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tT P / r \ A U G U ST 1982 ’ « « Iowa Independents Meet at Lake Okoboji • Banks tune into video training • 1RS plague continues • How one bank sells IRAs P rogram s: # • Montana Bankers Association • Minnesota Independents • North Dakota Independents Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MNB Senior Vice President on “The importance of creative thinking in correspondent banking.” "The challenge of developing more ef ficient methods in correspondent banking is greater than ever. That's why at Merchants National Bank, we encourage our correspondent bankers to develop new and better ways of handling Overlines and Liquidity Loans. That's why we offer time saving services like the 24-Hour Transit Service and more efficient ap proaches to Federal Funds Purchase and Sales and Bond Purchasing and Safekeeping. "At MNB, we expect originality and we encourage innovation. In cor respondent banking, as in any dynamic business, creative thinking blends vision with experience for a better product. And by aggressively seeking new perspectives, we believe we'll find the best ways to serve our respondent banks and their customers. Talk to one of MNB's creative corre spondent bankers, soon. Call John E. Mangold, Terry M. Martin, Stan R. Farmer, or Jerry N. Trudo. Just dial ( 319) 398-4313 or call, toll free, £ £ • 1- 800- 332- 5991. Merchants National Bank CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA A BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK Member F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis en it comes to custom er preference*, ther travelers cheques don’t stack up. In fact, they d on’t even me close. In a recent national qpy, a majority of travelers eque users said they want m erican Express® the next e they buy travelers cheques. W h ich isn’t surprising you consider that only Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A m erican Express offers five spe cial services to help protect your customers’ vacation if their trav elers cheques are lost or stolen. We can help cancel lost credit cards, issue a temporary ID, and cash a personal check for up to $200. We even have a 24'H our Travel Service Hotline if your customer needs help changing travel plans. A nd an Emergency Message Service if they w ant to send a message home. Com bine all that w ith our 60,000 refund locations and nearly 1000 worldwide Travel Service Offices and you’ll see why most travelers cheque users feel A m erican Express is the best brand. So don’t settle for less. A majority of travelers cheque users w ant A m erican Express. A nd if you don’t have them , they may start asking around. h m 4 Convention Calendar STERN AUGUST 1982 • 89th Year • No. 1427 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION MEMBER BANK MARKETING ASSOCIATION OLDEST FINANCIAL JOURNAL SERVING THE CENTRAL AND WESTERN STATES ON THE COVER Lake Okoboji provided an ideal setting for the annual convention of the Iowa In dependent Bankers annual convention last month. A report with pictures begins on page 72. FEATURES 19 Banks tune into video training Expedites training for new services, new employes 20 IRS plague continues S ta te C o nventio n s & S chools Peat, Marwick authors review confusing rules 22 Colorado: — Sept. 15-18—Colorado Independent Ban® ers Association Annual Meeting and Convention, The Lodge at Vail, Vail. Broader mortgage choice MGIC survey shows customer needs and concerns 23 How one bank sells IRAs Unified campaign brings customers to Iowa bank CONVENTION PROGRAMS AND REPORTS 34 Minnesota Independents Meet August 19-22 37 North Dakota Independents Meet September 15-16 41 Montana Convention Program 42 You Will See Them at the 79th Montana Convention 72 Iowa Independents Report Calendar Bank Promotions Corporate News Illinois Minnesota Twin Cities South Dakota North Dakota 47 48 51 52 54 57 68 74 Colorado Wyoming Nebraska Omaha Lincoln Iowa Des Moines Index of Advertisers Publisher & E ditor Ben Haller, Jr. A ssociate Publisher Steve Burch Phone (515) 244-8163 A ssociate E ditor Becky McBurney Consultant Malcolm K. Freeland No. 1427Northwestern Banker (USPS 397-620) is published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Subscription $1.50 per copy. $15 per year. Second Class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to Northwestern Banker, 306 Fifteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Iowa: Sept. 19-21 — IBA Annual Convention, Marriott Hotel, Des Moines. North Dakota: Sept. 15-17 — Independent Com m unilÄ Banks of North Dakota Convention, Horn day Inn, Jamestown. Sept. 27—NDBA Northeast Group Mtg. Sept. 28—NDBA Northwest Group Mtg. Sept. 29—NDBA Soutwest Group Mtg. Sept. 30—NDBA Southeast Group Mtg. a Oct. 26-27—NDBA Bank Women’s Con ference, Jamestown. Nov. 17-18— NDBA Consumer Credit Con ference, Mandan. NORTHWESTERN BANKER 305 15th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Illinois: Sept. 15-16—IBA Ag Credit Conference Ramada Inn, Champaign. ™ Sept. 29-Oct. 1—AMBI Retail Banking Con ference, Indian Lakes Resort, Bloomingdale. Oct. 5-6—IBA Trust Conference, Radisson, St. Louis. ^ Nov. 14-18—AMBI Commercial Lending I® stitute, Univ. of Illinois, Champaign. Nebraska: ^ Sept. 13-14—NBA Ag Credit Symposium, Lincoln Hilton, Lincoln. DEPARTMENTS 8 10 16 25 27 29 35 36 N a tio n a l C onventio n s & S ch o ols Sept. 19-21 —IBAA Commodity Marketing Seminar, Chicago, III. Sept. 19-22—NABW 6th Annual Conven tion, Los Angeles Bonaventure, Los Angeles, Calif. Sept. 19-Oct. 1—ABA National Instalment Credit Schools, Univ. of O klahom # Norman. Oct. 10-15—IBAA Bank Executive Develop ment Seminar, Muncie, Ind. Oct. 16-20—ABA Annual Convention, At lanta. Oct. 24-27—BMA 67th Annual Conventio® Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Ariz. Oct. 31-Nov. 3—RMA 68th Annual Fall Con ference, Sheraton, Bal Harbour, Fla. Oct. 31-Nov. 3—IBAA Seminar Workshop on the One-Bank Holding Company, New Orleans, La. # Nov. 14-17—BAI 58th National Convention, Hyatt Regency, Houston, Tex. Nov. 15-16—IBAA Spread Analysis and Asset/LiabiIity Management Workshop, Dallas, Tex. Nov. 15-19—BMA Essentials of B a r^ Marketing School, Univ. of New Hamp shire, Durham. South Dakota: Oct. 7-8—SDBA Instalment Credit & Retaff Banking Conference, Sheraton, Yankton. Oct. 27-28—SDBA Economics Seminar for Young Adults, Holiday Inn, Mitchell. Wyoming: ^ Nov. 12-13—WBA Chief Executive Officers Conference, Ramada Inn, Casper. Would the real Portfolio Advisor please stand up? ¿ c Is that portfolio advisor giving you advice? Or pushing bonds for your portfolio? Some banks send out people who keep you guessing. At Continental w e don’t believe in guessing games. We offer our correspondents a portfolio advisor who really is an advisor. This consultant has no axe to grind. Because he’s not paid on the basis of bond commissions. H e’s paid by you, for totally objective advice. And he’s got the freedom to give it. What does this portfolio professional do? Well, he or she will take a long hard look at your unique situation. Your assets. Your liabilities. Your tax management. And then he’ll help you develop strategies that maximize your bottom line. It’s like hiring a part-time employee with full-time money center experience. Of course, he’ll analyze opportunities with you. And make recommendations. But you make the final decisions. If you just want to hear a sales pitch, wait for the salesman to call on you. If you want to hear sound advice, call Robert C. Vasko at (312) 828-4046. H e’ll put you in touch with a portfolio advisor who lives up to the name. © CONTINENTAL BANK 125th ANNIVERSARY C ontinental Illinois National B an k and Trust C om pany of Chicago, 231 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60693 A tla n ta • C h ic a g o • C le v elan d • D a lla s • D e n v e r • D e tro it H o u s to n • L os A n g e le s • M in n eap o lis • N e w York S an F ra n c is c o • S e attle • W h ite P la in s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 6 NABW Meets Sept. 19-22 in Los Angeles H E them e for the 60th annual convention of the N ational A sso ciation of B ank Women, scheduled Septem ber 19-22 a t the Bona ven tu re Hotel in Los Angeles, is “ Fron tiers in Finance: Directions for a New A ge.” The NABW E ducational Founda tion has scheduled a two-day sem inar to augm ent convention pro gram m ing. Titled “ M anagem ent of Conflict and C hange,” it will be of fered Septem ber 17 and 18 as a pre convention option. A full day of leadership training for incoming NABW officers will be offered on Sunday, Septem ber 19. G uest speaker for the Educational Foundation dinner th a t evening will be Virginia Privateer Corsi, former associate director of executive sem inars a t the Aspen In stitu te and p artn er in the executive search firm of Bentley & Evans. NABW President Linda Arnold will introduce keynote speaker John N aisbitt a t the opening session M onday m orning. Mr. N aisbitt, publisher of The Trend Report, will speak on “ Y esterday Is O ver.” His predictions will provide a framework for a discussion m oderated by H ank Koehn, vice president and head of futures research a t Security Pacific N ational Bank, Los Angeles. O ther m orning speakers include William Ford, president, Federal Reserve Bank, A tlanta; Alex “ P e te ” H art, executive vice president, F irst In te rsta te Bancorp, and Jam es Benham, president, Capital P reserva tion Fund. W orkshops on M onday afternoon will investigate specific strategies in product developm ent, m arketing, delivery and hum an resource m an agem ent. Tuesday m orning sessions will prepare women bankers for new roles in a dynam ic industry. A fter noon workshops will be devoted to technical/professional career op tions, new m anagem ent skills, pre retirem ent planning, com m unica tions and survival during m ergers and acquisitions. On W ednesday m orning Irving Leveson of the H udson In stitu te will look a t the future of the finan cial services industry, and Dr. Jack H olland of the In stitu te of H um an G row th and A w areness will speak on “ Developing a Positive Fram e of M ind,” to close the meeting. First Banks of St. Joseph Plan 26th Market Day M arket D ay will conclude w ith a social hour and steak dinner a t 6:00 p.m. T John E. Karn, chairm an of F irst Stock Yards Bank, St. Joseph, Mo., has announced plans for the 26th A nnual M arket Day, co-sponsored by F irst Stock Y ards B ank and F irst N ational B ank of St. Joseph. B oth banks are m em bers of F irst M idw est Bancorp, Inc. The date for M arket D ay will be Septem ber 8. R egistration will begin a t 9:00 a.m. in the lobby of the F irst Stock Yards Bank, followed by a tour of M issouri Valley W alnut Company. C hartered buses will tran sp o rt the group. Luncheon, as usual, will be served a t the Hoof and H orn Steak House a block from F irst Stock Y ards Bank. The afternoon session again will be conducted a t St. Joseph C ountry Club. The speaker will be Frank S. Hough, professor of economics, Graceland College, Lamoni, la., whose topic will be, “ Self W orth vs N et W orth.” A panel discussion on various agricultural commodities and price trends is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dodge Elected President Robert Morris Associates Douglas W. Dodge, executive vice president, M ercantile-Safe Deposit & T ru st Company, Baltim ore, was elected president of R obert M orris A ssociates, the national association of bank loan and credit officers, in the association’s annual election on A ugust 6, 1982. Jack R. Crigger, executive vice president, Am erican N ational B ank & T ru st Company, C hattanooga, was elected first vice president. Glenhall E. Taylor, Jr., executive vice president, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., San Francisco, was elected se cond vice president. All term s are for one year. In addition, four new directors were elected to the RMA board for three-year term s. They are G erard J. Alifano, senior vice president, P itts burgh N ational Bank; Robert H. Cooke, senior vice president, Lloyds B ank California, Los Angeles; Rob- ert L. Kropf, senior vice p re sid e n t# Colorado N ational Bank, Denver, and Kevin F. W alsh, first vice presi dent, N ational B ank of D etroit. Also, E dgar M. M orsm an, Jr., vice president, N orthw est B a n c o r# poration, M inneapolis, was elected to fill an unexpired two-year term on the board. MABSCO Ag Services, Inc. * Board of Directors Named MABSCO A gricultural Services, Inc., which was activ ated last m onth by the 13 sta te banker asso ® ciations which co nstitute MABSCO, has announced the nam es of bankers serving on its board of directors. A detailed review of M A SI was pub lished in last m o n th ’s issue of the® N o r t h w e s t e r n B a n k e r . The M ASI directors are: C h a irm a n —W illiam C raw ford, president, F irst N ational B ank & 0 T ru st Co. Frederick, Okla. Vice C hairm an—H arry Argue, ex ecutive director, N o rth D akota Bankers Assn., Bismarck, N.D. Sec./Treas.—Leslie W. Peterson,0 president, Farm ers S tate Bank, Trim ont, Minn. P re sid e n t—E dw ard L. T ubbs, chairm an, M aquoketa S tate Bank, M aquoketa, la. # Greg LeGare, ag. repr., B ank of Osseo, Osseo, Wis. Bill Cook, Jr., president, Beatrice N ational Bank, Beatrice, Nebr. W aldo F. M ottaz, president, S ta te # B ank of Hallsville, Hallsville, Mo. Lonnie Farm er, chairm an & presi dent, F irst S tate Bank, Davidson, Okla. Neil Milner, exec, v.p., Io w a # Bankers Association, Des Moines, la. A. Edw in Baur, vice president, The F irst N ational B ank & T rust co. of M ichigan, Kalamzaoo, Mich, or^ Farm ers & M erchants S tate Bank, Sebewaing, Mich. Lonnie G. Doan, sr. vice presi dent, Olney T ru st & B anking Com pany, Olney, 111. * M arlin D. Jackson, chairm an and president, Security Bank, Paragould, Ark. Jam es Birkbeck (advisory), presi dent, Denison S tate Bank, Holton, Kan. Jim E atherly, (advisory), presi dent, F irst N ational Bank, Tonkawa, Okla. H.D. Hockenberg, (counsel), Des Moines, la. 7 a ^ a r^ et ï ’ ^*< **$^ J d o tv s S 5 **- s e ^e° ^ > ^ e v ß ^ elS„ « a ^ * * Mtìe° i* « * sö'Px'0,„,RsV °ü ! ^ e c « aS C'° ? B ***! ^p\0vee? * pt09'af ( mo?e - Vfá^ ‘ ‘i S * * ' * " * " „ < .» > « '* " * * ar e 9 v >ar > b^ w p' v°u \^e ^ ° a ^ 430 fs|\C©• Se' \|\de° aVCBTS pacva9e - asaaV b e N ° ^ l ó W se° ^ u onM 6 u a ^ \o^abS2^0A S ia > BaP -5 $ 3 .80°ca^ co\\ecV \0^Na' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker , August , 7982 Imagine getting only bare walls when, for the sam e price, you could have had a beautifully built, elegantly furnished bank. “ It just about happened to us,” says Henry Kinberger, president of Security 1st National Bank, in Alexandria, Louisiana. “ We listened to not one, but a number of proposals for an important building project for our bank. One from an architect, another from a leading plan-design-build firm. Both would have offered us far less than the solution we got from HBE.” “A lot more value for the dollar.” “ Instead of remodeling our old building, HBE showed us how we could build a brand-new building that would be much more functional, for about the same cost, on the same site, without any interruption of business. And the HBE price included a spectacularly beautiful, finished interior, not just bare walls.” “Other bankers couldn’t believe how much we got for the price.” “ When many of our banker friends visited us, they were amazed. One of them said, ‘I came here expecting to be disappointed. I can’t believe my eyes.’ ” “ What they saw were things like floor-to-ceiling solid-oak doors, marble floors, really nice furniture and the like. All included at the square-foot price they thought would have been bare walls only.” “They didn’t try to boss us around.” “We enjoyed an excellent working relationship throughout the project. HBE listened to our thoughts and responded to what we wanted to do. There was never any attempt to impose formulas or rigid sets of ideas on us. And we liked that.” “Everything about it works better for us.” “ We have such nice touches as an exceptionally fine heating and air Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis conditioning system with a lot of zone controls and real energy savings. Better departmental and work flow arrangements. And an employees’ patio on our drive-in roof. All the site work was included, too. So was demolition of our old building. Even vault and security equipment. Plus new sidewalks, fountains, and so on. And throughout, HBE stayed with us, directing all phases and weeding out anything that proved inefficient.” Practically no work change orders. Security 1st was so satisfied that work change orders amounted to only a tiny fraction of the industry average. Better planning, closer personal attention, and a more careful, more concerned, more thoroughly pro fessional approach throughout made the difference. A difference we feel you can see in every HBE project, whether bank, savings and loan or credit union. Stories like this are not just once-in-a while happenings at HBE. We make them happen all the time. It’s our specialty, our point of difference, our pride. We’d like to start making things happen for you. Find out more. Call or write me, Dave Specht, right now at 314-567-9000. HBE Bank Facilities, 717 Office Parkway, St. Louis, Missouri, 63141. g* HBE Bank Facilities You can’t afford not to look at HBE. “We achieved everything we wanted and a lot more by working with HBE.’ Henry Kinberger, president of Security 1st National Bank, is shown here in the lobby of their beautiful new facility planned, designed, and built Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 Bank Prom otions ROM OTIONS and other an nouncem ents have been made P by the following banks: Centerre Bank, St. Louis: William K. Jones has been appointed presi dent of the m idw est chapter, For eign Exchange Traders Association. He is a vice president in the invest m ent banking departm ent a t Cen terre Bank. The chapter is m ade up of 120 individuals engaged in either foreign exchange and/or Euro-cur rency trad in g a t 54 m ajor banks throughout the midwest. Paul E. Rigby was advanced to vice president of Centerre Bank, and Dennis J. Sullivan, form erly staff vice president a t Citicorp, has joined Centerre as vice president. P.E. RIGBY D.J. SULLIVAN Newly elected a ssista n t vice pres idents are: Penelope A. Bogacki, for m erly retail banking officer; D or othy M. Feigl, form erly investm ent operations officer, and Richard C. M essey, previously bond invest m ent officer. Commerce Bank of Kansas City: Jo n a th a n Kem per has been nam ed vice president in the m etropolitan division of the commercial banking departm ent. For the p a st three years he has been a commercial banking officer for Citicorp (U.S.A.), located in Chicago. He m anaged the accounts of m ajor national and m ul ti-national corporations based in the north central U nited S tates. D uring the first two years he worked in the agribusiness unit w ith prim ary em phasis in the cattle and beef in dustry. For the last year he was assigned to the commercial and in dustrial lending unit. Prior to joining Citicorp, Mr. K em per’s work experience included work w ith the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Second D istrict Securities, a New York securities firm. In 1978 he participated in the Digitized Northwestern for FRASER Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis sum m er intern program of The N orthern T ru st Company of Chi cago. He received his BA degree, cum laude, in general studies from H arvard College and an M BA from H arvard G raduate School of B us iness A dm inistration. Continental Bank, Chicago: Three newly elected vice presidents are Chris A. Bowers, U.S. banking ser vices; Frank C. Reid, financial ser vices departm ent, and William C. Ruffin, Jr., general banking ser vices. The following were nam ed second vice presidents: Financial services d epartm ent— Yona S. Binder, Douglas Kelner, Fred S. W ayland and B arbara A. Wilson. O perations and m anagem ent ser vices—Michael L. DeRuntz, Leon ard Lewicki, D avid G. Mekemson, Susan J. M ontgom ery, Jerom e V. R asnak and Addie T. Ruey. P e rso n a l b a n k in g s e rv ic e s — E duardo M onteagudo and Paul C. Simms. Personnel—Michael C. Clement. C orporate financial s e r v ic e s Christopher Kwiecinski and M ark J. Mickey. proved dividend reinvestm ent pit® for stockholders th a t perm its them to reinvest dividends in additional stock purchased a t 95% of m arket value. Harris Bank, Chicago: John C. Spooner has been elected a ssista n t vice president. He is head of the b an k ’s hum an relations office, re sponsible for planning and monito® ing the b a n k ’s equal opportunity em ploym ent practices, E EO tra in ing and developm ent and m anage m ent consulting. He joined the bank as a college trainee and was g r a # uated in 1973 from E lm hurst Col lege. National Boulevard Bank of Chicago: Three new a ssista n t v i(^ presidents have been named, it w e ts announced recently. B reck Swanq u ist w as a p p o in te d a s s i s ta n t vice presi d e n t, d iv is io n m anager of the sm all b u sin e ss g ro u p in th e B ank F or the New Downtown. He received his B. SWANQUIST BA degree from W heaton College in 1976. B efor^ joining N ational Boulevard B ank in 1981 as a ssista n t cashier in the ex ecutive loan division, he worked a t First National Charter Corpora A urora N ational Bank. tion, Kansas City, Mo.: Stock holders a t their June 24 annual m eeting voted to change the name of the corporation to CharterCorp. Chairm an Gordon E. Wells an nounced the election of W illiam A. Hall and Michael G. F itt to fill va cancies on the board of directors. Mr. Hall is a ssista n t to the presi dent of H allm ark Cards, Inc., and president of H allm ark Educational R. JELEN C. JANSEN ® Foundation. Mr. F itt is chairman, R obert Jelen and Carl Jansen president and chief executive officer both joined the bank as a ssista n t of ERC M anagem ent Corporation. vice presidents. Mr. Jelen received B oth were elected Class I directors his BA in Economics degree from and will serve until the 1984 annual Bradley U niversity, Peoria, in 1 9 7 ^ m eeting. Mr. Hall also has been elec where he was an Illinois S tate ted a director of F irst N ational B ank Scholar for four years. In 1978 he of K ansas City, the holding com received his J.D . from Illinois In p a n y ’s largest affiliate, and Mr. F itt stitu te of Technology/Chicago Col already serves on the bank board. lege of Law. Before joining N a tio n a l Stockholders authorized the cor Boulevard he was a closing attorney poration to issue up to 1,000,000 for Tallm an Home Federal S&L shares of preferred stock, and ap since 1978, and prior to th a t was proved an incentive stock option employed by F irst Chicago Realtw plan for key employes. Services Corp from 1976-78. Mr. Wells also announced an im Mr. Jan sen received his BS in In- W hen a customer needs more than your lending limit or lease capacity look to Bankof America. W hen your bank’s customers decide to additional assistance you might need. With nearly 1100 offices around the expand or replace major equipm ent, they’ll probably turn to you for additional globe, Bank of America can provide a world of correspondent banking serv financing. And even if they ask for m ore than your lending limit or leasing capacity, ices—including lease participations. So the next tim e you need a correspondent you may still b e able to honor their bank, look to Bank of America. requests. Because Bank of America can Call us in San Francisco at (415) 622help you with overline or lease assistance. We can also put the skills of our account 6909. In Los Angeles, at (213) 228-3288. officers to work for you. They have decision-making capabilities and direct access to BankAmeriLease® Group for any L o o k to t h e L e a d e r " B A N K of AMERICA Bank of America NT&SA • Member FDIC © Bank of America NT&SA 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C o rresp o n d e n t Banking Services 12 d u stria l R elations degree from R ockhurst College, K ansas City. He spent two years w ith Chicago Title and T rust Company, sta rtin g in 1968, and for the p a st 10 years was employed by B aird & W arner, Inc., Chicago real e state firm. Henry Kissinger and Paul Harvey to Speak at ABA Convention in Atlanta ORM ER U.S. Secretary of S tate H enry Kissinger, who a ttrac ted a standing-room only crowd of 9,600 Northern Trust Company, Chi to a session of the Am erican B ank cago: D irectors have announced the ers A ssociation annual convention in 1979, will m ake a retu rn appear following promotions: Jam es J. M itchell to senior vice ance this year when ABA m eets in A tlanta, October 16-20. In New Or president in the tru s t departm ent. leans three years ago, Mr. K issinger Elected vice presidents were: Building depart drew the largest audience ever for an m e n t—K e n n e th ABA opening general session, sub L. Lay and Jo stantially surpassing the 7,700 who sep h W. Nel- heard Reverend Billy G raham a t the 1974 ABA convention. ligan. C o m m e r c ia l banking depart m e n t—K e n n e th R. Harder, Jon C. H unt, J. Scott Lafferty, Jr., and J.J. MITCHELL F. Dean Long. T rust d ep artm en t—Thom as E. Cooper, William E. Pom eroy and William J. Sm ith. From outside the H. KISSINGER P. HARVEY bank, Scott M organ and Phillip W. Oilman were nam ed vice presidents. Also addressing the ABA conven Newly-elected second vice pres tion this year will be the worldidents are: C o m m ercial b a n k in g d e p a r t reknowned newsm an Paul H arvey, m en t—Genevieve J. Guimond, L. who is carried by 897 radio stations, H am ilton Kerr I II and M erlon J. 100 television stations and 300 newspapers. Schuneman. President Ronald Reagan has Financial m anagem ent d e p a rt been invited to speak live from the m en t—Charles E. Ricker. O perating d ep artm en t—R obert J. W hite House, via teleconferencing. Like last year, ABA will use a giant H am m ond and F. Alan Schmitz. Personal banking d ep artm ent— Paul R. Spivey and W alter C. division, reporting to Charles B a rt ling, vice president. Stephen. T ru st—Eileen D. M cIntosh. Jim Rubenstein Will Head Editorial Staff The B ank M arketing A ssociation has announced the appointm ent of Jam es R ubenstein as the A ssocia tio n ’s director of editorial services a t Chicago headquarters. Mr. R u benstein m ost recently served as m anaging editor of the B ank L e tte r new sletter, a publication of In s titu tional Investor Inc., and previously was m idw est bureau chief of the A m erican B anker new spaper in Chicago. Mr. Rubenstein, 42, will become editor of B ank M arketing, the association’s m onthly periodical ser ving the industry, and also will edit other association new sletters and publications in the com m unications Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F * screen above the stage during g e n ^ eral sessions so th a t everyone can be assured of having the equivalent of a front row seat. A new feature in A tlan ta will be a comprehensive forum on m ic ro c o n y puters for com m unity bankers. Fol lowing a plenary session for every body, attendees will break up into small workshops so th a t bankers m ay have a “ hands on ” o p p o r tu n ity to learn how m icrocom puters can revolutionize their operations. Special interest sessions in A tlan ta will focus on coping in difficult tim es, w ith em phasis on first-hanc^ accounts of banker success stories. The exhibit area this year will be the largest in the history of the ABA convention. More th an 370 booths already have been sold. D u y to popular dem and there will again be prize draw ings in the exhibit hall. All program s, exhibits, m eetings and registration will be held a t the Georgia W orld Congress Center. L o # cated w ithin short shuttle distance of all ABA hotels, the center is one of the w orld’s largest and m ost m odern convention facilities. Convention registration m aterials® are available from Convention Reg istration, Am erican Bankers A sso ciation, 1120 Connecticut Avenue, NW, W ashington, D.C. 20036. The telephone num ber is (202) 467-6329. • Bank, said, “ we are especially de lighted to be able to conclude our 125th anniversary by serving as a principal u n d e rw riter for w h a t^ should be the m ost significant ex Continental to Fund 1983 hibition of a rt ever to be shown in Vatican Art Exhibit Chicago. The A rt In stitu te of Chicago and The Vatican Collections: The^ Continental B ank have announced Papacy and A r t will be comprised o ^ th a t Continental will provide the objects in a variety of media ranging m ajor funding for the Chicago show from Classical and E gyptian a n ti ing of The Vatican Collections: The quity through the tw entieth cen P apacy and A rt. C o n tin e n ta l’s tury. O utstanding works by R apha-^ $500,000 g ran t is the m ost signifi el, Bernini, Leonardo da V inci/ cant corporate contribution the A rt Caravaggio, Poussin, Fra Angelico, In stitu te has ever received. and m odern m asters such as M a The exhibition, which will open at tisse, Derain, and Ben Shahn will be the A rt In stitu te on Ju ly 16, 1983, included. ^ and continue through October 16, The V atican exhibit will begin its will include some 200 works from three-city Am erican tour a t The the m useum s of the Vatican, the M etropolitan M useum of A rt in V atican Library, and St. P e te r’s New York in F ebruary of 1983. Basilica. A fter closing in Chicago it w ill^ Roger E. Anderson, chairm an and travel to the Fine A rts M useum s of chief executive officer of Continental San Francisco. 