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4,t a meeting of the Executive committee of the
2ederal Reserve Board held in the office of the Governor
on Monday, September 24

at 12.40 p.m.,

1,:r. Harding,

rr. Delano,



illis, Secretary.

Mr. Harding submitted to the Committee a letter
from Chief Examiner Doaghton sent him by the ,;omptroller
of the Currency, and describing sundry loans obtained by
J. Toole of ,:inder, Ja., a director of the Aderal
Reserve Bank of .,,tlanta,from various banks in the itlanta
District, also concealed loans in his a;in bank carried
under another name.

Li.. Harding further submitted a draft

of a letter su,3gestin_; to Yx. 4rel1born that in view of the
information conveyed in the letter from 'Jr. Doughton,
Toole should resign unless he would prefer to have the
Board act as deemed necessary.

16fter hearing a setting

forth of the facts in the case, the Jonittee agreed to
the proposed letter to 7:r.
1,:r. Delano submitted the name of Jay
nated as Secretary to Mr.

. ,ieed, nomi-

C. Miller, who was accordingly

so designated, at a salary of


per annum, effective

immediately, with increase to $1800 at the end of six months.

On motion, at 12.50 p.m. the Committee adjourned.