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Vol. 16 No. 2 April 27,1987 Des Moines, Iowa FCS Seeks Secondary Market Control B y B E N H A L L E R , JR. Publisher FFORTS by the banking indus try and life insurance companies to arrive at a workable plan for de veloping a national secondary mar ket for ag real estate loans were dealt a severe setback when the Farm Credit System finally threw its proposal on the table last week. The American Bankers Association, the Independent Bankers Associa tion of America and life company representatives had met with FCS representatives for the past several months trying to structure a suit able framework within which ag reed estate loans could be funneled, pooled and securitized through FCS’ present funding mechanism—The Farm Credit System Funding Corp. of New York. The aim of this cooperative ven ture was to avoid the need for estab lishing another quasi public/private organization to deal with such a secondary market, and to use in stead that facility established by FCS and to assure that private lend ers were not trying to exclude FCS. Throughout this series of meetings, FCS had no firm proposal of its own. However, last week FCS laid a pro posal on the table totally counter to the goals and good faith proposals E offered earlier by the other partici pants. FCS’ proposal would basically place FCS in charge of the complete game, and mandate that any other players would have to be certified and supervised by FCS under its rules and with a board of directors controlled by FCS. In essence, the FCS proposal would provide it a fully-integrated govemment/private corporation with new powers autho rizing it to sell, purchase and service such securities under its own rules. The FCS board would establish the conditions and procedures by which non-system lenders could be in volved. Since the Administration, and probably the Congress, is not inter ested in chartering any new quasi public bodies, the banking and life insurance industries sought a Ginnie Mae type of approach with low overhead and few employees to have a streamlined organization. By con trast, the FCS proposal would create a much larger new organization of the Fannie Mae type. In addition, it proposes a nine-member board made up of six from the FCS and three non-member system directors. Further, the six FCS directors would elect the three interim non system directors, and then the FCS controlled board would eventually decide when the other players in the game had enough knowledge to elect their own three representatives! By contrast, the IB A A proposal suggests a nine-member b oard three from FCS, three from other lenders, and three from the public sector. The A B A proposal would have a 15-member board—six appointed by the shareholders from among the originators and poolers of the loans and securities, six appointed by the FCS and three appointed by the President of the United States. The major question is, who will control the structure? FCS wants near total control. While the proposal discussed for several months has centered on securitization of ag real estate loans, FCS’ proposal would expand this by allowing FCS to include its operat ing loans and housing loans (the lat ter being 8% of FCS’ portfolio) through these securitized loans. The FCS proposal went to A B A the IB A A and life company repre sentatives, but not to the Farm Credit Administration, which now supervises the FCS. The FCS propo sal has been termed unacceptable by the other players and will be dis cussed late this week. It is possible that Sen. Boren (D., Okla.) could bring up this subject as part of the subcommittee on ag credit, of which he is chairman, figuring this would be a starting point for hammering out a suitable agreement on such a secondary mar ket concept. □ A fter m ore than 120 years o f providing correspondent banking services to the M idw est, you can say we’ve had a chance to polish our trade. Find out for yourself. Count on Com m erce. 1-800-892-7100 1-800-821-2182 MCommerce Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Outside M issouri) ^SjjSf o f Kansas City 2 Norwest Bank Des Moines, N.A. Call (515) 245-3131 or toll-free (800) 362-2514 NORMEST BANKS Member FDIC ‘Team work one of the reasons we're first in Iowa. 9:30 until mid-afternoon. On the 20th, the day commences similarly with adjournment at 11:30 a.m. Fee , is $45 and includes breakfasts and lunch on the 19th. For reservations call 1-800-553-8018 out of state, or 1-800-247-0940 in Iowa. * Mark Conway Iowa News Correction: The phone number listed in the April 13 New sletter for Iowa Bankers Insurance and Services, Inc. was incorrect. For information regarding IB IS Continuing Educa tion Seminars, contact Charlotte Kraai at (515) 286-4395. The toll-free number was correctly shown as 1-800-532-1423 in Iowa or 1-800247-5065 out of state. * * * For the second year, the Iowa Bankers Association is co-sponsor ing a week-long program called Business Horizons, to be held on the Drake University campus in Des Moines July 18-25. The program is ..........~ Richard Pederson CEDAR R APID S: harry H. Chris ty, who has been with the Mer chants National Bank in Cedar Rapids since 1965, has been named executive vice president and chief fi- * nancial officer. His most recent posi tion was as senior vice president and chief financial officer. The bank has also named three new vice presi dents: Linda B. Farkas, corporate * banking; Randall L. Kuehl, retail- in direct, and Carole M. O'Deen, human resources. A ll three previous ly served as assistant vice presi dents. designed to help Iowa high school students and teachers to understand business and our economic system. The IB A is looking for several Iowa bankers to serve as “ company ad visors” and supervise groups of twelve students. Company advisors are not responsible for night super vision or discipline problems. For more information, contact Marva COUNCIL BLUFFS: Council Bluffs McCarty at the IB A office. Savings Bank has promoted two to * * * vice president. Charles C. Moser ( A “ Marketing and Risk Manage form erly managed the Carson ment Seminar for Lenders Only” branch of CBSB and now will man will be held in Des Moines on May age the Avoca office. Craig Lovstad 19 and 20. It will be conducted at has been with the bank for 15 years, the Adventureland Inn. Featured most recently in commercial loans. guest speaker will be Jeff Rodman, former manager of the ag bankers DES M OINES: David D. Gordon division of the American Bankers has been appointed to senior vice Association, now affiliated with president and manager of the trust M ABSCO Agricultural Services, division at First Interstate Bank. Inc., Des Moines. The seminar He formerly served as president of begins on the 19th with continental First Interstate Bank of Fargo, N. breakfast at 9:00 a.m. and runs from Dak. A Meeting O f The Minds. At Security National Bank, our minds are on meeting all your Correspondent Banking and Investment needs. We’re Security for you! Bob Louvar MNB Correspondent Banker Together We Can Accomplish Great Things Call 319-398-4204 or toll free 1-800-332-5991 The" Strengthof Eastern |owa Merchants National Bank 19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Michael Moreland Ron Kiel Correspondent Banking O fficer 712-277-6736 SECURITY NATIONAL BANK IN SIOUX CITY, IOWA. M EM BER F.D.I.C. Vice President Investments 712-277-6616 t's easier to talk Iowa banking with people w ho live it — people like Steve Brewer and the corre spondent staff at Bankers Trust. I Call 1-800-362-1688 or 515/245-2424. Bankers Trust Member FDIC Des Moines, IA Steve Brewer Commercial Banking Officer will be played at the Des Moines 3 Golf & Country Club. A.M. Economic Outlook—Silas 8:00 Golf—Des Moines Golf & Keehn. State of Banking in Country Club. Midwest—William Taylor. P.M. 2:30 L a d ie s P ro g r a m —A r m 4:00 R e g is tra tio n —U n iversity strongs. Park Holiday Inn. 5:00 Social Hour—Cash Bar. 4:30 Business Meeting-^-Chair6:00 Program—Dinner. man James Schipper presid Russell Howard, president, ing. News from the Iowa IBA. Entertainment—“ The Bankers Association, includ Great Pretenders.” ing Neil Milner, Frank Gleeson, Sam Callahan, Dale Group 6—West Des Moines Dooley, and Steve Stahly. 5:30 Reception—Cash Bar. Area bankers from Group 6 will 6:30 B a n q u et—D inner. F ilm be meeting Thursday, May 7 at the “ Bringing A Bank to Living University Park H istory Farm s.” “ Iowa H o lid a y Inn, Boy” Chuck Offenburger— W est Des Des Moines Register. Moines. Chuck O f fe n b u r g e r , Group 7 — Ames “ Iowa Boy” col The Group 7 bankers meeting will umnist for the. be held Wednesday, May 6 in Ames Des Moines Reg at Scheman Cen ister, will be the ter on the cam featured speaker pus o f Io w a d u rin g th is JIM SCHIPPER State Universi year’s banquet. A special showing of the film, ty. Highlighting “ Bringing a Bank to Living History this year’s meet \ Farms,” will be presented during ing will be a spethe evening banquet as well as com dal performance ments from Neil Milner, executive by the popular vice president and CEO, IB A, and singing group Russell Howard, president, IB A, “ The Great