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At a meeting of the Latecutive Committee of the Federal Reserve Board, held in the office of the Board on Thursday, October 9, 1919, at 11 A.M.,
PRLI;LET: The Governor
Mr. Liner
Yr. Chapman, Secretary.
Business was presented and disposed of as follows:
The Governor reported rediscount transactions, pursuant to authority heretofore vested in him: member bank promissory notes secured by Government obligations; rate 4% on paper
, on paper sesecured by certificates of indebtedness and 4-4%
cured by Liberty bonds and Victory notes, as follows:



Bank Rediscountin





11-15 days

The Governor reported the reserve positions of the
several Federal Reserve banks as at close of business October
7th, and the status of rediscounts between Federal Reserve
banks as of the same date.
Report ofdiscount rates at Federal Reserve banks;
no changes recommended.


Application of the Cleveland Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio, for permission to establish branches at Cleveland.
Approved, subjedt to approval of the
State Bank Commissioner of Ohio.
Application of the Bankers Trust Company of New xork
for authority to accept, for the purpose of creating dollar
exchange, drafts and bills of exchange drawn on it by banks
or bankers in the Republic of Brazil, and in those countries
which have been, or may hereafter be designated by the Board
as countries whose usages of trade require the furnishing of
dollar exchange.
Telegram dated September 22d from the eederal Reserve
Agent at Dallas, in connection with the question of establishing a branch at San Antonio, Texas.
Tabled for meeting of the board on Tuesday, October 14th.
The following reports were submitted:
Dated Oct. 9th, recommending admission of State institutions as set forth in the auxiliary minute
book as of this date, subject to the conditions stated in the individual reports
attached to each application.
Dated Oct. 9th, recommending disapproval of the application
of the Citizens National bank of bremerton,
Washington, for membership, by reason of
insufficient capital.

-3Dated Oct. 9th, recommending action on applications for
fiduciary powers, as set forth in the
auxiliary winute book as of this date.
Dated Oct. 8th, recommending disapproval of application
of Mr. A. H. Frost to serve at the same
time as a director of the Merchants'
National Bank of San Diego, Cal., and
as a director of the Southern Trust and
Commerce Bank of San Diego, ual.
Dated Oct. 9th, recommending approval of application of
Mr. C. D. Bevington to serve at the same
time with the First National tank of
Pittsburgh, Pa., and the First National
Bank, Sewickley, Pa.
Dated Oct. 9th, recommending approval of a-pplication of
Mr. Percy R. Johnson to serve as vicePresident and Director of the Chemical
National Bank, as Director of the Citizens
Union National bank, Louisville, Ky., and
Director of the Industrial Bank of New
xork City.
g approval of application of
Dated Oct. 9th,
;r. John Fletcher Farrell to serve at
the same time as a director of the Fort
Dearborn National Bank, the Woodlawn
Trust & Savings Bank, of Chicago, and
the Industrial Bank of New xork, V.x.
Dated Oct. 7th, submitting resignation of Mrs. Leila T.
Burnett as Assistant Librarian, effective
at close of business October 6, 1919.
Dated Oct. 9th, recommending approval of request of Assistant Director of the Joint Commission
on Reclassification of Salaries that Mr.
W. R. Mitchell, Statistical Accountant on
the Board's staff be assigned to the


Commission as an assistant for a p3riod of
two weeks.
At 11-30 A.L1., the meeting adjourned.
