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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Covernor on Tuesday,
September 18, 1917, at 10 A. L!.
mr. Harding presiding, 14. r. Hamlin,

r. Delano, kr.

Williams, Yr. Willis, Secretary.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board held

on September 13 were read and, on motion, approved.
The minutes of the :reeting3 of the Executive
Committee cf the Federal Reserve Board held on September
14, morniiv, and September 14, afternoon, were read and,
on motion, ap;,roved and the action therein set forth ratified.
Letters from Governor Wold and F. R. A. Austin,
relative to the acceptance of State bank examinations,
were referred to the Division of Audit and Examination.
Cn motion, the reduction of capital stock of the
First National hank of San -atec County, Redwood City,
California, from

2.02,000 to*4100,C00,


Governor Harding presenteu a letter from Lessrs.
Bernhard, Seholle & Co., and a letter from the National
Bank of Commerce, with reference to the question of the
- nts must be attached to acceptances,
point at which docum :
and the conditions unGer which this must be done. An opinion

of counsel on .the amme subject was presentea and general
u1scus3ion ensued.

It qi s agreed that the policy out-

lined by Counsel in the opinion referred to should be
generally followed, and that the Governor be authorized
to write a suitable letter expressing this view on the
part of the Board.
Mr. Willis

was recorded as not voting, not

having giver the subject previous oonsiaeration.
A letter from F. E. A. Zzartin, stating that a
large concern in St. Louis which was using trade acceptances, found the cost of collection very high

and in-

quiring the limit of charges under the Board's recent
ruling, was read, and it was agreed that the Governor
write a suitable letter relating to

'3ubjec , cut-

lining the Bo ru's policy.
Governor Harding announced that advices frcm
Mr. Xiller were to the effect thRt Mr. laller iould return to Washington via the Northest, on Septr!uber 24.
Governor Harding presented a letter from Director
Kinney of the F. . B. of Dallas, relative to the collection of check's, aria announcing that a small naticnal bank
in Texas hau determined to retAre from the Federal reserve
system on account of the check collection systeTr of the

The letter was note u ana ordered i,assed to file.

A letter from Director Ralph with reference to
thi question of receiving lit wsiiLht gola coin, was relit
and, on nction, referred to the Executive Cmidttee
the Comptroller of the Currency.
orts of the Cozwittee on Stuff approving the
s,laries of rtional bank exa:Liners, were upproveu as fellows:
Richard H. Collier, St. Louis District, froo,

,200 to

!k,500 per annum, effective October 1, 1917.
ilmore F. H4ins, transferr-,, fro;:: the Chicago to th3

District, froL. :45,5',A) to :6,5(4), effective October

Cn motion, at 11 A. L., the hoard took a recess
U., thi!)

until 3