Pre BILL RICKERT A and chairman, Mahaska Investment te n d e r s .” Company, Oskaloosa. Chairman favorite among Iowa bankers, this James Schipper, president, Lamoni group performs country, gospel and National, will preside over the busi fifties style music. Group Chairman ness session which will include com Bill Rickert, senior vice president, ments from Frank Gleeson, presi National Bank of Waterloo will pre dent, IBIS; Sam Callahan, presi side over the business session. The dent, IBMC; Dale Dooley, president, program will begin at 4:00 with a ITS, Inc., and Steve Stahly, presi business meeting which will feature dent, MABSCO, Inc. Golf, this year, an election of group officers. The Iowa Group Meetings Continue Group 4—Cedar Rapids Group 4 bankers will be meeting at the Stouffer’s Five Seasons Hotel in Cedar Rapids, 1Tuesday, May 5. C h a irin g th is year’s Group 4 meeting will be James P. Lage, president, Citi zens State in Postville. Fea tured entertain ment this year is JIM LAGE the highly versa tile singing group ‘The Great Pretenders.” Their music ranges from country/gospel to the sounds of the fifties. Bankers won’t want to miss the afternoon business session which will feature an economic out look by Silas Keehn, president, Fed eral Reserve, Chicago and a presen(tation by William Taylor, director of supervision and regulation, Federal Reserve, Washington, D.C. Mr. Tay lor will be discussing the state of banking in the midwest. A ladies , program is planned for that after noon with a style show and shop ping in downtown Cedar Rapids. Golf is available at the Ellis Park Municipal Course. Call the club, house at 319-398-5180 for reserva tions. A.M. 8:00 Golf—Ellis Park Municipal Golf Course. P.M. 1:00 Registration—Grand Ball room. 2:30 Business M eeting—James Lage, chairman, presiding. SEE YOU IN CEDAR RAPIDS Group 4 Meeting Tuesday, May 5,19 8 7 For Your Entertainment Don’t Miss This Meeting! Business Meeting features: Silas Keehn, president, Silas Keehn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve, Chicago and William Taylor, Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. “The Great Pretenders” GROUP 6 MEETING film “ Bringing a Bank to Living History Farms” will be shown dur ing the evening program. There will be golf available at Veenker Me morial Golf Course in Ames. Con tact Bruce Greenwood at United Bank & T ru st in A m es at 515-232-8200, for tee times and in formation. A.M. University Park Holiday Inn West Des Moines May 7,1987 8:00 G o lf—Veenker Golf Course. M em orial P.M. 4:00 Business M eetin g—Scheman Center, Rooms 250-252. Reports from Group 7 Secretary Arnold Schultz; Neil Milner, executive vice president and CEO, IB A; Bill Bernau, superintendent of banking, and election of officers. 6:00 Social Hour—Scheman Cen ter. 7:00 Banquet—Scheman Center. 8:00 P ro gram —Comments by IB A President Russ How ard. Singing Group “ The Great Pretenders” Group 8—Clinton The 1987 Group 8 meeting will be held in Clinton this year. The “ River ^ City” will host Group 8 bankers on Monday, May 4. Golf will be available at the Clinton Country Club, and rolls, juice and coffee will be served. Group 8 Chair man J. Robert Bunn, president, B0B BUNN Clarence Savings Bank, Clarence, will preside at the business meeting. ^ Included in the business session will ^ be reports by Neil Milner, executive vice president & CEO, IB A ; William Bernau, state superintendent of banking; and IB A President Russell f Howard, chairman, Mahaska In vestment Co., Oskaloosa. The film, “ Bringing a Bank to Living History Farms,” will be presented. Bankers and spouses are in for a treat as the £ evening program includes a river boat ride on the Mississippi Belle. (Continued on page 5) Featuring Chuck Offenberger “ Iowa Boy” Columnist Des Moines Register SCHEMAN CENTER IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY AMES, IOWA MAY 6, 1987 Musical Entertainment Golf Available For Information Call Bruce Greenwood 515- 232-8200 4:00 4:30 5:30 6:30 Registration Business Meeting Reception/Cash Bar Banquet 4:00 Business Meeting 6:00 Social Hour 7:00 Banquet 8:00 Program S pecial I BA Film “Bringing a Bank to Living History F arm s” “The Great Pretenders” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Since the 1920s United Missouri Bank has been advising banks on the management of their bond portfolios. These timely recommendations have a history of sound logic and a positive contribution to bank earnings. Whether short- or long-term, we expect the strategies we recommend to be successful. Why? Because we continually update ourselves about the economy, the market and changes in the banking industry. So for quality recommendations that are engineered for high performance, contact our Investment Banking Division. Call (816) 556-7200 in Kansas City or (314) 621-1000 in St. Louis. Call 1-800-821-2171 or in Missouri call 1-800-892-2944. Ih • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis U N IT E D M IS S O U R I R A N K of Kansas C ity, n.a. Member FDIC P.O. Box 419226 ^ ■ MT Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6226 ^ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IOWA BANKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HA VE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over ¿5 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM! CALL OR WRITE IOWA BANKERS INSURANCE AND SERVICES, INC. 104 EAST LOCUST STREET DES MOINES, IOWA 50308 1-800-532-1423 or (515) 286-4344 KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 SOUTH DAKOTA BANKERS PROBLEMS WITH YOUR BANK’S BOND? ARE YOUR UNDERWRITERS DEMANDS EXCESSIVE? HAVE YOUR PREMIUMS SKYROCKETED? Are you FORCED to write one type of insurance with a company at a higher premium, just so they w ill write another type of policy for you? IF SO... PLEASE CONSIDER THIS We have been solving Bankers bonding problems for over 75 years . . . AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM CALL OR WRITE KANSAS BANKERS SURETY COMPANY P.O. BOX 1654 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 (913) 234-2631 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OWNED BY BANKERS SERVING BANKERS FirsTier Correspondent Services More of what it takes to serve you well. Firsfier. Banks Lincoln Omaha FirsTier Bank, N.A., Lincoln and RrsTier Bank, N.A., Omaha, Members FDIC • Illinois News CHICAGO: Christine M. Long has joined M O N E Y S T A T IO N of Illi nois, Inc. as vice president of mar k e t in g and sales. She previously served as financial asset manager and head of Chicago officer property operations at Murdoch and Coll, Inc. real estate firm. Thomas J. Rinella, ^senior vice president of St. Paul Fed eral Bank for Savings, Chicago, has been named chairman of the sales and marketing advisory council for M O N E Y STATIO N . John G. Eiler0 ing, senior vice president of First National Bank of Mount Prospect, has been named chairman of the sys tems and operations advisory coun cil for M O N E Y STATIO N . Minnesota News M O NTEVID EO : John Klaman has been appointed vice president—com^mercial loan officer at First National Bank in Montevideo. Prior to join ing FNB, he served as senior vice president at First Wyoming Bank in ^Riverton. • Mt. The failed bank’s only office re opened on April 10 as Peoples Bank of Deer Lodge, N.A., and its deposi tors automatically will become de positors of the assuming bank. Deer Lodge Bank and Trust had assets of approximately $14.8 million. Peo ples Bank will assume about $13.6 million in 3,800 deposit accounts. Additionally, the bank will purchase certain of the failed bank’s loans and other assets with a book value of $12.7 million at a discount of $1, 899,000. The transaction will result in a substantially lower cost to the FDIC than if these assets were held and liquidated in receivership. The FDIC will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $2.1 million. The FDIC Board of Direc tors approved the deposit assump tion under its authority to do so whenever it determines that such a transaction will reduce the potential loss to the FDIC. This is the first time a failed bank has been dealt with in this fashion. opened on April 10 as a detached facility of Prudential Bank and its depositors automatically will be come depositors of the assuming bank. Commonwealth Bank had as sets of $6.2 million. Prudential Bank will assume about $5.9 million in 1,200 deposits accounts and will pay the FDIC a purchase premium of $65,400. I t will also purchase certain of the failed bank’s loans and other assets for $4.0 million. To facilitate the transaction, the FDIC will ad vance about $2.0 million to the as suming bank and will retain assets of the failed bank with a book value of about $2.2 million. The FDIC board approved the deposit assump tion because the purchase premium would reduce potential loss to the FDIC. The FDIC will recover a por tion of its outlay through the liqui dation of assets not transferred to the assuming bank. In this respect, its claim will have priority over the claims of shareholders of the closed bank. Colorado News (Continued from page 3) AU R O R A: Jack C. Heimbichner has While on board, dinner will be ST. P A U L : Robert E. Krammer has been elected president of United served as well as dancing until 9:30. been appointed vice president and Bank of Aurora—City Center. John A.M. manager of Midway National Bank T. Kennedy, chairman, CEO and 8:00 Golf—Clinton Country Club. of St. Paul data processing division. president of United Bank of Aurora, P.M. >He was previously assistant vice will serve as chairman and CEO of 4:00 Business Meeting—J. Rob president and has been with the United Bank of Aurora—City Cen ert Bunn, chairman, presid bank since 1965. ter. Mr. Heimbichner has been with ing. IB A Activities Reports. United Banks since 1973 and most Program—I B A Film recently was senior vice president Montana News “ Bringing a Bank to Living *DEER LODGE: The FDIC has ap and senior lender at United Bank of History Farms.” Aurora. proved the assumption of the depos Social Hour & Boat Depar its and fully secured liabilities of G LE N D A LE : The FDIC has ap ture. Deer Lodge Bank and Trust Com- proved the assumption of the de Banquet—Welcome by Clin , pany by Peoples Bank of Deer posit liabilities of Commonwealth ton Mayor Clyde Johnson. Lodge, a newly chartered subsidiary Bank by Prudential Bank, Denver. Dancing. of Sandquist Corporation, Bozeman, The failed bank’s only office re Return to Dock. QI F irst in terstate Bank We’re setting the pace® 1- 800- 362-1615 Randy Steig Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 Jack Canaday and Associates, Inc. Offer you 342 years of combined consulting experience. Let us help you diagnose your problems and project a better future. C a ll: ( 4 0 2 ) 5 5 1 -7 0 0 5 Serving bankers quietly and efficiently. CAPITAL PERSONNEL SERVICE 714 First Interstate Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 515-283-2545 RYAN AUCTION CO., INC. Decorah, Iowa 52101 Farm Equipment Specialist Appraisals & Auctions Call Dale Ryan 319-382-8648 PO SITIO N A V A IL A B L E PO SITIO N W ANTED S o lid 2-4 yr COMMERCIAL LENDER needed fo r $140MM + + Bank. Formal Credit training a must. Salary to 45K. Depending on experience. Send resume to File No. WIQ c/o N orthwestern Banker._____________________ (PA) MID LEVEL BANK OR LOAN OFFICER. Prefer Iowa. Strong ag bank credit. Presently FDIC employee in commercial loans. Installm ent experience. $2.5MM portfolio. Experi ence in liquidation, docum entation & farm management. ISU/Ag business finance. 1 yr. w ith central Iowa farm busi ness. Salary negotiable. C ontact Jeff J. Muff, 5002 Chi cago St., Omaha, NE 68132.____________ __________ (P\N) RETAIL LENDER ■ Progressive 26M bank seeks profes sional department manager experienced in all facets of retail lending. Excellent growth opportunities. Send resume or contact James O. Sodey, President, Iowa State Bank, Fort Madison, Iowa.________________________ (PA) AG LOAN OFFICER. $23MM com m unity bank seeking someone w ith 2-3 yrs. ag lending exp. Hiring replacement fo r a recent retirement. Excellent position for a person on the way up the career ladder. Micro computer exp. helpful. Contact Larry Wangrud, Box A, New Sharon, IA 50207. (515) 637-4196.__________________ (PA) FOR SALE aqn careers,inc. J AG BANKING PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS AG LOAN OFFICER Aggressive organization in people oriented Ho/co looking for 2 yr ag man for healthy IA bank. $28K. CFO Lrg fin c’ l institution seeks MBA/CPA w/heavy S&L invest ments background and CFO exp. $70K. PRESIDENT Metro area bank has opening for #1 person in $30m + shop. Bank Ag knowledge, mgt skills & leadership abilities are musts. $45K. BANK AUDITOR CPA w/banking knowledge wanted for aggressive, profit able SD holding co. 2 + yrs exp all public okay. $26K. Jean 712/779-3567 Massena, la. 50853 Sandl 515/394-5827 New Hampton, la. 50659 Confidential. Employer paid fees • Loan Review and Credit Administration • Profit Planning Paul R. Dorr, President P.O. Box 159 Ocheyedan, Iowa 51354 Phone: [712] 758-3660 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT KURT ROSENCRANTS All fees are paid by our client employers. ALL FEES COMPANY PAID FOR S ALE DRIVE UP WINDOWS - Romote Teller Units. American Bank Equipment, Inc. 402-571-5621. A sensible a lt e r n a tiv e Serving the banks of Nebraska and Western Iowa. Sales Service - Installation. ______ (FS) POSITIONS AVAILABLE Are you handling more than you are given credit for? A" dynamic rapidly growing downtown Mpls bank needs a seasoned coml lender to coordinate the mid-market sales effort. This high v isib ility position req’s 5 + yrs mid-mar ket coml lending, strong interpersonal skills and the de sire for senior mgmt. To$52K. Job#NW1528. £ AVP COMMERCIAL LENDER Not an ordinary position! A dynamic asset based lender has a high v isib ility position for a coml lender w ith 3 + yrs exp. This mini conglom orate is considered one of the most progressive lenders in the 10-state area emphasizing credit packages of $3mm or less. A great career clim bing opty for an am bitious entrepreneurial type who has t o p ^ analytical abilities, and outstanding people skills. w To $38K. + Bonus. Job#NW1530. 3636 IDS Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 339-9001 ALL FEES COMPANY PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE COMML LOAN • $50MM suburban bank w ith excellent growth and earnings history. Handle m ajority o f commer cial credits. Report directly to President. $38K CEO ■suburban de novo bank. Experience as CEO or COO required. Strong commercial loan and business d e v e lo p - ^ ment skills desired. O pen™ CORP. BANK TRAINER— Need experience in training people in new products and use of same. Some travel. Omaha. To $32K. (515) 244-4414 Please contact Lorraine Lear concerning these and o th q Q Midwest banking opportunities._______________________ Consultant to Bankers SR. V.P. CommT/Ag portfolio of $18m, sta ff of 5 both top quality can be yours. Cty seat bank in IA needs 4 + yrs exp. $40K. accounting, financial and edp personnel specialists 1010 Equitable Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50309 515/282-6462 Employer pays fee. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PAUL GENTZKOW OR JEAN TODD POSITIONS AVAILABLE 1 317 6th Ave, Ste. 650 Des Moines, lA 50309 Financial Careers (Division o f Freeland Financial Service, Inc.) VP/TRUST ADMINISTRATOR COMMERCIAL LENDER $200m + city bank has #2 position in dept available for mktg oriented lender. W ill move Into #1 spot quickly but must have lrg credit exposure. $38K. ROBERT HALF COMMERCIAL LOAN position in a$150MM Midwest bank w ith a $40MM commercial portfolio. Need five to ten years experience................................................................ To $37 Are you ready for a challenge? A regional banking group needs a proven trust adm inistrator4o locate in a great outstate Minn location. This position w ill adm inister existing account relationships in addition to conducting heavy new business development calls. Desire a degreed sales type w ith 5 + yrs trust adm inistration exp w ith emphasis in employee benefit programs. To$50K. Job #NW1529. _ POSITIONS AVAILABLE SR. LOAN OFFICER Profitable $50m bank in super location seeks 5 + yr ag lender, FmHA & 2 + yrs in a bank. S33K. AG LENDER w ith strong ag credit background. Excellent opportunity in a progressive Iowa bank..............................To $28,000 VP/SR COMMERCIAL LENDER OPERATIONS OFFICER • Eastern Nebraska location. Should be experienced w ith in house computer system. Experience on NCR Banker 80, software a plus. Send resume to File No. WJ A c/o Northwestern Banker. (PA) RECONDITIONED BRANDT Coin Sorters-Counters BRANDT Currency Counters New Warranty 402-571-5577 NEW OPPORTUNITIES BRANCH MANAGER w ith broad banking experience in cluding ag lending. Looking for a promotable self s t a r t e d .................................................................................. To $30,000 Richard L. Beem, CPC GUMBERT EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE, INC. 11246 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 Phone: 402/330-3260 Member National Personnel Associates We’re Nationwide LOAN REVIEW - large urban bank a ffiliated w ith major midwestern holding company. Degree and 2-3 yrs. loan review/workout experience desired. $30K TRUST OFFICER • medium size com m unity bank w ith growing tru st dept. JD preferred but not mandatory. $27K COMML LOAN -$100MM com m unity bank. Supervise c o m - 0 mercial lending function. Future advancement possible. $45K Additional positions available in midwestern states for experienced bankers. TOM HAGAN & ASSOCIATES 2024 Sw ift - Box 12346 North Kansas City, MO 64116 816/474-6874 “ Serving the Banking Industry Since 1970” Vol. 16 No. 2 Northwestern Banker Newsletter (USPS 873-300) is published weekly by the Northwestern Banker Company, 1535 Linden Street, Suite 201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, (515) 244-8163. Subscriptions $1.00 per copy, $24.00 per year. Second class postage paid at Des Moines, Iowa. Address all mall subscriptions, changes of address (Form 3579), manuscripts to Northwestern Banker, 1535 Linden St., #201, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis