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SURVEY OF CURKENT BUSINESS December 1947 S-l Monthly Business Statistics The data here are a continuation of the statistics published in the 1942 Supplement to the SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS. That volume contains monthly data for the years 1938 to 1941, and monthly averages for earlier years back to 1913 insofar as available; it also provides a description of each series and references to sources of monthly figures prior to 1938. Series added or revised since publication of the 1942 Supplement are indicated by an asterisk (*) and a dagger (f), respectively, the accompanying footnote indicating where historical data and a descriptive note may be found. The terms "unadjusted" and "adjusted" used to designate index numbers refer to adjustment of monthly figures for seasonal variation. Data subsequent to October for selected series will be found in the Weekly Supplement to the Survey. Unless otherwise stated, statistics through 1941 and descriptive notes may be found in the 1942 Supplement to the Survey 1947 1946 October November December January February March April May June July August September October GENERAL BUSINESS INDICATORS NATIONAL INCOME AND PRODUCT * Seasonally adjusted quarterly totals at annual rates: National income bil. of dol Compensation of employees do Wages and salaries do Private do Military _ _ _ _ _ do Government civilian _ . _ _ __do_ _ Supplements to wages and salaries do Proprietors' and rental income-. _ do_ _. Business and professional do Farm do Rental income of persons do Corporate profits and inventory valuation adjustment bil. of dol Corporate profits before tax . do_ _ Corporate profits tax liability do Corporate profits after tax do _ Inventory valuation adjustment _ .do_ _ Net interest _ _ do 191.0 122.2 117. 1 98.0 5.6 13.5 5.1 46.7 22.0 17.8 7.0 197.6 124.9 119 4 101.5 4.6 13.3 5.4 47.0 22.4 17.6 7.0 200 1 126.3 120 9 103.5 4.1 13.2 5.5 47.2 21.9 18 0 7 2 (i) 18.8 27.1 11.0 16.1 -8.3 3.2 22.4 29.0 11.6 17.4 -6.6 3.3 23 3 27.4 10 8 16 6 —4.1 3.3 (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) Gross national product do Personal consumption expenditures do Durable goods _ do Nondurable goods . do Services do Gross private domestic investment do New construction __._ . _ _ _ do _ Producers' durable equipment do Change in business inventories .do Net foreign investment do Government purchases of goods and services bil. of dol Federal (less Government sales) do State and local do . 218.6 154.9 18.2 93.6 43.1 30.4 9.3 15.7 5.4 5.2 223.1 158 0 18 5 95.3 44 2 29 4 10.3 16 5 2. 7 83 229 1 162 0 19 2 97 8 45 0 29 1 $6 18 0 15 10 5 232 166 19 100 46 30 10 18 2 7 28.2 16.9 11.2 27 4 16 0 11.4 27 5 15 6 11 9 Personal income do Less: Personal tax and nontax payments do Equals: Disposable personal income _ _ do . Personal savings § .__ ___ do PERSONAL INCOME* Seasonally adjusted, at annual rates: Total personal income.. bil. of dol "W age and salary receipts, total. do_ _ Total employer disbursements do C ommodity-producing industries do Distributive industries . _ _ do Service industries. _ .. do Government _ _ _ _ _ _ do Less employee contributions for social insurance bil. of dol. . Other labor income _ _ _ do Proprietors' and rental income do . Personal interest income and dividends, .do Total transfer payments do 187.5 19.5 168.0 13.1 190 9 21.2 169 7 11 7 192 3 21 4 170 9 89 Total nonagricultural income . _ ___ do NEW PLANT AND EQUIPMENT EXPENDITURES* All industries, total mil. of doL Electric and gas utilities do Manufacturing and mining . . _ _ do Ptailroaddo. _ Commercial and miscellaneous do FARM INCOME AND MARKETINGS Cash farm income, total, including Government payments* _ ._ ... _ _ mil. of dol From marketings and C. C. C. loans* do Crops* _ . . . do Livestock and products* do Dairy products* . do Meat animals* do Poultry and eggs* do. _ 129.7 124 7 107 3 3.9 13.4 5.0 47.3 22 1 17 9 7 3 3 4 28 2 15 8 12 5 200 21 178 12 184.0 113.6 115.4 49.5 32.0 14.2 19.7 188.4 115.4 117.2 50.6 33.0 14.4 19. 2 189.9 117.0 118.8 52.3 33.5 14.4 18.6 190.3 117.1 119.2 53.1 33.5 14.6 18 0 190 7 117.5 119 6 53.2 33.7 14 6 18 1 191 8 117 5 119 6 53.7 33 7 14 6 17 6 190 2 116 7 118 9 53.2 33 4 14 8 17 5 191 5 118 3 120 4 54.1 34 2 14 9 17 2 195 1 121 1 123 2 55.5 35 3 15 2 17 2 196 1 1.8 1.6 45.3 13.3 10.2 1.8 1.6 47.6 13.5 10.3 1.8 1.6 47.2 13.7 10.4 2.1 1.6 46.6 13.9 11 1 2.1 17 46.8 14.0 10 7 2.1 17 47 7 14.0 10 9 2.2 17 46 9 14.0 10 9 2.1 18 46 9 14.0 10 5 2.1 18 47 6 14.1 10 5 2.1 18 47 8 14.2 11 1 2.1 18 45 9 14.3 10 4 162.7 165.6 167.3 168.2 168 5 168 8 167 8 169 2 171 9 172 3 173 1 3,730 360 1,920 180 1,280 3,401 3, 386 1,862 1,524 343 875 288 2,999 2,986 1,450 1,536 315 933 274 2,438 2,420 999 1,421 317 829 266 3, 160 330 1 600 160 1 080 2 284 2,248 918 1, 330 330 807 187 1,897 1,853 707 1,146 292 667 181 2 076 2,010 692 1,318 345 743 224 121 2 123 3 55. 1 35 5 15 4 17 3 2 026 1,989 621 1,368 379 705 9fi1 2 211 2,185 743 1,442 392 789 924 4 7 7 7 194 9 122 5 124 6 r 210 9 904 £> r J24 5 T 1O(} A 1 9^1 n 56.2 35 7 15 3 17 4 r 57. 5 r 3ft 4 57.9 36 R 15 2 17 5 '2.1 1 8 r 48 4 r !5.0 21 2 T Jigg } 3,940 450 2 010 220 1 260 1 974 1,914 594 1,320 345 726 2.26 3 0 9 0 1 4 4 0 0 7 2.1 50 9 14.9 1 7Q Q 4 070 510 2 010 290 1 250 2 6g2 2,657 1 205 1,452 382 7Qr 9/n r 9 ci 7 T o 060 2,505 1 187 1,318 353 3,049 1 4Q7 3.820 1,552 1, 638 929 944 224 OAO Department of Commerce. For source and a brief description of the series on plant and equipment expenditures, see note marked "*"' on p/S-2 of the September 1947 Survey third quarter of 1947 estimates are based on anticipated capital expenditures of business. Revisions for January 1945-May 1946 for farm income are available on request; see note in September 1947 Survey J Digitized forearlier FRASER regarding data. 768643—47 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis