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meeting of the

ederal deserve Board

held in the office o, the dove nor on Ionday, October 15,
at 3 p.m.,


presiding,':r. 4i11ias,


r. Imlay, .,:ssistant


The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on

otober 12 were read and, on motion, approved.
letter l'rom 2edera1 Aeserve 4gent l'e.rin sagng that the Bank of Stanwood, Stanwood, ,;ashin-L2;ton.
be permitted to clear through the Aderal ioserve sank
of Ean Yrancisco upon the deposit of an amount ei'r.1 to
57 of its demand deposits, was read and, on motion, referred to the dovernor for reply.
letter from 2ederal

eserve .,gent Perrin in-

quiring as to whether or not it would be proper for a
clearing member bank to advertise by window signs or
otherwise the fact that it is a clearing member, together with an opinion thereon by k;o' 4sel, was read,
and, on motion, referred to the

ovcrnor for reply.


AL letter from L:r. J. J. Puelicher relative to printing and sending out the speeches of 2,ovcrnor Harding and
others at the convention of the J-merican Bankers Association
at Axtlantic City, was read and, on motion, referred to the
Avernor for reply.
Upon recommendation of the Committee on Investments,
it was, on motion, voted to authorize the Liberty 1;ational
Bank of New York City, to accept up to 100: of its capital
and surplus.
The minutes of the meeting of the Jommittee on J ayton J.,ct.and the Kern A_mendment thereto, held on Gotober
were read and, on motion, approved, _r.


to be recorded ao not voting.
report by the Caimittee on Staff, dated october
1_, 1917, recommending approval of certain recommendations
by the Acting Comptroller of the Currency under date of
october 11, relative to salaries of certain national bank
examiners, was read, and on motion approved.
The, Committee on staff presented a report and recommenlation, dated October 15, regarding a readjustment of the
salaries of the staff of the Board, to take effect



-r. ,;arburg moved an amendment that the .4320 class


be raised to .,4440 in place of ,,4400 as recommended by the
Committee, which was carried,


111er moved to amend

py reducing the amount proposed to be paid to private secretaries tôBoard me,bers from ,s,2700 to the amount they are
now receiving.

The amendment was lost.

The report of the'

Jon ittee as amended was thereupon, on motion, adopted.
The :lovernor thereupon read a letter from I.7r. Ltoddard Jess, President of the first rational Bank of Los
,njcles, Jalif., and Vice President of the _gearing 'rouse
jection of the .r.merian Bankers

ssociation relative to

the examination of banks by examiners employed by Clearin,-; House associations, and the same was referred to the
Committee on -udit and Examination.
4, letter from Federal Aeserve


ills rela-

tive to certain institutions which would probably make
application for membership was read and noted.
letter from ‘4 oz3deral deserve

yert ,ellborn rela-

tive to stens taken to strcngthen their j.tnior officer
force was read, and upon motion the appointment of
:17.oan as -ssistant _aditor at yL:100 and Jas. 3.arrett as
Lanaier of tr-nsit department at .L,000, were approved.
letter from ,?ederal Aeserve 2.,:;ent fiellborn


stating that the Board of Directors of the Atlanta bank had
voted to recommend the employment of an Assistant 11,anaser
for the Branch at Eew Orleans, at a salary of not to eaceed 42500 per annum, was read and on motion the plan was
4'1 letter from Federal Reserve Agent Wellborn regarding a request from the Manager of the New Orleans branch
that Federal

eserve notes uarned in to him for credit should

be placed to his credit with the assistant Treasurer at•New
Orleans instead of shipping to

.tlanta, was read and on mo-

tion referred to the Jommittee on Issue and Redemption.
letter from Federal

eserve 1,gent Wellborn regard-

ing certain changes in the Board of Directors of the Atlanta

aria the election of a Secretary to the Board, was read

and noted.
letter from Federal lieserve Wellborn stating
that at a regular meeting of their Board of Directors it was
voted to submit at their next regular meeting of the Board
an amendment to the by-laws changing the title of ;:zovernor
to President, and the Deputy aovernor to Vice President, was
read and noted.

ii. letter from Federal:Reserve Agent Wellborn stating


that the Board of Directors of the iitlanta Bank, had voted
to adopt the p14n of procedure suggested by

r. Broderick

on the subject of appointment of overhead expenses between
the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the New Orleans
Branch was read and noted.
letter from

r. Kent of the Federal Reserve Bank

of New York, rel:,..tive to the application of the Guaranty
Trust Jompany to earmark 42,000,000 for the Javasche Bank
was read and referred to the Executive jommittee on Gold
The Governor read a draft of a letter proposed to
be sent to all Federal Reserve Lgents, enclosing a statement by the President of the United States relative to
state institutions joining the ?ederL1

eserve System,

and upon motion the Governor was authorized to send the
:r. Mier invited the Board's attention to a
statement appearing in the New York Times of lionday, October 15th, based upon statements issued by Governor strong.
.Ifter discussion the Governor was requested to send a letter to all Federal Aserve Banks cautioning the

not to

give out any statement for the press affecting the gen-

oral policies of the Aderal deserve syste'a, without first
sbnUttthg it for the approval of the Adcral Auserve 3m.rd.
Mr. Williams asked to be excised at 4.40 p.m. and
Warburg read a draft of a proposed letter to
C;overnor, Rhoads rel4tive to the ,,,aestion of substantial conpetition within the meaning of the ,.;lyton not, and apon motion it was ordered that the letter be sent oAt officially.
Upon " tion, at 4.53 p.m. the 7'ioard -djoarned.
