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Vol. 15 No. 9 Des Moines, Iowa June 16,1986 Good News, Bad News of Agriculture H E R E ’S good news and bad I news,” was the message given by Dr. Michael Boehlje to bankers attending the 96th annual convention of the Minnesota Bank ers Association at the Radisson St. Paul Hotel June 2-4. Dr. Boehlje is head of the department of ag econo mics in the College of Agriculture at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, a position he assumed at the start of the past school year after teaching at Iowa State University for many years. Dr. Boehlje identified five points concerning financial stress and iden tifying stress: 1.15-20% of farmers are in suffici ent trouble that they’ll have to exit farming or recycle. Iowa is the high est of nine states in the area with 19%. 2. About one-third of agri-busi ness firms are in equally severe trou ble and bankers tell me they’re as concerned about them as they are farm borrowers. 3. A study completed as recently as two weeks ago shows significant community stress. Some property tax delinquencies have doubled— Nebraska’s is up seven times—repre senting an 18% decline o f income to the community from agriculture. 4. Land values have declined pre cipitously. Not even in the Depres sion did land values go down as 3. Leave agriculture completely and stay with rural life in that em rapidly as in the past four years. 5. The financial community has ployment market, if available. encountered severe financial stress. 4. Leave agriculture, stay local, The number of bank failures and the drift into poverty. A Minnesota sur number with financial stress exceed vey shows this happening to oneing their capital base represent a third of the state’s farmers exiting 400% increase over former times. agriculture. Dr. Boehlje sees three options for Five Adjustments to Make resolving financial stress: Dr. Boehlje then said he sees five • Through public sector interven adjustments to make: tion to restore agriculture to its pro 1. Reduce supplies. We have too fitability basis of the 1970s, which, much surplus and excess plant capa realistically, is not an option. city. I know we have nearly 20% • Public sector intervention to crop set-aside, but it’s not enough. facilitate the adjustment. There is a glut world-wide. • Have the private sector—FCS, 2. Reduce asset values, as painful banks, farmers—resolve it them as that is. If all the acquired pro selves. perty in the Omaha Farm Credit Dr. Boehlje said many people say District now and in the next three the 1985 Farm Bill is not working, years was put on the market as while others say it needs more time, available, it would depress land “ but I expect an ’87 Farm Bill of values another 15%. I think we have some kind. Will there be enough fed the potential for a downward over eral and state money to solve the reaction, which may favor buyers. stress of agriculture? M y guess is 3. Reduce debt service. The mar no!” ket will shrink because agriculture Four Options will have less debt-carrying ability. He listed four options open to Will you (bankers) shrink with it, or stressed farmers: grow with other relationships? I em 1. Give up farming and move to phasize that there is no better time the urban community, putting addi for business development. tional stress on cities for jobs and 4. Re-distribution of ownership of social services. assets. It’s never fun to wrench 2. Recycle—starting again as a te away that ownership from those nant, or selling off part of the farm. who are in default. ASK JERRY TRUDO to make MNB work for you. Toll free: 1-800-332-5991 hants National Bank b i F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A 'BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK 2 5. Reduce interest rates for agriWe must organize ourselves to culture. These are coming slowly, maximize this advantage. 6. There are going to be a lot of but I think they’ll come. new players in the financing of agri 7 Positive Factors culture. In North Dakota, for ex In spite of the short-term adjust ample, the North Dakota League of ments that must be made, there are Credit Unions, s&ls, the FCS, etc. positive factors in the ag sector’s This equates to new players, new ar future: rangements, new attitudes. 