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FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUA Tl ONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1994 Street Address Zip CRA * Rating City ST WATERBURY WINSTED CT 06702 CT 06098 BOSTON TAUNTON WESTFIELD MA MA MA MA MA MA MA Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Coq>any 82 MAIN STREET Kerneb.rlk Savings Banlc 104 MAIN STREET Katahdin Trust C0111p&ny MAIN STREET BAR HARBOR KENNEBUNK PATTEN NE 04609 NE 04043 NE 04765 s Plaistow Bank and Trust Coq>any ROOTE 125 PLAIST~ NH 03865 s Pass.....,sic Savings Bank 124 RAILROAD STREET ST. JOHNSBURY VT 05819 s 25 WEST FAYETTE STREET 101 CRAIN HIGHWAY, S.W. BALTIMORE GLEN BURNIE ND MD 21201 21061 s s 2539 OCEAN DRIVE NJ NJ NJ NJ 08202 07068 07070 08540 s Banlc N1111e BOSTON REGION (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) Alllerican Banlc of Cornecticut Winsted savings Banlc Boston Private Banlc l Trust C0111p81lY Savings Banlc Nil lbury Savings Sri Monson Savings Banlt Saugus co-operat i ve-1Janlc Bristol COU'lty Savings Banlt Westfield Savings Bank Clllllbridge • TWO WEST MAIN STREET 654 MAIN STREET ONE WINTHROP SQUARE 1374 MASSACIMJSETTS AVENUE 109 ELM STREET 146 MAIN STREET 489 LINCOLN AVENUE 35 BROADWAY 141 ELM STREET CAMBRIDGE MILLBURY MONSON SAUGUS 02110 02138 01527 01057 01906 02780 01085 N s N s s s s 0 s 0 s NEW YORK REGION (DE, DC, ND, NJ, NY, PA, PR, VI) The Harbor Bank of Maryland The Bank of Glen Burnie First Southern State Bank NorCrown Bank of Roseland, N. J. Boiling Springs Savings Bank College Savings Bank 23 PARK AVENUE 5 VAUGHN DRIVE AVALCti BOROUGH ROSELAND RUTHERFORD WEST WINDSOR Fulton Savings Bank The Herkimer COU1ty Trust Coq>any Banco Espanol de Credito, S.A. The Roslyn Savings Banlc Bank of Utica 75 SOUTH FIRST STREET 500 EAST MAIN STREET 630 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 557 1400 OLD NORTHERN BOULEVARD 222 GENESEE STREET FULTON LITTLE FALLS NEW YORK CITY ROSLYN UTICA NY NY NY NY NY 13069 13365 10111 11576 13502 s s s Bridgeville Savings Bank East Prospect State Bank Greenville Savings Banlt Parkvale Savings Banlt Bucks COU'lty Banlc and Trust Coq>any Beneficial Mutual Savings Bank Knoblauch State Bank First Lehigh Bank 431 WASHINGTON AVENUE 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET 233 MAIN STREET 4220 WILLIAM PENN HIGHWAY nH ANO CHESTNUT STREETS 1200 CHESTNUT STREET 501 WASHINGTON STREET 500 MAIN STREET BRIDGEVILLE EAST PROSPECT GREENVILLE 15017 s s s s s s WALNUTPORT PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA MONTGONERY OPELIKA AL 36101 AL 36801 75 EISENHOWER PARKWAY MONROEVILLE PERKASIE PHILADELPHIA READING 17317 16125 15146 18944 19107 19601 18088 N s s N s N N ATLANTA REGION (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, VA, W Sterling Bank Eagle Bank of Alabaaa RATING DEFINITIONS: 4121 CARMICHAEL ROAD 3702 PEPPERELL PARKWAY "0" - outstanding; NSII - Satisfactory; 11 N11 - Needs to 1111)rove; "SN" • SIJ>stantia