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a special meeting of the Federal 2eserve Beard
held in the office of the Governor on Triday, October 5,
at 11.15 a.m.,
Lr. Harding, presiding,

Lr. -arbarg,

lir. Delano,
1.:r. Hamlin,

:a-. \inns, Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
October 4, were read and, on motion, approved.
- letter from the Guaranty Trust Jompany of le,w
York accepting membership in the Federal Reserve system,
was read and noted.

Governor Harding announced that a general letter
would be. sent to all Federal reserve banks today again.
suggesting to them that they equalize the percentage of
reserves behind deposit and note liabilities.
letter from Governor Seay of lichmond with ref•

erence to the purchase of Government bonds by Federal reserve bailks, was read and it was informally expressed as
the sense of the Board that the Board will not compel
banks to buy bonds under existing conditions, the Governor'
of the Board to transmit a letter to that effect.


letter from Secretary Curtis of New York stating
the view of the. directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Mew
York as to the redemption of light weight gold, was read
and, on motion, referred to the Committee on Law for study
and the drafting of a reply.

i,fter dis,3ussion, there was re-

ferred to the Committee on Law the question of the poaer of
Federal aeserve Banks to issue non-interest bearing certificates of deposit to be exchanged with banks for

old certifi-

cates held by the latter.
41, report of the Committee on Investments with reference
to the renewal of 15 day notes by Federal reserve banks, was
read and approved, and the Secretary directed to print it in
the next issue of the Bulletin.
The 'Committee on Oteration of the Federal aeserve Bank
of ;an
Francisco placed in nomination for directorships at
branches the following names:
For Seattle Branch, Mr. Charles It. Clarke,
For the ''ortland Branch, 1,"..r. Nathan D. Strauss,
On motion, both nomintions were approved, and the
nominees declared elected, the 3overnor to notify both, and
the Secretary to telegraph Federal deserve _Agent Perrin requesting him to annoance the Board's selections as soon as



he hears of the acceptance of the n minces.
Upon report of the Comtittee on Tras ee Powers, the
following action vas taken:


City National Bank
:"..1erman ::ational Bank.
cccond 1:ational 'Bank
lqrst Yational Bank
Natioaal.Bank of. Rising aan •
Central rational. Stalk

7o1ston nAional Sank

Metropolis, Ill.
i1leheny, Pa.
Red Sank, N. J.
Monrovia, Ina.
Battle 'Creek,

Knoxville, 7enn.

'National Bank

Omaha, 7:cb.

On motion, at 11.40 a.r,. the Board zAjoarned
meet on Taesdaz.', October 9,

• _
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


