The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COOPERATION The farmer is all important in the development of Cedar Rapids as a continually greater market for the produce of his farm. The marketing of a record crop which will feed the people of the world is a job of major importance. The Merchants National is ready to assist your bank in this undertaking and to share in handling the credit - ^ «£ requirements of your customers. * f <* A CEDAR RAPIDS BANK CEDAR %> R A P ID S SERVICING ALL IOWA THE M ERCHANTS ^ < NATIONAL BANK <r 4 <r< < OFFICERS <c < James E. H am ilton , Chairm an o f Executive Committee S. E. CO'QUILLETTE, Chairm an o f the Board John T. H amilton II, President H. N. B oysO'N, Vice President Roy C. F olsom, V ice President M ark J. M yers, V. Pres, and Cashier George F. M iller, V. Pres, and T rust Officer M arvin R. Selden , V ice President F red W . S m it h , Vice President R. W . M an att , A sst. Cashier L. W. B roulik , Asst. Cashier P eter B ailey , Asst. Cashier R. D. B rown , Asst. Cashier O. A. K earney , Asst. Cashier Stanley J. M ohrbacher, Asst. Cashier W allace S. H am ilton , Building- M gr. Cedar Rapids Iowa Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, published monthly by the Northwestern Banker Company, at 527 Seventh Street, Des Moines, Iowa. Subscription, 35c per copy, $3.00 per year. Entered as Second Class Matter January 1, 1895, at the Post Office at Des Moines, Iowa, uner Act of March 3, 1879. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C /a/tH 7hJ e/ftm tfC O H J//nM e4 The Country Home on Harlem Heights during the early morning hours of September 15, 1776, General George Washington entered the stately hallway of the Roger Morris summer home on Harlem Heights where his official Headquarters were established two days after the battle of Long Island and the day after the evacuation of New York City. For a period of about five weeks, General Washington occupied the north room on the second floor as his office and bedroom and it was there that he and his staff planned some of the strategy and battles that were to eventually lead to American Independence. This m agnificent G eorgian mansion o m e t im e S which has been completely re stored, is now a museum owned and maintained by the City of New York and is under the cus todianship o f the W ashington Headquarters Association of the Daughters of the American Revo lution. At the time Roger Morris chose this site for his country home, The view from the form al garden. New York City was ten miles to the south. The original plot At the outbreak of the Revolution, M or consisted of 100 acres which ‘‘commanded ris, who was an ardent Tory, fled to Eng the finest Prospect in the whole Country: land. The mansion was captured by the the Land runs from River to River: there British after Washington and his staff fled, is Fishing, Oystering, and Claming at and for seven years it was used as British either end . . .” The house was begun in or Hessian Headquarters until the British 1765 and was completed in the summer of evacuated New York. 1766 in time for Lieutenant-Colonel and Today, the house stands as a monument Mrs. Morris to close their town house at representative of a colorful period in Amer the corner of Whitehall and Stone streets ican history. and escape from the intense heat of the city. 7he Home, through its agents and bro During the builder’s ten year tenancy, the kers, is America’s leading insurance pro house was the scene of many brilliant tector of American Homes and the Homes Colonial affairs, for Mrs. Morris, who had of American industry. been the wealthy and popular Mary Philipse of Philipse Manor, had a large circle of friends, including George Washington. In fact some historians claim that Washington himself was seriously interested in N EW Y O R K Miss Philipse before she married Roger Morris. FIRE • AUTOMOBILE • MARINE INSURANCE ATHE HOME * Washington’s office in the Roger Morris house. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 THE CO M ING WAVE OF TRAVEL AND H O W Y O U R BANK CAN SHARE IN IT Hundreds o f thousands o f Am eri accounts and other form s o f busi cans are now con siderin g either ness which often g o to the insti business trips abroad or, as ac tution furnishing the traveler with c o m m o d a tio n s p erm it, tou rist his Letter o f Credit. travel. If you d o not n ow sell C. N . B. Unquestionably, som e o f these Letters o f Credit, w e suggest that travelers w ill be friends o f your you com m unicate with our Foreign bank. And by having C. N. B. Department and find out h ow you Letters o f Credit available, you can issue them with your bank’s can make them profitable cus ow n imprint profitably, efficiently, tom ers— at the same time op en in g and without materially increasing the d o o r to safe-keeping, custodian the w ork o f your present staff. C. N. B. Betters of Credit give holders the facilities of our overseas branches and serve as an introduction to leading bankers abroad. THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF N E W YORK Mem ber Federal D ep osit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 George La Monte & Son not only produced the iirst practical safety paper —but La Monte Safety Papers have become widely recognized as iirst in quality. » » La Monte's famous "wavy lines" trade-mark has be come almost as familiar in the banking world as cur rency itself. » » That's because, for generations, so many of America's leading banks have specified this product. » » Bankers, you see, are astute business men. They regard checks as more than simply a me dium for the transfer of funds . . . see in them an advertising opportunity of unusual proportions —an opportunity to make favorable impressions by the millions on their customers and those they hope to serve. For Samples ot La Monte Safety Paper see your Lithographer or Printer — or write us direct. '— . jut» 5- - Ml0TO W N ,U .S.ft--_ S A F E T Y PAPER FOR CHECKS f RaNK a n d T ru st mibtowh—* GEORGE LAMONTE & SON, NUTLEY, NEW JERSEY INT* A Check Paper All Your Own Why not follow the lead of America's out standing banks and corporations? Let us reproduce your trade-mark in the paper itself. Such i n d i v i d u a l i z e d check paper pro vides maximum protection against coun terfeiting—sa ves banks sorting' tim ehelps prevent errors. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 (i C O O P E R A T IO N IN T H E G R O W T H OF A M E R IC A Since its founding in 1803, The Philadelphia The Philadelphia National is proud to have National Bank has seen the Nation grow to played a leading role in this development— economic supremacy . . . expanding westward for not a few of these banks turned to it for across rivers, mountains and wide plains. experienced and dependable cooperation. As new industrial centers developed behind Today, the total number of Philadelphia the tide of the steadily advancing frontier, the National’s correspondent banks exceeds a smaller, newly established banks naturally thousand—many of these relationships dating looked to the East for assistance in financing back to pioneer days. This same quality the loans which helped build the factories and cooperation is available to you. We shall be productive farms of the strong America we pleased to discuss with you in detail the know today. benefits of forming such a relationship. THE PHILADELPHIA Organized NATION AL 1803 PHILADELPHIA M E M B E R Northwestern Banker, August, 7946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F E D E R A L D E P O S I T BANK 1, PA. I N S U R A N C E C O R P O R A T I O N 7- This proof machine handles all debits and credits going through your bank! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E v eryth in g can be entered on this National 2000 P roof Machine, mail, counter and clearing house items. It not only provides centralized control o f all departments, but also positive proof o f every credit total recorded. This National P roof Machine has an automatic lock which makes accuracy compulsory. N o o th e r m a ch in e has th is fe a tu re. I f a mistake has been made in listing or addition, the operator need only press the error key, and the amount o f the error is automatically printed on the master tape and the correction is made. Only then will the machine go ahead with the next credit. There's a National for Every Bank and Every Banking Job Whether your bank is small or large, there’s a National Machine to meet its every need. Put your problems up to your National representative . . . let him show you how some one, or more, o f the many National time- and money-saving machines can help you. Call him today, or write, The National Cash Register Company, Dayton 9, Ohio. ADDING MACHINES - MACHINES Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 8 Can you name five services ojyour local bank? FOR YOUR BEST KNOWN BANKING SERVICE, USE The best known name in paper! An independently conducted poll* was taken recently to determine which bank ing services are the best known. “ Check ing Accounts” was the winner— named by more than 84% of those interviewed. Most people are introduced to your other services through their checking accounts. That’s why it is good public relations to give your customers checks on a paper they know well, whose quality inspires respect and confidence. Hammermill Safety is such a paper. Your customers use Hammermill papers in their business. The name itself— “ the best known name in paper” —means re liable service to them. Checks on Ham mermill Safety are an unobtrusive reminder of your careful judgment in all the services you offer the public. A n ote on your bank le tte rh e a d w ill brin g s a m p le s of H am m erm ill S a fe ty show in g its w ide ran g e of easy-to-w rite-on c o lo r s . Ju st a d d r e s s H am m erm ill P a p e r C om pany, 1513 E a s t L a k e Road , E r ie , P a. ‘ R e p o r t e d in B a n k in g, June, 1946 C H E C K IN G A C C O U N T S LE A D in a p oll conducted to d is c o v e r the best k n o w n b a n k in g s e rv ic e s am o n g a ll c la s s e s of peo ple Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 9 M0eur E d itor DES MOINES Oldest Financial Journal West of the Mississippi The following letters were received from Northwestern Banker readers. Your views and opinions on any sub ject will be gladly published in this column. * 51st Year * No. 709 IN THIS AUGUST, 1946, ISSUE EDITORIALS A cross the Desk from the Publisher............................... — ....... -........... 10 "Benefited Very Much" “ We feel that by reading and studying the many articles which appear each month in the N orthwestern B anker that we are benefited very much. We also pass the N orthwestern B anker around to our em ployes as they, too, enjoy reading each issue.” B. F. Aron, Vice President and Cashier The City Na tional Bank, Crete, Nebraska "Should Read H. R. 6225" FEATURE ARTICLES D ear E ditor ........................................................................... ............................. H ow 90 Bales o f H ay Increased Savings A ccou n ts................................ Y ou r G. I. Loan Question B ox................................ Walter T. Robinson A 3-Bank Banker..............................................................................-................ News and View s o f the Banking W orld ....................... Clifford De Puy About Bankers You K now — Sidney M aestre.................................... ...... 9 14 16 17 18 19 LEGAL “ Bankers of Iowa should get hold of H. B. 6225 from their Congressman, which is a bill to provide for control and regulation o f bank holding companies and for other purposes. Read it and then urge passage o f same. Con tact your representative and senator.” F. E. Manuel, President George State Bank, George, Iowa Can D am ages fo r Loss o f Profits Be in Excess o f Ceiling Prices?.... 20 "An Ardent Reader" H ow to Get Y ou r Share o f Farm Business.................B. R. Walinder 35 “ It has been a great pleasure for me to be an ardent reader of your very fine publi cation, the N orthwestern B anker , for many years.” Boyd F. Jordan, formerly Cashier o f the Muscatine Bank and Trust Co. and now Executive Vice President of the new American Bank, Oshkosh, Wisconsin "My Congratulations" “ Dear Cliff: Please relay to the Univer sity Club my congratulations on its acquisi tion o f a top-notch new president. Best re gards.” Bod Maclean, Advertising Manager California Bank, Los Angeles, California INVESTMENTS Prices o f G overnm ent Bonds Expected to Hold Steady ......... :...................... ............ ........ ..... ........... Raymond Trigger 31 INSURANCE STATE BANKING NEWS M innesota News ............................................................. Tw in City N ew s........................................................ E. W. K ieckhefer South Dakota N ew s........................................................ — ............................. Sioux F alls N ew s....................................................................................... North Dakota N ew s............................................................................................ Nebraska News ..................................................................... Omaha News ....................... Lincoln Locals ........................................................................................... Iow a News ........................................................................................................... Des M oines N ew s................. Conventions ............................................... 39 41 43 43 45 47 49 50 53 58 61 IN THE DIRECTOR'S ROOM A F ew Short Stories to- Make Y ou L a u g h -........................................ . 62 ”50 Per Cent in Loans" “ It lias been suggested by several bankers that we call your attention to the volume of loans that we have in this bank to the ratio o f our deposits, which is about 50 per cent. This is an unusual situation and we have been advised that we are the only bank in the northwest that has this large loan ratio and we would like very much to have you advise us if you know of any other bank that (T u rn to page 22, please) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NORTHWESTERN BANKER 527 Seventh St., Des Moines 9, Iowa, Telephone 4-8163 CLIFFORD DE PUY, Publisher RALPH W. MOORHEAD Associate Publisher HENRY H. HAYNES Editor BEN J. HALLER. JR. Associate Editor ELIZABETH COLE Advertising Assistant HAZEL C. HADLEY Auditor SADIE E. WAY Circulation Department NEW YORK OFFICE Frank P. Syms, Vice President, 505 Fifth Ave., Suite 1806 MUrray Hill 2-0326 Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 10 doomed to failure. That is why for our own selfpreservation we must face the unpleasant fact that Stalin, like Hitler, will not stop but can only be stopped.” I t’s time for America to wake up and realize that Russia’s real foreign policy is an attempt to communize the rest of the world. 2>ea4 ¡jahu /J. ileillif: Across tlie Desk From tlie Publisher ubeaï rWillla*n G. Bullitt: AVe sincerely hope that every citizen in the United States reads your book, “ The Great Globe Itself,” in which you present one of the most in telligent and at the same time realistic stories of what is actually taking place in the Soviet Union. As a former United States Ambassador to Russia, you certainly know “ whereof you speak.” The idea that we can appease Russia, that we can be kind to Russia, that we can be nice and sweet to Russia and get anywhere is completely debunked by what you have to say, and the sooner the American people realize it, the better. The intention and desire of Russia to completely communize the other countries of the world is still their permanent and paramount foreign policy. As you very ably emphasized : ‘ ‘ The aim of Soviet foreign policy is constant; to establish Communism dictatorship throughout the earth. In its own eyes the Soviet Government is always engaged in warfare, open or concealed, with the non-Communist states of the world. And when the Soviet Government embraces in friendship any non-Communist government, it is always with the ultimate intention of driving a dagger into its back. That is why Stalin is unappeasable. That is why President Roosevelt’s ‘ great design’ was foreNorthwestern Banker, August, 7946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yes, indeed, the chartered banking system of America is at the crossroads and as president of the Second National Bank of Washington, D. C., your recent remarks on the banking and capital istic systems are certainly much needed at this time. AYe have too long taken our free enterprise for granted, and as you pointed out Air. Reilly, if vre do not do something to protect it, as well as our chartered system of banking, it will go as other economies have gone in England and France and elsewhere, that is toward the left, towards socialism and towards totalitarianism on the part of the governing leaders. As you so forcefully mention— “ We have so many blessings in Amer ica that we too often take them for granted. One of the greatest of our blessings is the capitalistic system, more popularly known as free enterprise. Like the air we breathe, we think it belongs to us and do nothing to protect and preserve it. “ In my opinion, only the shooting war is over. Not until the torn fabric of peace is re-woven yvill the war and the hard tasks it imposes on us be finally ended. In this program the bankers of America can play a very prominent role. “ The world at large is in turmoil, endeavoring to recover from the greatest war in history. All over the world, we see hunger, want and despair. These are conditions which breed discontent, an archy and which, unless checked, lead to great social and economic changes. “ There is a strong movement to the left. In Great Britain the labor movement is committed to a policy of nationalizing not only the Bank of England, international communications, and in land transportation, but also the coal and iron industry. In France, as well as a number of other continental European countries, the trend toward Government ownership of the principal means of production is very pronounced. What the ulti mate outcome will be in Germany and Italy is anybody’s guess. “ If we are complacent we may say that it can’t happen here—but it can.” It certainly can happen here and it is the .job of every banker in America through the opera tion of his own bank and through his own po 11 litical influence to see that we have proper representatives in our state government and in our national government to prevent the socialistic and communistic tendencies which are all around us in the world to say nothing of the existence of them in our own nation. The United States still stands out as the last great citadel of capitalistic endeavor and free enterprise—let ns keep it that way. jb ea A MuW icuj, S h ie ld s : As vice president and economist of the Bank of Manhattan Company, New York, we were inter ested in your expressions of optimism about the future prosperity of the United States that unless “ We fail to remove the blocks to full production by our private enterprise system, then we are likely to suffer a series of shocks through infla tion, labor strife and chronic unemployment which would weaken the nation’s productive strength at a time when it is dangerous to be weak.” We are glad, Mr. Shields, that you “ take the optimistic view of our longer range outlook.” “ Time after time in our history” you also point out “ the forces of radicalism have for a period held our progress in check and threatened our in stitutions of enterprise. Always before the natural inclination of our people towards conservatism has in time prevailed and we have gone forward to new heights of industrial achievement and I be lieve we are going to do it again. ’ ’ We certainly hope you are correct, Mr. Shields. On the other side of the picture David Lawrence recently stated that ‘ ‘ The nation is headed toward the most severe economic depression in its history and the responsibility for it will fall squarely on President Truman, whose mistakes since V-J Day will cost the American people not only consid erable unemployment, but the hardships of infla tion that could have been readily avoided.” Mr. Lawrence believes that the “ only way ont of the dilemma is for rigid controls on both wages and prices, and on work stoppages to be insti tuted at once—which President Truman lacks the courage to do.” Let’s hope, Mr. Shields, that with our industrial equipment, our engineering knowledge, our man agement ability and all the other factors which make the United States great, we can lessen what ever period of adversity may be ahead and by taking advantage of the opportunities which are within our grasp, we will face a period of great prosperity and not one of a great depression. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis jb eo si M a n a g e m e n t" : To rise to a position where you are included as one of three men in the “ Top Management” of one of the largest banks in the world, is recogni tion indeed of your ability and financial acumen. You three gentlemen, Winthrop W. Aldrich as Chairman of the board, II. Donald Campbell, vicechairman of the board and Arthur W. McCain, president of the Chase National Bank, have been designated as the three guiding geniuses of your great institution. We were interested in seeing just where you all received your start. We notice that you, Mr. Aldrich, commenced life in Providence, R. I., a very fine city with 253,000 population. Mr. Campbell, you were born in Danville, Illi nois^ community with 36,000 population, and you, Mr. McCain, were born in Little Rock, Arkansas, with a population of 88,000, and secured your first job in the Bank of Jonesboro, Arkansas, a town which has a population of 11,729. As the top exec utives in a great institution in a city with a popula tion of 7,554,000, we were interested that your be ginnings were in smaller communities where you kept in touch with business, with banking and with commerce at its foundations in the “ grass roots” of America. Most of our institutions have been built by such men as yourselves who grew up in communities where they learned the fundamental principles of sound economics and good business judgment. Therefore as the gentlemen from Providence and Danville and Little Rock, we salute you and have full confidence that you will continue to guide one of the greatest banks in the world along the road to improved service to its depositors and increased leadership in the affairs of the nation and the world. jbea% Kenneth K. Vat: Your remark that banks have become “ the slaves of the treasury department” is quite true since they receive approximately one-fourth the interest paid by the Government on their large holdings of federal securities. If individuals had purchased Government Bonds to a greater degree it would not have been necessary for the banks to do so. Banks can only cease being “ slaves” if they can increase their local loans and sell some of their Governments. Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 12 Northwestern Banker. August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 m ill rind where’er y o u roattv* That marble flo o r s ^ gilded walls Can never make a home. * «*♦ « But every house where love abides And friendship is a guest «>•»<*><» Ts surejy home, afi^homesweethome Tor there the heart can r e s t - Henry PanDyke i « BE IT EVER SO HUMBLE It you would like extra copies o f this picture we will be glad to send them to you with our compliments.— The Northwestern Banker. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northwest ern Banker, August, 1946 THIS IS THE UNION BANK HAYRACK PARTY. Those enjoying the ride, from left to right, are Henry Crossley, president o f the Exchange Club; Harold Wilson, president Erie Advertising and Sales Club; Jeanne A. Caldwell, president Business and Professional W om en’ s Club; S. A. Wagner, president Kiwanis Club; Otto C. Brown, president Lions Club; and A. J. Hartleb, vice president the Union Bank of Erie. lion* 9 0 !tuh>s o f Hu 1/ Mncreused Surinfjs A ccounts A Bank in Pennsylvania Tells Customers to "Make Hay While the Sun Shines" RECENT publicity program to promote to its customers the idea “Make Hay While the Sun Shines” has resulted in a substantial increase in savings accounts and dol lar volume for the Union Bank of Erie, Pennsylvania. Just prior to a special lobby display and other publicity, the Union Bank mailed a letter to a selected group of loan customers who were not carrying a savings account, and to three hun dred additional friends and customers of the bank. The letters were mailed on a Saturday to reach the customer on Monday morning, the opening day of the display. A The letter carried the heading, “ Sure, THIS IS HAY,” and directly beneath this heading was stapled several stems of real hay. The letter read as fol lows: Everybody should be “making hay Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis while the sun is shining”—and it’s certainly shining today! Everyone is busy—xoages are higher —there’s much work to be done, and it looks as though it will continue for quite some time. So, we say, NOW is the time to systematically save. Lay away a speci fied amount each pay day. It’s sur prising how quickly it will grow—and safe, too! In the years to come you can enjoy the fruits of your labor and profit by a wise decision, if you start saving today. Let us tell you all about our savings plan—it makes it profitable for you to save! ALFRED J. HARTLEB, Vice President-Cashier. Describing the display in the bank lobby and other publicity methods used, Alfred J. Hartleb, vice president and cashier of the Union Bank, says: “ Monday morning the lobby was ap propriately decorated to carry out the idea. On the outside in front of the bank, seven bales of hay were ar ranged on end on either side of the entrance. In the lobby of the bank there were thirty-three bales between the two customers’ counter desks; fif teen were arranged in skyscraper fash ion. The other eighteen were through out the bank at various points of ad vantage. Seventeen bales were used between our building entrance to the building’s lobby and from there to the building’s main entrance. Eighteen display cards of various sizes and col ors, of the enclosed wording, were attached to the bales of hay through the bank lobby and building lobby. There were ten pitchforks used, which were stuck in various bales of hay. The officers and employes on the first floor wore straw hats and red and blue bandanna handkerchiefs. In the front THE LOBBY of the Union Bank o f Erie, Pennsylvania, displayed numerous bales of hay to carry out the suggestion to “ Make Hay While the Sun Shines.” The view above is from the entrance to the bank. window—high enough that it could be seen from across the street—was a cow—four feet by three feet, which was mechanized and the head and mouth moved as though the cow was chewing its cud, and the tail was switching. Around it was built sev eral bales of hay, pitchforks stuck in the hay, straw hats and a couple of black cats on which were written “ Feed the Kitty every day. Ten cents a day will make $36.50 a year.” A large, colorful sign in the front win dow drew to the attention of the crowd that ‘Make Hay While the Sun Shines’ meant ‘Save regularly—and so much money . . . Ain’t Hay.’ “At noon Monday, from the park to the bank, which is six blocks, we had a hayrack party. At 12:30 our local radio station made a fifteen min ute recording in which the announcer described the hayrack, the bank lobby and the particular window in which the cow was set up. After which he asked a direct question on savings of each of the riders—there was quite a bit of ad libbing, which made it very entertaining and humorous. We also were complimented very highly by the radio listening public when the re cording was broadcast over the local station that evening from 7:15 to 7:30. “ In following up the above program for the purpose of opening new sav ings accounts, we are paying the em ployes 50c per $100 for all new business which is put on the books and which Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis will be paid to them next January 1st on the balance at that time. We have opened a number of accounts so far and expect that it will accelerate as the employes find it is profitable to them.” # # They Know About Country Banks (See Cover Photo) Shown seated in our cover picture this month are (left to right) Norman B. Shaffer and O. B. Wallace, vice presidents of the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, whose names are household words in that bank of 3,000 people. later he became cashier of the First National of Letcher, South Dakota, and from 1925 to 1929 he was assistant superintendent of the South Dakota Banking Department. In September of 1929 he joined the Continental Illi nois and in 1936 was elected an assist ant cashier. He has been a vice presi dent since 1943. Standing are (left to right): Wilfred E. Resseguie, second vice president, and Arthur J. Frey and George F. Kernan, assistant cashiers. “Bill” Resseguie is another Iowan. He was born in Algona. When he was graduated from the University of Iowa in 1926, he became an out-of-town representative of the Continental and in 1942 he was elected an assistant cashier. In 1945 he was advanced to second vice president. Norm Shaffer is a product of Al toona, Iowa, where he worked in the Shaffer State Bank after completing his studies at Drake University. In 1921 he left the bank in Altoona and joined the State Banking Department in Des Moines. Four years later he emigrated to Chicago and the Conti nental, and was elected to official posi tion in 1929. In 1940 he became a fullfledged vice president. Not to be outdone, Art Frey ar ranged to be born in Emmetsburg, Iowa. In 1921 he became assistant cashier of the Patterson Savings Bank, Patterson, Iowa, and was successively in the Des Moines National and Peo ples Trust and Savings, Perry, Iowa, until he joined the Continental in Chi cago in 1926. He was elected an assist ant cashier in 1943. Barry Wallace comes from Wessington Springs, South Dakota. He at tended Dakota Wesleyan, and in 1910 was employed as assistant cashier of the Commercial and Savings Bank, Mitchell, South Dakota. Eight years The only native Chicagoan in the picture is George Kernan. He started his banking career with the Continen tal at 20 and worked up through vari ous of the bank’s 52 divisions and was elected an assistant cashier in 1945. Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 16 MJtox Loa Question Y ou r 6'. / . Important Points Dealing Primarily With New Construction Loans and Appraisals By WALTER T. ROBINSON Iowa Loan Guarantee Officer, who answers the things you want to know about the Servicemen's Readjustment Act HIS month’s Question Box deals T primarily with new construction loans and appraisals. tional thereto. This requires you to notify the loan guarantee office within thirty days following full disburse ment from such account. Q. Should loans for the construction Q. Under prior confirmation, when of new homes he processed under the automatic plan, or with prior confir the lender follows his usual custom of mation? A. Yes. Q. Tn case the date of final and full disbursement is not the same as date of the note shown on the home loan report, or the date shown on the cer tificate of disbursement, where and how should Ave indicate to the loan guarantee office the date of actual final and full disbursement? Q. Tn the case of new construction loans, what advantages are there to the lender in using escrowed or ear marked accounts? A. In the case of automatic loans show such date of disbursement at the top of the reverse side of the loan report; in the case of prior confirma tion in the space above your signature on the certificate of disbursement. A. The only advantage in using such accounts is to gain full disbursement, thereby obtaining a certificate of guar anty immediately. For a definition of “full disbursement” read Section 36: 4301 (p) of the Regulations. A. It has been ruled that an escrow account requires deposit of the pro ceeds of the loan with an independent depositor out of the control of both the lender and the borrower. It fur ther requires a formal escrow agree ment with full instructions for com plete disbursement of the proceeds of the loan. It has been recently ruled that the lender’s attorney may act as escrowee. Funds earmarked cannot exceed 10 per cent of the amount of the loan. Consequently earmarking is limited in its use to such transactions as repairs, or loan closing costs. When funds are either escrowed or earmarked and so indicated on the home loan report, your guaranty cer tificate will have to be issued condi Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. No. It is required, however, that loans be reported for guarantee, either automatic or prior confirmation pro cedure, within thirty days from date of full and final disbursement. Q. Can the date of final payment of loan expenses be construed to be the date of full and final disbursement? A. Lenders generally prefer to make such loans with prior confirmation. It is our opinion that loans for the con struction of new homes can best he processed with prior confirmation. Such procedure is outlined in chapter 6, pages 16 and 17 of the handbook en titled “Guaranty or Insurance of Loans to Veterans.” Q. What are the difficulties involved in connection with setting up of such accounts. thirty days from the date of the cer tificate of approval? W A L T E R T. R O B IN S O N Answers Your Questions placing funds in a “Loans in Process” account to be disbursed during the process of construction, should he indi cate on the home loan report that funds have been escrowed or ear marked? A. No. In the eyes of the regula tions he has neither escrowed nor ear marked funds. If the dwelling has been completed, the lender will certify, among other things, that construction has been completed in compliance with the terms of the contract. This is done on Form 1876, certificate of dis bursement, following receipt of which a loan guaranty certificate is issued. Q. Do new construction loans have to be reported for guarantee within Q. H oav are appraisals m a de on n e w c o n s t r u c t io n lo a n s ? A. From blueprints, specifications and a contractor’s bid submitted by the lender to the appraiser prior to construction. Q. H oav does the appraiser deter mine costs of neAV construction? A. Such costs are determined from an actual breakdown of building costs in his community from information assembled through reliable sources. Q. To what extent A v il l the FHA fa cilitate in the determining of costs through their present system in grant ing priorities? A. Since June 10, 1946, the Federal Housing Administration, before grant ing a priority for a new house, re- 17 quires specifications, blueprints and a contractor’s bid. The priority will not be granted except at a cost in line with reasonable value. In the case of con tractors building for sale, two FHA inspections during the process of con struction are mandatory. In the case of a veteran building a house through a contractor, he can request two FHA inspections, which will be provided free of cost, thereby the lender, the appraiser and the veteran are provided with a guide as to reasonable costs and likewise with careful inspection dur ing construction. A 3 -fía n k Mtanker Q. May an eligible veteran build a home on property owned by his wife? A. No. Title to the property must be in the name of the veteran, or in the name of the veteran and his wife as joint tenants with right of survivor ship. Q. Is the widow, or divorced wife of a veteran eligible for a guaranteed loan? A. No. Privileges under Title III of the Act are for the eligible veteran only and do not extend to his family. Q. When a new home is contem plated, is it required that the applicant employ an architect to draw up plans and specifications? A. If stock plans and specifications are available, they may be used. Plans furnished by magazines, such as Bet ter Homes and Gardens, have been prepared by r e l i a b l e architects. Sketches on wrapping paper without measurements and specifications are not acceptable. Q. Can a veteran who is a carpenter be allowed credit for his own work, in case he desires to help contract his own home? G. N. REPPE DISCUSSES bank problems with Mrs. Reppe. Mrs. Reppe assisted in the bank during war days, and continues as one of the personnel. RESIDENT of three banks in south ern Minnesota, G. N. Reppe of Grand PMeadow makes service to customers and his community the number one project of his banking activities. Mr. Reppe is president of the First State Bank, Grand Meadow, the First State Bank of Racine, which he organized, and the State Bank of Oakland, located a few miles west of Austin. Mr. Reppe and his family own all the stock in the three banks. A. H. Temanson is cashier of the bank at Racine, and O. C. Lee is cash ier of the State Bank of Oakland. In operating the First State Bank of Grand Meadow, Mr. Reppe is as sisted by his wife, and more recently by his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Burns. Mr. Burns came into the bank when he returned from the service. It could be said of Mr. Reppe that A. Yes. His labor and skill should be given consideration in the contrac tor’s bid, the same as anyone else. - Height in a home without a basement is figured from the bottom of the foot ing rather than from the bottom of the cement floor. Q. What are the advantages and dis advantages of building a home in Iowa without a basement and in such cases, how is the cubical content figured? Q. What is functional depreciation? A. Attractive homes that are suit able for California or Texas are not often practicable in Iowa, due largely to climate. Practicability must be given consideration. It has a direct relationship to resale value. Footings have to go down below frost. Usable space provided in a basement is cheap and practicable for the small home. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. Functional depreciation occurs on the interior of the dwelling. It represents obsolescence, such as old bathroom, out-of-date bath room fix tures, colonnades and poorly arranged kitchens. Q. What is economic depreciation? A. Economic depreciation o c c u r s he is so interested in his business he practically lives in the bank. Which, in case of the Reppe familly, is true. The second floor of the bank building has been arranged into one of the most attractive apartments one could hope to find anywhere. In fact, the space was large enough to make two apart ments, one of which is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Burns. The bank building, equipped with oil heat, has a large basement to which there is a private side entrance off the street. In the basement Mr. Reppe has furnished a large room with ta bles and chairs, a small complete kitchen, with all facilities for prepara tion of food, and has made the room available as a meeting place for dif ferent local organizations, making the First State Bank of Grand Meadow, Minnesota, not only the financial cen ter, but also the social center, of the community. # # outside of the lot line, such as a change in the neighborhood, lack of zoning permitting the encroachment of busi ness properties and factories. It could be brought about by a change in the racial neighborhood. # # On Faculty On the faculty at the Central States School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin during its two-week ses sion is Sumner G. Sinclair, Northwest ern National Bank of Minneapolis aud itor. The school provides advanced study and research in banking, economic and monetary problems. Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 News andViews OF THE BANKING WORLD By Clifford Oe Puy R OBERT LINDQUIST, assistant vice president of the American Nation al Bank and Trust Company, Chi cago, and second vice president of the Financial Advertisers Association, has just written a book on advertising entitled “Planning and Budgeting a Bank’s Advertising Program.” The material was originally used as a the sis for Graduate School of Banking. In a letter to the N orthwestern B anker , Preston E. Reed, executive R O B ER T L IN D Q U IS T “ Advertising is a tremendous force— it brings a bank added business and profits” vice president of the F.A.A., said, “ I believe this book to be the most com prehensive study of the over-all pic ture of bank advertising that’s been written in several years.” As Mr. Lindquist very ably points out in his excellent book, “Advertising is a tremendous force — well planned and intelligently followed through, it brings a bank not only added business and profits, but more important for continuing success, the confidence and esteem of its community.” M. K. A7an Horne, president of the Farmers State Bank of Pawnee City, Nebraska, has installed a ceiling in his bank of acoustic fibre which, together with a modern air-conditioning unit, makes the bank’s equipment most upto-date. In commenting on the new ceiling, Mr. Van Horne said, “It is supposed to deaden sounds— make it quieter in side—so we can hear a customer who Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis might wish to whisper that he would like to borrow $1,000 or $2,000.” Brigadier Leonard P. Ayres, vice president of the Cleveland Trust Com pany, emphasizes that, “ In the long run our national economic welfare de pends on the volume of production of valuable goods and services. The more we produce the more we shall have to divide among ourselves, and the larger the share of each can be. So far we have done a deplorably poor job of production since peace returned. We ought to be having a business boom, but ever since last summer we have been impairing the possibility of having one. We are trying to have a low-production prosperity, and it can’t be done.” Carl AAT. Mesmer, vice president of the Bankers Trust Company of Des Moines, has a son, First Lieutenant Cary AA7. Mesmer, Jr., who was in the Marine Corps during the war and re cently received the following citation when he was awarded the bronze star medal: “For meritorious achievement in connection with operations against the enemy from 3 August, 1943, to 21 Sep tember, 1945, during which time he served as a weapon’s platoon com mander and as commanding officer of a marine rifle company on Tarawa, Gilbert Islands; as aide to the assistant commander of a marine division on Saipan and Tinian, Marianas Islands; as aide to the chief of staff of a marine amphibious corps; and as aide to the commanding general of a service com mand. On Tarawa, First Lieutenant Mesmer, then a second lieutenant, as sumed command of his company when all other officers had become casual ties, and led it with distinction for the remaining two days of battle. As aide to the assistant commander of a mar ine division on Saipan and Tinian, he, by his disregard for his own safety while under heavy enemy fire, served as an example to all who worked with him. During combat operations against the enemy, he continually performed his duties in a courageous and exem plary manner, and throughout this period he was of invaluable aid to the commanding general. His conduct was at all times in keeping with the high est traditions of the United States Naval Service.” Richard Rapport, bank commission er for the state of Connecticut, does not believe that bank earnings for 1945 have been excessive and indicates that last year the insured commercial bank of the country grossed $2,479,000,000 a n d government securities yielded $1,133,000,000 or almost 46 per cent of all income. The Federal Housing Administra tion at Washington during 1945 had an income of $29,850,000 and expenses of $10,538,000. In 12 years of opera tions the FHA has a favorable balance of income over operating expenses amounting to more than $70,000,000. Revival of foreign trade is expected to receive fresh impetus from Great Britain’s use of the $3.75 billion credit from the United States. The Treasury authorized initial withdrawal of $300 million of the credit. Secretary Sny der said the British planned to use part of the loan for immediate pur chase of food and machinery. Banks in New York have announced increased rates on security loans and in general they are as follows: Loans to government bond dealers on U. S. government collateral % per cent on securities of one-year maturity or less, 1 per cent on securities maturing over one year; loans to brokers and dealers on customers’ securities IV2 per cent, and to brokers and dealers on other than governments for own account, 1 to 1% per cent, depending on the col lateral. G. D. Thompson, president of the Moline State Trust and Savings Bank of Moline, Illinois, and his associates have taken the first step in the con version of their bank to a national bank under the name of First National Bank of Moline. It is expected that the certificate of conversion and charter from the comp troller of the currency will be received in time so that the new bank may start operations on September 3, 1946. The bank is one of the oldest in the county, having been organized as the Moline Trust and Savings Bank in 1869 and merging with State Savings Bank and Trust Company in 1925. Total resources of the bank are over $17,400,000. Swayne P. Goodenough, vice presi dent of the Lincoln Rochester Trust 19 Company, of Rochester, New York, and first vice president of the Finan cial Advertisers Association, in a re cent speech in which he discussed how to encourage people to come into the bank, said, “I would begin a definite A b o u t H u n kers You K n m r program of modernizing my banking quarters. I’d remove all the brass grill work, all the dust and moss-cov ered fixtures of a generation or two ago, and do my best to create a bright, pleasant atmosphere on the banking floor—where the customers would do business across a counter as simply as they do business at the corner cigar store.” Robert M. Hanes, chairman of the Small Business Credit Commission of the American Bankers Association, and president of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Fomppny, Winston-Salem. North Carolina, in a recent speech said, “We regret that we do have some riskless bankers who would avoid their responsibility of taking ordinary busi ness risks, and some who wish to make more profit by carrying a larger loan with the support of such a guarantee and get more interest than they could otherwise. “ Such bankers are letting them selves in for another wave of criticism, I believe, when our economy ceases its upward movement and starts on the downward trend again. When that happens, it will be found that the RFC cannot indiscriminately continue to guarantee loans at a rate of threefourths per cent or less which it re ceives for its guarantee. Losses must follow in a declining economy, and the taxpayer will find that he will have to pay the bill.” A joint survey made by the Federal Reserve Board and the Bureau of Agri cultural Economics, indicates that 50 per cent of America’s families have incomes of less than $2,000 a year. The report gives the income and amount of assets in each group as fol lows: Under $1,000—Median income, $600; median assets in savings bonds, other securities and bank deposits, $20. $1,000-$1,999—Median income, $1,500; median assets, $230. $2,000-$2,999—Median income, $2,400; median assets, $470. $3,000-$3,999-—Median income, $3,300; median assets, $900. $4,000-$4,999—Median income, $4,300; median assets, $1,450. $5,000-$7,499—Median income, $5,500; median assets, $2,700. $7,500 and Over — Median income, $10,000; median assets, $7,270. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SIDNEY MAESTRE President, Mississippi Valley Trust Co., St. Louis “ A banker who is decidedly public relations minded” BANKER who is decidedly public relations minded, Sidney Maestre, A president of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of St. Louis, Missouri, is always acutely conscious of ideas, trends, and happenings that have a bear ing upon the banking business. These traits, combined with his powers of concentration, his always firm purpose and his genuine interest in the world at large, make him the executive and business leader that he is today. Sidney Maestre was born on December 14, 1891, and attended the Univer sity of Missouri, where he was a member of Beta Theta Phi fraternity. In November, 1914, Mr. Maestre married Louize Hoyt, and they have one son, Allen S. Maestre. The family are members of Christ Church in St. Louis, and for recreation Mr. Maestre enjoys golf and hunting. As for politics, he lists himself as an independent. Early in his banking career Sidney Maestre was a director and vice presi dent of the Mercantile Trust Company of St. Louis. Later he became president of the Mercantile-Commerce Trust Company, and then president of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company. One of the most outstanding characteristics of Sidney Maestre is his pro gressive, forward-looking philosophy. A number of years ago he decided that banks generally were not extending sufficient risk credit, particularly to small businesses, and therefore he established a department for the han dling of what might be termed subnormal risks. To illustrate the wisdom of his idea, during a recent eighteen-month period his bank made 157 loans to 71 different types of business for a total of $1,100,000, with delinquencies (T u rn to page 24, please) ? Northwest ern Banker, August, 1946 20 LEGAL 0 an Ëiamatjes for L oss o f Ë*rofits Hr in E xcess o f 0 eiHotj E rices? G h Morton, a banker and saw null operator, agreed to deliver certain lum ber to Grew, a lumber yard operator, for resale. The contract was valid and binding. Morton, however, was un able to deliver and it became necessary for him to pay Grew damages. The measure for such damages was Grew’s loss of profits. In determining them, could Grew use as his sale prices fig ures higher than applicable and law fully fixed ceilings? No. A person can not recover for a breach of a contract to sell lumber on the basis of a loss of proposed sales if they were to have been made above lawfully fixed ceiling prices. An ac tion will not lie to cover a demand, or a supposed claim for damages, if, to establish it, the plaintiff requires aid from an illegal transaction, or is under necessity of showing and depending in any degree upon an illegal agreement to which he may be a party. Q. Smith conveyed to Brown certain property in Nebraska for $5,000 in cash which amount represented its value. At the time Smith was indebted in a substantial amount to a bank and he made the conveyance in an effort to hinder, delay and defraud that institu tion. Brown also knew that this was the purpose of the transaction. Was the conveyance void as to the bank even though an adequate consideration was paid? Yes. Where a grantee, at the time a conveyance is made to him, has knowledge of the intent of the grantor to hinder, delay, and defraud his credi tors by the conveyance of his property, the conveyance is void as to existing creditors whether or not an adequate consideration is paid. Q . Farrell, a South Dakota banker, signed an agreement, as surety, guar anteeing that Bradley would repay certain funds borrowed by him. Dunne signed a similar agreement on a sepa rate form. Bradley did not pay as agreed and Farrell had to make good. Northwestern Banker. August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis This and Oilier Timely Legal Questions Are Answered by the LEGAL DEPARTMENT Would the fact that Dunne signed a separate agreement prevent Farrell from securing from him a contribution covering a proportionate part of Far rell’s outlay of funds? No. Where several sureties are bound by the same obligation, à surety satisfying the obligation is entitled to contribution from his cosureties, even though for such obligation the sureties are bound by separate instruments. Q. A trustee in bankruptcy for a realty company came to need certain funds to preserve the estate of the bankrupt and borrowed them from a bank. He gave trustee certificates evi dencing the indebtedness to the bank which were duly approved by the proper authorities and were in all things legal and binding. Hater the trustee resisted the enforcement of the terms of the obligation by the bank. Should he prevail? No. Certificates of a bankruptcy trustee will always be strictly en forced. They are issued for new and substantial considerations and the benefits thereof flow directly to the trustee and his charge. Like treatment is also to be accorded other similar obligations of trustees which have court approval. Q . Hobert died in Nebraska leaving a will which created a trust of a sub stantial amount of property for chari table purposes. Curtin was named trustee therein. Later on it became necessary to appoint a successor to Curtin and this was done by appropri ate court action. The will was silent as to whether the successor trustee could exercise the same powders as Curtin. Could he do so? Yes. The powers conferred upon a trustee of a charitable trust can prop erly be exercised by his successors, unless it is otherwise provided by the terms of the trust. Such is the law in these matters according to the Restate ment of the Law, Trusts, and the Nebraska Supreme Court, in a recent decision, pointed out that it is appli cable in that state. Q. The stockholders of a corporation appropriated corporate funds to their .joint benefit in 1938 and 1939 by the payment of certain life insurance pre miums. The payments could not well be classified as ordinary and necessary expenses of the company. The federal government sought to tax them as dividend distributions. The payments were not in proportion to the stock holdings. Was this fact fatal to the government’s case? No. Corporate earnings may consti tute a dividend notwithstanding that the formalities of a dividend declara tion are not observed, that distribution is not recorded on the corporate books as such, that it is not in proportion to the stockholdings, or even that some of the stockholders do not participate in its benefits. Nothing in the tax statute or decisions warrants the view that a dividend distribution loses its character as such and becomes a de ductible business expense merely be cause stockholders do not benefit equally from the distribution. Q. Lingel insured a building in South Dakota against loss by fire. The policy provided that the building was insured for its actual cash value. Did this mean that if the building should be destroyed by fire the sole measure of Lingel’s recovery under the policy would be the replacement cost less depreciation of the building? No, according to a recent South Dakota Supreme Court decision, it was held that replacement cost less depreciation of an insured building Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21 22 damaged by fire is an important ele ment to be considered in determining, but is not the sole test of, the actual cash value of the building. As an inci dent to such holding the court pointed out that other factors might be in volved, such as location and obsoles cence. Q. Dempster held a mortgage on cer tain property belonging to Walker. The mortgaged property was worth substantially more than the mortgage debt and such interest as might accrue thereon. Walker became hopelessly insolvent and went into bankruptcy. Did interest stop running on Walker’s debt to Dempster from that time for ward? No. Generally, interest stops run ning upon secured and unsecured claims after a debtor passes into bank ruptcy, unless the estate is solvent. This rule, however, does not apply to secured debts when the mortgaged property is sufficient to pay both prin cipal and interest thereon. It follows that Dempster is entitled to interest on his claim during the pendency of the bankruptcy proceedings. Q. Markle and his wife, Michigan residents, made identical wills and subsequently died. A lawsuit arose between their c h i l d r e n regarding whether there had been an oral agree ment by their parents to make mutual reciprocal Avills binding on the survi vor. Could the lawyer who had drawn the wills for the Markles testify re garding this feature of his communica tions with them during the prepara tion of the instruments? Yes. The great weight of the author ities and the text writers is that com munications between an attorney and his client during the preparation of a will are not privileged. Michigan fol lows this rule. Some states have spe cial statutes covering these matters and they, of course, govern in those instances. Q. FOREIGN BAN KIN G SERVICE Through long experience and complete facilities, this bank is equipped to handle efficiently every type of financial business connected with foreign commerce, industry and travel. We shall be pleased to discuss problems of exchange and other foreign banking matters with our bank correspondents. Foreign Banking Department Services include: Foreign R em ittance Service Commercial Letters o f Credit and Acceptances Lindeman was convicted in fed eral court for using the mails to de fraud by reason of the sale by him of pre-organization certificates in an un incorporated business headed by him. Parts of the government’s case were summaries of his accounts which were incomplete. These were admitted in evidence as they were because Lindeman had failed to keep proper ac counts of the funds entrusted to him. On appeal, Lindeinan sought a reversal of his conviction on the ground that they should not have been admitted. Should he be sustained in this connec tion? No. A person in a fiduciary capacity cannot complain that summaries of ac counts admitted in evidence are incom plete, where their inadequacy is due to his neglect to keep proper account of funds entrusted to him by investors for specific purposes. # # Travelers’ Letters o f Credit and Travelers’ Checks Foreign Monies Bought and Sold Foreign Collections—Our arrangements with our for eign correspondents enable us to offer unusual service in the discount and collection of sight, time, clean and documentary bills. Exchange of domestic ladings for ocean documents is arranged with the ut most dispatch. Credit information is furnished on foreign firms and corporations. FOREIGN BANKING DEPARTMENT The First National Bank of Chicago MEMBER FEDERAL Nòrthwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D EPO SIT INSURANCE. CO R P O R A TIO N DEAR EDITOR (Continued from page 9) compares with this volume o f loans. Our deposits which are now $1,988,671, have been gaining steadily, showing an increase of $331,395 from a year ago, and our loans have also gained steadily, showing an in crease o f $336,473. “ Recently we found it necessary to dis pose o f some of our Governments to meet the heavy demand for loans, and in a little over three years we have tripled our growth.” C. F. Witt, President The South Omaha Savings Bank, Omaha, Nebraska "Observed 31st Anniversary" “ On August 3rd we observed the 31st anniversary o f the Lytton Savings Bank by moving into our new banking quarters. This bank has had 31 years of continuous opera tion without any interruption and without stock assessment or waivers of any kind by depositors. “ D. R. Wessling was the founder o f the r If your customers want NEW BUSINESS CONTACTS ABROAD... IRVING is exceptionally well qualified to help them locate prospective buyers and sources of supply in all leading foreign countries. Im i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T r u s t C o m pan y O N E W A LL STREET . N EW Y O R K 15, N. Y . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwest ern Banker, August, 1946 24 bank, from whom I purchased control. “ Also at this time I wish to congratulate you on your excellent publication the N orth western B anker and I feel your editorials ‘Across the Desk from the Publisher’ are unsurpassed by anyone as they are based on sound, clear thinking. “ Our deposits have grown $915,000 in 10 years and are now $1,276,000.” Theo. J. Tokheim, President and Cashier Lytton Savings Bank, Lytton, Iowa "Our New Building" “ I got quite a kick out of your article in the July N orthwestern B anker and we will let you know when the remodeling in which we are now engaged is completed so you may have a chance to see our new build ing, which includes quite a few of the recom mendations set forth in the N orthwestern B anker . F. O. Glascoe, Vice Presi dent The Fourth Northwest ern National Bank at Fiverside, Minneapolis, Minnesota BANKERS YOU KNOW (Continued from page 19) and losses averaging only .005 per cent. Asked what he considered the most important problem facing bankers today, President Maestre replied: “ Convincing the public that banks and bankers are benefited only when the public is benefited." Named Director Lester Armour, senior vice president and director of the City National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, was recently made a director of the Pure Oil Company. Improved Model Greatly improved in operation over former models is the De Luxe Electric “ Protectograph” checkwriter, accord ing to The Todd Company, Rochester, N e w York, disbursement-equipment manufacturers. Chiefly interesting to users, especial ly those living in humid or tropical climates, is the treatment and finish of all interior parts to resist rust and corrosion. Other refinements are an improved ribbon reverse and control mechanism assuring trouble-free operation and uniform inking; an improved prefix word control and operating mechanism giving added disbursement safety; a smoother operating keyboard; im p r o v e d check-holding levers, and stronger shafts, castings, and other operating parts to assure efficient oper ation and long life. Refinements have also been built into the zero-and-blankstop mechanism which gives positive mechanical assurance that zeros will automatically drop i n t o place in amounts like $100,000, $1,000,000, etc. The Protectograph is supplied with a performance guarantee indemnifying users against losses which may result from alteration of amount lines writ ten on the machine. Appointment At a meeting of the board of direc tors of the Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Company, St. Louis, Walter L. Pope was appointed assistant trust officer in the trust department. Approves A.I.B. Courses For A ll Your Chicago Items Many Iowa bankers know by experience that Drovers' specialized facilities and trained staff do speed collections. special handling in every part of Chicago. Drafts receive Remitting of livestock proceeds is geared to save time— often a full day. The Drovers National Bank is a regular member of the Chicago Clearing House. We Invite You to Use Drovers Service For All Your Chicago Items M embers, F ed era l d e p o s it Insu rance C orporation DROVERS RATIONAL BANK DROVERS TRUST 0 SAVINGS BANK U N I O N S T O C K N ort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Y A R D S , C H I C A G O ysH I The American Institute of Banking, educational section of the American Bankers Association, has announced to its chapters throughout the country that its correspondence courses have been granted blanket approval by the Veterans Administration for veteran training under the G. I. Bill of Rights. T h e announcement states, “ The American Institute of Banking has been informed by the Veterans Ad ministration in Washington that its correspondence course program has been approved under Public Laws 16 and 346. “ This means that veterans of World War II may enroll for correspondence courses of the institute, the full costs of which will be borne by the Veterans Administration, under either of the above mentioned public laws up to the extent of each veteran’s educational Y 25 A FOREIGN DEPARTMENT a t Your Service The coming years should bring the greatest volume of foreign trade ever attained by the United States, according to the Depart ment of Commerce . . . You can render your customers a valuable service by helping them with their foreign trade and international banking transactions. Helping our correspondent banks with these problems is, in turn, a service we offer you . . . The world-wide facilities o f our Foreign Department are at your disposal. ban kers T r u st Co m p a n y NEW Y O R K MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A Partial List of Bankers Trust Company Services to Banks Collection o f Par and Non-Par Checks Collection o f Notes, Drafts, Coupons, Matured Bonds and Other Items (D om estic and Foreign) Transfer o f Funds, Remittances and D om estic M oney Orders Credit Information Commercial Paper Purchases Servicing Loans to Brokers and Dealers Participation with Correspondent Banks in Loans to Local Enterprises Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dealers in United States Govern ment, State and Municipal Securities Investment Information Receipt and Delivery o f Securities Commercial and Travelers Letters o f Credit Safekeeping o f Securities Consultation on Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans Co-Paying or Exchange Agent, Co-Transfer Agent or Registrar, and Co-Depositary Trust and Reserve Accounts International Trade and Foreign Banking Facilities Northwest ern Banker, August, 1946 26 entitlement.” Complete directions are then given on the steps to be taken by the veteran in enrolling under this program. Some 150 chapters of the institute in 32 states had previously been desig nated by their state approval agencies as authorized educational facilities un der the provisions of the act. This earlier approval covered only courses provided by chapters which veterans would attend in person. The new blan ket approval makes it possible for veterans to take courses in banking subjects through regular chapter study classes or by mail. Rate Advanced Dividend The Chase National Bank announced that, effective July 31st, the call money rate was advanced from 1 to IV2 per cent. For dealers in U. S. government se curities, in cases where the securities have a relatively short maturity and are part of current transactions on a day-to-day basis, the bank’s interest rate will be continued at three-fourths per cent for the present. On other loans against U. S. govern ment securities the rate to dealers is advanced to 1 per cent, effective July 22nd. On loans against corporate and municipal securities the interest rate to dealers ranges from 1 to IV2 per cent. The regular $3 semi-annual dividend on the common stock of the American Bank and Trust Company of Chicago was voted at the meeting of the bank’s board of directors held last month. The dividend was declared out of the bank’s earnings for the first six months of 1946, being payable $1.50 on July 15th to stockholders of record July 13th and $1.50 on October 15th to stock holders of record October 14th. ADD O U R F A C IL IT IE S AND E X P E R IE N C E TO Y O U R S As a correspondent of The Northern Trust Company, your bank adds to its own cus tomer services the complete facilities, the techniques and the broad experience gained by this institution over a period of many years. And you will find in each of our de partments a friendly, cooperative staff, inter ested in your problems. Your inquiries are cordially invited. E. Jack Sitgreaves, assistant vice president of the Bankers Trust Com pany, New York, has been appointed as a member of the subcommittee on Model state banking code of the com mittee on state legislation of the Amer ican Bankers Association, it has been announced by Frank C. Rathje, presi dent of the A.B.A., who is also presi dent of the Chicago City Bank and Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Sitgreaves, who was formerly executive vice president and trust offi cer of the Easton Trust Company, Easton, Pennsylvania, recently re turned from the U. S. Army Air Forces with which he served with the rank of major in the Meriterranean Theater of Operations. Before entering the armyhe was associate editor of the Penn sylvania Banking and Building & Loan Codes, Annotated & With Forms, and served as chairman of the trust com pany section of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association and president of the Corporate Fiduciaries Association, Group III, Pennsylvania Bankers Asso ciation. i| Martin Katte, auditor of Farmers and Merchants Bank, Long Beach, Cali fornia, was elected president of the Southern California Conference of the National Association of Bank Auditors and Comptrollers at the annual elec tion meeting held in Los Angeles. D. L. Havens, assistant comptroller, Bank of America, Los Angeles head quarters, was elected vice president, and T. H. Ballmer, head office, Secu rity-First National Bank of Los Ange les, was named secretary-treasurer. Outgoing president was Norman E. Kenyon, assistant auditor of California Bank, Los Angeles. Promotions 50 S O U T H LA S A L L E S T R E E T , C H IC A G O 90, I L L IN O IS M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3 Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 To A.B.A. Committee Auditors Elect THE N O R T H E R N TRU ST COM PAN Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 The Chase National Bank, New York, has announced the following promotions in the official staff of the bank: Vice presidents—Alfred W. Barth, Harold R. Robinson and Joseph E. Williams. ___ _ 27 Second vice president—Frederick T. Burrows, Christopher J. Kelly and Ed win J. Smith. Sioux City Manager G. A. Paulsrud has been appointed manager of Northwestern National Life’s northwest Iowa agency with offices in the Badgerow Building at Sioux City, Iowa. The agency covers 11 counties in northwest Iowa, lying west and north of the territory of the Connolly Agency which also has its headquarters in the company’s Sioux City offices. Prior to entering the life insurance business with NwNL in 1939, Mr. Paulsrud was a teacher and school superintendent. After making an out standing personal production record he joined the company’s agency field service staff and during the past year has been a supervisor attached to the Des Moines service office. . . . t h e w a y he lives Lots of sunshine and a setting of natural beauty have made the average Californian a devotee of "life in the open.’’ It’s easy to enjoy outdoor life in California, and the citizens are willing to take the time to enjoy it. Dividend A cash dividend of $1.00 per share for the current semi-annual period, or at the annual rate of $2.00 per share on all common stock outstanding, has been declared by the directors of Bank of America NT&SA. This represents an increase of 25 per cent over the 80 cent dividend paid in the previous semi-annual period. At the same time the directors de clared the regular semi-annual divi dend of $1.00 on the convertible pre ferred stock at the regular annual rate of $2.00 per share. President L. M. Giannini reported to the board that after recent preferred stock conversions aggregating approxi mately 385,000 shares, the original 600,000 shares of preferred stock have been reduced to about 20,000, and as a con sequence the board issued a call for the redemption of the remaining out standing preferred shares, effective July 31, 1946. The right to convert each preferred share into approximate ly one and one-third shares of common stock expired June 30th. A.B.A. Members Seventeen banks from nine states recently became new members of the American Bankers Association, accord ing to a report of the organization com mittee, of which R. L. Dominick, presi dent of the Traders Gate City National Bank, Kansas City, Missouri, is chair man. The new A.B.A. member banks in clude: California — American Trust Com pany, San Mateo. Colorado—First State Bank, Rangeley. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . . a n d the w a y he b an ks Unique is the statewide system of banking exem plified by Bank of rThe California Trend” A m e r ic a . N e a r ly 500 b ra n ch e s . . . a fact-based study . . . will help you plan your business if your plans include California. Write Dept. AD, 300 Mont gomery St., San Francisco 20, or 660 So. Spring St., Los Angeles 54, for a free copy. situated in every important town or city provide a valuable banking service that is statewide in scope, yet local in community understanding. Bank o f America, a member o f the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, has main offices in the two reserve cities o f California—San Francisco and Los Angeles. ◄ RESOURCES OVER 5Va BILLION DOLLARS ^ i&mtk o f A m e rica N A T IO N A L Ja LO N D O N , EN G LA N D , BRA N CH : v Si n ag s A S S O C IA T IO N 12 N IC H O L A S L A N E , L O N D O N , E. C . 4 BLUE AND GOLD BANK OF AMERI CA TRAVELERS C H E q U E S ARE AVAI LABLE T H R O U G H AUT H OR I Z E D BANKS AND AGENCI ES EVERYWHERE Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 28 < R em o d eled and E nlavf/ed O ffice E. CHESTER GERSTEN, president of the Public National Bank and Trust Company o f New York, announces the formal opening of the ba n k ’ s newly enlarged and remodeled Midtown Office at Seventh Avenue and 39th Street. Customers can now be served by an augmented staff with added convenience and efficiency, both on the main banking floor and on the ex panded mezzanine, which houses the Foreign, Credit and New Business departments. Joseph Singer, vice president, continues in charge of the Midtown Office. Associated with Mr. Singer are John Obeda, vice president; Herbert K. Baskin, assistant vice president; Peter White, assistant vice president, and Benjamin Sloan, assistant cashier. Illinois—Chatham Bank of Chicago, Chicago; Marine National Bank of Chi cago, Chicago; Tuscola National Bank, Tuscola, Illinois. Indiana—Wabash Valley Trust Com pany of Peru, Bunker Hill; Wabash Valley Trust Company of Peru, Den ver; Owen County State Bank of Spen cer, Gosport. Kansas—Eskridge State Bank, Esk ridge; American State Bank, Great Bend; Citizens State Bank, McCracken; Rose Hill State Bank, Rose Hill; Tonganoxie State Bank, Tonganoxie. Mississippi—Peoples Bank, Louin. Missouri-—Arcadia Valley Bank, Ar cadia. Nebraska—First State Bank, Ran dolph. Oklahoma—Security National Bank, Cowete. Banks Help Farmers The nation’s 13,000 country banks are extending more than $1,000,000,000 in credit to their farm customers to support agriculture production, ac cording to a report made by the Agri cultural Commission of the American Bankers Association. The report shows that non-real es tate agricultural loans held by all in sured banks in continental United States aggregated $1,009,600,000 on Jan uary 1, 1946, an increase of almost $100,000,000 from the January 1, 1945, total of $917,400,000. The current out Northwesfenn Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis standing loan volume is nearly double the amount of farm production loans held by the banks in 1937. These figures arranged by the Amer ican Bankers Association from data of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo ration do not include loans from banks not insured by that agency. From these non-real estate loans held by the banks are excluded bank loans guar anteed by the Commodity Credit Cor poration and all bank loans secured by real estate. Non-real estate agricul tural loans are generally regarded as farm production loans as the banks provide credit for their farm custom ers to purchase seed, farm equipment and machinery, breeder and feeder livestock, and for other agricultural purposes which contribute directly to the production of crops. The largest increase in use of nonreal estate bank credit occurred in California, where loans outstanding on January 1st of this year aggregated $91,800,000, compared with $65,000,000 the year previous. The use of bank credit by farmers increased in all states with the exception of South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota and Missouri. California Bank An increase of $3,000,00 in the capi tal structure of California Bank, bring ing the total of that figure to $16,302,729, and a jump in loans from $57,260,- 29 ► r 575 to $65,013,825 are the principal fea tures of that institution’s midyear statement of condition. The capital structure is now made up of $6,500,000 in common stock, $6,500.000 in surplus and $3,302,729 in undivided profits. The gain of $1,500.000 in common capital and $900,000 of the $1,120,000 gain in surplus was realized through the sale of 60,000 shares of stock at $40 per share which was sold ratably to shareholders early in the year. Normal deposits remained about the same as at the first of the year, a de cline in demand deposits being offset by a similar increase in time deposits, but a drop of $37,000,000 in United States war loan deposits resulted in an overall decrease in total deposits to $449,086,179 as compared with $486,625,009 at the beginning of the year. Total resources of the bank now amount to $468,649,686. California Trust Company, wholly owned by the bank, shows capital of $1,000,000, surplus of $500,000 and un divided profits of $239,960. McKittrick Joins Chase National Bank Winthrop W. Aldrich, chairman of the board of the Chase National Bank, announced recently that Thomas H. McKittrick will join the staff of the bank as a vice president in the coming autumn, giving his attention to ques tions of policy involved in foreign rela tionships and loans, as well as to the bank’s operations in the foreign field. Mr. McKittrick has been engaged in banking and financial affairs in Europe for the past 30 years, the only inter ruption being four years during which he saw foreign service in the Ameri can army during World War I and two years in the New York office of Lee, Higginson & Company. His first work abroad was to assist in the organiza tion of the Genoa, Italy branch of the National City Bank of New York, of which he became acting sub-manager. In 1922 he joined the firm of Lee, Hig ginson & Company in London, being later admitted to a partnership, which he retained until 1939. Since the be ginning of 1940 he has held the office of president of the Bank for Interna tional Settlements in Basle, Switzer land, which position he relinquished on June 30th this year in order to re turn to the United States. Dividend V The 194th consecutive quarterly dividend of the Northern Trust Com pany, Chicago, was declared by the directors. This dividend of $4.50 is payable on July 1, 1946, to stockhold ers of record June 18, 1946. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis with facilities,fa d s, contacts . ;.l, com p lete, modern C0" , , rp ,i knowledge on-the-grouncl • ness, in d u in '’ Im re fa d .« « of Wisconsin b u s i- orresPondent .p lu scorresp ^ 0{ aU the banks through" c o n t a c t s ^ 0- c . _ and always out this state. A , to serve in many ways t beyond readV tine efficiency. ( mere routine the usual limits o < AND BANKS D M .« « * D .V .S 1 0 H y ¿ce President ^ president ^ president Georce T. Campbell Richard J- Lawless Donald A-Harper - A ss. FIRST WISCONSIN NATIONAL BANK OF M I L W A U K E E MEMBER FEDERAL • Wi s c ons i n’s Bank for Banks DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 ‘« Cable cars ì i L in k in g on N ob Hill B u sin e ss an d P le a s u re Flower vendor in Let the world-famous bridges o f San Francisco link your F.A.A. San Francisco Convention trip with a vacation in romantic California. Explore San Francisco . . . the city that knows how to entertain with its celebrated restaurants catering to the epicure . . . its exotic foreign Grove of majestic quarters in the heart o f a modern metropolis. Visit the majestic redwoods Redwood Empire * . . the fairyland o f Yosemite . . . the gleaming sands o f Carmel-by-the-Sea. This is one convention you . . . and your wife . . . don’t want to miss. Send your reservations today to Preston E. Reed, Ocean scene Executive Vice-President, F .A .A ., 231 So. LaSalle Street, Chicago 4. near Carmel F. A. A. CONVENTION Non'ftv/c; cm F a n .'.cr, A u g u st, 1746 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • S AN FRANCISCO • OCTOBER 7, 8, 9, 10 31 INVESTMENTS P rices of GovernmePonds E xpected to H old Steudy However, Prudent Bankers Will Keep the Average Maturity of Their Governments Within Five Years— Perhaps a Little Closer to Four By RAYMOND TRIGGER Investment Analyst New York City published t w o months ago, the report to Con gress by the governors of the Federal Reserve System on postwar credit policy remains the most impor tant development since the Treasury’s debt retirement program was launched last spring. The report of the governors con tains three rather vague and ill-defined proposals for greater monetary con trols. They are offered for the consid eration of the Congress at this time, and are not urged for immediate, or even prompt adoption. Certain details are designedly undefined on the theory that the Congress will want to develop its own definitions and will also desire to discuss the whole problem with Treasury and reserve experts before writing the new proposals into law if, indeed, the Congress proves receptive to the Reserve’s suggestions. Thus, there is no need for precipitate action in anticipation that the Reserve will be granted new and additional powers over the country’s commercial banks. The terms are yet to be pro mulgated and the entire philosophy upon which the three proposals rest may be rejected by the Congress when, perhaps some time in early 1947, it gets around to considering the subject. The underlying philosophy upon which the report rests is close to that of those who have advocated con tinued price control as a major, and in some cases as the only means of combating inflation. Long before the Congress deals with the Reserve’s pleas price control may be a dead duck. If so, practically all the basic assump tions made by the governors will be highly suspect and, presumably, not very persuasive. In sum, then, quite possibly the rem edies proposed will seem worse than A l t h o u g h Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the evils complained of by the Con gress. Of equal interest is the question of whether any additional powers (aside from the question of whether those sought are the most desirable) are needed. On this point the gover nors appear almost naive. They find themselves unable to follow a “tradi tional policy” and ask for “alternative measures.” But the reason that the traditional policy may not be followed is that the Reserve has given an as surance to the Treasury that an artifi cially low rate will be maintained on one-year certificates because the board “does not favor a higher level of inter est rates than the government is now paying.” Thus, by throwing in with the “cheap money” people, the board has hamstrung itself. Unable to resort in the public interest to the recognized instruments of credit control—the dis count rate and open market operations —which were conferred upon it by the Federal Reserve Act, the board now seeks further powers. The complete summary, then, is that the three proposals may be harmful and may not be needed. Budget Balance Remote In contrast to this rather unsatisfac tory situation arising from policies not uninfluenced by political considera tions, the authorities, without asking for additional powers and acting well within the framework of “traditional policies,” have taken a few steps along the orthodox path of deflation. For one, the debt has been further reduced by the redemption of $1,250,000,000 of certificates on August 1st. The re maining $1,219,000,000 was “rolled over” in the strange jargon of the banking world. That operation brought the total reduction of federal debt to $13,400,000,000 since the program was , .*,■■j initiated last spring. The Federal Re serve has eliminated the one-half per cent preferential discount rate on loans to member banks collateralized with short governments. There is an other “drive” on to increase sales of savings bonds and to dissuade holders from cashing those they now own. All of the efforts to control the banks and to prevent demonetization of the debt and to curb an inflation that may or may not develop would be infinitely easier, or perhaps entirely unneces sary were the federal government to balance its budget. On this score the outlook ik, charitably püt, spotty. ! In the fiscal year ended on June 30th, the government came through with a deficit of almost $22,000,000,000, a sum $32,000,000,000 less than was thought proper in the preceding fight ing war year. The trend doubtless will persist because the outlays on way efforts must be much smaller, but the authorities can claim no special credit for spending less on a war that is won. The sector to which attention should be directed is that of the home front. In the year just ended, the cost of the federal government, exclusive of war activities, debt interest, care of veterans and international mone tary commitments was upwards of $6,000,000,000, some $2,000,000,000 more than in the preceding fiscal year. And the worst part is that the cost of ordi nary government services is still ris ing. In June it was $917,000,000 com pared with $364,000,000 in June, 1945. The situation is not improved when the intake side is considered. In the ’45-’46 fiscal year, revenues were off only $3,400,000,000, but a good deal more than a third of the drop took place in the final month of the fiscal year. All this adds up to continued deficit Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 32 Investments financing. The latter is inflationary. So it seems essentially futile to be making herculean efforts to combat in flation and at the same time to be per sistently introducing inflationary po tentialities into the economic system. of the Currencies" There is no reason to be cheerful on this subject. Ohio’s Senator Taft, al though a politician who perhaps is not unaware that there is a presidential contest coming in 1948, and a Republi can not averse to embarrassing the administration is, nevertheless, a man whose words carry weight. He has estimated federal income at 35 and outgo at 47 billions in the present fiscal years, or a deficit of 12 billions. However, the authorities still have vast powers with which to maintain the “cheap money” policy and doubt less will use them. The debt retire ment program likely will be continued since Mr. Snyder has abandoned the course he once hinted at when it seemed that by so doing he might help to preserve OPA. More recently, he has found no cause for concern with the slight tightening of money rates in financial centers and told the press that the government fiscal policy won’t be much affected thereby. Altogether, as this is written, man agers of bank portfolios need not be unduly concerned about the price of governments. There has been some f f e j U*- m- 1 Jamieson & C ompany Members New York Stock Exchange and Other Principal Exchanges —- Fminrlpft 1913 THOMSON & McK in n o n STOCKS • BONDS COMMODITIES 216-218 Empire Bldg. DES M O IN E S ★ Phone 4-2127 STOCKS BONDS COMMODITIES 11 W all Street, New York 231 S. LaSalle St., Chicago Branches in 34 Cities ★ MINNEAPOLIS FARGO ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS DULUTH SIOUX FALLS EAU CLAIRE P riv a te W ir e to A ll Prin cip a l M a rk ets Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Write for our weekly Stock Survey DIRECT PRIVATE W IR E Laverne M. Bartow M anager Members New York Stock Exchange and other principal exchanges shaking out of speculative holdings on margin and during July there was some weakness in prices. Some of the banks will be pushed around a bit to maintain reserves as war loan ac counts are drawn upon, but the two ba sic factors are unchanged. There will be vast sums seeking employment and there will be no retreat by the authori ties from the determination to hold in terest rates on government debt at, or even below prevailing levels. Although there is no reason why the quotation for Canadian dollars, the English pound or Sweden’s kroner should be considered when fixing in vestment policies, the start of what may be a “Battle of the Currencies” last month did create some fears in the minds of bankers. It is probably not important that one of the most frequently invoked arguments in support of the Bretton Woods plan was that something must be done to forestall a race to devalue currencies and that, if anything, we are now looking at a trend among other countries to upvalue their cur rencies as against the U. S. dollar. The record contains too many instances of poor predicting by Washington to justify singling out this particular non sense. The fact is that Canada restored her unit of currency to parity with that of the U. S. and that Sweden has up graded her kroner in dollars. The Swiss franc, of course, is in a class by itself, backed by 100 per cent and more of gold. The Canadians had every justifica tion for abandoning a wartime expe diency. Their economy is every bit as sound as ours and something like that may be said of the Swedish situ ation. For years residents of the U. S. have been buying Canadian invest ments, enticed by both the investment merit and the 10 per cent discount. Their judgment was good and, finally, rewarded. It may easily be that the Canadian dollar, reflecting the realities of trade, is worth a premium over the U. S. dollar. On the over-all position, of course, Canada is in excellent shape. It is true that she has large London credits and probably no more than adequate New York credits, but it is conceivable that the $3,750,000,000 granted Britain could, by roundabout ways, be converted in part to paying some of England’s debt to Canada with U. S. dollars which Canada might then make available to the world at a discount. It would be an ironic twist, but of no fundamental signifi cance. We would have to pay more for that which we buy from Canada and get less for that which we sell, while our tourists would no longer be Investments able to spend 90c dollars on Canadian vacations, but none of this presages a war of currencies. All that is in sight is that gradually the world will adjust its trading levels to the realities. The world over there is too much currency and its equiva lent. The excesses, however, are un evenly distributed. Measured in U. S. dollars, a few currencies are too low and many are too high. Adjustments are ahead, hut no battle of currencies. Consequently, there is no reason to fear that the dollar will be dislodged from its proud place, or that U. S. obligations payable in dollars will go begging. The quotations for governments will continue to be governed by the deci sions of the policy makers in Washing ton. For some time ahead, or at least as long as continued deficit financing makes practically impossible the long term funding of the war-incurred debt at interest rates higher than now pre vailing, prices of governments will hold more or less within the ranges already established this year. Since it is obvious that one day there must be a change in policy, it is only prudent that commercial bankers keep the average maturity of their governments within five years and closer to four than to five where a conservative course is followed. And, of course, war loan accounts and other deposits likely to be withdrawn within a year should be covered in full by one year certificates as an added meas ure of precaution even though the yields therefrom are quite unsatisfactory. # # R E P R E S E N T A T IV E M U N IC IP A L L IS T IN G S Compiled by the Northern Trust Company, Chicago (as of J u l y 23, 1946) 7-1-65 Alabama ...................................... -33/, 8-1-65 Los Angeles, California.......... .iy 2 6-1-72 San Diego, California............... .2 6-1-64 Chicago, Illinois ......................... •1V? 1-1-58 Shreveport, Louisiana . . . . . . . .5 7-1-67 Baltimore, Maryland ............... .lVs 7-1-68 Boston, Massachusetts ............. .4 V, Detroit, Michigan ..................... ,4 V. 12-15-60 8-1-69 Kansas City, Missouri............... .3 Vo 12-1-62 Camden, New Jersey................. •3 L 3-15-69 New York State......................... •3Vo 11-1-62 Cleveland, Ohio ......................... .5 11-1-69 Dayton, Ohio ............................. ■1% 5-1-64 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. . . . .1 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . . ,1V4 1-1-61 9-1-68 Knoxville, Tennessee ............... , 3 V . 7-1-65 Houston, Texas ......................... ■1% 6-1-61 West Virginia ............................. .1 1.35 1.45 1.60 1.25 1.60 1.00 1.70 1.55 1.55 2.00 1.10 1.65 1.45 1.35 1.30 1.80 1.30 1.00 124,530 last year,” Vice President Smith continued. Investors Syndicate of America, Inc., sales jumped from $35,700,100 (face amount) in the first six months of 1945 to $73,347,777 (face amount) in the same 1946 period; Investors Syn dicate of Canada, Ltd., new business rose from $8,573,000 to $18,528,000 dur ing the same six months; Investors Syndicate Title & Guaranty Company reported an increase of $4,000,000, and Investors Syndicate’s three affiliated “fund” companies grew more than $19,000,000. 33 Saves Foreign Stamps The Foreign Department of City Na tional Bank & Trust Company, Kansas City, is rendering an unusual service to some of the bank’s customers who are interested in stamp collecting. Be cause of the large amount of corre spondence which this department car ries on with countries all over the world, an unusual number of current foreign stamps are thus made available to these collectors. City National Bank, through a letter to its corre spondent bank and export-import cus tomers, obtained the names of the philatelists interested in these stamps. SHORT TERM ISSUES . . . FULFILLING INVESTMENT RIGID REQUIREMENTS Consolidated collateral trust debentures, issued by the Federal intermediate credit banks, constitute joint and several obligations of these institutions. They are au thorized under the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended. When maturing in six months or less, they may be purchased by Federal R eserve Banks and are acceptable as collateral for fifteen-day loans to member banks. Furthermore, the debentures are legal investment in various states for funds of insurance companies, savings banks and other fiduciaries. These debentures become available at regular intervals for subscription, in denominations o f $5,000, $10,000, $50,000, $100,000, due from six to twelve months. They are obtainable from dealers and dealer banks. Sales Nearly Double Gross sales of Investors Syndicate’s affiliated and subsidiary companies al most doubled in the first six months of 1946 over the 1945 corresponding period, R. L. Smith, Jr., vice president and general sales manager of the inter national investment company, an nounced. “ New business, consisting of sales of certificates for our face amount compa nies and shares of capital stock for our 'fund’ companies, were $119,510,664 at the end of June compared with $60, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE FEDERAL INTERMEDIATE CREDIT BANKS Requests for supplemental information regarding these seasoned issues should be addressed to C H A R L E S R . D U N N , F isc a l A g e n t 1 N a ssa u S treet N e w Y o r k 5, N . Y Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 34 Investments prices to farmers and food producers. will adjust itself. It is apparent that, 3. It will do no speculative hoarding in the light of vastly increased labor One of the country’s principal food and will maintain the largest possible and other costs, prices cannot now re chains recently made, through the me supplies of food to be made available turn to prewar levels. It is equally dium of newspaper advertisements, equally to all customers. apparent that retailers have no control the following three-way pledge to its In general, this is the way in which over the wholesale or production price customers: all kinds of retailers, dealing in all structure, save that resulting from 1. It will continue to pass on to cus tomers the benefit of all savings made manner of commodities, can best serve their mass purchasing power. But through its system of pricing at low the public in the battle against infla mass cooperation of all retailers such as that advertised by this food chain tion. est point to yield a reasonable profit. will save tremendous sums for con 2. It will pay legitimate market No one knows where the prUe level sumers and help control the “inflation ary spiral.” The majority of retailers have kept faith with the people. Even when all price controls were suddenly removed, f f ’ r ¡ » a ./ IN V E S T O R S N they held price increases to the mini c. ( mum within their control. Maximum . SsT TÜ efficiency in distribution plus maxi mum efficiency and output in produc tion hold the real solutions to the price problem. Pledge to Consumer w s e l e c t iv e f u n d in INVESTORS SELECTIVE FUND, INC. Foresight and Capital Prospectus on request from Principal Underwriter INVESTORS SYNDICATE R. E. Macgregor, President Minneapolis, Minnesota REPRESENTATIVES IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES M O V IN G Every day is moving day for the banks o f this country . . . they move money. Thru the medium o f some forty mil lion checks, and thru the use o f that perfect disbursing machine known as the checking system, they distribute money from coast to coast in a manner that appears effortless. This easy flow o f money is possible only because o f precision methods and workmanship on the part o f the nation’s fifteen thousand banks. And when those forty million checks have been sorted and photographed, re corded and shipped, added up and paid, canceled and filed, a good day’s work has been done and someone is tired. A ny little thing that will lighten the work of those who handle these forty million checks is worth a lot. So why not lighten the work of those who sort them and file them by letting them read printed names instead of Northwestern Banker, August, 7946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF THE U N I T E D STATES J DAY those horrible signatures? It won’t cost anything because customers like Personalized Checks and they are per fectly willing to pay for them. D on’t forget that the old-fashioned "speed-up”, whether in factories or banks, is in the discard. It’s no longer a question of how we can do things faster but how we can do them easier. It adds up to the same thing, o f course, so when you sort and file checks easier by looking at clean-cut printed names instead o f those funny little scrawls you are sorting and filing faster and more accurately. ^Could you r customers like Personal ized Checks? W ould they be willing to pay $1.2 5 for two hundred? It won’t take long to find out. Just slip one o f our little enclosures in your statements next month and see what happens. W e’ll be pleased to supply you, without charge, whatever quantity you need. The oil industry of the United States reached its present status of efficiency through foresight in planning 10 and 15 years in advance and risking capital to find new reserves. This industry requires vast sums for exploration. The cost of the first barrel of oil in most instances is fantastic. To cite a few examples: An American oil company entered Venezuela in 1920 and eight years later brought in its first commercial oil well, after invest ing $42,000,000. Another American oil company made its start in Venezuela in 1934; six years later it discovered oil, with an exploration expense of $14,000,000. In Colombia, the first in vestment in an area now important in oil production was made in 1916; 17 years later oil was struck after an ex penditure of $21,000,000, but the oil was not marketed until six years later after additional outlays of $39,000,000. In the Middle East, an oil company spent nine years and $15.000,000 to market the first barrel of oil. It takes an average of 10 years to devcfiop com mercial oil in foreign lands. It requires courage, foresight and capital to build an oil supply. Private enterprise in the United States has all three. In foreign lands the oil in dustry has not fared so well, due to political causes—high taxes, trade re strictions, political risks in general, hostility to foreign capital, nationali zation, autarchic trends, monetary dif ficulties, and like retarding factors. Oil in the United States is an excel lent example of how private enterprise outstrips government dominated in dustry. It can use its own foresight and capital in a nation of sound money and is not afraid to use both in the development of a product. 35 IN S U R A N C E H o ir io #*W Vom * Shore o f Form Mosto ess In a Radius of Ten Miles in Each Direction from Your Bank, There Are 1,600 Farmer Prospects— All With More Money Than They Ever Had Before By B. R. WALiNDER Secretary America Fore Insurance Group Chicago UOTING census figures on farm values would not arouse inter est because, at best, these are averages. Insurable farm values fluc tuate greatly from state to state and even from county to county. Instead I would suggest to you that when you are analyzing your possibilities, you make an analysis of your individual working area. Take an area extend ing ten miles in each direction from your town. This will give you 400 square miles, and many agents travel far greater distances. The size of the farms will vary with the type of farm ing, but even on a conservative basis of four farms to a section, you will have 1,600 prospects. And what about these 1,600 prospects? Are they in the doldrums? Are they hard up? Not by a long shot. They are now, and have been or the past few years, “in the money.” Q Is this period of farm prosperity likely to end all too soon? I not only hope not, but honestly think not. There will quite likely be some level ing off but fundamentally everyone, the politician, the merchant, the bank er, the business man, knows that if our country is to prosper the farmer must be prosperous. What is the farmer doing with this money? The farmers are saving their money and are using a good share of their farmer today is a progressive indi vidual and mechanized farms will be come more and more commonplace— more values for you to insure. Get Your Share B. R. W A L IN D E R “ The farmer must be prosperous” savings to pay off the old mortgage. No small sum now in the hands of the farmers will be spent for machin ery and various appliances as soon as they become available. The average that your Banker’s Blanket Bond does not protect your Cash Letter while it is in transit by mail or express? Ask about our Cash Letter Policy, which fills the gap. But how are you going to get your share of this farm business from the men who are “in the money,” paying off their mortgages and buying ma chinery? First by knowing not only the conditions of the policy you have to sell, but the one your competitor is selling as well. By familiarizing your self with the needs of the farmers in your area. By giving service. (Inci dentally, service in the opinion of the farmer doesn’t consist of a visit every five years to solicit the renewal.) By being a judge of values, qualified to make a reasonably accurate estimate of building values. Certainly by being able to judge utility value. By famil iarizing yourself with the underwrit ing requirements of your company and adhering to those requirements. I can think of no branch of the insur ance business where good common sense is more in demand. There are other branches requiring a higher de gree of technical knowledge but com mon sense cannot be obtained through reading textbooks. Prospect List Agents have used various methods of compiling their prospect lists. The D id you know Scarborough Insurance Counselors Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to Banks F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK B U IL D IN G <&> - C H I CAGO Company 3, IL L IN O IS • STATE 4325 Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 36 Insurance good old system of cold canvass has been relied on by some, others have watched the sales and removals, while some have developed sizeable volumes through service rendered the owners who are distantly removed from their farms. In this latter instance, good use has been made of surveys. We have heard a great deal about surveys the M ERCHANTS MUTUAL BONDING COMPANY Incorporated 1933 Home Office S O U T H E R N S U R E T Y B U IL D IN G Des Moines, Iowa • This is Iowa’s oldest surety company. A progressive company with experi enced, conservative management. W e a re p r o u d o f o u r h u n d r e d an d f ift y b a n k a g e n ts in Io w a . To be the exclusive representative of this company is an asset to your bank. W r it e to E. H . W A R N E R Secretary and Manager past few years, but fundamentally the successful farm business has always operated on the survey plan. An appli cation can well be considered a survey because that, in substance, is what it is intended to be. It might well be mentioned, too, that authorities in the business can prove that no company has ever succeeded in the proper han dling or development of farm business on other than the application or sur vey plan. Each agent must decide for himself the branch of insurance he intends to push. If he prefers sitting in his office or if he thrives best in city atmos phere, he need give no second thought to the farm business. If, on the other hand, he prefers the wide open spaces, the fresh air of the country, an oppor tunity to get close to nature, enjoys meeting and talking with farmers and can speak their language and has been endowed with his share of common sense, then he should succeed as a farm insurance agent. May I suggest that you analyze your qualifications and if you measure up, apply yourself. You will find that your compensation will be in propor tion to the effort you exert. # # Investors Syndicate of America, Inc., wholly owned Investors Syndicate sub sidiary, elected: James S. Lane, secre tary, Harold K. Bradford, vice presi dent, J. R. Ridgway, chief mortgage loan officer, and Messrs. Gruenhagen and Dion, as vice presidents. All are officers of the parent company. Directors of Investors Mutual, Inc., an open-end investment company for whom Investors Syndicate is principal underwriter and investment manager, elected: Ralph J. Faville, of the invest ment department, as secretary, and Messrs. Gruenhagen and Dion as vice presidents. Investors Selective Fund, Inc., an affiliated open-end investment com pany, named Edward M. Burke, mem ber of the parent company’s legal staff, as secretary, and Messrs. Dion and Gruenhagen, vice presidents. Robert W. Peterson, assistant coun sel of Investors Syndicate, was named secretary of Investors Stock Fund, Inc., for whom Investors Syndicate also acts as investment manager and principal underwriter, and Messrs. Dion and Gruenhagen, vice presidents. Promote Ten Officials We Are All Investors Directors of Investors Syndicate and its affiliates and subsidiaries have pro moted ten members of the executive staff. Investors Syndicate elected Norman B. Waag, chief accounting officer, as Secretary; Dewey F. Gruenhagen and E. N. Dion, investment department members, as vice presidents; and C. D. McGuiggan, of the mortgage loan de partment, a vice president. In a recent editorial, the Saturday Evening Post discussed the “war against saving,” caused by the steady decline in return on invested capital, and the enormous increase in taxes on earnings. In conclusion, it said: “ If the war against saving is carried much further, our users of capital will be driven to government lending agen cies, with the inevitable evils that arise when investment is made, not to produce a profit, but to augment politi cal power . . . For the ‘Little People’ the prospect would be much as the London Sunday Times lately stated it: ‘The worker will face a single vast monopolist employer — the State — whom he can neither emulate nor fight.’ “Most of these evils can be avoided if the so-called Common Man will con sult his own interest instead of letting demagogs and executive secretaries of leftist committees define it for him. If he did that, he might even champion the right of the investor to his just share of the pie, if only on the ground that, when you come down to earth, we are all investors.” Government domination of industry, like government ownership of indus try, is the sure and inevitable road to Statism. That is why we must keep private enterprise alive—and to keep it alive we must allow it adequate earnings on the people’s savings it represents. mm F in a n c e T h a t N e w F a r L O C A L L Y ... For well over a year Allied Mutual has run (and will continue to run) newspaper advertising suggesting to new car buyers that their local financing institutions are willing, ready and able to take prompt and personalized care of all car financing problems. Our Allied Mutual agents continue to cooperate with home town banks. Many banks represent Allied Mutual. W r ite ALLIED M U T U A L CASUALTY COMPANY Harold S. Evans, President Hubbell Building N orthw estern Banker, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A u g u s t , 194 6 Des Moines 7. Iowa Insurance W e l l , M a ’ am , I ’ m here b e c a u s e I had t r o u b le r a is in g m o n e y . Y o u se e , M a ’ am , th e ten s lo o k e d to o m u c h lik e on e s. The Road to War According to a recent nation-wide survey, 62 per cent of the American people now believe that we will have another world war within 25 years. Only 24 per cent believe that we will have a lasting peace. By comparison, three years ago, when the last war was at its height, 47 per cent of the people felt that a lasting peace was probable, and only 43 per cent were convinced of the inevitability of an other war. The diminishing faith of the Ameri can people in man’s ability to prevent wholesale murder and destruction on an incredible scale is in inself a ter rible commentary on the state of the world. Its origins are obvious enough. We have watched the failure of the United Nations Security Council to ar rive at workable agreements. We have seen the trend back to the old balance of power policies which did so much to foment World Wars I and II. We have seen the rights of small nations destroyed and the voices of dissenters violently stilled. We have seen author ities pessimistically forecast that the world may break down into two great opposed spheres of influence, led by the Soviet Union on one side and the United States on the other. The challenge this offers to all the nations of the world is the greatest they have ever faced. For, should war come again, it could very well end only in the death of civilization as we know it. The atomic bomb is in its in fancy, and the “improved” bombs of the future, compared to those of today, will be like a 1947 car beside the prim itive vehicles that appeared forty-odd years ago. Other weapons, of unim aginable scope and destructive power, are in the experimental stage. It is perfectly possible that this kind of scientific progress, once unleashed for war, may mean the ruin of all man kind. What nation wants this? What gov ernment, no matter how greatly it dis trusts its neighbors, will assume the awful responsibility for another war? What differences are so important that they cannot be reconciled in the in terest of a lasting peace? The very existence of every being, whether he be Russian or American, Pole or Greek, Indian or Briton, depends up on the answers given to these tre mendous questions. Chemical Bank Appointment Frank K. Houston, chairman of the Chemical Bank & Trust Company, an nounces the appointment of Edgar T. Sloan as assistant secretary of the bank. Mr. Sloan is a graduate of Yale Uni versity and the Harvard Business School and prior to the war was an assistant cashier of the Phoenix State Bank of Hartford, Connecticut. He has recently been released from the army where he held the rank of major and served with the War Department Price Adjustment Board in Washing ton, D. C. 37 IT’S YOUR NEXT MOVE YOU have clients who look to you to protect their investments. YOU have investments which you wish to protect in the in terest of your bank. WE have a complete line of FIRE - EXTENDED COVERAGE PLATE GLASS & AUTOMOBILE insurance. WE offer for your inspection, without obligation, an Agency Contract which will enable you to service these needs. CORRECTION In the July issue of the N or th w est B anker , on page 84, it was stated that Dr. Melchior Palyi is economist for the First National Bank of Chicago. This statement is incorrect for Dr. Palyi is not associated in any way with the First National Bank of Chicago. The editors regret this error. IT'S YOUR NEXT MOVE ern SPECIAL OFFER Write us now Vennmutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Accident Insurance, $5000 Principal Sum for only $2.00 Paid Up in Full to the Middle of next December. MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL MEN'S ASSO CIATIO N 2 5 5 0 P ills b u r y A v e . S o . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NINTH & GRAND DES MOINES il, IOWA M in n e a p o lis 4 , M in n e s o ta Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 38 /fo r e c a st K evision present conditions is inexcusable. The most tangible anti-inflationary action U NLESS economies are made in vari spending in view of present inflation the federal government could take ous items of the budget presented ary conditions. The President, in a would be to run a substantial budget by the President last January for the statement on the director’s report, said surplus. The problem is to find the fiscal year 1947, an upward revision that government expenditures will be places where substantial cuts can be will be necessary to carry through the reduced. The President stated further made.” Although the spendings of the civil government’s administrative program, that all deferrable construction and according to Business Comment, the public works projects will be studied departments and agencies constitute monthly publication of The Northern and that military and veterans’ pro little more than 5 per cent of total ex Trust Company, Chicago. grams will be reviewed to determine penditures in the budget, they are esti Quoting a report by Mr. Steelman, where they can be reduced. These ob mated at more than twice the 1939 level, the bulletin points out, stating director of reconversion, that this re servations are encouraging. vision may reach 10 to 15 per cent, the “Some administration officials recog “Some of these programs are essential bulletin goes on to say that “ Mr. Steel nize the necessity of restraining ex while it would appear that others are man’s report, however, stressed the penditures in the present inflationary not, at least under present conditions.” In conclusion the bank says, “The need for reduction in government environment. A budget deficit under importance of economy wherever pos sible cannot be minimized, yet it is obvious that near-term savings in non war expenditures can hardly exceed a few billion dollars unless the interna tional loan program is curtailed. Real ly substantial cuts, if they are to come, must be found in military items. The budgeted figures-—$8,000,000,000 for the army, $5,000,000,000 for the navy, and $3,000,000,000 for other war purposes —are almost one-tenth of the national production of goods and services. Un informed persons cannot say that sub stantially lower figures would endan T o meet the foreign banking requirements o f your cus ger national security. But the military tomers you need not maintain accounts in foreign countries should know that they cannot have the free rein in peace that they had in if you use the comprehensive services which our Foreign war.” A Complete Foreign Banking Service for Your Customers i Department offers you. We are prepared to: • supply you with the facilities for establishing Letters o f Credit for importations from abroad, and for the handling o f export collections; • transmit funds to any foreign country by mail, airmail, or cable; • furnish data regarding exchange regulations, and credit information on foreign buyers and sellers; • equip you with all the necessary forms bearing the name o f but one bank— your own —and without cost to you. You are invited to consult with us regarding any phase o f our foreign facilities for banks. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST C OM PANY OF C H IC A G O LA SALLE STREET Member Federal Deposit Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HI AT WASHINGTON IIK S c - Insurance Corporation Rathje Scores Guaranteeing Of Bank Credit The concept of the guarantee of bank credit by the government was criticized by Frank C. Rathje, presi dent of the American Bankers Associa tion, at the annual dinner of the Cali fornia Bankers Association last month. “ The desirability of the banking system of the nation relying upon government guarantees, insurance, and underwriting is a serious thing,” Mr. Rathje said. “ This nation was built by virtually complete freedom on the part of the banks who during the years demonstrated an ability to furnish the sound credit needs of industry and the people generally. It is to be borne in mind that government insurance or guarantees alone will not prevent a repetition of falling prices and forced liquidation when once again excess production raises its towering form. “The bankers of the nation can well afford to bear in mind in the building of the approaching credit structure,” Mr. Rathje continued, “that prices of commodities will fluctuate, and that the*.indebtedness incurred at present high levels of prices and incomes may necessarily have to be liquidated at a lower price level. < V 39 M i n n e s o t a N EW S A. W. SANDS President St. Paul Ben Woodworth Promoted News of the election of Ben S. Woodworth, advertising manager, as assist ant cashier, and advancement of Delmar E. Kulp, assistant comptroller, to the position of comptroller, was an nounced recently by Henry E. Atwood, president of the First National Bank of Minneapolis. Mr. Woodworth entered the employ WILLIAM DUNCAN. Jr. Secretary Minneapolis vice presidents, and Kenneth M. Mor rison, vice president and comptroller. Reorganize Barrett Bank As the result of a reorganization effected recently at the Citizens State Bank at Barrett, Minnesota, Palmer J. Score, formerly of Elbow Lake, is the cashier of that institution. He suc ceeds J. B. Steffanson, who has held that position for the past four years but because of failing health, has re tired and returned to his former home at Isanti. In the reorganization Palmer Score and his uncle, John Score, cashier of the Vergas, Minnesota, State Bank, acquired stock in the Barrett bank. Mr. Score held the position of assist ant cashier of the Bank of Elbow Lake for a year and a half prior to his recent service of 41 months in the U. S. Army. Since returning from service he has served as assistant cashier at the Bar rett bank for the past few months. Other officers of the reorganized bank are: S. A. Bye of Northfield, president; John Score of Vergas, vice president, and Ardis Peterson of Bar rett, assistant cashier. The bank’s fi nancial statement shows footings of $448,980, deposits of $415,435, capital stock of $25,000, surplus fund of $5,000 and undivided profits of $3,544. Purchase Amboy Interests B E N S. W O O D W O R T H Newly elected assistant cashier of the former Minneapolis Trust Com pany in 1921, was elected assistant secretary in 1924 and retained this position until the trust company and the First National were merged in 1933. After an extended leave of ab sence he returned to the bank in late 1934 and has since been in charge of advertising. Mr. Kulp was also with the Minne apolis Trust Company, joining that firm in 1918 as auditor and comptroller and going to the First National as assistant comptroller at the time of the merger. Mr. Atwood also has announced the retirement of three officers. They are W. A. Volkmann, Arthur P. Kemp, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Richard L. Myers and William C. Blethen of Mankato, Minnesota, are the new president and vice president of the Security National Bank at Am boy, which has undergone several changes in personnel recently. Mr. Myers, president of the Good Thunder First National Bank, and manager of the office specialties com pany in Mankato, and Mr. Blethen, Mankato attorney, along with S. B. Wilson, also a Mankato attorney, have purchased some of the interests of stockholders in the bank. Mr. Blethen and Mr. Myers will also replace Ruth Dredge and the late E. C. Wingen as directors of the bank. Mr. Myers re places C. H. G. Hazel as president, and Mr. Blethen replaces George Sharp as vice president. Mr. Wingen, cashier, who died last month, had been a banker for 40 years and was with the Security Na tional 20 years. Eldor Pick of Mapleton will be added to the present staff at the bank, but no other changes in personnel are anticipated. Bancorporation Reports The interim report of Northwest Bancorporation and affiliated banks and companies, covering operations for the six months ended June 30, 1946, was released last month by J. C. Thom son, president. The consolidated net income for six months ended June 30, 1946, was $2,410,047, equal to $1.55 per share, com pared with $2,540,118, equal to $1.64 per share, for the same period in 1945. These figures are after deducting the usual provision for charge-offs and write-downs which is credited to re serves for contingencies. This provi sion for the six months ended June 30, 1946, aggregated $1,133,139, compared to $955,270 for the same period in 1945. Consolidated net earnings from cur rent operations before provision for taxes on income increased $732,724 for the six months ended June 30, 1946, over the six months ended June 30, 1945. Profit on securities sold declined $651,492 for the corresponding periods. The profit on securities sold during the first six months of 1945 was unusually large. Net cash income of the holding com pany was $873,054 for the six months ended June 30, 1946, compared with $767,988 for the same period in 1945. A dividend of 40c per share, in the aggregate amount of $619,507, was paid May 25, 1946. The capital and surplus of North west Bancorporation increased from $51,034,451 at December 31, 1945, to $52,896,604 as of June 30, 1946, equiva lent to a book value for the corporation stock of $34.15 per share as of June 30, 1946, as compared to $32.95 per share as of December 31, 1945. The book value of the stock excludes re serves for contingencies which aggre gated $13,612,892 as of June 30, 1946, and $12,577,692 as of December 31, 1945. Combined deposits of affiliated banks as of June 30, 1946, were $1,261,045,814 (including war loan account of $140,062,825), compared to $1,309,694,167 (of which $255,208,414 represented war loan deposits) as of December 31, 1945. Transfer Control to Askov The annual meeting of the stock holders of Security State Bank of Askov, Minnesota, was held at the bank July 1st, at which time Askov people purchased the bank stock be longing to the Hurley interests at Pine Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 40 Minnesota News City, transferring control of the insti tution to Askov people. At the organization meeting held after the transfer of ownership, Holger R. Buck was elected president, C. R. Pedersen and Tony Sebald, vice presidents, and E. L. Hugelen, cashier. Francis D. Miller, returned service man, is back at the bank as assistant cashier. The board of directors consists of Holger R. Buck, C. R. Pedersen, Tony Sebald, E. L. Hugelen and Hans Mosbaek. Mr. Miller took over his old duties at the bank after serving as assistant bookkeeper and helper at the Ameri can office for a short time. He was on the bank staff before entering the service. Veteran Returns to Bank Back from nearly four years in the service, where he served as a first lieutenant in the Air Corps, Claire Hansen has resumed his position as teller at the First Robbinsdale State Bank of Robbinsdale, Minnesota. Mr. Hansen began employment with the bank in September, 1940, and was employed there until June, 1942, when he entered the service. He served with the Air Corps in England, France, Italy and Germany. directors of the institution h^^Msst month. Mr. Leider entered the employ of First Bancredit Corp., an affiliate of the bank, in 1938 and served as sales correspondent and credit man for the organization. In 1941 he was assigned to the post of credit man in Bancredit’s Houston, Texas, branch office. He re- Elected Assistant Cashier Lloyd L. Leider was elected assistant cashier of the First National Bank of St. Paul at a meeting of the board of E ffe c tiv e c o -o r d in at ion of all departments assures rapid, efficient han dling of every type of banking transaction. You are invited to use any or all of our facilities. L L O Y D L. L E ID E R Promoted at First National, St. Paul C it y N a t io n a l H a n k A N D T R U S T C O M P A N Y o f C h ic a g o 2 08 SOUTH LA S A L L E STREET (M E M B E R F E D E R A L D E P O S IT IN S U R A N C E CORP.) turned to St. Paul in 1942, serving as credit supervisor and later was placed in charge of sales promotional work for the corporation. In 1945 he became a member of the bank’s department of banks and bank ers, working with correspondent banks in developing loaning procedures in the field of consumer credit financing. Appointed Cashier T H E C BANK & TRUST COMPANY o i i n s n u O F N EW YO R K MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Appointment of Harold L. Hanson as cashier of First National Bank of International Falls, Minnesota, was announced recently by G. N. Millard, president. Mr. Hanson began his new duties as successor to Lloyd V. Han son, who resigned several weeks ago and has gone to Virginia City, Mon tana. Mr. Hanson was discharged in March following three and one-half years of duty with army transportation corps. He saw service in the Philippines. Native of Baudette, where his fa ther, H. C. Hanson, is president of the First National Bank, he is a graduate of the University of Minnesota. He had extensive experience in banking prior to the war with Northwest Bancorporation banks at Sauk Rapids and Slayton. Following his discharge, he returned to Slayton and was cashier of the Murray County State Bank until he accepted the First National appoint ment. 41 H ENRY E. ATWOOD, president of the First National Bank of Min neapolis, has announced election of W. Hubert Kennedy, Minneapolis busi ness man and investment counselor, as a vice president of the bank. Mr. Kennedy took up his duties in the trust department August 1st and until then was vice president and treasurer of Justus F. Lowe Company. He was associated with Wells-Dickey Company for 20 years and was president of the Cedar Lake Ice & Fuel Company until that firm was sold. .a > Among those named to the Minne sota USO campaign committee for 1946 are J. G. Byam, vice president, First National of Minneapolis; J. Cam eron Thomson, president, Northwest Bancorporation; Henry E. Atwood, president, First National of Minneap olis, and Julian B. Baird, president, First National of St. Paul. By E. W. KIECKHEFER Special Correspondent Northwestern Banker Loan Association, was elected president of the Twin City Financial Advertisers Association at its first annual meeting. John he Laittre, vice president and treasurer of Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis, was elected secretary and treasurer. Mr. Soash replaces Ben S. Woodworth, assistant cashier of the First National of Minneapolis, who was the first presi dent of the association. Columbia Heights State Bank has in- creased its total authorization for ac ceptance of deposits from $1,200,000 to $5,000,000. Deposits of the bank now total $1,670,000. Herbert Woodward, who organized the bank in 1937 and was its first cashier, predicted the bank’s deposits would pass the $5,000,000 mark in the next five years. Honor Minnesota Banker A plaque honoring him as outstand ing northeastern Minnesota business man for his contribution and coopera tion with agriculture, has been pre sented to Ben R. Hassman, 67, presi dent of the First National Bank of Aitkin, Minnesota. The award was presented at the annual picnic of the Honor Roll Society of Northeastern Minnesota at the Northeast Experi- "Open House9'in Minneapolis Consolidated net income of the Northwest Bancorporation during the six months ended June 30th was re ported by President J. Cameron Thom son as $2,410,047, equal to $1.55 per share, compared with $2,540,118, equal to $1.64 per share, for the same period in 1945. Consolidated net earnings before provision for taxes increased $732,724 over the 1945 period. Capital and surplus increased from $51,034,451 to $52,896,604 during the six months. A semi-annual dividend of 40 cents per share has been declared by direc tors of the First Bank Stock Corpora tion, payable September 9th. This dividend will bring to $2,264,950.40 the dividends paid this year. Combined net operating earnings of $3,003,945 were reported for the first six months of 1946, equivalent to $1.06 per share, compared with $2,786,659, equal to 98 cents per share, in the first, half of 1945. Net operating earnings of the corporation alone were $1,333,348. Vern C. Soash, assistant treasurer of the Minnesota Federal Savings and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEWLY MODERNIZED AND ENLARGED FACILITIES of its Lake Street office were introduced by the Northwestern National Bank o f Minneapolis to the public at a recent “ open house’ ’ attended by several hundred persons. In the picture above, J. F. Ringland, left, president o f Northwestern National, looks on as Leroy Berg, right, manager o f the ba n k ’ s Lake Street office, presents a cigar to bank customer Frank E. Seidel, president of the Seidel Tire and Supply Company. Improvements in the office include building o f a second entrance, on Nicollet Avenue, remodeling of the front of the building, expansion of the floor space 25 per cent, modernization o f the vault, and installation of recessed fluorescent lighting, an acoustical tile ceiling and air conditioning. This is the fourth en largement for the Lake Street office since it was founded in 1908. A staff of almost 70 employes works in the office. Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 42 Minnesota News 4 ment Station in Duluth. Approximate ly 200 farmers from Pine, Aitkin, Koochiching and St. Louis counties were present at the affair. and after the naval indoctrination course at Fort Schuyler, New York, and naval military government stud ies at Columbia University, was suc cessively assigned to the Commander, Naval Forces, Europe, and to the Head quarters staff of Lt. General George Patton, Jr., where he served with the Third U. S. Army in England and France. Joins Federal Reserve John N. Peyton, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, announced recently that the bank’s board of directors appointed Thomas H. Hodgson, recently a commander in the navy, as assistant vice president of the bank. Before entering military service, Mr. Hodgson was assistant counsel of the Federal Reserve Bank. Mr. Hodgson entered military serv ice as a naval lieutenant in April, 1943, Following staff service at the naval training school at Princeton Univer sity and Civil Affairs Staging Area, Monterey, California, Mr. Hodgson was flown to Manila and Tokyo immediate ly after the Japanese surrender, and there was a member of General Mc Right in the Center! The pig that went to market, the com mission man, and the packer who converts the pig into bacon, are all at the very doors of the Live Stock National Bank of Sioux City. Where can you find a more logical correspondent bank connection in Sioux City, than this 50 year old bank, right in the Sioux City stock yards? We invite your account. C. L. FR E D R IC K SE N President M. A. W IL S O N Vice President W . C. SCH EN K Cashier H. C. L IN D U S K I Assistant Cashier J. S. H A V E R Assistant Cashier W . G. N E L SO N Assistant Vice President C. L. A D A M S Assistant Cashier JAM ES L. S M IT H Auditor Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation T H E L ive S t o c k Na t / o n a l B a n k OF SIOUX CITY, M E M B E R “y /te Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F vD .i.C. ¿¿y t/ce IOWA Arthur’s General Headquarters until his return to the States a short while ago. While in Tokyo Mr. Hodgson was in charge of the liquidation of 32 Japan ese and foreign banks and Japanese exploitation companies. Clearing House Election < H. G. Hill, of the State Bank of Brownsdale, was elected president of t h e Southern Minnesota Clearing House Association, at the annual meet ing held in Rochester. The session was attended by dele gates from Mower, Olmsted and Dodge counties, and guests from the Twin Cities. C. B. Newman, of the Dodge Center State Bank, was elected vice president and Clare Talen of the Farmers State Bank of Eyota, secretary-treasurer. The annual banquet was attended by 175 members and guests. The pro gram included a panel discussion on the G. I. Bill of Rights, with G. N. Reppe, Grand Meadow, presiding. Golf featured the afternoon activi ties, with prizes going to Art Sands, president of the Minnesota Bankers Association, and F. A. Amundson, state commissioner of banks. Joins Frost Rank Jean Gudahl has been employed as bookkeeper at the State Bank of Frost, Minnesota. Miss Gudahl recently was graduated as valedictorian of her class in the Frost high school. The State Bank was organized in October, 1899, and has two years to go before celebrating its golden anniver sary. Its recent statement showed de posits of more than three-quarters of a million dollars. T. H. Gullord is president; John J. Nelson, vice president; C. Kittlsen, cashier; A. J. Brandsoy and Carl Erdhal, assistant cashiers. Minnesotan Promoted Charles N. Davis of Graceville, Min nesota, a World War II veteran with a record of 35 combat air missions over Europe, was elected as cashier of the First State Bank of Cando, North Dakota. A native of Windom, Minnesota, Mr. Davis began his banking career in 1937 with the Luverne National Bank at Luverne, Minnesota. He remained with that institution until his entrance into the army in December, 1941. His overseas service was with the Eighth Air Force and, at the time of his dis charge last fall, he held a commission as first lieutenant. Since last Novem ber he has been assistant cashier of the First State Bank at Graceville. X 43 S o u th Falls, has been appointed locality housing expediter for all parts of South Dakota east of the Missouri River. His duties consist of speeding the movement of materials and man power connected with the veterans’ housing program. Mall was engaged in the banking business for 14 years. He organized the Farmers & Mer chants Bank at Huron in 1918, serv ing as its president until 1924. Ih ik o l a NEW S L. C. FOREMAN President Eikton Transferred to Deadwood Miles S. Wilson, who resumed his work in the Newell office of the First National Bank of the Black Hills, Deadwood, South Dakota, four months ago after serving about four years in the U. S. Navy, has been transferred to the Deadwood office of this institution. He had worked in the Newell bank about two years before going into the navy and had at that time been transferred from the Deadwood office to Newell. Bank Debits Up June bank debits in 17 South Dakota cities totaling $121,250,000 were 12 per cent heavier than for June last year and helped push the year’s total thus far to a point 27 per cent ahead of 1945, the Ninth Federal Reserve Dis trict reported. Debits for the year total $755,294,000 compared with $593,825,000 for the January-to-June period in 1945. Percentage gains for June included Aberdeen 18, Belle Fourche 29, Brook ings 21, Chamberlain 27, Deadwood 37, Dell Rapids 3, Huron 23, Lead 73, Madi son 3, Milbank 34, Mitchell 18, Mobridge 33, Pierre 39, Rapid City 25, Sioux Falls no gain, Watertown 10, and Yankton 28. Business and Pleasure Combining pleasure with business, the officers and directors of the State Bank of Alcester, South Dakota, and their wives visited the Carl Oden home recently for the regular monthly bank meeting and in anticipation of Mr. Oden’s seventieth birthday anniver sary which came in July. Deadwood Banker Retires A. H. Shostrom, lifelong resident of Deadwood, will devote his entire time to the management of the Shostrom Insurance Company, t h e business started by his father, L. P. Shostrom, more than 50 years ago. Mr. Shostrom resigned recently as assistant cashier and assistant man ager of the First National Bank of the Black Hills after 25 years of serv ice with the institution. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GEORGE M. STARRING Secretary Huron He is succeeded as assistant man ager and cashier by H. P. Person, as sistant cashier, and long time employe of the bank. John F. Baggaley steps into Mr. Person’s position. Horace Barton, representative of Halsey Stuart at Grand Rapids, Michi gan, visited Sioux Falls with his fa ther, John (). Barton, vice president of the Northwest Security National Bank. # # First Bank Stock Reports S io u x F u i is N e w s JOHN P. McQUILLEN, an ex-major s j in the Army Air Forces, has been chosen vice president, trust officer and member of the board of directors of the Northwest Security National Bank in Sioux Falls, pursuant to his resig- J. P. McQuillen Adolph Lodmell nation as assistant U. S. district at torney. He succeeded P. H. McDow ell who resigned from the bank to enter other business. At the same time Ralph M. Watson, president of the bank, announced promotion of Adolph Lodmell to the office of vice president and assistant trust officer. Lodmell has been associated with the bank for 27 years. McQuillen was first appointed assistant U. S. attor ney in 1939 and was reappointed to that post in April of this year after serving with the AAF since August 10, 1942. While in the army he served at various fields in the United States, Alaska and Edmonton, Canada. Vern D o h a , a World War II veteran, has been promoted to assistant man ager of the Chamberlain branch of the Northwest S e c u r i t y National Bank. W. L. Mall, former South Dakota banker and former United States Em ployment Service manager in Sioux Directors of First Bank Stock Cor poration at a meeting last month de clared a semi-annual dividend of 40 cents per share on the capital stock of the corporation, payable September 9, 1946, to stockholders of record at the close of business August 16, 1946. Pay ment of this dividend will bring to a total of $2,264,950.40 the amount paid in dividends to stockholders in 1946. The 73 bank affiliates of First Bank Stock Corporation had combined net operating earnings for the first half of 1946 aggregating $3,204,498. The portion thereof applicable to the par ent corporation, together with the re sults of the operation of the corpora tion and other active affiliates, pro duced combined net operating earnings of $3,003,945, equivalent to $1.06 per share on the 2,831,188 shares of stock outstanding on June 30, 1946. The lat ter figure compares with combined net operating earnings of $2,786,659, equal to 98 cents per share, for the first half of 1945. During the six months ended June 30, 1946, First Bank Stock Corpora tion, the parent company, received dividends from affiliates totaling $1,424,759. With other income, after de ducting accrued expenses-, the net oper ating earnings of First Bank Stock Corporation only were $1,333,348 for the six months’ period. The above earnings figures are after accruals for estimated taxes based on income, and are subject to later adjust ment. Deposits reported by the bank affili ates in published statements as of June 29, 1946, aggregated $1,055,365,386. This includes U. S. war loan de posits of $120,885,887. G. I. Loan Movie The “ABC’s of GI Loans,” a short public relations film depicting the Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 44 South Dakota News making of such loans and which clari fies some of the ex-serviceman’s mis conceptions of home and business loans as provided for in the GI Bill of Rights, has been filmed and is now being offered for general sale to banks. This ten minute educational movie short, intended as a good-will builder for banks, is being produced by Mode Art Pictures, Inc., of Pittsburgh, Pa., producers of a number of public rela tions films for such firms as Allegheny Ludlum, American Fruit Growers, T N Y e w C Pittsburgh Coal, Superior Steel and an entire series of educational films for the United States Office of Education and the Department of Agriculture, and is being released by Syndicated Films of Pittsburgh, Pa., acting as sales agent. Individual copies of this black and white sound film will be sold to banks for $115 (35 mm. size) and $105 (16 mm. size). J. L. Baker, president of Mode Art Pictures, credits The Colonial Trust Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., with the original suggestion for making this movie. American Dollar Strong The American dollar “is and will continue to be the strongest man-made force in the world,” the Oregon Bank ers Association was told by Frank C. Rathje, president of the American Bankers Association and president of the Chicago City Bank and Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois. “But that does not gainsay the fact that it will fluctuate from time to time in the terms of commodities, nor does it preclude the possibility that the dollar will not permanently step from one plateau to another in the terms of its purchasing power.” The word “inflation” is a misnomer, Mr. Rathje said; “ extreme pressures for higher prices” would be more ac curate. “After a careful analysis, we should determine whether we are ex periencing an extreme price rise or are we about to experience such an extreme rise. If we are, then we should determine the cause and devote ourselves to a cure or a preventive. “Out of the maze of conflicting ideas there appear three fundamental neces sities: “The restoration of civilian produc tion with the same zeal for life that we devoted to production of war ma terial to destroy. h e o r k T r u s t o m p a n y C O M M E R C IA L B A N K IN G D O M E S T IC AN D F O R E IG N ★ 100 B R O A D W A Y M A D IS O N AV EN U E A N D 4 0 T H ST R E E T TEN R OCKEFELLER PLAZA ★ Member o f Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation k b s t e r ^ :« s means oh T e n s i o n T i e E n v e l o p e s c lo s e tig h tly o n all e n c lo su r e s re g ard le ss o f th ick n ess. T h e b u lk ie r th e c o n te n ts , th e tig h te r th e h o ld . J u st o n e sim p le tw is t o f th e strin g a r o u n d th e lo w e r b u t to n . T h is m ean s q u ic k e r c lo su r e , b e tte r p r o te c tio n and safer arrival. 1 1912 Grand Avenue Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Prone 4-4126 Des Moines 14, Iowa “To rebuild our foreign trade to provide an additional outlet for our production and to give the people of other nations of the world the benefit of our industrial production. “To maintain the present purchasing power of our American dollar. Do that to demonstrate to the world that we will defend the integrity of that dollar, and in addition, to be fair to the people of America who invested their accumu lated funds and their savings in the securities of this government during the war years. “ Make these fundamentals the creed of our people and the philosophy in our government and all of the other problems that lie in our path will be surmounted with an ease and grace that will justify an even greater pride in our American way of life. I have great faith in the future of America.” The Hobbs Bill Passage of the Hobbs Bill, which was signed by the President on July 3, was made necessary by the rack eteering activities of certain organized labor groups. Genesis of the bill goes back to 1941, when a New York City teamsters’ union stopped trucks arriving from outside the city, and compelled ship pers or buyers to employ union drivers and pay them the union scale. Threats and violence were employed. A farmer driving his own truck and hauling his own produce was forced to hire a union driver. A test case was taken to the Supreme Court, which held these activities did not violate t;he Federal anti-racketeering act, and that remedial action would have to be taken by Congress. The Hobbs Bill is the result. It simply makes it unlawful for union ists, along with everyone else, to interfere with interstate commerce by extortion or robbery. It does not interfere with labor’s rights to strike or picket. It is in no sense a “class” measure. It is a remarkable fact that some labor leaders vehemently objected to the passage of this bill by Congress, and its signing by the President. To all intents and purposes, those objec tors were saying, in effect, that union labor has a right to racketeer, to threaten, and to use violence to gain its ends. The plain fact is that such a measure should have been enacted long ago, and Congress’ long delay in passing it is indefensible. The Hobbs Bill is not designed as the answer to all our labor difficulties. It simply puts unionists on the same basis as all other citizens so far as the observance of ordinary rules of law and order is concerned. 45 \ o r Ü i D a k o ta N EW S C. w . BURGES President Edgeley Elected Cashier at Minot Election of W. D. Johnson, cashier of the First State Bank of Cando, North Dakota, as vice president of Union National Bank, Minot, was an nounced last month by President Harry M. Grant of the Minot bank. Mr. Johnson has now assumed his new duties. He had been connected with the Cando bank since 1934. Brothers Purchase Stock > Three brothers, Oscar, Milo and Lloyd Gubrud, have purchased the bank stock of R. G. Rasmusson in the Farmers State Bank of Crosby, North Dakota. Each will serve on the board of directors which has been increased from three to five members. Mr. Ras musson is vice president of the First National Bank of Williston, North Dakota. The Gubrud brothers are all lifelong residents of Divide county, where they have been associated with the imple ment and oil business. Two State Directors \ Two new directors have been named to the board of the Greater North Da kota Association. W. H. Westergaard, vice president and director of the Wil liston (North Dakota) Savings and Loan Association and chairman of the board and president of the First Na tional Bank of Reserve, Montana, was elected to succeed Harry K. Peyton who resigned. L. T. Orlady of James town, North Dakota, and member of the North Dakota State Water Conser vation Commission, was named to suc ceed the late R. R. Wolfer, who was chairman of the board of the National Bank of Jamestown. Mr. Westergaard has been engaged in the real estate business in Williston for 40 years, established an abstract business there and still owns a major ity interest, and for the past 20 years has been engaged in the farm mort gage business, in addition to personal extensive farming interests in the Wil liston vicinity. He organized the bank at Reserve, Montana, in 1917 and al though the population of the town is only 200, the bank has totals of more than $3,000,000. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. C. WATTAM Secretary Fargo Mr. Orlady is a native North Dako tan who has long been associated with local and state civic affairs. Made Advisory Chairman LeRoy A. Pease, executive secretary of the Greater North Dakota Associa tion, has been appointed U. S. Bonds advisory chairman for the state of North Dakota, succeeding F. L. Conk lin of Bismarck, it was announced by Treasury officials recently. At the same time the appointment of Harold G. Wheeler to succeed the late R. R. Wolfer of Jamestown as director for the state of the U. S. Sav ings Bond division was announced. It was revealed by National Director Ver non Clark that North Dakota residents have purchased $412,000,000 in all is sues of bonds since May 1, 1941, of which $200,000,000 were in E bonds. Home Building Outlook Home building in 310 cities, with over two-thirds of our urban popula tion, in 1945 gained 25.8 per cent over the preceding year, said Earl E. Crabb, chairman of the Board of Investors Syndicate, in a recent statement. Twenty-five of 42 regions showed home building increases over the pre vious year, eleven registered declines, and six were virtually unchanged. “Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colo rado, District of Columbia (Washing ton), Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Massa chusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Caro lina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washing ton, West Virginia and Wisconsin,” continued Mr. Crabb, in reporting pre liminary results of the company’s eleventh annual national housing sur vey, “showed increased residential building in 1945 over 1944. “California, Delaware, Georgia, Kan sas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mis souri, Montana, Nebraska and Utah registered declines compared with a year earlier, while Connecticut, Illi nois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Ore gon showed virtually no change.” New homes built in the 310 cities during 1945 housed 342,240 people, a gain of 70,288 or 25.8 per cent more than in 1944, which was the lowest in eight years. The 1945 total, however, was 646,992 or 65.4 per cent below the peak year of 1941 when 989,232 people were housed in these same cities. The 1945 volume was 252,356 above, or al most three times greater than the 89,884 people furnished with new homes in 1934, the record low level. Volume in 1945 was 176,896 or 34.1 per cent below 1930, which the building trade generally considers a “normal” year. The 310 cities are located in 41 states and the District of Columbia. Their 1940 population, latest available fig ures, was 49,733,780 or 66.8 per cent of the urban population of the United States. Shortages of labor and materials along with the priorities and other restrictions on housing ever since V-J Day largely are responsible for the relatively low volume of home con struction compared with the demand for new homes. “ Federal construction of homes in 1945,” explained Mr. Crabb, “housed only 26,304 people in these 310 cities. This is 51.4 per cent fewer than in 1944 when such housing sheltered 54,156 people. Homes federally built formed only 8 per cent of the total 1945 hous ing in our survey compared with 20 per cent in 1944, 44 per cent in 1943, and 26 per cent of the 1942 totals. Fed erally constructed homes in 1943 shel tered 217,564 people, and 154,352 in 1942. “Demand for new homes in the 310 cities generally appears promising, as a result of accumulating home short ages. Home building depends on num ber of families, which in this country is increasing faster than population, the movement of people, and relatively high ‘real income.’ All of these factors favor greater home building. “Older houses are increasing in these 310 cities, as a consequence of slow home construction. Dwelling units in these 310 cities, as of January 1, 1946, approximated 15,087,045. Of this total 12.7 per cent or 1,914,635 dwelling units were 15 years or less old, having been built from January 1, 1930, to the first day of this year. In other words, 87.3 per cent of all dwelling units in these same 310 cities at the start of this year were 15 or more years old.” # # Broke the Habit Son: “How did you and Mom first get acquainted?” Dad: “ None of your business—but it sure cured me of whistling.” Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 46 4 > IS A GUIDE TO THE FUTURE SOUND BANKING OFF HERBERT M. BUSHNELL SERVICE ICERS AUSTIN L. VICKERY President ELLSWORTH MOSER Assistant Vice President HAROLD T. UEHLING Executive Vice President VICTOR B. CALDWELL T ru st O fficer ARTHUR D. ANDERSON Vice President RICHARD H. MALLORY Cashier JAMES L. SHIELDS Vice President THOMAS F. MURPHY Assistant Cashier NELS L. SHOLIN Vice President CASPER Y. OFFUTT Assistant Cashier ELDRIDGE C. McELHANEY Vice President EDWARD W. LYMAN Assistant Trust Officer HENRY B. PIERPONT Assistant Vice President HARRY E. ROGERS Assistant Trust Officer LEO M. BROWN Assistant Vice President Comptroller UNI T E D ^ S T A T E S X a t io n a l B A N K o j Om aha MEMBER FEDERAL DEPO SIT IN SU R A N C E C O R P O R A TIO N Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A 47 Attending Bankers School R. J. Cronk, cashier of the Nebraska State Bank in Ord, is in Madison, Wis consin, attending the Central States School of Banking. The school, spon sored by state bankers associations of 14 midwest states, began July 25th and runs until August 10th. Research courses in banking, economics and monetary problems are offered those attending the school. X eh rask a N EW S V. E. DOLPHER President David City CARL G. SWANSON Secretary Omaha Lightning Strikes Bank Raises Capital Account The City National Bank of Crete, Nebraska, has raised the capital ac counts from $90,547 on June 30, 1945, to $98,765 as of June 29, 1946. Depos its have gone up over $552,000 in that time and are now $2,298,679. Govern ment bonds in the amount of $414,000 have been purchased in the past year, making a total holding of government bonds $1,195,300. John Rothmuller, who celebrated his 75th birthday in May, has served as president of the bank for the past 16 years. B. F. Aron, who has been with the bank for four years, serves in the capacity of vice president and cashier. Directors are John Rothmuller, B. F. Aron, Herbert G. Smith, Robert K. Kuncl, John E. Mekota, John Smejkal and Dr. F. J. Stejskal. clerk. He served from January, 1942, to August of the following year when ill health forced his resignation. Surviving are his wife, Helen, and two daughters, Mary Lou and Joan Frances. A. J. Denman A. J. Denman, manager of the Amer ican Crystal Sugar Company, and for more than 15 years a member of the board of education in Grand Island, Nebraska, died at his home after a long illness. He was 65 years old. A native of Grand Island, Mr. Den man was active in civic affairs. He was a former president of the Chamber of Commerce, and was president of the Overland National Bank. In 1939 the American Legion gave him its award as the city’s most distinguished citizen. 25 Year Employe Resigns Anna F. Johnson, assistant cashier at the First National Bank of West Point, Nebraska, resigned her position recently after serving faithfully and efficiently for the past twenty-five and one-half years. The employes of the bank presented Miss Johnson with a gift as a remem brance and appreciation of her serv ices. James Pavlik James Pavlik, former Saunders coun ty clerk, died recently at the Lincoln Veterans Hospital following a linger ing illness. He was 48 years old. Mr. Pavlik, a resident of Weston, Nebraska, was employed at the Farm ers and Merchants Bank at Weston and also the Weston Bank prior to 1942, when he was elected county New Bank Opens The North Loup Valley State Bank opened for business July 1st, succeed ing the liquidating North Loup Coop erative Credit Association, State Bank ing Director J. F. Peters announced last month. President of the bank, which is capi talized at $32,500, is C. W. McClellan, retired farmer. F. J. Schudel is vice president and Ray Hill, cashier. The North Loup Bank is the third to be organized this year in Nebraska, Mr. Peters stated. Two previous ones were the Crofton State Bank at Crofton, which opened April 8th and has just joined the FDIC, and the Springfield State Bank which opened Febru ary 23rd. Nebraska now has 284 state banks in operation. Scarborough Lightning struck several places in Beatrice during a late afternon thun derstorm last month. The chimney of the First National Bank Building was struck, scattering bricks in the street. Some of the bricks plummeted through the roof of the Schroeder shop but there were no injuries. Hanes Warns Banks The RFC blanket guarantee of loans being offered -by banks by the Recon struction Finance Corporation is a “sugar coating of the socialization of banking which if followed extensively by banks can mean that eventually the government will take over all banking,” the 200 bankers attending the annual Carolina Bankers Study Conference at the University of North Carolina were told by Robert M. Hanes, chairman of the Small Business Credit Commission of the American Bankers Association, who is president of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Com pany at Winston-Salem, North Caro lina. Mr. Hanes was president of the A.B.A. in the year 1939-40. “We regret that we do have some riskless bankers who would avoid their responsibility of taking ordinary business risks and some who wish to make more profit by carrying a larger loan with the support of such a guar antee and get more interest than they could otherwise,” he said. “ Such bank ers are letting themselves in for an other wave of criticism, I believe, when our economy ceases its upward movement and starts on the downward trend again. When that happens, it will be found that the RFC cannot in discriminately continue to guarantee loans at a rate of three-fourths of 1 per cent or less which it receives for D id you know that adoption of our Cash Letter insurance enables you to dispense with detailed Cash Letter transcripts and keep only a duplicate adding machine tape? Ask us for details. & Com pany Insurance Counselors to Banks FIRST NATIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK BUILDING • CHICAGO 3, ILLINOIS • STATE 4325 Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 48 Nebraska News its guarantee. Losses must follow in a declining economy, and the taxpayer will find that he will have to pay the bill. “ There is now considerable argu ment taking place between Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation,” Mr. Hanes said, “as to which will do the lending job for small business, and each will probably try to outbid the other in attempting to take charge of this function. In the meantime, the RFC is offering to banks an automatic blanket guarantee up to 75 per cent of the amount of loans made to busi ness. This blanket guarantee arrange ment is merely a sugar coating of the socialization of banking. If the banks follow this plan extensively, it can mean that eventually the government will take over all banking.” Mr. Hanes told the audience that banking had its own program for meet ing the credit needs of business and small business particularly, and re minded it of the small business credit program of the A.B.A. with its accent on more modern credit practices, a greater use of the correspondent bank ing system, and the network of credit groups. The country is now blanketed with 49 of these local area credit groups with a total of $675,000,000 of resources. “We are determined that chartered banking will do the postwar credit job in the same creditable manner as it financed both the government and business during the war,” he declared. “For some time there has been an insistent demand on The part of certain leaders in government to establish in this country what is known as a con trolled or managed economy,” Mr. Hanes added. “ This means govern ment operation of hanks, insurance companies, and other financial insti tutions. If this is brought about, it will mean that government will also control all business, for business will then have to go to the government for its credit needs, and government will dictate how business is to operate. “ In the past, every time the sociali zation of a government has been ac complished, the first essential step was to get control of the financial institu tions. It happened in Russia, in Ger many, in Italy, and in Spain. Now England, with its socialist government has embarked on the same course by taking over the Bank of England and threatening to take over the large banks in that country. “Here in the United States we have been following this same pattern. We now have 36 government agencies making loans to farmers, businesses, and individuals. We must work to stop this socialization of our financial institutions.” # # L e t Us Help You finance your excess requirements o f your live stock borrowers. We have ample facilities and are glad to have the opportunity o f helping you serve your customers. F ir s t S t . >loso|»ii S T O C K Y A R D S B .W K South St. Joseph, Mo. OFFICERS Frazer L. Ford, President J. A. Greenfield, Vice President M. E. Blanchard, Asst. Cashier Thos. J. McCullough, Vice Pres, and Cashier Louis J. Komer, Asst. Cashier “ ONLYBANK IN T H E II/{O S” Names Councilmen Completion of the American In stitute of Banking organization of associate councilmen to assist the twelve executive councilmen in pro moting the work of the American In stitute of Banking in their various territories is announced by George J. Greenwood, Jr., newly elected na tional president of the Institute. Mr. Greenwood is assistant manager of The Bank of California National Asso ciation, Portland, Oregon. Each execu tive councilman has several states in his jurisdiction and in each state in his territory he has associate councilmen working under him. Councilmen in several middle west ern states are: CHRISTIAN RIES Iowa—W. A. Acuff, Iowa-Des Moines National Bank & Trust Company, Des Moines, Iowa; James R. Brown, IowaDes Moines National Bank & Trust Company, Des Moines, Iowa. Minnesota— James G. Goblisch, First Grand Avenue State Bank, Saint Paul, Minnesota; Emmett J. Erickson, Farm ers & Mechanics Savings Bank, Min neapolis, Minnesota. Nebraska—Ted Thompson, National Bank of Commerce, Lincoln, Nebraska; Clarence F. Witt, The South Omaha Savings Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. North Dakota—A. A. Mayer, The Da kota National Bank, Bismarck, North Dakota; A. O. McLellan, The Mer chants National Bank & Trust Com pany, Fargo, North Dakota. South Dakota—S. H. Finger, The Na tional Bank of South Dakota, Huron, South Dakota; Harold N. Thomson, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Presho, South Dakota. HERBERT E. WIDENHOFER Illinois—Guy R. Cheatham, The Cen tral National Bank & Trust Company, Peoria, Illinois; Arthur E. Urick, Har ris Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, Illinois. Indiana—Paul E. Jones, The Indiana Trust Company, Indianapolis, Indiana; Joseph J. Schuster, Gary National Bank, Gary, Indiana. Missouri—Hugh S. Hauck, The Boat men’s National Bank, St. Louis, Mis souri; William E. Oram, Jr., Mercan tile Home Bank & Trust Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Wisconsin—Wall G. Coapman, Wis consin Bankers Association, Milwau kee, Wisconsin; Anthony J. Deniger, Marine National Exchange Bank, Mil waukee, Wisconsin. YOUR STATE BANKERS ASSOCIATION OFFICIAL SAFE, VAULT AND TIMELOCK EXPERTS F. E. DAVENPORT & CO. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OMAHA Nebraska News 49 nesota. Mrs. Davis will stay until af ter the Labor Day holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Spear and daughter, Miss Sarah, returned re cently after a two weeks’ stay at Lake Miltona. They were at the Minnesouri Angling Club. Miss Barbara Spear preceded her family home. Mr. Spear is trust officer of the First Na tional Bank of Omaha. R OBERT H. STORZ, new president of the Omaha Chamber of Com merce, recently called a meeting of the board of directors to name a 24man committee to study Omaha’s city and school financial muddle and to make recommendations to the mayor and city council. On the committee are Dale Clark, president, O m a h a National Bank; James P. Ree, former banker and now vice president of the Omaha & Coun cil Bluffs Street Railway Company; Ellsworth Moser, executive vice presi dent, United States National Bank of Omaha; E. F. Pettis, former banker and now secretary-treasurer of the Brandeis Store; Ray R. Ridge, vice president, Omaha National Bank, and Charles I). Saunders, vice president, First National Bank of Omaha. Because Uncle Sam was withdraw ing war loan deposits from Omaha banks to make payments on the na tional debt, Omaha deposits were more than $60,000,000 less than six months ago when the comptroller of currency called for figures as of June 29th. Loans showed a decrease of nearly $7,000,000 in the same six-months pe riod. The total deposits of Omaha banks were $430,834,850 at the close of busi ness June 29th, compared with depos its of $491,372,438 for December 31, 1945. Loans totaled $58,229,431, compared with $65,132,109 six months earlier. Not all banks showed individually a decrease in deposits and loans. “We are witnessing the greatest in flationary trend in our history.” That was what speakers told National Farm Loan Association secretary-treasurers from Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming at their first convention since 1943. They met at the Fontenelle Hotel in Omaha. They also heard the prediction that farm land prices are likely to start falling in a year or two. President Edwin N. Van Horne of the Federal Land Bank of Omaha warned that “inflation will continue because of the unfulfilled demand for farm machinery, electrical equipment, rails, nylons, new houses, furniture, clothing, building materials—and the prices people are eager to pay.” The executive committee includes P. M. Nelson, Cedar Falls, Iowa; F. W. Ellerbrock, Iowa City, Iowa; Glenn R. Pedersen, Odebolt, Iowa; V. L. Chris tensen, Harlan, Iowa; Anton Tresnak, Dodge, Nebraska; E. R. Vorhees, Wauneta, Nebraska; L. S. Madson, Brook ings, South Dakota; and W. H. Barney, Rapid City, South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Davis re cently motored to their summer home on Lake Miltona, at Alexandria, Min Alvin E. Johnson, president of the Live Stock National Bank of Omaha, is spending the summer at Lake Mil tona, Minnesota, to get a much needed rest from his civic and business activi ties. Mrs. Johnson and a son, Alvin W., are also at the lake. James T. Wachob, 74, veteran Oma ha investment banker, died recently at his apartment in the Blackstone Hotel at Omaha. He was a former partner in the Wachob Bender & Com pany investment banking house of Omaha, which he organized in 1921. He retired from active business in 1937. J. B. Frazier, Jr., Omaha investment banker, recently underwent an emer gency appendectomy. He is a navy veteran of World War II, having served as a lieutenant-commander in the Pacific, after service in Iceland. Charles I>. Saunders, vice president of the First National Bank of Omaha, was presented with a ship’s clock re cently when he retired as president of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The clock was given to him by the chamber’s board of directors. In mak ing the presentation, Robert H. Storz, new chamber president, said the clock, encased in a miniature ship’s wheel, typified Mr. Saunders’ service as a “helmsman for the charted course fol lowed by Omaha during the past year.” P irst National iBank ot Omaha Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oldest National Bank. From Omaha West Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 50 Nebraska News former Omaha banker, recently spent two weeks in his former home town. He returned in a Constellation plane to Santa Bar bara, California, his present home. Mr. and Mrs. Yates are planning a trip to South America in the autumn to visit Mr. Yates’ brother, Farrar Yates, another former Omahan, who lives in Buenos Aires. Gwyer H. Yates, Mrs. Gordon D. Taft, wife of the former Omaha investment banker who is with the War Department in Washington, spent the month of July in Omaha with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. John J. Foster. then cared for 400 evacuees for two weeks. Oscar H. Holquist of the First Na tional Bank of Omaha has been elected treasurer of the Tribe of Yessir of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The group sponsors good will visits to nearby towns. Mrs. Victor Caldwell and her daugh ter, Miss Betty, left recently with Mr. and Mrs. Casper Y. Oft'utt for Lake Okoboji, Iowa, to spend a week at the Offutt cottage. Mrs. Caldwell is the wife of a vice president of the United States National Bank of Omaha. # # Wallace W. Keenan, trust officer of the Live Stock National Bank of Oma ha, has purchased the Van Sant School of Business in Omaha, which has been owned and operated by Miss lone C. Duffy since 1910. Mr. Keenan will take over active management of the school. A former FBI man and later an instructor at Creighton University in Omaha, Mr. Keenan plans more em phasis on business education for men as part of the school’s curriculum. Mrs. H. M. Bushnell, wife of the president of the United States Na tional Bank of Omaha, and Mrs. Clar ence Landen were among the honor guests at ground-breaking ceremonies for the new Omaha Levee on the Mis souri River. They were among six women who directed operation of the Red Cross canteen during the 1943 flood and fed 10,000 dike workers for three days, BANKS Bought and Sold Confidentially and with becoming dignity BANK EMPLOYEES PLACED. 40 Years Satisfactory Service THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO. OM AHA, NEBRASKA Bank as vice president and manager ever since. Mr. Maly started in the banking business in 1904 as assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Spalding, Nebraska. In 1909 he became cashier STANLEY M ALY Retires from First National Bank TANLEY MALY, who was in the S banking business in Lincoln for 25 years, has retired from his position as vice president of the First National Bank. When Mr. Maly retired July 1st he had been in the banking business in Nebraska for 42 years. In Lincoln Mr. Maly first was asso ciated with the old City National Bank of Lincoln, which liquidated in 1926 when the City National Bank in Lin coln was formed. Mr. Maly was presi dent of this bank when it merged with the First National Bank in 1928. He had been with the First National of the Cedar Rapids, Nebraska, Nation al Bank, and in 1910 he joined the S. S. Hadley Company, bankers, where he served as assistant cashier, cashier and finally president. He also owned a half interest in the First State Bank of St. Edward, Ne braska. He was never active in serv ice in St. Edward, though he served on the board of directors and as a vice president. He sold this bank when he came to Lincoln in 1921. Since his retirement, Mr. Maly said, he has “just been taking it easy.” He retired under the First National’s pen sion plan. Although eligible for retirement last year, he stayed on for an additional year because of the war. In the opinion of Assistant Attorney rfe T0 0 TLE-LACY Many Tootle-Lacy correspondents follow the plan of reviewing their problems in cooperation with us—often to mutual satisfaction. Nor t h westet n Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nebraska News General Vail, given to the department 51 A H A C ou n try Ittioli S u rr ey of banking, a director of a bank can not function as such when all his stock is jointly owned. Mr. Vail says that the law very plainly states that every director must own stock in his own name and right. were mailed recently to between 11,000 and 12,000 banks with assets of $7% million or less by the Government Bond Port folio Committee of the American Bank ers Association’s Country Bank Opera tion Commission in a nation-wide sur vey to provide data on government bond holdings. Each participating bank will be able to compare its own bond holdings with the average of other banks of its state in the same de posit category. All figures from banks participating in the survey will be held in strictest confidence and only percentage figure averages will be released for comparison purposes. The questionnaire was accompanied by a letter from Claude F. Pack, presi dent of the Home State Bank, Kansas City, Kansas, who is chairman of the Government Bond Portfolio Commit tee. Mr. Pack writes: Q Loans made by Lincoln banks in creased more than two million dol lars during the first six months of 1946 as compared with figures for Decem ber 31, 1945. Total deposits to June 29, 1946, declined by a total of $7,998,797 as compared with the December, 1945, total. Figures released in response to a national bank call as of June 29, 1946, reflecting the condition of business in Lincoln were deceptive in their totals for deposits, however, bank officials explained, because the government has been withdrawing large war loan deposits to use for its expenses and to reduce its bonded indebtedness. Actu ally, individual deposits have in creased greatly during 1945, they said. Deposits in Lincoln’s three down town banks totaled $136,697,286 to June 20th, with loans totaling $12,961,544. These compare with $144,696,073 in deposits on December 31, 1945, and $10,833,608 in loans. u e s t io n n a ir e s Call on “Bank deposits in this country have increased nearly 95 billion dollars since the war started, and in the same time bank holdings of Government securities have increased over 85 billion. The rate of growth of deposits has been most rapid in rural areas. Although total deposits of all banks probably will not decline, important regional shifts might easily take place, and in the event of a serious drought or decline in farm prices, shifts in rural areas might be of considerable significance. With the war over, the above facts have special significance because other important changes are taking place in the banking structure. Loans are increasing and there is a growing belief that the continued de cline in interest rates is causing banks gradually to move into longer maturi ties in their investment accounts.” (Turn to page 61, please) this bank for Lincoln service with the assurance of effi ciency and promptness. r—77^0 ( o n t in e n t a l R a t io n a l B ank °h LINCOLN Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation — and another nice thing is, you can have immediate possession. NATIONAL BANK MILTON TOOTLE, JR. PR ESID EN T MILTON TOOTLE, III VIC E PR ESID EN T ST. JOSEPH, MO. R. E. WALES CASHIER GRAHAM G. LACY E. H. SCHOPP FRED T. BURRI E. L. CRUME VICE P R ESID EN T ASST. CASHIER ASST. CASHIER ASST. CASHIER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 52 Show n above is the O m aha Live Stock N ation al B ank’ s 24 H our Transit D epartm ent. H ere, the clearin g and p rocessin g o f thousands o f transit item s takes p la ce 24 hours a day. Providing our correspondents with fast, efficient 24 hour transit service is not a one-man s job by any means. In the transit department alone, 27 well-trained, dependable employees speed collection items and cash letter transactions on their way night and day. Transit service plays an important part in banking. Send your items where complete transit facilities await your service— night and day! LIVE STOCK NATIONAL BANK OM AHA, NEBRASKA T H E B A N K O F F R I E N D l Y y j S E R V I C E MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AND FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 53 I <» w a N EW S F. L. SAWYERS President Centerville New President Elected The Farmers Savings Bank of Remsen, Iowa, held its annual meeting and election of officers last month, the stockholders electing a board of seven directors. Joseph Ahmann was elected president to fill the vacancy caused by the death last spring of Bernard Bohlke. Mr. Ahmann had been vice president for many years. Other officers elected were: J. P. Schroeder and L. S. Homan, vice presi dents; Adolph Frasch, re-elected cash ier; and Jay J. DeLay and Filmore Frasch, assistant cashiers. Mr. DeLay recently returned to the bank after 26 months in the Army Air Forces, of which time 10 months was spent on Okinawa with the 8th Air Force. Joins West Union Bank Reid Giese, recently discharged from the army as a captain, has joined the staff of the First National Bank of West Union, Iowa. Mr. Giese’s home is in Good Thunder, Minnesota, and prior to his army service he was em ployed in the Earlham Savings Bank, Earlham, Iowa. Claussen Elected President At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Farmers Savings Bank, Ricketts, Iowa, last month, P. H. Claus sen was elected president. Mr. Claus sen had been cashier of the bank since 1909. August Meyer, who retired from the presidency, was elected to the board of directors. Milton Struck, with the bank since 1936, was elected cashier and Ruth Bielow was promoted from the position of bookkeeper to assistant cashier. FRANK WARNER Secretary Des Moines replaces W. H. Fobes who resigned his position to go into business in Calmar, Iowa. Maxine L. Welch, stenographer of the American National Bank, returned to her home recently from Rochester, Minnesota, where she underwent an operation to set the bones which were broken in her leg in a Memorial Day accident. Miss Welch stepped in an excavation and suffered severe breaks in two bones above her ankle. Wanita Ward, a recent Arlington high school graduate, is taking Miss Welch’s place until her injuries heal. elected to fill his office. H. W. Bow ers is vice president and L. R. Bassett is cashier. All preferred stock was retired dur ing the past year, with the local share holders receiving a 100 per cent com mon stock dividend. Material earnings were also added to the capital struc ture which is now near the $200,000 mark. Gets Bank Office After a lapse of fourteen years, Fort Atkinson, Iowa, has banking service. On July 15th the Citizens Savings Bank of Spillville opened a bank office, with Adolph A. Novak, Jr., as man ager and assistant cashier. Mr. Novak is a brother of Roy V. Novak, cashier of the Spillville Bank. Fort Atkinson has not had banking facilities since January, 1932. The new office affords people of Fort Atkinson territory every needed service. Oscar Helgerson Funeral services for Oscar Helger son, 59, prominent Red Oak banker, Plan to Remodel The Nevada National Bank of Ne were held at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Red Oak last month. He vada, Iowa, has recently purchased additional business footage, and plans died at his home after an illness of to remodel its bank premises in the over a year. Mr. Helgerson was born November coming season of 1947. Additional 5, 1887, at Beloit, Iowa. lobby space is planned for the con As a young man he pioneered and venience of its customers, new work space for the clerical force, and a pri homesteaded in South Dakota and later became affiliated with the bank vate room for the directors. S. M. McHose, senior member of the ing profession in South Dakota, Mon board and president of the bank since tana and Iowa. Following the bank failures of the its organization in 1934, retired this past winter and Col. H. E. Hadley was early 30’s, he served as a receiver of the national banks of southwest Iowa. He served as cashier of the National Bank of Decorah, Iowa, for several years. In 1936 he joined H. C. Hough ton, Jr., in the Houghton State Bank, and later in the consolidation of the Houghton State Bank with the First National Bank of Red Oak. He served the bank as a vice president. Survivors include Mrs. Helgerson, two sons, Robert of Ottumwa, and Aus tin T. of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and a sister, Mrs. John Skaris of Canton, South Dakota. Appointed Teller at Arlington New Teller and Director Lee B. Richards of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has accepted a position as teller at the American National Bank of Arlington, Iowa. Mr. Rich ards was recently discharged from the army after 39 months service, 19 months of which were spent overseas in the European theater. He is a graduate of the University of South Dakota and prior to his army service was in the country newspaper busi ness in Iowa and South Dakota. He Robert L. Gossard of Kasson, Minne sota, has accepted a position as book keeper and teller with the Alton Sav ings Bank of Alton, Iowa. Mr. Gos sard was a flight instructor on a B-29 in the Pacific theater, and received his discharge in May of this year. Dr. D. J. Gleysteen, for many years a director of the Alton Savings Bank, passed away recently. His successor as director is M. C. Muilenburg, local manufacturer. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis John P. Hainer, vice president of the First National Bank in Sioux City, died last month. Mr. Hainer had been ill since last November. Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 54 Iowa News J. Floyd Rich Retires Retirement of J. Floyd Rich, vice president and a director of the State Bank of Fort Dodge, Iowa, was an nounced last month. Mr. Rich has been identified with Fort Dodge banking for nearly 50 years, and in point of service is dean of the city’s bank officials. He entered the business as a young man and has been continuously asso ciated with Fort Dodge banks since. He was an official of the First National Bank and of the First State Bank and Trust Company before the organiza tion of the State Bank. Mr. Rich will continue to make his home in Fort Dodge. B. O. Ball Resigns Barney O. Ball has resigned as cash ier of the West Burlington Savings Bank of West Burlington, Iowa, be cause of ill health and a desire to retire from active bank service, but will continue as a member of the board of directors. L. Roy Trout, executive vice presi dent of the bank for the last five years, has been appointed vice president and cashier by the directors. Mr. Ball had been cashier of the bank since September 2, 1930, and was in the banking business 15 years prior to that time. He has been active in church circles and is a member of the PICTURED ABOVE IS BOYD F. JOR DAN, who recently resigned as cashier of the Muscatine Bank and Trust Company o f Muscatine, Iowa, to accept the office o f executive vice president of the New American Bank o f Oshkosh, Wisconsin. His successor is F. Warren Allen, associated with the bank since 1917 and assistant cashier since 1924. Service That Fits Our goal is to give full and attentive service to our correspondent accounts. Our moderate Burlington Kiwanis Club and Masonic Lodge No. 1. size guarantees the close, personal relation ship that you need. Named Assistant Cashier L. O. Schoenthal, assistant cashier and in charge of farm management for the Whitney Loan & Trust Company of Atlantic, Iowa, the last two years, was elected cashier of the bank at the annual meeting last month. Officers re-elected at the annual meet ing were: James G. Whitney, presi dent; O. A. Otto, vice president, and Paul G. Sandhorst, Hugh Allen and Charles McCauley, assistant cashiers. Directors of the bank are: Mr. Whit ney, Mr. Otto, H. A. Marshall, Fred R. Long, L. L. Balding, E. C. Schelm and Earl Hawes. May we assist you in your correspondent needs in Sioux City? A. G. Sam, President Fritz Fritzson, Vice Pres, and Cashier E. A. Johnson, Assistant Cashier J. T. Grant, Vice President H. H. Strifert, Assistant Cashier J. R. Graning, Assistant Cashier R. E. Gleeson, Assistant Cashier W. F. Cook, Auditor MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Joins Red Oak Bank Wendell E. Strom has been elected cashier of the Montgomery County Na tional Bank of Red Oak, Iowa. Announcement was made by Presi dent George W. Artherholt that Mr. Strom was joining the bank. A graduate of Carleton College and the University of Iowa School of Law, Mr. Strom was special agent with the FBI three years before entering the navy. He was in the Pacific theater three years and was discharged as a lieutenant. * * * ★ / ft Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S / O U X C / 'f l f ★ * * Celebrates 50th year The Iowa Trust and Savings Bank observed its 50th anniversary last month, marking a half century of 55 7 Years o f 8 Specialized Experience Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T HIS B A N K has been closely identified with the live stock industry in Chicago for more than three-quarters o f a century. W e know the importance o f speedy transmis sion o f proceeds o f live stock sales and for years have had these credits in the hands o f M idwest bankers the next day. This is only one o f our many services used by bankers throughout the M iddle West. ~ ..— .. ..... L I V f/lff/tfmrf/ E B J 7 i< > S A ..... ■ — T N E STA B LISH E D O K C .................... .... K ofl C &/ltc a ^ € 1868 UNION STOCK YARDS M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 56 Iowa News service to Centerville, Iowa, and terri tory. Founded the 13th day of July, 1896, by William Bradley, Sr., the Iowa Trust and Savings Bank has grown throughout the years and stands today as a sound banking institution. Started with a capital stock of $50,000, it now has a capital stock of $50,000, surplus of $50,000, undivided prof its of $35,836 and reserve of $50,000. In addition it has deposits as of July 1, 1946, of $3,387,412. The presidency of the bank passed in its infancy from William Bradley, Sr., to J. A. Bradley, his son. From that time until J. A.’s death in June of 1933, he maintained a guiding con trol. He gave his banks, of which the Iowa Trust and Savings was only one, his undivided attention for he believed in sound and careful management. After his death, W. O. Steele became president, and upon Mr. Steele’s death John Young assumed the presidency. Mr. Young has been identified with the Iowa Trust and Savings Bank since August 1, 1937. Elected Assistant Cashier At a recent meeting of the board of directors of the Farmers Savings Bank of North English, Iowa, Robert W. Davisson was elected assistant cashier. Mr. Davisson worked at the Farmers Savings Bank for four years before entering the service. He served in the army for three years, and upon dis charge returned to his work at the bank. Opening Branch in Waucoma The Iowa State Banking Department has approved the application of the State Bank of Lawler, Iowa, to open a branch bank in Waucoma. This branch will be managed by Eugene J. Timlin, who has been active in the Lawler Bank since the control of that institution was taken over by Vincent and Ed Kelly and others. Named Bank Director Walter A. Ruehlman, president of E. M. Peet Manufacturing Company, was elected to the board of directors of the City National Bank of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. Ruehlman’s appointment was made to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Herman Krasne, who will reside in California. Mr. Ruehlman was named at a regu lar meeting of the directors, according to R. W. Turner, president. Heads Johnson County Bankers Bank, tendered his resignation at the bank recently. Ailing health was given as his reason for leaving the bank. Advanced From Auditor Charles E. Krejci has been named assistant cashier of the Peoples Sav ings Bank of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mr. Krejci, who has been an employe of the bank for 19 years, served as audi tor the last two years. Before that he was a teller. Announces Two Promotions Senator LeRoy S. Mercer, vice presi dent of the Hills Bank and Trust Com pany of Hills, Iowa, was elected president of the Johnson County Bank ers Association at a recent meeting of the organization at the Hotel Jefferson in Iowa City. He succeeds Charles Koss, cashier of the Swisher Trust and Savings Bank of Swisher. W. W. Summerwill, vice president of the Iowa State Bank and Trust Com pany of Iowa City, was elected vice president of the association. O. E. Markitan, cashier of the Solon State Bank of Solon, was named treas urer, and Elmer Ulch, assistant cash ier of the Swisher Trust and Savings Bank, was named secretary. Takes Cashier Position Henry C. Overbeck took over last month as the new cashier of the Iowa Falls State Bank, Iowa Falls, Iowa. He goes to Iowa Falls from Fort Col lins, Colorado, where he has, for the last nine years, been manager of the installment loan department. Born in eastern Nebraska, Mr. Over beck has been engaged in the banking business for nearly 20 years. Resigns Cashier Post Henry Dye, who went to Rock Val ley, Iowa, in October, 1943, to fill the position of cashier at the Valley State Promotions of Edward J. Sattler and Wilfred L. Buck to positions of assist ant cashiers at Woodbury County Sav ings Bank of Sioux City, Iowa, have been announced. Mr. Sattler spent two and one-half years in military service, of which nearly two years were spent overseas in the European theater. He has had wide experience in real estate apprais al and mortgage lending and will con tinue his work in the real estate mort gage department. Mr. Buck was graduated from Cen tral high school and began as a mes senger boy for Woodbury County Sav ings Bank in August, 1935. He ad vanced from messenger to bookkeeper and then to teller. He had three years of military service, spending two years in the European theater. Re-elect All Officers William Zunkel was re-elected execu tive vice president and cashier of the Palo Alto County State Bank of Emmetsburg, Iowa, at the annual stock holders meeting recently. W. H. Brenton of Des Moines was re-elected president and George Kelley of Dallas Center was re-elected vice president. Other officers are Miss Flor ence Berdin, William Degnan and Severt Swanson, assistant cashiers. W. J. Degnan remains manager of the bank’s Mallard office. Mr. Swan- M r. Banker: DO YOU KNOW THAT BANKS ARE REGULAR SUBSCRIBERS TO D. A . S. AGRICULTURAL DIGEST There is no other agricultural information service just like it. For sample releases and further information write to Doane Agricultural Service, Inc, Box 603, 206 Plymouth Bldg. You Should Have It! Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Des Moines 9, Iowa H o m e O ffic e — S t. L o u is Iowa News son is manager of the bank’s Ayrshire office. i Joe T. Grant, for seven years assist ant cashier at the First National Bank of Sioux City, Iowa, was elevated to the vice presidency of the bank at a meeting of the board of trustees. Mr. Grant’s banking experience be- 57 five members, Mr. Ide, H. F. Harsh, A. E. Jensen, G. D. Newcomb and Mr. Menzer. The First National Bank is one of the oldest banks in Iowa and is ob serving its Diamond Anniversary this year, having been organized in 1871, 75 years ago. A. E. Jensen is president and G. R. Heflin, cashier. will be an entrance through the bank lobby as well as from the street. Sev eral of the upper floors of the building will be used for banking purposes. Menzer Named Director According to an announcement made last month by Frank A. Ide, chairman of the board of directors of The First National Bank in Creston, Iowa, N. I. Menzer was elected director of the bank at their meeting to fill the va cancy caused through the death of Bert Tallman last May. Mr. Menzer had previously served on the bank board during the period 1929 to 1933. The board consists of W e W on d er The best 10 years of a woman’s life are from 28 to 30. THE NATIONAL BANK OF WATERLOO STATEMENT OF CONDITION A s o f June 2 9 , 1 9 4 6 i K j . r . G R AN T Newly Elected Vice President gan with the Farmers National Bank of Clay, Kentucky, where he served in various capacities for seven years. He then moved to the Merchandise Na tional Bank of Chicago, Illinois, where he stayed two years. He went to Sioux City in May, 1937, as auditor for the First National Bank. Shortly after he was named assistant cashier. Mr. Grant has had wide expe rience in installment loan and real es tate financing. Born in Clay, Kentucky, Mr. Grant is married and has two children. RESOURCES C ash an d D u e f r o m B a n k s ---------------------------------------------- .$ Loans and D is c o u n t s -------------------------------------------------------- U . S . G o v e r n m e n t S e c u r it ie s -------------------------------------------S ta te , C o u n ty an d M u n ic ip a l S e c u r it ie s ------------------ O t h e r B o n d s ______________________________________________ S to c k in F e d e ra l R e s e r v e B a n k ---------------------------------O v e r d r a f t s _________________________________________________ F u r n itu r e a n d F ix t u r e s ---------------------------------------------------A c c r u e d In te re st R e c e iv a b le ------------------------------------------ $23,411,693.91 LIABILITIES C a p ita l S to c k — C o m m o n ----------------------------------------------- Named Grand Treasurer Milton E. Lehning, cashier at the Iowa State Bank, Fort Madison, Iowa, was named grand treasurer of the Iowa Knights Templar following his election by delegates attending the 82nd annual conclave at Templar Park, Spirit Lake, Iowa. Opening Loan Department The First Trust and Savings Bank of Davenport, Iowa, has taken over the building adjoining the bank on the west side and will operate a small loan department on the main floor. R. O. Byerrum, executive vice president, said they expect to have the depart ment opened by August 15th. There Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4.796.287.64 3,620,761.89 11,211,567.50 3.343.286.61 332.300.37 21,000.00 1,225.69 5,459.77 79,804.44 S u r p lu s -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- U n d iv id e d P r o f i t s ------------------------------------------------------------ R e se r v e f o r T a x e s , In te r e s t, e t c .------------------------------In te re st C o lle c te d b u t n o t E a r n e d -----------------------------D e p o s i t s ____________________________________________________ _$ 250.000.00 450,000.00 184,018.35 174.181.44 11,020.87 _ 22,342,473.25 $23,411,693.91 ★ OFFICERS James M. Graham...... Chairman Chas. S. McKinstry. . . .President R. L. P e n n e ........................ Vice Pres. A. J. Burk.... H . F. Hoffer. . R. L. Kilgore.. ......................Cashier .Assistant Cashier .Assistant Cashier Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Iowa News 58 tie s M o in e s \o u \s Mr. and Mrs. John de Jong left New York by plane last month for a sixweek visit to Amsterdam, Holland. Mr. de Jong, vice president of the Iowa-Des Moines National Bank and Trust Company, is visiting there with two sisters and one brother and their families. They are Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard de Jong, Dr. and Mrs. Jan Scholtede Jong and Mr. and Mrs. Herman de Haan. Richard de Jong, whose home is in Batavia, Java, East Indies, visited his brother in Des Moines in 1940. The de Jong’s intend to return to the United States by plane some time in Septem ber. Winfield Scott, senior vice president of the Valley Bank and Trust Com pany, and Mrs. Scott celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last month. The June 29th bank call shows Des Moines banks had total deposits of $279,985,000 — a $10,000,000 increase Bankers: We specialize in writing automobile and fire insur ance. Special bank service and attractive proposition for banker agents. over June, 1945. Loan figures, spurred by industrial loans, went up from $49,539,760 to $65,448,076 in the same period. Bank clearings the first week in July set a new high for any one week in 1946, due partially to the expansion in business at higher prices after removal of OPA controls. The figure hit more than $14,000,000,000. Another new high in Des Moines was set during the first six months when check transactions totaled $1,340,243,000. This shows an increase over the first six months in 1945, pre vious record six months, of more than $116,000,000. J. R. Astley, vice president of the Valley Bank and Trust Company, and Mrs. Astley spent their vacation at Lake Okoboji last month. The Iowa State Bank has established a G. I. loan department, with M. J. Dwigans, assistant cashier, in charge. Assisting him are Harold Grimes, who joined the bank recently after receiv ing his discharge from the service, and Doris Olson, secretary. A d isp la y o f m ore than 2,000 co in banks o w n e d b y Clarence Simmons o f the Iow a State Bank will be shown in a corner display w indow o f Y o u n kers Department Store in Des M oines fro m Sunday, September 8th, through Tuesday, September 9th, in connection with the annual convention o f the Towa Bankers A ssociation. M r. Sim mons has been collecting the banks fo r many years and is still adding to his collection. year. The former Debate and Public Speaking committee is this year di vided into two separate committees; also, the former Membership and Pub licity committee now becomes the Membership and Enrollment commit tee, and a separate Publicity commit tee has been formed. The members of the committees are as follows: Debate Committee—E. Francis De Vos, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, chairman; Thomas J. Brennan, Jr., Federal Trust Company, Newark, New Jersey; Ar thur Deckelmann, First National Bank in Spokane, Spokane, Washing ton; John F. Elsbree, Webster and Atlas National Bank of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts; Douglas C. Giles, The Manufacturers National Bank of De troit, Detroit, Michigan; Ronald B. Harrison, The Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota; J. Morris Howard, Jr., The First National Bank, Newport News, Virginia; Raymond F. Moore, Twen tieth Avenue-Irving Office, American Trust Company, San Francisco, Cali fornia; C. Russell Moore, Pittsburgh Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Vic J. Passera, Jr., Louisiana Savings Bank & Trust Co., New Orleans, Louis iana; Bruce Percy, Genesee Valley Trust Company, Rochester, New York; Greenwood Announces A.LB, Committee Appointments ★ CENTRAL STATES MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Mt. Pleasant, Iowa E. A. HAYES, President O, T. WILSON, Secretary Established 1929 The completion of appointments to seven national committees of the American Institute of Banking, edu cational section of the American Bankers Association, was announced last month by George J. Greenwood, Jr., newly elected national president of the Institute. Mr. Greenwood, who is assistant manager of The Bank of California National Association, Port land, Oregon, disclosed that two new committees have been created this Scarborough Honey, are you gaining weight, or is your prewar girdle giving out? Company Insurance Counselors to Banks . D id you know that this company pioneered in putting Bank Insurance on a scientific basis and forcing rate reductions? Ask us about our counseling service. N o rth w e s te rn Banker, A u gu st, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1946 f feSjH f ir s t n a t io n a l bank b u il d in g SIAIE 4325 • Ch ic a g o 3, il l . 59 O p e n s N e w t t r n n e h O f f i c e SERVICE M ain tain in g an intim ate, personalized correspondent bank service. EXPERIENCE Officials with years of serv ice in this field, assuring a knowledge of requirements and valuable assistance. PO LICY To cooperate with out-oftown banks ra th e r than compete for business which is rightfully theirs. _ C 7 7 fe p u b l ic GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY of New York last month opened a branch office in Rockefeller Center at 40 Rockefeller Plaza. It brings to three the branches of Guaranty in New York City. A view of the main banking floor, looking from the entrance, is pictured above. The office is under the general supervision o f Alfred C. Howell, vice president, as are the other New York City branches. Other officers o f the new branch are: Robert W. Stephens, second vice president; John R. Currier, John F. Gately, Reidar E. Gundersen and Lawrence M. Pritchard, assistant treasurers; Kenneth S. Stocker, assistant trust officer, and Alfred W. G. Spindler, assistant secretary. William M. Stevenson, assistant treasurer, will be in charge o f the branch of Guaranty Safe Deposit Company. NATIONAL E S T A B L IS H E D 1908 Howard S. Starks, The Citizens and Southern National Bank, Atlanta, Georgia; Charles F. Straka, Marine National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Forum and Seminar Committee— John H. Duerk, Howard Savings In stitution, Newark, New Jersey, chair man; Fred G. Brittle, Jr., The Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia; George Clark, The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Winston G. Ettling, Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co., St. Louis, Missouri; S. Oram Farrand, Verona Trust Company, Ve rona, New Jersey; Postell Hebert, Union Planters National Bank & Trust Co., Memphis, Tennessee; Ralph E. Kenner, Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana; M. C. Miranne, City Bank Branch, Whitney National Bank of New Or leans, New Orleans, Louisiana; Ethel F. Roberts, State Street Trust Com pany, Boston, Massachusetts; Roy L. Robeson, Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo, New York; J. Ralph Wagner, National Bank of Wyandotte, Wyandotte, Michigan; S. O. Washburn, National Bank of Wash ington, Tacoma, Washington; Roy Zimmerman, Security-Peoples Trust Company, Erie, Pennsylvania. Membership and Enrollment Com mittee—C. Edward Berryman, The Marine Trust Company of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, chairman; Walter E. Batts, Branch Banking & Trust Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Company, Wilson, North Carolina; L. Eston Davis, American Trust Com pany, Oakland, California; Ivan F. Dudding, The Kanawha Valley Bank, Charleston, AVest Virginia; T. Robert Faragher, Dexter and Broad Street Branch, Peoples National Bank of Washington, S e a t t l e , Washington; James G. Goblisch, First Grand Ave nue State Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota; Theo L. Karau, Echo Park-Sunset Boulevard Branch, Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Theodore L. Klein, The First National Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsyl vania; John Maples, Jr., Birmingham Trust & Savings Co., Birmingham, Ala bama; Earl Menz, American State Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Ruth Miller, The Bank of Akron, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. Margaret Murray, Union Bank & Trust Co. of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas; Wilbert T. Roberts, The Oneida National Bank and Trust Co. of Utica, Utica, New York; Charles E. Van Dine, The American Bank & Trust Co., New Haven, Connecticut. Publicity Committee — Kathryn C. O’Connor, Putnam & Co., Hartford, Connecticut, chairman; John R. Abernethy, The National Bank of Charleroi and Trust Co., Charleroi, Pennsylvania; Otto W. Beaman, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri; Miss Leslie Braziel, Wacho via Bank and Trust Company, Wins ton-Salem, North Carolina; Dair Da vidson, Bank of America National MEMBER ■ New York Clearing House Association Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation M EETS A P P R O V E D R EQ U IR EM E N T S FO R SEA LIN G C O IN S AND SEA L P R E S S 8 t SEA LS Improved design enabling user, with one hand, to attach cord and pull until seal pin is forced through the thick folds of the canvas coin bag. Half the weight of any other Seal Press but greater leverage. Weighs only 17 ozs. "Steel Strong" Lead Seals used with Press are of pure lead, non-porous, won't crack or break. Cord in seal has tensile strength of 130 lbs. <7/te C. L. D O W N EY Gomfu^uf. HANNIBAL, 'll/ v d d 'i. J la A e ^ d MISSOURI a/ CcU et W la fifM A i Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 60 YOUR STATE BANKERS ASSOCIATION OFFICIAL SAFE, VAULT AND TIMELOCK EXPERTS F. E. DAVENPORT & CO. ___________________O M A H A LOOSE LEAF CO. MASON CITY, IOWA Bank Supplies DES MOINES BUILDING-LOAN & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Oldest In Des M oines 210 6th A v e . D ia l 4-7119 ELMER E. MILLER Pres, and Sec. HUBERT E. JAMES Asst. Sec. FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT . . . Listen to the “ WORLD OF MUSIC” KRNT, 1350 KC 1 to 1:30 p.m. Sundays lÁ Je á ó fín c f C o u n s e l jS*en/¿ceó on B a n k Trust and Savings Association, Sacra mento, California; William V. O. French, The Baraboo National Bank, Baraboo, Wisconsin; Gilbert S. Goshorn, The Florida National Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida; L. A. Laberge, The National Bank of Commerce and Trust Company of Providence, Providence, Rhode Island; Laurine Lees, Portland Trust and Savings Bank, Portland, Oregon; Jo seph S. Maddlone, The First National Bank of Merrick, Merrick, New York; Nell O’Connell, Hillcrest State Bank, Dallas, Texas; Louis R. Sabo, Cincin nati Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Ohio; Elizabeth Bruen, National Newark & Essex Banking Company, 744 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey. Public Relations Committee—D. C. Armanino, American Trust Company, San Francisco, California, chairman; Edward H. Fowler, The First National Bank & Trust Company of New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut; W. R. Gay, Commercial National Bank in Shreve port, Shreveport, Louisiana; Harry Goodfriend, The Anglo California Na tional Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco, California; W. Albert Hess, The Bank of Virginia, Norfolk, Vir ginia; Winfield T. Irwin, The First Na tional Bank of Philadelphia, Philadel phia, Pennsylvania; John Kossin, Pitts burgh Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Pennsylva nia.' H. C. NLholls, The First National Bank, Madison, Wisconsin; Edward D. Rhame, The Amsterdam City Na tional Bank, Amsterdam, New York; Sumner G. Sinclair, Northwestern Na tional Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapo lis, Minnesota; A. M. Sommers, Union Planters National Bank & Trust Com pany, Memphis, Tennessee; H. R. Zim merman, Citizens Branch, The United States National Bank of Portland, Portland, Oregon. Public Speaking Committee—Roland Bratton, The Fort Worth National Bank, Fort Worth, Texas, chairman; Louis Barta, Live Stock National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska; LeRoy S. Clark, The Marine Midland Trust Com pany of New York, New York, New York; Clarence A. Davis, Common wealth Bank, Detroit, Michigan; C. Gordon Dodd, The Pacific National Bank of Seattle, Seattle, Washington; Charles W. Fellows, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Vir ginia; Robert S. Gillespie, Providence Institution for Savings, Providence, Plan to use an advertising program of well worded messages created by W essling Services, D es Moines, Iowa P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s D . R . W E S S L IN G . P R E S ID E N T Yl'joinei 9, Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oiva Rhode Island; Stetson B. Harman, First Trust and Savings Bank of Pasa dena, Pasadena, California; H. J. Nel son, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadel phia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Arthur A. Rauterberg, Jr., First Wis consin National Bank, Milwaukee, Wis consin; T. M. Reinhart, Prichard National Bank, Prichard, Alabama; Clifford F. Tuttle, First National Bank in Houston, Houston, Texas; Elmer W. Warren, The First National Bank of Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Women’s Committee—Alice I. Jones, Third National Bank and Trust Com pany, Scranton, Pennsylvania, chair man; Mrs. Gudrun M. Baker, Seattle Trust and Savings Bank, Seattle, Washington; Evelyn Blough, United States National Bank in Johnstown, Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Betty Car ter, The Fourth National Bank in Wichita, Wichita, Kansas; Eleanor D. Connors, The Seamen’s Bank for Sav ings in the City of New York, New York, New York; Margaret Gaughran, The Hibernia Savings and Loan So ciety, San Francisco, California; Mrs. Louise Howington, First National Bank, Atlanta, Georgia; Eleanore Jacod, Peoples Trust Company of Ber gen County, Hackensack, New Jersey; Mrs. Ruth G. Karkalits, Continental National Bank of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas; Martha R. Lerch, Com mercial National Bank, Charlotte, North Carolina; Mrs. E. Kay Madden, Seattle-First National Bank, Seattle, Washington; Eleanore J. Madson, Con tinental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Daisy M. Powell, The Fifth Third Union Trust Company, Cincin nati, Ohio; Doris Tucker, Phoenix State Bank and Trust Company, Hart ford, Connecticut; Mrs. Dorothea B. Wilkes, Crenshaw & Santa Barbara Branch, Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Califor nia. In addition to the national commit tees there are six committees in the executive council. The personnel of these committees is as follows: Budget Committee—David T. Scott, The First National Bank of Boston, B o s t o n , Massachusetts, chairman; George J. Greenwood, Jr., The Bank of California National Association, Portland, Oregon; Garnett A. Carter, The Fulton National Bank, Atlanta, Georgia. Educational Advisory Committee— Herbert E. Widenhofer, Fort Wayne National Bank, Fort Wayne, Indiana, chairman; J. Vincent O’Neill, The Na tional City Bank of New York, New York, New York; Christian Ries, Fed eral Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Nominating Committee—Edward C. 61 ties has most significance when related to such items as capital accounts, cash, or total resources. When the returns are in and tabulated, we will send you a copy of the results in a form that will be just as illuminating and helpful to you as possible . . . The information we are seeking is of tremendous inter est to every country bank, but only through the cooperative effort of these banks is it possible to find out what is taking place. Your cooperation in giving us these figures for your bank should prive to be of mutual benefit.” AUGUST, 1946 A A l l i e d M u t u a l C a s u a l t y C o m p a n y ........... 36 A m e r i c a n N a t io n a l B a n k an d T r u s t Co. 38 It B a n k o f A m e r i c a ............................................. 27 B a n k e r s T r u s t C o m p a n y — D es M o i n e s . . 63 B a n k e r s T r u s t C o m p a n y — N e w Y o r k . . . 25 C An excellent interpretation of both Spanish fiesta and the meat shortage. the Boyer, The National Bank of Com merce in New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, chairman; J. Kaye Ewart, National Bank of Washington, Ta coma, Washington; C l a r e n c e W. Brown, American Trust Company, Sacramento, California. Chapter Administration Committee —W. Howard Martie, Farmers Depos it National Bank, Pittsburgh, Penn sylvania; Hartwell F. Taylor, The Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia; Alton P. Barr, Security Savings Bank, Birmingham, Alabama. Program Committee — Garnett A. Carter, The Fulton National Bank, At lanta, Georgia, chairman; Floyd W. Larson, secretary, American Institute of Banking, New York, New York. Transportation Committee—Howard R. Chamberlain, Union Trust Company of Rochester, Rochester, New York, chairman; H. Waldo Graff, Trinity State Bank, Fort Worth, Texas; Walter D. Behnke, Old Kent State Bank, Grand Rapids, Michigan. # # Bank Survey (Continued from page 51) Mr. Pack points out that banks holding large amounts of bonds with long maturities may find a certain concentration of risk in large deposit accounts. “ It is this situation,” he writes, “that prompts the Country Bank Operations Commission to pre pare and distribute to country banks information as to what changes are actually taking place in investment policies of country banks. In order that you may receive the benefits of this study we are asking for your co operation in giving us a statement of your Government bond maturities as of the call date—June 30, 1946—and also the items for your bank shown at the bottom of this attached form. Naturally, the volume of long maturi Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Disagreement Way down in Georgia a traveling man found himself stranded for the night and in his rambles around town noticed there were two Baptist church es. He asked a colored man why there should be two churches of the same denomination. “Well, boss, Ah’ll tell you,” said the informant. “Dey jus’ can’t agree. One of de churches believes dat Pharaoh’s daughtah found Moses in de bulrush es. De odah church claims dat’s what she sez!” He Had 'Em All It seems the gate broke down be tween heaven and hell. St. Peter ap peared at the broken part and called out to the devil, “ Hi, Satan, it’s your turn to fix it this time.” “ Sorry,” replied the boss of the land beyond the Styx, “my men are too busy to go about fixing a mere gate.” “Well, then,” grumbled St. Peter, “ I’ll have to sue you for breaking our agreement.” “Oh, yeah,” said the devil, “where are you going to get a lawyer?” C entral N ational Bank and Trust C o ... C e n t r a l S ta te s M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e A s s n .. C h a se N a t io n a l B a n k ...................................... C it y N a t i o n a l B a n k an d T r u s t C o m p a n y — C h i c a g o .................................... C o n t i n e n t a l B a n k an d T r u s t C o m p a n y . . C o n t i n e n t a l N a t io n a l B a n k — L i n c o l n . . . 12 58 4 40 40 51 I) D a v e n p o r t , F. E. C o m p a n y ....................... 48-60 D e L u x e C h e c k P r in t e r s , I n c ........................ 34 D e s M o in e s B u i l d i n g L o a n an d S a v i n g s A s s o c i a t i o n ...................................................... 60 D o a n e A g r i c u l t u r a l S e r v i c e ......................... 56 D o w n e y , C. L. C o m p a n y ............................... 59 D r o v e r s N a t io n a l B a n k ................................. 24 F F e d e r a l I n t e r m e d i a t e C r e d it B a n k s . . . . 33 F i n a n c i a l A d v e r t i s e r s A s s o c i a t i o n ........... 30 F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k — C h i c a g o ............. 22 F i r s t N a t io n a l B a n k — O m a h a ............... 49 F i r s t N a t io n a l B a n k — S i o u x C i t y .............. 54 F i r s t St. J o s e p h S t o c k Y a r d s B a n k — S o u t h St. Josep h , M o ................................... 48 F i r s t W i s c o n s i n N a t io n a l B a n k ................ 29 H H a m m e r m i l l P a p e r C o m p a n y .................... H o m e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y ........................... 8 3 I I n v e s t o r s S y n d i c a t e ................................... 34 I o w a - D e s M o in e s N a t i o n a l B a n k ......... 64 I r v i n g T r u s t C o m p a n y .................................... 23 J J a m i e s o n an d C o m p a n y .................................. 32 Iv K l i p t o L o o s e L e a f C o m p a n y ...................... K o c h B r o t h e r s ................................................... 60 60 L, L a M o n t e , G e o r g e an d S o n ...................... 5 L e s s i n g A d v e r t i s i n g C o m p a n y ........... 60 L i v e S t o c k N a t i o n a l B a n k — C h i c a g o . . . 55 L i v e S t o c k N a t i o n a l B a n k — O m a h a . . . . 52 L i v e S t o c k N a t i o n a l B a n k — S i o u x C it y 42 M C O N V E N T IO N S August 10, Regional Conference, American Institute of Banking, Lincoln, Nebraska. September 9-11, Iowa Annual Conven tion, Des Moines, Hotel Fort Des Moines. September 22-25, A. B. A. Annual Con vention, Chicago, Hotel Stevens. September 30-October 2, Mortgage Bankers Association of America, Annual Convention, Cincinnati, Netherlands-Plaza Hotel. October 7-10, Financial Advertisers Annual Convention, San Fran cisco. October 11-12, Nebraska Annual Con vention, Lincoln, Hotel Cornhusker. October 21-23, National Association of Bank Auditors and Comptrollers, Oklahoma City. November 7-8, Mid-Continent Trust Conference, Chicago, Drake Hotel. M e r c h a n t s M u t u a l B o n d i n g C o m p a n y . . 36 M e r c h a n t s N a t io n a l B a n k .................... 2 M i n n e s o t a C o m m e r c i a l M e n ’s A s s n ... 37 N N a t i o n a l B a n k o f W a t e r l o o ............... 57 N a t io n a l C ash R e g i s t e r C o m p a n y ...... 7 N e w Y o r k T r u s t C o m p a n y ...................... 44 N o r t h e r n T r u s t C o m p a n y ........................ 26 o O m a h a N a t io n a l B a n k ............................... 21 P P h i l a d e l p h i a N a t io n a l B a n k ................... 6 P u b l i c N a t i o n a l B a n k an d T r u s t C o . . . . 59 It R e m e r , M i t c h e l l & R e itz e l, I n c .......... 32 S St. P a u l T e r m i n a l W a r e h o u s e C o m p a n y 28 S c a r b o r o u g h an d C o m p a n y ................ 35-47-58 T T e n s i o n E n v e l o p e C o r p o r a t i o n .......... 44 T h o m s o n & M c K i n n o n .............................. 32 T o o t l e - L a c y N a t io n a l B a n k ..................50-51 U U n it e d S ta te s N a t io n a l B a n k ............... 46 W W a l t e r s , C h a r le s E. C o m p a n y ............. 50 W e s s l i n g S e r v ic e s .......................................... 60 W e s t e r n M u t u a l F i r e I n s u r a n c e C o ... 37 Nort hwest ern Banker, August, 1946 62 < Fresh Meat Cannibal Cook: Shall I boil the missionary, boss? Cannibal Chief: Don’t be silly; that’s a friar. He Probably Would “Now, really, Private, in civilian life, would you come to me with a trivial complaint like this?” “No, Captain; I’d send for you.” Some Test Movie Actress: I’ll endorse your cig arettes for no less than $50,000. Cigarette Manufacturer: I’ll see you inhale first. Take Your Time, Dad! “ I’ve been thinking, my son, of retir ing next year and leaving the business to you.” “ There’s no hurry, is there, dad? You go ahead and work a few years more and then we can retire together.” Permanent Guest Neighbor: You have a new baby brother at the house? How nice. Is he going to stay? Little Girl: I guess so—he’s got all his clothes off. A Bit Startling Traveling Salesman (reading mes sage from his w ife): “Twins arrived tonight. More by mail.” C ant Stop Nature Chinese: Lighthouse no good for fog. Lighthouse he shine, whistle he blow, fog-bell he ring—and fog he come in just the same. Conservative Scottie Scotsman (leaving on business trip): Goodbye, all, and dinna forget to take little Donald’s glasses off when he is no lookin’ at anything. Word for Word “But I thought—” began the typist, meekly. “ It’s not your business to think,” snapped the manager. “Just you take down what I say, word for word, and keep your own ideas to yourself.” So that afternoon the following let ter was brought for him to sign: “Dear Mr. Browne—Write it with an ‘e.’ Pure swank—his father was a gardener. With regard to your letter, of whatever date it was, I can quote you the following prices. Hi! Thomp son! It’s that outsider Browne. How much shall we stick on? Twenty per cent! Make it thirty? Righto. Thirty dollars a ton. Awaiting your esteemed order, I am, yours truly. That’ll set tle him.” Northwestern Banker, August, 1946 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis What a Question! Mrs. Jones was spending a day in bed with a severe cough, and her hus band was working in the back yard and hammering nails into some boards. Presently, his neighbor came over. “ How’s the wife?” he asked. “Not very well,” replied Jones. “ Is that her coughin’?” “ No, you fathead, it’s a henhouse.” Pogo Stick Success A young man of burning ambition approached a great merchant and begged him to reveal the secret of his success. “ There is no easy secret,” pro nounced the g. m. “You must jump at your opportunity.” “But, sir, how can I know when my opportunity comes?” “You can’t,” declared the merchant. “You’ve just got to keep jumping.” Pointed Reply “Doctor,” said the wild-eyed patient, as he rose from the steps of his farm homestead and rushed down to meet the doctor’s car. “ Pm in a deuce of a pickle. Don’t know where to turn for relief.” “What’s the trouble?” asked the doc tor. “The ghosts of my departed rela tives come and perch on the tops of the fence posts all round the orchard,” replied the patient. “ Every night it’s the same old round — they just sit there, waiting, waiting, waiting. What can I do to get rid of them?” “ Sharpen the tops of the posts,” the doctor prescribed, as he drove off. Answer An ultra-smart city man was driving through an Illinois village when he thought he would show his compan ions how clever he could be at the expense of the natives. He stopped the car and called them. “Can either of you tell me this? If it’s twenty miles from here to New Haven, and butter is 35 cents a pound, how old am I?” One of the villagers thought for a moment, then said, “Forty-four.” “ Marvelous,” said the city man, amazed. “How on earth did you find that out?” “Well,” replied the yokel, “ I have a brother who is twenty-two, and he’s only half crazy.” And Hurry Up! Wife (trying on hats): “Do you like this turned down, dear?” Husband: “How much is it?” “Eleven dollars.” “Yes, turn it down.” Got His Wish Judge: “What have you to say for yourself?” Prisoner: “ I say I wish I was in a place where there are no traffic cops.” Judge: “Granted! Thirty days!” So Different “Women, in my opinion, are differ ent now from what they used to be.” “ How’s that?” “ There’s my daughter, for instance —she’s taking up law, whereas her mother always lays it down.” Genius “ Is your husband very handy around the house?” “Well, once our antique clock was out of order, and John took it apart, found the trouble, and then put it back together again, without having any parts left over.” “ Isn’t that wonderful!” “ Only now the cuckoo comes out every quarter hour and says, ‘What time is it?’ ” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / knew the Bankers Trust could give us an idea yes, and these figures prove their suggestions were sound E ’RE always glad to have correspondent banks turn to us for help when they encounter something that’s puzzling. the habit, too. tap. We hope you’ll get Sometimes, you’ll find we have the answer right on At other times, by combining our experience with yours, we can work out the answer together. In any event, we welcome every oppor tunity to be helpful. Member—Federal Reserve System Member F. I). I. C. BANKERS TRUST C O M PA N Y its DESM OIN ES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..W HERE THE TALL CORN GROWS Des Moines is occupying a growing and increasingly important position as a grain center. For prompt, efficient service, Iowa Banks are invited to route grain and other drafts to this Bank for collection. A steadily growing volume of transit business indicates that Iowa Banks and Bankers are relying to a greater extent than ever be fore on the facilities of this Bank to provide fast and efficient service for their customers. /I S tsi& tU f, G oA A & isp xu id lestt G a n + ta ctio -n