13 R apid transit. Speed. It’s the essential ingredient of intelligent movement of money. It’s also why more correspondents choose the rapid transit system at Commerce. Our day starts with balance reporting at 5:00 A.M. By 9:00, we’re on the phone with customers, advising them of how much money is immedi ately available for investment and how much is deferred. Same day available balance reporting coupled with timely information on previous day’s ending ledger balance enables correspondents to manage their funds position accurately and maximize profits. What’s more, we handle exception items, exceptionally fast. Other banks take weeks to get return items back to you. Our unique post office box and special zip code allow us to handle these items quicker. Fast turnaround on return items means less float as well as minimal risk of embarrassment and loss. In addition, we have a special problem-solving team for cash letter adjustments. Our Special Adjustment Staff (S.A.S.) pays quick attention to your problems. If an error has been made in the checks sent to us for clearing, this special team quickly catches the error and adjusts the correspondent for the proper amount. Large dollar adjustments receive immediate priority. Rapid transit at Commerce adds up to the best availability schedule around. If you’d like to plug into our rapid transit system, a f c c?rTonw dentBanker# Commerce Bank MEMBER FDIC No one knows the value of time better than Commerce. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ® Kansas City (816) 234-2000 • 10th & Walnut • Kansas City, MO 64141 Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ight in the middle of inancing market. You will generate new profits with Homeseller: Insured Seller Financing. Over 60% of all homes sold today involve some form of seller financing. It is estimated that these sales will soar from $80 billion in 1982 to $120 billion by 1986. A new lender profit opportunity. The trend to seller financing has kept many buyers and sellers out of your institution. M G lCs Homeseller is designed to bring them back and give you the opportunity to: • Increase your origination and servicing income • Refinance short-term seller financed loans • Cross-sell your other financial services • Strengthen your Realtor relationships • Maintain your image as an innovative, progressive financial institution And Homeseller is being offered exclusively through our traditional customers, the professional mortgage lenders. Great appeal for seller financers. In their eagerness to make a sale, many home sellers provide their buyers with financing without considering the risks and paperwork involved. Until now, they have been unable to get insurance protection against default and few seller financers understand the complexities of originating and servicing a home loan. Homeseller is a perfect answer to these problems. With promotional assistance from MGIC, you can attract seller financers by offering these Homeseller benefits: • MGIC's Homeseller mortgage guaranty insurance • Your professional loan origination and servicing, including: buyer credit checks, underwriting, document preparation, monthly collections and disbursements, and foreclosure, if necessary. Advantages for Realtors and buyers, too. Your services combined with Homeseller insurance will stimulate Realtor sales. Buyers get their homes at more affordable rates — plus the com fort of knowing that everything was handled properly and legally by a mortgage professional. Homeseller" sales assistance. MGIC can provide you with a complete promotional program to help you attract Realtors and home sellers. For information and marketing assistance, contact your MGIC Account Executive or call 800-558-9900 (800-242-9275 in Wisconsin). MGIC Working hard to earn your business Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 r Corporate ROM OTIONS and other an P nouncem ents have been made by the following firms: DAKTRONICS B a r c la y s A m e r ic a n /B u sin e ss Credit, Inc., Minneapolis: D aryl H agstrom and H arold P. W einacht have been nam ed loan analysts and Joel R. Palesh has been prom oted to associate loan officer in the M in neapolis region office. Mr. H agstrom is responsible for analyzing the financial position of clients throughout the com pany’s M inneapolis region. He joined the firm in 1978 as a collection officer and was nam ed loan analyst trainee in 1981. Mr. W einacht will be reponsible for perform ing in-depth collateral evaluations and financial analysis of present and prospective clients loca ted in M innesota, Iowa, Nebraska, South D akota, N orth D akota and northw est p a rts of W isconsin and Il linois. A resident of M inneapolis, he has 11 years of business lending ex perience, m ost recently as M inneap olis office service m anager for a com mercial finance company. Mr. Palesh will be responsible for assisting the m anager of the loan ad m inistration departm ent and loan officers in m onitoring and analyzing the loan portfolio. He joined the com pany in 1981 as a loan analyst trainee. Audrey A. Pengelly has been pro m oted to credit m anager of the cen tra l division, w ith responsibility for assisting the division m anager in m onitoring all loan adm inistration activities w ithin the division. The central division is located in Brook field, Wis., and the regional offices reporting to it are in Chicago, Mil waukee and M inneapolis. She joined the firm in 1978 after receiving a BA degree in accounting from Concordia College. Previously, she was senior loan analyst in the m idw est service center. Brandt, Inc., Watertown, Wis.: TIME 8c TEMPERATURE Our engineers will custom design a display to enhance the architec ture of your building. Color draw ing and quote at no cost. Call or write today - m u ... m Hull, Iowa Custom designed Elmhurst, Illinois Attached display Warrensburg, Missouri Attached display Eagle Grove, Iowa Custom market report x> DAKTRONICS, INC. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bremer Service Company, Inc., St. Paul: Ken J. Timboe has been elected credit officer. He has held# the position of examiner, senior ex am iner and credit analyst since join ing Bremer in 1978. He is a graduate of the U niversity of N orth D akota. Christmas Club a Corporation, Easton, Pa.: President Jack G uinan has announced the prom otion of Al bert C. W iniarski to executive vice president. Mr. W iniarski will t a k ^ over day-to-day operations, enabling Mr. G uinan to investigate the new business opportunities. He joined C hristm as Club in 1976 and previ ously was w ith two banks in Nev® York. u DAKTRONICS, INC. P.O. Box 128 Brookings, SD 57006 (605)692-6145 Toll Free 800/843-9879 (exc. AK, HI & SD) Telex 29-5013 DAKTRONCS BKNG B arry M. Pressm an has joined th e ^ currency system s division as direc tor of m arketing, it was announced by John P. Dullighan, vice pres ident and gen e ra l m a n a g e r. H e a d q u a r te r e d a t B e n s a le m , Pa., th a t office p ro d u ce s a ll B r a n d t e q u ip m ent for coun t in g c u rr e n c y B.M. PRESSMAN and other paper item s, as well as com puterized c a sh # settlem ent system s used in daily op erations a t banks and other large money volume locations. Mr. Pressm an was m anager of business planning for Process M a n # agem ent System s Division of H on eywell, Inc., the p a st two years. He had four years of prior experience w ith a Rochester, N.Y., m anufac tu rer of power m easurem ent and® control instrum ents. J Dain Bosworth Inc., Minneapolis: Recent expansion of its retail sales adm inistration staff and the p ro m o # tion of several key executives in its municipal finance operations has been announced. Ron T schetter, senior vice presi dent in charge of institutional bone# sales, has moved to retail sales ad m inistration as a senior vice presi dent, where he will supervise various retail sales offices. He joined Dain Bosw orth in 1973, having w orkec# earlier a t B lythe E astm an Dillon. Paul G ubrud will assum e respon sibilities as senior vice president in charge of in stitutional bond sales. Mr. Gubrud, who is president of t h ^ M innesota In stitu te of Finance, has 17 % worked in Dain B osw orth’s muncipal area for 11 years. Jim Dlugosch takes over for Mr. G ubrud as vice president responsi ble for bond originations. Mr. Dlu•g o s c h , former M innesota Finance Agency executive director who went to work for Dain B osw orth in 1979, will help m ake the M inneapolisbased securities firm a greater in•flu e n c e in real e sta te financing, ac cording to Robert M artin, Dain Bos w orth executive vice president. The com pany recently com pleted a $20 million financing venture for hous i n g and office space adjacent to Or chestra Hall in downtown M inne apolis. Deluxe Check Printers, Inc., St. —Paul: Ronell Keen and Steven J e n sen have been appointed to vice pres ident statu s. Mr. Keen, present na tional production m anager, sta rte d his career w ith Deluxe in the K ansas ^ C ity plant. He moved to Chicago as superintendent in 1963 and in 1977 transferred to St. Paul. Mr. Jensen, director of inform a tion services, began his career in St. ^ P a u l in 1963. He was assigned to various production positions in the St. Paul plant and in 1966 he tra n s ferred to the adm inistration staff. He will be responsible for all com^ p a n y d a ta processing. Joseph L. Rose, a m em ber of the board of directors since 1948, has announced his retirem ent as a direc tor. Mr. Rose served as chief exec0 u tiv e officer from 1962 to 1977 and as chairm an of the board since 1976. Eugene R. Olson, chief executive officer of the com pany since 1977, was elected to the additional posi t i o n of chairm an of the board. E. Robert Kinney, president and chief executive officer of Investors Group of Companies, Inc., was elec ted to the board of directors. ® Financial Shares Corporation, Chicago: Dr. Peter R. Newell has been nam ed a senior consultant and Steven D. Crandall has been ap_ p o in ted a ssista n t vice president in ^ t h e training services division. Dr. Newell, previously in private prac tice in Seattle, is a program designer and consultant to m anagem ent in ACORN Sale Registers "Accepted Sale Registers by Bank Clerks Everywhere" Tor in fo rm atio n w rit e THE ACORN PRINTING CO. O akland, Iowa Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis organizational behavior, problem solving, conflict-m anagem ent and other areas. Mr. Crandall previously was w ith Old K ent B ank and T rust Company, G rand Rapids, Mich. Lease Northwest, Inc., Minne apolis: Daniel A. Leclerc, president, has been nam ed to a two-year term on the regional coordinating com m ittee of the Am erican A ssociation of E quipm ent Lessors. M r. L e c le rc has announced the appointm ent of S te v e n B. Cozzens to lease m arketing offi cer and m anager of the regional office in Billings, M ont. Mr. Coz zens jo in e d L e a s e N o r th S.B. COZZENS w est last m onth after extensive ex perience in the leasing industry. He was m ost recently area m anager for U.S. Bancorp Financial in Boise, Idaho. He has an MS degree in bus iness adm inistration from Boise S tate U niversity. and was elected director in 1981. Mr. Carr joined the firm in 1976 and was nam ed a ssista n t vice president, ac counting, earlier this year. Eugene B. Currie, who joined the com pany in 1970 after 23 years w ith the p arent company, M utual of Om aha, retired as executive vice presi dent, adm inistration. Travelers Express Company, Inc., Minneapolis: C.A.E. Anderson, Jr., president and chief executive officer, has announced the election of Jam es K. Bill as vice p resid en treg io n a d m in i stration. Before jo in in g T ra v elers E xpress in 1968, Mr. Bill w a s a n O hio t h r i f t a s s o c ia J.K. BILL tion officer. He has since held various company m anagem ent assignm ents with Trav elers Express. His new responsibil ities include adm inistration of the northcentral, m idw est and n orth east regions for the company. Travelers Express, a G reyhound MorAmerica Financial Corpora subsidiary, is one of the natio n ’s tion, Cedar Rapids, la.: Thom as J. largest money order companies. Berthel has been nam ed president of MorAmerica Cole-Taylor Group F in a n c ia l S e r Takes Top Awards vices, Inc., a new C ole-T aylor F in a n cia l G roup division of the received two aw ards a t the Chicago C ed ar R apidsFinancial A dvertisers’ recent 14th based M orA m er A nnual Eagle A w ards Dinner. Coleic a F i n a n c i a l Taylor won the coveted “ B est of Corporation. He Show’’ Double Eagle Aw ard for its will assum e the :60 radio commercial “ T h a t’s Good/ post im m ediate T h a t’s B ad.’’ The ad, one of a series ly as the division T.J. BERTHEL of hum orous radio spots created by prepares to offer complete financial planning and Chicago agency W ardrop, M urtaugh, m anagem ent services to custom ers Temple and Frank also received the located th ro u g h o u t the U nited top honor — an Eagle A w ard — in the Radio Category. States. Only two Double Eagle A w ards Mr. Berthel previously lived in M aquoketa, Iowa, where he owned are given each year, one for “ B est of Insurance Planning Services Corpor Show’’ and one for entries in the ation and was affiliated with M utual Open Class Category (m arketing and public affairs campaigns). The Benefit Financial Services Co. Eagle A w ard winner in each cate Omaha Financial Life Insurance gory was eligible to win the Double Co., Minneapolis: G erald G. Lund- Eagle for “ B est of Show.’’ C ole-T aylor F in a n cia l G roup wall has been nam ed executive vice president and secretary, and M. owns Drovers B ank of Chicago, 47th Jam es Carr has been appointed tre a and Ashland, and M ain Bank of Chi surer and controller. Mr. Lundwall cago, 1965 Milwaukee Ave., and re has 13 years of insurance exper cently received approval from the ience. He joined Om aha Financial in Federal Reserve S ystem ’s Board of 1974, has been vice president, Governors for the acquisition of treasurer and controller since 1980 B ank of Yorktown in Lombard. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 18 How TheFirstTkmmakesFirstChicago yourpartnerinKankakee,KansasCity, andKalamazoo. When you need the support of a money-center bank, think first of First Chicago. Why? Because we’ll provide wide-ranging services and fast decisive responses. Because we offer you a true partnership that supports instead of supplants. And because we give you the services of The First Team to deliver all our resources when and where you need them. Tom King. Vice President explains: “ Every member of The First Team, from your relationship manager to the specialist in key financial areas, respects your position in the marketplace. We make it our business to back up your relation ships w ith strong, state-of-the-art products and services.” Jack Clark, Vice President: “ First Chicago has created a new area called Credit Marketing Services which helps our relationship managers provide a streamlined credit process and fast response. Anytime!’ Adds Don Boreman, Assistant Vice President: “ Our relationship managers know your region thoroughly. Being based in Chicago, they provide the vital link that brings the expertise of all other members of The First Team directly to you and your customers.” Get The First Team working with you in Kankakee, Kansas City, Kalamazoo, wherever you are. Call Tom, Jack, or Don at (312) 732-4100. FIRST CHICAGO The First National Bank of Chicago THE FIRST TEAM ©1982 The First National Bank of Chicago • Member FD.I.C. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 1 1 1 IT H the difference betw een banks and other fiV V nancial institutions becoming increasingly blurred by degregulation, m any banks across the nation are turn in g in increasing num bers to an em phasis on tra m m ing and sales m arketing skills. In keeping w ith rapid advances in technology, they are using videotape and television to tra in and inform their employees so they can do a b e tte r job of selling bank products and ser vices. Obviously, the goal of all this effort is to increase m profitability, as well as m arket share. The rapid developm ent of new products and services by innovative bankers requires a constant upgrading of this training, m aking the use of m odern technology a boon companion for quick training. £ A recent e n tra n t into this field of developing and m arketing video training films for banks is Bankers Video Service. I t is an offshoot of Videa, Inc., founded in Cedar Rapids in 1975. The p arent firm has been in the business of developing and producing training and 0 m arketing films for business and in dustry for seven y ears—doing TV spots for advertising agencies and working directly w ith custom ers on m arketing and training films. W ith the proliferation of new bank products in the d)iindustry’s efforts to offer com petitive instrum ents w ith non-financial firms which have been offering interest-free alternatives to bank custom ers, Videa spun off its section dealing w ith the banking industry and six m onths ago formed B ankers Video Service. • Michael Kaldenberg, who had joined Videa in 1980, was nam ed president of the company, and headquar ters in Iow a’s capital city. B ankers Video works directly w ith banks, operating independently from Videa, which does all the produc• tion work for program s generated by and required by B ankers Video and its bank custom ers. “ Our goal,” says Mr. Kaldenberg, “is to develop m arketing and training m aterials to aid banks in com peting for their m arket share. For example, we offer a • series of teller training video films, such as cross selling, training and IRA s. O ther films m ight be direc ted to officers for selling commercial accounts. Some are aim ed a t bank supervisory and m anagem ent skills, sales skills and calling skills. • “ To assist us in identifying those areas of g reatest im portance to bankers on a tim ely basis so they can Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m eet com petition head-on, we have formed a Bankers A dvisory Board. These owner-executives are in the forefront of the com petitive race and can tell us exactly w hat is needed for their banks to innovate and lead, or to react w ith products if necessary.” Bankers Video personnel offer the unique com bina tion of bank experience as well as video production ex perience. “ Our personnel,” Mr. Kaldenberg notes, “ have a combined to ta l of more th an 100 years of pro fessional banking experience, as well as their m arket ing and educational sales training experience. W hen custom er banks or the Bankers A dvisory Board m eet w ith our staff they don’t have to stop and ‘rebuild the wheel’ so far as m aking sure we understand banking term inology and procedures—our staff has already been there, so we can cut rig h t to the heart of the bank ing problem or new product they wish to discuss.” Bankers Video will assist any bank in obtaining the right kind of equipm ent for showing of the training films. I t has the availability for obtaining Panasonic’s basic system , which consists of a recorder/player and H itachi color m onitor, or a more advanced Panasonic record/player and a higher model H itachi color m onitor. “ The m ain po in t,” Mr. K aldenberg notes, “is th a t employes a t any level have the ability, through video, to experience a hands-on operating procedure or sales technique. Ideally, these training sessions will be con ducted in a smaller group of no more th an a half-dozen. Some can be used on a one-to-one basis. The m ain point is th a t through professionally produced video training films based on the specifications of bankers who know w hat the m arket place requires, personal training can be given by the m ost m odern of techniques to every concerned employee in a bank. Bottom-line profits de pend on each m em ber of the bank producing to the best of his or her ability. To the extent th a t this video tra in ing can increase th a t productivity and profit, banks will find an im provem ent in their profit by utilizing this m odern m ethod.” From its s ta rt in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines, Bankers Video now has established m arketing offices in M inneapolis, Cedar Rapids and Des Moines and plans to open other m ajor city offices soon, Mr. Kal denberg said. □ *$.* •w.SSjfciif'-' 'w ’ Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 20 1RS plague continues for one-bank holding company debt Randall A. Hamilton, P artn er and Leslie N. Heimsoth, M anager Peat, Marwick, M itchell & Co. Des Moines, la. N December of 1980, the N o r t h w estern B anker N e w sle tte r I reported on a bizarre IR S a tta ck on one bank holding com pany form a tions. This article follows up on the IR S ’ position and discusses subse quent developm ents as well as a general background on the income tax aspects of form ing one bank holding companies. Generally, for m ation of a one bank holding com pany involves the following cir cum stances. A group of people own the stock of a bank. Some of the stock is pledged as collateral on loans used to acquire the stock. The bank stock is transferred to a newly formed holding company in ex change for stock and/or securities of th e holding com pany and th e holding com pany assum es some or all of the debt against the bank stock. In determ ining the tax treatm ent of such a transaction, it appears th a t two sections of the Internal Revenue Code could be applied w ith conflict ing results. Generally, the transfer of property to a corporation con trolled by the transferors in ex change for stock is tax free p ursuant to Section 351. The exchange re Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m ains tax free even if the transferee corporation assum es debt of the transferors provided, generally, th a t the debt does not exceed the tax basis of the transferred property and th a t a business purpose exists for the debt assum ption. These rules would seem to allow a person or group of persons who own the stock of a bank to transfer th a t stock to a newly formed holding company in exchange for stock controlling the holding com pany w ithout a taxable event, even if the holding company assum es debt incurred to buy the stock of the bank. N otw ith stan d in g the rule de scribed above, another provision, Section 304, m ay be read as also ap plying to the transaction w ith the result th a t the debt assum ption or the later liquidation of the debt by the holding company, m ay be tre a t ed as a dividend to the individual shareholders of the holding com pany. 1RS Ruling Inconsistent The Internal Revenue Service rul ing position on w hether such a tra n saction would fall under Section 351 or Section 304 has been inconsis- tent. A t tim es an informal “ no rul-* in g ’’ policy has been in effect. The refusal of the IR S to rule on a p ar ticular transaction does not, of course, establish th a t Section 351 does not apply, or even th a t the IRS* believes th a t Section 351 does not apply. Nevertheless, a refusal to rule does serve to p u t a taxpayer on no tice th a t the ta x effect of the tra n saction m ight be challenged upon* exam ination. Revenue Procedure 80-34, issued Septem ber 8, 1980, sta te s the IR S ’ position a t th a t tim e to be th a t they will no longer rule on the tax result of form ing a one bank holding com pany unless the ta x payers: (1) can satisfy the IR S th a t the liabilities assum ed by the holding com pany were incurred b y . the individual shareholders of the holding com pany as mere in ter m ediary a g e n ts for the newly created one bank holding company; (2) m ust subm it to the Internal { Revenue Service docum ented evi dence, composed a t the tim e the liability was incurred, which in dicates th a t the unrelated lender had agreed to release the transferor- < borrowers from any and all obliga tions on the liability in favor of the holding company; and (3) m ust show, or represent, to the Internal Revenue Service th a t the transfer ( and assum ption of debt by the hold ing com pany actually occurred or will actually occur w ithin twelve m onths of the date the debt was in curred. { IRS Opts for Strictness A pparently, the IR S N ational Of fice policy will be to in terp ret the Revenue Procedure m ost strictly in deciding w hether or not to issue a < ruling. However, Dunlap vs Comm., 74 T.C. No. 104, 9/24/80, recognized an agency relationship between a holding com pany and certain of its shareholders in circum stances where i 3 years had transpired between the purchase of the banks stock and ac tual transfer of the stock to the holding company. Thus, taxpayers who previously formed one bank < holding companies, or would like to do so, w ithout a favorable advance ruling, should reassess their posi tion. I t m ay be possible to establish an agency relationship betw een the ( holding com pany and its share holders w ith respect to acquisition of the bank. If th a t is not possible, a review of the application of Sections 351 and 304 to the form ation of the * holding com pany is in order. 21 “Thus, taxpayers who previously formed one bank holding companies, or would like to do so, without advance ruling, should reassess their position.” I There is split of au th o rity be tween the Sixth Circuit on one hand and the E ig h th and N inth Circuits on the other hand on the question of w hether Section 351 or Section 304 ^ h a s precedence. The Sixth Circuit holds th a t Section 351 has pre cedence, while the E ig h th (which in cludes Iowa) and N inth Circuits hold th a t Section 304 has precedence. )The M aher case, F2d 225 (CA-8, 1973), involved the assum ption of debt as to which the shareholder re m ained secondarily liable in connec tion w ith the transfer of one corpora t io n to the other. The E ig h th Circuit held th a t the corporation’s paym ent of principal and in terest on the assum ed debt was a distribution tax a b le as a dividend to the ^shareholder. In Coates Trust, 480 F2d 468 (CA-9, 1973), issuance of in stallm ent notes by one corporation to the shareholders of th a t corpora tion in exchange for the stock of lanother corporation constituted a distribution taxable as a dividend to the exchanging shareholders. In Fehrs Finance Company, 58 TC 174 (1972), aff'd, 73-2 USTC 9767 (8th ►Cir), the m easure of the dividend was specifically lim ited to the earn ings and profits of the acquiring cor poration which was newly formed and had no earnings and profits. ^ The Fehrs case suggests th a t the potential application of Section 304 to the form ation of a holding com pany can be m itigated by carefully stru ctu rin g the transaction. If Sec t i o n 304 applies, the M aher case holds th a t the transferring share holders will be deemed to receive a distribution taxable as a dividend as and when the holding company pays *in terest or liquidates principal on the indebtedness as to which they rem ain secondarily liable. On the other hand, the Coates T rust case .s u g g e s ts th a t the distribution is * deemed to occur when the holding com pany assum es the indebtedness if the transferring shareholders re tain no liability. The Fehrs case I establishes th a t a distribution, if any results from the transaction, is treated as a dividend to the extent of the earnings and profits of the hold ing company. | Significance of Timing The significance of the tim e a t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis which the distribution is deemed to occur is th a t Section 304 provides (and Fehrs confirm s) th a t th e distribution is deemed to come “ solely” from the acquiring (holding co m p an y ) c o rp o ra tio n . If th e holding com pany has no earnings and profits, the distribution should not be treated as a dividend, but rather, as a retu rn of capital dis tribution which should have no negative ta x im pact on the incor porators of the holding company. If a consolidated retu rn is filed, the earnings and profits of the subsid iary bank will be deemed to create earnings and profits in the holding com pany. H ow ever, if a con solidated retu rn is not filed and if the holding com pany has no other income, the holding com pany should have no earnings and profits from which to pay a dividend. Therefore, if the transferring shareholders do not rem ain secondarily liable on the debt, so th a t the distribution (if any) is deemed to occur in a separate re tu rn filed for the year the holding company is formed, such d istribu tion should be treated as a retu rn of capital distribution. U nder this view of the law, the holding com pany and the bank should be able to file con solidated retu rn s in the future w ith “Neither of these two new IRS theories have any merit as a matter of law.” bank dividends to the holding com pany being used to liquidate prin cipal and interest on the debt of the holding company w ithout a dividend to the shareholders being deemed to have occurred. U nfortunately, the difficulties do not end here since the IR S was con sidering issuing a Revenue Ruling before the end of 1980. Presum ably under this proposed Revenue Ruling a bank was purchased a num ber of years ago by a group of individuals w ith funds borrowed from a third p a r t y b a n k (“ a c q u is itio n in debtedness” ). In order to expand its banking business a new corporation (“ holding com pany”) was created and the individuals transferred the bank stock to the holding company in exchange for all of the holding company stock and the assum ption by the holding company of the ac quisition of the indebtedness. Subse quently, over a num ber of years, the holding company was to repay the loan w ith dividends from the bank or other earnings of the holding com pany. The proposed ruling was to have concluded th a t the share holders received a dividend as a resu lt of the holding com pany a s s u m p tio n of a c q u is itio n in debtedness. The am ount of the divi dend was to be m easured by the earnings and profits of the bank. The purported theory for this con clusion is th a t Section 304 of the In ternal Revenue Code applies to the transaction and the earnings and profits of both the bank and the holding company were to be used to com pute the dividend. An alternate theory was th a t the holding com pany assum ption of the indebt edness is tan tam o u n t to a cash distribution from the bank under a theory of agency. N either of these two new IRS theories have any m erit as a m atter of law. This issue arises only because persons who buy banks, unlike buyers of nonregulated com panies, can seldom structure the transaction so th a t the acquisition can be m ade directly by the holding company. Clear and substantial au th o rity supports a favorable result of a properly structured transaction. No abuse of the stru ctu re or the in te n t of ta x law results from an inter pretation th a t is favorable to this transaction. Rather, such an inter p reta tio n would facilitate valid business transactions of consid erable im portance to the banking com m unity, and, therefore, the economy of the U nited States. Various organizations, including the Am erican B ankers A ssociation and the Independent Bankers A sso ciation of America have asked the IR S to reconsider the m atter, or, a t least, to m ake the application of the proposed ruling effective only for fu tu re tran sactio n s. C ontem poran eously, Senators G arn and Tower and other m em bers of the U.S. ConIRS PLAGUE ... (Turn to page 66, please) Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 22 MGIC survey reports: Regional mortgage lenders will offer consumers broader choices O T EN TIA L hom ebuyers in ten P N orthern Central sta te s will see a shift in the types of m ortgage instrum ents being offered to them in the m onths ahead. By mid-1982, m ortgage lend in g p r o g r a m s w ill be m o re closely aligned w ith o n -g o in g co n su m er co n cerns and the general m arket outlook, accord ing to a recent survey by M ort J.W. REICHERT gage G u aran ty Insurance Corporation, Milwaukee. The survey of N orth Central m ortgage lenders was conducted as p a rt of a nationwide study designed to track changes in the m ortgage lending environm ent. Conducted in late 1981, M G IC ’s survey identifies changing p a tte rn s in m ortgage pro gram s throughout the country and projects the future mix of m ortgage instrum ents likely to be offered in the m onths ahead. The N orth Cen tral geographic survey region in volved lenders from Illinois, W iscon sin, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, M in nesota, Iowa, Nebraska, N orth and South Dakota. “ The m ajor findings indicate th a t lenders feel it is necessary to balance some of the consum er risks typically associated w ith ad ju stab le rate m ortgage instrum ents (ARMS),” said Jam es W. Reichert, senior vice president and N orth C entral divi sion m anager of M GIC. “ While the original adjustable m ortgage pro gram s were aim ed to m eet lender rat her th an borrower — concerns, priorities are now shifting to reflect to d ay ’s b uyers’ m ark et.” 87% to Offer ARMs In the N orth C entral region, 87% of all lenders say they will be offer ing some type of adjustable m ort gage program by June, 1982, an in crease of 25 percentage points as of late 1981. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The results reflect projected na tional activity which indicates an overall increase to an 86% utiliza tion of adjustable rate m ortgage in stru m en ts. Furtherm ore, lenders project a greater reliance on m ulti ple m ortgage plans th an in the past. The num ber of lending institutions offering a single m ortgage plan is expected to decline 24% by mid 1982, down from alm ost half offer ing single plans last fall. Of those planning to employ m ultiple plans, 31% indicated a preference for a com bination of the adjustable rate m ortgage (ARM), fixed rate m ort gage and balloon m ortgage. Mr. Reichert noted th a t currently, regional lenders appear to be in the m idst of revising balloon m ortgage plans, m aking them rate sensitive instrum ents and guaranteeing their renewal. Developm ent of balloons shows m ovem ent tow ard lengthier m ortgages w ith an increased utiliza tion of indexing. More im portantly, while close to one-fifth of all lenders currently offer a policy to guarantee refinancing, more th an one-half plan to offer such a guarantee on balloons by mid-1982. Fixed Rate Mortgages D espite these changes, the fixed rate m ortgage is expected to retain a significant portion of to tal m ortgage activity. Responses indicate th a t 43% of lenders plan to continue of fering fixed rate m ortgages through June, 1982, com pared to 55% na tionwide. Only 3% of these regional lenders, however, will offer the fixed rate m ortgage as a single plan. “ Obviously, no single m ortgage instrum ent will dom inate m arket ac tiv ity in the near term ,” Mr. Reichert said. “ While the fixed rate m ortgage will play a key role, ad ju stab le rate m ortgage program s are expected to comprise 37% of the to tal loan origination volume com pared w ith 42% of volume for the traditional fixed rate. Balloon m ort gages will m ake up the rem aining 21 % .” “ The survey suggests th a t th e# m arketplace is settling som ew hat as lenders strive to balance their needs w ith w hat local area consum ers will accept,” Mr. Reichert explained. “ C haracteristics of lending p r o # gram s are changing as lenders pay greater atten tio n to borrower con cerns and costs in designing new m ortgage in stru m e n ts.” L ast spring, short-term volatility# a n d f l u c t u a t i o n in m o n th ly paym ents under ARM plans were the m ajor custom er concerns seen by 30% of the natio n ’s lenders. A t th a t time, the m ajority of l e n d e r ^ preferred semi-annual and annual paym ent rate adjustm ents. M G IC SU R V E Y 1981-82 Comparison The first chart details use of fixed rate mortgages by lenders in north central states and nationally, with fourth quarter 1981 compared to se cond quarter 1982. The second chart details use of Adjustable Rate Mort gages (ARMs) in the same areas and the same periods. Fixed Rate Mortgages North Central National 4th Qtr. 1981 49% 55% 2nd Qtr. 1982 43% 54% Adjustable Rate Mortgages North Central National 4th Qtr. 1981 62% 56% 2nd Qtr. 1982 87% 86% By late 1981, lenders identified^ consum er ability to handle paym ent increases and uncertainty of pay m ent changes as the m ajor concerns of ARM lending. Lenders now prefer annual rate and paym ent a d ju s t # m ents to coordinate w ith the m ost common tim ing of household com pensation changes. And, only 32% intend to allow negative am ortiza tion in ARM program s by m id-1982# The more stable Federal Home Loan Bank board average m ortgage con tra c t rate is now the m ost typical in dex used for those adjustm ents. “ The forces of supply and dem and# and com petition in the m arketplace are working to help lenders m eet the a v a ila b ility of funds challenge w ithout com prom ising the affor dability of home loans for con-® sum ers,” Mr. Reichert concluded. The M GIC survey of 500 lenders nationwide included 250 savings and loans, 125 commercial banks, 75 m ortgage banks and 50 savings® banks. □ 23 Lee McNichols, v.p., and the “ vintage teller” pose (left) for the ad at lower right. Unified cam paign me atoa*... se lls IRAs DOUBLE B E N E F IT accrued to the account of Iowa S tate Savings B ank in Creston, la., when it A ran a two and one-half m onth successful cam paign to ©sell Individual R etirem ent A ccounts in the local com m unity. Chuck Ehm , senior vice president, pointed to the “ great custom er response,” while Mike Evans, cashier and director of the m arketing effort, not only confirmed the deposit success b u t added, “ The m ain (©thing was th a t a very favorable image of our bank was well received by area people.” The effective campaign, incorporating both light hum or and specific product inform ation, blended new spaper and radio advertising in a unified presenta t i o n . I t was conceived and produced by LaGrave/Klipfel, Inc., Des Moines advertising agency. E ach of the seven 9 ” x 16” new spaper ads features a large picture of a bank employe and “ the vintage teller,” portrayed by character actor Jack B ottorf. In ©each ad “ the vintage teller” is quoted in a banner headline like the one pictured in the inset above, or “ In my tim e bread was a nickel, land was $40 an acre, bu t we did n ’t plan for retirem en t,” or, “ Good old fash ioned, friendly help w ith a new-fangled idea...planned • r e tire m e n t.” A t the bottom of each ad the featured employe is Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m a* shown in a close-up picture discussing the benefits of an Iowa S tate Savings B ank IRA. Also shown in the ad is the “ Ask me about IR A s” lapel b u tto n which all bank employes wore during the campaign. The seven 60-second radio commercials utilize Jack B o tto rf’s talen t in a light, homey approach by combin ing the reasonably hardsell copy in the p rin t ad, and the same bank employe is featured in the radio com mercial who is being portrayed in the print ad th a t week. An interesting sidelight is th a t Jack B ottorf, now a Des Moines resident, had formerly lived in C reston for 10 years. The p rin t ads are used in the Creston News A dver tiser and Creston Shopper, while the radio commercials are used on K SIB and M ITR-FM when the cam paign is in progress. Mr. E vans said, “ This is the first tim e our bank ever em barked on such a regular cam paign,” and noted th a t the bank plans to re-run the cam paign again later in 1982 when the public will again be more conscious of the value of IRAs. Mr. E hm m ade a good point to the staff when he said, “ These very unique ads are g ettin g lots of talk in our m arket — the rest is sim ply up to us. ’’ □ Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 24 The effortless, painless, “Fedless” way to process cash letters. Maybe you’ve been processing all your checks through the Fed to save operating costs. You may be able to save more money by processing those checks through us. We have the advantages that can make it well worth your while: p rofession al s ta ff — over 77 years of accumulated banking experience to assure you of competent, efficient service, proxim ity — w e’re probably closer than the Fed. And our messenger will visit your bank daily . . . accommodating your work schedule . . . and ours. price — our pricing schedule is competitive with the Fed’s. And we give you something extra of real value: someone you know — on a personal basis — on the other end of the phone whenever there’s a problem or question. Call and ask for our brochure. And ask us to make a free evaluation of your operation. Let us show you how we can deliver service th at’s as good as (or better than) the Fed’s. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Needless to say, the Fedless Connection is the peerless way to process your cash letters. Q 8 the Human Interest bank Commercial National Bank of Peoria MEMBER F.D.I.C. COMMERCIAL BANKING DIVISION 301 S. W. ADAMS • PEORIA, ILLINOIS 61631 PHONE: (309) 655-5225 WATS LINE 1-800-322-2212 Illinois D.R. Lovett, chmn. & pres., Dixon W. J . Hocter, exec. v . p . , Chicago IBA and AMBI Begin Joint Discussions ■ y H E O F FIC E R S of the Illinois ® | B ankers A ssociation and the of ficers of the A ssociation for M odern B anking in Illinois m et June 17 to discuss a m ethod by which negotia t i o n s could be undertaken to unify ® the two associations. Following are the highlights of the agreem ent reached a t the meeting, as announced by W illiam C. H arris, Illinois com m i s s i o n e r of banks and tru s t com panies: All present agreed th a t a sincere effort should be undertaken to re unify the banking in dustry under a ^ f u ll service banking trad e associa tion. In order to accom plish this, each association agreed to be repre sented by a negotiating team of five individuals which would be con s t r u c t e d along the following guide lines: 1. One individual would be se lected from each of five holding com pany regions. ^ 2. Two of the five people would come from banks under $100 million in to ta l assets, two from banks in ex cess of $100 million in to tal assets, and the fifth individual unrestricted 0 a s to bank size. 3. The negotiating team would not include any current officers of either association. 4. E ach group would cause to be • appointed one alternate mem ber who would a tte n d m eetings and be available in the event of the inability of any of the five to serve. The alter nate would be u nrestricted as to • bank size. I t is agreed th a t the negotiating group would begin m eeting in the very near future a t the call of W il liam C. H arris, Com m issioner of • B anks as a non-voting convener of th e com m ittee. The n eg o tiatin g groups would be given a targ e t dead line to retu rn recom m endations to the leadership of both associations • no later th an Septem ber 15, 1982. The expense of this reunification Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis group shall be borne equally by both associations. D uring the tim e the group is con ducting its deliberations, no public or ind u stry announcem ents will be m ade prior to the- g roup’s subm is sion of its final report to the leader ship of both associations on Septem ber 15, 1982. Once the report is approved by the leadership of both associations, it will be reviewed by the governing body of each and a t their option the m em bership of their respective asso ciations. Americorp Financial, Inc. Holding Company Formed D avid W. Knapp, president and chief executive officer of Am erican N ational B ank and T ru st Co., Rock ford, has announced the form ation of Am ericorp Financial, Inc., to operate as a m ulti-bank holding company. A greem ents in principle have been reached w ith the boards of Am erican N ational B ank and T ru st Co. and Colonial B ank of Rockford for reorganizations whereby both banks would become wholly owned subsidiaries of the p arent company. U nder the proposed reorganiza tions, the stockholders of Am erican N ational would be entitled to receive 35 shares of Am ericorp Financial, Inc., common stock for each share of the b an k ’s capital stock, and the stockholders of Colonial B ank of Rockford would be entitled to re ceive 4.5 shares of Am ericorp F inan cial, Inc., common stock for each share of Colonial B ank’s capital stock. The proposed reorganizations are subject to the execution of definitive agreem ents, approval by the share holders, and approval by the appro priate banking and regulatory au thorities. N egotiations are underw ay for Am ericorp Financial, Inc.’s acquisi tion by The F irst N ational B ank of W oodstock and Carpentersville Sav ings Bank. Lewistown Bank Closed, Then Sold and Reopened The Farm ers S ta te B ank of Lewistown was closed June 25 by the Illinois comm issioner of banks and tru s t companies, reportedly be cause of loan problems. The FD IC was appointed receiver and negoti ated a sale of the bank to Coyn V. Richardson and Thom as W. Faller of Springfield. Mr. Richardson and Mr. Faller have interests in Schuyler S tate Bank in Rushville, Farm ers and Traders S tate B ank of Meredosia, and The B ank of Gorham. Chicago Bank Ribbon Cutting Held CHICAGO Bank of Commerce recently celebrated the opening of its new 225 North Mich igan Ave. Banking office in Boulevard Towers North with a ribbon cutting ceremony. At tending the celebration were (I to r): Terence Redmond, financial mgr., Standard Oil Co., Ind.; William Johnson, chmn. & c.e.o., 1C industries, Inc.; Robert G. Williams, chmn. & c.e.o., Chicago Bk. of Commerce; Samuel M. Budwig, Jr., v.p., Metropolitan Structures; Richard A. Mayer, pres., Chicago Bk. of Commerce, and Simon Zunamon, financial mgr., Pritzker and Pritzker. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 t ' 1; , ^ 1 *1\ >/*• t V J r t * V . ' ' ‘4 V < “ i‘‘ * *‘ V '>*u n •■ ’ .'- ; • ■■ . . • . W h en th e b a n k g u a ra n te e d th a t you w ould only d e a l w ith o n e p erso n , * you did n ’t know th ey m e a n t o n e a fte r another. Perhaps it’s happened to you. Just when you had built up a working relationship with your correspondent banker, the bank moved him up the corporate ladder and off your business. All too often, a large bank can be insensitive to the needs of small respondent banks. Yet smaller banks that can give you plenty of personal attention can’t always give you the expertise and the clout you need. And you’re caught in the middle. You do, however, have an alternative: Midland National Bank. We’re big enough to handle any of your correspondent banking needs. But we’re still small enough to respond to your individual concerns. We’ve deliberately kept our Correspondent Division small, so that you can deal M idland National^ BANK Of Minneapolis M a in B a n k ‘ 401 2 n d A ve . S . G o v ’t C e n te r O ff ic e -3 rd A ve . S . a t 6 th S t. S t. L o u is P a rk B ra n ch * 3 6 0 1 P a rk C e n te r B iv d . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation directly with a decision maker. Each of our correspondent bankers has from 12 to 25 years of experience in the business, so they thoroughly understand the needs of respondent banks. They take the time to personally call on both the respondent bank and the respondent’s customers. If you’re tired of banks that are too large or too small, come to Midland Bank. You’ll develop a close working relationship with one of our correspondent bankers. Not one after another. We’re big enough to know how and small enough to know you. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' •' ’ - ■>! 27 stalm ent loan m anager and P atricia J. Crowley and Sidney D. F itch as a ssista n t cashiers. Ms. Jan es has been w ith the bank since 1979, working w ith the in stal m ent loan departm ent. Ms. Crowley joined the bank in 1980 and will be responsible for instalm ent and agri cultural lending, along w ith m arket ing services. Mr. Fitch, who joined in 1980, has been responsible for all the operations in the bank. Owatonna President Named President and CEO Named At Fergus Falls Bank The board of directors of F irst —B ank O w atonna has elected L uther N. M agelssen president and m anag ing officer, effec tive A ugust 1. M r. M agelssen ^ su c c e e d s A llan C. Chaffee, who has accepted a position w ith the B ank of Breck i n r i d g e , C olo rado. M r. M a g e ls L.N. MAGELSSEN sen h a s been associated w ith F irst B ank System • s in c e 1956 in various operational and lending responsibilities. He joined F irst B ank Hopkins in 1973 as vice president-com m ercial lend ing, was appointed senior lending of• f ic e r in 1976 and was elected to his m ost recent position as senior vice president of credit adm inistration in 1980. Charles L. K retchm an has been nam ed president and chief executive officer of N orthw estern N ational Bank, Fergus Falls, an affiliate of N orthw est Bancorporation, effective Septem ber 1,1982. He succeeds Rob ert D. Phillips who recently was named president of another Banco af filiate, F irst N ational B ank of Moor head, Minn. Mr. K retchm an currently is vice president of B anco’s banking bus iness group - w estern division. He has been w ith the Banco organiza tion since 1958, sta rtin g as a trainee a t the F irst N ational B ank of A ber deen, South D akota, and later serv ing in its Redfield and B ritton branches. He was president of N orthw estern S tate B ank of Daw son when he joined the Banco cor porate staff in May, 1980. •A u stin President Elected First Bank Luverne has announced the election of Lois A. Jan es as in- Robert L. Bue has been elected president and chief executive officer of N orthw estern — S ta te B ank of A ustin. Mr. Bue, who has been serving as presi dent of N orth - w e s t e r n S ta te B ank in Jordan, succeeds A llyn C. M a rtin s o n , who recently reR.L. BUE — s ig n e d to b e come president of U nited Central B ank in Estherville, Iowa. Mr. Bue joined Banco in July 1968 as a loan interview er a t North— w estern N ational Bank Southw est in Bloom ington. He was vice presi dent and m anager of the real estate loans departm ent a t the Bloom ing ton bank when he was elected presi• dent of the Jo rd an bank in M arch, 1980. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Three Elected in Luverne Rosemount President Named David D. Gross has been nam ed president of Rosem ount N ational Bank, Rosem ount. He previously had been serving as senior vice president, F irst D akota N ational Bank, Yankton, S o u th D ak o ta, w here he has se rv e d s in c e 1975. Mr. Gross is th e second F ir s t D a k o ta D.D. GROSS N ational officer in five years to accept a position as president w ith another bank. 30-Year Career to End Leonard E. Griffith, senior vice president-public affairs for F irst N a tional B ank of D uluth, will be leav ing the bank December 31, 1982, to pursue other interests. Mr. Griffith, Minnesota Chapter Officers Elected AT THE annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Bank Marketing Association the following people pictured above (I to r) were elected as 1982-83 officers: Seer. Julia Reitan, mktg. off., Western State Bk.; 1st V.P. Lucille Stoffels, mktg. off., 1st Bk. Grand; Dir. Cyn thia R. Darling Beer, asst, v.p., Park Natl. Bk. of St. Louis Park; Pres. Robert J. Koenke, v.p., Natl. City Bk.; Leonard Huck, Natl. BMA pres, in Phoenix, Ariz.; 2nd V.P. Michael W. Riley, v.p. and cash., Signal Hills Bk., and Treas. Mark Jeter, v.p., Northwest Bancorporation. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 28 Minnesota News who has been w ith the bank 30 years as of December, joined F irst N ation al in 1952 as purchasing agent and advertising assistan t. He is present ly responsible for the b a n k ’s public affairs and governm ent relations. Rochester Promotions Told N orthw estern N ational B ank of Rochester recently announced the prom otion of six officers and the election of three new officers, accor ding to John R. Cochran, president. D ean Ih rk e has been p ro moted to execu tive vice presi dent, commercial banking. Mr. Ihr ke joined the real e s ta t e d e p a r t m ent in 1967, serving m ost re cently as senior D.C. IHRKE vice president. Prom oted to senior vice president were: Steve Coleman, real estate loans; John Ryan, retail services, and Bruce Thompson, operations. Mr. Coleman transferred to Roches ter in 1980 from F ifth N orthw estern S tate B ank of Danube; Zappco In c .,# St. Cloud, to acquire Financom p Inc., St. Cloud; McLeod Bancshares, Inc., Glencoe, to acquire F irst N a tional B ank of Glencoe; Financial Services of W inger, Inc., W inger, t o # acquire Farm ers S tate B ank of W in ger; F irst Rushm ore Bancshares, Inc., Rushm ore, to acquire F irst S tate B ank of Rushmore; Trim ont C.J. KILPATRICK B. BECK B ancorporation, Inc., to a c q u ire # Trium ph S ta te Bank, Trim ont, and N ational B ank of M inneapolis. Since St. Joseph Bancshares, Inc., St. July, 1981, he has been vice presi Joseph, to acquire the F irst S tate dent, commercial real estate. Mr. B ank of St. Joseph. R yan joined the Rochester bank in 1977 as vice president, m arketing. Mr. Thompson, who joined the bank in 1979, has been serving as vice Joins Hastings Bank Staff president in operations. Allen M. Jensen recently jo in ed ^ Karl Aaro has been prom oted to the staff of the N orthw estern N a vice president and m anager, finan tional B ank of cial services. Also prom oted as vice H a s tin g s . M r. president were: Elaine Eickhoff, hu Jensen, who was m an resources, and Carla Kilpatrick, graduated from residential real estate. M oorhead S tate John N ovotny was elected comU n i v e r s i ty in m ercial/agricultural lending officer 1980 w ith a BS and B etty Beck has been elected in finance, began m arketing officer. h is c a re e r in 1978 w ith an af A.M. JENSEN Acquisitions Approved filiate bank in The Federal Reserve B ank of M in M oorhead as a neapolis has announced its approval m essenger. A fter graduating, he of the applications by Am ericana was nam ed compliance analyst and< Bancorporation of Danube, Inc., soon became a compliance officer, Edina, to acquire the Am ericana working in the credit departm ent. Burnsville Ribbon Cutting Held S. COLEMAN E.J. EICKHOFF J.E. RYAN J.A. NOVOTNY Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RIBBON cutting ceremonies were held last month for the “ full service” Burnsville Office of the Richfield Bk. & Tr. Co. The new facility offers safe deposit boxes, a full range of finan cial and investment services, loans, five drive-up lanes and soon to be installed 24-hour automated teller service. Participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony were (I to r): Marty Chorzempa, pres., Richfield B&T; Paul Scheunemann, Mayor of Burnsville; Diane Over-A cashier, Miss Burnsville; Bill Kirchner, chmn., Richfield B&T; Kirk Detlefsen, pres., Burns ville Chamber of Commerce, and Frank Hlavka, mgr. of Burnsville office. 29 N orthw est Bancorporation has an^ n o u n c e d th a t Pierce R. Smith has been named senior vice president and treasurer of the corporation. Also an nounced was the election of Harold S. Webster as vice president, corporate ^ communications. He succeeds Josie Corning, who has resigned to return to her home state of Texas. P.R. SMITH derstad to vice president and senior credit officer. Mr. G oderstad will also serve as m anager of the com mercial lending departm ent. Pre viously he had held the position of a ssista n t vice president of credit review. Mr. G oderstad has been employed w ith various F irst B ank System af filiates since 1970. He has been in volved w ith commercial lending since 1975 and was nam ed m anager of the commercial lending dep art m ent for F irst B ank H opkins in 1977. Prior to transferring to F irst B ank M erchants in 1981, he was em ployed a t F irst B ank M innehaha. * * * H.S. WEBSTER Mr. Sm ith has been w ith Mellon N atio n al C orporation, b ased in P ittsb u rg h , since July, 1980, as vice president, treasury. He previously was w ith Commercial Credit Com• pany, Baltim ore, for seven years, m ost recently as vice president in the corporation’s broker dealer sub sidiary. His responsibilities will cover funds m anagem ent, including 0 the long and short-term funding needs of the p arent com pany and its subsidiaries, investor relations and risk adm inistration. Mr. W ebster, a senior vice presi• dent, joined N orthw estern N ational B ank in 1978. He previously was a vice president and senior account ex ecutive w ith Padilla and Speer, a M inneapolis-based public relations ® consulting firm. Prior to th a t he was director of corporate comm unica tions a t DA TA 100 Corporation, M innetonka, and a ssista n t m anager of shareholder relations a t Investors ® D iversified Services, Inc. * * * Terry M. Cummings has been elected president, chief executive of ficer and director of Brem er Service Company, Inc., and Kenneth P. Nel son and S.W. (Sy) Foss have been elected to the board. Mr. Cum m ings joined the organi zation as controller in 1976 and was elected senior vice president/controller in April, 1981. Before joining Brem er he was controller of the Am erican N ational B ank & T ru st Company of St. Paul. Mr. Nelson is president of D ro vers S tate Bank, South St. Paul, and will be serving his first term . Mr. Foss, president of the B ank of Willm ar, joined the board in February, 1981, to complete an unexpired term and has been re-elected. * * * 0 David Waddington, president of 0 F irst B ank M erchants, has an nounced the prom otion of Lee Go Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.W. GRIDLEY, JR. L. LEBEDOFF The board of directors of F irst B ank System , Inc., has elected John W. Gridley, Jr., vice president and controller, and Lisa Lebedoff, assis ta n t vice president in governm ental relations. Mr. Gridley has m ost recently served as vice president and cor porate controller of M cQuay-Perfex, Inc., M inneapolis. Ms. Lebedoff previously was as sociated w ith General Mills, Inc., where she served as m anager of pub lic issues in the public affairs dep art m ent. In a related move, William B. Naryka has been apppointed vice president of accounting, responsible for budgeting and profit planning, a new position reporting to Mr. Gridley. Mr. N aryka has been associated w ith FB S since 1978. N orthw est Bancorporation has re ported th a t the property m anage m ent departm ent of N orthw estern N ational B ank of M inneapolis, B an co’s largest bank, will m erge w ith Banco Properties, Inc., a whollyowned Banco subsidiary, “ for the purpose of creating an expanded real e sta te service com pany to m eet the corporation’s extensive real proper ty needs.’’ The b a n k ’s property m anagem ent departm ent operates several facil ities in the Twin Cities area. Banco Properties provides a variety of real estate services for Banco and its af filiates throughout a seven-state region. David Jarvis, Banco executive vice president and chief financial of ficer and chairm an of Banco Proper ties, said the move, effective Ju ly 1, “is intended to provide strategic di rection for our real estate portfolio and improve operating efficiencies of both organizations.’’ The com bined com pany will be headquar tered in M idland Square, a jo int ven ture of Banco Properties and KrausAnderson Company, which is nearNorthwestern Banker, August, 1982 Changing economic conditions require the ability to anticipate change, instead ol reacting to it First Bank Saint Paul's financial model helps you forecast current and future trends for effective bank management. In today's competitive market place, high performance depends on effective management of both assets and liabilities. At First Bank Saint Paul we have a tool to make this job easier. It is a financial model that allows you to forecast changing profit levels under varying circumstances. In other words, what will happen to net income if interest rates go up or down? How will a change in the mix of assets and liabilities affect ♦ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis income? O ur model not only forecasts a complete balance sheet and income statement, but also provides a detailed summary of rate sensitivity and gap. It is a planning tool that helps you prepare for changing conditions. To find out how our financial model can help you manage your bank, call our Investment Services G roup at (612) 291-5659. First Bank Saint Paul Member First Bank System Investment Services Group 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (Left to right) Investment Services Bankers, Bob Peroutka and Dick Swanberg of First Bank Saint Paul, discuss output of the Asset Liability management model with Eastern Heights State Bank President, Bob Hubbell and Vice President Jim Schmitz. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 32 Minnesota News ing completion in downtown M inne apolis. Mr. Ja rv is announced th a t John H. Beal will continue as president and chief executive officer of Banco Properties. John Greenman, senior vice president in charge of N orth w estern ’s P ro p erty M anagem ent D epartm ent, has been elected to the board of directors and appointed ex ecutive vice president of Banco Pro perties, where he will continue his present duties and have expanded responsibilities in the new opera tion. Mr. Beal said Banco Properties has been restru ctu red to accommo date the m erger and carry out a recently adopted real estate m an agem ent policy resulting in several new assignm ents, including the following: Robert F. Seegar, a ssista n t vice president a t the b an k ’s property m anagem ent departm ent, appointed vice president and head of space planning and design a t Banco Pro perties; Thomas J. Parish, vice president a t the property m anage m ent departm ent, nam ed vice presi- We are pleased to announce the formation of NCB FIN A N C IA L F U T U R E S IN C An advisor serving corporate clients, banks and other financial institutions in the areas o f interest rate risk management, fixed rate commercial loans and asset-liability management. James H. Hearon III President Walter E. Meadley, Jr. Executive Vice President dent for property developm ent a t £ Banco Properties; Bruce G. Koberstein, currently w ith Banco Proper ties, nam ed vice president, project planning and design, and Robert R. Glasgow, currently w ith Banco P ro -^ perties, nam ed vice president, p o rt folio m anagem ent. O ther key officers in the new or ganization are Harold Richey, tre a surer and controller, and Walter W .£ Klus, vice president, disposition and land purchase. * * * Phillip L. Nones has joined F ir s t0 B ank M inneapolis as an a ssista n t vice president in charge of the cor porate m arketing division of the m arketing servi ces departm ent. M r. N ones began his bank in g c a re e r in 1978 as a com mercial m ark et ing analyst a t N orthwestern N ational Bank. Prior to joining F irst B ank MinPL- N0NES f| neapolis, he had been a ssista n t vice president and commercial products m anager for Commerce Union Bank, Nashville. * * Lome A. LePoudre, N ational City B ank of M inneapolis, has been ap pointed vice president and will assum e the m anagem ent responsi- • bilities of the downtown personal banking departm ent. He previously served as a ssista n t vice president. Ronald E. Bole Vice President Stephen M. Smith Vice President Thomas J. Freed Secretary-Treasurer L.A. LE POUDRE A wholly owned subsidiary of NATIONAL CITY BANK 75 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612-340-3167 or 612-340-3178 John F. Crinklaw, senior vice president, has been elected to the board of the M innesota C hapter of Robert M orris A ssociates. As a board member, he will be involved in # form ulating policy for the M inne sota Chapter, organizing training and m eetings and appraising new members. * * * Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.F. CRINKLAW 33 Look for us in A lexandria Jim Reagan Dave Hyduke Bob Sipple Tom Resch Don Johnson Jana Kirkeby M innesota Independent Bankers Association Convention August 19-22 We look forward to seeing our banker friends at the Minnesota Independent Bankers Association Convention. We hope to see you there and to talk with you about how our full line of correspondent services can benefit your bank. AMERI CAN N A T I O N A L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B A N K * S A I N T P A U L Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 34 Minnesota News IBM Meet Aug. 19-22 at Arrowwood AIB Award Recognizes American National—St. Paul H E 2 1 st A nnual Convention of the Independent B ankers of M innesota is scheduled to be held A ugust 19-22 a t Arrowwood Lodge, Alexandria. The complete program schedule follows: T P.M Thursday, August 19 Noon Registration/inform ation/m essage center desk opens, m ain lobby. 2:00 Executive council m eeting and com m ittee conference. 5:00 E xhibit Hall officially opens. 5:30 Cocktails and hors d ’oeuvres, E xhibit Hall. 6:45 Welcome night dinner/dance, ballroom featuring Clem Brau and his famous “ Jolly L um berjacks.” A.M. Friday, August 20 7:00 R egistration/inform ation/m essage center desk opens, m ain lobby. 7:15 B reakfast served, Convention Hall. Ladies breakfast, restau ran t. 8:15 Call to order. Invocation; Convention preview; G reetings from the President. 8:30 «K eynote speaker—Michael Edw ards, president of the Conference of S tate B anking Supervisors—“ Dual B anking Will Survive if Banking D epartm ents are S trong and Well R un.” 9:00 F irst report of the nom inating comm ittee. 9:05 The legal report on banking m a tte rs—K eith Libbey, association council and p artn er in the law firm of Fredrikson, Byron, Colborn, Bisbee and Hansen. 9:30 T reasurers annual rep o rt—Tom Grinnell, association treasurer and president of the S tate B ank of Loretto. 9:45 Federal land banks of M innesota. 1 0:00 R efreshm ent break. 10:15 A professional evaluation of micro com puter need - on-line capabilities and software. •M ike Miller, partner, M cGladrey H endrickson & Co., M inneapolis. •D ave W aldron, Financial System s Inc., Omaha, N ebraska. 11:00 F irst report, resolutions comm ittee. 11:15 The association report. 11:45 Break. P.M. Noon Luncheon. 1:30 M en’s annual golf tournam ent and m ixed tennis tournam ent. 5:30 Cocktails and hors d ’oeuvres party, E xhibit Hall. D inner and even ing “ open” —no scheduled program . A.M. Saturday, August 21 7:00 R egistration/inform ation/m essage center desk opens. 7:15 B reakfast, Convention Hall. Ladies breakfast. 8:15 Call or order. 8:20 The M innesota Independent B anker and Who He is in W ashington, D.C. •R obert L. McCormick, president, Independent B ankers A ssociation of America. 9:15 Second report of the resolutions comm ittee. 9:30 Election of officers. 9:45 R efreshm ent break. 10:00 Farm sector economy panel. 10:45 One bank holding companies. 11:30 M ergers/acquisitions/joint activities—the M innesota picture. P.M. 12:15 Luncheon, (the passing of the gavel). Your afternoon is free. 5:30 Cocktail and hors d ’oeuvres party, E xhibit Hall. 6:30 Dinner/dance, w ith music by Oren Budke and his Tempo Kings. A.M. Sunday, August 22 8:30 Ecum enical church service. 9:00 Ranch style cook-out breakfast. □ Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE AMERICAN Institute of Banking recently recognized American Natl. Bk. of St. Paul for its participation and support of AIB at its 80th annual banquet. Admiring the AIB award are William Krammer (left), AIB representative, and James Reagan (right), pres, and c.e.o. of American Natl. Am erican N ational B ank and T ru st Company, St. Paul, has an nounced th a t Donna R. Cole has joined the bank as an accounting of ficer. Ms. Cole has m ost recently been a staff accountant w ith Touche Ross & Co. She received her under graduate degree in accounting from M ankato S ta te U niversity. * * * Honorary Consul Named James W. Johnson (left), exec. v.p. of the in ternati. bkg. gr. at Northwestern Natl. Bk. of Mpls., was installed as Honorary Consul of Belgium for the Upper Midwest at cere monies held last month. Jacques Laurent, Consul General of Belgium, presided at the installation held at Northwestern Bk. As Consul for Minn., North and South Dakota, Mr. Johnson will serve both Belgian citizens living in the area and Americans planning travel or other contacts with Belgium. Several prom otions and additions have been announced by Banco Fi nancial Corporation. Samuel Bassett was promoted to a ssista n t vice president/field ex am ination departm ent. He was first 35 0 employed by Banco Financial in 1980 as an analyst. Robert P. Desannoy recently transferred to Banco Financial from the N orthw estern N ational Bank 0 branch office, where he was assis ta n t vice president. S. BASSETT R.P. DESANNOY THE new Northwestern Natl. Bk of Mpls. branch at Ridgedale is situated on 4.2 acres in a park-like setting on the south side of the Ridgedale Shopping Center in Minnetonka. It of fers full-service banking including a 24-hour drive-in Instant Cash Banking Center. Ridgedale Branch Grand Opening Held O B ERT L. Rasm ussen, execu tive m anager of the Ridgedale Branch of N orthw estern N ational Bank of Minneapolis, has announced the prize winners in the recent grand opening celebration. Recipient of the grand prize of one week’s interest on a million dollars was Jinnea Z arate of Golden Valley. Ms. Z arate received a check for $2,478.30. Five prizes of $355, a d a y ’s interest on a million dollars, R Jay Peterson and Roger Beckel have joined the Corporation as field • analysts. Mr. Peterson came from Fox and Company, where he was a staff auditor. Mr. Beckel formerly was w ith W alter E. Heller, Inc., as an external auditor. were aw arded to K rish K van of W ayzata, M rs. Abe W ilensky of St. Louis Park, B onita S. Lee of Ply m outh, John Crow of C rystal and H.R. Youngm an of St. Louis Park. Several hundred persons visited the Ridgedale branch during the three-day celebration which was held June 10-12. The new facility, located a t 12501 Ridgedale Drive in M innetonka, is the newest N orth w estern Branch. bank in 1969 while attending N orth ern S tate College. Ms. Rydberg joined the b an k ’s staff 15 years ago and has been serving as proof and bookkeeping supervisor. Mr. Goetz sta rte d in the ag lending area of the bank. Application Approved a w ^ ^ Promoted in Huron Ted R isty has been prom oted to a ssista n t vice president of the F irst B ank of South D akota, Huron, ac cording to John Vanderboom, vice president and m anager. Mr. R isty joined the bank in 1979 as the agricultural loan officer. He previously was employed by the Farm ers Home A dm inistration for nine years. Aberdeen Advances Three # F irst N ational B ank of Aberdeen, downtown branch, has announced the advancem ent of Alan Chapm an to a ssista n t vice president in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis commercial loan departm ent, Carol Rydberg to operations officer and Tom Goetz to agricultural loan of ficer. Mr. Chapm an sta rte d w ith the The Federal Reserve B ank of M in neapolis has announced its approval of the application by H opkins Finan cial Corporation to acquire Day County Bank, W ebster. South D akota Group M eetings Group Date Septem ber Septem ber Septem ber Septem ber Septem ber 13 14 15 16 17 1 3 5 4 2 Location M innehaha C ountry Club, Sioux Falls H oliday Inn, M itchell B avarian Inn, Custer Moose Lodge, M obridge Sheraton, Aberdeen Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 36 did n ’t w ant the bank logo or name 0 im printed on the bear. T h a t’s why we chose the tags. “ We feel the program is well w orth the investm ent in short-term as well as long-range benefits.” 0 NDBA School of Banking Graduates Announced Bank Makes Hospitals More “ Bear-able” for Youngsters A B ism arck bank is m aking hospital stay s for preschoolers much more “ bear-able.” The “ M ake H ospitals Bear-A ble” program sta rte d w ith Bism arck S tate B ank giving hospitalized pre schoolers a small, colorful bear. The gesture is growing into the b a n k ’s m ost successful com m unity re lations program yet. Young children can be terrified by the new, strange surroundings of a hospital. For parents, there are few tim es as stressful and em otionally draining as the occasions when their young child m ust be hospitalized for illness, surgery or accident. Any genuine act of kindness, such as pro viding hospitalized preschoolers w ith a cheerful toy, has a powerful, lasting im pact on this em otional en vironm ent. “ This was the perfect opportunity for our bank to display its peopleoriented philosophy. A fter all, bank ing is a people business,” says M y ron Pfeifle, president of Bism arck S tate Bank. Joseph Hauer, a bank director and a lay m em ber of one hospital board, discovered the idea. A work able program was devised and presented to both hospitals. Initially, one hospital com m unity relations director was reluctant to discuss pediatrics enrollm ent a t her hospital. However, after seeing the bears and the program itself, she became very receptive to the idea. Deb Albrecht, pediatrics activity coordinator a t St. Alexius H ospital, also has only positive com m ents about the program . “ The children love the b ears,” she says. “ We hear real positive com m ents from parents, too.” Mr. Pfeifle says, “ N ot only does the program create good will w ith parents, it has also created good will between our bank and the staffs at both hospitals. The response has been very positive from the children, Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Twenty-one individuals have suecessfully concluded their second their parents and the people who year of studies a t the N orth D akota work a t the hospitals. W e’re more B ankers A ssociation-sponsored and th an pleased w ith the program ’s operated N orth D akota School of success.” B anking a t the U niversity of N orth D akota in G rand Forks. Those receiving certificates of graduation from ND BA Executive Councilman Neil Fedje, Citizens S tate B ank of Pem bina County, Cavalier, and Terry Zeltinger, chair m an of the school’s subcom m ittee from the F irst N ational B ank in G rand Forks were: G aylon W. A nderson, Northw estern State B ank - Hillsboro; Jon Duncan, Citizens State Bank of Pem bina County - Neche; Terry Dunsek, :K F irst National Bank - Milnor; Rod / ney J. Ebertowski, Com m unity NaAnissa Johnson 11/2, finds the hospital tional Bank - G rand Forks; Lillian W. much more “ bearable” with her Lemon Ege, F irst National Bank in Grand Bear Friend. Forks; Alice J. Fuchs, F irst W estern The bears are given to the child Bank - Minot; Sharon Grendahl, ren by H ospital staff m em bers. To Bank of N orth D akota - Bismarck; insure the bank receives proper Karen Mae H ausm ann, Ram sey N a recognition a small, perm anent ta g tional B ank & T ru st Co. - Devils is sewn into the bear along w ith the Lake; Kelly Hintz, S tate Bank of m anufacturer’s label. Also, a special Oliver County - Center; Brian L. hang tag, easily rem oved and con Houkom, F irst National Bank of taining a “get well soon” m essage W ahpeton; Paul R. Jans, Kulm State from the bank, is attached. Bank; Terry J. Jorde, Towner Coun Tags are attached a t the factory ty S tate Bank - Cando; M ardelle K. in M inneapolis, M innesota. The N aastad, Farm ers & M erchants Na bears are high-quality stuffed toys, tional Bank - H atton; M ary Ann Norsafe, machine washable-dryable and daby, Bismarck State Bank; Michael completely hygienic, a m ajor con O ’Connell, American S tate Bank of cern for the hospitals. Dickinson; Harlee N. Olafson, N orth “ W e’re avoiding any overt com w estern National Bank - Valley City; m ercialism ,” Mr. Pfeifle says. “ We Delton Steele, F irst Bank of N orth 1982 N orth D akota Group M eetings Date Septem ber 27 Septem ber 28 Septem ber 29 Group N ortheast N orthw est Southw est Location Legion Club, G rafton Eagles Club, H arvey Golden W est Shopping Center, New Salem Septem ber 30 Southeast Redwood Room Student Union, N.D. S tate School of Science, D inner a t the Elks Club, W ahpeton ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 • ^ North Dakota News 37 D akota - Jam estow n; Douglas Tay lor, Citizens State Bank of Pembina County - Pembina; Charles V. Wells, N D E P E N D E N T Banking: A Finger in the D ike” will be the them e Security S tate Bank - Robinson; Lin I when the Independent Com m unity B anks of N orth D akota hold their da L. Wolf, M erchants Bank - Rug0 by, and Larry Ziegler, American A nnual Convention a t the Holiday Inn, Jam estow n, on Septem ber 15-16. R egistration will be from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Septem ber 14. S tate Bank of Dickinson. The program schedule follows: Promoted in Minot A.M. Wednesday, September 15 Am erican B ank and T rust Com 8:30 R egistration. pany, M inot, has announced the pro 10:15 Call to order by ICBND President Duane Anderson, executive vice m otion of J. B ernard Fiedler to the president, L iberty N ational B ank & T rust, Dickinson. position of a ssista n t tru s t officer. 10:20 W elcome—M ayor Jam es T. Lusk. Mr. Fiedler, a graduate of M inot 10:30 Speaker: N orbert M cCrady, executive vice president, Independent S tate College and Southw estern Ok Bankers of M innesota, M inneapolis. lahom a S tate U niversity, joined P.M. Am erican in Novem ber of 1981. Pre 12:00 Lunch on your own. 1:30 A N ational Perspective—Session Chairm an Ken Meier, president, viously, he held the position of ac F irst N ational Bank, Linton. count executive w ith Dean W itter “ Survival for the Com m unity B an k ” —Raoul D. Edw ards, senior Reynolds, Inc. editor, United S ta tes B anker magazine, Falls Church, Va. 2:30 “ IB A A W ashington R eport” —Jam es D. H errington, first vice presi dent, Independent B ankers A ssociation of America. 3:15 Coke and coffee break. BMA Nominating Committee 3:30 Report - B ank of N orth D akota - H erb Thorndal, president; Bob • Selects 1982-83 Nominees Caudel, senior vice president. 3:45 ICBND business session—Duane Anderson, president, presiding. A nom inating com m ittee headed Officer and com m ittee reports. by Ronald E. Hale, executive vice 5:00 Recess. president, F irst City N ational Bank 6:30 “ H appy D ay s” social hour—Jam estow n Civic Center. ^ of Bryan, Tex., has selected 10 indi7:15 A rnold’s D rive-In Buffet. 9 viduals as nominees for election as 9:00 50’s and 60’s Sock Hop (with D J Charlie Fox). officers and directors for the 1982-83 term of B ank M arketing A ssocia A.M. Thursday, September 16 tion 8:00 C ontinental breakfast. (Poolside) ^ N om inated for president is Rich 8:30 R egistration. ard M. Rosenberg, vice chairm an, 9:00 The Perspective in Specifics—Session Chairman Arlo Maag, vice presi Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., San F ran dent, F irst State Bank, Munich. Com m ents—Lee M. Stenehjem, Jr., cisco; first vice president, B arry I. commissioner, Dept, of Banking and Financial Institutions. D eutsch, senior vice president, Mel9:30 “ Stop the World, I W ant to Get Off” —Bruce Thom as, chairm an and ^ Ion Bank, N.A., P ittsburgh; second chief executive officer, V E R E X Corporation, and vice president, The vice president, Sm ith W. B rookhart, G reyhound Corporation. III, president, Centerre Bank, B ran 10:30 Coke and coffee break. son, Mo.; and treasurer, K enneth J. 10:45 “ B ankers’ Bank, AARM , and R elated Topics” —Noel Busch, presi Pennebaker, executive vice president, IN D E X (Independent Bankservices Exchange), M inneapolis. 0 dent, Twin City Bank, N orth L ittle 11:30 ICBND business session—Duane Anderson, president, presiding. Rock, Ark. P.M. N om inated for three-year term s 12:00 Cocktails. (Poolside) on the board of directors are Jam es 12:30 Luncheon—Jim Jorgenson, ICBND president-elect, presiding. J. Allhusen, senior vice president, 1:45 A S ta te ’s Perspective—Session Chairm an Ken Keller, president, 0 bank card and electronic paym ent W illiston Basin S tate Bank, W illiston. system s division, BancOhio N ation Speaker: Joseph E. Jones, vice president, director of public affairs, al Bank, Columbus; Alice L. DeSouand executive secretary, Conference of S tate B ank Supervisors. za, vice president, B ank of New 2:15 “ 40 Years of Independent B anking“ —Lee M. Stenehjem , president, H am pshire, N.A., M anchester, and F irst International Bank, W atford City. 0 Lanny Kim brough, president, H igh 2:45 “ Legal/Legislative Review” —A1 Wolf, general counsel and lobbyist, land Park B ank and T rust, Topeka, ICBND, Bism arck. Kan. 3:15 Coke and coffee break. Also nom inated for directors are 3:30 ICBND business session—Duane Anderson, president, presiding. A rth u r J. Lucey, senior vice presiElection of officers, adoption of resolutions, adoption of by-laws. 0 dent, F irst N ational Bank, Denver; 4:00 Inform ational m eeting re: B arclay’s/V ISA travelers cheques. George M. M orvis, president, Finan 4:30 A djourn. cial Shares Corp., Chicago, and 5:00 Social hour. (Poolside) Brenda L. Schneider, second vice 6:30 Convention banquet. president and director of consumer 7:30 Speaker: Louis Nye, actor-comic. • and urban affairs, M anufacturers 8:30 Presentations - installation of officers. □ N ational Corp., D etroit. 0 Sept. 15-16 — ICBND Convention Dates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R.L. REIQUAM President E.C. GROSS Vice Pres. R. SIZEMORE Treasurer J.T. CADBY Exec. V.P. 7 9 th Annual Montana Bankers Association Convention A ugu st 2 5 -2 7 B anff, A lb e rta , Canada J.B. WALLANDER Past Pres. J. FISHER ONTANA Bankers will once again retu rn to Banff, Canada, for the 79th A nnual M ontana M B ankers A ssociation Convention being held on A ugust M. WILLES E.G. CORRIGAN 25-27. Robert L. Reiquam, M BA President and president of F irst N ational B ank of Miles City, will preside a t the convention. Scheduled to succeed him as president for 1982-83 is Erie C. Gross, M BA vice president and pres ident, L ittle H orn S tate Bank, H ardin. Also assisting Mr. Reiquam this p a st year has been M BA Treasurer Robert Sizemore, president, W estern B ank of Chinook, and E xecutive Vice President John T. Cadby. M en’s and women’s golf tournam ents are scheduled along with a num ber of other activities and events lined up for spouses attending the convention. The program follows: Tuesday, August 24 L. GUNDERSON Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A.M. 7:30 Executive com m ittee breakfast, noon R egistration. Board of directors m eeting. P.M. 6:30 Board of directors reception/dinner. Wednesday, August 25 A.M. 7:30 M en’s golf tournam ent. 8:00 R egistration, tours and inform ation. 9:00 M ixed doubles tournam ent. 10:00 Ladies p u ttin g tournam ent. P.M. 12:30 Ladies golf tournam ent. 3:00 N om inating com m ittee m eeting. 7:00 M A P buffet dinner. Evening open for private receptions. The n am e com es from a S pan ish w o rd m eaning "m o u n ta in o u s." It's the fourth largest state in the U .S ., w ith the Rockies covering tw o-fifths of its total area. Join Peter G illette, C hairm an; Jim A rm strong, President; Dick Schneider, Executive Vice President; D on P ederson, Senior Vice P resident a n d their associates from the l C o rre sp o n d e n t D ep artm en t for the state bankers convention, A u g u st 24 a n d 27 in Banff, C anada. Q northwestern m National Bank Of Minneapolis An AMiUateof Northwest Bancorporatton Member FDIC Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banco 42 Montana News Thursday, August 26 A.M. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:45 9:00 9:45 10:30 11:00 11:50 M AP buffet breakfast. 25 year club breakfast. R egistration, tours and inform ation. Business session. •Invocation—Erie Gross, M BA vice president, president L ittle H orn S tate Bank, Hardin. •W elcome—Robert L. Reiquam, M BA presi dent, president, F irst B ank Miles City. »Speaker—M artin M ayer, author and mem ber of presid en t’s commission on Housing, New York, New York. Panel on economic and cultural sim ilarities and differences of A lberta and M ontana. Panelists: •A1 M cDonald, D eputy M inister, D epartm ent of Tourism and Small Business, Edm onton, A lberta, Canada. •A .F. Collins, D eputy Provincial Treasurer, E d monton, A lberta, Canada. A Canadian banker yet to be determined. Coffee break. »Speaker—M ark Willes, executive vice presi dent, General Mills, Inc., M inneapolis, Minn. »Speaker—Dr. A nthony J. A lessandra, La Jolla, California, Adiourn. noon P.M. 1:30 Special interest session. •D r. A nthony J. A lessandra, m anagem ent con sultant, La Jolla, California. 6:30 Reception. 7:30 “ B avarian N ig h t.’’ 9:00 Dancing. Friday, August 27 A.M. 7:00 M AP buffet breakfast. 7:30 P ast presidents breakfast. 8:45 Business session. •P residing—Robert Sizemore, M BA treasurer, president, W estern B ank of Chinook. 9:00 «Speaker—The Honorable R.T. M cNamar, Dep u ty Secretary of the Treasury, W ashington, D.C. 9:45 »Speaker—John Fisher, senior vice president, Banc One Corporation, Columbus, Oh. 10:30 Coffee break. 1 1:00 »Speaker—Lee G underson, im m ediate p a st president ABA, president, B ank of Osceola, Wis. 11:45 ABA annual m em bership meeting, noon M ens’ and ladies’ aw ards luncheon. •S p e a k e r—E. G erald C orrigan, p resid e n t, Federal Reserve B ank of M inneapolis. P.M. 2:00 A nnual m em bership m eeting. •P residing—Robert L. Reiquam, M BA presi dent, president, F irst B ank Miles City. 2:00 Special interest session. • “ The Romance of the Long B order” —Dr. G rant M acEwan, Calgary. 3:00 Special interest session. • “ H istory of Banff Tow nsite” —P arks Canada Film. 4:00 “ Tea and C rum pets.” 6:30 A ssociates reception. 7:30 Presidents banquet. 9:00 Dancing. 0 # B • • ® You Will See Them at the 79th Annual Montana Bankers Association Convention Chicago First National Bank: Jerom e B. W agner. Denver HE following m etropolitan bank Homer Scott, Jr., chairm an, and ers and service and equipm ent Tom Scott, president. First National Bank: Charles dealers have indicated they will be a t Security Bank, N.A.: Richard Green, executive vice president; Bob tending the M ontana Bankers Asso Kjoss, president; Jerom e B. Woods, McRae, senior vice president; H arry ciation Convention, A ugust 24-27, in executive vice president; William G. J. Devereaux and Ja n M urray, vice Banff, Canada: W ilson, senior vice p re s id e n t; presidents; Hal Fireman. Eugene E. Coombs, vice president, United Bank of Denver: Donald Billings and Paul Wold, assistan t vice presi W. Robotham, senior vice president; Security Banks of Montana: dent. Robert H. Dressel, senior vice presi dent; Vernon L. Hendrickson, vice 100 Years of Continuous president, and John C. Lyng, assis ta n t vice president. Service in Southeastern Montana Minneapolis First Bank: D.H. Ankeny, chairm an of the board; Dennis Evans, president; Kenneth A. Wales, senior FIRST NATIONAL BANK In Mile# City • vice president; Michael E. Boncher, Member First Bank System Member F.D.I.C. vice president; Rick Kuntz and Ed Whelan, assistan t vice presidents; Our very best wishes to Erie Gross as he starts his year as Lenny Kiskis, correspondent bank President of the MBA. Erie began his banking career at First ing officer. National Bank in Miles City in 1960. Marquette National Bank: Bill A d dington, vice president; Dick Holmes and Jim Kammerer, assistant vice presidents. T « il First Bank Miles City W orking T ogether Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis II ® <0 0 ^ 43 L ook for us in B a n ff Dave Hyduke Bob Jacobson Bob Sipple Craig Redalen Dan Walen M ontana Bankers Association Convention August 25 - 28 We look forward to seeing our banker friends at the Montana Bankers Association Convention. We hope to see you there and to talk with you about how our full line of correspondent services can benefit your bank. AMERI CAN N A T I O N A L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B A N K * S A I N T P A U L Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 44 Montana News In C orrespondent B anking, T w o WOrds Say It All S ecu rity B ank We offer complete correspondent banking services. Trust Services including pension and profit sharing plans Investment Services including computerized investment portfolio Rapid Clearing of Cash Letters Wire Transfers Participations and Overlines Bank Stock Loans Complete Data Processing including teleprocessing Coin and Currency Shipments Fed Funds Transactions At Security Bank vve understand the needs and problems of banking in today's economic environm ent And we've got the experience and the reputation that assures you we know how to help. Let Gene Coombs or Paul W old tell you more. Northwestern National Bank: E. f Peter Gillette, Jr., chairman; W. Jam es A rm strong, president; Rich ard D. Schneider, executive vice pres ident; Donald G. Pederson, senior vice president; Richard C. Storlie, f|ii vice president; Kenneth J. Vegors, assistan t vice president, and John H u sto n , co rre sp o n d en t b an k in g representative. • St. Paul American National Bank: Robert E. Sipple, senior vice president— commercial; Robert W. Jacobson, vice president—correspondent bank- # ing; Craig E. Redalen, correspondent bank officer, and Daniel F. Walen, in vestm ent officer. First National Bank: Dale S. Han- _ son, vice president—group head, ^ Wholesale Banking II; Donald R. Lindeman and Richard E. Pringle, assistan t vice presidents; Richard M. Carey, correspondent bank officer. ^ Seattle Seattle-First National Bank: John S. M adison, vice president, and E d ward R. Campbell, assistan t vice # president. Bank Equipment and Other Firms Deluxe Check Printers, St. Paul: Chuck Froehle, sales representative. ^ Mosler Safer Company, Ham ilton, Ohio: Charlie Ryan, regional sales m anager; R alph Crosgrove and Duane D em ars, account executives. North Central Life Insurance • Companies, St. Paul: Roger J. Pulkrabek, vice president, and Bob Gor don, financial agency supervisor. Butte Officer Promoted Gene Coombs Paul Wold We look forward to seeing you at the Montana BanKers Association Convention in Banff August 24-27. Security Bank 29TH & 3RD AVE. N. • (406) 657-3600 • BILLINGS, MONTANA CON VEN IEN T BANKING AT SECURITY WEST, 3RD AVE. N. AT 31ST MEMBER EDIC Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis # W.R. Tait, president of The F irst National Bank, Butte, has announced the prom otion of Jo h n R. G oldberg to installm ent loan officer. ^ Mr. G oldberg has worked in the ^ B u tte office of The F irst N ational B ank since June, 1979. H is duties will continue as installm ent loan of ficer and he will also be in charge of ^ credit cards. Two Named in Billings Kevin P. Clark has been nam ed loan review and compliance o ffic er# and D an M. Jordahl, director of in form ation processing for M ontana B ancsystem , Inc., Billings. Mr. Clark form erly was w ith the Com ptroller of the Currency for fiv e # years as associate national bank ex- * M ontana • People. # • Hard working people. Taking the world of tomorrow into the hands of today. With the help of Montana bankers. We salute you. We look forward to seeing you in Banff, August 25-27, at the Montana Bankers Association Convention. First Bank Minneapolis Correspondent Banking Department. First Bank Place, Minneapolis, MN 55480 (612) 370-4762 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 46 Montana News aminer. Mr. Jordahl previously was m arketing m anager for Burroughs Corporation in Billings, where he has been since 1966. Bank of Montana System Executive Officer Named A new executive officer has been nam ed for B ank of M ontana Sys tem, G reat Falls, according to Stephen Adam s, W ayzata, M in nesota, president and chairman. Sam uel R. N o e l, f o r m e r vice p re s id e n t and m anager of th e c o rre sp o n dent bank de p a rtm e n t of Seattle F irst N a tional Bank will becom e e x e cu tive vice presi„ „ dent of BMS. S' R' N0EL Mr. Noel, 44, a native of M issoula, began his banking career in 1956 as a trainee w ith the F irst N ational M ontana B ank in M issoula. In 1961 he joined Rainier N ational B ank in instalm ent loan adm inistration and three years later became a commer- Since 1898 M o n ta n a b a n k s have re lie d u p o n us fo r e ffic ie n t, p ro fe s s io n a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t services. The reasoning behind th is change, cial lending officer a t the V an couver, W ashington branch. He approved a t the sum m er board joined Seattle F irst in 1966 and has m eeting, is to allow for a more m od ern description of the range of topics rem ained there until the present. addressed by th is group, noted Council Chairm an D avid Thibodeau, # senior vice president, Third N ational Two Promoted in Glasgow Bank, Nashville. Lynn D. Grobel, president of F irst N ational Bank, Glasgow, recently announced the prom otion of Tim BancNorthwest Opens < Newton, instalm ent loan officer, to New Baltimore Office a ssista n t vice president and M ark The Ju ly 1 opening of a new B al Hall to instalm ent loan officer. tim ore office of B ancN orthw est, a division of the bond group of N orth w estern N ational B ank of M inn-’ eapolis, was announced by Robert C. Brown, executive vice president and m anager. Michael S. Post, form erly w ith Baker, W a tts & Co., Baltim ore, is the investm ent representative in the new office located a t 8422 Bellona Lane, Suite 302, Baltim ore, MD. T. NEWTON M. HALL B ancN orthw est, through its Min-^ neapolis and Chicago offices, deals Mr. New ton sta rte d w ith the bank in governm ent and federal agency in 1972 and has been serving as in securities, money m arket in stru stalm ent loan officer. Mr. Hall s ta r t m ents and m unicipal bonds. D uring ed in 1978 and has worked since th a t 1981, N orthw estern’s bond group, ¡ tim e as a collector in the instalm ent including B ancN orthw est, bought loan departm ent. and sold a to tal of approxim ately $27 billion of securities. The new Baltim ore office will be BMA Announces EFTS serving clients in M aryland, West< Council Name Change Virginia, Virginia, N orth and South The Electronic B anking Council is Carolina and the D istrict of Colum the new nam e for B ank M arketing bia, dealing principally in govern A s s o c ia tio n ^ E F T S M a rk e tin g m ents and money m arket in stru m ents. i Council. Our congratulations to President Bob Reiquam, the MBA Officers and Staff for planning an interesting and informative convention program! Be Seeing You at Banff . . . Let us e x p la in h o w w e can a ssist y o u r ban k. Ed Jasmin, President Frank Shaw, Senior Vice President Paul Eve, Vice President, Administration Del Barnekoff, Asst. Vice President NORTHWESTERN BANK F I R S T NATIONAL BAN K OF GLENDIVE O f H elena An Affiliate of Northwest Bancorporation Helena, Montana 59624 Member FDIC Banco, (406) 442 -5 0 5 0 Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t y o j fU h f, ßonJz" Colorado A.R. Koeneke, c h m n . & près., Rifle D. A . C h ildears, exec. m g r . , Denver MINIBANK® System Now in Service INIBANK® Switch Network, routes transactions originating at Inc., Colorado’s newest s ta te the ATM of one financial in stitu tio n wide system of 156 A utom ated Tel to the card-issuing financial in stitu ler M achines, began serving custom tion. As a result, Mr. M adigan said, ers Tuesday, Ju ly 6 , according to a cardholder of one participating fi D avid R. M adigan, the netw ork’s nancial in stitu tio n m ay use an ATM of another participant, and the # executive director in Denver. “ Final testin g has been comple Switch will route the transaction to ted, and the netw ork is certified for the card-issuing in stitu tio n for au consum er u se,” Mr. M adigan said. thorization. The authorization is “ The way is now clear for the card- then routed back to the ATM being • holders of the p articipating financial used—in a span of a few seconds— in stitu tio n s to enjoy m uch greater and the banking transaction is com and expanded banking convenience pleted. A T M s s u p p o rte d in M IN Ithroughout Colorado.” BANK® Switch N etwork include those m anufactured by Docutel, IBM , NCR, TRW and Diebold. Five additional financial in stitu tions have executed a letter of intent to join M INIBANK® Switch N et • M INIBANK® Switch Netw ork work as participants, w ith imple combines the 3 present ATM sys m entation dates beginning as soon tem s of the owners (Columbia Sav as this m onth. Mr. M adigan added th a t future ings & Loan, W illiam Teller; U nited ^ B ank of Denver, M iniBank, and The program enhancem ents are planned 9 F irst N ational B ank of Denver, to include Point of Sale as well as TransAction) along with other partici Home Terminals. pating financial institutions A TM ’s u n d e r a co m m o n id e n tif ie r — United Bank Appoints Six ^ M INIBANK® —which can now be Six U nited B ank of D enver accessed by 750,000 cardholders. employes were appointed officers A to ta l of 74 Colorado financial in last m onth, according to Richard A. stitu tio n s, w ith combined resources Kirk, president and chairman. exceeding $10.5 billion, com prising B e v e r ly J. ^ 69 banks and 5 savings and loan H a d d o n has associations w ith 103 branches are been appointed p articipating in the netw ork th a t senior vice presi presently has ATM S in 33 cities. By dent and m an year-end, the netw ork is projected to ager of the per so n a l b a n k in g ^ increase to 175 ATMs. The broad range of banking ser group. Ms. H ad vices available th ro u g h M IN I- don, who h as BANK® Sw itch Netw ork includes b e e n in t h e checking and savings deposits and U nited B anks of B.J. HADDON £ w ith d ra w a ls, tra n s fe rs betw een C o lo rad o S y s checking and savings accounts, cash tem since 1963, has responsibility advances on credit cards and bal for U nited B ank of D enver’s retail banking activities. She m ost recent ance inquiries. Mr. M adigan described M IN I- ly served as vice president and direc % BANK® Sw itch N etwork as a card- tor of m arketing for U nited Banks activated system th a t electronically of Colorado, Inc. M minibank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 47 H arold C. Goldback has been nam ed executive banking officer. He joined the bank in 1981 and pre viously worked extensively in the banking field in California. Joyce R. Michaels, appointed commercial banking officer, has been w ith the bank since 1980. M anager of research and inform a tion services, John R. Schinn was nam ed a m arketing officer along w ith Diane D. Simpson. Ms. Simp son recently transferred to UBD from U nited B ank of Colorado. She heads the b a n k ’s com m unications departm ent. Jam es M. Wolf joined the bank in July, 1980, and has been nam ed a commercial banking officer. Conifer Executive Named M ountain Valley B ank of Conifer re c e n tly an nounced the elec tion of Leonard Snyder as ex e c u ti v e v ic e president of the bank. M r. S n y d e r previously was vice president of the B ank of Park L. SNYDER County in Bailey and is a recent graduate of the New Mexico School of Banking. Aurora Bank President Named Ja m e s F. M arsico has been elected president of Colorado N a tional Bank, Aurora. Mr. M arsico is a well known Col orado banker w ith 16 years exper ience prim arily w ith A rvada S tate Bank, where he sta rte d in 1966 as a file clerk. He m ost recently served as executive vice president. Promoted in Denver John A. Gianakos, a ssista n t con troller of F irst N ational Bancorporation, Inc., Denver, since 1979, has been nam ed vice president and con troller. Mr. Gianakos joined F irst N a tional Bancorporation in 1970 as an accounting officer. O ther prom otions announced by Bancorporation were Jack O. Grace, a ssista n t vice president; Tom J a e ger, form erly w ith G ulfstream s Banks of Florida, a ssista n t vice president and a ssista n t controller, and A nn H enderson, financial plan ning officer. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 48 Colorado News Staff Changes Told Tonya Eaton, operations officer a t F irst N ational B ank of A urora since 1980, has been nam ed m anager of F irst of A u ro ra’s new Conve nience Center and drive-through facility. Boulder Bank V.P. Named D avid R. M eyers has been ap p o i n te d v ic e president in the commercial loan d e p a rtm e n t of F ir s t N a tio n a l B ank in Boulder. M r. M e y e rs previously served as vice p r e s id e n t a n d commercial loan officer a t MichD.R. MEYERS ig a n N a tio n a l Michigan. B ank, L iv o n ia, has opened the first new tru s t de- # partm en t in a national association Colorado commercial bank in alm ost Bailey Bank Elects One 10 years, Roger D. K night, III, The board of directors of The chairm an and president, has an Bank of P ark County a t Bailey has nounced. Approval of M etrobank’s © announced th e application for tru s t powers was re recent election of ceived from the Com ptroller of the R ic h a rd C. Currency Ju n e 1 0 . Swanson as ex e c u ti v e v ic e Paul C. Gilman joined M etrobank© president. as an executive vice president in Mr. Swanson conjunction w ith the application for previously was tru s t powers. He has had 20 years of associated with Colorado tru s t banking experience the F irst B ank and previously was head of the tru s t© of W hite Bear departm ent and a m em ber of the L ake and th e RC-SWANS0N senior m anagem ent com m ittee of F irst N ational B ank of St. Paul, F irst N ational B ank of Boulder. both in M innesota. R eporting directly to Mr. Gilman will be Neil M. Severinson, vice© Metro National Opens president and tru s t officer, who New Trust Department adds nearly a decade to the new de M etro N ational Bank, Denver, p a rtm e n t’s to tal tru s t experience. WBA “ Back to Basics” —Sept. 23-24 £ £ Q ACK to B asics” is the them e D for the Consumer Credit Con ference being held Septem ber 23-24 by the W yom ing B ankers Associ ation. The conference will be held at the H itching Post Inn, Cheyenne. The program schedule follows: A.M. Thursday, Septem ber 23 10:00 Registration. P.M. 12:45 Introduction and opening ad dress. H enry Hitch, W BA president. 1:00 Lending Panel discusses docu m entation, compliance and loan judgem ents. 4:30 Adjourn. 6:00 H ospitality hour. 7:00 Dinner. A.M. Friday, Septem ber 24 8:30 Variable R ates—Richard D. Perry, senior vice president, Bank of America, San F ran cisco, Calif. 10:00 M arketing Consumer Loans— Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R obert Joselyn, president, FSE M anagem ent Systems, Boulder, Colo. 11:00 F E P U pdate—pending legis lation. P.M. 12:15 Lunch. G uest speaker—Dr. B arry Asmus, economics pro fessor, Boise State University, Idaho. 2:00 Collection P anel—clinic on b a n k ru p tc y , rep o ssessio n s, liquidations, workouts, tax levies, ect. 4:15 Question and answer period. 6:00 H ospitality hour. 7:00 D in n e r. G u e s t s p e a k e r Frank Abagnale, lecturer on white collar crime and its pre vention. Drawing for door prizes. First Wyoming Banks’ GreenUp Campaign to be Repeated F irst W yom ing B anks of Chey enne’s recent p lan t giveaway, de- signed to prom ote local spending and to involve all three banks w ith the com m unity, was so successful th a t plans for the 1983 “ Green-Up C am paign” are already beginning. £ This y e a r’s cam paign saw 5,500 geranium s, petunias, straw berry and tom ato plants given away, free to the public, in the lobbies of all F irst W yoming Banks of Cheyenne. 0 The plants were cultivated by senior citizens and disabled people a t the Cheyenne Com m unity Solar Green house. In addition to the plant giveaway, <H every custom er m aking a deposit to a new or existing savings account was given “ green-bucks” —certif icates redeemable a t Cheyenne nur series and florists for trees, sh rubs,© flowers, garden equipm ent and other accessories. According to bank officials, all three banks were delighted w ith the results of the campaign, which © brought a num ber of new deposits and accounts to the banks. Also the m erchants in Cheyenne were pleased w ith the “ green-bucks,” which made shopping locally a bargain. © Elected to the Board Carl J. Occhipinti was elected to the board of directors of the E quali ty S tate Bank, Cheyenne, according © to Thom as J. Carroll, chairm an. Mr. Occhipinti is general m anager of W YNECO Com m unications, Inc., including KYCU TV of Cheyenne, ^ K STF TV of Scottsbluff, N ebraska, ® and KTVS TV of Sterling, Colorado. services, quickly... as opposed to just promising them, quickly. It’s a reputation in which we take pride. A reputation we intend to continue. Next time you’re pressed for fast turnaround on any correspondent banking situation, call (303) 893-1862. And watch how fast we respond. ^ Colorado National Bank correspondent bankers react. Quickly. Responding to your request with out delay... or excuses. This high degree of responsiveness has earned us a reputation among our progressive and profitable respondent banks throughout the area ... a reputation for delivering the full range of correspondent banking ¡P nrnrr £ INC 5 COLORADO NATIONAL BANK L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We make big ideas happen. Member FDIC "J a Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Jim Flodine, Fred Kuehl, Don Ostrand, Ralph Peterson, Charles Leffler. Trust yo u r c o rre sp o n d e n t b a n k in g to o u r e ffic ie n c y e x p e rts. * These superb professionaIs are dedicated to meeting all your m individual corres- ■ pondent needs. Call us for details on electronic data processing, mS ( f§ cash letter processing, overlines, fed fund transactions; or any ■ other correspondent m service. We’ll show you how friendly efficiency can be. first n a t io n a l b a n k of omaha Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In Nebraska call us toll free at 800-642-9907. Outside Nebraska call us toll free at 800-228-9533. Member FDIC • • • 51 Hastings Employee Honored Reuben Adam s, traffic control m anager of the F irst N ational B ank in H astings, was honored by the B ank on Tuesday, June 15th, in re cognition of his 80th birthday and his more th an 15 years of service to the bank. Mr. Reuben sta rte d w ith the bank in 1967 after retiring w ith 20 years service to the H astings Police De partm ent. U niversity of N ebraska, Lincoln, studying accounting and foreign language. He has also worked parttim e in the m aintenance departm ent a t F irst N ational B ank W est. CBCT Branch Approved Om aha N ational B ank has re ceived approval from the Comp troller of the Currency to estalish a CBCT branch a t 7424 Dodge Street, Omaha. • Scholarship Recipient Named Promoted in Loup City W illiam D avid O ltean has been aw arded a scholarship from the N orthw est B ancorporation Scholar^ ship Program . He is the son of Bren da Oltean, a teller a t F irst N ational B ank W est, H astings, a Banco af filiate. Mr. O ltean plans to use his scho^ larship this fall when he atten d s the Sherm an County Bank, Loup Ci ty, has announced the prom otion of Richard S. P eters from cashier to a ssista n t vice president, and the recent addition of Je rry W ortm an as cashier and security officer. Mr. W ortm an has been serving the p a st seven years as an exam iner for FDIC. W hen Om aha repairs block street — ( First National Opens Drive-in in 4 Days! IR ST N ational B ank of Omaha p u t in place a three drive-in tem por proved to its custom ers last ary facility on the block across the m onth how quickly the industry can street north from the bank—a block move to m eet an emergency, and a t north of Dodge S tre e t—to ease the the same tim e proved again the old traffic situation and accom m odate adage “ N ecessity is the M other of custom ers. Bill H enry, m arketing vice presi Invention.” The City of Om aha began tearing dent, said all business firm s knew up Dodge S tre e t—the m ain thor- six m onths ago th a t repair work oughfare from the M issouri River a t would be done to Dodge S treet dur the east end of the city completely ing the summer, b u t the m agnitude through to the w est end of the c i t y - of it overwhelmed everyone when it in June. In the process, th a t project became evident how m any streets aim ed a t installing badly needed and lanes of traffic would be closed sewer and other utility replace a t one time. A fter noting the drastic m ents, ju s t plain fouled up the tra f drop in drive-in service for cus fic p a tte rn for F irst N ational B an k ’s tom ers, an emergency m eeting was headquarters drive-in bank, which called on M onday, June 21. Tom feeds off Dodge Street. The one lane Haller, second vice president for of w estbound traffic left to accom retail bank operations, contacted m odate w hat used to be five lanes of Tom Sternberg, president of General B ank E quipm ent & System s, Inc., traffic ju s t w asn ’t enough. Responding to the emergency, in Om aha to explain the situation which saw business a t the drive-in and said, “ Can you help!” The answ er from Mr. Sternberg bank fall off 18% the first week and 25% the second week, F irst N ational was an im m ediate, “ Y es.” He had F • # # • ® Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis two 8 ' x 8 ' portable, tem porary bank office buildings, and could have one more brought in a t once. T hat was still M onday, June 2 1 . On Saturday, Ju n e 26, ju s t four working days later, F irst N ational had its tem porary facility w ith three drive-up teller windows, telephone com m unications w ith the m ain bank and all teller facilities completely on line w ith the m ain bank across the street. By Ju ly 1, the fourth day of full business operation a t the tem porary facility, authorized by the Com ptroller of the Currency office in K ansas City as an emergency facili ty, the three statio n drive-in was ser ving 262 cars in one day! To alert custom ers to the avail ability of the new site, F irst N a tional d istributed flyers to custom ers at the m ain bank drive-in, which continues to operate under the same try in g conditions, and also used radio and television commercials ex tensively. A large “used car lo t” type neon sign, as Mr. H enry de scribes it, and a strin g of color pen nants tell the public the tem porary facility is “ O pen”—bu t it works, he emphasizes. “ It took a lot of work by m any people to m ake this happen on such short notice,” Mr. H enry recalls, “ bu t it was needed to provide the service our custom ers are entitled to, and they have appreciated it.” Mr. H enry doesn’t know until he reads this how much work was really involved for General B ank E quip m ent & System s! Tom Sternberg disclosed th a t the two trailer u nits he had shipped in im m ediately from Colorado were in volved in a highway wreck and de stroyed. He got th a t news on T hurs day, June 24. U ndaunted, he and his staff went to work. By Saturday, after day and night work, the third unit needed was completely built from new m aterials and placed on site for F irst National Bank. When asked why he didn’t tell the bank this yeoman effort, Mr. Sternberg said, “ It was our problem, not theirs. Our job was to get the units on site for them th a t day (Saturday), so we did w hat was necessay to com plete the jo b .” He did complete the job and F irst N ational has three drive-up u nits all on-line w ith the m ain bank, all airconditioned, and one w ith a safe, ready to serve custom ers through out the rest of the street repair period. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 52 Roger V. Voorhees, vice president of # the N orth Side Bank, Omaha. Wil liam H. Keeffe, vice president of The Am erican N ational B ank of Om aha and im m ediate p a st chairm an of the M idlands Group, will serve as an ex ® officio board member. * * * Ronald E. Schneider, senior vice president and m anager of corporate banking for the U.S. N ational Bank, has been elected chairm an of the M idlands group of Robert M orris Associates. Lawrence Co mine, Jr., vice p re s id e n t of commercial banking a t Om a h a N a tio n a l Bank, was elec ted vice chair man. James A. R.E. SCHNEIDER K ru ger, ex ecu tiv e vice president of the G atew ay B ank & T rust Company of Lincoln, was nam ed secretary-treasurer. Elected directors of the M idlands Group were: Patrick J. Brady, senior vice president of the N orthw estern N ational Bank, Omaha; David C. Koenigsman, senior vice president of the Center Bank, Omaha; Brad Korell, vice president of the N a tional B ank of Commerce, Lincoln; Gordon V. Kuhn, president of the Havelock Bank, Lincoln; Duane F. Schainost, vice president of the F irst N ational Bank, Lincoln, and Several officer appointm ents were _ recently announced by John D. ^ Woods, board chairm an and chief executive officer of Om aha N ational Bank. Prom oted to vice president were John W. B la ck eter, J o seph E. Glover, Ronald K. Hill a n d Gene W. Selk. Mr. B lacketer joined the bank in 1971 as a sys tem s analyst. He was prom oted to second vice pres ident in 1979 and has held his pre sent position as m anager of infor m ation resources since 1980. Mr. Glover joined the b an k ’s es- £ ta te and tru s t division in 1968 as a ta x accountant. Prom oted the fol lowing year to senior tax accountant and later to tax m anager, he was We h ave b een p rovid in g b an k s w ith ad vice on tax-free in vestm en ts for m ore than 40 years. We are specialists in tax exempt investments and we re proud of our reputation for service. Why not give us a chance to show what the Schweser team can do for you? Talk to the Professionals in tax-free investments. ROBERT E. Schweser Company 0 (IB So. Q n 19th 1 Q th St. O r r iA h a N o h r RHir>9 208 Omaha, Nebr. 68102 INCORPORATED (402) 344-4611 Investment Bankers • Underwriters In Nebraska call toll free (800) 642-8438 Member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation R.D. NELSON Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J.F. WEAR Nebraska News nam ed a second vice president in 1977. Mr. Hill, who came to Om aha N a tional in 1969 as a program m er, was prom oted to a system s officer in 1974 and second vice president in 1977. He assum ed his present posi tion as m anager of system s and pro gram m ing in 1979. Mr. Selk joined the bank in 1975 as a credit analyst and was nam ed a correspondent loan officer in 1977. He was nam ed a second vice presi dent in 1978 and currently is a sen ior correspondent and agricultural loan officer. Prom oted to second vice presi dent were Gregory K. Blow, Richard D. Nelson and John F. Wear. Mr. Blow joined the e sta te and tru s t di vision in 1979 as tru s t adm inistrator a t the W yom ing T ru st and M anage m ent Company in Gillette, W yom ing. Mr. Nelson, who joined Om aha N ational B ank in 1979, was nam ed a check collections officer th a t year and currently is m anager of check collections. Mr. W ear joined the bank in 1961 as a service a ssista n t in d a ta processing, later was nam ed a d a ta processing m arketing officer and has been a correspondent and agricultural loan officer since 1977. O ther officer prom otions include: Judd F. Wagner, tru s t officer; Mark O. Burns and Gerald J. Cook, assis ta n t loan officers; Ronald L. Gilbride, a ssista n t tru s t officer; Doug las C. Grieb, a ssista n t personnel of, ficer, and Bruce W. Stacy, a ssista n t leasing officer. * * * Debbie Kraft, operations officer a t U nited S tates N ational Bank, was installed recently as chairm an of the NABW M id Plains Group, w hich includes banks from the O m ah a-C o u n cil Bluffs area. She a n d o th e r o f ficers were in s ta lle d a t a m eeting a t Oakh ills C o u n tr y Club in Om aha by Nadine D. KRAFT Frakes, NABW sta te council chairm an, who is vice president and cashier a t N ebraska City. O ther officers installed are: Vice C hairm an—Joann Hagerty, assis ta n t vice president, R alston Bank; S ecretary—Jackie Boryca, Packers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N ational Bank, and T reasurer— Alice Roy, a ssista n t loan officer, Southw est B ank of Omaha. A fter graduation from the Uni versity of Nebraska-Om aha, Ms. K raft joined the U nited S tates N a tional B ank staff in July, 1974. She 53 is currently m anager of the cash m anagem ent departm ent. Ms. K raft has been active in NABW since 1980 and also is presently treasurer for OMAHA NEWS ... (Turn to page 54, please) Call Steve Sutton For Complete Credit Insurance Service . . . Call Toll Free in Nebraska 800-742-7335 or call collect 402-475-4061 Steve W. Sutton Bank Programs for Group*lndividual Life*Accident & Sickness Vice President rt LIFE LIN CO LN W here B E N E F IT is m ore than a m id d le n am e Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 ...W E WANT TO BE YOUR BOND PEOPLE... Tom Grove Don Dworak Vice President Manager Executive Vice President Greg Laviti Karen Lee Virgil Wiesner Bond Investment Officer Bond Investment O fficer Bond Investment O fficer m i l packers national bank BOND DEPARTMENT 402- 731-4900 Or TOLL FREE In Nebraska 800- 642-9980 4710 South 23rd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68107 Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 54 loan division in 1978. Ms. Shupe® joined in 1975 and had been serving as a ssista n t m anager of the P ark way facility until last m onth, when she was appointed m anager. OMAHA NEWS ... (Continued from page 53) the B ank A dm inistration In stitu te chapter in Omaha. * * * Keith L. Morphew, chairm an and £ president of Realbanc, Inc., has an nounced the prom otion of Harriet The board of directors of N ational has been serving as m ortgage loan Johnson to officer sta tu s and Judy B ank of Commerce recently an division head since 1978. Mr. Stem p Zaiman-Gotsdiner to officer and as nounced the prom otion of Lyle er joined in 1977 as an auditor and sista n t secretary. £ Davis to senior vice president and assum ed a position in the m ortgage Ms. Johnson joined Realbanc in Dave Stemper to 1977 as an accounting clerk. She is a s s i s t a n t vice presently in charge of the finance president. In the and accounting section. Ms. Zaiman same announce recently joined the firm as resident £ m ent Rita Shupe attorney after serving as a ssista n t was elected fa general attorney for Om aha N ation cility operations al B ank since 1977. officer. * * * M r. D a v is , Lisa M. Koenigsman and Law who joined the rence J. Mitera have been awarded bank in 1971, L. DAVIS D. STEMPER R. SHUPE scholarships from the N orthw est B ancorporation Scholarship P ro gram . Lisa is the daughter of David C. Koenigsman, senior vice presi dent of Center Bank, and Lawrence is the son of Theresa Mitera, per sonal banker a t Center Bank. Seventy-five scholarships cover ing tuition and academic fees for • Municipal Bonds full-time, post-high school education • Corporate Bonds program s were aw arded by Banco this year. A pplicants were m easured • Government Agency Bonds on their educational perform ance • Listed and Unlisted Securities and leadership ability. • Fiscal Agents * * * Jill A. Pryor has been appointed For complete investment service you can rely on... regional m arketing coordinator for the N ebraska Banco Banks, accor The Midwest’s Investment Professionals ding to James R. Campbell, chair m an of the Ne b ra sk a B anco SIVC Banks executive Member New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange com m ittee and and other Principal Stock and Commodity Exchanges. president of the Municipal B o n d Department, 100 Continental Building U n ite d S ta te s O m a h a , Nebraska 68102 / (402) 444-1900 N atio n al B ank of Omaha. STOCKS, CORPORATE, MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNMENT BONDS, M s. P ry o r J.A. PRYOR OPTIONS, TAX SHELTERS AND COMMODITIES. joined U.S. N a Linco ln, Omaha, G rand Island, H astings, C olum bus, Shelby, Nebraska. tional B ank of Om aha in 1977 Des Moines, A tla n tic, C edar Rapids, Fort Dodge, M a rshallto w n, Iowa. following six years banking ex Kansas C ity, M issouri • W ichita, Kansas • C hicag o, Illin o is • H ouston, Texas perience w ith the Iowa-Des Moines N ational Bank, Des Moines, Iowa. Lincoln \ FIR S T MID A M ER IC A INC. First in Service to the Midwest. F I R S T M I D A M E R IC A IN C . Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 55 Specialists in fulfilling your every correspondent need... GARY L. BIECK STEVEN L. ANDERSON Vice President & Manager Correspondent Bank Division Vice President MARK HAHN KATHY M. VOTAW Correspondent Bank Officer Correspondent Bank Officer MARVIN HEFTI Correspondent Bank Officer I I I I M llli FIRST N A T IO N A L LIN C O LN 13th & M Sts. • P.O. Box 81008 • Lincoln, NE 68501 Phone: (800) 742-7462 Member, f .d .i .c . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 56 G eared for grow th? C om e Grow WithUs! We're helping Iowa banks of all sizes grow by helping them becom e more efficient and more effective in their day-to-day operations. When you correspond with Bankers Trust, you team up with the strength, resources and responsiveness of Iowa's largest locally owned, inde pendent bank. We'd welcome the oppor tunity to work with you on overlines and loan partici pations, wire transfers, d ata processing and trust services. Our Correspondent Bankers Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis look forward to meeting with you to discuss your specific needs. We're g eared to helping you achieve your goals for in creased profit and growth. So, come grow with us! Bankers ComeCrowaIT| I O T w ith us 1 1 U w l Des Moines, Io w a 50304 M em ber: FDIC/Federal Reserve System Iow a’s la rg e s t lo ca lly ow ned, In d e p e n d e n t b a n k Use our toll-free WATS line: 800-362-1688 57 board; R.W. B uxton, president; Jan es Davies, vice president; T.J. Nicholls, secretary, and Dean Phil lips, treasurer. The board of direc tors of the new corporation is the same as the board of directors of Peoples Bank. Elected in Council Bluffs Ames First National Staff Announcements Told • Joseph C. Picken, Jr., senior vice president and a director of F irst N a tional Bank, Ames, recently retired from his position a t the bank and from his position as vice president • a n d secretary of the Ames N ational Corporation. M r. P ic k e n joined the bank in 1 9 6 8 a n d • m o s t r e c e n tly served as senior vice p resid en ta d m in is tra tio n . He directed the ^ c o n s tru c tio n of both the m ain J.C. PICKEN, JR. bank, b u ilt in 1971, and the U niversity office built in 1979. ® Also a t the bank, Frances M. Rob inson, a ssista n t vice president, was nam ed m anager of the U niversity of fice a t 2330 Lincoln W ay and Rebecca H o stetter, senior teller, has been ® prom oted to a ssista n t cashier. E dw ard C. Jacobson, vice presi dent, was elected vice president and treasurer of the Am es N ational Cor^ p o ra tio n . Daniel L. Krieger, senior ^ v ic e president, tru s t officer and secretary of the board of F irst N a tional, was elected secretary of the Am es N ational Corporation. Terrill ^ L . Wycoff, vice president and cash ier, has been elected to the board of directors of both F irst N ational and the Am es N ational Corporation. career as a N orthw est Bancorporation m anagem ent trainee a t F irst N ational in M ason City in 1977. He previously had been serving as com mercial loan officer, a position he has held since 1979. Newly Formed PT&S Bancorp Now Owner of Peoples Bank An ice cream social and inform a tion m eeting was held Ju n e 29 a t Peoples T ru st & Savings Bank, Indianola, for the shareholders of the newly formed PT&S Bancorp. PT&S Bancorp, which is owned by over 300 local stockholders all of whom had previously owned stock in Peoples Bank, in tu rn owns 95% of Peoples Bank. Through this re stru ctu re of ownership, the bank will achieve greater flexibility for m eeting the future needs of the com m unity while continuing to be com m unity owned. The board of direc tors, m anagem ent and staff of Peo ples B ank will continue to be the same as before the restructure. The officers of PT&S Bancorp are W illiam B uxton III, chairm an of the The F irst N ational B ank of Coun cil Bluffs has elected Phyllis O tto, a ssista n t vice president and K ath ryn W arren, a ssista n t operations of ficer. Ms. O tto will m anage the per so n a l b a n k in g areas of all four banking offices. She first joined the bank in 1952. Ms. W arrren be gan her banking c a re e r in th e custom er service departm ent in 1979 and served as operations supervisor prior to her promotion. Two Join Hills Bank Sandra Buchanan and W ayne Beck have recently joined the staff of the Hills Bank and T rust Company, Hills. Both are trained for positions in the loan departm ent. Ms. Buchanan has been employed since 1973 at Home Federal Savings and Loan Association in Algona. Mr. Beck is a recent graduate of Iowa S tate University, where he m ajored in agricultural business. Treynor State Breaks Ground R •Two Elected in Mason City The board of directors of F irst N a tional B ank of M ason City recently announced the election of Calvin D. H ubregtse and Terry N. Vorbrich as ^assistant vice presidents. Mr. H ubregtse sta rte d his career in 1976 a t F irst Am erican Bank, Fairview, South D akota. He joined F irst N ational in M ason City in *1980 as agricultural loan officer. Mr. Vorbrich sta rte d his banking Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IF ALL goes according to schedule, next spring Treynor State Bank will celebrate the bank’s 60th anniversary and the grand opening of its new building simultaneously. Ground was broke and construction began on the new 8,500 sq. ft. building that will provide 5,500 sq. ft. of space for bank operations and 3,000 sq. ft. to be rented to professionals. The brick faced building was designed around the “ professional center concept” of one-stop finan cial services. Capped by a 16-ft. naturally-lighted atrium, the bank lobby will be fully ac cessible to the handicapped and feature oak trim with brass accents. The extra space will allow for additional safety deposit boxes, a two-lane drive-up facility on the east side, night depository, off street parking and customer conference and board rooms, with the latest electronic security equipment being installed. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 58 Iowa News Russian Ag O fficial Dr. Lishchenko To Address Iowa Bankers Convention U SSIA N purchases of midwestern grain are back in the news again and Iowa bankers will have an opportunity to hear first-hand at their annual convention in Des Moines next m onth from the R us sian official who heads th a t n atio n ’s food and agricultural departm ent. The 96th annual IB A convention will be held a t the M arriott H otel in downtown Des Moines, Septem ber 19-21. The R ussian ag expert who will present a picture of his n atio n ’s food needs and potential is Dr. Victor F. Lishchenko, who heads the food and agriculture departm ent, the In stitu te of the USA and Canada, and the Academ y of Science of the USSR. Dr. Lishchenko, a well educated sci e n tist in his mid-40s, is a personal friend of John Chrystal, president of the Iowa Savings Bank, Coon R ap ids, who has been a guest of Dr. Lish chenko and the Academy a num ber of times. W hen the IBA asked Mr. Chrystal to invite a knowledgeable Russian ag official, his invitation went to to Dr. and Mrs. Lishchenko. In describing the office held by Dr. Lishchenko, Mr. C hrystal said, “ The Academy is used as a tool to aid the governm ent. I t sta rte d out as a m eans of transferring tech niques throughout the Union and advise the governm ent on actions it should tak e .’’ In describing Dr. Lishchenko him self, Mr. C hrystal said, “ Victor was born in the famous Odessa Region near the Black Sea. He is a v eter inarian and has a doctorate in ag economics. He is especially in ter ested in protein for farm anim als. He was an ag attach e to the U nited S tates in the early 1970s, and th a t is when I m et him. Since then, he has been back here a couple of tim es to Iowa and has visited a t our place and o th ers.’’ Mr. C hrystal said Dr. Lishchenko’s wife is a biologist by pro fession and “ she is the only R ussian housewife I have known who doesn’t w ork.’’ Dr. and Mrs. Lishchenko have a daughter who ju s t graduated from college and a son who recently com pleted high school. A fter Mr. C hrystal became ac R Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis quainted w ith Dr. Lishchenko, he was invited to Russia as a guest of the M inister of A griculture and the Academy of Science a dozen times. He describes Dr. Lishchenko as “ a very nice man; a full-fledged Com m unist, b u t not a politician, and a m an who is genuinely interested in increasing ag production.’’ Dr. Victor F. Lishchenko (left) is shown con ducting Iowa banker John Chrystal on a tour of a Russian farm. The invitations to Mr. C hrystal were based on his extensive exper ience in agriculture and as an ag banker, as well as his association w ith G arst Farm s. It was the late Bob G arst who personally invited and hosted N ikita K hrushchev to visit Coon Rapids for a look a t the G arst Farm s, noted for their seed corn business and cattle experim en tation. Com m enting on his trip s to R us sia, Mr. C hrystal said, “ The Acad emy asked me to go out and take a look a t Soviet agriculture, then come back to Moscow to critique and suggest b etter ways to do the job. The last time, for example, I m et w ith the M inister of A griculture and the Politburo m em ber in charge of agriculture and m ade a report to them . “ O ut in the country I would go state-to -state, m eeting w ith the M inister of A griculture in each of them , and they took me on tours of farm s. On my retu rn to Moscow we would generally m eet w ith up to 100 people. I would speak and they would then ask questions. All of this, of course, was done through in-® terpreters. My principal suggestion to them was for a b etter organiza tion of their agricultural industry. For example, they have no repair in d u stry off-farm, there is no separate® protein industry, no ability to ven ture and fail.” While m any people criticize the Russians and their seem ing in a b ility ^ to generate enough food supply in a nation w ith such v a st geographic boundaries, Mr. C hrystal notes, “ Compared to where they sta rte d from a t the end of W orld W ar II £ they have actually done well. Their entire country was devastated. To begin with, they have to endure a poor w eather clim ate for their crops. Then, beginning w ith 1945 they h a d 0 poor education and poor m echaniza tion, plus an overlay of bureaucracy. They can overcome all of these con ditions except the w eather, so I be lieve it is not realistic to say they are 0 unsuccessful.” The appearance of Dr. Lishchenko on the IBA convention program will give Iowa bankers an opportunity to hear first-hand about the progress of® R ussian agricultural development. The 96th convention them e is “ P artners Progressing T ogether.” Some other headliners for the general sessions will be G. Gordon ® Liddy, Capt. Gerald Coffee, U.S.N., and Dr. Paul Nadler. Gordon Liddy is rem em bered as the W atergate m asterm ind, later im- £ prisoned for four years, and now a novelist and lecturer whose book “ W ill” has been a best seller. Capt. Coffee is a truly extraor dinary m an who joined the N avy in 0 1957. D uring his seven years of im prisonm ent in N orth Viet Nam after being shot down on a N avy flying mission, he exhibited the sterling qualities th a t m ade survival possi- 0 ble for him self and those around him. His experience in this phase of life is recounted in his gripping book, “ Faith: The Key to Survival and T rium ph.” Capt. Coffee current- 0 ly is Fleet Air O perations Officer a t U.S. Pacific Fleet H eadquarters. Dr. Nadler is well-known to Iowa audiences through his previous ap pearances a t banker conventions, as ® well as his position as professor of business adm inistration a t R utgers U niversity. His topic will be “ The Dollar and You.” Headlining the entertainm ent will be noted ballad singer Burl Ives. □ 59 L e t’s a ll g et to g e th e r a t th is y e a r’s Io w a B a n k e rs C o n v en tio n . Deborah Wilson Ed Kennedy Hubert and his team of Harris Bankers for Iowa look forward to greeting their old friends and meeting new ones. We’ll see you at the Iowa Bankers Association Convention in Des Moines from September 19th through 21st. HARRIS flu l bank Harris Trust and Savings Bank, 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago, IL 60603. Member F.D.I.C., Federal Reserve System. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 60 Iowa News 24-Hour Convenience Center Opens Bank, Alta, as assistant cashier. H e # had been employed with Farm ers Savings Bank, Shelby. Promoted in Jefferson • Roger Rinderknecht, president of Brenton S tate Bank, Jefferson, has announced the p r o m o tio n of Michael H unter to senior vice president. M r. H u n te r joined the bank in 1979 as vice p re s id e n t in charge of com mercial loans. He previously had M- HUNTER CITY Bank and Chamber officials recently attended the ribbon cutting activities for Securi been associated with the B renton® ty National Bank’s, Sioux City, new 24-Hour Convenience Center, located at the Sunset State Bank of Dallas Center and Plaza. It it the first free-standing off-premise automated teller machine in the Sioux City served as m anager of its Woodward area, and the first of a network of future Security Bank Units. Deposits, withdrawals, trans fers and balance inquiries can be performed 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the new office. Center with an electronic banking card from Security Bank or any other participating bank. Joins Milford Bank D avid D. A w try has joined Dickinson County Savings Bank, Milford, as cashier, according to Jam es W. Craven, president. He was form erly vice president a t U nited C entral B ank Spencer. of Spencer, N.A., Russell E. C urtis has been nam ed vice president, tru s t officer and Joins Alta Officer Staff m anager of the tru s t departm ent of # Terry Zetterlund has joined the of Toy N ational Bank, Sioux City, ac ficer staff of F irst T rust and Savings cording to L.H. Olson, president. Mr. Curtis has been associated w ith a b a n k tru s t d e p a rt m e n t in D es Moines for the last eight years. He is an a tto r ney and a grad uate of the U ni versity of Iowa Law School. RE- CURTIS Dean A. Krenz, publisher of the # Sioux City Journal, has been ap pointed as a director of Toy N a tional. The bank also recently honored ten high school seniors a t the second • annual Toy N ational B ank “ A th letes of the Y ear" aw ard ceremony. The program is designed to honor seniors from each high school in Sioux City and South Sioux City ® who h a v e show n o u ts ta n d in g achievem ent in a specific sport. W in ners of this y e a r’s aw ards were: D arin Hildahl and Sue Cortilet from E ast; Tyron Sm ith and M elissa ® Barnes from W est; Lisa Kallhoff and Jeff M ounts from N orth; M ark Casey and Dynelle Cantrell from South Sioux City H igh School, and — Carey Calvert and Joe Berger from ® Heelan. Committed to making your bank stand apart from the Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sioux City V.P. Named 61 /hat do you have to do to get your correspondent's * attention? 5 ^ • # 9 Let's face it. The giant dow ntow n bank you correspond w ith is a different place than it w as ten or tw enty years ago. You w ere im portant then, but they have other interests now. As a correspondent, you rarely get to deal w ith the top echelon —the people w ho could provide fast action and quick approvals for loan participations and the other services you need. It's tim e you started w orking w ith a b ank you can bank on. A t D rovers Bank of Chicago, you have direct daily access to top level banking professionals and a staff w hose careers are centered on correspondent banking. W e're one of the ten largest correspondents in Illinois. You and your bank's financial needs are very im por tant to us. It explains w hy w e're so responsive and w hy our correspondent relationships have alm ost quadrupled in three years. Call John C ro tty toll-free at 800-621-8991 (in Illinois, 800-572-2498). He'll fill you in on all the w ays we can help —a full range of services th at includes overline participations, purchase and sale of Federal Funds, bond portfolio analysis, and any other service you w ant or need. c ? Drovers Bank The Responsive Correspondent of Chicago 4 7 th & A shland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60609, 312-927-7000 Working Together Member, Cole-Taylor Financial Group—Independent Banks Member Federal Reserve System and F.D.I.C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 62 Iowa News Construction in Dysart Begins CONSTRUCTION began in July on the new Dysart facility of First Natl. Bk. of Tama County in Clutier. The former Hansen Motors Garage located on Main St. will be completely renovated to provide full service banking in Dysart for the first time in history. The new facility, scheduled for completion in Dec., will include over 5,100 sq. ft. on the main level plus storage space in the lower level. The interior will contain two offices, large conference room, space for future office expansion, three teller windows, a sit down new accounts sta tion and bookkeeping department, totally enclosed drive-up window and night deposit system and a fireplace in the customer waiting area. Kirk Gross Company is in charge of the project and will utilize local trades where practical. Hawkeye Proposes Four Iowa Bank Acquisitions exchange for Hawkeye Bancorpora tio n ’s common stock. All four are Paul D. Dunlap, president of subject to various regulatory ap H aw k ey e B a n c o rp o ra tio n , D es provals. Moines, Iowa based bank holding The acquisition of the S tate Bank company, has announced four pro of Vinton, w ith assets of $50 million, posed bank acquisitions in diverse will be in exchange for H aw keye’s Iowa locations. The proposed acqui common stock. Vinton, located in sitions represent total new assets in east central Iowa is the county seat excess of $110 million. This is in ad of Benton County. S tate Bank of dition to $ 1 0 2 million in new bank as Vinton is the largest of the 13 banks sets previously announced in the located in the Benton County bank first half of 1982. Term s of the pro ing m arket and accounts for over posed transactions were not an 20% of county wide deposits. Vin nounced. However, two of the acqui ton, w ith a population of over 5 ,0 0 0 sitions will be for cash and two are in has a variety of light industry as Ground Broken for “ Westside O ffice” well as serving as the trade center for a rich agricultural area. F irst N ational Bank in Lenox, with assets of $35 million is located in Taylor County in southw est Iowa. The proposed acquisition is for cash. The F irst N ational B ank serves a di versified agricultural area. The bank is the largest of the three banks in the banking m arket com prising over 41% of county wide deposits. Also announced was the proposed merger of the Farm ers Savings Bank of Stratford into the Citizens Na tional Bank of Boone, a Hawkeye subsidiary bank. Stratford, located in Ham ilton County, is approxim ate ly 20 road miles from Boone. The lending capacity of the combined banks, it was stated, will be in excess of $500,000 to any one individual. Farm ers Savings Bank has assets of approxim ately $11 million and Citi zens National has assets in excess of $60 million resulting in combined assets of over $70 million for the bank. The combined banks will be nam ed Citizens N ational Bank, Boone-Stratford. It was also announced th a t Sey m our S tate B ank in W ayne County in southeast Iowa will be acquired by m erger into Centerville N ational Bank, also a subsidiary of Hawkeye. The acquisition will be in exchange for H aw keye’s common stock. Sey mour S tate B ank has assets of ap proxim ately $15 million. Centerville National B ank has assets of over $54 million which will result in com bined bank assets of nearly $70 million. Seymour is approxim ately 15 miles from Centerville. I t is an ticipated th a t the two banks will change their name to Hawkeye ^ Bank & Trust, Centerville-Seymour. H aw keye B an corporation cu r rently has 30 subsidiary banks. An application for the 31st bank, the S tate B ank of Allison, is pending £ with the Federal Reserve. W hen the current four banks are approved, Hawkeye Bancorporation will have 33 subsidiary banks w ith 85 loca tions across the sta te of Iowa. • Iowa City Officer Named FIRST National Bank, Cedar Falls, recently broke ground for its new “ Westside Office” to be located at the corner of Hudson Rd. and Second St. and scheduled to open late summer. The new facility, which is the bank’s second detached office, will provide all banking ser vices including loans and a drive-in ATM. Present for the ground breaking were (I to r): Robert Lehman, Cardinal Construction; Hoyt Messerer, dir.; B. Wylie Anderson, dir.; Joan Poe, dir.; Dean R. Beneke, pres.; Doug Sharp, Cedar Falls Mayor; Virgil Becker, dir., and Sam Scherf, Cedar Falls Chamber of Commerce. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * F irst National Bank, Iowa City, has announced the promotion of Ste phen M. Kensinger to tru s t invest m ent officer. Mr. Kensinger has been with F irst National since June, 1980, ® as an investm ent analyst. 63 Architecture Interior Design Construction Interior Design and Quality Furnishings for Your Project Quality Construction Complementing the High Standard of Design Whatever your architectural, interior design, construction or furnishing needs, Kirk Gross Co. can meet them. From a complete Turn-Key job, to a new fire file, we are here to serve. Give Kirk Gross Co. a call today . . . or write for our free brochure. 4 0 1 5 A lexan dra D rive • B ox 2 0 9 7 • W aterloo, Iow a 5 0 7 0 4 • Phone 319-234-6641 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 64 Iowa News A Picture Report From NABW State Conference “ Accent on Management” Held May 12-14 SCHOLARSHIP winners pictured left to right: Kay Stoterau, cust. serv. off., Northwestern Natl., Sioux City, and convention vice chm./prog. chmn.; Marquerite Stole, v.p., Citizens Bk., Anamosa; Carol Higgins, secy., commercial loans area, First Natl., Burl ington, and Norma Harmison, a.v.p., Warren County Brenton Bk., Indianola. ATTENDING the conference were: Speaker Jerry Simmons, pres.,® Jerry Simmons & Assoc.; Marilyn Damman, v.p. & cash., Melvin Sav. Bk., and NW Iowa Gr. chmn.; Donna Carlson, a.c., Sanborn Sav. Bk, and convention treas./finance; Jean Rentel, a.v.p., Toy Natl., Sioux City, and convention arrangements chmn., and Speaker Tom Nolan, pres., Nolan Financial Corp., Mequon, Wis. LEFT~Speaking on “ Leadership Styles...Theirs, Yours” was Gloria O’Hayre, NABWEF consultant, O’Hayre Enterprises, Lakewood, Colo.' CENTER—Conducting a marketing workshop was Bill Balak, v.p./marketing, U.S. Natl., Omaha. RIGHT—Ruth Willits, incoming state council chmn., presently regional chmn. of educ. & training, and v.p. Northwest B&T, Davenport, and Carol Stone, incoming natl. awards & scholar, chmn., presently regional dir., and trust off., UCB of Des Moines, N.A. p p r o x im a t e l y 150 bank A ers from around the sta te a t tended the 1982 NABW S tate Con ference held M ay 12-14 a t the M a rin a In n , S o u th S io u x C ity , Nebraska. Elected as new sta te council chair m an was R uth W illits, vice presi dent, N orthw est Bank & T rust, D avenport. Four mem bers serve under her on the executive com m it Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tee. They are: A w ards & Scholar ships Chairm an W ilma Weeks, cor respondent bank operations officer, Security N ational Bank, Sioux City; E ducation & Training Chairm an N a dine Wax, vice president, M erchants National, Cedar Rapids; M embership Chairm an A rliss W illyard, a ssista n t vice president, W aukon S tate Bank, and Public Affairs Chairm an Joyce Chapman, vice president & cashier, W est Des Moines S tate Bank. Serving as regional aw ards and scholarships chairm an th is year will be Norm a Harm ison, a ssista n t vice president, W arren County Brenton Bank. H olding the position of na tional aw ards and scholarships chairm an for 1982-83 is Carol Stone, tru s t officer, U nited C entral B ank of Des Moines, N.A. . V<*«$ >u*fcv*MU. v /}&r^,x ,i», W <*f ■<’ BANKERS BLANKET BOND Know-how and experience from IBIS id) : Every bank needs the protection provided by Bankers Blanket Bonds. But they are often hard to get. And they’re always expensive. In addition, recent changes in the Bankers Blanket Bond market have created an even greater need for know-how and experi ence in this complex field. Fortunately, this know how and experience is as close as your telephone. Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services deal exclusively with the insurance needs of the banking industry. We have over 65 years of practical knowledge and hands-on experience in securing Bankers Blanket Bonds for our customers. We can provide your bank with the protection it needs. At a cost you can live with. 658 Iowa banks own IBIS. Your bank is one of them. So why not call us today and compare? Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc. 430 Liberty Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50308 (515) 286-4300 Call our toll FREE WATS number 1-800-532-1432 “The right combination.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 Iowa News 1st Sioux City Holds Open House th e a s s is ta n c e o f k n o w led g eab le a d v iso rs, and (2 ) P u rsu e e ffo rts to co n v in ce th e 1 R S to ta k e a fa v o r a b le p o sitio n or to seek c o rre ctin g le g isla tio n b y c o n ta c tin g th e ir re p re s e n ta tiv e s , sin ce som e tim e is a v a ila b le to e ffe c t a fa v o ra b le re su lt. □ Toy Natl. Sponsors Seminar MORE THAN 10,000 people attended the several open house celeb ration s hosted by the First N ational Bank in Sioux C ity s ta ff to show o ff the ir new bank building. The four-story structure was featured in a special a rticle in last m o n th ’s issue (page 88). A pp roxim ately 750 business people toured the building early in the week of the open house affairs, then in excess of 500 area bankers and wives were guests for a special tou r and bu ffe t reception on Friday evening. The public open house on S aturday and Sunday a ttracted about 9,500 people. Greeting guests at the bankers’ open house on Friday evening were the above three men, from left: F. Forbes Olberg, chmn., Banks of Iowa, Inc., Cedar Rapids; Holm es Foster, pres. & c.e.o., Banks of Iowa, Des Moines, and Richard C. Taylor, pres., First Natl., Sioux C i ty, an a ffilia te of Banks of Iowa. 1RS plague strikes H.C.’s ... (continu ed from p ag e 2 1 ) g re ss w orked to a tta c h an am end m e n t to p en d in g le g isla tio n to p re v e n t issu a n ce o f th e ru ling. U n fo r tu n a te ly , th e am en d m en t in tro d u ced b y S e n a to r G a rn w as a tta c h e d to th e co n tin u in g sp en d in g re so lu tio n and did n o t su rv iv e th e clo sin g m o m en ts o f c o n g r e s s io n a l a c t i v i t y . T h e a u th o rs u n d e rstan d th a t th e I R S h a s w ritte n a le tte r to v ario u s co n g ressm e n in d ica tin g th a t th e y h ave no p lan for i m m e d i a t e p u b lica tio n of th e ru ling. S in ce th e issu a n ce o f R ev en u e P ro ced u re 8 0 -3 4 , th a t would allow ta x p a y e r s who w ere a c tin g as a c q u irin g a g e n ts for a hold ing co m p an y u nder very narrow fa c ts as p ro vided in th is proced u re for o b ta in in g a form al p riv a te ru ling, th e I R S h as ta k e n sev eral co u rses o f actio n . A round th e fir s t o f M a rch of 1981 th e I R S decided to in fo rm ally a b a n don issu a n ce of ad v an ce ru lin g s th a t S e c tio n 351 applied to th e tr a n s a c Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tio n if th e f a c ts w ere sim ila r or id en tic a l to th e p a ra m e te rs s e t fo rth in R ev en u e P ro ced u re 8 0 -3 4 . S u b s e q u en tly , on M a rch 3 0 , 1 9 8 1 , th e I R S fo rm ally in d ica ted in R ev en u e P ro ced ure 8 1 -1 0 th a t it w ould n o t o r d in arily ru le on th e t a x a s p e c ts of th e a ssu m p tio n o f in d eb ted n ess, th u s, lim itin g th e e ffe c t o f R ev en u e P ro ced u re 8 0 -3 4 . F in a lly , on N ov em b er 30, 1 9 8 1 , th e I R S sim p ly and fo r m ally s ta te d in R ev en u e P ro ced u re 81-61 th a t it w ould n o t ru le on th is issu e u n til it had resolv ed an e x te n siv e stu d y c u rre n tly u nd erw ay. P re su m a b ly th is stu d y will re su lt in th e issu a n ce of new ru les b y th e I R S in th e fu tu re. T h u s, u n til th e I R S stu d y is co m p leted , th e a u th o rs en co u rag e all b a n k ers fo rm in g or co m te m p la tin g th e u se of a one b a n k h old ing co m p an y to: (1) T re a d ca u tio u sly th ro u g h de lib e ra te , p lan n ed a ctio n s w ith T h e tr u s t d ep a rtm e n t o f T o y N a tio n a l B a n k , S io u x C ity , and D e fe rre d C o m p e n s a tio n Ad m in is tr a to rs In c ., o f M in n eap o lis, M in n ., an a ctu a r ia l and m a n a g e m e n t co n s u ltin g firm th a t h an d les th e a n n u al a d m in istra tio n o f th e T o y N a tio n a l B a n k re tire m e n t plan, co sp o n so red an em ployee b e n e fit sem in a r for a c c o u n ta n ts and a t to rn e y s o f S io u x C ity , J u n e 29. T h e s u b je c ts co v ered in clu d ed qu alified re tire m e n t p lan s; defined b e n e fits v s. d efined co n trib u tio n ; se lf funded h e a lth in su ra n ce p la n s; 4 0 1 (k) p lan s, and cu rre n t b e n e fit tren d s. B e s id e s a rea a tto rn e y s and a c co u n ta n ts , th e b o ard o f d irecto rs, v ario u s co rresp o n d en t b a n k e rs and som e p re se n t tr u s t cu sto m e rs w ere also in v ited . L e s O lson, p re sid e n t o f T o y N a tio n a l, re c e n tly w as k e y n o te sp eak er a t th e Io w a P ro fe s s io n a l D ev elo p ers B a n q u e t held J u n e 2 4 in A tla n tic C i ty . S ix t y people w ere in a tte n d a n ce . UCB, Estherville Elects Martinson as President A lly n M a rtin so n re cen tly w as elected a s presid en t, ch ief ex ecu tiv e o fficer and a d irecto r o f U n ited C en tr a l B a n k & T ru s t C om pany o f E s t herville. M r. M a rtin so n has been em ployed b y N o rth w e ste rn S t a t e B a n k of A u stin , M in n ., s in c e 1977, fir s t as v ic e p r e s id e n t, co m m ercial lend in g and loan adm in is tr a tio n , A. MARTINSON th en as sen ior v ice p resid en t and since O ctob er, 1 9 80, a s p resid en t and ch ief ex e cu tiv e officer. P rev io u sly, he served as an o fficer o f th e N o rth w estern N a tio n al B a n k o f F erg u s F a lls , M inn., and a s an o fficer and m an ag em en t tra in ee of th e N o rth w estern N a tio n a l B a n k o f Sio u x F a lls , S o u th D a k o ta . 67 Qi Correspondent Banking Representative • Vice President Correspondent Banking Account Manager Banks of Iowa Computer Services (BICS) We can show you how...with Instant Access! For an initial investment of ap proximately $50,000, your cus tomers can have access to their accounts 24 hours a day at 350 locations in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. account deposits are prohibited by law between states.) You, too can become the domi nant EFT financial institution in your community by establishing terminal locations and issuing your own Instant Access cards. With Instant Access, your cus Let Gary, Joe and Mark show tomers can access their ac you how the Instant Access counts at hundreds of locations system can be implemented in — banks, hospitals, grocery your bank. Give them a call at stores or shopping malls — in the three-state area. It takes just (712) 277-0618 for additional seconds for deposits, withdrawals, information. transfers and balance inquiries These banks are recognized leaders to be routed through the Iowa in electronic banking in their com Transfer System (ITS), confirmed munities, and you can be too: with BICS and sent back to the Steele State Bank originating ATM or POS. (Only Cherokee, IA Valley Bank of Union County Elk Point, SD First National Bank Le Mars, IA Valley Exchange Bank Lennox, SD Pioneer Valley Bank Sergeant Bluff, IA Citizens State Bank Sheldon, IA First National Bank Sioux City, IA Valley National Bank Sioux Falls, SD Dakota County State Bank South Sioux City, NE Valley State Bank Yankton, SD First National Bank Member FDIC • PO. Box 3248, Sioux City, Iowa 51102 • A BANKS OF IOWA’ BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 68 eye B a n co rp o ra tio n , he w as s e n io r ® v ice p re sid e n t, sen io r tr u s t o fficer and d ire cto r o f U n ite d S t a t e B a n k , C ed ar R a p id s, a H aw k ey e a ffilia te d ban k . sf: 5): ® % Kenneth W. Hall, sen ior cu sto m e r serv ices o ffic e r o f U n ite d C en tra l B a n k o f D es M o in es, N .A ., h a s re tire d a fte r 42 y e a rs o f serv ice. # M r. H a ll jo in e d U n ite d C en tra l B a n k (th en C e n tra l N a tio n a l B a n k ) in 1 9 4 0 as a m e ssen g er and h a s held v a rio u s p o sitio n s in b o o kk eep in g , c re d it and n o te d e p a rtm e n ts a s w ell # a s o th e r a re a s o f th e b a n k . In 1 9 7 3 M r. H a ll w as nam ed m a n a g er o f th e M o to r B a n k and in 1 9 7 4 tra n s fe rre d to th e M a in O ffice to a ssu m e th e d u ties o f cu sto m e r serv ices o fficer. • OBERT G. Millen, p re sid e n t and ch ie f e x e cu tiv e o ffic e r o f U n ite d C en tra l B a n k o f D es M o in es, N .A ., h as annou nced th e follow ing ch a n g es in th e re ta il b a n k in g d iv i sion: Dale L. Klauss, v ice p re sid e n t in com m ercial services, h as been nam ed m a n a g er o f m e tro re ta il b a n k in g and w ill be re sp o n sib le for su p erv isio n of cu sto m e r serv ice re p re se n ta tiv e s, M a s te r Card/Visa and cle rica l su p p o rt in th e m ain b an k . M r. K la u ss will also be re sp o n sib le for co o rd in a tio n o f co m m ercial and in sta llm e n t lo an s a t U C B ’s th re e b ra n c h o ffices. H e jo in e d th e b a n k in 1 9 7 0 a s a co m m ercial loan o fficer. Sharon Moon h a s been p ro m o ted to cu sto m e r serv ice re p re se n ta tiv e I I I . In ad d itio n to h er cu sto m e r s e r v ice re sp o n sib ilitie s, M rs. M oon will also a s s is t in re ta il a d m in istra tio n m a tte rs. Sh e h as held variou s p o si tio n s w ithin th e b an k since she beg an a s a se c re ta ry in th e in v e stm e n t de p a rtm e n t in 1 9 6 4 . S h e w as p ro m o ted to cu sto m e r se rv ice re p re se n ta tiv e in 1 9 78. * * * S e p te m b e r 1 . M r. W a lth a ll cu rre n tly is p re sid e n t o f S t a t e B a n k & T r u s t in C ou ncil B lu ffs , a m em b er b a n k of H aw k ey e B a n co rp o ra tio n . Larry L. Wenzl, who h a s been p re sid e n t of H aw k ey e-C a p ita l sin ce J a n u a r y of 1 9 8 1 , will rem a in a s ch a irm a n of th e bo ard and also as a re la tio n s o fficer, su p erv isin g o th e r b a n k s for H aw keye B a n co rp o ra tio n . M r. W a lth a ll m oved to C ou ncil B lu ffs from D es M o in es to b eco m e p re sid e n t o f S t a t e B a n k & T r u s t in M ay , 1 9 7 7 . H e p rev io u sly w as em p loyed b y H a w k ey e-W est B a n k & T r u s t as sen io r v ice p re sid e n t and p rior to th a t w as a ffilia te d w ith th e Io w a-D es M o in es N a tio n a l B a n k . M r. W a lth a ll is p re se n tly serv in g as ch a irm a n o f G rou p V o f th e Iow a B a n k e rs A s s o c ia tio n and is a m em b er of th e ir b o ard o f d ire cto rs. H e is also a m em b er o f th e Y o u n g P r e s i d en ts O rg a n iz a tio n s. James “ Mike” Early w as elected p re sid e n t, ch ie f e x e cu tiv e o fficer and d ire cto r of H a w k ey e-W est B a n k & T ru s t, e ffe c tiv e J u l y 1. M r. E a rle y su cceed s H aw k ey e-C ap ital B a n k & T r u s t h a s annou nced th a t David N. Wal thall, 36, w ill ta k e on th e d u ties o f p re sid e n t o f th e b a n k on or befo re Charles Gustaveson, who h a s re R D. N. W ALTHALL L.L. WENZL Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis sign ed to p u rsu e o th e r in te re s ts . M r. E a r le y h as b een serv in g a s v ic e p r e s i d e n t-tru sts of H aw keye B an EARLEY co rp o ra tio n for th e p a s t y ear. In th a t p o sitio n , he w as re sp o n sib le for sta te w id e tr u s t serv ices o f H aw k ey e a ffilia te b a n k s and p ro d u ct d evelop m ent. B e fo re jo in in g th e s t a f f o f H aw k- Io w a D es-M o in es N a tio n a l B a n k re c e n tly an n o u n ced th e follow in g p ro m o tio n s follow in g th e m e e tin g o f # th e b a n k ’s b o ard o f d ire cto rs. James A . Hanisch h as been nam ed v ice p re sid e n t, b a n k s y s te m s . M r. H a n isch jo in e d th e m a n a g em e n t de v elo p m en t p ro g ra m in 1 9 7 5 and h a s # held v a rio u s p o sitio n s in clu d in g v a u lt m a n a g er, e le c tro n ic b a n k in g o fficer and m a n a g er o f b a n k s y s te m s and serv ices. P ro m o ted to secon d v ice p r e s -# id en t w ere: Colleen K. Monahan in ite m p ro c e ssin g and Mitchell A . Christensen in d ep o sit serv ices. M r. M o n a h a n jo in e d th e b a n k in 1 9 7 4 and h a s held v a rio u s p o sitio n s in - # elu d in g w ire tr a n s fe r and lo ck b o x su p erv iso r, cu sto m e r se rv ice m a n ager, m a n a g er o f d a y -item p ro c e s s in g and m a n a g er o f ch e ck p ro cess- J. HANISCH M. CHRISTENSON C. MONAHAN I. SWANSON 69 ! IT'S ALMOST TIME . FORTHEBIGEVENT! Eddie A. Wolf Sr. Vice President William B . Greaves Vice President Cyrus D. Kirk Vice President September is almost here, and September 19-21 brings with it a big event — the 96th Annual Iowa Bankers Association Convention. And we’ll be there! Though you may see our faces often, we want you to meet some of the people at United Central Bank who are involved in providing you with the best banking services available. Whatever your needs may be — Lending...Cash Management... Investments ... Farm... TYust... Data Processing, we have the experienced people who can answer those needs in a knowledgeable, professional manner. And if you’re not one of our respondent banks, it’s time we met. See you in September! UNITED CENTRAL BANK OF DES MOINES. N.A. AFFILIATED WITH UNITED CENTRAL BANCSHARES. INC. MEMBER FDIC LOCUST AT SIXTH • FIFTH AT GRAND • 3 4 0 0 W ESTOW N PARKWAY 35T H AND INGERSOLL • 501 EAST ARMY PO ST ROAD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1-800-362-1615 Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 70 Iowa News Now, First National Bank h a s a new source of funds available for cattle and grain loans. F IR S T AGCORP. agricultural credit corporation that is a wholly owned, non-banking sub sidiary of First Midwest Bancorp., Inc. First Agcorp is another of the many correspondent services available through the First National Bank of St. Joseph. Just call John Kam, ™„MfE gor W h e re y o u r su ccess is a tra d itio n . R.L. STONER A.M. BRANDEL ing. M r. C h risten sen , who jo in e d th e b a n k in 1 9 7 7 , h a s serv ed a s c u s to m e r a c c o u n tin g s u p e r v is o r , m a n a g er o f ele c tro n ic b a n k in g s e r v # cies and m a n a g er o f d ep o sit s e r v ices. N am ed to o fficer s ta tu s w ere: Iris L. Swanson, sen io r o p era tio n s o ffi cer; Robert L. Stoner, sm all business® b a n k in g o fficer, and Ann M. Brandel, h um an re so u rces o fficer. M s. S w a n so n jo in e d th e b a n k in 1 9 6 0 , serv in g a s en co d in g and re co n cilin g su p erv iso r and ch eck p r o c e s s # in g su p erv iso r. M r. S to n e r s ta rte d in 1977 and h as served in p erson al ban k in g , card serv ices and sm all b u s in ess ban k in g . M s. B ra n d el jo in ed as hum an resou rces a d m in istra to r i i # 1981. * * * R e c e n t re cip ie n ts o f sch o la rsh ip s from N o rth w e st B a n c o rp o ra tio n ’^ S ch o la rsh ip P ro g ra m w ere: Nancy and Kathie Kersey and Steven Sikkink. Steven Haley, la s t y e a r ’s re c i p ien t, w as also aw ard ed a second y e a r sch o la rsh ip . ^ Nancy and Kathie Kersey are th e d a u g h te rs o f Bernard H. Kersey, v ice p re sid e n t and m a n a g er, fin a n cia l in s titu tio n s , Io w a-D es M o in es N a tio n a l B a n k . Steven Sikkink i ^ th e son o f John Sikkink, ex ecu tiv e vice presid en t, o p eratio n s and ad m in is tra tio n d ivision . Schleswig Addition Told First National Bank St. Joseph, Missouri 64502 Call: (816) 279-2721 A ffiliate of First Midwest Bancorp., Inc. Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member F.D.I.C. D a v id M . Su n d erm a n h a s jo in e d th e F a rm e rs S t a t e B a n k o f S c h le s w ig as o p eratio n s officer. M r. S u n derm an prev iou sly served in th e d a ta # p ro cessin g d ep artm en t o f th e S e cu rity N a tio n a l B a n k o f Sio u x C ity. Two Promoted in Dubuque • E ile e n S ch illin g and B e t t y H eyin g w ere prom oted second vice p resi d en ts d uring a re cen t m eetin g o f th e board of d irecto rs of th e A m e r ic a r ^ T ru s t & S a v in g s B a n k , D ubuque. M s. S ch illin g jo in ed th e b an k in Iowa News ^ 1 9 5 1 and h as served a t A m erican T r u s t on K en n ed y R oad since it opened in 1 969, cu rre n tly a s m an ager. M s. H ey in g jo in ed th e ban k s ta ff in 1 9 6 6 and is cu rre n tly in • ch a rg e of th e sav in g s d ep artm en t. 1st National, Sibley, Names John Jorgensen President ® J o h n P. Jo r g e n s e n h a s b een e lec te d ch a irm an , p re sid e n t and ch ief e x e cu tiv e o fficer o f th e F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k in ^ S ib le y . M r. J o r g en sen resig n ed as e x e cu tiv e v ice p r e s id e n t at H a w k e y e - C a p i^ ta l Bank & T ru s t, D es M o in es, to a c ce p t th is new a p p o in tm en t. B o th J.P. JORGENSEN 0 b a n k s are m em b e rs o f th e H aw k ey e B a n co rp o ra tio n . M r. Jo r g e n s e n su cceed s L eo E . C arlso n , J r . , w ho re sig n ed to pu rsu e 0 o th e r in te re s ts . M r. Jo r g e n s e n jo in e d th e H aw keye o rg a n iz a tio n in O cto b e r, 1978, a s e x e cu tiv e v ice p re sid e n t of C om m e rcia l S t a t e B a n k in M a rsh a ll t o w n . H e tra n sfe rre d to H aw keyeC a p ita l B a n k & T r u s t in M ay , 1981 in th e sam e ca p a city . A fte r g ra d u a tio n from th e U n i v e r s ity of N e b ra sk a -L in co ln in 1 9 6 8 • w it h a B A d egree in P o litic a l S c i ence, M r. Jo r g e n s e n w ent to w ork for B a n k o f A m e rica, S a n F ra n c isc o , w here he serv ed in fou r sep a ra te b ra n c h e s. D u rin g his em p lo y m en t • t h e r e he w as called in to m ilita ry se r v ice for th re e y e a rs. H e le ft B a n k o f A m e ric a in F e b ru a ry , 1 9 7 4 , to jo in C o m m ercial N a tio n a l B a n k in G ran d Is la n d , N ebr. H e re sig n ed from th a t • b a n k a s v ice p re sid e n t in ch a rg e o f co m m e rcial len d in g in O cto b e r, 1 9 7 8 to jo in H aw keye. M r. Jo r g e n s e n w as g rad u ated fro m th e C olorad o S ch o o l o f B a n k • i n g in 1 9 7 8 an d earlier a tte n d e d th e A B A C o m m ercial L en d in g S ch o o l a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f O klah om a, N o r m an, in 1 9 7 5 . 71 With today’s rapid changes in banking technology, data processing is becoming an even more important management tool. That’s where I come in. • • Ken Roeder Correspondent Bank Officer Security National Bank W hen Ken Roeder talks about how the advances in the field of data processing can affect your operations, he’s speaking from experience— 15 years’ experience as a data processing specialist. Ken knows data processing. More important, he knows how to put it to work for the individual needs of his correspondents. As a Security correspondent bank officer, Ken is also equipped to provide you with the best in ag lending and overline services. Today, your continued profitability is as important to Security National as it is to you. Through experts like Ken Roeder, w e’re determined to help you protect it. SECURITY N ATIO N AL BANK Sioux City, Iowa 51101 (712) 277-6554 © 1982 Security National Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member FDIC Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 72 Iowa News p o ssib ly m ore will b e new. I t is im ^ p o rta n t to w ork w ith th o se who are new, esp ecia lly th o se new to b a n k in g le g is la tio n .” MB o ffic ia ls , from left: Richard W. Berglund, exec, v.p.; Diane Gibbs, MB exec, dir., both Des Moines; Donald W. Heineking, new IIB pres., and pres, of S ecurity State, Hubbard, and Fred W. Hagemann, retiring IIB pres., and pres, of State Bank of Waverly. A rnold Schultz, pres., Grundy Natl., Grundy Center (pictured in another photo) is new IIB v.p., and Bill W ilson, pres., Oelwein State (also in another picture), is new IIB treas. Don Heineking Named IIB President B y BEN HALLER, JR. E d ito r and O O D w eath er com bined w ith an e x c e lle n t p ro g ram to b rin g a b o u t 5 0 0 r e g is tr a n ts to th e 1 1 th a n n ual Iow a In d ep en d en t B a n k e rs co n v en tio n a t L a k e O k o b o ji la te la s t m o n th . T h e re w ere 2 0 0 b a n k e rs, 187 sp ou ses, and 104 ch ild ren under ag e 18 re g iste re d in ad v an ce, plu s som e la te re g is tra n ts . D on W . H ein ek in g , p re sid e n t of S e c u rity S t a t e B a n k , H u b b ard , w as elected p re sid e n t to su cceed F red W . H ag em an n , p re sid e n t, S t a t e B a n k of W a v erly . T h e new v ice p re sid e n t is A rn old S ch u ltz , p re sid e n t o f T h e G ru n d y N a tio n a l B a n k , G ru nd y C en ter. A t th e e x e cu tiv e co m m itte e m e etin g follow ing th e co n v en tio n , W illiam P. W ilso n , p re sid e n t of O el w ein S t a t e B a n k , w as electe d as trea su rer. New I I B d ire cto rs are: J o h n C h ry sta l, p resid en t, Iow a S a v in g s B a n k , Coon R ap id s; L a rry G rim s te d , e x e c u tiv e v ic e p r e s id e n t, S e c u rity B a n k & T r u s t Co., D e co r ah; W .G . H e rb re ch tsm e y e r, p re si d en t, F ir s t S e c u rity B a n k & T r u s t Co., C h arles C ity ; J o h n W . H op k in s, p re s id e n t, A lb e r t C ity S a v in g s B a n k ; P au l H. Jo h n s o n , p resid en t, Iow a S t a te B a n k , A lg o n a; R ich ard E . M iller, p resid en t, C itizen s S t a te B a n k , Iow a F a lls ; J o c k D. S te v e n son, ex e cu tiv e vice p resid en t, F ir s t T ru s t & S a v in g s B a n k , C ed ar R a p G Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BECKY McBURNEY A s s o c ia te E d ito r ids, and R o b e rt C. W ede, p resid en t, G a te w a y S t a t e B a n k , C lin ton . M r. H a g em a n n rem in d ed h is a u d i ence th a t w hile S F 2 3 0 0 w as p re cluded b y a m e n d m e n ts from allow in g sta te w id e b ra n c h in g and an in crea se in th e 8 % of to ta l d ep o sits in th e s t a te th a t a h old ing co m p an y m ay own, ‘‘th e 8 % ce ilin g a tt a c k will rear its head a g ain , p erh ap s v ery q u ic k ly ...W e reco gn ize ch a n g es will com e. H ow we re a c t to ch a n g es will d eterm in e w here we g o .” M r. H ein ek in g , in his a cc e p ta n ce re m a rk s, n o ted th a t ” 2 5 % to 3 0 % of our s ta te le g is la to rs w ill be new due to re tire m e n ts from th e le g isla tu re . A t le a s t 40 of th e 1 5 0 le g is la to rs and Jerry Howard, sr. v.p., H um boldt T&S, ac cepts 1982 cham pionship g o lf trophy from Bernie M iller, v.p., Am erican T&S, Dubuque, whose bank makes the award annually. I I B E x e c u tiv e V ice P re sid e n t R ich a rd W . B e rg lu n d review ed s e v ^ eral im p o rta n t le g is la tiv e m a tte r s of cu rre n t in te re s t. M a lco lm S . F o rb e s , J r ., p re sid e n t o f F o rb e s , In c ., and sen io r ed ito r of F o r b e s m ag azin e, New Y o rk , d eliv® ered a v ery w ell receiv ed ta lk on ‘‘T h e E c o n o m y .” I t w as review ed in th e A u g u st 2 W e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r . M a ry E . C u rtin , a M in n eap o lis a t to rn e y , g a v e tw o e x c e lle n t te c h n ic a P ta lk s —one on ‘‘D ea lin g w ith R e g u la to ry P ro b le m s ,” th e o th er on E S O P p lan s. S h e ad v ised b a n k ers to g e t an y s ta te m e n t from e x a m in e r ^ or re g u la to rs in w ritin g b efo re re ly in g on oral co n v e rsa tio n or p ro m ises to s u b s ta n tia te an a ctio n . H er E S O P p r e s e n ta tio n drew m a n y q u estio n s and she o ffered to send a r ^ t id e co p ies sh e h a s a v a ila b le a t h en office. S ila s K eeh n , p re sid e n t o f th e F e d eral R e se rv e B a n k of C h icag o , g av e a sch o la rly review of th e p r o c e s s e ^ th ro u g h w hich th e F ed g oes to a r riv e a t it s m on ey su pply fig u res and p re d ictio n s. S t a tin g th a t he feels th o se p ro cesse s are well th o u g h t o u t and well m o n ito red , M r. K eeh n s a i(^ m o n eta ry p o licy h a s done its a n nounced jo b in b rin g in g in fla tio n down from double d ig its to a b o u t 5% to 7 % , and co n tin u in g down. F ro m th is p o in t on, he s ta te d , b rin g ^ in g down in te re s t ra te s and b u d g et d e fic its is th e re sp o n sib ility o f fisc a l m a n a g e m e n t—i.e., th e C o n g ress and A d m in istra tio n . J a c k S m ith , A B C n etw ork c o rr e s ^ p o n d en t from W a sh in g to n , D .C ., g av e a low -key, b u t v ery in sig h tfu l, look a t w orld e v e n ts, and how som e o f th o se e v e n ts h av e been covered and rep o rted . 4 A t th e fin al lu n ch eon m eetin g , I B A A P re sid e n t R o b e rt L . M cC o r m ick , J r ., p re sid e n t of th e S tillw a te r N a tio n a l B a n k & T r u s t Co., S t ill w ater, O kla., g av e a re p o rt 01# I B A A ’s fed eral le g is la tiv e effo rts. H e p o in ted o u t th a t on th e S e n a te v o tin g ov er th e w ith h old in g a t so u rce o f ta x on in te re s t and d iv id en d s (w hich ca rrie d 5 0 -4 7 )# Iow a Sen . C h arles G ra s s le y v o ted for th e m o tio n , w hile S e n a to r R o g er Je p s e n g a v e one o f th e im p o rta n t ta lk s o p p o sin g th e bill. M r. M cC o rm ick a ttr ib u te s thd® la ck o f fa v o ra b le a ctio n b y th e Iowa News Fred Hagemann, pres., State Bank of W averly; Keith Campbell, pres., C itizens State, Sheldon; Jan Skola, pres., Farmers Sav., Kallona, and Jerry Howard, sr. v.p., Hum boldt T&S. Dw ight W illard, pres., Famers T&S. Spence-; Neil M ilner, exec, v.p., Iowa Bankers Assn., Des Moines; Peter DeRosier, v.p., Natl. Blvd. Bank, Chicago, and Tom Dunlap, pres., South Story B&T, Slater. 73 Dan Doyle, pres., W ellm an Sav.; Bill W ilson, pres., Oelwein State; B ill Rickert, sr. v.p., Natl. Bank of W aterloo, and Bill Kennedy, pres., Farmers & Traders Sav., Bancroft. Mike Bauer, corr. bk. off., Davenport B&T; Steve Jacobson, exec, v.p., Iowa State, M orning Sun; Dick Buenneke, pres., Citizens State, Belle Plaine, and Al Luett, pres., M iles Sav. Al Lynes, exec, v.p., Kerndt Bros. Sav., Lansing; Harold Godbersen, chmn., Ida County State, Ida Grove; Jim Brown, v.p., Hardin County Sav., Eldora, and Bob Ackley, pres., South O ttum w a Sav. Don Erusha, pres., Solon State, chats w ith speaker M alcolm Forbes, Jr., relating how he served w ith M alcolm Forbes, Sr., in the same in fa ntry com pany in Europe in WWII. and Ben Eilders, v.p., Bankers Trust, Des Moines. Jim Ryan, m idw est sales mgr., B arclay’s Bank Travelers Cheque div., Chicago, w ith Joyce and Ed Baker, reg. mgr., Inform ation Mgmt. Internal., Kansas City. Both men m oderated special ses sions tw o days during the convention. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 74 Iowa News Larry Pope, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor in th is fa ll’s election, and m ajority leader in the last legislature where he was d ire ctly involved w ith banking legislation, met w ith several bankers during the 11B convention. From left are: A rnold Schultz, new v.p. of 11B and pres., Grundy Natl., Grundy Center; Herman Kilpper, pres., Bankers Trust, Des Moines, and state finance chmn. for Mr. Pope’s cam paign; Larry Pope; Tom Huston, pres., Herman Richter, pres, of University of O koboji and mgr. of The Three Sons clo th in g store in M ilford, presents award to a delighted M alcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Heading out to quench the th irs t of go lfers on a hot day were M ichelle Kout (left) and Peggy Fetner. M ich elle’s father, Don Kout, is pres., F&M Sav., Lone Tree. Peggy’s father is Scott Fetner, pres., Natl. Bank of W aterloo. K itty Cam pbell, whose father, Keith Cam pbell, is pres, of Citizens State in Sheldon, is pictured w ith Pat Kane, whose father, Leo Kane, is exec. v.p. of Am erican T&S, Dubuque. Colum bus Jun ction State, and Joe Knock, pres., Iowa State Sav., Creston. D ID C to th ree th in g s: 1. In te r e s t s a le s m a n a g e r for B a r c la y s in ra te m a rg in s a t S & L s and b a n k s C hicago. would be end angered , a cco rd in g to G o lf to u rn a m e n ts, lad ies lu n ch F ed C h airm an P au l V o lck er. 2. T h e eons, a g re a t w in e -ta stin g p a rty th e F D IC h as sched uled th e clo sin g o f fir s t n ig h t, th e tra d itio n a l B a n k e rs one m u tu al sa v in g s b a n k each F r i T r u s t C om p an y o f D es M o in es re d ay for th e rem ain d er o f th is y ear. 3. ce p tio n th e second n ig h t, and a la k e T h e re is clea rly a b ia s a g a in s t b a n k side b arb ecu e d in n er th e th ird n ig h t in g w ith in th e A d m in istra tio n , due added th e rig h t m e a su re of r e la x a to th e p resen ce o f so m an y se c u ritie s tio n and fun to th e o u ts ta n d in g in d u stry people in it. M r. M cC o r b u sin e ss m e etin g s. □ m ick said he sees th is A d m in istra tio n a s u ltim a te ly tr y in g to m erge th e th r if t and b a n k in g in d u stries. S p e cia l in te r e s t se ssio n s on tw o d ays g av e r e g is tr a n ts on o p p o rtu n i ty to h ear p re se n ta tio n s on “ U se of M icro -C o m p u ters in B a n k in g ,” by E d B a k e r, reg io n al m an ag er, In fo r m a tio n M a n a g e m en t In te rn a tio n a l, K a n s a s C ity ; I N D E X , b y N oel B u s c h , p resid en t o f IN D E X , M in n e a p o lis , a n d B a r c la y s / A m e r ic a n T ra v e le rs C heque p ro g ram w ith IB A A , by J a m e s R y a n , m id w est Northwestern Banker, August, 1982 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX OF ADVERTISERS AUGUST 1982 Acorn Printing ...................................................................... 17 American Express Travelers C heques.............................. 3 American National Bank & Trust, St. P a u l.................. 33, 43 Bank of A m erica.................................................................... 11 Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines ......................................... 56 Bankers Video Service Corp................................................ 7 Colorado National Bank, D e n v e r....................................... 49 Commerce Bank of Kansas C ity ..........................................13 Commercial National Bank, P e o ria ................................... 24 Continental Bank, C hicago................................................ 5 Daktronics, Inc....................................................................... 16 Drovers Bank of Chicago..................................................... 61 First First First First First First First First First First Mid-America ................................................................54 National Bank, C h ic a g o ............................................ 18 National Bank, Glendive............................................ 46 National Bank, L in c o ln .............................................. 55 National Bank, Miles C ity .......................................... 42 National Bank,, M inn e a po lis.................................... 45 National Bank, O m a h a .............................................. 50 National Bank, St. J o s e p h ........................................ 70 National Bank, St. P a u l........................................ 30-31 National Bank, Sioux City ........................................67 Gross, Kirk Co., W a te rlo o ................................................... 63 FIBE Bank F a c ilitie s ......................................................... 8-9 Harris Bank, Chicago............................................................59 Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services................................... 65 lowa-Des Moines National Bank ....................................... 76 Kooker, E.F. & A ssociates................................................... 71 Lincoln Benefit Life Co......................................................... 53 Merchants National Bank, Cedar R a p id s ........................ 2 Midland National Bank, Minneapolis ............................... 26 Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp...............................14-15 National Bank of Commerce, L in c o ln ............................... 75 National City Bank, M in n e a p o lis....................................... 32 Northwestern National Bank, H e le n a ............................... 46 Northwestern National Bank, M inneapolis....................... 41 Office Concepts, W a te rlo o ................................................. 60 Omaha National Bank ................................................... 38-39 Packers National Bank, O m a h a ......................................... 53 Schweser, Robert E. Co........................................................ 52 Security Bank, Billings ....................................................... 44 Security National Bank, Sioux C it y ................................... 71 United Central Bank, N.A., Des M o in e s............................. 69 Today’s computer service choice should be based on tomorrow. Computer technology has produced a telecommunications network that’s becoming a vital part of bank data processing. The EFTS environment demands a nationwide network of on line terminals offering “state of the art” convenience to your customers. Just keeping up will be a challenge for every bank . . . a challenge that will be hard to meet with any inhouse system and software package you install today. Flexibility will be the key to your competitive edge. And thats what NBC/CSC guarantees you . . . flexibility that will keep your data processing capabilities up to speed, up to the minute. O ur history dates back to 1964. W e re among the Midwest’s computer leaders in size and experience. W e’ve built the area’s premier data processing service, offering every capability and the full range of products your bank needs today. And tomorrow . . . N BC/CSC will continue to offer you every vital service under the sun. -ç -C O ïW For more information about NBC Computer Services Corporation and our complete product manual, call Rod Morten or Mike Sorensen at 402/4724440. NBC/CSC Com puter S ervices C orporation A wholly-owned sub sid iary of the N ational Bank of Com m erce T ru st & Savings A ssociation NBC Center, 13th & O S treets, P.O. B ox S 2 4 0 8 , L incoln, N ebraska 6 8 5 0 1 /Telephone (4 0 2 ) 4 7 2 -4 4 4 0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Demand deposit accounting Savings accounting Certificate of deposit accounting Commercial loan accounting Personal loan accounting Individual retirement accounting General ledger accounting On-line and central information systems Asset participation system Mortgage loan accounting Payroll accounting system Bond accounting On-line multipocket proof system Administrative CRT/Investment Hotline The futura looks alm ost n good to be trae. The MasterCard I™ debit card is an innovation that responds to the changing attitudes of your customers. Designed around the latest technology, MasterCard I will give your customers: • Worldwide access to transaction accounts at over three million MasterCard ®merchants • ATM access • Cash advance capabilities at over 72,000 banking offices • Descriptive transaction reporting And, while MasterCard I works like a check, it eliminates the problems often associated with check writing and the need to carry large amounts of cash. As beneficial as MasterCard I is for the consumer, it will prove to be even more so for your financial institution. The MasterCard brand is recognized worldwide and it makes you part of a controlled delivery system that is already in place. MasterCard II enhances your present ATM program and can be your link to ATM networks of the future. In addition, MasterCard I will be profitable for your institution — an excellent source of fee income and an indispensable feature of your transaction account package. MasterCard IE is a program that you manage. Banco Card Services removes the complexity of execution through marketing, operational and systems support. For more information, contact the Banco Card Services office in your area. Des Moines Minneapolis Omaha We believe the debit card holds the same growth potential that credit cards held in the 1970’s...growth that you can tap today. BANCO CARD SERVICES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 1 5 -2 4 5 -3 2 4 8 6 1 2 -372-9622 4 0 2 -5 3 6 -2 4 7 8 A Division of the lowa-Des Moines National Bank Seventh & Walnut • Des Moines, Iowa 50304