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At a regular meeting of the rederal tteserve board
neid in the office of the Governor on Tuesday, September
eleven a.m.,


Harding, presiding,

:.1r. Hamlin,


mr. ;dills, Secretary.

During the latter part of the meeting present %lso

7arburg and !Ir. Williams.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
September 20 were read and on motion, approved..
The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Jonnittee held on September 21 kmorning and afternoon),
and 24, were read and, on motion, approved.
The minutes of the joint session of the Ldvisory
Council on September 18 were reported by 2.1r. Delano and
ordered filed.
A telegram sent by the Secretary of the Treasury
to ?ederal reserve banks relative to the date of beginning
the Liberty Loan campaign, was read and noted.
.A telegram from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland proposing new rates on 15 and 90 day paper secured

by Government obligations, and a letter from the Federal
2eserve Bank of Kansas Jity proposing a new rate on member
bank 15 day collateral notes, were referred to the 3xecative
"Jommittee with instructions to report on all 15 day rates
now in effect „..t reserve banks.
letter from

'2'. D. ainter with reference to

methods of relieving mutual savings banks in

of stress,

was read and, on motion, referred to the Executive Committee.
A telegram from Mr. J. E. Peabody accepting, and a
telegram from 17.r. E. G. 11.mes declining appointment to the
directorate of the Seattle Branch, were read and, on motion,
Mr..aller asked to present a new nomination in place of
Mr. 1i1ler reported with reference to the directorate
of the Portland Branch, nominating Mr. i. B. 1,yer and Mr. Thos.
C. Burke.

On motion the two nomineev were elected, the 3ov-

ernor to notify them and the Federal 'Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
.A telegram from Federal Reserve

gent Perrin relative

to making applications for designation as reserve agent under
the Oregon State law, was referred to the Executive Committee
with power to act.


The action of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York naming Lai.
special examiner, and accepting the examinations of the
2:tate of ,Annecticut, were presented and, on motion, approved.
On motion, it was voted to authorize a new edition
of the Index Digest, the following minute being ordered entered:
41. report was read by Lr. Hamlin on the matter of printing the second edition of the index-Digest of the Federal
Reserve Act, containing approximate estimates of cost from
the pablic printer.

It was thereupon voted that the Board

have printed by the Paulic Printer the Index-Digest, the
number of copies to be determined upon by the Executive
:1)-amittee, after hearing from the banks in response to a
notice to be inserted in the 5iulotIu.

The price to be

fixed at1.25 per bound volume, and . 1.00 per anboand
On motion, a notice regarding the Index Digest was
authorized inserted in the forthcoming issae of the Bulletin.

The report of ;Aief Lxaminer Broderick relative
to the examination of the Federal

eserve Bank of 'annea-

to the Commitpolls was presented and, on motion, re:erred
tee on Operation of the Federal ;Ieserve Bank of ::inneapolis.
4, letter addressed by Governor Hardino; to Federal
aeserve lq,jent ,ellborn relative to the status of 7:r.
Toole, was read and noted.
,letter addressed by 4ssictant Secretary of the
Treasury Newton to members of the staff of the Treasury Department relative to contributions for soldiers, was referred to the Committee on Staff.
letter from Federal Reserve :ent Perrin with reference to the acceptance of State bank examinations at San
Francisco, was ordered sent to 7"fr. Broderick for expression
of his opinion.
The minutes of the meetin,; of the Clayton ,ct Committee held on September 20 were read and, on motion, approved.
Upon recommendation of the Committee on Investment,
the application of the First National Bunk of Utica and the
City National Bank of Dallas for power to accept up to 100,;
of capital and surplus, were approved.

report of the Committee on Staff relative to


changes in the messenger force of the Board was read and,
on motion, approved and the changes ordered made.

report of the Committee on Federal Reserve rote

Issue relative to the giving of early notice of future
shipments, was read and, on motion, approved, the Governor
to transmit the same to the Comptroller of the Currency.
Lir.LAller presented bAsiness as follows:
opinion of Counsel as to the meaning of the recent opinion of the Attorney General as to interlocking
directorates of State Banks; ordered printed in the Bulletin.
.ieplies from the banks which had received the recent letter regarding the reduction of maturities of short
term paper from 6 to 4 months; referred to the Committee
on Bulletin for riblication in the forthcoming issue.
A draft of a letter to tr. J. F. Burke, representing the zlearing house banks of Pittsburgh, regarding
the branch at that point; agreed that a committee of the
3oard visit Pittsburgh early in October, a preliminary
letter to be sent meanwhile.
letter from Hon.

Owen asking the opinion

the opinion of the Board as to Senate Bill 2906, introdaced
by :Ir. Calder; referred to the Committee on Leaislation for
A letter from the Lecretary of the Treasury as to
the readjustnent of the currency and coinage of the 7nited
tates; voted that 7-essrs. -flier and .larbarg, with the Secretary of the Board as Secretary, constitute a special committee to investigate the question, and that they consult
with the Jomptroller of the Currency.
re,luet from the Secretary of the Treasury that
the issistant .;ecretary of the Board be detailed to accompany
him on the forthcoming Liberty L0411 trip; voted that the Issistant Secretary be directed to join the Secretary of the Treasury
(41 motion, the Committee on Staff was authorized to
-lake such appointments and readjastnients as may be necessary
to take care of the work during the absence of the ;ssistant
iLn opinion of Counsel with reference to a ruling of
State authorities in Illinois concerning the exercise of
trustee powers by national banks; referred to the Jommittee
on Law with the aid of Counsel.


letter from Federal Reserve Agent L:artin relative to the application of the 2irst State Bank of Brownsville, 'ennessec, for membership; voted that the Governor
reply stating that more information about the bunk is desirable, and that the Board prefers the bunk should operate for a time before acting on its application.
An opinion of Counsel relative to the right of a
Federal reserve bank to renew 15 day notes of member banks,
and holding that this is viithin the porer of

ederal Re-

serve 3aaks; approved.
r. Hamlin announced that on Thursday and 2riday
of the current week he expected to join the Japanese Commission on a visit to

ew York.

On recommendation of the Committee on ::embership,
the following banks were admitted to the 'Federal reserve
Canal Bank & Trust Company of Lew Orleans; on conditions named by the Jommittee, subject to modifications
with respect to the amount of acceptances to be made by
them, such provisions to correspond with previous action
of the Board in similar cases.


The Letropolitan Bank of rew Orleans; under the
sate oonditions as the preceding.
The 'Jnion Bank of Pike, Summitt, :ississippi; a)on
the terms named by the Committee.
The application of the Bank of East St. Louis, which
was presented with a letter from Chief Examiner Broderick
suggesting that the matter be held ap pending further information, was referred to 7:r. Delano and laid on the table rendin3 report.
Discussion of the question of detailing Chief Examiner
Broderick to certain Red Cross work ensued, the opinion of the
Board being that he could not be spared at this time.
On motion, at l.0 p.m. the Board aajoarned to meet on
dednecday, September L6,.at eleven a.n.
