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At a regularly called meeting of the Federal
Reserve Board held in the office of the Board at 9:30
a. m., on Wednesday, September 16, 1914

Mr. McAdoo


Mr. Warburg


1.2r. Miller

Mr. Delano

Mr. Harding.

The Secretary of the Treasury presided and
LIT. H. P. Willis acted as Secretary to the meeting.
Mr. Delano read a letter from Colonel Higginson
of Boston, regarding the proposed gold pool.
The Secretary of the Treasury outlined the procedure he thought should be followed in presenting argument to the Senate Committee, regarding proposed amendmanta to the Federal Reserve Act.

General discussion of

the proposed amendments ensued and after a review of the
various suggested alterations in the Act, it was held to
be inexpedient to request any present change, except the
amendments known as No. 3 and No. 6,

No. 3 granting

permission to member banks to carry in the vaults of





Federal Reserve Banks any portion of their reserves
now required to be held in their own vaults, while
No. 6 related to the designation of banks for the
redemption of National Bank circulation.
The motion was unanimously carried.
The Secretary of the Board presented a recomrendation from the Comptroller of the Currency for a
grant of permission to the First National Bank of Payette,
Idaho, for a reduction of 420,000 in its capital.
On motion of Er. Harding this application was
unanimously granted.
A general discussion of the question of pUblicitY
for the main facts regarding the organization of the banking
system resulted in no action.
The Board voted to reaffirm its previous action
to exclude State Banks of 415,000 capital from membership
and authorized La% Harding to express the views of the Board
on that topic to the Senate Committee on banking and currency.
On motion the meeting adjourned at 12 o'clock to
meet at 3:30 p. m.


