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At a regular meeting of the Federal Leserve
Board hold in the office of the Foard at 10:-30
on Monday, October 23, 1916,
governor Harding, presiding,

Mr. Warburg,

Mr. Miller,

Mr. Williams,

7:r. Delano,

Mr. Willis, Secretary.

The special order for the morning was taken up,
and the question of a pending acceptance credit in favor
of certain industrial concerns in France was discussed. .
Mr. Harding laid before the ',oard a communication from
Federal Reserve Agent Jay with respect to the conditions
under which the credit is to be offered, and also a
letter from Vice President Kent of the Bankers Trust
Company, and a copy of the circular which is being distributed to prospective investors.

He expressed the

opinion that there was danger that the reserve banks might
become too heavily burdened with this type of security,
nish was in effect not acceptances in the proper sense of


tae term, but something closely analogous to the obliga-

tions of a forein government, running at least eighteen

!le proposed that a conservative press statement

i3F,ued by way of caution to Federal Reserve bunks, and


in this connection laid before the Board a telegram
from the Secretary of the Treasury LcAdoo who had been
consulted by wire on the subject.
Williams, who was obliged to leave the meeting, stated that he was in favor of the irsuanco of such
a statement as the Governor had proposed, and requested
to be recorded as voting in its support.
1:iller took the view that some check should
be administered to the progress of the acceptance business
in the form now proposed - that form being really a concealed type of Government loan, which, however safe, was
not a liquid banking credit.

7u doubted the wisdom of a

public statement, but believed that the Board should take
definite steps to prevent the further expansion of such
loans in the hands of the reserve and member banks save
upon the definite understanding that they were not a basis
for rediscounts.
!dr. Warburg concurred in these views, expressing
the opinion that the so-called acceptances failed to givs
control over gold which would otherwise be obtained througll
the purchase of foreign bills because of the fixing of the
rate of renewal on the acceptances in advance of the date
of such renewal.

Lr. Delano,while agreeing in the main with the
views expressed by other members, thought that the time
had/come for any public statement on the subject.
After further discussion it was voted to refer the
matter to the Executive Committee with instructions to communicate with Federal Reserve agents as to the Board's
policy and make such additional statement as might be
deemed best.
A telegram from

SaaEor Sherley, relative to the

establishment of a branch bank at Louisville having been
read, it was on motion, voted that before any action 3culd
be taken the Board must have the formal recommendation of
the federal Leserve Bank of Louis.
A letter from the editor of the Chicago Herald,
asking for a statement relative to the prospects of the
alleged demonetization of gold, was read and noted.
Letters from Li% J. H. Pulicher and Mr. E. D. Hulbert
as to the work of the Section of the American Bankers' 4-,ssoelation organized to deal with State 11;11,k legislation, :',Jru

nd it was agreed that the governor reply thereto.
' letter from Lir. Walker Kill of St. Louis as to the


status of his bank under the Clayton Act, was read and contents noted.


A draft of a proposed letter to the Mechanics

and Metals national Bank of New York relative to the
acceptance of certain finance drafts and declining to
grant the application, was authorized in a modified
The Secretary of the Board read a letter from
Mr. James E. Zunts of New Orleans as to the status of
Mr. W. D. Wellborn.
A letter from federal Reserve Agent Ramsey as to
the definition of the term "assets" under Section 13, was
referred to the Governor with the aid of Mr. Broderick
for report.
A letter from Mr. S. 7.. Mlles of Cleveland with
reference to a rehearing was ordered referred to federal
Eeserve Agent Wills for report.
A memorandum from Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury nalburn relative to the cost of redeeming notes,
was referred back to the Committee on Issue and Redemption.
In answer to a telegram from federal Reserve A:-;ent
Perrin as to the date on which federal 1-eserve agents' reports should be in hand, the Secretary was directed to saY
that the Board hoped the reserve agents would bring with
them their reports in draft form for the conference on


December 4th.
A memorandum from Mr. J. A. Broderick with
reference to the eligibility of. certain Massachusetts
municipal warrants, was referred to the Committeo on
Discounts and,. Investments.
A report relating to certain changes in the
management'of the Geld Settlement fund, war referred
back to the Committee on Gold Settlent 2und.
The Secretary called the Board's attention to
a memorandum of the 'Secret service Division relative to
a counterfeit note now in circulation.

The minutes of the Board meetings of October 20

morning and afternoon

were read and approved.

On motion at 12:20 2.

the Board adjourned.