l s s Nonc0111)l iance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED Fa.! PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1994 ( -------------------------------------- -------Bank Name Street Address City ST Zip CRA * Rating ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- -- ( AL AL AL AL 36067 35768 36088 36276 s s s s 22 AVENUE E APALACHICOLA 224 Na.!TH WAUKESHA STREET BONIFAY S.W. 34TH STREET & WINDMEADOWS BLW. GAINESVILLE 100 NORTH ORANGE STREET PERRY 4144 NORTH ARMENIA AVENUE TAMPA 1525 SWANN AVENUE TAMPA FL FL FL FL FL FL 32320 32425 32608 32347 336n 33606 s s s s s s Bostwick Banking Coiapany The C~rcial Bank Faraers & Merchants Bank Citizens Banlc and Trust of Fayette C United Bank of Griffin The Pulaski Banking C~ny COIIIIU'lity Bank of Wilcox Banlc of Hancock County United Security Bank Durden Banking C~ny, Incorporated First COIIIIU'lity Banlc of Vidalia 136 DEPOT STREET CHURCH AND CAHBELTON STREETS MARION STREET 675 Na.!TH JEFF DAVIS DRIVE 505 SOOTH HILL STREET C<»INERCE AND LUMPKIN STREETS 105 SOOTH 8TH STREET 321 EAST BROAD STREET 350 EAST BROAD STREET HIGHWAY 23 206 JACKSON STREET GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA 31713 30133 31024 30214 30223 31036 310n 31087 31087 30471 30474 s s s s s s s s s s Randolph Bank & Trust C~ny The Village Banlc Parle Meridian Bank Citizens Savings, Inc., SSB First Savings Banlc of Moore County, 175 NORTH FAYETTEVILLE STREET ASHEBa.!O EAST FRANKLIN STREET AND ELLIOT ROAD CHAPEL HILL 6826 MORRISON BOOLEVARD CHARLOTTE 31 UNION STREET Na.!TH CONCa.!D 205 SOOTHEAST BROAD STREET SOOTHERN PINES Nc NC NC NC NC 2no3 27514 28211 28025 28387 s s s s s The Eastville Bank U.S. ROUTE 13 AND VIRGINIA ROUTE 631 EASTVILLE VA 23347 s Peoples Bank of Bluewell MAIN STREET BLUEWELL WV 24701 s Citizens First Bank Bank of Cabot Deraott State Bank Fordyce Bank & Trust Co. Banlc of Holly Grove Si...ans First Bank of Lake Village Pulaski Bank and Trust Coq>any The Bank of Rison Bank of West Melllphis 5TH AND MAIN STREETS 1 CITY PLAZA MAIN STREET 200 WEST FOURTH STREET MAIN STREET 333 MAIN STREET PIERCE AND R STREETS 200 MAIN STREET 626 EAST BROADWAY ARKADELPHIA CABOT DERMOTT Fa.!DYCE HOLLY GROVE LAKE VILLAGE LITTLE ROCK RISON WEST MEMPHIS AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 71923 no23 71638 71742 The Peoples Exchange Bank of Beattyv Bank of Echonson County Bank of Cadiz and Trust C~ny Peoples Bank Leitchfield Deposit Bank & Trust Can MAIN, LOCUST, CENTER AND BYPASS STS. BEATTYVILLE MAIN STREET BROWNSVILLE MAIN AND SCOTT STREETS CADIZ SPRINGFIELD HIGHWAY LEBANON 76 PUBLIC SQUARE LEITCHFIELD KY KY KY KY KY 41311 42210 42211 40033 42754 The Citizens Bank Jacobs Banlc First Tuskegee Bank First Bank 148 EAST MAIN STREET 510 EAST LAUREL STREET ~01 Na.!TH ELM STREET MAIN STREET Apalachicola State Bank The Bank of Bonifay Gainesville State lank The Citizens Bank of Perry Manufacturers Bank of Florida Southern Exchange Bank PRATTVILLE SCOTTSBa.!O TUSKEGEE WADLEY ARLINGTON DOOGLASVILLE EATONTON FAYETTEVILLE GRIFFIN HAWKINSVILLE PITTS SPARTA SPARTA TWIN CITY VIDALIA 0 MEMPHIS REGION (AR, KY, LA, MS, TN) ----------------------------------- RATING DEFINITIONS : 11 011 • outstanding; 11 S11 • Sat isfactory; "N" · Needs to lq:,rove; n069 71653 n217 71665 72301 s 0 0 s s s s s 0 s s s 0 s "SN" • Slbstantial Noncorrpl iance. FED6RAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUA Tl ONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1994 Bank NIIMI! The Sacr11111ento Deposit Banlc First' Peoples Bank, Springfield, I( Delta Bank' Trust COlllpllnY Gulf south Bank and Trust c ~ South Lafourche Bank, Trust COlllpllnY The Bank of C~rce Bank of Zachary Zip CRA • Rating Street Address City ST MAIN STREET 110 EAST MAIN STREET SACRAMENTO SPRINGFIELD ICY 42372 ICY 40069 s s .611 BELLE CHASSE HIGHWAY NORTH 313 WEST BANK EXPRESSWAY STATE HIGHWAY 1 390 BOWIE STREET 4700 MAIN STREET BELLE CHASSE GRETNA LAROSE WHITE CASTLE ZACHARY LA LA LA LA LA 70037 70053 70373 70788 707'91 s s s s s s First Bank Bank of Webb THIRD AVENUE All) SOOTH BROADWAY 127 MAIN STREET MCaJl3 WEBB NS 39648 NS 38966 N Benton Banking Caiipany Peoples Bank of Polk C°"'ty The Citizens Bank The Farwiers, Merchants Banlc First State Bank The Bank of Waynesboro MAIN STREET U.S. HIGHWAY 411 185 NORTH MAIN STREET 101 SOUTH MAIN STREET STATE HIGHWAY 33 MAIN STREET BENTON BENTON COLLIERVILLE DYER MAYNARDVILLE WAYNESBORO TN TN TN TN TN TN 37307 37307 38017 38330 37807 38485 s s s s s s 200 NORTH WALNUT 2 SOUTH MAIN STREET 174 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE 815 WEST 63RD STREET 2525 WEST 4nH STREET 3201 NORTH ASHLAND AVENUE 19 SOUTH LASALLE STREET, 2ND FLOOR 3030 EAST 92ND STREET 717 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE 800 BELTLINE ROAD 290 OAK STREET 16 NORTH MAIN STREET 55 EAST GRAND AVENUE MAIN STREET 10 TOBEY DRIVE 9 EAST MAIN STREET 129 WEST MAIN MAIN STREET 14 WEST YATES STREET THIRD AND LOCUST STREETS 101·107 WEST WOOD STREET 607·611 DEVON AVENUE MAIN STREET 315 NORTH CORNELIA STREET 2600 STEVENSON DRIVE 1361 TORONTO ROAD 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE WEST MAIN STREET 106 NORTH MAIN STREET MAIN STREET BYRON CARRIER MILLS CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO COLLINSVILLE DALLAS CITY FARMINGTON FOX LAKE GRANO CHAIN HERSCHER MASCOOTAH NWNT STERLING NAUVOO NE~N PANA PARIS PARK RIDGE PLYl40UTH SPRING VALLEY SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD TABLE GROVE VERl40NT WINSLCM IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 61010 62917 60601 60621 60632 60657 60603 60617 60611 62234 62330 61531 60020 62941 60941 62258 62353 62354 61942 62557 61944 60068 62367 61362 62703 62707 62704 61482 61484 61089 0 CHICAGO REGION (IL, IN, 141, OH, WI) ----------------------------------- Byron Banlc The Egyptian State Banlc Bank Hapoalim 8.14. Chicago City Bank. and Trust C~ny Collabus Savings Banlc LaSalle Banlc