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Vol. 14 No. 42 Dos Moines, Iowa Iowa News ^ ^ 0 # # # ^ 9 ^ The IB A ’s “ Safety in Banking“ seminar will be held at four locations February 24 through 27. Locations are Buena Vista College, Storm Lake, Southwestern Com m unity College in Creston, Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, and Hawkeye Institute o f Techno logy in W aterloo. The fee is $20 per registrant. The goal o f this seminar is to provide all bank employees with practical measures they can use to decrease criminal risk and in crease personal security in today’s banking environment. Eight steps will be studied to achieve this goal. The instructor will be Jerry Kenna, president o f Profit Protection, Inc., Miami, and well-known to many Iowa and midwest bankers when his firm was located in Milwaukee. Mr. Kenna is a former FBI agent who has developed hundreds o f security procedures for financial institutions and is author o f numerous books and articles on bank security. * * * Collin Fritz & Associates have announced four seminars to be held in March, entitled “ The Com petitive Edge to IR A Retirement Planning.” They run from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Dates and locations are: March 4, W aterloo H oliday Inn; March 5, Des Moines Savery Hotel; March 6, Iowa City Ironman Inn; March 7, The Forum in Storm Lake. Cost is February 3,1986 $95 for the first attendee and $80 for each additional. To register call toll free 1-800-346-3961. was also named chief executive offi cer by the board o f directors at their January 28 meeting. A s CEO he suc B E TTE N D O R F: A t B etten dorf ceeds J. Locke Macomber, who con Bank, N .A., John R. Stuekerjuergen tinues as chairman o f Valley Na has joined the commercial h a n k in g tional. division as a vice president. He was DES M OINES: Craig Jones has formerly with The Rock Island Bank joined First Interstate o f Urbandale as vice president, and vice president as senior vice president and head of credit administration. Mr. Jones o f Financial Service Corporation. m ost recently was with Norwest CLA R IN D A : A t Citizens State Bank Minneapolis the past five Bank, Stan Honken has been named years and prior to that was in the to succeed Hugh Loudon as presi correspondent bank division at First dent. Mr. Loudon will continue as National St. Paul for a number o f chairman o f the board, as well as years. president and board member o f the Farmers Savings Bank in Fremont HILLS: Five bank officers have and board member o f the Oakland been prom oted at Hills Bank and State Bank in Oakland. He has been Trust Company. Former senior vice with the bank for 29 years. Mr. president Dwight O. Seegmiller has Honken form erly served as execu been named president and elected to tive vice president and CEO o f Citi the board o f directors. James R. Gordon, form erly vice president and zens State Bank. trust officer, was named senior vice DES M OINES: Michael Austin has president and trust officer. James G. resigned as vice president and man Pratt, former vice president and con ager o f correspondent services at troller, was named senior vice presi First Interstate Bank o f Des Moines dent and controller. Roger J. Reilly to m ove to Boulder, Colo., where he was prom oted to vice president from has joined United Bank o f Boulder a ssista n t v ice presid en t, and as senior vice president and man Thomas L. Kriz to assistant vice ager o f the commercial loan depart president from assistant cashier. In ment. First Interstate’s correspon addition, Kevin J. Bernhardt was dent division will report directly to elected assistant cashier after com James W. Eiler, senior vice presi pleting an officer training program. dent in charge o f commercial ser LE M ARS: Randall A. Johnson was vices. advanced to president and chief op DES M OINES: Marvin E. Mazie, erating officer o f First National president o f Valley National Bank, Bank January 24, succeeding A1 Call on the “Experienced Professionals” Ready to meet your correspondent needs. nssFirsTierBanks First National Lincoln 13th & M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member FDIC Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. NORMTEST BANKS Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 Member FDIC mmmmm Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 Team work: one of the reasons we’re first in Iowa. John Cretzmeyer Maser, who continues as c h a ir m a n and CEO o f the bank. Mr. Johnson also was named a director. Newlyelected officers include Bill Rosacker and Bruce Sorenson, vice presidents, and