1. The future of agriculture shows 7. New technology signals a po a significant amount of recycling tential of a 15-20% increase in pro and restructuring. Lenders and ductivity by 1990. The use of bio farmers who want to “ hang on one technology in dairy and swine, for more year” are a problem to them example, can eliminate fetal losses, selves. and the use of post-birth growth fac 2. A substantial amount of re tors are significant in both dairy and structuring utilizing excess machine swine. Will we be able to support a or building capacity—scale-back 20% increase in milk when we can’t strategy, or leaseback strategy. handle the productivity of today? 3. There are entry opportunities There is the same proportion of today, not commonly perceived, but farms m aking 20% or more profit as being done. For example, the farmer there are farms not surviving. The who paid $3,000 per acre can’t make opportunities are there. □ it go, but the guy who leases it or buys it can make it go. It’s painful when an older brother can’t make it, Iowa News but a younger one can buy in cheaper and make it. The Iowa Bankers Association 4. There will continue to be a lower reminds ag lenders to be sure to at cost of production, in addition to tend the regulatory/legislative tele lower cost of the farmer’s own labor conference and FmHA meeting on and capital. Also, other input costs June 18 at various locations in Iowa. are sliding down. Refer to the article in the June 2 5. The midwest ag sector will have newsletter or contact the IB A for an improved competitive situation. more information. Feed grains in southern states are * * * marginal because they need $4 corn The IB A is sponsoring a seminar to make it possible. However, we can produce more economically here. for bank directors at three locations in July. It is entitled “ The Bank’s Board of Directors: Responsibilities and Liabilities.” Registration be gins at 8:30 a.m. and the seminar runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fee is $75 for members, $100 for sub scribers and $125 for nonmembers, and $20 additional at the door. It in cludes m orning and afternoon breaks, lunch and all handouts. Dates and locations are as follows: July 22—The Siebens Forum, Buena Vista College, Storm Lake; July 2 3 Airport Hilton, Des Moines; July 24—Holiday Inn, Cedar Rapids. * * * é The Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc. Life Licensing School will be held July 21-22 at the Park Inn in Des Moines. School hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. the first day and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. the second. Fee is $55 for bankers and $65 for non bankers, and includes a Licensing Information Bulletin, in struction, materials, refreshments and two lunches. Register before Ju ly 14 by contacting Jeanette M. El lington, IBIS, 104 E. Locust St., Des Moines, IA 50308. HARTW ICK: Howard Olson, presi dent of the Hartwick State Bank, has announced his retirement after 32 years of service. He has been the bank’s president since 1981. Suc ceeding him will be K.J. Benda, cur rently CEO and chairman. Joining the bank as executive vice president will be Alan Knaack, who has been an examiner for the Iowa Banking Department. Cashier Brian Veach will be promoted to vice president. SIOUX CITY: Colleen Snyder has been appointed vice president of human resources at First National Bank in Sioux City. She most re cently served as vice president of human resources at Norwest Bank, Sioux City. Nebraska News There j s A Difference In Banks... For Professional Correspondent Service Call 1-800-622-7262 H. PETER De ROSIER Vice President Valley National Bank iH Main Office-Sixth and Walnut Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DES M OINES, IOWA 50304 The Kansas Trust Division, the Iowa Trust Association, and the Kansas and Nebraska Bankers A s sociations will co-sponsor the School of Trust & Financial Planning on July 14-18. The School will be held at the Holiday Inn in Manhattan, Kan sas. For more information or to re gister, contact Jone Beer or Pam Bartak at the Schools of Banking, 525 S. 13th, Lincoln, NE 68508, (402) 474-3313. £ % # ® 0 # ^ w 0 # 41 J -1 AG LENDER— Currently handles majority of ag loans in $50mm major holding co. bank. Strong on workouts, servicing problem loans. Over 6 yrs. experience. Insurance licenses. Reference says, “ A big key to his success is his .ability to organize and set priorities...a hard worker who keeps at it til project is completed,” and, "Very mature, excellent appearance.” B.S. Ag, ISU. $30,000. Call Jean. J-2 CONSUMER/AG/COMMERCIAL LENDER-Three yrs. in $50 + mm bank; handles ag, consumer, R.E. and some commercial loans. FmHA approved lender, licensed in insurance. Presents himself very professionally, exhibits maturity, self-confidence, and intelli gence. References report, "Has gained a wealth of experience in short time, and eager to learn more...a