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252 At a special meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the Board at 10:30 a. m., on Friday, October 23, 1914 PRESENT: Er. Hamlin Er. Warburg Er. Delano Er. Miller. The Governor of the Board presided, and Mr. H. P. Willis acted as secretary to the meeting. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Reports of committees named at the Convention of Directors were ordered printed as a single document for distribution. A letter received from Governor Benj. Strong, Jr., of New York, regarding tie need of penalties for co.Interfeiting was read to the Board and referred to Counsel for an Opinion. A proposed form of docket laid before the Board by the Counsel of the Board was referred to the Secretary of the Board for consideration. A letter from Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Malburn with reference to the furnishing of Federal Reserve notes was referred to Hr. Miller. A letter from 7ir. ilugene Boross regarding conditions in 7aw York was referred to the Secretary of the Treasury. A letter from certain banics in Charleston, South city Carolina, re.,uesting tnat Charleston be made a reserve was referred to trio Comptroller of -Lie Currency for consideration and renort. A letter from the Germania Savings Bank of Charleston, South Carolina, with reference to its eligibility for membership in the Federal Reserve System was referred to Counsel for an opinion on the eligibility of 3tate Banks. A letter from the Continental Bank and Trust Company, of Shreveport, La., regarding the cotton loan fund, was referred to i.r. Harding. A letter from the Florida :ational Bank regardand ing notes secured by warehouse receipts covering rosin turpentine, was referred to the Committee on Commercial Paper. Miller read to the Board a communication reestablishment ceived from Mr. Mills, Portland, regarding the of a branch at Portland. On motion at 1 p. m., the Board adjourned.