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JL O, /3 ' N ational Survey of Professional, A dm inistrative, Technical, and C lerical Pay, M arch 1986 U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics October 1986 Bulletin 2271 N ational Survey of Professional, A dm inistrative, Technical, and C lerical Pay, M arch 1986 U.S. Department of Labor William E. Brock, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet L. Norwood, Commissioner October 1986 Bulletin 2271 Tor sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Preface This bulletin summarizes the results of the Bureau’s annual salary survey of selected professional, adminis trative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry. The nationwide salary information, relating to March 1986, is representative of establishments in a broad spectrum of industries throughout the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii. The survey was expanded in 1986 to increase its cov erage of firms with as few as 50 workers. In conduct ing this survey, commonly referred to as the PATC survey, the Bureau of Labor Statistics carries out its responsibility under the Federal Pay Comparability Act of 1970. The Bureau prepares a list of establishments and collects, tabulates, and reports the data. The sur vey design, however, is the responsibility of the Presi dent’s Pay Agent—the Secretary of Labor, the Direc tor of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management. More information on the survey scope is contained in appen dix A. The occupations studied span a wide range of duties and responsibilities. The definitions used to collect salary data (appendix C) reflect duties and responsibilities in private industry; however, they are also designed to be translatable to specific General Schedule (GS) grades applying to Federal employees (appendix D). The survey could not have been conducted without the cooperation of the many firms whose salary data provided the basis for the statistical information in this bulletin. The Bureau, on its own behalf and on behalf of the other Federal agencies that contributed to sur vey planning, wishes to express appreciation for the cooperation it has received. The analysis in this bulletin was prepared in the Of fice of Wages and Industrial Relations by the staff of the Division of Occupational Pay and Employee Bene fit Levels. Computer programming and systems design were provided by the Division of Directly Collected Periodic Surveys. The Division of Wage Statistical Methods was responsible for the sample design, non response adjustments, and other statistical procedures. Fieldwork for the survey was directed by the Bureau’s Assistant Regional Commissioners for Operations. In 1985, a survey of employee benefits in private in dustry covered the same scope (medium and large firms) as the 1985 nationwide survey of professional, admin istrative, technical, and clerical pay. The findings of the survey appear in Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms, 1985, Bulletin 2262 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1986). ii i Contents Page Summary...................................................................................................................................... Characteristics of the survey....................................................................................................... Employment ................................................................................................................................ Changes in salary levels ............................................................................................................... Average salaries, March 1986 ..................................................................................................... Salary levels in metropolitan a re a s ................................................. Salary levels by establishment size............................................................................................... Salary distributions....................................................................................................................... Pay differences by industry......................................................................................................... Average standard weekly hours................................................................................................... Text tables: 1. Percent increases in average salaries by occupation, medium and large firms, 1976-86.............................................................................. 2. Percent increases in average salaries by work level category, medium and large firms, 1976-86................. ,............................................................ 3. Distribution of work levels by degree of salary dispersion, March 1986 ................... Reference tables: Average salaries: 1. United States ............................................................................................................... 2. Metropolitan areas....................................................................................................... 3. By size of establishment .............................................................................................. Employment distribution by salary: 4. Professional and administrative occupations............................................................. 5. Technical support occupations.................................................................................... 6 . Clerical occupations ................................................................................................... Selected industry characteristics: 7. Occupational employment distribution....................................................................... 8 . Relative salary levels................................................................................................... 9. Average weekly h o u rs................................................................................................. 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 5 6 6 2 3 6 H 14 17 20 28 30 34 35 35 Charts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Salaries in professional occupations, March1986 ....................................................... Salaries in administrative and technical occupations, March 1986............................. Salaries in clerical occupations, March 1986............................................................... Relative employment in selected occupational groups by industry division, March 1986 ............................................................................................................... 7 8 9 10 Appendixes: A. Scope and method of survey.............................................................................................. 3 7 B. Survey changes in 1986 ..................................................................................................... 42 C. Occupational definitions................................................................................................... 4 g D. Comparison of salaries in private industry with those of Federal employees under the General Schedule.......................................................................... 9 3 v Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Pay, March 1986 based on duties and responsibilities (see appendix C). The number of work levels—designated by roman nu merals, with “I” the lowest—varies from occupation to occupation, as do degrees of difficulty and responsibility.4 The number of levels in each occupation ranges from one for messengers to eight for engineers. These work levels, however, are not intended to represent all the workers in a specific occupation. For example, the du ties and responsibilities of an establishment’s top engi neers may exceed those of the highest level of engineers in the survey. Thus, the survey does not present com parisons of overall occupational salary levels, such as between accountants as a group and engineers. The approximately 155,700 establishments within the scope of the survey employed about 33.5 million workers; 40 percent were professional, administrative, technical, and clerical employees on full-time schedules. Of these white-collar workers, 17 percent were in oc cupations and work levels for which salary data were developed. The survey presents separate occupational data for metropolitan areas—where about nine-tenths of the white-collar workers were employed—and for various establishment size groups. Summary Average salaries for the 112 occupational work levels published ranged from $10,335 for clerks performing routine filing to $101,169 for the highest level of attor ney studied. For most occupations, salary levels in met ropolitan areas and in large establishments were higher than the average for all establishments within the scope of the survey. Among the industry divisions represented in the survey, mining and public utilities usually re ported the highest salaries while finance, insurance, and real estate industries generally reported the lowest sala ries and the shortest standard weekly hours. In 1986, the survey was expanded to include firms employing as few as 50 workers. 1 The increase in cov erage added about 350,000 workers to the 2 million em ployed by medium and large firms in the survey. A large majority of the 350,000 workers were reported in clerical positions, such as accounting clerk and general clerk. (See appendix B for comparisons of data from the expanded survey with the results if small firms had been excluded.) Characteristics of the survey This survey—27th in an annual series—provides na tionwide data for 26 occupations spanning 112 work level categories. Information was collected from estab lishments in all areas of the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii. As in 1985,2 the following major industry groups were surveyed: Mining; construction; manufac turing; transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services; wholesale trade; retail trade; fi nance, insurance, and real estate; and services.3 Occupations are divided into appropriate work levels Employment Employment varied widely among occupations in the survey, reflecting both actual differences in employ ment counts and differences in the range of duties and responsibilities covered by survey definitions. For ex ample there were 594,500 incumbents in the eight levels of engineers, accounting for 72 percent of the 823,900 professional employees within the scope of the study; corporate attorneys, in contrast, numbered under 15,200—a figure that does not include those in legal firms. The five levels of computer programmers and six levels of systems analysts which were surveyed had 132,500 and 126,300 employees, respectively, and to gether accounted for about four-fifths of the employees 1F o r a m o re d eta ile d d esc rip tio n o f th e su r v e y ex p a n sion , se e a p p en d ix B. 2 F o r a d e sc rip tio n and resu lts o f th e 1985 su r v e y , se e N ational Sur vey o f Professional, Adm inistrative, Technical, an d Clerical Pay, March 1985, B u lletin 2243 (B u rea u o f L a b o r S ta tistics, 1985). 3 S e e a p p en d ix A fo r a full d e sc r ip tio n o f th e s c o p e o f th e su rv e y . S e r v ic e s s e le c te d b y th e P r esid en t’s P a y A g e n t in c lu d e en g in e e r in g , arch itectu r a l, and su r v e y in g se rv ices; c o m m e r c ia lly o p era ted d e v e l o p m e n t and te stin g laboratories; c red it rep o rtin g and c o lle c tio n a g e n 4 cies; co m p u te r and d ata p r o c e ssin g se rv ices; m a n a g e m en t, co n su ltin g , T h e rom an n u m erals d o n o t n ec e ssa r ily id en tify eq u al le v e ls o f w o r k a m o n g o c c u p a tio n s. F o r ex a m p le, p u b lic a cc o u n ta n t le v e ls I to and p u b lic rela tio n s serv ices; n o n c o m m e r c ia l e d u ca tio n a l, sc ien tific, I V eq u ate to a c c o u n ta n t le v e ls II to V w h ile a tto rn ey I eq u ates to and resea rch org a n iza tio ns; and a c c o u n tin g , a u d itin g and b o o k k e e p a cco u n ta n t III and p u b lic a cc o u n ta n t II. F o r m o re in form ation , se e in g se r v ic e s. ap p en d ix D . 1 in all administrative jobs studied. Other administrative jobs studied include buyers, job analysts, and directors of personnel. Engineering technicians accounted for about twofifths of the 275,700 technical workers; computer op erators and drafters each accounted for about three-tenths. Secretaries constituted the largest clerical occupa tion, with nearly one-third of the clerical work force of 965,200. The next largest clerical occupation was ac counting clerk, with slightly over one-fourth of the total. Occupational employment was heavily concentrated in manufacturing and finance, insurance, and real es tate. (See table 7.) Manufacturing, for example, em ployed just over four-fifths of the buyers, chemists, en gineering technicians, and purchasing clerks/assistants; about three-fourths of the engineers; roughly two-thirds of the chief accountants, directors of personnel, drafters, and photographers; and slightly more than one-half of the accountants and personnel clerks/assistants. The financial sector was the prime employer of workers in such diverse occupations as auditors, attor neys, and file clerks. This sector also accounted for about one-fifth of the computer personnel studied. Serv ices and public utilities also employed significant pro portions of workers. Changes in salary levels White-collar salaries increased moderately between March 1985 and March 1986 in establishments of com parable size (medium and large firms) in both years. Average salaries for most occupations surveyed rose between 3.0 and 5.5 percent over the period—in line with gains reported a year earlier. In contrast, occupa tional salary increases averaged about 7 percent a year during the 1970’s, and more than 9 percent in 1981 and 1982, but started dropping back in 1983. (See text table 1 .) Increases also varied by occupational work level, with average salaries increasing faster in 1986 for the senior levels of professional and administrative occupa tions than for both the middle levels and the lower levels of technical and clerical occupations. Text table 2 shows average salary increases since 1976 for these different groups, which equate to various grades of the Federal Government’s General Salary Schedule—GS 1-4; GS 5-9; and GS 11-15. Cumulative increases over the past 10 years have been largest for senior levels, about 12 percentage points greater than for the middle group and 17 points more than the lower group of work levels. Average salaries, March 1986 Reflecting the wide range of duties and responsibili- Text table 1. Percent increases in average salaries by occupation, medium and large firms,1 1976-862 Occupation Professional, administrative, and technical support: Accountants ........................................... Chief accountants................................... Auditors................................................... Public accountants................................. Job analysts ........................................... Directors of personnel............................. Attorneys................................................. B uyers.................................................... Chemists................................................. Engineers ............................................... Engineering technicians........................ Drafters................................................... Computer operators.............................. Photographers......................................... Computer programmers.......................... Systems analysts..................................... Clerical: Accounting clerks................................... File c le rk s ............................................... Key entry operators .............................. Messengers............................................. Personnel clerks/assistants.................... Purchasing assistants............................. Secretaries............................................... Stenographers......................................... Typists..................................................... 1976 to 1977 1977 to 1978 1978 to 1979 1979 to 1980 1980 to 1981 1981 to 1982 1982 to 1983 1983 to 1984 1984 to 1985 1985 to 1986 7.8 10.5 6.8 (3) 6.5 9.1 5.4 7.0 7.0 6.4 7.2 6.0 5.4 (3) (3) (3) 8.3 8.0 8.2 (3) 7.2 10.0 9.1 7.8 9.0 9.0 7.1 7.1 8.5 (3) (3) (3) 8.0 7.7 6.5 (4) 8.6 7.5 8.9 7.0 7.6 8.4 7.6 (3) 7.2 (3) (3) (3) 9.2 11.3 8.8 4.2 8.1 11.2 9.3 8.1 9.8 9.8 11.0 11.8 8.3 (3) (3) (3) 10.0 9.5 10.3 7.9 7.6 11.4 9.8 9.8 9.4 10.9 10.2 10.9 (4) (4) (3) (3) 9.6 11.4 9.4 6.6 9.2 9.6 11.4 9.4 10.4 10.2 9.4 8.4 8.9 9.7 (4) (3) 6.9 4.2 6.1 7.1 6.7 8.3 7.6 6.2 5.8 7.1 5.9 7.6 6.8 8.1 6.5 (3) 4.7 5.7 8.0 2.3 5.3 5.3 4.8 5.3 5.3 5.2 4.9 3.6 (4) 6.9 (4) (4) 4.8 6.2 3.8 4.3 5.8 6.5 5.9 3.8 5.6 4.9 3.7 3.7 4.2 2.3 4.5 4.0 4.3 5.4 1.9 3.0 3.8 5.5 6.7 4.9 5.2 4.5 4.1 3.3 3.8 3.5 3.8 5.0 6.9 5.5 5.9 7.5 (3) (3) 6.4 7.9 6.2 6.2 9.7 7.1 6.0 (3) (3) 6.5 8.2 8.0 (4) 5.5 6.8 6.8 (4) (3) 7.3 12.1 8.9 9.3 9.1 5.5 8.6 (3) 9.6 10.1 8.9 9.6 8.0 8.2 9.7 (4) (3) (4) 12.1 10.2 8.9 7.2 9.4 6.4 10.2 (4) 9.2 13.8 10.1 8.1 6.4 7.3 9.2 9.7 9.3 7.1 8.6 6.8 3.8 2.1 3.4 2.9 5.4 6.8 5.0 5.5 2.0 4.8 3.7 3.6 4.1 2.7 5.1 4.7 4.9 5.9 4.8 3.3 3.0 5.8 4.6 6.3 5.6 2.4 3.5 8.5 ’ Limited to units which met the 1985 minimum establishment size, which generally ranged from 100 to 250 employees, depending on industry. (See appendix table B-2.) 2 For data on survey periods from 1960 to 1970, see the 1979 edi tion of this publication, Bulletin 2045; for 1970-76, see the 1982 edition, Bulletin 2145. 3 Not surveyed, 4 Comparable data for both yearsnot available, NOTE: For method of computation, see appendix A. 2 year and those at level IV, who conduct complex financial audits, averaged $39,705. The finance, insurance, and real estate sector employed almost two-fifths of the auditors, while the manufacturing industries employed just under one-third and public utilities just over one-eighth. Public accountants at the entry level, who receive practical experience in applying the principles, theories, and concepts of accounting and auditing (level I), av eraged $20,468 annually. The highest level of public accountants (level IV), who direct the field work for large or complex audits, averaged $32,116 a year. This occupation was only found in public accounting firms, which are a part of the services industry group. Attorneys are classified based upon the difficulty of their assignments and their responsibilities. Attorneys I, who include new law school graduates with bar mem Text table 2. Percent increases in average salaries by work level category,1 medium and large firms,2 1976-86 Group A (GS grades 1-4) Group B (GS grades 5-9) Group C (GS grades 11-15) 94.1 99.1 111.0 1976-77 ................ 1977-78 ................ 1978-79 1979-80 6.9 7.5 7.2 9.1 6.3 8.0 7.5 10.1 7.7 8.8 8.0 9.3 1980-81 ................ 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 9.8 9.5 7.4 3.6 4.2 3.6 9.6 9.4 7.3 5.0 4.2 4.1 10.2 10.4 7.2 5.3 5.9 4.9 Period3 1976-86 ' Group A contains survey classifications equating to GS grades 1-4 of the Federal Government's General Salary Schedule; Group B covers GS grades 5-9; and Group C, GS grades 11-15. See appendix D, table D-1, for a listing of survey levels that equate to each GS grade. 2 Limited to units which met the 1985 minimum establishment size, which generally ranged from 100 to 250 employees, depending on industry. (See appen dix table B-2.) 3 For data on survey periods from 1960 to 1970, see the 1979 edition of this publication, Bulletin 2045; for 1970-76, see the 1982 edition, Bulletin 2145. bership and whose work is relatively uncomplicated due to clearly applicable precedents and well-estab lished facts, averaged $31,014 a year. Attorneys in the top level surveyed (VI) averaged $101,169. These at torneys deal with legal matters of major importance to the organization and usually report only to the general counsel or, in very large firms, to the deputy general counsel. Finance, insurance, and real estate employed two-fifths of the attorneys; manufacturing industries employed about one-fourth; and about one sixth were in public utilities.7 Buyers who purchase “off-the-shelf’ and readily avail able items and services from local sources (level I) av eraged $21,242 a year. Buyers IV, who purchase highly complex and technical items, materials, or services that are custom designed and manufactured, averaged $41,304. Computer programmers at the trainee level who are developing basic programming skills (level I) averaged $20,832 a year. Those at level V, who are either team leaders, staff specialists, or consultants responsible for complex programming, averaged $42,934 annually. Computer systems analysts who are familiar with sys tems analysis procedures and work independently on routine problems (level I) averaged $29,141 annually. Systems analysts VI, the highest level, averaged $71,770 a year. At this level, analysts are senior managers re sponsible for the development and maintenance of very large and complex computer systems.8 Personnel management occupations are represented ties covered by the occupations studied, average annual salaries ranged from $10,335 for file clerks I to $101,169 for the top level of attorneys (table l).5 The following paragraphs summarize findings for the various occupa tions studied. Accountants’ average annual salaries ranged from $21,024 for beginning professional accountants (level I) to $61,546 for specialists in complex accounting systems (level VI). Salaries for the most numerous group (level III) averaged $31,143 a year. Work levels for chief accountants are determined by the degree of authority and responsibility, the technical complexity of the accounting system, and, to a lesser degree, the size of the professional staff (usually less than 10 accountants at level II to as many as 40 ac countants at level IV). Of the chief accountants sur veyed, two-thirds were employed in manufacturing industries and over one-eighth in finance, insurance, and real estate. Chief accountants who administer either a stable ac counting system with complete authority or responsi bility or administer a moderately complex accounting system within prescribed authority (level II) averaged $47,963 a year. At level IV, those who have authority to establish and maintain an accounting program, sub ject to general policy guidelines, for a company with numerous and varied accounting functions and work processes averaged $80,409 annually.6 Auditors at the trainee level (level I) averaged $21,545 a 6 T h e fo llo w in g o c c u p a tio n a l le v e ls w e r e su r v e y e d but d ata w e r e in su fficien t to w arrant p u b lication : C h ie f a c co u n ta n t I and V ; d ir e c tor o f p erso n n el V ; c h e m ist V III; c o m p u te r o p era to r V I; and p er so n n el c le r k /a ssista n t V . 7 T h e su r v e y e x c lu d e s estab lish m en ts p rim arily o ffe r in g le g a l a d v ic e 5 D e s p ite this w id e d iffe r e n c e , salary a v e r a g e s for p ro fessio n a l jo b s o r se rv ices. o f e q u iv a le n t le v e ls o f w o r k o fte n fell w ith in a r e la tiv e ly n arro w band. F o r ex a m p le, annual a v e r a g e s for th e fo llo w in g w o r k le v e l 8 A s n o te d in a p p en d ix C , in form ation w a s c o lle c te d se p a r a tely for e q u iv a le n ts fell w ith in a $ 5 ,0 5 0 o r 9 -p e rcen t range: A c c o u n ta n t V I fiv e le v e ls o f n o n su p e r v iso r y sy stem s an alysts and four le v e ls o f sy s ($61 ,5 4 6 ); c h ie f a c c o u n ta n t III ($62 ,8 8 0 ); a tto r n e y I V ($63,933); c h e m tem s a n alysts su p e r v iso r s/m a n a g e r s. T h e d ata w e r e c o n so lid a te d for ist V I ($60 ,7 9 6 ); and en g in e e r V I ($ 5 8 ,8 8 3 ). p u b lic a tio n , u sin g th e ap p ro a ch sh o w n in a p p en d ix C. 3 by four levels of job analysts and five levels of directors of personnel. Job analysts I averaged $22,240 a year compared with $38,206 for level IV. Under general su pervision, job analysts IV analyze and evaluate a va riety of the more difficult jobs and may participate in the development and installation of job evaluation and compensation systems. Directors of personnel are lim ited by definition to those who, at a minimum, are re sponsible for administering a job evaluation system, em ployment and placement functions, and employee rela tions and services. Those with significant responsibility as the principal company representative in contract ne gotiations with labor unions are excluded. Various com binations of work force size, duties, and responsibilities determine the work level. Among personnel directors, average yearly salaries ranged from $39,817 for level I to $75,170 for level IV.9 Chemists and engineers each are surveyed in eight levels1*starting with a professional trainee level typi 0 cally requiring a bachelor’s degree. The highest level surveyed involves either full responsibility over a broad, complex, and diversified chemical or engineering pro gram, with several subordinates each directing large and important segments of the program, or individual research and consultation in problem areas where the chemist or engineer is a recognized authority and where solutions represent a major scientific or technological advance.1 Average yearly salaries ranged from $22,539 1 for chemists I to $74,607 for chemists VII, the highest level for which data could be published, and from $27,866 for engineers I to $79,021 for engineers VIII. Level IV engineers, the largest group in that profession and representing fully experienced employees, averaged $42,677, while level IV chemists averaged $41,548. Employment of chemists and engineers was highly concentrated in manufacturing industries (86 percent of the chemists and 73 percent of the engineers). Most of the remaining chemists were associated with research and development laboratories. Engineers were also found in significant numbers in research, development, and testing laboratories, establishments providing engi neering services, and public utilities. Engineering technicians is a five-level series limited to employees providing semiprofessional technical support to engineers. These technicians work with engineers in. such areas as research, design, development, testing, or manufacturing process improvement, and use electrical, electronic, or mechanical components or equipment. Technicians involved in production or maintenance work are excluded. Engineering technicians I, who per form simple routine tasks under close supervision or from detailed procedures, averaged $16,882 a year. En gineering technicians V, who work on more complex projects under general guidelines supplied by a super visor or professional engineer, averaged $32,718. Sala ries for intermediate levels III and IV, containing a ma jority of the technicians surveyed, averaged $23,896 and $28,412, respectively. Just over four-fifths of the engineering technicians were employed in manufacturing and about one-tenth in selected services. The ratio of technicians to engi neers was about 1 to 5 in all manufacturing industries combined and in public utilities. In mechanical and elec trical equipment manufacturing and in research, devel opment and testing laboratories, the ratio was 1 to 4. Average salaries for drafters ranged from $13,054 a year for level I (who trace or copy finished drawings) to $31,004 for level V (who work closely with designers preparing unusual, complex, or original designs). Computer operators are classified on the basis of re sponsibility for problem solving, variability of assign ments, and scope of authority far corrective actions needed by their equipment. Computer operators I, whose work assignments consist of on-the-job training, averaged $13,727 a year. The largest group surveyed, level II, averaged $17,219, and the highest publishable level (V) averaged $28,986. Photographers studied in the survey ranged from those taking routine pictures where several shots can be taken or opportunities for retakes exist (level I) to those ap plying technical expertise to situations requiring novel and unprecedented treatment (level V). Photographers working for media establishments, such as newspapers or advertising agencies, were excluded. The average annual salary for level I photographers was $16,636 compared with $35,094 for level V’s. Manufacturing industries employed two-thirds of the photographers covered by the survey, while most of the remainder were in services. Among the survey’s ten clerical jobs, secretary was the most populous. Average yearly salaries ranged from $16,326 for level I secretaries to $28,051 for level V. Average annual salaries of $18,374 and $21,739 were reported for stenographers I and II. Typists I averaged $12,584 and those at level II, $16,854. Accounting clerks performing simple and routine clerical accounting operations (level I) averaged $12,517 a year. Level IV clerks who maintain journals or sub sidiary ledgers averaged $21,872. Nearly four-fifths of all accounting clerks were classified in levels II and III, which averaged $14,687 and $17,954 a year, respectively. Personnel clerks/assistants who perform routine tasks requiring a knowledge of personnel rules and proce dures (level I) averaged $14,193 a year. Level IV as sistants, who provide paraprofessional support such as 9 S e e fo o tn o te 6. 10 S e e fo o tn o te 6. " T h e d efin itio n r e c o g n iz e s that to p p o sitio n s in so m e co m p a n ie s w ith u n u su a lly e x te n siv e and c o m p le x c h e m ic a l o r en g in e e r in g p ro gra m s e x c e e d th is le v e l. 4 interviewing and recommending placement for well-de fined occupations, averaged $23,702.1 2 Level I purchasing clerks/assistants1 (a new first level 3 added in 1986) follow well-established and clear-cut procedures to prepare and process purchasing docu ments. Their yearly average of $13,994 compares with $29,384 for level IV assistants, who prepare compli cated purchase documents, expedite the purchase of highly specialized items, or provide detailed technical support to buyers. A four-level general clerk job also was introduced in 1986.1 These clerks perform a combination of clerical 4 tasks to support office, business, or administrative op erations. Level I clerks, who follow detailed procedures in performing simple and repetitive tasks, averaged $10,478 annually. Level IV clerks, who use some sub ject matter knowledge and judgment to complete various nonroutine assignments, averaged $19,322 a year. Level II and III clerks, the most populous levels, averaged $12,730 and $15,500 a year, respectively. Clerical workers generally were highest paid in pub lic utilities, mining, and manufacturing, and were low est paid in finance, insurance, and real estate. Nearly two-fifths of the clerical employees were employed in manufacturing industries. The finance, insurance, and real estate industries and public utilities also employed large numbers of clerical workers, accounting for about one-fourth and one-tenth of the total, respectively. cent more in the largest size group than in the smallest. The corresponding pay advantage for fully experienced professionals usually averaged under 5 percent. The largest size category accounted for one-third of all employees in the 77 work levels shown in table 3. The pro portions ranged from one-tenth or less of accounting clerks II, file clerks I, key entry operators I, and purchasing assistants I to three-fourths of engineering technicians V. Large establishments employed half or more of the in cumbents in certain professional/administrative jobs studied, including the highest levels of programmers, systems analysts, and engineers. Salary distributions Salary distributions for professional and administra tive occupations are presented in table 4, for technical support occupations in table 5, and for clerical occupa tions in table 6. Within most work levels, the highest salaries were more than twice the lowest salaries. As illustrated in charts 1-3, these differences tended to in crease with each rise in the work level. Salary ranges for specific work levels also tended to overlap each other. This reflects both salary differences among es tablishments and the frequent overlapping of salary ranges within individual firms.1 Median annual salaries 5 for most work levels were slightly lower than the mean average salaries.1 Hence, salaries in the upper halves 6 of the arrays affected the means more than salaries in the lower halves. The relative difference between the mean and the median was less than 2 percent for 68 of the 112 work levels published, from 2 to 4 percent for 32 levels, and from over 4 to 8 percent in the other 12 levels. The degree of salary dispersion tended to be larger for clerical occupations than for professional, adminis trative, or technical occupations. These dispersions, shown in text table 3, reflect the salary range of the middle 50 percent of employees expressed as a percent of the median salary. This eliminates the extremely low and high salaries for each comparison. In about ninetenths of the )12 publishable work levels, the degree of dispersion ranged between 15 and 30 percent. Salary differences within work levels reflect a variety of factors other than duties and responsibilities. These include salary structures within establishments which provide for a range of rates for each grade level; varia tions in occupational employment among industries (ta ble 7 and chart 4); and geographic salary differences, Salary levels in metropolitan areas For most occupational levels, average salaries in met ropolitan areas (table 2) were slightly higher than na tional averages (table 1). In only 16 cases did such dif ferences exceed 1 percent. Approximately nine-tenths of the employees surveyed were located in metropolitan areas, with the proportion varying among occupations and work levels. Ninety-five percent or more of public accountants, sys tems analysts, job analysts, attorneys, stenographers, and file clerks were in metropolitan areas. In 79 of the 112 work levels providing publishable data by type of area, at least 90 percent of the workers were in metro politan areas. Salary levels by establishment size White-collar salaries varied by establishment size. Ta ble 3 presents the number of workers and average an nual salaries for 77 work levels publishable for each of three establishment size groupings—(50 to 999 employ ees), (1,000 to 2,499), and (2,500 or more). It shows that clerical workers and recent hires in the professional and administrative positions studied were paid 10 to 20 per 15 F o r an an alysis o f rate ran ges w ith in estab lish m en ts, se e M artin E . P erso n ick , “W h ite -C o lla r P a y D e te r m in a tio n U n d e r R a n g e -o f-R a te S y ste m s,” M onthly L abor Review, D e c e m b e r 1984, pp .25-30. 16T h e m ed ian d esig n a tes p osition ; o n e -h a lf o f th e w o r k e r s r e c e iv e 12 S e e fo o tn o te 6. th e sam e as or m o re and o n e -h a lf r e c e iv e th e sam e as o r less than 13 S e e a p p en d ix B for further d etails. th e m ed ian rate. T h e m ean is c o m p u te d for ea c h jo b b y to ta lin g th e 14 S e e a p p en d ix B for further d etails. earn in gs o f all w o r k e r s and d iv id in g b y th e n u m b er o f w ork ers. 5 Text table 3. Distribution of work levels by degree of salary dispersion, March 1986 Number of levels having degree of dispersion1 of— Occupation All occupations..................................... Accountants ............................................... Chief accountants....................................... Auditors....................................................... Public accountants..................................... Job analysts............................................... Directors of personnel................................ Attorneys..................................................... Buyers......................................................... Chemists..................................................... Engineers................................................... Engineering technicians............................. Drafters....................................................... Computer operators................................... Photographers............................................. Computer programmers............................ Systems analysts......................................... Clerical workers ......................................... Number of work levels 112 6 3 4 4 4 4 6 4 7 8 5 5 5 5 5 6 31 Under 15 percent 15 and under 20 percent 20 and under 25 percent 25 and under 30 percent 6 1 2 38 44 4 2 1 2 1 5 3 3 1 5 4 3 20 _ _ 2 2 1 1 1 - - - 13 3 - 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 6 - 4 - - - 4 - - 1 3 5 2 - - 1 13 30 percent and over 4 _ - 1 1 Degree of salary dispersion equals the salary range of the middle 50 per cent of employees in a work level expressed as a percent of the median salary for that level. public utilities tended to be elevated above the all-industry average. For example, relative pay levels of messengers in manufacturing (109 percent of the all-industry average) and public utilities (133 percent) reflect the influence on the all industry average of lower salaries for 47 percent of these workers employed in finance, insurance, and real estate in dustries. These industries, however, also reported slightly shorter average workweeks than other industries. especially for clerical employees.'7 Clerical employees usually are recruited locally, while professional and ad ministrative positions tend to be recruited on a broader regional or national basis. Pay differences by industry Occupational salary levels in major industry divisions were compared to the all-industry average (table 8). Salary levels for professional, administrative, and tech nical occupations in manufacturing industries tended to be closest to the all-industry average. (Manufacturing accounted for more employment than any other sector, except in the case of attorneys and public accountants.) Relative salary levels were generally highest in mining and public utilities. For most occupations studied, relative salary levels were lowest in the wholesale trade, retail trade, and finance, insurance, and real estate industries. Where these industries employed a substantial proportion of workers in an occupa tion, the all-industry average was dampened; consequently, relative pay levels in such industries as manufacturing and Average standard weekly hours The distribution of average weekly hours (rounded to the nearest half hour) is shown in table 9 for each occupation by major industry division. Average weekly hours were lower in finance, insurance, and real estate (38 to 40 hours for most occupations) than in other industries (39 to 40 hours). Average weekly hours have been fairly stable over the past decade.1 Standard weekly hours, the 1 7 8 base for regular straight-time salary, were obtained for in dividual employees in the occupations studied. When in dividual hours were not available, particularly for some higher level professional and administrative positions, the predominant workweek of the office force was used as the standard. 17 F o r a n a ly sis o f interarea p a y d ifferen tia ls in c le r ic a l salaries, se e Wage Differences A m ong Metropolitan Areas, 1985, S u m m a ry 86-5 (B u reau o f L a b o r S ta tistics, 1986),and M ark S. S ielin g , “ C le r ic a l P a y 18 F o r in fo r m a tio n o n sc h e d u le d w e e k ly h o u rs o f o ffic e w o r k e r s e m D iffe r e n c e s in M e tr o p o lita n A rea s, 19 6 1 -8 0 ,” M onthly L abor Review, p lo y e d in m e tr o p o lita n areas, se e Area Wage Surveys .Selected M etro J u ly 1982, pp .1 0 -1 4 . politan Areas, 1985, B u lletin 3030-71 (B u reau o f L a b o r S ta tistics, 1986). 6 7 Chart 2. Salaries in administrative and technical occupations, March 1986 (Mean annual salaries and ranges within which fell 50 percent of employees) Occupation and level 0 Job analysts I— $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 IV Directors of personnel IV Buyers I- First | Mean quartile ■B IV Computer programmers IV VSystems analysts I- IV V VI Engineering technicians E I n IV V Drafters I— m n IV V Computer operators I || III IV V Photographers I- m IV V 8 Third quartile $90,000 Chart 3. Salaries in clerical occupations, March 1986 (Mean annual salaries and ranges within which fell 50 percent of employees) Occupation and level Accounting clerks 0 $10,000 $12,500 $15,000 $17,500 $20,000 $22,500 $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $35,000 I— I IV First quartile File clerks General clerks I— IV Key entry operators II Messengers — Personnel clerks/ assistants IV Purchasing clerks/ assistants IV Secretaries II IV Stenographers I— II - Typists 9 Mean Third quartile Chart 4. Relative employment in selected occupational groups by industry division, March 1986 Percent Occupational group 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Accountants a n d l ^ H S chief accountants' . Auditors 1 I Attorneys — H . ■_______ Buyers Computer programmers Systems analysts Directors of personnel and job analysts Chemists Engineers Engineering technicians and drafters Computer operators Photographers Clerical employees Mining and construction Manufacturing Public utilities Finance, insurance, and real estate Trade and selected services 1Public acountants are not included. This occupation is found only in accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services in the selected services industry group. 10 100 Table 1. Average salaries: United States (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Monthly salaries4 Occupation and level2 Number of employees 3 Annual salaries 4 Middle range5 Middle range5 Mean6 Median 5 First quartile Third quartile Mean5 Median 5 First quartile Third quartile Accountants 1 ...................................................................... II ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ..................................................................... V I .................................................................... 13,846 29,311 46,228 23,733 8,227 1,397 $1,752 2,129 2,595 3,274 4,103 5,129 $1,741 2,083 2,541 3,249 4,025 5,050 $1,565 1,875 2,332 2,945 3,683 4,582 $1,896 2,332 2,840 3,520 4,444 5,504 $21,024 25,554 31,143 39,293 49,231 61,546 $20,892 24,990 30,488 38,984 48,300 60,600 $18,780 22,500 27,989 35,346 44,197 54,978 $22,748 27,984 34,078 42,240 53,329 66,048 1,756 2,928 4,709 2,022 1,795 2,176 2,677 3,309 1,791 2,124 2,657 3,249 1,670 1,952 2,335 2,916 1,896 2,332 2,950 3,640 21,545 26,108 32,121 39,705 21,491 25,490 31,887 38,984 20,042 23,423 28,026 34,986 22,756 27,989 35,400 43,683 11,606 11,595 8,897 4,275 1,706 1,893 2,219 2,676 1,707 1,873 2,166 2,624 1,624 1,791 2,025 2,416 1,791 1,999 2,374 2,916 20,468 22,714 26,633 32,116 20,488 22,479 25,992 31,487 19,492 21,491 24,300 28,988 21,491 23,990 28,489 34,986 1,454 475 230 3,997 5,240 6,701 4,000 5,151 6,568 3,707 4,671 6,164 4,332 5,831 7,289 47,963 62,880 80,409 48,000 61,812 78,811 44,482 56,058 73,970 51,979 69,972 87,465 1,377 3,199 4,347 3,500 1,847 587 2,584 3,303 4,177 5,328 6,533 8,431 2,525 3,250 4,082 5,248 6,497 8,488 2,249 2,958 3,749 4,657 5,831 7,397 2,778 3,634 4,530 5,839 7,166 9,360 31,014 39,635 50,119 63,933 78,396 101,169 30,304 39,000 48,980 62,975 77,969 101,859 36,989 35,502 44,982 55,886 69,972 88,765 33,337 43,603 54,360 70,074 85,992 112,320 6,914 22,990 18,323 4,798 1,770 2,197 2,798 3,442 1,749 2,167 2,735 3,406 1,560 1,976 2,499 3,011 1,928 2,377 3,065 3,796 21,242 26,369 33,580 41,304 20,992 25,998 32,820 40,870 18,719 23,712 29,988 36,137 23,130 28,524 36,780 45,548 15,974 38,540 46,996 21,524 9,492 1,736 2,046 2,444 2,910 3,578 1,749 2,041 2,426 2,905 3,612 1,517 1,841 2,240 2,686 3,371 1,965 2,233 2,627 3,130 3,850 20,832 24,558 29,324 34,919 42,934 20,992 24,490 29,118 34,860 43,344 18,199 22,091 26,880 32,238 40,453 23,580 26,800 31,527 37,560 46,200 21,402 47,518 38,943 15,506 2,666 233 2,428 2,907 3,500 4,126 4,867 5,981 2,400 2,907 3,450 4,032 4,816 5,958 2,191 2,655 3,199 3,762 4,412 5,520 2,660 3,141 3,750 4,460 5,333 6,444 29,141 34,881 41,997 49,515 58,404 71,770 28,800 34,886 41,400 48,381 57,786 71,496 26,289 31,863 38,394 45,144 52,944 66,240 31,920 37,697 45,000 53,525 64,000 77,322 103 350 1,853 2,107 1,841 2,001 1,600 1,810 1,914 2,357 22,240 25,288 22,091 24,014 19,200 21,725 22,968 28,286 Auditors 1 ...................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV .................................................................... Public accountants 1 ...................................................................... II ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV .................................................................... Chief accountants I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV .................................................................... Attorneys 1 ...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ..................................................................... V I.................................................................... Buyers 1 ...................................................................... II ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Computer programmers 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Systems analysts 1 ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... V I ..................................................................... Job analysts 1 ....................................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 11 Table 1. Average salaries: United States—Continued (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Monthly salaries4 Occupation and level2 Job analysts III ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Number of employees 3 Annual salaries 4 Middle range5 Mean5 Median 5 First quartile Third quartile Middle range5 Mean5 Median 5 First quartile Third quartile 624 520 $2,550 3,184 $2,432 3,090 $2,234 2,834 $2,882 3,455 $30,605 38,206 $29,188 37,082 $26,809 34,009 $34,586 41,455 1,849 2,082 1,179 395 3,318 3,861 5,321 6,264 3,200 3,880 5,165 6,023 2,959 3,332 4,831 5,748 3,778 4,332 5,667 6,900 39,817 46,328 63,855 75,170 38,400 46,560 61,975 72,271 35,503 39,984 57,977 68,972 45,336 51,979 68,004 82,798 3,580 6,673 10,244 9,257 7,266 3,632 848 1,878 2,267 2,845 3,462 4,223 5,066 6,217 1,866 2,249 2,791 3,435 4,198 5,075 6,033 1,625 1,998 2,555 3,131 3,870 4,606 5,638 2,041 2,483 3,140 3,749 4,517 5,517 6,769 22,539 27,205 34,141 41,548 50,678 60,796 74,607 22,391 26,989 33,487 41,220 50,380 60,900 72,395 19,500 23,976 30,664 37,572 46,440 55,278 67,658 24,490 29,796 37,685 44,988 54,204 66,199 81,228 40,469 71,336 145,165 157,033 111,913 52,105 13,395 3,097 2,322 2,599 2,976 3,556 4,231 4,907 5,717 6,585 2,365 2,595 2,956 3,532 4,203 4,881 5,650 6,545 2,207 2,409 2,719 3,250 3,855 4,450 5,200 6,045 2,475 2,783 3,213 3,832 4,582 5,334 6,127 7,065 27,866 31,194 35,715 42,677 50,769 58,883 68,602 79,021 28,381 31,146 35,472 42,383 50,436 58,568 67,800 78,540 26,489 28,908 32,634 39,000 46,260 53,400 62,400 72,540 29,700 33,396 38,560 45,982 54,978 64,008 73,518 84,780 5,797 17,342 32,193 35,397 19,399 1,407 1,693 1,991 2,368 2,726 1,380 1,666 1,972 2,346 2,700 1,277 1,522 1,781 2,146 2,500 1,534 1,841 2,175 2,573 2,938 16,882 20,312 23,896 28,412 32,718 16,557 19,992 23,669 28,158 32,400 15,324 18,264 21,370 25,748 29,998 18,407 22,091 26,099 30,876 35,253 2,982 12,102 25,970 24,371 14,362 1,088 1,321 1,683 2,054 2,584 1,083 1,300 1,665 2,038 2,541 953 1,150 1,474 1,829 2,276 1,172 1,456 1,868 2,253 2,860 13,054 15,854 20,201 24,652 31,004 12,999 15,599 19,980 24,461 30,489 11,439 13,794 17,688 21,942 27,308 14,060 17,471 22,411 27,038 34,317 10,704 37,530 25,698 8,059 1,260 1,144 1,435 1,794 2,046 2,416 1,125 1,408 1,749 2,012 2,426 997 1,240 1,560 1,820 2,140 1,250 1,595 1,978 2,236 2,615 13,727 17,219 21,524 24,550 28,986 13,495 16,893 20,992 24,140 29,112 11,959 14,876 18,719 21,840 25,678 14,994 19,135 23,736 26,832 31,380 401 873 791 331 104 1,386 1,908 2,251 2,632 2,924 1,331 1,916 2,189 2,601 2,842 1,205 1,638 2,052 2,335 2,429 1,499 2,120 2,483 2,864 3,391 16,636 22,896 27,009 31,584 35,094 15,972 22,991 26,264 31,212 34,109 14,455 19,654 24,624 28,020 29,147 17,993 25,440 29,794 34,369 40,687 Directors of personnel 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Chemists 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... V I..................................................................... V II.................................................................... Engineers 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... V I ..................................................................... V II.................................................................... V III................................................................... Engineering technicians 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Drafters 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Computer operators 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Photographers 1 ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 12 Table 1. Average salaries: United States—Continued (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Monthly salaries4 Occupation and level2 Number of employees 3 Annual salaries 4 Middle range5 Middle range5 Mean5 Median 5 First quartile Third quartile Mean5 Median 5 First quartile Third quartile Accounting clerks 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... 36,023 133,183 79,215 22,354 $1,043 1,224 1,496 1,823 $1,000 1,187 1,456 1,766 $867 1,057 1,300 1,549 $1,115 1,343 1,647 2,032 $12,517 14,687 17,954 21,872 $11,995 14,247 17,471 21,192 $10,399 12,687 15,599 18,593 $13,375 16,119 19,758 24,378 20,916 10,110 2,100 861 1,013 1,302 842 958 1,255 763 878 1,127 926 1,100 1,429 10,335 12,156 15,625 10,108 11,495 15,060 9,154 10,531 13,519 11,111 13,195 17,148 1 ...................................................................... II ..................................................................... 68,827 30,770 1,096 1,408 1,049 1,343 925 1,170 1,207 1,560 13,146 16,901 12,583 16,119 11,100 14,040 14,481 ,18,719 Messengers.................................... 