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FEBRUARY 1981 ¿5 Most important service offered by correspondent Check C earance - 87% I ¡ H H ■ h h How do you rate your present correspondent service P M H Exceller t and Gc od - 92. r % • Will new Fed regulations affect your correspon dent relationships Will correspondent banks outweigh Fed in importance to you No - 86% m Yes - (I4% w Ê È tM Ê Ê Ê Ê IÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê W — J 10% 20% 30% 40% Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê È Ê Ê Ê Ê tÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê ■ ■ ■ 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%| 1981 Correspondent Bank Survey • IBAA Meets in Las Vegas, March 22-26 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WMM Wj:W WS'S^» $ m km m m ® 0 $ W Hm m m i* ? IIS IS Ä i -tJm .2 j*. ■ ■ ^ ■ j g p ll H n a n i n n ^8^wssrSsfsi§* ^ fe lÄ Ä IS I rg'if^iv äÄ.if'^V« a W » tÄ » p # C a Ig tfu M «B SgÄ W ^ S iiitp g tp Ä ii« ^ « Ä » l I ^ J J W s& m m m l P l i M P l Wl4«*» .*W4W» 0 & ■ ¡■ l .SS; *fjsvrtvPitVr.«Ä J?»X*y.' '¡«¡ÄSSl* m m m m m wm m m 1 P M S M M , 0, ,m i Ä Ä i ^ Ä M l S Ä Ä Ä I Ä Ä I Ä Ä ^ ”” 8 M ^0 ^0 m i-i?.M V•*,*,':> l a^KSH '“•'* v',-.-'*./ ■;) i-. - .^ r ’.tir-ii rv,.*,'vi•.,*«!V"■ ~ •>«¿flE&ÜSB "Providing our customers w ith qual ity service demands more from us than simply a surface response. We go deeper. Take overline and liquidity loans, for example. "At MNB, we act decisively on all overline loan requests. But first, our qualified experienced loan specialists study the situation and apply fresh, innovative thinking in tailoring a loan package to your bank and your bor rower's individual needs." An opportunity to serve. "We believe a loan request is an op portunity to serve — not only the bor rower but the respondent bank and the community it serves. So, the close working relationship we create and m aintain w ith each of our respondent banks and their overline customers assures continued growth, stability and quality in their loan portfolios and ours." If quality service is im portant to you, too, call 319/398-4320, or call, toll free, 1-800-332-5991 and talk to Jerry or MNB Correspondent Banker John E. Mangold, Stan R. Farmer, Terry M. Martin or Dale C. Froehlich. Merchants National Bank i :i Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member F.D.I.C. A BANKS OF IOWA BANK WE'RE COUNTING ON ARNIE RUCHHOLZ RECAUSE YOU'RE COUNTING ON RRANDT, INC. A lo t o f people are counting on us. T h a t ’s w h y w e ’ve m a d e a n o th e r $ 1 .5 m illio n c o m m itm e n t t o m anufacturing systems, research and developm ent, and q u a lity control. Today, if a p a rt doesn’t m atch th e p rin t, i t ’s rejected. Period. When a B randt p ro du ct comes o ff th e production line we w a n t i t to fu nctio n like a Swiss w atch. T h a t’s where Arnie Buchholz comes in. A fte r 5 4 years and 7 0 patents, Arnie has earned a re p u ta tio n as a craftsm an o f m oney handling equipm ent. If our sophisticated e qu ip m en t doesn’t s p o t a q u a lity problem , Arnie w ill. Skilled craftsm an. M odem technology. W e’re dedicated to th e best of b oth w orlds. Because, when i t comes rig h t dow n to it, a lo t o f im p o rta n t people are counting on us. Brandt: Brandt, Inc. W atertown, Wl 53094 Above: Assistant V.P. Engineering Arnie Buchholz inspects parts using an optical comparator. Inset: Production standards are monitored with up to 86 quality checks. Brandt® Cashier® Countess® everyone counts on us Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTHWESTERN FEBRUARY 1981 • 88th Year • No. 1409 OLDEST FINANCIAL JOURNAL SERVING THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN STATES MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION • MEMBER BANK MARKETING ASSOCIATION ON THE COVER EXCLUSIVE SURVEY 23 1981 Correspondent bank survey Community bankers relate their preferences for services rendered by city correspondent banks, cite their reasons for choosing their present correspondents, and state strongly their preference for the correspondent bank system over service offered by the Federal Reserve Banks. This in-depth report is the latest in a series of exclusive Northwestern Banker Correspondent Bank Surveys that began more than 55 years ago. OTHER FEATURES 19 Loan support for Stock Yards Drovers Bank of Chicago commits $5 million for historic area 20 First of Chicago restructures Chairman Barry Sullivan emphasizes customer relationships 30 I BAA convention program Independent bankers to meet in Las Vegas, March 22-26 DEPARTMENTS 6 8 14 33 34 39 50 51 53 Calendar Bank Promotions Corporate News Illinois Minnesota Twin Cities South Dakota North Dakota Montana 54 56 62 64 65 69 69 84 88 Nebraska Omaha Lincoln Wyoming Colorado Iowa Super Marketing Conference program Des Moines Index of Advertisers NORTHWESTERN BANKER 30615th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone (515) 244-8163 Publisher Editor Business Manager Malcolm K. Freeland Ben Haller, Jr. Mike Freeland Auditor Field Representative Field Representative Debbie Hlbbert Glen Hicks Paul Masters No. 1409Northwestern Banker (USPS 397-620) is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription $1.00 per copy, $12 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines and at additional mailing office. Address all mail (subscriptions, change of address Form 3579, manuscripts, mail items) to above address. ' Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “LOOK, M A, NO DENTIST BILL!” No charges fo r dental checkups by employees and their families. That’s ju s t one reason for the popularity of the Dental Assistance Plan offered exclusively by Manufacturers Hanover to correspondent banks of all sizes. The MHT Plan provides a new and continuing source of employee goodwill. By paying all “ reasonable and customary” costs for preventive services and a goodly portion of the costs for most dental procedures, employees are relieved of the anxiety over large dental bills. By forming one large group of employees from many banks, MHT is able to provide this popular coverage to participating banks at a truly reasonable cost. Every dollar you contribute is tax deductible. No tying up of your Personnel Depart ment, either, since claims— handled prom ptly Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and efficiently— are filed directly by the employee or the dentist w ith our insurance carrier. MHT has long been the innovator in employee benefit plans for correspondents— group life, group major medical, long-term income protection, retirement. So i t ’s not surprising th a t we should come up w ith group dental, the “ fringe” th a t nearly all employees can put to use. For more information regarding MHT’s Dental Assistance Plan, w rite to Charles R. Burrows at the address below. Or call him at (212) 350-3359. And put teeth in your employee benefit program. MANUFACTURERS HANOVER America’s premier correspondent bank National Division, 350 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 Mp ^ £ 6 C on ven tion C alendar ABA— American Bankers Association AIB—American Institute of Banking BAI— Bank Administration Institute BMA— Bank Marketing Association IBAA— Independent Bankers Association of America NABW— National Association of Bank Women, Inc. RM A— Robert Morris Associates National Conventions & Schools Feb. 15-18—ABA Annual Community Bank Executive Conference, Hyatt Regency, Phoenix, Ari. Feb. 18-20— ABA Corporate/Commercial Marketing Conference, Fairmont Hotel. Dallas, Tex. Mar. 1-4—ABA Salary Administration Workshop, Stouffers Denver Inn, Denver, Col. Mar. 3-5— ABA Risk & Insurance Manage ment in Banking Seminar, Sheraton, San Diego, Cal. Mar. 6 -8 — RMA Financial Statem ent Analysis, Denver. Mar. 8-11— RMA Commercial Loan Docu mentation, Denver. Mar. 8-11— ABA Bankers Education & Training Forum, Galleria, Houston, Tex. Mar. 15-18—ABA National Compliance Conference, Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Tex. Mar. 15-18— BMA Community Bank CEO Seminar, San Diego, Cal. Mar. 22-24—ABA National Credit Confer ence, Chicago Marriott. Mar. 22-25— ABA National Instalment Credit Conference, Los Angeles Bonaventure. Mar. 22-26— IBAA 51 st Annual Convention, Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, Nev. Mar. 26-27— RMA Loan Portfolio Manage ment, San Diego. Mar. 29-Apr. 4— ABA Business of Banking School, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind. Mar. 29-Apr. 2— BAI Bank Auditors’ Conference, Loews Anatole, Dallas, Tex. Apr. 12-17—ABA Management Seminar on Retail Banking, Vero Beach, Fla. Apr. 22-24— BAI 2nd Annual Accounting & Finance Conference, Chicago Marriott, Chicago. Apr. 27-28— RMA Branch Bank Loan Administration, Columbus, Ohio. May 18-20— BAI 4th Annual Bank Tax Conference, Hyatt Regency/Crown Cen ter, Kansas City, Mo. May 20-22—Association of Bank Holding Com panies, 23rd Annual M eeting, Waldorf Astoria, New York, N.Y. June 8 -9 — RMA Branch Bank Loan Administration, Boston. July 25-Aug. 7— BAI School for Bank Administration, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wise. Aug. 9-14—Central States Conference, Graduate School of Banking Post graduate Course, Univ. of Wise.-Madi son, Madison, Wise. Aug. 9-22—Central States Conference, Graduate School of Banking, Univ. of Wise.-Madison, Madison, Wise. Sept. 13-16— ABA National Personnel Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Conference, Loews Anatole, Dallas, Tex. Sept. 13-16— BMA 66th Annual Conven tion, Washington, D.C. Sept. 27-30— National Association of Bank Women’s annual convention, Hyatt Re gency, Chicago. Oct. 3-7— ABA Annual Convention, San Francisco, Cal. Oct. 18-21— BMA Commercial Marketing Conference, Boston, Mass. Oct. 28-30— BMA Marketing in a Communi ty Bank Seminar, Dallas, Tex. Nov. 8-11— ABA National Agricultural Bankers Conference, Sheraton Washing ton, Washington, D.C. Nov. 15-18— ABA National Correspondent Banking Conference, Hyatt Regency Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. State Conventions & Schools Colorado: Feb. 15-18—CBA Consumer Credit Confer ence, Broadmoor H otel, Colorado Springs, Col. Mar. 8-10— CBA Agricultural Credit Conference, Broadmoor H otel, Colorado Springs, Col. June3-6— CBA Annual Convention, Broad moor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Col. Illinois: Feb. 25-26— IBA Marketing & Public Relations Conference, Holiday Inn-East, Springfield. Mar. 4-6— AMBI Consumer Credit Confer ence, Marriott Hotel, Chicago. May 25-June 6— IBA Illinois Bankers School, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, III. June 7 -1 3 — IBA A gricultural Lending School, Illinois State University, Normal, III. June 10-13— IBA Advanced Agricultural Lending Clinic, Illinois State Univ., Normal, III. June 14-16— IBA Annual Convention, Chicago Marriott Hotel, Chicago. June 21-27— IBA Commercial Lending School, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. Sept. 16-17 — IBA A gricultural Credit Conference, Ramada Inn, Champaign, III. Iowa: Feb. 13-14— IBA Group 1 Meeting, Sioux City. Feb. 15-16— IBA Group 11 Meeting, Burlington. July 16-18— Iowa Independent Bankers 10th Annual Convention, Lake Okoboji. Minnesota: Feb. 18-19— MBA Senior Management Conference, RadissonSt. Paul Hotel, St. Paul. June 15-16— MBA Annual Convention, Radison South, Bloomington, Minn. Montana: June 24-26— MBA Annual Convention, Big Sky of Montana, Big Sky, Mont. Nebraska: Feb. 19-24— NBA Bank Presidents Confer- ence, Orlando, Fla. Mar. 19-20— NBA Agricultural O utlooks Conference, Holiday Inn, Kearney. May 7-9— NBA Annual convention, Lin coln. North Dakota: Apr. 7-8— NDBA Consumer Credit Confer-^ enee, Ramada Inn, Jamestown, N.D. ™ Apr. 21-24— NDBA Teller/Staff Confèr ences, N.D. May 17-19— NDBA 96th Annual Conven tion, Holiday Inn, Fargo, N.D. South Dakota: 4® May 11-12— SDBA Annual Convention, Downtown Holiday Inn, Sioux Falls, S.D. Wyoming: June 10-12—WBA Annual Convention, Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran, Wyo. (|) Fed’s Gross Earnings Climb 24% in 1980 # Preliminary figures indicate that gross earnings of the Federal Reserve Banks amounted to $12,802 million during 1980, a 24.2% increase from a year earlier. Current expenses for thi# 12 Reserve Banks and their branches totaled $791 million—14.1 % above a year earlier. Assessment for expenditures of the Board of Governors amounted to $62® million. There was a net deduction in the profit and loss account of $115 million, resulting primarily from a net loss of $199 million on sales of U.S. Government securities and a n e # profit of $96 million on foreign exchange operations. Net earnings before payments to the Treasury totaled $11,834 million. Payments to the Treasury as interes# on Federal Reserve notes amounted to $11,707 million; statutory divid ends to member banks, $70 million; and additions to Reserve Bank surplus, $57 million. • Under the policy adopted by the Board of Governors at the end of 1964, all net earnings after the statutory dividend to member banks and additions to surplus to bring it t(P the level of paid-in capital were paid to the U.S. Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes. Compared with 1979, gross earnings were up $2,492 million, du® mainly to an increase of $2,407 million on U.S. Government securi ties. Earnings of the Federal Reserves System are derived primarily frorrF interest accrued on U.S. Government securities that the Federal Reserve has acquired through Open Market Operations, one of the tools oU monetary policy. 7 A recent national study shows that people who ask for travelers cheques by name ask for American Express at least 9 times more often than they ask for BankAmerica? So if you’re not selling American Express, you’re disappointing an awful lot of customers. American ExpressTravelers Cheques *Reliable at the 95% confidence level. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 8 Bank P ro m o tio n s ROMOTIONS and other chang P es have been announced by the following banks: the only place you can hold your meeting for $54.95 per person/per day M cCorm ick Inn, Chi cago’s finest business hotel, has a new corpo rate meeting program that gives you deluxe double room, meeting room , three superb meals; either catered or in our “ Steak House” , 2 coffee breaks, all taxes and tips for only $54.95 per person/per day. Can you afford not to call or write for more information? Talk To Our Corporate Sales Manager. For Reservations 23rd and Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, Illinois 60616 CALL COLLECT (312) 791-4900 Member of Convention Associates International DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis American National Bank and Trust Company, Chicago: William J. Huck, 55, has been elected a senior vice presi dent and will continue as direc tor of personnel. Mr. Huck joined the bank in 1973 f o llo w in g 20 years of experi ence in industry W.J. HUCK and education. Following graduation from Mar quette University, Milwaukee, he worked with Abbott Laboratories, Uniroyal Inc. and as an elementary school principal. Three officers at American Nation al have been named vice presidents: John L. Losquadro, 35, and Joseph P. Walker, 41, in the commercial banking department, and J. Michael Whelan, 41, in the trust department. Promoted to second vice presidents are: F. Amyre Coleman, manager of compensation and benefits; William R. Grady, manager of item entry processing; Kathlyne E. Irvine, group head of retail banking, and Robert J. Rogoz, commercial bank ing department at the Elk Grove business service office. Continental Bank, Chicago: A number of promotions were an nounced in recent weeks. New vice presidents are: Donald C. Antikauskas, bond and treasury services department; Ibrahim M. Ibrahim and Charles C. Eby, international banking services de partment, and Thomas M. Cleary and Richard J. Jurgovan, trust and investment services department. New second vice presidents are: John E. Górecki and Frank A. Goss III, bond and treasury services department; Dorothy Osborn Wal ton, international banking services department; James L. Barrett, Averill C. Colby III, John E. Houlihan, John C. Mull, Jr., and Kenneth G. Neeley, trust and investm ent services departm ent; John F. Balevic, Nancy Miller, B ernadette L. P etrauskas andH> Michael A. Smith, financial services department. Drovers Bank of Chicago: Max A. Roy has been advanced from vice president to senior vice president, Correspondent bank department. Two additional promotions in theft department include Kathleen T. Hardy, to assistant vice president, M. ROY K. HARDY and Bruce W. Taylor, to correspond dent banking officer. Mr. Roy joined the bank in May, 1979 after serving 19 years with LaSalle National Bank, Chicago. A graduate of Iowa State University, he started his career with Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., and later spent five years with Iowa-Des Moines National Bank. . Mrs. Hardy joined Drovers in December 1978 after seven years with the correspondent department at LaSalle National Bank. Mr. Taylor started his career witlw Main Bank in Chicago following™ graduation from Babson College. He joined Drovers in July, 1979. Other promotions announced in clude: Victor R. Komasinski, to vic< president and senior auditor; Michae Wozek, to vice president; Dennis E. Laria, to vice president; Nancy Szkodzinski, to auditor; James Corkery, to loan officer; Bfirry E j Sloat, to trust officer; Edna Coffey, to operations officer, and Phyllis Sowinski, to operations officer. The bank also announced the retirement last month of Robert S.< Ruwitch, vice president and head of the general merchandising lending division in the commercial banking services department. Mr. Ruwitch retired December 31 after more than* 20 years of service. 9 A recent national study shows that people who ask for travelers cheques by name ask for American Express at least 9 times more often than they ask for Citicorp? So if you’re not selling American Express, you’re disappointing an awful lot of customers. «MEBICÄNI ■EXPRESS American Express Travelers Cheques Reliable at the 95% confidence level. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 10 First National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix: F. Harlan Loffman has been named vice presi dent and trust officer in charge of trust and es tate administra tion, it was an nounced by Ed ward M. Carson, p re s id e n t and chief executive officer. He will be responsible tor the operation and future development of branch trust offices currently located in Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Scottsdale and Sun City. Mr. Loffman, who began his career in trust work with The First in 1969, returns to the bank following two years in private law practice. Mr. Haseltine most recently has been vice president/section head of Morgan Guaranty Trust Company’s international money management group. Since 1977 he has managed all of the New York bank’s treasury consulting activities, including mar keting this service to senior executives of multinational compan ies. Previously, he had been general manager for the bank’s operations in Germany. He joined Morgan Guar anty in 1964 after receiving BA and MBA degrees from Drury College and George Washington University. He also has an MBA degree from the European Institute of Business Administration in Fontainebleau, France. First National Bank in St. Louis: Allan G. Curtis has been elected a vice president in the metro division. First National Bank of Chicago: In addition, four were advanced to Two new key senior posts have been assistant vice president: Larry K. filled, it was announced recently by Allin and Gordon K. Love, data Barry F. Sullivan, chairman and processing; Charles M. S tout, commercial banking, and Mildred B. chief executive officer. Leo Mullin, 37, joined the bank in Yahl, personal banking. mid-January as senior vice president First National Charter Corpora tion, Kansas City: Michael W. Gegen joined the holding company last month as vice president and loan coordinator. He had been president of the First National Bank of Liberty, Mo., since 1977. Prior to that, he was with Charter’s largest affiliate, First National Bank of Kansas City, for 10 years. First National Bank of Kansas L. MULLIN J. HASELTINE City announced seven officer promo and department head-corporate plan tions and the election of two officers. ning, and will report directly to the Promoted to vice president were chairman. John Haseltine, 41, will become a senior vice president and directorinstitutional relations. He will report to James A. Cassin, executive vice president and head of the worldwide banking department. Mr. Mullin has been senior vice president, planning, control and information systems for Conrail in Philadelphia, where he supervised more than 1,000 people involved in corporate planning, capital budget ing, costing and performance anal ysis, financial reporting, information systems and operating budgeting. At First National, he will be responsible for developing corporate strategies as well as assisting managers of business units in maximizing their future growth and profitability. He received his BS, MS and MBA S.E. POHLE J.K. SHINEMAN degrees from Harvard University. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Donald O. Borgman, farm manage ment program; JenniferD. Nicholsoi# 1 and Steven E. Pohle, personal trust section, and James K. Shineman, corporate trust division. N. Elaine Crider was advanced to assistant vice president. • William T. Marks and Barbara A. Romines were promoted to trust officers and James H. Conley and Julia B. Femerwere elected assistant^ trust officers. ^ Harris Bank, Chicago: Edmund A. Schroer, chairman, president an # chief executive officer of Northern Indiana Public Service Company, Hammond, has been elected a director of Harris Bankcorp, Inc., and its subsidiary, Harris Trust a n # Savings Bank. David S. Finch, senior vice president, has been named head of the Harris Bank trust department. He replaces F. Wendell Gooch# executive vice president, who re signed effective February 1 to pursue a second career as owner and publisher of The Paoli News-Repub lican, Paoli, Inc., a company w hic# publishes two weekly newspapers in Orange County, Ind. Mr. Gooch, 48, joined Harris in 1955 and has headed the trust department for the past three years. Mr. Finch, 39, firs® joined Harris Bank in 1967 as a trainee. He left the bank in 1970 for the agribusiness field, then rejoined Harris bank in 1973 in the tru st division. ® The election of seven senior vice presidents also has been announced at Harris Bank. In the trust department they include: Joan M^. B aratta, Edw ard B. Dillmann, Thomas F. Jones, Jr., and Victor M. Woldridge. Mrs. Baratta, the first woman to be named senior vice president among Chicago’s fouj| largest banks, is group executive or personal trust, of which Mr. Jones also is a member. Mr. Dillmann and Mr. Woldridge direct, respectively, the institutional equity and corporate trust and operations groups. Dennis E. LeJeune was named senior vice president and heads the investm ent departm ent-treasury office. a Edward W. Lyman and Edward J. Williams also were named senior vice presidents. Mr. Lyman is group executive in the metropolitan bank ing department. Mr. Williams head|| the consumer banking group. 11 A recent national study shows that people who ask for travelers cheques by name ask for American Express at least 11 times more often than they ask for Barclays* So if you’re not selling American Express, you’re disappointing an awful lot of customers. American Express Travelers Cheques *Reliable at the 95% confidence level. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 12 N ational Boulevard Bank of Chicago: James J. Doyle, executive vice president and a director of International Harvester Company, was elected to the bank’s board of directors last month, according to Henry K. Gardner, president. He succeeds Robert H. Burnside, International Harvester executive who was on the board since 1967 and retired recently. Mr. Gardner also announced the election of George J. Butvilas as a senior vice presi dent. Mr. But vilas will head the bank’s opera tio n s d e p a r t ment. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at An napolis with a BS degree in engin i É à j k G.J. BUTVILAS eering, Mr. But vilas also received his MBA degree from Illinois Institute of Technology, where he had completed courses toward a PhD. Prior to joining National Boule vard, Mr. Butvilas was vice president at American National Bank of Chicago, where he concurrently held the title of president of Tel-A-Data Corporation, a wholly owned subsidi ary of that bank, providing data processing services to more than 45 savings and loans in the Chicago area. Salt Lake City. He has been with the bank since 1968. ® Mr. Persons received a BS degree from Brigham Young University in 1967 and an MBA from the University of Utah in 1968. _ Northern Trust Company, Chica go: Promoted to senior vice presidents in the banking depart m ent re c e n tly were Craig W . Schopf, William S. Trukenbrod and Harry B. Wilson. W illiam B. Doepke and Har old J. Wiadick, C.W .SCHO PF Jr., were promo- Northern Trust Reports Net Income Up 17.9% Northern Trust Corporation, par ent holding company of The Norther ® Trust Company, Chicago, reported prelim inary unaudited operating results for the year ended December 31, 1980. Income before security transactions totaled a recorcr $33,091,000 or $6.89 per share for the year, a 9% increase from the $30,357,000 or $6.32 per share earned in 1979. Net income, after reflecting^ security losses of $1,848,000, totalecr $31,243,000 or $6.51 per share, compared with $26,497,000 or $5.52 per share for 1979, a 17.9% increase. E. Norman Staub, chairman ancL. chief executive officer, stated that et strong increase in net interest income was the most important factor contributing to the higher earnings for the year. Net interest incom ^ stated on a fully taxable equivalent basis totaled $145,671,000, up 13% from the $128,586,000 reported in 1979. This record performance was the result of an 8% increase in» average earning assets combinea with an improved net interest margin of 3.29% , compared with 3.15% last year. Total loans averaged 14% highei|) than in 1979 and reached a new high of $2.9 billion at year-end. The provision for loan losses charged to earnings was $4,000,000, compared with net charge-offs o^) $2 ,668,000, bringing the reserve for loan losses to $27,477,000. Trust fees reached a record $48,844,000, a 16% increase from a year ago. Highly volatile interest(|| rates throughout 1980 contributed to lower bond trading profits which were $1,381,000 compared with $4,106,000 in 1979. Other income increased during the year, reflecting higher® foreign exchange profits and increas es in domestic and international banking fees. Operating expenses were up 17 % from a year ago due to the impact of inflation and increased® staff to service a greater volume of business. Total assets of the Corporation reached a record level of $5.8 billion at year-end, and for the year averaged! $5.6 billion, 10% higher than in 1979. I SINGLE INTEREST INSURANCE For Installm ent Loans B L A N K E T S IN G L E IN T E R E S T IN D IV ID U A L S IN G L E IN T E R E S T P R O G R A M S • A u to m a te d • M anual J V PROTECT YOUR LOANS AGAINST THO SE PHYSICAL DAMAGE LOSSES. CONTACT US ABOUT A PROGRAM FOR YOUR BANK. call or write: T K 7 G.D. VAN WAGENEN CO. 1678 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 333-2261 V __________ Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J W.S. TRUKENBROD H.B. WILSON ted to vice president in the banking department. Riley J. Morgan was named a vice president in the bond department. Other new vice presi dents are: Sue A. Rageas and Charles E.B. Jessopp in the corporate communications department; Fried rich Burian at the bank’s London branch, and Naran J. Patel in the international services division. Robert A. Bailey, Barbara E. Lundberg, Rosemary A. Martin and James M. Snyder were elected vice presidents in the trust department. Sheila A. Penrose was elected vice president and economist in the economic research department. Zions First National Bank, Orem: Rich Persons has been appointed executive vice president and a director. Prior to th is a p p o in t ment, Mr. Per sons was assis tant vice presi dent of Zions Bank’s Universi ty Branch in Provo and opera tions officer at R- PERSONS the Zions Bank First South office in 13 Sixteen one. A recent national study shows that people who ask for travelers cheques by name ask for American Express at least 16 times more often than they ask for Visa? So if you’re not selling American Express, you’re disappointing an awful lot of customers. American Express Travelers Cheques *Reliable at the 95% confidence level. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 14 r Minneapolis: Michael Wanchena and—. Andrew S. Duff have joined thew public finance department of this Minneapolis-based investment firm. Previously, Mr. Wanchena was a Orlando, Fla.: William C. Pollard has registered representative with Offer- q man & Co., Inc., in St. Louis Park for been promoted to three years. senior vice presi dent of finance. Mr. Pollard join Travelers Express Company, Inc., ed the company Minneapolis: The board of directors® in September, has elected Donald D. Dix as vice 1979. Prior to president for region administration joining the com and has elected Dennis C. Feit as pany, he received controller. — his MBA degree Mr. Dix joined Travelers Express® from Memphis as a Florida area supervisor in 1966. S ta te U n iv erW C’ P0LLARD After extensive field service, he was sity. named product manager for official checks and assigned to the homeLeFebure, Cedar Rapids, la.: office in 1980. Mr. Feit joined the company as a Robert W. Kappmeyer has joined the staff accountant in 1967 and became firm as manager chief accountant in 1978. of product plan Travelers Express, a Greyhound^ n in g , s u r v e il subsidiary, is one of the largest** lance and alarm money order issuers and credit union systems. A grad share draft processors in the United uate of Coe Col States. It also provides financial lege in Cedar institutions with official checks,^ R a p i d s , M r. clearing services for NOWs and is Kappmeyer has actively engaged in the nation’s extensive exper developing electronic payment sys ience in electron ics systems deR. KAPPMEYER tems. velopment and m arketing. At <| Walter E. Heller & Co., Chicago: Grumman Aircraft he was a systems engineer and a member of the lunar Maynard I. Wishner, president, has module launch team for the Apollo announced the appointments of Space Program. For the past 11 years Thomas L. Henderson and Gary he has been associated with Mrazsko as senior vice president of^ Rockwell-Collins in various aspects the company. Mr. Henderson will be senior vice of engineering and marketing for communications equipm ent and president of the central factoring division, with added responsibilities voice security products. as senior vice president of the central® North Central Life Insurance credit services division. Mr. Hender Company, St. Paul, Minn.: Bruce A. son, 40, moves up from vice Glewwe, formerly credit insurance president, central factoring division, regional vice president for the a position he has held since 1975. He southeastern United States, has been began his Heller career in 1965 in the® named regional vice president for Chicago office. Mr. Mrazsko is senior vice Minnesota, Iowa, North and South D akota. His appointm ent was president of the central commercial announced by Walter A. Griffin, finance division. Mr. Mrazsko, 32, senior vice president and sales steps up from vice president and® general manager of the division, director. Mr. Glewwe will be responsible for which serves 16 states out of offices in all credit insurance sales through Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Detroit, financial institutions in his region Kansas City and Minneapolis. He and will assist Roger Pulkrabek, retains his responsibilities as general® national sales manager, in developing manager. He joined Heller in 1972, business in other areas of the then in 1974 was named assistant vice country. He joined North Central president in charge of the Denver asset-based financing operation Life in June, 1973. serving Colorado, Wyoming . and® Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Inc., Nebraska. C orporate V ROMOTIONS and other an P nouncements have been made by the following firms: Diebold, Incorporated, Canton, Ohio: Three new appointments have been announced by the company. The appoint ment of Timothy A. Reed to vice p re s id e n t and director of infor mation systems was announced by H arry E. Parr, Jr., vice president of fi- S. FRONZAGLIA W.R. AITKEN nance and treasurer of the firm. Mr. Reed is responsible for management of the information systems, data center and telecommunications. He has been with Diebold since October, 1977. William R. Aitken was appointed director of customer development systems by Frank G. D’Angelo, vice president of bank/systems division. Mr. A itken is responsible for customer software production and software quality assurance, which supports the TABS (Total Automatic Banking Systems) line. He joined Diebold in June, 1979, from Burroughs Corporation in New York. Stanley Fronzaglia has been named manager of ABS operations by Robert Barone, vice president and general manager of the Automatic Banking Systems Group. In this new position, Mr. Fronzaglia will be responsible for coordinating and managing all of the financial and operational areas of the TABS business. He has been with Diebold since July, 1978, and prior to that was an Army officer stationed at Ohio University ROTC office. Florida Computer Services, Inc., Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 A recent national study shows that people who ask for travelers cheques by name ask for American Express at least 16 times more often than they ask for Thomas Cookf So if you’re not selling American Express, you’re disap pointing an awful lot of customers. American Express Travelers Cheques *Reliable at the 95% confidence level. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 16 Daktronics Presents Booster Awards Warren Williamson (2nd from left) and John Beatty (3rd from left), recipients of the 1980 Daktronics Booster Award, are shown with Aelred Kurtenbach (left) and Duane Sander (right), founders of the manufacturing firm. WO residents of Brookings, T S.D., are recipients of the 1980 Daktronics Booster Award, made annually to individuals who have contributed to the grow th of Daktronics, Inc., located in Brook ings. They are John Beatty and W arren W illiamson, who were presented the awards by Aelred Kurtenbach, president, and Duane Sander, a co-founder of the firm. Mr. Beatty, a long-time member of the Brookings Industrial Develop ment Committee, initially encour aged Mr. Kurtenbach, then a member of the electrical engineering depart ment at South D akota S tate University in Brookings, to start an industry in that city in the spring of 1965. This encouragem ent was continued until December 9, 1968, when Daktronics was formed and opened by Mr. Kurtenbach and Duane Sander, also a professor in engineering at the university. Mr. Williamson has been acquain ted with the Kurtenbach family since a recruiting trip to the family farm in 1956. Frank Kurtenbach, standard scoreboard manager at Daktronics, wrestled under Coach Williamson at SDSU from 1957-1961. Mr. William son was instrumented in Daktronics entering the scoreboard business. He encouraged design of the scoreboard suited for wrestling during the early days of Daktronics’ history. After that floor level scoreboard was ALL MAJOR basketball and hockey scoreboards manufactured by Daktronics, Inc., Brookings, S.D., are now listed by Electronic Testing Laboratory of Cortland, N.Y., a nationally recognized independent safety testing laboratory. Jim Morgan, Daktronics v.p., states that the Daktronics “All Sport” indoor scoreboard has met ETL specifications for safety in wiring types, resistance, insulation and access to line electrical parts. Listed scoreboards are available from stock for immediate shipment. Daktronics is also a premier manufacturer of electronic identification and message signs for banks. Allen VanBemmel, standard scoreboard production manager for Daktronics, is pictured above with one of the firm’s basketball scoreboards. Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis developed, he introduced Aelred Kurtenbach to members of thdfc national rules committee and other influential people in wrestling in the United States. It was through these contacts that Daktronics was able to gain a foothold in the w restling scoreboard market. From that point, Daktronics broadened its scoreboard offerings until today it offers the most complete line of scoreboards available from any single manufac-® turer in the United States. This position was recognized when D aktronics was named official supplier of electronic scoreboards to the 1980 Olympic Winter Games at^ Lake Placid, N.Y. Chicago Fed Makes Three Staff Changes # The board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has announced three changes in its official staff. Gary L. Benjamin has been® promoted to economic advisor and vice president. Mr. Benjamin joined the bank’s research department staff in 1971, after receiving a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from the® University of Illinois. Charles L. Schultz, manager in com puter operations, has been appointed assistant vice president in that department. Prior to joining the® bank in 1976, Mr. Schultz held several positions in the computer operations field. Janet Terry, manager of facilities^ support, was promoted to assistant® vice president. Mr. Terry has bachelors degrees in math and psychology and entered the computer field in 1967. ^ Northern Trust, Morgan Sign Processing Agreement The Northern Trust Company^ Chicago, in its capacity as transfe® agent for various corporations has entered into an agreement with Morgan Guaranty Trust Company, New York, whereby Morgan will b a The N orthern T ru st’s securit® processing agent. Robert F. Reusche, Northern T ru st executive vice president, stated that the new arrangement witlv Morgan provides Northern’s trust department with a versatile, on-line stock transfer system which produces quality service for its corporate customers at improved cost effective^ ness. 17 FINANCIAL FUEL FROM HELLER •The resource to tap when a customer wants to borrow more than ^ou want to lend. When a customer or prospect requests a larger loan than you may be willing to provide, you don’t have to 0ose him. A Bank/Heller participation loan lets you maximize your customer’s credit availability. You continue to provide his normal banking ¿functions, retain his deposit balances and generate interest from your portion of the loan. Heller assumes responsibility for all administrative and supervisory ¿¡details. Heller has provided banks with this kind of financial creativity for over a half century. Which is why more resourceful ^bankers today are tapping n^inancial Fuel from Heller — the proven money resource. .HELLER Financial Services "Financial Fuel from Heller" is a service mark of Walter E. Heller & Company Walter E. Heller & Company 105 W. Adams St., Chicago, III. 60603. Other Heller offices in New York • Boston • Philadelphia • Baltimore • Syracuse • Minneapolis Detroit • Kansas City • Denver • Atlanta • Charlotte • Miami • Birmingham • Columbia, S.C. • New Orleans • Houston • Dallas • San Antonio • Phoenix • Tucson Albuquerque • E l Paso • Salt Lake City • Los Angeles • San Francisco • Newport Beach, CA • Portland • Seattle • Spokane • San Juan, Puerto Rico. Heller services are also available in Canada and twenty other countries around the world. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 18 Honored for Support of The Arts MERICAN Express Company was honored recently for its international program in support of the arts. James D. Robinson III, chmn. of American Express, is shown receiving the New Perspectives Award for 1981 from Russell E. Palmer (right), managing partner and c.e.o. of Touche Ross & Co., the international accounting and management consulting firm. Touche Ross presents the award annually to firms, institutions and individuals who have demonstrated boldness, courage and creativity in approaching some of the problems facing mankind. A Mosler Given Plaque for Security Film A PLAQUE in recognition of its efforts toward the development of a training film, “Safe Deposit Security,” for persons and organizations engaged in the safe deposit business was presented recently to Mosler Safe Company. Shown above at the award ceremony are, from left: RoySatchell, sr. v.p., American Standard, Inc., parent firm of Mosler; Robert F. Murphy, pres, of Mosler, receiving the award from Robert W. Martin, 2nd v.p. of the American Safe Deposit Assn., which sponsored the award, and Joe MacDonald, sr. v.p.-sales, installation and service for Mosler. The 16mm color/sound motion picture was produced by Robert R. Rosberg of Mosler’s Anti-Crime Bureau, the company’s security training unit. The education committee of ASDA assisted Mosler in production of the film. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rocky Mountain “PLUS” To Support Docutel ATMs * DocutelCorporation, Dallas, Tex., has received a commitment from Rocky M ountain B ankC ard’s “PLUS” System for support of its® TOTAL TELLER® 2300 series automated teller machines (ATMs). The PLUS System, the nation’s largest shared interstate electronic banking network, will support® Docutel’s TT2300 ATMs in the native mode acording to D. Dale Browning, president of Rocky Mountain BankCard, who added that the System is expected to operate® TT2300 machines by April, 1981. Frank R. Marlow, Docutel’s vice president of marketing, pointed out that the system’s support of Docutel will “not only prove beneficial for® existing TT2300 customers in the PLUS geographic region but also enhance the attractiveness of Docutel ATMs to other financial institu tions.” ® Started as a proprietary Colorado credit card service in 1966, Rocky Mountain BankCard today serves institutions of all varieties in eight states and, said Mr. Browning, is® about to expand to 12 states. The System presently comprises 181 live ATMs, up from 76 a year ago, which perform more than 650,000 transac tions per month. In all, participating® institutions represent a base of some 1.7 million cards, with 65% of these being Visa cards, noted Mr. Browning. First Chicago Consolidates Five Edge Corporations The First National Bank of^ Chicago has reorganized its five separate Edge corporations under a single “parent” corporation, First Chicago International, headquar tered in Chicago. ^ The predecessor corporations, located in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston and Boston, were converted into branches of the new parent Edge, q The reorganization, which took place December 31, was made possible by a 1979 revision in the Federal Reserve System’s Regulation K governing international banking® operations. The revision allows federally-chartered Edge corpora tions to establish branches in the United States. Previously, a separate corporation had to be set up in each® location. 19 CHICAGO Mayor Jane M. Byrne helps Sidney J. Taylor, chmn., and Robert I. Logan, sr. v.p. & exec. tr. off., announce that Drovers Bank H o f Chicago has put aside $5 million in prime rate interim construction money for use by qualified businesses that establish plants in the Stock Yards Industrial Park. Drovers Bank, Chicago, Commits $5 Million «For Construction Loans in Yards Area ROVERS Bank of Chicago, 47th D & South A shland Avenue, C hicago, has set aside $5 million in prime rate construction loans for businesses that build plants in the Stockyards Industrial Park, accor d i n g to Sidney J. Taylor, chairman of ^Drovers Bank. Mr. Taylor stated, “The low cost loans will be available to organiza tions qualifying for conventional financing Under The Chicago Plan. ^V e estimate that a company with a Drovers prime rate loan will save about $50,000 per one million dollars in interest over 18 months, compared a typical two points plus 2 % over " rim e interim construction loan covering the same period.” Chicago Mayor Jane M. Byrne, in applauding the Drovers plan, said, J ‘This kind of cooperation between ^private enterprise and government benefits everyone: business, the public and the city. I hope Drovers sets a precedent for similar commitjn e n ts by banks in other areas of our " ity .” Mr. Taylor noted that the Drovers plan would help bring business back into the inner-city and further the Jpank goal of bringing more jobs into the “Back of the Yards community.” In addition to the low cost, short term construction financing available through Drovers, the Chicago Econ o m ic Development Commission of fers a wide range of incentives to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis helpful to those who have a client responsibility with agricultural com modities. A majority of the classroom time will be at the Midland Hotel. Approximately a half day will be at the Chicago Board of Trade, utilizing their classroom, where the enrollees will have an opportunity to talk firsthand with the brokers. Emphasis will be on marketing and not necessarily on the Board of Trade. Registration fee for the program is $390.00. Enrollment forms and additional inform ation may be obtained from the Manager, Continu ing Education, American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Apprais ers, 360 S. Monroe, Suite 460, P.O. Box 6857, Denver, Colorado 80206. companies establishing in the yards. Among them: Industrial Revenue Bonds; property tax relief on industrial construction; land cost write down; job training funds; reduced carrying charges on industri al parks through joint ventures; federally guaranteed loans; public works and infra-structure, sales and use tax on manufacturing equipment; on-site improvements. One hundred eighty acres of the Yards is ready for immediate development. Forty-two business and industrial firms reside there. Recent projects include National Can Company; Bienenfeld Glass Corp., and the Sears Roebuck & Company Joins CSBS Staff Chicago freight terminal. Keith H. Ellis has joined the executive staff of the Conference of Plan Advanced Commodity State Bank Supervisors as assistant Marketing School director of federal legislation, it was A comprehensive school on com announced by Lawrence E. Kreider, modity marketing has been an executive vice president-economist of nounced by the American Society of CSBS, at Washington, D.C., head Farm Managers and Rural Apprais quarters. ers for March 3-5 in Chicago. Mr. Ellis, 30, joins the Conference This in-depth program is designed from the House Committee on for attorneys, public accountants, Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs CPA’s, farm owners, farmer-ranch where he served as minority counsel ers, trust officers, finance or loan for the subcommittee on the city from personnel, and others responsible for August of 1979. Previously, he marketing agricultural commodities. served as a law clerk for firms in The program will offer an Bethesda, Maryland, and Washing opportunity for individuals to have a ton, DC, and then was associated better understanding of the commod with the DC law firm of Conner, ities marketing system. It will be Moore & Corber for three years. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 20 First of Chicago’s Chairman Sullivan Announces New Organization Structure ARRY F. Sullivan, chairman B and chief executive officer of The F irst N ational Bank of Chicago, has announced a re a lig n e d and b ro a d e n e d o r ganizational structure design ed to serve cus to m e r s m o re effectively d u r ing the 1980s. Mr. Sullivan said B.F. SULLIVAN R.L. THOMAS N. McKAY the changes reflect management’s strong emphasis on customer rela tionships, particularly in the bank’s traditional Chicago and midwest markets. To be implemented over the next few months, the reorganization plan calls for Mr. Sullivan, as chairman and chief executive officer, to set the strategic direction for the corpora tion. Richard L. Thomas, president, will oversee all banking functions. Neil McKay, vice chairman, will have responsibility for key adminis trative functions. The worldwide Banking depart ment has been significantly recast and expanded to improve service to its global customers. Headed by James A. Cassin, executive vice president, it will continue to serve established overseas clients and focus on multinational, energy and trans portation companies, both in the United States and abroad. A special group will be formed to serve international financial institutions and central banks on a worldwide basis. A CO R N Registers "A ccepted Sale Registers by Bank Clerks E veryw here" Tor i n f o r m a t i o n w r i t e THE ACORN PRINTING CO. O akland, Iowa Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The U.S. banking department will be organized around specific industry markets. Special emphasis will be placed on correspondent banks and thrift institutions. Pursuant to the bank’s goal of becoming the premier bank in the midwest, Mr. Sullivan said, a division covering Illinois an surrounding states will be estab lished to service middle-market and large corporate custom ers not included in specialized industry groups. A national division will serve these same customers through the bank’s regional offices. Mr. Thomas will serve a acting head of the U.S. banking department until a successor is named. The financial products department will encompass such financial ser vices as international merchant banking, private placements, project finance, public finance and leasing. Special emphasis will be given to trade finance and venture capital. The department will be formed after a head has been named. The service products department will develop and manage noncredit products for the worldwide and U.S. banking departments. A head of this department will be named in the near future. The personal banking and trust department, directed by Charles W. Woodford, senior vice president, will provide personal banking and trust services to high income and high net worth individuals, as well as to institutions and corporations, on a worldwide basis. The retail banking department will continue to offer a full range of consumer services through its downtown facilities and will oversee VISA credit card and travelers cheque operations. A. Ray Einsel, senior vice president, will head the department. Five departments reporting to Mr. McKay are law, control, building corporate/security, audit, and com munications. The asset and liability manage ment committee will be chaired by Executive Vice President William J . McDonough. The bond and treasury departments will report to him. The credit policy committee will be chaired by D. John Stavropoulos, who will be responsible for the quality of the bank’s loan portfolio, credit policy administration, country risk analysis and loan workouts. ® The personnel department will be headed by Senior Vice President Arthur J. Massolo. The newly formed planning department will be headed by Leo Mullin, senior vice president ™ It will be responsible for developing corporate strategies as well as assisting managers of business units in achieving their growth an d . profitability objectives. w To broaden its support services, the First National has created a worldwide systems & MIS depart ment to develop necessary strategies^ to meet worldwide requirements of^ the bank in terms of data processing and management information sys tems. Council Would Ban Credit Life Fees to All Banks If a recommendation by the Federal Financial Institutions Exam® ination Council is adopted, all financial institutions officers and staff would be banned from personal ly benefitting from the sale of credit life insurance. Presently, the banl® extends to the 4,700 national banks affected by a Comptroller of the Currency regulation stemming from a 1979 recommendation. The proposed recommendation extending the ban to all thrift institutions and banks would affect an estimated 33,000 institutions. The Supreme Court sustained tha. Comptroller, in effect, last October* by dism issing the Independent Bankers Association of America suit aimed at stopping the Comptroller’s action. ~ Hardest hit would be an estimatecr 8,300 state chartered commercial banks which are heavily engaged in the sale of credit life insurance. Thenregulators at the federal level, the~ Federal Reserve Board and t h ^ FDIC, could adopt the proposed policy, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board could do the same, thus affecting the 4,000 FSLIC covered^ s&ls. The recommendation proposes two years in which to comply with the regulation, and if hardship is demonstrated, that period could bc^ extended. Employes and officers could share in the credit life sale income through a bonus or incentive arrangement within the institution, but such bonuses could not exceetjm 5 % of the recipient’s salary. At United Bank of Denver we have the best Correspondent Bankers in the Rockies and Eastern Plains. And to stay out in front, we’re always trying to find ways to serve our customers better. In the field of Correspondent Banking that means seeing our customers more often. Getting to know their banks and their needs. In short, we believe the best service comes from knowing the customer best. That’s why our nineteen Corre spondent Bankers are going to be spending up to 40% of their time Dorit call us. We're calling onyou. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis on the road calling on you. Not sit ting behind their desks. The phone company may not like our style, but we’re sure our customers will. WFRE OIIR OWN COMPETITION. 38 United Bank of Denver Correspondent Banking Group 1740 Broadway Denver, Colorado, 80217 (303) 861-8811 National Association, Member FDIC tBËÊMÈi: Cfii : 22 The check w ho cam e in from the cold. W hen people ask how good our check processing is, we tell them the story of the check who came in from the cold: The check arrived at 6a.m. Continental Bank couriers met his flight. He hadn’t expected that. He w as still half-frozen from his ride in the plane’s cargo hold. He thought he’d have time to relax, warm up. But no. They whisked him by helicopter to the processing center. Funny, he hadn’t expected to be cleared ’til late morning. No one had time for small talk. The pace they worked at was dizzying. In the space of an hour, he and over one hundred thousand other checks had been captured, microfilmed, endorsed, sorted and sent on their way. And the kicker? The whole thing happened so fast he never had time to thaw out. It was as buttoned-up an organization as he’d ever come across. And he’d come across plenty. He’d come in cold and skeptical. He left mighty impressed. If your cash letter’s turnaround time is less than impressive, call John Tingleff at (312) 828-2191. Get the heartwarming facts about how good our turnaround is. How good yours could be. Outstanding availability. It’s w hat you expect from a top correspondent bank. At Continental Bank, it’s reality. CONTINENTAL BANK Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago 231 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60693 Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23 1981 Correspondent Bank Survey A N orthwestern B anker S urvey In response to some detailed questions, the executives replying to ^ th e survey have stated these key points: 1. 87.7% say Check Clearance is the most important service offered by their city correspondents. Safekeep0 ing and over lines are rated as the second and third most important services, with 64.8% and 55.8% respectively. 2. 60% say Location is their 0 reason for selecting their city correspondent, and 58 % say Reputa tion is their second choice for such selection. 3. While community banks still ^furnish more balances than fees in payment for services (86% presently, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30% state they would prefer to pay fees if given the choice; 5% would be interested in a combination, and a whopping 25% say “it doesn’t matter.” 4. 52% of those responding to the question say they will close their accounts with major money market banks which attempt to expand their markets nationwide, stating they “will not deal with competitors.” Also, 40% of the respondents say such action by major banks “will have no effect.” 5. In a series of questions relating to correspondent bank service also offered by the Fed, as well as the subject of required new reserves to be held at the Fed by non-members and how correspondent bank services compare with the Fed, the commun ity banks have opted overwhelmingly in favor of their city banks. For example: • 86% say the Fed requirements will have no effect on their correspondent relationships. • Of the banks who may have to carry reserves at the Fed, 74% say they would rather deal through their correspondents on a “pass-through” basis, and 13% are not yet decided. • 84% of the respondents say correspondent banks will outweigh CHART NO. 1 Q. What is the most important service your correspondent now renders you? Check Clearance Safekeeping ■ ■ ■ ™ » * * b* « ì ^ ^ ^ « « b« « « 6 4 .8 % Overlines ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ 1 5 5 .8 % % Investment Advice M M Ü H H H 43.3% EDP i ^ M H P B B a 4 1 .7% Currency Service 25% Advice on Operations wmm19.5% Collections ■ ■18.4% Personal Services ■■17.3% Info, on Other Banks 112.4% Compliance 11% Credit Information Foreign m h 8.7% Trust mm 6% i87.7% Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 24 January N B , 21 executives who head their respective city correspondent bank departments expressed their views about Corres pondent Banking in the 1980s. These officials examined the services most frequently used by their banks by community correspondents and their listing of services coincides closely with the findings in the current survey. In the current survey, a few states put Investment Advice ahead of Overlines, and in some states, EDP or Currency Service was placed a little ahead of one of them, all of these changes being by slight margins. All in all, it is noteworthy that the first six places each garnered more than 40% of the votes from all respondents. Q. 2. For what reasons did you choose your present correspondent bank[sl? Respondents chose Location by a hair over Reputation (59.3 % to 58 % ) as their first reason for selecting a city correspondent. Interestingly, Reputation was selected first in several of the states, with Location second by a handful of points, but more responses were received from larger states that selected Location. The findings from this question are shown in Chart No. 2. Q. 3. How many correspondent bank accounts do you maintain: Primary _____ Secondary____ !_ Dormant _____ ? If more than one primary account, please explain. ® All of the respondents combined show an average of 1.4 primary accounts, 2.16 secondary accounts and 2.16 dormant accounts. How ever, there is an interesting split® among the states. Those question naires which were not identified by state or bank name, and those from Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Minnesota and South Dakota had a range from® 1.1 to 1.3 primary accounts. Then, in North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, the range moved up to 1.4 to 2.3 primary accounts. The same differences prevail in the other® two categories. The first group of states listed 2 to 2.1 secondary accounts, while N orth D akota, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado have a range of 2.3 to 3.1 secondary® accounts. The same thing prevails in dormant accounts where the range for the first group of states is 1.7 to 2, while in the second group of states the range is from 1.6 to 2.5 dormant® accounts per bank. The only variation here is in Nebraska, which listed 2.6 dormant accounts per community bank. A summary by states of these account relationships® appears in Chart No. 3. Q. 4. How do you rate your present correspondent service? Respondents were asked to rate their Primary and^ Secondary accounts as Excellent, Good, Fair or Poor. These results are shown in Chart No. 4. As noted earlier, Community|j) Bankers gave their city correspon dent high marks in answering this question, since 50.5% rated their Primary accounts as Excellent, while an additional 42.2% rated them^ Good, for a combined total of 92.7 %. The other votes on Primary accounts, compiled among all responding states, were 6.8 % Fair and .5% Poor. In fact, in only one state did banks^ rate any Primary account Poor in CHART N O .4 CHART N O .5 Q. How do you rate your present correspondent service? Q. How do you rate the calling personnel of correspondent banks? Primary Excellent 50.5% Good —^ » 42.2% Fair « 6 .8 % Poor ■ .5% Excellent Good Fair Poor Primary ^ » » 4 5 .3 % M 4 Ö .1 % » 1 2 .5 % ■ 2.6% Excellent Good Fair Poor Secondary » » 2 8 .6 % i^ » » 4 3 .2 % » 1 7 .2 % ■ 4.7% CHART NO. 2 Q. For what reasons did you choose your present correspondent bank(s)? Location Reputation Friendship Facilities Excess Loans Tradition 21.3 % Salesmanship » ■ 1 7 .2 % Size To Serve a Certain Customer wmm 7.5% the Fed in importance to them. • The most valuable aspects of correspondent banking that the Fed can’t achieve, in the opinion of most respondents, are personalized ser vice, overlines and investm ent advice. Many other important findings are contained in the results of this extensive, exclusive survey and they are detailed in the following answers to the questions as stated: Q. 1. What is the most important service your correspondent now renders you? Following this was a list of 14 services suggested by a panel of bankers who helped prepare the questionnaire. Since a total of 14 rankings could be made, each category was weighted in reverse order; i.e., each No. 1 vote was given 14 points, each No. 2 vote was given 13 points, and so on until No. 14 was given one point. To determine if there were any distinct differences by states or geographical regions this question was compiled by individual states. This process, though lengthy and tedious, showed strikingly similar selections among the 200 answers furnished from bankers in the nine states surveyed. For example, each state voted Check Clearance as its No. 1 choice, except for Montana, where it was second by five weighted points to Safekeeping, which was selected by all the other eight states as their No. 2 choice. Since all the states were very close in their tabulation throughout this question, the answers were finally consolidated into one summary chart of all states iChart No. 1). In last month’s CHART N O .3 Q. How many correspondent bank accounts do you maintain? P rim ary.......................1.4 accounts Secondary.................. 2.16 accounts Dormant .................... 2.16 accounts DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o r t h w e s t e r n a n k e r Secondary Excellent » » ■ 37% Good » ^ » 45.3% Fair »13% Poor m 1% 25 first was “Willingness to work with CHART N O .6 our b an k ” and the response, Q. What do you like most about your interestingly, was stated in those correspondent bank(s)? words by so many of the respondents. Willingness to work with A total of 34.4% of all respondents our bank 34.4% listed this as the trait they liked most They take care of us 24.5% about their city correspondents. Personnel 13.5% Convenience 5.7% The second distinct grouping of Investment Help 4.2% responses, described by many in EDP Service 4.2% these exact words, was “They take Know personally 2.6% care of us” and this was then Compliance Help 2.6% described further as dependability, Communications 2.6% willingness to handle overlines, Other factors mentioned once or provide service, be flexible, or just twice were: No fee, independent bank ownership so profit returns to rated as performance. This general us, necessary evil, lending advice, heading accounted for 24.5% of the confidentiality, accuracy, Fed Funds votes. service, finance bank stock, improv The third largest segment of votes ing check collection, safekeeping. went to Personnel, frequently service and that was the vote from identified as “their professionalism,” and this segment garnered 13.5% of ^ one Illinois bank. The assessment of service from the voting. These results and the balance of the Secondary accounts was 37% Excellent, 45.3% Good, for a total of votes cast are reflected in Chart No. 82.3%, and 13% Fair and 1 % Poor. 6 . 0 Q. 5. How do you rate the calling Q. 7. What is the chief criticism you personnel of correspondent banks? would make about correspondent Again, the respondents were asked service? Comment. to rank Primary and Secondary First of all, 84 of the responding account personnel from city corres- banks, or 44%, said they had no % pondent banks as Excellent, Good, criticism or did not answer this Fair or Poor. question. Of the 108 banks offering In this case, the personnel comments, 1 1 % said “lack of themselves did not rate as highly as performance after the account was their institutions did in the preceding opened” was their chief criticism. The # question. Among Primary accounts, second most frequently voiced personnel were rated 45.3% Excel criticism, from 7.4% of those lent and 40.1% Good, for a total of commenting, was “infrequent calls,” 85.4%, with 12.5% Fair and 2.6% and “slow getting credit.” In third Poor. Among Secondary account place with 6.5% votes was “weak on # personnel, the rating was 28.6% overlines.” Poor back room service Excellent and 43.2 % Good, for a total and lack of knowledge were the fourth of 71.8% , and 17.2% Fair and 4.7% and fifth criticisms. Poor. These results are shown as Results of this question are shown Chart No. 5. in Chart No. 7. Charts for Questions 8 through 19 ® Q. 6. What do you like most about your correspondent bank[s]? Com are self-explanatory and the results may be observed quickly by ment. Respondents were given no list to reviewing the charts. A further comment on Question 14 ^ check off with this question, but were ^ asked instead to fill in their own results from asking “if services go choices. These resulted in a long list, more to a fee basis, how will this with similar preferences expressed in affect the correspondent system’s various ways. Two categories stood ability to obtain the necessary money ^ out from the rest of the answers. The to give mobility to funds through “Lack of performance after the account was opened” was the chief criticism voiced by 11% of banks making comments. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARTNO. 7 Q. What is the chief criticism you would make about correspondent service? No Answer or No Criticism Lack of Performance 11% Infrequent Calls 7.4% Slow Getting Credit 7.4% Overlines Weak 6.5% 44% Other criticisms mentioned one to four times were these: Too big and complex, too few correspondent personnel, trouble on participations, difficult in tight money times, calling personnel too pushy, no grasp of small community problems, EDP needs improving, failure to answer correspondence, big versus little attitude, arbitrary in dealing with country banks, slow getting advice slips out, red tape, distance, safe keeping department needs work, currency service, lack of knowledge, slow to offer new services/products, EDP costs, adapting to their policies and not ours, no credit balances for bond business, principal to two banks in same community, lack of use of deposit funds, personal touch is gone, inconsistency in philoso phy, fees too high, missing items cash letters, no follow-up, poor investment advice, poor back room service, mail sloppy, do not live up to advertised claims, too little service, no toll free number (South Dakota and Montana), do not give average credit, second class service because we’re small and not a holding company bank. over lines to respondent banks?” In response to this, 25% stated flatly this could curtail availability of overlines and an added 14 % said they would have to reduce balances accordingly. Other answers were scattered. On Question 19, respondents were asked to tell why they have their own in-house computer or, if not, under what conditions they would convert to an in-house computer. The reasons given to both these queries follow: From those who presently are on an in-house computer (43 of the 197 banks included in this part), three distinct answers stood out. The first was “better control on premise,” listed by 14 banks. The second was “to stabilize costs,” listed by nine banks. The third was “better customer service,” listed by six banks. Three banks said they are part of a holding company which has on-premise computer and three listed poor weather and courier service in the Rocky Mountain states as reasons. The others were for various reasons, such as convenience, own preference, coop with other banks and volume. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 26 CHART NO. 8 Q. Will the new reserve requirements of the Federal Reserve have any effect on your correspondent bank relationships? Yes m b 11 % ■ 85.9% No Answer a 3.1 % Fed) I just don’t need the Fed. They seem to need me. (Re in-house computer) Just converted to in-house computer. Cannot afford EDP by correspondent. Mini computer prices are finally reasonable for a bank our size.” Iowa, $9 million deposits: “You can never get an exact comment on any subject you call the Fed about, no matter who you talk to. I can call a correspondent banker and he can give me an answer or he will get it for me.” Iowa, $14.5 million: “ I like my correspondents’ ready response to our request for service or advice. I would like to have them contact us through their representatives calling on our bank on a more regular basis. Most of their calls are in response to our requests. (On the Fed) In our particular case, we feel that we have a much closer relationship with our primary correspondent than we ever could with the Fed.” From those who are not presently on an in-house computer (131 banks), the ones responding gave these conditions under which they would convert. Better cost control, 42 banks; satisfactory equipm ent, growth or if have to, six banks each; if present source unavailable, five banks; manpower, four banks. Several other reasons were listed by one bank each. A total of 21 of the 131 banks said they would not consider an in-house computer under any conditions. Following are a few of the comments offered by respondents to some of the questions. The first two comments below did not list their state: “I like our correspondents’ “You only need to deal with the willingness to help small Fed and its personnel a short period banks get and keep of time to realize their inability to customers whose credit handle their current workload.” “ (On topic of fees) balances should needs exceed their small then return interest to avoid bank lending lim its.” overcharges . . . If m ajor money market banks continue to expand naitonwide we will close (accounts) and go to a non-com petitive relationship such as the Federal Iowa, $11.5 million deposits: Reserve or seek out a regional bank “Quality of the (correspondent) that has not generated a competitive service in many of the departments position against our bank.” Iowa, $16 million deposits: I like has gone down due to the change in the dependability of my correspon personnel. Lots of errors that dents. When I need them I want to previously would not have occurred, know my needs will be taken care of particularly in proof transit. (On Fed) without hassle. (Criticism) The Would rather not go to the federal change in personnel and/or areas of agency for anything if we can contin responsibility. I want to do business ue to have a choice. We get personal, with people who will be there on-the-spot service from our corres tomorrow—continuity. I don’t want pondents without calling someone to to get reacquainted with a correspon see if it is OK to say yes. (On major dent officer every six months. (Re banks expanding) Our bank would probably close the accounts and move the funds back to Iowa to help local CHART N O .9 correspondents work the fight to hold Q. If you are not now a member of the the local markets. (On in-house Fed, will your bank be required to computers) We are planning to carry reserves with the Fed during convert to an in-house computer 1981? because I like to control my own Yes business and not have to depend on No telephones and/or some sort of No Answer transportation. Small, in-house com Present Fed puters can and will do more than the Member a 10.7% correspondents presently offer.” Banker, February, 1981 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis © CHARTNO. 