Bonnie Palmer, as sistant cashier. with the bank for 12 years. He suc ceeds James W . Cravens, who will continue as chairman o f the board. Jay Nichols pointed operations officer and man ager o f the accounting department. M ASON CITY: Arlan Tengwall has been elected president and CEO o f Norwest Bank M ason City to suc ceed Jack W . Nielsen, who has re signed, effective February 1, to pur M ASON CITY: First Interstate sue other opportunities. Mr. Teng Bank o f Mason City has made three wall currently is senior vice presi staff changes. James W . Hackbart dent and head o f Norwest Corpora has been prom oted to vice president tion’s ag business group, as well as and trust officer and head o f the chairman and managing officer of bank’s trust department. Tom Quin Norwest Agricultural Credit, Inc., lan has joined First Interstate as Sioux Falls. vice president in the commercial PATON: Denver Nuckolls, 71, presi loan department. He comes from dent o f Community State Bank, Peoples Bank and Trust Co., W ater died January 26 after a two-month loo, where he held the same position. illness with cancer. Buried services David Salz, who has been at the were January 29. bank for four years, has been apSAC CITY: Two officers have been prom oted at Sac City State Bank. Frank C. Strain was prom oted from vice president to vice president and cashier, and Randy Bentsen was prom oted from assistant cashier to assistant vice president. Mr. Strain succeeds Dale H. Ninneman, who re tired at the end o f 1985. .i ASK STAN FARMER to make MNB work for you. ST. AN SG AR: Norman Homeyer has assumed the duties o f president and chief executive officer o f the Cedar National Bank o f St. Ansgar. M ost recently he served as senior vice president o f Hawkeye Bank and Trust in Eldora. SANBORN: James P. Cravens has been elected president o f the San born Savings Bank. He has been A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTH PLATTE: A t the North Platte National Bank, W illiam Giesler has been prom oted from vice president and commercial loan offi cer to vice president and senior loan officer. He will be in charge o f the bank’s lending division. He joined the bank in 1982. Roger W ark has joined North Platte National Bank as assistant vice president and ag of ficer. He previously served as ag loan officer at the First National Bank and Trust Company o f Kear ney. At Security National Bank, w e’re people you can count on to handle all of your Correspondent Banking needs. So, start corresponding w ith us. We’re Security for you! 1-800-332-5991 Member F.D.I.C. Nebraska News ALLIAN CE : Several staff changes have been made at The Guardian State Bank and Trust Co. Brian W. Lundy has been prom oted to vice president. Michael K. Darveau has joined the bank as vice president. He was form erly with the Produc tion Credit Association. Daryle E. K rejci has joined as assistant vice president. He was form erly with the Farm ers H om e A dm inistration. Idonna M. Minnick has been pro m oted to assistant cashier. A t the bank’s Cody branch, Janice M. Lallman has been prom oted to assistant vice president, and Delbert D. Fullerton to assistant cashier. We’re Security for You Toll free Merchants National Bank 151 SIO U X CITY: Charles R. Parsons has been elected a vice president o f First Interstate Bank o f Sioux City. He has been involved with the bank’s lending function since join ing in 1979, and is now responsible for all loan and credit related activi ties. W ilma W eeks Correspondent Service« Officer 712-277-6769 SECURITY NATIONAL BANK IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA. MKMBKR F.D .I.C. pared to net income o f $917,000 m 1984. The 1985 fourth quarter loss was $21.9 m illion versus a loss o f $3 Guest speakers for this year's ROUP l meets February 7-8 at million in the same 1984 quarter. meeting will include Governor Terry the Marina Inn in Sioux City Brans tad and Governor Bill Jank- The primary factor for the loss was for the annual the 1985 provision for loan losses low. The program follows: meeting. charged to earnings o f $55.4 million, Group Chair Friday, February 7 compared to $20.7 million in 1984. man Bill Hess, P.M. The fourth quarter provision was president, Iowa 7:00 R egistration—M arina Inn $20.8 million compared to $6.8 mil Savings Bank, 8:00- Social Hour, Courtesy of lion a year earlier. C oon R a p id s , 10:00 Sioux City Bankers A ssocia Loan losses as a percent o f yearwill preside. Sec tion. end loans increased to 3.03%, or retary Jim M il Saturday, February 8 $29.8 million, up from 1.4% or $15.1 ler, chairm an, A.M . million in 1984. Net charge-offs of Pioneer V alley w u ccc 9:00 Registration—Marina Inn average loans in 1985 were $41 mil Savings Bank, 9:00 N ABW Breakfast lion or 3.81% o f average loans, more 11:30 Luncheon. P residing—B ill than doubled the 1984 figure o f $17 Hess. million. O f the $14 million chargeInvocation—Rev. Paul C. offs in 1985, $26 million or 65% were Mueller, Redeemer Lutheran ag loans. Non-performing assets Church, Sioux City. amounted to $87 million or 8.7% of Style Show courtesy W illi- total loans and other real estate at ges. Arrangements by M ary 1985 year-end, as opposed to $48 Van Dyke. million or 4.5% in 1984. Speakers—Terry Branstad, Hawkeye said it is not in com pli Governor, State o f Iowa and ance with the provisions o f various B ill Janklow , G overnor, debt agreements. Mr. Dunlap said, GOV. T. BRANSTAD GOV. W. JANKLOW State o f South Dakota. “ Iow a’s agricultural crisis is a debt J. Bruce Meriwether, presi crisis and until m illions o f dollars of dent, Iowa Bankers A ssocia debt is collected, stretched out and tion; president, First Na charged off, the crisis won’t disap tional, Dubuque. pear. Hawkeye Bancorporation has Neil Milner, executive vice acknowledged this and has aggres president, Iowa Bankers A s sively accepted the inevitable. sociation. Hawkeye injected over $25 million 6:30 Social Hour. into capital accounts o f its member 7:15 Banquet. The L ockw ood banks during 1985. The 35 banks Band for listening and danc have been kept financially healthy, J.B. MERIWETHER N. MILNER ing pleasure. □ ending the year with primary capital averaging 8.6% o f assets.” Sergeant Bluff, will succeed Mr. Hawkeye Posts ’85 Results Hess as Group chairman in 1987. Paul Dunlap, president and CEO The Sioux City Bankers A ssocia Minnesota News tion will again host the Friday even of Hawkeye Bancorporation, Des ing social hour. President o f the host Moines, reported January 29 a con Norwest Corporation announced group is John Van Dyke, president, solidated net operating loss for the January 30 the sale of eight o f its year o f 1985 of $36.9 million, com banks in southern Minnesota and Toy National Bank. seven branches in South Dakota. M .D. M cVay, former president of Cargill, heads a group that pur chased Norwest Banks in Dawson, Luverne, M ontevideo and Ortonville. W ELCOM ES YOU TO John A . McHugh, former presi Iowa Bankers Group 1 Annual Meeting dent and vice chairman o f Norwest Minneapolis, and now chairman, February 7-8, Sioux City Security State Bank o f M aple Lake, heads a group that bought Norwest Banks in Redwood Falls, Slayton Visit us in our hospitality room at and Tracy. The Mates Quarters— Marina Inn L.A. Amundson, chairman, State Bank o f Byron, who owns eight banks in Minnesota and, Michigan, bought Norwest Bank D odge Cen U nited States Check Book Company ter. 1201 SOUTH 16TH STR EET - OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68108 Frank Farrar, Britton, S.D., who In Nebraska Call 402-345-3162 Out of State Cali W ATS Line 1-800-228-9246 owns 18 banks in eight states, bought Norwest Bank South Da- Group 1 M eets Feb. 7-8 in Sioux C ity G U.S. C H E C K B O O K C O M P A N Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 M innesota M anagem ent Conference Is Feb. 11-12, S t. Paul HE Minnesota Bankers A ssocia tion President Clinton D. Kurtz announces M B A will hold its Senior Bank M anagem ent C onference Tuesday, February 11 through W ed nesday, February 12, at the Radisson St. Paul Hotel. Mr. Kurtz is president and CEO o f Citizens State Bank o f Norwood. T C.D. KURTZ T.L. JEFFER S M.W. OLSON J.S. JACKSON The Conference will begin Tues day, February 11, with an afternoon session on state and banking legisla tive issues followed by the tradi tional dinner and reception for state legislators titled “ A Salute to Min nesota Legislators.” On Wednes day, February 12, the general ses sion will feature speakers on bank management issues and the Confer ence will conclude with a luncheon followed by an address by A B A President-Elect Mark Olson, presi dent and CEO, Security State Bank o f Fergus Falls. On Tuesday, February 11, a panel discussion titled “ Banking Legisla tive Issues ’86” will be moderated by Truman L. Jeffers, M BA execu tive vice president. Panel members will include John M. Lundsten, chairman o f the M B A legislative committee and president o f Buffalo National Bank; Leslie W. Peterson, chairman o f the M BA Task Force and president o f Farmers State Bank Trimont, and John Jackson, M BA general counsel. Following the panel discussion, a special presenta tion on the 1986 Legislative Session will be given by Senate M ajority Leader Roger D. M oe and Speaker o f the House David M. Jennings. The “ Salute to Minnesota Legis lators” will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a reception and dinner, followed with entertainment by the m usicial group “ L ife.” A ll legislators have been in vited. On W ednesday, February 12, the morning general session will feature four topics. Michael M escon, Mescon Group, Atlanta, Ga., will ad dress “ The Management o f a Bank in a Deregulated Environm ent.” Minnesota Energy and Econom ic Development Commissioner Mark D ayton and Deputy Commissioner Edward J. M eyer will address the “ State,Loan Program for Small Bus iness.” James Miller, Minnesota de puty commissioner for financial in stitutions will speak on “ Bank Supervision and Management Re sp o n sib ility .” Dr. Jim H agerbaumer, president, Hagerbaumer Econom ics, Waukegan, 111., will wrap up the session with “ What • You Need to Know A bout the E co nom y to Prosper During the 1980s.” The luncheon program will con clude the conference and will feature a special address by Mark Olson, president-elect o f the A B A . M. MESCON G.T. PATE J. HAGERBAUMER G. CELUSTA During the conference, two spe cial interest sessions will be offered on Wednesday. A breakfast session on M innesota Bankers Services, Inc. (MB SI) will be moderated by Galen T. Pate, CEO, MB SI and presented by George Celusta, M BSI Manager. An afternoon session on Banclnsure, which provides bankers’ blan ket bond and other bank insurance coverages, will be conducted by Mr. Pate, Mr. Jeffers, and Banclnsure Representative Robert Stassen. Mr. Pate is president o f Signal Hills State Bank, W est St. Paul. □ kota branches in Britton, Bristol, Hecla, Lake Preston, Newell, Parker and Springfield. rett R. Hegel as senior vice president and controller. sion director for a consolidated central and northern M innesota region. M IN N E A P O L IS : R ich a rd W . Schoenke has been elected vice chairman and a director o f First Bank System, Inc. He will continue to have responsibility for FBS’ M etropolitan Division, which is com posed o f First Bank Minneapo lis, First Bank St. Paul and the 13 other First Banks in the Twin Cities. He had been president and manager o f the division since 1985. FBS di rectors also elected Gerald B. Fischer as executive vice president and chief financial officer and Gar M IN N EAPOLIS: James H. Claypool, who has served as managing director for First Bank’s northern Minnesota banks since 1982, will serve in that capacity for the conso lidated central and northern Minne sota region. North Dakota News Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ® M AN D AN : Dennis Renner has joined the staff o f Norwest Corpora tio n -R e g io n V II as vice president, credit administration. He will be headquartered in Mandan and will work with twelve Norwest banks in ST. CLOUD: D avid A . Orlady has North Dakota and western Minne been elected president and CEO of sota. He has worked for Norwest since 1975. First Bank St. Cloud. He joined South Dakota News First Banks in 1954 and has served as managing director for their cen BELLE FOURCHE: E ffective Jan. tral Minnesota region since 1982. 1, 1986, the name o f the Bank of He will continue to serve as a divi- Belle Fourche was changed to 0 % • Engineering highperformance portfolios. Since the 1920s United Missouri Bank has been advising banks on the management of their bond portfolios. These timely recommendations have a history of sound logic and a positive contribution to bank earnings. Whether short- or long-term, we expect the strategies we recommend to be successful. Why? Because we continually update ourselves about the economy, the market and changes in the banking industry. So for quality recommendations that are engineered for high performance, contact our Investment Banking Division. Call (816) 556-7200 today. UN ITED MISSOURI BANK ~ of Kansas City, iw . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.O. Box 226 Kansas City, Missouri 64114 Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 2-3-86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 YAKE, SPRENGER AND JENNINGS Getting it done for you. C o m m e r c e B a n k riinrn 1-msN MEMBER FDIC M ILBAN K : Ken Karels has been elected president, CEO and a board member o f Dakota State Bank of Milbank. He succeeds M .W . W ise, president since 1975, who has an nounced his retirement. Mr. W ise, who will continue as chairman, joined the bank in 1939. Mr. Karels is succeeded by Tom Gronseth in the position o f vice president and cash ier. He joined the bank last fall. Montana News BILLIN G S: The board o f directors o f Norwest Bank Anaconda/Butte and Norwest Bank Dillon have voted to consolidate top manage ment of the two banks. Dan Shively, president o f Norwest Bank Dillon, M ASTER REAL ESTATE M ATH TIB A -II H P -12C Bill Sprenger Tom Jennings 234-2483 234-2625 234-2484 r f K a n sa s c ity Telephone (816) 234-2000 ■■ Pioneer Bank & Trust. The bank has offices in Belle Fourche, Spearfish and Rapid City. There were no changes in ownership or manage ment. Ernie Yake Talnnknrto /«'Ifc'* TJ/l-Ofinn has been elected president and CEO lending practices by the bank’s man o f Norwest Bank Anaconda/Butte, agem ent.’ ’ A t the time o f closure, succeeding W illiam R. Tait. He will the bank’s deposits amounted to continue as the Dillon president and about $15 m illion in 4,300 deposit maintain offices at both banks. Mr. accounts. O f the total, approximate Tait, who has announced he will re ly $191,000 in 19 accounts exceeded tire in August o f this year, has been the federal insurance lim it o f elected chairman o f the Anaconda/ $100,000. Adm inistration o f the in Butte bank and will continue as sured deposits transferred to the new bank will be funded by an equi chairman o f the Dillon Bank. valent cash paym ent from the FDIC. The new bank is paying the Wyoming News FDIC a premium o f $12,223 for the CASPER: On January 17 the FDIC right to receive the deposits, and approved the transfer o f insured will purchase other assets o f the deposits and fully secured or pre failed bank for $11.3 million. ferred deposits o f Am erican Bank of Casper to H illtop National Bank, also in Casper. Although the failed bank's only office and drive-in facili ty has closed permanently, insured deposits have been transferred to H illtop National Bank and are avail able at that location. W yom ing State Examiner Stanley R. Hunt said the bank’s failure was due to “ severe loan losses casued by de pressed conditions in the commu nity, insider transactions, and poor BANKER-FARMER CHANGING RELATIONSHIPS Join us: MUIR FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS Presents: 1. Workbooks Self-study Course I and II $ 1 4 .9 5 each 2. Pocket Cards Loan Calculations Instant reference $ 9 .9 5 for full pack 3. Seminars 6 class hours CEU credits “TEAM ING UP FOR TH E FUTURE” - CHANGING TIM ES A timely seminar that addresses the issue of Farmer-Banker relationships and how your Ag Loan Officers can effectively and profitably com municate with today’s financially stressed farmers. ON: February 11,1986 at 9:00 a.m. AT: Marina Inn, South Sioux City, NE CO ST: $150 ($50 RSVP reservation fee by 2-4-86) $200 at door if space available FOR MORE INFO. CO N TA CT: Julie A. Langerman VP Operations P.O. Box 2742 Sioux City, IA 51106 (712) 277-5143 For full information or to order materials 5 1 5 / 2 7 4 -5 7 7 0 w e r m e r se n C BANK LOAN MANAGEMENT, INC. ^ CALCULATOR SEM INARS NBN-86 3946 Oakshire Rd. Des Moines, IA 50310 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C O N S U LTA N T TO BANKERS 773 SPRUCE STREET, P.O. BOX 159, OCHEYEDAN, IOWA 51354 PH O N E 712/758-3660 • Loan Review and Credit Administration • Profit Planning $55MM Northeast Iowa Bank needs an experienced EX ECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT. Send resume to WEA c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) BANKINQ O FFICER — Positions available In the Rocky Mountains, southwest and midwest. All fees employer paid. Contact Dunhill of Fort Collins, 2120 South College Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80525. Phone: (303) 221-5630. (PA) LENDING O FFICER — Junior position. $10M bank. Send resume to: Cascade Bancorporatlon, Inc., 1101 Midland Financial Bldg., Des Moines, la 50309. Phone (515) 2444036. ____________________________________________________(PA) POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR SALE POSITIONS AVAILABLE EVP for eastern Iowa bank .......................Salary to $40,000 3-BURROUGHSL-9000— 2-NCR 8 Pocket proof machines; 1 - Bell & Howell Director II Microfilmer; 1 - Bell & Howell SRM Microfilmer; 1 - Bell & Howell Classic Microfilmer. All for sale due to mergers. Contact Dale L Adams at 402-362-7411 or P.O. Box 69, York, NE 68467. (FS) TR U ST O FFICER for northern Iowa bank Salary to $35,000 SENIOR CREDIT ADM INISTRATOR for Minnesota bank . . ....................................................................... Salary to $35,000 EVP for $60M Iowa bank ........................... Salary to $50,000 VICE PRESIDENT AG LENDING