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Vol. 11 No. 44 Des M oines, Iowa February 21,1983 Dole, Regan Aim Pressure at Banks REM ENDOUS pressure was be ing exerted late last week by Sen. Dole and Treasury Secretary Donald Regan against the commer cial banking industry by threaten ing them with increased taxes on banks if they don’t quit stirring up the public in the industry’s effort to have withholding on interest and dividends repealed. These voiced threats served only to anger par ticipants in the A B A ’s Leadership Banking Conference who were meet ing late last week at the H yatt Regency H otel in Washington, D.C. A t press time, those registrants re mained firm in their resolve to work for repeal of the withholding law. In dications were that their efforts now would be directed more to a con certed shift to trying to get Sen. Dole and Secretary Regan to under stand banking’s position, rather than being adamantly opposed just because the administration feels they should be the tax collectors. 1RS estimates the revenues from 10% withholding on interest and dividends will recoup about $8 billion a year on dividend and in terest income lost for non-reporting. A B A maintains that reporting and matching of 1099s, authorized for 1RS by Congress, and which now in cludes jumbo CDs, would leave only $1.5 billion estimated that is not paid up front. To collect that re maining amount, the withholding T bill has saddled financial institu tions and dividend paying firms with the burden of becoming tax col lectors. The A B A estimates this cost for banking would exceed the $1.5 billion that would be collected and is penalizing banks. A B A says the tradeoff of use of float of these funds would not cover such cost, and recognizes that with in a short time, a “ public outcry” by later Congressional or government personnel would demand that such “ free” money be returned to the government. □ Another “ Open Letter” Sen. Charles Grassley 232 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Grassley: Your time is valuable and so is mine, so I ’ll be direct. I have served the reporting of hanking news in Iowa and the nation for more than 37 years and seldom, if ever, have I seen in dustry leaders as concerned as they are about the provisions of withholding of 10% on interest and dividends. In an effort to ex ercise their right to protest through the system the taxation to which they object, they are now being threatened vindictively by Senator Dole and Treasury Secretary Regan with additional bank taxation if they exercise that right. W hat kind of leadership is that? I damn near lost my life 38 years ago this month fighting a war to make sure that kind of system could not be imposed on the free world—and now here you people in Washington are pursuing that course! I can’t believe it. Opposition, yes; but threats and vindictiveness, never! When it all washes out, it appears Trea sury and IR S stand to pick up about $1.5 billion additional that might not be obtained with honest reporting. You people in Con gress have authorized reporting-and-matching but that hasn’t even been tried. Since there is so much debate about who is right, I offer you this suggestion. You and the Iowa delegation to Congress should come back home, spend two days in whichever banks you choose around the state, visit with the executive officers and find out how much it is costing them to comply with this with holding bill, and the unbelievably compli cated steps they’ll have to follow—under con stant threat of additional penalties “ for failure to comply,’’ etc. That’s all I ask. Come back here your selves—or select your own C P A firm and get such a report firsthand. I think you owe that to the constituents here at home. IR S wants bankers to become whistleblowers, but wants the bankers to buy their own whistle and pay for the tickets. More than 400 bankers from all over the nation are meeting now at the Hyatt Regen cy Hotel there in Washington. I f you truly care about what concerned Iowans think about a bill that will cost them thousands of dollars to comply with, perhaps you may wish to take the time to contact them now or invite them to your office to discuss this mat ter. If you want help finding some banks to visit, they will give you the list of the more than 600 Iowa banks from which you can select. I will appreciate a reply regarding this sug gestion and your position. I f it’s a form let ter, please save the postage. Cordially yours, Ben Haller, Jr., Publisher The N orthwestern B anker Des Moines, Iowa CALL ON THE “PERFORMANCE TEAM ” where common transactions are handled uncommonly well. \ IIIM III FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Street • Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 • Member, F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 H o w did w e qet to be first in Iow a? By putting Iowa first. Dorothea Wolfe An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation Member FDic Iowa News The names of two candidates for election as officers of the Iowa Bankers Association at the conven tion next September were announced at the IB A Group 1 meeting in Sioux City February 12. W illiam Logan, president, The State Central Savings Bank in Keokuk, is a candi date for IB A president-elect. He is currently chairman of Group 11, which is expected to endorse him at its meeting today (February 21). Holmes Foster, president of Banks of Iowa, Inc., Des Moines, was an nounced as a candidate for IB A treasurer. Group 1 bankers advanced Bruce Kolbe, president, United Central Bank & Trust Company of Sioux Ci ty, to Group chairman. Replacing y4S m ASK STAN FARMER to make MNB work for you. Toll free 1- 800- 332-5991 Merchants A National Bank 151 Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANCO® Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 him as secretary of the group is B ill Hess, vice president, Iowa Savings Bank, Coon Rapids. John F. O’Neill, president and chairman of First National Bank, Burlington, is scheduled to be ad vanced to Group 11 chairman today to succeed Mr. Logan. A new secre tary will be elected at that meeting. BLO O M FIELD : In the February 14 issue of the W eekly Newsletter it was incorrectly stated that Duane R. Pearson, who has joined the Davis County Savings Bank as vice president, was formerly president of Union State Bank in Winterset. He was formerly vice president at that bank. C A M A N C H E : Camanche State Bank will change its name to Hawkeye Bank and Trust effective April 1. CO LFAX: Dean A Schantz has been elected president and chief executive officer of the First National Bank. He succeeds James W. Eiler, who will join United Central Bank in Des Moines March 1 as vice president in charge of loan administration. Mr. Schantz has been with the bank one year as executive vice president. Also at the bank Iden W. Shissler, vice president and farm rep, has been promoted to executive vice president, and Ila Mae Sprouse to cashier. KEO KU K: F.E. Fritz Breitenstein, vice president-commercial loans, The State Central Savings Bank, died February 13, four days after suffering a heart attack. Mr. Breit enstein, who joined the bank Decem ber 1, 1937, following graduation from high school, would have been 63 years old on the day of his burial. M A Q U O K E TA : Craig Bentrott, president of Hawkeye Bank & Trust, formerly Jackson State Bank and Trust Company, recently an nounced the promotions of Don Henningsen to executive vice presi dent; Loren Lubben to vice presi- (zd fo td sx and. c d h ± o a L a tz i Bank Consultants Specializing in Bank Acquisitions 515-232-0814 P.O. Box 450 405 Main Ames, Iowa 50010 D onald E. H o l d e r , Principal dent and head of the farm loan department, and Loras H errig to assistant vice president in the com mercial and real estate department. M ISSO URI V A L L E Y : John A. Kovar, 87, president of Peoples State Bank died February 9 after suffer ing a heart attack at work. He was preceded in death by his wife, who died four years ago. His son, Paul J. Kovar, is a vice president of Peoples State Bank. John Kovar had been an Iowa banker for 69 years. He was associated with Valley Savings Bank in Missouri Valley until 1934 when he became vice president and cashier of Peoples State Bank. He had served as president there from 1974 until his death. PE R RY: A t the February 8 annual m eeting o f Perry State Bank, Dwayne Hochhalter was promoted to executive vice president; Dr. Robert K. Gubser to vice president and trust officer, and Vicki S. Stanley to office manager and assis tant trust officer. SC H ALLER: Thomas M clnem ey has returned to State Bank of Schaller as vice president and cashier, replacing Mark Wagner, who resigned to enter another business. Mr. Mclnerney has been with a bank in the St. Joe, Missouri, area for the past year. SIO U X C ITY : First National Bank w ill host a special retirement lun cheon Thursday, February 24, hon oring Charles H. W alcott, who plans to retire from the bank as executive vice president February 28. His retirement w ill close out a hanking career that has spanned more than 47 years. The luncheon w ill start at 11:30 a.m. at the Hilton Inn (12th Floor). Those planning to attend should call M ary at 712/277-0610, according to Vice President Gary Stevenson. SPENCER: A t the annual meeting of United Central Bank, Larry Owens was named executive vice president and elected to the board. Mr. Owens joined the bank in the summer of 1982. STRUBLE: It was recently an nounced that the Le Mars Savings Bank, Le Mars, will purchase the Supplement to Northwestern Banker Newsletter 2-21-83 How can you be sure you're getting your money's worth? Today, it’s important to be very selective about your bond portfolio investments. A lot of your assets are involved. And w e’re dealing in a tough financial world. ' United Missouri Bank can make sure you’re m investing in high quality securities. We offer exactly what you want. And, if you’d like, we’ll make specific recommendations. Always, with the emphasis on quality. We have a tradition k i ;ì éj Mm- m s Ï*:- ■íví of excellence and an outstanding track record for providing sound bond portfolio services. Very important in this uncertain economy. While some banks see today’s market condition as a problem, we see it as an opportunity. To get you your money’s worth. W e’re the Bond Department at United Missouri Bank. Call or write us today. W e’ll hold your investment information in the strictest confidence. Investment Banking Division U N IT E D M IS S O U R I BANK of Kansas C itv n.a. Member FDIC United we grow.logether. 10th and Grand, P.O. Box 226, Kansas City, Missouri 64141 • (816) 556-7200 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Send Your News Today to the NORTHW ESTERN BANKER TELL US ABOUT. . . 306 Fifteenth Street DES MOINES, IOWA 50309 Staff Changes Business Campaigns Mergers, Consolidations New Departments at the Bank Remodeling or New Building BANK ..................................................................................... OFFICER .....................................................................TITLE CITY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATE Open Houses Anniversary Parties Deaths or Retirements Speeches Made by Bank Officers Special Announcements to the Public 4 ident. Those five divisions now w ill comprise First National’s entire banking operations. Professional ... Responsive... SCOTTSBLUFF: Promoted to vice president status at First State Bank were: M. LeRoy Worden, agricul tural loans, and Sheron Dinnel, in stalment loans. Call Mark Christen for any correspondent service. Call toll free (800) 622-7262 Valley National Bank « DES MOINES, IOWA 50304 A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Member FDIC assets of Farmers Savings Bank, tion to name O.J. McDougal, Jr., Struble. The two banks w ill merge as chairman and Douglas E. Oakeinto one under the ownership and son as president. Mr. McDougal direction of the Le Mars Savings joined the management of C ity Na Bank, with a bank office remaining tional in 1957. Mr. Oakeson has in Struble under the present man served as executive vice president agement of Regina Garding. This since 1981. Prior to joining the agreement is subject to approval, bank, he was associated with the which is expected to take place National Bank of Commerce in Lin coln for eight years. before June 1. Nebraska News The Nebraska unicameral legis lature passed LB58 by a vote of 30-17 on February 16 and sent it that day to Governor Robert Ker rey, who had stated in earlier testimony he would sign such a bill if it was enacted. LB58 authorizes the formation of multi bank holding companies in Nebraska, a move that has been bitterly contested for the past decade by Nebraska indepen* dent banks. Each M BHC may hold 9% of the total deposits in commercial banks and savings and loans in the State of Nebraska. The bill also provides that any bank may establish an ad ditional three full-service detached facilities within its home community by 1985, bringing this total to five. An amendment also authorizes banks to acquire a cooperative credit asso ciation within its'hom e or a con tiguous county. IM P E R IA L : Donald R. Banks has been promoted from vice president to senior vice president of Chase County Bank & Trust Company. He has been with the bank since 1974. Minnesota News A t 7:10 p.m., February 9, 1983, Commissioner o f Banks John D. Chisholm closed the State Bank of Baraum, Baraum, and appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration (FD IC) as receiver. Mr. Chisholm’s statement on the closing said: “ The State Bank of Barnum was chartered as a state bank by the State of Minnesota and opened for business on M ay 6,1940. A t the end of December 31,1982, the bank’s de posits totaled $13,056,000. “ The Commissioner indicated the problems in the bank which led to its closing were the result o f gross mis management and were not related to current economic conditions. The bank, rather than relying on local deposits and loans, went into the open market and purchased out-ofstate brokered funds and made sub stantial investments in loans se cured by time-share mortgages. These mortgages were of question able value at the time of purchase and subsequent failure by the seller/servicer to remit payments as agreed has resulted in a substantial loss to the bank contributing to an impairment of its capital and to the determination that it is unsafe and inexpedient for it to continue busi ness.” * * * O M AH A: The executive committee of First National Bank has announced a corporate reorganization and a series of executive and management promotions. Named executive vice presidents were Bruce R. Lauritzen, J. W illiam Henry and Dennis A. O’Neal. Promoted to senior vice president level were James L. Doody, head of the BankCard divi sion; Elias Eliopoulos, head of data processing and operations, and Robert E. Johnson, Jr., head of trust, pension and profit sharing division. A new corporate and finan cial institutions division, which now includes correspondent banking, is headed by Charles E. Fries, Jr., vice president, who was also named to The Minnesota Bankers Associa the bank’s board of directors. A new retail banking division, taking in in tion Communications Committee stallment lending, mortgage lend and the Minnesota Chapter of the H ASTIN G S: City National Bank ing, leasing and marketing, is head Bank Marketing Association is co and Trust Company has taken ac ed by Vollis E. Summerlin, vice pres sponsoring the 1983 Marketing Con ference March 2 at the Holiday Inn International, Bloomington. The conference w ill begin with registration at 8:30 a.m. followed by speakers from 9-12:00, luncheon at Contact: 12:00 and speakers from 1-4:00 p.m. Leroy Bell or Conference speakers include P.W. Colbert, Jr., president of American ■ wmwm a com puterized Milt Hennick State Bank, Bloomington; Robert local billing /cre dit service 319-291-5412 D. Dye and Vickie Unangst, both vice presidents w ith Financial Shares Corporation, Chicago, and Lucille Stoffels, marketing officer, 315 East 5th St. • Waterloo, IA 50704 First Bank, Grand, St. Paul, and An important new profit center for your bank: National Bank of Waterloo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 chairwoman of the M B A-B M A 1983 Bank Marketing Conference. Registration fee is $60. For more information contact the Minnesota Bankers Association, 332 Baker Building, Minneapolis, Minn. 55402. Count on Ron K iel. For the best in ag overline, data process ing and cash management services, along with expert advice and guidance, call Security Correspondent Bank Officer Ron Kiel at 712/277-6554. B RO O K LYN PA R K : O.J. Spanier has been elected senior vice presi dent of the Brooklyn Park Bank. Mr. Spanier is a 1982 graduate of the Central States School of Bank ing in Wisconsin and has been with the bank since 1973. M IN N E A PO LIS: Metropolitan State Bank changed its name to M etro politan Bank, effective February 10. M IN N E A P O L IS : F&M Marquette National Bank w ill host its First An nual Correspondent Banking Con ference March 3-4 at the H yatt Re gency Hotel. Titled “ Capitalizing on the Changes,” the conference reg istration starts at 11:00 a.m., and the general session opens at 1:00 p.m. with a welcome from F&M President Carl Pohlad. Four speak ers w ill address the afternoon ses sion, with W illiam C. Rosacker, senior vice president, as moderator. Speakers and titles are: “ Outlook for Interest” —Charles Steindel, staff officer/senior do mestic economist, First Chicago Corp., Chicago; “ An Introductory Session on Financial Futures” —Jo seph Cole, associate economist, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York; “ A sset and L ia b ility Manageent” —Ms. M ary Lovejoy, assistant vice president, F irst Chicago; “ Stress Management” —Mrs. Karen Grote, The Training Co., Inc., St. Paul. Dinner and dance, from 7:30-11:00 p.m., w ill feature remarks by Mr. Pohlad, and music by The W olver ines, featuring big band dance music. On Friday, March 4, after a Con tinental breakfast, bankers may at tend one of three workshops. Each workshop will be repeated twice so guests may take in all three. They are: M ergers and Acquisitions, F N M A and Its Marketing Capaci ties, and Marketing and Incentives for Respondent Banks. A guest speaker will address the closing lun cheon, followed by closing remarks made by Mr. Rosacker. M IN N E A PO LIS : David G. Handy has joined First Bank Minneapolis as senior vice president and head of its national banking group. He also member of the bank’s policy and Digitized is foraFRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECURITY N A TIO N A L RANK Sioux City, Iowa 51101 Member EDI.C. planning committee. Mr. Handy has been with Continental Illinois Na tional Bank and Trust Company of Chicago since 1968, most recently as vice president and manager of its Minneapolis regional office. senior positions including lending, trust and corporate development. He is also currently a member of the board of directors. M O NTEVID EO : Kathleen Michaelson has been promoted to vice presi dent of First National Bank. Ms. Michaelson, who joined the bank in 1979, is responsible for computer operations, audit and compliance. She previously served as vice presi dent and managing officer of the State Bank of Boyd. FARGO: First Bank of North Da kota (N .A .)—Fargo has announced the promotion of Edwin W. Chalus to vice president and manager of the Southwest Branch, and John A. Bridgeford, Jr., to vice president in the commercial loan department. Named assistant vice presidents were: Gerald L. Regstad, personal banking; Steven G. Lovas, commer cial loans, and Mark A. Anderson, credit review. Illinois News Six banks in four Illinois cities recently signed final merger docu ments required for the creation of M idwest Financial Group, Inc., downstate’s largest bank holding company. The transaction unites Commercial National Bank, Pros pect National Bank and University National Bank, all in Peoria; Illinois National Bank of Springfield; First Trust and Savings Bank of Kanka kee, and First National Bank in Champaign. Each bank w ill con tinue to retain its own name and identity. The M FG executive committee will consist of: David E. Connor, Midwest Financial Group President; A.D . Van Meter Jr., president, Il linois National Bank of Springfield; W alter J. Charlton, chairman, First Trust and Savings Bank of Kanka kee, and W illiam C. Fox, chairman, First National Bank in Champaign. South Dakota News SIO U X F A LLS : Curtis W. Kuehn, senior vice president of The First National Bank, has been elected president and chief operating of ficer, succeeding W.S. Baker, who was elected chairman and continues as chief executive officer of the bank. Mr. Kuehn joined the bank in 1952 and served in a variety of North Dakota News Wyoming News SH E R ID A N : First W yom ing Bank, N.A., has announced the promotion of Bernard A. Spielman to vice president and Caren V. Smith to money manager. Mr. Spielman joined the bank in 1977 as instalment loan officer. Ms. Smith also joined in 1977 as instalment loan secretary. Officer Placements for Community Banks If you are seeking a quali fied officer for your bank .. . or an advancement for yourself, respond in con fidence to: Freeland Financial Service, Inc. 1032 Carriers Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515/282-6462 6 SUMMER IN THE ROCKIES FOR RENT: Deluxe 2 bedroom condo in Dillon Colorado by owner only $225 per week. Tennis court, pool, sauna and jacuzzi. Call: Treecondo