9,842 1,023 945 849 1,114 12,276 11,340 10,193 13,373 2,521 4,414 3,255 1,298 1,183 1,409 1,641 1,975 1,174 1,350 1,621 1,915 1,040 1,248 1,432 1,742 1,287 1,539 1,821 2,175 14,193 16,903 19,696 23,702 14,091 16,200 19,447 22,982 12,479 14,975 17,184 20,902 15,443 18,473 21,848 26,102 4,014 5,585 4,197 1,037 1,166 1,440 1,865 2,449 1,127 1,387 1,837 2,350 1,040 1,265 1,600 2,136 1,261 1,543 2,078 2,794 13,994 17,282 22,381 29,384 13,519 16,639 22,046 28,200 12,479 15,183 19,200 25,629 15,134 18,511 24,936 33,530 59,859 69,450 110,604 49,403 16,038 1,361 1,526 1,763 1,987 2,338 1,300 1,485 1,708 1,956 2,282 1,150 1,317 1,517 1,749 2,000 1,498 1,694 1,958 2,201 2,622 16,326 18,306 21,152 23,839 28,051 15,599 17,820 20,492 23,478 27,389 13,800 15,807 18,199 20,992 24,000 17,980 20,330 23,491 26,413 31,465 6,811 5,648 1,531 1,812 1,512 1,846 1,239 1,619 1,838 1,961 18,374 21,739 18,139 22,152 14,871 19,428 22,056 23,536 25,125 12,842 1,049 1,404 1,021 1,334 910 1,161 1,144 1,622 12,584 16,854 12,252 16,008 10,919 13,935 13,727 19,464 11,811 59,359 65,101 33,472 873 1,061 1,292 1,610 850 1,014 1,250 1,552 780 880 1,100 1,377 947 1,148 1,430 1,872 10,478 12,730 15,500 19,322 10,200 12,167 14,994 18,624 9,359 10,560 13,200 16,529 11,364 13,779 17,159 22,464 File clerks 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... Key entry operators Personnel clerks/assistants 1 ...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV .................................................................... Purchasing clerks/assistants 1 ...................................................................... II ..................................................................... Ill .................................................................... IV .................................................................... Secretaries 1 ...................................................................... II ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ..................................................................... Stenographers 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Typists 1 ...................................................................... II ...................................................................... General clerks 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... 1 For the scope of the survey, see table A-1 in appendix A. 2 Occupational definitions appear in appendix C. 3 Occupational employment estimates relate to the total in all establishments within the scope of the survey and not to the number actually surveyed. For further explanation, see appendix A. 4 Excludes premium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, holidays, and late shifts. Also excluded are performance bonuses and lump-sum payments of the type negotiated in the auto and aerospace industries, as well as profit-sharing payments, attendance bonuses, Christmas or year-end bonuses, and other nonproduction bonuses. Pay increases - but not bonuses - under cost-of-living allowance clauses, and incentive payments, however, are included. 5 The mean is computed for each job by totaling the earnings of all workers and dividing by the number of workers. The median designates position; one-half of the workers receive the same as or more and onehalf receive the same as or less than the rate shown. The middle range is defined by two rates of pay; one-fourth of the workers earn the same as or less than the lower of these rates and one-fourth earn the same as or more than the higher rate. 13 Table 2. Average salaries: Metropolitan areas (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry, metropolitan areas,' United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Monthly salaries4 Occupation and level2 Number of employees3 Annual salaries4 Middle range5 Mean5 Median5 First quartile Third quartile Middle range5 Mean5 Median5 First quartile Third quartile Accountants 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... V I ..................................................................... 12,703 26,619 40,781 21,228 7,633 1,327 $1,760 2,140 2,598 3,290 4,101 5,123 $1,749 2,093 2,541 3,250 4,015 5,060 $1,579 1,892 2,332 2,957 3,682 4,582 $1,904 2,333 2,847 3,544 4,444 5,500 $21,117 25,676 31,176 39,481 49,216 61,481 $20,992 25,115 30,488 38,997 48,181 60,720 $18,948 22,704 27,989 35,486 44,182 54,978 $22,851 27,996 34,168 42,533 53,329 66,000 1,452 2,791 4,584 1,972 1,795 2,179 2,679 3,304 1,770 2,124 2,661 3,249 1,641 1,949 2,335 2,902 1,920 2,341 2,954 3,640 21,536 26,150 32,154 39,650 21,242 25,490 31,926 38,984 19,692 23,391 28,026 34,825 23,040 28,089 35,446 43,680 11,534 11,433 8,807 4,239 1,706 1,894 2,219 2,672 1,707 1,874 2,166 2,624 1,624 1,791 2,020 2,416 1,791 1,999 2,374 2,916 20,469 22,730 26,630 32,066 20,488 22,491 25,992 31,487 19,492 21,491 24,240 28,988 21,491 23,990 28,489 34,986 1,293 372 210 3,991 5,153 6,773 4,000 5,025 6,697 3,704 4,629 6,206 4,332 5,700 7,289 47,894 61,833 81,282 48,000 60,296 80,364 44,442 55,548 74,470 51,979 68,397 87,465 1,321 3,133 4,255 3,318 1,740 584 2,588 3,304 4,183 5,350 6,585 8,437 2,532 3,250 4,082 5,315 6,550 8,497 2,249 2,958 3,749 4,681 5,876 7,414 2,785 3,634 4,535 5,892 7,193 9,368 31,055 39,645 50,195 64,197 79,019 101,243 30,386 39,000 48,980 63,774 78,600 101,959 26,989 35,502 44,982 56,178 70,508 88,964 33,420 43,603 54,420 70,704 86,313 112,421 5,810 19,218 16,454 4,571 1,805 2,209 2,818 3,444 1,774 2,167 2,745 3,410 1,586 1,985 2,500 3,012 1,958 2,389 3,082 3,800 21,663 26,513 33,820 41,328 21,291 25,998 32,940 40,920 19,031 23,820 30,000 36,148 23,495 28,663 36,980 45,600 14,685 35,544 44,777 20,744 9,268 1,751 2,054 2,446 2,914 3,588 1,750 2,042 2,428 2,906 3,620 1,555 1,849 2,246 2,686 3,386 1,989 2,241 2,626 3,136 3,855 21,017 24,643 29,351 34,966 43,055 21,000 24,501 29,136 34,870 43,440 18,660 22,191 26,955 32,238 40,634 23,866 26,893 31,512 37,635 46,260 20,287 45,294 37,403 15,077 2,512 230 2,432 2,915 3,505 4,122 4,870 5,975 2,405 2,916 3,457 4,032 4,831 5,958 2,192 2,666 3,205 3,762 4,405 5,520 2,661 3,150 3,757 4,453 5,354 6,422 29,178 34,986 42,066 49,464 58,443 71,695 28,860 34,986 41,483 48,381 57,977 71,496 26,310 31,987 38,460 45,144 52,860 66,240 31,936 37,800 45,082 53,430 64,245 77,069 103 344 1,853 2,108 1,841 2,001 1,600 1,806 1,914 2,370 22,240 25,295 22,091 24,014 19,200 21,668 22,968 28,442 Auditors 1 ...................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Public accountants 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Chief accountants II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Attorneys 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... V I ..................................................................... Buyers 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill .................... ................................................ IV ..................................................................... Computer programmers 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Systems analysts 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ......................................................x............. V ...................................................................... V I ..................................................................... Job analysts See footnotes at end of table. 14 Table 2. Average salaries: Metropolitan areas—Continued (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry, metropolitan areas,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Annual salaries4 Monthly salaries4 Occupation and level2 Job analysts III ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Number of employees3 Middle range5 Middle range5 Mean5 Median5 First quartile Third quartile Mean5 Median5 First quartile Third quartile 617 516 $2,548 3,186 $2,432 3,090 $2,215 2,834 $2,882 3,458 $30,575 38,231 $29,188 37,084 $26,580 34,009 $34,586 41,495 1,155 1,748 1,061 382 3,275 3,896 5,366 6,242 3,207 3,911 5,165 6,000 2,974 3,415 4,900 5,748 3,512 4,355 5,706 6,896 39,298 46,750 64,394 74,908 38,485 46,927 61,975 72,000 35,686 40,984 58,800 68,972 42,144 52,260 68,473 82,751 3,260 6,042 8,862 7,774 6,033 2,995 702 1,869 2,272 2,863 3,470 4,226 5,078 6,259 1,845 2,250 2,816 3,450 4,198 5,091 6,099 1,591 1,968 2,550 3,166 3,885 4,612 5,734 2,041 2,499 3,195 3,751 4,482 5,555 6,872 22,426 27,260 34,353 41,642 50,711 60,931 75,110 22,145 27,000 33,786 41,400 50,380 61,093 73,192 19,092 23,616 30,600 37,989 46,620 55,344 68,812 24,488 29,988 38,337 45,012 53,782 66,657 82,467 37,755 64,658 129,153 143,389 105,902 50,285 13,036 2,897 2,323 2,607 2,981 3,560 4,231 4,908 5,716 6,584 2,365 2,604 2,962 3,539 4,204 4,881 5,650 6,545 2,207 2,416 2,725 3,255 3,856 4,450 5,200 6,043 2,475 2,791 3,217 3,835 4,582 5,335 6,110 7,070 27,875 31,283 35,771 42,724 50,776 58,893 68,586 79,008 28,381 31,247 35,542 42,463 50,448 58,570 67,800 78,540 26,489 28,988 32,700 39,060 46,276 53,400 62,395 72,516 29,700 33,492 38,604 46,016 54,978 64,020 73,320 84,840 5,323 16,096 30,383 33,193 18,516 1,415 1,696 1,992 2,374 2,731 1,387 1,669 1,974 2,353 2,707 1,286 1,525 1,778 2,149 2,500 1,549 1,841 2,175 2,583 2,951 16,975 20,355 23,901 28,488 32,778 16,639 20,033 23,688 28,234 32,487 15,438 18,303 21,339 25,790 30,002 18,594 22,091 26,096 30,996 35,409 2,501 10,155 22,943 22,120 13,435 1,094 1,335 1,706 2,063 2,598 1,083 1,317 1,695 2,045 2,548 953 1,176 1,511 1,833 2,284 1,183 1,465 1,868 2,255 2,882 13,130 16,020 20,475 24,759 31,170 12,999 15,807 20,341 24,542 30,574 11,439 14,112 18,132 21,991 27,408 14,194 17,575 22,411 27,062 34,588 9,711 34,365 23,410 7,678 1,237 1,164 1,446 1,807 2,050 2,415 1,141 1,416 1,766 2,022 2,428 1,025 1,250 1,581 1,824 2,140 1,270 1,604 1,986 2,244 2,615 13,966 17,351 21,688 24,597 28,983 13,687 16,993 21,192 24,264 29,138 12,300 14,994 18,972 21,890 25,678 15,240 19,242 23,835 26,934 31,380 334 713 694 313 97 1,426 1,884 2,283 2,665 2,960 1,375 1,924 2,231 2,650 2,992 1,205 1,638 2,083 2,403 2,456 1,620 2,083 2,507 2,887 3,410 17,109 22,606 27,395 31,981 35,523 16,503 23,086 26,772 31,800 35,904 14,455 19,654 24,996 28,836 29,472 19,440 24,996 30,088 34,643 40,919 Directors of personnel 1 ...................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Chemists 1 ...................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ..................................................................... V I .................................................................... V II................................................................... Engineers 1 ...................................................................... II ..................................................................... Ill .................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ..................................................................... V I .................................................................... V II................................................................... V III.................................................................. Engineering technicians 1 ...................................................................... II ..................................................................... Ill .................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ...................................................................... Drafters 1 ...................................................................... II ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Computer operators 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Photographers 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 15 Table 2. Average salaries: Metropolitan areas—Continued (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry, metropolitan areas,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Monthly salaries4 Occupation and level1 2 Number of employees3 Annual salaries4 Middle range5 Mean5 Median5 First quartile Third quartile Middle range5 Mean5 Median5 First quartile Third quartile Accounting clerks 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... 31,950 119,122 70,880 20,794 $1,052 1,234 1,502 1,821 $1,005 1,192 1,462 1,765 $867 1,062 1,322 1,549 $1,127 1,348 1,647 2,019 $12,624 14,814 18,030 21,847 $12,063 14,304 17,543 21,175 $10,399 12,745 15,864 18,593 $13,519 16,173 19,758 24,230 19,824 9,773 2,053 865 1,016 1,311 845 958 1,256 769 880 1,135 930 1,104 1,435 10,386 12,188 15,729 10,139 11,495 15,072 9,222 10,562 13,623 11,160 13,246 17,214 1 ............ .......................................................... II ...................................................................... 62,303 28,700 1,099 1,419 1,050 1,350 927 1,183 1,213 1,575 13,183 17,032 12,595 16,197 11,127 14,194 14,559 18,900 Messengers.................................... 9,258 1,029 945 854 1,116 12,345 11,340 10,246 13,394 2,252 3,619 2,821 1,196 1,184 1,420 1,660 1,984 1,176 1,354 1,652 1,938 1,040 1,255 1,473 1,758 1,287 1,547 1,833 2,175 14,203 17,045 19,924 23,804 14,111 16,244 19,821 23,262 12,479 15,060 17,679 21,096 15,443 18,564 21,991 26,102 3,395 4,678 3,934 1,025 1,178 1,470 1,881 2,452 1,127 1,416 1,848 2,354 1,041 1,293 1,626 2,145 1,261 1,564 2,093 2,794 14,131 17,637 22,578 29,427 13,519 16,993 22,176 28,248 12,495 15,516 19,509 25,738 15,134 18,763 25,114 33,530 55,146 65,550 103,559 46,794 15,402 1,371 1,529 1,768 1,990 2,352 1,303 1,490 1,710 1,958 2,292 1,165 1,325 1,524 1,750 2,015 1,500 1,693 1,960 2,203 2,635 16,456 18,342 21,211 23,878 28,225 15,640 17,880 20,520 23,491 27,501 13,982 15,900 18,290 21,000 24,180 18,000 20,316 23,520 26,435 31,620 6,423 5,602 1,548 1,814 1,539 1,850 1,258 1,624 1,848 1,962 18,572 21,764 18,469 22,200 15,096 19,488 22,176 23,539 22,502 12,337 1,062 1,407 1,030 1,337 924 1,166 1,150 1,616 12,750 16,879 12,362 16,044 11,088 13,994 13,800 19,395 10,265 50,569 60,052 31,583 885 1,067 1,298 1,621 866 1,023 1,257 1,560 780 898 1,107 1,387 953 1,148 1,436 1,872 10,624 12,800 15,580 19,454 10,393 12,275 15,079 18,719 9,359 10,776 13,280 16,639 11,439 13,774 17,232 22,466 File clerks 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... Key entry operators Personnel clerks/assistants 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Purchasing clerks/assistants 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Secretaries 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... Stenographers 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Typists 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... General clerks 1 ....................................................................... II ...................................................................... Ill ..................................................................... increases - but not bonuses - under cost-of-living allowance clauses, and incentive payments, however, are included. 5 The mean is computed for each job by totaling the earnings of all workers and dividing by the number of workers. The median designates position; one-half of the workers receive the same as or more and onehalf receive the same as or less than the rate shown. The middle range is defined by two rates of pay; one-fourth of the workers earn the same as or less than the lower of these rates and one-fourth earn the same as or more than the higher rate. 1 For the scope of the survey, see table A-1 in appendix A. 2 Occupational definitions appear in appendixC. 3 Occupational employment estimates relate to the total in all establishments within the scope of the survey and not to the number actually surveyed. For further explanation, see appendix A. 4 Excludes premium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, holidays, and late shifts. Also excluded are performance bonuses and lump-sum payments of the type negotiated in the auto and aerospace industries, as well as profit-sharing payments, attendance bonuses, Christmas or year-end bonuses, and other nonproduction bonuses. Pay 16 Table 3. Average salaries: By size of establishment (Employment and average annual salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry, three establishment size groupings,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Establishments employing 50-999 workers3 Occupation and level2 Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Establishments employing 1,000-2,499 workers Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Establishments employing 2,500 workers or more4 Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 2,826 7,353 9,361 6,303 2,536 $22,436 28,597 33,205 39,987 50,090 $22,091 28,189 32,783 39,300 48,970 25,290 31,915 39,146 1,020 1,628 837 27,436 33,681 39,929 26,324 33,000 39,456 32,029 39,948 49,659 63,212 79,395 31,287 39,600 49,552 62,075 77,760 307 713 1,215 1,346 900 35,293 42,319 52,805 64,475 78,598 35,400 42,077 51,292 62,975 77,508 965 2,940 2,835 22,885 27,737 34,131 22,920 27,000 33,731 1,607 5,161 6,936 23,581 27,984 34,255 22,878 27,391 33,687 19,008 23,591 28,320 33,986 4,043 8,785 9,429 4,249 21,321 24,526 28,771 34,229 21,660 24,795 28,577 34,260 4,029 11,502 18,324 10,797 22,941 26,028 30,542 35,525 22,740 26,004 30,156 35,268 28,539 34,199 41,502 49,287 28,442 34,086 41,453 49,084 4,865 10,139 8,504 2,602 29,248 35,132 42,718 50,079 29,014 34,986 42,223 49,278 7,505 18,072 17,308 8,732 29,797 35,469 42,017 49,455 29,220 35,424 40,968 48,381 712 62,408 61,016 320 65,003 63,575 147 68,364 66,973 3,943 6,264 4,845 3,105 25,781 32,913 40,337 49,906 25,680 32,487 39,932 49,548 1,216 1,594 1,757 1,543 26,742 33,389 41,192 50,690 26,689 33,137 40,984 50,480 1,514 2,386 2,655 2,618 31,283 37,869 43,992 51,585 31,440 38,040 43,826 50,958 13,871 23,687 56,039 53,788 29,213 10,790 2,771 25,955 29,640 34,486 41,840 49,575 56,720 70,444 26,190 29,638 34,186 41,583 49,080 57,777 69,672 7,025 12,996 25,196 28,225 20,870 11,966 2,839 28,607 32,642 37,305 43,789 51,377 58,810 68,631 28,650 32,580 37,200 43,248 50,580 58,092 67,075 19,573 34,653 63,930 75,020 61,830 29,349 7,785 28,954 31,713 36,167 42,859 51,128 59,708 67,935 28,806 31,458 36,000 42,768 50,980 59,176 67,200 2,793 16,295 16,119 1,751 16,790 16,633 1,253 18,318 17,893 Mean7 Median7 Mean7 Median7 7,613 16,674 30,178 13,592 3,743 $20,111 24,165 30,466 38,840 47,968 $19,992 23,990 29,988 38,784 47,381 3,407 5,284 6,689 3,838 1,948 $21,896 25,701 31,316 39,755 50,538 $21,491 25,380 30,852 39,456 49,760 1,255 2,135 741 25,387 31,213 39,353 25,190 30,988 38,984 653 946 444 25,419 31,486 39,873 826 1,939 2,286 1,480 690 29,124 38,559 48,862 63,768 77,760 28,489 37,985 47,981 63,974 79,968 244 547 846 674 257 4,342 14,889 8,552 20,011 25,540 32,851 19,774 25,499 32,009 7,902 18,253 19,243 6,478 19,507 23,647 28,435 34,361 9,032 19,307 13,131 4,172 Accountants 1..................................................................... I I .................................................................... I l l ................................................................... I V .................................................................. V ................................................................... Auditors I I .................................................................... I l l ................................................................... IV .................................................................. Attorneys 1..................................................................... I I .................................................................... I l l ................................................................... IV .................................................................. V ................................................................... Buyers 1..................................................................... I I .................................................................... I l l ................................................................... Computer programmers I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV ................................................................... Systems analysts 1..................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV ................................................................... Directors of personnel III.................................................................... Chemists I I .................................................................... I l l .................................................................... I V ................................................................... V ................................................................... Engineers 1...................................................................... I I .................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV .................................................................. V ....................................................................... VI ...................................................................... VII ..................................................................... Engineering technicians 1......................................................................... See footnotes at end of table. 17 Table 3. Average salaries: By size of establishment—Continued (Employment and average annual salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry, three establishment size groupings,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Establishments employing 50-999 workers3 Occupation and level2 Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 7,041 11,036 8,070 1,574 $19,794 23,424 27,869 32,192 $19,758 23,400 27,828 31,260 9,253 18,547 13,781 4,719 15,168 19,504 23,858 29,721 6,385 23,916 13,361 2,527 Establishments employing 1,000-2,499 workers Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 5,010 7,286 7,212 3,701 $20,051 23,731 28,726 33,746 $19,752 23,242 28,289 33,693 14,767 19,343 23,918 29,580 1,199 2,704 3,787 2,635 18,087 21,443 25,242 29,459 13,111 16,334 20,692 23,446 12,999 16,181 20,340 23,328 2,224 6,918 5,150 1,468 28,256 109,174 54,519 11,926 11,974 14,141 17,204 20,466 11,851 13,980 16,899 20,400 17,904 7,396 10,223 11,851 1...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... 55,557 17,090 Messengers.................................. Establishments employing 2,500 workers or more4 Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Median7 5,291 13,871 20,115 14,124 $21,248 24,358 28,517 32,507 $20,904 24,119 28,319 32,175 17,928 21,264 24,924 29,772 1,650 4,719 6,803 7,008 18,074 22,231 25,931 32,449 17,610 22,254 25,404 31,887 13,943 17,891 21,654 23,800 13,733 17,471 21,240 23,502 2,095 6,696 7,187 4,064 15,375 19,685 22,978 25,507 14,834 19,668 22,566 25,257 3,711 12,451 12,077 3,104 12,403 15,879 18,804 21,675 11,995 15,594 18,781 21,240 4,056 11,558 12,619 7,324 16,398 18,555 20,376 24,245 15,287 18,490 20,052 23,990 10,092 11,295 1,819 1,095 10,605 12,416 9,660 11,699 1,193 1,619 11,595 13,375 10,659 12,219 12,804 16,081 12,479 15,594 6,584 5,905 13,842 17,042 12,780 16,605 6,686 7,775 15,308 18,595 14,400 17,887 4,679 11,178 10,796 2,493 12,597 11,622 2,670 13,901 12,684 1,560 2,886 2,248 690 13,913 16,227 19,064 22,379 14,034 15,813 18,888 21,291 603 798 383 163 14,553 17,315 20,752 22,376 14,663 16,847 20,276 22,491 358 730 624 445 14,806 19,124 21,325 26,241 14,394 18,552 21,226 26,102 3,296 3,759 1,883 13,742 16,662 21,227 13,519 16,194 20,341 482 851 399 14,473 17,527 20,715 14,351 17,221 20,694 236 975 1,915 16,527 19,459 23,863 15,599 18,723 23,890 35,490 36,159 50,044 21,727 5,544 15,279 17,581 19,954 22,870 26,737 15,079 17,304 19,524 22,671 26,640 8,409 12,090 19,895 9,267 3,477 15,859 17,837 20,754 23,343 26,185 15,599 17,291 20,278 23,167 25,920 15,960 21,201 40,665 18,409 7,017 18,902 19,811 22,822 25,233 30,014 18,000 19,200 22,046 24,958 29,274 1,391 Engineering technicians I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... I V ................................................................... V .................................................................... Mean7 15,601 15,132 876 20,122 20,538 4,544 18,885 18,979 Drafters I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... I V ................................................................... V .................................................................... Computer operators 1...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV ................................................................... Accounting clerks 1...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... IV ................................................................... File clerks 1...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... Key entry operators Personnel clerks/assistants 1...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... I V ................................................................... Purchasing clerks/assistants 1...................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l .................................................................... Secretaries I I ..................................................................... Stenographers See footnotes at end of table. 18 Table 3. Average salaries: By size of establishment—Continued (Employment and average annual salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry, three establishment size groupings,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Establishments employing 50-999 workers3 Occupation and level2 Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 17,465 4,953 $12,121 16,103 $12,011 15,599 8,622 42,746 39,148 14,590 9,926 12,108 14,968 18,240 9,983 11,745 14,559 17,993 Establishments employing 1,000-2,499 workers Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 3,464 2,901 $13,008 15,646 $12,307 14,760 1,147 6,781 9,308 6,286 12,161 12,687 15,053 19,404 11,443 12,479 14,714 18,593 Establishments employing 2,500 workers or more4 Number of employees5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 4,196 4,988 $14,160 18,302 $13,259 17,760 2,042 9,832 16,645 12,596 11,864 15,467 17,000 20,535 11,630 14,039 16,171 20,611 Typists 1..................................................................... I I .................................................................... General clerks 1..................................................................... I I ..................................................................... I l l ................................................................... I V ................................................................... holidays, and late shifts. Also excluded are performance bonuses and lump-sum payments of the type negotiated in the auto and aerospace industries, as well as profit-sharing payments, attendance bonuses, Christmas or year-end bonuses, and other nonproduction bonuses. Pay increases - but not bonuses - under cost-of-living allowance clauses, and incentive payments, however, are included. 7 The mean is computed for each job by totaling the earnings of all workers and dividing by the number of workers. The median designates position; one-half of the workers receive the same as or more and onehalf receive the same as or less than the rate shown. 1 For the scope of the survey, see table A-1 in appendix A. 2 Occupational definitions appear in appendix C. 3 Includes establishments employing fewer than 50 workers at the time of the survey. 4 Includes data from some large companies that provide company-wide data not identified by size of establisment. 5 Occupational employment estimates relate to the total in all establishments within the scope of the survey and not to the number actually surveyed. For further explanation, see appendix A. 6 Excludes premium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, 19 Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,'March 1986) Chief accountants Accountants Annual salary I II Ill IV V VI II III IV Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 13,846 $21,024 29,311 $25,554 46,228 $31,143 23,733 $39,293 8,227 $49,231 1,397 $61,546 1,454 $47,963 475 $62,880 230 $80,409 T o ta l.................................................. Under $15,500 ........................................ $15,500 and under $17,000 .................. $17,000 and under $18,500 .................. $18,500 and under $20,000 .................. $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. 100.0 1.9 6.6 12.9 17.2 22.2 17.2 10.3 4.8 3.5 1.6 100.0 (2 ) .6 2.2 4.9 8.5 14.0 14.5 14.9 11.9 9.7 100.0 (2 ) (2 ) .4 .5 1.6 3.2 7.0 9.1 13.9 100.0 (2 ) .1 .1 .3 .5 1.5 100.0 (2 ) 100.0 - 100.0 - 100.0 - 100.0 - .7 .5 .3 .1 .1 6.2 3.8 3.9 2.2 1.2 .7 .5 .3 .1 (2 ) 14.5 12.1 8.8 10.3 6.2 3.9 2.7 2.2 1.9 .8 2.3 4.4 4.8 9.4 9.5 10.6 12.3 12.2 8.2 6.3 .1 .7 _ 6.9 4.1 1.0 .9 6.3 1.4 _ - _ - .4 .2 .1 .1 .1 5.3 3.5 2.6 1.9 .6 .8 .6 .5 .4 .1 11.6 7.7 9.2 7.1 7.9 6.5 6.5 4.9 4.3 2.5 .6 1.6 1.0 3.7 3.1 5.5 5.5 8.2 5.9 5.1 18.8 5.6 5.2 17.3 6.1 6.6 3.9 6.5 3.8 1.0 _ 7.2 2.1 3.6 3.6 2.1 3.8 6.5 8.2 _ - .2 .1 2.1 1.1 1.4 .5 .4 .4 .4 .2 .2 .3 8.2 5.8 5.8 7.4 7.6 4.7 2.4 2.6 3.1 2.0 1.7 1.7 .5 .1 9.7 4.0 3.4 6.1 2.5 2.3 9.1 1.9 10.1 2.5 _ .4 .9 10.4 .9 6.1 .4 .9 2.6 5.7 .3 .2 .2 2.9 1.4 1.2 .6 .8 .4 .6 .4 .2 .1 - 2.3 4.4 .8 1.7 1.1 .6 .2 3.5 16.5 1.3 3.0 3.0 6.1 10.0 5.7 .9 .2 - - 2.2 5.7 1.3 .9 11.3 $29,000 $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. (2 ) - $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ - (2 ) (2 ) - $59,000 $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ - _ - - $74,000 $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 $83,000 $84,500 $86,000 $87,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 $83,000 $84,500 $86,000 $87,500 $89,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. $89,000 $90,500 $92,000 $93,500 $95,000 and and and and and under $90,500 .................. under $92,000 .................. under $93,500 .................. under $95,000 .................. o v e r................................... (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - (2 ) .4 .3 (2 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ - - .1 .2 .5 2.4 2.9 5.0 5.1 7.3 _ (2 ) - (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) .4 - 20 (2 ) (2 ) “ - See footnotes at end of table. (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) _ - .1 .1 .3 .3 .6 - - - _________ .2 - .4 - Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,'March 1986) Public accountants Auditors Annual salary I II Ill IV I II Ill IV Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 1,756 $21,545 2,928 $26,108 4,709 $32,121 2,022 $39,705 11,606 $20,468 11,595 $22,714 8,897 $26,633 4,275 $32,116 T o ta l................................................. Under $15,500 ........................................ $15,500 and under $17,000 .................. $17,000 and under $18,500 .................. $18,500 and under $20,000 .................. $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. 100.0 .6 4.7 8.9 10.6 28.3 23.6 11.3 5.5 3.5 .7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .3 1.2 12.7 25.7 39.6 13.5 5.0 1.7 .1 .1 100.0 100.0 100.0 .8 .7 .1 .3 .2 5.4 3.8 4.4 1.3 1.6 1.2 .5 .3 .2 .1 $29,000 $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 and and and and and under $45,500 .................. under $47,000 .................. under $48,500 .................. under $50,000 .................. o v e r................................... .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. - .1 - - _ “ - - - - - - - - .9 4.9 4.6 9.8 18.3 19.1 13.3 10.2 .2 .3 1.1 3.8 7.4 9.1 9.2 8.8 15.2 9.9 8.7 6.9 7.2 3.1 3.5 1.6 1.1 2.2 4.3 9.0 10.2 6.0 9.2 14.1 8.2 6.9 5.9 1.1 .4 .6 .3 .5 4.2 7.8 2.6 2.6 5.6 (2 ) < *> - See footnotes at end of table. .1 .2 .7 21 1.4 6.3 19.6 36.6 20.0 11.0 2.9 .9 _ .6 .3 .1 - - - (2 ) 0 - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - 4.5 8.9 14.6 22.0 18.0 13.9 (*) .4 .6 4.2 9.4 11.3 6.2 5.5 2.6 1.7 .7 .4 .1 .2 .1 - 15.8 14.4 9.8 10.0 9.6 5.0 3.3 3.1 1.4 .3 .1 .1 .2 .2 .1 .9 .2 .2 - Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,'March 1986) Job analysts Directors of personnel Annual salary I II Ill IV I II III IV Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 103 $22,240 350 $25,288 624 $30,605 520 $38,206 1,849 $39,817 2,082 $46,328 1,179 $63,855 395 $75,170 T o ta l.................................................. Under $17,000 ........................................ $17,000 and under $18,500 .................. $18,500 and under $20,000 .................. $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. $29,000 and under $30,500 .................. 100.0 4.9 8.7 21.4 10.7 31.1 3.9 3.9 4.9 1.0 100.0 1.1 8.0 15.1 15.1 16.9 9.7 6.6 4.3 6.6 100.0 1.3 .2 3.0 4.5 12.8 11.5 15.5 7.5 100.0 .2 1.5 4.8 1.0 100.0 .8 2.0 2.1 3.7 100.0 - 100.0 - 100.0 - 9.3 5.9 5.1 6.7 5.0 4.8 1.6 1.3 1.8 .8 6.5 8.3 10.2 10.8 13.5 9.0 7.3 6.2 2.9 4.4 2.9 6.9 5.0 12.1 10.8 8.5 8.5 7.4 .5 3.9 3.1 11.9 1.8 1.2 4.3 6.3 7.8 5.7 3.4 _ - _ - .8 1.3 3.1 1.2 3.7 1.7 2.1 .4 10.1 9.4 4.2 2.7 6.2 2.7 3.7 3.0 5.9 1.4 .8 .4 5.6 1.4 2.1 1.8 3.7 6.3 5.5 12.6 2.8 1.3 .3 1.2 .6 1.2 .6 .1 .2 .6 .1 12.5 5.3 4.9 5.9 4.5 2.9 1.6 1.8 .7 1.0 6.8 1.5 1.0 5.3 6.6 8.1 16.7 10.4 2.0 .1 3.0 1.1 6.4 .9 2.0 .1 1.0 .1 .4 .1 1.3 .6 1.5 2.0 2.0 4.3 4.1 6.3 1.8 2.0 2.5 2.5 1.3 6.8 $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ' .................. .................. .................. .................. 3.9 4.9 1.0 - 7.7 1.4 2.6 4.3 .3 .3 - $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 $60,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ _ - - - - - - - 8.3 5.9 2.1 2.1 1.8 2.5 1.6 .1 .4 $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 $83,000 $84,500 $86,000 $87,500 $89,000 $90,500 $92,000 and and and and and and and and and and and and under $77,000 .................. under $78,500 .................. under $80,000 .................. under $81,500 .................. under $83,000 .................. under $84,500 .................. under $86,000 .................. under $87,500 .................. under $89,000 .................. under $90,500 .................. under $92,000 .................. o v e r................................... _ _ - - - - - - - “ _ ” - - - - - - - - “ .5 See footnotes at end of table. 22 - - - - (2 ) (2 ) - .4 - “ .3 .9 .3 Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,’March 1986) Attorneys Annual salary I II Ill IV V VI Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 1,377 $31,014 3,199 $39,635 4,347 $50,119 3,500 $63,933 1,847 $78,396 587 $101,169 T o ta l................................................. Under $24,500 ........................................ $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. $29,000 and under $30,500 .................. $30,500 and under $32,000 .................. $32,000 and under $33,500 .................. $33,500 and under $35,000 .................. $35,000 and under $36,500 .................. $36,500 and under $38,000 .................. 100.09.0 13.1 6.8 11.4 12.6 9.9 12.6 4.5 5.1 3.7 100.0 1.4 .3 .2 2.7 3.2 4.9 8.8 12.4 9.8 100.0 .1 .4 1.4 .9 100.0 (2 ) (2 ) 100.0 - 100.0 - 3.1 2.4 1.3 2.0 1.5 .4 .1 .4 .1 - 10.0 7.5 8.6 9.2 8.3 4.1 2.1 1.9 1.3 .8 3.5 2.8 3.5 7.7 8.9 8.9 8.9 7.5 7.9 7.2 .1 .5 1.2 .1 .2 .1 .3 .2 6.4 5.8 3.0 2.7 2.6 2.7 .9 1.4 .8 .7 4.7 4.3 4.3 4.2 6.9 4.6 5.4 6.7 2.5 8.3 .8 .4 1.4 1.5 2.3 1.2 .8 3.3 2.2 2.7 - 1.2 .7 .6 .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 2.9 7.8 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.5 4.5 1.9 .6 1.5 2.6 9.7 6.0 3.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.3 3.4 7.3 _ .5 .5 .7 .3 .7 .5 .1 .4 .2 2.6 5.7 3.8 3.0 3.4 1.9 3.6 2.5 2.3 1.2 3.1 3.6 2.2 4.4 2.6 2.2 2.9 2.2 7.8 5.3 .9 1.2 .5 .2 3.7 10.6 7.7 12.9 3.1 2.0 1.2 9.9 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 $83,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ _ - (2 ) - - - $83,000 $84,500 $86,000 $87,500 $89,000 $90,500 $92,000 $93,500 $95,000 $98,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $84,500 .................. $86,000 .................. $87,500 .................. $89,000 .................. $90,500 .................. $92,000 .................. $93,500 .................. $95,000 .................. $98,000 .................. $101,000 ................ _ _ _ - - (2 ) - under $104,000 .............. under $107,000 .............. under $110,000 .............. under $113,000 .............. under $116,000 .............. under $119,000 .............. under $122,000 .............. o v e r................................. _ $101,000 $104,000 $107,000 $110,000 $113,000 $116,000 $119,000 $122,000 and and and and and and and and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .1 .4 - “ 23 - - - - - - - - _ - - _ See footnotes at end of table. _ .1 .1 .4 .4 1.6 1.2 1.6 3.0 8.4 - - “ - - - .4 __________ - - .5 1.0 .7 .5 .9 6.1 2.0 .9 Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,'March 1986) Buyers Mrinuai salary I II III IV Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 6,914 $21,242 22,990 $26,369 18,323 $33,580 4,798 $41,304 T o ta l.................................................. Under $14,000 ........................................ $14,000 and under $15,500 .................. $15,500 and under $17,000 .................. $17,000 and under $18,500 .................. $18,500 and under $20,000 .................. $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. 100.0 1.2 3.6 5.5 11.0 20.0 19.6 12.2 11.9 5.0 3.7 100.0 (2 ) 100.0 (2 ) 100.0 (2 ) 2.1 1.3 1.0 .8 .4 .4 .2 12.7 6.8 5.0 3.3 2.6 1.5 .7 .9 .3 .2 $27,500 $29,000 $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $29,000 $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .3 2.3 2.9 5.0 8.8 14.5 16.6 15.4 - - _ under $44,000 .................. under $45,500 .................. under $47,000 .................. under $48,500 .................. under $50,000 .................. under $51,500 .................. under $53,000 .................. o v e r................................... - - - “ .1 .4 “ 1.3 1.4 3.7 5.2 7.5 7.9 6.9 10.0 6.9 10.1 2.2 1.6 .9 .8 .4 .4 .2 .1 - - - 9.0 10.7 12.8 11.3 11.0 8.2 6.9 4.8 5.3 2.5 - - _ .2 .2 1.9 3.0 5.6 - - - < *> (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - - - 8.4 5.4 5.5 4.8 3.2 3.6 2.0 6.0 Computer programmers I II Ill IV V Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 15,974 $20,832 38,540 $24,558 46,996 $29,324 21,524 $34,919 9,492 $42,934 T o ta l.................................................. Under $15,500 ........................................ $15,500 and under $17,000 .................. $17,000 and under $18,500 .................. $18,500 and under $20,000 .................. $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. 100.0 8.0 6.7 12.3 15.7 17.2 11.9 11.7 9.8 3.7 1.9 100.0 .4 .6 2.1 6.0 9.1 15.9 16.3 16.4 14.8 9.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 .7 .2 .1 4.4 2.3 1.0 .5 .3 .1 (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (*> 16.7 13.2 9.0 4.8 3.8 2.0 .7 .7 .2 .1 $29,000 $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 and and and and and and and under $45,500 .................. under $47,000 .................. under $48,500 .................. under $50,000 .................. under $51,500 .................. under $53,000 .................. o v e r................................... (2 ) - - _ - (2 ) - See footnotes at end of table. 24 - - - - - - - - .2 .4 1.2 2.0 5.1 10.2 12.8 16.8 (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) “ - - (2 ) - .2 .5 1.2 1.3 3.7 .1 .2 .4 .7 6.5 10.1 13.8 15.9 13.6 11.8 9.0 5.4 3.2 2.0 .7 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.7 4.3 5.9 9.0 13.6 14.1 .7 .5 .3 .1 13.5 12.6 8.1 4.9 2.5 1.0 1.1 (2) .1 .1 Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,'March 1986) Systems analysts Annual salary I II Ill IV V VI Number of employees........................... Average annual salary........................... 21,402 $29,141 47,518 $34,881 38,943 $41,997 15,506 $49,515 2,666 $58,404 233 $71,770 T o ta l................................................. Under $20,000 ........................................ $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. $29,000 and under $30,500 .................. $30,500 and under $32,000 .................. $32,000 and under $33,500 .................. 100.0 .3 1.1 3.8 6.3 11.6 13.6 15.4 14.1 10.0 10.5 100.0 (2 ) .1 .3 .3 1.5 2.5 3.9 7.8 10.5 12.6 100.0 (2 ) .2 .3 .5 1.3 2.0 100.0 (2 ) (2 ) .1 .1 .1 .4 100.0 .2 - 100.0 - $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 5.7 3.1 2.4 1.0 .6 .4 .2 (2 ) (2 ) - 12.6 13.6 11.8 7.2 5.8 4.1 2.5 1.3 .7 .3 4.0 6.5 8.2 9.4 15.4 9.9 10.6 8.8 6.5 5.1 .5 1.0 1.7 2.5 2.8 3.5 5.4 8.2 7.2 17.3 .6 .6 .2 .9 .6 .7 1.4 .6 1.5 2.1 _ - $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 $60,500 $62,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ .1 .1 .1 - 9.5 6.0 6.7 5.7 5.4 4.1 3.0 3.2 1.3 1.0 2.9 5.3 8.5 8.0 7.9 7.1 6.4 8.7 4.0 4.7 - - 3.6 2.3 1.6 1.1 .9 .5 .4 .2 .2 .2 _ - - .9 1.1 .5 .3 .1 .2 .1 (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) 5.0 3.7 5.2 4.0 2.5 1.4 1.7 1.1 .5 .5 6.4 6.0 7.3 9.9 4.7 9.4 6.9 3.0 4.7 6.4 .4 .4 .2 .6 4.7 1.7 5.6 9.0 - (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - - - - - - - $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 $77,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 $83,000 and and and and under $80,000 .................. under $81,500 .................. under $83,000 .................. o v e r................................... $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 (2 ) .1 (2 ) (*> (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - (2 ) (2 ) - - See footnotes at end of table. 25 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.7 3.0 5.2 Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,1 March 1986) Chemists Annual salary I II III IV V VI VII Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 3,580 $22,539 6,673 $27,205 10,244 $34,141 9,257 $41,548 7,266 $50,678 3,632 $60,796 848 $74,607 T o ta l.................................................. Under $17,000 ........................................ $17,000 and under $18,500 .................. $18,500 and under $20,000 .................. $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. $29,000 and under $30,500 .................. 100.0 5.4 12.0 10.1 13.4 14.8 19.9 8.7 6.3 2.9 .8 100.0 .1 .2 2.4 4.4 9.7 14.2 10.5 15.3 11.3 10.6 100.0 - 100.0 100.0 - 100.0 - 100.0 - 4.6 .7 7.0 4.4 5.1 2.1 1.0 .7 .6 .1 12.9 13.9 11.6 8.3 5.6 7.4 4.9 6.4 2.2 1.7 2.1 2.4 5.2 7.8 8.7 9.8 11.2 11.8 9.4 7.1 1.1 .3 .1 6.9 5.2 4.5 2.0 1.8 1.7 .6 .2 $30,500 $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $32,000 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $47,000 .................. $48,500 .................. $50,000 ........................... $51,500 ........................... $53,000 ........................... $54,500 ........................... $56,000 ........................... $57,500 ........................... $59,000 ........................... $60,500 ........................... - .1 .2 .1 - - - - - (2 ) - - - (*) _ _ - - - - - (*) - - _ - - - - - - .1 1.2 0 (2 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - .1 .2 2.1 .7 2.6 2.5 6.6 6.1 .5 .1 2.8 .5 1.7 .9 6.7 7.7 11.6 12.5 9.4 7.6 5.3 4.2 3.8 3.2 1.6 1.2 1.8 2.0 3.7 5.9 4.6 4.4 6.9 9.4 - .4 _ .4 - .2 - .9 1.8 .5 - - (*) - - - - (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - 1.7 2.3 1.2 .7 .4 .4 .2 (2 ) (2 ) .1 9.1 4.7 7.8 7.0 4.8 3.7 2.6 3.2 2.0 2.1 4.6 .7 4.1 7.4 7.4 4.8 13.4 3.7 4.2 4.5 (2 ) (*) (2 ) 1.0 1.2 .2 1.4 .7 .2 4.2 3.5 3.5 4.8 3.1 3.5 3.2 2.5 2.1 .7 .1 .1 $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $62,000 $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 ........................... _ .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. - - - - - - $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 $83,000 $84,500 $86,000 $87,500 $89,000 and and and and and and and and and and under $77,000 under $78,500 under $80,000 under $81,500 under $83,000 under $84,500 under $86,000 under $87,500 under $89,000 under $90,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - (2 ) - $90,500 $92,000 $93,500 $95,000 $96,500 and and and and and under $92,000 .................. under $93,500 .................. under $95,000 ........................... under $96,500 ........................... o v e r .................................................... _ - - - - - - - - - - - - “ - - - - “ ” See footnotes at end of table. - - - .1 .6 1.1 3.2 4.4 3.8 10.4 - _ - - - - - 26 - .2 “ - 2.5 2.4 1.3 1.1 2.5 Table 4. Employment distribution by salary: Professional and administrative occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional and administrative occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,1 March 1986) Engineers Annual salary I II III IV V VI VII VIII Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 40,469 $27,866 71,336 $31,194 145,165 $35,715 157,033 $42,677 111,913 $50,769 52,105 $58,883 13,395 $68,602 3,097 $79,021 T o ta l.................................................. Under $20,000 ........................................ $20,000 and under $21,500 .................. $21,500 and under $23,000 .................. $23,000 and under $24,500 .................. $24,500 and under $26,000 .................. $26,000 and under $27,500 .................. $27,500 and under $29,000 .................. $29,000 and under $30,500 .................. $30,500 and under $32,000 .................. $32,000 and under $33,500 .................. 100.0 1.3 2.8 6.0 4.2 8.0 14.2 27.1 20.7 10.1 3.4 100.0 (1 2 ) .2 1.0 1.7 4.2 6.2 13.0 16.0 17.4 16.0 100.0 (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) ft .6 1.4 3.3 6.7 8.8 11.1 100.0 (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) .1 .5 .9 1.9 100.0 ft ft ft ft .2 100.0 ft - 100.0 ft - 100.0 ft - 1.4 .5 .2 .1 .1 11.7 6.3 3.4 1.6 .6 .3 .2 (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) 14.2 13.1 12.0 9.5 7.6 4.9 2.9 1.7 1.1 .4 3.3 5.1 7.3 8.9 11.3 11.6 11.6 9.7 8.2 6.4 .2 .5 .8 1.5 2.5 3.7 4.7 6.9 8.0 8.7 ft - _ ft - .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 4.4 2.9 2.5 1.2 .8 .4 .3 .2 .1 .1 9.6 9.3 8.7 7.2 6.4 5.9 4.2 3.6 2.8 1.4 3.5 4.6 6.3 7.0 6.8 6.8 7.8 7.5 6.8 6.7 .4 .7 1.1 1.3 2.3 2.7 3.4 4.7 6.6 6.8 .1 1.1 .6 .5 .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 5.9 4.4 3.8 3.0 2.7 2.1 1.5 1.1 .8 .5 7.9 5.9 7.1 6.8 9.7 5.0 4.4 4.3 3.1 2.3 2.9 3.7 2.3 3.3 4.3 4.9 6.4 5.9 7.0 5.7 .3 .2 .1 .2 2.6 2.3 1.5 1.1 .8 1.0 .8 .5 .8 .3 .4 1.2 9.7 4.8 7.3 2.9 4.6 2.5 1.4 7.4 1.3 1.4 1.7 5.5 $33,500 $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $35,000 $36,500 $38,000 $39,500 $41,000 $42,500 $44,000 $45,500 $47,000 $48,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ft (2 ) - $48,500 $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 $60,500 $62,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $50,000 $51,500 $53,000 $54,500 $56,000 $57,500 $59,000 $60,500 $62,000 $63,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ - (2 ) - $63,500 $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 $77,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $65,000 $66,500 $68,000 $69,500 $71,000 $72,500 $74,000 $75,500 $77,000 $78,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ - - - - $78,500 $80,000 $81,500 $83,000 $84,500 $86,000 $87,500 $89,000 $90,500 $92,000 $93,500 $95,000 and and and and and and and and and and and and under $80,000 .................. under $81,500 .................. under $83,000 .................. under $84,500 .................. under $86,000 .................. under $87,500 .................. under $89,000 .................. under $90,500 .................. under $92,000 .................. under $93,500 .................. under $95,000 .................. o v e r................................... _ - (2 ) ft (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - _ - _ ft ft ft - - - “ “ “ - - - - 1 For the scope of the study.see table A-1 in appendix A . 2 Less than 0.05 percent, .9 1.1 .8 1.2 2.4 2.5 ft (2 ) (2 ) - - _ - .1 ft - (2 ) (2 ) - ft ft ft .1 .1 - ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .1 .1 .1 _ _ .1 ft .1 .4 .3 .4 1.9 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal 100. To ensure confidentiality of individual company data, open-ended intervals are used to start and end most distribution tables; in some instances, values isolated in an interval near the top of a distribution have been suppressed. 27 Table 5. Employment distribution by salary: Technical support occupations (Percent distribution of employees in selected technical support occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,1 March 1986) Engineering technicians Drafters Annual salary I II Ill IV V 17,342 $20,312 32,193 $23,896 35,397 $28,412 19,399 $32,718 100.0 .5 1.6 3.9 5.2 10.0 17.8 17.4 14.8 10.7 100.0 .2 1.1 1.1 3.5 6.2 9.1 13.3 100.0 (2 ) .1 .8 1.1 1.8 4.6 100.0 (2 ) .3 100.0 - 7.3 4.6 2.6 1.5 .5 .6 .2 .6 .1 .1 15.7 13.2 10.9 8.7 6.3 4.4 2.2 1.6 .9 .8 6.2 7.1 10.1 11.0 12.0 10.9 8.7 6.8 5.5 4.7 .6 1.3 1.6 3.1 4.9 7.5 8.3 9.6 11.2 10.5 .6 .1 .1 3.5 1.6 1.1 1.0 .7 .1 .4 .1 (2 ) (2 ) 9.8 7.2 7.2 4.9 3.9 2.5 2.1 1.2 .8 .5 7.9 12.7 8.2 9.2 10.1 8.1 6.6 5.1 4.7 2.9 - - .3 1.0 7.3 - - Number of employees ............................ 5,797 Average annual salary............................ $16,882 T o ta l.................................................. Under $10,000 ........................................ $10,000 and under $11,000 .................. $11,000 and under $12,000 .................. $12,000 and under $13,000 .................. $13,000 and under $14,000 .................. $14,000 and under $15,000 .................. $15,000 and under $16,000 .................. $16,000 and under $17,000 .................. $17,000 and under $18,000 .................. $18,000 and under $19,000 .................. $19,000 $20,000 $21,000 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $20,000 $21,000 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 $29,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. $29,000 $30,000 $31,000 $32,000 $33,000 $34,000 $35,000 $36,000 $37,000 $38,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $30,000 $31,000 $32,000 $33,000 $34,000 $35,000 $36,000 $37,000 $38,000 $39,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. $39,000 and o v e r................................... _ (2 ) - (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - - - See footnotes at end of table. 28 I Ill 2,982 $13,054 12,102 $15,854 25,970 $20,201 24,371 $24,652 14,362 $31,004 100.0 3.3 17.1 15.6 15.7 18.3 13.8 7.3 2.1 4.5 1.1 100.0 1.4 5.3 9.3 12.0 15.4 12.9 14.7 9.7 6.1 100.0 - .4 .8 2.7 5.8 8.2 9.3 12.6 100.0 (2 ) .3 .2 .1 .6 1.3 3.6 100.0 - .6 .3 .2 4.4 3.1 2.7 1.1 1.0 .5 .1 .2 .1 (2 ) 11.2 11.3 10.0 11.4 5.5 3.4 1.7 2.0 .9 1.0 4.3 7.5 8.0 9.6 9.9 11.8 10.2 6.6 6.9 5.8 .1 1.1 2.0 1.0 2.5 3.4 5.7 6.8 7.4 6.7 .1 .4 .5 .2 .1 .1 .5 5.0 2.3 2.1 1.3 1.4 .7 .2 .3 .1 (2 ) 7.8 10.1 8.4 6.6 4.4 4.3 3.9 3.9 2.9 2.4 (2 ) (2 ) .2 .3 .7 1.1 1.9 2.7 4.2 5.8 - - _ - IV V II (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - f2 ) (2 ) .2 8.4 Table 5. Employment distribution by salary: Technical support occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected technical support occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,'March 1986) Photographers Computer operators Annual salary I II III 10,704 Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ $13,727 37,530 $17,219 25,698 $21,524 100.0 1.0 3.1 10.2 12.8 14.8 17.7 16.1 8.4 5.2 4.2 100.0 .2 .3 .9 2.0 6.1 7.2 10.3 13.0 12.0 12.2 T o ta l.................................................. Under $9,000 .......................................... $9,000 and under $10,000..................... $10,000 and under $11,000 .................. $11,000 and under $12,000 .................. $12,000 and under $13,000 .................. $13,000 and under $14,000 .................. $14,000 and under $15,000 .................. $15,000 and under $16,000 .................. $16,000 and under $17,000 .................. $17,000 and under $18,000 .................. IV V I II Ill 8,059 $24,550 1,260 $28,986 401 $16,636 873 $22,896 791 $27,009 331 $31,584 104 $35,094 100.0 ft ft .1 .6 1.1 3.6 5.3 7.3 100.0 ft .1 .2 .4 .5 1.8 100.0 - 100.0 1.5 12.0 3.2 19.2 14.2 4.0 22.9 100.0 .2 7.2 8.0 .8 100.0 .3 .8 100.0 - 100.0 - 9.6 6.6 4.9 3.7 4.6 2.5 1.9 .3 .4 .2 9.6 10.8 11.8 9.4 9.8 7.5 5.9 4.4 3.8 3.0 3.2 5.0 6.9 8.1 11.2 10.5 11.0 8.4 8.5 6.5 1.5 6.5 4.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 .7 6.2 5.6 8.8 9.6 4.5 9.6 11.6 3.9 3.3 3.6 .5 2.5 4.9 2.1 2.4 6.7 11.0 12.8 11.9 6.4 _ .3 .9 1.2 3.3 3.9 4.5 3.3 6.9 10.6 2.9 2.9 .3 .1 .2 1.5 .9 1.1 1.4 .4 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 5.5 3.5 2.0 2.2 1.2 .8 1.0 .7 .4 .1 2.5 5.4 6.5 .5 1.3 .1 .8 4.7 10.6 6.3 3.9 5.7 2.4 .8 .9 1.8 .3 6.9 4.5 10.9 7.9 7.9 10.9 4.5 3.0 3.0 5.4 3.8 4.8 7.7 3.8 3.8 5.8 1.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 .1 .1 .1 3.3 3.6 1.2 .3 .3 .3 1.5 _ 5.8 11.5 2.9 4.8 4.8 6.7 3.8 - - $18,000 $19,000 $20,000 $21,000 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $19,000 $20,000 $21,000 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 2.6 1.8 .7 .5 .1 .5 .1 (2 ) - $28,000 $29,000 $30,000 $31,000 $32,000 $33,000 $34,000 $35,000 $36,000 $37,000 and and and and and and and and and and under $29,000 under $30,000 under $31,000 under $32,000 under $33,000 under $34,000 under $35,000 under $36,000 under $37,000 under $38,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. _ (2 ) (2 ) - (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - $38,000 $39,000 $40,000 $41,000 $42,000 $43,000 $44,000 $45,000 and and and and and and and and under $39,000 .................. under $40,000 .................. under $41,000 .................. under $42,000 .................. under $43,000 .................. under $44,000 .................. under $45,000 .................. o v e r................................... _ - _ - ft - - - ft - - - - - ~ “ “ ft ft “ .5 .5 1.0 4.5 4.2 7.4 9.1 7.9 7.9 NOTE: 100. 29 1.2 - 6.3 8.3 10.9 13.4 3.9 4.0 2.9 1.5 1.4 1.0 - - 1.4 1.6 .4 _ - _ - - - “ - ft ft - 1 For the scope of the study.see table A-1 in appendix A. 2 Less than 0.05 percent. IV V “ - - - - - _ 1.9 1.0 Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal Table 6. Employment distribution by salary: Clerical occupations (Percent distribution of employees in selected clerical occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,1 March 1986) Accounting clerks File clerks Annual salary I II III IV I II III Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 36,023 $12,517 133,183 $14,687 79,215 $17,954 22,354 $21,872 20,916 $10,335 10,110 $12,156 2,100 $15,625 T o ta l.................................................. Under $7,500 .......................................... $7,500 and under $8,000 ....................... $8,000 and under $8,500 ....................... $8,500 and under $9,000 ....................... $9,000 and under $9,500 ....................... $9,500 and under $10,000..................... $10,000 and under $10,500 .................. $10,500 and under $11,000 .................. $11,000 and under $11,500 .................. $11,500 and under $12,000 .................. 100.0 .1 .2 2.6 3.8 4.6 5.6 9.4 7.7 9.6 7.7 100.0 (2 ) 100.0 (2 ) 100.0 (2 ) 100.0 3.1 4.7 6.8 8.2 11.5 13.7 11.1 12.0 10.6 4.7 100.0 - 100.0 2.7 4.1 1.5 2.2 .7 .7 .7 .3 .3 .1 6.9 6.3 3.8 7.2 4.2 3.0 1.8 1.5 .6 .8 5.3 3.9 5.1 7.8 9.7 8.8 8.3 6.1 5.7 5.3 .2 .8 .4 .4 .8 .1 .1 .3 .4 2.7 4.7 4.2 3.6 .7 1.7 1.5 1.2 .6 .7 - - .4 .1 .7 1.8 2.4 2.3 4.3 5.2 - - - - - I2 ) I2 ) - .2 .3 .6 1.4 .1 (2 ) $12,000 $12,500 $13,000 $13,500 $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $12,500 $13,000 $13,500 $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 $17,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 11.9 7.8 5.6 5.1 2.8 2.1 .9 1.4 1.2 .8 6.3 9.6 6.0 7.7 8.2 7.6 5.2 6.8 4.5 4.1 1.1 1.7 2.4 2.6 3.8 4.6 4.9 5.5 7.0 9.1 .2 .3 .2 .7 .3 1.6 1.8 1.6 2.4 3.5 $17,000 $17,500 $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $17,500 $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 $22,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 2.2 1.7 1.3 .3 .1 .1 .2 .1 .8 .1 3.1 2.3 2.4 1.2 1.5 1.1 .7 .7 1.2 .5 6.1 6.0 6.1 6.2 5.5 3.5 4.8 2.3 1.3 2.1 2.0 4.2 5.0 5.0 3.2 4.4 4.5 8.4 4.2 5.4 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 $29,000 $30,000 and and and and and and and and and under $23,000 .................. under $24,000 .................. under $25,000 .................. under $26,000 .................. under $27,000 .................. under $28,000 .................. under $29,000 .................. under $30,000 .................. o v e r................................... 2.7 .3 .1 (2 ) .2 (2 ) .1 1.3 .8 .3 .2 .2 .2 .1 (2 ) .2 2.8 3.7 1.5 1.1 1.4 .9 .5 .1 .6 8.8 6.2 3.5 3.7 4.9 4.6 3.4 1.4 5.1 - See footnotes at end of table. 30 - - 1.6 2.6 4.5 15.8 10.5 15.7 9.3 - 0 .1 .1 .2 (2 ) 0 (*> - (2 ) .1 I2 ) (2 ) < *> (*) .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .2 “ - - (2 ) .8 1.1 .3 .9 1.6 4.2 1.1 .2 .9 .6 .7 .8 .2 (2 ) .1 Table 6. Employment distribution by salary: Clerical occupatlons-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected clerical occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,1March 1986) Key entry operators Annual salary General clerks Messengers I II II I III IV Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 9,842 $12,276 68,827 $13,146 30,770 $16,901 11,811 $10,478 59,359 $12,730 65,101 $15,500 33,472 $19,322 T o ta l.................................................. Under $7,500 .......................................... $7,500 and under $8,000....................... $8,000 and under $8,500 ....................... $8,500 and under $9,000....................... $9,000 and under $9,500....................... $9,500 and under $10,000..................... $10,000 and under $10,500 .................. $10,500 and under $11,000 .................. $11,000 and under $11,500 .................. $11,500 and under $12,000 .................. 100.0 .2 .5 3.9 4.3 5.1 7.5 11.1 12.8 8.3 8.0 100.0 .1 .1 1.7 1.3 2.3 3.6 6.9 8.3 7.4 9.5 100.0 0 - .6 .6 1.0 2.5 1.9 100.0 3.3 4.6 4.2 5.4 15.4 11.1 18.8 7.9 7.6 5.3 100.0 .4 .6 1.7 2.8 4.2 3.8 11.0 6.9 8.7 8.5 100.0 (2 ) .2 .1 .9 1.3 2.0 2.9 4.6 100.0 (2 ) (2 ) .4 .3 .2 - $12,000 $12,500 $13,000 $13,500 $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $12,500 $13,000 $13,500 $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 $17,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .............. . .................. .................. 5.8 5.3 3.3 3.9 3.4 2.2 1.5 1.4 1.2 .8 8.6 9.7 5.6 6.5 4.5 4.4 3.0 3.7 2.4 1.8 4.7 3.2 4.8 5.0 4.9 5.4 6.6 7.0 7.7 6.7 5.5 2.5 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.5 .5 1.1 .5 .4 9.0 10.1 3.9 6.1 4.5 3.1 2.2 1.2 1.0 1.8 6.0 5.4 5.1 7.6 7.1 7.7 5.2 8.1 5.1 5.2 1.1 1.2 2.4 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.8 3.5 6.6 $17,000 $17,500 $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under $17,500 $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 $22,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .3 4.4 4.1 3.2 2.3 3.4 3.1 2.5 1.7 .3 .3 .1 2.3 .9 .3 1.1 4.1 .3 .4 .4 .2 .2 1.8 1.4 1.0 .8 .8 .1 .2 .2 .3 .2 3.4 3.3 4.5 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.0 .9 1.3 1.3 5.4 5.1 7.5 4.6 2.9 5.2 2.4 3.5 3.2 2.5 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 and and and and and and and under $23,000 .................. under $24,000 .................. under $25,000 .................. under $26,000 .................. under $27,000 .................. under $28,000 .................. o v e r................................... .9 .2 .4 .1 .4 .1 .1 .5 1.6 .1 .2 .4 .1 .1 1.4 1.3 1.3 .3 .1 .2 .3 8.0 6.3 2.8 2.3 6.1 .4 1.5 .7 .7 1.0 .5 .2 .2 .7 .7 .2 1.7 .7 1.8 1.4 1.1 1.1 .4 .3 4.5 .4 .2 .1 .3 (2 ) .2 See footnotes at end of table. 31 (2 ) .2 (*) (2 ) (*) - .7 Table 6. Employment distribution by salary: Clerical occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected clerical occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii.'March 1986) Purchasing clerks/assistants Personnel clerks/assistants Annual salary I II Ill IV I II Ill IV Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 2,521 $14,193 4,414 $16,903 3,255 $19,696 1,298 $23,702 4,014 $13,994 5,585 $17,282 4,197 $22,381 1,037 $29,384 T o ta l.................................................. Under $10,000 ........................................ $10,000 and under $10,500 .................. $10,500 and under $11,000 .................. $11,000 and under $11,500 .................. $11,500 and under $12,000 .................. $12,000 and under $12,500 .................. $12,500 and under $13,000 .................. $13,000 and under $13,500 .................. 100.0 .6 4.6 1.6 3.0 5.6 11.7 4.3 8.4 100.0 .6 .2 .1 .5 1.1 1.7 4.6 100.0 .5 1.6 .1 .1 1.7 .2 100.0 - 100.0 .8 .8 3.4 2.0 11.0 11.0 10.0 4.5 100.0 .4 .4 .5 .9 2.4 3.0 100.0 .1 100.0 - 2.8 6.0 7.2 6.9 10.0 7.1 7.0 8.0 .6 .6 2.3 .3 2.4 1.4 3.6 2.6 7.6 5.4 3.5 3.2 3.1 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.3 3.6 3.1 3.6 3.3 5.6 4.7 5.4 3.1 3.3 1.8 3.9 1.6 .7 .6 .3 .2 7.7 9.0 10.0 8.4 2.2 4.7 2.5 9.5 3.8 3.6 7.3 9.1 12.6 7.0 .2 .6 .1 .1 1.2 .7 1.0 .7 1.1 .5 .5 .3 .6 .2 8.1 5.8 1.6 2.0 3.8 1.8 8.0 2.6 1.7 8.9 - - $13,500 $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 $17,000 and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 $17,000 $17,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 9.1 12.3 9.3 7.4 10.0 2.1 2.3 2.7 5.1 6.4 7.7 6.7 11.6 8.9 7.5 6.1 .2 4.3 1.0 .9 1.7 2.9 6.0 6.0 _ 1.5 1.8 1.6 .2 15.5 6.8 6.9 7.6 6.7 2.1 1.6 2.1 $17,500 $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 $22,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .3 2.0 .2 2.1 .1 .2 .7 - 2.4 4.4 4.5 3.2 2.2 2.1 3.6 2.0 .5 3.5 7.0 7.3 6.0 6.8 2.5 4.2 4.2 9.6 1.0 2.8 2.9 5.3 .5 5.9 1.8 10.9 4.4 1.8 .9 .3 2.4 .1 .7 .1 .1 .5 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 and and and and and and and under under under under under under under $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 $29,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .4 .2 .1 .1 .3 2.1 1.4 1.6 .9 .2 .2 1.0 5.5 3.8 5.2 2.5 1.8 1.4 .5 9.6 6.8 9.6 6.4 7.3 5.9 1.0 $29,000 $30,000 $31,000 $32,000 $33,000 $34,000 $35,000 $36,000 $37,000 $38,000 and and and and and and and and and and under $30,000 .................. under $31,000 .................. under $32,000 .................. under $33,000 .................. under $34,000 .................. under $35,000 .................. under $36,000 .................. under $37,000 .................. under $38,000 .................. o v e r................................... .1 1.1 .1 .3 2.2 4.5 1.7 .5 1.8 .2 1.0 .8 .1 - _ - (2 ) - - - - - - - - - See footnotes at end of table. 32 .2 - (2 ) (2 ) .2 .1 - - (2 ) “ _ - .3 .3 .3 .1 .3 .5 .2 1.2 Table 6. Employment distribution by salary: Clerical occupations-Continued (Percent distribution of employees in selected clerical occupations by annual salary, United States, except Alaska and Hawaii,'March 1986) Secretaries Stenographers Typists Annual salary I II III IV V I II I II Number of employees............................ Average annual salary............................ 59,859 $16,326 69,450 $18,306 110,604 $21,152 49,403 $23,839 16,038 $28,051 6,811 $18,374 5,648 $21,739 25,125 $12,584 12,842 $16,854 T o ta l................................................. Under $9,500 .......................................... $9,500 and under $10,000..................... $10,000 and under $10,500 .................. $10,500 and under $11,000 .................. $11,000 and under $11,500 .................. $11,500 and under $12,000 .................. $12,000 and under $12,500 .................. $12,500 and under $13,000 .................. $13,000 and under $13,500 .................. 100.0 .1 .2 .5 .8 1.8 2.7 4.8 5.0 5.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 ft ft .1 .6 .5 .9 1.9 1.7 100.0 (2 ) ft .1 .1 .2 .3 .7 100.0 1.5 .6 .4 .6 1.2 .9 2.5 1.7 3.0 100.0 .4 .2 .4 .2 .9 .5 100.0 9.3 3.4 7.5 6.3 8.5 10.5 10.2 8.2 6.3 100.0 .4 .7 1.8 1.0 1.5 3.0 3.8 4.1 3.7 3.4 6.0 4.7 4.5 3.6 4.0 3.5 4.8 .8 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.8 2.7 2.2 2.4 7.9 6.0 4.8 1.8 2,7 1.2 1.1 1.2 6.5 4.4 6.6 6.5 5.9 6.3 4.7 4.5 ft ft .1 - .1 _ $13,500 $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 $17,000 and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under $14,000 $14,500 $15,000 $15,500 $16,000 $16,500 $17,000 $17,500 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 6.9 6.9 6.1 7.3 7.3 5.4 5.1 5.4 2.8 3.2 5.0 4.4 7.0 6.0 7.3 6.3 .6 .8 1.8 1.9 2.4 3.2 3.4 3.9 $17,500 $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under $18,000 $18,500 $19,000 $19,500 $20,000 $20,500 $21,000 $21,500 $22,000 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 5.6 3.3 3.7 2.6 1.9 1.9 1.1 1.4 1.2 6.2 5.8 5.1 5.2 3.7 4.6 4.1 2.4 1.9 4.2 5.1 6.1 5.6 5.8 5.1 4.7 5.1 4.9 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 4.5 3.6 4.2 5.2 5.6 .1 .4 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.6 2.3 1.7 1.7 2.7 3.2 4.7 2.8 1.9 2.9 2.0 5.2 3.0 2.0 2.7 2.3 3.0 3.4 4.3 3.7 7.1 4.7 .5 .3 .5 .4 .3 .4 .1 .2 .3 2.3 4.0 1.7 1.8 2.9 2.1 2.3 2.8 1.3 $22,000 $23,000 $24,000 $25,000 $26,000 $27,000 $28,000 $29,000 and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under $23,000 .................. $24,000 .................. $25,000 .................. $26,000 ................................ $27,000 ............................... $28,000 ............................... $29,000 ............................... $30,000 ................................ 1.0 1.0 2.3 .5 .3 .3 .4 .3 4.4 3.4 1.8 1.1 .8 2.5 .3 .1 7.5 6.5 5.4 3.7 3.0 2.3 1.8 .9 9.2 11.6 8.0 7.7 7.7 4.6 4.8 3.1 5.3 7.2 8.1 6.3 8.7 8.9 5.2 5.8 5.7 11.4 3.4 1.1 2.0 1.2 .3 .1 14.3 14.4 3.2 5.3 3.7 4.4 1.8 1.4 .2 .1 .1 .1 .6 4.8 2.8 1.3 1.1 1.3 .6 1.0 .1 $30,000 $31,000 $32,000 $33,000 $34,000 $35,000 $36,000 $37,000 and and and and and and and and under $31,000 .................. under $32,000 ................................ under $33,000 .................. under $34,000 .................. under $35,000 .................. under $36,000 .................. under $37,000 .................. o v e r................................... .6 .3 .1 .1 .8 .9 1.8 .4 .4 .1 .1 .1 2.3 1.9 .9 .4 .4 1.7 .1 .2 5.6 5.2 3.8 3.6 3.0 2.1 1.8 8.2 (2 ) “ 0 .2 (2 ) ft ft ft ft .3 .3 .6 .6 1.1 1.4 ft - ft .4 .1 .4 ft .4 2.0 _ - - - .1 .3 _ - - ft - - - - “ - - - “ NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal 100. 1 For the scope of the study.see table A-1 in appendix A. 2 Less than 0.05 percent. .1 f t 33 Table 7. Occupational employment distribution: By industry division (Percent distribution of employees in selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations1 by industry division,1 United States, except 2 Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Occupation All industries Mining Construction 6 3 - - Manufacturing - Public utilities3 Wholesale trade Retail trade 11 14 6 6 4 3 Finance, insurance, and real estate Services4 Professional and administrative Accountants................................ Auditors....................................... Public accountants...................... Chief accountants....................... Attorneys..................................... Buyers.......................................... Computer programmers ............. Systems analysts........................ Job analysts................................ Directors of personnel................ Chemists ..................................... Engineers.................................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4 5 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 (5 ) (S ) (6 ) - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 32 2 - - - - 5 2 100 3 6 4 22 21 7 6 8 16 (5 ) 1 8 4 _ 5 4 _ 23 1 11 21 15 18 10 5 10 3 3 2 7 1 4 7 15 3 9 4 12 3 2 12 16 70 22 47 13 3 26 5 44 25 5 4 15 10 7 4 8 4 11 4 - - - 4 17 4 9 13 9 7 2 5 8 4 1 6 5 2 2 3 1 f) 3 (5 ) 3 2 3 5 3 67 27 83 37 32 44 62 86 73 1 1 2 1 _ 3 - 82 67 37 67 6 7 10 4 2 2 (*) 2 2 1 2 (5 ) 2 2 (5 ) (5 ) (5 ) 2 1 36 14 33 23 57 84 44 42 29 32 14 2 10 11 7 4 9 47 10 15 - - 13 39 - 14 40 2 22 24 35 14 Technical support Engineering technicians............. Drafters........................................ Computer operators.................... Photographers............................. - Clerical Accounting clerks........................ File clerks.................................... Key entry operators.................... Messengers ................................ Personnel clerks/assistants ....... Purchasing clerks/assistants...... Secretaries.................................. Stenographers............................. Typists ......................................... General cle rks............................. - 1 3 services; management, consulting, and public relations services; noncommercial educational, scientific, and research organizations; and accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services. 5 Less than 0.5 percent NOTE: A dash indicates that no workers were found in the occupation-industry designation. Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal 100. 1 Each occupation includes the work levels shown in table 1. 2 For the scope of the study, see table A-1 in Appendix A. 3 Transportation (except U.S. Postal Service), communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services. 4 Limited to engineering, architectural, and surveying services; commercially operated research, development, and testing laboratories; credit reporting and collection agencies; computer and data processing 34 Table 8. Relative salary levels: Occupation by industry division (Relative salary levels for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations1 by industry division,1 United States, except Alaska and 2 Hawaii, March 1986) Occupation Wholesale trade Finance, insurance, and real estate Services4 94 93 97 96 100 95 96 91 96 - 96 105 100 99 103 99 98 98 98 94 89 94 _ 92 - _ 93 91 95 98 95 94 92 105 87 96 94 91 95 95 90 96 92 87 89 90 68 91 91 95 101 95 100 99 100 91 94 96 Retail trade All industries Mining Construction Manufacturing Public utilities3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 110 117 96 100 105 105 106 - - - - - - 117 116 119 116 114 113 114 118 - 99 102 109 106 106 114 - - 103 102 92 96 100 98 - 100 98 114 99 102 93 - - - - 101 101 104 99 102 101 105 99 101 100 103 - - 100 100 100 100 121 110 107 - _ 102 - 99 99 102 101 114 116 117 116 _ 100 96 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 112 113 114 109 113 109 107 112 103 96 101 - 101 109 103 109 102 99 103 97 107 100 120 132 127 133 115 114 113 107 122 123 97 97 114 97 101 98 95 94 P rofessional and adm inistrative Accountants................................ Auditors....................................... Public accountants...................... Chief accountants....................... Attorneys..................................... Buyers.......................................... Computer programmers ............. Systems analysts........................ Job analysts................................ Directors of personnel................ Chemists ..................................... Engineers.................................... - - - 99 93 101 100 Te chnical support Engineering technicians............. Drafters........................................ Computer operators.................... Photographers............................. Clerical Accounting clerks........................ File clerks.................................... Key entry operators.................... Messengers ................................ Personnel clerks/assistants ....... Purchasing clerks/assistants...... Secretaries.................................. Stenographers............................. Typists......................................... General cle rks............................. - 100 95 90 1 Each occupation includes the work levels shown in table 1. In computing relative salary levels for each occupation by industry division, the total employment in each work level in all industries surveyed was used as a constant employment weight to eliminate the effect of differences in the proportion of employment in various work levels within each occupation. 1 For the scope of the study, see table A-1 in Appendix A. 3 Transportation (except U.S. Postal Service), communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services. 35 4 Limited to engineering, architectural, and surveying services: commercially operated research, development, and testing laboratories; credit reporting and collection agencies; computer and data processing services; management, consulting, and public relations services; noncommercial educational, scientific, and research organizations; and accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services. NOTE: A dash indicates insufficient employment in 1 work level or more in the occupation-industry designation to warrant separate presentation of data. Table 9. Average weekly hours: Occupation by industry division (Average standard weekly hours1for employees in selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations1 by industry division,3 United States, 2 except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Occupation All industries Mining Construction Manufacturing Public utilities4 Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance Services5 39.5 39.0 39.5 40.0 39.0 40.0 39.5 39.0 39.5 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 0 40.0 39.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 38.5 38.5 - - 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 O 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 39.5 39.5 38.5 39.5 38.5 39.5 39.5 39.5 39.5 39.0 39.5 Professional and administrative Accountants................................ Auditors....................................... Public accountants...................... Chief accountants....................... Attorneys..................................... Buyers.......................................... Computer programmers ............. Systems analysts........................ Job analysts................................ Directors of personnel................ Chemists ..................................... Engineers.................................... - 39.5 40.0 39.5 38.5 40.0 39.5 40.0 40.0 ft 40.0 40.0 39.5 39.0 39.5 40.0 38.5 39.5 40.0 39.0 39.5 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 39.0 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 39.5 38.5 ft 40.0 39.0 39.0 ft 40.0 38.5 38.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.0 40.0 39.5 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 40.0 39.5 39.0 39.0 39.5 40.0 40.0 39.0 39.5 40.0 39.5 39.5 39.0 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 39.5 38.5 38.5 38.5 38.0 38.5 39.0 38.5 36.5 37.5 38.5 39.5 39.5 39.5 38.5 39.0 40.0 39.5 38.5 39.5 40.0 - - - 40.0 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.0 39.0 40.0 39.5 39.0 39.0 40.0 40.0 39.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 40.0 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 ft 40.0 40.0 - 40.0 40.0 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 (6) 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 40.0 ft 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 39.0 39.0 39.0 40.0 39.5 39.5 40.0 40.0 40.0 ft 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 - - - 39.5 38.5 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.5 39.0 - Technical support Engineering technicians............. Drafters........................................ Computer operators.................... Photographers............................. Clerical Accounting clerks........................ File clerks.................................... Key entry operators.................... Messengers ................................ Personnel clerks/assistants ....... Purchasing clerks/assistants...... Secretaries.................................. Stenographers............................. Typists ......................................... General cle rks............................. commercially operated research, development, and testing laboratories; credit reporting and collection agencies; computer and data processing services; management, consulting, and public relations services; noncommercial educational, scientific, and research organizations; and accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services. 6 Insufficient number of establishments to warrant separate presentation of data. NOTE: A dash indicates that no workers were found in the occupation-industry designation. 1 Based on the standard workweek for which employees receive their regular straight-time salary. If standard hours are not available, the standard hours applicable for a majority of the office work force in the establishment were used. The average for each job category was rounded to the nearest half-hour. 2 Each occupation includes the work levels shown in table 1. 3 For the scope of the study, see table A-1 in Appendix A. 4 Transportation (except U.S. Postal Service), communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services. 5 Limited to engineering, architectural, and surveying services; 36 Appendix A. Scope and Method of Survey Scope BLS programs) in which establishments known to be missing were added; out-of-business and out-of-scope establishments were removed; some units were recon figured to meet the establishment/collection unit defi nitions; and for some, address, employment, type of in dustry, or other information was corrected. This type of refinement was not practical for the large number of units in the expanded portion of the sam pling frame (see appendix B). Instead, the new units se lected were screened prior to collection to verify loca tion, employment, and industry. The survey relates to establishments1 in the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, employing at least 50 workers1 and engaged in the following industries: 2 Mining; construction; manufacturing; transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services (ex cept the U.S. Postal Service and government agencies, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority); wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, insurance, and real estate; and services (table A-l). Establishments which met the minimum size criterion during the reference period of the information used in compiling the survey universe were included even if they employed fewer than 50 workers at the time of the survey. Establishments found to be outside of the industrial scope of the survey at the time of data col lection were excluded. Table A-l shows the estimated number of establish ments and employees within the scope of the survey (the universe) and the number within the sample actu ally studied for each major industry division. Separate estimates are presented for establishments located in metropolitan areas3 and for those employing 2,500 workers or more. These estimates are shown for all workers in an establishment and separately for full-time white-collar groupings. Survey design The design for a survey of this nature includes methods of classifying individual establishments into homogeneous groups or strata, determining the size of the sample for each stratum, and selecting the sample of establishments for each stratum.4 Establishments within the scope of the 1986 survey were stratified by industry group and by total employment. The sample size in a stratum of the firms within the previous scope of the survey (medium and large firms) was proportionate to the expected number of employ ees (based on previous surveys) to be matched in pro fessional, administrative, technical, and clerical (PATC survey) occupations in the stratum. That is, the larger the expected number of employees in all surveyed oc cupations for all establishments in a stratum, the larger the sample in that stratum. Also, an upward adjustment was made to the sample size in those strata expected to have specified occupations with relatively high sam pling errors based upon the results from previous sur veys. (See “Reliability of estimates” section for a dis cussion of sampling errors.) For the expanded portion of the survey—small firms—the estimated number of occupational matches in each size class was derived from information on the Sampling frame The list of establishments (the sampling frame) from which the sample was selected was developed using data from the most recently available (usually March 1984) unemployment insurance reports for the 48 con tiguous States and the District of Columbia. For the portion of the sampling frame already in place, updat ing procedures were used (including results of other 1F o r th is su r v e y , an esta b lish m en t is an e c o n o m ic unit w h ic h p ro d u c e s g o o d s o r se r v ic e s, a cen tra l a d m in istra tiv e o ffic e , o r an a u x il ia ry unit p r o v id in g su p p o rt se r v ic e s to a c o m p a n y . In m a n u factu rin g in d ustries, th e esta b lish m en t is u su a lly at a sin g le p h y sic a l lo c a tio n . In n o n m a n u fa ctu rin g in d ustries, all lo c a tio n s o f an in d iv id u a l c o m 4 p a n y in a M e tro p o lita n S ta tistica l A r e a o r P rim ary M e tr o p o lita n S ta In 1986, a sam p le w a s s e le c te d sy ste m a tic a lly to m axim ize the tistica l A r e a o r n o n m etro p o lita n c o u n ty are u su a lly c o n sid e r e d an estab lish m en t. p rob ab ility o f retain in g estab lish m en ts that had b een s e le c te d for th e 2 S e e a p p en d ix B for d eta ils o n th e ex p a n sio n o f th e su r v e y in 1986. b y N ath an K e y fitz in 1951 in his p ap er titled “ S a m p lin g w ith P ro b a 3 M etro p o lita n d ata rela te to all 327 M S A ’s an d P M S A ’s w ith in th e b ilities P ro p o rtio n a te to Size: A d ju stin g fo r C h a n g e s in th e P rob a 1985 su rv e y . T h is m e th o d is a m o d ific a tio n o f th e m e th o d in tr o d u ce d b ilitie s,” Journal o f the Am erican Statistical Association, N o . 46, c o n tig u o u s 48 S ta tes as d efin e d b y th e U .S . O ffic e o f M an a g em en t and B u d g e t th r o u g h Ju n e 1983. - p . 105-09. 37 creased to adjust for the missing data. The weights for establishments which are out of business or outside the scope of the survey are changed to zero. Some sampled companies have a policy of not dis closing salary data for certain employees. No adjust ments are made to salary estimates for the survey as a result of these missing data. In all but six of the profes sional, administrative, technical, and clerical work levels published in this bulletin, the proportion of employees for whom salary data were not available was less than 5 percent. These six are chief accountants III and V (5 percent); systems analysts VI (23 percent); directors of personnel II (7 percent), III (9 percent), and IV (17 percent). expected incidence of workers matched in the larger size classes, and an appropriate sample selected. Sup plementary samples were prepared and designated for collection for those strata where the out-of-business and out-of-scope rate was unusually high. Data collection Data for the survey are obtained primarily by per sonal visits of the Bureau’s field representatives to a nationwide sample of establishments. Collection for the 1986 survey was from November 1985 through May 1986 and reflects an average reference month of March 1986.5 Employees are classified by occupation and work level using job descriptions (appendix C) prepared jointly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Office of Personnel Management. Descriptions are designed to reflect duties and responsibilities of employees in pri vate industry and to be translatable to specific General Schedule grades applying to Federal employees (ap pendix D). Thus, definitions of some occupations and work levels are limited to specific elements which can be classified uniformly among establishments. In comparing the actual duties and responsibilities of employees with those enumerated in job descriptions, the Bureau’s field representatives, with the assistance of company officals, make extensive use of company position descriptions, organization charts, and other per sonnel records. Salaries reported for survey occupations are those paid to full-time employees for standard work sched ules, i.e., the straight-time salary corresponding to the employee’s normal work schedule excluding overtime hours and premium pay for work on weekends, holi days, and late shifts. Excluded are performance bonuses and lump-sum payments of the type negotiated in the auto and aerospace industries6 as well as profit-sharing , payments, attendance bonuses, Christmas or year-end bonuses, and other nonproduction bonuses. Pay in creases (but not bonuses) under cost-of-living allowance clauses and incentive payments, however, are included. Survey estimation methods Salary data are collected from com pany records in the most readily available form, i.e., weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, or annual. Before initial tabulations, all salary data are converted to a monthly basis. The factors used to convert the salary data are as follows: Data conversion. P a y ro ll basis C onversion fa c to r W e e k ly .............................................. B iw ee kly............................................ 4.3333 2.1665 S e m im o n t h ly .......................................... M o n t h l y .................................................... A n n u a l................................................................... 2 .0 0 0 0 1.0000 .0833 Factors which reflect the normal work schedules for the month are used to convert hourly rates to a monthly basis. Occupational employment data pub lished in this bulletin are estimated totals for all estab lishments within the scope of the survey and are not limited to establishments actually studied. An occupa tional employment estimate is derived by multiplying the full-time employment in the occupation in each sam ple establishment by the establishment weight and sum ming these results. Employment. Survey nonresponse In the March 1986 survey, salary data were not avail able from 13 percent of the sample establishments (rep resenting 4,546,000 employees in the total universe cov ered by the survey). An additional 6 percent of the sample establishments (representing 1,867,000 employ ees) were either out of business or outside the scope of the survey. If data are not provided by a sample member, the weights of responding sample establishments are in The mean salary (average wage rate) for a specific occupational level is obtained by dividing total wages for that level by the corresponding total employment. Median and quartile values are derived from distributions of employees by salary using 10-centper-hour class intervals. All salary averages in the ta bles are rounded to the nearest dollar. For all annual salary calculations, individual monthly salaries (to the nearest one-tenth cent) are multiplied by 12 before per forming the necessary data aggregation. Salary averages. 5T h e M a rch p a y ro ll p erio d has b een u sed sin c e th e 1972 su r v e y . T h e 1970 and 1971 su r v e y s had a Ju n e r e fe r e n c e p erio d . Per cent increases for each occupation in text table 1 were Salary trends for medium and large establishments. 6 F o r a d isc u ssio n o f su c h p a y m e n ts, se e “ W a g e H ig h lig h ts ,” C ur rent Wage Developments, N o v e m b e r 1983, pp. 1-5. 38 obtained by adding the product of average annual sala ries and employment for each level in each of two suc cessive years and dividing the later sum by the earlier sum. To eliminate the effects of year-to-year employ ment shifts in this computation, average salaries in each year were multiplied by employment in the most recent year. Year-to-year percent increases for each group speci fied in text table 2 were determined by adding average monthly salaries for all occupational levels in the group for two consecutive years, and dividing the later sum by the earlier sum. The trends in text table 2 were ob tained by linking changes for the individual periods. Changes in the scope of the survey and in occupa tional definitions were incorporated into the various trend series as soon as two consecutive periods with comparable data were available. Established salary ranges for such occupations are relative ly w ide, and em ployees who may have been paid the max imum o f the salary scale for the lower level are likely to be replaced by less experienced em ployees who may be paid the minimum. Occupations most likely to reflect such changes are the higher levels o f professional and ad ministrative occupations and single incumbent positions such as chief accountant and director o f personnel. Reliability of estimates T h e statistics in the report are estim ates derived from a sample survey. There are two types o f errors possible in an estim ate based on a sam ple su rv ey — sam pling and nonsam pling. Sampling errors o ccu r because observations c o m e o n ly from a sam ple, not the entire population. T h e particu lar sam ple used in this su rvey is on e o f a num ber o f all possible sam ples o f the sam e size that co u ld h a v e been selected using the sam e sam ple design. Estim ates deri v ed from the different sam ples w o u ld differ from each other. A m easure o f the variation am ong these differing es tim ates is called the standard error or sam pling error.8 It indicates the p recision w ith w h ich an estim ate from a particular sam ple approxim ates the average result o f all possible sam ples. T h e relative standard error (R S E ) is the standard error divid ed b y the estim ate. T h e sm aller the R S E , the greater the reliability o f the estim ate. E stim ates o f relative standard errors for the 1986 sur v e y vary am ong the occupational w ork lev els d ep en d ing on such factors as the frequency w ith w h ich the jo b occurs, the dispersion o f salaries for the jo b , and the su rvey design. F o r the 112 publishable w ork lev els, estim ated relative standard errors for average salary es tim ates are distributed as follow s: Limitations Survey occupations are limited to employees meet ing the specific criteria in each job definition and are not intended to include all employees in each field of work.7 Employees whose salary data are not available, as well as those for whom there is no satisfactory basis for classification by work level, are not taken into ac count in the estimates. For these reasons, and because of differences in occupational structure among estab lishments, estimates of occupational employment ob tained from the sample of establishments studied indi cate only the relative importance of occupations and levels as defined for the survey. These qualifications of employment estimates do not materially affect the ac curacy of the earnings data. Data for year-to-year changes in average salaries are subject to limitations which reflect the nature of the data collected. Changes in average salaries reflect not only general salary increases and merit or other in creases in the same work level category, but also other factors such as employee turnover, expansions or con tractions in the work force, and changes in staffing pat terns within establishments with different salary levels. For example, an expansion in the work force may increase the proportion of employees at the minimum salary of a rate range for a work level, which tends to lower the average for a job; a reduction or a low turnover in the work force may have the opposite effect. Similarly, promotions of employees to higher work levels of professional and ad ministrative occupations may affect the average of each level. R elative sta n da rd e rro r N u m b e r ° f occupational w o rk levels L ess than 1 p e r c e n t .............................. 1 - 2 p e r c e n t........................................... 2 - 3 p e r c e n t ........................................... 3 percent or m o r e ................................ 46 51 14 1 T h e Bureau evaluates the reliability o f its estim ates based in part on the value o f tw o relative standard er rors for an occu p ation al lev el. F o r exam ple, a 95-per cen t co n fid en ce interval9 for accountants I (su rvey es * tim ate = $21,024 annually) is from $20,688 to $21,360. 8 A r ep lica tio n te c h n iq u e w ith 15 ran d om g ro u p s w a s u sed to obtain estim a te s o f r e la tiv e standard errors for th e 1986 su rv e y . 7 E n g in e e r s, fo r ex a m p le, in c lu d e e m p lo y e e s e n g a g e d in e n g in e e r in g w o r k w ith in a band o f e ig h t le v e ls , startin g w ith in e x p e r ie n c e d e n 9 A 9 5 -p e rcen t c o n fid e n c e in te rv a l m ean s that, if all p o ssib le sam p les g in e e r in g g ra d u a te s and e x c lu d in g o n ly th o s e w ith in certa in field s o f w e r e se le c te d and an estim a te o f th e salary and its sam p lin g error sp e c ia liz a tio n o r in p o sitio n s a b o v e th o s e c o v e r e d b y le v e l V I I I . In w e r e co m p u te d for e a c h , then, fo r a p p ro x im a tely 95 p e r c e n t o f the co n tra st, o c c u p a tio n s su c h as c h ie f a c c o u n ta n ts and d ir e c to r s o f p er sam p les, th e in te rv a l from 2 standard errors b e lo w th e estim a te to 2 so n n e l in c lu d e o n ly th o s e w ith r esp o n sib ility fo r a s p e c ific p rogram standard errors a b o v e th e estim a te w o u ld in c lu d e th e true a v e r a g e and w ith d u ties and resp o n sib ilities as in d ica ted for e a c h o f th e m o re salary. F o r a c c o u n ta n ts I, th e 2 r e la tiv e standard errors w e r e 1.6 p er lim ited num ber o f w o r k le v e ls se le c te d fo r stu d y . c e n t in 1986. 39 Nonsampling errors can come from many sources, such as inability to obtain information from some es tablishments; definitional difficulties; inability of re spondents to provide correct information; mistakes in recording or coding the data obtained; and other errors of collection, response, coverage, and estimation of missing data. Although not specifically measured, the survey’s nonsampling errors are expected to be mini mal due to the high response rate and the extensive and continuous training of field representatives, careful screening of data at several levels of review, annual maintenance and evaluation of the suitability of job defi nitions, and thorough field testing of new or revised job definitions. To measure and better control nonsampling errors that occur during data collection, a quality control pro cedure was added to the PATC survey in 1983 and re peated in the following years.1 The procedure, job 0 10 F o r a m o re d eta ile d d e sc r ip tio n o f th e p ro cess, se e N ational Sur vey o f Professional, Adm inistrative, Technical, an d Clerical Pay, M arch 1983, B u lletin 2181 (B u rea u o f L a b o r S ta tistics, 1983), p.35. 40 match validation (JMV), is designed to identify the fre quency, reasons for, and sources of incorrect decisions made by Bureau field representatives in matching com pany jobs to survey occupations. Once identified, the problems are discussed promptly with the field repre sentatives while the data are still being collected. Sub sequently, the JMV results are tallied, reported to BLS staff, and become the basis for remedial action at an nual training conferences. The 1986 JMV process was limited to a sample of the expanded portion of the PATC survey. About 13 percent of the sampled 549 job match decisions checked with respondents were subsequently changed by survey reviewers. Of those revised, over three-fifths (72) were either original job matches that should have been ex cluded or company jobs excluded by the field repre sentative that should have been matches for BLS oc cupational work levels. Nearly one-fourth of these er rors of inclusion or exclusion were made in matching the newly added occupation of general clerk. Most of the remaining errors were matching one work level too high or too low within the appropriate occupation, e.g., accountant IV instead of accountant III. Table A-1. Number of establishments and workers within scope of survey and number studied, by industry division, United States, March 1986 Actually studied Within scope of survey Industry division1 Workers in establishments Workers in establishments Number of establishments Total Professional and administrative Clerical and technical support Number of establishments Total Professional and administrative Clerical and technical support United States All industries1 ............................................. 2 155,748 33,471,481 7,003,367 6,363,015 4,717 6,542,179 1,880,954 1,548,563 Manufacturing ..................................................... 58,581 14,856,991 2,926,433 1,908,188 2,110 3,352,415 977,090 634,875 2,455 9,109 439,685 1,375,702 104,071 185,293 62,399 72,952 110 102 68,114 347,823 27,700 102,405 16,787 8,250 11,637 15,082 36,600 15,651 6,633 3,448,099 1,770,326 7,105,151 3,260,539 1,214,988 755,105 498,521 863,710 1,068,780 601,454 818,713 377,405 1,080,042 1,650,352 392,964 433 410 503 597 452 1,263,271 105,226 517,655 631,004 256,671 314,869 40,977 64,091 214,994 138,828 324,135 31,109 106,016 348,759 78,632 All industries2 ............................................. 126,069 28,193,864 6,307,352 5,782,535 4,020 6,209,374 1,814,933 1,504,111 Manufacturing ..................................................... 43,624 11,249,366 2,511,404 1,646,348 1,681 3,083,349 926,903 603,999 1,082 8,704 200,766 1,302,201 70,056 178,877 46,818 70,025 64 92 46,577 340,198 22,109 100,863 13,511 7,176 9,064 13,730 29,687 13,912 6,266 3,171,700 1,622,185 6,389,845 3,076,018 1,181,783 708,067 461,726 772,466 1,018,470 586,286 759,365 362,242 947,915 1,566,651 383,171 376 384 436 554 433 1,253,215 101,905 508,583 623,530 252,017 312,667 40,295 62,934 212,777 136,385 321,929 30,821 104,086 344,916 77,673 918 402 6,745,363 3,268,991 1,909,022 1,002,039 1,604,928 633,659 616 339 4,980,868 2,604,438 1,438,624 796,049 1,182,694 527,546 Nonmanufacturing: Mining ............................................................ Construction.................................................. Transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services.......................... Wholesale trade ........................................... Retail trad e .................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate ........... Services3 ........................................................ Metropolitan areas4 Nonmanufacturing: Mining ............................................................ Construction .................................................. Transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services.......................... Wholesale trade ............................................ Retail trad e .................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate ............ Services3 ........................................................ Establishments employing 2,500 workers or more All industries................................................. Manufacturing ..................................................... 1 As defined in the 1972 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, U.S. Office Of Management and Budget. 2 Establishments with total employment at or above the 50-worker minimum; excludes Alaska and Hawaii. 3 Limited to engineering, architectural, and surveying services; commercially operated research, development, and testing laboratories; credit reporting and collection agencies; computer and data processing services; management, consulting, and public relations services; noncommercial educational, scientific, and research organizations; and accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services. 4 Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, as defined through June 1983 by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Appendix B. Survey Changes in 1986 Changes in scope number actually studied within this more limited scope. (Table A-l shows similar information for the expanded scope of the 1986 survey.) At the request of the President’s Pay Agent, the 1986 PATC survey was expanded to increase its coverage of small establishments within the industries currently studied. Accordingly, the survey’s minimum establish ment size requirement, which generally had ranged from 100 to 250 employees depending on industry, was low ered to 50 employees in 1986, regardless of industry. This request was part of a proposal by the President’s Cabinet Council on Management and Administration (CCMA) to expand the PATC survey to major seg ments of the labor force not covered previously and to use this additional information to broaden the base of the Federal pay comparability process. Table B-l compares March 1986 occupational em ployment and salary data from all surveyed establish ments with data from only those establishments above the previous minimum size. Table B-2 presents the es timated number of establishments and workers and the Changes in occupational coverage A new entry level for purchasing clerk/assistant cov ering the most routine work in processing purchasing requests was introduced in 1986. Levels II, III, and IV of the 1986 definitions equate to Levels I, II, and III in the 1985 survey. Also, a four-level general clerk job was added that covers a combination of clerical tasks supporting office, business, or administrative operations. Workers per forming a variety of office clerical operations are com monly found in small firms. In medium and large firms, the general clerk classification is a common way to “broadband” or consolidate individual clerical duties to gain versatility or flexibility within the work force. 42 Table B-1. Survey results for 1986 for establishments within previous scope and expanded scope of survey, by occupation (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry,1 United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Establishments within previous scope3 Establishments within expanded scope4 Occupation and level2 Employment5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 Employment5 All establishments as a percent of establishments in previous scope Annual salaries6 Employment Mean7 Salaries (mean) Median7 Accountants 1 ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... I V .................................................................... V ..................................................................... VI .................................................................... 11,792 23,687 37,090 21,389 7,597 1^93 $21,309 26,112 31,360 39,430 49,476 61,533 $21,162 25,668 30,858 38,997 48,564 60,600 13,846 29,311 46,228 23,733 8,227 1,397 $21,024 25,554 31,143 39,293 49,231 61,546 $20,892 24,990 30,488 38,984 48,300 60,600 117.4 123.7 124.6 111.0 108.3 100.3 98.7 97.9 99.3 99.7 99.5 100.0 1,676 2,880 4,667 2,012 21,645 26,126 32,057 39,676 21,491 25,490 31,715 38,984 1,756 2,928 4,709 2,022 21,545 26,108 32,121 39,705 21,491 25,490 31,887 38,984 104.8 101.7 100.9 100.5 99.5 99.9 100.2 100.1 11,606 11,595 8,897 4,275 20,468 22,714 26,633 32,116 20,488 22,479 25,992 31,487 11,606 11,595 8,897 4,275 20,468 22,714 26,633 32,116 20,488 22,479 25,992 31,487 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,220 475 221 49,199 62,880 79,730 49,500 61,812 76,969 1,454 475 230 47,963 62,880 < 80,409 48,000 61,812 78,811 N 119.2 100.0 104.1 97.5 100.0 100.9 1,102 2,973 4,144 3,438 1,798 553 32,031 39,776 50,190 63,806 78,320 99,277 30,988 39,000 48,980 62,766 77,576 99,960 1,377 3,199 4,347 3,500 1,847 587 31,014 39,635 50,119 63,933 78,396 101,169 30,304 39,000 48,980 62,975 77,969 101,859 125.0 107.6 104.9 101.8 102.7 106.1 96.8 99.6 99.9 100.2 100.1 101.9 5,800 18,038 16,466 4,794 21,485 26,658 33,648 41,300 21,033 26,362 32,809 40,869 6,914 22,990 18,323 4,798 21,242 26,369 33,580 41,304 20,992 25,998 32,820 40,870 119.2 127.5 111.3 100.1 98.9 98.9 99.8 100.0 14,870 35,554 43,800 20,308 9,374 21,075 24,706 29,429 34,867 42,835 21,000 24,689 29,268 34,764 43,296 15,974 38,540 46,996 21,524 9,492 20,832 24,558 29,324 34,919 42,934 20,992 24,490 29,118 34,860 43,344 107.4 108.4 107.3 106.0 101.3 98.8 99.4 99.6 100.1 100.2 Auditors 1....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... Public accountants 1....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... Chief accountants I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... I V .................................................................... Attorneys 1........................................................................ I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ...................................................................... VI ..................................................................... Buyers 1........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... I V ..................................................................... Computer programmers 1........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... I V ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... See footnotes at end of table. Table B-1. Survey results for 1986 for establishments within previous scope and expanded scope of survey, by occupation—Continued (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry,' United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Establishments within previous scope3 Establishments within expanded scope4 Occupation and level2Employment5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 Employment5 All establishments as a percent of establishments in previous scope Annual salaries6 Employment Mean7 Salaries (mean) Median7 Systems analysts I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... VI ..................................................................... 20,478 45,882 38,273 15,426 2,666 233 $29,171 34,957 41,994 49,445 58,404 71,770 $28,788 34,918 41,389 48,381 57,786 71,496 21,402 47,518 38,943 15,506 2,666 233 $29,141 34,881 41,997 49,515 58,404 71,770 $28,800 34,886 41,400 48,381 57,786 71,496 104.5 103.6 101.8 100.5 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.8 100.0 100.1 100.0 100.0 103 350 624 520 22,240 25,288 30,605 38,206 22,091 24,014 29,188 37,082 103 350 624 520 22,240 25,288 30,605 38,206 22,091 24,014 29,188 37,082 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,778 1,952 1,179 395 39,636 47,020 63,855 75,170 38,385 46,981 61,975 72,271 1,849 2,082 1,179 395 39,817 46,328 63,855 75,170 38,400 46,560 61,975 72,271 104.0 106.7 100.0 100.0 100.5 98.5 100.0 100.0 3,138 5,928 8,815 8,689 7,104 3,559 843 22,832 27,466 34,323 41,733 50,628 60,797 74,632 22,936 27,089 33,780 41,321 50,380 61,093 72,500 3,580 6,673 10,244 9,257 7,266 3,632 848 22,539 27,205 34,141 41,548 50,678 60,796 74,607 22,391 26,989 33,487 41,220 50,380 60,900 72,395 114.1 112.6 116.2 106.5 102.3 102.1 100.6 98.7 99.0 99.5 99.6 100.1 100.0 100.0 37,159 64,932 131,219 145,706 106,946 50,910 13,279 3,097 28,189 31,418 35,914 42,777 50,842 58,866 68,499 79,021 28,500 31,308 35,686 42,483 50,580 58,560 67,773 78,540 40,469 71,336 145,165 157,033 111,913 52,105 13,395 3,097 27,866 31,194 35,715 42,677 50,769 58,883 68,602 79,021 28,381 31,146 35,472 42,383 50,436 58,568 67,800 78,540 108.9 109.9 110.6 107.8 104.6 102.3 100.9 100.0 98.9 99.3 99.4 99.8 99.9 100.0 100.2 100.0 5,437 16,481 30,850 34,771 19,207 16,945 20,393 23,961 28,437 32,750 16,639 20,112 23,713 28,182 32,448 5,797 17,342 32,193 35,397 19,399 16,882 20,312 23,896 28,412 32,718 16,557 19,992 23,669 28,158 32,400 106.6 105.2 104.4 101.8 101.0 99.6 99.6 99.7 99.9 99.9 Job analysts I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Directors of personnel I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... IV ..................................................................... Chemists I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... VI ..................................................................... VII .................................................................... Engineers I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... IV ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... VI ..................................................................... VII .................................................................... VIII ................................................................... Engineering technicians I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... I V ..................................................................... V ...................................................................... See footnotes at end of tabie. Table B-1. Survey results for 1986 for establishments within previous scope and expanded scope of survey, by occupation—Continued (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry,' United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Establishments within previous scope3 Establishments within expanded scope4 Occupation and level2 Employment5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 Employment5 All establishments as a percent of establishments in previous scope Annual salaries6 Employment Mean7 Median7 Salaries (mean) Drafters I ........................................................................ I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ...................................................................... 1,861 7,942 18,718 19,848 13,539 $13,642 16,611 20,563 24,909 31,053 $13,519 16,418 20,408 24,625 30,519 2,982 12,102 25,970 24,371 14,362 $13,054 15,854 20,201 24,652 31,004 $12,999 15,599 19,980 24,461 30,489 160.2 152.4 138.7 122.8 106.1 95.7 95.4 98.2 99.0 99.8 9,422 31,258 23,319 7,792 1,260 13,939 17,589 21,750 24,616 28,986 13,631 17,159 21,240 24,204 29,112 10,704 37,530 25,698 8,059 1,260 13,727 17,219 21,524 24,550 28,986 13,495 16,893 20,992 24,140 29,112 113.6 120.1 110.2 103.4 100.0 98.5 97.9 99.0 99.7 100.0 276 799 759 331 104 17,400 23,231 27,085 31,584 35,094 17,199 23,294 26,352 31,212 34,109 401 873 791 331 104 16,636 22,896 27,009 31,584 35,094 15,972 22,991 26,264 31,212 34,109 145.3 109.3 104.2 100.0 100.0 95.6 98.6 99.7 100.0 100.0 23,736 73,941 52,890 18,255 12,907 15,316 18,317 22,268 12,271 14,700 17,887 21,600 36,023 133,183 79,215 22,354 12,517 14,687 17,954 21,872 11,995 14,247 17,471 21,192 151.8 180.1 149.8 122.5 97.0 95.9 98.0 98.2 15,243 7,809 1,928 10,363 12,261 15,637 10,076 11,595 15,079 20,916 10,110 2,100 10,335 12,156 15,625 10,108 11,495 15,060 137.2 129.5 108.9 99.7 99.1 99.9 I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... 47,659 25,828 13,457 17,354 12,812 16,476 68,827 30,770 13,146 16,901 12,583 16,119 144.4 119.1 97.7 97.4 M essengers................................... 9,269 12,358 11,395 9,842 12,276 11,340 106.2 99.3 2,100 3,960 2,747 1,195 14,211 16,972 20,122 23,781 14,034 16,223 19,908 23,100 2,521 4,414 3,255 1,298 14,193 16,903 19,696 23,702 14,091 16,200 19,447 22,982 120.0 111.5 118.5 108.6 99.9 99.6 97.9 99.7 Computer operators I ........................................................................ I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ..................................................................... Photographers I ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ..................................................................... Accounting clerks I ........................................................................ I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... File clerks I ....................................................................... I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... Key entry operators Personnel clerks/assistants I ........................................................................ I I ....................................................................... I l l ...................................................................... I V ..................................................................... See footnotes at end of table. Table B-1. Survey results for 1986 for establishments within previous scope and expanded scope of survey, by occupation—Continued (Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry,' United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, March 1986) Establishments within expanded scope4 Establishments within previous scope3 Occupation and level1 2 Employment5 Annual salaries6 Mean7 Median7 All establishments as a percent of establishments in previous scope Annual salaries6 Employment Employment5 Mean7 Salaries (mean) Median7 Purchasing clerks/assistants I ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... I V .................................................................... 2,588 4,462 3,878 1,037 $14,097 17,497 22,493 29,384 $13,519 16,993 22,176 28,200 4,014 5,585 4,197 1,037 $13,994 17,282 22,381 29,384 $13,519 16,639 22,046 28,200 155.1 125.2 108.2 100.0 99.3 98.8 99.5 100.0 48,281 62,915 101,349 46,097 15,495 16,657 18,362 21,252 23,884 28,056 15,934 17,844 20,590 23,502 27,350 59,859 69,450 110,604 49,403 16,038 16,326 18,306 21,152 23,839 28,051 15,599 17,820 20,492 23,478 27,389 124.0 110.4 109.1 107.2 103.5 98.0 99.7 99.5 99.8 100.0 6,520 5,611 18,541 21,777 18,490 22,202 6,811 5,648 18,374 21,739 18,139 22,152 104.5 100.7 99.1 99.8 20,727 11,546 12,735 17,005 12,393 16,210 25,125 12,842 12,584 16,854 12,252 16,008 121.2 111.2 98.8 99.1 7,892 35,535 41,330 27,538 10,923 13,208 16,017 19,513 10,500 12,595 15,354 19,080 11,811 59,359 65,101 33,472 10,478 12,730 15,500 19,322 10,200 12,167 14,994 18,624 149.7 167.0 157.5 121.5 95.9 96.4 96.8 99.0 Secretaries ^ 4 as I ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... IV .................................................................... V ..................................................................... Stenographers I ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... Typists I ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... General clerks I ....................................................................... I I ...................................................................... I l l ..................................................................... I V .................................................................... 1 For industrial coverage, see appendix A. 2 Occupational definitions appear in appendix C. 3 Establishments with minimum employment generally ranging from 100 to 250 workers, depending on industry. See table B-2, footnotes 3-6, for detail. 4 Establishments employing as few as 50 workers. 5 Occupational employment estimates relate to the total in establishments within the scope of the survey and not to the number actually surveyed. For further explanation, see appendix A. 6 Excludes premium pay for overtime and for work on weekends, holidays, and late shifts. Also excluded are performance bonuses and lump-sum payments of the type negotiated in the auto and aerospace industries, as well as profit-sharing payments, attendance bonuses, Christmas or year-end bonuses, and other nonproduction bonuses. Pay increases - but not bonuses - under cost-of-living allowance clauses, and incentive payments, however, are included. 7 The mean is computed for each job by totaling the earnings of all workers and dividing by the number of workers. The median designates position; one-half of the workers receive the same as or more and one-half receive the same as or less than the rate shown. Table B-2. Number of establishments and workers within previous scope of the survey and number studied, by industry division, United States, March 1986 Industry division’ Minimum employment in establishments within previous scope of survey Actually studied Within previous scope Workers in establishments Workers in establishments Number of establishments Total Professional and Clerical and administrative technical support Number of establishments Total Clerical and Professional and technical support administrative United States All industries1 3 24 ......................................... - 46,526 23,314,553 5,572,582 4,935,010 3,101 6,391,233 1,855,419 1,523,364 Manufacturing................................................. 3 100-250 19,559 11,022,968 2,508,942 1,585,720 1,474 3,287,006 968,675 628,630 250 250 553 489 295,588 527,107 84,452 119,755 48,926 23,205 57 41 63,787 341,319 26,723 101,905 16,176 7,864 4 100-250 100 250 100 6 50-100 3,906 5,539 5,598 7,424 3,458 2,810,928 1,139,861 3,867,392 2,660,608 990,101 673,282 328,146 455,294 884,678 518,033 695,053 254,968 640,561 1,381,276 305,301 332 210 196 426 365 1,255,009 91,538 484,505 617,718 250,351 313,603 37,235 60,144 210,703 136,431 322,353 28,260 101,609 342,293 76,179 All industries2 ......................................... - 38,897 20,114,900 5,115,805 4,609,838 2,706 6,086,761 1,793,197 1,482,661 Manufacturing.................................................. 3 100-250 14,504 8,524,271 2,191,310 1,391,535 1,184 3,033,790 920,187 598,951 250 250 284 438 142,023 487,666 58,578 114,469 37,460 20,918 38 33 44,357 333,892 21,377 100,369 13,005 6,794 4 100-250 100 250 100 6 50-100 3,090 5,070 5,262 6,935 3,314 2,655,091 1,044,054 3,737,426 2,553,168 971,201 642,523 306,551 434,936 858,906 508,532 656,459 244,949 620,234 1,336,762 301,521 306 199 188 406 352 1,246,994 89,109 480,833 611,697 246,089 311,739 36,794 59,587 209,011 134,133 320,532 28,061 100,790 339,136 75,392 1,604,928 633,659 616 339 4,980,868 2,604,438 1,438,624 796,049 1,182,694 527,546 Nonmanufacturing: M ining........................................................ Construction .............................................. Transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale tra d e ........................................ Retail tra d e ............................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate........ Services5 *.................................................. . Metropolitan areas7 ^ 4 Nonmanufacturing: M ining........................................................ Construction .............................................. Transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services ..................... Wholesale tra d e ........................................ Retail tra d e ............................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate........ Services5 ................................................... / Establishments employing 2,500 workers or more All industries............................................. Manufacturing.................................................. - 918 402 6,745,363 3,268,991 1 As defined in the 1972 edition of the S tandard Industrial C lassification M anual, U.S. Office of Management and Budget. 2 Establishments with total employment at or above the minimum limitation indicated in the first column; excludes Alaska and Hawaii. 3 Minimum employment size was 100 for chemical and allied products;petroleum refining and related industries; machinery, except electrical; electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies; transportation equipment; and instruments and related products. Minimum size was 250 in all other manufacturing industries. 4 Minimum employment was 100 for railroad transportation; local and suburban transit; deep sea foreign and domestic transportation; air transportation; communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services; and pipelines; and 250 for all other transportation industries. U.S. Postal Service is excluded 1,909,022 1,002,039 from the survey. * Limited to engineering, architectural, and surveying services; commercially operated research, development, and testing laboratories; credit reporting and collection agencies; computer and data processing services; management, consulting, and public relations services; noncommercial educational, scientific, and research organizations; and accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services. 6 Minimum employment was 50 for accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services; and 100 for all other services. 7 Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the United States, except Alaska and Hawaii, as defined through June 1983 by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Appendix C. Occupational Definitions The primary purpose of preparing job definitions for the Bureau’s wage surveys is to assist its field staff in classifying into appropriate occupations, or levels within occupations, workers who are employed under a variety of payroll titles and different work arrangements from establishment to establishment and from area to area. This permits the grouping of occupational wage rates representing comparable job content. To secure comparability of job content, some occupations and work levels are defined to include only those workers meeting specific criteria as to training, job functions, and responsibilities. Because of this emphasis on inter establishment and interarea comparability of occupa tional content, the Bureau’s occupational definitions may differ significantly from those in use in individual establishments or those prepared for other purposes. Accountants and Auditors Interpreting the meaning of accounting records, reports, and statements; ACCOUNTANTS Performs professional operating or cost accounting work requiring knowledge of the theory and practice of recording, classifying, examining, and analyzing the data and records of financial transactions. The work generally requires a bachelor’s degree in accounting or, in rare instances, equivalent experience and education combined. Positions covered by this definition are characterized by the inclusion of work that is analytical, creative, evaluative, and advisory in nature. The work draws upon and requires a thorough knowledge of the fundamental doctrines, theories, principles, and terminology of accounting, and often entails some understanding of such related fields as business law, statistics, and general management. (See also chief accountant.) Professional responsibilities in accountant positions above the entry and developmental levels include such duties as: Advising operating officials on accounting matters; and Recommending improvements, adaptations, or revisions in the accounting system and procedures. Entry and developmental level positions provide op portunity to develop ability to perform professional duties such as those enumerated above. In addition to such professional work, most account ants are also responsible for assuring the proper record ing and documentation of transactions in the accounts. They, therefore, frequently direct nonprofessional per sonnel in the actual day-to-day maintenance of books of accounts, the accumulation of cost or other comparable data, the preparation of standard reports and state ments, and similar work. (Positions involving such supervisory work, but not including professional duties as described above, are not included in this description.) Analyzing the effects of transactions upon account relation ships; Excluded are accountants whose principal or sole duties consist of designing or improving accounting systems or other nonoperating staff work, e.g., budget analysis, financial analysis, financial forecasting, tax advising, etc. (The criteria that follow for distinguishing among the several levels of work are inappropriate for such jobs.) Note, however, that professional accountant positions with responsibility for recording or report ing accounting data relative to taxes are included, as are other operating or cost accountants whose work Evaluating alternative means of treating transactions; Planning the manner in which account structures should be developed or modified; Assuring the adequacy of the accounting system as the basis for reporting to management; Considering the need for new or changed controls; Projecting accounting data to show the effects of proposed plans on capital investments, income, cash position, and overall financial condition; 48 greater professional competence. Initial assignments are designed to expand practical experience and to develop professional judgment in the application of basic ac counting techniques to simple problems. Is expected to be competent in the application of standard procedures and requirements to routine transactions, to raise ques tions about unusual or questionable items, and to sug gest solutions. includes, but is not limited to, improvement of the accounting system. Some accountants use electronic data processing equipment to process, record, and report accounting data. In some such cases, the machine unit is a subor dinate segment of the accounting system; in others, it is a separate entity or is attached to some other organiza tion. In either instance, provided that the primary responsibility of the position is professional accounting work of the type otherwise included, the use of data processing equipment of any type does not of itself ex clude a position from the accountant description nor does it change its level. Work is reviewed closely to verify general accuracy and coverage of unusual problems, and to insure conformance with required procedures and special instructions. Direction received. Typical duties and responsibilities. Performs a variety of accounting tasks, e.g., prepares routine working papers, schedules, exhibits, and summaries indicating the extent of the examination and presenting and sup porting findings and recommendations. Examines a variety of accounting documents to verify accuracy of computations and to ascertain that all transactions are properly supported, are in accordance with pertinent policies and procedures, and are classified and recorded according to acceptable accounting standards. Accountants I General characteristics. At this beginning professional level, the accountant learns to apply the principles, theories, and concepts of accounting to a specific system. The position is distinguishable from nonprofes sional positions by the variety of assignments; rate and scope of development expected; and the existence, im plicit or explicit, of a planned training program designed to give the entering accountant practical experience. (Terminal positions are excluded.) Usually none, although sometimes responsible for supervision of a few clerks. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Works under close supervision of an experienced accountant whose guidance is directed primarily to the development of the trainee’s profes sional ability and to the evaluation of advancement potential. Limits of assignments are clearly defined, methods of procedure are specified, and kinds of items to be noted and referred to supervisor are identified. Direction received. Accountants III General characteristics. The accountant at this level applies well-established accounting principles, theories, concepts, and practices to moderately difficult prob lems. Receives detailed instructions concerning the overall accounting system and its objectives, the policies and procedures under which it is operated, and the nature of changes in the system or its operation. Characteristically, the accounting system or assigned segment is stable and well established (i.e., the basic chart of accounts, classifications, the nature of the cost accounting system, the report requirements, and the procedures are changed infrequently). Depending upon the workload involved, the account ant may have such assignments as supervision of the day-to-day operation of: (a) The entire system of a relatively small establishment; or (b) a major segment (e.g., general accounting, cost accounting, or financial statements and reports) of a somewhat larger system; or (c) in a complex system, may be assigned to a relatively narrow and specialized segment dealing with some prob lem, function, or portion of work which is appropriate for this level. Typical duties and responsibilities. Performs a variety of accounting tasks such as: Examining a variety of financial statements for completeness, internal accuracy, and conformance with uniform accounting classifications or other specific accounting requirements; reconciling reports and financial data with financial statements already on file, and pointing out apparent inconsistencies or errors; carrying out assigned steps in an accounting analysis, such as computing standard ratios; assembling and summarizing accounting literature on a given sub ject; preparing relatively simple financial statements not involving problems of analysis or presentation; and preparing charts, tables, and other exhibits to be used inreports. In addition, may also perform some nonprofes sional tasks for training purposes. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Usually none. Accountants II General characteristics. At this level, the accountant makes practical application of technical accounting practices and concepts beyond the mere application of detailed rules and instructions, as a phase in developing A higher level professional ac countant normally is available to furnish advice and assistance as needed. Work is reviewed for technical ac Direction received. 49 curacy, adequacy of professional judgment, and com pliance with instructions through spot checks, appraisal of results, subsequent processing, analysis of reports and statements, and other appropriate means. more complex establishment; or (c) in a complex system, may be assigned to a relatively narrow and specialized segment dealing with some problem, func tion, or portion of work which is itself of the level of difficulty characteristic of this level. Typical duties and responsibilities. The primary re sponsibility of most positions at this level is to assure that the assigned day-to-day operations are carried out in accordance with established accounting principles, policies, and objectives. The accountant performs such professional work as: Developing nonstandard reports and statements (e.g., those containing cash forecasts reflecting the interrelations of accounting, cost budgeting, or comparable information); interpreting and pointing out trends or deviations from standards; projecting data into the future; predicting the effects of changes in operating programs; or identifying manage ment informational needs, and refining account struc tures or reports accordingly. Within the limits of delegated responsibility, makes day-to-day decisions concerning the accounting treat ment of financial transactions. Is expected to recom mend solutions to moderately difficult problems and propose changes in the accounting system for approval at higher levels. Such recommendations are derived from personal knowledge of the application of wellestablished principles and practices. A higher level accountant normally is available to furnish advice and assistance as needed. Work is reviewed by spot checks and appraisal of results for ade quacy of professional judgment, compliance with instruc tions, and overall accuracy and quality. Direction received. Typical duties and responsibilities. As in level III, a primary characteristic of most positions at this level is the responsibility of operating an accounting system or major segment of a system in the intended manner. The accountant IV exercises professional judgment in making frequent, appropriate recommendations for: New accounts; revisions in the account structure; new types of ledgers; revisions in reporting system or sub sidiary records; and changes in instructions regard ing the use of accounts, new or refined account classifications or definitions; etc. Also makes day-today decisions concerning the accounting treatment of financial transactions and is expected to recommend solutions to complex problems beyond incumbent’s scope of responsibility. Accounting staff supervised, if any, may include professional accountants. In most in stances, is responsible for supervision of a subordinate nonprofessional staff; may coordinate the work of lower level professional accountants. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Accountants V Accountants IV General characteristics. The accountant V applies ac counting principles, theories, concepts, and practices to the solution of problems for which no clear precedent exists or performs work which is of greater than average responsibility due to the nature or magnitude of the assigned work. Responsibilities at this level, in contrast to accountants at level IV, extend beyond accounting system maintenance to the solution of more complex technical and managerial problems. Work of accountants V is more directly concerned with what the accounting system (or segment) should be, what operating policies and procedures should be established or revised, and what is the managerial as well as the accounting meaning of the data included in the reports and statements for which they are responsible. Typically, this level of work approaches chief accountant positions in terms of the nature of the concern for the accounting system and its operation, but not in terms of the breadth or scope of responsibility. Examples of assignments characteristic of this level are supervision of the day-to-day operation of: (a) The entire accounting system of an establishment having a few relatively complex accounting segments; or (b) a At this level, the accountant applies well-established accounting principles, theories, concepts, and practices to a wide variety of difficult problems. Receives instructions concerning the objec tives and operation of the overall accounting system. Compared with level III, the accounting system or assigned segment is more complex, i.e., (a) is relatively unstable, (b) must adjust to new or changing company operations, (c) is substantially larger, or (d) is com plicated by the need to provide and coordinate separate or specialized accounting treatment and reporting (e.g., cost accounting using standard cost, process cost, and job order techniques) for different operations or divi sions of company. Depending upon the workload and degree of coor dination involved, the accountant IV may have such assignments as the supervision of the day-to-day opera tion of: (a) The entire accounting system of an establishment having a few relatively stable accounting segments; or (b) a major segment (e.g., general ac counting, cost accounting, or financial statements and reports) of an accounting system serving a larger and General characteristics. 50 A higher level professional account ant is normally available to furnish advice as needed. Work is reviewed for adequacy of professional judgment, compliance with instructions and policies, and overall quality. major segment of a larger and more complex accounting system; or (c) the entire accounting system (or major segment) of a company that has a relatively stable and conventional accounting system when the work includes significant responsibility for accounting systems design and development; or (d) in a complex system, may be assigned to a relatively narrow and specialized segment dealing with some problem, function, or portion of work which is of a difficulty characteristic of this level. Direction received. Typical duties and responsibilities. Accountants at this level are delegated complete responsibility from higher authority to establish and implement new or revised accounting policies and procedures. Typically, accountants VI participate in decisionmaking sessions with operating managers who have policymaking authority for their subordinate organizations or establishments; recommend management actions or alternatives which can be taken when accounting data disclose unfavorable trends, situations, or deviations; and assist management officials in applying financial data and information to the solution of administrative and operating problems. An accountant of higher level nor mally is available to furnish advice and assistance as needed. Work is reviewed for adequacy of professional judgment, compliance with instructions, and overall quality. Direction received. Typical duties and responsibilities. The accountant V performs such professional work as: Participating in the development and coordinating the implementation of new or revised accounting systems, and initiating necessary instructions and procedures; assuring accounting reporting systems and procedures are in compliance with established company policies, regula tions, and acceptable accounting practices; providing technical advice and services to operating managers, interpreting accounting reports and statements, and identifying problem areas; and evaluating completed assignments for conformance with applicable policies, regulations, and tax laws. Accounting staff supervised generally includes professional accountants. Responsibility for direction o f others. NOTE: Excluded are accountants above level VI whose principal function is to direct, manage, or administer an accounting program in that they are primarily concerned with the administrative, budgetary, and policy matters of the program rather than the actual supervision of the dayto-day operations of an accounting program. This type of work requires extensive managerial ability as well as superior professional competence in order to cope with the technical accounting and management problems encoun tered. Typically, the level of work involves responsibility for more than one accounting activity (e.g., cost account ing, sales accounting, etc.). Accounting staff supervised generally includes professional accountants. Responsibility for direction o f others. Accountants VI General characteristics. At this level, the accountant applies accounting principles, theories, concepts, and practices to specialized, unique or nonrecurring com plex problems (e.g., implementation of specialized automated accounting systems). The work is substan tially more difficult and of greater responsibility than level V because of the unusual nature, magnitude, im portance, or overall impact of the work on the account ing program. At this level, the accounting system or segment is usually complex, i.e., (a) is generally unstable, (b) must adjust to the frequent changing needs of company operations, or (c) is complicated by the need to provide specialized or individualized reports. Examples of assignments at this level are the supervi sion of the day-to-day operation of: (a) A large and com plex corporate accounting system, or (b) a major seg ment (e.g., general accounting, property accounting, etc.) of an unusually complex accounting system requir ing technical expertise in a particular accounting field (e.g., cost accounting, tax accounting, etc.). AUDITORS Performs professional auditing work requiring a bachelor’s degree in accounting or, in rare instances, equivalent experience and education combined. Audits the financial records and practices of a company, or of divisions or components of the company, to appraise systematically and verify the accounting accuracy of records and reports and to assure the consistent applica tion of accepted accounting principles. Evaluates the adequacy of the accounting system and internal finan cial controls. Makes appropriate recommendations for improvement as necessary. To the extent determined necessary, examines the transactions entering into the balance sheet, and the transactions entering into in come, expense, and cost accounts. Determines: 1. The existence of recorded assets (including the obser vation o f the taking o f physical inventories) and the all-inclusiveness of recorded liabilities. 2. The accuracy o f financial statements or reports and the fairness o f presentation of facts therein. 51 3. The propriety or legality of transactions. Auditors II 4. The degree o f compliance with established policies and procedures concerning financial transactions. General characteristics. At this level, the professional auditor serves as a junior member of an audit team, in dependently performing selected portions of the audit which are limited in scope and complexity, as a phase in developing greater professional competence. Auditors at this level typically have acquired knowledge of com pany operations, policies, and procedures. Excluded from this definition are: a. Auditors primarily examining or reporting on the financial management o f company operations. These auditors evaluate such matters as: (1) The operation’s degree of compliance with the principles o f sound financial management; and (2) the effectiveness of management and operating controls. Detailed instructions are furnished and the work is reviewed to the extent necessary to verify its general accuracy and coverage of unusual problems, to insure conformance with required pro cedures and special instructions, and to assure the auditor’s professional growth. Any technical problems not covered by instructions are brought to the attention of a superior. Direction received. b. Auditors assigned to audit programs which are con fined on a relatively permanent basis to repetitive ex amination o f a limited area of company operations and accounting processes, e.g., accounts payable and receivable; payroll; physical inventory; and branch offices which do not have complete accounting systems. This does not preclude positions responsible for performing a segment o f an audit (i.e., examining individual items on a balance sheet, rather than the entire balance sheet), as long as the work directly relates to the financial audit program; and Typical duties and responsibilities. Applies knowledge of accounting theory and audit practices to a variety of relatively simple professional problems in audit assignments, including such tasks as: The verification of reports against source accounts and records to deter mine their reliability; reconciliation of bank and other accounts and verifying the detail of recorded transac tions; detailed examinations of cash receipts and disbursement vouchers, payroll records, requisitions, work orders, receiving reports, and other accounting documents to ascertain that transactions are properly supported and are recorded correctly from an account ing or regulatory standpoint; or preparation of working papers, schedules, and summaries. c. Electronic data processing (EDP) auditors. These positions require an extensive knowledge o f computer systems, programming, etc. Auditors I As a trainee auditor at the entering professional level, performs a variety of routine assignments. Typically, the trainee is rotated through a variety of tasks under a planned training pro gram designed to provide practical experience in apply ing the principles, theories, and concepts of accounting and auditing to specific situations. (Terminal positions are excluded.) General characteristics. Auditors III General characteristics. Work at this level consists of the audit of operations and accounting processes that are relatively stable, well established, and typical of the industry. The audits primarily involve the collection and analysis of readily available findings; there is previous audit experience that is directly applicable; the audit reports are normally prepared in a prescribed format using a standard method of presentation; and few, if any, major problems are anticipated. The work performed requires the application of substantial knowledge of accounting principles and practices, e.g., bases for distinguishing among capital maintenance and operating expenses; accru ing reserves for taxes; and other accounting considerations of an equivalent nature. Works under close supervision of an experienced auditor whose guidance is directed primarily to the development of the trainee’s profes sional ability and to the evaluation of advancement potential. Limits of assignments are clearly defined, methods of procedure are specified, and kinds of items to be noted and referred to supervisor are identified. Direction received. Typical duties and responsibilities. Assists in making audits by performing such tasks as: Verifying the ac curacy of the balances in various records; examining a variety of types of documents and vouchers for ac curacy of computations; checking transactions to assure they are properly documented and have been recorded in accordance with correct accounting classifications; verifying the count of inventories; preparing detailed statements, schedules, and standard audit working papers; counting cash and other assets; and preparing simple reconciliations and similar functions. Work is normally within an estab lished audit program and supervision is provided by a higher level auditor who outlines and discusses assignments. Work is spot checked in progress. Completed assignments are reviewed for adequacy of coverage, soundness of judgment, compliance with professional standards, and adherence to policies. Direction received. 52 Typical duties and responsibilities. The auditor examines transactions and verifies accounts; observes and evaluates accounting procedures and internal controls; and prepares audit working papers and submits an audit report in the re quired pattern containing recommendations for needed changes or improvements. Usually is responsible for select ing the detailed audit methods to follow, choosing the audit sample and its size, determining the extent to which discrepancies need to be investigated, and deciding the depth of the analyses required to support reported findings and conclusions. Examples of assignments involving work at this level: Direction received. Within an established audit program, has responsibilities for independently planning and executing audits. Usually difficult problems are dis cussed with the supervisor who also reviews completed assignments for adherence to principles and standards and the soundness of conclusions. Typical duties and responsibilities. Auditors at this level have full responsibility for planning the audit, including determination of the aspects to emphasize, methods to be used, development of nonstandard or specialized audit aids, such as questionnaires, etc., where previous audit experience and plans are o f limited applicability. Included in the scope of work that characterizes this level are such functions as: Evaluation of methods used for determining depreciation rates of equipment; evalua tion of assets where original costs are unknown; evaluation of the reliability of accounting and reporting systems; analysis of cost accounting systems and cost reports to evaluate the basis for cost and price setting; evaluation of accounting procurement and supply management records, controls, and procedures; and many others. Examples of assignments involving work at this level: 1. As a team leader or working alone, independently conducts audits of the complete accounts and related operations of smaller or less complex companies (e.g., involving a centralized accounting system with few or no subordinate, subsidiary, or branch accounting records) or of comparable segments of larger companies. 2. As a member of an audit team, independently accomp lishes varied audit assignments of the above described characteristics, typically major segments of complete audits, or assignments otherwise limited in scope, of larger and more complex companies (e.g., complex in that the accounting system entails cost, inven tory, and comparable specialized systems integrated with the general accounting system). 1. As a team leader or working alone, independently plans and conducts audits of the complete accounts and related operations of relatively large complex companies (e.g., complex in that the accounting system entails cost, inventory, and comparable specialized accounting systems integrated with the general accounting system) or of company branch, subsidiary, or affiliated organizations which are individually of comparable size and complexity. Illustrative of such assignments are the audit and initial review of the accounting treatment and validity of report ing of overhead expenses in a large manufacturing or maintenance organization (e.g., major repair yard of a railroad); or the checking, verification, and balancing of all accounts receivable and accounts payable; or the analysis and verification of assets and reserves; or the inspection and evaluation of account controls and pro cedures. 2. As a member of an audit team, independently plans and accomplishes audit assignments that constitute major segments of audits of very large and complex organizations, for example, those with financial responsibilities so great as to involve specialized subordinate, subsidiary, or affiliate accounting systems that are complete in themselves. Auditors IV General characteristics. Auditors at this level are ex perienced professionals who apply thorough knowledge of accounting principles and theory in connection with a variety of audits. Work at this level is characterized by the audit of organizations and accounting processes which are complex and difficult because of such factors as: Presence of new or changed programs and account ing systems; existence of major specialized accounting functions (e.g., cost accounting, inventory accounting, sales accounting), in addition to general accounting; need to consider extensive and complicated regulatory requirements; lack of or difficulty in obtaining infor mation; and other similar factors. Typically, a variety of different assignments are encountered over a period of time, e.g., 1 year. The audit reports prepared are comprehensive, explain irregularities, cite rules and regulations violated, recommend remedial actions, and contain analyses of items of special importance or in terest to company management. N o t e : Excluded from level IV are auditors who, as team leaders or working alone, conduct complete audits of very large and complex organizations, for example, those with financial responsibilities so great as to involve specialized subordinate, subsidiary, or affiliate accounting systems that are complete in themselves; or are team members assigned to major segments of audits of even larger or more complex organizations. Also excluded are positions primarily responsible for overseeing multiple concurrent audits. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Performs professional auditing work in a public accounting firm. Work requires at least a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Participates in or conducts audits to ascertain the fairness of financial representations made by client companies. May also assist the client in improving accounting procedures and operations. 53 Examines financial reports, accounting records, and related documents and practices of clients. Determines whether all important matters have been disclosed and whether procedures are consistent and conform to ac ceptable practices. Samples and tests transactions, inter nal controls, and other elements of the accounting system(s) as needed to render the accounting firm’s final written opinion. Excluded are positions which do not require full pro fessional accounting training. Also excluded are special ist positions in tax or management advisory services. higher level public accountant who provides instructions and continuing direction as necessary. Work is spot checked in progress and reviewed upon completion to determine the adequacy of procedures, soundness of judg ment, compliance with professional standards, and adherence to clearly established methods and techniques. All interpretations are subject to close professional review. Typical duties and responsibilities. Carries out a variety of sampling and testing procedures in accordance with the prescribed audit program, including examination of trans actions and verification of accounts, the analysis and evaluation of accounting practices and internal controls, and other detail work. Prepares a share of the audit work ing papers and participates in drafting reports. In moderately complex audits, may assist in selecting appropriate tests, samples, and methods commonly ap plied by the firm and may serve as primary assistant to the accountant in charge. In more complicated audits, concen trates on detail work. Occasionally, may be in charge of small, uncomplicated audits which require only one or two other subordinate accountants. Personal contacts usually involve only the exchange of factual technical information and are usually limited to the client’s operating accounting staff and department heads. Public Accountants I General characteristics. As an entry level public ac countant, serves as a junior member of an audit team. Receives classroom and on-the-job training to provide practical experience in applying the principles, theories, and concepts of accounting and auditing to specific situations. (Positions held by trainee public accountants with advanced degrees, such as M B A ’s , are excluded at this level.) Direction received. Complete instructions are furnished and work is reviewed to verify its accuracy, conform ance with required procedures and instructions, and usefulness in facilitating the accountant’s professional growth. Any technical problems not covered by instruc tions are brought to the attention of a superior. Public Accountants III General characteristics. At this level, the public account ant is in charge of a complete audit and may lead a team of several subordinates. Audits are usually accomplished one at a time and are typically carried out at a single location. The firms audited are typically moderately complex, and there is usually previous audit experience by the firm. The audit conforms to standard procedural guidelines, but is often tailored to fit the client’s business activities. Routine procedures and techniques are sometimes inadequate and require adaptation. Necessary data are not always readily available. When assigned to more difficult and complex audits (see level IV), the accountant may run the audit of a major component or serve as the primary assistant to the accountant in charge. Typical duties and responsibilities. Carries out basic audit tests and procedures, such as: Verifying reports against source accounts and records; reconciling bank and other accounts; and examining cash receipts and disbursements, payroll records, requisitions, receiving reports, and other accounting documents in detail to ascertain that transactions are properly supported and recorded. Prepares selected portions of audit working papers. Public Accountants II General characteristics. At this level, the public account ant carries out routine audit functions and detail work with relative independence. Serves as a member of an audit team on assignments planned to provide exposure to a variety of client organizations and audit situations. Specific assignments depend upon the difficulty and complexity of the audit and whether the client has been previously audited by the firm. On moderately complex audits where there is previous audit experience by the firm, accomplishes complete segments of the audit (i.e., functional work areas such as cash, receivables, etc.). When assigned to more complicated audits, carries out activities similar to public accountants I. Direction received. Direction received. Works under the general supervision of a higher level public accountant who oversees the opera tions of the audit. Work is performed independently, applying generally accepted accounting principles and auditing standards, but assistance on difficult technical matters is available. Work may be checked occasionally during progress for appropriateness and adherence to time requirements, but routine analyses, methods, techniques, and procedures applied at the worksite are expected to be correct. Typical duties and responsibilities. Is responsible for carrying out the technical features of the audit, leading team members, and personally performing the most dif Works under the supervision of a 54 ficult work. Carries out field work in accordance with the general format prescribed in the audit program, but selects specific methods and types and sizes of samples and tests. Assigns work to team members, furnishes guidance, and adjusts workloads to accommodate daily priorities. Thoroughly reviews work performed for technical accuracy and adequacy. Resolves anticipated problems within established guidelines and priorities but refers problems of unusual difficulty to superiors for discussion and advice. Drafts financial statements, final reports, management letters, and other closing memoran da. Discusses significant recommendations with superiors and may serve as technical resource at “ closing” meetings with clients. Personal contacts are usually with chief accountants and assistant controllers of mediumsize companies and divisions of large corporations to explain and interpret policies and procedures governing the audit process. adjustments as necessary once an audit has begun; and selects specific methods, types, and sizes of samples, the extent to which discrepancies need to be investigated, and the depth of required analyses. Resolves most operational difficulties and unanticipated problems. Assigns work to team members; reviews work for appropriateness, conformance to time requirements, and adherence to generally accepted accounting principles and auditing standards. Consolidates working papers, drafts reports and findings; and prepares financial statements, management letters, and other closing memoranda for management approval. Participates in “closing” meetings as a technical resource and may be called upon to sell or defend controversial and critical observations and recommendations. Personal contacts are extensive and typically include top executives of smaller clients and mid- to upper-level financial and managment officers of large corporations, e.g., assist ant controllers or controllers. Such contacts involve coor dinating and advising on work efforts and resolving operating problems. Public Accountants IV General characteristics. At this level, the public account ant directs field work including difficult audits—e.g., those involving initial audits of new clients, acquisitions, or stock registrations—and may oversee a large audit team split between several locations. The audit team usually includes one or more level III public accountants who handle major components of the audit. The audits are complex and clients typically include those engaged in projects which span accounting periods; highly regulated industries which have various external reporting require ments; publicly held corporations; or businesses with very high dollar or transaction volume. Clients are frequently large with a variety of operations which may have different accounting systems. Guidelines may be general or lacking and audit programs are intricate, often requiring extensive tailoring to meet atypical or novel situations. N o t e : Excluded from this level are public account ants who direct field work associated with the complete range of audits undertaken by the firm, lead the largest and most difficult audits, and who frequently oversee teams performing concurrent audits. This type of work requires extensive knowledge of one or more industries to make subjective determinations on questions of tax, law, accounting, and business practices. Audits may be com plicated by such factors as: The size and diversity of the client organization (e.g., multinational corporations and conglomerates with a large number of separate and distinct subsidiaries); accounting issues where precedents are lacking or in conflict; and, in some cases, clients who are encountering substantial financial difficulties. They perform most work without technical supervision, and completed audits are reviewed mainly for propriety of recommendations and conformance with general policies of the firm. Also excluded are public accountants whose principal function is to manage, rather than perform accounting work, and the equity owners of the firm who have final approval authority. Works under general supervision. The supervisor sets overall objectives and resource limits but relies on the accountant to fully plan and direct all technical phases of the audit. Issues not covered by guidelines or known precedents are discussed with the supervisor, but the accountant’s recommended approaches and courses of action are normally approved. Work is reviewed for soundness of approach, completeness, and conformance with established policies of the firm. D irection received. CHIEF ACCOUNTANTS As the top technical expert in accounting, is responsible for directing the accounting program for a company or for an establishment of a company. The minimum accounting program includes: (1) General accounting (assets, liabilities, income, expense, and capital accounts, in cluding responsibility for profit and loss and balance sheet statements); and (2) at least one other major accounting activity, typically tax accounting, cost accounting, proper ty accounting, or sales accounting. It may also include such other activities as payroll and timekeeping, and Typical duties and responsibilities. Is responsible for carrying out the operational and technical features of the audit, directing the work of team members, and personally performing the most difficult work. Often participates in the development of the audit scope, and drafts complicated audit programs with a large number of concurrently executed phases. Independently develops audit steps and detailed procedures, deviating from tradi tional methods to the extent required. Makes program 55 mechanical or electronic data processing operations which are an adjunct of the accounting system. (Responsibility for an internal audit program is typically not included.) The responsibilities of the chief accountant include all of the following: subaccounts, and subsidiary records; and Providing special or interim reports and statements needed by the manager responsible for the day-to-day operations o f the organization served. This degree of authority is typically found at a plant or similar subordinate establishment. 1. On own responsibility, developing, adapting, or revising an accounting system to meet the needs of the organization; AR-2. The basic accounting system is prescribed in broad outline rather than in specific detail. While cer tain major financial reports, overall accounts, and general policies are required by the basic system, the chief accountant has broad latitude and authority to decide the specific methods, procedures, accounts, reports, etc., to be used within the organizational seg ment served. Approval must be secured from higher levels only for those changes which would basically af fect the broad requirements prescribed by such higher levels. Typical responsibilities include: 2. Supervising, either directly or through subordinate supervisors, the operation of the system with full management responsibility for the quality and quan tity of work performed, training and development of subordinates, work scheduling and review, coordina tion with other parts of the organization served, etc.; 3. Providing directly, or through an official such as a comptroller, advisory services to the top manage ment officials of the organization served as to: a. b. The status of financial resources and the finan cial trends or results of operations as revealed by accounting data, and selecting a manner of presentation that is meaningful to management; Evaluating and taking final action on recommendations proposed by subordinate establishments for changes in aspects o f the accounting system or activities not prescribed by higher authority; Methods for improving operations as suggested by an expert knowledge of accounting, e.g., proposals for improving cost control, property management, credit and collection, tax reduction, or similar programs. Extending cost accounting previously covered; not Preparing accounting reports and statements reflecting the events and progress of the entire organization for which incumbent is responsible, often consolidating data sub mitted by subordinate segments. This degree of authority is most typically found at in termediate organizational levels such as regional offices, or division or subsidiary headquarters. It is also found in some company-level situations where the authority of the chief accountant is less extensive than is described in AR-3. More rarely, it is found in plant-level chief ac countants who have been delegated more authority than usual for such positions as described in AR-1. AR-3. Has complete responsibility for establishing and maintaining the framework for the basic accounting system used in the company, subject only to general policy guidance and control from a higher level com pany official responsible for general financial manage ment. Typical responsibilities include: AR-1. The accounting system (i.e., accounts, pro cedures, and reports to be used) has been prescribed in considerable detail by higher levels in the company or organization. The chief accountant has final, unre viewed authority, within the prescribed system, to ex pand it to fit the particular needs of the organization served, e.g., in the following or comparable ways: Determining the basic characteristics of the company’s accounting system and the specific accounts to be used; Devising and preparing accounting reports and statements required to meet management’s needs for data; Establishing basic accounting policies, and procedures; Providing greater detail in accounts and reports or financial statements; areas Instituting new cost accounting procedures; Authority and Responsibility controls, to Expanding the utilization o f computers within the ac counting process; and Excluded are positions with responsibility for the ac counting program if they also include (as a major part of the job) responsibility for budgeting; work measurement; organization, methods, and procedures studies; or similar nonaccounting functions. (Positions of such breadth are sometimes titled comptroller, budget and accounting manager, financial manager, etc.) Some positions responsible for supervising general ac counting and one or more other major accounting ac tivities but which do not fully meet all of the respon sibilities of a chief accountant specified above may be covered by the descriptions for accountant. Chief accountant jobs which meet the characteristics described are classified by level of work according to (a) authority and responsibility, and (b) technical complexity, using table C -l. Establishing additional accounting operations interpretations, Reviewing and taking action on proposed revisions to the company’s accounting system suggested by subordinate units; and accounts, 56 Table C-1. Criteria for matching chief accountants by level — A u th o r ity and resp o n sib ility ' T ech n ica l c o m p lex ity ' I A R -1 TC-1 O n ly 1 or 2 p r o fe ss io n a l a cco u n ta n ts w h o d o n o t excee d th e a cc o u n ta n t III jo b d e fin itio n . II A R -I T C -2 A b o u t 5 to 10 p r o fe ssio n a l a c c o u n ta n ts , w ith at least o n e or tw o m a tc h in g th e a c c o u n ta n t IV jo b d e fin itio n . A R -2 TC-1 A b o u t 5 to 10 p r o fe ssio n a l a c c o u n ta n ts. M ost o f these m atch th e a cc o u n ta n t III jo b d e fin itio n , but o n e or tw o m ay m atch th e a c c o u n ta n t IV j o b d e fin itio n . A R -3 TC -1 O n ly 1 or 2 p r o fe ss io n a l a cco u n ta n ts w h o d o n o t ex cee d th e a cc o u n ta n t IV jo b d e fin itio n . A R -1 T C -3 A b o u t 15 to 20 p r o fe ssio n a l a c c o u n ta n ts. A t least o n e or tw o m atch the a c c o u n ta n t V jo b d e fin itio n . A R -2 T C -2 A b o u t 15 to 2 0 p r o fe ss io n a l a c c o u n ta n ts. M an y o f th e se m atch th e a cc o u n ta n t IV jo b d e fin itio n , but so m e m ay m atch th e a cc o u n ta n t V jo b d e fin itio n . A R -3 TC-1 A b o u t 5 to 10 p r o fe ssio n a l a c c o u n ta n ts. M ost o f th e se m atch th e a cc o u n ta n t III jo b d e fin itio n , but o n e or tw o m ay m atch as h igh as a cco u n ta n t V . A R -2 T C -3 A b o u t 25 to 4 0 p r o fe ss io n a l a c c o u n ta n ts . M an y o f th e se m atch th e a c c o u n ta n t V jo b d e fin itio n , but several m ay exceed that level. A R -3 T C -2 A b o u t 15 to 2 0 p r o fe ss io n a l a c c o u n ta n ts. M ost o f th e se m atch th e a c c o u n ta n t IV jo b d e fin itio n , but several m ay m atch th e a c c o u n ta n t V a n d o n e o r tw o m ay e x cee d that level. A R -3 T C -3 A b o u t 25 t o 4 0 p r o fe ss io n a l a c c o u n ta n ts. M an y o f th e se m atch th e a c c o u n ta n t V jo b d e fin itio n , but several m ay excee d that level. L evel III S u b o rd in a te p r o fe ssio n a l a c c o u n tin g s ta ff or IV or V 1 A R -1 , -2, -3 , and T C -1 , -2, an d -3 are e x p la in ed in the text. Taking final action on all technical accounting matters. serves has a relatively large number o f functions, products, work processes, etc., which require substantial and fre quent adaptations o f the basic system to meet management needs (e.g., adoption o f new accounts, subaccounts, and subsidiary records; revision o f instructions for the use o f accounts; improvements or expansion o f m ethods for ac cumulating and reporting cost data in connection with new or changed work processes). C haracteristically, participates extensively in broad com p any m anagem ent processes by providing a ccou n t ing ad vice, interpretations, or recom m en dation s based on data accum ulated in the accoun ting system and on p rofessional judgm ent and experience. Technical Complexity T C -3 . The organization which the accounting p ro gram serves puts a h ea vy d e m a n d on th e accoun tin g org a n iza tio n f o r sp e c ia lize d a n d ex ten sive a d a p ta tio n s o f the basic system to m eet m anagem ent needs. Such dem ands arise because the fu n ction s, products, work processes, etc., o f the organization are very num erous, diverse, unique, or specialized, or there are other co m parable com p lexities. C onsequ en tly, the accounting system , to a considerable degree, is developed well T C -1 . The organization w hich the accounting pro gram serves has relatively few fu n ction s, products, work processes, e tc ., and these tend to be stable and unchan g ing. The accounting system operates in accordance with w ell-established principles and practices or those o f equivalent d ifficu lty which are typical o f that industry. T C -2. The organization which the accounting program 57 Subordinate Staff beyond established principles and accoun ting practices in order to: In table C - l , the num ber o f p rofessional accountants supervised is recognized to be a relatively crude criterion for distinguishing betw een various levels. It is to be co n sidered less im portant in the m atching process than the other criteria. In addition to the sta ff o f p rofessional ac countants in the system for which the ch ief accountant is responsible, there are clerical, m achine op eration , b o o k k eep in g, and related personnel. Provide for the solution o f problems for which no clear precedents exist; or Provide for the development or extension of accounting theories and practices to deal with problems to which these theories and practices have not previously been applied. Attorneys Performs consultation and advisory work and carries out the legal processes necessary to effect the rights, privileges, and obligations of the company. The work performed requires completion of law school with an l . l . b . degree (or the equivalent) and admission to the bar. Responsibilities or functions include one or more o f the following or comparable duties: Difficulty D -l. Legal questions are characterized by: Facts that are well established; clearly applicable legal precedent; and matters not of substantial importance to the organization. (Usually relatively limited sums of money, e.g., a few thousand dollars, are involved.) Examples o f D-l work: Preparing and reviewing various legal instruments and documents, such as contracts, leases, licenses, purchases, sales, real estate, etc.; Legal investigation, negotiation, and research pre paratory to defending the organization in potential or actual lawsuits involving alleged negligence where the facts can be firmly established and there are precedent cases directly applicable to the situation. Acting as agent o f the company in its transactions; Examining material (e.g., advertisements, publications, etc.) for legal implications; advising officials o f proposed legislation which might affect the company; Searching case reports, legal documents, periodicals, textbooks, and other legal references, and preparing draft opinions on employee compensation or benefit questions when there is a substantial amount o f clearly applicable statutory, regulatory, and case material. Applying for patents, copyrights, or registration of com pany’s products, processes, devices, and trademarks; Advising whether to initiate or defend lawsuits; Drawing up contracts and other legal documents in connection with real property transactions requiring the development o f detailed information but not involving serious questions regarding titles to pro perty or other major factual or legal issues. Conducting pretrial preparations; defending the com pany in lawsuits; and Advising officials on tax matters, government regula tions, and/or corporate rights. Excluded from this definition are: D-2. Legal work is regularly difficult by reason of one or more of the following: The absence of clear and directly applicable legal precedents; the different possi ble interpretations that can be placed on the facts, the laws, or the precedents involved; the substantial impor tance of the legal matters to the organization (e.g., sums as large as $100,000 are generally directly or indirectly involved); and the matter is being strongly pressed or contested in formal proceedings or in negotiations by the individuals, corporations, or government agencies involved. Patent work which requires professional training in ad dition to legal training (typically a degree in engineering or in a science); Claims examining, claims investigating, or similar work f o r which professional legal training and bar membership is not essential; and Attorneys, frequently titled “ general counsel” (and their immediate full associates or deputies), who serve as company officers or the equivalent and are responsible for participating in the overall management and form ulation o f policy for the company in addition to directing its legal work. (The duties and responsibilities o f such positions exceed level VI as described below.) Examples o f D-2 work: Advising on the legal implications of advertising rep resentations when the facts supporting the representa tions and the applicable precedent cases are subject to different interpretations. Attorney jobs which meet the above definition are to be classified in accordance with table C-2 and the definitions which follow. 58 Table C-2. Criteria for matching attorneys by level D iffic u lty o f legal w o rk 1 L ev el I R esp o n sib ility o f jo b 1 T h is is th e en try lev<si. T h e d u ties an d resp o n sib ilitie s a fter iilitia l o r ie n ta tio n and tra in in g are th o s e des<;ribed in D - l a n d R - l. D -l II R -2 E xp erien ce required C o m p le tio n o f law sc h o o l w ith an L L .B . or J .D . degree p lu s a d m issio n to the bar. S u ffic ie n t p r o fe ssio n a l exp erien ce (at least 1 y ear, u su ally m ore) at the D -l lev el to assure co m p e te n c e as an a tto rn ey . or D -2 R -l D -2 R -2 D -3 R -l D -2 R-3 D -3 R -2 V D -3 R -3 E x te n siv e p r o fe ssio n a l ex p erien ce at th e D -3 level. VI D -3 R -4 E x ten siv e p r o fe ss io n a l exp erien ce at th e D -3 an d R -3 levels. III A t least 1 y ear, u su ally m o re, o f p r o fe ssio n a l exp erien ce at th e D -2 level. or IV E x ten siv e p r o fe ssio n a l exp erien ce at the D -2 or higher level. or 1 D - l , -2 , -3 , a n d R - l , -2 , -3 , and -4 are e x p la in ed in th e tex t. Serving as the principal counsel to the officers and staff of an insurance company on the legal problems in the sale, underwriting, and administration o f group contracts in volving nationwide or multistate coverages and laws. Reviewing and advising on the implications o f new or revised laws affecting the organization. Presenting the organization’s defense in court in a negligence lawsuit which is strongly pressed by counsel for an organized group. Performing the principal legal work in nonroutine, major revision o f the company’s charter or in effectuating new major financing steps. Providing legal counsel on tax questions complicated by the absence o f precedent decisions that are directly ap plicable to the organization’s situtation. Responsibility D-3. Legal work is typically complex and difficult because of one or more of the following: The questions are unique and require a high order of original and creative legal endeavor for their solution; the questions require extensive research and analysis and the obtain ing and evaluation of expert testimony regarding con troversial issues in a scientific, financial, corporate organization, engineering, or other highly technical area; and the legal matter is of critical importance to the organization and is being vigorously pressed or con tested (e.g., sums such as $1 million or more are general ly directly or indirectly involved). R -l. Responsibility for final action is usually limited to matters covered by legal precedents and in which little deviation from standard practice is involved. Any deci sions or actions having a significant bearing on the organization’s business are reviewed. Is given guidance in the initial stages of assignment, e.g., in planning and organizing legal research and studies. Assignments are then carried out with moderate independence although guidance is generally available and is sought from time to time on problem points. R-2. Usually works independently in investigating the facts, searching legal precedents, defining the legal and factual issues, drafting the necessary legal documents, and developing conclusions and recommendations. Decisions having an important bearing on the organiza tion’s business are reviewed. Receives information from supervisor regarding unusual circumstances or impor tant policy considerations pertaining to a legal problem. If trials are involved, may receive guidance from a supervisor regarding presentation, line of approach, possible line of opposition to be encountered, etc. In the case of nonroutine written presentations, the final prod uct is reviewed carefully, but primarily for overall soundness of legal reasoning and consistency with Examples of D-3 work: Advising on the legal aspects and implications o f Federal antitrust laws to projected greatly expanded marketing operations involving joint ventures with several other organizations. Planning legal strategy and representing a utility company in rate or government franchise cases involving a geographic area including parts of all or several States. Preparing and presenting a case before an appellate court where the case is highly important to the future operation o f the organization and is vigourously contested by very distinguished (e.g., having a broad regional or national reputation) legal talent. 59 ranking officials in private companies or in government agencies. On various aspects of assigned work, may give advice directly and personally to corporation officers and top-level managers, or may work through the general counsel of the company in advising officers. Generally receives no preliminary instructions on legal problems. On matters requiring the concentrated efforts of several attorneys or other specialists, is responsible for directing, coordinating, and reviewing the work of the attorneys involved. organization policy. Some, but not all, attorneys make assignments to one or more lower level attorneys, aides, or clerks. R-3. Carries out assignments independently and makes final legal determinations in matters of substantial impor tance to the organization. Such determinations are subject to review only for consistency with company policy, possi ble precedent effect, and overall effectiveness. To carry out assignments, deals regularly with company officers and top-level management officials and confers or negotiates regularly with senior attorneys and officials in other companies or in government agencies on various aspects of assigned work. Receives little or no preliminary instruction on legal problems and a minimum of technical legal supervision. May assign and review work of a few attorneys, but this is not a primary responsibility. OR As a primary responsibility, directs the work of a staff of attorneys, one, but usually more, of whom regularly performs D-3 legal work. With respect to the work directed, gives advice directly to corporation officers and top managerial officers, or may give such advice through the general counsel. Receives guidance as to organization policy but no technical supervision or assistance except when requesting advice from, or brief ing by, the general counsel on the overall approach to the most difficult, novel, or important legal questions. Usually reports to the general counsel or deputy. R-4. Carries out assignments which entail independently planning investigations and negotiations on legal problems of the highest importance to the organization and develop ing completed briefs, opinions, contracts, or other legal products. To carry out assignments, represents the organization at conferences, hearings, or trials and per sonally confers and negotiates with top attorneys and top Buyers N o t e : Some buyers are responsible for the purchas ing of a variety of items and materials. When the variety includes items and work described at more than one of the following levels, the position should be considered to equal the highest level that characterizes at least a substantial portion of the buyer’s time. Purchases materials, supplies, equipment, and serv ices (e.g., utilities, maintenance, and repair). In some instances, items are of types that must be specially de signed, produced, or modified by the vendor in accord ance with drawings or engineering specifications. Solicits bids, analyzes quotations received, and selects or recommends supplier. May interview prospective vendors. Purchases items and services at the most favorable price consistent with quality, quantity, specification requirements, and other factors. Prepares or supervises preparation of purchase orders from req uisitions. May expedite delivery and visit vendors’ offices and plants. Normally, purchases are unreviewed when they are consistent with past experience and are in conformance with established rules and policies. Proposed purchase transactions that deviate from the usual or from past ex perience in terms of prices, quality of items, quantities, etc., or that may set precedents for future purchases are reviewed by higher authority prior to final action. In addition to work described above, some (but not all) buyers direct the work of one or a few clerks who perform routine aspects of the work. As a secondary and subsidiary duty, some buyers may also sell or dispose of surplus, salvage, or used materials, equip ment, or supplies. Excluded are: a. Buyers o f items for direct sale, either wholesale or retail; b. Brokers and dealers buying for clients or for invest ment purposes; c. Positions that specifically require professional educa tion and qualifications in a physical science or in engineering (e.g., chemist, mechanical engineer); d. Buyers who specialize in purchasing a single or a few related items o f highly variable quality such as raw cotton or wool, tobacco, cattle, or leather for shoe uppers, etc. Expert personal knowledge of the item is required to judge the relative value o f the goods of fered, and to decide the quantity, quality, and price of each purchase in terms o f its probable effect on the organization’s profit and competitive status; e. Buyers whose principal responsibility is the supervis ion o f a purchasing program; 60 the types described for buyer I when the quantities pur chased are so large that local sources of supply are generally inadequate and the buyer must deal directly with manufacturers on a broader-than-local scale. f. Persons predominantly concerned with contract or subcontract administration; g. Persons whose major duties consist of ordering, reordering, or requisitioning items under existing contracts; Buyers III h. Positions restricted to clerical functions or to pur chase expediting work; and Purchases items, materials, or services of a technical and specialized nature. The items, while of a common general type, are usually made, altered, or customized to meet the user’s specific needs and specifications. Transactions usually require dealing with manufac turers. The number of potential vendors is likely to be small and price differentials often reflect important fac tors (quality, delivery dates and places, etc.) that are dif ficult to evaluate. The quantities purchased of any item or service may be large. Many of the purchases involve one or more of such complications as: Specifications that detail, in technical terms, the required physical, chemical, electrical, or other comparable properties; special testing prior to ac ceptance; grouping of items for lot bidding and awards; specialized processing, packing, or packaging require ments; export packs; overseas port differentials; etc. Is expected to keep abreast of market and product developments. May be required to locate new sources of supply. Some positions may involve assisting in the training or supervising of lower level buyers or clerks. Examples of items purchased include: Castings; special extruded shapes of normal size and material; special formula paints; electric motors of special shape or speeds; production equipment; special packaging of items; and raw materials in substantial quantities or with special characteristics. i. Positions not requiring: (1) Three years o f admin istrative, technical, or substantive clerical experi ence; (2) a bachelor’s degree in any field; or (3) any equivalent combination of experience and education yielding basic skills in problem analysis and communi cation. Buyers I Purchases “ off-the-shelf” types of readily available, commonly used materials, supplies, tools, furniture, services, etc. Transactions usually involve local retailers, whole salers, jobbers, and manufacturers’ sales representa tives. Quantities purchased are generally small amounts, e.g., those available from local sources. Examples of items purchased include: Common sta tionery and office supplies; standard types of office fur niture and fixtures; standard nuts, bolts, and screws; janitorial and common building maintenance supplies; or common utility services or office machine repair services. Buyers II Purchases “ off-the-shelf” types of standard, general ly available technical items, materials, and services. Transactions may involve occasional modification of standard and common usage items, materials, and serv ices, and include a few stipulations about unusual pack ing, marking, shipping, etc. Transactions usually involve dealing directly with manufacturers, distributors, jobbers, etc. Quantities of items and materials purchased may be relatively large, particularly in the case of contracts for continuing supply over a period of time. May be responsible for locating or promoting possi ble new sources of supply. Usually is expected to keep abreast of market trends, changes in business practices in the assigned markets, new or altered types of materials entering the market, etc. Examples of items purchased include: Standard in dustrial types of handtools; gloves and safety equipment; standard electronic parts, components, and component test instruments; electric motors; gasoline service station equipment; p b x or other specialized telephone services; special-purpose printing services; and routine purchases of common raw materials such as standard grades and sizes of steel bars, rods, and angles. Also included at this level are buyers of materials of Buyers IV Purchases highly complex and technical items, materials, or services, usually those specially designed and manufactured exclusively for the purchaser. Transactions require dealing with manufacturers and often involve persuading potential vendors to undertake the manufacturing of custom-designed items according to complex and rigid specifications. Quantities of items and materials purchased are often large in order to satisfy the requirements for an entire large organization for an extended period of time. Com plex schedules of delivery are often involved. Buyer determines appropriate quantities to be contracted for at any given period of time. Transactions are often complicated by the presence of one or more such matters as inclusion of: Requirements for spare parts, preproduction samples and testing, or technical literature; or patent and royalty provisions. Keeps abreast of market and product developments. Develops new sources of supply. 61 In addition to the work described above, a few posi tions may also require supervision over a few lower level buyers or clerks. (No position is included in this level solely because supervisory duties are performed.) Examples of items purchased include: Specialpurpose, high-cost machine tools and production facilities; specialized condensers, boilers, and turbines; raw materials of critically important characteristics or quality; and parts, subassemblies, components, etc., specially designed and made to order (e.g., communica tions equipment for installation in aircraft being manufactured; component assemblies for missiles and rockets; and motor vehicle frames). N o t e : Excluded are buying positions above level IV. Some buyers above level IV make purchases in such unusually large quantities that they can affect the market price of a commodity or produce other signifi cant effects on the industry or trade concerned. Others may purchase items of either (1) extraordinary technical complexity, e.g., involving the outermost limits of science or engineering, or (2) unusually high individual or unit value. Such buyers often persuade suppliers to expand their plants or convert facilities to the production of new items or services. These types of buying functions are often performed by program managers or company officials who have primary responsibilities other than buying. Computer Systems Analysts1 Analyzes business or scientific problems for resolu tion through electronic data processing. Gathers infor mation from users, defines work problems, and, if feasible, designs a system of computer programs and procedures to resolve the problems. Develops complete specifications to enable computer programmers to prepare required programs: Analyzes subject-matter operations to be automated; specifies number and types of records, files, and documents to be used and outputs to be produced; prepares work diagrams and data flow charts; coordinates tests of the system and participates in trial runs of new and revised systems; and recom mends computer equipment changes to obtain more effective operations. May also write the computer programs. Excluded are: (a) Trainees who receive detailed directives and work plans, select authorized procedures for use in specific situations, and seek assistance for deviations and problems; (b) Positions which require a bachelor’s degree in a specific scientific field (other than computer science), such as an engineering, mathematics, physics, or chemistry degree; however, positions are potential matches where the required degree may be from any o f several possible scientific fields; compilers, assemblers, system utility routines, etc., which provide basic services for the use o f all programs and provide for the scheduling o f the execution o f pro grams; however, positions matching this definition may develop a “total package” which includes not only analyzing work problems to be processed but also selecting the computer equipment and system software required. Positions are classified into levels on the basis of the following definitions. Computer Systems Analysts I At this level, initial assignments are designed to ex pand practical experience in applying systems analysis techniques and procedures. Provides several phases of the required systems analysis where the nature of the system is predetermined. Uses established factfinding approaches, knowledge of pertinent work processes and procedures, and familiarity with related computer pro gramming practices, system software, and computer equipment. Carries out factfinding and analysis as assigned, usually of a single activity or a routine problem; applies established procedures where the nature of the system, 1 For publication purposes, data for Computer Systems Analysts and Com puter Systems Analysts Supervisors/Managers were combined into a six level series as follows: (c) Computer programmers who write computer pro grams and solve user problems not requiring systems modification; Systems Analysts Level (d) Workers who primarily analyze and evaluate prob lems concerning computer equipment or its selection or utilization; and I ....................................................................... (e) Computer systems programmers or analysts who primarily write programs or analyze problems con cerning the system software, e.g., operating systems, II Ill IV V - Supervisory/ Managerial I II ................................................................. III ............................................................... IV ............................................................... V ................................................................ V I ................................................................ Nonsupervisory 62 I II III IV feasibility, computer equipment, and programming language have already been decided; may assist a higher level systems analyst by preparing the detailed specifica tions required by computer programmers from informa tion developed by the higher level analyst; may research routine user problems and solve them by modifying the existing system when the solutions follow clear precedents. When costs and deadline estimates are re quired, results receive close review. The supervisor defines objectives, priorities, and deadlines. Incumbents work independently; adapt guides to specific situations; resolve problems and deviations according to established practices; and obtain advice where precedents are unclear or not available. Completed work is reviewed for conformance to re quirements, timeliness, and efficiency. May supervise technicians and others who assist in specific assignments. compatibility with other work, and effectiveness in meeting requirements. May provide functional direction to lower level assistants on assigned work. OR Works on a segment of a complex data processing scheme or broad system, as described for computer systems analysts, level III. Works independently on routine assignments and receives instructions and guidance on complex assignments. Work is reviewed for accuracy of judgment, compliance with instructions, and to insure proper alignment with overall system. Computer Systems Analysts III Applies systems analysis and design techniques to complex computer systems in a broad area such as manufacturing; finance management; engineering, ac counting, or statistics; logistics planning; material management; etc. Usually, there are multiple users of the system; however, there may be complex single-user systems, e.g., for engineering or research projects. Re quires competence in all phases of available systems analysis techniques, concepts, and methods and knowledge of available systems software, computer equipment, and the regulations, structure, techniques, and management practices of one or more subjectmatter areas. Since input data usually come from diverse sources, is responsible for recognizing probable conflicts and integrating diverse data elements and sources. Produces innovative solutions for a variety of complex problems. Maintains and modifies complex systems or develops new subsystems such as an integrated production scheduling, inventory control, cost analysis, and sales analysis record in which every item of each type is automatically processed through the full system of records. Guides users in formulating requirements; ad vises on alternatives and on the implications of new or revised data processing systems; analyzes resulting user project proposals, identifies omissions and errors in re quirements, and conducts feasibility studies; recom mends optimum approach and develops system design for approved projects. Interprets information and in formally arbitrates between system users when conflicts exist. May serve as lead analyst in a design subgroup, directing and integrating the work of one or two lower level analysts, each responsible for several programs. Supervision and nature of review are similar to level II; existing systems provide precedents for the operation of new subsystems. Computer Systems Analysts II Applies systems analysis and design skills in an area such as a recordkeeping or scientific operation. A system of several varied sequences or formats is usually developed, e.g., develops systems for maintaining depositor accounts in a bank, maintaining accounts receivable in a retail establishment, maintaining inven tory accounts in a manufacturing or wholesale establish ment, or processing a limited problem in a scientific project. Requires competence in most phases of systems analysis and knowledge of pertinent system software and computer equipment and of the work processes, applicable regulations, workload, and practices of the assigned subject-matter area. Recognizes probable in teractions of related computer systems and predicts impact of a change in assigned system. Reviews proposals which consist of objectives, scope, and user expectations; gathers facts, analyzes data, and prepares a project synopsis which compares alternatives in terms of cost, time, availability of equipment and personnel, and recommends a course of action; and, upon approval of synopsis, prepares specifications for development of computer programs. Determines and resolves data processing problems and coordinates the work with programmers, users, etc.; orients user per sonnel on new or changed procedures. May conduct special projects such as data element and code standard ization throughout a broad system, working under specific objectives and bringing to the attention of the supervisor any unusual problems or controversies. Works independently under overall project objectives and requirements; apprises supervisor about progress and unusual complications. Guidelines usually include existing systems and the constraints imposed by related systems with which the incumbent’s work must be meshed. Adapts design approaches successfully used in prece dent systems. Completed work is reviewed for timeliness, Computer Systems Analysts IV Applies expert systems analysis and design techniques to complex systems development in a specialized design area and/or resolves unique or unyielding problems in 63 existing complex systems by applying new technology. Work requires a broad knowledge of data sources and flow, interactions of existing complex systems in the organization, and the capabilities and limitations of the systems software and computer equipment. Objectives and overall requirements are defined in organization e d p policies and standards; the primary constraints typically are those imposed by the need for compatibili ty with existing systems or processes. Supervision and nature of review are similar to levels II and III. Typical duties and responsibilities. following: Typical duties and responsibilities. One or more of the following: 1. As team or project leader, guides the development of broad unprecedented computer systems. The infor mation requirements are complex and voluminous. Devises completely new ways to locate and develop data sources; establishes new factors and criteria for making subject-matter decisions. Coordinates fact finding, analysis, and design of the system and ap plies the most recent developments in data processing technology and computer equipment. Guidelines consist o f state-of-the-art technology and general organization policy. A t least one team member per form s work at level IV. One or more of the 1. As team project leader, provides systems design in a specialized and highly complex design area, e.g., interrelated business statistics and/or projections, scientific systems, mathematical models, or similar unprecedented computer systems. Establishes the fram ework o f new computer systems from feasibility studies to postimplementation evaluation. Devises new sources o f data and develops new approaches and techniques for use by others. May serve as technical authority for a design area. At least one or two team members perform work at level III; one or two team members may also perform work as a level IV staff specialist or consultant as described below. 2. As staff specialist or consultant, is a recognized leader and authority in a large organization (as de fined above). Performs at least two of the following: (a) Has overall responsibility for evaluating the signifi cance of technological advancement and developing e d p standards where new and improved approaches are needed, e.g., programming techniques; (b) conceives and plans exploratory investigations critical to the overall organization where useful precedents do not exist and new concepts are required, e.g., develops recommendations regarding a comprehensive management information system; or (c) evaluates existing e d p organizational policy for effectiveness, devising and formulating changes in the organization’s position on broad policy issues. May be assisted on individual projects by other analysts. 2. As staff specialist or consultant, with expertise in a specialty area (e.g., data security, telecommunica tions, systems analysis techniques, e d p standards development, etc.), plans and conducts analyses o f unique or unyielding problems in a broad system. Identifies problems and specific issues in assigned area and prepares overall project recommendations from an e d p standpoint, including feasible ad vancements in e d p technology; upon acceptance, determines a design strategy that anticipates direc tions of change; designs and monitors necessary testing and implementation plans. Performs work such as: Studies broad areas o f projected work proc esses which cut across established organization e d p systems; conducts continuing review o f computer technological developments applicable to systems design and prepares long-range forecasts; develops e d p standards where new and improved approaches are needed; or develops recommendations for a management information system where new concepts are required. COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYSTS SUPERVISORS/MANAGERS Supervises three or more employees, two of whom perform systems analysis. Work requires substantial and recurring use of systems analysis skills in directing staff. May also supervise programmers and related clerical and technical support personnel. Excluded are: a. b. Supervisory positions having base levels below Computer Systems Analyst II or Computer Programmer IV. Computer Systems Analysts V c. As a top technical expert, develops broad unprec edented computer systems and/or conducts critical studies central to the success o f large organizations having extensive technical or highly diversified computer requirements. Considers such requirements as broad company policy, and the diverse user needs of several organization levels and locations. Works under general administrative direction. Positions also having significant responsibility for the management or supervision of functional areas (e.g., system software development, data entry, or computer operations) not related to the Computer Systems Analyst and Computer Programmer defini tions. Managers who supervise two or more subordinates performing at Computer Systems Analyst Supervisor/ Manager level IV. Supervisory jobs are matched at 1 of 4 levels accord ing to two factors: (a) Base level of work supervised, and (b) level of supervision. Table C-3 indicates the level of the supervisor for each combination of factors. 64 Table C-3. Criteria for matching computer systems analyst supervisors/managers Supervisor/manager level Base level of nonsupervisory job(s) Level of supervision Matched in the computer programmers definition Matched in the computer systems analysts definition IV V II III IV - - LS-1 LS-3 I II 11 1 IV V LS-2 II III IV Exclude III IV Exclude Exclude supervisors and reviews their evaluations of other employees; selects nonsupervisors (higher level approval is virtually assured) and recommends supervisory selec tions; and hears group grievances and serious or unresolved complaints. May shift resources among projects and perform long-range budget planning. Base Level of Work The base level of work is that level of nonsupervisory work under the direct or indirect supervision of the supervisor/manager which (when added to the non supervisory levels above it) represents at least 25 percent of the total nonsupervisory, nonclerical staff and at least two of the full-time positions supervised. To determine the base level of nonsupervisory, nonclerical work: (1) Positions are arrayed by level of difficulty; (2) the number of workers in each position is determined; and (3) the highest level is determined that has at least 25 percent of the total nonsupervisory, nonclerical staff accumulated from itself and levels above itself. N o t e : In rare instances, supervisory positions responsible for directing a sizable staff (e.g., 20-30 employees) may not have subordinate supervisors, but have all other LS-2 responsibilities. Such positions are matched to LS-2. LS-3. Directs two subordinate supervisory levels, and the work force managed typically includes substantially more than 30 employees. Makes major decisions and recommendations which have a direct, important, and substantial effect on own organization and work. Per forms at least three of the following: Level of Supervision Supervisors and managers are matched at 1 of the 3 LS levels below best describing their supervisory responsibility. Decides what programs and projects should be initiated, drop ped, expanded, or curtailed; LS-1 Plans, coordinates, and evaluates the work of a small staff, normally not more than 15 programmers, systems analysts, and technicians; estimates personnel needs and schedules, assigns and reviews work to meet completion date; interviews candidates for own unit and recommends hires, promotions, or reassignments; resolves complaints and refers group grievances and more serious unresolved complaints to higher level supervisors; and may reprimand employees. Determines long-range plans in response to program changes, evaluates program goals, and redefines objectives; Determines changes to be made in organizational structure, delegation of authority, coordination of units, etc.; Decides what compromises to make in operations in view of public relations implications and need for support from various groups; LS-2. Directs a sizable staff (normally 15-30 em ployees), typically divided into subunits controlled by subordinate supervisors; advises higher level manage ment of work problems of own unit and the impact on broader programs; collaborates with heads of other units to negotiate and/or coordinate work changes; makes decisions on work or training problems presented by subordinate supervisors; evaluates subordinate Decides on the means to substantially reduce operating costs without impairing overall operations; justifies major equip ment expenditures; and Resolves differences between key subordinate officials; decides, or significantly affects final decisions, on person nel actions for supervisors and other key officials. Computer Programmers Performs programming services for establishments or for outside organizations who may contract for services. Converts specifications (precise descriptions) about business or scientific problems into a sequence of de65 tailed instructions to solve problems by electronic data processing (E D P ) equipment, i.e., digital computers. Draws program flow charts to describe the processing of data and develops the precise steps and processing logic which, when entered into the computer in coded language (C O B O L , f o r t r a n , or other programming language), cause the manipulation of data to achieve desired results. Tests and corrects programs and prepares instructions for operators who control the computer during production runs. Modifies programs to increase operating efficiency or to respond to changes in work processes; maintains records to document pro gram development and revisions. At levels I, II, and III, some computer programmers may also perform programming analysis such as: Gathering facts from users to define their business or scientific problems and to investigate the feasibility of solving problems through new or modified computer programs; developing specifications for data inputs, flow, actions, decisions, and outputs; and participating on a continuing basis in the overall program planning along with other e d p personnel and users. In contrast, at levels IV and V, some programming analysis must be performed as part of the programming assignment. The analysis duties are identified as a separate paragraph at levels I, II, III, and IV and are part of each alternative described at level V. However, the systems requirements are defined by systems analysts or scientists. Excluded are: a. Positions which require a bachelor’s degree in a specific scientific field (other than computer science), such as an engineering, mathematics, physics, or chemistry degree; however, positions are potential matches where the required degree may be from any o f several possible scientific fields; b. Positions responsible for developing and modifying computer systems; c. Computer programmers who perform level IV or V programming duties but who perform no programming or utilization; programmers or analysts who primarily write programs or analyze problems concern ing the system software, e.g., operating systems, compilers, assemblers, system utility routines, etc., which provide basic services for the use o f all pro grams and provide for the scheduling o f the execution of programs; however, positions matching this defini tion may develop a “ total package” which includes not only writing programs to process data but also selecting the computer equipment and system software required; f. Employees who have significant responsibility for the management or supervision of workers (e.g., systems Positions are classified into levels based on the following definitions. Computer Programmers I At this trainee level, assignments are usually planned to develop basic programming skills because incumbents are typically inexperienced in applying such skills on the job. Assists higher level staff by performing elementary programming tasks which concern limited and simple data items and steps and which closely follow patterns of previous work done in the organization, e.g., drawing flow charts, writing operator instructions, or coding and testing routines to accumulate counts, tallies, or summaries. May perform routine programming assignments (as described in level II) under close supervision. In addition, as training and to assist higher level staff, computer programmers may perform elementary fact finding concerning a specified work process, e.g., a file of clerical records which is treated as a unit (invoices, requisitions, or purchase orders, etc.); reports findings to higher level staff. Receives classroom and/or on-the-job training in com puter programming concepts, methods, and techniques and in the basic requirements of the subject matter area. May receive training in elementary factfinding. Detailed, step-by-step instructions are given for each task and any deviation must be authorized by a supervisor. Work is closely monitored in progress and reviewed in detail upon completion. At this level, initial assignments are designed to develop competence in applying established programm ing procedures to routine problems. Performs routine programming assignments that do not require skilled background experience but do require knowledge of established programming procedures and data process ing requirements. Works according to clear-cut and complete specifications. The data are refined and the format of the final products is very similar to that of the input or is well defined when significantly different, i.e., there are few, if any, problems with interrelating varied records and outputs. Maintains and modifies routine programs. Makes approved changes by amending program flow charts, developing detailed processing logic, and coding changes. Tests and documents modifications and writes operator d. Workers who primarily analyze and evaluate prob lems concerning computer equipment or its selection systems g. Positions not requiring: (1) Three years of administrative, technical, or substantive clerical experience; (2) a bachelor’s degree in any field; or (3) any equivalent combination o f experience and education yielding basic skills in problem analysis and communication. Computer Programmers II analysis; e. Computer analysts) whose positions are not covered in this defi nition; or employees with significant responsibility for other functions such as computer operations, data entry, system software, etc.; and 66 instructions. May write routine new programs using prescribed specifications; may confer with e d p personnel to clarify procedures, processing logic, etc. In addition and as continued training, computer pro grammers may evaluate simple interrelationships in the immediate programming area, e.g., whether a con templated change in one part of a simple program would cause unwanted results in a related part; confers with user representatives to gain an understanding of the situation sufficient to formulate the needed change; implements the change upon approval of the supervisor or higher level staff. The incumbent is provided with charts, narrative descriptions of the functions perform ed, an approved statement of the product desired (e.g., a change in a local establishment report), and the in puts, outputs, and record formats. Reviews objectives and assignment details with higher level staff to insure thorough understanding; uses judg ment in selecting among authorized procedures and seeks assistance when guidelines are inadequate, significant deviations are proposed, or when unanticipated problems arise. Work is usually monitored in progress; all work is reviewed upon completion for accuracy and compliance with standards. portions of a scientific programming project, applying established scientific programming techniques to welldefined mathematical, statistical, engineering, or other scientific problems usually requiring the translation of mathematical notation into processing logic and code. (Scientific programming includes assignments such as: Using predetermined physical laws expressed in mathematical terms to relate one set of data to another; the routine storage and retrieval of field test data; and using procedures for real-time command and control, scientific data reduction, signal processing, or similar areas.) Tests and documents work and writes and main tains operator instructions for assigned programs. Confers with other e d p personnel to obtain or provide factual data. In addition, computer programmers may carry out factfinding and programming analysis of a single activity or routine problem, applying established procedures where the nature of the program, feasibility, computer equipment, and programming language have already been decided. May analyze present performance of the program and take action to correct deficiencies based on discussion with the user and consultation with and ap proval of the supervisor or higher level staff. May assist in the review and analysis of detailed program specifications and in program design to meet changes in work processes. Works independently under specified objectives; ap plies judgment in devising program logic and in selecting and adapting standard programming procedures; re solves problems and deviations according to established practices; and obtains advice where precedents are unclear or not available. Completed work is reviewed for conformance to standards, timeliness, and efficiency. May guide or instruct lower level programmers; may supervise technicians and others who assist in specific assignments. Computer Programmers III As a fully qualified computer programmer, applies standard programming procedures and detailed knowledge of pertinent subject matter (e.g., work processes, govern ing rules, clerical procedures, etc.) in a programming area such as: A recordkeeping operation (supply, personnel and payroll, inventory, purchasing, insurance payments, depositor accounts, etc.); a well-defined statistical or scien tific problem; or other standardized operation or problem. Works according to approved statements of requirements and detailed specifications. While the data are clear cut, related, and equally available, there may be substantial interrelationships of a variety of records, and several varied sequences or formats are usually produced. The programs developed or modified typically are linked to several other programs in that the output of one becomes the input for another. Recognizes probable interactions of other related programs with the assigned program(s) and is familiar with related system software and computer equip ment. Solves conventional programming problems. (In small organizations, may maintain programs which con cern or combine several operations, i.e., users, or develop programs where there is one primary user and the other gives input.) Performs such duties as: Develops, modifies, and maintains assigned programs; designs and implements modifications to the interrelation of files and records within programs in consultation with higher level staff; monitors the operation of assigned programs and responds to problems by diagnosing and correcting errors in logic and coding; and implements and/or maintains assigned OR Works on complex programs (as described in level IV) under close direction of higher level staff or supervisor. May assist higher level staff by independently performing less difficult tasks assigned, and performing more dif ficult tasks under close supervision. Computer Programmers IV Applies expertise in programming procedures to com plex programs; recommends the redesign of programs, investigates and analyzes feasibility and program requirements, and develops programming specifications. Assigned programs typically affect a broad multiuser computer system which meets the data processing needs of a broad area (e.g., manufacturing, logistics planning, finance management, human resources, material manage ment, etc.) or a computer system for a project in engineer ing, research, accounting, statistics, etc. Plans the full range of programming actions to produce several inter 67 related but different products from numerous and diverse data elements which are usually from different sources; solves difficult programming problems. Uses knowledge of pertinent system software, computer equipment, work processes, regulations, and management practices. Performs such duties as: Develops, modifies, and maintains complex programs; designs and implements the interrelation of files and records within programs which will effectively fit into the overall design of the project; working with problems or concepts, develops programs for the solution to major scientific computa tional problems requiring the analysis and development of logical or mathematical descriptions of functions to be programmed; and develops occasional special pro grams, e.g., a critical path analysis program to assist in managing a special project. Tests, documents, and writes operating instructions for all work. Confers with other ed p personnel to secure information, investigate and resolve problems, and coordinate work efforts. In addition, performs such programming analysis as: Investigates the feasibility of alternate program design approaches to determine the best balanced solution, e.g., one that will best satisfy immediate user needs, facilitate subsequent modification, and conserve resources; on typical maintenance projects and smaller scale, limited new projects, assists user personnel in defining problems or needs and determines how the work should be organiz ed, the necessary files and records, and their interrelation within the program; and on large or more complicated projects, usually participates as a team member along with other e d p personnel and users and is typically assigned a portion of the project. Works independently under overall objectives and direction, apprising the supervisor about progress and unusual complications. Modifies and adapts precedent solutions and proven approaches. Guidelines include constraints imposed by the related programs with which the incumbent’s programs must be meshed. Completed work is reviewed for timeliness, compatibility with other work, and effectiveness in meeting requirements. May function as team leader or supervise a few lower level programmers or technicians on assigned work. gramming analysis is included as a part of the program ming assignment. Supervision and review are similar to level IV. Typical duties and responsibilities. following: One or more of the 1. In a supervisory capacity, plans, develops, coordinates, and directs a large and important programming project (finance, manufacturing, sales/marketing, human re sources, or other broad area) or a number o f small pro gramming projects with complex features. A substantial portion o f the work supervised (usually two to three workers) is comparable to that described for level IV. Supervises, coordinates, and reviews the work o f a small staff, normally not more than 15 programmers and technicians; estimates personnel needs and schedules, assigns, and reviews work to meet completion date. These day-to-day supervisors evaluate performance, resolve complaints, and make recommendations on hiring and firing. They do not make final decisions on curtailing pro jects, reorganizing, or reallocating resources. 2. A s team leader, staff specialist, or consultant, defines complex scientific problems (e.g., computational) or other highly complex programming problems (e.g., generating overall forecasts, projections, or other new data fields widely different from the source data or untried at the scale proposed) and directs the development of computer programs for their solution; or designs improve ments in complex programs where existing precedents provide little guidance, such as an interrelated group of mathematical/statistical programs which support health insurance, natural resources, marketing trends, or other research activities. In conjunction with users (scientists or specialists), d e f in e s m a jo r p r o b le m s in t h e s u b je c t-m a tte r area. Contacts coworkers and user personnel at various locations to plan and coordinate project and gather data; devises ways to obtain data not previously available; and arbitrates differences between various program users when conflicting requirements arise. May perform simulation studies to determine effects o f changes in computer equip ment or system software or may assess the feasibility and soundness of proposed programming projects which are novel and complex. Typically, develops programming tech niques and procedures where few precedents exist. May be assisted on projects by other programmers or technicians. Computer Programmers V At level V, workers are typically either supervisors, team leaders, staff specialists, or consultants. Some pro Personnel Management JOB ANALYSTS preparing descriptions of duties and responsibilities and of the physical and mental requirements needed by workers; evaluating jobs and determining appropriate wage or salary levels in accordance with their difficulty and responsibility; independently conducting or participating with representatives of other companies in conducting Performs work involved in collecting, analyzing, and developing occupational data relative to jobs, job qualifi cations, and worker characteristics as a basis for compen sating employees in a fair, equitable, and uniform manner. Performs such duties as studying and analyzing jobs and 68 compensation surveys within a locality or labor market area; assisting in administering merit rating programs; reviewing changes in wages and salaries indicated by surveys and recommending changes in pay scales; and auditing individual jobs to check the propriety of evaluations and to apply current job classifications. Excluded are: rating programs. May plan survey methods and conduct or direct surveys within a broad compensation area. DIRECTORS OF PERSONNEL Directs a personnel management program for a com pany or a segment of a company. Serves top management officials of the organization as the source of advice and assistance on personnel management matters and pro blems generally; is typically consulted on the personnel im plications of planned changes in management policy or program, the effects on the organization of economic or market trends, product or production method changes, etc.; and represents management in contacts with other companies, trade associations, government agencies, etc., dealing primarily with personnel management matters. Typically, the director of personnel for a company reports to a company officer in charge of industrial rela tions and personnel management activities or an officer of similar level. Below the company level, the director of per sonnel typically reports to a company officer or a high management official who has responsibility for the opera tion of a plant, establishment, or other segment of the company. For a job to be covered by this definition, the person nel management program must include responsibility for all three of the following functions: a. Positions also responsible for supplying management with a high technical level o f advice regarding solu tion o f broad personnel management problems; b. Positions not requiring (1) three years o f adminis trative, technical, or substantive clerical experience; (2) a bachelor’s degree in any field; or (3) any equivalent combination o f experience and education yielding basic skills in problem analysis and communication. Job Analysts I As a trainee, performs work in designated areas and of limited occupational scope. Receives immediate supervision in assignments designed to provide training in the application of established methods and tech niques of job analysis. Studies the least difficult jobs and prepares reports for review by a job analyst of higher level. Job Analysts II Studies, describes, and evaluates jobs in accordance with established procedures. Is usually assigned to the simpler kinds of both wage and salaried jobs in the establishment. Works independently on such assignments but is limited by defined areas of assignment and instructions of superior. 1. Administering a job evaluation system: i.e., a system in which there are established procedures by which jobs are analyzed and evaluated on the basis of their duties, responsibilities, and qualification requirements in order to provide a foundation for equitable compensation. Typically, such a system includes the use of one or more sets of job evaluation factors and the preparation of for mal job descriptions. It may also include such related functions as wage and salary surveys or merit rating system administration. The job evaluation system(s) does not necessarily cover all jobs in the organization, but does cover a substantial portion of the organization. Job Analysts III Analyzes and evaluates a variety of wage and salaried jobs in accordance with established evaluation systems and procedures. May conduct wage surveys within the locality or participate in conducting surveys of broad compensa tion areas. May assist in developing survey methods and plans. Receives general supervision but responsibility for final action is limited. 2. Employment and placement function: i.e., recruiting actively for at least some kinds of workers through a variety of sources (e.g., schools or colleges, employment agencies, professional societies, etc.); evaluating ap plicants against demands of particular jobs by use of such techniques as job analysis to determine re quirements, interviews, written tests of aptitude, knowledge or skill, reference checks, experience evalua tions, etc.; recommending selections and job placements to management, etc. Job Analysts IV Analyzes and evaluates a variety of jobs in accordance with established evaluation systems and procedures, and is given assignments which regularly include responsibility for the more difficult kinds of jobs. (“ More difficult” means jobs which consist of hard-to-understand work processes; e.g., professional, scientific, administrative, or technical; or jobs in new or emerging occupational fields; or jobs which are being established as part of the creation of new organizations; or where other special considera tions of these types apply.) Receives general supervision, but responsibility for final action is limited. May partic ipate in the development and installation of evaluation or compensation systems, which may include those for merit 3. Employee relations and services function: i.e., func tions designed to maintain employees’ morale and productivity at a high level (e.g., administering a formal or informal grievance procedure; identifying and recommending solutions for personnel problems such as absenteeism, high turnover, low productivity, etc.; administration of beneficial suggestions system, retirement, pension, or insurance plans, merit rating 69 system, etc.; overseeing cafeteria operations, recrea tional programs, industrial health and safety pro grams, etc.). agreement reached at higher levels, or to supply advice and information on technical points to the company’s principal representative; c. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO); and In addition, positions covered by this definition may, but do not necessarily, include responsibilities in the following areas: d. Reporting under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Excluded are positions in which responsibility for actual contract negotiations with labor unions as the principal company representative is a significant aspect of the job, i.e., a responsibility which serves as a primary basis for qualification requirements and com pensation. Director of personnel jobs which meet the above definition are classified by level of work in accordance with the criteria shown in table C -4 . a. Employee training and development; b. Labor relations activities which are confined mainly to the administration, interpretation, and application of those aspects o f labor union contracts that are essential ly of the type described under (3) above. May also par ticipate in bargaining o f a subordinate nature, e.g., to negotiate detailed settlement o f such matters as specific rates, job classifications, work rules, hiring or layoff procedures, etc., within the broad terms o f a general Table C-4. Criteria for matching directors of personnel by level "Development level” personnel program2 "Operations level” personnel program1 Number of employees in work force serviced Number of employees in work force serviced "Type B” organization serviced4 “ Type A” organization serviced3 “ Type A ” organization serviced3 "Type B" organization serviced4 II III IV V III IV V r 1 250-750 ....................................... II 1,000-5,000 ................................. 6,000-12,000 ......................... III IV 15,000-25,000 ............................. ............. .. ..................... . . _________________ i, in 250-750 ............................... 1,000-5,000 ............................... 6,000-12,000 ............................. 15,000-25,000 ........................... IV V 1 "Operations level” personnel program—director of personnel servicing an organizational segment (e.g., a plant) of a company where the basic per sonnel program policies, plans, objectives, etc., are established at company headquarters or some other higher level between the plant and the com pany headquarters level. The personnel director’s responsibility is to put these into operation at the local level, in such a manner as to most effectively serve the local management needs. 2 "Development level" personnel program— either: (a) Director of personnel servicing an entire company (with or without subordinate establishments) where the personnel director plays an im portant role in establishment of basic personnel policies, plans, objectives, etc., for the company subject to policy direction and control from com pany officers: or (b) director of personnel servicing an intermediate organization below the company level, e.g., a division or a subsidiary to which a relatively complete delegation of personnel program planning and development responsibility is made. In this situation, only basic policy direction is given by the parent company and local officers. The director of personnel has essentially the same degree of latitude and responsibility for basic personnel policies, plans objectives, etc., as described above in (a). 3 "Type A" organization serviced— most jobs serviced do not present par ticularly difficult or unusual recruitment, job evaluation, or training problems because the jobs consist of relatively easy-to-understand work processes, and an adequate labor supply is available These conditions are most likely to be found in organizations in which the work force and organizational struc ture are relatively stable. 4 "Type B" organization serviced— a substantial proportion of the jobs pre sent difficult recruitment, job evaluation, or training problems because the jobs Consist of hard-to-understand work processes (e.g., professional, scien tific, administrative, or technical): have hard-to-match skill requirements: are in new or emerging occupations: or are extremely hard to fill These condi tions are most likely to be found in organizations in which the work force, organizational structure, work processes or functions, etc , are complicated or unstable NOTE There are gaps between different degrees of all three elements used to determine job level matches. These gaps have been provided pur posely to allow room for judgment in getting the best overall job level match for each job Thus, a job which services a work force of 850 employees should be matched with level II if it is a personnel program operations level job where the nature of the organization serviced seems to fall slightly below the definition for type B However, the same job should be matched with level I if the nature of the organization serviced clearly falls well within the definition for type A Chemists and Engineers CHEMISTS degree in chemistry or the equivalent in appropriate and substantial college level study of chemistry plus ex perience. Performs professional work in research, develop ment, interpretation, and analysis to determine the com position, molecular structure, and properties of substances; to develop or investigate new materials and processes; and to investigate the transformations which substances undergo. Work typically requires a b . s . Chemists I General characteristics. This is the entry level of profes sional work requiring a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and 70 no experience, or the equivalent of a degree in appropriate education and experience. Performs assignments designed to develop professional capabilities and to provide ex perience in the application of training in chemistry as it relates to the company’s programs. May also receive formal classroom or seminar-type training. (Terminal positions are excluded.) received. Works under close supervision. Receives specific and detailed instructions as to required tasks and results expected. Work is checked during prog ress, and is reviewed for accuracy upon completion. D irection T ypical du ties a n d responsibilities. Performs a variety of routine tasks that are planned to provide experience and familiarization with the chemistry staff, methods, practices, and programs of the company. The work in cludes a variety of routine qualitative and quantitative analyses; physical tests to determine properties such as viscosity, tensile strength, and melting point; and assisting more experienced chemists to gain additional knowledge through personal observation and discussion. R e sp o n sib ility f o r direction o f oth ers. Usually none. Chemists II G eneral characteristics. At this continuing developmen tal level, performs routine chemical work requiring selection and application of general and specialized methods, techniques, and instruments commonly used in the laboratory, and the ability to carry out instructions when less common or proposed methods or procedures are necessary. Requires work experience acquired in an entry level position, or appropriate graduate level study. For training and developmental purposes, assignments may include some work that is typical of a higher level. D irection received. Supervisor establishes the nature and extent of analyses required, specifies methods and criteria on new types of assignments, and reviews work for thoroughness of application of methods and ac curacy of results. May be assisted by a few aides or technicians. Chemists III G eneral characteristics. Performs a broad range of chemical tests and procedures utilized in the laboratory, using judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and adaptation of standard methods and techniques. May carry through a complete series of tests on a product in its different process stages. Some assignments require a specialized knowledge of one or two common categories of related substances. Performance at this level requires developmental experience in a professional position, or equivalent graduate level education. On routine work, supervision is very general. Assistance is furnished on unusual problems and work is reviewed for application of sound professional judgment. D irection received. Typical du ties a n d responsibilites. In accordance with in structions as to the nature of the problem, selects standard methods, tests, or procedures; when necessary, develops or works out alternative or modified methods with super visor’s concurrence. Assists in research by analyzing samples or testing new procedures that require specialized training because (a) standard methods are inapplicable, (b) analytical findings must be interpreted in terms of compliance or noncompliance with standards, or (c) spe cialized and advanced equipment and techniques must be adapted. May supervise or coordinate the work of a few technicians or aides, and be assisted by lower level chemists. R espon sibility f o r direction o f others. Chemists IV G eneral characteristics. As a fully competent chemist in all conventional aspects of the subject matter or the functional areas of the assignments, plans and conducts work requiring (a) mastery of specialized techniques or ingenuity in selecting and evaluating approaches to un foreseen or novel problems, and (b) ability to apply a research approach to the solution of a wide variety of problems and to assimilate the details and significance of chemical and physical analyses, procedures, and tests. Requires sufficient professional experience to assure competence as a fully trained worker; or, for positions primarily of a research nature, completion of all re quirements for a doctoral degree may be substituted for experience. T yp ica l d u ties a n d respon sibilities. Carries out a wide variety of standardized methods, tests, and procedures. In accordance with specific instructions, may carry out proposed and less common ones. Is expected to detect problems in using standardized procedures because of the condition of the sample, difficulties with the equip ment, etc. Recommends modifications of procedures, e.g., extending or curtailing the analysis or using alter nate procedures, based on knowledge of the problem and pertinent available literature. Conducts specified phases of research projects as an assistant to an ex perienced chemist. R e sp o n sib ility f o r d irectio n o f oth ers. 71 Direction received. Independently performs most assignments with instructions as to the general results expected. Receives technical guidance on unusual or complex problems and supervisory approval on pro posed plans for projects. Typical duties and responsibilities. Conducts laboratory assignments requiring the determination and evaluation of alternative procedures and the sequence of performing them. Performs complex, exacting, or unusual analytical assignments requiring specialized knowledge of techniques or products. Interprets results, prepares reports, and may provide technical advice in specialized area. Responsibility for direction o f others. May supervise a small staff of chemists and technicians. General characteristics. Performs work requiring leadership and expert knowledge in a specialized field, product, or process. Formulates and conducts a systematic attack on a problem area of considerable scope and complexity which must be approached through a series of complete and conceptually related studies, or a number of projects of lesser scope. The problems are complex because they are difficult to define and require unconventional or novel approaches or have other difficult features. Maintains liaison with individuals and units within and outside the organiza tion, with responsibility for acting independently on technical matters pertaining to the field. Work at this level usually requires extensive progressive experience including work comparable to chemist V. Direction received. Supervision received is essentially administrative, with assignments given in terms of broad, general objectives and limits. Chemists V General characteristics. Participates in planning laboratory programs on the basis of specialized knowledge of problems and methods and probable value of results. May serve as an expert in a narrow specialty (e.g., class of chemical compounds, or a class of products), making recommendations and conclusions which serve as the basis for undertaking or rejecting im portant projects. Development of the knowledge and expertise required for this level of work usually reflects progressive experience through chemist IV. Typical duties and responsibilities. One or both of the following: (1) In a supervisory capacity, (a) plans, develops, coordinates, and directs a number of large and important projects or a project of major scope and importance; or (b) is responsible for the entire chemical program of a company, when the program is of limited complexity and scope. Activities supervised are of such a scope that they require a few (three to five) subordi nate supervisors or team leaders with at least one in a position comparable to level V. (2) As individual researcher or worker, determines, conceives, plans, and conducts projects of major importance to the company. Applies a high degree of originality and ingenuity in adapting techniques into original combinations and configurations. May serve as a consultant to other chemists in specialty. Direction received. Supervision and guidance relate largely to overall objectives, critical issues, new con cepts, and policy matters. Consults with supervisor con cerning unusual problems and developments. Typical duties and responsibilities. One or both of the following: (1) In a supervisory capacity, plans, organizes, and directs assigned laboratory programs. Independently defines scope and critical elements of the projects and selects approaches to be taken. A substan tial portion of the work supervised is comparable to that described for chemist IV. (2) As individual researcher or worker, carries out projects requiring development of new or highly modified scientific techniques and procedures, extensive knowledge of specialty, and knowledge of related scientific fields. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Plans, organizes, and supervises the work of a staff of chemists and technicians. Evaluates progress of the staff and results obtained, and recommends major changes to achieve overall objectives. Or, as individual worker or researcher, may be assisted on individual projects by other chemists or technicians. Chemists VII Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Supervises, coordinates, and reviews the work of a small staff of chemists and technicians engaged in varied research and development projects, or a larger group performing routine analytical work. Estimates personnel needs and schedules and assigns work to meet completion date. Or, as individual researcher or worker, may be assisted on projects by other chemists or technicians. Chemists VI General characteristics. Makes decisions and recommen dations that are recognized as authoritative and have an important impact on extensive chemical activities. Ini tiates and maintains extensive contacts with key chemists and officials of other organizations and companies. Re quires skill in persuasion and negotiation of critical issues. 72 impact on extensive chemical and related activities of the company. Negotiates critical and controversial issues with top level chemists and officers of other organizations and companies. Individuals at this level have demonstrated a high degree of creativity, foresight, and mature judgment in planning, organizing, and guiding extensive chemical programs and activities of outstanding novelty and importance. At this level, individuals will have demonstrated creativity, foresight, and mature judgment in anticipating and solving unprecedented chemical problems, determining program objectives and requirements, organizing programs and projects, and developing standards and guides for diverse chemical activities. Direction received. direction. Receives general administrative Direction received. direction. Typical duties and responsibilities. One or both of the following: (1) In a supervisory capacity, is responsible for (a) an important segment of a chemical program of a company with extensive and diversified scientific requirements, or (b) the entire chemical program of a company where the program is more limited in scope. The overall chemical program contains critical problems the solution of which requires major technological ad vances and opens the way for extensive related develop ment. Makes authoritative technical recommendations concerning the scientific objectives and levels of work which will be most profitable in light of company re quirements and scientific and industrial trends and developments. Recommends facilities, personnel, and funds required. (2) As individual researcher and consul tant, selects problems for research to further the com pany’s objectives. Conceives and plans investigations in which the phenomena and principles are not adequately understood, and where few or contradictory scientific precedents or results are available for reference. Outstanding creativity and mature judgment are re quired to devise hypotheses and techniques of ex perimentation and to interpret results. As a leader and authority in the company, in a broad area of specializa tion, or in a narrow but intensely specialized one, ad vises the head of a large laboratory or company officials on complex aspects of extremely broad and important programs. Has responsibility for exploring, evaluating, and justifying proposed and current programs and proj ects and furnishing advice on unusually complex and novel problems in the specialty field. Typically will have contributed innovations (e.g., techniques, products, procedures) which are regarded as significant advances in the field. Typical duties and responsibilities. One or both of the following: (1) Iin a supervisory capacity, is responsible for (a) an important segment of a very extensive and highly diversified chemical program of a company; or (b) the entire chemical program of a company when the program is of moderate scope. The programs are of such complexity and scope that they are of critical im portance to overall objectives, include problems of ex traordinary difficulty that often have resisted solution, and consist of several segments requiring subordinate supervisors. Is responsible for deciding the kind and extent of chemical and related programs needed to ac complish the objectives of the company, for choosing the scientific approaches, for planning and organizing facilities and programs>and for interpreting results. (2) As individual researcher and consultant, formulates and guides the attack on problems of exceptional difficulty and marked importance to the company and/or industry. Problems are characterized by the lack of scientific precedents and source materials, or the lack of success of prior research and analysis so that their solution would represent an advance of great significance and impor tance. Performs advisory and consulting work for the company as a recognized authority for broad program areas of considerable novelty and importance. Has made contributions such as new products or techniques, development of processes, etc., which are regarded as major advances in the field. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Supervises several subordinate supervisors or team leaders, some of whose positions are comparable to chemist VII, or in dividual researchers, some of whose positions are com parable to chemist VII and sometimes chemist VIII. As an individual researcher and consultant, may be assisted on individual projects by other chemists or technicians. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Directs several subordinate supervisors or team leaders, some of whom are in positions comparable to chemist VI; or, as in dividual researcher and consultant, may be assisted on individual projects by other chemists and technicians. N o t e .- Individuals in charge of a company’s chemical program may match any of several of the survey job levels, depending on the size and complexity of chemical programs. Excluded from the definition are: (1) Chemists in charge of programs so extensive and complex (e.g., consisting of highly diversified or unusually novel products and procedures) that one or Chemists VIII General characteristics. Makes decisions and recommen dations that are authoritative and have a far-reaching Receives general administrative 73 more subordinate supervisory chemists are performing at level VIII; (2) individuals whose decisions have direct and substantial effect on setting policy for the organiza tion (included, however, are supervisors deciding the “ kind and extent of chemical program” within broad guidelines set at higher levels); and (3) individual researchers and consultants who are recognized as national and/or international authorities and scientific leaders in very broad areas of scientific interest and investigation. ENGINEERS Performs professional work in research, development, design, testing, analysis, production, construction, maintenance, operation, planning, survey, estimating, application, or standardization of engineering facilities, systems, structures, processes, equipment, devices, or materials, requiring knowledge of the science and art by which materials, natural resources, and power are made useful. Work typically requires a B.s. degree in engineer ing or the equivalent in combined education and ex perience. (Excluded are: Safety engineers, industrial engineers, quality control engineers, sales engineers, and engineers whose primary responsibility is to be in charge of nonprofessional maintenance work.) Engineers I General characteristics. This is the entry level of profes sional work requiring a bachelor’s degree in engineering and no experience, or the equivalent of a degree in ap propriate education and experience. Performs assignments designed to develop professional work knowledge and abilities. May also receive formal classroom or seminartype training. Typical duties and responsibilities. Using prescribed methods, performs specific and limited portions of a broader assignment of an experienced engineer. Applies standard practices and techniques in specific situations, adjusts and correlates data, recognizes discrepancies in results, and follows operations through a series of related detailed steps or processes. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. by a few aides or technicians. May be assisted Engineers III General characteristics. Independently evaluates, selects, and applies standard engineering techniques, procedures, and criteria, using judgment in making minor adaptations and modifications. Assignments have clear and specified objectives and require the in vestigation of a limited number of variables. Perform ance at this level requires developmental experience in a professional position, or equivalent graduate level education. Typical duties and responsibilities. Performs work which involves conventional types of plans, investiga tions, surveys, structures, or equipment with relatively few complex features for which there are precedents. Assignments usually include one or more of the follow ing: Equipment design and development, test of materials, preparation of specifications, process study, research investigations, report preparation, and other activities of limited scope requiring knowledge of prin ciples and techniques commonly employed in the specific narrow area of assignments. Typical duties and responsibilities. Performs a variety of routine tasks that are planned to provide experience and familiarization with the engineering staff, methods, practices, and programs of the company. Usually none. Engineers II General characteristics. At this continuing developmen tal level, performs routine engineering work requiring application of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria in carrying out a sequence of related engineering tasks. Limited exercise of judgment is required on details of work and in making preliminary selections and Direction received. Supervisor screens assignments for unusual or difficult problems and selects techniques and procedures to be applied on nonroutine work. Receives close supervision on new aspects of assignments. Direction received. Receives instructions on specific assignment objectives, complex features, and possible solutions. Assistance is furnished on unusual problems and work is reviewed for application of sound profes sional judgment. Direction received. Works under close supervision. Receives specific and detailed instructions as to required tasks and results expected. Work is checked during prog ress and is reviewed for accuracy upon completion. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. adaptations of engineering alternatives. Requires work experience acquired in an entry level position, or appropriate graduate level study. For training and developmental purposes, assignments may include some work that is typical of a higher level. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. May supervise or coordinate the work of drafters, technicians, and others who assist in specific assignments. 74 Engineers IV coordinates, and directs a large and important engineering project or a number of small projects with many complex features. A substantial portion of the work supervised is comparable to that described for engineer IV. (2) As indi vidual researcher or worker, carries out complex or novel assignments requiring the development of new or improv ed techniques and procedures. Work is expected to result in the development of new or refined equipment, materi als, processes, products, and/or scientific methods. (3) As staff specialist, develops and evaluates plans and criteria for a variety of projects and activities to be carried out by others. Assesses the feasibility and soundness of proposed engineering evaluation tests, products, or equipment when necessary data are insufficient or confirmation by testing is advisable. Usually performs as a staff advisor and consultant as to a technical specialty, a type of facility or equipment, or a program function. General characteristics. As a fully competent engineer in all conventional aspects of the subject matter or the functional area of the assignments, plans and conducts work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria. Devi ses new approaches to problems encountered. Requires sufficient professional experience to assure competence as a fully trained worker; or, for positions primarily of a research nature, completion of all requirements for a doctoral degree may be substituted for experience. Direction received. Independently performs most assignments with instructions as to the general results expected. Receives technical guidance on unusual or complex problems and supervisory approval on propos ed plans for projects. Responsibility for direction o f others. Supervises, coor dinates, and reviews the work of a small staff of engineers and technicians; estimates personnel needs and schedules and assigns work to meet completion date. Or, as in dividual researcher or staff specialist, may be assisted on projects by other engineers or technicians. Typical duties and responsibilities. Plans, schedules, conducts, or coordinates detailed phases of the engineering work in a part of a major project or in a total project of moderate scope. Performs work which involves conventional engineering practices but may include a variety of complex features such as conflicting design requirements, unsuitability of standard materi als, and difficult coordination requirements. Work re quires. a broad knowledge of precedents in the specialty area and a good knowledge of principles and practices of related specialties. Engineers VI General characteristics. Has full technical responsibility for interpreting, organizing, executing, and coordinating assignments. Plans and develops engineering projects con cerned with unique or controversial problems which have an important effect on major company programs. This in volves exploration of subject area, definition of scope and selection of problems for investigation, and development of novel concepts and approaches. Maintains liaison with individuals and units within or outside the organization with responsibility for acting independently on technical matters pertaining to the field. Work at this level usually requires extensive progressive experience including work comparable to engineer V. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. May supervise a few engineers or technicians on assigned work. Engineers V General characteristics. Applies intensive and diversi fied knowledge of engineering principles and practices in broad areas of assignments and related fields. Makes decisions independently on engineering problems and methods, and represents the organization in conferences to resolve important questions and to plan and coor dinate work. Requires the use of advanced techniques and the modification and extension of theories, precepts, and practices of the field and related sciences and disciplines. The knowledge and expertise required' for this level of work usually result from progressive experience, including work comparable to engineer IV. Direction received. Supervision received is essentially ad ministrative, with assignments given in terms of broad, general objectives and limits. Typical duties and responsibilities. One or more of the following: (1) In a supervisory capacity, (a) plans, develops, coordinates, and directs a number of large and important projects or a project of major scope and importance; or (b) is responsible for the entire engineering program of a company when the program is of limited complexity and scope. Extent of responsibilities generally requires a few (three to five) subordinate supervisors or team leaders with at least one in a position comparable to level V. (2) As individual researcher or worker, conceives, plans, and conducts research in problem areas of Direction received. Supervision and guidance relate largely to overall objectives, critical issues, new concepts, and policy matters. Consults with supervisor concerning unusual problems and developments. Typical duties and responsibilities. One or more of the following: (1) In a supervisory capacity, plans, develops, 75 considerable scope and complexity. The problems must be approached through a series of complete and conceptually related studies, be difficult to define, require unconven tional and novel approaches, and require sophisticated research techniques. Available guides and precedents contain critical gaps, are only partially related to the problem, or may be largely lacking due to the novel character of the project. At this level, the individual researcher generally will have contributed inventions, new designs, or techniques which are of material significance in the solution of important problems. (3) As a staff specialist, serves as the technical specialist for the organization (division or company) in the application of advanced theories, concepts, principles, and processes for an assigned area of responsibility (i.e., subject matter, function, type of facility or equipment, or product). Keeps abreast of new scientific methods and developments affecting the organization for the purpose of recommending changes in emphasis of programs or new programs warranted by such developments. opens the way for extensive related development. Extent of responsibilities generally requires several subordinate organizational segments or teams. Recommends facilities, personnel, and funds required to carry out programs which are directly related to and directed toward fulfill ment of overall company objectives. (2) As individual researcher and consultant, is a recognized leader and authority in the company in a broad area of specialization or in a narrow but intensely specialized field. Selects research problems to further the company’s objectives. Conceives and plans investigations of broad areas of con siderable novelty and importance for which engineering precedents are lacking in areas critical to the overall engineering program. Is consulted extensively by associates and others, with a high degree of reliance placed on the in cumbent’s scientific interpretations and advice. Typically, will have contributed inventions, new designs, or tech niques which are regarded as major advances in the field. Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Directs several subordinate supervisors or team leaders, some of whom are in positions comparable to engineer VI; or, as in dividual researcher and consultant, may be assisted on individual projects by other engineers and technicians. Responsibility for direction o f others. Plans, organizes, and supervises the work of a staff of engineers and techni cians. Evaluates progress of the staff and results obtained, and recommends major changes to achieve overall objec tives. Or, as individual researcher or staff specialist, may be assisted on individual projects by other engineers or technicians. Engineers VIII General characteristics. Makes decisions and recom mendations that are recognized as authoritative and have a far-reaching impact on extensive engineering and related activities of the company. Negotiates critical and controversial issues with top level engineers and officers of other organizations and companies. Individuals at this level demonstrate a high degree of creativity, foresight, and mature judgment in planning, organiz ing, and guiding extensive engineering programs and activities of outstanding novelty and importance. Engineers VII General characteristics. Makes decisions and recom mendations that are recognized as authoritative and have an important impact on extensive engineering activities. Initiates and maintains extensive contacts with key engineers and officials of other organizations and com panies, requiring skill in persuasion and negotiation of critical issues. At this level, individuals will have demonstrated creativity, foresight, and mature engineer ing judgment in anticipating and solving unprecedented engineering problems, determining program objectives and requirements, organizing programs and projects, and developing standards and guides for diverse engineering activities. Direction received. direction. Direction received. direction. Typical duties and responsibilities. One or both of the following: (1) In a supervisory capacity, is responsible for (a) an important segment of a very extensive and highly diversified engineering program of a company, or (b) the entire engineering program of a company when the program is of moderate scope. The programs are of such complexity and scope that they are of critical importance to overall objectives, include problems of extraordinary difficulty that often have resisted solu tion, and consist of several segments requiring subor dinate supervisors. Is responsible for deciding the kind and extent of engineering and related programs needed to accomplish the objectives of the company, for choos ing the scientific approaches, for planning and organiz Receives general administrative Typical duties and responsibilities. One or both of the following: (1) In a supervisory capacity, is responsible for (a) an important segment of the engineering program of a company with extensive and diversified engineering requirements, or (b) the entire engineering program of a company when it is more limited in scope. The overall engineering program contains critical problems, the solu tion of which requires major technological advances and Receives general administrative 76 assisted on individual projects by other engineers or technicians. ing facilities and programs, and for interpreting results. (2) As individual researcher and consultant, formulates and guides the attack on problems of exceptional dif ficulty and marked importance to the company or in dustry. Problems are characterized Jby their lack of scientific precedents and source material, or lack of suc cess of prior research and analysis so that their solution would represent an advance of great significance and importance. Performs advisory and consulting work for the company as a recognized authority for broad program areas or in an intensely specialized area of considerable novelty and importance. Individuals in charge of a company’s engineer ing program may match any of several of the survey job levels, depending on the size and complexity of engineering programs. Excluded from the definition are: (1) Engineers in charge of programs so extensive and complex (e.g., consisting of research and development on a variety of complex products or systems with numerous novel components) that one or more subordinate supervisory engineers are performing at level VIII; (2) individuals whose decisions have direct and substantial effect on set ting policy for the organization (included, however, are supervisors deciding the “ kind and extent of engineering and related programs” within broad guidelines set at a higher level); and (3) individual researchers and con sultants who are recognized as national and/or interna tional authorities and scientific leaders in very broad areas of scientific interest and investigation. N o te: Responsibility fo r direction o f others. Supervises several subordinate supervisors or team leaders, some of whose positions are comparable to engineer VII, or in dividual researchers some of whose positions are com parable to engineer VII and sometimes engineer VIII. As an individual researcher and consultant, may be Technical Support Occupations recording simple instrument intervals; and ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS To be covered by these definitions, employees must meet all of the following criteria: b. Above level V who perform work o f broad scope and complexity either by planning and accomplishing a complete project or study or by serving as an expert in a narrow aspect o f a particular field o f engineering. 1. Provides semiprofessional technical support for engineers working in such areas as research, de sign, development, testing, or manufacturing process improvements. Engineering Technicians I Performs simple routine tasks under close supervision or from detailed procedures. Work is checked in process or on completion. Performs, at this level, one or a combination of such typical duties as: 2. Work pertains to electrical, electronic, or mechanical components or equipment. 3. Required to have some practical knowledge of science or engineering; some positions may also require a practical knowledge o f mathematics or computer science. Assembles or installs equipment or parts requiring simple wiring, soldering, or connecting. Excludes production or maintenance workers, quality control technicians or testers, modelmakers or other craftworkers, chemical or other nonengineering techni cians, civil engineering technicians, drafters, designers, and engineers (who are required to apply a professional knowledge of engineering theory and principles to their duties, unlike higher level engineering technicians who may perform the same duties using only practical skills and knowledge). Also excludes engineering technicians: Performs simple or routine tasks or tests such as tensile or hardness tests; operates and adjusts simple test equipment; records test data. Gathers and maintains specified records o f engineering data such as tests, drawings, etc.; performs computations by substituting numbers in specified formulas; and plots data and drag's simple curves and graphs. Engineering Technicians II Performs standardized or prescribed assignments in volving a sequence of related operations. Follows standard work methods on recurring assignments but receives ex plicit instructions on unfamiliar assignments; technical a. Below level I who are limited to simple tasks such as: Measuring items o f regular shape with a caliper and computing cross-sectional areas; identify ing, weighing, and marking easy-to-identify items; or readings at specified 77 adequacy of routine work is reviewed on completion; nonroutine work is reviewed in process. Performs, at this level, one or a combination of such typical duties as: Conducts tests or experiments requiring selection and adap tation or modification o f a wide variety o f critical test equipment and test procedures; sets up and operates equip ment; records data, measures and records problems o f suf ficient complexity to sometimes require resolution at higher level; and analyzes data and prepares test reports. Assembles or constructs simple or standard equipment or parts; may service or repair simple instruments or equip ment. Extracts and analyzes a variety o f engineering data; applies conventional engineering practices to develop or prepare schematics; designs, specifications, parts lists, or makes recommendations regarding these items. May review designs or specification for adequacy. Conducts a variety o f standardized tests; may prepare test specimens; sets up and operates standard test equipment; records test data, pointing out deviations resulting from equipment malfunction or observational errors. Extracts engineering data from various prescribed but rionstandardized sources; processes the data following welldefined methods including elementary algebra and geometry; presents the data in prescribed form. Engineering Technicians V Performs nonroutine and complex assignments in volving responsibility for planning and conducting a complete project of relatively limited scope or a portion of a larger and more diverse project. Selects and adapts plans, techniques, designs, or layouts. Contacts person nel in related activities to resolve mutual problems and coordinate the work; reviews, analyzes, and integrates the technical work of others. Supervisor or professional engineer outlines objectives, requirements, and design approaches; completed work is reviewed for technical adequacy and satisfaction of requirements. May train and be assisted by lower level technicians. Performs at this level one or a combination of such typical duties as: Engineering Technicians III Performs assignments that are not completely standardized or prescribed. Selects or adapts standard procedures or equipment, using fully applicable precedents. Receives initial instructions, equipment re quirements, and advice from supervisor or engineer as needed; performs recurring work independently; and work is reviewed for technical adequacy or conformity with instructions. Performs, at this level, one or a com bination of such typical duties as: Constructs components, subunits, or simple models or adapts standard equipment. May troubleshoot and correct malfunctions. Designs, develops, and constructs major units, devices, or equip ment; conducts tests or experiments; analyzes results and redesigns or modifies equipment to improve performance; and reports results. Conducts various tests or experiements which may require minor modifications in test setups or procedures as well as subjective judgments in measurement; selects, sets up, and operates standard test equipment and record test data. Plans or assists in planning tests to evaluate equipment performance. Determines test requirements, equipment modification, and test pro cedures; conducts tests, analyzes and evaluates data, and prepares reports on findings and recommendations. Extracts and compiles a variety o f engineering data from field notes, manuals, lab reports, etc.; processes data, identifying errors or inconsistencies; and selects methods o f data presentation. Reviews and analyzes a variety of engineering data to determine requirements to meet engineering objectives; may calculate design data; and prepares layouts, detailed specifications, parts lists, estimates, procedures, etc. May check and analyze drawings or equipment to determine adequacy of drawing and designs. Engineering Technicians IV Performs nonroutine assignments of substantial variety and complexity, using precedents which are not fully applicable. May also plan such assignments. Receives technical advice from supervisor or engineer (as needed, performs recurring work independently); work is reviewed for technical adequacy (or conformity with instructions). May be assisted by lower level techni cians and have frequent contact with professionals and others within the establishment. Performs at this level one or a combination of such typical duties as: DRAFTERS Performs drafting work requiring knowledge and skill in drafting methods, procedures, and techniques. Prepares drawings of structures, mechanical and elec trical equipment, piping and duct systems, and similar equipment, systems, and assemblies. Drawings are used to communicate engineering ideas, designs, and infor mation in support of engineering functions. Uses recognized systems of symbols, legends, shadings, and lines having specific meanings in drawings. The following are excluded when they constitute the primary purpose of the job: Works on limited segment of development project; con structs experimental or prototype models to meet engineer ing requirements; conducts tests or experiments and redesigns them as necessary; and records and evaluates data and report findings. Design work requiring the technical knowledge, skill, and ability to conceive or originate designs; 78 on methods, procedures, sources of information, and precedents to be followed. Simple revisions to existing drawings may be assigned with a verbal explanation of the desired results; more complex revisions are produced from sketches which clearly depict the desired product. Illustrating work requiring artistic ability; Work involving the preparation of charts, diagrams, room arrangements, floor plans, etc.; Cartographic work involving the preparation of maps or plats and related materials and drawing of geological structures; and Drafters IV Prepares complete sets of complex drawings which include multiple views, detail drawings, and assembly drawings. Drawings include complex design features that require considerable drafting skill to visualize and portray. Assignments regularly require the use of math ematical formulas to compute weights, load capacities, dimensions, quantities of materials, etc. Working from sketches and verbal information supplied by an engineer or designer, determines the most appropriate views, detail drawings, and supplementary information needed to com plete assignments. Selects required information from precedents, manufacturers’ catalogs, and technical guides. Independently resolves most of the problems encountered. Supervisor or designer may suggest methods of approach or provide advice on unusually difficult problems. Supervisory work involving the management of a drafting program or the supervision of drafters when either constitutes the primary purpose of the job. Positions are classified into levels on the basis of the following definitions. Drafters I Working under close supervision, traces or copies finished drawings, making clearly indicated revisions. Uses appropriate templates to draw curved lines. Assignments are designed to develop increasing skill in various drafting techniques. Work is spot checked dur ing progress and reviewed upon completion. N o t e : Excludes drafters performing elementary tasks while receiving training in the most basic drafting methods. N o t e : Excludes drafters performing work of similar difficulty to that described at this level but who provide support for a variety of organizations which have widely differing functions or requirements. Drafters II Prepares drawings of simple, easily visualized parts or equipment from sketches or marked-up prints. Selects appropriate templates and other equipment needed to complete assignments. Drawings fit familiar patterns and present few technical problems. Supervisor pro vides detailed instructions on new assignments, gives guidance when questions arise, and reviews completed work for accuracy. Drafters V Works closely with design originators, preparing drawings of unusual, complex, or original designs which require a high degree of precision. Performs unusually difficult assignments requiring considerable initiative, resourcefulness, and drafting expertise. Assures that anticipated problems in manufacture, assembly, instal lation, and operation are resolved by the drawings produced. Exercises independent judgment in selecting and interpreting data based on a knowledge of the design intent. Although working primarily as a drafter, may occasionally perform engineering design work in interpreting general designs prepared by others or in completing missing design details. May provide advice and guidance to lower level drafters or serve as coordinator and planner for large and complex drafting projects. Drafters III Prepares various drawings of parts and assemblies, including sectional profiles, irregular or reverse curves, hidden lines, and small or intricate details. Work requires use of most of the conventional drafting techniques and a working knowledge of the terms and procedures of the industry. Familiar or recurring work is assigned in gen eral terms; unfamiliar assignments include information Computer Operators setup needed; Monitors and operates the control console of either a mainframe digital computer or a group of minicom puters, in accordance with operating instructions, to process data. Work is characterized by the following: Loads equipment with required items (tapes, cards, paper, etc.); Switches necessary auxiliary equipment into system; Starts and operates control console; Studies operating instructions to determine equipment 79 error conditions not fully covered by existing pro cedures and guidelines (e.g., resetting switches and other controls or making mechanical adjustments to maintain or restore equipment operations). In response to computer output instructions or error conditions, may deviate from standard procedures if standard pro cedures do not provide a solution. Refers problems which do not respond to corrective procedures. Reviews error messages and makes corrections during opera tion or refers problems; and Maintains operating record. May test run new or modified programs and assist in modifying systems or programs. Included within the scope of this definition are fully qualified computer operators, trainees working to become fully qualified operators, and lead operators providing technical assistance to lower level positions. Excluded are: Computer Operators IV Adapts to a variety of nonstandard problems which require extensive operator intervention (e.g., frequent introduction of new programs, applications, or pro cedures). In response to computer output instructions or error conditions, chooses or devises a course of action from among several alternatives and alters or deviates from standard procedures if standard procedures do not provide a solution (e.g., reassigning equipment in order to work around faulty equipment or to transfer chan nels); then refers problems. Typically, completed work is submitted to users without supervisory review. a. Workers operating small computer systems where there is little or no opportunity for operator interven tion in program processing and few requirements to correct equipment malfunctions; b. Peripheral equipment operators and remote term inal or computer operators who do not run the control console o f either a mainframe digital com puter or a group o f minicomputers; and c. Workers using the computer for scientific, technical, or mathematical work when a knowledge o f the sub ject matter is required. Computer Operators V Resolves a variety of difficult operating problems (e.g., making unusual equipment connections and rarely used equipment and channel configurations to direct processing through or around problems in equipment, circuits, or channels or reviewing test run requirements and developing unusual system configurations that will allow test programs to process without interferring with on-going job requirements). In response to computer output instructions and error conditions or to avoid loss of information or to conserve computer time, operator deviates from standard procedures. Such actions may materially alter the computer unit’s production plans. May spend considerable time away from the control sta tion providing technical assistance to lower level operators and assisting programmers, systems analysts, and subject matter specialists in resolving problems. Computer Operators I Receives on-the-job training in operating the control console (sometimes augmented by classroom training). Works under close personal supervision and is provided detailed written or oral guidance before and during assignments. As instructed, resolves common operating problems. May serve as an assistant operator working under close supervision or performing a portion of a more senior operator’s work. Computer Operators II Processes scheduled routines which present few dif ficult operating problems (e.g., infrequent or easily resolved error conditions). In response to computer out put instructions or error conditions, applies standard operating or corrective procedure. Refers problems which do not respond to preplanned procedure. May serve as an assistant operator, working under general supervison. Computer Operators VI In addition to level V responsibilities, uses a knowledge of program language, computer features, and software systems to assist in: (1) Maintaining, modifying, and developing operating systems or pro grams; (2) developing operating instructions and techniques to cover problem situations; and (3) switch ing to emergency backup procedures. Computer Operators III Processes a range of scheduled routines. In addition to operating the system and resolving common error conditions, diagnoses and acts on machine stoppage and Photographers scientific, engineering, industrial, technical, retail, commercial, etc.) and some artistic ability are needed at the higher levels. Depending on the objectives of the Takes pictures requiring a knowledge of photo graphic techniques, equipment, and processes. Typically, some familiarity with the company’s activities (e.g., 80 assignment, photographers use standard equipment (including simple still, graphic, and motion picture cameras, video and television hand cameras, and similar commonly used equipment) and/or use special-purpose equipment (including specialized still and graphic cameras, motion picture production, television studio, and high-speed cameras and equipment). At the higher levels, a complex accessory system of equipment may be used, as needed, with sound or lighting systems, generators, timing or measurement control mechanisms, or improvised stages or environments, etc. Work of photographers at all levels is reviewed for quality and acceptability. Photographers may also develop, process, and edit film or tape, may serve as a lead photographer to lower level workers, or may do work described at lower levels as needed. Excluded are: a. Workers who have no training or experience in photography techniques, equipment, and processes; b. Workers who primarily operate reproduction, offset, or copying machines, motion picture projectors, or machines to match, cut, or splice negatives; c. Workers who primarily develop, process, print, or edit photographic film or tape; or develop, maintain, or repair photographic equipment; Photographers II Uses standard still cameras, commonly available lighting equipment, and related techniques to take photographs which involve limited problems of speed, mo tion, color contrast, or lighting. Typically, the subjects photographed are similar to those at level I, but the technical aspects require more skill. Based on clear-cut ob jectives, determines shutter speeds, lens settings and filters, camera angles, exposure times, and type of film. Requires familiarity with the situation gained from similar past ex perience to arrange for specific emphasis, balanced lighting, and correction for distortion, etc., as needed. May use 16mm. or 35mm. motion picture cameras for simple shots such as moving equipment, individuals at work or meetings, and the like, where available or simple artificial lighting is used. Ordinarily, there is opportunity for repeated shots or for retakes if the original exposure is unsatisfactory. Consults with supervisor or more experienced photographers when problems are anticipated. Photographers III d. Workers who primarily direct the sequences, actions, photography, sound, and editing o f motion pictures for television writers and editors; and Selects from a range of standard photographic equipment for assignments demanding exact renditions, normally without opportunity for later retakes, when there are specific problems or uncertainties concerning lighting, exposure time, color, artistry, etc. Discusses technical requirements with operating officials or supervisor and customizes treatment for each situation according to a detailed request. Varies camera processes and techniques and uses the setting and background to produce esthetic, as well as accurate and informative, pictures. Typically, standard equipment is used at this level although “ specialized” photography work is usually performed; may use some special-purpose equipment under closer supervision. In typical assignments, photographs: Drawings, charts, maps, textiles, etc., requiring accurate computation of reduction ratios and exposure times and precise equip ment adjustments; tissue specimens in fine detail and exact color when color and condition of the tissue may deteriorate rapidly; medical or surgical procedures or con ditions which normally cannot be recaptured; machine or motor parts to show wear or corrosion in minute wires or gears; specialized real estate or retail goods for company catalogs or listings where saleability is enhanced by the photography; company products, work, construction sites, or patrons in prescribed detail to substantiate legal claims, contracts, etc.; artistic or technical design layouts requiring precise equipment settings; fixed objects on the ground or air-to-air objects which must be captured quick e. Photographers taking pictures for commercial news paper or magazine publishers, television stations, or movie producers. Positions are matched to the appropriate level based on the difficulty of, and responsibility for, the photog raphy performed, including the subject-matter knowl edge and artistry required to fulfill the assignment. While the equipment may be an indication of the level of difficulty, photographers at the higher levels may use standard equipment, as needed. Photographers I Takes routine pictures in situations where several shots can be taken. Uses standard still cameras for pictures where complications, such as speed, motion, color con trast, or lighting are not present or where there is no particular need to overcome them. Photographs are taken for identification, employee publications, informa tion, or publicity purposes. Workers may be able to focus, center, and provide simple flash-type lighting for an uncomplicated photograph. Typical subjects are employees who are photographed for identification or publicity of award ceremonies, inter views, banquets, or meetings; or external views of machinery, supplies, equipment, buildings, damaged shipments, or other routine subjects photographed to record the condition at a specified time. Assignments are usually performed without direct guidance due to the clear and simple nature of the desired photograph. 81 supervisors only when dealing with highly unusual prob lems or altering existing equipment. ly and require directing the pilot to get the correct angle of approach. Works independently; solves most problems through consultations with more experienced photographers, if available, or through reference sources. Photographers V As a top technical expert, exercises imagination and creative ability in response to photography situations re quiring novel and unprecedented treatment. Typically per forms one or more of the following assignments: (1) Develops and adapts photographic equipment or pro cesses to meet new and unprecedented situations, e.g., works with engineers and physicists to develop and modify equipment for use in extreme conditions such as excessive heat or cold, radiation, high altitude, under-water, wind and pressure tunnels, or explosions; (2) plans and organizes the overall technical photographic coverage for a variety of events and developments in phases of a scientific, industrial, medical, or commercial research project or similar program; or (3) creates the desired illusion or emotional effect through developing trick or special effects photography for novel situations requiring a high degree of ingenuity and imaginative camera work to heighten, simulate, or alter reality. Independently develops, plans, and organizes the overall technical photographic aspects of the assignment in collaboration with operating officials who are respon sible for the substance of the project. Uses imag ination and creative ability to implement objectives within the capabilities and limitations of cameras and equipment. May exercise limited control over the substance of the event to be photographed by staging the action, suggesting behavior of the principals, and rehearsing the activity before photographs are taken. Photographers IV Uses special-purpose cameras and related equipment for assignments in which the photographer usually makes all the technical decisions, although the objective of the pictures is determined by operating officials. Conceives and plans the technical photographic effects desired by operating officials and discusses modifica tions and improvements to their original ideas in light of the potential and limits of the equipment. Improvises photographic methods and techniques or selects and alters secondary photographic features (e.g., scenes, backgrounds, color, lighting) to carry out the desired primary objectives. Many assignments afford only one opportunity to photograph the subject. Typical ex amples of equipment used at this level include ultra-high speed, motion picture production, studio television, animation cameras, specialized still and graphic cameras, electronic timing and triggering devices, etc. Some assignments are characterized by extremes in light values and the use of complicated equipment. Sets up precise photographic measurement and controls equip ment; uses high-speed color photography, synchronized stroboscopic (interval) light sources, and/or timed elec tronic triggering; operates equipment from a remote point; or arranges and uses cameras operating at several thou sand frames per second. In other assignments, selects and sets up motion picture or television cameras and accessories and shoots a part of a production or a sequence of scenes, or takes special scenes to be used for background or special effects in the production. Works under the guidelines and requirements of the subject-matter area to be photographed. Consults with N o t e .- Excluded are photographers above level V who independently plan the objectives, scope, and substance of the photography for the project in addition to planning the overall technical photographic coverage. Clerical Levels I and II require a basic knowledge of routine clerical methods and office practices and procedures as they relate to the clerical processing and recording of transactions and accounting information. Levels III and IV require a knowledge and understanding of the established and standardized bookkeeping and account ing procedures and techniques used in an accounting system, or a segment of an accounting system, where there are few variations in the types of transactions handled. In addition, some jobs at each level may re ACCOUNTING CLERKS Performs one or more accounting tasks, such as posting to registers and ledgers; balancing and reconcil ing accounts; verifying the internal consistency, com pleteness, and mathematical accuracy of accounting documents; assigning prescribed accounting distribu tion codes; examining and verifying the clerical accuracy of various types of reports, lists, calculations, postings, etc.; preparing journal vouchers; or making entries or adjustments to accounts. 82 the accounting system); and/or analyzes and reconciles computer printouts with operating unit reports (contact ing units and researching causes of discrepancies, and taking action to ensure that accounts balance). Employee resolves problems in recurring assignments in accordance with previous training and experience. Supervisor pro vides suggestions for handling unusual or nonrecurring transactions. Conformance with requirements and technical soundness of completed work are reviewed by the supervisor or are controlled by mechanisms built into the accounting system. quire a basic knowledge and understanding of the ter minology, codes, and processes used in an automated accounting system. Accounting Clerks I Performs very simple and routine accounting clerical operations, for example, recognizing and comparing easily identified numbers and codes on similar and re petitive accounting documents, verifying mathematical accuracy, and identifying discrepancies and bringing them to the supervisor’s attention. Supervisor gives clear detailed instructions for specific assignments. Employee refers to supervisor all matters not covered by instructions. Work is closely controlled and reviewed in de tail for accuracy, adequacy, and adherence to instructions. N o t e : Excluded from level IV are positions respon sible for maintaining either a general ledger or a general ledger in combination with subsidiary accounts. Accounting Clerks II FILE CLERKS Performs one or more routine accounting clerical opera tions, such as: Examining, verifying, and correct ing accounting transactions to ensure completeness and ac curacy of data and proper identification of accounts, and checking that expenditures will not exceed obliga tions in specified accounts; totaling, balancing, and rec onciling collection vouchers; posting data to transaction sheets where employee identifies proper accounts and items to be posted; and coding documents in accord ance with a chart (listing) of accounts. Employee follows specific and detailed accounting procedures. Completed work is reviewed for accuracy and compliance with pro cedures. Files, classifies, and retrieves material in an establish ed filing system. May perform clerical and manual tasks required to maintain files. Positions are classified into levels on the basis of the following definitions. Accounting Clerks III File Clerks II Uses a knowledge of double entry bookkeeping in per forming one or more of the following: Posts actions to journals, identifying subsidiary accounts affected and debit and credit entries to be made and assigning proper codes; reviews computer printouts against manually main tained journals, detecting and correcting erroneous postings, and preparing documents to adjust accounting classifications and other data; or reviews lists of transac tions rejected by an automated system, determining reasons for rejections, and preparing necessary correcting material. On routine assignments, employee selects and ap plies established procedures and techniques. Detailed in structions are provided for difficult or unusual assignments. Completed work and methods used are reviewed for technical accuracy. Sorts, codes, and files unclassified material by simple (subject-matter) headings or partly classified material by finer subheadings. Prepares simple related index and cross-reference aids. As requested, locates clearly identified material in files and forwards material. May perform related clerical tasks required to maintain and service files. Classifies and indexes file material such as cor respondence, reports, technical documents, etc., in an established filing system containing a number of varied subject matter files. May also file this material. May keep records of various types in conjunction with the files. May lead a small group of lower level file clerks. Accounting Clerks IV GENERAL CLERKS Maintains journals or subsidiary ledgers of an ac counting system and balances and reconciles accounts. Typical duties include one or both of the following: Reviews invoices and statements (verifying information, ensuring sufficient funds have been obligated, and, if questionable, resolving with the submitting unit, deter mining accounts involved, coding transactions, and proc essing material through data processing for application in Performs a combination o f clerical tasks to support office, business or administrative operations, such as: Maintaining records; receiving, preparing, or verify ing documents; searching for and compiling information and data; responding to routine requests with standard answers (by phone, in person, or by correspondence). The work requires a basic knowledge of proper office procedures. Workers at levels I, II, and III follow File Clerks I Performs routine filing of material that has already been classified or which is easily classified in a simple serial classification system (e.g., alphabetical, chrono logical, or numerical). As requested, locates readily available materials in files and forwards material; may fill out withdrawal charge. May perform simple clerical and manual tasks required to maintain and service files. File Clerks III 83 tions on departmental services and functions, operating a variety of office machines, posting to various books, balancing a restricted group of accounts to controlling accounts, and assisting in preparation of budgetary requests. May oversee work of lower level clerks. prescribed procedures or steps to process paperwork; they may perform other routine office support work, (e.g., typing, filing, or operating a keyboard controlled data entry device to transcribe data into a form suitable for data processing). Workers at level IV are also re quired to make decisions about the adequacy and content of transactions handled in addition to following proper procedures. Clerical work is controlled (e.g., through spot checks, complete review, or subsequent processing) for both quantity and quality. Supervisors (or other employees) are available to assist and advise clerks on difficult prob lems and to approve their suggestions for significant deviations from existing instructions. Excluded from this definition are: Workers whose pay is primarily based on the performance of a single clerical duty such as typing, stenography, office machine operation, or filing; and other workers, such as secre taries, messengers, receptionists or public information specialists who perform general clerical tasks incidental to their primary duties. General Clerks IV Uses some subject matter knowledge and judgment to complete assignments consisting of numerous steps that vary in nature and sequence. Selects from alternative methods and refers problems not solvable by adapting or interpreting substantive guides, manuals, or procedures. Proficiency in the full cycle of operations or variety of work may require from several months to 1 year of on-the-j ob-experience. Typical duties include: Assisting in a variety of administrative matters; maintaining a wide variety of financial or other records; verifying statistical reports for accuracy and completeness; and handling and adjusting complaints. May also direct lower level clerks. Positions above level IV are excluded. Such positions (which may include supervisory responsibility over lower level clerks) require workers to use a thorough knowledge of an office’s work and routine to: (1) Choose among wide ly varying methods and procedures to process complex tran sactions, and (2) select or devise steps necessary to complete assignments. Typical jobs covered by this exclusion include administrative assistants, clerical supervisors, and office managers. General Clerks I Follows a few clearly detailed procedures in perform ing simple repetitive tasks in the same sequence, such as filing precoded documents in a chronological file or operating office equipment, e.g., mimeograph, photo copy, addressograph or mailing machine. Full perform ance can usually be reached after a few days of training and on-the-job practice. KEY ENTRY OPERATORS General Clerks II Operates keyboard-controlled data entry device such as keypunch machine or key-operated magnetic tape or disc encoder to transcribe data into a form suitable for computer processing. Work requires skill in operating an alphanumeric keyboard and an understanding of tran scribing procedures and relevant data entry equipment. Positions are classified into levels on the basis of the following definitions. Follows a number of specific procedures in com pleting several repetitive clerical steps performed in a prescribed or slightly varied sequence, such as coding and filing documents in an extensive alphabetical file, simple posting to individual accounts, opening mail, running mail through metering machines, and calculating and posting charges to departmental accounts. Little or no subject matter knowledge is required, but the clerk needs to choose the proper procedure for each task. Full performance can usually be reached after a few days to 2 weeks of training. Key Entry Operators I Work is routine and repetitive. Under close supervi sion or following specific procedures or detailed instruc tions, works from various standardized source documents which have been coded and require little or no selecting, coding, or interpreting of data to be entered. Refers to supervisor problems arising from erroneous items, codes, or missing information. General Clerks III Work requires a familiarity with the terminology of the office unit. Selects appropriate methods from a wide variety of procedures or makes simple adaptations and interpretations of a limited number of substantive guides and manuals. The clerical steps often vary in type or sequence, depending on the task. Recognized prob lems are referred to others. Full performance can usual ly be reached after several weeks to several months. Typical duties include a combination of the fol lowing: Maintaining time and material records, taking inventory of equipment and supplies, answering ques Key Entry Operators II Work requires the application of experience and judg ment in selecting procedures to be followed and in searching for, interpreting, selecting, or coding items to be entered from a variety of source documents. On occasion, may also perform some routine work as described for level I. 84 N ote’ • Excluded are operators above level II using the key entry controls to access, read, and evaluate the substance of specific records to take substantive actions, or to make entries requiring a similar level of knowledge. MESSENGERS Performs various routine duties such as running er rands, operating minor office machines such as sealers or mailers, opening mail, distributing mail on a regular ly scheduled route or in a familiar area, and other minor clerical work. May deliver mail that requires some special handling, e.g., mail that is insured, registered, or marked for special delivery. Excluded are positions which include any of the following as significant duties: a. Operating motor vehicles; b. Delivering valuables or security-classified mail when the work requires a continuing knowledge o f special procedures for handling such items; c. Workers whose duties do not require a knowledge o f the company’s personnel rules and procedures, such as receptionists, messengers, typists, or stenographers; d. Workers in positions requiring a bachelor’s degree; and e. Workers who are primarily compensated for duties out side the employment specialty, such as benefits, com pensation, or employee relations. Positions are classified into levels on the basis of the following definitions. The work described is essentially at a responsible clerical level at the low levels and pro gresses to a staff assistant or technician level. At level III, which is transitional, both types of work are described. Jobs which match either type of work described at level III, or which are combinations of the two, can be matched. Personnel Clerks/Assistants (Employment) I c. Weighing mail, determining postage, or recording and controlling registered, insured, and certified mail in the mail room; d. Making deliveries to unfamiliar or widely separated buildings or points which are not part o f an estab lished route; or e. Directing other workers. PERSONNEL CLERKS/ASSISTANTS (EMPLOYMENT) Personnel clerks/assistants (employment) provide clerical and technical support to personnel professionals or managers in matters relating to recruiting, hiring, transfer, change in pay status, and termination of com pany employees. At the lower levels, clerks/assistants primarily provide basic information to current and pro spective employees, maintain personnel records and in formation listings, and prepare and process papers on personnel actions (hires, transfers, changes in pay, etc.). At the higher levels, clerks/assistants (often titled per sonnel assistants or specialists) may perform limited aspects of a personnel professional’s work, e.g., inter viewing candidates, recommending placements, and preparing personnel reports. Final decisions on person nel actions are made by personnel professionals or managers. Some clerks/assistants may perform a limited amount of work in other specialties, such as benefits, compensation, or employee relations. Typing may be re quired at any level. Excluded are: a. Workers who primarily compute and process payrolls or compute and/or respond to questions on company benefits or retirement claims; b. Workers who receive additional pay primarily for main taining and safeguarding personnel record files for a company; 85 Performs routine tasks which require a knowledge of company personnel procedures and rules, such as: Pro viding simple employment information and appropriate lists and forms to applicants or employees on types of jobs being filled, procedures to follow, and where to ob tain additional information; ensuring that the proper company forms are completed for name changes, locator information, applications, etc., and reviewing completed forms for signatures and proper entries; or maintaining assigned segments of company personnel records, contacting appropriate sources to secure any missing items, and posting the items, such as, dates of promotion, transfer, and hire, or rates of pay or per sonal data. (If this information is computerized, skill in coding or entering information may be needed as aminor duty.) May answer outside inquiries for simple factual information, such as verification of dates of employment in response to telephone credit checks on employees. Some receptionist or other clerical duties may be performed. May be assigned work to provide training for a higher level position. Detailed company rules and procedures are available for all aspects of the assignment. Guidance and assist ance on unusual questions are available at all times. Work is spot checked, often on a daily basis. Personnel Clerks/Assistants (Employment) II Examines and/or processes personnel action documents using experience in applying company personnel pro cedures and policies. Ensures that all information is com plete and consistent and determines whether further discussion with applicants or employees is needed or whether personnel information must be checked against additional files or listings. Must select the most ap propriate precedent, rule, or procedures as a basis for the personnel action from a number of alternatives. Responds to varied questions from applicants, employees, or managers for readily available information which can be obtained from file material or manuals; responses require skill to secure cooperation in correcting improperly com pleted personnel action documents or to explain regula tions and procedures. May provide information to managers on availability of applicants and status of hiring actions; may verify employment dates and places supplied on job applications; may maintain assigned personnel records, and may administer typing and stenography tests. Completes routine assignments independently. Detailed guidance is available for situations which deviate from established precedents. Clerks/assistants are relied upon to alert higher level clerks/assistants or supervisor to such situations. Work may be spot checked periodically. procedures, guides, and precedents. In representative assignments: Interviews applicants, obtains references and recommends placement of applicants in a few well-defined occupations (trades or clerical) within a stable organization or unit; conducts postplacement or exit interviews to iden tify job adjustment problems or reasons for leaving the company; performs routine statistical analyses related to manpower, E E O , hiring, or other employment concerns, e.g., compares one set of data to another set as instructed; and requisitions applicants through employment agencies for clerical or similar level jobs. At this level, assistants typically have a range of personal contacts within and out side the company and with applicants, and must be tactful and articulate. May perform some clerical work in addi tion to the above duties. Supervisor reviews completed work against stated objectives. Personnel Clerks/Assistants (Employment) III Type A Personnel Clerks/Assistants (Employment) V Workers at this level perform duties similar to level IV, but are responsible for more complicated cases and work with greater independence. Performs limited aspects of professional personnel work dealing with a variety of oc cupations common to the company which are clear cut and stable in employment requirements. Typical duties in clude: Researching recruitment sources, such as employ ment agencies or State manpower offices, and advising managers on the availability of candidates in common oc cupations; screening and selecting employees for a few routine, nonpermanent jobs, such as summer employ ment; or answering inquiries on a controversial issue, such as a hiring or promotion freeze. These duties often require considerable skill and diplomacy in communications. Other typical duties may include: Surveying managers for future hiring requirements; developing newspaper vacancy announcements or explaining job requirements to employ ment agencies for administrative or professional positions; or reviewing the effect of corporate personnel procedural changes on local employment programs (e.g., automation of records, new affirmative action goals). May incidentally perform some clerical duties. Supervisory review is similar to level IV. Serves as a clerical expert in independently processing the most complicated types of personnel actions, e.g., tem porary employment, rehires, and dismissals, and in pro viding information when it is necessary to consolidate data from a number of sources, often with short deadlines. Screens applications for obvious rejections. Resolves con flicts in computer listings or other sources of employee information. Locates lost documents or reconstructs infor mation using a number of sources. May check references of applicants when information in addition to dates and places of past work is needed, and judgment is required to ask appropriate routine follow-up questions. May provide guidance to lower level clerks. Supervisory review is similar to level II. AND/OR Type B Performs routine personnel assignments beyond the clerical level, such as: Orienting new employees to com pany programs, facilities, rules on time and attendance, and leave policies; computing basic statistical information for reports on manpower profiles, e e o progress and accomplishments, hiring activities, attendance and leave profiles, turnover, etc.; and screening applicants for well-defined positions, rejecting those who do not qualify for available openings for clear-cut reasons, referring others to appropriate employment interviewer. Guidance is provided on possible sources of information, methods of work, and types of reports needed. Completed written work receives close technical review from higher level personnel office employees; other work may be checked occasionally. PURCHASING CLERKS/ASSISTANTS Provides clerical or technical support to buyers or contract specialists who deal with suppliers, vendors, contractors, etc., outside the company to purchase goods, materials, equipment, services, etc. Clerks/ assistants at level I prepare and process purchase documents, such as purchase orders, invitations to bid, contracts, and supporting papers. Clerks/assistants at level II also examine, review, verify, and control these documents to assure accuracy, and correct processing. Clerks/assistants at levels III and IV may also expedite purchases already made, by contacting vendors and analyzing and recommending company reactions to sup plier problems related to delivery, availability of goods, Personnel Clerks/Assistants (Employment) IV Performs work in support of personnel professionals which requires a good working knowledge of personnel 86 or precedents for each transaction. Contacts are usually limited to the supervisor and the immediate work unit. Receives step-by-step instructions on new assignments. Refers questions to supervisor who may spot check work on a daily basis. or any other part of the purchase agreement. Clerks/ assistants at level IV may also develop technical infor mation for buyers, e.g., comparative information on materials sought. All assignments require a practical knowledge of company purchasing procedures and operations. Assignments above level I require experience in applying company regulations, guidelines, or manuals to specific transactions. Clerks/assistants may type the purchasing documents or perform work described at lower levels, as needed. Final decisions on purchasing transactions are made by buyers, contract specialists, or supervisors. Excluded are: Purchasing Clerks/Assistants II According to detailed procedures or company regula tions, examines documents such as requisitions, purchase orders, invitations to bid, contracts, and supporting papers. Reviews the purchase requisition to determine whether the correct item description, price, quantity, dis count terms, shipping instructions, and/or delivery terms have been included and selects the appropriate purchase phrases and forms from prescribed company lists or files. Obtains any missing or corrected information, prepares the purchase order, and gives it to the buyer for approval when satisfied that the information is complete and the computations are accurate. Contacts are usually within establishment to verify or correct factual information. May contact vendors for information about purchases already made and may reorder items under routine and existing purchase arrangements where few, if any, ques tions arise. Receives detailed instructions on new assignments. Refers questions to supervisor who may spot check work on a daily basis. Assistants at this level examine documents for orders of standard goods, supplies, equipment, or services, and/or for orders of specialized items when the complexity of the item does not affect the assistant’s work, i.e., the assist ant is not required to use considerable judg ment to find a previous transaction to use as a guideline, as described at level III, a. a. Typists, file clerks, secretaries, receptionists, and trainees not required to have a knowledge o f company purchasing procedures and operations; b. Workers who process or expedite the purchase of items for direct sale, either wholesale or retail; c. Workers who as a primary duty: Maintain a filing system or listing to monitor inventory levels; reorder items by phone under ongoing contracts; or receive and disburse supplies and materials for use in the company; d. Production expediters or controllers who primarily ensure the timely arrival and coordination of purchased materials with assembly line or production schedules and requirements; e. Purchasing expediters who only check on the status o f purchases already made and who do not analyze the facts at hand and do not make recommendations for either extension o f delivery dates or for other similar modifications to the purchase agreement, as described at level III, b; f. Positions which require a technical knowledge o f equipment characteristics and parts, production control, or manufacturing methods and procedures; Purchasing Clerks/Assistants III Assistants at this level perform assignments described in paragraphs a or b, or a combination of the two. g. Positions requiring a bachelor’s degree; and a. Reviews and prepares purchase documents for spe cialized items, such as items with optional features or technical equipment requiring precise specifications. Since the transactions usually require special pur chasing conditions, e.g., multiple deliveries, provi sion o f spare parts, or renegotiation o f terms, con siderable judgment is needed to find a previous trans action to use as a guideline; as required, adapts the phrases or clauses in the guideline transaction that apply to the purchase at hand. In some cases, reviews purchasing documents prepared by lower level clerks or prepared by personnel in other com pany units to detect processing discrepancies or to clarify the purchase papers; corrects clerical errors. May advise company employees on how to prepare requisitions for items to be ordered. h. Buyers. Positions are classified into levels based on the following definitions according to the complexity of the work, the conditions of the purchase, and the amount of supervision. Purchasing Clerks/Assistants I Following well established and clear-cut procedures and instructions, prepares and processes documents such as purchase orders, invitations to bid, contracts, and sup porting papers. Enters such prescribed information as quantities, model numbers, addresses and prices, after a higher level employee screens the requisition for com pleteness and accuracy. Posts data from requisitions to internal controls. Work requires a knowledge of proper terminology (including spelling and abbreviations) and some judgment in selecting the appropriate procedures b. Expedites purchases by making a recommendation f o r action based on simple analysis o f the facts at hand, company guidelines, and the background of 87 the purchase: Contacts suppliers to obtain informa tion on deliveries or on contracts; based on clearcut guidelines for each type of purchase and previous performance o f supplier, availability o f item, or impact o f delay, recommends extension o f delivery date or other similar modifications. In some cases, decides to refer problems to production, packaging, or other company specialists. May reorder standard items under a variety o f existing purchase agreements where judgment is needed to ask further questions and follow up and coordinate transactions. Assist ants at this level expedite purchases of standard goods, supplies, equipment, or services, and/or pur chases o f specialized items when the complexity of the item does not affect the assistant’s work, i.e., the assistant does not coordinate requests for minor deviations from contract specifications, etc., as described at level IV, b. c. Furnishes technical support to buyers or contract specialists, using a detailed knowledge o f company purchasing transactions and procedures, e.g., ana lyzes bids for contracts to determine the possible number and interest o f bidders for standard com modities and services; assembles contracts and drafts special clauses, terms, or requirements for unprece dented purchases, e.g., for specially designed equip ment or for complex one-time transactions; gathers and summarizes information on the availability o f special equipment and the ability o f suppliers to meet company needs. Purchasing assistants at this level receive instructions about new procurement policies. Assistants seek guidance on highly unusual problems but are expected to propose solutions for supervisory approval. Supervisory review is similar to level III; drafts of special clauses, etc., are reviewed in detail. Assistants at this level coordinate information with company buyers and with suppliers outside the com pany and keep others informed of the progress of trans actions. Major changes in company regulations and procedures are explained by supervisor. Refers unusual situations to supervisor, who also spot checks all com pleted work for adequacy. NOTE: Excluded are higher level workers who: Negotiate agreements with contractors on minor changes in the terms of an established contract; or analyze and make recommendations about proposals of specialized equipment, about the solvency and perform ance of firms, or about clerical processing methods need ed to fit new purchasing policies. Purchasing Cierks/Assistants IV Assistants at this level have a good understanding of purchase circumstances for specialized items—what to buy, where to buy, and under what terms buyers negoti ate and make purchases. They perform assignments described in paragraphs a, b, or c, or a combination of any of these. SECRETARIES Provides principal secretarial support in an office, usually to one individual, and, in some cases, also to the subordinate staff of that individual. Maintains a close and highly responsive relationship to the day-to-day activities of the supervisor and staff. Works fairly independently receiving a minimum of detailed supervi sion and guidance. Performs varied clerical and secretarial duties requiring knowledge of office routine and an understanding of the organization, programs, and procedures related to the work of the office. Exclusions: Not all positions titled “ secretary” possess the above characteristics. Examples of positions which are excluded from the definition are as follows: a. Reviews and prepares purchase documents for highly specialized items where few precedent transactions exist that can be used as guidelines and where provi sions such as fixed-price contracts with provisions for escalation, price redetermination, or cost incentives are needed. Complicated provisions for progress payments, for testing and evaluating the ordered item, or for meeting company production schedules may also exist. As necessary, drafts special clauses, terms, or requirements for unusual purchases. Pro vides authoritative information to others on company purchase procedures and assures that documents and transactions agree with basic procurement policies. a. Clerks or secretaries working under the direction of secretaries or administrative assistants as described in e; b. Expedites purchases o f specialized items when the complexity o f the items does affect the assistant’s work. (See level III, b.) Investigates supplier problems and coordinates requests for minor deviations from the contract specifications with specialists, buyers, suppliers, and users. Recommends revisions to the contract or purchase agreement, if needed, based upon company requirements. May reorder technical and specialized items within existing purchase con tracts which contain special purchasing conditions. Questions which arise are handled similarly to those in level III, b. b. Stenographers not fully performing secretarial duties; c. Stenographers or secretaries assigned to two or more professional, technical, or managerial persons of equivalent rank; d. Assistants or secretaries performing any kind of technical work, e.g., personnel, accounting, or legal work; e. Administrative assistants or supervisors performing duties which are more difficult or more responsible than the secretarial work described in LR-1 through LR-4; 88 more subordinate supervisory levels (of which at least one is a managerial level) with several subdivisions at each level. Executive’s program(s) are usually interlocked on a direct and continuing basis with other major organiza tional segments, requiring constant attention to extensive formal coordination, clearances, and procedural con trols. Executive typically has: Financial decisionmaking authority for assigned program(s);considerable impact on the entire organization’s financial position or image; and responsibility for, or has staff specialists in, such areas as personnel and administration for assigned organization. Executive plays an important role in deter mining the policies and major programs of the entire organization, and spends considerable time dealing with outside parties actively interested in assigned program(s) and current or controversial issues. f. Secretaries receiving additional pay primarily for main taining confidentiality of payroll records or other sensitive information; g. Secretaries performing routine receptionist, typing, and filing duties following detailed instructions and guidelines; these duties are less responsible than those described in LR-1 below; and h. Trainees. Classification by Level Secretary jobs which meet the required characteristics are matched at one of five levels according to two fac tors: a) Level of the secretary’s supervisor within the overall organizational structure, and (b) level of the secretary’s responsibility. Table C-5 indicates the level of the secretary for each combination of factors. Level of secretaries’ responsibility (LR) Level of secretaries’ supervisor (LS) This factor evaluates the nature of the work relation ship between the secretary and the supervisor or staff, and the extent to which the secretary is expected to exercise initiative and judgment. Secretaries should be matched at the level best describing their level of respon sibility. When a position’s duties span more than one LR level, the introductory paragraph at the beginning of each LR level should be used to determine which of the levels best matches the position. (Typically, secretaries performing at the higher levels of responsibility also perform duties described at the lower levels.) Secretaries should be matched at one of the three LS levels below best describing the organization of the secretary’s supervisor. LS-1. Organizational structure is not complex and in ternal procedures and administrative controls are simple and informal; supervisor directs staff through face-toface meetings. LS-2. Organizational structure is complex and is divided into subordinate groups that usually differ from each other as to subject matter, function, etc.; and supervisor usually directs staff through intermediate supervisors; internal procedures and administrative con trols are formal. An entire organization (e.g., division, subsidiary, or parent organization) may contain a variety of subordinate groups which meet the LS-2 definition. Therefore, it is not unusual for one LS-2 supervisor to report to another LS-2 supervisor. The presence of subordinate supervisors does not by itself mean LS-2 applies, e.g., a clerical processing organization divided into several units, each performing very similar work, is placed in LS-1. In smaller organizations or industries such as retail trade, with relatively few organizational levels, the super visor may have an impact on the policies and may deal with important outside contacts, as described in LS-3. LS-3. LR-1. Carries out recurring office procedures in dependently. Selects the guideline or reference which fits the specific case. Supervisor provides specific in structions on new assignments and checks completed work for accuracy. Performs varied duties including or comparable to the following: a. Responds to routine telephone requests which have standard answers; refers calls and visitors to appropriate staff. Controls mail and assures timely staff response; may send form letters. b. As instructed, maintains supervisor’s calendar, makes appointments, and arranges for meeting rooms. c. Reviews materials prepared for supervisor’s approval for typographical accuracy and proper format. d. Maintains recurring internal reports, such as: Time and leave records, office equipment listings, correspondence controls, training plans, etc. Organizational structure is divided into two or e. Requisitions supplies, printing, maintenance, or other services. Types, takes and transcribes dictation, and establishes and maintains office files. Table C-5. Criteria for matching secretaries by level Level of secretary’s supervisor LS-1 LS-2 LS-3 Level of secretary's responsibility LR-1 I I I LR-2 LR-3 LR-4 II III IV III IV V IV V V LR-2. Handles differing situations, problems, and deviations in the work of the office according to the supervisor’s general instructions, priorities, duties, policies, and program goals. Supervisor may assist 89 LR-4. Handles a wide variety of situations and con flicts involving the clerical or administrative functions of the office which often cannot be brought to the atten tion of the executive. The executive sets the overall objectives of the work. Secretary may participate in developing the work deadlines. Duties include or are comparable to the following: secretary with special assignments. Duties include or are comparable to the following. a. Screens telephone calls, visitors, and incoming cor respondence; personally responds to requests for in formation concerning office procedures; determines which requests should be handled by the supervisor, appropriate staff members, or other offices. May prepare and sign routine, nontechnical correspond ence in own or supervisor’s name. a. Composes correspondence requiring some under standing o f technical matters; may sign for executive when technical or policy content has been authorized. b. Schedules tentative appointments without prior clearance. Makes arrangements for conferences and meetings and assembles established background materials, as directed. May attend meetings and record and report on the proceedings. b. Notes commitments made by executive during meeting and arranges for staff implementation. On own initiative, arranges for staff members to repre sent organization at conferences and meetings, establishes appointment priorities, or reschedule or refuses appointments or invitations. c. Reviews outgoing materials and correspondence for internal consistency and conformance with super visor’s procedures; assures that proper clearances have been obtained, when needed. c. Reads outgoing correspondence for executive’s ap proval and alerts writers to any conflict with the file or departure from policies or executives’s view points; gives advice to resolve the problems. d. Collects information from the files or staff for routine inquiries on office program(s) or periodic reports. Refers nonroutine requests to supevisor or staff. d. Summarizes the content o f incoming materials, specially gathered information, or meetings to assist executive; coordinates the new information with background office sources; and draws attention to important parts or conflicts. e. Explains to subordinate staff supervisor’s require ments concerning office procedures. Coordinates personnel and administrative forms for the office and forwards for processing. e. In the executive’s absence, ensures that requests for action or information are relayed to the appropriate staff member; as needed, interprets requests and helps implement action; makes sure that informa tion is furnished in timely manner; decides whether executive should be notified o f important or emergency matters. LR-3. Uses greater judgment and initiative to deter mine the approach or action to take in nonroutine situa tions. Interprets and adapts guidelines, including un written policies, precedents, and practices, which are not always completely applicable to changing situations. Duties include or are comparable to the following: Excludes secretaries performing any of the following duties: a. Based on a knowledge o f the supervisor’s views, composes correspondence on own initiative about administrative and general office policies for super visor’s approval. a. Acts as office manager for the executive’s organization, e.g., determines when new procedures are needed for changing situations and devises and implements alter natives; revises or clarifies procedures to eliminate conflict or duplication; identifies and resolves various problems that affect the orderly flow o f work in transac tions with parties outside the organization. b. Anticipates and prepares materials needed by the supervisor for conferences, correspondence, ap pointments, meetings, telephone calls, etc., and in forms supervisor on matters to be considered. c. Reads publications, regulations, and directives and takes action or refers those that are important to the supervisor and staff. b. Prepares agenda for conferences; explains discussion topics to participants; drafts introductions and develops background information and prepares outlines for execu tive or staff members(s) to use in writing speeches. d. Prepares special or one-time reports, summaries, or replies to inquiries, selecting relevant information from a variety o f sources such as reports, documents, correspondence, other offices, etc., under general direction. c. Advises individuals outside the organization on the executive’s views on major policies or current issues fac ing the organization; contacts or responds to contacts from high-ranking outside officials (e.g., city or State officials, Members o f Congress, presidents o f national unions or large national or international firms, etc.) in unique situations. These officials may be relatively inaccessible, and each contact typically must be handled differently, using judgment and discretion. e. Advises secretaries in subordinate offices on new procedures; requests information needed from the subordinate office(s) for periodic or special con ferences, reports, inquiries, etc. Shifts clerical staff to accommodate workload needs. 90 STENOGRAPHERS TYPISTS Primary duty is to take dictation using shorthand and to transcribe the dictation. May also type from written copy. May operate from a stenographic pool. May occasionally transcribe from voice recordings. Excluded from this definition are: Uses a manual, electric, or automatic typewriter to type various materials. Included are automatic type writers that are used only to record text and update and reproduce previously typed items from magnetic cards or tape. May include typing of stencils, mats, or similar materials for use in duplicating processes. May do clerical work involving little special training, such as keeping simple records, filing records and reports, or sorting and distributing incoming mail. Excluded from this definition is work that involves: a. Trainee positions not requiring a fully qualified stenographer. b. Secretaries providing the principal secretarial support in an office and performing more responsible and discretionary tasks, as described in LR-1 thru LR-4 in the secretary definition; c. Stenographers who take dictation involving the fre quent use of a wide variety of technical or specialized vocabulary. Typically this kind of vocabulary cannot be learned in a relatively short period of time, e.g., a month or two; and d. Stenographers, such as shorthand reporters, who record material verbatim at hearings, conferences, or similar proceedings. Stenographers I Takes and transcribes dictation, receiving specific assignments along with detailed instructions on such re quirements as forms and presentation. The transcribed material is typically reviewed in rough draft and the final transcription is reviewed for conformance with the rough drafts. May maintain files, keep simple records, or perform other relatively routine clerical tasks. Stenographers II Takes and transcribes dictation, determining the most appropriate format. Performs stenographic duties re quiring significantly greater independence and respon sibility than stenographer I. Supervisor typically pro vides general instructions. Work requires a thorough working knowledge of general business and office pro cedures and of the specific business operations, organizations, policies, procedures, files, workflow, etc. Uses this knowledge in performing stenographic duties and responsible clerical tasks such as maintaining followup files; assembling material for reports, memoranda, and letters; composing simple letters from general instructions; reading and routing incoming m ail;. answering routine questions; etc. 91 a. Typing directly from spoken material that has been recorded on discs, cylinders, belts, tapes, or other similar media; b. The use o f varitype machines, composing equipment, or automatic equipment in preparing material for printing; and c. Familiarity with specialized terminology in various keyboard commands to manipulate or edit the record ed text to accomplish revisions, or to perform tasks such as extracting and listing items from the text, or transmitting text to other terminals, or using sort com mands to have the machine reorder material. Typically requires the use o f automatic equipment which may be either computer linked or have a programmable memory so that material can be organized in regularly used formats or preformed paragraphs which can then be coded and stored for future use in letters or documents. Typists I Performs one o f more o f the following: Copy typ ing from rough or clear drafts; or routine typing of forms, insurance policies, etc.; or setting up simple stand ard tabulations; or copying more complex tables already set up and spaced properly. Typists II Performs one or more o f the following: Typing material in final form when it involves combining material from several sources; or responsibility for cor rect spelling, syllabication, punctuation, etc., of technical or unusual words or foreign language materials; or planning layout and typing of complicated statistical tables to maintain uniformity and balance in spacing. May type routine form letters, varying details to suit circumstances. Classification by Standard Occupational Codes found in the S O C manual. For example, the p a t c oc cupations Accountant, Chief Accountant, Auditor, and Public Accountant are all classified in the soc manual as accountants and auditors. The soc occupation (code 1412) includes a variety of accounting occupations (e.g., budget accountants, credit analysts, accounting methods analysts) that are excluded from the p a t c description. The titles and the 3- or 4-digit codes to the right of the (P A T C ) occupations in table C-6 are taken from the 1980 edition of the Standard Occupational Classifica tion Manual (S O C ), issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards. In general, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ occupa tional descriptions are much more specific than those bls Table C-6. Comparison of occupations in the professional, administrative, technical, and clerical Standard Occupational Classification Manual patc occupation (PATC) survey with the Standard Occupational Classification Manual (SOC) soc code Accountants Chief accountants Auditors Public accountants Job analysts Directors of personnel Attorneys 1412 1412 1412 1412 143 143 211 Accountants Accountants Accountants Accountants and and and and auditors auditors auditors auditors Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists Personnel, training, and labor relations specialists Lawyers Buyers Computer programmers Systems analysts ........ 1449 397 1712 Purchasing agents and buyers, not elsewhere classified Programmers Computer systems analysts Chemists Engineers 1845 162-3 Chemists, except biochemists Engineers Engineering technicians D ra fte rs ...................... Computer operators Photographers 371 372 4612 326 Electrical and electronic engineering technologists and technicians Drafting occupations Computer operators Photographers Accounting clerks.............. File c le rk s .......................... Key entry operators M essengers...................... Personnel clerks/assistants Purchasing assistants Secretaries Stenographers Typists General c le rk s .................. 4712 4696 4793 4745 4692 4664 4622 4623 4624 463 Bookkeepers and accounting andauditing clerks File clerks Data entry operators Messengers Personnel clerks, exceptpayroll andtimekeeping Order clerks Secretaries Stenographers Typists General office occupations 92 Appendix D. Comparisons of Salaries in Private Industry with Those of Federal Employees Under the General Schedule tion with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, prepares the occupational work level definitions used in the survey. Definitions are developed by OPM according to stand ards established for each grade level. Table D-l shows the surveyed jobs grouped by work levels equivalent to General Schedule grade levels. The PATC survey is designed to provide a basis for comparing salaries under the General Schedule classi fication and pay system with salaries in private enter prise. To assure collection of pay data for work levels equivalent to the General Schedule grade levels, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in coopera 93 Table D-1. Comparison of average annual salaries in private industry with salary rates for Federal employees under the General Schedule, March 1986 Occupation and level surveyed by BLS' Average annual salary in private industry2 Salary rates for Federal employees under the General Schedule3 Step6 Grade4 Average5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 File clerks I ............................................. General clerks I ..................................... Messengers ............................................ $10,335 10,478 12,276 GS 1 $ 9,584 $ 9,339 $ 9,650 $ 9,961 $10,271 $10,582 $10,764 $11,071 $11,380 $11,393 $11,686 Accounting clerks I ................................ Drafters I ................................................ File clerks I I ............................................ General clerks II .................................... Key entry operators I ............................ Typists I .................................................. 12,517 13,054 12,156 12,730 13,146 12,584 GS 2 10,785 10,501 10,750 11,097 11,393 11,521 11,860 12,199 12,538 12,877 13,216 Accounting clerks I I ............................... Drafters I I ............................................... Engineering technicans I ...................... File clerks II I ........................................... General clerks III ................................... Key entry operators II ........................... Personnel clerks/assistants I ................ Purchasing clerks/assistants I .............. Stenographers I ..................................... Typists II ................................................. 14,687 15.854 16,882 15,625 15,500 16,901 14,193 13,994 18,374 16.854 GS 3 12,225 11,458 11,840 12,222 12,604 12,986 13,368 13,750 14,132 14,514 14,896 Accounting clerks I I I .............................. Computer operators I ............................ Drafters I I I ............................................... Engineering technicans II ..................... General clerks I V ................................... Personnel clerks/assistants I I .............. Photographers I ..................................... Purchasing clerks/assistants I I ............. Secretaries I ........................................... Stenographers II .................................... 17,954 13,727 20,201 20,312 19,322 16,903 16,636 17,282 16,326 21,739 GS 4 14,235 12,862 13,291 13,720 14,149 14,578 15,007 15,436 15,865 16,294 16,723 Accounting clerks IV ............................. Accountants I ......................................... Auditors I ................................................. Buyers I .................................................. Chemists I ............................................... Computer operators I I ........................... Drafters IV .............................................. Engineers I ............................................. Engineering technicans III .................... Job analysts I ......................................... Personnel clerks/assistants III.............. Photographers II .................................... Computer programmers I ...................... Purchasing clerks/assistants I I I ............ Secretaries II .......................................... 21,872 21,024 21,545 21,242 22,539 17,219 24,652 27,866 23.896 22,240 19,696 22.896 20,832 22,381 18,306 GS 5 16,272 14,390 14,870 15,350 15,830 16,310 16,790 17,270 17,750 18,230 18,710 Computer operators I I I .......................... Personnel clerks/assistants I V ............. 21,524 23,702 GS 6 $18,432 $16,040 $16,575 $17,110 $17,645 $18,180 $18,715 $19,250 $19,785 $20,320 $20,855 See footnotes at end of table. Table D-1. Comparison of average annual salaries in private industry with salary rates for Federal employees under the General Schedule, March 1986 —Continued Occupation and level surveyed by BLS1 Average annual salary in private industry2 Salary rates for Federal employees under the General Schedule3 Step6 Grade4 Average5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Purchasing clerks/assistants IV ........... Secretaries I I I ......................................... $29,384 21,152 Accountants II ........................................ Auditors II ............................................... Buyers I I .................................................. Chemists I I .............................................. Computer operators IV .......................... Drafters V ............................................... Engineers II ............................................ Engineering technicans IV .................... Job analysts I I ........................................ Photographers III ................................... Computer programmers I I ..................... Public accountants I .............................. Secretaries IV ......................................... 25,554 26,108 26,369 27,205 24,550 31,004 31,194 28,412 25,288 27,009 24,558 20,468 23,839 GS 7 20,241 17,824 18,418 19,012 19,606 20,200 20,794 21,388 21,982 22,576 23,170 Computer operators V ........................... Secretaries V .......................................... 28,986 28,051 GS 8 22,901 19,740 20,398 21,506 21,714 22,372 23,030 23,688 24,346 25,004 25,662 Accountants I I I ....................................... Attorneys I .............................................. Auditors III .............................................. Buyers I I I ................................................. Chemists II I ............................................. ' Engineers III ........................................... Engineering technicans V ..................... Job analysts I I I ....................................... Photographers I V ................................... Computer programmers III.................... Public accountants I I ............................. Systems analysts I ................................ 31,143 31,014 32,121 33,580 34,141 35,715 32,718 30,605 31,584 29,324 22,714 29,141 GS 9 24,521 21,804 22,531 23,258 23,985 24,712 25,439 26,166 26,893 27,620 28,347 Accountants IV ....................................... Attorneys II ............................................. Auditors I V .............................................. Buyers I V ................................................ Chemists I V ............................................ Directors of personnel I ........................ Engineers I V ........................................... Job analysts IV ...................................... Photographers V .................................... Computer programmers I V ................... Public accountants I I I ............................ Systems analysts II ............................... 39,293 39,635 39,705 41,304 41,548 39,817 42,677 38,206 35,094 34,919 26,633 34,881 GS 11 29,881 26,381 27,260 28,139 29,018 29,897 30,776 31,655 32,534 33,413 34,292 Accountants V ........................................ Attorneys III ............................................ Chemists V ............................................. Chief accountants II .............................. Directors of personnel I I ....................... 49,231 50,119 50,678 47,963 46,328 GS 12 $36,176 $31,619 $32,673 $33,727 $34,781 $35,835 $36,889 $37,943 $38,997 $40,051 $41,105 See footnotes at end of table. Table D-1. Comparison of average annual salaries in private industry with salary rates for Federal employees under the General Schedule, March 1986—Continued Occupation and level surveyed by BLS’ Average annual salary in private industry1 2 Salary rates for Federal employees under the General Schedule3 Step6 Grade4 Average5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Engineers V ............................................ Computer programmers V .................... Public accountants IV ........................... Systems analysts III .............................. Accountants V I....................................... Attorneys IV ............................................ Chemists VI ............................................ Chief accountants III ............................. Directors of personnel I I I ....................... Engineers V I ........................................... Systems analysts I V .............................. VO Ov $50,769 42,934 32,116 41,997 61,546 63,933 60,796 62,880 63,855 58,883 49,515 GS 13 43,533 37,599 38,852 40,105 41,358 42,611 43,864 45,117 46,370 47,623 48,876 Attorneys V ............................................. Chemists VII ........................................... Chief accountants IV ............................. Directors of personnel IV ...................... Engineers V II.......................................... Systems analysts V ............................... 78,396 74,607 80,409 75,170 68,602 58,404 GS 14 51,791 44,430 45,911 47,392 48,873 50,354 51,835 53,31(3 54,797 56,278 57,759 Attorneys V I ............................................ Engineers V III......................................... Systems analysts V I .............................. 101,169 79,021 71,770 GS 15 61,722 52,262 54,004 55,746 57,488 59,230 60,972 62,714 64,456 66,198 67,940 1 For definitions, see appendix c. 2 Survey findings as summarized in table 1 of this bulletin. For scope of survey, see appendix A. 3 General schedule rates in effect in March 1986, the reference date of PATC survey. 4 Corresponding grades in the General Schedule were supplied by the Office of Personnel Management. 5 Mean salary of all General Schedule employees in each grade as of March 31, 1986. Not limited to Federal employees in occupations surveyed by BLS. 6 Section 5335 of title 5 of the U.S. Code provides for within-grade increases on condition that the employees’s work is of an acceptable level of competence as defined by the head of the agency. For employees who meet this condition, the service requirements are 52 calendar weeks for each advancement to salary rates 2, 3, and 4; 104 weeks for advancement to salary rates 5, 6, and 7; and 156 weeks for each advancement to salary rates 8, 9, and 10. Section 5336 provides that an additional within-grade increase may be granted within any 52-week period in recognition of high quality proformance above that ordinarily found in the type of position concerned. NOTE: Under Section 5303 of title 5 of the U.S. Code, higher minimum rates (but not exceeding the maximum salary rate prescribed in the General Schedule for the grade or level) and a corresponding new salary range may be established for positions or occupations under certain conditions. The conditions include a finding that the Government’s recruitment or retention of wellqualified persons is significantly handicapped because the salary rates in private industry are subtantially above the salary rates of the statutory pay schedules. As of March 1986, special higher salary rates were authorized for professional engineers at the entry grades (GS-5 and GS-7), and at GS-9 and GS-11. In addition, special rates were authorized for mining and electrical engineers at GS-5 through GS-12 and petroleum engineers at GS-5 through GS-13. Information on special salary rates, including the occupations and the areas to which they apply, may be obtained from the Office of Personnel Management, Washington, D.C. 20415, or its regional offices. Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms, 1985 Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms, 1985 U S Department of Labor Bureau ot Labor S ta tistics July 1986 U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin 2262 The Bureau of Labor Statistics issues its 1985 Bulletin on employee benefits in medium and large firms. This survey is the seventh in an annual series. Data available • Incidence and detailed characteristics of 14 private sector employee benefits paid for at least in part by the employer: Lunch and rest periods, holidays, vacations, and personal, funeral, jury duty, military, and sick leave; sickness and accident, long-term disability, health, and life insurance; and private retirement/capital accumulation plans. Included in the retirement data is information on defined benefit plans, such as benefit formulas and pension replacement rates, and on defined contribution plans, such as salary reduction or 401 (k) plans. • Incidence data on 17 other employee benefits, including financial counseling, prepaid legal services, and child care. Source of data • Sample of about 1,500 establishments in a cross-section of the Nation’s private industries; primarily by personal interview. Coverage • Major benefits in medium and large firms, nationwide. • Minimum employment in establishments covered is generally 100 or 250 employees, depending on the industry. Uses • Union contract negotiations. • Conciliation and arbitration in public and private sectors. • Development of legislation affecting the welfare of workers. Publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, or the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Publications Sales Center P.O. Box 2145 Chicago, III. 60690 I 1 Order form Please send________ copies of E m p l o y e e B e n e f i t s in M e d i u m a n d L a r g e F i r m s , 1985, Bulletin 2262, Stock No. 029-001-02903-9 at $4.75 each for a total of $ _________________ n n n Enclosed is a check or money order payable to Superintendent of Documents. 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