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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System was held in Washington on Friday, Octo
ber 8, 1943, at 11:00

Mr. Ransom, Vice Chairman
Mr. Draper
Mr. Evans

Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matt
ers hereinafter referred to was take
n by the Board:
Telegrams to Messrs. Treiber and McCreedy, Secretaries of the
Federal Reserve Banks of New York
and Philadelphia, respectively, Mr.
Laning, Vice President of the Fede
ral Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Mr.
Leach, President of the Fede
ral Reserve Bank of Richmond, Mr. Dillard,
Vice President of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Mr. Stewart,
Secretary of the Federal Rese
rve Bank of St. Louis, Yr. Powell, First
Vice President of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Mr. Caldwell,
Chairman of the Federal Rese
rve Bank of Kansas City, Mr. Gilbert,
President of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, and Mr. Hale, Secretary of the Fede
ral Reserve Bank of San Francisco, stating that the
Board approves the
establishment without change by the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Fran
cisco on October 5, by the Federal Reserve Banks of
New York, Philadelphia
, Cleveland, Richmond, Chicago, Minneapolis,
Kansas City,
Dallas, and San Francisco on October 7, 1943, and by the



Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lou
is today, of the rates of discount and
purchase in their existing schedu
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 6, 1943, from Mr. Golden
weiser, Director of the Divisi
on of Research and Statistics, submitting the res
ignation of Miss Louise Spe
arman as a clerk in that Division, to become
effective as of the clo
se of business on October 7, 1943, and recommending that the resign
ation be accepted as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Letter to the Presidents of all the
Federal Reserve Banks, reading as follows:
"There is enclosed, for your inform
ation, a copy
of a memorandum receiv
ed from Colonel Paul Cleveland,
under date of September 22,
1943, in which he sets forth
the policy to be follow
ed with respect to the setting up
of a side credit to
finance mar production when a VT
credit fully ample to financ
e the borrower's war production has been provid

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


Vice Chairman.