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A moetin

of the Standing Comittee on

the Admission of State Banks was held in the office of Yr. Harding on Thursday, October 28, at


10:15 a. in.,
Hardinr, presiding
11r. 77arburg
Li.. J. A. Broderick.

L. The Federal Trust Company.
11r. Broderick was instructed to draft a letter to be sent to Ir..Ourtisswith regard to the payment of dividends and the application of surplus earnings by the Federal Trust Company in the event of. the
Federal Trust Company being admitted to the Federal
reserve system.
2. Application for Fiduciary Powers.
Recommendations made by Lessrs..Earding,
Williams and Warburg - acting as committee
on admission of State banks:
A - Approval Recommended:
I - First National Bank, ITewport Tans, Va.

Dist. 45


- First National Tank, Tuskaloosa, Ala.
Dist. 116
3 7 City National Rank
Oshkosh, Wis.
4 - First National Bank, Junction City, Oregon " 12
B - Applications to be hold until next report is received.
1 - First National Bank, South Bend, Ind.
First National Bank, Billings, L:ont..
3 - Seymour National Bank, Seymour, Ind.

Dist. #7

C - Applications to be held until surplus
ecuals 517—of capital.
1 - First National Bank, Galva, Iowa.



Dist. :t7

Recommendation that permission to exercise fiduciary powers be refused:

First National Bank, Corvallis, Oregon. Dist. #1.2
Central National Bank, St.Petersburg, Fla."
First National Bank, Grove City, Pa.
Whiteland National Bank, Whiteland, Ind.
First National Bank, Elwood, Ind.
3. Alabama State Banks:
A letter was read from Mr. J. P. Kohn, Presi-

dent of the Sullivan Bank and Trust Company, enclosing
a press copy of an amendment adopted by the Legislature
and approved by the Governor, which will permit the
Superintendent of Banks to furnish the Board with information as to State bank members of the system. This
will permit the Board to authorize the acceptance of
examinations made by the Superintendent of Banks of


the State of _Ilabama upon receipt of advice from
him as to his willinc,.ness to supply the Board with
the information required for the files of this office.
4. The Broadway Trust Company:
A memorandum was submitted civing a digest
of correspondence with Honorable E. L. Richards, Superintendent of Banks of the

tate of New York, with

regard to the acceptance of examinations made by his
department in the case of the Broadway Trust Company.
1,:r. Richards has stated that he will be very clad to
have a representative of the Board participate in the
examinations made by his department, but that he feels
that joint responsibility for such examiaations should
be assumed by representatives of the Board.

The com-

mittee approved the recommendation that representatives
of the Board or a representative of the 2edcral Reserve
Bank be authorized to participate in all examinations
of the Broadway Trust Company made by the Now York
Jtato Banking Department.

5. Applications for Admission of State Banks:


The following recommendations as to applications of State Banks for admittance were approved by the. Connittees
(1) First State Bank, DeKan, Texass
It is respectfully recommended that action
on this application be deferred until such time
as an unqualified favorable recommendation is received from the Reserve Bank committee. It is
suggested that the committee be requested to keep
in touch with the affairs of the institution, in
order that the application may again be brought
to the attention of the Board as soon as the matters objected to have been corrected or eliminated".
(2) Merchants and Framers Bank, Cheraw, S. C.
"There is a condition in this bank which requires investigation by a representative of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, While many matters objected to by the State bank examiner have
been eliminated within the last few months, it
might be well for the Reserve Bank officials to
inquire into the relations with the newly-formed
trust company.
It is therefore recommended that
the Reserve Bank officials be requested to send a
representative to the applicant bank to inquire into
the general condition, and more particularly into
the loans. It is further recommended that no action be taken on this application until the receipt
of the report of the representative of the Federal
Reserve Bank or of the report of the next examination made by the State bank examiner."
(3) Hartwell Bank Hartwell Ga., Tattnall Bank,
Reidsville, Ga., and the Glennville Bank,
Glennville, Ga.
The Committee approved the recommendationLthat


the Heserve Bank be requested to send a representative to each of the three applying
banks for the purpose of making an investiLption into the loans and general condition.
(4) CaPo Charles Bank, Gape Charles, Va.
"The statement of condition reveals a conditiun of affairs that it is quite likely will
take a long time to correct. The chief executive of the institution has a very unfavorable
record. In view of these circumstances it is
recommended that the Gape Charles Bank be given
an opportunity to withdraw its application."
The Comittee voted to disapprove- the application
and suF;gested that the Federal aeserve Agent be
instructed to advise the directors of the bank
as to the reasons for the action taken.
6. Letter

from 1:r. D. O. 'ills was read

advising that the application of the Guardian Trust
and Javings Bank of Toledo, Ohio, had been received.
Mr. Wills further stated that the Bank had not been
examined for nearly a year and that the Uuperintondent is not satisfied to make a certification from
the report of examination.

An immediate examination

will be made, and a report submitted.

J. A. BRODifilICK,