O FFICER, possible #2 per son .................................................................Salary to $40,000 EVP for community bank In northwest Iowa ....................... .................................................. ....................Salary to $35,000 BANK SALES AND PURCHASES EDDIE A. W O L F VICE PRES. A O FFICE M ANAGER— $45 million N. Central Iowa Independent Community Bank needs take charge in dividual to manage full service office. Ag lending skills in cluding financial statements and cash flow analysis. Ex perience a must. Send resume and salary requirements to File # WEI c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Eddie Wolf Bank Sales 7202 Maple Drive, Des Moines, la. 50322 Phone: 515/278-2271 BANKING PROFESSIONALS POSITIONS WANTED Strong midwest banking group seeking qualified applicant to fill position in recently acquired Ag and Commercial banks: Pres/CEO commercial lender (Including real estate and secondary mar keting), Ag lending (including workout) and cashler/operatlons. Only forward looking team mem bers need apply. Send resume to File no. WEG, c/o Northwestern Banker. PRESENTLY EMPLOYED, energetic and professional banker desires management team opportunity in midwestern $50 million or larger community bank. Experienced in administration, loans, cost control and strategic planning. Box WEH, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PW) AG LOAN OFFICER, for eastern Iowa b a n k ......................... ....................................................................... Salary to $25,000 TR U ST OFFICER for central Illinois bank .. Salary $35,000 EVP for eastern Iowa bank ............................ Salary $40,000 COMMERCIAL/RE O FFICER for major bank holding com pany ........................................................................Salary open VICE PRESIDENT RETAIL BANKER for major holding com pany bank ......................................................... Salary $35,000 VICE PRESIDENT AG LENDER for major holding company b a n k ..............................................................Salary to $38,000 AUDITOR for major banking group, Illinois & Io w a ............. .......................................................................Salary to $30,000 SENIOR COMMERCIAL LENDER for major Iowa bank . . . . .................................................................................. Salary open CEO for $50 million asset bank, m idwest.........Salary open CEO for $15 million asset community bank . . .Salary open CEO for $40 million asset community bank . . .Salary open SAVINGS & LOAN EXAMINERS The Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines has Immediate openings for qualified Savings & Loan Examiners. Interested Candidates must: - have a minumum of 3 years experience with a financial Institution or In examining financial Institutions - possess a willingness to travel extensively - have good communication and analytical skills Specialists are also needed who have at least 5 years experience in the following fields: - Financial futures and options •Internal Control - Electronic Data Processing •Real Estate Appraisals •Auditing S d o n AND c h o o l e r ir ASSOCIATES "Successful Banking is Quality Personnel" POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMM ERCIAL LOAN O FFICER Progressive, large bank dedicated to professional commercial lend ing techniques. Average length of service Is over 15 years per employee. Salary is In the $30,000$40,000 range depending on experience and col lege degrees. COM M ERCIAL VICE PRESIDENT 2-3 years credit experience. Begin with a $10mm portfolio and with credits from $500,000. Bank size: $90mm range. Salary range Is broad depending on years of experience................................... 25,000-$40,000. The Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines serves, regulates and supervises nearly 200 Fed erally-Insured Savings & Loans and other member thrift organizations In the states of IA, MN, MO, ND and SD. Positions may be open In any of these states. Excellent opportunity for advancement. VICE PRESIDENT, COMM ERCIAL in a $175 + bank doing lending 75% and PR 25% of his time. Beautiful location, suburban bank. Position will lead to supervision of another department. Salary range will be in t h e ....................................$40,000’s. Qualified applicants should send a detailed resume, salary history and college transcript to: COMM ERCIAL LENDER In a $150+ + bank In an excellent metropolitan-suburban location. Salary wl 11range from .........................$30,000 to $35,000. Human Resources Department Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines 907 Walnut Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 An Equal Opportunity Employer POSITIONS AVAILABLE SR MANAGER Aggressive acquisitions oriented holding co seeks a mgmt level Indiv to head $25m + bank. Will take charge of $15m portfolio in Institution with 1.35 ROA and clean ag port folio. Successful candidate will have mgmt exp, lending and workout knowledge. $40K + . REAL E S TA TE AND CONSUMER LOAN O FFICER, VICE PRESIDENT, for a $20mm + bank in small town within 1 hour of a city. Lending is mainly construction, residential and commercial real es tate and some consumer. Salary will be nego tiable around ................................................ $25,000. ALL AROUND LENDER Is a $50mm + bank in a small town within 1 hour of metropolitan area and lake area. Lending Is real estate, ag, commercial. The bank Is clean and earnings are very good. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT leading definitely to PRESIDENT for a $20mm bank with ROA over 1 % . Lending will be in $150,000-$200,000 range, good location. Salary ra n g e ........ $35,000-$40,000. AG LENDER $50m + bank seeks 2 + yrs Innovative lender to take part In ag portfolio growth. Needs professional with calling, cash flows and farm inspection experience to work In healthy ag area. Located near major metro area In college community. $25K + . PRESIDENT for a $70mm bank In town of 20,000. Needs to be thorough, needs to work well with the board, and extremely socially minded. Requires a background as CEO with commercial and agricul tural lending expertise as well as administrative and business development abilities. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FOR THESE & OTHER POSiTIONS RESPOND IN CO N FIDENCE TO : KURT ROSENCRANTS COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT HEAD; $75mm+ + , independent bank. Portfolio will begin with $10mm pure commercial credits in a $40mm total commercial portfolio. Bank’s ROA Is over 1% , good retention of officers............Salary Is $50,000. 1 F *M ® R O B E R T M H LF 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 244-4414 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID AUDITOR/CPA for Iowa holding company Salary to $30,000 Please call Malcolm Freeland or Cy Kirk In care of: Freeland Financial Service 1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309 515/282-6462 Employer pays fee. POSITION S A V A IL A B L E SR. LOAN O FFICER • Be in charge of entire loan function In $50MM IA bank. Need Ag and strong workout. Super President! To $40K. CONTROLLER • New position In a small bank. Need min. 2 yrs. accounting In a bank. To $35K. SEASONED LENDER • Generalist with comm’l background and new business development for $70MM IL bank. To $50K. HEAD O F LENDING for a $65mm bank in Northern Arkansas, 20,000 population, low cost of living, nice golf course, excellent medical services, pro gressive schools with strong atheltic programs. . ................................................ Salary $50,000 + + + . TR U S T SR/JD OR CPA Large, very profitable dept with 4 professionals and 5 sup port people on staff seeks qualifed manager. 5 + yrs exp in $50m + dept with good new business development and leadership skills. $45K + . M1 M1 MI AG LENDER for $40 million asset community bank ........... .............................................................................. Salary $25,000 DON W. SCHOOLER 2508 East Meadow Springfield, Missouri 65804 (417) 882-2265 R egency RECRUITERS, INC. Diane Evans 1102 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, M O 64106 816/842-3860 PO SITION S A V A IL A B L E REAL E S TA TE LOAN - manage dept, for large suburban bank. Construction lending experience a must. $35,000 LOAN REVIEW • assist senior loan review officer of $200M M bank. Prefer degree. $24,000 COMMERCIAL LOAN •junior position with $200MM subur ban bank. Requires degree and experience with large credits. $28,000 AGRI-LENDER • senior position which requires strong background In financing of cattle operations. $35,000 TR U S T O FFICER •manage small dept, for $40MM subur ban bank. Does not require Law Degree. $24,000 INQUIRIES ARE C O N FID E N TIA L RESUME’ REQUESTED. TO M H A G A N & A S SO C IA T E S 2024 Swift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/4746874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 14 No. 42 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Dee Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mall items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis