. (FS) THREE LEFEBURE DRIVE-UP WINDOWS—COMPLETE, REASONABLE. R.E. S c h m id t, 1930 St. Anne Ct., Dubuque, Iow a 52001. Phone 319/583-7630. (FS) Burroughs S100 Proof Machine— C o n ta c t Okey-Vernon F irs t N a tio n a l Bank, R onald Tice, v ic e p resid ent, C orning, IA 50841. Phone (515) 322-3101. (FS) PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY - Sale or lease fin a n c ia l fa c ilitie s . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly : 14’x60’ in N ebraska; 14’x50’ w ith 2 DUW s in Illin o is ; 14’x60’ m obile-type in M issouri; 9 ’x12’ te lle r b u ild in g s a vailab le, 14’x60’ in W yom ing. Perm anent fa c ilitie s to 4000 sq. ft. SON CORPORA TION, Box 684, W ic h ita , KS 67201. Phone (316) 942-8167, c a ll c o lle c t. (F S o rL ) WANT TO BCIY Used Coin Counters and/or Sorters. Phone 319/588-2700. _______________________________________________ (WTB) BANKING CAREERS If you are cu rre n tly em plo yed and w ish to evaluate yo u r career p o te n tia l, m y o rg a n iza tio n has ope n ing in th e $12,000 to $40,000 range banks th ro u g h out the M idw est. A ll po s itio n s Job Orders #303-431 are em p lo y e r paid. C all o r w rite Jim Hogan, Dunh ill, S u ite 1122, 706 Second Ave. S o uth, M inne a p o lis , MN 55402. (612) 333-6451. POSITIONS AVAILABLE AGRI-LOAN—will be #2 in small rural bank. Prefer 5-7 yrs. Aglending experience and some exposure to operations. $28,000 INSTL LOAN—supervise $4MM dept, in rural bank. Business development ability preferred. $18,000 OPERATIONS OFFICER— position with $50MM rural bank. Re quires above average operations experience and good data pro cessing background. $30,000 SENIOR LENDER— responsibility for all lending areas in $30MM suburban bank. Prefer degree arid at least 5 yrs. commercial loan experience. $35,000 TRANSIT SUPERVISOR—$250MM metro-area bank with good growth record seeks experienced banker to supervise transit department. $20,000 COMMERCIAL LENDER— requires 2-3 yrs. lending experience in $100MM or over bank. Nice suburban location. $25,000 Your inquiry is confidential. Salary history and resume’ requested. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City P.O. Box 12346 - 2024 Swift North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/4746874 “Senring the Banking Industry Since 1970” VoL 10 No. 49 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $15.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis