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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve Board
held in the office of the Governor on Tuesday, Sel,tember 11,
at eleven a.m.,
- . Harding, presiding,
2:1r. Hamlin,
. Delano,

Er. tinhorns,
Mr. V,illis, Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on Se
tember 7 were read and, on motion, approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the Iecutive Jommittee held on September 6 and 10 were read and, on motion, approved,and the action therein set forth ratified.
Governor Harding presented business as follows:
For the information of the Board it was explained that
arrangements had been made to furnish the Treasurer of the United
States with Federal reserve notes for payment over the counter
against gold certificate, credited to the Gold Settlement fund.
The method of passing upon gold exports which is now
in effect was explained, with special reference to the management of those exports leaving New Orleans, and as to which information was desired from the New Orleans Branch.

A telegram

from Federal deserve ngent .ellborn assenting to the proposed
plan for managing gold exports shipments from I:ew Orleans, was


also read.
The substance of a message received from ;(3vernor
Strong on September 10 stating that the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York was imposing a penalty of 6;.; interest,
payable monthly, upon unpaid reserves of member banks, but
that other Federal reserve banks were probably not acting
as vigorously in the matter as they should, was stated to
the Board.

The draft of a letter to all Federal reserve

banks with reference to the imposition of penalties on
deficient reserves, and asking for information as to what
these banks are doing, was presented, and, on motion, the
transmission of the letter proposed was authorized, subject to minor modifications.
The docket for the day was then taken up.
A letter from Federal Reserve Agent Wellborn relative to the ownership of stock by members of his family,
and informing the Board of the transfer of such stock, was
read and noted.
A letter from Secretary J. F. Curtis of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York with reference to the acceptance
of the examination of State banking authorities of New York,
New Jersey and Connecticut, was read and, on motion, refer-


Ted to the Committee on Operation of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston.
A letter from the Security National Bank of Dallas
asking for permission to act as a medium for the discount
of nonmember bank notes, was read and discussed and, on motion, referred to Governor Harding with power to act.
Governor Harding reported a conversation with Lir. H.
C. Hoover who had stated to him that wheat was not being
placed on the market in its accustomed volume at the new
rate of 42.20 per bushel, farmers having arranged to hold
it back.

He desired to have the Board direct the banks to

decline to discount grain paper during the continuance of
this condition.

The matter was discussed, but no action

The application of the Equitable Trust Company for
power to ship gold in order to create exchange, and a reply
sent by the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury referring
the Company to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, were
read for the information of the Board.
Governor Harding stated that he had been receiving
many letters from members of Congress with reference to the

41-44 ,0

foreign exchange situation.

He called attention to cer-

tain letters of the kind, and also to a standard form of
reply he had been transmitting.

He then read to the

Board a general letter received from Honorable R.
Owen discussing the whole situation.


The matter was


o the Executive L;ommittee with power to pre-

pare an

nswer to Senator Owen and report the same back

to the Board.
On recommendation of the lommittee on Membership,
changs in stock at Federal reserve banks were read and
approved as follows:
4plications for original stock.
66 216

District No. 1.
The Back Bay National Bank
Tanners National Bank

Boston, Mass.
Woburn, Mass.

District No. 2.
Union National Bank

Friendship, N.Y.

District No. 5.
First National Bank

Mount Hope, W.Va.

District No. 7.
First National Bank

West Bend, Wis.

District No. 9.
First National Bank










1,pp1ications for original stock (Con.)
District No. 10.
Central National Bank
Farmers National Bank
First National Bank
Citizens National Bank
District No. 12.
First National Bank

Okmulgee, Okla.
Sulphur, Okla.
Tipton, Okla.
Colby, Kans.


Bishop, Cal.




"pplications for Additional stock.
District No. 2.
Croghan National Bank
District No. 3.
Bituminous National Bank

Croghan, N.Y.



L'inburne, Pa.



District No. 4.
First National Bank
First National Bank

Carlisle, Ky.
1,vonmore, Pa.



District No. 5.
First National Bank
Peoples National Bank
First National Bank

Linoolnton, N.J.
York, S.J.



Huntsville, Ala.
1,1400n, Ga.
Pensacola, Fla.
Applications for Surrender of stock.


District No. 6.
First National Bank
Bibb Rational .bank
American National Bank
Henry National Bank

District No. 10.
First National Bank
District No. 11.
Citizens National Bank

Denver, Colo.

uanah, Tex


450 450




The application of the Citizens National Bank
of Pineville, :;est Virginia, for the surrender of 36
shares of capital stock, was also approved.
Upon recommendation of the Committee on staff,
the salary of 1:r. Harry M. Poster as examiner in the Kansas City District, was approved at v2400 per annum, effective when Mr. Foster takes up his duties.

report of the Committee on Staff granting Miss

Mabel Mickley leave of absence without pay for as long as
may be necessary, subsequent to the exhaustion of her regular leave and sick leave, was approved.

report of the Committee on Staff, dated Septem-

ber 11, with reference to certain changes in salaries at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, was approved.
Mr. Delano, as a special Committee on Reserve
Cities, reported adversely to the request of a banker of
Charleston, c'

C., that the designation of that place


a reserve city be cancelled.
Aln opinion of Counsel with reference to a plan
proposed by the National Bank of Topton, 1. Va., which
desires to issue 410 certificates of participation in a
block of Liberty Bonds owned by the bank, and to be trans-


ferred by it to its trust department, was referred to the
Oommittee on Law.
n letter from the International Harvester Company
renewing inquiries made by it on June 7 with reference to
trade acceptances, was referred to counsel.
Governor Harding reported that a committee from the
?ederal Reserve Bank of Xichmond had visited Baltimore to
look into the 4uestion of quarters for the proposed branch
at that place, and stated that the committee would probably
visit ,iashinton shortly for a conference with the Board.
11r. .0arburg reported the result of a conversation
with Mr. Levi ,. Aue, President of the Philadelphia National
Bank, with reference to the proposed "YicKellar Amendment'
granting banks power to make loans in excess of 1O
capital and surplus.

of their

The matter was discussed, but no action

letter from President 3r1ggs of the Bank of New York,
with reference to a possible increase of acceptance powers beyond the present 100,1 limit, was read, and, on motion, 7,:r. Warburg was authorized to transmit to him copy of the regulations
already formulated for the conduct of business by certain foreign banks as probably providing a basis for meeting his



ceptance requirements.
On motion, the authority of the Bank of California
of San Francisco to accept drafts and bills of exchange up
to 100'14 of its capital and surplus, was renewed, it being
noted, however, that under the Board's recent ruling such
renewal was not technically necessary.
Upon recommendation of the Committee on 'embership,
the, following state banks were ordered admitted to the Federal reserve system upon the conditions set forth by the
Committee on Lembership in each case:
Commercial Savings Bank
Hingham State Bank
First 2tate Bank

Mason City, Iowa,
Hingham, Montana,
Opheim, Lontana.

On motion at 12.35 p.m. the Board adjourned to
meet on dednesday, September 12, at eleven a.m.
