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23d CONGRESS, Ut Session. " ' [" D o c . N o . 5 2 3 . 1 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GIFT OF THE OVERSCERS COMMITTEE TO VISIT THE Ho. OF REPS. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. MONTHLY STATEMENTS OfTHB AFFAIRS OF THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, FROM JANUARY, 1831, TO JUNE, 1834. JUNE 28, 1834. Printed by order of the House of Bepresentafthret. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY GALES & SEATON. 1834. -*V Digitized by GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates te herein mentioned. n HI, ■»■ — m ■ ■ Bills discounted Bills discounts Bills discount i Domestic bills Baring, Broth of exchange. ers, & Co. Hope on personal se ed on funded ed on bank & Co. Hottinstock. curity. debt. guer & Co. 183L February 1 Bank United States January 24 Office, Portland Portsmouth 24 I Boston 27 1 Providence S7 Hartford 24 New York 26 Baltimore 24 "Washington 22 Richmond 25 Norfolk, 22 Fayetteville 24 Charleston 18 Savannah 18 Mobile 14 New Orleans 10 8t. Louis 10 Nashville 12 Louisville 11 Lexington 17 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo 19 Utica 25 Burlington 26 20 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 20 DuefromBank United States and offices. ■f J 4,461,245 19 224,581 22 160,290 57 220,550 35 * 576,473 61 410,694 18 2,111,209 92 1,418,534 60 1,259,808 07 925,147 84 659,478 87 766,723 77 2,196,872 83 559,447 94 819,064 88 - 5,241,978 88 1 401,449 42 2,047,300 48 , 1,821,605 02 756,483 26 2,450,864 52 1 1,022,689 33 | 483,060 92 356,926 09 [ 212,443 78 [ 1,204,984 45 1 170,671 93 32,942,581 91 "**•«»•»«■ Real estate. I 1 1 ' 1 ! | 1,178,158 46 49,989 43 41,893 63 2,100 00 392,471 72 7,524 70 288,937 43 r> 31,649 37 1 7,100 00 1,162,317 18 1 249,505 08 197,700 00 111,766 26 38,730 00 139,501 63 20,629 00 141,863 68 54,260 00 10,800 62,679 30 15,900 00 — 396,856 86 6,600 ! 192,634 92 533,782 05 | 5,000 00 249,011 63 8,000 00 2,259,166 07 70,750 48 *" 2,000,631 50 69 *• ' -. 909,518 938,889 70 -• 549,536 88 ' 256,304 21 ; 71 ; 159,213 38,306 76 i 72,006 53 - - 17,400 1,657,343 88 79,783 33 * \ \ - 624,561 95 12,284,708 24 1 • -> • ~ ~ _ - - ** - - • 1,657,343 88 10,319,480 07 143,095 29 6,941 52 220,399 80 1,878,332 45 193,210 82 ~ 29,915 25 156,282 78 2,016,122L48 _ 25B,623r42 205,202 01 193,$69lt 64,292 95 692,529 93 44,853 41 161,959 26 23,788 47 430,553 10 349,313 45 . 461,122WB<T ~ 258,178:31 « 407,908:21 12,065 00 1 3^,224 16 _ 189,128 46 98,536 45 179,734 68 237,212 37 793,145 10 384,752 19 96,488 13 •334,783 46 | i 98,335 46 1 1,725 28 _ ' 14,572 75 ~ 44,321 95 1,636,919 56 88,801 11 r 78,674 54 2,623,690 77" 20,393,806 87 o f to GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ' 1 !»■ — i ii in ■ mmmmmmmmmmUmm i|i"l.i» ■ " ■ " ' '■.'■'■■II'" I DuefromState Losses chargea- I Deficiencies* [Banking houses, Treasurer U. ' . Expenses, j Notes of Bank ► ble to contin1 banks. 1 bonusand pre-| States. United 8tatea ■ gent fund. I mium. and offices.. 183T February 1 January 24 24 27 27 24 26 24 22 25 22 24 18 18 14 10 10 12 11 17 Bank United States I 835,836 91 216V954 12 1 1 23,573 18 2,100 22 1 Office, Portland 75,757 88 1 : Portsmouth 1 " " 6,612 08 1 1 85,595 05 Boston 925 65 I I 18,937 98 Providence 13,878 39 I I , 4,653 34 I Hartford 1 626,177 66 1 61,050 13 1 | New York I 79,455 23 1,663,282 06 I Baltimore 1 60,755 51 1 194*839 65 I Washington I 52,115 07 ! 40*397 70 I Richmond 1 15,830 90 | 225,669 96 I Norfolk I 30,155 69 38,606 38 I Fayetteville I 156,175 54 137,874 06 1 Charleston J 32,620 79 | 146,313 99 1 Savannah I 9,071 50 1 Mobile 34*033 19 New Orleans - I 403,746 48 11 1 — _ St. Louis 1 .3,240 04 405 28 I ! Nashville I 15,002 30 187,286 39 1 Louisville 1 6,100 52 i 197,726 46 1 Lexington 1 38,707 84 _ 1 Cincinnati I 12,088 52 98,127 07 1 *24 Pittsburgh 1 47,532 62 Buffalo 19 1 23,922 01 j «. 1 25 Utica I 12,661 06 ~ 1 Burlington 26: ' 25,625 65 1 *I 20 Agency, Cincinnati 8,913 90 20,414 80 Chillicothe • I 20 «^° - I 1I 17,237 78 I 976 00 1 11 - 573,961 19 ~' -, . . 116,777 02 ~ .87,000 -. 00 34>075 $5 1 110,657 34 118 50 32,648 92 7(^,513 05 35,923 57 I . 35,109 65 18,087 05 ' 13,385 02 67,727 78 43,600 00 456 52 24,096 92 48,000 00 _1 *. 136 00 15,000 00 j 13,559 78 _. 1 „ 23,496 71 _ 20,496 68 410 00 14,392 13 «. 1I -5,500 —00 — _ I - 1 ] 2,602,869*641 3,387,881 11 I 142,010 55 1 1,281,332 71 ! a m M « N * M M a M < ~ ^ ~ - 1 ; 1 29,178 56 33,735 44 ; " * _ i i 1 ~ 170,000 00 2,194 36 ! "* ' i - j - ! ! 235,108 36 1 9,011 55 1,891,745 86 48440 112,140 00 23 7 2 | 151,720 00 512 50j 557,420 00 700 09 334,055 00 2400 77,725 00 3,987 25 978,865 00 1,589 97 278,505 00 8*567 84 367,395 00 8,618 36 j 406,205 00 955 88 I 269,045 00 493 97 I 343,345 00 1,481 67 | 326,345 00 990 03 j 881,035 00 1,258 39 403,720 00 5,422 58 j 3,120,200 00 222 86 743,225 00 520 44 | 1,010,410 00 517 22 \ 314,485 00 747 20 316,035 00 1,063 95 73,495 00 2,006 56 '• 220,310 00 735 79 414,835 00 566 20 ■ 327,175 00 340 79 < 329,390 00 6,898 43 3,052 45 . 60,794 09 14,248,825 86 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. , ' 1 •*%* III J • • 1831. February 1 Bank United States January 24 ' Office, Portland 24 Portsmouth 27 Boston 27 Providence 24 I Hartford 26 New York 24 Baltimore 22 Washington 25 Richmond 22 Norfolk 24 Fayetteville 18 Charleston 18 Savannah 14 Mobile 10 New Orleans 10 St Louis 12 Nashville 11 Louisville 17 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 24 Pittsburgh 19 Buffalo 25 Utica 26 1 Burlinpton 20 1 Agency, Cincinnati 20 I Chillicothe Notes of State 1 banks. Specie. -l | Capital stock. 407,058 04 3,789,996 98 16,746,269 63 12,513 00 73,185 98 300,000 00 1 35,994 00 36,063 83 70,753 00 465,097 13 1,500,000 00 ! 800,000 00 14,819 SS 111,813 14 300,000 00 ! 7,510 00 30,949 00 206,433 01 3,314*356 59 2,500,000 00 123,838 83 498,000 00 1,500,000 00 500,000 00 36,119 04 48,494 07 64,499 68 180,424 36 i: 1,000,000 00 7,710 00 236,338 80 i 500,000 00 I 25,681 00 1 45,163 68 1! 560,000 00 108,624 00 1 273,567 24 | 1,500,000 00 211,485 00 1 394*756 05 1i 1,000,000 00 ~ 1 90,152 88 165,045 97 . 180,187 83 1,344*526 54 1,000,000 00 ~ 1 214,193 44 1 19,656 00 159,541 51 1,000,000 00 *0,687 00 1 202,833 41 1,250,000 00 77,765 77 ! 700,000 00 1 37,976 00 1 190,703 60 |1 1,700,000 00 193,871 00 I 58,260 59 !1 700,000 00 40,681 00 I 161,033 49 | 39,353 84 [ 57,851 80 " 20,867 70 1 59,479 27 J *1 I *" ™ .I •■ 1 '" Notes issued. , Discount, ez- Dividends un-LProfit and loss. change, ftoa claimed, interest* 3,835,180 36 205,690 00 1 251,390 00 699,555 00 ! 438,195 00 333,772 50 1,691,653 50 756,873 50 1,080,563 50 1,085,340 00 1,013,755 00 1,171,035 00 1,458,345 00 1,794*595 00 1,537,669 00 6*534*705 00 679,305 00 3,096*945 00 1,168,560 00 1,483,630 00 964*635 00 994,957 50, 743,710 00 576,000 00 479,940 00 1,830 00 875 00 | 1,965,37119 11,169,428 24 34*996,369 63 33,048*58176 28,943 12 2,149 56 913 15 3,342 07 6*884 24 3,364 53 29,886 17 13,544 93 1 12,105 50 1 7,131 07 ! 6,543 83 ], 4*174 44 ' 25,654 34 7,397 69 9,748 56 59,948 80 3,566 68 44*583 66 21,081 18 13,010 90 1 33,580 50 13,006 09 5,783 15 3,680 79 3,073 21 5,336 00 934 81 367,347 97 82,927 00 1,636,38153 17 50 668 50 11,361 00 3,951 50 1 1,267 00 I 42,418 75 28,963 75 5,498 43 19,745 00 10*031 50 1,198 00 73,033 00 5,733 00 380 75 315 80 38700 386,67548 1,636,38153 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ' o o FT I Contingent [ Due to Bank Due to State 1 Redemption1 Depositee of Depositesof Depositesof in 1 fund. banks. U. States and 1 of public I Treasurer U. 1 public officers. dividuals. offices. debt. States. 1831. February 1 I Bank United States January 24 1 Office, Portland Portsmouth 24 1 Boston 27 | Providence 27 Hartford 24 New York 26 Baltimore 24 Washington 22 Richmond 25 Norfolk 22 Fayetteville 24 Charleston 18 Savannah 18 Mobile 14 New Orleans 10 1 St. Louis 10 1 Nashville 12 Louisville 11 1 Lexington 17 1 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo 19 Utica 25 Burlington 26 20 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 20 - 5,452,040 95 3,097,953 48 340,025 20 1 105,414 66 | 1 423,359 83 1 180,628 34 1 1 52,729 97 1 1 1,806,197 50 1 1,470,569 62 1 247,547 02 1 "* 260,529 48 ! 1 " 34,031 42 ** •1 19,085 39 J. 180,636 14 I ~ 235,286 01 1 ~ 39,773 76 1 ~ * 3,275,903 96 1 ~ 772,057 31 1 ~ 898,433 05 1 1 ** 847,626 21 1r "*" 871,701 11 454,151 49 83,809 88 457,867 93 I " 193,193 42 1 " 1 218,066 74 1 ' ~ 2,911,694 04 ** 1 289,987 10 - 1 * 11 " I 5,452,040 95 19,768,260 06 II Hill ■■ « l — 1 1 703,601 12 12,335 23 406,204 91 822,865 02 13,453 14 21,659 08 107,620 79 334438 37 20,111 23 63,585 63 3,369 78 12,277 89 205,035 79 109,223 99 1,759,692 28 209,309 35 281,420 16 37,710 27 144,331 15 1 1,971 25 26,614 54 • 47,088 94 1 8,017 70 12,510 10 39,156 51 60,208 29 185,028 38 i 9,567 38 1 57,940 14 27,463 37 215,352 73 1 137,549 31 87 - 1 597,311 970 81 174,790 69 7,780 40 230,924 65 11,943 94 193,187 39 1,485 51 17,127 22 294*346 33 96,246 47 46,195 55 7,388 41 117,193 25 2,390 50 684 94 6,249 01 . _ 1,739,299 95 515,428 90 5,648,201 91 96,305 13 45,169 60 29,592 29 153,109 79 7,253 34 15,254 34 290,360 87 40,999 20 241,397 32 47,032 94 43,031 62 31,991 56 32,238 57 13,716 68 46,527 03 82,479 85 10,902 22 8,588 59 14,500 46 14,885 97 22,559 44 10,925 05 5,363 78 4»97l 56 59123 1,309,748 43 1 1 1 1 1,458,606 14 22,822 49 21,547 27 586,096 93 19,238 79 38,345 30 1,133,051 47 592,090 66 318,640 35 252,433 86 265,266 01 35,420 43 701,940 62 145,917 75 153,522 55 1,381,955 24 121,572 65 158,714 36 246,650 96 240,104 89 4$5,205 71 271,479 S7 82,912 60 64,805 77 19,341 69 o o f to 09 67 28 8,767,751 14 ©1 [ Doc. Na, 523. J ft GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued At Bank United States. Funded debt, various Due by the United States Mortgages Foreign exchange account - ' - - . . * - . . - . . • $7,674,681 5,267 164,988 2,991 . 06 32 44 35 $7,8477928 17 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent - - - . - - - - - 40,144 17 v Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Jftwded debt, various , * . . ' . . Bills dlscouritethm personal security 32,942,581 91 '. v. funded debt 17,400 001 ., bank stock 624,561 95 Domestic bills'of exchange • . 33,584,543 86 . 12^384,708 24 Real estate Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer&Co. 20,393,806 87 Due from Bank United States and offices 2,602,869 64 Due from State banks Due from United States « Deficiencies •' . . . Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expenses Cash, viz. notes of the Bank U. States and offices H248.825 86 notes of State banks 1,965,371 19 specie > .• 11,169,428 24 Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Foreign exchange account . . i w 7,674,681 06 - 45,869,252 10 2,623,690 77 o eg. FT BANK or THE UNITED STATES, 34,996,269 63 33,048,581 76 367,247 97 286,675 48 1,626,281 53 5,452,040 95 3,387,881 11 2,064,159 84 1,657,343 88 22,996,676 5,267 142,010 1,281,332 60,794 27*383,625 164,988 40,144 2,991 51 32 55 71 09 29 44 17 35 109,902,798 24 o Capital stock ' Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - Due to Bank U. States and offices 19,768,260 06 State banks . 1,739,299 95 Redemption of public debt Deposites, viz. on account of Treasurer U. States Do. less overdrafts and special deposites • Do. Do. of public officers of individuals 31,507,560 01 515,428 90 O 5,648,201 91 235,108 36 5,413,093 55 1,309,748 43 8,767,751 14 CO 15,490,593 12 109,902,798 24 February 2, t831, W. McILVAINE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank qfthe United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. 1 183L March 1 Bank United States February 21 Office, Portland Portsmouth 21 Boston 24 Providence .17 21 Hartford • 23 New York 21 Baltimore 19 Washington . 22 Richmond 19 Norfolk , 21 15 Fayetteville 15 Charleston 4 Savannah January 31 ! Mobile February 7 New Orleans 9 St Louis 15 Nashville 14 ■ Louisville 17 Lexington • 21 . Cincinnati 16 Pittsburgh 22 .: Buffalo 23 Utica January 31 Burlington 31 l Agency* Cincinnati Chilficothe m i i ■ m '—' Bills discounted Bilk discount Bilb discountJ Domestic bills Baring, Broth Real estate. 1 on personal se- ed on funded ed on bank of exchange. ers, & Co. Hope stock. | debt :fc Co. HottinIcurity. guer & Co. 4,527,422 79 221,750 70 1 1 152,946 41 1 192,976 33 1 544,493 53 1 394,104 21 2,262,227 14 1,418,563 33 1,254,070 19 1 I 927,986 32 ( 665,019 46 720,291 37 2,242^24 86 567,333 42 795,448 90 5,376,855 36 395,474 23 2,014,444 56 1,944,208 04 1 833,256 06 1 - 2,564,379 69 1,078,003 58 478,084 13 359,915 67 194,877 73 1,204,984 45 170,671 93 33^502,614 39 1 DuefromBank United States and offices. 1,275,226 89 1,161,076 75 78,744 54 | 10,418,715 96 48,522 03 1 113,850 63 2,100 00 ' 43,254 34 6,941 52 230.155 08 7,524,70 | 1 396,690 13 1,870,612 62 290,805 33 235.156 27 7,100 00 ! 32,386 61 29,915 25 120,691 76 1,500 00 1,230,595 12' 2,043,020 02 290,351 72 191,905 00 188,289 98 38,930 00 i 124,388 40 205,202 01 153,553 78 93,792 09 25,129 00 | 64,292 95 765,373 20 175,944 13 55,560 00 1,200 00 44,853 41 248,907 42 ! 15,900 00|( 51,986 94 1 23,788 47 506,010 20 476,828 03 5,690 00 234,913 44 493,764 20 5,000 00 558,719 5* 649,365 56 418,650 44 253,659 59 3,000 00 2,450,615 86 I 12,065 00 218,621 71 90,501 13 343,701 11 2,187,822 10 149,840 40 878,243 12 91,342 11 196,919 44 692,628 80 23$,959 04 473,686 65 mm 575,760 68 376,279 34 I 260,675 66 96,488 13 | 286,951 99 ' 171,947 25 ! 137,022 98 48,914 64 1,725 28 78,402 09 15,589 98 ! 1,636,919 56 44,321 95 | 88,801 11 124,471 87 mm ■ mm ^ 6,800 00 711,034 01 12,943,653 09 i 1,161,076 75 | 2,616,313 10 20,535,786 05 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 mt^^mm^ a cr o o eg. FT i y i . i . i i Losses Treasurer Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State 1 Due from chargeable Banking to Deficien 1 State banks. Contingent 1 cies. houses, bonus U. States. United States banks. and premium. and offices. fund. - > 183L March 1 Bank United States February 21 Office, Portland 31 Portsmouth 34 Boston 17 1 Providence 21 Hartford 33 New York 31 Baltimore 19] Washington 331 Richmond 19 Norfolk 31 Fayetteville 15 I Charleston 15 Savannah 4 Mobile January 31 New Orleans February 7 St. Louis 9 Nashville 15 Louisville 14 Lexington 17 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh 16 Buffalo 33 Utica 23 Burlington January 31 Agency, Cincinnati SI Chillicothe 942,261 72 37,968 61 I 1 - • 1 | 1 1 -1 218,317 99 2,100 32( 7S9757 88 -* 6,613 08 17,237 78 33,117 47 935 65 976 00 5,083 34 13,878 39 8,565 54 521,190 86 61,050 13 ; 66,568 85 1,663,282 0« 34*075 65 84*199 03 194*839 6S 118 50 59,624 63 40,397 70 70,513 05 12,171 20 225,669 96 55,666 43 38,606 38 18,087 05] mm 185,027 751 137,874 06 179,252 59 146,313 99 5,188 11 ' 45652 I 573,559 15 34*033 19 _ — 18,303 89 405 28 136 00 19,979 81 187,286 39 1 ~ 40,096 65 197,726 46 M 41,527 45 7,054 98 98,127 07 34*669 77 4W4Q 46,559 76 _ 18,042 38 — 35,635 65 8,913 90 20,414 80 mm 573,961 id 18,634 60| '! 791 58 ~ — — 133 51 116,717 02 512 501 v 1,369 34| 347 11 : - I 87,000 00 1 «• 1 6,437 001 110,657 34 3,197 451 32,648 92 | 67,35Q63 9,791 33tl 35,923 $7 i 1 9,690 341 r ■ 35,109 65 1 1,450 80| 13,385 02 707 03il 67,737 78 1 3,047 201 43,600 00 — 3,405 01[I 24*096 92 1,870 781 48,000 00 6b829 76| 831 8t! 15,000 00 1,290 801 13,559 78 .632 40] 1,253 5fl 23,496 71 170,000 00 1,986 14 30,496 64 2,194 36 2,766 32] 16,444 13 1,684 77| 1,1303:» 5,500 00 593 41L 6,898 4:)| ~ 3,053 45] 1,936,755 86 541,364 52 120,370 23,386 00 147,735 31,382 73 N 607,360 1 54,685 00 343,045 13,649 00 119,160 9,120 00 1,309,860 1 304*842 43 314,405 | 81,535 68 298,365 13,719 53 358,615 53,331 01 227,450 7,665 00 277,865 16,139 00 287,975 47,174 00 671,010 87,130 00 391,370 146,312 98 3,516,790 , 310,781 00 810,810 1,070,270 39,705 00 276,845 10,717 00 289,400 455,800 55,569 00 252,565 111,443 00 346,380 | 53,276 00 365,435 29,819 35 339,030 i 38,128 19 [3,004*593 87 3,389,344 9d| 143,010 S5 11,383,384 71 | 339,544 99 89,304 621 14*833,665 86 3,069,754 31 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, Capital stock. Specie. > ■ 1831. March 1 Bank United States February 21 Office, Portland Portsmouth 21 Boston 24 Providence 17 Hartford 21 New York 23 Baltimore 21 Washington 19 Richmond 22 Norfolk 19 Fayetteville 21 Charleston 15 Savannah 15 Mobile 4 .New Orleans January 31 St. Louis February 7 Nashville 9 Louisville 15 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 17 Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo 16 Utica 22 i Burlington 23 January 31 Agency, Cincinnati ChilBcothe 31 Notes issued. " 1 r ? r r - • 3,856,990 76,090 37,436 464,701 126,481 20,949 2,953,628 493,000 59,460 181,351 228,841 59,498 ! 271,432 422,010 ! 165,211 | 1,339,467 227,495 206,011 222,648 75,891 182,804 71,533 1 163.186 [ 66,113 I 59,997 1 - - Discount, ex Foreign | Dividends un Profit and loss. change, and exchange ac claimed. ** count. interest. '' 10 16,446,269 63 5,831,180 26 96,547 96 205,690 - 3,103 44 48 251,390 1,196 84 300,000 86 699,555 1,500,000 55 5,198 07 800,000 " 438,195 9,321 15L 54 300,000 . 333,772 50 00 5,080 56 1,685,742 50 48,029 41 56 2,500,000 1,500,000 756,872 50 20,268 45 i 00 500,000 1,082,327 50 1 18,599 77 70 1,000,000 1,085,340 1 10,236 97 55 500,000 1,013,755 10,890 72 26 500,000 1,171,025 12 10,929 11 1,451,200 22 1.500,000 41,038 53 ; 1,791,190 13,475 50 21 j 1,000,000 1,521,849 16,222 14 17 .6,522,195 90,500 54 52 1,000,000 678,860 6,104 13 1 27 3,092,340 63,458 06 16 1,000,000 1,165,595 35,951 17 I 60 1,250,000 700,000 1,481,100 17,641 96 15 1,281,160 47,530 19 84 1,700,000 700,000 993,077 50 19,960 05 72 743,100 9,314 89 33 * - *• - - i 576,000 6,074 23 70 479,910 4,106 95 12 1,830 5,226 00 875 924 81 - 12,012,232 73 34,696,269 63 133,335,126 76 tmmmmm+mmn m ,» 616,931 60 7,329 25 — • r - . - — — — — — - 66,401 437 84 5,222 2,117 1,347 26,707 15,326 4,717 10,600 5,541 771 26,925 2,299 50 50 00 00 50 50 25 75 93 50 50 00 00 50 1,626,281 53 i 25 P g CO * 783 25 - - - - 334 80 252 00 ' 7^329 25 169,869 48 1,626,281 53 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i *m i ' ■ ■ I I I ! ■' 1 — ■ ■ * ■ » — — Contingent Due to Bank U. Due to 'State Redemption Deposites of Deposites of Deposites of in fund. dividuals. | of public Treasurer U. public officers. banks. States and of [ debt. ! SUtes. fices. o o 183T March 1 February 21 21 24 17 21 23 21 19 32 19 21 15 15 4 January 31 February 7 9 15 14 17 21 16 22 23 January 31 31 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford . New York Baltimore Washington 1 Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston 8avannah Mobile New Orleans j St. Louis \ Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 5,452,040 95 1 [ 1 1 1 1 1 f [ - - - - -~ . ™ - 1[ **- 3,460,213 56 333,747 64 111,217 58 416,819 27 203,298 72 37,318 07 2,012,500 55 1,484,428 21 233,699 77 256,746 84 16,312 95 - 292,195 08 299,227 62 58,397 82 3,984,669 70 822,707 65 1 1,071,553 71 936,605 91 385,085 40 655,891 98 175,191 28 466,998 16 179,984 82 234,720 15 2,911,694 04 289,987 10 5,452,040 95 21,331,213 58 615,388 63 16,380 66 238 76 51,916 95 21,492 86 1,743 85 162,554 37 159,475 65 78,248 04 1,663 90 24*877 33 1,902 18 97,119 56 10,299 65 72,857 95 274>987 03 1,117 06 ?6,114 35 11,770 47 - 19,967 75,195 2,868 6,022 52 84 ! 20 | 27 *~ 1,734,203 08 1 405,904 91 984,305 64 22,796 48 23,265 92 510,282 72 64,113 90 12,399 37 99,597 07 2,686,539 41 339,337 46 -. 76,207 84 25,913 89 64,843 67 - . | 47,637 56 225,252 52 20,419 93 73,352 05 - 1 246,945 74 700,235 48 235,438 45 232,368 34 190,824 39 1,207 15 314,713 65 45,282 81 112,944 91 1,185 03 5,879 21 - - - 525,921 91 -. 7,243,273 59 133,956 74 46,591 21 26,786 85 122,525 18 6,906 25 14,741 71 221,523 25 39,416 34 222,629 94 i 46,757 70 | 47,119 82 30*751 94 6,500 20 27,583 05 *7,579 41 67,464 45 8,803 32 8,776 29 12,235 25 14*881 66 $2,955 42 8,698 34 2,508 49 2,549 85 544 95 -- 1,351,561 04 16,083 32 13,653 38 417,287 99 16,439 62 49,814 31 1,238,157 44 540,696 70 319,206 78 246,759 51 286,645 47 34,904 22 793,537 72 114,712 97 138,413 35 1,249,783 10 115,773 01 208,618 44 239,064 70 240,730 19 405,385 09 270,893 67 64^70 71 47,787 43 14,998 59 | 67 28 8,475,346~03 1^190,787 61 ■■■ FT ■' ■ i 9 to CO I Doc. No. 58a ] 12 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Batik United State*. Funded debt, various, Due by the United State* Mortgages, . - - • * - $7,674,68106 5,367 32 143,588 44 « . 17,823,536 88 At Office, Norfolk, Hary Agent, » - . . . . i ^ i $40,14417 i Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal security 33,502,614 391 funded debt * 6,800 00 711,034 01 bank stock Domestic bills of exchange 7,674,681 06 34,230,448 40 12,943,653 09 Real estate - ' Baring; Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hotthv guer&Co. r 20,535,786 05 DuefromBank United States and offices State banks 3,004,593 87 . . United States .Deficiencies - . Banking houses, bonus, and premium, ,« Expenses • Cash, viz. notes of the Bank of the United States State banks * Specie .• . Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - . . 47,164,101 49 2,616,313 10 i t i6i,076 rs 23,540,379 92 5,267 32 142,010 55 1,283,384 71 89,204 62 14,833,665 86 2,069,754 31 12,012,232 73 28,915,652 90 143,588 44 40,144 17 112,775,805 03 BANK OF THE UNITED STATUS, Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 34,696,269 63 33,335,126 76 616,931 60 7,329 25 169,869 48 1,626,281 13 5,452,040 95 3,389,244 98 Due to Bank U. States and offices 21,331,213 58 State banks 1,734,203 08 Redemption of public debt Deposites, viz. On account of Treasurer U.S. i.ess overdrafts and special de posites . Of public officers Of individuals - 2,062,795 97 23,065,416 66 525,921 91 7,243,273 59 239,544 99 7,003,728 60 1,190,787 61 8,475,346 03 16,669,862 24 112,775,805 O i March 2, 1831, W. McILVAINE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills dis I BilUdis- j Domestic bills Foreign bills 1 Real estate. Due from Bank Due from [ United States State banks. of exchange. of exchange. on personal se- counted on counted on and offices. funded debt. bank stock. Icunty. 1831. •» 149,653 88 1,515,234 April 1 Bank United States - 5,134,706 14 42,918 232,182 54 Mar. 28 Office, Portland 1,900 00 41,254 Portsmouth 151,294 70 28 -. 7.497 35 330,428 Boston 182,115 91 24 — 251,414 Proridence - 1 521,647 67 1 24 7,650 00 30,004 I 382,064 36 28 Hartford \ 1,397,685 New York - I 2,650,294 06 30 189,537 80 279,276 28 Baltimore 1 1,429,413 21 f 38,930 00 120,107 Washington • I 1,289.632 10 ! r 26 -+ 18,339 00 45,886 23 Richmond 1 896,176 91 ! 224,475 56 : Norfolk I 686,925 44 \ 1,500 00 46,060 00 15,900 00 92,821 21 FayetteviHe - J 748,258 09 6,600 00 390,863 44 1 483,967 15 Charleston 1 2,234,929 30 5,000 00 494,115 22 Savannah I 647,754 81* 764,954 18 Mobile I 804,645 98 1 3,000 00 3,447,355 14 New Orleans - I 5,531,895 47 17,030 7 1 Natchez I 30,934 18 ~ 99,393 St. Louis 1 379,648 59 | * ' • 15 2,300,898 Nashville [ 2,055,423 57 9 874,921 15 Louisville 1 2,037,109 85 ~ i 589,049 21 Lexington f 980,445 71 i 607,946 17 Cincinnati I 2,688,973 99 • , 317,319 21 Pittsburgh I 1,140,230 03 1 i 226,753 23 Buffalo 1 479,502 15 53,965 22 I Utica [ 385,523 46 76t745 23 Burlington 207,052 71 — 22 Agency, Cincinnati - I 1,216,304 03 — _ — 21 ChilUcothe- I 170,671 93 - 95 180,339 86 26 34 31 17 82 83 58 18 1 06 17 34 1 53 1 53 18 _ 86 00 • 54 j 83 31 27 21 70 71 -. 05 -. 58 - _ - 78,744 54 11,645,893 188,098 6,94152 364,705 3,172,485 1 375,716 29,915 25 121,269 874,549 215,204 206,488 67 380,130 64,292 95 801,724 44,853 41 116,909 23,788 47 542,759 580,652 632,616 142,546 12,065 00 446,410 ' ' L - 91,343 11 336,859 04 - 96,488 13 - 1,634,385 31 88,801 11 1 1 1 - 353,331 58,443 373,479 533,319 461,632 146,835 175,751 5,308 . 15,716 38,080 - 60 36 04 48 31 47 54 28 70 65 08 36 03 73 96 12 02 84 50 31 80 65 54 64 36 10 903,617 83 38,161 75 171,652 74 16,97179 7,424 09 334,465 73 168,965 03 65,334 66 70,415 55 37,861 32 34,953 44 180,308 81 265,500 94 10,343 38 319,998 96 5,939 00 23,614 11,346 58,348 51,804 13,539 31,088 35,395 15,339 24 23 53 32 36 47 08 55 8,913 90 35,285,756 89 ~ T , 8 0 0 00 774,320 37 14,725,923"30| 180,339 86 3,604,865 51 31,443,560 17 2,849,894 69 - ^ w ^ J 11— .I—^w»— GfENERAL STATEMENT— Continued. + • m I i ■ . ■ ■' 1831. April 1 March 28 28 24 24 28 30 28 26 22 26 21 15 22 18 14 7 15 9 15 21 17 21 23 22 23 22 21 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond I - I J 1 1 Norfolk Payetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis NashviUe Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe 218,217 2,100 75,757 6,612 925 13,878 61,050 1,663,282 200,775 40,397 225,731 38,606 137,874 146,313 j — I 34,033 19 I - 1 1 * I I I I 99 22 88 08 65 1 39 13 06 98 70 10 38 06 99 ~ « 98,127 07 *. «. - 6,542 82 20,414 80 3,376,059 62 - 1 - 17,237 78 j 976 00 116,777 02 ~ - - 87,000 110,657 32,648 35,923 35,109 13,385 67,727 43,600 24,096 48,000 34,075 65 118 50 70,513 05 t - 18,087 05 456 52 ~ ' — ri — — — 405 38 187,286 39 197,726 46 573,961 19 ta. - , ^ ' '- — - 410 00 141,874 55 i ■ I ■ ■ ■ Banking houses, Treasurer | Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State U. States and bonus and pre- United States. banks. i offices. mium, . Losses chargeaJ Deficiencies. 1 ble to contin1 gent fund. i | 00 34 92 57 65 02 78 00 92 00 - 159000 00 13,559 78 - 23,496 71 20,702 39 16,444 13 - 5,500 00 — 1,283,590 42 -• — - i 29,877 1,183 1,191 5,612 2,193 1,597 9,578 5,032 11,383 31,384 92 10,548 2,746 1,512 5,092 3,625 3,444 12,217 475 1,338 «2,465 ~ 1,776 — ! 1,761 170,000 00 3,480 2,194 36 3,320 2,246 1,560 1,074 — ' 9,178 3,052 1 203,579 28 01 83 15 33 31 ! 82 1 50 I 33 22 67 30 74 95 79 40 | 87 1 12 03 67 20 86 48 24 16 : 42 21 I 46 45 138,567 52 2,154,290 114,160 109,140 396,900 340,010 121,145 1,009,165 135,285 209,675 335,685 290,610 200,245 195,450 824*875 219,970 2,173,180 247,245 883,420 1,128,675 266,455 409,305 354,610 240,615 302,315 290,435 316,935 86 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 1 533,187 10,912 25,739 45,545 17,764 8,615 269,896 69,043 15,135 62,057 23,830 34,545 56,071 109,585 165,686 258,065 11,585 53 00 00 00 36 00 47 64 51 61 00 00 00 00 82 00 00 46,398 17 10,727 00 . i \ 24,624 136,960 37,103 42,039 40,646 00 00 00 67 68 . 13,269,795 86 ! 2,055,762 46 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 mmmmmmmmm ■ I o o FT 183L April 1 March 28 98 34 24 28 30 28 26 22 26 21 15 22 18 14 7 15 9 15 21 17 21 23 22 23 *22 21 - Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo tJtica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ChilHcothe Specie* - 1 4,088,707 91,935 36,824 - 1 I 560,285 205,523 1 20,120 1 3,081,983 ( 476,000 1 58,421 I 179,897 I 350,430 I 50,393 273,792 1 438,263 1 151,781 - I 1,180,858 1 50,563 231,017 1 204,065 I 211,453 72,135 183,357 71,069 165,634 1 91,857 59,239 - ! 1 Capital stock. 22 16,446,269 44 27 300,000 05 1,500,000 33 800,000 00 ! 300,000 44 2,500,000 00 1,500,000 97 500,000 33 1,000,000 31 500,000 30 500,000 31 1,500,000 27 , 1,000,000 13 85 1,000,000 08 «1* 51 65 1,000,000 52 1,250,000 58 1,000,000 60 1,700,000 70 700,000 82 -^ 56 -" 38 - *" * ~ 112,485,609 61 ! — . - 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Notes issued. 2,849,180 205,650 251,145 690,375 437,365 333,497 1,661,667 743,507 1,079,272 1,084,950 1,037,980 1,168,465 1,451,200 1,986,250 1,521,769 6,572,775 _ 00 00 00 00 00 678,860 3,170,340 1,235,595 1,661,100 1,269,965 1,007,637 743,070 576,000 479,910 1,830 875 26 00 1 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 J 34,996,269 63 133,889,131 76 t Foreign i Dividends un ProBt and loss. Discount, claimed. exchange, and exchange ac count. interest. i 137,760 4,719 1,757 8,565 13,869 7,515 77,819 31,964 25,903 13,226 15,579 14,609 56,119 22,778 31,953 163,949 881 9,545 80,622 52,509 27,991 64,099 28,094 15,012 8,844 5,389 30,417 £9,216 24 28,664 00 18 12 28 00 19 J 3,125 50 88 1 1,785 00 ! 77 51 | i 1,360 00 17 19,897 35 S 8,239 35 51 22 I 4,010 93 48 8,588 00 05 3,070 50 54 561 00 11 16,719 00 29 1,494 50 38 73 387 75 82 15 18 77 339 80 58 341 50 84 SIT 66 83 88 39 1,634,076 79 924 81 942,323 50 ; 69,216 24 98,301 98 1,634,076 79 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. • ■ • , '" ■ >" • ; » o o eg. FT 1831. April 1 March <28 28 24 24 28 30, 28 '26 22 26 21 15 22 18 14 7 15 9 15 21 17 21 23 22 23 22 21 , i ' ' ■ , ] J Baring, Bro ( Due to Due to -' thers* & Co. B^dempt'n Deposites of Bank U. States i State banks., Hop & Co. of public Treasurer Hottiiiguer &| debt* [and offices. United States. 1 Co. 1 / " ' | Contingent fund. r ■ ♦ j Depbsites of individuals: Deposites of public officers. i 1 ! Bank United States - 1 5,452,040 95 2,356,844 82 815,297 08 ( 254,895 20 402,187 28 2,602,542 68 1 374,160 63 1,614,641 15,865 343,469 05 14,736 22 i ; 37,166 84 . 90,046 01 ! Office, Portland 16,082 115,966 48 178 44 7,113 30| • 22,477 12| i Portsmouth ,» ' 458,483 83 285,316 14 25 143,209 411 693,934 1 Boston *~ 1 230,238 259,357 25 '' 26,631 78 Providence ! 48,626 38 14,171 33 31,335 1 ~ 724 20; .-*■<' s 44,847 23 6,020 04 - • i 13,652 39 Hartford 36,167 2,524,064 25 315,220 60 8 5 , 3 1 0 3 2 898,868 98 ' 358,484 66 1,334,335 « New York ' ' " " ' * 42,270 25 518,720 ' -t 1,439,812'42 164,326 91 96 Baltimore - ' ' 327,931 - ' J i * '"* 84,299 72 103,56168 \ v 928,473 34 258,713 19 . 375,822 Washington " " , 221,824 36 23,279 69 ' 43,289 21 i 236,590 Richmond -1 "* ' '*• 6^268'69 290,475 10,512 40 65,515 99 25,490 50 Norfolk 31,229 15 28,061 20,073. 64 42,254 42 Fayetteville -' $9,174 25 .778,456 ' 314,834 92 131,004,06 235,721 75 Charleston ' '-. ' , 30,430 571 . 128,990 378,167 34 1,907 71 61,232 05 Savannah «| ' 32,688 00 168,270 , 160,444 76 122,066 56 250,73648 Mobile -. ' 79,450 33 1,396,573 3,237,469 44 191,829 25 New Orleans 1 814,645 69 l 20,524 ; 342,363 78 Natchez '' ' ~ 6,554 98 131,130 1 874,000 56 1,117 06 246,940 26 St. Louis , # * | 7,557*79] 159,562 . 1,161,156 25 19,695 89 236,455 35 Nashville -i 12,135 50 246,674 1,002,262 56 18,137 65 , 171,912 40 Louisville 24,502 33 225,133 i 128,774 77 [■ 1,207 15 Lexington - ¥| 773,681 37 ' , 18,247 43 289,725 53 L 33,047 12 421,149 Cincinnati 1 -' 138,886 80 1 74,558 51 32,077 82 15,635 80 289,510 Pittsburgh -^ 8,385 59 79,192 468,818 80 I 9,759 34 113,009 80 Buffalo i 1,306 381 55,793 258,729 97 1,079 07 4,230 83 Utica 1 — ) 221,717 42 5,600 70 5,779 21 Burlington \ ! 19,852 — 324 2,861,819 19 ., Agency, Cincinnati ',67 289,987 10 ChUlicothe ** ! _ - ..v - ■ ■ * " ■ - ■ ' - ■ 5,452,040 95 20,472,596 94 2,371,855 26 - 1 02 16 37 94 88 13 96 12 75 31 14 44 12 60 10 13 78 68 78 21 33 82 63 79 81 16 24 28 254,895 20|487,497 60 6,989,338 74 |U727,912 49 9,313,238 68 J ' 2 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 18 GENERAL STATEMENT—.Continued. Ai Bank United States. Funded debt, variout Dae by the United Steles Mortgage! . - . - . - - - ' . • #r,67*681 06 5,367 32 141,396 78 . MO, 150 49 At Office, Norfolk. Ntty Agent - . . . . . . Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal security - 35&B5J56 89| Bo. do. funded debt 7,800 K (M Do. do. bank stock 574,220 371 Domestic bills of exchange » 7,674,681 06 36,067,777 14,725,923 Seal estate ' j - ' Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices 21,443,560 2,849,^94 State banks United States ** Deficiencies Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expenses Cash, viz. notes of Bank%. S. and offices 13,269,795 2,055,762 State banks 12,485,609 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - Capital stock » „ 34,996,269 §3 Notes issued 33,889,131 76 Discount, exchange, and interest 942,323 56 Foreign exchange account 69,216 24 Dividends unclaimed 98,301 98 26 Profit and loss • . ', 1,6*4,076 79 30 Contingent fund . 5,452,040 95 50,793,700 56 l*ess losses chargeable to contingent fund 3,376,059 62 2,604,865 51 2,075,931 3(3 180,339 86 Due to Bank United States and offices - 20,472,596 94 17 State banks • '- 2,371,855 26 23,844,452 20 69 24,293,454 86 Baring, Brothers, k Co. Hope & 5,267 32 254,895 20 Co. Hottinguer & Co. l4l,874 55 Redemption of public debt 487,497 60 1,283,590 42 Deposhes, viz. on account of Treasurer of the United States - 6,989,338 74 138,567 52 less overdrafts and special $6 . deposhes 46 203,579 28 61 #,811,167 93 6,785,759 46 141,396 78 1,727,912 49 of public officers 40,150 49 of individuals 9,313,238 68 17,826,910 63 115,109,056 86 BANK 115,109,056 86 or THE UNITSD STATUS, April 2, 1831, W. McILVAIJflE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and DeposUe, at the dates herein mentioned. I ■ i■ ' t ■ 1 « * Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. . Bills discounted Bills discount. BiUs discount Domestic bills of exchange. on personal se ed on funded, ed on bank curity. debt. stock. 1831. May Apr^l ' 2 Bank United States . 25 Office, Portland 25 Portsmouth 28 Boston 28 Providence 25 Hartford , 27 New York 25 Baltimore 23 I' Washington 26 Richmond 23 Nfrfoik 25 Fayetteville 19 Charleston i9 Savannah 15 Mobile 11 New Orleans . 11 Natchez 11 St. Louis 13 Nashville 12 Lpuisvitle 18 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 25 i Pittsburgh ' 1 21 Buffalo 26 Utica ' "27 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe ' >," J 5,631,512 91 226,395 59 157,686 54 136,328 38 538,600 12 399,097 96 2,888,056 53 1,472,011-71 1,294,527 11 894,251 46 677,550 19 * 759,734 81 2,249,166.65 ! 756,59$ 84 j 764,626 79 1 5,896,627 29 ' 478,862 43 -» 358,130 54 2,175,810 75 2,050,613 82 | 1,047,546 52 - j 2,700,866 78 - 1,171,736 71 608,227 20 493,404 41 248,850 18 1,232,703 06 163,759 26 37,473,279 54 ** ~ 1,206 41,115 - — \ - -~ ' A _ ~ " 167,552 *"* 1,900 11,897 7,650 1,600 166,707 38,930 24,679 55,460 00 15,400 00 202,054 , 5,000 _ 3,000 ! _ , i 1 _ _ • *j 1 I 1,727,448 42,484 37,179 00 333,519 25 238,886 27,746 00 00 1,297,350 290,453 80 158,400 00 47,215 00 217,936 00 97,775 00 , 412,465 44 509,133 00 895,839 00 3,993,^43 105,597 101,594 2,197,219 823,870 467,638 [ 558,211 398,090 244,824 61,522 78,393 ~ 88 177,841 91 ( 1 .» - 30 70 01 99 69 93 18 04 29 15 18 . 76 82 92 43 96 44 42 15 73 84 83 02 63 28 15 1 | 1 " 43,315 00 1 701,731 37 15,364,741 84 J -^_ - " . — •* - J J 78,744 6,941 29,915 206,420 64,292 44,853 23,788 ,12,065 » - - \ . 9*1,342 f .236,509 ; 91,488 1,577,035 93,896 54 11,886,993 67 182,574 38 52 256,952 6K> 2,134,811 40 313,938 04 25 145,688 08 1,288,048 72 | 238,486 69 91 238,908 91 95 578,016 60 41 55,777 48 47 602,129 80 582,943 36 589,492 73 158,332 37 00 776,277 72 11 04 13 31 75 177,841 91 j 2,557,293 39 »■ J Due from Bank United States and offices. 752,821 92,256 165,357 720,874 716,236 154,778 138,467 3,077 17,256 32,864 99 30 00 80 61 30 14 96 71 15 22,823,S63 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ' 1 j ■ —; ; —— I ' ■ r ,. —— Losses charge Due from able to contin Deficien Banking houses Treasurer 1 Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State State banks; gent fund. U. S. & offices.1 banks. cies. bonus jBt prem. U.'States: 1 - 1831. ,_ — * 938,278 31 218,217 99. May 2 Bank United States 573,961 19 1 45,830 April 25 Office, Portland 1,445 13,476 80 2,100 22 I j % 25 Portsmouth ' 1,200 75,757 88 | I ~ I 28 Boston 148,645 64 6,612 68 17,237 78' 116,777 02 1 / - | 5,612 28 Providence , 2,726 9,888 77 925 65 1 976 00 "25 ' Hartford 1,597 32,305 94 13,878 39 ' ~ 1 *" 27 New York 12,235 240,069 29 61,050 13 1 87,000 00 25 , Baltimore 6,369 69,442 29 1,663,283! 06 34,075 65 - 110,657 34 ~ 23 ! Washington 94,182 11 200,782 57 ! 32,648 92 27,124 87 13,254 26Richmond , <72,609 00 40,397 70 70,513 05 35,923 57 11,751 23 , Norfolk 3,826 6,278 32 13,840 66 j 225,735 34 1 ' 1 35,109 65 1 25 Fayetteville • 40,239,19 38,606 38. 18,087 05/ 13,385 02 . | 2,391 19 Cfiarleston ->' 142,936 79 1 07,727 78 137,874 06 6,827 19 Savannah 43,600 00 ' 417,241 33 146,313 99 4728 ~ 15 Mobile ' 4,803 456 52 24,096 92 29,009 21 11 New Orleans 14,230 95,927 86 34,033 19 48,000 00 11 Natchez 1,603 121 92 11,000 00 11 St. Lou}s 1,976 13 Nashville 19,295 06 15,000 00 405 28 2,971 12 Louisville 2,863 7,385 03 . 13,559 78 187,286 39 ^ ! , 18 Lexington 16,350 06 197,7^6 46 2,967 21; Cincinnati 4,386 8,348 78 23,496 7t 170,000 00 25 Pittsburgh 2,869 97] 3,965 3,926 44 98,127 07 21,014 06 21 Buffalo . ,35,497 83 410 00 16,444 13 | 2,804 26 Ulica 69,193 54 3,352 27 Burlington ' 1,204 26,737 26 5,500 00 ! - 1 i 21 Agency, Cincinnati -, 11,694 11,053 11 . "" * 20 Chillicothe 7,227 36 20,414 80 3,983 - ., ■ ■ - - * ' • 2,551,167 39 3,380,580 74 k141,756 * . ■ ' • ! 29 78 15 | 33 50 82 58 82 67 93 97 36 08 j 65 88 04 01 59 12 11 29 80 76 1,857,220 86| 661,040 03 122,550 I 13,886 , 127,945 I 26,643 • 469,030 56,153 297,960 12,105 25 57,910 6,540 1,170,603 225,898 09 277,970 95,604 39 254,945 13,994 87 563,720 81,311 26 291,380 19,670 50,160 • 108,370 218,115 71,334 762,515 53,355 ■ 299,865 128,564 94 1,646,740 188,460 298,755 8,855 . 640,120 1,311,635 ' 57,532 56 392,575 .10,727 289,135 529,920 . 52,39fc 209,475 196,101 ' 68,215 51 I 168,750 94,415 39,978 45 90 1 68 ! 24,562 81 331,580 29 76 , , [. 05 1,294,902 09 206,873 16 181,616 67 - 12,683,198 86 2,163,083 65 1 I GENERAL STATEMENT-^-Continued. ■ 1831. :' May 2 April 25 25 28 28 25 27 25 23 26 23 25 19 *? V :. Rank United States" v Office, Portland Portsmouth * lioston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore > "Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettevute Charleston Savannah Mobile ii New Orleans 11 Natchez St. Louis ii Nashville 13 Louisville 12 Lexington, 18 Cincinnati . 21 Pittsburgh 25 Buffalo. 21 Utica , ■26! Burlington 27 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 20 n i i *' 1 Capital stock. Notes issued. Specie. * 4,316,328 96,805 36,546 627,192 218,414 20,120 2,757,093 586,000 54,677 181,939 253,213 34,345 ,- 268,765 464,597 1 219,171 ! 1,007,022 51,436 248,076 196,901 . 248,045 1 88,894 168,630 70,023 . 168,339 93,777 60,030 43 16 06 28 41 00 83 00 77 43 64 86 79 73 30 52 96 95 14 54 91 71 69 58 14 31 - ' _ I% 16,446,269 63, 2,917,1«0 26 305,240 239,320 300,000 : 686,575 * 1,500,000 434,615 800,000 317,107 50 ! 300,000 1,766,572 50 ; 2,500,000 914,867 50 1,500,000 . 1,049,877 50 500,000 1,078,790 1,000,000 1,034,700 i 500,000 500,000 1,163,080 1 1,449,580 ! 1,500,000 1,985,550 1 1,000,000 1,574,609 I 1,000,000 , 6,692,495 ' 280,000 -• 806,860 I[ 1,000,000 3,277,150 1,250,000 1,225,115 \ 1,660,395/ 1 1,000,000 1,293,225 1,706,00b. 700,000 1,021,722 50 ., 743,070 1 ~ 576,000 479,480 1 •"' 1,830 - ' 725 « M M « M a H a M * M * M +mm*mmm+^m—m—~ Baring, B. Discount, ex-]Foreign ex-|& Co., Hope] Dividends Profit & loss. change, and in ctufflgcac-|& Co., Hpt- 1 unclaimed. count. tinguerfcCoa] terest. 1 277,659 5,660 2,576 11,749 18,916 9,704 102,585 40,346 25,472 17,548 19,993 18,762 75,581 30,178 42,353 224,883 15,941 11,940 97,812 66,01* 34,747 94,122 39,965 21,069 13,148 7,690 15,246 1,779 93 147,923 06 ^20,777 43 24,111 25 1,633,795 97 93 28 00 46 . ~ 1,977 50 64 1,21100 42 ^ 963 50 78 48 16,474 25 7,031 73 49 *_ 4,042 43 1 23 7,979 00 1 07 — -. 2,262 00 91 -. 533 00 36 13,950 50 60 \ 1,438 50 03 «96 380 75 U 30 -* 52 86 21 229 80 84 ~ 123 50 20 59 52 58 . 35 , 1 66 * 12 % 78 ■ « - - ■ • ■ * »i 12,529,381 13 34,996,269 63 34,875,731 76 1,343,456 81 1147,928 06 920,777 43 i ■ , r i- » " -J ' ' 82,734 73 11,663,795 97 GENERAL STATEMENT-^Continued. ■ i — * * * * * m i 1 . - 1 April, aw. Bank United Btatea 55 Office* Portland • -95 1 Portsmouth Boston 28 Providence 28 25 Hartford 97 New York 25 Baltimore . 23 Washington 26 Jtfetaaond 93 Norfolk 95 < FayetteriBt 19 • Charleston 19 Savannah 15 MobUe Now Orleans u 11 1 Natchez St Louis U | 13 1 NathriUc 12 I Louisrffle 18 Lfxtnrt^n .91 Cincinnati 25 Pittsburgh • 21 Buffalo 26 Uttea Sff 1 Burlington 21 ! Agency Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe • - i i 1 Contingent Due to Bank tJ. Due to State Redemption [Deposites of Depositee of Deposites of in 8tate« and offi banks. of public debt [Treasurer Unit- pubfic officers. dividuals. , [ &4 ce*. ed States. , ' 1 . 5,452,040 95 1 .1 1 1 r' I •1 JI 1I *I 11 - I 1 lI • 1 1 I I I l I . 1 580,603 05 \ 810,899 93 402,187 28 2,550*564 74 ' 0> * 350,667 13 . 9,067 63 76,888 62 1 144,919 17 8140 [ 10,092 83 ~ ' ■ m 720,340 58 65,321 16 1 ' ""* I1 452,407 28 | 240,013 74 49,651 02 53,230 60 -. 49,206 98 9,154 56 | 23,258 69 ^ 1,944,600 13 402,484 77 76VS00 32 k 1,5*8,932 49 ~ 1 1,532,970 65 44,441 47 368,166 34 **' 181»389 76 89,126 04 232,653 96 * *~• 289,807 17 1 |. 25,155 07 "*" 48,633 02 23,4^5 02 ' *" ~ 45,985 90 6,266 07 { ~ L rf -' *■* 330,037 98 29,680 34 213,209 52 526,756 95 1 ! 60,694 87 ~ " ~m 269,622 09 325,943 34 207,509 99 . '" 3,025,671 60 I 344,739 51 815,783 77 ' '454,294 65 [ 24,216 91 83,071 63 1 832,798 74 1,117 00 | | . - . 290,448 87 1 ~'~ ■ 1,263.943 51 26,760 27 236,777 36 1 _-'931,553 04 15,759 21 200,842 28 ' -. 114,418 42 1 1,126 55 " ' ~ 996,619 26 124,701 41 315,845 36 ' " «• 950,735 71 58,139 30 1 37,709 20 *" ' 34,684 83 | \— 103,172 75 ' 464,364 79 22 3,529 96 ~ i 211,518 "1,633 " 74 j 168,049 78 1 3,595 21 j ' ~ 14,021 29 1 2,833,792 58 1 " " ' ** i| |j 286,709 87 1 ' •*■ «k 15,466,062 24 21,014,000 21 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■! ll 1 II 2,437,084 82 1 478,487 60 5,982,972 32 I. , i > 94,426 80 33,350 36 17,726 18 147,304 76 9,705 65 1,200 20 341,213 96 54*763 98 201,329 68 33,609 63. 34,636 97 50,967 08 20,243 79 28,115 64 23,502 72 114,253 17 1,992 17 10,324 13 7,661 17 3,326 40 19,159 48 24,856 06 9,769 91 10,429 76 2,198 78 . 869 16 - 1,275,945 59 1,853,871 08 19,845 97 14,007 72 478,141 23 27,078 00 31,855 16 1,299,741 45 548,472 61 334,906 40 213,723 16 278,855 09 38,819 29 769,049 04 119,838 20 174,225 26 1,498,120 48 •96,704 88 149,230 83 158,921 84 300,780 94 237,673 T9 393,120 54 303,554 01 75,188 51 51,326 37 20,796 55 459 98 67 28 9,488,368 46 f Doc. No. 523. ] 24 GENERAL. STATEMENT-—Continued. At Bank United States* Funded debt, various ' Due by the United States Mortgages - - , . • - - ., - - . .. - . - .." $5,674,681 06 5,267 32 141,396 78 95,821,345 16 At Office^ Norfolk. Navy Agent #40,144 17 Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Funded debt^ various . Bills discounted on personal security 37,473,279 54| funded debt 42,315 00 bank stock - . 701,731 37; 5,674,681 06 Domestic bills of exchange 38,&L7,325 91 15,364,741 84 Beal estate - . Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks . . . 22,823,363 51 2,551,167 39 Due from United States Deficiencies . • Bankjng houses, bonus* and premium Expenses . Cash, viz. notes of the Bank U. States and offices 12,683,198 86 notes of State banks •» 2,163,083 65 specie 12,529,381 13 Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk . - . . . Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, &Co. Hope & Co. Hottinguer & Co. 53,582,067 f$ Dividends unclaimed 2,557,293 39 Profit and loss • 177,841 91 Contingent fund 5,466,062 24 Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 3,380,580 74 25,374,530 90 5,267 32 Due to Bank U. States and offices 21,014,000 21 * State banks 141,756 05 2,437,084 82 1,294,902 09 181,616 67 Redemption of public debt Deposites, viz. on account of Treasurer U. States 5,982,972 32 Do. less overdrafts and special 27,375,663 64 deposites 206,873 16 141,396 78 40,144 17 Do. Do. of public officers . of individuals 34,996,269 63 34,875,731 76 1,343,456 81 147,928 06 920,777 43 82,734 73 1,628,795 97 2,085,481 50 23,451,085 03 478,487 60 £* f to 5,776,099 16 1,276,945 59 9,488,368 46 16,541,413 21 116,547,161 73 116,547,161 73 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, May 2,1831. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. to at GENERAL STATEMENT * ■ * — — — " * of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills dis Bills discount Domestic bills Foreign bills 1 Real estate. Due from Bank Due from United States State banks, on personal se counted on ed on bank of exchange. of exchange. and offices. funded debt stock. curity. 1831. ' May 31 Bank United States 33 Office, Portland Portsmouth 33 1 Boston 36 [ Providence 36 Hartford S3 \ New York 35 1 Baltimore 35 1 .Washington 31 i Richmond 24 1 Norfolk 31 , Fayetteville 33 Charleston . 17 Savannah 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez 9 St. Louis 16 Nashville 11 XO , Louisville Lexington 16 19 i Cincinnati Pittsburgh 33 19 Buffalo Utica 34 ' Burlington 25 I April 31 Agency, Cincinnati ChHlicothe May 20 'in ' ■ IP| I M I - - 5,833,768 04 ' 230,607 88 1,807,212 56 41,149 50 209,309 59 _ 35,683 64 1,300 00 1 155,935 70 -437,570 19 146,056 57 16,597 25 229,943 18 535,836 $3 _ 28,535 62 7,650 00 388,167 64 1,500 00 1,291,398 24 3,393,076 68 . 209,153 32 195,561 18 1,475,079 52 147,098 52 38,930 00 .1,311*901 32 42,273 63 I 24,179 00 902,159 42 188,449 87 49,200 00 699,465 91 90000 96,127 72 15,400 00 1 725,271 64 477,863 81 2,388,576 93 21,090 00 305,026 44 444,856 60 5,000 00 781,444 X5 830,625 85 847,721 30 5,733,143 42 3,000 00 4,340,318 51 237,202 20 ! 748,564 95 _ 103,258 35 355,647 57 1,851,583 53 2,273,708 30 -. 2,116,876 27 824,287 46 — 373,946 82 1,082,645 08 • •" 527,420 39 2,809,785 31 . '410,898 14 1,198,706 45 ' ~ 272,681 58 698,645 13 _ -. 64,251 18 540,048 88 _ _ 76,695 38 293,357 65 '1,232,703 06 -. •» 159,838 47 • 206,407 29 38,937,311 88 21,990 00 793,951 75 15,390,485 79 206,407 29 12,531,400 25 34,875,834 9 6 ; 2,568*02*43 — J - — — — — — — — m . „ -* - -. __ — - 78,744 54 12,394,465 39 883,109 73 265,387 37 34,340 07 271,953 73 1 6,941 53 3,293,890 62 39,369 99 1 356,950 65 9,808 40 1 111,409 93 16,945 63 I 39,915 25 1*825,194 31 418,866 89 1 70 1 86,384 16 1 306,431 - 03 364,952 163,551 75 88,259 74 669,586 35 93,006 93 64,292 95 185,370 24 15,658 14 44,853 41 486,001 42 40,343 30 33,788 47 494,746 91 90,693 17 651,505 -03 366,818 31 1 42,727 30 30,554 33 141,496 14 13,065 00 1,056,443 09 1 1 I 1 1 775,655 67,932 304,639 778,128 976,763 192,306 127,946 63,453 18,999 33,864 - 63,150 36 333,509 04 - 94,988 13 ~ 1 11,577,035 - 31 96,685 34 1 ~ 48 63 46 58 48 46 83 80 43 15 35,478 15,156 38,520 42,096 9,039 33,175 36,317 33,661 1 33 04 35 53 36 97 94 39 9,336 89 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. mt » «■] * » » ■■■■■>■■■ Losscscbargevl Deficien Banking Treasurer ble to contin cies. houses, bonus, U. States. gent fund. J and premium. 1831. . m. Mar 31 Bank United States 573*961 19 318,217 99 23 Office, Portland j 2,100 22 I ~ 23 Portsmouth . 75,7ST 88 26 Boston 12,146 38 17,237 78 116,777 02 26 Providence 925 65 976 00 — — 23 Hartford 13,878 39 . 25 New York 61,050 13 87,000 00 25 Baltimore 1,663,333 06 34^075 65 . 110,657 34 , 21 Washington 194,839 65 32,648 93 31,238 82 24 Richmond 40,397 70 170,513 05 35,933 57 21 Norfolk 235,663 24 35,109 65 23 Fayetteville 38,606 38 18,087 05 13,385 03 17 Charleston 137,374 06 67,727 78 — 17 Savannah 146,513 99 43,600 00 13 Mobile 24,096 92 ' ! 456 53 9 New Orleans 34,033 19 48,000 00 9 Natchez 11,569 00 1 — 16 8t. Louis — _ 11 Nashville 541 28 15,000 00 < 10 Louisville 187,260 47 13,559 78 16 Lexington 197,576 46 — 19 Cincinnati 23,496 71 "* •*» 23 Pittsburgh 94,627 07 21,031 08 2,869 97 19 Buffalo 410 00 16,444 13 — 24 Utica — ' • 25 Burlington $,000 00 April 21 Agency, Cincinnati 11,053,11 1 ~ Hay 30 Chillicothe . • 20,414 80 1 - ■ 1 o o FT " mm - Expenses. I Notes of Bank Notes of State I United States banks. I and offices. 60,319 79 I 1,718 19 1,331 15 I 5,913 33 3,254 66 I 1,597 83 16,590 34 7,607 03 15,058 21 13,848 77 I 5,089 33 I 3,733 18 I 8,130 30 I 5,773 77 I 5,375 98 I 17,018 40 I 2,850 58 2,723 69 3,538 55 3,110 54 3,382 66 6,043 58 5,271 27 3,390 09 3,556 84 I 1,486 89 I 11,694 29 4,633 24 3,376,010 10 141,756 05 1,295,978 11 1 34,108 79 222,930 37 i «■ ii ■' Specie. 609,130 65 4*148,777^8 41,703 39 6,363 00 40,908 28 139,010 00 28,688 60 280,050 00 81,775 00 973,849 28 242,025 25 377,580 00 27,642 59 20,120 00 66,585 00 24,400 00 1,040,335 00 243,306 84 3,406,308 32 381,430 00 113,098 81 | 635,000 00 59,308 53 179,080 00 15,413 59 183,898 33 537,860 00 63,353 15 390,180 00 23,740 00 247,504 97 21,126 27 393,990 00 I 19,160 00 376,695 00 95,731 00 263,733 76 463,167 85 730,695 00 191,910 00 215,321 09 316,340 00 115,986 55 717,659 64 1,474*135 00 I 290,309 00 49,826 03 510,065 00 5,365 00 263,671 16 707,920 00 195,936 20 60,606 25 1,633,310 00 10,837 00 262,171 08 493,315 00 87,587 67 676,045 00 145,094 69 71,973 00 431,085 00 70,510 61 93,735 00 333,390 00 173,767 52 96,061 00 83,640 00 93,968 54 46,648 93 181,465 00 57,409 24 15,308 51 304*395 00 1,780,515 86 97,380 00 2,347,421 47 112,070,25397 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ; . . . . •> . ■ * I | Capital stock. o o FT 1831 . May 31 23 23 26 26 23 25 25 21 24 21 23 17 17 13 9 9 16 11 10 16 19 23 19 24 25 April 21 20 May ■ , • Notes issued. 1 ■' ' > _ 1Bank United .States ; Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford ' New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston , Savannah Mobile i NewOrleans 1 Natchez . St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh i Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati L _ ChUKcothe ' v * 2,981,180 26 203,835 00 500,000 00 238,300 00 i 1,500,000 00 665,045 00 800,000 00 i 433,370 00 300,000 00 303j811 SO 2,500,000 00 1,766^132 50 1,500,000 00 914>747 SO 500,000 00 1,030,017 50 J 1,000,000 00 1,077,985 00 500,000 00 1,023,110 00 500,000 00 1,159,720 00 1,500,000 00 1,535,370 00 1,000,000 00 1,979,130 00 \ 1,567,159 00 1,000,000 00 6,609,530 00 1 580,000 00 1 I 806,360 00 1 1,000,000 00 3,262,155 00 1,250,000 00 1,234,490 00 1,000,000 00 1,708,800 00 1,700,000 00 1,286,690 00 700,000 00 1,120,392 50 : 742,305 00 1 *~ F .mm S75,76S 00 478,340 00 \ — 1,830 00 ~ - - . r 34,996,269 63 35,285,570 76 —^ During, Brothers & Co., Hope & Dividends un- Profit and loss. Co.,Hottingtier 1 claimed. IcCo- * — f * — 16,446,269 63 I Discount, ex Foreign ex change, and in change ac count. terest. § 338,664 7,970 3,018 14,730 22,470 11,293 135,957 49,777 42,692 21,886 . 24,436 23,334 91,646 34,369 49,693 281,025 27,510 15,112 110,788 82,027 41,748 100,580 50,729 26^13 16,210 9,310 15,246 6,450 710,039 61 22 147,640 83 55 \ *09 | \P7 | ! 45 ' 85 \ 08 ' [ 94 10 89 ~ 33 08 99 49' ; * 82 • 44 14 44 SS -•+ 92 SS 81 ' 59 20 1 " _. 53 22 12 "t 06 1,655,196 42 ' ■ - • ■ - 147,640 83 11 ■ • 1 ■ 1 22,968 84 1,837 1,169 910 14,556 5,971 4,003 7,527 2,237 533 12,074 381 25 1 1,623,795 97 00 50 00 00 25 25 93 50 50 00 50 50 f 380 7 5 ; 9* 183 80 70 00 ■ 710,039 61 | 7 4 , 8 8 8 73 1,623,795 97 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 l l l l . I ,' -Contingent fund. Due to Bank U. States and offices. Due to State Redemption 1 of public banks. debt. Deposites' of Treasurer U. States. Deposites of Deposites of public officers. individuals. 183L May 5,452,040 95 3,438,358 94 | 671,218 73 401,511 68 648,577 13 | 111,031 64 a i Bank United States 24,814 54 84,868 37 323,398 17 .23,591 37 23 Office, Portland •- ' 18,141 18 9,756 33 | 164,051 60 4 23 Portsmouth 156,396 71 l 601,698 27 943,454 47 117,722 27 26 Boston 8,007 50 57,988 35 , 1 322,914 45 15,632 52 26 Providence " 375 61 19,409 29 39,978 33 3,968 30 23 Hartford 320,565 51 76,300 32 2,142,776 63 2,062,464 17 424,123 55 25 New York 44,478 19 415,059 84 1,691,237 5B 116,695 80 25 Baltimore 188,111 93 147,078 13 196,001 38 92,760 32 21 Washington 48,846 83 39,520 17 279,215 67 24 Richmond 49,526 89 83,470 95 39,637 90 21 Norfolk . *■*- * J 35,721 27 33,083 92 1 17,936 21 11,930 27 18,653 65 23 Fayettevitte [ ~L 18,263 61 217,608 10 468,672 68 54,267 47 17 Charleston 18,061 70 579,099 02 24,616 30 17 Savannah 63,473 21 " 32,812 41 187,616 72 122,805 43 148,969 18 13 Mobile _ 96,645 29 371,637 84 3,818,020 77 408,741 73 9 New Orleans 2,102 15 83,961 46 742,126 45 46,623 69 9 Natchez 1 11,683 20 275,366 08 I 890,894 45 665 32 16 St. Louis —^ 1 ~ 7,727 13 236,248 68 ! 1 1,324,165 58 24,494 74 11 Nashville 3,248 54 189,733 46 , 1,103,031 62 . 12,174 60 10 Louisville 18,533 58 9,003 20 ! 414,130 01 j 16 Lexington 145,049 93 33,161 93 1,196,374 01 185,010 98 19 Cincinnati .. 15,484 41 29,829 20 165,023 13 53,463 30 23 Pittsburgh ! 25,829 74 494,403 91 1 62,336 81 19 f Buffalo 38,961 48 2,620 00 3,529 96 5,058 44 24 Utica -| I 356,264 84 759 20 183,542 59 3,836 36 25 Burlington _. 14,021 29 2,833,792 53 21 i Agency, Cincinnati 284,281 30 20 Chillicothe • , f _, " o o FT AprU May 5,466,062 24 24,533,104 30 2,527,051 68 ■ ' 477,812 00 6,099,621 00 1,653,275 50,871 ! 14*038 420,347 23,391 29,458 1,244*650 528,163 282,993 264,290 293,187 32,729 729,485 121,952 220,049 1,281,629 83,118 208,794 161,055 319,463 268,056 376,891 281,341 115,812 60,161 21,425 459 *7 51 23 25 22 04 40 74 67 78 79 99 32 81 47 18 57 87 76 38 52 22 02 41 1134 02 98 28 1,290,313 34 9,057,161 88 p s. CO 8 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 30 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Funded debt, vwiout, Due by the United State* Mortgage* #5,674*681 06 5,367 32 141,39678 #5,881,345 16 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent, - • • • • • » - #40,14417 i Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal security 38,927,311 88; funded debt 21,990 00 bank stock 793,951 751 Domestic bills of exchange Eeal estate Foreign bills of exchange, - Due from Bank United States and offices State banks .- 5,674,681 06 39,743,253 63 15,400,485 79 55,143,739 42 2,531,400 25 206,407 29 ' - 24,875,824 96 2,568,027 42 27,443,852 38 5,267 141,756 1,295,978 222,930 United States -~ ■ Deficiencies Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expense* Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 13,269,180 86 State banks . . . 2,347,421 47 12,070,253 97 Specie - 32 05 11 37 27,686,856 30 141,396 78 40,144 17 Mortgages .Navy agent, Norfolk 120,534,409 50 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, May SI, 1831. Capital stock . . . Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co; Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 34,996,269 63 35,285,570 76 1,665,196 42 147,640 83 710,039 61 74,888 73 1,623,795 9 7 5,466,062 24 3,376,010 10 Due to Bank U. States and offices 24,553,104 30 2,527,051 68 State banks Redemption of public debt Deposites, viz. On account of Treasurer U. S. Less overdrafts and special de posites Of public officers Of individuals - 2,090,052 14 Jp 27,060,155 98 477,812 00 ? 6,099,621 00 CO 34,108 79 6,065,512 21 1,290,313 34 9,057,161 88 1M12,987 43 120,534,409 SO W. McILVAINE, Cashier. CO GENERAL STATEMENT - of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates to to herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills ^Foreign bills Seal estate. Due from bank on personal se on funded debt. on bank stock. of exchange. of exchange. U.S. and offices. curity. I 1831 1 Bank United States 6,348,110 17 ' July June 20 Office, Portland 202,160 17 20 Portsmouth 153,323 16 23 148,948 25 Boston 23 Providence 624,289 90 27 Hartford 382,823 77 29 New York 3,518,263 92 i 27 Baltimore 1,537,002 48 ] 25 Washington 1,334,679 32 ,21 Richmond 937,627 38 18 Norfolk 679,415 73 20 Fayetteville 706,938 81 1 21 , 2,419,183 20 Charleston 21 Savannah 757,282 99 Mobile 979,789 93 17 13 Ndw Orleans • 5,867,453 96 . 6 [ Natchez 935,923 44 13 St. Louis - - 372,227 41 8 i Nashville 2,335,694 82 31 Louisville 2,134,651 50 Hay 20 Lexington 1,099,126 10 ! June 1 16 Cincinnati 2,851,066 86 20 Pittsburgh . 1,222,889 16 23 Buffalo 707,513 01 21 569,758 98 1 Utica ' . 22 Burlington 323,384 22 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1,251,783 52 , 20 Chillicothe - J 158,832 80 40,559,944 96 262,632 88 ~* J _ * 1 -. -— 1 — 900 00 - 21,090 00 - - - - 400 00 - . -. • 22,390 00 1,944,215 41,879 37,783 559,405 305,866 r 32,703 ,1,254,907 193,221 130,939 42,838 186,522 100,878 291,252 462,385 590,854 1 4,626,275 1 315,079 119,553 | 1,357,985 824,973 334,210 496,784 428,737 274,753 68,010 91,602 - 1,300 00 14,298 30 - 9,650 15,000 203,016 38,930 23,429 55,626 13,400 219,806 5,000 00 00 18 00 0D 00 00 44 00 - 4,000 00 '"%' - -*. . ™" > 01 144,439 72 89 64 47 89 -28 .20 68 08 84 00 36 22 77 ' 49 -98 78 79 65 -* 36 | 00 60 i -* 77 , 61 ' 35 48 - - - I 866,088 80 1 15,113,621 19 • 78,744 54 12,382,042 255,779 6 941 52 306,983 2,118,971 - 326,934 29,915 25 90,465 930,310 » i 198,300 1 201,418 14 204,829 i 64,292 95 528,817 44,853 41 *"225,599 677,445 23,788 47 381,805 1 ■ 'i 466,781 215,759 1■ 1 1,324,028 | 12,065 00 ! ] 2,620 702,755 261,832 • 267,100 64,366 17 732,797 228,459 04 [ 1,159,770 163,812 94,988 13 207,581 859 20,274 _ 81,252 1,546,937 83 96,685 24 - 144,439 72 2,493,455 69 25 92 22 14 43 71 98 62 35 68 73 00 62 03 52 24 47 65 69 72 45 26 50 39 47 76 56 24,235,512 35 o o 521 o to GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i * | - . « u w , i >IWI iiumtm—my—i— ■ ~ l 1. Due from I State banks. 1i\ i in. ■iwmii nimmmmmm Losses chargea ble to contin . Deficiencies. gent fund. bonus, and preJ mium. 1 , i 1831. July 1 Bank United States June 20 Office, Portland 20 Portsmouth 23 Boston 23 Providence 27 Hartford 29 New York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 21 Richmond 18 Norfolk ^ 20 Fayetteville 21 Charleston 21 Savannah 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 6 Natchez 13 St. Louis 8 Nashville May 31 Louisville June 20 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo 21 Utica 22 Burlington Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe * £i "'"' *■■ ^ . — , - ■■;. .« - 720,880 52 J I | I 1 f 1 1 1 j I | I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I - 1 326,103 2,100 19,942 07 , 75,057 12,146 123,877 4 0 925 19,214 52 13,878 12,115 03 61,050 316,830 42 79,540 00 1,663,232 198,528 71,152 39 40,397 67,348 71 225,663 11,940 75 38,606 137,374 163,820 39 146,369 485,445 60 27,325 66 170,818.90 33,748 3471J3 3,269 10 405 177,226 19,176 95 31,306 79 1 197,020 62,321 49 94,627 5,254 51 55,822 97 29,352 10 _ 26,510 ^2 ; - - 19 22 88 38 65 39 13 06 46 70 24 38 06 57 i .— - -- 87,000 00 110,657 34 32,648 92 35,923 57 35,109 65 13,385 02 67,727 78 43,600 00 24*096 92 48,000 00 13,100 48 — ' 15,000 00 13,559 78 ' 70,113 05 41 01 18,087 05 _ — 456 52 1 61 28 66 91 07 _ 6,762 02 20,414 80 I 2,530,376 34 3,464,876 64 ~ «. — 136 00 1 | — — - 4 _ 23,496 21,028 16,995 . 6,030 , 410 00 _ 1 — «. - 145,299 68 - 1 - j1 L_ MMMMMM^MMMMMM^M : • 77,116 56 ! 57 44 — —- 11 —" ' ' 1 ~ r — 26,113 37 [ — 1 — 1 1 1 *" ~ i1 11 1 f 1 71 1 58 08 1 1 00 1 1,298,098 04 ^ •»»•»*■• 1— 1 116,777 02 3,766 62 34,075 65 '- 1 -*■* 17,237 78 L 976 00 | ^j, , —„ 573,961 16 1 - Expenses. 1 NoteaofBankU. S. and offices. 