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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Wednesday, October 1, 1952.

Mr. Martin, Chairman
Mr. Evans
Mr. Vardaman
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary

Memorandum dated September 29, 1952, from Mr. Leonard,
the resigDirector, Division of Bank Operations, recommending that
Division, be
nation of Betty P. Nails, Clerk-Stenographer in that
, at the
accepted to be effective, in accordance with her request
.close of business October 17, 1952.
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Hal Bogle, Box 116, Dexter, Neg Mexico,
reading as follows:
"Board of Governors has appointed you Class C
director of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas for unexpired portion of term ending December 31, 1953, and
will be pleased to have your acceptance by collect
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Board of Directors, Elmira Bank &
Company, Elmira, New York, reading as follows:
"Pursuant to your request submitted through the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Board of Governors
approves the establishment and operation of a branch




"office at 125-127 Lake Street, Elmira, New York, by the
Elmira Bank & Trust Company provided that the branch is
established within six months from the date of this
Approved, Governor Vardaman
not voting, for transmittal through
the Federal Reserve Bank of New
Letter to the Board of Directors, The Merchants and
Mechanics Bank of Columbus, Georgia, Columbus, Georgia, reading
as follows:
"Pursuant to your request submitted through the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the Board of Governors
approves the establishment and operation of a branch at
2406 Gussets. Road, Columbus, Georgia, by The Merchants
and Mechanics Bank of Columbus, Georgia, provided such
branch is established within six months from the date
of this letter."

Approved unanimously, for
transmittal through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta.