10 Q. If you are not now a member of the Fed, has your primary correspon dents) offered to accept your pass-through reserve account? Yes No « 4 .7 % No Answer ■ ■ 1 1 .5 % Present Fed Member«« 15.2% 68.6% © If you have to pay reserves, will you elect to pay those reserves direct to the Fed or will you elect to use a correspondent bank’s pass-through account? P a s s -T h ro u g h *M B iM *« « 73.5% Pay Direct m 13.6% No Answer m 12.9% Iowa, $10 million deposits: “There is nothing the Fed can do better than any of our correspondents. Doing© business with the Fed is like doing business with any governm ent agency. They are unable to eliminate red tape. Can you imagine someone calling on you from the Fed and© saying, ‘I ’m from the Fed and here to help you?’ (On fees) I am not opposed to fee payments if reasonable.” Nebraska, $15 million deposits: “I like our correspondents’ willingness© to help small banks get and keep customers whose credit needs exceed their small bank lending limits. I do think they pay too much attention to details before approving overline© requests. We are not dealing with the same individual or group of individuals. (On Fed) Fed does not care if they lose an account relationship. A correspondent will try® harder to keep an account. (On fees and their effect on mobility of money for overlines) I believe money will have to be purchased. No more free balances. This will make the cost of® funds more expensive and we will have to pass this additional cost through in the form of higher rates on loans.” Nebraska, $21 million deposits:® “We have a good, dependable work ing relationship with our correspon dents; we know who we are working with. If they can’t answer our ques tions they’ll admit it and find some-® CHARTNO. 11 Q. Will correspondent banks and their traditional services outweigh the Fed in importance to you? ® No ■■ 11.2% No Answer« 4.8% • • • • ® one who can. (On fees) Would rather see a fee amount and be able to relate CHART NO. 13 actual cost versus actual benefit. Q. What is the most valuable aspect Currently, our correspondent gives of correespondent banking that you us the specific fee amount and then cannot achieve with a Fed relation ship? relates it to the required balance amount to offset that fee, which is the Personal Relations 29.5% best of both options. (On major banks Overlines Handling 20.9% Investment Advice 10% expanding) There would be very little EDP 5.4% change unless advantages are Other comments included these: Fed superior. We would rather deal with too formal, too much red tape, local the known, versus the unknown. knowledge, credit information, know Only time and experience will tell.” small bank operations, prompt Nebraska, $14 million deposits: service, bank stock loans. “Our experience with the Fed indicates that they cannot compete with our correspondent in services rendered. The Fed has nothing to can do better than the Fed) None. (On offer us. (On in-house computer) fees) I would rather pay the fees.” Would consider one only under Illinois, $39 million deposits: conditions in which the supplier “When I need help, I know they (my correspondents) will help. (Criticism) Many times you have to go from area to area to get the correct solution. CHARTNO. 12 Q. What are the services you value most that you feel your correspondent(s) can provide better than the Fed? All Services m^mm Overlines mmmmm Check Clearing mmm Personal Service ^mm Investments mm EDP Service mm Safekeeping ■ Currency-Coin ■ Advice and Closer« Personal Loans ■ Less Red Tape ■ 18.3% 19.9% 13% 13% 9% 8.6% 2.7% 2.7% 2.2% 1.6% 1.6% Others (1% or less each) Management advice, contacts, credit information, efficiency, operations advice Fed Funds. 0 • ® • ® 27 Illinois, $35 million deposits: (On fees) “We will probably see more of this and properly so. (On major banks expanding) It would appear that they should attend to their own ‘houses’ rather than trying to usurp ours!” Illinois, $87 million deposits: “Data processing aspects cause most concern (in correspondent service). (On correspondent service outweigh ing the Fed in importance) Not at this early stage, but if Fed charges continually rise, this may happen. We value most from our correspon dents their banking assistance in all areas of banking except with regulations. Bankers are dealing with bankers, not government employes. (On fees) Much fairer to all involved. (On major bank expansion) All smaller banks will be endangered to being purchased and lose their individuality. Over-all service to the CHART NO. 15 “Our experience with the Fed indicates they cannot compete with our correspondent in services rendered.” Q. Since city correspondents will be obligated now to pay the Fed for the services rendered to them by the Fed, will you increase your balances or pay fees to offset those added costs? Increase B a la n c e s ^ M M « ^ 5 6 % Pay Fees ■ b^ m 40% Whatever Needed « 5 % Both a 4% No Effect i1 % Neither 1 1% (Above figures do not total 100% since some respondents checked more than one.) One person can’t seem to take care of public would probably be increased; more than one thing. (On major however, our relationship with our banks expanding) I will probably quit primary account would be greatly would underw rite the cost of doing business with them. (On in- strengthened, I believe.” house computers) I would consider obsolescence to the user.” Illinois, $13 million deposits: “The Nebraska, $11 million deposits: one only if the price fell drastically use of checks and drafts will soon “We get prompt, courteous service and the need for programmers, etc., cease. The method of the future is without back slapping and a lot of lip on a full-time basis did not exist.” EFTS. I support its need and feel a service. (Criticism) The large corres cost savings by using the pass pondents call on us in the rural areas through method will be realized. (On and ask for business. When we call fees) With such an unpredictable CHART NO. 14 them for an overline it is very difficult market, fee pay may allow greater Q. With primary correspondent to place with them. My secondary flexibility for daily investment.” account(s), how much of yourservice correspondents are small banks that I Minnesota $6.5 million deposits: is based on balances and how much have no problem overlining with.” on fees? “(Criticism) They wish to know as Nebraska, $66 million deposits: much personal inform ation as Balances 86% (On what do you like most about possible, while being unwilling to Fees ■ 4% correspondents) Nothing. We are No A n s w e r« 10% make pertinent comments about their trying to eliminate our primary and findings. (On in-house computers) What is your feeling about fee become completely independent. Our payments as opposed to traditional We went on an in-house computer. balances? secondary correspondent banks do an We felt we would have more excellent job of pricing funds. What flexibility, while being better able to Prefer Balances a « « « 40% is sold to a bank is not what happens Prefer Fees m m m 30% control future costs. Also, documents Doesn’t Matter mmm 25% in actual day-to-day operation. But don’t have to leave the bank.” Both ■ 5% once you’re tied in you have no Minnesota, $38 million deposits: choice. (On services correspondent “(On major bank expansion) Probab- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker. February, 1981 28 share of their requests are beneficial, as they require us to update outdated policy.” CHARTNO. 16 Q. If major money market banks continue to expand their markets nationwide, how will this affect your account relationships with them? Will Close Accounts No Effect Will Compete Other* 52% 40% 5% 3% * “Not good for small banks, ’ “will be squeezed out or bought out,’ “can do little.” North Dakota, $18 million depos its: “Because we are smaller, and not part of a holding company, we get the second class service (from correspon dent banks). (On Fed) The Fed is part of the bureaucratic system. I believe better service comes from private enterprise. (On major bank expan sion) Rural areas should not receive too much after shock. The S&Ls have fairly well penetrated the western area county seat towns, and then some! (On in-house computer) Serious thought being given this— will wait.” North Dakota, $14 million depos its: (On fees) “Balances allow the respondent a greater degree of independence.” Montana, $11 million deposits: “I like their (correspondents’) good, competent service and advice when I need it. However, the ‘correspondent banker’ working out of many large regional banks is typically someone ly no effect in rural area. They should offer no more competition than we now have from money funds, such as Lutheran Brotherhood, offers now.” Minnesota, $28 million: “ (On correspondent service outweighing Fed) Qualifiedly. We may begin utilizing the Fed in some areas and services where correspondents are currently being used. (On fees) A rose by any other name would smell the same! There is no such thing as a free lunch. The cost must be borne for the service and whether the cost is via a fee or a balance doesn’t make too Balances or Fees? much difference—it’s still a cost!” South Dakota, $27 million: “You “A rose by any other can hold your correspondent respon name would smell the sible for what they do. The Fed does what they please—they lose a check same! There is no such and charge it to you. I believe that thing as a free lunch.” correspondents can do all services cheaper and more efficiently than the Fed and all business in time will who cannot do many of the things his switch to them.” customers must do daily and, South Dakota, $8 million: “Our consequently, he fails to understand correspondents have a tendency to a country bank’s needs.” ask us to adhere to their ideas and Montana, $8.5 million deposits: mechanics of doing business. They (On in-house computer) We have one recently asked us to go to variable and will change. We are stuck with rate on overlines. We are not on a mini-computer. When we can get computer so this would involve a rid of it we will then go through a considerable amount of adjustment correspondent.” on our part. We do feel that a good Montana, $14 million deposits: “I feel banks of a size to establish correspondent relationships should have WATS number for access. Gen CHARTNO. 17 erally, there are a minimum of two Q. Of the EDP services offered by phone calls a day from us to correspondent banks, how do you correspondent banks. (On in-house rate them in order of importance to computer) We have one because we you? prefer to keep records private—can DDA 25% get program we want rather than Savings & CDs 24% having to take the program offered by Loans 15% off-premises service.” Bond Accounting 15% General Ledger 7% Wyoming, $29 million deposits: Payroll 6% “We like the prompt, capable Cl F 4% attention (of correspondent banks) to Cost & Income Analysis 4% our requests for service; their Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CHARTNO. 18 Q. Is your bank presently on cash or accrual basis? Accrual i^ ^ m m m 55% Cash 35% No A nsw er» 10% O If on “Cash” basis, do you plan to switch to “Accrual” during 1981? Yes m m 24% No m ^ m m ^ m h 74% No Answer» 2% # preciseness in handling our business; mistakes and errors at a minimum; quick response to getting m istakes^ corrected; pleasant, willing, helpful attitude to give us service; availabil ity when we call for help. (Criticism) Lack of competent persons to see th a t^ a problem is promptly corrected. N o ^ one is there to give an answer when we call. Not enough incoming phone lines or persons to handle calls promptly.” ^ Colorado, $10 million deposits: (Criticism of correspondents) “Check clearing one day beyond actual float. No advice offered on operations or investments. Unwilling to assist in -^ vestment of bank’s idle funds by passing overlines down. (On major bank expansion) Support indepen dent correspondent bank concept.” Colorado, $15 million deposits: (O n f fees) “Fee payment may not reflect the service rendered as fees are averaged for all correspondents, regardless of the amount of service or volume handled. (On major b a n k ^ expansion) The rise of Bankers’ Banks is the answer. Colorado is getting one now; also, the defining of loyalty to their smaller corresondents by big banks will be carefully studied <§ and resulting action taken. The possibility of small bank pools or cooperative, joint transactions by small rural or regional banks could evolve in the next two to three <|[| years.” □ CHARTNO. 19 Q. Are you on an in-house computer now (not just automated bookkeep ing machine)? Yes m b • 22% No A n s w e r« 12% If above answer is “No,” are you planning to convert to an in-house computer? Yes # «12% No Answer* 6% m 29 “The Bank of North Dakota Philosophy” of Dakota To encourage and prom ote A griculture Commerce, and Industry in North Dakota II To provide the most efficient and economical financial services to the State, its Agencies, and Instrum entalities 700 Main Street P.O. Box 1657 Bismarck, North Dakota 58505 III To provide professional assistance whenever possible and wherever it w ill encourage and prom ote the well being and Advancement of North Dakota and its citizens STATEMENT OF CONDITION December 31,1980 RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks....................... $44,284,629.90 U.S. Government Securities................... 72,952,351.37 Federal Agencies Securities ................. 64,475,135.87 Bankers Acceptances and Other Investments............................... 36,010,724.02 State and Municipal S ecurities............. 14,067,630.59 Federal Funds S o ld ................................. 135,000,000.00 Loans FmHA Business & Industry Guaranty................... 7,637,986.28 FmHA Housing Guaranty.......... 819,084.98 FHA and Gl Home Loans............................. 156,691,744.33 Farm R.E. L oan s......................... 30,552,815.23 R.E. Contracts............................. 259,067.09 Loans to State Institutions..................... 215,949.03 Bank Stock L o a n s ....................... 5,041,213.18 SBA Participation Loans .......... 17,202,792.25 N.D. Bank Participation L o a n s ....................................... 103,865,274.34 Other Loans................................. 6,793,019.49 TOTAL LOANS....................................... 329,078,946.20 Accrued Interest Receivable................. 8,422,005.91 Bank Building Equipment ................... 1,424,550.58 Unamortized Bond Issue C o s ts .......... 477,747.00 Other A s s e ts ......................................... 502,313.42 TOTAL RESOURCES ....................... $706,696,034.86 T his Bank is ow ned, operated and c o n tro lle d by the State of N orth Dakota under the sup ervision of the In d u stria l C o m m issio n . LIABILITIES Demand Deposits: Individuals, Partnerships and Corporations........ Deposits of Banks.......... State and Political Subdivisions.............. Official Checks, etc......... $ 4,897,729.01 27,643,409.26 72,741,530.99 1,262,076.18 106,544,745.44 Time and Savings Deposits: Individuals, Partnerships and Corporations..................... 17,811,467.53 State and Political Subdivisions........................... 312,408,128.49 330,219,596.02 TOTAL DEPOSITS............................... 436,764,341.46 Fed. Fds. Purch. & Sec. Sold under Agreement to Repurchase . . . . 171,557,340.28 Accrued Interest Payable....................... 5,913,415.60 Other Liabilities....................................... 5,113,812.65 Long Term Debt.-Mtg. Bonds ............... 45,000,000.00 Reserves............................................. 3,500,000.00 Capital ............................................... 16,000,000.00 Surplus............................................... 12,000,000.00 Undivided Profits............................... 10,847,124.87 42,347,124.87 TOTAL LIABILITIES RESERVE & CAPITAL....................... $706,696,034.86 IN D U S T R I A L COMMIS SIO N ARTHUR A. LINK Ranked as the 34th largest bank a g ric u ltu ra l lender in 1979 by the A .B .A . Governor ALLEN I. OLSON MYRON JUST A tto rn ey General Com m , of A griculture H. L. THORNDAL President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 30 IBAA M eets in Las Vegas, March 22-26 T.F. BOLGER W.C. BENNETT than 3,000 bankers and wives are expected to M ORE attend the 51st annual convention of the Independent Bankers Association of America March 22-26 at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev. IBAA President Thomas F. Bolger, president of McHenry State Bank at McHenry, 111., will preside at the general sessions featuring speakers from government, banking, business and academic life. More than 80 exhibitors will staff booths in the giant exhibition hall. Slated to succeed Mr. Bolger as president is W.C. Bennett, chief executive officer of the Arthur State Bank at Union, S.C., and Mr. Bennett will be succeeded as first vice president by Robert L. McCormick, Jr., president of Stillwater National Bank & Trust Co., Stillwater, Okla. A new second vice president and a new treasurer will be elected. The complete program follows: Sunday, March 22 A.M. 8:30- 5:30 Registration. 8:30- 5:30 Dinner table reservation desk open. 8:30- 5:30 Exhibits open—Pavilion sections 4-8. 10:00 Committee meetings: Agriculture, Bank Education, Bank Operations, Federal Leg islation, Regulation Review, Resolutions, State Legislation. P.M. 1:30- 5:00 Executive Council. 3:00 Hostess Coffee Party—IBAA President’s Suite. Monday, March 23 A.M. 8:30- 5:00 Registration. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8:30- 5:00 Dinner table reservations. 8:30-11:00 Buffet Breakfast—Ballrooms, A.B.C. ® 9:00- 5:00 Continuous showing of IBAA 50th Anni versary film and the Colorado Victory in Referendum film. 10:00-Noon Ladies get-acquainted session. Noon Luncheon—Conference of State Indepen-® dent Bankers Association Executives—Conference Rooms 1 -2 . P.M. 1:00 Special Interest Session. “Prospects for^ Inter-State Branching’’—Panel of Con gressional staff members—Pavilions 9-10. 2:30 Special Interest Session. “How to Improve Asset/Liability Management—Michael P. McCarthy, CPA, and Dr. Bill H andorf,^ professor, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. —Pavilions 9-10. 6:30 Reception—Pavilions 1-3. 7:30 Festive Dinner—Ballrooms A-G. 8:45 Floor show featuring The Warrens an d ^ Comedian Johnny O’Brien, followed by dancing. Tuesday, March 24 A.M. 8:30- 4:30 Registration. 8:30- 4:30 Dinner table reservation desk open. 9:00- 5:00 Exhibits Open. ® 9:00 First General Session—Ballrooms A-B. Presiding—IBAA President Thomas F. Bolger. Address—William Monroe, moderator^ NBC Meet the Press. ® Report of nominating committee and elec tion of officers. Address—Donald E. Wilkinson, Governor of Farm Credit Administration. ^ P anel—The F u tu re of Your B ankT Panelists:A lex Sheshunoff, president, Sheshunoff & Co., Austin, Tex.; Robert L. McCormick, IBAA second vice president, and Angelo Bianchi, New Jersey commis^ sioner of banks and president, C.S.B.S. P.M. 1:00 Men’s and Women’s Luncheons. Balance of day open. Wednesday, March 25 A.M. 8:30- 2:00 Registration. 8:30- 2:00 Dinner table reservation desk open. Q 9:00 Exhibits open. 9:00 Second General Session—Ballrooms A-B. Presiding—IBAA President Bolger. Address—The Mixed Bag for Agriculture in the 1980s—Prof. Donald G. Sisler, Cor-0 nell University, Ithaca, N.Y. “The Triumph of Independent Initiative in the Colorado Referendum’’— Presentation IBAA CONVENTION PROGRAM (Turn to page 88, please) 31 Bob Jacobson ^ We look forw ard to seeing our N inth Federal Reserve District banker friends at the Independent Bankers of America Convention. Come jo in us in our hospitality suite at the Las Vegas Hilton, Ballroom D-G, on Tuesday, March 24 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. • Do stop by and let us talk w ith you about h o w American's full line of correspondent services can benefit your bank. Am erican National Bank and Trust C om pany Correspondent Division • 5th & Minnesota Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 • (612) 298-6331 • Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 32 Two ways to find out what w e can do for you. 1. Send for one of our booklets Our “Guide to Correspondent Banking Services” is designed to give you an overview of the dif ferent types of services we offer your bank. Call or write and we’ll be glad to send one your way. 2. Send for one of us If you want to find out exactly what we can do for you, send for one of us. We’ll come to your bank to dis cuss your specific needs and ex- plain how we could work with you on a correspondent basis. And, when you deal with us, you don’t deal with a correspondent bank. You deal with a correspon dent banker. One who is assigned to you on a permanent basis so you develop a long-term, personal relation- ship that will help set long-range plans and goals. To request a booklet or a banker, write or call (toll free) (800) 322-2212. the Human Interest bank Commercial National Bank of Peoria m e m b e r f .d .i .c . COMMERCIAL BANKING DIVISION 301 S.W. ADAMS • PEORIA, ILLINOIS 61631 PHONE: (309) 655-5000 to oUr ° e rv i o c u ff Michael Pat Barron Dorothy NewUn Brock Hessing Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ronalee Covington Art Hippie 33 Officer Promotions Told F irstB ank E vanston has an nounced four officer promotions. Howard I. Kain was promoted to senior vice president, Ann C. Casas was promoted to trust officer, Madelon B. Saltzman was promoted to personnel officer and John J. D. Lemmerman, pres., Monmouth Schellinger was promoted to commer W. J. Hocter, exec. v.p., Chicago cial banking officer. Mr. Kain’s responsibilities include finance, personal banking, personnel, long-range planning and co-ordina Steven Irvin Named Naperville President ting of data processing services. He T HE board of directors at the American Institute of Banking, and holds a AB and MBA from the Naperville National Bank and attended the Illinois Bankers Assoc University of Chicago. Mrs. Casas is an officer of Trust Company named Steven A. Ir iation Commercial Lending School. FirstBank Evanston’s trust depart vin president and a director. Mr. Ir Baratta Joins Sears ment. She holds a BA degree from vin replaces Warren Wood, who will Lawrence University. continue to serve the bank in the Bank and Trust Co. Mrs. Saltzman holds a BA degree capacity of senior vice president and a Philip J. Baratta has joined Sears from Northwestern University. She member of the board of directors. Bank and Trust Company of Chicago is head of the bank’s personnel During Mr. Wood’s tenure as as vice president department. president (1964-1980), bank assets in charge of the Mr. Schellinger, an officer in the grew from $18 million to $106 million. bank’s real estate commercial banking department, Mr. Irvin has been with the bank construction holds a BS degree from Northwestern for eight years, recently serving as lending depart University. senior vice president and chief ment, according executive officer. He is the head of the to Emory Wil bank’s loan department. Mr. Irvin is liams, chairman AMBI to Hold Consumer a graduate of Southern Illinois and chief execu Credit Conference University School of Banking, the tive officer. The A ssociation for Modern Graduate School of Commercial Mr. B aratta P.J. BARATTA Banking in Illinois will conduct its Lending at the U niversity of was formerly vice Oklahoma and the Graduate School president in the real estate lending 1981 Consumer Credit Conference of Banking at the University of division of the Harris Trust and March 4-6 at the Chicago Marriott Wisconsin. Savings Bank which he joined in Hotel, it was announced by James B. The board of directors also 1972. Prior to that time he was Watt, president. Conference theme announced the appointm ent of associated with Continental Illinois will be “Retail Game Plan for the Jo Ann M. Baumgartner as vice National Bank in its real estate 80s.” Featured speakers will include president of marketing, Laurel A. division. Jack Whittle, chairman of Whittle, Bierovic as assistant vice president in Raddon, Motley and Hanks Finan the loan department and Richard A. Application Approved The Federal Reserve Board has cial Marketing Group, Chicago, and Davenport as assistant vice president announced its approval of an Dr. Beryl W. Sprinkel, executive vice and cashier. Ms. Baumgartner joined the bank application by Hutsonville Bank president, Harris Trust and Savings as business development officer. She Corp., Hutsonville, to become a bank Bank, Chicago. Others on the attended Loyola University, is a holding company by acquiring program represent a wide range of graduate of the Bank Marketing Farmers and Merchants Bank of interests from banking and govern ment ranks. School at Temple University, atten Hutsonville. ded the American Institute of Banking and is enrolled in the School of Bank Marketing at Boulder, Colo, 1980 IBA Group Meetings for 1981. Mrs. Bierovic has been in banking March 3 Ramada Inn, Champaign Group 7 for eight years; she has been March 4 SIU, Carbondale Group10 associated with the bank since 1974. March 5 Group 9 Augustine’s, Belleville In her previous position she was loan March 17 Group 5 Holiday Inn East, Springfield administrative officer. Mrs. Bierovic March 18 Group 8 Holiday Inn, Decatur is a graduate of the Illinois Bankers March 19 Group 6 Continental Regency, Peoria School at Southern Illinois Univer March 31 Group 4 Emerald Hills Country Club, Sterling sity in Carbondale. April 1 Group 3 Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont Mr. Davenport joined the bank in April 2 Group 2 Bon Vivant, Bourbonais 1976. He is a graduate of the College April 3 Group 1 Bismarck Hotel, Chicago of DuPage, has earned the Founda tion of Banking Certificate from the r Illinois Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 M inn esota R. E. Gandrud, pres., Glenwood T. L. Jeffers, exec, v.p., Minneapolis Northwestern Nat’l Opens Northside Office THE NORTHWESTERN National Bank of Rochester opened its Northside Office recently. Rochester Mayor Chuck Hazama joined bank President John Cochran and Northside manager Peg Mattke in the ribbon cutting ceremony. Bank directors and the Ambassadors of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce also participated. The bank’s newest facility is operating in a module office until a permanent building, now in construction, is completed. Adams Bank Is Sold The Farmers State Bank of Adams announces that agreements have been completed transferring owner ship of the bank from Mr. and Mrs. Vance Torgerson to Robert D. Hanson and Gordon H. Klaudt, effective January 15, 1981. President Torgerson, who has been with the bank since 1940, will continue as chairman of the board. Robert D. Hanson will become president of the bank and Gordon H . Klaudt will assume duties of vice president and cashier. Both Mr. Hanson and Mr. Klaudt have been with the bank for over 15 years. Acquisition Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has announced its approval of the application by Pipestone Bancshares, Inc., Pipe stone, to become a bank holding company through the acquisition of The F irst N ational Bank of Pipestone. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rejoins Mankato Bank Starr J. Kirklin, president of First Bank Mankato, has announced the election of Rich ard M. Thomas as vice presidentsenior commer cial loan officer. Mr. Thomas began his bank ing career at First Bank Man kato, an affiliate of First Bank R.M. THOMAS System , as a trainee while attending Mankato State University. He completed his B.S. degree in Business Administra tion at Mankato State University in 1972 and began employment with First Bank Austin as an instalment loan officer. During his employment at First Bank Austin, also an affiliate of first Bank System, Mr. Thomas has held positions of commercial loan officer, assistant vice president and most recently vice president of the commercial loan department. Queenan Named President William H. Queenan has been named to succeed Eugene G. “Bud” Precht as presi dent and chief executive officer of Northwestern N ational Bank S o u th w e s t, a Banco affiliate, in Bloomington. Mr. Queenan is currently execu tive vice presi dent of the w H queenan Bloomington bank. £ Mr. Precht is leaving Northwest ern National to accept the position of president and chief executive officer at Iowa-Des moines National Bank in Des Moines, la. ||> Mr. Queenan was associated with First Bank/ St. Paul for 11 years prior to joining Banco in 1973, when he was named vice president of commercial lending at Northwestern # National Bank of St. Paul. He was elected group vice president of the St. Paul bank in 1977. In 1979, Mr. Queenan became executive vice president of the Bloomington bank. # Elected in Brainerd The board of directors of the Citizens State Bank of Brainerd has announced the election of Thomas E . Welle to the position of executive vice president. Mr. Welle, an honor graduate in business and finance at Bemidji State University joined Citizens State Bank as assistant vice president in 1975. He was formerly associated with the Bremer Service Company of St. Paul. Most recently, Mr. Welle served as vice president and controller for operations at Citizens State Bank, and as head of the real estate loan department. He graduated this year from the Graduate School of Banking in Madison, Wis. # © ® © National Boulevard Has © Record Net Income N ational Boulevard Bank of Chicago reported record 1980 net earnings of $3,076,000 or $15.38 per ||||| share. These earnings represent a slight increase over the previous high achieved in 1978, and a substantial improvement over 1979, a year which was adversely affected by non-recur- (jfy ring loan charges. THE NORTHWESTERN VIEW • Number Five W HAT TO LOOK FOR IN AGOOD AG LENDER. Business relationships. They’re the core of banking. Perhaps in no other area of banking are they as vital as in agricultural financing. And perhaps in no other area of banking are they put to the test as often. As a banker in a rural community, you sit at the center of a number of growing business relationships. Your custom ers— farmers, ranchers, and agri-businessmen,— are dependent on your insight and resources to help them through present and future opportunities or challenges. Their business depends on yours, and yours on them. But, as a partner in a correspondent banking relationship you may not find yourself in as mutually cooperative a situation. Although your ag business may rely heavily on the help of your regional bank, the reverse may not seem to hold true. And if your regional bank no longer meets that growing need for help, it’s time to move. But whether you’re looking for a new correspondent relationship or merely taking a critical look at your existing relationship, there are certain criteria banks can and do use to evaluate a correspondent bank. Capability Of course the regional bank must have the financial resources to meet your ag financing needs. The bank must have the capacity that can give you the flexibility to plan for today and tomorrow. And large dollar lending limits are not enough. Capability should also be measured in terms of human resources— professional skills and expertise. The bank’s size is important, because it certainly affects not only the amount of ag loans that can be funded, but also the number of ways in which those loans can be funded. A “ bankers acceptance,” for example, is one such means of funding. Dependability Solid banking relationships can’t be transient. Bankers must share the mutual trust and understanding necessary for long term growth. Unfortunately, many financial institutions and associations get into the ag lending market without a long-run commitment to that market. They “ dabble" while times are good, and somehow disappear when times are troubled. Dependability isn’t easily discerned. It’s a quality proven over time and based on a bank’s reputation, the risks it’s willing to take, and its availability when you need help. Flexibility For one reason or another, some correspondent financial institutions and associations may try to "run” a loan. This may confuse customers and make local banks less sensititive to their needs. Even worse, it indicates poor trust in both the borrower’s and the local lender’s judgement. A good regional bank, on the other hand, listens to the need to stay flexible enough to let local banks adapt to changing situations. Innovation Using financial tools in new and different ways can be the lifeblood of a good correspondent banking relationship. And because a local bank can never predict the changing needs of customers years in advance, it pays to develop a relationship with a regional bank which not only has financial tools, but also the expertise, desire, and commitment to continuously work with them. And in a world where interest rates can rise and fall in a matter of days, the best regional bank is the one with the talent and desire to innovate and react thoughtfully and quickly. Dedication First, a country bank must be dedicated to its own business— ag financing. To do this effectively its regional bank must recognize the needs of the local bank's own customers, and offer help with needed services. Services like regional agricultural econom ic advice, estate planning, trust services, or speedy collection of large deposits. Not all banks can readily offer these. Secondly, a regional bank must be dedicated to the country bank's welfare in its ag business market. Correspondent bankers must be willing to join local bankers out in the field, to become acquainted with customers and their problems first-hand, and, if necessary, to help educate them in the growing complexities of ag finance. For example, the process of hedging as a market tool, and what it means for bankers and borrowers alike. Look for an expert. Obviously, this isn’t a complete laundry list of criteria, and it’s not really meant to be. What it is designed to do, however, is to give you a solid starting point for a realistic evaluation of your correspondent relationship. At Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, we know how important an ag banking correspondent relationship is to you, and how important your selection of your regional bank can be to your success. And of course we like ag loan assets and recognize the tremendous importance of agriculture in this region. That’s why we’re so deeply involved in that area. From top management on down, w e’ve made a sincere commitment to servicing the ag needs of local banks and their customers. And we can offer local banks the types of overlines and related banking products they need to keep their customers growing. Our commitment, coupled with our flexibility, our expertise, and our size, has helped our bank grow rapidly over the past four years, to now rank 30th in size nationally in ag loan volume. When you’re looking for an ag partner, ask the experts. Ask us. We’ll help you serve the needs of your most important custom ers—the farmers, ranchers, and agri businesses in your community. We’re on your side. ASK THE EXPERTS. ASK US. Correspondent Banking Department i N orthw estern M National b a n k \A j Of Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -T- . asm ~---- Dana#*#« Minnesota News Minnesota Energy Problems Need Careful Analysis, Economics Expert Advises 6i p ROPOSALS calling for Min nesota to become nearly selfsufficient in energy production need careful analysis,” according to Dr. Larry J. Wipf, assistant vice pres ident and director of regional eco nomics at Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis. ‘‘Concern over the instability of energy sources and our dependence on outside sources of energy should not lead us to adopt measures that may actually result in higher energy prices for the state or that would hamper economic devel opment.” “ Since M innesota is alm ost completely dependent on outside sources of energy, stability of supply is a key concern,” said Mr. Wipf. “Fears of supply disruptions have been heightened by the Iraqi-Iranian War. In addition, some analysts argue that traditional fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal drain dollars out of M innesota which then jeopardizes the economic health of the state.” “The key question is how far should the government, both federal and state, go and what should the government do in intervening in the private sector in an effort to deal with our energy problems,” he said. “ Proposals calling for Minnesota to become nearly self-sufficient in energy production are ill-advised,” said Mr. Wipf. “The premature switch to non-conventional sources of energy could saddle the state with higher-priced energy sources relative to other areas of the country. This would hamper our overall economic growth. The most valuable contribu tion the government could make in solving the energy crisis would be to encourage greater reliance on the free market system.” “Minnesota’s overriding energy goal should be the development of the most efficient sources of energy, whether produced in Minnesota or in some other stable supplying area, ’’ he said. “This does not mean that there is no future for certain Minnesotabased energy sources. The crucial question is “How should this be brought about?” In the search for alternative energy sources, it is preferable to allow the free market system to guide the choices. We must guard against giving incentives to new sources while hampering the development and use of traditional fuels.” Changes at Owatonna Joseph A. Slezak, assistant vice president of Northwestern National Bank of Owatonna, elected to take early retirement as announced by Kenneth E. Wilcox, president. Mr. Slezak’s banking career commenced April 1, 1950, and he has worked in a variety of departments at the bank, including operations, audit, teller supervisor, instalment Joins Citizens Bank lending, commercial loans and Michael J. Bissen, formerly cashier customer service. In addition to this, and head of operations at the State he has been in charge of the physical structure known as the “Sullivan Bank & Trust Masterpiece” bank building. Co., New Ulm, Also at Northwestern Dwight D. has joined Citi Randall has been elected to the zens Bank & position of vice president manager of Trust Co. as the the personal banking department. new personnel Mr. Randall comes to Owatonna and operations from Grand Rapids, where he most officer. recently served as branch manager of Prior to his the First National Bank of Deer association with River. Prior to that, he was employed the bank at New at the First Northwestern National Ulm, he was employed as senior assistant examin Bank of Eveleth and the First er, operations and loan analyst with Northwestern National Bank of Hoyt the Federal D eposit Insurance Lakes. Mr. Randall has been active in Corporation. He is a graduate of St. John’s various civic and business organiza University with a BA in business tions and has attended several banking seminars and schools. administration and German. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Hopkins Personnel Changes # The board of directors of First Bank Hopkins has announced the following management changes: B. BEHRENBRINKER J. DAMATO C. JOHNSON B . SENSKE Bill Behrenbrinker has been named commercial banking and real e sta te ^ loan officer. He joined the staff a t ^ First Bank Hopkins in 1978. His most recent position has been commercial lending officer. Jim Damato has been named ^ personal banking officer. He began w with First Bank Hopkins in 1978. His most recent position has been personal banker. Cynthia Johnson has been named ^ commercial banking officer. She has been with First Bank Hopkins since September 1979 as a mortgage lender in the real estate department. Bruce Senske has been named £ assistant vice president and commer cial loan manager. He has been with First Bank Hopkins since May 1977, and his most recent position has been commercial loan officer. m Seminars Successful Attendance at the Minnesota Bankers Association sponsored Bank ® Staff Seminars reached 5,500. Trish Faulbender, senior vice president for Financial Shares Corporation, Chicago, was the speaker for the series. Titled “The® Winning Team,” the seminars were designed to provide practiced infor mation to staff members on being team members and make them aware of the fast and increasing changes in ® the competitive marketplace. 37 I C a p ita l via Banco F in an cial Corp. __ * C a p ita l via Lease N o rth w e s t Ì l I J ONE W AY OR ANOTHER, W E CAN LEAD YO U R CLIENTS TO W ORKING CAPITAL. Asset Power. G et m ore m ileage out of each dollar. Your clients’ assets can secure a tailor-made revolving credit line. Accounts receivable, inventories, machinery, equipment, land and build ings can be turned into Asset Money™ It’s the smoothest route for companies short on working capital, those looking toward expansion or growing firms eager to increase sales. Or money for buy-outs, mergers and acquisitions. Bank participations. Banco Financial Corporation can help get your clients off to a great future with Asset Money. Contact John Olson, Lee Mork, Robert Olson, Paul Weingart, or Jack Hart, (612) 372-7988, 830 Northwestern Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402. Clients with considerable working capital may wish to conserve it by leasing needed equipment. Decide on a Lease Purchase Contract with a guaranteed purchase option at the end of the term. Go with a leverage lease or purchase equipment outright. Whatever your clients’ business, whatever the equipment they need — Lease Northwest, Inc. has the financing options that put it to work. Contact Dave Michael in Minneapolis at (612) 372-7416, Roger Meier in Omaha at (402) 536-2310, Jim Sheedy in Des Moines at (515) 245-3392, or Chris Hoss in Fargo at (701) 293-8136 Lease northwest,Inc. 3 a 3 c 5® Affiliated with Northwest Bancorporation ------ Financial Corporation An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 38 Jim Gowan, Vice President, Correspondent Bank Division (612) 291-5577 “ My 25 year’s experience in banking could be your competitive edge.’’ The banking experience you’ll find at The First National Bank of Saint Paul means banking service you can depend on. “ To make sure you get the service you need, when you need it, my division has seven correspondent bankers and a supporting staff of trained professionals. Together, we offer you all the experience and resources of First Bank Saint Paul. “ To maintain our high level of service, our correspondent bankers attend seminars and workshops so as to stay abreast of the latest developments in all phases of banking. “ By spending time in the field, our people make certain that they have first-hand knowledge of the day-to-day operations of their Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis customers. And if complex questions arise, they can draw upon my 25 year’s experience to help solve them. “ In today’s competitive financial world, experience is like money in the bank. If we can help you, give me a call.” ♦ First Bank Saint Paul Correspondent Bank Division We do our job. You get the credit. The First National Bank of Saint Paul • Member FDIC 39 R ECENTLY representatives of Midland National Bank of Minn©eapolis, state and St. Louis Park officials reviewed progress on the construction of Midland Bank’s new branch office. Midland’s new St. Louis Park • Branch will consist of a six lane drive-thru facility with complete customer serving capabilities and a full service bank office on the ground level of the Freidheim Building. • Construction, which began in Octo ber is scheduled for completion by April 1 , 1981. Banking services will be provided in a 1,700 square foot area in the • Freidheim Building, 3601 Park Center Boulevard, adjoining the new drive-thru facility. Midland’s longrange plans include eventual expan sion to 4,500 square feet in that ® building. Tom James, assistant vice presi dent, was appointed branch manager -St. Louis Park. He came to Midland from the Third National Bank and Trust Company of Dayton, Oh. where he served as an assistant vice president in the commercial lending department. Mr. James is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a BA degree in business administration. Nancy Rasm ussen, assistan t branch manager-St. Louis Park, joined Midland as a credit analyst in 1974. In 1978 she was elected personal banking officer and became a mortgage banking officer in 1979. Ms. Rasmussen attended Mar shalltow n Community College, Marshalltown, la., and received her BS degree in business from Drake University, Des Moines, la. the systems and procedures division. Mr. Bole recently joined National City’s staff. He received his BA from Macalester College in St. Paul, his MA from Central Michigan Univer sity in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. , and his PhD from the University of Illinois in Champaign, 111. R. BOLE D.W. KJONAAS K.C. MERICLE O.A. WOODS Mr. Kjonaas has served as assistant cashier of National City Bank since December 1973. He attended Valley City State College in Valley City, N.D. MIDLAND National’s new St. Louis Park branch will feature six lane drive-through facilities Mr. Mericle has served as a and a full service bank office. commercial loan officer in the The new 1,900 square foot C. Bernard Jacobs, chairman of the international division of the commer ^ drive-thru unit, being built at a cost board and chief executive officer of cial loan department since June 1977. of approximately $300,000, will National City Bank of Minneapolis, He received his BS from Iowa State provide five drive-thru lanes in has announced several changes in the University in Ames, la., and his addition to a special lane for business bank’s official staff. Ronald E. Bole masters of international management customers. Instant Cash machines in was named investm ent officer. from the American Graduate School ^ each location will provide 7-day, 24 Donald W. Kjonaas was made an of International Management in hour service for consumers. The new assistant vice president in the Glendale, Ariz. light-colored building, designed by operations departm ent. In the Mr. Woods has been with National BWBR Architects of St. Paul, commercial loan department, KentC. City Bank since October 1970. He harmonizes architecturally with the Mericle was elected assistant vice was previously associated with the £ Freidheim Building utilizing a dark president, and Oliver A. Woods was Liberty National Bank of Savannah, aluminum fascia panel. named an assistant vice president in Ga. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis When your community needs a clinic,you have to be on call. W h e n o n e of y o u r c u s to m e r s n e e d s m o n e y fo r h is f in a n c ia l h e a lth , h e re lie s o n y o u . T h a t’s w h y y o u n e e d a c o rre s p o n d e n t y o u c a n r e ly on. D u rin g g o o d tim e s. B a d tim e s. A n y tim e . A c o r r e s p o n d e n t lik e F ir s t B a n k M in n e a p o lis. F ir s t B a n k M in n e a p o lis g iv e s y o u o n e sim p le c o m m itm e n t. W h e n y o u n e e d u s, w e’ll b e th e re . P e rio d . R e m e m b e r t h a t n e x t tim e a c u s to m e r n e e d s c a p ita l. W h e n h e c a lls y o u , y o u c a n c a ll u s. A n d w e’ll b e read y . If y o u h a v e a n y q u e s tio n s a b o u t a n y of o u r C o rre s p o n d e n t S e rv ic e s, c a ll K en W ales, S e n io r V ice P re s id e n t, (612) 370-4687. Y ou’ll g e t a n s w e rs a n d a c o m m itm e n t y o u c a n c o u n t on. ♦ F ir st B a n k M in n ea p o lis "When you need us,we’ll be there." F irst N a tio n a l B a n k of M in n ea p o lis, 120 S o u th S ix th S tr e e t • M in n ea p o lis, MN 55402 • M em ber FDIC. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Minnesota News 42 Northwestern National of Minnea polis also announced a series of promotions and new a p p o in t ments. Advanced to senior vice presi dent are: Dharani [Darin] P. Narayana, inter national finance division. In the bond and trust T.H. ANDREWS group—Thomas H. Andrews, international services; C. Roger Bailey, individual services; Robert B. Mersky, investm ent services, and Richard J. Schneebeli, operating systems and financial controls. C.R. BAILEY, JR. G.S. WARREN R.H. LOTT III Newly-elected vice presidents are: Bond and trust group—Gregg S. Hannah, employe benefits invest ment services; Ralph H. Lott, central operations, and George S. Warren, Banco trust project and president elect of Northwestern Trust Com pany, New York. Regional Banking Group —A. Rodney Boren, Jr., eastern division of the national-international banking group; Jeffrey G. Jacobsen, manu facturing and electronic division, and Craig B. Jones, correspondent commercial credit division. International division—Michael B. Moore, Mexico City representa tive. Property management department —Thomas J. Parish. Corporate economics department —Richard Sidwell Smith. The following have been promoted to assistant vice president: R. Jeffrey Maas, corporate finance division; Donald R. Oliver, central operations division; John S. Free, Theresa Jean Morrison, Sheila [Peggy] O’Connell, John P. Rodrigues and Robert W. Wiarda, international department; Darlene M. Barnes and Gary R. Lundquist, consumer banking divi sion; John T. Carroll, Banco Trust Project, and Paul E. von Juster, trust investment department. Sally J. Rigler was elected commercial banking officer in the agribusiness division. Lola N. Johnson was appointed communica tions officer. A.R. BOREN, JR. M.H. WILLES J.G. JACOBSEN T.J. PARISH M.B. MOORE R.S. SMITH Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W .F. RICH, JR. Mark H. Willes has been elected to the board of directors of Northwest ern National Bank of Minneapolis. A well-known figure in banking circles, Mr. Willes served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 1977 until July 1980 when he joined General Mills, Inc., as executive vice president and chief financial officer. Willis F. Rich, Jr., has also been elected a director of Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis. He remains an executive vice president and a member of the bank’s management policy committee. Mr. Rich will also assume full responsibility as chief credit officer of the bank as well as chairman of the loan committee of the board. A 1941 graduate of Princeton Unviersity, he joined Northwestern in 1947. He was elected a vice president in 1955, promoted to senior vice president in 1968, and named executive vice president in 1973. * * * Ernest B. Corrick, vice president and general manager of the Rocky Mountain operation of Champion Timberlands, Milltown, Mont., has been appointed as vice chairman of the Helena Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Harry W. Newlon, president of the First National Bank in Bozeman, and Jase O. Norsworthy, president of the N.R.G. Company in Billings, were reappointed to two-year terms on the Branch Board. * * * Michael R. Sill has been elected to ^ the First Bank Minneapolis board of directors. Mr. Sill is president and director of Road Machinery & Supplies of Minneapolis, Inc. He was a director of Franklin National Bank £ for the past three years and currently is director of Reach-All Manufactur ing & Engineering Co. * * * George L. Michael has joined® Olson Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, as a consultant according to Glenn W. Olson, president of the firm. Olson Associates, Foshay Tower, * M inneapolis, is a m anagem ent® consulting firm assisting financial institutions and others in becoming more productive and profitable through goal setting, human resour- ^ ces development and a higher level of w commitment to carry out goals, marketing and sales. Mr. Michael will specialize in developing market ing programs and plans. ^ Mr. Michael recently retired from American National Bank and Trust Co. in St. Paul. He joined the bank in 1964 as vice president in charge of the instalment division and later headed ^ the retail division. He was appointed vice president and director of marketing in 1973. Prior to joining American, he was vice president and division manager for Universal CIT q Credit Corporation in Minneapolis. Statement of Condition National City Bank December 31,1980 and 1979 December 31 Resources 1980 1979 Cash and Due from Banks........................................ Interest Bearing Time Deposits with Foreign Banks Investment Securities: U.S. Treasury.......................................................... U.S. Government A gencies.................................. Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions . Other Securities...................................................... $ 29,383,800 $ 26,096,126 22,614,161 4,433,828 25,712,712 681,000 13,805,016 2,767,012 30,759,834 681,001 Total Investment Securities.............................. Trading Account Securities...................................... Federal Funds Sold .................................................. Loans Net of Reserve for Loan Losses 1980 $1,988,087; 1979 $1,933,144 and unearned discount 1980 $608,939; 1979 $897,752 ................ Leasehold Improvements and E quipm ent.............. Accrued Income Receivable....................................... Other Assets .............................................................. 53,441,701 355,033 8,800,000 48,012,863 809,461 170,528,808 2,710,378 5,222,645 2,811,162 149,374,816 1,765,152 4,269,608 1,660,709 Total Resources.................................................. $273,253,527 $253,988,735 $ 72,412,047 132,737,141 10,465,753 $ 73,191,361 111,886,489 14,619,398 Total D eposits............................................ Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold Under Agreements to Repurchase................ Other Borrowed Funds .................................... Other Liabilities ................................................ Subordinated Note .......................................... 215,614,941 199,697,248 15,048,374 4,816,933 6,110,927 3,000,000 18,065,857 3,965,683 4,857,046 Total Liabilities................ ......................... Stockholders’ Equity: Common Stock, Par Value $5.00 Authorized Shares—2,500,000 Issued and Outstanding—2,000,000 ........ Surplus ............................................................ Undivided P ro fits.......................................... 244,591,175 226,585,834 10, 000,000 10, 000,000 10, 000,000 8,662,352 7,402,901 20 , 000,000 2 , 000,000 Liabilities & Stockholders’ Equity Deposits: D em and.......................................................... T im e................................................................ Foreign B ranch.............................................. 10, 000,000 Total Stockholders’ Equity ...................... 28,662,352 27,402,901 Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $273,253,527 $253,988,735 Board of Directors C. Bernard Jacobs Howard E. Barnhill Kenneth H. Dahlberg James H. Hearon, III Chairman o f the Board & C hief Executive Officer President, Chairman o f the Board & C hief Executive Officer President, Chairman o f the Board & C hief Executive Officer President & Chief Operating Officer North American Life and Casualty Company Dahlberg Electronics, Inc. David L. Andreas Marvin Borman President Vice President Partner Maslon, Kaplan, Edelman, Borman, Brand and McNulty National City Bancorporation University of Minnesota National City Bancorporation James B . Goetz President Sister Mary Madonna Ashton, CSJ Business Consultant Minnesota Fabrics, Inc. Retired President President & C hief Executive Officer Edward C. Brown, Jr. Frederick L. Deming Walter W. Heller Regents’ Professor o f Economics C. Wilbur Peters Ralph C. Turnquist National City Bank Chairman o f the Board & C hief Executive Officer St. Mary’s Hospital Turnquist Paper Company NATIONAL CITY BANK 75 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612-340-3000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis National City Bank OF M IN N E A P O L IS *national City Bancorporation Affiliate 'A FULU ! SERVICE] BANK*/ M ember F.D .I.C . Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 44 Minnesota News Richard H. Klovstad has been elected vice president of risk and insurance management by Northwest Bancorporation. Mr. Klovstad has worked at Banco’s corporate head quarters since 1975, most recently as director of the risk and insurance management department. Also at Banco, William J. Brechtel has been elected vice president of accounting. Mr. Brechtel has been with Banco since 1975, when he joined as assistant controller in the corporate office. He was previously employed as senior accountant at Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., Chicago. The board of directors of Banco has elected William G. Stocks and William G. Roth directors. Mr. Stocks is chairman and chief executive officer of the Peavy Company, a grain and retail merchandising and food processing company based in Minneapolis. Mr. Roth is chairman and chief executive officer of The Trane Company in LaCrosse, Wis., an air conditioning systems manufacturer. * * * Two promotions have been an nounced by the Bank of Minneapolis and Trust Company. Paul E. Oberstar has been promoted to senior vice president in the b a n k ’s commercial loan department and Mark A. Scheidhauer was named an instalment loan officer. Sharyl F. Reppenhagen has been named real estate banking officer of Northwestern National Bank of Saint Paul, G. Richard Slade, president, has announced. Ms. Reppen hagen has atten ded the School of Mortgage Bank ing at Stanford U niversity and S F- REPPENHAGEN numerous clinics and sem inars pertaining to mortgage underwri ting. She has worked at various mortgage companies since 1965 and joined Northwestern in December 1979 following her association with Banco Mortgage Co. * * * W. Merton Dresser, president of Northwestern National Bank South (formerly Fourth N orthw estern National Bank), has announced the election of Laura J. Nemcek as credit officer. Mrs. Nemcek joined Northwestern National Bank South in August 1978. She has successfully completed Northwest Bancorporation’s Man agement Training Program. Mrs. Nemcek is a native of Bloomingdale, 111., and is a graduate of St. Olaf College, Northfield, with a degree in economics. * * * Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis has announced that it has filed an appliation with the Federal Home Loan Bank in Des Moines, la. to change its charter and become a Federal Mutual Savings Bank. According to Henry S. Kingman, Jr., chairman of the board of trustees P.E. OBERSTAR M.A. SCHEIDHAUER of F&M Savings Bank, F&M will continue to work with federal officials Mr. Oberstar joined the bank in to secure approval for the conversion. 1975 as a commercial loan officer and Now that an application has been was elected an assistan t vice filed with the Federal Home Loan president in mid-1976 and vice Bank, final approval is expected president in December 1977. Prior to within four to six months. joining the Bank of Minneapolis, Mr. Upon conversion to a federal Oberstar was affiliated with the charter, F&M depositors would National City Bank of Minneapolis, continue to have their deposits and as an examiner with the insured up to $ 100,000 by an agency of the federal government. Comptroller of the Currency. Founded in 1874, F&M is Mr. Scheidhauer joined the bank in September 1979 and attended the Minnesota’s only mutual savings North Hennepin Junior College and bank, with assets in excess of $1 billion and deposits of $864 million. the University of Minnesota. Northwestern Banker, February. 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Holding Company Approved ^ The Federal Reserve Bank of M inneapolis has announced its approval of the application by Green Lake Bancorporation, Inc., Spicer, to become a bank holding company ||i through the acquisition of the Green Lake State Bank, Spicer. Belle Plaine Open House The State Bank of Belle Plaine if) recently celebrated its 98th anniver sary with an Appreciation Day open house. Refreshments were served and prizes given away. m Application Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis announced its approval of the application by Northstar Bancorporation, Inc., Wayzata, to <§ acquire control of the Minnetonka State Bank, Excelsior. Equipment Leasing Approved 9 The Federal Reserve Bank of M inneapolis has announced its approval of the application of Northwest Investment Company of Cloquet, Inc., Cloquet, to continue to # engage in equipment leasing activi ties. Savings Bonds Chairman Wilmore W. Whitmore, president • of First National Bank of Houma, Houma, La., has been named chairman of the Savings Bonds Committee of the American Bankers Association, ABA President Lee ® Gunderson has announced. Insurance Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of £ M inneapolis has announced its approval of the applications by Summit Agency, Inc., Minneapolis, Summit Agency of Richfield, Inc., Minneapolis, and Summit Southview q Holding Corporation, Minneapolis, to continue to sell insurance directly related to extensions of credit by their respective subsidiary banks and insurance for the respective bank f holding company and its subsidiary bank. Application Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of ^ Minneapolis announced its approval of the application by Nimrod Enterprises, Inc., Foley, to become a bank holding company through the acquisition of the State Bank of f Foley. 45 * Are you working harder than your portfolio? i 99-28 9 9 .2 7 ! 99-27 99-26 00 12* 40 7-2 3 97.20 9 7 -2 0 7-2 98 96.28 9 6 .2 8 Bb37 1 1 1 1 97-26 9 8 ,2 r f ? .1340 BID AUTO DA 1LY . 7*2 8.98 1 7 00 -o : J- ? j 30 9 - 0' 6 0 9 90 9 180 9 97 28 S8-4 9 7 12 97.21 M ajor tests lie ahead — for the Fed, for money markets and for the economy. New offerings are flooding the markets and interest rates continue to gyrate. How do you keep pace w ith an uncertain market? For m any banks, the answer is First Bank Saint Paul. Our Investm ent Services Group has 36 full-tim e professionals ready to help you w ith the m ost sophisticated investm ent to o ls available. Our “ Blue List Bond Ticker” makes available by com puter new listings and price changes as they occur. And the latest money market news is just a phone call away on our Money Market Hotline. I SELL •: 8 8 ________I 18 -6 -8 (1 Z B i i i ' i i mm 25 m m e is 75 55 875 50 |Í2Q 8 5 0 75 li 50- 8 5 0 m * 8 875 i m NQ - I We also have the largest inventory of m unicipal bonds in this region, plus a wide variety of government securities, repurchase agreements, com m ercial paper and other money market investm ents so we can tailor a program to meet your specific objectives. We can execute your transactions rapidly, provide safe-keeping and give you a m onthly com puter report on your po rtfo lio ’s performance. Meet Clayton Johnson our A ssistant Vice President. Clayton is responsible for Southern M innesota and Iowa. Give him a call at (612) 291-5664. He’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. F ir s t B a n k S a in t P a u l Member First Bank System Investm ent Services Group A Full Service Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The First National Bank of Saint Paul 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota55101 (612)291-5659 Member FDIC Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 46 How MGIC can help We've raised underwriting ratios on home mortgages so that more people can get into a home of their own. We've increased the permissible level for basic housing debt from 25 to 33 percent. And raised the total debt level from 35 to 38 percent. Our eight percent increase in the housing ratio will open the gate for more families, particularly first-time buyers. And the modest three percent increase in total debt will keep non housing spending in line. Northwestern Banker. February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MGIC's new guidelines, however, are not meant to replace prudent underwriting of mortgage loans. Higher ratios may not apply in your market. But with big home prices and high interest rates in many locali ties, there is a need for flexibility. FHLMC, which purchased $5.5 bil lion of conventional loans last year, raised their ratios, too. And, like MGIC, they're now stressing each applicant's debt-carrying ability. Lenders also see the need for more 47 ■keep the gate open. • fn realistic mortgage guidelines. David J. Reed, executive vice pres ident at California Federal Savings and Loan Association: “ People are willing to make sacrifices just to get into homes. We need to take steps like raising the housing expense-toincome ratio to help them achieve homeownership.” Simple solutions to housing affordability do not exist. But initiatives like higher underwriting ratios, the FHLBB's 40-year mortgages and our proposed Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tax-free Housing Savings Certificates can help more people realize the American dream of owning a home. For local inform ation and service, contact in Wisconsin and Iow a: M G IC , M G IC Plaza, M ilw a u ke e, W l 53201. (414) 347-6442. In M innesota, Nebraska, N o rth D akota and South D akota: M G IC , 822 M a rq u e tte A ve., M inneapolis, M N 55402. (612) 332-8956. MGIC Working hard to earn your business Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation A Mem ber of the M G IC Investment Corporation Family Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 48 Minnesota News MBA Manual Completed, Surveys Conducted The completion of the Minnesota Bankers Association Agricultural Lending Procedures and Forms Manual was announced by project chairman John Berg, president, Wayzata Bank and Trust Company. The Agricultural Manual is the second to be completed in the series of four manuals being developed by the MBA. The Consumer Manual was completed during the spring of 1980 and the two remaining manuals on Real Estate and Commercial Lending are targeted for completion by the end of 1981, according to Mr. Berg. Mr. Berg said there are presently 550 Minnesota banks subscribing to the four manuals. In a continuing effort to meet the needs of today’s bankers, MBA has conducted two needs assessment surveys. MBA President Richard Gandrud said the surveys were done to determine the educational needs of Minnesota banking. The two areas of research were bank investments and operations. Mr. Gandrud said there was an overwhelming response to the survey and after evaluations, one must conclude that Minnesota bankers are aware of the changing industry and want to respond to it. Mr. Gandrud, also president of Pope County State Bank, Glenwood, called the survey a scientific approach to better educational programs for Minnesota bankers. He said the Association has taken this approach to get accurate assessment of the needs. Elected in Mankato Starr J. Kirklin, president of First Bank M ankato, announced the election of Calvin A. Johnson as vice presidentagriculture and re a l e s ta te lending. Mr. Johnson began his bank ing career in 1971 as the adjuster in the instalm ent C.A. JOHNSON loan department of First Bank Mankato and most recently as assistant vice president handling agriculture and commercial loans. He received his BS degree in business administration from Man kato State University in 1967. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Elk River Officers Elected James M. Simpson, president, announced that the board of directors of the Bank of Elk River has elected Patrick H. Dwyer vice president and cashier and Steward T. Wilson assistant vice president. P.H. DWYER S.T. WILSON Mr. Dwyer graduated from St. Cloud State University with a degree in business administration and has been with the bank since 1971. Mr. Wilson received his bachelors degree from Hamline University and has been with the bank since 1975. Joins First Northwestern Don Skinner recently joined the staff at the First Northwestern National Bank of Grand Rapids as instalment loan officer. He a t tended the Uni versity of North Dakota, major ing in business administration. The past four years, he has e m p lo y e d b y D- SKINNER Thorp Credit and Thrift where he became branch manager in March 1978. Holding Company Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of M inneapolis has announced its approval of the application by First Breck Holding Company, Breckenridge, to become a bank holding company through the acquisition of The F irst N ational Bank of Breckenridge. Certification Announced The Federal Reserve Board announced the issuance of a prior tax certification pursuant to the Bank Holding Company Tax Act of 1976 relating to a proposed divestiture by Aarestad Farm Products, Inc., Halstad, of 946 Vz shares of Red River State Bank, Halstad. To Acquire Bank and m Insurance Company The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has announced its approval of the application of Norkitt Bancorp, Inc., Hallock, to become a # bank holding company through the acquisition of 100% of the outstand ing voting shares of C-D-L Corporation, Hallock, a one-bank holding company owning 97.7% of® the outstanding voting shares of Northwestern State Bank of Hallock, and the application of Norkitt Bancorp, Inc. and C-D-L Corpora tion to respectively acquire and retain • indirect control of the assets of Northwestern Insurance Agency, a general insurance agency in a community with a population not exceeding 5,000. ® Promoted at Lake Crystal James Clark, president of Lake Crystal National Bank, announced the promotion of Dean Meyer to the position of a s s is ta n t vice president. Mr. Meyer is the agri cultural loan of ficer for the bank and manager of the A gro-Sys tems accounting services. B. MEYER Mr. Meyer came to the Lake Crystal National Bank in 1977. At the present time he is a member of the Mankato area Board of Governors of the American Institute of Banking. Named A .V .P . at Ridgedale Barbara J. Anderson has been appointed assistant vice president for Ridgedale State Bank of Minne tonka. Ms. Anderson has served on the Board of Gover nors of the Amer ican Institute of B a n k in g . She joined Ridgedale State Bank in May 1978 when B. ANDERSON the bank opened at 1730 Plymouth Road. Ms. Anderson began her banking career 10 years ago and was promoted to assistant cashier in 1979. 49 to assistant vice president and commercial lending officer, Carol J. Atkinson was promoted to assistant vice president and assistan t instalment department manager and Frank A. Flicek was promoted to commercial lending officer. Minnesota News Rochester Re-alignment The Northwestern National Bank of Rochester has announced the election of three new officers and the promotion of eight officers, according to John R. Cochran, president and chief executive officer. D.L. TESKE Deborah L. Teske was elected downtown drive-in manager, Janet M. Schlosnagle was elected consumer compliance officer and Debra M. Hamilton was elected instalment lending officer. Ken R. Blazing was promoted to operations officer of Northside office, Peg L. Mattke was promoted to operations officer of Northside office, Ken G. Rohde was promoted to vice president and security officer, David G. Wittenberg was promoted to assistant vice president and commer cial lending officer, Robert B. Clowes was promoted to assistant vice president and agricultural lending officer, Ben F. Wiebke was promoted Fed Approves Holding Co. The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has announced its approval of the application by Middle River Bancshares, Inc., Middle River, to become a bank holding company through the acquisition of the First National Bank of Middle River. J.M. SCHLOSNAGLE J O B F IN D E R S ... when you can’t tpfj|ll| • É ■ f # I If # HTi l l BUHL D.M. HAMILTON P.L. MATTKE D.G. WITTENBERG T T l ./ fk mL W ■' % > «; I fM» ■ ■ ■ h »i i * *- A. ” Jk 1 7 I & - ¿J T i aL K.R. BLAZING K.G. ROHDE R.B. CLOWES It only makes good sense. You want the best people in your top positions. So you talk to the professionals in banking personnel...JOBFINDERS. Why JOBFINDERS? They're a highly specialized career guidance firm limiting their practice entirely to the commercial banking industry. These people know banking and understand its special personnel demands. JOBFINDERS otters expert, personal attention for all your staffing needs. With JOBFINDERS, your personnel search will be systematic and efficient. You'll review only the best-qualified applicants for your position. And JOBFINDERS makes economic sense, too. With a fee schedule that is less than half of customary agency fees They'll help you put the right person in your position. Don't leave your personnel decisions to chance. When you can't afford a placement JOBFINDERS. Minnesota Jobfinders, Inc. David C. Kirk & Associates 100 N. 7th St., Suite 218, Minneapolis, MN 55403 • (612) 375-0018 Specialists in Commercial Banking C.J. ATKINSON F.A. FLICEK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 50 Sioux Falls Promotion The board of directors of North w estern Bank of Sioux Falls announced the following promo tion, according to C.P. “Buck” J. W. Thomson, pres., Centerville M oore, p r e s i J. M. Schwartz, exec, mgr., Pierre dent. Arlen R. In’t Veld was V __________ ___________ promoted to op erations officer, Purchase Agreement Reached Colonial Branch. Mr. In’t Veld, a B OYD Knox, chairman of the been managed continuously by a A. IN’T VELD native of Hull, board of directors of Commercial member of the Brisbine family for la., attended Nettleton Business S Banshares Inc. and T.R. Brisbine, over 56 years going through the College in Sioux Falls. Prior to president of the Sanborn County depression years of the 1920s and joining the Colonial Branch staff in Bank Woonsocket, have announced 1930s. The original board of directors November 1979 as operations super that an agreement has been reached included T.M . Brisbine, A.R. visor, Mr. In’t Veld held various for the purchase of the Sanborn Bratsberg, R.L. Collignon, Jim Hall positions in the operations area from # County Bank by Commercial Ban- and R.E. Hazen. 1975. shares, Inc. S o u th D akota Commercial Banshares is a onebank holding company owning 100% of the shares of the Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of M itchell. Commercial Bank has assets total ing 87,000,000 as of December 31, 1980. The Sanborn County Bank has assets of 13,000,000 as of December 31, 1980. An application will be filed with the Federal Reserve System to convert Commercial Banshares to a multi-bank holding company. The purchase is subject to approval by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Mr. Brisbine will remain president and chief executive officer of the Sanborn County Bank and it is anticipated that there will be no changes in the staff or policies due to the change of ownership. The Sanborn County Bank was organized in 1924 by T.M. Brisbine and has Black Hills Bank Elects Two New Officers Two new bank officers were elected recently at First National Bank of the Black Hills, Rapid City, president Charles T. Undlin announced. R. WORTH E. TOMS Robert Worth was elected vice president and manager of the Sturgis branch and Edward Toms was elected vice president and manager of the J. Virgil Lowe Dies Lead branch. Mr. Worth graduated from Black J. Virgil Lowe, 86, passed away recently in Mesa, Arizona. Mr. Lowe Hills State College in 1974 with a BS retired in 1959 as president of degree in business administration. Northwestern National Bank of He began his banking career in 1973 Sioux Falls. His retirement came 47 at the Sturgis branch and has held his years after he began his banking position as vice president and career as a messenger. manager of the Lead branch since February 1979. Mr. Toms received a BA degree in New Castlewood Manager governm ent in 1971 from the Larry Fluegge has joined the University of South Dakota. During United National Bank of Watertown the past nine years with the bank he as vice president and branch manager has held various positions at the Lead of the Castlewood branch. branch, including adjustor, personal Mr. Fluegge was formerly assis loan officer, and for the past tant vice president of the Peoples two-and-a-half years, loan officer and assistant manager. National Bank of Mora, Minn. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ross Fenn Leads Rotary International Team District 561 of Rotary Interna tional has selected the Group Study Exchange team to visit New South Wales, Australia for six weeks in March and April, 1981. The district governor’s representa tive and team leader is Ross Fenn, vice president of Northwestern National Bank of Sioux Falls, and currently president of the Sioux Falls Downtown Rotary Club, largest in the district. Group Study Exchange is an educational activity of The Rotary Foundation which provides travel grants for the exchange of teams, within a two-year period between paired R otary D istricts and different countries. The Austral ian GSE team from District 970, New South Wales, visited this district during April and May of 1980 and traveled extensively through South Dakota. - 0 0 0 0 • Fed Approves Application The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has announced its approval of the application by South Dakota Bancshares, Inc., to acquire Sully County Bank, Onida. ^ Application Approved The Federal Reserve Bank of 0 M inneapolis has announced its approval of the application by Great Plains Bank Corporation, Eureka, to become a bank holding company through the acquisition of the Eureka # State Bank. 51 • Elected at Valley City Harlee Olafson has been elected instalm ent loan officer of the Northwestern National Bank of Valley City. Mr. Olafson has been with the bank since March 1979. He obtained a BA degree in business administration from Valley City State College in 1979. r North D akota C. K Davis, pres., Cando H. J. Argue, exec, dir., Bismarck North Dakota “Mid-Winter Break” Schedule 0 T 0 £ 0 0 # # 0 0 0 # HE Bank of North Dakota will I hold its “Mid-Winter Break” February 18, 19 and 20 at the Bismarck Holiday Inn. The program will begin at 11:15 February 18. H.L. Thorndal, presi dent of the Bank of North Dakota, will deliver the welcome and resume of the the conference. Opening remarks will be made by the Honorable Allen I. Olson, Governor, State of North Dakota. Featured speakers at the afternoon session will include Marlin D. Jackson, chairm an, agricultural committee, ABA chairman and president of Security Bank in Paragould, Ark.; Robert H. Long, assistant to the president, Bank A dm inistration In stitu te , Park Ridge, 111., and the Honorable H. Kent Jones, Commissioner of Agriculture, State of North Dakota. Speakers at the February 19 session will include R.C. “Dick” Crockett, president, Greater North Dakota Association, ND Chamber of Commerce, Fargo; Dr. Hiram Drache, professor, author, farmer, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.; Dr. John Martin, staff economist, Farm Journal Magazine, and Jeff Judy, international banking officer, Northwest National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. The morning session on February 20 will feature Dorothy Stager, Pipestone, Minn, and Thomas R. Smith, president, Fidelity Brenton Bank and Trust, Marshalltown, la. A full wive’s program is also planned, which will include an address by Mrs. Nancy Thorndal, Educational Equality Coordinator for the State Board for Vocational Education, and a style show featuring b an k ers’ wives from throughout North Dakota as models. Page State Promotions R. Paul Pederson, president of Page State Bank, has announced the following changes in staff: Merland L. Carlson has been promoted from cashier to executive vice president and a member of the board of directors and Janeen Conrad has been promoted to assistant cashier. Elected in Grafton Mr. Carlson has served as cashier Dan Lessard, president of the and managing officer of the bank Walsh County Bank and Trust Co. of since 1965 and continues as executive Grafton, has announced the election officer as well as a director. of Gary E. Lloyd as executive vice Mrs. Conrad worked at the bank president. His main duties will be in from 1974 to 1976 when she left to the areas of business development, work at banks in West Fargo, Fargo marketing and commercial lending. and Mayville, before returning to Mr. Lloyd attended the University Page State Bank in May 1980 as of North Dakota in Grand Forks, operations supervisor. receiving a BSBA degree in business administration in 1970. Following his graduation he was employed by the Fed Approves Holding Co. The Federal Reserve Bank of Comptroller of the Currency as a national bank examiner for four M inneapolis has announced its years, headquartered at Madison, approval of the application by. New Wis. In 1974 he joined the staff of the Salem Bancorporation, Inc., New Walsh County Bank and Trust Co. as Salem, to become a bank holding an assistant cashier. He was later company through the acquisition of elected to assistant vice president the Security State Bank of New Salem. and vice president. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Promoted at Grand Forks Richard O. Wold and the board of directors of the First National Bank in Grand Forks announced the following promotions: Dale Arel has been promoted to vice president. Mr. Arel has been with the bank since 1962. He was promoted to assistant vice president in 1978. Victoria Phillips has been promo ted to assistant vice president. Mrs. Phillips joined the bank in December 1977. She was promoted to opera tions officer in May 1979. Jenny Dick has been promoted to assistant cashier. Miss Dick began her banking career at First National Bank in 1975. She later graduated from the University of North Dakota with a major in banking finance. Robert Harkison Retires First National Bank ofFargo announces the retirem ent of Robert D. Hark ison after 41 years of service with Northwest Bancorporation affiliates. Mr. Harkison retires as chairman and chief executive officer of First National Bank of Fargo. Mr. Harkison began his banking career with Grafton National Bank in 1939. He interrupted his career to serve in the United States Air Corps for four years, returning to Grafton in 1944. He was elected president of Grafton National Bank in 1956. In January 1960 Mr. Harkison became president of First National Bank in Moorhead, Minn. He joined First National Bank of Fargo in 1963 as senior vice president and was elected president of the bank in 1966. A graduate of Dakota Business College, Fargo, and School of Banking, University of Wisconsin, Mr. Harkison has served as president of North Dakota Bankers Associa tion. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 52 North Dakota News Bank of North Dakota ^ Invests in Home Loans The Bank of North Dakota has invested $35.5 million in 904 home process of reassessing the policies loans throughout the state in 1980. and maximum amounts to be Nearly all of these were purchased • enforced during the 1981/82 academ from savings & loan associations and ic year. While the bottom line in this banks throughout North Dakota. At program is the North Dakota year end, the Bank was holding 4,921 student, this program has generated loans, to talin g $156.6 million. over $26 million in interest income Despite high interest rates, the Bank ® during the 13 years it has been in anticipates heavy demand for house existence. This has been available loans during 1981. and included in the transfers to the general fund by the Bank of North Harwood Increases Stock Dakota by legislative action. The application of Harwood State ® Bank to amend their articles of Promoted at Fargo incorporation to increase capital Joe Lempe has been promoted to stock from $50,000 to $100,000 by vice president and controller of the stock dividend has been approved. ^ Fargo National Bank and Trust Company, according to C.S. Miller, Bank Transfers Profits The Bank of North Dakota has president. He is a graduate of the University transferred $1.5 million from its of North Dakota and the Graduate profits to the state treasurer’s office a School of Banking at the University to be deposited in the state’s general of Wisconsin. Prior to joining the fund. H.L. Thomdal, president of the bank he was employed as a national bank, said the $1.5 million represents bank examiner. part of the $14 million appropriated £ by the 1979 legislative session. It is American Bank Promotions the bank’s policy to transmit part of One new staff member and four the bank’s profits every six months promotions at American Bank and throughout the biennium. Trust Company in Minot have been announced by President Orin Capital Stock Increase Baertsch. The application of Farmers and Edwin Schmidt has joined the Merchants Bank of Beach to amend bank as manager of the Max branch. He attended Minot State College. their articles of incorporation to Prior to joining the bank staff, he increase capital stock from $200,000 IP worked for the Kirchen Agency of to $400,000 by stock dividend has Garrison for seven years as a licensed been approved. real estate broker. Lorna Olson, an employe of Valley Natl, of Arizona ® American Bank since 1964, has been Files Stock Offering promoted from assistant cashier to The Valley National Bank of assistant vice president. Ms. Olson, Arizona, Phoenix, filed a preliminary also manager of the Dakota Square offering circular with the Comptroller branch, attended Dakota Business of the Currency relating to the ^ School in Jamestown. proposed public offering of 1 ,000,000 William Kolb, an employe of shares of common stock, expected to American Bank since 1978, has been be made during January. promoted from personnel officer to Based on deposits as of June 30, personnel and marketing officer. He 1980, the bank is the 27th largest q attended Florida State University. commercial bank in the United States Jerry Spitzer, a bank employe and the largest in Arizona where it since 1979, has been promoted to holds 42% of all bank deposits. assistant cashier and will maintain The net proceeds from the sale of his responsibilities in the insurance the common stock will be used to 9 and instalment loan department. provide additional equity capital to Terry Kesler, a bank employe since the bank to support the growth of its 1974, was promoted to officer status, general banking business and will but will maintain her current position augm ent the b an k ’s resources as supervisor of the bookkeeping available to fund loans and invest- i(||) ments. department. Bank of North Dakota Processes 100,000 Student Loans M E. STENEHJEM, vice presi d e n t of the Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck, has announced that since the inception of theFederal Insured Student Loan Program at the Bank of North Dakota, the student loan department has proces sed a total of 100,000 loans to over 40,000 North Dakota students and thus provided $100 million to assist North Dakota students in obtaining their educational goals. Loans have been made to North Dakota students attending schools within and outside of the state. $40 million of the total has been repaid by former students now residing in every state. However, a large majority have chosen to remain in North Dakota. The present outstanding balance of $60 million consists of 32,000 loans in the amount of $38 million to 15,000 students who are in school at the present time. There are 16,000 students with $22 million that have reached the repayment status and are being billed monthly. $6,500,000 is being received in payments annually. An annual default rate of 3 percent is being maintained, which compares very favorably with the national average. The Bank of North Dakota is in the Named at Valley City Walt Bauer, president of First Bank-Valley City announced that William A. (Bill) Harbeke has been named assistant vice president and agriculture representative. He will work in the commercial and agricultural loan department. Mr. Harbeke, before coming to Valley City, was agriculture repre sentative at First Bank-Langdon for three years. He graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in agricultural economics and attended the Midwest School of Banking in Morris, Minn. Also at First Bank, Russell C. Mauch has been prom oted to assistant vice president. He will continue responsibilities in the commercial and agricultural loan department, along with his compli ance officer position. Mr. Mauch is a graduate of NDSU with a degree in agriculture. He started his banking career at First Bank-Wahpeton in 1979 and transferred to Valley City in November 1979. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53 • r M ontana J. B. Waliander, pres., Froid J. T. Cadby, exec, v.p., Helena Promoted at Bozeman Four employes have been pro moted to manager of the personal ^banking center. Mr. Walter began working for F irst N ational in September 1970 as a teller. He was promoted to assistant vice president in February 1979. In August 1979 he iwas promoted to assistant manager of the personal banking center. officer in 1975 and assistant manager of the personal banking center and marketing officer in September 1978. In January 1979 he assumed the duties of manager of the personal banking center, marketing officer and was elected assistant vice president. Mr. Beyrodt graduated from Montana State University with a BS degree in accounting. Kathy Spracklen was elected personal banking officer. Ms. Spracklen joined First National Bank in June 1976 as a teller. She was promoted to personal banking assistant II in July 1979 and management associate trainee in November 1979. Elected at Billings A1 Winegardner, president of First Northwestern Bank, Billings, has announced the election of two officers. Linda Jahnke has been promoted to commercial loan officer and Marty Derrig has been elected assistant vice president. Mrs. Jahnke earned a degree in finance and accounting from the University of Southern California in 1978. She was previously with the Union Bank of California as a trainee prior to joining First Northwestern in % T. BEYRODT K. SPACKLEN 1979. Mr. Derrig graduated from Carroll Peter W. Hespen has been promoted to operations officer and College with a BS in education. He electronic data processing manager. was previously associated with the Mr. Hespen began his banking career Northwestern Bank of Great Falls at First National Bank in Havre, and served as branch manager and Mont, in 1974 as an assistant division director for First Federal bookkeeper. He came to work for Savings and Loan of Billings before First National Bank of Bozeman in joining the bank in September 1980. September 1975 as a universal teller. Mr. Hespen was promoted to management trainee in July 1979 where he concentrated on the data processing area of the operations department. Ted Beyrodt has been promoted to vice president and cashier. Mr. Beyrodt began his banking career in 1963 when he joined First National Bank in management training. He was named marketing and personnel L. JAHNKE M. DERRIG Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Robert M. Waters Dies Robert M. Waters, 78, retired president of the Security Bank of Billings, died recently of an apparent heart attack. Following his retire ment from the bank in 1970, he remained as chairman of the board. He served as president of the Montana Bankers Association for the 1960-61 term. Mr. W aters graduated from Billings High School in 1967 and a week later got his first job. He became a bookkeeper at Lake Basin State Bank in Rapelje. He credited his success in part to his experience in country banking where he said he learned a lot about banking in a shorttime. “I was a little bit of everything, including cashier and janitor,” he recalled. His career as a country banker lated four years, then he moved to the city and joined Security, the smallest of the five banks in Billings in 1921. The young bookkeeper was the 13th employe to be hired by the bank. During his early days at Security, he enrolled in correspondence bank ing courses from LaSalle Intitute. He later organized the Billings chapter of the American Institute of Banking. He was a past president of the 50-year club of the MBA and a past member of the executive council of the American Bankers Association. Security Bank Promotions Pete Cochran, a ssista n t vice president of Security Bank of Billings, has been promoted to vice president of commercial loan. Mr. Cochran started with Security Bank in December 1970 in trust operations and in January 1973 was made a trust operations officer. He graduated from the University of Denver. Thomas Jochim has been promoted to vice president of the industrial division. He started with the bank in February 1975 as an instalment loan officer. Mr. Jochim graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in business administration. Stan Bradley, agricultural loan officer, has been promoted to assistant vice president. MHT Leasing Opens Office Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation, an affiliate of Manufac turers Hanover Trust Company of New York, the nation’s fourth largest bank, has established a branch in Seattle, Wash. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 54 supervised the new accounts depart ment. / N ebraska Albion Promotion, Election Gary Kruse, executive vice presi dent of the Albion National Bank, has announced the promotion of Kendal Kucera from vice president to senior vice president, and that Doug Haave has joined the bank as a loan officer. J. E. Roe, pres., Bennington R. M. Beverage, exec, v.p., Lincoln Promoted in Harrison Wayne H oskinson has been promoted to president of the Sioux National Bank of H a rris o n . He succeeds Charles R. Leffler, who resigned as presi dent, but will remain on as chairman. Prior to joining Sioux N ational, Mr. Hoskinson was vice president of W. HOSKINSON the First National Bank of York. He joined Sioux National in 1979 as executive vice president. Two Appointed at NBA The Nebraska Bankers Associa tion has selected Ilene M. Reed as public relations manager and has appointed Kathy Powers as confer ence coordinator. Ms. Reed comes to NBA with a banking and computer background. Her experience ranges from the keypunch departm ent to bank manager, which she gained at the National Bank of Commerce in Lincoln. Ms. Powers has been with NBA for five years, serving most recently as executive secretary in the communi cations department. Named Bank Examiner Michael D. Bazata has received his commission as a national bank examiner. Mr. Bazata is a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. He has been employed by the Comptroller of the Currency as an assistant national bank examiner since 1976. Mr. Bazata will remain headquartered in Lincoln. the National Association of Bank Women’s recent meeting. The dinner meeting was held at Ross’ Steak House in Omaha. Mr. Beveridge spoke on “Why Banks Need to Get Their Act Together” and covered other current legislation affecting Nebraska bank ers. He previously was a partner in the law firm of Baylor, Evnen, Curtiss and Grimit of Lincoln. DeLay Celebrates 50th The DeLay First National Bank & Trust Company of Norfolk, Nebraska celebrated their 50th banking anni versary recently. The bank paid special recognition to its founder, J .J. DeLay, and to past directors and staff who had contributed tow ard the b a n k ’s growth and progress. Bernard M. DeLay, president, thanked the loyal customers and present directors and staff for their contributions. It was estimated that approxi mately 15,000 people visited the bank during the 50th anniversary celebra tion. Promoted in Ralston The Ralston Bank has announced two promotions. In addition to her title of operations officer, Geri Kidder has been named auditor. Donna Lynn, who has been with the Ralston Bank for 12 V2 years, has been named operations officer. Ms. Lynn has been in the loan processing areas as well as various aspects of operations. She currently is handling the NOW account program. Named Operations Officer Kathleen K. Bagley has been named operations officer of the First Bank Women Meet in Omaha National Bank in Bellevue. Mrs. Roger Beverage, executive vice Bagley has been with First National president of the Nebraska Bankers since July 1979 and has been Association, Inc., was the featured secretary to the president since that speaker at the Mid Plains Group of time. Since October 1980 she has Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1st National, St. Joe, Names John Karn V.P. John E. Karn has been elected vice president in charge of the correspon dent banking and agricultural department at First National Bank in St. Joseph, Mo., and will continue in his current post as president of First Stock Yards Bank of St. Joseph. The announcement was made by Jacob M. Ford, II, chairman of First Midwest Bancorp, Inc., with which both banks are affiliated. J. E. KARN B. AZELTON Mr. Karn’s responsibilities have been greatly expanded. He will be working closely with correspondent bankers and ag-oriented customers of both First National and First Stock Yards Banks. He has been with the First Midwest Bancorp organization since 1960 and is widely known in correspondent bank and ag circles in surrounding states. H.H. Broadhead, Jr., chairman of First Stock Yards Bank, announced the elections of Robert Azelton, Jr., as assistant vice president and Michael Krawczyk as assistant cashier at First Stock Yards Bank. Mr. Azelton started with the bank last year after more than seven yeari in ag related activities. This experience included serving as the director of the St. Joseph Livestock Market Foundation and as the farm service director for KFEQ radio station in St. Joseph. He will continue working in correspondent and ag banking areas. Mr. Krawczyk joined the bank in 1977 and will continue his work as a loan officer. ^ * ^ ^ § £ We can make it easy for you to become a part of today's growing Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) environm ent. . . without a lot of waiting. For your bank, Instant Cash can be instant EFT. Our ready-to-go Instant Cash package includes the card, the equipment, the processing system , technical support, and a proven-effective marketing and advertising program. Best of all, we're ready to put all (or part) of it to work for you now. Learn how you can make the m ost of our Instant Cash Services. . . to make your account relationships more valu able, to maintain your bank's identity, and to compete more effectively in your marketplace. Call a U.S. National Correspondent Banker at 402/536-2072 today. Bob Harris i U.S. National Bank, 1980 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Howard Nielsen Member FDIC Larry Hansen Lee Bachand John Lewis Myron Peterson US National BANKOf Omaha Banco « 56 <l> J.C. NELSON Several officer appointments have been announced by John D. Woods, board chairman and chief execu tive officer of the Omaha National Bank. Kenneth Kroeker and Gary Thrasher were nam ed sen io r vice presidents. Mr. Kroeker joined the OmaK. KROEKER G. THRASHER M. STURM J.R. HILL D.J. WINTZ administrative analyst in 1970. He became vice president in 1974 and since 1979 has been in charge of the resource management and credit review departments. He received a BS degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. He received an MS degree from the University of Southern California. Promoted to second vice president were James R. Hill, Mary Sturm and Daniel J. Wintz. Mr. Hill was appointed a commercial instalment collector in 1979. He was named to his present position as manager of credit card collections later that year. Mrs. Sturm, an Omaha National employe since 1956, joined credit card operations in 1968. Currently, she is manager of credit card operations. Mr. Wintz joined the bank’s estate and trust division in 1975. He was appointed a trust officer in 1977, and is presently senior employe benefits trust administrator. Other officer appointments: Jo seph P. Egger, Jr., systems officer; Marcus S. Ward, corporate banking officer; Judy Zaiman Gotsdiner, legal officer; Keneth J. Faucher, assistant systems officer; John E. Nahas, assistant commercial banking officer; Debra J. Rockhold, assistant opera tions officer, and Brian Zdan, assistant trust officer. * * * ha National Bank in January 1969 as Donald J. Murphy, chairman and a securities analyst. In 1977 he was chief executive officer of the United named department head of trust States National Bank of Omaha, has investments, later becoming vice announced several organizational president of trust investments, his changes within the bank. current position. Mr. Kroeker Vice President John C. Nelson, received a BA degree in education former manager of the Regency from Kearney State College and an office, has been named to a new MA degree from the University of position as m anager of retail Nebraska at Lincoln. banking. Vice President Joseph T. Mr. Thrasher joined the bank as an Sullivan, Jr., formerly a commercial Northwestern Banker, February. 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.R. BURNHAM J.T. SULLIVAN, JR. C.F. MATEER loan officer, succeeds Mr. Nelson as Regency office manager. Also created has been a new executive lending function which will be headed by John R. Burnham, vice president of commercial banking. C. Fred Mateer has been named second vice president and personnel manager. Mr. Nelson has been with U.S. National Bank 14 years. He was named manager of the systems department in 1968 and manager of the Regency office in 1979. He graduated from the University of Kansas and received an MBA from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. In 1978, Mr. Nelson graduated from the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers University. Mr. Sullivan joined U.S. National Bank in 1975 as a commercial banking officer with 11 years experience. He was elected vice president of commercial lending in 1977. Mr. Sullivan is a graduate of Creighton University and the Nation al Commercial Lending School. Mr. Burnham joined U.S. National Bank in 1966 as assistant vice president in the instalment loan division, and in 1967 was elected vice president and manager. He attended The University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Mr. Mateer previously served as vice president and director of human resources for First National Bank of Aberdeen, S.D. He completed his undergraduate work at the Univer sity of Illinois, Urbana. He is a graduate of the Princeton University Bank Personnel Graduate School and Jim Flodine, George McFadden, Fred Kuehl, Don Ostrand, Ralph Peterson. Ttust your correspondent • banking to our efficiency experts. • • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis These superb professionals are dedicated to meeting all your m individual corres- ■ pondent needs. Call us for details on electronic data processing, ( I cash letter processing, overlines, fed fund ^ transactions; or any ■ other correspondent M service. We’ll show you how friendly efficiency can be. first' national bank of omaha - In Nebraska call us toll free a t-800-642-9907. Outside Nebraska call us toll tree at 800-228-9533. Member FDIC. 58 Nebraska News the American Bankers Association Chapter. RMA is a national association of bank loan and credit National Personnel School. Marshall E. Faith, president and officers. chief executive officer of the Scoular Other officers elected were William Company, and Dr. Delbert D. Weber, Keeffe, vice president of the chancellor of the University of American National Bank in Omaha, Nebraska at Omaha, have been vice chairman, and Jim Kruger, elected to the board of directors of the executive vice president of the United States National Bank of Gateway Bank and Trust Co. in Omaha. Linocln, secretary-treasurer. * * * Elected directors were Gordon Robert W. Tritsch, vice president Kuhn, president of the Havelock of the First National Bank of Omaha, Bank in Lincoln; Robert Morris, has been elected chairman of the senior vice president of the Overland Midlands Group of The Robert National Bank in Gand Island; Ron Morris Associates’ Missouri Valley Schneider, vice president of the United States National Bank i n f Omaha; Larry Comine, vice president of The Omaha National Bank; Duane Schainost, vice president of the First National Bank of Lincoln, and Roger Buhrdorf, vice president of the F irst# West Side Bank in Omaha. * * * Harold M. Walton, president of Center Bank, has announced the# p ro m o tio n of three Center Bank officers: Thomas J. Jaksich, Anne R. Jensen and James K. Ster ling. Mr. Jaksich was promoted from assistan t vice president to T.J. JAKSICH A.R. JENSEN DENNIS R. WOOD We are extremely pleased to announce that our President has been selected by the Omaha Jaycees as one of the TEN OUTSTANDING YOUNG OMAHANS for the second consecutive year. 402-731-4900 24th & L Sts. Omaha, Nebraska packers m i national bank MEMBER FDIC J.K. STERLING vice president. He has been at the Center Bank since 1972 and holds a bachelors degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He recently received his MBA from UNO. # Mr. Sterling has been promoted from assistant vice president to vice president. He is the manager of the instalment loan department and has worked at Center Bank for over te n # years. Mr. Sterling was promoted to an officer in 1973. Ms. Jensen, personnel officer, has been promoted to assistant vice president. She began working a t # Center Bank in 1972. She was promoted to facility manager at the auto bank in 1977. She became the personnel officer in May 1978 and heads that department. • * * * An application for consent to establish a remote service facility by First West Side Bank, in the Safeway • Store at 12006 West Center Road, has been approved. * * * Edward A. Kohout, president of® the Northwestern National Bank, has Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 59 High Performance Banking in a Highly Competitive Environment. National Bank of Commerce presents another Alex Sheshunoff seminar focusing on asset/liability management. NBC President Jim Nissen (left) with Alex Sheshunoff On March 17, National Bank of Commerce will continue its series of Sheshunoff seminars when it brings Alex Sheshunoff to Lincoln. In discussing asset/liability management, Sheshunoff’s presentation will include: • Protecting bank profits • Determining loan portfolio interest rate sensitivity • Determining liability rate sensitivity • Managing the interest “gap” through variable rate notes, investment portfolio strategies, use of hedging with T-bill futures and, asset/ liability management models NBC believes in taking an aggressive approach to correspondent banking. That’s why we continue to bring you information you can use, like the Sheshunoff seminars. These sessions have proven to be a most valuable experience in the past and we know this year’s seminar will be no exception. 1981 will be a year of vigorous competition for our industry and NBC’s Correspondent Division is ready to help. If you would like to attend the March 17th seminar, please contact the Correspondent Division of National Bank of Commerce. NBC National B an k of Commerce The B an k w ith the Plus NBC Center, 13th & O St., Lincoln, NE 68508 Telephone (402) 472-4321, WATS 800-742-7317 MEMBER FDIC Accounts Insured to $100,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 60 announced the election of Thom as H. Jensen as an agricultural loan officer. M r. J e n s e n graduated from the University of N e b r a s k a at Omaha with a BS degree in busi T.J. JENSEN ness administra tion. He began his career at Northwestern National Bank in April 1977 on a part-time teller basis. His experience included working at the 96th & L facility as night manager. Upon graduation he moved to the Livestock Exchange facility as an agricultural administration assis tant. * * * The executive committee of the First National Bank of Omaha has announced the following appoint ments: William R. Bohl as operations officer, systems development depart ment. Jody Grewe as international officer, international department. E.J. KELLEHER G.A. RUSHING Edward J. Kelleher as loan officer, commercial loan department. George A. Rushing, as instalment loan officer, instalment loan depart ment. The executive committee also made the following appointments: Named assistant operations offi- ------------------------------------ Serving the Midw F IR S T M ID A M E R IC A IN C . • M u n ic ip a l B o n d s F is c a l A g e n ts • C o rp o ra te B o n d s L is te d a n d U n lis te d S e c u ritie s • G o v e rn m e n t In v e s tm e n t B a n k in g A gency Bonds Municipal Bond Department 100 Continental Building 19th & Douglas Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Call collect 402-444-1900 First Mid America S IK M e m b er N ew York Stock Exchange, tnc and other Principal Stock and Com mo dit y Exchanges CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL BONDS • GOVERNMENT AGENCIES STOCKS • COM M ODITIES • OPTIONS • INVESTMENT BANKING Omaha • Lincoln • Columbus • Grand Island • Hastings • Atlantic • Cedar Rapids • Des Moines • Fort Dodge • Marshalltown • Chicago • Kansas City • Wichita Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cers were: Joseph W. Barry, John G. $ Langenfeld and Stella L. Standifer, all in BankCard department; Nancy F. Cordahl, tru s t departm ent; Rodney D. Everson, personnel department; Frances A. Flairty,# mortgage loan department; Richard Huddleston, data processing depart ment, and Geraldine Huth, market ing department. Jan E. DeRoin was n a m e d # assistant trust officer in the trust department. Mr. Bohl is a graduate of Nebraska Vocational Technical College and joined the bank in 1977. • Ms. Grewe is a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a BS in Business Administration. She joined First National in 1976. Mr. Kelleher received his BA # degree with a major in Sociology from Creighton University in Omaha and joined the bank in 1974. Mr. Rushing holds an Associate of Arts degree from Miami Dade ® Community College and a BS degree from the University of Maryland in 1977, the year he joined the bank. * * * Dennis R. Wood, president of Packers National Bank, has been selected as one of the Ten Ou t standing Young Omahans for the second consecu tive year. Mr. Wood is also a director of Packers National Bank. He is pres i d e n t - e l e c t of Girls Club of D R- WOOD Omaha; president of the South# Omaha M erchants A ssociation; board member of Omaha Chapter of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and the Metropolitan Arts Council. # * * * Karen Kennedy has been promoted to second vice president of Realbanc, Inc., an Omaha< based mortgage firm, according to Keith L. Morph ew , board c h a i r ma n and p r e s i d e n t of Realbanc. Ms. Kennedy joined the firm in 1974 as a loan administrator. K. KENNEDY Nebraska News _ Dennis R. Wood, president of ^Packers National Bank announced the following promotions following a meeting of the board of directors: James R. Riha to vice president l^md comptroller; Robert L. Schilke to ^cashier, and Laura A. Kearney and Donald F. Holst to assistant vice presidents. 61 Were interested in supplying efficient data processing. For you. J.R. RIHA R.L. SCHILKE t Security Bank we’re peoL pie with a special interest in your success. People you can count on for data process ing and all your correspondent banking needs. Security Bank people know data processing and how to make it work for you. They understand the special needs of agriculturally oriented banks. And we have a second fullservice data processing center close to you in Mitchell. For data processing, ag lending, overlines and invest ments, start corresponding with Security. We’re people with an interest in you. A w L.A. KEARNEY D.F. HOLST Mr. Riha joined Packers National Bank in 1969 as a teller and became cashier in 1974. He has a BSBA from ^Creighton and is a graduate of the ^Colorado School of Banking and the N ational Commercial Lending School. Mr. Schilke joined Packers in 1970 ^as supervisor of bookkeeping. He was promoted to assistant vice president in 1974. He is a member of AIB and BAI and serves on the board and as secretary of the BAI. ^ Ms. Kearney has been with Packers since 1975. She was made auditor and loan officer in 1978. She is a member of AIB where she also serves as a director. ^ Mr. Holst joined Packers in 1979 as a loan officer, having prior experience at another Omaha bank. He attended the University of Iowa and the Graduate School of Banking in ^Wisconsin. Pender Names President The Pender State Bank has named ^G ary R. Condon president and CEO. Mr. Condon joined the bank in 1965 as agriculture representative and was previously executive vice president. It was also announced that Kevin ^K irby has been promoted to vice president. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Security Correspondent Bankers Top to Bottom Jim Hongslo Steve Hatz Ken Roeder Wilma Weeks Jim Young SECURITY N A TIO N A L B A N K Western Iowa’s Largest SIOUX CITY, IOWA 51101 7 1 2 / 277-6554 MEMBER F.DJ.C. © 1 9 8 0 Security National Bank Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 William C. Smith, president, First National Lincoln, has announced the following promotions and appoint ments of officer personnel: Gareth D. Schrock and Everett L. Shirk were elected vice presidents, instalment lending, by the board of directors. Mr. Schrock is manager of the direct lending department and Mr. Shirk is manager of the indirect lending department. Other officers appointed to new positions include: Perry R. Myers, assistant vice president, collection manager; Michael A. Renken, assistant vice president, commercial banking; Timothy L. Thietje, assistant vice president & manager, trust marketing; Mark A. Elste, trust investment officer; C. John Guenzel, trust officer; Gary L. Hoemann, trust investment officer; Michael D. Rees, trust investment officer, and Jim G. Farber, farm management supervisor. Individuals promoted to officer positions were: Karen Chloupek, Visa/Master Card collection section manager; Lyle D. Hiatt, Municipal bond underwriting officer, and Craig Moyer, commercial banking officer. * * * The board of directors of National Bank of Commerce approved five officer promotions at a recent meeting. Stuart Bartruff was elected loan analysis officer. Mr. Bartruff joined NBC in May 1979 as a management trainee. He joined the loan analysis department and became manager of that department in October 1980. He has a masters of science degree from UNL in agricultural economics. Call S te v e S u tto n ^ For C om plete L Credit Insurance Service . . . Call Toll Free in Nebraska 800-742-7335 or call collect 402-475-4061 Bank Programs for Group •Individual Life* Accident & Sickness LIN C O LN Where BENEFIT is more than a middle name L in c o ln , N eb raska 68508 Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Steve W. Sutton Vice President LIFE Pam Hunzeker has been promotedL to marketing officer. Ms. Hunzeker is^ a graduate of UNL and joined NBC in August 1978. She held the position of credit supervisor in the bank credit card department and transferred t h i ^ past month to manage the marketing department. Karen Kleman was elected person nel officer. Ms. Kleman has been with the bank since May 1974 when s h ^ started in the position of personnel secretary. She has held the position of salary and benefits administrator since October 1977. Janet LaPage was promoted to^ teller operations officer. Joining NBC as a teller in July 1964, she has since assumed a variety of teller supervi sory positions. She became the main bank teller manager in Septembers 1979. Tom Lintel was elected assistant controller. Mr. Lintel started in auditing in April 1979 and moved to control in April 1980. He has a BS^ degree in accounting from UNL. * * * The New York Stock Exchange hasc announced that Charles J. Burmeister has been ap proved as a mem ber of the New York Stock Exchange. Mr. Bur9 meister is presi dent and chief executive officer of F irst Mid ^ America Inc., a 9 Lincoln-based regional invest- C.J. C-J> BURMEISTER BURMEISTER ment banking firm which is entering its 20th year as a member firm of the^ New York Stock Exchange. Cecil W. Means Dies Cecil W. Means, 75, retired senior^ vice president of Stockyards National Bank which is now known s Northwestern National Bank, died recently in Loveland, Colo rado of kidney failure. Mr. Means, a former Omaha civic leader, re C.W. MEANS tired from bank ing in 1971 and moved to Colorado after 42 years in business, banking,# and education. 63 Specialists in fulfilling your every correspondent need... GARY L. BIECK Vice President WILLIAM E. EDGECOMB Vice President CRAIG E. WANAMAKER STEVEN L. ANDERSON Vice President Assistant Vice President MARVIN HEFTI KATHY M. VOTAW Correspondent Bank Officer MARK A. ZABACK Correspondent Bank Officer Correspondent Bank Officer lllllinmiilll FIRST NATIONAL LINCOLN 13th & M Sts. • P.O. Box 81008 • Lincoln, NE 68501 Phone: (800) 742-7462 Member, F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 64 Wyoming G. E. Cooke, pres., Powell M. C. Mundell, exec, dir., Laramie S Banks to Be Western Bancorp Subsidiaries PINOLA, chairman of the transactions would be subject to Jtion,J.■has board of Western Bancorpora necessary approvals of regulatory announced that Western authorities, and of the boards and B ancorporation intends to file registration statements with the Securities and Exchange Commis sion and seek approval from bank regulatory authorities for consolida tion transactions which, if approved, would make an additional eight of its subsidiary banks wholly-owned sub sidiaries of Western Bancorporation. The eight banks, and Western Bancorporation’s present percentage ownership of each, are as follows: The American National Bank of Denver (Colorado), 97.5. The First National Bank of Laramie (Wyoming), 96.0. The First National Bank of Riverton (Wyoming), 88.9. Bank of New Mexico (Albuquer que), 91.1. New Mexico Bank and Trust Company (Hobbs), 65.3. First State Bank at Gallup (New Mexico), 90.1. Montana Bank (Great Falls), 89.9. Bank of Glacier County (Cut Bank, Montana), 85.9. It is contemplated, upon consum mation of these transactions, that the minority shareholders of each bank would receive Western Bancorpora tion common stock in exchange for their bank shares in ratios which have not yet been determined. The shareholders of each of the eight banks. Named Wheatland V.P. Jerry Gebhart, a loan officer for seven years at First Wyoming Bank of Wheatland, has been named a vice president, according to president Gene Hayes. Promoted at Shoshoni Promoted at First State Bank of Shoshoni, were Robert J. Crocker, to vice president, and Barbara Eller, to assistant vice president. Joins First National Dean M. Bartels, president of the First National Bank of Worland has announced Mike Blackburn has assumed the position of loan officer. He was formerly vice president of Avco Industrial Bank. Promoted at Casper At the American Bank of Casper, Susan Cox has been promoted to administrative assistant to the president and Douglas F. Bryden was promoted to assistant vice president in charge of business development. IBAA CONVENTION PROGRAM (Continued from page 30) by IBAA Past Pres. Ivan Fugate, chairman and president of Western Nation al Bank, Denver, and James P. Thomas, executive manager, Independent Bankers of Colorado. Address—Medical speaker to be an nounced. Resolutions—John E. McDavid, Charles ton, W.Va. 10:00 Program for spouses. Banker, February, 1981 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Citicorp Files with Fed To Open Denver Office 9 Citicorp of New York has filed an application with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to open a loan production office in Denver, C olo.,# one of the nation’s fastest growing cities. The office would have an energy unit and representatives of its national division. If approved, this would be the 111 th loan production# office authorized for large banks from other states and nations. Valley of Arizona Net Income Gains 14% Valley National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix, announces that prelimi- # nary, unaudited figures show net in come for 1980 of $53,211,000, com pared to $46,522,000 for 1979, an in dicated increase of 14 %. Income be fore securities gains or losses w as# $53,243,000 for 1980, compared to $47,545,000 for 1979, an increase of 12%. Announcement was made by Board Chairman Gilbert F. Bradley.< Per share net income for 1980 was $5.26, an increase of $.61 or 13% over the $4.65 reported for 1979. Per share income before securities gains or losses for 1980 was also $5.26,^ compared to $4.75 for 1979, an increase of 11 %. At year-end 1980, total resources were $5.7 billion, up $343 million or 6 % above the same date of 1979.* Deposits were $4.8 billion, up $454 million or 10 %, and loans net of unearned income and reserve for possible loan losses were $3.6 billion, up $281 million or 8%. * The bank’s net loan losses for 1980 were $13.4 million. The provision for loan losses in 1980 was $19.0 million. The bank’s year-end 1980 loan loss reserve was $43.7 million, an increase of $5.6 million over year-end 1979. P.M. 6:30 7:30 Reception—Ballrooms A-G. ^ Banquet—Ballrooms A-G. Installation of new officers. 8:45 Entertainment—“Evolution of the Big Bands”—Ernie Heckscher and his orches tra. ( 9:30-11:00 Dancing. Thursday, March 26 AM. 8:00 Administrative committee breakfast. □ ~s\ Colorado J. J. O’Dell, pres., Brighton D. A. Childears, exec. mgr., Denver New Colorado Bank Holding Co. Formed HE formation of a new Colorado and Rocky Ford National Bank. T w bank holding company, Central The complex and unique divesti Bancorporation, ture plan, which was approved by the Inc. (CBI), be came effective January 1, 1981, 0 according to Max G. Brooks, chair man of the board. The formation of CBI resulted # from the divesti ture of twelve M.G. BROOKS Colorado banks by Baldwin-United Corporation, a diversified financial services com• pany whose interests include insur- g . m c k in l e y d .d . h o f f m a n ance, savings and loan, other financial services and the manufac• ture and distribution of Baldwin pianos, organs and other musical instruments. Under terms of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1970, B-U was required to cease being a ® bank holding company by January 1 , 1981, because of its ownership of various non-banking subsidiaries. Banks involved in the divestiture include: First National Bank in ® Aspen; Central Bank of Aurora; Central Bank of Academy Boulevard, Colorado Springs; Central Bank of Colorado Springs; First National Bank in Craig; Central Bank of ® Denver; Central Bank of North Denver; First National Bank of Glenwood Springs; First National Bank in Grand Junction; First N ational Bank-N orth in Grand 9 Junction; Central Bank of Greeley, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Board last July, places the ownership of the banks in a limited partnership with three classes of partners, a General Partner and Class 1 and Class 2 limited partners. The banks’ directors., officers and employes as General Partners will have management control of the partnership. The Class 1 limited partners are institutional investors who pur chased interests in conjunction with an issue of senior term debentures due in 1996. The debentures have transferable warrants attached, en titling the holders to purchase Baldwin’s interest in the partnership between 1986 and 1995 at exercise prices related to accumulated book value. Baldwin-United is the sole owner of the Class 2 limited partnership interest and retains approximately 92 percent of the economic interest, but on a non-voting basis. The divestiture transfers control of the banks to the officers and directors of the banks, thereby assuring ongoing management and regional control. The new company will have additional capital available immedi ately from the formation of the partnership, plus an additional $10 million over the period 1982-1986. Max G. Brooks, chairman of the board of Centred Bank of Denver since 1964, is CBI’s chairman and chief executive officer. Donald D. Hoffman, president of Centred Bank of Denver since 1967, is serving as vice chairman of the board. George B . McKinley, chairman of the board of First National Bemk in Grand Junction since 1976, is holding the position of president and chief operating officer. In addition to the twelve existing banks, CBI has received approval to acquire the stock of Central 65 Industrial Bank, which was organ ized in 1980, and the stock of Central Bank of West Greeley, a newly organized bank which will open for business in mid-1981. United Bank of Denver Names New Senior V.P.s The board of directors of United Bank of Denver has announced the appointments of Jed J. Burnham, manager of the real estate bank ing group; Rob ert H. Dressel, manager of the regional banking group and Thom as R. Ruha, man ager of the ener J.J. BURNHAM gy and minerals group to the position of senior vice president. R.H. DRESSEL T.R. RUHA Mr. Burnham joined UBD in November 1970. He holds an MBA degree in finance from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is a board member of Robert Morris Associa tion and a member of the National N om inating Committee & Real Estate Committee and the Colorado Bankers Association. Mr. Dressel received a BS degree in accounting from Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. and an MBA degree in finance from the University of Denver. He has been with UBD for 13 years and was named vice president in 1976. Mr. Ruha joined UBD in September 1977 as one of the managers in the energy market. His 17 years of banking experience include 14 years in California with two major energy lending banks. Fed Denies Application The Federal Reserve Board has announced its denial of the applica tion of Platte Valley Bancorp, Inc., Brighton, to acquire Valley Bancorp, Inc., Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 66 Colorado N ew s Northwest Bancorporation, first in Joins Western National ^ Minneapolis and later in Great Falls, Russell L. Truitt, president and Mont., at Northwestern National chairman of the board of the Western Bank. He left that bank in 1973 as As announced late last December, executive vice president and chief National Bank of Colorado Springs Robert E. Lee, 45, has been elected operating officer to accept a similar has announced the appointment of Jack O’Brien as vice president of the % p re s id e n t and position with the larger Old National mortgage loan department. chief executive Bank of Washington in Spokane. He officer of The became president there in 1975, but F irst N ational left the bank in May, 1979, to become Bank of Denver. president of the Iowa-Des Moines He is the ninth National. His appointent as chief president in the executive officer followed last 120-year history February. of the bank. He Mr. Lee has been active in will join the bank numerous civic and charitable March 1. organizations. R.E. LEE Mr. Lee’s elec tion by the board of directors was J. O’BRIEN B.J. NEWTON announced by Theodore D. Brown, United Banks Promotes Two N. Berne Hart, president and chairman of the bank and chief A 28-year veteran of the mortgage % executive office of the parent firm, chairman of U nited Banks of loans business, Mr. O’Brien joined The First National Bancorporation, Colorado, Inc., announced that the bank in December 1980. He has Inc., the state’s largest bank holding Frank Blatter has been promoted been with other mortgage loan from senior vice president and company. departments in Colorado Springs as Mr. Lee is moving to Denver from treasurer to executive vice president, well as Denver. # Des Moines, la., where he has been and Dennis Erickson has been Also at Western National, B.J. chief executive officer since last promoted from vice president and Newton has been named assistant February of the Iowa-Des Moines controller to vice president and vice president. The 12-year banking National Bank. With $1 billion in treasurer. Mr. Blatter, a certified public veteran joined Western National assets, it is the largest bank in Iowa Bank in 1974 as a teller and was # and the second largest affiliate of accountant, joined United Banks of named assistant cashier of the bank Northwest Bancorporation, which Colorado in 1963 as an accountant. in 1979. operates 86 commercial banks in He is a member of the Management Group at United Banks of Colorado. seven upper Midwest states. ^ Mr. Brown stated “We have In addition, he is chairman of the Elected in Denver conducted a long, intensive nation board and director of the United Mrs. Jerry Sheely, president of wide search to find the individual Bank of Arvada and a director of Boulevard Colorado National Bank in particularly qualified to head First of United Banks Service Company. He Denver, has announced that the Denver in a dramatically changing is a graduate of Regis College. board of directors recently elected Mr. Erickson joined United Banks Mrs. Jeanece Snead to the position of ^ economic and regulatory environ ment. We wanted someone with of Colorado in 1969 as corporate tax cashier and Ms. Carolyn McDaniel to broad-based and first-hand know manager. He is director and treasurer assistant cashier of the bank. ledge of various sections of the nation of Fidelity National Life and Lincoln Mrs. Snead joined Boulevard to direct the bank’s future. Bob Lee’s Agency. He is also a member of the Colorado N ational Bank on a more than 20 years of banking American Institute of Certified part-time basis in 1964. As cashier, | | experience, together with a record of Public Accountants and the Finan she is responsible for overall community service, will enable him to cial Executives Institute. operations of the bank. complement the excellent staff First Ms. McDaniel joined Boulevard of Denver already has in place.’’ Colorado National Bank as personnel Mr. Lee is no stranger to the Promotions Announced coordinator in July and works in both • C. Gale Sellens, chairman of thepersonnel and operations. mountain states. He was born and reared in Cut Bank, M ont., board and chief executive officer of headquarters for his father’s oil Denver National Bank, has an drilling business in the surrounding nounced the promotions of Dee L. Appointed in Denver United Bank of Denver has £ energy-rich area. He received busi Lower to assistant cashier and Gloria announced the appointment of Lynn ness and engineering degrees from S. Schofield to trust officer. Formerly with First National Bank M. Murphy to the position of Dartmouth College, his BA in 1957 and MS in 1958. He also holds a 1969 of Englewood, Ms. Lower joined petroleum engineering officer. Ms. Murphy holds a BS in diploma from Stonier Graduate Denver National Bank as new chemical and petroleum refining £ School of Banking at Rutgers accounts supervisor in 1979. Ms. Schofield joined Denver engineering from the Colorado School University, where his thesis was entitled “ Financing the Small National Bank in 1980 as assistant of Mines, Golden. Prior to joining UBD in June 1980, trust officer specializing in retirement Independent Oil Producer.” Mr. Lee began his banking career trusts. She was formerly with Lincoln Ms. Murphy was associated with in April, 1959, in a three-year Trust Company. She holds a degree Amoco Production Company for five % years. management training program with from Colorado Women’s College. Bob Lee Named President At 1st National, Denver Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Colorado N ew s 'Community Cash Flow Fund Organized I N a unique blending of community resources, United Bank of Denver, The Piton Foundation, a local private ^grantmaking organization, and the Technical A ssistance Center, a non-profit corporation providing management consulting services to other non-profit organizations, have ^joined forces to provide a new financial service to the Colorado non-profit community. Known as the Community Cash Flow Fund, the service makes ^available short-term financing and cash flow management assistance to Colorado nonprofit organizations experiencing critical cash flow problems. Non-profit organizations, ©perhaps more so than their for-profit counterparts, continually are faced with cash flow problems due, in large part, to the inherent time/payment problems that accompany reliance on ©charitable contributions, grants and contracts. An acute problem can occur when an organization is unable to match its cash needs with the time timing from its funding sources. It is ©expected that the Community Cash Flow fund will help bridge the gap, allowing an organization to continue providing service to the community until receipt of committed funds. © The Community Cash Flow Fund will include an initial pool of $500,000 made available through United Bank of Denver. Loans of up to $50,000 in size with an interest rate tied to the ©prime rate will be made to qualified organizations for a maximum of 180 Appointed at Denver Bank > C. Gale Sellens, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Denver National Bank, has an nounced the ap p o in tm e n t of Thomas Dozier to senior vice p r e s i d e n t in charge of invest*ments of Denver National Bank. Formerly with T. DOZIER W illiam B la ir and Company in Chicago, 111., Mr. 1Dozier joined Affiliated Bankshares of Colorado as investment officer in 1975. He will continue to be an officer of Affiliated Bankshares. He received his MBA from Northern Illinois 'University. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 67 Promoted in Cortez The board of directors of First National Bank, Cortez, through its chairman, Douglas H. Hindmarsh, has announced the following promo tions: Stephen G. Mortimer, to executive vice president; Peter F. Sadowski, to senior vice president; Charles A. Haley, to vice president; Wilma Hersch, to cashier, and Thelma Gregory, to operations supervisor. days. Initially, funds will be limited to emergency situations that threat en to shut down or severely curtail services. It is anticipated that, as the program develops, additional funds will be available to cover other less critical situations. United Bank of Denver is the first of what is hoped to be several participating banks in the program. United Bank of Denver is a leading commercial bank in the Rocky Named at Colorado Springs Mountain region and a long time George B. Acker was recently supporter of the non-profit commun named chairman of the board and ity through its public affairs and chief executive special events programs and also officer for Cen through its Government and Institu tral Bank of Col tions Market, the source of the funds orado Springs, to be utilized for the Community one of twelve Cash Flow Fund. banks in the Cen The community Cash Flow Fund is tral Bancorporathe first program of its kind in the tion, Inc., finan United States to combine the cial system loca resources of the banking community, ted in Colorado. the foundation community and a Mr. Acker, a ACKER management support organization. 33-year veteran It will be one of the largest cash flow of the banking industry, most loan programs for non-profit organi recently was senior vice president and zations in the country. coordinator of affiliate bank activities at First National Bank, Denver. Prior to that, he held the position of Joins Colorado National executive vice president and director, Kenneth T. Hanson has joined First National Bank of Greeley, Colorado National Bank of Denver Greeley, Colo, from 1975 to 1979. His earlier banking career was as vice president spent as vice president at First and manager of National Bank of Black Hills, Rapid their energy and City, S.D.; president and director, natural resources Bank of Commerce, Sheridan, Wyo. department. and executive vice president and Mr. Hanson, a director, Scotts Bluff National Bank, financial energy Scotts Bluff, Neb. specialist, for merly was vice Elected at Arapahoe p re s id e n t and manager of Hi John Diedrich, president of HANSON bernia National Arapahoe Colorado National Bank, Bank’s energy department in New has announced that the board of Orleans, La. since 1978. Prior to that, directors has elected Gail Rogers, he was senior account manager in the customer service officer and Leila energy department for the Bank of (Lee) Lundberg, loan operations Oklahoma in Tulsa for more than officer. three years. From 1972 to 1975, Mr. Mrs. Rogers joined Arapahoe Hanson held the position of assistant Colorado National Bank as a teller in vice president of United Virginia 1973, and managed the new accounts Bank’s national division in Rich area before her recent promotion. She mond, Va. has 10 years experience in banking. In his new position at Colorado Mrs. Lundberg began her career at National Bank, Mr. Hanson will be Arapahoe Colorado National Bank in responsible for business development 1974 as a teller, and became a loan and financial services to the oil and operations supervisor before her gas industries. promotion. She has 11 years He is a graduate of the University experience in banking, and has been of Minnesota, where he earned a BA assistant head bookkeeper at another in business and economics. commercial bank. Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 68 Introducing A Trust Assistance Program for banks that want to size up. Now you can provide your customers with the same trust service expertise we otter to ours. It's possible through "TAP"-a new Trust Assistance Program from Bankers Trust. Our staff works with you to otter a variety of services in cluding trusts, estate planning, investing, pensions and re tirement accounts — the types of services your customers might now be seeking elsewhere. And to help assure success, we will conduct tor you and your customers a series of seminars dealing with trust services. We've developed "TAP" to encourage better trust services throughout Iowa communities, and to help you grow in today's competitive financial marketplace, To initiate or expand the scope of trust services at your bank, call on Bankers Trust, Correspondent Banking Dept., 2nd Floor, Ruan Center, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Or simply phone us at 1-800-362-1688 or (515) 245-2475. B a n k e rs Come G row l T | I Q With Us 1 1 U v t l Iowa’s Largest Locally Owned Independent Bank Member FDIC DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “Super Marketing” Conference Planned « O UPER MARKETING” is the O appropriate theme for the lowa Bankers Association’s market ing extravaganza scheduled March 9-11 at Stouffer’s Five Seasons Hotel in Cedar Rapids. ^ An outstanding program that lives up to the conference theme has been announced by Mike Mahlendorf, chairman of the IBA marketing division, and Tom Clarkson, IBA ^vice president for marketing. Mr. Mahlendorf is assistant cashier, Iowa Trust & Savings Bank, Emmetsburg. Registration begins at 4:00 p.m. ^Monday, March 9. The exhibit area will open at the same time. A social hour and dinner will follow that evening. The business conference starts at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday. •T h e full program follows: Monday, March 9 P.M. 4:00 Registration. # 4:00 Exhibits open. 6:00 Social hour. 7:00 Dinner. ^ M. MAHLENDORF O K.FISHER 8:00 Address—Dr. Roger D. Blackwell, senior consulting associate, Management Horizons, Inc., Colum bus, O. Tuesday, March 10 A.M. 8:00 Registration. 8:00 Exhibits open. 9:00 Welcome—Mike Mahlendorf, chairman, IBA marketing division. 9:15 “Research for Small Banks”— Dan Wiese, vice president, director research services, Creswell, Munsell, Fultz & Zirbel, Inc., Cedar Rapids. 10:00 Break. 10:15 “Banking Success and Experi ences in Texas” —Don W. Neuenschwander, president, Medical Cen ter Bank, Houston, Tex. 11:15 “ Stress Sem inar’’—K athy Fisher, IBA director of human resources. P.M. 12:15 Luncheon. 1:00 “There He Is . . . Mr. Iowa Banker” —Jeanne Robertson, hu morist and professional speaker, Burlington, N.C. T. CLARKSON J. ROBERTSON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M.SCHAEFER T. BRANSTAD 69 2:00 Mini-Sessions. Five concur rent sessions will run for 45 minutes each, then will be repeated so each re g istra n t may atten d selected sessions. Panelists and topics: “Critiquing Ads Used by the Iowa Banking Industry”—Bill Hillsman, Bozell & Jacobs Advertising, Minne apolis. “ATMs”—James Hanisch, electron ic banking officer, Iowa-Des Moines National Bank, Des Moines. “Public Relations for Banks” —Allen V olkenant, vice president-public relations, First Bank System, Inc., Minneapolis. “ I.D .E .A . A nnuity Program ” — Margie Schaefer, vice president, group life & disability, Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc. “Advertising Alternatives in Presen ting Your Bank”—Peter Bryant, public relations account executive, Creswell, Munsell, Fultz & Zirbel, Cedar Rapids. 2:45 Break to change rooms. 2:50 Mini-Sessions repeated. 3:30 Coffee and resume to class room. 3:40 Panel—“Banking Directions for the ’80s.” Panelists: Lt. Gov. Terry Branstad, State Capitol, Des Moines; Gene Wandling, Wandling& Associates, Inc., Iowa City, and Richard Krumme, managing editor, Successful Farming, Des Moines. Question and Answer period follows. 5:00 Adjourn. 6:00 Bus to Amanas for dinner. 6:30 Dinner and cocktails. Wednesday, March 11 A.M. 7:30 Full “Iowa” breakfast served. 8:00 Exhibits open. 8:20 “Best of T V -1980” - 3 0 minute film produced by the Bank M arketing A sociation. Includes IB A ’s “ P a rtn e rs’’ advertisem ent among the 31 selections in the film. 9:00 Iowa bank case history from research to creative products. 