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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Wedhe day, October 10, 19)1.
PRESENT: ,Mr. Nartin,Chairman
Mr. Szymczak
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Memorandum dated October 81 1951, from Mr 4 Young, Director,
Divisthn of Research and Stat5.stic 1 recommending that the resignation
1"s8 Mary G. Offutt, Clerk in that Division, be ,accepted to be effective, in
accordance with her request, at the close of business October 10,
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated October B, 1951, from Mr. Young, Director,
lon,of Researth-and.Statistics, recommending , theappointment of Mrs.
1)0rothlr Z.

Grahaxa as a Clerk-typist in that Division

on a temporary

nite , basis, with basic salary ,at the rate of $24650 Der annum,



s of the citite upon veil tch she ,enters upon the performance of
after having passed the usual physical examination and sub-

ject to the
completl on

Of a satisfactory employment investigation.

Approved 'unanimously.
Memorandum dated October 1, 1951, from Mr. Bethea, Director,
vision. of Admiuistrative Services

recommending for the reasons stated

operation of certain of the Board's machine tabulation equipment


Shift, (4:00 p. .

1 :30 a.m.) in addition to the regular




daytime operation, at an additional rental cost of not more than $300
Per month, and
employment of an experienced Senior Tabulation Equipment
Operator (contemplated classification in Group P:

$4,200 per

an4uM) and an experienced Key-Punch Operator (contemplated classification
in Group

$2,6i)o -

$3,130 per annum) to work during the night shift.
Approved unanimously.

Letter to The First National Bonk of Palestine, Palestine, riexas,
readine as follows:
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System has given consideration to your application for
fiduciary powers, and grants you authority to act, when
not in contravention of State or local law, as trustee,
executor, administrator, registrar of stocks end bonds,
guardian of estates, assignee, recelver, committee 'of
estates of lunatics, or in any other fiduciary capacity
in which State banks, trust companies or other corporaions which come into compettion with national banks
are permitted to act under the laws of the State of
Texas, the exercise of all such rights to be subject
to the provisions of the Federal Reserve 4ct and the
reeulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal
leserve System.
"This letter will be your authority to exercise
the fiduciary powers granted by the Board pending the
Preparation of a formal certificate covering such authorizatien, Which will be forwarded to you in eue course."
Approved unanimously, for
transmittal through the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Letter to Mr. Walter F. Ryan, Clearance Officer, Division of
Statistical Standards, Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D. C., reading




ire enclosing two copies of your form 83 and
Of a erart of our form F. R. in) that we expect to have
State member banks use in submitting reports of condition ,
t the end-of-year cell.
e understand that the
Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation expect to use similar forms, except that the former will again include a memorandum
on total guaranteed loans in Schedule A.
'Form Y. R. 10) is the same as that used on recent
calls except for additional breakdown of item ((b)
Schedule A to read as follows:
(h) Real estate loans--secured by residential
properties (other than farm):
(1) Insured by Federal Housing Administration
(2) Insured or Guaranteed by Veterans' Administration
(3) Not Insured or guaranteed by FHA or VA
The Executive Committee of the National Associntion of
SuDervisors of State Banks has agreed to recommend the sane
Change In call report forms prescribed by State banking
if the Federal agencies make the change.
"The data are desirable for the effective and flexible administration of Federal real estate credit regulations.
Trends need to be watched and questions answered such as:
Ilave Regulation X and companion FBA end
regulations had
a Ereater effect on the government-aided mortgage market
thbal on the
conventional market? Have lenders reduced the
Proportion of FHA and VA loans held in portfolio? Have the
Portfolio changes of some lenders or in some regions of the
ecnintrY been greater than in others under the impact of
regulations? Most banks now segregate YEA and VA loans of
their banks; consequently, the proposed segregation in the
call report loan schedule should impose little, if any,
aaditional reporting burden on the banks."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Osborne A. Pearson, Assistant Postmaster General,
:Post Office
Department, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"Further reference is made to your letter of June 8
MM), regarding the handling and Insurance of Post
rice funds which might be deposited with certain Federal



"Reserve Banks and branches through the use of registered
"As indicated in our letter of June 27, this matter
1,ts referred to the Conference of Presidents for consideration, and, as you know, it has been discussed inforMally
with representatives of your Department and the Treasury
"As a result of these discussions, you asked the
Treasury Department, in a letter dated ilugust 2, 191}1, for
a ruling with respect to the applicability of the Government Losses in Shipment Act to the proposed shipments.
The Treasury Department replied on August 8, 19)1, and
stated that a final ruling as to coverage under the
Government Losses in Shipment Act was withheld pending
a dotemination by the Post Office Department as to the
arPlicability of the Act of March 17, 1882, as amended,
'which is cited in the third proviso in Section 3 of the
Losses in Shipment Act. The Treasury also
stated that, if the shipments are found not to be covered
bY the 1882 Act, it is believed necessarily to follow that
theY 8re eligible for coverage under the Government Losses
Shipment Act. It is understood that you have asked the
l'°st Office Department Solicitor for an opinion as to the
APplicabaity of the 1882 Act.
"The Conference of Presidents has submitted a report,
iu which the Board concurs, stating that those Federal
1 !"erve Banks and Brunches in which local postmasters now
iteposit their funds and which pick up registered mail at
- /Ie Post offices would be willing to accept funds of local
I'ostmasters at the post offices as registered mail shipplents and to transport them to the offices of the Federal
Reserve Banks, provided:
1. That such post office funds will be accepted
as registered mall at post offices only at the
same places and at the same times as other
registers are accepted.
2. That funds of local post offices, accepted at
post offices as registered mail by l'ederal Reserve Banks and branches, shall continue to be
the property of and at the risk of the Post
Office Department until they reach the premises
of the Federal Reserve Banks.
3. That the currency and coin comprising such
shipments shall be prepared and packaged in
the manner prescribed by the applicable circulars of the Federal Reserve Banks relating




"tc shipments of money by member banks and
shall be subject to the necessary adjustments
upon verification.
That the Secretary of the Treasury request the
Federal Reserve Banks to accept such deposits,
or that he approve acceptance of such deposits
by the Federal Reserve Banks, as Fiscal Agents
of the United States."
Approved unanimously.

Letter to Mr. Johns, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis,
reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of September 11, 1.91,
requesting the Board's views as to whether section 8 of
the Clayton Act permits a person who is a member of the
Advisory Board of Mercantile Trust Company, St. Louis,
Missouri, to serve at the same time as a director of Manufacturers Bank and Trust Company, also in St. Louis. This
Presents the question of whether or not a member of-the
Advisory Board of Mercantile Trust Company should be considered a 'director, officer or employee' of that company
Within the meaning of section 8 of the Clayton Act.
"As you know, the answer to this question necessarily
depends upon all the circumstances of the particular case -upon the actual facts of the situation and not merely upon
the name or title that may be applied. Accordingly, the
Board has given careful consideration to all the relevant
facts submitted with regard to this Advisory Board, including the facts set out in your letter, the by-laws of Mercantile Trust Company, and the Consolidation Agreement under
Which Mercantile Trust Company resulted from the consolidation of Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Company and
Mississippi Valley Trust Company.
"Upon such consideration, it appears that the title of
'Advisory Board' can not be regarded as conveying an accurate
Picture of the status or functions of those who are members
of the board. Without attempting to repeat in detail all
features of their activities, some of the more salient
aspects may be indicated. Members of the Advisory Board are
elected by the stockholders in the same manner and at the
same time as the directors are elected. They meet 'at the



time and place of and in connection with the meetings of
the Board of Directors'. They are 'compensated to the
same extent as the members of the Board of Directors for
attendance at meetings'. All provisions of the by-laws
relating to notice of meetings of the Board of Directors
apply to meetings of the Advisory Board.
"You point out, among other things, that three members of the Advisory Board are officers of Mercantile Trust
Company in other capacities, and that among the three are
the two executive vice presidents of Mercantile Trust ComPany.
"In addition to providing that the Advisory Board shall
meet 'at the time and place of and in connection with the
meetings of the Board of Directors', the by-laws provide
that the Advisory Board 'shall participate in the discussions' of the Board of Directors.
"When considered together, the relevant facts make
it clear that members of the Advisory Board in fact, even
though perhaps not in name, act as 'directors, officers
or employees' of the Trust Company within the meaning and
spirit of section 8 of the Clayton Act. Accordingly, on
the basis of the information presented, the Board of Governors is of the opinion that section 8 of the Clayton Act
does not permit a person to serve as a director of Manufacturers Bank and Trust Company while he is serving as a
member of the Advisory Board of Mercantile Trust Company."

Approved unanimously.

-4‘.ssitant Secretary.