1 ~ *" •• ** — ~ 1 — — 2,194 36 *. M *• " - i i 1,028,003 114,150 130,650 473,160 -288,315 98 77 166,560 590 54 950,935 2,098 61 510,055 143 98 142,430 5,813 56 509,255 7,458 37 214*730 210 12 157,395 212 84 1 411,235 93 00 682,895 68 13 96,345 708 31 593,255 4*470 60 332,815 _ 2 13 764,725 1,648,670 852 17 628,805 558,710 5 50 210 30 332,465 151,450 559 25 124 03 28,150 96 36 211,155 14^,765 522 91 5,824 24 2,799 61 110,137 33 28,307 73 ] fm ■ 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11,275,078 06 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. J r1 Notes of State banks. 1831. July J Bank United States June 20 Office, Portland 20 Portsmouth 23 Boston 23 Providence 27 Hartford 29 New York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 21 Richmond 18 Norfolk 20 FayetteviUe 21 Charleston 21 Savannah Mobile 17 > New Orleans 13 Natchez 6 13 St. Louis • 8 Nashville May 31 Louisville v June 20 Lexington 16 Cincinnati -j 20 Pittsburgh Buffalo 23 Utica 21 Burlington 22 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 ChiUicotlM - | 410,900 8,141 25,430 72,100 17,655 10,575 342,012 111,426 18,568 86,885 10,655 56,525 48,172 179,545 23,162 151,536 3,325 89,845 10,837 33,735 146,317 133,379 39,165 13,392 Specie. Capital stock. 43 4,108,397 62 16,446,269 63 00 37.251 72 00 300,000 00 42,368 96 00 990,786 88 1,500,000 00 50 210,187 09 600,000 0C 00 300,000 00 19.252 00 61 2,350,594 60 2,500,000 00 89 644,000 00 1,500,000 00 28 50,824 05 500,000 00 78 185,660 90 1,000,000 00 00 247,451 82 500,000 00 00 21,329 08 500,000 00 00 262,089 35 1,500,000 00 00 510,408 25 1,000,000 00 30 217,811 74 38 903,634 15 1,000,000 00 00 ! 51,611 61 270,482 89 34 194,837 82 ' 1,000,000 00 00 272,521 61 1,250,000 00 85,648 90 . 1,000,000 00 00, 144,135 77 1,700,000 00 00 62,154 58 700,000 00 m 126,564 97 79 105,129 64 29 60,340 85 Notes issued. ■ ■ i ■ Discount, ex Foreign ex Dividends Profit & loss. change, and change ac- unclaimed. ! count. interest. 2,550,997 46 347,351 17 110,58773 307,650 00 773 00 238,300 00 353 36 677,045 00 6,464 99 433,370 00 4*662 32 380,843 50 1,637 49 1,719,717 50 24,560 44 900,962 50 7,461 32 1,017,732 50 5,637 56 1,077,985 00 2,639 51 1,023,110 00 1,978 17 1,153,935 00 2,160 33 1,534,370 00 12,770 89 1,973,060 00 3,829 69 1,566,404 00 5,119 23 27,774 74 6,603,865 00 1,463 24 580,000 00 672 08 806,360 00 3,261,275 00 1 4,375 07 1,233,960 00 5,180 70 1,708,450 00 8,320 23 1,275,220 00 1 1,120,392 50 6,231 46 739,445^0 3»695 83 j 575,765 00 1,191 08 478,340 00 2,197 46 1,830 00 2,394 06 298 75 j 22,576 25 1,616,594 74 518,993 17 110,587 73 66,971 73 1,616,594, 74 2,043,287 59 12,175,476 85 34,996,269 63 34,840,383 96 1,746 1,148 560 12,624 4,718 3,468 7,170 2,090 442 9,470 336 50 00 00 25 25 43 50 50 00 5C 00 366 75 183 80 70 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 o o eg. FT " [ 1 - ' 1 Contingent Due to Bank U. | Due to State 1 Redemption Deposites of I Deposites of I fund. of public debt. Treasurer Unit public officers. banks. States and of* 1 | ed States* fices. ~ 183L July 1 Bank United States - 5,452,040 95 1 June 20 Office, Portland Portsmouth - 1 20 1 — . | Boston 23 1 ProVidence - 1 23 [ Hartford 27 1 New York ■? 1 29 — 1 — Baltimore 57 Washington - 1 25 1 —. Richmond 21 I Norfolk 18 Fayetteville • 1 20 1 Charleston 21 Savannah 21 "~11 Mobile 17 New Orleans - 1 13 1 Natchez 6 I St. Louis 13 1 - • Nashville 8 1 Louisville May 31 1 Lexington June 20 I — Cincinnati 16 1 Pittsburgh 20 1 Buffalo 23 1 ! Utica 21 1 Burlington .22 5,771 84 21 Agency. Cincinnati Chilhcothe- 1 20 [ ™ ■ 1,896,510 45 1 319,943 75 186,777 22 1,079,776 43 442,834 60 35,285 45 2,001,768 77 1,783,755 37 168,165 17 176,700 15 13,339 93 1,506 68 405,78; 80 551,463 77 188,552 88 4*113,866 42 837,918 51 820,677 63 1,158,366 84 1,372,344 87 246,346 45 1,309,295 71 128,815 93 430,284 22 372,009 20 178,019 54 2,875,740 18 285,128 44 718,994 82 1,026,698 44 228,639 63 93,031 41 17,085 83 25,124 16 103 16 _ — < 1 680,356 32 116,285 35 52,988 35 18,457 46 _ 16,366 86 . 1,423 70 _ 76,300 32 1,204*209 49 655,029 30 369,975 37 125,919 03 ~ 228,927 44 55,297 76 46,647 04 — — 26,261 99 50,391 85 22,033 01 68,773 80 *— 216,106 07 79,505 69 1 71,364 00 17,620 26 155,862 43 43,713 53 • 417,357 10 330,398 94 1 *" 126,116^91 23,973 63 • ! 316,634 81 865 32 _ 259,265 75 21,606 13 187,196 14 13,811 72 _ 8,033 20 — ~ 162,629 28 88,853 26 "" 29,278 44 75,007 22 , 143,556 89 62,631 24 j 3,589 48 5,045 64 " ! 4,409 36 119 74 ~ _ - _ " W,457,812 79 23,380,876 36 1 2,590,914 38 1,102,998 76 '■ > * i ■ ' , .— 5,095,960 93 Deposites of in dividuals. 146,207 06 i 20,072 52 15,653 48 173,987 70 10,730 48 j 246 00 381,031 19 39,743 21 218,179 01 40,977 30 84,931 25 39,790 47 14,233 4 * 14,186 74 51,670 36 j 103,359 O0 . 1,943 5% 10,560 40 8,016 65 17,360 62 14,475 70 32,190 ,44 12,811 68 29,291 41 2,491 37 1,010 89 I •.' - 1,635,923 97 22,905 92 13,527 00 412,046 33 30,272 54 32,166 97 1,257,528 83 552,136 83 259,468 05 2*7,929 43 27o,758 94 39,349 72 651,410 62 107,920 88 164,987 96 1,142,298 87 83,207 73 373,976 63 195,623 43 338,361 60 384,828 64 527,877 07 321,475 68 142,389 46 62,635 92 26,725 74 62 07 67 28 1,485,152 01 9T103J864 11 [ Doc. No. 523. J 36 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. <* i ■ ' . ■ , ■' ■ ■ ■ i At Bank United States. Funded debt various Due by the United States Mortgages - - - . - ■ -, - - . #3,674,68106 5,267 33 140,896 78 At Office, Norfolk. SavyAgent- - #40,144 17 t Digitized by RECAPITULATION. T Funded debt, various .» Bills discounted on personal security - 40,559,944 961 Do. do. funded debt 22,390 001 Bo. do.' bank stock 866,088 80 Domestic bills of exchange 3,674,681 06 41,448,423 76 15,113,621 19 Foreign bills of exchange Beat estate DuefromBank United States and offices 24,235,512 35 2,530,376 34 State banks United States Deficiencies Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expenses - - Cash, viz. notes of BankU. S. and offices 11,275,078 06 2,043,287 59 State banks 12,175,476 85 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 56,562,044 95 144*439 72 2,493,455 69 26,765,888 5,267 145,299 1,298,098 110,137 25,493,842 50 140,896 78 40,144 17 o July 2, 1831, 34,996,269 63 34,840,383 96. 518,993 17 110,587 73 / 66,971 73 1,616,594 7 4 5,4577812 79 3,464,876 64 1,992,936 15 Due to Bank United States and offices . 23,380,876 36 State banks . . . 2,590,914 38 i 69 Redemption of public debt 32 Deposites, vis. on account of Treasurer 68 of the United States less overdrafts and special 04 deposites 33 116,874,195 93 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, Capital stock Notes issued * Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Dividends unclaimed • Profit and loss Contingent fund . . . Less losses chargeable to contingent fund of public officers of individuals 25,971,790 7 4 1,102,998 76 5,095,960 93 28,307 73 • 5,067,653 20 [ 1,485,152 01 9,103,864 11 19 15,656,669 3* *~ 116,874,195 93 W. McILVAINE, Cashier. o eg. FT 3 GENERAL STATEMENT '■« «■ ■■■'. ■ | qf the Bank of the United States, and its Offices qf Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. [Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discount Domestic bills 1 on personal se- ed on funded ed on bank 1 of exchange. debt. stock. 1 cunty. CQ' itize . ^< O oo °sL FT Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate. Due from Bank United States and offices. 183T August 1 Bank United States - - 1 6,658,641 71 121,214 60 78,744 54 13,278,047 45 180,758 33 1,989,326 81 264,060 87 54,738 50 I . 198,135 52 _ Juljr 25 Office, Portland 6,941 52 325,053 74 38,151 01 Portsmouth 154,988 16 \ 1,300 00 25 ! 1,391,684 80 948,569 19 Boston 412,008 05 .— 11,998 30 28 - ~ 327,711 30 345,759 38 Providence . 658,279 10 — — 28 "* m* 29,915 25 146,590 06 34*119 84 Hartford [ 376,663 79 | 9,650 00 2$ -. 1,051,076 95 New York \ 3,422,681 78 15,000 00 1,149,956 81 26 226,406 58 216,636 39 Baltimore 1,552,014 25 172,300 00 25 ** 199,898 78 196,556 37 125,635 54 Washington \ 1,293,189 17 38,930 00 23 64,292 95 480,360 49 38,467 53 Richmond V 977,607 57 32,779 00 ' — 26 44,534 25 192,990 82 180,798 77 Norfolk 631,432 25 500 00 56,766 00 23 23,788 47 696,735 38 96*172_78 Fayettevill* 1 709,555 72 12,900 00 25 433,103 38 260,283 81 | Charleston | 2,468,457 77 ! 18,800 00 238,076 44 19 *• 462,787 42 579,781 67 Savannah L 800,231 64 4,000 00 :> » , 317,288 99 353,680 44 MobUe I 1,079,189 05 15 12,065 00 1,536,393 16 New Orleans - 5,864*616 Oa 4,000 00 4418,960 46 1 11 ', - . . — 140 00 366,532 49 Natchez \ 1,064*843 33 | _ 4 " " . St. LOUW ; . - I 720,958 03 376,671 70 ; i ; 100^219 72 2 1 545,348 57 750,123 54 Nashville • I 2,512,986 54 | -. 13 : 62,841 99 168,633 85 746,768 25 Louisville^ I 2,180,643 94 — ' 19 [ 230,959 04 663,190 42 339,653 35 Lexington - 1,112,285-66 «. 18 712,004 73 421*495 07 Cincinnati } 2,888,996 14 • 21 40000 94*988 13 1 275,758 29 464*056 80 Pittsbuigh- —~ 4 1,180,598 39 ' ~ 25 106,338 89 238,446 90 -' Buffalo I 745,497 91 21 ~ i - ' 6,326 00 62,280 71 Utica 1 573,195 26 26 " 33,01! 58 88*863 96 Burlington 1 310,130 34 _ ' 27 1,546,237 83 38,111 82 1 .. •1,224,071 67 -— 21 Agency Cincinnati 96,685 24 Chillicothe - | 157,686 26 ^0 '"" ■ [41,585,298 70 1 * * ■ 19,700 00 779,458 07 14,409,479 72 '" 121,214 60 2,491,892 99 24,586,664 94 W °° GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. . » ■*■ .- Aug. July 1 25 25 28 28 25 26 25 23 26 23 25 19 19 15 11 4 2 13 19 18 a cr CD o 21 35 21 26 27 21 20 FT Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond | Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah JtobUe New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville J Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe Due from State banks. Iv W U U I I 326,103 2,100 75,057 61 12,146 95 925 62 13,878 78 60,050 49 1,663,232 33 192,471 96. 40,397 71 1 225,663 17 38,606 68 137,374 01 146,369 61 13 33,748 83 — - 84,024 9,011 27,314 265,039 60,402 69,608 46,104 25,237 2,410 504,567 346,015 i 17,357 687,321 ! 1,312 1 | _ . 1• - 15 52 19 31 96 20 08 88 405 28 172,383 41 197,020 91 7,698 72 80 . — 20,414 Banking houses1 Treasurer bonus & prem. U. States. _ _ 19 I 413,081 19 1 [ 22 1 L 88 1 — 38 17,237 78 116,777 02 65 976 00 i 39 87,000 00 13 3,766 62 06 34,075 65 110,657 34 32,648 93 126,225 73 23 35,923 57 70 70,113 05 - J 35,109 65 24 -13,385 02 38 18,087 05 67,727 78 06 * 43,600 00 57 24,096 92 1 456 52, 48,000 00 61 13,100 48 - 65,948 11,383 32,447 85,774 1,656 139,556 58,005 17,070 2,903,402 51 +■*..' AUlv vent fund. 609,924 93 28,207 69 - -, iiSTotnd1 »eficten cies. 94,627 07 _ — ~ 410 (KM ~ 136 00 - — 2,194 36 8,530 - — - _ 15,000 00 34,297 28 23,496 71 21,028 58 16,995 08 00 3,452,976~16| 145,258 67\ 1,160,455 54 - J - . 28,420 09 Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State U . S . & offices. banks. 9,392 74 1,633,371 44 153,920 553 82 165,950 8 26 325,940 317,720 627 99 134,510 734 56 3,754 04 i 694,815 2,350 81 426,175 8,091 31 264,235 8,823 71 606,755 949 79 489,965 637 34 194,705 1,566 TO 384,185 },300 46 729,775 1,438 35 226,230 7,595 05 2,188,430 1,464 25 207,995 377 42 775,820 1,305 01 1,469,670 694 48 571,250 976 13 565,860 1,556 60 325,235 1,250 14 75,630 683 41 43,945 544 51 .214,750 790 48 225,340 8,377 59 2,868 39 540,296 8,824 23,266 53,090 17,190 10,033 237,385 94,846 18,117 61,311 12,205 38,282 70,679 107,340 89,985 180,180 17,133 29 00 00 00 43 00 64 18 39 21 00 00 00 00 42 00 69 s? 9 9 42,812 67 10,867 00 56,360 195,980 117,118 51,559 25,579 00 00 00 67 74 68,713 34 13,412,176 44 2,080,443 33 1* 8 GENEBAL STATEMENT—Continued. - ■' * ■■ t ' ■ i ■ , 1831. Aug. 1 Bank United States July 35 Office, Portland; 25 Portsmouth 28 Boston 28 Providence 25 Hartford 26 New York 25 Baltimore 23 Washington 26 Richmond 23 Norfolk 25 Fayetteville 19 Charleston 19 Savannah 15 Mobile 11 New Orleans 4 Natchez 2 St. Louis 13 NashvUle 19 Louisville 18 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 25 .Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo 26 Utica * 27 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 ChiUicothe 1 # *"n i ■ Specie. ■tMMf«Htte ' 1 Baring B. Capital stock. Notes issued. Discount, ex-!Foreign exJ&Co.,^ope Dividends Profit & loss. change, and in change ac & Co., Hot: unclaimed. terest. count. tinguer&Co. . „ i , i ' [""" ' - 3,660,349 84 16,450,000 37,037 36 41,685 61 300,000 1,005,830 49 1,500,000 334,322 85 800,000 20,382 00 300,000 2,226,429 81 3,500,000 632,000 00 1,500,000 65,050 29 500,000 188,858 32 1,000,000 244,918 70 500,000 21,045 40 500,000 262,718 35 1,500,000 525,448 14 1,000,000 218,881 98 769,669 26 1,000,000 \ 53,147 35 269,367 98 187,381 52 1,000,000 1,250,000 297,094 97 82,369 73 1,000,000 1,700,000 154*100 26 63,868 33 700,000 131,353 45 91,466 87 -. 60,547 &6 | -1 ! "~ 1 - 111,545,116 " 51 35,000,000 2,556,997 46 | 221,165 286,940 664,360 432,530 1 369,217 50 1,702,657 50 984,442 50 1,003,652 50 1,068,940 | 1,193,785 I 1,148,595 1,522,250 1,966,995 1,632,249 7,334,725 580,000 806,360 3,245,495 | 1,229,360 1,702,770 1,258,610 1,106,712 50 738,810 574,575 479,430 — — • 35^811,623 "ST 64 137,719 56 168,372 72 83,533 75 1,750,000 00 92 ! 48 51 "" i 1,617 71 483 ~ 52 6,650. | ~ 94 3,530 j - 85 4,376 50 ~ 15 34,375 35 | ~ 52 31,300 35 j 5,373 33 ! r • 98 ~ 16,167 00 33 7Q I 10,279 50 1 33 970 50 05 58,778 50 • 98 4,294 50 • •, 96 93 366 75 J 47 33 ^ 97 81 \ 533 80 ~ 1 71 227 50 1 08 53 33 30 61 88 11 1 476,965 51 137,719 56 168,372 72 251,766 03 1,750,048 51 58,600 2,346 924 22,879 10,691 3,483 47,884 16,011 12,149 7,605 6,636 5,890 27,747 10,498 13,717 84,075 9,844 2,464 24,369 24,028 14,648 28,357 16,874 9,933 5,335 3,989 5,303 790 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, 1,1 —< Contingent Due to Bank U. Due to State Redemption | Deposites of Deposites of Deposites of in fund. 'banks. ofpublic debt. Treasurer Unit- public officers. States and offi dividuals. ces. , ed States. ■ :, > 1831. ; August 1 Bank United States July - 2 5 Office. Portland . Portsmouth 25 i Boston 28 Providence 28 Hartford 25 26 New York 25 Baltimore V 23 1 Washington 26 Richmond 23! Norfolk 25 1 Fayetteville 19 Charleston 19 Savannah Mobile 15 1 New Orleans f 11 Natchez 4 St Louis 2 Nashville 13 Louisville 19 Lexington 18 Cincinnati 21 i Pittsburgh 25 | Buffalo 21 1 , Utica 26 i Burlington 2T i Agency, Cincinnati 21 Chifficothe 20, ■ ■ ■ I I I I I . pm . . 1 ■ Li 1 .< ■» > 5*607,488 36 - 2,202,472 72 , 1,222,114 13 483,147 46 453,554 94 * 109,276 18 | 1,859,880 15 25,119 24 i 328^8^5 15 1 35,341 68 18,067 02 ! 114,987 46 197,191 91 1 374 68 j 25,471 51 H536 31 L 6,480 06 T 1,045,366 05 ] 126,829 12 429,575 85 I 420,600 X3 * I63;035 30 , 541,688 60 ] 22,444 76 32,972 3? 6,934 62 ' 62,642 36 • 43,863 19 4,567 05 s 250 00 j 27,313 36 50,720 06 | 1,561,209 94 \ 280,836 33 300,002 29 1 1,346,180 47 1,443,910 63 [ 1,660,770 01 , 174,701 43 . 48,417 37 613,314 02 172,139 6S ! 302,208 28 i 253,661 20 44,492 19 . 194,049 08 | 215,072 60 i | 214*311 48 j 265,695 30 ^ 45,237 76 , 33,818 19 ; 1 9,997 92 j 302,753.50 43,470 03 87,987 03 'n 27,305 59 ! 4,501 82 112,396 93 25,719 08 1 '44,243 94 23,993 21 409,947 97 123,375 79 • 25,384 69 j 715,663 97 t 164,392 00 570.853 19 ' 16,290 68 15,824 79 1 82^695 61 fiP,196 16 290.854 24 41,613 22 j 104,025 56 25,642 71 220,503 59 5,543,794 52 ! 308,786 27 124,204 49 1 877,636 45 477,389 29 i 928,397 82 ; 2b,932 43 98,706 47 | ' ' 2,580 04 1 ' 85,202 19 851,097 59 10,342 50 j 253,381 16 603 83 319,165 44 1 751,591 82 7,287 76 I 198,869 22 18,577 14 344,926 37 f 1,186,300 43 . 324,396 86 16,972 91 * 204,696 05 | . 20^569 83 ! 224,834 29 13,995 61 260,813 72 | ' 7,472 60 918,983 35 ! 29,408 86 490,076 23 23,439 94 1 220,643 36 181,602 26 , 9,620.22 302,112 70 94,402 03 !• 60,307 81 395,609 69 14,292 38 1 110,942 27 48,636 02 ! 222,031 15 —* 64,006 99 402,235 42 1*504 35 ' | 6,322 75 i 4,158 39 30,943 65 238,074 52 , 1*593 28 {( 800 00 ! 5,033 58 " 1 62 07 5,684 79 2,805,748 17 1 67 28 284,496 02 mm 1 - 5,613,173 15 24,096,888 37 .ii 2,77lf6&00 483,147 46 1 5,505,924 28 1,291,597 77 ' ! 9,115,836 47 ■ ' ■ r ' [ Doc. No. 523. J 42 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Funded debt various Due by the United StatesMortgages . . - . - . . • ,- $3,497,6810$ 5,267 32 140,956 63 At Office, Norfolk. NatyAfent • £ * . ? • ? ! ? Digitized by $40,144 17 Google RECAPITULATION. Funded debt, various "Bills discounted on personal security 41,585,298 701 . \ funded debt 19,700 001 bank stock 779,458 07 Domestic bills of exchange - - . Foreign bills of exchange ■ Real estate • Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks * - 3,497,681 06 42,384,455 77 - 14,409,479 72 56,792,936 49 121,214 60 3,491,892. 99 24,586,664 94 '.* 2,903,402 51 27,490,067 5,267 145,258 1,160,455 68,713 Due from United States . . Deficiencies • Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expenses ,- ' * Cash, viz. notes of the Bank V. States and offices 13,413,176 44 2,080,442 33 notes of State banks - , 11,545,116 51 specie . -v 45 32 67 54 34 27,037,735 28 140,956 63 40^144 17 Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Capital stock - . -.' . • Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreicm exchange account v Baring, Brothers, &. Co. Hope & Co. Hottinguer & Co. Dividends unclaimed ' - > • Profit and loss * Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 35,000,000 00 35,811,623 96 476,965 51 137,719 56 168,37? 72 i 251,766 03 1,750,048 51 5,613,173 15 3,452,976 16 2,160,196 99 DuetoBank U. States and offices 24,096,888 37 State banks « 2,771,656 00 Redemption of public debt Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States . Less overdrafts and special depo* '• sites , r Deposites of public officers Deposites of individuals 26,868,544 3 7 483,147 46 5,505,924 28 28,420 09 5,477,504 1£ 1,291,597 77 9,115,836 47 15,884,938 43 1118,993,323 54 BANK OF TUB UNITED STATES, 118,993,323 54 August 2,1831. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. & GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. , • 1831L. September 1 August 22 22 25 Bank United States Office, Portland. Portsmouth Boston Q5 Providence Hartford 29 New York ,30 Baltimore 29 Washington 27 Richmond 23 Norfolk 20 Fayetteville 22 Charleston 23 Savannah 23 Mobile W New Orleans 8 - Natchez 4; St. Louis 15 J Nashville 10 J^ouisville , 16. Lexington 22 1 18 { Cincinnati •Pittsburgh * 22 1 Buffalo 25 Utica 22 i Burlington 24 21 Agency, Cincinnati Cbillieothe * 20 ' i Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discounted Domestic bills of foreign bills I Real estate. of exchange. exchange. on personal se ed on funded on bank stockdebt. curity. _ _ — ■" - 1 7,160,208 10 182,787 46 1 146,756 49 ' 561,627 18 . -' J. 639,290 35 . 376,892 05 ■ - 4,035,194 90 [ i 1,531,683 33 . - . - i 1,270,247 80 ! 1,020,489 13 '900 00 ! 617,063 36 , 627,443 12 , 13,000 00 2,525,685 41 712,063 72 1,157,764 12 ^ - 5,835,654 29 1,160,238*51 391,125 49 -* • 2,807,615 54 y - 2,245,285 43 1,152,152 28 2,947,340 13 46000 1,201,663 63 '707,494 74 572,649 58 \ ~ . 292,53422* [ I,317i360 14 , ' 156,114 14 - I 14,306 00 43,253,404*67 > i ■ '■ 1 111 ■ i\ ■ ^ 240,550 00 800 11,89* 2,061,542 60,304 41,750 00 25 1,259,213 339,827 00 42,660 00 1,401,650 00 220,022 00' 95,407 00 43,048 15 191,926 00 81,801 44 216,594 00 320,641 . 198,460 00 3,874,603 347t557 123,872 410,468 760,192 472,524 394,267 452,649 1 231,746 73,007 80,980 • i - ' 9,650 ~ ' 15,000 163,700 38,930 32,779 49,287 12,900 202,802 5,000 - 3,000 r- •v - «* -> - ' - "" • '* 64 i 82,974 07 53 ; 1 14 i 49 63 95 ' 1 05 41 32 84 ' [ 07 j 36 I 74 29. 23 [ 442 18 ; 06 j 30 • 00 49 48 26 83' - ' 06 . -_ 06 . - 786,295 64 13,796,719 83 1 - 82,974 07 Due from Bank United States and offices. , 78,744 54 - 6,941 52 29,915 25 * - 199,898 64,292 44,534 23,788 78 95 25 47 "" 12,065 00 . - "* 62,841 99 230,959 04 fc ' - 94,988 13 «-• * 1,547,332 63 96,685 24 2,492,987 78 , 13,256,125 268,098 315,563 1,235,387 409,973 188,596 619,213 262,704 265,328 511,043 222,670 799,092 350,881 565,061 352,299 1,597,618 140 628,542 387,554 290,199 695,164 826,290 313,803 199,858 1,071 22,464 9,348 47 64 95 23 41 35 19 60 30 21 29 80 78 20 03 26 00 27 00 86 06" 36 25 48 10 18 49 24,594,093 78 o o o ■ a o K> CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. * o o FT 1831. Sept. 1 j Bank United States Aug. 22 Office, Portland Portsmouth 22 . Boston 25 Providence, 25 Hartford • 29 New York 30 Baltimore 29 Washington 27 Richmond v 23 Norfolk 20 Fayetteville 22 Charleston 23 Savannah • 23 Mobile 12 8 New Orleans 4 Natchez 15 ,St. Louis 10 Nashville 16 1 Louisville 22 [ Lexington 18 Cincinnati 22 Pittsburgh 25 Buffalo 22. Utica 24 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 ChiUicbthe v, Lossescbarge1 Due from able to contin nDeficiencies. I > Banking 1 State banks. gent fund. houses, bonus, and premium. 611,263 42 35,261 81 ] - 327,431 2,100 • 75,057 12,146 92* 13,878 61,050 1,663,232 1S2,471 40,397 225,663 38,606 137,374 146,369 34.604 74 12,756 01 6,055 78 I 225,015 21 [ 71,466 63 71,063 44 * - I 34,581 39 6,870 46 . 44,997 69 267,178 93 389,097 -37 23,877 53 - '313,463 99 1 28,277 17 1 1 - — — J 79,169 88 405 28 9,529 90 I 1*2,383 41 197,020 91 40,661 68 1 17,328 37 94>627 07 41,430 14 - , 60,449 11 44,358 17 '- - 8,110 30 ; —. - 34;075 65 - , , 70,113 05 - 18,087 05 - - — 20,414 80 - v — 116,777 02 - -. 87,000 00 ", 110,657 34 32,648 92 26,196 20 35,923 ST 35,109 65 1 '" 13,385 02 ! | 67,727 78 ! ' 43,600 00 I ' ■" ' 1 24,096 92 ' 48,000 00 1 13,100 48 1 '" — 136 00 15,000 00 35,297 28 ,410 00 '- ->, ' -• "* •- 17,23*7 78 976 00 Expenses. — 413,081 19 - 456 52 33,748 61 ■ • 1 11 22 88 38 65 39 13 06 23 70 24 38 06 57 Treasurer U. States. 1 ' *" - "* - - *" - ! 23,496 71 170,000 00 j 21,028 58 2,194 36 16,995 08 8,530 00 - 2,486,869 12 3,455,304 08 141,492 05 1,161,455 54 ' 198,390 56 21,183 807 8 4,188 1,142 151 7,825 4;304 9,503 9,715 1,773 940 3,567 2,885 2,424 10,148 2,598 752 1,864 960 1,530 2,750 1,854 1,439 1,204 1,152 7,103 2,906 Notes of Bank I United States State banks. And offices. 1,924,138 56 466,007 40 07 25 144,815 16,459 26 170,775 30,003 94 253,090 72,325 21 308,635 ' t 18,326 32 132,570 * 12,6'67 06 J 1,794,390 370,356 82 25 J 426,815 70,325 35 22 300,620 32,973 19 04 ! 589,075 90,789 49 36 ! 515,960 6,840 71 1 107,290 32,005 86 37,078 409,285 32 I .79,665 755,020 13 76,604 30 188,3?0 35 ! 2,281,755 •94,925 84 336,315 2,335 84 1 794,620 1,355,905 94 42,21,5 74 71 376,080 10,947 49 358,395 58 ' 401,335 84,262 1 204,813 84 221,685 j 39 336,780 112,775 18 306,350 52,276 40 93 173,130 16,877 75 79 81 106,688 69 ■ | 14,963,148 56 2,033,851 44 GENERAL STATEMENT—C6ntinued. i *» ■ ' ; ■! Specie. 1831. • Sept 1 Bank United States Aug. 22 Office, Portland Portsmouth 22 Boston 25 Providence 25 Hartford 29 New York 30 Baltimore 29 Washington snr ■ Richmond 23 Norfolk 20 1 FayettevuTe 22 ! Charleston 23 Sayannah 23 Mobile 12 New Orleans 3 Natchez 4 St. Louis 15 Nashville. 10 Louisville 16 Lexington 22 Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo • 25 Utica 22 Burlington 24 21 Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicotbe 20 [ . ' £ 1 Capital stock. Baring, Bros. Discount, ex Foreign ex & Co., Hope! Dividends change, and change ac & Co., Hot- unclaimed. 1Profit and loss. count interest. tinguer&Co. ; 3,505,124 25 16,450,000 1 2,628,997 46 101,102 90 221,165 1 3,394 55 38,189 18 1,505 89 286,940 41,314 65 soo;ooo 35,822 10 659,360 866,673 59 ! 1,500,000 14,996 SO 432,200 800,000 302,985 65 369,217 50 i 6,157 39 300,000 19,450 00 1,708,087 50 I 88,815 20 2,500,000 ! 1,717,854 31 986,692 50 1 24,494 51 l,500,t)00 : 607,000 Op 30,089 65 998,652 50 500,000 58,993 22 11,198 45 1,068,940 191,361 & ; 1,500,000 9,905 03 1,188,115 500,000 241,433 40 9,708 34 1,146,435 500,000 21,768 16 44,302 19 1,522,250 1,500,000 263,935 39 15,560 81 1,963,780 1,000,000 509,627 89 21,480 21 1,631,629 217,250 44 • 132,918 27 7,334,690 1,000,000 909,009 54 15,088 55 740,000 55,024 68 1 tm 7,687 98 846,330 279,461 49 [ 42,754 18 3,243,155 1,000,000 185,574 26 40,052 00 1,229,360 1,250;000 316,207 19 27,600 00 1,000,000 !' 1,702,770 .80,517 09 1,700,000 | 1,258,610 • 45,551 99 135,156 13 24,285 04 1,106,712 50 ,700,000 56,927 83 16,282 82 L 998,810 . 118,164 71 1 1 8,884 20 674,475 92,700 87 1 / "* I 5,599 13 479,340 61,511 50 13*921 52 1,830 1,035 24 * L ' - m 35,000,000 " 36,427,443,96 U^—i— i i ■ 194,690 5<J 154,948 46 ■ \ Kt 110,893,216 89 —2% Notes issued. i i ii : I 1 - • - — - «» ' * - • | ««■ ^ - - ■ 1 1 ! 625 75 1 351 80 87 50 • . 68,256 25 1,750,000 728 • 56 • J 2,695 1 2,S10 2,110 50 ] 23,015 75 10,905 25 4,112 43 12,725 00 i 4,638 00 1 837 50 ;j 20,754 50 1,578 50 , . ' * . ' • 800,194 44 194,690 50 154,948 46 155,787 73 1,750,000 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. MMMMNMMWMMMMM —m*****mmi* «■* 1 Contingent 1 1831. j September X | | Bank United States August 52 Office, Portland 22 [ Portsmouth 25 j Boston $5 I Providence 1 29 Hartford 30 New York ' 39 [ Baltimore 1 Washington 33 1 Richmond 30 [ Norfolk '22 | Fayettevifle 33 • Charleston 23 | ; Savannah 12 1 Mobile 8! New Orleans 4 Natchez 15 St. Louis 10 Nashville 16 Louisville 22 Lexington 18 | Cincinnati 22 Pittsburgh 25 | Buffido 32 | Utica . 24 [ Burlington 21 ;i Agency, Cincinnati 20 ! Chillicothe fund. IIKIIWIIH w ■ ■» "■ ' H I Due to Bank r Due to State j Redemption \' Deposites of banks. U. SUtes and offices. - J 5,607,488 36 j 2,544,090 43 324^474 42 1^5,586 59 1,063,699 69 662,512 55 50,203 73 ' 1,928,020 41 1,775,270 19 i 176,l3p 62 261,534 59 6,488 53 1,585 58 500,419 65 . 365,698 03 193,700 68 4,893,931 56 983,527 73 755,636 40 368,036 87 1 1,211,369 75 195,267 73 1,093,446 67 389,860 59 377,824 22 369,764 17 189,090 73 j 2,091 79 2,763,239 6$ 283,128 77 Deposites jof Deposites of of public I Treasurer U. public officers. individuals. debt, ! States. 1,466,138 11 440,884 19 30,326 50 1 529 06 111,664 52 26,662 20 4,966 35 72,458 20 437,662 57 ■ 57,974 71 78,771 09, 40,647 78 50,289 29 76,345 ,40 32,999 82 ' . 29,386 39 156,305 77 19,045 27 2,859 35 ; 20,841 97 19,611 27, ' ! 26,394 35 106,372 33 ; 34,383 40 " 10,906 86 I 5,609,580 15 23,923,540 54 | 2,841,084 36 513,342 39 388,731 80 119,736 46 9,458 32 i 497,544 45 ! 54,093 11 1 35,976 15 1,641,922 97 , 194,336 34 311,866 &T ' 24,279 86 ,. 76,821 65 26,341 54 185,894 54 1 ' 58,401 47 i 276,389 51 539,841 46' 103,193 67 340,975 49 355,994 45 . 196,191 92 7,392 80 r 421,622 43 1 53,952 29. 226,782 07 1,542 80 i 7,033 58 | ' 235,882.57 1,741,067 80 36,554 78 12,443 38 15,352 87 19>542 16 ] 362,740 10 211,642 74 26,550 33 15,513 42 | 22,659 30 41,196 17 597,518 62 1,3(37,048 45 569,066 9* 47,216 17 283,679 06 1i 210,979 40 59,346 70 j 1 295,585 34 55,204 70 ■ 318,354 71 43,920 71 43,987 80| 29,672 14 615,472 9? 76,702 87 14#09 86 76,409 34 22,558 09 854,256 20 101,422 45 2,315 66 . 82,415 98 243,246 19 21,638 74 236,646 16 18,480 31 286,191 25 46,796 78 241,705 00 13,420 & 24,984 94 .455,349 71 294,689 76 7,690 81 99,756 47 13,255 39 91,312 88 2,822 39 18,594 44 1,980 93 62 07 67 28 6,156,318 00 I 1,944,522 31 \ 8,652,789 21 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued.. At Banh United States. . Funded debt* various Due by the United States Mortgages - - - - - - - - - $3,497,681 06 5,267 32 120,956 63 At Office,. Norfolk. Navy Agent - - -' - - - - * Digitized by - #40444 If RECAPITULATION. Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal security 43,252,404 64| Do. do. funded debt 14,300 00 bank stock 786,295 84 do. Do. Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange - ' Real estate DuefromBank United States and offices State banks United States Deficiencies Banting houses, bonus, and premium Expenses Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 3,497,681 06 44,053,000 48 13,796,719 83 24,594,093 78 2,486,869 12 14,963,148 56 2,033,851 44 10,893,216 89 57,849,720 31 82,974 07 2,492,987 78 27,080,962 5,267 141,492 1,161,455 106,688 90 32 05 54 69 27,890,216 86 120,956 63 40,144 17 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co.-, Hope & Co.* Hottinguer & Co. Dividends unclaimed - • , Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - ) 35,000,000 00 36,427,443 96 800,194 44 194,090 '50 154,948 46 155,787 73 1,750,000 00 5,609,580 15 3,455,304 08 2,154,276 07 Due to Bank U. States and offices 23,923,540 54 State banks 2,841,084 36 26,764,624 90 513,342 39 Redemption of public debt Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. S. Less overdrafts and special depo sites 6,156,318 00 Deposites of public officers of individuals 5,957,927 44 1,944,522 31 8,652,789 21 198,390 56 f s CO 16,555,238 96 120,470,547 41 o o BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 120,470,547 41 September 2, 1831. W.McILVAINE, Cashier. eg. FT If* CO GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank 0/ the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposit*, at the dates herein mentioned. ' Bills discounted Bills dis Bills discount Domestic bills Foreign bills on personal se counted on|1 ed on bank of exchange. of exchange. curity. funded debt stock. 1831. Sept. 30 Bank United States - 7,390,650 77 179,820 03 19 Office, P6rtland 136,555 49 Portsmouth v. 19 22 1 Boston - I 793,790 67 I 22 670,359 71 Providence 26 390,587 67 ! Hartford 27 New York - J 4,580,686 20 - 26 1,866,503 00 Baltimore 24 Washington - 1,267,922 08 20 Richmond - | 1.035.098 33 17 | 635,799 73 Norfolk 900 00 19 Fayetteville - , 640,303 90 20 [ 1 2,602,285 16 117,700 00 Charleston 20 1 679,521 01 Savannah 16 1,270,567 75 Mobile 12 New Orleans * 5,711,273 45 1 1,206,014 34 Natchez 13 St. Louis 400,068 57 r 7 Nashville 3,003,141 61 13 Louisville 2.304.099 34 19 Lexington 1,164,851 75 15 Cincinnati 3,028,652 36 700 00 19 Pittsburgh 1,330,043 81 22 Buffalo 769,995 85 20 Utica 600,075 46 21 Burlington 304,686 77 21 1 Agency, Cincinnati - 1,360,666 83 Chillicothe 156,114 14 Aug. 20 306,460 00 800 00 17,305 00 7,650 00 15,000 00 176,650 00 38,930 00 41,137 40 48,697 15 13,900 00 136,537 44 5,000 00 3,000 00 3,341,869 40 135,583 93 56,270 81 43,000 14 1,789,811 53 399,766 37 41,366 53 1,533,056 03 294,053 74 | 128,201 00 105,500 51 178,450 63 70,946 76 191,176 34 173,365 28 67,452 86 3,132,867 51 339,614 55 j 115,731 92 366,512 63 841,377 10 631,381 99 383,733 46 464,719 59 361,001 46 83,673 15 79,100 95 45,370*135 77 119,300 00 7«9,946,99 14,001,991 13 Real estate. DuefromBank Due from United- States State banks. and offices. 78,744 54 13,068,751 39 ! ! 315,171 66 6,941 52 385,987 63 j 664,117 45 133,260 65 29,915 25 * 204,334 01 40,000 00 1,602,198 84 - t 380,384 14 199,868 78 93,945 91 64,393 95 548,059 33 44,534 35 319,059 73 33,788 47 837,331 38 375,933 43 517,933 83 ! 374,658 74 | 13,065 00 1,178,700 36 290 00 567,984 38 465,690 55 265,495 26 7o,401 77 637,743 05 330,959 04 973,578 68 384,814 47 94,988 13 310,755 80 j r 53,391 98 35,313 52 37»553 52 1,416,413 83 j 96,685 34 699,697 87 33,419 54 44,940 13 18,559 36 6,892 65 307,056 47 111,165 08 75,119 38 40,653 46 3,489 45 13,553 97 356,979 39 339,933 53 80,346 47 643,378 45 65,384 32 69,674 05 10,197 73 79,118 13,511 63,622 51,731 33,403 17 05 03 47 80 8,110 30 135,583 93 3,415,598 77 134,399,318 58 3,057,837 99 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, (Losses chargea-j Deficiencies. [Banking houses, Treasurer Expenses. Notes of BanklNotes of State] bleto contin bonus, and pre U. States. United States! banks. gent fund. and offices. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 327,331 11 2,100 22 73,660 18 12,146 38 925 65 13,878 39 61,050 13 1,663,232 06 192,471 23 40,397 70 225,663 24 38,606 38 137,374 06 146,369 57 33,748 61 3,375 01 405 28 172,383 41 197,020 91 413,081 19 17,237 78 976 00 34,075 65 70,113 05 18,087 05 456 52 116,777 02 87,000 00 110,657 34 32,648 92 35,923 57 35,109 65 13,385 02 67,727 78 43,600 00 24,096 92 48,000 00 13,100 48 136 00 15,000 00 21,737 50 821 00 23,496 71 21,028 58 16,995 08 94,627 07 8,530 00 20,414 80 3,457,181 39 141,903 05 27,138 65 1,791,550 56 1,407 57 86,450 00 1,183 36 150,210 00 4,188 94 226,430 00 1,976 51 292,595 00 1,549 14 90,975 00 10,661 45 1,409,115 00 6,165 43 401,445 00 275,030 00 26,581 20 11,162 58 10,720 39 448,920 00 3,665 60 443,225 00 2,401 39 46,890 00 5,126 11 438,750 00 4,819 65 837,875 00 3,271 38 268,815 00 12,591 62 2,213,885 00 349,630 00 1,435 97 859,440 00 4,264 70 1,233,950 00 2,067 97 376,105 00 2,036 67 693,180 00 170,000 00 3,778 75 149,220 00 52,395 00 2,194 36 2,619 16 2,069 29 199,865 00 176,355 00 1,789 68 193,910 00 1,380 92 8,940 95 2,906 81 , Specie. 596,421 46 2,765,296 70 10,624 00 36,2159 79 30,469 00 45,419 08 93,690 00 766,342 43 14,020 00 280,193 63 20,225 00 19,335 00 328,853 40 1,101,453 39 109,022 68 462,000 00 31,910 37 58,342 17 107,1S6 05 193,727 08 16,190 00 240,327 09 84,560 00 20,922 97 40,389 00 262,408 84 118,570 00 519,509 72 34,949 82 225,287 39 43,055 00 939,065 51 1,330 00 56,110 09 292,344 36 62,086 00 181,893 75 10,952 00 325,354 79 72,875 05 52,073 00 125,414 57 48,942 54 191,087 00 116,369 00 107,352 00 105,799 23 57,331 06 62,915 29 19,623 29 1,147,895 76 198,775 56 14LJ210 64 13,706,210 56 2,181,92013 9,323,818 86 o o o to 00 & GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, ; Capital stock. o o eg. FT 1831. Sept. 30 Bank United States 19 I Office, Portland Portsmouth 19 r Boston 22 Providence 22 Hartford 26 New York 27 Baltimore 26 Washington 24 Richmond 20 ' Norfolk 17 Payetteville 19 Charleston 20 Savannah 20 Mobile 16 New Orleans 12 Natchez 1 1 St. Louis 12 Nashville 7 --' Louisville 13 Lexington 19 Cincinnati 15 Pittsburgh 19 Buifalo 22 Utica 20 Burlington 21 21 Agency, Cincinnati Cbillicothe Aug. 20 i - 16,450,000 00 ,- S00,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1;000,OOQ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 1,000,000 00 - 11,000,000 • - 00 1,250,000 00 1,000,000.00 1,700,000 00 700,000 00 -, - ,. .- Notes issued. 2,794,997 220,555 286,505 676,670 431,955 368,342 1,694,257 986,692 986,312 1,068,825 1,206,940 1,142,745 1,505,795 1,962,590 1,631,735 7,257,410 740,000 846,330 3,243,155 1,229,860 1,886,295 1,248,530 1,093,197 ' 1,018,320 1 674,475 479,280 1,830 565 1 46 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 Discount, ex Foreign | Baring, Broth- Dividends un change, and exchange ac- era, & Co. Hope claimed. & Co. Hottininterest. count. guer & Co. 159,988 4,214 10,484 55,961 19,954 1 7,782 1 127,762 1 38,911 1 36,208 | 16,539 13,855 12,619 55,737 17,470 29,408 173,234 17,773 10,126 61,439 59,663 1 39,320 62,046 32,821 . 23,015 12,257 7,643 11,316 1,035 04 j 277,805 15 1,085,171 05 94 07 _ _ ■» 78 «. 87 «» _. 80 59 » v 18 • _ 10 ' _ 27 .» ' _ „ 23 ^ „ 17 — 70 _ "* 88 _ ^ 55 1 74 — _ 75 68 34 76 — _ 88 . _ 84 47 98 04 35 32 1 '* 24 > 35,000,000 00 36,683,664 96 ; 1,118,594 56 : 277,805 15 1,085,171 05 Profit and loss. 33,242 556 28 1,086 2,04r 25 1 1,747,863 51 50 00 50 50 18,518 7,310 3,580 11,027 3,472 109 17,001 1,578 25 75 43 50 00 50 00 50 o p 394 75 CO 197 80 87 50 100,240 73 • , 1,747,863 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■■ ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■ ^■■^■■^w Contingent fund. O o FT 1831. Sept. 30 ^ 19 19 22 22 26 27 26 24 20 17 19 20 20 16 12 1 12 7 13 19 15 19 22 20 21 21 Aug. 20 1 Due to Bank U. States 1 and offices. Redemption Deposites of Due to State 1 of public 1 Treasurer U. banks. 1 States. debt. Deposites of public officers. Deposites of individuals. L 1,785,576 90 1,663,566 5,607,488 36 Bank United States 645,116 31 440,539 19 ' 400,791 08 ' 265,876 70 , 44,609 79 34,706 78,570 55 Office, Portland 312,434 35 25,886 49 42,812. 57 14,389 7,202 60 Portsmouth I 210,047 67 2,756 72 171,951 08 ' 347,576 664,727 25 Boston 998,111 54 130,590 31 ' 13,123 31 22,090 50,577 99 Providence 425,333 24 36,549 72 -I 14,869 63 26,160 31,555 57 Hartford 70,379 89 7,617 28 280,643 28 1,288,262 New York 1,667,725 35 389,853 93 ' 68,338 20 2,939,768 93 50,352 83 527,215 261,770 13 Baltimore 2,068,655 88 74,345 46 234,914 64 315,695 130,579 43 Washington 156,427 11 | 67,416 37 55,041 52 272,654 26,613 46 Richmond 284,723 63 6,245 00 •35,012 76 321,068 106,002 05 Norfolk 2,824 85 i 46,080 38 -*• - ' [ • _ 52,728 67 51,408 27,170 08 4,605 30 31,280 62 ! Fayetteville 21,577 19 593,415 186,074 30 Charleston 592,552 32 60,223 95 ' Savannah , 16,803 33 69,249 57,626 04 231,798 43 29 °61 05 \ Mobile 40,872 27 100,961 310,578 40 134,257 97 li989 48 j - • 1 110,037 67 721,682 612,934 64 4,005,424 93 9^511 47 ! New Orleans . 2,089 17 69,128 169,838 86 ■ Natchez 1,017,366 55 18,652 06 1 16,861 59 , 256,369 317,134 04 St. Louis 784,752 53 5,331 22 20,961 26 | 209,747 346,107 73 Nashville 504,668 03 16,675 87 ' - ' 25,790 07 1 296,246 191,621 20 1,332,331 96 20,960 15 Louisville '30,389 00 1 242,047 7,312 00 Lexington 404,596 72 ' 39,752 29 j 427,392 403,950 15 Cincinnati 1,078,812 66 27,270 22 1 | *25,385 86 271,971 37,370 80 Pittsburgh 269,111 17 160,012 15 13,698 74 80,786 201,820 14 365,821 25 ' 45,384 09 Buffalo 368 08 . 102,874 292 80 Utica 327,707 49 12,172 20 22,583 31,466 33 200,521 36 16 87 1,959 31 Burlington 6>860 S3 62 Agency, Cincinnati 2,778,900 40 "" 67 Chillicothe - 1 282,563 77 ■ 5,638,954 69 22,298,033 25 j 1,952,299 37 - 508,877 39 1 7,574,850 55 1,628,482 61 58 00 77 85 45 97 87 39 04 43 42 95 09 36 18 31 40 04 34 92 36 54 81 30 42 32 07 28 8,349,380 46 © as p CO c* CO L Doc. No. 523. ] 54 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 4* .Ban* United States. Funded debt, various, Due by the United State*, Mortgages, - - - - - - - $3,497,68106 5,267 33 112,506 63 - At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent, . . . . . . . Digitized by - $40,14417 RECAPITULATION. i ■ Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal security - 45,370,135 77 Do. do. funded debt 19,300 00 Do. do. bank stock 709,946 99 Domestic bills of exchange - Foreign bills of exchange Seal estate - - - T|||A from 'Rfl.nk TTnitwl States find offices U U C J I V i l l JL^ttllJW U l l l l V v »J1»**^^0 MMA VA**]l*WO — , 46,099,382 76 ' 14,001,991 12 - 24,299,318 58 3,057,827 99 State banks - . United States 'TDeficiencies - . Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expenses Gash, viz. notes of Bank U. S. and offices 13,706,210 56 2,181,920 13 State, banks 9,323,818 86 . Specie «F Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk • - 3,497,681 06 1 _ > 60,101,373 ^8 135,583 93 j 2,415,59^77 27,357446 57 5,267 32 141,903 05 1,147,895 76 141,210 64 25,211,949 55 112,506 63 40,144 17 120,308,261 33 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Brothers 8c -Co., Hope & Co^, 1Baring, Hottinguer & Co. -, Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund •Less losses chargeable to contingent fund im-> ^ i ii i L i i 35,000,000 00 36,683,664 96 1,118,594 56 277,805 15 - ' 5,638,954 69 3,457,181 39 Due to Bank United States and offices - 22,298,033~25~ 1,952,299 37 State banks Redemption of public debt peposites, viz. on account of Treasurer of the United States less overdrafts and special deposites 1 ^ of public officers of individuals _ 1,085,171 05 100,240 73 1,747*863 51 1 i 2,181,773 30 ° 24,250,332 62 508,877 39 O 2 7,574,850 55 & • 198,775 56 7,376,074 99 1,628,482 61 8,349,380 46 > "i r 17,353,938 06 120,308,261 33 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, October 1, 1831 W, McILVAINE, Cashier. . C* u> 09 • GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. 1— Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills ofexchange. on personal se on funded debt. on bank stock. curity. ' 1631. Oct. 31 24 24 27 27 24 26 24 22 25 22 24 18 13 7 10 6 10 12 13 17 20 24 20 25 26 21 Aug. 20 / Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah | Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington I' Cincinnati • Pittsburgh Buffalo 1 Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 7,825,420 177,750 118,758 809,289 657,567 ! i 443,182 4,573,233 2,030,811 j 1,286,182 1,068,197 667,802 ! 660,375 2,838,137 684,664 1,313,300 5,982,147 1J017,'932 388,722 3,149,372 2,434,190 1,131,785 3,072,590 1,220,772 779,198 630,576 344,366 1,480,240 156,114 56 23 28 46 39 49 92 19 31 34 33 36 30 70 10 32 57 91 04 , 93 1 01 85 16 1 25 i 22 01 69 14 46,942,682 06 , • - - j - 17,750 00 •i - - 700 00 - 76,768 01 1 ... 96,118 01 2,055,572 57,056 53,666 800 1,860,938 19,105 384,765 43,154 7,100 j 1,502,504 15,000 231,763 202,600 166,987 39,330 264,619 38,977 40 202,154 50,632 15 96,069 12,900 00 197,554 110,557 44 , 113,453 5,000 39,902 3,000 * 2,144,025 • 587,475 95,446 544,307 942,702 908,587 343,506 483,918 252,680 91,502 111,662 - ~ 900 00 f 174,680 1 1 1 ~ - 679,681 99 - ' - Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate. . 16 1 82,974 07 78 92 55 51 23 -\ 07 , 75 16 25 26 94 03 26 70 79 12 87 70 66 96 ; 11 1 52 1 42 53 40 - - 13,775,978 65 1 82,974 07 78,744 54 - 6,941 52 - 29,915 .25 ' - 197,659 64,292 44,534 21,515 43 95 25 73 - 12,065 00 - | 76,401 77 230,959 04 - 94,988 13 | - 1 1,270,094 06 96,685 24 Due from Bank U. States and offices. 15,936,501 250,419 376,258 467,367 130,338 138,753 1,064,436 258,906 207,801 469,397 406,271 891,649 140,096 620,015 224,345 1,433,731 290 649,573 213,704 195,570 672,201 976,506 273,487 90,418 4,634 26,117 7,542 59 21 76 33 30 09 98 56 55 92 43 75 24 51 74 07 00 07 31 46 74 04 17 S6 41 92 98 2,224,796 91 26,126,338 09 o o CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, . 1831. 1 October3l Bank United States 24 Office, Portland 34 Portsmouth 37 Boston 37 Providence 34 Hartford 36 1 New York 24 Baltimore 23 Washington 35 Richmond S3 Norfolk 34 Fayetteville 18 Charleston 18 Savannah 7 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez 10 St. Louis 13 Nashville 13 Louisville 17 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 34 Pittsburgh 30 Buffalo 35 Utica 36 Burlington 31 Agency, Cincinnati August 30 ChUlicothe —i—'—n Losses 1 • Treasurer ; Expenses. Due from chargeable to Deficien Banking State banks. contingent cies. houses, bonus, U. States. | fund. and premium. 327,331 11 2,100 32 73,660 18 ~ 07 12,146 38 |1 37,741 10,272 30 ! 925 65 29,197 21 13,878 39 I 354,574 55 ! 61,050 13 1 107,410 62 1,663^33 06 33,741 42 198,830 37 38,080 99 40,373 86 1. 2,835 80 325,663 24 107 17 39,866 62 395,739 89 137,374 06 339,995 01 146,369 57 108,397 47 33,748 61 - 316,585 41 48,947 06 901,031 30 32,068 11 - I - . 1,573 10 8,699 07 1 . | - 93,033 88 1,398 56 74.988 17 88,230 23 40,314 50 - 8,110 30 - 405 28 172,383 41 197,020 91 — ~ - 94*627 07 20,414 80 — 41&081 19{ — 39,673 67 Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks, and offices. 1,894*390 56 91,630 00 1,683 95 157,435 00 1,227 17 . 17,237 78 116,777 02 329,470 00 4,188 94 976 00 1 3,493 47 \ 300,660 00 i 73,430 00 1,335 04 | 1 87,000 00 13,590 70 IJ 1,475,505 00 34,075 65 110,657 34 7,464 54 ; i 487,966 00 32,648 92 26,995 70 13,500 41 ! 193,430 00 1 70,113 05[ 35,923 57 13,336 75 \ 1 343,970 00 i 35,109 65 463,445 00 4,237 91 '" 126,345 00 18,087l 05 13,385 02 2,727 89 j 67,727 78 41^,780 00 6,836 57 43,600 00 5,643 13 | 815,505 00 393,385 00 45652 34*096 92 4*243 73 48,000 00 14*905 17 3,353,335 00 13,399 98 | 376,345 00 '4,597 23 885,050 00 1,945 92 1 136 00 15,000 00 ' 4,796 32 1,260,565 00 21,887 50 413,370 00 2,834 *6 2,969 17 1 443,080 00 I " 1 23,496 71 170,000 00 6,126 96 ! 363,820 00 21,033 21 394*095 00 3,194 36 3,317 16 1 3,579 16 353,100 00 30000 16,995 08 ! 2,808 53 1 331,195 00 I 9,030 00 1,750 73 ! 141,585 00 l 11,882 41 1 ~ 2,906 81 1 - i - 2,862,063 191 3,461,400 82 141,382 05 1,148,849 89 199,190 06 185,002 60 14*476,565 56 1 J ii i i ii 793,644 33 16,445 00 33,673 00 48,585 00 7,889 00 13,373 00 403,646 10 35,361 31 33,303 33 137,394 90 46,470 00 43,704 00 36,366 00 39,965 00 87,910 30 10c%910 00 1,630 00 77,714 43 10,953 00 61,791 00 303,830 00 98,558 00 50,533 56 14*480 46 3,370,897 53 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. 1 O o <§, FT / oo Baring, Broth-1 Discount, ex- Foreign ex Capita] stock.' Notes issued. 1 change, and change ac era, & Co. Hope Dividends Profit & loss. & Co. Hottin- unclaimed. interest. count. guer & Co. 1831. October 31 Bank United States 2,363,156 75 16,450,000 00 3,898,298 26 224,661 62 218,240 53 5,493 08 . 63,507 16 220,440 00 24 Office, Portland 300,000 00 286,505 00 11,429 95 Portsmouth ; 44,702 51 24 64,405 36 Boston 306,791 68 j 1,500,000 00 661,410 00 27 800,000 0C 431,775 00 26,108 38 Providence ! 152,104 99 27 10,885 74 Hartford ! 19,335 00 300,000 00 368,342 50 24 New York 1,593,183 85 2,500,000 00 1,674,977 50 155,429 36 26 56,079 22 Baltimore I 221,000 00 1,500,000 00 1,053,552 50 24 500,000 00 986,312 50 42,436 12 Washington 58,031 76 22 ! 26,290 37 Richmond 193,689 30 1,000,000 00 i 1,068,825 00 25 500,000 00 1,237,250 00 19,404 95 Norfolk 113,596 68 22 500,000 00 1,154,420 00 16,054 00 1 20,431 27 ,'24 Fayetteville , 69,145 50 Charleston 278,096 38 1,500,000 00 1,505,745 00 18 19,886 26 Savannah 383,424 36 1,000,000 00 1,962,555 00 18 | 34,435 66 Mobile 226,203 20 1,630,345 00 7 New Orleans 907,005 04 1,000,000 00 7,253,945 00 203,584 08 10 29,753 09 Natchez 1 57,072 33 740,000 00 6 12,455 57 St. Louis 305,481 45 846,330 00 UO Nashville 1 177,450 79 1,000,000 00 ! 3,243,155 00 91,148 13 12 82,328 19 Louisville , - | 126,632 54 1,250,000 00 i 1,229,085 00 13 55,711 40 Lexington ! 63,619 77 1,000,000 00 1,886,295 00 17 85,092 29 Cincinnati 124,253 08 1,700,000 00 1,243,720 00 20 43,836 74 , Pittsburgh 43,436 11 700,000 00 1,277,197 50 24. Buffalo 123,754 58 ; 1,078,320 00 28,722 74 20 17,279 53 Utica . 108,738 97 i 674,475 00 25 • 11,300 82 Burlington 479,275 00 26 62,897 40 ' "* 1 -1 13,681 47 • 1,830 00 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1,035 24 r 565 00 August 20 Chillicothe ' ( 8,137,596 95 35,000,00000 38^)94,945 76 1,458,074 86 218,240 53 603,402 51 — - 27,558 556 28 437 2,040 822 12,720 5,942 3,580 9,945 3,258 109 13,935 1,368 25 1,747,863 51 50 00 50 50 50 75 25 ^ 43 50 50 50 00 50 o to 224 75 - CO - 197 80 42 00 / 603,402 51 * 8C,768 23 1,747,863 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ J 183L October 31 24 - 24 27 27 24 26 24 22 25 22 24 18 18 7 10 6 10 12 13 17 20 24 20 25 26 21 August 20 - ■ Contingent Due to Bank fund. United States and offices. 5,607,488 36 i 1,588,879 58 Bank United States Office, Portland 1 290,626 37 _m. 1 Portsmouth 226,072 89 i Boston 870,306 88 Providence 292,059 97 Hartford 56,041 41 New York 3,453,032 65 1 1 Baltimore < i 2,119,429 74 i Washington 145,859 76 -. Richmond 278,982 50 I Norfolk 19,089 20 Fayetteville 18,470 28 • Charleston 585,816 06 Savannah 86,105 26 | Mobile | 137,313 90 | New Orleans - 1 ' "" 1 3,177,972 35 Natchez 1,076,062 32 ~ St. Louis 813,268 93 ' "" Nashville — 1 499,157 27 1 Louisville 1,356,254 47 1 -• | Lexington 442,891 89 Cincinnati 1,418,768 62 ~ Pittsburgh 205,977 S6 ~ 1 Buffalo . 368,200 97 ~ J — 1 Ulica 438,627 53 1 Burlington 239,496 12 Agency, Cincinnati 48,811 59 2,705,127 92 Chillicothe 282,563 77 5^656,299"95 ! 23,192,456 17 Deposites of Deposites of in Due to State : Redemption I Depositee of dividuals. banks. of public debt.I Treasurer Unit- public officers. I ed States. 483,508 04 42,397 88 2,291 21 121,388 45 32,950 26 . 6,459 10 421,941 91 63,997 36 , 68,930 90 427 05 60,436 37 164,949 17 47,787 03 5,742 43 2,079 56 73,238 91 18,418 73 5,213 00 45,377 27 26,765 45 170 00 17,237 17 144,480 81 48,366 00 1,150 00 180 26 1,905,883 22 412,102 85 31,965 80 1,852 92 578,062 69 ,3*,163 22 i 25,363 42 1,316,363 35 25,540 87 222,713 42 25,767 65 111,677 74 25,040 40 202,06$ 50 16,144 27 426,685 20 652,541 77 151,451 86 397,383 61 326,607 16 113,901 61 5,012 00 313,408 16 52,176 43 | 221,951 71 202 80 419,785 92 _ _ _ — _ .. . 419,785 92 J I I 6,141 17 — 5,751,230 58 1 80,446 48 16,364 08 24,327 60 155,478 15 11,194 61 13,238 87 417,696 05 52,512 98 i 208,543 61 i 43,957 76 32i086 7a 29,385 56 20,022 70 19-,809 Oft 34,162 91 121,380 39 1,112 65 7,966 56 11,766 13 9,508 52 24,499 15 38,608 93 16,263 05 ! 17,331 02 6,192 48 2,043 53 174 03 - 1,441,465 89 34,826 95 13,916 77 313,714 44 12,700 67 31,500 16 1,185,172 85 520,807 12 298,954 42 223,070 45 320,593 48 37,635 89 591,455 90 76,024 74 57,119 35 872,461 16 90,880 64 243,602 55 227,814 01 337,583 46 234,602 16 416,989 46 297,155 36 107,448 19 69,771 11 13,767 52 135 13 67 28 1,416,063 (51 8,071,237 11 [ Doc. No. 523. j 60 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 ■ ' ' 1 ' ' ' \ ' I I I At Bank United Staiee. Funded debt, various Due by the United States Mortgage* . . . . . $2,200 00 5^267 32 112,58833 . Redemption ofpublic debt, paid in advance. At Bank United State* At office, Portsmouth Boston New York Baltimore - - - - - - - - - . . . . - 1198,445 32 300 00 - 3 4 5 , 5 6 5 26 . 93,609 12 6,614 02 #544,533 72 At Office, Norfolk. Nary Agent- - - , - r - - Digitized by ? WW» RECAPITULATION. Funded debt, various Bills discounted on personal security 46,943,683 06| Do. do. funded debt 96,118 Oil Do. do. bankstoek 679,68199] Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange < Real estate DaefromBank United States sad offices Doefrom8tste banks Capital stock • 35,000,000 00 Notes issued 38,094*945 76 Discount, exchange, and interest 1,458,074 86 Foreign exchange account 218,240 53 Baring, Brothers, & Co. Hope & Co. Hottinguer & Co, 603,402 SI 61,494,460 71 Dividends unclaimed 83,768 33 82,974 07 Profit and loss 1,747,863 51 3,334,796 91 Contingent fund 5,656*299 95 Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 3,461,400 83 38,988,401 38 3,194,899 13 5,267 32 Due to Bank U. States and offices 33,192,456 17 State banks 141,382 05 1,905,883 22 1,148,849 89 25,098,339 39 185,002 60 Redemption of public debt 419,785 93 Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States 5,751,330 58 Less overdrafts and special depo 24,987,060 03 sites 199,190 06 112,588 33 00 40,144 17 5,552,040 52 544*533 72 Deposites of public officers 1,416,063 61 Deposites of individuals 8,071,237 11 15,039,341 34 2,300 00 47,718,483 06 13,775,978 65 . - 26,136,338 09 2,863,063 19 DoefromUnited States - ■ . Deficiencies Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expenses Cash, vis. notes of the Bank U. States and offices 14*478,565 56 2,370,897 52 notes of State banks -. 8,137,596 95 specie • Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Redemption of public debt, paid in advance 9 ? 119,957,661 08 o o FT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, November 1119,957,661 08 2,1831. W. McILVAINE, Caehier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates G> t$ herein mentioned. 1 Bills discountedBills discount-Bills discoanted Domestic bills of foreign bills of exchange. 1 on personal se ed on funded on bank stock. exchange* curity. debt. # ' 1 o o FT 183L December 1 ] Bank United States Norembcr21 I Office, Portland 21 Portsmouth 24 Boston 24| Providence 28 Hartford 30 New York 28 Baltimore 19 ! Washington 22 Biohmood 19 . Norfolk 21 Fayetteville 22 Charleston 22 Savannah 11 Mobile 7 New Orleans 3 Natchez 14 i St Louis 9 Nashville 17 Louisville 21 Lexington 17 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh 17 Buffalo . 22 Utica 23 Burlington October 21 Agency, Cincinnati November 20 ' Chillicothe - - - 8,252,977 73 165,882 25 98,235 37 763,167 81 658,382 98 482,645 37 4,444,709 90 2,074,122 73 .1,275,050 18 1,066,758 55 669,430 52 651,342 52 2,995,893 75 726,597 27 1,346,048 28 6,226,806 62 . 873,043 44 520,261 16 2,886,426 13 5,471,956 18 980,425 44 -3,089,820 47 1,273,765 68 835,205 07 635,38$ 01 385,094 67 1,480,240 69 155,871 49 47,484,548 26 l _ - 183,910 00 ~ - 7,100 15,000 187,375 39,330 30,977 47,172 12,900 117,754 5,000 - 800 00 19,105 00 i «. — 400 00 - i 17,750 00 [ |. 1' [ 1 1 1 11 I v - *- 800 00 ~ - ~.- 18,950 00 | 00 00 00 00 40 ' 15 i 00 44 ! 00 - 3,000 00 - - _ — ~ -*, ~ *" ■ ' x i 2,124,982 50' 82,974 07 55,484 38. 1 93,478 85 ' ~ 1,764,676 82 1 ~ 387,519 67 ~ I 52,094 24 1 1,347,287 00 278,558 77 •- i 123,632 90 480,351 62 ; 195,957 23 ~ 134,944 49 255,004 74 108,972 28 125,686 05 1,805,359 18 758,915 94 107,681 02 1,062,094 84 1,069,948 07 1,143,388 99 w 360,630 13 ' 492,761 71. - .. 280,069 17 ! 110,476 50 1 _ 133,5r3 59 - - 669,423 99 > 14*853,530 68 ~ - Red estate. Due from Bank United States and offices. 78,744 54 15,732,319 82 256,177 4$ 344,468 22 6,941 52 482,982 40 171,739 52 *• 93,715 36 29,915 25 1,265,998 97 300,421 34 183,854 43 193,958 88 353,808 47 64,292 95 450,140 14 44,534 25 892,640 73 21,515 73 29,271 82 568,729 13 ' 60,544 66 1,347,134 52 12,065 00 4,950 29 562,924 68 206,724 39 273,461 43 69,661 77 342,544 22 234*184 04 273,601 76 217,426 19 94*988 13 | 74,927 48 3,731 24 25,911 92 7,542 98 1,270,094 06 1 96,685 24 - 82,974 07 I 2,217,581 36 24*527,693 59 o o 9 f to CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 ) 1 ■ 1 1 * 1 ' miMMOTMW4X- ' H ' - 1 Due from Losses charge Deficiencies. ' Banking to contin - State banks. able gent fund. Dec. Nov. o o FT Oct. Nov. 1 21 21 24 24 28 30 28 19 22 19 21 22 22 11 7 ,3 14 9 17 21 17 21 17 22 23 21 20 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence . Hartford New York 1 Baltimore i Washington , Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh \ Buffalo Utica , Burlington Agency, Cincinnatt Chillicothe houses, bonus, and premium. Treasurer U. [ Expenses. Notes of Bank U, Notes of State S. and offices. 1 banks. States. — * 888,585 04 i 327,331 11 — 30,849 81 7,020 83 1 112 50 84,496 10 58,043 26 12,146 38 17,23^78 976 00 925 65 - 1 9,923 68 13,417 98 13,878 39 160,287 27 61,050 13 155,973 16 1,663,232 06 I 34,075 65 74,967 95 205,772 31 39,958 80. 40,372 86 70,113 05 27,732 43 229,253 40 7,945 31 57,953 67 250,464 84 128,032 06 — 310,404 42 146,369 57 456 52 ' 121,354 43 33,748 61 - 435,896 91 82,414 68 . - 413,081 19 — - -• -' -' - 145 00 - 15,000 00 26,970 92 ' *. 1,075 10 8,126 89 - 111,236 88 647 15 40,709 41 82,711 73 39,267 76 - — - - 405 28 172,718 57 1 196,510 35 i - 94>627 07 - 20,414 80 2,952,107 39 3,506,259 00 116,777 02 - 87,000 00 110,657 34 32,648 92 35,923 57 35,109 65 13,385 02 67,727 78 43,600 00 24,096 92 48,000 00 13,399 98 - - - - 23,496 21,033 16,995 9,200 - 300 00 - ■ 26,203 70 ■ — - \ 71 21 08 00 .<- 170,000 00 2,194 36 ! - 123,504 00 1,154,103 311 ~198,398 06 47,694 03 1,905 73 1,287 02 9,887 93 3,000 52 1,335 04 19,923 11 8,714 89 15,481 37 13,134 98 5,125 94 3,264 35 8,295 82 6,779 43 5,406 77 17,934 62 5,580 08 2,685 78 5,303 42 3,376 15 3,507 89 7,196 35 4,624 86 4,154 06 3,071 48 2,300 04 11,882 41 3,C12 58 1,803,405 56 896,U3 04 17,209 97,800 28,723 156,480 I 83,805 517,070 J 10,721 282,415 21,447 83,450 395,707 77 2,019,750 70,713 91 422,355 36,302 05 312,305 | 135,935 54 166,390 32,780 S94,020 35,069 158,165 58,288 548,805 157,305 1,293,970 3,728 28 376,375 5,280 00 3,107,355 8,868 80 411,335 864,805 60,638*29 1,020,470 10,967 384,050 666,680 80,099 437,185 306,642 325,275 107,058 364*000 65,419 56 2S8,765 16,760 67 83,235 225,866 65 16,535,910 56 2,696,570 93 o I© GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. -"rI 1831. Dec. 1 Nov. 21 21 24 24 28 30 28 19 22 19 21 22 22 11 7 3 14 9 17 21 17 21 17 22 23 Oct 21 Nov. 20 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York ! Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk FayetteviHe Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo [ Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe 1 Specie. 2,492,425 36 66,767 18 50,571 16 445,397 12 136,313 07 18,408 00 920,772 75 308,000 00 * 56,798 42 196,485 43 115,176 87 19,641 84 275,283 73 352,265 56 249,803 83 745,739 49 57,364 75 129,296 00 172,107 92 208,047 31 1 93,356 87 124,254 29 38,261 13 98,299 44 67,662 76 63,750 57, I 7,502,250 84 Capital stocks Notes issued. 16,450,000 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000*000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 - 700,000 Baring, Bros. Discount, ex- Foreign ex & Co., Hope Dividends change, and change ac & Co., Hot- unclaimed. count. interest. tinguer&Co. Profit and loss. 264,727 00 297,689 62 1,195,942 06; 25,486 25 1,747,863 51 3,910,298 26 556 50 6,483 92 220,265 13,221 54 285,910 346 50 71,802 75 985,640 1,904 00 30,653 48 431,775 574 00 13,941 01 363,747 50 10,756 25 1,797,467 50 1 189,727 06 5,102 25 70,082 22 1,043,777 50 3,510 43 49,912 42 984,932 50 8,643 50 34,612 95 1,068,825 3,258 50 23,596 62 1,235,540 20,670 36 95 50 1,153,590 85,081 97 ' 11,341 50 1,501,015 23,896 33 ; 1,277 50 2,381,475 43,591 13. 1,609,655 224 75 7,620,945 231,412 98 740,000 38,530 06 72 00 845,810 18,114 92 3,233,535 124,453 39 1,228,655 180 30 106,047 75 2,014,585 70,409 14 42 00 1,363,270 101,825 68 1,275,787 50 55,772 54 1,077,620 32,933 57 674,475 20,182 13 479,275 13,752 55 | 1,830 13,681 47 565 1,471 97 35,000,000 39,530,265 76 1,770,588 91 297,689 62 [1,195,942 06 73,371 73 1,747,863 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 ■■■■■! ■■■!■ * II [ 1 Contingent Due to Bank Due to State i Redemption 1 U. States and < banks. fund. of public offices. debt. > 1831. December 1 ! i Bank United States 5,607,488 36 1,416,045 22 • November21 <Office, Portland 283,284 43 21 ! 228,370 42 Portsmouth 24 1' Boston -! 801,114 45 24 Providence 302,707 37 28 Hartford 56,342 36 i 30 New York 2,576,051 33 1 28 Baltimore 2,166,232 49 19 185,030 03 Washington 22 i 282,435 87 Richmond 19 Norfolk 41,607 37 21 Fayetteville 43,519 88 22 Charleston 714*670 30 22 Savannah 159,004 72 Mobile 134,052 30 11 3,039,809 20 New Orleans 7 Natchez 1,176,272 88 3 St. Louis 722,814 52 14 Nashville ! 658,252 00 9 t 1,572,680 98 Louisville , 17 i 312,301 94 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 620,242 75 17 Pittsburgh 323,329 09 21 Buffalo 293,952 78 17 Utica 445,981 85 22 Burlington 215,649 77 23 48,811 59 2,705,127 92 Oct. 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe . 273,879 86 Nov. 20 5,656^99 95 21,750,764 08 1 Deposites of Depositesof Deposites of Treasurer IT. public officers. individuals. States. 454,032 60 419,785 92 j 560,694 81 46,282 98 84,649 69 1 2,904 35 1,589 46 j 170,228 77 746,961 94 22.735 54 41,728 22 5,870 38 29,403 84 337,440 02 J 2,509,997 51 167,134 85 1 134,776 75 64,148 29 256,277 93 32.937 50 13,663 79 82.938 35 18^454 33 31,389 04 74,966 59 238,971 39 ! 31.736 60 19,849 15 413,468 12 74,934 90 753,311 48 675 91 147,551 86 1,430 22 327,007 68 73,705 43 ! 135,152 73 23,407 49 ! 121,725 48 , 170 00 2,349 23 17,810 85 1 366,238 61 139,884 81 ! 46,703 07 1 28,434 08 j 272,873 32 7,743 45 2 80 6,291 17 1,948,796 23 419,785 92 7,364,841 13 109,212 97 1,351,707 13 22,574 33 34,999 81 23,236 65 10,661 32 155,214 80 212,066 74 12,547 27 17,866 21 12,284 23 35,289 11 ■ 155,412 73 1,195,917 96 60,403 29 474,713 46 194,866 63 337,627 88 . 