Associates, 319/235-0439. POSITION AVAILABLE OFFICE MANAGER—two to four years loan experience necessary. Ag background and bank experience preferred. Excellent opportunity for self-starter. Send resume to Robert E. Chittenden, President, Farmers Savings Bank, Box 670, Mitchellville, Iowa 50169. (PA) SENIOR OPERATIONS OFFICER & CASHIER needed for $75 million bank in South Dakota. Position reports to President. Write file SBN, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) COMMERCIAL LENDER for $75 million independent bank in South Dakota college community. Will be member of senior management team. Write file SBO, c/o Northwest ern Banker. (PA) OPERATIONS OFFICER— Immediate opening as a cashier of $14 million southern Minnesota bank. 3-5 years bank operations experience necessary. Good background in ac counting, micro-computers, and farming are important. Reply to file SBR, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICERSThis new position w ill require an individual who w ill spend 70 percent time outside the bank. We are a $30 million bank in a rapidly growing area of Kansas City. Attractive salary. Send resume to file SBW, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) OFFICER to develop and direct personal banking depart ment. Qualified applicant will possess administrative ability, a broad knowledge of personal investment alter natives, consumer lending and community relations. Sal ary commensurate with experience. Write file SBV, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) AFFILIATED MIDWEST BANCS, IN C .-A progressive group of six banks is looking for a commercial loan officer for its bank In Nebraska City, Nebraska. Prefer 3-5 years commercial loan experience. Send resumes' to Paul H. Albrecht, President, Otoe County National Bank, P.O. Box 458, Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410. (PA) AG OFFICER—2-3 years experience with strong ag lend ing background. Northwest Iowa $55 million bank. Write file SBX, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) Progressive twenty million northwest Iowa independent bank has opening for EXPERIENCED OFFICER (2ND PER SON). Applicant must have five to seven years experience in agriculture and commercial loan background, along with operations. Salary compensated according to ex perience. Write file SBY, c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) BANK OFFICE MANAGER—Ag loan experience, in surance experience, or both desired. Member of Iowa multi-bank holding company. Excellent opportunity for ad vancement. Send resume to Raymond L Graalfs, Senior Vice President, State Bank and Trust, P.O. Box 68, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51502, or call at (712) 323-7521.___________(PA) Affiliated Midwest Bancs, Inc., a progressive group of six banks, is looking for an AGRICULTURAL LOAN OFFICER for its bank in Boone, Iowa. Prefer 3-5 years agricultural bank loan experience. Salary commensurate with ex perience. Send resumes c/o Robert Scott, president, Boone State Bank & Trust Co., P.O. Box 428, Boone, Iowa 50036. (PA) Ag Banking People Specialists Hire Better...Faster... Easier! Call without cost or obligation to find out who is available. Confidential. Employers have been paying us to find the people they need since 1968. Phone our banking specialist: Linda at 515/394-5827 or Jeannie at 515/263-9598 (If no answer 712/779-3567) I NATIONWIDE dan CAREERS, INC. mJ THE ORIGINAL AGRICULTURAL RECRUITER New Hampton, IA 50659 or Massena, IA 50853 Mr. Banker: It’s Our Business To Help Your Retailer’s Business! Generate Instant Cash From Inventory We are specialists in: •Instant Cash Raising Sales •Inventory Reduction Sales •Going Out of Business Sales •Store Management Consulting •Profitability Research •All Types of Special Promotions CAPITAL PROMOTIONAL SERVICES F.O. DAVIS & ASSOCIATES 1105 State St. Tama, IA 52339 515/484-2479 FOR SALE 3 window solid walnut teller counter, w ith marble deal plates, com pletely wired, 6 ' side counter, and connecting gateway. Excellent condition. Available 2-15-83. Contact Alan B. Fender, Valley National Bank, Hamburg, la. 51640. Phone (712) 382-1212. (FS) NCR COMPLETE SYSTEM. NCR 279-300 on-line teller machines, w ith 751 concentrators, 796-301 CRT’s, cables and J-boxes. W ILL SELL AS PACKAGE OR INDIVIDUALLY. Call J. Van Dyke, Banc National, 512/250-0794. (FS) NCR SORTER. Model 6770. (14) pocket. 1200 dpm. Available Mid-March. W ill sell for $60,000 or best offer. Under continuous maintenance. Call now. 512/250-0794. (FS) PITNEY BOWES mailing machine and scale. $1500 or best reasonable offer. Call Jody 512/250-0794. (FS) SKI TH E S U M M IT! Call me Toll Free to discuss our 1983 Building Plans. DWAYNE SMITH Phone 1-800/922-2590 Paradise Properties, Box S Dillon, CO 80435 WANT TO BUY Individual wants to acquire Iowa or Nebraska bank. Con ta ct Mike Keim at Thurman State Bank, Iowa, or phone 402/397-5161. Replies held in confidence. (WTB) POSITIONS AVAILABLE All positions are in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas or Oklahoma Head of Lending and Country Bank $30,000 #2 Man, head of commercial loans in $70mm + bank $45,000 Chief Financial Officer for large holding company To $60,000 Commercial Vice President, métro area $48,000+ bonus President, new charter, small town $35,000 + car Ag Lender/Vice President, $50mm bank $30,000 President, $20mm rural bank $32,500 + car President, $15mm bank, smali town near city $35,000+ bonus Auditor, $25mm bank, small town near city $18,000 President, $8mm bank, smal I town $35,000 to $40,000 Positions available change as more openings become avail able or as positions are filled. If you are interested in making an advancement or change in your present situation, as a candidate registered w ith me, you w ill be informed as posi tions come available that would appeal to you based on what YOU want in a bank, in salary, in location, and in size of town or city. I do not reveal your name to a client bank un til you are interested in interviewing. Eighteen years of banking service as President of both rural and m etropolitan banks enables me to find the right bank ing environment for you. Phone or send resume to: Don W. Schooler, 901 A. West Jackson, Ozark, Missouri 65721. Phone (417) 485-6020. D O N -ficH O O LE R In AND (pjiMP/ ASSO CIATES "Successful Banking is Quality Personner FOR SALE OR ASSUME LEASE NCR 9020 Banker 80 Software 4 - 7900 CRT’s 1 - 6420 Band Printer Contact: Treasure State Bank Box 511 Glasgow, MT 50320 Phone 406/228-4364 (FSorL) FOR LEASE PORTABLE DRIVE-UP UNIT—8 ' x 12', complete. Good airconditioning and heat. Available now. Contact Drommer Leasing, 401 Queens Court, Sioux City, Iowa 51104. Phone 712/239-2315. (FL) SERVING PROFESSIONALLY EXECUTIVE BANK RECRUITING Banking, Financial & Business Personnel Iowa and Nationwide We’ll prove that we’re the right search firm fo r you ... Time and tim e again. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE R.EB. & Associates Executive Search Consultants 13425 A. S t, Omaha, Nebraska 68144 Phone: 402/333-8248 or 333-6604 714 U.C.B. Building, 515-283-2545 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Estate Appraisals Purchase of Collections Sale of Rare Coins R e lia b le and respected service fo r over 20 years U se d b y b an k ers th rough out the m idwest Ben E. Marlenee Coins 913 L o c u s t D e s M o in e s , Io w a 50309 515-243-8064 CEO—$50MM com m unity bank. A dm inistrative ex perience and solid commercial lending background re quired. $50,000 PRESIDENT—ag oriented bank close to large metro area. Prefer ag related degree and minimum ten years banking. $35,000 PRESIDENT—small com m unity bank located in county seat of 5,000 population. Business development and prov en commercial lending experience needed. $40,000 COMMERCIAL LOAN— large suburban bank w ith superior growth and earnings record. Minimum seven years com mercial lending experience. $40,000 OPERATIONS— medium size urban bank seeks operations manager fo r transit/proof, bookkeeping, custom er service depts. $30,000 AGRI LOAN—senior office r for large rural bank. Handle lending, farm management and marketing duties. $35,000 Your inquiry w ill be held in confidence. Forward resume' and salary history to: TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES of Kansas City 2024 S w ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 11 No. 44 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $18.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mail subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts, mail items to above address. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis