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At an adjourned meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board at 3 P. L. on
Wednesday, rovember 22, 1916,
Governor Harding, presiding,

Mr. Hamlin,

Ur. 9:arburg,

Mr. Mliams,

Mr. Mier,

:r. Allen, Assistant Secretary.

The minutes of the Executive Committee meetings
held at 10:30 A. M. and 11:10 A. H. on Monday, November
20th were read, approved and the action taken ratified.
The minutes of the meetins of the Board on November 18th
and 22nd were approved.

Approval was also given to the

minutes of a meeting of the comqittee of the Board on the
Clayton Act and the Kern Amendment thereto, held on
November 22nd. at 10:15 A. Y.

The minutes of the joint

meeting of the Board Nith the Federal Advisory Council
were presented and referred to Mr. Hamlin for examination
and approval on behalf of the Board.
C;overnor Harding reported that, in his judgment,
there was no objection to permitting the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, subject to approval of its Counsel, to


continue to carry for a short time the Toledo wz)rrants
about which there had been discussion, and his letter to
the bank to this effect was approved.
Governor Harding also reported the receipt from the
Federal Reserve Agent at Atlanta of a map showing the location of the site purchased by the Bank of Atlanta, and an
abstract of the title thereto, with the request that it be
examined by Counsel for the Board.

His suggestion that the

abstract be returned without such examination, and the further suggestion that it be referred to the Counsel for the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta was approved.
Question having been raised as to the continuance
of the policy of the Board announced in December, 1915, that
directors in Federal Reserve banks should not be elected as
members of the Federal Advisory Council, it was agreed that
this matter should be referred to the Lxecutive Committee
with request that they prepare a resolution in relation
thereto to be submitted to the Board.
The Board then took up the request of La.. Percy S.
Straus of R. H. Lacy & Company to be permitted to remain a
director in the E. H. Ilacy & Company and the Second National
Bank of New York; and the request of Yir. O. H. P. Johnson,


Vice President of the Metropolitan Natiomil Bank of
7:ashinton, to remain as a director in the rational Savins
and Trust Company of Washington.

On motion it was voted

that Yr. Straus be permitted to retain both directorships,
and that the request of L:r. Johnson be declined.
The request of the Federal Reserve Agent at Minneapolis for Federal Reserve notes of the following denominations, recommended by the Committee on Issue and Redemption,
was approved by the Board.



A letter from Governor '/old of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis uring the reaI)pointment of Mr. John
Black of Houghton, Michigan, as a Class C Director at Minneapolis, was noted.

This was followed by the discussion of the

selection of Class C directors where terms expire on December
31, 1916, and it was moved and voted that the committee having in charge the several Federal Reserve banks be reluested
to make recommendt,tion for the selection of Class C directors,
where terms expire on December 31, 1916, in writing, at a
meetin,; of the Board to be held on December 4th, it being the
intent of the Board to act upon these reports so far as possible



on that date.
Reports were received from Y.r. 'arburg on the
application of the Federal Reserve Bank of Ninneapolis
to take ',12,000 in school warrants of Llunising, :Achigan,
and the request of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
to take 550,00U in warrants of the municipality of Atlantic

In connection with these requests there was presented

the further application of the Federal Reserve Bank of
tS or
Philadelphia, dated rovember 21, 1916, to take v...

of the Atlantic City warrants.

On recommendation of IT.

Thrburg, the Board agreed th...t it could not grant perAission to the Federal Reserve Bank of Linneanolis to take the
Liunising,:1.chigan, warrants, but that the Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia might take the two purchases of Atlantie
City warrants, both matters being referred to the Committee
on Investments that letters might be prepared.

It was under-

stood that in connection with the Atlantic City warrants it
should be pointed out that the rate at which they wore taken.'
was but little higher than the rate for commercial paper, Od
that caution should be urged in acquiring too large an amount
of this paper.
rx. Harding presented a letter from the Comptroller


of the Currency commenting on the report of the Committee
on Staff in connection with Lhe appointment of national
bank examiners, and requesting an additional appointment.

This letter was referred to the Comrittee on Staff.
A report was made by the Executive Committee of
the Board on the proposed foreign branch of the Federal
Eeserve Bank of Yew York, and on motion of Mr. Hamlin, this
report was allowed to lie on the table for a meeting at which
all members are present.
Attention was called to the need of the Division of
Statistics for an additional employee during the next sixty
days, and this matter was referred to the Committee on Staff
with power.
A letter from Federal Reserve Agent Bosworth, stating
his impression that the Auditor of the State of Iowa would
not furnish copies of his examination of the Peoples Trust
and Savings Bank of Clinton, Iowa, which is about to enter
the Federal Reserve system, having been presented, it was
agreed that formal request should be mnde upon the Auditor
for the report by the Governor of the Board.
Mr. Harding presented a letter from the Comptroller
of the Currency calling attention to certain misleading


statements contained in the instructions given to member
banks by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in connection with purchases of acceptances.

This matter was re-

ferred to the Governor of the Board with power, and the
opinion of Counsel filed in this connection was given
approval of the Board.
A memorandum from Mr. J. A. Broderick, as to reports
of reserve by country banks, was read and noted.
A report of the Committee on Issue and Redemption,
recommending that the Board authorize this Committee to
make requisition for it upon the Comptroller of the CurrencY
for shipment or release of Federal Reserve notes to Federal
Reserve agents, was read and the following resolution passed
by the Board:"RESOLVED, That the Committee on Issue and Redemption, or, in its ablience, the Executive Committee, be
and hereby is authorized to act for the Federal Reserve
Board in issuing requisitions upon the Comptroller of
the Currency for the delivery of Federal Reserve notes
to the Federal Reserve Agent, making report of its
action at the next meeting of the Board; and that a copY
of this resolution be forwarded to the Comptroller of
the Currency."
Ur. Delano called attention to the receipt of a maP
from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco showing the
points at which it was making check collections through the

use of express companies.

There was discussion of the

establishment of collection agencies in the San Francisco
District, and this question raised by the Federal Reserve
Agent at San Francisco, was referred to Mr. Delano and
Mr. Miller.
Consideration was given to a letter from Governor
Rhoads of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia to Mr.
Warburg, suggesting that a committee of Governors be
authorized to purchase United States two per cent bonds
on behalf of all Federal Reserve banks.

After discussion

it was directed that Mr. Warburg's written report upon the
matter, which was not then before the Board, should be
circulated, and that the matter should be again given consideration.
Mr. Harding called attention to the fact that the
First National Bank of Lander, Wyoming, and the First
National Bank of York, Nebraska, had made deductions in
remitting proceeds of check collection to the Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City, and read a letter from the Comptroller
of the Currency in this connection.

After discussion it was

agreed that Mr. Williams should be requested to call the
attention of the First National Bank of York, Nebraska, to


the fact that as matters stand the balance shown by
its own books with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City is not an admitted asset beyond the amount
claimed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
The following applications for additional stock
and surrender of stock, duly recommended by Mr. Harding,
Chairman of the Committee on Member and State Banks,
were approved by the Board:District No. 2.


First National Bank,
Sherman National Bank,


Norfolk, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.


Hudson, Wis.
Merrill, ;is.
Brookings, S. D.
Hills, Minn.
Ada, Minn.


Maysville, Okla.


District No.
National Bank of
Citizens National Bank,
Farmers National Bank,
- First National Bank,
First National Bank,
District No. 10.
Farmers National Bank,
District No. 12.
First National Bank,

Lompoc, Calif.


District No. 1.
National Exchange Bank, Hartford, Conn.




District 1o. 4.
Citizens National Bank,
District No.


First National Bank,


Indiana, Pa.

New Haven, Ill.


. 10.

Gering, Nebr.
First National Bank,
Dawson County National Bank,Lexington, Nebr.


A proposed letter to the American Southern National
Bank of Louisville, forwarding in response to its request,
a list of the classifications made by the twelve Federal Eeserve banks of member banks by capital and surplus for the
election of Class A and B directors, was approved, and the
list ordered printed in the ieederal Reserve Bulletin.

Cn motion at 5 P. M. the Board adjourned.

r tary.