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FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1993 Street Address City ST Zip CRA * Rating American Savings Bank 178 MAIN STREET NEW BRITAIN CT 06050 s East Bridgewater Savings Bank Middlesex Savings Bank Saugus Bank and C0111P8"Y Weyimuth Co-operative Bank Sterling Bank Peoples Savings Bank 29 BEDFORD STREET 6 MAIN STREET 460-472 LINCOLN AVENUE 51 COLlMBIAN STREET ONE MOODY STREET 120 FRONT STREET EAST BRIDGEWATER NATICK 02333 01760 01906 02190 02154 01608 s s s SOUTH WEYMOUTH WALTHAM WORCESTER MA MA MA NA MA NA Bank Nae BOSTON REGION (CT, NA, ME, NH, RI, VT) SAUGUS N 0 s NEW YORK REGION (DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA, PR, VI) First State Bank 1225 KING STREET WILMINGTON DE 19801 s BrLnSwick Bank and Truat C0111p8ny Investors Savings Bank Pulawski Savings Bank Lakeland Savings lri Great Falls Bank U.S. ROUTE 9 AND SYMMES ROAD 249 MILLBURN AVENUE 6 JACKSON STREET 250 ROUTE 10 55 UNION BOULEVARD MANALAPAN TOWNSH MILLBURN SOUTH RIVER N N TOTOWA NJ 07726 NJ 07041 NJ 08882 NJ 07876 NJ 07512 Banlc of 01118n 255 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY NY 10016 N LONG AVENUE AND BRADY STREET 639 SOUTH MAIN STREET DU BOIS WILKES-BARRE PA 15801 PA 18703 s s Li ■ ited Deposit Bank Hanover Bank SUCCASUNNA s s s ATLANTA REGION (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, VA, W Highland Bank CClllll.l"lity Bank Bank of Brewton Bank of the South Bank of Fyffe Peoples Bank of Greensboro City Bri of Hartford First cc-ercial lri of Huitsville SouthTrust Bank of Walker Cou,ty First State Bri of Clay COU'lty Marion Bank and Trust Co■pany SouthTruat Banlt of Talladega Cou,ty 2211 HIGHLAND AVENUE SOUTH BIRMINGHAM MAIN AND COLLEGE STREETS BLOUNTSVILLE 102 BELLEVILLE AVENUE BREWTON 3251 ROSS CLARK CIRCLE DOTHAN MAIN STREET FYFFE 1112 MAIN STREET GREENSBORO 307 WEST MAIN STREET HARTFORD 2123 WHITESBURG DRIVE, S.E. HUNTSVILLE 2805 HIGHWAY 78 EAST JASPER EAST MAIN STREET ANO FIFTH AVENUE NORLINEVILLE 332 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET MARION 200 WEST FORT WILLIANS STREET SYLACAUGA AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL Governors Bank 2100 45TH STREET First Al~ Bank of ColUllbua Merchants and Far■ers Bank The Bank of Edison The Bank of Heard Cou,ty Bank of Newington The Bank of Perry The First State Bank Sylvester Briil"l8 Co■pany 201 13TH STREET 109 WEST THIRD STREET TURNER STREET MAIN STREET BROAD AND CHURCH STREETS 1006 MAIN STREET 148 HIGHWAY 42 NORTH 300 NORTH MAIN STREET RATING DEFINITIONS: "0" - outstanding; "S" - Satisfactory; 35205 35031 36426 36303 35971 s 0 s s s 36744 36344 35804 s s s 35501 0 36266 36756 s s 35150 0 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33407 N COLIIIBUS DONALSONVILLE EDISON FRANKLIN NEWINGTON PERRY STOCKBRIDGE SYLVESTER GA GA GA GA GA GA GA GA N "N" - Needs to l111prove; H5NN - 31901 31745 31746 30217 s s s 30446 s 31069 30281 31791 s s s Slmtantial Nonc~liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1993 ------------------------------------------- Bank Na,ne ST Zip City Street Address CRA * Rating ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----The Banlc of Toccoa Barrow Bank & Truat Caiipeny State Banlc Davidson Savings Bank, Inc., SSB Lincoln Bank of North Carolina Citizens Savings Bank, SSB, Inc. Jackson Savings Bri, SSB ALEXANDER AND DOYLE STREETS 614 NORTH BROAD STREET • 14S WESTWOCD SHOPPING CENTER 16 EAST CENTER STREET 402 EAST MAIN STREET 12 NORTH MAIN AVENUE 49 WEST MAIN STREET TOCCOA WINDER GA 30577 GA 30680 s s FAYETTEVILLE LEXINGTON LINCOLNTON NEWTON SYLVA NC NC NC NC NC 28304 27292 28092 28658 28779 s s 0 s s Enterprise Banlc of South Carolina SouthTrust Bank of Dillon Ccu,ty Carolina Southern Bank BROADWAY 100 EAST LEITNER STREET 150 EAST HENRY STREET EHRHARDT LATTA SPARTANBURG SC 29081 SC 29565 SC 29301 s s s Peoples Bank, Inc. lndepeildent Bank Southside Bank DEPOT STREET 8751 Sll>LEY ROAD MAIN STREET HONAKER MANASSAS TAPPAHANNOCK VA 24260 VA 22110 VA 22560 s s s The First State Bank Valley Bank of Hl.l'ltlngton Mercantile Briing and Trust Coapany First State Bank & Trust 660 CENTRAL AVENUE 102 SIXTH AVENUE WEST 414-418 JEFFERSON AVENUE 1218 MAIN STREET BARBOORSVILLE HUNTINGTON MOONDSVILLE RAINELLE 25504 25779 W 26041 W 25962 0 0 0 The Bank of Bradley Banlc of Elkins Planters Bank & Trust CCllllpllnY The Perry Ccu,ty Banlt First Western Banlt and Trust COlllpllnY The Peoples Bri Cross County Banlt MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 200-244 DILLARD STREET 201 MAtN STREET 2722 WEST WALNUT MAIN STREET 1 CROSS CClJNTY PLAZA BRADLEY ELKINS FORREST CITY PERRYVILLE ROGERS WALDO WYNNE AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 71826 72727 72335 72126 72756 71770 72396 s s s s s s s Calvert Bri Bank of Fordsville The Kevi l Banlt The Vine StrNt Trust CClllpenY The Exchange Bank of Kwitucky Peoples Banlt of Murray, Ky. Sebree Deposit lank FIFTH ANO CEDAR STREETS MAIN STREET STATE HIGHWAY 473 AND U.S. 60 360 EAST VINE STREET HIGH ANO MAYSVILLE STREETS 500 MAIN STREET 147 WEST MAIN STREET CALVERT CITY FORDSVILLE KEVIL LEXINGTON NClJNT STERLING 42029 42343 42053 40507 40353 42071 42455 0 SEBREE KY KY KY KY KY KY KY SUnburat Banlt Red River Valley Banlt Capital Bank State Bank and Trust CClllpenY Pioneer Bank & Trust CClllpenY The Evangel lne Banlt and Trust Co. 8440 JEFFERSON HIGHWAY 1935 AIRLINE DRIVE 100 OAK STREET 400 MISSISSIPPI STREET 401 TEXAS STREET 515 WEST MAIN STREET BATON ROUGE BOSSIER CITY DELHI DONALDSONVILLE SHREVEPORT VILLE PLATTE LA LA LA LA LA LA 70809 71171 71232 70346 71130 70586 s The Carthage lank Bank of Lucedale Peoples Bank & Trust CCllllpllnY Richton Bank & Trust c ~ 112 PEARL STREET 400 MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 114 SOUTH FRONT STREET CARTHAGE LUCEDALE NORTH CARROLLTON RICHTON MS 39051 39452 MS 38947 MS 39476 s s s s One W W s MEMPHIS REGION (AR, KY, LA, MS, TN) ----------------------------------- RATING DEFINITIONS: "0" - outstanding; "S" - Satisfactory; flJRRAY "N" - Needs to 1-.,rove; MS s s s s 0 s s s s s s "SN" - SUbstantial Nonc~l iance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUA Tl ONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1993 Bank Nae Brownsville Bank Faraer•a Bank Bank of Friendship Citizens State Bank Henderson Ccu,ty lank The tu,ford Union Bank Nashville Bank of C~rce Bank of Niota, Niota, TervleSaee Bank of C~rce Bank of Trenton and Tr.,.t COlllpanY CRA * Rating Street Address City ST Zip 111 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET 129 SOUTH MAIN STREET *IN STREET 115 EAST MAIN 53 EAST CHURCH STREET 1600 tlJNFORD·ATOICA AVENUE 221 FOURTH AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 100 204 EAST MAIN STREET HIGH ANO EATON STREETS 115 HIGH STREET BROWNSVILLE CORNERSVILLE FRIENDSHIP JASPER LEXINGTON TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN TN 38012 37047 38034 37347 38351 38058 37219 37826 38382 38382 0 MANITO OAK PARK PECATONICA PETERSBURG PRINCEVILLE SHOREWOOO IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL 61234 62812 62839 62052 62056 60148 61546 60301 61063 62675 61559 60435 s s s s s s s tlJNFORO NASHVILLE NIOTA TRENTON TRENTON s s s s s s s s s CHICAGO REGION (IL, IN, Ml, OH, WI) ----------------------------------- The State Bank of Alw\awan Boataen•a lank of Frrilin Cou,ty Flora Savings Bank Jersey State Bank Bank & Truat COlllpanY EdgeMark Bank • LOllbard People's State Bank Banlc of Oak Park Bank of Pecatonica 1l l ini Bank of Menard Cou,ty Princeville State Bank Bank of Shorewood 302 WEST FRONT STREET 400 PUBLIC SQUARE 128 WEST SECOND STREET 1000 SOUTH STATE STREET 401 NORTH MADISON STREET 211 WEST ST. CHARLES ROAtl 105 SOUTH ADAMS 104 NORTH OAK PARK AVENUE 430 MAIN STREET 420 EAST SANGAMON STREET MAIN STREET STATE RCIJTE 52 Old Kent Bank of Brighton lndepeudent Bank· South Michigan FMB·Reed City lank Che11ical lank Montcal ■ 300 WEST NORTH STREET 144 SOUTH MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 110 EAST MAIN BRIGHTON LESLIE REED CITY STANTON Ml Ml Ml Ml 48116 49251 49677 48888 0 0 Cardinal State lank 2903 WEST 22 AND RCIJTE 3 MAINEVILLE OH 45039 s Brill State Bank Grafton State lank Edgewood Bank Jefferson Ccu,ty lank The Bank of Kaukaww State Bank of Kewaunee State Bri of Lodi Associated Bank Madison Firstar Bank Manitowoc McFarland State Bank The Montello State lank Ml.I Bri of Racine Valley Bank Citizens• State lank MAIN STREET 101 FALLS Ro.\O 4811 SOUTH 76TH STREET 320 SOUTH CENTER AVENUE 102 WEST WISCONSIN AVENUE 519 MAIN STREET 102 NORTH MAIN 1720 NONROE STREET 1617 WASHINGTON STREET 5911 MAIN STREET 24 WEST STREET 441 MAIN STREET 10400 WEST NORTH AVENUE MAIN STREET BRILL GRAFTON GREENFIELD JEFFERSON WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI WI s s s s RATING DEFINITIONS: "0" · outstanding; •s• · Satisfactory; ANNAWAN BENTON FLORA JERSEYVILLE LITCHFIELD LCl4BARD ICAUICAUNA KEWAUNEE LOOI MADISON MANITOWOC MCFARLAND MONTELLO RACINE WAIMTOSA WOOOVILLE •N• • Needs to l ■prove; 54818 53024 53220 53549 54130 54216 53555 53701 54220 53558 53949 53403 53226 54028 N s s s s s 0 0 s s 0 0 s s s 0 0 •SN•· SUbatantial Nonc0111pliance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1993 Banlc Name ST Zip City Street Address CRA * Rating KANSAS CITY REGION (IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD) ------------------------- -----------~ --------- American State Bank SIXTH ANO GRAND AMES State Savings Banlc 616 CENTRAL AVENUE BEDFORD Iowa State Bank 102 WEST MAIN CALMAR Corwith State Bank MAIN STREET CORWITH Crawford ~ty Tnat and savings Ba 11 NORTH MAIN STREET DENISON Iowa State Bank EAST nH AND LOCUST STREETS DES MOINES The First State Bank of Gowrie 1113 MARKET GOWRIE Peoples Trust & Savings Bank MAIN STREET GRAND JUNCTION Hawkeye Bank of HUlllboldt Cou,ty 701 SLMNER AVENUE HUM80LDT Far11ers State Bank MAIN AND KING STREETS (NORTHEAST) JEWELL Far11er1 Savings Bank 225 OTLEY STREET LEIGHTON Malvern Trust &Savings Bank MAIN STREET MALVERN Hawkeye Bank of Marshalltown 123 WEST MAIN STREET MARSHALLTOWN Boatmen's Bank of North Iowa 25 WEST STATE STREET MASON CITY Hawkeye Bank of Mou'lt Ayr MAIN STREET MOONT AYR Clarke Cou,ty Stat~ Jank MAIN STREET OSCEOLA Iowa Trust & Savings Bank SOUTH MARKET STREET AND 2ND AVENUE EAOSICALOOSA Sac City State Banlc 500 AUDUBON STREET SAC CITY Bank Midwest 301 SECOND STREET WALL LAKE State Bank of Waverly 122 1ST STREET, S.E. WAVERLY First State Bank 505 • 2ND STREET WEBSTER CITY IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA IA 50010 50833 52132 50430 51442 50309 50543 50107 50548 50130 50143 51551 50158 50401 50854 50213 52577 50583 51466 50677 50595 The Security State Bank, A~rn, Kan The Valley State Bank State Bank of C.rbondale The Elk State Bank First Kansas Bank The Denison State Bank The Nett~ State Bank The Kearny Cou,ty Bank The Mulvane State Bank First Continental Bank & Trust C~rcial Bank The Rose Hill State Bank Stanley Bank Interstate Bank The Citizens State Bank and Trust Co 1801 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN 502 NORTH MERCHANT BELLE PLAINE MAIN STREET AND OLD U.S. HIGHWAY 75 CARBONDALE MAIN STREET CLYDE 101 NORTH MAIN STREET HOISINGTON MAIN STREET HOLTON 801 MAIN STREET LACROSSE 221 NORTH MAIN STREET LAKIN 122 WEST MAIN STREET MULVANE 9500 MISSION ROAD OVERLAND PARK 1901 MAIN STREET PARSONS MAIN STREET ROSE Hill 7901 WEST 151ST STREET STANLEY 137 MAIN STREET WAKEENEY MAIN STREET liiOOOBINE KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS 66402 67013 66414 66938 67544 66436 67548 67860 67110 66206 67357 67133 66223 676n 67492 First State Bank of Alexandria-Carlo First State Bank of Big Fork State Bank of Bird laland AMERIBANK CreditAaerica Savings C0111p81'1Y First Aaerican Bank of Breckenridge Marquette Bank Brooklyn Park Peoples Banlc of C~rce State Banlc of Chandler 3015 HIGHWAY 29 SOUTH MAIN STREET 205 SOUTH MAIN STREET 4200 WEST OLD SHAKOPEE ROAD 2019 SOUTH SIXTH STREET 225 NORTH FIFTH STREET 7575 BROOKLYN BOULEVARD 234 FIRST AVENUE EAST FClJRTH AND MAIN NN 56308 RATING DEFINITIONS: '"0" - outstanding; usu - Satisfactory; ALEXANDRIA BIG FORK BIRD ISLAND BLOOMINGTON BRAINERD BRECKENRIDGE BROOKLYN PARK CAMBRIDGE CHANDLER NN" - Needs to Jq>rove; MN MN MN MN MN 56628 55310 55437 56401 56520 MN 55443 NN 55008 NN 56122 s s s s s N s s s s s s 0 s s 0 0 s s 0 0 s s s 0 N s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 0 s s s "SN" - S\bstantial Nonc:oq,liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1993 Banlt Nae Street Address SECOND AND SOUTH MAIN STREET First State Bank Chokio 2ND STREET AND RAILROAD AVENUE State Bank of Delano 35 WATER STREET First State Bank of Excelsior U:S. HIGHWAY 15 AND STATE HIGHWAY 16 State Bank of Fairaont Crosstown State Bank of H• Lake, In STATE HIGHWAY 65 AND CROSSTOWN BLVD. 108 EAST MAIN STREET Rural Aaerican Bank - Hinckley 706 HIGHWAY 71 SOUTH Lake Country State Bank 2866 WHITE BEAR AVENUE Pr•ier Bank Faraers & Merchants State Bank of Ne WALKER AVENUE ANO FRONT STREET MAIN STREET Oge. State Bank 815 EAST DEPUE AVENUE Alllerican State Bank of Olivia 1275 EAST BRIDGE STREET State Bank of Redwood 633 SOUTH CONCORD STREET First Aaerican Bank Metro 835 SOUTHVIEW BOULEVARD Southview Bank MAIN STREET Venaillion State Bank 111 \EST MAIN STREET First State Bank of wabaaha Security State Bank of Werroad MAIN STREET Security State Bank of Wells 190 SOUTH BROADWAY 245 NINTH STREET Southwest Stat~ Bank City ST Zip CHOKIO DELANO EXCELSIOR FAIRMONT MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN KAM LAKE HINCKLEY LONG PRAIRIE NAPLEWOO NEW YORK MILLS OGEMA OLIVIA REDliaX> FALLS SOUTH ST. PAUL SOUTH ST. PAUL VERMILLION WABASHA WARROAD \ELLS WINO<JC MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN 56221 55328 55331 56031 55303 55037 56347 55109 56567 56569 56277 56283 55075 55075 55085 55981 56763 56097 56101 Citizens Bank Bank of Chesterfield Clayco State Bank Citizens Bank of Eldon Exchange Bank of Missouri Bank of Fordland Winterset State Bank Merchants and Planters Bank of Horne First City Bank United Missouri Bank of Monett Heritage State Bank Faraers State Bank of Schell City Central Bank of Missouri The Banlt of St. Charles County The Bank of St. Joseph Royal Banks of Miuouri The Maries County Bank MAIN STREET AMSTERDAM 100 CHESTERFIELD INDUSTRIAL IIOOLEVARDCHESTERFIELD 473-475 EAST U.S. HIGHWAY 69 CLAYC(N) 110 NORTH MAPLE STREET ELDON 101 SOUTH CHURCH STREET FAYETTE SUNSET STREET AND BUSINESS ROOTE 60 FORDLAND 291 HIGHWAY NORTH HARRISONVILLE NAIii STREET HORNERSVILLE 201 \EST LEXINGTON STREET lll>EPEll>ENCE 500 BROADWAY MONETT 1625 HEDGES PLAZA NEVADA NAIii STREET SCHELL CITY 1601 SOUTH LIMIT SEDALIA MISSOURI HIGHWAY 94 ST. CHARLES SIXTH ANO EDNONO STREETS ST. JOSEPH 8021 OLIVE BOULEVARD UNIVERSITY CITY MAIN STREET VIENNA NO 64723 NO 63107 State Bank of Bottineau Faraers State Bank of Crosby, II. D. Security State Bank of Nu-tter Lakeside State Bank Scandia AaericM Bank MAIN STREET NAIii STREET NAIii STREET 323 NAIii STREET FIRST AND MAIN STREETS BOTTINEAU CROSBY HUNTER NEW TOWN STANLEY II> II> First State Bank Central Bank E"°'ibanc The Gothenburg State Bank and Trust Henderson State Bank Union Bank and Trust C011p111'1Y First Bank MAIN STREET 1634 16TH STREET 701 GATEWAY ROAD 900 LAKE 1040 NORTH MAIN STREET 3643 SOUTH 48TH STREET 222 SOUTH 7211> STREET BEAVER CITY CENTRAL CITY ELKHORN GOTHENBURG HENDERSON LINCOLN RATING DEFINITIONS: "O" • Outstanding; •s• · Satisfactory; CICAHA •N• - Needs to laprove; CRA * Rating NO 64119 NO 65026 NO 65248 NO 65652 NO 64701 NO 63855 NO 64051 NO 65708 NO 64m NO 64783 NO 65301 NO 63302 NO 64501 NO 63130 NO 65582 s 0 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 0 s N s s N s s s 0 s N N s II) 58048 II> 11> 58763 58784 s s s s s NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 68926 68826 68022 69138 68371 68506 68114 s s s s s s s 58318 58730 •SN• - Slatantial Nonc~liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1993 CRA * Rating City ST Zip HIGHWAY 30 AND C STREET 600 MAIN STREET MAIN STREET - MAfN STREET SHELTON SPRINGFIELD STAPLETON TRENTON NE NE NE NE 68876 68059 69163 69044 s s s s 90 NORTH BROADWAY 201 NORTH BROADWAY 1200 NORTH WEST AVENUE MARION MILLER SIOOX FALLS SO 57043 SO 57362 SO 57104 s s s 2 EAST MAIN STREET WEST MAIN STREET 520 SHERMAN STREET SECOND AND MAIN STREETS 204 S<XJTH FOURTH STREET 502 CENTRAL CORTEZ CORTEZ FORT MORGAN KIT CARSON LAMAR WIGGINS CO CO CO CO CO CO 81321 81321 80701 80825 81052 80654 Western Bank 505 MARQUETTE AVENUE, N.W. First New Mexico Bank of Silver City 1928 HIGHWAY 180 EAST ALBUQUERQUE SILVER CITY NM NM 87125 88061 s s Bank of Western Oklahoma First State Bank of Goltry Bank of Healdton Bank of Hydro Bank of Inola Liberty Banlc of OWaaso Pioneer Banlc and Truat Repblic Bank of Teclaleh 202 EAST BROADWAY STREET MAIN AND BROADWAY 313 WEST MAIN STREET 146 WEST MAIN STREET 9-15 WEST a»4MERCIAL STREET 11633 EAST 86TH STREET, NORTH F<XJRTEENTH AND HIGHLAND AVENUE 301 NORTH BROADWAY ELK CITY GOLTRY HEALDTON HYDRO INOlA OK OK OK OK s s OK OK 73644 73739 73438 73048 74036 74055 74601 74873 The First State Bank Bonh• State B-,k Chamelview B-,k First Bank and Trust of Childress D'Hania State Bank North Dallas Bank' Trust Co. Mills C°'-"lty State Banlc Navigation Bank Bank of Frio canyon Longview Bank and Trust Ccapeny First Bank Fredonia State Bank First State Bank First PrNidio lank The Bri of Robstown Bank of Santa Fe Seguin State Bank, Trust C011p8nY Bank of Sierra Blanca HIGHWAY 80 502 NORTH CENTER STREET 811 SHELDON ROAD 301 NORTH MAIN STREET MAIN STREET 12900 PRESTON ROAD 1017 PARKER STREET 3801 NAVIGATION BOOLEVARD EVERGREEN STREET 300 EAST WHALEY STREET 1805 GRAVES STREET 2400 NORTH STREET 237 JEFFERSON STREET U.S. HIGHWAY 67 AND CASSELL STREET 430 EAST MAIN STREET 12402 STATE HIGHWAY 6 1507 EAST CClJRT STREET SIERRA BLANCA ROAD' STATE HWY 1111 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX 75755 75418 77530 79201 78850 75230 76844 77001 78873 75601 75069 75963 75686 79845 78380 77510 78156 79851 s s s s s s s s s Bank N8111e First State Bank Springfield State Bank Bank of Stapleton State Bank of Trenton Fanaers State Bank First State Bank of Miller Dial Bank Street Address DALLAS REGION (CO, NM, OK, TX) ------------------------------ Basin lnciJstrial Bank The Citizens State Bank of Cortez Fort Morgan State Bank Kit Carson State Bank Valley State Bank The First State Bank of Wiggins RATING DEFINITIONS: n "0" - outstanding; •s• - Satisfactory; *N* • OK OK OWASSO PONCA CITY TEClMSEH BIG SANDY BONHAM CHANNEL VIEW CHILDRESS D'HANIS DALLAS GOLDTHWAITE H<lJSTON LEAKEY LONGVIEW MCKINNEY NACOGDOCHES PITTS8URG PRESIDIO ROBSTOWN SANTA FE SEGUIN SIERRA BLANCA Needs to l~rove; s 0 s 0 0 s N s s s s s 0 s s 0 s s s 0 s "SN*· Su:,stantial Nonc~liance. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CRA EVALUATIONS RELEASED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION APRIL, 1993 Street Address City ST Zip CRA * Rating SCOTTSDALE TEMPE YlllA AZ 85252 AZ 85282 AZ 85364 s s s SAN FRANCISCO REGION (AK, AZ, CA, GU, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT," WA; WY) --------------------------------------------- Bank of Scottsdale First west Bri Desert~ Bri 4167 NORTH SCOTTSDALE 1m WEST BROADWAY 2415 SQJTH AVENUE A Alliance Bank \lestem State Bri Bank of Granada Hills Scripps Bri Silvergate Thrift and Loan C0IIIJ)lllnY Dai·lchi Kangyo lank of California State lank of India (California) Franklin Thrift and Loan Association San Diego First lank CULVER CITY DUARTE GRANADA HILLS LA JOLLA LA MESA LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES ORANGE SAN DIEGO SIGNAL HILL TUSTIN CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 90230 91010 91344 92038 92041 90071 90017 92668 92111 90801 92680 s Tustin Thrift and Loan Association 100 CORPORATE POINTE, SUITE 110 1801 HUNTINGTON DRIVE 10820 ZELZAH AVENUE 7817 IVANHOE AVENUE 5119 JACKSON DRIVE 770 WILSHIRE B<llLEVARD 707 WILSHIRE B<llLEVARD, SUITE 1995 595 CITY DRIVE 4637 CONVOY STREET, SUITE 101 2633 CHERRY AVENUE 530 EAST FIRST STREET Valley Bank of Glasgow 114 SIXTH STREET saJTH GLASGOW NT 59230 s Bank of Alleric• Oregon Clack-s COU'lty Bank 121 SQJTHWEST MORRISON STREET 201 N.W. PROCTOR STREET PORTLAND SANDY OR 9n04 OR 97055 0 Allerican Narine lank Valley lank First lndepeudaut lank Puget Souid Savinp lank ONE ON THE SQUARE 117 DIVISION STREET 1220 MAIN STREET 8000 NORTHEAST PARKWAY, SUITE 305 BAINBRIDGE ISLAN CASHMERE VANCOUVER VANCOUVER WA WA WA WA Hoae Bri RATING DEFINITIONS: "0" • outstanding; •s• · Satisfactory; ROo\D •N• • Needs to l111prove; •sN• · 98110 98815 98668 98662 N s s N s N s N s s s s 0 s s S\atantial Nonc0111pliance.