sharp young banker with lots of potential.” FmHA official states, “ Caught on quickly to what we needed on guaranteed loans. One of the best I’ve worked with.” B.A. Finance. $23-$25,000. Call Jean. J-3 C0MMERCIAL/AG LENDER— Offers 4 yrs. current lending experi ence, plus top recommendations! Presently responsible for $35mm commercial loans to ag businesses, handling credit lines of $50,000 to $3mm. Experienced in financial analysis, cash flows, loan documentation and workouts. Former PCA loan of ficer, strong micro computer skills, farm background, B.S. Bus. Admin, (high GPA). “ Enthusiastic, energetic, cooperative young man! Strong in both ag production and ag business lending. His personality is useful in building rapport with borrowers. A very promotable individual!” $25-$28,000. Call Jean. J-4 SR. LOAN OFFICER— Past 7 yrs. as V.P. and sr. lender in charge of $40mm ag portfolio. Six yrs. previous PCA experience. Says reference, “ Displays utmost integrity and professionalism. Able to deal with borrowers in very difficult situations, and mastered the complex legal and business problems.” B.S. Ag Econ. $40,000. Call Jean. J-5 SENIOR MANAGEMENT/AG-Six yrs. experience in charge of up to $500mm in ag credits. Now administering a $180mm ag portfolio servicing two commercial banking units. Provides techni cal expertise to lenders and credit dept, on all aspects of ag and ag businesses. Skilled in staff supervision and development, credit analysis, loan assessment and strategic planning. Highly educated. $40,000 min. Call Jean. S-6 AG LOAN OFFICER— Oversees $6 MM in ag, consumer and commercial loans. “ Works with FmHA guarantees, very person able and easy to get along with. I would rehire him,” says refer ence. $18-$22,Q00. Call Sandi. S-7 AG LOAN OFFICER— Two years short and long term lending, cash flows, risk appraisals. “ Strong in credit, handles people very well. We want to keep him,” says employer. $24-$27,000. Call Sandi. S-8 AG LENDER— Three years all areas of lending plus insurance. “ Good in cash flows, analysis and financial statements. I would recommend him to be hired,” reports reference. B.S. Ag Busi ness. $22-$25,000. Call Sandi. S-9 LOAN OFFICER— Two years ag, consumer and real estate lend ing. “ Spends more hours than required...knows credit. I would rehire him,” says reference. B.S. Ag Finance. $25-$27,000. Call Sandi. S-10 CEO— References are tops on this CEO of 40MM rural bank. Former bank examiner. “ He has high standards, is a good credit man and his customers want to keep him,” says reference. B.S. Finance. $45-$55,000. Call Sandi. J-11 AG/C0NSUMER LOAN OFFICER— The right combination: 1 yr. banking experience, 2 yrs. with FmHA. Currently ag loan officer in small bank, & handles few consumer loans. Also interested in operations and insurance areas. Very successful with FmHA gua ranteed loans, strong computer experience on main frame and micros. ISU grad plus several AIB courses. IA farm background, actively involved in community. $23,000. Call Jean. J-12 VICE PRESIDENT— Nearly 10 yrs. banking experience, cur rently in charge of $5mm ag and commercial loans. Also involved in operations and insurance. Set up farm loans on computer. Handles workouts and all FmHA guarantees. Supervisory experi ence also. Bus. Admin, plus additional banking schools. $33$35,000. Call Jean. J-13 DRANCH MGR/L0AN OFFICER— Seasoned banker offers all round experience in ag, consumer, and main street commercial lending, operations, staff management and knowledge of invest ments. Twenty yrs. experience, dapper appearance, personable and highly recommended. $25,000. Call Jean. Our reputation of maintaining our candidates’ confidentiality enables us to at tract a select group of ag bankers and lenders... those currently employed and not actively Job hunting, but ready to make a move for the right opportunity. When you describe your needs to us, we contact our candidates who fit your de scription to discuss the position and location to ascertain their Interest before disclosing their names or sending you their resumes. This not only protects our candidates identity, but saves you time...when we sub mit a candidate for your consideration, you’ll know he or she has an interest in your bank, community and salary range. JEAN EDEN 712/779-3744 Hwy. 92 W. Masseria, IA 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Let us know your needs without commitment; we won’t ‘hound’ you with phone calls or ‘flood’ you with resumes, and there is no fee unless you hire. We serve as the source to locate candidates who meet your qualifications and are Interested in your position. We are available to assist, not ‘Insist.’ We allow and encourage your direct contact with our candidates. YOU make the choice and decision without pressure. Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 6-16-86 SANDI GARNER 515/394-5827 Hwy. 63 S. New Hampton, IA 50659 BANKERS AVAILABLE S-14 COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER— “ Handles commercial loans well. Helped run the bank. Very personable. Strong at credit analysis,” says reference. Mid*$30s. Call Sandi. S-15 AG LOAN OFFICER— 12 yrs. Farm Credit Service. “ Very ca pable. Presents self well. Easy to work with. Motivated. Good fol low-up,” reports reference. B.S. Ag Econ. $30-$35,000. Call Sandi. S-16 SENIOR CREDIT OFFICER— Over five years with PCA. Supv. four loan officers. “ Top notch at credit analysis. Lots of drive. Communicates well, good looking...excellent attitude,” says reference. B.S. Ag $34-$37,000. Call Sandi. S-17 FORMER BANK EXAMINER— Exp. as chief loan officer and managing rural bank. “ His strong point is his credit analysis. Learns easily and gets along with others,” says ref. BS Finance. $30-$35,000. Call Sandi. S-18 SENIOR LOAN OFFICER— 14 years ag credit with same em ployer. “ Thorough, detailed, persistent. Self-starter. Problem solver,” reports ref. $32*$34,000. Call Sandi. S-19 LOAN OFFICER— Skilled making both commercial and ag loans. “ He turned things around in this bank,” says ref. B.S. Bus. $33*$35,000. Call Sandi. J-2 COMMERCIAL/CONSUMER LENDER— In charge of approximately $5mm loans; consumer, commercial, and real estate. Four yrs. bank experience. Involved in audits, some compliance. Refer ences say, “ Started in teller and operations area. Thorough, good documentation and time management skills, and keeps past dues to a minimum. Very popular and personable; the type to attract new business. Ambitious. Deserves opportunity to ad vance.” Education includes ISU plus several AIB courses. $23-325,000. Call Jean. J-5 AG LOAN OFFICER— An impressive young man with useful ex perience gained from his past three yrs. with FmHA. References say, “ Top work habits...a real producer with lots of drive. Intense; really gets into high gear on farm loans. Above average intelli gence, personality, and appearance. Good farm background, energetic and results oriented.” Strong micro computer experi ence. Masters degree Ag Econ. $22,000 min. Call Jean. J-9 V.P./SR. LENDER— “ Extremely good at working through ag problems,” was one reference comment about this seasoned young banker. Began his ag lending career ten years ago with FmHA, then moved to PCA as branch manager. Has been with this $90mm bank for past 4 years, now in charge of nearly $20mm in ag loans and supervision of 3 officers. Another refer ence stated, “ He’ll be hard to replace if he leaves...has dramati cally reduced problem loans, and his style keeps customers friendly and willing to work with us. Has the right personality and image for banking...A good man!” B.S. Ag. $36-$38,000. Call Jean. • # 0 ^ ^ # POSITIONS AVAILABLE Continuous demand for banking professionals. Our CONFIDENTIAL service allows you to explore career opportunities in banking without risk to your current position. No contacts are made without your prior knowledge and consent. All fees paid by employers. 1. VP/AG—$50mm IA bank in sizeable town with good schools, golf, swimming, etc. NOT a prob lem bank; good opportunity. Requires 5 yrs. ag lending experience, degree preferred. Salary to $35,000. SI 50mm bank, large college town. Handle S8mm diversified commercial loans. 3-5 yrs. commercial loan experience, ability to handle $150-S200.000 lines of credit. Owner says, “ We pay to keep good officers!” $25-$35,000. 2. #2 PERSON-needed in rural IA bank, near metro area. Highly rated bank, good chance for future advancement. Requires 3-5 yrs. ag lend ing and loan analysis skills. $25-$35,000. 8 CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER— Excellent career advancement opportunity with reputable hold ing company in $50mm bank, good condition, great IA location. Will spend majority of time in consumer loans initially, and work into commer cial and ag later. Requires 2-3 yrs. bank experi ence, 4 yr. degree. Must be a prominent and professional individual $20-$25,000. 3. AG LOAN OFFICER— $20mm N. central IA area. #3 loan officer. Do cash flows, credit analysis, FmHA guarantees. Requires 1-3 yrs. ag lending experience, degree and knowledge of micro computers helpful. $20-$25,000. 4. AG LOAN OFFICER— #2 in ag dept, of $50mm in dependent bank. Large town, attractive IA loca tion. Share ag lending responsibilities, including farm visits and must be able to run cash flows on computer. Two yrs. ag lending experience needed. Offers excellent benefits, including pro fit sharing and 3 wks. vacation. $25,000. 5 COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER-Large metro IA bank. Requires sales-type personality for new business development. 1-3 yrs. lending experi ence needed. $25,000 + full benefits. 6. VP/AG SPECIALIST— $40mm bank, MN resort town of 5000. Highly rated independent bank, future opportunity to advance to 2nd in charge. Requires strong ag lending skills, micro compu ter experience, ability to handle work-out situa tions if necessary. Will be in charge of $5-$8mm ag portfolio. $35,000 range. 7 COMMERCIAL LENDER/ASST. Digitized712/779-3744 for FRASER Hwy. 92 W., M assena, Iowa 50853 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C A S H IE R - 9. AG LOAN OFFICER— S40mm bank, small hold ing company, VERY clean! E. IA area, 10 mi. from metro. Will be #2 in small ag dept. Keep on top of loans to avoid problems, process FmHA apps, make farm calls, etc. 2-5 yrs. ag lending experience needed, from bank, Farm Credit System or FmHA. Good advancement potential, full benefits. $25-$30,000. 10. AG CREDIT REVIEWERS (4)— Major financial in stitution, metro location. Will evaluate loans and credit administration, prepare reports, etc. Strong ag credit and analysis experience, oral and written communication skills required. $35,000. 11. AG LOAN OFFICER— $80mm IA bank, lovely community. Will do cash flows, FmHA guaran tees, some workouts. Requires 3-5 yrs. bank or PCA experience. Must be an outgoing, selfmotivated individual. $25-$30,000. 12 LENDING/0PERATI0NS OFFICER— $25mm inde pendent bank, good condition, S. MN resort agri oirœrs,inc. town. Excellent career opportunity for experi enced ag lender with well-rounded banking background. Some investment knowledge helpful. $30,000 range. ^ w 13 CONSUMER LOAN OFFICER— $35mm top rated independent bank, within commuting distance of major city in MN. Requires 3 yrs. lending ex perience. $20*$20,000. 14. VP/AG LENDER— $40mm bank, NE county seat town. Share #3 spot. Excellent condition and earnings. Main responsibilities in ag dept; requires 5-10 yrs. ag lending experience, good technical skills. Individual must be promotable; management potential within this system. $33$30,000. 15. COMMERCIAL LENDER— Oversee commercial and installment loans in $20mm small holding co. bank. Clean bank, good future advance ment. Metro ND location. Requires 3-8 yrs. ex perience. $24-$32,000. ® a w # 16. SR. LOAN OFFICER— $25mm bank, good con dition, located in ND county seat town with pool, golf course, and good school system. Will be in charge of $8mm loans. $25,000 + . 17. AG LOAN OFFICERS (2)— N.W. IL. Potential for management. Large, progressive town. $25$30,000. 18 C0NSUMER/REAL ESTATE LOAN O FFICER Large bank in beautiful Mississippi River town of 8000. Will make loans, handle collections, some work with small commercial loans also. Bank in good shape. Requires 3-5 yrs. experience, good communication skills. $25,000. 515/394-3145 Hwy. 63 S., New H am pton, Iowa 50659 • w ATTENTION IOWA BANKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BLANKET BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? We have been able to solve many bonding problems for bankers at the lowest possible premium. Call or Write THE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY 435 Kansas Avenue P.O. Box 1654 Topeka, Kansas 66601 1-913-234-2631 Serving bankers for more than 75 years Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 6-16-86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Call on the “Experienced Professionals” Ready to m eet your correspondent needs. North Dakota News Harvey H. Huber, president, Union State Bank, Hazen, was elected president of the North Dakota Bankers Association at the N DBA convention in Fargo last week, suc ceeding William M. Sanger, presi dent, First Bank, Wahpeton. Other officers are: Pres.-Elect—John W. Pierson, president, Norwest Bank N.A., Minot; V.P./Treas.—Roger B e rg lu n d , p re s id e n t, D a k o ta W estern Bank, Bowman. A lso Harry J. Argue continues as execu tive director at headquarters in Bis marck. Minnesota News Roy W. Terwilliger, president, Suburban National Bank, Eden Come to the Investment Specialists com mitted to quality. ^FirsTierB ank Lincoln 13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Prairie, was elected president of the Minnesota Bankers Association at the recent M B A convention, suc ceeding Clinton D. Kurtz, president, Citizens State Bank, Norwood. Other officers are: 1st V.P.—James R. Jorstad, president, Citizens State Bank, Hay field; 2nd V.P.—A. Wil liam Sands, president, Western State Bank, St. Paul; Treas.—R. James Gesell, president, Cherokee State Bank, St. Paul. Truman Jef fers continues as executive vice president at Minneapolis headquar ters. Illinois News CHICAGO: Erie R.L. Archer has been promoted to vice president of Continental Illinois Corporation. He is based in the Sau Paulo representa tive office meeting credit needs of corporate customers in Brazil. He joined Continental Illinois in 1980. South Dakota News SIOUX FALLS: Thomas J. Flynn has been elected senior vice presi dent and trust officer of First Bank of South Dakota. He is head of the trust service division. Mr. Flynn previously served as head of the trust division at Brenton Banks of Iowa. Montana News COLUM BIA FALLS: The FDIC F ttie r Bank, n .a ., Lincoln, Member f d ic has approved the assumption of the deposit liabilities o f Bank of Colum bia Falls by First Citizens Bank, Columbia Falls, a newly-chartered subsidiary of Citizens Development Company, Billings. The failed bank’s only office reopened on June 2 as First Citizens Bank, having been closed on May 30 by Fred Napier, Montana Commissioner of Financial Institutions. First Citi zens Bank will assume about $40.5 million in 5,400 deposit accounts and has agreed to pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $310,000. It also will purchase certain of the fail ed bank’s loans and other assets for $13.7 million. The FDIC will ad vance $26.5 million to the assuming bank and will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $29.1 million. Wisconsin News APPLETON: Valley Banks has an nounced First National Bank of Minocqua and W oodruff will official ly change their name to “ Valley Bank” effective June, 1986. The bank is a member of Valley Bancorporation. SHAW ANO: Michael A. Hall, presi dent of Citizens State Bank, recent ly was elected chief executive offi cer. He joined the bank in 1983 as senior vice president and was ap pointed in 1984. Inquire about FLEXOPAY® CALL: ■ a com puterized billing/credit system In these times of change and uncertainty, rely on the time-tested quality invest ment recommendations of the Investment Banking Division of United Missouri Bank. 1-800-772-2411 ■ generates additional incom e from present staff and equipment WRITE: ■ means o f increasing your local commercial business ■ plan developed by bankers for bankers Correcting regulatory criticism and other management services lb UNITED MISSOURI BANK Member FDIC LeR oy Bell The National Bank o f Waterloo RO. B ox 90, Waterloo, IA 50704 f l.Ü . SW ORDS ASSOCIATES. INC. P R O FE S S IO N A L B A N K IN G CONSULTANTS 10th & Grand • RO. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 • (816) 556-7200 FRASER Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4900 OAK SUITE 301 KANSAS CITY, MO 64112 (816) 753-7440 4 FINANCIAL BUILDINGS BANK PRESIDENTS Temporary/permanent, new/used, purchase/lease, available now 14’ x 60’, 24’ x 60’, 24’ x 70’, fully equipped w ith vaults, depositories, DUW, teller equip., pneumatics, safe deposit boxes. Call 316263-4557. SON CORPORATION, Box 684, Wichita, KS 67201. Positions now available in Iowa and Minnesota in banks w ith deposits in $30 m illion range. Salary to $45,000. CO M M ERCIAL LENDERS Positions now available in three choice locations in Upper Midwest. Require minimum of 3 years experience and col lege degree. Salary to range from $35,000 to $60,000. REAL ESTATE LENDER POSITIONS AVAILABLE SENIOR LENDER - For Central Nebraska bank. Need experience in ag lending. To $45K. COMMERCIAL LENDER - Need middle market ex perience - degreed. Resort area o f S.E. Colorado. To $42K. AG LENDER • For a $93 million bank in Wl, popula tion 10K. To $38K. LENDING OFFICER Ag Commercial Loan Officer fo r progressive mid west bank. Looking for lender w ith 2-5 years ex perience. Excellent growth potential. Salary com mensurate w ith experience. Please send resume to File No. WFW c/o Northwestern Banker. ASST. CASHIER— Bank located near DM. An opening for indiv. w/bank operations exp. Some lending duties pos sible. Insurance license preferred. Send resume to File WFS c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) LOAN REVIEW OFFICER - For Omaha banks. Need 3-5 years loan experience or bank examiner experience. Some travel involved. To $35K. All fees are paid by our client employers. Richard L. Beem, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide Multi-bank group seeks qualified real estate lender. A b ility to package for sale to secondary market a plus. Salary Open depending on experience. TRUST OFFICERS Positions now available in three major banks in Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. Law Degree preferred. Experi ence in personal trust and/or employee benefits a plus. Salary range to $35,000. BANK AUDIT CHIEF Major bank holding company seeks CPA w ith bank audit experience. Salary to $30,000. Freeland Financial Service 1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309 515/282-6462 Employer pays fee. Please contact Malcolm Freeland concerning these quali ty applicants or fo r other types of banking officers. COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER w ith installm ent back ground for $38M Colorado Springs bank. Salary negoti able. Equal opportunity employer. Send resume to: Pres., P.O. Box 5008, Colorado Springs, Co. 80932. (PA) FOR SALE RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters BANK PRESIDENT— $20MM Bank seeks CEO. Commercial and agriculture lending experience required. Excellent opportunity for salary and benefits including investment in bank if desired. Send salary requirements and resume to Gene Eaton, 1712 Firstler Bank Bldg., Lincoln, NE 68501.__________________________________________(PA) New Warranty 402-571-5577 PRESIDENT —fo r $60M south central Wisconsin bank. Very profitable, expanding bank. Successful candidate w ill have strong background in farm credit. Good manage ment skills and enjoy living in small conservative commu nity. Salary $45-$50,000 + heavy incentive package. Send resume to File No. WFV c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins Reliable and respected service for over 20 years Used by bankers throughout the midwest DRIVE-UP WINDOW. Mosler Model 1868BSD. You remove and haul away. First $500.00 buys it. First National Bank in Ord, Ord, Nebraska. Phone 308/728-3201. (FS) POSITIONS AVAILABLE AG LOAN OFFICER Fast growing bank in superb location needs 2 + yrs exp’d ag professional fam iliar w/cash flow, workout & farm calls. $90m + bank in metro area offers mgt potential in excel lent location. $25K + . COMMERCIAL LENDER Prospering dept of $20m + needs pro who has handled $70K-180K loans in a regular basis. Rapidly expanding mkt offers high visib ility and direction. $30K + . REAL ESTATE LOAN OFFICER Top-notch spot! $100m+ bank needs R/E lender who has done it all. Com’l conventional lending in bank environ plus 4 yr deg could land you th is pos in highly desirable resort area. $35 + . POSITIONS AVAILABLE COM’L LOAN OFFICER Want to go places? Expanding TC bank seeks a com ’l lender w /2 + yrs exp handling a $5m m + loan portfolio, a degree and a desire to have fu n ! Great bank! $30-40,000. Job #NW8643. WORK OUT LOAN SPECIALIST POSITIONS AVAILABLE company. Requires degree and minimum of tw o yrs. loan review experience in large bank environment. $28K AG LENDING bank holding company. Strong technical skills and 3 yrs. or mo're experience. $30K Are you stymied? Get your ple ag lending position Dakota, South Dakota and level to sr. management. career moving! We have m ulti available in Montana, North Minnesota ranging from entry $25-50,000. Job #NW8645. For Further Information Call Paul Gentzkow ROB1RT W ILF M ill 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (515) 244-4414 (612) 339-9001 ® A LL FEES COMPANY PAID 913 Locust Des M oines, Iowa 50309 515-243-8064 You’ll become vitally involved! Outstate North Dakota bank seeks loan adm inistrator to develop loan work out area. 7 + yrs com ’l/ag lending exp w/proven problem loan skills and a desire to be part o f sr. mgmt. $40-50,000. Job #NW8644. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS mu on Ben E . Marlenee Coins A LL FEES COMPANY PAID LOAN REVIEW - lead bank of major midwestern holding COMML. LOAN - $100M suburban affilia te of large m ulti INSTL. LOAN - manage consumer department for $80MM suburban bank. Ideal candidate w ill have five yrs. instal. lending background including dealer paper. $30K CEO • small rural bank located close to recreational area. Work out situation. Ag credits not the problem. $38K AGRI LOAN • primary responsibility for all Ag credits in $25MM com m unity bank. Assist w ith commercial loans. $35K Additional opportunities available. Resume requested. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Sw ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970’ ’ Vol. 15 No. 9 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) Is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mall Items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis