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.t.t a meeting of the Executive Jommittee of the
Federal ileserve Board held in the office of the Governor
on Saturday, September 2, at 11.30 a.m.,

Hardin;;, presiding,
1:r. Delano,

Applications for permission to export coin, ballion and currency were presented and acted upon as follows:

Escalante A., v15,000 7.1,. gold coin, ,- Tew

York to Progresso, 1.1exico.


271. :lanufactarers & Traders rational Bank, Buffalo-Toronto, •A700 Baffalo to Toronto.

Suspended pending

receipt of additional information.

Transcontinental petroleum

and .4;2,000 silver New York to Tampico.

3ranted as to sil-

Declined as to gold.

United Sagar Companies of 2.rizona, ,,30,000

gold, rogales to Sinaloa.

Declined, bat e,aal amount may

be shipped in United 3tates notes, Federal reserve notes,
or national bank notes.
The case of the Canadian Bank of Commerce which desires to earmark certain gold formerly earmarked and temp-

orarily withdrawn, was considered and the Secretary directed
to ask the 7edera1 .Leserve Bank of 1- ew York for more information.
The Secretary laid before the Jomittee a telegram
from the International Banking ,:orporation with reference to
application No. 153, which had been :;ranted for 60,000 silver
pesos, and pointed out that what appeared to be a duplicate
application in that case was an additional application for
,63,000 silver pesos.

On motion, the grant was revised to

cover two (2) shipments of 60,000 silver pesos each.
L general letter from the ,;ald ilefining Jompany about
conditions governing that firms remittances was read, bat no
action taken.
On motion, at 11.30 a.m. the meeting adjourned.