43,215 64 223,832 76 58,953 38 326,418 74 24,709 79 45,338 76 20,993 54 j 615,530 69 20,601 17 82,152 19 62,226 48 { 50,507 70 121,106 95 997,574 69 2,949 97 109,882 28 24,305 83 | 248,098 47 12,410 70 192,881 12 36,724 60 359,862 49 17,695 96 243,042 53 32,466 29 476,466 41 19,233 85 311,535 63 5,453 67 110,450 29 1,779 43 57,062 64 23,408 70 20,717 03 135 13 174 03 67 28 1,271,471 21 8,145,098 12 [ Doc No. 523. ] 66 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United State. Funded debt Doe by the United States Mortgage* #2,300 00 5,267 32 111,396 66 1118,863 98 At Office, Norfolk. N»yyA^tnt . . . . . . . . $40,144 IT Redemption of public debt, in advance. At Bank United States At Office, Portsmouth Boston Hartford New York Baltimore * - - - - ' - - - - - - - #367,565 74 300 09 353,079 43 4580 535,283 46 8,022 96 $1,364,397 39 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. 35,000,000 00 Capital stock 39,530,285 76 Notes issued 1,770,588 91 Discount, exchange, and interest 297,689 02 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co,, 1,195,942 06 Hottinguer & Co. 73,371 73 Dividends unclaimed 63,026,452 93 Profit and loss 1,747,863 51 5,656,299 95 82,974 07 Contingent fund - > Foreign bills of exchange 3,506,259 00 2,217,581 36 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Real estate . 2,150,040 94 24,527,693 59 Due from Bank United States and offices 21,750,764 08 Due to Bank United States and offices 2,952,107 39 State banks 1,948,796 23 State banks 27,479,800 98 23,699,560 31 5,267 32 United States 419,785 92 123,304 00 Redemption of public debt Deficiencies 1,154,103 31 Deposites, yiz. on account of Treasurer Banking houses, bonus, and premium of the United States - 7,364*841 13 225,866 65 Expenses less overdrafts and special 16,535,910 56 Cash, yiz. notes of Bank U. S. and offices 198,398 06 deposites 2,696,570 93 State banks 7,502,250 84 7,166,443 07 Specie 26,734,732 33 1,271,471 21 of public officers 111,396 66 Mortgages 8,145,098 12 of individuals 40,144 17 16,583,018 40 Havy agent, Norfolk 1,264,297 39 Redemption of public debt, in advance 122,468,121 17 122,468,121 77 Funded debt Bills discounted on personal security - 47,484,548 26 Do. do. funded debt 18,950 00 Do. do. bank stock 669,423 99| 48,172,922 25 14,855,530 68 Domestic bills of exchange BAMS OF THB UNITED STATES, 2,200 00 December 2, 1831, as S3 W. McILVAINE, GukUr. 3 GENERAL STATEMENT qf the Bank qf the United States, and its Offices qf Discount and Deposite, at the dates 2 00 herein mentioned, Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills Foreign bills on personal se on funded debt on bank stock. of exchange. of exchange. curity. 1831. Dec. 31 26 26 22 22 26 28 26 24 20 24 19 20 20 16 12 Nov. 24 Dec. 12 7 8 19 15 19 " * 22 27 21 21 Nor. 30 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth ; Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis « Nashville Louisville Lexington i Cincinnati ! Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe , 8,785,855 80 1 180,128 59 ! 99,053 66 i 831,029 95 622,596 28 480,417 26 4,662,725 86 2,092,517 80 1,268,125 89 1,067,597 87 678,224 95 665,844 17 3,054,014 01 857,210 02 1,503,678 49 - 6,454,730 05 884,323 36 1 564,045 45 2,602,213 17 2,516,C85 20 930,415 77 3,261,063 13 1,300,465 90 1 742,402 57 i 609,272 20 i 451,364 61 1 1,526,414 75 ! 160,753 58 48,852,570 34 .. _ - 215 460 00 | 2,333,879 19 49,735 92 800 00 97,921 65 17,906 55 1,755,390 08 404,373 53 7,100 00 40,859 67 1 1,353,045 08 209,906 99 277,816 53 39,330 00 150,349 43 35,977 40 655,455 42 51,522 15 225,247 26 11,900 00 146,423 17 122,254 44 375,237 95 5,000 194,168 22 153,107 93 13,000 1,958,934 35 850,447 07 86,995 95 1,677,927 18 1,183,416 78 1,194,088 06 419,824 84 1,000 00 509,232 66 279,137 37 143,443 24 164,670 81 - I - 300 00 - 17,750 00 • - - •— - ■ 800 00 " 1 - - - 731,157 53 16,691,129 34 18,850 00 i 91,668 23 1 ; i ' 1 1 • - - - - 91,668 23 Real estate. > Due from Bank U. States and offices. 78,744 54 , 18,151,742 06 226,470 80 346,677 83 6,941 53 553,940 18 98,110 71 128,319 90 29,915 25 j 1,478,439 82 254,426 06 219,200 64 ! 191,944 55 84,510 28 64*292 95 i 396,998 40 i 44,534 25 862,619 07 21,515 73 I 23,853 81 1 511,242 78 i 105,301 12 12,065 00 1 1,687,930 25 I 10,949 88 ' " 545,389 68 233,339 26 285,770 56 69,420 83 125,180 11 229,184 04 455,652 89 ' 275,188 72 94,988 13 51,414 74 5,305 33 22,926 92 44,087 43 1,213,353 88 79,624 89 2,136,525 56 27,173,998 23 2! o IS GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. » m ' ' Due from ttjosses chargea Deficiencies. Banking houses, Treasurer Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State United States State banks. ble to contin bonus, and pre U. States. banks. and offices. gent fund. mium. 1831. 328,126 50 853,179 36 Dec. 31 Bank United States 7,020 83 26 Office, Portland .- i 55,094 81 197 50 84,496 10 26 Portsmouth • 146,561 64 12,146 38 17,237 78 22 Boston 7,843 91 925 65 976 00 22 Providence | 11,048 11 14,245 72 26 Hartford -. 664,153 05 61,050 13 28 New York 122,612 49 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 26 Baltimore 53,349 36 205,499 03 24 Washington • ~* 91,215 25 39,148 46 70,113 05 20 Richmond 31,174 04 229,253 40 24 1 Norfolk 14,647 63 57t953 67 19 Fayetteville 239,571 45 138,032 06 20 Charleston 314,630 88 146,369 57 20 Savannah 90,761 34 16 Mobile 456 52 ! 1 950,889 00 33,748 61 12 New Orleans 72,662 87 Nov. 24 Natchez Dec. 12 St. Louis 405 28 1 1,411 25 7 Nashville 145 00 165,050 87 ! 5,797 32 8 Louisville 194,982 88 19 Lexington •«. . — 100,390 08 15 Cincinnati 395 40 94,627 07 253 94 1 . 19 , Pittsburgh 41,264 64 22, Buffalo 300 00 55,719 44 27 1 Utica 12,715 12 21 Burlington «21 Agency, Cincinnati 19,004 27 1 7,703 26 NOT. 30 Chillicothe - i ~ 1 ■ 1 - — 3,944,847 741 3,494,588 54 123,699 40 413,081 19 - , - 116,777 02 - 87,000 110,657 34,613 35,923 35,109 13,385 67,727 43,600 24,096 48,000 15,519 - ~ *• '- - 10,500 00 ,- - 66 56 - 2,380 122 6,152 7,307 194 37 - 796 147 2,920 5,585 - - 23,496 71 170,000 00 21,183 21 2,194 36 16,995 08 — - i 00 34 10 26,488 61 57 65 02 78 00 92 00 71 - 15,000 00 26,970 92 - 66,983 27 185 90 1 4 3 219 520 512 11 40 - 95 22 93 61 03 75 92 88 26 12 75 56 62 10 35 40 63 863,442 96,320 151,385 573,140 229,175 54,055 1,843,636 633,490 269,090 384,520 394,900 74,325 453,320 1,251,100 454,760 3,047,385 309,740 950,590 1,460,830 274,855 664,575 426,935 293,085 494,225 298,805 42,780 58 i 00 | 00 00 I 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 i 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 655,074 29,840 26,771 56,411 12,315 25,311 361,971 67,425 31,359 103,785 12,098 4,629 82,149 126,280 27,959 107,013 3,295 14 00 00 00 00 00 39 76 25 34 00 00 00 00 51 00 00 37,964 19 10,972 00 52,924 202,416 68,169 47,905 17,638 00 00 00 32 51 4,954 48 2,158 26 1,159,637 22 198,682 97 101,306 55 15,990,463 58 2,171,676 31 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. 1831. Dec. 31 Bank United States 26 Office, Portland 36 Portsmouth 22 Boston 32 Providence 36 Hartford 28 , New York 26 Baltimore 24 Washington 30 Richmond 34 Norfolk 19 Fayettevttle 20 Charleston 20 8avannah 16 Mobile 12 New Orleans MOT. 24 Natchez Dec. 13 | St. Louis NashTille * Louisville * 19 Lexington ' 15 Cincinnati . ' 19 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo 37 Utica 21 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati Nor. 30 Chillicothe - 2,811,640 70,452 50,111 328,377 102,627 28,094 664,686 226,000 54,610 197,212 112,159 18,943 271,468 376,642 153,671 510,346 57,825 136,897 167,866 217,431 91,513 111,028 31,809 105,232 67,750 72,422 • 1 Capital stock. Notes issued. 83 22 76 58 74 00 64 00 54 02 38 75 8Q 24 72 06 83 51 36 25 28 17 1 84 46 66 48 ~ 7*038,823 12 '| 68 325,208 26 00 1,112 52 00 566 91 00 11,441 56 00 3,246 56 50 1,809 38 29,384 28 50 9,051 66 50 5,494 05 50 5,895 07 00 00 1 3,290 70 00 1,880 95 00 10,386 40 00 3,347 90 00 4*379 68 00 18,793 82 00 48,283 99 00 1,433 14 00 6,440 16 00 5,746 46 00 4*028 96 00 ! 12,094 14 50 5,924 85 00 3,518 51 00 3,048 96 00 2,417 95 00 1,089 85 00 326,546 94 40,621,211 18 , 529,316 17 326,546 94 4*001,938 210,185 282,865 300,000 973,955 1,500,000 422,210 800,000 363,747 300,000 2,500,000 1,762,907 1,118,467 1,500,000 951,827 500,000 1,189,165 1,000,000 1,222,935 500,000 1,141,030 500,000 1,481,920 1,500,000 1,0J0,000 2,372,050 1,719,065 1,000,000 7,929,955 740,000 844,795 1,000,000 3,559,065 1,250,000 1,174*420 1,000,000 2,005,020 1,700,000 1,542,810 700,000 i 1,256,832 1,071,385 752,610 -t 518,995 • 1,830 «. 225 - 16,450,000 - 35,000,000 Foreign I Baring, Broth Dividends Profit 8c loss. Discount, ex ers, 8c Co. Hope change, and exchange ac 8c Co. Hottin- unclaimed. count. interest guer 8c Co. 1,447,748 68 22,066 75 556 50 - - ' " ~ - - !1 i - - 346 1,904 644 9,829 4*706 3,466 8,356 3,450 81 9,168 850 — • • • * 1 ! . - 50 00 00 75 75 43 50 00 50 00 50 175 75 1 73 00 " . i ~ 1,747,863 51 180 30 43 00 i " * 1,447,748 68 64,917 33 1,747,863 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 Contingent 1 fund. 1831. Dec 31 Bank United States 26 ' Office, Portland 36 Portsmouth 23 ! Boston 33 Providence 26 Hartford 28 New York 36 Baltimore 34 Washington^ 30 Richmond 34 Norfolk 19 Fayetteville 20 Charleston 20 Savannah 16 Mobile 12 New Orleans Nor. 34 Natchez Dec 13 St Louis 7 Nashville 8 Louisville 19 Lexington 15 Cincinnati 19 Pittsburgh 32 Buffalo 37 Utica 31 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati ChiHicothe Nor. 30 Due to ' Due to State Bank U. States banks. and offices. 1,073,546 91 303,035 81 i 342,502 34 911.26Q 91 167,298 43 73,393 70 \ 2,418,120 99 2,363,902 61 337,081 41 339,340 35 31,829 43 11,403 71 796,690 43 233,649 37 175,389 35 3,075,194 36 1,156,820 77 793,470 58 1,272,492 18 1,771,209 47 142,320 50 842,785 02 355,739 54 360,795 70 394,725 73 222,178 79 1,465 90 3,784,355 75 268,951 98 5,607,488 36 1 • - • - 5,608,954 36 22,918,486 12 Deposites of Deposites of Redemption Deposites of of public ! Treasurer U. | pubbc officers. individuals. debt. States. 483,158 17 202,938 90 2,698,829 70 92,170 79 19,550 60 1,675 12 .1*645 56 800,918 94 124,651 69 47,353 22 8,788 65 29,650 66 5,753 50 , 3,4172,734 29 268,'358 96 97,170 00 126,836 76 187,251 10 | 41,487 66 34,823 07 18,103 08 93,447 06 26,098 51 140,050 12 273,379 33 133,349 45 35,432 41 28,709 96 447,720 87 3,465 57 875,488 70 532,390 67 106,701 86 14,833 56 356,725 31 6,607 40 133,152 73 44,846 68 173,582 51 27,478 30 2,495 60 170 00 359,653 39 21,351 48 66,108 38 147*947 29 250,663 08 26,224 58 2 80 4,547 24 9,280 64 1,015 53 1,951,103 19 2,698,829 70 8,456,838 54 199,386 22 1,^82,020 59 44,761 16 34,885 69 24,676 43 ^ 9,724 66 279,690 22 210,277 66 15,644 46 12,565 06 11,710 47 32,768 75 259,735 56 1,070,277 72 49,000 52 440,837 31 254,430 67 269,054 51 37,589 91 231,889 32 38,459 03 341,345 38 21,196 73 i 40,482 44 14,349 38 626,136 31 19,539 69 133,460 80 51,844 95 112,076 01 107,724 09 1,287,239 19 141,287 12 2,421 54 256,576 58 24,238 58 170,304 50 10,805 19 319,829 04 33,328 21 359,191 94 16,889 76 476,416 49 68,919 80 376,033 98 17,371 14 78,629 73 7,935 66 73,281 58 25 41 20,426 97 20,703 57 69 04 67 28 1,632,378 35 8,107,155 65 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 72 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Funded debt, . Bonds and mortgages, Dae by the UnitedStotes, . - ■ . - . . . - . - - $2,200 00 111,396 66 5,267 32 . . . $40,14417 . - - At Office, Norfolk. Nary Agent, - - - . - - Redemption of public debt, in advance. At Portsmouth, Boston, Hartford, New York, Baltimore, - - - - - - - Digitized by - 300 00 403,^24 32 112 05 612,263 13 16,417 21 Google RECAPITULATION. FuJded debt Bills discounted on pei security 48,852,570 34 ! Do. . do. 18,850 <K> funded debt Do. do. 731,157 53 bank stock49,602,577 87 °Doinestic bills of exchange 16,691,129 34 Foreign bills of exchange Real estate. <. Due. from Bank United States and offices State banks 27,173,998 23 3,944,847 74 United States Deficiencies Banking houses, bonus, and premium Expenses Cash, viz. notes of Bank-United States and offices 15,990,463 58 State banks 2,171,676 31 Specie . ' - • . " 7,038,823 12 Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - - Redemption of public debt, in advance - 2,200 00 66,293,707 21 91,668 23 2,136,525 56 31,118,845 5,267 123,699 1,159,637 101,306 97 32 40 22 55 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope k Co., Hottinguer & Co. Dividends unclaimed , ', . Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 35,000,000 00 40,621,211 18 529,316 17 326,546 94 , 1,447,748 68 64,917 23 1,747,863 51 5,608,954 f26 3,494,588 54 Due to Bank U. Stataeand offices 22,918*486 12 State banks 1,951,103 19 Redemption of public debt Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. S. *Less overdrafts and special depo 25,200,963 01 sites 111,396 66 .40,144 17 1,032,716 71 Deposites of public officers of individuals 2;114,365 72 o 24,869,589 31 2,698,829 70 2 8,456,838 54 IS 198,682 97 8,258,155 $7 1,632,378 35 8,107,155 65 17,997,689 57 127,418,078,01 o o FT 127,418,078 01 BANK or THE UNITED STATES, January 2, 1832. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, ai Vie dates - I herein mentioned, IBills discounted Bills dis Bills discount Domestic bills Foreign bills Ion personal se- counted on ed on bank | of exchange. of exchange. 1 cunty. funded debt stocks * 1832. Jan. 30 Bank United States - 1 8,306,033 48 ' 23 Office, Portland 187,287 57 23 Portsmouth - 1 98,394 31 -• 26 Boston 1 863,365 19 19 Providence - 1 604,086 88 \ 23 Hartford I 445,345 58 35 | New York 4,807,744 47 ! -. 23 Baltimore 2,092,286 57 i ~ 21 Washington ^ 1,237,649 72 24 Richmond 1,117,285 05 ~ 21 Norfolk I 726,640 90 300 00 S3 | ' Fayetteville 679,373 50 1 -. 17 Charleston - .2,900,964 13 5,00# 00 17 i Savannah 777,055 46 13 Mobile 1,379,653 02 i 9 New Orleans 6,582,5d4 47 I - 1 5 Natchez 881,361 82 9 St. Louis 1 627,942 94 r "" i • Nashville 2,267,942 77 r "" tt! 13 1 J 3,678,167 32 r Louisville ~ 16 J Lexington 898,966 41 i 19 1 Cincinnati 3,393,669 35 1,200 00 23 Pittsburgh 1,331,643 93 • 19 1 850,701 30 BuffiJo 24 ! Utica -: 572,853 02 Burlington 1 446,169 12 I 25 i «. *■»: Agency, Cincinnati - I 1,493,839 35 r ChilEcothe - 1 156,520 43 1 1 I P. .fi. 148,205,447 06 5,000 00 I 227,960 00 800 00 32,906 55 ~ 7,100 00 - 180,133 39,330 40,£50 40,357 11,900 187,575 5,000 28 00 00 15 00 94 00 - 13,000 00 - #'- 3,000 00 -* •-• • 788,312 92 , 2,378,952 56,086 92,151 1,785,886 400,244 43,831 1,258,761 310,247 146,591 778,104 234,125 154,204 563,523 330,885 529,184 2,229,611 1,042,697 74,995 3,358,301 1,278,533 1,123,875 617,396 568,894 282,080 171,511 162,116 - [ Real estate. Due (rom Bank Due from United States] 8tate banks. and offices. - 78,744 54 19,233,141 07 94 k114,315 07 41 \ 192,076 78 ; 06 348,297 43 1 6,941 52 46 ! 626,346 06 '32 99,446 42 _• -40 85,209 33 29,915 25 73 3,322,895 57 . 98 | 226,820 28 .. 02 153,543 25 184,781 88 _ 70 193,311 04 64,854 85 «. 80 449,861 61 44,534 25 _ 835,904 60 21,515 73 64 87 48,840 12 _ 94 611,465 34 «. 43,874 21 98 _ j• *" 39 925,278 08 „. 1 12,065 00 95 4,984 30 .. <m 03 476,219 36 mm 35 214,545 51 202,119 28 49 69,420 83 '"• 280,629 80 69 628,884 04 • 514,407 88 24 . > 23,519 84 — 49 336,857 90 94,988 13 ** 73 21,799 04 • 82 8,358 66 —' OT 23,472 98 35 ~ 91,933 33 | • | 1,213,271 38 80,810 69 1| - 18,971,647 78 j 114,315 07 | 2,154,247 93 744,264 38 33,665 59 197 50 104,565 47 10,532 82 11,009 33 398,178 54 32,323 04 60,970 Q9 100,063 48 13,195 03 14,647 00 200,438 69 403,502 79 60,340 90 828,456 79 111,071 94 4 00 4,911 46 49,787 40 73,719 45,343 26,155 20 80 12 67 74 5,155 06 28,571,628 12 3,332,040 43 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. I ■■' wmmmtmmtmt^mm~mm—+m~f* / 18337" Ian. 30 Bank United State* 23 23 26 19 23 25 23 21 24 21 23 17 17 13 9 5 9 11 12 16 19 23 19 24 25 21 20 Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York 1 Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettevffie Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo J Utica j ' Burlington Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe 1 Lossescharge1 able to contin| gent fund. Deficien Bankfg bouses. | Treasurer. [Expenses. [•Notes of Bank Notes of State cies. U. States. Urited States banks. and offices. . 1 I 1 1 I *I I | t f [ j -J j 1 | 1 - 328,126 50 413,081 19 9,868 25 7,020 89 486 24 84,496 10 25 53 | 12,146 38 17,237 78 | 116,777 02 925 65 976 00 572 19 i 14,245 72 6i;050 13 87,000 00 1 4,915 32 j 1,662,502 06 S4,075 65 110,657 34 1,455 67 206,664 98 34,613 10 . 39,587 37 9,123 40 39,148 46 69,763 05 35,923 57 j 8,57a 42 ; 229,253 463 85,109 65 837 49 j 57,953 67 13,385 02 391 07' 138,032 06 67,727 78 1,534 91 j 146,369 57 43,600 00 | 2,025 96 456 52: 24,096 92 1,196 58 33,748 61 48,000 00 6,143 75 18,571 74 . 948 02 471 77 155 00 405 28 15,000 00 ! 52127 165,271 34 26,970 92 [ 964 21 194,982 88 1,146 36 395 40 170,000 00 1,978 65 21,183 21 2,194 36 1,326 24 300 00 600 37 16,995 08 94,471 Or 56488 329 87 11,000 00 9,659 77 3,213 99 1 3,495,818 19,004 96 27 123,359 4d 1,139,692 54 ' Specie. i1 1,132,885 56 92,370 148,495 208,750 235,780 . 132,440 1,707,005 811,660 264,500 130,55.6 339,785 201,005 315,200 1,061,365 470,195 4,018,315 940,630 1,041,410 1,001,270* | 263,105 j &1,440 331,795 296,485 482,685 236,505 50,050 768,023 31,380 27,662 90,667 20,731 19,820 359,387 88,676 36,338 67,643 16,905 59,423 131,032 213,805 147,694 142,323 6,016 79 2,754,197 92 j 80,371 03 ! 50,445 19 j 215,322 73 63,399 15 2&,094 00 53 644,747 13 75 222,000 00 81 1 58,705 31 24 1 198,864 40 110,352 59 18,870 09 266,606 31 400,096 16 158,030 23 35 80 561,294 78 03 J 55,325 92 142,80$ 06 55,717 09 162,577 98 10,972 1 223,791 61 89,17* 44 90*900 87,064 47 205,426 33,562 04 81,514 I 91,590 36 63,504 48 78,357 85 34^18 31 ! 89,177 53 211,781 73 68,875 18 16^555,675 56 i 2,769,881 18. 6,884*825 28 1 1 ■ i GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ~~~—nr i M i - . , i t Capital stock. Notes issued.. 1Discount, ex Foreign ex change, and change ac ; interest. count. _ . _ — — _ _ i 1 1832!! I Jan. 16,450,000 4,043,938 68 30 [ Bank United States 218,916 23 Office, Portland * 282,215 300,000 Portsmouth ■» 23 926,825 Boston * ; 1,500,000 26 421,690 800,000 Providence - ■ 19 362,757 50 300,000 Hartford 23 ! 1,741,477 50 2,500,000 New York 2i 1,500,000 1,116,477 50 Baltimore 23 "Washington 949,437 50 | 500,000 21 Richmond 1,000,000 1,186,835 24 1,220,505 500,000 Norfolk 21 500,000 \ 1,295,575 Fayettetitte '23 J 1,481,920 1,500,000 Charleston 17 ! 1,000,000 2,372,050 Savannah 17 1,719,020 Mobile 1$ 1,000,000 7,929,955 New Orleans 9 1,455,565 Natchez 5 . 844,795 St. Louis 9 1,000,000 3,540,960 NashviHe H 1,250,000 1,174*405 Louisville 12 1,000,000 2,005,020 < Lexington IP I 1,700,000 1,540,495 ' Cincmnati " 19 [ 700,000 1,250,767 50 Pittsburgh ;' 28 1,071,385 Buffalo . 19 751,605 . Utica 24 f "* 518,950 Burlington 25 1 1,830 21 Agency, Cincmnati 1 225 1 ChilUcotbe 20 I 1 1 ~ ~ i—n Baring, Bros. & Co:, Hope Dividends & Co., Hot- (unclaimed. tinguer&Co. " '' Profit and lof* Contingent fund. f 46,876 18 406,976 26 2,245,888 79 85,451 75 1,750,263 52 j 5,611,746 57 i < - ' 2,453 92 1,207 50 ft . 1,108 77 483 00 _ 28,922 60 5,197. 50 7,993 73 2,201 50 3,665 14 | 3,097 50 1 • _ — 60,653 38 1 37,004 75 *-. . 18,847 21 30,421 25 13,524 04 | 5,687 93 t 17,730 00 16,364 50 8,307 42 10,430 -, * • 5,796 14 778 ! 26,825 76 59,974 ■ _ 3,675 8,347 02 14,830 39 1 61,582 75 119 75 - v 16,231 81 1 . 72.00 5,821 75 1 50,305 62 28,896 52 1 1 180 301 1 -12,224 07 I 1 42 00 1 41,844 05 17,726 47 . 7,487 24 / I ' 6,339 85 ■ < 6,092 97 „ 4,211 43 1 1,599 63 1 - , ~ 309 84 i » •( 1 35,000,000 41,425,596~"l8" [524,956 07 t 1 1 J -• '~ *~ i "* 406,976 26 2,245,888 79 262,388*23 1,750,263 52! 5,613,346 20 J * < GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, • • 1 . . 1 Fund for ex-1Due to Bank Redemption Deposites of Deposites of Deposites of in ' Due to State dividuals. banks. ofpublicdebt. Treasurer Unit public officers. cost of bank- United States ed States. ing houses and offices. o o 1832. ' 872,381 39 1 957,902 91 January 30 1 Bank United States - 551,292 05 1,102,936 41 16,587 87 291,426 56 23 Office, Portland - •* 3,561 87 Portsmouth 234,074 17 23 - • Boston • 1 800,963 11 j 115,152 52 26 9,058 78 Providence - ! 115,974 54 "19 1,571 95 Hartford 61,242 89 23 — 800,335 24 495,580 71 New York 2,885,136 14 25 1 46,714 62 Baltimore • 2,342,760 44 23 _ 71,250 67 Washington . 292,115 95 21 ' Richmond 284,479 42 24 •* '-.' *. -i Norfolk 43,764.78' 8,763.34 21. 171,510 34 | Fayetteville 1 19,551 00 23 63,147 63* Charleston 697,688 77 . 17 .«* [ Savannah . .14,208 78 375,979 30 17 1 Mobile 990 06 411,496 74 ; 13 New Orleans 604,173 89 3,467,083 18 9 Natchez .43 35 1,261,930 08 5 St Louis 7,378 OT 866,50104 9 *Nashville 55,853 01 1,139,38121 11 Louisville 33,096 47 1,872,177 16 12 '' Lexington . 170 00 16 158,457 17 Cincinnati 39,573 51 1,153,285 46 19 Pittsburgh 155,271 49 23 472,447 23 Buffalo 26,792 75 493,450 78 19 . Utica 342,801 96 5,033 91 24 Burlington 384 83 262,048 84 25 I ' 2,800,982 £2 21 Agency, Cincinnati _ Chillicothe r 264,102 32 20 551,292 05 24,479,227 94 FT • t ■ 1 1 1 * 162,248 75: 661,291 22 41,271 35 84,941 89 27,349 47 304 49 250,102 89 187,434 14 14,647 82 | 51,688 94 12,107 97 ! ' 32,779 46 266,605 11 1,711,528 25 55,286 74 184,971 90 299,828 86 84,309 85 48,520 61 16,812 49 133,404 45 ' 33,822 06 23,149 64 ' f 18,780 12 131,464 23 - 104,433 46 13,702 17 ' 39,262 44 53,665 46 499,134 08 96,241 70 1,010,427 70 120,101 86 2,624 64 25,256* 57 370,lf3 43 23,511 64 85,923.65 34,055 23 181,822 55 18,352 16 2,224 21 52,707 46 281,233 54 ' 66,053 57 . • 15,373 73 8,893 31 28,659 46 65 21 7,973 15 19,688 46 9,280 64 v I 1 3,158,007 78 1,453,491 62 5,041,482 73 1,764*011 45 ! i i ■ - v ' 1 1,658,824 19 23,940 36 8,808 87 259,372 88 13,43912 39,788 20 1,153,356 34 477,358 96 256,244 13 273,593 13 322,404 99 33,433 08 759,521 96 166,946 51 115,585 98 1,231,157 70 205,610 98 243,850 30 180,405 12 349,594 23 261,607 01 474,975 01 309,432 18 65,266 46 63,180 30 26,344 16 6904 67 28 8,974*178 47 [ Doc. No. 523. ] T8 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. . At Bank United States. Funded debt Due bj the United States Mortgage* - - . . - . - . - . , $8,200 00 5,267 33 110,946 66 . At Office, Norfolk. JHfy Agent - - - ■ . * * . Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Funded debt . . . Bills discounted on personal security 48,205,447 061 Do. do. : funded debt 5,000 00} Do. "do. bank stock 788,312 92 48,998,759 98 Domestic bills of exchange • 18,971*647 78 Foreign bills of exchange Seal estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - ' Due from United States Deficiencies » Banking houses Expenses Cash, via. notes of the Bank U. notes of State banks specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 28,571,628 12 I 3,332,040 43 - States and offices 16,555,675 56 w . . 2,769,881 18 6,884,825 28 - • - - . - 2,200 00 Capital stock II Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co. Hope &^ Co. Hottinguer 8c Co. 67,970,407 76 Dividends unclaimed - « 114,315 07 Profit and loss Contingent fund 5,613,346 20 2,154,247 92 Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 3,495,818 96 31,903,668 SS 5,267 32 Due to Bank U. States and offices ,479,227 94 State banks -• 123,359 40 ,158,007 78 1,139,692 54 Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses 68,875 18 Redemption of public debt Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States 5,941,482 73 26,210,382 02 Less overdrafts and special depo110,946 66 211,781 75 40,144 17 Deposites of public officers Deposites of individuals 35,OOQ,000 00 41,425,596 18 524,956 07 406,976 26 2,245,888 79 262,388 23 1,750,263 52 2,117,527 24 27,637,235 72 551,292 0 5 1,453,491 62 9 o 8 CO 5,729,701 00 1,764,011 45 8,974,178 47 16,467,890 92 129,843,506 60 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, February 129,843,506 60 1,1832. W. McILVAlNE, Cashier, 2 GENERAL STATEMENT * ' ■ ' ' i o o FT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. 1832. March 1 Bank United States Feb. 20 Office, Portland 20 Portsmouth 22 Boston 23 Providence 27 -■ ' . . Hartford 29 New York' 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 21 Richmond • 18' Norfolk 20 Fayetteville 21 Charleston 21 Savannah 17 Mobile 6 New Orleans r 2 * Natchez St. Louis 6 Nashville' 8] Louisville 9 Lexington . 13 Cinctttnati 16. 20 Pittsburgh Buffalo 16 21 Utfca Burlington ' 22 Jan. 2t Agency, Cincinnati Feb. 20 > Chillicothe Real estate. . Due from Bank Due from Bills discounted Bills dis Bills discount Domestic bills Foreign United States State banks. on persomd se counted on ed on pther ! ofpxohange. bills of ex curity. bank stock. stocks. change. and offices. - • 5,755,393 192,490 102,354 738,802 633,607 420,296 - L 4,911,513 2,030,738 - (■ 1,237,328 1,103,024 727,887 - | 625,471 \ 3,890*000 \ 852,985 y 1,313,131 - 6,7^9,491 > 1,182,893 599,012 2,240,425 . 2,736,232 - 1,041,546 3,366,164 1,316,717 474,241 534,479 449,109 - • 1,493,839 156,183 94 180,060 00 1,758,533 03 2,185L472 47,734 88 L 800 00 54 124,369 50 16,546 55 22,650 00 j 1,687,889 03 ' 382,507 ~ 54 j 7,100 00 12,700 00] 55,079 77 1,069,434 70 176VJ02 44 334,791 35 16,300 00 32,205 00 173,732 04 40,750 OP 799,830 * * 231,754 89 50,907 15 173.841 95 I 11,900 00 38 100,100 00 43,933 00 1,003,643 9 4 { 5,000 00 ! 58,853 00 504,141 68 1,047,489 _ 25 13,000 00 . 2,699,548 — 1,162,816 63 » j 77,980 00 85 72,971 14 2,587,398 • * " _ 97 4>35G 40 1,275,398 92 I 796,935 " * 9,006 00 687,847 76 1,200 00 90 571,609 ^ 04' 133,490 77 301,469 70 1 168,902 : * 209,343 76 'J_ i '— 35 •~ • 'I - — 87 -' m» — i ( 1 • 78,744 54 19,218,432 48 582,172 74 43 91,238 23 89 187,303 01 59,426 26 12 6,941 53 318,256 95 1,065 00 S7 595,517 73 96,170 66 94 65,738 54 10,032 90 59 29,915 25 115,026 94 29,350 92 07 2,394,556 46 974,929 IS - . 62 240,070 65 128,279 33 - . 33 j 182,481 88 147,184 60 84,541 94 13 ■ 64,854 85 191,930 26 89,541 16 — 42 48,415 80 290,546 32 21,837 58 49 21,515 73 854,095 93 13,880 2$ 34 149,089 52 78,266 71 ' 64 966,101 19 216,945 87 39 . 42,551 69 , 238,813 34 61 12,065 0Q 708,460 94 847,740 76 85 1 — 147,645 29 "" > 11 447,890 06 . 211.545 50 30 400 293,834 21 69,420 83 4,621 44 32 , 34 697,230 76 387 31 — . 227,934 04 650,873 02 32,860 64 07 i • ' 86 94,988 13 358,937 10 5,656.14 00 J 23,125 05 16,223 85 I 08 6,522 30 33,003 7L 1 - , 58 22,158 73 | 33,777 3T 1,213,27138 91,922 22 ,• ! 80,810 69 5,643 43 - r 145,850,367 27 620,766 14 2,145,895 20 i 20,354,748 79 91,238 23 2,131,359 64 29,288,810 19 ^752,83? 73 ' < ^T" GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 "j 1 Losses chargeable to Deficien Banking houses. Treasurer I Expenses. I Notes of Bank Notes of State 1 contingent cies. I U. States. 1 United States banks. 1 fund. | and offices. *- ♦ o o FT . 1832! 'March 1 Feb. 20 20 22 23 27 29 27 25 21 18 20 21 21 17 6 2 6 8 9 13 16 20 16 21 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington 1 Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville I Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington ±2 January 21 Agency, Cincinnati Feb. 20 Chillicothe • j Specie. n™""*™' 328,126 50 7,020 83 j 84,496 10 1 12,146 38 17,237 78 925 65 976 00 1 1 - - J 61,050 13 - j 1,662,502 06 34,075 i65 205,479 03 39,148 46 69,376 83 229,253 40 57,953 67 138,032 06 146,369 57 456 52 1 33,748 61 - I 1 - - 28 405 165,271 34 192,332 88 1 94,471 07 1 "1 1 - 1 "* 27 19,004 — 155 00 395 40 300 00 — - 1 17,050 52' I 2,397,526 03 934 60 I 122,250 , - [ 139 83 177,555 , 4,577 10 116,777 02 671,560 1,122 88 289,050 98,200 -* 1 8,712 35 1,542,665 87,000 00 -' 2,529 01 110,657 34 960,335 34,613 10 88,782 63 11,012 45 282,800 I 9,796 16 35,923 57 411,505 1,740 67 35,109 65 424,800 691 48 13,385 02 183,465 2,956 66 67,727 78 335,635 ** 3,526 69 43,600 00 788,325 2,341 40 24>096 92 224,335 11,796 57 4,077,905 48,000 00 1,982 08 18,571 74 788,090 --. [ 1,020 39 1,061,315 1,098 15 15,000 00 942,720 1,565 95 26,970 92 1 540,930 1,689 41 349,375 — 23,519 84 170,000 001 2,752 79 358,880 2,194 36) 2,205 53 21,183 21 250,695 1,179 88 16,995 08 569,155 -. 1,327 72 330,000 704 23 221,940 11,479 54 — i 9,659 77 1 . . 2,665 75 ' 413,08119 951,669 85 2,476,954 13 14,578 77,511 27 19,925 50,195 28 74,711 375,030 67 15,823 20 61,351 86 15,209 00 28,094 00 369,992 01 594,059 68 72,573 75 232,000 00 22,626 70 55,539 09 60,512 14 199,700 14 13,985 111,367 05 33,408 36,425 93 89,828 261,487 07 140,775 360,786 63 38,346 06 | 162,541 80 262,932 00 643,145 08 11,321 96 53,502 79 147,970 85 65,270 44 159,760 38 11,015 232,854 64 87,216 46 133,712 83,775 81 228,893 26,264 36 124*018 93,989 41 56,079 38 91,094 06 9,695 91 97,135 19 0,477,737 291 122,973 18 1,163,691 92 260,976 99| 106,720 02 18,401,011 03 2,836,900 40 6,799,753 63 o 8 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Baring, Broth[Capital stock.' Notes issued. Discount, exJForeign ex*| era & Co., Hope Dividends change, and change ac & Co., Hottin- unclaimed. guer & Co. interest. count. 1832. March 1 Peb. 20 20 22 23 27 29 27 25 21 18 20 21 21 17 6 2 6 8 9 13 16 20 16 21 22 Jan. 21 Peb. 20* Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York ; Baltimore | Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettevffle Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington 1 Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington , Agency, Cincinnati ChilHcothe 1 16,450,000 00 4,407,264 63 218,670 00 ~ 300,000 00 281,295 00 j 1,500,000 00 972,365 00 800,000 0C 421,690 00 300,000 00 361,887 50 2,500,000 00 1,720,027 50 1,500,000 00 1,116,477 50 500,000 00 938,777 SO 1,000,000 00 1,186,010 00 500,000 00 1,218,505 00 500,000 00 1,293,920 00 1,500,000 00 1,476,010 00 1,000,000 00 2,369,355 00 1,716,730 00 1,000,000 00 8,004,525 00 1,455,565 00 { 84*1,555 00 1,000,000 00 3,532,425 00 1,250,000 00 1,452,175 00 1,000,000 00 1,998,535 00 1,700,000 00 1,539,525 00 700,000 00 1,249,232 50 1 1,070,385 00 j 751,605 00 518,885 00 1 "* 1,830 00 I — , 225 00 79,650 3,623 2,366 35,481 13,078 6,674 94,485 29,407 22,703 24,314 12,524 10,188 51,404 17,678 33,135 110,380 35,708 9,414 71,628 49,405 21,174 59,913 25,547 11,459 9,902 9,913 4,211 582 |35,000,000 00 [42,118,452 13 855,958 17 3TU610 5S 1 1 — 1 1 1 1 - _ '— 32' 371,610 55 06 76 75 - "-. / m. 36 38 35 j 24 01 • 73 . 76 40 05 . 76 • 13 89 -. 33 88 «» 54 41 "" 80 16 05 07 85 19 -«» 43 j 51 -M. 1,876,802 39 -_ _ -* _ -> ~ 71,815 500 136 2,408 1,109 1 1,921 30,886 10,530 5,281 14,180 4,942 568 19,059 1,501 M H M M W i Profit & loss. Contingent fond. 25 1,750,363 52 £,611,746 57 50 50 00 50 50 75 75 93 50 00 00 00 50 913 75 8400 i 358 80 234 50 * «P - 1,876,802 39 166,432 73 *> • 1,599 63 1,750,263 53 5,613,346 20 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. - ■ fc -^- IE o Bank United States February March 201 i| Office, Portland Portsmouth 20 Boston 22 Providence 23 Hartford 27 New York 29 Baltimore 7T Washington 25 Richmond 21 Norfolk 18 Fayetteville 20 Charleston 21 Savannah 21 i Mobile 17 New Orleans 6 Natchez 2 St. Louis 6 Nashville 8 Louisville 9 Lexington 13 16 Cincinnati Pittsburgh 20 Buffalo 16 Utksa 21 Burlington 22 January 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe February 20 ' ' J i.l 1 ! - ■ H.l ■! u i i i iin J ;• HI i II. [■ 1 1 — ^ M ^ » iFund for extin- Dae to Bank Due to State Redemption Deposites of Deposites ojf Deposites of guishing cost banks. ]of public debt. Treasurer Unit pubbc officers. individuals. United States of banking ed States. and offices. I houses. 551,292 05 -. - 1 - 111 " *" "- 1 1 " -> 1 1 - 1 * - - i - 11 - ™* 1 —_ — 1 1 1 | -. - • ~ - 1 - 11 -- 1 1 1 - j - 1 * • - — 1,392,619 39 328,653 59 260,674 19 1,044,201 79 126,229 29 69,769 03 2,605,801 73 2,477,847 89 278,852 26 ! 587,829 2fl J 28,039 97 29,207 19 852,087 01 487,429 02 796,760 61 4,637,399 10 1,512,017 13 1,114,009 45 ; 1,284,101 42 ! 2,121,577 33 118,947 52 ! 1,375,233 65 1 454,174 32 I 554,218 25 390,976 52 1 468,840 19 j 2,800,982 62 \ 263,373 21 539,236 52 1 672,994 70 804,996 03 96,753 00 8,745 62 l 4,163 49 7,805 26 406,089 78 74,543 98 ! 60,259 16 7,073 25 j •31,245 86 509 78 268,080 18 184,618 42 3,328,370 06 168,211 34 114,330 95 1 71,719 45 44,255 44 18,422 49 ** I 83,983 18 1 34,407 54 15,530 59 118,471 94 150,604 73 300,965 93 — 25,15* 14 17,873 00 306,885 42 33,177 01 722,948 93 » 1 3?0,586 58 125 81 - ' ] 98,075 36 181,555 19 i 8,952 34 80,923 65 39,749 07 ^ 1 114,738 39 34,701 49 - 2,224 21 "291,918 04 37,841 40 71,170 71 154,564 14 28,248 80 24,989 79 65 21 6,585 13 j 9,215 69 336 00 - 551,292 05 ; 28,461,35215" 2,600,270 50 o FT '' -1 ii * i ii ■■ - - 196,058 87 32,231 79 21,986 46 1,90,602 30 12,350 66 11,21402 262,779 88 61,292 82 437,230 91 46,052 26 39,94* 54 20,869 70 39,598 35 33,225.80 52,831 35 68,373 49 5,572 59 30,016 77 30,827 11 23,511 14 16,077 16 47,297 09 13,073 37 4,178 80 2,664 11 19,622 98 "— 1,752,945 92 19,972 18 7,670 66 203,922 16 19,345 78 557,750 17 1,018,862 73 507,265 06 275,806 6a 239,083 55 300,397 11 36,278 64 770,966 35 135,199 31 154,584 28 1,212,706 08 259,760 12 1 219,572 63 1 184,027 40 3.15,898 49 237,454 93 462,252 99 306,053 57 60,707 37 59,609 13 28,530 26 69 04 i 67 28 i — "*" ' j 857,613 12 6,781,114 55 1 1,719,489 32 8,816,759 81 1 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Due by the United Stttei Mortgage! - • - - - . . . 15,267 32 89,57378 . At Office, Norfolk. Ntty Agent - $40,14417 I Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security - 45,850,367 27| Do. do. bank stock 620,766 14 Do. do. other stocks - 2,145,895 20] Domestic bills of exchange 48,617,028 61 20,354*748 79 Foreign bills of exchange DuefromBank United States and offices 29,288,810 19 3,752,822 73 State banks , United States Real estate Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz. notes of Bank U. S. and offices 18,401,011 03 2,836,900 40 State banks 6,799,753 63 Specie Mortgages _ * Navy agent, Norfolk 68,971,777 40 91,238 23 33,041,632 5,267 2,131,359 122,973 1,163,691 106,720 92 32 64 18 92 02 28,037,665 06 89,573 78 40,144 17 Capital stock Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers 8c Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss • ■ * . - . Contingent fund ' Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 35,000,000 00 42,118,452 13 855,958 17 371,610 55 1,876,802 39 166,432 73 1,750,263 52 5,613,346 20 3,477,737 29 2,135,608 91 31,061,623 38 _ W © P 551,292 05 857,613 12 5! © Due to Bank United States and offices - 28,461,352 88 2,600,270 50 State banks Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Redemption of public debt Deposites, viz. pn account of Treasurer of the United States less overdrafts and special deposites of public officers of individuals 01 fed 6,781,114 55 260,976 99 6,520,137 5$ 1,719,489 32 8,816,759 81 17,056,386 69 133,802,043 64 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 133,802,043 64 ^ March 2, 1832. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Sank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned, BUls discounted Bills dis Bills discount-! Domestic bills Foreign Real estate. on personal se counted on edon other! of exchange. bills or ex curity. change. bank stock.' stocks. 1832. April 2 Bank United States Mar. 26 Office, Portland 26 I Portsmouth 29 Boston 29 Providence • 26 Hartford f 28 New York - 1 26 Baltimore - 1 24 Washington - I 37 Richmond - 1 24 Norfolk 26 FayetteviHe 20 Charleston - 1 20 Savannah 1 16 Mobile 1 12 New Orleans J 8 Natchez 1 12 St. Louis 14 Nashville 15 Louisville 19 Lexington 22 Cincinnati 26 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo * 27 Utica 28 j Burlington *1 1 Agency, Cincinnati . 20 ChilUoothe 5,075,893 36 214,680 37 126,340 32 882,189 89 658,457 55 424,116 93 4*838,782 57 2,045,908 26 1,254*199 87 1,148,780 48 760,424 08 666,380 40 2,857,992 32 700,127 12 1,297,769 79 6,833,691 01 1,434,872 41 622,861 25 2,181,709 48 2,590,121 32 1,263,022 64 3,284,800 87 1,269,680 00 504,990 44 , 539,358 29 422,557 71 1,645,175 14 155,932 64 186,160 00 1,713,297 34 Due from Bank[Due from State U. States and I banks. offices i 78,744 54 19,194,801 57 625,742 83 166,015 29 51,545 29 325,166 04 265 00 800 00 363,250 56 98,219 61 17,862 90 94,161 91 10,338 31 29,915 25 175,787 94 17,839 39 7,100 00 2,319,767 54 . 636^668 31 215,771 18 51,435 85 167,01511 1 182,451 58 574,017 20 71,363 55 15,300 00 64,854 85 ! 250,231 21 88,529 35 40,500 00 48,415 80 ! 340,589 62 19,421 58 51,73115 21,515 73 766,785 14 26,390 23 11,900 00 122,607 68 91*494 23 78,260 00 — 876,447 58 446*707 03 5,100 00 94,928 63 47,713 76 - I 908,516 82 1,098,248 69 13,000 00 " 90,352 65 51 — 1 419,842 12,277 68 144,282 46 ~ 69,42a 83 529,100 13 13,362 26 •»• 1 662,291 38 221,167 27 387 31 892,884 73 108,901 34 2,000 00 ~* 94,988 13 261,620 15 16,980 16 1 37,589 26 22,133 94 ~ — 84*699 20 27,622 9t 34,901 68 29,311 91 119,562 06 1,038,926 52 80,674 03 I 5,938 4* — 3,709,191 69 45,700,816 51 597,729 16 12,151,047 28 21,481,100 59 117,49410 1,937,616 05 29,975,619 47 - 2,045,671 52 117,49410 61,658 65 — 115,439 84 59,193 19 1,451,611 49 . 381,531 27 12,700 00 50,445 95 997,531 73 289,674 23 32,205 00 192,528 08 1 702,651 39 , -. 296,114 74 • mm • 199,041 80 53,510 00 972,567 12. • 61,193 00 695,891 27 1,351,735 66 3,404,702 64 1,329,777 84 72,480 00 71,783 93 — 2,759,754 93 1,326,749 16 -. 587,903 23 1,400 00 764,301 46 \ 620,759 46 - 145,068 75 364,520 36 .204,504 52 -. 242,248 31 " " 1 I 6,541 52 1 - 1 "" f 09 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. . mm^^^^mM„*MMM^gWMMaM■_*■•«• 1 1832. April 2 March 26 26 29 29 26 28 . 26 24 27 24 26 20 20 16 12 8 12 14 15 19 22 26 22 27 28 21 20 i " ■ i ' Losses charge •1 Deficiencies. I Banking 1 houses. able to contin gent fund. Bank United States - 328,026 50 Office, Portland 7,020 83 Portsmouth » 84,496 ,10 1 17,237 78 Boston 12,146 38 97600 925 65 I Providence 14,245 72Hartford 1 New York 61,050 13 34,075 65 Baltimore 1,662,502 06 1 Washington - 205,479 03 69,376 83 | Richmond 39,148 46 Norfolk j 239,253 40 Fayetteville - 1 57,953 67 1 Charleston 138,032 06 Savannah . 146,219 57 Mobile 456 52 i New Orleans • 33,453 61 *" Natchez 8t. Louis — "~ 155 00 Nashville. 405 28 1 Louisville 162,051 59 "* Lexington 193,059 06 ~ 1 395 40 Cincinnati Pittsburgh 94,396 071 300 00 Buffalo 1 Utiea . Burlington Agency, Cincinnati - 1 - 1 Chillicothe • 19,004 27 1 1 "" ~ 1 u Treasurer U,1 Expenses. Notes of Bank U. Notes of State 1 S. and offices. States. banks. Specie. 4 24,850 14 3,085,745 06 413,081 19 714,280 60 2,475,117 88 li376 99 80,860 — 21,085 85,550 31 1,402 72 149,645 - . 41,092 49,378 96 4,577 10 725,590. 116,777 02 73,818 62 58,490 318,075 50 1,995 54 276,590 . 10,042 75 59,464 45 1,532 96 ' 53,440 — \ 10,144 00 26,732 00 11,345 73 1,680,730 87,000 00 _ 358,687 57 606,995 25 4,452 05 659,620 110,657 34 ' 86,138 86 k 255,000 00 18,229 41 262,745 34,613 10 179,641 29 18,478 27 56,009 61 10,740 25 275,615 36,024 07 79,071 43< 201,795 U 2,869 54 35,109 65 — 13,845 * 111,958 51 294,370 1,936 68 13,385 02 45,540 37,252 48 166,815 5,111 43 166,680 67,727 78 ^ 85,263 255,273 62 4,934 05 746,805 48,885 00 _ 112,885 318,914 96 ! 3,523 61 567,120 24,096 92 _ 165,687 45 113,550 77 15,166 83 3,114,490 48,000 00 _ 219,690 00 880,964 62 3,073 62 734,320 18,571 74 11,929 95 53,104 24 1,611 19 1,173,050 . 152,900 92 2,935 37 15,000 00 56,228 82 155,299 27 834,895 2,407 30 j 576,675 26,970 92 11,025 | 189,150 71 2,267 24 907,145 81,279 67 3,674 86 23,519 84 170,000 00 206,525 65,788 120,278 06 3,106 15 21,205 66 2^194 36 98,460 245,200 71,651 93 2,017 98 481,445 16,995 08 113,649 97,359 39 2,034 43 1 _ 232,945 33,596 124,987 47 1,177 43 • 14,614 24 111,264 32 11,479 54 177,775 6,922 16 1 — 2,728 91 - 5,488,869 461 122,973 18 [1,169,099 87 1 425,654 27 1 148,001 er 17,730,085 06 2,591,45$ 01 7,029,310 61 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. " • 1832. April 2 Bank United States Mar. 26 Office, Portland' 96 Portsmouth 29 Boston " 29 Providence 36 Hartford 28 New York 36 Baltimore 34 Washington 37 Richmond 34 Norfolk 36 Fayetteville 20 Charleston 30 Savannah 16 Mobile 12 New Orleans 8 ! Natchez 12 St. Louis 14 Nashville 15 Louisville 19 Lexmgton 33 . Cincinnati 36 Pittsburgh 93 Buffalo 37 Utica 38 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 30 Chillicothe Baring, Broth- j Capital stock. ; Notes issued. ; Discount, exH Foreign Dividends Profit & loss. Contingent change, and exchange ac era, & Co. Hope unclaimed. fund. & Co. Hottincount. interest. guer & Co. _ 16,450,000 4,407,264 63 124,396 09 367,913 03 1,805,059 89 35,086 5tt 1,750,263 52, 5,611,746 57 ~ 217,315 00 5,466 74 330 50 . 300,000 i 281,395 00 3,688 89 • 45 50 •* 1,500,000 | 897,335 00 1 52,575 13 | — 791 00 «• 800,000 421,500 00 i 19,113 91 784 00 " 300,000 361,353 50 | 8,718 48 1,318 00 2,500,000 1,696,147 50 | 121,468 98 39,394 35 1,500,000 1,093,553 50 1 39,131 97 8,080 75 1* • 500,000 914,822 50 29,406 31 5,039 93 1,000,000 1,185,000 00 33,374 87 --. 10,705 00 500,000 1,201,280 00 19,757 01 3,698 50 500,000 1,287,490 00 15,611 85 \ ' -' 414 00 t 1,500,000 1,476,010 00 71,230 39 15,433 50 1,000,000 2,357,240 00 28,922 48 j 1,309 00 2,116,731 00 49,044 08 * 1,000,000 8,002,540 00 173,483 76 1 — _ 253 35 1,455,495 00 55t615 25 844,290 00 15,354 70 _ 84 00 • ! 1,000,000 3,512,420 00 91,676 17. 1,250,000 1,452,175 00 69,956 60 .. 197 80 "• * 1,000,000 2,458,535 00 32,485 2a 199 50 1,700,000 1,518,380 00 ! 85,630 44 700,000 1 1,247,732 50 35,558 55 • 1,067,385 00 23,179 36 * ' ' 751,485 00 15,369 31 518,885 00 , 12,981 30 8,881 86 ; 1,830 00 -j 613 78 1 16,040 11 225 00 a* 35,000,000 42,745,413 13 I 1,341,591 35 367,912 02 1*805,059*89" 111,833 98 1,750,363 53 5,637,786 68 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, v ■ ''' 1832. J 551,292 05 1,428,020 87 *®April 2 ! Bank United States 218,566 02 ' 584,761 13 712,827 42 T 1 - . B4>rch 26 Office, Portland 317,451 5T i 19,712 96 75,910 00 j 26 Portsmouth 271,166 13 ! 6,280 49 753 86 29 Boston 727,288 13 74,008 93 ! 1 ' m* * ' 29 Providence 130,193 06 1 16,593 97 65,101 38 1. — — 26 Hartford • 80,444 95 2,100 26 | 23,928 51 -* 28 New York 2,032,914 32 155,648 05 | 3,575,606 86 26 Baltimore 2,075,733 19 146,173 28 123,453 15 24 Washington 454,589 51 ; 44,416 31 93,772 23 27 Richmond 391,209 97 1 17,687 85 1 •* 24 Norfolk 38,042 05 66,826 97 85,688 40 ' - • 26 Fayetteville 37,956 11 111,480 76 ' 3,675 57 -* 20 Charleston 697,252 24 i 193,354 30 1 158,202 73 1 "" -*V 20 Savannah 557,543 6fT ! 14,327 46 i 30,058 14 16 Mobile 850,389 78 83,504 16 1 327,599 98 ~ 12 New Orleans - 1 5,157,293 21 351,129 58 449,849 81 8 Natchez 1,902,102 39 2,340 81 86,150 36 12 St. Louis 1,159,175 80 7,458 19 | 240,077 87 14 Nashville -1,254,663 39 17,924 11 ! 84,345 77 15 Louisville 2,272,296 11 ' 12,798 33 130,443 75 19 Lexington 150,917 50 i 1 2,224 21 22,631 97 | 22 Cincinnati 1,517,969 51 1 289,315 95 1 190,719 41 26 Pittsburgh 261,115 82 53,915 20 1 ^ 22 Buffalo 543,443 83 63,300 70 26,690 00 1 5,426 48 27 Utica 422,410 13 ! 23 81 1 I . 28 Burlington 441,004 26 | 4,216 86 11,555 00 -T 21 Agency, Cincinnati 2,783,764 87 ' 1 20 Chillicotbe - J1 263,373 21 I - 1' * o o 1 -: 1 1 " " "' 551,292 05 28,219,725 58 FT It i. ■ 1 in i. i i \ Due to State < Redemption Deposites of [Fund for eitinDue to Beposites of Beposrtes of I (pushing cost of Bank U. States] banks. j of pubHc Treasurer U. public officers. individuals. 1 banking houses: and offices. j States. | debt. , m+ 2,202,135 47 6,174,596 41 712f82T 42 I i i * ■ ■ 353,206 66 1 2,123,034 82 34,520 30 19,295 70 27,227 2$ . 10,110 34 805,729 14 141,412 72 12,232 03 28,966 Ofc 19,669 33 26,668 11 437,703 91 1,049,774 96 118,730 98 . 477,394 77 772,925 99 283,298 21 78,884 36 290,456 98 33,875 9a 296,078 41 12,724 84 45,543 02 760J06 16 23,540 92 . 145,700 92 29,007 91 48,036 00 186,278 11 60,045 62 1,375,329 99 6,135 96 168,162 68 39,365 09 208,724 15 34,802 36 166,111 49 11,354 13 297,812 50 9,398 74 264,752 67 37,508 53 473,033 16 19,876 69 291,323 90 6,579 90 56,490 51 815 75 54,317 34 30,609 44 36,078 28 69 04 67 28 • 3,053,507 84 j 9,276,792 30 [ Doc- No. 58a ] 90 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Due by the United States • . Mortgage* Cashier Bank United States in trust . * . * . - #5,26T 32 89,588 78 329,675 39 At Office, Norfolk. Nary Agent • * • . , , . . . ~ . $40,144 tf ■ : Digitized by i RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 45,700,816 51 Do. do. bank stock 597,729 161 Do. da. other stocks - 2,151,047 2fi| Domestic bills of exchange 48,449,592 95 21,481,100 59 "Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices State banks 29,975,619 47 3,709,191 69 69,930,693 54 117,494 10 33,684,81* 16 5,267 32 1,937,616 05 * 122,973 18 148,001 67 tJnited States - . Real estate Deficiencies , - . , * Expenses ''-. 06 Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 17,730,085 2,591,452 01 State banks 7,029,310 61 Specie -. . 27,350,847 89,588 Mortgages 40,144 Navy agent 329,675 Cashier Bank United States, in trust 1,169,099 Banking houses • - 68 78 17 39 87 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope 8c Co., Hottinguer 8c Co. Dividends unclaimed .Profit and loss Contingent fund *■ Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, April 2, 1838. 5,627,786 68 Fund for extinguishing the cost of banking houses Redemption of public debt Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. S. Deposited on account less over drafts and special deposites 1,805,059 89 111,832 98 1,750,263 $% 3,488,869 46 2,138,917 22 Due to Bank U. States and offices 28,219,725 58 2,202,135 47 State banks 9 30,421,861 b5 551,292 05 712,827 4$ 6,174,596 41 425,654 27 5,748,942 14 Deposites on account of public officers Do. of individuals 134,926,212 91 35,000,000 00 43,745,413 13 1,241,591 35 367,912 0$ 3,053,507 84 9,276,792 30 18,079,242 28 134^926,212 91 W. McILVAINE, CwJWer. O S GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at iM dotes <0 10 herein mentioned, i i . . . Bills discounted Bills discount- Bills discount Domestic bills of 1 Real estate. on personal Se ed on bank ed on other | exchange. stocks. curity. stock. Due from BanklDue from State banks* United States and offices. >■ 1832. May April 1 Bank United States 23 Office, Portland Portsmouth 23 1 / Boston 26 Providence . 26 Hartford 23 New York 25 Baltimore 23 Washington 21 Richmond 24 Norfolk 21 Fayetteville 23 ' , Charleston 17 Savannah 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez 5 St. Louis 17 Nashville !l Louisville 19 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 19 j Pittsburgh 23 J 19 Buffalo Utica 24 Burlington 18 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe - i * i • ! 4,388,338 10 138,360 00 1,582,477 34 247,114 56 ! _ 132,150 18 800 00 15,962 90 823,157 47 692,876 73 7,100 00 445,838 75 12,700 00 4,730,247 79 - . 1,963,914 70 130,022 00 19,066 15 32,205 00 1,244,044 97 18,200 00 1,158,013.47 769,312 28 59,036 15 — 683,947 63 11,900 00 51,605 00 2,801,549 84 109,610 00 59,493 W 805,567 77 . 5,100 00 1,088,976 65 ,7,012,589 37 is,ooq oo 1,472,7*9 97 75,980 00 628,557 02 2,180,724 97 , _ 2,512,666 29 -1 1,325,116 84 —' 3,181,087 41 2,500 00 1,400 00 1,245,865 32 - ' 153,666 75 560,28? 94 j *• 636,394 30 «* 416,203 48 1,575,536 31 '- . ' 1 154,011 79 - ■ ■ . - , - 2,161,148 71,723 118,284 1,261,081 356,109 56t570 913,967 316,144 183,242 622,306 290,843 176,966 930,510 789,845 1,592,844 4,990,135 1*268,616 &7,605 2,744,867 1,361,063 450,176 809,244 637,658 380,095 240,978 230,939 - 78,744 54 60 61, 6,541 52 47 97 53 26 t 29,915 25 49 tl 182,451 58 09 64,654 85 40 64 ' 48,415 80 21 21,515 73 68 79 *86 63 32 -» 64 ~ 52 73,420 fc 35 41 31 "— " 87,918 16 93 69 ' i ^* 90 51 _ 1,085,300 37 80,674 03 1 44,S74,893."90| ■530,657 20 1,969,527 09 23,052,972 52 ■■ «■■■■ ' " ■ - $1,525,277 105,169 [ 311,283 j 567,262 52,162 72,674 ; 2,885,001 1 123,601 | 245,214 377,263 293,159 780,515 224,307 705,098 451,555 673,185 11,877 336,843 167,601 318,975 859,508 ' 940,400 230,610 31,589 126,754 82,693 148,096 - 74 92 05 73 56 43 33 98 72 40 56 14 93 39 ' 32 41 79 38 25 98 01 3a ! 11 62 36 35 52 \ 1,759,752 66 32,647,684 36 630,913 31,762 265 125,766 • 8,201 13,988 636,942 135,022 75,463 175,660 41,150 18,690 123,799 364,547 25,634 570,517 67,309 • 23,730 13,996 231,167 89,016 13,0S4 40,144 45,531 11,368 4? 40 00 39 94 36 98 89 10 41 19 47 48 70 50 17 36 79 63 27 25 64 06 23 3/ 5,665 12 I a^so^TiS 9 2 05 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Losses chargea Deficiencies. Banking houses. Treasurer Expenses. rtotes of BankNotes of State , Foreign bills ble to contin 1 U. States., United States banks. of exchange. gent fund. and offices. 1832. May 1 Apr. 23 23 26 26 23 25 23 21 24 21 . • 23 17 17 13 9 5 17 11 19 16 19 23 19 24 18 21 30 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston i Providence Hartford New York Baltimore I Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans* Natchez , St. Louis * Nashville < Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Cbillicothe - 328,026 50 7,020 83 84,496 10 12,146 38 \ 17,237 78* 925 65 976 00 14,245 72 61,050 13 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 \ 205,459 03 39,148 46 ( 69,376 83 229,253 40 * 57,953 67 138,032 06 146,219 57 456 52 33,453 61 405 28 157,875 22 193,059 08 - 413,081 19 32,666 59 2,625,660 06 708,198 32 1,640 40 84,580 00 15,349 00 1 1,660 17 183,395 00 30,588 00 4,577 10 509,390 00 55,063 00 2,530 23 295,675 00 1 23,908 25 !1 1,532 96 172,08500 i 4,946 00 13,468 19 1 1,770,887 00: 438,586 80 5,526 14 698,310 00 184,635 48 503,487 77 20,002 40 229,915 00 18,835 64 57,965 31 12,148 44 259,285 00 j1 3,543 26 235,630 00 ' 23,615 00 51,001 00 2,604 09 195,855 00 78,076 00 60,810 00 6,901 78 6,154 55 ;, 747,540 00 123,295 00 62,190 54 4,457 55 | 380,265 00 , 18,103 39 2,350,475 00 163,450 00 13,723 09 4,129 43 1 717,795 00 2,133 49 1,322,700 00 59,326 30 ! 4,033 85 1,305,885 00 10,860 00 1 3,760 25 566,850 00 2,967 17 865,665 00 170,000 00 4,963 46 | 353,650 00 104,510 00 2,194 36 4,000 05 392,560 00 285,465 00 i 2,537 48 345,335 00 ! 96,639 00 76,860 00 .34,403 71 2,509 92 137,830 00 37,844 00 l;494 67 8,370 34 3,373 33 83,988 23 1,169,115 12 675,682 13 181,690 48 16,884,8770? 2,651,473 34 83,988 33 116,777 02 87,000 00 110,657 34 34,613 10 36*024 07 35,109 65 13,385 02 67,727 78 48,885 00 24,096 92 48,000 CO 18,586 99 155 00 ' 15,000 00 26,970 92 $95 40 . 23,519 84 21,205 66 16,995 08 300 00 94,121 07 ' 3,484,398 19,004 09 27 ; 122,973 18 11,479 54 CD GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 [ i Specie. ■ ■ Capital stock. Notes issued. ' 1832. May 1 Bank United States 3,051,746 April 23 Office, Portland 74,909 Portsmouth 23 49,561 Boston 26 608,223 Providence ' 26 56,126 ; Hartford 23 26,732 #New York 25 625,770 Baltimore * 23 269,000 Washington 21 | 65,035 Richmond 24 202,930 . 21 Norfolk 119,167 • 23 FayettevUle 33,574, 17 Charleston 253,113 17 Savannah | 312,834 13 Mobile 111,459 9 • New Orleans - 754*949 . 5 Natchez 52,076 17 St. Louis 167,800 11 Nashville 213,062 19 Louisville 214,050 . 16 Lexington 75,413 19 i Cincinnati - , 126,544 1 23 Pittsburgh * j 78,492 19 Buffalo . j 101,197 24 Utica - ! 130,309 18 Burlington - i 116,265 21 Agency, Cincinnati -! . 20 Chillicotbe -] - r 02 78 26 89 97 00 23 00 15 42 32 06 79 94 • 88 62 27 ' 40 1 47 41 12 64 46 05. 86 50 7,890,347 59 v 16,450,000 4,514,264 217,035 . 300,000 280,890 1,500,000 885,735 800,000 421,500 300,000 361,252 2,500,000 1,668,967 1,500,000 1,093,552 500,000 914,822 1,000,000 1,155,105 500,000 1,201,280 500,000 1,287,490 1,500,000 1,474,110 , 1,000,000 2,347,160 2,113,921 1,000,000 7,927,110 1,455,495 844,080 1,000,000 3,747,900 1,250,000 1 1,449,545 1,000,000 1 2,549,365 1,700,000 1,517,030 700,000' 1,231,210 1,066,840 751,485 518,835 _ 1,830 *. 225 ,- 35,000,000 Baring,Brothetrs, Discount, ex Foreign ex* & Co., Hope & Dividends [Profit & loss. change, and change ac- i Co., Hottuiguer unclaimed. interest. ] count. &Co. 160,132 66 379,444 92 1,878,122 29 33,434 00 1,750,263 52 63 7,302 00 00 220 50 - 4,635 99 00 28 00 56,863 07 | 00 791 00 — 24,000 29 1 00 742 (ft ' " i 10,971 99 1 700 00 50 148,815 62 14,051 75 50 - ' 50,671 94 50 7,468 25 — ~ 35,399 32 50 5,012 43 ~ 40,310 87 00 10,442 50 00 25,291 96 2,278 50 '_ 18,587 27 00 — , 414 00 00 86,977 97 13,274 50 — 00 37,459 33 1,134 00 F -. 00 1 €5,483 92 00 254,550 19 1 234 75 00 ' 68,729" 68 84 00 21,017 93 00 ! -• 106,133 05, 00 1 197 80 00 91,422 60 00 40,521 26 129 50 00 105,119 81 ,t* 44,255 36 00 00 27.530 94 00 20,264 31 00 14,996 73 t , 00 11,313 98 00 1,221 46 , 1 42,998,035 63 1,579,981 50 * . . . ■ ' 379,444 92 - 1,878,122 29 90,627 48 1,750,263 52 s? f 8 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i. I fund. 1 , Fund for ex languishing [Due to Bank U. Due to State Redemption of Deposites of Deposites of Deposites of banks. public debt. Treasurer U. public officers* individuals. costofbank- I S. and offices. ing houses. | States. 1832. May 1 Bank United States - 15,611,746 57 1551,292 05 1,456,580 16 317,038 70 April 23 Office, Portland 286,942 33 Portsmouth 23 830,871 42 Boston 26 190,499 35 Providence 26 109,471 04 Hartford 23, 1,202,892 45 New York 25 2,211,333 07 Baltimore • 23 494*854 20 Washington 21 558,154 43 Richmond 24 12,821 62 Norfolk 21 \ . 27,567 31 Payetteville • 23 719,317 12 Charleston - 1 17 "^ 492,244 54 Savannah 17 941,950 63 Mobile 13 j 5,320,436 71 New Orleans 1,855,169 16 Natchez 5.| 1,231,952 30 St. Louis 17; 1,555,054 71 Nashville 11 i 1,966,358 59 Louisville I 19 ! 127,215 52 Lexington 16 ! Cincinnati 1,645,856 40 19 ; Pittsburgh > 578,165 82 23 J Buffalo 468,797 00 19 1 Utica 425,488 52 24 432,712 24 Burlington 18 Agency, Cincinnati 2,787,078 25 21 261,214 80 Chfllicothe - j 17,012 17 20 15,628,758 74|551,292 05] 28,508,038 39 1 1,033,811 35 1 504*768 04 1,342,326 61 52,410 00 7,450 70 52,410 00 3,190 84 6,459 02 3,190 84 70,946 69 . 322,256 61 322,256 61 12,053 4? 6,635 20 12,053 49 23,268 47 ! 23,268 47 I • 4,379 25 315,018 59 4,615,591 45 4,615,591 45 113,797 82 99,810 69 113,797 82 583,050.70 43,520 14 583,050 70 18,155 85 18,155 85 43,688 23 , 70,800 22 ; 70,800 22 9,466 30 162,170 40 9,466 SO 151,349 50 ; * 151,349 50 145,000 35 47,088 11 j 28,898 14 1 28,898 14 302,687 97 I 302,687 97 138,904 66 > 363,901 30 | 489,494 07 489,494 07 852 56 ! 81,272 27 81,272 27 270,365 79 7,599 97 1 270,365 79 20,410 99 ! 92,225 17 \ 92,225 77 136,767 59 j 136,767 59 17,020 16 2,165 55 2,165 55 23,232 76 ' 295,508 88 295,508 88 64,392 85 153,107 19. 64,392 85 26,196 00 j 61,286 46 26,196 00 350 68 8,223 44 350 68 2,620 57 j 12,955 00 1 12,955 00 1 j 1 1 : ! , ' 1 346,924 90 1,620,381 02 27,068 13 10,745 47 9,213 78 17,664 79 ?32,223 64 216,958 20 21,933 20 12,129 33: 32,506 72 15,77S 76 426,848 36 1,158,590 40 49,390 91 507,387 77 208,949 95 2^3,426 46 70,341 21 240,567 20 40,986 80 290,233 09 14,346,48 27,899 26 18,660r 34 737,354 56 20,383 96 U0,213 63 40,800 40 138,189 16 ,66,266 20 1,305,865 88 5,604 88 159,770 67 31,712 94 224,807 00 18,567 06 174,500 85 12,620 94 336,557 20 16,144 29 %7t525 78 22,984 45 ,497,499 39 15,497 98 304,546 56 76,379 03 1,759 24 72,356 09 5,574 24 37,963 78 16,025 19 69 04 67 28 2,783,138 78 9,120,998 42 9,120,998 42 j 1,723,656 27 j 9,005,096 57 i ' 1 1 *>M [ Doc. No. 523. ] 96 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Due by the United State* Mortgages, - - - . - - - - $5,267 32 79,588 78 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent, - - . - Digitized . - #40,14417 byGoOgli RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 44,874,893 90 Do. do. bank stock 530,657 30 Do. do. other stocks - 1,969,527 09 Domestic bills of exchange CO - - ' Foreign bills of exchange Due fron^ank United States and offices Due from^ate banks - 47,375,078 19 - 23,052,972 52 70,428,050 71 83,988 23 32,647,684 36 3,509,335 19 Due from United States Beal estate Banking houses Deficiencies Expenses Cash, viz. notes of the Bank U. States and offices 16,884,877 06 2,651,473 34 notes of State banks 7,890,347 59 specie - Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co. Hope & Co. Hottinguer & Co. Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss • Contingent fund 5,628,658 74 Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 3,484,398 09 36,157,019 S5\\ 5,267 32 1,759,752 66 1,169,115 12 Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses 122,973 18 181,690 48 Redemption of public debt Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States Less overdrafts and special depo sites 27,426,697 99. 79,588 78 40,144 17 Mortgages Hary agent, Norfolk Deposites of public officers Deposites of individuals 35,000,000 00 42,998,035 62 i 1,579,981 50 379,444 92 1,878,122 29 90,627 48 1,750,263 52 2,144*360 65 551,292 05 616,913 85 9,120,998 42 675,682 13 8,445,316 29 1,723,656 27 9,005,096 37 19,174,069 13 Due to Bank V. 8. and offices - 28,508,038 39 Due to State banks 2,783,138 78 31,291,177 17 o 137,454*288 19| 137,454,288 19 o eg. FT BAKK OF TH* UNITED STATES, May 2,1832. W» McILVAINE, Cathkr. s GENERAL STATEMENT ' ' of the Sank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills on personal se on bank stock. on other stocks. of exchange. curity. 1832. June 1 Bank United States May 28 Office, Portland 28 ! Portsmouth 24 Boston 24 j Providence 28 Hartford 29 New York 26 Baltimore 36 i Wasbington 22 Bichroond 26 Norfolk ' 21 Fayetteville Charleston 22; Savannah 32 Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 16 St. Louis 14 Nashville 16 Louisville 21 ] Lexington 17 1 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh 24 j Buffalo 22 Utica 23 Burlington April 21 Agency, Cincinnati ChUlicothe May 30 - 4,624,923 294,996 166,365 791,302 708,107 412,246 4,650,070 1,852,983 1,222,373 1,093,216 777,047 631,357 -2,717,877 796,089 1,071,236 6,586,251 1,540,197 660,352 2,098,773 2,472,872 1,341,092 3,127,421 1,219,256 551,266 618,202 442,827 1,575,536 152,929 - - - - 29 | 65 86 77 68 31 13 54 15 53 81 41 30 56 79 88 31 22 49 52 77 11 40 35 84 33 31 14 44,197,174 45 j ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ > 83,460 00 1,564,790 85 2,080,931 84 ' 95,943 31 95,054 61 i6t7S5 55 43,300 00 1,169,820 29 376,036 21 7,100 00 i 12,700 00 ( 72,427 98 726,652 43 127,322 00 346,573 66 18,511 15 182,698 91 32,205 00 17,400 GO 544,332 04 57,686 15 270,306 52 11,900 00 177,472 37 141,173 44 59,010 00 567,678 23 1 53,493 00 911,355 36 1,656,110 02 13,000 00 ! 5,640,697 96 1,271,307 70 72,500 00 120,283 69 2,449,679 79 4,350 40 1,382,270 08 436,623 68 4,500 00 1,400 00 783,770 .83 626,349 07 8,700 00 163,908 41 388,364 40 226,196 38 251,833 99 Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate. 78,744 54 83,988 23 6,541 29,915 177,676 64,854 49,225 21,515 73,420 308,732 81,918 | 507,508 39 j 2,007,357 66 33,850,769 '35 83,988 23 Due from Bank United. States and offices. 1,085,300 80,674 21,682,140 ST 75,059 63 53 126,350 88 937,126 01 67,798 14 25 112,703 52 3,532,654 11 257,503 06 83 336,865 06 85 349,003 33 80 148,686 88 73 831,857 08 238,959 35 725,806 97 414,666 59 445,275 39 5,674 04 1,031,063 19 100,060 38 83 387,337 76 17 912,169 36 1,218,085 73 63,938 76 16 30,543 43 1 13,455 48 1 4,804 37 37 148,096 53 03 1,958,520 08 34,186,684 38 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. •'"•■••■••■"•"^"^•^'■J • 1 1832. June 1 Bank United States Ma/ 28 Office, Portland Portsmouth 28 Boston 24 Providence 24 28 Hartford 29 New York Baltimore. 28 26 Washington 22 Richmond Norfolk 26 Fayetteville 21 Charleston 22 22 Savannah Mobile 18 14 New Orleans Natchez 16 St. Louis 14 i 16 Nashville 17 Louisville 21 Lexington Cincinnati 17 21 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo Utica 22 23 Burlington April 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe May 20 Due from Losses charge State banks. able to contin gent fund. 300,211 30' 328,026 7,020 31,720 40 1 84,496 1,465 00 * 12,146 18,766 75 925 19,375 56 14,245 23,518 81 61,050 442,247 77 116/020 29 1,662,502 210,398 53,692 06 39,148 1 199,290 70 229,253 41,538 52 57,953 23,329 63 138,032 271,710 09 146,219 277,^5 70 2,270 29 33,453 1,509,692 74 1 ' 146,172 25 - 424 23 '- ' 98,699 50 44,671 54,545 12,604 85 27 84 38 78 — 7,668 06 - 3,697,562 27 '" 'l ' " ! 'mmam**mmtmmimm*mmmm—mmmmmmmmimm 1 50 83 10 38 65 72 13 06 72 46 40 67 06 57 61 ** 405 28 157,875 22 194,883 53 ^ - .- - - 87,000 110,657 34,613 69,376 83 1 36,024 1 35,109 ! 13,385 -67,727 48,885 — . 24*096 456 52 i 48,000 18,593 -• *■ f 34,075 65 *■ 1 — - 15,000 00 26,970 92 160 00 ~ • 300 00 - 23,519 84 21,205 66 16,995 08 - ~ - 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 92 00 84 - 11,527 27 1 — - 5,490,362 23 122,978 18| 1,169,169 10 , Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks. and offices. 44,346 1,923 1,663 4,577 3,068 1,532 20,146 6,731 59,091 74 21,945 13,280 5,615 •* 3,596 8,323 7,343 5,765 22,153 5,157 ~ 2,948 " 4,972 4,277 3,669 6,023 170f0Q0 00 6,183 2,194 36 3,345 3,254 2,079 8,370 — 2,775 - ** - 17,237 78 1 116,77/ 02 976 00 ' - - 395 40 19,004 27 413,081 19 i - _ 93,321 07 Treasurer U. States. Deficien Bank'g houses. cies* 49 79 67 10 45 76 09 52 09 98 59 99 53 63 14 40 89 75 69 42 76 ' 11 05 51 22 59 24 84 2,503,800 61 96,975 | 161,200 1 534,900 314,395 79,200 1 1,629,535 660,180 464,715 482,135 484,665 169,270 425,780 ! 968,025 215,560 3,166,195 524,370 561,100 1,822,815 627,885 830,075 666,290 447,285 483,365 430,355 285,510 231,286 10 225,072 29 19,035,580 61 L 705,813 3,815 30,859 76,846 9,302 22,750 357,246 82,932 61,376 87,730 10,845 55,258 121,240 70,920 64,596 253,110 22,229 49 69 00 91 15 71 64 o to 05 87,284 44 11,000 107,549 299,285 114,981 24,855 25 20,917 54 . ___^ 2,702,742 87 <0 <0 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 1 1 1832. ne 1 »7 28 28 24 24 28 29 28 26 22 26 21 22 22 18 14 ,16 14 16 17 21 17 21 24 22 23 pril 21 [ay 20 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Proridence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville ; Charleston ; Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez S t Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe ' Specie. 1 *- 8,172,382 47 | 75,792 47 48,991 95 163,909 26 76,034 79 26,732 00 597,514 61 408,000 00 57,950 46 206,064 83 117,990 95 32,140 25 237,269 43 301,466 81 107,719 37 669,519 78 52,632 27 178,012 37 210,150 98 231,815 93 74,569 82 \ 130,256 68 75,494 18 126,066 61 135,025 20 125,597 62 1 1 - k639,101 09 Capital stock. Notes issued. Baring, Bros. Discount, ex Foreign ex* & Co., Hope Dividends Profit and loss. change ac & Co., Hot- unclaimed., change, and tinguer&Co. count interest 4,576,264 63 200,858 71 307,546 11 1,097,302 27 27,193 75 1,750,263 52 220 50 10,011 16 213,790 6,138 97 274,995 696 50 64,706 50 1,500,000 875,936 742 00 800,000 1 419,650 29,377 54 420 00 13,588 63 300,000 358,352 50 12,567 75 186,363 21 2,500,000 1,836,122 50 6,082 25 65,061 59 1,500,000 1,075,462 50 ~ 4,417 43 44,600 71 500,000 1,099,877 50 9,378 50 46,859 51 1,000,000 1,138,255 2,068 50 31,635 41 500,000 1,236,225 414 00 22,463 95 , 500,000 1,277,375 12,165 00 1,500,000 1,773,955 108,471 33 j 1,074 50 | 48,087 37 1,000,000 2,486,905 80,959 73 2,113,921 192 75 323,637 93 1,000,000 8,319,110 •* 83,756 54 1,455,485 8400 26,028 96 837,830 122,292 35 1,000,000 3,851,900 197 80 111,551 31 1 1,449,545 1,250,000 «. 119 00 51,182 41 1 1,000,000 3,536,550 121,706 97 1,700,000 1 1,505,535 55,217 28 700,000 1,275,075 32,370 98 1 1,065,055 22,579 51 749,680 18,257 05 514,945 ' -. r 11,313 98 1,830 1,740 89 225 • - 16,450,000 300,000 ■ - 35,000,000 44,319,850 63 ll,940,820 48 I 307,546 11 1,097,302 ^T 78,034 23 1,750,263 52 n GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Contingent fund. c Fund for ex- Due to Bank V. Due to State Redemption Deposites on Deposites on acof public account of Deposites on ac count of indivi cost of bank States and of banks. count of pub Treasurer U. debt. duals. ing houses. 1 fices. lic officers. States. 1832. June 1 Bank United States - 5,611,746 57\ 551,292 05 2,384,766 51 983,745 51 466,029 03 1,353,051 74 Ma/ 28 Office, Portland 321,795 14 1 14,796 71 77,839 32 28 99,996 24 6,457 34! 2,075 36 j Portsmouth 24 416,276 22 603,019 09 67,618 74 j Boston 24 249,833 41. 21,053 49 7,856 73 Providence 28 83,073 13 17,657 70 3,750 93 ; Hartford 29 450,619 79 368,909 67 102,426 70 5,289,303 41 New York 28 2,240,946 96 140,897 49 159,864 35 Baltimore 26 449,424 22 43,319 76 Washington • 61,827 14 22 ! 656,221 22 24,548 85 Richmond 26 39,956 40 66.614 64 31,948 50 Norfolk 21 I 34,060 99 1 135,158 67 7,2S6 30 Fayetteville 22 718,772 66 j 79,169 18 128,414 42; Charleston 22 24,883 92 568,731 30 l 23,708 38 Savannah 18 33,917 41 986,865 31 143,737 33 Mobile 14 ! 7,263,561 54 208,510 48 New Orleans 103,407 77 16 1 1,875,055 40 11,041 38 Natchez 14 1,410,912 69 7,726 22 29,269 08 8t. Louis' 16 1,591,472 66 41.615 27 12,958 32 Nashville' 1 17 2,187,523 18 40,017 35 23,591 39 Louisville 21 ; 128,168 10 2,165 55 Lexington 17 221,923 99 I 1 2,204,587 87 29,118 56 Cincinnati 21 55,788 95 364,721 79 148,134 05 Pittsburgh 24 25,996 00 726,816 08 22,687 43 Buffalo 22 371 68 677,953 27 1,836 04 Utica 23 575,089 49 13,061 35 225 83 Burlington April 21 Agency, Cincinnati 2,787,078 25 May 20 261,018 17 17,012 17 Chillicothe - * 5,628,758 74 551,292 05 31,755,197 99 2,519,988 66 56M55 73 8,403,840 11 260,481 45 6,653 27 20,399 01 210,574 83 14,332 51 15,585 41 184,012 40 38,806 80 412,549 02 74,611 96 77,581 30 17,228 95 17,437 40 16,073 99 41,278 07 105,001 52 4,076 98 81,403 44 14,610 64 9,671 46 11,528 50 21,097 22 23,452 41 2,460 02 1,715 91 14,602 63 1,722,155 42 38,140 98 12,926 67 164,338 03 33,174 49 22,644 05 1,173,891 75 438,369 33 318,097 20 251,983 22 280,085 69 35,098 29 656,396 22 138,016 14 161,798 79 1,063,927 77 156,918 45 233,005 83 154,877 04 307,978 59 272,101 53 533,941 93 314,091 50 47,121 12 50,753 34 21,519 84 6904 67 38 1,697,227 30 8,603,479 53 102 [ Doc. No. 523. ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States - - - . . . . $T0,78B 7B 5,267 32 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent - Digitized by |40,H417 Google RECAPITULATION. BMls discounted on personal security - 44,197,174 451 Do. do. bank stock 507,508 29 Do. do. other stocks - 2,007,357 66 Domestic bilk of exchange - 46,712:040 40 22,850,769 35 Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices 34,186,684 28 3,697,562 27 State banks United States Real estate Deficiencies - ' Expenses Banking houses • Cash, viz. notes of Bank U. S. and offices 19,035,580 61 2,702,742 87 State banks 7,639,101 09 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - - 69,562,809 75 83,988 23 37,884,246 5,267 1,958,520 122,978 225,072 1,169,169 55 32 08 18 29 10 29,377,424 57 70,788 78 40,144 17 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account liaring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less lossrs chargeable to contingent fund 35,000,000 00 44,319,850 63 1,940,820 481 307,546 11 1,097,302 27 78,034 23 1,750,263 52 5,628,758 74 3,490,362 23 2,138,396 51 Due to Bank United States and offices - 31,755,197 99 State banks * 2,519,988 66 Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Redemption of public debt Deposites, viz. on account of Treasurer of the United States less overdrafts and special deposites of public officers of individuals 34,275,186 65 551,292 05 568,455 73 8,403,840 11 231,286 10 8,172,554 01 1,697,227 30 8,603,479 53 18,473,260 84 140,500,409 02 o o BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 140,500,409 02 June 1, 1832. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT ' _J qf the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. Beti estate. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills Foreign bills of exchange. on personal se on bank stock. on other stocks. of exchange. curity. Due from Bank U. States and offices. 1832*1 Jane . May 30 Bank United States 25 ! Office, Portland 25 Portsmouth Boston 21 Providence 21 Hartford 25 J New York 27 1 Baltimore 35 Washington • 23 Richmond 19 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville 18 Charleston -. 19 19 Savannah 15 Mobile 11 New Orleans 7 Natchez 11 St. Louis 13 Nashville 14 Louisville 18 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 25 Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo 26 Utica 20 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 31 Chillioothe 1 4,262,844 02 311,262 25 179,520 14 823,328 75 686,510 86 1 408,467 05 4,609,072 77 1,833,023 52 1 1,232,772 97 1,050,817 31 813,497 77 640,811 01 2,777,976 53 577,493 16 1,127,959 29 6,353,096 04 1,641,696 31 649,348 41 2,058,168 76 It 2,482,752 55 IV 1,346,385 85 3,070,225 59 1,193,069 92 539,849 83 559,114 31 433,072 42 1,582,204 88 152,929 14 43,397,271 41 63,960 00" 16,755 55 *6,900 00 129,470 00 18,011 16,945 58,361 11,900 169,690 15 00 15 00 71 13,000 - 00 "" 4,500 8,700 • - 00 00 518,193 56 i 1,461,476 85 83,392 10 39,430 12,700 ~ 32,205 -. - *"' «~ — ~ "* - 2,039,264 86 98,681 25 73,390 73 00 1,040,498 15 414,719 79 72,711 42 00 609,719 00 353,598 93 185,578 78 00 ! 400,398 26 1 255,222 3 8 183,023 62 577,439 03 60,307 00 1,096,428 58 55,993 00 : 1,170,022 o i 6,729,679 88 _ 1,307,605 76 72,500 00 137,519 79 1,853,470 58 1,383,521 34 430,007 44 1,400 00 722,247 94 609,415 12 184,948 83 383,292 48 204,756 69 247,440 74 - - - 1,920,960 68 22,579,655 55 83,392 10 78,744 54 ] 6,381 — 29,915 177,676 52 25 83 64,854 85 49,225 80 21,016 29 . ~ 73,420 83 211,093 80 - 81,918 16 954,967 65 80,674 03 21,359,089 71,505 156,094 820,630 60,487 113,073 3,595,036 222,252 205,570 397,518 262,345 639,029 275,870 685,953 520,097 472,759 22 853,971 371,505 423,492 545,629 489,256 87,778 22,990 60,093 6,252 37,634 05 99 97 69 03 55 68 17 44 12 00 90 67 40 07 28 92 74 36 92 60 74 00 90 27 42 43 1,829,889 5 5 '1 32,755,942 31 GJENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. , '' -' 'p ——-—Mil ■! >** i M i l !■ Due from State banks. 1832. June 30 25 25 21 21 25 2T 25, 23 19 23 18 19 19 15 11 7 11 13 14 18 14 25 21 26 20 21 May 31 • Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati : Pittsburgh ■ Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - 785,046 | 27,573 - ! 1,145 102,246 18,395 15,771 1,260,905 142,645 62,653 120,523 7,229 -' , 26,468 * 273,595 195,150 54,030 1,249,130 174,677 2 4,941 r 4,350 , - ' 90,122 3,690 79,835 49,504 20,882 . - - ii ■ ii i i 11 1 Losses charge Deficiencies. able to contin gent fund. Banking houses. 4,774,187 64. II '' ■ ■ - 19,004 27 ' Expenses. i 1 i ■■ i f II i NotesofBankU. Notes of State S. and offices. banks. .-7 , t 328,501 50 48 1 7,020 83 07 -' | 84,461 10 00 ' 12,146 38 17,237 78 92 976 00 925 65 1 81 05 . 14,245 72 •- * i 61,050 13 93 72 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 210,398 72 75 39,148 46 69,376 83 92 229,253 40 52 57,953 67 72 138,032 06 59 146,219 57 1 42 456 53 01 33,453 61 13 57 25 _ 161 00 ! 405 28 26 157,875 22 40 | 195,633 53 — 395 40 90 93,321 07 77 - . 300 00 25 20 r i 94 : *~ * 3,668 06 ■ Treasurer tT. States. - — j 413,081 19 ~ ' * ' - - 116,777 02 _. - 37,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 €7,727 '48,885 24,096 48,000 18,593 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 92 00 24 - 51,714 31 - . A 1,380 11 1 i - 18,018 27 15,000 00 31,970 92 - - 23,519 84 170,000 00 21,205 66 3,194 36 16,995 08 i • $ _ - 1| ' * 11,534 87 - 3,491,572 23 122,979 18 1,174,176 70 243,307 05 — 1 I W I W 2,275,145 84,315 157,055 _ 715,330 % •367,580 68 30 131,660 - > 2,254 79 • 1,935,630 758,185 . 728 64 394,070 6,008 90 546,770 7,389 35 373,350 184 72 301,440 56 41 311,790 112 50 921,995 171 30 324,245 123 91 2,464,480 6,044 85 847,800 '*. 724,095 87 86 1 1,747,885 - , 783,435 269 75 1,155,310 25 16 368,400 185 10 512,540 602 75 455,410 7a 84 333,425 246,250 5,048 15 2,111 29 63,868 89 11* 09 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 94,539 55 19,237,580 18 i 455,514 14,083 28,559 58,808 10,40* l 10,058 401,990 78,138 38,938 i 108,533 17,655 39,899 50,781 I 131,455 '50,964 ! 164,430 - 17,840 00 00 00 00 75 00 20 09 51 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 69,360 58 11,005 00 70,711 187,450 97,224 41,555 10,194 ^ 00 §0 00 79 97 2,165,555 91 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, Specie. * , ' j ' , ' i 1833. June 30 Bank United States 25 Office, Portland Portsmouth . 25 Boston 21 Providence 21 Hartford 25 New York 27 ' Baltimore 25 Washington 23 Richmond 19 Norfolk 23 18 Fayettevllle 19 ) Charleston 19 Savannah 15 Mobile New Orleans 11 7 Natchez 11 St. Louis 13 Nashville 14 Louisville 18 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 25 Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo 26 Utica 20 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicbthe May 31, ' 2,965,837 56,476 j 48,698 344,099 80,753 26,732 581,922 1 386,000 J 50,769 209,761 128,765 32,144 r 232,246 - 299,074 109,898 « 614,823 54*001 188,855 213,245 216,822 99,119 146,680 72,510 120,991 107,640 131*313 Icapital stock. • Notes issued. Discount, ex Foreign ex Dividends change, and change ac unclaimed. * interest. count. . 83 16,450,000 00 51 32 300,000 00 36 1,500,000 00 18 800,000 0C 00 300,000 00 95 2,500,000 00 00 1,500,000 00 23 500,000 00 59 1,000,000 00 19 500,000 00 48 500,000 00 36 1,500,000 00 60 1,000,000 00 65 03 1,000,000 00 89 11 1 41 1,000,000 00 21 1,250,000 00 p 25 1,000,000 00 71 1,700,000 00 14 700,000 00 r 83 37 ' ' "* ■» 60 — 1 - ' ' " ' ' «- -, ' ■ 4*334,264 213,790 274,995 875,935 465,385 358,352 1,812,852 1,075,462 1,080*877 1,138,255 1,236,225 1,267,440 1,773,955 2,486,905 2,100,321 8,273,385 1,797,255 835,340 3,785.345 1,436,605 2,536,550 1,487,140 1,475,075 1,060,655 740,680 614,600 1,830 185 63 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 243,387 1,446 945 4,560 3,606 2,298 I 26,136 8,128 1 4,177 3,095 1 3,371 2,465 11,135 5,457 7,007 26,172 5,653 1,314 3,498 8,435 4,350 10,361 * 8,233 1 3.246 2,566 1,477 1,640 Profit & loss. Contingent fiiiid. 89 177,935 27 25,451 25 1,743,982 63 £,611,746 9T 1 \ 05 220 50 94 I 93 563 50 51 654 50 » 70 420 00 08 11,762 79 22 5,042 75 68 4,417 43 02 9,385 50 77 1,998 50 * 86 407 00 * 67 10,422 00 -•m 19 1,074 50 87 ' • 84 1 185 75 ** • i 11 8400 \ 90 > 46 ' 1&0 80 35 ,*. 53 119 00 a 87 • < 98 94 75. 49 04 • '' * 7,519,083 79 35,000,000 00 44,348,660 63, | 404,363 54 177,935 27 72,399*77 -^—r 1 1,744,983 63 5,611,746 5T ■■■■ ■ \m i |, GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■ 1 ll^—^i»< 1832. June 30 Bank United States 25 Office, Portland 25 Portsmouth 21 Boston 21 | Providence 25 Hartford ' 27 I New York 25 ! Baltimore 23! Washington 19 Richmond 23 Norfolk 18 i Payetteville 19 Charleston 19 | Savannah a 15 Mobile 11 New Orleans 7 Natchez 11 St. Louis 13 Nashville 14 Louisville 18 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 25 Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo 26 Utica 20 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati May 31 Chillicotbe ■ ■ ' ■ % i ■'■' 1 I 551,392 05 N 1 1 s — I *» 1 ** 1 - ■ "« 0- I Fund for ex-1Due to Bank U. Due to State Redemptbn Deposites on ac Deposites on ac* Deposites on ac tinguishing count of Trea count of pub count of indiviof public States and of banks.. cost of bank- fices. surer U. S< lic officers. duals. debt. ling houses. • 3,511,937 98 316,454 52 109,334 77 435,866 75 305,905 44 126,840 32 421,228 77 2,394,307 27 341,461 14 567,925 93 24,145 96 43,389 77 784,153 26 471,340 75 1,034,919 73 i 7,600,064 65 1 2,081,874 92 1,480,801 93 1,303,851 03 2,371,444 96 150,978 01 1,330,739 96 331,628 28 739,155 83 543,439 10 532,788 40 2,576,385 07 258,134 51 740*539 06 12,$09 93 2,885 96 72,738 07 11,129 37 4,698 13 527,255 98 144,651 90 57,049 63 i ' F 461,302 52 40,320 04 08,271 04 1 46,752 57 5,110 79 84,823 00 194,812 20 2 50 9,868 81 1 20,124 37 53,804 80 ** 97,089 41 ; 55,388 80 { *» 42,443 27 49,167 72 2,165 55 217,231 46 63,648 67 15,714 63 £89 43 14,451 46 18,204 10 57,790 47 16,893 15 52 49 718 49 1 1,467,973 04 88,319 32 9,009 78 ; 818,451 88 I 20,153 49 8,214 70 6,363,343 48 101,884 84 77,111 35 20,543 45 101,247 48 6,886 30 1 147,417 29 1 22,983 92 345,631 98 12,658 23 25,452 05 224,706 11 11,135 86 14,972 Q6 358,844 55 41,435 74 330,531 61 68,790 66 58,873 09 14,522 73 16,854 05 21,652 58 60,527 60 53,926 96 1,980 98 97,675 9210,765 33 6,690 09 10,603 14 16,164 89 21,068 91 2,288 83 [ 1,238 09 \ 13,800 64 1,574,759 2a ' 25,237 44 12,703 28 174,466 36 22,855 20 26,437 63 1,123,158 30 440,373 90 305,355 35 260,065 22 304,161 91 33,745 42 644,879 79 144,394 30 95,674 30 902,260 01 120,083 38 319,312 87 168,115 77 392,567 52 278,438 40 377,802 94 308,260 64 72,662 66 58,523 77 29,005 48 67 2* ** 1 551,292 05 32,190,398^50 k,221,406 85 1 461,202 52 I 9,811,430 72 1 1,843,782 68 8,115,367 40 Mi i n ■ 108 [ Doc. No. 523. J 4J GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope k Co.r and Hottugoer & Co. • Bonds and mortgages . . . . . . ' Due by the United States - . 1546,752 12 55,518 23 5,267 32 At Office^ Norfolk. Navy Agent - - - -' - - - - Digitized by - $40,14417 Google RECAPITULATION.Bills discounted on personal seourity 43,397,271 41 Do. do. bank stock 518,193 561 other stocks .- 1,920,960 68 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices State banks . ,. 45,836,425 65 32,579,655 55 32,755,942 31 4,774,187 64 United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer &Co. - - - - . ■ . Real estate Deficiencies Banking houses Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 19,237,580 18 State banks - 2,165,555 91 7,519,083 79 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Expenses - - - - - 68*416,081 20 83,392 10 37,530,129 95 5,267 32 546,752 12 1,829,889 55 122,979 18 1,174,176 70 28,922,219 88 , 55,518 23 40,144 17 94,539 55 Capital stock •> Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss . • Contingent fund -^ Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 35,000,000 00 44,348,660 63 404,363 54 177,935 27 72,399 77 1,746,982 63 5,611,746 57 3,491,573 23 Due to Bank U. States and offices 32,190,398 60 State banks 2,221,406 85 Redemntion of public debt Fund for extinguishing the cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. S. Less overdrafts and special de posites - 2,120,174 34 34,411,805 45 461,202 52 551,292 05 9,811,430 72 243,307 05 9,568,123 67 Deposites on account of public officers Do. of individuals 1,842,782 68 8,115,367 40 19,526,273 75 138,821,089 95 o o eg. FT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 138,821,089 95( July 3, 1832. W. McILVAINE, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT ■ * of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. • 1 IBUIs discounted Bills discountsBiUs discount-IDomcftic bills of Foreign bills 1 Real estate. of Exchange. I on personal se- ed on bank ed on other! exchange. 1 cunty* stock. stocks. I • 1832. July 30 Bank United States23 Office, Portland 23 ' Portsmouth 26 Boston 26 Providence 23 Hartford •' 25 NewYork .23 Baltimore 'Washington 24 ' Richmond 21 Norfolk 93 Fayetteville 17 Charleston 17 Savannah 13 Mobile 16 New Orleans 5 Natchez 16 St. Louis 11 Nashville 12 Louisville 16 Lexington 19 Cincinnati 19 Pittsburgh 19 Buffalo , 84 ! utica. •18 Burlington 21 | Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe -- • 1 1 1 1 I 1 | * 1 | .| -1 -J 4,583,962 91 59,420 00 1,590,386 85 1,863,038 11 313,595 53 105,154 63 183,393 29 68,101 87 882,348 25 16,766 40 145,710 09 1,054,176 58 427,096 66 659,446 11 75,702 11 6,900 00 1 12,700 00 403,987 76 575,454 54 5,022,678 47 344*067 36 1,867,489 34 124*950 00 18,011 15 32,205 00 173,478 03 1,216*900 18 16,200 00 , 296,229 25 1,077,529 80 265,216 09 772,855 32 54,791 15 11,900 00 167,414 77 644*577 37 79,362 61 600,096 73 2,889,097 52 212,111 71 55,993 00 I 916,252 65 541,879 88 1 1,123,281 14 1,225,085-58 13,00000 6,825,132 76 6,086,851 22 1,452,646 44 1,570,713 50 72,500 00 138,423 09 642,156 85 2,022,500 71 1,162,363 66 2,458,110 65 1,241,569 48 1,400,414 96 527,866 02 1,40Q 00 4»500 00 708,316 51 3,021,616 99 599,376 97 1,188,053 08 8,700 00 184,948 83 286,878 61 489,957 26 188,144 00 $18,608 15 1 i 234*821 17 419,256 73 1 ** 1 1,611,241 82 ** 151,503 56 143,866,732.79 ■ ■ ■ j.F 1 i ii HI i ■ i i - i 547,250 41 2,175,206 38 21,419,799 23 ! # Due from Bank "United States and offices. 78,744 54 21,461,036 84 63,734 29 6,381 52 159,126 38 888,097 42 72,268 92 29,915 25 i 130,600 24 5,208,019 20 344,391 02 177,645 93 290,446 67 64,854 85 901,631 91 48,725 80 226,618 48 21,016 29 ! 669,291 35 19t,061 07 681,242 65 325,201 64 ! 1,097,875 81 413,068 16 j 73,420 83 211,093 80 81,918 16 956,179 97 79,215 53 i ! 792,786' 45 416,375 18 663,527 51 495,169 50 556,438 96 111,502 56 233,580 30 179,232 45 69,955 65 26*895 49 413,068 16 1 1,829,112 47 136,256,107 94 1 ■nawaasa^aaae- GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. '■*« ■ 1 . • . % * >.. Due from ' Losses charges- Deficiencies. Banking houses. Treasurer Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State U. States. bleto contin UnitedStates State banks. banks. 1 •• gent fund. r and offices. j / ' / " ■ ' ' * 1832.. July 30 Bank United States * 23 Office, Portland Portsmouth 23 Boston 26 Providence 26 Hartford 23 New York, 25 Baltimore 23 Washington 21' Richmond 24 Norfolk Fayetteville - Charleston 17 Savannah 17 Mobile • 13 ■ New Orleans 16 Natchez. • ^ • ' 5 ■ St. Louis . 16 i Nashville 11 Louisville \ 12 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 19 Pittsburgh 19 Buffido 19 24 Utica Burlington -j 18 21 j Agency, Cincinnati -Chillicothe 20. £ ' ' - 07 08 00 84 49 73 08 41 46 12 37 30 87 31 47 18 26 15,899 54 4,350 40 - 62,835 - , 69,739 50,675 20,632 — r; _ " 1 - ■ ■ - - " ' — J " ■ " 405 157,875 . .195,3^3 04 . . 86,421 85 38 '"* 05 - 4,130 42^ 1 ' 28 22 53 — ', 206 00 1 . - 395 40 WJ - 19,004 27 ■ - 300 00 _- 1 1 8,364-83 3,188,030 20 550,015 09 391 61 ; 96,195 00 13,847 00 21 147,060 00 37,432 00 901,050 00 53,775 00 751 64 | 368,490 00 9,382 25 14,945 00 83,700 00 . 5,005 34 1,732,575 00 318,299 20 - ' 2,038 28 49,052 23 655,120 00 ; 20,795 28 '8,657 67 ' 190,010 00 49,606 50 8,803 98 498,035 00 116,087 78 -• 8,950 00 , 820 42 504,025 00 59,590 00 £64 78 238,105 00 51,601 00 1,658 66 ' 430,420 00 *~ ^1 95,650 00 1,238 06 909,940 00 963 10 462,850 00 * 33,500 52 — 239,815 00 3,955 14 2,806,830 00 22,136 33 935 66 ,781,970 00 766,630 00 125,028 15 530 64 585 18 2,0,13,540 00 15,000 00 80,501 22 11,040 00 .31,970 7 2 , 853 66 843,155 00 ■ j 800 40 1,059,455 00 -• 170,031 00 23,519 84 ! iro,ooo 00 1;822. 63 500,485 00 24,205 66 2,19^ 36 1,376 44 265,400 00 622,805 00 16,995 08 104,716 00 , 788 67 563,830 00 « 69,329 75 513 03 244,680 00 11,167 15 •277 84 197,010 00 • 11,534 87 • 7,707 79 _ • 2,119 04 - 328,501 5b k 413,081:19 ■ ~ 7,020 '83 j - . v 84,481 10 1 j 12,146 38 \ 17,237 78 1 1*6,779 02 925 65 976 00' j 14,245 72 *~ 61,050 13 87,000 00 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 110,657 34 .210,448 72 34,613 10 39,148 46 69,376 83 . - 36*024 07 229,253 40 . 35,109.65 • 57,953 67 . 13,385 02 - ' 138,032 06 ' 67,727.78 146,219 57 48,885 00 24,096 92 *" 33,453 61 ' 48,000 00 , -* ' 18,593 24 . • 3,044,350 7i\ 3,484,472 23 ; ' 263,088 36,996 1,265 114,069 30,929 11,597 539,309 95,668 67,673 23,638 5,894 2,274 161,715 175,809 34,496 983,640 267,022 — mm ' ~ *b ~ - 1 '- 1,174,176 70 318,017 79 66,324 70 20,605,995 20 2,435,770 02 122,567 66 1 * GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued: r-t ■ ■ , Specie. • '* ' 1832. July 30 ! Bank United States 23J Office, Portland 23 Portsmouth Boston * . 26 Providence 26 Hartford 23 New York' 25* Baltimore 2S 21 Washington Richmond 24 Norfolk 21 Fayetteville . 23 ! 17 1 Charleston Savannah 17 Mobile \ 13 . 1 6 New Orleans Natchez $ 16 St. Louis ■ 11 Nashville . • 12 Louisville 16 Lexington 19 Cincinnati ' ' 19 Pittsburgh 19 ' Buffalo 24 Utica « 18 Burlington . 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20; ChiUicothe - Capital stock. Notes issued. - . .. ■ 2,890,162 62 37,922 57 52,969 79 293,239 33 83,819 66 26,732 00 545,33720 .381,000 00 55,782 87 213,635 43 126/642 12 32,241 30 259,824 32 170,372 869,589 45 743,076 52 56,410 51 198,190 39 211,342 86 238,823 88 96,933 S7 164,038 05 73,585 93 134,209 45 r 118,227 65 132,182 52 - 7,346,292 66 I 16,450,000 - '300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 ' 1,700,000 too,ooo -' ,. I- - • 35,000,000 4,335,714 63 213,300 00 273,980 00 872,160 00 ! 464,145 00 357,312 50 1,782,127 50 1 1,064,132 50 1,057,282-50 1,132,715 00 i 1,264,500 00 ! 1,263,880 00 1,763,380 00 2,481,790 00. 2,100,321 00 8,602,785 00 1,797,255 0O 834,570 00 3,776,400 00 1,432,350 00 2,532,9^5 00 1,482,305 00 1,367,510 00 1,059,405 00 747,300 00 514,45*5 00 " 1,830 00 135 00 44,575,975 63 Discount, ex Foreign ex Dividends [Profit & loss. change, and change ac unclaimed. 1 .* interest. | count. 67,503 10 78,52175 2,386,685 01 36,458 97 3,361 31 1 1,186 50 . 2,171 58 1,165 50 16,542 67 7,10150 8,949 70 1,92150 5,850 04 - * 1 2,99104 55,405 40 | 47,29475 17,552 29 18,49675 10,584 25 6,49643 " ~" 10,243 51 15,74500 . -i 8,7JL0 27 9,21200 * -' * 6,871 83 1,22600 28,5511 41 52,656 50 Hi897 11 5,00150 1 . 20,980 49 . • ' 104,779 25 10875 29,568 04 6,465 07 i 9800 15,915 91 21,850 42 [ 778 80 T 329 00 20,054 64 1 33,998 46 * 15,876 45 ' 7,419 42 6,265 05 v 4,602 28' • i 3,587 47 629 54 ' - Contingent fund. 5,614,349 96 • . ■ ■ . * * ' 1 ■ 517,122 83 67,503 10 250,33127 2,386,685 01 5,614,349 96 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ,,— $n nmtml^mm ' * 'July 183fc Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston 2(5 1 Providence 26| Hartford 33 New York 25 Baltimore 23 Washington 21 Richmond .24 Norfolk 21 Fayetteville .23 Charleston 17 Savannah 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 16 Natchez 5\ 8t. Louis 16 Nashville " Louisville 12 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 19] Pittsburgh 19 i Buffalo 19 Utica 24 j 18 Burlington 21 L Agency, Cincinnati 20! Chillicothe 30 23 23 Fund for extin Due to Bank Due to State Redemption; Deposites of Deposites of guishing cost United States banks. lof public debt. Treasurer Unit pubuo officers! of banking ed States. and offices. houses. 1 1 ' "~"""1 611,292 05 5,389,205 22 825,012 61 458,232 52 1,672,030 07 258,340 49 1 312,940 39 18,774 23 96,609 32 5,989 24 " 113,530 43 280 57 8,430 28 I 26,158 7$ j ~* 509,063 82 y 38,707 43 1,133,413 85 11 234,520 89 "* 1 297,615 04 10,430 22 42,229 35 11,560 2» "" 94,855 81 746 96 2,749 09 i 15,227 42 ' 1,606,122 25 380,345 €2 126,967 71 6,296,695 28 j 150,729 23 2,314,634 43 102,694 42 157,644 49 29,829 72 ~ * 365,214 88 66,734 52 18,209 37 229,228 68 1 *" 498,752 38 259,519 26 31,441 39 • 67,162 82 ; "* 38,086 86 40,132 28 79,348 02 ; 60,447 67 *" 10,631 25 24,537 57 66,485 54 f 12,535 32 " 154,882 59 782,793 86 178,996 41 . 10,394 48 «. 95,834 14 22,418 11 26,143 92 j 15,098 07 936,162 22 41,188 40 6,351 89 j 40,862 23 8,172,528 59 113,196 83 117,197 73 82,449 67 \ ' " ~ 1 2,174,508 19 j 432 34 57,440 13 2,280 98 . 1,483,483 91 12,900 10 169,358 30 j ',. • 889,766 61 17*995 32 42,585 27 10,326 80 | 2,526,711 00 78,762 38 34,253 04 3,083 99 . ~ ' 150,598 48 1,313 81 9,760 78 -- ■ 11 1,508,058 43 36,913 99 266,972 38 13,992 63 \ 1 461,287 62 100,886 39 85,139 59 ! 19,653 67 • 1 725,420 07 23,175 47 1,503 72 15,190 38 345,790 74 1,723 07 89 43 4*038 06 _ 1 519,636 48 3,103 06 14,451 46 14*748 46 • 2,596,607 60 [ — 255,141 00 I 1 "" 611,292 05 35,388,888 02 I ■ ■ 1"* * 1 > ■ 2,441,555 53 Deposites of individuals, ■ . 1,681,985 38 22,696 55 14,494 05 181,883 93 17,235 29 31,292 95 1,149,040 42 466,027 09 292,523 93 345,616 12 318,608 87 31,946 34 610,954 08 85,300 13 93,218 59 693,594 43 108,943 26 229,370 19 185,729 72 376,907 92 271,624 87 344,158 53 304,385 51 62,529* 99 64,204 06 25,841 24 . 67 28 585,200 23 10,357,756 72 1 1,512,969 01 8,010,170 72 1 ii i 114 [ Doc. No. 523. ] GENERAL STATEMENT-*Continued. At Bank United Stat*. Barinf, Brothers, fc Co. Hope &. Co. and HottiagiMr h Co. Bonds »ad mortgages . . . . . . Due by the United States • . - - 02,113,571 93 55,571 60 5,267 32 At Office, Norfolk. NavyAgent #40,14417 % Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 43,866,732 79 Bills discounted on bank stock 547,250 41 2,175,206 38 Bills discounted on other stocks Domestic bills of exchange 46,589,189 58 21,419,799 23 Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices DuefromState banks 36,256,107 94 3,044,350 72 DuefromUnited States . Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co,, Hottinguer&Co. Heal estate Deficiencies Expenses Banking houses Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 20,605,995 20 notes of State banks 2,435,770 02 specie . . . -' 7,346,292 66 Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 68,008,988 81 413,068 16 39,300,458 66 5,267 32 2,113,571 93 1,829,112 47 .122,567 66 66,324 70 1,174,176 70 30,388,Q57 88 55,571 60 40,144 17 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fiind Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 35,000,000 00 44*575,975 63 517,122 83 67,503 10 250,331 27 2,386,685 01 5,614349 96 3,484*472 23 Due to Bank U. States and offices 35,388,888 02 Due to State banks 2,441,555 53 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Trea surer United States 10,357,756 72 Less overdrafts and special deposites 318,017 79 Deposites of public officers Deposites of individuals 2,129,877 73 87,830,443 55 585,200 23 611,292 05 10,039,738 93 1,512,969 01 8,010,170 72 19,562,878 66 143,517,310 06 BANK 143,517,310 06 or THE UNITED STATES, August 191832. J. COWPERTHWAIT, Acting Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank qf the United States, and its Offices qf Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. 1 i n ■ I ■ j I { * <• - — . i n i i i Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discbunt- i Domestic bills of exchange. 1 on personal se- on bank stock. ed on other stocks. 1 curity. , 1832. August 30 Bank United States 27 Office, Portland 20 Portsmouth Boston 23 Providence 23 Hartford !27 29 Neur York Baltimore 27 Washington 25 Richmond 21 Norfolk 18 Fayetteville 20 Charleston 21 Savannah 21 Mobile 17 New Orleans 13 Natchez / 3 St. Lonis 13 Nashville 15 Louisville 16 Lexington 20 ; i6 Cincinnati Pittsburgh 23 23, Buffalo Utica 21 32 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati . . Chillicothtt 20 J ^——— «■■ ' 4,120,315 75 296,290 15 | 183,570 13 | 883,518 16 642,294 59 401,636 32 4,996,816 63 1,948,267 35 1,185,379 33 1,127,719 67 754,141 91 660,268 28 2,971,773 96 496,160 30 1 1,338,266 19 5,832,639 79 1,546,380 60 621,186 09 2,035,360 14 3,501,457 05 1,319,741 56 2,976,145 11 1,183,951 96 384,727 10 497,987 51 400,583 94 1,687,203 63 149,686 04 43,122,368 24 80,820 00 - 19,966 40 - 6,900 00 - ' 111,050 17,811 12,400 54,496 11,900 156,886 00 15 00 15 00 00 . - 13,000 00 -. -. - 1,000 Op - 8,700 00 , ~ . - 1,689,148 03 1,727,913 113,622 03,709 1,031,290 456,512 54,768 498,202 291,324 115,340 285,429 278,339 138,007 376,435 469,609 784,424 6,014,243 1,758,695 152,770 573,957 1,283,694 587,350 660,513 540,450 287,263 168,300 251,505 - 367,996 99 - 12,700 00 570,000 00 - 33,205 00 - 36,123 00 48,670 00 - i - ; 29,500 00 - i 1,400 00 - 194,372 98 -» - ■ , 18,983,475 46 494,929 70 J 2,972,114 99 ' 97,699 50 57 64 00 t • 15 29 62 ; 91 15 08 ' " 33 39 1 69 91 37 03 80 \ 83 J 75 69 , » i 69 i 74 i 00 i 34 38 63 j 59 j - •m ' ~ ■ M i ■ * ■ Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. 97,699 50 » | 78,744 54 6,381 52 29,915 35 177,645 64,854 48,725 31,016 93 85 80 29 48,763 50 73,430 83 311,093 80 81,738 16 911,337 86 79,315 53 1,833^53 86 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 ■ i i ■ ■ i Due from Bank Due from State Losses charge- Deficiencies. UiS. and offices. banks. able to continI 1 jgentfund. 1832. 328,501 50 Aug. 30 Bank United States - 20,435,449 20 660,966 89 27 Office;, Portland 7,020 83 68,745 42 ! 65,332 24 20 84,481 10 3,632 50 138,914 76 Portsmouth 23 30,825 57 12,146 38 ! '17,237 78 1,336,33*48 Boston. 23 45,634 53 976 00 925 65 ; 71,716 61 Providence 27 13,884 28 H245 72 Hartford 100,248 76 29 61,050 13 New York - 2,725,320 98 1,627,130 76 27 34,075 65 119,407 26 1,662,502 06 Baltimore I . 298,798 16 25 62,735 57 210,448 72 Washington - L 419,335 12 21 69,376 83 39,148 46 Richmond - 1 874,196 82 \ 26,868 03 18 5,828 13 329,253 40 Norfolk 275,447 02 20 57,953 67 204 53 Fayetteville » 715,539 53 21 138,032 06 123,527 25 Charleston - , 257,969 53 21 146,219 57 Savannah . 700,511.22 i 200,209 51 17 456 52 32,779 94 Mobile 358,844 91 13 33,453 61 New Orleans - . 1,155,761 49 739,777 13 2 f 89,604 00 Natchez 42,368 51 13 St. Louis 792,930 32 15 30,471 26 ; 206 00 405 28 Nashville 434,894 77 16 4,166 80 157,875 22 Louisville 169,768 77 20 195,383 53 Lex'mgton • 521,153 33 16 89,725 30 395 40 Cincinnati 712,786 04 23 10,117 03 Pittsburgh - . 139,430 87 23 300 00 Buffalo 381,334 28 | 50,315 79 21 60,971 58 Utica 96,161 97 85,376 82 22 28,383 72 Burlington - 1 87,977 16 21 Agency, Cincmnati - ] 37,311 34 20 Chillicothe4,117 54 33,345,842 18 4,130,030 32 3,483,427 19,004 98 27 i i i i i ii ii Banking houses. p M M M H W M I | ■ " f *■ " 1 413,081 19 18,883 852 . 59 4,583 1,316 116,777 02 87,000 00 110,657 34 34,613 10 36,024 07 35,1Q9 65 13,385 02 67,727 78 48,885 00 24,096 92 48,000 00 18,593 24 15,000 00 31,970 92 26,811 59 167,053 81 23,519 84 170,000 00 2,194 36 21,272 48 16,995 08 11,534 87 123,024 18 1,174,243 52 366,059 76 1 . Treasurer 1 Expenses. 'Notes of Bank U. States. U. States and offices. 00 54 04 17 02 8,832 55 3,667, 79 10,546 54 9,791 45 1,569 42 555 39 3,080 41 2,722 10 2,679 34 13,001 97 2,677 96 1,022 44 , 1.184 12 1,352 38 1,323 71 2,507 54 2,590 51 1,373 99 1,222 64 567 91 10,375 61 2,131 92 i 4*050,242 73 1 115,280 00 163,355 0CJ 552,585 00 383,055 00 i 136,110 00 ! 1,801,325 00 j 776,265 00 169,120 00 402,890 00 461,260 00 170,995 00 I 381,190 00 1 1,074,600 00 455,520 00 2,790,170 00 976,570 00 802,345 00 1,975,925 00 642,815 00 1,046,320 00 | 516,300 00 543,030 00 I 312,795 00 1 383,955 00 163,905 00 110,471 46 21,247,922 73 ■ ■ ■ ■ GENERAL STATEMENT—Contiimed. 1 Notes of State banks. Specie. Capital stock. Notes issued. 1 Discount, exj Foreign exJ Dividends Profitfcloss. change, and] change ac-j unclaimed. interest. | count. ^—^fa» 1832. Aug. 30 Bank United States • 27 Office, Portland Portsmouth 20 Boston 23 Providence * 23 Hartford 27 New York 29 Baltimore , - 27 Washington • t 25 Richmond » 21 Norfolk 18 FayetUville 20 Charleston 21 Savannah 21 Mobile 17 New Orleans IS Natchez 2 1 St. Louis . 13 Nashville 15 16 Louisville Lexington 20 [ Cincinnati 16 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo •23 Utica 21 Burlington ^ 22 21 Agency, Cincinnati - 1 Chfflicothe20 593,427 00 10,810 00 19,479 00 68,194 00 7,663 50 14,128 00 350,562 58 84,489 09 10,332 44 134*816 13 10,930 00 73,661 0Q 44,543 00 112,810 00 22,995 60 139,710 00 8,717 93 93,309 71 11,055 00 - 87,164 00 244,445 00 114,810 00 41,694 03 21,684 85 - - J 2,336,430 86 i i — ^ ^ 2,581,341 48 16,450,006 4,350,793 18 72,035*4 36\377 57 70,051 75\ 3,386,685 01 37,858 74 313,230 00 5,536 05 584 50 52,434 10 300,000 373,730 00 3,111 48 798 00 246,681 85 1,500,000 860,590 00 28,786 27 3,185 00 94,437 51 800,000 464,445 00 13,855 66 1,533 00 — 26,732 00 300,000 357,143 50 8,117 38 1*176 00 570,575 16 2,500,000 1,756,337 50 86,807 33 33,979 34 310,000 00 1,500,000 1,064*132 50 28,943 07 9,527 25 -. 55,197 26 500,000 1,048,132 50 18,595 55 4,984 43 214,566 60 1,000,000 1,133,305 00 15,549 87 — 10,141 50 125,015 03 500,000 1,360,580 00 13,330 63 5,371 00 , 31,841 31 500,000 1,363,930 00 9,984 87 1,138 50 3ft,791 39 1,500,000 ! 1,763,380 00 i 46,871 08 25,874 50 361,642 01 1,000,000 3,475,345 00 15,938 90 4*133 50 108,172 89 3,094,706 00 34,469 43 1,223,232 46 1,000,000 8,602,785 00 149,510 13 812 35 57,030 98 1,952,585 00 59,480 39 187,235 33 ! 834,570 00 ll,383i 74 9800 215,119 02 1,000,000 3,773,955 00 31,900 55 , 347,986 47 1,350*000 1,431,330 00 44,576 17 363 30 88,593 17 1,000,000 2,532,055 00 30,888 68 119 00 166,235 37 1,700,000 1,481,265 00 50,581 56 59,096 04 700,000 1,365,870 00 35,946 83 134,939 44 1,059,285 00 11,929 75 I -1 132,653 84 747,250 00 10,043 00 138,763 01 514,315 00 8,068 07 -. 1,830 00 4,455 41 [ — 135 00 639 54 1 * r ■ 7,739,152 26 1 35,000,000 44,673,969 18 1 841,305 31 38,377 57 173,769 73 3,386,685 10 L 1 i r i1 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. mmmm—m+* ' ' ■ FundforexDeposites on 1 Contingent tinguishing Due to Bank Due to State Itedemp- (Deposites on ac account of Deposites on tion of pub-l count of TreaUnited States 1 fund. banks. account of costofbankoffi individuals. { lic debt, (surer U. States. nublic 1 ing houses. 1 and offices. cers. 1833. Aiug.30 Bank United States 5,614*349 96 611,292 05 2,973,417 SI Office, Portland ! 339,962 01 ^0 114,279 34 Portsmouth 33 557,063 60 Boston 33 331,279 30 Providence 27 90,056 t2 Hartford 39 2,703,894 17 New York 37 2,162,419 18 Baltimore 35 ; 204*885 96 Washington 31 534,475 19 Richmond 18 ; 17,089 54 Norfolk s 1 •• 30 1 ! 23,780 46 FayetteviHe . 21 L 692,314 09 Charleston 31 47,579 74 Savannah 17 i 832,540 03 Mobile 13 7,305,937 38 New Orleans 2 2,300,630 03 Natchez 13 1,555,707 72 St. Louis 15 325,379 83 Nashville 16 1,984,686 49 Louisville 30 149,569 96 Lexington 16 1,483,064 08 Cincinnati 33 355,767 74 Pittsburgh 33 719,753 62 Buffalo 31 560,105 90 Utica 33 512,833 26 Burlington 31 Agency, Cincinnati , 2,639,843 03 30 253,323 48 ChUIicothe - 738,221 58 440,043 52 4,034,140 13 304,049 91 1,438,85678 16,630 80 51,329 04' 60,462 85 28,097 31 s 23,923 54 456 30 5,462 86 14,264 63 88,542 12 1,333,762 76 186,124 93 130,08627 15,312 67 44,769 07 1 14,928 73 18,408 27 14*781 69 5*870 25 1,260 90 32,864 21 250,012 20 112,423 35 4,404,302 85 240,648 78 1,208,42138 55,047 45 489,040 15 90,872 17 350,523 08 62,295 85 147,429 88 1 220,838 16 328,359 50 232,361 38 ! 18,841 39 1 20,301 70 334,10611 78,940 43 109,397 28 40,188 25 303,462 93 38,200 77 8,331 25 17,046 01 37,925 85 72,684 97 9*086 54 554*968 80 154,897 31 21,873 10 24,845 71 9,027 56 63,295 57 22,539 10 1 43,482 68 11,440 38 80,058 72 150,297 42 ; 1G1.964 66 656,039 52 25,643 89 70,148 75! < 432 34 3,920 10 113,442 54 9,213 39 79,703 41 1 263,35738 18,319 16 44,^88 04 37,959 85 | 192,194 06 56,197 98 19,304 54 39,719 52 299,38613 1,313 81 > 8,136 63 | 248,876 76 32,486 40 !■ 243,287 75 ! 48,417 19 369,589 52 93,723 52 43,462 46 19,744 U 1 308,178 92 20,573 74 64,00140 /1,102 57 11,271 96 200 89 54,466 87 89 43 691 10 8,121 53 34,326 29 • 14*249 81 12,992 09 67 28 6,614*349 96 611,292 05 31,771,638 56 Q,0$7,993 61 552,466 87 11,198,692 24 1,639,277 55 7,666*143 15 • • M M M M ■ mi ■ 120 [ Doc- No, 523. J GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. At Bank United States. Baring, Brotben, & Co., Hope 8t Co., and Hottingucr & Co. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United State* . . . . . . • -. #2,575,330 70 55,571 6Q 5,26733 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent - - - - Digitized by #40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 43,122,368 24 Bo. do. bank stock 494,929 70 Bo. do. other stocks - 2,972,114 99 ^Domestic bills of exchange - . - _ Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices State banks . - 46,589,413 93 18,983,475 46 33,345,842 18 4,130,030 32 United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer &Ca . Beal estate Deficiencies Expenses _Banking houses . . . . . Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 21,247,922 73 2,336,430 86 State banks 7,729,152 26 Specie .. Mortgages Nary agent, Norfolk 65,572,888 39 93^,699 50 37,475,872 50 5,267 32 2,575,330 1,832,753 123,024 110,471 1,174343 70 86 18 46 52 31,313,505 85 55,571 60 40,144 17 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - BAJDTK 5,614^349 96 3,483,427 98 Due to Bank U. States and offices 31,771,638 56 State banks 2,057,993 61 Redemption of public debjt Fund for extinguishing the cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. S. 11,198,692 24 Less overdrafts and special de 366,059 76 posites - 2,130,921 98 1 — 1 33,829,632 IT 552,466 87 Deposites on account of public officers of individuals O 611,292 05 S3 10,832,632 48 Do. 140,376,773 05 35,000,000 00 44,673,969 18 841,205 31 38,777 57 173,769 73 2,386,685 01 1,639,277 55 12,471,910 03 7,666,143 15 140,376,773 05 or THS UNITED STATES, September 1, 1832. J. COWPERTHWAIT, Acting Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates to herein mentioned. [Bills discounted [Bills discount-]Bills discount-] Domestic bilk of 1 on personal se curity. 1833. October > 1 Sept. 34 84 38 38 34 36 24 22 ,25 33 34 18 .18 14 16 ' 6 o o eg. FT August 17 13 30 24 20 30 20 35 19 31 30 ed on bank stock. ed on other stocks. 3,888,761 36 Bank United States 76,260 00 1,464,107 303,400 93 1 Office, Portland ~ ! 178,316 36 Portsmouth -~ *** 18,266 40 1 441,346 1,045,119 65 Boston 595,345 43 Providence -. 461,040 23 i Hartford 5,336,438 59 650,000 New York 1,937,183 63 108,550 00 Baltimore 17,811 15 1,195,093 11 Washington 32,205 12,650 00 1,165,318 02 Richmond 746,671 92 52,072 48 1 Norfolk 699,635 84 11,900 00 Fayetteville 3,973*458 35 122,056 00 ! ■ Charleston 24,372 556,679 96 Savannah 48*670 1,316,767 25 I Mobile 13,000 00 | L New Orleans - t 5,715,175 17 1,590*238 27 Natchez -, *603,226 92 St. Louis 37,500 3,110,266 41 Nashville 2,394,933 23 Louisville — 1,228,784 53 Lexington Cincinnati 2,952,780 44 1,000 00 1,400 1,178,173 42 Pittsburgh ' 1 -. 415,964 16 8,700 00 305,000 Buffalo 511,447 63 Utica Burlington ! 373,815 08 1,671,580 38 Agency, Cincinnati -«— Chillicothe 149,686 04 - 1 43,297,302 09 - Foreign bills | Real estate. |Due from Bank of exchange. United States and offices. exchange. ' 35 1,581,803 108,938 76,913 99 ! 936,743 453,741 60,383 688,384 00 359,585 186,491 00 360,131 230,255 1 164,264 294,343 00 , 278,798 00 530,881 4,121,350 2,158*821 117,935 00 503,334 1*531,188 650,113 00 534,363 519*544 312*116 00 163,586 276.359 83 05 37 75 69 01 11 69 66 47 01 48 44 50 93 02 58 59 90 03 10 46 64 00 84 91 93,267 10 [ - 502,266 03 2,894,601 3 4 16,999,141 04 f t - * • — -. • - 1 1 1 1 1 I I 11 I 78,744 54 20,639,596 19 53,499 44 197,031 93 6,381 53 1,284,968 83 149,003 35 — 173,265 05 29*915 25 2*694,165 44 | 390,176 00 776,687 57 177,614 73 701,963 33 64,854 85 367,084 03 48,735 80 797,795 13 31*016 39 333,845 15 *~ 044,316 01 361,616 27 1,979,242 44 36,091 0 4 1,097*911 08 423,580 40 48,763 50 73,183 S3 1 140,002 37 343,883 07 309,693 80 831,702 20 31,646 64 81,788 16 204,043 74 90*891 83 6*677 03 51*697 XI 913,101 95 79,315 53 ~ '' 34*902,280 63 1,831,949 25 93,267 10 J , o 03 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. - _ ^ 1 1 Due from Losses chargea Deficiencies. Banking houses. ^Treasurer Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State U. States. State banks. ble to contin United States banks. and offices. gent fund. 1832. Oct. 1 Bank United States Sept.34 Office, Portland 34 Portsmouth 38 Boston 38 Providence 34 Hartford 36 New York 34 Baltimore 32 Washington 25 Richmond 32 Norfolk 24 Fayetteville 18 Charleston 18 1 Savannah 14 MobUe 16 New Orleans 6 Natches 17 St. Louis 13 Nashville 30 Louisville 34 Lexington 30 Cincinnati 30 Pittsburgh 30 Buffalo 35 TJtica 19 Burlington 31 ■ Agency, Cincinnati Aug. 30 , Chillicothe - 328,501 50 757,501 13 7,020 83 34,769 05 m 332 50 84,481 1(K r 17,237 78 199,644 35 12,146 38 976 00 33,019 96 925/65 9,568 95 14*245'72 1.967.330 15 61,050 13 34,075 64 100,817 47 1,662,502 06 62,717 66 210,448 72 55,115 37 ; 39,148 46 ; 69,376 83 7,279 52 239,253 40 1 57,953 67 106,351 66 137,840 17 •178,688 86 146,219 57 r • 13,549 48 456 52 • 1.056.331 52 33,453 61 13,009\ 64 37,857 03 55,959 15 1,010 77 73,954 96 34,010 37 35,440 78 -J 35,553 13 3,136,274 16 593,815 95 1,304 26 96,490 00 24,639 00 1,163 08 149,7385 00 40,534 00 4,583 17 462,820 00 116,777 02 92,201 00 2,230 19 368,795 00 11,244 79 78,600 00 12,931 00 11,614 12 1,474,015 00 465,034 34 87,000 00 5,602 60 110,657 34 704,310 00 88,018 12 34,613 10 27,200 62 11,905 13 136,405 00 22,046 62 36,024 07 IP, 897 67 '542,375 00 147,339 58 35,109 65 408,255 00 3,02669 25,000 00 13,385 02 1,957 97 65,910 00 41,856 00 5,87fr59 67,727 78 408,805 00 35,883 00 3,797 24 1,078,970 00 103,485 00 48,885 00 3,663 48 24,096 92 461,935 00 35,807 00 16,315 14 2,365,720 00 48,000 00 76,343 62 3,946 36 957,265 00 18,593 24 2,558 23 1,776 25 523,755 00 2,659 84 2,209,835 00 67,816 71 15,000 00 2,801 43 940,635 00 11,155 Q0 31,970 92 1,861 77 1,163,570 00 667,475 00 134,787 00 33,519 84 170,000 00 4,189 93 486,380 00 268,790 00 21,272 48 2,194 36 3,406 68 1,955 08 584,770 00 60,682 00 17,127 08 1,866 48 388,160 00 * 72,143 10 1,004 05 286,575 00 38,376 00 11,534 87 14,327 96 2,131 92 206 00 405 28 157,875 22 195,383 53 395 40 300 00 85,376 82 4,117 54 1,174,375 52 199,394 98 161,418 21 20,447,48716 2,472,486 06 133,024 18 4,817,957~95| 3,483,236 09 19,004 27 J 413,081 19 !- II ■ 'i - 1 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ' i—| *• 1832. | Oct. 1 Bank United States Sept. 24 Office, Portland 24 Portnoottth 28 Boston 28 Providence 24 Hartford 36 NewTork* 24! Baltimore 22 Washington 25 Richmond 22 Norfolk 24 FayetteviUe 18 i Charleston 18 Savannah 14 Mobile 16 New Orleans Natchez e St. Louis 17 Nashville 12^ Louisville 20 Lexington 24 Cincinnati 20 1 Pittsburgh 20 Buffalo 20 Utica 25 Burlington r 19 Agency, Cincinnati 21 Chillicothe 20 I Specie. 6,221,091 37,697 1 51,302 1 438,913 194*116 26,968 - .562,250 ] 316,000 49,453 216,815 125,046 . 29,779 317,016 361,433 162*208 - 1,482,987 56,637 154»27S 201,687 236*073 183,520 174,866 49,837 149,986 124*289 154,952 - Capital stock. Notes issued. 32 16,450,000 107,048 47 4,358,793 18 76 7,393 53 213,220 00 37 300,000 373,730 00 1 4,144 01 35 1,500,000 857,780 00 39,954 36 96 800,000 464,445 00 19,156 80 00 300,000 10,600 33 340,397 50 76 2,500,000 123,310 62 1,755,787 50 00 1,500,000 36,998 19 1,056,027 50 75 500,000 25,543 74 1,048,133 50 81 1,000,000 21,835 24 1,132,305 00 11 500,000 1,255,045 00 17,929 06 14 500,000 I 1,261,515 00 15,641 81 74 J 1,500,000 1,762,380 00 63,374 33 64 1,000,000 2,475,345 00 18,875 54 11 3,094,706 00 40,087 30 60 1,000,000 8,601,155 00 180,206 96 71 1,952,585 00 91,744 54 81 834,410 00 15,324 33 1,000,000 48 3,773,955 00 49,403 40 60 1,250,000 1,431,330 00 72,716 05 65 1,000,000 2,532,055 00 39,036 76 47 1,700,000 1,641,265 00 70,530 68 700,000 1,340,645 00 05 33,190 47 26 1,052.985 00 21,003 10 74^250 00 51 13,549 44 11 514,315 00 10,707 96 1,830 00 5,780 74 135 00 629 54 8,078,851 07 ■ ■ , ■ J , Discount, ex Foreign ex Dividends Pront & loss. change, and change ac unclaimed. J interest. | count. 35,000,000 44,773,514 18 1,155,717 09 l i i i ' " L« . 28,040 00 2,383,948 01 175 00 749 00 1,704 50 1,365 00 953 00 24,533 35 8,686 25 5,006 43 9,732 00 3,955 00 1,138 50 21,877 50 3,367 00 14,750 09 ' Contingent fund. 5,614*349 96 574 25 98 00 257 30 108 50 14,750 09 112,309 48 2,383,948 01 5,614,349 96 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■ tk ■ l _ - — , . Fund for ex-1 Due to Bank U. Due to State Redemption Deposites on ac Deposites on ac Deposites on ac tinguishing cost of bank ing houses. States and of fices. 183£ October 1 Bank United States - \ 611,292 05 j 2,764,030 93 336,378 18 Sept. 24 Office, Portland 105,723 36 24 Portsmouth 832,395 77 28 Boston 269,201 86 28 Providence - 90,298 22 24 Hartford —" 3,250,458 81 26 New York I 2,186,229 04 24 Baltimore 232,313 40 22 Washington • - I 522,383 50 25 Richmond' " 21,333 87 22 Norfolk Fayetteville 13,036 85 24 691,371 72 18 Charleston 45,096 72 18 Savannah ~ 589,727 67 14 Mobile 6,122,247 21 16 i New Orleans 2,498,943 11 6 Natchez 1,289,247 19 17 St. Louis ; 402,038 16 12 1 Nashville 2,392,521 35 20 Louisville 185.765 58 34 Lexington 1,498,393 43 20 Cincinnati 205,004 46 20 Pittsburgh - ' - 798,133 64 20 Buffalo 546,029 91 25 Utica • 551,386 29 19 Burlington 2,642,096 66 21 Agency, Cincinnati 253,323 48 August 20 Chillicothe - of public debt. banks. 562,504 82 22,745 41 1,846 44 43,748 32 17,691 13 4,875 84 287,578 43 124,195 44 61,666 OS 157,127 31 58,532 79 33,185 03 109,707 11 9,110 09 20,754 21 7,121 94 106,233 98 12,656 14 19,802 84 65,714 07 - 39,084 159,144 53,043 3,075 16,696 - 90 20 88 52 60 count of Trea surer U. S. 3,079,564 93 1 - - ~ '. 1 ! 1 1 1 ** "* - ' - - - ~ " ~ "** - 611,292 05 31,335,11037 1,997,843 39 3,079,564 93 ^ ^ ^ H h W M M * 430,301 95 15,334 14 . 62,242 98 1,459,927 47 192,015 26 59,863 29 4,965,523 33 341,001 81 78,598 35 69,165 40 95,241 21 16,170 05 | 77,273 84 14,473 10 20,486. 24 1 177,788 80 67,257* 31 92,184 27 22,578 15 36,324 16 797 51 922,180 34 1,498 10 1 21,102 57 41 51 | 8,379 39 count of pub lic officers. 292,399 42,770 29,593 198,245 20,318 13,564 342,444 56,656 624,818 34,068 73,785 29,642 694 14,731 46,015 128,127 10,241 53,327 61,509 7,292 15,340 56,579 14,711 9,886 9,814 46,686 53 39 97 09 54 80 58 42 46 83 31 35 44 46 66 51 78 16 32 01 22 32 77 69 35 57 - - 8,547,756 53 2,233,266 53 count of indivi duals. 1,654,370 28,732 7,820 137,013 14,204 46»265 1,147,646 407,683 364,614 375,382 292,101 35,123 563,890 68,843 99,204 190,686 110,155 229,126 192,025 263,663 203,705 324,405 275,177 78,044 66,635 26,203 28 68 36 16 42 23 22 91 89 18 53 94 94 97 88 45 35 56 67 17 88 32 02 40 02 02 67 28 7,702,793 73 - ■ ■ ■ ■ - 126 [ Doc No. 523. J GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, At Bank United States. • Baring, Brothers, Ic Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages • • Due by the United States . - - - £2,982,197 65 - ,• 55,57160 5,267 32 . #40,1441? At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent - . . - , . , Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 43,297,302 09 Do. do. bank stock 502,266 03 Do. do. other stocks - 2,894,601 34J 46,694,169 46 16,999,141 04 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange « Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - 63,693,310 50 93,267 10 - 39,902,280 63 4,817,957 95 Due from United States „ Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Go., and Hot. tinguer & Co. Real estate • • Deficiencies Expenses Banking houses . . . . Cash, viz. notes oftbe Bank U. States and offices 20,447,484 16 notes of State banks . . . 2,472,486 06 specie «. > 8,078,851 C7 Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 39,720,238 58 5,267 32 2,982,197 1,831,949 123,024 161,418 1,174,375 65 25 18 21 52 30,998,821 29 55,571 6Q 40,144 17 Capital stock . . . Notes issued . Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss • Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund BANK OF THE UITITED STATES, 5,614,349 96 3,483,236 09 2,131,113 87 Due to Bank U. S. and offices - 31,335,110 37 1,997,843 39 Due to State banks Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States Less overdrafts and special depo sites - . - Deposites of public officers Deposites of individuals 140,879,585 37 35,000,000 00 44,773,514 18 1,155,717 19 14,750 09 112,309 48 2^83,948 01 33,332,953 7 6 3,079,564 93 611,292 05 ? 8,547,756 53 GO 199,394 98 8,348,361 55 2,233,266 53 10,581,628 08 7,702,793 73 140,879,585 37 October 3, 1832. S. JAUDON, Caahier. to -3 GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates to herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted 1 Domestic bills on personal se on bank stock. on other stocks. of exchange. curity. , 1832. Nov. 1 Bank United States • 3,709,251 17 68,760 00 1,891,237 09 1,469,145 95 128,607 08 330,727 52 Oct 29 Office, Portland 62,025 51 190,854 18 Portsmouth 22 213,285 94 947,302 28 19,066 40 1,015,954 40 Boston 25 420,971 83 591,768 22 Providence 25 — 55,932 84 12,700 00 7,900 00 469,387 38 Hartford 22 947,309 34 334,143 46 291,350 00 j 4,967,313 40 New York 31 195,873 57. 105,954 24 Baltimore ^ 1,704,761 55 29 177,284 53 32,205 00 17,811 15 Washington - 1,228,345 38 27 204*383 66 13,000 00 1,149,216 11 Richmond 23 — 265,651 93 52,172 48 745,506 74 Norfolk . 20 189,066 17 1 11,900 00 734,546.10 . Fayetteville , 15 248,631 36 [ 36,552 00 3,025,966 05 1 235,091 00 I Charleston 198,866 78 48,670 00 502,784 92 . Savannah •; 23 f 377,826 40 1,265,566 67 MobUe 19 «. 2,894,435 06 13,000 00 ' New Orleans - ■ 5,552,473 71 15 — 2,286*54143 1,507,104 76 Natchez 11 88,936 68 27,500 00 580,833 21 St. Louis 15 895,228 30 2,086,406.90 Nashville 17 « 1,676,525 72 Louisville . - i 2*295,939 .32 18 752,743 38 ' 1,123,825 17 Lexington 22 1 511,509 $2 1,000 00 2,925,249 16 j Cincinnati IB « 569,934 18 1,171,735 93 . Pittsburgh 25 301,693 22 205,00000 8,700 00 Buffalo . j 436,766 37. 25 ; 162,543 55 544,058 96 Utica 23 1 — 1 275,527 81 410,231 84 Burlington .24 — 1 21 L Agency* Cincinnati - 1,665,537 67 — « 147,853 40 Chillicothe 20 ."42,079,966 19 845,705 27 2,801,263 49 ■16,304,498 48 ' CD o FT "■ ? 'j* Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. 78,744 54 83,392 10 ~ . . -, _ — ~ .» - . ' _- "* 83.392 10 - 6,381 52 - 29,915 25 - 177,614 64*854 48,725 21,016 1 73 85 80 29 . -• - 47,613 50 73,183 33 209,693 80 - 81,217 16 — - 906,185 67 77,575 07 1,822,721 51 00 Due from Bank United States and offices. 20,580,389 37 61,293 76 211,499 89 967,699 34 97,704 56 91,641 51 3,807,981 51 369,127 24 449,768 77 699,697 00 219,968 10 620,701 38 186,866 86 729,774 00 630,953 72 2,081,734 13 49,846 89 1,093,403 76 63,551 19 1 159,476 90 I 165,365 21 1,015^07 96 41,108 69 379,628 50 [ 91,025 90 10,702 67 65,576 13 34*941*694 94 o o to CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Hi ii mmammmmm* mm i i i 1 Due from State banks. e ' ' i Losses charge Deficiencies. able to contin gent fund. Treasurer U. States. Banking houses. »* 1832. 413,081 19 328,501 50 654,990 08 •*Nov. 1, Bank United States * - 15,679 45 7,020 83 Oct. 29 Office, Portland - * | - -. 332 50 84,481 10 22 Portsmouth 49,240 65 12,146 38 17,237 78 116,777 02 25 Boston 976 00 6,317 51 925 65 25 Providence 40,833 34 14*245 72 1 22 Hartford 87,000 00 364,300 30 31 New York r .- v 69,040 93 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 110,657 34 29 Baltimore 34,613 10 73,246 91 210,448 72 27 Washington 35,943 50 39,148 46 69,376 83 36,024 07 23 Richmond 10,404 68 229,253 40 35,109 65 20 Norfolk *. 57,953 67 13,385 02 15 Fayetteville - I 119,832 74 1 137,840 17 67,727 78 23 Charleston 187,256 29 146,219 57 48,885 00 23 Savannah 456 52 1,737 73 24,096 92 19 Mobile - — 33,453 61 48,000 00 15 New Orleans - 1,149,904 35 26,133 25 18,597 74 11 i Natchez 1 — 15 St. Louis' • — 206 00 43,476 16 405 28 15,000 00 17 Nashville 4,170 12 157,875 22 31,970 92 18 i Louisville - , 195,383 53 29 Lexington _ • 395 40 64,948 41 23,519 84 18 Cincinnati -~ 82,991 82 21,272 48 25 Pittsburgh 1 300 00 I 17,127 08 26,885 28 25 Buffalo — 55,606 63 23 Utica — — _ 24*827 77 11,534 87 24 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati - 1 _ 4*188 94 18,653 73 20 Chillicothe - - _ .-" ■» j - "i 170,000 00 2,194 36 1 •- - '* Expenses. [Notes of BankU. Notes of State 1 S. and offices. banks. 77 14 95 17 32 - - | . -' -• - ' in 52,125 1,673 1,164 4,583 2,820 29*205 65 i ' 15,396 55 7,448 36 13,946 58 12,104 24 3,690 61 2,S12 42 7,480 38 5,044 73 ! 4,680 18 1 20,385 81 4,940 17 2,299 92 3,565 77 3,849 59 2,718 01 5,519 26 4*272 99 | 2,642 74 2,381 94 1,534 62 ! 17,283 46 | 2,131 92 3,909,695 28 83,245 00 160,315 00 406,150 00 392,890 00 90,340 00 1,131,370 54 701,370 00 220,405 00 508,995.00 500,995 00 368,720 00 509,650 00* 1,258,505 00 386,335 00 1 2,652,985 00 928,665 00 616,930 00 2,596,210 00 1,173,915 00 ! 1,568,695 00 j 727,275 00 i 539,605 00 404,880 00 l 357,280 00 168,010 00 720,997 31 16,940 00 27,019 00 146,182 00 9,058 12 15,245 00 366,808 02 70,368 55 20,868 47 157,067 76 75*350 00 37,536 00 53,087 00 197,710 00 62,593 50 151,100 00 11,523 89 ** ■ " JI ■! i ■ M M M W l M n ■i mi i ■ f to 00 66,974 76 11,155 00 101,036 209,493 114*508 49,044 16,242 00 00 00 46 00 3,029J297 52 , 3,419,441 42 123,024 18 1,174,380 02 201,400 01 207,997 6Q 22,363,430 82 2,707,907 84 mmimmimmami o 8 GENEBAL STATEMENT—Continued. *" " ' L \* ' .Specie. 1832. ———, Nov. 1 Bank Untted States Oct. 29 Office, Portland . 22 Portsmouth, 25 Boston 25 Providence 22 Hartford 31 New York 29 • Baltimore 27 Washington 23 Richmond . 20 Norfolk 15 Fayetteville 23 Charleston 23 Savannah . 19 Mobile 15 New Orleans 11 Natchez 15. St. Louis 17 Nashville 18 Louisville. 22 Lexington 18 - , Cincinnati 2* Pittsburgh v, 25 Buffalo 23 Utica 24 Burlington "21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe - . - - [Capital stock. 1,865,320 €8 16,450,000 00 40,673 94 - 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 00 49,669 03 509,310 67 1,500,000 00 800,000 0C 117,361 11 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 00 26,968 00 618,359 70 2,500,000 00 401,000 00 1,500,000 00 500,000 00 43,881 50 [ 217,330 36 1,000,000 00 119,263 18 f 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 26,853 85 246,620 71 1,500,000 0 0 386,742 92 1,000,000 0 0 «• f 162,680 42 [* 1,688,517 60 1,000,000 00 \ \ 31,517 82 * 163,411 22 197,65113 1,000,000 00 229,202 35 1,250,000 00 209,410 88 1,000,000 00 183,345 93 1,700,000 00 58,988 02 700,000 00 3 132,050 86 -132,626 36 | 157,297 21 'j - - " - Notes issued. Discount, ex Foreign ex Dividends change, and change ac unclaimed. interest. count. 4,369,793 18 213,220 00 273,720 00 857,780 00 464,360 00 j 331,392 '50 ^ 1,695,087 50 1,050,147 50 1,024,827 50 1,132,305 00 1,255,045 00 I 1,365,470 00 i 1,753,670 00 2,475,345 00 2,057,741 00 8,601,080 00 1,952,585 00 834,410 00 3,761,940 00 1,431,330 00 2,532,055 00 1,605,110 00 i 1,340,645 00 1*052,985 00 j 747,250 00 614,315 00 1,830 00 135 00 Profit & loss. Contingent ' fund. 161,345 70 30,273 22 23,227 50 2,382,948 01 5,614,349 96 10,944 62 1 35 00 5,418 70 1 728 00 53,833 50 I ' 934 50 25,079 65 1 1 1,295 00 i 13,557 31 843 50 ~* 177,309 32 18,904 61 46,784 89 7,520 75 * 33,263 82 4,831 43 - 27,089 45 9,613 0J) 53,346 91 t 2,520 00 19,074 45 i 1,033 50 *" 77,886 60 i 20,092 50 . 21,676 42 ! 2,803 50 48,556 65 1 221,379 12 196 25 108,073 90 18,391 89 i 98 00 80,450 60 95,533 41 201 30 48,727 04 59 50 87,787 77 44,739 56 26,041 52: 17,125 54 „ 15,215 76 j 8,743 57 918 30- 8,026,055 45 35,000,000 00 44,695,574 18 1,518,295 97 30,273 22 94,937 84 ~2J382,948 01 5,61*349 96 1 *■ GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. J*~ f — ' ■ ' — ■ : ■■■» - . j ■ — . r • Depositee on Fund tor ex- 1 Redemption tinguishing Due to Bank U. I Due to State of public banks. cost of bank- | States and of debt. fices. ing houses. ■ ■ > Deposites on ac Deposites on ac count of pub count of indivi Treasurer U. lic officers, j duals. States. Recount o f ■ A 1832. J 647,611 99 611,292 05 3,576,021 21 676,175 19 2,576,628 38 November .1 Bank United States "28,648 91 27,312 70 ' 353,400 21 October 29 Office, Portland ; 2,025 14 1 1,802 79 Portsmouth 115,206 14 22 74,066 47 794,567 49 Boston 731,754 83 25 19,699 36 27,974 46 Providence 237,586 89 25608 53 3,422 09 Hartford 144,509 94 22 New York 1 1,914,456 73 430,771 47 2,171,068 07 2,557,822 26 31 ■ 95,204 80 Baltimore [ 2,139,277 92 100,855 27 29 60,081 85 Washington 232,779 00 105,220 61 27 23,064 29 Richmond . 497,802 22 „ 105,033 44 23 77,830 25 98,112 15 Norfolk 29,448 65 20 -» 14.773 94 1 21,605 15 Fayetteville 102,177 48 15 97,450 60 88,237 87 Charleston 742,471 08 23 — 18,524 02 36,776 16 Savarinah • 73,943 X7 23 ! ' 78,091 29 11,665 66 Mobile 583,393 77 19 ; 252,573 35 10,312 09 New Orleans 5,474,641 82 15 90,847 30 42,715 49 Natchez 2,543*536 72 11 16,710 83 121,691 98 St. Louis . 1,321,257 86 15 - . 23,958 52 45,150 09 Nashrille 898,616 47 17 69,802 82 ! Louisville 2,645,900 10 18 j 29,877 98i 797 51 Lexington 451,659 88 22 Cincinnati 1,646,850 60 54,085 07 259,156 96 18 39,920 61 Pittsburgh 222,751 66 131,043 54 ! 25 *" 34,858 34 3,532 57 Buffalo 811,150 74 25 ~ j 5,143 77 ! 41 51 Utica , 544,990 60 23 5,888 84 1,240 73 Burlington \- 490,115 12 24 2,644,009 36 21 Agency, Cincinnati ^\ * Chillicothe 249,273 48 20 ! - r - ~ ■ - 611,292 05 31,418,983 65 2,224,252'12, 4*747,696 45 . ■ » ■ »■«« > » » ■ II 180,610 18,295 79,822 248,457 30,745 31,124 221,281 69,452 456,799 40,484 71,939 27,426 47,020 13,002 60,917 58,181 4,081 39,328 23,410 3,952 12,277 39,944 10,433 23,633 14,893 22,370 i i i i i i 22 19 71 44 03 65 59 74 40 23 72 84 15 05 51 89 97 Q2 12 73 50 94 53 14 70 57 1,849,887 58 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ i < 26 09 20 80 93 52 27 62 88 21 06 54 25 89 18 75 57 21 19 13 55 54 73 74 68 77 67 28 *m 5,309,133 98 1,473,558 34,004 15,019 163,541 34,052 29,650 1,274,631 422,935 311,841 371,750 287,993 32,429 548,487 68,388 76t56i 667,624 i23,030 221,426 182,763 300,665 182,258 336,071 293,279 78,980 65,122 . 26,762 ■ i 7,622,898 84 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 132 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notet qf Bank United State* and office*, in transitu. 1 J Office, Mobile #6,330 00 New Orleans 11,430 00 Natchez 156,505 00 St Louis -| 3,920 00 Nashville 11,675 00 1 Louisville - 1 36,295 00 Lexington -i 35,105 00 I Cincinnati 20,625 00 Pittsburgh 332,525 00 Buffalo 43,260 00 Utica > 308,875 00 Burlington ; 125,750 00 94,090 00 Bank United 8tates Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston 8avannah 1 |305,300 00 1 1,398,050 00 1 673,340 00 I 73,540 00 I 90,845 00 21,575 00 I 26*015 00 1 169,845 00 :-1 64,005 00 I 258,235 00 I 51,615 00 | 144,860 00 1 4*363,410 00 ■ I 1 — — At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope 8c Co., and Hotunguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages * Due by the United States ~ • 13,885,016 26 S7,919 26 5,267 32 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent #40,144 17 Statement of the actual circulation qf the notes qf Bank U. S. and offices. Notes issued . Notes on hand Notes in transitu . - . - . - . . - . - . . #44,695,57418 . 32,363,430 82 4,363,410 00 26,726,840 82 Actual circulation - • - - Digitized by 17,968,733 36 RECAPITULATION. Bitts discounted on personal security - 42,079,066 19] Do. do. bank stock 845,705 27 Bo. do. other stocks - 2,801,263 49| Domestic bills of exchange 45,726,934 - 16,304,498 - Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices 34,941,699 3,029,297 State banks United States Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. -* Beal estate Deficiencies Expenses . . . . . Banking houses Cash, viz. notes of Bank U. 8. and offices 22,363,430 State banks 2,707,907 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - . ' . . Capital stock > . . 35,000,000 00 Notes issued 44,695,574 18 Discount, exchange, and interest 1,518,295 97 Foreign exchange account 30,273 22 Dividends unclaimed 94,937 84 95 2,382,948 01 Profit and loss -„ 48 5,614,349 96 62,031,435 43 Contingent, fund ' • 83,392 10 Less losses chargeable tp contingent fund 3,419,441 42 2,194,908 54 94 Due to Bank United States and offices - 31,418,983 63 52 2,224,252 12 37,970,992 46 State banks 33,643,235 77 5,267 32 4,747,696 45 Redemption of public debt • . 2,885,016 26 Fund for extinguishing cost of banking 611,292 05 1,822,721 51 houses .123,024 18 Deposites, viz. on account of Treasurer of the United States - 5,309,133 98 207,997 60 less overdrafts and special 1,174,380 02 201,400 01 deposites 82 84 5,107,733 97 25,071,338 66 1,849,887 58 of public officers 8,026,055 45 7,622,898 84 of individuals 57,919 26 14,580,520 39 40,144 17 139,499,682 42 (D o o BANK OF THK UNITED STATES, November 2, 1832. 139,499,682 42 S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT ' - - of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned,, Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills' Foreign bills of exchange. on personal se on bank stock. on other stocks. of exchange. curity. 1832. Nov. 29 26 26 22 22 26 28 26 24 ST 24 19 20 20 16 12 8 12 7 15 19 15 22 22 . 30 21 Oct. N©jr. 57,060 00 1,886,852 50 Bank United States • 3,590,202 05 i 365,284 69 i Office, Portland 198,849 94 Portsmouth 358,723 20 1,226,891 30 15,855 55 Boston i 578,250 97 Providence - 13,000 00 466,442 97 5,900 00 i 1 Hartford 377,916 01 137,250 00 New York - 4,564,549 09 1,741,373 14 119,254 24 Baltimore 32,205 00 1,191,661 36 32,811 15 Washington 1,142*123 15 13,000 00 Richmond 746,880 50 > , 35,857 48 1 Norfolk 739,460 57 11,900 00 Favetteville — 83,322 00 Charleston - 2,880,948 79 [ 224,801 00 48,670 00 586,650 11 Savannah . 1 1,322,813 00 Mobile 5,181,284 91 | 13,000 00 New Orleans • 1,526,118 88 | . Natchez _ 561,280 67 St. Louis 30,500 00 Nashville - 1,984,832 60 - • Louisville 2,245,637 29 .. • Lexington - , 974,336 82 | 2,500 00 1,000 00 Cincinnati » 2,918,377 71 1 1,158,555 36 1 1 Pittsburgh _ 205,000 00 487,415 31 . 6,000 00 Buffalo 563,214 49 Utica _ _ 454,222 32 Burlington _ 21 Agency, Cincinnati - 1,665,537 67 * 146,544 28 30 Chillicothe 41,211,739 94 . " ■■■*> '■ 673,689 42 3,038,688 71 1,460,601 137,768 104,130 1,067,321 451,923 49,597 966,807 179,361 172,920 184,166 268,860 254,344 403,882 190,099 392,693 2,233,858 2,384,370 83,849 1,245,510 1,834,514 820,282 543,746 573,280 240,227 155,405 247,983 10 07 28 36 , 13 46 i 98 83 41 19 44 13 22 98 70 11 88 82 00 37 28 73 48 55 63 46 87,112 40 "*" - - ~ ~ _ - . _ - - 1 87,112 40 16,647,507 59 . * i Due from Bank U. States and offices; 78,744 54 60 50 61 05 44 19 20 27 32 64 14 17 44 16 76 12 90 82 74 25 40 79 83 74 04 24 13 20,866,752 82,002 182,676 6,381 52 1,033,537 49,776 70,147 29,915 25 3,887,221 522,179 404,175 177,676 83 919,986 64,854 85 48,940 00 203,000 21,016 29 553,471 83,650 — 891,393 222,409 2,660,215 42,647 999,740 51,436 04 67,766 73,183 33 172,113 209,693 80 | 242,726 ! 954,505 57t576 81,217 16 „ 229,909 184,984 2,756 906,185 67 1 65,576 77,575 07 - - ■ Real estate.. 1 | 1,826,820 35 35,682,897 49 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. a 1832. Nov. 29 26 26 .22 22 26 28 26 24 .27 24 19 20 20 16 12 8 12 7 15 19 15 22 52 20 21 )ct. 21 JOT. 20 Due from State banks. Treasurer I Expenses. Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks. U. States. and offices.. Deficien Bank'g houses. cies. Losses charge able to contin gent fond. 1 672,030 84 , 328~,837 11 Bank United States 25,347 71 7,020 83 Office, Portland 2,782 50 84,781 81 Portsmouth 137,063 75 12,366 38 17,237 78 Boston 38,081 47 925 65 976 00 J Providence . • 17,064 18 15,587 03 Hartford 1,209,743 85 61,050 13 New York 94,853 07 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 1 Baltimore 69,683 60 212,039 47 [ Washington "36,650 05 39,148 46 69,376 83 Richmond 12,745 15 242,253 77 Norfolk 8,129 43 86,010 56 1. " Fayetteville "" 151,138 57 148,693 26 Charleston | 280,443 09 150,351 82 Savannah 35,119 78 Mobile 456 52 1,438,929 81 34,453 61 New Orleans 31,054 00 Natchez .- ; St. Louis 44,704 85 405 28 Nashville 226 00 1 7,823 65 157,875 22 Louisville 1 199,452 45 Lexington 49,752 06 . Cincinnati 395 40 Pittsburgh 82,991 82 j 78,396 60 Buffalo 300 00 62,750 18 Utica -' 14,341 93 Burlington Agency, Cincinnati 3,757 97 Chillicothe - 18,644 73 - 1 j 413,081 19 j 1 - > 1 729 116,777 02 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 48,885 24,096 48,000 18,597 00 34 10 07 I 65 02 78 00 92 00 [ 74 1 - 15,000 00 ; 31,970 92 - 23,519 84 21,272 48 17,127 08 76 - - - - - ~ 31,671 44 - - - . ' _ - 170,000 00 2,194 36 - - 11,534 87 - 4,522,388 09 J 3,545,391 45 123,044 i d 1,174,380 02 1 - - 63,892 06 2,016 42 . 1,185 12 9,754 91 3,322 06 1,382 68 19,775 34 9,060 82 1 15,342 58 i 13,410 89 5,444 21 \ 3,023 05 8,955 88 6,153 13 6,008 71 25,251 31 5,978 51 3,169 62 : 4,264 11 4^77 71 4,030-10 6,717 74; 5,577 12 1 3^34185 3,117 02 2,023 43 17,283 46 2,136 99 3,549,463 69,130 152,665 247,520 371,645 99,100 1,576,070 691,065 192,480 236,595 541,625 469,745 684,830 984,445 684,435 2,514,815 1,315,730 634,900 2,587,495 1,065,355 1,558,530 823,160 506,175 557,705 246,645 225,385 78 544,357 15 7,000 00 00 47,695 00 00 103,308 00 00 3,319 16 00 14,203 00 00 408,215 60 00 83,683 95 00 25,931 11 00 28,995 91 00 5,000 00 00 • 36,549 00 00 74,807 00 00 36,925 00 00 38,788 00 00 134,280 00 00 10,453 05 00 00 61,845 7S 00 11,160 00 00 00 175,072 00 00 00 306,635 00 74,603 00 00 ^ 48,551 81 00 14,366 00 00 204,595 66 256,096 85 22,586,788 78 I 2,295,744 47 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ i Specie* 1833. - 39 26 26 22 22 26 28 26 24 2T 34 19 20 20 16 12 8 12 7 15 19 15 22 32 20 31 Oct. 31 NOT. NOT* Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth 1 Boston Providence Hartford » New York Baltimore Washington Richmond , Norfolk FayetteriHe Charleston. Savannah Mobile New Orleans - Natchez St. Louis I NashTille IiOuisriUe , Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo TJtica Burlington . Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe ' . 30 1,954,989 75 55,146 96 | 48,418 35 374,110 18 109,913 33 25,940 00 582,760 24 362.-000 00 36,298 40 217,714 23 111,596 25 32,246 57 248,679 18 413,178 38 162,726 48 1,482,260 64 31,311 55 225,640 64 206,603 22 253,304 81 195,923 37 182^697 02 107,870 52 147,756 98 135,382 65 155,605 07 - -_ 7,860,073 65 Capital stock.' Notes issued. 1 Discount, ex- Foreign ex Dividend* I change, and change ac unclaimed. count. interest. Profit and loss. t Contingent fund. 4,388,783 18 188,715 14 13,465 04 20,202 00' 2,334,376 04 5,614,349 96 35 00 13,762 53 I 212,360 00 717 50 7,688 21 1 272,640 00 300,000 — t 791 00 75,956 40 1 767,730 00 1,500,000 1,274 00 30,306 09 I 463,260 00 800,000 738 50 16,511 85 1 329,032 50 300,000 16,895 61 2,500,000 1,703,087 50 201,827 82 1 5,812 75 58,251 57 1 1,500,000 1,050,147 50 j 4,789 43 42,842 44 500,000 1,017,027 50 J 8,447 50 35,015 07 1 1,000,000 1,111,350 00 2,415 00 29,772 74 1 500,000 1,244,355 00 1,033 50 24,566 69 1 • 500,000 1,359,360 00 16,974 00 92,861 11 1 1)500,000 1,733,500 00 " 2,138 50 1,000,000 2,463,885 CO 26,794 95 [ 55,864 98 1 2,047,101 00 161 25 1,000,000 7,614,395 00 354,368 52 I 2,208,585 00 119,425 06 98 00 21,781 25 1 - * ' 832,610 00 1,000,000 3,723,400 00 103,675 03 201 30 1,250,000 1,422,560 00 117,119 55 r 59 50 57,233 60 1 1,000,000 2,475,875 00 1,700,000 1,592,570 00 105,239 94 700,000 1 1,327,925 00 1 55,147 64 29,204 48 1,045,720 00 20,696 28 746,600 00 . 17,933 37 514,030 00 / 8,743 57 1,830 00 » 1,183 28 115 00 35,000,000 43,670,004 18 1,812,489 16 13,465 04 82,784 34 2,334,376 04 5,614,349 96 16V450,000 - I GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued' -' ' &>$07. / o o FT Oct. Nov. 1 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth 26 1 22 Boston 22 Providence 26 Hartford 28 New York 26 ' Baltimore 24 Washington 27 Richmond 24 Norfolk 19 Fayetteville 20 Charleston 20 Savannah, 16 i Mobile 12 New Orleans 8 | Natchez 12 St. Louis 7 Nashville 15 Louisville 19 Lexington 15 Cincinnati 22 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo 20 Utica 21 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 20 | Chilficothe 29 26 jFund for extin- Due to Bank Due to State Redemption 1 Deposites of Deposites of Deposites of 1 guishing cost United States banks. of public debt Treasurer Unit public officers. individuals. I of banking ed States. and offices. 1 houses. 611,292 05 • - J1 1 - 1 I - 1 1 • 1 1 | - I 1 J • I 1I 1 1 -- — - ~ "" — - • I I I I 1 1 — _ - - I - - 1 - 3,462,509 37 389,908 49 129,506 64 854,567 59 213,492 68 95,774 54 2,750,337 74 2,216,069 79 102,092 43 445,481 44 ! 3,543 85 206,507 64 803,642 02 47,207 64 569,263 86 ! 5,158,862 48 2,854,501 08 1,318,677 42 1,176,847 50 < 2,611,510 09 451,454 50 1,694,764 03 286,019 34 847,558 77 554,569 55 528,686 03 2,644,009 36 247,293 48 611,292 05 . 32,664,669 25 562,854 95 2,476,072 63 673,684 95 31,325 38 28,397 70 ' 4,209 34 — 103,721 42 981,178 56 17,16$ 45 4,210 75 414 64 3,179 66 - ' 407,010 25 1,738,899 $9 3,188,691 59 139,200 41 59,735 23 65,581 82 95,968 50 i 72,321 88 34,847 61 84,320 37 77,710 77 39,455 11 19,138 04 156,844 92 107,123 15 4,580 60 12,554 02 • 2,338 12 124,151 93 578,636 64 367,139 17 • 10,078 51 45,515 49 14,277 24 63,301 94 33,095 04 45,150 09 , 75,913 31 105,137 35 i 123 00 1,797 51 97,811 95 258,478 26 : '189,756 15 50,743 21 : 33,495 09 12,523 16 514 63 41 51 8,093 85 1,401 50 • 158,842 26 1,434,613 87 42,835 93 31,892 15 100,466 44 15,067 76 256,452 18 180,069 33 31,962 72 46,459 42 39,102 33 23,525 75 193,079 78 1,178,529 65 85,535 74 495,313 38 434,658 00 366,559 65 50,784 23 243,798 54 64,842 12 290,496 91 32,402 65 46,807 16 44,201 17 606,289 75 12,355 25 67,678 71 47,906 91 72,921 07 65,852 61 727,932 84 19,207 16 108,950 19 55,621 97 232,713 75 20,359 21 167,561 70 1,920 21 273,053 74 22,875 69 195,556 44 42,808 38 359,611 73 8,387 05 285,367 84 22,739 19 1 58,622 42 13,988 05 63,640 80 36,704 23 21,369 79 f - *. — « 2^733,341 07 4,314,972 13 6,361,801 20 . s? f CO 67 28 1,905,891 45 . 7,593,471 62 CO [ Doc. No. 523, J 138 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes if the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Proridence Hartford New York . Baltimore Washington Bichmond Norfolk Fayetterille Chkrfentoii 8arannah + #132,590 00 38,130 00 43,010 00 261,100 00 11,080 00 3,130 00 36,095 00 25,105 00 76,085 00 261,835 00 140,370 00 138,775 00 180,210 00 118,165 00 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St Louis Nashrille Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington #305,135 00 676,640 00 • ; 576,730 00 1 86,155 00 113,790 00 26,875 00 29,985 00 , 193,510 00 65,630 00 97,615 00 146,810 00 68,445 00 -{ 1 . 3,853,000 00 At Bank United mates. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgagee . . . . . . . Pot by the United States - . 02,772,620 79 57,916 36 5,267 3S At Office, Norfolk. Nary Agent - - #40,144 17 Statement of the actual circulation of the notes qf the Bank United States and offices. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - - . #43,670,004 18 #82,584788 78 3,853,000 00 1 26,439,788 78 Actual circulation #17,230,215 40 Digitized by KECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 41,211,739 94 Bills discounted on bank stock 673,689 42 Bills discounted on other stocks ., 3,038,688 71 Domestic bills of exchange . . . Foreign bills of exchange .._,.' Due from Bank United States and offices DuefromState banks * 44,924,118 07 16,647,507 59 35,682,897 49 4,522,388 09 Due from United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co/, Hottinguer&Co. - Real estate - . - • Deficiencies Banking houses • Expenses . . . Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 22,586,788 78 notes of State banks • - 2,295,744 47 specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 61,571,625 66 87,112 40 40,205,285 58 5,267 32 2,77^,620 79 1,826,820 35 123,044 18 1,174,380 02 256,096 85 24,882,533 7,860,073 57,916 40,144 25 65 26 17 Capital stock Notes issued • . Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign exchange account Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss * Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund • 35,000,000 00 43,670,004 18 1,812,489 16 13,465 04 82,784 34 2,334,376 04 5,614*349 96 3,453,391 45 Due to Bank U. States and offices 32,664,669 25 Due to State banks 2,733,341 07 Redempilion of public debt Fund foi for extinguishing opst of banking houses Deposited on account of Trea surer United States Less overdrafts and special deposites Deposites of public officers Deposites of individuals 2,068,958 51 p — 35,398,010 32 4,214,972 13 © « 611,293 05 6,361,801 20 204,595 56 6,157,205 64 1,905,891 45 7,593,471 62 15,656,568 71 140,862,920 48 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 140,862,920 46 December 1,1832. S. JAUDON, GaM*. 2 OENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank qf the United States,' and its Offices qf Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discount Domestic bills of Foreign bills on personal se- on bank stock. ed on other exchange. of exchange. 1 cunty. stocks. 1 1833, Jan. 1 Bank United States - 3,482,159 76 83,392 10 114,935 00 1,558,253 13 1,381,598 38 1833, Dec. 24 Office, Portland 379,229 03 j 132,173 55 \ Portsmouth • 24 182,968 07 114,500 49 Boston 27 1,273,237 02 48,668 05 362,412 611 1,179,258 59 1 | Providence 7T 564,781 06 468,548 42 _. • Hartford 24 455,970 32 52,160 65 5,900 00 13,000 00 New York - 4,490,577 65 j 25 51,500 00 534,078 48 1,094,531 29 Baltimore - 1,709,746 43 ! 24 176,203 09 144,454 24 Washington - 1,271,900 25*, 22 146,810 87 12,411 15 32,205 00 Richmond - 1,141,395 13 18 204,661 32 13,000 00 -. Norfolk 22 781,827 00 j 300,290 30 34,385 00 1 Fayettevflle24 732,124 06 1 322,172 15 1 11,900 00 Charleston - 3,757,605 53 18 764,630 26 230,091 58 73,102 00 Savannah 18 715,242 41 364,303 72 41,290 00 •» Mobile 14 1,378,00? 15 520,446 28 • New Orleans 4,708,308 52 10 1,984,504 80 13,000 00 _ 1,462.958 86 Natchez 6 2,484,443 05 538,861 24 St. Louis 10 74,620 48 27,500 00 » 12 Nashville - 1,767,179 17 1,787,466 00 _ Louisville - 2,165,65$ 49 13 1,969,411 48 4,166 80 Lexington. - . 916,230 40 17 845,426 54 • Cincinnati - 2,830,821 92 20 542,332 89 ; 3,000 00 • 1,100 00 Pittsburgh - 1,151,992 75 20 . 530,486 42 | _ -. Buffalo 20 512,186 10 219,640 62 ! ' 6,000 00 205,000 00 ~ ■» Utica 26 522,302 18 167,535 71 _ j Burlington • 19 407,300 96 1 ' 240,885 88 ~ » 21 Agency, Cincinnati - 1,640,855 17 i -. . Chillicothe November 30 144,097 65 ~ - dk 40,085,517 28 | I ~ ' ^ ^ I » i n 687,345 02 2,854,008 02 118,069,043 25 i , i .it 83,392 10 Real estate. Due from Bank i of the U. States ' and offices. 78,744 54 17,901,588 60 77,567 53 6,381 52 191,268 38 816,251 31 33,859 31 29,915 25 57,442 92 3,897,606 63 533,875 43 367,931 4? 177,676 83 746,264 78 64,854 85 48,940 00 178,916 51 21,016 29 830,072 30 34,208 65 712,876 29 201,786 81 2,419,585 77 2,869 97 — 1,030,692 58 • 51,436 04 294,139 24 73,183 33 244,893 83 220,644 19 209,229 38 1,331,179 57 — 81,217 16 184,408 37 198,580 09 1 185,892 37 3,114 74 923,584 68 j 17,176 50 77,575 07 1,855,169 75 I 32,703,279 24 • 9 f to 09 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■ ^ "-^ Due from Losses charge Deficiencies. State banks. able to contin 1 gent fun4* 1833, Jan. 1 1832, Dec. 24 24 27 2f 24 25 24 22 18 22 ' 24 18 18 14 10 6 10 12 13 17 20 20 20 26 19 21 November 30 Bank United SUtes - 1,077,485 Office, Portland 32,706 Portsmouth, r 2,782 Bpston 151,887 Providence 23,439 Hartford 21,923 686,528 New York 95,978 Baltimore Washington • j 42,675 Richmond 123,106 Norfolk .9,611 Fayetteville "" 122,228 Charleston 80,434 Savannah, Mobile , 57,416 New Orleans 741,468 Natchez : 145,011 ■ St. Louis - | Nashville 6,615 ; Louisville , 6,971 . Lexington Cincinnati 107,815 Pittsburgh Buffalo 58,366 Utica 55,388 Burlington 32,684 Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe 5,617 — 06 328,092 53 91 7,020 83 50 84,781 81 17,237 78. 03 12,366 38 976 00 99 925 65 14 15,587 03 } 41 61,050 13 ! 55] 1,662,502 06 34,075 65. 57 212,035 76 44 69,376 83 39,14$ 46 71 102 96 242,253 77 86,010 56 66 148,693 26 74 150,201 82 21 456 52 47 49,209 98 1 ' 29 ■ 63 65 54 54 1 23 04 - 405 28 174,635 16 199,264 95 - 82,991 82 - - —. - 26 18,644 73 3,688,143 57 3,575,821 97 - 226 00 ' - 395 40 - 300 00 _ - 1123,147 14 Banking houses, Expenses. Treasurer U. States. Notes of Bank U. States and offices. * 413,081 19 , - 116,777 02 - 87,000 110,607 34,613 36,024 35,109 ^3,385 67,727 48,885 24,096 48,000 . 18,597 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 92 00 74 - 15,000 00 58,570 92 - 23,519 84 21,272 48 17,203 70 _ 11,550 00 1,181,071 77 85,956 32 192 46 - < 5,013 168 6,304 8,354 111 83 62 221 192 5,771 98 - 79 136 713 732 400 587 32 17 03 23 81 41 50 24 39 65 06 41,496 53 _ . _ -' - 24 13 64 47 08 38 - 4,842 99 2,111 29 122,182 76 729 76 - 49 95 • -. 170,000 00 4>369 51 ;' . 216,595 80 2,638,147 39 74,950 QO 146,360 00 $39,670 00 346,365 00 120,130 00 1,360,485 00 597,525 00 322,975 00 404,670 00 515.900 00 377,320 00 647,605 00 1,205,155 00 . 481,245 00 3,458,050 00 1,347,390 00 777,225 00 2,432,630 00 964,050 00 1,552,690 00 471,910 00 369,625 00 519,610 00 267,455 00 198,465 00 22,137,602 39 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 10 Notes of State banks. 1833, Jan. 1 Bank United States 1832, Dec. 24 Office, Portland Portsmouth 24 Boston 27 Providence 37 Hartford 24 New York 35 Baltimore 34 Washington 33 Richmond 18 Norfolk 33 Fayetteville 34 Charleston 18 Savannah 18 Mobile 14 New Orleans 10 Natchez 6 St. Louis 10 Nashville 13 Louisville 13 Lexington 17 1 Cincinnati 30 Pittsburgh 20 ! Buffalo 30 Utica 36 Burlington 19 . 31 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe November 30 in. »■.,,„ ■■Ill — * — m l , • - f - | - 1 . . ■ 533,013 17,331 67,507 54,336 8,854 12,249 530,914 70,187 43,530 60,863 10,820 37,098 91,430 £7,600 32,177 155,345 11,309 34 00 00 00 13 00 59 90 55 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 - 39,974 71 11,198 00 Capital stock. Notes issued. Specie. 2,128,110 54,476 46,979 500,260 102,558 25,550 991,386 527,000 132,331 217,563 110,605 103,527 233,869 427,370 162,914 1,334,897 75,095 243,807 205,988 335,142 242,740 187,749 100,209 152,779 140,717 168,216 34 12 25 89 80 00 88 1 00 55 49 95 96 21 11 J 08 1 33 40 29 23 20 84 63 52 40 11 02 J 74,363 J 332,955 97,681 46,433 25,685 I 1 — - 2,291,655 04 8,951,847 60 00 00 00 08 00 4,172,243 212,360 300,000 272,610 1,500,000 767,690 800,000 ! 459,525 300,000 329,023 2,500,000 1,666,367 1,500,000 1,035,877 500,000 1,034,967 1,000,000 1,111,340 500,000 1,331,330 500,000 1,359,230 1,500,000 1,733,500 1,000,000 3,454,380 3,047,101 1,000,000 7,614,395 3,197,835 ' 832,610 3,733,400 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,422,560 2,475,840 1,000,000 1,700,000 1,584,685 1,304,255 700,000 1,045,705 '746,585 514,030 -. 1,830 — 115 - - 16,450,000 - 35,000,000 18 00 00 ! 00 1 00 1 50 j 50 50 50 00 | 00 1 00 i 00 00 00 00 00 j 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43,341,169 18 Discount, ex change, and interest. 219/, 825 1,727 1,010 12,647 4,335 1,754 31,044 6,386 4,653 2,899 4,820 3,952 7,446 3,396 5,787 8,861 2,354 1,612 7.504 7,459 3,897 10,533 4,785 2,166 2,931 1,467 1,199 71 13 50 09 59 22 91 73 18 84 49 76 76 56 | 10 01 ' 97 22 77 29 56 00 97 35 61 16 58 366,462 06 Dividends | Profit & loss. unclaimed. 19,935 35 717 679 1,274 458 16,493 4,696 4,789 6,599 2,359 1,019 16,582 1,358 00 2,233,926 04 00 50 00 00 50 11 25 43 50 1 00 50 00 00 105 25 168 00 20130 59 50 76,529 84 | 2,333,926 04 GENEEAL STATEMENT—Continued. -T—~ j . . . . I . . <f< , » ■ II II m »fc I I . »■■! — FundforexContingent l tinguithing 'Due to Bank i Due to State Redemp Depositesonaction of pub count of Trea banks. States fund. costofbank- United lic debt. surer U. States. 1 ing houses. and offices. 1833. Jan. 1 Bank United States 5,614,349 96 611,292 05 1,156,621 48 ' 431,665 98 1833.Dec.24 Office, Portland Portsmouth 24 146,279 79 Boston 27 1,157,835 06 Providence 27 193,563 71 Hartford 24 114,457 72 New York 25 2,909,937 16 Baltimore 24 2,447,896 58 1 Washington 32 151,312 15 JL Richmond 18 668,091 49 Norfolk 22 70,827 10 Fayetteville 24 102,283 42 Charleston 18 813,782 82 Savannah' 18 i 152,042 St Mobile 14 566,433 20 New Orleans 10 4,882,717 91 Natche? 6 3,141,517 13 St. Louis 10 1,196,327 23 Nashville 12 1,653,326 01 Louisville 13 2,773,426 37 Lexington 17 442,816 58 Cincinnati 20 1,751,804 88 Pittsburgh 20 272,371 08 Buffalo 20 827,445 14 Utica 26 557,224 18 Burlington 19 512,930 02 21 Agency, Cincinnati 2,583,429 76 ChilUcothe Novem. 30 247,863 72 Deposites on Deposites on account of account of public offi individuals. cers. 493,778 69 4,664,433 80 458,728 85 213,481 17 1,266,631 65 63,572 66 27,881 99 27,143 50 12,161 17 103.825 76 16,570 89 3,244 34 23*182 90 664,641 53 213,618 04 154,200 33 127,768 73 26,832 75 39.810 75 16,014 37 9*002 14 7,603 62 2,759 66 ! 26,376 93 26,741 90 653 26 176,609 94 1,608,910 87 1,523,532 7$ I 267,096 07 1,090,780 07 82,742 39 419,617 94 3,002 39 69.811 57 93,342 51 83,871 04 ; 287,772 90 231,630 98 216.826 68 339,073 81 42,193 38 215,736 87 32,422 19 53,604 98 290,311 59 111,790 31 43,975 36 33,490 49 14,940 73 50,570 86 469,231 99 29,786,68 138,413 05 9,267 97 765,283 88 157,191 29 10,511 97 104,102 41 23.878 99 24,009 83 1,475 10 35,892 90 . 77,934 25 89,109 81 71,500 32 853,257 63 401,679 71 10,624 69 121,117 16 90.879 91 98,831 65 4,347 72 175,374 86 217,903 21 250,999 72 17,631 35 21,793 28 21,891 77 133,853 04 39,391 43 89,539 50 1,887 75 398,930 31 43,964 68 2,146 65 1,874 80 16,527 55 243,199 79 208,838 73 43,624 62 296,216 43 74,198 77 137,119 95 9,470 34 283,358 16 27,639 12 14,398 44 53,505 68 16,887 89 34 45 13,20115 12 07 66,333 50 11,600 72 1,166 05 28,090 88 I 18,616 80 67 38 6,614,349 96 611,292 05 31,926,230 34 b,091,891 49 £733,703 16 4,397,409 15 1,84*027 34^,518,677 26 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 144 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and office*, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah #60,775 00 41,665 00 34,735 00 18,880 00 6,130 00 3,725 00 120,025 00 68,505 00 37,355 00 113,520 00 58,055 00 199,360 00 85,931 00 61,130 00 ! Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington -' #331,485 00 1,034,735 00 358,305 00 97,175 00 128,515 00 57,465 00 189,970 00 ; 304,875 00 107,435 00 114,845 00 14,680 00 72,715 00 #3,743,995 00 At Bank United States. Barings Brothers, & Co. Hope & Co. and Hottinguer & Co. Foreign exchange account . . . . . Bonds and mortgages * Due by the United States . • #3,106,833 33 13,680 99 57,919 26 5,267 32 At Office, Norfolk. #40,144 17 Navy Agent Statement qfthe actual circulation ofthe notes of the Bank of the United States and its offices. Notes issued . Notes on hand Notes in transitu . - - Actual circulation - - . . #43,341,16918 22,137,602 393,743,995 00 -—~ 25,381,597 39 . . . Digitized by #17,459,571 79 Google RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 40,085,517 28 Do. do. bank stock - ' 687,345 03 Bo. do. other stocks - 2,854;008 02 43,626,870 32 18,069,043 25 ^Domestic bills of exchange <o 61,695,913 57 83,392 10 Foreign bills of exchange - . 32,703,279 24 Due from Bank United States and offices 3,688,143 57 State banks . - " -* 36,391,422 81 # 5,267 32 United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer 3,106,833 33 & Co. 1,855,169 75 Real estate 13,680 99 Foreign exchange account 123,147 14 Deficiencies 1,181,071 77 Banking houses' -* 122,182 76 Expenses - 39 Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 22,137,602 State banks - . -' ' - 2,291,655 04 24,429,257 43 Specie 8,951,847 60 Mortgages 57,919 26 Navy agent, Norfolk . 40,144 17 Capital stock Notes issued - Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 35,000,000 00 43,341,169 18 366,462 06 76,529 84 2,333,926 04 5,614*349 96 3,575,821 97 Due to Bank U. States and offices 31,926,230 24 State banks . - 2,091,891 49 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing the' cost of banking houses De'posites— On account of the Treasurer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposites On account of public officers On account of individuals - 2,038,527 99 34,018,121 73 6,723,703 16 611,292 05 o 4,397,409 15 • ot to 216,595 80 00 4,180,813 35 1,848,027 34 7,518,677'26 13,547,517 95 138,057,250 00 BAJTK OF THE UNITED STATES, O 1S8,057,250 00 January 2, 163$. S.JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. > ' ■ 1 Bills discounted Bills discount-]Bills discount Domestic bills of on personal se ed on bank] ed on other exchange. curity. stock. stocks* f « * o o * FT , 18331 i January 31 _ Bank United States 3,503,282 24 ' 122,733 28 Office, Fonland 1 375,947 70 . 21 Portsmouth 169,814 21 1 24 Boston 1,045,101 99 11,568 24 Providence 549,116 64 58 I Hartford 442,713 24 5,900 30 New York 4,614,045 54 29,600 28 ! Baltimore 1,667,910 58 114600 26 i Wasliington 1,269,209 45 13,411 22 [ Richmond 1,156,053 18 13,000 19 Norfolk 781,868 55 30,860 21 Fayetteville "755,428 49 11,900 22Charleston 2,525,648 84 229,209 22 Savannah 631,172 51 11 ! Mobile 1,396,954 57 14 j New Orleans • 4,710,457 94 13,000 3 [ Natchez 1,464,708 20 St. Louis 533,212 69 7 9 Nashville 1,660,893 26 -. 17 Louisville 2,127,597 44 14 Lexington 851,081 03 Cincinnati 2,752,851 59 1,100 1? 24 Pittsburgh 1,144,715 94 -. 17 Buffalo 1 504,341 78 1 6,000 1 * H2 Utica 488,715 63 Burlington 401,865 84 23 19 Agency, Cincinnati • - ! 1,640,855 17 *. Chillicothe • 143,616 39 20 1 t 39,309,180 63 602,884 ■ ■ ■ ■ " — i «M"*MMMMM«M*MMMM 00 1,572,394 42 • - 30 25,100 00 _ 11,500 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 65 • — 32,205 00 - 1 f 111,132 00 41.290 00 1 - 00 [ 24,000 00 1 f - — «. •. _ 00 00 205,000 00 •P ! «. '-'. I 1,407,056 146,553 116,810 1,227,990 456,516 39,163 1,096,292 223,208 91,387 232,890 333,242 322,172 1,306*387 629,500 756,211 2,889,350 2,282,597 84,390 2,049,612 1,901,655 812,397 621,846 465,432 202,300 . 163,255 228,566 — - 47 34 26 31 54 43 31 92 77 65 04 31 20 88 98 03 68 05 02 17 97 88 88 82 71 20 Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. 1 83,392 10 1 1 ~ ~ j 1 _ - I - 11 1 I [ | j - - - - I I 1 I I * ~ —• i' 1 I I I 1 "■* — . — _* -•— 1 mr 1 ** 1j 10 2,022,621 42 19,986,789 82 j ' 1 |m to [ 1 I I i i ii Due from Bank United States and offices. 78,744 54 20,237,230 i 29,505 170,562 6,381 52 477,194 • 66,742 118,815 29,915 25 1,850,951 366,067 568,232 177,645 03 676,774 64,854 85 103,162 48,940 00 933,804 21,651 13 353,482 648,821 ~ 125,437 1,027,882 887 1,098,606 167,005 S6$S76 04 73,183 33 366,278 535,773 220*644 19 373,922 232,436 80,992 16 259,601 149,436 45,623 *. 17,176 923^584 68 5,817 77,575 07 93 08 11 10 98 40 73 41 00 17 13 34 24 52 45 0734 07 89 45 52 99 58* 51 86 ICt 50 26 83,392 10 "1^860,687 79 ~3l]o07,231 79 S? f GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. " ° * " 1- ' o o eg FT 1 Due from i 8tate banks. 1833. 1 January 31 Bank United States 28 1 Office, Portland • 21; Portsmouth 24 Boston 24 Providence 28 ! Hartford * 20 New York 28 1\ Baltimore 26 1I Washington 22 j I Richmond 19 i Norfolk 21 t Fayetteville 22 j I Charleston , 22 Savannah 11! Mobile 14 New Orleans 3 Natchez 7 St. Louis Nashville »! 17 Louisville 14 1 Lexington 17! Cincinnati 24 Pittsburgh 17 Buffalo Utica 23 Burlington 19] Agency, Cincinnati 20 1 Chillicothe P< 1 I Losses chargea Deficiencies. Banking houses. ble to contin gent fund, j ^ ] 686,934 69 327,356 53 48,464 60 7,020 83 • 882 50 84,781 81 " 22,48163 29,026 60 ■ 1 8,017 76 925 65 | 976 00 j 1 16,575 08 15,796 75 ~ 697,031 361 61,050 13 - ' 88,117 981 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 i 85,207 43 ! 212,035 76 ! -• |i 58,257 67 39,148 46 69,376 83 I 8,911 69 242,253 77 i 107 49 410 78 86,060 56 2,300 00 148,693 26. « 51,913 55 | 150,201 82 81,090 97 456 52 409,725 34 49,209 98 _ 202,362 69 ~ — — 10,547 88 405 28 241 00 12,628 41 174,635 16 ~ 199,264 95 \ _ 76,401 15 1 395 40 7,314 31 82,991 82 45,787 15 1 ~ 300 00 24,964 34 ~ 32,224 05 _ ~ ! 18,644 73 - J J | J ( I 1 | I I 1 * 1 * I 1 1 | 1 [ I I I ] I J "* - i *m l ■■ 1 !■■ ■'! 1 '» "' |H» ■ ■ ■ — ■ - — ■ ■ ■ Treasurer U. States- 413,081 19 - • 1 116,777 02 1 . ! 1 87,000 00 1 110,657 34 1 34,613 10 | 61,231 19 36,024 07 35,109 65 1 21,540 80 13,385 02 67,727 78 48,885 00 24,096 92 48,000 00 | -> 18,597 74 15,000 00 38,570 92 -. » 23,519 84 170,000 00 21,272 48 2^194 36 17,203 70 « 11,550 00 • 4,842 99 - 1 - 1 _ j 2,678,553 01 >3,592]o05Tl" 105,928 89 .—i*J Expenses. 1 . . 1,181,071 77 259,809 34 I 13,491 545 — —. 602 — 8,554 1,863 9,258 9,741 839 262 1,567 1,507 1,277 9,678 1,213 .300 1,189 1,622 983 1,870 1,511 770 1,206 478 Notes of Bank United States and offices. _* .. 1,013,895 110,050 139,000 645,110 353,455 79,160 1,146,865 : 721,395 200,155 336,235 447,485 37,758 463,865 1,042,290 790,715 2,790,255 1,265,790 677,885 2,061,595 773,655 1,259,550 280,425 617,555 494,545 373,610 146,200 97 01 ' 66 24 23 78 52 91 94 52 09 96 19 10 40 00 46 12 71 42 54 57 05 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o o to CO 2,111 29 _ « _ 72,447 68 _ 19,268,498 50 1^ GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. mm*p > ■■■ ■ •****< 00 Mm — — i — « [Notes of State] 1 banks. { Specie. [Capital stock. Notes issued. 1833. -444,581 83 2,190,495 62 Jan. 31 [ Bank United States 38 Office, Portland 8,008 00 1 57,410 12 1 21 I Portsmouth 23,134 17 f 49,984 46 24 Boston 102,976 00 313,291 45 24 Providence 2,176 60 64,508 95 Hartford 12,270 00 25,550 00 28 30 New York 1 500,179 60 1,159,109 35 28 1 Baltimore 1 52,325 36 590,000 00 26 [ Washington ! 20,178 50 122,819 60 22 i Richmond ' 53,814 55 217,960 ?3 1 19 ! Norfolk \ 6,830 00 105,552 38 21 i Fayetteville . i I 11,494 00 94,986 63 22 Charleston - 1 145,467 00 213,476 88 22 Savannah 98,000 00 1 409,537 43 Mobile 49,814 00 i 160,501 59 I1 • 14 New Orleans • 192,595 00 1,409,061 80! Natchez 68,248 41 j 71,568 54 j 3 . St. Louis' ^~ M 1 256,284 57 Nashville 16,960 66 202,589 21 9 17 LouiBville 11,27800, 335,119 45 14Lexington 237,723 20 17 Cincinnati - 1 44,648 00 i 176,552 66 24 Pittsburgh 338,050 00 i 106,920 15 17 Buffalo 88,138 00! 157,214 87 22] Utica 61,961 72 1 142,480 99 23 Burlington 29,997 00! 175,351 27 :i9 Agency, Cincinnati •1 j 20 ChiUicothe ""* 2,383,126 40 9,046,051 40 mm «'!!■» ■■ ■■■ 16,450,000 2,270,206 90 231,650 00 270,710 00 300,000 763,390 00 1,500,000 458,515 00 800,000 322,312 50 300,000 1,616,547 50 2,500,000 1,500,000 1 1,032,302 50 500,000 1 1,002,297 50 1,106,090 00 1,000,000 1,221,175 00 500,000 1,348,290 00 500,000 1,733,500 00 1,500,000 1,000,000 1 2,450,965 00 2,246,981 60 _ 7,514,345 00 1,000,000 2,197,825 00 832,610 00 — 3,708,875 00 1,000,000 1,360,135 00 1,250,000 2,475,840 00 j 1,000,000 1,575,210 00 1,700,000 1,296,735 00 70Q,000 1,044*725 00 743,140 00 \ 513,610 00 1,830 00 -"* • - 35,000,000 " 41,339,812 90 Contingent fund. Discount, ex- Dividends Profit & loss. 1 change, and unclaimed. interest. 29,010 4*204 1,621 26,243 8,107 4,318 70,038 16,438 11,440 10,617 10,008 9,041 30,508 11,146 17,832 70,252 12,517 5,348 26,035 27,043 10,266 26,948 13,649 5,446 5,167 5,020 1,199 200 55 72,096 50 2,755,676 01 11 1,305 50 78 60200 74 12,372 50 77 3,395 00 65 1,739 50 | 42 40,408 61 36 1 23,967 25 58 1 5,338 43 10 18,496 00 1 47 9,320 60 1 04 1,779 001 34 68,662 00 ] I 99 6,18100 57 j 26 8425 81 60 168 00 28 45 [ 20103 80 59 501 48 64 17 77 61 . 58 00 469,674 92 266,176 84 2,755,676 01 5,619,003 09 © ¥ to CO 5,619,003 09 mm***-**-——********* GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. —1 m ii ii ii Mm*mm+mm^mmmmmmmmm 183£ January 31 Bank United States 28 1 Office, Portland 21 Portsmouth 24 Boston 1 24 Providence 28 Hartford 30 New York 28 Baltimore 26 Washington 22 Richmond 19 Norfolk 21 Fayettevflle 22 Charleston 22 Savannah 11 Mobile 14 New Orleans 3 Natchez St. Louis 7 9 Nashville Louisville ir 14 ' Lexington Cincinnati ir f 24 | Pittsburgh ir 1 Buffalo 22 Utica 23 1 Burlington 19 Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe n i 671,292 05 ! 1,872,518 87 ' ** • \ 461,897 26 j 114,405 40 ! 987,356 22 1 159,929 91 1 95,245 66 2,783,752 64 : 2,391,634 53 i 194,337 94 1 513,979 57 I 51,26$ 53 63,110 16 562,937 76 147,986 49 755,700 30 4,448,733 03 2,874,651 04 1,235,542 20 1,281,078 06 2,721,754 43 I ** 356,648 45 1 541,872 77 592,504 40 821,504 88 \1 567,228 66 494,872 88 -j 2,583,429 76 247,497 46 - ! ■ " 1 671,292 05 MMMMMMMMMMHW ii n P HI MtaaMMMMMM Fund for ex I Redemption Deposites on ac- Deposites on ac- Deposite9 on actinguishing Due to Bank U. Dae to State 1 of public 1 count of Trea=f count of pub- , count of indivi cost of bank* I States and of 1 banks. duals. lic officers. surer U. S. debt. fices* tng houses. 548,146 6,701 5,098 150,520 8,463 2,199 175,985 167,228 71,209 _ 54,643 264,091 480,640 11,300 52,347 167,381 8,263 17,401 18,213 107,051 2,760 98,080 148,489 29,426 4,669 12,777 - 49 2,774,205 39 37 03 51,389 86 45 61 8,328 70 90 35 1,819,529 95 25,781 32 99 05 408,246 60 $6 21 53 34 63 39 68 86 J 77 52 62 88 55 40 98 77 [ - r 75,593 58 - - - _ " ■ - — - • ~ - 29,833,374 26 2,613,094 33 5,163,075 40 ; 610,860 87 43 50 f 180 56 146,159 62 6,458 50 1,442 53 773,439 43 36,677 43 257,294 49 18,407 46 24,008 46 28,648 61 15,786 84 173,469 72 337,055 89 97,697 75 135,428 82 12,587 87 31,713* 68 : 1,574 80 ] 216,078 86 j 68,234 52 747 80 | 219 07 1 1,147 60 125,539 55,708 39,185 192,178 23,534 22*037 247,804 58,250 181,363 50,745 64,970 28,321 3,957 21,719 45,929 55,443 11,961 205,390 40,482 7,523 14,614 54,606 12,000 15,724 16,613 26,461 54 08 34 81 83 75 69 30 97 , 94 08 j 50 58 97 98 43 15 17 18 96 00 74 20 17 L 03 38 - - 2,995,364 68 1,622,068 77 1,378,494 21,994 29,547 187,006 34,634 , 39,733 1,223,172 380,442 356,061 245,795 295,466 50,672 984,508 88,033 94,295 955,920 173,057 242,789 155,343 310,800 255,653 310,736 269,773 63,628 68,593 17,965 67 26 86 93 20 16 96 67 85 20 11 04 83 97 17 76 10 27 13 08 45 81 49 79 95 31 33 28 8,234,188 96 o o f to CO [ Doc. No. 523. ] 150 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of Bank United States and offices, in transitu. ■ Bank United States Office, Portland • Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah - j1 1 ! 1 i j 1 318,250 00 505 00 29,640 00 53,135 00 24,455 00 42,905 00 71,495 00 30,065 00 88,775 00 165,970 00 158,485 00 204,105 00 107,475 00 310,875 00 ' <■■' ■ ' ■ ■■ < . Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Buffalo l£tica Burlington Pittsburgh 122,265 00 825,710 00 173,810 00 101,700 00 ' 354,785 00 106,365 00 348,525 00 247,080 00 219,120 00 14,165 00 147,860 00 56,350 00 #4,403,870 00 | At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Foreign exchange account Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States - - $3,017,702 38 1,488 53 57,919.26 5,267 32 Statement qf the actual circulation qf the notes qf Bank U. S. and offices. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - - - - - - - - Notes in actual circulation . - - . - $41,339,812 90 - 19,268,498 50 - 4,403,870 00 : 23,672,368 50 . . « 17,666,44*40 At Office, Norfolk. - Navy Agent Digitized by $40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 39,309,180 63 Do. do. bank stock 602,884 10 Do. do. other stocks - 2,022,621 42 41,934,686 15 19,986,789 82 Domestic Vills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange ~ Due worn Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - 61,921,475 97 83,392 10 31,007,231 79 2,678,553 01 Due from United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Real estate Foreign exchange aeeount Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, riz. notes of the Bank U. States and offices 19,268,498 50 notes of State banks . . . 2,383,126 40 specie - Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Foreign exchange account - Capital stock —• Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund . - 35,000,000 41,339,812 469,674 266,176 2,755,676 00 90 92 84 01 5,619,003 09 3,592,005 91 2,026,997 18 33,685,784 80 . 5,267 32 3,017,702 1,860,687 105,928 1,181,071 72,447 21,651,624 9,046,051 57,919 40,144 1,488 38 79 89 77 68 90 40 26 17 53 Due to Bank U. S. and offices - 29,833,374 26 Due to State banks 2,613,094 33 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States Less overdrafts and special depo sites . . . 32,446,468 59 5,163,075 40 671,292 05 2,995,S64 68 f to cc 259,809 34 2,735,555 34 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individu als - o 1,622,068 77 8,-234,188 96 12,591,813 07 o o FT 132,730,986 96 BANK OF THS UNITED STATES, 132,730,986 96 February 2,1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier, en GENERAL STATEMENT lxil .- ■ i ii ii i i of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Real estote. [Due from Bank Due from Bills discounted {Bills discount- Bills discount- Domestic bills Foreign 1 United States| State banks. [ on personal se» 1 ed on bank ed on otheij of exchange. bills of ex* 1 stock. security. change. 1 and offices* 1 curity. 1833. Feb. 28 Bank United States 25 Office, Portland 18 1 Portsmouth 21 [ Boston 21 Providence - 55 Hartford 27 New York 25 Baltimore 23 Washington 19 Richmond 16 Norfolk 18 I Fayetteville 19 Charleston 19 Savannah 8 Mobile „ 11 • New Orleans 7 Natchez 4 j 8t. Louis 6 Nashville 14 Louisville 11 Lexington 14 Cincinnati Pittsburgh - 21 : 21 Buffalo 19 Utica 20 Burlington Jan. 19 Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chifficothe « 3,442,629 11 274,360 00 373,326 25 I 1,000 00 150,668 70 4,718 30 1,121,211 59 547,864 56 I 435,728 63 I 20,900 00 29,000 00 4,782,398 38 1,572,998 19 115,400 00 13,411 15 1,162,034 66 13,000 00 1,133,518 27 626,361 52 1 32,088 81 11,900 00 789,921 02 2,274,253 62 292,739 65 646,233 17 I 1 1,130,207 27 -1 '< 4,721,686 44I 13,000 00 - i 1,565,129 89 516,929 33 f ~ 1,583,993 78 1 2,125,764 88 -1 810,824 77 1 " " 1,100 00 ■ 2,672,521 29 1,051,909 62 6,000 00 482,895 43 475,859 47 1 ~ 361,659 19 1,640,855 17 1 143,616 39 1 38,343,000 59 828,617 91 - J 1 - 11,500 00 _ 49,290 144,989 1,000 143,318 1 [ 148,770 41,290 00 70 00 52 53 00 _ 95,625 22 ~* ■ 1,336,713 115,628 136,681 1,335,033 440,574 47,173 994,076 226,126 120,974 189,595 377,816 354,230 1,268,066 760,223 1,270,554 4,018,475 2,187,115 71,345 2,174,665 1,700,229 705,409 640,524 447,908 166,043 157,096 272,503 1,680,971 16 6,000 00 42,450 00 - 17,500 00 -* 4,166 80 - 69,933 72 88,907 64 *205,000 00 - 4,100 00 - "* 1 — - 1 12 81,578 89 1 78,744 54 20,402,261 74 93 . 38,750 73 61 . 6,381 52 f 112,668 30 03 1 - 442,715 53 ; 46 I 53,561 45 92 1 61,398 21 ; 29,915 25 59 2,639,803 84 1 73 1 284,267 94 I «. 40 1 177,645 03 I 307,425 91 45 64,854 85 1 712,723 39 ! 40 48,940 00 201,917 14 | 98 20,151 13 420,442 92 1 i 24 795,680 82 I 05 661,115 44 . 39,830 84 59 99 915,257 87 21 356,598 05 """ 70 | 1,052,550 49 _ 56,576 04 220,481 15 66 | „ 38 68,832 01 662,865 65 31' 220,644 19 674,258 03 _' 20 309,023 26 _ 41 80,992 16 190,192 45 '93 214,603 17 «. 207,580 81 52 * 29,145 98 18 j _ | 923,584 68 17,176 50 .. 77,575 07 5,817 26 - 2,754,813 29 21,514,786 99 ■ _ 645,723 16 70,420 67 2,750 00 164,687 95 18,474 34 11,586 19 499,747 23 71,482 33 56,510 77 115,554 59 18,270 33 14,329 95 2,300 00 43,487 03* 38,807 69 251,654 01 228,119 67 9,123 68 10,735 06 51,712 7,710 44,064 77,009 23,670 32 14 41 74 59 - 81,578 89 1,854,836 47 5^035,114 87 2,477,931 85 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ •- j ■ n . - , i ■ i i i ,... , ■■ . ■ I Losses cbarge1 able to contin| gent |und. * 1833. 1 Peb. 28 » 95 » '' 18 , 21 21 25 27 25 . 23 19 16 16 19 19 8 11 7 4 6 14 11 . I* 2t 31 19 20 Jan. 19 20 - . . 1 ,1 ti„ ■i i ■ * - . "327,356 53 Bank United SUUs" • 1 7,020 83 Office, Portland 84,781 81 : . . . .. . Portsmouth 1 29,026 60 Boston 925 65 976 00 Providence 15,796 75 Hartford ■ . 61,050 13 ' New York 1,662,502 06 34,075 65 Baltimore 212,035 76 1 " * • Washington " 39,148 46 69,376 83 Richmond 242,253 77 129 71 Norfolk j 86,860 56 Fayettevitte . 148,693 26 Charleston 150,201 82 Savannah 456 52 Mobile 1 49,209 98 f New Orleans ' i Natchez 1 1 r St. Lonis 1 37100 405 28 Nashville . 174,635 16 t . Louisville " "" 199,077 45 Lexington 395 40 l Cincinnati j 82,801 82 Pittsburgh 300 00 j Buffalo Utica 1 . Burlington -' * 1 I Agency, Cincinnati I 18,644 73 Chillicothe - 413,081 19 - 1,354,527 111,875 164,695 392,665 362,855 135,700 . 1,293,470 11,925 85 794,180 3,11151 284,930 11,355 88 109,094 67 297,460 10,700 10 487,925 1,656 77 275,930 63110 249,425 3,059 46 926,235 2,675 57 636,195 2,512 49 3,279,150 15,047 99 978,475 2,420 71 <* 819,280 913 84 2,129,160 1,713 39 782,415 2,488 27 1,256,485 1,561 39 464,220 2,899 65 170,000 00 599,830 2,248 44 2,194 36 1 582,350 1,437 41 293,075 1,967 77 849 64 " 1 223,660 4,842 99 2,111 29 21,612 34 1,037 93 50 67 5,37134 I 116,777 02 ^ ! 1,158 10 •- 1 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 48,885 24,096 48,000 18,597 ■ 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 92 00 74 — 15,000 00 38,570 92 - 23,519 84 21,272 48 17,203 70 - 11,550 00 - - . -, - _. t ' - 50 J 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 i 00 ;! 00 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 j 3,592,428 41 106,08111 1,181,07177 117,361 89 281,289 03 19,176,167 50 ■ " % ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■ Deficien Bank'g houses. Expenses. 1 Treasurer Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks. U. States. cies, and offices.. Specie. "_ 586,558 52 j 1^966,816 16 8,294 00 62,233 96 42,421 00 49,354 50 61,49100 495,874 32 13,800 08 88,955 76 12,920 00 25,550 00 316,631 72 1,177,505 90 53,550 42 578,000 00 33,875 53 121,997 69 58,205 66 1 218,770 29 3,910 00 103,707 19 25,160 00 138,897 57 75,776 00 208,254 69 109,935 00 407,219 39 44,048 00 j 201,789 03 179,210 00 1,412,430 72 19,175 12 72,001 09 263,681 23 54,272 76 201,025 66 11,278 00 301,377 22 233,174 56 55,392 00 166,144 44 223,810 00 120,497 68 94,111 00 162,537 54 45,496 72 143,659 25 28,254 37 j 190,392 48 2,157,176 90 : 9,111,847 32 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■ ' fc 1833. ' Febiuary 28 \ Bank United States 25 Office, Portland Portsmouth , 18 Boston 21 | . Providence 21 [ Hartford 25 1 New York 27 Baltimore 25 i Washington 23 Richmond 19 Norfolk 16 Fayetteville 18 Charleston 19 19 Savannah 8 Mobile . New Orleans . 11 Natchez 7 4 : 8t. Louis 6 Nashville 14 Louisville 11 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 21 i Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo 19 Utica ' - 20 Burlington January 19 Agency, Cincinnati 20 Chillicothe Capital stock. Notes issued. 16,540,000 00 | 2,320,206 231,650 270,710 300,000 00 742,510 1,500,000 00 458,515 800,000 0C 300,000 00 N 322,132 2,500,000 00 1,595,717 1,500,000 00 1,032,302 500,000 00 1,025,887 1,000,000 00 1,106,090 500,000 00 1,301,175 I 500,000 00 1,366,290 1,500,000 00 1,733,500 1,000,000 00 2,435,605 2,243,166 1,000,000 00 7,493,250 2,195,880 831,530 1,000,000 00 3,692,905 1,250,000 00 1,360,135 1,000.000 00 2,466,515 1,700,000 00; 1,555,710 700,000 00 1,296,735 1,038,725 743,140 1 ** 513,610 1,830 90 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 Dividends Discount, ex change, and | unclaimed. interest. 58,135 82 6,116 51 3,158 35 41,080 86 12,242 64 7,225 87 99,232 25 23,389 02 19,127 5$ 15,512*60 15,270 01 11.521 42 47.522 97 17,610 34 32,028 10 122,045 48 34,593 96 8,350 52 39,318 41 43,091 72 17,826 88 42,367 27 20,890 45 9,334 94 , 8,009 18 ] 9,031 98 I 1,199 58 58,723 448 178 4,256 2,058 910 23,822 19,672 4,953 10,894 4,945 1,247 15,728 3,276 00 00 50 00 00 50 11 75 43 00 50 00 00 00 Foreign ex- 1 Profit & loss. change account Contingent fund. 18,891 14 2,755,676 01 5,619,003 09 18,891 14 2,755,676 01 5,619,003 09 528 75 147 00 355 30 35 00 200 00 J 35,000,000 00 41,375,422 90 1 768,434 68 152,178 84 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. "1 - 1833. February 28 Bank United States 25 Office, Portland. 18 Portsmouth Boston '. 21 Providence 21 25 Hartford New York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 23 Richmond 19 16 Norfolk Fayetteville 18 Charleston 19 Savannah 19 I Mobile 8 New Orleans 11 Natchez 7 St. Louis . 4 6 Nashville 14 Louisville 11 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh Buffalo 21 19 Utica 20 Burlington January 19 Agency, Cincinnati ChilKcothe 20 • 1 Fund for ex- 1 i ttnguisbing Due to Bank U. Due to State banks. coat of bank- j States and of fice*. |ing houses. .671,292 05 2,026,296 44 441,328 29 117,335 481 l,t)88,337 42 ■ 188,093 41 115,639 80 s. 2,944,643 15 2,397,574 94 i 204,552 34 | 502,952 37 56,728 41 139,483 83 385,527 08 150,260 30 816,543 19 4,873,564 24 2,838,902 70 1,297,512 30 1,393,017 68 2,796,919 66 I 339,396 29 636,761 80 447,025 74 821,17225 578,652 92 567,447 14 2,583,429 76 247,497 46 424,726 6,562 5,098 110,565 5,134 1,139 368,371 101,006 56,30a 66,379 43,250 634,863 35,801 70,047 169,811 2,231 18,439 103,059 88,230 5,561 81,933 111,918 20,282 6,151 7,969 Redemption 1 Deposites on Deposites on ac Deposites on ac 1 account of of public count of pub count of indivi Treasurer U. debt. lic officers. duals. States. 146,080 89 06 1,830,264 89 1,873,136 66 l 51 52,231 23 28.863 00 2,130 15 03 3,240 56 28^880 22 33,881 37 432,120 72 109,322 55 09 6,049 90 50,770 91 72 8,947 67 7,487 84 1,992 67 30 19,409 86 1$9,721 44 96 1,214,483 94 1,671,343 05 7,336 69 103,083 53 , 55,573 94 63 315,687 20 112,471 33 203,506 60 03 13,231 35 38,197 62 104,208 74 21 57,057 21 17,346 92 24,197 66 76 49,821 32 71,370 53 7,428 90 64 13,820 82 19,486 84 83 99.864 11 40,265 23 22 282,506 27 79,440 29 58 144,272 79 I 6,716 57 91 145,135 33 : 174,355 65 77 49,659 65 18 1 25,069 87 1 6,668 69 32 36,179 43 1 1 6,884 84 91 1,105 75 08 229,166 74 50,369 98 60 3,537 92 70,028 88 51 10,397 95 376 63 32 12,956 91 219 07 76 25,818 50 1,130 52 671,292 05 [30,996,596 29 2,544*839 93 3,480,964 12 . . . i T, ,i ■ 2,289,911 27,388 20,721 " 149,947 27,333 32,230 1,285,274 315,702 348,405 373,054 257,784 45,502 1,088,984 121,639 86,584 977,601 205,034 266,730 143,758 301,778 264,109 331,077 270,138 76,257 52,615 20,777 44 76 82 67 15 61 24 17 27 02 90 66 61 44 50 61 55 02 61 23 03 25 61 31 88 53 67 28 5,507,722 20 j 1,407,627 97 9,280,411 17 156 [ Doc. No. 523. J GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank United States and Offices, in transitu. Bank of the United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston - . Savannah - 113,155 15,775 17,990 14,940 24,225 17,170 54,985 39,660 *41,585 192,500 89,490 141,050 160,390 155,800 170,385 890,630 142,365 89,5&5 406,690 149,370 178,060 211,450 170,750 105,530 110,020 111,655 . Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville. Louisville / Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $3,815,205 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, Be Co.,' Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . -• Due by the United Slates #3,861,224 85 57,919 26 5,267 32 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and Offices, w actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu . In actual circulation . . - . - . - 41,375,422 90 , 19,176,167 50 3,815,205 0Q ~— 22,991,37? 50 . . . . . $18,384,050 40 At Office, Norfolk, Navy Agent $40444 17 Digitized by KECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal • ■ security - 38,343,000 59| Do. do. bank stock 828,617 91 Do. d&. other stocks - 2,754,813 29 41,926,431 79 21,514,786 99 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United.States and offices State banks United States v.. Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Heal estate Deficiencies , • Banking houses . , . Expenses .-" - Cash, viz. notes of Bank U. S. and offices State banks - . Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk . - . . - 63,441,218 78 81,578 89 32,035,114 87 2,477,931 85 34,513,046 72 5,267 32 3,861,224 1,854,836 106,081 1,181,071 117,361 85 47 11 77 89 19,176,167 50 2,157,576 90 . - 21,333,744 9,111,847 57,919 40,144 40 32 26 17 135,705,342 95 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, Capital stock -. Notes issued .* Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss - . Contingent fund .'Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Foreign exchange account Due to Bank United States and offices State banks , -, Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking. houses '? Deposttes, viz. on account of Treasurer of the United States less overdrafts and special deposites of public officers .of individuals 35,000,000 00^ 41,375,422.90 768,434 68 152,178 84 2,755,676 01 5;619,003 09 3,592,428 41 2,026,574 68 18,891 14 30,996,596 29 2,544,839 93 33,541,436 22 3,480,964 12 671,292 05 5,507,722 20 281,289, 03 5,226,433 17 1,407,627 97 9,280,411 17 15,914,472 31 135,705,342 95 March 2, 1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier, GENERAL STATEMENT » i. I, • ii ■ I P . Real estate. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills Foreign bills of exchange. on personal se- on bank stock. on other secu ofexchange. rity. H, curity. " 1833. April 1 Bank United State* March 25 Office, Portland 25 Portsmouth 28 Boston 28 Providence -" 25 Hartford 27 New York 25 Baltimore 23 Washington - , 19 Richmond 23 Norfolk 25 ! Fayetteville 19 Charleston 19 Savannah 8 Mobile 11 New Orleans Feb. 28 Natchez March 11 St. Louis 13 Nashville 14 : Louisville 18 Lexington 21 Cincinnati • 21' Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo 26 • ' Utica 20 I BurHngton Jan. 19 Agency, Cincinnati March.20 ChHltcothe 1 of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates j • herein mentioned. §5 ' 3,301,312 368,435 154,077 963,824 565,354 423,263 5,013,851 1,504,634 1,159,747 1,160,080 635,607 815,179 2,066,175 568,859 968,495 4,848,021 1,549,376 517,066 1,509,776 2,097,397 902,075 2,643,688 1,045,478 458,047 462,002 348,323 1,640,855 140,469 67 15 04 17 35 15 82 47 39 39 66 23 92 19 30 11 24 96 20 47 51 78 67 78 12 71 17 43 37,831,477 05 1,630,615 27 121,271 13 111,480 09 00 1,840,261 87 30 36,287 SO 433,156 09 58,185 94 00 11,500 00 1,002,127 28 00 211,567 53 00 49,290 Q0 133,577 72 15 144,489 70 250,926 68 ' 00 1,000 00 401,603 77 81 144,008 52 367,783 21 00 - 1,174,289 05 65 116,740 06 927,848, 36 - 40,890 00 1,494,278 18 00 109,538 63 ' 4,791,521 81 1,825,165 91 . 90,751 58 13,000 00 2,247,423 33 ' 5,824 40 1,463,814 27 575,791 26 i j -548,431 24 > 00 72433 72 388,593 26 88,907 64 205,470 46 00 . 205,000 00 172,033 13 1 ,4,100 00 J 281,755 08 232,120 00 - 1,000 5,918 ! - i ! ! 30,900 29,000 132,580 13,411 13,000 32,648 11,903 326,654 _- 13,000 y - ~ ~ 1,100 •"* 5,000 _ "*f - 848,232 91 1,815,786 16 6,000 00 J «, i ■■» 1 - 2,894,496 33 1 22,749,723 50 78,744 54 81,578 89 .w - _ _ _ • . - — ~ ' -* -. - 18,827,703 99,739 172,876 6,381 52 , r461,202 33,958 139,981 28,315 25 2,257,717 • 237,156 533,618 157,612 93 706,118 64,854 85 270,365 48,940 00 465,931 20,151 13 1,103,031 796,182 34,803 878,836 ! 922,321 1,187,225 140,471 56,576 04 942,679 68,832 01 1 675,162 220,286 17 348,220 282,831 80,992 16 236,389 223,271 55,491 17,176 923,584 68 - - | | Due from Bank U. States and offices. 98 44 47 16 41 04 31 93 04 81 98 27 01 49 98 94 71 38 70 27 70 86 43 91 40 95 50 77,575 07 81,578 89 j 1,832,846 35 32,050,467 07 8 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued* * . ' Due from Losses charge- Deficiencies. Banking houses. State banks. able to contin gent fund. " 1833T April 1 Bank United States 25 Office, Portland March - Portsmouth • 25 Boston 28 J Prdvidence 28 I . Hartford - •< 25 New York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 23 Richmond 19 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville 25 Charleston 19 Savannah & Mobile 8 New Orleans 11 Natchez 28 February St. Louis 11 1 March Nashville 13 1 Louisville 14 Lexington 18 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh 21 Bftffido 21 Utica 26 Burlington 20 19 Agency, Cincinnati January Chillicothe - J 20 1 March ■ - 895,728 56,107 23,448 54,280 16,229 5,546 792,160 35,674 30,078 97,261 12,617 51,925 4,323 74,767 85,348 196,921 106,797 75 52 12 76 55 48 74 13 60 91 26 72 62 20 36 29 33 327,151 7,020 84,781 29,026 925 i 16,546 61,050 1 1,649,313 | 212,035 39,148 ! 242,253 j 86,860 148,693 150,201 ! 976 00 i i •- 28 | 16 45 "~ - 456 52 - - 392 00 - 395 40 82 19,546 24 - 300 00 - 2,828,040~97] 3,580,286 32 , 105,972 40 ' ~- ■ 1 - — | ■ 116,777 02 | 69,376 83 - ■ - 34,075 65 ! - 413,081 19 ** - - 10,730 57 1 405 18,821 41 174,635 198,827 114,832 08 6,265 88 82,651 67,158 79 35,659 33 31,547 52 - - _ - 49,209 98 - 3,808 05 53 83 81 60 65 75 13 46 76 46 77 56 26 82 1 \ ; 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 48,885 24,096 48,000 18,597 1 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 92 00 74 •- . 15,000 00 38,570 92 - 23,519 84 21,272 48 17,203 70 - -- - 1 11,550 00 | 1,181,071 77 Treasurer U. States. Expenses. 32,707 1,515 1,132 5,296 2,119 03 09 03 34 59 "^ 20,887 4,928 13,920 11,654 3,012 1,605 6,756 3,971 3,837 18,658 ,3,464 1,384 3,282 3,478 2,484 4,287 3,096 1,730 2,704 1,194 4,842 2,548 9,590 46 1 1 j - - ' -" -. - 09 57 78,430 86 68 49 66 45 -: 04 1 71 1 ~ 36 -' 36 ' ! 30 - . 75 _ 90 ~ 33 [ ' 51 ! 170,000 00 ! 29 2,194 36 ; 56 i 87 987 06 j 81 2,258 70 j 67 99 63 166,503 10 263,461 44 Notes of Bank U. States and offices. 1,853,992 50 86,605 00 137,255 00 422,950 00 353,500 00 77,930 00 1,551,085 00 791,820 00 83,145 00 190,825 00 337.125 00 175,055 00 105,425 00 766,995 00 419,580 00 2,548,885 00 885,830 00 870,885 00 2,457,275 00 701,200 00 1,230,020 00 557,110 00 620,580 DO 587,995 00 342,330 00 130,675 00 18,286,072 50 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. . 1833. April 1 Bank United States March 25 Office, Portland 25 Portsmouth 28 Boston 28 Providence 25 Hartford 27. - New York ' . 35 Baltimore 23 Washington 19 Richmond 23 V Norfolk ^5 Eayetteville 19 Charleston 19 Savannah 8 Mobile • 11 New Orleans Feb. 28 Natchez March 11 St. Louis 13 Nashville 14 Louisville 18 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh 21 Buffalo. 26 Utica 20 Burlington Jan. 19 Agency, Cincinnati March 20 ! Chillicothe Motes of State banks. Capital stock. Notes issued. Specie. * ■ 557,834 35 1,788,607 - 8,077 00 60,921 31,967 00 49,891 58,013 00 574,012 19,559 75'1 I 108,232 10,237 00 24,731 439,564.^3 1,133,441 61,124 82 632,000 24,409 58 119,613 49,871 37 218,071 15.160 00 1 99,971 13,971 00 1 100,523 34,694 00 1 295,696 1 43,915 00 1 383,011 92,230 00 192,649 - - 224,830 00 1,333,919 72,332 31,781 95 281,432 * 52,712 03 199,229 11,378 00 316,402 221,539 82,731 00 167,876 335,460 00 113,001 65,710 00 162,844 41,472 20 153,034 r 20,342 65 198,672 .- 91 1 92 73 45 10 00 67 00 14 69 6& 1 67 43 91 17 28 29 48 03 79 70 61 74 58 98 00 -'_ 2,226,936 33 9,001,661 93 2,372,706 90 231,450 00 270,520 00 300,000 742,510 00 1,500,000 800,000 \ 458,515 00 322,132 50 300,000 1,572,457 50 2,500,000 1,021,292 50 1,500,000 1,029,717 50 500,000 1,105,340 00 1,000,000 500,000 1,301,175 00 1,365,610 00 500,000 1,721,620 00 1,500,000 1,000,000 2,434,475 00 2,243,166 00 1,000,000 7,205,870 00 2,195,8$0 00 831,470 00 •» 1,000,000 3,692,015 00 1,335,555 00 1,250,000 1,000,000 j 2,446,505 00 1,553,600 00 1,700,000 700,000 - 1,295,475 00 1,038,395 00 740,465 .00 ■ 513,560 00 1,830 00 « , 115 00 . ' 16,450,000 35,000,000 DiscotnV, ex-i Dividends Foreign ex Profit and change, and unclaimed. change ac | low. interest. count. 93,986 46 8,725 19 4,209 82 65,116 16 18,553 51 9,695 91 133,162 32 32,103 29 30,433 04 21,760 25 21,758 78 21,126 29 • 61,096 38 24,499 03 45,676 65 168,573 52 42,829 60 12,548 02 53,301 43 56,767 52 28,327 61 61,064 % 27,626 04 1 13,570 21 1- 12^438-18 11,517 99 1,199 58 | 582 68 -—- 53,700 50 255 50 2,205 1,946 510 20,245 17,989 4,783 9,676 ' 3,661 1,212 11,440 2,282 00 00 50 11 25 43 00 00 00 50 00 38,951 33 2,755,676 01 " i 178 75 112 00 j 187 30 J 35 00 ( - ,* > ' 41,043,122 90 1,082,250 42 130,419 84 ' 38,951 33 2,755,676 01 L GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Deposites on IFund for extin Contin ntmgent guishing costl Due to Bank Due to State Redemption account of ofpublic debt. United States banks. fund. Treasurer Xf. of banking and offices. States. houses. t» 1833. -April 1 liar. 25 25 25 27 25 23 19 33 35 18 18 8 11 Feb. 28 Mm-. 11 O CQ^ ize Q- O 0 p rt> • 13 14 18 21 21 21 26 20 Jan. 18 Mar. 20 Bank UniteoV8tates Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chilficotbe 5,618,798 09 671,292 05 1,907,647 81 430,609 19 133,274 75 1,333,147 21 197,044 98 122.678 27 3,951,536 78 2,310,571 20 43,133 99 432,985 59 36,256 74 152,699 72 337,744 66 111,766 67 726,799 29 4,832,004 55 2,845,069 66 1,127,664 37 1,635,098 53 2,748,713 41 261,676 94 692,769 08 489.679 30 824,900 85 598,317 32 497,570 31 2,583,429 76 243,182 46 5,618,798 09 365,745 23,093 416 121,181 12,804 7,656 415,622 111,911 186,669 65 36 84 69 69 31 18 26 57 41,826 09 6,079 40 666,702 29 54,509 85 20,683 31 478,266 74 8,376 01 7,582 07 118,229 29 115,285 89 12,839 82 82,646 24 140,966 81 19,417 63 3,969 38 7,315 42 969,573 93 1,086,162 02 68,783 00 3.130 15 14,04Q 61 7.131 45 572,865 97 3,434 77 315,646 60 44,675 91 3,240 56 379,488 48 17,086 60 2,688 79 1,301,332 57 68,954 37 61,360 49 34,019 04 70,922 19 9,284 92 48,929 29 i9,29i 16 126,040 23 321,134 26 204,253 77 616,928 34 32,370 49 24,974 31 1,105 75 215,418 33 40,188 43 23,438 63 177 67 557 40 Deposites on account of Deposites on public offi account of individuals. cers. 377,471 48 35,026 63 41,517 44 209,628 79 5,727 55 28,521 91 413,253 82 53,396 72 164,140 23 61,290 05 61,884 53 29,013 48 18,355 59 33,611 48 33,284 11 91,529 70 7,481 53 158,165 05 39,660 23 3,710 29 3%755 58 54,809 57 17,495 12 11,667 59 7,656 95 31,605 19 3,120,049 11 17,750 21 18,981 25 200,532 13 22,333 16 26,120 97 1,507,709 42 335,169 54 402,818 80 243,143 62 281,084 58 39,245 45 1,039,641 70 125,092 49 120,126 20 963,774 88 111,776 90 . 207,276 30 122,599 11 307,740 31 242,941 60 374,018 64 259,895 30 81,461 18 70,470 53 23,784 9T 67 28 671,292 05 pi,607,973 49 &029,797 79 1,929,499 39 4,778,131 59 2,033,660 61 10,265,605 63 o P St © 162 [ Doe. No 523. J GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes »f the Bank qfthe United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York jvAiuHiO'rc Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Saraimah • 343,250 00 2,170 00 40,755 00 17,610 00 7,350 00 14*975 00 41,970 00 37,270 00 118,510 00 307,250 00 128,300 00 168,685 00 495,600 00 243,005 00 J Office, Mobile 1 New Orleans j Natches 1 St. Louis 1 Nashville J Louisville 1 Lexington 1 Cincinnati 1 Pittsburgh 1 Buffalo t Utica 1 Burlington -| 140,880 00 1,085,205 00 230,140 00 102,550 00 487,230 00 20,910 00 195,820 00 206,145- 00 89,225 00 142,450 00 5,410 00 151,175 00 $4*723,845 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottingaer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . Due by the United States - 13,942,019 53 57,919 26 ■ 5,267 32 Statement of the actual circulation of the notes of the Bank United States and offices. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu . . . . . . . #41,043,12290 - #18,286,072 50 4,733,845 00 23,009,917 50 Actual circulation #18,033,205 40 At Office, Norfolk, #40,144 17 Navy Agent Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 37,831,477 05J BHIs discounted on bank stock 848,232 91 Bills discounted on other security . 2,894,496 33J Domestic bills of exchange -' _ - Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - - 41,574,206 29 22,749,723 50 32,050,467 07 2,828,040 97 Due from United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottiriguer& Co. • . -, Real estate Deficiencies Banking houses 'Expenses Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 18,286,072 50 2,226,936 38 notes of State banks specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - - 64,323.929 79 81,578 89 34,878,508 04 5,267 32 3,942,019 53 1,832,846 35 105,972 40 1,181,071 77 ,166,503 10 20,513,008 9,001,661 57,919 40,144 83 93 26 17 Capital stock -Notes issued * Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund - . Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 35,000,000 00 41,043,122 90 1,082,250 42 130,419 84 2,755,676 01 5,618,798 09 3,580,286 32 Foreign exchange account Due to Bank U. States and offices 31,607,973 49 Due to State banks 3,029,797 79 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Trea. surer United States Less overdrafts and special de posites - 2,038,511 77 38,951 33 34,637,771 28 1,929,499 39 671,292 05 4*778,131 59 263,461 44 4*514,670 15 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on acc't of individuals 2,022,660 61 10,265,605 63 16,802,936 39 136,130,431 38^ BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, April 29 1833. 136,130,431 38 S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT 1 m ' of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. ■ ■ Real estate. Foreign bills | of exchange. JBills discounted Bills discounted Bills discount Domestic bills of exchange. | on personal se- on bank stock. ed on other 1 curity. securities. Due from Bank of the U. States and offices. 1833. April o o eg. January March 29 22 22 25 25 22 24 22 20 23 20 23 16 16 12 8 4 8 10 18 15 18 25 18 23 24 19 20 FT Bank United States 1 Office, Portland [ Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford • New York Baltimore WashingtonRichmond Norfolk FayettevilleCharleston * Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis • Nashville | Louisville Lexington 1 Cincinnati • Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica T Burlington • Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe 3,150,925 99 398,203 11 172,664 29 850,972 72 615,975 49 422,572 60 4,890,834 00 1,497,297 31 1,172,478 26 1,176,281 19 636,429 24 814,854 94 1.882,268 40 449,773 19 940,979 19 4,862,319 42 1,587,468 00 478,351,10 1,437,013 42 2,093,234 87 976,884 00 1 2,609,049 64 1,026,926 81 520,586 35 531,753 36 405,913 30 1,640,855 17 ; 140,469 43 37,384,334 79 «M*H^MWMB*» 224,610 00 2,106,199 14 6,000 00 1,000 00 4,068 30 j 32,037 50 - 15,900 31,200 132,245 17,711 13,000 35,202 11,900 347,144 - 11,500 00 00 49,290 00 15 140,939 1,000 00 81 ! 144,592 00 65 130,113 42,890 16,000 00 ~ - - 00 00 70 00 03 91 00 - 81,035 63 - 13,000, 00 P~ 4,166 80 - 72,133 72 88,237 64 5,000 00 j 205,000 00 1,100 00 • • 4 - — - - 4,100 00 — 1,907,868 121,865 134,780 2,516,484 478,167 64,819 951,688 147,482 138,783 258,219 378,290 322,058 945,414 886,747 1,771,402 5,099,488 1,613,892 84,726 1,977,877 1,205,126 488,506 551,926 387,931 236,982 179,829 296,885 70 81 11 16 70 76 66 44 01 20 69 68 93 52 32 91 57 13 61 03 24 84 78 91 83 42 - 856,081 91 3,132,236 07 23,147,247 96 78,744 54 122,291 25 1 1 1 j 1 11 " .*" - 18,547,318 15 99,959 62 6,381 52 1 110,407 91 427,501 12 51,720 32 28,315 25 153,042 21 2,936,422 30 176,985 64 153,177 93 401,699 73 64,854 85 411,724 10 48,940 00 187,926 06 80,151 13 443,290 09 1,395,821 92 660,080 12 113,745 59 968,707 60 414,921 39 1,369,882 43 56,576 04 106,317 36 68,832 01 542,977 27 210,286 17 583,564 53 536,775 18 80,992 16 345,090 33 236,734 30 '"* L 197,682 89 [ 3,623 29 923,584 68 17,17650 77,575 07 - ' • - ! ' ' 1 ' 122,291 25 ! 1,818,411 35 31,441,187 95 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. - •.' - Due from ! Losses charge- Deficiencies. Banking houses. State banks. able to contin • gent fund. 1833I. . 1 ' 413,081 19 "April 29 Bank United States - 899,595 79 1 327,151 53 * ~ 7,020 83 22 Office, Portland 42,690 58 84,781 81 22 Portsmouth 1 " 1 116,777 02 29,026 60 25 Boston 182,281 37 925 65 976 00 1 25 Providence 10,643 90 [ 16,546 75 22 Hartford 5,364 81 87,000 00 60,307 63 24 - New York '- 362,005 89 110,657 34 22 Baltimore 68,036 08 1,649,313 46 ! 34,075 65 ** 34,613 10 212,035 76 Washington 64,831 33 - 20 36,024 07 39,148 46 69,376 83 23 Richmond 274,952 33 35,109 65 242,253 77 i 20 Norfolk 35,728 41 Fayttteville • 13,385 02 86,860 56 ! 22 27,924 47 Charleston 67,727 78 148,693 26 ' — 16 4,185 00 48,885 00 150,201 82 16 Savannah * 94,869 06 24,096 92 456 52 12 Mobile 138,660 78 -' 48,000 00 49,209 98 8 New Orleans - 234,677 49 18,597 74 4 Natchez 62,702 83 j 1 8 St. Louis 15,000 00 ! 405 28 392 00 | 10 Nashville 8,321 88 38,570 92 ; 174,635 16 18 12,688 82 ( Louisville j 15 Lexington 203,827 45 •- , 1 ~ 23,519 84 ! 395 40 Cincinnati 70,275 82 I 18 21,272 48 25 Pittsburgh 11,837 59 82,511 82 17,215 26 300 00 18 Buffalo 28,774 72 1 23 Utica 16,785 53 11,550 00 24 Burlington 20,647 29 -' January 19 Agency, Cincinnati - 1 ** 19,546 24 ChiUicothe 3,808 05 March 20 ■> 2,677,289 82 3,584,403 82 105,972 40 1,181,083 33 Expenses. Treasurer U. States. 40,655 1,905 1,140 5,236 2,668 ; - 05 23 91 34 08 - 23,830 94 6,220 36 15,882 65 13,013 69 3,155 13 2,780 93 ' 8,566 79 5,037 19 5,106 31 21,650 97 4,700 94 2,236 66 4,007 33 5,029 29 3,287 37 5,645 51 4,203 43 2,165 33 3,258 86 : 1,418 66 4,842 99 2,548 63 39,930 10 - i 200,195 57 - -. - i 170,000 0Q 2,194 36 » ■* 210,124 46 NotesofBankU. S. and offices. 1,868,072 50 85,570 00 137,840 00 229,320 00 345,925 00 72,010 00 1,586,720 00 751,285 00 156,890 00 270,065 00 452,350 00 301,385 00 456,130 00 844,990 00 337,140 00 2,105,035 00 999,810 00 785,290 00 2,394,370 00 802,520 00 1,110,835 00 520,445 00 602,365 00 513,790 00 258,770 00 160,230 00 18,149,152 50 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of State i banks. —' j \ 183S. AprU 29 Bank United States 22 Office, Portland 22 Portsmouth 25 Boston 25 | Providence 22 Hartford 24 New York Baltimore , 32 20 Washington 23 Richmond 20 Norfolk .22 Fayettevflle 16 Charleston 16 Savannah v . 12 Mobile 8 New Orleans 4 Natchez 8 St. Louis 10 Nashville 18 - Louisville 15 Lexington 18 Cincinnati ' 25 Pittsburgh 18 Buffalo 23 Utica Burlington 24 Jan. 19 Agency, Cincinnati "Chillicothe March 20 701,199 13,752 25,815 • 113,634 14,672 18,829 - 524,902 i 82,023 16,507 35,919 11,655 10,436 28,331 122,190 65,004 - 300,655 24,174 - -i - 73 00 00 00 29 00 49 67 51 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 49,713 98 11,278 00 121,937 257,605 106,739 96,038 28,081 00 00 00 42 00 Specie. Capital stock. Notes issued. 2,088,218 19 1 61,982 83 49,279 37 i 383,012 15 ! 88,692 64 24,731 00 1,210,746 85 1 536,000 00 1 106,549 91 I 218,211 49 ! ! 99,207 01 97,995 95 341,541 84 ! 570,506 79 i 137,167 31 1,191,777 39 71,846 16 302,511 68 186,999 76 332,210 23 i 209,887 81 253,010 90 . 122,306 471 172,828 18, 154,291 75 203,595 38 16,450,000 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 •1,000,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 700,000 2,781,092 92 9,215,109 04 35,000,000 Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. 2,524,706 90 \ 132,510 11,876 231,450 00 6,052 270,520 00 93,124 701,080 00 457,255 00 1 25,486 11,989 315,787 50 163,407 1,528,067 50 39,377 1,012,782 50 37,101 1,020,717 50 27,561 1,080,180 00 26,875 1,351,310 00 26,071 1,359,335 00 76,669 2,021,620 00 29,809 2,417,480 00 65,103 2,185,626 00 215,792 7,205,870 00 64,189 2,195,860 00 15,544 831,470 00 60,772 3,692,015 00 75,086 1,335,555 00 35,942 2,446,505 00 76,965 1,553,600 00 #6,666 1,276,395 00 18,418 1,035,535 00 16,673 740,465 00 15,635 513,560 00 1,199 1,830 00 582 115 00 ! > [41,306,692 90 ,1,406,488 76 61 50 93 54 12 19 88 00 58 89 54 91 78 61 90 44 64 55 86 23 92 19 11 57 28 58 68 Profit &1OM. Contingent fund. 23,495 50 2,753,212 71 ,5,618,798 09 203 00 1,603 1,946 230 17,732 16,855 4,720 7,905 3,615 1,212 9,942 1,928 , 00 00 50 11 25 43 00 50 00 50 50 175 25 112 00 187 30 35 00 1 1 79 91,898 84 2,753,212 71 5,618,798 09 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continue* —1 —v~i ' - cr o o FT , - ■ k - ■ - Fund for* ex tinguishing cost of bank ing houses. ■ Due to Bank United States and offices. Due to State banks. ■i i ■ i Redemp tion of pub* lie debt. ■■* Deposites on ac Deposites on ac< Deposites on count of Trea count of public account of in surer U. States. officers. dividuals. 1 18&. 1 April 29 Bank United States 22 Office, Portland Portsmouth - 1 £3 Boston 35 Providence 35 Hartford 32 New York 34 Baltimore 33 Washington 30 [ Richmond 33 Norfolk 30 Fayettevifle 33 Charleston 16 Savannah 16 Mobile 12 New Orleans • 8 Natchez 4 St. Louis 8 Nashville 19 Louisville 18 Lexington 15 Cincinnati 18 1 Pittsburgh 35 f Buffalo 18 Utica 33 Burlington 34 1 January 19 [Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe March 20 1 671,292 05 -» — - 2,703,745 68 440,104 09 138,687 68 1,595,954 42 382,368 62 127,404 31 3,755,331 35 2,173,2(31 47 77,117 95 1 476,289 43 15,951 41 194,710 41 420,170 18 161,983 77 ! 929,067 06 \ 5,195,551 73 ! 2,096,215 10 1,211,193 11 1,250,843 14 1,893,100 15 66,025 08 745,751 46 574,370 69 823,367 62 600,726 31 573,011 92 | 2,583,429 76 243,182 46 671,292 05 31,348,886 36 - ■ , , 867,565 79 419,610 21 21,481 31 416 84 \ 111,269 28 ! 13,006 80 10,661 27 462,455 S9 64,839v 84 65,735 25 - 25,984 7,652 631,125 131,081 48,824 116,010 8,678 11,187 35,264 71,317 6,317 182,047 112,269 51,261 2,013 5,143 51 60 54 77 64 52 90 09 75 67 70 77 80 29 36 03 - 1,910 15 11,625 08 - 6,330 489,817 3,434 298,766 89 09 77 69 - 1 ~ - 44,175 91 — ~ ~ - 829,885 84,229 9,318 501,181 14,120 2,773 1,563,503 47,916 95,479 14,845 77,447 158 36,674 8,884 117,525 179,050 247,898 i 310,671 32,293 \ 32,439 i 625 220,802 77,226 22,071 10,140 741 95 08 43 82 75 93 61 I 37 69 I 54 30 80 65 60 34 63 10 70 19 92 75 54 85 97 27 72 2,615,656 13 264,297 18,967 32,574 118,831 10,385 20,082 671,425 33,902 219,045 24,297 81,592 22,501 8,445 36,497 33,461 64,346 6,415 426,557 58,304 9,181 2,028 63,945 11,766 9,226 7,772 17,672 1,723,626 37 4,537,408 50 66 18 20 64 02 00 51 63 14 61 33 09 87 33 24 08 13 68 45 21 15 07 52 79 59 06 2,919,096 30,638 15,765 276,538 21,331 38,371 1,592,845 343,571 351,346 250,711 268,207 41,381 1,007,114 88,504 154,151 1,001,850 179,357 229,261 107,501 624,401 233,035 393,102 252,570 86,235 61,159 26,503 07 74 63 45 86 86 31 24 49 60 03 S3 92 94 05 28 24 78 58 29 56 09 58 27 53 73 67 28 2,273,522 18 110,594,622 73 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 168 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Note* qfthe Bank qfthe United State* and office*, <» transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettevttle Charleston Savannah 1 I [ I 1 II » I |1 #173,805 00 4,600 00 73,055 00 136,595 00 7,350 00 10,880 00 53,200 00 61,530 00 166,465 00 328,975 00 120,455 00 283,565 00 170,025 00 474,550 00 ( Office, Mobile J New Orleans ] Natcbes 1 St. Louis Nashville 1 Louisville 1 Lexington J Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica 1 Burlington I I 1 I 1 #174,385 00 844,280 00 155,560 00 100,625 00 403,725 00 69,380 00 180,645 00 355,145 00 65,620 00 163,615 00 99,730 00 96,10500 #4,772,865 00 . At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, fc Co. Hope & Co. and Hottmguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages Foreign exchange account • Due by the United States - , - - - -. - #3,606,810 46 57,919 26 32,288 58 5,267 32 Statement qfthe actual circulation ofthe notes ofthe Bank of the United States and its offices. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu #41,306V692 80 - 18,149,153 50 - 4,772,865 00 22,922,017 50 1 ■' #18,384,675 40 Actual circulation At Office, Norfolk. #40,144 17 Navy Agent Pension Fund overdrawn. Office, Portsmouth Boston Providence * New York Lexington Pittsburgh Utica Burlington - - - - - . - - - * - . - - . - - - * - - • . . #51,15451 -'-.20,857 34 14,532 52 78,926 30 3,435 90 . 7,790 76 • • § 9 9° - * - ' 16,223 40 193,460 72 Total Digitized byG00gI< RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted onpersonal security 37,384,334 79 do. bank stock . 856,081 91 Do. do. other security - 3,132,236 07 Do. ^Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks 41,372,652 77 23,147,247 96 31,441,187 95 2,677,289 92 Due from United States • r Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and HottinguerfitCo. ' * Beal estate Deficiencies * * . Banking houses - ' Foreign exchange account Expenses . i Cash, yix. notes of the Bank U. States and offices 18,149,152 50 notes of State banks 2,781,092 92 specie •• ■Mortgages -. -' Navy agent, Norfolk Pension account, overdrawn • . *- 64,519,900 73 122,291 25 • .- 34*118,477 77 5,267 32 3,606,810 46 1,818,411 35 105,972 40 1,181,083 33 32,288 58 200,195 ST 20,930,245 9,215,109 57,919 40,144 193,460 42 04 26 17 72 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss * 5,618,798 09 Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin .3,584*403 82 gent fund • Due to Bank U. S. and offices - 21,348,886 36 Due to State banks 2,615,656 13 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States Less overdrafts and special depo sits 35,000,000 00 41,306,692 90 1,406,488 79 91,898 S 4 2,753,212 71 2,034,394 27 33,964,542 49 1,723,62637 671,292 05 4,537,408 50 BANK or THS UNITED STATES, May 1, a f 210,124 46 4,327,284 04 Deposites on account of public 2,273,522 18 officers Deposites on account of individu 10,594,622 73 als - CO 17,195,428 95 136,147,577 37 9 136,147,577 37 1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Depositee at the dates •A herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discount Domestic bills of Foreign bills 1 ofexchange. exchange. on personal se ed on bank ed on other curity. stock. . securities. Real estate. Due from Bank United States and offices. 1833. May 30 27 27 2i 23 27 29 27 - 25 28 ,25 - . . - 20 21 t 21 10 6 ,. • 2 13 , . is I April May 6 20 23 23t 23 28 22 21 20 Bank United States 1 3,820,827 00 185,660 00 1,756,172 S7 1,780,558 14 463,813 67 Office, Portland 6,000 00 142,764 75 180,398 27 I Portsmouth 1,000 00 134,826 19 t . Boston 717,731 19 3,068 30 44,123 97 2,870,258 18 ] Providence L 634,907 53 510,047 78 _ Hartford 386,993 62 12,000 00 11,500 00 61,049 10 1 New York 4,488,833 52 3 1 ^ 0 0 00 790,200 63 Baltimore 1,622,850 33 132,525 00 49,290 00 149,578 99 Washington 1,095,379 02 14,511 IS 140,939 70 123,547 52 Richmond 1,127,807 94 1 12,000 00 1,000 00 i 279,491 87 I Norfolk . 640,257 24 33,674 00 142,18203 1 311,730 62 i 1 Fayetteville 802,995 24 11,900 00 . 282,058 61 Charleston 1,703*974 06 386,276 58 97,360 91 641,147 98 Savannah 340,916 55 42,390 00 886,558 39 J Mobile 917,706 52 i,825,900 63 | New Orleans - 4,673,946 22 83,160 99 4,967,261 63 19,000 00 Natchez 1,583,950 11 1,711,540 91 — St. Louis 470,136 76 12,500 00 64,229 96 Nashville 1,430,132 55 1,487,830 61 LouUviJle 2,065,662 91 5,824 46 1,155,600 71 Lexington 1,008,933 40 - ' ' 360,583 22 Cincinnati 2,540,832.13 75,803 62 3,600 00 523,866 52 Pittsburgh 1,008,018 03 88,237 64 451,164 45 ^ Buffalo .560,257 45 5,000 00 205,000 00 371,030 91 Utica ! 594,890 51 182,409 21 Burlington 450,437 41 4,100 00 362,465 33 Agency, Cincinnati 1,541,259 18 ^ Chillicothe 136,244 86 • ► 1 37,010,093 22 863,915 03 2,753,085 83 22,427,702 84 »■ ■■ l 78,744 54 85,899 51 -- - i .- - 6,381 52 - 28,315 25 —r -' 158,461 64,854 48,940 20,151 - j » - % . - - 56,576 04 68,007 48 208,031 51 — 80,992 16 . - "" 83 85 00 13 ! - 930,066 52 77,575 07 18,805,051 73,156 128,281 277,886 131,073 146,230 2,568,244 266,884 ! 354,723 1 205,768 245,425 423,687 1,479,560 954,000 429,879 1 1,392,0*4 417,581 851,557 287,194 642,581 675,476 492,715 351,006 67,442 101,270 31,372 . 92,044 92 37 16 40 57 61 58 88 41 35 70 47 16 71 31 68 79 49 53 57 58 46 18 80 46 66 98 85,899*51" 1,827,097 90 31,892,113 78 % p en 8 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i Due from Losses chargea Deficien cies. ble to contin State banks. gent fund. 1833. May 30 f Batik United States 27 [ Office, Portland Portsmouth " 27 Boston 23 Providence 23 I Hartford 27 ! New York 29 Baltimore . 27 Washington 25 Richmond 28 Norfolk 25 I FayetteviUe 20 f Charleston 21 I Savannah * 21 | Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez 3 St. Louis 13 Nashville 15 1 Louisville 16 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 23 Pittsburgh 33 Buffalo 33 " Utica 28 Burlington 22 April 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe May 30 j 809,033 37,428 1,182 211,178 12,018 29,685 491.340 48,245 33,083 221,257 60,383 .73,425 17,640 150,050 20,914 859,698 126,606 37 55 00 45 75 32 40 20 44 23 12 16 31 06 84 li 11 33,558 98 18,379 33 65,184 2,704 126.341 49,001 10,580 30,301 4,031 42 55 46 40 81 11 16 13,433,143 68 ■, J 337,151 7,030 84,781 29,026 925 16,546 60,307 1,649,313 211,939 39,148 242,253 86,860 148,693 150,102 53 82 81 60 65 75 63 46 46 46 77 56 26 90 49,209 98 405 28 177,635 16 206,126 98 82,511 82 Banking houses. Expenses. Treasurer U . States. Notes of Bank iNotes of State 1 United States 1 banks. [ and offices. 413,081 19 44,660 57 l 2,24492 i 1,193 05 \ 116,777 02 5,236 34 976 00 3,222 51 1,697 67 34,075 65 ! 87,000 00 29,752 65 7,38515 110,657 34 34,613 10 17,471 18 69,376 83 36,024 07 14,218 47 6,42129 35,109 65 \ 13,385 02 2,81811 1 67,727 78 9,956 54 6,986 98 48,885 00 6,352 23 ~ 456 52 24,096 92 48,000 00 24,994 55 18,775 74 5,885 78 2,999 41 15,000 00 4,542 75 552 00 5,942 97 •88,57093 4,905 98 395 40 23,519 84 7,471 71 21,272 48 5,346 07 17,241 01 2,884 05 300 00 4,002 45 1,960 76 11,550 00 8,372 12 3,200 09 3,589,508 19,546 13 24 106,132 40 1,181,287 08 | 242,126 35 1,868,507 58,805 143,140 501,440 348,195 95,010 1,397,595 690,260 266,115 314,135 425,100 315,135 479,495 1,125,800 339,240 1,638,130 875,540 884,470 2,535,805 981,520 1,112,785 1,008,010 - 584,720 540,600 . 339,615 20,085 39,497 11 170,000 00 2,194 36 50 00 I 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 740,226 16,138 45,332 75,363 15,597 16,122 427,350 73,620 34,719 42,703 12,440 14,768 49,344 73,550 61,258 263,675 17,592 23 00 00 00 43 00 69 18 74 92 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 37,505 00 11,298 0Q 149,424 339,280 107,307 52,820 20,811 00 00 00 09 00 wJ 211,691 47 18,889,253 50 2,698,245 72 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. | 18§3. May 30 Bank United States 27 ! Office, Portland 27 Portsmouth. 23 Boston 23 Providence 27, Hartford 29] New York 27 J Baltimore 25 Washington 28 j Richmond 25 1 Norfolk 20 Fayetteville Charleston "* l Savannah 21 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez 2 S t Louis 13 Nashville 15 Louisville 16 Lexington 20 Cmdnfiati 23 23 Pittsburgh Buffalo 23 Utica *. 28 Burlington 22 April 21 Agency, Cincinnati ChiUicothe Jilay 20 Specie. I 8,050,416 I 61,470 1 51,323 333,397 79,792 44*731 1,394,860 635,000 103,110 218,328 95,540 98,137 337,870 551,164 137,687 - 1,385,541 75,425 325*336 188,070 338,672 203,865 302,933 128,855 ' 158,273 178,462 59,430 - "" - Capital stock. Notes issued. 86 16,450,000 i 70 1 11 300,000 59 1,500,000 54 800,000 00 300,000 58 2,500,000 00 1,500,000 17 500,000 69 1,000,000 i 67 500,000 ; 68 500,000 96 1,500,000 94 1,000,000 70 34 - 1,000,000 51 —' U — 64 1,000,000 87 1,250,000 97 1,000,000 64 1,700,000 08 700,000 _. i 65 , j 75 73 ' 0,543^701 51 — - 35,000,000 2,647,656 230,140 257,190 894,890 457,255 315,787 1,532,367 1,000,387 1,027,967 1,080,180 1*339,310 1*337,745 2,058,095 2,673,450 2,172,396 7,205,870 2,195,860 828,500 3,639,900 1,320,265 1,537,960 2,429,665 1,276,395 1,033,015 739,435 508,910 14,843 1,406 Discount, ex Dividends Profit & loss. Foreign ex- 1 Contingent change ac- 1 fund. change, and unclaimed. count. interest. | 169,208 17 19,540 50 2,755,376 01 176,073 50 90 00 16,470 641 00 7,674 37 • 00 117,913 27 1,505 00 00 31,064 56 1,946 00 50 13,851 83 i 174 50 50 200,884 87 ! 16,013 61 50 53,379 06 S 15,910 25 50 43,886 16 4,128 93 00 37,945 66 6,956 50 00 32,341 33 3,216 50 00 30,659 14 1,212 00 00 91,756 31 8,903 00 00 36,703 99 1,333 50 00 79,898 92 . 00 175 25 263,367 29 00 83,449 10 00 112 00 19,966 60 00 71,924 99 1 I 00 173 30 88,838 69 00 95,012 97 00 1 42,696 06 35 00 00 l 46,249 90 00 | 25,962 57 00 21,403 39 00 19,726 82 80 59 5,618,793 09 J 41,756,843 29 1,742,226 63 81,335 84 2,755,376 01 176,073 50 * . . 6,618,798 09 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■■ ' 1 I * ■ ' .• 1833. May O eg. April May 30 27. 27 23 23 27 29 27 25 28 25 50 21 21 . 10 6 2 13 15 16 20 23 23 23 28 22 21 20 1,940,667 56 Bank United States ' - 671,292 05 Office, Portland 487,038 43 Portsmouth 149,952 28 ; i 1 f Boston' 1,786,335 99 i 1 366,905 60 | Providence j Hartford ' 113,175 31 New York : • -- . '' 4*344,140 80 Baltimore » r 2,353,101 99 Washington 46,791 17 | Richmond 253,624 99 Norfolk 19,597 46 Payette ville 1 174,980 45 Charleston 263,737 55 Savannah 87,052 46 Mobile 984,697 45 New Orleans 5,722,918 96 Natchez — - 1 2,215,360 76 St. Louis I 985,440 73 Nashville [ 1,106,708 56 Louisville 2,084*544 58 Lexington 1 1,064,707 14 Cincinnati I 34,417 90 — Pittsburgh 666,832 47 Buffalo 920,616 80 Utica 630,639 72 Burlington 368,42* 24 Agency, Cincinnati 2,587,200 11 Cbillicothe 239,113 55 - 436,192 18,210 1,067 163,071 9,443 2,685 137,653 81,029 84,800 - 31,304 7,693 484,545 119,593 277,045 89,431 13,522 8,375 14,845 46,334 235,796 1,445 115,079 48,579 2,121 15,199 - 65 838,464 36 23 - "" ' 41 1,513 31 79 ! 8,178 76 93 62 1 5,801 29 61 467,090 96 47 3,434 77 16 298,766 69 59 35 36 13 22 55 34 12 92 60 28 83 91 37 98 64 i — ^ 457,126 100,195 10,629 392,477 11,020 2,300 870,022 10,846 — ■ III - j 13,0*1 22 ' "* " *" - 1 i _ - 19 36 3* 59 75 76 80 91 r - - ' 671,292 05 32,018,722 71 2,445,069 06 1,^36,331 36 r i II ■ ■ II11 Fund for ex Due to Bank U. 1 Due to State Redemption Deposites on ac Deposites on ac Deposites on ac tinguishing of public banks. count of Trea count of pub count of indivi cost of bank States ana of fices. debt. surer U. S. lic officers. duals. ing houses. ^ . 19,389 37 j 38,849 22 j 21,849 82 6,431 39 12,608 42 83,088 01 | 81,699 55 155,511 75 134,079 44 49,110 08 j 32,668 9T 197,881 fr6 711 30 81,135 66 18,871 97 28,356 72 326 34 2,819,189 51 235,463 12,931 39,539 135,300 11,179 54,462 292,151 71,859 256,176 15,391 99,640 13^48 7,988 193,480 46,738 150,037 8,049 341,508 49,368 7,625 59,202 1,972 19,714 14,316 10,149 26*920 45 41 15 19 15 J 59 40 25 89 36 13 57 36 37 35 1 39 4ft 19 i 46 61 j 36 75 94 14 53 97 2,174,516 44 ■■ ■ ■ ' ■ ! ■ — 57 78 21 02 67 92 13 98 33 86 03 65 65 66 72 51 94 67 37 57 23 80 50 48 53 69 67 28 - ' 2,841,248 13,653 10,273 215,014 29,149 41,641 1,406,360 379,736 365,594 232,627 275,343 57,833 982,509 106,183 119,628 391,132 161,144 293,247 *34>315 679,155 473,196 269,764 254,617 100,316 70,365 33,287 W W 10,437,410 75 174 [ Doc. No. 623. ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of Bank United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York • .Baltimore ♦ Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville 75,350 19,735 55,800 242,240 26,840 55,285 47,260 63,510 66,325 216,265 130,015 82,500 102,790 74,920 •' ! •; -, -i Savannah 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington 1 •, -! - 1 280,715 00 883,475 00 519,565 00 . 34,960 00 179,535 00 108,595 00 111,100 00 71,445 00 92,765 00 25,520.00 53,005 00 256,875 00 3,876,390 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . Due by the United States Due for protested bill of exchange on France - -$2,264,366 03 55,919 26 5,267 32 158,842 77 Statement of the actual circulation of the notes of Bank U. S. and offices. Note* issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu . . . . - . . . . . . . $41,756,843 29 . 18,889,252 50 3,876,390 00 . 22,765,643 50 - . . . . Notes in actual circulation $18,991,200 79 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent $40,144 17 Pension Fund, overdrawn. Bank United States Office.Fortland Boston Providence Pittsburgh . • - . . . . . - - - - - . - . . . . . . . . - $72169 9,797 06 29,199 57 1,207 86 1&722 56 $54,648 74 Digitized by RECAPITULATION* Bins discounted^ personal security 37,010,093 22 Do. do. bank stock 863,915 03 l)o. do. other security - 2,753,085 83; Domestic bilk of exchange 40,627,094 08 22,427,702 84 -. * _ - Foreign bills of exchange . . Due from Bank United States and offices State banks - - 63,054,796 92 85,899 51 . - 31,892,113 78 3,432,143 68 United States . . . Due from United States for protested bill of exchange on France . . . . Baring, Brothers,-& Co., Hope& Co», Hottinguer & Co. - . . Real estate Banking houses > > . . Deficiencies > • Expenses . . . Cash,, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 18,889,252 50 State banks . . . 2,698,245 72 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Pension fund, overdrawn - . . . . - eg. FT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 35,000,000 00 41,756,843 29 1,742,226 63 81,$J5 84 2,755,376 01 .5,618,798 09 3,589,508 13 Foreign exchange account • Due to BankU. States and offices 32,018,722 71 State banks 2,445,066 06 158,842 77 2,264,366 1,827,097 1,181,287 106,132 242,126 03 90 08 40 35 21,587,498 9,543,701 55,919 40,144 54,648 22 51 26 17 74 135,531,985 34 o o 35,324,257 46 5,267 32 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed <■ Profit and loss . . . Contingent fund 'Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - - Redemption of public debtFund for extinguishing the cost of banking booses , Deposites— On account of the Treasurer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposited . . . On account of public officers On account of individuals - 2,029,289 96 176,073 50 34,463,791 77 1,636,331 36 671,292 05 © © © 2,819,189 51 211,691 47 2,607,498 04 2,174,516 54 10,437,410 75 15,219,425 23 135,531,985 64 June 3, 1833, S. JAUDON, Cashier. _. GENERAL STATEMENT %■ ■ " ■ j 1833. July I Bank United States June 34 Office, Portland ■ Portsmouth 24 Boston 27 Providence 27 Hartford 24 Hew York 26 Baltimore 24 ' Washington . 22 Richmond 25 Norfolk 22 Fayetteville 24i Charleston 18 -Savannah 18 Mobile 14 New Orleans 10 ' Natchez 6 St. Louis 17 Nashville 12 Louisville 20 Lexington ■ 17 Cincinnati 20 Pittsbort/h 20 Buffalo 20 Utica 25 26 Burlington May 31 Agency, Cincinnati 31 Chillicothe 1 of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices qf Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. -: -! -j . | ' .1 -■ • • . ' » ; ■ » ii Bills discounted Bills discounton personal se ed on bank curity. stock. Bills discounted on other security. 3,481,824 504,591 201,623 767,973 654,570 409,895 4,576,932 1,633,970 1,092,474 1,166,409 646,440 786,686 1,603,334 380,149 914,477 4,898,515 1.638,800 466,596 1,414,070 2,118,776 1,036,784 2,476,057 946,023 556,253 661,250 . 458,307 1,516,043 134,843 2,696,006 35 6,000 CO 18 41 [ 21 65 1 31 8959 33 66 1 33 79 1 43 1 03 1 27 j 33 i 62 | 82 i 81 16 44 31 46 L 79 49 57 [ 98 08 19 I 37,032,667 01 jj 149,385 00 1,000 00 7,568 30 - 12,000 46,800 130,800 14,511 12,000 34,100 11,950 353,183 11,700 19,000 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 50 00 00 - 13^0000 — -. - .6,100 00 - 5,000 00 ' - "* 827,296 95 1,654,629 177,070 158,530 • 18,330 00 3,442,938 548,982 • 80,222 11,500 00 _ - 798,233 193,712 49,290 00 1.47,381 140,939 70 348,292 70,376 83 282,551 146,301 28 255,092 _ 424,290 121,544 87 780,410 30,690 00 i 1,199,380 * 5,431,553 75,660 99 1,689,798 75,222 ~ -1 919,916 _ 946,961 5,610 20 „ 301,476 457,372 - 80,679 63 464,718 170,225 24 205,000 00 I 397,568 i 201,815 408V578 4,100 00 1,000 00 «. • « . Real estate. Foreign Domestic bills of exchange. J bills or ex change. ■ ■ 16 36 31 08 28 17 30 38 99 45 92 39 01 53 02 46 98 07 37 47 04 68 46 00 21 42 - 3,833,245 08 21,676,688 51 81,935 13 — — 1 . *"' .~ -«b — 19,481,582 40,633 94,968 4,115 00 173,168 150,304 130,764 2 M 1 5 25 3,366,613 180,561 337,949 146,756 83 393,904 64,854 85 314,344 48,940 00 365,549 30,151 13 1,547,893 "* 1,147,731 693,393 1,734,339 — 492,713 1 953,338 — 688,513 56^576 04 | 313,958 55,889 96 730,196 219,883 55 974,573 -- . 343,996 80,992 16 78,196 153,515 *• 18,301 2,811 916,627 15 77,575 07 88,613 71 | - • . ■ - w 81,935 13 Due from Bank United States and offices* 1,809,289 70 ■ " 96 38 95 37 59 56 61 00 50 07 79 35 46 85 39 03 77 48 88 01 71 48 01 69 12 61 49 33,791,585 00 0 § o GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 0 . ■ ■ «l» ■ i — » » « 111 'i" 1 J)ue from I State banks. .' . o 1833. «• i ■ 333,648 64 1 851,533 25 July 1 Bank United States 7,020 83 31,122 63 teJune 24 Office, Portland 84,998 33 3,182 00 Co 24 Portsmouth 29,026 60 65,147 17 27 Boston .• 976 00 925 65 10.668 18 [ 27 Providence 16,546 75 35,682 95 I 24 Hartford f w 60,307 63 512*527 90 26 . New York 71,884 01 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 24 Baltimore 223,084 46 1 56,087 18 22 Washington ; 39,148 46 120,856 75 25 Richmond 242,253 77 80,559 57 ! 22 Norfolk 86,860* 56 9,181 44 24 Fayetteville • * 148,693 26 92,305 42 ! 18 Charleston 150,102 90 74 83 18 Savannah 456 52 18,336 18 66,955 64 14 Mobile 49,209 98 189,254 34 10 New Orleans ' 288,550 03 6. Natchez 75 17 St. Louis 568 00 405 28 47,001 17 12 Nashville 168,552 68 i 6,921 47 20 Louisville 205,368 98 1 1 66 17 Lexington ~ 395 40 86,844 41 20 Cincinnati 3,052 33 79,911 82 20 Pittsburgh -' 300 00 71,843 48 20 Buffalo } 28,025 10 25 Utica -. *3,076 86 26 Burlington '~ ~ 1 29,301 11 May 31 Agency, Ciacinnati ; 19,546 24 j 6,683 01 31 Chillicothe - o b,768,324 54 ... -.J FT * ~ i ■ ■ Deficien BanVg houses. Expenses. I Treasurer 1 Notes of Bank Notes of State U. States. United States cies. banks. 1 and offices. Losses charge able to contin gent fund. 690 00 1 55 59 I 413,081 19 - 116,777 02 - 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 ' 13,385 67,727 48,885 24,096 48,000 18,775 fI - -. 82 42 ■ 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 { 92 00 ! 74 I - 2,245 185 6,090 11,628 23 52 1,513 227 339 4,393 75 28 09 53 87 94 39 50 09 06 - - ■ * 4 25 5 00 357 88 11 25 474'34 695 38 1,450 77 20 34 - 4,516 75 2,111 29 V - 15,000 00 44,471 15 - 23,519 84 21,272 48 17,292 19 11,550 00 - 688,957 50 79,390 00 I ~ J 150,105 00 731,180 00 1 ~ 324,220 00 \ 58,370 00 | *1,391,415 00 , 757,340 00 18*398 66 132,425 00 279,690 00 321,415 00 269,790 00 482,410 00 ~ 1,069,900 00 ~ 481,275 00 1,171,055 00 853,075 00 592,475 00 2,550,950 00 914,575 J30 1 1,111,810 00 555,985 00 170,000 00 2,19436 564,790 00 | ! 514,835 00 I *. 181,875 00 117,585 00 f* • 3,613,262 46 36,771 57 1,187,238 49 37,174 73 " i i ; ■ ■ — - 580,415 04 5,716 00 32,309 00 125,831 00 11,307 50 3,824 00 526,479 29 57,463 12 16,451 47 40,686 51 17,300 00 56,787 00 40,294 00 80,92Olfo 39,463 00 303,560 00 2,695 00 26,808 82 11,298 00 100,496 212,415 146,036 67,467 17,834 00 00 00 65 00 190,593 02 1 16,346,892 50 2,523,857 41 1i i © f s CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 Specie. 1833. July 1 Bank United States June 24 Office, Portland 24 Portsmouth 27 Boston 27 Providence 24 Hartford 26 New York 24 Baltimore 22 ' Washington 25 Richmond * 22 Norfolk 24 ! Fayetteville 18 Charleston 18 Savannah 14 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez 17 St. Louis 12 Nashville 20 Louisville 17 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh 20 Buffalo 25 Utica 26 Burlington May 31, Agency, Cincinnati 31 > OhiUicotbe Capital stock. Discount, Dividends exchange, unclaimed. and interest.] Notes issued. Profit and loss. 2,874,762 27 16,450,000 4,902 66 1,241,866 50 2,275,356 90 3,132,285 00 57,655 80 2,585 14 245,850 00 300,000 50,874 65 4 28 1,733 93 257,145 00 1,500,000 28,247 09 494,564 41 1,477 00 988,000 00 800,000 5,184 46 65,081 77 1,911 00 ; 437,445 00 300,000 42,917 00 2,290 23 171 00 310,817 50 1,506,430 51 2,500,000 29,970 74 14,804 61 1,516,037 50 1,500,000 7,368 15 607,000 00 5,783 00 1,000,387 50 500,000 6,064 15 98,077 68 4,128 93 1,005,392 50 4,089 81 t 221,169 52 1,000,000 6,897 00 1,071,530 00 4,490 06 500,000 ' 98,95140 3,181 50 1,326,100 00 4,642 70 500,000 99,121 32 1,072 00 1,331,850 00 6,094 37 1,500,000 333,189 38 7,734 00 2,058,100 00 1,000,000 2,778 54 549,648 00 1,158 5Q 2,672,420 00 - } 189,989 63 3.590 42 2,172,396 00 1,000,000 18,006 85 84.25 7,016,040 00 j 943,093 07 6,052 73 73,706 90 2,187,050 00 1,634 55 308,603 51 112 00 828,500 00 1 % 2,636 51 211,708 74 1,000,000 3,639,900 00 1,250,000 9.591 77 353,641 46 173 30 1,201,805 00 204,690 92 1,000,000 1,943 37 35 00 2,429,665 00 1,700,000 7,854 23 319,317 41 1,515,850 00 5,122 74 700,000 121,873 27 1,246,530 00 2,814 10 147,089 67 1,032,985 00 1 3,948 65 67,868 99 736,750 00 3,060 56 57,788 78 508,780 00 1,830 00 115 00 Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent fund. 218,052 85 5,627,809 71 Il0,098,816 06 : 35,000,000 176,788 51 1,290,589 59 41,014,627 90 3,132,289 28 | 218,052 85 5,627,809 71 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 Fund for ex- 1, r tinguishing Due to State 1 Due to Bank U. cost of bank- 1 States and of fices. ing houses. 1833. 1 July 1 Bank United States June 241 Office, Portland 24 Portsmouth 27 Boston 27 Providence 24 Hartford 26 -New York 24 Baltimore 22 Washington Richmond '25 22 Norfolk 24 Fayetteville 18 ! Charleston .18 Savannah 14 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 1 Natchez 17 St. Louis. 12 Nashville 20 Louisville 17 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh ' 20 1 Buffalo 25 I Utica 26 1 Burlington May 31 1 Agency, Cincinnati 31 1 Chilficothe • 1 731,292 05 1 1,502,751 20 50 -1 11 523,018 i~ 157,431 66 I 2,407,799 56\ I 427,612 96 1 127,612 22 1 4,685,713 55 ] 2,212,733 68 • 51,193 94 -i 197,277 65 22,085 34 ' 12,575 95 287,375 30 145,353 78 1 969,021 39 [ 5,584,356 60 1 2,596,724 76 926,267 02 1,058,123 21 1* 1,592,837 05 23,737 35 t - I ' 1,081,743 85 648,480 09 -. ' 933,425 54 1 524,897 28 1 525,058 88 1 2,468,469 58 1 240,576 52 1 % Deposites on I Redemption 1 account of Deposites on ac Deposites on ac count of pub count of indivi of public 1 Treasurer U. duals. debt. lic officers. States. banks. 336,551 77 653,938 71 264,620 92 119,521 03 16,349 17 7,018 04 1,120 51 1,423 89 584,998 24 69,906 86 6,582 44 24,470 05 4,088 05 2,752 03 620 08 4,627 97 199,824 54 326,240 59 1,093,541 96 228,531 35 i 124,982 55! 854 28 82,447 04 58,710 27 231,605 16 80,654 37 545 87I 32,075 47 24,174 10 21,329 72 37,861 63 41,411 53 386,489 87 12,327 54 18,039 18 163,804 80 67,493 10 47,377 83 256,800 63 r I 173,628 55 188,590 22 123,872 72 8,318 84 113,533 15 5,930 67 28,213 78 5,437 12 ! 25,207 40 33,338 09 349 64 2,224 83 293,947 73 234,407 51 56,135 66 79,572 70 1 35,085 13 j 13,772 83 12,606 72 9,071 27 1 157 79 11,313 29 I ' - 1731,292 05 bl,934,254 41 2,282,729 74 1 *» 1 "* 1,305,093 68 3,502,605 36 1 2,702,096 18,352 12,286 169,155 41,754 41,308 1,233,719 322,541 342,746 298,436 291,760 46,594 899,615 79,381 122,583 56,392 59 ! 831,893 54,934 46 122,002 4,093 73 312,975 220,687 49 132,023 66,283 75 721,218 6,842 75 307,588 44,678 53 358,546 59,465 75 254,479 20,839 26 108,447 14,335 06 65,386 9,177 83 31,762 16,989 44 292,586 8,903 43,532 216,327 24,552 39,839 274,521 61,470 172,953 44,609 104,468 18,681 17,231 27 96 23 60 27 31 31 30 00 84 99 20 38 1,894,397 30 35 50 91 81 91 23 75 76 48 83 05 37 10 98 76 61 46 99 81 36 70 57 75 63 23 69 67 28 9,868,728 57 180 [ Doc. No. 523. J GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes qfthe Bank United States and. Offices, in transitu* ■ ■ I I ■ *' ■ ' 1 Bank of the United States Office, Portland •Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore ! Washington Richmond Norfolk i Fayettevilte i Savannah - 39,460 00 Office, 4,680 00 20,305 00 267,470 00 25,450 00 55,730 00 ! 25,700 00 ! 71,975 00 116,055 00 304,945 00 260,420 00 127,020 00 130,870 00 31,490 00 Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. LouisNashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington 232,370 00 1,624,985 00 513,900 00 61,795 00 110,-885 00 110,330 00 325,285 00 . 199,605 00 235,475 00 107,315 00 | . 140,065 00 237,608 00 / $5,301,180 00 1 ■ . . At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . Due by the United States . Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France - - $1,829,109 45 . 52,646 76 *' 5,267 32 158,842 77 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and Offices, w actual circulation. Notes issued . . . Notes on hand . . . Notes in transitu - ' - . In actual circulation - - - . * - . -m . 41,014,62790 » 16,346,892 50 5,301,180 00 21,648,072 50 • - - - $19,366,555 40 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent - - - - . . . . $40,14417 Pension Fund, overdrawn. Bank United States Office, Portland Office, Nashville , - - - . - ^ . . . . - . ■ . „ - •. . n # i80 20 . 25,334 40 . j 095 72 $37,610 32 Digitized by / RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security - 37,032,667 01 Do. do. bank stock 827,296 95] Do. do. , other security - 3,833,245 Oft Domestic bills of exchange 41,693,209 04 21,676,688 51 Foreign bills of exchange , Real estate . . DuefromBank United States and offices 33,791,585 00 2,768,324 54 State banks ■ Due from United States Due from United States for protested bill of exchange on France. Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies , Banking houses - ■ Expenses . . . . . Cash, viz. notes of Bank U. S. and offices 16,346,892 50 2,523,857 41 State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Pension Fund, overdrawn - 1 o eg. FT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 63,369,897 55 81,935 13 1,809,289 70 36,559,909 54 5,267 32 .158,842 77 1,829,109 45 36,771 57 1,187,238 49 37,174 73 Capital stock - . * Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed . Profit and loss Foreign exchange account • Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 5,627,809 71 3,613,262 46 Due to Bank United States and offices - 31,934,254.41 State banks - 2,282,729 74 Redemption of public debt * Fund for extinguishing cost of hanking houses . . . . Deposites on account. of the .Treasurer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposites - 35,000-000 41,014'627 176;788 1,290,589 3,132,289 218,052 00 90 51 58 29 85 / 2,014,547 25 34,216,984 15 1,305,093 68 631,^92 05 3,502,605 26 190,593 02 3,312,012 S4 Deposites qn account of public officers > 1,894,397 30 9,868,728 57 DepositeB on account of -individuals 91 06 76 17 32 15,075,138 21 134,175,403 47 134,175,403 47 18,870,749 10,098,816 52,646 40,144 37,610 July 2, 1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates GD herein mentioned. 1833. Aunst 1 July 29 22 25 25 29 31 29 27 23 20 '22. 23 , 23 , 19 15 11 15 17 18 22 18 23 25 23 24 31 20 *' ■ ■ i Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford 1 New York Baltimore Washington Richmond i Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah * Mobile New Orleans ^Natchez St. Louis - Nashville Louisville Lexington , - ' Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo ' Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 1 fc 3,554,145 59 527,453 69 235,082 74 | 706,168 04 I 655,257 16 391,683 96 5,185,789 94 1,768,276 60 1,071,643 76 1,254,834 62 ' 631,995 58 794,151 16 1,628,032 02 92,479 55 1,051,295 66 4,791,299 56 1,632,265 83 478,418 28 J 1,458,117 20 ! 2,270,954 01 1,009,432 40 i 2,379,977 06 1 1,034,874 69 | 542,372 49 655,128 82 432,265 72 „ 1,516,043 08 134,596 19 38^)84,035 40 i ii 145,450 00 00 6,218 30 - 32,000 28,200 128,500 15,511 12,000 35,230 11,950 336,304 21,000 . 9,000 6,100 '' ~ -mm - 4,100 1,608,589 39 216,729 81 162,170 72 4,067,975 41 . 625,637 27 66,793 55 | 752,268 32 1 219,371 09 224,225 69 216,063 78 319,079 28 i 237,655 63 238,085 28 j ' 482,694 79 j [ 642,146 01 ! 5,229,159 51 ! 2,052,375 23 83,798 85 483,406 85 864,305 94 308,392 35 1 403,231 04 i 450,611 45 1 317,893 24 211,748 02 438,834 50 - - 3,298,391 20 5,500 00 1,000 _ 11,500 49,290 55,800 00 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 94 ■ 00 00 140,939 70 1,000 00 159,985 10 130,146 90 42,390 00 - 00 75,660 99 i 00 - 5,400 00 1 00 ! ; '' 85,179 5,610 20 62 87,712 64 205,000 00 00 1,000 00 Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills on personal se on bank stock. on other secu of exchange. rity. curity. ' 88,613 71 88,258 02 -- 4,115 28,315 145,180 - - -< -' - - - • -' - 788,464 39 | 4,364,606 35 20,923,243 00 n~~88,258~02~ 00 25 i 62 64,854 85 48,440 00 16,651 13 1 1 ~ ~ 56,576 04 \ 55,889 96 1 219,076 30 | - 80,992 16 916,627 15 77,575 07 1,802,907 24 Due from Bank U. States and offices. 18,602,161 56 28,589 01 71,067 05 371,744 58 184,373 66 122,405 3 t 2,824,639 47 161,872 32 322,179 13 205,851 45 134,089 35 390,434 97 1,633,605 42 1,343,648 88 626,171 31 1,610,042 46 391,464 06 972,046 93 363,728 66 ' 220,187 83 771,505 63 1,078,459 25 305,464 07 223,130 00 111,053 68 17,311 07 2,811 49 33,090,038 50 o o o © to CO £ GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i Due from Losses charge Deficien cies. State banks. able to contin gent fund. Banking houses. Expenses. • Treasurer U. Notes ofBank te Notes of State States. states and offi banks. ces. 1 z 1833. _ 413,08119 333,648 64 586,937 06 10,284 09 Aug. 1 Bank United States 415 63 24,029 46 7,020 83'. July 29 Office, Portland t 1' ~ 34 87 Portsmouth 2,533 60 84,998 33 22 -' 116,777 02 Boston - | 70,613 62 29,026 60 ! 25 . 1 635 25 976 00 Providence 16,710 34 925 65 25 Hartford, 5,889 52 16,546 75 29 5,665 36 87,000 00 New York 435,888 29 60,307 63 31 1,975 99 110,657 34 Baltimore 81,871 53 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 29 8,478 65 34,613 10 Washington • 47,603 38 231,035 53 27 12,984 47 36,024 07 Richmond 162,117 45 39,148 46 69,376 8l3 23 74 46 35,109 65 Norfolk 35,828 32 242,253 77 1 20 384 84 13,385 02 Fayetteville 86,860 56 22 4,345 91 67,727 78 Charleston 37,756 61 148,693 26 23 ! 1,284 35 48,885 00 •SaVannah . 38,038 92 150,111 09 23 1,482 63 2*4,096 92 456 52 Mobile \ 42,133 32 19 8,093 96 48,000 00 New Orleans - i 440,915 22 49,209 98 15 •1,168 46 18,775 74 Natchez . i 252,658 59 ! ' 11 — i 397 13 St. Louis 15 851 19 15,000 00 568 00 55,165 44 1 Nashville 405 28 17 1,602 27 44,47115 5,089 86 Louisville 168,552 68 18 663 16 Lexington 3 32 205,368 93 t -22 1,583 02 395 40 23,519 84 145,963 98 Cincinnati 18 21,272 48 1,443 20 Pittsburgh * 1 79,911 82 1 23 *" 2,043 55 | 300 00 17,292 19 70,127 18 Buffalo 25 I 693 81 Utica 52,179 03 23 438 33 11,550 00 16,505 07 Burlington . 24 4,516 75 29,30111 31 Agency, Cincinnati 2,166 66 3,784 98 Chillicothe19,546 24 20 — - r' - 18,299 94 ■ • -, - ', ^ — ^ - 170,000 00 2,194 36 - 2,659,645 20 3,602,885 54 106,148 40 1,187,238 49 r"73,707 89 190,494 30 1 1,063,212 86,495 127,035 637,060 341,570 120,200 | 1,767,095 756,060 131,925 436,300 574,735 1 264,835 1 512,845 947,915 . 434,520 1,213,470 779,385 586,610 2,486,080 814,305 1,116,840 395,840 531,935 495,300 261,270 101,885 50 i 676,341 71 00 J 6,586 00 00 1 25,176 00 00 ; 75,522 00 00 i 9,060 16 00 * 10,201 00 00 340,528 30 00 126,579 11 00 j 22,583 14 00 59,623 27 00 26,960 00 00 55,363 00 00 39,101 00 00 49,020 00 Ot) 43,316 00 00 225,745 00 00 30,744 62 00 00 20,7$6 94 00 11,298 00 00 1 00 t 144,202 00 00 300,212 00 00 i 155,577 00 00 116,844 20 00 28,277 00 16,984,722.50 2,599,737 45 o p p to CO 00 CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ i■-"- Capital stock. Specie. 1 1 « *s» 1833. Aug. 1 July 29 Bank United States 22 Office, Portland 25 Portsmouth 25 Boston 29 Providence 31 Hartford 29 i New York 27 Baltimore 23 Washington 20 ■ Richmond 22 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville 23 Charleston 49 Savannah 15 Mobile 11 New Orleans 15 Natchez 17 St. Louis 18 Nashville 22 Louisville 18 Lexington 23 Cincinnati 25 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo 24 Utica Burlington 31 20 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 7 2,819,778 58,677 50,500 265.979 68,316 42,917 1,762,054 607.000 92,727 222,140 96,356 100,174 331,269 526.980 200,744 951,057 72,992 . 285,138 215,185 356,153 203,401 1 331,603 127.001 112,316 68,959 54,249 11 62 26 58 99 00 75 00 23 81 01 46 26 61 84 33 63 18 46 84 67 67 55 76 61 15 Notes issued. Discount, ex I Dividends Profit & loss. change, and unclaimed.' interest. 16,450,000 j 2,391,356 243,970 244,465 300,000 979,540 1,500,000 437,445 800,000 308,712 300,000 2,500,000 1,588,687 1,500,000 994,637 [ 500,000 983,882 11,000,000 1 1,071,530 500,000 1 1,341,680 500,000 1,325,260 f 1,500,000 2,044,680 1,000,000 1 2,651,930 2,146,201 1,000,000 6,696,365 2,187,050 827,255 1,000,000 3,590,675 > 1,350,000 1,194,310 1,000,000 2,420,665 1,700,000 1,506,260 700,000 1,229,095 1,023,505 735,630 1 508,135 1,830 115 90 54,763 30 66,479 00 00 ■ 7,930 90 1,211 00 00 189 00 4,137 95 00 8,197 00 59,105 56 00 11,033 39 3,097 50 50 5,497 38 1,510*00 50 74,288 39 33,313 59 50 22,346 01 14,337 00 50 14,235 55 6,764 43 00 11,692 47 15,991 00 00 10,642 24 10,367 00 00 9,198 90 l;646 00 00 21,513 64 31,810 50 00 6,707 16 3,885 00 00 1 16,477 78 00 84 25 74,380 96 00 42,148 03 139 00 00 4,534 48 00 12,061 74 1 00 24,5^5 03 505 80 00 10,701 32 220 50 00 19,838 73 00 15,111 81 00 8,044 70 00 7,472 44 00 6,481 40 00 00 10 34 110,023,677 38 1 35,000,000 j 40,674,867 90 m ■ « 544,931 80 199,747 57 .i Foreign ex change account. Contingent fund. 3,132,999 51 205,351 45 |5,627,809 71 3,132,999 51 205,351 45 5,627,809 71 GENERAL STATEMENT^-Continued. IFund for extin- Due to Bank guishing cost United States Due to State j banks. of banking and offices. houses. J •_ 1833. *9 1 4* August July Bank United States - | 731,292 05 2,242,988 95 533,700 05 29 Office, Portland 148,187 72 Portsmouth • 22 2,401,914 55 Boston 25 1 560,210,65 Providence - i 25 ~ 157,718 97 Hartford 29 ~ 5,005,712 17 New York 31 2,472^116 39 • Baltimore 29 - 70,175 68 Washington 27 297,629 98 Richmond 23 58,449 67 20 Norfolk "*' 7,692 46 Fayetteville - I 22 290,148 47 Charleston ' - 1 ' "" 23 46,688 06 , Savannah 23 485,33951 ., Mobile 19 L . _ ! 5,807,534 01 ', New Orleans •> 15 '2,738,587 40 Natchez 11 975,328 07 St. Louis 15 336,331 62 Nashville 17 -w. 1,548,139 52 Louisville 18 23,731.13 , Lexington 22 1,111,287 52 Cincinnati 18 591,130 62 Pittsburgh 23 • **874,003 05 . 25 Buffalo 545,305 16 | Utica 23 j 537,011 06 j ' 24 | Burlington ~ 2,468,469 58 | 31 Agency, Cincinnati " 237,476; 52 Chillicethe - 1 20 731,292 05 32,573,008 54 535,606 26,285 344 167,482 13,306 15,133 338,448 37,502 75,904 • - 49,930 49,904 233,931 66,602 245,925 13,224 3,028 8,506 8,283 74,747 3,561 108,311 109,190 86,470 8,984 10,057 —' Redemption Deposites on account of of public debt Treasurer U. j States. 637,520 83 59 23 43 92 64 23 65 02 25 - 1,263 39 5,196 72 - 4,551 317,810 854 227,456 32 16 28 15 - 41 59 12,327 54 20 43 81 15 "* 82 v 46 67 75, 1 ' 48 '79 37 29 76 1 28 - r . ■ • -' 2,290,675 22 1,206,980 59 ! 245,379 95,130 19,875 922,041 31,470 4,925 1,831,670 160,856 139,372 88,364 11,561 20,668 33,305 33,752 19,054 149,622 157,379 163,015 9,534 33,682 349 243,469 112,040 11,572 13,062 315 81 i 12 53 59 05 $7 12 79 92 05 90 27 97 98 22 23 18 17 64 71 64 98 01 83 82 65 Deposites on account of public offi cers. 311,769 00 31,589 92 33,526 77 166,364 33 22,666 73 20,794 85 322,360 16 139,585 85 187,070 10 22,464 41 • 102,235 82 9,419 62 11,755 07 49,137 00 45,484 32 156,810 31 5,717 82 160,550 77 % 55,011 11 3,495 14 43,273 86 53,593 79 * 12,148 17 12,902 44 14,328 67 17,914 40 - .-" 4,551,474 75 2,031,970 43 Deposites on account of individuals. 2,941,580 21,679 11,723 193,042 24,232 29,608 1,245,368 352,607 302,084 284,648 295,413 48,055 928,440 64,745 107,880 765,633 97,918 281,480 143,973 688,964 332,180 423,383 255,738 124,854 153,093 33,743 48 83 78 48 52 32 16 25 44 15 65 93 99 56 57 00 91 42 18 79 88 07 86 10 32 62 67 28 10,152,143 54 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 186 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. ' II II 1 1 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville 88,195 00 Office, Mobile 6,930 00 1 New Orleans 13,565 00 ! Natchez^ ' 8,395 00 St. Louis 19,215 00 Nashville 5,985 00 Louisville . 130,290 00 Lexington 31,350 00 Cincinnati 31,340 00 Pittsburgh 46,670 00 Buffalo 35,965 00 Utica % 273,810 00 Burlington 127,690 00 52,595 00 J 1 4 J fltuM'lestnn . Savannah 291,245 0 0 1,687,880 00 511,485 00 90,475 00 181,485 00 53,755 00 473,195 00 171,600 00 34,505 00 119,260 00 , 130,040 00 182,720 00 #4,799,640 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co. Hope & Co. and Hottinguer & Co. Bond* and mortgages Due by the United States Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France #2,059,523 60 52,646 76 5,267 32 158,842 77 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in circulation. s . Notes issued . Notes on hand Notes in transitu - . . - . ' . . - . . . - 16,984,722 50 . 4,799,640 00 . #40,$74,86V 90 21,784,362 5 0 Actual circulation $18,890,505 4 0 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent #40,144 17 Pension Fund, overdrawn. Bank United States Office, New York Pittsburgh . , Burlington . . • . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . #19,724 56 8,221 84 829 42 8,242 57* #37,018 39 Digitized Sy Google RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 38,084,035 40 Bills discounted on bank stock 788,464 39 Bills discounted on other security 4,364,606 35 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate . . . Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State bitnks 43,237,106 14 20,923,243 00 64,160,349 14 88,258 0£ 1,802,907 24 33,090,038 50 2,659,645 20 Due from United States Due from United States for protested bill of ex change on France . . . . Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses -- . Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 16,984,722 50 notes of State banks 2,599,737 45 158,842 77 2,059,523 106,148 1,187,238 73,707 60 40 49 89 95 38 76 17 39 135,129,873 22 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 5,627,809 71 35,000,000 00 40,674,867 90 544,931 80 199,747 57 3,132,999 51 205,351 45 3,602,885 54 2,024,924 17 35,749,683 70 5,267 32 19,584,459 10,023,677 52,646 40,144 37,018 specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Pension fund, overdrawn Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund . . . p — Due to Bank U. States and offices 32,573,008 54 Due to State banks 2,290,675 22 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account df Trea surer United States . Less overdrafts and special de posites 34,863,683 76 1,206,890 59 O 731,292 05 f 4,551,474 75 190,494 30 CO 4,360,980 45 Deposites on account of public officers 2,031,970 43 Deposites on acc't of individuals 10,152,143 54 16,545,094 42 135,129,873 22 August 2, 1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT * of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned, Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discount Domestic bills of Foreign bills on personal se-1 on bank stock. 1 ed on other exchange. ] of exchange. curity. securities. - 18337 September 2 Bank'United States 3,701,184 57 523,706 90 August 26 Office, Portland 240,151 81 Portsmouth 26 715,064 19 Boston 29 642,206 01 .Providence 29 393,033 71 Hartford 26 5,501,392 02 New York 31 1,825,519 17 Baltimore 26 Washington - [ 1,031,396 81 24 1,266,112 32 Richmond 27 620,151 37 Norfolk 24 804,545 70 Fayetteville26 1,654,738 39 Charleston 20 298,530 15 Savannah 20 1,117,523 62 Mobile 16 New Orleans 4,808,600 00 12 1,572,600 18 Natchez 8 464,450 01 St. Louis 19 1,507,784 69 Nashville 14 Louisville -. 2,372,308 21 15 1,090,596 82 Lexington 26 2,366,504 85 1 Cincinnati 22 982,663 €4 Pittsburgh 29 497,466 98 1Buffalo 22 588,586 82 Utica 27 Burlington 21 385,973 95 1^516,043 08 j 31 Agency, Cincinnati Chfflicothe 1 134,596 19 i 20 1 July Real estate. Due from Bank of the U. SUtes and offices. V ! 38,623,432 16 117,550 00 2,958,472 14 5,500 00 1,000 00 2,418 30 60,800 00 - 52,000 00 - 133,700 15,511 12,000 25,680 11,950 330,985 00 15 00 00 00 44 - : 11,500 00 ,-- 49,290 140,939 1,000 164,112 -'- ' ~ 144,772 22 42,390 00 - 21,000 00 51,250 53 - _ 900 00 14,000 00 _ - ~ *" - 6,100 00 ■ ' ■ 00 70 00 60 ,5,610 20 - 83,679 62v 88,541 04 205,000 00 _ " • 4,100 00 1,000 00 - - ~" 1,608,883 230,590 162,535 3,975,569 646,332 89,491 759,635 207,196 207,690 188,938 328,720 228,424 202,653 231*620 243,755 4,278,375 2,439,193 79,312 293,030 880,478 306,086 3S2,739 408,574 326,128 233,549 397,667 60 43 09 30 72 34 97 21 54 17 78 89 48 86 16 44 29 02 05 12 62 77 45 84 70. 60 - 710,794 89 4,031,958 10 19,287,174 44 '. ■ ■ i Hi 78,744 54 82,431 57 ■ - ■ 4,115 00 - 28,315 25 - 142,877 64,854 48,490 16,651 - . - - * ' \ \ \ j | - 56,576 04 53,889 96 216,657 55 - 80,992 16 - -• 62 85 00 13 - f 916,627 15 77i57S 07 82,431 57 I 1,786,366 32 16,621,714 34,691 123,260 374,676 235,795 186,786 1,916,311 189,771 359,377 396,767 310,115 526,192 1,203>455 ■ 1,488,847 958,750 : 2,230,142 38,289 ! 1,014,03*3 544,033 L 280,388 797,955 203,730 312,540 201,^34 . 52,552 18,569 2,811 ' 50 28 65 05 21 79 86 32 27 72 25 66 05 49 73 12 57 60 07 29 67 83 97. 67 09 65 49 ' 30,622,795 7S GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. * l 1 1 I Willi - | Due from State banks. 1833. Sept. 2 Aug. 26 26 29 29 26 31 26 24 27 24 26 20 20 16 12 8 19 14 15 26 22 29 22 27 21 31 July 20 _——— Bank UhitecTStates Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford NeW York Baltimore « Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis _ Nashville Louisville Lexington - Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati • Chillicothe - Losses charge Deficiencies. Banking houses. able to contin gent fund. - 485,954.02 1 333,017 81 [ 29,812 20 7,020 83 -. 5,933 71 84,998 33 -_ . . 65,190 05 l 29,026 60 i 976 00 17,991 31 925 65 j 32,295 36 16,546 75 399,923 42 - 34,075 65 38,050 70 1,649,313 46 68,307 57 231,035 53 .69,376 83 168,858 28 | , 39,148 46 27,434 28 242,253 77 •86,860 56 -70,265 77 148,693 26 49,659 48 150,111 09 456 52 67,980 78 •243,861 21 49,209 98 518>525 39 ■ - - - 25,121 99 6,315 70 - • 120,189 13,639 92,552 30,106 31,991 29,301 3,784 77 17 63 56 95 11 98 - 405-28 167,552 68 205,368 98 j - 594 00 - - 395 40 - 300 00 79,911 82 19,546 24 2,649,047 39 3,540,947 08 * 1 ■ - ,106,174 40 413,081 19 - - 116,777 02 <-. - - 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 48,885 24,096 48,000 18,775 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 92 00 74 - - 15,000 00 44,471 15 *- 23,5,19 84 ! 21,272 48 17,293 19 - 11,550 00 1,187,238 49 Expenses. 19,113 594 31 4,947 1,168 02 82 54, 70 66 - Treasurer U. Notes of Bank Notes of State U.States and States. banks. offices. -( -' 10,002 29 "~ T 3,081 14 10,481 53 17,901 46 13,978 15 2,113 34 594 71 5,767 66 -2,453 80 2,478 88 12,272,11 . 2,272 20 712 15, " 2,328 92 . 2,195 0 1 , 1,179 10 2,789 17 170,000 00 2,194 36 2,404 29 2,729 16 • 1,412 74 • 783 171 -4,516 75 2,166 66 114,568 67 2,032,372 50 89,550 00 120,240 00 675,540 00 323,720 00 62,410 00 1,471,475 00 677,405 00 159,475 00 289,770 00 458,160 00 193,950 00 504,600 00 998,840 00 483,315 00 1,694,010 00 1,079,145 00 585,290 00 2,397,360 00 530,045 00 1,144,450 00 230,710 00 421,355 00 547,830 00 321,240 00 283,825 00 687r712 12,930 43,486 128,954 4,886 10,201 389,642 69,610 13,998 79,905 12,700 48,599 24,741 53,195 29,298 141,210 17,729 41 00 00 00 00 00 70 30 20 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 - 57,902 28 18,113 00 103,906 244,985 119,773 112,109 34,289 00 00 00 99 00 190,095 82 17,776,082 50| 2,459,877 04 00 <0 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. O Specie. 1833. Sept. 2 Bank United States - 2,948,788 58,725 Lug. 26 Office, Portland 51,454 26 Portsmouth 221,034 29 Boston 80,699 29 Providence 45,552 26 Hartford 2,034,613 31 New York 594,000 26 Baltimore 87,105 24 Washington 224,693 27 Richmond * 96,467 24 Norfolk 94,655 26 Fayetteville 327,313 20 Charleston 534,138 20 Savannah ' 199,772 16 Mobile 937,557 12 New Orleans 73,584 8 Natchez 280,972 19 St. Louis 219,265 14 Nashville . 169,606 15 Louisville 202,261 26 Lexington 22 Cincinnati 373,903 139,027 29 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo 80,566 70,672 27 Ufica 61,217 21 Burlington 31 Agency, Cincinnati • My 20 Chillicothe ' — ■ Capital stock. Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. Profit & loss. Foreign ex Contingent fund. change ac count. r — 10 95 38 91 00 00 56 00 11 89 40 82 45 53 55 89 36 28 74 25 51 31 06 26 06 80 16,450,000 2,400,423 243,970 300,000 244,465 l,500i000 974,190 800,000 430,615 30d,000 308,712 2,500,000 1,552,777 1,500,000 979,017 500,000 983,882 1,000,000 1,071,530 500*000 1,338,050 500,000 1,325,260 1,500,000 2,044,680 1,000*000 2,651,930 2,146,201 1,000,000 , 7,096,365 2,260,325 827,255 1,000,000 3,571,305 1,250,000 1,194,310 1,000,000 2,420,665 1,700,000 1,489,760 700,000 1,214,535 1,023,505 - • 735,630 508,135 1,830 _ 115 - - - 10,207,649 20 57 80,576 01 57,141 XX) 3,132,999 51 190,876 95 5,627,809 71 10,853 32 360 50 00 6,260 62 17 50 00 76,806 43 j 2,404 50 00 18,501 19 2,702 00 00 878 50 50 1 8,175 90 1 50 106,597 78 22,251 59 30,007 38 10,627 00 50 4,968 93 50 | 19,287 97 19,648 02 10,384 00 00 m 15,684 60 5,614 00 00 v 16,878 84 1,558 50 00 32,162 01 23,383 50 00 8,190 49 . 2,712 50 00 ; 24,903 60 00 528 75 00 108,750 89 65,622 69 00 112 00 00 I 8,322 20 00 1 20,382 60 42,696 35 449 80 00 21,862 63 115 50 00 00 1 35,188 39 00 [ 23,397 18 12,125 30 00 12,254 46 00 00 9,721 31 00 ' 10 34 00 ; • ■ 35,000,000* 41,039,439 57 1 ■ III I I M . . ■ ■ I«I "■ ■ ■ — 834*368 50 146,210 07 3,132,999 51 190,876 95 | 5,627,809 71 2 o 6* GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. _£_*«——— • \ ' * • 18137 Sept. 2 Bank United States August 26 Office, Portland 26 Portsmouth 29 Boston 29 Providence 26 Hartford 31 New York 26 Baltimore 24 Washington 27 Richmond 24 Norfolk 26 Fayetteville 20 Charleston 20 Savannah 16 Mobile 12 New Orleans 8 . Natchez 19 St. Louis 14 Nashville 15 Louisville 26 Lexington 22 Cincinnati 29 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo 27 Utica 21 Burlington 31 Agency, Cincinnati July 20 Ohillicothe i . Fund for ex tinguishing cost of bank ! ing houses. - 731,292 05 -' i - » * . -' . - * - - i N l ■ ' - ' - - [ -. - Dae to Bank United States and offices. - ■ 731,292 05 \ I i i. i 1,968,675 555,533 143,219 2,293,749 593,877 .135,770 3,587,739 2,398,989 113,902 389,778 45,993 6,370 15,810 39,437 667,213 5,259,100 3,130,153 1,052,083 338,026 1,586,699 149,562 36,600 393,387 908,358 530,743 639,500 2,468,469 237,476 ui ■■ *i i i Due to State banks. i 1 '■ ■ ■ i 388,451 91 1 600,896 35 48 / 28,308 05 2„008 23 * 1,263 12 S 5,07$ 100,589 99 45 23,026 30 30 4.551 13. 214,564 166,754 78 36 854 24,606 28 85 227,411 54,860 06 41 1 -, 60 I 36,786 32 47 54,483 63 00 i 99 140,629 26 . 7,845 38 60,470 99 90 131,305 22 ' "" 09 21,817 92 57 51 16,426 89 58 11,971 04 1 36 * 77,613 77 "" 06 5;034 46 02 53,445 11 73 1M,287 48 07 ^ 55,956 59 6,848 08 ~ 46 10,1& 59 96 58 X, ~' 52 - 29,686,222 30 1,582,871 85 i ■ >m Redemption Deposites on ac Depositee on ac Depositeson of public debt. count of Trea count of public account of in dividuals. surer U. States. officers* 65 39 45 52 80 28 26 69 491,800 54 113,133 35 1 18,113 02 [ 1,020,914 25 ! 28,491,73 5,521 62 2,299,291 37 168,634 87 145,680 67 13,432 66 117,349 13 24,247 22 62,051 01 1 31,417 12 | 8,600 93 ! 165,143 01 1 204,929 18 84,866 39 9,303 74 49,387 77 20,346 20 238,388 64 81,243 22 9,970 33 . 1,078 10 . . 291 65 - 1,062,463 04 5,413,627 72 306,623 18,524 f 10,449 283,823 31,586 98,949 904,564 179,915 148,733 87;488 60,929 60,819 10,940 r 45,697 34,450 129,866 5,651 189,416 26,038 2,332 28,859 28,274 39,471 10,057 16,411 36,300 74 3,046,569 90 84 , 22,438 87 04 I 11,410 59 49 112,444 56 78 25,900 26 10 45,572 93 S2 1,215,454 82 41 289,017 72 01 321,983 78 07 259,167 25 47 291,245 72 40 .36,191 90 83 848,210 21 37 58,815 55 74 114,752 77 23 739,917 44 97 93,432 62 92 261,187 15 43 142,374 67 08 327,484 44 70 318,110 70 55 436,511 85 85 234,778 88 58 70,900 89 85 107,264 01 97 25,828 64 2,896,178 24 67 28 9,457,035 40 [ Doc. No 523. J 192 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notts 0/ the Bank of (he United States and offices, in transitu. Bftitk United States Office, Portland Portsmouth 'Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah 30,690 6,930 12,180 57,545 22,675 6,750 67,620 23,560 107,125 188,220 109,645 324,145 113,660 139,320 00 I Office, Mobile , 00 ~ New Orleans 00 Natchez 00 8 t Louis 00 Nashville 00 Louisville. 00 Lexington 00 Cincinnati 00 Pittsburgh 00 Buffalo 00 \ Utica 00 Burlington 00 00 267,330 00 1,431.730 00 581,630 00 98,63500 241,280 00 73,985 00 491,355 00 251,315 00 126,590 00 29,035 00 32,855 00 14*265 00 1— , $4,850,070 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., HopefitCo», and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . Doe by the United States . . . . . Due by the United 8tates for protested bill of exchange on France #3,158,860 . 62,146 5,267 158,842 07 76 32 77 Statement of the actual circulation of the notes of the Bank United States and offices. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - - #41,039,439 57 17,776,082 50 4,850,070 00 — — -■ 22,626,152 50 i Notes in actual circulation • - - - . - - ' i $18,413,287 07 At Office, Norfolk. $40,144 17 Navy Agent Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 38,623,432 16J 710,794 89 do. bank stock Do 4,031,958 10 .Do. do. other security Domestic bills of exchange 43,366,185 15 19,287,174 44 62,653,359 59 82,431 57 1,786,366 32 »d ^Foreign bills of exchange Keal estate * Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks 30,622,795 75 2,649,047 39 Due from United States Due from United States for protested bill of e x change on France Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hot tinguer & Co Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz. notes of the Bank U. States and offices notes of State banks specie Hortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 5,627,809 71 35,000,000 41,039,439 834,868 146,210 3,132,999 190,876 / 00 57 50 07 51 95 3,540,947 08 2,086,862 63-, 33,271,843 14 5,267 32 158,842 77 3,158,860* 07 106,174 40 1,187,238 49 U4,568«7 17,776,082 50 2,459,877 04 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed * Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund * Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund 20,235,959 10,207,649 62,146 40,144 54 20 76 17 Due to Bank U. 8. and offices Due to State banks Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. £tates Less overdrafts and special depo sites - © 29,686,222 30 i,582,871 85 31,269,094 15 1,062,463 Oik 731,292 05 O p\ 5,413,627 n 03 190,095 82 5,223,531 90 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individu als - 2,896,178 24 9,457,035 4 0 17,576,745 54 1133,070,852 01 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 133,070,852 01 September 2,1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier. o CO GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates £ herein mentioned. »u Bills discounted Bills discount- Bills discount- Domestic bills of exchange. on personal se ed on bank ed on other stock. securities. curity. o o o 1833. Sept. 30 Bank United States 3,808,552 34 518,941 51 23 Office, Portland 265,516 3* Portsmouth 23 616,903 61 Boston ' 26 \ 603,366 62 Providence 26 407,728 90 Hartford 23 5,386,074 72 New York 25 1,832,419 94 Baltimore 23 1,023,866 25 Washington 21 1,267,124 58 Richmond 24 669,014 85 Norfolk 21 792,091 20 Fayetteville 23 1,625,125 20 Charleston ir, 299,095 07 Savannah 17 1,138,828 96 Mobile 13 4,491,165 21 New Orleans 9 1,535,514 11 Natchez 5 460,127 46 St. Louis 16 1,498,152 23 Nashville H 2,343,145 58 Louisville* 19 1,023,149 49 Lexington 23 2,365,053 59 | Cincinnati 19 979,978 22 1 Pittsburgh 450,655 78 Buffalo 19 539,765 85 1 Utica .{ 24 383,232 56 Burlington 25 1,441,078 95 21 | Agency, Cincinnati 134,596 19 Chillicothe July 20 11 37,900,265 29 147,400 00 2,450,010 18 2,005,064 5,500 00 1 283,017 1,000 00 163,003 2,418 30 72,619 00 3,426,956 657,329 - . 84,519 42,000 00 11,500 00 885,678 25,800.00 234,101 134,650 00 49,320 00 218,877 15,511 15 . 140,939 70 12,000 00 1,000 00 , 236,520 24,980 00 160,730 33 1 319,616 297,424 11,950 00 _ 144,783 335,678 44 132,801 99! 112,746 40,850 00 - 214,569 21,000 00 75,660 99 3,192,059 2,299,602 -( 89,272 14,900 00 _ -' 186,353 930,812 5,610 20 353,716 _' 324,467 3,600 00 91,679 62 363,624 89,800 23 300,045 200,000 00 - . 218,639 325,121 4,100 00 1,000 00 - - - 97 14 74 39 75 27 92 44 67 91 18 89 40 37 48 92 1 67 j 12 71 96 14 89 89 90 16 63 - 792,887 89 3,533,122 24 17,867,927 51 Real estate. Due from Bank 1. Due from United States State banks. and offices. 78,744 54 i 17,563,839 5,736 4,115 00 98,410 275,266 227,221 28,315 25 108,598 2,067,672 ~* 100,294 143,616 13 245,399 64,854 85 363,712 48,490 00 244,043 16,651 13 392,040 8,500 00 1,169,337 1,498,877 571,003 1,836,542 73,558 -. 1,049,195 56,576 04 470,513 53,689 96 252,758 216,657 55 721,886 204,866 "80,992 16 368,271 368,961 . 219,166 15,939 _ 79,658 908,628 61 77,575 07 1 1,787,406 28 92 09 35 57 02 39 89 57, 04 67 76 08 71 59 56 94 72 44 16 58 52 43 10 12 59 25 91 826,836 21,133 781 198,932 42,304 11,960 513,701 102,759 113,015 191,890 34,451 1,302 99,151 46,083 79,100 381,355 506,242 21 16,246 4,803 1 144,624 4,671 122,216 78,942 44,116 29,301 3,784 51 13 60 93 87 91 53 55 29 41 71 32 03 66 80 16 02 30 01 51 66 18 00 30 03 06 11 98 30,592,772 97 ""^619,741 57 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. [ 1833. Sept. 30 23 23 26 26 23 25 23 21 24 21 23 17 17 13 9 ~ Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis NashviUe Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Losses chargea Deficien cies. ble to contin gent fund. * Banking houses. Expenses. Public officers Notes of Bank Notes of State banks. United States and Treasurer and offices. United States. 331,520 7,020 84,998 29,026 925 16,546 60,307 1,649,313 231,035 39,148 242,253 86,860 148,693 ! 149,311 413,081 19 24,776 1,367 383 4,947 2,005 ** 19 23 19 19 19 24 25 n July # 0 "" 976 00 34,075 65 -- - - 1 V ■ ■ - 594 00 j 28 166,802 68 205,368 98 78,809 19,546 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 48,885 24,096 48,000 18,775 45652 405 -; - ' - | — 116,777 02 87,000 00 118 50 69,376 83 49,209 98 - *1 16 30 83 33 60 65 75 63 46 53 46 77 56 26 09 - - . 300 00 - 23,519 21,272 17,292 395 40 78 24 - 15,000 44,471 - 11,550 r 16 02 29 70 43 - 1 . - - 12,136 65 , 34 4,885 00 ~ . 10 12,261 51 t 20,261 50 07 14^897 00 1 65 3,347 72 02 ! 1,72149 78 7,636 85 00 3,663 45 92 3,551 26 00 15,416 69 74 3,395 13 1,495 97 00 3,860 75 15 3,444 99 . 2,434 51 170,000 00 84 4,059 49 2,194 36 48 3,177 58 3,321 87 j 19 2,C34 60 783 17 00 16,222 39 2,166 66 3,597,105 16 106,292~9o] 1,187,238 49 159,394 33 1 " 192,455 86 1,571,640 37,880 68,835 848,900 278,145 54,000 1,964,840 709,460 178,130 67,355 451,990 333,725 470^100 1,070,730 275,670 2*302,2*5 964,290 552,835 2,326,560 682,160 1,202,660 280,050 572,155 475,175 184,025 125,715 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; 00 00 ! 00 00 00 00 650,312 6,644 26,925 205,286 5,387 10,517 462,772 89,221 24,513 24,310 15,635 56,946 15,042 60,640 16,579 194,280 19,576 - 21,271 19,568 - 96,105 242,280 104,372 39,519 23,695 Specie* ' 2,841,63843 57,718 05 49,790 95 330,183 01 78,519 88 45,297 00 2,039,059 23 582,000 00 69,226 85 227,795 42 90,639 45 91,513 22 365,357 08 532,707 15 199,519 19 1,271,815 39 119,594 19 278,877 87 64 299,923 27 170,874 13 00 190,144 64 377,766 22 00 135,844 65 00 92,193 01 00 76 j 76,856 84 48,586 39 00 85 00 38 00 04 00 09 70 38 44 00 00 00 00 30 00 03 ! 18,049,170 00 \ 2,431,399 61 10,663,441 51 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Foreign bills Capital stock. Notes issued. of exchange. Discount, exJ Dividends Profit & loss. Foreign exchange ac change, and unclaimed. count. interest. 1833. 8ept.30 1 Bank United States 16,450,000 83,919 07 2,494,423 57 118,913 14 24,577 00 b.130,536 21 157 50 14,640 71 243,970 00 23 i Office, Portland - . _ 7,821 86 244,115 00 300,000 Portsmouth 23 1,893 50 973,890 00 1 82,749 96 \ 1,500,000 Boston 26 22,940 00 i 2,660 00 430,615 00 800,000 Providence 26 i 66150 9,951 15 320,712 50 300,000 Hartford 23 1,547,787 50 138,175 42 19,918 09 2,500,000 New York 25 -, 8,506 00 38,282 03 979,017 50 1,500,000 Baltimore 23 4,685 43 25,024 72 980,587 50 500,000 Washington 21 -. , 9,180 00 25,917 52 1,042,175 00 1,000,000 Richmond 24 4,865 00 20,589 66 1,338,050 CO 500,000 Norfolk 21 1,558 50 22,518 85 1,445,260 00 500,000 Fayetteville 23 \ 41,540 94 19,519 50 2,044,680 00 1,500,000 Charleston 17 2,642 50 9,531 32 2,648,060 00 1,000,000 Savannah 17 : 31,619 96 1 2,121,716 00 Mobile 13 i • 308 25 1,000,000 ! 7,375,215 00 135,741 93 New Orleans 9 < * 79,797 58 2,260,325 00 Natchez 5 - 126 00 11,412 53 827,255 00 S t Louis 16 . 1' -29,587 38 [ 1,000,000 3,571,305 00 NashvUIe. 11 ! 60,863 93 337 80 1,168,300 00 - 1,250,000 Louisville 19 * 27,198 93 94 50 2,420,665 00 1,000,000 Lexington 23 48,276 51 1,489,760 00 1,700,000 Cincinnati 19 , »-m \ 27,423 28 1,214,535 00 700,000 Pittsburgh 19 1,019,905 00 ! 15,960 48 Buffalo 19 -. ; "m. -.■ 14,315 35 735,630 00 Utica 24 »508,135 00 ! 12,687 20 Burlington 25 1,830 00 ! 11,704 83 •; 21 Agency, Cincinnati - • -f f J 10 34 115 00 Chillicotbe -j Jury 20 ■ " 1&%708 34 Contingent fund. 5,627,809 71 - • 83,919 07 35,000,000 41,448,034 57 1,085,197 41 101,691 07 3,130,536 21 [ 182,708 34 5,627,809 71 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. T I I W """ I , I " , J 183& Sept. 30 Bank United States 23 Office, Portland Portsmouth 23 Boston 26 Providence 26 Hartford 23 New York 25 Baltimore 23 Washington 21 Richmond 24 Norfolk 21 Fayetteville 23 Charleston 17 h Savannah 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez 5 St. Louis 16 Nashville 11 Louisville 19 Lexington 23 Cincinnati 19 Pittsburgh 19 Buffalo 19 Utica ^ 24 Burlington 25 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe July 20 Fund for ex-l tinguishing Due to Bank U. Due to State Redemption Deposites on ac Deposites on ac Deposites on ac count of Trea count of pub count pf indivi ; of public banks. cost of bank States arid of duals. lic officers. surer U. S. [ ' debt. fices. ing houses. 731,292 05 -i ■ ! ' -- " -' "* - ■ ■ '"*- " - * "" 2,719,312 565,331 142,611 ,2,177,961 555,075 121,726 3,821,073 2,359,474 103,238 205,432 1 60,443 5,055 51,646 11,428 56,374 4,211,977 2,946,111 1,099,882 113,443 1,753,315 148,328 136,621 560,759 908,867 498,066 393,975 2,462,355 237,476 56 52 28 68 17 34 38 83 40 32 99 48 76 S5 50 14 65 42 18 07 92 07 60 16 80 06 14 52 - 227,964 94 14,400 39 2,167 67 131,108 27 31*854 65 1,665 14 168,682 62 64,823 87 48,827 53 - -1*263 4,416 1,363 2,818 174,491 854 63,244 - 39 19 12 69 $5 28 46 ""j 9,611 68 39,197 219 57,298 65 56,587 06 85,498 47 49,527 39 3,348 74 13,982 87 13,337 70 I 57,859 85 1 1,762 91 I 37,421 58 I 136,460 04 60,610 88 1 2,491 18 14,677 01 I 731,292 05 28,427,366 29 1,331,168 38 *"aa*aaaataM^m 565,502 09 1 r J -- 7,845 69 - _ -- 821,799^76 —— ——— , 984,411 * 51,106 1,860 848,633 31,691 5,462 3,292,922 218,821 263,500 30,924 61,020 | 23,737 52,038 29,854 89,587 | 280,321 145,882 47,447 9,303 71,478 15,161 ! 232,088 1 80,243 i 16,017 529 291 - ■ 07 43 84 2* ■ 73 92 91 54 07 06 08 90 72 40 96 52 84 30 74 53 09 17 22 72 35 65 - ■ 311,603 29,198 54,450 288,623 3,224 25,911 401,022 137,856 170,265 60,685 102,578 30,459 32,628 50,441 53,531 155,996 3,990 220,870 36,861 12,203 43,827 50,378 20,533 20,317 9,299 27,992 28 55 93 08 01 32 92 53 37 98 04 02 64 66 05 38 52 73 32 69 60 92 75 40 82 I 16 i « 6,884,339 01 1 2,354,752 67 1,754,843 . 26,152 9,468 118,941 21,037 32,073 1,440,968 325,532 312,012 241,695 283,288 27,823 782,735 55,044 84,948 669,663 101,092 225,748 121,617 303,782 258,980 391,641 203,116 92>854 98,617 25,113 - 51 67 99 20 75 91 97 07 11 76 14 87 84 19 05 67 28 31 77 87 54 41 56 53 33 20 o o 21 o id CO 67 28 8,008,862 78 s 198 [ Doc. No. 523. ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of Bank United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland • Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston 8avannah 75,395 00 31,830 00 1,380 00 67,155 00 22,790 00 5,070 00 41,470 00 10,990 00 8,175 00 79,580 00 69,920 00 68,315 00 285,075 00 65,780 00 \ Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez 8t. Louia Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Bufi&Io Utica Burlington ! -] 306,210 00 1,099,745 00 820,505 00 134,845 00 317,915 00 144,175 00 213,700 00 285,910 00 42,590 00 23,625 00 33,835 00 14,805 00 #4,270,675 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . . Due by the United States * Due by the United 8tates for protested bill of exchange on France 12,291,471 16 62,027 12 5,267 32 158,842 77 Statement of the notes of Bank United States and offices, in circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - - . - . - ' . Notes in actual circulation . - . . - . . . $41,448,034 57 18,049,170 00 4,370,675 00 22,319,845 00 . - - . . $19,128,189 Sf At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent. •40,144 17 Pension Fund, overdrawn. Bank United State* Office, Providence Burlington - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . - $8,952 64 4,380 17 * 32 32 $13,265 03 Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Capital stock Notes issued . Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund * Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 3,597,105 16 34,212,514 54 5,267 32 Due to Bank U. States and offices State banks 28,427,366 29 1,331,168 38 158,842 77 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing the cost of banking houses Deposites— On account of the Treasurer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposites - Bills discounted on personal security 37,900,265 29 Do. do. bank stock 792,887 89 Do. do. other securities 3,533,122 24 42,226,275 42 17,867,927 51 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate . . . . Due from Bank United States and offices State banks - . 30,592,772 97 3,619,741 57 United States Due from United States for protested bUl of ex change on France Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies . Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices State banks . . r Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Pension fund, overdrawn 3,291,471 106*292 1,187,238 159,394 16 90 49 33 18,049,170 00 2,431,399 61 20,480,569 10,663,441 62,027 40,144 13,265 61 51 12 17 03 131,345,997 23 o o FT 60,094,202 93 83,919 07 1,787,406 28 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, On account of public officers On account of individuals • 35,000,000 00 41,448,034 57 1,085,197 41 101,691 07 3,130,536 21 182,708 34 5,627,809 71 2,030,704 55 29,758,534 67 821,799, 76 731,292 05 6,884,339 01 o t to CO 192,455 86 6,691,883 15 2,354,752 67 8,008,862 78 17,055,498 60 131,345,997 23 October 2, 1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier. KCO GENERAL STATEMENT . # 1833. Oct. 31 Bank United States 28 Office, Portland Portsmouth 28 | Boston 24 Providence 24 Hartford 28 New York 30 Baltimore 28 Washington 26 Richmond 22 Norfolk 26 | Fayetteville 21 Charleston 22 Savannah 22 , * Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 10 St. Louis 14 Nashville1$ Louisville 17 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 17 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo 24 Utica 22 23 Burlington 2.1 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe July 20 1 of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discount* on personal se ed on bank curity. stock. 3,572*546 ^36 ' 175,600 00 476,465 69 1,000 00 252,088 16 5,418 30 833,374 77 600,873 95 42,000 00 381,231 04 30,800 00 4,932,899 28 114,050 00 1,652,235 86 15,811 15 999,755 63 1,223,177 81 ! , 15,500 00 26,225 00 630,729 60 12,125 00 768,829 65 376,764 69 1,629*039 16 | 11,700 00 280,113 27 1,140,918 56 .21,000 00 4,269,399 41 1,432,242 70 16,100 00 434,383 60 1,418,994 48 f 2,243,587 18 958,496 27 1 2,323,134 23 5,100 00 ( 895,056 64 ~ 468,074 34 456,150 16 379,187 51 1,414,751 42 1S4,596 19 36,202,332 82 Bills discount- i Domestic bills ed on other of exchange. security. 2,930,844 64 5,500 CO . 11,500 49,320 86,120 73 00 00 140,939 70 . 1,000 00 148,828 88 - 126,856 99 27,625 00 -l 5,610 _ 89,179 75,660 99 20 62 91,300 23 209,000 00 1 1,000 - 00' 1,685,473 310,951 151,302 2,579,003 «21,87l 66,939 817,318 177,597 1 262,569 212,608 250,580 401,039 271,592 123,258 196,751 2,231,757 2,447,791 94,585 ! 401,525 1 990,308 517,585 332,518 277,112 253,480 208,428 263,838 _ - Real estate. o o Due from Bank Due from State United State* banks. and offices. 78,744 54 18,337,729 74 788,084 03 21,072 5,611 15 99 43,661 03 I 4,115 00 06 1,195 140,424 725,555 05 44 11,819 241,818 66 77 4,141 77,796 75 17 1 28,315 25 779,025 2,106,032 71 24 102,540 107,881 73 67 59,623 167,128 58 37 143,516 12 176,217 359,548 74 64,854 85 87 20,722 125,865 35 55 48,490 00 38,368 453,785 75 65 , 16,651 13 227,527 843,481 28 8,500 00 98 -52,494 1,420,925 92 12 59,090 433,932 70 72 364,890 ; 2,299,717 11 42 352,848 617,119 44 40 1,058,821 59 63 . 23,402 131,285 32 56,576 04 47 9,329 254,805 12 53,689 96 41. 697,674 32 30 216,657 55 161,416 288,813 51 83 32,840 425,021 06 80,992 16 50 L 95,485 292,745 74 38 f 4F* 66,427 375,782 22 09 32,133 102,013 71 \ 38 — 29,301 108,975 13 898,529 61 3,784 77t575 07 - 896,194 14 r 3,991,286 98 16,147,790 44 1,777,207 28 32,108,529 51 95 02 60 49 41 58 98 48 00 68 00 85 29 20 42 91 62 12 52 81 06 07 81 78 11 98 3,654,208 71 CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i ' * 1833. Oct. 31 28 28 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston 24 1 Providence 24 Hartford 28 New York 30 Baltimore 28 Washington 26 Richmond 22 Norfolk 26 ! Fayetteville 21 Charleston 22 Savannah 22 Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 10 St. Louis 14 Nashville 16 Louisville 17 Lexington 21 Cincinnati 17 1 Pittsburgh 24 1 Buffalo 24 Utica 22 Burlington 23 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe July 20 \ -1 ■ 1 ■!■■ ■ 1 II Losses charge Deficien Bank'g bouses. Expenses* able to contin cies. * gent fund. 1 - •" 1 1 1 1I 76,909 - ,--. 78 19,546 24 - . 395 40 300 00 - 15,000 oo 44,471 15 60900 - 23,519 84 21,356 08 17,294 07 '- 11,550 00 31,433 1,659 645 4,947 2,534 83 82 67 70 12 3,595,205 16 106,189 40 1,187,323 97 195,337 47 1 i ■ . I . - 502,384 ' 4,393 33,435 73,872 5,538 14,225 482,967 68,1§9 28,044 42,356 11,485 28,012 23,570 82.705 18,540 254J25 19,078 , -. . « -' ■ - \ ' ' " - ■ 1 » Notes of Bank Notes of State United States I banks. and offices. _ 1,122,835 OC 55,510 00 129,790 00 838,090 00 305,025 00 123,100 00 •~ 1,221,029 00 16*026 64 6,074 13 ; 689,465 00 168,320 00 21,800 15 14,954 03 73,355 00 16,183 11 594,135 00 3,463 54 199,365 00 2,053 91 813,420 00 9,353 85 00 - 4,795 38 " '• ' 1,168,645 364,820 00 4,882 78 00 18,475 09 - . -. 2,430,395 780,510 00 4,493 56 449,510 00 2,27911 " 2,711,220 00 4,726 63 881,705 00 4,69167 • -, 1,088,350 00 J 3,104 00 * 479,340 00 I 5,048 82 I 170,000 00 2,194 36 £52,550 00 3,943 47 511,540 P0 4,00014 1 85,620 00 2,593 38 | |; 54,330 00 1,590 85 „ 19,215 58 2,166 66 L 331,520 30 -- • i 1 413,081 19 7,020 S3 84,998 33 - 02 116,777 29,026 60 97600 925 65 16,546 75 ] - - *00 , 87,000 60,307 63 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 ^ 110,657 34 34,613 10 1 231,035 53 36,024 07 39,148 46 69,376 83 35,t09 65 242,253 77 - 13,385 0? 86,860 56 1 67,727 78 148,693 26 i 48,885 00 149,311 09 24,096 92 456 52 48,000 00 49,209 98 18,775 74 405 28 166,802 68 205,368 98 Treasurer U. States. ' - 31,555 22,768 i - 24,171 132,570 81,714 34,538 51,725 Specie. 40 2,070,816 17 00 50,473 05 50 50,693 72 00 361,523 72 15 81,801 67 00 85,047 00 74 2,018^817 99 51 417,500 00 56 161,036 34 39 228,302 19 00 188,407 28 00 88,288 64 00 290,184 49 00 523,177 93 60 284,260 08 00 1,505,274 11 10 118,917 86 232,842 50 63 232,203 92 00 198,119 86 i 230,720 20 380,269 17 00 00 ! 173,826 68 00 165,496 59 74 1 143i999 72 00 51,159 68 193,994 51 117,891,774 00 2,071,974 32 10,342,160 46 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. : o o eg. FT 1833. Oct. 31 28 28 24 24 28 30 28 26 22 26 21 22 22 18 14 10 H 16 17 21 17 24 24 22 23 21 July 20 Foreign bills Capital stock. Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. of exchange. interest. 82,652 S3 Bank United SUtea Office, Portland i Portsmouth —• Boston Providence : Hartford New York i • | Baltimore t Washington | Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville • Charleston -r Savannah Mobile | New Orleans ~ Natchez - -. St. Louis * Nashville Louisville Lexington j '- . Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo i Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe ■ _ ■ i . 82^652 53 Foreign ex change acoount. Contingent fund. 200,920 54 5,627,809 71 - * F t - • - - 2,498,623 57 151,340 07 21,248 50 Ll30,536 31 17 50 243,970 0 0 ' 18,056 00 9,530 37 244,115 00 300,000 964,990 00 . 87,380 45 1,333 50 1,500,000 27,418 28 2,544 50 430,615 00 800,000 661 50 12,401' 65 320,312 50 300,000 1,533,747 SO 169,497 25 18,150 59 2,500,000 45,493 33 6,178 50 970,397 50 1,500,000 . 32,468 96 4,622 43 975,247 50 500,000' 8,683 00 30,523 73 - 1,000,000 1,042,175 00 1,322,450 00 f 25,874 46 4,669 0 0 . 500,000 28,030 33 1,558 50 1,444,630 00 500,000 55,703 59 17,780 00 1,500,000 • 2,036,930 00 1,000,000 2,645,520 00 ! 10,891 06 2,642 50 39,130 35 2,120,186 00 308 25 7,375,215 00 169,140 20 i,ooo,ooa 2,260,265 00 103,366 22 126 00 14,228 01 815,050 00 47,457 95 1,000,000 3,568,970 00 288 80 76,792 95 1,167,530 00 1,250,000 59 50 35,350 "29 1,000,000 2,420,065 00 1,476,140 00 1 61,394 22 1,700,000 32,981 83 1,204,245 00 700,000 19,984 82 976,285 00 . 16,053 84 732,560 00 15,008 72 508,015 00 15,035 21 1,830 00 10 34 115 00 16,450,000 - > Profit and loss. • 35,000,000 41,300,194 57 1,350,544 58 90,872 57 3,130,536 31 s 200,920 54 5,627,809 71 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. J * 1833. Oct. - o o eg. FT July 31 Bank United States 28 Office, Portland Portsmouth 28 Boston 24 Providence 24 Hartford 28 New York 30 Baltimore 28 ' s Washington 26 Richmond 22 , Norfolk 26 Fayetteville 21 Charleston 22 ' Savannah 22 i Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 10 St. Louis 14 Nashville 16 Louisville 17 21 Lexington Cincinnati 17 Pittsburgh 24 buffalo 24 Utica 22 Burlington 23 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 20 1 Fund for ex- j tinguishing Due to Bank U. Due to State banks. cost of bank- 1 States and of-' fices. ing houses. - | 731,292 05 - ! A - . ' - - * _ -• -' - ■ Redemption Deposites on. Deposites on .ac Deposites on ac account of of public count of pub count of indivi Treasurer U. debt. duals. lic officers. States. 2,829,784 07 317,894 13 565,052 09- 523,829 29,547 8,813 73 599,957 16 1,624 967 68 1,263 S9 160,878 53 841,858 176,149 20 H 4,416 19 1,915,254 85 18,816 42,047 00 529,873 42 •930 7,311 61 2,818 69 161,822 28 98,145 79 112,808 11 3,190,916 3,626,392 29 112,336 80,117 74 660 64 2,024,83778 92,058 24,702 65 ^63,244 46 . 384,069 14 10,726 199,465 79 . 118,782 . 28,887 49 135,988 56 -, s ' 29,384 44,007 90 4,629 20 166,858 7,845 69 13,455 72 190,859 92 61,439 60 37,609 33 j 37,114 90,398 2,052 36 153,547 46 ! ) 1 294,228 46,085 57 3,769,583 58 6,720 34 i 3,087,380 19 ; 136,583 ; 114,977 10,890 36 955,408 15 15,277 12,275 18 252,913 11 66,726 79,975 58 L ' 1,932,877 86 14,862 10,600 85 148,633 02 . 271,161 31,535 91 303,964 32 113,357 57,132 92 . 468,904 93 57,801 *T8 960,582 95 ' 10,377 325 6,932 76 527,631 85 3,665 11,021 13 376,404 05' 2,454,907 64 237,476 52 * ■ - 731,292 05 28,431,637 95 1,236,964 98 24 78 72 04 28 10 38 56 57 35 97 16 61 40 02 62 24 76 44 67 18 11 65 49 75 31 758,109 26 6,306,725 40 \ ', 202,754 46 23,931*11 • 27,216 37 179,598 58 3,723 11 9,585 58 65,360 91 118,411 43 124,333 60 31,903 75 13,102 89 21,834 39 23*510 22 48,758 66 34,732 79 173,764 64 6,203 37 94,665 06 24,048 68 j 10,174 17 19,484 91 39,089 99 13,251 47 15,298 40 12,987 95 23,744 74 1,361,471 03 1,196,586 14,364 7,329 127440 19,168 34,998 1,2.37,206 320,477 248,399 234,176 216.684 34,690 823,767 49,660 92,703 739,579 191,259 283,177 109,940 291,622 268i900 408,621 188,160 49,799 77,047 19,611 40 27 01 64 45 63 39 30 95 38 48 53 93 38 32 16 06 09 33 72 87 68 74 89 97 05 67 28 7,285,041 88 204 [ Doc. No. 523. J GENERAL STATEJKENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank United States and Offices, in transitu. i Bank of the United States Office, Portland •' Portsmouth Boston Providence' Hartford • New York • Baltimore I Washington Richmond ' Norfolk i Fayetteville | Charleston Savannah - * ■ 337,820 1,500,460 865,715 81,885 53,525 31,515 282,760 187,705 102,625 19,090 280,620 189,690 Office, Mobile • New Orleans Natchez - ' 43,540 00 St. Louis • 400 00 i Nashville 13,980. 00 Louisville 70,950 00 Lexington 26,910 00 Cincinnati 24,655 00 Pittsburgh 245,110 00 Buffalo 39,355 00 Utica 181,745 00 Burlington 98,330 00 203,035 00 104*660 00 4,340 00 ' 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #4,890,420 00 ■ . At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . Due by the United States Due by the United Stotes for protested bill of exchange on France -- 12,097,756 72 62,027 12 5,267 32 158,842 77 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and Offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - . i . . . . . . . . „ 17,891,774 00 . 4,890,420 00 . 41,300,194 57 22,782,194 00 Notes in actual circulation $18,518,000 57 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent $40,144 \7 Pension Fund, overdrawn. Bank United Stotes Office, Boston Providence Nashville Pittsburgh Burlington - - - ' - - . - . . . . . 30 53 3,987 46 1,021 63 3;378 80 12,561 52 9,941 09 $30,921 03 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security - 36,202,332 821 Do. do. bank stock 869,194 14 Do. do. other securities 3,991,286 98 Domestic bills of exchange - - 41,062,813 94 16,147,790 44 Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices 32,108,529 51 3,654,208 7 ! State banks Due from United States ' - . Due from United Statesfor protested bilL of exchange on France . Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. . Deficiencies Banking houses ' Expenses . . . . . . Cash, viz. notes of Bank U. S. and offices 17,891,774 00 State banks 2,071,974 32 Specie o BANK or THE UNITED 35,762,738 22 5,267 32 -158,842 77 2,097,756 106,189 1,187,323 195,237 STATES, 72 40 97 47 5,627,809 71 3,595,205 16 Due to Bank United States and offices State banks • - 28,431,637 95 1,236,964 98 35,000,000 00 41,300,194 56 1,350,544 58 90,872 57 3,130,536 31 200,920 54 2,032,604 55 29,668,602 93 758,109 26 p 6,30fr,725 40 193,994 51 p. 6,112,730 89 1,361,471 03 7,285,041 88 W Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 731,292 05 14,759,243 80 129,022,921 16 129,022,921 16 as to November 2, 1883. S. JAUDON, Cashier, FT © Redemption of public debt Fund for .extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account. of the Treasurer of the United States Less .overdrafts and special deposites 32 46 12 17 03 19,963,748 10,342,160 62,027 40,144 30,921 - Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk -Pension Fund, overdrawn o 57,210,604 38 82,653 53 1,777,207 28 Capital stock Notes issued • Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss - Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund © oi GENERAL * STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills j Foreign bills of exchange. on personal se on bank stock. on other secu of exchange. curity. rity. - 1833" 202,350 00 2,395,097 Dec. 2 Bank United States • 3,615,044 02 464,488 93 5,500 Nov. 25 Office, Portland 242,203 28 1,000 00 Portsmouth 25 941,456 04 6,368 30 12,330 Boston 27 532,981 47 Providence 28 322,038 49 42,000 00 11,500 Hartford 25 New York - 4,466,485 10 30 *• 1,535,159 50 113,750 00 49,320 Baltimore 25 931,044 20 15,811 15 140,939 Washington 23 1,192,153 90 1 14,000 00 1,000 Richmond 26 608,436 19 43,325 00 i 147,854 Norfolk .23 704,435 08 12,125 00 FayettevtUe 25 1,504,952 48 390,156 61 120,498 Charleston 19 268,402 40 1 31,325 Savannah 19 l,il6,026 70 Mobile 15 21,000 00 4,187,134 36 75,660 New Orleans 11 1,460,477 21 Natchez 7 2,100 00 416,407 75 14,000 St. Louis 11 . 1*247^528 36 13 Nashville 5,610 Louisville - 2,102,213 9$ 14 886,179 53 18 Lexington • •- • 5,100 00 98,079 Cincinnati • 2,227,009 82 21 [ 833,367 37 Pittsburgh .107,174 28 426,930 19 . 200,000 Buffalo 21 389,703 15 26 Utica Burlington 325,884 07 3,100 27 [ 1,000 Oct. 21 | Agency, Cincinnati - 1,414,751 42 134,596 19 , Chillicothe July 20 34,491,491 18 869,086 06 1,496,766 309,438 160,511 00 1,795,088 581,587 00 66,704 745,787 00 186,843 70 192,572 00 256,431 60 200,003 361,353 99 478,743 00 468,707 247,550 99 1,887,793 2,555,073 00 102,622 698,887 20 f 1,078,451 514,738 28 464,109 48 •184,57? 00 228,300 172,641 00 237,256 00 j - 01 00 3,419,990 25 16 24 4a 69 43 22 85 08 13 25 92 14 65 37 96 55 77 61 12 51 64 60 35 71 00 43 .- 15,672,537 18 Real estate. 90,907 86 | ' • «r "" ' • 90,907 86 78,744 54 - 3,640 00 - 28,31* 35 " ~ 143.443 64,854 48,490 16,651 8,500 12 85 00 13 00 " ~ ~ - 56,576 04 53,689 96 216,657 55 - 59,817 16 1 - - 898,529 61 77,575 07 1,755,484 28 O Due from Bank U. States and offices. • 17,140,961 10,649 17,996 608,122 291,440 200,766 994,919 35,285 506,124 263,704 104,053 439,194 772,698 1,293,527 406,008 1,957,459 590,189 1,059,820 91,626 269,429 632,302 402,186 330*567 275,104 212,902 87,556 108,975 67 04 09 87 45 58 98 57 18 34 50 63 91 28 54 92 13 11 30 46 88 93 38 47 22 06 13 28,903,573 62 o 5S o en toGO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■ ■i | Due from Losses charge* Deficien ' State banks. able to contin gent fund. cies. Banking houses. i * 1833. ; 413,081 19 . 46,128 90 331,379 63 Dec. 2 Bank United States - 757,020 87 1,815 57 , 1 21,187 29 7,020 83. Nov. 25 Office, Portland 705 97 Portsmouth 795 60 85,048 33 25 -* 116,777 02 10,797 80 Boston 112,341 02 38,621 54 27 3r170 67 Providence 9,029 .99 925 65 976 00 28 1,662 02 Hartford 11,350 14 16,546 75 / 25 1 87,000 - 00 23,358 46 New York 706,688 36 108,329 41 30 110,657 34 7,213 88 Baltimore i55,876 22 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 25 ,34,613 10 16,587 04 Washington 30,880 24 233,567 74 23 17,491 36 j Richmond 139,721 32 39,148 46 69,376 83 1 36,024 07 26 35,109 35 6,334 00 Norfolk 22,145 83 240,573 26 23 1 -^ 11,885 02 4ri40 72 FayetteVille 4,491 66 10ft,276 72 25 -' Charleston 232,155 41 157,561 14 15 - ,, . 67,727 78 11,375 10 48,885 00 6,003 39 Savannah 94,420 33 152,186 28 19 t 24,096 92 6,016 90 Mobile 151,224 54 456 52 15 48,000 00 21,839 95 New Orleans 267,934 72 49,209 98 11 -. 18,775 74 5,515 17 Natchez 282,553 05 7 3,048 94 St. Louis 11 - 5,271 6715,000 00 Nashville 614 00 74,733 30 1,991 28 13 5,576 32 : 44,471 15 Louisville 12,316 68 166,802 68 14 1 2,730 13 Lexington. . 204,534 58 id '6,468 21 Cincinnati 150,027 25 395 40 23,519 84 21 5,649 52 Pittsburgh 21,381 28 39,021 18 76,266 14 28 17,294 07 4,670 S5 Buffalo 300 ,00 72,669 35 21 3,357 49 Utica 47,307 08 26 ^ 1,872 01 Burlington • 23,181 27 11,550 00 27 19,215 58 29,301 11 Oct. 21 Agency, Cincinnati T 2,166 66 ' Chillicothe 3,784 98 19>546 24 July 20 ■ ■ Treasurer U. Notes ofBank U. Notes of State States and offi States. banks. ces. Expenses. - 3,452,158 80 3,678,850 10 106,194 40 1,185,849 17 250,983 88 1,313,941 75,720 .142,795 481,000 269,765 63,610 1,461,955 760,790 17,138" 35 148,445 162,405 519,930 306,665 789,480 1,08£,170 — 285,540 3,169,330 , 1,478,290 492,045 2,583,280 j 798,125 1,227,810 170,000 00 342,930 2,194 36 462,525 562,225 345,645 211,320 - - — i - . . ■ - - ' ■ 189,332 71 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 j 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 19,543,736 67 561,866 04 6,823 GO 24,830 00 123,272 00 9,757 72 13,192 00 350,286 56 85,571 87 34,134 01 43,923 57 9;215 00 55,701 00 46,685 00 12,260 00 16,198 18 175,113 06 2,265 19 o p p CO 28,294 31 7,847 00 39,946 85,170 66,999 54,711 24,272 00 00 00 48 00 x 1,878,333 99 Id o GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. : 1833. Dec. 2 Nov. 25 25 27 28 is 30 25 23 26 23 25 19 19 15 11 7 11 13 14 18 21 28 21 26 27 Oct. 21 July 2 0 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk FayetteviUe Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Loufcville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington ! Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe o 00 1 Specie. , 1,955,387 64,398 50,758 I 480,287 112,639 85,047 1,946,627 374,000 151,864 228,612 175,835 64,124 i 284,251 ! 383,247 280,462 - 1,170,627 169,583 256,404 228,337 181,244 224,402 385,189 , 171,985 166,441 144,660 62,106 - { 80 34 89 19 23 00 96 00 00 49 22 25 47 50 91 91 12 62 45 57 58 96 70 95 84 30 Capital stock. 116,450,000 Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. ' 2,443,223 57 ! 270,190 00 300,000 240,645 00 1,500,000 948,905 00 800,000 421,120 00 300,000 311,932 50 ' 2,500,000 1,501,322 50 1,500,000 945,652 50 500,000 953,907 50 1,000,000 1,010,550 00 500,000 1,296,625 00 i , 500,000 1,425,760 00 1,500,000 1,990,670 00 1 1,000,000 2,612,905 00 2,092,726 00 1 «. 7,375,215 00 1,000,000 2,769,520 00 '814,800 00 1,000,000 i 3,525,775 00 1,250,000 | 1,150,065 00 2,400,935 00 1,000,000 1,700,000 1,438,015 00 700,000 1,165,085 00 969,140 00 730,795 00 506,805 00 1,830 00 115 00 -• Profit & loss. | Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent fund. » 187,932 05 20,216 00 3,130,536 21 222,269 17 5,627,809 71 20,907 71 j 17 50 • 11,208 80 99,514 33 1,193 50 33,415 99 2,355 50 14,028 92 661 50! 198,808 34 16,556 59 55,989 00 5,562 50 37,692 14 4,419 43 38,196 19 7.794 00 30,009 65 2,205 00 . 32,744 11 1,474 5Q < 68,211 34 13,583 50 17,418 93 2,117 50 44,286 08 197,117 51 203 25 . 113,303 25 17,185 98 12600 , 63,367 78 L ,91,526 44 < 288 80 1 * 40,222 40 - 59 50 78,342 79 40,659 63 1 ' 21,934 77 17,837 60 17,324 47 • 15,035 21 10 34 9,818,529 25 35,000,000 41,314,229 57 1,604,231 75 78,834 57 ■ pU30,536"2T 222,269 17 5,627,809 71 0 as o *« 9> GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. JFund for extin-l Due to Bmk I guishing cost United States 1 of banking J houses. | and offices. 1833. Dec. 2 Nor. 25 25 27 28 25 30 25 23 26 23 25 19 19 15 11 7 11 13 14 18 21 38 31 26 731,293 05 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore. Washington • Richmond Norfolk j • PayettevHle, [ Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville I Louisville 1 Lexington I Cincinnati 1 Pittsburgh 1 Buffalo 1 Utica I Burlington October 21 I Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe July 30 1 1,457,257 79 592,964*94 147,87$ 52 1,636,968 11 451,884 66 136,168 01 4,042,289 01 2,132,il8 17 464,034 74 200,174 17 107,91442 16^901 22 1 199,117 97 59,227 46 215,164 99 3,100^71 66 3,300,489 54 1,014,132 33 311,044.30 1,839,367 6Q 181,993 05 1 362,111 38 f 168,183 01 919,636 90 529,223 62 396,669 18 3,454,907 64 , 237,476 52 731,292 05 126,674,891 63 - — ^ — 1 I m — - - - - - * - - ■ - ■ i J Due to State Redemption Deposited on 1 Depositee on ' Deposites on account of banks. . lof public debtJ account of account of Treasurer U. public offi individuals. States. ] cers. 274,201.87 11,771 01 1,600 80 109,/49 91 38,037 89 5,890 32 301,6T6 78 50^33 92, 43,371 18 [ r [ I 10,036 39 ' 47,004 56 66,34063: 35,864 49 3,180 87 21,010 42 3,356 58 15,923 28 11,370 20 74#93 10 7,463 78 25,707 34 46,303 84 36,078 33 1,537 82 15,425 33 565,052 09 896 4,008 673 2,818 112,730 6*0 95 62 24 69 61 64 7,845 69 432,509 51 5,520 03 1,510 06 165,80853 1 33,116 38 ! 1,119 29 1,173,356 60 16,19* «7 78 52 4,932 43 48,581 57 16,141 47 173,982 39 6,304 40 [ 54346 43 417,250 84 139,783 24 144,578 46 | 2,342 75 | 77,655 47 14,850 57 248,537 41 . 71,370 86 10,176 20 8,304 25 7,529 26 179,550 34,933 19,197 128,126 15^274 56,296 69,731 68,630 171,862 57,505 5,567 30,540 37,874 22,361 28,209 189,-943 5,847 90,653 24,714 6,948 40 48,158 27,444 13,041 6^582 27,203 68 1,130,514 74 13 30.747 92 89 '7,351 54 85 132,186 62 56 16,396 49 61 ! 33,816 61 33 ! 994,976 93 67 323,809 90 16 - 231,598 29 91 A 209,694 75 38 201,381 31 76 30,476 73 90 817,260 12 40 71,035'37 65 89,668 16 05 736,893 71 30 230,420 47 35 251,865 69 88 99,536 55 69 235,633 41 81 265,186 18 59 414,089 18 61 160,745 97 96 50,927 07 56 74.748 41 30 17,14170 ** 1,247,232 64 1 694,676 53 67 28 3,275,686 14 ■ ■mi*! .i 1,381,230 67 6,827,173 10 [ Doc. No. 523. ] 210 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk FayetterOle Charleston Savannah L I [ 1 338,355 00 Office, Mobile 9,370 00 New Orleans 1,370 00 Natchez 49,395 00 8t. Louis 9,035 00 Nashrille 71,875 00 Louisville 67,845 00 Lexington 34*615 00 | Cincinnati 137,695 00 i Pittsburgh 90,400 00 Buffalo 84,085 Op Utica 69,855 00 Burlington 38,765 00 97,870 00, -| -; -: 394,960 00 1,008,475 00 159,700 00 113,675 00 105,030 00 30,000 00 70,370 00 156,335 00 153,575 00 8,775 00 13,970 00 36,385 00 [ #3,119,580 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, fc Co. Hope fc Co. and Hottinguer 8c Co. Bonds and mortgages - ■ -' Due by the United States Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France $3,337,530 34 62,027 13 5,267 32 158,842 77 Statement qf ike notes qf the Bank qf the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu . - - . • . 19,543,736 67 - 3,119,5^0 00 #41,314,329 ST 33,663,316 67 Notes in actual circulation #18,650,913 90 At Office, N&rfotk. Navy Agent $40,144 17 ■ c= Pension Fund, overdrawn. Bank United States Office, St. Louis Nashrille Lexington 30 3,815 6,011 394 53 96 63 40 #9,353 53 Digitized by Google Bills discounted on personal security 34,491,491 18 BHls discounted on bank stock 869,086 06| Bills discounted on other security 3,419,990 25 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Seal estate. . . Due from Ban)c United States and offices Due from State banks 38,780,567 49 15,672,537 18 28,903,573 62 3,452,158 80 54,453,104 67 90,907 86 i;755,484 28 32,355,732 43 Due from United States . 5,267 32 Due from United States for protested bill of ex < change on France 158,842 77 Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co.» Hottinguer & Co. 2,227,52034 Deficiencies 106,194 40 Banking houses' . 1,185,849 17 Expenses 250,983 98 Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 19,543,736 67 notes of State banks • ' - 1,878,333 99 21,422,070 66 specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Pension fund, overdrawn 9,81Q,529 25 62,027 12 40,144 17 9,252 52 123,941,910 93 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 35,000,000 00 41,314,229 57 1,604,231 75 78,834 57 3,130,536 21 222,269 17 5,627,809 71 3,678,850 10 Due to Bank U. States and offices 26,674*891 63 Due to State banks 1,247,232 64 Redemption of public debt -' Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Trea surer United States 3,275,686 14 Less overdrafts and special de posites 189,332 71 Deposites on account of public officers . . . Deposites on acc*t of individuals 1,948,959 61 27,92*,124 27 694,676 53 731,292 05 3,086,353 43 1,381,230 67 6,827,173 10 11,294,757 20 123,941,910 93 CD BAKK OF THIS UNITED STATES, FT December 2,1833. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned* Bills discounted Bills discounted iBills discount-j Domestic bills of exchange. curity. securities. 1833-4. ' January 1 Bank United States - 4,139,430 TO 451,261 32 December 33 Office, Portland Portsmouth 234,447 $6 ; 23 Boston 974,555 85 $6 Providence 526,529 85 26 Hartford 313,185 13 23 New York 4,568,296 51 23 Baltimore 1,572,289 80 23 Washington 832,992 41 2t Richmond - 1 1,168,987 87 24 Norfolk ' 574,980 82 Fayetteville654,975 81 Charleston 1,488,599 96 17 Savannah -■' 252,821 21 24 Mobile 1,015,514 S3 13 New Orleans 4,089,050 11 9 i Natchez 1,309,738 40 ! 5 St. Louis - , 419,479 63 ( 9 Nashville 1,053,235 05 [ li Louisville 1,929,809 10 19 .Lexington - > 788,244 30 16 Cincinnati 2,156,874 44 19 Pittsburgh 815,123 32 26 Buffalo i 363,293 75 10 Utica r 305,826 63 i 24 Burlington - I 305,765 61 18 y 1,262,211 41 November 30 Agency, Cincinnati ChfUfoothe 135,969 37 30 £ 33,703,469 55 ■■ ■ i ii i 1 202,782 00 2,196,446 55 . 5,500 00 -» 1,000 00 — 8,068 30 21,930 00 1,440,574 276,675 159,586 1,311,480 ~ '00 46T,136 22,000 00 1 11,500 48,692 19,200 00 689,087 05 I 693,372 117,700 00 50,200 00 213,855 8,125 00 218,377 25 117,370 14,000 00 1,000 00 408,532 1 75,754 06. 146,006 15 235,209 12,125 00 363,515 405,628 61 124,281 99 1,017,723 i 27,325 00 321,532 4 432,355 21,000 00 72,570 99 2,360,523 2,529,279 - , 1,900 00 13,500 00 90,166 935,998 -' 5,610 20 1,165,629 495,802 -- . ! - ' 3,600 00 ! 102,079 28 489,808 107,002 48' 137,729 200,000- 00 589,305 •-• 108,416 —"' -1 192,118 1,000 00 — , - - 00 30 56 07 f . 52 1 96 31 51 61 r 74 59 27 i 60 | ( 55 26 88 74 1 86 ! 26 91 71 03 60 39 81 20 - ' ', . 912,182 97 3,993,41* 94 16,302,392 24 Mi \l n n% 1 i i ■ HI Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. \ on personal se- oabankatotk.l ed on other 78,744 54 78,121 97 ' - ! j 28,315 25 ~ - - - 147,255 64,854 47,690 15,151 8,500 - ~' <m ' "* ' " -, - - - ■ - 60,336 04 53.236 71 215,757 55 1 | / 78,121 97 •mmmmi—mmmmmm—mmm* 61 85 00 13 00 " - - -«* .- 3,640 00 - - ■ - - 59,817 16 - 908,933 61 49,176 41 1,741,407 86 Due from Bank of the U. States and offices. 17,866,456 55,215 24,057 400,289 282,547 193,189 377,933 43,821 197,898 189,694 51,352 617,400 705,371 1,07S,809 306,297 1,65^703 798,261 1,001,102 96,193 340,759 778,738 501,951 427,780 410*981 371,874 144,885 2,912 05 12 46 60 93 05 43 41 64 17 57 74 64 72 89 65 81 09 43 58 49 44 11 19 OS 08 52 28,910,778 84 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. , r 1 Due from State banks. Losses charge' Deficiencies. [Banking houses. able to contin gent fund. 1833-4. * • f 444,822 05 Jan. 1 Bank United States • 678,628 50 7,020 83 12,083 82 l Dec. 23 Office, Portland £5,048 33 414 00 Portsmouth • 23 38,621 54 89,534 60 Boston 26 "" 76 0Q 92565 h 19,277 03 Providence 36 I 16,546 75 1 18,574 8t | , Hartford - 23 72,622 99 675,687 02 New York23 92,099 03 ; 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 Baltimore 23 231,611 91 US $0 112,575 5? Washington 21 39.148 46 69,376 83 207,037 64 Richmond 24 ! 339,383 53 I 28,879 34 Norfolk 21 -. 100,276 72 3,450 50 Fayetteville • 23 157,561 14 174,750 57 Charleston 17 152,186 28 18,478 07 Savannah 24 s 456 52 59,155 89 , Mobile 13 49,209 98 New Orleans .- 1 301,093 56 9 •257,434 58 Natchez 5 149 38 9 1 'St. Louis. . 1,991 28 614 00 13,503 23 Nashville 11 177,655 07 f 19,949 04 Louisville 19 204,159 58 Lexington 16 395 40 43,726 38 Cincinnati 19 75,966 14 I 32,334 46 Pittsburgh 26 300 00 93,098 43 Buffalo 19 39,146 01 Utica 24 -* 26,922 69 Burlington 18 29,301 11 J 52,506 30 Nov. 30 Agency, Cincinnati 21,308 90 31,584 98 Chillicothe 30 3,058,870 24 3,818,343 41 1 i >—~~ 105,856 38 Expenses. : , 60,646 02 ! 36 70 ! 2 50 413,081 19 - 116,777 02 ~ 87,000 110,657 34,613 .36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 49,386 24,096 48,000 19,051 . . 0Q 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 - 8041 - 3,814 658 7,470 .11,569 173 r 56 137 1,342 163 3,967 488 ' 17 - 15,000 00 44,471 15 ! - . - 23,519 84 22,105 00 17,569 90 , - 11,550 00 - Treasurer U. iNotesofBank Notes of State U. States and States. banks. offices. 641 245 920 552 293 53 i '" - - - 42 ~ 42 98 16,787 43 8d 83 50 16 39 J 37 92 ' 00 | 75 09 54 25 21 03 1 L ', • 5,286 67 2,111 29 1,189,125 94 1 99,719 68 - 170,000 2,194 - 706,186 67 85,915 00 155,135 00 1 807,050 00 . 297,790 00 I 120,020 00 1,232,200 00 726,540 00 300,470 00 80 70,185 00 | 622,425 00 197,905 00 613,325 00 1 1,281,655 00 478,050 00 2,459,270 00 1,564,140 00 678,305 00 2,574,055 00 890,005 00 1,241,490 00 00 218,075 00 416,445 00 36 ' ' 529,050 00 317,33Q 00 202,000 00 370,726 3,337 24,387 134,976 11,775 14,126 579,324 70,748 66,828 67,142 9,035 27,401 32,927 71,350 19,490 183,075 13,044 29 00 00 00 53 00 78 13 92 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 27,261 50 17,942 00 66,445 36,310 59,487 52,959 22,541 00 00 00 09 00 ^ 188,982 16 j 18,785,016 67 1,982,640 33 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. Capital stock. Notes issued. ■ Discount, ex- Dividends Profit & loaf, Foreign ex Contingent change acchange, and unclaimed. fund! count. 1 interest. 1883-4. Jan. 1 Bank United 6tates 16,450,000 1,881,686 89 2,546,723 57 229,560 68 19,661 50 5,132,364 51 298,766 90 5,625,346 41 17 50 270,190 00 2,910 69 Dec. 23 | Office, Portland 61,982 28 240,645 00 300,000 23 Portsmouth 50,219 57 1,272 97 948,830 00 1,500,000 26 Boston 501,184 62 1,123 50 10,566 89 2,355 50 421,120 00 j 4,704 67 800,000 26 Providence 65,642 07 1 38150 292,747 50 944 72 300,000 23 f Hartford 82,861 42 1 1,501,212 50 33,761 74 15,035 25 2,500,000 23 New York 1,848,522 85 147 00 ! 945,652 50 6,975 82 , 4,547 50 1,500,000 23 Baltimore 401,000 00 942,072 50 500,000 21 Washington • 148,572 02 3,094 63 4,28641 7,054 37 1 6,502 50 24 Richmond 228,753 91 1 1,000,000 1,010,200 00 1,296,625 00 500,000 21 172,598 49 2,124 50 2,871 83 Norfolk , 1,467 50 4,546 59 500,000 I 1,425,760 00 23 FayetteviUe • 50,455 85 1,990,670 00 1,500,000 17 Charleston 229,055 95 9,717 77 13,034 00 4,297 60 ] 2,065 00 1,000,000 2,600,750 00 24 Savannah , • 645,083 49 • 2,083,146 00 13 Mobile 329,329 29 3r197 S3 1,000,000 7,162,985 00 9 New Orleans - I 1,280,068 92 11,823 41 | 105 25 1 410 26 > 2,759,690 00 5 Natchez 219,153 96 t "» ( 810,515 00 9 S t Louis 269,550 68 1,018 91 126 00 4,496 78 11 Nashville 228,418 48 1,000,000 3,525,775 00 19 Louisville 181,778 59 1,250,000 .1,150,06* 00 8,710 43 288 80 > 2,899 41 2,400,935 00 1,000,000 16 Lexington 213,514 80 5950 1,438,015 00 19 Cincinnati 329,155 28 1,700,000 8,242 19 1,164,850 00 700,000 36 - Pittsburgh 191,722 47 4,015 28 . 2,064 60 969,140 00 Bufialo 168,841 79 . «» 730>795 00 24 Utica 156,258 84 1,673 84 -• 506,805 00 18 Burlington 65,826 21 1,141 33 -' •■ ~ i 1,830 00 Nor. 30 Agency, Cincinnati 30 ChUlicethe 115 00 ' j V - 10,031,237 72 35,000,000 1 41,137,859 ST "371,974"94" 73,181 71 3,132,511 5*1 298,766 90 5,625,346 41 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 for ex1 Fund tiqguishing 1 COSt o f h—iV- 1 O FT ^833^4. January 1 Bank United States Dec. 23 Office, Portland Portsmouth 23 Boston 26 Providence 26 Hartford 23 New York 23 Baltimore J83 Washington 21 Richmond 24 Norfolk ' 21 FayettevtHe 23 Charleston 17 Savannah . 24 Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez 5 St. Louis 9 Nashville 11 Louisville 19 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 19 1 26 1 Pittsburgh Buffalo 19 241 Utica Burlington 18 Nov. 30 Agency, Cincinnati CbUlicothe 30 I ing houses, r—— i . 1' "*- - ■ *" - ' - - - Due to State banks. Redemption Deposites on ac Deposites on ac Deposites on of public debt. count of Trea count of pubfic account of individuals. surer U. States. officers. .. 731,292 05 - Due to Bank United States and offices, - ■ ' r - - — -, ~ 731,292 05 1,155,516 590,220 139,844 1,464,589 372,174 ► 175,256 ; 4,813,594 1 2,099,315 ! 585,154 225,730 173,425 15,184 287,629 123,485 423,315 2,858,185 3,557,904 1,164121 303,085 2,020,424 159>434 i 509,342 \ 237,398 970,591 540,298 385,962 2,260,320 : 229,968 "' 44 65 86 1 50 28 | 22 i 07 ! 75 ■ 39 51 73 79 ; 2$ ■ 45 [ 09 t 39 \ 82 1 14 89 72 36 ' 76 41 80 11 | 84 62 67 27,843,476 49 365,418 19,700 456 128,809 17,411 ' - 161,473 104,742 39,840 - 24,315 47,533 250,731 32,659 5,960 67,855 2,279 29,453 23,040 81,980 18,679 45,358 9,570 36,382 1,519 6,951 550,989 53 . 98,216 09 32 2,640 03 43 1 1,510 06 896 95 69 73,822 98 4,008 62 87 3,116 2 8 ' 37 [ 166 85 1 2,734 00 574,750 41 90,967 77 69 660 64 1 83,395 65 01 13,801 67 63,244 46 86 I 6,292 83 j, 102,473 50 41 1 9,921 47 — 11 I 7,84569 i 138,431 19 1 51 18,220 40 37 < 24,046 42 1 96 481,107 99 01 | 139,548 03 - ' 69 1 H0.399 29 56 i 2,304 41 25 ! — 1 30,572 27 89 14,850 57 03 193,097 98 51 1 «17,707 49 78 f 7,884 26 56 _ 4,842 25 32 | 9,414 26 06 - _ 1,522,124 36 ■ - - - 143,190 53,285 40,842 159,149 28*318 74,572 90,794 56,218 93,356 82,6Q1 5,156 53,226 29,293 41,146 24,878 192,384 5,312 102,884 45,009 3,226 51,988 60,560 28,012 11,607 14,159 45,533 - ,. 25 11 45 78 78 62 04 32 34 19 11 68 29 66 02 74 94 68 30 07 36 54 39 61 47 76 1,160,471 79 20,062 96 12,468 80 114,566 46 23,480 11 ! 22,207 96 1,064,471 89 281,303 56 196,217 06 ' 237,925 80 171,749 59 28,458 73 798,228 06 72,345 25 100,365 AT ! 744,066 67 245,447 24 252,952 06 102,994 64 282,219 92 289,106 29 251,933 65 153,528 00 33,849 88 58,576 45 1 15,800,54 ,67 28 721,347 66 2,162,434 63 1 1,535,709 50 6,734*866 06 216 [ Doc. No. 523. ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Note* of Bank United States and offices, «n transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville * - | 1 31,630 00 ] Office, Mobile 9,155 00 New Orleans 6,540 00 1 Natchez 33,455 00 8t. Louts 19,335 00 ftashrille 34,575 00 Louisville 37,960 00 Lexington 9,115 00 Cincinnati 18,720 00 Pittsburgh 98,535 00 I Buffalo 62,660 00 I ' Utica 117,323 00 Burlington 64,575 00 1 64,900 00 • Savannah ! ! ! 312,710 00 1,177,935 00 58,775 00 44,970 00 120,930 00 46V380 00 110,070 00 192.575 00 135,315 00 94,580 00 12^405 00 112,440 00 #3,144,463 00 1 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages -. • * • • * Due by the United States - .. Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France $1,723,547 51 61,527 12 . 5,267 32 158,842 77 Statement of the notes of Bank United States and offices, in actual cir culation. Notes issued Notes on band Notes in transitu . Notes in actual circulation . . . - . • $41,137,859 57 18,785,0*6 67 <, 3,144,463 00 * 31,929,479 67 . - • -. - $19,208,379 90 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent - Digitized by #40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 33,703,469 S5\ Do. do, bank «tock 912,182 97] Do. do. other securities 3,993,416 94 38,609,069 46 16,302,392 24 Domestic bills of exchange * . ^Foreign bills of exchange Real estate DuefromBank United States and offices State banks ■ ' 28,910,778 84 3,058,870 24 United States Due from United Stotes for protested bill of ex change on France Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope 8c Co., Hottinguer &Co. Deficiencies • Banking houses «' Expenses 67 Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 18,785,016 1,982,640 33 State banks . Specie Mortgages Nary agent, Norfolk 54,911,461 70 78,121 97 1,741,407 86 Capitol stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends'unclaimed Profit and loss • Foreiem exchange account Contingent fund * Less losses chargeable to contin gent tund - 35,000,000 00 41,137,859 ST 371,974 94 73,181 71 3,132,511 51 298,766 90 5,625,346 41 3,818,343 41 1,807,003 00 31,969,649 08 5,267 32 158,842 77 1,723,547 105,856 J,189,125 99,719 51 38 94 68 20,767,657 10,031,237 61,527 40,144 00 72 12 17 Due to Bank U. States and offices 27,843,476 49 State banks 1,522,124 36 Redemption of nublte debt Fund for extinguishing the cost of banking houses Deposites— On account of the Treasurer of the United States Less •verdrafts and special deposites • * On account of public officers Ott account of individuals - 29,365,600 85 721,347 66 731,292 05 O ? 2,162,434 63 188,982 16 1,973,452 47 1,535,709 50 6,734,866 06 10,244,028 03 122,883,566 23 BANK 122,883,566 23 or THE UNITED STATES, January 2, 1834* S. JAUDON, Cashier. & 5 GENERAL STATEMENT qfthe Bank qfthe United States, and its Offices qf Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. 1 ■ . 1834. February 3 Bank United States January 27 Office, Portland 27 Portsmouth 30 Boston 30 Providence 27 Hartford 29 New York' 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 28 Richmond 25 Norfolk 27 Fayetteville 21 ; Charleston 21 , Savannah 17 1 Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez 13 St, Louis 15 Nashville 16 Louisville 20 Lexington 3$ Cincinnati 31 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo 28 Utica 28 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati November 30 Chillicothe Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discount Domestic bills of Foreign bills 1 Real estate. of exchange. on personal se ed on bank ed on other exchange. securities. curity. stock. 3,930,253 98 449,551 50 2*5,213 04 811,628 71 523,390 27 241,411 33 - 4,824,691 00 1,541,996 66 834,166 99 . 1,174,257 5$ 513,061 40 603,896 59 1,528,944 92 349,092 27 950,683 17 - 3,986,832 11 i 1,008,441 47 434,017 07 939,307 84 1,885,139 23 715,294 41 2,075,565 03 813,033 75 -, 348,057 74 301,581 76 285,327 32 1,220,859 50 149,117 43 213,543 00 2,146,398 52 5,500 00 .1,000 00 _ U,H8 30 20,300 00 - 51,600 00 36,500 00 113,400 00 7,830 00 14,000 00 93,036 06 10,355 00 458,208 61 - &,000 00 - 1,200 00 - 3,500 00 - m v V - 1,286,313 64 310,224 32 136,165 54 793,116 dl 502,013 77 11,500 00 50,684 82 699,356 00 848,508 54 50,200 00 233,979 88 218,377 25 58,379 26 1,000 00 510,639 04 150,626 60 269,631 25 294,244 03 126,411 99 1,209,833 07 ai,325 00 293,17$ 01 775,320 33 59,070 99 3,866,153 10 1,848,242 65 8,500 00 96,861 14 1,171,360 47 5,610 20 1,155,163 36 .157,594 15 102,079 28! 651,779 46 132,339 19 106,891 98 200,000 00 218,922 23 66,614 $$ 161,460 78 1,000 00 _ - - 32,564,814 04 1,035,290 97 3,944,147 81 17,298,720 82 83,292 08 [ «• » ^ _ •» «• ^ ▼ *m ,-r ,«• *. Due from Bank United States .and offices. 73,659 34 18,411,567 27 42,851 91 23,943 75 3,640 00 640,796 59 216,153 93 1 249,857 73 28,315 25; 454,991 73 47,023 86 308,598 51 147,255 61 148,859 94 64*854 85 57,385 52 47,690 00 1 1&151 13 751,479 80 8,500 00 680,391 31 1,174,284 73 290,360 87 912,018 02 1,673,227 41 895,188 80 • 60,336 04 287,514 23 53,236 71 ! 509,839 42 185,481 12 1,045,389 37 | 615,782 93 $9,817 16 303,002 02 389,263 74 358,660 97 114,099 52 9?2,748 72 36,022 87 49,176 41 - 1,718,862 34 83^292 08 1 . , — t 30,643,556 75 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Due from Losses chargea Deficien State banks. ble to contin cies. gent fund. 1834. Feb. 3 1 Bank United States Jan. 27 Office, Portland j Portsmouth 27 Boston 30 < Providence 30 Hartford 27 New York 29 Baltimore 27Washington 25 Richmond 28 Norfolk 25 Fayettevllle 27 Charleston . * 21 Savannah 21 Mobile 17 New Orleans 13 Natchez 9 St. Louis 13 Nashville 15 Louisville 16 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 23 Pittsburgh 31 Buffalo 23 Utica 28 Burlington 28 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Nor. 30 665,956 09 30,071 32 481 50 179,038 50 6,485 83 19,726 56 632,668 11 99,707 02 79,366 73 228,452 6? 20,129 49 14,378 64 247,704 63 9,276 79 61,165 73 651,950 93 258,343 37 156 63 16,465 89 12,054 07 441,407 25 7,020 83 85,048 33 38,521 54 925 65 97600 16,546 75 72,622 99 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 230,702 03 118 50 39,148 46 69,376 83 239,383 53 100,276 72 157,561 14 i 152,186 28 456 52 49,209 98 ! ! [ , 52,134 05 27,330 95 23,553 09 14*209 75 28,428 31 38,703 94 ' 8,436 92 1,991 28 177,655 07 204,159 58 614 00 395 40 75,921 14 300 00 43,103 47 21,308 90 Banking houses. Expenses. Treasurer. Notes of Bank Notes of State United States. United States i banks. and offices. 413,031 19 18,317 65 370 89 37 00 116,777 02 668 27 351,305 60 1,013,956 67 6,057 00 82,480 00 33,188 00 164,085 00 104^38 00 920,030 00 15,827 62 S05,750 00 25,273 00 80,700 00 1,058,040 00 , 362,025 70 53,649 15 904,125 00 16,048 84 22,263 80 301,305 00 22,820 62 34,175 00 11,900 00 622,080 00 38,146 00 112,590 00 61,896 00 340,180 00 107,345 00 1 1*283,400 00 23,293 00 374,160 00 294,255 33 2,614,760 00 16,908 77 1,439,655 00 777,475 00 25,946 49 2,221,620 00 20,247 00 664,105 00 1,099,040 00 46,367 00 170,000 00 110,830 00 39,965 00 726,900 00 2,)194 36 69,268 00 583,990 00 60,350 25 390,990 00 278,37a 00 ; 18,014 00 87,000 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13.385 67,727 49.386 24,096 48,000 19,051 00 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 44,4tt 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,569 00 15 23 84 00 90 11,550 00 8,04*1 73 1,935 70 9,649 64 113,197 15 188 72 , 669 14 1,710 89 ! 3,116 66 1,288 37 | 7,182 80 [ 1,609 48 343 74 546 86 1,670 69 1,596 56 2,830 91 1,476 81 987 40 661 33 406 99 7,634 40 , 2,111 29 3,426,377 46: 3,804*470 90 105,856 38 1,221,306 17 88,251 07 194,458 16 18,504,791 67 1,824,434 37 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. r j - ■ - Specie. i Discount, ex Dividends Profit & loss. Foreign ex change, and unclaimed. change ac interest. count. Contingent fund, * ~ " ~ 1834. Feb. 3 Bank United States Jan. 27 Office, Portland 27 Portsmouth 30» Boston 30 Providence 27 Hartford 29 New York 27 Baltimore, 25 Washington 28 Richmond 25 | Norfolk Fayetteville 2T 21 Charleston 21 Savannah 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchefc 13 St. Louis 15 1 Nashville 16 Douisville 20 Lexington 23 Cincinnati '31 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo J ' 28 Utica I 28 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1 Nov. 30 Chilliootbe * 2,030,034 10 < 61,484 07 50,190 91 . 494,128 49 91,935 36 82,861 42 1,847,275 67 389,000 00 215,576 33 231,244 59 174,179 S9 153,653 01 235,333 89 549,584 00 336,005 40 1,501,078 93 217,426 72 274,671 00 219,868 03 1 185,237 60 249,431 66 315,372 45 329,708 02 175,186 74 158,956 33 fr,972 58 1 " ■' 110,523,385 69 1* Capital stock. Notes issued. 16,450,000 - 300,000 1,500,000 j 800,000 1 300,000. i 3,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 ! 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 ■ - . -. 1,000,000 1,350,000 1,000,000 1,700,000 .700,000 ^ *» .' " 35,000,000 1 34,588 7,543 3,153 17,794 11,454 2,399 80,534 17,083 7,929 15,708 8,740 9,606 30,046 9,249 17,405 72,205 13,655 5,516 19,866 20,37? 9,039 23,636 10,203 6,876 3,955 3,960 8,071 3,546,723 57 ' 269,110 00 239,630 00 ; 945,600 00 430,350 00 290,377 50 1,472,172 SO 941,202 50 929,512 50 1,006,630 00 1,289,160 00 1,423,205 00 1,978,365 09 2,596,910 00 2,082,276 00 7,163,985 00 2,759,690 00 810,400 00 3,525,775 00 1,147,410 00 2,358,135 00 1,420,145 00 1,152,485 00 966,690 00 726,650 00 505,790 00 1,830 00 11500 40,969,824 57 64 66,383 00 3,152,877 7 8 ' 313,070 79 5,638,688 60 20 930 50 82 546 00! 18 6,566 00 09 ! 3,489 50 68 839 50 31 35,376 75 , 38 17,163 35 96 5,533 43 45 14,710 00 f 21 7,630 00 35 2,344 50 75 83,512 50 17 6>013 00 " 60 [ 10 8775 31 25 126 00 55 , 10 183 80 00 329 00 1 % 25 ' 33 1 J 04 07 $7 28 \ 470,593 34 250,643 48 3,152,877 78 1 11 ■ , 312,070 79 \ 5,638,688 60 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. — o o FT ~~] / . 1834. ' Feb. 3 Bank United States Jan. 27 Office^ Portland 27 Portsmouth 30 Boston SO Providence 27 Hartford 29 N$w York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 28 Richmond 25 Norfolk 27 Fayetteville 21 Charleston 21 Savannah . 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez . 13 St. Louis 15 Nashville 16 Louisville 20 Lexington 23 ' Cincinnati * 31 Pittsburgh 23 I Buffalo 28 j Utica " 28 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati Nor. 30 Chillicothe Fund for ex to Bank U. Due to State Redemption Deposites on ac- Deposites on a d Deposites on ac* tinguishing Due of public * count of Trea- 1 count of pub-j count of indiviStates and of banks. rrrat of hitnlrfices. surer'U. S. lic officers. duals. debt. " ing houses. 976*019 59 • ' -r 4, ** -• j *— 976,019 59 1,074,485 81 619,116 52 136,801 33 1,069,394 45355,229 94 161,834 77 5,184,937 05 2,340,185 89 654,737 15 256,490 26 251,924 74 14,463 77 219,952 74 j 136,211 08 520,739 38 4,847,193 97 3,452,307 24 1,156,947 30 188,025 83 1,934,329 45 145,902 84 445,341 79 467,345 34 974,928 66 540,923 24 389,674 46 2,260,171 62 229,968 67 455,968 75 550,989 53 15,211 46 1 55 90 618 49 318,093 31 4,008 62 . 11,397 00 673 24 8,864 78 2>524 59 389,782 09 90,967 77 46,626 99 543 87 25,337 60 63,244 46 v - L* ! _ ■ - ' 28,995 12 63,255 68 • - ' 7,845 69 212,290 84 43,879 37 i ""' 35,096 28 1 .. 47,233 41 | 23,785 70 - 31,802 94 26,757 84 s - • 88,148 36 •. 20,916 84 71,304 33 /34,141 90 26,552 95 4,378 46 9,547 91 - .- 30,029,565 29 2,039,425 81 -• 721,416 26 261,157 48 , 1,690 03 674 68 ^ 1,728 - 1 : 78 166 85 82,998 95 -' 4 82 4,250 92 27,164 36 1 9,331 68 92,509 65 6,485 16 7,725 41 . 144,597,37 38,085 03 190,269 14 27,204. 41 51,372 71 548 32 4i75,851 79 16,677 63 5,265 37 4,777 87 9,323 01 '• - 106,838 48,694 38,934 145,467 25,906 68,780 92,060 56,010 107,883 84,116 5,189 57,146 30,924 48,157 43,771 63,891 9,852 68,79,8 52,131 1,726 66,720 58,895 30,005 9,951 17,725 40,161 65 14 42 27 63 49 00 64 68 36 40 35 1 58 46 83 67 29 33 80 84 23 97 66 02 10 39 1,245,175 07 33,326 99 7,578 43 122,870 23 33,897 52 22,698 70 1,002,892 15 310,247 20 190,068 99 206,144 73 154,74195 28,971 75 959,455 48 55,266 75 119,815 81 ' 673,317 92 185,531 01 224,553 42 120,808 70 220,876 24 288,575 85 274,981 22 129,826 52 36,834 80 53,615 53 13,172 36 , 67 28 - 1,159,861 42 ! 1,379,742 20 6,715,312 60 § 35 © & 03 to to 222 [ Doc. No 523. J GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United State* Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville % • Charleston . Savannah 234,015 .41,190 8,685 47,300 13,010 3,070 31,200 28,685 63,915 161,850 75,930 217,825 118,225 70,190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Office* Mobile New Orleans Natchez S t Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo TJtica Burlington \ 206,685 734,505 198,280 60,290 180,675 45,705 255,965 271,555 32,045 45,640 34,705 23,420 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $3,204,560 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., aadHottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . Due by the United States , . . . . . Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France . - $1,561,123 67 68,647 12 5,26732 158,842 77 Statement of the notes of the Bank United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notesissued Notes on hand . Notes in transitu - - - - Notes in actual circulation - - - - - - . . #40,969,824 67 18^04,791 67 3,204,560 00 21,709,351 67 . . $19,260,472 90 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent $40,144 17 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 32,564,814 04 Do. do. bank stock - 1,035,290 97 Do. do. other security - 3,944,147 81 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate -, • Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - 37,544,252 82 17,298,720 82 30,643,556 75 3,426,377 46 Due from United States T Due from United States for protested bill of ex change on France Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. . . . . Deficiencies • • - ' Banking houses V . Expenses Cash, vis. notes of the Bank U. States and offices 18,$04,791 67 notes of State banks . . . 1,824,43.4 37 specie Mortgages - . Navy agent, Norfolk - - - 54,842,9ft 64 83,292 08 1,718,862 34 Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 35,000,000 00 40,969,824 57 470,593 34 250,643 48 . 3,152,877 78 312,070 79 5,638,688 6a 3,804,470 90 1,834,217 70 34,069,934 21 5,257 32 Due to Bank U. S. and offices - 30,029,565 29 2,039,425 81 Due to State banks 32,068,991 10 721,416 26 158,842 77 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of 1,561,123 67 banking houses 105,856 38, Deposites on account of Treasu 1,221,306 17 rer U. States 88,251 07 Less overdrafts and special depo sites 20,329,226 10,523,385 68,647 40,144 04 69 12 17 976,019 59 1,159,861 42 194,458 16 965,403-26 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on acoqgint of individu- 1,379,742 20 6,715,312 60 9,060,458 06 124*817,112 67 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, February 3,1834, 124,817,112 67 S. JAUDON, Cashier. to GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted on personal se curity. 1834. Mar. 3 Bank United States Feb. 24 Office, Portland 24 Portsmouth . 27 Boston 27 Providence 24 Hartford 26 New York 24 Baltimore 22 Washington 25 Richmond 22 Norfolk 24 Fayetteville 18 Charleston 18 ' Savannah 14 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez 10 St. Louis 12 Nashville 13' Louisville 1-7 Lexington 13 Cincinnati 27 Pittsburgh 19 ' Buffalo 25 Utica 18 Burlington 21 Agency* Cincinnati Nov. 30 Ctiilticothe - 3,798,396 438,444 224,415 1,012,125 455,715 231,547 4,879,273 1,507,180 834,958 1,180,896 488,455 571,048 1,473,381 265,979 872,263 3,970,077 1,168,675 437,952 879,524 1,862,221 683,076 2,012,309 805,175 34Q,062 296,265 280,430 1,214,891 . 149,117 58 08 13 69 94 21 99 70 84 92 16 21 65 57 49 13 47 94 85 j 74 \ 40 19 ! 52 14 \ 24 08 1 25 43 32,333,862 54 Bills discount ed on bank stock. 243,843 00 1,000 00 15,518 30 - 45,800 27,300 114,870 7,705 14,000 92,836 10,355 464,944 1,200 - 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 61 21,000 00 00 - J 3,500 00 ■ _ - 1,063,871 97 Bills discount ed on other security. 2,262,779 47 .1,146,937 32 ' 5,500 CO ' 314,794M* , 135,252 W 738,722 14 , 25,400 00 587,806 90 . 12,500 00 23,028 33 902,421 01 610,471 59 178,676 56 50,200 00 41,033 26 218,377 25 i 1,000 00 528,459 21 248,870 33 147,121 19 238,175 95 •131,940 74 l9324f83Q 08 31,125 00 281,467 49 1,317,589 46 59,070 99. 5,021,784 95 1,949,761 26 95,183 13 8,500 00 1,238,956 66 , 5,610 20 1,019,242 12 274,039 20 102,079 28 609,101 48 111,391 98 101,190 28 200,000 00 255,898 16 329 66 87,476 01 155,999 02 - _. 3,983,397 35 Real estate. Domestic bills Foreign bills of exchange. of exchange. '1 _ - 72,659 34 79,183 32 ' - ~ ~ - , x* - '_ — _ — - 3,640 j 147,205 28,315 62,054 47,690 15,151 8,500 ■ i I 1 ' I ! - — ^ _. _ 18,7R6,698 00 ~7%\&~& - , - ' -_ 60,336 53,236 185,310 912,931 59,657 ' 49,176 Due from Bank United States and offices. 17,081,935 20,778 00 19,904 686,147 196,320 25 306,670 308,752 90,014 61 303,893 85. 71,746 00 63,562 13 380,280 00 698,053 1,248,401 255,877 663,291 1,590,369 918,402 04 1 298,314 71 116,222 62 920,134 579,288 16 L 146,183 328,750 320,174 131,233 28 48,394 41 1,705,864*40 86 55 44 10 81 71 31 63 85 38 36 38 34 89 25 38 44 72 51 92 89 36 08 77 89 58 94 27,793,100 34 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■. Due from State Losses charge 1 banks. able to contin gent fund* 1834. J Mar. 5 1 Bank United Stages • Teb. 24 Office, Portland Portsmouth •! > * > 27 Boston 'i 37 Providence 24 Hartford 26 New York 24 Baltimore 22 Washington 25 Richmond 22 Norfolk 24 Payetteville 18 Charleston 18 Savannah 14 Mobile 10 tNew Orleans 6 Natchez 10 8t. Louis 12 Nashville 13 Louisville 17 Lexington 1 13 Cincinnati L 27 Pittsburgh 19 Buffalo 25 Utica Burlington Agencv, Cincinnati tfov. 30 Chillicothe - a • Dencien- 1Bank'g houses Expenses. Treasurer Notes of Bank Notes of State U. States. United States banks. ties. (and offices, !"■■ ^ 538,616 82 441,407 25 413,081 19 31,871 80 14^64 96 7,020 83 714 86 <» -, — 481 50 i 85,048 33 - ** 38 00 -. - • 99,639 10 38,521 54 -• -• ii6,rrr op 4,69143 976 00 -11,617 11 925 65 1,219 41 -* "■" ' 24,148 13 16,546 75 's •— - \ "*• * 340,271 82 ! 72,622 99 87,000 00 11,96091 - j| 65,417 43 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 110,657 v34 f 2,968 93 118 50 67,522 95 230,702 03 34,613 10 11,675 03 39,347 02 227,894 36 39,148 46 60,376 83 36,024 07 | 14,234 711 10,707 08 I 239,383 53 35,109 65 j 207 98 .10,267 11 100,276 72 13,385 02 763 16 •* •223,742 46 157,561 14 67,727 78 3,072 89 '9,507 49 152,185 28 49*386 25 4,20? 71 60,082 19 456 52 24,096 92 2,443 40 « <• 256,124 92 49,209 98 i 48,000 00 11,33613 _. 211,538 76 19*051 71 2,663 01 . 514 74 1 669 44 — «. *. 614 00 1,991 28 455 97 15,000 00 1,495 63 -J* . 6,441 05 177,«55 err 44,471 15 2,27-016 204,159 58 32,180 23 2,574 26 39540 64,673 30 j 23,519 84 3,560 40 170,000 00 5,587 12 70,127 14 1 -> . 22,105 00 i 2,196 49 2,19436 300 00 37,768 46 1 17,569 90 1,522 37 22,215 99 1,454 44 _ 1 ~ 17,670 68 1 11,550 00 40699 I •* 39,703 94 46,080 81 9,275 60 . J 21,308 90 1 8,436 92 2,11129 ■» ■*» jt, ■ 1 2,375,912 36 """' . - . ; +m " 1,801,590 9t | . 122,930 00 157,620 00 727,470 00 334,810 00 77,990 00 1,155,765 00 872,585 00 > 250,775 00 98,065 00 647;855 00 602,355 00 | 218,375 00 1,255,160 00 232,500 00 2,414,150 00 1,384,800 00 820,470 00 2,126,870 QO 652,390 00 1,329,110 00 404,770 00 723,420 00 674,080 00 456,725 00 272,920 00 442,076 32 3,242 00 43,077 00 80,356 00 5,600 50 22,810 00 404,275 64 82,585 26 16,938 78 46,701 24 17,455 00 55,909 00 67,834 00 73,150 00 58,859 00 218,095 00 34,291 23 12,064 00 11,507 00 26,235 00 55,131 00 28,200,00 51,582 00 25,285 13 23,474 28 3,801,654 24 105,856 38 1,221,306 17 131,606 43 211,54138 119,815,550 57 1,906,734 38 to GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ 1834. Mar. 3 Bank United State* Feb. 2 4 ! Office, Portland 24 Portsmouth Boston 27 27 1 Providence 24 Hartford 26 New York 24 Baltimore 23 Washington v 25 Richmond 22 Norfolk 24 Fayetteville 18 Charleston 18 Savannah 14 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez St. Louis 10 I 12 Nashville 13 Louisville 17 Lexington 13 Cincinnati 27 ( , Pittsburgh 19' Buffalo 25 UUca 18 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Nov. 30 Capital stock. Specie. - - 2,282,728 62,002 49,936 334,823 118,117 82,861 1,813,437 309,000 210,983 231,189 , 180,030 158,333 229,964 555,384 275,692 1,460,619 216,726 279,074 233,504 188,309 241,831 316,406 136,779 172,114 169,002 76,587 " Notes issued. Discount, txA Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. 69,622 33 58,343 50 52 16,450,000 2,546,723 57 313 50 10,304 00 269,110 00 35 183 00 4,798 82 300,000 | 232,530 00 30 27,810 25 3,376 00 .885,290 00 33 1,500,000 3,024 00 16,337 09 420,080 00 800,000 23 1,354 50 3,839 89 290,377 50 300,000 42 68 2,500,000 1,464,232 50 114,725 20 23,942 75 926,607 50 i 22,884 01 10,170 35 00 11,500,000 924,712 50 1 12,292 35 4,881 43 43 ! 500,000 21,338 73 11,735 50 71 1,000,000 1,006,630 00 6,330 00 12,893 07 55 500,000 1^280,890 00 12,805 37 1 3,080 00 24 500,000 [ 1,423,205*00 49,385 38 33,575 00 63 1,500,000 1,978,825 00 12,477 87 . 3,885 00 55 1,000,000 1 3,596,790 00 ■ ■ 34,120 84 v 2,077,176 00 05, 1,163 35 17 1,000,000 7,156,340 00 124,355 18 w 37,394 09 3,753,100 00 10 r 140 00 8,371 64 809,900 00 13 ^ 27,627 33 06 1,000,000. 3,512,465 00 31,453 47 355 30 30 • 1,250,000 1,127,410 00 245 00 13,323 05 24 1,000,000. 2,358,135 00 30,426 34 11 1,700,000 1*420,145 00 13,650 81 1,152,485 00 71 700,000 10,385 66 77 961,960 00 5,953 98 726,650 00 92 4,880 49 65 1 505,790 00 I 10,986 05 -*' ~ 115 00 | '" ' 1 *■ 10,385,439 15 35,000,000 40,807,674 57 ■ ' • - ft* Profit & loss. Foreign ex- 1 CosJ&gent fun*. change ac count 3,153,377 78 318,433 13 5,638,688 60 .- o f * i 09 f , , , • 1 F r 1 ,«——?i ) M u ■ 743,343 08 ^53,784 98* 3,153,377 78 1 318,433 13 5,638,688 60 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 lis: March Feb. o o eg Nov. » >X t , , Bank United States 343 Office, Portland Portsmouth 24 . Boston 27 Providence 27 Hartford 24 New York 26 . Baltimore 24 Washington 22 Richmond 25 Norfolk 22 Fayeiteville 24 Charleston 28 Savannah 18 < Mobile 14 New Orleans 10 Natchez 6 8t. Louis 10 , Nashville 12 Louisville 13 Lexipgton 17 Cincinnati 13 Pittsburgh 27 Buffalo 19 Utica 25 ' Burtth^ton 18 , 21 Agency, Cincinnati ChilMeothe 30 FT — ?undfi>r ex Due-to State tinguishing Due to Bank U. banks. States and of cost of bank fices. ing houses. 976,019 59 **. - ■ - • ; - ' . -. • - 939,952 25 484,221 60 23,713 51 625,465 72 241 86 132,685 83 1 242,362 44 625;343 81 15,134 36 359,531 70 5,808 72 171,665 17 4,762,638 24 385,709 97 79,825 85 2,136,358 43 28,994 13 u 589,561 64 267,699 73 36,282 78 262,930 05 76,187 83 50,873 34 141,256 85 321,125 39 55,865 43 1^9,867 92 81,630 45 727,262 58 4,778,351 54 278,663 53 43,697 44 3,557,243 05 32,610 37 1,198,877 97 30,628 24 139,254 54 90,869 91 1,424>584 43 7,471 21 162,240 01 47,081 92 624,818 57 -29,929 67 154,897 81 16,126 23 1,047,838 43 5,727 04 572,723 53 6,619 17 389,530 03 2,260,291 77 229,968 (7 - P ■ «i-i ■ J 548,959 61 [ i 976,019 59 j 28,673,582 15 2,246,660 51 . Redemption t Depositeson jDeposites on ac- jDeposites on ac account of of public Treasurer U. 1 count of pub- count of indivi debt. ' 1 lie officers. duals. 1. , States. •- 618 49 | 4,008 62 - 2,524 90,796 543 63,244 59 46 87 46 1 • -" ■ ' . ' " - ■ ' 6,379 90 . -, - 717,076 00 1 96,092 692 674 571 1,728 166 14,892 - 13,912 2,388 8,719 6,752 100,699 1,485 1,398 61,916 2,265 165,818 , 6,741 34,050 530 175,851 ' 16,427 3,007 4,105 9,151 33 61 68 89 78 85 57 29 26 36 68 42 16 05 60 01 36 91 39 38 79 63 66 00 88 730,031 54 102,071 48,367 38,990 142,197 26,543 , 68,724 89,515 55,698 92,581 85,207 3,766 54,824 24,084 33,608 39,195 77,695 8,825 131,100 40,582 1,257 60,708 50,346 ' 28,314 7,981 16,616 , 40,161 45 L 1,383,347 38 46 12,426 18 42 9,691 34 1 49 449,331 15 98 1 ,40,729 64 49 S7t756 09 20 1,167,400 05 46 335,454 59 74 185,668 21 53.1 225,801 99 64 147,716 16 37 29,571 43 51 925,696 87 37 61,978 48 11 139,077 25 69 714,274 86 42 175,361 97 32 215,148 44 63 111,827 36 39 179,596 53 25 295,999 52 78 296,063 96 01 119,501 91 41 32,349 18 95 47,172 78 39 14*119 32 1,368,667 46 67 28 7,343,129 92 [ Doc. No. 62&. j 228 GENERAL STATEMENT—Coatinned. Note* e/tke Bmk United Stake and Office*, in trantitu. Bank of the United States - : Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford [ New York Baltimore Washington • Bicbmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston [ Savannah - 16,975 00 Office, 28,305 00 10,055 00 6,610 00 1,230 00 | 4^20 00 20,360 00 8V550 00 33,905 00 49,935 00 14,210 00 : 13,030 00 , 214,300 00 128,180 00 | Mobile New Orleans Natchez S t Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington i 250,975 00 556,865 00 253,430 00 74,515 00 261,045 00 83,870 00 134,865 00 , 51,365 00 34*50000 133,945 00 9,790 00 72,705 00 #2^468,936*00 At Bank United States. #1,916,376 94 47,347 12 5,267 32 158,842 77 Barings Brothers, Sfc Co., Hope fc Ca, and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . Due by the United States • • Doe by the United Statesforprotested bill of exchange on Prance Statement of the notee- of the Bank of the United State* and Offices, in actual circulation. *. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu /40,*>7,674ST 19,815,550 57 2,468,93* 00 32,^84,485 57 Notes in actual circulation #18,523,189 00 At Office, Norfolk. #0,144 17 Navy Agent Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security - 32,333,863 541 Do. ao. bank stock . - 1,063,871 97 Do. do. other securities 3,963,397 35 Domestic bills of exchange 37,381,131 86 18,786,698 00 Foreign bills pf exchange DueftpmBank United Stater and offices 27,793,100 34 2,375,$12 36 State banks Due from United State* Due from United State* for protested bill of exchange on France Real estate . . . Banking bouses Baring, Brothers & Co., Hope & Co Hottinguer & Co. .• Deficiencies . . . ,Expenses Cash, yiz. notes of Bans; U. 8. and offices 19,315,550 St 1,906,734 38 State banks Specie Mortgages. Nary agent, Norfolk - . 56,167,829 86 79,183 32 30,169,012 70 5,267 32 158,842 77 1,705,864 40 1,221*306 17 1,816,376 94 105,856 38 131,606 43 21,722,284 10^385,439 47,247 40,144 95 15 12 17 123,856*261 68 BANK or THE UNITED STATES, March 3 } 1834. Capital stock Notes issued . -. Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed . Profit and loss -' • Foreign exchange account Contingent fund . . . Le^s losses chargeable to contingent fund 35,000,000 0 0 40,807,674 57 743,342 08 153,784 98 3,152,377 7 8 318,422 12 5,638,688 60 3,801,654 24 1,837,034 36" Due to Bank United States and offices - 28,673,582 15 State banks - 2,246,660 51 Redemption of public debt. r Fund for extinguishing cost of banking . houses; : Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States Deposites on account of less overdrafts and special deposites Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 30,9^0,242 66 717,076 00 976,019 59 750,031 54 211,541 38 518,490 16 1,368,667 46 7,343,129 92 9,230,287 54 123,856,261 66 S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposits, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discounted Domestic bills Foreign bills of exchange. on personal se onbankstoek. on other secu ofexchange. curity. rity. 1834. Hatch 31 BMk United States - 3,517,202 85 422,486 52 94 Office, Portland 231,418 17 Portsmouth 24 1,183,205 48 Boston 27 447*169 54 Pr&ridejice « 27 232,909 14 ipartfbrd 24 New York - 4,627,770 47 26 - Baltimore - 1,454,273 18 24 827,685 05 ' Washington 22 Richmond - 1,175,019 39 18 461,311 04 Norfolk 22 547,688 52 - Fayetterille 24 Charleston - 1,326,554 35 It 295,423 44 Savannah 18 868,016 06 Mobile 14 3,622^23 99 New Orleans 10 1,274,220 50 Natchez Feb. 27 4*3,917 88 8t. Louis . Kartm 10 ! 840,021 89 Nashville 12 Louisville - 1,841,402,15 13 647,617 68 Lexington * 17, Cincinnati - 1,907,245 89 1 20 796,868 65 Pittsburgh 27 Buffalo 326,050 70 20 283,979 22 Utica - 25 Burlington 258,459 63 19 Agency, Cincinnati 1,197,699 62 1 'eb, 21 149,117 43 far. 30 Chillicothe 31,166^758 43 231,713 00 2,257,747 05 5,500 00 - 1,000 00* 37,418 30 • - 24,700 00 - - 45,800 00 26,800 00 114,470 00 9,70| 00 14,00* 00 92,336 06 10,355 00 562,559 61 — 21,000 00 - 1,200 00 al ""' - 3,500 60 - ' . • 1,161,856 97 12,500 00 436,912 09 50,200 00 I 218,377 25 1,000 00 145,234 64 , - 126,375 74 31,125 00 i - 1 58,543 67 1 ~ 8,500 00 ~ 5,610 20 - 104,379 111,391 300,000 329 3,100 _ - 28 98 00 66 00 1,127,225 20 315,404 52 130,091 36 960,691 50 550,793 31 31,666 86 940,064 26 , 203,051 32 31,194 37 490,313 47 204,338 59 173,619 '60 1,29$,169 21 224,558 67 1,667,684 46 5,184,935 81 J.674,479 78 82,972 22 1,229,531 62 884,636 81 196,036 54 469,759 49 ' 81,410 03 273,960 92 107,76b 41 145,325 33 - 3,8Q1,526 56 18,676,675 66 * 77.171 03 ~ ~ -' - ^ 77,171 03 Real estate. Due from Bank U. States and offices. 17,894,418 13 66,727 52 51,632 95 3,640 00 354,610 32 204,744 94 -' 261,328 62 28,315 25 803,283 02 74,596 09 '176^35 46 147,287 04 192,425 27 62,054 85 50,291 11 47,690 00 711,466 09 15,151 13 68*7,431 19 8,300 00 1,184,261 52 122397 39 < 1,102,639 55 • 1,301,482 73 ( 888,464 35 — 313,875 03 60,336 04 243,909 33 53,236 71 1,095,498 48 182,235 62 805,845 48 ' 155,952 84 59,657 16 324,603 96 290,906 53 187,856 73 58,923 31 914,382 69 49,176 41 72,659 34 - 1 ■ - 1,704,322 24 29,616,409 94 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. WM—MMMMM ' Due from Losses charge Deficien State banks* able to conthv; cies. gent fond. ' - 1834. Mar. 31 34 24 27 27 34 36 24 23 18 22 24 18 16 14 10 Peb. 27 Mar. 10 12 13 17 30 37 20 25 19 Peb. 21 Nov. 30 Bank Bnited States Office, Portland Portsmouth • Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk , PajetteviHe Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Leadngttn Ctacinaati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agencv, Cincinnati • Chillicothe - 475,439 53 441,407 7,020 24,692 58 85,048 1,479 47 38,521 18,607 86 925 18,150 36 15,975 04 , 16,546 72,622 333,607 38 138,673 92 1,649,313 230,702 63,13413 59,148 245,648 13 239,383 43,550 77 100,276 9,617 88 157,561 287,323 41 152,186 14,88028 456 13,765 13 49,209 425,434 54 171,38573 - - i ■ — 25 1 83 ' "' 33 54 65 976*00 75 99 • -• 46 34,075 65 03 118 50 46 69,376 83 53 ' 72 14 28 52 98 - . " ~ - 1,991 7,51526 ! 177,655 3,133 56 203,458 142,534 83 1,193 95 j ,70,037 40,659 88 46,363 91 ! 14,836 43 1 53,140 39,703 94 21,308 8,456 92 28 615 001 07 • 64 [■ 395 40 14 300 00 86 90 - r— Banking houses* Treasurer U. Notes of Bank U.J Notes of State States. i States and offi banks. ces. Expenses. 1 . 413,08119 - 116,77702 1 - 87,000 00 110,657 34 34,613 10 36,024 07 35,109 65 13,385 02 67,727 78 49,386 25 24,096 92 48,000 00 ! '19,05171 - 15,000 00 44*471 15 32,180 23 23,519 84 22,105 00 17,569 90 - 11,55000 - 2,606,72481 13,807,923 35 105,857 38 1,231,306 17 1 41,924 14 1,370 91 '490 79 4,69143 2,095 30 _ 15,153 68 4,74914 14,751 09 15,188 38 3,125 40 1,950 69 5,118 64 5,55617 3,548 98 14,309 61 3,074 23 1,751 65 2,974 60 3,356 95 3,0S0 37 5,201 07 2,839 99 2,220 48 2,159 85 1,38641 9,840 74 2,111 29 173,961 98 397,480 67 564,395 00 102,205 00 7,217 00 r — 148,235 00 48,636 00 995,150 00 71,922 00 314,375 00 4,598 50 92,130 00 16,643 00 221,189 83 952,683 61 962,520 00 *9,862 52 285,585 00 ^ 37,323 04 28,423 24 77,885 00 ' 75,148 39 _ 644,800 00 18,355 00 261,880 00 68,143 00 367,080 00 61,808 00 1,359,745 00 104,540 00 182,985 00 34,176 00 1,716,120 00 183,798 30 1,392,530 00 943 31 866,910 00 — 2,101,055 00 20,825 00 772,325 00 10,982 00 1,399,320 00 8,160 00 170,000 00 382,755 00 22,616 00 2,194 36 > 743,120 00 33,461 00 667,200 00 38,255 00 463,645 00 32,166 64 '! 259,845 00 39,397 00 . - i 209,516 40 ! 17,876,478 61 1,608,651 30 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1• Specie. Capital stock. Notes issued. Discount, ex-l Dividends Profit and Foreign ex Contingent loss. J change ac change, and unclaimed. count, interest. ■■ 1834. Mar. 31 Bank United State 3,796,675 36 16,450,000 3,199,106 90 96V331 35 30,991 50 klJ3477 781 336,988 74 5,638^88*9 AA 61,304 03 368,880 00 34 Office, Portland 14,333 70 ] 73 50 — 47,569 93 300,000 Pprtunueth 332,530 00 . 34 6,618 33 I 183 00 439,158 80 1,500,000 Boston 885,390 00 37 44,057 91 3,96100 1 . 116,534 64 800,000 Proviaenee 430,080 00 37 31,595 80 3,90150 CkA 81,936 43 300,000 Hartford 376,903 50 34 1 5,573 06 990 50 i 1,635,714 18 3,500,000 1,446,713 50 149,854 13 !31,319 75 New York 36 303,000 00 1,500,000 Baltbnofo 936,607 50 34 30,484 09 8,73535 305,141 96 500,060 Washington 934*713 50 33 17,835 66 4,604 93 333,448 13 1,000,000. 1,006,630 00 BietuBoad IS 35,854 50 10,463 00 , 183,593 30 Norfolk 500,0001 1,380,890 00 33 16,800 73 3,409 00 • 154*601 33 Pajettevitte 500,000 1,406,375 00 34 16,613 90 1,859 50 I 339,485 59 Charleston 1,500,000 1,973,335 00 1ft 68,774 33 15,173 50 544,957 53 Serannab 1,000*000 3^96,490 00 1ft 14,054 01 3,569 00 I 333,571 03 Mobile 14 -. - : 1 3,052,251 00 53,534 60 693,994 03 New Orleans 1,000,000 7,156,340 00 161,561 48 38075] 10 em l_ Mr Nfttehe* -: 367,779 37 ! 3,753,100 00 Feb* 37 47,779 35 1 291,051 30 9t Louis 809,900 00 Mar. 10 11,001 36 14000 331,564 85 Nashville 1,000,000 3,511.635 00 13 33,899 03 Louisville 193,634 89 1,350(000 1,127,410 00 13 40,538 55 19430 , 336,756 84 Lexington 1,000,000 3,358,135 00 17 16,485 74 3500 1,700,000 1,420,145 00 44,311 11 Cincinnati - 370,371 43 30 700,000 1,148,180 00 129,776 63 Pittsburgii 37 17,565 36 : Buffalo 180,606 78 958,560 00 30 13,816 35 170,316 10 Utica f 736,650 00 85 8,036 96 Burlington 19 6,358 05 81,684 57 1 505,790 00 ** Feb. 3* Agency, Cincinnati 9,685 75 CbiUicotbe .! Nor. 30 115 00 . ■ 10,180,008 76 >j 35,000,000 40,373,553 90 , 996,133 66 96,72098 3,152,377 78 336,988 74 5,638,688 60 f GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 * ■ , rill'll 1834* March 31 dank United State* 24 Office, Portland Portsmouth 24 Boston 27 ! Providence 27 1 24 ! Hartford . 26 New York 24 Baltimore Washington 22 18 Richmond 22 Norfolk Fayetteville 24 1 Charleston 18 Savannah 18 Mobile 14 New Orleans 10 Natchez Feb. 27 St. Louis March 10 Nashville 12 Lou'nville 13 Lexington 17 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh 27 Buffalo 20, Utica 25 19 Burlington Feb. 21 Agency, Cincinnati CoiUicothe NOT. 30 1 v * Fund for extin Due to Bank guishing cost United States of banking and offices. houses. - >1 976,019 59 • - - - _ _ -• ^*- . 1,379,404 635,655 144,407 1,099,406 315,326 116,367 3,835,750 2,246,051 464,990 323,617 250,615 31,6*8 456,9T8 i 199,040 914,857 1 3,656,845 3,135,428 1,244,635 ! 95,499 1,5^3,769 123,129 662,423 121,252 1,048,429 577,690 389,473 2,264,005 229,968 31 97 37 61 57 95 29 40 43 85 72 77 03 61 63 53 94 46 14 01 34 65 68 93 12 44 41 67 976,019 59 i 27,526,790 83 . Due to State banks* 576,942 8,625 1,392 £78,803 18,147 18,775 513,08(2 59,088 32,040 - 18,034 13,508 112,793 37,743 15t556 45,799 22,228 40,589 19,160 81,325 9,858 37,226 28,215 19,707 2,007 9,231 Redemption of public debt. 56 ' 548,959 61 09 95 54 308 62 89 -. 02 1,889 33 78 78,683 94 >9 543 67 ! 18 63,226 69 60 14 82 93 59 85 12 68 79 44 15 11 i 34 54 83 | 54 Deposites on account of Treasurer U. States. Deposites on account of public offi cers. 39,622 592 212 571 1,728 166 2,386 156,809 74,632 54,810 188,158 30,425 85,934 230,769 64,743 94,839 151,744 2,S04 68,170 25,217 21,321 31,566 63,671 8,175 115,341 56,535 758 101,480 77,096 47,228 7,787 19,187 71,562 - 13,834 1,842 5,690 •6,802 . 107,519 €,379 90 1,485 1,898 40,266 , 2,255 ' , 153,472 4,949 2,958 '_ 1 299 174,161 9,442 -i 2,037 417 -, 7,501 - - - 2,019,886 27 699,991 96 13 61 17 89 78 85 59 24 26 42 68 32 16 05 28 01 10 41 57 46 79 63 66 90 68 i 582,115 64 , rf Deposites on account of individuals. 14 1,125,584 57 11,038 04 00 9,088 82 36 221,895 84 84 50,157 16 54 29,140 92 95 1,374,342 17 37 343,187 83 89 194,795 90 73 205,528 90 85 130,418 50 20 23,236 23 65 ! 826,624 83 04 ! 83,915 64 78 171,032 85 77 994,303 78 80 135,879 42 42 169,687 06 84 ! 103,626 24 96 167,379 58 37 284,871 50 21 - 293,859 43 61 128,114 37 44 21,088 57 67 j 53,648 82 69 13,513 96 42 1,860,275 54 ; 67 28 7,166,028 21 234 [ Doc. No. 523, ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of Bank United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston - ' Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettevuie Charleston Savannah 147,015 41,195 5,885 37,375 10,350 33,015 76,340 48,400 81,005 169,515 69,430 90,575 396,460 175,175 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 313,110 00 1,338,495 00 454,760 00 > 153,680 00 517,550 00 143,895 00 173,460 00 394,580 00 141,885 00 36,915 00 ! 18,850 00 107,005 00 $4,974,810 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. - $3,177,919 73 Bonds and mortgages 47,347 13 Due by the United States - 5,367 32 Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France - '.- 355,843 77 Statement of the notes of Bank United States and offices, in actual cir culation. Notes issued Notes on band Notes in transitu - . - - - - . $40,372,553 90 17,876,478.61 -* 4,974,810 Op . 33,851,388 61 Notes in actual circulation - $17,531,364 29 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent - - - - . - "'...- Digitized by - $40,144 17 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 31,166,758 43 BHls discounted on bank stock 1,161,856 97 Bills discounted on other securities 3,801,526 56] 36,130,141 96 18,676,675 66 Domestic bills of exchange 54,806,817 62 77,171 03 1,704,322 24 Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - 29,616,409 94 2,606,724 81 Due from United States Due from United States for protested bill of ex change on France . . . . Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking houses . . Expenses ,f Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 17,876,478 61 notes of State banks 1,608,651 30 specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk ^- - - 32,223,134 75 5,267 32 158,843 77 2,177,919 105,857 1,221,306 173,961 93 38 17 98 17,485,129 10,180,008 47,247 40,144 91 76 12 17 April 1, 1834. Due to Bank U. States and offices Due to State banks Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Trea surer United States Less overdrafts and special de posites - 35,000,000 00 40,372,552 90 ' 996,133 66 96,720 98 3,152,377 78 336,988 74 1,830,765 25 27,526,790 83 2,019,886 27 699,991 96 976,019 59582,115 64 209,516 40 372,599 24 122,407,130 95 BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account 5,638,688 60 Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund * . ~ 3,807,923 35 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on acc't of individuals 1,860,275 54 7,166,028 21 9,398,902 99 122,407,130 95 S. JAUDON, Cashier. to GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposited at the dates00 herein mentioned, Bills discounted Bills discounted Bills discount Domestic bills of : Foreign bills 1 of exchange. on personal se on bank stock. ed on other ; exchange. securities. curity. Real estate. roue from Bank of the U. States and offices. 1834.' May April o o eg. FT 1 31 21 34 34 38 39 38 26 22 19 21 33 32 18 14 10 7 9 17 14 17 24 24 22 23 ' . _ 21 1833. Nov . 30 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk FayettevilleCharleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 3,289,513 01 1 417,013 51 331,904 72 1,296,171 76 454,668 37 335,883 11 4,718,810 49 1,559,495 35 833,435 61 1,136,354 89 446,327 76. ,530,453 63 1,340,745 05 358,399 37 855,953 53 3,497,347 40 1,130,533 16 376,557 18 804,438 96 1,795,562 47 618,417 29 1,850,458 53 783,239 57 \ 327,310 25 394,549 93 ' 355,957 10 i 1,197,673 05 149,117 43 30,654,978 37 317,093 00 2,140,969 5,500 1,000 00 14,900 41,018 30 1 \ _ 26,500 18,700 00 17,800 00 300,969 50,200 113,800 00 9,605 00 218,377 1,000 14,000 00 101,971 06 146,715 10,355 00 112,538 454,033 17 31,125 - - - 58,735 31,000 00 "- 1,300 00 .. - 3,250 00 - ] - 8,500 - 5,610 - 96,379 110,986 300,000 339 3,100 1,000 - 68 1,370,881 10 00 ! 315,449 91 122,780 14 | 932,426 67 00 526,355 05 40,218 39 ' 00 960,384 48 37 213,233 97 00 33,065 97 25 470,372 94 * 00 64 , 184,826 77 1 1 144,079 20 74 1,679,814 98 251,201 67 00 1,598,891 71 49 4,817,066 19 2,003,480 83 85,084 33 00 1,085,399 97 682,396 03 20 174,405 52 345,081 08 28 55,745 10 j 98 253,838 85 00 141,546 96 66 146,336 18 00 00 - - 1,023,815 53 3,533,437 29 18,544,353 99 " 73,659*34 77,171 03 3,640 00 * . •_ _ _ _ „ «. 17,174,859 39,850 41,676 464,050 306,801 348,575 484,601 144,149 158,438 146,504 36,049 770,308 505,706 1,035,989 175,781 1,307,473 1,107,636 951,796 589,533 643,030 1,181,600 951,878 187,810 378,534 339,775 , 140,171 118,930 - - - 38,315 35 | 1 - 141,017 62,054 47,690 15,151 8,500 33 85 00 13 00 - j 60,336 04 53,799 31 181,435 63 | ; 59,657 16 ! - -' - 905,338 39 49,176 41 [ 74 36 41 36 08 35 98 68 69 14 70 30 88 55 03 85 71 73 39 73 09 70 87 66 60 43 98 % 1,687,770 "53[39,466,346 78 77,171 03 ■ i 9 o f CK CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Due from State banks. 1834. May 1 Bank United States April 21 Office, Portland Portsmouth 21 Boston 24 Providence 24 Hartford 28 1 New York 29 Baltimore 28 Washington 26 Richmond 22 Norfolk 19 Fayetteville 21 , Charleston 22 Savannah 22 Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 10 St. Louis 7 1 Nashville 9 Louisville 17 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 17 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo 24 Utica 22 Burlington 23 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1833. Nov- 30 Chillicothe - 1 658,282 25,870 - ! • 1,479 119,295 10,666 26,994 671,780 140,306 83,719 301,895 66,349 13,444 341,592 5,280 39,504 - 304,219 116,440 52 56,963 2,477 60 112,208 1 15,397 52,616 19,287 38,703 - 63 28 47 72 00 51 29 01 89 13 84 33 56 91 04 20 02 50 13 07 35 73 38 05 41 55 94 8,436 92 Losses charge Deficiencies. Banking houses. able to contin gent fund. 441,407 7,020 1 85,048 | 38,521 [ 925 | 16,546 72,622 1,649,313 230,702 39,148 239,383 100,276 157,561 152,186 456 49,209 - 25 j 83 33 54 976 00 65 75 -' 99 "* 34,075 65 46 03 69,376 83 46 53 72 14 f . 28 52 ; 98 - 1,991 28 178,055 07 203,458 64 - 616 00 - - 395 40 - 300 00 . 70,037 14 53,000 86 21,308 90 3,233,325 86 | 3,808,183 35 - 105,739 88 Treasurer U. Notes of Bank Notes of State U. States and banks. States. offices. Expenses. 63,148 52 1,821 24 510 79 ' 4,691 43 116,777 02 2,632 72 1,751 17 -. • 19,565 62 87,000 00 6,042 94 110,65734 16,603 35 ' 34,613 10 36,024 07 - 16,649 55 3,292 43 35,109 65 2,159 89 13,385 02 6,843 18 67t727 78 6,675 18 49,386 25 4,978 24 24,096 92 17,593 74 48,000 00 5,373 34 19,051 71 j 2,348 46 4,257 88 15,000 00 4,756 24 44,471 15 4,045 30 32,180 23 6,033 54 23,519 84 3,510 49 22,105 00 2,876 06 17,569 90 2,687 99 1,386 41 11,550 00 11,649 55 413,081 19 - . -• - - 2,111 29 1,221,306 17 1 225,996 54 ! 21,833 92 - 1 " I ! - - ~ - 170,000 00 2,194 36 - ' ~ 1,457,225 119,645 1 149,400 850,760 315,485 144,490 1,103,390 705,540 305,570 275,735 740,010 272,580 201,715 1,464,785 j 339,920 1,270,925 1,591,875 741,210 1,966,255 504,580 1,263,600 385,200 721,975 643,445 349,470 321,850 286,377 04 3,081 00 50,600 00 239,117 00 13,285 25 53,234 00 374,794 31 88,882 86 18,041 46 33,587 67 9,520,00 60,502 00 52,551 00 43,910 00 22,497 00 196,070 00 4,617 64 15,964 8,992 10,315 16,018 35,835 15,793 31,344 21,175 - 35 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 ! 194,028 28 18,206,635 11,706,104 74 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. 1834. May 1 Bank United States April 21 Office, Portland Portsmouth 21 Boston 24 Providence 24 Hartford 28 New York 29 Baltimore 28 Washington 26 Richmond 22 Norfolk 19 PayettevUle 21 Charleston 22 . Savannah 22 Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 10 St. Louis 7 Nashville 9 Louisville 17 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 17 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo 24 IHica 22 Burlington 23 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1833. Nov. 30 Chilltcothe Capital stock. Notes issued. - 16,450,000 3,525,693 18 62,137 95 49,743 65 382,254 12 100,191 36 82,926 42 1,774,240 78 [ 359,000 00 - 1 187,181 82 1 230,132 71 189,894 51 149,856 02 231,083 02 585,935 18 324,128 38 754,506 37 267,812 08 312,023 92 221,055 24 193,379 85 217,067 48 371,775 08 144,102 32 212,554 98 170,813 44 84,284 60* — - 11,183,774 54 2,217,106 266,800 ! 300,000 230,845 1,500,000 878,230 -800,000 419,330 300,#00 346,062 2,500,000 1,502,652 1,500,000 916,627 500,000 886,757 1,000,0*0 986,365 500,010 1,270,240 500,000 1,397,705 1,500,000 1,972,015 1,000,000 2,571,220 2,052,041 -' 1,000,000 7,007,495 2,753,100 809,900 1,000,000 3,501,835 1,250,000 1,126,890 1,000,000 2,357,275 1,700,000 1,389,950 700,000 1,139,180 957,780 726,030 _ 505,130 - - . . ■ - - 35,000^000 | CO 00 Discount, ex Dividends Profit & loss. Foreign ex- Contingent . change ac fund. change, and unclaimed. 1 count. | interest. " 131,743 02 17,474 00 3,152,377 78 406,275 73 5,638,688 60 90 72 50 17,877 18 00 168 00 7,840 73 00 2,247 00 59,863 55 00 26,399 37 2,901 50 00 666 50 50 | % 7,242 82 196,299 71 19,630 75 50 105 35 40,829 62 5,697 25 50 23,592 43 4,534 93 50 34,795 86 9,919 50 00 2,646 00 20,262 65 00 109 50 19,098 98 00 93,314 52 11,788 00 00 17,569 «71 2,096 50 00 00 1 67,412 69 73 75 00 221,804 58 | 78,784 83 00 13,724 05 00 38,352 92 00 194 30 51,090 35 00 35 00 19,392 02 00 56,059 02 00 00 21,234 41 22,973 60 00 00 10,701 74 7,979 12 00 15,836 09 115 00 40,188,677' 90 11,322,075 53 • < 80,254 98 3,152,483 13 '406,275 73 5,638,688 60 o o © to CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ' ■ ■-■!■■■ ' 1834. May 1 i Bank United States April 21 Office, Portland Portsmouth 21 Boston 24 Providence 24 rtartford 28 New York 29 Baltimore 28 Washington 26 Richmond 22 Norfolk 19 Fayetteville 21 Charleston 22 Savannah 22 Mobile 18 New Orleans 14 Natchez 10 • St. Louis 7 Nashville 9 Louisville 17 Lexington 14 Cincinnati 17 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo 24 Utica 22 Burlington 23 . 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe l*33.Nov.30 J ■ i Fund for ex Due to Bank U. Due to State Redemption Deposites on ac- Deposites on ac Deposites on ac tinguishing ' of public banks. count of Trea- count of pub- count of indivi cost of bank- States and of duals. lie officers. surer U. S. debt. fices. ing houses. 976,019 59 1 1 J1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J1 1 J1 11 I J1 -- ' --- ~- - -- "" -. 1,164,813 68 523,880 35 893,387 27 10,446 36 629,355 04 618 49 1,028 80 1 138,832 87 308 62 i 1,430,223 49 259,355 50 673 24 | 323,305 71 . 22J882 72 1,889 33 4,849 62 129,465 70 4,285,059 87 371,744 86 270,906 84 70,964 44 49,654 54 2,038,079 27 59,335 51 51,650 72 417,079 67 441,134 28 20,059 42 . 340,436 82 25,193 70" 31,668 77 6,379 90 116,161 92 535,012 47 37,094 46 166,576 04 66,946 50 1,030,707 68 35,123 10 3,262,434 01 58,889 25 3,176,901 45 44,984 80 1,123,404 26 39,608 5§ 93,701 42 -_ • 26,550 66 1,471,645 11 3,784 12 I 126,541 23 33,087 80 610,781 16 27,637 12 120,384 27 7,604 84 1,048,678 10 3,604 98 576,854 72 r2,818 10 415,950 52 2,260,460 58 229,968 67 j ; , - 27,620,156 84 1,844,642 77 1,304,463 64 976,019 59 ■ | ■ ! *- 1 ■ 1 39,622 992 212 560 1,728 166 2,273 - 13,800 1,842 1,441 6,348 113,048 1,485 1,666 22,679 2,160 184,448 .3,574 2,958 299 173,864 10,410 5,069 191 7,411 13 61 17 78 1 78 85 92 04 26 72 56 36 16 80 53 21 04 41 57 46 99 j 03 18 78 29 129,722 00 59,639 06 49,910 33 136,054 33 28,896 30 80,929 26 153,053 61 64,748 34 90,730 95 134,677 96 3,966 95 67,896 48 34,780 45 28,965 03 27,714 37 28,220 67 11,492 94 103,677 63 50,269 33 112 98 62,958 26 69,751 13 44,266 95 7,413 50 17,410 00 1 55,393 84 598,257 63 1,542,652 65 1,131,707 70 12,206 33 8,327 12 233,140 57 15,868 76 42,862 37 1,284,338 25 486,990 95 243,713 57 224,001 38 113,131 50 24,429 15 777,001 88 59,967 53 139,717 32 764,316 58 155,470 81 198,634 34 94,459 63 185,658 05 316,300 43 304,704 08 134,087 59 18,060 53 ■ 38,340 92 10,315 48 o o as © to CO 67 28 7,022,820 10 CO [ Doc. No 523; J 240 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes tf the Bank of the United States and office*, in transitu. 10T,980 00 Office, Mobile 29,630 00 | New Orleans 9,435 00 Natchez 87,270 00 St. Louis 31,420 00 Nashville 18,070 00 Louisville 17,535 00 1 Lexington 11,190 00 Cincinnati 57,850 00 Pittsburgh 132,275 00 Buffalo 73,845 00 Utica 175,700 00 Burlington 272,505 00 1 87,515 00 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah 373,895 0O 1,689,895 0 0 1 427,990 00 195,670 00 539,510 00 197,345 00 201,175 00 337,110 00 157,280 00 84,370 00 115,965 00 45,470 00 $5,377,895 00 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . Due by the United States . . . . . Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France $1,573,349 46,997 S,267 158,842 83 12 32 77 Statement of the notes of the Bank United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu . , $40,188,677 Pp . . . . 18,206,635 00 5,377,895 00 . , Notes in actual circulation 23,584,530 00 * $16,604,147 90 At Office, Norfolk. f $40,144 17 Navy Agent Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 30,654,978 37 Do. do. bank stock - 1,023,815 53 Do. do. other securities 3,533,437 29 Domestic bills of exchange . . 35,212,231 19 . 18,544,253 99 53,756,485 18 77,171 03 1,687,770 53 i Foreign bills of exchange - " Real estate - , Due from Bank United States and offices State banks . . . . 29,466,346 78 3,233,325 86 United States Due from United States for protested bill of ex* change on France . . . . Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking houses . . . . . Expenses Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States and offices 18,206,635 00 1,706,104 74 State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk . - . . 32,699,672 64 5,267 32 158,842 77 1,573,349 105,739 1,221,306 225,996 19,912,739 11,183,774 46,997 40,144 . - 83 88 17 54 74 54 12 17 Capital stock Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund - 35,000,000 00 40,188,677 90 1,322,075. 53 80,254 98 3,152,483 13 406,275 73 5,638,688 60 3,808,183 35 1,830,505 25 Due to Bank U. States and offices 27,620,156 84 1,844,642 77 State banks Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing the cost of banking houses Deposites— On account of the Treasurer of the United States Less overdrafts and special deposites . . . On account of public officers On account of individuals - 29,464,799 61 1,304,463 64 976,019 59 O o o 598,257 63 CO 194,028 28 404,229 35 1,542,652 65 7,022,820 10 8,969,702 10 122,695,257 46 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, May 2, 122,695,257 46 1834. S. JAUDON, Cashier. ^ GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Depositey at the dates 19 herein mentioned. Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discount Domestic bills of Foreign bilk of exchange. exchange. on personal se ed on bank ed on other securities. stock. curity. o o eg. 1834. 3,188,225 48 June 2 Bank United States May 26 Office, Portland 1 406,161 22 26 Portsmouth 240,649 03 29 1,489,923 65 Boston 29 Providence 448,887 37 26 203,561 22 Hartford 27 4,562,896 42 New York 26 Baltimore 1,752,500 43 24 Washington 827,046 47 27 Richmond 1,075,052 07 24 Norfolk 427,546 71 26 Fayetteville 485,674 36 20 Charleston 1,247,803 10 20 | Savannah 213,645 80 16 ■ Mobile 867,260 46 12 New Orleans 3,480,495 90 8 Natchez 1,127,207 99 12 St. Louis 368,168 96 14 Nashville 764,222 32 15 Louisville 1,792,288 65 19 Lexington 579,989 99 22 Cincinnati 1,855,740 65 29 Pittsburgh 772,551 03 22 Buffalo 323,527 25 27 Utica 308,844 56 28 Burlington 258,603 61 April 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1,197,673 05 Nov. 30 Chillicothe 149,117 43 1 218,993 00 2,069,002 40 1*094,011 341,820 5,500 00 1 92,142 1,000 00 41,018 30 | 19,700 00 , 1,202,529 530,421 73,599 26,500 00 11,700 00 925,983 182,879 08 21,500 00 230,385 112,750 00 31,440 9,480 00 217,71110 744,437 1,000 00 17,270 00 168,853 98,689 06 145,965 64 | 145,057 10,355 00 128,738 74 1,431,358 446,48217 165,051 31,085 00 1,380,495 58,150 34 4,346,638 21,000 00 2,151,815 94,219 8,500 00 1,200 00 813,583 544,427 5,610 20 160,414 220,252 S6t575 96 3,150 00 111,870 18 27,05a 251,042 200,000 00 149,291 329 66 145,709 3,100 00 1,000 00 - - - 387,103 72 02 i 42 57 88 53 58 88 53 97 29 46 06 | 94 1 93 r 00 1 06 1 45 29 60 34 44 61 81 00 76 -. 25 - - 30,415,265 18 1,021,387 53 ,3,303,218 50 17,462,041 67 FT ^ ^ ^ ^ - i i i II i i II. mmmmm^ u ■ "»p ' ' . - 387,103"72" Real estate. 72,604 34 Due from Bank United States and offices. 15,022,246 41,490 3,640 00 65,720 342,627 206,377 28,315 25 254,176 560,652 132,740 141,058 34 160,912 62,054 85 1 58,890 47,690 00 36,109 15,151 13 793,532 8,500 00 725,911 1,132,197 "" 313,562 -1,280,633 1,265,878 925,745 60,336 04 771,578 52,499 21 | 759,692 177,435 62 j 1,122,129 952,969 59,657 16 141,067 322,049 321,633 122,731 905,338 29 68,930 49,176 41 - 1,683,456 64 46 82 42 62 94 91 91 23 96 76 69 11 96 70 99 10 23 02 74 77 44 59 49 23 00 09 98 27,902,190 16 o f to CO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ Due from Losses charges* Deficien bleto contin cies. State banks. gent fund. o o eg. FT 1834. June 2 May 26 26 29 29 26 27 26 24 27 24 26 20 20 16 12 8 12 14 15 19 22 29 22 27 28 April 21 No?. 30 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe Banking houses. •■ 413,081 19 690,064 09 441,407 25 1 7,020 83 8,482 41 - . 83,282 32 1,479 47 38,521 54 116,777 02 167,610 30 925 65 976 00 21,691 48 16,546 75 16,950 60 72,622 99 87,000 00 505,930 76 118,664 36 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 110,657 34 233,1S4 03 34,613 10 118 50 109,036 81 39,148 46 69,376 83 36,024 07 79,168 54 239,135 28 35,109 65 26,120 38 100,276 72 13,385 02 7,740 54 157,561 14 67,727 78 472,004 21 152,186 28 49,386 25 10,574 72 456 52 24,096 92 } 200 49,209 98 48,000 00 ! 425*837 51 19,051 71 75,096 61 50 00 . 1,991 28 15,000 00 151,145 20 I 636 00 1,628 09 1 176,432 57 ! 44,471 15 203,458 64 32,180 23 77,449 54 395 40 23,519 84 70,037 14 1 22,105 00 2,513 05 1 ""■ 1 38,76148 I 300 00 17,569 90 83,087 16 ! 19,785 74 11,550 00 53,000 86 38,703 94 _ 8,436 92 21,308 90 - Expenses. 1 73,171 23 I 2,137 57 | 777 64 9,788 42 3,145 07 1,751 17 24,482 39 7,217 97 17,893 40 17,721 53 3,378 73 2,735 61 8,34120 7,640 03 6,217 94 21,405 12 6,549 57 3,107 20 5,120 60 5,774 82 4,687 85 7,584 78 5,091 86 3,580 45 3,638 50 2,486 06 11,649 55 2,11129 ' ■ ii ■ < Treasurer Notes of Bank Notes of State United States. United States banks. and offices. -• - 17,140 66 _ _ - 170,000 00 2,194 36 - 2,178,875 139,035 166,425 745,370 356,340 143,350 1,185,126 649,155 251,820 241,905 773,885 354,440 193,380 1,452,410 209,475 1,167,060 1,516,130 532,590 1,951,570 754,265 1,262,770 869,315 826,285 673,085 318,590 347,145 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I 00 | 00 00 3,161,015 91J 3,806,978 59 105,878 38 1,221,306 17 269,187 55 1 189,335 02 19,259,796 00 1 386,358 18 13,656 00 43,827 00 139,806 00 21,050 00 14,924 CO 442,040 97 72,045 73 10,375 42 12,001 15 12,290 00 12,665 00 40,563 00 49,510 00 28,104 00 270,150 20 5,569 00 o as © c* CO 9,816 09 6,657 00 18,865 00 11,036 00 40,160 00 10,756 00 17,318 39 17,742 33 1,707,286 46 to CO GENERAL STATEMENT—-Continued. Capital stock. Notes issued. Specie. 1834. June 2 Bank United States May 26 Office, Portland 26 Portsmouth 29 Boston 29 Providence 26 Hartford New York 27 26 Baltimore 24 Washington 27 Richmond 24 Norfolk 26 j Fayetteville 20 Charleston ■ 20 Savannah 16 Mobile 12 New Orleans 8 Natchez 12 St. Louis 14 Nashville 15 Louisville 19 Lexington 22 Cincinnati 29 Pittsburgh 29 Buffalo 27 Utica 28 Burlington April 21 Agency, Cincinnati Nov. 30 Chillicothe - 4,238,758 62,327 50,440 533,017 102,286 82,926 1,814,363 410,000 199,496 233,315 215,990 147,502 228,628 590,100 232,431 846,919 264,234 329,143 220,742 211,500 209,295 402,092 178,901 225,659 177,819 90,439 - Discount, ex Dividends Profit & loss. Foreign ex change ac change, and unclaimed. interest. count. 16,450,000 2,218,732 06 04 60 266,800 00 56 230,845 00 300,000 03 843,360 00 1,500,000 04 | 419,330 00 800,000 j 42 346,042 50 300,000 ' 22 2,500,000 1,484,362 50 00 1,500,000 i 916,627 50 85 872,192 50 500,000 94 986,365 00 1,000,000 46 1,270,240 00 500,000 18 1,397,705 00 500,000 20 1,500,000 1 1,944,980 00 83 1,000,000 2,571,220 00 62 2,034,161 00 02 1,000,000 6,909,475 00 09 2,738,940 00 09 793,475 00 89 1,000,000 3,462,235 00 32 1,250,000 1 1,119,900 00 15* 1,000,000 f 2,348,705 00 25 1,384,950 00 1,700,000 99 1,131,140 00 700,000 83 949,980 00 1 69 723,610 00 I 89 505,130 00 1 - 12,298,333 20 - 35,000,000 - 177,469 56 16,403 00 3,152,377 78 22,694 79 35 00 9,456 91 28 00 80,201 49 1,960 00 33,072 17 2,90150 9,557 45 654 50 230,354 81 19,130 25 L54,296 96 i 5,522 25 105 35 30,879 88 4,47193 46,773 13 6,339 00 24,292 78 2,47100 22,913 58 109 50 109,011 89 10,598 00 19,141 85 2,27150 84,188 20 262,15717 73 75 101,084 85 18,831 65 43,398 51 60,170 45 187 30 24,460 14 24 50 67,336 50 28,151 63 26,474 23 13,700 99 9,997 91 15,836 09 115 00 39,870,618 06 1,626,905 57 73,180 98 3,152,483 13 432,524 87 Contingent fund. 5,638,688 60 • [ L 432,524 87 5,638,688 60 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 o o eg. FT 1834. June 2 Bank United States May 26 Office, Portland 26 Portsmouth 29 Boston 29 Providence 26 Hartford 27 New York 26 Baltimore 24 Washington 27 \ Richmond 24 Norfolk 26 Fayetteville 20 Charleston 20 Savannah 16 Mobile 12 New Orleans Natchez * 12 St. Louis 14 Nashville 15 Louisville 19 Lexington 22 Cincinnati 29 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo 27 Utica 28 Burlington April 21 Agency, Cincinnati Nov. 30 Chillicothe Fund for ex- , tinguishing ! Due to Bank United States and offices. ing houses. 976,019 59 - "* - - - 1,082,268 657,388 j 151,434 1,987,060 . 377,388 97,681 4,639,804 1,911,467 363,804 381,942 # 320,581 34,444 523,720 128,677 717,382 2,992,840 3,266,801 944,698 81,657 1,697,302 16,924 852,283 169,244 1,056,999 585,433 424,981 2,260,460 229,968 976,019 59 49 I 04 38 47 1 31 45 ! 79 70 21 37 ; 69 i 79 04 87 18 27 49 44 99 65 52 98 93 98 15 23 58 67 27,954,644 66 Due to State banks. 317,939 8,951 1,874 108,207 11,487 3,037 207,770 66,106 70,389 - 3,349 46,013 184,801 52,711 29^,057 144,432 47,687 41,632 35,826 26,345 12,013 79,448 26,261 6,418 1,416 5,756 Redemption Deposites on ac[ Deposites on ac Deposites on of public debt. count of 'Trea count of public account of in dividuals. >surer U. States. officers* 692,281 41 55 71 443 05 80 03 95 j 23,802 62 673 24 50 1,889 33 59 78,622 80 94 19,665 43 43 ! 59,335 51 66 47 - 5,015 72 84 66 93 27 06 01 92 97 77 38 15 *» 64 35 42 - 1,538,939 00 881,729 11 39,247 992 212 560 1,728 166 2,073 13,800 1,842 1,668 6,814 103,546 1,485 1,666 22,679 2,160 170,553 3,574 2,958 227 173,864 9,974 2,689 191 7,134 13 61 17 78 78 85 ■ 92 I 04 26 39 25 11 16 80 53 21 47 41 $7 96 99 ; 37 02 1 78 46 571,814 02 128,420 56,848 48,381 136,004 28,507 79,887 178,676 63,586 90,008 107,323 2,378 52,339 39,838 26,834 29,172 22,191 11,018 92,486 48,592 90 52,598 61,514 33,488 7,081 16,039 54,469 20 970,824 09 13,921 94 ! 6,707 31 165,533 96 ; 17,011 26 \ 42,385 74 1,044,482 45 742,127 58 1 256,396 82 | 156,780 66 1 145,926 11 28,175 92 735,487 65 51,445 26 ! 166,474 56 660,649 94 j 263,840 18 j 201,046 11 i 93,457 41 | 198,291 33 316,272 97 ! 360,682 13 1 161,232 88 16,687 85 40,160 09 11,823 1,467,780 40 45 63 76 06 17 06 22 12 53 91 05 03 92 85 08 88 10 81 82 77 14 80 86 39 60 86 o f CO 67 28 6,867,892 15 IS [ Doc. No. 523. ] 246 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes qf the Bank of the United State* and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah 147,560 3,325 3,540 41,720 3,650 42,345 34,540 12,235 77,710 118,965 60,380 7StS\S 67,465 178,720 | j 233,535 00 1 1,241,915 00 i 418,515 00 104,170 00 i 645,980 00 i 21,580 00 311,230 00 I 73,370 00 1 28,525 00 i 12,430 00 14,080 00 25,295 00 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $3,998,295 00 1 At Bank United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co. Hope & Co. and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States Due by the United States for protested bill of exchange on France $1,608,188 46,997 5,267 158,842 08 12 32 77 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - $39,870,618 06 - - - - - 19,259,776 00 3,998,295 00 23,258,091 00 Notes in actual circulation - - - . . _ $16,612,52706 At Office, Norfolk. Navy Agent $40,144 17 Digitized byGoOgli RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 30,415,365 18 Do. do. bank stock - 1,021,387 53 Do. . do. other securities 3,303,218 501 34,739,871 21 17,462,041 67 Domestic bills of exchange * Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - . 27,902,190 16 3,161,015 91 Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 31,063,206 07 5,267 32 158,842 77 1,608,188 105,878 1,221,306 269,187 19,259,796 00 1,707,286 46 . . . . . . . . . 20,967,082 12,298,333 46,997 40,144 08 38 17 55 46 20 12 17 122,056,906 53 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, June 3, 1834. 35,000,000 39,870,618 1 1,626,905 73,180 3,152,483 432,524 00 06 57 98 13 87 5,638,688 60 3,806,978 59 1,831,710 01 Due to Bank U. S. and offices - 27,954,644 66 1,538,939 00 Due to State banks Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of Treasu rer U. States Less overdrafts and special depo sites . . . 29,493,583 66 881,729 11 571,814 02 189,335 02 1—J 382,479 00 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individu als - O . No. 523. Due from United States Due from United States for protested bill of ex change on France . Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies . . . . . Banking houses Expenses - . Cash, viz. notes of the Bank U. States and offices notes of State banks . . . specie 52,201,912 88 387,103 72 1,683,456 64 - Capital stock Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Foreign exchange account Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contin gent fund . - 976,019 59 1,467,780 40 6,867,892 15 1122,056,906 53 8,718,151 55 S. JAUDON, Cashier. ^ •3