9:45 Coffee and pop break. 10:00 Panel—“NOW Accounts and Share Drafts.” Panelists: Ms. Rae Schupack, regional counsel, FDIC, Omaha; Jim Haahr, president, First Federal Savings & Loan, Storm Lake, la., and Gary Plank, executive vice president, Iowa Credit Union League, Des Moines. 11:15 Address—Bill Stauffer, vice president and c.e.o. —Iowa, North western Bell Telephone Co., Des Moines. Adjourn. □ Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 70 Iowa News Appointed in Waterloo R. Scott Fetner, president of the National Bank of Waterloo, an nounced the ap pointment of By ron Loving as senior vice presi dent in charge of loan department. He replaces Bob Mexdorf, who re tired in May. Mr. Loving joins Wa terloo from Burn sville, Minn., where he was the senior vice president of the credit division of the Bremer Service Co., Inc. of St. Paul, a subsidiary of the Otto Bremer Co., a large bank holding company with twenty-nine affiliated banks in the Ninth Federal Reserve District. Prior to his association with the Bremer Co., he was the vice president and credit manager of the Marquette National Bank in Minneapolis. From 1957 to 1970 he served as a senior examiner with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago examining member state chartered banks in the Seventh Federal Reserve District. In 1961 he moved from Chicago to Ames and served primarily in the state of Iowa as a bank examiner. Mr. Loving attended the Univer sity of Iowa and graduated from Buena Vista College at Storm Lake. He has attended the National Commercial Lending G raduate School at the University of Oklaho ma, Agricultural Credit School of the Iowa State University at Ames, various examiner schools in Wash ington, D.C. and is a designated Certified Commercial Lender through the American Bankers Association. Arlene L. Boots was promoted to personnel officer. She joined People# Bank in February of this year after 20 years with Rockwell-Collins in a personnel support position to the air transport personnel programs man ager. • George J. Matias was promoted to security officer. Mr. Matias, a former Cedar Rapids police chief, also joined the bank in February of this year. Dee Ann Womachka was prom ote# to secretary of the board of directors. Ms. Womachka joined the bank in July 1973. Promoted at Waukon President E. Richard Lomen announced the following promotions at Waukon State Bank: Roger W. Kemdt, senior vice president and Banks of Iowa Appoints cashier; Nyda Mae Rodman, vice president, and Lavon Kaeser, Ganoe and Timmins Holmes Foster, president and chief cashier. executive officer of Banks of Iowa, Inc., has an Four Officers Promoted nounced the ap Ted J. Welch, chairman of the pointment of board of Peoples Bank and Trust JohnE. Ganoe as Company, Cedar Rapids, has an vice president nounced the promotion of four bank and chief finan officers. cial officer, Mich James D. Masterson was promoted ael J. Timmins from auditor to assistant vice as comptroller, president and auditor. Mr. Master- and Michael K. son joined Peoples Bank in 1976. He Hollinger as di J-E. GANOE received his BS degree from Culver rector of operaStockton College in Canton, Mo., in tions. 1974 and his MBA degree from Drake University in 1975. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MUSCATINE Muscatine, Iowa STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31,1980 ASSETS Cash and Due from Banks .................................................... $ 10,604,000.00 574,000.00 United States Government S ecurities ......................... 500,000.00 Other B onds.............................................................. 9,246,000.00 State, County and Other Municipal Obligations . . 120,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank S to c k ................................. 8,400,000.00 Federal Funds S o ld ................................................. Loans (excluding unearned income) $72,240,000.00 Less— Reserve for Loan Losses........ 815,000.00 71,425,000.00 Net L o an s .................................................................. 3,551,000.00 Bank, Parking Lot, Office and F ixtu res................ 1,219,000.00 Other Assets.............................................................. 1,170,000.00 Income Earned but Not Collected .................................... $106,809,000.00 Total Assets LIABILITIES Capital ................................................................................................ $ 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 S urplu s ............................................................................................. 5,329,000.00 Undivided Profits ....................................................................... 2,133,000.00 Other Liabilities and Deferred T a x e s ............................ 1,265,000.00 Interest-Bearing Demand Notes ....................................... 94,082,000.00 D eposits ........................................................................................... $106,809,000.00 Total Liabilities OFFICERS C.D. OBERWORTMANN, Chairman of the Board GEORGE A. SHEPLEY, President and C .E.O . ROBERT A. LOTHRINGER, Exec. Vice President ROBERT P. SOLHEIM, Sr. Vice Pres. & Trust O ffice r H.W. OGILVIE, JR., Vice President LOUIS RECHTFERTIG, Vice Pres.— instalm e n t Loans MARGARET MATHES, Vice Pres. & Trust O ffice r JUDD W. LELAND, Vice Pres. & Farm Manager DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L.G. SULZBERGER, Vice President & Cashier EDWARD H. SCHROEDER, Vice President E.S. “ KELLY” BURNS, A sst. Vice President JO MERCER, A sst. Vice Pres. & Secretary JOHN VOLKM AN, A sst. Vice President JAMES V. PULLIAM, A sst. Vice Pres. — Mgr. Mall O ffice LEO KOSSIVES, A u d ito r JANICE METZGER, Mgr. — Bookkeeping Dept. M.J. TIMMINS M.K. HOLLINGER Mr. Ganoe, a graduate of lo w # State University, was most recently corporate treasurer of Unicare Services, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Timmins, a graduate of Iowa State University, was most recently # senior assistant accountant with Deloitte, Haskins and Sells in Chicago and Des Moines. Both are certified public accoun tants and members of the A m erica# Institute of Certified Public Accoun tants and the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Hollinger attended Iowa State University and is a graduate o® Simpson College, Indianola. He had been associated with Brenton Banks, Inc., since 1971, most recently as senior vice president of Brenton National Bank of South Des Moines.® 71 •Statement of •Condition AMERICAN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Senior Officers Nicholas J. Schrup, Chairman of the Board • December 31, 1980 Christy F. Armstrong, President D. W. Ernst, Chairman Exec. Committee Senior Vice Presidents ASSETS ® C a s h .................................. U.S. Government Securities U.S. Public Housing Bonds U.S. Agency B onds........... Leo F. Kane, Executive Vice President ......................... $ 19,033,918.01 $28,916,252.92 22,627,071.61 1,201,897.66 52,745,222.19 Municipal B onds....................... Federal Reserve Bank Stock. . . . Federal Funds S o ld ................... Loans ........................................ • Bank Premises & Equipment . . . Accrued Interest & Other Assets Robert G. Scott, Senior Vice President Robert G. Holscher, Senior Vice President Trust Department Charles J. Schrup, Executive Vice President & Trust Officer ......................... 1,302,503.77 ......................... 150,000.00 ......................... 14,750,000.00 ......................... 83,374,863.22 ......................... 2,262,040.88 ........................... 2,557,698.09 TOTAL $176,176,246.16 Leo J. Meier, Senior Vice President, Secretary & Trust Officer Board of Directors F. Collier Altman, President — Spahn & Rose Lumber Co. Christy F. Armstrong, President Frank H. Bertsch, President — Flexsteel Industries, Inc. Paul D. Dale. Chairman of the Board — Thermolyne Corp. D. W. Ernst, Chairman of the Executive Committee LIABILITIES 0 Capital Debentures Capital Stock . . . S u rp lus............. Undivided Profits C. P. Frommelt, Chairman of the Board — Frommelt Industries $ 700,000.00 Courtland Hillyard, Retired; formerly President Midland Laboratories 2 , 000, 000.00 3,000,000.00 6,717,130.41 Robert G. Holscher, Senior Vice President Arnold N. Honkamp, President John W. Law Company $12,417,130.41 Provision for Taxes, Interest & Expenses......... Other Liabilities.................................................. Securities Sold Under Agreement to Repurchase D eposits............................................................. David P. Hopley, Vice President Deere and Company 1,915,997.16 1,256,487.79 Herbert L. Hughes, Financial Vice President— Flexsteel Industries, Inc. W. J. Klauer, President — Klauer Manufacturing Co. 24,568,864.59 136,017,766.21 TOTAL J. Bruce McDonald, Vice President — A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing Co. 160,586,630.80 $176,176,246.16 John M. McDonald, III, President — Brock-McVey Companies, Lexington, Ky. Robert E. Molo, President — Molo Oil Company Louis H. Pfohl — The Fischer Companies Charles J. Schrup, Executive Vice President Nicholas J. Schrup, Chairman of the Board R. W. Steele, Chairman of the Board and CEO— Interstate Power Co. Leo A. Theisen, President — Theisen's, Inc. AmcricanWTrust6 SavingsDanK Robert C. W ahlert, Chairman Executive Committee — Dubuque Packing Co. Honorary Directors D. B. Cassat TOWN CLOCK PLAZA DUBUQUE, IOW A 52001 m e m b e r : fd ic b federal N. J. Greteman reserve system Otto F. Henker M. L. Kapp Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 72 Banker, February, 1981 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 73 Know your customers. Look around. Banking has become one of today’s most competitive businesses. ^ Your customers are being wooed by every financial institution in your market area. The trick to keeping your customers loyal, and to increasing your profits, is knowing as much about them as possible and keeping 0 h a t information updated daily. Unfortunately, complete up-to-the-minute customer profiles are rare. Background in formation is often gathered randomly and stored in many different places, making it (difficult to obtain for useful purposes. * Until now. Until Banks of Iowa Computer Services Central Information File (CIF). With Banks of Iowa Computer Services’ CIF, complete information on your custom ers can be obtained in moments, either on a |display terminal or as hard copy. The operative word is exhaustive. Since every possible piece of information gathered is centrally stored, you have immediate ac cess to such things as the status and history of a given customer’s account and his ac count relationships. The businesses he’s in and how they’re doing. And any pertinent family information. This information is critical in making quick, knowledgeable, profitable decisions. CIF is the most economical, efficient and sensible way to gather all this information and to use it for increased profits. D on’t kid yourself. There aren’t many new customers around. What you need to do is expand the ways your existing cus tomers use your bank. Because a lot of other financial institutions would like them as customers. And are trying to get them. Can you trust your customers? Yes — if you can trust your information retrieval sys tem. And that means CIF. Contact us today for an appointment. We’ll be glad to explain our system at your convenience. For more information call Joe Phernetton or BICS marketing at (319) 399-3600. BICS Banks of Iowa Computer Services o a IA “ BANKS OF IOW A’’ SUBSIDIARY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 74 Iowa N ew s DESERTED highway gas station will soon be new home of the Tingley State Savings Bank in Mount Ayr. ARCHITECT’S drawing of the Tingley bank after renovation. Tingley State Plans Major Renovation ARL RIGGS, president of the Tingley State Savings Bank, announced that a unique construc tion program for the new Tingley State Savings Bank in Mount Ayr has started. A deserted gas station located on Highway 2 in Mount Ayr offered the ideal site for a new bank building. After studying the existing structure and current tax laws, it was determined that a new facility could be created from the abandoned gas station. The photographs indicate the unique “ Before” and “ A fter” changes that will take place. The existing building will be refaced and enlarged to provide 4407 square feet for banking services. Drive-up lanes, on-site parking and a special access area for the bank to C Banker, February, 1981 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis discharge and pick-up senior citizens at their homes with it’s own “Curb-to-curb service” banking bus are included in the plan. The interior will have a large safety deposit box vault, private coupon booths, teller line with a sitdown counter and bookkeeping space. Five private offices will be located opposite the teller line with lobby space for receptionist and new accounts activities. The waiting areas will have a good view of the skylights planned for over the lobby. The Kirk Gross Company of Waterloo, specialists in the Turn Key development of financial institutions, is in charge of the project and barring an unusual winter, estimates comple tion in six to seven months. Local subcontractors will be utilized where possible. Promoted in Spencer President William Griggs of the Clay County National Bank of Spencer has announced the following promotions and changes of person nel. ® David Woodcock has been promo ted to cashier. He was previously in the commercial loan department, and has been with the bank since June 1973. ® Tom Malmgren has moved from the position of vice president instalment loan manager to vice president and commercial loan officer. He has been with the bank® since April 1974. Steve Charlson has moved from instalment loan officer to manager of instalment loan department. He has been with the bank since April 1978.® Candi Whittenburg has moved from her secretarial position to a ssistan t loan officer in the instalment loan department. She has been with the bank since July 1973.® Randy Carlson has been elected to vice president. He is head of the agricultural loan department. Mr. Carlson came to Clay County National Bank in September 1979® from the First National Bank of Humboldt. Promoted at Ames 9 At a recent board meeting of First National Bank, Ames, four officers were promoted to assistant vice president. Larry Cole, operations officer ,f| joined First National in 1977. He attended Iowa State University and graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 1975. He was promoted from assistant cashier. ® Frances Robinson, assistant man ager of First National’s university office, joined the bank in 1968. She was promoted from assistant cashier. Barbara Werner, operations offi-® cer, joined the bank in 1972. She previously was an assistant cashier. Joan I. Burrell, an instalment loan officer, joined the bank in 1976. A graduate of ISU, she was promoted® from assistant cashier. Promoted at Ackley Gary Homan has been promoted to ^ senior vice president, Delbert Harken has been promoted to vice president and cashier and Chas. R. Ray has been promoted to vice president of the Ackley State Bank, according to® Stan Squires, president. H is banker has to be there in good tim es and bad. When credit is easy, a successful farmer has lots of bankers knocking on his door. But chances are he’ll stick with the banker who stuck by him when money was tight. It takes a banker with a lot of foresight to build a relationship with someone in a cyclical business like this. And it helps if your correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bank has the same kind of foresight. At American National, we’ve never backed away from correspondent business when money got tight. Because bad times can be the best times to start a relationship with an aggressive correspondent bank. Shake hands with American National. The bank for business. 76 Iowa N ew s West Liberty State Move Completed ARCHITECT’S drawing of the newly-completed West Liberty State Bank. RESIDENT Robert T. Rehmke reports the West Liberty State Bank moved to its new bank building recently. The new facility has 8000 sq. ft. on the first floor with a full basem ent for storage and a community room. Glen Huntington and Associates of Storm Lake was the architect and Walter Becker of Alta was the consultant. An open house for area bankers and the contractors involved in the construction was attended by over 300 guests. A public open house was also held. P Promotions Made at 1st National, Ottumwa John S. Zdychnec, president and chief executive officer at First N ational Bank, O ttum w a, has announced the following organiza tional changes that were approved at the January board meeting: Ernest L. Harms, senior vice president, will assume all lending responsibilities for the bank. He joined First National in April, 1977, and has more than 23 years of banking experience. SECURITY SAVINGS BANK MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA Statement as of December 31,1980 Resources Cash and Due from Banks ............................................................................... $ 7,217,851 U.S. Treasury Securities ................................................................................. 8,949,560 Obligations of Other U.S. Government Agencies and Corporations . . . 6,954,175 Obligations ofStates and Political Subdivisions ...................................... 20,495,067 Federal Reserve Bank Stock ........................................................................... 112,500 Federal Funds Sold .......................................................................................... 5,600,000 Loans [net of unearned interest and valuation reserve] ............................ 54,966,028 Bank Premises .................................................................................................. 1,417,316 Furniture and Fixtures .................................................................................... 349,779 Accrued Interest and Other Assets .............................................................. 1,966,367 $108,028,643 Liabilities Deposits Demand .................................................................................. $21,371,049 Time ........................................................................................ 74,134,205 $ 95,505,254 Accrued Interest, Taxes, Etc..................................................... Capital Stock ...................................................................................... Surplus .................................................................................. Undivided Profits and Reserves ....................................... OFFICERS Ronald E. Fenton, President W.A. Lane, Jr., Chairman of the Board R.M. W ilson, Chairman of the Executive Committee SamW. Neill, Senior Vice President G.G. Leth, Senior Vice President Wendell Stanley, Vice President and Cashier F.R. Dunham, Vice President and Personal Loan Manager Leo E. Herrick, Vice President Michael W. Bloom, Vice President and Trust Officer J. W illiam Lankelma, Vice President Eugene M. Yordy, A uditor Richard A. Beasley, Assistant Vice President Dan J. Bomar, Assistant Vice President Michael F. Baltes, Farm Manager Barbara J. Atha, Assistant Trust Officer 1,075,000 2,675,000 5,070,791 Elected at Morningside Jack B. Conley, president of Morningside State Bank, Sioux City, has announced that Gary Krai has b e en e le c te d cashier. Mr. Krai be gan his career with the Clay County National Bank in 1973 at Spencer, a Hawkeye BancorporG. KRAL ationBank. He is a graduate of Hamilton Business^ College and Spencer School of Business. 8,820,791 $108,028,643 Vernelle Clay, Assistant Cashier Craig R. Cordt, Personal Loan Officer Gai| A. Davis, Assistant Cashier LindaS. Ketcham, Assistant Cashier M yrnaK. Muench, Assistant Cashier Janet W ills, Personnel Officer i a iir f i d f f ic f Richard Thorson, Vice President and Manager Mavis McMahon, Assistant Cashier GLADBROOK OFFICE E. Lynn Reinhard, Vice President Debra H . Lansing, Assistant Cashier SOUTHRIDGE OFFICE Michael W. Hurd, Assistant Cashier and Manager Mem ber of the Federal Reserve System DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,702,598 Betty L. Bruch, vice president and cashier, will assume a d d itio n a l responsibilities of commercial and small business lending. She has been with the bank since 1968. Mary Lou Hagglund was advanced to vice president from assistant v ic ^ president. She will be in charge of all main bank teller operations. She has been with the bank since 1965. Steven D. Beck was promoted to vice president from assistant vie® president. An employe since July, 1977, Mr. Beck will be responsible for all personal lending and dealer relationships. _ Charles Celania, who joined Firs® National in 1979 with eight years of ag lending experience, was promoted from assistant cashier to vice president in charge of all agricultural lending. Newly appointed assistant vice presidents are Rita I. Swainey, manager of the Northgate office; Hugh Stufflebeam, manager of t h ^ Burgason office, and Charles E. Moehring, Jr., operations. Leian M. Jones and Charles Painter were elected assistan t cashiers in the personal lending are a^ University Bank Promotion The University Bank & Trust Company of Ames has announced the promotion of Robert O. Grathwohl to executive vice president and cashier" Mr. Grathwohl has been associated with the University Bank since 1979 and was previously vice president and cashier of the bank operations department. " 77 ’Should havecalled .Drovers. They don't •keeptheir Correspondents ■hangingon a loan. W ant straight talk CZ3 and fast action? Then ... bank where the bull stops. ^Drovers Bank. W ork w ith correspondent banking pros like John C rotty, Max Roy, »Andy Ruments and Kathy Hardy. They w o n ’t keep you hanging on a loan ... or a line. ) Put us to the test. Drovers Bank of Chicago 47th Street & A shland A venue, C hicago, IL 60609 (312) 927-7000 M em ber Fédéral Reserve System Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 78 Iowa N ew s Two Senior Officer ^ Promotions Announced R.K. Sverdahl, chairman of the board and president of Peoples Bank and Trust Company and Peoples Bankshares, Ltd., of Waterloo,# announced the promotion of two Peoples Bank senior officers. The board of directors of Peoples Bank and Trust Company in regular meeting elected Donald L. Porchet# joined the staff of Peoples Bank on a full-time basis in April 1957. He subsequently worked in many areas of the bank and became manager of the bank’s real estate loan depart-# ment in July 1963. He was elected to the office of senior vice president in September 1974. INTERIOR view of the expansion recently completed at Union Bank and Trust Co. in Ottumwa. Union Bank and Trust Doubles Space HE expansion at Union Bank and Trust Co. in Ottumwa has almost doubled the space on the first floor. By carving out a large space directly beneath its new parking lot, the bank has added 5,000 square feet to the first floor’s 6,000 square feet. Now located in the new part of the bank are the commercial loan and real estate loan officers and the commer cial loan note department, a room for the board of directors, a large store room and restrooms. Loan officers will now have private offices rather than desks in an open area. The bank also plans to increase the size of the main vault, allowing for approximately 500 additional safe deposit boxes to relieve what has been a short supply. Another improvement is the new elevator available now for parking lot users. Before, it was necessary to take a flight of stairs down to the service area on the first floor. It was not necessary to sacrifice any parking spaces for the building’s expansion. T Security Savings Bank, Scranton, succeeding Tom Hunt, who has retired after 33 years service with the bank. Mr. Marso has been vice president and ag rep for the Brenton State Bank in Eagle Grove. Mitchellville Promotions A. Emsley Chittenden, chairman of the board of the Farmers Savings Bank, Mitchellville and Bondurant, announced the following promotions: Robert E. Chittenden, formerly vice president and cashier, has been promoted to president, and George C. Ballard, formerly assistant cashier, has been promoted to cashier. Laurens Promotions John Blake has been added to the Laurens State Bank as assistant vice president, according to E.B. Pannkuk, president. Gene Myers has been named manager of the Gavelock office and Viola Philp has been appointed office assistant there. D.L. PORCHET J.L. COLTON ® In a separate meeting, the board of directors of Peoples Bankshares, Ltd., a locally owned one-bank holding company organized in 1976^ which owns the common stock of* Peoples Bank and Trust Company, elected John L. Calton to the office of executive vice president of Peoples Bankshares, Ltd. ^ Mr. Calton is a graduate of the* University of Chicago Law School. He joined Peoples Bank and Trust Company in 1969, and was elected senior vice president and trust officer-, in April 1979. Mr. Calton will currently retain his office as senior vice president and trust officer of Peoples Bank and Trust Company in addition to his new^ responsibilities as executive vice president of Peoples Bankshares, Ltd. Gerzema Elected President * Joins Bloomfield Staff Scranton Change W.D. Ley, chairman of the board, Richard Nyswonger has joined the Gerald M. Marso has been elected has announced that C.J. Gerzema staff at the Davis County Savings executive vice president of the Bank in Bloomfield as vice president. was elected president of the Farmers Prior to joining the bank, Mr. Trust & Savings Bank of Buffalo® Nyswonger managed a 2500 acre Center. Mr. Gerzema has been with farm for two years and prior to that he the bank since 1958. He is a graduate was employed by the Davis County of the School of Banking at the Savings Bank for nearly eight years. University of Wisconsin and Agricul His primary job responsibilities will ture Credit School, Iowa State® be in the area of agricultural finance. University. DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis j,o. I FQ: I o o o Banks are banks Bunk." o o p ] ... - M Most insurance €> agencies think all banks are alike. Not us. We’re owned by Iowa banks. And do business only with Iowa banks. Big ones. Small ones. Medium^ sized ones. And we know the 'P differences in individual bank insurance needs. That’s why we bring over 1 0 0 years of combined bank insurance experience to bear on every member bank. To tailor insurance to . their specific requirements. And give them the best possible, m ost efficient plan. Anything else would be bunk. Like to know what we can do for you? Call 5 1 5 2 8 6 -4 3 0 0 or 1-8005 3 2 -1 4 2 3 toll-free. Today. IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE & SERVICES, INC. 4 3 0 Liberty Building, D es M oines, Iowa 5 0 3 0 8 Providing insurance protection just to banks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80 Iowa N ew s Northwestern National Joins Sioux City Plan ARCHITECT’S model of a new structure planned for downtown Sioux City, which will be the home of Northwestern National Bank and several other businesses. D OWNTOWN development plans join with several other business for Sioux City, which have been stymied for years on the launching pad, have zoomed several stories into the air with the announcement that Northwestern National Bank plans to interests in building a towering new structure in the city’s downtown ‘‘Block 70 ”. Stanley W. Evans, president of Northwestern, revealed that the firm’s present building at 500 Jackson will be converted to £ medical construction, and that the bank plans to become co-tenants with Terra Chemicals International, Inc. in a combination bank and office building that will climb to th £ multi-story level at the intersection of 4th & Nebraska. The present home of Northwestern National Bank, itself a distinctively styled structure less than a decad£ old, will be remodeled and enlarged for conversion to doctors’ offices and medically related facilities. One of the major tenants of that facility will be the Marian Health Center, whicl^ according to hospital president and chief executive officer Sister Eliza beth Mary Burns, will turn to the new property for “improved and access ible meeting rooms and office spac® and the further integration of support services, as well as completion of parking needs adjacent to the site of our new building.” _ Plans call for the present b a n * property, as well as the site of the new bank home, to be developed by the Kraus-Anderson Realty Company, a M inneapolis-based d ev elo p m en t firm. Daniel W. Englesma, vie® A Comprehensive Marketing Conference designed for A L L members of the Banking Industry A Midwest MUST for those concerned with Marketing in the ’80s Presented by the Iowa Bankers Association Stouffer’s Five Seasons Hotel March 9-11 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Look for more information in upcoming Northwestern Banker News Letters DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis president of the firm, said the medical Center will include not only the approximate 66,000 square feet in the present bank building, but a new four story 40,000 square foot building to be constructed as an addition. What currently serves as the bank’s drive-in will be converted to an arcade devoted to related commercial uses, including retail shops, and a ^Northwestern Bank office which will offer all banking services. The bank’s occupancy encompas ses the ground level and second story of the stru ctu re, w ith Terra XJiemicals’ offices occupying the top floors, with the exception of the top level, where an executive dining room for use of the building’s occupants is projected. Some floors would be ^.vailable for leasing to meet the aemand for professional and business office space in the downtown area. In addition to the two floors matching the size and shape of the entire building, the bank area projects triangularly on the southern side of the structure, paralleling Nebraska Street. Permission to move the bank’s charter to the new location ^must be received from the Comptrol ler of the Currency. Iowa City Changes ^ John E. Thompson and Lynn E. Rowat have been promoted to second vice presidents at First National Bank, Iowa City. Mr. Thompson was assistant ^ashier from 1966 until being named a customer service officer in February, 1977. Mr. Rowat was appointed as customer service officer for teller operations in February, 1977, and advanced to commercial loan officer in February, 1979. ment officer to vice president-invest ments; Richard A. Bean, assistant vice president-West Dubuque branch manager to vice president-finance; John J. Savary, assistant vice president-North Dubuque branch manager to assistant vice president- STATEMENT OF CONDITION [Consolidated] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis O F F IC E R S DECEMBER 31, 1980 ASSETS Cash and Due from Banks $ 11,455,218.33 United States Bonds Ed H. Spetman, Jr., President and Chairman of the Board Thomas D. Whitson, Exec. Vice President and Trust Officer Ronald F. Sealock, Executive Vice President R. B. Graeme, Vice President and Cashier 9,726,148.32 Other Bonds Operations Douglas Goodman, Assistant Cashier 29,577,785.73 Agricultural and Commercial Loans 79,634,643.57 Donald D. Fox, Vice President Ronald P. Searcy, Vice President Gary D. Woods, Vice President Craig S. Lovstad, Asst. Vice President Loans and Discounts Bank Building and Fixtures 2,718,612.43 Instalment Loans 2,866,093.90 Douglas M. Schuster, Vice President Ronald W. King, Asst. Cashier George A. Rossum, Asst. Cashier Other Assets $135,978,502.28 Real Estate Loans James L. Beneke, Vice President Trust Department GaryR. Faust, Trust Officer Wesley D. Lacy, Trust Investment Officer Dorothy D. Sloma, Asst. Trust Officer Gary L. Thien, Trust Farm Manager Kelly E. Summy, Asst. Cashier L IA B IL IT IE S Capital Stock (Common) Data Processing Department Surplus Gary F. Kirkendall, Vice President Data Processing Officer Dennis D. Weeks, Asst. Vice President, D.P. Donald L. Malick, Asst. D.P. Officer 2 , 000 , 000.00 $ 2 , 000 , 000.00 Undivided Profits 7,052,934.67 Personnel Department Gayle A. Beddow, Asst. Cashier Total Capital Funds Purchased 11,052,934.67 Audit Department Emmet Tinley, III, A uditor 3,209,904.05 Patio East Office Charlene K. W illiam s, Asst. Cashier Other Liabilities tiHtle Changes Announced William G. Kruse, president of the First National Bank of Dubuque, announced the following officer appointm ents, assignments and title "hanges: Paul J. Gisch, senior vice president-loan adm inistration to senior vice president-special lending; Thomas W. Buelow, vice president to ^ ic e president-loan administration; D an iel E. Welu, vice president-opera tions to vice president and cashier; Thomas J. Stecher, vice presidentdirector of personnel to vice ^president-operations & director of personnel; John M. Hansen, invest low a News 81 West Dubuque branch manager; Alan L. Schuster, personal banking officer-assistant branch m anager North Dubuque to personal banking officer-North Dubuque branch mana ger, and Mark E. Small, credit analyst to offership as credit officer. Patio West Office 2,141,801.25 Mary Lou Wrinkle, Asst. Vice President 119,573,862,31 Don D. Fletcher, Manager Total Deposits Carson Office $135,978,502.28 McClelland Office Franklin H. Geiger, Manager Council Bluffs Savings Bank IB I Member F.D.I.C. 328-1856 A BANKS OF IOWA BANK Council Bluffs, Carson and McClelland, Iowa Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 82 Iowa N ew s before joining Security in 1976. He currently manages the dealer loa® and service department. Barbara Orzechowski has been named estate administration officer for the bank’s trust department. Mrsu Orzechowski graduated from Drake University. After graduation, she worked for the Job Service of Iowa for six years before graduating from the University of South Dakota’s L a ^ School. She was admitted to the Iowa Bar in June 1980. Steven W. Corrie has been appointed controller for the bank. Mr. Corrie joined Security Bank th i^ past year after three years experience with local financial institutions. He majored in business administration and economics, graduating from Morningside College in 1976. ^ Diane L. Spain has been named teller operations officer. She attended the University of Iowa. Previous banking experience included a year and a half with the Iowa State Banj^ and Trust in Iowa City. She joined Security in July 1979 as teller operations supervisor. Sioux City Promotions Gene Hagen, president of the Security National Bank of Sioux City, has announced six promotions. Stephen J. Hatz has been named vice president of the correspondent bank division. Mr. Hatz served the bank in various officer capacities before being named vice president. He served as assistant cashier of the First Trust & Savings Bank for four and a half years. He holds his bachelors degree from Westmar College in LeMars. Douglas Rice has been elected vice president and general auditor. Mr. Rice began his association with the bank as a part-time employe while attending Morningside College. He became a full-time employe after receiving his degree in business administration in 1975, and has worked most recently as general auditor. Mr. Rice also completed studies this past summer at the School for Bank Administration, University of Wisconsin. Robert Linn has been named senior instalment loan officer. Mr. Linn graduated from Kearney S tate College and was later associated with Commercial Credit Corporation /— ^ 4015 Alexandra Drive Waterloo, Iowa 50702 Phone 319/234-6641 Ask for Dick or Jerry Banker. February. 1981 Northwestern Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OUR BEST NEW CUSTOMERS ARE OUR OLD ONES! Kirk Gross Co. has an outstanding record for designing and/or remodeling financial institutions in Iowa. At last count, more than 130 since January, 1971! Best part of this unequaled record is that so many are repeat, satisfied customers. We take the responsibility and worry of building or remodeling off your shoulders and put it in the professional hands of our designers and planners. And you get a Turn Key program. If you’re thinking about a new facility, but you haven’t talked to Kirk Gross Co., do it now. Our old friends do it every day! Leaves Nevada National 9 Kermit J. Anderson has left the Nevada National Bank after over 20 years of service. He served as president for several years, and wqn most recently vice chairman of the board. Mr. Anderson will continue to serve as a member of the board of directors of the Nevada National. He plans to become actively associate^ with Rec-Chek, Inc., which he helped develop over 15 years ago. Application Approved # E.C. Thompson, president and chairman of the Security National Corporation of Sioux City, and John R. Welch, president of the First State Bank of Mapleton announced than the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago approved the application of Security National Corporation to acquire the First State Bank. The Security National Corporation is a bank holding company, also owning controlling interest in the Security National Bank of Sioux City and the Northwestern State Bank of Orange City. # Grant Trust Powers An application for consent to exercise limited trust powers Sloan State Bank has been approved/ Iowa N ew s Andalusia Bank Moves Andalusia Community Bank of Andalusia moved into its new quarters recently. The architect was Kirk-Gross Company of Waterloo, q la. and the general contractor was El View Construction of Bettendorf, la. Open house was held on January 10 for the banking industry and an open house for the general public was ^ January 11 . Joins Missouri Valley Staff The First National Bank of • Missouri Valley has announced the addition of Gregory D. Pollard to their staff. Mr. Pollard will hold the office of vice president and agricul tural representative. He is a 1978 ® graduate of the University of Nebraska and has been with the Federal Land Bank Association of O’Neill, Nebr. Fed Approval Announced The Federal Reserve Board has announced approval of the applica te tions of Panhandle Aviation, Inc., Clarinda, to acquire Farmers Savings Bank, Freemont, and to acquire Johnson Insurance Agency, Free mont, and thereby to engage directly • in the sale of general insurance in a town of less than 5,000 population. Brenton Agrees to Buy # Bank in Knoxville Brenton Banks, Inc., Des Moines, has executed an agreement to acquire more than 80% of The Community • National Bank and Trust Company of Knoxville, subject to approval by the Federal Reserve Board and othe regulatory authorities. Community National has assets of ® more than $45 million and is the largest bank in the county seat community of nearly 8,000 people. James Bellamy, president, and Earle G. Bellamy andW.W. Burnell, senior • vice presidents, will continue in thenrespective positions, as will the rest of the bank personnel and the board of directors. The acquisition would increase the ® number of banks owned by Brenton Banks, Inc., to 18, with a total of 42 banking offices throughout Iowa. Total assets of Brenton Banks, if this merger is approved, would exceed ® $700 million. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 83 IDEA Annuity Makes Its Debut in Iowa THE FIRST sale of the IDEA Annuity developed by the Iowa Bankers Association and its subsidiary Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services was made last month by West Des Moines State Bank to Al Tinder, exec. dir. of IBIS. He is pictured above (seated), reviewing the contract with Joyce Chapman, v.p. & cash, of West Des Moines State Bank. Witnessing the first transaction of this unique new banking product are, from left; James Woods, v.p., American Republic Insurance Co., Des Moines, underwriter of the new program; Margie Schaefer, v.p. IBIS, and David Miller, pres. & chmn. of West Des Moines State Bank. Details of the IDEA Annuity were reported in last month’s issue. Since that time, executive officers of several midwest banker associations have met with IBA officials in Des Moines to chart a course for offering the annuity through banks in their states. Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust BURLINGTON, IOWA Statement of Condition December 31, 1980 RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks U.S. Government Bonds Municipal B o nd s............ Other Bonds .................. Loans and Discounts . . . Bank Building ................ Furniture and Fixtures .. Federal Funds Sold . . . . Other Assets .................. .............................................................. $ 4,146,000.00 .............................................................. 22,105,000.00 .............................................................. 6,930,000.00 .............................................................. 6,486,000.00 .............................................................. 20,624,000.00 .............................................................. 737,000.00 .............................................................. 180,000.00 .............................................................. 3,050,000.00 .............................................................. 1,048,000.00 $65,306,000.00 LIABILITIES Capital S to c k ....................................................................................................$ 600,000.00 Surplus ............................................................................................................ 2,000,000.00 Undivided Profits ................................................................................................. 2,081,000.00 Reserves .......................................................................................................... 855,000.00 Unearned Discount.......................................................................................... 590,000.00 Deposits .......................................................................................................... 57,515,000.00 Securities Sold Under Agreement to Repurchase ....................................... 850,000.00 Interest Bearing Demand Notes Due U.S. Treasury ................................... 165,000.00 Other Liabilities ............................................................................................ 650,000.00 $65,306,000.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. B. Ditto, M.D. Marshall J. Markey-Food Service & Dist. Co. John McCuliey-Oakville Feed & Grain, Inc. R. J. Nachazel-Vice President M. A. Nordstrom - Chittenden & Eastman Co. Melvin E. Raid - Medusa Aggregates Gerald D. Smith - Brown Shoe Fit Company C. H . Walsh - President C. E. Walsh - Vice President Bruce Werden - Retired Joseph Wirt - Farmer OFFICERS C. H. Walsh, President R. J. Nachazel, Senior Vice President R. O. Youngstrom, Vice President & Trust Officer William A. Kuehn, Vice President and Farm Representative Leonard W. Lane, Vice president and Cashier C. E. Walsh, Vice President W. D. Schnirring, Assistant Vice President F. W. Rentzsch, Assistant Vice President Beverly N. Wuellner, Assistant Vice President John T. Hanna, Assistant Cashier Clair A. Penney, Assistant Trust Officer Michael D. Eastin, Assistant Cashier Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 84 Valley State Bank has three banking offices in Sioux City, and ha® total assets of $15 million. Central owns controlling interest in eleven Iowa banks, the largest of which is Central National Bank and TrusU Company of Des Moines, and owns " mortgage banking firm and a leasing company. Central had total assets of $872 million at September 30, 1980. * * * ^ Herman C. Kilpper, president of Bankers T rust Company, has announced the appointm ent of Robert M. Walker as vice president and controller. ® Des Moines HE board of directors of the Iowa-Des Moines National Bank has elected Eugene G. “Bud” Precht president and chief executive officer and as a member of the bank’s board of directors, to be effective on or about March 1, 1981. Mr. Precht, 52, will succeed Robert E. Lee who will be resigning to accept the position of president and chief executive officer of the First National Bank of Denver. T E.G. PRECHT R.J. LYTLE Mr. Precht is currently president and chief executive officer of Northwestern National Bank South west in Bloomington, Minn., a suburb of Minneapolis-St. Paul. Both banks are affiliates of Minneapolis-based Northwest Bancorporation (Banco), the 18th largest bank holding company in the U.S. With assets at year-end 1980 of over $1 billion, the Iowa-Des Moines is Iowa’s largest commercial bank and Banco’s second largest bank. Mr. Precht has been with Banco for the past 30 years. In 1960, he was elected president and chief executive officer of Northwestern State Bank in Dodge Center, Minn. From 1964 until 1967, he served in the corporate office of the holding company as a bank relations officer. He joined the Bloomington bank in 1968 as Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis president and chief operating officer and was named chief executive officer in 1970. Under his leadership, the bank’s assets have increased from $36 million to $230 million. Mr. Precht is a member of many civic organizations. Iowa-Des Moines National Bank has also announced that R. Jack Lytle has been named vice president and manager, small business bank ing. He replaces John C. Clark who is leaving the banking industry to join a truck/trailer sales firm located in Council Bluffs. Mr. Lytle joined the Iowa-Des Moines in 1968 as an instalment loan interviewer. His most recent position has been that of vice president, commercial banking. Prior to joining the bank, Mr. Lytle was branch manager for the Associates Discount Corporation. He attended Simpson College, Indianola. * * * Kenneth M. Myers, president of Central National Bancshares, Inc., a Des Moines based m ulti-bank holding company, and A1 Maser, chairman of Valley State Bank, Sioux City, jointly announced that manage ment of the two companies has executed an agreement providing for the acquisition by Central of 90.9 % of the outstanding common stock of Valley State Bank, and for a subsequent cash tender offer for the remaining shares of Valley State Bank common stock. The purchase price was not disclosed. Consummation of the offer is subject to several conditions, includ ing approval by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. R.M. WALKER J. FASANELLA Mr. Walker comes to Bankers Trust from the City National Bank dd Detroit, where he was vice president and assistant controller. City Nation al Bank is the principal subsidiary of Northern States Bancorporation. Mr. Walker was previously assocld ated with Michigan National Bank and the Michigan National Corpora tion, where he served for seven years in the audit and control functions. A graduate of Michigan StatP University with a BA in accounting, Mr. Walker began his business career with Touche Ross and Company, and is a certified public accountant. Mr. Kilpper also announced thP appointment of John J. Fasanella as assistant vice president and mana ger, corporate trust services depart ment. Mr. Fasanella joins Bankers Trust from the Internal Revenu® Service, with seven years experience, most recently as an employe benefits specialist. In his new position he will have primary responsibility for employe benefit program s. H® received a BBA from St. Norberts College of Wisconsin and an MBA from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Fla. ^ Russ Curtis, assistant vice pres® dent and trust officer will now head the new personal trust services department. Mr. Curtis formerly headed the trust administration department of Bankers Trust. ® I • WÈÊ bÜ P F" IK * , ; ...... ... . H When your customers invest o quarter million dollars in a form, can they afford to skimp on form management? I As fheir banker, you need to provide them with the best. Central Notional Bonks form [•m anagem ent experts. Our form m anage m ent professionals have the years of experience ^necessary to m ake the right decisions. What hybrids to plant. The best crop rotations. When to 'buy and sell. All the decisions that m ake the difference between profit and loss. For over 35 years, we've been helping form investors reap the highest profit and productivity from their land. Helping your form customer increase their fife, ,99 investment return is just another service our corres pondent deportm ent con offer. Assistance can be provided for trusts, owner/ operators, and investors. Coll our correspondent deportm ent today, toll free, 1-600 -362 - 1615 . You'll find that when it comes to form m anage ment, the best yields come from Central Notional Bonk. Central National Bank & Trust Company DES MOINES (515) 245-7111 MEMBER FDIC LOCUST AT 6TH 5TH & WALNUT'35TH & INGERSOLL WDM: 3400 WESTOWN PKWY 501 E. ARMY POST RD •S AFFILIATED WITH CENTRAL NATIONAL BANCSHARES. INC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86 Iowa N ew s Central National Bancshares to Change 11 Bank Names to United Central Bank A NAME change for Central National Bancshares, Inc., Des Moines-based multi-bank hold ing com pany, has been approv ed by the board, it was announced late last month by Kenneth M. M y ers, p r e s i dent. The new name of the hold K.M. MYERS ing company, if approved by shareholders at thenannual meeting on April 1, will be United Central Bancshares, Inc. Mr. Myers also stated that the name of each banking affiliate would be changed to include “United Central Bank” for common identifi cation of the 11 Iowa commercial banks which are part of Central National Bancshares. The holding company also has a leasing company in Des Moines, and a mortgage banking company which is based in Kansas City, Mo. Central National Bancshares was formed in 1970 and acquired control of its lead bank, Central National Bank and Trust Company of Des Moines. The lead bank’s name would be changed to United Central Bank of Des Moines, N.A., under the proposed name change. Mr. Myers also reported to shareholders that 1980 earnings increased 16% for the entire year and 31 % for the fourth quarter. He said “the earnings improvements were attributable to the recovery in agricultural prices and increased liquidity in our banks during the last half of the year, and the ability demonstrated by our banking group In a joint announcement made at a special meeting of the board of Jackson State Bank, Peter F. Bezanson, chairman of the bank and Paul D. D unlap, president of Hawkeye Bancorporation disclosed the proposed merger of Jackson State Bank and Trust Company, Maquoketa into Hawkeye Bancorporation, Des Moines. The proposed merger will be in exchange for Hawkeye’s convertible preferred stock. The offer by Hawkeye Bancorporation will be made by prospectus to all stock holders of Jackson State Bank subject to stockholders’ and regula tory approvals. * * * to adjust to severe interest rate fluctuations.” • Unaudited net income before security transactions of $6,668,966, or 63 cents per share, for 1980 established a new record and compares to $5,820,264, or 55 c e n t^ per share, for 1979. On the same basis, fourth quarter income was $1,944,183, or 18 cents per share, compared to $1,477,262, or 14 cents per share, a year earlier. ® Year-end assets were up 22% to $911 million from $748 million a year earlier; total deposits increased 17% to $688 million, from $586 million, and total loans were $423 million, up® 2% from $414 million at the end of 1979. Mr. Myers said directors approved a 17 % increase in the quarterly cash dividend, moving from 6 cents per' share to 7 cents per share, or to 28 cents per share on an annual basis, effective with the April 30, 1981, dividend. IBA communications activities, including the editing and writing of several newsletters and providing support for Iowa banks in the areas o ^ marketing, advertising, and mediaw relations. Prior to joining the IBA, he Marv Tuttle has joined the staff of was employed by the Iowa Credit the Iowa Bankers Association as Union League, also in a communica communications coordinator, accor tions capacity . He is a 1977 g ra d u a t^ ding to Tom Clarkson, vice-president of Drake University with a BA in /marketing and governmental rela journalism. tions. * * * Mr. Tuttle will be responsible for Roger L. Reed has been elected vice^ president in charge of retail banking MAHASKA STATE BANK at Valley Nation OSKALOOSA, IOWA al Bank, it was Statement of Condition, December 31,1980 announced last month by J. RESOURCES CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Locke Macom500,000 Cash & Due From Banks 4,012,603 Capital Stock ber, president of 1,500,000 U.S. Government Bonds 3,648,811 Surplus the bank. Mr. 3,195,928 Municipal Bonds 9,550,231 Earned Surplus 319,865 U.S. Government Agencies 5,894,000 Other Reserves Reed formerly Loans & Discounts 40,610,403 5,515,793 Total Capital was a vice presi Bank Premises & dent at Bankers Furniture & Fixtures 586,205 LIABILITIES Trust Company, Other Assets 1,581,814 R.L. REED 58,256,889 Deposits Des Moines. He Total Assets 65,884,067 2,111,385 Other Liabi I ¡ties was graduated from W artburg Total Liabilities & Capital 65,884,067 College, where he received his BAi degree in business administration OFFICERS and economics. He received his Donna Sarver, Personal Loan O fficer R. S. Howard, Jr. , Chairman & President Hester W h itlatch, C ontroller John Pothoven, Exec. Vice President Master of Business Administration Roger A. Parlett, Data Processing O fficer Rex L. Blom , Vice President degree from Drake University. Evelyn Vos, Trust O fficer Dale G. Stansbeary, Vice President & Cashier W ill Schippers, Sr. Operations O fficer A lice M. Parlet, Executive Secretary Steve A. Brend, Sr. Personal Loan O fficer James W. Goering, Com m ercial Loan O fficer Charles S. Howard, Com m ercial Loan O fficer Steve C. Knutson, A gricu ltu ra l Loan O fficer David L. S helquist, A gricultural Loan O fficer Judith L. W arrick, Personal Loan O fficer DigitizedNorthwestern for FRASERBanker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis David M einert, A u d ito r Robert W estenhaver, O fficer Manager Jo hn ita Jones, A ssista n t Cashier Gladys A llsu p , A ssista n t Cashier Harold S utherland, A ssista n t Cashier Floydine Dunwoody, A ssista n t Cashier Irene Finch, A ssista n t Cashier Seeks Merger Approval The Oelwein State Bank has applied for approval for a merger with A rlington S tate Bank and tq ^ establish a bank office in Arlington. 87 JThomas H. Huston Renamed superintendent of Banking Thomas H. Huston has accepted reappointment by Governor Robert D. Ray to a second four-year term as •Sowa superintendent of banking. Mr. Huston is president of the Columbus Junction State Bank. •A ppointed Vice President Paul Hall, president and chairman of the board of Cedar Falls Trust & Savings Bank, announced that •Clifford D. Mortenson has been appointed vice president. Mr. Hall stated that ®Mr. Mortenson replaces Barry R. Hall who recent ly left the Cedar —Falls community C.D. MORTENSON ^to assume the presidency of Harrison Deposit Bank & Trust at Cynthiana, Ky. Mr. Mortenson has been with the —State Department of Banking since w1968 and has been a senior bank examiner for the department since December 1975. He received his BA degree in business administration in ^1967 from Buena Vista College in wStorm Lake. Banks of Iowa to Acquire • F o r t Madison Bank & Trust A. Anthes Smith, president of Fort Madison Bank & Trust Co., Fort M adison, and Holmes Foster, president of Banks of Iowa, Inc., Des •M oines, announced agreement in principle has been reached whereby Banks of Iowa, Inc. will make a tender offer to acquire for cash all of the outstanding common stock of • F o r t Madison Bank & Trust Co. The transaction has been approved by the boards of both organizations. The proposed transaction is subject to approval by the Board of Governors • o f the Federal Reserve System and other regulatory authorities. Mr. Foster stated that no changes in personnel or board of directors of Fort Madison Bank & Trust Co. are •contemplated. Fort Madison Bank & Trust Co. had assets of $41 million on September 30, 1980. Banks of Iowa -h a d consolidated assets of $1.3 billion ^ o n the same date. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1980 Iowa Group Meetings Date Feb. 13-14 Feb. 15-16 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 Group 1 11 8 4 7 2 6 5 12 3 City Sioux City Burlington Maquoketa To be announced To be announced Ft. Dodge Des Moines Council Bluffs Okoboji Clear Lake STATEMENT OF CONDITION at close of Business December 31, 1980 ASSETS Cash and Due from b a n k s ............................................ $ 9,103,804 Interest bearing deposits at banks ............................. 1,500,000 Investment securities: U.S. Treasury se curities............................................ 21,508,376 Obligations of states and political subdivisions . . . . 24,527,848 Total investment securities ....................... 46,036,224 Federal funds sold ........................................................ 9,750,000 Loans, net of unearned income ..................................... 65,500,983 Less valuation reserve for loan losses ..................... (687,015) Total lo a n s .................................................. 64,813,968 Accrued interest receivable .......................................... 1,312,525 Bank premises and equipment ................................... 2,868,818 Other assets ................................................................. 112,937 Total assets ................................................. $135,498,276 LIABILITIES and CAPITAL Deposits: Demand deposits ........................................................$ 24,593,812 Savings deposits ...................................................... 29,951,623 Time deposits ............................................................ 62,796,836 Total deposits ............................................ 117,342,271 2,900,000 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase .......... Other short-term borrow ings........................................ 1,177,946 Accrued expenses and other liabilties ......................... 1,342,433 Total liabilities .......................................... 122,762,650 Stockholders’ equity: Capital stock ............................................................. 2,800,000 Surplus ..................................................................... 2,800,000 Retained earnings...................................................... 7,135,626 Total stockholders’ equity ......................... 12,735,626 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity .. $135,498,276 Lowell J. Walker Chairman of the Board DaleK. DeKoster President & Chief Executive Officer Commercial Division E. James O’Connor, CCL Senior Vice President James R. Gerber Assistant Vice President Mortgage Division Merle W. Rodgers Senior Vice President OFFICERS Consumer Lending Division Robert L, Smith Assistant Vice President Donald N. Richards Assistant Vice President DeonSenchina Consumer Loan Officer David A. Mulnix Consumer Loan Officer Agricultural Division William D. Davidson Vice President Operations Division Robert V. Cooper Senior Vice President Gerald J. Curran Cashier Rick A. Thuesen Controller Betty M. Runyan Assistant Cashier Diane C, Kupferschmidt Personnel Director Anita M, Ward Auditor Trust Division Frederick Koch Senior Vice President & Trust Officer Charles P. Beard Trust Officer Dennis E. Egel Assistant Trust Officer WATERLOO SAVINGS BANK West Park at Cedar, Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Northwestern Banker, February, 1981 88 Iowa N ew s Appointed at Bettendorf George C. Heninger, president of Bettendorf Bank and Trust, an nounced the appointment of Elaine Bartholome to the position of vice president, corporate lending; Rose mary Drake to vice president, marketing; John Crowe to vice president, consumer banking and branch operations, and Susan L. Fullmer to human resource officer. Since joining Bettendorf Bank in 1977, Ms. Bartholome has held responsibilities in all lending areas of the bank, with special emphasis in corporate lending and regulatory compliance. She is a member of the National Association of Bank Women, a board member of the Bank Administration Institute, and a featured speaker in the field of small business funds management and financing. Her articles on community bank regula tory compliance have appeared in the Northwestern Banker. Since joining Bettendorf Bank in 1976, Ms. Drake has held responsibil ities in the areas of product research and development, bank office site locations, corporate communica tions, and career development programs. She is a graduate of Washington University, St. Louis, with post graduate work in bank marketing communications and systems. Mr. Crowe was formerly executive vice president with the Farmers and Mechanics Bank in Galesburg, 111. where he managed the consumer banking portfolio. Prior to joining the Farmers and Mechanics Bank, he managed the retail deposit gathering and consumer lending functions for twenty branches of the Manufactur ers Trades Trust Company of Buffalo, NY. Mr. Crowe is a graduate of th# U niversity of Buffalo, and is currently enrolled in the Graduate School of Bank Marketing, Baton Rouge, La. Prior to joining Bettendorf B an# and Trust, Mrs. Fullmer served as assistant to the director of personnel with the Servus Rubber Company. She attended Scott Community College and Washington U n iv ersity St. Louis. Northwest Branch Approved An application for consent ta establish a branch by the Northwe® Bank& Trust Co., Davenport, at 101 West Second St., has been approved. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS February, 1981 E. BARTHOLOME R. DRAKE J. CROWE S.L. FULLMER There are delusions when planning a new facility. Acorn printing ........................................................... 20 American Express Company ................ 7,9,11,13,15 American National B k.& Tr. Co., Chicago .............. 75 American National B k.& Tr. Co., St. Paul .............. 31 American Trust & Saving Bk., Dubuque .................. 71 Banco Financial/Lease Northwest .......... Bank of North Dakota ............................... Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines ................ Banks of Iowa Computer Service ............ Brandt ......................................................... Central National Bk. &Tr. Co., Des Moines Commercial National Bk., Peoria ............ Continental Bank, Chicago ..................... Control-O-Fax ........................................... Council Bluffs Savings Bk........................... Diebold, Inc.......................................... Drovers Bk. of Chicago ..................... Farmers & Merchants Bk., Burlington First Mid America, Inc., Lincoln First National Bk., Lincoln ................ First N ational B k., M inneapolis First First First First Gontrol'O’fax- National National National National Bk., Bk., Bk., Bk., ........ Muscatine .......... Omaha ................ St. Paul ................ St. Paul (Bonds) Gross, Kirk ......................................... Heller, Walter E., Chicago ................ Iowa Bankers Association ............... Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services .. lowa-Des Moines National Bk............. Kooker, Earl F....................................... Lincoln Benefit Life ........................... Mahaska State Bk., Oskaloosa ........ Manufacturers HanoverTrust Co. . . . McCormick Inn ................................. Merchants National Bk., Cedar Rapids M i n nesota J ob F i nders ..................... Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Co. . . . National Bank of Commerce, Lincoln .. National City Bank, Minneapolis .......... Northwestern National Bk., Minneapolis 72-73 .. 3 .. 85 .. 32 .. 22 .. 89 .. 77 .. 83 .. 60 . . 63 4 0 -0 .. 70 .. 57 .. 38 .. 45 . . 82 : : i .. 79 .. 90 .. 78 .. 62 . . 86 :.. f2 .. 49 46-47 59 43 I c o r p o r a t io n Packers National Bk., Omaha .............. Security National Bk., Sioux City ........................... 61 Security Savings Bk., Marshalltown ....................... 76 3070 West Airline Highway Waterloo, Iowa 50104 United Bank of Denver .................. United States National B k., Omaha (319) 234-4651 21 55 Van Wagenen, G.D., Minneapolis Waterloo Savings Bk...................... Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, February, 1981 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis : : » . . 68 » DIEBOLD S B A T ® TOTAL AUTOMATIC BANKING SYSTEMS when you must be right ...the First lim e For your bank’s customers, the essence of successful automatic teller service is transaction speed and simplicity. For bank management, however, an automatic teller program deserves deliberate, in-depth consideration. Many factors are involved, ranging from plastic card design to consideration of ATM security risks. On the other hand, finding the right answers to your automatic teller questions is a whole lot easier and quicker when you call on the company that has found more of those right answers than any other automatic teller equipment vendor. That company is Diebold. We have shipped over 6000 automatic tellers to the American financial community, so you can be confident that more of your questions about automatic tellers are ones we’ve already answered. Another important consideration is that of all ATM vendors, only Diebold has an authoritative background of security expertise. This capability is particularly significant in connection with free-standing automatic tellers. Talk to Diebold about ATMs — and about our other customer service and security equipment. When you must be right...the first time, we’ll help you make the right decision. I N C O R P O R A T E D C A N T O N , OHIO 44711 " W e k n o w h o w to help you” r Diebold, Incorporated, 818 Mulberry Road, S.E., Canton, Ohio 44711 _______ Please call me i i i i _______ Please send additional information I’m interested in ___ Automatic Teller Machines ___ Drive-In Equipment ___ Teller Undercounter Equipment NAM E I NW-2 ___ Vault Doors, Safe Deposit Boxes, Safes ___ Alarms and cameras ___ Financial Buildings TITLE NA M E O F BAN K ADDRESS PHONE STATE L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ZIP J 1980: An excellent year statements of financial condition Lance Davenport A utfutti 1 tutet o 1980 1 1979 (in thousands of dollars) ASSETS Cash and due from banks ............................................................................. Interest bearing deposits with banks ...................................................... Investment securities U.S. Treasury and federal agencies.................................................... State, municipal and housing............................................................... Other .................................................................................................... Total investment securities ........................................................... Bernie Kersey Bob Buenneke m 16,000 $1 8 6 ,8 8 7 3,600 62,701 88,959 617 57,382 8 8,452 617 152,277 146,451 0 $179,469 • 240,650 240,650 5,120 66,9 7 5 178,131 84,709 34,668 113,003 17,223 187,510 88,701 • 27,829 127,483 6,644 Total loans .................................................................................... Unearned discount............................................................................... Allowance for loan losses .................................................................... 427,734 4 3 8 ,1 6 7 0 (3,076) (4,522) (3,429) (4,376) Net loans ...................................................................................... 420,136 43 0 ,3 6 2 Premises and equipment ........................................................................ Interest receivable and other assets....................... , .............................. 15,587 29,751 Trading account securities ...................................................................... Money market investments ............................................................................. Loans Commercial .......................................................................................... Real estate ........................................................................................... Construction and land development.................................................... Consumer............................................................................................. Foreign ................................................................................................. Linda Collins 16,162 $1 ,070,032 Total assets ......................................................................................... . $1,070,032 ! 1 4 ,4 5 0 # 2 5,959 $ 8 7 9 ,8 0 4 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY John Rigler Deposits Demand ...................................................................................................... Regular savings .................................................................................. Savings certificates .................................................................................... Certificates of deposit and other time ................................................ Foreign tim e ........................................................................................ Total deposits .................................................................................... Short-term borrowings .................................................................................... Accrued expenses and other liabilities ................................................ Obligations under capital leases........................................................... Subordinated notes payable ................................................................ Total liabilities Garry Frandson ...................................................................................... $376,628 $376.628 81,146 133,648 133,648 134,289 16,500 742,211 742,211 246,330 246,330 22,794 8,765 9,000 1,029,100 1,029,100 66 3 ,8 8 6 140,101 20,412 8 ,0 9 6 # ! 9,0 0 0 I 8 41,495 Stockholders’ equity Common stock, $100 par value - Authorized and outstanding 100,000 shares in 1980 and 1979 .................................................. Capital surplus .................................................................................. Retained earnings............................................................................... 10,000 10,000 20,932 io ,o o o H Total stockholders’ equity ........................................................... 40,932 3 8 ,3 0 9 J $1 ,070,032 Total liabilitiesand stockholders’ equity................................................. $1,070,032 Mark Conway # $ 3 4 4 ,8 3 4 84,277 110,646 111,629 I 1 2 ,5 0 0 # 10,000 18,309 $ 8 7 9 ,8 0 4 IO W A . n e siv ip in e s d W ÆÊm Dorothea Wolfe Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J ^ r A Member FDIC An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation A NATIONAL BANK Banco » 7th & Walnut, Des Moines, Iowa 50304 • (515) 245-3131 • Call toll-free 1-800-362-2514 '1981, lowa-Des Moines National Bank I