Lake View State Banlc of India The Steel City Sank of Chicago Water Tower Bank First Collinsville Banlc Bank of Dallas City Bank of Famington Fox Lake State Bank The First State Bank of Grand Chain State Bank of Herscher Citizens COIMU'lity Bank Faraers State Bank, Trust Co. State Bank of Nauvoo First State Bank of N-n Peoples Bank, Trust of Pana The Edgar C°"'ty Bank and Trust Co., First State Bank, Trust C~ny of c..._...ity Bank Spring Valley City Bank Bank of Springfield First Springfield Banlc, Trust United Bank, S.S. Table Grove State Banlc Veraont State Bank State Bank of Winslow RATING DEFINITIONS: "0" - OUtstanding; "S" - Satisfactory; "N" - Needs to !~rove; s SN s N s N s N s s s 0 s 0 s s s s s s s s s 0 s 0 s N s "SN" - Substantial Noncoq,l iance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COf!PORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOfl PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1994 Street Address City ST Zip CRA * Rating The State Bank of Woodstock 101 SOUTH BENTON STREET WOOOSTOCK IL 60098 0 The Fan11ers and Merchants Bank First State Bank Faraers and Merchants Banlc State Bank of Medora First United Bank First Bank Richa>nd, S.B. Greenafork Townahip State Banlc U.S. HIGHWAY 41 AND SPIES STREET SOUTH STATE ROAD 59 MAIN AND MILLER STREETS MAIN STREET 790 MILL STREET 20-30 NORTH 9TH ST RWTE 2 BOSWELL BRAZIL LAOTTO MEDORA MIDDLETIMI IN IN IN IN IN IN IN Benlc Na.e State Savings Bank,·franlcfort, Mich. 703 MAIN STREET Old Kent Bank of Gaylord 123 WEST MAIN STREET Grand Banlc 126 OTTAWA AVENUE, N.W. The Hastings City Bank 150 WEST CWRT STREET Sidney State Bank 3016 WEST SIDNEY ROAD Stockbridge State Bank 122 WEST MAIN ( The The The The Peoples Banlc Co. Raverna Savings Bank Peoples Savings Banlc Union Banking Coq>any Jackson COl.flty Bank COIIIIU'lity Bank of C11111eron Fanners & Merchants Bank & Trust Reliance Savings Bank State Bank of Mcx.nt Horeb 112·14 WEST MAIN STREET 218 WEST MAIN STREET 10 MONlMENT SQUARE 105 EAST CENTER STREET 8 MAIN STREET 100 MAIN STREET 1644 LWINGTON STREET 3140 SClJTH 2nH ST 100 SOUTH FIRST STREET RICHMOND SPARTANBURG FRANKFOf!T GAYLOf!D GRAND RAPIDS HASTINGS SIDNEY STOCKBRIDGE 47921 47834 46763 47260 47356 47374 47355 Ml Ml Ml Ml 49635 49735 49503 49058 Ml 48885 Ml 49285 s 0 s s s s s 0 0 s 0 s s URBANA WEST MANSFIELD OH OH OH OH 45828 44266 43078 43358 0 0 0 BLACK RIVER FALL CAMERON MARINETTE MILWAUKEE MO.INT HOREB WI WI WI WI WI 54615 54822 54143 53215 53572 0 ASHTON CEDAR RAPIDS CEDAR RAPIDS CHARLES CITY IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 51232 52407 52401 50616 50841 50632 50106 51534 51535 50138 51449 52060 50217 50669 51053 50475 50244 51301 50248 52352 52172 s s s COLDWATER RAVENNA s s s s s KANSAS CITY REGION (IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SO) Ashton State Bank Brenton Bank and Trust Coq>any of Ce First Trust and Savings Bank First Security Bank and Trust Coq>an State Banlc of Brooks Far111ers Savings Banlc Citizens Savings Banlc Mills C°'-'lty State Banlc Griswold State Bank Iowa State Savings Bank Lake City State Banlc Maquoketa State Bank C~ity State Banlc Lincoln Savings Banlc State Bank of Schaller United Banlc and Trust C0111p11ny South Story Bank, Trust Fart11ers Trust and Savings Bank Story COl.flty Banlc & Trust Coq>any Walker State Banlc Waukon State Banlc RATING DEFINITIONS: MAIN STREET 150 FIRST AVENUE, NOf!THEAST 1201 THIRD STREET, S.E. 809 CLARK STREET 701 BENTotl AVENUE MAIN STREET SOUTH ELM STREET 102 SOUTH LOCUST STREET 600 MAIN STREET 222 EAST ROBINSON STREET 201 NOf!TH CENTER STREET 203 NOf!TH MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 414 MAIN STREET 100 WEST SECOND 202 GILMAN STREET MAIN STREET 125 WEST 4TH STREET 522 BROAD STREET 116 GREENE STREET MAIN STREET "0" · Outstanding; "S" · Satisfactory; COf!NING GARWIN GILMAN GLENWOOO GRISWOLD KNOXVILLE LAKE CITY MAQU()l(ETA PATON REINBECK SCHALLER SHEFFIELD SLATER SPENCER STOf!Y CITY WALKER WAUKON "N" · Needs to lq:>rove; 0 N N 0 s s 0 s 0 s s s s s s s s s "SN" - Slbstantial Noncoq,liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATICII CRA EVALUATICIIS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTICII APRIL, 1994 Street Address City ST Zip CRA * Rating Yest Des Moines State Bank Citizens State Banlc 1601 22ND STREET MAIN STREET WEST DES MOINES WYCJUNG IA 50265 IA 52362 s s Guaranty State Banlc and Trust c ~ The Beverly State Banlc The Exchange Bank of Clyde, Clyde, K The State Banlc of Delphos The Florence State Bank The City State Bank The Gorh• State Banlc The Citizens State~ The Fan1ers State Banlc of Highland, Faniiers and Merchants Bank of Hill C Leonardville State Banlc Peoples Bank and Trust C0111p8ny The Citizens State Banlc The Fanlll!rS State Banlc of 0akley, Ka The Baileyville State Bank The Bank of Tescott First State Banlc The Fanners and Merchants State Bank The Citizens Banlc of Weir, Kansas 201 SOUTH MILL STREET MAIN STREET 413 WASHINGTCII STREET MAIN AND 2ND STREETS MAIN STREET 2ND AND SCOTT AVENUE MAIN STREET 410 MAIN STREET MAIN AND KIRKWOOD STREETS 301 MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 101 SOUTH MAIN STREET 201 SOUTH CHRISTIAN AVENUE 100 CENTER AVENUE 611 NORTH SECOND STREET MAIN STREET 115 NEOSHA MAIN STREET MAIN STREET BELOIT BEVERLY CLYDE DELPHOS FLORENCE FORT SCOTT GRIDLEY HIGHLAND HILL CITY LECIIARDVILLE MCPHERSCII MOONDRIDGE OAKLEY SENECA TESCOTT THAYER WAKEFIELD WEIR KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 67420 67423 66938 67436 66851 66701 67640 66852 66035 67642 66449 67460 67107 67748 66538 67484 66776 67487 66781 s s s s s s s s s s s Town and Ccx.ntry Banlc of Almeli.nd Citizens State Bank of Clara City Security State Bank of Fergus Falls First State Bank of Fertile Frost State Bank Security Bank & Trust C~ny Viking Bank Security State Banlc of Howard Lake State Bank of Killball La Crescent State Bank Minrwest Bank Luverne Northeast State Bank of Mirneapolis Citizens State Bank of Montg0111ery Pequot Lakes State Bank Fan1ers State Bank of Sherburn Green Lake State Bank Mirnesota State Bank St. Stephen State Bank Central Banlc C011111ercial State Bank of Two Harbors Wabasso State Banlc MAIN STREET 126 NORTH MAIN STREET 128 WASHINGTCII AVENUE, EAST 114 MILL STREET NORTH MAIN STREET 735 FRANKLIN STREET 300 MAIN STREET 625 EIGHTH AVENUE MAIN STREET 316 MAIN STREET 116 EAST MAIN 77 NORTHEAST BROADWAY 103 ELM AVENUE FRCIIT ANO SIBLEY 33 NORTH MAIN STREET 124 NORTH HIGHWAY 23 175 WEST LAFAYETTE FRCIITAGE ROAD SAINT STEPHEN RURAL STATICII 101 SOUTH MAIN STREET 613 FIRST AVENUE MAIN STREET ALMELUND CLARA CITY FERGUS FALLS FERTILE FROST GLENCOE HENDRUM HOWARD LAKE KIMBALL LA CRESCENT LUVERNE MINNEAPOLIS MONTGOMERY PEQUOT LAKES SHERBURN SPICER ST. PAUL ST. STEPHEN STILLWATER TWO HARBORS WABASSO MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN 55002 56222 56537 56540 56033 55336 56550 55349 55353 55947 56156 55413 56069 56472 56171 56288 55107 56375 55082 55616 56293 Rockwood Bank First State Banlc of Joplin Indepe11dent Faniiers Bank security Banlc and Trust Coq>any Silex Banlcing C0111p11ny Bre111en Bank and Trust C0111p8ny 219 THRESHER DRIVE 802 MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 1514 MAIN STREET 2ND AND CUIRVE 3529 NORTH BROADWAY EUREKA JOPLIN MAYSVILLE SCOTT CITY SILEX ST. LOUIS Banlc Nae RATING DEFIN[T[CIIS: 11()". outstanding; "S". Satisfactory; GORHAM "N". Needs to !~rove; MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MO 63025 MO 64801 MO 64469 MO 63780 MO 63377 MO 63147 s s s s s s s s s 0 s N s s s s 0 0 s s s s s s N s s s s s s s s s N "SN". SIJ:>stantial Nonc~liance. FEDEAAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1994 Street Address Bank N8111e ( City ST Zip CRA * Rating The Greene Couity Bank INTERSTATE HWY. 44 & STATE HWY. 125 STRAFFORD Benk of Thayer 116 CHESTNUT STREET THAYER Peoples Bank and Trust Coq>any of Li . 460 WOOO STREET TROY MO MO 65757 65791 MO 63379 s s McIntosh Couity Bank First State Bank of Hope Litchville State Bank Aaerican State Bank & Trust C~ny 204 WEST MAIN STREET MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 223 MAIN STREET LITCHVILLE WILLISTON ND ND ND ND 58413 58046 58461 58801 s s s s Bank of Bennington South Central State·ianlc Curtis State Bank Franklin State lank Thayer Couity Banlc Faraers Bank and Trust C~ny Otoe Couity Bank & Trust C0111)8ny lleatern Security Banlc Plattsax.,th State Banlc Scribner Banlc Saline State Banlc 12212 NORTH 156TH STREET MAIN STREET 301 CENTER AVENUE 1502 M STREET 402 LINCOLN AVENUE 202 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET 911 CENTRAL AVENUE no, MILITARY AVENUE 446 MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 203 WEST THIRD BENNINGTON CAMPBELL CURTIS FRANKLIN HEBRON NEBRASKA CITY NEBRASKA CITY OMAHA PLATTSMOUTH SCRIBNER WILBER NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 68007 68932 69025 68939 68370 68410 68410 68134 68048 68057 68465 s s s First Fidelity Bank MAIN STREET 105 SOUTH FIFTH STREET 1200 NORTH WEST AVENUE BURKE MENNO SIOJX FALLS SO 57523 SO 57045 SO 57104 The Farmers State Bank of Brush The Bank of Durango Key Banlc of Colorado H0111e Loan Industrial Bank 200 CLAYTON STREET 15 8000 DRIVE 300 WEST OAK STREET 145 NORTH FOJRTH STREET BRUSH DURANGO FORT COLLINS GRANO JUNCTION co co co co 80723 81302 80521 81501 0 Cetnent Banlc Banlc of the Panhandle 317 NORTH MAIN STREET 13TH AND MAIN STREETS CEMENT GUYMON OK 73017 OK 73942 0 Bandera Banlc C0111erica Banlc - Texas South Plains Banlc First State Bank & Trust Co. Oglesby State Bank Spur Security Bank Hill Bank & Trust Co. First Bank & Trust COlllpllllY 207 MAIN STREET 5201 EAST R.L. THORNTON FREEWAY 204 HOJSTON 900 CONWAY STREET MAIN STREET 120 WEST HARRIS STREET 201 EAST MAIN STREET THIRD AND MAIN STREETS BANDERA DALLAS LEVELLAND MISSION OGLESBY SPUR WHITE DEER TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX AGOJRA HILLS ESCONDIDO HAYWARD LAKEPORT CA CA CA CA Memo State Banlc Dial Bank ASHLEY HOPE N 0 s s 0 s s s s 0 s N DALLAS REGION (CO, NM, OK, TX) ------------------------------ WEIMAR 78003 75223 79336 785n 76561 79370 78962 79097 s s s s s 0 s s s 0 s s SAN FRANCISCO REGION (AK, AZ, CA, GU, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) --------------------------------------------- u 30343 CANWOOO STREET 444 SOUTH ESCONDIDO BOJLEVARD 987 B STREET 150 SOUTH MAIN STREET Foothill Thrift and Loan North Couity Bank Centennial Bank Bank of Lake County RATING DEFINITIONS: 0 11 11 - Outstanding; 11 S11 - Satisfactory; 91301 92025 94541 95453 0 s s s "N" - Needs to l~rove; "SN" - Slb8tantial Noncoq,liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1994 Bank N1111e Ci ty Street Address ST Zip CRA * Rating California Korea Bank 5'aait Bank Heritage oaks Bank Firat Rep.t,lic Thrift & Loan 3530 WILSHIRE B<XJLEVARD, SUITE 1800 LOS ANGELES Oi\KLAND 2969 BROADWAY 545 TWELFTH STREET PASO ROBLES ·388 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA CA CA CA 90010 94611 93446 94111 s s s s Bank of GuM CLIFF ROAD AND WEST STREET AGANA GU 96910 s The Idaho First Bank 701 EAST MORRISON-ICUNOSEN PLAZA, SUITBOISE ID 83712 s MT 59847 MT 59301 MT 59263 0 Bitterroot Valley Bank LOI.O SHOPPING CENTER First Security Bank-~ Trust of Miles 700 MAIN STREET The Citizena State Bank of Scobey 202 MAIN STREET LOLO MILES CITY SCOBEY s s Allerican General Financial Center AT&T Universal Financial Corp. Merrill Lynch National Financial 6975 UNION PARK AVENUE, SUITE 250 MIDVALE 4626 HIGHLAND DRIVE SALT LAKE CITY 60 EAST SOJTH TEMPLE STREET, SUITE 63SALT LAKE CITY UT 84047 UT 84117 UT 84111 s s s First C~ity Bank of Washington Kitsap Banlt n1 COLLEGE STREET 619 BAY STREET LACEY PORT ORCHARD WA 98503 WA 98366 0 0 Stockgrowers State Bank 700 BIG HORN AVENUE WORLAND WY 82401 s RATING DEFINITIONS: "0'' - outstanding; "S" - Satisfactory; "N" - Needs to lq:,rove; "SN" - SLOStantial Noncarpl iance.